#the arcana julian fluff
Could I get hc for where the M6 find MC badly injured?. Not like on deaths door but like they'll need a strict week of bedrest to recover.
How they would react to finding MC?, how they would react knowing someone out there hurt MC on purpose? and how they would spend the week looking after MC?.
Mainly curious for Asra/Nadia and Muriel but all the m6 would be appreciated.
The Arcana HCs: When M6 find MC badly injured
~ @fox-daddy oh, I hope you're ready for some bittersweet angst while I run with this classic romantic moment :3 hope you enjoy these, friend! - brainrot ~
CW for brief descriptions of violence, physical pain/injury, and the M6 being very, very upset
-- to set the scene --
You had spent the afternoon in the forest gathering more stock for the shop, and lost track of time in the process. By the time you were ready to leave the sun was already setting and it was getting harder to see where you were going.
The first sign you had of an attacker was the feeling of being slammed harder than you thought possible on the back of the head. Everything that followed was fuzzy - being hit a few more times around your torso and face, a figure with its face hidden, and eventually being thrown against a wall while your bag was yanked away.
You don't know when you fell asleep, but when you open your eyes, you're back in your shop with your beloved bending over you.
His hands are steady on your bruises, but when you meet his eyes you can hear his breaths and see the curls around his face shaking
"MC?" He asks worriedly, "Can you tell me where it hurts?"
He doesn't leave the house while you're recovering. He's grateful for any help Mazelinka, Portia, Nadia, or Asra offers, but he insists on treating you himself and does so with total care and devotion
It's one of the moments when you're grateful for his cold hands, because they're so soothing on your tender skin
As you recover enough to be more aware of your surroundings, you start to realize just how the incident is affecting him
You can hear him pacing and muttering and swearing when he thinks you're asleep, trying to figure out how this happened and who did it and how to bring your attacker to justice
And at the same time, you know that no matter how many times he apologizes for not being there and you tell him that it's not his fault, he's going to blame himself
At one point Mazelinka gives you both bowls of soup laced with sleeping medicine
When he's able to forget your attacker, though, he's in his element
He's willing and able to give you everything you need: healing, company, laughter, love, and devotion, all without limits
Though he's very relieved when Nazali catches the assailant lurking outside your shop as they bring their apprentice more supplies and knocks them to the ground
The first thing you see is their hair twice as fluffed out as usual because they've been running their hands through it
As soon as he sees you're awake, he's gently skimming a thumb across your cheek and putting on a strained smile. "Oh, my love. Everything's going to be alright."
Salim and Julian, who have both studied medicine, are already in the shop helping Asra heal you while Aisha keeps you comfortable
As soon as you're recovered enough, Asra's offering you all kinds of safety options after layering the building in protective magic
Would you feel safer in the Palace? In the woods? In Nopal? Say the word and they'll take you anywhere you want to go
Is very gentle and cautious about how he asks you what happened
Stays so extremely calm and unruffled while you're healing that you know they're feeling some pretty awful things and that they have no intention of letting any of them show until you're better
Behind the scenes, he's stealing away whenever you're asleep to pass all the information he has about your attacker on to Nadia, who is determined to bring them to justice
They're not the type to try to restrict you in the name of safety, but they're teaching you every kind of defense magic they know
Nobody does comfort like Asra does. You won't have to go through a moment of pain or fear without him right there to pull you into his arms and hold you as long as you need him to to feel safe
She's putting on a brave face but you can tell from the wrinkle between her eyebrows that she's very, very shaken
"Don't fret, my darling, you're safe now. Don't move. I've summoned our best physicians. Is there anything you desire? Anything I may fetch for you?"
As soon as you're cleared to move she's relocating you to the Palace where she can keep you safe and stay by your side
She is so dedicated to staying available to you, in fact, that she moves all of her meetings into the room next to yours so that she can hear you if you so much as cough
And if she does hear you in any kind of discomfort, she's dropping everything and rushing over
She'll move your head to her lap, bring food and water to your mouth, call for blankets and soup or ice cream and fans depending on your temperature, and trace your face with her fingertips until you fall asleep or force her to go back to work
You are her absolute priority
She's not going to tell you until later, but she is very, very angry
The cold kind of angry, that makes it difficult for her to be fair in her dealings. She has every connection both in and out of Vesuvia on a manhunt for your attacker
As soon as she hears that they've been apprehended, she has them detained until you're recovered enough to get out of bed
She wants justice, but she wants closure for you too, and the opportunity for you to obtain both for yourself
As triggered and panicked as he is, Muriel has unfortunately gotten enough combat experience to have in-depth knowledge of how to care for someone who's been attacked
When you open your eyes, his expression is shifting between angry and terrified and deeply, deeply hurt, but his touch is gentle and safe and feather-light and he has water and painkillers already out
He doesn't want to overwhelm you with noise so he won't start talking until you do
He'll lock up the shop and carry you back to the hut as soon as possible, where he knows it's safe for you and for him
He's used to living with his own pain, but now he's becoming angry on your behalf and it's making him conflicted because he hates doing anything that could cause violence
So he sends Inanna with a note to Asra, explaining what happened briefly and asking them to pass the message on to Nadia so they can help
The two of them are quick to send everything you could need your way, and Muriel finds it much easier to accept help when it's for you instead of for him
Julian even makes the trek out once or twice to help you, and in the process tells everyone he meets about what happened and the state you're in
With the whole town on the hunt for whoever hurt their heroes, it's a matter of days before the attacker is caught. It's a miracle they make it to jail in one piece
The first thing you see are her tear-filled eyes, and the second thing you feel (after the aches across your body) are the steady drip of them falling onto your chest
"MC! Oh, I'm so glad you're awake. I'm so sorry - I'm so sorry!"
It's only a few more minutes before Julian and Mazelinka burst through the door, Julian carrying his doctor's kit and Mazelinka brandishing an honest-to-arcana pirate cutlass
Portia doesn't hide her determination to get justice for you as she carries you into Nadia's carriage to take you back to her cottage
She's holding your head and torso in her arms, helping you give Nadia a description of what happened while she presses her handkerchief to her eyes to keep her tears from dripping on you
She's the best nurse you could ask for
Whatever you can stomach, she'll cook it. If you're too hot, she's throwing open the windows and fanning you. If you're too cold, she's snuggling next to you and sharing her body heat
And if you're scared or hurting, she's cradling your face in her hands and crying all her tears for you. She develops a habit of kissing you right next to each injury every morning and night
When you're asleep, she's talking to every person she knows (which is a lot) and recruiting them to catch your attacker
By the time Nadia hears that they were found, it's almost too late to get them safely into custody
His lips are white. All the blood has left his face, and his jaw is clenched so tightly to keep from chattering that you're worried it's going to crack
"MC? MC, are you awake? Does it hurt? What do you need?"
You notice that he's keeping his metal arm angled far, far away from you, where the metal can't bump any of your injuries, and his regular hand is fluttering all over your body like he's scared that he'll make it worse if he touches you
You quickly notice that there's several neighbors in the shop as well, and you learn that Lucio was so loud when he called for help that half the town already knows what's happened
He doesn't want to hurt you, so he guards you instead
He stays watchful at your bedside, sword resting by his hand, so that you know you're safe enough to fall asleep and heal
He'll only sleep if it's on the floor next to you, or in the same bed after you've told him multiple times that it won't hurt you
He'll happily tell you all kinds of tall tales to keep you distracted, and he practices all the patience he's developed with every friend and doctor that stops by to help instead of blowing up at them out of fear
All his anger has to go somewhere, though, so when an old connection from the heart district tells him that your attacker's been spotted, well
The only reason he doesn't kill them is because he thinks it would be too kind
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nebbyy · 2 months
Asra Alnazar x reader - Intimacy before and after
Summary: just some headcanons that came to my mind about Asra<3
Warning: smuttt, but nothing crazy tho, there are mostly mentions or hints of smut, nothing specifically described (it’s mostly just angst tbh). There are also SPOILERS for Asra’s route and the Arcana plot in general, so if you haven’t finished playing it I suggest you don’t read this post. 
A/N: just to specify, reader is wrote as non-binary:) Also, this is the first smuttish thing I write, so feedbacks and advices are very much welcome<3<3
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Asra has always been a passionate lover. It’s just the way he is, his body can’t help but follow the intensity of feelings his soul feels, and transfer it from the level of the soul to the level of the body
When he first met you, it was almost as if a wave washed over him, depriving him of balance, and he could find it once again in the feeling of you and your body, pressed against him
Passion mixes with intensity and haste the first times the two of you have sex. His every movement is a physical demonstration of  just how deep, how powerful, his feelings for you are
Once the two of you are done, you’re left breathless, legs shaking and sore, sweat covering your body, tears of pleasure running down your cheeks. You’re spent in the best way possible
It starts to change during the beginning of the Red Plague. The deep empathy you feel for the people dying in the streets, the desire to do something to help, takes all your desires to feel pleasure (or anything joyful for that matter), replacing it with the urge to help as many as you can
You start growing distant from each other, the atmosphere in the shop becomes tense, the interactions between you and Asra are short and almost void of any emotion. You start visiting the castle more often, volunteering to help doctor Devorak in finding a cure for this Plague. It comes without say that sex wasn’t really in neither of your minds
And it only becomes worse after your death. Asra feels that same wave washing over him, but this time he doesn’t welcome the feeling of it. It make feel lost, knowing that the very person he used to hold on to, the only one that made him forget the rest of the world, and just give into the pleasure the wave brought
This wave brings grief, desperation. Hell, it even brings hallucinations to some point. He can’t make out what’s real and what’s fake, he can’t discern when he’s dreaming and when he’s awake
It’s at this point that his situationship with Julian starts. We all know just how toxic it was, for the both of them. But Julian needed to feel love in these dreadful times, and Asra needed to feel that same feeling of grounding to save him from the power of that wave
It wasn’t the same as you, he knew that very well. Julian couldn’t fill the void of love Asra felt, he could only satisfy his carnal desires, give him that brief high that, for just a moment, made him forget everything that was happening in his life, his losses, his mistakes, his regrets
But not much time passes before that high becomes unsatisfying, and the guilt of what he’s doing takes over him. How can he do this with Julian, when all he’s thinking of is you? How can he deem himself worthy of having you once again in his arms, when instead of keeping the void you left empty, awaiting for your return, he filled it with someone else, someone not even comparable to you in his eyes?
That’s when the weird relationship between Asra and Julian ends, when Asra conveys all his energies and time in finding a way to get you back
At first, there was nothing in his mind when it came to you other than gratitude to have you back along with the utmost care to tend to you, to comfort you when you were in pain or scared at whatever appeared new to you after you came back. Your mind was at the same level as one of a child, there was no desire in Asra other than to have you back as you were
As time goes by, and you regain the aspects of the person you once were, that desire, that wave of passion, starts to awaken once again in him
And then after years of longing for the feeling of you’re touch, of your body pressed against him, he once again can feel that same feeling of euphoria once your bodies merge once again. Only that this time, his demeanor has changed. There’s a different kind of intensity in his actions
There’s not the feverish haste in his movements anymore; instead, he takes his sweet time kissing you, caressing your body, worshipping you as if you were some sort of deity. He holds you as if you’d disappear in his arms if he loosens his grip too much
His thrusts are slow and deep, making that wave of pleasure that’s in him fall into you too. It makes you feel a deeper kind of pleasure, one with such forse that it has you detached from reality once you reach your high, it knocks the breath out of your lungs, and it makes you only desire to hold Asra closer, to have him deeper inside you. You almost wish you could become one
There are still times where you have fast, rough sex, one that ends quickly and leaves you both breathless and spent. But you just prefer to feel that deeper connection, the one that has you longing for more, that morphs into endless hours of just holding each other. It makes you both feel as if time has stopped, and there’s no one else in the world but you two
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to-the-stars8 · 9 months
A Conversation with Your Ghost
Asra x Reader AO3
Summary: Asra wakes up to you, and it breaks his heart.
When Asra opened his eyes, he saw you looking down at him, smiling. It had been so long since he had seen you, so he let his eyes drink their fill of your beauty. Like the first time he had met you, Asra could feel his heartbeat quicken as he followed your bright eyes. Even amongst precious silks and furs, there wasn’t enough coin in the world that could buy him the same comfort as your touch did. Leaning over him, you traced his body delicately, fingers feeling like you were tracing him with the petals of a flower. Gods, there weren’t words to describe just how in love with you he still was. 
“Is something wrong, my love,” You said. Your voice was soft, barely above a whisper. “I sense that you’re stressed.”
Asra sucked in a breath as your voice rang in his ears. He turned his head away, trying to ignore the ache in his chest, eyes staring into the flames of the fireplace across the room. After a moment, he looked back at you. “I am fine. You do not need to worry about me.”
You ‘tsked’, a sound Asra knew you made when not satisfied. “I believe we both know that is a lie. Now, if you tell me,” You paused, pressing a ghost of a kiss on his bare shoulder. “There will be a reward.”
He chuckled, hands turning into fists as he remembered your rewards and how it would get him to spill every secret he had. For once, Asra did not fall for it. “I promise you, it is no lie. I am most okay when you are here.”
He looked into your eyes and saw them soften at the affection he gave. There was nothing he would not do for you. You laid your hand against Asra’s chest, and he swore he could feel the warmth through his body. 
“You need a break, I can tell you have been working too hard,” You said cheerfully. Still, your voice was soft. “Maybe, we could take a trip to that one place you took me for my birthday…Theー Damn it all, I forget the name of it. The one where the stars shined the brightest.”
Asra could not recall the name of the place either but remembered the night well. The stars never seemed so bright than when he looked into your eyes. Gods, he thought, what were those damned stars worth if they could not be seen through your eyes? 
“Yes,” He said. “We should. Tomorrow, perhaps?”
You grinned. “Yes! We will go in the morning. I have some things to finish up here in the meantime.” Looking down at him again, you patted his chest. “For now, get some sleep, my love. I can see the exhaustion in your eyes.”
Asra did as you said, sparing his heart from the sight of you. It was for a moment before he yearned to see you again, but, just like that, he was alone. The room was dark, no fire had ever been lit and it was deathly quiet. Sitting up, Asra sobbed into his hands as he cursed himself for letting you go. He could not bear this quietness, nor the conversations with your ghost. 
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demigoddessqueens · 3 months
birthday headcanons
Masterlist 10
A/n - given that Julian’s birthday was earlier this week, I wanted to write some headcanons for him
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He will be all down for any romantic gesture you pull
Breakfast in bed for him? Yes! Surprising him at the clinic with gift(s)? ABSOLUTELY
Julian lives for all the attention you’re giving him, taking in all your adoration
If he’s able to spend the day with you, it’s a whole day out in Vesuvia. Picnics, long walks, getting together with Mazelinka and Portia, kiss(es) as it’s sunset
Tons of cuddles the entire day!!
Maybe even some alone time together at the Rowdy Raven
Gift wise, Julian likes when it’s something near and dear to him, a more personalized gift from you speaks volumes to him
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bakuliwrites · 10 months
MC Regaining Little Memories From Objects Associate w/ M6
Hi everyone! Here is another one of my headcanons from my old blog. I think this one was a request I had gotten and I really enjoyed writing this one. It was a lot of fun to try to think up some meaningful objects and scenarios. Over time, I've been trying to post some of my old headcanons on to this blog, but I do have a lot of them up on my AO3, if you are curious!
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You and Asra are tidying up the shop one day when you stumble upon a broom closet in the back that you've never noticed. Curious, you attempt to turn the door handle and fortuitously discover that it is unlocked.
The room is tiny, only big enough for you and the other objects inside. There are a few random boxes of trinkets and old ingredients, but what really catches your attention is the dress in the far corner, worn by a slightly eerie, faceless mannequin.
The dress is floaty, billowing. Your fingers find the sleeves, the thin tulle delicate in your careful grasp. Even in the darkness of the closet, the dress seems to sparkle, the crystals bedazzling the neckline dancing jovially in the lamplight just outside. You've been so enamored with the dress, you hardly notice Asra's presence in the doorway behind you.
"You look beautiful, like a jellyfish floating in the gentle summer currents. Carefree and lovely," you whisper aloud. The words were familiar to you, but you couldn't quite place who had said them, or when. When you repeat them in your mind, it's Asra's voice that sounds them out. A flash of a grand party, a masquerade perhaps, dances across your vision. When you finally turn to greet Asra, you see he has tears in his eyes, reserved but joyful. He draws you into a warm embrace and something just clicks in your brain. Finally, you remember Asra and all he meant to you.
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You're quietly reading one afternoon when Nadia enters the room and asks if she might play the organ for a bit. "If I'm bothering you, just say the word!" she offers, but you simply smile. You loved listening to her play, and you didn't get to hear it very often since she was usually busy.
Nadia's fingers begin skillfully dancing across the keys. She's merely warming up at first, which you still take delight in. Her talent shines through even in her simple practice exercises. The notes start to fade in the background as you settle back into your novel, finding yourself fully engrossed. Until you're suddenly drawn out of your concentration by the beginning of a song.
This song is different, though. Something about it is oddly familiar. Bittersweet, like a lost memory. The music swells, lilting and sprightly, before quieting into a melancholy hum. You suddenly find yourself overwhelmed with emotion, though you can't really place why. This music, it echoes through your mind like it once echoed through the halls of the palace, in a time you thought you'd long forgotten.
When Nadia finishes, she looks over to see you quickly wiping tears from your eyes. She opens her mouth to ask what's wrong, but you hush her with a smile. "It's been such a long time since you've played that for me," you whisper. Nadia beams knowingly, before setting off again to play for you like she used to all those years ago.
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Back at Mazelinka's, you and Julian are rifling through stacks of his old papers, ones that you'd managed to pilfer from the palace. You've found nothing of any real use so far, but you have confidence that you might stumble across something.
While Julian is frantically scanning page after page, you find yourself growing still, fixating on just one of them. The edges are yellowed, frayed from water damage. But the handwriting is still legible (well, as legible as Julian's messy handwriting could possibly be). The script doesn't say anything important. It appears to just be a general note about the status of some test he was running, but it's what is written in the margins that catches your eye.
It's your handwriting, littered amongst tiny drawings of what you at first think are worms. But upon closer inspection, you see that you apparently had written, "Watch out! Getting bitten by a leech really sucks." You roll your eyes at how terrible that pun is, wondering what possessed you to write it in the first place, if that really was your handwriting. You grab some ink and a quill from your bag and start to scribble next to the writing. It's a dead ringer for your script.
You feel some happy tears sting your eyes, but when Julian asks you what's wrong, you break out into a wide smile. "You and your accursed leeches!" you exclaim, before bursting into laughter. He looks at you, a bit confused at first, before breaking down into giggles himself. Finally, he thinks, something you both remember.
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You're enjoying a quiet afternoon at Portia's cottage, basking in the sunlight and sipping some tea. Portia is baking something delicious, her dress covered in flour. You offered to help, but she insists you relax. You've been hard at work these past few weeks and deserve a break.
While you're admiring a monarch butterfly that regally flits past the open window, you're hit by a sudden, strange feeling. A familiar scent wafts through the room, warm and sweet. You're practically salivating at the delightful smell. You look across the room to see Portia pulling out a light-golden cake from the oven. After she lets it cool, she brings it to the table and starts to slice into it.
Portia hands you a generous piece and offers to refresh your tea. As she's filling up your cup again, you dig into the freshly baked treat. As soon as it hits your tongue, you can taste the honey and the vanilla, comforting and cozy. It tastes like spring, like a bright memory.
You look up at Portia as she sets your tea down in front of you, your eyes full of wonder. "This is one of my favorites. How did you know?" you venture, but you already know the answer. She smiles cheekily at you. "Call it intuition," she winks. All you can do is smile, overjoyed that you reclaimed your memory of Portia's divine baking skills.
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You enter Muriel's hut, soaking wet and seeking shelter from the sudden storm that raged outside. He quickly directs you to the warmth of his fireplace and gives you some dry clothes. They're much too big on you, but they'll do for now, while you wait for your own outfit to dry. Muriel exits the hut for a moment, just to bring the chickens into their shelter. As your eyes roam the room, they settle on an ornately carved mask sitting on the mantelpiece.
You rise, reaching up to grab the mask. It's beautiful, but something about it seems- familiar to you. Maybe it's pure coincidence that it resembles the animal you consider your familiar. Or maybe, there's a deeper meaning to it. It had clearly been carved with the utmost precision and care. Its colors were striking, but not gaudy. It was breathtaking.
As you turn it over in your hands, you notice some protection runes carved into the inside, just beneath the eye holes. It's like the sun suddenly broke through the storm clouds. Memories come flooding back to you. Masquerades, multiple masquerades. Asra is there, Muriel is- here, at the hut. Carving this mask, just for you.
Muriel returns, soaked now, as well. You whirl around to greet his hulking form, your brows furrowed with an emotion you can't quite place. He notices the mask in your hands and blushes a deep red, looking sheepishly away. You can't help but beam at this. "Thank you for holding onto this for me," you finally speak. He grunts a, "You're welcome," but you notice that he, too, is softly smiling.
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You're sorting through a box of jewelry that Lucio's provided to you, attempting to find one that might go with your outfit. They're all his jewelry pieces, so most of them are a bit garish for your taste. But you need to select something if you're going to attend the masquerade with him that night. You pick past heavily bejeweled, oversized designer pieces, until your fingers clasp around a necklace that you could've sworn you've seen before.
The necklace is delicate, gold and studded with tiny diamonds and milky-white pearls. You hold it up against the lamplight and it glitters luminously. This is it. This is the necklace. Not only does it match your outfit's color scheme, but there's something about it that feels like it is fatefully yours.
"Are you almost ready?" Lucio whines, impatient and eager to get to the festivities. He freezes dead in his tracks when he sees what you're holding up. A blush creeps across his cheeks and he looks away, embarrassed. "Will you help me put this on?" you implore. After a moment, he hesitantly nods. He gently takes the necklace from you and unclasps it. Lucio takes his place behind you and you watch in the mirror as he draws it around your neck and fumbles with the clasp.
As he secures it to you, you're hit with a vision: someone coming up behind you at a masquerade, years ago. Deftly, they fasten the necklace around your neck. When you turn around to see who it could possibly be, you're greeted by an enigmatic figure, done up in golds and reds. Their impish smile and silver eyes are the only things visible behind their ostentatious mask. They bend down to place a kiss on the back of your hand before disappearing once again into the crowd. In the present moment, you whirl around to meet Lucio's eyes, eyes that are familiar from that masquerade so long ago.
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vestercorax · 1 year
Soft domestic fluff with M6 — Waking Up
The Shop now opens an hour later.
Yes, that’s a new schedule. Something about different day length, did you know-
No, Faust is not bribed with snaccs, she’s just hanging out on the doorknob, why?
Oh, look how conveniently you are snuggled, now it will be considered a crime to separate yourselves, and you don’t want crimes in your house, do you?
He doesn’t want to hear anything about bribery being considered a crime
Asra really just wants to enjoy every minute you’re together, when nothing is bothering you or demanding immediate attention (which happens all the time, hard magicians’ life)
Mornings are the most suitable time, when you can speak unhurriedly, dream a little and plan your little next week’s adventure
Nadia has to wake up early, even on holidays :(
That habit is ingrained so deeply that it is an outright surprise for her if you don’t share it. Everyone rise early to get everything done, no?..
It warms her heart to see you so relaxed and satisfied in your bedchambers like nowhere else
She leaves, but servants are already preparing everything for your awakening
Nadia will make up for all the skipped morning caresses in the afternoon-
Lots of kisses and tea brewed with petals will improve your mood, whichever way you woke up
One day you wake up and first thing you feel is the weight on the other side of the bed
Your eyes fly open just to see Nadia’s ruby ones filled with tenderness and adoration, as she observes you and smiles bright and soft at your expression
Only then you notice the lightest tracing of her elegant fingers caressing your pillow-marked cheek
Julian is headed straight to work upon waking up
This man’s body wakes up much later than his brain does — it occurs to him it’s time to eat only an hour or two after he dug into his notes
Do you like taking naps? Good
After a brief activity burst (which consist of wolfing down the delicious breakfast you brought him) he is back in bed
No, not a single movement for at least half an hour.
Perharps, besides…
Yeah, pillow fights, sounds incredible
May or may not pretend that you stabbed him with a narrow one to doze off a little
Are deadmen supposed to have such a death grip on their killers, huh?
Portia is an early bird
The earlier you wake up, the more time there is to get done with work and have fun!
Extremely energetic + wants you besides immediately
Before you know what is going on, she is already straddling you and tickling your sides
She wants to press her nose into yours until you wake up, to peer into your eyes with her bright blue ones. But she just can’t contain her excited giggling at the simple thought of the spooked little jump you’ll definitely make
She’ll get there one morning, don’t even doubt.
If you get too cranky, she will leave you be… for a week at most.
Muriel will leave at dawn, desperately trying not to wake you. He doesn’t want to disturb you; it’s his chores after all
He ignores your demands to stop to consider every chore only his own
Will ask Inanna to check on you if he is wandering far into the forest. He knows you will be safe, it’s just… He feels more reassured this way
Congratulations, you are guarded by a big floofy wolf, who thinks to guard = to lie flat on you and sometimes poke her nose in yours
She’s right, honestly
If you are tough enough to sleep through that, prepare for the ultimate attack: breakfast
Riding proudly on the wolf’s back to the kitchen, you are greeted with a “good morning” hum
As you eat half-sleepily, Muriel adoringly studies your face, trying and failing to hide it
His own face turns slightly red, when you try to feed him a little bit of your portion, even though he has already eaten
You succeed.
If it was up to him, he would be staying under the covers till the sun has passed its peak
Oh, wait, it is up to him. The deal is sealed then.
And he will be very delighted to have you in his arms
Carefully, you won’t be able to escape after indulging even once. Lazy and long mornings, stretches, laughter and adoring stares… Who would be, honestly?
After crawling out of the bed and eating it’s time to refine your day plans. Ones for evening are the most exciting
After that he will attend to his training
“You want all of me hard as steel, don’t you? ;)”
Will encourage you to join him and will literally beam if you say yes
First headcanon post, there we go
Masterlist, if you wish
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blu-raes · 4 months
Julian caring for a partner with anxiety
(Because I currently have really bad anxiety and I need this)
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(relevant screenshot lmao)
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Julian gently coaxing you out of bed when you wake up paralyzed with fear. While you’re taking deep breaths in an attempt to slow your racing heart upon waking up, he places a hand on your shoulder, whispering encouraging words to you before he gets ready. He knows it’s not easy, but he has every faith in you that you’ll be able to find the courage to get out of bed. (plus, it’s better than lying around)
The first time you had a panic attack around him, it nearly gave him a heart attack until you eventually explained that it’s just one of the pesky ways your anxiety manifested. Knowing you weren’t going to drop dead from cardiac arrest was a relief, and you both soon found ways where he could aid you when things began to become overwhelming. These days, he’s better able to notice the signs of one coming on. He’s in full doctor mode, helping you control your breathing, speaking to you gently, getting you to turn your focus to something else. 
More under the cut
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Somewhere along the way he noticed that letting you hold his hand helped ground you quickly as well, and he’s more than happy to offer them. When you do reach out to hold him, his grip is always warm, steadying, a little soothing even. It helps you from floating too far off the ground, so to speak.
He's more than happy to accompany you when running errands. He once offered to help run them for you, but you tell him you're actually worse off left alone with your thoughts and enjoy his company. He does have to remember to slow down when walking, though.
When you’re not as anxious and a little more functional, he keeps your mind off your worries by doing what he does best- being a chatterbox. Tall tales to keep you engaged? He’s got it. Gossip from the Rowdy Raven? Ohhh, wait till you hear what new cocktails Barth’s coming up with now! You two spend hours idly chatting back and forth, and what do you know? Hardly an anxious thought, or at least, you’re better able to keep them at bay with him around.
Anxiety is known to cause tummy troubles, and this is something our dear doctor has a little more expertise in, seeing as it’s on the physical side of things. The experience he’s gained from dealing with patients with similar issues has led him to be able to help you manage your symptoms.
Nausea? He has a little vial of peppermint oil on standby, something he learned from his own apprenticeship. Those odours from festering wounds are no joke, it’s saved his own senses from time to time while operating.
Appetite loss? He often forgets to eat himself, but he always reminds you to at least have a snack if you can. A cookie, some toast, literally anything as long as you can stomach it. At times like these he also pesters Portia and/or Mazelinka for advice. Suffice it to say they’re both happy to help too. He’s not a great cook, but if he has time in the mornings he might prepare some oatmeal. Something digestible and easy to eat. It helps that the noises from the kitchen and his humming also help settle you down in the morning.
He’s sure to keep anything caffeinated away from you. You do chide him a little for treating you like a child, and he immediately apologises for doing so, but in all fairness, maybe having the high strength coffee out of reach for a while is a good idea. No one needs a caffeine-induced spiral. Just to get back at him, you also end up hiding the coffee bean stash from his prying eye(s). 
Come night time however, and that’s when you’re simultaneously the least and most worried. Physically, you’re as calm as calm can be. Mentally, however? You dread going to bed. Because that either means nightmares, disturbed sleep, waking up in the morning all anxious again, or likely a mix of all three.
You confide in him about your worries, and while there isn’t anything he can do to prevent them, he does promise you his support. After all, you were there for him when he had troubled nights himself, weren’t you?
He’s not a very heavy sleeper himself, and he feels you tossing and turning around in bed almost immediately. Be it a nightmare, or simply your mind forcing you awake, it’s an arduous task for you to try and return to sleep. The moment you turn your back to face him in bed, he’s looking at you with concern and empathy and holds you close (with your permission, of course).
The warmth and pressure of his embrace is nearly enough for your racing heart to return to normal. You utter a muffled apology, but he soon shuts it down. It’s not your fault, and it’s not a burden on him either. He simply just wants to see you alright again. Plus, now he gets to fret over you a little, and it delights him ever so slightly that he gets to feel a little useful while taking care of you. After more whispered affirmations and him gently playing with your hair, you soon drift off to sleep again.
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Bonus for the artists out there:
One of the other things that you’ve been doing to keep your anxious thoughts at bay was with art. It helps keep your mind focused on something in the moment. Recently, Julian has become your muse of choice. Seeing your beloved come to life on the page/canvas has the added effect of relaxing you further, in fact. Julian is obviously incredibly flattered upon finding out. Tears of joy well up in his eyes, he never thought that he would one day be anyone’s source of comfort, let alone yours. He hopes to continue being that guiding light in the dark for you, as you have been for him.
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Mc and the kid (from the M6 as parents) who hit teenage years get into an argument (can be about anything). Ends up in a screaming match and both go to different rooms slamming doors. How would Asra, Julian and Muriel react?
The M6 reacting to their partner getting into an argument with their child.
The arcana x GN!Reader      TW: shouting, cursing, depictions of violence.
Asra Alnazar:
Asra is very level-headed and won’t take ‘sides’, but he’ll ask for both people’s point of view. He understands that a teenager is very hard to deal with, but he is a bit disappointed in you for letting escalate to something like this.
He knows you want only whats best for your child, but he thinks firmly that yelling is not the way to parent a child of any age. 
Asra first checks in with his child, and figures out what their perspective is. Then, he’ll find out yours. Once he knows what’s going on, he’ll bring you both together and make both people apologize.
Ultimately, it ends with a big family hug and Asra being the sweetest man alive. He says wonderful things about both of you, and then comes it with some sort of family time plan afterwards.
Muriel the outsider:
He’s not one to resolve the conflict. He’s not a fan of shouting, due to his past. At first he thinks something is deathly wrong, and he gets into fight or flight mode. When he realizes you two are just arguing, he takes a deep breath and tries to seperate you. 
If either one of you cries, he crumbles inside. There’s no worse pain than seeing the ones he loves upset, and to be completely honest - he feels so bad that you two are arguing, he hates it. 
He does check in with his child first. He wants to make sure that this won’t have a lasting impact on them. He doesn’t want this to scare them the way some events in his childhood did. 
He’ll try and make you side with your child’s point of view, but if you’re really stubborn, you’ll have to work it out on your own. He really doesn’t want to upset either of you, and waits for it to blow over. 
When it does, life goes back to normal. He doesn’t bring it up and hopes neither of you do either. It goes unaddressed, and he continues being himself. 
Julian Devorak:
He will completely agree with you. As long as it’s whats’ best for your child, he agrees whole-heartedly and backs up your argument. He’s shocked at first, he can’t believe the nerve of them. 
Julian is a bit close minded since he grew up without parents, but he believes they should be grateful that they have a parent who cares about them so much.
He will hear them out but not without a stern talking to first. He thinks that the family should never raise their voices at each other, and makes you both swear not to dare do it again.
He fixes the issue by making everyone sit down and listen to you. He thinks that your opinion is valuable, and should be followed. If it isn’t, he takes it upon himself to find out why.
Hello! Thanks for requesting, it was an interesting idea. If you're unhappy with this, or think it's too short, just let me know and I'll edit it! Otherwise, have a great day and request again any time.
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@fox-daddies here 🦊🦊
Could I get Hc for the M6 walking into their room to find Mc laying completely naked in bed because their way too hot to do anything.
For a moment I thought by hot you meant "Too sexy to do anything", but I realized you meant it's a hot day, or at least I hope so? ANYWAY
Vesuvia's summers can be hard to tolerate by the ones who aren't used to it. Today the wind seems too tired to blow, and the sun is so bright that the sea is as blinding as the sun. You took a refreshing bath, but couldn't force yourself into your clothes again, so you just threw youself on your bed, directly under the open window, hoping for the faintest breeze to slip into your room when...
... Muriel enters the hut. He's drenched in sweat too, and first thing first, he gets out of his clothes and tosses them aside before slumping on the bed next to you, eyes closed. You hear his heart pounding in his chest, tired by the heatwave just like him, as his hands reaches yours, brushing it with the tip of his fingers. You stay like this for hours, until the merciless sun finally gives in to the sunset.
Then his hand reaches for your waist, pulling you on top of him.
... the door slightly opens, and Portia's witty face peaks trough the crack. Her smile widens as she sees you, and after a quick glance behind her she slips inside closing the door behind her back. "I guess milady's flowers can wait..." she whispers as her lips brushes your hand. "Or maybe she'll come looking for me. But would you be sorry if she were to find us like this?", she winks.
... Lucio enters the room, looks at you from behind his sweat drenched hair covering his forhead, and announces: "great idea". In a matter of seconds he joins you, his cold metal hand sending the best kind of chills up your spine. He looks at the sky-colored canopy over the bed, looks at you with that familiar child-like light in his eyes and whispers "Make it cloudy". Points up. "The canopy. Make it cloudy! Make it rain! Can you???".
You wonder how this man can be so silly and so genius. With a snap of your fingers, a single drop falls on the bed. Then another, and another, and another one. Lucio starts giggling, then laughing, taking you into his arms and kissing you through his laugh. "Oooh, you're the best!"
... Julian comes back home. "What a day!" he huffs, before starting to ramble about what happened at the clinic. You smile silently. Keeping the bed on the right of the door has its perks with Julian. "... and then a kid reached for the leeches -why do they do that, do leeches looks like candies?- and almost knoched it over when..." he abruptly stops.
"Oh dear" -his tone changes- "it looks like you got hit by a heatstroke... yes, the temperature of your skin shows it, and your lips too". You feel his dramatic sigh on your neck. "I must proceed with a deeper check..."
... Asra climbs the stairs of the bedroom. He smiles. "Here you are! What a weather today, uh? I really can't think of a way to refresh myself". You don't think he's messing with you: Asra and you are so used to such level of intimacy. He sits on the bed. A mischievous smile crosses his lips. "Unless..."
You let out a scream in surprise as you feel the bed dissolving into cool water under your back, before the water covers your mouth. You hear Asra laughing from the other side of the surface, right before diving in next to you.
... Nadia enters your bedchamber. She is followed by a couple of servants and has a big list of things to do into her hands, and she's instructing her helpers about the heatstrokes prevention program. They stop in front of the bed. "O... Oh. I, hem, I thought you were at the shop...", she mutters, before realizing there are people there with her. She turns towards them, and manages to put together a crumble of dignity. "You're dismissed. I'll send for you when I'll be done with some... ehm... urgent matters".
The servants bow and run out, embarassed. Nadia turns "Oh I'm sorry, so sorry my dear, I didn't mean to embarass you...". Her flushed face is so funny that washes away any embarrassment from you. "I will make up for it", she continues, "Just ask, may I go to get you something to... I don't know, to eat? Another bath, or maybe you want to go on vacation somewhere? A poem! I can apologize with that, for sure, or sing...?" She stops when she notice the look into your eyes. There's no need for clarvoyance to understand what kind of apology you'd like right now!
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The Arcana HCs: Brainrot's Masterlist
The first 100 full headcanons! Mostly in order from oldest to most recent ^.^
How the M6 cry and how MC comforts them
M6 when you fart while sharing a bed
M6 when they fart while sharing a bed with MC
M6 when the child they have with you is an exact carbon copy of them
How MC likes to fluster the M6
How the M6 like to fluster you
M6 when someone hands them a baby
MC makes M6 breakfast in bed
M6 making the MC breakfast in bed
M6 with an MC who has periods
M6 eating spicy food
M6 on social media
M6 with an introverted MC
M6 with an extroverted MC
M6 when MC calls them their husband/wife/spouse
How the M6 get sick
How the M6 respond to MC getting sick
M6 when they've gone too long without your affection
M6 with a merfolk MC
M6 with a touch/affection-starved MC
M6 with an MC who walks with a cane
M6 when MC gets kidnapped and tortured by Valdemar
M6 with a half-dragon MC
M6 and the lies MC tries to tell them
Julian's birthday
M6 when MC gets panic attacks/flashbacks
How the M6 get panic attacks and how MC comforts them
M6 with a tailor MC
The best part of the day with M6
How the M6 lose their temper
M6 when MC loses their temper
M6 with an insecure MC
M6 when a spell goes wrong and MC is stuck as a toddler for the day
M6 when a spell goes wrong and they're stuck as a small child for the day
M6 and cuddles
M6 administering first aid when it's their fault MC is slightly hurt
Giving first aid to the M6 when it's MC's fault that they're slightly hurt
M6 reacting to a drunk MC
M6 when MC disappears and comes back different
M6 when MC comes out as bi
Gift giving
M6 with a doodling MC
Surprise dates/getaways with the M6
M6 with an MC who has an ED
M6 reading MC's journal
M6 with an MC with gender dysphoria
M6 being petty
M6 with an MC struggling with depression
M6 and their shopping weaknesses
M6 with a starving vampire MC
M6 meeting the parent(s)
M6 with an MC who's been bottling up their affectionate tendencies
M6 swap bodies with their familiars
M6 planning their wedding with MC
M6 as unhinged childhood stories
M6 with an insomniac MC
Voiceclaims for the M6
M6 with a procrastinator MC
M6 when MC comes out as bi
MC and M6 proposing at the same time
M6 with a thief-for-hire MC
M6 with a foodie MC
M6 with an aggressively affectionate MC
When MC falls asleep waiting for the M6
When MC shows up with a familiar
When MC plays a musical instrument
M6 when MC comes out as trans
M6 helping MC with disassociation
M6 when MC is stronger than they look
When MC is a little too strong
When MC sleeps with plushies
M6 with a flirtatious and blunt MC
M6 playing Stardew Valley
M6 reacting to MC singing
M6 when MC gets a nosebleed
M6 when MC has poor eyesight
M6 and MC in animal onesies
M6 when MC is hard of hearing
MC with M6's familiars
M6 with an oblivious MC
How the M6 hurt you
How you hurt the M6
Asra and Faust's birthday
When MC accidentally steps on M6's familiar
When MC accidentally visits M6's dreams
M6 when MC has intrusive thoughts
When MC's natural patron is the Devil
When MC is a terrible chef
M6 with an MC that doesn't drink
MC with M6's family
M6 with a short MC
M6 during thunderstorms
Piggyback rides
M6 when MC goes on a trip
When MC remembers having bad parents
Nadia's birthday
M6 when MC cries over a sad story
When MC comes across colder than they are
How you mess with the M6
How M6 help you after a rough day
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nebbyy · 1 month
Kingdom of Heaven:
King Baldwin IV:
Life always comes down to a game of chess
I’ll be waiting for you
Sweetest of melodies
My archangel - coming soon!
Bandit - coming soon!
Voice of Heaven - coming soon!
Like Lancelot - coming soon!
Arguing with you
Defending your honor
Cats or dogs?
Modern headcanons: modern music, pt 2, pt 3, reaction to immodest clothing, modern style, chips and drinks, anime
Percy Jackson and the Olympians:
Luke Castellan:
Last date
Ghost of you - coming soon!
Heroes Of Olympus:
Leo Valdez:
Headcanons - child of Aphrodite!S/O
Percy Jackson:
Catch me if you can - coming soon!
Trials of Apollo
Lester Papadopoulos/Apollo:
It's Over, isn't It? - part one
Eternal Bonds - part two
The Arcana
Asra Alnazar:
Headcanons - Intimacy before and after
Young and Beautiful - coming soon!
You're my plague - coming soon!
Julian Devorak:
Kiss the girl - coming soon!
Avatar: the Last Airbender
That voice in his head
Snowfight - coming soon!
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beanswrites · 2 years
The Arcana Headcanons Part 11: The Main 6 holding your hand
Heyy, guys!! What's up?? I know it's been a hot minute since I did anything Arcana related, but I'm back!
I think this is a request for @bluhame, but I can't find the ask in which they requested this, unfortunately :(( Bluhame, if this is not your request, sorryyy and more of your requests will be out soon!
Hope you like these! More coming soon! Requests are always open, so send an idea if you have one!! :))
Tags: the arcana, the arcana visual novel/mobile game, the arcana main 6, headcanons, everyone is a simp because i said so, fluff, asra alnazar, julian devorak, nadia satrinava, muriel, portia devorak and count lucio
Warnings: none
Word count: about 150 words for everyone
masterlist | rules for requests
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Asra Alnazar ☾︎:
He's very comfortable with holding your hand, and in fact, likes to do it very often. He thinks your touch is very soft, and just cant resist without feeling your silky skin. The magician has no shame, so it doesn't really matter when or where it is, he just want to hold your palms in his.
Holding your hand to him is so much more than just a sweet gesture. Since he almost lost you forever once, he know almost needs to feel you presence everywhere you go. Plus, when he is indeed holding your palm, he cast little colorful spells to intertwine with his and your fingers, just to make you smile. God, he loves you.
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Julian Devorak ♥︎:
Julian was very confused but also overwhelmed with happiness the first time you held hands. He never wanted to let you go! The doctor tried to hide his rosy cheeks, failing miserably. Even though he loves to do it, it is a little hard for you to intertwine hands because of the height difference.
Not really a fan of PDA, but will hold your hand if you're on a walk. Prefers to do it at home, where he can freely scratch your arms and kiss your shoulder while holding your smaller hands in his. When you are outside, though, he rubs your palms with his thumb reassuringly, even when he isn't talking to you, just to show you that he loves you.
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Nadia Satrinava ♔︎:
Nadia is an absolute sucker for your touch, and more importantly, her touch on you. Her favorite parts of the day are the ones where she can have you nested in her arms, touching and carassing and kissing every single milimiter of your warm skin. However, that can't be her reality all of the time - her busy schedule ruins it for her. So, she'll take any type of intimacy she can get - which is often just holding your hand.
When the graceful countess has time for some proper hand-holding, it's usually during your strolls trough the royal gardens. She likes to hold both of your soft palms and slowly, very gently, kiss each knuckle. Nadi shows great care to the hands that hold her when she's at her lowest.
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Muriel ❁:
The hut man doesn't like any type of PDA at all. However, holding you, any part of you, may be his favorite thing to do in the entire world. Just.. In private. He holds your hands once you're nested on his chest in the hut, playing with your fingers and gently stroking your forearms. Times when he hold your hands which are not in the comfort of your own home are very rare, but mostly happen either on your walks through the forest or sometimes, very rarely, when you're walking in town.
One of the reasons why he's so against PDA is because he's scared of hurting you. Because of the very obvious size difference and his undeniable strength, he was scared of accidentally making you hurt in any way. You reassured him many times, however he was still hesitant. Now, he knows that you feel safe with him and that you'll be okay, as long as he's gentle.
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Portia Devorak ☼︎:
Unlike Muriel, Portia is very enthusiastic about having you near her and touching you. Just like her countess, the energetic red-head loves holding your hand throughout the day, however she doesn't care who sees. It could be Muriel, her own brother, Nadia, heck, even the Godly Arcana - she's going to be holding your hand.
When she does, which is almost all day every day, she keeps pressing quick pecks everywhere, from the tips of your fingers to your wrist. Intertwining her chubby fingers with yours, making sure that absolutely everyone in the palace knows that she's yours and you are hers. Since the first time she's held hands with you, she knew she wanted to be holding your hand for the rest of your lives.
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Montag Morgasson/Count Lucio ♕︎:
Lucio actually got offended the first time you wanted to hold his hand. Because, how dare you ask such a bizzare thing of the Count! It might have also been because holding hands (and affection of any kind, for that matter) was still very new to him. Once he realized that holding hands is about trust and love for someone, he wanted to hold your hands too.
And now, that he's used to it? Lucio became almost a menace from how much he loves holding your hand. Everywhere you go, every ceremony and banquet you attend, he has to have you close to him, and the best way to ensure that is by intertwining your fingers with his.
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themoongladiator · 10 months
Imagine going on a date with Julian/Portia and you two are on a nice little picnic out in the woods and it suddenly starts pouring rain. They're panicking because you're both soaked but you just grab their hands and start dancing. Now you two are waltzing in the rain together, laughing and smiling and maybe a little kiss sprinkled in ;)
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bakuliwrites · 2 years
M6 w/ a Pregnant MC
Hello everyone! Here's another headcanon I made a while ago that I really liked. MC is gender-neutral. Hope you enjoy :)
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When you first break the news to him, he goes dead silent at first. Asra stares blankly at you for a moment and you’re a bit nervous that maybe he’s upset. But you know he’s beside himself with joy when he breaks out into a bright smile and presses kiss after kiss to your lips. Asra can’t wait to be a parent and he’s even more excited to be sharing this new adventure with you!
Very doting. Does not leave to go on trips at all and hardly leaves your side. He can’t wait to go on family adventures now! It’s not just going to be Asra on the road by himself, or just you and him. It’ll be his little family, off on journeys galore! He’s already making plans. His parents are also ecstatic to be grandparents and can’t wait to babysit. They’re over a lot, helping you out.
Sets to work at extending part of the shop to include a nursery. Lots of purples and blues and calming colors. The room is tranquil, serene. He’s hidden some magical spells around that do a variety of things when you interact with them (blow bubbles, glowing swirls that light up when you touch them, etc…). Knits blankets and hats and booties for your baby (and they are all so very cute and cozy!).
Will (gently) pat your belly like it’s a bongo drum. Is convinced that when your baby kicks, it’s them playing music back. Likes to muse aloud about what kinds of magic your baby might be interested in. Wonders if they’ll take after you or more after him. But he also acknowledges that if magic isn’t really their thing, that’s okay too. He’s just so excited to see what kind of person they’re going to be.
Magical remedies for all your aches and pains. When it comes time for you to actually have the baby, he stays calm. Sure, he’s freaking out on the inside, but he’s not going to show it. When he finally gets to hold your baby in his arms, quiet tears of joy trickle down his cheeks. He looks at the both of you like you are the most magical, mystical things in the world. He makes sure you know how lucky he feels 💜
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Your plan to have a baby has been in the works for some time now, so Nadia isn’t surprised when you announce that you think you’re finally pregnant. She is utterly ecstatic, gently kissing your temple and pulling you in close. But she’s also extremely nervous and you can tell by the way her hands tremble when she holds yours after your announcement. She isn’t the best with children but you assure her that she’s going to be an amazing parent.
Whatever you need, Nadia will provide. You will get the absolute best healthcare. Any craving you have will be satisfied. You can rest assured that Nadia is going to get you whatever you need, whenever you need it! Your comfort and the health of the baby comes first and foremost to her. She’ll delegate a lot of her work to others during this time (and tries to get ahead on some things, for once the baby is born and chaos inevitably ensues). She wants to spend as much time with you as she can.
You and Nadia design the nursery in the palace together. Lots of creams and golds. Some purple thrown in here and there. It’s very soft and elegant, with lots of sunlight pouring in through the windows. Nadia also has some pretty amazing outfits tailored for your little one, once the time comes.
Enjoys reading to your baby. If you’re sitting with her while she’s working, Nadia might place her hand on your belly just to feel the baby kick. She might jokingly ask your baby bump for advice on some problem she’s having with Vesuvia’s infrastructure or some other political issue. Usually she asks yes or no questions and has jokingly taken one kick to mean, “yes,” and no kicks to mean, “no.” She finds it rather hysterical.
When the time comes for the baby to arrive, she is cool as a cucumber. There’s no hint of any panic or worry. She knows you’re going to do amazing. Holds your hand and gives you the absolute best pep talks of your life. When she gets to hold your little bundle of joy for the first time, she can hardly stop smiling. Even her eyes light up. You and the baby are the most important things in the whole world to her, and she makes sure you are well aware of that 💜
Edit: Someone pointed out to me that Nadia would probably return to her hobby of tinkering and create beautiful toys for the baby! 
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You and Julian have been trying for a while, but it still comes as an absolute shock to him when you break the news. He is positively over the moon, scooping you up into his arms and twirling you around. And then it hits him that he’s going to be a father and he’s suddenly an absolute nervous wreck. He’s worried he’s going to be a terrible parent, but you reassure him he’s going to be just fine. He’s pretty good with kids, anyway.
When the initial shock dies down, Julian settles into his role rather well. Dotes on you constantly. Honestly, it can probably be a bit much sometimes (but he’ll back off a little if you tell him). Is 100% prepared for all your possible symptoms. Has all the remedies and knows exactly what to do. An absolute worrywart when it comes to your health and the baby’s.
You are mostly in charge of the nursery design, but Julian tries his best to help. The two of you decide to design it after a pirate ship, complete with a mural of the sea and a cradle that sort of looks like a mini ship. Julian is mostly in charge of acquiring any furniture and building anything that needs to be built, and he happily obliges.
Will sing to your baby and tell them ridiculous stories. Pretends your baby is telling him jokes (or talking about you, lol). He can’t really act out anything for them yet, of course, but he’ll do all the silly voices. Tells them how much he can’t wait to meet them and take them on all kinds of adventures. He gets pretty emotional during the whole process and loves to tell you (and the baby) how he never would’ve expected his life to go this way. But he’s delighted that it has. Will also play the vielle for the baby (mostly soothing lullabies, but sometimes he’ll play something more jaunty).
Surprisingly very calm when the time comes to deliver, but is internally freaking out (this isn’t the first baby he’s delivered, but it is his first baby). Definitely has another physician come in to help deliver your baby, just in case. When he holds your baby for the first time, he’s practically weeping. Julian doesn’t know what he’s done to deserve this kind of joy and happiness, but he’s just so grateful. He makes sure you know how proud of you he is and how utterly in love he is with the two of you 💜
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When you break the news to Portia, she is beside herself with excitement! Absolutely cannot wait to be a parent. Immediately begins the planning process for the nursery, the adventures, and so on. You laugh about how ahead of herself she’s getting, but it’s sweet to see her so enthusiastic.
Cooks you all the food you ever want. Believes 100% in listening to your cravings. She claims that if you listen to your cravings, the baby will want for nothing in their life (“It’s something my grandma’s once told me,” she explains with a wink). And who are you to argue with that? Especially with Portia being such an amazing cook, haha.
You design the nursery together. Portia has a whole mural in mind and sets to work right away on designing it. Her painting is positively gorgeous. It’s all the places in the world that the two of you have traveled to and all the places she wants to take your little family, once the baby is born. It’s filled with nostalgia and lovely memories.
Gets you plenty of fresh air and sunlight. She insists that you sit on the porch while she gardens and enjoy a nice cold drink and the lovely breeze. At night, when you’re snuggled up beside one another, she loves to tell your baby spooky (but not too spooky) stories and describe all the adventures she can’t wait to take them on once they’re born!
Definitely panics a bit when the time comes for you to deliver the baby. She’s running around, trying to gather everything you might need (and things you might not need, but might want). Squeezes your hand so tight, you have to ask her to back off a little, haha (she apologizes profusely). Beaming so proudly the first time she gets to hold the baby. It’s love at first sight. She makes sure you know how utterly amazing she thinks the two of you are, and how blessed she feels to have you two 💜
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Muriel’s excitement is quiet when you break the news to him, but you know he’s beside himself with joy when you see the tears forming in the corners of his eyes. When he draws you in to hold you close, you can hear the frantic thrumming of his heart and that’s when you realize how anxious he is. But you know Muriel will make an amazing parent, something you’re sure to tell him.
An excellent caretaker. He’ll cook you delicious, hearty food to ensure you and the baby get all the nutrients you need. Takes you on lots of cute dates and picnics. He feels that connecting with nature is a really amazing way to feel good during your pregnancy, especially if you’re having a difficult time at all. Very attune to your aches and pains and does what he can to help you. Massages, warm baths, you name it!
The nursery the two of you design is filled with light and looks like a little forest. The mural you paint has all kinds of trees and flowers, and there’s clouds and a night sky on the ceiling. There’s stuffed animals everywhere (one of Inanna even!) and Muriel carves little statues to adorn the room.
Pauses a lot during the day to put his hand on your belly to just process that ohmygoodness, he’s going to be a father. In utter awe every time your baby kicks. He tears up the first time it happens. Loves to read to your baby. His voice is so soothing when he reads aloud, it could put you to sleep, too! You notice if your baby is pretty active, they quiet down as soon as Muriel starts to read to them.
Very calm during the birthing process. Holds your hand and whispers reassurances and praise. His presence alone is soothing enough to make the whole ordeal easier than you thought it was going to be. Your baby is so very small in his arms the first time he gets to hold them. He looks down at them with absolute wonder and awe, tears starting to trickle down his cheeks. He breaks out into a soft smile and you know he’s smitten already. He makes sure you’re aware of how very fortunate he feels to have the two of you in his life 💜
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It breaks Lucio’s brain a little when you first hit him with the news. You can practically hear the dial-up tone playing in his head. And then all of a sudden, he’s lifting you up into his arms and twirling you around. He’s so utterly excited! He starts rambling about how amazing the baby is going to be and how lucky they are to have such incredible parents like the two of you. But deep down, you know he’s really nervous that he’s not going to be a good father. The two of you will have plenty of emotional discussions about this over the course of your pregnancy (and into your child’s life, I’m sure).
Talk about doting. This man gets you everything you want and more! All your cravings, no matter how weird they are, are satisfied (don’t blame him if he doesn’t want to eat them with you though, haha). You have the finest doctors in all the land. He buys you all kinds of fabulous pregnancy outfits that are both comfortable and fashionable (extra emphasis on fashionable).
Please do not let him design the nursery (unless you want it to look like red, gold, leopard print, and god knows what else threw up all over the room, lol). You find a compromise. There’s still plenty of gold and the room is designed rather luxuriously, but it doesn’t have all of Lucio’s signature touches.
All the belly kisses. He is so in love and hasn’t even met your baby yet. Also plays your belly like a bongo drum (but is significantly more irritating about it than Asra, lol). Chatters endlessly to your baby. Will have full on conversations with your baby bump, absent-mindedly sometimes. He can’t wait to teach your baby to fight once they’re born (but you have to remind him to wait a few years for that). He is also ecstatic to be able to spoil your baby absolutely rotten (but he promises not too rotten).
Has a meltdown when it’s time for you to deliver. Is all over the place. You are definitely calmer than he is. It’s a miracle he doesn’t pass out, but he manages to pull himself together a little. Lucio is rendered speechless the first time he holds your baby. His silver eyes are wide with astonishment. And then he breaks down into tears and promises over and over to your baby that he’s going to be the absolute best father he can be. He makes sure you’re aware that he’s going to work damn hard for the two of you 💜
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tasrasimp · 1 year
The scene plaguing my mind recently:
Finding a new spot to break open a bottle with Julian has become a challenge at this point: who can find the most obscure place for a good kick back?
Middle of the forest? Been there. The steps to the palace? Done that. The dungeons? Air's stale, but no one bothers you guys down there. The docks? A classic. A forgotten courtyard with overgrown vines and a dry fountain? Kinda creepy but it doesn’t matter after a few cups.
Tonight, you’ve chosen the roof of a random building down a random street. Originally, you planned on walking Julian all the way to the middle of the fields outside of Vesuvia, but once you saw the perfect path up the side of the building, your whole plan changed.
So, here you are… Atop a random building on a random street, looking at the most beautiful view of Vesuvia you’ve seen. You sigh and lean back. You're on top of the world. Up here, it almost feels like just you and Julian exist.
Just you and your lovely doctor lounged against a few forgotten barrels, legs tangled and hanging off the four-story building, soaking up the moonlight. You draw lazy circles over his chest and nuzzle closer to him.
This many drinks in, you'd usually push away from the ledge, but with Julian there, you felt safe to stay put.
"Do I win?" You quietly ask, and you hear Julian start.
"Win what, darling?" He takes another drink and brings his gray eyes to yours. They sparkle in the moonlight.
"I've found the best view to drink to." He hums, runs his hand up and down your side while considering with a bob in his head. But he clicks his tongue and shakes his head.
"If our bet was on who could find the best view, I'd have won by default." Your eyebrows pinch and you push yourself up slightly, just enough to be level with his eye. You forget the offence you've taken when you piece together his expression.
Slanted, relaxed brows, eyes swimming with devotion, staring as deep into your soul as he could go. Just from his eyes alone, you were warmed from head to toe with his adoration. A lazy smile curving his lips, a drunken blush on his sharp cheeks.
"What do you mean, doctor?" You try and challenge, but your words are almost slurred as you are bewitched by his gaze, giving away that he could win any fight right now. His hand reaches up and cups your cheek, running his thumb over your cheekbone.
"I've found you."
Julian just being so head-over-heels in love with you. Julian living every second with you. Julian Devorack waking up and realizing that he's excited for another day since he has you. Playful, yet sentimental Julian.
Jules who knows that a lifetime with you wouldn't be enough.
Anyways thanks for letting me plague y'all with what's been on my mind.
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tonberry-yoda · 2 years
Morning Sleepyhead - Julian Devorak
Pairing - Julian Devorak x reader
Warnings - OLD WRITING, but pretty good nonetheless lmao
Word Count - ~1,509
Notes - here's that other old writing i was talking about for julian. i seriously miss writing for this man... well for the arcana in general. i wanna open requests for just the arcana soon lol, that would be fun. the arcana week. omg... i think i just thought of something... arcana fans, lmk and ill see if there are enough people interested to do it!!! anyway, take this old as hecc writing, edited my current day me and enjoy!! <333 have a nice day and stay hydrated!!!
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“Shhh! Are you okay though, Ilya?”
“I'm fine, thanks. Just hit my head on the top of the gate, that’s all.”
“Oh… are you sure you’re okay?”
Julian giggled, clutching his head. “Fine. Promise.”
You grabbed his hand to make sure he wouldn’t be hitting his head anymore. “You need to be more careful, Ilya.”
“I'm sorry! It's not my fault I'm tall.”
“I know… just… try to keep it down. If we get caught, the countess is going to kill us.”
“I know, I know. You don't have to tell me twice.” He tightened his grip on your hand and walked closer, getting down to your level to make sure he wouldn't hit his head again.
“There it is! Julian, I found it!!”
“Shhhhhh! Weren't you the one who said keep our voices down!!”
“Sorry! I found it! Come on!!” You pulled him over, almost making him hit the ground.
When he got back on his feet fully, he tilted his head, wiping the dirt off of his knees. “This is what we came out here for?”
“Mhm!” You walked over to a bush and pulled out a couple of flowers and a small bunny jumped out with a little flower crown. “Ilya look!!”
“Darling! You’re going to get us caught!”
The bunny walked right up to Julian’s boot, sniffing it. He kneeled down slowly, not wanting to scare the little thing and put out his gloved hand, which the rabbit avoided. He took off the glove, revealing the mark of muder and the bunny sniffed his hand, bonking its head on it. “Look hun, it likes me.”
You turned over and smiled, putting down your basket of flowers and you slowly walked over, petting the bunny. “What a cutie.”
Julian put his head on yours and smiled. “Just like you, doll.”
You giggled, scooting closer to Julian as the bunny slipped away. “Let me grab my basket and then we can stop at the shop. Asra shouldn't be there, so we can make some dinner and you can sleep over if you want.”
“Sounds good to me.”
You stood up, your hand sliding away from Julian’s, and grabbed your basket. You walked home with bright smiles on your faces. You had occasional conversations about Lucio, and Julian told stories about when he was a pirate.
While you were walking through an alleyway, you heard the sound of buckles and running. Julian looked at you with a pale face. “The guards. They’re looking for us.”
He did the first thing he could think of and slammed you against the alley wall and slammed his lips against yours, hiding the basket.
The guards ran by without so much as a second glance. Julian sighed, removing his lips from yours. “Oh, thank god.”
He looked back at you, who had a stupid smile on your face.
Julian felt his face heat up and he cleared his throat. “S-Stawp…”
You giggled and grabbed his hand. “Let's get back to the shop before we get caught, yeah?”
He smirked and held your hand tighter. “What? Wanna spend more time with me, love?~”
His face turned from warm to boiling hot as he landed a soft kiss on your temple. “Good.~”
Julian yawned, kicking off his boots. “I am pooped!”
You placed the flowers in their respective jars and walked over to your bed, resting your head on Julian’s chest. “Me too.”
“Is it okay if I stay the night?”
“Of course. Let me make us some tea and dinner.”
“That sounds wonderful. You always know how to treat a man right, my love.”
You giggled, rolling your eyes as you went to the kitchen. As you began frying up some potatoes, you felt something cold run up your back. You turned to look over your shoulder and saw Faust smiling at you. “Faust? What are you doing here?”
“Asra home!”
“O-Oh… Asra’s here?”
“Did I hear my name?” You turned over and saw Asra smiling while hanging his jacket on the coat rack.
“Oh… hi Asra! You’re home early.”
“Exciting, isn't it?” He pulled you into a warm embrace and you could feel dewdrops on his soft skin.
“Do you need anything?”
“No, I don't believe so. I'm just going to go take a shower.”
“There’s some new bath salts.”
“Oh, then a bath it is.”
“They’re in my room, just in my bag. Should be the first thing you see.”
“Perfect. I'll be off then. Save me a cup of tea, alright?”
“I will.” You smiled, still frying the potatoes, when the realization hit you like a brick, making your face go pale. You forgot Julian was in your room.
You quickly turned off the heat, running upstairs, but it was already too late. Asra was looking at Julian’s fast asleep figure with his mouth gaping open. “Might I ask what… he is doing here?”
You shrugged and pushed Asra out of the room, slightly closing the door behind her. “Asra, don't be mad.”
“I thought you were to investigate him… not… investigate him!!”
“Asra!” You could feel yourself blush.
“I'm just saying! I think this is a bad idea.”
“Come on! You used to know him back in the day, right? So why not just let him stay for the night?!”
“Listen, Ilya is a great guy, he really is. But he can love his suffering more than anything.”
“That doesn't mean he’s completely hopeless! Look, Asra… Julian… Ilya and I have become really close. Like really close. He seems genuinely happy… I just want to help him achieve that happiness.”
“I understand, but-”
“Asra, it's just one night, okay?”
Asra sighed, looking back in the room at Julian’s curled up figure. “Fine.” He walked off to the bathroom, beginning his bath as you made you and Julian’s plates, bringing them upstairs.
“Ilya,” you nudged him slightly, which earned a small nose scrunch from him. “Ilya, wake up.”
He yawned awake, tears pricking the corners of his eyes and he smiled when he saw you. “Oh, my apologies. Just a wink, I promise.”
You kissed him on the forehead and handed him his food.
“Thank you, my dear. This smells delightful.” He took a sip of his tea with a smile before shoving food in his mouth. You ate in silence for a moment and Julian could sense the tenseness in you. “Dear?”
“Yes, Ilya?”
“Are you alright?”
“Yes… why?”
“You look frustrated.”
“Just tired, that’s all.”
“Ah, yes. My apologies, dear. We should get to sleep soon.”
You set down your plate and took off your jacket, curling up in the spot that Julian left open for you. He wrapped you in the sheet with him and wrapped his arm around your waist.
“I just wanted to let you know that Asra is home.”
“What?! I-I can leave if need be.”
“Don't worry about it. He doesn't mind.”
“Oh, thank goodness. I don't mind that he’s over. Just keep it down, my dear.~” He kissed the tip of your ear, giggling.
“It's just a joke, dear. Just a joke.” He smiled in the crook of your neck as he drifted to sleep.
“Morning sleepyhead!” Asra giggled, watching Julian come down the stairs.
“Good morning, Asra.”
“If you’re wondering where y/n is, they went out to run some errands.”
“Oh,” Julian slipped on his jacket and took a muffin from the table. “Will they be long?”
“They shouldn't be. They left a while ago, so at this rate, they should be home any moment now.”
“Perfect. Do you mind if I stay here until then?”
“I don't mind at all.”
Julian leaned back in his chair, the morning sun hitting his face through a window at the top of the stairs. “I apologize, Asra.”
“Where did that come from?”
“I just feel bad for anything I may have caused… especially between the two of us. Please forgive me.”
“Of course I forgive you, Ilya. Thank you for that.”
“I wouldn’t mind being friends again, the two of us.”
“That doesn't sound half bad.”
As the two smiled at each other, you threw the door open, holding tons of bags. “I'm home!”
“My goodness,” Asra ran up, catching one of the bags that was about to fall. “How much did you buy?”
You giggled nervously. “A lot… there was a sale, so I grabbed some stuff to restock our potion collection… plus… I really like food. And they had a lot of it at the market this morning.”
Asra let out a laugh, restocking the shop and you smiled when you saw Julian. “Morning, Ilya. You’re finally awake.”
“Yeah… sorry.”
“No need to apologize.” You walked over, landing a small kiss on his cheek.
Julian giggled, pulling you to his lap and covering your face and neck with kisses. “Let’s go on a morning walk, love. Gotta stretch the legs.”
You smiled and grabbed his hand, walking out the door.
Faust slithered over to Asra with a smile, wrapping her tail around him. “Love?”
“Yes Faust. It seems so.”
the arcana masterlist --- pinned post
@tonberry-yoda <3
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