#the disaster lesbian energy is too strong
homeless202 · 1 year
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hmmm, sounds sus.
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sunny-clover · 11 months
Okay so these are just the concept info pages I made and these are not the final designs though, I’ve updated some designs A TON already
OKAY this iteration is called
TMNT 2032
and these pages are in order of when I made them so there’s no rhyme or reason.
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This is Cassius Casey (Kirby) Jones, he’s the first person I designed for the AU and his design does not look like this at all anymore. He’s got Japanese heritage from one side of the fam and Mexican on the other. No real reason except I wanna push my Spanglish onto him. Also he’s gay.
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This is April O’Neil, she’s the second person I designed but I never really thought her I through. She I guess has a possessed softball bat cause she’s a lesbian and the bat is a reference to Rise April. Her mother’s family is Indian and her dad’s is either Indian-American or African American. Like I said before, I haven’t thought her through much.
She handles the supplies for the Homatos and that’s really all I have, I should probly think her through more 😬
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This is Raph, originally he was going to be a snapping turtle but I decided he’s actually going to be biologically related to his brothers with the turtle DNA. I haven’t thought too much about him but he does have romantic feelings for Mona Lisa when he meets her but I still need his personality-
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Okay so here’s Mikey and he’s the one that I’ve HEAVILY changed—DRASTICALLY, if you will. I wasn’t even really in the right mindset to design him here so I am not at all proud of this design 😬
Yeah so he’s technically not the youngest I guess and also the drawing I did here was horrendous so uhhhhh let’s ignore this and we’ll have better content on him later.
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Here’s Kassandra Karai Jones, I had SO MUCH fun designing her. She’s a super badass lesbian Foot clan royalty soldier. Also she’s Casey’s twin hehehehe I love that so much. I can’t wait to write her arcs and stuff but I’ll have you know right now that the girl is a DISASTER around attractive women.
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This is Donnie!!!! He’s DEFINITELY up there with the Jones twins as one of the most fun characters to design, he’s so awesome I love drawing himmmm eeeeeeeeeeek!!!!
Okay so I made a mistake saying he has dual Bo-staffs, I just liked the way it looked with his design, but that’s incredibly impractical so that’s one of the first things I changed.
He’s the one character that I have his WHOLE personality fleshed out because I loved designing so much and he’s either a silly gay or a silly bisexual. I can’t tell you everything about him right now bc he’s still in the making and I wanna leave some room for content but he’s so much fun to draw and write!!!!
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This is Jennikka! Did I mention she’s in here? Hehehehehehhehehehehhe well now I did. i am not getting involved into the making of the turtles because I spent DAYS working on that but I love it so much but ANYWAYS she’s here and she’s sapphic.
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This is Venus!!! She’s so cuuteee eeeeeeek I love her she’s aroace and she’s also here. She has a deep connection with spritual energy and stuff much like Mikey from Rottmnt or I think the 2003 Venus as well? I haven’t gotten that far in the 2k3 show yet so I don’t know much abt her but I heard she has strong mystic connections or smth. I absolutely love her design and I hope you do too.
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LEEOOOOOO!!!! I really have to show you guys the concept doodles of him sometime cause I love it so much.
I don’t have too much on him atm cause I finally got his design down like 4 days ago or smth like that, but I’ve decided he can’t stand up straight for the life of him and Donnie always yells at him for it. He’s a bit like Rise Leo I guess but just more smooth and more serious on his training like every other Leo. I had him down as a tattle-tale at firs but then I decided nah. Oh also he’s the medic
Oh and I don’t think I mentioned but Donnie starts out as the leader cause he’s the oldest but eventually the title just moves liquidly through them until it lands on Leo. I had a little headcannon that I’ll never write down on paper but I keep up here that they be wingmen for each other when someone’s tryna impress a love interest they “hold” the leader title. See: Raph gets to be leader when they meet Mona Lisa.
I have a few other designs down but not on info sheets, just on doodle pages and I’m not ready to reveal how much time I waste on this lmfao.
I have Splinter, Mona, most other Mutants and almost Draxum’s concept designs on paper. I’ll post info on the creation some other time but maybe not. Maybe I’ll keep it to myself.
All I’ll say abt it for now is that the turtle’s creations were all at the fault of Splinter being an absolute disaster of a bisexual.
(I do accept asks on this iteration and I really do wanna answer questions abt it pls ask me questions)
Omg it’s 12:30 in the morning I needa sleep 💀
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mozillavulpix · 12 days
wrote out a bunch of traum thoughts on reddit but it became too long so let's do it here:
Okay, now I'm done. Might as well list out a bunch of stray thoughts.
On a meta point of view, this has helped me figure out what parts of FGO have been Higashide. Really, this whole thing is about as so obviously Higashide as Heian-Kyo was for Sakurai. It ends up being a sequel to Orleans, Shinjuku, Anastasia, Atlantis Fate/Apocrypha and Fate/Extella Link all at the same time. It's like when a Nasu chapter randomly brings up something from Hollow Ataraxia. They all have their favourites and comfort zones so it becomes pretty obvious when you see what character stories they choose to continue.
Seriously though, "we're sorry we did everyone dirty in Fate/Apocypha" keeps happening and keeps being kind of hilarious. Astolfo gets to show off more of his insane side while also doing cool stuff instead of being reduced to Sieg's cheer squad, and Siegfried gets to do Feats that show he really is strong instead of just...giving his power to Sieg and not everything bad in Apocrypha is Sieg's fault but still-
Don Quixote was great. Expected, but great. Genderbending Sancho is a bit boring but gacha be gacha and fate be fate. I liked the twist in the end of them being summoned to Atlantis this whole time and just ran away. There's a whole bunch of stuff there that implies there were a lot of stories that happened off-screen.
Wish Roland could have done more. If he's really the strongest of the Paladins, it's kind of wild all he ended up doing was opening a door. And the sacrifice at the end almost felt artificially tragic. It's messed up, but it happened so fast that it didn't really get me.
Charlie is cool. And if anything, the whole "I'm not the standard version of Charles the Great so I generally don't get to stay summoned for long" makes him even cooler. Like he's just so powerful he can only appear for a limited time. Except for gacha.
Didn't really feel for Salome, her story just felt like the typical female Berserker story where they'll always try and kill the person they love and I swear we've seen this a lot in Fate so it just kinda blended in to me
I like how instead of playing up Xu Fu's Disaster Lesbian energy, her personality here is Being a Slacker. That's such a mood.
The weird thing is despite there being so much Holmes here, his death felt a bit rushed? Like the reveal of him being a Foreign God Disciple is almost so obvious is feels like a joke. (You showed up out of nowhere with weird abilities and no one knows who summoned you. of course it'd be the villain. what else could it possibly be). But also he just tries to fight Moriarty for 2 turns and then bam. he's dead. It would have hit harder if it happened after the final Moriarty fight instead of before. It doesn't make it feel like a climax.The most interesting thing was the implication that the 'real' Sherlock Holmes wouldn't have been an ally to Chaldea because he'd be too impartial, so the Ruler Holmes we know is a creation he made. Like a literal Alter Ego. Or even a Phantom Spirit. Which is a cool parallel with Archer of Shinjuku. Hopefully we'll get a new Holmes version one day.
Kadoc was fun. Honestly, not too much to talk about him, his role was kind of what I expected. He had some great lines.
Konstantinos was done dirty. Not only did he get the worst kit and his banner had no SRs on rate-up, but he got taken out really quickly and anticlimactically. He deserved more.
There was a part where Johanna and Bradamante were talking where I was like "I see, this is Traum's version of passing the Beschdel test" and then the next time they had a girl-to-girl talk it was about a man lol. It's fine, but it's funny when writers try to have the women speak and it ends up falling into a trope without them meaning to.
I do think Johanna would have been better without Konstantinos. The whole thing about the pope is that he has no romantic partner, right? Why not have her actually committed to that instead of keeping her waifu material. because gacha.
I can't believe they ended it on a cliffhanger, the balls on them. I applaud it and also hate it because now I'm just gonna be wondering what this means for the next 6 months.
The chapter was fine. It was definitely no lostbelt, but going from Lostbelt 6 to this did give me a bit of whiplash when I had to remember that no they don't always spend so much time on the lore implications of everything. Sometimes they're just gonna make a chapter that showcases the Servants that'll get drip-fed over the next 2 years.
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perditus-a · 2 years
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new muse : adaline beaulieu (info below along with verses)
name - adaline beaulieu age - 26 pronouns - she/her sexuality - lesbian  languages - spanish / japanese / broken english  ( a work in progress if you will ) ethnicity - spaniard  disclaimer - yes her design belongs to me. it isn’t a faceclaim so please don’t steal thank you! 
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personality ;; 
she’s just a little bit of an airhead and academics aren’t really her forte...but she has some incredible control and critical thinking skills. patience is one of her strong suits but mostly because of her interest in being a doctor when she’s older. depending on the verse this role does tend to change slightly, but it’s always some form of healer/support role. adaline is also incredibly empathetic and will go out of her way to try to understand a situation, but can become a little pushy and hard-headed because of this strong desire to help. sometimes she makes the situation about her by mistake, but usually catches herself early on. usually.  outside of that, she’s a super sweet girl and really level-headed. she doesn’t get mad too often, but sometimes a little annoyed. she’s a bit nosy and sometimes a little hyperactive, but usually fairly mellow and calm. adaline prefers to try and stay as happy as long as possible and doesn’t like to cry or look sad around others. it’s one of the few things she’s super reserved about really! she’s been taught as a child that it isn’t polite to impose on others, so she goes out of her way to avoid doing so. 
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verses ;; 
my hero academic - she’s a freelance sidekick that works for several agencies through limited contracts due to the more supportive nature of her quirk. originally she was born for her quirk, as her mother was severely ill and they knew that healing quirks were in their bloodline. they wanted a child that could extend her mother’s life...and it took them roughly ten tries before she was born as the 11th. however, her mother made a difficult choice and chose to send her child away to the school she wanted to rather than keep her locked away at home. so, adaline ended up in japan and attended u.a. for a few years before becoming a sidekick for a small hero agency. she eventually decided that being stuck in one place was a waste of her healing abilities, so she chose to become a freelancer and travel around instead. adaline can usually be found where natural disasters have occurred. 
----> quirk - (POCKET HEALER) - adaline’s quirk allows her to shrink her body to roughly palm-sized, converting whatever mass ‘lost’ during the transformation in to a healing mist. she can manipulate the mist to roughly ten feet around up and down as well, but the more spread out the less efficient it is. it applies a regenerative healing type to those within the mist, but cannot restore things like lost limbs or remove illness/disease. at best she can slow the damage, but cannot reverse it. the more concentrated, the stronger it is however ! she can sense people in the mist but not distinguish between them. when not actively using her quirk, her tails gives off a very minor regenerative ‘sparkle’ dust that can heal small cuts.  jujutsu kaisen (no tail/ears) - adaline is a grade three sorcerer as her innate technique and skills in general are suited for healing rather than anything offensive. she can convert her own cursed energy in to reversed cursed energy and expel it out of her body like a mist, allowing her to apply a regenerative healing boost to a 10 foot radius. the more spread out it is the weaker the regeneration ; in contrast the more concentrated the stronger/faster. all of her skills and talents are trained to support other sorcerer’s, so she doesn’t really do much field work unless she’s with others. she is however fairly fast and can perform basic, non-technique restricted attacks if needed.  naruto (no tail/ears) - she’s a chunin medic-nin from konoha with training for field work, though a lot of her time is spent at the hospital instead. adaline originally failed her genin exam and opted to join the genin corps until she found an apprenticeship with a jounin-ranked medic-nin that allowed her to progress beyond genin. adaline was briefly assigned to a genin team to take the chunin exams. she has water affinity in regards to her chakra and knows a few low ranked water ninjutsu, but most of her skills are medic-centric. 
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surveillance-0011 · 3 years
TBOI Headcanons: Horsemen
He’s...nice. Not a good person by any means but he’s the most polite of the bunch. Kind of strange though. Creepily calm, a bit sarcastic, and he has a pretty morbid view on the world.
Reserved and usually grumpy. He can be rather chipper off-duty, though. Putting up with the others takes a lot of energy from him.
A bit neurotic but good at coming off as a down-to-earth guy.
He’s the most book-smart of the bunch and he’s fairly wise. A bit emotionally stunted, but he tries his best to be mature and make the right choices.
Death is more than a bit nihilistic and pessimistic. He has a hard time just... caring, mostly about himself.
Not to say he’s completely apathetic, he can be pretty empathetic but he tries not to act on that too much because if he did his job would have broken him by now.
He likes to think he’s got it all under control, but he does not. He’s more prone to pettiness and stupid decisions than he’d like to admit.
That being said he’s been pretty good with like. Growing and maturing though. He’s changed more than he realizes in just in the past.... decade or so ago. A bit of a late start for an immortal but hey at least he’s slightly less of a scumbag.
It’s usually not easy to anger him unless he’s really tired or something’s already set him off. When something does piss him off badly he’s a bit prone to freaking out. He’s not very good at handling his emotions. 
Sees his own job as a necessary evil, because hey, someone’s gotta do it.
Interested in botany/gardening, as well as literature.
Genuinely nice- or at least polite- to the kids when he’s not supposed to be murdering them. He sees no reason to go out of his way to do so, especially since unwarranted cruelty towards others has only bit him in the ass.
Famine’s older brother. The two have always had each other’s backs.
Diligent, and always considers the logistics to things instead of acting on emotion alone.
Protective of the other horsemen.
Pretty short tbh
His horse’s name is Chili.
She/he (bigender). You can use both interchangeably or only use one set, she doesn’t care. Fine with they/them too but it’s never really clicked w/ him enough to be preferred.
Usually prefers more masculine terms (brother, sir, mr...) but fine with anything.
.Flips between bouncing off the walls and having no energy whatsoever.
Impulsive, she’s got terrible judgement and has the most idiotic of ideas sometimes.
Fairly easygoing, tries to forgive and forget and doesn’t let little transgressions get to her
Actually pretty damn sad. Needs some self care but never looks after herself.
I mean she’s optimistic and usually happy but like. There’s always just a bit of sadness, you know? He’s dealt with a lot and it’s definitely taken its toll on him.
Disaster Lesbian
Tries to be a graceful loser but she can get a bit more competitive than she’d like to admit.
Has a hard time relating to others and considering how they feel, at least when it comes to anything more complex than “bad thing happened now I’m sad/mad” He’s a drifter by nature, always onto the next big thing for a quick thrill.
Eats a lot. It’s never enough.
Plants and a good deal of food will decay if she touches them, or even gets too close to them.
Like his brother he has some interest in nature. Famine is more on the adventurous side, though. She’s tried to live off the land a few times with varying success.
Named her horse Frisk
Calm, quiet, but also a pessimistic jackass.
Always in a bad mood. I mean, he’s permanently sick with just about everything contagious and deadly. You’d be grumpy, too!
Surprisingly high pain tolerance. A good deal of his nerves have probably just.. shut down or something. Or maybe he’s just numb to everything after a lifetime of pain.
Sleeps a lot
Dislikes his situation a lot, but doesn’t mind the company of the others.
Lazarus is terrified of this dude. The other kids are mostly grossed out or annoyed by him.
Likes to be alone.
Fairly smart, but comes off as absent minded bc he’s pretty much too sick to function. He slips up a lot and he’s pretty damn clumsy
Probably the most rational of the bunch, when he’s not in airplane mode. 
He’s also got a fairly strong moral compass. He doesn’t really like fighting the kids unlike War and Famine. Or just having to go up against people in general. Hell he hates the fact people get sick because of him. At the very least Pest has higher standards and is fairly transparent
But that isn’t to say he’s a good person. Yeah he doesn’t go out of his way to hurt others for shits and giggles and He’s Not Conquest but he doesn’t ever object to any of the shit the kids are put through and well. Yknow he still does kill them. He will also encourage some of War’s antics when it’s against someone he dislikes.
Tries to be as supportive as he can for the others. He knows he can’t do too much without overexerting so he tries to be encouraging and comforting as he can.
This compassion usually isn’t extended to humans, though.
Not very emotive, the only emotions he ever really expresses would be disdain and mild concern.
Not very fond of Conquest but they don’t hate each other. They actually work together well, too.
Friends with Mahalath. They’re pretty close!
His horse’s name is Moses.
He’s not very friendly, he’s pretty defensive and always on edge.
Out of all the horsemen, he’s probably the one closest with the Beast.
Lots of scars n injuries, it’s practically stitched together
One gold tooth
Impulsive, prefers solving issues through violence than through reason.
He can be fairly clever, though.
Intentionally angers/upsets others, likes causing problems and ruining things for people.
Desires wealth and power
Gets burnt out pretty quickly.
Emotional, insecure, and sensitive, and he hates this part of him. Definitely overcompensates for it.
Explosive temper, quite literally. Catches fire when upset and explodes if it’s more intense. Damage done to him also makes it happen. It’s not entirely voluntary but can be held off, and his “sobbing” sprite is him doing exactly that (but he’s probably also trying not to cry lmao). In the Ultra War fight, however...
Its daily routine leaves a lot to be desired. It wakes up, goes to work, then it goes home and just. Sits and rots.
Also, his diet is god awful. Please just eat a fruit or vegetable for once maybe you’d feel better goddamn.
He cannot remember if his horse is actually a horse or not but uhh he named her Bellum.
High and mighty sort of attitude. Can be very selfish. Stubborn, set in his ways. Gets defensive if you call him out or tell him he’s wrong.
Gay + nonbinary but in the closet (and denial) about both of those things. They’re trying to unlearn years’ worth of internalized bigotry.
Used to be worse, now trying to unlearn his toxic behaviors. But he’s still awful.
Doesn’t remember anything before their death. However they’ve held very strong Christian (specifically Catholic) beliefs all their life and they have a pretty black and white way of thinking.
Very cold and clinical. He has a bit of a temper but there’s a sort of calmness to everything he does even when he’s pissed.
Just as argumentative and aggressive as War but like more of a threat.
The others call him Connie sometimes, especially Death, who practically almost always calls him by this nickname.
Doesn’t harbor ill will towards Pestilence. They might have been overshadowed, but it’s not Pestilence’s own fault. If anything, being out of the spotlight has been good for Conquest, even if they do miss the attention sometimes. The only reason the two dislike each other is because their personalities clash.
Now if there’s anyone he hates that would be the Headless Horseman. Fuck that guy amiright
Very protective of Death. The two are close, Death is probably the only person who is consistently nice to him.
Utterly terrified of needles (hypodermic, not sewing needles, though he’s not good with sharp objects tbh) and medical stuff makes him anxious
Seems very... off. Just weird vibes but no one can pin point what about him is wrong.
Oh uh and his horse’s name is Josephine.
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@future-dregs fandom Number Three!
Lots of aspec headcanons for this one. But also heads up I have multiple versions of headcanons for most of these characters so it’s more of a “sometimes they are, sometimes they aren’t” kind of thing. Nothing on here is set in stone, some I just have stronger opinions about that others.
Aizawa is usually trans and always gay and, depending on how I’m feeling on any given day, either demi or asexual
Someone on here said that Sero has strong “aroace that everyone goes to for romantic advice” energy and you know what, they’re right. Also usually trans.
Hagakure is asexual biromantic. Sometimes she’s trans.
Ojiro is demisexual heteroromantic and didn’t figure it out until he and Hagakure had been dating for years. There’s probably something gender going on for him too but he doesn’t really care enough to put any energy into figuring it out.
Tokoyami is aroace
Shinsou is sometimes ace or demiace. He’s purple-coded it’s required by law. Also biromantic and sometimes trans.
Jirou is grey-ace, non-binary (she/they), demiromantic with a preference for girls.
Asui and Midoriya, similarly to shinsou and jirou, are green and thus are contractually obligated to be somewhere in the aromatic spectrum. I think both of them are greyro. Asui is a genderfluid lesbian and midoriya is classic feral bi disaster.
Itsmytuberculosis on tiktok made a solid case for space ace Uraraka and I’m here for it.
On that note, we all stan agender aromantic asexual icon space hero: thirteen.
Ragdoll is aromantic. Because green.
Shigaraki is ace. Probably aro too. He’s too busy trying to destroy the world for such petty things like sex and romance. We stan. (He’s also so very touch starved someone pls give this poor boy a hug.)
Ryukyu is a dragon and thus also claimed as an aspec. Not sure exactly what flavor yet tho.
AroAce Nejire
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your-turn-to-role · 4 years
If you were to put the M9 in order of how feral they are, what would that look like?
i can absolutely do that!
it's also worth mentioning here that ages back one of my friends asked me to rank the cr characters (both m9 and vm) by how likely they were to eat a pickle out of a pond? (i may post that later if people are interested bc it was fun to write) (edit: posted!)
and i feel like this list is gonna end up being similar, but not entirely, because while fjord would absolutely do that under the right circumstances, he is, as established by freckledmccree, Not Feral. but here we go:
1 - nott
we have a clear winner, and it's love of my life feral child mrs veth brenatto. becoming a goblin didn't make her more feral, it just gave her an excuse to stop being beholden to social rules, and dear god did she take it. i'm honestly struggling to cite specific moments here because just, everything she does, has such strong feral energies?? (though i mean, fluffernutter. that's all that needs saying really). but like??? is an accomplished alchemist and uses it to make exploding crossbow bolts? will threaten to kill anyone as a joke just because she feels like it? very few people get its a joke because when nott the brave runs screaming at you you get out of the fucking way?? stole a gun?? used it to shoot her friend to win a race up a tree?? i can keep going. she's so weird and so wonderful and absolutely feral and i adore her
2 - caleb
now, you'd think given that caleb is perfectly capable of acting with dignity and professionalism would make him rank lower on this list. but no. caleb is perfectly capable of acting with dignity and professionalism and chooses to be feral. and the mere act of making that decision immediately boosts his feral points by like a mile. no amount of loyalty or adherence to literally any system, political structure, or set of social rules? turns into a giant ape in combat? has, multiple times, chosen to cover himself in dirt? liam in this outfit???
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this is a Feral Wizard.
3 - yasha
now, definite points for a childhood/adolescence spent wandering the wastelands the gods abandoned (literally), fighting other kids and eating giant spiders. yasha is like the textbook definition of feral. but also like... she's soft. you want to give her a hug. she's still intimidating as fuck, but unlike caleb and nott she's not trying to be feral. she's just out here doing her own gay thing. i love her.
4 - jester
now, jester does not have a feral appearance, so i was on the fence for a bit as to where on the list to put her. feral constitutes a certain amount of not caring what you look like or what people think of you, and jester definitely wants to be pretty and wants to be seen as pretty and has quite a few walls in place when it comes to letting people realise she can have negative emotions. her background as a rich lonely kid is also far from feral.
however. have you met her. jester lavorre is on the surface as far from feral as it is possible to be, and then you hear her talk. honestly, growing up alone with only an archfey for company pushes anyone up the feral scale. see also: going round tattooing members of an enemy ship without their permission just 'cause. the pranks. the destruction. the sending spells. jester lavorre is what happens when feral decides to be fucking aesthetic. also she literally made a god so like, no power on this earth can stop her.
5 - beau
beau, like caleb, grew up extremely Not Feral and then actively chose to cultivate the feral within. her introduction literally describes her as "looks like she put on makeup maybe two days ago, and was like 'yeah, it's still fine'". disaster lesbian. Will Fight Anyone And Anything. however, she's more rebellious than she is specifically feral. never stopped giving a fuck about her image or her principles, she's got the underlying feralness of any punk but she's a bit too put together to rank any higher on this list.
6 - caduceus
caduceus is incredibly calm and patient and at least a little bit prim and proper but also like... the dude grew up in a cursed forest talking to plants and bugs and probably eating weird mushrooms. he has no respect for the laws of any society mostly because he doesn't realise they exist and he's SO valid. i also think the fact that we mostly see him with the m9 doesn't do justice to his actual feralness bc like... caduceus gets ten times more feral with his siblings. cad amongst the clays is way higher on this list. but cad in the mighty nein is mostly just here to be chill. god knows they need someone to be.
7 - fjord
the reason for this post. fjord is the opposite of feral. since freckledmccree brought up the subject, i'll also link this thread, if you want a lot of elaboration on this. but for real, fjord is incapable of being feral if you held a sword to his throat, which incidentally is probably the closest to feral he's ever gotten, back in episode 13. but like... the boy has so many internal rules. so many. he had a panic attack over a hat. someone give him a hug and tell him it's okay to just like, do things. he doesn't need 15 separate completely watertight reasons why.
(also we don’t know molly quite as well as the others since he was only in 26 episodes, but he’s pretty damn feral too. somewhere between yasha and jester i think)
(vox machina)
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imagines-mha · 4 years
〰️💖 What your favourite in class 1-A says about you 💖〰️
Izuku: you’ve probably been bullied, a sucker for his cute voice and squishy cheeks, really fuckin root for him as the main character. You always cheer for the underdog, and u r probably a super sweet person. 10/10 would hug you
Bakugo: you probably have issues with your self-esteem, overly supportive of his aggressive fighting style too. You’re also good at arguing and you want him to tell you to get on our knees and beg
Todoroki: you have daddy issues and appreciate the representation. You’re that friend with the funniest sense of humor, and you hate being called cliche or mainstream. Every time he smiles you have a new reason to live
Uraraka: congrats for being the BEST AT HUGS. you’re probably really easy to get along with, down to earth, and also a super good listener. You fuckin love her energy and the fact that she’s both strong and feminine energiZES UR BEING
Asui: cottagecore lesbian. probably listen to people like Dodie, Tessa violet, etc. You love frogs. You’re probably rlly dedicated to a certain aesthetic. The babie friend. You love how she’s so TINY but also fierce as hell. You’ve thought abt that tongue tho don’t lie to me
Iida: every time he’s onscreen u clutch ur heart and try not to die of cuteness. Everything he says makes u wanna marry him. You like the 50s. He’s ur dream husband. You r angry he doesn’t get the love he deserves. The mom friend
Momo: you got a lot of self-doubt. Ur super pretty n u like clothes. You think she’s so adorable when she gets all excited. You are INSANELY smart. You originally liked her for her beauty but fell for her whole personality instead. Mom friend also
Jirou: ur bi. Tiktok is ur new life and you don’t know how to handle it. You cannOT process affection ur a disaster. You wanna dress like her cus she’s so dope. She’s 100% the most relatable character in the show and u just want her to make u a spotify playlist
Mina: you have got SM energy and ur so funny. U relate to her a lot too. You can probably do smth cool like skateboard and u have SO MANY FRIENDS. You’re hella social too and everyone fucking adores u
Kaminari: you were in love with Austin Moon ur entire childhood. You have failed multiple tests. You think he’s the prettiest in the show and would risk ur life to cuddle him just once. U say the dumbest shit and have complete crackhead energy
Kirishima: you need to be protected from every bad thing this world has to offer. You have a bit of a sad past but you’re trying to push past it now and he inspires u sm. Ur the type of person to bake for ur friends. Literal positivity angel
Sero: honestly u just want someone who’s gonna treat you right. U radiate sunshine and ur probably a skater. You either get high frequently or WANT to. The best friend anyone could ask for and everyone likes you
Aoyama: overdramatic as hell. You did french in school and think u both have a connection cus u understand him. You probably mask ur raging anxiety with overbearing confidence. Relentlessly supportive of ur friends. Appreciate fashion
Ojiro: you like gym boys. You’re so supportive and accepting of lit everything. You prefer background characters bc they’re rarer and thus more precious to love. You want kids. you’re pretty quiet. Dr Phil stans Ojiro
Hagakure: you listen to Taylor Swift. Ur super peppy and energetic and you LOVE THIS GIRL SM. you have sm cute clothes and ur favorite color’s pink. You can’t sleep without a stuffed animal. Soft, kawaii aesthetic
Kouda: SOFT SOFT SOFT. You listen to cavetown, alec benjamin, etc. you love animals so much and are highkey jealous of his quirk. You just wanna give this man a hug. You probably also love gardens in summer
Tokoyami: you never recovered from ur emo faze and you still know every word and beat to the black parade. You probably like poetry. You love the stars and want a man who will treat you like a queen. You think he’s the most beautiful thing to exist and ur right
Shouji: you’re literally superior and deserve a medal. You love affection and you think he’s the closest thing to prince charming UA will ever have. You wanna be fucked by him too lmao. You’re really calming and sweet asdfghjk ily
Sato: you kin vanellope von schweetz. You LOVE scary looking boys who r actually super soft on the inside. You love baked goods. You’re sensitive as hell and blush way too easily. Probably shy too. You think he’s adorable as all hell and wonder how we got smth so good
Mineta: you think you’re edgy cus u like Mineta. You highkey hate the hate he gets bc he’s a well-made comic relief character and IF HE WAS HOT YOU KNOW BITCHES WOULD BE SIMPING. you’re a rlly honest person n I got respect for u bro
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artificialqueens · 3 years
Everybody Knows You're High, 4/4 (Rajila) - Dartmouth420
Summary: It’s not just the weed this time, Raja’s in love, and Manila’s about to make a confession.
A/n: this is one long-ass chapter of feelings and lesbian porn lmao. this is specifically for the anon from a few weeks ago who requested manila smut, here ya go :P also thank u to V&albatross for your encouragement and for letting me play in your world lol <3
tw: weed, mild second-hand embarrassment, smut: 80% sexy, 20% disgusting, 100% dumb ;)
Manila stood in her steamy bathroom leaning against the edge of the sink, with a towel wrapped around her body, and stared at herself in the mirror.
Last night had been… a lot.
She’d just gotten out of the shower, and there were dark circles under her eyes from the late night, the stress and the hangover. The hangover wasn’t as bad as Manila thought she deserved. Chugging straight vodka from the bottle in a state of emotional turmoil had been a terrible idea.
However, a part of herself that she’d been suppressing for too long was raising its head, this time with hope. Parsing out what Raja had been trying to say last night had practically required a cryptographer, but Manila was like eighty-seven percent sure that Raja had said she liked her, and was interested in… maybe dating. Or something. It all got a little blurry after she’d kissed Raven.
Manila stuck her tongue out at herself in the mirror and left the bathroom, walking quickly down the hall in her towel to her room to get dressed. She examined one of her nicer shirts, and that corduroy mini-skirt she liked, and then decided not to get her hopes up. She pulled on a pair of dark blue sweatpants with the college’s name written across the butt. But her hand lingered over her one of her nice bras, an elegant black one with red lining, and after a brief but eventful internal wrestling match, she put it on. And covered it with a T-shirt and a hoodie.
After having breakfast, drying her hair, scrolling through her phone, cleaning the bathroom, killing time and receiving no texts from Raja, but not sending any either, Manila put her hands on her hips and sighed.
Manila had two choices. She could go across the street and actually talk to Raja about her feelings, or she could drop out of college, move to Canada, change her identity, burn her fingerprints off with acid and start again as an entirely new person.
Despite the strong temptation of option two, Manila chose option one and rushed out the door before she could psych herself out. She hurried up to to the familiar house across the street and a few doors down. Manila took a nervous breath as she knocked on Raja’s front door, immediately regretting that she hadn’t texted or something before just showing up. Maybe Raja wasn’t awake yet, or maybe she didn’t want to see her after she’d been so messy last night-
The door opened and Raja stood there. Her long black hair was wet and brushed straight like she’d just showered, and her loose, green linen shirt was damp where the ends sat on her shoulders. She looked suspiciously fresh and clean for the day after a party, but then Manila remembered that Raja had been sober the entire time.
“Hey,” said Raja, with a goofy, knowing smile.
Manila’s palms began to sweat, and her heart leapt out of her chest and prostrated itself on the floor.
“Uh- hi,” said Manila.
Raja stepped aside and Manila walked in to the living room, slipping off her shoes and glancing at the familiar couch. An empty bag of chips and a couple loose video game controllers sat abandoned on it. Usually she’d go right in and sit down, but that didn’t quite feel right today. Carmen’s voice drifted over from the kitchen, one half of a conversation she was having over the phone.
“We could talk in my room?” suggested Raja, rubbing the back of her neck nervously. Her deep brown eyes were without expectation.
“Sure,” said Manila decisively, and walked quickly to the stairs and up to Raja’s bedroom, the first door on the left.
Raja’s room always surprised Manila. The first time she’d seen it she’d expected a total stoner disaster zone, but instead it was surprisingly neat. There was a beautiful piece of blue and gold paisley fabric tacked up on the wall, some clothes piled up on the back of the chair, and several mugs on the nightstand. Books, her laptop and some weed paraphernalia were scattered on the desk, but the floor was clean and the bed was pretty much always made.
Manila sat down on the edge of the bed, and wiped her sweaty palms on her pants. Raja sat down next to her, close but not touching.
“So…” began Manila, drawing out the word and wondering what exactly she was going to say. She didn’t want to be the first to admit her feelings. Part of her still felt afraid, instinctively evasive when talking about how she felt. “You like me, apparently.”
“Yeah,” laughed Raja, amused, flipping her damp hair over her shoulder, “Yeah, I said that.”
“Mm,” acknowledged Manila, already a little flustered by how Raja had just openly admitted it, like it was that easy. Everything was so easy for her. “Are you mad at me for kissing Raven?”
“For like a minute last night, but uh, it seemed more like you were mad at me, actually.”
“Yeah, I was kind of upset-” said Manila, and hesitated. Talking openly like this was outside of her comfort zone and she felt too warm and too awkward and… she would rather all of this be a big joke, to laugh it off again and hide how she really felt behind the humour.
“I’m sorry I decided to make that joke about you missing your opportunity when I was trying to be all serious or whatever,” said Raja quickly, all in one breath, “That was really stupid. I really did mean everything I said, except for that part.”
Manila nodded, the hurt rolling back over her for a moment. The feeling of rejection had been awful. But maybe that was how Raja had felt the first couple of times Manila had rejected and mocked her for expressing interest.
“It’s okay,” said Manila, cracking a smile, “You are incredibly stupid after all.”
“But I’m still getting better grades than you,” replied Raja, raising her eyebrows and grinning.
Manila looked at her hands. Raja was next to her, but she felt simultaneously closer and farther than she’d ever been. They were steering out of familiar territory towards something Manila both hopelessly longed for and horribly feared.
“I didn’t do anything with Yara, by the way,” confessed Manila, the words spilling out of her mouth before she could stop them.
“What, really?” replied Raja, cocking her head to the side.
“Yeah I lied about that, she and Alexis love each other so much it’s gross,” said Manila, rolling her eyes. “I thought you’d been acting differently around me, so I… said that.”
“They do seem to love each other a lot,” confirmed Raja, nodding, a sneaky grin growing on her mouth, “You wanted to see if I got jealous?”
“I don’t believe in jealousy,” sniffed Raja imperiously, “Love should be free.”
“You’re such a fucking hippie,” said Manila, shaking her head, amused, “And you were jealous, you were stomping around like a six-year-old having a temper tantrum.”
“Fine, maybe a little,” acquiesced Raja, with a laugh. “You were really winding me up, though!”
Manila laughed as well, following the shift of energy between them into lighter territory. She twisted her fingers in the sheets on Raja’s bed for a moment, and sat up straighter, looking at Raja carefully. Raja’s green linen shirt draped elegantly over her tall, angular frame and it suited her nicely, despite the damp shoulders from her hair. A curl of interest announced itself in Manila’s core.
“So, uh,” said Manila, regretting her decision to wear sweats and wishing she’d at least tried to look nice. Raja’s expression was open, but her shoulders were a little stiff, almost nervous. Manila wanted to ease the tension, she wanted Raja to be comfortable around her again, and get rid of this stupid distance she’d built up between them.
Manila decided she was going to be brave, and asked, “Do you still wanna make out?”
Raja blinked in shock and then grinned and gave a happy little shrug, and said, “Yeah, totally.”
Before Manila could stop herself, before she could let herself think, she leaned in. Raja did the same, and shifted closer to her on the bed, pressing their legs together. Manila hesitated for a moment, the tension between them burning hot, more intense and awful than it had ever been, before Raja brushed her lips over Manila’s and they captured one another in a soft kiss. A high-voltage thrill shot down Manila’s spine, turning to instant, uncontrollable heat between her legs.
Raja’s confidence was contagious, and Manila kissed her back, tentatively parting her lips and tasting Raja with her tongue. Raja touched Manila’s waist, her other hand going to the back of her neck and tangling up in her hair. Manila’s body was taking over completely, the thrill drowning out her every doubt.
Raja was very pleased with how the morning had progressed so far, as Manila broke their kiss to push her down on the bed, a look of pure, unadulterated desire in her eyes.
“Oh, hello,” purred Raja as Manila straddled her, and Raja shifted a little so that she was at a better angle, her head propped up on her pillow. Manila lifted her hoodie up over her head, and the plain T-shirt undershirt underneath hiked up so that Raja caught a glimpse of her toned stomach before Manila threw the hoodie to the floor. Raja’s breath quickened, and she fumbled at the buttons of her shirt. She was so happy that this was finally happening, that Manila wasn’t angry with her and seemed quite interested in being more than just friends. There were so many fun directions this could go-
“Hi,” breathed Manila, leaning forward and quashing Raja’s efforts to get her shirt unbuttoned. Manila kissed her again, this time taking charge in a way that Raja found very sexy indeed. Raja caressed her waist through the thin fabric of her shirt. Manila stroked Raja’s still-damp hair, her hands exploring Raja’s scalp as they made out thoroughly. The smell of Manila’s lavender conditioner filled Raja’s nose.
Manila ducked her head, going for Raja’s neck. Raja sighed, gasping when Manila introduced her teeth to her skin. Oh, this was excellent, this was lovely. Manila was so much more than Raja had expected, and pleasant excitement filled her mind. Raja’s hands drifted from Manila’s waist down her back to grip her beautiful, muscular, college-logo-emblazoned ass.
Fuck yes.
Manila laughed quietly into her neck, pausing for a breath, and rolled her hips against Raja. Raja pushed her thigh up a little to give Manila something to grind on, if she wanted to. Even the hint that Manila was truly letting her guard down and trusting Raja like this was very exciting-
Manila breathed in sharply, her face still pressed into Raja’s neck, and rolled her hips again, and Raja felt Manila’s warm body through her thick cotton sweatpants. Raja took her opportunity and lifted her head slightly, kissing Manila’s neck in return, still gripping her ass and encouraging her to grind against her thigh.
“Raja-” breathed Manila as Raja kissed what must be a sweet spot. Raja couldn’t wait to learn all her sweet spots.
Manila sat back, pulling Raja with her so they were both sitting up, Manila still straddling her lap.
“Can I…?” murmured Manila, touching the buttons on Raja’s shirt.
“Yeah, for sure.”
Manila fumbled to undo Raja’s shirt buttons and Raja kissed her neck again. Now that they were sitting up, Raja touched Manila’s lower back and guided her to keep grinding on her thigh, since they were in an excellent position for her to do so. Manila bit back a little moan, visibly distracted from her task and it sent a tingle throughout Raja’s entire body. Manila was getting so hot and bothered already, and they were still practically fully clothed.
In fact, Manila’s hips were moving quicker now, rocking against Raja’s thigh, but she finished with the buttons and pushed Raja’s shirt back down to her elbows, then blinked with surprise.
Raja wasn’t one to wear a bra unless it was absolutely required of her.
“You can touch me,” whispered Raja, kissing Manila’s ear.
Manila did, gently palming Raja’s small breasts, and continuing to roll her hips. Now Raja could really feel the heat between Manila’s legs and let out a surprised half-moan herself as Manila caught her nipple between her fingers. Manila’s expression was hazy with lust, as she bit her lip and rutted down even harder, and Raja was almost surprised that Manila was so turned on by this minimal amount of contact.
“Is it okay if I-” said Raja, and touched the front edge of Manila’s sweatpants.
Manila nodded semi-frantically, and Raja went for it, reaching past her waistband to feel how gloriously warm and wet she was, even through her underwear. Manila moaned aloud, and ground down against Raja’s fingers and Raja, absolutely thrilled, slid her fingers inside her underwear.
Manila inhaled sharply at the skin-to-skin contact, rolling her hips hard and fast and clutching Raja to her. Raja decided to go for more, gently slipping two fingers past her folds and up into her soaking wet pussy-
“Oh my god, fuck-” managed Manila.
Manila’s back arched and her hip thrusts became erratic, quick, and she let out another barely suppressed moan, burying her face in Raja’s neck, panting hot breath against her skin, clenching around Raja’s fingers with a sudden gasp-
Suddenly Manila stopped moving, she pushed herself back. She flopped backwards off of Raja’s lap onto her ass and covered her mouth with her hand, eyes wide, her expression utterly surprised and embarrassed.
Raja realized what had happened.
“You are so into me,” stated Raja, unable to resist the urge to tease Manila for it, wiping her fingers unceremoniously on her sheets and laughing. “You came from just that? Really?”
“Don’t,” whined Manila, covering her face with both hands and curling up into a ball.
“We’ve barely been going for five minutes-”
“It’s just been a while for me,” complained Manila, her voice muffled behind her hands, “I’m sorry…”
Raja crawled over to her, taking her hands away from her face and kissing her.
“No need to apologize, you’ve got more where that came from, right?” asked Raja with a grin. The dull ache of Raja’s own arousal was still present between her legs.
“Great, hopefully this time I’ll get to actually take your clothes off.”
“Only if you ask nicely,” replied Manila dryly, sitting up. She looked slightly less embarrassed, pushing a few stray curls back out of her face.
Raja kissed Manila’s face again, unable to stop herself from smiling, smug. It seemed like Manila did actually like her, or was at least very, very attracted to her. Raja appreciated the vindication, and imagined the afternoon ahead. It looked like they’d be spending it here, making out and having sex, and taking a few breaks for food and weed, and that seemed most excellent.
“What do you want to do?” asked Manila. She reached out and hesitated, before running her fingers across Raja’s collarbone and then down her arm. Raja vaguely remembered her shirt, which was mostly off, open with the sleeves caught around her elbows. She took it off entirely. Raja was comfortable with her body and didn’t mind being naked, especially when it was making Manila so distracted.
“I want to…” began Raja, before shrugging, “Actually, I just want to roll a joint and share it with you, if you’re into that, and then eat you out for like forty-five minutes.”
Manila laughed and rolled her eyes, “Yeah, let’s get a little high, it won’t hurt.”
“It might even help you last longer…” teased Raja gently, not that she really cared. If Manila got off so quickly and easily, then Raja would gladly spend the entire day making her come over and over and over-
“Stop!” protested Manila, but she couldn’t help her smile.
Manila was so embarrassed that she’d pretty much finished immediately from the barest of contact like a desperate, touch-deprived lunatic, but luckily the feeling was fading. Raja didn’t seem to mind, despite her gentle teasing.
Manila had surprised herself more than anything. She was usually a bit… well, stiff maybe wasn’t the right word, but during hookups or sexual encounters she wanted to make sure she came off as sexy and fun, and that she did everything right. This was always particularly strong in her mind when she was with guys. But what was right was a vague and every-changing notion, a bit of a performance, kind of acting like girls did in porn except more chill, and trying to read what the other person liked and expected of her. It was difficult to relax. Certain walls always remained up.
But not today.
Today, Manila had completely melted the second her lips had touched Raja’s. Her body had taken over, unmitigated. Tasting Raja’s neck, grinding on her thigh, touching her skin and feeling her hard nipples, and Raja slipping her knowing fingers inside of her had made Manila feel so alive-
Maybe this was what it was supposed to feel like.
They had the entire afternoon ahead of them, so Manila lounged on Raja’s bed in her sweatpants while Raja got out a jar of weed and a grinder, confident and relaxed and wonderfully topless.
“Ugh, I left my rolling papers in the living room again,” sighed Raja, leaning over to give Manila a lingering kiss that sent a thrill right down her spine again, “I’ll be back.”
With that Raja got up and strolled across the room, opening her door-
“Don’t you need a shirt?” asked Manila.
Manila laughed as Raja left and padded down the stairs. Her voice drifted up from the living room.
“Hey Delta.”
“Hey. So it’s a tits out kind of day?”
“Yeah, have you seen my rolling papers?”
“Over there.”
“Thanks! Did you hook up with that guy last night?”
“Yeah, and he was surprisingly good in bed-”
Manila tuned out the conversation, remembering her nice bra and wondering if she should just take her clothes off now and maybe fix her hair and find some way to recline on the bed so she’d look hot when Raja came back up-
But then Manila realized Raja didn’t care about that, and that really, she didn’t either. Manila lay back down on her side, breathing in the smell of Raja’s pillow. It smelled just like her hair, and honestly, Manila would be totally happy just to exist right here in this moment and never leave it. The voice in the back of her head chimed in, you know you still haven’t told her how you really feel-
“-yeah, she’s up in my room, I think we’re figuring it out.”
“Oh thank god! You’ve been stressing about that for ages. So that’s why you don’t have a shirt on…”
“Yeah, we might get kinda loud, so… sorry in advance.”
There was a smug evil to Raja’s voice, and Manila couldn’t help but feel smug as well. She imagined what exactly she could do to make Raja get loud…
“I was planning to go to the library anyway, bitch, I’ll send the bat signal to Carmen.”
Manila smirked at Delta’s sarcasm.
“Love you too!” sang Raja in response, and then Manila heard Raja’s footsteps on the stairs again. Her heart beat faster in anticipation. She should probably tell Raja about her stupid feelings. Raja had confessed her own, and while it was all still a bit vague, things were changing between them. Hopefully for the better.
Raja reentered the room, and flopped down on the bed next to Manila. Manila sat up and watched as Raja put a few weed buds into her little grinder and ground them up. Then she balanced a rolling paper in her palm, and carefully tipped the weed into it. Raja’s tongue darted out and wet the paper before rolling it into a cylinder, and something stirred in Manila’s core while she watched. Raja still wasn’t wearing a shirt, and Manila couldn’t help her eyes lingering. Of course this too was easy for Raja, she didn’t seem self-conscious about her body at all. Manila was always a bit in awe of Raja’s effortless confidence.
The joint was ready before Manila knew it, because when it came to weed Raja was nothing if not efficient. The sun outside broke through the clouds and streamed in through the thin curtains on Raja’s window, hitting the side of her face, and she was so beautiful that Manila’s breath hitched with disbelief. Raja brought the fresh joint to her mouth, grabbed a lighter from her bedside table and lit up, breathing in deeply with a contented sigh.
Raja passed Manila the joint with a suggestive smile, and Manila took it, putting the filter between her lips and drawing in a deep breath, the gentle smoke seeping deep into her lungs.
“I-” said Manila, passing back the joint and coughing, “I should probably tell you something.”
“Mmm, what?” replied Raja, taking another hit and leaning in, nuzzling Manila’s neck.
“Uh,” continued Manila, now very distracted by the feeling of Raja’s luxurious lips on her warm skin, the slightly smoky air and the joint that was now in her hands again. Did she even want to tell Raja she’d been idiotically in love with her for like two years? Would it ruin everything?
Manila took another pull and blew the smoke out into the air, while Raja kissed her neck and snuck her hand into her shirt, tracing her waist with delicate fingertips.
“I’ve actually,” whispered Manila, noticing with interest the way Raja had pressed herself into her side, her nipples getting pointy again, “I’ve actually been into you for a while.”
“Really?” purred Raja, without stopping what she was doing. It felt really good. Manila passed her the joint and Raja took it, turning away from her neck only momentarily to inhale the sweet smoke.
“Yeah,” said Manila quietly, desperately wanting to make it all a joke, somehow, worried her confession would completely freak Raja out. But maybe it wouldn’t. “I’ve kind of had a crush on you like since we met.”
Raja pulled back from Manila’s neck. But instead of laughing at her, or looking awkward and pushing her away, Raja’s expression was open and curious.
“No way,” said Raja, cocking her head to the side, “Even that time I got those fireworks from my dealer, and we accidentally lit that tree on fire?”
“Yeah?” replied Manila, confused. “I mean, Delta was the only one with the wherewithal to call 911, but we survived.”
“Even that time I spilled coffee all over your good white shirt?”
“Yes,” said Manila, flatly, recalling the incident. The shirt had never recovered. And the burn had hurt.
“Okay, but what about when I was too high in the grocery store a few weeks ago-“
“All of the times, Raja!” exclaimed Manila impatiently, practically squirming with the discomfort of having confessed her feelings, “Every dumb thing you did, I still liked you. So I, I don’t know, maybe that makes me the stupid one.”
“Nah, you’re like the smartest person I know, other than me,” chuckled Raja affectionately, taking another drag on the joint and exhaling the smoke slowly, so that it drifted up around her face, ethereal, “I’m learning so many cool new things about you today.”
“Well,” sputtered Manila, defensive and insecure, “I don’t know if it’s cool-“
“It totally is,” continued Raja, utterly confident, “Why didn’t you say anything before?”
“Because, you know,” shrugged Manila, taking the offered joint and hoping it would calm her down a little, “You obviously prefer casual hookups or whatever, and I couldn’t really stand being just that to you- I just didn’t want to have to say it was totally fine and chill if you didn’t like me back-” Manila paused with horrendous panic, “I mean, you do feel the same way, right?”
“Yeah, I-” said Raja, her face suddenly shifting into to an expression that normally appeared when she was trying really hard to beat Manila at Super Smash Bros, “Wait, so you thought I’d think you were too intense or something?”
Manila passed her the joint and looked away, already knowing that she was too intense, that her feelings were nothing other than a humiliating mess and always would be. Well, she thought wistfully, it had been nice while it lasted…
“Manila,” sighed Raja, and Manila looked back at her and Raja was smiling, and blowing smoke into her face, “I can’t predict like the entire future, you know with the Mars colonies and stuff, but I really like you. Maybe you like me a little more than I realized, but that’s good because I thought you weren’t into me at all. So like, it’s cool. Let’s just see where it goes?”
Manila nodded, as her heart beat faster and she felt herself blush. She supposed she’d just have to trust Raja, and herself.
“But you really fucked up with Raven when you two were dating,” stated Manila, unable to stop her doubts from surfacing.
“Well… ” said Raja, hesitating, and then she sighed, “Yeah, I did. The whole relationship thing was her idea and I went along with it because, well, I wanted things to be easy… but I should’ve found a better way to end it.” Raja paused, and took Manila’s hand, weaving their fingers together and squeezing, “I feel super differently about you, and about this. We’re friends first, right, before anything else.”
“Okay, yeah,” murmured Manila, plucking the joint, which wasn’t much more than a tiny roach, from Raja’s fingers and inhaling deeply, burning it right down to the filter. It seemed like Raja was genuinely on the path to some kind of self-awareness.
Manila reached around Raja to stub the end of the joint out in the decorative glass ashtray, and then let the smoke out through her nose with a giggle. Raja laughed along, and Manila finally began to feel the relaxed buzz under her skin. Getting high was nice, no wonder Raja did it all the time… Manila leaned in and kissed her again. Raja kissed her back, her hands going immediately to her waist again, pushing up under her shirt to touch her skin. Manila stroked Raja’s hair, and delicately held the back of her neck. Raja was already topless, but Manila was getting very interested in taking Raja’s shorts off as well…
They just had to trust one another, figured Manila, and maybe everything would be turn out alright.
Raja was happy and relaxed now that she’d had some weed and they were making out again. Manila had seemed stressed when she’d admitted her years-long crush, and while Raja was certainly a little surprised, more than anything she was pleased that her instincts had been right. It was making the strange new feeling in her chest glow a little brighter. But maybe that was just the weed.
“I want to take your shirt off,” murmured Raja. She’d seen Manila out running in her sports bra enough times to be real curious about what was underneath…
“Yeah, go ahead,” said Manila, moving her hand from the back of Raja’s neck down to her chest, running her thumb over her nipple in a way that sent a jolt of interest directly between Raja’s legs. She tugged Manila’s shirt up, and Manila lifted her arms and was momentarily caught with her shirt under her chin and around her elbows and Raja laughed at her and eventually they got it off.
Damn. Manila looked good, cute and toned and was wearing a suspiciously nice bra…
“You knew this was going to happen today, didn’t you?” said Raja.
“I might have suspected something,” said Manila with a smirk, sitting back on her butt as she easily tugged her sweatpants off of her legs.
“You’re so sneaky.”
“It’s my tragic flaw.”
Now that Manila was just in her underwear, the animal part of Raja’s brain kicked in. In an instant, Raja wanted to kiss Manila’s entire body, fuck her thoroughly, cuddle all night, move in and have a baby together, raise a bunch of feral kids and dogs, run a full-scale weed grow-op out in the country somewhere and just chill in the glorious California sunset until the end of time. Hmm. Raja decided that odd little fantasy was definitely just the weed talking, and took off her shorts and throwing them over the side of the bed, revealing her plain blue cotton underwear.
Now, that they were both pleasantly stoned and significantly more naked, things were starting to get interesting. Raja scooted closer to Manila, and ran her hands up her legs, letting out a weird gremlin-like giggle.
“You so don’t get to accuse me of being the horny one anymore,” chuckled Manila, taking Raja’s face in her hands and kissing her.
Raja sat back and pulled Manila into her lap, taking her time to kiss her. They explored one another, gentle and stoned. Raja stroked her way up Manila’s smooth back, her fingertips extra sensitive, and felt the band of her bra, reaching to undo it.
“Wait, don’t,” said Manila, and Raja’s hands stilled. Was something wrong? But Manila hadn’t pulled back, in fact she was pressing little kisses on Raja’s face, and kissed the shell of her ear in a way that sent a shiver throughout Raja’s entire body.
Raja dropped her hands to Manila’s hips and had a brilliant idea.
“Turn around,” suggested Raja into Manila’s ear.
“Mm, why?” replied Manila, shifting to kiss Raja’s neck.
“Because it’ll be fun…"
Manila laughed at her reasoning, and turned around so that she was sitting in Raja’s lap with her back to her. Raja immediately hugged Manila close, pressing her naked chest into her back and taking the opportunity to nip at her neck, eliciting a little yelp.
Raja ran her hand up Manila’s stomach touch her chest through her bra. Manila ’s breath hitched in response, and Raja took that as a positive sign, and reached up to ease her bra-straps off her shoulders.
“I don’t want to take my bra off,” stated Manila and Raja stopped again, trying to hide her disappointment.
“Do you not like being touched there?” asked Raja, momentarily nervous that she’d overstepped an invisible boundary, as Manila twisted in her lap to make eye contact.
“No, I like it, but,” said Manila, and hesitated.
“But?” asked Raja, in what she hoped was a gentle way, planting a little kiss on Manila’s shoulder.
“I just don’t like people looking at my tits.”
“Why not?”
Manila hunched a little, looking uncomfortable, and said, “Uh, this girl in middle school used to tell me they were a weird shape and I’ve kind of never gotten over it.”
Raja glanced down at Manila’s chest. Her breasts were contained in what was a truly nice bra and Raja found nothing weird about her body whatsoever.
“Well, fuck that bitch, she can die,” said Raja, in full seriousness.
Manila burst into laughter, “What, you’re gonna murder some girl from my seventh-grade gym class?”
“Yeah, what’s her name?”
“She sounds basic, I’ll shove her into traffic.”
“That’s very sexy of you but I’m still not taking my bra off,” chuckled Manila, blinking slowly. Her eyes were a little bloodshot, but her body was relaxed with trust again, leaning back into Raja. Raja wrapped one arm around her waist and squeezed her close. As badly as Raja wanted Manila to be fully naked, she respected her wishes.
“I went to alternative school on what was basically a gay hippie commune,” murmured Raja, gently kissing the spot behind Manila’s ear, and tracing her fingers down her stomach, “There wasn’t really bullying. We all made flower crowns, ate quinoa, studied beekeeping and Buddhist philosophy, it ruled.”
“No wonder you’re so weird…” sighed Manila, with a little gasp as Raja ghosted her fingers over the sensitive skin just above the edge of her black underwear.
“Yeah, but you like me anyway,” purred Raja, now running her fingers over the distinctly damp fabric between Manila’s legs and then kissing her neck again. Manila shuddered and let out a whine, the sudden note in her voice that reminded Raja of how easily turned on she was. “And so do most bees.”
Raja shifted a little so Manila was more comfortable in her lap, and Manila spread her legs and Raja stroked the inside of her thigh, moving slowly closer to her centre. Manila didn’t seem to know what to do with her hands, and after a moment of confusion she rested them on Raja’s arm across her waist.
“You’re like really hot, you have nothing to be insecure about,” murmured Raja in her ear, resting her head on Manila’s shoulder and wondering how she felt about praise and dirty talk.
Manila whined and arched a bit, trying to press into Raja’s hand. Then she turned her head, catching Raja’s mouth with her own in a sudden, intense kiss. Raja kissed her in return, and Manila reached back, tracing the back of Raja’s head and stroking her hair with a loose, exploratory hand.
“You’re definitely the hot one,” chuckled Manila, “But I really need you to start touching me, like right now.”
“Ask nicely,” purred Raja.
“Hmm…” hummed Manila, drawing it out, and then, her voice breathy and demanding, whispered, “Please?”
Raja’s own breath caught hearing her beg, and she immediately slipped her fingers past the waistband of Manila’s underwear, finding her clit in no time and stroking her with slow circles. Knowing how very sensitive Manila was, Raja went about her task with utmost delicacy.
Manila’s hand grasped into a fist in Raja’s hair on the back of her head and she arched her back and moaned aloud. It seemed she was lot more expressive after the weed and the conversation about their feelings. It sent electricity directly into Raja’s core, and she squeezed Manila to her with her opposite arm around her waist. Raja couldn’t help but increase her pace, Manila’s reactions were so exciting.
Raja slipped her fingers down lower, stroking experimentally over Manila’s folds to feel her utterly soaking wet pussy. Yes.
“Do you like this?” asked Raja.
“Yeah,” breathed Manila, tilting her head back to rest on her shoulder.
Raja slipped her fingers inside of her once more and Manila tried to rock her hips for more friction but Raja held her in place and began to move her fingers, agonizingly gentle, teasing and testing for the right spot that would make Manila lose her mind.
Raja found it, and Manila bit back a broken moan, her body jerking forward a little as she grasped Raja’s arm around her waist, her fingers digging in. Raja kept going, rubbing against Manila’s clit with the base of her thumb and pressing her fingers inside her, hitting the spot that made her react, again.
Manila panted and gasped, arching her back, and Raja kissed her shoulder. There was a sheen of sweat on her cleavage from the warm, sunlit room that Raja really wanted to lick, but she wasn’t in the right position to do so. Oh well. This was also very good, Manila’s wetness was dripping all over her hand as she gasped and rutted down with her hips.
“I’m- I’m getting close,” gasped Manila, digging her nails into Raja’s arm.
Raja then decided to something utterly evil.
Raja stopped, and slid her fingers out of Manila entirely.
“Wha-” panted Manila with desperate frustration as was she left on the cruellest edge, “Why are you-”
“Lie down on your back,” said Raja, letting go of her Manila’s waist, a plan forming in her mind.
“You are the worst-” complained Manila, and she shakily got out of Raja’s lap and crawled forward, giving Raja an excellent view.
“Have I ever told you that you have a fantastic ass?” commented Raja, shifting up onto stiff knees and cracking her neck in anticipation of the task ahead of her.
Manila glanced over her shoulder with a pouty, false-innocent look that set something inside of Raja on fire, and then she flopped down on her back, propping herself up on her elbows.
Manila looked so beautiful laid out like that that Raja paused for a moment just to admire her, the sheen of sweat on her chest, her messy hair, her blown-out pupils and the look of intense arousal on her face.
“Are we going to be here all day?” challenged Manila, pouting.
“Wow, someone’s a little brat,” teased Raja, leaning down and kissing Manila’s stomach.
Raja quickly hooked her fingers in Manila’s underwear and pulled them down her thighs as Manila lifted her hips to help. Then Raja lay down on her stomach between Manila’s legs and ran a finger over her wet, sensitive pussy, amazed by how turned on she still was. Raja couldn’t help but be flattered by the physical effect she had on Manila.
“When it’s my turn I’m going to make you suffer,” said Manila, but her threat was very much undermined by the broken moan that left her as she arched her back and bit her lip as Raja stroked her again.
“Ooh, I can’t wait,” smirked Raja, heady and pleased.
Raja ghosted gentle kisses around her thighs and her lower belly, and then laughed as Manila practically growled at her. But she wouldn’t make Manila wait much longer, Raja ran her tongue experimentally over her folds, the taste and sensation firing constellation-like synapses in Raja’s mind. Manila let out another whimper as Raja swirled her tongue around her clit.
Mmm, pussy.
Raja went to town, spreading Manila’s legs a little wider and adjusting the angle of her neck to stay comfortable. She built it up, keeping the rhythm on her clit with her tongue as she pressed her fingers up into the lovely wetness once more.
“This feels so good,” sighed Manila, and Raja flicked her eyes up at her expression. Manila’s cheeks had flushed pink, and she reached her hand inside her bra to play with her nipple, her eyelids fluttering momentarily with pleasure. She looked absolutely excellent, far more relaxed than Raja had ever seen her before.
Raja continued, building up her rhythm as Manila began to gasp and moan and roll her hips against Raja’s face. It felt so good to please her friend like this, the ache of Raja’s own desire still warm and insistent between her legs.
Raja hooked her fingers, finding her g-spot once again, and flicking her tongue over Manila’s clit, hard and rapid while Manila clenched her thighs and arched her back even more and moaned, pressing herself up against Raja’s face until Raja had to hold her firmly against the bed with her opposite hand. Raja steadily increased the rhythm on her clit, and Manila got louder and louder, cursing over and over, and moaning Raja’s name until Raja felt her movements get erratic, and her internal muscles clenched and-
Sudden liquid dripped out onto Raja’s hand, as Raja brought Manila through an orgasm so good it could move tectonic plates. Manila moaned pathetically, her breath heavy, clutching desperately at the sheets as she let Raja take care of her.
Someone banged on the door.
“Oh my god, Raja, this is excessive even for you-”
“Go away Carmen!”
“Sorry, Carmen,” called Manila in an unsteady, breathy whimper of a voice.
“Wait, you’ve got Manila in there? Congratulations, bitches!”
Raja laughed, and sat up, wiping her face clean on her loose shirt before flopping down next to Manila and curling in to her side. Manila propped herself up on one elbow and swallowed dryly, shaking her head, her eyes glazed over in amazed disbelief. She looked like she’d been thoroughly fucked, thought Raja with keen affection, along with immense satisfaction on her own part.
“Ugh, that was really nice, that was so good,” repeated Manila, rolling onto her side to face Raja, and Raja practically glowed with the praise, “But how do Delta and Carmen both already know about this?”
“I’m not great with secrets,” shrugged Raja, nuzzling Manila’s neck and cuddling up against her.
Manila didn’t respond, instead she cuddled back into Raja with a happy little sigh, shutting her eyes. There was nothing in Raja’s gently stoned brain but post-sex satisfaction. After a few minutes Raja sat up, tracing her finger down Manila’s body from her shoulder to her chest, then down the dip of her waist and up and rise of her hip.
“You’re a bit of a pillow princess,” teased Raja, with a smirk, “I’m not sure what I expected, but you’re such a bratty little bottom-”
“No I’m not!” protested Manila in offence, sitting up.
“Yeah, you are,” taunted Raja, with a what-can-you-do shrug.
“Bitch, I’m about to destroy you,” said Manila, stretching her arms over her head and cracking the knuckles in fingers intimidatingly. She gave Raja an evil smile that was only slightly off-set by her blissed-out expression.
Raja gulped, now regretting her choice to tease her friend. She knew Manila was competitive, but what beast had she awakened?
“Now show me where you keep your vibrators and get on your back,” ordered Manila, with a deliciously authoritative grin.
Raja’s heart leapt and the warmth between her legs, which had much been waiting for this moment all day, flared back to violent, excited life. She told Manila where the sex toys were and rolled onto her her back, pulling off her underwear and tossing them aside, so glad to be fully naked. Raja couldn’t wait to see what Manila could do.
Manila selected a small purple vibrator from Raja’s extensive collection in the plastic bin under her bed, and sat back up. Raja lay out before her, stretching like a happy cat, a pleased expression on her face under her half-lidded, bloodshot eyes. Her body was beautiful, long and lithe with subtle curves. Manila couldn’t help but feel honoured that Raja was showing herself to her like this. A few days ago she’d have never thought this would happen in like, real life, outside of her fantasies.
The earth-shattering orgasm from a few minutes ago had been, uh. Phew. Manila’s body responded strongly to Raja’s presence, and she felt tired and a little faded. But the opportunity to please Raja in return was one Manila couldn’t pass up.
Plus, she kind of liked the whole bossy thing that Raja was bringing out in her.
Manila crawled on top of Raja and gently kissed her neck, holding herself barely an inch above her so that their bodies weren’t quite touching. All those abdominal workouts at the gym were proving handy. Raja’s neck tasted amazing, and she made a sound that was somewhere between a moan and a purr that Manila really really liked. Raja caressed her waist, and arched her back, pressing herself up into Manila, their skin practically tingling where it met.
“You’re so beautiful,” sighed Raja. “I’m like so lucky,”
Manila smiled to herself and then sucked down hard on the corner of Raja’s neck where it met her shoulder. Raja let out an undignified squeak and Manila bit her just a little, knowing she’d have a reddish purple hickie bloom on Raja’s light brown skin later, and Raja moaned and arched into her further, wrapping her arms around Manila’s back and holding her close.
Manila tried to make some more space between their bodies, but Raja wasn’t really letting her. But Manila managed to sneak her hand between their bodies, flicking on the vibrator, and slid it between Raja’s legs, which she spread eagerly for her with a happy sigh. Raja was incredibly uninhibited, and that only encouraged Manila, making her bolder. It was so freeing to be intimate with someone like this and not worry about judgement. Or maybe that was just the weed talking.
But Raja was moving against her, rubbing herself up against the vibrator pressed between them, tangling her hand in Manila’s hair as she kissed her neck. Manila couldn’t help but fantasize about what else they might do as she held the buzzing device against Raja, drawing her pleasure out, from lazily fucking all afternoon to maybe a few more hardcore things… hopefully involving strap-ons, she was fairly sure she’d seen something like that in Raja’s box of sex toys.
Manila shifted the vibrator to a slightly different angle and Raja whimpered into her ear. Manila moved it gently against her, and reached between them again with her opposite hand to toy with her nipple.
Raja seemed to really enjoy that, because she arched her back and moaned something incoherent, rutting against the vibrator. Manila shifted down so she could lick and suck on Raja’s opposite nipple, pinching the other one as Raja let out an exhilarated yelp, and clutched Manila close, pressing her fingers into her back and rolling her hips. Raja’s body lithe arched and her breath was heavy, and then she slowed her hips, with a final little twitch.
“Did that feel good?” asked Manila, as she stood back up on her hands and knees and clicked the vibrator off, tossing it aside. She couldn’t help but ask, she wanted the approval.
“Mmm, yes,” replied Raja, sitting up and kissing her lazily. “But I’m not done, I want more of you…”
Manila smiled, almost blushing at Raja’s raw, simple statement of desire. But then Manila had an idea, and she turned on her back, lying next to Raja, who cuddled into her instinctively. It was so cute that Raja was physically affectionate, both platonic and romantic in equal measure, just like the way she’d been with her since they’d started being friends, but now with a different energy.
“Get up and sit on my face,” ordered Manila.
Raja blinked at her, and then grinned and got up with a slight grunt, straddling Manila’s chest with her long, beautiful legs bent at the knee.
“Have you ever done this before?” asked Raja, looking down at her, her long dark hair framing her face.
Manila narrowed her eyes, trying to keep her gaze on Raja’s face and not just stare at her pussy, which was really very much in her line of vision. Instead she ran her hands up Raja’s thighs and gripped her hips, pulling her closer.
“A lady never tells.”
“Oh, so you’re a lady now?” chuckled Raja, brushing Manila’s hair back so that she didn’t kneel on it as she shuffled forward, holding herself just above Manila.
“I’ve done it a couple times, it’s not that hard, come on,” whined Manila, vaguely realizing that her vow to tease Raja and make her suffer wasn’t going very well at this rate. Somehow she’d ended up being the one begging, again. In the future, when Manila had gotten used to this and was a little more, uh, composed around Raja, Raja would be the one begging. Definitely. For sure.
But Manila had a lot more important things to focus on, as Raja carefully lowered herself onto her face and Manila tilted her head back slightly, and held Raja’s hips. For once Manila didn’t doubt herself, they were figuring all of this out after all, emotionally and physically, and had plenty of time to do so.
If Raja was the kind of person who felt embarrassment about sexual situations, she might’ve felt a little embarrassed sitting on Manila’s face right now, or even embarrassed by how badly Manila seemed to want her. Luckily, Raja didn’t really feel embarrassed about sex, especially when she had a little weed in her. So, she very carefully held herself in place, sitting down but not putting the entirety of her weight on Manila’s face. She really didn’t want to break her friend’s neck, and/or accidentally suffocate her, that would not be a fun way to end the afternoon.
Manila lapped gently at her folds, quickly locating her clit and swirling her soft, velvety tongue around it. Raja exhaled through her nose, pleasure mixing with the hazy sensation in her mind, her aroused body quickly shifting back into gear. Mmm, Manila was so soft…
Okay, maybe she was a little more than soft, because she holding Raja’s hips very decisively, and encouraging her to rock against her. While Raja definitely didn’t want to hurt her or put on too much pressure the temptation to move was really strong. So Raja did, just a little.
Vaguely aware that she her own bodily juices were dripping all over Manila’s face and chin, Raja leaned forward slightly try to get a grip on the wall, her palms flat out.
“Is this- are you okay?” asked Raja, the shake in her voice giving her away as a a ripple of pleasure went through her body.
Manila nodded, confidently wrapping her arm around Raja’s thigh and pressing her in even closer.
“Mmh-” managed Raja, grinding slowly against Manila’s nose and mouth as Manila flicked her tongue against the delicate, tender skin around the entrance of her pussy, before pushing her tongue up inside her.
The wall wasn’t giving Raja much support, her sweaty palms were slipping and she didn’t know what to do with her hands. But this felt so good, the precarious feeling like she was unravelling. Manila’s lidded gaze flicked up to meet hers, and Raja was sure her face must have been ridiculous, her mouth open, panting and desperate with pleasure. Manila’s gaze was mischievous. Damn it.
A moan escaped Raja, and she wondered if it was the weed that was making her hyperaware of her hands right now, as Manila slipped her tongue in and out of her, building her up, and Raja ground herself on Manila’s face, hoping she wasn’t hurting her, babbling, “This feels so good, I- oh my god, fuck, Manila-“
This only seemed to invigorate Manila further, as she sucked on her clit in a way that made Raja’s eyes roll back in her head, as she felt the slick of sweat on her back. Raja slumped forward, and her hands managed to find the low board running across the head of her bed, which she’d forgotten about until this moment. Raja gripped it with one hand to make sure she wasn’t putting all her weight on Manila, and looked down again.
Manila’s beautiful hair was all shoved up behind her head to keep it safe from Raja’s knees. Raja tangled her hand in the beautiful black curls, the texture practically alive under her extra-sensitive fingertips. Manila somehow managed to nod that that was okay, and it electrified Raja even further and the entire world could have been burning and Raja wouldn’t have noticed, gasping as the pleasure wound higher and higher and her entire body tensed and unravelled.
After a several long moments of white-hot pleasure and astral-projection into outer space, Raja blinked and shuffled off of Manila, shivering from the aftershocks. Manila blinked, and turned her head to the side, cracking her neck. She wiped her mouth with the back of her hand, attempting to clean up the combination of Raja’s slick juices and her own saliva that was all over half of her face.
“Is your neck okay?” said Raja, her voice weak as she slid down next to Manila to cuddle. “Also, you might need a towel.”
“Yeah, my neck is fine,” replied Manila smugly. “Did I destroy you?”
“Yeah, you really did,” sighed Raja, pressing her face into Manila’s neck and breathing in, “I knew this was going to be awesome.”
Manila laughed quietly and kissed her cheek.
“I think we should have a nap,” whispered Raja, hazy relaxation taking over her limbs, “Then a snack, and some more weed, and then we can make out again later. Do you want to stay?”
“I have that research assignment I should be working on…” replied Manila, but she didn’t make any effort to get up, instead she reached over to the other side of the bed and grabbed the end of Raja’s blanket, pulling it around them both and snuggling in, “…but a nap sounds nice too.”
Raja couldn’t help but smile, slipping her arm around Manila’s waist and holding her close as she relaxed into a a gentle doze.
They’d finally stopped joking and dancing around each other, and it felt really, really good.
“I’m like so happy you rescued me from the grocery store that time a few weeks ago,” sighed Raja, reflecting on how it had all began, and passing her joint to Manila, who was tangled up in her lap on the living room couch.
After the excellent sex-filled afternoon a week ago, and several more conversations about feelings and boundaries, Raja and Manila had arrived at an arrangement of casual dating. They’d both just handed in major assignments and as such, were taking a break from the endless deluge of schoolwork to chill out. The relationship so far was great, relaxed and low-pressure enough for Raja to feel comfortable, but intentional and committed enough to suit Manila’s needs. Raja hadn’t felt this way about anybody else before, and was still working out what it meant, if anything. But more importantly, they were being honest with each other, and that was very sexy, and things felt really fucking good.
“Ha,” chuckled Manila, inhaling and blowing smoke back into Raja’s face, “Anytime, Raja. You’re a ridiculous human.”
“No, you are,” said Raja affectionately, kissing her ear and then moving a little lower to gently nuzzle her neck.
“They’re disgusting,” stated Delta from their left side, with a smile at the edge of her mouth as she played Super Smash Bros with Carmen, “I knew this would happen.”
“Yeah Raja, you’re so embarrassing,” laughed Carmen from their right side, leaning forward with the controller, and competing with Delta on the screen. Manila laughed along with her, and poked Raja’s side, teasing her.
“Aren’t you gonna fight her for my honour or something?” whined Raja to Manila in complaint.
“Nope,” chuckled Manila, kissing her cheek.
“You’re right, they’re terrible,” complained Carmen to Delta, but she accepted the joint that Manila passed to her anyway, with a smile.
Something interesting stirred in Raja’s stomach at Manila’s casual threat and she cuddled her a little closer, already excited to head up to her room later.
“We should make some ground rules,” stated Delta, jabbing at the controller, “No sex on the couch, for example.”
“Yeah, we already broke that one,” said Raja, with an evil grin.
“Oh my god, the couch is communal!”
“Wait, this couch?” demanded Carmen, mildly disgusted, glancing down at the cushions she was sitting on.
“Do we have another one?”
“Okay, let go of me,” said Manila, gently removing Raja’s hand from around her waist and leaning forward, reaching for a controller. “I’m gonna join the melee.”
Delta and Carmen finished up their round as Manila got set up, and Raja reached past Carmen’s back to the side of the couch for some chips. Mmm, salt. Raja didn’t particularly feel like playing video games today, she just wanted to keep smoking and relax, but she didn’t mind if her friends did so around her. She shuffled so that she was sitting with her legs open with Manila between them, leaning forward. Manila’s body language was focused, and her thumbs moved rapidly over the joystick and the letter buttons, her grip was confident on the plastic controller.
Without needing to ask, Raja gently took Manila’s hair out of it’s ponytail, and carded her hands through it. Manila gossiped back and forth with Carmen and Delta, letting Raja gently weave little braids into her hair while they fought and trounced one another on the screen.
An easy, affectionate feeling came over Raja, one that was both familiar and new, glowing in her chest. Raja wondered vaguely if it was just the weed talking, again.
No, Raja realized as she heard Manila laugh and smiled to herself, this feeling had nothing to do with weed.
It was love.
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daydreaming-jessi · 4 years
fave headcanon for each character??
YE!!! I have a good few for each different version of Beetlejuice, haha, but I’ll just go crazy about the musical for now. I’m about to go crazy I’m so sorry
So I actually really love this idea that Charles used to be a theatre kid. He just has big theatre kid energy, you know? So dramatic, such a baratone voice. But he took up the more lucrative real estate job when he and Emily got married because he wanted to be have stable income for his new family. He loved to play pretend with Lydia when she was little, really let his inner actor out in their games. There are a few home videos Emily took of them that he’d rather no one else saw, huehue
I like to think Barbara grew up on a farm, doing hard work and getting real strong and all of her hobbies involve getting hands on with stuff still, like pottery and gardening. (You can’t take the farm out of the farm girl) she’s super buff and can carry just about anyone, which surprises a lot of people. She also knows a lot about taking care of plants and animals from it.
I think Adam didn’t grow up with a dad. He didn’t even know who his dad was. It was just him and his mom his whole life and he grew up insecure about it. He doesn’t like to talk about it, all the kids he knew growing up would make fun of him for it. It’s also part of why he’s so scared of being a dad himself. But helping raise Lydia quenches that fear real fast.
Delia used to be grunge and knows how to play bass. Somewhere she has a hidden album of photos from the time she joined a grunge band as backup vocals as well as bass, and she doesn’t want anyone to see because she’s been made to feel embarrassed of it by her old ex-friends. One day Lydia found the photos and begged Delia to teach her how to play. This was also the time Delia realized she was pansexual when she developed a crush on the female drummer.
Lydia now has a fear of the people she loves getting sick. (Same with Charles actually haha) Watching her mom get so sick left Lydia reeling and she never wants to see someone she loves get that way ever again. If Charles, or Delia, or heck even Beej ever get ill, she gets uncharacteristically worried, and watches them like a hawk and makes sure they don’t push themselves. She is also little lesbian, but wonders occasionally if she might be aromantic.
Beej is never in danger of getting eaten by sandworms. One of the few perks of his status as a born dead is that he smells different to sandworms, so they don’t see him as prey like they do ghosts. Because of that he actually is able to hang out with them a lot and is pretty fond of the beasties. Sandy is the first Sandworm he’s ever ridden though, and he likes her a lot, she’s the nicest Sandworm he’s ever met.
Big Sandy acts like a protective mama Sandworm but she is not actually a mom. She does have a bunch of nieces and nephews that she adores, one especially feisty niece called Lil Sally who is smol for a Sandworm but super ready to kick ass and eat ghosts ;3 But Sandy doesn’t have any biological kids. She has however adopted Beej and the Maitlands and the Deetz
Skye the Girl Scout has the biggest puppy crush on Lydia. Lydia takes Skye as her apprentice, like Beej took Lydia as his, and she and Skye can raise absolute hell should they ever decide to. Lydia knows Skye has a crush on her, and it’s cute, but Lydia sees the Girl Scout as a little sister. She’ll definitely chaperone any date Skye has though, the queers gotta stick together, you know?
Miss Argentina and Toaster Lady are wives, and you can’t change my mind. Ever.
Otho disappeared during the events of the musical, and no one knows what happened to him. Did he actually die?? Did he just get sent somewhere else and he hasn’t contacted them again? Beetlejuice never says what the truth is, and at this point, people are too scared to ask.
Maxie Dean fired Charles after the disaster dinner. He died of unknown circumstances a few months later. Maxine Dean mysteriously disappeared before police could question her about it.
I’ll stop here but y’all can keep asking me shit haha. Hell send in your own headcanons! I’d love to hear it 🖤
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victorusolano · 3 years
FYD Series
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by Victor Ubanos Solano 
The old lady said that the pup was born in the province of Cavite from an unidentified breed of canines. Although it looked like a Labrador or a half-breed Saint Bernard or if mistakenly recognized from refined breeds of dogs, it was just a dog of some ordinary sort or I do not know. She said, “My friend had to put the pup inside a rugged sack so we can travel the way from south to north.” It was Friday morning when I met them at the tail coach of the PUV going to Antipolo. “They're not letting us to onboard because they do not allow pets inside” The Madame exclaimed. She was talking to me like a newly found friend. But only with a calm smile, I rewarded her back from her exasperation. 
The other commuters reverted in silence while we were all comfortably tucked into our seats. “So, I gave its brother to the kind and gentle bus driver then he let us in.” She said while still a bit annoyed. Again, another moment of delay before she spoke another word. “Don’t tell them!” She shrugged with a hush. The car moved on, the furry creature sneaked out from the sack bag where he was kept out of sight and raised his little paws to my feet. “Cute creature,” I said and put him on my lap. “You want? You can adopt him too!” Calmly she said. The little beast gave me a gaze of glassy eyes as if telling me, Please! He bowed his head and folded his feet, pushed his body closer to my arms; I looked at him and told myself, a furry friend – and I named him Maximus.
The truth is, I never had a pet that I raised on my own. The feeding and caring for a pet to live was never handed to me directly as an opportunity. My attempts from the past were some experience of a disaster, I can name a few: Boomer was the first, she was a family dog and died while giving birth to Dugan which I named after an anime series Cedie in the ninety’s. Unfortunately, Dugan died a miserable death due to an unknown disease. The last was Chuchay. I would say Chuchay is a lesbian bitch but that was only my guess and died a virgin dog. There was one animal that lived a long life and expired old, It was a rooster. Needless to say, the reasons for these animals being gone, the sad and happy moments had been revered and marked happy memories. 
Now as for Maximus, the first nourishment I gave was all dog milk that I bought from the pet shop the next morning. I can say that he liked it and enjoyed it till the last drop of the serving. The routine began like that, milk in the morning and afternoon.
One day, there was an inevitable change in my work schedule. I left Maximus wandering outside around a fenced structure. I decided to let Maximus claim the outside surroundings. A territory, my strong belief was that; going out of the fence is far from his ability. 
I went home early the next day. I expected that Maximus would be so excited to see me wagging its tail in joy. But no shadow of Max at the entrance, I wondered and tried to look for him. I called him Max for a nickname. “Where is that rascal?” Sweat on my brow dropped. I've looked at all corners of the surroundings and I am sure he cannot be inside the house. It would be impossible, I locked all the doors and checked them twice before I went to work last night. The only recollection I had was; I left Max at the gate; Max watched me leaving, and wagged his tail like sending me the message, Goodbye. It could be a snake swallowing him whole for dinner? That was my suspicion. In fear of that indescribable scene, which I considered could be possibly true, I grabbed a metal rod which I used to push coals in the hearth and poked it under the hearth stand, but only pots and old ceramics clanged under and no Maximus or a snake moved to be visible.
There, I turned my survey to the other part of the premises, to a meter square of foliage near the dead mango tree, I grubbed the metal rod to the soil and the newly grown shrubs, but there was no reptile of some sort to be recognized. If Maximus is not inside the house. And a dog can't break the fences. That Maximus may have been stolen? Yes and no! What would be so interesting for a small dog? Maximus is not even an expensive breed, so what to steal it for? I went on curiously.
I went outside and looked. Maybe a charitable neighbor allowed him a free sleepover. “Nanay Auring! Have you seen my dog?” I yelled out from the gate. She opened the door and stepped out onto the porch wearing a billowy duster dyed in Okir patterns, and said “No! I didn’t even know that you have one!” I resigned my curiosity and walked a little more and searched. Disappointed I was, with no Maximus found. I began to lose yearning. I felt tired and it has been an exhausting day – my mind whirled of many thoughts. If Max happened to know where to go back, I'd make sure he could not escape anymore, or if someone brings my dog home, I would be grateful to thank the good samaritan then. I retired to look for that dog; I have gone for the next street and the next street further. And to the tall rusty arch gate of the village, now I can see the highway from a distance. I imagined a scene, a plausible one, did Max walk this far last night? tried to follow me, and was hit by ten-wheelers careless of their speed. I prayed without words “May good heaven forbid.” While trudging, I decided to go back and will continue my search tomorrow. I have agreed to myself to take my usual drill at home, boil water for coffee, take a bath, continue reading the pages of the novel I left last night, take note of ideas and write more chapters to a story I have been developing for the past two months, then go to sleep.
I entered the gate of my house and pushed the door open. Alas! Almost all things inside were scattered. Shoes were randomly thrown everywhere, and the tattered fleece of the sofa and paper bills were torn in pieces. I looked at all these things and quickly I thought they were not made by a human. “Maximus!” I yelled out with all the energy. Max came out from my room, little pink tongue out as if smiling, wagging the small tail, and with all speed, I ran to my room and found a disaster. All pillow covers raged in an inordinate piece, my room slippers are all twisted. Max barked a screeching note trying to divert my attention. “Little rascal! How did you get in?” but in no time before I finished what I just said, a book fell from the shelf inside my room near the window. “Aha!” Little did I know that there was a stack of old things outside of my room window. Max managed to climb and entered through a missing jalousie blind near the beam. He quickly felt from my sharp stare that Max committed something wrong. Maximus curved his hind half, bowed his head, and tried to kiss my feet. “Little beast! I thought I lost you.” A sudden surge of feeling not to punish him is a remarkable thing I felt, I pity and realized Maximus was just a pup.
A few months passed, the acquaintance with him went on with ease, Max and I shared my favorite nook in the house, He and I went out together. Max, I can say, is almost a member of the dance club organized by the village sports enthusiasts. All afternoon we went there and he waited patiently till I was all perspiring for the afternoon workout and then he slipped out and explored all nearby places. There were other gangs of dogs, high breed dogs, toy dogs, and all sorts of unidentified colors. Maximus, a snobbish dog I observed, had been in too many dog fights before he could learn to go places he liked. 
After my workout at the village sports center, I usually attend some readings and writings before going to bed. Maximus never missed an opportunity to read what I type on the computer. He sat beside the writing table and climbed on a little space left on the bench. “Hey, is that beautiful?” Max's responses are few, he would just look at me, a big mouth of a yawn, and look away. Max didn't know any tricks that time so I taught him the basics; shake the hand, sit in place, roll over and poop training, the only difficult one was to play dead. Surprisingly, he exhibited that skill by ignoring my presence when I am deeply immersed in reading or writing. 
In the totality of his existence, Maximus was very happy and satisfied with all that comprises a dog life, nearly those eight months of being my chum, I could not say that Maximus was of a selfish temperament. But Maximus hated to be acquainted with other dogs. At some point I tried to understand that animal behavior is multifaceted. In the case of Maximus, it was curious that he had skipped some of the processes. Maximus would walk away when being ignored or would stay in his cabin for a couple of days and almost a week or many days. He sulks and this is what he meant by his isolation or maybe I was wrong. After all, I don’t know all the details of the dog's affair.
Two years have passed. I can say Max is now a fully grown-up dog, so many physical changes have happened. I am correct to assume that he is a big dog with big paws and short folded ears. But one afternoon Maximus ran away. I went on my search and imagined that he wandered all over the residential area and went to town in search of food or shelter, or maybe he went to the market and tried his luck there; why would a dog just leave like that? Max’s life inside the house was all working fine, with all this theorizing, I almost forgot that maybe I am overthinking, but since he cannot talk, it makes sense that all was and in between were only mere suggestions of his gestures, or perhaps Max is just a dog.
I went home and surrendered my search mission, which made me very tired. I laid down in a daybed, and my thoughts were quickly drawn in a pensive. There, I saw Max stopped in a shop and was thrown a piece of meat from passersby eating street food. He enjoyed it very much, and some of the bystanders threw leftovers, and eventually, more came. He enjoyed a banquet, feasting on what was left. The romanticized life there, however, only lasted for a moment. And with another twinkling, the image changed and dissolved into darkness. Another scenic place looked like a highway road except that no vehicles were passing by. There on the sidewalk, I saw Max walking slowly past a pile of food scraps but he just ignored the presence of it. I reckoned his solitaire swiftly in my mind, he fasted his cravings and preferred to go without food, I thought there he longed for my company. “Maximus!” I called him loudly and beckoned him to come over but sadly he swept aside his master's order and ran away so fast. I tried to follow him but the scene warped so quickly and transcended to another beyond.  
One afternoon after many days passed. My neighbor Nanay Auring brought kalamay for a snack, I received it with warm thanks, and after her funny gossiping performance act, she left. I dashed to my small kitchen and made myself a cup of coffee. I went onto my writing table and dedicated myself to scrawl pictures in my mind. That moment of my solitude I have forgotten Max for a little while. I went on to write as much as I could, and when almost half of the page was done, I heard scratching knocks at the door. I unbolted the metal lock and opened it. “You giant scamp! Where have you been all these days?” He curved his legs, tucked in his tail, and stood before me with a bowed head. I bent over to hug him, and he pressed his cold nose onto my neck, and I patted his fur. I pulled him inside and cleaned him up. I gave him his usual favorite dog food, and not too long he consumed the last dab from the feeder bowl. He climbed up and sat beside me. He looked at the screen of my computer. I swallowed the rest of the coffee with a gulp. I looked at him and asked, “What title do you think is pretty for this piece?” He barked loudly as he approved when I typed the name Maximus.
This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, events and incidents are the products of the author's imagination. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely coincidental.
Copyright Statement : This work is the intellectual property of the author. Permission is granted for this material to be shared for non-commercial, educational purposes, provided that this copyright statement appears on the reproduced material. To disseminate otherwise or to republish requires written from the author.
*Auring: a coined nickname of Aurea, Aurora or Aurelia. *Kalamay: a variety of rice cakes in the Philippines. *Nanay: (n) mother / a female parent. *Okir: a design or pattern often rendered or curved in hardwood, brass, silver and wall painting in curvilinear lines and Arabic geometric figures. *PUV:  (abbr) public utility van / vehicle.
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ziracona · 4 years
Hi! I just realised I havn't popped in in awhile. Do you have any headcanons u feel like sharing about the newer survivors?? (I love them all, they're so cool but I think imma have to say cheryl is my bby gurl. she's tired. let her rest.) also. i am. going insane. from a toothache :) - Sleepy
Hey! Hope your tooth pain clears up! I’m so sorry—that’s one of the worst. : /
Hmmm, I do, but I’m trying to think of ones I haven’t said in asks before. 😬 Unfortunately my memory of fictional characters is great, and my memory of what I said in asks is shitty. :’-]
I don’t know the newer survivors—except Nancy and Steve—as well as I do the older ones, because I’ve never written them, and I haven’t played Silent Hill. I like Zarina, Yui, and Cheryl a lot though. Poor fkn Cheryl can join Quentin in the “Please God, just one good day?” Existence. Rip to them both. 😭
Poor kid gets out of hell once, and ya throw her back in. :’-]
Let’s see—headcanon I am fairly sure I haven’t already shared. I think Yui and Min would get along really well, and Jane and Zarina would too.
Yui hates the serial killers especially, from her own personal experience, and goes to bat hard against them every time.
Ash flirts with everyone to a point it’s even more than Ace does, and for a while it becomes a competition between them to see who can flirt more and better than the other (not in a shitty way—everybody knows they have the competition going on and it’s more a ‘I can act better than you’ than a ‘I can win more hearts’ one.) Ace is declared the winner in class, Ash the winner in sheer quantity he’s able to churn out, and they agree to call it a semi-draw. It’s actually a really fun week for everyone, because they’re all constantly being complemented and flirted with in a way they know is performative and seeks 0 real actions from them in return, so essentially they are just showererd with ‘drunk girl in a bar bathroom’ levels of praise for seven days.
Felix and Nancy are the only two with significant others waiting back home, and they bond over talking about their wife/boyfriend and sharing stories and having someone around who understands that specific brand of pain and can encourage them that they’ll make it back home.
Tapp is a dad, so he gives Felix a lot of advice on stuff since he was an expecting father. Not so much “do this” advice, since his relationship with his family didn’t go so well, and he feels like he’s in absolutely no position to teach—more like “It’s okay. Women have been giving birth for thousands of years. She’s gonna make it just fine even if you’re not home yet, and you’ll get back to them. And I’m gonna teach you some of the tricks so you’ll be ready when you do. You can even surprise her by already knowing how to change a diaper and warm a formula bottle. I’ll show you how to do it,” and talking him through some of the stuff he would have been able to learn from infant care books. It’s sweet, but Tapp almost dies when Jane says its “Very heartwarming” and teases him, so they cut him some slack. Felix is really appreciative. Laurie has taken care of a ton of kids, and gives him some advice too, and so does Nancy, who had two younger siblings.
Steve is a disaster who suffers from “I like you and you are a girl, so *pigeon meme* Is this falling in love?” syndrome. Gets shot down hard by Laurie, who is ridiculously pissed at him for bringing it up during a trial when their lives are on the line, but after he gets over being super awkward around her, and she reaches out to be like, ‘Look, dumbass, why did you even like me?’ And he’s like ‘...because you’re, uh, really cool? A-and pretty? And...’ and eventually she’s like ‘Buddy, you don’t even really know me. You’re just lonely. You’re not in love with me, you just want to be, because you want to be in love with somebody, and that’s not gonna cut it, for me, or anyone. Be in love with a person—not with the concept of being in love. And for that to happen, you have to know them first.” And since Steve is good af self-improvement, he realizes she’s got a real point, and tries to find his worth outside of needing a girlfriend, and becomes both a lot happier, and one of Laurie’s closer friends. (Side note—this extends probably only to my initial Steve ideas. I had the idea batted around that in that universe, Stranger Things /is/ an existing show, but it’s based on a mix of urban legend and history from the 80s, and Nancy and Steve are the version from the actual 80s, and I think in that pitch Steve is dating Barb, who is still alive, and already worked through this specific issue, because many things happened differently for wild comedic ‘But in the show’ effect, becuase both them repeatedly going “WELL REALITY WAS A LITTLE DIFFERENT” when like, monster hunting shit from the show won’t work on the Demogorgan, and *Spit take* “THEY HAD ME HIT ON ROBIN?” “Ewwww” “YEAH ewww! She’s basically my lesbian little sister! We’ve been best friends since grade school! What the fuck :’-]” make for amazing joke potential. )
Cheryl starts having nightmares where she sees things from the Entity’s eyes she was never meant to see, and finding out dangerous amounts of information this way. The Entity decides at some point this is too big a threat, but because it’s proud, it doesn’t want to just kill her, as that would be admitting a human is a threat, so it starts having killers gun for her mercilessly to try to get her to give up, and the poor girl is in agony.
Zarina documents stuff form the realm constantly, and has a careful scrapbook collection of all notes and paraphernalia from past survivors. She also keeps conspiracy pages tacked together trying to figure out who they were becuase they deserve at least the justice of people somehow knowing how they died and what they went through. Laurie is a big help with this, and so is Claudette, who has been keeping stuff for a long time.
Yui is very no-nonsense, and protective. She gives off strong big sister vibes. She especially also loves board games/puzzles/other games like Shogi or Go and such, and Dwight and Adam create game pieces for her to play Go with when she mentions how much she used to like that kind of thing, and Yui is incredibly touched, and makes several other ones for people to play with too, and it becomes a very enjoyed pastime between trials. It’s engaging and competitive, but much more relaxed and low energy than sports or training or going for a run, so it’s a great alternative. Meg gets super into making puzzles, and all the artists do too, and take turns painting pictures on boards, cutting them into puzzle pieces with extreme painstakingly slow care, and then doing puzzles together. Jake is invaluable in the actual cutting pieces out area, but actually enjoys to do it.
Felix knows a lot more than anyone else about the Entity when he’s taken, so he spends a bunch of time with the research team trying to recall whatever he can from his childhood and sharing any information he has, then just stays on it because he wants to. He’s desperate to meet Benedict Baker someday himself, becuase that man seems to get around, and he really wants to know what happend to his father.
Everyone becomes protective as fuck of Cheryl when the Entity starts targeting her, and someone—I think Kate and or Meg—probably both together—as a one-off joke call themselves her knights at some point, becuase they’re running such dedicated protection detail, but it becomes a whole thing, and several more start to do it. They’ll like ‘fist clasped arm across chest at attention, quick bow’ when they see her, and it’s goofy as fuck, but it helps a lot making Cheryl’s reality more bearable. Plus, it’s really sweet. Nea gets in on this and comes back one day with a little daisy chain she made cause she was bored, sees Cheryl, it clicks, runs over and offers it as a ‘favor’. Zarina sees and comes back later that day from a trial and kneels and presents Cheryl with a rescued toolbox with a brand new part. This becomes increasingly common and extravagant, and Cheryl /cannot/ deal, but it’s like, genius, becuase it takes exactly this level of surreal goofy friend bullshit to distract from the hell she is living. She ends up just regularly having someone come back from a trial or trip to the woods, salute with an arm across their chest, bow, and present her with anything from a pinecone or pretty rock, to flowers or a medkit, to a salt statue or key, to a painting or hand made bracelet, to a makeshift weapon or a pillow. Everyone always tries to outdo each other, so the gifts tend to be extravagant. Zarina considers herself Cheryl’s righthand woman/personal knight by chocie, because she wanted a cause to fight for and has found one she truly loves, and she makes Cheryl her favorite gift so far, coming up to her at the end of a long day, after a very bad trial where Cheryl was mercilessly and slowly killed by the Pig, kneeling, and offering a thick shard of stained glass from the chapel, made sturdy and held in place with a few chunks of soldered and wrapped iron along the blade and down the grip, forming a razor sharp and reinforced stained glass knife.
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strvngemagics · 4 years
{ cisgender woman, she/her } ❝ I'm a juvenile product of the working class / whose best friend floats in the bottom of a glass ❞ huh, who’s FIVEL STEWART? no, you’re mistaken, that’s actually MOLLY WEASLEY II. she is a 24 year old HALFBLOOD witch who is a CHASER FOR PUDDLEMERE UNITED. she is known for being FLIGHTY, IMPULSIVE, DISORGANIZED, FORGETFUL, and REBELLIOUS but also TRUSTING, DEDICATED, VIBRANT, ADAPTABLE, and INDEPENDENT, so that must be why she always reminds me of the song GLAZIN’ - JACUZZI BOYS and ROLLER SKATING DOWN A STEEP INCLINE, FOREHEAD KISSES, AN OUT-OF-TUNE ACOUSTIC GUITAR, AN UNMADE BED WITH LOTS OF PILLOWS, CHERRY LIMEADE SLUSHIES, PUTTING ON YOUR FAVORITE SWEATSHIRT. i hear she is aligned with THE ORDER OF THE PHOENIX so be sure to keep an eye on her. 
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Molly Adelaide Weasley was born into a (relatively) peaceful world but adopted into an ever-growing and infinitely chaotic family - and her father, having had a near-catastrophic falling out with this family in favor of furthering his career, made it CLEAR to her that her status as a Weasley was to be cherished, not derided, never forgone for more ambitious aims. Percy, sometimes rigid, though always loving, threw this lesson in familial love along with his more practical teachings.
Her first real sentence was “Molly do it!”, which was put to excessive use as a toddler. Doing the laundry? “Molly do it!” Her father’s bent over a stack of paperwork with a next-day deadline? Molly’s rushing over to help with a fat, color-changing crayon in hand: “Molly do it!” When Audrey was ill with a stomach bug, Lucy happened upon her sister, barely even three, mashing a ginger root with the handle of Mama’s wand in an attempt to make ginger biscuits. In short, Molly has always been headstrong and maternal. She takes a lot of pride in the traits that she shares with her namesake, her wonderful Gran, but regrettably never learned to knit.
Molly arrived at Hogwarts with a gaggle of cousins who’d already set the tone for who the Weasleys were and how they behaved. She found it difficult to find a life and identity outside of them - and still worries that she’s just another face in the family, unimportant compared to their accomplishments and accolades. Her time in Hufflepuff house passed without any prefect badges, school awards, or major academic achievements — even her five-year stint on the house Quidditch team was marred by the fact that she was always playing against some cousin or close family friend.
Life after Hogwarts has treated Molly well — she’s played professional Quidditch since age 18, something that she still can’t quite believe has happened. She was a reserve Chaser for the Kenmore Kestrels until 2027, when she was offered a contract by Puddlemere United. She took it, because wow that’s a lot of galleons, but Puddlemere’s always had a reputation for producing a lot of (painfully) straight-laced and by-the-book players………..which Molly definitely is not. She’s not allowed to speak at press conferences anymore due to PU’s management dubbing her “a PR nightmare” and “too foul-mouthed for a Dementor to want to Kiss”.
(TW DEATH MENTION) Memories of Uncle Harry pop up nearly every day - his voice, his rough hands positioning her arms and shoulders in a proper dueling stance, the smudges on his glasses, the way he looked at Aunt Ginny like she hung the moon in the sky. She misses him, dearly, but feels selfish and silly for doing so - she wasn’t his kid, and there are so many people who looked to Harry Potter as a symbol for the hope that carried them through wartime. She often worries that she isn’t doing enough - not enough to support her cousins, not enough for the muggleborns she knows and those she does not. There are days in which her inadequacy threatens to swallow her whole, when her hands tremble and breath rattles in her chest - but she’s able to bite it back for the moment. There’s bigger things ahead. (END TW).
okay so i always describe molly as a “disaster lesbian” or “chaotic dumbass” and i mean that with a lot of affection. she’s just very much motivated by pleasure and by fun, and much less motivated by duty or responsibility. she wants to stand out in both good and bad ways and more often achieves that in bad ways. she is also, like i mentioned, very headstrong. i consider her one of my funniest characters and that’s mostly unintentional because she just. says whatever pops into her head. i regularly giggle at what i make molly say. i am not ashamed of this.
uhhhh. what else? she’s a big old jock, one of those heinous people who for the most part actually enjoys exercising! will definitely ask you to join her on a sunrise run because she’s Ridiculous
loves her family so so so much, even though there’s at least 3 group chats where she’s currently trashing a cousin or two. is very down to take part in harmless pranks and shenanigans. someone outside the family tries to trash the cousins tho?!?!?! lmao kill bill sirens immediately go off. she and lucy probably call themselves twins bc they’re not blood-related but they are almost always on the same wavelength and in my eyes (jane u can confirm this for me) just get each other on a very fundamental level.
huge fuckin’ aries energy. you can find some personality assessments below:
aries (sun)
“aries is an active, energetic sign. people with sun in aries are direct, straightforward, and uncomplicated. they expect the same from others, and are baffled when they don’t always get it.”
gemini (moon)
“nervousness and worry are common traits with this lunar position. An underlying restlessness is common, and many lunar geminis need more stimulation than others. they usually read a lot, talk a lot, and think a lot.”
mbti.  esfj (the consul)
+ strong practical skills, strong sense of duty, sensitive and warm, connects well with others
- inflexible, vulnerable to criticism, reluctant to improvise, needy, worries about social status
name. molly adelaide weasley
nickname. molls
birthdate. 4 april 2005 (she’s supposed to be 24? idk math)
place of birth. st. mungo’s
family.  percy weasley (father), audrey weasley (mother), lucy weasley (sister), extended family in the form of various weasley-potter aunts, uncles and cousins.
residence. (tbd), but roommates: rose granger-weasley, natalia bardon, lucy weasley
occupation. chaser for puddlemere united
gender identity. cis woman
romantic orientation. homoromantic
sexuality. lesbian
blood status. half-blood
relationship status. single
pets. a bright pink pygmy puff named romeo
hogwarts house. hufflepuff
extracurriculars/leadership. hogwarts orchestra (clarinet), dueling club, charms club (president)
allegiance. order of the pheonix
n.e.w.t. grades. charms (o), transfiguration (a), herbology (e), d.a.d.a (a), potions (e), care of magical creatures (e), astronomy (e), history of magic (o), muggle studies (o).
wand. alder, ten inches, dragon heartstring core.
boggart. inferi
patronus. corporeal, brown bear
amortentia. vanilla bath fizz, lemon peels, sandalwood, mint
magical strengths. charms, nonverbal casting, transfiguration, flying
magical weaknesses. defensive magic, hexes and curses, potions.
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peace-coast-island · 4 years
Diary of a Junebug
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Getting comfortable at the Cat-Nap Hotel
Back in Nekotown for a pit stop with Elara and AJ tagging along. They’re taking a two week long road trip so they’re gonna spend a couple days at the camp as one of their stops. The road trip was kinda spontaneous but it ended up working out as our camp was heading up to Maron Heights to see them perform in After Hours at the Opera.
Since I got tickets for the last night - the show was playing for a week - and AJ and Elara were gonna kick off their road trip the day after closing, we figured that it’ll make sense for us to travel together. So after the show, our camp headed back to Crescent Moon with AJ, Elara, Kat, and the gang instead of taking off on the road. It was going to be a super long drive and I wasn’t looking forward to that so that’s one less thing to worry about.
Also it was nice seeing Kat again as well as catch up with AJ, Elara, Micah, and Hawk. A lot has changed in Crescent Moon - and things are still a bit hectic but thankfully slowing down, allowing Kat and Elara to get a well deserved break every now and then. Hawk’s still as sweet as ever, geeking out about his latest inventions and just being a ball of sunshine. Micah’s definitely at least a couple inches taller than when I last saw him and while he’s gotten a bit more mature because of everything that’s happened, he’s still as mischievous as ever. 
Everyone in the BFF Squad is so wholesome, like they have no right to be like that! This is what happens when you put together a bunch of chaotic cinnamon rolls together - pure wholesomeness with big dumb gay energy. They’re actually five gays in a trench coat - two useless jock lesbians (Elara and AJ), two distinguished disaster bis (Kat and Hawk) and a baby troublemaker gay (Micah).
After Hours at the Opera was very good! I was surprised when Kat told me that AJ was playing the one of the leads alongside her dad. Truth be told, Kat, Micah, Elara, and Hawk chose After Hours at the Opera because AJ and Micah Sr. are the only ones capable of playing the lead roles without having to change the keys. AJ’s got a husky alto with a really wide vocal range while Micah Sr. had some background in musical theatre and is also a light tenor who can go up really high. 
Basically whoever’s playing Celinde needs to be able to easily sing super low and super high notes with ease and whoever’s playing Cordell needs to go up high as well as sing a super hard cadenza. So that’s how AJ and Micah Sr. ended up playing the leads and they were fantastic! It’s amazing how much they both improved since their auditions and rehearsal videos. Like they were good in the rehearsals but they needed a bit of a push as it was clear that they were playing it safe even though they can obviously go all out.
In AJ’s case she had no musical training background so according to Kat and Micah’s aunt, she was all over the place. Not sure exactly what she meant by “all over the place” but listening back to the rehearsal videos, there were some parts where AJ sounded like she wasn’t sure where she wanted to go. She had potential but didn’t know exactly how she wanted to utilize it. So Annie offered to give AJ singing lessons to help boost her confidence, which helped a lot. 
AJ put on a hell of a performance as Celinde. Her acting and singing were on fire! If I didn’t know her, I wouldn’t think that this was her first show. She definitely won’t admit it, but we’re sure that she enjoyed it a lot. Hopefully that won’t the last we see of her on stage.
As for Micah Sr., he had the chops, even after being out of practice for over twenty years. To everyone’s surprise there’s actually a few decent quality audios of shows he’s been in that are floating around. Hawk put together a compilation comparing how he sounded then and now, the most obvious difference being that his voice has darkened but he’s still able to sing in the whistle register - which is impressive. Because his voice is so light, back then he was taught to sing in a heavy vibrato as his lower range wasn’t as strong. Annie also had him undergo training as he doesn’t sound exactly like he did twenty years ago and it paid off too. 
The rest of the cast was fantastic as well! Kat played the Countess, the character who sets the story in motion. Micah, Elara, and Hawk were Teddy, Mara, and Thomas, three dancers who are intrigued by the mystery of the infamous countess after falling victim to her schemes. It was also nice to see Chip as Andre, the new manager who doesn’t know what’s going on half the time, and Elaina as Christina, no-nonsense the head of the theatre.
So the story’s about this dancer named Celinde who befriends Cordell, a stagehand who’s surprisingly chummy with Christina. While preparing for a show, strange things happen, prompting the dancers to blame it on the Countess’s ghost. The mystery of the Countess and her untimely death is a well known story based on something that happened at the opera years ago. Celinde suspects that Cordell may know more than he’s led her to believe so she begins poking around.
Then shenanigans happen as Celinde finds herself wrapped up in the Countess’s schemes in terrorizing the dancers. She learns that Cordell sort of acts as an accomplice but he too doesn’t know much about the ghost who haunts the opera. While keeping the Countess company, Celinde and Cordell investigate the past. Of course, they find some skeletons along the way, some which have to do with Cordell’s past that he tried to avoid. 
If I had to choose, the strongest thing about the show is the friendship between Celinde and Cordell. The actors are the ones who make or break it and AJ and Micah Sr. really knocked it out of the park! AJ’s a spunky and inquisitive Celinde who plays off well with Micah Sr.’s reserved and head-in-the-clouds Cordell. 
There’s also side plots involving Andre not fully realizing what he signed up for when he became manager, Christina worrying about Cordell, and the Countess messing with the dancers.
Kat made the right call when it came to the two leads. Not only they were amazing singers, they also have great chemistry. It’s hard to believe that AJ was intimidated by Micah Sr. at first because of his status but then she (and the others) realize that he’s a lot like Kat. So he’s a powerful badass who has the ability to incinerate you if you mess with his kids but he’s also a goofball who takes care of everyone. Both have gone through a lot of shit - much like everyone else in the gang - so that was something they were able to initially find common ground in.
AJ wasn’t exaggerating when she said it’s like there’s two Kats now. The minute I met her dad it’s like yup, they’re totally related. It’s interesting how much Kat and Micah take after their dad even though he was missing for most of their lives as Kat was so young and Micah wasn’t even born when he disappeared. It’s so sweet seeing the three of them together but also sad because Evangelina’s not there with them. 
After spending a fun night at the castle where things totally didn’t get out of hand and Elara did not manage to get a sword or two stuck in the ceiling. Just a bunch of pure, wholesome late night shenanigans.
Then this morning Kat gave us a tour around the castle grounds and village. There’s still a lot of reconstruction going on but they’re in the early stages of wrapping up. A lot of other places in the district are at the same stage. At the center of town square will be memorial for those who lost their lives in the rebellion so when that’s finished, there’ll be an unveiling ceremony.
We took off around noon and spent several hours on the road before stopping by Nekotown for the night. By luck, we managed to snag a reservation at the Cat-Fe for a late night dinner as it’s less busy around that time so the wait wasn’t as long. The food’s still as amazing as ever and there’s no better way to introduce Elara and AJ to Nekotown than by dining out at their most famous restaurant! Also, it was super cute seeing them get distracted by the cuteness and the kitties.
Spending half the day on the road makes your energy levels off so we spent a couple hours walking the streets of Nekotown shopping, sightseeing, and catching up with some friends. We didn’t expect it to get so late so soon but we had a good time stretching out legs and taking the time to enjoy our surroundings. 
I’ve never seen Elara and AJ so relaxed as well as being so cute and openly affectionate. Even after everything they’ve been through, after their complicated history together, they’re proof that there’s still hope that things can and will get better. With the past finally behind them and their future slowly coming together, I know that they’re gonna be all right. 
The Cat-Nap Hotel is just as comfy and cozy as the reviews said it was. This was exactly what I needed after being in an RV for so long! I’m definitely gonna get a good night’s sleep in this bed. Also the furniture is so cute, like just being in this room makes me feel all cutesy and happy. I wonder if Rover and/or Katie helped with the room designs. I know a bunch of cat villagers who would totally dig this hotel - too bad I can’t invite all of them or else the entire place would be booked for a very long time.
There’s still so much of Nekotown that I hadn’t explored yet and just when I thought I saw everything, there’s more to see. Good thing we’re not taking off the road until tomorrow evening so that means we have more time to enjoy Nekotown. 
Next time we stay at the Cat-Nap Hotel, we’re gonna spend at least a couple days there. As much as I’m looking forward for the next few days, I don’t think one night is enough to spend at such a cute and cozy hotel!
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trashcankitty12 · 4 years
Favorite Character Tag Game
was tagged by @darkpoisonouslove​. This is going to be interesting.
Rules: name ten favourite characters from ten different things (TV, movies, books, etc.), then tag ten people.
1. Ziva David- NCIS
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This woman right here made me see the different depths of badassery that women in writing can have if they’re written correctly. (Not all of her story lines were perfect. But she was both vulnerable and strong and a fighter and dancer and just all around amazing. I love this woman so much, and her actress is even more incredible than her character. Cote de Pablo, just in case you were wondering...)
2. Leia Organa- Star Wars (The Original Trilogy)
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Strong, passionate... And perhaps one of the first women to have me come face to face with my sexuality... Leia was brilliant and sassy and she was kind. I just... I loved her. (And Carrie Fisher too. May she rest in peace and smile upon us.)
3. Flora- Winx Club (Seasons 1-4, because the others should have been better written, dammit. They had good ideas, just bad execution.)
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It was a toss up between her and Griffin, and since I sort of fell for Flora first, here we are. I loved her soft-spoken nature, but how she never let anyone disregard her. She wasn’t as combative as the others, but damn if she didn’t let her anger go from time to time when it was necessary. I just absolutely loved how accepting she was of people and how much she tried to help when she could. (And yes, I do prefer the 4!Kids voice acting... But the one from the newest season wasn’t SOOOO bad.)
4. J’onn J’onzz- Justice League/Justice League Unlimited
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The Martian Manhunter, also known as J’onn J’onzz. My favorite comic book man and my favorite ALL-TIME superhero. He can shapeshift, fly, read minds, and has superstrength. He’s soooo smart and he tries so hard to be gentle and to fit in with the rest of the group... I just love him so much. (Also, Carl Lumbly’s voice acting for J’onn was A+.)
5. Lena Luthor- Supergirl
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I love Lena so much. And I just... Identify so strongly with her. A family that doesn’t seem to care about anything but expectations and having to live up to those expectations and then shattering them. She’s not an evil Luthor, dammit, and she does so hard to prove it. If only they’d see the world through her eyes... Most of the time. (Well aware of the current season’s shit... Gotta say though, if we’re back against a wall like she is, it’s hard to know what we’d do.)
6. Captain Cold/Leonard Snart- The Flash
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He’s brilliant, he’s sassy, and he’s very much morally gray. (Yes, he’s a thief. But he also has rules about who he steals from and what he steals.) Mostly he looks out for himself and his sister only, but from time to time, when the situation calls for it, he can be known to be protective of others.
And can we talk about his fashion sense? When he’s staking out places and walking around in his more... “Blend-in” suits, hot damn. I’d love to have suits like that.
Also, he’s punny from time to time. Who doesn’t love a good pun?
(Wentworth Miller has no reason to have such pretty eyes either. I may be a lesbian, but hot damn those eyes of his. And the widow’s peak....)
7. Mick Rory/Heatwave- DC’s Legends of Tomorrow
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Okay, so Mick is, pardon the pun, a hot head.
From what we’ve noticed on the show, he has many, many bad qualities. He does... But he’s so much smarter than what people give him credit for and he’s a great engineer and good at coming up with schemes to help his fellow Legends. (And himself.)
He’s against inequality. (In his own words, he hates everyone equally, but he’ll dare you to say something homophobic or racist in front of him. He’s killed people for less. Literally.)
He loves pointing out flaws in the system and exploiting them from time to time, but his favorite approach is the direct approach. (He’d love nothing more than to just roast everyone alive and be done with it.)
Mick is also a secret romance novelist. And a damn good one at that. (Secret softies are my favorite okay?)
8. Maze/Mazikeen- Lucifer
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Another of my secret softies. Maze is direct, kind of scary, and completely loyal to the ones she cares about. (And she adores little Trixie with all her heart and will probably rip out the throat of her first ex-significant other whenever the time comes.)
Maze is skilled as a bounty hunter and in many supernatural based things. She was also a skilled torturer in Hell. (And again, secret softy.)
She’s pansexual and has no qualms getting with whoever catches her eye in the moment. (And has had her heart broken a time or two, but haven’t we all?)
9. John Constantine- Constantine
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Currently he’s on Legends of Tomorrow, but he had his own show for a bit. And let me tell you, I love this snarky bisexual disaster of a man. 
First episode of his own show and he’s checked himself into an asylum and the director is like “Your business card says you’re a master of the occult and dark arts?”
“Yeah.... I’ve been needing to change that. It’s all bollucks really. I’m more of a damn dabbler these days.”
And yes... He’s a chain-smoker and almost always half-drunk... But he’s got a good heart and he tries his best with what he’s got....
(He and Lucifer actually have an interesting relationship if you read the comics... Yes, the Lucifer from the show Lucifer. They’re part of the same universe.)
Constantine’s sass and disaster energy and off the wall ideas just... They give me life.
10. Amethyst- Steven Universe
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Amethyst is someone else I really identify with. Just because she’s small and compact doesn’t mean she won’t pack a punch. And just because she wasn’t there for the original war, doesn’t mean she doesn’t want to fight for her home.
She often feels... Less than compared to Pearl and Garnet, but she masks it well with a ‘devil-may-care’ demeanor and a jokester attitude.
There’s so many levels to Amethyst, but what I love is how she just loves life. Even when things get rough for her, she does her best to find something to love and cling too. I love her so much.
Tagging: @meluisart​, @electra-jolts-magnetism​, and whoever else wants to do this.
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georgefaynesgf · 5 years
ND characters with the biggest lesbian energy
(this isn’t a serious or definitive list. probably.)
God tier
Dagny Silva: #confirmed
Rose Green and Abby Sideris: they moved to San Francisco to start a bed and breakfast together?? and their whole dynamic... its so clear
George Fayne: the OG character you identify with as a baby lesbian
High tier
Ingrid Corey: we all know a lesbian like ingrid. maybe we are that lesbian. you KNOW she’s at the farmer’s market every weekend with her wife
Mel Corbalis: HER ripped my over-it goth teenage lesbian personality straight from my high school memories and put it in this game. she’s an icon
Katie Firestone: i mean you’ve seen her. the vibes... are overwhelming
Harper Thornton: this is obviously for many reasons but avoiding your extended family? them thinking you’re crazy and aloof? very common lesbian experience
Mid tier
Nancy Drew: there are a lot of people with a lot of strong feelings on this
Deirdre Shannon: likewise for deirdre but she is very much that... female rival that gets a lot more interesting when you consider they’re covering up a crush on a girl. see also: regina george, quinn fabray
Simone Mueller: who else but a lesbian could be that good of an agent
Ethel: this is just me but women who take care of children that aren’t their own and also seem like they could kill you if necessary? theyre gay
Charleena Purcell: historical romance belongs to the gays
Dr. Quigley Kim: a couple years after CRE she meets the girl of her dreams who loves hearing her talk about bugs. truth be told this girl doesn’t care about bugs but she loves seeing quigley passionate about her work
Rachel Hubbard: disaster lesbian (so is her sister)
Leela Yadav and Izzy Romero: they have some shit to work out
Yumi Shimizu: high femme obvs. the experience of a straight relative with a tragic boyfriend is very relatable
Low tier
Minette: “a thing for curves”
Moira Chisholm: i’m not saying she was in love with kate drew buuuut...
Bess Marvin: a classic femme but ofc in-text she does talk about boys a lot
Joy Trent: idk if she's gay but i love her with my whole soul
Corinne Myers: everyone in WAC was gay and she’s no exception
Ryan Kilpatrick: that girl who youre not sure if she’s gay or just quirky
Ellie York: i must’ve misread something but i thought she had a girlfriend for a hot minute
Lillian Weiss: yes i know but that SUIT. her demeanor is very Power Lesbian
Fatima: charleena purcell is her idol, so...
Connie Watson: despite having short hair and knowing judo she seems more to me like a stereotype-defying straight woman. don’t kill me
Honorable Mentions
Heather McKay: she’s def that friend who tragically dates men that she's way too good for. could be gay but if she is, even she doesn't realize it right now
Freddie Randall: i know she's a child but you know when you, a lesbian, were a kid and were way too into fighting and fantasy books where you could imagine yourself as a strong knight in a castle? yeah
Alexei Markovic: he’s not a lesbian but he does have severe gay energy and it’s worth noting
Emily Griffin: she's gay but i wish she wasn't
and that’s my opinion on that
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