#the end of days
patrice-bergerons · 9 months
While watching the end of days, I briefly wondered why it was Gwen alone -- and not Ianto -- keeping vigil by a been dead for too long Jack and then I remembered
What happened the last time he refused to let go of someone he loved who everyone else would say was gone / beyond saving
That after Jack comes back to life, Ianto tries to fucking shake his hand. It's Jack who pulls Ianto into a hug and then a kiss, because Ianto thinks that little of his place in Jack's life.
(And then right after all this, Jack bolts, indeed leaving him (and all of them) behind.)
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the-haunted-office · 6 months
Everything in the Office is pretty quiet and peaceful for once. And then every single overhead light across the entire Office suddenly goes off, all at once. It's only for a few seconds, but apparently those few seconds is long enough for someone to write a message all over the walls.
Every wall.
Across the whole Office.
Filling the walls from top to bottom.
help us help us help us help us help us help us help us help us help us
...But that's normal in a haunted Office. Isn't it?
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theehorsepusssy · 1 year
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update... so I tried to find out from tumblr if this new "Jumbo Ads every 3 or 4 posts that make your dashboard jump up and down as you scroll" design was intentional and after trying to trick me into actually click on one of the ads they pretty much pretended it didn't exist and said it was because it was because if my chrome extensions (I have none). Or they will refer you going "ad free" and give them money.
So I found another browser that has an ad blocker on it that actually works. So I highly recommend everybody get an ad blocker if you are experiencing the tumblr ad apocalypse.
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feralkwe · 8 months
To the Edge (And Back Again) (Teen and up)
Time Waits for No One
"They sat there upon the bench as Venat spun her story, sparing him no detail, and possibly embellishing for his amusement. Now and again he would lid his eyes and let images of his friend play out her words in his imagination. It quieted his thoughts as his soul came to a gentle wake rather than the tumultuous tide which threatened to shake his resolve. He was aware of the sounds in the background, more and more citizens populating the streets. The calm stayed with him even through the rising of voices, some in alarm. Around him, people began to weep, as goodbyes were spoken. Temperature climbed, the wind stilled. He stayed there, letting her voice hold him to the moment, almost forgetting the great clock ticking along with no regard for any of them as he reached out through each of his senses, committing it to memory."
Time is up, and yet it marches on in the world unsundered.
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fidjiefidjie · 2 years
Bonne soirée 🆕️ 🎸💙
Matt Elliott 🎶 January's Song
(The end of days)
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sherrydotjpeg · 7 months
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"better days are coming... i'm sure of it..."
I've been running a game in a homebrew setting that's basically half life 2 but if it was d&d. I decided to experiment with limited palettes by taking the party and stylize their tokens as if they were in a gameboy game
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I even gave them their own little start screen:)
i forget if anyone else has tumblrs-- but i can at least tag @styliferous who plays the wonderous Radmar:)
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chrysocomae · 1 year
What is happening right now is not the precursor to the end of days as many American evangelicals wish it to be. The situation between Palestine and Israel will not bring back your fav Jesus back to earth. It will not bring the Rapture. It will not bring Judgement Day. It will not bring hell and damnation to everyone who doesn't think like you do. Book of Revelations was anti-Roman Empire fanfiction written by a guy high on egrot (fungus similar to LSD). Shit like that was like Colleen Hoover and other book-tok of day. Super popular and everywhere. We only got one of them in the biblical canon (guess there was a St. John fanboy on the council) but there are many many many out there. What will happen is a lot of Palestinians and Israelis will suffer and die while Americans grift off their horror in the name of God.
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lexxlikes · 2 years
After listening to one of my favorite songs by the group "Abney Park," images of Aloy and Horizon immediately popped into my head. The lyrics fit like a glove and immediately I went to the Playstation and started the shooting. In fact, it was a bit difficult, as I had to hide all HUD elements and the fights had a new level of challenge.... But I am mega happy with it!
Of course, I don't have any rights to the song or Horizon. The video is just meant to be fun!
Here are the Lyrics “The End of Days”
After our days, in the fall of man One day this will heal again Beasts crawl forth over desert clay And Mankind will be nature's prey Ruined towns break forth in vines Trees, leaves, fleet combine Humankind will have lost its sway The world again will be theirs one day Skeletons of rust reach for the sky Ruined empires of days gone by Dreams of lies buried in the sand The end of days will have been long planned Children's children have passed away Their auspicious lives lost in the fray Carrion birds are all at play The world again will be theirs one day
Nomadic tribes are the last of man Pull their caravans across the sand Gypsy wives hold their children tight As the new superpower howls through the night Gods watch from above and wonder what went wrong The entropy of what once was strong The survivors of man stay up late to pray That the world will again be theirs one day
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the curse of summer is buying and eating an inadvisable amount of fruit in single sittings.
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I had to do this guys
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malasdose · 1 month
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more itafushis i drew before ch 267 to cope 'cuz i was genuinely so scared for what was gonna happen next, but i think i'm slowly learning trust again with gege akutami 💗 not really
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schoolhater · 2 months
i can’t stop thinking about how people in the global south, whose currencies are valued less than the euro/usd/pound because they too are exploited by the west, are sacrificing large amounts of money and fundraising for palestinians and sudanese, meanwhile americans are coming up with bullshit excuses for why their $20usd (there’s some people who don’t make that kind of money in an entire year!! that’s a thousand six hundred indian rupees!) won’t matter as much as their vote for the genocider’s right hand woman a few months from now.
if you live in the united states, canada, australia, the european union, the uk, or israel or the uae, god forbid,
it is your RESPONSIBILITY to do as much as you can, to donate as much as you can, so that the palestinians you see every day on your feed may have a shot at living again.
it is our countries that continue to finance these genocides and it is for the promise of our comfort that they continue to produce mass death. i don't care how this motivates you. whether you donate out of guilt over our blood soaked currencies, or out of a desire to appear moral, or because something about that individual gfm resonated with soemthing personal to you, or because you've seen people like me and my friends get angry, what matters most is that you are donating. because you are in the best position to donate, therefore it is what you must do.
it should motivate you.
here are four palestinian and two sudanese gofundmes. the sudanese gofundmes are both older and less successful.
donate to Wafaa to help her family escape genocide
donate to Siraj to help him fight to keep his home
donate to Shahed to help her save her little sisters
donate to Ahmed who is almost at his goal
donate to Sajida to help her family get to safety
donate to Hassan to help his friend escape war
(these are all verified fundraisers, they can be found on my blog!)
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the-haunted-office · 6 months
( @5mind - Continued from here!)
Things are... a bit interesting for Stanley Null at the moment. It feels like forever ago that he lost all conscious thought and wandered around as a monster, feeding off any soul he came across, whatever it took to perpetuate his own existence. It's only recently that everything has become a lot clearer, and now he has thoughts and memories that are not his own contending with those that are his own. He can feel it all in there, tumbling around like clothes in a dryer.
He hears Blue's questions, her accusations, and processes them. He processes them as himself, and as the one whose memories he shares. A very odd thing, but he's the one at the front, so he's the one who answers.
"In our corner of the multiverse, we can die different kinds of deaths. There's a physical death - the death of the body. And a spiritual death - the death of the soul. Sometimes it happens in stages or in pieces," he explains. "Doomsday's soul was already damaged, and she gave it to me so that mine wouldn't perish. I was starving. She essentially fed me."
It was something that she had done... mostly out of free will. Stanley can't say with 100% certainty that she would have done it if he had been anyone other than him. He also can't say she would have done it if he hadn't explained to her what he had learned about the Parable, about how her refusal to die had essentially led to his death in the first place. But of course anyone he says that to is going to think he is lying, because they don't know him.
Stanley watches Blue with his glowing yellow eyes, an edge of sadness in them. "I have no way of proving to you that I am not lying. I can tell you that she and I were very good friends when we were alive, and I know that were our situations reversed, I'd have done the same for her. Neither of us was given much choice of what happened to us, but this is something she did choose, and I wish I could make you see that she's happy about it."
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thebeigeoverlord · 4 months
I've been thinking about an Idea:
Man was made in the image of God right?
And man, in turn creates robots in their own image.
This makes robots an image of the image of God, like a copy-of-a-copy kinda thing. So what if when the end times arrive, robots gain a kind of weak spiritual force, causing them to act as a minor antichrist, or false idol. They can use magic because they are built in the image of God, but it's not quite right.
Their magic is twisted, off-balance, wrong.
In the war at the end of days there would be three factions:
The Forces of Good: Seeking to give mankind salvation
The Forces of Evil: Seeking to lead mankind to damnation
And finally:
The Forces of the Machine Gods: Building their unstable empire on the crumbling ruins of humanity. Seeking to convert man to worship their myriad god-kings.
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feralkwe · 8 months
To the Edge (And Back Again) (Teen and Up)
Chapter 3 - High Praise
"It was a curious thing to see fear in the eyes of the great Emet-Selch. Humbling, in a way that Elidibus had not expected. So long had he looked up to the man that he'd nearly forgotten that he was just as human as any other. That he could feel the full array of feelings that they all did, and even be swayed by them. More the fool was he to overlook such a thing."
In Azem's absence, Elidibus faces the other members of the Convocation.
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murielinapril · 4 months
maybe it upsets me
i hardly find the time these days
to sit down and recline and raise my eyes up to the ceiling without feeling any feeling
and maybe it’s because of time, or these reluctant thoughts of mine but maybe it’s because my childhood has started fleeting
and maybe i’m upset that i forgot all of my rhymes
and maybe i’m upset i never payed you any mind
the stubborn quest of looking for something you’ll never find
but suddenly i’m coming to the realization far too late to beat it
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