#the au version is so much more fun to write idk how to explain it
winchester-reload · 2 years
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I have a few thoughts about the Winchesters finale, and though I wasn’t gonna weigh in on this, it turns out I needed to write this down to get it out of my head, so here we go.
I understand that Misha was approached to be included on the show and that there was a “scheduling conflict” that included multiple conversations with Jensen. Here’s my interpretation of that: 
I believe Cas was supposed to make a cameo in episode 13 to tee up the confession resolution—this was always the episode where they were going to crack open the “surprise twist” even before learning they would only get 13 episodes total. In the original scenario, episode 13 would have been the hellatus episode rather than a finale, leaving room for everything to come to a head with episode 22 instead. It’s then they would have given us the actual Dean and Cas reunion. This would have wrapped both stories nicely with each group going off into their own respective sunsets—their own happy endings, while still leaving all the room for the new crew to explore more seasons; all along, we see, The Winchesters was about Dean and Cas as much as it was about Mary and John.
When they didn’t get the back half of the season picked up, I assume they feared it would be more dangerous to show a Cas cameo without getting to address the confession, so Misha likely opted to be left out instead. With the only hint to Cas being Dean’s line that he was looking for his family when he found the Akrida, then directly drawing the parallel that Jack and Bobby were “family.” The core crew for Dean has always been Bobby, Sam, Jack, AND Cas. And he wasn’t looking for Sam because he was still on earth. So who’s left? You might be compelled to believe he was window shopping AU versions of his parents, but he confirms he ran into the Akrida in this world and then sought to interfere with the order by approaching John in an effort to prevent it from spreading to Sam's world. (Why Cas would be AU hopping, idk. The boy is really afraid of being shot down, I guess.)
It goes far to explain the vast narrative parallels we saw reflected in the Monster Club crew if it was intended as a setup for the confession payoff. It honestly doesn’t make a lot of sense otherwise. There’s no reason these people should be living Dean's experiences and regrets every episode unless the writers wanted the viewer to be thinking about the lessons and resolutions in how they relate to Dean too.
Additionally, as this has been a largely uncontested take, this is Jensen's well-funded fanfic come to life. Complete with the embracing of many of our favorite fanfic tropes and emphasized by Dean’s own words throughout the season. Because this is an obvious embrace of that “write your own story” fan side, I believe the reason Dean couldn’t even say Cas’ name in the episode is because they were going to change the spelling from “Cass” as it was in the show proper to the fan-adopted (and more accurate) spelling of “Cas,” which would have appeared in the subtitles and later the script pages.  And even that little thing right there would have been a huge giveaway to the whole game. And a very dangerous thing to do if there wasn’t going to be enough time for follow-through. 
But the truth is, this isn’t a game for many people, and the harm that can be caused by good intentions is just as real. It also begs the question: why should this be so difficult? The answer is it’s not. Edging forever isn’t fun. It’s torture. I understand there’s an art to storytelling, but your audience is weary, and trust has been violated too many times. Even still, the flip side of that coin is honest to god respect for DeanCas endgame means taking the story and the reveal seriously. It’s a tightrope walk. And one that Robbie somehow managed to keep balanced after the finale, without it falling either way.  Also we also need to consider the possibility that Jensen did pitch a full-on destiel love story spin-off but got shot down, opting to couch it in a more CW-branded world instead. He’s mentioned over half a dozen pitches were rejected. It's up to you whether you want to give him the benefit of the doubt on that.
But, I’m gonna be honest here, I don’t know that we will ever get that resolution we crave. Even Robbie confirmed The Winchesters were always meant to “go it alone” after the first season. It’s hard to imagine Dean popping in there to fuck around again after that handoff. But the dude is clearly a very restless sea-faring*, swoopy-haired mofo right now, so I’ll leave that one up to the SPN multiverse and the new Mr. Superwholock’s magical universe-traveling impala. (This show used to be about what again? *looks at notes*.) And FWIW, if they do get green-lit for a whole second season or are allowed to move networks, I believe a good-faith effort will be made to tie the narrative parallels we saw in season one to some real Dean and Cas resolution. If there gets to be a world where John *might* not turn into an abusive dick, then this possibility has to be true too.
For the record, I enjoyed The Winchesters, all the new characters, and the doors the finale opened for the possibility of more. I would have been fine half-watching it with no promises, empty head no thoughts, but I got my clown** suit on again, and though I mostly kept quiet, unlike last time, I did regrettably manage to drag a few friends down with me yet again.  Though the spec sessions were epic, and we did get some art out of it—it still rocks the boat when the base level expectations were only 1. Dean alive, and 2. seeing Cas again. 
But for anyone, like me, upset by the (likely unintentional) Cas-baiting or anyone still reeling about why this stuff can hit so hard, here’s an interesting article about the way our brains respond to fictional characters. Tl;dr: There’s nothing wrong with you. This is science. And while you’re at it, take a look at this article about the very real power of disenfranchised grief over character loss.
Ramble on, fam. And take care of yourselves.
<3 Jackie
*Um hi he appears as a sailor? Literally, on a show with a story Dean is writing whose audience is looking for a resolution to a conversation between two people who’re famously the “most shipped” characters of all time? That’s not an accident. That’s intentional. And it’s another reason why there might be a bitter taste in your mouth. These nods came without resolution, so it still feels dirty, despite the brilliant Easter egg.
**I hesitate to say “clown” here because the lesson on episode 12 was that the clowns were the ones who chose a self-induced limbo rather than face some personal hard revelations. That sounds more like a certain closeted character than it does the people cheering him on, and that felt like an intentional nod too.
***obviously, this is my own rambling spec as I try to reorder my thoughts in the wake of the finale.
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volumebaixo · 2 months
God can you imagine actually being in Riff Raff’s position though?
Like, serving as the vanguard of an intergalactic invasion’s already a not-great starting point, but then your commander goes and gets obsessed with the Earthlings in the worst way possible, starts bedding anyone who catches his eye and killing anyone who bruises his ego, makes you LARP as a creepy butler and stay on perpetual cuck chair duty, then has you build a scientific miracle just to use as his sextoy and then HAS THE GALL TO TAKE THE CREDIT FOR MAKING IT? At that point I’d be tempted to blow everyone up with a laser too
LMAOOO yeah it's CRAZY, that's one of the reasons he's my fav tho, Riff was building up his anger till the point he exploded (at least on the movie version, he responds very differently on some stage productions)
Not that he's a full victim in any way lol, I'm just SURE that if he had the power he would let it get to his head and be just as awful (or worse). We know he takes his anger out on people in weaker/lower positions than his own, that says a lot about him... And it makes him even more fun to write about, in my perspective
I like how messy the whole situation is, so fun to think about all the reasons behind why he and Mag stayed in this position for so long, like what they were waiting for...? The perfect moment? Maybe something else? (I have a lot of AUs with my friends where we find a lot of different ways to complete their backgrounds with extra info, it's really really fun)
I'm so anxious about posting this, I always get embarrassed when I talk about them openly like this idk why, I think I might mess up explaining my interpretation or something lol... So keep in mind I might delete this later if I panic but thank you so much for talking about him, anon.... I love it so much...
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anonomi · 9 months
hello, ther, i am gently stepping outside the for,est ,on the gras s and sniffin, you gently and shyly, to, ask yuo about not only offline au but also the, mlp au,,
Oh my, my first ask!! And it's about my aus. You shot me right in the heart!! :D
Okay so first, my offline au. There's a post somewhere that explains where it came from, but I essentially created it after spending long hours in Offline Practice due to unstable internet/in my younger days I was scared of strangers. The basis of the au is the question: What if the bots in offline practice are sentient?
And there are a lot of ways you can take it:
You can see it from the player's perspective, where you are going through your normal day playing on pl_badwater and slowly realize that the bots are avoiding you or playing a little too smart... and then you start noticing nuances in their previously faceless expressions... and then they go off the script.
Or You can see it from the bots' perspective, where you wonder why you've never seen the world beyond the battlefield... or why the hell the enemy team's sniper is wearing a banana on his head, or why he is somehow always a step ahead, or where did he even come from, what happened to the old one what do you mean he never existed
Not to mention the world.. But to keep it simple, the au is basically offline practice played straight. Currently I am focusing on the bot's perspective in relation to the player. In this, the 'bots' are the usual mercenaries, normal, old dudes trying to do their gravel war job, and then there's the player who's well, like any other player. Any other player who just wants some fun and after playing offline practice long enough gets bored enough to try out console commands.
And as you can imagine, it's scary! The au is basically cosmic horror with the player being an eldritch, incomprehensible being to the bots/mercs. I take everything that we do as players, from casually jumping off cliffs to stabbing our teammates in casual fun, and explore it in a serious context from the perspective of normal people like the mercs. Even the greater concepts of TF2 like respawn.. It's a very meta au, and I can go very in depth about the concepts I want to explore and shit, like what it means to be a human being, what meaning can you find in an existence plagued by a being like this, what even is the player, the implications, but I think this post is long enough... so I must forgo. It's just spooky tf2 au hahah!
I should also mention the more lighthearted version which is the training mode au. It's the same thing but instead of the player being scary they're just a newbie and the bots try to teach them how to be decent. It's very cracky lol but I turn to it when the horror gets too much.
Now for the mlp au, unfortunately it's not too fleshed out :[ I mean I have the groundwork laid out in my mind, it's basically my darker, grittier mlp au mixed up with tf2. Though of course it's still got the same friendship is magic concepts, because I don't think making something serious/darker means you have to make it edgy and deprive it of its nature, but yeah. There are concepts I have, like batponies and how their civilization mirrors new zealand sinking but with the whole princess luna being banished, and things but I need more specific questions, it's hard for me to explain generally without making like a 5 page essay xD
Anyway THANK YOU! I am very thrilled to talk about my aus, especially offline au. Maybe I should've broken it up because it's like two seperate aus xD but idk how to do that. I'm sorry if this is less refined than I usually write or disjointed, but I am just very excited. If this isn't what you meant/if you wanted a more in-depth answer, feel free to ask!!
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ellegaard · 9 months
hhhow do you do this whole rp thing i kinda started a blog and it got absolutely ignored (pamabutnormalthistime)
probably didnt missed a step idk ive never done it before
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I'm sending you the biggest of hugs, anon- starting a new blog is equal parts scary and exciting!! I’m sorry that you haven’t gotten the response you’ve been wanting; I just got the chance to go follow you (yippee!!!) and I also hope this answer can serve as a promo for @pamabutnormalthistime too!! 💜☺️ I put my long answer under a readmore for you!!
The Tumblr roleplay community (you might see this get referred to as the rpc!!) is really fun thing to be a part of, even if it’s daunting to join for the first time!! A lot of making a new blog is subject entirely to what you want it to have- but there are little features you can add that’ll help you organize things to your liking!!
When I started here it was my first ever time making any sort of rp blog- a lot of the beginner’s guides I found were older and spoke about processes that aren’t used as much in roleplay today!! This handy post here explains a lot of the terminology that you might see floating around- and this guide on the same blog walks you through some of the basics too!!
Your blog can be anything you want it to be! If you want it to have an aesthetic sort of theme that fits your muse (character), there are loads of custom HTML themes out there that you can apply to your blog on desktop!! But it’s also okay if you don’t add a theme too- you can let your writing speak for itself!
Some things that I found really helpful to add to this blog were a Rules post, an About post, and a small Mun section talking a bit about me!! Rules pages aren’t necessary, but they’re really helpful for setting boundaries for what sorts of things you are or aren’t okay with on your blog!! (An example is “Will/won’t respond to NSFW asks, please don’t hound for replies unless it’s been one week…") It’s a nice way to keep yourself safe, and also detail how you’ll be writing with anything that gets sent in! (And it's also a nice way for you to quickly learn about any pages you'd like to interact with!) 💜
An About post (or page) can be really helpful for detailing basic information about your muse!! If you’re writing a canon-divergent version of a character, or you have a special backstory that you’ve fleshed out, this section is a wonderful place to put it!! Having an About post can help others see how you’ve made your muse your own, and it can be really exciting to type out even small mundane facts (like height, eye color) to give your character more life!! Some roleplayers also like to include a list of verses in their About section- if you create different universes for your muse from interacting with different medias, or exploring different AUs in your character's story, it can be a nice place to keep track of them all!!
Having a section about you (the mun!!) can be helpful too, but it’s entirely based on your comfort!! A lot of roleplayers will include basic information on themselves (like age, general activity levels, etc…)
You don’t have to include a Mun section, and you’re never obligated to give out any information about yourself!! (You can always use my Mun page- or any of my other pages- as a template for your own!! I won’t mind!! 💜😊)
Once you’re happy with how your blog is formatted, you can consider making a promo for your blog!! A promo can be any post that helps advertise your blog to other roleplayers, and it doesn’t have to be complicated or anything fancy! (Here is an example of the promo I made for this blog, which is in character and pretty simple!! This is an example of a promo I made for a newer blog of mine, which keeps things short and lists off the basics of the blog! Because my rp blogs are sideblogs, me liking a thread will show my main has liked it instead of the actual rp blog- so until Tumblr allows us to change blogs before we like things, I always like to give people I’m interacting with a heads up that the random personal blog in their notifications is still me!! 😊)
A promo doesn’t have to be either of those things, though- it can be something as simple as “Like/Reblog this post if you’re interested in writing with [character]”, and it’ll still do just as fine!! One of the best things about promos is that other rp blogs can reblog them to help boost your exposure!!! (Which I can guarantee will be happening on my end!! 😌)
Something else you might want (but 100% don't have to get!!) is XKit Rewritten!! It's a plugin for your browser designed specifically for Tumblr, and has a whole host of features that you can use to customize your scrolling experience!! I use it specifically for the "Trim Reblogs" option, which lets me trim threads I've been writing with others to keep them short when they go across people's dashes!! (You might've seen some threads on my blog that seem to start with my mutual's last reply, and only feature my add on- that's the work of the trimming feature!! It cuts out all the earlier replies from the reblog, but they're still accessible!)
If you're interested, you can add it for Chrome here and for Firefox here!! (*It's super important to add XKitRewritten and not any other versions- XKitRewritten is designed specifically for the version of Tumblr we have right now, and other versions are older and might not cooperate!!)
If you notice some of the colors in my writing (such as the shade of red I use for Ellie's dialogue, or the other colors you might see in this post) are different from the default options Tumblr gives you, that's because I'm using https://roleplayformatter.carrd.co!! It's not a necessity, but I like pasting my writing in there and copying the source code to add new colors to my writing, and help me format things in one place!! (It's fun to type into, but it doesn't save your writing!! 😂 So it only gets what I'm getting ready to post when there's another copy somewhere!!)
And these are just some of the basics!! There are other things you can add if you’d really like to! (Like icons, which you might’ve seen me use on here from time to time- small pictures of your character that you can use to display their expressions and little mannerisms!! I like to think of icons as sprinkles- they’re never a necessity, and the main flavor focus is really your wonderful writing! But they can frame and accompany what you write if you’d like them to! 💜)
Assets (like the red stone border at the very top of this answer!) can be made yourself, gathered from source blogs like @animatedglittergraphics-n-more, or even requested/commissioned from resource blogs!! I make all of my assets myself in PicsArt, and it’s a lot of fun- but also something I know everyone might not have the energy or time to do!! If icons and assets aren't for you, that's okay- it's never stopped me from interacting with anyone before!!
I hope this beast of an answer helps you out, and I especially hope it doesn’t seem too complicated- I think the Tumblr rpc can be for anyone and everyone, and I’m so excited to go check out your blog after I post this!! 💜💜 You’re always welcome back here (whether that’s on anon or in DMS!!) if there’s anything else I can help you out with, or if you’d just like to say hello!! I hope you have a really wonderful rest of your day- I’m so excited to write with you sometime!! ☺️
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crouching-vinus · 10 months
I started reading blackmail maybe like…a little over a year ago. And seriously, I have to be honest. Its my favorite thing I’ve ever read. I’ve genuinely reread blackmail at least 50 times. In its entirety. Idk how to explain it but your writing style is so amazing it just sucks me in I can’t stop reading. (Also I adore Hate as well so so so much 😭😭😭. Do you think you’d ever consider writing more for the Hate AU in the future?)
Genuinely anything you write has me immediately on the edge of my seat. I’m so excited to read more from you. I adore your fics so much. Much love, hope you’re doing well ❤️❤️
oh, thank you so much!! it's always such an honor to learn that your particular fic is someone's favorite. There's so many good ones, especially for jjk, so i really, really appreciate that and it never fails to blow my mind.
and thank you for the Hate love!!! i know that one definitely isn't everyone's cup of tea but i'm honestly really fond of it, i had a lot of fun writing it and everything about their dynamic. i don't know if i would ever add another chapter to that one specifically, but i do have a chaptered work loaded up in the queue that also has a very similar dynamic between sukuna and a sorcerer reader, plus a couple of others that will feature true form sukuna as well. one of them you could even look at as a sort of prequel to hate, if you squint. I can't help myself, i just love that version of him and find him so fascinating lol. so hopefully those can scratch that itch for you!!
thank you for enjoying my writing, i hope you stay liking the works yet to come!! 💗💗💗
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transbakerswife · 2 years
Trivender au headcanon masterlist
Trina Mora: first of all her last name comes from a sims 4 falsettos game file i hsve where i just tried to randomize her a last name and this is what i got. She's bisexual and has depression i don't think anyone ever doubted that. Also a lot more chaotic in this au than canon? That's just the effect Lavender has on her ig.
Lavender Baker: MY LOVE!! I already explained her name's origin in the pinned post. Like my url implies she's trans and she's also bisexual. Girlboss. Polyamorous but thankfully no longer a cheater we don't talk about that storyline in the original. It didn't happen. How did she get pregnant if she's trans you may ask? I don't fucking know how did Cinderella talk to a tree by that logic. There's no logic in the itw universe <3
Baker Baker: he's a baker if you couldn't guess. Transmasc bisexual wet cat of a man. Malewife. Left handed. Severely traumatized. Daddy issues. Also both him and his wife are jewish, naturally.
Bread Baker: Baker and Lavender's child. His name is Bread. I don't have much to say about him.
Jack: gay gay homosexual gay. Autism. Zero braincells whatsoever.
Little red riding hood: non binary icon 😌. because i said so. Also lesbian. You can't tell me what to do. Also autism but a different genre of autism than Jack.
Cinderella: also a lesbian with the worst case of comphet I've ever seen.
Milky white: bigender icon.
Marvin Gardens: just my regular headcanons for any incarnation of him. ADHD, bpd, being a weatherman. Controversally i did go with the Gardens last name. I'm sorry.
Whizzer Brown: autism, and demiromanticism. Also photographer Whizzer since everyone seems to love this headcanon. And he's from Omaha Nebraska just for the fun of it. He and Marvin have two cats btw he bought both of them which Marvin initially didn't approve of but accepted later on. They're named Chess and Racquet because I'm uncreative.
Mendel fucking Weisenbachfeld: BISEXUAL!! Bi Mendel real!! He canonically didn't earn his diploma in this one 0/10 worst psychiatrist ever
Mr Bungee: not actually homophobic, he himself is gay, but he is a capitalist. Cis white rich gay man. He's also an absolute loser. Frogs.
Jason Gardens: I'm so sorry for making him get the gardens name too. AUTISTIC as hell also aromantic and possibly aplatonic i'm projecting too hard probably. Jack, Red, Cinderella and Bread all count as his siblings and i would love to make content of these kids in the future
Charlotte and Cordelia: idk how exactly they fit into the au except Trina definitely did talk to them first thing when having her sexuality crisis. Charlotte probably has anxiety idk. And some level of non binary.
The witch/Luna: lesbian. But also arospec. And asexual possibly. And autistic now that i think about it. One look at the baker's father was what made her realize she's not attracted to men. She's mostly just done with everyone's bullshit. Her name is Luna i don't know why i decided that. This is my au so my rules. She somehow ends up dating Dot i have no clue how that happens.
Dot: local she/they. Token neurotypical. Some flavor of queer. Idk how she became part of the story. Louis the baker she dated is not the same baker as Baker Baker our local baker, they're actually rivals since they work in the same business.
George Seurat: JUST TO CLARIFY I'm talking about the musical version i wouldn't make headcanons for a real life person!! Autistic. He/she pronouns (don't ask just don't.) doggirl in the same way catgirls are catgirls. As I'm writing this I'm regretting all my life choices.
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the game: the warrior of light is pure good, they may struggle on occasion but in the end are, at their core, good
me about to write my wol as the most chaotic neutral selfish little bastard: ok but are they really
#this is a lie there are two versions of him#theres the normal 'canon' version who starts good and yes has a moment of dipping into bad but remains good the whole time#im just far more interested in the OTHER version i have sculpted where there are two WoLs and this mf is only really in it to keep those#he loves alive#and also because he likes to fight people#and hes a BITCH#like yes he saves the world but the moment theres nothing in it for him he doesnt care#theres even one au where he just straight up quits. nopes out and then gets mad when he gets dragged back into it in shb#hes not a bad person hes just not good either#but they keep him around! because hes a wol and hes powerful! and he is actually decent to those he loves#like theres some drama with his mother a couple of times (yeah i involved his mom babygirl needed a moral compass) but#YEAH!#sorry for infodumping about my player character turned oc btw#the au version is so much more fun to write idk how to explain it#maybe im just edgy idk#hes a little bastard boy and i love him for it ig#he was actually on his way to learning how to care but then. yk. setbacks#like he went 📈📈📉📉📉📉📈#idk where hes gonna go now tbh guess im waiting for canon to give me a reason to fuck him up again or let him heal more :/#(let me fuck him up more please i beg)#i love reluctant heroes i love morally questionable heroes i love selfish heroes i love heroes doing admirable things#but not being admirable#heroes that make parents teach their kids that 'yes you should help people but you shouldn't try to be like them'#the complete reason i added a second wol in the au is to offset him#all the things he doesnt want to get involved in like menial tasks or yk. saving a different world he doesnt know.#that all falls to the other one#and sometimes he gets dragged into it anyway#ok ok ill shut up now
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electrifiedgears · 2 years
AUGHH writing BFB/TPOT time machine au..
I love giving all my mental illnesses to a clock..
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This is very inspired by the “Time Machine” song by Miracle Musical btw!! (Including the demo versions.)
I wanna talk about that actually it seems fun. Prepare for me explaining what half the lyrics make in my brain.
Basically “I’m leaving today, today” is him at the beginning because he is leaving the current timeline. He ends up feeling pretty set on it.
“Thinking of the way I used to spend the time, I can see that I have overpaid” is him kinda realizing he spent too much time trying to help his team and not enough of it just goofing around with them like what friends do, so he feels like a lot of the work he did for them kinda got overlooked basically for him to just end up getting forgotten about.
“Past is passed and rather than regret the old, I can live it back the other way,” instead of reminiscing on his time in BFB, Clock decides to just travel back and basically change how things actually happened, so he doesn’t have to just remember bittersweet memories of his old friends anymore, and actually spend more, better time with them.
“I avoid the messiness of misery, playing in dimension number four” basically he uses time travel so instead of feeling miserable abt cutting himself off from his former teammates he can just go back in time yeahhh
The chorus is pretty self-explanatory. “Live the dream with a time machine, you’ve been waiting forever” being basically. He doesn’t have to daydream about what he could’ve done with the losers and yearn for something like that to happen again, since now he can just go back in time and live it.
Then “but you can make ever wait for you” I kinda link to death. I imagine that death is kinda like a dreamless slumber in the object universe? Time continues while objects are dead, but with time travel Clock could just go back and live the time after his death, so “ever” being the time after his death, would “wait for” him rather than just keep going without him being there basically. In one of the demos it has the line “now I know ever waits for me, ever so patiently” which I just like how that’s worded but basically same meaning.
“You’ll have time enough to spend some time alone” would be like. He doesn’t have to spend all his time worrying about helping his team and being memorable n stuff. So he can actually be with himself without worrying about being non-memorable and forgotten by doing so.
Sorry most of this account is jsut me talking about Clock idk what to post so why not post stuff nobody will read
If anybody has questions about this silly AU for whatever reason feel free to ask =)
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thefabulousfab-3 · 2 years
Okay, so I’ve been thinking about this fic for forever!!!!! I want to write it but I’m super scared to because I’m afraid it’s going to suck. But I basically have a super rough outline of it.
So it’s for Ben x Devi and it’s a Much Ado About Nothing au. Not a true one cause I have no time for the whole random meddling brother thing. However there will be drama cause I do love drama.
• Set post college. It’s the summer after Devi and co graduate from college. Devi is planning on going to grad school (I honestly go back and forth on this detail)
• They are all planning on going on vacation together for 2/3 weeks,to Ben’s families fancy vacation home in Miami (or whenever idk) to celebrate being done with college. (Devi does not know that they are going to Ben’s vacation home and that he is coming at first, Eleanor tells her and she freaks out and has to be convinced)
• Everyone met in college. (Eleanor, Fabiola, Aneesa, and Devi were in the same dorm same with Oliver, Ben, Paxton, and Malcom)
They all became friends and the fighting between Devi and Ben makes everyone in the group awkward and a little annoyed.
• Ben and Devi were BEST friends their freshman year of college but something happened in the first semester of sophomore that they both refuse to talk about to anyone, that made them absolutely “hate” each other.
• Before the trip Eleanor and Malcom (whose personality I’ve changed for the purpose of this fic so he is a secret asshole) announce that they are engaged. Everyone is “Supportive” they’ve only been dating a little while and it seems sudden. (Important side note Eleanor and Oliver dated briefly when they were freshman)
• they decided to plan a fun little engagement dinner the last week of the vacation. Inviting the couples immediate families down. (This could be thought out a little better)
• after the extremely long ride down to the vacation house due to Devi and Ben’s constant bickering. The rest of the group steals away to concoct a plan.
•they come up with the scheme to try to get them together (like in the play). Ben over hears the guys talking about how Devi’s in love with him and Devi hears the girls talking about how Ben’s in love with her.
• shenanigans ensue as both of them are grappling with the fact that they do have feelings for each other.
• Malcom finally reveals his toxic self and accuses Eleanor of cheating on him with Oliver. Cause he swore he saw them kissing on the beach (spoiler alert it’s not so). He chooses to do this at the engagement party and causes a huge scene.
• Ben kicks him out (horray) and then maybe more drama with the other guys? Idk I might just scrap that plot line.
• Devi x Ben get closer and realize that the thing that caused them to hate each other was stupid and wasn’t even a thing.
•bam they fall in love even though they were basically already in love
•lots of feelings and confessions.
Again SUPER ROUGH outline. But yeah, there it is.
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piracytheorist · 2 years
Think he might need a bingo card of his own but Killian Jones for character opinion bingo, and as a bonus, anything on Rumple?
Aight, red for Killian and green for Rumpelstiltskin!
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For Killian, I don't think I even need to explain. Pictures are worth a thousand words.
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(In a way, I do find Rumpelstiltskin's appearance great as well. But I couldn't describe it as "cool" more like... idk, elegant and to the point. Yes, even as a scaly man)
Everyone but me is wrong about Killian, always, ever. No-one understands him the way I do <3
No but seriously, considering how many people were SO wrong when analyzing his character, and how almost criminally out of character he is in AU fics (which I get it's kinda the point to change some stuff, but when you're making a brand new character without any similarities to the original and just name him "Killian Jones"... and that happens a SHIT TON in the fandom... yeah) or even CANON fics... I don't doubt I'm in a greatly small minority for my own views about him. Especially since I was actually surrounded by people whom I agreed with regarding to his writing in s7 (and we were already few in the wider Hook fandom, and also hated by most because how dare we enjoy a version of Hook growing as a character without Emma amirite) and then my opinion and their opinion about the ending differed completely to the point I felt I was alone in the world.
And yes, only my opinion is right. No I will not elaborate.
(For practical reasons, I am joking about the "right" thing. But Killian and Gold reconciling the way they did in the last few episodes was a betrayal to Killian's character and arc and I will fucking die on this hill)
Rumpelstiltskin had wasted potential because again I will die on the hill that he shouldn't have been turned into a "hero" character. They should've let him stay a morally gray character and fucking stick to it. Instead they had him jump from good guy to bad guy because the plot wanted him to be to then good guy again because Belle begged him to. I could kinda understand his relapse in the first part of s4 but it got tiring very quickly after that, and I think even Robert Carlyle got tired of that too. I've got to say that the episode "Lacey", though I have some thoughts about the flashback parts, was one of my favourite episodes of s2 simply because Gold went like "Fuck it" and beat that Keith or what is name was because he'd pissed him off (I mean, I don't condone beating, much less because the guy kissed the woman you love. But it was interesting storytelling). And then Lacey was into it and he kept going and like, this was who Gold just was. His dynamic with Belle was stunted because even if Gold wanted to do good, he was the kind of guy who got too easily corrupted by power and simply kept going after it and Belle kept going like "I can fix him". I'd rather a couple like Gold and Lacey, where they're not the villains of the story, but will help the "good guys" because of their ties to them and will absolutely go to distances the "good guys" won't. But anti-heroes was too much for A&E to handle and the fandom to accept, gotta woobify Rumple Bumple any way we can.
If they were real, either Hook or Gold, yeah I'd be terrified of them. I think we all would, and we understand that as much great characters as they make, they have killed in cold blood without any remorse, so. Blorbos they may be, and they're fun. But real life is different.
As I said, Killian is blorbo. It's been seven years that I've been a certified HookerTM and I still fall asleep making up fanfic with him in center. He'll probably be my biggest blorbo to ever blorbo.
The thing with Killian, as is connected to "didn't get enough screentime" is that he is indeed deeper than he looks, but that was only an issue of limited screentime. Us Hookers had to pick up the scraps the writers gave us and the PRECIOUS bits Colin was kind, talented and devoted enough to give us. In order to understand why he makes remarks about his appearance all the time, you have to notice the moments when he focuses on what he hates about himself; but if you skip that or just miss it, you think he's just self-centered like that. And the writing and limited screentime - by himself at least, not when he was under Emma's shadow - didn't help with that.
I've projected so much of my own shit on Killian. My self doubt, my imposter syndrome, my loneliness, some other issues that I'm not ready to share here... yeah, a lot. He's a good receptor for that, I gotta give him that :D
Done dirty by fans?? Killian and Rumpelstiltskin?? More likely than you think! From both sides too. Hook fans adoring the version of Killian who was uwu and pure and only existed for Emma's story, and hating on Rumpelstiltskin because he did bad things I guess. And for being a misogynist, apparently. And Rumpelstiltskin fans woobifying him and turning him into only a victim who had no choice in the evil things he did (and s5 did not help with the whole Dark One manifestation feeding you bad thoughts thing) and hating Hook for making sex jokes and being provocative I guess. And for being a misogynist, apparently.
So you've got two morally gray characters with excellent dynamic both on their own and ESPECIALLY together (the rivalry between the two was my TOP favourite dynamic on the show, way above Captain Swan and KnightRook... that is, until 7x18) with fans who victimize them and turn them into lovesick caricatures of themselves and the other bad guy is a misogynist!! Because that's the only way for a character to be proven bad!! MISOGYNY I TELL YOU!!
... The ouat fandom was an experience. Years will go by, fandoms will come and go, but it's the ouat fandom wank that will stay with me.
Probably explained above why Killian didn't get enough screentime. Technically, he did. From s3 onward, he appeared in every single episode, had his fair share of centric episodes, but when so little of his screentime is focused on him as a character and most of it being the writers trying to pacify the haters and prove that he's not the monster they're making him out to be, everything falls apart. That was a big problem with ouat, in general. I feel it was mostly in s7 where that was dropped, where the writers simply said fuck it and didn't care to pander to audiences anymore and just wrote what they wanted to write. Grand example, the Ruby x Dorothy ship that came out of nowhere to placate the people who were asking for LGBTQ+ representation. Then in s7, they wrote Curious Archer and it just fit in so naturally into the story and theme because they weren't pressuring themselves. And so, considering they were constantly trying to prove Killian's honor and maturity in regards to his relationship to Emma, so much of his screentime was wasted when it could have been used more appropriately. Like, the crumbs I talked about above? Make them a whole package, and that would prove the point they wanted to make anyway. But A&E were too proud in their own abilities as writers to even consider that, I guess.
Gold was a horrible person and you can fight me on that. He was an interesting character that I loved seeing on my screen... at least until his characterization took the plunge. But he was a clear example of a bullied, humiliated victim who, once he took a position of power immediately began abusing it and holding onto it for dear life. People kept mentioning how he stopped the Ogre Wars but a) that wasn't important enough to his narrative to show on screen and that says something and b) he used it as an excuse to be an asshole and to keep abusing his power, so it doesn't help? Upon losing Baelfire, his one goal became to go find him - but only as long as he kept his power. The seer confirmed he will meet him again, so he waited as long as it took - literal centuries because he wanted to find the way that would ensure he'd have both his son and his power. That power being the very thing he lost his son for, by the way. If that isn't a sign about how weird his priorities were, Idk what else to tell you man.
Yes I am mentally ill about Killian, if my seven plus years of stanning that developed into a love for Colin that I have paid real money to see from up close didn't clue any of you in XD
I circled the "part of a dynamic" one cause as I said, for almost the entire duration of the show, the rivalry between Gold and Hook was my top favourite dynamic. Sadly I didn't get that much, and I got grossly disappointed by the end, but what little I got (minus the ending, yes I am still bitter) I loved and I treasure.
Gold got too much screentime in the manner of the whole ping-pong he did between "hero" and "villain". I mean, it wasn't like they would dare sideline Robert Carlyle, but he got too many and repeated arcs that it got tiring even for me, who enjoyed his presence on my screen. If he had gotten a bit less of it, or a bit more balanced between all characters (same for Emma and Regina, they both suffered from repeated storylines and development arcs), I think they could have handled his gray morality better.
ALMOST got three lines there, lmao. BING!
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maanae · 3 years
I would like to thank you all because by the gods, I didn't have that much notifications since way too long, love you all ♥
(and warn you because I don't have a rythm. At all. It's 2 OC in 10 days, it'll probably be wayy much before the next one :'))
I didn't find any real fanfic on Daminette x Teen Titans and I really think it can have a lot of potential (and I like the Titans) so here a little thing. It's more of a "throw all ideas before I forget them" so it's not really organised but I think it's sweet, so enjoy! (like last time, make what you want of it, if you want to write it just @/me I want to see!)
Aged-Up Characters! Marinette 17 years old more or less and Damian 18 I suppose. I'm not really up to date on the ages of all the characters but they're close to be or are adults.
Marinette is tired. Really really tired. She needs holidays. Far away from Paris, from Hawkmoth, from Malizia, from Lila Rossi and her court of lies, from her Order and her responsabilities and just... holidays. And her friends know that. Even the new members of the Order who don't know her very well know that. So they scheme. (Because she needs it but she won't take holidays obviously. Self -sacrifiyng and way too hard-working demoiselle.)
She'll keep the Coccinelle because she's one of the two persons who can wield it and the Chat isn't a good idea for holidays (like yeah okay he's fun but he's also chaos and Marinette needs rest. So Ladybug it is). She also has the Cheval, in case of akuma or amok or mirage or idk what they want to throw at her. All of her Gardians duties will go to Adrien and Nino, her fellow gardians-in-training (because there is no way she can be a full-fledged Gardian without much guidance, even X years after, don't fight me). And yeah, it's not perfect but it's something and it's way better than what she has now.
That's good, all good. They just need a location now.
It was an idea from Alix, with her weird smile they learn to not ask about. But it's Adrien and Chloe who talk to Jon and Damian. And it's Kor'i who concretises it by inviting Marinette at Jump City, in the Titans Tower.
And she accepts, because she knows she needs holidays and she wants to see Damian and to meet his friends (just coworkers dixit himself and she doesn't believe him at all).
So she goes.
Of course, Damian haven't let the Titans know who their guest would be and Kor'i wanted it to be a surprise (and a little mischief, maybe, it'll be fun). So when the car parks in front of the tower, they wait for an hero, or a celebrity, or someone they know, or or... anyone really. Not an asian girl with dark rings under her eyes, half-asleep and clinging to Damian. Nor the ease of Damian when he takes her bags with his arm around her waist.
... Damian has a girlfriend !?
(Kor'i was right, it's fun.)
Damian has indeed a girlfriend but she just says hello and then go crash on the bed. Damian's bed in fact. In his room. Where he takes her bags. The Damian. Who doesn't like anyone in his venicity or in the venicity of his things (and okay, he's more... less... than in the beginning but still it's a huge thing for him!). The following hours are eventful for the Titans who doesn't get what the fuck is happening, Kor'i who just wants popcorns and Damian who hides in his room. With his girlfriend. (The Titan have a hard time swallowing that).
Marinette wakes up in the middle of the night and finds Rachel in the kitchen, in front of a cup of black coffee. She smiles, a little shy and a lot eager and buzzes with energy. Her dark circles are a little less pronunced but she takes a double coffee with enough sugar and creme to wake the dead. Heh. The girls bond across coffee, late nights, Damian and art. It's cool. And when the sun rises and the boys and Kor'i wake up one by one, they're friends. And Marinette makes divine coffee and all the boys are enamored in a minute.
(Damian is Not jealous. But he keeps close to Marinette. Just in case.)
Marinette is all smiles and flowers, adorable in this not-naive way of helping others like it's a second nature and asking if she oversteps, always cautious of the boundaries. She has the look of heroes, mature and wary, but her eyes shine when she talks and she's sunshine, lighting up all that she sees. Damian is at ease when she's at his side, hands fluttering around to explain her last idea, he rolls his eyes when she hits walls and furnitures and apologizes and smiles when she lits up in joy and passion. He looks like his dad when Bruce gets out of his multiple costumes, serene in a way they never know him to be.
Sometimes she disappears and she explains she's a hero at home and they can't know her alter-ego without being banned from her city. They look at the thundering look on Damian at that and understand that he hates that truth. When she reappears, she looks dead on her feet and the first time they couldn't do a thing - too surprised to see Damian fuss over someone. After, they learn that she needs distractions so Garfield and Victor organized video game contests and they discover someone who can, in fact, stand up to Cybord. Sometimes the enemy is too much and Rachel comes to meditate with her, her calm a great help for the buzy mind of Marinette. Other times she just sleeps on Damian and they keep quiet (with pictures because they're cute and it's Robin).
Another time, it's their turn to go on mission and Marinette waves them with a smile and hopes of good fortune. And, okay it's a little weird but hey she's nice, let her have that. (And she's French so maybe she had a case of weird translation of a French saying even if she's bilingue). They're weary when they return and Marinette regards them with something grave in her eyes, like she can see more, like she knows somehow. They advert their eyes first, except for Damian who goes to her and she stands on her toes to kiss him on the forehead and there is a weird shimmer. When Kor'i goes to her after him and receives the same treatment, Garfield asks if it's a cult thing of something and Marinette smiles but her eyes are still too deep, too obscure and explains that she can heal them a little, if they want. Raven is the first to accept and the weight on her shoulders is lift a little when Marinette delivers. At the very moment her lips touch her forehead - just beneath her cristal - she knows the healing is not only physical even if it's not really psychological either.
Damian's girlfriend is adorable and hero but she's also magical in a way so very different of what she saw before.
When Marinette's holidays come to an end, she has new friends, knows new people she can trust to have her back, and her smile is much more genuine than two weeks ago. And Damian is teased relentlessly (but also a little enviously, she really is too good for him! Even Raven said it).
(or the AU where the kwamis doesn't exist so Marinette is Magic. I love Tikki and Plagg and all the others but I really love a good kwamiless AU, it's so much magic. So here it is.) (btw it's the DCMAU version of Teen Titans, sometimes in the future, it's the only one I know enough to write about. and I don't even recall how the Judas Contract end so.)
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f1-disaster-bi · 3 years
some of the ships and bromances as red (taylor's version) songs because i have nothing better to do:
mindo footballer/f1 driver au: treacherous, i will not explain anything further it's them, it's cute, it's a bop. love it. love them. them going on a roadtrip blasting this song and screaming it from the top of their lungs. chef's kiss.
strollis olympic au: all too well. that's it. that's the tweet. my little heart aches for them.
charles/mick (idk lemacher????): forever winter, mainly because of the “If I was standing there in your apartment / I'd take that bomb in your head and disarm it”. just gives me worried mick trying to help charles with addie and charles trying to keep a distance at first and then mick breaking down the walls.
dando pr au: begin again. taylor swift wrote “And you throw your head back laughing like a little kid / I think it's strange that you think I'm funny 'cause he never did” thinking about them me thinks.
mindo doctor!michael au: starlight. it's cute, it's fun, it's pretty, like 'em. i feel like it would lowkey be how lando feels about the cute doctor with the whole “I said, "Oh my, what a marvelous tune" / It was the best night / Never would forget how he moved”.
and that's it, thanks for coming to my ted talk!
Lskdjfhffh ANON
I absolutely love this and it is 100% right ❤ those songs are a PERFECT fit 🥺
That album is just 🤌🤌🤌 and thank you so much for matching them to some pairings (I'm definitely gonna be listening to these songs when I get around to writing some of these 👀)
If you have any more, feel free to send them!!! I love it!
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night-rhea · 3 years
An Angel/Demon au but more like im remaking whole HP universe that no one asked for but i did it anyway because i simply just h a d to...
Under cut for now because its just me rambling about it with no proper art. And its...long...
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Okay you are here, are you ready??
At first, i wanted it to be some regular A.D. au that demons in hell and angels in heaven and they are enemies bla bla you know all that beautiful aus like that already
so welcome to my version of it, kinda crossover like.
In hp universe we have muggles - wizards/witches. I turned this into humans - angels/ demons. So humans are like muggles, living their life with no magic and no idea about it. Angels and demons are like wizards/witches, have magic and knows about humans. Angels and demons are not holy creatures, they belong in Earth and lives there.
Angels have light magic. They have white, bird like wings and that light magic comes from wing's feathers. Only most powerfull angels have ring on their heads (i really dont know its name...)Demons have dark magic. They have black, bat like wings and that dark magic comes from wing's scales. Only most powerfull demons have horns on their heads.
Light magic is creator, dark magic is destroyer. Simply, an angel can create a light, but cant make it disappear. A demon cant create a light, but can destroy it.
Because of that, most demon and angels works as team aand lives with each other. And a note, Hybrids cant exist, they simpy just demon or angel. Because dark and light magic destroy each other, one dominate other in every situation. (Also pureblood supremacists? They are still here, turned into all demon or
all angel families. Kinda still purebloods??)
Normally, angels and demons doesnt need to use wand to use their own magic. But they have it anyway. Why? To be able to use other magic kind that they dont have. Let me explain.
I thought it would be pain in the arse to live with not being able to basically cast Lumos but not Nox. Or opposite. So, im sure they would try to find a way to use other magic kind. Then i thought how???
Basic. An angel will have a wand that uses the power of demons wing's scale. A demon will have wand that uses the power of angels wing's feathers. Most impostant point is, actually that wands are just like in normal hp universe. To be able to use it as other magic kind, person need to power it up with feather/scale regularly. Because of that, every demon and angel has to donate some in periots, to Ministry. But some people like families or Aurors, ones that works as teams, they doesnt get it from Ministry, they get it from their partner. Because emotional bond between users makes is more powerfull. ıdk how, it just does because i want it jhgfdfghjkl also ✨magic✨
I think now i can move on Hogwarts and our Hphm characters. Thats where things gets exciting jhgfdfghjk.
There is just two houses now, for demons and angels (I couldnt find a name for them so if you have l e t m e k n o w p l s).
Demons, main color on uniform is black, as a second color person can choose one or two of cold colors (basically shades of blue,green and purple). House symbol is Dragon SİMPLY BECAUSE İ WANT AND İ CAN?? but also it has similiar wings with demons.
Angels, main color on uniform is white, as a second color person can choose one or two of warm colors (basically shades of red, orange and yellow). House symbol is Abraxan because wings and its light colors
Here a simple drawing of Talbott as angel and Rowan as demon, just because i wanted to see something about au. Also i didnt think about uniform much, so there is a chance i can make it more beautiful. ALSO i made Rowan demon because how they are mc's house, i mean they need to in mc's kind, but you feel free to change this if u want
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. Im not happy with drawings b u t i didnt think about them much. so. dont judge meee.
And no robes OR different dress code based on gender. No one wants robes or skirts while flying. NO ROBES AND SKİRTS AS UNİFORM. Thank you :)
Nooow are you ready to learn what i think of who is angel who is demon??? İf you have another ideas let me know plss
Demons: Night, Cordell, Tonks, Tulip, Andre, Merula, İsmelda, Bill, Jae, Skye, Murphy, Snape, McGonnagal, Madam Hooch.
Angels: Penny, Chiara,Diego, Badeea, Talbott, Barnaby, Charlie, Ben, Liz, Erika, Orion, Dumbledore, Flitwick, Sprout.
Normally student get sorted by hat in their house, in first year. İn that au, student get sorted in their team.
İn hogwarts, every demon has one main partner, an angel. And one secondary partner, another demon. Same goes as angels. And anegl have one main demon partner and secondary angel partner. Main partners makes the real team.
İt sounds little complicated, so allow me to give an example.
Night is demon. Their main partner is Talbott -angel- and secondary partner is Rowan -demon- The team is Night-Talbott. Rowan and Talbott has really nothing jhgfghjk.
I come up with everyones teams, but telling it like this would be hard, i will just write it like that:
Night-D-: Talbott-A- and Rowan-D-
Simple right??? Okay im starting, it might be confusing so maybe take a break before it?? Idk i felt bad for making this post s o long...
Night-D-: Talbott-A- and Rowan-D-
Talbott-A-: Night-D- and Badeea-A-
Rowan-D-: Ben-A- and Night-D-
Ben-A-: Rowan-D- and Diego-A-
Badeea-A-: Npc-D- and Talbott-A-
Cordell-D-: Barnaby-A- and Andre-D-
Barnaby-A-: Cordell-D- and Liz-A-
Andre-D-: Npc-A- and Cordell-D-
Liz-A-: Npc-D- and Barnaby-A-
Tulip-D-: Diego-A- and Tonks-D-
Tonks-D-: Charlie-A- and Tulip-D-
Charlie-A-: Tonks-D- and Npc-A-
Diego-A-: Tulip-D- and Ben-A-
Penny-A-: Skye-D- and Chiara-A-
Chiara-A-: Ismelda-D- and Penny-A-
İsmelda-D-: Chiara-A- and Merula-D-
Merula-D-: Npc-A- and İsmelda-D-
Last thing i wanna talk about it is, classes! İn that au, classes are karma -angel and demons are together- but differently than original hp universe, there is one angel and one demon teacher in class.
İn charms, while Flitwick teaches Lumos to angels, Mcgonnagal teacher Nox to demons. Sooo
Charms: Flitwick-A- and McGonnagal-D-
Transfiguration: McGonnagal-D- and Sprout-A-
Herbology: Sprout-A- and Snape-D-
Potions: Snape-D- and Flitwick-A-
Madam Hooch-D- teaches every first year to fly properly and she still quidditch referee
I think thats the everything i have in my mind. For now. I hope i explained it good, aaand i hope i didn't explode your brain with all details :((
If you read aaaall of it,tell me what you think about it! Au's are more fun if more people knows about it!
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aprxl-showers · 3 years
klance x pirates of the caribbean
bc apparently when i'm upset i listen to newsies live and think up weird klance aus
in my head this could go one of two ways:
keith and lance as will and elizabeth
keith and lance as jack and will (i'll explain later)
a lot more under the cut bc i got a bit carried away...
if it follows the canon love story i picture lance as will and keith as elizabeth. (i could see it the other way around bc keith could be the orphan pirate boy but i’ve written too much to go back now).
when they were young, keith was on a ship with his father and he spots lance on a piece of driftwood. they save him ofc and keith spots a jewel necklace around lance's neck. he takes it and later has it fused in the hilt of his mother's knife that is now his.
keith hates being the governor's son with a passion. he hates the formality of it and how restrictive it is. lance is the weaponsmaster's apprentice (that's how he gets good with a gun) and he is always under appreciated! give this guy some recignition!
anyway, he has been silently pining for keith for ages. little does he know, keith kind of likes him too. a lot of mutual pining has been going on for longer than either can recall.
anyhoo, pirates invade the town and kidnap keith. he puts up a fight but in the end he's outnumbered and taken aboard the ship as leverage. he says his surname is mcclain bc it's on his mind. wink wonk. captain of the evil pirates is zarkon and when the pirates who kidnapped keith hand him the knife he realises it is the jewel that can break their spell. since keith uses lance's surname, he also thinks it is keith's blood they need to finish the ritual since lance's family are the one's who sent the jewel away with lance. but it's not. obvs.
lance, after saving a baby, watches keith get taken in horror and tries to call out but is knocked out before he can act. once he's awake he hears that there's a pirate who was caught in the dungeon. that's allura. yes, eccentric captain allura is a choice i am making.
lance manages to break her out of jail, thinking she is one of the evil pirates and he can persuade her to help him. she is not but decides to help him anyway in an attempt to retrieve her ship 'the voltron' from zarkon. the two of them go off on a quest to save keith.
meanwhile, hunk and pidge are guarding keith. they are new recruits to zarkon's crew after their other crew threw pidge out when they discovered she was a girl (silly pirate superstitions). hunk went with her. they are easily persuaded to help keith bc zarkon's a meanie and promise that they'll help him out when they make it to land.
lance and allura arrive on an island and find coran who is allura's closest friend and ally. shiro is also there. he has a peg arm (is that a thing? idk it's a weird mechanism but it does the trick). coran explains that the ship keith is on is cursed and they will be going to the mysterious isle of daibazaal to break the curse.
they get there and watch zarkon attempt to break the curse using the jewel (which he pried out of the blade) and keith's blood. nah, it don't work. they still turn into creepy looking skeletons in the moonlight. damn. he threatens keith and then all hell breaks loose bc lance shoots him. it would have definitely killed zarkon but he can't die bc... the whole undead thing, and in doing so all lance does is reveal their position. they fight a bit, as you do. keith gets hold of a sword and kills three evil pirates in about five seconds. lance falls a little bit in love with him.
in the midst of the battle, lance makes a deal with zarkon that he will stay if keith and the others can go (this now includes hunk and pidge bc they helped keith get free). lance is stripped of visible weapons and zarkon agrees to break the curse immediately. lance cuts his hand and drops the jewel into the chest.
then he grabs keith's jewel-less knife from where it lies beside the chest. zarkon, distracted, doesn't notice until the blade is buried in his gut. he dies. keith and the rest act immediately and kill any other pirates who don't surrender. keith kills an evil pirate about to shoot lance.
they return keith in exchange for allura, coran, shiro, pidge, hunk and lance's pardon. keith expresses his wish not to be governor in the future and allura invites them on 'the voltron' ship with her since she reclaimed it from zarkon. keith and lance then have a moment where they thank each other for saving each other's life. keith thanks lance for coming after him and lance confesses. it's all very sappy and they kiss for ages.
lance is still will. i stand by everything i said about him in the previous version. his parents caused the curse to endure and sent him off. but instead of keith finding him, it's allura. she's the governor's (in this case, alfor's) daughter. she takes the jewel and keeps it as a necklace. lance and allura are more like besties but they're not really allowed to see each other because of their differing classes.
keith arrives and escapes the navy. hides in weaponsmaster’s shop. lance tries to fight him but he’s not as good with a sword as he is with a gun. lots of sassy banter where lance is tryna be noble and keith doesn’t care for it.
anyway, we sort of know what happens. allura gets kidnapped and uses lance's surname bc they had a conversation beforehand. lance stresses, hears about a pirate they captured, assumes it's one of the evil ones he can persuade to help him.
but instead he gets keith who he met earlier. in the time they’ve been apart he’s got himself landed in the dungeon. and he’s notoriously one of the most stubborn, grumy pirate captains in all the seven seas.
he's overall unimpressed with lance as a person and with his plan, only agreeing when he realises he might be able to get his ship, this time called 'the red lion', back. lance decides he's going to prove himself to keith. he doesn't know why he's so offended by a pirate's opinion but he just is. hmmm...
they pick up shiro and coran, pidge and hunk promise to help allura out yada yada yada and they start making their way towards the island.
they run into lotor and his crew (acxa, ezor, zethrid etc) who are unrelated to zarkon and that whole... thing but they're your typical pirates and they want their stuff. which is annoying af bc allura is missing and they have somewhere to be thank you very much.
they put up a good fight. lance has plenty of opportunities to impress keith with his pistol skills. consider keith very impressed and mildly enamoured. but he doesn't do feelings so he stuffs them down inside him as you do. they win and move on. afterwards keith asks lance where he learned those moves and lance tells him stories of his time in the weaponsmaster's workshop. they bond.
they get to the island and find allura. they fight and keith and lance save each other's backs too many times to count. lance has a revelation (inconveniently mid battle) that he actually really likes this. this is fun. this is exciting.
then keith fucks up. he says that he'll hand lance over if zarkon gives him his ship back. lance is fucking fuming and feeling very betrayed and hurt bc he actually felt like he was getting somewhere with keith. keith gets what he deserves though bc zarkon dumps him and allura on an island and takes lance away.
while they're on the island allura knocks some sense into him regarding his life generally and lance specifically. she tells him loads of cute lance-as-a-teenager stories and keith feels awful. he helps her light a signal fire using some rum he has on his person.
they spot the ship alfor sent to find allura. they persuade them to go to where lance and the rest of the crew is. keith tries to act like he's on zarkon's side when they get back to the cave and then he takes one of the cursed jewels so he's now immortal. aha! while this is happening allura has infiltrated zarkon's ship, 'the red lion', so shiro, coran, pidge and hunk can be freed.
allura then frees lance from where they were keeping him in the hull. lance runs to where keith is. they share a look. keith cuts his hand and throws the jewel to lance who does the same and drops it into the water. the curse is broken. keith goes to grab zarkon's sword so he can kill him but zarkon grabs him by the throat. lance shoots zarkon in the side before keith can pass out. he runs to keith who has collapsed. keith apologises and thanks him and promises not to betray him again. lance laughs, says he better not and helps him up.
they return allura safely in exchange for their pardon. keith asks lance to join the crew of 'the red lion' and gives him loads of reasons that are really just disguised compliments. safe to say lance kisses him senseless and they run away together, sailing off into the sunset. bc. klance. there's got to be a sunset somewhere.
hope you liked my what-were-meant-to-be-headcanons-but-just-became-plot-summaries!! i promise i’ll post some general pirate voltron headcanons unrelated to this au at some point. i wrote a pirate au piece for klance au month on my ao3 so some might be related to that?
if you want to send asks or whatever that would be cool - even if they're just random ideas for the au or changes/additions to the plot. i also might write little snippets for this at some point (i’ll tag them under ‘kl potc au’ like this post) bc i'm suddenly crazy invested so if you have any scenes from this you want (from version 1 or 2 or any scene in the plethora of potc movies) send a message and i'll probably get around to it :))
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bluejayblueskies · 3 years
for the au thing, uh… that specific genre of time travel au where Jon is a kid pls! i can’t remember if it has a name but.
send me an au and i'll give you 5+ headcanons about it! requests closed!
i don't think it has a specific name but i know what you're talking about!! i don't think i could ever actually tackle a time-travel au in full-on fic format, because i know i would get too caught up in the weeds of 'but what about the butterfly effect?' and 'did i think about this little detail nobody cares about?' but headcanon-wise, i definitely have some thoughts!
1. jon just acts the same as he was when he was an adult but as a child now. and he's put in a lot of high-pressure situations where he feels like he needs to work harder to get respect (as he's to anyone else's eyes a child) so he gets that stilted, over-accented Professional voice that just gets more pronounced the more people don't listen to him. he makes it as deep as it can go (which is admittedly not that deep) and uses big words and finds as formal clothing as he can get and tries to look as adult as he can while probably being like. 4 foot even.
2. okay here's a big thing for me: the adults around him do eventually take him seriously. i imagine this would be a scenario where he either came back in the same time period as mr. spider (so 1990s?) so he's dealing with gertrude and james/elias (the switchover is p close to mr. spider) or he came back in the time period where he became the archivist but as a child. in the first scenario, he would be dealing with no-nonsense gertrude who knows about the supernatural to its fullest extent, and i don't think she'd be less inclined to treat a child's story seriously than an adult's, especially since she can probably tell that he's telling the truth. in the second scenario, you might get a bit more kid-gloves in that the archival team is doubting how much they should expose a kid to what they deal with at the institute, but i think (at least in this au) that either kid jon would be able to convince them that he is, in fact, an adult in a kid's body or that, at the very least, he should be treated seriously. idk it's a very specific... i don't know the word, dislike? of mine when there's a lack of agency in the form of a character not being taken seriously or being repeatedly dismissed in a story. so kid jon has agency!!
3. i think it would be fun, if jon came back during the time period where he worked in the archives, if there was also his s1 self there at the same time. so we get a two-jons situation where they're both technically adults, but s5 jon is trapped in his childhood body. i have my own specific feelings about how i would want to write s5 jon and s1 jon interacting that are detailed enough to deserve their own post, but short version is that i prefer a supportive s5-s1 relationship and i don't think s1 jon would keep up the skeptic/professional persona around himself (as long as it's just himself). (also, since s5 jon knows exactly why s1 jon acted the way he did, he would know the right things to say to cater to that mindset. i think it would be basically a non-issue.) all that said, i think s1 jon interacting with an older version of himself stuck in a younger body would be an incredibly interesting dynamic and i would love to explore it.
4. s5 jon has a scene at some point where he realizes just how young he is. not in mind, sure--he still has all of his memories, a muted version of his beholding powers since the eye is locked away in the past again--but he looks young. his hair isn't graying, he doesn't have his scars, he doesn't have those chronic bags underneath his eyes, he's not too skinny from lack of eating--he's just young. i wonder if he would have complicated thoughts about this--one the one hand, some days his scars remind him of everything that's happened and he finds it relieving that they're gone, but on the other hand i wonder if he wouldn't feel at home in his younger self's body anymore, like it's not his. he probably has a conversation with s1 jon about this, where he explains everything that happened to him that made him feel like his body wasn't really his own anymore and that he didn't have agency over it but that now that he's here, in this body, he still feels the same way but for different reasons.
[complete tonal shift incoming]
5. kid jon and s1 jon have the same mannerisms but in kid/adult bodies and the rest of the archival team finds it so endearing
tim, actively trying not to Gush, whispering to sasha: look look, they're both glaring in the same way!
sasha, gasping: it's the patented Jon Glare™️!! now in miniature format, but not lacking in intensity
kid jon: you know i can hear you right
tim, now Actively Gushing: ah he's glaring at me now!!! wow yeah, still intense. is this how you vanquished your enemies as a toddler?
kid jon: i am not--tim, how old do you think i am? physically, that is
tim, very bad at guessing ages: uh. six?
sasha: uh, six technically isn't a toddler tim
kid jon: eight, tim!! i'm eight!! well, i'm- i'm 32 actually--probably, time was... weird in the apocalypse--but you know what i mean
tim: you're 32???
kid jon, who forgot he lied about his age: ah
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mellowasinyellow · 3 years
100daysofwriting - Day 1
So I thought for the first day I might just briefly outline all of the WIPs I have actually made a start on and that might help me to decide where I want to focus some energy. I have some for Katniss/Peeta in THG fandom and some for Natasha/Clint in the MCU.
folklore series - so I started this series of fics inspired by songs from Taylor Swift's album folklore because honestly those songs just immediately bring to mind so many scenarios that made me think of Katniss and Peeta. I made a start on chapters based on peace, my tears ricochet, invisible string, this is me trying, and mad woman. I also have a bit of an outline for continuing the story that was started in 'the 1'.
I've had this one WIP ongoing since about 2015(?) which is a bit of a monster that has grown beyond me but basically it involves Katniss and Gale being raised in the Capitol in relative poverty after their fathers are conscripted into the peacekeepers because of traitorous activity. Mrs Everdeen is still from 12 but was moved to the Captiol to be married (this part is sketchy) and she still had a little childhood romance with Mr Mellark. Peeta gets reaped and Mrs Everdeen reacts to this as he looks like his father. Katniss gets a crush on him as she watches him prepare for the games. She hates herself for it but finds herself checking up on how he is doing even during non-mandatory viewing.
Arranged Marriage - I feel like this is such a cliche for thg fandom, but I just imagined my own way that the pairings happen but I'm so bad at writing slow burn so this will probably never materialise, but if you want a semi-decent thought out pairing/arranged marriage system I would be happy to lend you mine.
Miscarriage fic - I will never post this, but it's in my WIP folder. It's full of nasty feelings that feel a little better when they are written about.
Modern AU Pandemic Quarantine! - ofc, this is essential. Katniss and Peeta end up as the only people not to move home from their dorm for the quarantine. Slow burn that I can't fucking write should ensue.
Canon Pandemic Quarantine AU - pandemic a few years after the end of the war forces Katniss to admit she wants Peeta as more than a friend with whom she hunts, bakes, rebuilds the district. Cue sexy pandemic times and a resentful Haymitch that keeps accidentally breaking the rules.
Divorced but co-parenting Everlark - obviously finding their way back together
Another classic of their children being reaped and dying - I don't know why I write things this depressing. They just tend to come out in one big rush and then I never address them again.
Real weird teen pregnancy modern day AU - don't know where it's going or why...
Modern day AU dead Prim - Peeta and Katniss just met each other through mutual friends and are kind of flirting. Peeta is a bit infatuated. Katniss stops going to mutual friend parties and he finds out it's because her sister died. Instead of staying away he gets tangled up in her grief and does all sorts of practical things while Katniss wallows. Also it's E rated but not that much fun... can't entirely explain where this one came from either...
Single Parent AU where Finnick and Annie play match maker. Probably my fave Everlark in the works but it's another one that has grown so big for the 20 minutes I can dedicate to it each week.
Red Room Take Down - Nat and Clint are retired and living a quiet family life with their child. SHIELD appears asking for Nat's help in taking down the red room and dealing with the fall out, specifically what to do with the girls that they get out. Nat is torn but chooses to go. Chaos ensues with the 'rescued' girls. I need to actually develop some OCs a little if I ever want this to be good but tbh the pending Black Widow movie is kind of holding me back on this one too because I hope we find out more about the red room.
So I have a weird habit of writing from Lila Barton's POV. I can't explain it. I have AoU and like to pretend it never happened but anyway I have a WIP about Lila detailing the collapse of her parents' marriage after Clint retires and he and Laura actually have to spend time together without Natasha. She then goes on to describe the custody settlement and her utter joy that Auntie Nat sleepovers with them at her dad's place. She feels utterly betrayed when she finds out they are getting engaged.
Fluffy AU - Clint and Natasha in an established relationship with a son born between infinity war and endgame. Natasha still sacrifices on Vormir, but Steve gets her back no bother and it's so nice and happy and fluffy and Clint and Natasha are together and they have a son who has both parents back and Steve gets to make all this happen and he is so happy too and they have a barbecue and go swimming in a lake and clint/natasha have private time, and their kid wants to be captain america, and did I mention how HAPPY everyone is?
Another fic similar to the above just about everyone being so HAPPY. Endgame reverses the snap and instead of weird farm family coming back Clint and Natasha get their daughter back and it's just a cute moment about her reappearance and their race back to the spot she disintegrated from. (Steve/Bucky go to Vormir and Steve is sacrificed, but that fucker CHOSE to leave).
This is another one that has just grown bigger than my brain. it's based off the idea that Natasha helped with coordinating fosterings during the blip time. Clint loses his mind when he loses his family and crashes in BedStuy but finds a neighbour girl (Kate Bishop) who is fending for herself in post-apocalyptic Brooklyn. He helps her out and tries to get children's services involved but it has collapsed. Finds out Natasha is the one getting everything in order. He gets in touch. She's at the end of her tether and asks why he can't keep looking after her. In the end he does and she ends up getting involved and all three get overly attached to each other. I haven't got as far as the events of endgame and idk what's going to happen. It might be tragic.
Pregnant Natasha but nobody knows what is wrong with her because they don't even suspect her being pregnant is possible. Just a real vivid description of the early unpleasant pregnancy symptoms.
Another absolute monster - Sort of canon compliant to begin with aside from before the farm family disappear. Clint and Laura are in the middle of separating and tensions are running quite high at the farm. Snap happens. Nat and Clint accidentally run into each other while both a bit low during the blip and get drunk and share home truths. Begin working together from HQ and both get a little less sad. He convinces her she doesn't have to be responsible for the world's fate every moment of every day. Clint has a break down at Morgan's 1st birthday and realises that things will have to change. Nat has this realisation later. They begin sleeping together. Accidental pregnancy. More feelings come out between them. They enter a more conventional relationship and have baby. Baby is really hard work (colic) and they struggle with comparisons and feelings of inadequacy. Pepper helps them to identify the colic and improves everything greatly. Happy times with baby while also running the avengers. Opportunity to reverse snap. Some good scenes between Nat and Tony. A big conversation between Nat and Clint about what it will mean. Steve and Nat end up going to Vormir together. Nat is obviously about to commit suicide. Steve over powers her and gives her a pep talk about the situation she is running away from and how to deal with it. He self-sacrifices. Clint goes back to farm fam and Natasha goes back to BedStuy with baby. Clint has to tell Laura and then the kids about the last 5 years and their new siblings. Nate is super into it. Cooper is a bit aloof and cynical. Lila is confused. Laura is quietly seething. Clint helps put the farm back together about 5 years of neglect and the kids meet baby. Family gets happier. Laura and Nat eventually meet again and it's civil/friendly.
My own version of what happened in Budapest.
The Call - inspired by a post here on tumblr. Nat calls Clint as she bleeds out. Just needs a beta reader and then I would consider publishing.
AoU reimagined but with Clintasha - I'm not sure where this one is going it's like a massive spider web right now with lots of ideas shooting off, but basically it is inspired by this post and just involves a lot of hoodwinking the other avengers.
Accidental Baby Acquisition - Natasha becomes Yelena's child's legal guardian after Yelena gets taken out. Natasha and Yelena are estranged at this point and Natasha things the whole thing is a trap and brings Clint along. He is surprisingly good with the baby so she ropes him in to teach her. The three of them end up bonding.
5 times there's only 1 bed + 1 time they choose to sleep in the same bed.
non-superhero AU Clint and Nat both think they have adopted a stay cat but actually the cat has owners and just likes strokes and eats a lot so has many 'families'. They get into an argument over which of them the cat belongs to only to find out the cat has owners and they are moving away. They decide to adopt a cat between them as both are not hope that much and the shelter refused them as single people. Slow burn ensues, which I am shit at writing.
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