#the fic is insane /pos
lakka-arts · 2 years
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      “This is so beautiful, Geralt,” Dandelion gushes, flinging his hair back in a wet spray that hits Geralt in the face. “Oh, sorry!” 
      The witcher chuckles and wipes the water out of his eyes.
      “I thought you’d appreciate it,” he says. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and tucks a stray strand of wet hair behind Dandelion’s ear. 
      “And you said you found this only a day or two ago?”
      Dandelion sighs happily and reaches up, wrapping his wet arms around Geralt’s neck so he can place a cold and watery kiss on his lips.
hi. i. i read @eredins-a-king-aint-he's gerlion fic. and its. wah. and its soooo adorable. everyone should read it actually. and this image spawned in my head and Refused to leave so I am Showing it to Everyone.
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shepscapades · 3 months
yalls asks and tags got me so excited and jittery im shaking like a small pathetic chihuahua /pos DLKFGJDF i'm gonna play dynaball until my brain normalizes but yalls kind words and reactions and questions are litearlly the WORLD to me tysm, please feel free to send more questions! i have so many good ones to answer over the next few days!!
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knightforflowers · 5 months
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are you happier this way?
doodle from a while ago inspired by the Ethersea fic lurelights on ao3! Not a day goes by where I don’t think about it
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eatyourmaker · 2 months
*waves* pls take this comic version of your fanfic (the confession scene) that i just started working on~ been meaning to show you appreciation thru an ask for a while now, i'm just rly shy 😅 i genuinely enjoy your blog and ideas so much, it's inspiring fr 🥹
also very belated welcome back! ✨
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bluerasbunny · 1 year
something about king of hearts idk
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arabriddler · 7 months
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I have a heart that never beats, I have a home but never sleep. I take one man’s house and build another’s. I play games with my many brothers. I am a king among fools. Who am I?
Point D’Amour by @dragonssecretarthoard
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tai-janai · 5 months
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all i could imagine
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jaredthebc · 4 months
Constantly losing my mind at how much potential N and Meowth had to interact in the anime but the only time they really interacted was N asking why Meowth spoke human speak instead of pokespeak and Meowth calling him fruity in response 💀💀💀
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Final reminder!
You have one last day to upload any last minute entries!
The collection will stay open until 10pm (CDT) September 5th, 2024
So in other words it will close in about 28 hours!
Remember the minimum word count is only 100 words and you are free to nab any of the 17 prompts you feel like.
With that
I'll be back again to announce when the collection closes and then I'll will be back again on the 6th with the final masterpost!
Be nice to each other! Leave Kudo's! Leave Comments! Share the Percy Love, have fun, and thank you so much at everyone who's participated.
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plasticfangtastic · 1 year
American Royalty. Ch. 4
A Homelander X F! Reader and Dadlander fanfic.
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A/N: if ya like to be taglisted plz leave a comment to be notified on the next release. got the writers block and too many wips so here is an early chapter. hope y'all like it. plz check my pin post for prev. chapters.
Tags: mild gore, angst, lots of angst, slow burn, fluff, oc characther, child neglect, dadlander, romance.
Chapter Four
Seeing Stars
You had him agree to you working three days as his personal chef, and he couldn’t have you Sundays no matter how much he asked.
Within the week you had gotten a letter from your bank telling you that the pending investigation on your account had been closed and now you could access it, it had even accrue significant interest after being untouched for seven years it was better than an early christmas miracle as you sobbed in your bedroom with the letter in hand, you cried in the kitchen after calling a realtor to see an apartment, by the time you seen a couple of apartments you had come home to find an enveloped taped to your door. Inside paperwork and some keys– seeing red for a moment, but as Helena tugged at your shirt, your anger tucked itself away, you held her crying into her shoulder as you finished reading the letter.
Before the month ended, you had moved into a large, renovated and well located 2 bedroom, 1 office, 2 bathrooms apartment in the ground floor of a duplex, it had to be at least eighteen to twenty thousand dollars in rent but he had simply purchase it– writing in his letter that he wouldn’t allow you to continue raising his daughter in the projects or some refurbished new york closet, he had even collected information on local schools in your new neighborhood for you consider, informing you that he would take care of tuition cost.
As you settled in a space so big you had nothing to fill it with, as you watched your daughter actually behave like a seven year old for once, you laid on the floor by the open concept kitchen, feeling the rich wood underneath your skin, staring at the black granite benches and hardwood cabinetry– the floor was even heated! You heard a landing in one of the two thin yards, you knew your daughter was exploring the bathroom, so it felt safe to do this now.
“I’ll have my interior designer come by this week to help you select furniture and stuff.” He said upon entering, distubed by how barren it was, all your belonings in a a dozen boxes total, tucked in a corner of the living room.
“You are a bastard making me indebted to you.” You grumbled.
“I can’t have her live in a broom closet infested with rats. Kids need yards and space.” He looked at the cherry wood panels lining the outdoors, the vines and trees growing in a decent sized yard, extra big by New York standards– you could get her a puppy, a kitten or…?”
“She likes fish.”
“I could have a pond installed.” he said with a smirk crainign his back as he tried to look less imposing as you refused to lift your head from the heated hardwoods– you should be okay with utility bills, I left them on credit for your convenience. Have you had a chance to look at schools?”
“What are you actually planning, John.” You sat back up, switching names had taken him off-guard wondering what angle you were going at him from– haven’t even started work with you and now you are showering me with presents? This is beyond just wanting to see your kid is not like you actually seen her.”
“You said to take things slow.” He didn’t try hiding that devious grin– Ryan… needs a story.”
“Jesus Christ you are sick.” you now had to stand up for real– you want me to play mom to your kid? I don’t even look like him.”
“Genetics are weird. Helena looks like you and Ryan looks like me, like those dogs from ‘Beauty and the Tramp’."He touched your cheek with a bare hand– Can’t wait to see you next Thursday, mom.”
“Oh god…” You chuckle, losing your mind as his hand hurts without a scratch– How are you going to tell this to Helena?”
“Is in early development but the team will take care of it. I need Ryan to attend the same school as Helena so please hurry up.”
He left not before telling you to take Helena to MOMA this saturday at 2 pm, it wasn’t a suggestion or invitation, it was an order
You did as you were told that evening, one of the best schools in the city was under a half hour walk from this cell, knowing Helena had to be enrolled soon didn’t help, and your commute to Lucci had increased but now you could pay for gas and not cry. Sending him a texts about schools to the number he had given you in his many many notes seemed anticlimactic but that was it.
Helana had grown suspicious, but she played dumb and you knew it too, so you both played stupid when you headed to MOMA that weekend.
You just casually came the same day and the same time as Homelander and Ryan were about to have the whole museum closed off as they received a private tour,  but he asked you to join them not giving any real explanation for why but nobody questioned, neither kid spoke to each other much if any, Helena simply enjoying the silence, she looked at you as she asked about the pieces but it was Homelander who had the most to say about the works, leaving you left out but happy, you knew that face of his so well, to see it on your daughter’s face made your day.
He had taken the opportunity to discuss your employment not your relationship, giving you list of things Ryan should eat, would not eat, wanted to try and things he wanted to try himself, then your hours and some odd request about handling Ryan’s school lunches being instagram worthy, handing you socials to research for such task.
You started work that following week, the Vought kitchens were top of the line, your job was to meet all of his requirements, some of the chefs that recognized you looked at you with relief and curiosity, wanting to know what had happened to you but you were unwilling to share. That first breakfast was returned with clean plates, even the waiter was shocked when he saw empty plates come out of his penthouse.
It had been so long since you could play with such new equipment, this was it, this was the place you belong in, him or not involved this was your happy place now.
Two weeks had passed.
 As you headed for the staff elevator you met Homelander, who had honestly just been waiting for you.
“I got the paperwork sorted… you just have to sign and fill stuff. Nice school! Great stem program not that Helena will find it hard.” he said politely, his posture extra stiff.
“Did you do a background check on her?” you looked around for witnesses.
“Hard not to. Our kid is the captain of the math club… her school team has won most of the math competitions in the last four years. Not to mention the piano recitals, and science competitions”  He looked so proud– her grades are perfect. She might be the smartest little girl in the city.”
“She’s the smartest little girl in the world.”
“And her new school would let the whole world know just that.” He said matching your smug.
You watched him carefully waiting for him to spit out what he wanted to say, either about her schooling or something else.
Helena was allowed to continue attending her old school until you were ready for transfer, he had only briefly talked to you for school discussions, and with great disinterest on what made each school good or not, if anything you found yourself doing this for his son as well, thinking of what this school would do for his well being, and if it was the best choice for a homeschooled kid, and how would this new school commute affect Helena’s after school routine. 
On the days you didn’t work in Vought’s towers she was still babysat or stayed at Lucci’s, she was too young to be left at home, even if you knew she was perfectly safe, but no matter what she was still little. 
During the days you worked in the tower she was kept in the company daycare in the 20th floor, most of the kids there were normal but there was at least one other super-abled child her age, it made you happy to see her interact with a similar kid even if said kid abilities involved phasing thru objects all willy-nilly and make objects phase thru other objects, making you worry of what would happen if he lost focus and Helena got caught inside a wall.
“By the way our kid escaped the daycare.” He held the elevator open for you as he entered, before you could panic he shot you a charming smile– is okay she’s at the gym…”
Your eyes had welled up regardless, you jumped into the metal box pressing the bottom frantically.
“She’s perfectly safe… A-Train is there and so it's that… Noir… her and the only little Supe kid decided to do some mischief, but I kept my ears on her all day.”
Forcing yourself to take deep breaths as the elevator smoothly traveled to the lower floors.
“Is it not her that I am worried for.” you said firmly.
You followed him as he guided you through an unfamiliar floor, inside the large colosseum gym that had been fitted to test somebody’s athletic skills you found your daughter floating in her wavy bubble, but all you saw was your kid swaying in the air.
“Helena get down here immediately!!!” You ran after her reaching for the kid as her bored expression was replaced with embarrassment as she descended into your arms– you cannot run away from daycare!”
“I don’t want to be surrounded by babies.”
“Helena you are a baby!” you squeezed her against yourself, just glad she was still in one piece, you noticed the other small kid in the room– jesus…”
Carrying your kid you reached for the other one, taking his hand.
“Hey sweetie… let me take you back to daycare before your mommy or daddy gets worried.
“Am I in trouble?” he asked meekly.
“No, but Helena is so grounded.”
“Don’t mom me! You have any idea how dangerous that was!”
“Oh don’t get mad at the kid, she was just acting like a kid. Don’t be such a buzzkill” he mocked you.
“I don’t want or need your opinion– now you got two seconds to explain yourself!”
You began to gently drag yourself and your kid’s victim out of the gym, A-Train absolutely shocked to see anybody talk to Homelander like that.
“Look I had A-Train and Noir come check them out, they were safe!” He chased after you.
“Oh that was your doing.” Helena said–  "I really wanted to meet A-Train” she waved innocently at the Supe, who returned the gesture as a true professional– and... Mom… I wanted to see the building, that’s all… sorry I used Elmo to escape… but his powers were just too useful”
“You cannot use people like that.” you said in shock.
“People like being used.” Her words were just cold as she wriggled herself out of your arms, falling without touching the ground, she took Elmo’s hand taking the small kid towards the exit– some people are born serfs.” She mumbled to herself.
Homelander's heart beat violently– oh his daughter was a brat and had a questionable attitude, he hadn’t even interacted much with her, but he was proud. His whole body went light and his smile couldn’t be contained as he saw the small girl with true love in his eyes, this was the moment he saw her as truly his own.
Ryan was still reluctant to accept his father’s philosophy, but this little one understood that she was born better from the start on her own.
She turned around to face you again, little Elmo sucked on his thumb as her eyes glowed pale blue.
“Is it alright if I come to the training gym if I ask permission first?” 
“Of course all Supe’s should know to keep their powers top notch. You are more than welcome to use the facilities.” Homelander had cut you off, petting the little girl’s head as he approached the duo– Just ask your mother so she doesn’t have a heart attack. Then again this is one of the safest places in all of New York and little Helena over here is perfectly safe, after all I am here.” He said while staring at you.
His voice was sweet, you were defeated as Helena tried to contain that cheshire grin of hers while staring at you– he was your boss , and the Homelander so could you really go against him so publicly?
“You had a terrorist attack in this building… but I guess…” She ignored him again then looked straight at you– I learned something new today.” 
A-Train and Noir exchanged concerned looks taking a few step backs, Homelander seemed intrigued to watch your reaction, you gave way, unable to speak, just frustrated as your ex looked just as smug as his kid.
Little Elmo scoot behind her– in the round gymnasium a cement boulder hanged in chains, her eyes glowed the brightest you’ve ever seen, lifting her hand with one quick swipe the boulder broke in half, the dust showing the invisible blade bending light, it gain a blue color as it was touched before fading, she looked so proud of herself, you stared at Homelander and now you understood why nobody had informed you that your daughter was missing. It didn’t sit well with you.
“you’re still grounded for a whole week.”
“But Mom!!”
You had walked into a trap, one you did so willingly, jailed in a nice house, any hope of Homelander being driven away or losing interest in her was gone as he looked at her with pure adoration in his eyes.
You got used to it… this prison was lovely, it was nice to come back to a spacious cell. Homelander had indeed brought his decorator to your house but you didn’t want designer furniture and high end stuff, you kept it simple and cheap, most of your stuff second hand and from Ikea, only relenting to agree with the poor designer over the kitchen, his budget was absurd for the task, only taking advantage to purchase all the appliances of your dreams, you indeed needed a air fryer that matched your splashback.
Helena was happy to have a room that felt like a bedroom, large bookcases that could be filled with her own books, a small courtyard facing her doors, where she now could sit down and read with the breeze in her hair. She seemed happy, euphoric when she began her new school, making you forget what was happening in the background at times.
Homelander would come from time to time to speak to you about mundane stuff and work, his patience saintly as he allowed you to get used to his company once more, just so you could be okay with him entering her life, but then again he was your jailer.
He himself had begun forcing himself into her life when you weren’t around, it was all a matter of timing and perception.
Homelander watched the daycare center, from afar, a much needed service, it occupied a whole floor, the tower employed thousands of people in its 99th floor so there had to be help for those mothers and fathers who needed to work but had children with no babysitters, it was one of the many appealing things about being employed by Vought, and the center offered a variety of activities for all age groups.
Helena saw it as a jungle, all these children just a bunch of savages, keeping Elmo around not because she liked his company but because he was the only other Supe child in her age group, he was a sweet kid, afraid of bugs and that liked to talk about cartoons, frankly it was a challenge to figure out what to do with him. Homelander watched as she taught the kid to play chess, taking hours to explain the basics as the seven year old had very little clue what was happening, but in its own way it was nice to talk to another kid like himself.
Homelander even bothered to do a background check on the child– both of his dad’s both worked at Vought one in hero management and the other in marketing, both very busy bees it seems… he had done the same with all of Ryan’s new classmates, he knew their entire families before his kid even stepped foot and said hello to any of them, all done before he started school the same week as Helena– there was the big issue of her being on the 10th grade while her older brother just began the 6th grade, so he couldn’t enjoy seeing the both of them interacting, it was hard to witness for he wanted both kids to become closer so desperately.
Hence why he was standing on the foyer of the daycare center, a young lady that looked too cheerful for her own good, welcomed Homelander.
“Hi! How can I help you today, Homelander? Are you looking to enroll little Ryan?” She swayed side to side trying to see if the kid was behind him by any chance.
“Actually… am here to speak to one of the kids… hmm… Helena L/N.” He said with a firm tone– I believe her mother left a message.”
Homelander texted you an hour before cominf down, not even asking you that he was going to take her for training, you were stuck in the kitchen helping with some work function taking place tonite, a thousand canapes had to be made and you were stuck with the pistachio and lemon layer cakes.
You had no time to argue, taking your precious break time to make phone calls and try not to use your knife on the nearest asshole who pissed you off afterwards.
She hopped on the desk seeking for any notes, and he was indeed correct.
Now he had her all for himself, you prayed he wasn’t going to drop the news on her, but you couldn’t leave and abandoned your team, she was safe, you had to believe she was safe, she was smart, she was so smart and she could escape him, you just had to trust her.
“Can I bring Elmo?” Helena looked up at Homelander, a slight ache building on her neck as she looked up at the man– he might get lonely.”
“He’s not a dog.” He didn’t even try putting on a soft babied voice with her– and I wanted to talk to you.”
“But he’s always ‘The Dog’ when we play house.” She faked the most innocent voice she could muster, turning around to look at the glass doors  dividing the friends– … He will probably sneak out to the gym if he gets lonely, they got his favorite snacks today… he told me liked five times and I think they’re playing Bluey on the tv.”
“Oh! and you play mommy?” He grimaces so hard his eyebrows touch.
“No, the robber.”
He led the way and she was more than happy to explore the building as they headed downstairs.
“What do you think of them?”
“Those without powers.” she wished she could see his expression– and be honest. None of this ‘Wednesday Addams’ crap.”
He looked around at the sea of smart casual fits and stress on the floors above, the world moving so fast paced, nothing but monkeys hurling shiny rocks while playing dress-up.
“They can be useful, if they are not… then they don’t matter to me.”
He smiled, his heart fluttering and his stomach filled with butterflies as he heard her speak– why did Ryan struggle so much to understand this? He thought.
“When you are born with such gifts–
“I might be a kid but I am very familiar with your Compound V, I already had this talk with my mother. Fascinating stuff… I am still trying to understand the whole dosage thing… How does your company decide which kid to give more versus others? Did they just look at who could provide the best backstory before deciding between 10 mils versus the whole vial.” 
She stared at the glass walls where the kids were housed, the tone of her voice still flat.
“Why you say that?”
“I’m a poor kid from the projects, with a single mom, formerly homeless and now with enough powers to make Athena envious. Not to mention how 92% of supes are white but the percentage below middle class to poor is almost the same as with the 6% blacks, while the percentage of upper class white supes is closer to the same percentage of 2% asians and latino supes… if anything a good chunk of latino and asian supes are upper class… something-something model minority yadah-yadah.” she pressed the elevator door– I’d make a good story. Shame that I can’t be a Supe.”
Homelander stared at her, placing his hand on the back of her head.
“You can be anything you want, Helena. You have been blessed beyond belief with powers… if you want to be Supe then you are ready for major leagues.”
She rolls her eyes.
“Only the 1% of superheroes ever make it to the major leagues, most supes never achieve anything beside D-list status and everybody is fighting for the crumbs left behind by your posse of clowns– is not a fiscally responsible decision. A career that can only exist on extreme gambling is not one that can make money. Not to mention am not cute or tall." She took the first step into the elevator– I never want my mother to worry about money. I want to buy her a mansion on top of a cliff staring at the ocean, have a dozen maids care for the house and she can just spend the rest of her life in luxury”
She turns to see him crossing her arms with a serious look on her tiny face.
“My goal is to take your job.”
“The Seven?” He grinned.
“I can wait to see you try.” he grinned.
“It won’t be that hard… At least when I am in charge security will be tighter.”
Bottles of V dropped from above Homelander’s head, he caught most of them but a few were lost, those were hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of drops staining his pants and shoes, Helena caught one bottle, sliding it between nimble fingers back and forth.
“Don’t look so surprised, it seems this is a common occurence… Here's an unwanted tip: use biometrics and only allow lab techs to enter the 67th floor, not just rely on good will, clown.” sections of her body and clothes flicked back and forth between visible and invisible, taunting him about how easy it had been to steal them using her superpowers.
As his eyes took an extra tinge of red, he saw a brief flash of pale blue encasing her, he followed her to the entrance of the Gym, where she expected to be left alone with Homelander not to find another kid.
“The prodigal son.” she mumbles.
Ryan sat on top of some raised stepping stones in the recently established obstacle course, Helena imagined she needed to know parkour in lieu of flying abilities, which seemed redundant for the kid who could fly.
“Thought you two could practice together.” He shouted while placing the V on the nearest bench.
“Guess there are ways to successfully murder a child and get away with it.” She raised an eyebrow– and here I thought you wouldn’t be irked by the words of a little girl… like I said you’re a maladjusted person.”
“I don’t hurt children. I have no idea…” he said calmly while a little bit angry, as he returned to her side.
“I dunno– it would look really bad if the press found out that you’re a deadbeat.”
His expression dropped as the little girl's eyes glowed.
“Smartest little girl in the world… or...?” She said dryly, as she headed towards Ryan to save him the walk– my bubble refracts light, easy to spot if you notice images are wavering without the heat.”
The little boy ran cheerfully after his father, who for the first time ignored him, his eyes transfixed on the little girl, who had been playing stupid all along.
taglist-- @fromforeigntofamiliarity , @demodemo909 and @immyowndefender
here's the house:
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fallout-mars · 7 months
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thank you for tagging me @carlos-in-glasses @sznofthesticks @whatsintheboxmh @thisbuildinghasfeelings @lemonlyman-dotcom !! <33 this technically isn't a wip for me, but it's unposted since it's the next part of the one hundred ways to say i love you series (which i should post soon)
Out of the corner of his eye, he can see Marjan and Paul playing with Buttercup and the twins, and Carlos can’t explain the twisting in his chest. They’re two children he never met before today, but two children who know more about him than his own parents. Everyone listened to TK’s speech at the start of the party. Everyone heard him say what he said about Carlos, and no one batted an eyelid. Everyone already knew, of course, but the declaration felt… personal. Not in a bad way, but he’s never had anyone express their feelings for him so openly before. Previous boyfriends, well, there weren’t many of them that stuck around for feelings.  But TK has given him everything. TK is unashamed of who he is and how he feels, including about Carlos, and the thing is, Carlos knows it hasn’t always been like that for him. Even just a few months ago when everything was back and forth and infinitely more complicated, TK was hiding things. How he felt was just the tip of the iceberg; then there was what their non-relationship was doing to him. He wasn’t proud and happy then, as much as Carlos hates thinking about that, but he’s come a long way. From “I’m not looking for this” to “I found an incredible man who showed me that it is okay to open up my heart again.”
open tag to anyone who wants to share what they're working on and a few no pressure ones
@paperstorm @reyesstrand @kiwichaeng @bonheur-cafe
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leo-crafts-theories · 5 months
Oh hey look I finally figured out a good pfp for this blog. On that note, let's talk about Pearl!
Pearl is an ender dragon. Full on. Dragon. Like many modern dragons in many media, she takes humanoid form most of the time, but she likes to keep her wings and horns around. Sometimes her tail, but that's mostly just for flying.
All creatures have some natural variation, even ender dragons (who are parthenogenetic and all female) - Pearl in dragon form has slightly upward-curved horns, and her scales are flecked with the occasional pigmentless white scale, looking like a sparse night sky. (Think black cats or dogs that occasionally have a few random white hairs. But instead it's scales)
Ender dragons naturally have an aura around them that destroys non-End materials, but in her human form, that aura shuts off. She basically never takes full dragon form in the Overworld. Although, she did use her full dragon form to get herself and Gem to the s8 world - which is why she and Gem ended up in a hole in the ground at spawn!
Pearl's Opinions on the s9 dragon egg incident were more than just her cleaning lady bit! For one thing, the duping process is not a normal occurrence, and most of the eggs felt uncanny and Wrong to her. Probably none of them would have been fertile, either, except the original, wherever that ended up. It was just generally an affront to draconic dignity - which Pearl had already seen at Doc's base before, with the almost ghost-like clone dragon flying overhead. Also maybe she's a little protective of dragon eggs by nature! Did anyone ever think of that!
As for all the fights against other ender dragons Pearl has done - well, ender dragons are used to having a lot of space, and are very territorial. Since they don't need the company of other ender dragons, Pearl has never sought it, and instead uses her natural rivalry with other dragons for her own entertainment.
Oh yeah, and she chose her name for herself. The moon and the End are, in space terms, sort of close to each other, and visually very similar. And maybe she liked the joke about being an "ender Pearl" :P
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I was so excited for Scar connecting the dots about Grian and the Life Games that for a second I forgot that in the background Grian is still going to attempt to change the healing potions into weakness/harming. (I re-read the whole fic, I love this AU). At the very least 2 people have context for what’s being going on, so hey, progress.
Also holy shit you went and reread the WHOLE AU, this thing is a CHONKER its like 33k now and only on chap 6???? The DEDICATION,,,,, im fucking shook /pos im so glad you like it enough to reread it like that!!!! And yeah, we've definitely made some necessary progress-- we're closing in on the end of arc 1, so things are starting to come together a little more rapidly >:] im absolutely hyped to FINALLY get us back to hermitcraft, ive been losing my mind about it for AGES now
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yeommijeong · 2 years
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Women with sharp instincts can be scary. You… scare me.
Mr. Gu & Yeom Mi Jeong Episode 10, My Liberation Notes (2022)
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lavenoon · 2 years
Lave-san i need help i desperately need fics where the DCA does not like you initially/straight up dislikes you and avoids you. Bonus ppints for mechanic y/n
So I'll lead with the disclaimer that I crowdfunded this reply because I am a pitifully slow reader, which translates to me actually reading only very few fanfics. However, I trust my sources (from the Sleepy Cove Server <3), so I'll wholeheartedly recommend these!
First the two I have actually read:
Our Orbit is Elliptical by @sycopomp and @madame-mongoose
The Daycare Attendant is very protective of his role in the Superstar Daycare; he was made for this job, after all, and he finds it insulting that management seems to think he needs help. They insist on saddling him with human assistants, over and over, no matter how many quit. Not that he does it intentionally, of course... but if they can't handle the stress, then perhaps they aren't fit to be working with children. Hmph.
You are the new Daycare Assistant at the Superstar Daycare! Despite some reservations, you're determined to do your best and prove-- mostly to yourself-- that you deserve to be here. You're inspired by Sun and the ease with which he gets along with the children, and you hope to impress him with your go-getter attitude and unflappable confidence! (Even if both of those things are about as flimsy as construction paper...)
aka: Sun is passive-aggressive to his new assistant, whom is so determined to do a good job that they're too oblivious to notice.
Almost Human by @vilz
“I cannot make you understand. I cannot make anyone understand what is happening inside me. I cannot even explain it to myself.” ― Franz Kafka, The Metamorphosis
You get a new job. It's a struggle.
And now the ones that make me wish I could read faster or simply have more time in the day:
Two Choices by @thelonereni
You chose this.
There was regret of course, but turning back wasn't an option anymore. You couldn't lose this new game you found yourself in, and somehow you managed to feel more and more alive the longer you played...
You have worked in sanitation since the pizzaplex opened, but that all changed when you had a bit of a mishap in the kitchen. With the only real option left being an assistant in the daycare, you decided it couldn't be worse that your previous position.
Between the surly daycare attendant, bosses breathing down your neck and the corporate overlords coming for a visit, your starting to think you make really shitty life choices.
What's The Moral Here? by @/siquieres on ao3
Your little brother is invited to a birthday party at Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex, hosted inside the Superstar Daycare. The Daycare Attendant takes a disliking towards you, or at least, that's what you think it is. Despite this and the violent nightmares of a sun god that plague you, you keep letting your brother bring you back. You keep coming back.
A sort of mean-spirited take on the Sun/Reader dynamic. Reader is often injured, intentionally or not.
What's It Called When Light Hits A Prism? by @/TooManyPsuedonyms on ao3
The PizzaPlex has been running--and the Management needs a new operator for one of their salvaged animatronics.
You are just trying to live independently, so of course, you'll take the job.
You have no idea what you're in for. Granted, you never really know what you're in for, but this can't be much different than working with regular human people… right?
And perhaps one where the DCA doesn't outright dislike Y/N, but the premise still causes tension in their dynamic (and you get mechanic Y/N!):
It's Curtains For You! by @muzzlemouths
|| “You will be befriending, then dismantling the animatronic,” he gets right to the point, “and you’ll have about a month to do it.”
You're not here to make friends. You're here to earn what you can, smile and nod with simple Yes Sirs, and keep your head down low. An open position as the Daycare Attendant's newest 'mechanic' doesn't change any of that. You're on a tight schedule with the disassembly and you can't afford to be getting attached.
But what happens when you do?
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oh-snapperss · 1 year
finished reading the new chapter of you could've applied online. sobbing oh my god,,,,
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