#the dream death realm
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YELLOWJACKETS: 110. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi ➙ 204. Old Wounds ➙ 206. Qui
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sadlynotthevoid · 3 months
Fanfics where Rok Soo meets Og!Cale or gets to know him more and is like "this guy is actually precious, he should be protected at all cost" are one of my favorite things.
Like: Yes. He is, indeed, very precious. Thanks for noticing.
Rok Soo is always surrounded by people who would kill him or kill for him. For him, Og!Cale is an oddity with little to none bloodlust (the little is WS, yes) and easy to deal with. His most difficult trait is his cryptid ways, which is just confusing, not an actual treat. He's a fresh breeze.
But the easy he is to convince to help is concerning (for Rok Soo only). What if someone takes advantage on him? (Again, only Rok Soo worries about this).
Cale actually has standards about who to help and when to ask something in exchange, Rok Soo is just unaware of them.
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puppetmaster13u · 5 months
Prompt 165
Danny is rather bemused but honestly with how his life is, this might as well happen. Apparently he has seven more siblings now, and a whole second dysfunctional family. And apparently he, Ellie and Jordan are the babies of the family. So. 
Could Clockwork have mentioned that one of his variants had children before? Maybe, but this gets him out of becoming ghost king at the age of fourteen, which is a baby to the Realms anyway. 
Well, hopefully their new siblings will be fine with them… 
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ruinme-please · 2 months
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thinking about the possibility of belos ending up in the inbetween realm after being stomped and finally getting what he deserves... 
[ ID: A digitally illustrated comic mainly featuring Philip Wittebane from The Owl House. The first panel on the first page is a birds eye view of the inbetween realm, with cubes floating everywhere and a slight disturbance in the water below. The second panel is a close up of that disturbance, which looks to be a whirlpool of some sorts. The third panel follows that, and Philip’s hand is shown forming on the water, with a ““splat” beside it. The fourth panel is a behind view of Philip kneeled over, head to the ground and face obscured. He is in his human form, like how he is seen in Elsewhere and Elsewhen, and is breathing heavily. The fifth panel is still of Philip kneeling, except he has popped up his head and is looking around. He asks, “What is this” but is then promptly cut off by the next panel, which shows a grimwalker hand rising out from the water with a splash. He looks at this with a confused look.
The first panel on the second page is a close up of Philip’s face, a concerned and fearful expression on his face. He blurts out the word “No”. The second panel is spliced into three pieces, and each shows more dead grimwalkers rising from the water. The first shows another hand, the second a fully formed grimwalker with a broken mask crawling towards and reaching out to Philip, and the third yet another hand. The third panel is of Philip trying to back away by crawling while more grimwalker hands shoot up around him. He shouts at them, “G-Get Away!” The fourth panel is a view of Philip crawling back from behind, and a head of a grimwalker can be seen behind him. He yells again, saying, “I said-” but is cut off by the fifth panel where the grimwalker behind him suddenly grabs his arm. The sixth panel is of him looking over his shoulder, surprised. The seventh panel is an above shot of Philip sitting on the water, grinwalkers surrounding him and grabbing each of his limbs. The water swirls below him in a whirlpool motion. He shouts, “Get off me!! Go!!” The eighth panel is a closeup shot of an arm grabbing his shoe and pulling him down, the ninth panel showing the fear in his eyes.
The first panel on the third page is a wide shot of Philip being dragged down under the water, his arm straight up desperately trying to grab something. The water cascades around him, pushing him down even more. The second panel is a closeup of Caleb’s eyes, which are glaring with anger. The third panel is a below view of Philip being dragged down, with Caleb’s hand still tightly grasped around his foot. The fourth panel is a closeup of Philip’s eyes, which are staring in fear. The fifth panel is from Philip’s POV, where Caleb is seen still pulling him down by his ankle, glaring at him. Other grimwalkers are beside him, hands reaching up towards Philip to also help drag him down.
The first panel on the fourth and last page is of Philip being dragged down, a fearful and almost angry expression on his face. He screams, “Caleb! Let-” but does not finish his sentence. The second panel is of Caleb still glaring at him, not saying a word. The third panel is Philip looking at his brother with an unreadable expression on his face, as though he just realized something. The fourth panel is an above shot of Philip finally being dragged down into the depths Dr. Falcilier style, arm out stretched and he sinks. Broken masks of grimwalkers can be seen below him, pulling him down too. The last panel shows the surface of the water in the inbetweens realm, the surface still and finally tranquil. The word “Fin” is written at the bottom of the page. End ID. ]
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bingqiu-fanfics · 6 days
Words: 32,011 Summary: Luo Binghe peeks up at him, eyes rimmed nearly as red as his demon mark. “Shizun won’t send me away from him?” Slowly, almost involuntarily, Shen Qingqiu's arms come up to embrace Luo Binghe in return. He’s already gone totally off-script here, what’s a little more adlibbing? He has fifteen seconds left before Luo Binghe must enter the Abyss. “I won’t,” he says quietly. “But you must be brave, Binghe. This will not be easy, but there is only one place for us to go. Shizun is sorry.” The two of them are only a few paces away from the cliff. Even without access to his cultivation, Shen Qingqiu has a height advantage, and more importantly, he has surprise on his side. It is almost too easy to clutch Luo Binghe tighter in his arms, step forward, and -- Shen Qingqiu really hopes he doesn’t die when he hits the bottom. That would be so embarrassing.
This is my favorite abyss fic ever, it's an incredible fix-it while still having just the right amount of miscommunications and painful obliviousness. The worldbuilding in the abyss is super creative and interesting, and it just hits every mark for me, I can't recommend this fic enough .
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xnimnimsx · 12 days
Ok I need someone who knows something about dreams because mine have been crazy lately! 😭 Also weirdly I feel as if they're all connected like either someone is sending bad vibes my way or maybe a deity reaching out (I only suggest this because I've been talking to my deities lately) but I can't tell whats happening. All I know is these dreams are cray cray.😂 (im laughing but they're actually so weird n kinda eerie, I really do need some help deciphering em, send help pls. 😭 🫶)
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marbled-jester · 1 year
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my little patchwork prince!!
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lilliths-httyd-blog · 10 months
during my (really fucking weird) dream last night, i dreamt that a new trailer for Nine Realms dropped except it was a spinoff show not part of the main canon. Tom was caught up in some chosen one bullshit and could speak Dragonese instinctually, and he ended up being part of this sacrificial ritual where he was going to be killed in order to save all of dragonkind from impending doom. It actually looked really hardcore and Tom was completely fine and chill with dying - the only words I can remember from the trailer were "You're gonna have to kill me, huh?" when Tom was talking to Thunder, who looked like an actual fucking Fury and not whatever tf happened in T9R. It was giving book energy ngl and the trailer made it seem like Tom didn't have plot armour and that he really would die on screen.
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Blank Dream Hearthic
[PT: Blank Dream Hearthic]
This set was done as a request, by a user in my DMs.
The flags will be similar for all of them the only difference will be the inner heart. The alt text contains each location.
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[1 ID: none yet]
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[2 ID: none yet]
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[3 ID: none yet]
[Tagging] @radiomogai, @liom-archive, @gamegenders, and @accessmogai
[Requester] from DMs
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templeofastrallight · 26 days
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"She shines in a world full of ugliness, she matters when everything is meaningless. Fragile she doesn't see her beauty she tries to get away...I can't watch her slip away...I won't let you fall apart. " - NIN | The Fragile
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YELLOWJACKETS: 110. Sic Transit Gloria Mundi ➙ 204. Old Wounds ➙ 206. Qui ➙ 209. Storytelling
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
the real tragedy of yellowjackets imo is that all the death and cannibalism and cult behavior could have been avoided if laura lee had simply lived long enough to kiss lottie with tongue
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singthesongsofsin · 2 months
Tagged by @e-m-p-error
RULES: Answer the questions with the Muses that would best fit the answers. Bonus if you give details why. If tagged, copy and paste into a new post – DO NOT REBLOG!
1) Rank your softest Muse and your toughest Muse. (Personality-wise)
Jayden is the softest by far. He's here for a good time. He's not scary. He's here because he was an idiot. He's a cupcake.
The toughest... is either Hellaina or Tara I think. They're both pretty stable, take no shit muses. Hellaina is Vox's second, and Tara is many things, one of which is a Fallen Angel and a mercenary.
2) Which Muse would blow through $1000 quickly?
Vox or Metatron for two entirely opposite reasons: Metatron only mildly understands money, and just Would Not Get it. Vox has enough money that he just doesn't care. He'll make it back in a day or two.
3) Do any of them have nicknames? Is there a meaning behind them?
Yes! A few of them do! Depending on how much of a nickname one considers Vox, he counts, which was the pretentious gay's use of latin coming in clutch for his name in Hell because he couldn't be Vincent.
Dia's name is already a nickname from life.
Tara's has a few motivations behind it. On one hand, it's more subtle when on Earth, but it's also more casual than Astaroth-- Astaroth is the name of the Fallen Angel, and delegate to Earth and the other Rings. She is a greater demon. Tara is Belphegor's best friend, she's the one who's eating gelato in Italy because she spends so much time in Italy.
Svetlana uses Lana a lot of the time, because it's more recognizable to non-Russian people, but she has a whole list of diminutives with specific usage meanings behind them.
4) Are any of them up-to-speed on the latest trends? Anyone more old school?
I know we all expect Vox to be the most up to date, but he's not. He owns the trends, and he runs them, but the person who spends the most time online, keeping up with them is Jayden. Hellaina also knows as a result of her job.
Adelard barely understands the modern era. He's not up to date on the trends, he doesn't have a cellphone. He thinks radio is too complicated some days. Metatron also has no idea.
5) Who has the best relationship with their siblings?
...Belphegor? The bar isn't super high. Most of them are only children, and while Hellaina has a sister that relationship is... not good. And at least some of Belphegor's are also down in Hell as the other Sins. He has their numbers. It's... well it is. He misses them despite them all, in theory, being there.
6) Karaoke night! Who is likely to grab the mic first and bust out a tune?
Jayden. Jayden is lord of the pop sensation. Dia also is likely to! She'll drag people into musical theatre duets.
7) Who is least likely to enter a beauty pageant/model?
Hellaina wouldn't, Dia... I can see her doing it, but it would be more for fun, some sort of fashion show Cannibal Town is putting on. Vox would be dragged into it through like... Velvette and Valentino, it's a press thing, he would not do it of his own volition. Adelard, Belphegor, Svetlana, and Astaroth wouldn't. And honestly I think Jayden would.
8) If your Muses visited a haunted house where actors scare you, who would panic and who would be unfazed? 
Hellaina wouldn't be phased. Dia is having a great time, she's not scared at all, but she's having fun! Svetlana... honestly, I think, might be spooked, but depending on what it is, but has a decent poker face. Tara is unafraid, Belphegor is more likely to be. Metatron would have the like... funny moth-eye effect in which he is shocked but not scared. Honestly I can't decide if Adelard is scared of them, or if he's just been down in Hell for so long nothing even registers anymore, it's just another Tuesday. Vox isn't scared. Jayden is livestreaming the whole thing, he's going in unafraid of anything! And at the second scare immediately spooks and drops his phone.
9) Are any of your Muses particular about taking certain modes of transportation?
Vox has been Hell's foremost advocate for a subway system for literal decades. He cannot drive, so mostly he is driven or walks. He's sort of the one with an interesting answer.
Metatron can fly but doesn't usually.
10) Share a little-known fact about any Muse.
Of the sinner muses, Adelard has the highest body count. He has killed far and away the most people, and considers it wholly justified.
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Dreams exist in our heads. Of course Dream's a wet cat of a man. Of course the comics go the way they went. Dream most of the time can't get out of his head.
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monstrumpuella · 1 year
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