#the aspirational king of pirates
renabe4life · 1 year
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dropping in with a wee gift for @biqrow
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rasairui · 2 months
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Are you serious?
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littlefreya · 4 months
Neptune's Snare
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Summary: She came to take revenge on the loathsome man who murdered her fiance, only to become his captive.
Read Chapter One
Pairing: AU!Pirate August Walker x Virgin OFC (for now 😏)
Word count: 3k
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI. Sexual themes, dark themes mentioned, historical inaccuracies, kidnapping, captivity, graphic descriptions of sex, intimidation, slow burn, sexual tension, foul language.
A/N: I was unsure whether I should do part 2, but @deandoesthingstome (💖) motivated me to do it, so I truely hope you will like it. Many thanks to @agniavateira, for beta'ing. I am no longer using my old tag list, but I will tag those who specifically asked to be tagged for this story via my new Writing Update Blog @littlefreyaslibrary.
Thanks for reading, and please reblog with a comment 🖤
Chapter Two
Hours had passed since the Captain left—hours of futile attempts to escape the cruelty of the heavy iron binds. By now, the ship was deep into the ocean, miles away from any harbour or piece of land. The notion that she’d been abducted by the most ruthless murderer known to authorities had only just begun to sink. 
As hot tears stung at her cheeks, Lizette couldn’t help but chuckle at the stupidity that led her to this fate.
‘Did you really think that a foolish girl could succeed where great men had failed?’ 
If Lizette had dared be honest, she would admit she never thought that plan through, not that it mattered much anymore. Soon enough, she would be yet another shiny trinket in Blackbeard’s gaudy collection.
Exhausted from a fierce yet futile battle, she leaned her head back against the plush, gold-paneled wall. Her weary gaze drifted through the open window, where the dark skies and black seas merged into a desolate void. No light shone through tonight; the darkness has devoured the stars and the moon. Lizette felt as if she was drowning in it too, sinking into a thick, tar-like liquid. With each breath, the collar around her throat grew heavier, the iron pressing into her skin and dragging her deeper and deeper until everything faded to black.
When she blinked again, it was still night but the cabin was lit in deep shades of honey and amber. Her heart skipped—once for the iron still hanging from her neck and twice as her bleary eyes caught sight of a shadow by the edge of the big table.  
It appeared that her host had returned. 
Boots flung across the food-abundant table, the Captain sat back in his royal velvet chair. One hand cradled a silver chalice whilst the other toyed with the edge of his thick whiskers. Silver trays of food, wine, and books were splayed before him, surrounded by dozens of fat, wax-dripping candles. The flickering flame guttered upon his eyes, painting them bright red while he observed the girl intently. 
The curiosity was mutual, at least to some extent. As loathsome as the pirate was, Lizette could not help but scrutinise. Never in her life did she see a man so crude and yet so regal at the same time, He looked like a washed-out king, holding himself to a higher status amongst the scum aboard his ship. Surrounding himself with fine art, books and scientific obscurities, one would assume that this low-life man was educated, or at least aspired to be. His appearance, too, was of some sort of false elegance,  with his moustache carefully groomed and his hair neatly combed save for an errant curl that fell upon his tanned forehead. However, the white cotton shirt that hung partially unbuttoned and loose from his shoulders exposed him for what he truly was as it revealed a myriad of tattoos, scars, and coarse hair. 
‘Nothing but a filthy scoundrel.’
“At last, sleeping beauty is awake.” 
Lizette kept her tongue knotted. The blazes on her stare answered on her behalf. 
August scoffed at the silent response. ‘Precious little thing,’ Had only she known how much he enjoyed obstinate women. The only thing that was better than bending a spitfire to his will was getting a nun to kneel before his cock.
A slight twitch tugged at his cheek; his smirk widening at the fond memory.  
‘Ah, Mary… you sure pray hard.’
Letting go of his whiskers and the chalice in his grasp, the Captain reached for a loaf of bread and split it in half. Steam rose and coiled to the air.  The scrumptious scent of the freshly baked goods quickly filled the room and wafted over Lizette in a tempting invitation. Absentminded, she suckled her bottom lip, almost able to taste the sweetness on her tongue. 
The pirate held out one piece of the loaf, an unmistakably provoking grin lighting his face. “Would you dine with me, pet?”
Weakness unfurled through her, reminding Lizette that it must have been hours, if not an entire day, since she last ate. Her empty belly flipped and gurgled so loudly that the pirate could hear it even from where he sat. Joy immediately cascaded about his glance; the impish grin between his cheeks further stretched. 
To his delightful surprise, the girl was a lot more stubborn than she appeared. Instead of begging, she offered a spiteful glare and turned her face away. 
“I’d rather starve!” 
“Suit yourself.” The Captain shrugged and bit on one of the pieces. Hums and moans sputtered from his mouth, all exaggerated to taunt his brazen prisoner. As he finished chewing, he sucked on each of his inked fingers. 
“Got a name, pet?”
“What matter is that to you?” The girl spat.
August shrugged again and returned to the chalice, dragging it on the table's surface in circular motions. A deep-red whirlpool briefly formed in his drink. He stared at it indifferently as he retorted, “Matters not, pet. But since you’ll be spending some time here in my quarters, I will require a moniker to approach you by. Question is, would you rather I choose a name for you myself? It won’t be a nice one. I can promise you that.” 
Keeping her eyes averted, the girl folded her knees and hugged them, a deep sigh sinking from her. She couldn’t even bring herself to imagine the horrendous name he would choose.
“My name is Lizette.” 
A touch of dark delight kissed his face—as if he had heard the enchanting hymn of a siren. Thoughtful, he stopped stirring his drink to the sound of her name, licked his lips, lifted the chalice and pressed it to his lips. “Ah, yes, you are definitely a Lizzy.” 
“It’s Lizette!” she vehemently corrected.  
“Oh!” The pirate abruptly twirled his free hand in the air, his brows lifting in a sardonically submissive gesture. “Forgiveness! Mercy, milady!” That had earned him the attention he was hoping to receive, as finally, Lizette snapped to glare at him. 
The pure ire on her face did nothing but feed his amusement. 
With a slanted grin and his thumb brushing his whiskers, he eyed her back. It’s been a while since a girl piqued his fascination, and this one was indeed something else. Fear seeped from her like dewy nectar from a ripe fruit. The sheen of sweat clinging to her skin and the throbbing at the crook of her neck gave away her true emotions. Yet, she exuded the unyielding fury of a harpy, the shackles around her throat barely deterring her brazen spirit.. 
‘Bold little thing. As ferocious as the ship’s cat…’ August thought and then frowned, ‘Where is that ungodly creature, anyway? Haven’t seen it in a while.’ 
“Lady Lizette…” the correct moniker rolled smoothly on his tongue in an inherently sinister sweetness. “Are you always such a rude guest to your hosts?”
“Guest?!” Lizette seized the chain that held her collar to the wall and lifted it in front of him—a deep frown decorating her weary face.  
“I am not a guest! I am a prisoner!”
“Ah! Ah!” The pirate lifted his inked index finger in an unbearably pretentious manner. "It was you who came aboard my ship willingly, and let us not forget—uninvited.” 
Lizette felt a chill in her chest, the same chill she always sensed when getting an answer wrong in her Latin lessons. He was right, and there was more to it. Pirate or not, doesn't every man deserve respect in his own home? 
That notion made her cheeks hot. 
“And if I may…“ the pirate drawled huskily and shifted into his seat. Lizette’s eyes followed his movement with the wariness of a skittish cat. Initially bemused, she realised his hand had snaked below the table and was now fumbling with his waistband. 
A deep, pulsating pang bloomed in her core as the primordial anxiety every maiden is doomed to suffer from awoke within her. Alarmed, she shook her head and blurted hoarsely, “Wait!” 
The pirate paid her no mind; either he didn’t hear or didn’t care. Then, his hand sprang back sharply with a pistol in his grip—the same one he had confiscated from her merely a few hours before. 
“Did you not attempt to murder me in my own home?” 
With those words, he slammed the pistol on the table, the dull thud booming through the cabin wall and causing Lizette to jump with a start.
Sinking back to his red regal chair, August crossed his fingers together and pressed his lips together with the contempt of an authority figure. The many golden trinkets around his fingers chimed as they collided. 
“Answer me, Pet.” 
Lizette regarded the pistol carefully. The golden floral embellishments upon the handle sparked with the candle's light.  For a fleeting moment, she wondered how fast she needed to be to grab the pistol and shoot him dead in his rotten heart. Instead, she simply nodded, much as she could with the heavy collar around her neck. The spots where the sharp edges grazed her flesh burnt as sweat dripped over the bruised skin.
“Dumb as your plan was, I do appreciate the gesture, las. It wouldn’t be the first time someone tried to murder me, but it’s definitely the first time it was a beautiful young lady. Was all of this because of a boy?” He challenged, crooking one eyebrow. 
This time, Lizette did not hesitate to answer. 
“You robbed me of my future!” She corrected, and though she tried to maintain a fierce demeanour, the quiver in her voice gave away the rageful grief. 
Sympathy, sadly, was not in August’s books, especially not whilst being distracted by the way her breasts pressed against the confines of the corset with every fervorous breath. A small, almost inaudible groan left his lips. He wondered if she, indeed, was a virgin. Did he deny her of her wedding night? Were these lovely tits ever in the hands of a man before? 
Surely, he would find out. One way or another. 
With a glare still fixed on her cleavage, he grazed his dimpled chin and simply shrugged. 
Lizette hissed in response. Defiant, she snapped her arms across her chest to hide her cleavage. 
“So I robbed you of your future,” August continued, mimicking quotation marks with his long, inked fingers. “And thus, you thought you should rob me of mine?” 
“And what future would that be? Murdering and whoring?” she muttered hatefully.  
The pirate swatted a hand over his chest, giving her a fake, exaggerated pout. “Now that pains me, love.” 
Lizette could sense the blood seeth beneath her skin. She was used to men belittling her, but never did she experience such sheer mockery and humiliation. Trembling, she yelled back, “Good! I wish you nothing but pain!”
“And so she continues to insult me in my own home.” August clicked his tongue and shook his head with sardonic disappointment. “You highborn ladies sure lack respect. ‘Funny thing is, no matter how uppity women like you act, they all want the same thing…” his voice slurred and deepened, coaxing a baffled look from the maiden who abruptly forgot her wrath and ate the bait. 
“And what would that be?” 
The pirate stood and calmly paced to the fore of the table, where he leaned against the edge to peer down at his prisoner. Lizette remained guarded. he was fairly far away yet close enough for his shadow to fall upon her face and for his manhood to be situated at the level of her mouth. She struggled to avoid staring at it directly, which only made that wretched smug smile light his face again.
“What you ladies truly want is to be violated by none other but us ‘lowlife scoundrels’,” August nibbled his bottom lip, a dry chuckle escaping him as more fond memories came to mind. “Truly, the lots of you are bored by the castrated virility of the poised gentlemen. All you fantasise about is to be fucked dirty like a whore by a brute who has no sense of propriety.” 
The pirate held his fist before him and mimicked a slow pumping motion. Although Lizette did not quite understand it, his words alone were enough to leave her gravely unsettled. 
“You are an animal,” she snarled, not realising that her nails were biting into her forearms as she clutched herself so protectively. 
But that merely fueled him.    
“Tell me, Pet, did your boy satisfy those dark desires before he left a delicious bonny lass like yourself all alone? Did he split open and plundered your sweet little cunt, ass, and mouth, or did he leave you wet and miserable?”
Heat crawled at Lizette’s cheeks, yet she wasn’t sure whether it was from outrage or shame. Never in her life had she even considered the possibilities he had suggested, and now those horrifying images poisoned her mind.  
Amused by her obvious mortification, the pirate tilted his head impishly. “No? Not even a finger or a tongue?”
“Stop it!” She implored, her voice cracking.
Ignoring her plea, he clicked his tongue. “Aw, sweet, tender flower. That’s the problem, isn’t it? He left you all alone and uncharted—that lonesome seal, begging to be invaded. Well, milady, you didn’t have to threaten me with a pistol in that case. All you had to do was ask.” 
The pirate reached for his bulge and squeezed it, much to Lizette’s dismay.
”Trust me, one night with me, and you’d forget you ever loved him.”
That was enough to send Lizette over the edge. Not thinking twice, she jerked to her feet, the chains around her rattling along a furious onslaught that sputtered from her mouth. 
“Love?! What do you know about love? You are a monster! All you do is kill and rape! You are incapable of love, and I’d be damned if anyone could ever love you!” 
All the candles in the cabin flickered with a sudden gust of wind as the pirate suddenly lunged forward. He moved so fast, too fast. Lizette hadn’t even had the chance to sway from his touch, and already he was upon her. Crude fingers dug deep into the hollows of her cheek, forcing her to face his terrorising stare. 
“You think this is a game? You think you know anything about me, little girl? About what I’ve done!?” 
It was not a question to be answered, and even so, Lizette couldn’t bring herself to speak; she was suffocating, drowning on the surface. All around her, the air stood dense with the scent of iron, wine, and musky sweat, whilst the weight of his body crushed as it clung to her. 
Closer, deeper. Layers upon layers of silk and wool separated their skin from one another, and still, she sensed the curve and firmness of his robust figure. The woven map of muscles that adorned his torso and the flex each muscle made as he tensed were evident 
But none of this came close to what she saw as he forced her to look into his eyesa wrathful maelstrom pregnant with sinister urges beyond her darkest fears. It felt as if it was trying to draw her into a deep sense of anger, and grief submerged her.
Dread began to spill into her veins. He was going to kill her.
Lizette sucked in a deep shuddering breath. She was not going to join her Edward. Not tonight.
“Let go of me!” She squealed and began to punch his shoulders repeatedly. It felt like hitting iron, every blow more painful than the other, yet she refused to stop. 
Indeed, she was just like that sea monster of a cat.
Stoic as an icy sea breeze, the pirate tilted his head at the girl. Despite her desperate efforts, her battle did nothing but vex him. Quirking one eyebrow, he released his grip from her jaw and swiftly reached for her hands. Lizette did her best to evade, squirming erratically, but to no avail. With a swift single hand, he seized her wrists and pinned them above her head with a booming thud.
The girl gasped out with surrender, strands of her hair blowing back and forth upon her face as she heaved and panted exhaustingly. With his hand around her wrists and his body slightly bent to meet her height, he stood  closer to her than any other man had before. So close that she could taste the wine and sea salt on his breath and study every freckle and every scar that marked his skin. He was nothing like her Edward, she thought; he was coarse and terrifying, and despite it all, she found him tragically beautiful. 
She hated him for that. 
“Listen to me now and listen carefully,” he finally spoke, tightening his grip around her wrists.
Liaette lifted her chin disdainfully; it took every ounce of self-restraint not to spit at his murderous, smug face. 
“You’ve mistook my hospitality and playfulness for kindness, but let’s get this straight; I am not a good man. Upset me, and I will pluck that little flower between your thighs without blinking and then throw you to my crew once I have my fill.” 
His words brought a stark shiver down her spine, yet it wasn’t just fear this time but something far more primordial. Between her trembling thighs, she sensed dewy wetness. A desperate gnawing need she had never known before. Trying to ease and brush it off, she squirmed and ground her thighs. 
August’s brow rose with realisation, an immediate knowing grin spilling upon his malicious face. He leaned closer, his lips and whiskers brushing against her ear as he spoke. 
“Seems like there won’t be much resistance from you, isn’t that so, pet? Soon, you’ll beg me to fuck y…”
His words were cut as warm saliva splattered on his cheek. 
He shut his eyes momentarily, releasing a deep, exasperated grunt and then moved an inch away to fish a silk handkerchief from his pocket. Lizette watched proudly as he wiped his face. 
The pirate, however, was not amused. Throwing away the handkerchief, he offered her a deadly frown. And then he leaned in, his mouth drawing voraciously closer to hers as if meaning to devour her.
“I warned you…”
A low, sonorous call followed from the door, drawing both August and Lizette to turn their heads toward the uninvited guest. 
Lizette blinked twice. The man in question was almost the spitting image of August, though his hair was wild with earthy curls and his beard fully grown, pointy, and tended with wax. Indifferent to the scene before him, he drew a pipe from his pockets and lit it with the flame of a candle that stood on a shelf near the door.  
August regarded him with slight respect, yet not without annoyance:." What is it? I am busy.”
“I can see that,” the other pirate puffed out, grey lines of smoke following through his nostrils, “you are needed at the brig.”
“Flint might finally speak.”
Eyes ablaze with sudden intrigue, August straightened to his fall height and drew a step back from the girl yet kept his grip around her wrists. 
“I assume your methods worked, brother?” He crooked one eyebrow at the other pirate curiously. 
‘Brother, of course,’ Lizette nearly chuckled. The men must have been twins, although she could tell the other sibling had far more grey in his untamed mane. 
“My methods always work.” He answered with dry arrogance. “Finish her off later. This is more important.”
August lingered, his fingers brushing over his moustache as he contemplated what to do with his sweet little prisoner. The possibilities were endless, yet the more interesting ones would take some time, and with the trouble she gave him, he definitely wanted to give her what she deserved. 
A deep, exasperated sigh left his lips. “A moment, Gus,” he requested, finally unhanding the girl. 
The man, now known as Gus, bowed his head and threw Lizette a quick glance before disappearing into the darkness behind the door.
“It seems like I have some business to attend to, love. Shall we continue our little fun later?” August teased, slight annoyance still lingering at the tone of his voice.
Lizette did not answer. Rubbing her aching wrists, she watched him cautiously while he searched within his pockets.  She wondered what new cruel method of torment he would inflict to her now. 
To her surprise, it was a small silver key.
He lifted it to her face and offered her a razor-sharp  stare." The water is close to freezing; sharks and eels are swimming within them, and every man upon my deck is probably plotting to use you as fuckhole since the moment you stepped onboard. I trust you won’t try anything stupid in my absence.”
“Like what?” Despite her physical and mental exhaustion, she dared to speak back, “Seduce one of your crew members to fornicate with me so he would betray and murder you?” 
Her weariness must have brought out the worst in her because she would have never thought of such an inappropriate, vile thing. Then she realised it was  him who, in less than a few hours, corrupted her soul. 
August paused and contemplated for a moment as if this was an actual possibility he did not consider. However, he brushed it off with a burst of taunting laughter while proceeding to unlock the collar around her neck. “I wouldn’t  recommend it, love. They all come with so many exotic afflictions on their cock s that no doctor has even heard of.” 
As the iron was removed from her little neck, the girl rested her hands around it, massaging the cuts and bruises that formed beneath. It ached even worse as the chill air of the night pecked at the raw flesh. 
The pirate waltzed toward the table, reclaiming the pistol in an obviously provoking manner. He sheathed it back at the front of his waistband and paced toward the door. 
“I won’t be long, love,” he promised, and with that, he left and locked the door behind him.
Lizette listened carefully to the sound of his footsteps, counting them one by one until she could no longer hear him. And then, she began to search around the cabin for anything, anything that can be used as a weapon. 
‘I will not be a pirate’s whore.’  She vowed to herself while absentmindedly grazing a palm over her cheeks where August had touched her. 
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midnightmah07 · 3 months
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"I'm so excited! I can't believe I'm here, there must be a picture of him some- what? I have my own idols too, ya know?"
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"He shouldn't be disrespecting a pirate, so he's gotta deal with the consequences... That's just how the pirate life goes."
🪝: I actually got my hook because of this one pirate I greatly admire. My dad was supposed to get me a normal prosthetic but I begged him to let me use a hook... I guess he agreed because it was less expensive.
🪝: Alright, I get it, this is cool and all... But walking around in circles is getting old real fast. There's gotta be something else to do.
🪝: Hm? Ah, Kalim got me this sticker. Actually, he saw something much more expensive, but I had to put my foot down before he actually bought it.
🪝: It's actually kinda funny how Leona-senpai looks like The King of Beasts... They're both so cool!
🪝: The Sea Witch? Eh... I guess she's ok and admirable. Not nearly as cool as my idol tho.
🪝: Azul is being so boring this entire time. He takes things way too serious if you ask me.
🪝: Shh!! Don't speak too loud! Look... Isn't it funny how Jamil's slowly backing away from that beetle painting? *Chuckles*
🪝: If there's anything admirable about the Sea Witch is how great she was at persuading people. I aspire to be like that, if I do say to myself.
🪝: Something about this Sultan seems oddly familiar.
🪝: If I'm being honest, I'm not really into painting and all that... I do know how to play the piano though, so I'm not ignorant to art.
🪝: Have you seen Ruggie around? Oh, uh... For nothing! Nothing at all! ...that jerk better not have ran off with all the profit to himself.
🪝: Excuse me, HOW MUCH is this drink? Sheesh, why is it so expensive...
Jeanne: Floyd! Cover for me, 'kay?
Floyd: as long as ya let me have fun, sure thing, Codfishie.
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dykealloy · 10 months
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i keep going back to this moment. obviously there's the palpable devotion from zoro towards luffy which is all very insane, elicits the urge to chew through drywall etc etc. but I can't help but get caught on the way this is phrased. suggesting maybe zoro isn't the only one mihawk is talking about here. as in, I'm getting opla shuggy rant energy, i.e.
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which is about as blatant and transparent as it gets in terms of the older wiser figure with a connection to shanks speaking about his own experiences (under the weak veil of this being about Luffy). but back to mihawk talking about zoro whilst also talking about himself. I'm having to extrapolate a fair bit here given my limited knowledge of his history, but here's what we do know - mihawk never belonged to a crew, was a "rival" of shanks before he "lost interest" in killing him at some point after he lost his arm ("it's always for the sake of another" - given how powerful shanks still is at this point - one of the four emperors - i'd like to think there's something more to this).
when zoro falls to his blade outside the Baratie and he tells luffy "that's a more treacherous path than even mine" after hearing his main goal is to become king of the pirates, do you think perhaps there's a chance he's projecting some old buried anxiety/fear from his youth about the thought of facing shanks, standing by his side and falling. It's giving "I am not worthy until I prove I'm the best", which if true, was followed after many years by "Now I am the best and it's hollow and empty and I regret all those days I could have had with you".
luffy gave zoro direction - a greater purpose and a family. luffy enables his aspirations, but he also provides zoro the freedom to have something more than just this obsessive structure where the only thing that matters is becoming top dog - something beyond years and years of endless relentless training fueled in part by his loyalty to kuina but also the grief of her loss. without luffy, zoro could very likely have followed mihawk's path, something @joyish-little-boy pointed out in one of @assiraphales' posts.
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despite being recognised by the world at large as the greatest swordsman alive, and supposedly having achieved all there is for him to strive for, mihawk has never struck me as a man awfully satisfied with where he is.
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gorejo · 1 year
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synopsis: As someone aspiring to be the greatest swordsman in the world, it was rare for Zoro to look up to someone. yet he finds himself looking up at one person — a feat he's never willingly done for anyone. maybe this is the only way the king of hell can also experience the goodness of what heaven is like for a devil like him.
content: 2.2k, afab!reader, she/her pronouns, unedited, petnames (baby, angel, sweetheart), unprotected sex, mention of alcohol/getting drunk, mention of bodily wounds (zoro).
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As someone aspiring to be the greatest swordsman in the world, it was rare for Zoro to look up to someone. In the minuscule number of his ten fingers — his pride not letting him go past the five digits in his left hand — Zoro could most confidently name those few that he looked up to — Mihawk, his old Sensei, Kuina, and dead man Ryuma — each name endowed with honor in his mind. 
Each time he drew his katanas from his right hip, he remembered. With every battle that he was the successor of, he remembered. Every enemy he met that mocked his fervent passion, he defeated in remembrance of his goal and his promise to Luffy – for the future King of Pirates was worthy to have the Greatest Swordsman by his side. 
With every training session he had, with puddles of sweat pooling as he tore every fiber of his muscle to get stronger, always lifting those god-awful weights in the crow’s nest, he remembered. 
He remembers that there was always one goal in mind: to be the greatest. And he takes great pride in that.
Even if he did look up to someone, placing them in higher regard of influence compared to others, it took a lot for the swordsman to acknowledge his defeats, almost every time forcing him to his knees with multiple gashes to his skin, bruises, and blood — much apparent in the prominent scar that runs deep from his upper right chest to his stomach — an honorable wound he’ll now reminiscent on, with words few as he cleaned his swords, “scars on the back are a swordsman's shame.”
Thus, you’ll never catch Zoro ever running from his opponent, and never will he willingly allow himself to be placed under someone besides Luffy. Like an animal set to kill, eyes locked, he’ll chase and stand his ground — especially when it comes to protecting his Nakama — his people. 
But, despite everything about Zoro that should object to him willingly looking up at someone, allowing someone else to take control over his body as he simply lays rest, he’s come to rather enjoy it — no, it drove him absolutely maniac. 
Because Zoro never had a chance to actually look up to someone — well, physically that is. 
Maybe it was the sake that he drank not too long ago that caused his mind to swirl, and his body to react in ways outside his normal stoic character. His hands reached for places he’d normally be ashamed of doing in public, releasing a deep groan from the pits of his stomach as he flexed his strong abs, looking up with cheeks heated with a hue of tainted rose, chest huffing for air as he forced his spit down his dry throat. 
But it was odd, he recalls he didn’t drink too much compared to the usual copious amount of alcohol he doused himself with. But then again, even without alcohol, he would willingly find himself in this position — you on top of him, as he watched you grinding your hips as you clenched on his pulsing length, gripping onto his sweaty chest as your nails dug into his skin, tiredly panting absolutely gone from the remnants of the past orgasms he’s fucked out of you.
Zoro doesn’t think you can look any more beautiful, so beautiful as you push yourself for more of him, for him to reach deeper inside and settle himself into the depth of your inner walls and never leave. 
It’s almost cute how you try to take control. And it makes his cock twitch a bit when he sees how difficult it is for you to even wrap your nimble fingers around his thicker wrists, but yet you try — albeit, with a little whine you unwittingly pull out that makes him weak. He’ll give you the world, maybe even sacrifice the title of being the greatest, if he could hear his name being softly moaned out your lips. 
“Zoro,” you mewled out, your thighs burning from the rounds you both fucked, “c-can you help me?” you pleaded with eyes filled with tears, staining your pretty face as your words barely made it out of your lips.
“I thought this was your favorite part,” the swordsman teased, one hand quickly finding refuge to grip your ass, while the other played with your hardened nipple. 
Zoro lied, for the King of Hell this was his favorite part.
Sometimes when you felt risque, he’ll cave into your needy whines and invite you up to the crow’s nest when he was on night duty to fuck you. Romantic he thinks, as he pistols his cock inside you while watching the waves lightly crash against the Sunny Go, the sheer moonlight being the only source of light for you both – your ass perfectly highlighted by the sweat, the sheer light dimly illuminating the stretch of your swollen pussy had wrapped around him so snugly. 
It’ll be a lie for him to deny that the thrill made his blood pump to his cock a lot faster than normal. Fucking in secret, raw and sweaty was his vibe. 
“Ngh, ‘Ro… s-slow –” 
His hand muffled your desperate moans – the callous pricking at your skin as he suddenly pushed one finger, two fingers into your small crevice that felt just so warm. 
“shhh, angel,” he growled, his teeth biting the side of your neck, his tongue sweeping up as he heavily breathed against your ear, “don’t want the whole crew to know we’re fucking, do we?” he sounds sweet, yet the stick in between his legs, pistoling deeply inside you as he grunted with every thrust and flex of his ass showed no mercy.
“This is all for me?” he groaned as he pushed his weight to the ground, his body engulfing yours as he continued to push himself deeper in, the slap of wet skin echoing in the humid room, “all” thrust  “of” thrust “this” thrust “is” thrust “for” thrust “me.”
And he pushes, his feet firmly pressing against the floor as he drills himself in and he wickedly stays there.
Don’t get it wrong, Zoro loved fucking you in different positions. 
He loved to see you perched on the wooden floor, your ass high as his hands gripped onto your waists while he thrusts his length inside you, watching every inch of his cock disappear inside your cunt, the shine of your cum coating him pretty. 
He loved fucking you in the kitchen, his hand placed behind your back, pushing his weight down as you desperately held onto the kitchen table. Hearing the sharp smacks of your ass as it rippled with every thrust he made sounded so glorious in his ears. 
He smirks, thinking how it’ll be a nice treat for a certain cook the next time he steps in. 
Even better was when you would reach over and tug at his finger, face flat on his bed as he slammed his cock downward — a knowing signal he’s come to decipher — and who would he be than to deny your advances? Cock twitching inside your gummy walls as he feels you flinching at his tip poking a certain fleshy portion within. 
But the actual best part was when you’d whine, “ ‘ro i want to see you…” 
“Yea?” He’ll rasp out, his head thrown back, teeth clenched as he pulled his feet upward to get a better angle for his cock.
“mhm, I want to hold you,” you softly responded, your breath and words hitching with every pulse of his thrust. 
and he’ll succumb to you — always. because what power would a devil, like him, have over god’s treasure, like you.
So quickly he’ll grab hold of your shoulder, unwilling to pull out of your warm pussy as he changes positions. Making sure not to overwhelm his strength on you, by being as gentle as he could.
Settling into position, hissing when the rough fabric met contact with his marked skin, he’ll help you get comfortable before guiding your pace until he’ll let you fully take control. His deeply calloused hands pricked at your sensitive skin, leaving you wincing at the slight pain as he ran his palm down your stomach, hand placed at the base of your tummy as he lustfully watched you desperately grind your hips while the lewd squelches of your juices melodically resounded in his ears
“I’m all yours princess,” placing his hands behind his neck, his arms flexed and stomach harshly taking in staggered breaths. He’ll watch you with dilated eyes, the sweat on his temple shining in the dark as he scanned you from top to bottom, “so fuckin’ pretty,” he’ll release.
“But ngh,” you shuddered as you felt the tip of his cock graze past a sweet spot, your head thrown back while your hips moved on their own accord, your lungs on fire from the lack of oxygen in the humid room. 
“You gotta talk doll,” Zoro continued to press, lifting himself from the bed, his hand stabilizing your head forward, teeth biting at your skin while his tongue swirled on the denture marks, he'll coax when he notices you struggling, “Breathe, you gotta breathe, baby."
Your arms immediately wrap around his neck, and on cue, his hands surround your waists. “Fuckkk,” groaning from the tightness of your walls rubbing against his cock, the new position allowing him to reach even deeper, Zoro lifts his head up to look at you. 
Pretty, he thinks. and despite having one valid eye to see all of you, he didn’t feel at a loss. he’ll always cave to the rapid pumping of his heart and the unusual intense feeling of emotion that tainted his mind, he knew he’ll have to cum soon.
But if there was one thing that his insufferable cook had drilled into his brain from the countless amounts of time he’d seen him chasing after women was the honorable concept, he’d allow only with you, of ladies first. 
“Almost there?” Zoro groaned, the sweat dripping down his chin as he watched the intimacy of where you both connected — sweaty, sticky, and awfully erotic.
“Mhm, j-just a little more,�� you barely whispered into his ear, lightly biting at his lobe as you mustered up the strength to cup his face. 
At the contact, Zoro feels the waves of euphoria and his pent-up emotions leak through his resolve as he melts into your warm touch. 
Sometimes he’ll feel a tear threaten to leave, the knot he’ll feel crawling up his neck as he pushes down his emotions. Like an empty vessel quickly filling up with water and overflowing, he, too, felt the gush of his impending ecstasy about to explode.
“Want me to help,” your partner groaned when he felt you suddenly clenched on his length, your warm, gummy walls pulsating on every inch of his cock. 
“Hold me,” is all you ask. 
And for Zoro, it was more than enough. 
Because at your words, he’ll further pull you down onto his length, yelping at his strength as he had you smothered into his chest, his strong arms fully encapsulating you as your ass bounced with each harsh thrust he made.
He tried to be careful, desperately tried to not use too much of his strength as he tried to gauge your expressions and pants, being mindful despite himself feeling as if he’d burst any moment.
“Where?” he’ll ask, his tone stretched low with a growl.
“I-inside oh god! Z-zoro f-faster, p-please!” you cried out as your fingers grasped onto the ends of his green hair.
you mustve been fucking. He’ll break you if he goes any faster, any harder his logic warned him. 
But where’s logic when it comes to sex?
Quickly repositioning his angle to hit deeper, just underneath the familiar gummy area that had you previously creaming on his cock, he pistoled his cock inside, his wet balls slapping against your ass that was now red from his hand prints.
“Ngh Z-zoro!” you moaned out as you felt his hands suddenly cup your face, “cum now,” your boyfriend ordered.
And under the warmth of your skin, as he watched you finally release your high, taking all of you in as he continued to pump his length inside you as you gasped and cried, desperately thrusting to meet his climax. 
“Fucking shit,” he growled before pulling you down for a sloppy kiss, the force of his hips losing rhythm while your moans became muffled into one. You felt the thick ropes of his cum shoot out and finally coat your inner walls that were carved perfectly for him, continuously pumping his cock to push in his seeds deeper in.
With brows furrowed and harsh breaths released through his nose, tongues tangled warmly as he pushed back your hair and massaged your neck, his hips treading a soft rhythm.
A tear befalls — a single drop he’ll allow. one droplet that contains all the years of the lonesome burden he's carried to be the greatest, years of sacrifice and pain, singlehandedly humbled in the weight of one. 
Slowly unlatching, his lips chasing yours as you softly smile while gently pushing him down. He’ll feel you comb your fingers through his damp hair and lightly hum in love. Tenderly placing a light kiss on his sweaty forehead and laughing as you brushed a tear from his eye.
Zoro once again realizes that under will always be his favorite view with you.
Because maybe a demon like him can experience a glimpse of heaven under the reigns of his angel.
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satorins. do not copy, plagiarize, or repost.
comments: cheers to our first one piece fic!!! yipee!! hopefully we can see more of these silly boys in the future ◡̈ but again, hope you enjoyed !!
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gingernut1314 · 9 months
Wip Wednesday
Thank you for the tag @galaxycunt !! 🩷🩷
I have so many WIPs I'm sitting on right now so this is a good excuse to show what I have brewing in the background!
Feral Attraction: Shanks x F!Reader Summary: You are an aspiring doctor, born and raised in Foosha Village when the very attractive pirate who had been making base on your island saves your village's orphan boy from a Sea King.
You needed to have this man's children. 
It was the first thought that crossed your mind when you saw the red-haired man crawling out of that half-eaten dingy. When you saw him covered in blood, having chased off a sea king so monstrous you had been able to see it from your apartment on the hill, and leave with his life. His life and the village's ophan boy, Luffy’s, life. 
It was the only thing you could think of as you watched as he made sure Luffy was taken care of, pain radiating in his eyes as blood continued to pour and pool beneath him, dripping back into the sea. 
It was a thought so guttural--so feral you had no power over it. It was out of your hands how your body reacted to the man, just how you handled it. 
And right now you were handling it poorly, seeing as you were standing there thinking up all the dirty things you would do to him and let him do to you as he slowly bled to death. Handling it terribly seeing you were currently studying in the very art of life-saving.
Makino, who was struggling to console and pull Luffy off of the red-haired man, shot you a panicked-filled look. “Y/N! He’s dying!” 
“Shit--” You cursed having to all but physically shake yourself from your horny daze as you ran over, nearly slipping and falling on your ass on the wet wood of the dock. Luffy cried and screamed at you to save the man--Shanks--only to quickly go back to blaming himself for the whole ordeal, as you passed him and Makino. 
“I’m fine--just a scratch.” The red-haired Shanks slurred. A slur that was not brought on by any fun sort of activity. You fell to your knees before him, Shanks swaying and struggling to keep himself upright, yet somehow managing to flash you a crooked smile. A smile that had your brain fuzzing again.
 Oh shit--focus. You had to focus on stopping the bleeding, not on how much you wanted him to fuck you senseless and fill you’re arching pussy wi--
“I’m sure it is.” You said sarcastically, pulling his ripped and red-stained sleeve gently up and over his shoulder to find the equally as ripped up arm--an arm left in ribbons. “Oh fuck.” You said, unable to hold it back. 
You were still just a student.
The worst amputation you had seen had been some fisherman cutting his finger off while gutting a fish. It had been an easy fix. One your mentor had let you handle all on your own, with gentle guidance when needed. 
The only thing that came close, and might have been worse, to this type of carnage on the body was the mother you had helped give birth to her sweet baby girl. A baby girl who had torn her mother’s body to shreds, nearly leaving her on death's door, had your mentor not been quick to heal her. 
“See. F--” The pirate fell forward, collapsing into you. The air in your lungs nearly gave way as you struggled to hold him up. “--ine.” He huffed out, hand grabbing hold of your hip on a stabilizing squeeze. A touch that had your body jolting. His musky smell infiltrated your nose and threw your horny hormones into a frenzy. 
Oh--oh, you needed him so gods damned bad. So bad you debated fucking him right then and there on this dirty, fish gut-smelling dock. 
On a great groan, you manhandled him onto his back, his straw hat falling off his head. His oak-brown eyes widened the slightest bit in surprise. Eyes you found to have hints of rich chocolate colors swirling within them.
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No pressure tags! (though I would love to see what you might be working on! 🩷)
@fanaticsnail , @writingmysanity , @empressofmankind , @miloonmetis
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zapreportsblog · 1 year
Any fandom X female pirate reader
You can pick any fandom with the pirate reader
I like to think the character falls in love(it looks up too) the reader because of how independent she is! And so they become their loyal right hand woman/man.
I think ima do this with the one piece fandom if luffy hadn’t become a pirate captain himself
❝dreams set sail❞
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✭ pairing : luffy d monkey x reader
✭ fandom : one piece
✭ summary : luffy and (y/n) are childhood best friends but before shanks came around getting the idea of being a pirate in luffy’s head (y/n) was the first to bring it up
✭ authors note : I don’t have a masterlist for this one yet but it’s in the works
✭ one piece masterlist
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The salty breeze swept through the village, carrying with it the sounds of seagulls and the distant crashing of waves. Luffy and his childhood friend, (Y/N), sat perched on the edge of a weathered wooden dock, their legs dangling over the water as they watched the sun dip below the horizon.
"(Y/N), do you ever think about leaving this place and going on a big adventure?" Luffy's eyes sparkled with excitement as he turned to his friend.
(Y/N) chuckled softly, her (h/c) hair catching the fading sunlight. "All the time, Luffy. Sometimes, I imagine sailing on a grand ship, exploring uncharted islands, and discovering hidden treasures."
Luffy's grin widened. "Yeah! And I'll be right there with you, (Y/N)! We'll be the best pirates ever!"
(Y/N) laughed, her voice carrying a note of genuine fondness. "You've always been full of energy, Luffy. But hey, you know what? If I ever become a pirate, you'll definitely be my right-hand man!"
Luffy's eyes lit up at the idea. "Really? You mean it?"
(Y/N) ruffled his messy black hair playfully. "Of course, silly. Who else would I want by my side?"
Luffy's excitement was palpable, and he clasped (Y/N)'s hand in his, sealing their pact. "We're gonna have so much fun, (Y/N)! We'll be the most amazing pirates out there!"
Time passed, and their childhood conversations became cherished memories. (Y/N) continued to share her dreams with Luffy, igniting the flames of adventure in his heart. The idea of setting sail with his childhood friend, becoming pirates together, was a promise that fueled his every step.
One day, a rugged pirate named Shanks arrived in the village, bearing tales of the Grand Line and the treasure-filled mysteries it held. Luffy's eyes widened as he listened to Shanks recount his adventures, his heart racing with the realization that his dreams were within reach.
"(Y/N), did you hear that?" Luffy's voice was tinged with excitement as he approached his friend by the docks.
(Y/N) turned to him, a knowing smile on her lips. "I did, Luffy. It sounds like Shanks has brought a whole new world to our doorstep."
Luffy's determination burned bright in his gaze. "I'm gonna be a pirate one day too, (Y/N). I'm gonna find the One Piece and become the Pirate King! No we’re going to become the Pirate Kings!”
(Y/N) grinned, her eyes reflecting her unwavering support. "And I'll be right there with you, Luffy. Just like we promised."
As they stood by the water's edge, their dreams stretching as far as the horizon, Luffy felt a surge of excitement unlike anything he had ever experienced. The promise he had made to (Y/N) was now intertwined with his burning desire to conquer the seas, to reach the pinnacle of piracy.
Little did he know, his journey was about to begin, and the adventures that awaited him would not only test his mettle but also bring him closer to fulfilling the pact he had made with his childhood friend—the pact that would turn dreams into reality.
Years had passed since that childhood promise made on the village docks. Luffy and (Y/N) had grown from wide-eyed children with dreams of adventure into determined teenagers, their aspirations burning brighter than ever.
The village had seen its share of farewells as (Y/N)'s departure day neared. The villagers knew her dreams well, and they supported her fully. As her sixteenth birthday approached, her family surprised her with a gift that took her breath away—an intricately crafted boat, a vessel that would carry her across the vast seas.
On the eve of her departure, (Y/N) stood by the water's edge, gazing at the moonlit waves. She felt a mix of excitement and trepidation, knowing that the moment she had been waiting for was finally here. But amidst the anticipation, a tug of uncertainty also lingered in her heart.
She spotted Luffy sitting on a nearby boulder, staring out at the sea. His straw hat cast a shadow over his features, but she could tell that his thoughts were deep. Taking a deep breath, she approached him, her heart pounding in her chest.
"Hey, Luffy," she began, her voice soft yet resolute.
Luffy turned his head, his familiar grin spreading across his face. "Hey, (Y/N). Ready to set sail?"
(Y/N) nodded, her gaze locking with his. "Yeah, Luffy. It's time for me to chase my dreams, to explore the world out there."
Luffy's expression held a mix of emotions—happiness, pride, and a hint of sadness. "I always knew this day would come."
She smiled back at him, her own emotions mirrored in her eyes. "I want you to come with me, Luffy."
His brows furrowed slightly in surprise. "Huh?"
(Y/N) took a deep breath, her heart racing as she found the courage to lay her feelings bare. "I know we made a promise when we were kids, but now that it's really happening... I don't want to embark on this journey without you by my side. Will you be my right-hand man, Luffy?"
Luffy's eyes widened, his grin widening into a bright smile. Without hesitation, he hopped off the boulder and took her hand in his, his grip firm and reassuring.
"You know it!" he declared with unwavering confidence. "I've been waiting for this moment, too. To set sail with you and have the best adventures together!"
Tears pricked at the corners of (Y/N)'s eyes, her heart soaring with a mixture of relief and joy. She squeezed Luffy's hand, her voice filled with emotion. "Thank you, Luffy. I'm so glad I won't be alone out there."
Luffy's laughter rang out, the sound carrying a promise of thrilling escapades to come. "We're gonna have the most amazing journey ever, (Y/N)! Just wait and see!"
As they stood by the water's edge, hand in hand, a sense of camaraderie and excitement enveloped them. Their dreams were no longer solitary paths but intertwined destinies that would lead them to uncharted waters and unexplored horizons. With the moon casting its gentle glow on the sea, (Y/N) and Luffy's adventure was about to begin—one that would shape their fates and bring their shared dreams to life.
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unsoundedcomic · 5 months
When building a world or region of the world with the intent to write in, how deeply do you need to go in understanding it? Like, when writing Sharteshane for RP, how did you know what you needed to flesh out? When making Alderode for will and Duane's backstories, how did you find what the country needed to, i guess, support that backstory?
A setting for RP and a setting for a novel or comic certainly have different needs. Actually Sharteshane is a great example to talk about.
In RP, Sharteshane needed all kinds of enticing, mysterious environments that would draw players to them for the doing of adventures and shenanigans. It had a whole sprawling underground occupied by an undead civilisation ruled over by a family of liches. That underground had its own bizarre ecosystem, wildlife, and a cadre of mini-boss like lesser lords. There was a ton to do and explore. The surface city had a pirate's cove just to the north where criminals could hang out, famously haunted boardwalks where people just seemed to disappear (spoiler: murkoph was pulling them through loose boards and eating them), it had a posh part of town where an elabourately described bath house could host sexy times or political skulduggery, it had a pub inside a beached whaling ship along with an eccentric bartender and a friendly one-armed barkeep. It even had beach famously infested with man-eating mermaids.
Sharteshane in Unsounded- well, what do you know about it? Not too much. It's painted in pretty broad strokes as an almost comically corrupt monarchy with a puppet king and a lot of local thieves running the cities. That's about it. It's all Unsounded needs.
But see the difference? Write for what you need. It's not necessary to spend months fleshing out a setting or even side characters if you're just not going to need all that stuff. Of course it can be fun to do anyway! But a lot of people get stuck on the backstory and never progress the actual story. Writing out character sheets is easy. We all spent way too long in the character creator in BG3.
Alderode, of course, needed a lot more fleshing out than Sharteshane, as did Cresce. They serve as the actual settings for a lot of the story. Even so, there are things you could ask me about them that I wouldn't automatically know. I know their vibes though, and I could probably deduce the answers as needed.
It's probably most important to understand those vibes, when world-building. The fundamentals. What motivates a country and its people, what values they hold, what they are afraid of and what they aspire towards. If you know all that, then any details you need as you write will be easy enough to work out as you go. You'll write the world as you write the story as you write the characters. It should all gel.
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cherrydbear · 2 months
In water 7 now and mad at half the straw hats so I'm exposing their sins (also watching fullmetal alchemist: brotherhood so I've got those on the brain)
Luffy - gluttony
His hunger knows no bounds, and he's even put his friends at risk to satisfy it, like when he ate up the food stores while they were crossing the desert in Alabasta or when he fought Zoro in Whiskey Peak for cutting down people who had given them food. And not just eating, everything Luffy does is to excess. Not exactly the same but in a similar vein, he can be selfish sometimes and tactless, thinking more about his own feelings than others', leading to his failure to reason with and empathize with Usopp. (I lump this in with gluttony because the main reason I see gluttony as bad is because it's taking for yourself without consideration for others, as compared to greed which is often intentionally at the expense of others. Also "being unable to talk about your emotions and resolve interpersonal conflict without violence" isn't a sin, though maybe wrath would fit here?)
Nami - greed
She had good reasons for being a thief desperate for money before Arlong was defeated, but now her thirst for gold is more selfish. After growing up poor, she wants to be able to buy herself the paper and supplies and clothes that she never could before. She's also willing to put her friends in danger to get it, as shown in G-8 when she made everyone go back to retrieve the gold despite having a good escape opportunity. Her prioritizing money definitely had a role in Usopp's self-loathing spiral after he lost it.
Usopp - pride
This whole fight over the Merry is really more about his pride. He tells tall tales because he doesn't feel good about any of his own personal achievements. He lies because he feels that the truth about himself is unsatisfactory. Inside, he considers the acquisition of the Going Merry his one main contribution to the crew, and now the idea that the ship is replaceable makes him feel expendable too. He is surrounded by people aspiring to be the pirate king, the greatest swordsman, the greatest chef, the greatest navigator, and the greatest historian, and meanwhile he's just... some guy trying to be less of a coward. Usopp's pride makes it hard for him to open up to his friends about his insecurities and struggles, and so he chooses to fight instead of talking things over.
Zoro - sloth
Pretty much all Zoro does is fight, train, eat, drink, and sleep. He's constantly napping, even while important things are happening. He slept right through the first major storm that hit the Merry after entering the Grand Line, even though the crew needed his help. He gives his friends the impression that he doesn't care sometimes because of it. Zoro is left on board with Sanji after they dock at Water 7 and just sleeps, until Sanji gets fed up and leaves, and he instantly falls back asleep again. Though he's always ready to jump in to help fight, he's content to leave the talking and planning and negotiating to the rest of the crew. During the whole falling out with Usopp, he just stands back and watches, and doesn't even make an effort to comfort Chopper. He keeps his emotions bottled up inside so he doesn't have to deal with them.
Sanji - lust
For obvious reasons. He doesn't know when to quit or keep things to himself so he ends up making a lot of people uncomfortable. He can be very shallow and clearly places great value on appearances, as shown during his fight with Bon Clay when just the form of Nami had such an effect on him. He prioritizes beautiful women at his friends' expense. I also consider vanity to be tied with lust, and considering he's frequently sailing through all kinds of weather on a pirate ship in a three piece suit and he always has to have his hair *just so* I'd say he's quite vain. Personally, I believe that he mainly longs to be gentle and affectionate with someone, since he's always been treated so roughly by the people close to him in the past, but that would seem too "sissy" or something so he tries to save face by acting pervy. Maybe I'm just being delusional and making up excuses for him because he'd be so perfect if he wasn't a creep.
Chopper - envy
Chopper has always wanted to fit in. He wished he had a black nose like the other reindeer instead of a blue one. He wished he could still have a place among them after eating the human human fruit, and he wished he could be accepted by the people in the village. He wishes he were as brave and strong as some of the other members of the straw hats. Honestly, this is all fairly harmless except for the damage to his own self esteem, but to me, Chopper is an adorable little muffin who can do no wrong so this is the most I can come up with for him. (I'm so mad at Usopp for being mean to him.)
Robin - wrath
Mainly because it's the only one left but fma:b's representation of wrath in Fuhrer Bradley as cold, calculating, and secretly seething under the surface is really interesting to me and I feel like it could apply to Robin. She's always very quick to apply potentially lethal or at least crippling force to her foes, or I interpret it that way based on the camera (or whatever you call it in animation) panning away from her finishing attacks leaving only the sounds of necks and spines crackling, and then she's off very quickly without any signs of guilt. She acts level-headed, but in a way that feels very dangerous. She's probably had to get very good at masking her true feelings to survive. I'm still at a point where her backstory hasn't been fully revealed, but it's implied that she caused serious damage to a lot of people in the past. I'm very interested to see how that goes.
If sloth were not my primary sin I'd draw them all as homunculi... maybe someday...
Update: follow-up post
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allthatmay · 5 months
Been doing a lot of thinking about Shanks...
And the more I think about him, the more I consider whether he could be some kind of antagonistic force. (In my heart of hearts? I don't believe it. But speculation is fun!) This is a bit of a jumbled mess of thoughts, but I figure it'll be interesting to write it down and see how wrong I am at the end of the series.
So, here's two predictions I think are pretty likely:
Luffy will destroy Mary Geoise and, with it, Fishman Island and part of the Red Line—thereby creating the All Blue. (I think this is fairly self-explanatory considering Madame Shyarly's premonition.)
Luffy will find the One Piece, but Buggy will become the Pirate King. (Perhaps becoming the Pirate King has some greater meaning/responsibility that Luffy rejects? Whatever the reason, Buggy seems to be heading in that direction—he's essentially been used as a placeholder before, after all, as a Warlord and Emperor.)
When I think about Shanks' role in the future, it's very foggy. We don't know a lot about Shanks, obviously, but if Buggy is to become the Pirate King, then the way they've juxtaposed him with Shanks is interesting. Shanks and Buggy are, like, opposites in terms of ambition (by which I don't mean what they seek, but how they seek it, and how they feel about their ambitions altogether).
[Important note: There's some great posts (try here, here, here, and here) talking about Shanks and Buggy's history. The gist of it is that Buggy never truly believed in himself because of Shanks' obvious potential; that Shanks was a bit of a bully, intentional or not; and that Buggy set his sights on a lesser treasure, never aiming for the OP because of Shanks' existence—only for Shanks give up on heading to Laugh Tale, their dream, altogether.]
Shanks was always the one considered to be Roger's successor; he was the one who got the hat. He shared his aspirations with Buggy, promising they'd go to Laugh Tale together—and then gave it all up when Roger returned from Laugh Tale. Which, of course, hurt Buggy tremendously, alongside all of Shanks' other transgressions (such as the mishap with the Devil Fruit, and losing Buggy's treasure map).
Buggy's feelings for the hat, and for Shanks, sour and complicate as their lives go on, even as they find distance from one another. While I do think Shanks has a lot of regret for what happened with Buggy, he tries to look toward the future, hence the importance of Roger's legacy and the straw hat. Buggy, of course, knows the importance of the straw hat more than anyone—it's why he's so furious to see Luffy with it.
Keeping Buggy in mind, Shanks meeting Luffy becomes more interesting. He gives up the straw hat he loves (that Buggy loves) to a little boy he supposedly loves—but why? Because he sees Roger in Luffy, because he believes Luffy is The One, or because Luffy ate the legendary fruit? Would Shanks, in a universe where Luffy wasn't chosen by the Gum–Gum Fruit, give up his arm to save Luffy? Would he give Luffy the hat? A classic question. I mean, I like to think that he would—I think Shanks comes across as a sentimental, kind man, if a little rough around the edges—but I don't know so.
Besides, simply giving Luffy the hat could be construed as an antagonistic act, as it potentially puts a target on Luffy: the right people will know whose hat that is, and will wonder why he has it. Oda frames it as an inheriting of wills, but it's not like he's not retconned things before! Either way, the feelings Buggy must have when he sees the hat not on Roger, not on Shanks, not on himself—but on Luffy? Some random kid? Fuck.
Fact of the matter is that we all know Shanks saved Luffy, in part, because Luffy ate the fruit. But what if that was the sole reason? What if Shanks saved Luffy simply because he knew that Luffy, as Nika, was the only one who could find/use the One Piece? Perhaps Shanks' plan is to use Luffy to grab power for himself. In a story about governmental oppression and the corruption of those in absolute power, it doesn't seem too far off. Especially if Shanks' past and his mistakes have warped him a little.
Extrapolating from what little we know of Shanks, and of Joy Boy and the Void Century, I'm not sure what Oda will do. The basic possibilities, as I see them, are:
Shanks is an ally to Luffy and gives himself up for Luffy's sake. Perhaps he dies while helping Luffy, potentially before they've had a chance to meet again. (I can see him dying in the fight against Blackbeard or Mary Geoise, for instance.) Or perhaps Oda makes it rhyme: perhaps he's sick like Roger, or something, and he acts in sacrifice, the way Roger did in unleashing the Great Pirate Era.
Shanks acts as an obstacle for Luffy to fight in pursuit of the OP. I think this one makes the least sense because the only reason I could see Shanks doing this is to test Luffy, but he already knows that Luffy is Joy Boy, so there's no point. Then again, we know Shanks has decided to go after the One Piece now...
Shanks is antagonistic, but has a change of heart! By which I mean: Luffy does it again, folks! Shanks is using Luffy as a means to dismantle to world order, after which he can seize a lot of power for himself—but Luffy persuades him against it. (Look, this doesn't make sense with the Shanks I envision, but what do I know, huh?)
Shanks is the antagonist. I mean, I guess we don't know his background, do we? People have long suspected he's of noble birth, having been found in God Valley. Regardless of whether he's working for or against the World Gov, we have no idea how powerful Shanks really is. And, if he's got less than noble ambitions, a small, trusted crew makes sense, I suppose. Yet Blackbeard fills this role pretty neatly: a tale of betrayal in pursuit of power, playing the long game, etc.
Shanks doesn't die and everything is hunky-dory. Look, I don't want my favourite swashbuckling drunkard to die, but this sounds pretty boring, doesn't it? Shanks guides Luffy right to the finish line and everyone cheers! "The One Piece is the friends we made along the way! Yeah!"
SO, what do I actually think is going to happen?
I don't know. This is a mess. I have so many more thoughts but this is already too long. Send help.
(something about how shanks not wanting to become the king perfectly sets up buggy to take the position... something about luffy denying becoming king for freedom-related reasons... something about how shanks never got to give the hat back to roger, so it would make sense if luffy also can't return the hat, and thus gives it to buggy instead... something about buggy finally getting closure... )
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licorice-tea · 9 months
I’m A Ghost Of You, You’re A Ghost Of Me Pt. 2
Pairing: Roronoa Zoro x reader, platonic Straw Hat Pirates & reader
Content: slow burn, canon typical violence (nobody actually gets hurt), throwing darts (just for fun), mentions of a g*n (no shooting), reader shoots an arrow from a bow (no one is harmed), reader has special skills typical of a one piece character, bars, mentions of alcohol
Word Count: 2.3k
A/N: This one is kind of long and there isn’t much reader x zoro in it, we’re still building up to that lol. There is a mention of him and his relationship to the reader at the end of this chapter though! Oh, and since Usopp is a sniper, but so is y/n (just different weapons) I’ve made it so Usopp’s thing/weapon of choice is his inventions instead! It won’t change the story much at all, but I didn’t want to make it so there are 2 people with the same fighting style on the crew once the reader joins. One last thing- this takes place after the crew has taken down Arlong Park- their next destination is Reverse Mountain, but they just so happened to meet the reader on an island first.
Part 1 • Part 3
Monkey D. Luffy had charmed you from the moment you met him- and vice versa. The two of you, though you had very different backgrounds and aspirations, were both young, free souls with big dreams. He had just begun assembling his crew that would ultimately help him achieve his goal of becoming King of the Pirates. So far, the future king had recruited a swordsman and a navigator. Or at least, that’s what he told you when he found you; in a bar on one of the smaller islands of the East Blue.
It was a quiet day, and the bar was empty save for you and the bartender. You weren’t much of a drinker, but the heat was intense and the bar offered shade and a place to relax. So while the few patrons of the bar drank, you took to playing darts. Alone.
You hold the dart in your right hand with your left arm outstretched as if to focus your aim; poised to throw. Then after a few back and forth movements of your hand- as if to determine the path the dart would take once you let it go- you exhale softly and do just that. The dart flies in a near straight line, only falling slightly at the end of its arc to hit the dead center of the dart board.
With a small smile you hum to yourself and pick up another dart from a box nearby. You don’t even really aim this time though, just steady your hand and repeat those back and forth motions before throwing. This time, you use more force, and the second dart splits the first.
One of the few others in the bar, a tall and burly man in a marine uniform, approaches you after the 4th dart has split 3 others. He puts an arm on your shoulder, and gives you a scrutinizing sort of look as he sizes you up.
“You shoot, kid?”
“Yeah, a bow.”
“Ever thought about being a marine?”
You shrug off his hand, “No, thank you.”
He steps closer, “Oh, so you think you’re too good for us? Wont take orders cause you’re the best, right?” You can smell the alcohol on his breath.
“Sure, something like that.” You respond sarcastically while taking a step back. You’re not one to go looking for a fight, but he’s clearly trying to challenge or test you. Sigh, marines and their pride.
He huffs, then turns to leave and spits in the spittoon by the bar doors. The marine looks back over his shoulder and points at you. “Meet me outside when you’re ready to put your money where your mouth is, kid.”
You simply roll your eyes and take a seat at the bar, as you’re no longer in the mood for playing darts. The bartend comes around to your side to take your order.
“A shirley temple, please.”
He gives you a deadpan look, and when you don’t quirk a smile or admit to it being a joke, he full on laughs at you.
“You’re gonna run from that marine on nothing but a shirley temple, huh kid?”
“Excuse me?”
“He’s still waiting for you outside, no doubt about it. I hope you’re fast.”
You frown and rest your head in your chin, thinking of how you were going to get out of this mess.
Sometime between your confrontation with the drunk marine and your conversation with the bartend, a new group came in. You hadn’t noticed earlier, but you did now as they were clearly watching you. They must have been listening to everything go down, too, based on their expressions.
The bartend leaves your end to go take this new groups orders before eventually coming back to make your drink.
“…I’m not running from anything.” is the answer you settle on as he slides you the bright red shirley temple.
“Sure thing.”
You pull out a few berries from your pocket, but before you can slide them over he waves you off.
The bartend nods his chin to the new group of people, who you realize are still not so subtly staring and talking about you. “Those guys paid for your drink.”
They sure are an interesting bunch. There’s a boy with a straw hat, a girl with orange hair, one man with curly brows and another with a long nose. And they’re just looking at you, mostly (with the exception of the blonde with curly eyebrows, who is giggling with literal hearts in his eyes.)
You nod to the group as a way of saying “thanks”, but you’re not sure if you should approach them… Fortunately, the boy with the straw hat makes that decision for you when he gets up and comes to stand by you.
“Hi?” You offer a friendly smile, but it’s nothing compared to his huge grin.
“My name is Monkey D. Luffy, and I’m gonna be King of The Pirates!”
All you do is hum in acceptance of his grand statement, “Well, I’m l/n y/n.” You extend a hand to shake, “Nice to meet you.”
“You’ve gotta go fight that marine!” the boy exclaims. He holds his hands in fists, completely ignoring your handshake in favor of making punching motions.
“I- No, I can’t.”
“Why not? You can beat him- I saw you throwing darts!”
“Well, sure, but I don’t want my bounty going up or anything… I’m not looking for trouble, really.” You laugh nervously.
“Psh! He insulted your bravery! And having a bounty is coo-“ He’s cut off by the girl with orange hair who slaps a hand over his mouth.
“Sorry about him. I’m Nami… and you’re some kind of sharpshooter, right?”
You nod as you look between the two of them, then at the rest of their friends who were sitting on the other end of the bar but are now also making their way over.
“Well, y/n was it? I think what Luffy was trying to say-“ she then glares at Luffy, “before he almost outed us as pirates when a marine is outside- is that he’d really like to see more of what you can do.”
“Um… why? I’m not trying to be rude or anything, I just-“
“I want you to join my crew!”
You blink, shocked. “And why would you need me?” you say with a somewhat surprised laugh.
“I want a sharpshooter on my crew, and you have the best aim I’ve ever seen!” He says everything with such excitement, and you like it.
“Really? I’m a good shot, I don’t know about the best…” you giggle. “I’m not even a sharpshooter, I’m a painter; I just do this for fun.”
As you had explained: you didn’t really consider yourself a full blown archer. More like an artist who happened to have a talent for archery, and would use a bow and arrow as a means of protection. It was how you survived; not your dream.
Of course, being an artist whose work is known all throughout the world is a grand and respectable dream all on its own. You knew that- even if others had labeled you foolish or unserious for your passion. Sure, art wasn’t something dangerous that could earn you tons of glory, or even a career with a guarantee of money. But, that didn’t matter to you, because it was what you loved most in life. And, you had become enamored with the idea of beauty for beauty’s sake through many arguments with your parents over the purpose and need for art (beyond being a hobby.) You still doubted yourself occasionally, but the backlash somehow made it easier to believe in yourself when your confidence ran low.
That was over a year ago now, and you’d been making a name for yourself as a painter. You liked to travel between islands to find inspiration in a variety of places and people, but you got by just fine with the berries from selling your work. It was nice, having the freedom to do what you loved most… but this was your chance to follow your dream to someday be a master of the arts. And you felt in some odd way, that this small crew led by a boy no older than yourself; they were a part of that future.
“Ohhh, so that’s your dream then? Perfect! All of the Straw Hat Pirates have dreams!”
“The Straw Hat Pirates? So, you’re the captain then?” You can’t help but smile up at the boy with the Straw Hat. And it makes close to no sense at all, but you have a really good feeling about him- about all of them.
“Yep! Join us, cmon!”
“I… Um…” It’s not like you were really tied down at all. And how often did you meet people like these, who made you feel safe and appreciated even though you had just met?
Well, you did remember one time. But that was over a year ago, and you hadn’t heard from him since.
Nami shakes her head at Luffy once again, “Give them some time to think, would you! Not everyone can just run off with a pirate crew.”
Then, one of the other two crew members who had joined in on the conversation speaks up. “So… are you going to go fight that marine?” says the man with the long nose. “Oh, I’m Usopp by the way.” He gives a friendly wave.
The blonde responds for you; “They don’t have to do anything they don’t want to.” His eyes return from Usopp to you, and the hearts seem to reappear. “And I’m Sanji, it’s really a pleasure to meet you!” He takes one of your hands and shakes it with both of his.
You giggle and shake your head. “No, it’s ok.” You drain the last bit of your shirley temple, then stand up from your barstool. “I’ll do it.”
There are mixed reactions after the initial surprise from the whole crew- minus Luffy, he seems like he knew you would. But once the rest lose their shocked expressions Nami and Usopp both try to talk you out of it while Sanji cheers you on. Luffy simply crosses his arms and nods with a grin, and they all follow you out of the bar.
“But- but wait! You really don’t have to, this will just cause trouble!” Usopp tries to reason with you.
You shake your head, “It’s ok, he’s probably not even here anymore.”
And sure enough when you walk out onto the street, it’s nearly empty. No marines in sight- until you hear him.
“Hey, kid!” The voice comes from further down the street behind you, and you and all the Straw Hat Pirates turn to see who it belong to. Sure enough, there’s the marine- he seems to have sobered up a little, or enough that he’s not slurring his words or stumbling anymore.
As if this were some old western movie, you rest a hand on the bow slung over your shoulder. “Nevermind then. Can you give me a little space guys?” The Straw Hats back away and watch as the marine hurries toward you, stopping about 10 paces away.
“Here to defend your honor, huh?”
“No, that’s silly. I’m here because you interrupted my game of darts.”
He scowls and draws his own weapon- a standard marine issued firearm, by the looks of it.
Before he can even load it or cock it or- whatever they do with guns, how would you know? You draw your bow and knock back a single arrow, but with great force. It hits the barrel of the gun, fully bending it away from the direction your arrow hit it.
The marine, the Straw Hats, and even yourself (though you felt too confident to look surprised) were shocked. For a single arrow to dent the barrel of a gun? Well, you must be one hell of an archer. Yet it was “just a hobby” as you told your new crewmates, and so they were all excited to see the prowess you would exemplify over your actual dream.
He takes two cautionary steps backwards first, then the marine turns and full on sprints away. The Straw Hats all laugh, cheer, and pat you on the back while asking how in the world you did that. You weren’t entirely sure yourself, but were still content with the outcome of the day.
“So now you’ll be part of my crew, right?”
“Yes!” You laugh, “I’d love to.”
You explain to your new crew, or nakama as Luffy calls you, that you just have to go get your bag from the inn you’re currently staying in. The five of you meet back at the docks of the island just a few minutes before sunset, and they show you to their boat; the Going Merry.
But before any of you can begin to board the vessel, Luffy stops and exclaims, “Aw man, where’s Zoro?”
You whip your head around to face Luffy. Did he say Zoro? As in, Roronoa Zoro- the bounty hunter who’d led you get away a year ago to follow your dream? The man you still felt you owed your future to, for what he had done for you…
“Probably lost. Again.” Usopp sighs.
“Sorry, did you say Zoro?”
“Yep, he’s our swordsman!”
You have no words, so you just hum in response. What were the chances of joining the same crew as your… savior? Ally? Friend? The definition of your relationship was not at all set in stone, so you can only rely on what is tangible for now; the growing smile on your lips, and the faster beating of your heart.
Maybe you would get the chance to repay him after all.
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beaulesbian · 3 months
Heeyy, when it comes to One Piece, one of the things I recall myself asking what the straw hats will do after well, accomplishing their Dreams since it isn't likely that the marines will be able to follow Luffy to Raftel and everyone else getting their Dreams has been a work in progress.
I imagine the romance dawn trio will probably stick together considering Luffy can just continue adventuring or go off somewhere, Nami wants to draw a world map so either she goes with him to "New islands" or helps Sanji make a restaurant on the All Blue. Zoro feels like he either will go to Wano since it fits him or roam around with Luffy as alone he just wanders off.
Brook will most likely go on big adventures with Laboon or just stay his resting years with him (since we don't know how long he still has), Usopp will probably just stay home and tell stories for everyone or reside in Elbaff. Sanji the restaurant thing or stay with Zeff. Chopper could be with Kureha or travel around healing everyone and finding New herbs. Robin will most likely either return to Ohara and start rebuilding, stay with the revolutionaries or travel around to find more ruins. Jinbei will likely stay an ambassador for the fisherman or retire. And Franky return to Water Seven and put the Sunny to rest.
With all the Straw Hats meeting each other a couple of times a year to embark on some adventure. What do you think?
hello! ♥
i haven't really thought about it much beyond: they should stick together afterwards regardless.
because what i love about the setting of this story being about pirates, (beside that it's about people on a ship and needing the numbers to keep sailing) - is that they're outside of the norms and world's expectations, they even actively break out of those rules and do what they want. of course 'what they want' could mean to separate and go their own way, i just feel it doesn't really fit this group, and honestly wouldn't want to see that by the end.
achieving everyone's dreams could take a long time, a whole lifetime even for some of them, and i'm not sure we would even see that in the manga - it could be still a distant future to which they're all sailing towards to, to what they're aspiring to reach.
i feel luffy would want to keep exploring and sailing the world after becoming the pirate king OR even after achieving his true dream (which we still have no idea what's it about).
i can't imagine anything else but all the 10 strawhats just staying together. one of luffy's biggest fears is being alone - he even said it's a worse thing than being hurt.
i think zoro - thanks to luffy - found his own purpose and course pointing where to go and what to protect - luffy and the group. (and i'm not even going into the territory of zoro being the first one calling luffy captain, and what all it entails to be luffy's right hand man, wanting to stay by his side even at the cost of his own dream). plus he would get SOOO lost without them!
nami has the best reason to stay as well, wanting to draw the maps of the world. as you said, the romance dawn trio especially would definitely stick together for a long time, since luffy and zoro can't recognize north from south, or left from right - they need their navigator.
but even with the others, i think it would make so much sense for them to stay at luffy's side - usopp would have many more new adventures he could keep adding to his story repertoire and retell to either kaya and his village when visiting, or just anyone who would want to hear about the great adventures of strawhat luffy. and luffy literally needs sanji as his cook to keep him alive lol, even after luffy becoming the pirate king i can't see sanji going somewhere else. they wouldn't get far without sanji!
chopper, robin, franky - it would all make sense that they want to keep sailing with sunny, franky to keep her sail-worthy condition for the pirate king crew. chopper would reach more people he could help with his doctor skills, robin to gather more knowledge and history of the various places around the world.
i think there would be a journey back to laboon for brook to have closure with it, but luffy mentioned so early on he wanted a musician on his ship, i don't think brook - who found a new purpose to keep living thanks to luffy, even as a talking skeleton - would want to abandon that cheerful crew that became his new home. same with jimbei, who despite being previously a captain on his own, still has a lot of knowledge to impart on those who would listen and despite all the shenanigans he now keeps witnessing - he loves them all so much.
i understand those headcanons, where after all of their dreams are accomplished the strawhats would some far time in the future part ways, but it doesn't sit well with me.
for this particular story, and for what luffy means to them and what he brought to them (freedom, joy and being able to follow their dreams), it feels more honest to their characters to just stay as a pirate crew. along the way they might pick up new members, strays or people in need of a better home - just like roger's pirates before luffy, and keep having adventures and feasts together for as long as possible!
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secretpostsposts · 8 months
The craziest thing came to my mind. Imagine your obsessive brozone au mixed with the one piece anime! Like the bergens are marines and trolls are pirates. Poppy would likely be luffy, and I see branch as maybe shanks or whitebeard. I seriously imagine that this au, the brothers are reunited like in the movie, maybe floyd was captured and nearly executed but they save him. What happens when brozone finds out that branch is a literal yonko? And how do they take the knowledge of his strength, power, and title?
I don't know much about One Piece if I'm honest, but I'll try to answer with the little knowledge I have.
But I understand that a yonko is something like an aspiring pirate king, right? or something like that?
(and if Branch were Shanks, and he was missing an arm, the brothers would be crazy about it, and Kismet would be the chief officers of his crew)
and well I don't know what to say, but it came to my mind that Clay may be a member of the Navy, one of the great Generals, and he knows about Branch, so he is risking his neck so that his little brother doesn't get caught and he has a book about Pirate Captain is very proud of his little brother's achievements, although he would prefer that he be with him as a Marine or just a civilian, he hates not being able to have him around. Bruce could be Sanji, or well have a similar role, working in the restaurant only being the owner, so he has seen Branch, but he can never get close because of his crew, he only manages to obtain information about him from Poppy and her crew, The first time he saw him and tried to make him stay, he almost received a bullet in the head from the second in command. Floyd is a pirate, only a member of Velvet and Veener's crew, he is like Coby on Alvida's ship, threatened to be part of the twins so that he can be part of their crew (Floyd was going to join Clay as a Marine, but he caught before arriving with Clay)
John Dory, yes, he is Pirate Captain, and they were always at war with Branch so that his little brother would resign his position and come with him (his crew knows that he is crazy, but they are afraid of Captain John or they are very loyal to him and well, John has a big loot), John Dory has a room on his ship for Branch (there is a chain there and JD is the only one with the key to that room), John will not stop until he gets his baby brother back.
Do you know if you have more like this idea I would like to explore it it's crazy haha
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aq2003 · 27 days
I've had a vague urge to get more into Shakespeare for years; what are the top 3-5 plays you'd recommend that AREN'T Hamlet or Much Ado? And what version of each is your favorite?
(sorry for omitting two god tier ones but I've already seen David Tennant in each of those and I surmise that you're insane about both so I'm looking for some new plays)
gonna be some basic bitch answers but here:
macbeth - the tragedy of macbeth (2021) movie adaptation starring denzel washington. this movie is fucking stunning and the way they did the witches was SO good. also i have the throne of blood (kurosawa's adaptation) also on my watchlist since i've heard REALLY good things about it
richard ii - 2013 rsc production w/ david tennant (link). he gives me catastrophic gender envy, i need to become more masculine to become more feminine etc. ben whishaw in the hollow crown series (link) is great too
romeo and juliet - romeo + juliet (1996) movie adaptation directed by baz luhrmann. this is like, the most well known romeo and juliet and you might've watched it already but i'm listing this anyway because there will never be a better mercutio and the way they did the setting is SO fucking funny and inspired
twelfth night - so far only saw this one Outside On The Grass Where They Performed This At My College but i liked it a lot... reccing the 2012 globe production with mark rylance (part 1 / part 2) (his hamlet was one of dt's favorites as an aspiring actor) (i'm putting my faith in letterboxd and david's taste for this one)
coriolanus - 2014 donmar production w/ tom hiddleston (on archive.org). this is directed by josie rourke, who also directed dt/ct's 2011 much ado! the staging and the effects are fucking awesomeeee (also peter de jersey and elliot levey are in this, i love them)
also shoutout to the ones i want to watch:
the 2016 production of a midsummer night's dream w/ ncuti gatwa (i have found nowhere to pirate it and i might just crack and pay the 10 dollars to watch it)
the 2015 production of the love's labour's lost w/ edward bennett (he played laertes in hamlet (2009) and he's REALLY underrated, i love his benedick SO FUCKING MUCH even if that production overall was a little dull)
either hollow crown's or greg doran's henry iv (it's two whole plays i need so much time to watch that. and ideally i want to watch both lol)
kurosawa's ran (1985), an adaptation of king lear set in 1500s japan
vishal bhardwaj's omkara (2006), an adaptation of othello set in india
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mithosis · 1 year
Tumblr media
mabaki's post got me... posting again the stuff i've done (not that much honestly)
my baby boye Caedhae (just Kada or Ka/Kay basically), an aspiring short king pirate engineer
i got him the jade prosthesis gauntlet skin sometime ago so the arms are not really accurate anymore ;w;
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