#the feelingstm
kate-apologist · 1 year
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applepie-enthusiast · 1 month
Imagine an AU where Sabito suddenly wakes up , he notices his body has grown as if he had been alive since the Final Selection (21) and finds Urokodaki (ouch, please imagine Urokodaki having doubts and even testing that Sabito is not a shapeshifting demon, but when he confirms for real that IT IS Sabito, Urokodaki hugs him and cries, his other adoptive son is back.) and soon, Sabito learns that Giyuu is now the Water Pillar.
To say Giyuu is beyond shocked, him standing frozen as Sabito smiles at him and calls at him,
Oh god, Giyuu missed his voice so much, but this can't be. Sabito seemed like he aged with him as well.
Sabito was dead.
Whatever demon plays this game is just tricking him, this is a cruel trick. Giyuu had learned from Tanjirou about that demon who gave dreams that victims wanted to see.
Except Giyuu is very much awake, and this is daytime.
There is no way that this is a Blood Demon Art.
"I know it's hard to believe, and you might never accept that is all happening, but I just want to say I'm proud of you." Sabito kept that fond look on his face, and finally, Sabito smiles at him gently.
Oh, how Giyuu's heart skipped a beat as he felt so many emotions all at once.
"I'm sorry for dying that time, and for not being able to say goodbye to you. But I'm back, Giyuu. I'm home."
It took a lot from Giyuu to not react and turn his back away, this is no way happening.
Tanjirou was also shocked to see Sabito but is otherwise overjoyed. It was not until Giyuu received a letter from Urokodaki that it is indeed Sabito, that Giyuu finally faced Sabito himself, and Giyuu hugged him tightly, and cried.
It was a silent cry, but his tears never stopped as he hugged Sabito tighter and tighter, as if letting go would equate to losing him the second time.
They reconnect, and Sabito caught up to everything. He even met the other Pillars and Oyakata-sama, suffice to say it took a lot of convincing from the Pillars to believe Sabito's existence.
However, Giyuu visibly changed bit by bit. He is still a tiny bit distant but is slowly opening up to others in general.
Sabito trained more and more with Giyuu, and after quite a time, he was also promoted as a Water Pillar.
While Giyuu was out, with Sabito walking outside, he met Sanemi, who walked up to him.
"Hey, are you for real?"
"What?" Sabito replies, and he observed how Sanemi was weirdly calmer than usual yet carried a certain air towards him at the moment.
"How long will you be here?"
"Pardon?" Sabito was starting to realize Sanemi didn't come here for a friendly chat.
"If you're just going to disappear again—"
Sabito cuts him off, "Our jobs are risky, but that doesn't mean I won't fight to stay alive."
Sanemi replied that he was starting to lose his temper. "You know that's not what I mean. Tomioka—"
Sabito winced, "What about Giyuu? What do you want?"
"First name basis?"
"Yeah, we're childhood friends, for now."
"If you really care about him, don't fuck around and—"
"Listen," Sabito paused, his tone just as threatening. "Whatever Giyuu and I have is none of your business."
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polinated · 3 months
inside me there are two wolves: one who will agree with you when you critique s3, especially part 2. and one who will cry when you critique s3, especially part 2
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moonbreezes · 7 months
if I were to pick my favourite scene from the entire show this takes the crown easily. It is just so James, I have no words to describe it. I was rendered speechless the first time I have heard this monologue. It was also the only time I became emotional, sad even because of this entire show. It made me feel the heartbreak and grief and the inability to process those feelings. The questioning of what love is. the metaphor of love as a tempest that is so apt; it does not only reflect the relationship between Anne and James, the genesis of their first meeting, but also it represents this entire show. 
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pikmininaplane · 4 months
"Je suis un robot ? Vous le saviez depuis le début ? Et vous m'avez rien dit ?"
Ça, ça fait mal au Visiteur.
Parce qu'il a dit à Henry que c'était un robot. Il lui a dit tellement de fois qu'il est incapable de les compter.
La première fois, c'était innocent – il pensait qu'il savait, après tout. La deuxième fois, c'était un accident – ça lui a échappé, comme ça.
La troisième fois, c'était égoïste. Juste pour voir si ça marchait.
Les autres fois ont suivi. Quelques mots glissés, une manche qui se relève, un ego mal placé. "What the fuck ?" Un silence. Un soupir. On redémarre.
Une fois, il a tenté de lui expliquer en douceur. De le préparer à l'idée et d'espérer qu'il pourrait l'accepter. Raté.
Une autre fois, l'une de ces nuits qu'on ne veut pas passer seul, il l'a senti disjoncter dans ses bras. Il a attendu plusieurs minutes dans le silence avant de le rallumer.
Il a dit à Henry que c'était un robot. Il lui a dit tellement de fois qu'il est incapable de les compter.
Mais la seule fois qui compte, c'est la fois où il ne le lui a pas dit.
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nighhtwing · 2 years
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batman incorporated (2012) #1 / honoree fanonne jeffers, "dreams of my father" / batman: dark knight [ii] #10 / diane wakoski, "the father of my country" / batman and robin (2011) #1 / ruth gilligan, the butchers / detective comics #1032 / julian randall, "icarus imposter syndrome" / super sons #10 / alice munro, face / dark knights: death metal #7 / maya phillips, erou / shadow war: alpha #1 / romeo oriogun, "on the 23rd death anniversary of my father"
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ace-of-hugs · 7 days
the most annoying thing about being a low support needs autistic person is that you are never an autistic person.
at school, none of the teachers believed that I was autistic. nobody was really willing to accommodate properly for my needs and expected me to do things that were clearly too much for me. in year six, I nearly had my part in the leavers play taken from me because I was unable to access school after having masked every day for the last six years and I had completely burnt out. my teachers were aware of this. we were trying to get an autism diagnosis and they knew that. but to them, I would only ever be a person, like everyone else, so if everyone else can do it, why can’t you.
then, on the opposite end of the spectrum, you have people like my dentist (who I do not like, but that’s a story for later in the post) and the people from the school that I was nearly forced to go to by the local authority (who I dislike even more). both of them went into meeting me with a preconceived notion of me because I’m disabled. my dentist speaks to me like I’m five, explaining everything clearly in a condescending voice that grates on my ears. and it’s not just me, because my dad hears it too. and then when I went to visit the school, I told them that I want to go to university and study psychology and their response was “we’ll have to see if that’s a realistic option” and I was like??? just because I’m disabled, you automatically think that I can’t go to uni??? and I did some tests to see what educational level I was at and the teacher was genuinely surprised when I’d finished quickly. and this is made more annoying by the fact that neither of them are that great at actually accommodating me anyway! they just see “disabled“ and refuse to see past that
outside of my family and my friends I can only think of one person/authority figure in my life who’s ever actually treated me like an autistic person, who has support needs but is also intelligent, who doesn’t understand the questions initially but just needs a bit of a prod in the right direction and will be fine soon. I will be eternally grateful to her for helping me trust again.
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chanrizard · 2 years
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NiziU “Paradise” Recording Making Movie2 ✧ Bang Chan
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bigfootsboytoy · 1 year
My theater kid bullshit has collided with my Teen Wolf obsession and provided me with this scenario, please enjoy:
Stiles is falling behind in one of his English classes. Not because he doesn't understand the material or anything. He understands just fine. But unfortunately, his last two big papers were less than his best and turned in late. Thank you, vengeful witches, for ruining his academic standing. At first, the teacher seems very hesitant to give him any sort of extra credit. That is, until they start working on a Shakespeare unit and Stiles turns out to be kind of a Shakespeare genius. The language just kind of clicks for him. He's always been a talker, and he enjoys the way the rhythm of iambic pentameter flows off the tongue. Plus, he's able to spot all the countless dick jokes and innuendos that seem to fly over everyone else's head.
Knowing that Stiles can read Shakespeare with so much ease, the teacher makes him a deal. He'll grant the extra credit Stiles wants to get him back up to his desired GPA...If Stiles auditions for the production of Hamlet the school is putting on.
He wants to say no, he really doesn't want to add "rehersing for a play" to his list of things to worry about. Lacrosse season ending had him actually looking forward to a bit of extra free time, being part of Hamlet would really dig into that. But he wants the fucking extra credit, so he decides he's going to audition, and tank it. It'll get him at least some of the points he needs, and he won't have to actually be part of the show.
But then auditions come around, and Stiles finds himself shocked by just how BAD half of the students are. The lines aren't that difficult to read, and he knows at least 90% of the students reading them aren't intentionally doing badly. After hearing the monolugue assigned to them be butchered so badly for the 20th time, Stiles ends up forgetting his whole plan to tank his audition. He reads the scene perfectly out of pure spite and respect for the text because it's actually a pretty good monologue when it's done correctly!!
He gets cast as Hamlet. The lead part. So much for having free time.
Cue Stiles working on the play while also dealing with the usual pack business. The shenanigans, the teasing, the potential for ship content. There's so many possibilities with Stiles unintentionally becoming the lead in a Shakespeare play.
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the-cookie-of-doom · 6 months
I'm so tired I'm about two brainwaves away from being declared medically braindead. What if I took this time to write a vampire AU idea I had last night?
Chay sells himself to be vampire!Kim's bloodwhore, getting jealous over Kim's other (imaginary, nonexistent) victims. Kim is just here trying to live his life, he did not sign up for this. But he's gotta admit, Chay is really cute when he gets all worked up and feisty over the (again! nonexistent!) other people Kim must be feeding on.
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enchi-elm · 19 days
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Caleb Brewster/Benjamin Tallmadge -- Modern AU. Poesie album.
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etchingsandepitaphs · 1 month
tell my why I'm getting so emotional over MY OWN CHARACTERS
like, I wrote these motherfuckers and I'm still sitting her all melancholic as I write scenes of them laughing and being friendly with each other because I know what's going to happen to them all but THEY'RE JUST SUCH REGULAR TEENAGERS. THEY'RE JUST TEENAGERS. AND THEY'RE ALL GONNA DIE oof ouch my own plot is hurting me
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floralcrematorium · 1 year
Natalya Arlovskaya || HWS Belarus
Character Playlist | 21 songs | 1hr, 22 min
• Girl With One Eye - Florence + The Machine • Mx. Sinister - I DON'T KNOW HOW BUT THEY FOUND ME • Ex Lover's Lover (Cave Canem Demo) - Aurelio Voltaire • I Want To Be With You - chloe moriondo • I Disagree - Poppy • Make Me Wanna Die - The Pretty Reckless • Tears Don't Fall - Bullet For My Valentine • Comatose - Skillet • Don't You Tell ME - BAND-MAID • Famous Last Words - My Chemical Romance • Demolition Lovers - My Chemical Romance • Cosmic Love - Florence + The Machine • Breaking & Entering - Tonight Alive • Love Me Forever - Pinkshift • BEDTIME STORIES - Mothica • Kill Bill - SZA • Season of the Witch - Donovan • You're So Creepy - Ghost Town • Nearly Witches (Ever Since We Met) - Panic! At The Disco • EAT ME - Demi Lovato, Royal & The Serphent • I Never Told You What I Do For A Living - My Chemical Romance
Spotify | Youtube
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lizardperson · 6 months
They had talked about it the next morning, deciding that they would just pretend it never happened. July had probably already forgotten about the whole thing. Daria had not. Quite the opposite in fact. Part of her wanted to rip that moment right out of her brain, erase the whole memory. And another part wanted to never think about anything else ever again. It was just a drunk kiss, it didn't mean anything. And yet, it meant everything.
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caterpillarinacave · 7 months
yall the feelings
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author-main · 1 year
Oh god...
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