#the creach
balaenabooks · 1 year
Adam "The Creach" Frankenstein is one of my all-time favorite characters, one of my original beloved high school blorbos, basically a perfect anti-hero who strikes a fine and delicate balance between sympathetic and monstrous (in the true moral sense). He incites sympathy in the reader due to his initial innocence and his desire for compassion and understanding (which all living thinking beings deserve), but he also does things that are truly reprehensible and in the end he realizes that after all the murders and all the death, he finally did become the monster everyone thought he was (and he was made in his father's image so that tells you a lot about Victor Frankenstein's monstrosity but that's another post).
(also Creach is not conventionally attractive or "classically beautiful" and I will die on this hill)
So seeing him reduced by the fandom to "soft handsome goth boy who did nothing wrong uwu 🥺💖🌸" makes me want to bite people.
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hannahwatcheshorror · 1 month
😿Dog Dies
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This movie suffers greatly not only from time but from trying to capitalize off of the success of the previous film. It just doesn’t have the same heart or charm as the original, at many points I found myself thinking, “Would The Creature really do that?” or “Not my Creature.” There is quite a bit about this that is done well, but too much is done in a goofy manner that makes this sequel more of a comedy than a horror.
There was a big emphasis on the fact that The Creature could not stay out of water for long at all, but that had me thinking a lot about not only the first movie but the design of the creature. In the first film you could see when Creach was on land he was breathing from his mouth and it seemed labored. When I first saw this I assumed he was just having more trouble, like the air was too thin for him (because he wasn’t fully human yet, he hadn’t evolved all the way, BUT he was getting there, bitch got two footsies!).
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I think it would be very remiss to ignore the fact that the GilMAN had two FEET. Two big fucking, flip flopping, ground slapping, webbed-ass, clown feet.  So if you take that… and his whole human looking body… and the fact he could WALK on land… and that everyone was always saying “Ay yo, is he the missing link?" but then, suddenly, the same dude who pulls himself out of the water for fun, couldn't be out of water long? But he had feet? Really? Same guy?
And you have got to be the WORST ichthyologist on earth (Helen) if you looked at the Gilman and said "Yeah, he's doing fine in captivity, I mean, he's fighting his enclosure every chance he gets and then we shock him into submission, but look at all the life in those dead eyes!”
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Honestly, it is so realistic though that we (the general we) would find this beautiful and deadly creature and say "Let's put that thing in Sea World!" and then they DID just that and he started to (try to) kill as SOON as you brought him out of the coma YOU (the 'scientists') put him in..
When he escaped and went to the sea (which, our boy’s a LAGOONMAN, why was it okay for him to be in salt water? That was okay with his gills? No mention of that? (I guess Florida in general is more toxic for our boy than some saline… I would love to see The Creature vs. Florida Man.) He tried to get between some cars but they were parked too close together and in a fit of rage (and bitch ass strength) Creach flipped one of the cars and then awkwardly wattled by. “GET THAT MAN TO THE OCEAN” (I actually screamed, alone, to my tv.)
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Homeboy went and found Helen, (which is WACK) she's forgotten her dog (RIP Chris, why that name and why your death) and then they had fun swimming with Creach! Honestly it was a little more exciting and stressful that there were two people swimming this time because it felt more like each swimmer would write off anything they felt as the other swimmer and not think that something was amiss. I got the willies! (But when she caught Gilmans hands it probably felt WEIRD and very much non-human and she should have said to her old man friend "are those your old, clammy ball hands with those sharp fucking nails??" COME ON! Those nails had to be sharp. But I digress)
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Skip forward to my FAVORITE death, after Helen was captured, the search party was on, but who actually found her? Two hapless college kids and Mount St Creach sent one flying into a tree for a good 7 seconds. It's one of the best/worst effects I've ever seen. The lad swung like Tarzan.
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The ending is the same as the first movie, except it doesn't work this time (at all). Why did he let Helen go? It isn't that he was surrounded, there were more people around when he abducted her in the first place. It's almost as though he suddenly developed a frontal lobe as he is dying (because again, they have him basically die at the very end) as he gave her back to her land life. The Creach floats towards the bottom again. The End.
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lennenart · 4 months
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Perfect for each other! ~
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TorchWOOD but torchSHOULDN’T
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strawberrypatty · 4 months
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Lisa and Creature as Couple Goals
Part 1
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starsapphire · 9 months
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batman #547
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see-arcane · 7 months
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Sappy little Frankenstein AU in which there are pros and cons.
Pro: Victor stuck around long enough on that dreary night of November to realize the Creature was a Very Large Toddler who just wanted to be near his Creator. Aww.
Con: The Creature wants to be near his Creator all the time always forever and it's really going to put a dent in both his coursework and/or getting anything from the market. (Henry, please get back soon, you need to distract him with a poetry reading.)
Based on the vibes and dialogue of this video.
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dogontwolegs · 9 months
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my part for an art secret santa hosted in my server :3 this was fun, always love making wiggly things
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basilpaste · 5 months
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thinking about her. my friend the witch who fucking hates me.
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elline · 3 months
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doodle page
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mamawasatesttube · 1 year
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robin (1993) #58
head in my hands. tim you are the worst. i love you SO much
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bad2sentence · 6 months
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hannahwatcheshorror · 1 month
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This is a classic creature feature and a joy to watch. There were only a few questionable moments that gave me a laugh of which I'm sure they didn't intend, but overall the film was gripping and, truth be told, scary! If you are someone who wrestles with thalassophobia, be warned, just because this film is from 1970 doesn't mean there aren’t amazing underwater footage and stunts!
The film starts with almost no full shots of The Creature, just his arm and creepy claws. It is this amazing lead up to meeting him that really keeps you on your (webbed) toes. The musical score accompanying our Mr. Man (Mr. Gilman) is brassy and sharp. (I had to laugh at the ruined sting when Kay is called away before his trademarked outstretched Creach Claw™ could snag her.)
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The underwater shots of The Creature swimming parallel Kay (without her knowing, of course) are chilling and might I say gross. I might have uttered an, "ew" at the idea of a sentient being only a few feet below in the murkiness mirroring my movements and watching me. All adoration for Creach goes out the porthole at that point. He dared not touch Kay though, he even ducked down to hide in the flora when she dived deeper into the lagoon. Not even a brush of his claws as she pulled herself out of the water. I had chills.
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Then there were a lot of young men in short shorts getting murdered by the green goobly before he got drugged and captured. (I laughed as Captain Lucas held a knife to a grown man in hot shorts.) The shots, almost stills, of Creach in his makeshift bamboo cage (that there was no way he could have busted out of) looking up from below, something about the way his face was being refracted in the water was just so goofy and I was just about losing my mind when the guard and Kay turn away from him to have a quick chat. While he just floats there, wall eyed… I got the feeling he was supposed to look menacing but he just looked silly until he finally broke out.
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There was a very long scene involving trees and a rope and a wench and at one point the final survivors just kind of forgot that The Creature was still around and didn't notice him splashing up behind them to grab Kay. Classic final survivors forgetting about the titular movie monster because they are so busy trying to wrap up the film in the last five minutes!
When the fellas get Kay back with her… Boyfriend? Husband? Fiance? Her man, he says for everyone to stop shooting, so... It ends with human kindness! But Creach is floating towards the bottom of the legume and the film ends like he dies which sucks cause he was just a little guy (who brutally murdered 5 men).
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snowflakeeel · 11 months
Fish or creach!
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Found on a Doctor Who fic but this is just the plot of Hannibal
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thatbisexualcreature · 7 months
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