#the coat aesthetic/look. It looks terrible
marypsue · 1 year
In that vein (hah), I just have to take a moment to gush about the costuming in The Lost Boys because. Have you seen the costuming in The Lost Boys. Like each costume standing on its own without anyone in it still gives you a sense of a whole character, which is important because some of these characters don't get, uh, lines. We have to be able to distinguish them immediately by visuals, and the thing is, we can, because they're not just dressed to look attractive, they're dressed with the purpose of establishing character.
Like, consider Michael. They kept it very simple for him, on purpose, he's a regular everyman kind of guy thrown into a Situation. But also, he's trying too hard. The white t-shirt, jeans, and leather jacket call back to James Dean, Rebel Without A Cause, but the leather jacket's brand new without a scuff or a crack, not broken in, and it sits uncomfortably on his shoulders. The earring doesn't suit him - it belongs to somebody else, a funhouse mirror version of himself that he's tempted by, but also it literally belongs to somebody else. Who gave him that earring? Star's implied to have done the piercing, for him, which also tracks - the earring's a little piece of someone else, someone darker and wilder, that's been dug right down into his flesh by his association with Star. It's tasted his blood.
It's also a little piece of the boys' uniting aesthetic bleeding over onto him. There's a magpie sensibility to all of them, but then each of them are visually distinct as themselves within it.
Star's clothes have 80s cuts but form a 60s hippie silhouette, solidified in time. She's the most colourful of them all, her white tops signifying a flash of innocence, but at the same time as she climbs on David's bike, she pulls on a big black jacket that almost envelops her, a little piece of his shadow falling over her and devouring her light. Again, it doesn't quite fit her, like she's playing dressup as a darker, wilder self just like Michael is.
And speaking of David. That boy is chin to toe wrapped up in black. The coat references batwings, which is a great detail. And those gloves! He doesn't touch Star; he doesn't touch Michael; he doesn't touch the world, except through a layer of darkness. It's real Old West, white-hat-black-hat level symbolism. Except.
The real villain of the piece isn't the dangerous, sharp-edged boy in black - although of course you need to look out for him, they don't call him 'dangerous' for no reason. The real villain of the piece is the most perfectly conventional, middle-class, unassuming, don't-look-twice take-him-home-to-mother normal guy imaginable. Grey and beige. Business casual.
It's the perfect camouflage for a predator.
(And then also like. I can't wax as poetic about it right now because my brain cells are otherwise occupied. But please consider how much character is there in, like, the Frogs' army-surplus duds and Sam's terrible, incredible shirts.)
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Bleach Characters Who Are Into Choking
Loosen your grip before I choke~ (Warning for some mild dubcon in the last one.)
Yumichika Ayasegawa
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This may be surprising, but Yumichika finds something terribly aesthetic about choking. The eroticism of it, the glassy sheen in your eyes, the way his delicate hands look wrapped around your neck…
Unlike other examples on this list, there's no danger of passing out or Yumichika getting overexcited and forgetting his own strength. He's a passionate lover but he doesn't like to cause too much pain or discomfort, even if you're enthusiastically egging him on - a little neck squeezing is mostly all you're going to get.
He likes being choked too, he makes sure to do it prettily, throwing his head back to present the graceful arch of his throat to you, gasping thetrically and making a show of himself. Plus if you bruise him up, it gives him an excellent excuse to wear one of his many cute scarves! <3
Grimmjow Jeagerjaquez
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This shouldn't come as a surprise to anyone - Grimmjow is rough, aggressive and dominant and that's only refocused and enchanced in the bedroom. He doesn't think kinks are something that needs to be hidden or danced around - if he feels like squeezing that pretty little neck, he'll do it. It's actually one of his go-to moves he likes to do, so you can expect choking to be a regular occurrence unless you make it crystal clear to him it's off the table.
He fucking loves it, loves the fluttering of your pulse against his fingers, the little gasps, the way your body writhes helplessly beneath him…
It sends his predator instincts into overdrive. He normally has excellent control over his strength but he really has to remind himself not to put too much pressure on your delicate little windpipe. He likes to tease you with it too - like a cat will bat around a mouse and then watch it while it's stunned, he'll pin you down by the neck and tighten and loosen his grip over and over, watching you splutter for air whenever he gives you a reprieve.
Cirucci Sanderwicci
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Just look at her, you know this girl is into BDSM and kinks that fall under that umbrella. She differs a little in how she likes to choke you though - she puts that whip of her to good use. Especially if you're bigger than her, she doesn't want to worry about her smaller hands not being up to the job. Also she likely just got her nails done!
She's got very good command of her whip and using it like a leash just feeds into her ego. Seeing any marks on your throat afterwards gives her an extra arousal boost and you might notice her fidgeting in place as she observes you.
Though she's got a sadistic streak a mile wide, Cirucci is also up for being dominated. She won't ask that you choke her, but if you surprise her with it then she'll gasp and arch her back. It's a little difficult for her to let her guard down and be submissive but once she does it's quite a rush. She looks good with a hand around her neck too, her lips parted as she struggles for breath. Don't go easy on her or she'll get offended you think she can't take it.
Gin Ichimaru
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Of course this bastard-coated bastard likes to choke you out. Those long fingers of his practically beg to grip your neck - they fit so naturally well you'd think he was created with that very intention in mind. He likes to take his time with it too, slowly increasing the pressure over time until you've got black spots dancing in your vision.
He likes to bring you just to the edge of unconsciousness before he equally slowly relinquishes his grip, likes watching the lucidity return to your eyes like you're waking up from a dream. His favourite move is choking you just as you're about to come, watching you gasp in his hold as your orgasm crashes into you as you adjust to the lack of oxygen. When he first did it you thought you were going to implode.
Don't bother trying to cover up the marks on your neck either - Gin takes pride in the proof of the act. If you're wearing a scarf he'll kiss your neck and tug it off while you're distracted, or lick away concealer. He's such a shit.
Kenpachi Zaraki
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Kenpachi's whole hand can wrap around the entirety of your neck, it's inevitable that he can't resist giving a little squeeze. He prefers to do it in little sharp bursts - prolonged choking can get a little boring, since holding you still with just his hand is child's play. Instead he'll simply press down without telling you when, and for a brief second it's like all the air has vanished, before it's abruptly back again. He especially likes to do this when you're riding him.
He knows how strong he is, though, so he's slightly more inclined to be careful. Snapping your neck mid-fuck would be a bit of a buzzkill. He'll massage your throat afterwards with his long, powerful fingers.
If you want to choke him, he'll laugh at you and tell you to go ahead! You have to wrap two hands around his throat and act like you're throttling him to get your money back for him to feel much of anything. He loves it, the look of concentration on your face, the feel of your nails digging into his skin. He'll egg you on, too. "Yeah? You wanna choke me out? That the best you got, baby?"
Nnoitra Gilga
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You are a brave, possibly stupid, soul if you want the praying mantis to choke you. Nnoitra's hands are just as spindly as the rest of him, but he's got some freakish strength that belies his frame. He will slam you against the wall and crush your windpipe until you black out.
Another one who does it instinctively and he'll laugh at you if you beg him to stop or slow down. He doesn't really do gentle, so he doesn't know why you think this would be any different. He especially likes fucking you while you're semi or outright unconscious - you waking up to his cock rutting in and out of you gives him a thrill, like even oblivion won't spare you from his lust.
Likes to trace his fingerprints on your neck and smirks at your bloodshot eyes. Choking him back is very difficult to do with his hierro, but you could still repay the favour by trying to smother him while he's sleeping. He'll make you pay, but it will be worth it. Hollow Ichigo
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Now, Ichigo doesn't really go in for choking. He prefers to be sweet to you during the nasty, even if he will get rougher as he gets more excited, so he'd be very hesitant to choke you.
But THIS motherfucker right here? He LOVES it. Lives for it. He could get himself off solely by pinning you down by the throat and watching your hands scrabbling at him, eyes widening and your feet kicking. He loves it. Loves making you so helpless and cute beneath your king~
He likes to press the pad of his thumb against a certain dip in your throat, leaving a little circular bruise right in the centre where it's hard to cover up. He loves the thought of you washing your face and catching a glimpse of it in the mirror, knowing it's a seal, a promise of a repeat performance.
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bamsara · 2 years
Halloween's Night (Solar Lunacy! DCA x Reader Drabble)
This was orignally a prompt drabble, but I got carried away so now it's a simple Halloween drabble of it's own without the prompt.
Set in future ARC 2 (lateish) of Solar Lunacy: The DCA's reputation has improved, Moon has been reinstated as the Daycare Attendant and is doing well so far combatting the virus. Fire has not happened yet.
With no prior plans made, you are working the evening to night shift at the Pizzaplex's Daycare on Halloween night, so you practice Trick or Treating Safty with Sun and the kids, and witness a sweeter, softer moment with Moon. Also, everyone is forced to wear costumes. Including you, to which you get teased for.
The reader has a 'themed' costume, but the actaul apperence of the costume is not described, and up to visual interprietation
WordCount: 4,000+ | AO3 Link (preffered for comments!)
Halloween was a favorite holiday, if you couldn't notice from the absolute takeover scary and pumpkin themed decor had over your neighbors lawns and in the front window of every store you pass by on the drive to work. One of the best holidays, something to look forward to all year, and stores know this, jacking up heavy prices of candy for trick or treaters for the special night.
Fazbear Entertaient is no different. The moment the calender struck October 1st, Halloween decor started appearing in every neon hall and nearly everything was spook themed. Even the band members received 'make-overs' or costume changes to help with the Halloween Spirit.
Chica was a vampire, her hunger for pizza now a thirst for blood! (Or so she likes to loudly proclaim) while Roxy was a werewolf hunter, which, you find terribly ironic but she looks great in the typical lumber-jack style with a trench coat, it almost reminds you of pirate themed aesthetic, but you don't bring that part up.
Freddy is a wizard. Really. He's a wizard, complete with wizard hat on top of his original top hat and sparkly cape behind him. He looks goofy, but that was the goal, and the kids really love when he waves his 'magical hands', pulls out candy from his cape (which thankfully hid his chest compartment) and handed them out.
Monty is a zombie, complete with fake painted 'stitches' across his body with new paint that makes some parts slightly discolored from the rest of him. You wouldn't think that he would have liked playing the part, but turns out the Gator actaully likes to jump out and scare people, hands out and threatening to eat little ones as they run, giggling.
All their costumes were cute!
You, on the other hand, were quite surprised when you clocked in for your shift, and a staffbot rolls up to you with a brown paper bag, shoving it into your hands before giving you a quick thumbs up and rolling away.
Inside, to your exact measurements, is a costume that looks like a space themed fairy-type of thing that looks more like it would be suited for a child who couldn't decide what to dress up as rather than for an employee with unreasonable mangment. It even came with shoes.
....actaully, you shouldn't be surprised. Ever since your 'promotions, you should have seen things like this coming. You were hoping you could get away with just the bear-ears.
You change in the employee break room before heading out, and the Daycare, as always, is very busy when you arrive.
You hear them before you see them, children laughing as the Daycare Attendant chases them throughout the jungle gym, dark shapes through the plastic parts until they come rolling out of the tube slides. Even the tykes were in costumes, most of them onsies their parents picked out. Adorable.
Sun's costume change was interesting: a long black cape over his usual clown attire, and two painted devil horns on the appropriate spots on his sunrays. The clown ruffles were missing, and his colorful pants were replaced by puffy black pants, a tight shirt that made his chasis look like a skeleton's ribcage and with long sleeves with bones on the fabric as well.
The ribbons on his wrist remain, and so do the shoes with the bells. There's a hood on the back too and something attatched to his hip, but the hood is down because it would never fit around his rays, and the object is obscured behind the cape.
No where near as colorful as the animatronic usually liked, but he didn't seemed bothered; the kids were having a hell of a time with his new 'scary' apperence.
You take your place at the security desk right as the first parent arrives to come check out their kid, and Sun bounds up right with the toddler in his arms before you even call for him. After formalities, the paperwork (not really nesssasary, since robots can handle all the stuff in their brains anyway, but it makes you feel useful) and waving the two off, he turns to greet you.
Actaully, he gives you a full look-over, hand on cheek and humming. The displeasure on your face is plain, so you know his voice is teasing when he speaks. "Well, don't you look like a doll-!-"
"Shut it." You huff, and amusement flashes across the animatronic's face, and you subconsioudly adjust the straps of the fairy wings you've been tasked to wear with a sour frown. "I didn't choose the costume."
"Really! Because I think it suits you very well-"
You wack him with the clipboard, and Sun fakes hurt. "Boo. What are you supposed to be?"
He grings. "I have no idea! A demon, I think." Sun hunches over, fingers curled to mimick claws and turns from you to yell out towards the gaggle of children who were peering over at you two curiously. "Maybe the kind that eats little boys and girls that don't brush their teeth!"
A small collective gasp, a few giggles, hiding their faces away back into their coloring books as Sun gives them a final lookover and return back to you. "Whatdya think? Scary enough for ya?"
"Terrifying." You smile. "What am I supposed to be doing today? Aside from checkouts." You look towards the children, not many left.Looks like most of them have already been picked up.....That's...earlier, than usual."
Sun claps his hands together. "It's Halloween! Families come to pick up little ones early to start trick or treating! The Daycare will be closing a few hours early tonight!"
Oh, good. Less human interaction for you then. You sit yourself at the Security desk, eyeing the suspisouly full bowl of Fazbear themed candy that's been placed there. "Nice. Are these free for the taking?"
"Not quite yet." A metal hand clasps onto your shoulder, fingers tapping on your clothes. "And you know what? I could really use a little fairy helper right now-"
"Trick or Treating saftey! Super important! Some of these kiddos are trick or treating for the first time ever tonight, lets do a test run!" He leans back away from you, giddy and chipper as usual. Pretty sunny guy for being a demon.
You raise a brow, hand inching towards the treat bowl. "So...you want me to play the person at the door?"
"Correct!" Without missing a beat or moving his gaze, he gently slaps your hand away, and you pout as he continues. "I'll help encourage them, you just pretend to be 'answering the door' and give one piece of candy when they're ready-don't give anything with peanuts to Lewis, you see that one? Little one, blue dinorsouar onsie, yes. Good, good-and you can have any remaining candy left over!"
That bit caught your attention. "Can I have some now?"
"It would make the kids sad to see you eating candy when they're only allowed one." Sun's lowers, smile softening. "So no. You cannot."
Your response is a wrinkled nose and a frown. He pats your head in a mock show of empathy and tuts at your impatience.
The kids are giddy when Sun gathers them and tells them the rules as you prepare yourself to be the 'door greeter' in this little scenerio. For this, you crouch underneath the security desk where you can't be seen, await for a child to knock on the 'door' (aka, the wood of the desk) before popping up and going about the scenerio. It's silly, and a few onlookers that are leaving peer through the glass at your shenanigans, but you're smiling anyway.
The first knock comes, two hits on the wood and you pop out from the behind the desk. "Hello! And what are you supposed to be!"
The child, a boy with glasses too big for his face and wearing a skeleton onsie, timidly holds out his hands, eyes big and expectant. He has a slight lisp when he talks, excited. "Trick or Treat!"
You shift your eyes to Sun, and siliently the animatronic returns your knowing gaze. Well, he didn't really answer your question, but it's the enthusiasim that counts. "Oh my, here you go."
You place a piece of candy in his palm, and the boy immediatly turns to run off.
"Now what do we say?" Sun calls out to the boy's retreating form, half sticking out of a sliding tube.
The other children watch intently as the boy freezes, scuttles back out of the tube and running up to you. "T-thank you."
"Veeeery good job!" Sun praises, and you smile at the child to emphsize his praise. "Now what do we do?"
The boy answers, his voice joined by the choir of other children answering with him all out of synch. "Go back to our parents."
"That's right! You're a very smart bunch of fellas, aren't you?" Sun, who stands across the length of the room that would consitute a mock distance of the sidewalk to a front door, nods in approval as the candy holding tyke runs up to him, pinching the little one's cheek and cooing. He played the 'parent' while you were the door greeter, and you watched as he clapped and praised the children for following such a good example before ducking back underneath the desk.
The animatronic gently presses another child in your direction, and the process repeats.
It's cute and silly. They're all very young, more than likely this will be their first Halloween going door to door, and nervous at first when they approuch you, knocking on the desk and looking askew when you come out from hiding. That is, until their good manners and saftey behavior is rewarded with a piece of chocolate or jolly rancher, and their face lights up.
You occasionally have to break character as parents arrive to check out their children, the group dwindling little as the candy in your bowl starts to deplete. Some of them are restraining a laugh or smile at your costume, and possibly Sun's, but appreciate the 'practice' before the actaul trick or treating.
The next child is the quiet one. A little pigtailed girl that never talks, in an alien themed costume with a Moon plushie that's clutched tightly to her chest.
This girl never liked Sun, scared of him, so he doesn't push her too much as he gestures for her to approuch you. "It's okay, it's just practice! You get a piece of candy for trying!"
She doesn't budge from her spot, notably a distance away from the animatronic. Sun's smile doesn't faulter, but you know it probably sucks for him when this happens. "The meeting spot can be where the coloring books are, you don't have to come near me, okay?" His voice is soft, lowered, unlike him like he was borrowing the tone from somewhere else. "Would you like to try?"
She hesitates, looking back and forth between you and the jester, before approuching in small, timid steps. You try to appear as nonthreatening as possible . You don't even hide this time, just smiling as she approuches the desk. "Hello, there."
You see her tense up, and know it's already a failed attempt before her eyes get wet. A knock on the desk isn't even attempted, and the girl takes off, Moon plushie and alien antienna and all, towards the coloring books.
You have half a mind to go after to, comfort her somehow, but Sun is by your side quickly, calling out to the toddler instead. "That's alrighty, starlight! You tried and you were very brave, good job!" His praise feels esasperated, and the animatronic turns to you, head lowered to whisper so the other children. "That one's a touch sensitive. Best not to push it."
He's right, but you still feel a bit guilty. No time to feel it for long, because a gaggle of parents appear at the doorway and your attention is torn away to check out the remaining children to their appopriate gaurdians.
Sun amuses the remainder of the children with cartwheels and handstands that make his cape fly wildly until the children, one by one, are checked out and the Daycare is growing empty.
The hours are shorter because of the holiday, so the automated lighting system is supposed to go off earlier than usual. Parents and families are clearing out from the Pizzaplex, save for a few lingering souls, one of which still sits by the coloring area, scribbling on a page underneath one of the toddler tables in quiet contentment.
You frown, and pull out your phone. "The Daycare closes in five minutes."
"Her father must have forgotten the holiday hour change." Sun interjects, quickly gathering up all the little plastic candy wrappers the children threw onto the floor and tossing them into the garbage bin, muttering about keeping the place clean. "Good fello! Busy quite a lot, I think. He'll show up, no worries."
"The lights will go out." You say, and this time, there's no worry in your voice.
Sun salutes you, saying nothing. But he does tug at your wings as he passes by, and you try to step on his cape to make him trip and fail, causing him to snicker as you stumble.
As time would have it, the lights go out at the exact time Naptime is scheduled, but the Daycare is no longer taking check-ins for the holiday and is officially closed. Funny how the shortened hours would eradicate the Naptime schedule from the end of the work day, but there was no time for sleep on Halloween's Eve.
You don't flinch anymore when the lights go out, but you still look up from your phone and desk towards the girl that has yet to be picked up. She's not coloring anymore, instead curled up against a giant plushie and picking at the threads from her own plush.
Poor thing. You consider getting up and going to try and talk to her-
-but a blur in the corner of your vision comes around to your front, something silver colored and shiny pressing up against your neck. You freeze, instictivly, at the sycth's blade up against your skin.
A low, familier voice whispers next to your ear. "Slow down. You'll get sick."
Immediatly your face deadpans, and your hands drop the series of candy that you oh-so-weren't-totally-stealing from the candy bowl. "I'm an adult, Moon. I can have as much candy as I want."
Moon says nothing, but you can practically hear the grin as the plastic, wobbly blade drags across your neck harmlessly as the animatronic makes a 'scccchhhh' sound to mimick slitting your throat.
"Dying. Dying super hard. Blood gushing everywhere right now.." You jest, and the 'weapon' disappears, allowing you to spin on your heel and take the animatronic in fully. "....The Grim Reaper?"
Moon stands there in costume, the same as what Sun wore, but the hood was up over his hat, and a toy scycnh that's more suited for a child in his grip. That must be what was attatched to their hip you didn't see earlier.
He looks...unbothered, and his behavior was playful. But then again, you've known the Daycare Attendant long enough that it was easy to hide a face when your face's default setting is 'smile.' "Managment really didn't think the whole costume thing through, huh?"
His eyes are white, the one on the darker half of his face darkening to a red hue, only briefly. He holds the scyth up, pulling down one end and releasing it so it wobbled like rubber. "Try not to look too much into it."
"As long as you're having fun." You offer a smile in comfort, and Moon's response is 'stabbing' you through the gut with the fake sycnh, to which you snatch from him and bonk him with it as he snickers. "You dolt! There's a kid still here!"
"I know." Moon is unaffected by the plastic bonking, unmoving and plain faced as it hits him right between the eyes.
"Well?" You pull your 'weapon' back and glare at him.
Moon has no pupils at the moment, but you feel his gaze drift up and down your body before meeting your own again.
"Moon." You stress.
"Nice costume." He chuckles, fingers coming up to pinch at your wings. The straps press against your skin as he pulls them, humming like one was inspecting a caught butterfly. "Can't have you flying away though-"
You bonk him again. "Stop that."
"Hurtful" He's snickering. He's mocking you, damn him. "I let you get away with too much."
"Okay, now you're just being mean-"
He catches your next hit, your hand in his palm, curled fingers enclosing your own. A frown on your face, you open your mouth to question it before you pause. He's not looking at you, rather, peering off towards the other end of the Daycare, and you follow his vision.
Right as you look over, you spy pigtails dart back behind one of the cylinder towels. Moon drops your hand, and you keep your voice low when you talk to him so she can't hear. "You're supposed to be her favorite. I don't know why she hasn't come over to say hi to you, yet."
Moon hums. "Because the adults are flirting."
You whip your head back around to him, face hot. "We are not 'flirting'!"
Casually, he adjusts the wings back into proper position. "Sure."
"We're not!"
"Okay." He taps the corner of his faceplate, near his smile that's been teasing the entire time.
You pause, hand coming up to wipe your mouth. He leaves you there while you scrub at the space around your lips furiosuly until you're convinced he only tricked you into thinking you have chocolate around your mouth just so he'd get the last laugh, but he's approuching the girl before you can retort.
You huff at him, but settle back into your spot against the security desk, where the light switch remains nearby and you have a full view of the scenerio. You won't need to use it. You only remember it's there for your own memory.
Pulling out your phone, you check the time again and a few messages and emails wishing you a safe and happy halloween from a few stores that want to capatilize on the holiday. More than likley, the father of the child will arrive at his usual time to pick up the girl, which is typically an hour before closing, but due to the shortened hours of the holiday, would be another thirty minutes from now.
So you eat candy and pass the time. You don't mind it, helps you organize your notes. Occasioanlly you'll look up from the desk out of habit and see the animatronic sitting criss cross on the floor, hands in his lap with the little girl who's too afraid to interact with anyone else.
It's funny, you think, as you pop a smartie in your mouth, that the little girl afraid of everything else's favorite is a robot with a old reputation for blantant murder.
She's showing him a drawing you can't see from this distance, and Moon takes it in his hands and says something softley that you can't hear. You smile, and return to your phone and candy. He's come a long way.
It's a few minutes later as you close out of all of your tabs do you feel a presence around you. You look up, Moon standing a few feet away, cloak fully closed and hood pulled over so only the bottom half of his face is visible, with the glow of two white eyes staring at you from the dark.
The moment you notice him, he shuffles forward, except it's weird. Like penguin walking, in fashion that reminds you that underneath the 'grim reaper' costume, he's still a freaking clown.
You raise a brow. "Wha-"
He cuts you off. "Trick or Treat." You furrow your brows, squinting in confusion, and so he repeats himself again. "Trick. Or. Treat."
You're about to jest that robots don't eat candy so you'll have to take trick instead, but a small shape catches your sight. Hands, small and shaky, push out from the bottom of the cloak. The body attactched to them are still hidden by the fabric, but they are cupped and outstretched towards you.
You understand instantly. There's not a lot of candy left in the bowl since you've been eating them all, but there's three or four pieces left, which you scoop up and gently plop into the child's palms. "Bravery gets a reward, doesn't it?"
The child only makes a positive sniffle, but the hands pull back into the cloak and you immediatly hear the sound of a wrapper being torn open.
"Thank you." Moon grins.
Then, much to your amusement, you watch as the animatronic quite literally turns on his heel, and waddles all the way back to the designated 'safe zone'. It is, by all accounts, the funniest thing you've seen all night and takes a considerable amount of effort not to laugh at the retreating figure penguining away.
The father arrives a few minutes after that, and the girl is very easily presuaded from that point to come out from her hiding. Your suspisions were correct; the father simply didn't realize the Daycare's hours were working on a holiday schedule, and apologized greatly for the trouble. You're the one to reassure him that it's fine, you're going in the daycare all night anyways, and that his daughter caused no trouble.
Moon does not stand with you at the door. He still has....trouble with older adults sometimes. So he stands as a cloaked silohellte at the far top end of the jungle gym, cloaked in shadow save for his eyes, and his hand when he pulls it out to wave back as the girl waves at him once, and they're gone.
There. The Daycare is offically closed and empty. The Pizzaplex in full will be following suit soon, and you can relax.
The sound of bells jingle behind you as your lock the exit. "You're going to stay."
It's less of a question, more like a statement, but you give him a response as you turn anyways. "Yeah. I didn't have any Halloween plans, so I agreed to a full evening and night shift. I get bonus pay for it being a holiday."
"We could do scary things." He starts, mischief in his grin. He walks around you in a circle, oddly and dramatic in the fashion that a jester knows best, whipping the other side of your head as you turn to and fro. "I can show you scary things. Tell stories."
"I can show you scary things and stories." You refute. Pulling out your phone, Youtube and a few streaming services are pinned to your homescreen. "Never had a horror movie marathon, have you, Starboy?"
Moon pauses, and thinks for a long time.
You narrow your eyes at the silence. "If you joke that your life is a horror movie, I'll be disappointed."
"Not anymore." The animatronic spins his head, once, twice, as the wire comes down to attatch. It hooks onto his back, which is hilarious to see because you realize the cloak must have a small hole cut out the back for that to even work.
"Our room. Comfortable there." His hand extends towards you. "Feel like flying, fairy?"
Your nose wrinkles, taking his hand and scoffing at his amusement. "Okay, that's it, I'm taking the costume off as soon as we're up there."
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hellsite-yano · 3 months
>500 CALIBER CONTRACTZ Highlight of this list. Literally Super Mario 64 x Cruelty Squad with a Suda51 coat of paint. Highly recommend.
>Antishoot / Morn FPS games that feel terrible to play. Avoid.
>SAEKO: Giantess Dating Sim Title says it all. Pretty solid and unnerving writing.
>Mother Hub Like if the abandoned vaults in Fallout 3/NV were the whole game. Your enjoyment of this depends entirely on your tolerance for slavjank. I liked it tho.
>Year Unknown Good so far - if you've played games like Manifold Garden and NaissanceE you know what you're getting here. Combine that with the terminals from The Talos Principle and you get this game.
>Elation For The WonderBox 6000™ This is SHORT (less than 5mins) but I've had my eye on this for ages. The writing is very online but in a good way.
>Skyward Dream Kinda boring first-person platformer.
>THRESHOLD Another short one. Kinda reminds me of Pathologic but on the PS1. The grimy aesthetic is nailed down perfectly. If you liked Paratopic check this one out.
>Galaia Dev describes it as TUNIC x Enter the Gungeon but it's not really. Gameplay reminded more of Geometry Wars if anything. Was kinda fun but don't think I'll get this.
>BRUTAL JOHN Been seeing this around on twitter and avoided it due to it seeming bland. And I was right!
>Kitsune Tails SMB3 with a traditional japanese aesthetic. Solid and the characters are cute.
>Sparedevil A 'shooter' where you're in a bowling arena and need to knock down as many pins as possible. Couldn't really get the hang of this.
>I Am Your Beast SUPERHOT / Hotline Miami fans will want to check this one. I liked it but the story is presented pretty obnoxiously.
>Bloodless Beat 'em up where you play as an old samurai who doesn't use a sword (anymore). Gameplay takes a bit of getting used to but it's fun and the story's intriguing.
>Poke ALL Toads Puzzle game structured like Baba is You with really good and expressive art. Liked this one a lot.
>Caravan SandWitch One of those slow exploration-focused games like Sable. Liked the aesthetic and music but dialogue was a bit long-winded.
>ODDADA You play with toys to make music (and you can even save your creations offline). Very nice.
>B.C. Piezophile Control a weighty mech looking for a lost ship or something like that, the encyclopedia (yes, there's an encyclopedia) is written pretty esoterically so it's hard to figure some things out. Requires patience but got my eyes on the full release.
>Old School Rally PS1 styled racing game, takes a bit of getting used to the feel of the car, PROTIP: it's better to pump the brakes instead of holding them.
>Goblin Cleanup Viscera Cleanup Detail except you're a sexy goblin maid cleaning up a dungeon. Was pretty fun, especially online.
>Scarmonde Final Fantasy 1 but it's a dungeon crawler. Not my sort of game but if you're into this genre you'd probably like this.
>Bedrotting You're stuck in bed and got to keep yourself sane by eating, smoking, and not looking at the horrific abominations. Good stuff.
>Blue Prince You inherit a mansion and need to find the secret 46th room. Won't say too much about this because it's best discovered by yourself. Was very good though.
>Stardust Demon Didn't like the physics on this. Pass.
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italoniponic · 10 months
𝓑𝓲𝓽𝓼 𝓸𝓯 𝓒𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓻𝔂 - mini-project
Flower Feelings
| Notes: this is based on a request by @that-one-fanperson about a Reader who leaves flowers on some of the boys desks without telling them or just leaving a note. I wrote for Silver and Azul (as the request) and Epel as my own choice. But I liked this so much that I might write for some of the others as well? (I made this for Ortho but in platonic format~) For this one we’ll have Idia, Kalim, Ruggie and Cater :D
Idia Shroud, Kalim Al Asim, Ruggie Bucchi, Cater Diamond x gender neutral reader / headcanons / fluff / flower language / crush to lovers / use of “you” pronouns / part 2 of "Flower Feelings"
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Idia was in shock. Complete shock. At the same time, he was terribly confused. Precisely the day when his presence was mandatory in the classroom and the first thing he finds on his table is a white daffodil with its yellow trumpet and a branch of mint with a note. “Narcissus: respect, unmatched love, introvert; Mint: virtue.” A surprise item combo, no doubt about it;
Only Cater bothered to ask whose flowers they were — although he himself had an intuition of who might have put them there. The poor otaku, on the other hand? Perhaps more than finding the plants themselves it was the fact that he was approached about it that made him annoyed. Why couldn’t the classmate be a normal NPC who doesn’t vocalize his questions directly to the person in the scene? If it was Idia in his place, he would have kept the question to himself;
Truth be told, walking down the stairs and hallways with the daffodil and mint in hand — he pitied simply stuffing them in his coat or throwing them away because they looked so pretty — didn’t help much. Idia wanted to hide his presence from people, but the bright-colored flower and refreshing-smelling green herb made him stand out from the general crowd. But he was won over by the aesthetics of both plants, put in the worst of the double spell attacks;
And, well, Idia had discovered a while ago that narcissus was his favorite flower. Oh, and mints were cool too. These discoveries were due to the time Idia was spending with you lately. What started as a mere bump into the comic book store because you were fascinated by the use of flower language in manga has turned into you talking more often — virtually and in person — and turning into friends;
Idia didn’t even expect to connect with you so much at first, but here he was thinking more about flowers and how companies should pay to use you as a reference in SSR groovy event cards. He would never admit out loud that he had fallen in love with you. Madly, profoundly. If only he was lucky enough that you were the one who left the flowers for him;
In fact, if Idia wanted a miracle from zero, Olympus granted this opportunity. You two met on the way from the Mystery Shop, you making your way back while tying a blue ribbon in a large bouquet with two similar but distinct flowers in color — one part was red, the other was a purplish blue. You were so focused on making the bow that you ended up bumping into Idia;
It was a mess of petals and nervousness. No one was around to try to understand if the worst was Idia having an internal attack for holding you in his arms or you, who weren’t expecting to meet him so early that day. It took a while for any coherent word to be uttered by either party;
Then, in the end, Idia pulled himself together — what was he? A shy shoujo male lead by any chance? — and tried to strike up a conversation. Well, he just pointed at the crumpled bouquet you were holding and muttered something that you could only understand as a question. The situation proceeded to be complete chaos because you simply put the bouquet in his arms and ran away;
Idia stood still, shocked and panicked, reaching out pathetically forward in a vain attempt to reach you. Did all this really happen? He took a look at the bouquet, slowly recognizing the flowers arranged there. They were salvias. You had seen it a month ago in a manga — it must have been where you got your inspiration from buying them;
Suddenly, Idia remembered that at that time he had discovered the meaning of the types of salvias that appeared on that same manga cover and was going to share it with you if he hadn’t accidentally forgotten. But as he pulled out his phone and checked the meaning of the salvias, your panting voice spoke next to him: “Blue salvias mean ‘I’m thinking of you’... and red, that you’ll be ‘mine forever’...”;
The fright Idia took that day can only be described as something of epic proportions, to say the least. You suddenly appeared, having rushed headlong back to confess yourself properly and the deep meaning of the salvias you had delivered into his hands. “I d-don’t know... if my heart can take any of this...,” Idia said, hiding his face inside the bouquet. You were happy to notice that, similar to the salvias, his hair was a mix of vibrant blue and pink.
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Kalim thought it was strange to find a small flower bouquet on his table. It was flowers that he had never seen, its yellow petals open like umbrellas and the core was a deep red like his eyes — it almost looked like a little sun! The card that came with it said “Coreopsis: means always cheerful.” At first, Kalim thought it was a gift from Silver, but the friend himself din’t know where the coreopsis had come from;
Kalim was amused by the prospect that the situation had now become a mystery. He put all the coreopsis in the button holes of his sweater and went in search of answers around the school. Since the ghosts hadn’t seen who left the flowers, Kalim eventually went to the most competent person in the botanical subject he knew…;
No, it wasn’t Jamil. Flowers attract insects, so the Scarabia vice-leader tried to live with as few plants nearby as possible. But you didn’t have that problem so much — not that Kalim knew. So he came radiant in Ramshackle, like the morning Sun, and asked you about the flowers;
Kalim didn’t seem at all suspicious of your nervous and apprehensive behavior, even when you ended up unintentionally showing the same coreopsis that he had on his clothes. Kalim was simply fascinated by those flowers and their joyful meaning. And of course, their cute appearance;
Kalim’s positive, energy-filled air didn’t fail to cheer you up. Exactly the reaction you wanted from him. You two ended up distracting yourselves by talking about flowers, arrangements and many other things — as was usual between you — and in the end, it was when Kalim returned to Scarabia that he realized that he didn’t ask if you would know who left the flowers on his table;
That evening, Kalim arranged the flowers in a pot of water, despite the fact that it was already half wilted, and placed them near his window. He had a certain hope that the Sun would help it to pull itselves together a little bit. But as he faced the starry night from his dorm room, he had another thought. It would be so cool if you were the person who left these flowers. He would be even happier if it could mean something more;
A few days passed, and Kalim found himself walking around the school alone in a certain afternoon. Then he found you in the woods, sitting thoughtfully on the grass and with a different flower in your hand. If Kalim hadn’t known that it was probably a flower, he would have thought that you were tightly holding a very crumpled white handkerchief;
His sudden appearance ended up surprising you again. A little awkwardly, you invited Kalim to sit next to you — which he gladly accepted — and showed him the white carnation you had grown in your garden. Kalim thought it was amazing how that flower’s petals looked like his hair, a strong white like ivory;
“White carnation...,” you swallowed hard, trying to control your nervousness. It was only to speak a few words, you couldn’t even be sure that Kalim would understand your feelings. “... it... means innocence, a pure and sweet love. L-like you.” You then looked away, purposefully inattentive to his reaction;
What a pity, honestly. Kalim had such a cute expression of understanding, then an flustered embarrassment and all this turned entirely into pure joy. Kalim didn’t even know what to do. If he would scream to the world how happy you made him, if he should call Jamil to prepare a party in Scarabia to celebrate or if he could call the magic carpet for you two to fly through the skies;
What really happened was this: Kalim put the white carnation on you, resting the flower on your ear, and gave you a kiss on the cheek. “This is the best gift I’ve ever received and the most precious treasure I'll ever have,” Kalim said, with a light, sweet smile on his lips. You ended up laughing together, sharing this precious and humble moment.
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Ruggie knew that someone other than Rook must have discovered that he used dandelions in salads and tea for his own consumption, but this was the first time anyone was teasing him about it. Well, “teasing” was one way to put it. All he found on his table that morning was a handful of dandelions and a few sprigs of coriander, all tied by a bow with a card on the side;
The hyena-boy took the card with a scowl, but soon the bad mood gave way to confusion because he read positive things written on the paper — that is, the meanings of those plants. Dandelions meant “fidelity and joy” while Coriander meant “hidden worth”. Who had actually done that, Rook Hunt?;
Since Ruggie wasn’t the type to throw any food away, he brought the coriander and dandelions to Savanaclaw’s kitchen and prepared a small snack with the leftovers from lunch. As he shredded the leaves from the herbs, an intuition that this event may had nothing to do with the hunter bothered him more and more;
By the time Ruggie finished it all and was already enjoying his humble meal, sitting on the dorm porch and gazing out at the sparsely vegetated landscape, he had already decided that you were the one behind it all. At least, from the people who worked with gardening, you would have all this special care to leave him an explanation about the plants. But to what end?;
Ruggie was versed with nature in regard to the properties of plants and their culinary use. Grandma Bucchi used to say that “if you are lucky enough to find something edible, don’t let it slip out of your hands.” However, he understood the decorative meaning and value of flowery messages as much as he understood you — in short, not much. But it was different from things he wasn’t normally used to;
Your way of being was simply fascinating to Ruggie. Your concern with plants and your care in cultivating them only contributed to his impression that you would have an easy time caring for other people as well. Sometimes Ruggie would catch himself imagining you on his land, playing with the children he cared for on the grass, and making crowns of stems and flowers of all kinds. It wasn’t a bad vision;
He carried that thought as he headed to the classroom 2-B, early that morning. Ruggie had woken up with the Sun and, on another way, it was to find out if you were going to leave anything else on his desk again. It wouldn’t hurt to try. But luck did smiled on him that day because you were right there where he wanted;
You were concentrated, arranging on his table a bouquet full of small flowers that looked like bowls, variegated in pink, blue and red, and you had a real letter in hand — not a simple note like last time. From the classroom’s door, Ruggie whistled and frightened you with the announcement of his presence. He couldn’t contain a laugh;
It was inevitable Ruggie would ask what you were doing. But as you were taken by surprise, no coherent sentence would form in your mind. Then it remained only to hand over the paper in your hands to him. Ruggie took the letter and began to read your words, presumably about the bouquet flowers;
“Morning Glory: if it’s pink, it means love, romance and gratitude. If it’s blue, it means strong emotions, infinite love. If it’s red, it means a strong heart. But above all, this little flower that dies at night and reborn with the Sun is all the love and affection I feel for you that is renewed every day.” And your name was written at the end. It was simple writing, not exactly a poem. But conveyed your feelings completely;
You saw that Ruggie felt awkward after reading, a mixture of embarrassed and flustered because you went to all this trouble to give a gift to someone like him — who didn’t understand the language of flowers at all. However, as Ruggie approached you and left the paper on the table, he had a docile smile under his slight red checks. “First food, now your own heart, huh? You’re spoiling me too much, aren’t you?,” Ruggie teased and you both laughed.
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The day had dawned as usual for Cater. He washed his face, got ready to give the best smile he could before breakfast, and started taking some pictures of his daily morning routine — #morningtuesdayslowkeysuck. But when Cater eventually came into the classroom and took his eyes off his phone, he found something quite different on his desk: a hibiscus flower;
Cater knew that hibiscus flowers were very common in tropical places and precisely for this reason it was a flower widely used in beach photos. Even without knowing why some anonymous person would leave a hibiscus on his desk, Cater took the flower, put it in his hair and took a photo. When he sat down, he then noticed a small note that was under the flower that said “delicate beauty”. What is the meaning of that flower?;
Cater spent the day pondering about the hibiscus. That one was an especially interesting type, its petals were white with yellow edges and the inside had a powerful pink, almost beet-red. It really matched his aesthetic. Whoever gave him the hibiscus really appreciated his style — that’s what Cater thought as he crossed paths with you in the hallway;
You took a picture together with the hibiscus and Cater couldn’t help but notice that you were a little happier than usual. You said goodbye and he tried to disguise that he wanted to ask you the reason for your smile. Whether it was for the flower — since you loved gardening — or whether it was for having met with him... which ended up taking him on a little tangent;
Was it you who left the flower on his desk? You were the person he talked to the most lately and your little hobby gave you plenty of opportunities. Were you comparing Cater to a hibiscus? Especially with that bicolor that represented the fact that he hid a little bit of himself sometimes, parts that sometimes you noticed before he could stop it;
It was what motivated Cater to meet you one day at Ramshackle while you tended to some vases to spruce up the dorm’s porch. He caught you humming a little tune to yourself, arranging some pretty little flowers. They looked like purple daisies, if Cater dared to use such a blunt description when it came to your flowers;
Cater had a particular admiration for the way you took care of your garden. Your care was reflected in the plants’ overall beauty and that would be enough to make you an influential profile in Magicam. On the other hand, Cater liked to be one of a few for which you showed your progress even when your vase or flowers had some defect;
You finally noticed Cater behind you, and without much planning, you showed him the pot of asters you were growing — and was actually thinking of giving it to him as a gift. Cater gave a big, genuine smile with your gesture, then asked the meaning of the asters in your hands;
“Well…,” you took a deep breath, uncertain, but regaining your courage. “They mean delicacy, loyalty, unpredictability, contentment and... they’re a symbol of love too, can you believe it?”. At this, you passed the small vase into Cater’s hands, hoping he would understand what you meant by those words. And, oh geez, he understood;
Few things can make Cater truly speechless and your confession made it onto the list. Cater couldn’t even describe what he was feeling. He would have been more sure if he had gotten lost and found a field of talking flowers. Although, he would have rejected those flowers’ feelings — no matter how beautiful their petals or their voice — because there was already someone in his heart;
“You really break me sometimes...,” Cater covered part of his face with the back of one of his hands but his smile was still quite visible. “That’s one of the things I love about you.” He left the vase on the floor and took your hand, the most beautiful flower anyone could give him.
| Special notes: I'm planning to do more of these in a very far-away future but yeah, we never know lol also, OMG I missed writing something for Kalim and Idia. Even for Ruggie. Cater was easy and fun to do too, I confess. This is so fun to me~ |
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bastardiary · 3 months
I noticed something I don't like about self-improvement blogs on Tumblr. A lot of them who claim to be goal focused, are all very similar in the sense that they prioritise physical appearances and aesthetic over more ugly or rough truths about growth.
They're all pale pink, girly, sparkly, use Pinterest pictures of pretty girls like Bella Hadid, that model from the terrible Idol show, k-pop girls and celebrities who're pretty. It all just seems so plastic to me because they encourage overconsumption, buying certain products that you can get for so much cheaper, some examples are the Apple headset, those Stanley cups, pink and pastel gym sets, pricey skin care products and makeup like the dior lip gloss.
At first, those blogs looked attractive and eye catchy due to the moodboards of pretty pictures, but after, i realized the advice and self-improvement tips are mostly surface level and vague.
I know that those bloggers have good intentions behind running those blogs, but it won't take away from the fact that everything is seen through pink lenses. Everything is sugar-coated to look pretty, to match those perfect pictures of coquette-esque girls, mostly skinny, and sometimes of colour instead of Caucasian white.
Then there's a certain point where those blogs don't really post any valuable advice anymore, they instead post pictures together that match, add some tags and wait for the notes to roll in.
At some point, I found myself being distracted by photos of playboy models wearing pastel pink dresses, Lana Del Ray photos that were edited to look vintage, bedrooms that had a colour scheme of pink, white and gray, collections of dior makeup, shoes, bags, collectibles, soaps, you get the gist.
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loremaster · 11 months
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I had actually drawn a few more things than could fit within the 30-image-per-post limit. Here are the ones that didn't make the cut, with commentary!
(tw: mild animal abuse, n*zi mention, suggestive themes)
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Zilch's animal companions. I named Carmina Burana and Tortellini, Gucci and Bosch were named by my friends - though Bosch was supposed to be called Hieronymus, it just didn't fit on the nametag lol
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I wanted to illustrate some examples of Zilch casually mistreating/neglecting the animals but this was as far as I got. I don't think he would be a full on animal abuser, just... the type of person who likes having a bunch of pets to show off but doesn't really think about properly caring for them. He likes the aesthetics of animals much more than the logistics.
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This was gonna be the chapter cover and I forgot. Oops.
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This was just practice drawing the church characters from their sprites.
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Zilch: I must say, it's an unexpected pleasure to run into another kindred spirit around here. I'm Zilch~
This scene was actually cut deliberately. I drew it before I decided exactly what the Nun's issue with Zilch would be and then once I did, I felt like it didn't fit anymore. Zilch is still excited to see someone else with ears and tail like him, but in the final version, he's a lot more derisive about it.
I imagine the Nun is, like, an actual animal-human hybrid whereas Zilch is a furry with a wallet that can afford bioengineered bodymods. (One day, my friends... one day...)
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Zilch being flippant and Halara being dismissive/tsundere. Couldn't really find a place to put it but I still like the drawing - even if I did accidentally give Zilch human ears.
By the way, you might notice Zilch hasn't been wearing his cap. There are two reasons. One is to show off that his ears aren't actually connected to it. If I had the time to go back and redraw the prologue with him wearing it - so Halara's "holy fuck" reaction makes more sense here - I would. (Not really worth trying to fix though, not until the rest of the story is done.)
But the other reason is that upon looking closer at Zilch's original design, I thought it was a little too evocative of Nazi imagery and wasn't really comfortable with it. It's not really the same style of hat, sure, but combined with the swastikas in his eyes??? yeah no way is that not intentional. (I redesigned his eye symbols to be catlike slit pupils instead.)
I get he (or, the hitman, I guess) is supposed to be a villain, and a minor one, in the original game... but here I'm gonna flesh him out a bit more. So I guess in that sense the removal of the hat symbolizes his growth as a character beyond his terrible awful fascist upbringing lol (more on that in the Gumshoe Gabs soon)
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If I were making this an actual game it would be fun to have Yuma get a fun little added gameplay element of using Zilch's Forte like he does with Halara's. He gets some little animal friends!!!
I imagined Zilch would ask to be carried, but Halara won't do it without getting paid an exorbitant amount. And then Zilch forks over the cash on the spot. Yuma screams internally. If he had that the whole time why were they even trying to negotiate over the coat???!? Why does he still have his own debt to pay if Zilch could just cover the whole thing up front????
Halara has to pretend not to be enthusiastic about this opportunity.
Shinigami is... there, I guess.
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Martina my wife driving around her little parasite of a boyfriend. Ms Electro please call me
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Was originally gonna have Seth say that out loud but then I remembered he doesn't want to lose his job. (It's okay, he loses it anyway.)
(Also yes this is pre-Vivia-DLC.)
And then the mystery is solved!
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Zilch feels indebted to Halara for saving him from the Nail Man, and wants to follow their example, turn it around, treat his animals better... his act of goodwill here is extremely performative, though. But, hey, everyone's gotta start somewhere!
Ultimately I cut this scene after coming up with the cat bed idea. (Was very tempted to have Halara cruelly taking the coat from the boy, but just decided to skip it instead.)
So Zilch kinda idolizes Halara now... which is fine... but then the morning after he really lets his simp flag fly.
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Congrats on your furry boyfriend, I guess?????
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A doodle from the margins of this comic way back when.... which finally has a place to belong! \o/
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Zilch's fursona. His "zursona," if you will.
Thanks again for reading! I love everyone's comments in the tags and I'm so glad you all like my version of Zilch especially. Excited to develop him some more in future chapters >:)
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dorathh · 4 months
Lancer license upgrade procedures
I've always HC'd unlocking new mech parts in Lancer to involve a meeting with a representative of the corporation you're unlocking a mech from. In the shower today, I thought up some short stories about how upgrading your license for the first time in the different corporations.
Smith-Shimano Corp:
You arrive at the meeting location, an apartment on the top floor of a building right on the edge between the city and a nearby industrial area. Its rough concrete walls are covered with art in various forms, some framed, some taped, and some projected from a projector you can't see. Everything on the walls is at weird angles and nothing seems to be hanging completely straight, yet somehow it doesn't look bad. Rather, it looks strangely... captivating.
You hear a throat clear in front of you. It snaps you out of the trance-like state you didn't realize you had entered.
"You're early."
A voice like a sharp rock gliding softly against the finest silk. Your watch had said you were 3 minutes late when you entered the apartment.
"My eyes are here!"
You didn't realize you were still staring at the walls. You pry your eyes from them to instead rest upon the figure speaking to you. They are beautiful. Clad in boxy white jeans with a light pastel pink T-shirt just loose enough to give a natural silhouette without clinging to their skin. But there's something missing...
The figure reaches for a puffy white jacket on a coat hanger next to them and with that, their look is complete. You stare in awe as the bone white of the jeans provides a perfect base for the cream white jacket to rest upon, and the soft pink of the T-shirt provides the colour needed to produce an aesthetic experience unlike anything you've laid your eyes upon before.
"What do you think?"
They don't wait for an answer
"Your face says it all. You have terrible taste."
They grab a magazine from a table you hadn't noticed and push it onto you, then turn you around and push you out the door that you hadn't even had time to close.
Later, looking through the magazine, you're presented with page after page of art, every one more beautiful than the last. There's little text, and when there is one it's always in the form of words layed out as an article related to the image on the other side of the spread. However, the words never seem to have anything to do with the actual image. Or nothing to do with each other for that matter. The second-to-last page of the magazine is a folded up blueprint with the text "welcome gift for our new subscriber" printed on it in tastefully sized text.
Wow ok that got longer than I thought. I'll do the other ones some other time (never)
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blueguydraws · 6 months
What i dont like about the Dune movies
It is set in a world where royals own whole planets, space travel is fueled by LSD and they have medieval type sword melee battles.
Yet it all looks so boring and bleak, the aesthetic style of the whole world is just "IKEA".
Even the supposedly overindulgent and greedy baron dresses more humble than a monk.
So much could be conveyed about characters, factions and cultures thru their clothing and architecture, but no, everyone lives in the same brutalist, minimalist fort that apparently got built on every planet and wears the same grey and beige suits.
If the story takes place in 10 000 years into the future, then why do they have the same uniforms as today? Imagine our officals dressing like ancient sumerians
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The costume designers could have had the opportunity to go wild with the clothing of a culture that is both futuristic, ancient and mystical. But no, the WW1 uniform and the minimalist current year type corporate logo for their coat of arms will be just fine.
The soldiers are the worst, all of the three factions look the same with slight shade variations. They have no identity to them.
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If i never saw the movies and you told me that one of these came from an extremely sadistic, greedy and overly industrialised world. One came from a lush water world whos people are the descendants of the greeks. And one is the guard of the emperor of humanity. I would have a hard time figuring out wich is wich. From a distance and in action they blend together. Terrible costume design. Diferent branches of humanity have been living on separate planets for thousands of years, why does everyone look the same? They could have got so creative but all of them got the generic sci-fi gear #3748
Just look at some of these examples of actual historical fighters:
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The world feels kind of small, the reveal of the emperor of the known universe was pretty underwhelming, he felt more like some rich dentist in a mediocre house, when he ceremoniusly recived the message from Paul, it felt like it was recorded in someones backyard.
The type of vibe i was expecting:
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I have to admit, at least the harkonnen world had some pretty neat ideas, like the black and white sun or the liquid fireworks.
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feyres-divorce-lawyer · 9 months
um anyways so my brother is watching *shudder* fate and made the grave mistake of calling it a good show within my presence (honestly did he learn nothing from shadow and bone🙄) so of course i had to follow him around the apartment for seven minutes and rant about the gross, grotesque even, disservice netflix did to winx club.
first off, the world. what the fuck happened to magix? netflix what did you do to my house?! the best appeal to winx club was fairies and magic existing in a technologically advanced world that is usually almost always found in sci-fi. magix having flying cars and hover bikes and phones that make earth tech look ancient (thx tecna), and fucking laser guns subverted bloom’s expectations! she thought she would see dragons and wands and wizards because that’s what fairy tales consist of on earth AND IT MAKES SENSE BECAUSE EARTH’S MAGIC WAS DEPLETED BY THE WIZARDS OF THE BLACK CIRCLE AND FAIRY TALES WOULD REMAIN THE SAME WHILE THE REST OF THE DIMENSIONS ADVANCED! they took away magix for some harry potter, dark aesthetic vibe FOR WHAT!? where’s the color! where’s the joy, the whimsy?! bloom had fun when the girls took her around magix because it wasn’t what she expecteeedddd! the otherworld (how creative😒) is just like every other run of the mill magical world with dark secrets, cold stone castles, and mind-numbing rigidity. alfea was blue and pink and bright, and ya killed her for some hogwarts copycat, thx a lot.
next up, the most heinous crime in my opinion, bloom and stella’s relationship. ooooh i’m bout to tweak in this bitch. i watched the show’s like first 3 eps and remember nothing but bloom and stella’s relationship is not at all the same. they’re the best friends ok. the best friends. bloom saved stella from knot, she transformed for the first time thinking she was saving stella’s ring from the trix, stella was the one who introduced her to everything. they’re each other’s defenders. stella helped bloom when she was struggling becoming domino’s princess. if bloom committed murder via arson stella’s helping her hide the body. and what did netfucks do to this beautiful friendship? made them adversaries over a guy😐 sky of all ppl, that bland blonde, “mr. i’ll pursue a relationship with a girl that knows nothing about intergalactic politics and won’t know i’m engaged” ALSO keeping on track with their “change things that subvert expecations” netflix made stella into the exact type of character winx did not. this popular princess, fairy of the sun, is a mean bitchy girl? oh who would’ve thought, no one saw that coming. netflix you owe me compensation
NEXT! um where are my magical girl transformations😐 winx club the magical girl show, with magical girl transformations and banger music (harmonix has the best song fight me). what is this hand waving magic in civillian clothes nonsense. GIVE BLOOM HER SPARKLY BLUE CROP TOP AND GOLD WINGS NEOWWWW. glad the show is cancelled now tho cuz i don’t wanna see how they would’ve butchered enchantix
NEXT! the trix. oh my favorite witches. why why whyyyy would they make all three of them into one person and then apparently (according to my brother he’s terrible at describing shows tho so idk) SHE BECOMES GOOD? NO! the trix are meant to foil the winx. how neither group gives up but one fight to save the world while the other fights to destroy it. how both groups are sisters if not in blood. icy darcy and stormy did not serve cunt in season one to get meshed into some frankensteinian mess because netflix wanted to reboot a beloved kid’s show and then took way all the things that made it beloved😐
and finally, valtor. yes valtor or baltor depending on which version you grew up with. um what they did to him. who the fuck is sebastian and why is he in a baseball cap. valtor terrorized the world in a purple coat and luscious hair that he maintains with his carefully curated 22 step routine. he would NOT wear plain bland clothes with a baseball cap. BLASPHEMY!
anyways, yea netflix i hope you’re haunted by the dragon flame
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alpha-window-9 · 8 months
Okay, my voice designs are complete! I am about to ramble about them.
Some general comments before getting into each individual one; I'm terribly inexperienced at drawing creatures, so while I adore how some artists are making them different birds and I would've loved for them to have actual beaks, I care too much about quality to do that to myself. So I just gave them pointy noses. Don't question the ears. At first I was just going to make them all have different outfits that could be worn by any gender or shape of person, because anyone can play the game, but that got in the way of other ideas I had. So they all have different styles/proportions to make them stand out. At first they had different feather bits, but then I realized how much I liked the cannon Long Quiet's little head bits that look like cat ears, which are already super expressive. So I went with that.
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Going in rainbow order, first we have Voice of the Paranoid!
I'm pretty sure his was the first of the group I designed, or at least, he's gone through the least revisions. I went full bug-eyed panic obviously. The eyes also make squinting in suspicion very obvious. While I like the designs that include the vital organs he keeps running, he serves a more general role in other routes. The outfit was the hardest to figure out, but I landed on the baseball tee because it was a bit more distinct, not too childish, but still very casual. Some symbolism I realized later is that you get to the Nightmare route by making choices that are uncomfortably in the middle, and that's reflected by Paranoid's shirt and pant sleeves stopping in the middle of the arm, right in the joint.
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Voice of the Skeptic.
This one was the hardest for me. I don't know him too well, and he doesn't have a specific action or attitude to play into. I finally got an idea when I decided against using realistic proportions for a different voice, that Skeptic was perfect for realism, he's all about facts and reality. The glasses came pretty quick, and I decided on the beard because he needs something to stroke in contemplation. He almost had a pipe as well, but I decided against it. The outfit was difficult again, I looked up a lot of references to scholars and various sherlock interpretations, and finally decided on a dark academia style turtleneck and the long coat, which was everywhere in my searches. If you could see both of the little head thingies the other one would be sideways kind of like a quirk eyebrow.
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Voice of the Contrarian.
While I adore the jester parallels so many others have made, I wanted to focus on the immature side of him. So he's a little brat with a backwards baseball cap because he's rebellious. I wanted to make sure to incorporate the sympathetic side that shows up later in Stranger.
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Voice of the Opportunist.
He's honestly one of my favorite voices, and I think part of that is how he's good with people and social interaction, so I leaned into that side by going for a sleezy business man aesthetic. He also mentions that he likes to travel, so I gave him that excellent shirt. He's on the business casual side because you can't be serious all the time, you need to relate to the people. He doesn't know what the earpiece is for, it's just there.
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Voice of the Hero.
Everyone's favorite boy! My main goal with the body type was friend shaped. Cause he's your bud. Went with the classic Link tunic because it's so incredibly hero coded, and the half cape to keep it fresh and friendly. I liked that another design gave him pauldrons to convey an upside down triangle shape, which represents intelligence and change, which I thought fit him very well. But fighting isn't really his thing, so I went with only one, putting the design off balance in a way I really liked. The head thingies came like first try, he's definitely swoopy and dynamic.
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Voice of the Hunted.
This one sucked to design because as I said previously, I'm bad at animalistic designs and shapes. My first thought was an Australian Bear Grylls type survivalist with realistic proportions, but it wasn't quite working and I loved everyone else's feral creatures. So I tried. The hair thingies came to me at random, and I like that they look like deer antlers. By this point I had everyone else down and none of them had a top heavy face shape so I tried that for Hunted and I liked how it turned out. I learned in my failed creature designs that a wide neck was important, so I did that. I kept the shark tooth necklace for flare.
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Voice of the Cheated.
I got very tall vibes from him for some reason. Maybe because it helps contrast his squinty eyes. For his outfit I went with a "someone who went broke at the casino" vibe. It felt right for everything to be mismatched, uneven, and messy. He's also the only one I gave a tired line.
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Voice of the Stubborn.
Of course he had to be buff, also wide things are sturdy. The tank top was the best shirt to show off those muscles, and I feel like the basketball shorts were a necessity for this stereotype. Thick eyebrows because angry. His head thingies are tiny and adorable mostly because I found it a funny contrast. The blue was honestly a bit of an afterthought, I'd already given red to Paranoid, and the orangy colors felt too weird for him. I think the blue works though.
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Voice of the Broken.
He's small. I had to go for a hoodie because it's gloomy and also to give cult vibes. The face needed to be big in order for those watery eyes to be prominent, and I felt keeping it in shadow was the easiest way to keep it simple. I had a lot of crazy ideas about unmatched puzzle pieces and wobbly towers that I'm incapable of executing, but I needed some sort of literal expression, so there's that big scar. The little line on the top is supposed to evoke a puppet whose string has been cut. I imagine that the others drag him around by it if they get frustrated.
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Voice of the Cold.
It was a bit difficult to figure out his design until I realized that he's the type to do hard drugs if given the opportunity to. Then things clicked. And once I made the connection of black lipstick, everything came together. The head thingies are supposed to look like dreadlocks.
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Voice of the Smitten.
I struggled so hard with this. I can not draw handsome people, but I can't have Smitty looking like a dork. The swoopy head thingies were easy enough, but most of the rest didn't look right, or was literally just Roman from Sanders sides. But I got in a chin, and decided to go for the heart body shape and I think it turned out well in the end. I was even able to keep the shirt sleeves and bowtie that I had discarded earlier for being too dorky.
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pinkprimrose05 · 1 year
character asks bc other anon was a coward: blade
General opinion/How much I care about them: Ren Blade Yingxing my beloved beloathed depressed miserable angsty bastard aaaaaaa-
This man, oh my god. This edgy mess is somehow the second fastest blorbo to be coined as such in my blorbo-having history, and I think that alone says a lot. But even if not, he has his special little spot for being: 1) my first HSR fave, 2) my current main (the gameplay is ridiculously fun holy shit), and 3) the reason I downloaded the game at all (shoutout to Bronya, of course, but it was mainly Ren).
Also I really like the fact that he's genuinely batshit insane. An unapologetic menace to the galaxies. He can be so unhinged and evil sometimes, and that's a new flavor of fave in my collection. Did I mention the story doesn't try to redeem him at all? Because it's true! Extremely uncommon win on the hyv writers' part there; doubly so because they manage to balance this aspect with the subtle gap moe they love to give to all their stoic characters.
Yes. Ren is simultaneously edginess incarnate and a tired grandpa that sucks with words and doesn't know shit about technology. Oh and he keeps getting roped into Situations by his colleagues- and goes along with them all the time! The dude was literally asked to pose for a movie cover and he just. did that. No questions asked. Nothing.
I care about him a very normal amount. He's so neat and- oh my god I forgot to mention the aesthetic. Black/blue/red/gold is such a banger color scheme. He also has a spider lily motif and that looks very cool! And the pretty ribbon on the back of his coat is a 10/10 design choice. His only problem is that the game keeps forgetting to edit his silly beta design sneakers out of splash art, and that the washed out jeans clash hard with the coat. But otherwise? Perfection. I could (and did) stare at him for hours on end.
A ship I love: Kafblade is one of those pairs that you can read as romantic or platonic with equal efficacy and I love that for it. They're partners in crime! There's a great sense of trust and faith between them! They're each other's guardian and tether and the one who understands them best and they're such an awesome dynamic, good lord.
Honorable mention goes to jingren for the old man yaoi potential to take the relationship in a very (bitter)sweet or very sad way. There's something to be explored here and I wish canon could give it consideration someday.
A non-romantic relationship that I love: Stellaron Hunter agenda!!! They're so awesome individually and as a group, and the comedy is just lovely. You have Ren wrangling two terribly reckless women because in some way, by some miracle, he happens to be the braincell holder among the three. You have him trailing after Kafka on one of her shopping sprees with a whole bunch of bags and coats, you have him going to an arcade with Silver Wolf because she wanted to show him this brand new game she's been talking about nonstop for four days, and you have him in an impromptu shooting session with them both because they wanted to make silly movie covers and needed an extra actor.
They're one small hilarious family and I adore them so so much, you have no idea. Can't wait until Sam and Elio make an appearance in the story so I get more fuel for shenanigans.
The NOTP: None here sir, as long as the ship is normal it's fine by me.
My biggest headcanon about them: Ren is autistic and you will pry this hc from my cold, dead hands. He's stuck in his own head 80% of the time. He doesn't do conversation at all. Back when he was still Yingxing, he used to spend so much time at the forge when inspiration struck him, to the point of tuning out everything until his friends physically dragged him out to touch grass. He's an autistic nerd through and through, and even several thousand deaths can't take that from him.
An idea for a fanfiction I would like to write/read about them: One idea I've been curious about lately is what would happen in a roleswap scenario, where the Astral Express crew find Ren before the Stellaron Hunters do. He may not make for a great archivist, his state of mind may be less-than-stellar, but it's interesting to imagine the dynamics between him and the crew- and hey, who doesn't love taking sad guys out of situations for a change?
I'm filing this concept for later, just in case. Who knows? The writing ghost visits when I least expect it.
Something that makes me think of them: Everything these days The flute, the sound of wind blowing, red spider lilies, and -to the immense detriment of my composure in public- mentions of the word blade in any context ever. Why gee, thanks for permanently altering my brain chemistry.
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flashbic · 6 months
2 6 12 22 for Jack and Yutani (26 if you want to ramble about anything specific)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character
Jack: the fine line between him just being a silly lil guy and him being full-on sinister, and how fast he switches between the two! It's a good, fun vibe! Also let's be real, im a simple man. i see Brad Dourif with terrible long hair and a trench coat, i can't not love him
Yutani: Him, Raimi and Weyland share one braincell. Their dynamic is fun, especially the one he has with Weyland where it seems like they just like bothering each other? In the end, they're all still 3 well-intentioned dorks with a kinda bad plan. Also him being huge weeb is never not funny.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
Jack: my go-to answer to this one used to be The Aesthetic bc for a bunch of years my Jack Dante outfit was just part of my regular wardrobe. Not so much these days, but hey i got the little logo as a tattoo, so i think that still counts :p Also a love of cartoons!
Yutani: look i know it's a headcanon and that's literally the next question but. Aroace Yutani REAL
12. What's a headcanon you have for this character?
Jack: The CHAANK person he knows the most and dealt with the most often is John! John is just as scared of him as anyone else, but more or less knew how to handle him for the most part? That sure doesn't mean Jack /liked/ him though, obviously, and all of that flies out the window immediately once John feels like he isn't in control of the situation. Also i'll add that same headcanon everyone else has: disaster bi Jack Dante real
22. If you're a fic reader, what's something you like in fics when it comes to this character? Something you don't like?
Jack: i just like thinking about his dynamics with the other CHAANK people, really! Which is funny because i don't think that's something i actually ever wrote much? But if we're talking pre-movie setup, i do think his dynamics with John, Scott and Nicholson are stuff that's super interesting. Sad lil kid!Dante is something i used to ponder A Lot that just doesn't click with me as much these days? And big props to all the people writing reader/Dante fics, im amused that it exists in the first place, but ngl there's nothing i want less than to be involved if im reading something asdfkg
Yutani: (people write fics about Yutani?? asdfkg) Not much to say here, except that anything involving shipping just does nothing for me
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gorbalsvampire · 1 month
for the design ask game: favorite, formal, motion, and stillness for Mother Superior Penelope :D ?
favorite: Does your OC have a favorite article of clothing or accessory? What is it? What's the meaning behind it? Do they wear it all the time or do they wear it sparingly to keep it safe?
Singular article, not really. However, she feels naked without a hat and a rosary; indeed, she has wandered round the haven naked except for a hat, a rosary and some strategic shadow cling, and claimed to be fully dressed. She was trying to be Cathari at first...
I think it's part of her whole semi-anachronism deal. A wide brim or a fascinator just set off her aesthetics so, and they have an old-fashioned comfort to them.
formal: What's your OC's formal look? Do they like dressing up? Do they have different looks for different occasions?
She absolutely does. Her "Camarilla look" is stereotypical Lasombra: black jumpsuit and jacket, black gloves and lipstick, black heels on her feet and onyx on her fingers. Her "Anarch look" is black strappy top, frayed jeans; chauffeur's cap and glossy fashion shades; kitten heels and a big handbag. Neither of those are really her.
Left to her own devices, Penny resets to mid-century vintage: long skirts and maxi dresses, green and red velvets; white blouse (maybe a modern cut with a few inches of midriff flash, ooh la la) or double-breasted coat; sometimes she'll go a little boho with something loose and flowing in three quarter length. But that's not really her either - that's her "dressing up" for dealing with other people.
Penny is herself when she's naked in the dark, and it's just her and her bodies. The rest is all masquerade.
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Co-ordinated, but... uncanny. This isn't a woman. This is a corpse, moving by effort of will and directed by spite and hunger. Precise, and elegant, but sharp and staccato; stop motion, motion to stop. Generally, she doesn't dress for rapid action: Penny is a scavenger, an ambush predator, a mastermind, and not here to run.
stillness: How does your OC act while still? Are they fidgety? Do they have any common gestures or tics? Does their clothing affect how they hold themselves while at rest?
Very still. This is the hardest part about playing her, because I am a twitchy, fidgety, alive creacher with terrible posture, and Penny is none of those things. Penny in repose is dead: eyes opaque, skin pale, blood cold and settled, stiff and straight-backed. Those tight double-breasted jackets give her an almost military immovability, but other than that, the phrase that springs to mind is lying in state. And lying as a state. And lying about being a state.
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Ranking (bullying) LD Curtain's season 2 fashion choices
Because even if the show seems to have forgiven him, I sure haven’t. 
DISCLAIMER: This is in NO WAY criticizing the costume designers of this show- it couldn’t be farther from that. They’ve done an amazing job with every single piece in the show, and all of these fit Curtain’s personality and aesthetic perfectly. This is just me mocking the in-universe fashion choices that the character makes, because he needs to be bullied more. All lighthearted, all in good fun.
Disclaimer #2: I know literally nothing about fashion, please don’t attack me. 
Okay, from least heinous to most heinous, here we go! 
First up:
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As much as it pains me to admit this. I actually. Really like this one. (”And if you told me I would never say something like that, well, I would never say something like that, but here we are.”) I think the silhouette is interesting, and all of the pieces come together well. Plus, in some of the tighter shots you can see that the fabric texture and detailing is really cool:
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The leaves as clasps and that crinkly texture kind of really slap, and I really love the way the collar sort of wraps into the placket.
8 / 10
Interview outfit:
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Wow, look! Another one that doesn't inspire immediate feelings of rage! We're doing so well.
This one isn't as visually interesting as the first outfit, but I do sort of like it. The collar folds create kind of a cool shape, and the grey accents under the top is a nice little contrast. I don't know how I feel about the zipper right below the collar, it's kind of a weird choice and might look better if it wasn't so visible, but I'll let it slide for this one since we have a much more heinous zipper situation coming up later.
I like the contrasting shades of blue with the button up shirt, and the lavender shirt he wears under it later in the episode, and the fact that part of the collar can kind of fold down to make a different shape.
6 / 10
Clown sleeves:
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So the sleeves on this one are. kind of a lot. But they gain a couple of points for being the only thing in this outfit that really pops. They're sort of weird, but I can see the appeal of them standing out against the black vest, and being a pretty nice contrast that draws the eye.
5 / 10
Time for the part of the post where I include 6 outfits that I just kind of don't have strong opinions on, mainly because they feel like pretty standard, decent outfits with no real reason to bat an eye at them.
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The last image is saved on my computer as "are those your pajamas?" but. acceptable.
sure / 10
Dancy dance:
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I don't have much to say about this one other than, for some reason, the visual of him wearing tennis shoes makes me viscerally uncomfortable.
🤡 / 10
Elizabeth Holmes Chic:
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He looks like a kid playing dress-up in their dad's giant overcoat, except someone let him go outside looking like this. I know oversized clothing items can be fashionable but here he's like drowning in it.
And then when he takes the coat off:
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This maybe wouldn’t be a terrible outfit, it’s just so goddamn pretentious. He seems like he's trying to look like Steve Jobs, but ended up looking more like Elizabeth Holmes.
about to start another pyramid scheme / 10
Vacation dad (derogatory):
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On someone else I might like this outfit, but on him it just looks so dumb. He looks like he's about to go skydiving with how much he's buttoned up. Better watch out or he could get carried away and spend 20 minutes unstrapping and unbuttoning it to reveal his fun little vacation shirt underneath! It's somehow stupidly formal and stupidly casual at the same time, and I just think it's a very silly little outfit. He's joining the army as penance for his fashion crimes. If you ask very very nicely he might tell you what's in his four huge, weirdly-placed pockets.
what's in the pockets / 10
And now.
We've arrived. We're finally here. The last one. The moment we've all been waiting for.
The worst of the worst:
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I'll be honest, I don't really know where to start this one. There are too many things to choose from. Do I start with the weird asymmetrical pattern on the sleeves, with the red and blue stripes that aren't even made up of the same type of pattern?
Or maybe the fact that the buttons (and the piece of fabric they're attached to) ends too high above the neckline of the top layer?
Or we could talk about the fact that the top layer looks like one of those smocks you'd wear to get an x-ray at the dentist, made in a fabric that must have been rescued from the back of a fabric store after 50 years of not being bought.
I think by far the worst part is the length:
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The fact that those strange little smock flaps go almost a foot past the zipper, halfway down to his knees. It swallows like 2/3rds of his body in this horrible block of grey fabric, and this man has the audacity to carry himself like it’s fashionable, instead of an assault on the senses. 
I want to set it on fire. I want to burn him along with it. I want to gently take his tailor aside and ask if Curtain held him at knife point and made him design this monstrosity. TEAR IT TO PIECES, GET IT OUT OF MY SIGHT, TURN IT INTO SCRAPS FOR SQ'S ART PROJECTS.
This outfit is such a menace to this world that I thought everyone should get a chance to tear it to shreds, so presenting, the communal roast:
“GROSS. SHUN.” -@mvshortcut
"prison chic. dentist x-ray chic. ugly." -@mysteriouseggsbenedict 
“the terrible zip up vest that just keeps on going fucked a potato sack” -@bi-demon-ium
“runway model for the most pretentious fashion designer who ever lived” - @sqenthusiast
“Trying to be casual but also Better Than You. The definition of 'you really thought you did something there'” -@echo-delta
“Child with one of those books where you can draw clothes over top the shape of a person” -@mysteriouseggsbenedict 
“Mr Curtain sir I don’t feel very happy looking at this. I think it’s a little counterproductive.” -@mvshortcut
Truly horrendous.
borrowing constance's acid to destroy the outfit and then clean the eyes of anyone who wants to forget they saw this monstrosity / 10
Thank you so much for coming on this journey with me, and as always, send the x-ray bib to hell.
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mackmp3 · 9 months
Thought I’d send another of these hehe, still no pressure!!!
🐸Describe your aesthetic
🎤Is there a song you know all the lyrics to?
🌿describe your favourite outfit
hehe ok!! :DDD
describe your aesthetic - uhm i wear a lot of big tshirts, band shirts a bunch of them, men's plaid button downs, and jeans with holes covered in paint. i got out my mum's old leather jacket yesterday and i actually like it more than i remembered hehe. if i'm feeling especially extra, i'll wear a waistcoat. i like cds and vinyl but if i'm listening to music on a device it's mp3 files babeyyyyy. anything i've used frequently enough will either get paint or pen ink or both on it. i've started cutting my own hair and it doesn't even look too terrible
is there a song i know all the lyrics too - hahahahah yes quite a few <3 i'm a musician i memorise songs for fun :D more pj harvey songs than a normal person probably
describe your favourite outfit - ooh it's long brown pants with lots of pockets, slim black lace-up boots, a blue button down with the sleeve rolled up, tucked in properly, soft waistcoat over that. blue and green tie, long brown corduroy coat which i've mentioned before - it makes me feel like the tenth doctor or like i'm performing on stage (i have worn some variation of this performing) it's very cool and makes me feel almost more myself? i don't wear it a lot because it's a lot of layers and i get too warm, but i like the layers and i like wearing suit-adjacent things and it just sort of makes me more confident and bouncy <3
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