#((-while the equipment is named after held items..))
antihibikase-archive · 9 months
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Poisonous Flower, Slater
Weapon: Fairy Lock (Wand) A peculiar wand in the shape of a key. Legends say that this wand opens the gates of the heavens. When used in battle, it increases the wielder's defense and special defense by one stage. This effect can only be used three times per battle.
Equipment: Destiny Knot A ribbon brooch part of the Plasma Harmonia Chorale's uniform, with a pearl sewn on by Slater. Hoennians believe that pearls carry the power of the sea. Cannot be unequipped. When a sound-based move is used, its effects target all enemies/allies on the field.
Abilities: Serene Grace, Healer Moves: Relic Song, Chatter, Sparkling Aria, Heal Bell
"A songster of Plasma Harmonia Academia's Aspertia City branch. Does not particularly excel in strength or studies, but is the star of his school's choir. His songs assist his allies in the battlefield. Born on 12/28."
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lucrativesoul · 1 year
The Assistant
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summary: you have been promoted within the police headquarters, and your new position is the assistant of none other than Leon S. Kennedy. the ever alluring man has you weak in the knees.
pairing: leon kennedy x fem!reader
word count: 9.9k
warnings: smut, boss x employee, very brief mention of smoking, very vague drug mention.
a/n: yay i'm posting it :3 using this photo cause i couldn't stop thinking of noir leon while writing this (brainrot) i didn't originally intend for this to be so long but here we are... this was different than what i'm used to writing but it was so much fun! already in the process of a second fic! enjoy yall
“So… I’m not fired?” 
Standing in front of your boss’ desk, you were genuinely surprised by the words out of her mouth. For some reason, for the last few weeks, you had a hunch that you were about to get sacked. The office had been slowly getting emptied out, of boxes full of documents, of equipment, hell, even of people, and you were positive you were next. 
She had just called out into her office, a mere twenty steps away from your desk where you worked, or used to work, now, in the dingy yellow room with foggy windows and no working AC. You took a deep breath, thinking this was it, getting ready to add this to the list of ‘Previous Employment’ on your resume, when all she had simply told you was that you were going upstairs.
She laughed curtly. “No, you aren’t. They need you upstairs. You’ll be better off up there.”
You slowly nodded your head, trying to keep most of the confusion off of your face. “So, sorry to ask, but, what about down here?”
You had been here for just shy of a year at this point, and they placed you in one of the ground floor offices of the five story buildings sorting out random court documents, for whatever reason, they were always needed for something incomprehensible. You didn’t question it, you just did it, because you got paid to. Yes, the fluorescents gave you occasional migraines and stepping into the fresh air at the end of the day made you feel reborn, but it was just busy work, and there were much worse jobs to do.
“They’re cleaning us out. We’re all still here, just… relocated.” You nodded, at least relieved to know that your old deskmates weren’t ruthlessly fired. She handed a manila folder over to you, and when you flipped it open, there was only one piece of paper inside. You’ve learned to not be surprised by confusing things such as this. “Mr. Anderson of the top floor has recently been relieved of his position.” Ouch, you thought. Poor soul. “His position had been freed and with no new applicants, they were looking inward. I appreciate your work here and your employment history shows some experience in the assistance department, so I suggested you as a candidate. They want you up there.” 
Your stomach sank, and your best friend’s voice rang out through your head. “You can’t lie about past employment, idiot! They can check!” Well, you held back a sigh, they definitely didn’t check.
“Wow, I… Thank you. But, sorry. That I’m leaving.”
She merely shook her head. “Still here. This office will be gone soon enough. Between us, I’ve been praying for this day.” With that, she dismissed you, and after swiping the few personal items off your desk and into your bag, you headed home.
This single paper had stumped you all night. You sat at your table after eating (barely, you were too nervous about starting a basically new job the next day), and decided to review the content of it before retiring for the night. It was quite simple: it listed the job description, ‘Executive Assistant’, it listed the location, ‘5F, 505’, and your new boss’ name, ‘Leon S. Kennedy, Exec. Agent’.
You had honestly not heard this name before. You should know everyone who works there, considering the nature of the police headquarters, but you were often forgotten down in the basement, no one too important worked down there, besides your boss, or old boss now, who had connections to all other departments. Everyone got there before you and left after you. Could be at the same time, but you often tuned it out, needing the sweet release of your home. You wondered why she volunteered you up for this. Maybe she was sympathetic about the setting you had to work in for someone your age.
You went to bed after deciding there was no hidden detail in the few lines of script on the sheet. You would just have to wait and see.
Figuring the gray dress pants and white, long sleeve mock neck that you threw on this morning were good enough, you left the house early enough to prepare by buying a coffee. Being stuffed into the basement had its perks, eventually everyone had caught on to the idea that they just needed you guys down there to do what they didn’t want upstairs, and you and your coworkers had found the thin cracks in which you could push the dress code a little. No, leggings weren’t permitted, but they were on the days your slacks were dirty and when you put a dress shirt and sweater on over it. You were sure your boss noticed, but said nothing anyway. Clearly, it didn't put a dent in what she thought of you.
You had to at least try today though, as you had no idea what it would be like to work on the top floor. You had no idea what kind of a person Agent Kennedy was, and you weren’t going to chance anything on the first day. You had played it safe when you first started here and it paid off, so fingers crossed it could pay off again.
After a few deep breaths, you popped the door open and headed into the building. Usually, you could park in the back and take the lower level entrance, which was essentially the one and only way into the basement that wasn’t from the service elevator, but you went in through the front today. You ignored the tightening of your stomach and climbed the stairs. 
“Can I help you?” A man stood from the front desk at your arrival. You started reaching for the ID card you carried on a lanyard, stuffed into your pocket.
“Yes, I work here.” He reached out for your ID, not believing your truth.
He raised an eyebrow. “The basement entrance is in the back of the building.” He handed it back and went to sit down.
“Yes, I know, I was moved. I’m going upstairs.” You handed him the manila folder before he could ignore you further. He raised an eyebrow again after looking at the small paper.
“Alright, Anderson’s replacement. Fifth floor, to the right.” He motioned to his left to the elevator, and only then did you let him sit back down. 
You took the walk to the elevator as a chance to survey the room. You hadn’t been over here very often. You made a few trips up here a few months ago, but you didn’t look around much, only headed to the confidential files room to move information. The floor was a sleek black tile, shiny as ever, and the room was lit well due to the large windows at the front of the building. It didn't look like a headquarters building. You told yourself it wasn’t to calm your nerves.
Swallowing the last of the anxiety, you stepped out onto the fifth floor. It was simply a hallway, all black, but the windows at the end made the space seem larger, and not so dark. To the right, you remember the man telling you. Your footsteps were reverberating off of the walls, matched with the pounding of your blood flow in your ears.
The corridor opened up to a wider room, inhabited by a handful of other people. One of them spotted your arrival, and walked over.
“Good morning, I’m–”
“Yes, right over here. Glad to see you.” You were taken aback for a moment, They already know me? You thought, as you followed the young man to a large desk on the left side of the wall, facing inward to the foyer. You were sitting in front of floor to ceiling windows, across the room was the same setup with a few smaller desks, people scuttling back and forth on their own side. You turned back to thank the man, when your heart fluttered in relief.
“Thank you,-- Oh, my gosh, Brett, you work up here now?” Brett was an old deskmate that had left the small office three months ago. You didn’t get a chance to say goodbye, but the last day that you saw him you remember eating lunch on his desk with another coworker who sat in front of you two. You were saddened by his loss, but now absolutely relieved to have a familiar face.
“I know, right? They said you were coming. I’m glad you got out next. It’s better up here.” He let you put your stuff down and get settled, before telling you what your next moves should be. “He’s in a meeting right now, but he wanted to meet you once you got here. Don’t be nervous, but brace yourself. He’s serious. Mostly. I’ve seen him smile once, but he’s nice to the rest of us. Hopefully more to you.”
After a few more minutes of small talk, he left you on your own, and you passed the time getting used to the surroundings while waiting for your new boss to be out of his meeting. Early for a meeting, you thought, but then again, it didn’t take a whole team for one person to make a conference call. 
There was a momentary beep sound that came from Brett’s desk, and he picked up the phone. He said one thing into it before hanging up. He turned to you. “He’s ready.”
The nerves came back, but at the comforting thought that there was at least one person you knew out here, you tried your best to look forward to just sitting back down at your desk.
You were about to knock, but figured otherwise since he had directly asked for your presence. You walked up to the large double doors, and pulled them open.
His back was to you when you closed the door behind you. Walking closer, you stopped a few paces away, observing him for a brief second. He had a white dress shirt on and a gray vest. He looked quite large from where you stood, and you were sure that he was at least 6 feet tall, probably taller. He was messing with some papers on his desk, and you took a quick breath before speaking.
“Good morning, sir.” You stood tall, shoulders back, hands clasped behind yourself. Don’t cross your arms in front of you, you recall trying to retrain your habits, you look insecure. He turned around.
You swallowed hard. Jesus Christ, there were no tips on that blog on what to do when your boss is straight out of People Magazine’s sexiest men alive. His ash blonde hair was pushed back off of his forehead, showcasing his sturdy bone structure, a deep, furrowed brow that lacked any wrinkles, and high cheekbones with a sharp jawline. Straight nose, strong chin, and shoulders the size of, well, you. Maintaining eye contact was a challenge. 
You saw him give you a quick once over, all the way down and back up your body again, so brief like it never happened at all. You were itching to pull your arms back in front of yourself.
“Good morning.” He took one step closer to you, held out his hand, and you gingerly took it. His hand was rough, yet the handshake was gentle. “Agent Leon Kennedy.” He lowered his hand and put it in his pocket. His other hand was holding a file. “I hope once you are comfortable here we will work well together.”
You gave a tight smile, forcing your face to make it look natural. You were sure it didn’t. “I look forward to working with you.” Your voice was a lot breathier than intended. 
The corner of his mouth twitched in a hidden smirk. Leon could definitely tell you were nervous. It was a big part of his job, after all. He handed the file over to you. “Just run these for a while. Find me when you finish them.” You took the folder. He stood there momentarily, watching you. “You can relax a little. I’m not going to kill you.” He stalked back over to his desk and sat down, attention still on you. 
You mumbled while flipping through the file. Attempting to lighten the mood, “I would, but smoking is not allowed in the building.”
“That will kill you, you know.” His voice was light. He took the joke well.
You closed it and looked back up at him, a small smile playing on your lips. “Would you prefer if I drank myself stupid, then?” He said nothing, and just smiled at you. Yours grew wider. “I’ll see you soon with this, sir.” You turned and left.
The day passed with ease. It was no difficult task to focus, now that the nerves were buried and you knew what it was that you had to be doing. Lunch with the others came and went, and it took you a fair chunk of your day to run the files he handed over. It was similar to what they had you doing in the basement, but the addition of sunlight unobstructed by dirty windows made it seem like a fun job.
You had attempted humor with Leon within the first few minutes of meeting him. You probably shouldn’t have, but no one in your life could force you to give up making jokes in serious situations. That’s just how you operated. Leon didn’t seem to care. He actually smiled. Brett had told you he rarely does that, and you made him after only a minute. It honestly had your heart racing all day.
With only an hour left in the day, you packed up the papers Leon had given you along with some new printed ones. You knocked on the door this time, and opened it when he beckoned you in.
“Sorry it took me so long. Little more labor intensive than I’m used to.” He took the file you were handing over, and put it on his desk without looking inside. He was sitting turned toward the computer on his desk, and though he told you to come in, you hoped you weren’t interrupting anything. 
“Thank you. No more of that librarian sorting you were all doing down there.” So, he knows. It was no secret you were sure, but you were still surprised that he knew you worked in the building at all. Leon turned his attention back to his desk for a moment, and you stood there, head tilted slightly to view what he was looking at. He turned back to you, and your head snapped up to make eye contact. “I have nothing else for you right now. Boring day for you to start. You can go home. Tomorrow, if you don’t mind, I’m going to have you review some portfolios and slides I have, so you can become familiar with the content. I have some meetings coming up later in the week, or next, there's a good chance you’ll be coming with me.” he swiveled himself around and grabbed a stack of papers sitting on top of a file cabinet, held together with a paperclip. “Just put this on your desk for now, for the morning.” It was something along the lines of criminal justice and related business strategies. This would be a doozy.
“Of course, sir. As you wish.” You took a step back to leave. “Thanks for the early day.” You sent a halfhearted smile his way. He didn’t reflect it, but his eyes were soft.
After a few seconds of holding your stare, he said, “Already better than Anderson. I like you.”
Your stomach tightened, and you had to force yourself to breathe normally. “I hope I can continue to please, then.” You felt his stare hot on your back as you left, but you remained composed. Once, and only once, the doors were shut, you shakily exhaled, and quickly packed up to leave.
The week went by with a pace you were never used to with your job. You found yourself excited to come to work, excited to see Leon. If you had known you worked in the same building this whole time, you would have been begging your old boss to get moved.
It was a rather tame week, and you weren't sure if it was because there was no work, or this is just what the workload was always like here. It was now Friday, you sat at your desk going through a database page for the assignment you had to review before the meeting Leon had said you were attending. It definitely made you nervous, this was past your parameters and you hadn’t had any sort of experience with something this serious. At least, that’s what you thought it would be. You needed to be prepared for that so you didn’t look incompetent for this job that you only just got. 
Resting your chin on your hand with the other slowly scrolling through the page with the mouse, you cocked your head and looked up when Leon suddenly appeared in front of you. You shot a smile at him.
“Were you in a meeting?” He stood so tall from this angle with you sitting down, and your neck almost hurt looking up at him. 
“Yeah, light work though.” He held onto a file with his left hand. The right was in his pocket. He turned briefly to look behind him at the others who worked in the small lobby. “So, about that meeting next week,” you nodded, shifting your posture now. “It’s Monday morning. I just need you to be there to help with any outside communications like other appointments since it might be a while. I sent this to you–” He motioned to your computer, which was the PDF you had been reading from his email. “In case something happened to mine for whatever reason. God forbid...” He mumbled, partially rolling his eyes. You chuckled. “Good for you to know it though.”
“I figured. This is also light work.” You cocked a smile, and he repeated the action. “As long as I’m not being expected to execute the whole presentation, I think I can serve well to take calls for you.”
A quiet laugh rumbled out from him. “That’s all I need you for. It’s not here,” He leaned onto your desk with one arm, and you had to desperately peel your eyes away from the way his veins flexed in his forearm. The image was already burned into your brain. “It’s in the branch a couple cities over, so… If you would like to meet me somewhere over here,” You tried to swallow at the implication, but your throat was suddenly so dry. “You know, to make it easier.”
You drew in a breath. “Of course,” You put your hands into your lap so he wouldn't see you nervously wringing your fingers together. “How did you know about my minor driving anxiety?” You playfully quirked an eyebrow at him. 
He smiled. “Intuition. Or my job training.” He stood up straight now. You found yourself wishing he wouldn't leave. “You can leave at three with the rest of them today. I’ll see you on Monday.” You only released the breath you were holding when he was safely behind the confines of his office doors.
The weekend allowed a little relaxing, but mostly anxiety the close it came to Monday. You were finding it increasingly difficult to stop thinking about Leon. This whole week felt like a dream. Your body felt hot anytime you were alone in his office, or anytime he merely stopped at your desk to drop something off. You felt so small next to him, and almost struggled to form coherent thoughts when you had to speak to him. Your eyes thoroughly raked his body up and down when he was turned, his broad expanse of back and shoulders nearly turned your brain to slush. He always smelled like crisp cologne, something expensive, it had to be. 
You found yourself thinking too often about the way he looked at you. It was a stare that wasn't something you were used to receiving on a daily basis. There was something else… His gaze was dark and luring. Like he knew what you were thinking. Like when you two made eye contact, he knew he was the object of your fantasy. 
Which, yes, it had only been a week, but you had to admit, you had never seen anyone this attractive before. And here you were, working for him. It only made your skin heat up more at the knowledge that it was forbidden. It heightened the experience every time you had to see him. That was your boss, and he sure did have that power over you. The conversations you had with him bordered on strictly work, but you were dying to see another side of him. The smirk he gave you when you made him laugh had your stomach twisting in a way that lasted long after the interaction was over. Every time you said something that gave him that reaction, you needed to make it happen again. It felt like a new addiction that developed way too fast. You wondered if he could tell. You at least tried to be subtle about it. 
A shiver raked through your body as you stood outside of your car early that Monday morning. It wasn’t that cold, but you didn't think the weather was the reason you were shivering. You had arrived at headquarters to meet with Leon, as he offered to take you over to another city's department for his meeting. The aforementioned shiver happened immediately after turning and seeing Leon in the same outfit as you saw when you first met him.
His button down shirt strained on his biceps when he moved, and the gray vest sat perfectly on his waist, making you realize exactly how his frame would look underneath his clothes. You had to push this aside as he motioned you to come over to his car.
It was a sleek black sedan, which made sense for who he was. You felt shielded from the world as you closed the door, the tint locking you in next to your boss, who was insanely close to you, and you feared could hear your frantic heartbeat. 
He placed a few files on your lap and you let them sit there for the time being. “I was going to get you coffee, but I didn't know how you would take it.”
You held back a smile at the thought of Leon thinking of you this morning. “It’s okay, but thanks. I already had some.” You saw Leon nod out of your peripheral, and you could only look forward, knowing you might stare if you turned your head. 
“But you take…” Leon prompted. He’s curious anyway? Is he expecting to do it in the future? You could have exploded. 
After rattling off the basics of what you drink, he replied, “Sounds very sweet.” You laughed and nodded. “I don't know about all that. Maybe I’ll try it out.”
“You don’t strike me as the type to be into sweet things.” You risked a look over, and when you did, he mirrored the action with a grin on his face.
“You’d be surprised.”
Thankfully, you were very relieved at the end of the day when the meeting went by with minimal interaction on your part. You were introduced to some of the other important players in the legal game that knew Leon, and sat off to the side with one of the files he handed you. Despite most of the information going over your head, you still paid attention, at least to make Leon look good and show that you were a competent assistant. 
The sun was close to setting by the time you filed back out into the lot, trailing right behind Leon. Slipping into his passenger’s seat, he followed a second after, and you felt your body physically relax knowing the stressor of the week was now defeated.
“Not so bad, right?” He spoke without looking over, shifting gear and taking off.
“Are they always this long? Maybe I should plan ahead and bring multiple drinks with me.” 
He chuckled. “Only sometimes. This one was important, that’s why. They usually aren’t outside the city either so… consider this an introduction to the team.”
You rolled your eyes and looked over. “Do you keep forgetting that I already worked here before this?” You heard the smile through your own voice, and saw one creep on his face as he kept his eyes on the road. Your heart felt light. 
“No, absolutely not. The pace you work at is evident enough of that. It’s just a different type of job, I’m sure. I don’t really know what goes on down there.”
With the smile still on your face, you let your eyes linger on him for a moment more. His hair, which was pushed on top of his head, was starting to fall, and a strand fell onto his forehead. The past week, he had worn it down a couple of times, and you honestly didn't know which one you preferred.
You rolled your head over to the side, watching the passing cars go by. The radio was on, but at the lowest volume, merely for ambiance. Your hand brushed over the files on your lap, that you had taken back from Leon upon leaving so he could shake hands with whoever he needed to, and pried open one of them.
Before your eyes could even properly latch onto any words, Leon’s hand reached over and gently pushed the top of the file closed, and you looked over at him.
“That’s confidential, you know.” He looked over at you for a brief second, but you could see he wasn’t mad. 
“Sorry. I was just sitting through that whole thing, though, in case you forgot.” You looked back down at your lap and noticed Leon’s hand was still on the file, the weight of it heavy on your thighs.
“No, I didn’t forget. I don’t know how much of it was digestible to you.” He barely lifted his hand off of the file folder, pulling it sideways, landing it on your thigh for a second. His hand was big enough to wrap around the side, and a split second later, he dragged it off, and your skin burned with the track it traced. Breathing became hard suddenly, and you had to turn your head to the window and focus on the outside world.
You arrived back at headquarters thirty minutes later, and the fresh air felt incredible on your flushed skin. It wasn’t even that warm in the car, but you couldn't stop thinking about the way Leon’s hand felt on your thigh. It was like he never lifted his hand at all, you could still feel the contact lingering, the way his fingers grazed your leg, the immediate warmth you felt, not only on your thigh, but in your stomach. You wished you could have taken your jacket off in the car.
Before you could get any words out, Leon said, “Come up to the office for a second. I left something up there.”
You said nothing, simply followed him up. The parking lot was nearly deserted, save for the few officers doing a detail whom you greeted when the both of you walked in. You fiddled with the edges of the files you were still holding, not trying to look in any of them in case Leon were to reprimand you for it again. You were almost tempted to, just to see his reaction. That thought made your knees weak.
You followed him out of the elevator into the office. As expected, the lobby was empty. Leon made his way over to his desk, pulling open a file cabinet, and started sifting around. You stood there, then walked over and dropped what you were holding onto his desk. You looked around the office, it was as wide as the lobby was, and large windows spanned the walls. It was simplistic. His desk was in the middle, file cabinets behind him, multiple monitors, a few chairs in front of his desk, some  round black ottomans in front of a black leather couch to the left. There were more files open on top of one of the ottomans. 
You stalked over to it, leaned down and picked one up. It looked like what he had given you the other day–
“You must be a glutton for punishment.” You jumped slightly when Leon spoke from directly behind you and grabbed the file from your hands. You spun around. “You shouldn’t be rifling through random documents, you know.” 
You sighed, not wanting to make eye contact, but knowing not doing it would look bad. You kept your arms to your side despite wanting to cross them. His eyes were dark. You couldn't tell what type of reaction this was.
“I’m sorry. I’ll make a severe mental note of that.” He said nothing in return, simply looking down at you. The peaks of his bone structure highlighted by the distant street lamps and the glow of the moon outside the windows. It made the shadows look all that much darker. You felt a shiver crawl up your spine.
He hummed, a low, throaty sound. “My new assistant, just so nosy.” His voice was low, and you gulped, trying to blink through your emotions normally, but you knew it looked anything but. 
“Dare I say it’s in my job description.” You mirrored his low tone, mentally relieved it wasn’t as weary as you expected it to sound. You tilted your head up to his, as a small gesture of challenge.
He nodded his head, as if to consider your words. “Dare you do.” He backed up, placed the file on his desk, then came right back to his spot in front of you. You didn’t know what to do, so you stayed still. It was most likely the better option anyway, who knows if your limbs could even move properly right now. You felt bare in this position, your cotton top feeling too warm where it overlapped with your jacket, and though your legs were on display under your skirt, they, too, were burning up. Your heart was hammering, but Leon kept talking. “What do you think about this job so far, hm? Does it live up to expectations?”
You had to take a steady breath before answering. “I think this surpasses any expectation I could have ever set.”
“Good answer.” You maintained eye contact with the man in front of you, surprising yourself with how well you were holding it. He seemed unfazed at all. He was probably reading you like a book right now. “You know, I love having new recruits start here. They’re so unaware of their surroundings. It almost makes a fun game for myself. They think they are so secretive, but after a while I can tell whatever it is they don't want anyone else to know.” You felt your breath catch in your throat. You had a feeling you knew where this was going. “I know Breanna across the lobby from you doesn’t like her desk mate despite buying her coffee three times a week.” Checks out, I can tell, too. “I know Brett does things to stay awake during his shifts that he shouldn’t be doing within a 50 foot radius of a cop.” Ouch. That’s also true, but he only told me during a hard come down. “And, I know how nervous you are to be around me, and you don’t know what to do with yourself whenever I’m in the room.”
You made no moves now. How did he know? Surely you weren’t that obvious with it. It had been one week, and yes Leon called you into his office quite a bit during those five days, but he had work to hand off to you every time. It’s not like he was doing it on purpose. 
But now, standing under his hard gaze, nowhere to go, you weren’t so sure it was accidental. 
Your jaw tightened. “How can you be so sure?” Now, you could hear the waviness in your voice. A smirk blossomed on his handsome face. 
“I can see how you look at me. Usually these things take time to figure out, but you…” He took a step closer, and you took a half step back. It’s not like you didn’t want to be close to him, but now he was donning a persona that made you shrink into yourself. You knew you liked it by the heat spreading inside. “You, dear, are like looking through a window.”
“So… you tested it out earlier?” It felt like a pathetic question, but you needed an answer for why he put his hand on your thigh earlier. Compared to this current position, that seemed so tame.
He tilted his head slightly. “I’m pretty sure I was, but… I had to make sure I was gauging the situation correctly.” He looked you up and down, your hands had made their way to clasp behind your back, still fighting the habit to cross them across your chest. Your breathing felt erratic. “I would have left it there, but I couldn’t make too much of a scene. Not yet.”
You simply stared at each other. You could tell that he knew he had the upper hand, solely because he was correct. Everything he was saying was right. Damn that detective training, nothing was getting past him. The room was sweltering now, but maybe you were the only one that felt it. 
One last burst of confidence had you muttering, “You do this to all your new assistants?”
In one swift action, he had a hand over your waist and pulled you close to him. Bodies touching, heat feeling like a fire between you, he lowered his face so it was centimeters away from yours. The glisten of his eyes were the only thing you could see, and if you weren’t running on pure adrenaline right now, you probably would have collapsed. You felt the vibrations from his chest when he spoke.
“Only the ones I intend to hang on to. And I can’t say I’ve had multiple of those.” You gulped, and when you didn't reply, he continued, “Did I gauge the situation correctly?”
“Yes,” You whispered, and his mouth was on yours. 
His kiss was intense, and you felt now like your body might give out. Your hands found their way to make contact with him, one grasping the wrist that was holding your waist and the other to the side of Leon’s face, and you felt his other hand close in on your hips.
It was like nothing you had experienced before. The kiss was hot and messy, you let his tongue in easily, and you couldn't help the small sighs that escaped whenever he leaned in to deepen the exchange. You felt his nose press into your face, your foreheads pushed together and your bodies entirely too close you felt like one entity. The hand that was caressing his face snaked to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair, and your knees finally buckled when he gave a low growl in response to you tugging his locks. 
The kiss broke for a second as you lost balance, but he was not thrown off course. Hands still grasping your body, he found the couch that you were only a step in front of, and he lowered you on it, still connecting your lips together fiercely. Both of your hands now in his hair as your back hit the cushions, and you felt the dips next to you where he was kneeling over you. One of his hands let go of you and supported himself next to your head, but you craved the contact again.
He took your chin in his thumb and index finger and tilted your head slightly to the right, and broke the kiss, but his lips stayed on your burning skin as they traced down your jaw bone, biting into the flesh, and his tongue marked a path down your neck, and it was insanely hard to breathe. 
One of your hands found solace on his thick shoulder while he was still making work of the soft skin on your neck. The hand of his that wasn't on your chin still traced its way from your hip up to your chest, and he squeezed one of your breasts in sync with a bite to the neck. Your head pressed harder into the couch underneath you.
“Leon, please…” You gasped out, unsure if you even said it out loud, surprised you even had the energy to speak. You felt him lift his lips off of your skin a second later and his fingers moved your chin again to make you face him.
“What is it, hm? What do you need?” He dipped down to kiss you again, and you wished he would have stayed there so you wouldn't need to verbally answer him. 
“I… I don’t…” I don’t know, I need you. You barely had the breath to speak anymore, and though you knew Leon knew exactly what you were trying to say, he feigned confusion, and looked at you from under his furrowed brow. It was so obnoxious, it ignited the flame inside you even more. 
“Come on, baby, I can’t hear you.” A smirk tugged at the corner of his lips, and your vision went blurry with lust. You ground your jaw and swallowed your pride. 
“I need you.” You gasped out finally, your lungs deflating. Your hand was fisting the material over his shoulder, and you noticed through your haze that he wasn’t wearing the vest anymore. When did he take it off? Before you came up to the office? While you had your back turned? It didn’t matter, it was now one less thing you needed to rip off of him. 
“Is that so?” He went back to biting at your neck, and at this rate you didn’t care what state he was going to leave it in. You whined at his lack of response to your plea, feeling frustration and desire bounding up inside of you, needing an outlet to release it.
“Leon, fuck, please…” You weakly tried to push him back but he wouldn’t budge. He reconnected your lips again, and that you greatly accepted, pulling him closer now so he would continue kissing you with fervor. The hand that was on your chin finally left, and he replaced it on your wrist, and suddenly, he was hauling you up.
He pulled back from the kiss just as quickly as he was pulling you to sit upright, and he swiftly maneuvered you so that when he fell backwards to sit on the couch, you were pulled right on top of him, straddling his thick thighs. You couldn’t even imagine how you looked right now, it was out of your mind for now as you looked down at the man under you, his hands on your waist. His shirt was wrinkled and slowly being pulled out from where it was tucked into his pants. His tie was being loosened and the top two buttons had come undone, exposing the smooth expanse of skin over his collarbones and chest. As you let your weight settle onto your legs, and his, you lowered directly onto his growing erection, and he squeezed his hands over your torso and scrunched his face. With a heavy breath, he pulled his head forward and stared at you.
“Did you think I was just going to give it to you?” His voice was gravelly, and it almost made you whimper. His hands dropped to your thighs, which were now incredibly exposed due to the position of your skirt hiking up, and Leon probably had a view of the black panties you had on. You didn’t care. Let him see. You needed him to take them off.
You shook your head. “You can’t be nice to me?” Your hands came up to his chest, it was firm and sturdy, and you were dying to see it bare. You fumbled with the buttons, and Leon had been at least gracious enough to loosen the tie and throw it over his head onto the floor. 
Leon laughed. You felt it under your palms. “Darling,” You looked up to make eye contact with him at the mention of the pet name. “This is me being nice to you.” 
You barely had time to register his words, and the way it made your stomach turn before he had a hand on the back of your neck, pulling you forward to another intense kiss. You could barely breathe, your limbs were all pins and needles and your skin was alight with a burning ember, fueled only by Leon, but you loved it.
In the midst of the kiss, wet and slick and tongue heavy, your hands were needlessly prying the buttons open at the top of Leon’s shirt. His hands were traveling under your clothes, palms gripping your thighs, and you found yourself grinding down into Leon’s lap subconsciously, but kept going when it resulted in him groaning into the kiss.
You pulled back suddenly at the victory of pulling the last few buttons open, and Leon immediately caught your stare, but you dropped it to look down at the open expanse of skin and muscle that he had been hiding. A strong chest gave way to flexing ab muscles as he writhed under you, probably trying to gain your attention or to show off, and sturdy hip muscles abducted into V lines that disappeared under the waistline of his pants. You couldn’t help it, you reached out to drag your hands along the smooth skin, every second of contact adding to the pooling happening between your legs, where you were also very conscious of the fact that Leon’s hands were dangerously close to. 
“Do you want this to happen today, or do you want to keep staring?” Leon prodded at you jokingly, and when you looked up, a grin was plastered on his face, and his eyes were still dark. You felt the tightness arise again at just the sight of his expression paired with his upper body on display for you.
“You’re sounding more eager than me, now…” You breathily replied, overwhelmed with all of the emotions coursing you at once. 
Leon breathed a brief laugh before raising an eyebrow with his response. “I can show you eager.”
At once, his hand reached up in between your legs and you felt one of his fingers dance across the hem of your panties, and your grip tightened where your hand landed on his bicep. He gave you no warning when you felt him pull it aside, drag his finger downwards and raked his knuckle through your wetness, earning a sharp gasp from you in return, and you nearly fell forward onto his chest as the feeling sent sparks soaring through you. 
“Calling me eager…” The sound of his voice paired with the feeling of his fingers on you was far too much to handle. “Yet it feels like you must have been wet all night…” He dragged his finger back up to the top where he maneuvered his hand so the pad of his thumb pressed heavily on your clit, and you nearly screamed, but all sound was trapped in your throat as you lost function of your body.
He ripped his hand out of your underwear and it moved around to find the zipper in the back of your skirt. “Take that shirt off,” He ordered, and you obeyed as best you could through your stiff limbs. 
You peeled it off from the bottom, feeling the fabric stick to your moist skin, and Leon’s eyes heavy on you as you finally got it over your head and on the floor. Your lingerie choice was nothing phenomenal, for the expected business meeting at least, but you could tell by his gaze that it really didn't make a difference in what he was thinking right now. Seconds after you dropped your hands back to your sides, he flipped you once again, back on the couch and him hovering over you, pulling the skirt that he had unzipped down your legs, and into the pile of your shirt and his tie somewhere behind you.
Your breathing was erratic as you watched him intently, his lust-filled eyes on your body and his hand running lengths up and down your torso, legs, back up to your chest, and neck, and landing on your bra strap that he pulled down, and wasted no time in attaching his mouth your hot skin. Your hand gripped his elbow as he bit the tender flesh of your breast, he sucked on it harshly once, twice, before lifting and wrapping his lips over your nipple, which had your back arching and a string of soft moans pouring out. 
You felt an aching cramp in your core, the pleasure was insurmountable and you needed him to do something about it, but you knew he was buying time to rile you up as much as possible before doing so. You knew he was straining with his own pleasure and you were desperate to tear apart his belt and pants and take his girth into your hands, to feel it, to taste it, you wanted to choke on it, but you knew he wouldn’t let you do that. If not in the span of a few minutes, maybe not tonight at all. You were submitting your control, and you had to let him do what he wanted.
He finally let go of your nipple, and the air felt cold with the layer of saliva he left behind, and even though you were basically naked save for undergarments, you still felt too covered. You reached up to pull at Leon’s shirt, fully unbuttoned and untucked, and he leaned back on his knees to pry it off of himself. You could see his skin glistening with sweat as he moved, and so badly you wanted to reach out and touch him, run your hands over his skin, all of his muscles, pull him close so you could feel his chest on your own. 
Your eyes fell to his pants, and the tent that was present had your mouth watering, you needed him to pull it out, and now. 
Of course, Leon being ever so sharp, didn’t miss this. “We’ll get there. Don’t worry.” Without looking up, you could hear the cockiness in his voice, but you didn’t care anymore, you couldn't move your eyes from where they landed, trying to imagine his cock in its glory, how long and thick, how he would use it and how it would feel. You felt like you were melting.
Unmoving from where he was propped up in front of you, his hands traveled down the expanse of your legs, dragging his fingers underneath your thighs where it was sensitive, making you jump with the contact. His hands came around to the top of your knees, where he pushed your legs apart and lowered himself in between them. Even just the sight of him doing so had you whimpering, and when he pressed his thumb into your clothed clit, you bucked up, but he was quick to hold you down.
Keeping his thumb centered on your clit, he continued to apply pressure, using his middle and index finger to stroke up and down on the outside of your panties, which you were sure were soaked by now. Throwing your head back into the couch, one hand gripping onto the wrist that was holding Leon up and the other was clawing into the cushion, you were dying for him to do something. 
He was getting too used to teasing you now. He had you right where he wanted, half naked on the couch in his office after hours, so close to practically coming untouched at this point, and while you wanted to fight him on this, you couldn’t bring yourself to do it. The mixture of the pleasure and mental ecstasy you were feeling had you forfeiting any sense of control now, and you just watched him, as he watched you.
All at once, you felt the cold air hit your core as your underwear was peeled away from you, but the sensation didn't last long as a hot, wet tongue was pressed into your heat, and you nearly screamed at the sudden contact.
His mouth was all you could focus on in that moment, you could feel every movement his tongue made, and your body reacted viscerally to it. Your hand flew out and grabbed onto Leon’s hair, which incited him to only keep going, and to be ruthless. His hands were digging into your thighs where he was spreading them apart, fighting against you wanting to close them in reaction to pleasure he was sending shooting through your body. 
One long, painfully slow lick from top to bottom ended at your clit where he latched on, tongue pressing in and teeth gently making an appearance, and your grip in his hair became even stronger when he pushed two fingers into you, your vision going blurry, and there was no filter left to stop any thoughts from pouring out over your lips. 
“Oh my god… Leon…” You were whining now, moaning in between deep breaths and gasps, feeling his fingers pump in and out all while his tongue was relentless on you. 
His mouth disappeared but his thumb took its place, and you felt him kissing, licking, sucking his way up your torso, chest, neck, until he was seated next to your ears, groaning into them as you dug your nails into his skin.
“Oh my god, what, huh? You like the way I make you feel?” All you could do was gasp out a ‘yes’ in response to his question, he wasn’t giving you any liberty to be coherent. “You probably thought about this all day…” A bite below your ear followed the sentence. “That pussy was so wet… you probably wanted this since the first day…”
And you did. How could you not have thought about this at the sight of your insanely attractive boss? Wouldn’t it be so hot to be banging your model-status boss, having to hide it from your coworkers, going in his office to sneak touches while no one outside those doors knew? Yes, of course you thought about it. It had your heart racing, and now you would stop at nothing to make those fantasies real.
“You feel so good, I can’t wait to be inside you.” With one last soft bite to the jaw, he pulled his fingers out of you, and involuntarily you whimpered, but he shut you up by pressing a kiss into your lips, which you greatly accepted. His kiss was harsh yet soft at the same time, you felt a passion behind it while also letting his tongue sweep over yours, tasting yourself on him, sighing into it, feeling like you could kiss him forever.
His hands left you, now feeling bare, you gripped his shoulders hard as you heard him undoing his own belt. As much as you wanted to do it yourself and be right in front when you pulled his hard cock out of his pants, you didn’t have it in you to attempt to move yourself, and with Leon on top of you, he was sure to stop any feeble move you made to do so.
HIs lips left yours once more and reattached to the side of your throat, biting down harder than before, but it only made you moan, arch harder into him, and sent a flurry of hot tingles into your pussy, aching for more action from him.
Leon pushed himself off of you, his warm mouth off of you and leaned back, staring at you panting, and of course, his dick in his hands was impossible to ignore. Just seeing it was almost bliss, and now you were desperate for him to use it as you lay there, being scrutinized under your boss’ gaze, and while you felt so tiny, just the sight of how hard he was made you feel so powerful.
He took a deep breath in, taking in the sight of you, before lowering himself again, lining up with your gaze so you looked him directly in the eye. You felt his forehead press into yours, his hand lingered around your underwear again, pushing it aside, and after just another moment of silence, another deep kiss, his bare chest met yours and you felt the tip of his dick push into you, past the entrance, into the warmth. 
You sighed so loud, followed by a moan, hands still gripping his shoulders, listening to him groan in tandem with you as he slowly bottomed out. His pelvis pushed against you, your legs coming up to wrap around him, and you felt his hands pull your bra down so he could cup your breast, his thumb rolling over your nipple, adding to the pleasure. 
“You feel so fucking good… Fuck…” He was groaning, he hadn’t even started moving yet, and you were dying for him to start. He sat still in you, lapping at the skin between your jaw and neck, positive he could feel the vibrations on his lips of your moans.
“Please, Leon, move… Please,” Your nails were surely digging red streaks into the skin of his back by now, but he barely even seemed to notice, rather, you thought he might have loved the feeling of it instead. You felt the pressure of him lying on top of you, paired with the pressure building in between your legs, your thighs beginning to shake, having to hold onto Leon tighter to steady them.
Finally, he slowly started to pull out, and you could barely breathe at the sensation it left behind. He kept his face buried in your neck, you could feel his ragged, heavy breathing and you could hear his groaning which was only making you wetter. 
His hips snapped forward, no regard to what pace you had wanted to set, not like it mattered, you probably would have told him quick and rough anyway if he asked. You almost screamed out at the feeling of him slamming into you, you could only throw your head back onto the couch cushion and rake your hands over his skin, into his hair. Leon licked a long stripe up your neck to your jaw, gently biting on your bottom lip before kissing you again. 
You kept kissing him hard in between his thrusts, with him pulling away for only a second at a time, both of you breathing hard, your hands traveling down to grip his biceps, and you could feel them flexing with his movement. 
“Shit,” He said over you, you could feel his breath on your lips. “So fucking tight,” One of his hands went down to grab onto one of your legs that you had thrown over him. “So fucking good.” He practically growled as he continued the assault on you, his hips showing no mercy, and his hand sure to leave a bruise on your thigh from his grip.
Leon pushed himself up, still inside of you, leaving you lying down. His skin was slick with his sweat, and maybe yours as well from being pressed against you. His hair was falling down over his forehead, and god he looked so good right now, if you weren’t already in the act of getting the shit fucked out of you, you would want to fuck him all over again. His hands adjusted their position to rest on your hips, pulling you up so he can fuck you from his kneeling position.
This new angle was hitting every spot perfectly, allowing him to go deeper than he was from just above you. The intense stretch his cock was delivering paired with the way he was holding onto your hips with such ferocity, all of it together was too much, and you were becoming unwound. 
“Leon… Leon, fuck…” You gasped out, barely able to finish your sentence, but Leon understood well enough. He slowed his pace only a beat, but it was enough to have you straining, desperate for him to go faster to allow you to finish. He kept up with the slower pace, watching you as you whined under him, begging him to go faster.
“Please, Leon…” You looked up at him through half lidded eyes, barely able to keep them open. Through them, you could see him looking at you, brows furrowed in exertion, mouth open, chest rising and falling with rapid breathing.
“Please what?” Leon growled. You whined again, knowing he wasn’t going to make this easy for you. “Say it.”
You couldn’t breathe, but you had to give him what he wanted so he could give you what you wanted. “Leon, please, I’m going to cum… please…” 
He leaned in again, still holding your hips up, his pace even slower now, and you could feel the heat bundling up, bringing tears to your eyes at the lack of relief. His face was inches away from yours. “Please, what?” 
You choked out a sob, mixed with a groan at the slightest movement he made inside of you. “Please let me cum Leon, please,” You had no voice at this point, the words coming out in a whisper, loud enough for him to hear, but he probably would have anyway. 
“That’s right.” He backed up now, and resumed his previous position. “Good girls get what they want when they ask.” Your eyes closed in bliss when he picked up his pace, the weight of his words hanging heavy in your head, adding to the ecstasy he was giving you right now. He was slamming into you again, steadying himself on your hips while also pulling them forward to meet his thrusts. You had no breath left to spare on words anymore, and fruitless moans spilled from your lips focusing the energy on bringing your orgasm to close. 
You tried to call out his name as best as you could, but all you heard were moans as the heat inside you came to a roaring burst, and you felt your legs tighten around Leon, his grip steadying you, your hands clawing at the cushion, at his wrists where they held onto you. 
Your heartbeat was crazy at this point, and you couldn't even hold your eyes open as you rode out your orgasm, his hands smoothing over your skin, and you used the sensation to come back to reality. He had momentarily stilled his movements again, and you felt his lips on your neck, none of the roughness there now. You rolled your head over to the side to face him, and when you did he attached his lips to yours, a passionate kiss, his hands feeling like heaven on your body. 
You pulled away and stared at him for a moment. His eyes were soft, but his face was still contorted in concentration.
“I hope you don’t think we’re done here, darling.” You breathed out a sigh, collecting yourself, a smile creeping onto your face.
You kissed him, and whispered into his lips, “Show me what you got left, then.”
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cellophaine · 1 year
i dont know if you listen to lana del rey but MATT MURDOCK AND SAD GIRL BY LANA DEL REY
i need a fic based on this like i have been listening to it non stop and i cant stop thinking on him so a matt murdock angst fic with fluff with a lil smut?
Sad Girl
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Warnings: Fluff, angst, smut.
Author's Note: This fic is brought to you by delusion and denial. The song has a big influence, but I made a few tweaks. Italics are flashbacks.
To Anon: yes I do listen to Lana! Quite religiously 🫣 If you read through the fic names in my masterlist, you'll see some of Lana's song titles.
Share and feedback are welcomed!
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"Sooo … how's it going with the guy you're seeing?"
Over the rim of your cup, you cast your watchful eyes at your friend as you took a sip of your steamed drink. Mindy's inquisitive gaze bored into you, pawing and prodding at the film of protection you projected on the particular topic. You had expected her to ask about Matt since that was where you left off the last time you saw her three months ago, even though she was your closest friend. The way you left it wasn't positive in your friend's eyes, so this time, she was adamant about the two of you catching up. You couldn't hide from her anymore, even if you tried.
You bit into the side of your cheek before releasing it; your eyes briefly darted away from Mindy's face before answering.
"It's… good."
Mindy arched a brow at your drawn-out 'good', waiting patiently as she expected you to divulge.
"It's really good. Same old, you know?"
She nodded, her eyes slightly narrowed in a way that seldomly meant something good.
"Does that mean you're still stuck in the … grey area?"
You placed your drink down a little harsher than necessary, striking a sharp sound on the delicate saucer.
"I'm not 'stuck'. It's not even a grey area; it's black and white. I chose this."
She had struck a nerve, and you didn't want to admit that to yourself.
"So you chose to be in an ambiguous relationship with a man who doesn't seem to care that much about you? Who only hits you up when he needs someone to warm his bed?"
Your casual, friends-with-benefits relationship with Matt had gone on for well over eight months. At the very beginning, you both agreed on strictly no strings attached. He would come over, you would fuck, and at the end, he would leave. It started out as a once-in-a-while thing, then once a week, and now it had almost become a nightly basis. Your closet stored some of his comfy and formal clothes, your bathroom cabinet held his own hygiene items, and your pantry was stocked with his favourite teas. Matt had slept over so often that you felt like your place was his, too. Even your first aid kit got an upgrade as you equipped it with stuff you wouldn't need yourself so you could be more prepared for any injuries he might have. You knew Matt was Daredevil, knowing the danger he might face every night. It wasn't something he could hide from you. Not for as long as Matt tried to, anyway. After your discovery of Daredevil and Matt's acceptance of the fact that you knew, you started patching him up when his nights got rough, and he began to ask for your help more often. On those nights when his injuries weren't so grave, his fucking would get rougher as the extension of his waning wrath.
"No! You're wrong. It's not like that at all. He cares about me …."
You trailed off when the doubt crept in, making you unsure of yourself. Mindy caught on to your hesitation and gave you a concerned gaze. You couldn't help it, but you wanted to prove your friend wrong. After all, it only happened three weeks ago, and the memory was still fresh in your mind.
Your boss was in a particular mood that day. He scrapped the entirety of your careful research and made you go down the police station all the way in Brooklyn to obtain the paper documents yourself. You barely made it out of work and into a cab before eleven, slouching in the back seat as the toll of the day took over. Your feet ached from the heels, and your body was riddled with tension. You were so exhausted that once you came home, you headed straight for the shower to wash off the grime and sweat; the melody of your wind chime outside on the fire escape didn't even register in your ears. After the much-needed cleanse, you settled on the couch with greasy takeout and put on your show. You didn't even notice how the wind chime had gone quiet, turning into a gentle tune momentarily before three dull knocks on the window pane startled you.
Your attention turned to the window, recognizing the silhouette outside. You only realized then that you had forgotten to take the wind chime in – the form of communication you used to signal that you were waiting for him. The melody had almost become a permanent fixture on your fire escape. You hurried to the window and ushered Matt in.
"Sorry, I totally forgot that you were coming."
You felt guilty of your own forgetfulness for giving him a false signal, but a small part of you didn't. You wanted him to stay, but you couldn't bring yourself to ask him to. It felt like a violation of your agreement. And yet, you desperately did not want to be alone that night. All the turmoil in your head quickly evaporated as Matt closed the distance, discarding his mask before he reached you and pulled you in by your waist. He planted a hungry kiss on your lips, slowly smouldering to a lingering touch. You would be lying if you said his impatience didn't turn you on. You pulled away from him, feeling embarrassed when you remembered the chow mein you had, but Matt didn't seem to mind.
"What was that for?"
Your eyes drank in the messed up hair, the glossy unsighted eyes focused a lower point on your face, and the easy smile tugged at a corner of his plump, just-kissed lips. Everything added to the boyish charm you had come to love.
"It's been a while since I last saw you. I missed you."
His confession and the way he said it with a soft smirk made you melt. Matt wasn't one for sentimental statements, but when he was in the mood for it, he always knew how to make you weak in the knees. No matter how true the admission was, he knew you knew that this was no more than a casual arrangement. Crossing the boundaries was something of a figment.
"It's only been three days."
"I know. And I still missed you all the same."
He stepped even closer, slotting one leg between your open stance before slanting his lips over yours. You couldn't help but lean into the kiss and moan; your body arched into his embrace out of second nature. His soft lips found the pulse on your neck and sucked, marking the smooth skin there as if he deemed that it was missing his mark. His hands started pulling on your clothes, making your mind run wild with the possibilities of the night. But your muscles' cry for rest was louder. For the second time that night, you gingerly pulled away from his warm embrace, and the crestfallen look on his face once you had distanced yourself almost made you regret it.
"Is something wrong?"
He asked gently. None of the whining and all of the genuine concern. You sighed, running your hands over your face.
"It's not you. It's me. I had a pretty … shitty day at work, and I … I don't feel like doing this right now."
You quickly added.
"I hope that's okay."
His immediate response untied the knot in your belly.
"Of course it's okay. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. You know that, right?"
You lowered your gaze to the ground; your voice was small and quiet.
"I do, I just don't want to disappoint you, that's all."
Matt placed a hand under your chin, lifting your face so you could look at him.
"You could never disappoint me, no matter what."
You clasped a hand around the wrist that was hovering over your collarbone. With all the courage you could muster, you begrudgingly gave voice to the inescapable outcome of the night.
"Well, I guess I'll… see you later?"
His brows furrowed as if you were speaking a language he didn't know.
"What do you mean? You're not getting rid of me that easily."
In a fell swoop, Matt picked you up. He walked to the couch, gently laid you down on the plush surface and told you to stay still. You watched with wide eyes as he disappeared into your bathroom. You heard the water running, then shutting off, and Matt appeared only to vanish into your bedroom. You peeked over the couch as you heard him rummaging around what sounded like your bedside table, helping himself to its content. Eventually, he left the bedroom with your body oil mist. You braced yourself on your elbows, apprehensive and confused, when Matt asked you to remove your sweats.
"I'm just going to give you a massage. No funny business, I promise."
He urged you to lay back as he carefully folded your clothes and put them on the armchair nearby. He loosened the knots in your muscles, kneading at your sore limbs. His hands worked with so much tenderness and patience, smoothing the oil over your skin, making sure you were relaxed and comfortable. You practically melted into the couch once he was done with you, feeling the tension had long ebbed away.
You sighed happily; the touch of appreciation sweetened your voice.
"Thank you for that."
"You don't have to thank me. I'm here for you."
Matt smiled fondly at you, which deepened the crinkles around his eyes. And then, there was a brief moment of hesitation, as if he didn't know if he should say what he wanted to say.
"Do you want me to leave?"
He finally asked, his voice soft. The question seemed so small, yet, it made your heart soar, sending a familiar serotonin rush through your veins.
"No. Stay with me, please."
Matt slid onto the couch with you, cuddling you from behind. The space was a little cramped, but you were grateful for it for the way his body pressed up against you underneath the cozy blanket. The two of you watched your favourite show together. Still, you didn't pay much attention to it as your mind tried to soak up as much of this feeling as possible until you fell asleep. When you woke the next morning, he wasn't there. Yet, something felt different now that you had a taste of what it was like to be on the other side of the thorned fence.
Despite the "developement", you still felt unsure. And Mindy could tell that.
"If he cared about you like that, why haven't you made it official? Is there something holding you back?"
You bit your lip, your head lowered as you still tether at the edge of acceptance of your situation after an even more recent event.
"Actually, yeah …"
You thought you knew him better than most people did, but maybe, it was you who knew the least of all. You thought about last week when you were tasked with writing a piece on the new up-and-coming law firm in the middle of Hell's Kitchen that took down Wilson Fisk.
It was all a coincidence, but you didn't mind getting to observe Matt on a professional level. The business plate on the wall outside looked new and polished, contrary to the inside. The building was a little dingy but functional. When Foggy Nelson welcomed you into the small office, the sight you saw was all but welcoming. The glass panes did nothing to conceal the view of Matt being awfully cozy with a gorgeous woman, who you knew was Karen Page. She straightened his tie, and Matt was saying something to her, his soft lips close to the crown of her head. Karen laughed at his words, and in return, an easy smile spread across his face. The intimate scene made you feel like you were intruding on the two of them just by looking in. A lump formed in your throat, but you swallowed it down. It was no time for personal feelings and thoughts.
Still, the unpleasant feeling simmered and stayed with you throughout the interview until the very end. When the photographer showed up to take their photos for the newspaper, you bore witness to their intimacy once more. It was obvious to anyone that there was something between them, whether it was in the past or present. The way they held each other before your observant eyes manifested into something tangible that you could touch and couldn't compare. Their bond was something deeper than your relationship. That only aggravated your stubborn jealousy and how ashamed you felt afterward for feeling such fierce possessiveness over someone who wasn't even yours. He never was, never had been, and never would be. What you had was a casual agreement, and that was all to it. But you had to go ahead and fall for him.
The look on Mindy's face after you told her about Matt and Karen was one you knew too well. It was of pity, and you hated being on the receiving end.
"It sounds like he might have something going on with that woman. After all, you didn't agree to be mutually exclusive."
She took hold of your hand, giving it a squeeze as if to soften the blow she was about to deliver.
"I think you should reconsider your relationship. Being the other woman is not worth it, no matter how good in bed he is."
You couldn't stop the frown that formed on your lips, but you could control the trembling that almost broke in your lower lip. You jerked your hand away as if Mindy's touch seared you with shame. Your voice shook as your defensiveness raised itself around you.
"You don't know him like I do, okay? Stay out of it. I don't need your sage advice."
I don't need you to tell me how wrong I am. You wanted to say. You knew that already. Saying that out loud would mean admitting you were wrong about Matt, about the two of you, and about everything.
You grabbed your bag from the chair and walked out of the coffee shop, ignoring Mindy's calls. Your nose felt stung from the unshed tears, from the weight of your friend's words. You knew she only wanted good things for you, but she was wrong. She must be.
Even then, in your heart, you weren't so sure.
That night, you didn't think Matt would come. But you were thankful that he did. The moment you heard his familiar steps on the stairs, making his way up to you, you were already at the window, practically pulling Matt in once he reached you. You didn't even wait until he got even footing on the floor to kiss him senselessly, drawing a surprised gasp from him. He didn't seem to mind and quickly reciprocated. Moments later, your clothes were shed, letting your bare skin and laboured breaths fill the silence. Matt's hands ran all over your curves appreciatively, his lips tangled with yours fervently. He whispered on your lips when you parted to breathe.
"I missed you."
You heard that, Mindy? He said he missed me.
"I missed you too."
Your words drawled into a soft moan as he took your bottom lip between his teeth and pulled slightly. His hand settled on your ass, urging you to jump into his arms like you always would, and you did. The proof of his need for you pressed against your stomach, hard and unyielding. Matt shifted you in his arms, and you used the movement to graze your slick core around his shaft. Your arousal smeared on his length, and you couldn't stop the gasp at the feeling of him so close to your entrance. Matt found your bedroom easily and fell onto the soft sheets with you. You scuttled back to make room, and he followed you. You held yourself up by your elbows; a shiver ran through your body as you watched him stroke his cock a few times before teasing your entrance. His tip touched your wet folds, dragging and spreading the slickness along the slit. He stimulated your clit with his velvet head, and you whimpered at how good it felt. As you parted your lips to tell him to stop teasing you, he plunged in without warning, and the complaint from your throat became a blissed moan.
Matt stopped for a moment after fully sheathed inside you, his face tilted towards yours, allowing you to drink in the pure euphoria on his face. His mouth was open-slacked, his brows curved up in an acute focus of relief, his unsighted eyes lost in the heaven you shared. You rocked your hip to meet his, only to be stopped with his hands on your waist, his hold tight, but not enough to leave bruises.
"If you keep moving like that, I won't last very long."
You nudged your heel against his ass, and your thighs squeezed his hips like an invitation.
"I don't care. I need you. Please."
Something shifted in him when you begged, and your prayer was answered with a withdrawal and hard thrust of his hips. You cried out, letting yourself fall back on the mattress and allowing Matt to pound into you. Each delicious thrust brought you closer to the edge, but you used all of your willpower to hold on. You wanted to finish with him. Matt's body covered yours as he nudged your head to rest on the crook of his arm. He caged you in, encompassing you in a cocoon that was him. His fingers wove into your hair, pulling the strands slightly to draw out your moans. His face hovered over yours, and with the barely-there distance, you felt like you were observing a piece of art reserved for your eyes only. Matt was all-consuming, demanding your attention and submission in every sense possible. All you saw was his beautiful face, all you heard was his lustful cries, and all you felt was his fullness inside you, stealing your breaths. You succumbed to him fully, worshipping him with everything that was attached to your mortal shell.
Your cries of pleasure intertwined with his created a beautiful melody of primal desires. Your hands clawed at his back, without a doubt making marks. Matt only groaned louder at the claim you made on his back, enjoying the pain you inflicted on him. As you neared your end, your core clenched hard, and his thrusts only got rougher at the tell-tale sign of your finish line. You could feel how close he was with the way his pace stuttered. You took hold of his chin, and Matt took a brief moment to kiss your thumb.
"Let go. I've got you."
You whispered breathlessly as his deep strokes made it hard to talk. Matt drew your thumb into his mouth and bit on it, but it did little to muffle his grunts of release. The feeling of him filling you up triggered your own orgasm as you came with him. The white-hot pleasure made you arch your back, making your pebbled nipples graze his broad chest. Matt's hand came down to grope at one breast, massaging and playing with your nipple, making you gasp, moan, and writhe at the sensation. He dipped his head to the hardened peak and soothed its ache with the warmth of his mouth as if to apologize for the lack of attention he paid. When you finally came down from the high, Matt whisked you into a breathless, lingering kiss as if he never wanted it to end. You happily reciprocated, and at that moment, it really felt like he might have feelings for you.
A little while later, after Matt had helped you settle in bed and fetched you some water, he slipped into the spot beside you, nudging your head to rest on his chest. His fingers caressed your arm, raising goosebumps on your skin. You played with the ridges of his abs; your blissful mind ran wild with all the possibilities and hypotheses. You felt something different tonight, just like that night when he cuddled you to sleep.
"Hey, I was wondering …."
He hummed in reply, waiting for you to continue.
"We've been doing this for a while, and I … I wonder if anything has changed."
His hand still kept a steady rhythm on your arm.
"What has changed?"
"Us. Our relationship."
Matt turned his face towards you, and your heart chipped a little at the confusion. He took a moment before answering you.
"We both agreed on being strictly casual. So … no, nothing has changed."
The crack on your heart turned into splinters that kept falling down like a flimsy house of cards, and you weren't fast enough to catch all the pieces. Of course, Mindy was right. You were such a fool. How could you hope for something different after all this time?
"Where was my memo on this thing?"
Matt chuckled softly, seeming to please with the little joke he made. Even though his body was warm, you only felt colder than ever. You slowly removed yourself from him as if Matt had grown thorns, and every movement hurt. Once you left the bed, Matt braced himself on one elbow, an easy, nonchalant, suggestive air about him.
"Are you freshening up for round two?"
You sighed heavily.
"No, I'm tired, and I would like to go to bed."
When Matt didn't say anything, you quickly added.
"Besides, I have to get up early tomorrow."
It was not exactly the truth, but a half-lie would do just fine. It seemed like Matt got the hint as he got up and searched for his scattered clothes on the floor. Once decent, he made his way to you at the window sill; his hand reached out to touch your elbow.
"Are we okay?"
He asked with a touch of hesitation. You huffed an indulgent chuckle.
"Yes. We're okay. I've had a long day, with a lot to think about."
You forced yourself to smile, even though he couldn't see it. It was more for you, so you wouldn't physically surrender to the turmoil inside. Matt kissed your cheek softly, and you did everything not to avoid his affection.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
He left your apartment with the promise, one that you wouldn't blame him for not keeping. You stayed up until the morning, and throughout the day, you allowed everything Mindy said to torment you, driving and twisting the knife further until your heart was a mangled, broken piece of decoration in your chest. And you knew you deserved every single cut. You weren't stupid; you knew that you were in the wrong. You were blinded by the possibility of Matt reciprocating your feelings that you were all too happy to be the other woman despite all the red lights. But the answer he gave you last night was definite. There was no future for the two of you that wouldn't end in a crash and burn.
That night, your fire escape was dead quiet for the first time in months. You were home; Matt could tell by the rhythm of your heart inside your cozy place. No matter how many times he called your name and knocked on your window, you wouldn't welcome him in like you usually would. Matt left the bundle of flowers he brought you at your fire escape that night. They would stay where they were as he felt them wither away every night until they ceased to exist.
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risswirly · 2 months
Unexpected Chemistry
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SYNOPSIS: After transferring to Blackwell you're quickly adopted into the vortex club. However, in search of something less superficial, you find yourself drawn to your lab partner GENRE: fluff NOTE: I rarely see the reader in the vortex club so let me know if you want me to write another with this trope! WORD COUNT: 1.7k
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It had only been a week since you started attending Blackwell yet your life was already being turned on its head.
A girl named Victoria Chase had been your tour guide during your first few days and despite being a little shy you somehow made a good first impression and she'd decided to adopt you into her clique. The vortex club was far from your usual scene. Parties, constant drama, alcohol and drugs were not things you particularly enjoyed and in all honesty, the effort it took to keep up with their rapid-paced life was exhausting. However, you played along with it all, despite being unable to stand half the club's members you quickly discovered the power these people held and decided the pros of being in the "popular" group outweighed leaving. 
You sit alone on a desk near the back of Ms Grant's class, fidgeting quietly with the lab equipment in front of you. Despite the decent size of the vortex club, none of them shared this class with you, which you honestly preferred. It gave you a few hours a week to escape their constant fussing, even if it did mean having to be alone. 
Ms Grant leans on the front of her desk and students hush as she begins the class, "Alright, today we're going to be doing an experiment based on what I covered last lesson. So you know what that means, partner work!" She claps enthusiastically with a grin while the class perks up at the mention of an experiment. "I'll walk around and hand out these instruction manuals for you to share with your desk partner." She states before grabbing a stack of sheets and begins passing them out. 
You sit silently as you watch your classmates break out into chatter. As you observe them joke and enjoy each others company you feel a twang of sadness knowing you don't have the same carefree and comfortable friendship with any of the vortex club. Deep down you yearn for a genuine connection that isn't just fuelled by shit-talking and partying. 
"Ah (y/n), you don't have a desk partner do you?" Ms Grant snaps you out of your train of thought with her question. You shake your head with a weak smile looking at the empty seat beside you, not that you minded all that much. She shakes her head and places her hands on her hips "That just wont do will it." she jokes trying to lighten your mood a bit before scanning the room quickly. "Ah yes, you can partner with Warren! He's usually the leftover student but since you've joined we now have an even number." With a fond smile she points to a boy sitting alone a few rows in front of you. 
You quickly gather your things, holding your items close to your chest before making your way over to the lonesome boy. You place your books down on the empty side of the table prompting him to look up from the instruction sheet.
Once his head turns toward you, you're finally able to actually get a good look at him. His fluffy chestnut hair hangs down in front of his face slightly, while his brown eyes look back up at you. He's wearing a dorky graphic tee that sits loosely over his lanky frame. You feel your face warm up a little as your eyes trail over his features. 
Damn, he's cute. 
You ignore the thought and pull out your new chair. "Hi" you greet him with a small wave, putting on the confident act you've been keeping up all week "I think I'm your desk partner now" You add on as you take a seat. "Oh hey" He smiles softly, his eyes linger on you for a second longer as if lost in the details of your face, before he quickly glances away. "I'm Warren" He introduces himself sheepishly, rubbing the back of his neck a little embarrassed for staring at you.
"Im (y/n)" you smile back warmly. Maybe this could be a chance to make real friends! Friends away from the Vortex Club and its reputation.
"Yeah I know" he chuckles quietly to himself as he begins to set up the lab equipment. "Pardon?" you ask with a furrowed brow, not exactly sure what his comment is meant to mean. His gaze flickers back to you and his eyes widen as he realises how his words may have come across "OH, no no, I didn't mean that in a bad way. Its just, I think practically everyone knows who you are by now" He trails off. 
Well there goes that hope.
"Ive only been here a week?" You laugh lightly, taken slightly aback by his remark. God damn it, just how popular was this stupid club?  He laughs along with you at the absurdity of it, "I mean, people spend months sucking up to Victoria and Nathan trying to be apart of their group." he says with a slight look of distaste at the mention of the two. "You just sort of waltzed right in. People wanna know who the mysterious, pretty new girl is and how she got into the vortex club in just a few days." 
You pause for a second, reflecting on his words before speaking again. "I didn't exactly ask to be in their little club" You mutter just loud enough for Warren to hear. You didn't like the thought that so many people had already formed opinions on you simply because of who you'd become friends with and you felt a need to disprove these assumptions. 
He stops setting up for a moment, looking at you with a raised brow, "What do you mean by that?" he asks softly. You study his expression for a second and instead of being faced with judgement you see not only curiosity but also genuine concern in his eyes as he awaits your response. 
You take a deep breath, well here goes nothing. "Victoria is the first person I'd met, and since she added me to her group so quickly I haven't exactly been given much chance to make other friends." You look down at your desk, avoiding his eyes. You sigh before adding, "The vortex club isn't my crowd... but it seems like everyone else has made up their minds about me". This was the first time you'd actually been able to tell someone that, it felt like a weight had been lifted off your chest and you breath a little easier. Now there was actually someone that knew you, someone that you had been honest with, that had allowed you to open up and express yourself.
But now there was a deafening silence and you immediately cringe to yourself as you realise how pathetic you must seem to him. Maybe you'd gone a little overboard with the confession, I mean this was literally the first time you'd even met the guy. You turn away from him trying to hide your embarrassment. 
He takes a moment to think about what you've said before leaning over the desk slightly, trying to catch your gaze, "Well... Im talking to you now aren't I?" He answers softly. 
You meet his eyes, he looks back at you with a gentle smile, his gaze filled with understanding and optimism. You feel a smile tug at the corner of your own lips after seeing his doe-eyed look, "Sooo, you don't think I'm a stuck up rich kid?" You chuckle with a sarcastic tone. He leans back slightly after seeing your mood lighten back up. You notice his eyes soften as they trail over your face again, as if he's taking his time memorising your smile.
"Perhaps I might've before, but, I see now that I was wrong.. I mean half the vortex kids wouldn't be caught dead talking to me in the first place" He adds, seeming more amused than ashamed. As the two of you joke and tease the vortex club for its elitist ways, you mentally capture an image of his wide grin and note how his eyes sparkle as he beams and you realise just how much you missed genuinely laughing with someone.
You take a long sigh to you catch your breath and smile to yourself in a moment of comfortable silence, "Mysterious, pretty new girl huh?" You ask glancing back at him with raised brows and a smirk. You watch as his smile falls and his eyes widen, his face turns a shade of red as he remembers what he'd called you. He clears his throat and averts his eyes trying to cover up his accidental slip from earlier "So erm, my friend is having a small get together this weekend, would you um maybe wanna come? I can introduce you to some people.. help you make new friends?" He asks shyly as he rubs the nape of his neck. You giggle at his less-than-smooth topic change but smile even wider at his offer. A chance to expand from the vortex club, a chance to express and be yourself without the pressure of needing to always look cool.
"Yes! I'd love to go!" You smile widely, not even bothering to try and hide your excitement. Warrens face lights up as he mirrors your own enthusiasm "Great! I'll send you the details, here-" He quickly pulls out his phone and hands it to you with a blank contact for you to fill out. Your heart flutters slightly as you type in your details and his little smile as he looks over them after you hand him back his phone only fuels the feeling even more. "I'll message you tonight. Um about the party of course! U-unless you'd like to talk about other things too?" He stammers awkwardly, a little nervous after getting your digits.
As he runs his fingers through his hair, trying to play it cool, Ms Grant passes by the front of your desk looking at your lack of experimenting. "Look, I'm always glad to see students getting along but this experiment is important." She reminds the both of you then walks off hiding a pleased grin. The two of you sheepishly smile realising how sidetracked you'd gotten before eventually getting back to work. 
For the rest of the class the two of you practically refused to shut up, joking, laughing and talking about almost everything. It felt like you'd reached a light at the end of a tunnel, finally basking in the sun after the storm that had been the past week. As you watch Warren struggle to wipe the grin off his face you think that perhaps, just maybe, this school wasn't as bad as you thought.
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Item ID: E6-2411 Item Name: Sir Teddyson the Brave Category: N/A Origin Point: Unknown Owner: Unknown, Dockworker? Description: A medium plush stuffed animal, worn from many years of being carried around. Traditional Earthen design, somewhat resembling the now-extinct polar bear. This item, referred to as a Teddy Bear, is a common comfort item for human children. Close to the left leg of the bear is a small tag, labeled with the bear’s name: Sir Teddyson the Brave. While many traditional bears do not come with accessories, this item is dressed as an Earthen warrior known as a knight, equipped with armor, a cloak, and detachable sword with shield. Due to the item’s age, it has been previously torn in several places. These spots have been thoroughly repaired with new stitches and, where necessary, scraps of different fabric. The end result is a patchwork of materials that has clearly been adored for several generations. Cataloger’s Notes: If we don’t figure out who this belongs to, I am going to cry. This lil guy has all the markings of something passed down between family members. Who knows how many children have held this thing? How many parents or older siblings have worked to repair the damage, just to ensure a young one will have something to comfort them and keep them company.
Nobody seems to know where the bear came from. It has all the marks of something accidentally left behind by another employee, having been found in the parking lot instead of in the loading bay, but so far no one has inquired about any lost items. As such, it had fallen to Cynthia to catalog the item so they could legally put it into temporary storage. Only a handful of the FPA’s employees are human, and she was the first one in for the day, so she had been deemed the best fit to handle such a “culturally significant” item.
Currently, she’s in a video call with Naomi, trying not to get too emotional while talking about the bear in her hands. To her credit, Naomi is listening intently, occasionally offering up anecdotes about her own childhood plush (a teddy styled like a ronin, whatever that is), and overall being very supportive. They’ve been talking for over an hour now, the time passing without notice, and Cynthia has just about finished her write-up on Sir Teddyson.
During a quiet moment, with Naomi stepping away to talk to her brother about his planned homecoming, the sound of footsteps and voices grows louder from the hallway. A moment later there’s a knock at her office door, and she presses the button to let them in. Immediately the conversation pauses, and a rather frazzled looking dockworker steps inside. He’s a Bophellian, a bipedal species with slanted eyes and a thin layer of fur covering the body, with traditional silver jewelry adorning his pointed ears. In one hand he holds a phone, the other covering the device’s speaker.
“Hi, hello, I’m so, so very sorry to interrupt, but-” the man (Xerro, according to his nametag) says, stopping when his gaze lands on the teddy bear. That’s all it takes for him to visibly relax, a rush of air coming from his lungs. Quickly, he says something into the phone, the speech too fast for Cynthia’s translator to parse. “Again, sorry to interrupt, but my daughter left her Knight Bear here when my wife picked me up yesterday. We spent a couple hours looking for it last night, but I see you’ve found it”
Relief fills Cynthia, and she’s more than ready to hand the bear over (she’s never been introduced to Xerro before, but she’s talked to the other dockworkers enough to hear he’s a beloved coworker). Still, Xerro hangs up the phone after confirming that he found the bear, and proceeds to provide photo evidence of the bear being his daughter’s. Apparently it had been given to her by her birth father, who had passed when she was only a few years old. Since then, her mother had married Xerro, who had been more than happy to raise the little one, regardless of a difference in species.
It was a very cute story, all in all, with some adorable photos (including one where Xerro was dressed up in a homemade knight costume for his daughter’s birthday). By the time he left, Sir Teddyson in hand, Cynthia felt her heart full with joy. Once his footsteps faded, she resumed her call with Naomi and updated her on the conclusion to the story they had become so invested in.
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tabitha42 · 2 months
The Wizard's Apprentice - Chapter 29
Saffron is just a lowly apprentice with barely a successful firebolt to her name. So what chance does she have with the arch mage she's slowly falling in love with?
Gale x Tav, slow burn, eventual smut
Chapter 1 Previous chapter Next chapter
Morning came all too quick as always, and after a hasty breakfast they were on the road again. The group were starting to really feel the effects of being on the road for a third day straight, carrying all their equipment while also needing to fight. Some were feeling it more than others - Lae’zel and Karlach were tired but mostly fine, whereas Astarion, Gale and Saff were really starting to struggle. Without being able to feed each night Astarion was never at full strength, and about halfway through the morning, Gale’s arcane hunger began to gnaw away at him. 
By the time they stopped for lunch Gale had been struggling to keep up. He sat on the ground next to Saff, hunched forward, breathing heavily as Karlach rummaged through the bag of magical items they’d been collecting. 
“Uhh…” she murmured nervously as she pulled a ring out. “I think… this is the last one…” 
Gale was surprised by that. He thought they’d found enough artefacts to keep him going longer than this… but then again, he’d been consuming them at a faster rate than ever before, and each one he consumed seemed to sate the orb less and less. 
He took the ring as Karlach held it out for him, but looked at it hesitantly in his hands. He could only feel a small amount of Weave coming from it - a weak enchantment, one that doubtless wouldn’t satisfy the orb for long, if at all. 
“We’ll find more items,” Saff assured him, seeing the uncertain look on his face. 
“I hope so…” he said quietly, not wanting to think about what he’d have to do if they didn’t. He closed his eyes and absorbed the ring. His suspicions had been right - it hadn’t done much for the orb, but it had taken the edge off for now, at least. 
Lunch was finished quickly and they were on the road again. Lae’zel was beginning to get frustrated at the slow pace, but there was little she could do about it. Her frustrations quickly disappeared though when she saw a familiar shape in the distant sky. 
“Look!” She called to the others. “A red dragon! My kin must be near!” 
“We’re not going to have to fight dragons, are we?” Astarion moaned. “There will be no fighting. Once I find them I will invoke protocol. It is every githyanki’s duty to help infected githyanki,” Lae’zel explained.
“And what about those of us that aren’t githyanki?” Astarion asked, raising an eyebrow.
“They may help you, if I tell them to. So you’d do well to stop complaining if you don’t want to get on my nerves,” she warned. 
Following the dragon certainly made for an easier goal, though most of the others shared Astarion’s hesitancy - if things didn’t go to plan and the githyanki turned on them instead, there was little they could do against a dragon. 
They eventually reached their goal at a river crossing. Not just one githyanki rider with their dragon, but a whole group of them, stood in front of a suspiciously burning bridge. Seven githyanki, all well-rested and ready for a fight, more than could be said for most of their group right now. Not to mention how fearsome githyanki warriors were - far more of a threat than even a whole horde of goblins. 
“We should be cautious about this…” Wyll warned, much to the agreement of everyone but Lae’zel, who paid him no heed and ran straight in. 
“Wonderful,” Gale murmured, sharing a look with Wyll, before following her along with the rest of the group. 
The leader seemed to be scolding the others as Lae’zel ran in, but went quiet as he saw her and the rest of the group approaching. 
“Rider, my time is short. Lead me to-”
“Sh-sh-shh,” he interrupted, unamused. “Such a familiar tone. Your name, child.” 
“Lae’zel,” she answered, bowing.
“Lae’zel. Proud, regal even. You will call me Jhe'stil Kith'rak.”
The rest stayed quiet, letting Lae’zel do the speaking… until a weapon was mentioned, and they all felt a wave of anxiety run through them. There was no doubting who it was from - Shadowheart. For now though they all knew better than to question her in front of the githyanki. 
Voss told her of the hunt for the weapon and demanded she join the search. When she refused and insisted she was going to the creche to get purified instead, he was none too pleased.
“Purified? Soon your skin will go grey and your blood will run silver. You will shed your skin and become ghaik. Only in death are the infected cleansed.” 
The others felt a rising sense of dread as he spoke - the realisation growing that the creche wouldn’t be able to heal them after all. But with what he said next, that might be the least of their worries. 
“Baretha, see that her skull is split and the tadpole crushed. Then examine her corpse. I will take word to the undying queen - the search continues.” He returned to his dragon as the six remaining githyanki drew their weapons. With a powerful beat of the dragon’s wings he was off… leaving them facing a fight they were wholly unprepared for. 
They scrambled for their weapons, but before they could draw them, huge, black tentacles burst from the ground, clamping around them, pinning them down. They struggled against them, but weakened and weighed down by their heavy packs, not even Lae’zel and Karlach could break free. They looked up, some in determination, some in fear, at the githyanki group as they began to close in on them, led by the one with her hands up, channelling the spell.
“This will be quick,” Baretha said, concentrating on keeping them in place as the others began to charge in for the attack… 
The fireball that suddenly hit her and broke her concentration took everyone by surprise. None of them even saw where it came from… but they wasted no time in seizing their opportunity. 
Astarion was the first to take advantage of the chaos. Quickly shrugging his bag off and drawing his bow, he dived into the nearby trees, preparing to strike from the shadows. The others then dove into the fight, or away from it in Gale and Saff’s cases, the two of them instead running to find a safe spot on the edge of the fight to cast their spells from. 
It was by far the most difficult fight they’d faced so far. The githyanki were relentless, nearly overpowering the group, even though they were outnumbered. Karlach, Lae’zel, Shadowheart and Wyll took their attention while Astarion picked them off from the shadows and Gale and Saff cast their spells, though Saff could quickly see that Gale was struggling. Even simple cantrips were proving difficult for him, leaving him wincing in pain after each spell, the orb on his chest flaring. It wasn’t long before two of the githyanki turned their attention from the others to Gale and Saff, two far easier targets.
Gale began to prepare a more powerful spell to defend them both, but she heard him gasp in pain as the spell fizzled in his hands. Fear and panic rising in her, she tried to ready a spell as they approached, worried she wouldn’t be able to hold two such strong warriors back…
Another fireball exploded between the two githyanki, engulfing them in flame and sending them flying. Saff gasped in shock and covered her face as the heat washed over her. When she opened her eyes again she tried to look in the direction the fireball had come from, but saw no one there, only the trees that lined the area. 
Her attention was grabbed back as one of the githyanki struggled to his feet, burnt and injured, but alive. She wasted no time in throwing a firebolt at him, which was enough to finish him off. 
Finally, exhausted and battered, the group came out victorious. Shadowheart began tending to their injuries, Astarion began tending to the loot, and Saff began tending to Gale. 
“Are you ok??” she gasped, looking at the marking on his chest, which flared and flickered. 
“Y-yes… I…” he started, taking deep breaths, wincing from the pain. “I will be…” 
She turned from him to Astarion, who was still searching the bodies. “Anything magical?” she called to him. He looked up and shook his head.
“Nothing yet, though they do have some lovely swords,” he said, admiring one of the longswords.
“Who cast those fireballs?” Wyll asked, directing his question towards the two wizards, but they shook their heads. 
“Neither of us,” Saff confirmed. 
Yellow eyes watched them from the trees, focused on Gale, as the group looked around in confusion, wondering who their saviour was. Clearly they weren’t going to spot her unless she made herself known. 
“Mr Dekarios!” 
The group looked up in surprise at the sudden voice that came from the trees, only now noticing the furry black and brown figure that sat in the branches. Gale’s eyes widened when he saw her. 
“Days I’ve been searching for you, and what do I see when I finally find you? You need rescuing. I suppose I shouldn’t be surprised by now.” Her tone was somewhere between scolding mother and teasing friend. 
“Is that… a talking cat??” Astarion gasped. 
“Cat?? I think not,” she said, sounding quite offended. From behind her back she spread two large, feathered wings, then jumped and swooped down in front of them. 
“A tressym!” Astarion squealed in delight, which she seemed to approve of. 
“Good to see your friends are not completely uneducated,” she said to Gale, who was still in shock at seeing her.
“Tara?? What are you doing here?” he finally managed. 
“Rescuing you, it seems. Now we have a lot to talk about, but first, I think some payment is in order, don’t you?” 
Gale’s surprise finally gave way to relief and he chuckled slightly as he knelt down in front of her and scratched behind her ear. 
“Ahh, yes! Marvellous,” she purred as he pet her, before looking up at him again as he stood back up. “You’re in need of another artefact, aren’t you?” she said, noticing the way he winced and the orb flared. 
“If you’ve got one, it would be most appreciated,” he said with a pained nod.
“Well, aren’t you lucky?” she said, lifting her leg to scratch off a thin chain necklace she had round her neck that had sunk into her fur. Gale knelt down and picked it up, feeling the Weave emanating from it - powerful enough to hopefully keep the orb sated a bit longer. 
“Thank you, Tara,” he said sincerely.
“You’re welcome. Now, eat up, then we have a lot to discuss. In private, if you don’t mind.” 
She flew off and perched on a branch of one of the nearby trees, waiting for him. Gale did as he was told, relieved to feel this necklace having a bit more of an effect, before walking over to her while the rest of the group turned to continue looting the bodies. 
“You shouldn’t be here, Tara. You promised you’d stay in Waterdeep,” he said as he reached her, now out of earshot of the others. 
“And if I’d stayed you’d now be the latest victims of the githyanki,” she countered, looking at the bodies on the ground. 
“I’m sure we’d have managed to fight our way out,” he said, with a distinct hint of uncertainty. 
“Well luckily we will never have to find out. Now, Mr Dekarios, tell me - where have you been? You suddenly disappeared, no note, nothing! What was I to think?” 
He looked away in shame, knowing exactly how worried she must have been, and even worse knowing how bad it would have been had he not been taken by the Nautiloid and had succeeded in reaching the Spine of the World and putting an end to it all… it had felt like the best thing to do at the time, the only thing to do even, but now the thought of Tara desperately searching for him and never finding him made him feel sick. 
“I’m sorry, Tara,” he said sincerely. He didn’t want to fully admit to her why he left… though he wondered if she already knew. “As for where I’ve been… that’s rather a long story.” “I’ve got plenty of time,” she said, sitting comfortably on the branch. He sighed slightly. “I was kidnapped by a Nautiloid and infected with a mind flayer parasite.” 
Her normally calm demeanour changed to one of shock. 
“Oh-... well, that is… hmm…” she stuttered, trying to keep her calm disposition despite her panic. “...How long have you got?” she asked quietly, a deep sadness to her voice. 
“That’s the curious thing. By rights we should all be showing significant symptoms if not completely transformed by now. Yet here we all are, right as rain.” 
“Oh,” she said, perking up a bit. “That certainly is curious. I don’t suppose you know why?” 
“There are several possible explanations… but I can’t say which is correct with any certainty,” he said, deciding now wasn’t the time to go into the mystery of the dream visitor. He could tell her about that later.
“Well, if anyone can figure it out, it’s you, Gale. You have always been able to find a way out of your predicaments, and I know this time will be no different.” Her confidence in him was touching… though he feared disappointing her. 
“We’ve got a couple of options. We’re heading to a githyanki creche at the moment. Lae’zel over there,” he said, nodding towards her, “assures us they will be able to cure us.” 
“Those githyanki seemed to disagree with that,” she said, looking at the dead bodies that littered the ground. 
“You heard that whole conversation, then?” “Indeed. Somehow I knew that following the dragon would lead me to you. You seem to be attracted to danger and chaos,” she said wearily. 
“Heh, you’re not wrong… and that seems to be more true now than ever. Anyway, if the githyanki cannot help, we have other avenues to go down.” 
“These friends of yours are all infected too, then?” she asked, looking at the others. 
“Indeed. We were all taken, and when the ship crashed, we all survived. So we decided to pool our efforts into finding a cure.” Tara looked somewhat unsure about this. 
“Come now Tara, you were the one saying I need to leave my tower and get out there and make more mortal friends!” “Yes, but when I said that I didn’t quite imagine it going like this. Still, I suppose I cannot complain too much. I would rather you be with others than facing this alone. Tell me, though - do you trust them?” she asked seriously, looking over at them.
“With my life,” he answered honestly. “Well… some of them, anyway. The others I trust enough to team up with them.” 
“I guess that is all I can ask for,” she said with a slight sigh. “They know about your condition, then? I saw one of them asking the elf for magical items.” 
“Yes, they know everything. They’ve been very helpful in treating it, in fact. Though we’re currently dangerously low on magical items… it turns out using magic as often as I do on the road makes the orb a lot hungrier than it is when I’m locked up in my tower.” 
“I’d best get to work finding you more artefacts, then,” she decided.
“Tara, no! You must return to Waterdeep, it’s not safe out here,” he objected, but she was hearing none of it. “No, I don’t think I will. You’re clearly in need of help and it is my job in this weary life to give it to you.” 
He despaired and shook his head, knowing he wouldn’t be able to convince her. 
Across from them, the others spoke as they distributed the loot and tended to their wounds.
“So, Gale has a tressym?” Astarion mused. “We’re starting to get quite the menagerie.” Scratch and the owlbear cub seemed to prefer going off alone during the day while they travelled, but always managed to find their way back to camp in the evenings. 
“I can’t believe she’s here… she must have flown all the way from Waterdeep,” Saff said, staring at Tara as she spoke to Gale. 
“She’s so cute!” Karlach gushed. “And… deadly. Was she the one that cast those fireballs?” 
“Guess so… Gale mentioned at one point that she was once his teacher, so it seems likely she can cast magic,” Saff said.
“Wow, adorable and deadly! Gods, I wish I could pet her,” Karlach lamented, finding yet another reason to want to be cured. She’d felt the same with Scratch and the owlbear cub, too. 
“Having a tressym around that can fireball our enemies will be no bad thing,” Wyll decided. “If she’s staying, that is.” 
“I hope she does stay,” Saff said, desperately wanting to get to know her. 
They finished taking anything of use and were soon ready to go. They looked back over at Gale and Tara, who were still talking over by the trees. 
“Ah, looks like it is time to get going to this creche,” Tara said when she saw the others waiting to go. 
“You’re really coming with us, then?” Gale asked, hoping one last time she might agree to return home, and of course she didn’t. 
“Absolutely. Someone needs to keep you on the straight and narrow. Oh! Speaking of which, there is one last thing you need to deal with at the earliest possible opportunity,” she said, jumping onto his shoulders as he started to head towards the rest of the group. 
“What’s that?” he asked, looking at her in confusion. 
“The beard, Mr Dekarios. It has to go.” 
He chuckled and shook his head. 
“Tara, I don’t know how many times I have to tell you - I am not shaving the beard.”
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horrormurderkill · 4 months
Answer my call
Demon/Weapon x Reader
Note: Inspired by GUILTY GEAR STRIVE, the gear is a creature so no you're not romantically involved with an item. Short fic/imagine.
You cautiously walked down the rocky road of dirt and stones, finding an intriguing cave holed underground. Intriguing because the entrance seemed to have been made by hands, so you decide to boldly step inside. Peeking inside the entrance and further, you see it has a sharp downturned path leading deeper, thanks to your flashlight. Carefully, you slide down the path, landing on the end of the sharp downward slope easily. The cave is unnaturally warm and not humid, you can practically feel the heat bouncing off from everywhere.
You walk further, sudden stumbling upon the source of the extreme heat. A gear, powerful and heavy one, it seems. As it is a fire elemental, you slowly walk towards it, to not get burned. Shouldn't do this, everyone knows a lone gear can be dangerous, so generally people shouldn't come near it. But curiosity gets the best of you. You stop in front of it, the fiery heat from the weapon making you halt. It's a spear, the edge of the blade looks sharp as glass.
Unlike others, who would've probably tried to immediately own the equipment, you will not. In a world like this, you know it's better to have a gear, as a protection. Though, you're confident in your strength and you have beaten all kinds of fighters, even though you don't have a gear. Instead, you admire its design, and look; white handle with purple and pink hues, almost looking like the universe is held within inside. In contrast, its blade is entrapped in amaranth colored frames. The handle also has golden frameworks on the bottom and top, making its large body more daunting.
"What is your name, stranger?" A voice comes through the weapon, echoing through the walls of the cavern. You look closely at the blade, jumping a bit when a humane face gazed back at you. "From how it looks like, you seek the success of owning me as well?" The person inquires.
"You can call me [Name], and not really. I've never really found the reason to have or even search for a gear." You answer, surprising them for a second, "I just stumbled upon the entrance of this fall in, and found you." The person hums, their eyes and teasing smile glistening with wonder, taking in your appearance, keeping your voice in the metaphorical drawer in their mind.
"But, do you want to feel the simplicity and the complexity of having your own weaponry?" That makes you ponder, and after a while, "Why not? I'm open to experience things that will be new to me." With your answer, the figure seems satisfied, lips holding a gentle smile.
"I'm a decent, high ranked gear. Even though you probably don't have much education in working with a type like me, but you should try at least. Am i right?" The heat comes to a stop, the individual allowing you to hold it. Pulling it off from the ground, you're quite content with how weighty and large it is, turning it around to see the style. "Has anyone come to take you?" You ask, subconsciously.
"Yes, many fellas, actually. I didn't allow them, though." You make a face of amazement, as the cavern was quite farther into the field of woods. Isn't that easy to find. But you guess that it maybe because of the aura high ranked gears can emit. "I like you; your presence calms me." You smile at it, appreciative of its honesty. Perhaps you two can find out more about each other.
Useful to one another, of course both of you are going to fit each other perfectly just as puzzle pieces.
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melishade · 5 months
Wait so I know it's not possible but can't they use holovision to Freeze imagine of ymir and her family and copy the image and store it or that's too scientific?
In response to this prompt ask
The ship that Optimus and Megatron have used when Ymir was alive and have lived in after Ymir’s death, didn’t have that equipment. The ship has been there for eons and has been damaged beyond repair.
They still have items that belonged to the family long ago. Optimus made sure to keep every single notebook that Ymir has ever used. Reading it is the closest he can get to speaking to her, even as he forgets her face over time. Additionally, he will also see the words of others that have written in Ymir’s notebook, including Oshern, Solveig, and the villagers. He also holds onto Maria and Rose’s writing. Maria did have lessons and homework to further her knowledge, even though she ultimately traveled the path of a warrior like Megatron. Meanwhile, Rose was the artist. She drew and created music that transcended her time, and even though Optimus has kept the original lyrics, the two have managed to hear rewrites and renditions of her music over time. Optimus has even managed to hold onto Oshern’s recipe book, the baker actually finding a place in their family.
Meanwhile, Megatron has held onto Maria’s weaponry, the tools that he had trained her with personally. He’s held onto some of the jewelry and clothing from Maria’s nomadic wife. He managed to keep some of Oshern’s cooking tools and Rose’s lyre. There wasn’t much to hold onto for Ymir for him. Optimus was the one who catalogued Ymir’s belongings.
But…they had no way to record their faces and keep it to memory. No cortical psychic patch to record, no recorder, nothing. It’s made tracking Ymir’s descendants rather difficult at times to make comparisons, but they do their best.
However, after Optimus tells the modern day trio about Ymir, they can’t help but ask about the family they had stayed with for so long. They ask their names and what they even looked like. Megatron has limited interaction with the modern day trio out of fear of gaining a connection with them and ultimately going through the same loss he had with Maria. But when they ask about the family, he refuses to give anything because he’s afraid of how much he might have actually forgotten.
Optimus does give what he can, but he grows solemn at the fact that some of the faces he knew in the past are practically a faded memory. He can describe simple details to them, but he apologizes for not giving accurate descriptions.
And Optimus’ solemn expression at the loss caused the trio to talk one night, and determine they need to find a way to recreate what Ymir, Maria, and Rose looked like. They were certain they couldn’t get Oshern and Maria’s wife, but if Ymir, Maria, and Rose were all related and Optimus kept track of Ymir’s descendants, some similarities have to come up. They knew it was a risk, and they knew if they got it wrong or right, they could get in trouble for sticking their nose into things they shouldn’t be in. But they wanted to make Optimus and Megatron happy somehow, so they do it.
Eren, Armin, and Mikasa end up doing so much research with what they can get their hands on. Optimus did tell them that Historia was the latest in the line of Ymir’s descendants, much to Eren’s dismay. And they work backwards from there. Historia’s family is rich and come from a long line of wealth and success, no doubt due to Optimus and Megatron’s interference to keep them alive. They compare Historia’s ancestors with each other and make a list of Optimus’ descriptions of Ymir, Maria, and Rose. Once they have that, they end up going to Moblit, who is a part time sketch artist for the police and a friend of Hanji. They give what they know, and while Moblit is baffled at the amount of research they conducted, the kids were paying quite a lot of money, so Moblit wouldn’t question it for now.
He provides a detailed sketch of all three woman. And while Armin and Mikasa are obviously nervous about whether or not they got this right, Eren feels deep down in his gut, that this was correct. After all their research, this is what they have and Eren believed it was right.
The next time Optimus picks them up and takes them to the ship, all three are obviously nervous when they say they have a gift for Optimus.
Optimus drinking energon: A gift?
Armin nervously: Well….maybe not a gift….it’s definitely not the best gift.
Mikasa: Just please don’t be mad at us!
Optimus: Why would I be mad at you?
Eren bringing out the papers: It’s…we really worked hard to figure it out and we don’t know if we got it right.
Eren asks if they could somehow upload what they have to the server, and Optimus manages to pull up the equivalent of a fax machine. Eren sets the papers down to scan and upload it. And when it’s done:
The three flinched when they heard something shatter on the floor. They look back from the elevated keypad to see Optimus’ battle mask on, and the liquid energon in his servo on the floor, the glass shattered to pieces.
“Eren I think we messed up,” Armin proclaimed nervously.
Eren noticed the way Optimus approached the screen, ignoring all three of them completely. He placed his servo against the screen, right next to the image of Ymir. He stared at that image with shock and nostalgia. Eren then grew fearful when tears began to form in Optimus’ optics.
Optimus didn’t say a word as he quickly opened the groundbridge.
“Please return home.” Optimus could barely keep his voice steady when giving that request. The trio relented and slowly walked through the groundbridge. When it closes behind them, Optimus crumples to the floor and sobs in sorrow.
Megatron returns way later and finds Optimus on the floor a complete mess. Megatron runs to his side and demands what happened, but Optimus can only point to the screen and continue crying. Megatron stares at the screen and sees all three women, and breaks down at the sight. The two titans end up hugging each other and grieving over what they had lost and gained.
Meanwhile, it’s been a week since Eren, Mikasa, and Armin gave those drawings and they are afraid. Because they are expecting the worst! They really did some digging which in hindsight, they shouldn’t have done, and made a really bold assumption. They don’t know how Optimus really felt about it since he told them to leave. They are scared of how Megatron is going to act because he’s always been rather combative around them, refusing to interact with them besides a scowl and maybe a hello. So when Optimus goes back to get them, they immediately start apologizing and start coming up with explanations to try and soften the blow. But the Prime hugs all three of them in human form and tells them how grateful he truly is to them.
They end up going back to their home and Optimus asks how they’ve even managed to figure it out. He’s in disbelief. They all explain that they had to do some research on Historia’s ancestors while also making guesses on what they would have looked liked before commissioning a sketch artist to do so. They really had to dig into their allowance and pay extra just so Mobilt wouldn’t question them further. But they couldn’t get Oshern or Maria’s wife since there was no blood relation for obvious reasons. Optimus is amazed and explains how they didn’t have the technology to really take pictures of their family before their passing. They have tokens and items that they’ve used when they were alive but that was it.
Optimus: I am forever grateful to the three of you.
Eren can’t help but ask how Megatron felt, and Optimus explains that Megatron has taken a copy of the picture and hasn’t really come out of his room. The trio are initially scared, but Optimus quickly reassured them that Megatron is also grateful to them too.
Optimus: Please understand that the loss of Maria was…difficult for Megatron to accept. He just needs time.
The trio do stay for a while, and before Optimus sends them home, Megatron finally makes himself known to them. They are practically sweating bullets and even though Optimus reassured them that Megatron was grateful, they can’t help but apologize for overstepping. Megatron approaches them, and they can’t help but shut their eyes as he approached. They heard noises but didn’t know what it was…
Until Eren felt a hand on his head. He slowly opened his eyes and gasped at the sight of Megatron’s human form. Again, they’ve seen Optimus’ holoform, but never Megatron. The fact that Megatron was showing it all to them showed that Megatron was grateful to them.
Mikasa and Armin couldn’t help but gawk as Megatron gently ruffled Eren’s hair. Eren touched his head as Megatron released his head.
“Thank you,” Megatron spoke, “For giving us back our memories.”
The trio’s act of kindness gets to Megatron and he allows himself to open his spark again to the humans, and he allows himself to be kinder to them as a result.
(Later Optimus asks for Moblit’s place of work in order to ask him to draw Oshern and Maria’s wife. Oshern is a lot more accurate considering Rose was already drawn, but Maria's wife was much more difficult and not completely accurate. Still Optimus appreciates Moblit's time.
-Additionally, Megatron and Eren don't have the same hostility they usually do in the other timeline.)
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bellamy-taft · 10 months
Glass Epilogue: Joey
Joey cupped his hand over the phone screen to block some of the sunlight, and leaned closer to watch Serenity’s graduation video. She had worn her hair braided—he’d never seen her wear it that way before now—and when she accepted her diploma, turned to find their mother in the crowd to give a wave.
“Can’t believe you wore heels for it.”
Serenity bumped her swing into his. “Of course I did. I could hardly wear sneakers.”
“Course you could’ve. More comfortable that way.”
“I don’t think the aim of graduating is comfort.”
Joey still drew stares, but he noticed less of them today. Maybe it was because they saw Serenity first and didn’t expect to find of the of DK7 with her.
He hated the name. Hated the label. Hated the reason for being labeled. Hated a man two-months buried.
Or maybe he burned after he fell.
“Tell me Ma treated you to ice cream after.”
“Hardly. I’m now at the age sushi is a more appropriate celebration.”
They rocked forward and back in silence, toes dragging ground, letting the weight of all Joey had missed hang between them. It wasn’t only that she graduated. He had left her an awkward teen and come back to find his sister a woman. She lived with roommates and worked at the student center around her class schedule. She told him about her strict professors and her dating coworkers and their mother’s new boyfriend.
He couldn’t tell her about the dungeon cell.
The park wasn’t too busy at noon on a Thursday. A few mothers or nannies sat around while children played on the equipment, and Joey wished he had chosen a different time. They weren’t loud enough. There were still too many quiet moments.
“I still wish you’d called to let me know you were moving,” Serenity said. “I would have helped.”
“Me and Trist managed it all. Not like I had anything too big.”
His dad pawned off everything except Joey’s clothes and some odds and ends. Joey could hardly blame him. If his dad disappeared for three years, he wouldn’t have held onto his shit.
He would have liked to keep his deck, though. Even considering the creator.
“Then I could have come for moral support. Made you a moving playlist.”
“You fishing for an invite?” Joey nudged.
“School’s not so far away. I can be here in an hour, anytime.”
He heard the real offer hidden poorly in her tone, and twisted on his swing to face her.
“I’m fine. Really, Ren. Or you just looking for an excuse to pop in on Trist?”
She twisted to face him too, but her expression read of overwhelming frustration.
“You aren’t fine. You still won’t talk about it.”
“What’s there to say? Crazy billionaire played a blame game and we all got caught up in it. Took him out like we always do to those creeps.”
“You were gone for years.”
“Okay, so we didn’t execute as well as we have before. That’s what we get for letting Kaiba take the wheel.”
“Just…give me anything,” Serenity said. “I want to help.”
“Got the shrink for that.”
Although, he hadn’t told her anything about it either. How to explain magic items and a man trying to revive a dead wife to someone trained to tell him it was all in his head? No one was trained to deal with anything like what they’d gone through. He didn’t need someone trying to convince him that the months alone in the dark twisted his mind.
“I’m your sister.” It came out half accusation.
“I don’t know how to explain it anymore than he knew what to do with us,” Joey said. “And I want that time to be over. I need to put it behind me.”
A horn blared from the street and helped keep Joey grounded in the present. Serenity had grown, but she had been safe through it all. She easily could have been another Mokuba. They were on a playground, like old times. The island was far behind him.
He resolved to keep it there.
Her lips tightened, but the frustration shifted into something softer.
“When you’re ready, I’m always here for you.”
“Never doubted it,” Joey said, and gave her a smile he almost believed was real.
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eruden-writes · 2 years
Lapine & Griar - Part 2 (Human x Werewolf)
Summary: When Lapine found herself lost in the woods, she didn't expect to run into a ranger caught in a trap. She especially didn't anticipate walking in on him - ahem - trying to relieve some Heat Night pressure.
After an awkward first meeting, Griar escorts Lapine back to his cabin, intent to head back out and enjoy some -thrope debauchery.
Will he find someone to ease the carnal heat? Or is he SOL and stuck with a human in his home?
[Previous] [Masterlist]
Nudged right against the face of a cliffside, Griar’s cabin was everything Lapine expected on the outside. It looked like something out of a Thomas Kincaid painting. A log cabin, surrounded by vegetation on one side - a garden, maybe - and a pile of winter’s leftover firewood on the other. The positioning seemed odd, though. Flush against a cliffside?
When Lapine entered, she understood why.
It was like a ‘bigger on the inside’ situation and far more modern than she expected. A full kitchen to the right. A desk, with a computer, and some bookshelves to the left. Strewn about, there were bits and pieces she’d expect of someone living in the woods; traps, animal bones, fishing equipment. Knowing Griar’s profession and species, however, Lapine wondered if the little hoard was just items he found while on patrol.
It was the other half of the cabin that shocked her. The far wall of the cabin didn’t even exist. It was like it had been sheared off by the cliffside. In its place, a huge cavern loomed. A television, a couch, a pile of pillows, more bookshelves, a bookcase of what looked like board games, more odds and ends, and two corridors that led off to other areas. 
“Those lead to other lycan rangers’ cabins.” Griar answered to her dumbstruck expression. He gave a shrug as he set his pack down by the computer. “Like wolves, we’re social. A lot of us even raise families while in the forest guard, too. Family legacy rangers are a thing.”
After Griar gave her a tour - briefly telling her to eat whatever she wanted from the kitchen, showing her where the bathroom was, and giving her the password for the tech-magic Wi-Fi - he disappeared down the cave corridor to his personal living space. Presumably to freshen up before getting his dick wet.
Lapine didn’t mind being left alone. In fact, she preferred it. It meant she could snoop around without feeling awkward about it. After pulling the charger from her bag and plugging in her phone, she poked about the kitchen. The cabinets housed mismatched dinnerware and the pantry held an assortment of dried goods. In the fridge, plant-based meat laden the shelves, interspersed with produce. She grabbed a yellow-orange nectarine, biting into it as she turned to the rest of the home.
Trodding into the cavern-esque side, her eye gleaned over the shelves with board games. The demographics ranged from simple little kid games to roleplay games with more complex objectives. There were adult games, with adult themes, but nothing worse than what you’d spot while walking the superstore toy aisles.
The books drew her next and there were quite a lot for a personal collection. Faintly, she wondered if most of them were left from previous inhabitants or donated to stock the cabins. Of all the bindings, however, one caught her eye.
Well, the author’s name caught her eye. 
Griar Peterson. 
Biting down on the nectarine and holding it in her mouth, Lapine wiped her hand off on her jeans before reaching for the book. Eyeing the cover, it seemed to be a series of research and memoir-like essays about flora, fauna, and even people in the area.
Flipping the book open, Lapine gleaned over the table of contents, before finding an essay that looked promising. Turning to the page, she held the book in one hand and read while her other hand went to the nectarine.
The passage she chose ended up being a personal account of searching for a child who disappeared while hiking with their family. Concerns grew the longer the search lasted, especially with no body to be found. Mountain lions are known for snatching smaller animals up, after all.
In the end, a mountain lion did, indeed, have the child. In a way. A nature-bound felithrope, she had lived her whole life in the wild and recently lost her kits. Driven with grief, she nabbed the kid, caring for it as her own.
In time, the rangers managed to return the child safely to their family and also get mental healthcare for the felithrope through an ursathrope therapist. 
“What do you have there?” The words made Lapine jump from her spot on the couch. She didn’t even realize she had sat down while reading. She whipped around, staring over the back of the couch at a much cleaner Griar. He had traded his dirty, bur-covered, slightly bedraggled clothes for a fresh plaid button-up and dark jeans. 
Griar’s eyes flicked down to the book, which Lapine held up like a barrier. He snorted, but a smirk curled at a corner of his lips. “Of all the books, you chose that one.”
“So?” Lapine frowned, trying to focus on his face. Those jeans hugged snug to his hips and thighs in a way that should’ve been illegal. Glancing down at the book, she flipped to the beginning of the passage she had just finished. She thought to mention what she had just finished, but ultimately decided against it. It would probably put a damper on his plans for the evening. 
Instead, she settled on a vaguely curious, “I’m surprised you have time to write. Your job seems pretty intensive.” 
“During the winter, the excitement dies down,” came his quick answer as he paced from window to window near the front, checking the locks and drawing the curtains closed. “Anyway, I’m going to go. Stay in this cavern, that way the other rangers know you’re my responsibility. Don’t wait up!”
And, just like that, Griar was slamming the door behind him, barefoot and heading off into festivities.
Lapine stared at the door after he was gone. Outside, faint howls and keening echoed through the night. A heat traced up her spine as she realized, with a jolt, that she was probably listening in on -thropes fucking. And Griar was going to be among them, soon. 
Hunching her shoulders, Lapine tried to drive the thought from her mind with more reading. 
Four entries later and Lapine’s eyes burned with exhaustion. She set the book down on the arm of the couch and closed her eyes. Faint on the air, she thought she could hear a forest full of howling and caterwauling. It put ‘loud sex’ into perspective. Lapine pressed her lips together as she wondered just what the -thropes were getting up to out there.
Obviously, humping, but was it just one-to-one? Did they jump from partner to partner? Or was it a veritable orgy out there? Her cheeks warmed just considering the options. Maybe it depended on the individual’s preference. 
She caught her bottom lip under her teeth, faintly wondering what Griar’s preference was. For a brief moment, the image of him in the midst of a writhing mass of nude bodies bloomed in her thoughts. Lapine groaned, throwing herself backward onto the couch and pressing her palms to her face. She wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye if she imagined further. Not to mention, if he could scent her while hanging upside down in a tree, he could certainly catch a whiff of horny human.
The heat in her lower belly burned, though. It’d just get worse the longer she ignored it. 
Lapine sighed, one hand trailing down her front as the other curled into the crux of her neck and shoulder. Griar wouldn’t be back tonight. He said so himself.
Surely, it was safe to indulge herself.
Her hand slipped beneath her waistband and slid beneath her panties. As soon as her fingers teased through her slit, slick coated her fingertips. Her toes curled into the cushion of the couch, inhaling sharply. Lapine hadn’t realized she’d been this worked up.
Closing her eyes, she considered her usual fantasies. When she’d focus on one, however, golden-green eyes would intrude. Lapine swallowed, her fingernails digging a little into her neck as she imagined sharp canines skirting her vulnerable flesh. That thought led to wondering what scraggly stubble, just a bit shy of being called a beard, would feel like against her throat, her breasts, her thighs. Her body tingled, just imagining the sensations, coupling them with the thought of nipping teeth and a languid tongue.
Her chest rose and fell, heavily, as her hand at her neck trailed down her chest. Through her shirt and her bra, she groped at her breast. Would he be gentle or rough? Would he scrape his teeth against her nipple, before sucking hard? Or lap at it gently, coaxing gentle moans from her?
Lapine tried not to focus on the ‘he’ she was imagining.
What would it be like, she wondered as her fingers swirled slowly around her clit, to be pinned down by large, calloused hands? To have hips needily roll against her, an erection straining against the fabric separating them?
Her body throbbed at the thoughts, toes curling into the couch cushion. Involuntarily, her hips jerked up, seeking a dick that was only in her thoughts. Against her fingertips, her clit became a hard nub, burning with sensitivity.
Short, breathless huffs caught in her throat, her muscles tensing and her inner walls flexing, wanting penetra-
A key rattling in the door yanked Lapine from her fantasy. She gasped, quickly pulling her hand from her pants and pushing herself into a sitting position. Her eyes snapped to the door just as Griar pushed it open. 
In the split second she saw him, he didn’t look much different. There were no dirt marks or scuffs or - from what she saw - scratches. He looked as clean as he did when he left. The second thing she noticed was the scowl of frustration on his lips.
The look only lasted a second. Even from the couch, she could hear him inhale deeply through his nose. His gaze snapped up, immediately on her. Shame at being caught clenched at her stomach, but an anticipatory heat licked up her spine. 
Almost immediately, Griar threw himself backwards, out the door, slamming it shut behind him. Lapine stared, her heart thrumming and breath still ragged from adrenaline. What just happened?
Outside, back pressed against the wall near the door, Griar crouched. His chest heaved, still taunted by the aroma of pheromones. He clenched his eyes shut, running crooked fingers through his hair. The image of Lapine, flushed and breathing hard, teased him further. 
He nearly jumped out of his skin with her soft voice eked through the door. He couldn’t help noticing the tinge of breathlessness still on her words.
“Don’t,” he growled, fingernails digging into his scalp. “What were you doing?” 
Lapine paused on the other side of the door. Heat flared across her cheeks again, but it wasn’t like she could lie. He already knew. “Masturbating.”
“I figured that, but wh-” Griar cut himself off. It was a heat night. Pheromones were heavy in the air and he had told her what he was going to go do. Humans were prone to carnal desires, just like -thropes, and he wasn’t exactly coy with his plans for the evening. He shook his head roughly. “Nevermind. Don’t answer that.” 
“I’m sorry.” Lapine winced to herself. She hadn’t expected him to come back, hadn’t expected to see him until he’d been sufficiently satisfied. Judging from his reaction, however, she’d been wrong. “Are you going to be okay?” 
“Just… just get away from the door,” he sighed. The scent of her, so close and unclaimed for the evening, raked over his skin.  “I can take care of this myself.” 
Lapine pressed her lips together, debating with herself, before finally asking, “What if I help you?” 
Griar fell so quiet on the other side of the door, Lapine wondered if he left. She jumped when he finally replied, “You’re not obligated to help me, timid rabbit.” 
Lapine frowned and, this time, she cracked the door open. Griar’s head snapped to the opening door, eyes wide. A red flush tinted his cheeks and it seemed his stubble had grown just a little thicker. She only opened the door a crack, so he could see her eyes and her serious expression. “What if I want to help? One-hundred percent of my own volition.”
But that small crevice of space was enough to wash her scent over him again. His nose flared, unable to fight the temptation of inhaling her aroma. Hunger burned in his gut, worsened by the fact he’d been wandering out in the woods full of fucking -thropes. Muscles in his jaw flexed, his eyes nearly glowing in the night.
Various reasons swarmed his thoughts, despite the red haze of hormones. She was a human and, therefore, fragile. But he’d known other lycans bed humans without issue. It was just a matter of being careful and listening. How could he be sure she wasn’t offering out of a sense of duty, though? Maybe she felt guilty for leaving him hanging in the tree or she felt bound to help him, since he was doing his job and helping her. In an effort to get hold of himself, Griar’s teeth sunk into his bottom lip, enough to be painful but not enough to bleed.
“Look, you seemed pretty excited for tonight and I know it kind’ve sucks to have to sit with a burning horniness.” Like an itch you could scratch, successfully. Oh yeah, she’d been there plenty of times. “You seem like a good person and you’re attractive, so - unless you don’t want me - I’m offering.”
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nohrslittleflower · 6 months
magic hc ramblings this is what happens when my service provider decides to kill my wifi/cellular connection right as I was about to do my drafts
So every time I have to write some sort of magic for Elise— usually healing (which happens a lot since she’s. A healer unit. So.)— I default to just saying she uses her staff to do it because that’s just how it works in Fates. But when someone in Three Houses used healing magic, their animations don’t have any sort of staff, just waving their hands around and also flying sometimes(???). Which then got me thinking about how magic might work for Elise with her still using her staff even while in Fodlan and well here we are.
So if I remember correctly from I don’t remember where (no internet access my beloathed), I believe reason magic is supposed to be some sort of math, while faith magic is based on belief. I have no idea what dark magic is but that’s irrelevant to me right now so who cares. This makes sense in the academy setting of Three Houses, because obviously you’re going to be learning math in school. And Garreg Mach is obviously a religious school given its at a monastery and there’s literally a giant cathedral right there occupied by the main church branch.
I don’t know a lot about that sort of schooling personally, but judging by the experiences I’ve heard from someone I know who went to a very intensely religious school, learning about the religion was like 90% of what they did so that also lines up. Along with that, they had ‘days off’ from school so they could go to church (even though the school itself was a church so they basically just went to church anyway), which to me sounds just like what seems to be happening on certain calendar days in Three Houses.
So reason magic being math and faith magic being like Bible study or whatever seems to line up curriculum-wise, so I assume that has to be right. And if that’s right, magic can’t vary too much between games, especially from Fates since Fates is basically the newest game before Three Houses (not counting Shadows of Valentia). So Fateslandia general magic (magic scrolls/books) must be a sort of math as well, and faith should be connected to belief as well.
I’m assuming the reason nobody uses tombs in Fodlan would just be because they’ve memorized all the equations, while in other games they’d carry around their books as reference. Like a closed book vs open book test, but every day and also if you get a question wrong you die or something.
But like what even is a staff. How does it run out it’s a stick. In fates you had to equip different staves to do different things, but in Three Houses they’re held items that boost magic stats. Staffs in Nohr are especially weird name-wise, where Hoshido has names for them like ‘Sun Festal’ or ‘Bloom Festal’ (lot of ‘festals’). Then Nohr is just. ‘Heal’. ‘Mend’. ‘Psychic’. This leads me to believe that Hoshidan staves are more sacred and connected to their faith in their religions, while Nohrian staves are more mass-produced as a means to an end. Which sounds pretty Nohr honestly and probably explains why they’d run out after a while— they’re likely pre-charged with magic, and not something the user manifests themselves in most cases. I don’t know what’s up with Hoshido but I’m a Nohr mun I don’t need to know I’m not touching that
Though in Elise’s case, her staff in Heroes and Fates is called ‘Elise’s Staff’ and doesn’t break/run out (as far as I remember but I still can’t check), so it’s definitely not some mass-produced staff. Instead, it’s probably more like a Fodlan staff made especially for her, meaning that it amplifies the magic that is coming from her. This would also explain why it’s weaker than something like psychic (which it basically operates the same as), which was probably created and given it’s magic by someone extremely proficient in magic, compared to Elise who’s still learning.
Lastly, I don’t actually think her faith magic comes from any faith in the goddess (obviously, she doesn’t know who that is), or any divine dragon. Even though that seems to be the main connection between what makes someone good or bad at it in Three Houses (those who deeply believing in the goddess having a faith boon, and those who openly reject her having a faith bane), it doesn’t seem like that’s the only way faith magic can happen. When Dorothea (I think) asks to switch to learning faith despite being bad at it, she says something like “I don’t believe in the goddess, but I believe in you”. Which implies faith magic actually comes from a general belief in something, not just religious.
This would mean Elise gets her healing magic from believing in people and while that’s not really important or relevant it’s really cute Elise I love you so much
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boltupbitches · 2 years
Joey Bosa - Gonna Make You Sweat
(18+ content ahead; NSFW)
((I need to go back and fix some typos - sorry for not getting a chance to right now.))
I could feel my muscles burning as I finished my last squat. Finally, I sighed with relief as I placed the weight I was using back down on the rack.
I joined Joey for an early morning workout in our gym this morning. It was off-season now, which meant we were back at his house in Fort Lauderdale.
This was the first time I was spending an extended amount of time with him at his place. Typically, we spent most of our time in LA when the season was in.
After the Chargers lost in the playoffs against the Jaguars, Joey was adamant I come back with him to his home town for a while.
As his girlfriend and his personal chef, I agreed to come along as I was all but living in his townhome in LA.
I wasn't really focusing on much else as I took a drink of my water, lost in thought, when I felt a hand slap me on my ass roughly.
I jolted forward with a gasp, turning around in shock at a smirking and shirtless Joey Bosa.
"I scare you?" He teased.
I just glared at him in return.
"I called your name twice. I had to get your attention somehow." He said.
I opened my mouth to fire back at him when I realized that his chest was glistening with sweat. He had a headband in, his hair pushed out of his face, and his gym shorts were slung a bit low, emphasizing the v-shape peeking out of the waistband.
It's funny how anytime he worked out, he started full dressed. Then, as time progressed, more and more clothing items were stripped off.
I wanted to tease him for it, but honestly the only thing I could stare at was his crotch. More importantly, the dick print growing prominent through the fabric.
He smirked at me and snapped his fingers to get my attention. "You have a one track mind."
"Me?" I scoffed at that. If anyone had a one track mind, it was him. Just a week ago I was trying to reach a spoon I dropped underneath the dining room table. Once I retrieved it and crawled back out from underneath, I saw Joey standing there, smirking to himself, obviously pleased with the sight of my ass in the air.
"Yeah, you." He walked closer and took my water. He squirted the water in his mouth and handed it back to me. "Sometimes I think you're only with me because of my body." He said, with a fake pout on his face.
"Get real. I'm clearly with you only for your money, your outstanding personality, and then finally your body." I said sarcastically, moving away from him and towards the treadmill. I could feel his eyes on me. "Stop staring at my ass!"
"Can't help it. It's mine and it looks good in those leggings." He said nonchalantly.
I flipped him the bird, stepping on the treadmill and ignoring his patronising chuckle. I wanted to finish my workout and whatever he had concotted while lifting would have to wait until afterwards.
It was quiet again as I built up to a steady jog, taking in the beautiful waterfront in front of me. The room Joey put his gym equipment in was amazing. Floor to ceiling glass windows that overlooked the nearby oceanfront. I could even see his boat.
I was lost in my thoughts when I suddenly realized that the treadmill was slowing down. I looked down in confusion, not understanding why, until I realized Joey had his phone connected to its bluetooth control and was likely fucking with me.
Well, if he wanted a game, I'd give him one.
I stopped the treadmill and stepped off, pretending to not notice what he was up to over at the bench he was sitting at, weights long forgotten next to him.
Instead, I walked to the center of the room and started to do some stretching, making sure my back was facing him.
I heard him curse quietly and then no other sound as I focused on my breathing and assumed the downward dog position, being certain to take my time as I groaned out at the stretch in my muscles.
I held the position for a few seconds when I heard heavy footsteps approaching me from behind.
I felt hands around my waist as I made the move to stand up, but the hand on my back kept me in position.
Joey pulled me back by my hips as he pressed his erection into my ass, grinding it and moaning at the friction of it.
I giggled and said up to him, "You started it."
"Yeah, I fucking did! The second you put that sports bra on and those fucking legs, I knew we weren't going to make the hour." He said gruffly.
I made to stand again and started to stand again, this time he allowed me and pulled me back against his chest.
We stayed like that for a moment, just breathing he each other in when Joey said, "I'm going to fuck you right now. I don't think we're going to make it to the bedroom."
I went to say something when he lifted me over his shoulder and carried me towards the mats he kept in the corner for stretching. He laid me down gently on them and went to work immediately in yanking my sneakers and socks off, tossing them haphazardly behind him before he grabbed the center of my new leggings and tugged at the front of the waist band, within seconds I could hear tearing as he ripped them down the middle and off managed to yank them off my legs.
"Joey! I just fucking bought those!"
"I'll buy you a new pair." He said back and proceeded to yank my bra up over my head.
I laid there naked, staring up at him as he rid himself of his footwear and yanked his pants and boxers down quickly, kicking them away, and crawl over me.
We made out languidly for a few moments, Joey rutting himself against my core.
I could feel a shiver run down his spine as I ran my nails lightly down his back, before bringing them back up to tangle in his hair.
He pulled back slightly, looking down at me. "You ready?"
I nodded, waiting eagerly to get this show going.
Within moments, he lined himself up and pushed the head of his cock in.
I moaned loudly as he bottomed out slowly. He was like that for a few moments, his head tilted down, sweat pouring from his earlier workout and being sexually worked up. He was cussing quietly to himself as he waited for me to adjust. "Fuck, fuck, fuck. How the fuck are you still so tight after all this time?"
"Am I too tight or are you just too fucking big?" I shot back.
"Too big? You want smaller?" He asked rudely.
I glared at him, "Obviously not if I'm still fucking you."
"And I'm the only one you will be fucking. Let's keep it that way." He said with a smirk as he leaned down to kiss me before rising up again, gripping my legs to drape over his shoulder as he started to thrust.
He pressed a kiss to my ankle before increasing speed.
I was in total euphoria and could barely comprehend what was going on.
The only thing that could be heard in the gym was the sound of our love making and our moans.
I learned quickly early in our relationship that Joey could really get it up and going anywhere.
I'm just thankful it was here in his private gym and not when I was dropping off his meals at the Chargers training facility.
At some point, missionary was boring him and I found myself suddenly rolled onto my stomach, my knees shaking as he pulled me up into a semi-kneeling position, my lower back up in the air and my front pressed into the mat.
He was back inside me within moments and was pounding me even harder now.
I was sure I looked like a mess with tears running down my eyes at how good I was feeling in that moment, and my hair long since coming loose from the ponytail I had it in.
Joey pulled my front up suddenly and I was pressed into his back as he continued to thrust. We were kneeling together as he continued to rut into me, his hand coming around to stroke me while his other held firm against my throat, causing me to turn my head and lock lips with him.
I moaned loudly as he rubbed my clit faster, trying to help me get there. I pulled my lips from his and cried out loudly as I came, my body shaking as Joey held me firm against him, still thrusting into me from behind.
I felt him lower us onto the mat, my back still to his as he thrusted sloppily into me still, this time the pace becoming more erratic until his hips stuttered and he pressed deeply just once more before moaning loudly and cumming inside me.
We laid there for a few minutes, both completely spent, but still within each other's arms.
Joey hissed as he moved to pull himself out, gingerly rubbing his hand up my back and massaging it. "Sorry I was a bit rough." He said sheepishly.
I turned my head to smile back at him. "No need to apologize. I've definitely worked up a sweat," I said cheekily.
He laughed at that before leaning down to kiss my again. "I fucking love you."
"I love you too."
We laid there a few more minutes, just basking in each other's presence.
This was for sure the best workout I had in a long time.
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aries-rp-corner · 1 year
Guess who’s done? ;w; Poor girl is not gonna enjoy her time, but she will tolerate it for now at least ;w;
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I decided to give her the male vest, since she believes it will help a ton…Mostly for defense purposes. Let alone it kinda matches her pants lol
She is willing to wear half of the uniform, while wearing the other half of what she has left. She is aware what she signed up for, but she will sacrifice it all to protect the people she called her friends and the Legendary Ice Dragon from Cipher themselves. For now, she’s trying to adjust to her new surroundings and judgment.
She also doesn’t like the hats they give, so she kept her Fox Mask because it oddly matches a bit with her suit. And she loves her mask dearly because her family made it for her before she left.
•Her Items
Belt Pouch: Her usual belt pouch she held onto, not only containing her Pokémon team, but also her Spell Cards and Notes.
Moon Sickles: Made with unknown metals from the past, she held onto them upon learning their existence. Submerged in deep frigid water, Aries jumped in to retrieve them…it was a success but she now hates cold water. They are also equipped with a 40 Foot cable like rope, giving her the chance to swing all over the place or do long rage attacks.
Moonstone Blade/Knife: It was made by her family back at the Orre Region. Mostly from her father and grandfather, carving the stone to a sharp point and mixed with the toughest iron they have into the blade she has now. Although she did freaked out that her dad and granddad mailed her a knife in public. Now armed with a third blade she will funny enough grip in her mouth. Kinda like Zoro from OP, but smaller.
Spell Note Book: She uses her note book to practice or study a spell she created. The typical research book she has, only this one she can practice magic.
Spell Cards and Case: The case itself is a normal card case, it’s what it holds is something very cool. The cards are successful magic spells she can cast to the enemy or create something that can heal, light, or plant growth, and the people she trust can also use them. Unfortunately as she studied herself and her cards, as long the person is with her or close by her the spell can activate. She’s trying to figure that part out so people can use them freely without her presence, for now sadly, if people want to use the cards, she has to be with them or close by them.
•Bonus Fact: I had no idea what her number would be, until I read some of the Guardians of Ga’Hoole books (or audio lol) especially one of the books I read called The Capture.
Soren (haha, also a Bonus there) the Barn Owl was given a number 12-1. Upon seeing that number I decided to give Aries the number, 121.
Look man I like that series to the point I named my Hisuian Braviary Soren, and Aries kinda adopting Number 121. ಠ_ಠ
“I am no weapon. I am only here to defend those who I care, everyone else, and Kyurem. Cipher took so much already, to the point I sadly have to be here in the coldness. Be lucky I can tolerate this because of the people I befriended here. I will do my work and duty, but I will not go after a innocent soul who doesn’t deserve to be in pain…”
-Aries speaking to Lord Ghetsis
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domesticloki · 2 years
A memory: How it all began
Pairing: Loki x fem!reader
Description: This is a memory. I have a few ideas for these, and to keep the posts short and easy to read in a quick minute, I won’t build them too much in the text. 
Word count: 1500
Warnings: none.
A/N: After the fall of the TVA a Variant of Loki managed to survive Thanos’ attack on the Statesman. After the events of Infinity war, he met you, and finally got his happily ever after. This is a story of that ever after.
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You knocked at the entrance to the lab. “You wanted to see me, Tony?” 
Tony was hastily gathering up equipment and shot you a quick glance only to resume shoving items at random into his briefcase.  “Aaah, yeah. Good, we need to pack up and be ready in five. Doralee, Reindeer games, Reindeer games, Doralee.”
Your eyes were drawn to the incredibly handsome leather clad creature in the room. His face brimmed with annoyance as he turned to greet you.
“Uh.. I’m not actually Doralee, that’s just… Tony,” you offered and tried to hold out your hand. In doing so however, the folders you were grasping started to slide in your arms and Loki took a hurried step to help you, managing to hold them long enough for you to gain grip. You smiled awkwardly and sighed a thank you of sorts. At least you think you did. Quite frankly, you couldn’t have been sure at this point as you found yourself face to face with a pair of piercing blue eyes that penetrated into your soul. You held your hand out awkwardly for him to shake, but he shot you a most disarming smile. Instead of shaking it, he took your hand and lifted it ever so slightly while bowing down to render a demure kiss on the back of it, all the while holding your gaze. 
“Loki, of Asgard,a pleasure.” His eyes lingered on your countenance and you felt suddenly stripped to the barest.
“Y/N, of … Earth,” you blurted, not quite certain how you were supposed to respond.
“Chop, chop, do googly eyes on your own time, Y/N,” Tony whispered as he squeezed through you. You cleared your throat, trying to look anywhere but Loki.
“Is he always like this?” Loki inquired.
“Unfortunatley,” you exhaled, the colour on your face deepening, and dove to follow Tony. You hastened your steps to catch up with him.
“Where exactly are we going?”
“Hungary,” Tony stated, stopped at the vending machine and handed you the briefcase.
“Wha- why…?”
Tony proceeded to select his snack, and continued; “Eastern Europe has had issues in water purification caused by improper waste water management from energy plants in western Russia.”
“Well yes, the personnel issues caused by the snap has led to many issues in many critical systems. There are issues with radiation, heavy metal build up, secretion to name but a few but I still don’t understand why we’re going to Hungary for that…” 
Tony opened his pack of dried blueberries, popped one in his mouth and turned to you smiling gleefully. 
“Reindeer games here has a water purification system we can build that would solve all those issues.” Tony munched on his blueberry and drank up the amazement on your face. 
“Wha- how?” Loki smiled and was about to explain, when Tony quickly shut him up.
“No time, details on the plane.” Tony shot them a smirk and took off down the corridor.
“Wait, why am I going?” you shouted.
“Because we need someone who speaks both German and Swedish!” 
“German? Swedish? Why, what…?”
“Come, I promise I will explain it all on the plane,” Loki whispered and held his hands out. You were embarrassed at how long it took for you to understand his meaning. Finally you handed the briefcase to him. He placed his free hand at the small of your back and said, barely above a whisper:
“After you, my dear.”
The day had been utter chaos and you were exhausted to your core. On your way back to the hotel, you wished nothing more than to get out of your clothes and take a long hot relaxing bath. You had crammed yourself into the backseat of a town car with Loki and Tony, the latter of which was on the phone with Pepper, making arrangements for project funding. 
“Are you sure you are comfortable?” Loki asked. His leather tunic was pressing against your hips, making the car ride even more uncomfortable, but you were of course far too polite to ever say anything.
“Yes, of course,” you blurted, managing a weak smile. Tony ended his phone call abruptly and called out to the driver.
“Stop here!” You shot him a confused look. “I have to run back to the embassy, there are some issues with the paperwork… But the two of you can go to bed, I’ll catch you up in the morning!” With that Tony and Happy, who had been riding shotgun, got out of the car and you were left dumbfounded, still sitting in the middle seat. The car continued to drive. An awkward minute later Loki cleared his throat and said:
“Perhaps you might…”
“Oh god, yes, sorry,” you managed and scooched over to the next seat. You let out a klutzy laugh. ”I’m sorry, I’m just so tired, my brain doesn’t seem to function.”
Loki gave you an encouraging chuckle. “I completely understand.”
Silence fell in the car again and you suddenly felt the urgent need to fill it. You were wrecking your brain trying to come up with a topic that would last the car ride, but were simply coming up short. You were so tired and he was so very intimidating.
“You are a translator?” Oh thank God, you thought, as Loki broke the silence.
“Um, well yes… and no. I mean, I do sometimes do that as well since I speak seven languages, but that isn’t really my main, I mean, I do enjoy it but I’m more of a..”
Oh GOD MAKE IT STOP. Why were you rambling on like an idiot, just form a coherent sentence!
“...an…. analyst.”
“An analyst?” Loki repeated, inviting you to expand on the subject.
“Yeah… I… analyse…” 
Loki peered at you, biting his lips, trying to stifle a grin. 
“Mmm, data,” he echoed with a sultry voice. “And what kind of data do you analyse?” he continued, masking his amusement poorly. 
“Um… numbers and…” 
Loki was full-on grinning at this point. You exhaled and bursted into nervous laughter.
“I’m sorry, I promise I am not this ditzy normally. I - am - exhausted!”
Loki offered you a chuckle himself, and looked at you most disarmingly. There was softness in his face for the first time that day, and he seemed entirely relaxed. 
“It is quite alright. It has certainly been a day, and believe me I do not fault you one bit for being overwhelmed by it. ”Loki reached over and laid his hand on yours in a reassuring manner. “We couldn’t have done this without you,” he said and gazed into your eyes. The entirety of his face smiled gently, and you were taken back by the softness of his hand. You swore you could feel your heart skip a beat.
As quickly as his hand had found yours, it found its way back onto his lap. He corrected his posture, cleared his throat and swept back a strand of bothersome hair that kept falling from his lushous mane.  
“I say we have earned ourselves a drink. What say you to finding ourselves a good wine at the hotel bar before we call it a night?” He turned to face you and added with a smirk “To Tony’s expense, of course.”
You looked at Loki’s Asgardian leather attire and your wrinkled day-worn skirt and jacket. 
“I’m not sure we are quite dressed for…” 
Loki flicked his wrist and a whisper of green enveloped the two of you, transforming your clothing. He donned an all black suit and he had whisked you into an elegant but surprisingly comfortable evening gown in a deep green hue. 
“There. Now we have no excuses.” 
You looked down on your clothing. The material was exquisite, so soft to the touch and the shine… You felt like royalty. 
“This is…” you tried to form words, but none came.
“Come my dear. One. And then I promise you I will let you retire to your bed.”
Those eyes… It was killing you. You turned to him and sighed.
“Look, I am… I mean this is… But we have a whole day tomorrow and I need… I am exhausted and I just… Not that I don’t, I mean oh my god, this dress is and you are and I would love to but tomorrow we have NINE meetings and I… but you, you are I mean… Please, don’t take this the wrong way, I would love to but…”
In a smooth movement, Loki took hold of your hand and brought it up to his lips. Seidr enveloped the two of you, returning you to your prior clothing, as he gently kissed the back of your hand. 
“Certainly. I understand,” he purred with just a hint of irritation in his tone.
The car came to a stop and Loki exited the vehicle. For a moment you didn’t know what to do, until the door was opened and Loki offered you a hand in helping you out. You were less than graceful in exiting the vehicle. As you righted yourself, you found Loki standing mere inches from you, his piercing gaze once more making you feel entirely seen. He drew a deep elongated breath, until finally placing his hand at your lower back.
“Come, let us get some rest,” he whispered and led you into the hotel.
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nyxitycatboy · 9 months
inspired by big yellow's claim in their video abt rby magneton that she could learn more than 20 moves, every generation 1 move a human, with any level of training [tm equivalent] but no equipment [gen 1 has nyo held items]
Assorted Leftovers - Dig - Ground - While humans aren't exactly known for tunneling bare handed, they are capable - Lick - Ghost - Humans have tongues - Mirror Move - Flying - Humans are capable of copying an enemy, to atleast the same extent as a bird
Psychic - Amnesia - While not on command, it is known to happen in response to acute physical or mental stress - Hypnosis - Though semi-contested, many humans claim the capability to preform hypnosis, or be hypnotised, solely through verbal stimuli - Meditate - The practice of meditation is practiced by many humans - Rest - Humans not just are capable of, but require hours of rest daily to function properly
Fighting - Counter - Countering an opponent's hit is used in many human martial arts - Double Kick - Human martial artists practicing Taekwondo preform a technique called a "double kick" - Jump Kick - Humans are capable of preforming a "kick" using the force created by gravity after jumping - Hi Jump Kick - Similar to previous, though what counts as "high" is debatable - Low Kick - This is more commonly a "leg sweep", but is usable to knock an opponent to the ground - Rolling Kick - A technique called a rolling kick is practiced in Kyokushin, a japanese form of karate - Submission - A similarly named technique is seen in many human bedrooms, though it differs immensely in execution and effect
Normal - Bite - Also seen in many human bedrooms, humans have teeth and are capable of biting with force - Body Slam - Though not a common technique, certain wrestling moves do involved the slamming of a body's whole weight - Double-Edge - A reckless full body attack is something humans can preform - Tackle - It can also be weak - Take Down - Or a bit stronger - Comet Punch - Preforming multiple repeated punches is possible for humans, though the technique is seemingly not associated with comets - Double Slap - Humans have hands, and are therefore capable of slapping things - Glare - Humans have eyes, and are sometimes depicted glaring as an intimidation technique - Leer - Another action preformed by the eyes - Growl - They are capable of growling, though it is seen as unusual - Headbutt - A close ranged strike, slamming thicker parts of the skull into a sensitive area - Skull Bash - A variant on headbutting - Karate Chop - This is a technique used in Karate, which is a martial art form practiced by humans - Lovely Kiss - Humans are known to kiss loved ones goodnight - Mega Kick / Mega Punch - Humans are capable of both kicking and punching, whether any of them count as "mega" is something debatable - Mimic - As covered previously, humans are capable of mimicing things, and preforming those actions later - Pound - Yet another thing seen in their bedrooms - Quick Attack - Humans are more known for endurance running, but are capable of being somewhat "quick", debatable - Rage - Humans are capable of anger - Scratch - Humans with sufficently longer fingernails are capable of scratching - Fury Swipes - Or scratching multiple times - Slash - Or scratching but better - Screech - Humans are capable of producing tones, and some would be unpleasne - Sing - Humans are also able to produce soothing tones - Stomp - By rapidly lowering a leg, humans can preform a stomp - Struggle - All pokemon are capable of struggling, and many animals on earth do, including humans - Thrash - Thrashing about is effectively an more violent form of struggling
Coming in at 42 moves, though some of these are contenous both in raw exectuion and whether to include some "stronger" variants, humans are capable of preforming more moves than generation 1's magneton
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Zora Midyoria:
Full name: Zora Toshi Midyoria
Pronunciation: zO-rah TOW-SHiy mid-or-ia
Meaning of Name: Zora means "sky" or "dawn" while Toshi means "talented"
Hero/Villain Name: Empty Sky
Nicknames: Toshi, Ra-Ra, Sky
History of Nicknames: All from close fiends and friends who simply gave him the nicknames
Aliases: None
Nationality: Japanese
Quirk: Gravity Poll - It's like a mix of his mother's Quirk and his grandmother's Quirk though he can use telepathy to bring stuff to him, but he can also make someone limbs or body grow heavier or lighter when controlling their magnetic poll after touching them.
Birthday and Astrology Sign: November 4th, 21XX, Scorpio
Age: 15
How old do they look: 13-14
Gender: Male (he/him)
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Gay
Birth date: November 4th 21XX
Birth place: Musutafu, Japan
Appearance: Eye color: Dark brown
Eye shape: Round
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: Used to have glasses when he was a child but grew out the need to Hair: Curly dark green hair
Height: 5'3
Weight: 89 lbs
Body build: Lean yet semi built
Body shape: A small rectangle
Complexion: Beige
Blood Type: B
Handedness: Right-handed
Hand type: Delicate
Nails: Short and clean
Movement: Slightly slouched but head held up high
How do they walk: A bit fast walking with his arms to his side
Posture: Slightly slouched in the back but his head held high more aiming in his head
Flexibility: Pretty decent
Speech Mannerisms: Calm but does have a issue with a stutter and saying "um" when nervous
Scars: None
Birthmarks: One medium-sized pink scar on the lower slightly off centered to the right smudge on his back that some people who've seen it say it looks like a cloud
Piercings: One ear piercing on his left ear
Tattoos: None
General face structure:  Looks a lot like his father which both knew well
Defining physical traits: His birthmark, his freckles, and the small pink dots on his finger tips
Clothing: Uniform: He wears the typical UA uniform with bright pink-purple sneakers
Casual outfit: A black band tee and washed blue jeans
Preferred outfit: Same above
Hero/Villain costume: A dark green body suit with black and white patterns and some white and black harnesses on his legs, arms, and chest and torso, a white mouth mask and black boots
Equipment / Support Items: Like father-like-son he has simple equipment to help him move easier and not caused too much harm like leg and torso support
Personality: He's very much like his father, timid and sweet but very loyal to the bone.
Big Five personality traits: Loyal, "geeky", sweet, brave, honest
Most prominent personality trait: Loyal
Best traits: Loyal, smart, nice, sweet, honest
Worst traits: Can't really say no openly and suffer as a doormat but is growing
Likes: Comics, Star Wars, lab days, his family and friends, Tsuki Bakugo Dislikes: Being put on the spot, when someone attempts to try and be rude or creepy to his sister, when his things go missing
Quirks:  (not the superpower but little silly things they do) He chews on his pencils. He did it with pens too for a while until it broke and he had to rush to the hospital in fear of ink poison Fear: Not being good enough, needles
Hobbies: Researching, jogging, cooking
Skills/Talents: He's very good at cooking Strengths: He can run pretty fast and has some pretty fast movements in fighting Weaknesses: His sister, his notebook
Reason to keep on living: His family
What is their self-image like: Pretty low on self-esteem
Coping mechanisms: Vanilla scented candles or lavender scented oils, his dad's old hoodie
Favorite things: Sunflowers, amusement parks, astrology
Physical: Pretty decent
Mental: Low self-esteem
Emotional Stability: Low self-esteem, truama
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: Fight
Nutrition: Pretty healthy
Habits: Twirling marbles between his fingers
History, Background, and Future:
0-4: He was born at the Fall from No.1 Pro-Hero Deku and his wife Pro-Hero Uravity and has living very happy and calm as any other child would with his sister being born a year later
5-8: At five his "step-mom" and sister's mama Himiko Toga was released from her "hospital stay" and gets happily taken cared by her. By age 7 he starts worrying about how his classmates got their Quirks but not him and even suffered a breakdown after a doctor said there's a chance he'd be Quirkless
9-11: He still hasn't fully gotten his Quirk but has felt something different about himself over time, doing research on Quirks much like his dad did, dreaming of going to UA too. When he was 11 years old he made these "friends" who belittled and picked on him for grades and their enjoyment of seeing him upset and was too scared to speak up on any of this to his family or teachers.
12-14: At 12 one of his bullies/"friends" confessed he found his sister attractive and was demanding he introduced him. He said no since that's a line he draws and proceed to get beaten up and heavily bullied for three days straight until he used his Quirk to scare them away from his sister when she went to help after accidentally seeing one of the beatings. He proceed to finish his middle school years online and suffered with trauma of the incident
15-Present: With all his hard worked and good words of teachers about his grade he got in to UA without a issue, made friends pretty face with childhood faces or understanding
Did they like their upbringing: Yes
How has their upbringing shape them: Pretty open minded though has slight issues
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: The amusement park visits with his family
What did they hate most about their childhood?: The middle school years and anxiety that he'll never have a Quirk
Current Dream: Make her family proud, become a hero of any form
Long-term goals for Future: Become a hero and get married
Home: Lives in a two story home near campus though he sometimes stay at the dorms half the week when he's not at home
Home Life as a Kid: Supportive and full of love
Home Life Now: Supportive and full of love
Quick Family background: Any Friends: Kohaku Usagiyama, Rose Takami, Mitsuri Ashido-Sero, Tsuki Bakugo, Hoshiko Bakugo, Arashi Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Chiharu Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Hachi Kaminari, Gou Iida, Sakura Todoroki Any Family: Izuku Midoriya (father), Ochako Uraraka (mother) Himiko Toga (step-mother) Yuzuriha Midoriya (sister)
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Full name: Yuzuriha Nori Midoriya
Pronunciation: You-zu-ri-HA No-Ri mid-or-ia
Meaning of Name: Yuzuriha means "to be humble" and "leaf" while Nori means "peaceful"
Hero/Villain Name: Heroine Peace
Nicknames: Yuzu, Yu-Chan, Nori
History of Nicknames: Yuzu and Yu-Chan were given by Zora when they were very little
Nationality: Japanese
Quirk: Free and Borrow: With Free it's like Uravity's Quirk where she can make herself and others she touch with all her fingers float in a certain distance, but with Borrow if she touches someone using their Quirk she can use said Quirk instead for a certain amount of time give or take how powerful it is, a much more tame version of her mother's Himiko Toga's Quirk. Down side if she lifts things too heavy with Free or having too much Quirks using Borrow
Birthday and Astrology Sign: May 5th 21XX, Taurus
Age: 14
How old do they look:13-14
Gender: Female (she/her)
Orientation/Sexuality Preference: Bi-Sexual
Birth date: May 5th
Birth place: Musutafu, Japan
Appearance: Eye color: Yellow
Eye shape: Narrow around
Do they wear contacts or glasses?: No Hair: Brown and short with two streaks of color, one blonde (left) and the other green (right)
Height: 5'2
Weight: 89 lbs
Body build: Slim and muscular
Body shape: Hourglass-fit
Complexion: Beige
Cup size: A-B Cup
Blood Type: A
Handedness: Both hands
Hand type: Small and gentle
Nails: Short and always painted
Movement: Pretty strong and dense jointed but calm
How do they walk: Fast walking and sometimes has her arms swing
Posture: Straight and as some say "intimidating"
Flexibility: Pretty flexible
Speech Mannerisms: Has a tough tongue
Scars: None
Birthmarks: None
Piercings: Three piecing on her left ear and four on her right ear
Tattoos: None
General face structure: Is told to look a lot like her father but with certain traights perfect of her mothers, is told to be very pretty
Defining physical traits: Her eyes and the two streaks of color in her hair Clothing: Uniform: Wears the UA girl uniform
Casual outfit: A pink purple tee-shirt with a black jean skirt with grey leggings
Preferred outfit: NA
Hero/Villain costume: A white turtle neck body suit that cuts her sleeves, leaving her arms bare, a black shirt tailed skin tight black jacket that reaches her hands in finger holes that is held in four silver buttons, black gloves with transparent white bubble dots on her finger tip's inside, a green harness on her torso and silver leg support harnesses, a green and white mask that covers her eyes with pink eye goggles over, and a green mouth mask that resembles a bubble over her mouth
Equipment / Support Items: She has leg supprot
Personality: Very loyal and distance as well as kind and considerate, curious, geeky, tough, and has a sharp tongue
Big Five personality traits: Tough, loyal, curious, sweet, doesn't take shit from anyone
Most prominent personality trait: Strong
Best traits: Loyal, smart, kind, brave
Worst traits: Hot-headed, too tough, distance
Likes: Very spicy wings, her mama's cooking, spa trips, the amusement park, training, her friends, her family, her "uncle Kaachan", her "uncle Shiggy" Dislikes: Any old papers of her mama or her "uncle Shiggy", losing over cheating or something small
Quirks:  (not the superpower but little silly things they do) She gently pulls the longer parts of her bands when she's angry and needs to calm down before she blows up Fear: Being left behind, accused of being evil or mean
Hobbies: Training, singing, writing
Skills/Talents: Singing, writing Strengths: She's a good runner without Borrowing a Quirk, despite her "distance" nature she's able to have a lot on her side Weaknesses: Zora, her moms and dad, when she uses either Quirk too much
Reason to keep on living: Her family
What is their self-image like: She doesn't care what others say much but does get bugged when someone "jokes" she could be a villain
Coping mechanisms: Her stuffed animal or spending time with her family
Favorite things: Manga, video games, red peony, volcanoes
Physical: Pretty healthy
Mental: Decent, maybe
Emotional Stability: A bit bellow average
If faced with crisis, what is their go-to: Fights
Nutrition: Pretty healthy though she forgets to eat sometimes
Habits: She MUST eat along side or in distance of her family members, she always wants to join Zora's teams or projects as she "protects" him a lot, she hides her manga collection
Family History: She adores the grandparents she have
History, Background, and Future:
0-4: Yuzuriha was born a year after Zora using a special science practice Himiko and Izuku agreed on where they take Himiko's egg and Izuku's sperm and Ochaco will carry the baby full term, something happened which resulted some psychical and Quirk DNA mixed with her code. She was always a very happy and bubbly girl who loves and adores her family
5-8: She grew very attached to "Uncle Shiggy" and "Uncle Kaachan" over the course of her being in kindergarten and elementary school as they help her work out and feed her geeky interests She got her Quirk during one summer when she was about to turn nine.
9-11: She slowly began to notice things different with Zora over the course of being one grade behind him and would often try and cheer him up not knowing what else to do, during this time she was told by a mean classmate about the crimes of her "Uncle Shiggy" and Himiko Toga with said classmate not knowing she's her mom.
12-14: She finally gets informed of her brother's bullying and starting training her Quirks strong until she was warned by her entire family that she'll pass out and get so sick in a coma if she over does it. Since then she vowed to protect Zora and her family no matter what, and if that means being a hero than so be it
15-Present: She practiced both Free and Borrow easy over the year of breaks as she also got her grades up a lot with many research until she gets accepted to UA along side Zora, working hard to get in the same class as him even!
Did they like their upbringing: She's happy with it
How has their upbringing shape them: Loyal and protective
What did they enjoy most about their childhood?: All the summers with her family happy together free from the world's bad stuff and mean eyes and words of strangers
What did they hate most about their childhood?: The bullies of her 4th year of elementary and Zora's bullies
Current Dream: Work hard and become a pro-hero to protect Zora and her family
Long-term goals for Future: Become a pro-hero and protect her family, if she gets married and have kids than sure
Home: She lives in the dorms half the week and at a two story home near campus with her family
Home Life as a Kid: Full of love and care and supportive
Home Life Currently: Supportive and full of love and care
Any Friends: Kohaku Usagiyama, Rose Takami, Mitsuri Ashido-Sero, Tsuki Bakugo, Hoshiko Bakugo, Arashi Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Chiharu Jiro-Yaoyorozu, Hachi Kaminari, Gou Iida, Sakura Todoroki Any Family: Izuku Midoriya (father), Ochako Uraraka (mother) Himiko Toga (mother) Zora Midoriya (brother)
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