#hi do not tag as geraskier
lakka-arts · 2 years
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      “This is so beautiful, Geralt,” Dandelion gushes, flinging his hair back in a wet spray that hits Geralt in the face. “Oh, sorry!” 
      The witcher chuckles and wipes the water out of his eyes.
      “I thought you’d appreciate it,” he says. After a moment of hesitation, he reaches out and tucks a stray strand of wet hair behind Dandelion’s ear. 
      “And you said you found this only a day or two ago?”
      Dandelion sighs happily and reaches up, wrapping his wet arms around Geralt’s neck so he can place a cold and watery kiss on his lips.
hi. i. i read @eredins-a-king-aint-he's gerlion fic. and its. wah. and its soooo adorable. everyone should read it actually. and this image spawned in my head and Refused to leave so I am Showing it to Everyone.
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Prompt 33
Geralt is a siren who lives with his pod in the deepest trenches of the ocean. Geralt and his pod frequently team up together to take down large seabeasts, protecting their oceans, other seafolk, and even the landfolk from certain monstrosities. Jaskier is a merman who lounges luxuriously in coral reefs and plays pretty relaxing music there all day every day. Both are crushed with a crippling loneliness.
Geralt's hunts that bring him closer to the surface of the water, (and by closer, I still mean deep as hell, he's just no longer surrounded by healthy non-blobby blobfish and photophores everywhere) He tends to hear the humming and chittering of a mer. The sound relaxes him so much, he begins swimming out of the deepest depths after certain battles to find the soothing noise. You can use just this if you prefer shorter prompts, OR, if you'll indulge my gay fantasies- One day, he swims over toward the reef only to hear panicked screeching, and scent blood in the water. He nYOOoms over and finds a mer being attacked by a monster. Geralt fights it off, either with swords or maybe perhaps just his claws and teeth if we're feeling ~✨feral✨~ Either way, he defeats the beast, and turns to the mer, only for the mer to pass out right then and there. Damn him. Geralt takes him to a nice cove nearby and begins patching him up. When the mer wakes up, he's all hissy and scared, but Geralt calms him quickly by humming one of his melodies. And apparently doing this flips a fuckin switch, because the Mer suddenly goes from being scared shitless of Geralt, to being scared shitless when not touching Geralt every second of every minute of every hour of every godsdamn day. It's already been a few days, he has to tell his pod why he's gone missing, but every time he goes to leave, the mer hisses at him. Eventually, Geralt grows tired of the worry he must be giving his family, and swims out of the cave, even as the Mer screeches at him. He informs his pod he's alive and well and just... b u s y... with.... t hi n g s... before he swims back to the cove only to find his mer BAWLING. The mer is ecstatic that he's returned and seems to forgive Geralt after a day of snuggling. Okay, new problem: The merman isn't healed enough to go back into the open ocean and yet keeps slipping out when Geralt is asleep only to return with shells, sea glass, moss, sometimes even anemones that are deemed prettier than others. It takes Geralt longer than he'd like to admit to figure out the merman is trying to court him.
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Hi everyone and welcome back to another episode of my delusions.
I was reblogging @biblically-accurate-frog s post (see below on my timeline for context) when it hit me. Are they gonna do a parallel, Geralt fell in love and the one he fell for betrayed him and Ciri was put at risk. As the original poster said, Radovid just “happened” to know where the cabin was, and nobody was concerned about his absence.
Radovid is gonna betray Jaskier and Ciri is probably going to get kidnapped. Ive posted about this before about Jaskiers guilt if Ciri gets taken on his watch and how badly it would take a toll on him. We know from the clip of Geralt and Jaskier together (the one where Geralt looks like hes been through hell and back) that that scene hasnt happened yet meaning its in part 2. Jaskier looks unharmed in that clip and hes seemingly acting himself, but I’m still worried about him.
I feel like its more a when situation than an if situation so, WHEN Radovid betrays Jaskier and breaks his heart and is the reason Ciri gets kidnapped. Jaskier will probably break down. But he’ll also be afraid, terrified not only that Ciri was taken on his watch and essentially because of him but he’ll also be terrified of Yen and Geralt. But I honestly don’t think they’ll act in anger towards Jaskier. They’ll be furious that someone did that to Jaskier.
Geralts been there his lover betrayed him and Ciri almost got hurt as a result. Jaskiers lover betrays him, Ciri gets kidnapped. Geralt won’t lose his trust in Jaskier (i hope) if anything I think it’ll strengthen their bond that Geralt can help Jaskier navigate his heartbreak in his own Geralt way. But Geralt won’t abandon him. Geralt will stand with him and protect him and if I were Radovid and I kidnapped two of the most powerful peoples on the continents daughter, and betrayed and broke the heart of their best friend. I would run, if Radovid does this there will be nowhere he could hide from Geralt and Yennefers rage.
This was supposed to be me pointing out a possible parallel and it turned into this. I’m sorry, have a good night everyone.
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fangirleaconmigo · 5 months
Geraskier kink prompt: (I have too many WIPs so pls smut writers pls if it inspires you, write it and tag me I beg)
Geralt is a stoic paladin assigned to patrol purgatory. When demons get out of hell, it is his job to chase them down and take them back. It would be disastrous if a single one made it to earth to do evil.
Geralt is successful because he works quietly. He does not speak to them or allow them to try to plead, trick, or make deals. He has a special method of subduing them. Geralt quietly stalks them, then he simply grabs them by a horn with one hand and their tail with the other. He tips them on their sides and hogties them before they can blink.
Jaskier is a demon and lurks in the shadows of the border. He watches the perversely attractive Paladin bring back his trussed up brethren and plop them over the wall. He hears them fume and wail about the indignity, describing the process in detail. How dare he treat them like humans treat their stupid cattle.
They are so affronted that they do not notice Jaskier is having a very different reaction to their stories than they intend.
The next night, Jaskier gets out on purpose.
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bambirex · 1 year
Tell It With Your Heart
Pairing: Geraskier
Characters: Jaskier/Dandelion, Geralt of Rivia
Additional tags: fluff, tooth-rotting fluff, acts of kindness, soft Geralt of Rivia, soft Jaskier/Dandelion, getting together, domestic fluff, friends to lovers
Word count: 2,504
Chapters: 1/1
Summary: While Jaskier always says what's on his mind, Geralt works a little differently. That doesn't mean he cannot tell Jaskier how he feels - he just does that without words.
Author's notes: for @wren-of-the-woods!! Wren, dear, we've talked so much about the different love languages the Witcher characters would have, and we both agreed Geralt's would be acts of service, so I had to gift this to you! I hope you'll like it, thank you so much for brainstorming with me ❤️
It's really nice finally being back with some fluff! There's a scene that might be familiar to some as it's directly taken from the Spirit cartoon hehe
Read on Ao3
Geralt wasn't a man of many words, Jaskier was well aware of that. For the first few months that they've spent traveling together, Jaskier was mostly met with grunts and an awful lot of "hm"s, and if Geralt has graced him with a sentence consisting of more than three words, Jaskier was practically over the moon.
It wasn't because he was dumb as many people believed witchers to be: Geralt was very intelligent, he was just simply very closed-off. He had many walls pulled up around his heart, protecting him from the harshness of the world. Armor on his body and on his soul, Jaskier mused about it one day.
It took a while for Jaskier to understand Geralt. The bard was very talkative, has been that way all his life: he's talked his way out of the worst situations, has seduced his lovers with his kind words, and has made himself a name with his poetry. For him, it was hard to imagine there were ways to talk without using words, until he met Geralt.
That was why he needed some time to put the pieces together after the first time Geralt has returned with two rabbits dangling over his shoulders one day.
It was a couple of months after Jaskier's joined Geralt on the path. Money was scarce, and so the food was too, and Jaskier may have complained a little about being hungry. Geralt has growled at him that if he wanted to eat, he was more than welcome to go and find food for himself. Jaskier decided it was wiser if he didn't do that on his own.
When Geralt told him to stay in one place while he disappeared into the woods, Jaskier was sure Geralt has left him behind. He cursed himself for being so stupid to whine about being hungry while he knew right well that Geralt was working his ass off trying to gather enough for the both of them. Now he really did it, he annoyed Geralt to the point that he wouldn't come back for him.
But Geralt returned, with one tiny, scrawny rabbit and a large, fat one. He did not say a single word, he just sat down on a tree trunk and started skinning them. Jaskier stood there confused, anxiously rubbing his fingers together while Geralt got to cooking the meat.
Once he was done, he handed Jaskier the much bigger rabbit. It smelled deliciously, and Jaskier noticed that Geralt cooked his rabbit so much better than his own, Jaskier's meat being pink and juicy, while Geralt's looking bony and half raw.
"We can share mine, I won't be able to eat all of this anyway," Jaskier offered. Geralt shook his head, not even looking up as he started tearing at his own food.
"You need it more than me," was all he said. Jaskier tried a couple more times, but Geralt refused his offer.
"Thank you," Jaskier said softly when they were done eating. His stomach was full, and he felt warm and comfortable. Maybe it was the post-lunch daze that made him see things that weren't there, but it seemed like Geralt looked satisfied as he watched Jaskier rest a hand on his full belly.
The night was cold, possibly the coldest all winter. They were refused from every single inn. Things seemed more hopeless than ever, and the night was slowly creeping up on them. Jaskier pulled his furs tighter around his body, his teeth chattering loudly as they wandered around, trying to find a place to rest.
They eventually found a tiny stable. It was an old, ragged building, not very warm and the hay was dusty and dry, but it was better than nothing.
Geralt placed both their blankets over the hay, then gestured at Jaskier to lie down on them. Jaskier raised an eyebrow in question.
"What about you?"
"Lie down, Jaskier."
Jaskier did, but his confusion remained as Geralt took his own fur off and laid it over him.
"Geralt, you're going to be cold," Jaskier protested. He tried to hand the fur back, but Geralt threw it back at him.
"Burrow in," Geralt said. He leaned down and wrapped the furs around Jaskier as tight as he could, cocooning him until he was as warm as he could be. "It's only going to get colder. I'll be okay."
"Geralt," Jaskier sighed, "please. I don't want you to freeze to death. At least... come a little closer, then?"
Jaskier could swear he saw a hint of a blush on Geralt's cheeks. The witcher hesitated for a moment before he lay next to Jaskier, shifting close enough that their sides touched.
It was the best sleep Jaskier has gotten in weeks. He felt safe and warm against Geralt's side, who seemed to have shifted even closer to him during the night. Jaskier didn't mind, not even a little bit.
"Oh, this is really pretty," Jaskier sighed dreamily, "very lovely."
"It would look marvelous on you," the vendor mused as he held up the necklace for Jaskier. The thin golden chain glimmered in the candlelight. The medallion, forming a tiny bird, dangled off the vendor's hand.
"That's so kind of you to say, but it's a bit expensive," Jaskier sighed. He fell in love with that necklace the second he's laid his eyes on it, but they weren't here to buy jewelry with the small amount of coins they had. Geralt was browsing the shelves for the necessary supplies they needed for the path. He had his back to Jaskier, but Jaskier was sure he was rolling his eyes over Jaskier's ridiculous love for pretty jewelry.
Jaskier tried not to show his disappointment when they left the shop. He stared down at his boots and bit his lip, imagining how that necklace would have looked on him.
They barely even made a few meters when Geralt abruptly turned around.
"I forgot something," he said, all but storming back in the shop.
He was back soon, holding a tiny bag in his hand. Jaskier eyed it curiously.
"What is it? Something for Roach?"
Geralt cleared his throat a little awkwardly before he squeezed out a "no". Then, he gave the bag to Jaskier.
"It's mine?"
"It's yours."
"Well, that should be interesting," Jaskier chuckled softly as he peeled the bag open. He let out a loud gasp when he saw what was inside.
"Geralt..." Jaskier whispered, his throat constricting around the words. "You shouldn't have..."
"I know you liked it," Geralt replied. He didn't look at Jaskier, instead stared at a small rock on the ground. He kicked it, watching it roll away as if it was the most interesting thing he has ever seen. "So, there."
Jaskier suddenly didn't know what to do with himself. He wanted to run back to the shop and give it back, he wanted to berate Geralt for spending so much on something so useless, but he also wanted to sob and throw himself into Geralt's arms.
He did the latter, clutching Geralt so hard that the witcher let out a surprised huff. Jaskier buried his face in Geralt's neck, his eyes welling up with tears.
"I don't know why you're being so kind to me," Jaskier whispered, "you shouldn't have to do all this for me."
"I should," Geralt said. He brought up a hand and placed it onto Jaskier's back, a slightly awkward but very endearing attempt at a hug. "You're welcome."
Jaskier sat in the grass, scribbling in his notebook while Geralt sat next to him, working on his bestiary. It was a nice and comfortable way to spend time together: just being close to each other, both working on their own thing while not having to be alone. As years have passed, Jaskier has learned to appreciate these moments. He used to think of them as boring, awkward silence, but now he understood just how precious it was to be together like this.
He glanced over at Geralt. The witcher was deeply lost in his thoughts, a furrow between his brows, his face half-covered by his hair. Jaskier felt his heart flutter just looking at him.
Geralt must have sensed he was staring, because he looked up, shooting Jaskier a questioning look. Jaskier quickly looked away, redirecting his eyes upwards to the tree above them and pretending like he hasn't been staring at Geralt for the past few minutes- and the past decade, really.
He spotted a beautifully ripe apple on one of the branches above him. It was harsh red and perfectly round. Jaskier could imagine the taste of it on his tongue.
"When I was young," he started, speaking more to himself than Geralt, "I would always pick at fruits while I was working on a song. I would lie belly down on the grass, scribbling with one hand and stuffing my face with the other."
"Did it help you create better?"
"I don't know. It was a nice habit. And at least I didn't forget to eat while I was writing. I tend to do that."
"I know," there was an almost soft tone to Geralt's voice. It made Jaskier smile.
Jaskier peered up at the apple again. It sat on a high branch, and there was no way Jaskier would have reached it, even if he jumped for it. He decided he'd rather just wait until a fruit fell on the ground.
He picked up his notebook again. He didn't manage to write the next sentence down, because from the corner of his eye, he saw a quick movement that made him look up.
Jaskier's jaw dropped when he saw Geralt jumping up so high, it looked like he was practically flying. Taking good advantage of his advanced strength and reflexes, Geralt grabbed the apple from the branch before he landed again on the ground with a soft thud.
He opened his palm and showed the apple to Jaskier, making him snort.
"Way to humiliate me, Geralt," Jaskier rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry I can't fly. I didn't even know witchers could do that. Eh. Show-off."
"No," Geralt reached out again. "I got it for you."
"For me?" Jaskier whispered in awe. He stared at the apple in Geralt's hand, then up at Geralt. He blinked at him in surprise. Geralt hummed.
"Do you not want it?"
"I do," Jaskier replied. The muscles in his face ached as his lips curled into a wide smile. His heart swelled so big in his chest, he was worried it would burst. "But only if I can share it with you."
"Alright," Geralt concluded. His own lips twitched into a smile as he reached into his satchel, looking for a dagger.
Their knees touched as they sat, passing apple slices between each other. Once again, Jaskier found it hard to look at anywhere but Geralt's face, that lovely face that looked so content now, Jaskier wished he could kiss it.
The years have officially caught up to Jaskier. He wasn't old, not by any means, but he wasn't exactly young either. He started to tire out easier, his legs aching after having to walk so long. His joints often creaked and popped when he stood up, and to his absolute horror, he even noticed a gray hair at his temple.
"I don't mean to complain... well, I kind of do. I know it must be hard being a witcher but at least your lower back doesn't try to kill you if you sit a little weird for a few minutes!"
Jaskier groaned as he sunk into the water. The warmth felt heavenly for his tired bones, his cramping muscles easing up slowly as he leaned back in the tub. He rested his head against the edge, letting out a big sigh.
"And I'm only thirty-five!"
"You're thirty-eight, Jaskier."
"It's awfully rude to bring up a lady's age, Geralt!"
"You brought it up first. And you're not a lady."
"No, I'm an old man," Jaskier whined pathetically, closing his eyes. "I'm withering away."
His eyes snapped open again when he felt a touch against his shoulder. He twisted around to see Geralt standing behind the tub.
"Relax," Geralt told him. Before Jaskier could ask what he meant, Geralt pressed his thumb into a sore spot gently, making Jaskier keen in his throat.
"Heavens," he sighed, "this is incredible."
Geralt hummed, a pleased little sound. He ground the heel of his hand into the knots in the back of Jaskier's neck, drawing content little noises out of him.
Jaskier couldn't help but grin when he smelled the chamomile oil. He wanted to make a joke about the tables turning, but he could only manage a blissful moan when Geralt massaged the oil into his skin.
"You know, you do an awful lot of things for me," Jaskier pointed out. "You take care of me a lot."
"You take care of me as well."
"Yes, but it's different for you, isn't it?"
"What do you mean?"
"I've been thinking," Jaskier admitted. He let out another happy sigh as Geralt rubbed over his shoulder. "I had a lot of time to do that in the past fifteen years or so. You're not very talkative. Sometimes, when you're in the right mood, you talk a bit more. But even then, not as much as me."
Jaskier could hear the grin in Geralt's voice when he said "No one can talk as much as you."
Jaskier snorted. "Alright, maybe the comparison is a little unfair. But my point is, I've told you many times that I love you. You just never seemed to hear me. And I was wondering if it was because you didn't want to hear it, or because your way of telling me is much different."
Geralt's hands stilled. Jaskier turned back, glaring up into amber eyes.
"You're doing all of this for me, buying me things, feeding me, spoiling me, because you don't know how else to tell me."
He reached for Geralt's hand. He smiled when Geralt - even though a little tentatively - laced their fingers together.
"I'm sorry it took me so long to understand your language," Jaskier said softly, "but I get it now. I mean... I get it, right? Oh, gods, it would be very awkward if I misinterpreted this and..."
He didn't get to finish his rambling as Geralt pressed their lips together, his hand still holding Jaskier's. Jaskier felt like melting into the warm water as Geralt kissed him, a little too careful for Jaskier's taste, but so perfectly like no one else could.
"Are you happy?" Geralt asked as he pulled back. Jaskier definitely didn't just imagine the flush on his cheeks this time.
"Very," Jaskier grinned. He kissed the back of Geralt's hand, holding it against his cheek for a moment. "I love you."
Geralt leaned down to kiss him again, carding his fingers through Jaskier's damp hair. Very quietly, very gently, he said the same thing against Jaskier's lips.
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If you're taking dialogue prompts then I would suggest Geraskier 20 and/or 45 and/or 92. ❤
20. “You are so unbelievably strong. So, so strong.”
45. “You lied to me.”
92. “My heart is beating… that’s cool.”
“You are so unbelievably strong,” Jaskier says from his spot thrown over Geralt’s shoulder, sounding a bit hysterical. “So, so strong. Do I weigh anything to you?”
With his hand that isn’t holding Jaskier in place, Geralt casts Aard to blast two guards rushing at them backwards. “Is now really the time for this, bard?”
“I think it’s always a good time to ogle handsome men who come to my rescue so valiantly.”
Geralt snorts and leaps off the scaffold onto Roach’s waiting back, dumping Jaskier across the saddle in front of him like a sack of potatoes. Roach doesn’t wait for his signal before she bolts, sending onlookers scattering as she gallops through the crowd. “I told you, bard, next time you ended up on the gallows for sticking your cock somewhere it shouldn’t, I was letting you die.”
“You lied to me.” Jaskier sounds far more smug than a man in his position should.
Geralt can’t argue with that. “The duke’s betrothed? Really?”
“She was quite pretty and she liked my music.”
“Is that all it takes?”
“Well, I am a sucker for a pretty face.” Jaskier cranes his neck to bat his eyelashes at Geralt.
“You’re a dipshit is what you are.” An arrow whistles by his head and Geralt twists around in the saddle to cast Igni at their pursuers.
“It won’t happen again?”
“Now who’s lying?” Geralt urges Roach to run faster. He doesn’t pull her to a stop until they’re well out of town and the sounds of shouting have faded behind them. Only then does he leap down from her back to untie Jaskier’s ankles and wrists.
“Ugh.” Jaskier slides off of Roach’s saddle. Geralt catches him around the waist to stop him from falling. “You finally let me ride Roach and you treat me like a sack of potatoes?”
“You alright?” Geralt pats him down to look for injuries.
“Well, my heart’s still beating.” Jaskier presses his hand to his chest. “That’s nice. Besides some bruises and scrapes, I’m fine. I’d say of all my imprisonments, that one was probably in my top ten. Maybe even my top five, since it ended with me being thrown over a handsome man’s shoulder.”
Geralt closes his eyes. He doesn’t know why he still keeps this peacock around. He especially doesn’t know why the thought of losing this peacock to a hangman’s noose scared him worse than anything has in a long time. “Just don’t let this happen again.”
“I’ll do my best, but I can make no promises.”
“Here’s a promise,” Geralt says. “Next time your fool decisions get you sentenced to death, I’m leaving you.”
“Sure you will.” Jaskier throws his arms around Geralt’s neck, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “Thank you for saving me, O Dashing White Wolf.”
Geralt can feel Jaskier’s heart beating against his chest. It almost makes up for the fact that he smells like a man who spent a week in a prison cell. “Any time, Jaskier.”
He doesn’t miss Jaskier’s triumphant little smile.
Tag list: @kueble @mollymawkwrites @feral-jaskier @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @dawnofbards @thisislisa @tsukiwolf42 @mosaicscale @rockysstupidity @fontegagrilledcheese @kuripon @help-i-need-a-cool-username @julek @flowercrown-bard @eveljerome
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eskelsgirl · 6 months
(Title is still in the works) This is just a brief prologue. With an abrupt ending. Main pairing: Geraskier, Side pairings: Vesemir/Original Male Character, Eskel/Original Female character. Tags: Alpha/Omega/Beta au, canon divergence, arrange marriage -kind of? Vesemir looks down, unimpressed at the young omega at his feet, even less so at the omega’s beta ‘father’ that put him there. Male omegas were as rare as alpha females, unheard of but not impossible. The boy wasn’t a tiny thing like his omega; he was all limbs and about as tall as his oldest, with no hips to speak of. This wasn’t the first time men have tried to sell their unwanted children off to the witchers to pay their debts. But Vesemir already had enough pups and wasn’t looking for another.
“And what am I to do with him?” Vesemir asks, looking back up at the court. “He’s no child surprise, far too old for the mutations to take.” The beta growls a low warning, which is unimpressive, but Vesemir doesn’t allow the challenge to go unpunished. Growling back louder, a vicious snarl that sends the beta aback. A fraction of a movement caught Vesemir’s eyes: a young girl hanging off the skirts of her maid. The red swollen mark on her cheek would soon become a proper bruise. She was a timid thing, holding on to a well-cared-for doll. “She’ll do,” Vesemir says, his eyes narrowing on the girl. "She’ll make a fine playmate for my youngest.” “No!” The forgotten omega at his feet snaps, grasping Vesemir’s arm, pulling attention back onto him. “You will not touch her.” Cornflower blue meets harden amber, the first time Vesemir had seen the omega’s eyes full of defiance. The pieces clicked; maybe he would have a use for this omega after all. “Very well, then,” Vesemir shacks his arm out of the boy’s grasp. “I’ll take the omega off your hands, as well as his dowry.” “Dowry!” The beta yells, “Yes, if he is to mate one of my sons, a dowry is to be paid,” Vesemir explains, taking the time to now circle around the omega. “Then again, you are trying to cheat your way out of a 1,000 crown contract. You must not even have a dowry for your children.” A few snickers meet Vesemir’s ears, it seems someone else was enjoying the look of humiliation on the Lord’s face. After that, getting the dowry, a horse for the omega, and a bag of his belongings didn't take much convincing. “Go witcher.” The lord sneered, “Do not expect a warm welcome again.” —------- It was a long ride to where ever the Witcher alpha was taking him. While Jaskier was pleased to be away from his father, he will dearly miss his little sister and hope she will be safe without him there to protect her. The alpha didn’t speak much or at all, only deeming him worthy of conversation to command when to rest, eat, and water the horses. Jaskier wasn’t good at silence, so he spent most of the time lost in his head, humming songs or speaking softly to himself. He had made it through most of Hannelore Varidil’s epic poem, which he had memorized years ago. When they had stopped in a village outside of Kaedwen after weeks of camping outside, Jaskier was ready for a real bed, even if it was filled with straw. The Witcher dismounted effortlessly, while Jaskier still hadn’t mastered it. Once his feet touched solid ground, a young boy quickly gathered the reins in exchange for a few coins. “Come.” One-word commands. It seems that all the conversation Jaskier will ever have. Vesemir leads him to some form of market, stalls set up near two established buildings, the inn, and a tailor. Assuming they were heading for the inn, Jaskier didn’t think much but walked forward, only to be stopped by Vesemir. “Finally going to sell me then?” Jaskier couldn’t help the quip as it left his mouth. Then, he braced himself for a smack that never came, only a chuckle. “Not worth the hassle.” Vesemir answered, “They’ll probably arrest me for kidnapping.” “Fair. So what are we doing?” “Shopping.” Vesemir turned to the nearest stall, selling vegetables, and moved on before finding a traveling merchant with what he needed. “A master Witcher,” the merchant smiled. Vesemir didn’t need his secondary gender to tell him what he needed from the man. The Distaste was obvious, but he wouldn't turn down a paying customer.
“A blue Opal pendant to match your omega’s beautiful eyes.” The pendant was beautiful, and its silver wiring suited it better than the gilded sapphire next to it. Vesemir huffed but didn’t correct the merchant; instead settled on a crescent moon-shaped jasper with bronze wiring. “My mate prefers the simpler things in life,” Vesemir admits, holding the necklace in the light. “A young thing such as him-“ 
“He’s not my mate. He’s for my son.” Vesemir growls,
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typicalopposite · 2 months
First Lines Tag Game
Tagged by: @windwardstar (yessss plz tag me in all the things! 💕💕)
Rules: post the first line(s) of your 10 most recent wips
Everytime I Try To Fly (I Fall) - (BuckTommy) - Buck looks at his hands.
Over the Rainbow - (BuckTommy) - Buck sits on the edge of the toilet, his leg bouncing nervously, his hands sweating; he’s pretty sure his heart is about to beat itself out of his chest.
love you out loud - (BuckTommy) - With Tommy… he’s so confident… he’s interesting… “He has a cleft…” Maddie finishes her dramatic retelling of Evan’s coming out to her.
Untitled Witcher Fic - (Geraskier) - Life has been peaceful.
(A Better Man Is) Who I Am With You - (BuckTommy) - Tommy thinks about the past few weeks since the wedding.
Daniel is Bucks gaurdian angel fic - It’s been a week… Mom and dad are too lost in their grief and Maddie had to go back to school, so there’s no one available to comfort Evan’s cries.
rewrite the stars - (FirstPrince) - The weather in Windsor in April is cooler than in the states, but the sun is bright and pouring out onto the crowd and the playing field, and Alex can’t help but wonder; in all the visits he’s had to the country, he’s never seen it rain.
premonition - (FirstPrince) - Alex has been aware of the significance his dreams hold for a while.
Three Nights (Three Days Sequel) - (FirstPrince) - It’s funny how life repeats itself.
Kiss The Angel - (Destiel) - There’s a loud splattering sound behind them that causes everyone to turn around.
omg that was a lot 😂😂 now for the tags! @onthewaytosomewhere @scripted-downfall @30somethingautisticteacher @girlwonder-writes @do-androids-dream-ao3acc @tailsbeth-writes @luainthewild @taste-thewaste aaanddd @meraki-yao 🫶
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officerjennie · 2 years
for the 500 prompts: geralt/jaskier + body swap? i was thinking geralt/eskel swap bodies and jaskier doesnt know so he says something embarrassing to eskel about geralt (who is really geralt). hope that makes sense xD feel free to change it up any way or add eskel to the ship <3 thank you i love your posts!!! -flutejoy
@flutejoy - tumblr won't let me tag you, but like. A year later, I come bearing a fic. Hope it crosses your dash someday 😂
No real CWs. Geraskier, >2k
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It really wasn’t all that different being Geralt, Eskel thought, turning his face this way and that as he studied himself in the mirror. Geralt was a touch taller, his hair much longer, and his bulk was more hard muscle than soft, but despite the extra round of mutagens he really wasn’t that different.
His hearing was a bit better. Eskel had always thought that Geralt would have had better night vision, but he’d been wrong about that. Stretching, he turned away from the mirror, wondering if Geralt was having any luck hunting down his witch to switch them back.
A witch was the reason they were like this to begin with. Eskel gathered Geralt’s swords and strapped them to his back, finding it much easier to do when he wasn’t as thick (though he noted Geralt’s body got colder at night than his did). The witch had thought to confuse them, give herself enough time to escape when they’d raided her hut, but it hadn’t been enough in the end. Though they’d been a bit off balance, she still hadn’t been a match for them.
It had been a few nights since then, and for the most part they’d gotten used to it. Some things had been a bit awkward at first but they’d gotten over it out of necessity, growling and grumbling but accepting that this was their lot in life for a while.
Yennefer would fix it, Geralt had been certain of it. Though Eskel had no great love for her and had no desire to help find her. Last time he’d met her, she’d been throwing furniture out the window at Kaer Morhen. He’d thought it best to stay clear of her and hope Geralt could find her himself.
It was a bit dreary outside that afternoon. Eskel threw on Geralt’s cloak to shield himself from the rain, staring up at the grey clouds when he stepped outside. Grateful that he managed to stay warm under most any weather conditions, he set off down the street, deciding a drink and some food would do him good.
There was a bit of a crowd at the local tavern. Music drifted through the cracks in the door and windows, a few drunk stragglers leaning against the outside walls and just out of the rain. Eskel didn’t look at them but felt their eyes on him, making sure to keep his expression cooled to give them no reason to give him trouble.
He would have no trouble taking them out if he needed to, but that made the world all the harder for witchers. It was better to let them be and hope they did the same to him in turn. 
The noise and smells rushed over him when he opened the tavern door. Music, a lute and a lovely baritone voice, but loud laughter and chatter joined it. Stew and bread, not fresh but not spoiled either. He closed his eyes for a second and forced himself to get used to it all fast. Then he closed the door behind him.
It was good luck that the barkeep didn’t give him any trouble. The look he gave him was more wary than anything else, not sure whether to trust the stranger or not. Out of habit, Eskel touched his face and looked away, but his fingers only found stubble on his cheeks.
He wasn’t himself anymore. It was his hair and eyes that gave him away. That and the two swords.
Ale on its way and a bowl of stew in front of him, Eskel tuned the tavern out as he settled into a table in the corner. He kept the music to his side, facing the door so he could keep the clearest route to the exit in mind as he ate. A few times he glanced over at the bard that was performing - and it certainly was a performance: his gestures wide, his voice loud and clear, his smile wicked as he worked the crowd up around him.
While Eskel watched him, the bard stepped up onto a table, the crowd roaring. Eskel didn’t know a lot of bards (he knew of Geralt’s bard, of course, though he’d never met him) but this one must have made a name for himself, for everyone there seemed to know him. The man bowed with a sweep of his arm, hat clutched in his hand - and when he looked up he caught Eskel’s eyes.
Eskel couldn’t look away, and for a second it felt like he couldn’t breathe. It felt like that man was staring into his soul. And then he broke eye contact and looked away, and Eskel could breathe again.
“Thank you, thank you!” The man bowed again and hopped off the table, his cheeks red from working himself, sweat glistening on his forehead. “Alas, I must retire for the evening, but fear not! This won’t be my last performance!”
Being a bard was good business, Eskel noted, only watching the bard out of the corner of his eye then. The crowd cheered and gave him enough coin to cover a room, a bath, and probably several meals if the bard was good at budgeting. And the man took it all with grace, thanking everyone who paid him, and made his way through the tavern with a flirty grin on his face for almost everyone he passed.
Dangerous to throw it at everyone, but bards weren’t exactly known for keeping it to themselves. Eskel drank his ale and decided he wouldn’t stay long. With the crowd less distracted, they were more likely to turn to other forms of entertainment. 
Though the bard didn’t seem to be done making his rounds around the place. Eskel did his best to not actively watch him but it was difficult when he was getting closer. Slowly working his way through the crowd, stopping to call a few by name, to touch a few shoulders, to whisper a few words here and there. Eskel rolled his eyes and rolled his right shoulder - was it always this stiff? Must have been from an old wound. He’d have to check for knots later and work them out once he was himself again.
“You really do just have a special way of brooding.”
Eskel blinked up at the bard, who was leaning against a wooden beam near his table. There was a knowing glint in his eyes, a twitch of a smile on his lips, and for a moment Eskel wondered if they knew each other.
But he hadn’t really been introduced to any bards. Maybe the bard just liked talking to everyone, witchers included. So all Eskel did was shrug, and wince when it pulled the tight muscles in his shoulder - he really needed to work that out later.
“Didn’t expect to see you until Oxenfurt.” The bard didn’t take Eskel’s silence personally, helping himself to a seat right next to him as he plopped down with a sigh, a rather cute pout on his lips as he looked over at Eskel. “For the best, really. Turns out Valdo is teaching there at the moment, and I’d rather not have to deal with him. Do you still need to meet Triss there?”
Eskel blinked, and cocked his head. Triss in Oxenfurt - ah fuck, he shook his head before tipping his ale back and draining the last of it.
This must be Geralt’s bard. Jaskier. He looked at Eskel and saw Geralt. 
Would it be better to explain, or just pretend like nothing was wrong? Eskel wasn’t sure, and Geralt wasn’t there to tell him which would be easier either. 
“It’s settled then!” Jaskier grinned, reaching over to squeeze Eskel’s arm, and Eskel wasn’t sure whether Geralt would have allowed that or not so he just didn’t move. What was Geralt’s relationship to his bard? “We could go to Toussaint instead. I’d love to see the vineyards, and you deserve a rest, love.”
Eskel shook his head, and scowled because he knew Geralt would have. “It’s not near winter yet.”
“Yes, yes, and ‘a witcher’s job is never done, Jaskier’,” Jaskier lowered his voice in a mimic of Geralt’s, scowling for dramatic effect. “‘We can’t relax, Jaskier. We can’t have fun, Jaskier. Think of the children, Jaskier’.”
“I don’t sound like that” - except Eskel had to bite back a laugh, thinking that grousing sounded pretty spot on.
“You do and you know you do.” Jaskier sniffed delicately, and then took Eskel’s ale to drink some of it. Eskel could only blink as it happened - he did it without any sort of hesitation. “And despite how much you love to work yourself to the bone, you deserve to relax. Honestly, do you think you’ll be of any use to anyone if you collapse again?”
Geralt had collapsed? That was certainly news to him. Eskel made a face and took his ale back, draining the last of it so the bard couldn’t steal anymore.
“That’s what I thought.” Scooting his chair closer, Jaskier leaned on Eskel, resting his head against his shoulder - did Geralt really let the bard get this close to him? “A few extra months won’t mean the end of the world, but it will mean you’ll have a better start next year. Better rested, more strength to fight off all the baddies. And you’ll be able to better help your brothers that way.”
Eskel hummed, and refused to look at the bard even when he was giving him doe eyes. 
“I’d very much like to meet them.” 
That got him to look. Jaskier was smiling up at him, his arms wrapped around Eskel’s, his cheeks flushed from alcohol. He was certainly a pretty picture all snuggled up to him like that. Something told Eskel that Geralt would have thought so, too.
“You’ve already met my family, it only seems fair.” That sweet smile turned a little sharper, mischief coloring Jaskier’s eyes. “Maybe it can be my turn to drunkenly go on about how pretty your eyes are.”
Met his family? Drunken ranting? Eskel was being thrown for a loop, and desperately needed an explanation - especially for that last part. He tore a chunk of bread loose to toss in his stew, trying his best to not grin wickedly himself.
Apparently, Jaskier and Geralt were closer than Geralt had been letting on. And apparently that meant Jaskier had stories to share.
“Don’t recall ever ranting about your eyes, bard.” The little verbal nudge made Jaskier’s grin turn all the more wicked, and Eskel couldn’t wait to continue nudging information out of him.
Geralt had a boyfriend, and that boyfriend was going to give Eskel enough ammunition to embarrass his brother for the rest of their lives. And with that considered, Eskel thought it wasn’t all that bad being Geralt for a few days.
@fontegagrilledcheese @damnbert @mothmanismyuncle @geraltrogerericduhautebellegarde @jaskierswolf @oldandkinky @blooodymoon  @kan0chan @silvermintnightprincess @flowercrown-bard @sharinalein @concussed-dragon @hayleynzlive @feral-jaskier @sweetiepieplum @stonedstargazer666 @deafeningnightcollection-things @luteandsword @kmuir1 @little-boats-on-a-lake @dani-dandelino @rurousha @renewlucifer
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samstree · 4 months
twenty questions for fic writers
Tagged by @lokibuswrites beloved. Thank you dear <3
1. how many works do you have on ao3?
153... sure is a number.
2. what's your total ao3 word count?
326,020. This averages to about 2k per fic. Short stories are just so nice to write.
3. what fandoms do you write for?
The Witcher for the longest time, and now I'm dabbling into some Star Wars.
4. top five fics by kudos
I Will Lay Me Down - Empath!Jaskier
A Friend in the Wild - Mouse!Jaskier
Hug a Witcher Day - Crack treated seriously that I did not expect to become a full story.
Be Here - Coda for season 2? I can't remember everything by this point
and the wolf was nowhere to be found - Reverse truth serum
5. do you respond to comments?
Yes... mostly. Life gets away sometimes and then it's too long so I don't know if I should respond anymore.
6. what is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
stars fading but I linger on I think, Jaskier is dead, welp :3
7. what's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them. I like fluff and happily ever afters a lot. I could say we'll rip up the map by the seams because star wars prequels is already angsty enough.
8. do you get hate on fics?
9. do you write smut?
10. craziest crossover:
Never written a crossover before.
11. have you ever had a fic stolen?
12. have you ever had a fic translated?
Yes, a few to Russian <3
13. have you ever co-written a fic before?
No but it sounds fun!
14. all time favorite ship?
Oh I don't have them. I have a fave at each given point. For three years it was geraskier and now it's obikin. Sometimes I go back to old ships but not for long.
15. what's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
Dark Bird series. I have the whole thing planned out but I don't think it's happening. It's a cliffhanger too. I live in shame.
16. what are your writing strengths?
Word economy. Writing short stories but still with all the information and emotion you need.
17. what are your writing weaknesses?
Long stories. They drag on too much and lose all senses of purpose, and I end up not liking them often.
18. thoughts on dialogue in another language?
Don't, unless the meaning can be inferred from context alone.
19. first fandom you wrote in?
The Witcher beloved <3
20. favorite fic you've written?
I'd say A Master in Matchmaking for the witcher and more courageous to overcome for star wars. One was so cute I still reread it sometimes, the other was the beginning of my descent into a new fandom after a few years. They are meaningful in different ways but my fave nonetheless!
Tagging: @dapandapod @tideswept @grapenehifics @ragnarlothcat @palfriendpatine66 @witcher-and-his-bard @kuripon@petrifiedforests @crushcandles. No pressures of course!
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measurelessdreamer · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier, and Ladybug and Cat Noir but only for Adrinette .
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh, hi! Thanks for the message! I honestly didn't know that asks are no longer as common as they used to be. I've never been a good candidate to receive them since I don't have so many followers (I always thought you needed at least 500 to get asks lol) and I'm not much of a creator. I usually just reblog stuff that makes me happy and occasionally (like once in three years) I share a fic I wrote here so I never had high hopes which is why I was very surprised when I received this ask and it made me so happy! Seriously, you're so cool for doing this, especially when people don't expect it at all. Even though it's through social media, it requires a bit of coming out of your personal bubble and putting yourself out there and I rarely do that in my life no matter how safe the space is. So it's really cool and thank you. I received probably like 2 asks aside from this one in my whole life, but yeah, I enjoy it a lot. ^^
As for what kind of asks...
Self, Job/Work: I'm good with sharing some stuff as long as it's not something that hits too close to home, but I would probably say that's the case. Asking about how I'm doing in general and what I do and what I enjoy about it is probably fine.
Fandoms: Asks about fandoms would most definitely be my favourite. I always enjoy ranting about stuff I love with other like-minded people. I love Bagginshield, The Hobbit, LOTR (Faramir especially), Ted Lasso (and particularly royjamie), Star Wars (obikin is very close to my heart), The Walking Dead (rickyl is the goat ship of that fandom for me), and probably my favourite otps are superbat (superman/batman) and spirk (kirk/spock) so I enjoy these fandoms too. Fandoms where I have no ships but I enjoy them all the same are Mass Effect (only the original trilogy) and The Witcher (the games, I only read two books so far sadly, I ship geraskier from the show but I don't like the show otherwise). All these things are something I enjoy talking about. ^^ I also like Johnlock/Sherlock and I played the Dragon Age trilogy (but I enjoyed Origins the most and aside from the Cullen romance and meeting Alistair and Morrigan in Inquisition, I didn't enjoy that game very much).
I write fanfics sometimes. I haven't written many and it usually takes me a lot of time to finish anything, but I enjoy it. I'm happy to talk about my writing any day even if it frustrates me to no end.
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Not sure about this. I think receiving them is nice, but I wouldn't be able to do anything about them aside from talking and speculating about them. I'm not very good at writing something from a prompt, so probably no story would come of it, but if it's only discussion people seek, then I'm happy to provide! And if it turns out to be very interesting, then I'm all for taking it further!
Pets: I have lots. I'm happy to talk about them any time.
Garden and Hobbies: Not much of a garden person, I'm afraid, but I enjoy nature more than anything. I live in a very Shire-like country, which is the best thing when I want to let my imagination roam. I enjoy running (but I started only recently so I'm rubbish), reading (fantasy and romance especially), learning French, playing video games, hiking, watching movies and tv shows, and I recently started to learn how to play the Irish tin whistle.
I like being tagged in things, sure! Something funny or heartwarming is usually the best, but I love posts with random facts which are super elaborate and interesting. It can't have anything to do with politics, though, tumblr is my escapist haven. :D
I think I answered everything to the best of my ability. Sorry that it's so long! Thank you again for sending the ask! I hope you have an amazing day!
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could-be-gayer · 1 year
Chaotic Fanfic Recommendation <3
Do you wanna read about a bard with no self preservation skills with a band of emotionally constipated wolf guys? What about platonic relationships that melt you to your absolute core? Screaming at your phone cause God will you please kiss and tell each other your big emotions?
Then I have an amazing fanfic for you, my guy. This "the way in which you talk to me (have me wishing I were gone)" by Livesinbooks. This a story of non-human Jaskier making up with Geralt after you know that and taking him to Kaer Morhen and meeting all the witchers. Then, it builds apon these relationships in stuff a fun way for the characters and the dynamics, my god the dynamics. This is such a fun story that grows and keeps you wanting more. This is about finding love in all its different forms and how to communicate in these relationships. If you have a general understand of The Witcher then you will love this canon divergence. The Geraskier is so yummy, finger licking good yummy. Jaskier is especially is most chaotic and brings everyone down with him and they find out they love his company and want geralt to lock this shit down cause Jaskier is so fluffy and good. With Ciri in this, Jaskier is already making himself #1 dad and Ciri loves it. Then, Yennefer is her badass self. The plot was not put to the side, and it entwines nicely with the characters and helps with the growth of their relationships. It feels like the author loves these characters and wants the best for them, so you. Should. Read. This. Please
Now Bob with the stats:
This fic comes in at 41,950 words with 4 chapters. It has 152 comments with 1,530 kudos. It sits at a nice 284 bookmarks and 16,766 hits
My note on the fic was:
Jaskier, non human being: I will just live my life singing and enjoying nice people
Geralt, a man that hunts non human beings and is not nice: *exists*
Jaskier: look at that the love of my life
Summary and Tags:
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kittynannygaming · 2 months
I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
I hope you don't mind I made this public.
I'm happy to receive asks. If something is too personal, I'll say it. So feel free, if you want to ask something! I'll be happy to answer!
My fav ship: Bagginshield, Johnlock, Dreamling, Chadwin (Payneland), Geraskier...
I've a masterpost (that I need to update since forever) if you want to see what I'm doing.
I write and photomanipulate mostly (not photoshop, I don't have photoshop)
My (nosy) pets ⬇️ (from right to left): Misty, Automne (Tommy), Meringue Lemon Pie (Merry), Dora, Cheshire (Chouchou), Gabrielle (Gabby) and Roméo (Momo)
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ex0rin · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Tagged by @hiddenxplaces-blog & @the-ravening 😘
How many works do you have on ao3? at the moment? 192
What's your total ao3 word count? 668,102
What fandoms do you write for? currently it's all The Walking Dead all the time but in recent memory we're looking at The Boys (AND The Boys RPF 😅) and MCU (winterbones specifically)
Top five fics by kudos: stoking at the fire for you (The Witcher) sing them songs of me (The Witcher, geraskier) just one more (The Witcher, geraskier) steady, steady (The Witcher, geraskier) unexpected, not unwelcome (TFATWS, winterbaron)
Do you respond to comments? i swear I SWEAR i try 🙃 (i'm so good at catching up and then Febuwhump happens and i fall behind trying to stay on top of the monthly challenge AND THEN by like November i've caught up again) (also i have the TERRIBLE tendency to stop responding once i'm out of a fandom BUT I SWEAR i read them all and sob quietly to myself on days where things are exhausting so please take this as a huge I LOVE YOU THANK YOU SO MUCH ❤️)
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? brb hitting the hurt no comfort tag and figuring out what the 'worst' one was… you know what, it was we'll be a fine line (Top Gun, roosmav) - still one of my fave fics tbh, it covers the time between the first movie and where we pick up with Rooster being PISSED at Mav for pulling his papers
OR hell, if i ever could stomach to edit it, i think elbow deep (The Walking Dead, cegan) would count for this - it's almost finished i swear, just need to walk away from it after every paragraph rn
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? for who? i'd say 'till the end of the line where Bucky finally leaves Steve because they're just incompatible after all that time and trauma
Do you get hate on fics? i've gotten a bit but that's just the nature of writing non-con and/ or hurt no comfort 😅
Do you write smut? do i write anything else is the actual question haha
Craziest crossover: i… i don't crossover unless you count RPF where the actors are playing their characters to bang (i assume this doesn't count but it's as close as i get)
Have you ever had a fic stolen? yep! hilariously it was my Watcher Entertainment RPF stuff
Have you ever had a fic translated? maybe? i'm honestly not sure
Have you ever co-written a fic before? i have! a few times! honourable mentions are hold you by the edges (Watcher, limadej) with @sequencefairy (which i still reread often tbh) and keep on keepin' on (Gotham, harvey/jim) with @ponderosa121 (also a SOLID reread)
All time favorite ship? this is unfair - it absolutely depends on the brainrot at any give time. if you're asking me RIGHT NOW it's cegan, no question but like…. three months ago? who knows
What's a wip you want to finish but doubt you ever will? too many to count - there's a few i think about occasionally as like a nice memory of things that could have been but the thing I WISH i would get to finish is my RP with @sparklingbinjuice which i still hope we fall back into sometimes (but both of our attention is elsewhere at the moment)
What are your writing strengths? smut and run-on sentences 😂
What are your writing weaknesses? plot and punctuation (who needs a period when you have ; and -)
Thoughts on dialogue in another language? i used to be like FUCK IT WE SPEAK RUSSIAN but i cringe when i look back on those times (and have flashbacks to writing Japanese into Gundam Wing fic in highschool) which is to say, to each their own but if i can't speak it fluently or have a friend who does who can edit, i try not to include it in my own work
First fandom you wrote in? technically it was a sweet little Luke/OC insert from Star Wars circa, ohhhhh uh, early 90s but the first fandom i fell into a spiral about is going to be Gundam Wing FOR SURE (gimme that 1x5 please and thank you, strawberries are so sweet you know?)
Favorite fic you've written? this is also unfair - it's the unnamed one in my head that i rant to Abby about while i'm drunk at 4am thanks
zero pressure tagging: @sparklingbinjuice @duchessonfire @dcmonblood @unlikelymilliner (miss you ❤️) @sequencefairy
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fangirleaconmigo · 1 year
Hi! Sorry to bother you but I'm currently looking for like 4 different fics, which are all geraskier:
- The first takes place after the mountain breakup and Jaskier encounters another Witcher, who I believe is Lambert?? Basically he becomes Lambert's new travel companion, even creating some new songs for him. He eventually takes Jaskier to the keep, which Geralt is at as well, and they just kind of try to make Geralt jealous, even going as far as to pretend they had sex in the room next to him. Yeah, he's hurt... but they work through it.
- the second I'm not sure when it takes place, but Jaskier had died. It's a non-human/creature Jaskier. He sprouts up in the middle of a field and basically begins wandering around. we follow him as he goes through this and begins to relearn everything he once knew. There's a scene where he (unintentionally) terrorizes a family at a camp, and as they flee, the father feels for Jask, despite him being well... a monstrous being.
- The third one is kind of a modern au. Since witchers get to live long, he and the rest of the gang (including Ciri, Yen, Regis, etc.) have just lived through everything until the 21st century. Jaskier, having been mortal, died a long time ago. But recently, his body had gone missing. Julian is a professor, I believe he's a uh History professor? Nonetheless, all i remember is that Roach is a van and they got hunted by vampires at some point. I think Geralt owns a villa at a town in which Yen is the mayor. Julian's parents do NOT like Geralt because he's a witcher.
- The last i believe is an established relationship fic. But basically, Jaksier is hit with a curse or something, but it's causing him to age backwards now. So of course this leads to him forgetting about Geralt. That's just kind of it, they're trying to enjoy the time they have left with each other and their memories. It ends when Jaskier turns 18 once again, the same age at which he met Geralt.
Anyway thank you sm and I'm very sorry about the incredibly long ask 😬 (you very much do not need to answer)
Hi Nonny,
I'm going to put this out there for my followers. None of those sound like any fics I've read (shockingly enough, because I've read a lot of fics) so I'm hoping someone else can ask. They sound very cool though. (Jaskier growing in a field? I want to know what that one is)
Also, I'm tagging in @wren-of-the-woods for the last one, because they love fics with curses, so maybe they can help with that one.
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I've seen many posts about people missing how common asks used to be so I have been trying to send about an ask a week. Now I send this ask first anytime I follow someone as I really don't want to bother anyone, so I'd love to know if you enjoy receiving asks and if so what kind of asks. Not having energy for asks or being comfortable with them is perfectly okay.
The categories I have in my ask notebook that I file under are in colour. Please feel free to make your response as long as you want or private (the asker cannot directly respond to private responses).
Self, Job/Work: please let me know what you are comfortable with from eh idk just ask it to nothing personal at all.
Baggishield/Tolkien, Dragon Age, Johnlock/Sherlock, ineffable spouses, other fandom: Please let me know what fandoms. I think my main fandoms and ships are Bagginshield/The Hobbit, Sherlock/Johnlock, Dragon Age Inquisition, {Pippin/Faramir Merry/Eowyn}/The Lord of the Rings and I dip my toes in a few that I currently can't remember but ships I don't engage with the canon of at all are: Good Omens but only for Crowley/Azirapheal, Stranger Things but only for Steve/Eddie , The Witcher but only for Geralt/Jaskier.
OC's, art/drawing, their writing, blog specific only
Story snippets ideas and prompts: Do you like receiving them?
Pets: I'd love to know all about them
Garden and Hobbies: What type of gardening and/or hobbies?
Like being tagged in things: If so what kinds of things?
*Asks are sent for fun, no pressure to answer.
Oh, hi!! Well, firstly, thanks for the follow!!! Secondly, I love asks! I (unfortunately) don't always get to certain things (because life and,,,life lmao!) but I do love getting them, and I really want to make the effort to get back to engaging so! Here's the info for your notebook!
Self, Job/Work: Just ask! I usually prefer to keep vague on some things, mostly because I like to keep "professional" socials separate from my fandom ones lol and would prefer there not being a direct connection. But for the most part, I'm flexible on talking about myself :)
Bagginshield/Tolkien YES YES YES UGHHHH I adore all of that. I peeped your profile and saw some Gimli and Legolas I think which is also mi amor <3 Elsewise, I'm all over the place, but do post Supernatural, Good Omens, and Baldur's Gate (i've bought all the Dragon Ages and that's next on my list) with hyperfixations sorting as often as they can. (You can check out my AO3 to see some of my favorites [CBlue], or most often I try tagging fandoms if you need to block anything or want to hunt for something specific. (I'm also stumbling back into some Geraskier too on ocassion!)
I don't have OCs that I post here (they tend to be more on my professional one lol), and my art tag changed because tumblr ate the previous one I'd been using (sometimes its #my art and sometimes its #C Draws or #C Arts), so that's a bit everywhere and not often. I more often post my fandom writings [CBlue on AO3, which if I may pimp out a writing of mine, I wrote Compression, a Bagginshield fic (though, apologies as due to recent AI scalping all of my works are now locked to registered-users exclusively]. This is my everything blog, so everything goes here lol.
Oh my god please send me snippet ideas and prompts. That's one of my favorite ways of engage---spinning with people! That's why I LOVE participating in fandom! I get some of that outlet on a few of the (more intimate) fandom Discords that I'm in, but I'm always open to some of those from asks and such too!!
Pets: I have 6 cats, all of whom are rescues. To the point that the last three were actually rescued out of my wood pile from a storm that was going to hit last year. I don't post pictures of them (mostly to keep that fandom life separation like I mentioned), but I talk about them! People who know me probably also might remember my old man, Tucker, who was the loveliest of puppers. I had to say goodbye to him earlier this year (back in April, and it's just been...a time since then. I miss him often, but every memory is nothing but fondness.) They're all so lovely, and I love talking pets! (If, you know, six cats wasn't an indication ;))
I don't have a garden at the moment, but I do love talking about it!! Hobbies tend to be my fandom hobbies, but I'm also trying to get back into reading more often and I have a few crafts planned. And I love doing a gamer when I can in my free time.
I loved being tagged in things!! I don't always get to them because I am the toxic person (/j) who sees a notification and goes "I will respond when I'm able to," but when the notification is gone I forget all about it. Actually, you've just reminded me that I was tagged in a tag game that I wanted to do, so I'm going to go do that now lol!!
But yeah! I think that's everything and hope it's in any way that makes sense lol. I definitely appreciate you asking!!!
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