#the clown thing I mean I did go to a festival
ripplestitchskein · 6 months
Today I wanna rant talk about this
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A lot, and I mean A LOT of people use these two moments as a way to compare Stolas and Blitzø with Fizz and Asmodeus. Specifically, Asmodeus with Stolas. And I get it, both Tiny Clown Imp with Giant Bird Aristocracy. Both dealing in different ways with the social hierarchy of hell. People keep using it as a “well Stolas HID while Asmodeus declared” and yes, that’s true but I don’t actually think we’re meant to be comparing Stolas and Asmodeus, at least not about this specific thing.
Blitzo doesn’t need someone to declare their love for him, he needs to declare his love for someone else.
People put the “Stolas is ashamed of Blitzo because of his station” on Stolas a lot and it is shown multiple times that it is not a factor for Stolas. He even like…sings about how it’s not an issue? Explicitly. The different stations was an issue for Asmodeus for awhile based on thier convos and the hiding. And it was for Fizz, though for different reasons I’ll get into in another post cause this is already going to be long as fuck. But this social hierarchy, famous person conflict is 100% Blitzo.
Blitzø is the only person who should be interpreting Stolas hiding his face as being because of the social disparity because that is a hangup of his. We, the audience, should know better because we’ve been shown the truth, or the reality of the situation in the scope of the show, MULTIPLE times. Blitzø is the one who harps on the class disparity, he’s the one who has the perception that Stolas is only looking for a fetishcentric fuck with the common rabble. The audience is supposed to see Blitzø’s reaction and know he is wrong, that this interpretation is because of one of his character flaws of feeling not good enough, and being compared to people, not because of the reality, because we have proof otherwise. Including the canon song where Stolas fucking says it outright.
There is a lot of talk about the “solution to Stolitz” being Stolas loudly and publicly declaring their relationship ala Asmodeus. But…Stolas already did his big public declaration at the BEGINNING way BEFORE Asmodeus. Stolas did it in The Circus flashback. He reinforced it at the Harvest Moon festival. He reinforced it at Ozzie’s.
His initial public declaration was following up a Imp leaving his bedroom in front of the Ars Goetia yelling “Sorry I fucked your husband” after a big aristocratic party by coming out well fucked and loudly screaming he was getting a FUCKing DIVORCE and ripping a banner in front of some of the most socially influential people in Hell. He then publicly thirsts over Blitzø at the Harvest Moon festival, multiple times and by name AND species. He takes Blitzo’s hand, and goes on a public romantic date with him, even reminding the doorman of who he was and who he was with and THEN when all eyes are still on them after the song at Ozzie’s, despite everything said, reaches out to him across the table and then gets up and leaves with him even taking his car home when he has the ability to just portal. No one who converses with him about Blitzø is left with any ambiguity that they are involved, not Stella, not Striker, not Octavia, he loudly declares he is into the imp to anyone who will listen, often in front of Blitzø, which he cringes away from and insists is just a transactional fucking.
The contrast to be drawn between Asmodeus making a public declaration shouldn’t be on Stolas but BLITZØ. He’s the one who needs to declare it, Stolas already has, repeatedly and out loud, and in public already.
Blitzø is the one who can’t say it out loud. He’s the one who shies away from conversations about it and dismisses it when anyone brings it up. He uses the excuses of social class and it being only for sex to justify his own inability to own it. There’s a reason all his exes are massively famous people who got famous after he destroyed the relationship. With Verosika it’s pretty clear she was super into him and he dipped. It’s not clear if it was because she was getting famous, that might be revealed, but the hints we have (her tattoo, his stealing her credit cards and disappearing) is that the end of that relationship was all Blitzø. When people find out he was in a relationship with her he is uncomfortable with the fact that she is famous, he goes out of his way to separate himself from her fame. Because people react exactly as he expected them to, incredulous someone famous could be into nobody Blitzø.
Somewhat ditto with Fizz, at least at first. Fizz was shown to be already pretty well known by the end of their friendship. Because of Blitzø’s self worth issues he doesn’t believe someone like Fizz could reciprocate his feelings, he sees him surrounded by people and doesn’t feel worthy to be one of them so he turns away and accidentally burns down a circus doing so. While a confession from Fizz first, if he felt the same way, might have prevented the catastrophe we have no way of knowing if Blitzø would have done the same thing to Fizz he did to Verosika and let his self worth issues eventually destroy their relationship too, especially after he signs on with Mammon. A big theme of their comments to each other before their reconciliation are about the disparity in fame, Fizz is also an imp so it’s not social class, but that Fizz is a beloved, famous figure and Blitzø failed at becoming one.
The Circus illustrates this so well, Blitzø is the failure who keeps trying his hardest and Fizz is the one who steps in and just kind of naturally does it. Blitzø’s dad makes no secret of the fact that Fizz is the more desired one. We also see Stolas appreciating Blitzø for who he is. Laughing against the crowd, just like during the sitcom taping, he doesn’t care about the public’s reaction to Blitzø, it doesn’t lessen Blitzø in his eyes at all.
We have also seen Blitzø be told very publicly a person loved him already as well and it STILL wasn’t what he needed. Verosika has it literally tattooed in a prominent place on her body, out there for everyone to see.
He doesn’t want a public declaration, he fears making one of his own and being compared to the one he declared for. “That guy is with THEM?!” It happens when Verosika steals his parking space and everyone realizes they dated, and it happens when the crazy fan goes after Fizz. People dismiss Blitzø in favor of the famous person he is with.
Hearing that, again, would invite the scrutiny that would just further validate that he’s not good enough, that he’s lesser and lower. That’s been his experience so far. Stolas declaring it would just put the spotlight on him once more, and I think it would actually make things worse for him mentally and emotionally. His reaction to Ozzie outing Stolas as his date to the crowd shows us this. I believe it’s why he split up with Verosika, the more famous she got the more eyes on him that could find him lacking. He’d be in the spotlight and his act wouldn’t be able to measure up to hers.
Just like at the circus with Fizz when they were kids, or during the sitcom, when eyes are on Blitzø he fails. Stolas gave him a bit more confidence each time. Not by loudly yelling “Hey, I like him!”to sway the audience, but just by quietly and genuinely laughing at his jokes and appreciating Blitzø for who he is. Stolas I think realizes this consciously, he sings it in Look My Way that the realm doesn’t appreciate what Blitzø is and because of this Blitzø built up walls around himself to protect from that lack of appreciation. Stolas tries to hype Blitzø up, he does so in the Harvest Moon Festival early on in their relationship but it makes Blitzø uncomfortable because the public declarations bring eyes to him. He has like….relationship stage fright in a sense. Imo the last thing Blitzø needs is another loud declaration.
Stolas though, he does NEED it. He has had one romantic partner publicly declare they don’t love him to all who will listen for like well over a decade, and now he needs a partner who will make it really really clear they do and I think preferably out loud where others can hear.
Stolas’s conflict and flaw is his family and his desire for reciprocal love. The shame of being an adulterer, of destroying the idealized family he strived for and the image he projected for so many years. And especially, the loneliness of his “romances” being one sided. With the exception of Octavia all of Stolas’s surrounding family and “friends” don’t give a fuck about him and he knows it. Why would Blitzø be any different? He also needs someone to choose him outside of a business or familial relationship. Stella was an arranged marriage to produce a heir. Blitzø was a sexual transaction for the grimoire. Octavia is his daughter. His relationship with his father shows that he isn’t special to him either. Paimon doesn’t even know his name. Stolas has no one declaring for him.
There’s a reason most of Stolas’s issues are told though “images”. The family portraits, the Sinstagram posts of Blitzø appearing annoyed or disinterested while Stolas does not see the picture Blitzø took, because that is his primary issue, he destroyed the image of himself he was trying to project for a chance at a reciprocal relationship. That image maintenance has nothing to do with Blitzø’s imp status, but more the public lack of perceived reciprocity in his romantic dealings.
He knows he looks like a fool, putting himself out there and not getting a confirmation back. This is why every problem Stolas had with his marriage seemed to come down not to attraction or status but mutual feeling. He doesn’t feel bad for cheating because Stella made it clear she didn’t care about him for him. Stella tells everyone loudly and publicly, even before Stolas cheated, how she feels about him. So as soon as Stolas can he jumps at the chance to say “HEY EVERYONE SOMEONE DOES LIKE ME! HE HAD SEX WITH ME AND EVERYTHING”and yelling out “THE ONLY MAN WHO CAN FUCK ME”. Flirting with Blitzø in front a crowd of people. He desperately wants to be publicly desired, to know he’s loved and for others to know he’s loved too.
I don’t think it matters to Stolas at all that who he cheated with was below him in terms of social hierarchy, or that people know about it, and he hasn’t ever indicated visually or with words that Blitzø being an imp was the root of those issues for him. Stella brings it up because she’s obsessed with status and EVERYONE KNOWS that her husband fucked an imp and is now divorcing her. Asmodeus brings it up because the entire Lust song at Ozzie’s is to distract the audience from his very real love affair with Fizz and maintain the public fiction that what he and Fizz have is just physical.
The whole social hierarchy issue is a deflection, and a misdirection.
This is further emphasized by the fact that Fizz and Asmodeus fucking isn’t even really an issue? People seemed to know they were fucking, like them being walked in on at breakfast and loudly declaring “ we are just banging, we are not in love”. The social hierarchy conflict as an external factor kind of falls apart on that alone but let’s move on. It’s not 100% clear if people outside of the household knew about Fizz and Asmodeus so we can maybe assume the public at large did not. But higher level demons being in a relationship with lower level ones doesn’t appear to be an issue? Like most of the powerful demons we see are actually in relationships with someone from a lower class. Even Mammon surrounds himself with imps and relies on one for his business.
Blitzø sure as fuck brings it up as a justification for why he’s not good enough. But Stolas doesn’t.
He’s even been shown visually and deliberately as forgetting that it’s even a factor, starting with his bowing to Blitzø as a baby owl and then again as an adult. So the comparison of these two moments as being about shame regarding social status for Stolas doesn’t make any sense to me. I don’t think it’s about social status at all really. I think that’s the excuse Blitzø uses to push people away and that’s just as much about social status as it is their fame. I’m not saying it’s not a larger theme of the show, but I think in this instance and for Stolitz it’s a distraction from the larger issues Blitzø has.
Stolas doesn’t need to publicly declare their relationship for an audience to solve their relationship issues because he already did, and I think we’ll see that the reason it’s such a huge plot point for Asmodeus and Fizz (beyond it being tied to their specific roles in Hell as the King of Lust and a public figure) is that it needled to be removed as an obstacle in BLITZØ’S mind.
Blitzø was the one present to witness the public declaration between Asmodeus and Fizz at the competition, not Stolas. If the comparison was between Stolas’s behavior and Asmodeus’s he would BE there, we, the audience, would have him there to connect that conflict in our mind as being rooted in Stolas. But he isn’t, because that conflict is 100% Blitzø. He won’t be able to use the imp versus demon thing as an excuse anymore as there is a very public example of someone even higher than Stolas loving an imp that he personally knows. Not only that but we see no indication in the episodes after Ozzie’s that there was ANY fallout for Stolas or Blitzø having their relationship outted so publicly. We see a big press todo about Stolas going to the hospital but not a single scene of like press asking Blitzø or Stolas about their relationship or the scene at Ozzie’s. Because no one but Blitzø actually cares? Scenes in media show us what’s important and if it was actually important to the larger world of Helluva Boss we’d have scenes to show that. There is no press coverage after the Not Divorced party, none after the Harvest Festival and none after Stolas officially makes moves to divorce Stella. He has assassins follow him around but not press. We DO get those press scenes when Fizzarolli and Asmodeus come out as being in love, because they are big public figures, but the only people who even mention Stolas and Blitzø are contained to Ozzie’s alone, and really it’s just Wally, Fizz and Asmodeus. The rest of the club is just interested in the spectacle.
The point of the hiding Stolas’s face behind the menu was not to tell audience he was ashamed of Blitzø, or that his being with Blitzø is a problem for him socially, but to reinforce Blitzø’s excuses to himself that it is, and highlight Blitzø’s self worth issues. This is further confirmed when Stolas reaches out to him across the table even though they are still in public and then later when he verbally expresses to Blitzø that he’d like to spend time with him without sex, tells him he enjoyed spending time with him outside of the arrangement, makes himself physically uncomfortable in the van just to spend more time with him. All of which Blitzø refuses to believe and dismisses. All of their interactions are shown as Stolas being the one to put himself out there, sometimes to a desperate cringe inducing degree, and Blitzø shutting it down and only expressing that his external protestations are not his true feelings by his avoidant looks, stumbling over his words and excuses, and his “protesting too much”. We as the audience see he’s full of shit through the reactions of others, Millie and Moxxie and Fizz specifically calling Stolas his boyfriend or being skeptical of the bullshit Blitzø spews to diminish the relationship.
For Stolas the song at Ozzie’s was a reminder that he had done something that fucked up his family and frankly his life as he knew it, tarnishing his image as a husband and father, and that fuck up has nothing to do with Blitzø being an imp, everyone knew that already for the most part from the very first time they had sex, but because Blitzø was the catalyst for the risk he took. He used to have the image of his family and his Princely appearance to hide behind and now we’ve shone a spotlight on who he really is, a lonely, soon to be divorcee, on a date with a demon who has acted completely dismissive of him, even outright ignoring him and ghosting at times.
A good way to highlight this issue with image is when Stolas nervously giggles and tries to over the top declare “we are having a perfectly normal date!” to the waitress by playing it off as being okay and trying desperately to get Blitzø to participate. He’s being publicly humiliated again and he tries to play it off and cover it up.
We see it again in his text messages from after Ozzie’s, he is so desperately trying to show Blitzø that it didn’t bother him, but that if it bothered Blitzø he’d like to talk about it. He tries to front it as “I don’t mind jokes about myself, it was pretty funny hahaha” but we as the audience see it for the pathetic attempt at faking it is. Laughing it off and pretending it doesn’t bother him is what Stolas does but he still made an attempt, he still tried. Stolas is from what we see extremely comfortable expressing his feelings, loudly and at length. It when he gets rejected for them that he pretends it’s not how he feels. And once again, he reaches out to Blitzø, gets shut down after putting himself out there and then acts as if everything is fine.
During the song at Ozzie’s , when the spotlight comes to Stolas, Asmodeus starts reminding him he “destroyed” his life, his family, and his image for a dude who does not outwardly appear to return his feelings, who is in fact just fucking him, and not even because he is interested in Stolas, but because he is using Stolas for the book. Every time Stolas tries for more he gets slapped back. He threw everything away for more of what he already had, a loveless business arrangement. He’s not shamed by the fact that Blitzø is an imp but that he ripped apart his picture perfect life for a guy who was acting distracted and ignoring him, who at times is completely turned away from him, and who is sitting across from him visibly uncomfortable at being called out as being on a date with him, and who he cannot get to agree to anything more despite his desperately trying.
Stolas’s part of the Ozzie’s episode opens with Gabriela yelling “Why won’t you LOVE ME ALEJANDRO” and then the man puts a streak in his hair to call back to it and people are still thinking it’s about status for him?
He just watched Blitzø stand up for Moxxie and Millie but when the focus turns to Stolas Blitzø cringes and makes himself small.
Lets break down what actually happens on screen because it is ALL in the visual choices made by the artists and what the song is actually about, lust being more acceptable than love because love is embarrassing and Blitzø hates to be embarrassed:
Moxxie starts singing, and after he sings “I loooove you” the shot jumps to Blitzø who CRINGES and shrinks a bit behind his menu. Publicly declaring your love for someone in public like that? Fucking Yikes. Bro.
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Blitzø stands up and defends Moxxie and Millie but not necessarily to support their love, but their sexual relationship. This says a lot about which one Blitzø thinks of as being publicly acceptable.
Fizz turns his attention to Blitzø and the entire call out is about his bad love life, not his social status, and not even necessarily his level of fame but his failures as a romantic partner and the state of his relationships. It’s interesting that the song turns to this lack of love since just a few verses previously they act as though a romantic relationship is anthema to what they are all about. As soon as Fizz starts talking about his LOVE life Blitzø looks nervously at Stolas out of the corner of his eye.
Stolas is shocked as the song starts in on Blitzø but he doesn’t leave or shrink away immediately, he makes this absolutely hysterical face when Verosika is singing.
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Blitzø does NOT like that Verosika is singing about their relationship. He crosses his arms and gets very sour pussed.
Then when Verosika starts getting more predatory, and going in on Blitzø physically, Stolas STANDS UP and looks as though he’s going to intervene.
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The Wally Whackford yells “Are you sleeping with an Imp?” And Stolas remains standing, in the spotlight for several seconds. He doesn’t even start to move away to get out of it until Asmodeus comes up into his space and the scrutiny is all on him. He still doesn’t hide his face nor does it look necessarily shamed, it looks surprised and scared with where this is going and to have the attention on him but he does not look shamed. In fact, he doesn’t react to the imp comment at all, he is just as shocked and surprised as before Wally yelled as he is after. He keeps making this same shocked and scared face the whole time. We continue to see the crowd throughout all this and the scene is from a wide shot. It’s from the main POV, which is largely Blitzø’s.
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The POV then switches to ONLY Stolas’s, we are seeing THROUGH his eyes and what HE sees is his family turning away from him and then they shove Blitzø in a chair, make him the center of Stolas’s vision and he’s left with Blitzø’s embarrassed, cringing face. The crowd, the club, everything else is painted out. From Stolas’s POV he doesn’t see or register the public, he sees and registers his family and Blitzø. They are center of his vision and the club and its patrons aren’t even present in the shot. If the issue was the social status we would have no need to remind the audience of Stella and Octavia by projecting their images and then having a sequence where they turn, walk away and burst into flames. Wally’s comment would be enough to establish it. The crowd would be visible because they would be what matters to Stolas. But it isn’t, we have to dive into Stolas’s POV, get a visual reminder of his family and see how Blitzo looks from Stolas’s POV.
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We pull back to the outside POV and Stolas sits and stares for an entire beat after the POV shift (a technique used to tell the audience THIS was how Stolas saw the situation, now we’re back to the main POV), Blitzø is still shrinking away from him and THEN after Asmodeus says “you sold your life for a thrust” is when he hides his face. Yes, I did slow down the animation to actually see the sequence shot for shot and yes, it is a sign I have lost my mind.
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But it’s important! This technique is really common in literature and media, you introduce one character’s conflict or flaw and then, to show that it contrasts with another character’s situation you jump into their POV, this is to remind the audience that there is a difference between them, that they are seeing this situation from two different places. The shots are wide for the social status implication that speaks to Blitzø’s issues with public declarations and his own self worth and we jump into Stolas’s just to remind the audience HEY, THIS IS ISNT WHAT STOLAS IS THINKING IN CASE YOU FORGOT ABOUT THE MAIN REASON THEY ARE NOT ON THE SAME PAGE, and then we just jump back to wide shots and bringing Blitzø back as the character whose flaw is being depicted.
The rest of the shots are from main POV and show Blitzo reacting to that. A deliberate contrast is set between what Stolas perceived and what Blitzø did. They present this direct visual contrast using a POV switch to show it. From Stolas’s POV he is being shamed not by the public, who didn’t factor into his POV at all, but by the loss or strain of his familial relationships and by Blitzø presenting himself completely differently when the focus is on HIS relationship with Stolas versus how he reacted to Moxxie/Millie and even Verosika.
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From Stolas’s perspective and the audiences Blitzø was relatively okay up until Verosika pushed him, then we see Stolas’s reaction to that. That’s when Blitzø’s entire demeanor changes. He wilts, he shrinks, he makes himself small. Before that he winced a little but mostly he seemed annoyed. Until it gets turned on his date with Stolas. And we see this confirmed through Stolas’s POV, that we are seeing Blitzø how Stolas is seeing him looking sheepish and unhappy right in the center of the shot.
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You sold your life for a thrust” is so important in this sequence, Blitzo just basically confirmed from his contrasting reactions and body language throughout the song that what they have is just sex, and we know from Stolas asking Asmodeus about the crystal and following up on it that he is really focusing on the transactional aspect of it and the situation he put an unwilling (at least in his mind) Blitzø in. This is just another bad arrangement like his marriage.
We don’t have onscreen confirmation, so this is more speculation but I imagine Stolas is probably comparing himself to Paimon a bit. His father purchased an unwilling imp to play with him as a child, the imp pretended to be into him to use him for the family treasure and now he’s essentially purchasing the same imp and that same imp appears to once again just be tolerating him for material gain.
Anyway, enough thoughts that depress the fuck out of me.
When we switch back to Blitzø after M&M finish their song we see the public again through their clapping and see his reaction. Now the issue at large is firmly back to the inferiority complex. Blitzø started shrinking and cringing away as soon as the famousness of his date was revealed, as soon as the crowd does exactly what he fears, comparing him to his partner and finding him lacking. Then we have Stolas reaching out, with no regard for the crowd who is back around them in the shots until the hand close up, and Blitzø shuts him down. Again. Once more we have Stolas visibly reaching out and trying to give Blitzø what Blitzø is outwardly projecting he wants (just like Stolas does with the dirty talk), and Blitzø being the one to say something annoyed or dismiss it. There is literally nothing Stolas can do to resolve this, because it’s an internal issue for Blitzø. Stolas externally declaring to every realm in hell won’t fix Blitzø needing to believe it and declare it for himself.
The conversation at Stolas’s house after reinforces everything, that Stolas is trying to do what Blitzø is projecting he wants. Blitzø appears to have an issue with their relationship being just about sex, the same person who goes out of his way to force all his non-familial relationships to be just about sex (even Moxxie and Millie, and when he turns a heartfelt reconciliation sexual with Fizz by asking to make out) and Stolas offers him multiple options for more of a romantic or comforting evening, because it’s what he wants as well, and Blitzø ignores that entirely, just outright refuses to acknowledge it. In the hospital we see Stolas tried AGAIN after Ozzie’s via text to work it out, and talk it out, but when Blitzø shuts it down again and when his initial approach didn’t work, Stolas tries just brushing it off and putting up that happy EVERYTHING IS OKAY image again.
So all this billion words and unhinged analysis to say that Stolas is not Asmodeus, he isn’t the one who needs to make the declaration, that won’t actually solve Blitzø’s problem and he already has put himself out there multiple times. Stolas is Fizz, obsessed with putting on a show.
Blitzø’s issues are internal and multiple people have tried to show him in external ways they love him and he either relates it back to sex, dismisses it entirely or physically removes himself from their lives. This is understandable considering when he does put himself out there he gets rejected, (circus audience, Barbie, his various gigs before I.M.P, Loona sometimes) or people act incredulous that someone could be with him. So the only way for him to complete this character journey is to internally reconcile and externally express.
Stolas is much more external about his issues, he tries putting on a happy face, laughing things off, trying to have a perfect day at LooLoo Land with a disinterested daughter, flirting outrageously with a disinterested partner, he wants the external situation to reflect what he feels inside but those around him don’t give that to him. He tries to have a perfect marriage, he gets a partner who throws obnoxious parties for what appears to be the chance to ridicule him publicly. He tries to have a perfect day at LooLoo Land to recapture happier times and accidentally alienates his daughter. He talks about how much he wants to bone Blitzø because that’s how Blitzø approached him and what he seems to be into in his relationships and is the only way he allows Stolas into his life at all, and in return he gets annoyed looks and insults.
“Or Is it Me?” In Look My Way makes me tear up every goddamn time because Stolas believes there is some internal problem within himself, that he cannot give Blitzø what he needs because he’s BEEN TRYING to be what Blitzø seems to want and gets nothing back no matter what approach he takes. No one will externally acknowledge him. Stolas doesn’t have an internal problem accepting his feelings and who they are for, regardless of status or consequences, he clearly says this in Look My Way and shows it before that with his over the top behavior, he needs someone from outside himself to acknowledge and reciprocate it.
So yeah, I disagree with the idea that Blitzø is the one who needs a public declaration. He might need a private one to take away his excuses but I don’t think he needs Stolas to do what Asmodeus did. What Blitzø seems to need is to be brave enough to declare his feelings for once and not shy away from the attention that comes with that. To accept himself as he is, like Stolas accepts him, and that realize he is just as worthy of love as the other people in his life. Stolas needs a declaration to validate his internal feelings, ease some of his loneliness with confirmed reciprocity and to have outwardly what he wants inwardly.
Thanks for reading if you did. I am sorry for being the way I am.
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kityana · 26 days
see, the thing about striker being cool in "the harvest moon festival" is that... yeah, we're supposed to think he's cool. because that's what blitzo thinks.
the episode works very, very hard to show us how cool striker is. i mean, look at his introduction shot!
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that's badass. no question about it.
and yes, he does proceed to charm the pants off millie and blitzo, with a bit of flirtation and a lot of compliments. He even pulls the same compliment-and-wink move on both of them.
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and then he follows it up by doing very badass things. killing that hell pig? badass. going toe-to-toe with blitzo in the pain games? super badass.
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and sure, all the while he's relentlessly bullying moxxie- but at this point blitzo had been relentlessly bullying moxxie for 4 episodes straight. this isn't raising any alarm bells. not with us, as the audience who's used to it, and not with blitzo.
because we're supposed to see this through blitzo's eyes. we're supposed to see striker as a cool dude because that's what striker manipulates blitzo into seeing. he lays that charm on thick because he needs no one to suspect him- least of all the 3 assassins who depend on his target for a living and are the most likely to try and stop him.
but this is an act. this is not who striker really is. his facade completely drops when he's found out. He doesn't really think highly of millie or blitzo- he thinks killing millie isn't even worth it, and he calls blitzo a "rodeo clown".
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and even his anti-royal creed sounds self serving when he also refers to himself as being above most imps. he literally refers to himself and blitzo as "superior". he's, as blitzo notes in "oops", a supremacist.
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but while he mostly breaks after being found out, there are prior clues to his giant ego- like this pose he strikes after winning the rope pulling contest, or the song he sings about, well, winning.
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this is actually really the kind of guy i'd expect to have a giant statue of himself with a huge boner at home. how did stolas put it?
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luvkuvi · 1 year
15 – catching up !
What's so good about him ?!
Scaramouche x reader smau series
synopsis — Your ex boyfriend kuni is in a band called 5wirl and they're pretty well known considering him and his bandmates are still in college but you still hated his guts on how he ended things with you back then in highschool the day before graduation. So whats the best course of action in this situation? make a hate account of him of course. 
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Putting your phone down you prepared yourself for the first day of the foundation day festival. You sighed preparing to go out to campus. It's already noon and Lumine left early to prepare and help Ayaka. 
On your way to campus seeing the colorful booths and tons of students make you calm down for a while. Surely you won't run into him? you were nervous seeing him after what 2 years? You would think you moved on but the wounds are still here and a ton of "what ifs" and many unanswered questions. To distract your thoughts you already took your phone from your pocket to calm your nerves. 
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You giggle at Heizou's tweet "Hey this just looks like–" you were cut off by suddenly bumping into someone "My apologies! Are you alright?" you reached for the stranger's hand about to thank them "Hey it's alright! thank y–heizou ?" Your eyes lit up seeing familiar emerald green eyes. As he lift you off the ground he gave you his charismatic smile. "Y/N! well, it's always great to see an old friend." You giggled at him, he didn't change, and sure texting him as "Scarass" His way of texting didn't change but seeing him in front of him as "y/n" and seeing him still being like himself back then in high school feels nice. 
"Yeah…I was just about to head in" You pointed to the cafe, the same cafe he tweeted out. "Let's catch up! my treat" He head over to the door opening it for you "You go in first~" You only kept smiling at his gestures "Still a gentleman I see~" He only chuckled back nodding. While heizou is browsing the menu you already said your usual after all this is your favorite cafe on campus. "I take it you go here a lot?" he said before just ordering a frappe. You nodded "This is my favorite place actually!" "I see"
After receiving your orders you began talking by the window telling each other what happened over the years. "Can you believe it! your old buddy is going to be famous" You laughed at his claim "Oh please if you told me in the past that heizou from math class is gonna be a famous drummer I would be laughing my ass off" He gave you a pout before taking a sip of his drink… "Snarky as always y/n" He sighed "Why did we ever stop hanging out ?"
You bit your lip, you cut off contact with 5wirl after your messy breakup. Heizou noticed your sudden uneasiness in his question. You placed your hand over his and smiled "Don't worry im fine now and yes it is because of him". Heizou nodded "Im glad you're doing better, we actually clowned him for being stupid" You giggled at his rant about them just teasing scara. Talking about him made you uneasy at first especially since you imagined the same violet hair in the distance…its probably nothing. 
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Notes: First written chapters YESSS and was it just just your imagination...?hehe find out next chap!
Taglist!(closed): @sakiimeo @sagegreenthinks @evsolostheuniverse @ozzierenato @mechanicalbeat1  @bananasquash @admiringfish @yuraasia @wolfe02 @msameikanevaeh @yukiipc @magica-ren @r0ttenhearts @vvyeislazzy @yuumaofc @klanxii   @darthvada @the-ghost-0f-t0m0 @yoyo-yui @deluluangel   @katsumikumo @thenightsflower   @lazy-sanns @sukunasrealgf @4thnocturne @danhenglovebot @sketcheeee   @fumichannorakuen @featuredtofu   @mine-lu @karma-gisa @amyena @onmywaytoteyvat @fujimoribaby @eliqusgenma   @buubbbbly   @reekapeeka @elernity @323jelly @kunikissr @miko1ly @feverish-dove @zuunotsane @pomeiu @yxcade @kascar-chronicle @supercoolusernameomg @otomegame-oneshots @cookieofwishes @swivy123 (bold usernames means i couldn't tag you :<) 1/2
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in-death-we-fall · 28 days
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Brothers Beyond
Slipknot may never fully recover from the passing of Paul Gray, but their imminent return to the stage at UK’s Sonisphere is going to be an act of catharsis for fans and band alike. Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan and Joey Jordison open up to Hammer exclusively.
Words: Dom Lawson Pics: Steve Brown
Metal Hammer 218 - June 2011 (drive link)
Editor’s note: The dark lord speaks…
16 Gigantic Balls.
That’s what Slipknot had to have to get back in the saddle after the inestimable loss of Paul Gray last year, and judging by our breathtakingly candid interview this month, their appearance at Sonisphere this summer is going to be one for the history books. Slipknot’s return is nothing short of heroic, and we hope you’ll love reading Dom Lawson’s piece as much as we did putting it together.
But then Hammer’s always been about getting under the skin of things to bring you a depth and breadth of metal coverage that you won’t find anywhere else, and this issue’s packed with the kind of chest-swelling bravado that makes real metal bands tick. From Biff Byford’s frankly inspiring quest to defy trends and stick to his guns, to Mastodon’s rise from the depths of obscurity to become one of the world’s foremost lords of the riff, to our first glimpse of Iron Maiden simply fucking killing it on a world-tour that’s more like a global victory lap, Hammer is all about the sorts of tales that make the musicians we love as inspiring as the music that they create. Oh, and metal in… Botswana? The metal empire is truly growing at a staggering pace – be the first to read and read about it.
And as we barrel ever-closer to this year’s positively thrilling Golden God awards, we hope you’ll take the time to add your votes to the hundreds of thousands we’ve already received. It’s also your chance to win tickets to what’s sure to be the most ridiculously metallic award show in history. I mean really, Devin and Twisted Sister on the same night? Whollee. Fucking. Shiiiit! Just head to www.metalhammer.co.uk/goldengods to cast your vote and take a part in heavy metal history.
Before we kick off these headbanging proceedings, let’s take a moment to spare a thought for the late, truly great Scott Columbus, erstwhile Manowar drummer and an inspiration to any metalhead who’s ever felt their pulse quicken to the sound of a mighty drum. Our thoughts are with his friends and family in this difficult time. Horns at half mast.
Brothers Beyond
Slipknot may never fully recover from the passing of Paul Gray, but their imminent return to the stage at UK’s Sonisphere is going to be an act of catharsis for fans and band alike. Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan and Joey Jordison open up to Hammer exclusively.
Words: Dom Lawson Pics: Steve Brown
When the news broke last December, you could hear the cheers of elation and sighs of relief from the hot streets of Rio de Janeiro to the sun-blistered stone of the Parthenon. Despite having endured an horrific year that had seen them reduced from a seemingly invincible nine-man wrecking crew to a wounded but dignified band of brothers, following the tragic death of founder member and bassist Paul Gray back in May, Slipknot announced that (sic) were going to return, headlining the Sonisphere festival at Knebworth this July and playing a handful of other prestigious dates. The events of 2010 unquestionably pulled the rug from underneath this seemingly unyielding band’s feet and plunged them into a period of mourning and destabilising uncertainty; the endless and often witless speculation of pundits and fans on the internet only adding to the sense that the Iowans’ rudder had fallen off, leaving them lost and directionless. In the end, those who were predicting the end of the Slipknot story looked very foolish. The end of Slipknot? Don’t be fucking ridiculous.
Four months on from that announcement, drummer Joey Jordison and percussionist and visual king Shawn ‘Clown’ Crahan, the other two parts of the unholy trinity of Des Moines miscreants who put the band together in the first place, are in a far more buoyant and defiant mood than many may have predicted after watching the heartbreaking press conference that followed Paul’s death. Speaking to Hammer as the wheels of progress start to grind into action, both men have plenty to say about the past, present and future of their band and, despite having barely spoken to the press since the passing of their friend, both are happy to answer the questions that fans have been dying to ask during those months of sorrow. First and foremost, we have to ask what prompted them to stage their comeback in Europe rather than at home in the US.
“If we were gonna return, why would we not go to Europe first?” states Joey. “It was the right decision at the right time. Europe’s always been amazing to us, especially the UK. I still remember our first show there, on December 13, 1999; I still have dreams about it! It was one of the biggest landmarks of our career so why not go back now? Slipknot is not going to die. It’s a lifeforce, man. With all the feelings and emotions and the passion of one of the people who really helped to start our band pushing us forward, this is how we start again.”
You always seem to have had a strong relationship with the UK; ever since the self-titled album came out in 1999 and UK metal fans immediately embraced what you were doing, arguably more so than in any other territory. Is the show at Knebworth going to be the most important of all?
“The show at Knebworth is going to be heavy, man,” says Shawn. “We thought Download was fuckin’ heavy in 2009, but this’ll be something else. I don’t even know how to describe it, because the UK kids know us, man. I remember the first show at the Astoria in ‘99. I walked into the Astoria and there was a kid in an orange jumpsuit and a clown mask, and he’d paid £85 to have the mask made so he could be me. I couldn’t believe it. I thought I’d achieved everything when I got to the UK; the UK totally gets us. That show will be the heaviest show on the tour by far. There’ll be a lot of tears that day.”
“The feeling right now between all the bandmembers is the same feeling we had when we first came to the UK,” adds Joey. “This is a special event. It’s not like being on tour. We’re doing this out of our hearts and out of respect for our band and mostly out of respect for our fans. This isn’t contrived, some list of tour dates. This is speaking directly to the UK and to Europe. This is not bullshit. People will be pleasantly surprised by what we’re bringing.”
One of Slipknot’s strengths has always been that they’ve been adept at presenting a united front to the world. Even though it’s always been apparent that this is a band full of wildly differing personalities, the whole point of Slipknot has often seemed to be the expression of a single, focused purpose, uniting band and audience in a grand outpouring of righteous anger and joyous energy. As a result, the last year has been a little unsettling for those observing the band, not least because for the first time it has been made plain that not everyone in Slipknot has been reading from the same tight-lipped, thoughtful page. In particular, frontman Corey Taylor has been making frequent public pronouncements that have carried a faint air of pessimism and negativity.
“Part of me is ready [to carry on with the band] and there’s a part of me that’s not,” he stated back in March. “I have a lot of trepidation about it. I don’t know how to feel. I know a lot of the guys in the band are trying not to show that side, and I can’t.”
In light of the fact that Slipknot had already announced their intention to return, thus strongly implying that the band could well continue beyond these few shows and make another record too, Corey’s comments, seem, at best, a little unhelpful. Do his publicly expressed doubts about the future of the band run deeper or is this simply a case of one man’s emotions leading him away from the general consensus?
“Well, I would get into a lot of trouble if I try to speak for people, so it’s important that you print it like I say it, and I’m saying that I’m not speaking for anybody except myself,” states Shawn, firmly but diplomatically. “But in my opinion the majority of people in the band need Slipknot, want Slipknot, have no doubt that Slipknot will continue. There may be people in the band who may have a harder time feeling what they’re experiencing and only they can get over that and only they can make themselves feel that way. Hopefully their feelings will work out, and that’s exactly what we’re doing, getting together to celebrate Paul’s life, his love for music, his love for Slipknot, his love for his fans.”
The last few years have been upsetting for rock fans, with numerous major figures passing away, leaving huge gaps that can never be filled. The loss of Paul resonated as loudly and powerfully as any, partly because he was such a talented and revered figure within the metal world, but also because Slipknot have always seemed to be impervious to the hazards that cause most bands to noisily disintegrate or feebly fizzle out, whether they be as trivial as ‘musical differences’ or as monumental as mortality itself. And yet, despite having been temporarily stopped in their tracks, few would bet against Slipknot roaring back into action at full strength and with renewed vigour when they hit the road again this summer. As another band appearing at Sonisphere this July once sang, “You cannot kill what doesn’t die…”
“It’s always been that way,” agrees Joey. “Our first tour was Ozzfest in ‘99 and we fuckin’ blew every other band off the fuckin’ stage, every night. It was not even a competition. It’s not like we were trying to beat anyone; we were just being ourselves. We toured with Coal Chamber and some other bands that year too, and I recall my friend Dez Fafara telling me that one guy from one of the other bands had looked at him when we were playing and said, ‘Can you see what we got ourselves into here?’ They tried to kick us off the tour, every band did. One show in Oklahoma City we couldn’t fit anything on the stage and they kicked us off the show and we still outsold every other band’s merch! That’s the strength of what we are when we’re together as a band. That’s not ego talking, it’s the truth. It is what it is, and I’m so happy and so fulfilled with everything we’ve done and everything that we’re gonna do.”
“A lot of people won’t know that we were done with All Hope Is Gone, and we were going to take a break like we do after every record,” says Shawn. “That’s why people love our band; we’re not trying to get off our label and make a bunch of shitty records and try to shove ‘em down fans’ throats. We take time off to get physically and spiritually sound, then we get bored and take what we’ve learned from where we’ve been and we apply it to right now and we get busy with art and music, then we come and kick the living shit out of you. That’s what we do.”
Just as the trials of life can never kill a band with Slipknot’s fighting spirit, neither can you replace the irreplaceable; a fact that made the band’s decision to fight another day such a painful one. There from the beginning, Paul made such an invaluable contribution to every aspect of Slipknot’s music, methodology and rise to glory that the idea of someone else stepping into his jumpsuit and mask was simply unthinkable. But there are always ways a means to circumnavigate even the toughest problems, and so the news that Slipknot have recruited Donnie Steele, a member of a very early lineup of the band and a close friend and musical collaborator of Paul’s, to perform bass duties on these upcoming dates has removed a great deal of disquiet from conversations about the future.
“I’m glad you’re speaking with me today,” notes Joey. “You have called me on the first day that I play with my new bass player. I’m starting with Donnie tonight. I start working with him first and we have over 35 songs that we have to rehearse tonight! Ha ha ha! When we headline in the UK it’s gonna be a longer set, so we have to go over a bunch of stuff.”
What made you go with Donnie?
“It was an easy decision,” he says. “I don’t want to talk about my brother’s death, but once it happened, our phones all lit up with all these guys from other bands. I took it at a disrespect level. I was like, ‘No, no, no!’ and it just came to me one night. I woke up from a dream about the early Slipknot days, before it was even known as Slipknot. Donnie was our first guitar player. We only had one guitar player but we had three drummers. You couldn’t even hear the guitar before we hired Josh [Brainard, Slipknot guitarist from 1995-1999]. So I called Shawn and I said, ‘This is the only thing that makes sense…’ Slipknot is a family. It’s a brotherhood. When we started together, Donnie was there. The last time I saw Paul was when I was with Rob Zombie in Iowa; Donnie was there and he and Paul were writing a new record for [pre-Slipknot metal project] Body Pit. I said to Shawn, ‘He’s part of our family!’”
“The gentleman who’s filling in for Paul was very, very good friends with Paul,” Shawn adds. “They come from a school of death metal and black metal, both very technical players. Recently Paul had hooked up with him and they were finally going to do their side-project. Paul was a guitar player and he attacked the bass like he did the guitar, and that’s exactly what Donnie’s gonna do. So he’s bringing more integrity than any freakin’ person who ever thought they had a chance of playing bass in something as serious as Slipknot. I laughed in the face of anybody who thought they had a chance!”
There’s been a lot of speculation about whether Donnie will be performing alongside the rest of the band onstage or whether he will be behind the drum riser out of sight. Can you confirm or deny any of this?
“We still have to figure out what we wanna do,” says Joey. “Will he be behind me? Right now, yes. In the future, I don’t know. Right now, he’s behind me or right next to me and he’ll be watching my every move and I’ll be watching him but it’s not going to take away from my performance, because by the time we hit the stage it’s going to be easy.”
“I can’t predict the future, but I know right now there’s no new mask, no new coveralls, no new number,” says Shawn. “There’s eight guys on stage and the first guitar player we ever had filling in for Paul, because there’s always gonna be nine.”
Clearly there can be no upside to the loss of such a loved and respected figure, but the last year has at least enabled the music world to finally acknowledge Paul as the influential and inspirational creative dynamo buzzing tirelessly away at the heart of Slipknot. It has always been left primarily to Joey, Shawn and Corey to communicate with the press and although Paul was not averse to doing interviews, his relative anonymity within such a populous band meant that he was able to exert his vast influence on Slipknot’s music and ethos away from the media spotlight. Now, of course, it’s apparent that his death has left a chasm inside this band’s furious heart and that these forthcoming live performances present a huge emotional challenge to those who mourn him, both on the stage and in front of it. Joey and Shawn are clearly still coming to terms with the loss of their friend, both close to tears when his name inevitably comes up in our conversations. For Shawn in particular, Slipknot’s return to the stage is all about paying respects and doing what needs to be done.
“Slipknot is more dangerous now than ever and I have the fuel known as Paul Dedrick Gray in my blood,” he says. “I’ve been here from the beginning, when Paul recognized my ability as an artist and said, ‘Just do it, man! Let your thoughts out and don’t let anyone stop you from what you feel and what you think!’ So now I’ve got his blood boiling in my veins. I’m not just playing for Clown; I’m playing for him, for his wife and daughter, his legacy, his love for the band, his love for music. I’m not discrediting anybody. We wouldn’t be where we’re at without everybody. We wouldn’t be here without Corey, Sid, Jim, Craig, Mick, Chris, all of us. But in the beginning, there was this idea that was created by Paul and I. He wrote the kind of music with Joey that just made me want to put my face through glass. I helped start one of the biggest metal bands in the world and I’m not necessarily a metalhead. I’m an alternative dude or an indie dude, whatever the fuck that means. I was on my way to being like Andy Warhol or something! I gave it all up to be in this band called Slipknot and I love it and I wouldn’t change a thing.”
Another major issue is whether or not Slipknot will ever make another studio album. Paul wrote a lot of the band’s music and was an integral part of the creative process on all four of their albums to date, but Slipknot have no shortage of creative brains to tap for fresh ideas. Corey added a dash of fuel to the fires of confusion when he stated recently that “there’s such a huge piece missing now, a piece that the fans can’t even understand. I mean, Paul always was that unconscious, almost lynchpin that held everything together. And he had such a great mind for the music that we created that without him, I don’t see it happening very soon, let’s put it that way.”
Given that it’s clear that at least one member of the band has doubts about the future, can fans truly be secure in the knowledge that their heroes will continue beyond these festival appearances and as far as a new album in the future?
“That’s the most important question you’ve asked so far,” says Joey. “We made this decision [to play shows this summer] out of respect for the music that we made and out of respect for our friend but mainly for our fans. Why would we not continue? It’s stupid to even think it. There are a lot of naysayers and all that shit. In the Slipknot world it’s blasphemy to say we might not continue.”
“Yes, I always knew we’d be back together,” insists Shawn. “Yes, I always thought we’d make another record. When? I don’t know. Is it being talked about? No, it is now. When would it ever be? I have no idea because I’m not a fortune teller, but in my heart of heart of hearts, and with Paul on my shoulder, kicking me in my face day after day, I absolutely believe there’ll be another record. How could there not be?”
Their unerring ability to sing from a single song sheet has been one of the biggest factors in Slipknot’s enduring appeal. From humble beginnings in Des Moines to their status as one of the biggest metal bands on the planet, these men prize collective focus above virtually anything else, and so it has been strange to see signs of hesitancy emerge in recent times. It’d be more than a little tacky to speculate whether Corey’s seemingly disruptive remarks about the future, and his bandmates’ self-evident but skilfully stifled testiness, are merely evidence that the grieving process affects different people in different ways, but it is also undeniably true that the internet age has made it more or less impossible for any high-profile rock band to conduct their affairs in private. The much-debated possibility that Corey is to be announced as Velvet Revolver’s new singer is a great example of this: what would normally be dismissed as idle gossip takes on a level of credibility far beyond what the known facts would seem to deserve. Social networking is the new grapevine, it seems, and Joey is not impressed.
“The internet can fuck off!” he barks. “I have an official MySpace and Facebook, but all that bullshit? I don’t use it. If you want to talk to me as a person, the internet is the worst thing possible. I do get it. Maybe it makes sense if you don’t have a life of your own. But that’s why i don’t use it. I have lovely people around me all the time and I’m blessed with everything I’ve been able to accomplish. I only have MySpace and Facebook to block people from imitating me. I don’t even have a Twitter account. But you know what? If I need to find where a good Mexican restaurant is, I can log on and find it. So the internet does have its uses, I guess! Ha ha!”
Bullshit and hyperbole will continue to make the world go round, but for now at least, all that remains is to get very, very excited indeed about seeing Slipknot again at Knebworth this summer. Anyone who witnessed the band tearing Download a collection of new arseholes in 2009 will be able to confirm that there are few bands more capable of commanding a festival headlining slot, and it goes without saying that the UK will welcome them back with open arms and pounding hearts, but our mounting excitement at the thought of Slipknot headlining a major UK festival again is undeniably tempered by a faint air of nervousness about the backdrop of grief and uncertainty that has coloured the band’s canvas over the last 12 months. One way or another, this is going to be extremely emotional, isn’t it?
“I don’t think any fan ever thought they were never gonna see Paul again,” says Shawn. “So it’s our duty to being it all together; when I walk on stage in tears, there’ll be 10,000 other people in tears with me and we’re going to celebrate in the salvation of music and what brings us together.”
“These gigs are not a job,” avows Joey. “This is more of a cleansing. All of us are going to have the most incredible shows of our career. That’s it. I’m not saying this to promote this. But this is going to be worth the wait. Of course there are gonna be teary eyes and maybe for some of us, behind the masks, but are they gonna be sad tears? No, they’ll be happy. We’re going to be there and we’re going to watch the audience explode and what better celebration could you ask for? That’s all it needs to be. Let’s just fucking rock!”
Slipknot play Sonisphere, July 8-10, 2011
“We’re gonna die for rock ‘n roll!”
Slipknot’s drummer was in Tokyo with his other band, Murderdolls, when the recent earthquake hit Japan, wreaking devastation and leading to many thousands of deaths. Here he recounts his experience for the first time…
“I was doing an interview and a photoshoot in this really rickety building when the quake started,” he recalls. “We’d already felt a smaller quake the day before, but when this one really hit it was throwing me against the walls. My tour manager Roger grabbed me saying, ‘Fuck this! We don’t need this…’ and he threw me over his shoulder and got me out of there! Everyone was trying to get out and we were the last band to leave Japan. We were like, ‘Fuck it!’ We were gonna stay and if we die, we’re gonna die for rock ‘n’ roll! That’s the Murderdolls’ mentality. We couldn’t get back to our hotel rooms because the elevators were completely fucked, so we went and stayed in the bar and got shitfaced. In the end we got evacuated. It was like, ‘If you want to make it back to the US, you need to go now otherwise you’re gonna be stuck here!’ So we finished our pints and got to the airport and, luckily, got on the airplane. Right after that is when the nuclear reactor was heating up. It was a big, intense experience. It was one for the books, I tell you…”
Shawn Crahan tells Hammer about his new band…
Black Dots Of Death
Describe your new band… “It’s a rebirth of Clown, a second coming, and it’s dangerous. It’s the next level. It’s a mix of many genres. I’m done making soft music and now I’m angry again and everything’s surrounded by death and the idea of ‘What the fuck are you doing?’ There’s a moral behind everything; it’s deep.”
What appeals to you about playing the drums? “I’ve played drums since I was eight years old, man. When you see me play drums, that’s the most personal me you’ll ever see. I don’t wear a mask. No one plays as hard as me, man.”
Do you have plans to take Black Dots Of Death out on the road? “The record is out now. Everything you need to know, you can find at www.theblackdotsofdeath.com. This is art, man, and it’s fuckin’ dangerous. But my biggest priority in 2011 is to get together with Slipknot. There will be Black Dots shows, but my biggest priority is to celebrate Paul’s life.”
Will he or won’t he?
The rumour mill has been working overtime as speculation mounts about Corey Taylor apparently becoming the new singer in Velvet Revolver. Or not. Here’s what’s been said so far…
“We recorded a bunch of songs with Corey. I think he’s fucking great – he’s the best voice of a new generation and I’d be proud to do anything with him.” [Duff McKagan, March 2011]
“He’s a guy we’ve had our eye on, but the timing wasn’t right. Weiland was available. He was out of Stone Temple Pilots. It wasn’t like we went and said, ‘Hey, dude…’ He came to us, like, ‘Hey, I’m out of my band. I’ve got time. Let’s do this.’ And it’s a similar situation with this individual.” [Sorum to billboard.com, December 2010]
“[The new singer is] a little younger, a little stronger, a little heavier rock’n’roll than we are.” [Sorum to Noisecreep, December 2010]
“A couple of people have said one thing or another, but it’s been blown out of proportion. I’ve made no comment on that one.” [Slash, February 2011]
“It’s gonna be interesting going into the third record because we’re gonna have a whole different personality as a vocalist. Chances are it’s gonna be a lot heavier than anything Velvet Revolver has done so far.” [Sorum to artistdirect.com, January 2011]
“As soon as we got off the road from the last tour and parted ways with [singer] Scott [Weiland], we got together and wrote half a dozen really great, sort of heavy metal pieces of music. It’s a lot heavier than what Velvet Revolver has put out [in the past], so I’m dying to put out the quintessential Velvet Revolver record.” [Slash to MTV News, June 2010]
“To be continued! Ha ha ha!” [Corey Taylor to billboard.com after being asked directly about whether or not he is joining Velvet Revolver, January 2011]
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accio-victuuri · 7 months
there are a lot bits and pieces still going around and being discussed about the hengdian clownery. personally, the most interesting is the fact that where wyb is supposed to be is 15 minutes away to where xz is staying in hengdian — and the timeline we are now piecing together. 🧩
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where wyb was supposed to be is not actually inside “hengdian world studios” but as good as. to those who are confused because what people are posting is that douyin has him located in “dongyang” last 2/18 and allegedly last 2/2. well, this information below may explain why:
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XZ is staying at Radisson Hotel which is where WYB also stayed when he did LOF and Luoyang. XZ used it too when he was filming YGY and this filming time was when an AUX appliance ( endorsed by WYB ) was found sent to the hotel. So you can say that they are familiar with this place so if there is somewhere to meet then this is their best bet. I’m pretty sure this place is discreet and employees may be given NDAs by companies that have their talents staying there. In this case, a VIP client like Xiao Zhan will not be there and continue to do so without specific arrangements done for him.
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there is also a comment from someone who is familiar with Hengdian, that this hotel is close to the expressway, like 3-5 mins away. so it is convenient if you need to move around. we don’t really know anything about WYB’s movie or whatever project he is doing, but seeing this, it’s most likely in Zhejiang. this makes sense cause when the news about the location was out, others tested it and wyb was no longer 7km away but 30km. meaning he has left the hotel and posted on douyin on his way back to work. this is a classic meeting up on their part when their locations are close.
2/2 - WYB’s douyin IP is turned off. This only means his IP will not be visible in his profile, but his location can still be tracked when he posts something ( allegedly ). So it could be because he went to HD or they have plans of meeting up so it’s best to be safe.
2/5 - XZ went to Hangzhou to film his performance for BRTV spring festival gala. XZS shared a behind the scenes of that and one thing cpfs noticed was a particular suitcase. the comment was hilarious actually cause the fan was asking why the suitcase was so old and beat up 😂😂😂
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turns out, this looks really similar to a suitcase wyb used back in 2016. it makes sense that it’s beat up and covered in different things now. i know that wyb is not the only person who can have this suitcase but this is just how cpns go. 🤷🏻‍♀️
my clown mind also likes the idea of wyb being there. it’s not as notorious as hengdian world studios with all the paparazzi. the place xz shot this at is pretty lowkey, so wyb can blend in if he visits.
2/9 - GG posted a selfie which has it’s variety of cpn speculations on it’s own. however, looking at it with what we have now — this makes more sense now:
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the second photo shared by xz is really a clue. the ybo art was also so focused on how the ornament was placed. maybe yibo was the one who placed that? and it’s why xz was so fixated. ☺️
and so they were both quiet for the duration of the holidays. xz breaking that with the 5th day for the god of wealth — which is a stock video. i don’t fault him for that tho, he is free to relax.
2/13 - WYB has added some love songs to his qq playlist and the subjects of it : “accompanying is the longest love confession” and being happy despite of a cloudy day? It could be he is missing XZ, especially that Valentines Day is the next day. Maybe he traveled to closer to XZ on 2/14. Take note that XZ is continuously working on the drama, he only had a few days completely off.
2/17 - XZS posted a series of photos that some of his solo fans said is different from what was shared last year. It can be they couldn’t do any new materials because XZ was busy with work + WYB is there. Who knows when they will be able to spend this time together again. I like the idea of their staff respecting their time alone together. They both deserve it 🤎
WHICH LEADS US TO 2/18 when the whole wyb in hengdian issue came up. ⭕️
This may be expanded once we get more clues but this is what we have so far.
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anonomouswriter-blr · 6 months
Oikawa x Reader: School Festival [a haikyuu one-shot]
Ok y'all, so my friends and I had an all-nighter where we write one-shots. The twist is, we each wrote down on different sticky notes a character, a plotline, and I think the third is a location. We did this a year ago and I forgot all about this, but I recently found it so I'm posting it here lol
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I hope you enjoy.
1145 words
Story under the cut.
Being a foreign exchange student, experiencing life in Japan was a bit of a culture shock: different introductions, different eating customs, different school traditions. One school tradition you noted was that Japan had school festival days. For the past week, your class had been working on an idea and building the vision. Today was the final day where the booths would actually be open to people and you were kind of nervous. Why? Who knows. Maybe it was more excitement than nervousness.
Your class finished assembling the booth reasonably quickly, so you figured you’d find your friend Oikawa to see if his booth needed any help. It wasn’t long before you found his booth and he was waving you down. Oikawa was one of the first people to introduce himself to you. Of course, you now realize he was just trying to scope out the new girl considering his… following, but it ended up being a good friendship; mainly consisting of you helping Iwaizumi call him names and him being a weird flirt even though he’s pretty much a dork.
“Hi, Y/n! Couldn’t stay away for long, eh?” he asked, waving.
“No, actually I’m looking for your pretty friend. Hey, Iwa!” you responded jokingly, to which Oikawa feigned a sad pout. “How’s the booth coming along?”
“We're almost done. Just need to put up the last few banners,” Iwaizumi said.
“You may want to be careful, Y/n. As soon as we open, girls will swarm the area. You might get trampled and die,”
“Yeah, I’m sure,” you said, rolling your eyes. “What are you guys doing anyway?”
“Kissing booth,” Iwaizumi said boredly as the title banner was hung up. You turned your head to Oikawa,
“It’s the perfect concept! There's no girl in the world that wouldn’t want to kiss me! Just think of the revenue,”
“I wouldn’t count on it if it’s gonna be you, Oikawa. How is this even allowed in a school setting?”
“It’s just on the cheek. He does have a big following of girls at this school. It’s not like we can use his brain to help our booth,”
“I guess that makes sense,”
“How mean! Everyone undermines my intelligence,”
“Oh yeah, how did your game go Saturday?”
“It was fine. We won, of course, but it just felt too easy. I need a challenge in my life. You should come to my next game! You can wear one of my jerseys,”
“Hmm, tempting, but I’ll pass. Volleyball isn’t really my thing. Well, if you’re pretty much done, I’m gonna head around to look at the other booths. See ya around!”
“Bye, Y/n~!”
Everything looked amazing and you were having a good amount of fun before someone grabbed your shoulders from behind, making you jump. “Ya ho~!”
“Gah! Oikawa you scared me! Why would you do that?” you exclaimed and punched him in the arm.
“Ow! I can take the abuse from Iwa, but from you, it’s just too much,”
“Sorry. I saw opportunity and couldn’t resist,”
“The abuse I endure for you. Do you wanna go do something together?”
“What about your booth?”
“I’m all kissed out and on break. Girls wear a lot of lip product,” he said while rubbing some gloss and balm off his cheek. “But anyways, let’s go get some food or something. I’m so hungry,”
“I saw a teriyaki booth somewhere. Wanna get some of that? You’re paying,”
“Don’t I always?” The two of you walked the booths, trying different foods and desserts. The games were pretty fun too! It was nice playing games that weren’t rigged. You were clowning on Oikawa a bit at how much he sucked at some of the games compared to you, though you're sure he’d thrown some of your matches together. As your escapade continued, you noticed some girls you passed had their hands pressed to their cheeks while pointing and gazing at Oikawa, undoubtedly gushing over how they kissed each other on the cheek.
“I don’t understand how you can manage all the female attention. I’d get too tired of having to interact that much,”
“It does get bothersome sometimes. I used to love it, but now I think I’d prefer to have only one girl's attention, you know?”
“Ah, the development of a teenage male. From boyhood to maturity. All ready to settle down,” suddenly you gasped dramatically, almost making Oikawa drop the snacks he had bought. “A Ferris wheel! How did they get a Ferris wheel here!?”
“Y/n, I don’t think I’d trust that. It looks a little old,”
“Old shmold! Let’s go on!” Without a moment to protest you were dragging Oikawa by the hand to the big ride. “Woah! I can see the field yard from here!”
“Y/n! Please don’t lean out the side like that. You’re gonna fall!”
“Oh, you mean like this?” you asked and leaned out,”
“Y/n!” he said, reaching for you.
“What? Are you scared” you asked, and started rocking the box. He grabbed you and forced you to sit still beside him, like a mother to her rambunctious child.
“You’ve lost your fun privileges. Sit still until the ride is over,” you couldn’t help but laugh at him. You wondered if rides were a fear of his or if it was just Ferris wheels. Either way, it was fun to be out like this. You guys only ever really interacted at school during classes or studying. “Hey, Y/n. I think you should rethink going to my next game. I think I’d play better if you were there,”
“Why would you need to play better? You already win don’t you?” by this time the wheel had stopped and it was time to get off. You left the ride with a ‘thank you’ to the person running it and continued on.
“It’s less about the winning and more about… Y/n, would you just listen for a sec?” he grabbed your hand and pulled you back nearer to him. You blinked twice, looking down at where his hand didn’t leave yours.
“Kawa?” he started running his thumb over your knuckles nervously, his eyebrows knitting together in conflict.
“I want to see you at my games. I don’t care if I win, I just want to see you wearing my jersey number at my games,”
“What do you…” this wasn’t… was it?
“Earlier, I was wondering if you were gonna show up to the kissing booth at some point today. But now I’m realizing I’m glad you didn’t.”
“Because now it feels more genuine,” he looked up at you, into your eyes, it felt invasive, uncomfortable, but not altogether unwelcomed. “Y/n. Can I kiss you?”
“I…” but the decision was clear to you then. “Yes.”
Sure enough, you were at his next game, the number one displayed proudly on your back.
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Happy New Year! I hope you all had a good December! These were my contributions to the @welcomehomefanzine winter zine! I managed to do more art this time too! For my contributions I wanted to draw art on various Winter traditions from different cultures, such as also my own! If you decide to colour in any of these, please @ me!!
Also keep in mind, we are not affiliated with Clown or the team behind WH, we are just fans who love the work!!
I wrote more on all the artworks under the cut! Including the traditions they were based on!
First one was a little visual pun on the first verse of '12 Days of Christmas', Poppy is the partridge in the pear tree! Not much to say about this one, it's my only Christmas related thing! Second one was based on the Southern Welsh winter tradition of the Mari Lwyd. The Mari Lwyd is a hobby horse made from a horse's skull and is then decorated. It is puppeteered to go to the doors of various houses where its handlers will sing verses on letting it in to the home, you are supposed to sing back excuses on why you can't let it in, and if you relent, you invite the Mari Lwyd and its handlers in your home, where it will eat your food and alcohol and terrorise your children! The tradition and its true origins and meaning and even etymology is unknown, but it's thought to have ancient Pagan roots! It seems here, Eddie relented in his songs to it and regretted everything immediately after!
Third image is another Poppy centric piece because I love her. Here she is dressed up as a figure from Schnabelperchten! This is a tradition seen only in Rauris Valley in Austria and is a manifestation of Perchta, a goddess from Alpine Paganism that took the form of a old woman who'd punish misbehaving children by slitting their bellies. For Schnabelperchten, on the 5th of January, figures dressed in smocks, jackets, and a beak-like mask will visit various homes to check their upkeep and cleanliness all while emitting a soft 'ga ga ga', in more ancient versions of the legend, if you did not keep your living quarters in good enough conditions, the Schnabelperchten would slit open your belly and dump all the rubbish inside! Poppy would never do that though! No one tell her about that part!! Last but not least is one based on a tradition from my culture! Here you see the entire neighbourhood celebrating Yalda Night and spending time with one anotherThis is a Persian/Iranian festival with Zoroastrian roots held on the Winter Solstice. This day was traditionally seen as ill omened as being the darkest day of the year, the forces of Ahriman and his Deevs were most active, and so much of the day entailed family and friends getting together in good company. They would read stories and poems (especially the Shahnameh or poems by Hafez) with nuts and various fruits from previous harvests being served, watermelon and pomegranates being the most prominent! It was also encouraged to stay well up after midnight lest misfortune befall you! Due to it also being the longest night, it was also seen as the birthdate of the sun deity Mehr (or Mithra), as the subsequent days would get longer.
This was all fun to do and I hope I did all these traditons justice!! I am most likely missing out a lot on my explanations for them, so I hope I at least peaked your interest in these different Winter festivities enough to look into them on your own!
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dragon-creates · 11 months
Five Times Jax and Pomni Share Dreams of Their Past Lives (And One Time Where They Remember)
Read on AO3
Read Part 2 Here
Jax and Pomni know that they can’t actually dream in this digital world, nor can they remember who they were before coming here. But after retiring to their sleeping quarters each night, they begin to have dreams of people who they have never seen before, not the circus themed cast of characters within this realm, but real people! Why do they seem do real? Why do these dreams feel more like memories? And why do these people remind them so much of each other?
I can't believe how much the silly circus show won me over, and how much brainrot these two have given me. I won't update for I while as I have other wips for different fandoms I'm working on but I wanted to get the first chapter up to help motivate me. Anyways I hope you like this and check out the rest of my tumblr to see what I get up to.
Also yes the chapter titles are Taylor Swift songs because I'm weak.
The air was crisp and cool, though not to the point where people were shivering in their costumes, neon lights were in every corner anyone could see, flashing the paths with pinks, purples and green, different stalls and rides were up, ranging from candy apples and sweets stand to rollercoasters and Ferris wheels and every single person were dressed as either monsters, characters or whatever their imaginations would come up with. Truly, the festival had set the perfect atmosphere for Halloween…well, everyone except for Penny.
She was a short young woman, 23 years of age with long dark hair that reached her waste and curtain bangs along her forehead, with pale skin and a bony structure (she hated that part about herself).
It wasn’t that she was forced to come here – she had heartily accepted when her sister Riley and her girlfriend Winter asked – but now that she was here, she wasn’t so sure anymore. Penny wasn’t really the bravest person around, she flinched at the slightest sound, she dreaded talking to new people who would come her way and had relied on her older sister to help her out for most of her life, but that didn’t mean that she wasn’t trying to overcome any of it. After all it wasn’t like she could control her anxiety, it was something she struggled with ever since she was little. But tonight, she wanted to prove that she was able to enjoy Halloween outside the comfort of handing out candy to trick-or-treaters from the safety of her home. So far, she really did like it, she had fun buying sweets and going on rollercoasters, and though it could be overbearing and loud sometimes, Riley and Winter would take her to a nearby café to help Penny catch her breath before doing something else.
However, this was part of the night that she both desperately wanted and dreaded doing…the haunted funhouse. She knew what was in there, jump scares, clowns and nightmares to last for the next few nights to come, but she didn’t want to miss out, now when she heard about how much fun people have had in there. She just wanted to prove that she wasn’t this scared little nobody, that she was a person who wanted to have fun like everyone else, to enjoy the things that everyone else had fun with. So here she was, dressed in a hastily sewn purple rabbit onesie of her own making (she had made it in a time crunch when learning about the festival) into a terrifying funhouse that deep down, where she wasn’t lying to herself, she did not want to go in.
“Penny no,” she turned to see Riley, holding Winter’s hand as the other girl was texting someone on her phone, “You know what your anxiety’s like, you don’t have to go in there.”
Riley had quite a lean build with noticeable muscle on her arms, she had shoulder length dark red hair, brown eyes and pale skin. She was four years older than Penny, and while she did seem a bit intimidating, she was always soft and protective over her younger sister.
“He’s still not answering,” Winter murmured, shaking her head, “He was supposed to meet us an hour ago.” Winter was slightly taller than Riley, with dark black hair and eyes with a tanned complexion. The two women were dressed in a couple’s costume, Riley as Poison Ivy and Winter as Harley Quinn, they were also supposed to meet with Winter’s friend, but the mystery person still hadn’t shown up yet.
“Maybe he’ll show up while I’m in the funhouse?” Penny suggested as Riley sighed, “I’ll be quick in there, if I run then I’ll have less time to acknowledge the bad stuff in there!”
“Penny, I know you and I know that if you go in there, you’re gonna have a panic attack,” Riley took her little sister’s hand, offering her a pleading gaze, “Please just stay out here with us and we’ll meet up with Winter’s friend. We could go on the rollercoaster again; I know you really enjoyed that one.”
Penny smiled fainty, Riley looking out for her wasn’t anything new, but she didn’t want her sister to be burdened with her. It wasn’t right, Riley deserved to live her life, have fun with Winter and not worry about her scaredy-cat sister all the time, she deserved better than that.
When Riley turned to face Winter again, Penny pulled her hand out of her sister’s and ran into the funhouse, ignoring Riley calling her name the deeper she went in.
She took a few more deep breaths, she was doing! She was doing it and oh…oh she fucked up. There were multiple paintings of disfigured clowns peering down at her from the halls, the eerie sounds of deranged crying and laughing made her hairs stand on end, there were paths twisting and turning as they reminded her that she could get lost in this dreadful house and mirrors that not only showed her in different shapes and sizes, but also her terrified expression. Riley was right, this was too much for her, she didn’t even want to come in here in the first place why did she do this?!
A crazed laugh made her jump, looking carefully over her shoulder, she noticed a tall jester from down the hall, his yellow suit stained with red, and his mask had a twisted smile, hiding dark secrets that she didn’t want to find out. With a scream, she tore off down the hall, the jester chasing after her. She knew that were going to be actors, trained with scaring the guests, but it didn’t mean that she liked it! She really, really shouldn’t have come in here.
She skidded to a stop when she came to a dead end, her back pressing to the wall as the jester came closer and closer to her. She bit back a fearful yelp as he slammed a hand next to her head, peering down at her. She took a few more breaths, trying to keep calm. This isn’t real, this isn’t real, this isn’t real repeating the mantra in her head to help herself from screaming out…before fainting right into the jester’s arms.
“You have some nerve scaring her like that?! Aren’t you supposed to be trained with scenarios like this?!”
Penny groaned at the sound of a loud and angered voice, it sounded like it belonged to a woman and seemed very familiar.
“I am trained for your information!” A male voice retaliated, “I didn’t know she was going to faint!”
“Okay, Riley calm down, Jack be nice!” Another female voice entered the conversation, sharper and more direct than the other two, “What happened right now was an accident, we just need to wait and see if Penny wakes up before we call an ambulance, that was the procedure right Jack?”
“Yeah, yeah,” the male voice was quiet now, “I’m sorry again Winter, I genuinely didn’t know.”
Penny opened her eyes, squinting at the light as she sat up on what seemed to be a mattress. “Oh good you’re awake,” there was a woman she had never seen before beside her, wearing a white hoodie with a red cross on it, “My name is Lianne, I’m a paramedic for the funhouse in case something like this happens.”
“Penny! Oh thank God!” Riley rushed over to her, wrapping her arms around her younger sister and pressed a kiss at the side of her head, “You gave me a heart attack going into that house, and then hearing that you fainted?! Don’t ever do that again!”
Oh that’s right, she fainted, that explained why Riley sounded so angry when she woke up. God help which soul she was speaking to that suffered her wrath. “I’m okay Riley, you were right I shouldn’t have gone in,” Penny sighed, “I’m just tired of not being normal so I wanted to prove-”
“-You don’t have to prove shit,” Riley interrupted, “And you are normal, who the fuck made you think you had to go into a haunted house to prove that you’re a ‘normal person’?”
“Uh…myself?” Penny smiled awkwardly.
Riley shook her head and smiled, it was good to see that she wasn’t actually mad, just really worried, but to be fair worse had happened to Penny to make her sister go into ‘overprotective mode’. “Just don’t push yourself too hard again, okay?” she asked. Penny nodded again, Riley smiled one last time before her eyes furrowed and she turned away to face someone else, “And as for you!”
Penny looked up to see how her sister was talking to when her cheeks suddenly turned red from embarrassment. It was the jester from earlier! He was quite a tall man, with golden brown skin and eyes, with his hair in short dreads pulled up into a ponytail. His face with mixed with both frustration and shame, it wasn’t helping with Riley shouting at him.
“Don’t think you’re off the hook for scaring my little sister!” Riley growled, “I can’t believe you made her faint!”
“How did I make her faint?!” he retorted, “I’ve never had a reaction like hers before I didn’t know she was that scared!”
“That is enough!” Winter stepped in, grabbing them both painfully by the ear for a few seconds and then let them go, “Riley, go outside so I can talk with you, and Jack please apologize to Penny.”
Jack signed, turning to Penny as the girl flushed even more, she still couldn’t believe she fainted in front of him! “I’m sorry,” he said honestly.
“This is the friend I was taking about,” said Winter, “We were supposed to meet up, but he got called in since someone cancelled their shift last minute, but someone forgot to text us!”
“What are you taking about?” He reached into his pocket for his phone, “I sent you message before my…oh…I forgot to actually send it.”
Penny snorted, she tried to hold it in, but she burst out laughing instead, she couldn’t help it, the absurdity of the situation was just too much. She was so caught up in laughing that she didn’t catch the soft smile that Jack had at her reaction.
“Jesus Christ Jack,” Winter rubbed her temples, “What am I gonna do with you?”
“I have a few ideas,” Riley glared at him.
“Okay, you!” She grabbed Riley’s hand, “Come with me, Jack, keep Penny company while I have a chat with my girlfriend.”
“What?!” Penny and Jack said in unison, but Winter had already slammed the door.
“I should, um,” They whipped round to see that the paramedic was still here, having witnessed the entire interaction, “I should go tell my boss that there’s no need to call an ambulance.”
With that, she rushed out the door, leaving the two to stew awkwardly with one another. Penny’s rapidly beating heart wasn’t helping either, she really didn’t want to have another fainting episode again. It didn’t help that this Jack guy was really handsome. Huh? Why did I think that?
“So…” she spoke up, gulping as Jack turned to her, his eyes focused as though he were studying her, like a bug being examined, “What’s the jester like life? I mean! What's the jester life like?! Not the other one, forget about that. In fact don’t talk to me at all! Or do! Don’t let me tell you what to do, I mean, you’re not the one spouting out word vomit!” Jack raised an eyebrow at her, Penny shoved her reddening face into her hands.
It was then Jack’s turn to start laughing, messy chortles escaping his mouth at her bizarre sentence, leading Penny to pout at his reaction. “Sorry toots,” the laughter died down once he saw he face, “I thought you were funny, didn’t mean to offend you. And to answer your question, the jester life is pretty good.”
“You think I’m funny?” she asked. It wasn’t the first time someone laughed at her, but not because they found her humorous.
“Yeah, not everyone can ‘spout word vomit’ and make it cute,” he told her.
Penny blushed. Okay, first he found her funny and now he found her cute, she really hoped he couldn’t hear how loud and fast her heart was beating. “Um, sorry for fainting on you,” she murmured, “Surprisingly it was not the lowest moment of my life.”
“You’re sorry for fainting?” He raised a brow at her again.
“Well it led to my sister yelling out you,” she told him, “I’m sorry about that as well, Riley can get pretty overprotective over me or our mom.”
“Yeah, Winter warned me about that,” he replied, remembering the way he tried to not tremble at her fiery gaze. “If looks could kill.”
“Tell me about it,” Penny nodded, her eyes scanned the costume he was wearing, now having a face attached to it made it less frightening. The way the fabric was stitched and how the everything on the piece was placed, it looked less like something from a Halloween shop and more something homemade. “Did you make this?”
“Huh, oh this? I wish,” he said, “I actually had it commissioned, sure it cost a bit more, but I wanted it to feel a bit more real, you know, to scare people and that.”
“Yeah, well it definitely worked,” Penny giggled, “As someone who does commissions for others as well, its nice when someone reaches out for us to make something.”
“Us?” he titled his head.
“I’m a costume designer, well, studying a course in costume design at college,” Penny explained, “I noticed how your outfit was made and it instantly clicked in my brain.”
“Oh really? Did you also make that rabbit suit you’re wearing?” he asked as he pointed to her onesie.
Penny rolled her eyes, “Not my best work but I had limited time when Winter and Riley asked me if I wanted to come to the Halloween festival. But hey, its warm and cozy for the season!”
“I think it looks cute on you,” he smiled and winked at her. It was a friendly wink, nothing behind it, but it still made Penny’s toes curl. “How about we start over, I’m Jack.” He held his hand out to her.
Penny took it in her own and shook it, “I’m Penny. So, how do you know Winter?”
There was a nervous flicker in his eyes, but he blinked it away before Penny asked anything else, “We meet as freshmen in high school, she was a few months older than me, but she took me under her wing, and we’ve been friends ever since. I met Riley as well when they started dating but I have a feeling I might be on her bad side now.”
Before Penny could say anything else, there was a crash and a scream before Winter and Riley rushed back into the room, slamming the door behind them. “We forgot this was a haunted funhouse,” Winter trembled, her and Riley’s faces paling.
Penny and Jack shared a glance, stifling their laughter as the couple pulled themselves together. “Anyways,” Riley brushed herself off, “We should head home and tell Mom what happened.”
“Right,” Penny nodded before turning back to Jack, “Hopefully we’ll see each other again, but somewhere else cause with all due respect I’m never stepping foot in this funhouse again.”
Jack chuckled, “That’s understandable, and sorry for scaring you again.”
“That’s okay, at least we finally met,” Penny grinned.
“Alright, home time for you miss,” Riley pulled Penny up, giving a final glare towards Jack before leading her sister away.
“It was nice to meet you, Jack!” Penny called back to him.
“The pleasure’s all mine!” Jack called back, giving Winter a hug before she chased after the sisters.
In the car ride back home, Penny found herself smiling. Jack was nice, granted she wished it didn’t take fainting for them to meet but she was glad she did. “So,” Winter turned in the passenger seat to face Penny in the back, “Sorry that it was under these events how you met Jack, hopefully you were okay with him.”
“I’m not,” said Riley, focused on the road.
“Just keep driving mama bear,” Winter rolled her eyes before turning to Penny again.
“I was okay with him, we actually got on pretty well,” she admitted, “I’m glad I finally met him.”
Winter smiled and turned to Riley to smirk at her, “So, it looks like ‘big bad Jack’ won over your little sister.”
“Must you taunt me?” Riley groaned.
“But that why you love me so much,” Winter teased kissed her loudly on the cheek, “It was my taunting that drew you to me.”
Riley tried and failed to repress a lovesick grin. Penny chuckled at her older sister and turned to face out the window again, counting the stars that passed. Hopefully she would meet Jack again.
Pomni woke with a start. What on this digital earth was that?!
Ever since she arrived here, she never had actually dreams before. Whenever she ‘slept’ it felt like she was switching off, like a button on a computer game and blacked out before she was ‘switched on’ again.
But that dream, why did it feel so real? She remembered the concept of dreams, how anything random would happen and the little control you would have over them. Maybe she was a lucid dreamer in her past life and that’s why this one had more will power in it?
She thought back to that Penny girl, she acted so much like her, the nervousness, her fear of mostly everything and her reaction when she went into that funhouse. Although now, she would gladly take that funhouse over this ‘Amazing Digital Circus’.
Then there was Penny’s sister, Riley. Despite how threatening she was at first glance, the protectiveness she had with her sister and the loved-filled eyes for her girlfriend made her feel a bit safer than she ever felt here.
Did Pomni have a family before the circus, did she have an older sister that would protect with without a second thought? Did she have a family that worried about her, wondering what happened to her?
Then she thought of Jack. She thought about him interacting with Penny, how cheeky yet sweet he was with her. And the way he looked at Penny. She felt herself blushing. In a way, his laidback attitude and mischievous grin, he reminded her a little bit of Jax…
She shook her head, she was being ridiculous, regardless of what Ragatha said when she came here, this was just and only a dream. Besides, it probably wouldn’t happen again, and things would return to its usual format here, just switching on and off again.
She sighed and shoved off her bed sheets, mentally preparing herself for whatever sanity Caine had up his sleeves.
Its not like anyone else was having these types of dreams, right?
That would be the case…for anyone who wasn’t Jax.
The rabbit was currently at the breakfast table, he Gangle and Kinger waiting for everyone else to arrive.
Just when he thought we finally got used to this place, he had an actual dream last night, not the usual shut down he received every night. He remembered every detail from the lights of the festival to the noises supplied from the funhouse and that Jack guy in the jester costume.
There wasn’t much he got from the dream about him, just that was someone who worked to scare people and make money out of it, honestly it seemed the ideal career path he would take if he weren’t stuck here.
But what made that dream so memorable for him was that Penny girl. The way she would shyly peek through her hands, to her kind smile and her knowledge with costumes, and of course he couldn’t forget about her fainting spell. Talk about an unexpected surprise.
Although, she did seem sweet in a way, whoever this Jack guy was he hoped that he was smart enough to see her again. Jax sighed, what was he talking about? This was a dream, plain and simple, yet here he was acting as though he knew this Jack person.
Just leave it he thought bitterly its stupid anyway.
“I’m gonna check where the rest of them at,” he told Gangle and Kinger, “Zooble probably lost one of his arms again, so I might as well hide it if that’s the case.”
“Wouldn’t you rather help them find it?” Gangle whimpered.
Jax huffed out a laugh, “And where’s the fun in that?”
He got out from his chair, only to bump into another body, almost losing his balance, “Hey, watch where your-”
He looked down to see Pomni sitting on the ground, probably from him bumping into her, her red and blue eyes widening when she realised what she did.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’m sorry!” she burst out, “Usually I sit next to you whenever we eat, and I didn’t see you sitting up but I’m still really sorry either way I shouldn’t have done that-”
“-Not the other one, forget about that. In fact don’t talk to me at all! Or do! Don’t let me tell you what to do, I mean, you’re not the one spouting out word vomit!”
“I’m really sorry!”
Jax snapped out of his trance, looking down at Pomni again, her eyes looking both sad and apologetic. He signed, reaching down to pull her up by the end. “Relax pom-pom, it wasn’t like you planned to do that…unless?”
“What, no, of course not!” she yelped.
 Jax laughed, the newbie was easy to rile up.
“Shut up Jax,” Zooble moved past him to get to their spot, “Let’s just get breakfast over with before we need to deal with the headache Caine is gonna give us.”
“Whatever,” Jax slumped back into his seat, Pomni gently placing herself upon hers as Zooble and Ragatha did the same.
The way Pomni acted just then, the way she was quick to flush and stutter over her words, and the fact that she was so nervous about everything as well. It was all just like Penny.
No, don’t, don’t be stupid Jax. Jack isn’t real, Penny isn’t real, so don’t bother comparing her to Pomni.
With that, he let himself continue with his food.
But it wouldn’t be the last time he or Pomni would make these comparisons, and it definitely wouldn’t be the last time they had these ‘dreams.’
See you next time, let me know if I've written them well, this is the first time writing for this fandom. And who knows, perhaps next chapter the sillies might actually go on a date? 🤷
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familyvideostevie · 2 years
hugs that last a beat too long for Eddie please? <3
i think every hug with eddie lasts long because he's a hugger <3 here you go dear! i tried to make it a little festive too, so happy Halloween! __
"Fuck!" you scream. Robin fists her hand in your jacket, her knuckles pressing into your back.
"Go, go, go!" she yells. In hindsight, the haunted house you're in was a bad idea. Neither of you is well-equipped for this kind of terror no matter how much money you bet Steve and Eddie that you'd make it without bailing.
"When is this thing fucking over?" you hurl behind you as you dodge a clown with a chainsaw. You've been in here for 5 minutes, 10 minutes, an hour, you don't know. "Shit!" A nurse with blood down the front of her uniform laughs at you.
"My eyes are closed, I don't know!" Strobe lights flash and a skeleton launches out of the wall at you so you grab Robin's hand and yank her down a hallway of mirrors and then --
You exit into the fall evening, maniacal laughter and scary stuff behind you, gulping fresh air with your hands on your knees.
Slow clapping comes from somewhere in front of you. "Nice work," Steve says. "Looks like you earned twenty bucks."
"I'd like to see you give it a go, Harrington," you say. Robin punches him in the arm.
"Nah, Steve's a wimp." He doesn't deny it.
"Hey," you say, "where did Eddie--"
"Boo!" You jump about three feet in the air, screaming louder than you did in the house with Robin. You whirl around and find the boy you were just looking for with his hands in the air and a smirk on his face.
"Not funny," you yell. "Come on!" You're not really that mad, but your adrenaline is still pumping and he can tell. Maybe that's why he gathers you in his arms and pulls you to his chest.
"Aw, sorry, sweetheart," he says into your hair. "Couldn't resist." His embrace is firm and his neck smells sweet. "Forgive me?"
You should let go, but you don't want to. Eddie's heartbeat against yours calms you down, even though yours doesn't slow. But now it's not so much the adrenaline as it is his closeness. "Maybe," you say. "If you buy me some kettle corn. And I mean a big bag, Eddie."
He squeezes you once, just a quick tightening of his arms. "Okay," he says in your ear.
"Jesus, guys," Steve moans. "We're freezing over here. Can we get a move on?" Eddie releases you but tucks your hand into the crook of his elbow. His cheeks are a little pink and he smiles at you crookedly.
"A big bag, huh?" he whispers. "Bet we could get Harrington to get us two."
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Well, I think I made a mistake by putting Jordan Brookes first in the running order of my (first) Edinburgh Fringe experience. I thought it would be cool. Start the Fringe with the only person who has ever held the title of Edinburgh Fringe Festival Champion (they've changed the name of the Perrier so often, I'm just going to call it Champion as a name that's standard across eras) for more than a year. That's fun. And I very much like all his NextUp shows (I think there are four and I recommend all of them, but especially Bleed and Body of Work, both of which are also on YouTube for free), so it's a safe bet.
Unfortunately, he has set the bar way too high. I came away thinking... is there any chance all Edinburgh shows are that much better if you see them in person than on a recording? And I'm sure that helps, but that can't be the main reason why tonight was so good. I'm pretty sure tonight was amazing because Jordan Brookes has written an incredible show that no one else can live up to.
I mean, it does help that this was a rare case of me seeing a show in person. I think I might get clowning now! This wasn't a clown show or anything - I don't think, certainly more laughs came from things he said than things he did - but he did a lot of throwing his body all over the place in ways that made me laugh tonight, and that I know would not make me laugh on a recording. I've said for ages that I know my inability to "get" clowning may just be down to me watching most comedy on recordings, maybe it's only funny in the room. But to be honest, when I said that, I didn't really believe it. I really thought it was just a weird thing I don't understand. However, it turns out that people doing absurd things with their bodies is actually very funny, if they're right in front of you. Who knew? (Lots of people knew.)
Oh I've been here one evening and have already been able to play comedian spotting! I am very, very bad at recognizing faces, so I'm not going to be great at that game throughout the week. But in his show, at one point Jordan Brookes was reading a list of made-up names, and he said "Edward Hare", and I thought, "Isn't Eddy Hare one of the guys in Crizards?" Later on some people came out to do background dancing during the show, and it was really funny, but I kept being distracted by thinking "Is the guy on the right that guy from Crizards, or do I just think that because I heard his name earlier?" At the end of the show, the backup dancers were outside giving out flyers to their own shows, and the guy I recognized gave me one that confirmed he was Eddy Hare from Crizards, so score one against my face blindness there.
More significantly, throughout the show, I kept seeing this one guy in the audience and thinking "Is that Jin Hao Li or am I a racist?" I'm pleased to say that after the show, I saw a woman go up to him, I heard her call him "Jin" and tell him she was a fan of his comedy. Score two points against my face blindness in one night! I've seen one Fringe show ever, but I've already watched one comedy show while sharing the audience with another comedian - one I like enough to have booked his show later in the week. That's what festivals are for (according to my previous experience of festivals, which are folk music festivals where I'll frequently see a show with one musician on stage and one in the audience, then at the next show the second musician will be on stage and the first in the audience).
Seriously though, Brookes was amazing. We walked by him on the way out, the guy in front of me told him "That was the best show I've ever seen at the Fringe." The guy who said that had the look of someone who's probably seen a lot of shows at the Edinburgh Fringe before. And I thought... it's the best show I've ever seen at the Fringe too! I know I've only seen one, but I feel like that would be true even if I'd been coming for years! It's too high a bar!
Anyway I then went for a walk through the Royal Mile and surrounding area at night, and I don't know nearly enough words to describe how incredible that was.
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I spent so much time in the run-up to this trip reminding myself that not everything will be as cool as it looks on the internet, real life is mundane everywhere. To try to lower my expectations so I wouldn't be disappointed. What I hadn't prepared for was the possibility that it really would be this beautiful.
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writerblock-sucks · 2 years
[ 📞 ] kbs song festival … collab stage 
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faith’s masterlist
note | i may comeback and edit this later but who knows and if I could figure out away to do twitter fan reaction i’ll try
warning(s) / includes | none
a/n | layout inspired by @skz-angel
song claim | how ya doin’?
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— BACKGROUND: she knew there wasn’t going to be many idols that would properly execute the ‘y2k’ theme so she asked to have an addiction special stage to do so, instead of just jyp nation. both jyp and the organizers okayed it but they said it would be sectioned at the very end. div1 was originally going to pick who she was preforming with but since faith decided to make an original song they were going to perform, faith wanted to personally pick the idols/voices. she picked aespa’s ningning, ive’s yujin, and le sserafim’s chaewon.
— CREATIVE PROCESS: composing and arrangement was left to faith and 3racha, but producing and lyrics were a combination of all four girls. even though faith had a heavy hand in everything, she wasn’t going to let the rest feel left out, yujin and ningning created the hook and chaewon and faith made the chorus and pre-chorus. chore wise faith didn’t want complicated, she wanted it to flow and groove, the song was very vocal heavy and thought to add a dance break for the end. faith main inspiration was missy elliott and destiny child.
— STRAY KIDS REACTIONS: all of them knew faith had a special stage with other female idols, but only 3racha and i.n knew more then the rest, i.n help with some styling choices and stage details. at the actual performance everyone was shocked, danceracha was amazed by the simple but still eye catching choreo, 3racha was making stank face, it’s a good thing for those who don’t know, the whole stage, faith did the final touches so they didn’t really know how it truly sounded. vocalracha was in their element and seungmin had his eye closed and look like he was humming along, stays clowned him and said he looked like an elderly man listen to a symphony.
— VIEWERS REACTIONS: fans and non-fans loved this stage, which is how it became the most viewed in 24hrs. western fans loved the song and styling, because let’s be honest a lot of those stages were not on theme. domestic fans loved the song as well and thought the dance break was cool. live viewers notice the editing for the stage was reminiscent of 1st and 2nd generation of idols, which many older stans adored. many people were unset that this song wouldn’t be released on stream platform, non kpop fans saw the clips on twitter and tiktok and feel in love with the performance and keep asking who the group was.
— STAGE: before the second pre-chorus the stage looks like a stereotypical western girls' room in the 2000s clueless, mean girls, and legally blonde were used as inspiration. at the start of the 4th chorus, it transforms into a nightclub, step up movies were used as a base.
— STYLING: in order faith, chaewon, ningning, yujin
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hair and makeup were left natural with little product, makeup was nudish lips or had a brown lip liner with glittery eyeshadow. the girls pick the outfits themselves, however 2000s black fashion was used a heavy inspiration for the clothing and makeup choice.
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2022 © writerblock-sucks
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caralara · 6 months
has something happened, Cara? did i miss something? sofia stunt as in sofia the scandinavian girl everybody forgot about? is she back? what has asia to do with that stunt? totally agree that louis' career would only benefit if there were some women in his team but i'm really confused about what exactly you're talking about now. have a lovely weekend!
Oh my comment was set off by the AFHF announcement, and the subsequent detective rabbithole everyone went down trying to figure out where it will be this year, and loads of people saying Mexico bc of the cacti in the picture plus that Mexican promoter account tweeting and deleting AFHF recently. I got riled up about how badly they failed last year for AFHF, how we could tell right from when they announced it (quite late) to then being there and seeing how they only sold 2/3 of tickets and not even everyone showed up. They had to cut back massively on staff (one of the reasons why entry was handled so badly and why they didn’t have enough staff to hand out the wristbands), and how they absolutely need to have a (financial) success with this year‘s AFHF in order to not have the whole festival get jeopardised and maybe cancelled. And that led to me talking about the root problem of the team being just men, and then listing examples of their recent fuck ups that very likely wouldn’t have happened that way if they had a woman on their team they‘d listen to once in a while, like for example the Sofia stunt. I guarantee you that no man on that team even thought about the fact that in 2023, with a majorly queer, feminist female fanbase that huge age gap could be problematic for Louis‘ image with his fans, because men in general don’t think about much younger women being with older men as problematic at all. They dropped her like hot iron *after* the backlash from all sides. Then they didn’t handle communication well when they cancelled Asia at all. Like. At all.
For AFHF, I understand that Mexican fans are super passionate but I already gotten many messages by latam fans saying even though living in Mexico City they wouldn’t be able to afford it. I don’t think it’ll be in Mexico, they really need to be in the black numbers for this year‘s AFHF, so they need it to be accessible to fans with strong financial powers. Europe has the majority of louis‘ fandom with strong financial power, and logistically it would be crazy to fly back and forth about 16-18 hours between European festivals for AFHF, if he could do it in Europe again.
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If he keeps it in a similar time frame (august) as the past (although he’s already had the first announcement two months earlier than usually), there’s only the last July or last August weekend (going into September) available.
A friend actually sent me the Ponte de Segura bridge that looks a lot like the viaduct used in the picture, and it’s right at the border of Portugal to Spain. End of July he’s got two festivals in Portugal and Spain, and he could easily oversee the set up during the week between those two.
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There’s also huge festival grounds 20 minutes from that bridge, that usually hosts the BOOM festival, but only every other year - meaning that July weekend is free for 2024 and the infrastructure for the festival has been well established (since 1997) with shuttles, vendors, camp sites, stage infrastructures… it looks really great.
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The thing that still got me entertaining Mexico as a possibility is the cacti that have been edited in, that mostly only grow in South America, and the Mexican promoter.
Anyways, tell me louis wouldn’t go for this?? The shore, the lake, the rocks, the surroundings, the heat??
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Anyways the real clowning begins if you imagine louis launches AFHF to be TWO days by having Niall headline the first day… that would certainly draw the necessary crowds and they’re already doing a bit of the festival run together this summer 🤡🤪
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desultory-novice · 1 year
I really would like to see interactions between the Wave 1 characters. An earlier post you made did make me think about it some more.
The animal trio would certainly view Gooey as their little pal, but the real question of course lies with Marx. I wonder how Rick, Kine and Coo would interact with him? I interpret that Gooey is similar to Kirby to where he easily forgives and likes just about anyone, so I think he and Marx would have little to no trouble between each other.
I suppose maybe we could extend this subject and wonder how Marx could possibly interact with the DL3 animal trio, too. I had this hilarious thought of Nago stealing Marx's beach ball to play around with, lol.
I'm, of course, rather soft on Marx, as a everyone surely knows by now. I don't dismiss the things he did, nor his less heroic traits (if he can be said to have ANY heroic traits at all :laugh:) but I do like to imagine what he's like in his off hours, so to speak.
Something that I was just thinking about the other day was that, currently, Marx is listed as a "道化師"or "jester" ("ピエロ" or "pierrot"/"clown" in the Dedede Encyclopedia) but when he made his first appearance, he was known as "魔法使いのマルク" or "Marx the Magician."
What all those things tell me is that Marx, in his day to day life, is probably an entertainer. The "magician" thing could have referred to him being a stage magician, or maybe people in Dream Land knew him as the helpful neighborhood wizard? I'd think it would be in his best interest to try and earn a relatively reputable reputation for himself before pulling off his grand scheme.
Going back to the Dedede Encyclopedia entry about Marx, King Dedede talks about him like "...I think he caused some kind of big incident once?" so I'd like to think that the truth of his and Kirby's fight wasn't all that well known and people don't really hold that against him.
Poppy Jr: "Hey, Kirby! How'd it go with the sun and moon thing? Marx said something about checking on you and then he left?" Kirby: "Mmm. Yeah. We fought. He blew up. Everything's good now though. ...Yaaaaawn... Sleepy time..." Poppy Jr: "...???"
Honestly, I find it hard to imagine anyone in Popstar holds anything against anyone? That seems so antithetical to the way we've seen life depicted as on the star-shaped planet.
What I think is kind of neat about the Animal Friends in combination with Marx is that they all kind of give off this... circus vibe to me?
You know Ricks' one move, where he takes out an umbrella and spins Kirby around on it? That's known as 傘回し or "umbrella spinning" in Japan and it is a historical performance art. And so, I like to think that Marx, Gooey, and the Animal Friends (DL2 and 3) make up a kind of low-key "circus" act for Dream Land. Or at least bond over festivals and such.
I mean, the Wave 1 team are all pretty laid back and probably much more interested in having a good time than any of the other Waves, who have more outside-Popstar connections. Gooey might be Dark Matter, but that's never mattered to them. And HC aside, Marx on the surface is just a fun-loving, silly little guy. I mean, look at this face! Look at him!!! He just wants to be silly!
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But yeah, when I think back to the fact that the opening of MWW has Kirby alongside a Bronto Burt, a Waddle Dee, and a Poppy Brother, I thnk that Marx is probably someone who deals more with the "commoner" side of Dream Land, which is where Gooey and the Animal Friends fit to me too.
As for opinions on him... I think that the older-coded members probably treat him as a funny little scamp. I think that, despite their best attempts not to laugh, Marx's hijinks or bad puns probably get a dumb giggle out of them. They've been around enough to not take him too seriously. (The Nago and Marx fighting over his ball imagery is the cutest darn thing and thank you so much for it!)
As for the younger ones, Chuchu probably loves him WHEN he's being explicitly cute but turns up her nonexistent nose at him when he's not. They probably also share bow tips. I can see Marx playing a lot of games with Pitch, with the others keeping an eye to make sure he doesn't play too rough. (Alternatively, he's taken a couple of painful "warning" pecks to the head by Pitch Mama.)
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Yep yep yep! I can see Gooey and Marx having the strongest bond out of the 8 of them too. Because while the others all share the trait of being "laid back" and "easy-going" both Marx and Gooey have something special going on with them. They're both different in a way that the others don't get. Not that either of them have a need to (or CAN) talk about it. But I think Gooey probably looks up to Marx for being weird and unexplainable "like me" and Marx digs Gooey for being kinda "wrong" - like him.
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swampstew · 2 years
200 follower event ~ The ninja way
Thank you so much for the follows, it means so much to me that y'all like my silly stories. I'll keep special events to every 500 mark moving forward and hope to continue making content that we all enjoy♥ Check out my updated pinned post for a sneak peek of future content you can expect to see from me!
Word Count: 1.9K - contains Wano Arc spoilers! CW: 18+ only, Spicy, Eustass Kid X AFAB Reader, consent very much implied, vaginal penetration, voyeurism, sexy games, some BDSM, chasing games, masturbation. m!n0rs DNI you will be blocked
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Captain Kid was sulking in a bar in the capital city of Wano. The festival going on should have improved his mood but he was mad as hell. He took down an emperor and a literal clown took his rightful place as a new emperor. And the World Government named a literal child as a new emperor too. Why the fuck was the universe so against him???
He knocked back the sake, he wanted to get raging drunk and then slink home to the ship. He was so bummed he made Killer leave, not wanting to be a damper on his friend’s night for his role in the battle. Kid also regretted the decision. He was wallowing in self pity and leaning gravely into despair, Killer would be easing his frayed nerves and hyping him up. He held up his empty glass to the bartender, he needed to get much drunker.
A group of patrons at a nearby table erupted in cheers, toasting their glasses together before knocking them back. Kid squinted in their direction, trying to focus through the buzz. He recognized those people, from where…oh yeah. They were ninja and they had been in the fight on Onigashima along the samurai, minks and pirates. Hmm, he wondered if that one kunoichi was among the group.
The one ninja sitting with their back to him got up and made their way to the bathroom – it was the kunoichi! She had caught Kid’s eye when he had put the final blow into Big Mom. As he was laying down on the floor battered to shit with Law, samurai and ninjas had stepped up and defended them and their crews.
She had been the first one to jump in the line of fire for them. Or rather, she and her clones. Scared the shit out of him at first when they popped up out of nowhere; he thought he was dead for sure when they reached him to check on him. Seeing that he was just out of breath and needed a moment to recuperate, she gave him a knowing nod before doing a cool backflip and jumping into battle, clones in tow.
Kid drank his sake as he commiserated in the memories; shaken out of his thoughts when he saw her come back to her table. She was pretty hot, in battle and out. She had long Y/H/C that she tied back into a sleek ponytail. Not a bad body either, eying her from head to toe. He wasn’t sure he had it in him to even bother pursuing, he was in that bad of a rut. Her table was getting progressively louder the more they drank, and it made him feel worse.
“I heard that the pirate who took out Kaido started the festival by shooting fireworks from his shoulders! What a wild guy!”
Kid snorted, the only thing Luffy threw was his damn beer, spilling it on Kid who got literally wrapped up in the rubber bastard’s limbs as he tried to cut him down. Stupid fool thought they were buddies? Fuck that noise! Kid noped the fuck outta there.
“Let’s head over there and buy them drinks to say our thanks!” another ninja cried, the others agreeing quickly as they threw money down on the table, rising to leave. All but her.
She had a buttery voice that made Kid’s ears perk. “You’re not going to start with the Pirate Captain who is already here?”
“Kid-san over at the bar.”
Kid nearly choked on his drink, he thought he had been unobserved the whole time.
“Uhhh dunno Y/N, he doesn’t look too approachable.”
“Tsk too scared? And you call yourselves ninja.”
“Why don’t you thank him?”
“I already did.”
Confused, Kid stops his eavesdropping as the bartender placed an unopened bottle of liquor and folded note next to his glass. “From the woman at the other end,” she pointed.
Looking across the bar, Kid saw the same kunoichi leaning against the bar table, smiling at him and then with a cross of her hands in front of her – she was gone in a poof. Now VERY confused, Kid swiveled his head back at the group and saw that they were already leaving the bar. The Y/N was the last out the door and she turned back, meeting his eyes. She gave him a nod and walked out, hands tugging the pockets of her leather jacket down.
Kid looked at the bottle, it was an expensive brand and that made him crack a smirk. Opening the note, he read her curved handwriting: thank you for your help liberating my country. On the back there was a sketch of the festival route with little arrow markers. With a shrug, Kid chugged the sake in his glass and left the bar with his gifted bottle, intent on finding the ninjas.
He was quick to catch up to them, easy to spot the taller ninja of the group against the crowd, Kid followed a few meters behind them. Y/N suddenly broke off from the group without a word to her squadron, making a sharp left turn down a less crowded street. Looking back at the note, Kid quickly realized she was going down the route she had drawn.
Smirking, he dashed down the same corridor, doing his utmost best to keep quiet as he followed the sole ninja. She was fast, he lost sight of her almost immediately but he had the map so he made do. After he made the last turn, he realized that there were a few small houses down the street from the port. Looking left to right, he tried to deduce where the kunoichi could have gone.
It took Kid several houses before he finally peered into a window and found her. She was laying in bed with her pants down and her top pushed up, exposed, and playing with herself. Well now, he could do with a free show, might even cure him of all his woes.
He glanced around the street; he was mostly hidden from view and that was good enough for him. He unzipped his pants and whipped his cock out, slowly jerking himself to the sexy kunoichi.
“Finally found me huh?” she panted out loud.
Kid froze, shit he hadn’t meant to get caught so quickly.
“It’s ok, I don’t mind,” she husked, sitting up to discard of her pants entirely. She looked to him through the partially open window. “Bra on or off?”
“Off,” he coughed into his elbow. “Erm…thanks for the booze.”
“Heh least I could do,” she dropped the last of her clothes and laid back in the bed. “You gonna watch from outside or do you want to sit inside?”
Kid sat in the fabric armchair, drinking his bottle and stroking his cock, watching the kunoichi – Y/N now that they were on a first name basis – rub fast circles on her clit. She moaned and rolled her hips as she changed her pace.
“Play with yer tits more,” he crowed.
Y/N cupped her breast, squeezing her flesh and pulling her nipple. Tweaking it while she tweaked her nub, making sharp inhalations.
“Verrry nice,” he purred, increasing his pace and grip on his throbbing cock. “Y’know, this is hot ‘n all but I prefer being deep inside.”
“Oh you want penetration?” she giggled, plunging a finger deep in her core. “Sure if you can find the real me.”
Kid’s shaved eyebrows rose into his goggles. “The real you?”
Y/N pulled her fingers out of her pussy and sucked them clean. With a cross of her hands, she once again disappeared. Kid shot up from his seat, was he being pranked??? The sound of more poofing echoed in the room and suddenly there were five more clones of Y/N in a skimpy dress, beckoning him.
“If you can find me, you can stick it in me.”
Kid cocked a leer, sure he liked games, especially when he gets to be the hunter.
“When I find you, I’m gonna pin you down and take you the way I want.”
The clones pranced around the room, calling out at him to distract him, luring him to false promises. Kid pounced on the first one, throwing her to the bed and pinning her. Pressing his cock against her warm stomach, he husked into her ear.
He spread her legs and positioned himself over her, pushing her dress up and brushing against her naked center. She was wet, Kid began to push in, feeling her heat pulse around the edge of his tip. She crossed her hands and she was gone – Kid dipped into the bed, shocked, and now annoyed. Ok, time to dial it up a notch.
Kid hoisted another clone over his hips and slammed her into the wall, kissing her harshly and rushing his hand to her pussy. He got the first digit of his middle finger inside her before she also disappeared. He threw the third clone face down on the carpet and ripped her dress off, spanking her ass and watching her cheeks jiggle. He spread her thighs and watched her silk spill from her core in a thick line – he caught it in his hand and lubed his cock, aching to bury himself in her. Before he could get an inch and a half of his cock in her, she disappeared.
Now his cock was hurting. The fourth one tripped and fell on her back, and when he landed on top of her, hands kneading her tits and cock rubbing between her folds, he managed to get three inches deep in her before she also disappeared. There was only one left – Kid was fucking determined and ready to ruin her. She leapt on furniture and dashed around him, running through the house to evade him, teasing him with flashes of her body or blowing kisses every time he just missed her. Watching her lithe body twist and turn, he quickly learned how to predict her next move and as she leapt into the air, Kid dove to her intended spot and caught her.
He dropped her on the bed and held her by her hair, positioning her in front of his cock.
“I hope you’re fucking ready for me,” he growled, pinching her chin to open her mouth and stuffing his cock in her face. Her wet muscle squirmed over his heavy cock as he thrusted himself up to the hilt. He grunted out, “fuck this sure feels real,” sighing. “Too bad it’s not, you tease.”
The clone disappeared and he hung his head. Pacing around the room, “y’know I was totally willing to be a generous lover tonight but after this stunt, the first four orgasms are going to be my own.”
His ears picked up something in the corner behind a paper divider he had overlooked. He reached with his haki, so she was there the whole time but she managed to disperse her energy signature amongst each clone to fool him into thinking she was out there.
Using his dagger, he ripped the divider to ribbons and pushed through. Y/N was laid up on a purple chaise lounge, lace bra and panties shoved aside as she pleasured herself.
“Took you long enough,” she gasped.
Kid towered over her, cock bobbing angrily while he pinned her down by the shoulders. “That was pretty cute. I hope it was worth it because I am going to leave here having filled every one of your holes, twice,” he growled.
“I’m ok with being a sacrifice after what you did,” she squeaked.
“Don’t break on me,” he husked, angling his hips and burying his bursting cock deep into her warm and wet pussy, Y/N crying out from the way it split her open.
“Ah shit, you’re nice and tight. This is gonna be a good night after all.”
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accio-victuuri · 10 months
one photo, multiple cpns. 📸
thank you wyb for sharing that photo with us. taken in xiamen, the evening > early morning of GRA nominee gala. it was a memorable and tiring day for him and it makes me somft thinking that in between the chaos, he was still able to take a moment and shoot photos. that he had some peace & quiet in that very busy few days.
the moon is a common cpf symbolism and this is an example of why, with all the photos wyb probably has on his phone — he decided to share this. it’s not even current per se. he is someone who would preferably post something related to his hobbies like what he did with the “helmet selfie” or him climbing a volcano in inner mongolia. so this may not be as uncommon, but definitely different from his usual or expected post. and the fact that how the moon looks in the photo is so similar to what zz posted back in 11/19. him sharing this close to that photo, i can’t help but think that he is deliberately matching that. like what they did back in the moon festival.
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they are so sweet, these are probably leftovers, from all the photos they sent to each other. also how it seems like a reminder to them that no matter how far apart they are, they are still under the same moon. the white and red also gets me! i know lwj is blue but he is also white and wwx is red. perfect match! 🤍
we seem to be at the bottom of the pond, from one moon to another… 🌙
• CPFs are now talking about the whole 2019 throwback to this place and how it recreates the ideal life painting. ( I already explained that connection here. ) YBO sharing this additional photo of Bobo by the beach just adds to that visual.
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i can’t help but notice too that at the time xz painted in 2019, “wyb” was wearing something casual and was clearly a young man. in wyb’s recreation, he is all grown up and in a suit. years passed and things may have changed, but being together is still their “ideal life”
it sort of echoes what ZZ did last 11/19. Referencing 2018 ( japan cpn, a fandom fave ) so WYB is here showing off and seemingly saying that this is him giving a nod to 2019 ( ideal life painting which is also a fandom fave ).
• The kadian for posting time 18:27 which means Yibo Love Wife. The wife being ZZ in this case, I know most of us don’t approve of the whole wife thing but it is what it is.
or you can go full galaxy brain CPN, 1827 days. from 11/19 2018 to 11/20 23. That’s 5 years. We have been clowning about the 5th year anniversary so….
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• Both of their studio can’t do anything but repost and boast about their laobans! 😂😂😂
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• WYB’s message and reminder of the temperature dropping is more for XZ than us. OR it could be that they are together and WYB decided to send this out + remind people to keep warm. 🤍
Some are also pointing out that he is going to Macau soon for the IQIYI event this saturday, it’s not cold there like in Beijing. So it’s a message to someone who will be staying in Beijing.
• Just to drive it home that these two have been matching more than usual this year. for the few times they share something personal on weibo. So it’s not only this time, as what i always say, there is a pattern.
Those who pay attention will notice. 👀👀👀
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simmingnate · 6 days
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"Are these butterflies in my stomach or did I just eat some dodgy Goopy Carbonara for lunch?"
Our ladies are fired up to see Johnny on stage, especially Meghan…
"I wore the right hat! I can understand human jokes… I mean, normal jokes… much better when I wear this."
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Johnny is in his element, and performs his routine for the ladies…
"… and I said, hey, that's not a freshly plowed field - that's my second dining room! Thank you, thank you, you've been a great audience - I wish I could marry you all! But that's a different kind of show…"
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Our funny Valentino Johnny is bowled over by the ladies' positive reaction, who are definitely a totally objective audience… but now it's surprise time!
"You liked that, huh? Well, how about you give it a go? I'd like to welcome you all to the stage! It's open-mic night!”
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The first brave volunteer is Penelope, who plays it safe with a family quip.
"Umm… oh, here's a joke my dad always used to tell me… How does the sun say hello? SOL-SOL!”
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Next up… Mía, who decides to go with a classic - poking fun at a parent!
"But seriously, my mum wears so much makeup, she thought the Sad Clown painting was a mirror! She saw it and said 'hey, Mía, why didn't you tell me I forgot to put on lipstick?'"
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Aubrey takes to the stage next, and uses her own experience as an activist to lobby for laughs!
"So we've all heard of 'pick-me' girls, right? Well, I'm more of a 'picket-me' girl! You wanna date me? Make signs! Think of some chants! Start a petition! I want to see action!"
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"OK soAHAHAHAHAH sorry… OK, HAHAHA no wait, wait, waitHAHAHAHAHAHA OK so first of all HAHAHAHAHA no, no, no, wait - wait, no HAHAHA no it's really good! No it's really funny I just have toHAHAHAHAHAHAHA…"
Well, Riley, the important thing is that you tried!
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Up next is Liz, who is about as confident on stage as her appearance would suggest.
"I don't… um… know many jokes but… um… sorry… I did hear one about a parrot in a bathtub but… I forget how it goes.”
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Next on stage is Lena, who surprises everyone with her confidence!
"Last summer I visited the Spice Festival and I tried a Bubble Blower for the first time… wow, that was a trip! I ate a whole chocolate cake! Although, that was before I even left for the festival…"
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"Well now, maybe I should watch my back, some of you are funnier than me! How about we take five and grab a delicious cocktail generously provided by Champs Les Sims Distillery™️?"
The ladies are hooked on the divine Champs Les Sims Distillery™️ drinks - all buzz, no fuss! 🍹
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