#the backstory of dream getting that nickname is that they asked who he is but he said hes looking for the Corinthian
valhargreeves · 4 months
Corintheus at cereal convention except it went differently,
Dream entered the hall with a name tag.
A nametag like all the guests were wearing. Of course The Corinthian had been surprised when he spotted Dream mid speech but no more shocked than the fact that what was said on Dream's nametag.
It said, "HELLO, I am The Corinthian's Husband."
Fucking hell, his face immediately turned red in irritation and embarrassment. He got off the stage abruptly and walking angrily to Dream. "What is this?"
"This is... me." Dream twirled his long ass coat, showing it off and smiling softly for a millisecond. "I'm not sure what you are referring to."
"No." He facepalmed, then pointed to the nametag. "That. What do you think you're doing?"
Dream had the audacity to look like a sad wet kitten that Cori didn't appreciate the dramatic long coat.
"Well....I needed one to get in-"
"No you fucking didn't you know that! Of course you followed that kind of rules."
"I may be a king, but I still have to be polite upon entering someone's...territory." Dream stated like it's the most important thing at the moment, when they both know their reunion is of destruction and unmaking, and revenge.
"Not the point, but you're fucking embarrassing me right now. What were you thinking?"
"Tch. Language, Corinthian."
Cori pulled his hair in frustration.
"Surely it isn't so bad... they all know...that you're gay?"
"Of course they know!"
"Then I don't see what seems to be the problem." Dream shrugged.
A silence.
"I have gotten married before, I know how to be a husband. If people got suspicious." convinced Dream. LIKE THAT WOULD HELP. AND NOT THE POINT.
"Nah, all your lovers left you."
Dream's face darkened in silent rage. If he kept going Dream wouldn't hesitate to unmake him right away.
"Sorry. Uh."
"It's...fine." Dream waved away.
"I'm learning to be forgiving. And... my husband would stay, wouldn't he?" There goes the threat. He only realized the crowd were paying attention to them the whole time when they made an "awww" sound. Someone yelled "just say yes dumbass or I'll steal that twink!" Remind Corinthian to kill that bitch later.
"Okay. I'll stay. And come home." The crowd cheered in support as Dream's face brightened in happiness. He attempted to smile as an angel would but failed miserably. Dream's smile isn't beautiful, they're scary as hell and Cori didn't know if the king ever noticed some people weren't made to smile. However the reward is appreciated just the same, he'd take what he could get.
"That's what I thought."
Another day, another Dream of the Endless getting whatever the hell he wanted.
Some other day;
Again, they're in the Waking world. They've compromised that Corinthian would no longer hunt down the humans. Unless they really, really deserved it. Dream could look the other way every once in a while.
Some rando who is Corinthian's fan: Hello, Corinthian I'm a fan of your works!
Cori: thanks
Them: and this is...? (They look at Dream)
Dream: you don't know who am I?
Them: no...am I supposed to?
Cori: (please, please control your temper. Don't cause a scene in the Waking world.)
Dream: I'm the Corinthian's Husband. 😊
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munsonsmixtapes · 3 months
Say Don't Go
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Evan "Buck" Buckley x fem!reader
summary: tensions rise between you and Buck as you find out that he works for you uncle and he learns you're Bobby's niece, forcing the two of you to make a decision on where your relationship stands
word count: 3k
part one part three part four part five part six
Buck could not believe it. The first woman he was attracted to in months was Bobby’s niece? He really was always getting dealt a shit hand. He was going to ask you out on an official date and bring you flowers and shower you with compliments and make stupid jokes to make the both of you less nervous. He supposed now that it was only a pipe dream. And all because you were related to his boss. 
“Bobby, I didn’t know you had a niece,” Buck spoke up, trying to seem nonchalant, as if he didn’t feel like he was going to throw up. And he did, the idea of running to the restroom sounding real inviting. 
“She’s my sister’s kid,” Bobby replied, pulling you into his side in a protective manner then pointed at the man. “Don’t get any ideas, Buck,” he said with a wink, but the threat seemed very serious. Too bad the ship had already sailed and was on the verge of sinking. 
You eyed Buck and shook your head as if to tell him to not come any closer. You wanted to speak to him about the whole situation, but you couldn’t without everyone noticing that the two of you had disappeared and jumped to their own conclusions. You were going to have to meet on your own time to avoid suspicions. Especially Bobby’s. 
The man had become very protective of you since the day you were born and would continue to do so until he took his last breath. Since your father was never in the picture, he felt the need to step up and be exactly what you needed. He was there for everything: your first steps, helping you ride a bike without training wheels, your first date. Yes, he sat in the back row of the movie theater, watching the two of you like a hawk, making sure the kid didn’t try anything. 
Bobby would not have been happy if he found out that Buck had even looked at you in a flirty manner let alone slept with you. It wasn’t that he didn’t think that Buck wasn’t fit to be your boyfriend, but more like any man wasn’t fit for the role. 
You eyed Buck practically the entire time but tried not to draw attention to yourself as you did it. Tension was rising and you really hoped that no one else could see it. Especially since you were the guest of honor and couldn’t fade into the background like you desperately wanted to. 
“Everyone,” Bobby stood behind you, resting his hands on your shoulders. “This is my niece, y/n. And I expect you all to welcome her as an honorary member of the 118. She’s going to be here for a while. Y/n, this is Hen and her wife Karen,” he pointed to the Black woman who was standing next to Buck. She gave you a hug and you were quick to return it. “And Buck and his sister, Maddie.” You looked at Buck and didn’t miss the look on his face as your eyes glanced at him to look at his sister. His face was white. Almost as if he had seen a ghost. You ignored it for the moment and tried your best to listen to Bobby’s introductions of his team. “And that’s Chimney,” Bobby gestured to the Asian man who was on Buck’s other side. Oh, you so had to hear the backstory about that nickname. “And Eddie and his son, Christopher.” You turned your attention to one of the most beautiful men you had ever seen and a young boy who was using crutches. 
Hugs were all passed around as you were introduced and you all mingled as you sipped on your drinks, waiting for dinner to be ready. You got into a conversation with Maddie about nursing, but you couldn’t help but let your eyes wander to her brother who had been in what looked a deep conversation with Eddie. You couldn’t help but feel like word about your night together was somehow going to get to your uncle and you didn’t even know why you cared so much. You were an adult now and really had no reason to hide to from Bobby. Maybe he’d be a little upset at first, but he’d come around. 
“So, that’s the girl you hooked up with the other night?” Eddie asked, holding back a laugh. It was just too good, almost like the plot of a telanovela he’d watched with Christopher. Of course something like that would have happened to Buck. That sounded exactly like something that would have happened to him. 
“Yes,” Buck nodded. 
“And she’s Bobby’s niece?” All Buck could do was glare at Eddie. It was almost as if he wasn't listening at all. And for once, this was a very serious matter. His life was doomed as he knew it and Eddie was just laughing it off as if it was all just a big joke. And Buck supposed that maybe it was.
“Yes. Weren’t you listening?” He was now on edge, for whatever reason, feeling paranoid that Bobby had been listening even though the man was all the way across the room joking around with Michael.
“Hey, relax," Eddie pat his friend's shoulder. Sometimes Buck just really needed to relax. "I’m just making sure I’m getting the facts right. I can't believe that out of all of the people in Los Angeles that you slept with Bobby's niece. Oh, Chim is gonna get a kick out of this."
Eddie burst into laughter, really getting a kick out of his friend's pain, but he couldn't help it. It was all just too funny to not laugh a little at the unfortunate events of his friend's life. He was just happy that he wasn't in Buck's shoes.
“But you're not gonna tell Chim," he gave Eddie a warning look. "This secret dies with us. And I swear if you tell Bobby-" Both of the men knew that whatever threat came out of Buck's mouth would be empty, but Eddie wanted to know what would have been in store for him if he had broken his promise.
“You’ll do what, Buck?” He crossed his arms over his chest, tilting his head to the side in curiosity.
“I don’t know, but It’ll be bad.”
“Sure, whatever you say, buddy." Eddie gave his shoulder a pat as Bobby had everyone gather around before they all sat down to eat.
“Alright, everyone dinner is served and before we sit, I’d to make a toast,” Bobby spoke up and you could see his eyes getting misty already. “The moment I held you after you were born, I knew that you’d be destined for greatness,” he started and you knew that his speech was going to be a tear jerker just like always. 
“I remember when you were three and insisted on fixing my “wounds” with your little doctor’s kit that I had gotten you for Christmas. You told me that you were going to be a nurse and save lives and look at you now. You graduated nursing school and got a job at your first choice hospital. I’m so proud of you, kiddo. So, if everyone would raise their glasses.” Everyone did as they asked as Bobby raised his own that was filled with soda. “To y/n,” he said. 
“To y/n,” everyone repeated and they all clinked their glasses together before cheering, giving you a round of applause. After the excitement died down, everyone sat down at the table, the only spot available being the one to the left of you that Buck was reluctant to occupy. 
“Oh-“ he said, cutting himself off and everyone was quick to turn to him. To them, it was just the only available seat. To you and Buck, though, it was more than that. If he sat next to you, the awkward tension would only rise and Buck really didn’t want to make it all about him when this was your party. 
“You can sit there, Buck,” Bobby told him. “Y/n doesn’t bite.” Buck’s mind immediately flashed to a couple of nights ago when you had done just that. When you had actually bitten him and been the cause of the healing hickey on his neck. 
“Yeah, Buck,” youpulled the chair out for him to take a seat. “I don’t bite,” you winked, a joke just between the two of you. Buck hesitantly sat next to you, being very obvious unlike you. He might as well have just told the entire table that the two of you had slept together while he was at it. 
“So, y/n,” Hen spoke up. “What’s your position at the hospital?” 
“Labor and delivery,” you told her. You always loved the idea of bringing new life into the world and after doing a few residencies and following nurses around who did just that, you knew that was the career for you. 
“That’s so admirable,” Hen smiled warmly. Just from what Bobby had told her about you, she was sure that you were going to do really well in the medical field. That you were a hard worker and never took no for an answer. “I’m sure you’re going to do great.” 
“Well, thank you. And thank you, Robert, for this amazing celebration,” you gestured to the all of the nurse themed decorations all over the main level of the house and even out on the patio where you were all sitting. 
“That was actually all Athena,” Bobby corrected, feeling like he should’ve let his wife take the credit for all the hard work she put in to make the house look nice. 
“Well, thank you, Athena,” you turned to the woman she nodded enthusiastically, wanting you to know just how much she enjoyed planning the entire thing for you, knowing that it meant a lot to Bobby because of how close he was to you. 
“Of course,” she replied. “It was my absolute pleasure.” 
You looked around at everyone sitting at the table and despite not knowing most of them, you felt but nothing but loved sitting at that table, discussing everything and nothing as you all ate the meal that Bobby prepared for you all. You had felt alone your entire life, only having Scarlett, your mom, and Bobby as your family and now all of the people he had been closest to were welcoming you into their world with open arms, and you couldn’t help but feel more lucky. 
You hesitantly turned to Buck and noticing him picking around his plate, the dish almost full signifying that he hadn’t really eaten anything. And you didn’t blame him. You hadn’t much of an appetite either considering the whole situation and for a second there, you completely had forgotten about him. It seemed that neither of you had the best luck in the dating apartment, so of course, as fate would have it, you couldn’t be together. Or more like shouldn’t considering the whole situation. It would have just been weird and awkward and maybe it would have just been for the best if you just left it at a one night stand. 
Dinner came to a close and by the end of it, you were all sharing funny stories from your careers and just from the one meal you had with them, you knew you were going to enjoy spending more time with them. Maybe if you asked Bobby, you all could have had more meals together like you had heard they did at the 118. You would have really enjoyed that. You were really looking forward to having a real family. 
The members of the 118 all lingered at the door like usual, all hesitant to go back to their homes. All except Buck. He was getting antsy to get the hell out of there and to probably never speak to you again. He could run into a burning building without batting an eye, but when it came to his personal life, all he wanted to do was run away. He absolutely hated confrontation and was going to avoid the inevitable as long as possible.
He looked at you, watching you laugh with his sister and could easily see the three of you getting together for dinner. You'd sit next to him and his hand would reach for yours and you'd give him a warm smile as Maddie looked at the both of you, so happy that her brother had finally real, true love.
The dream quickly faded away as Buck accepted that he was going to let you slip through his fingers. The whole thing was just too complicated and he wasn't going to put you through all of that, especially since you were just getting started with your career. You already had too much on your plate and he didn't think there was enough room for him.
"Right, Buck?" Bobby asked, giving his shoulder a pat and Buck turned to the man in confusion, not even aware that he was even being spoken to.
"I'm sorry, what?" You were still swirling around in his mind even though he was trying hard to focus on what Bobby had been saying.
"You're coming in on time tomorrow, right?" He had still been teasing about him being late a couple of days ago and Buck just rolled his eyes. Now he didn't have a reason to be late anymore and he kind of hated it.
"Yes sir," Buck nodded. "Good night, Bobby."
"Good night, Buck." Bobby gave his shoulder a squeeze and Buck gave you one last look before turning on his heel to head to his jeep.
You watched Buck walk to his vehicle, wondering why he had said goodbye to everyone but you. What, so he found out that you were Bobby's niece and now he was giving you the silent treatment? How was that fair? Maybe everything that happened that night was all part of an act and now he was just showing you his true self.
So maybe that night wasn't as special to you as it was to him. You had even considered asking him out, but now you guessed you had just dogged a bullet. He was just like the other's and at least this one saved you the headache by ghosting you instead of pursuing you only to show no interest in you the entire duration the relationship. You supposed it saved you some tissues knowing who he was from the get go.
One week later
You pulled up to the fire station, feeling anger course through you as you put Scarlett's car in park. You had tried to reach out to Buck multiple times since the party only to be met by nothing but silence. Even if nothing happened between the two of you, you felt like you at least deserved an explanation. Didn't your feelings matter too? Apparently not to him.
So, you decided to show up the one place he couldn't run from so you could have a conversation with him. You weren't sure how you were going to do that with all those people around, but you'd figure things out. You always did.
You marched into the station, scanning the place for Buck and noticed that everyone was surrounding the engine, wiping it down or cleaning the interior. Eddie was the first to spot you and he pointed wordlessly to the other side of the engine, assuming that you were there for Buck.
You rounded the back of the engine and made a beeline for the man, grabbing onto his arm, pulling him somewhere more private, deciding that right by the bathrooms was really the only spot that was as out of sight as you could get. You stopped there and Buck could practically see the flames forming in your eyes because of how angry you were. Women had been mad at him more times than he could count, but never like that. If looks could kill, he definitely would have been dead.
"You're an asshole," you told him, trying your best not to yell. For once, Buck was very aware of the hurt he had caused. And now he was paying for it. With the way you were balling your fists, you looked like you were going to punch him, and for the first time, he was going to take it because he felt like he deserved it.
"Am I?" He asked, cocking his head to the side. Buck didn't know why he was being such a dick, but now he felt like he had stick with it since he had already committed to the role. He honestly wasn't expecting you to show up. The most he ever got was an angry phone call. Perhaps you showing up was a sign that you weren't willing to give up on him like everyone else.
"Yes!" Your voice was a little loud, but you couldn't have cared less. He deserved to know just how angry you were and for once, you didn't care about embarrassing him. That was the least he deserved.
"I had a really nice time with you. You made me feel special. I hadn't slept with anyone in a long time and I trusted you. I trusted you, Evan. And then you find out that Bobby's my uncle and you run? If you didn't want to see me again, the least you could have done was told me. But no, you're nothing but a coward."
Bobby stood on the other side of the wall, listening to the entire thing. He hadn't meant to eavesdrop, but he had left the restroom just as you and Buck went to block the exit and he couldn't have passed without revealing that he had heard everything and he couldn't have that. At least, not yet. Tension was already high and he didn't want to make it worse.
Bobby didn't know what was worse, hearing that you had slept with Buck, or the fact that he made you cry. So not only did the guy sleep with you, but he also completely ghosted you and hurt your feelings. That was three strikes so Buck was out. At least, for the near future. Just as you were leaving, the sirens went off, signaling that there was a call.
Buck tried to follow you, but Eddie stopped him and Buck watched you leave from over Eddie's shoulder. Eddie turned him around and pushed Buck towards the engine, but Bobby stopped him.
"I'm benching you today, Buck." Maybe it was wrong of him to bring his personal life into work, but nobody was allowed to hurt his little girl. Not even Buck. Especially not Buck.
"Why?" Buck didn't like the assumption his brain was coming to and he really didn't like being benched after being yelled at by a girl he really liked.
"I'm the captain and what I say goes. The dishes really need to be done, so could you take care of that?" With that, Bobby got into the engine and both it and the truck pulled out of the station, leaving Buck with nothing but his thoughts and a sink full of dishes that needed to be done.
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cheriladycl01 · 6 months
In your Dreams - Lewis Hamilton x FrenchOlympicBadminton! Reader
Plot: Lewis loves Golfing, Surfing and Skiing, so you’d think if he’d end up with an athlete he’d end up with one in one of his secondary sports. But no, hes with you on the red carpet of the debut of a movie airing about your life and your struggles before becoming the youngest Olympic Gold Medalist in Badminton, and having the most consecutive medals too.
Warning: lots of dark themes and undertones about your backstory in this one’s, specifically abuse in the system, parental pressures, grooming and SA (by an ex partner) etc
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You walked along the red carpet outside the Leicester Square cinema where the exclusive showing of your new movie was occurring.
Lewis couldn’t keep his eyes off of you in that pretty red dress he loved. The moment he saw you in it, his brain had pretty much short-circuited and his only thoughts were off you.
He knew in the red carpet photos you’d be there radiant as ever and he’d be looking at you like some love sick puppy. But he really didn’t care, this was your night and he was here to support you … his fiancé.
“Thank you for being here tonight. I know it wasn’t easy to get time away” you smile up at him, holding him close to you and looking at him with an adoration he saw often. You knew he was busy with the season as it hadn’t started off as Mercedes Gad expected and he was under a lot of pressure from Toto that he’d been feeling overwhelmed most days.
“You know I’d do just about anything for you my Cherie” he said using the nickname you loved.
“I needed you here tonight” you smile pulling him into a kiss, the camera flashes instantly picking up speed and consistency making you giggle into the kiss.
“I know darling” he says keeping his hold on your waist tight as you walk past the photographers and paparazzi posing every now and then when they ask you to stop.
You eventually get to the people interviewing you, happier to be in a calmer than the one at the start of the carpet.
“Y/N it’s amazing to have you here tonight on the premier. Feeling right now?” She asks and a grin comes into your face.
“Amazing, honestly to have my personal story but out in such a raw and public way is such a helpful step for people who maybe or may have suffered the way I have an gives a message of hope to anyone who has ever felt the way I did that the road doesn’t end there!” You nod loving that you will be helping millions of people who have shared the same experience as you.
“So before we go in, tell us a little about the film!” She probes.
“Well, it’s starts on the note of me growing up pretty tough and with no outlook for my future, being tossed from foster to foster home, the hard times and abuse I went through there before I come across Patrick DuPont, who we know very well as my trainer and the main reason I ended up where I am today. It moves through my teens and realising I’m talented and some things and how I was naive enough to not see the manipulation and abuse I was put through as a result of that and how I was used by many. It guides you through my most important relationships with people both the most gnarly and the most pure. It’s a really moving and emotional movie that I know will being lots of people including myself to tears” you explain the rough synopsis to her, making her nod and check her pad in-front of her that an assistant was holding out for her.
“And obviously adding onto those relationships, who will we be seeing a lot of?” She asks and you nod.
“Obviously towards the start in my early childhood, you’ll see a lot of my foster parents and my childhood best friend Emilie Bustlen, as I grow up you meet Patrick and my main foster family. For legal reasons we had to change names around because of this so they are know as the Laurent’s before we meet Hunter Goshill, my ex partner and some of my competitors. Before we finally find a safe haven, in this man right here beside me” you smile pulling Lewis forward and closer to you, he looks a little shocked that he’s now in the full shot of the camera rather than off the the side and has a mic code to him.
“You guys met when Y/N was 19 and you must have been what 25, 26? How did that work in 2011?” She asks knowing that’s when you met.
“Obviously I met Y/N at a race, she was there alone walking through the paddock and I just fell in love with her. Once I worked out who she was having an Olympic gold medal I was introduced to her by my then team principle Martin Whitmarsh and I proceeded to win that race. Was Germany! Obviously the year after she was travelling to London for the Olympics and as my home country of course I came with her as it tied in nicely to my summer break. After that she was the one that convinced me to make the move to Mercedes and apart from proposing to Y/N that’s probably the best thing I’ve ever done” he admits.
“Woah, what a lovers story obviously prior to that, Y/N you were in a if you don’t mind me saying quite a pressured and dare I say toxic relationship with ex partner Hunter?” She asks and you nod looking down for a second before feeling a squeeze on your hand in reassurance.
“I mean it shows it better in the film that I can get into words, but I was very young and naive. I looked for anything that would give me the slightest bit of affection which I would often just confuse with attention. And of course that came from someone who was older than me, and knew how to take advantage of me, without it ever feeling like he had I’ll intentions because I was so desperate to feel. Lewis has thought me many things but being loved the right way is the best thing” you smile looking to your soon to be husband with pure love, no other intentions just two souls mingled together as they should be.
“Really a beautiful couple and a beautiful story, just is heartwarming finding out what you’ve been through and how Lewis has helped break those walls you spent years building. I’m so excited to see this movie, and everyone at home watching this is your sign to get to your local cinema and buy a ticket for In your Dreams: The Story of Y/N Y/L/N ” she smiles.
You nod beofre saying a polite goodbye and heading off.
You answer some more questions, some about the movie some about your goals for 2024 in Paris if you’ll get your 5th gold medal for Team France, some were as trivial as what and who you were wearing.
“God, I just want to go home to Roscoe now” you sigh as you enter the theatre, going to get some treats for you and Lewis while the movie is on.
“I know baby, just a little longer. Then we can get started on our wedding planning hmmm?” He asks looking over you and making you smile and pull him into a passionate kiss, teeth clashing and you pulling him in by the nape of his neck.
You walk past some critics giving them smiles and some small talk before they let you on your way.
You eventually sat with Lewis at the front row will all the cast and directors next to your guys as the film came up on the screen.
It was everything you’d envisioned. Tear jerking, heartwarming and moving. Lewis was brought to tears and many others in the theatre who didn’t know the full extent of your story were coming up to you after the film talking to you about your life and how your success had a whole new meaning to them now.
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Liked by lewishamilton, nicorosberg and antonia.desplat
y/user: I’ve loved you since I was 19, now that I’m 32 and engaged to you, I wouldn’t want my life any other way. I love you Lew ♥️.
Thank you so much for paramountpictures making my story come to life in the new movie In your Dreams: The Story of Y/N Y/L/N
Tagged 12 People
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paramountpictures: truly amazing to bring your story of strength, resilience and success to life.
-> y/user: thank you for putting your heart and souls into this project it really is magical 💥 Also thank you too, all of the actors and actresses in the movie antonia.desplat who did a fantastic job!
-> antonia.desplat: thank you for giving me this opportunity. This movie has been my big break as a struggling French actress! Merci Du Fond Du Coeur 🇫🇷♥️🥐
lewishamilton: I love you with all of my heart. I’m so proud of everything you’ve achieved this far and am proud to say I’ll be in your life for the remainder of your future successes and achievements. Je vous aime! 🐻❤️
-> y/user: Sir Lewis Hamilton - the man you are 🫶🏼
nicorosberg: that picture is so old, I took this years and years ago!
-> y/user: Nico Rosberg the OG Y/N-Hamilton shipper 🫶🏼
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Back on the grind 😮‍💨
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darlingbabyboo · 1 year
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(He's beautiful 😍) love my boy so much, I needed to make this post about him because he exists rent free in my head ❤️‍🔥
Warning: overwhelming love and me inserting some ship opinions (but actually, I mention suicide briefly
First off, let me say that I wholeheartedly choose to believe that Hanma has heterochromia. The only reason that the anime doesn't show it because they're cowards
Starting with the entirety of his life
Because the manga severely deprived us of a backstory, I'll never forgive you Wakui it is up to me to conjure up something that makes sense
I'm saying it with all the love in my heart, Hanma has such strong fatherless and motherless energy
It's probably from neglect, I don't think he was physically abused, I just think he didn't have a lot of love in his life
He probably got his tattoos when he was insanely young because his family just, like didn't care
Also, I don't remember where, but there's a headcanon saying that Hanma's dad is a police chief and I'm deeply obsessed with that idea and I think that it actually makes a lot of sense
Like his dad pushed him away even further because he didn't want his rep ruined because of his delinquent son
Also makes sense that Hanma wasn't caught when he was a fugitive (I don't believe that he could have run from the law for that long, I mean, have you seen this man??? This clown attracts attention everywhere he goes)
It would also add up if Hanma gets bored so easily because he's a rich kid and his life's so predictable. He wants something: he'll just get it. It's absolutely horrible
If I had to guess what his mom was, I would say she either left him when he was young or she was an actress/singer (I don't know why it feels like it would fit)
Hanma probably didn't have a lot of friends growing up (pretty sure that's canonical) and the reason that he's so strange and weird is because he had a wild imagination to occupy himself when he was growing up
Got into fights because he was very possessive as a kid (he probably didn't drop that trait when growing up, let's be honest), so when he saw some other kids try to play on the playground, he immediately went into fight mode
He was born really strong, so other kids kinda stopped messing with him and they treated him really well (where he got his dream of wanting to be treated like a king and having 100 servants)
He got bored so he moved on to seeking out fights, lo and behold
He got his Reaper title
Was of course really bored until some light came into life
He met Kisaki!
I think he loved Kisaki so much because 1) Kisaki was nefarious and he couldn't really guess what he was going to do next and 2) he's literally never had a friend before in his entire life and Kisaki quickly became his best one
Like, y'all can talk as much as you want about Kisaki, but he and Hanma had something
Their sleepovers might have consisted of Hanma playing video games while Kisaki's playing with people's lives but if that'snot friendship then what is
If y'all aren't planning the downfall of your enemies with your bestie then can you even consider yourself friends???
100% believe that Hanma has called Kisaki the light of his life
Or something weird like, you're the torch in my circus act or some shit
Kisaki probably hated the nicknames but it probably just fueled Hanma even more
Lives to annoy people
Completely random but I have to insert because I will forever ship Hanmai but I choose to believe that Hanma fell more Mikey after he tried to kick his ass and then when Mikey actually did kick his ass
It just seems so Hanma to fall for someone who hates him and has beaten the crap out of him
Kisaki would make fun of him for it, I know he would
On how much Hanma knows about Kisaki's plan, I think he chooses to know very little because he enjoys being shocked
I think that Kisaki would probably tell Hanma if he asked, who would Hanma tell?
Og Timeline:
Honestly, at this point what does that even mean?
But anyways, I honestly think that Hanma would have committed suicide
He doesn't really have anyone in his life and he's going to get bored one day
It's either that or jail
Just very depressing for me to think about
Bad Toman timeline:
Hanma probably uses his connections to the police, has a lot of fun because he has a friend and can do whatever he wants, breaks lots of teeth and enjoys everyone else's suffering
Bonten timeline:
Probably just trying to survive right? Like, Kisaki was dead in this timeline (god, there are so many timelines that I might be losing track or getting them confused with each other) so it's not like he had anyone to care about him
He was also on the run
Maybe he would have gotten recruited in another gang
I think he would have gone on living in order to keep Kisaki's legacy going on like wearing some of his old clothes, wearing his glasses, stuff like that
I don't know, this one is also pretty depressing
Final timeline:
He's actually very good at photography but I think the troll in him chose to take shoddy pictures of Takemichi's wedding
It's just so him
He either overcharges or undercharges, he's just that great
I don't remember if there are any other timelines so moving on
Random stuff (will be inserting ship opinions, lol)
Probably copied Takemichi's hatred of Kisaki, doesn't know why they hate him, but okay best bud!
Will obliterate anyone who bad talks Kisaki
Low empathy and sympathy for people and he enjoys other people in pain but that's more because the world is cruel and he decided to be crueler
Shameless flirt
Would flirt with someone in a relationship, if you destroy your relationship, that's not his problem
It's not his fault that he's so irresistible
I don't think that he has trust issues because he's very perceptive (way more then people give him credit for)
Don't need trust issues when you already know what everyone has planned
Makes his birthday a really big deal (if you're with him, be prepared to get him an extravagant present because he has no filter and will tell you when he thinks a present is ass)
But also, I think he forgets if his birthday is, like, the next day
Knows that Ran and Kakucho don't like/trust him but he literally could not give a fuck
He has also grown up with people not really liking him so he doesn't care
Spends as much time as he can with them because he adores pissing people off
He would probably try to sleep with them tbh to make them hate themselves (I don't know but my baby lowkey gives off whore vibes and he already likes fucking with people so two birds one stone)
Cares very little for people's opinions
Unless those people like him, then his opinions flip completely
Him and Draken would lowkey make a lot of sense guys, like forgetting the fact that in one of the timelines he aided in killing Emma, the love of Draken's life
Think about the fact that Draken sees the best in people and Hanma definitely appreciates Draken if you know what I mean
All Hanma needs is a little love and he's good guys (don't wanna call him easy, I mean, look at him, but throughout the manga he only has one person and that breaks my heart)
Mitsuya is also in a similar position as Draken
I will not let go of Hanma having a crush on Hanma and a relationship Hanma and Mikey could be possible!!!
I'm not delusional, please guys
I think Hanma would enjoy Mikey when he's good or bad because he pretty much subverts expectations
He's small but he gives off such intense vibes
He's a serious person when he needs to be but he's also incredibly childish
He's super strong but you wouldn't expect it from someone of Mikey's build
The darkness that lies underneath those blonde locks would appeal to Hanma soo much
And I think Mikey would like someone like Hanma who's carefree, silly, and strong and has also done some crappy things and won't judge Mikey for his darker thoughts (though he may encourage him to indulge in them, but every relationship has flaws! )
I mean, c'mon guys, join me, ship them!!!!
They both crave unconditional love and I think they would give it to each other
Would do shit like name a snake cat and ask people if they want to see his pet cat (can you imagine him doing that to Chifuyu, it's gold)
Was probably an only child but if he had siblings they were probably like golden children who are 20 years older then him
Hanma gives off accident baby vibes
Judgmentally unjudgmental
If you killed someone, he wouldn't judge you for killing someone, would probably have a few comments on how bad you are at killing people and ask if you need tips
One things that's stated with his character is that he likes/admires seniors and I'm going two ways with that
He either respects that they've lived for so long
Or he had a grandpa or some other old person treat him well when he was younger (probably a teacher or something)
Fan of cartoons and childish sorta shows/movies
Finds all the murders and bloody in adult stuff unrealistic (and he would know)
Can't cook but can bake
Unlike Chifuyu, who I think can cook not bake
You guys could be a power couple, all you need to do is accept the fact that he manipulated your friend into killing your other friend
Everyone makes mistakes
That's actually so sad, these headcanons make me wish that I could be his childhood friend or something and shower him with all the love he deserves
Kazutora probably forgave Hanma because of self-hatred stuff idk
They would make each other the worst friendship bracelets ever and unironically never take them off
Then they would kiss softly on the lips
This could be a thing. Someone please make it a thing.
Second friend Hanma makes in his entire life
Hates reading but has read an astonishing number of classic books (like guys, he gets bored quickly, I wholeheartedly believe that he has tried everything)
Has lots of domestic thoughts because he craves for that familial connection
Would not advertise that though
Probably would openly mock it
Good with kids (because he had the mind of one)
Can also see him using his free time to scare kids at the playground
Loves being spoiled, not because he likes things but because he likes the care and love received from someone
Randomly spoils those he loves with things
Horribly touch starved
Would actually be so good in a relationship because he's very devout and loyal to the people he cares about
Hanma deserves good things, and I need to give it to him
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alsfunkyalbum · 23 days
I redrew some of my old Undertale sancest Ship Children from sometime between 2018-2021
(Click Image for better quality)
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If you don't ship these, that's cool neither do I. If you do ship these, that's also cool, here's some kids to add to your day. When I made these a while back I basically just put a bunch of Sanses' names into a cup and pulled out two names, just to make ship kids for. However I really love them so much I wanted to give them another try at being my OC's. So here they are with much better designs and decent personalities. Hope you enjoy them as much as I do.
Old designs and Extra fun facts/info about them located below!
Old Designs (in order from right to left in the above picture):
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They don't have much backstory or reason as to why they are alive, so if you'd like just make up how they were born. Sexualities can also be up to your interpretation, cuz I feel too lazy to give them any.
Anyways onto some fun facts (not at all sorted by the way).
Tricks has two separate ways to write his name because his name was never ever officially written down by his parents, so he fluctuates between both
Despite Fresh's dislike for curse words Ivy has the vocabulary of a sailor. He takes pride in his salty mouth
Vero is sometimes nicknamed Vamp/Vampire, not only because of his snaggle tooth but also because he dresses in dark, fancy clothing
Fable looks up to Dream and wishes to be like him someday
Contrary to Fable, Trix absolutely despises Dream for never being around when she was younger. However Trix loves his little sister and would never put her admiration against her.
Despite not at all being blood related the entire group considers each other cousins (minus the ones who are ACTUALLY "blood" related)
Ivy has a horrid fashion sense. While he doesn't understand how to make things match he does know he loves layering his clothing
Vero refers to the markings on his face as " Face Bananas"
Vero is selective mute
Tricks, despite being a skeleton, enjoys makeup and would practice either on Vero, or Fable (Ivy's always too shy to ask)
Fable likes to play pretend and play with dolls (like any kid should)
Vero enjoys crocheting
Error has a slight hatred for Ivy (Ivy and Vero don't care so much)
The majority of Ivy's closet is all clothes that he stole from his parents. It's often way too big for him to wear but that never stops him.
Trix's favorite colors are Pink and Yellow (if that wasn't obvious enough)
Ivy is a huge trouble maker and loves dragging Vero along with the trouble
Trix wears acrylic fake nails
If they were asked to choose a favorite parent the list would be: Vero-Error since he is kindest to him, and spoils him a little | Ivy-Killer since he lets him get away with most trouble making | Tricks- Lust because at least he acknowledged his existence | Fable-Dream since he was the coolest hero ever
Trix dislikes curse words, so she tries to keep Ivy's mouth clean as much as possible (especially around Fable)
Vero and Ivy adore Fable, so much so that they'd bend at her will if need be. They'd do so much for her.
And I guess that's it for now. If you have any questions about them, shoot me an ask or DM, I may or may not have an answer.
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myymi · 5 months
goddamn how many bodyguards do you have
who ordered the 'depressing backstory'?
Tails could feel his nervousness shoot through the roof as he followed Sonic to the field, one of his paws tightly gripping the metal bat the hedgehog told him to hold to keep him from picking at his fur as the other squeezed the older’s paw. Tom and Maddie had decided that it'd be good for Tails to attend Sonic's practice today. It'd give him a chance to socialize with other kids without being too overwhelmed by it since they'll be more focused on practicing. And while he didn't distrust the humans, he couldn't help but disagree. Being surrounded by a group of teenagers never ended well for him. He's fairly sure he's got some lasting marks to prove it, too. But the adults have done nothing but show him love and kindness, he didn't want to go against their wishes. “Hey guys!” Sonic greeted with a wide smile, using the paw that wasn't holding onto the fox to wave at his baseball team. He got a few different greetings from his teammates in response, “My little bro is gonna watch us today.” Tails’ ears pressed against his head when he was addressed, his cheeks flushing as he hid behind the hedgehog. He was still getting used to the title of being Sonic's brother, it felt like a dream. “Finally!” One of the boys with brown hair, green eyes, and pale skin groaned, placing a hand on his hip as he gave Sonic a frown, “We've only been asking you to bring him for, like, forever!” “Austin’s right!” A girl with much darker skin said, standing up from where she had been sitting on the ground. The beads in her braided hair clinked together as she ran up to the mobians. “We’ve been waiting for him!” Tails squeaked quietly as Sonic laughed, “He wasn’t ready to come yet, Aniyah. He just got here a few months ago.” He explained, letting go of the fox's paw to pull him into a side hug.
this fic is basically me taking my brother's old baseball team and making them sonic's lmao
Sonic nearly jumped out of his skin when he turned and came face to face with the little fox. He had just been up on the crow’s nest, how was he so silent? Sails didn't look at him though. His eyes were staring at the deck of the Angel’s Voyage, “Ye want me tale, don't ya?” He asked, almost too quiet for the hedgehog to hear him. “Huh?” Sonic blinked at the fox dumbfounded. It had only been an hour or so since their last interaction and the kit was obviously not in the mood to share his story any time soon. What changed? “I..” The fox trailed off. His cheeks flushed red in what the older assumed was embarrassment before he turned to face the sea instead, “I'm sorry.” “For what?” Sonic didn't think the kid needed to apologize for anything. “For gettin’ agro with ye.” Sails grumbled, one of his tails raising so he could pick at the fur on it. “Rose and I talked, and–” “Sails, no,” The teen interrupted the younger, shaking his head, “You're right to be upset with me. I pushed you too much. I'm sorry” The kit looked up at him at that, blinking in surprise at the apology. He wasn't used to people saying sorry when they upset him. “Whatever.” Sails said, shaking his head and looking away once again, “Do ye want me tale or not?" "Only if you want to tell it." Sonic smiled at the fox despite knowing the kid wasn't looking at him. “It's your choice, kiddo.” The fox turned to glare at him at the nickname, “Don't call me that.” The hedgehog quickly nodded and raised his hands in a surrender, “Alright, alright. No nicknames, got it.”
finally revealing who's getting the depressing backstory lmao
i wanted to play around with the prime tails trio's past and this is sails's. i have gone into mangey and nine's too much just yet, but they'll get there own trauma <3
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cheerleaderman · 1 month
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Yolonda Florence
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The cousin of the perfect who comes to Twst in their second year. After hearing what happened and that Night Raven is technically responsible for her cousin death ,Yolonda has a strong disliking for the school
Twst - Cinderella’s Castle
Basic info
Age: 18-19
Height: 170 cm
Birthday: August 5
Voice claim: Eng- Samantha Pauly Jp-Chiyuki-Death Paradise
Hometown: USA, Earth
Dominant hand: right
Nickname: Yolo, Londa, London , Rainbow prawn -Floyd
Favorite food: Brownies, grilled carrots, Lemonade , chicken wraps
Like/hobbies: musicals, princess theme stuff, theatre, doll collecting, ice skating, fairy tales
Dislike: Cake , ballet  , pork chops , NRC
Family: Yuya,Mother, father , 2 older brother ,pretty big family but those are the main ones
Talent: keeping balance, playing the violin , remembering songs
More info
She comes in Yuya’s second year at NRC having fallen asleep and waking up in a unknown place. She thought she was dreaming especially after seeing Yuya
Only really shows her personality to Yuya and with other’s she’ll mostly just be quiet until she warms up to you
Has no desire to go home since Yuya is stuck in Twst
Has some identity issues from being under her mother’s watch. Also body issues from having to look the way her mother wants her to look.
Had Fairytale dreams of being saved from her mother and living a happier life, would enjoy most of the stories in Twst but due to her knowledge of all of the movies she is concerned about the Twst story of the villains
Doesn’t mess with most of the NRC people with the exception of Ace, Deuce, Jack , Epel, Grim and the ghost
Only gets one friend in NRC because Yuya wanted her to make Friends
Doesn’t do tasks since why would she help the school that got her cousin killed and making them run around doing everything.
She has been interested, in theater mainly tech crew and had the courage to join after being removed, this grew her interest in theater and would try to copy the dances from musicals
Not really a physical fighter but can through words got it from her mother - she has a freeze + run away response
Scared of her eldest brother knowing he could get away with almost anything and seeing him take anger out on Yuya, Does know that he’s in Twst but never meets him
Can peak Yuya’s behaviors and see that they have fallen back into old habits so would try to block people constantly asking help from Yuya
Visit Yuya in the hospital begging for Yuya not to leave her, when Yuya eventually dies she falls into a depression
Family tried pressuring her to date someone who she was childhood friends with damaging her only friendship
Her and Yuya were forced to share a space leading to many fights and petty stuff but they did have an understanding of not destroying each other’s stuff. They also had to share birthdays which in itself was more like a family event than their birthday
Finally getting the girl she wanted Yolonda’s mom started to live her dreams through her.Constantly under her mother thumb ,made to do ballet from a young age, play the violin and keep up good grades. Due to her busy schedule she never had time to develop a social life
She was never interested in ballet but when she got the courage to express the she was guilt tripped into continuing. Later down the line her performances started to not be good enough due to growing resentment and being tired
One day when things boiled over she destroyed one of her costumes and was caught by her mother. She got yelled at so much it scared the whole household. At this point she didn’t want her mother approval anymore and just started crying about how much she hates ballet. After that day her relationship with her mother finally shattered.
After Yuya’s Accident
After being removed from her home she was still pretty scared of her family.During that time her mother continued to try and get in contact with her.Her and Yuya started to slowly rebuilding their relationship still wanting to have someone to call family.
She finally started to find her own interests and ignoring her families pleas for forgiveness with Yuya’s help. She thought she could have a better life going on but at 18 Yuya and her eldest brother got put in the hospital in critical condition for an unknown reason.
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haileyywrites · 2 years
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-> The journey of rebirth and self discovery is long and hard one, luckily - he doesn't have to face it alone
-> Just in case - a spoiler warning for 3.2 Archon Quest! References to Scara's backstory! Reader has no gender or pronouns mentioned! Established relationship? Fluffy and kind of cheesy!
-> Some things were changed or corrected due to errors lol
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You sat quietly beside the sleeping Scaramouche with a light book in your hand. His face was completely peaceful and blank, making you wonder what he was currently dreaming of. You turned your attention back to the book, Sumeru's library held some of the most interesting books you had ever had the pleasure of reading, this one had you completely hooked! It was also something to occupy your time with while you waited for him to recover and wake up.
Scaramouche had fallen into a sort of coma after his defeat to the Traveler and the Dedro Archon. You were incredibly grateful to her for hosting you and him while he was healing. Not many - if any, would do so after everything he had said and done to her. Her kindness and mercy truly blew you away...
Of course you couldn't claim to know the gods or their ways, but you knew enough about the Electro Archon from Scaramouche to draw your own conclusions about them. Unfair as it may be to them - he had first hand experience. He was the creation of one of them, after all...
Still, you couldn't fully rule out the possibility that she wanted him to heal in order to later punish him. While you did not assist him or the Sage's in making all of this happen, you still did nothing to stop it despite being able to. You couldn't. You didn't approve of any of it and you weren't afraid of telling him that every day. But you couldn't do anything against him and not betray him at the same time...
You couldn't express your gratefulness to the Traveler and the Archon for stopping him in time. Things had been too close to getting out of control and your refusal to act against him could have lead to much destruction - not to mention loss of innocent lives...
A loud sigh left your mouth as you rubbed your temples in frustration... You were supposed to be relaxing and reading to keep your mind away from those kinds of thoughts - you would worry about it after Scaramouche woke up and then you would face the consequences of your actions. Right now, what mattered was just him waking up.
Your gaze slowly turned back towards Scaramouche who - to your bewilderment was awake and staring right back at you. You nearly bounced off of the armchair from both shock and happiness - he was finally awake! But how long had he watched you pondering while you were lost in your own thoughts?
“Kuni! You're awake!” You exclaimed - his nickname leaving your lips without your notice. He did notice and was glad to hear you call him an endearing nickname.
“No need to shout... My head hurts.” He mumbled as his brows frowned. Though he was far from mad.
“Right... Sorry! I'm just so glad to see you awake again.” You gave him an apologetic smile.
A heavy silence settled around you after that. It wasn't an uncomfortable silence, it was more like you both struggled with what to say next. There was so much you wanted to say to him and he to you, but where to even start?
After a moment he wordlessly brought his hand to rest on the edge of his bed with his palm open as an invitation for you to hold it. You of course took it without question, you gave him a reassuring squeeze when you intertwined your fingers with his. His hand were smooth and so soft to the touch, they were slightly cool like usual. His gaze refused to meet yours as he ran his thumb over your fingers mindlessly.
“How long was I asleep?” He asked after a while.
“A while... Almost a week, I think.” You had neglected to keep count in order to lessen your worries.
He hummed in response and turned to finally face you again. For a while you simply stared into each other's eyes lovingly in silence before the double doors opened making you turn to face them. You both fixed your gazes onto the small Archon who strolled in with a wide and genuine smile on her face.
She too was relieved to see him finally awake and not much worse to wear it seemed. He was in for quite an earful from the God of Wisdom - after some time you began to worry she would never stop scolding him. But he more than deserved it and took it without complaint. Well, without complaining to her anyway...
In the end, she simply told him to go out in the world with fresh eyes and find himself. To find a new purpose - a new goal for his life. It was as if she saw right through him, as if he was an open book laid out before her and she knew all the answers to it. With his betrayal he would have no place within the Fatui anymore, and without the Gnosis he had no other plans for the future...
The idea of traveling the world again didn't bother him, but "finding himself" was almost laughable to him. Life wasn't simple or a fairytale where everyone got a happy ending or another chance to star over. But he really didn't have any plans or other options, it wasn't like he was going to remain here or crawl back to the Fatui anyway. No way.
He did worry about you, though. You had been by his side even before the Fatui and you refused to leave even when he joined them. He knew you didn't approve of them and their methods or beliefs, he didn't care for them anyway - they were just a useful tool for the time being. But you still stood by his side the same as always with that bright smile and warm heart...
But after everything that happened in Sumeru - everything he did... Would you or could you still remain by his side? To you the answer was obvious. Of course you would! Especially now, as it would be a difficult journey for him. You wouldn't let him face it alone, so of course you would be by his side. If you were lucky, you could even serve as a good influence, but that was perhaps too ambitious. In any case, you had fallen in love with him and didn't seek to change him as a person.
So when the time came, you stood by his side to bid farewell to Sumeru and it's Archon. You would return one day, but for now you would simply travel the world and see where your journey would take you. You held his hand in one of yours and the strap of your travel bag in the other, you smiled at him as you turned your back to the city.
The sun was rising before you and lighting the world around you, making it glow beautifully golden. There was a long journey ahead of you, so it was best to get going. The destination was unknown, but you couldn't wait to reach it together and to see what kind of people you were by the end of it! All you knew for certain was that you would only grow to be stronger together.
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Liking and rebloging is always appreciated <3
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dwightschrute11 · 5 months
Edit (2 months later) I’m going to revamp this character sheet soon (I absouletly despise it). Don’t trust it 🫵😭
Character Sheet - Calypso
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General Information
Full name: Calypso Salutations
Nicknames: Cal, Callie, The new fifth year 
Pronouns: She/her
Date of Birth: May 1st, 1875
Zodiac Sign: Taurus 
Personality Type: ENFP-T
Alignment: chaotic good
Nationality: British 
House: Ravenclaw
Wand: Dragon Heartstring, oak wood, slightly springy
Patronus: Nebelung cat (curiosity and kindness)
Boggart: her fathers bloated corpse shameful of Calypso
Amortentia: fresh rain, the black lake, earthy dirt, and apples
Physical Appearance 
Hair color and style: blondish white, most often seen down in loose curls. 
Eye color: Fern green 
Skin tone: almond with warm undertones and complexion 
Height: 5’7
Weight: 131 pounds 
Clothing style: loose, almost never wears her vest over her blouse; prefers longish skirts and her blouse sleeves pushed up, and usually is either wearing Mary Jane’s or traveling boots
Accessories: a locket given to her by her father before he passed
Details: freckles along her cheek bones and nose, as well as her upper arms and shoulders. Has an ancient magic scar along her right cheek extending slightly into the upper part of her neck. 
Positive traits: reliable, witty, strong, helpful, relatively friendly, caring, loyal, open minded, determined 
Negative Traits: stubborn, competitive, reserved,can be sarcastic, secretive (most of the time), reckless
Strengths: strong in the face of danger and would sacrifice herself for others (which can sometimes be a bad thing), always looking to help others
Weaknesses: bottles up emotions and struggles letting people in to her real self (including her inner demons), has anxiety, nearing the end of fifth year she commonly feels numb or overwhelmed
Likes: flying / quidditch, relaxing near the lake, gardening, exploring, reading, watching performances 
Dislikes: condescending or overly cocky people, those who hurt her loved ones, dugbogs, pumpkin juice, 
Fears: fear of abandonment, not being good enough, her being the cause of pain 
Goals: to be free, to find true happiness, to cure Anne, to see her mother smile
Calypso was born in a small cottage in London, Cornwall to Clementine and Oliver Salutations, who were both muggles—but her father was a man who always believed in some sort of magic, if in the trees or in a faraway land, if a presence in every nook and cranny or even just an idea. Her mother, a woman bound by rules who wasn’t the type to dream, always brushed away her husband’s ideas, and tended to get mad when ever he spouted those ideas to Cal. Cal herself wasn’t the most certain, but as a child, she was in a state of content and happiness as long as she was with her father—but tragedy struck the Salutations home when her father mysteriously drowned in the ocean, his bloated body found by young Calypso a day after his disappearance. Traumatized and heartbroken, Calypso lost that nostalgic feeling of happiness quickly, the wound deepening even more when her mother began to develop Alzheimer’s. she forgot Calypsos face, her smile, her hand—she was a husk of her former self, leaving Calypso to take care of her for many years. She received the basic school learning as a child, but a year after her father died, they ran out of money to continue affording school. She taught herself using the books she had at home and those she borrowed, and often ridiculed herself  in the mirror. She barely ate, still haunted by her mother’s screams and father’s bloated body, and became bony as the years went on. It was only when she got her Hogwarts acceptance later that, for once, she felt hopeful, free—excited. She asked an old family friends to take care of her mother before being whisked  off to Hogwarts by Professor Fig..blissfully unaware of the powerful tendrils of ancient magic running through her blood. 
Love interest: (I don’t know yet 😭) 
Good friends: Sebastian Sallow, Ominis Gaunt, Natsai Onai, Poppy sweeting, Samantha Dale, Garreth Weasley , Imelda Reyes 
People she dislikes: Leander Prewett, Nerida Roberts, Grace Pinch-Smedley
Pets: Highwing, vivarium creatures, one cat (later) 
Thanks to @masqueradereveler21 for letting me use the questions they used for their own character sheet!
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inkymers007 · 4 months
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Meet my Zelda BOTW/TORK oc! Sorry that the pic is kind blurry I'll try to draw him more down the line. I made him for an rp server and I decided to share him on here.
Name: Kalvet
Nicknames: Kal or Vet
Age: 26
Gender/Sex: Male
Sexuality: Pan
Species: Hylian/Shekiah 
Occupation: Traveling Merchant/ Thief
Body type: Skinny, but muscular
Height: 5’7
Weight: 159 lbs.
Skin: White
Hair color/style: Blackish blue. His hair is long and messy.
Eye color: Red
Scars: His right eye is scarred.
Accessories: N/A
Basic Personality: Kalvet appears to be a kind and smooth talking gentleman. Which is true, somewhat. He appears that way to get clients to purchase his wares. As well as to throw people off his scent of being a thief. On the job as a thief he’s silent and ruthless. Almost as if Kalvet’s a monster rather than a human. Yet despite this he isn’t heartless and will give support in some way or fashion. How much support he’ll give depends on how close he is with the person who needs it . If they’re a stranger or an acquaintance he'll give them the bare minimum. If they're friends then he’ll do whatever he can to help them. However, having someone that close to him is rarity since Kalvet has the belief that most people will just like him to get what they want. So he tends to be cordial with people at best. If he does find someone who he wants to get closer to then he will be more friendly with them, but he will still keep his wits about him. With those who he considers as friends he will playfully tease them and will open up to them a bit more. Once he recognizes them as a friend he will be loyal to them. More than willing to go through hell and back for them. This is especially the case if someone gives him a scale from one of the great dragons. Since he always looked up to them because of the stories that his family told him. Speaking of, Kalvet is a great story teller, and will tell stories that his parents told him or stories about his travels. 
Likes: Dragons, dragon scales, exploring, finding new places, hot springs, voltfruit, sweet foods, telling stories, campfires, the desert, sand seals, riding sand seals, zora’s domain, swords, Faron, myths and tales
Dislikes: The Yiga Clan, the Yiga Clan hideout, spicy foods, people asking about his eye, bows, the cold, Hebra, lairs, getting into Gerudo Town, getting up early, and being a burden to people
Strengths: Kalvet is a very skilled swordsman and even knows how to use two of them at the same time. In fact his main weapon is two hook swords. Kalvet is also very perspective and remembers little details about anyone he meets. 
Weaknesses: Isn’t trusting of people and will bottle up his emotions.
Mother and Father= Deceased
Gerudo Woman (haven't thought of her name yet)= Adoptive Mother
 Siblings: N/A
 Friends/Acquaintances: Link, Impa, Purah, Paya, Robbie, Jerrin, Granté, Beedle, Kass, Riju, Pritana, and Nali
Kalvet lived an average life in a small village. The village was small enough where everyone knew and got along with each other. He had parents who loved him as well as friends that cared for him. Despite being an only child, Kalvet had many children around his age that he could play with. He played with them so much that he considered them all as siblings. Every night before he went to bed his parents would tell him the stories of the great dragons. Kalvet was so fascinated by the dragons that he always dreamed of seeing one, or at least getting something from them like a scale. Kalvet swore that when got older he would take his parents to see the dragons. However when the boy was 12 his life changed for the worst. 
During the return of Calamity Kalvet's village was attacked. Not only by the Calamity itself, but by some Yiga Clan members. The once peaceful and beautiful village was now nothing more than ash and ruin. The fire roared throughout the village as he tried to save his parents, but unfortunately he couldn’t save them. Kalvet tried to find some of his other villagers. While doing so he found out that one of the older children joined the Yiga Clan. Feeling enraged and betrayed he went to attack him, but Kalvet couldn’t even come close to him as he was slashed in the eye, making him blind. Despite that he still tried to fight, it wasn’t until he was knocked out that he stopped.
When he woke up he saw that the Yiga Clan had been long gone, but his eye was patched up by some of the knights that had come over to check things out. Kalvet had explained everything that had happened, The knights swore that they would find and kill the Yiga who burned and killed everyone in his village. Well, almost everyone, that person who joined the Yiga might as well have been dead to Kalvet. As he residented him and resented everyone. Stealing from any and everyone for survival. It wasn’t until his teenage years where he started to trust people again. That was through his adoptive mother, a gerudo. It took him a while to trust her, but once he did the woman had taught her how to use swords. Particularly the hook swords. Still angry at the Yiga he vowed to steal any and everything from them just like they did to him. He would even make money off of them by selling their equipment to anyone who would buy it.
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spectator-zee · 23 days
hehheheh. Hellloooo Orion and Asha. We meet once more 😈
Anywaysssss, jokes aside...
*★,°*:.☆( ̄▽ ̄)/$:*.°★* 。
What is Magnifico and Amaya going to be like in your story?
2. Why is Orion helping Asha? Did she wish on him?
3. What's her owl's name? (I saw you mention something about an owl sooooooo)
5. Some Orion backstory dump??
6. What does Asha think about Orion? Same with him?
7. Does Asha have any friends, or is she alone?
8. Does Asha know magic?
9. How do Maggy and Amaya treat Asha? Is it good? Is it bad??
10. Stupid and random ass question, butttt how would Hiccup and Orion get along (that is, if you like the movies/show). If you dunno, then how would he get along with Nimona or Jack Frost?
11. What inspirations did you take and put into your au?
12. Does Amaya know magic too? Or is she an Alchemist? Same goes with Asha. Does she know Magic as well, or no?
13. Nicknames. What would Asha and Orion nickname each other?
14. Why does Mag take wishes? Is Amaya on his side?
15. Ahh I see what you did there, but imma ask it anyway:
Is Charo (if it is their name) a lynx or just a house cat? Do him and Asha's owl get along, or does Charo just want to eat him?
16. Oh no! Cannon Asha appears in Asha's room! WHatever shall she doooo????
17. If you don't know the name for your au, thats okay. I'm just wondering what your AU is named :3
18. Ah shit. How would Orion feel around this certain Mickey Mouse?
19. Is there gonna be songs in your AU? Or no?
20. Design inspirations you got from designing Asha and Orion!
21. Do you have the Maggy and Amaya designs, or are you still exploring that?
22. Wait what if they both visit Eden in Sky Children of the Light? What would they do (yes ik im asking stupid questions I just wanna have some fun with it yk???).
23. Is Orion seen as a monster (rawr rawr rawr) by the people of Rosas? By Asha? By Magnifico? Or no??
24. This is gonna hurt your soul, but....
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25. There is no 25. I ran out of questions to ask uhhhh.....
Odesseus verses Magnifico. Who would win?
Okok, I think I'm done.
Hope you enjoyed these questions 😈
Anyways, gooodnighttttt Rosas
1.) What is Magnifico and Amaya going to be like in your story?
I mean, I have an IDEA on how I want them to be like, but for some reason, I don't know how to put it to words.
But they're definitely this AU's main antagonists.
2.) Why is Orion helping Asha? Did she wish on him?
They both have the same goal of taking down the royal couple, Orion mainly wants to prevent them from shooting down and capturing stars and turning them into [redacted]. Asha wants to retrieve the wishes that Magnifico has collected from the citizens of Rosas and return it back to them and help them achieve their dreams without relying on magic to make it come true.
Well, That's their main motivations at least. (unless i change my mind and change their main motivations or something-)
3.) What's her owl's name? (I saw you mention something about an owl sooooooo)
Chará. It means Joy in Greek! Asha named her that because Chará always brings her joy whenever she feels down.
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This cutie patootie right here :3
4.) Some Orion backstory dump??
I'll tell you some things that happened there instead :)
His first wishmaker died
He manifested an ability to tell when someone is lying after someone deceived him and it led to people getting hurt and maybe killed
He abandons his first name due to the events that happened there, feeling like he doesn't deserve it
He harbors hate for Magnifico and Amaya due to events that happened there
5.) What does Asha think about Orion? Same with him?
They were totally not entirely trusting of each other at first. Especially Orion, with Asha being the Royal couple's ward he was waiting for the other shoe drop and for her to reveal that she was working for Magnifico the whole time and now he's gonna end up as the rest of them-
Asha, while sort of cautious of Orion at first, definitely noticed that he acts like he's not bothered by the fact that she's the royal couple's ward but she knows that Orion always casts suspicious glances towards her whenever he thinks that she wouldn't notice.
She tries her best to not make him uncomfortable because of that, and Orion notices and secretly appreciates it.
After some misunderstandings, getting to know each other and some near death experiences they'd have some sort of ride or die relationship with each other.
6.) Does Asha have any friends, or is she alone?
She only had Chará as her friend after finding her injured and tended to her until she got better, she pleaded for Amaya to let her keep the owl and Amaya reluctantly agreed, as long as Asha takes full responsibility for the owl herself.
As the story goes on though she eventually befriends Flazino first (due to some Orion shenanigans and then Flazino almost getting kidnapped and Orion kidnaps him before he gets kidnapped) and then eventually working their way to befriending the seven teens due to Flazino being acquaintances with them.
I actually have some of Flazino's interactions with Asha and Orion written in my notes here:
Flazino tied in a chair, Eugene style: What the- where am I?!
Orion: You have been kidnapped for your own protection! Your boss is evil by the way.
Flazino: No shit- WHAT?!
Asha in the background with a pleased expression: I'm so glad they're getting along!
Asha: Flazino, do you know where Orion is?
Flazino: Who?
Asha: You know...
Asha: My partner in stopping crimes?
Asha: The Star?
Asha: He kidnapped you once.
Flazino: Hmm, sounds familiar
Asha: He pranked you yesterday by turning all your clothes pink
Flazino massaging his temples: Ah yes, my favorite headache
7.) Does Asha know magic?
She does, but she struggles with it. Magnifico is often disappointed with her for not being able to keep up with him.
Magnifico just has a natural talent for magic and he sucks at teaching other people so she shouldn't be upset. nope she beats herself for not being better
Her strength actually lies in potionmaking, she takes after Amaya more than Maggy. she was first (and still is) Amaya's apprentice in Alchemy before she is Magnifico's student in sorcery.
But it doesn't mean she didn't learn a few magic tricks though.
8.) How do Maggy and Amaya treat Asha? Is it good? Is it bad??
Maggy isn't really fond of Asha. He took her on as his student due to Amaya's request as she wants Asha to have some experience with it. But Asha can't keep up with him in sorcery as he has a natural talent with magic and she...just doesn't. He looks down on her for it as a result.
Well, at least she's useful when it comes to castle duties like managing the palace budget and overseeing trade. (Hey idk what a princesses's job is inside a castle, do they just sit around inside or...?)
Amaya took on Asha as her little apprentice when the girl was young, she saw the kid wander inside her study and create a potion without blowing something up on the first attempt and figured she has potential and it might be good to have a little helper. Asha's mother, the royal seamstress Sakina, saw no harm in it and allowed Asha to be Amaya's helper.
And cue Asha's parents dying
So when those two died, Amaya adopted Asha as the child had no other relatives, at least from what Asha remembers. Asha would drown herself in her duties to force herself to forget and not think about the loss of her parents, isolating herself from the outside world.
Amaya does care for Asha, but if there comes a time that she would have to choose between Magnifico and Asha...well...
Let's just say there will be heartbreak.
9.) Stupid and random ass question, butttt how would Hiccup and Orion get along (that is, if you like the movies/show). If you dunno, then how would he get along with Nimona or Jack Frost?
Orion being amazed with his sword Inferno, and suggests that he should also get himself a long ranged weapon too, like a crossbow with fire arrows! >:D
(Oh boy once he find out that Hiccup has a shield that can turn into a crossbow he's gonna beg Hiccup to make him one)
It pains me to say that i haven't watched Nimona...YET. But Orion would probably have a shapeshifting battle with them or something
Orion would beg Jack Frost to teach him ice magic cause it looks so cool! Moving frost bunnies!! It looks so cute!! And he's more attuned to fire so he has a hard time doing ice magic
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Couldn't find a GIF :(
10.) What inspirations did you take and put into your au?
A bunch of Webtoons I've recently read for Inspirations for clothing designs and kingdom stuff.
Epic the Musical
The concept arts for Wish
And Animes!
11.) Does Amaya know magic too? Or is she an Alchemist? Same goes with Asha. Does she know Magic as well, or no?
She's mostly an Alchemist, maybe she knows some magic too but she's not as good as Magnifico. She does know how to use a blade though :D
12.) Nicknames. What would Asha and Orion nickname each other?
Asha's nicknames to Orion would be:
That damn mischief maker
Annoying furball
Polly :)
Orion's nicknames to Asha would be:
Your highness
Miss Stabby
My lady
ASHAAA!!! ❤️❤️❤️ :D
There could be more in the future who knows
13.) Why does Mag take wishes? Is Amaya on his side?
Yep he still does, When he became king, he made a rule that when they come of age, every citizen of Rosas must give their wish to him if they want to live there. His reasons is that its to prevent the tragedy that happened to his father, the previous king and his brother, Prince Philip that involved a Star and a wish, it was said that the Star took the prince's life to consume his wish to become more powerful and the previous king died protecting the prince.
He actually uses Wishes to trick stars to coming into Rosas.
You see in my au, whenever someone on earth makes a wish, when a star hears it, it's like LITERAL MUSIC to their ears (that is, if they even have ears but you get the point). And there's a difference between a real person making a wish and Magnifico using a wish to trick stars. Fake wishes by Magnifico sounds a bit distorted and it's like there's some off keys about it, like hitting a wrong note when playing music on a piano. Younger stars are more prone to being tricked due to not being able the difference due to inexperience.
So Magnifico uses the wishes to trick stars to think that someone in Rosas is having a disney princess "i wish" moment and they go down there to assist the wishmaker in pursuing their wish.
But unfortunately for Maggy, a meddling star always intervenes whenever a star does get tricked and comes down to Rosas. The star that gets tricked gets dragged back to space by the meddling star and gets lectured for not listening to warnings. Magnifico also ends up getting burned and some of his belongings on fire because of this guy.
Yes Amaya is in on it, they're partners in crime :)
14.) Ahh I see what you did there, but imma ask it anyway: Is Charo (if it is their name) a lynx or just a house cat? Do him and Asha's owl get along, or does Charo just want to eat him?
Just an Aegean cat, though don't underestimate the little guy, Charo has probably clawed out a man's eyeball at some point.
Charo and Chará don't really like each other.
Whenever they're alone with each other they would often get into a fight. Lots of scratching and hissing and aggressive hooing.
Don't have your Starboys use magic to allow them to be able to talk, there would be lots of screaming and arguing and threats and the occasional profanity with those two. Orion is already traumatized.
15.) Oh no! Canon Asha appears in Asha's room! WHatever shall she doooo????
She'd wonder if Magnifico cloned her or something. Honestly, why is she not surprised she should've expected that he would get rid of her one day. Then she'd try to find a way to send her back where she came from.
16.) If you don't know the name for your au, that's okay. I'm just wondering what your AU is named :3
At first i named it Shoot for the Stars, but Flicker recently pointed out that it sounds a bit too similar to their Reach for the Stars AU and it might cause confusion, but they suggested the title Shooting Stars instead. Which is a wonderful name and so it's called Shooting Stars now!
The title (whether its the old or new one) references Starboy's name having a relation to archery, how my au Magnifico literally tries to shoot down stars, how my Starboy uses the archery skill he's known for to protect the stars that Magnifico is trying to shoot down and capture.
17.) Ah shit. How would Orion feel around this certain Mickey Mouse?
He sure hopes that Charo and Chará won't catch wind of his existence, they'd fight over who gets to eat him.
18.) Is there gonna be songs in your AU? Or no?
Answered this is Rascal's ask!
19.) Design inspirations you got from designing Asha and Orion!
Lots of Medieval themed dresses for Asha, there was so much saved on my phone that it already has low storage D':
But i settled with a mix of these three outfits instead:
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To add onto the Rose theme i gave her a Rose choker.
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I also gave some Thorny vine designs that would be seen on her dress.
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The idea was to give her some sort of Thorny Rose vibe. It's not just her that has a thorny vine design on her, citizens under the Royal couple's rule has a thorny vines design on their attires. Anyone who opposes or has doubts or doesn't like the royal couple does NOT have this design, it would just be normal vines with leaves on it.
To finally finish off the Thorny Rose vibe of Asha, I (Magnifico actually) gave her a crown made of thorny vines that has a rose on the middle.
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Imagine this, but it's made of vines with thorns on it and a Rose on the middle.
For Orion, his outfit is a mix of Prince Florian and Prince Charming's outfit.
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Here's also some fun facts about his design!
There are three diamonds in his belt, it actually references the asterism called Orion's belt found in the Constellation Orion! (It's a silly little detail that i thought would be fun to share)
His main outfit colors consists of Dark colors (Blue and Black) to symbolize how he blends in the night sky, unnoticed so no one can wish on him. And some gold colors too but it doesn't really dominate his outfit.
Used a fur collar for a "Hunter" vibe (at least that's what my notes were telling me while i was looking through his old designs idk wth past me was talking about)
His outfit should not have too many layers, as it would hinder him using his Bow whenever he's trying to shoot something. But i still wanted to give some sort of princey vibe for reasons, and so his current design was born.
He can turn his cape intangible whenever he desires so it won't hinder him whenever he's trying to aim for something. But he can't turn it intangible for long periods of time.
He has a Star brooch on the middle of his fur collar thingy, it's default look is the one on the left. But whenever he uses magic it changes to the star on the right.
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20.) Do you have the Maggy and Amaya designs, or are you still exploring that?
Not yet, but i do already have ideas on what i should give them.
Maggy would have a collar like the Evil Queen, but a bit more smaller.
And with Amaya, I'm debating whether i should give her braided hair or short wavy hair
21.) Wait what if they both visit Eden in Sky Children of the Light? What would they do (yes ik im asking stupid questions I just wanna have some fun with it yk???)
Orion would protect Asha at all cost, and he would freak out A LOT when he discovers that they have to LITERALLY DIE to finish Eden.
Please man i don't think Orion would want another wishmaker dead-
22.) Is Orion seen as a monster (rawr rawr rawr) by the people of Rosas? By Asha? By Magnifico? Or no??
Asha is the only human that knows Orion exists in the early parts of the story.
Rosas though is scared of another Star named Apollo, it is told that the Star killed the previous King of Rosas and his younger son, Philip. (Which is Magnifico's dad and younger brother)
Magnifico doesn't know who tf this Orion guy is. He hates this star named Apollo though.
Orion only has one response to being compared to a mario fuzzy.
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He would eat it :)
(jk jk-)
Though he believes he's more fluffier compared to them.
24.) Odysseus versus Magnifico. Who would win?
Canon Magnifico got nothing on Odysseus 'i would trade the world to see my son and wife' of Ithaca.
I mean, have you seen him in the Thunder Saga? He's a Different Beast now-
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in3rci4 · 5 months
Author's note : I'm slowly coming back to The Black Phone fandom , and here's a little theory of mine of the story behind the Blake's family , I'll gave the nickname of " Dahlia " the mother because of the flower , they never said her name so don't take it as the official name or the one I'm calling her , warning , this headcanons might be long and out of pocket . Probably there's spelling mistakes , and there's angst too so suicide , violence , mental , physical illness , etc would be also mentioned.
What's the backstory of the Blake kids parents ?
I believe Terrance had it tough on his youth , a housewife mother that came from the country side by his arranged and much older husband that yes , was hard working , but he was an asshole with his family . Terrance would be scolded by his mother for standing up for her when her husband used her as a punch bag , he would be sent regulary to detention for his smart mouth and would often get into fights for the same reason or to defend someone else when the fight was unfair on his eyes . Once his poor sick mother died and he had to stay alone with his dad , he spent more time on the streets as a rebellious teenager , drinking and having fun with his same out cast friends . Once he got his first job , he saved enough money to leave his house and have a new life , much calmer and stable life .
Dahlia was the daughter of a homeless woman that was often seeing near the local church asking for money or food , people said she was kind , but she was ... touched . If she wasn't asking anything , she was seen talking to the air , sometimes calmly , sometimes angry , in the worst cases scared , running away from the unknown , and those were the times people would avoid her to all costs . Nobody knows exactly who's the father of Dahlia , or if she was consented at all , but one day the woman started to have a pregnant bumb on her belly , and then after 9 months , she disappeared and left her baby on the church's door the exact hour they opened it . The nuns took her to the orphanage along with the other children , and a lot of times the couples that came looking for a child to take care of wanted to adopt her , but they never actually did it , not even once . Dahlia was a sensitive and quiet child , and the other kids loved to bother her , often ending in crying or silent regret for not being more vocal about her dislikes . Her friends ? Only imaginary.... Or well , that's what everyone thought . With time as she grew up the nuns called a doctor on her because she insisted a little way too much that she saw these invisible people , everyone believing a mental illness was starting to form in her . Pills , injections , holy water , praying , it didn't stop until her late teens when she just accepted not being adopt at all and her " friends " didn't exist , just focusing on her grades , so they disappeared , just like her dreams . Outside , the world showed her another way to live without feeling fear or shame for who she was , the 60's being her wild card to meet people that was all about magic , pacifism and freedom , feeling finally understood and free to live her life how she wanted .
One night without moon in a secluded bar the two met , in Terrance eyes , she was the most beautiful woman in the entire place , standing on a corner looking at some random painting hanging on the wall , he got close to her , and starting to have a small conversation that soon got bigger .
He never felt like this with someone before , or thought someone could be this beautiful .
Between laughs and smiles , they got separated in the morning and forgot to ask each other's names or phone numbers , but destiny had another surprise for them . They bumped into each other while walking on the street weeks later and started to talk and laugh once again , but they both made sure to stay in contact and meet a next time . They were different yet had a lot of things in common , and the things they didn't share to like , they would be open try them out if the had the opportunity to see the other smile .
1 year going steady was enough for the young couple and they got married with some other guests on their wedding , Terrance was already saving money to buy himself a house , and so he did to start living their own american dream .
Without warning , Terrance got fired from his job , and Dahlia's work as a cleaner wasn't enough to maintain the house , and he didn't want his wife to have that weight on her shoulders , so when a friend of his recommend him to go and try in the Rocky Flats nuclear plant , he didn't thought twice in signing in . It was a demanding job , but at least he had one instead of nothing . Terrance was lucky he would say , a lot of his co workers say they felt weakness in their bodies , see their skin become more reddish than normal , loose almost all the hair on their bodies or have random bleedings in their nose or mouth from time to time , in the worst cases a huge pain in muscles or eyes . He listened , but he wasn't scared , no , as long as you did everything carefully, the radiation won't catch you , right ?
Dahlia happily announced him that she was pregnant and he was ecstatic about it , it was like the energy boost that he needed to continue . Terrance didn't told Dahlia anything about it , how could he ? She was carrying a baby and dealing with all the stress and sickness that a pregnancy comes with , she didn't need to know the sudden deafening headaches that he suffered , he needed to be strong for her , for them , and if his pain had to be sucked up in silence , then so be it .
1965 , their baby boy Finney was born , he was the most well behaved baby in the mother - baby unit by the nurses words , they would compliment Dahlia for such adorable and healthy little gentleman and she would smile proud of doing such a good job with her kid . When Terrance was finally allowed to go inside the room , his eyes couldn't believe he was now the father of such fragile child , he was hesitant to carry him on his arms, afraid to hurt him accidentally, but his wife assured him that it was fine , and so she gently put Finn closer to his chest , and he swears that for one instant when he looked down and smiled with blurry eyes , his little baby boy smiled back to him .
A few years later , when Finney was a curious and talkative toddler , Dahlia got pregnant once again with their second child , his father happy to hear that they will have their second baby on the way , and their older brother Finney even more , totally ready to have little sibling to play with . Their little little Gwendolyn was the princess of the house , she would be spoiled with all her mother's kisses , her brother hugs and her dad's cuddling .
They were a happy family , a good , healthy and happy family .
But then Dahlia started to notice little Finney talking by himself ,and if she asked who he was talking to , he would always answer that with a friend , and at first , like once the nuns did , she dismissed it as imaginary friends , and that's it . When Gwenny got old enough speak , she would sometimes run towards her mom scared of nightmares that she had , and that's what they look like , only nightmares . They seemed weird , but not enough to panic .
The panic began when Gwenny had way too specific dreams about people in danger and Finney started to touch things or go to to places that he knew he shouldn't go , but he would do it anyway because " the voices told him to " . She took them to the doctor , but they didn't find any wrongness in the children . She started to have anxiety towards what this could possibly mean , or how could she make her stop , but Dahlia didn't even know how she got over it in the past in the first place .
This continue for a long time until it stopped , and when their mother would ask them about their dreams or " friends " they would answer confused that it was fine , as if they didn't remember what they been through before . Dahlia confused yet relieved she let it go , and never told Terrance anything about it .
Little by little , her own dreams and "imagination" started to come back to her , sometimes a whisper behind her neck , weird dreams that felt too real , an undistinguishable silhouette on the dark , a person that would speak or be seen by her and then all the sudden disappear like air or magic . She tried to ignore it , Dahlia tried hard to live her normal life and focus on her family and job .
But then the encounters got more and more frequent , people would ask her who she was talking to as they didn't saw anyone near her , she would find out that her dreams had something to do with people on television or the missing posters , and when spirits recognized her as a their only way to speak with the living world , they got more persistent and multiply as well .
When Dahlia couldn't ignore them anymore , she tried to help them in her own way , maybe telling them a direction , talk with a family member of theirs to give them a message , visit places that they used to go , take a special object for them , etc . And it worked at first .
She sometimes would apologize to those poor ghosts that would find out their lover got married once again , that their family moved to another town , that their loved pet died , that she couldn't just go and find their bodies , and some would forgive her ,
Some wouldn't .
The haunting dreams would make her wake up with guilt and regret , but all she needed is to watch her children faces in the morning and Dahlia would remember once again why's she's doing what she's doing . Terrance noticed his wife more anxious and nervous , but she would tell him it that she was fine , and she would come up with a simple excuse that would let her husband skeptical , but he had his own headaches to deal with , so he would let it slide .
One benevolent spirit told her to search protection for her and her kids , because their special gift might attract evil forces towards them . Dahlia tried to ask them for more information , but they disappeared . And she didn't know where to start searching that so called protection for her family .
She went to the church , but the holy water and prayers would only make her dreams go away , not the ghosts . She went to a gypsy woman that had spirtual knowledge , those rocks and incenses cleared all the ghosts from her sight , but her dreams would start to be more and more gruesome than before . Nothing was working , and she gave up .
And when she gave up , the evil spirits entered on the game .
These poltergeists would show her the crimes they committed in life , these poltergeists would scare her in her job , in her house and in Dahlia's dreams as well , the worst ones would be terrifyingly close to her kids or throw things at her when she ignore them or tried to go somewhere else .
Dahlia couldn't hide her fear anymore , her kids started to ask their mom if she was ok , her coworkers recommend her to take a break and try to get some sleep , but Terrance didn't believe Dahlia's excuses anymore , but it wasn't like she wanted to tell him what was going on .
He then decided to go to her orphanage and ask the nuns what they knew about her , and they told Terrance about her " mental illness / schizophrenia " when she was a child and teenager there in the orphanage , reason why the adults never wanted to adopt her .
He came back home late thanks to the long driving to that old creepy place , but Terrance could never imagined that when he came back home , he would find his wife , the love of his life , holding a knife against the air as she screams prayers like a maniac , while his kids were in a corner scared and crying from fear of the situation .
Terrance runs towards her and takes the knife out of her hands while he hugs to calm her down , in Dahlia's eyes , she sees how the evil phantom comes closer to her children , so in fear she takes back again her knife in her hands and runs towards her children . Confused they run away from her , as she tries to stab the soul of the one that's hunting her , but they dissolve like magic , and Dahlia realizes Terrance look of disappointment and her babies look of fear in their eyes .
Dahlia cries , cries and drops the knife , tired , frustrated , confused , scared , without a clue of what to do or how to stop all of this . Terrance tells the kids to go to bed as he gets closer to his wife to hug her back once again , she hugs him back tightly desperate from any comfort and warmth of her lover . The married couple goes to bed as they cuddle after so long without doing it, because the next morning , the physiatrists knocked at their door , so they could gently ask Mrs Dahlia Blake to start a treatment in their establishment .
The woman started to yell at his husband because how betrayed she felt , after he told her he believed what she says , after promising to stay by her side forever . This didn't stay unnoticed by the specialists as they tried to calm her down , but Dahlia couldn't go to mental hospital , she couldn't take pills and receive injections that she doesn't need to stay docile , not again , so she refuses , she expressed her anger by yelling at them to get out of her house . They went outside yes , but came back with syringes filled with haloperidol so they could take her away .
Her last words :
" No , please , stop ! Terrance please believe me ! Please don't let them hurt the kids ! Protect them fr- ...."
The drug that they gave her made her lost the little control she was trying so hard to keep , so when she goes to sleep , the evil in the night possesses her body to walk towards the 2d floor window , as they let her body falls she wakes up , only to die seconds later on the cold floor of the hospital's yard
Without the opportunity to do anything , without the opportunity to say goodbye or see one last time her family .
But if the other life exists , she will be always watching over them , waiting for her turn to be listened .
Ps : I would like to know if you share this idea or not guys , I want to see your opinions !
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ethereal-bumble-bee · 9 months
Cot Sponlon Lore!!!
(Here’s some info on Cot Sponlon and his campaign for President of the United States! Feel free to suggest additions/ask questions, and don’t forget- Vote Cot Sponlon in 2024!)
    I’m doomed, Spot lamented silently as he stared at the papers on the desk before him. They were written in fancy language that he barely understood, with official-looking stamps and signatures plastered over every sheet, and Spot felt as if they were trying to suck the soul out of his body.
    It had all started as a joke. He’d been drunk with Race on a Saturday night, and the other boy had made some sort of joke- like a “hey, what if you ran for President of the United States” sort of joke- and Spot had taken it seriously. A more sober version of him (but still a version with horrible ideas) had gone through the process, somehow getting himself involved with New York’s state government and also somehow getting nominated to represent the Democratic Party in the race. 
    Cot Sponlon was the name he’d chosen. A stupid mixed-up version of his childhood nickname that somehow went unchecked by everyone he came into contact with (he didn’t know how), the name that newscasters either berated or praised on television, the name that he’d have to use for the rest of his life if he wanted to keep up this ruse. He had no clue how nobody had checked to see if Cot Sponlon was a U.S citizen, if he old enough to run for president, or even if he was a real person at all, and he fully blamed the carelessness of everyone else for the mix up. Apparently, it didn’t take much trickery to fool the old men in office, as he’d done it with ease.
    Spot sorted through the endless stack of files on the desk, seeing his “name” in immaculately typed script on each one, trying to make sense of the duties he’d be taking over. This is a fucking fever dream, he thought to himself, holding back a cry of frustration as he caught the word deadline for the five hundredth time. He wasn’t quite sure how he was going to get himself out of this mess- it wasn’t as if you had to have some sort of permit to run for president, and somehow America had welcomed Cot Sponlon with open arms, most claiming that he was the best fit to lead the country. Make America Gay Again was the slogan he’d chosen- a take on some fat orange bastard’s battle cry that was somehow endearing to weirdos like himself everywhere.
    No matter the fact that he had dropped out of college at age twenty, that most of his former schoolteachers were surprised he ever learned how to read, much less create a lie so elaborate that he could fool the entire world. It would only take a bit of common sense for it all to come crashing down, for him to be exposed as the clueless leader he was. 
    A banner hung above his small desk- one that read: Cot Sponlon, 2024. Staring up at the brightly printed letters, disbelieving of his own stupidity, Spot made up his mind to keep going with this, even if it was just to see how far he could fuck over the country before they realized he was a fake.
    And, who knows, maybe I could make a difference, Spot thought to himself, suppressing a laugh as he continued to flip through the never-ending paperwork, the name he’d created destined to lead him far into the world of politics he’d never truly meant to sign up for.
Information About Our Candidate:
Name: Cot Sponlon
Age: Twenty-two
Campaign slogan: Make America Gay Again
Political Party: Democrat
College Degrees: None
Interviews and more to come soon! Feel free to ask questions to Mr. Sponlon through the ask box!
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pearl484-blog · 1 year
I've been reading Journey to the West for Fire Opal (its an old ass book that she apparently struggles with. My obsession with classical lit FOR THE WIN!)
Now, for background, we started off our knowledge from a summary given to us by Overly Sarcastic Productions. It's great. You should watch it.
Then, we watched Lego Monkie Kid, a TV series designed to be a sequel to the book with a lot of references to the series in a high energy action series with great animation. It's great. You should watch it.
But, if you're not familiar with Chinese folklore (or Japanese if you're a needy anime fan like me who liked Inuyasha and a few other series with Buddhist references (kinda did not realize how often those get in these shows, seriously)) you're going to miss a few jokes/references.
(The one about Mei, the dragon/pony descendant getting excited to meet her dragon/pony ancestor who must've been super helpful on their journey (He was FREQUENTLY forgotten by the authors of being a mother friggin DRAGON, they kept getting hung up on the whole acting as a horse thing) is HILARIOUS when you know how BADLY she's about to be disappointed.)
Anyway, back on topic, when we were checking out our book at the library, it was divided into several books (not surprising considering how big it is) and the first book was missing, so we picked up an abridged copy (only 700 pages. Yeah. Journey to the West is a door stopper at a whopping 20,000 pages.) It leaves out a lot of details, but even with OSP's summaries of each adventure, it was a LIFE SAVER.
Each friggin' character has like 8 names. You'd think the translators would give a quick rundown ahead of the book too, you know as a refresher for those who didn't have book 1, but NOPE!
The abridged version keeps each character with their easiest to recall nickname at all times and simplifies and explains a lot of mythology that English Speakers may not know as well.
Did you know that a winking wish is secretly a human? Because I did not. I've heard of talking carp, and wish granting carp. But not winking carp secretly being human.
Then there's the fact that the underworld can ask for bank loans from wealthy families on behalf of the emperor? What? Like, how does that work? Do you get a vision in a dream and your money's gone? Does a spirit collect it for you? Is it a blink and you miss it fortune? I am way too invested in these freaking underworld money lending deals.
Both are in Tang Sangzang's complicated backstory, and even with the abridged version walking me through it step by step, I can see why OSP shortened it into "basically He's the reincarnation of the Golden Cicada, former pupil of the Buddha and the goodness boy ever"
Anyways: a few comments
Why OSP did you call the spell that tightens the circlet on Monkey King's head a migraine spell? I mean, that is REALLY underselling the horror of that little do-dad. I was completely unprepared for the description of it squeezing Monkey King's skull until it resembled a vase as he begged for Tang to stop. That's a teeeeeny bit more than a migraine.
2. Also, why in the heck is Tamg so obsessed with his friggin' alms bowl?
For reference, Buddhist monks are not allowed to carry money, so to eat, they carry around a bowl you can leave food in to feed them, allowing you to support your local Buddhist monks and earn good karma. This is completely socially acceptable and is seen as a good thing to do. For this reason, most monks serve in urban environments so they can serve a large enough community to support this.
Tang Sangzang is in the middle of a pilgrimage with DAYS of rural country where there may be no one to beg from around. And YET, he seems adamantly against foraging.
One of his detractors' major complaints is that he's so gullible and soft-hearted he keeps falling into obvious traps, but honestly. That's forgivable compared to sending your companions to scoure WHOLE MOUNTAIN RANGES for some rinky dink little cabin that may or may not be there and may or may not be willing to part with their food and may or may not be able to accomodate a vegetarian diet when they are living by themselves ON A MOUNTAIN.
Is foraging REALLY against Tang Sangzang's brand of Buddhism? Is it too much to ask for him to just...asks his companions to forage and make him a meal? He doesn't mind making them beg for him.
OSP keeps describing it as Monkey going to get him food, but I genuinely thought he was using his skills to forage, not cloud hop around till he found a house to beg from.
Granted, the group would have probably gotten attacked/tricked/captured/etc. another way, but SERIOUSLY?
3. OSP describes the fight against White Bone Lady as Monkey King just hits her and she dies, but Monkie Kid makes a BIG deal out of her. So, I figured this was one of OSP's jokes. NOPE!
Ivory white bone demon or whatever is literally one-hit KO-ed THREE times by Monkey King. Her special ability appears to be illusions and the ability to drop her body and escape into an immaterial form at the last second.
However, narratively speaking, her fight is what drives Monkey King away to leave the first time, so apparently adaptations love upping her abilities so she's more of a legitimate threat.
This DOES however make her line that she's grown stronger since Monkey King last fought her VERY funny. Because I don't think there's another major demon who gets KO-ed that quickly, especially one that has that happen 3 times! (You'd think she'd have learned and called it quits by the third time. Or at least distract the freakishly strong evil-detecting bodyguard somehow, but no.) So, yeah. You survived a single punch. You leveled up girl!
Honestly, rewatching her scenes knowing this makes all her talk of being powerful very funny. She's terrifying, yeah, but also it's funny.
Edited 9/25: forgot to add a read more line. Whoops
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moonfurthetemmie · 8 months
H!DS Anika Gautier
Yes! They have some FUCKING backstory! Real backstory! They're still dead, though. This is what they looked like in life.
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- Their nickname is Rahni. The first image is them at a protest in the middle of the night, the second is them finally arrested by JR.
- They were one of the first people to ever openly question and criticize JR. And Dream was not best pleased with them for it.
- Decades later, Dream is still trying to clean up the fallout from Ani’s protests and stuff. He’s never not dealing with that headache.
- When Ani was eventually caught and arrested, they were like “Yeah, I’m that bitch. What of it”
- And Dream went “…are you tho.” Because he couldn’t believe that they wouldn’t deny their identity when they could be executed. Is this…a trick? Are they bluffing???
- So Ani stays in custody.
- When they’re not interacting with the guards or Dream, they’re generally pretty nice. They actually hang out in the Orphanage a lot, and make gifts to give to the kids. The kids adore Ani.
- Dream is also warming up to them. Enough that he notices, even through his aura smothering all of his emotions. He convinced himself that this Ani couldn’t possibly be the one he’s been tracking down.
- And…Ani is very much affected by Dream’s aura. Enough that they think they might love him. It’s not enough to get them to abandon their mission, but…it’s a little late for that anyways.
- Ani makes Dream a little necklace. Dream is almost completely convinced that they aren’t the one who’s been causing all this trouble for him.
- But, as those familiar with DreamSwap may have guessed, Ani’s already dying. They have a blood disease, and were already told they were going to die. They decided to make the most of their time while they had it.
- As their condition got worse, they told Dream aaaall about it. And what they were trying to do. The next morning, they were dead.
- Dream gets…weird, when asked about that time period. He doesn’t like talking about it.
- Ani’s still a ghost, but rather than being an angry, vengeful goblin, they’re doing their best to hinder JR’s efforts. There’s not a whole lot they can do, but they’re trying. They still don’t get along great with Finch, though; not until the good ending.
- Also! Before Ani got arrested, Dream had been obsessed with catching them. To the point where it was obvious to everyone that he was ignoring Nightmare.
- Of course, it didn’t help that Nightmare knew he was being ignored, and tried to cause a big mess to get Dream to pay attention to him. He was only a little pissed about it. Just a little <33
Bonus image: They have a present for one of the kids
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fateinthestars · 8 months
Yeesh has it really been nearly a week since I did a review/ramble post for SCM?
Well as I've replayed some stuff as I'm working on something (I fear due to the way I've decided to do it in the end that it's gonna take a while!), I may as well cover one of the ones I replayed yesterday...
So let's cover 'Whispers of Love from the Stars'
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This set includes stories for: Leon, Scorpio, Teorus, Dui, Huedhaut, and Ichthys
Spoilers under the cut
Whispers of Love from the Stars
This whole set goes into specific human myths to do with the constellations and it's rather interesting to see some more of those combined with the Gods' reactions to them.
LEO: Catching Lions with Honey
I'm struggling to think of stuff to say about this one (especially without switching the mature filter on) but the other Gods getting MC into awkward situations in Leon's route does feel rather common!
Ichthys, Teorus, I really think you ought to find a way to apologise to MC.
SCORPIO: Under an Aphrodisiac's Spell
Oh for goodness sake MC! The last thing you saw Scorpio doing was making something. Dui told you it was a poison. Why the hell did you even pick that glass up?!
Still Scorpio was straight and to the point and helped quickly. I am wondering how this would have gone down had it happened with one of the others.
(Yeesh for that matter considering what God's poison does to Humans, what would Zyglavis have done in this situation if it was early on in his route???)
TAURUS: Sweet Prince, Take Me Away
Pffft. Okay this might be one of my favourite Teo stories but I have to admit it's not really because of Teo.
I would say I don't want to spoil the beginning but I think as long as you've played any main story it's pretty damn obvious who the Teorus at the start of this really is.
And I'm still laughing at the fact that a major part of what gave him fully away (even if MC already had doubts) was using his own full name rather than the nickname Teo would have used.
It is interesting that Ichthys does make so many mistakes here though... usually he has impersonating the others voices and mannerisms down really well. The food thing I'm not surprised at, but not thinking about the fact that Teo calls him Ikky? I wonder whether that implies Ichthys doesn't actually really like that but doesn't bring it up with Teo because they're friends and he just lets him do it but might not from anyone else. (Actually Teorus seems to have an ability of getting the others to let him call them by different nicknames - Scorpio doesn't pull him up on calling him Scorpy but the one story where Ichthys does it he bit his head off!)
GEMINI: Lost Between Two Stars
And now we're onto the first of the three in this set where MC isn't dating the God in question yet.
This is a nice sweet trip for MC and Dui with quite a bit of insight into how Dui feels.
I'd be interested to know whether anyone read this one before they read Dui's main story, because the 'dream' sequence in this probably hits slightly differently depending on how much of his backstory you are aware of in advance.
AQUARIUS: Intoxicated by the Deep Blue Night
Ow, my heart. *hugs Huedhaut tightly*
The start of this is an interesting talk between him and MC, and of course Hue knows the human myths for his constellation well because, well, he's Hue... but then suddenly everything is focussed on the past and you can really feel the heaviness in Hue's heart, especially as this is set pre main path.
Sometimes it feels really hard to not want to go and find Hue and just shout tell her! at him. 😅
This does have one of my favourite light-hearted moments though, and that's this:
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Pfft oh Hue. 🥰 Guess I was right in my post where I basically said it felt like sometimes you should ask Hue and Karno to step away from the others to trick them into having a break.
PISCES: The Tangled Red Thread of Fate
Oh I utterly adore this chaos. Yes it's another Ichthys story before he's with MC but this one really does feel like it could have been the start of something.
Although, Ichthys? You really do get a rush out of infuriating Scorpio don't you? There was no reason to use that specific thing to act out the myth!
I adore Hue's reaction to the situation in this too. (Although his comment about fate specifically? My heart's breaking again...)
Attempted ranking thingy:
Odd, the three that are pre-relationship on the top? But I think even though these are really close together in enjoyment level (apart from maybe Leon's) for me, that those three are the highlight of this set. Scorpio's also adds some interesting lore which is probably why I've put him just above Teo's even though here Teo is charming and sweet and even Ichthys' prank can't really dampen his mood because it showed him how well MC knows him.
Those top three though: Dui's is almost like a missing piece of a jigsaw puzzle that rounds off the start of his path nicely. An actual attempt to suggest to MC that there is a problem and what she would think if she knew... Ichthys' is the least consequential of the three but there's just something here that really sparks for me (I do wonder whether that is partly due to Hue's reaction - it's almost like he's realised something has started between the two of them and is happy to step back and watch. Like you get in some of the other main paths - he never interferes but is always making sure in his own way that MC is happy and not in danger)... which leads us nicely onto Huedhaut's own story - it just encompasses everything Hue is as a character in one short burst: from his vast knowledge (even of stuff like human myths) to his winemaking abilities, to his sarcasm (but ability to stop when he realises he's taking it too far), all the way to his complete and utter inner turmoil at having to see MC every day knowing something that he doesn't dare bring up but still cannot stop himself from vaguely murmuring stuff related to his secret.
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