#the buddie showdown scares me
firefighterbracket · 1 year
The Bracket
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And we're onto the quarter finals! How are your blorbos doing? Are they still in? Who are you rooting for in this third round? Who are you hoping will win it all?
(I do have some personal hopes and some personal predictions, but I'll keep those second ones to myself)
The third round will post tomorrow, Friday, April 7th at 9am pacific, and run for 24 hours, like the first two rounds. All polls, once posted, will be tagged as #polls, as well as #round 3 for easy access.
Thank you, again, to everyone, for being civil and kind through the first two rounds. I know things are going to get more intense as we get closer to the final match up, but I trust you guys to be nice to your fellow voters and to me. Anon stays on as we move forward.
I'm still encouraging propaganda being sent in! As well as silly little memes! We should all be able to laugh at this, too - it's just a tumblr bracket, after all. It's meant to be fun, not serious.
Good luck to you and your blorbos!
plain text match ups under the cut
One Chicago: Stella Kidd vs Leslie Shay
Station 19: Diane Lewis vs Maya Bishop
911 Universe: Eddie Diaz vs Evan Buckley
Misc: Galo Thymos vs Smokey Bear
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cookiewoli · 8 months
NPC dialogue with my builder
It's been so long since I'm thinking about the NPC dialogue of my builder, but I finally finished it !!
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"Cookie" is a new resident at Sandrock. She works with Doctor Fang as a veterinary voluntary, but have to work as a builder too in order to be able to live. She's very clumsy and airhead, but always in a good mood. Her positivity seems to be contagious.
Introduction :
Hi ! Everyone here called me by my nickname Cookie. Nice to meet ya ! I'm a part-time builder and I'm working at the clinic as a veterinary twice per day ; the Monday and... No. Hum.... Tuesday and Thursday... No that's not it... Wednesday and Friday...?
Just come at the clinic and see if I'm here.
Birthday :
My birthday ? It's... Ah ! The 27 autumn ! You're not oblige to remember it. Sometimes I forget it myself.
Acquaintance :
- If you need something, don't hesitate to ask me. But I don't guarantee that your craft will be in a good state... Well, if you're too scared to see my broken craft and be disappointed, ask to Mi-An.
Buddy :
- Please, if you see Yan... Can you tell me I'm working into the mine ? During this time, I will wandering around searching for some animals and play with them.Oh. wait. I was not supposed to say that.
Good friend :
- It's so hard to work as a builder and veterinary too ! Well, even though I'm working at the clinic twice per week, and that for the rest of the week people refuses to give me commission...
I guess I don't have as much work as I thought.
Best friend :
- I never thought I would be so attached to all people in Sandrock! It's been less than one year since I'm here. Sandrock is my new family.
Hey, can I say that my best friend is part of my family too ?! Thank you for putting up with me.
Lover :
- Turn around so I can hug you... W-why from behind ? Well, it's a little bit embarrassing if I facing you... I don't want you to see me blush...!
- I'm always smiling usually, but when I see you... My smile get bigger and my cheeks becomes red ! I always want to be by your side.
During a sandstorm :
Be careful during sandstorm, it's very dangerous ! Last time, I almost receive a brick floating away from my workshop. Another time, I met a wild Yakmel and had to run away ! And another time, I fell into the sandfish pond... Ah, and... Well. Forget it. Just watch where you step !
On rainy days :
Hey, why are we saying"it's raining cats and dogs" ? There is no animals falling from the sky...
Sorry. That's a dumb question.
Day of a bright sun :
Day of bright sun is like a second Christmas ! But it's not very smart to put food inside gift that will fall from the sky. Just imagine the surprise when you open it !
Showdown at High Noon :
I love this day ! It's the best occasion to fight people you don't like for free and without any consequences !
Wait... Am I the only one to think like this ??
Haha ! I'm joking. Right ?
Days of memories :
Nothing is ever really lost to us as long as we remember it. See the floating lanterns always make me wanna cry. It hurts so much to not be able anymore to say to someone how much you love him. I hope this lantern will be the link between the earth and the sky.
Tour de Rock :
Hey, let's ask to Trudy if we can include the Pensky to the racing ! Why ? Because they're don't need board to slide across the sand ! Ah, but I guess they'll always win... Oh and I don't want to hurt one of them unintentionally... Okay. Forget the idea.
Running of the Yakmels :
Ah, it's the only event where you don't have to apologize if you hit someone clumsily ! Wait. But it's only if I'm riding a Yakmel ? It doesn't work if I'm stumbling on someone like usual ?
Winter solstice :
One of the best event of the year... The event that unite all people in Sandrock around a bonfire and delicious food ! But my favourite part is the fireworks. It's so beautiful! Even though after this your ears hurts...
Speech bubbles :
Greets a friend : Hi ! How many time have I met you today ?
Greets a romantic partner : See you has made my day !
New haircut : Hmm... It seems something changed but I don't know what.
Panda eyes : Nice panda makeup !! Oh, that's not makeup...
When attacked : Hey ! I'm sure this attack is not clumsiness!
Gift :
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Loved gift :
King horned dragon : aaaaw, thanks it's so cute !! Wait a minute... Since when have you this poor creature in your pockets ? But don't worry. I will take very good care of it !
Purple fireworks : Heheh, I know someone who will be startled... Hmm ? Did I say something ?
Liked gifts :
Cactus Halloween statue : Thanks ! I will place it into my workshop so that everyone can see the light into the night.
Neutral gifts : Thank you ! For what it is...? Well, I suppose it's the gesture that counts.
Disliked gifts :
Spicy food : Ah... Sorry but I can't eat this. My stomach become hell every time I eat this.
Romance :
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Accepted : W-what ? You want me to be your girlfriend ? How embarrassing, but... Yes, of course ! I will do everything to see your smile !
Rejected : Haha... I'm sorry but, I can't start a relationship now. I'm not ready to open my heart for someone. Excuse me.
Break up : Am I... Dreaming ? No...? Okay then. It's your choice, I can't do anything about it. Forget me for a while please.
Jealous : I... I thought you loved me. I guess I wasn't important enough to you. It's so hard to trust someone nowadays.
Sitting, dining and chatting :
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(Dlc outfit)
Compliment appearance :
- Thanks ! It upset me that people see me like a teenager because of my twintail and my large jacket when I'm an adult !
Compliment work :
- W-woah, I never thought to hear this one day. You know the deformed objects at the guild the weekend ? Don't you ever ask yourself... Who build them ?
Compliment personality :
Thanks ! I like to cheer up everyone the best I can. A smile can make your day, and sometimes kindness is enough too !
Asked about her past :
I have been took away from my family as a kid. I missed my old brother and father that I want to catch up with. And my mother ? Haha... Hum. Let's change subject please.
Asked about work :
To be honest... I don't have a lot of commissions. On the one hand, I have a lot of free time. On the other hand, I don't earn a lot of money... Even when I'm working at the clinic.
Asked what she likes to do :
First of all, taking care of the other. Animals or human. Secondly... I like playing pranks. As long as I don't get caught. I'm always running away from Yan. I don't know how he always knows it's me !
Asked about her favourite things :
I love collecting cute things !! If you come to my house you will see that I have more plush than machines... B-but don't tell this to anyone ! They may see me more as a child...
Relationships thoughts :
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Elsie : She's one of my best friend ! We have so much in common, like our love for animals, and pranks. She's the one who always gets me into it ! Ah... And I'm always the one who can stop her. She's used to seeing me running towards her with some wild animals behind me that I tried to become friends with, and she's always helps me to calm them down. I still want to believe that every animals can become your friend.
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Fang : First he's appears to me as a very cold person. He reminds me my mother in a kind of way... I was really wary in the beginning. But with some times, I see in him a very kind person, who cares about others. Just like my master... It's one of the reasons why I asked him to become his apprentice. He heals humans, I heals animals. Well, I haven't finished my studies in veterinary, but his methods of heals are very interesting ! I work at the clinic when he's not here, Wednesday and Friday.
Because we are colleagues, I always call him "Doctor Fang".
He's not very talkative, but his silence is peaceful and his presence alone is comforting. No need to talk to convey emotions.
His behaviour suggests that he's been through a difficult stuff, so I try not to touch him, or go behind his back, as this might frighten him. When he's feeling bad, I feel so... Useless. The only thing I can do is to stay by his side, and ask him "Tell me what you feel." In this way, he began to open up to me. Thanks for trusting me Doctor Fang.
X : He's my very first friend when I arrived to Sandrock. It's so much easier to talk and confess your pain to an animals. Animals are pure, trustworthy. When I'm too shy to talk to someone, or when I see someone sad, I ask X to carry a small paper with a message on it. Usually I wrote jokes, funny or comforting quotes so that I can see someone smiles reading it. My favourite thing is to do it with Fang. Ah, I never get tired to see him laughing to my messages !! That's because he doesn't dare laugh in front of me...
Mi-An : She's one of my bestie ! She helped me a lot when I came here, searching for a job. I asked Yan to become a builder to earn some money and be useful, and Mi-An taught me everything. She's very patient towards me because I fail everything I build, but erm- When we first hanged out, we saw that we have a lot of things in common ! I really trust her. She's one of the few people I've been able to open up to.
Ernest : He's very kind, and pretty, but... I'm really scared of him. N-not of "him" personally! But you know, he's a writer, journalist and... I'm terrified that he found some information about me... Before Sandrock. I tried to run away from my old life, starts a new one. I can't forget what happened to me before, but... I can just close my eyes and pretend that everything will be okay. I couldn't bear it if my old life caught up with me to the point of destroying my new one. Sorry Ernest to be so cold towards you !
Yan : Like a lot of people, I don't like it. He treats everyone like sh- I mean, he treats everyone like nothing. Okay, he can treat me like this because I'm a Newbie like he said, but he can't act like this towards Mi-An ! She's very strong, determined, she works very hard and Yan never congratulates her ! Unforgivable.
More of that, he scares me a lot. Especially when he's angry. Like, every time ? I always try to avoid him with different methods. Like hiding, disguise or just run away. The only times I approach him with more than 10 meter is to prank him. Hey ! He always says "He who loves well, punishes well" so here it is. Sorry.
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sugarwyns · 11 months
Just a fun idea
   If Nova was a romanceable npc in mtas then what dialogues would she have ( like one for each relationship level (Acquaintance, Buddy, Good Friend, romance), you can skip levels or add more lines if you want )
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Hiya! I haven't seen you around yet, so I'm assuming you're new - I'm Nova, one of your fellow builders! Come find me if you need a buddy to go ruin diving with.
My birthday's on Summer 15. When I lived in Seesai, I spent every single birthday at the beach. I can't really do that anymore here, so my new thing is just sitting by the oasis.
If you ever need to get ahold of me, ask Kor or Daphne where I am, they'll probably know! Oh, wait, but...what if you don't know where they are...hmm. I'll get back to you on that!
Kor told me you're from Highwind! That's cool, I've always wanted to visit. You think I'd be...blown away?...Sorry, that was bad. Ignore that!
Uh oh! I forgot my pass to the salvage yard expires today...you think Rocky will let me extend it for, like, a discount...?
Moving to Sandrock gave me a bit of culture shock. I do miss Seesai a lot, but I really think I'm better off here than I was there.
There you are! Daphne stopped by earlier to give me a few melons from the Moisture Farm...care to share some with me?
I love collecting minerals and whatnot from the desert, but I am so intimidated by the Boxing Jacks there. Every time I see them coming from the corner of my eye, I can't help but yell!
Good Friend:
My brother lives in Walnut Groove. He's a real successful Builder there. To be honest, I don't care for building that much, but...it's a stable job, at least. Don't know if I'll live up to the expectations he's set, though.
I used to be the apprentice of a well-known Builder in Seesai. She was really kind to me, even when I made mistakes all day. I was so sad when my apprenticeship ended! In fact, she made me my bandana and pickhammer as a parting gift. I try to write to her every few weeks.
I have a really small collection of Old World stories and movies. It gets boring watching and reading the same things over and over again, though, so I hope I'll find more stuff in Sandrock to mix up the collection!
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Confession Accepted:
Oh? I can't believe it, you beat me to it! Of course I accept.
Confession Rejected:
I'm...really flattered, I promise, but...I'm so sorry, I just don't think we're at that level with each other...
General Lines:
I made you this bracelet the other day. You don't have to wear it, if it's not your style! Buuut...I do have a matching one, sooo...
I've wanted to visit Seesai for a while, but I was always too nervous to go through with it. I think if you're by my side, though, I'll be able to manage.
Hey! What are you doing today? You wanna go eat at the saloon? I'll pay, don't worry!
Honey?...mmm, no. Sweetie? Hmm...Oh! Sorry! Just trying out nicknames for you...baby?
When I first got here, I felt like I had something to prove. I don't even know who I was trying to prove something to! But now that you're here, I feel like the last of that pressure came off of my shoulders.
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Day of the Bright Sun:
• I put in a few accessories I made over the last couple of weeks. I hope whichever person ends up with them likes them!
Showdown at High Noon:
Wow, the atmosphere is amazing! Everyone is so amped up for this. I didn't participate in anything like this back in Seesai, so I can't wait to see who comes out on top!
Day of Memories:
This festival has different ways of being celebrated in other cities, but they all have one thing in common - they're all so beautiful.
Tour de Rock:
I'm so bad at sandrunning. Maybe I'll just...watch and cheer everyone on!
Running of the Yakmel:
Can I tell you a little secret? I'm kind of scared of Yakmel! They're cute, but they're huge! I try to avoid the ones around the outskirts of town when I can.
Winter Solstice:
I've been looking forward to eating some skewers all day! What better way to kick off the start of a new year?
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littleguyshowdown · 1 year
Little Guy Showdown Part II
I had a lot of fun with the first round of polls, so I’ve decided to make the Little Guy Showdown a regular thing!
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Final Matchup stars April 30th!!
Rules and Regulations:
1. Previous winners (Kirby from Kirby and Slugcat from Rain World) cannot participate as they’ve already had their time to shine. All previous contenders who have not won, on the other hand, are fair game.
2. The gender neutral version of guy is being used here, so female and non-binary characters who you think fit the little guy mold can be submitted!
3. Please be civil! This is meant to be fun and I don’t want things to turn sour over fictional characters.
Submissions have ended! Thank you to everyone who submitted :)
All matchups are listed below the cut.
Part A, Left Side:
Part A, Left Side:
Part A, Left Side:
Part A, Left Side:
Part A, Left Side:
Olivia Flaversham (The Great Mouse Detective) VS Rizzo the Rat (The Muppets)
Fantoccio (Billie Bustup) VS Perrito (Puss in Boots II)
Cosmo (Cucumber Quest) VS Cameron (Total Drama: Revenge of the Island)
Mono (Little Nightmares) VS Polly Plantar (Amphibia)
Little Buddy (Splatoon) VS Stitch (Lilo and Stitch)
Greg (Over the Garden Wall) VS Principal Nedzu (My Hero Academia)
One One (Infinity Train) VS Yellow Guy (Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared)
Spamton G. Spamton (Deltarune) VS Tails (Sonic)
Part A, Right Side:
Spike (My Little Pony) VS Luma (Mario)
Little (RWBY) VS Dustin (The Scarlet Hollow)
Pugsley (Dead End: Paranormal Park) VS Alfur (Hilda)
Wander (Wander over Yonder) VS Boyd Gearloose (Ducktales)
The Collector (The Owl House) VS Phil (The Promised Neverland)
Rasputin (Psychonauts) VS Morph (Treasure Planet)
Sommie (Fire Emblem) VS Waddles (Gravity Falls)
Apollo Justice (Ace Attorney) VS Pubbycat (Bee and Puppycat)
Part B, Left Side:
Niko (One Shot) VS Gin Ibushi (Your Turn To Die)
Isaac (The Binding if Isaac) VS Hat Kid (A Hat in Time)
Butters Stotch (South Park) VS The Time Sprites (The Under Presents)
Yuki (Wildfrost) VS Ched (Centaurworld)
The Lamb (The Cult of the Lamb) VS Crewmate Baby (Among Us)
TBH (Internet) VS BTW (Internet)
Onion (Steven Universe) VS Piglet (Winnie the Pooh)
B-12 (Stray) VS Wall E (Wall E)
Part B, Right Side:
Space Core (Portal II) VS Maushold (Pokémon)
Bigfoot (Dialtown) VS Kiwi (Wandersong)
Dendy (OKKO) VS Tommy Pickles (Rug Rats)
Frisk (Undertale) VS Monokuma (Danganronpa)
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beldaroot · 1 year
did i hold off on watching the last episode of buddy daddies for a whole week because i was scared of how it was going to end? yes.
but……… did i finally force myself to watch it and then proceed to sob for a solid 10 minutes afterwards? ……. yes 😭
OH MY GOD !!!!! i don’t even know what to say,,, honestly i went into it expecting the worst & expecting a sad ending, and so when rei and kazuki were fighting the organization & creepy last words guy i was SO STRESSED OUT !!!! i was so relieved when they were okay after the fight because honestly i had no idea what direction they were gonna take for this ending!!!! also, after, when kazuki says to rei “i knew you’d be here, partner.” HELP T^T
AND REI’S CONFRONTATION WITH HIS DAD!!! AHH!! honestly i was expecting it to be a lot more brutal tbh i felt like it was sort of…. not a lot? i mean rei’s speech standing up to his dad was amazing (“miri, kazuki, and i share a bond stronger than blood. i want to become a real family.” OTL) but i was definitely expecting a bigger showdown…… BUT i mean im glad at in the end he and kazuki were able to get away unscathed (well apart from their bullet wounds lmao) and make it to miri’s show :’) when they walked in in their santa suits i SOBBED !!
AND !!!/?/))/&/)/ OUT OF ALL THINGS I ABSOLUTELY WAS NOT EXPECTING A TIMESKIP ????? OH MY GOD ??????? seeing miri all grown up and healthy and happy warmed my heart more than u can even imagine 😭 AND KAZUKI OPENING A DINER!! AND REI WORKING THERE!!! AND REI STILL COOKING HIS FRENCH TOAST!!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHHH im literally sobbing into my pillow right now because of this perfect little family oh my god,,,,,, seeing them 10 years later happy and safe is just :’) such a sweet ending!!! absolutely not what i was expecting,,,, but im not mad about it!! as long as this family is together, i’ll take anything T^T except now i need an timeskip ova of the papas’ journey of dealing with a teenager daughter haha!
anyways thank you again anita for indirectly influencing me to watch this anime <3
omg no, sunny you're actually so strong for waiting a whole week to watch the episode bc i was literally refreshing my screen like a crazy person bc i wanted to avoid spoilers haha! but i totally understand where you are coming from! i had this weird anxiety over the final episode bc the previous episode felt so rushed so i wasn't sure if they would handle it properly, but i think it was a great finale considering everything!
the whole fight scene at the organization kinda blew my mind like the animation was soooo good and brutal and kept me at the edge of my seat bc it was that nerve-wreaking!! like i knew the creepy last word guy had to die but holy shit! stabbing him in the throat so he doesn't get a chance to say his last words was pure genius! and the whole "partner" thing had me smiling like an idiot lol they really are partners in every sense of the word and always got each other's back :')
yes, i was also expecting a bigger showdown between rei and his father and i did want rei to kill him too! but the more i thought about it (especially after reading this post), it definitely made more sense that rei wanted to stop the cycle of violence and allow vulnerability and care to enter his life! that's the change he was desperately asking kazuki about! that whole montage had me crying as well - the "warmth of sleeping three to a bed" was the one that got me the most emotional OTL
i actually was expecting a timeskip! though i never thought it would be 10 YEARS in the future! i assumed they would do like a year later at most... so getting such a far out future timeskip was a real surprise! i think they wanted to go out that far to imply that miri is old enough to actually know the truth about what happened to her mom. but regardless, it was soooo lovely to see how domestic they are together! running a diner was the perfect idea bc i definitely think food has always been the center of their relationship dynamic; the cake was literally what got miri into their life :') the way it ended showing that they've been a family for 10 years and that they'll be a family for many more years to come is honestly what made the ending so sweet and delicious!
i'm happy that i was able to influence you into watching this show hehe and thank YOU for talking to me about it! it made my whole watch experience even more enjoyable and delightful <3
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contrispos · 3 years
Episode 7 - Battle Scars
[Star Wars: The Bad Batch]
Episode seven.... oh, episode seven.... you little bitch...
The way Tech said “That depends on when Echo plans on getting the drive back online” I fucking love these two.
Omega naming the lizard
If anything dares come close to Wreckers head again I will lose it
How has Hunter managed to become not just the dad of Omega but Wrecker too?? Gosh
Tech, I love you. Cid, please never stop calling him goggles.
Rex you little shit
How did Echo mot recognise the white and blue 501 armour??
Rex looks so fucking short wtf
Hunter, why u gotta sit like that? U need ur back to not get fucked up
Ah Wrecker, keep hugging people. I need a hug
Did she just call Rex old?
Oh god Echos little grin at Rex and Omega, my heart
Wrecker is a leg bouncer too
Omg Omega translating Techs words into basic clone
Why have Echo and Tech switched roles?? Isn’t Tech the pilot an Echo the co-pilot??
(in Anthony Mackie’s voice) Rex, man your lookin good, man oh man
I am constantly stressed about Tech’s lack of thigh armour
Rex and Echo being best buddies🥺
Tech, please stop walking so far behind
Question for the class: How the fuck did they tie the cable on the other side???
Wrecker stop dying, please
Tech’s little head shake after he fell🥺
Can Tech stop being gorgeous?
Tech being scared of Kamino🥺🥺🥺🥺
Omega.... you’re making me cry... HUNTER FUCKING HUG HER!!!! HUG HER!!!!! SHE NEEDS COMFORT GIVE HER A FUCKING HUG!!!!!!!
No, stop, don’t blur their voices I know what that means
i will come for you
how the hell does omega shake him that much?
Can the animators stop being so goshdarn great at making face expressions on Rex?
AH! Wreckers little head pat on Omega!!!!
Okay but to be honest Tech doesn’t really need to have his hairline abused any more than it’s already been
he looks kinda punk with the side shaved
WHO is Rex talking to????????
No, okay honestly fair but like all that hair is definitely in the way
Holy shiiesh this episode was a whole ass panic attack.
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seaofashes · 3 years
Tech that's not what she means when she's asking about the war 🤧
Commander Crosshair do be lookin foine in that black armor tho 😔✌🏻
I just fucking know Crosshair about to pop up like surprise motherfucker
fuck when that was falling down my brain went "when worlds collide" but in the voice from that one SpongeBob episode why am I like this
AND THEY BLEW IT UP! and they're goin down down down down ploop.
CROSSHAIR LOOKS SO BAD RIGHT NOW OH MY GOSH please I'm not okay with this episode
what a fucking EPISODE. I fucking loved it, it was a great episode and I cannot WAIT to see what happens next.
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cultgambles · 4 years
Is Your Boyfriend Jealous Yet?
Hawks likes putting on a show, can you blame him?
I was on GWA and this girl had a nice fun plot and audio and I was really feeling it in the moment hehe...so largely inspired by that!
Contains: nsfw, car sex, reader cheats, cunnilingus, exhibition, fandom hawks behavior
Also: wrap it before you tap it
Word Count: 2118
Masterlist | Requests? open
“So there I was, staring this villain down at the end of the street, and then he just appeared! My idol!”
“Endeavor? What did he do?”
“Of course he didn’t waste any time taking em down, it was cool and all to see it but he really took the spotlight, ya know?”
“Oh please, as if you need to be loved by the public anymore.”
“I do! That’s who I am!”
“Who’s that chick staring at you?”
Hawks turns, looking over his shoulder, “I dunno, a fan maybe? She’s coming over!”
“Act natural!”
“I am a natural. All nat-ur-ral.” He smooths down his silky burgundy button up shirt. 
“Hey! Hawks?” 
“The one and only!” Hawks gives a dazzling style, saluting towards you.
“I just wanted to say how cool you are, every time you employ your Quirk I’m amazed! And you’re not too bad to look at either!” you giggle.
“Thanks, kid,” he smiles, a real one. “People like you are the ones that make hero work worth it.”
“Yeah? Do you have time to chat? My name’s [Y/N], by the way. Are your wings okay? They look a little sparse.”
“‘Course I have time to chat. You wanna drink? Hey! One Lemon Drop for the lady, if you will!”
“Coming right up!”
“My most recent showdown against a villain. No biggie, they’ll grow back in a couple days.” Hawks turns a little so you can see the appendages where his feathers would usually be. There’s little small ones beginning to peek through. 
“Wow! I don’t think I saw that fight on the news or anything,” you murmur.
“I’m okay with doin’ it in silence, as long as it gets done, you know? 
It’s nice knowing people are safe and that there’s one less piece of shit on the street. But it’s also hard work” he continued. 
“The man who’s just a bit too fast, huh? You ever get tired?” you query. “Thanks for the drink, by the way.”
“No problem! And yeah, it’s hard to slow down, and I know I need to; but I always feel like I’m bein’ too lazy when I could be out there in the field.” 
Hawks is surprised, he’s never been this forward and vulnerable. Especially to a complete stranger. Maybe it was that gin and tonic he had earlier.
Your mouth opens, but before you can say anything, a booming voice cuts through the crowd.
“[Y/N] What the hell are you doing! Get over here!” Your face falls slightly, and Hawks notices with a curious, but watchful gaze. 
“I just saw Hawks here! I’ve never been this close to a pro hero before, and I wanted to say my thanks,” you mumble.
“Well I don’t like my girlfriend wandering off and talking to other guys, regardless if they’re a hero or not. Come on, we’re leaving!”
“But we just got here!” you protest.
“Now, [Y/N],” he growls, shoving you away from the pro hero, and towards the door.
“Hey, buddy,” Hawks clamps a hand on your boyfriend’s shoulder, holding him in place. “Don’t go pushing women around.” 
“This isn’t even your problem, man.”
“I’m going to make it my problem.” Hawks is deadly, intimidating. Even though you’re a little scared, you’re a bit turned on, to be honest. He’s got this air of danger around him, his eyes slit to pinpricks.
Before your boyfriend can get another word out, one of the club bouncers steps up, towering over the three of you. “Problem here? Or am I going to have to escort you out?”
“Nah, man, we’ll take it outside. Don’t worry about us,” Hawks shrugs. Your boyfriend tugs you along, seething behind Hawks.
“This isn’t over, Hawks. And you, don’t you EVER cause a scene like that, you hear?” 
You sniff. “I just wanted to say my thanks…”
“She was doin’ nothin’, that was all you man.” Hawks shakes his head. “I’d even say she was more into me than she has been in a while. I mean, the way you shouted at her was pretty scary,” he says, popping the ‘p.’
You look at Hawks under your lashes.
“No she wasn’t!” your boyfriend drops your arm, marching right up to the pro hero.
 Hawks leans around him and nods his head at you. “Why don’t we show him a thing or two?” You give him a puzzled look. “My car’s right there if you know what I mean.”
“Hold on, you have a car? How would you even fit your wings in.”
“Baby, you’re ruining the moment,” Hawks laughs, stepping in next to you. “I just take my car for a spin when I can’t fly. Not a walking type of guy, really.”
“So let me get this straight, you wanna fuck me? In your car? For why?”
“Give a little show to your asshole of a boyfriend. So he can see how to really treat a woman, hm?”
“Don’t you go with him, [Y/N]! I will literally kill you.”
“Is that really the smartest thing to say right next to a pro hero? Okay, Hawks, what that tongue do?” You purr.
“I’ll show you,” Hawks’ car’s doors unlock with a click. “Get in the back.”
Your boyfriend outside looks right mad, shouting and screaming at you. You swear a crowd has formed.
Hawks lays down and motions a finger for you. You shut the door behind you, and it’s just you two in this moment, boyfriend be damned. 
“Hold onto the headrests, okay, baby?” Hawks asks as you situate yourself above his mouth. 
“Lucky for me, you’re just wearing that cute little skirt and skimpy top. What, did you want every guy to turn heads for you?” Hawks grips your plush thighs, digging his nose to your panties. “All that from earlier really got you goin’, huh? Look how wet you are for me.” He kisses your clothed sex before pulling your underwear to the side. A long, languid lick all the way up to your clit has you shivering with pleasure, begging for more.
You’re grinding down on Hawks’ tongue, he’s just that fucking good. You briefly wonder how many other people have experienced this ecstasy. At least you have him for this moment. 
Breathy squeaks leave your mouth as his mouth catches on particular spots. 
“Let it out, I wanna hear you. I want him to hear what I’m doing to you.” Locking eyes with your boyfriend outside the car sends you over the edge, his face as bright as the heels on your feet. His eyes dim slightly just as yours slip closed, mouth agape. Hawks continues to pleasure you as you come down from your high. 
Carefully, he lifts you up to sit you on his lap. A little cramped, but worth it. Your wetness glistens along Hawks’ jawline, and you lean in to kiss him, tasting yourself and him. 
“That’s cute,” he whispers, bringing his hands up to knead at your breasts slightly. His gold eyes shimmer as you rub against his cock. 
“Gonna show me your cute dick next?” you ask.
“It’s cute, like, big, not cute as in small. Just so you know. How about you lay down, baby,” he turns towards you slightly, unbuckling his belt and unzipping his black trousers. His cock is nice. As nice as one can be. It’s a little thicker, curved to the left a bit. He’s trimmed. He strokes it a couple times, dragging his precum along the shaft. You flick your panties off and they land on his head.
“Impatient, are we?” he grins. 
“Just a bit,” you smile, reaching between your legs to spread yourself open a bit for him to see. 
“Pretty pussy for a pretty girl,” he leans over, hand guiding to your quivering sex. He pushes in slowly, letting out a deep moan be swallowed up by your kiss. “You’re so tight around me.”
He lets you adjust, and not long after, you’re clawing at him to start moving. “Feels so good, you fill me up so good, Hawks.”
“They’re all watching us now, hummingbird. I bet they’re jealous at how good I’m fucking you,” he says over his grunts.
You’re bleary-eyed and blissed out, barely registering his words. “Who...Who’re they?”
“Seems like your little boyfriend’s screaming match has attracted quite a crowd.”
“O-oh? How big?”
“You wanna get out, don’t you.”
“Yeah okay, whatever you want, Hawks. Who am I to deny a pro hero what he wants? Just keep fucking me, please.”
Hawks’ eyes flash, hand scrambling for the door handle and pulling you out into the brisk air. “Really? Whatever I want? How about I just bend you over the trunk of my car and rail you so hard you can’t walk tomorrow?” 
“Then I guess you’re stuck with me for a lil while longer.” Hawks pushes your head down almost gently as he presses into you against the cool metal. You sigh as he slips back inside of you. Then he’s pulling your top down to your waist, your breasts squishing against the dirt and dust. A few people whoop. Somehow, you don’t care that everyone can see, or that camera flashes are blinding your vision. The way he drills into you makes you even forget how you even got into this situation to begin with. 
“What about the--” you moan “--press?” 
“Don’t give a fuck about them, none at all. My PR team could probably cover it up, I don’t know. Don’t wanna think about that. Y’all see this? Her nasty ass boyfriend was fuckin’ rippin’ on her, treating her like shit on a stick. No one should treat a woman like that, ya hear?” he’s loud, addressing the people around you. “Well, I guess ex boyfriend would be appropriate. What do you think, [Y/N]?”
“Y-yeah You’re right! Oh! OH! Hawks.”
“C’mon songbird, sing me that song,” he says right next to your ear, sucking a hickey into your neck.
“[Y/N], baby, how could you do this to me?” your boyfriend pleads. Ex-boyfriend, you mean.
“That’s what you get for being a shit. And you’re not even that mad, you’re enjoying yourself too,” you moan to him. “Hawks is technically police, you don’t want him to throw you in jail, now do you?”
“He wouldn’t, he can’t! I didn’t really do anything.”
“I can and I will,” Hawks growls.
“You’re just using your privilege!”
“Yeah,” Hawks agrees. “But then again, I’m sure I could find some dirt on you.”
“Yes baby?” his attention snaps to you.
Your ex was never this attentive. It gave you butterflies. You swallowed them to let him know you were close. 
If he had his feathers, they would surely flush out. 
“Come on, birdie, cream on my cock, I know you can do it.” He reaches around your waist to swipe at your clit. 
“Nnnggft,” you moan, your cunt seizing up, the pressure building. It explodes, sending a chill down your spine. 
“Yes baby, keep up for me, I’m right behind ya...” Hawks thrusts impossibly faster, chasing his own climax, loving the way your sex flutters around him.  
“[Y/N] I’m--” Hawks’ voice dies out as he shoots thick ropes of cum in you, white seed painting your insides. 
The both of you struggle to catch your breaths. Hawks leans over you, massaging your hips. “Why don’t we take this back to your place and finish up?”
“Why not yours?” You laugh, running a hand over his sweat sheened forehead and into his unruly blonde hair.
“Security? At least take me on a date,” he laughs.
You sigh with contempt. “Okay, Hawks. Okay.” He nuzzles your neck slightly, pulling out of you. 
Hawks tucks himself back in his trousers and pulls up your top. “Let’s get outta here, then. Hey! I got it, don’t worry,” he says, pulling the passenger door open.
“Where’s my underwear?”
“I’m gonna leave a wet spot.”
“I don’t mind,” he says nonchalantly before hopping into the driver’s seat next to you. The ignition rolls over and Hawks backs out of the parking space. His hand rests on the inside of your thigh, rubbing in slow circles. 
You notice his nails are black, and curved a bit like talons. 
“Okay hummingbird, lead the way,” he says, giving you a soft smile.
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cynthiaandsamus · 3 years
Custom Toonami Block Week 78 Rundown
Code Geass: Lelouch finally confronts Charles in the Human Instrumentality Elevator but before his laser Geass bullshit can kill him, he steals C.C.’s Code and becomes immortal. Now that Charles is at the highest Geass level, C.C. like “Oh yes Imperialist Daddy kill me cause Lelouch is too chicken to” because she wanted an out for her immortality all along. But she’s been saving Lelouch this whole time and didn’t force the Code on him like was done to her so she clearly has a soft spot for him. Also Viletta and Sayoko are having a ninja fight over Ohgi and Nia’s developing nukes or some shit. Ironically now that we finally know who C.C. is, she’s lost her own memories so her character is always incomplete. But Lelouch has busted up the Thought Elevator and Charles is stuck there so showdown postponed I guess.
Inuyasha: Naraku continues his plan to cover Sesshomaru in his goo and take him inside himself… not gonna bother rephrasing that. But he gets jumped by Inuyasha’s barrier breaking powers and absolutely wrecked by both of them once Inuyasha inadvertently saves Sesshomaru. Ironically Inuyasha’s able to stop himself being absorbed while Sesshomaru isn’t, implying he’s stronger at this point but who knows. Anyway Naraku just kinda rockets away on a poison cloud and Sesshomaru’s about to turn full doggo and chase him but the writers remember we’re never allowed to see full demon Sesshomaru again until he regains his arm and Naraku tells him “Hey yo Rin’s about to get murdered, better go take care of that instead of finishing the series now” and Sesshomaru’s out of bluffs pretending he doesn’t care. Everyone realizes if Sesshomaru catches Kohaku killing Rin or about to kill Rin he’ll straight up murder Kohaku which is exactly the level of head-fuckery Naraku wants. They stop Kohaku from killing Rin but he keeps attacking Sesshomaru and Sesshomaru’s like “Oh, you WANT to die, well tough shit buddy, I’m not in an accommodating mood today so you live mother fucker” because even he realizes Naraku wants him to murder Kohaku for some reason. It’s interesting to see him spare a human out of spite but also kind of take pity on Kohaku, his tolerance for humans is slowly but surely growing.
Yu Yu Hakusho: Well we’re on the boat to the Dark Tournament, aka the first episode of Hunter x Hunter, and the totally not Genkai Masked Man uses the move Genkai taught Yusuke to wipe out all the competition, wonder who they could be. Like even Kuwabara’s guessing it’s Genkai at this point, we have no excuse. Anyway the other demons get pissed at the loss and everyone has to murder them all to be let through, including one dude Yusuke kills while still sleeping off his training hangover. We meet two of the first team they’ll be facing and it’s standard “Grr rawr, we’ll crush you” shit from a little boy and an Buttrock Band singer. Also Keiko and Shizuru are on the way to the tournament courtesy of Botan and Yusuke’s mom is left at home for no reason despite being in the arc in the manga, we just couldn’t handle more Milf Urameshi action.
Fate Zero: This is basically a summary episode, we have Kirei/Gilgamesh and Kiritsugu summing up where we’re at right now with the war and who’s involved. Kirei doesn’t have any more ninjas so he’s out but the Grail’s like “Nuh-uh, get back in here loser” and gives him Command Seals back even though he doesn’t have a Servant to use them on. Gilgamesh is all “What if we teamed up? Haha, just kidding… unless?” And weirdly enough Kirei is kinda into the soap opera bullshit going on with Kariya trying to save Sakura and being turned into a mummy for it. He’s like “what kind of fucked up person would like seeing a man being eaten from the inside out to save a child in vain?” Gilgamesh is all “Joke’s on you, we’re into that shit”. Also Iris is dying or something so they move into Shirou’s home and Saber ironically makes the transmutation circle in the shed that Shirou will bleed on later and summon her in UBW, guess it makes more sense why Shirou lives in a bullshit dojo house now that we know it was a originally a mage base fortress to harbor his girlfriend and Stepmom’s forbidden lesbian affair.
Konosuba: We kick of Season 2 with everyone throwing Kazuma under the bus for him to go to jail and then Aqua showing her whole damn ass during her pathetic breakout attempts. Then we shift Ace Attorney/Chrono Trigger mode and get a recap of all the shit Kazuma’s done over the past season. It’s kinda funny people don’t really know how to feel about him because he is a scumbag but he’s a net positive for the community. He eventually uses his lie detector skills to clear himself but because this is a kangaroo court he get found guilty anyway. But SINCE it’s a kangaroo court Darkness is able to use her own even higher levels of royal bullshittery to void the verdict and delay the case until Kazuma can prove he’s a harmless scumbag instead of a traitor. And they lose Darkness and get all their shit taken. Like I get that’s the nature of the show and the main joke but I kinda wish we’d get more story stuff or have them thrown a bone every once in a while, not a huge fan of shows like Marrier with Children or Everybody Hates Chris where you know shit’s just gonna fall apart in the end somehow, it makes it hard to care. Like this isn’t THAT bad about it but I just wish we’d get a few more serious/wholesome moments thrown in because everything else is just a fakeout.
Sailor Moon Crystal: So we’re getting close to the end of the season here and Beryl’s here and Mamoru just kinda… watches as she fights the Sailor Guardians in an alternate dimension because apparently Ami can just do that, like aside from their signature attacks I feel like the limits on what the Sailor Guardians can and can’t do are very vague, seems to be a problem with a lot of shojo action at the time since powers are more focused on emotion and it just ends up being “I can do whatever I feel like”. Anyway they summon the Meteor Sword from Avatar and cut off Beryl’s power necklace and she just kind of… dies for some reason? Like she was a reincarnated human just like everyone else but she just kinda melts after her necklace is chopped off like she’s been alive a thousand years. But yeah, possessed Tuxedo mask has the crystal and the sword and apparently the sword is the key even though we only started hearing about it like three episodes ago. Usagi follows him to Antarctica or whatever and the Sailor Guardians just… fly there, see this is what I mean apparently they could fly the whole time and just never did? They fight the Four Kings and reawaken their memories but Metalia blasts them away in seconds which if she could do that to the people that were kicking the Sailor Guardians’ asses five seconds ago couldn’t she just do it to them too? Anyway the girls’ former boyfriends are dead and that’s sad I guess even though I don’t think we ever really established which one was dating who so idk if it matters unless they’re all one big polycule. Usagi tries her bullshit fixer beam power and it doesn’t work so her next solution is just stab everyone and sort it out later, not a bad plan honestly, she cuts down Mamoru and then herself and is like ah fuck it, the end.
Durarara!!: The Saika arc concludes and we get Anri fucking up Haruna while Shizuo pounds the whole town in the park with his new demon gloves. But basically because Anri is a little ball of dissociation and trauma more than a person she’s a perfect host for a sword that’s yandere for the whole human race, the void contains the explosion and all that shit. However now that there’s been a Saika riot but Mikado and Masaomi are scared and mobilizing the Dollars and Yellow Scarves (also oh yeah Masaomi is the leader of the Yellow Scarves but you should know that already) to fight Saika to protect Anri except Saika IS Anri and Izaya’s just having fun stirring the pot and Anri’s the only one who knows he’s behind it because turns out when you have a hundred peoples’ memories swimming in your head it kinda helps you piece shit together.
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snkpolls · 4 years
SnK Episode 70 Poll Results (for Anime Only Watchers)
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The poll closed with 76 responses. Thank you to everyone who participated!
Please note that these are the results for the Anime Only Watchers’ poll. If you wish to see the results for the Manga Readers’ poll, click here.
Anime only watchers, beware of spoilers if you venture over to the manga readers’ poll results.
RATE THE EPISODE 74 responses
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Although the response to this week’s episode was still overwhelmingly positive, with 95.9% of responses giving the episode 3 or higher, it was a bit lower in comparison to the previous one. 
Very amazing a 💯/10✊
I loved it, as always
Gabi episode? NO BUENO.
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Gabi and Falco’s escapades took up the vast majority of the episode, so we wanted to know which one of them was your favorite. An equal amount of respondents (28.4%) seemed to prefer either the moment wherein Gabi came under attack from that perfidious horse or Kaya remembering Sasha and how she saved her life years ago. Closely behind those (25.7%) are the folks preferring the argument between Gabi and Kaya. Another semi-popular option was the scene wherein Kaya showed Gabi and Falco her former village.
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We also had a fair bit of scenes focused on characters besides Gabi and Falco. For this question, there was a rather noted diversity in opinions. 24.7% seemed privy to seeing a recurrence of Mikasa’s headache and the flashback to Eren’s killing of the traffickers. 15.1% were most interested in seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning about the cycle. An equal number of responses (13.7%) were most interested in either seeing the discussion between Magath and the rest of the Warriors on their further actions or seeing Hange confront Floch and the rest of the recruits about their recent actions in regards to Eren. Finally, 11% said that their favorite moment was either seeing the conversation between Mikasa and Louise or the conversation between the warriors and shirtless Reiner. A few folks also indicated their enjoyment of the scene wherein Hange was heckled by the civilians or the conversation between Pixis and Yelena.
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We’ve had a few small flashbacks in this episode and it seems like the definitive majority (58.9%) enjoyed the flashback about Kaya getting saved by Sasha. 26% were most privy to seeing Mikasa remember Eren killing the kidnappers many years ago and 13.7% enjoyed seeing Hange remember Sannes’ warning. One person liked catching the sight of Mikasa’s actions in Trost.
RATE JEAN’S OUTFIT 73 responses
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Jean decided to try out a new style, courtesy of Coco Chanel, the Paradis Collection. Not too many were impressed, however, with only 34.8% giving Jean’s fit a 4 or a 5. 24.7% gave it a 3, the rest gave it a lower score.
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It looks like Eren won this round when it comes to the showdown of AoT’s rare fan service scenes with 75%. 
AOT men are immaculate
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Yelena looks to be a rather popular girl, with 53.4% of respondents noting that they would totally appreciate an opportunity to talk to her. 23.3% aren’t sure and 11% really wouldn’t, in contrast. 12.3% simply don’t care.
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For this question, we got a rather colorful pie chart. 26.4% of respondents stated that the existence of a flying boat fueled by iceburst stones is the most interesting detail. That was followed by, in order from more interesting to less interesting according to the poll takers, Blouse family’s involvement with Historia’s orphanage, Yelena making contact with Eren beforehand, the girl Sasha saved in Episode 2 of S2 being Kaya’s identity, the confirmation that Louise was the girl Mikasa saved back in Trost and fact that Floch and his co-minded folks leaked information about Eren to the press and the existence of Eren’s ��home”.
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Gabi shouted out a lot of questionable things in this episode, at various points. We’ve asked how the respondents felt about it. The plurality, 37.5% simply saw it as a rather sad state for her. In contrast, 27.8% were actually annoyed with her for that. 16.7% thought that it might have been, perhaps, a result of her attempting to fool herself. We also received a lot of write-ins.
Gabi's IQ is a bit low or she has been brainwashed harder than others
I think it’s just hard for her to see it any other way because she is so young. She was starting to be shaped like reigner, Annie bertholdt. 
I understand why she acts like that. Doesn't make it any less annoying tho
I feel so bad for her. Marleyan propaganda and indoctrination is one hell of a drug
Gabi sucks and she just is a trash character
She's just a kid trying to deal with a lot of trauma and new contradicting information whilst also having a winning attitude. Her negative feelings toward Eldians is familiar and so constant hatred is just a coping mechanism.
It only makes sense for her to act this way. Falco and Colt had to join the warriors unit to redeem their uncle’s crimes as part of the restorationists. Gabi has been praised and fed false propaganda her whole life, so yes she would have a harder time rejecting her race’s past history. Children are easier to manipulate/brainwash than adults.
I think she’s clinging to what she knew because she had based her whole identity and goals in life off of these facts. Admitting that these things might not be true would be like denying who she is?? Y’know 
Immovable object (my hatred for Gabi because I find her annoying and she killed Sasha) vs unstoppable force (me recognizing she is a child in a traumatic situation who has been brainwashed and raised to believe she must atone for things she is not actually responsible for)
A bit annoying, but I'm hopeful that she will slowly change her mind. Maybe due to realizing Sasha was actually a good person through Kaya/seeing she's no different from them?
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An interesting what-if comes about when thinking about Gabi possibly meeting Eren instead of Falco all those weeks ago and how that would have impacted her personal beliefs. A slight majority (50.7%) believe it wouldn’t have changed much, if at all as a result of that possible meeting. 20.5% think that Gabi would have taken somewhat of a middle-ground position when taking her current and Falco’s current beliefs into account. 17.8% can’t really say for sure and 8.2% don’t seem to care. Only a few believe that Gabi would have started to feeling differently back then.
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It doesn’t appear that Gabi has garnered that much sympathy for her near breakdown, with 49.3% noting that they really didn’t feel much, if any, sympathy for Gabi. In contrast, 50.6% said that they felt some noted degree of sympathy, mostly on a moderate scale. 
It makes me sick to my stomach seeing Sasha's family just treating Gabi so nicely. I know they don't know she's Sasha's killer but I'd really like to see them go horror-flick on her ass and kill her when they learn the truth
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Floch states that Eren ensured Paradis a path to survival via the ability to initiate the rumbling, while Hange shows skepticism that the rumbling is even a probable solution to their problems, feeling they should secure their freedom in other ways. 52.8% seem to feel the same way that Hange does, while only 27.8% would take Floch’s side in this differing of views. 12.5% think neither of them are wholly correct and feel there are other options. 
Both should co-operate 
Fuck ever agreeing with Floch. Who is he to even question their authority. Sit back buddy, relax, have a breather. You only became a main character this season, nothing bads gonna happen if wittle baby ewen is in jail for COMMITING WARCRIMES and forcing his superiors to cater to him. That's lit-rally how the army works. 
I want to say I side with floch, but I don’t trust eren. 
I don’t know for sure
I think they're both right in their own way. 
dont like floch lol
Wish Gabi would've shot Floch instead of Sasha :/
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Nearly 55% of respondents feel that Eren absolutely deserved to be jailed for his actions in Marley, regardless of how they answered the previous question. Only 35.6% feel that he was wrongfully locked up.
Jailing him is just tradition at this point 
Yeah. You fuck up and you do the time. If you want to make decisions and live 'freely', don't become a soldier. Simple???
Eren did some war crimes, time to sit in the time-out box 
He definitely needs to be observed and perhaps questioned, but not jailed. I thought that wasn't really a great move. 
I don't know
How many times has Eren been in jail now? He's obviously not gonna be staying there for long
Reprimanded a little bit for not trusting his team, but didn't deserve jail
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Hange remembers Sannes’ words about how someone always steps into the role he once played prior to the Uprising Arc. 67.6% feel that Hange, whether intentional or not, is falling into the cycle that Sannes and his comrades perpetuated for years before them. 19.7% feel the opposite, however, and believe that Hange wouldn’t let things get that bad. 
I don’t know why I can’t remember who sannes is rn. 
yes but i feel like she will realize this and try to change 
I can’t say yet
Yes, to a degree but this doesn't mean they've past the point of no return. Everything the previous government did could have started with good intentions similar to Hange now but those intentions eventually morphed and corrupted. 
i dunno
Maybe i'm not sure only time will tell
I think that can't be said for sure until we see how she acts/responds to this realization
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Half of respondents feel that Mikasa’s demeanor toward Louise stems from her feeling as though she can relate to the girl in some way. The remainder of responses were rather mixed, with 15.1% feeling that Mikasa simply feels sorry for her, and at a tie for 11%, either feel that she finds Louise annoying or is just generally indifferent toward her.
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Mikasa’s headaches, while they don’t get much of a focus, tend to happen infrequently throughout the series. Though, her headache in episode 70 appears to be a bit more traumatic for her than ones we have seen in the past. 27.4% feel that these headaches are likely related to her Ackerman biology, while 20.5% think that it can be explained as simply PTSD. 15.1% think that it’s her “Eren sense,” so to speak. Small handfuls feel it’s something more related to Paths/The Coordinate, or a mixture of her Ackerman and Asian biology. 21.9% still aren’t really sure what to make of these. Will Isayama give us answers?!
the wine has to have something to do with it????
It's those damn ~PATHS~
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The horse gets the gold start this week for giving Gabi a little bit of karmic justice. 65.3% appeared to enjoy the little misfortune Gabi had to endure thanks to the horse’s shenanigans. 19.4% agree that this was surely the work of devils! And 15.3% felt genuinely bad for Gabi during this moment. 
Horse !!!!!!
Wish that horse would have bit Garbage's head off xD
Horse got some revenge for Sasha! Here's hoping someone ot something else will finish her off permanently!
*falco voice* GAAAAAABIIIIII
Thank you Horse-kun!
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56.2% of respondents feel confident that Gabi’s views of Paradis will change by the conclusion of her character arc. 12.3% are still adamant that nothing will be able to sway her views. The remainder continue to be uncertain. 
I hope gabi changes her views. But she seems pretty set 
I don't honestly know if Gabi will change her views, but killing Sasha was enough to make me ALWAYS hate her no matter what kind of development she may get
Will Gabi change? I don't know but I don't care. Nothing will undo her killing Sasha.
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Kaya mentions that they will be eating at a Marleyan’s restaurant and believes that said Marleyan (Nicolo) will be able to help Gabi and Falco figure out a way to return home to Marley. Nearly half of the fandom feel that they won’t be successful in getting any help from Nicolo, while only 13.7% think that he will be able to do something for them. 31.5% didn’t want to make a call either way.
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Over half of the fandom (65.3%) doesn’t have much faith in the Warriors to successfully retrieve Gabi and Falco. 20.8% feel the opposite, however, and think that their urgency is warranted. Will they get to Gabi and Falco in time?!
epic laina
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With every AoT episode, we get as many questions as we do answers. This episode is not an exception. Majority of the respondents (53.4%) are interested in getting answers for all of them (What did Yelana talk to Eren about, what is up with Mikasa’s headaches, what is Hange going to investigate and why is Shiganshina being evacuated?). Out of the all of those, the Yelena-Eren convo is the most popular one.
Gabi sucks so hard, she should be much more harshly punished for killing Sasha
The scenery was beautiful!! I'm hoping we get some action soon tho
MAPPA created some beautiful imagery this episode, like the scene with Falco and Gabi at the lake so was gorgeous! Also I wanna honk Reiner's tiddies
babies, my babies. 
Gabi sucks
Doesn't really stand out, but I much preferred the pacing of this episode to the last two. I better see some damn rumbling next ep, we're getting straight edged rn with that ice plane.  I absolutely FUCKED with seeing Louise do the little salute, brought back memories of simpler times.
Gabi is garbage
I loved the episode! Beautiful callbacks to so many previous set-up/storylines. It made me reminisce a bunch. I also hope for a bit of catharsis regarding Sasha's death by the hands of Gabi. Hopefully something will click and Gabi will realize that she may be wrong in her beliefs after realizing the person she killed (Sasha) is savior Kaya had described to her. While I don't hate Gabi, I also wouldn't mind a bit of karma going her way either. 
I think this is definitely one of my favorites so far. There's a lot of interesting new pieces of info, and I'm excited to see how this stuff resolves in the end.
I hate Gabi even more
I hate Gabi SO much
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Thank you again to everyone who participated!
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I've been thinking (because I'm quarantined and bored, sorry )..how it could be possible for Jack to form a good friendship? ...I mean even if a person shows affection, good intentions or a real interest on his stuff... the chance of Jack's betrayal is still there. I don't know I'm wondering ..if he can have a healthy friendship.
*cackles*  Jack Spicer, as he is in XS, is not capable of forming a stable and healthy relationship, despite the fact that he desperately wants and needs one.  And if that ain’t the tragedy of the whole series.
The Jack of Showdown
Just when Jack finally starts to actually warm up and be open and honest about his feelings with others, he either gets grossly mistreated (“The Deep Freeze,” “The Apprentice��) or is presented with the choice of being loved and accepted, despite who he is and what he’s done, or giving in to his baser instincts and double crossing his new would-be friends to get praised by someone who could not care less about him (“The Apprentice”).  It’s difficult to tell if Jack feels he doesn’t deserve to be happy for some deep and personal reason, or if he’s so focused on being seen as EVIL™ and not good; that he believes he must take any and all opportunities to prove his evil worth.  Whatever the reason, the Jack in XS would need someone that will stick by his side no matter what decisions he makes, or what actions he takes to push that person away.  Someone who unconditionally supports him and wants to be by his side.  The problem is, that’s more of a pet and has the potential to become quite toxic.
The Jack of Chronicles
As for the Jack of XC, he has some boundaries, and he’s not quite as ruthless.  He knows he’s kind of a loser, but he still really wants a girlfriend to help boost his sense of masculine ego.  But more importantly, he just wants a friend, to the point that he was willing to pay people to hang out with him (just like in XS “Something Jermaine,” “Judging Omi” and XC’s “Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West,” “Buddy Blue Ray and the Golden Bunnies,” and “Heal Me”).
Jack enjoys Wuya’s company, but she gets frustrated with his lack of action in favor of building capital or just having fun (the Golden Toilet arc, “Super Cow Patty,” “Tokyo Madness,” and “Omi Saves the Holidays” among many others).  Jack seems to have moved out of his parent’s basement, and is now in his own warehouse/factory, so he’s really trying to focus on starting up his Evil Business idea and often refers to himself as an “evil entrepreneur” throughout the series.  While Wuya appreciates the “go get ‘em” spirit, she still feels that Jack isn’t doing enough to help her, which is the whole reason they teamed up in the first place.  Because of her nagging attitude and matriarchal approach to the relationship, Jack often feels smothered and refuses to act.  However, he still has boundaries and refuses to do certain things if they are not in his interests as well (“Back in the Flesh Again”).
Jack and Shadow
With Wuya as Jack’s pseudo-mother, he needs a datemate to call his own.  Gone is his curiosity in Kimiko (though he does seem to think she’s still cool), but if it’s any other girl, he will do his best to impress her.
Case in point Willow--who he tried to ask on a date if he won the Showdown Trio in “The Fall of Xiaolin.”  She strongly states that she isn’t interested in him in the least, and because the two never see each other again, I would assume Jack dropped the pursuit.
Shadow on the other hand, he likely sees a lot of himself in her.  They’re both evil, admire Chase, they seem about the same age, and... that’s about where the similarities end.  Shadow’s actions say that she is repulsed by Jack, but she never pushes him away, and even praises his “doo-hickies” (“The Laws of Nature,” “Rocco”).  With the use of camera drones, Jack witnessed a lot of the private behavior and abuse between Chase and Shadow, and even some of the abuse in person ( “Tigress Woo,” “Rocco”).  Even the cold open of “Who Shrunk Master Fung?” features Jack being very careful not to harm a strange bird, who is later revealed to be Shadow.  Case in point, the Jack of XC has a streak of kindness in him, and it is unclear if Shadow sees that and resents Jack for having it, or if she admires that aspect of him.  Regardless, after the events of “The Laws of Nature,” where Jack effectively double crosses Chase (and her by extension), Shadow likely made the choice to never trust Jack completely.  She double crosses him at the end of their wonderful team up in “Back in the Flesh Again.”  And Jack doesn’t even get upset or angry about the loss and betrayal.  He’s even more smitten and tries to brag to Omi and Ping Pong before realizing they aren’t into it and flies off.
Overall Jack and Shadow have feasible grounds for a relationship--even a romantic one--if they could both create some honesty and trust between each other, but neither is willing to do that, despite Jack’s over sharing (literally every time he opens his mouth around Chase).  For further reading on Jack’s relationship with Shadow and Chase, check out this post.
Jack doesn’t interact with Tigress, Kimiko’s older sister, much, but he does bother to keep tabs on her and warns Kimiko about her sister’s more nefarious activities (“Tigress Woo”).  It’s unclear if he did this in an effort to get closer to the Monks as a friend, or if he was stalking Tigress because he was attracted to her.  In either case, Tigress is never seen again or mentioned by Jack.
Jack’s Other Interests
There are a handful of episodes in XC that revolve around Jack seeing or meeting another evil-doer and fixating on them, often trying to model himself after them in some fashion.  He does this with PandaBubba to a lesser extent in “Magic Stallion and the Wild Wild West,” then goes full blown fan for Super Cow Patty (in his self-titled episode) and later Le Mime in the same episode, making fan videos and full costumes with personas for both his fixations.  In both instances with the truly evil characters (PB and Le Mime), Jack was looking for a sense of acceptance by an Evil Businessman and entrepreneurial peer, and a sense of belonging to a larger community with Le Mime and his henchmen.  That desire for belonging to a larger community is reiterated earlier in the series with “Heal Me” and Reverse!Jack’s cult.
However, when presented with an actual fan of his, Tiny Sim, Jack is actually somewhat reluctant to have the fan tag along with him.  And maybe that was for the best, as Jack soon discovers that the fan he inspired to become Evil is actually a lot better at it than he, himself, is (“Drawn to be Evil”).  In retaliation, Jack confines the fan to being just a creative idea intern.  Jack is essentially taking credit for all of Tiny Sim’s ideas, and not paying the kid a thing.  Sim, either because he’s doing what his idol taught, or because he feels cheated, makes it a priority to take a Wu or two when he can out of Jack’s stash (“Mark of the Dragon Spirit”).  Sadly, the series ended before the relationship between these two could be further developed.  It wouldn’t have been healthy, but at least it would have been something.
Another important note, Jack does make the clear distinction in both series that the gallery of sellswords he pays to be around him are only in it as long as there’s money for them to be had.  They are not his friends, they will never be his true friends, they’re just people he pays until the money runs out (“Something Jermaine,” “Judging Omi”).  So Katnappe, Tubbimura, Cyclops (after their initial debut), and to a lesser extent Vlad will never truly be Jack’s friends.  Vlad does make a return in XS’s “The Demon Seed” to try and cheer Jack up (not that he’s very good at it), but he doesn’t seem to want anything from Jack other than to do evil things and pal around.  This is a bit of a departure from their first encounter where Jack was presumably paying Vlad to be his hired muscle and inside man (“The Deep Freeze”).
Jack’s Robots
Jack’s relationship with his various Jackbots and other robots is an interesting one.  It’s possible that he created them out of a sick sense of wanting to have friends that he could control, but it comes back more to how the bots are presented in both series.
The Jackbots of XS seem to have a hive mind of sorts, as they will blindly (and sometimes literally) follow their master’s commands.  Those that fall are replaced as if nothing happened to the fallen Jackbot; their numbers are legion.  The bots are later programmed with emotions and feel sadness, but not fear.  This is interesting, because Jack is shown having temper tantrums from time to time, but he doesn’t break things, only tosses them around (“The Journey of A Thousand Miles”).
Jack’s relationship with the more “custom” humanoid robots is split into a binary.  On the one side are the bots that went rogue and have tried to annihilate him or simply want nothing to do with him: Chameleon Bot, Robo!Jack, and the patent-pending Shen Gong Wu Detect-o-bot.  On the other side are the bots he grew very attached to: Yesbot, his Cheerbot squad, and the Shen Gong Wu Detect-o-bot before it went rogue.  Both Yes~ and Detect-o~ allow Jack to be more of a child, as he is depicted being held like a scared child with both of them (if I remember correctly.  “Oil in the Family,” “The Demon Seed”).  He treats them like the parent he doesn’t have around.  The Cheerbots are his hott Barbie dolls that he gets to dress up and maintain.  He doesn’t go much farther than projecting personalities and life problems onto them.  Eventually they are absorbed into the Jackbot hive.
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Remember how Jackbots don’t show or know fear in XS?  XC opens with Jack having a tantrum, and many of his various designs of bot run away from him.  Jack is left cornering Chefbot, who has darts sticking out of his chef’s hat.  Rather peculiar for robots to be afraid of their master, especially since they are meant to be hoards of drones.  As Chefbot is developed as a character, Jack comes to respect his creation more, but Chefbot says he has no interest in hanging around someone like Jack; he wants to go places and be a real chef!  He can’t do that if he’s making paltry snacks for Jack.  Chefbot’s last appearance in the series is on a cooking show (either on TV or YouLook) making pizza, while Jack follows along from his RV.  Jack seems quite relaxed and at ease, even using the Banyan Twister Shen Gong Wu to stretch his body and the pizza dough.  It is never stated, but perhaps Jack is proud of his creation accomplishing it’s dream.
Thank You for Being a Friend
In conclusion, the Jack of XS is incapable of having a healthy friendship with anyone, either because he thinks he doesn’t deserve it or because he really is just a terrible person and pushes everyone away.  He would need someone to stand by and support him no matter what he does and no matter how horribly he treats that person.  Such a relationship has the potential to become toxic if boundaries are not set and if Jack doesn’t grow as a person.
The Jack of XC is desperate for a single friend, but 98% of the cast sees him as a pathetic loser, and not worth a second of their time.  Those that do see value in Jack’s companionship have all been hurt by Jack’s betrayal and lack of trust, or have betrayed Jack, because they have no trust in him (often from a previous encounter).  For this Jack to form a stable friendship, he needs someone who he can talk to honestly, openly, and not be judged for his feelings, and he seems to want someone who talks the same way to him.  He’s ready for a relationship, he just doesn’t have the rapport or trust built up with anyone.
Jack lacks basic trust in all his relationships.  He would need someone he can constantly count on, while also setting healthy and reasonable boundaries with that person.  If honesty and trust--ABSOLUTE TRUST--is there, Jack can have a friend, maybe even something more.
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aaaand we are back back again with malec livewatch! you can read the first and second parts before if you wanna, or filter out “malec livewatch” if ur tired of this absolute bullcrap
yes i know it’s been years. not my fault okay i was studying
today: post-wedding 1×12! and finally freedom from the terrors of s1
forever a slut for that scene where Magnus just does that hand movement and a bunch of shit starts showing up in the conveniently empty table ugh we stan. imagine if the special effects had been this good all the time they really used up 10 out of their 15 dollars and all the two favors from cousin Mike for this one. 1×12 was so inspired tbh only valid episode
Alec's clothes look so much better without the stupid ugly blazer? could do without the high waisted pants (why) but he looks so much better and also more comfortable. again i hope the costume department staff got a big, fat paycheck because the difference we see in him during the wedding vs post-wedding alone is just insane. he looks so much better and more comfortable and more himself, the blazer made him look stiff and again DOESNT MATCH THE REST. also nice touch that the blazer is the only part of his clothing with gold, the sh wedding color. he gets that off and everything looks so much better
Magnus looks even better post wedding too. like the clothing is already *chef's kiss* but he looks even prettier afterwards somehow. the hair is a little softer and he's less stiff as a whole (for obvious reasons), and aaaa hes so beautifulllll he's so prettyyyy look at his perfect soft little hair falling softly over his head and the PINK STREAKS possibly the best Magnus look i said what i said. especially with him all soft and smiley like that i big love him
sexiest thing about Magnus is how Jace does anything and hes like NO BITCH
the way he says "warlock tracking is stronger" with that smile......... hes so prety
that's a deep inhale he makes before using the tracking spell lmao u ok buddy?
oof i can only imagine how he felt when he was doing the tracking and he was suddenly hit with an image of Camille screaming and hitting in his direction,,,....,,,,,,, Fuck
love how Raphael just locked her in the basement thats so sexy of him we stan
"i punched her there's no way she'll help me" ugh still salty that clary of all ppl got to punch her but not Raphael or Magnus fuck this tbh
they both look so giddy and happy to be talking after the whole wedding thing + camille drama like don’t look at me. alec can barely look at magnus because he’s so agitated but you have the smile on his face and magnus is also smiling disbelievingly and i just doaudjsuoiadsa i love they
seriously tho the way magnus smiles..... so private and disbelieving but also so obvious and he’s even looking down like he never expected stuff to go down this well..... bro i stan
i had forgotten about the specific cadence in which alec talks? lmao. there’s a certain tilt to his voice when he says “it’s so INTENSE” that i really love
also that’s a really funny line like honey who the fuck are you to complain about anything being intense. ur the most dive or die bitch in this entire building. and we stan
alec’s WIDE ASS SMILE when magnus says “you certainly know how to make a statement” I CRY. magnus looks so proud of him and still disbelieving that alec went this hard for him and alec is just still on cloud 9 that he really Did That and came out and magnus is just proud of him and wow he really gets to have this and duahdsudhsadajsas???? i adore everything about them
the way maryse shows up and magnus immediately recoils and alec immediately straightens up like magnus is lowkey expecting rejection and alec is just bracing himself for one of the hardest fights of his life
also their expressions are so funny like maryse is LIVID she’s absolutely losing her mcfucking mind with anger homegirl’s head is about to explode and robert is just looking like he pissed on the carpet or something
the way alec doesn’t back down at all is so admirable too like!!!! it’s one thing to make a big fuck you gesture, it’s another to still hold your ground against your abusers after that fact. but he really stands there and goes “this isn’t about you” “i’m the same person i’ve always been” and doesn’t give her an inch of room for clownery. like again once alexander gideon lightwood makes up his mind there’s no stopping him and there’s no going back and he’s just so fucking strong??? he really said “from now on i’m out and you’re going to absolutely deal with that and i will not compromise a single thing” and the lightwoods just had to deal with that lmaoooo 
you can see it in maryse’s face too, like after the “i’m the same person i’ve always been” she just pauses, realizing that she lost this battle without even knowing, she was on top of it a second ago and now there’s nothing she can do anymore and she’s just shook. and all that’s left for her is to scoff at magnus and leave, because that’s it, she lost every hold she had on him
alec’s little mouthed “what?” at “and all for a downworlder” too. i think part of him was like “wow she’s backing down already?” because you know he expected this to be a lot harder i think lmao. but i also like to think that there’s a side of “mom what the fucking fuck have you seen him he’s gorgeous and kind and smart and amazing and literally the best person i could have fallen in love with but go off i guess”
robert going all “just give her time” like he doesn’t understand what’s happening here at all. he clearly plays the “good cop” in the lightwood’s abusive dynamic tbh, like people often brush him off as being just spineless but i honestly think that he’s just the other side of her manipulative coin. specially with izzy, like, when izzy said fuck it and completely let go of maryse’s hold on her? that’s where robert came in, being the accepting, “nice” parent who listened to her and cared, and making sure she’d keep her loyalties. because he didn’t really stand up for izzy either and in the end he kept her still glued to the lightwood family through that, and kept defending maryse and izzy listened to him because he was robert. and i think that’s what’s happening here too, him trying to frame this as “don’t worry, she’ll come around” because he knows right then that alec is absolutely going to turn their back on them if that’s what it takes for her to be happy so he immediately slides in and reframes this under an affection light where everything will be alright! even if honestly i don’t think that’s what alec is really thinking about at all, i think he was 100% ready for a showdown 
and robert is clearly so disapproving and yikes at the whole thing too but he pretends he isn’t and like lmao
shoutout to their faces when robert asks “are you two in love?” like magnus just turns around like oh hell no we’re not gonna have this conversation and alec lights up for just a second with a small smile before he’s like wait wait no shit shit shit we’ve just met no of course there’s no love (and like... i don’t think there is per se, because i think love is something that takes longer to settle in, specially for alec, but i think the idea that he could talk openly about being in love with a man and even fall fully in love with magnus one day makes him super happy you know?) lmao dorks
tho tbh i think magnus shuts down that conversation immediately to avoid heartbreak. because i think that for this whole thing he was expecting alec to say something he’d hate hearing to get his parents’ approval, you know? like like i said it’s really unexpected and surprising/inspiring that alec didn’t back down an inch there, and i think he was expecting alec to kind of fall back slightly now, like, he played his cards and now he would negotiate with them, you know? find a place to make them comfortable. instead alec gives them a complete fuck you and he’s like... damn obviously super pleased but also waiting for the other shoe to drop
he just steps in like “pls no” and stops that conversation right there 
the way alec takes a deep breath and magnus opens his mouth then closes again quickly not knowing what to say and then changes the subject.... he’s really so scared of this talk and i just aaa
alec literally never fucking stops going from magnus’ eyes and lips in quick succession like alec. alec please. stop being horny for just a second man. please alec i’m begging you
it’s so cute how magnus mentions a date and alec is immediately like “hell YEAH we should do that” no hesitation like he’s 100% ready to leave immediately right now (i see his pause between “wanna... i don’t know, get a drink?” and “....sometime?”, i see it, you can’t fool me alexander) and also the fact that his first suggestion is something that he hates but that he knows for a fact magnus likes is so cute, like he immediately goes for magnus’ interests here and we stan
i also think that he’s come to associate drinking = dates after 1x06 and the way magnus called him specifically for a drink before he showed up too, like... it’s cute how he immediately came to associate those things because of magnus and just jumps into that because that’s what he knows. he’s so eager and like good for him
magnus’ SMILE when he says that like bro he can see how stoked alec is to go on a date with him they are adorable he is so fucking HAPPY i doubt he expected such a great outcome from this and yet here they are
next part
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leslievernon · 4 years
Thoughts on haunted house attractions around halloween? A lot of them tend to have scare actors dress up as slashers- is this a step back in the image you all are trying to shape of yourselves?
“If anything, scare actors dressing up as slashers serves as a testament to the impact we’ve created with our work. It may look cheapening at the surface level, but you’ve gotta focus on the context beneath it. The average haunted house attraction is a controlled space in which everyday folks can conquer their fears and adrenaline junkies can get their fix without any real threat of danger. These people are paying for scares that’ll knock their socks off — if these attractions use our look in the effort to accomplish that, then we’re doing something right in the business of fear, aren’t we? They’re not going to have some knock-off Leatherface with a chain-less saw chasing after guests to keep the queue moving if they don’t think he’s something to be afraid of.”
Leslie offers up what appears to be a repurposed tissue box filled with ticket stubs and folded flyers advertising various haunted attractions. Some appear to be sourced locally, but a few out-of-state locations catch your eye. Red Vein (Virginia). Land of Illusions (Ohio). Glen Echo Manor (Maryland). The Blue Skeleton (Location Redacted). Forest of Fear (Maryland). Hell House (New York).
“Most of the people in my line of work are lone wolves, but the packs find a lot of success in the draw of a haunted house attraction. The average casts we’re looking for can be led towards a location easily. In fact, a couple buddies of mine rigged up a set recently over in Carbondale, Illinois that ol’ Kramer couldn’t have been prouder of. Dropped a couple of flyers, a few fly-bys to herd ‘em along — hell, even got them to leave their phones in a lockbox!”
He pauses to chuckle to himself with a shake of his head.
“Another pal of mine, Vic, was telling me about another crew that was based near his territory over in Louisiana one year. They used haunts all along the Mississippi to draw their target group to one final showdown. As the modern demand for bigger and better ‘extreme haunt’ attractions rises, a new niche in our industry has been gathering to exploit it.”
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pitayatea · 5 years
Talk is Jericho: The Emancipation of Jon Moxley
(i highly recommend listening to the episode if you have time, its a great listen and it goes a lot into jons thought process behind his leaving and the timeline from august until he left. if you dont have time or just want a rundown before you listen to see if youd be interested, i complied a list of points in the episode,,, i guess? idk.)
(none of these are in order im horrible at listing things but all of this was discussed at some point):
- mox started the podcast saying he harbors no ill will for wwe, how grateful he is for the time he spent there, how they helped him grow as a person, etc. he also talks fondly of the make a wish program and the fans and everything.
- there's a good bit of him talking about renee and describing her as his best friend, his soulmate, and how even if they had nothing it was fine bc they had each other. prime otp shit we stan. im sorry i love their relationship.
- jon describes a time where he was approached about a promo describing him doing stupid stuff that an idiot would do (riding a unicycle backwards, sharing pizza with a homeless dude, etc), and asking that it be changed because he doesnt want his character to be seen as an idiot. the line was taken out and readded by vince. when he confronted vince, vince didnt see the issue and described the segment as good shit and thought it described the dean character perfectly, which jon took as being described as an idiot.
- jon hated his heel turn, and defined it as being heavily micromanaged and told numerous stories of fighting with scripts and writers and vince because they wanted to do joke shit that he didnt want to do. he hated the germaphobe angle, he despised the vaccine promo, and it was all stuff pushed by vince.
- he also talks about other promos he hated before his heel turn, and a lot of it started as early as the 2014 feud with seth (the hotdog cart, seth mannequin, etc.)
- i actually remember an older tij episode where he goes into detail about how it was vince who pushed the mannequin thing, and how he once walked into vinces office and found vince sitting in his chair, facing the mannequin, with weapons laid out, verbally describing what he wanted to do to the mannequin... do with that what you will.
- (aka vince is senile which,,, we been knew)
- both of the stories he told are extremely interesting: one describes the time he knew for sure he was gone and started counting the days, and the other describes the time he almost walked out.
- there was numerous lines during his heel turn that he refused to use and demanded to be changed.
- one of which was a joke about a pooper-scooper that got changed to the gas mask line. he describes literally having to go behind vinces back and rushing with writers to get a copy of the script without the joke onto vinces desk before the one with the joke got there because vince wouldve forced him to do it.
- he describes all the promos he did that night as confusing and not telling stories, and remarked that "if we didnt need to run around and try to not look like idiots, we could focus on telling stories", which flustered a writer he was with at the time.
- the writers and jon got a note from vince which stated "dean needs to understand why he needs to insult the audience. dean needs to read his promos verbatim and not try to rewrite them." jon remembers feeling like he got punched in the gut and lashed out in frustration at a writer (in retrospect, he admitted it wasnt the writer's fault and he was just emotional).
- "why do i work here? im a professional wrestler, who can tell stories and come up with promos and i believe i have the ability to talk people into buildings, i learned those skills years ago, and i wanted bring them to the wwe, and you just want me to say your stupid lines. if you want someone to stay your stupid lines, hire an actor because theyll probably do a better job of it than me. im not interested in doing it."
- he spoke frankly about the fact that wwe is a billion dollar company, run by an alleged genius, filled with adults, and they were talking about pooper-scoopers, and how ridiculous it sounds.
- after the pooper-scooper joke was removed, vince took the gas mask comment literally and tried to make jon go out with a surgical match. eventually, it was talked down to the hankerchief that made it into the final cut of the promo.
- vince once mentioned how jon had so much creative license, to which jon remarks: "what creative license? what creative license do I have? i do exactly what you tell me and its terrible crap. thats not creative license."
- he booked it immediately after the show, got into the hotel, and immediately thought (after thinking that he needed a drink) that the entire segment was a waste of time because they got nothing done, and he didnt get why everyone was celebrating afterwards. he remarked that after doing six promos in one night, he couldnt say what the story was, who the characters were, and that the angle was dead, if it wasnt already.
- jericho agreed that the creative process of going through vince is awful and that it burns you out and that, at the end of the night, the match was the easy part.
- jon was never scared of getting fired for being outspoken, because he still did the work. if he couldnt convince vince that it wasnt a good idea, hed go out and try hard to make it good.
- jon woke up to a text from a writer describing the vaccine segment, and he responded that he "fucking hated it" and the writer texted back "yeah, i know".
- by the time he showed up to the building, word had gotten out that he wasnt happy with the vaccine promo. vince knew jon wasnt happy and called him to his office to reassure him that the bit wasnt comedic, and that its good stuff and its well written and would get him so much heat. he explains all of this while laughing, immediately proving that it is comedic, and said there was no props involved, to which jon replied "then whats with the actor we hired to play the doctor or the giant syringe? are those not props?"
- jon was ***EXTREMELY*** uncomfortable making comments about romans leukemia, and didnt even want to say the lines that got on tv, and sounded audibly pissed off when talking about it. when he confronted vince, vince said that roman needs to be in the story, that dean turned on both roman and seth, and that roman is a key part of the story.
- both jericho and jon then talk briefly about the 'vince jedi mind trick', where he makes things seem better than they actually are, and jon fell victim to it in that promo despite considering himself to be immune. he immediately regretted the lines as soon as he said them.
- there was a line in a promo talking about romans cancer that jon refused outright to say, and wouldnt even say it on the episode. all he said is that the wwe wouldve lost sponsors (esp the susan g. komen sponsorship) and someone (likely him) wouldve gotten fired. vince tried to convince him to say the lines but he absolutely refused and it was a matter of "ok i guess youre not comfy bc its roman" and not "its extremely offensive" with vince agreeing to not force the promo. jon then said it wouldnt have mattered to vince anyways bc he wouldnt have been blamed for it, and it wouldve been jon who took all of the heat. he then makes a comment in case whoever was responsible for the promo was listening:
- jons wanted to leave wwe since july 2018, and almost walked out after an episode of raw during his heel turn due to creative frustrations.
- jon wanted to return from injury as a completely new heel character. he brought this up to vince twice - once in february, when they thought hed be cleared for wrestlemania 34, and once in july, before his actual return.
- in february, vince had stated that they could do what jon wanted to do. the story changed by july due to them advertising the shield for the aus super showdown and not wanting to take them off the billing.
- they then wanted him to return as seths buddy in his corner for summerslam. jon wanted to return at summerslam as a surprise, and vince had an original plan for him to show up at the go home show for summerslam and just,,, be there, but agreed to go with jons plan.
- the week of summerslam, a writer contacted jon while he was training with joey mercury and cody hawk in cincinnati that he was, in fact, showing up at the go home show for vinces original plan. essentially, vince lied to him to sedate him because jon says he was extremely outspoken about everything. he managed to talk vince and the writers into putting a little bit of action into the go home show.
- jon hated the line that seth said to announce his return ("since you have a scottish psycopath, i ought to have a lunatic in mine"), which was entirely a line planted by the creative team and wasnt the fault of jon or seth. he felt like it muddled the crowd reaction and the pop bc everyone was reacting in different ways and he thought they shouldve just played the music because "how can you screw that up?"
- hes been creatively frustrated since 2016 on smackdown.
- by the time he left the company, he hated the character of dean ambrose and couldnt look at himself in the mirror.
- they tried burying dean with the nia storyline and squash matches, but fans loved him so much that vince saw dollar signs and pushed for the shield reunion tour. if it wasnt for fans being behind him, jon wouldve been mercilessly buried.
- aew was not his main reason for leaving. originally, he wanted to go back to czw or the indies. he wouldve left the company no matter what - even if no other promotions existed, he wouldve left and created his own promotion.
- jon described feeling severe symptoms of depression during his last few months, to the point where he couldnt motivate himself to get out of bed or go to the gym or do anything. he even looked up symptoms on webMD to confirm what he was feeling - jericho also confirmed it the second jon started talking about it.
- he outright stated that vince and the creative process and the shit vince had built around the wwe since 2002 is killing the company.
- he does not want to compete with wwe, he just wants to try and push them to improve the product and try and get vince to step back slightly and not micromanage so heavily.
- jon only got paid 500 bucks for the shields final chapter special, which is the same price that extras get on main shows and the same price that unused roster members get for just showing up and sitting in catering. jericho then brought up that during a house show street fight between him and ambrose, they both only got paid 750. 500 and 750 are bare minimum prices for just showing up - so they barely got paid for a dangerous gimmick match on a house show.
- jon and cody have been friends since before cody left wwe, and used to sit backstage and watch old wcw matches while getting ready for matches.
- he considers codys experience to be similar to his, and that they both experienced the same frustrations at different times.
- jon and jericho both agree that tony khan (CEO of aew) is the exact opposite of vince, and is a bigger wrestling fan than vince is. jericho then brings up that he doesnt see how vince can be a fan any longer because hes been doing it so long without a break. jon agreed and stated that vince is never gonna retire and is def gonna die in the chair, and how he just needs to step back a little bit.
- jericho brought up how jon broke the internet and jon practically jumped at the chance to tell the story.
- "king of social media, mic drop bitches." that is the line of the century im sorry.
- the inspo for the original mox teaser released on may first was inspired by the first venom teaser trailer.
- double or nothing was already planned to be moxs first appearance when the teaser dropped, and he had to keep it on the dl to make sure no dirtsheets reported it and no one advertised him to be there. he admitted he isnt tech-savvy and everyone who hes friends with who is belong to wwe, and the dude who helped him film the teaser was sick nick mondo.
- the trailer took two days to film and cost eight grand, but jon admits he wanted it to be quality and didnt care.
- while filming the trailer, vince texted him to try and extend his contract for the europe tour bc shield money. his response was that he was committed to a film project, which vince took as him filming a movie and not him filming the trailer.
- jon didnt tweet the trailer, he had a social media expert time it to where it released at exactly midnight through some techno shit with twitter.
- roman and seth knew how unhappy jon was in wwe and they were understandably sad to see him go but they wanted him to be happy.
- he talks about how he told seth he was leaving: seth had responded that he was super bummed out, and jon told him that he "is a wild animal, babe" and has been contained for too long. seth immediately agreed, saying it was the perfect analogy.
- the way he describes it kinda describes seth being more broken about jon leaving than roman, which also correlates with seths responses to questions about him leaving. do with that what you will, shippers.
- from now on, nothing is driven by money for him. everything is driven by trying to be the best he can be. he wants that for everyone: he wants his friends to be the best they can be, he wants his wife to be the best she can be, he wants the fans to be happy and everything, but his happiness is the most important thing.
- he feels more passionate about wrestling now, and describes it as his first love and his only love besides renee. the way he describes it reminds me of cm punk losing his passion due to wwe, and i feel like he wouldve ended up exactly like punk if he stayed any longer.
- his favorite part of the business is promos, and the scripted promos made him loathe it. aew gave him his passion for promos and wrestling back.
- he compares himself to the dentist elf from rudolph. his closing line is "if you're an elf and you wanna be a dentist, be a dentist." jericho edits in an audio clip from rudolph at the end and its great.
- jon is looking forward to working with legitimately everyone in aew and thinks of it as helping draw eyes to the product and to other lesser known talent, similar to jericho.
- he doesnt want a war, no matter how much he jokes about it. he just wants to show vince that the way he runs his show isnt the only way and it definitely isnt the right way.
- jon, speaking directly to vince: "your creative process sucks. fix it."
(i listened to the podcast in full three times, and i repeatedly replayed segments to confirm everything. if i missed something, lmk.)
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yamithediaperdork · 4 years
Trails of a bully (A malcore story)
The following story while being about malcore, is not the malcore from silly little god nor Malcore's lost bet. there's a multiverse of Malcore's out there folks, and it's best not to over think it. Malcore was a bully, A true blue grade 8 and 14 year old bully and he loved every second of it. He was one of the shortest kids at axmaina jr high but made up with it with a willingness to fight dirty, a nasty streak a mile wide, a friend who was a green belt in karate, and a big for his age friend. anytime malcore did find himself at risk of getting beat up he was quick to holler for a teacher and could cry at the drop of the dime, making him more then just a little loathed around the school, and made sure anyone who stuck around the school during lunch hour tried to avoid him and his friends. Today's target was a sixth grader who was about the same size as malcore and named Justin, and who had actually called malcore out for a showdown. Malcore wasn't worried though as he showed up, with Josh and his karate skills to the left of him and Jacob and his freakish power to the right. They had made it a goal to make every sixth grade boy cry at least ONCE this year and Justin was the last hold out and malcore was looking forward to settling this once and for all. with his dirty blond hair and green eyes Justin had a look most of the girls called handsome, as opposed to malcore who brown hair and brown eyes and MAYBE a hint of baby fat got him called 'cute' or 'adorable'..hardly things you wanted to hear in grade nine. the stupid blond smirked as malcore strolled up with his crew and it made Malcore hate his stupid handsome face even more. "About time you showed up. I was starting to think you got scared and wet yourself." Justin teased. Malcore stopped and glared at that insult, a blush coming to his cheeks. 'does..does he know..no it's just stupid banter' The bully thought and growled. "Awfully big words coming from a dead twerp." Malcore said, trying to sound tough but his voice came out as more of a squeak. The gathered kids from the other assorted grades laughed and Malcore's cheeks were burning now. "Awww did I touch a nerve there? or does baby need his diapies changed?" Justin asked in a mocking baby tone. "Oh that is IT! I'm gonna fucking enjoy this!" Malcore growled and rushed over tackling Justin down to the ground and started to wail away on the little shit as hard as he could. Josh and Jacob cheered him on as he bloodied the nose of the little shit but then Justin caught Malcore's next punch and held it with ease. "You have you're fun diaper baby? every dog gets one bite and that was yours." Justin said before grabbing malcore but the front of his red shirt tossing him off of him with seeming ease. Malcore yelped as he landed face first into a pile of dirt and got up spit the resulting mud out of his mouth and wiping his mouth on his sleeve. "You think you're hot shit!?" Malcore practically screamed, though in his rage his voice had gone even higher and he sounded like a toddler having a fit, as least in tone. "Your in for it now! Jacob! Josh! FUCK THIS BITCH UP!" As soon as he called for them his trusty sidekick started towards Justin, Jacob glaring at the other students daring any of them to get involved. Justin didn't look worried however and actually just tsked and took out his smart phone and smiled at Malcore. "Call them off baby Malcore, or I press play." Justin said. Malcore tilted his head to the side and squinted to make out the video, then his eyes went wide as he recognized the location and the woman in the video. "J-Josh! Jacob! Hold off!" He quickly cried out. The two lackey's paused and exchanged confused looked, but the pair shrugged and halted. "That's better." Justin said and laughed, wiping his nose on his sleeve. "wouldn't want everyone to see what IIIII saw last night at walmart would you Malcore?" "Fucking just delete that video and I'll leave you alone." Malcore said, teeth clenched but he had panic in his eyes. "what the fuck is on that video?" Josh asked malcore, confused now. there were a few cries from the crowd, they wanted to know as well and Justin smirked and wagged his eyebrows. "I dunno.. Mayyybe I'll play it for everyone..but only if Jacob and Josh promise not to lay a finger on me." Justin said and turned to the only two real threats. "G-Guys!! W-who's side are you on? Mine or this little dipshits!" Malcore yelped. "...well Justin wasn't the one who ate all my snack cakes.." josh said and turned to Jacob. "and Justin hasn't borrowed any video games from me and still not returned them 4 months later." Jacob added. "I-I'll Get you all the snack cakes you want and I'll even give you one of my games!" Malcore pleaded, dropping to his knees now, both hands together as he begged. "Jesus, what the hell is in that video?" Josh asked with a smirk. "I-I'll tell you both later, just Pleasssse I need you now!" seeing the big fearsome bully begging on his knees and looking ready to cry had the rest of the gathered crowd laughing and malcore knew he was done as a bully as they took pictures, but it STILL wouldn't be as bad as it could be if that little shit head played that video. "Jeeeze..I don't wanna listen to a toddler have a tantrum.. I'll delete the video from my phone malcore..but i have it on my home computer still. I'll Let you off the hook for now, But you'll be getting a special e-mail from me tonight..so be paying attention crybaby." Justin said and true to his word the video was gone. After the noon hour display, Jacob and Josh had only loosely hung around Malcore, who told them he'd tell them about what was on the video after school at his his house. Still the fear and semi respect Malcore had held was gone and he had a new nickname before the day was out of 'crybaby' and was powerless to do anything about it but whine to the teachers. (which he had only done once, and his english teacher, with malcore standing by him at the front of the class had scolded the class for making fun of someone just because his small size meant he might cry a little easier and told malcore he was free to cry if he felt the need.) Finally with the day over malcore was walking home with his best buddies and trying to put it all behind him. "So I'm thinking, we sneak into the little pukes house and just make him delete that shit off his computer. you guys with me?" Malcore asked, while they were stopped at a 7 11 picking up the snack cakes he had promised Josh and getting them all drinks. "yeahhh no. that shit is illegal you dork." Josh said. "and remember to get the small Slurpee, you end up having to piss every five minutes when you get the big gulp." Jacob reminded him. Grumbling and huffing the squirt payed for the snacks and the drinks and sucked on his in moody silence for the rest of the walk towards his house. Seeing his mom's car in the driveway Malcore signed in relief, there was NO way she'd let Jacob and Josh stay too long since she always insisted on spending at least a hour of mommy-son time with malcore when she got off early from work and if he delayed long enough he wouldn't have to tell his buds just what had been on the video. "Hey mom, I'm home!" Malcore called out to her as the three came in but before he could follow up with that his friend were with him her voice rang out from the kitchen. "Oh good! I went back to the store today sweetie and made sure to get you the princess diapers that you wanted, after that fit you threw last night when all they had were the spaceman ones. I know how much you like being a little princess before bed." his mom called out. She came around the corner and saw Malcore just standing there, Mouth hung open and cheeks burning red and then noticed Josh and Jacob ALSO standing there. "M-Mom!" Malcore squeaked out finally as she gave a sheepish chuckle. "ahhh..whoops." she said and rubbed the back of her head. "Princess." Jacob said, grinning ear to ear. "Diapers!?" Josh finished and then both started to laugh. "You boys stop that this instant!" Malcore's mom scolded the boys, who tried, they really did try to stop laughing. "It's not Malcore's fault he's started bed wetting again and if he wants to be a cute little sissy butt at night!" she added. "MOM! NOT HELPING!" Malcore shrieked as his friends started laughing again and then to make matted worse there was a hissing sound then Malcore's crotch felt warm and.. "oh dear..You boys made him so upset he wet himself! get out of here, both of you and don't think I won't be calling your parents!" Malcore's mom scolded them and then other two boys left, having more then a fair idea of what the video would of been. It had been 7:30ish the night before, when Justin saw Malcore as the little bully made his way into Walmart tugging and pulling on his mom's arm and telling her to hurry up. he'd been there to go and get a new game and was on his way out, but the sight of malcore acting like a little kid eager to get a new toy interested him, and if nothing else the footage would be funny to show off as he took out his smart phone and started to record. "Settle down malcore, it's not like there wouldn't be any left!" His mom was scolding him, but with a chuckle in her voice. "That's what you said lassst time and you were suppose to get them on your way home from work! then you made me do homework and I had to let you kick my butt in video games for a hour before we could come so hurry uppp!" the bully whined. Anyone who'd of heard him would of thought it was a toddler whining but clearly Malcore's mother was just amused by the fit and let him drag her as fast as he could. "oh you let me kick your butt huh? I'll have to remember that and try EXTRA hard next mommy and son time." she teased but they got to the aisle that malcore wanted and as Justin panned the phone up, he realized it was the incontinence aisle. "oh, this is gonna be good." Justin said for the benefit of the video. sneaking up to film them from a little bit of a distance, Justin was still able to catch Malcore breaking away from his mother and running down to a spot  in the aisle looking excited..then looking on disbelief. "I TOLD YOU WE SHOULD OF COME SOONER!" the pint sized bully screamed and started to have a royal fit, screaming and plopping onto his butt, kicking and pounding his fists on the floor as his mother rushed over. "Oh dear, they're out of the princess diapers -again-?" She asked, knelled down and trying to sooth the brat. "YES! A-AND I TOLD YOU THIS WOULD HAPPEN AND NOW I CAN'T BE A PRETTY PRINCESS AND IT'S ALL YOUR FAULTTTT!" Malcore screamed then -actually- broke down in tears and started to sob. The icing on the cake was when Malcore's mother took a large -pink- pacifier out of her purse and popped it in the sobbing boys mouth and he started to suckle on it. Justin got one last shot of Malcore's mom picking him up and patting his back as the big baby whimpered before ducking away to hide. After his friends had left and Mommy had gotten malcore all cleaned up and into one of his thick pink diapers (with little crowns and scepters and the word PRINCESS in white cursive on the butt) he still seemed to be caught between his usual happy little sissy self and totally miserable. "You don't understand mommy!" he whined as she helped him into his high chair for some milk and cookies. "They're gonna tell everyone!" "well if they do that then their not very good friends! You just have your snack princess and Mommy will make a few phone calls." She said and walked off, leaving Malcore to think about just HOW doomed he was, and he STILL had whatever his stupid little e-mail thing from Justin was gonna be to put up with. "This can not get ANY worse!" the little dork whined softly before chowing down on his cookies. 
Part 2
Malcore finished off the last of his cookies and squirmed in the high chair. something that normally brought the little shorty so much pleasure and fun was gonna ruin him tomorrow and it was giving him a icky tummy. when mommy came back from making her calls and saw him, looking grumpy with chocolate smears on his face and his chin resting on his hand, she came over and gave her special little guy a hug. "it's gonna be OK Malcore, I made sure to call your friends parents, and let them know what a couple of bullies they are! I'm not sure I want you to hang out with them anymore either if their gonna be so rude to my little princess." she added. Malcore gulped, this was NOT good news like his mommy hoped it would be. If Jacob and Josh got in trouble over him then there was NO way they'd have his back tomorrow, and if mom started to ban them from hanging out with him.. "B-But Mommmm!" Malcore started, doing his best whinny sissy voice. "They're still my friends! I'm sure we can work this out! S-so you should call their parents back and-" His mom smiled and cut him off with a big hug as she lifted him out of his highchair. "You're just SUCH a sweetheart! more worried about your friends then yourself even after they made you cry! That's why I spoil you so much!" she coo'ed.   Malcore gave a weak smile back, and decided that since he was so totally doomed he might as well enjoy tonight before he became a super duper laughing stock. Waiting for his mom to wipe his face clean with a washcloth, Malcore finally spoke up. "Ummm can we do a super duper extended Mommy son time t'day? Pleassssse?" He asked, having been sat on the counter as she washed his face and now giving her Bambi eyes. "heh, of course Princess. you know I can't say no to that face!" As Josh walked in the door of his house his dad was waiting for him, and looking mad. "What's this I hear about you bullying your poor little friend Malcore and making him wet his pants?!" His dad asked, looking pissed. Josh gulped, if there was ONE thing his father hated above anything else, it was a bully and Josh knew he'd been risking a lot with helping out Malcore all this time, but the rush of power and the rewards had been just too sweet to pass up. "W-Well see, It's not exactly like tha-" Josh tried to explain, but found himself getting grabbed by the ear and getting lead over to a corner of the room that Josh hadn't had to visit in a few years now, that his little brother ended up in at least once a week, the spanking corner. "Dad NO! Wait! I can explain!" Josh yelped, the though of his old man tanning his cheeks making the green belt  weak in the knees and ironically his own bladder was awfully full. "I talked with Malcore's mother, and she told me how you drove her poor boy to tears after he had a accident, and you made fun of him for needing bedtime diapers!" Josh's dad said. The tone in his voice made it clear that for him that was good enough and he took a seat on the spanking stool and pulled josh over his lap. Ignoring Josh's pleas for mercy he tugged down the poor boys pants and undies just as Josh's little brother Jet walked into the room, drinking from a juice box and with a puzzled look on his face. that turned into delight as he realized that Joshie was gonna be the one getting a tanning, not his 8 year old butt for a change. "uh-oh. what did Joshie do daddy?" the little brat asked, a BIG grin on his face. Josh had after all watched HIM get spanked with a huge smirk on his face lots of times so fair was fair! "He was the one thing I told you boys NEVER to be, a Bully!" Dad said and then brought his hand down on Josh's backside. As Josh howled in pain and begged for mercy, he only made it about 5 spanks in before he lost control of his bladder and drenched his fathers lap which ended the spanking, but didn't do him any favors. "Maye Malcore isn't the only one who needs diapers." His dad said while Jet giggled like crazy. "DADDY NO!" Josh whimpered, turning pale. As Jacob entered his house his grandmother was waiting for him, and the semi giant gulped having a good idea what this was about. "Do you know I just got a call from Malcore's mother?" She asked, looking less then pleased. "I...may of heard something about her threatening to call, yes." Jacob said and gulped nervously. "And so you know what she told me?" "I..May have a vague idea about what may of been said." Jacob said, trying to hedge his bets. His grandmother raised a eyebrow, then took a seat in her laz-y-boy chair and motioned for him to plop his butt on the footstool in front of her. "well let me hear YOUR version of what went down, I'll compare it with what I was told, and we'll go on from there." she said. Jacob gulped and took the seat. "well Ok. Soo we got back to Malcore's after stopping at sev for slurpee's and snacks an-" "who paid for the slurpees and snacks?" His grandmother asked, cutting him off. "I know for a fact you don't have any money right now after getting a advance on your allowance till next month." "Er..well..Malcore treated us." Jacob said and had a sinking feeling as he watched her frown a little.  "A-Anyways.. as we got back to Malcore's place, well..OK.. it turned he wears diapers to bed grandma! and not just diapers, but princess ones, and he apparently had a HUGE fit over not being able to get them the night before! Like, how was I NOT suppose to laugh! I'm only human!" "And then malcore wet himself, and you and Josh laughed even more at the poor pint sized friend who had treated you to slurppes and snacks." Grandma said. "...Well when you put it like that I'm kind of a dick." Jacob said. "Quite right. so now that we agree that you were a dick, guess who's going to be going and getting all dressed up for the rest of the day, and will be coming straight home after school for the next two weeks to be my little grand daughter Jenny?" Jacob whimpered and groaned, his grandmother didn't bother trying to spank him since he had such a high pain tolerance but knew what a macho image of himself he had. So instead of a spanking she liked to invoke what she called petticoat punishment which mean she dressed Jacob up in pretty dresses and panties, and put bows in his hair and made the giant squirm like crazy. "M-Me grandma." Jacob whimpered, looking ready to cry. "Awww, it's ok Jenny. if you wanna cry, go ahead. better now then when I get your makeup on." and with that the giant did start to sob but let himself be lead upstairs. Justin was on cloud nine as he finished up making the special audio trance files and putting them to the video he still had of Malcore's little fit.   there was just NO WAY that the little sissy would be able to fight the effects of this hypnotic video and tomorrow he was gonna go from being known as crybaby malcore to a much more humiliating nick name. such was the power of the video that Justin himself had made sure to wear ear plugs AND headphones (not plugged in of course) with the sound turned off on his computer just to make sure he didn't end up programing himself. He should do ONE final check on the program, but he had already watched the video enough and checked the markers to be sure and popped it onto YouTube as a private video, only available via linkage and then e-mailed Malcore the link and a message. "Ok Princess, Your gonna watch this movie 10 times with the volume on max, while sucking on your pacifier then go to bed. I'll be able to keep track of the views and I'll know if you watched it less then 10. but if you wanna watch it MORE then that, heh, go ahead. If you've been a good little baby butt then I'll let this all go away tomorrow, if not, I make the video public. YOUR choice diaper baby." With the message sent Justin closed his browser and despite it being only 6ish, he felt oddly tired. Blaming it on staring at the screen for too long he went over to his bed and laid down for a quick power nap, when his parents came in to check on him, to see if he wanted to go out for ice cream half a hour later, they both had to chuckle, their so called big boy was sucking on his thumb and hugging one of his pillows to his chest, drooling up a storm. After playing video games with mommy for as long as he could get away with, and having pizza and pop for supper, Malcore had his by then soggy diapers changed and had taken a bubble bath then was re-diapered and went off to his room to do his homework before his 9 pm bedtime. Malcore was in his favorite princess PJ top and tried to calm himself, already having his paci in his mouth as he crinkled away in his chair as he logged onto his e-mail account. true to his word, there was the e-mail from Justin and Malcore whimpered then opened the e-mail. As he read the message and opened the link malcore smiled behind his paci, if this was all that stupid head Justin could come up with then malcore was mostly in the home free, at least on THAT end of things. 'I'll hafa suck up to Josh and Jacob tomorrow and try and make up for getting them in trouble...but man, just watch a video ten times? piece of cake!' Malcore thought with a giggle. The little sissy started to bounce up and down in his chair, his diapers crinkling big time and bobbing his head from side to side as he got his headphones plugged and and clicked on the video to start it. It was just his little fit at the mall with some weird music in the back round, and some flashy stuff popping up in the video that made him feel a little silly. refreshing the link, he watched it again and felt himself feeling a little, weird. like, he was SUPER getting into the video to the extent he wasn't noticing his tummy was making weird noises. By the fourth watch his tummy was cramping but that was OK, Malcore could wait out his tummy troubles, he was a good little sissy who wanted to watch his new favorite video. As he watched it for the sixth time he was rocking back and forth, trying not to make oopise poopises in his diapies, but he was also wonder if Justin would be super nice and leave this totally awesome video up, Malcore super de duper loved it! As he started the video for the tenth time malcore slid out of his chair and pushed it back, and braced himself on the computer desk as he started to video. He suckled his paci in time to the music and with a dopey smile behind his pacifier grunted and unloaded into the set of his pretty princess diapers like a good little sissy. it was just so silly now to widdle Malcore that he had only been wearing his princess diapies and just wetting them when they were clearly made for him to be a stinky little princess! he'd hafa give Justin a big smooch on the cheek for helping him understand all of that even as his poor diapers drooped down and the room filled up with a stinky smell. as the video finished, Malcore giggled and took his head phones off and closed the tab, then waddled over to bed with his smelly load making him have to do the cowboy walk and crawled into bed, snuggling into his tiger stuffie and going strait to sleep. After soaking his dad's lap Josh had been forced to stand in the corner, his nose on a target on the wall with his pants and undies around his ankles. Jet had been told to watch him and make sure he stayed in the corner while daddy went to the store to pick up something and Josh had a sinking feeling in his gut he knew exactly what it was. "Geez 'big brother'..you know I get spanked lots but I don't wet myself!" Jet smirked, clearly loving ever second of his brothers torment and knowing that Josh couldn't do a damn thing without making it worse. "I..I had a full bladder ok!?" Josh grumbled, almost glad to have a excuse not to have to look at his gloating little brother. "You know if you had told dad you had to pee, he'd of stopped and let you use the bathroom right? he just adds three swats." Jet laughed. Josh SHOULD of known that but in his blind panic he'd forgotten all about that rule and groaned. "whatever, just means -I- get to be the big brother tonight." Jet giggled but hushed up. the little brat knew better then to tease Joshie without permission from daddy and risk being labeled a bully. "Alright Joshie. I've had time to think about it, and I've worked out the rest of your punishment." Daddy said as he came in, carrying two bags from the drug store. "you can pull away from the punishment corner now." he added. As Josh pulled away he had to fight back a sob, there in daddies hands was TWO packs of diapers, and a baby bottle and a pacifier. "I think going to bed every night till these diapers run out like your friend has to will teach you not to make fun of those with potty issues, since clearly your not immune to a wetting accident yourself. for today, you'll be spending the rest of the day diapered, and be making use of the pacifier and the baby bottles. with the amount of diapers I brought you should be outta of them in about a month or so, but if I think you need more time in diapers you WILL be padded after school and I'll be buying anther pack. do I make myself clear?" Daddy asked. Josh sniffled and fresh tears flowed down his cheeks, but he nodded. "and Jet, before you think about picking on your new baby brother, just remember they have diapers in your size too little man." "Y-yes daddy!" After that Josh had been diapered and denied any pants, with a pacifier popped in his mouth (and a warning not to remove it without permission from Daddy or Jet) He then had to go and clean up his accident out of the naughty corner. After that it was homework time for the boys, with Jet as normal finishing first and going off to claim the tv. Josh naturally found it had to focus on his homework given his attire but Daddy was understanding and helped him a little. With his homework done he was allowed to go and watch cartoons with Jet, but was handed a baby bottle loaded with apple juice to drink while Jet was sipping on a coke. Thirsty as he was Josh suckled from the bottle, cheeks burning red but Jet wisely didn't say anything. At suppertime Josh's food had been cut up for him, and he was given a baby fork to use, though he was thankfully too big to fit in Jet's old highchair so daddy hadn't even bothered. Daddy was nice in that he didn't make Josh USE the diaper, all he had to do was tug on his or jet's arm and get permission. went it came time for bed daddy decided the old diaper looked a little beat up, but still was good so just taped anther diaper over the current one and tucked Josh into bed, a full hour before Jet. As the green belt laid there, diapered, sucking on a pacifier, and mortified.. he swore to himself he was gonna take this out on Malcore the next day before finally drifting off to sleep. About 15 minutes after he conked out though Jet would sneak into his room, with a bowl of warm water.. Jacob whined loudly as he looked at himself in the mirror. He was wearing a pair of white knee high socks and a pair of pink panties, not that you could even see the panties (thank god!) Because he was in a light yellow sundress with a white flower print that came down to just above his knees. He had a yellow bow pinned in his hair and was wearing a black pair of Mary Jane's, and his grandmother was waiting for him to get the last of his tears out before she put on his makeup. "You know Jacob, I almost wish you'd misbehave a little more often. you just look so CUTE as Jenny!" the old lady teased and smirked, dabbing at his cheeks with a Kleenex. "P-Please no Make up grandma." 'Jenny' pleaded, sniffling. "I-It's too much already!" the poor bully whimpered. "Well I'll let you decide." His grandmother said and Jacob gulped at the evil smile on her face. There was no doubt where Jacob got his evil creative ideas when it came to making a target whimper. "You can let me get the make up on you and then we can go and watch some tv.. OR you can go make up free and then go and mow the lawn, the grass IS getting a little long." Jacob whined big time at that, he had just mowed the lawn on Sunday and there was no way it needed anther go already! Still given his choices the not so little sissy forced a smile on his face. "M-Make me cute grandma." he said in his best girl voice, all while vowing vengeance on Malcore tomorrow.
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Three Soldiers and a Baby | Part Three
summary: Three handsome bachelors find their day to day operations disrupted when an unexpected new roommate (who comes complete with a diaper and a pacifier) shows up at their doorstep. How will they deal with this new and baffling responsibility without losing their minds or killing each other in the process?
pairings: Bucky x Reader (eventual) featuring Steve Rogers & Sam Wilson
warnings: mild language, an f-bomb right out the gate!
a/n: Helloooooo and welcome to Part 3!!! I’ve tried to keep each part close to drabble length so apologies for the shorter length, but that’s just how it ended up working out for me. Anyways, hopefully you enjoy this part, m’loves! 
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 | Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 |
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After a panicked showdown of ‘Rock, Paper, Scissors’ followed by some minor nausea, Steve was carefully reaching into the bassinet. He gently felt around the edges of the soft bedding doing his best to avoid any contact with the baby. After a few harrowing seconds, holding his breath the entire time, he came upon the flat edge of a small envelope and pulled it out. It took a minute before Steve’s uncharacteristically trembling fingers managed to open the letter without ripping it apart. There was no name addressed on the outside and only a few pages inside written in neat script. It took less than a minute for Steve to read through the pages and another couple seconds to pass before he read it again. By the end, both he and Sam had read the letter another half dozen times and neither of them felt any better. The situation just got a little more complicated than it already was.
Sam’s voice was low and harsh when he said. “Barnes is a dead man.”
“No,” Steve sighed, rubbing his temples as he felt the beginnings of a migraine start to take over. “Barnes is a daddy.”
“What. The. Fuck? You see this? See what your pal, your buddy, your Bucky went and did now!” Sam was well passed the point of freaking out and if he didn't reel it in soon they risked waking the baby. Steve kept massaging his temples, silently begging for what was sure to be a pounding headache to go away, but vocally pleading with Sam to calm down.
“Calm down? Calm down?! How the hell am I supposed to calm down after that idiot knocked up his ex-girl? We don't know even know who she is!” Sam was pacing back and forth before stopping short. “Who the hell leaves a baby behind on someone's doorstep anyways?”
Steve thumbed at the edges of the letter. The lines were starting to blur together as he tried to process everything he read. “A desperate woman,” he thought to himself. “A woman scared enough to think that she had no other choice.”
The woman who wrote this letter was in some kind of trouble. She didn't specify why or what was going on, just that she needed to make sure her baby, her daughter, was safe. “Bucky's daughter.” The words echoed in Steve's mind. “Bucky is a father and this is his little girl.” Despite all the unknowns and the stress of the situation, Steve couldn't contain a small smile.
Elizabeth, or Ellie for short, was only 9 months old. Her head was covered with thick hair, more than he knew a baby could have, and the tiniest hands Steve had ever seen. He couldn't tell what color her eyes were since she was still sleeping and even though he was curious he didn't mind waiting as long as possible before she woke up to show him.
Steve looked down at the now crumpled pages with the woman's words again. Between apologizing and pleading for Bucky not to worry or go out to find her, she also left some information on how to take care of Ellie. It wasn't much, but knowing what size diapers she wore, what type of formula she could have, along with her feeding and sleep schedule was as much of a silver lining as they could hope for.
“Alright, what are we gonna do now? We can't take care of a baby.” Sam resumed his pacing, but thankfully kept his voice down this time.
“We were babies once.” Steve offered, which only made Sam scoff impatiently.
“Yeah Steve, and we spent that entire time shitting ourselves and crying until we got the next bottle. I don't recall being able to wipe my own ass back then so excuse me if I don't believe this kid is just gonna take care of herself.”
With a lack of energy for this argument Steve decided to try a more diplomatic approach. “I know that, Sam. We're just going to take it one step at a time and figure out how we're supposed to do this. It's not going to be easy, but if we can take down a legion of homicidal machines, we can take care of this baby.”
Sam staggered back a couple steps, staring in disbelief at his friend. “What do you mean, “One step at a time”? Steve, you're starting to freak me out. You're acting like we're doing something other than calling child services or the police.”
A grave look fell over Steve's face. As slowly and calmly as he could manage, he stood up and faced the other rattled man. “That's not going to happen, Sam. We can't do that and we're not going to.”
“Like hell we can't! This isn't our problem. And maybe you don't remember, but I wasn't in Sokovia. I didn't take care of nothing back then and I can't take care of this baby now.” Sam shook his head rapidly, seemingly not even willing to entertain the thought.
The situation was tense since they were both running on pure adrenaline and shock at this point. What Steve needed to do now was calm his friend down as best he could before the man had a damn panic attack. Or did something they'd both regret. Steve took a few steps closer to him and placed a comforting hand on his shoulder. “Sam, Bucky is our friend. More than that, he's family.” Then he nodded down to the baby. “This little girl is his family now too and we will take care of her.”
Although his eyes still held an edge of panic, Sam's breathing was starting to even out just a little bit. “How do we even know this is for real? The kid doesn't even look like him. Maybe she's not actually his baby. Maybe the girl lied.” He tried reasoning even if he knew he was just grasping at straws.
“The baby is his.” Steve said with conviction. “Call it intuition.”
Sam laughed, but the sound held no humor. “Yeah well I hope your intuition comes with a plan cause taking care of a baby isn't a natural instinct I think I have.” Even though he had managed to calm down he was still somewhat hesitant, Sam looked down into the bassinet, finally taking a good look at the sleeping child. One corner of his lips tugged upwards with a hint of a smile. “She is pretty cute though.”
Steve smiled warmly at Ellie's peaceful face. “She's absolutely beautiful.”
“And at least she smells slightly better than Barnes.” Sam joked, even managing to let out a small chuckle.
No sooner had Sam said the words than Ellie began to wiggle and squirm. Little noises of discomfort started out low and soon turned into a full-on cry. What followed the tiny wailing was a smell that could clear a room. It very nearly did as Sam choked and turned on his heel to get away, pinching his nostrils shut. Before he could get too far, Steve managed to grab him by the back of his shirt collar to reel him back in. There was no way he was handling this on his own. “You spoke too soon, Sam.”
The hands desperately covering his nose and mouth caused Sam's voice to sound muffled. “That's just nasty.”
a/n: As I try to do with many of my fics, I left the description for reader, and now the baby, to be pretty vague. I want to be as inclusive as possible so it was pretty difficult figuring out whether I would name the baby or not, but then an idea came to mind and I went with what I did for very specific reasons. Later chapters shall reveal! 
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part two << part three >> part four 
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