#the description was so off sometimes
darlenicy · 7 months
Finally found the source in which Darcy was described as "Jewel of Darkness"
Translation ⬇️
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Source of energy: ice
Deadly powers: ice-rain and ice spears
Icy is the leader of the Trix. Thanks to her charisma,she gets everyone to follow her rules.
Source of energy: wind
Deadly powers: approaching storms and thunderstorms
Stormy is passionate and testy. She thinks that she's more powerful than Icy in secret.
JEWEL OF DARKNESS (sounds so good omg)
Source of energy: darkness
Deadly powers: hypnotic waves and rays
Darcy appears silent and calm. She's devious and scary (scary lmao). She studies her enemies carefully to find out their weak points, then she attacks!
Yes, not me buying the full card set to get this little information on the trix 😂
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shopwitchvamp · 4 months
Reminder that our size charts list the length of all skirt types/sizes from waistband to hem. Please check the length against yourself if you have any concerns 🥲
(Got a 3⭐ Maxi review largely about the Maxis being "waaay too long" :[ but they're exactly as long as we tell you)
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souldagger · 11 months
i'm rereading the expanse and it's absolutely wild how james essay corey can write some of the most interesting+compelling female characters in fiction and then turn around and be like 'ok now let me fetishize her for a second tho'
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AOAOAOA Ep #74: Five popular Twitch streamers go live to talk about their craft (ft. Damien Haas)
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softquietsteadylove · 4 months
Me again! I am once again humbly requesting more of the family law au. Anything you wanna do with the story, I know anything you write will be amazing
Thena looked up as a small body plunked down onto the bench next to her. She looked back at the courtroom door, but the child had appeared from elsewhere. "Hello."
The child sniffled.
She looked around them, but court was in recess, currently. "Where is your guardian?"
The kid shrugged.
She could simply ignore the child. She wasn't a bailiff or authority, she was only in court to close a case of her own, it was signatures in front of the judge. But she recognised the deep hunch in her shoulders and the way her feet kicked idly hanging off the edge of the bench. "I know you have one. Kids aren't allowed to just walk into courtrooms alone."
The kid looked around; she couldn't have been older than twelve. "My parents are talking to a lawyer, but I left."
How did a kid walk out and no one noticed? Thena frowned, "who was watching you?"
"My dad's new wife."
Ah, an unwanted stepmother; Thena angled herself toward the young girl. "Hm, the lawyer speaking with your parents, is he...big?"
She looked up at Thena, her face betraying the vulnerability her body language was trying to hide. "Really big."
Thena couldn't help but smile. There was no more way effective way to describe Gil. "Trust me, he looks scary, but he's actually quite nice."
The girl looked back down at her lap again. "I dunno."
If her parents were speaking with Gil, it was some sort of family issue. Divorce - and to some extent, custody - was her specialty, but Gil handled plenty to do with family settlements and custody issues. He didn't always get to see families on their best day.
Thena rethought her approach. She undid her suit jacket and put her arm up on the back of the bench. "My youngest sister is around your age. She also hates talking."
The girl giggled, just a little. "I don't hate talking."
"Well," Thena paused and shrugged strategically. "Tell me why you're here today."
The kid sighed, seeming even more like Sprite. "My dad's new wife wants us to stay at their new house for his weekends with us. But it's really far away, and they only have one bedroom for me and my sister to share."
As much as she was listening to the child, her mind couldn't help but think that - professionally speaking - it didn't sound suitable for at least one preteen, if not two. "Are you parents discussing this now?--where you and your sister should go, that is?"
She nodded, sniffling again. "They got a little nicer with each other after the divorce. But now all they're doing is yelling again."
Thena bobbed her head slowly to show her understanding. The poor child had been through this already and was now reliving the struggle of an ugly custody hearing. "And do you remember what they were saying?"
The girl made a face, scrunching her small features. "I had to go with my dad's new wife when they started yelling. My sister is still in there, though. They were talking about 'confidence' or something."
So, the sister was older. Even more of a reason that the girls sharing a room would be unfavourable. "Competence--it means they want to know who's the better parent."
She looked up at Thena again, even sadder than before. "I like both my parents. I just don't wanna live an hour away every weekend!"
"Okay, okay, all right, sh," Thena attempted to comfort the girl (which had never been her specialty). She patted her back as the poor thing loudly hiccuped and sniffled up her excess snot. "Can I tell you something?"
Children enjoyed knowing secrets.
The girl nodded.
Thena sighed. It went against all her personal rules against disclosing her personal life, family situation, getting close with people in a professional setting. But she sucked it up, as Sprite would say. "I've had to prove my competence before, when I signed up to take care of my sisters."
"You take care of your sisters?" she asked, although she didn't seem so incredibly astounded.
"One is 16, although it feels like she's turning 20," Thena laughed faintly, and at least the girl smiled. It was the kind of thing a parent would say, much to her dread. But she continued. "I told you the other is around your age, she just turned 13 in the spring."
"How old are you?"
She ignored that question. "I had to prove I could take care of them, like a parent would, although I didn't really know how. But do you know what helped?"
She shook her head.
"Hearing from them," Thena said more gently. It seemed a revelation to the girl that someone might listen to her. "They said they wanted to stay with me. That I would take good care of them, and I swore I would. And I've tried my best, even if I'm not perfect. I get things wrong sometimes, like getting them to school late or forgetting about projects they have."
"What do you do?"
"I try again," she shrugged, and if anything the girl seemed to appreciate her honesty. "Because someone who's going to look after you only wants what's best for you. What's important is if you're safe, and taken care of and comfortable. If you're happy, and doing well in school, or with your friends. The person who's going to take care of you will care about that even if it means you're far away."
Something seemed to dawn on the girl. Although Thena didn't want to sway her opinion any, it would seem her assumption that the husband was not doing his due diligence was correct. Or perhaps the wife was pushing too hard for her new role in his children's lives. Either way, if the girls were best off with their mother, it was more than clear to the client, now.
"Thanks," she smiled at Thena, her shoulders un-hunching faintly. "I'll tell my sister that."
Perhaps the older one could communicate that to the parents. It sounded like the parents were a few precarious steps away from hiring individual lawyers for each of their sides as opposed to using one. But Thena regarded the girl, labelling her 'her client' in her mind. And it was her job to keep her client's best interest at heart.
"There you are!"
Thena looked up, catching Gil jogging over to them. She stood out of habit, holding her coat over her arm. "Mister Gilgamesh."
"Hey," he smiled at her before looking down at the girl. "What's the deal, we turned around and you were gone."
The mother and father immediately began berating the daughter for running off. Thena caught Gil's eye aside from the family. She leaned closer, "my client has some concerns about the pending custody battle."
"Oh," Gil blinked, looking from the girl and back to her. He smiled, showing off the charming and warm temperament that made him so popular, especially with families. "She does, does she?"
They drifted further from the family having their own discussion. Thena eyed Gil, who looked both exhausted and also a whole pot of coffee deep. "How is it?"
He angled himself closer to her and away from the family. "It's getting ugly, and I don't know what I can do to stop it. They're ready to hire their own custody lawyers."
Thena also peeked over at them cautiously. The girl was accepting her berating, although when the father's wife appeared over his shoulder she looked away, taking on a more defensive stance again. She really did remind her of Sprite. "Let the girls talk."
She shifted on her feet. It was Gil's case, and she had no real right to get involved, even if it did cross into her expertise. She whispered, "let the girls speak. If nothing else, it should sway the parents enough for them to come to a decision."
Gil made a face, crossing his arms. It pulled his suit jacket to the point of strain; ridiculously thick arms, he had. "Or it could be the drop that makes the dam burst."
Thena shook her head though. "It won't. Those girls know the best place for themselves, and I believe the parents do too. Let the girls state what they want. The parents will respond to their needs and settle."
He gave her a peculiar look, and she couldn't fault him for it. She usually didn't offer personal perspectives on cases. She worked solely and completely on evidence, maybe sometimes on how a judge might regard something. But she didn't give personal opinions. "How do you know?"
Thena looked at the family again. The father patted both his daughters on the shoulder as the bailiff ushered them back to where they had been discussing things during the recess. She looked at Gil. "I just do."
Gil didn't look at the family again. He focused entirely on her, unfolding his arms, slipping his hands into his pockets and raising an eyebrow slightly. But he nodded, "okay."
"That's it?"
He shrugged, furthering the rumpling of his suit, entirely by his own doing. "I trust you. If you say the family will settle, I believe you. I'll ask for the kids to talk."
She smiled, genuinely relieved at the idea of the young girl's feelings being heard. Maybe there was something to how Gil made all of his cases personal. "I think it will be best for everyone."
"So, uh," Gil finally did just barely glance over his shoulder as they started walking back as well. "What'd you say to her?"
Thena pursed her lips. "Not much of anything, truly. The girl is quite competent for her age. All she needs is to be heard."
Gil chuckled.
"Nothing," he laughed now, furthering her scrutiny. He shrugged, "you're great with kids, which I guess I should have expected."
"I would not say that."
"You just demonstrated it."
"You didn't see it happen."
"You literally have kids."
"I am not a mother," she argued, and it was true, even as a defense of herself. "She's around Sprite's age, and I recall when Sprite first got into her phase of wanting to shout at the world but not wanting anyone to look at her, either."
"See?" Gil gesticulated with his hand before rolling his shoulders to correct his suit jacket (it did not). "You're a natural."
That was not what the courts thought when she was going through her own proceedings a matter of years ago. But she smiled, giving his poor suit jacket a tug here and there to get it to sit right on him again. Why was he so ridiculously well built for a family lawyer? "Your clients await."
He gave her a more grateful smile as she brushed her hand over his lapel. "Thanks--hey, I'll make sure your client gets her fair say."
She waved him off as he went back to his meeting, and then the proceeding hearing. Technically she didn't have any reason to linger--it wasn't her case. But she sat herself down on the bench outside of the main courtroom doors again, pulling out her phone.
Can I go see that new gangster movie with sersi and her friends?
She would never understand Sprite's obsession with foreign, violent gangster action comedies. But she sighed. She had been poised to say no, that she would pick them up from their free roaming at the mall (which she only allowed them when she had court dates anyway). But she resigned herself to her decision.
That's fine, I'm still at court anyway. But don't stuff yourself on movie snacks, you still have to eat at home
With that, she slipped her phone away again, staring ahead at the elevators opposite her bench of solitude. It was silly to wait. She could ask Gil about it later if she was so concerned. It was inappropriate. It wasn't her case.
Then she would think of how Sprite had tearily asked if she and Sersi would be put in some stranger's house. She would think of that little girl who had sat right down next to her, and she thought of Gil, nervously pacing outside before even she had arrived for her earlier hearing time. He had been poring over this case all week.
Maybe she should do something for him if the case went well--and if it didn't go well, in all honesty.
Thanks thee btw can gil come and cook again it was soooo good
Thena swiped the notification away, decidedly ignoring the leading question. It was nothing but entrapment; as sweet as it was that her sisters had grown a fondness for Gilgamesh, she didn't need them reading too much into her relationship with her colleague.
No matter how amazing his lasagne was, and how often she had thought about it in the past week.
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bratprivilege · 10 months
I am like literally begging the Internet to write image descriptions at this point
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lockpicnic · 3 months
something old, something new, something stolen, something blue
It's the dream of so many young women, and yet she can't help but believe she wants it more than anyone else.
Even at a young age her one true dream was to marry a wealthy man. Nobility preferred, but not required as long as he had the cash. She had a lot of mouths to feed after all, and the line of work the Yngvi siblings once found themselves in didn’t always cut it. Marriage was simply for convenience in her mind— something a cute girl could use to get her way. Rarely did she think about whether or not they’d really love each other.
But that didn’t stop her from dreaming of that fairytale wedding, being walked down the aisle by a father she never knew the face of with a wide grin on her face. The man waiting for her at the altar has no discernible features, and yet the way she looks at him is as if he was the only man in the world.
Every morning after that dream she could hardly remember the details, save for the image of a ribbon from her hair dancing in the wind.
Even as she fought during the war the idea of getting married never left her mind. A Prince like Shannan or Seliph would have done nicely (she would’ve considered the others too if they weren’t so…preoccupied with women of their own— she was a thief, but that didn’t make her a monster who would steal someone else’s man), but they never seemed to even glance in her direction unless she called for their attention first.
Yet the dreams of marriage persisted. This time her mother (at least, the mother she knew from the tales,) was brushing her hair, telling her just how proud she was of her. It was one of her favourite dreams at the time, always ending with her mother stepping away from the vanity to reveal a beautiful wedding dressed made just for her. It looked straight out of a fairytale!
Perhaps that was why it only belonged in her dreams.
Her arrival in Fódlan only made the thought of marriage grow more and more invasive, noble men from continents she’s never heard of finding themselves in the exact same halls as a girl like her. How could resist such a golden opportunity? It didn’t matter if her grades were poor— bagging a rich husband meant there was no need for any sort of formal education!
So when a travelling wedding boutique first arrived in town she knew she had to go and look at it for herself. Even if she didn’t have any suitors yet it was never too early to window shop! While all the dresses were gorgeous, the veils were what truly stood out to the thief. Never did she think they could come in so many different styles!
That night she dreamt of her brother. He teases her as always, but the teasing soon ends in kind words. He’s proud of her for settling down, and those words alone leave her in tears (and with wet cheeks once she woke up). Before she could react a veil is placed on her head, one with flowers adorning the crown, and he wishes her good luck with her new husband.
The next day she returns to the boutique before they close, stashing an exact veil inside of her bag. It’s fine— they probably wouldn’t miss it.
Rarely did Patty busy herself with gardening anymore. Out of all the little domestic hobbies she’s picked up it was by far her worst one, but something about the greenhouse felt more calming in the last few months. Blue and white flowers sprout from the earth, shining under the sun’s rays.
“They’d look cute in a vase— ooo, or maybe a bouquet!” She spoke to herself, imagining the arrangement she could make with the patches of flowers. For most brides it would probably be a little too plain…but the longer she stared at them, the more and more perfect her imaginary bouquet grew. “And maybe I could get one of the big blue ones on my dress to spice it up— give it a lil splash of colour!”
It had been awhile since she last thought of her dream wedding. She always thought her wedding would become more of a priority as she grew older…but it turned out that the older you got, the more things you had to worry about. That didn’t mean that she didn’t like to sit and day dream about it still, however.
She could especially envision just how it would look now: it would be held in Yngvi, the courtyard decorated to the nines! Of course the orphans would be there too, all cleaned up and ready to be her flower boys and girls! Febail would be there, just like how he was in her dream…though, maybe it would be him walking her down the aisle? Or would that job have to go to Uncle Andrei instead? It didn’t really matter in the end, so long as they were both attending.
“…Or maybe I’ll end up meetin’ some bad boy and eloping.” She couldn’t help but laugh at the idea. Now that would have Andrei cross…but it didn’t really matter how it happened, right? So long as she was someone’s blushing bride she would be happy!
The thief slowly rises from her spot, eyes trailing from the patches of flowers to where the Lady-of-Mourning once grew.
“It don’t matter how I get it or who I get it with…I know I’m gonna get my happily ever after soon!”
Patty has mastered Bride!
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antihibikase-archive · 9 months
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Poisonous Flower, Slater
Weapon: Fairy Lock (Wand) A peculiar wand in the shape of a key. Legends say that this wand opens the gates of the heavens. When used in battle, it increases the wielder's defense and special defense by one stage. This effect can only be used three times per battle.
Equipment: Destiny Knot A ribbon brooch part of the Plasma Harmonia Chorale's uniform, with a pearl sewn on by Slater. Hoennians believe that pearls carry the power of the sea. Cannot be unequipped. When a sound-based move is used, its effects target all enemies/allies on the field.
Abilities: Serene Grace, Healer Moves: Relic Song, Chatter, Sparkling Aria, Heal Bell
"A songster of Plasma Harmonia Academia's Aspertia City branch. Does not particularly excel in strength or studies, but is the star of his school's choir. His songs assist his allies in the battlefield. Born on 12/28."
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catboyfurina · 10 months
my paimon age headcanon* is that she is like dave from kipo. she's technically a super old immortal** but also she Is a kid***. i was originally framing it as a phoenix sort of situation but dave from kipo has the same vibes plus like. being a person and not an animal and also being the same person (which, if i likened paimon to a vidyahara a la hsr, would not really be the case) *i flip flop between a few headcanons, namely the seelie one and this sort of phoenixy one. i really like paimon i have so many thoughts about her shes so interesting and sweet and ridiculous **i think the reason her memories are so inconsistent could be erosion at play. sometimes she can remember things and sometimes she is actually a really helpful guide but mostly she doesn't know what is going on and what she can remember seems so random. i also think theres some paimon lore in the wrio story quest so im actually gonna play that one just. not until the finals are done beating me up. so maybe this is all disproven there and i can stop flipflopping ***her interactions with other child characters (klee, diona, qiqi are the big three for this point) are definitely mentorly but in a fellow child sort of manner. she treats them like younger siblings typically. adult characters (albedo is the one i remember the best) often think of her as a child and she hasn't really objected to that, that i've noticed? she gets cranky about being called a pet, or food, or a toy (but still plays along sometimes because being in disguise etc etc, but she is noticeably unenthused about those labels) but i haven't really noticed her get upset about being called a kid. however, she is noticeably more helpful and more advanced than the littler child models. she seems to be similar to nahida (and they get along really well)(i really liked the paimon nahida interactions it always feels like paimon is trying to fit in with adults or babysitting kids but with nahida it felt like they matched better. despite nahida being well,,, a lot smarter). i think nahida is also a technically immortal but also kid sort of situation, but not in the same way as paimon is. nahida reminded me a lot of the aranara, with her reincarnation looking the same yet being someone else, with all the stuff about dreams, etc.. also the aranara are childlike and only knowable to children (and certain people with special circumstances) so . yeah. i think nahida is permanently in that kid but not state and paimon is currently in that kid but not state but i do kind of think paimon hasn't always been a kid, maybe possibly. i do definitely think shes existed for way longer than twenty years. but also shes kiddo.
anyway i love paimon. shes my son. id feel kinda bad for paimon haters cus she is in Every Single Thing except that like if u hate paimon why are u playing the paimon game? just to gamble???
#beeep#i also think klee is yet another genre of immortal baby. but still different. i think shes like 50 or something in a baby yoda sort of way#well maybe not precisely 50 and shes farther along than the baby yoda i think????? idk much about starwars. but like that sort of thing.#she ages but she does it reallyyyy slowly. and then qiqi doesnt age bc shes a zombie so shes yet ANOTHER type of immortal baby#but like. a human baby that became immortal. and well by baby i probably mean likeeee idk 8? 10? not Infant yknow#oh but also. also too. i think my klee headcanon paired with my diona headcanon can be a lil silly funny. or maybe sad#okay actually yea its a lil sad#i think diona ages at the normal human rate and maybe met klee earlier but now shes developmentally a bit older than klee...... and shell#probably be an adult and klee is still a kid.....#one cool thing about genshin is how the kids are actually like. interesting. admittedly i get more invested in kids storylines than other#ppl i know even if theyre mostly there just to Be A Kid Tee Em but i like that in genshin the kids matter more than like. an accessory?#idk if that description makes sense but sometimes in media kids will exist mostly to make u be like omg single father my heartttttt uwahhh#anyway my tags got way off topic from the main post. basically. i miss kipo and like paimon#oh also? paimon nobiney. i had 'proof' once but i dont think i have enough tags left on here to type it out and tbh most cis people would#not consider my proof as proof. as well as many aimon haters of the trans sort#but its proof to ME.
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Everytime I face a new character limit on a website that didn't have them before/used to have really long ones... AUGHHhhh the modern social media world was not made for people like me (lovers of details, rambling, elaboration, thorough explanation, and nuance)
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#twitter and other short form shit and everything being a Phone App On Small Screen instead of a Proper#Computer Website i feel like has just ruined the format of literally everything for me. Thoughts just keep getting more and more condensed#with detail and nuance taken away. everything over simplified into only the basics. blah blah blah. I've already probably rambled about thi#all before but it's just SO frustrating. I literally just CAN NOT talk that way!!! even if I try!!! I took multiple advanced placement#english & language arts classes in school and I literally never made below an A on any assignment EVER except for ESSAYS#where I would legit get almost failing grades just because I cannt express myself concisely. I took an english placement test thats made to#like evaluate your competency in a subject and out of the 102 multiple choice questions I only missed TWO of them. almost a perfect#score. But for the 5 open response questions (about articulating thoughts succinctly) I did not get a single one of them lol#I only got partial credit on 3. It's like I OBVIOUSLY understand the material and I know how Words Work and how to analyze and interpret#meaning and etc. etc. But it's just when I have to express myself CLEANLY I can't. It's always ''well you have very good points and you#get around to the idea eventually and I think it's very insightful - but it just needs to be shorter/the side tangent needs to be removed/#etc.'' I've always wondered if it has something to do with being on the schizophrenia spectrum and how that can cause disorganized#speech sometimes hmm..ANYWAY.. But I just naturally express myself in a very particular way which is lengthy and I can't rea#ly seem to control it. So it's basically like just.. being gradually pushed out of every place that won't accomodate people with different#ways of like perceiving and expressing or etc. Everything cannot ALWAYS be 100% 'Short and Snappy and To The Point' or a quippy one#liner or the Bare Minimum of information being provided or etc. Some peoples brains just do not work like that!!!!! Sorry I operate#in detail and elaboration lol. ANYWAY.. I still sometimes use random ''dating sites'' like OKCupid to look for platonic friends since#I never leave the house so it's hard for me to just meet friends naturally. And I just realized today that they added a RIDICULOUSLY small#character limit to their messaging system (2000 words?? augh). And also took away answer explanations (when you answer a compatibility#question you used to have a space to give detail and explain why you answered the way you did) and removed a few other features and it's ju#t like.. how the fuck is any of this actually helpful in terms of judging compatibility? take away ALL nuance and anyting that actually#is meant to tell you anything about a person? Bumble's character limits for your profile description are even more fucking insane and so#is every other disgustingly minimalistic place I've seen like.. OKC used to be superior BECAUSE it allowed for a TON of detail. like back i#2016 or something there was SO much data you could look at. long form question answers. personality trait summaries. etc. Now you have#SOO little to judge off of when evaluating compatibiility it's like. You'd have better luck just throwing a dart in a crowded street and#talking to whoever it hits. Why are people so fucking allergic to reading anything longer than 3 words and providing DETAILS!! It just seem#harder and harder to find any place to meet platonic friends where you have any amount of actual data to go off of and it isnt basically#just random 'speed dating' set up shit. AARGH. &I know 'oh just join a club& meet ppl irl' 1. erm..covid. 2.I mostly want to meet ppl#in places I'd like to move so I already know ppl when I get there. You kind of HAVE to do that online. bc I am not there yet.. WISHING for#Complexity.Com where ppl can upload full 900 page psychological files of themselves. MINIMUM profile character limit 30k words lol
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teacup-captor · 3 months
So you know those people who make sad and/or snarky comments about their exes? Like "I don't need them, I'm so much happier now anyway" and "I miss them so much they meant so much to me" type of things
I have to focus so hsrd to not say stuff like that about Sherlock & Co. sometimes 😭😭😭
#Like I. Miss it so so much#And I wanna listen so bad#But it would never be the same I just couldn't#And it's like when u've been in a bad relationship without realizing#And then you get out and you notice all the little things?#I can't help but think abt all the ways this show has been ableist and racist since the start#And I'm like looking at myself after all this#I don't go anxiously thinking I'm misogynistic anymore bc now I'm actually engaging with content that isn't ashamed to put women in the#spotlight OFTEN#And I feel a lot better in general because I don't have any servers to anxiously check in on anymore#I can have a conversation now without having to fear ppl using words like “delulu” or whatever#Like I only hear “delusional” used incorrectly from youtubers rn#Which is so nice. I can be actually delusional in peace#And I'm not around white people who use AAVE like it's a competitive sport anymore 😭#I'm listening to a podcast that actually cares about it's viewers#Like I don't have to mentally prepare for the awful sounds#BECAUSE THERE ARE NONE#Like sorry not sorry but you don't need to give me 1000 headaches to portray that there was an explosion#Joel “I care about my autistic listeners” Emery and his team adding the most obnoxious beeps ever as often as possible#Joel “I care about my listeners” Emery and the lackluster fucking content warnings#You can warn me about the word “bugger” but not about graphic descriptions of animal harm?#Joel “I care about my autistic listeners” Emery telling his character to mask (it's ok though bc the character was being rude)#God forbid someone's disability makes them inconsiderate sometimes?#No but it's okay because “they talked about it” off screen#or. Off recording?#Whatevr
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intersexfairy · 1 year
not to be dark on main but i'm remembering that my father has literally psychologically tortured me. and i still live with him. because i the only other place i have to go is the streets.
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orviposition · 1 year
kdj is so bisexual coded it's insane
fork found in the kitchen, anon
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sea-of-dandelions · 11 months
Hiiii hello I saw your tags I'm climbing in here to ask about daisuke and okame ^^
i hold you. my most reliable mewtual. oblig spoilers for the entire series
Daisuke and Okame are two of the five main characters of the book trilogy Shadow of the Fox (written by Julie Kagawa, published 2019-2020)
Okay a little backstory on the plot itself. It's set in a fantasy version of Japan, Iwagoto, and heavily influenced by Japanese mythology. It follows a half-kitsune, Yumeko, and a demonslayer, Kage Tatsumi (and their group of friends that they pick up along the way. Mentioning Reika here. She's the head miko at this one really important shrine I can't remember the name of).
Essentially, there's this scroll that can summon a dragon and make a wish to alter reality every 1000 years or so. And after last time, it's been split up into three(?) pieces, to avoid. like. the possibility of someone being able to make said wish in 1000 years. Tatsumi has been sent by clan (the Kage/Shadow Clan, samurai iirc) to retrieve the pieces, and allies himself with Yumeko, who also wants to protect the pieces.
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this is literally the best photo I can find of the map online. i cannot find a good photo of the english map. have fun.
Now. Taiyo Daisuke is a noble of the Sun Clan. Related to the Emperor of Iwagoto. An excellent swordsman. Refined, courteous, cultivated, etc etc etc, but disagrees with nobility's prejudices and way of life. And like. Tartaglia levels of bloodthirst here. iirc he went around Iwagoto as Oni no Mikoto and challenging people to duels for shits and giggles. One of the reasons he joins the group is specifically to fight Tatsumi. Has kinda a "neither of us can die until I get to duel you" relationship w him.
Hino Okame is a ronin. Snarky, sarcastic, annoying, loyal to a fault. Archer, gambler, alcoholic. I think some of his backstory was revealed in book 3 but that was the first book i read and it's been about two years since i've read it. I remember he has an older brother he feels very guilty towards. VERY important though, mentioning he refers to himself as an 'honourless ronin dog' several times throughout the series.
Initially, there's a lot of tension going on between the two. I mean. Nobility and ronin. See the above two paragraphs, their personalities conflict in several ways. It's mentioned several times that Wow nobles are dicks to everyone else. so like. what do you expect. Initially, Okame calls Daisuke by his last name (Taiyo). Eventually we see that Daisuke is Not Like Other Girls Nobles, and treats commoners as equals, even Okame.
HOWEVER there's a scene (in book 2, iirc) where the group is travelling to the Steel Feather temple (somewhere in the mountain range). The Confession Scene. Middle of the night. Daisuke and Okame are talking underneath a tree.
It's pretty blatantly stated that they're star-crossed. With like. The whole social status difference and everything. Okame (and likely several other people) would get killed if someone were to find out the Taiyo nobleman was kissing a ronin. being considered less than human and all. yk how it goes.
But they still kiss. Under the moonlight. Tada.
Unfortunately, since this is third person limited with a POV swap between Yumeko and Tatsumi (and Suki in the third book, who is, for all intents and purposes of this post, irrelevant) and you're just Aware that this private scene is being watched by Yumeko (foxed, thank god, but still).
BUT from this point on, Okame calls Daisuke by his first name. And idk when exactly this starts, but Okame starts referring to Daisuke as a peacock, and to himself as a dog. I think it might've came up in the confession scene
As I mentioned earlier, Daisuke is, well, Daisuke. In addition to wanting to fight Tatsumi, his preferred manner of death is to "die a glorious death in battle". Noting here that while Okame being as brash as he is, gets scared shitless and is very vocal about it.
etc etc their relationship progresses over the course of the series, beta couple to Yumeko and Tatsumi.
Nearing towards the climax of the story, they're going up a mountain (pointing to the map. territorio clan de la luna. moon clan territory.) and they're trying to stop the bbeg from summoning the dragon. They get ambushed halfway, Okame is incapacitated, Daisuke stays behind to fight the oni while Yumeko and Tatsumi continue forward.
Briefly. before i recount this entire chapter. Okame gets fatally wounded, Daisuke ends up having to stab himself to defeat the oni. They bleed out in each other's arms. Fully 1000% cuddling soaked in (mostly) their own blood. And depart to Meido together. And later say their goodbyes to Yumeko together. Daisuke gets his wish to die a glorious death and Okame keeps his promise to stay loyal to Daisuke.
And most importantly, by the end of book 3, Okame's petname for Daisuke was 'peacock'.
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naranjapetrificada · 9 months
I was just reading a fic with a blind character where his narration still uses those endemic visual descriptors like "the blond man" to describe a character whose hair color they have no reason to know yet.
This tendency already drives me up the wall in general but it's extra fun (derogatory) when someone has put so little thought into writing a disabled character that this could happen. I've also occasionally seen it get dicey before when stuff like skin color is invoked 😬
No one thinks about someone they're having a conversation with/about as "the blond man". Just use the characters' names and pronouns. Mix it up between them as needed. If you feel like it's not clear who a pronoun is referring to, restructure the sentence. I promise readers will be able to keep up.
Your writing will be better for it, with the added bonus of not accidentally attributing sight to a blind character's narration or potentially fetishizing racialized traits like skin color. But mostly your writing will be better for it.
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asjjohnson · 2 years
Here's the other pumpkin I carved this year (I did it yesterday but I was too busy doing other things, like cooking the pumpkin on the stove, and didn't carve it until late).
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Dracula on the front, simple bat design on the back.
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