#the first half of satan’s scene i was very into
the-travelling-witch · 11 months
WTHIB is a new game so definitely bugs! For me it kicks me out most of the time when I try to battle but it’s easy to get in
Just like obey me it seems u can’t rlly change the lore of what happens bc u need the demons (cum) in order to survive so u cant do a full just one character route, but tbh I don’t mind! I’m still super fresh into the game
Levi <333 mmmm 🛐🛐🛐
yeah i get that every game bugs at the beginning but those crashes are excessive (at least for me), i know that devs said it’s because of the servers but still….
yeah i made a second account where i picked beel just to see if this was scripted with satan or if it was actually dependent on what character you chose (i picked satan so i couldn’t be sure)
i think it would be interesting though if you could choose to go with just one character… i’m not that far into the game (beginning of chapter 2) and satan is still with us sooo,, from my storyboarding position i could make a “one character route” plausible but i guess you need a lot more budget if you want to give your players options like that (especially since we only met 4 of the guys so far)
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MC being a morally grey, protective, menace, and the demon bros being Demons (Pt. 2)
This is an idea that's been rattling about in my little monkey brain for about a month and I've finally written it down.
BE WARNED, this is NOT the fluffy kinda fluff people, proceed with caution!
Part 1 is less bloody.
Beel was late to dinner. That was the first and only clue anyone should have needed to know that something was very, very wrong.
Add to that a missing MC who won't answer their DDD, and the House of Lamentation is in uproar, raising hell to find out what the hell a hungry Beel and a magically overpowered human have gotten into without adult supervision.
Lucifer had already alerted Purgatory Hall and the Demon Lord's Castle to be on the lookout, and was in the middle of organising a search party, when the front door was shoved open, and a blood-soaked Beel walked through.
His mouth and chin are dripping in demon's blood, so dark it's almost black, and at his side, with a comforting hand on the massive, overwhelmingly terrifying demon's arm, is MC, that same blood staining their hands.
"Brush your teeth, honey. You'll wanna get the taste out from between your teeth before dinner." MC was saying comfortingly as Beel quietly nodded, sheepishly shoving his hands in his pockets.
"Excuse me, what in the nine-circles of inferno happened to you two?!" Lucifer practically squawked, stopping them in the entryway. "MC, are you hurt?"
The human looked at him with an arched brow, as though it were Lucifer who was acting out of character. They pushed Beel toward the stairs to get cleaned up. "Some asshole picked a fight with Beel after practise. He won't be doing it again."
Lucifer's eyes snapped to his younger brother, but it's Asmo who gasps in horror. "Beel! Did you eat someone?! Again?!"
"He didn't." MC replied, a slow, lopsided grin curling their lips. "He stopped after the first bite, I didn't."
Satan's eyes lit up with Wrath's typical green, making it perfectly clear who'd done the butchering tonight. Still, Lucifer pushed the subject.
"MC, what exactly did you do?" The Avatar of Pride maintains perfectly unreadable expression, even as his human takes on a look which is...far too exciting.
"The bastard insulted the family to get a rise out of Beel, to paint Beel as the glutton with no control. I painted something else instead." MC shrugged, and turned to sashay up the stairs, their steps unrushed and casual. "I'll apologise to the clean-up crew tomorrow."
The second they turned their back, jaws dropped. The back of their shirt was clawed open in three distinctive swipes, revealing matching dried trails of demon's blood.
The human themselves was utterly unharmed, and seemed to walk with a little extra swagger as they disappeared toward the bathroom.
"Satan...find that demon. Or what's left of it."
The Avatar of Wrath left without a word, only to return with news of a rather gruesome scene.
The brothers all took some form of sick pride in their little human, who's protective rage turned half the town red.
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vidavalor · 4 months
Odegra and The Language of The Dark Priesthood of Ancient Mu
Let's decode Disco Tony's hilarious work presentation. On the known history of The Dark Priesthood of Ancient Mu under the cut.
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Right, so, a few of you have requested word nerdery on the Odegra scene so here we go... For a refresher, here's the dialogue with the wordplay-significant bits that we'll look at bolded:
Crowley: So, thanks to three computer hacks, selected bribery, and me moving some markers across a field one night, the M25 London Orbital Motorway, which was supposed to look like this, will, when it opens in 1986, actually look like this [shows a terrible picture of, more or less, the same thing lol] and represent the dread sigil 'Odegra' in the language of The Dark Priesthood of Ancient Mu. 'Odegra' means 'Hail the Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds.' Can I hear a wahoo?
[Some of the demons have enough energy to half-boo; most just continue to sit there looking miserable. Of all of them, only Beez looks like they might be getting how bullshit this all is and, either way, they still have no idea what Crowley is actually saying and really couldn't care less.]
Crowley: Once it's built, the millions of motorists who grumble their way around it are going to be like water on a prayer wheel grinding out an endless fog of low-grade evil that will encircle the whole of London. [Hastur raises his hand with a question.] Yes, Duke Hastur?
Hastur: What's a computer?
A lot of the humor of the scene comes from the fact that, unlike the demons, we know that a word as short as 'Odegra' cannot possibly mean something as long as 'Hail The Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds'... and 'Odegra' isn't a word familiar to many of us in the first place, adding to the feeling that Crowley is b.s.-ing the demons. The scene ending with Hastur asking for a definition of 'computer'-- basically, the first word Crowley said in what we see of the presentation lol-- exists as the punchline to the presentation and the scene as a whole, showing us that Crowley is correct in believing that there is no one in the room who can really tell that he's playing them.
Still, we know that language is a big thing on Good Omens (and that's an understatement) and Crowley is saying something... so, can we use the rules of Ineffable Husbands Speak that we've been looking at to figure out what, exactly, Crowley might be saying? Seems we can and, as you'll see, when we do, it becomes apparent very quickly that this presentation to Hell about the highway that Crowley describes as a demonically evil masterpiece exhibiting reverence to Satan and all things satanic is actually about Aziraphale and their world together and Crowley is getting a kick out of watching that fly over the heads of his audience. Crowley definitely performed this presentation for Aziraphale at some point, though (maybe rehearsed it a la Aziraphale's magic show?). Aziraphale enjoyed it a great deal more than the demons of Hell did, since it was written to amuse him.
Odegra: Odegra, a word that doesn't exactly exist in this form... but that Crowley didn't entirely make up either. Professional midwife that he is, Crowley used rules of human language to birth it into existence from a pre-existing word. If odegra did exist (and, honestly, Crowley using it and it being in Good Omens means it now does exist in both his and our worlds), it would be derived from the only word like it that does exist-- the Polish odegrac. What's hilarious is that odegrac means... to get one over on someone (not kidding lol)... as well as: to put on a performance and to play act a role.
So, the word Crowley is claiming means something in an ancient human language that doesn't exist is actually a word he made up that is of a word that does exist... and that word means to fool someone, to put on a performance, and to act a part. That is both how Crowley performs "demonicness"-- with the Odegra scene itself a perfect example-- and also how Crowley and Aziraphale behave performatively together in public to fool Heaven and Hell and hide their relationship.
Additionally, performance and act are words that can be, on another level, sexually euphemistic, and Crowley and Aziraphale both use act in that way in the Chateauneuf-de-Pape scene of The Blitz, Part 2. It somehow gets even better, though, because hiding their relationship is not the only reason why they have a secret language. Another way Odegra can also be defined gets into that and that's when we take into account how their wordplay is big on the words contained within words-- something used not just in their language but in the show itself, beginning with, as we've looked at in other metas, its opening shot of the word 'war' within the word 'warning'.
Odegra contains ode and gra. An ode is a lyrical poem and a poem is wordplay. Odes are specifically written in tribute to someone or something. That is what they're doing when they use their secret birdsong and why they use it when alone in addition to in public; its born both out of the need to be able to speak to one another in a coded way when they might be overheard and out of flirtation and combines the two. One of the most famous odes in existence is Keats' "Ode to a Nightingale," which is also a word that we have seen that they use as shorthand for their language and for how they feel about each other.
As for the gra part of Odegra? It's a Polish word for game (as in, to play a game... like, say, a wordplay game.) But, also...
...gra is an Irish word for love.
Odegra, in Ineffable Husbands Speak, actually means secret love language.
Some demons torture and murder-- Crowley hijacks plans for Freeways of Love out of transportation-related innuendo amusement, remakes them into a soppy apple-heart-looking thing for his boyfriend, and passes them off as an evil work assignment, ok? 😂
The M25 in image forms "the dread (a subtle suggestion for the demons in there *snicker*) sigil Odegra in the language of The Dark Priesthood of Ancient Mu" aka Nightingale Speak/Odegra/Whatever They Actually Call It, if they call it anything at all... what we've been calling Ineffable Husbands Speak. For why Crowley is jokingly referring to their secret language in this way, let's start with Mu...
If, in the GO universe, dinosaurs basically don't exist and The Earth is only a little over 6,000 years old, it's doubtful that there's anything to the Lost Continent of Atlantis, sometimes referred to as Mu or Lemuria. Crowley would know, since he's been on Earth since The Beginning and, since he's trolling the demons with this presentation, he's likely pretending that Mu existed, knowing that the demons won't know the difference.
When referring to The Lost Continent idea, Mu comes from Lemuria, which is what the theorized continent was named because it derived as a way of trying to explain fossils of lemurs that were found in spots people didn't think fit with what they knew of history at the time. All of this was discredited scientifically prior to when Crowley is making the presentation but Lemuria is popular with occultists. It sounded satanic to reference it in the presentation, which is probably how Crowley arrived at using it-- but it seems he really did for the demonicness on the surface but for its other meaning on a hidden language level. Mu/Lemuria/Atlantis is not the only definition of Mu and it's really the other one that Crowley is referencing. The Ancient Mu to whom Crowley is really referring is him and Aziraphale-- extremely old beings with a fondness for the other Mu-- the Greek letter that became what we now call today the letter M.
Mu evolved from the ancient Egyptian hieroglyph meaning water and, then, the Phoenician word for water. Anything related to water/the sea/fish, etc.., as we've looked at before, is a sexual metaphor and related to orgasm in Ineffable Husbands Speak, rooted in Aziraphale using oysters euphemistically to ask Crowley to bed for the first time in ancient Rome. The ancient Greeks eventually turned Mu into the letter M, which Crowley and Aziraphale use often and with a lot of intentionality as a word that has existed in basically all languages since the beginning of time: mmm, the sound of human pleasure and satiation, as we looked at in the Crowley & Plosives meta. The Ancient Mu = Crowley and Aziraphale, who are really old, longtime sailors together on The Sea of Mmm.🐟
[An aside but M is also the name of James Bond's boss. Crowley is a big Bond fan and, we speculate, was likely an allied spy during WW2 so maybe there's something in here as well to add to the idea that Crowley influenced Bond a bit.]
Mu has had different pronunciations but the most common one is homophonic for moo, which is the sound of the milk-producing cow. I don't think further detail is really needed on that one...
Mu can also be pronounced at times like the French moue, which comes from an early meaning of lips and evolved into meaning someone pouting. Crowley busts out a moue a lot-- sometimes genuinely, sometimes in jest.
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Finally, mu is the Greek root of the word for something Crowley and Aziraphale both enjoy (and both like to speak about euphemistically at times): music.
The Dark Priesthood bit is pure blasphemy. Crowley and Aziraphale are, technically, members of opposing religious orders. Aziraphale is an angel of God, which is more or less akin to a human priest, while Crowley is, technically, a dark priest/diabolical minister. Religious trauma and conflicts for days aside, they're both more pagans of the good times, as Irish God Hozier would call it, with a yen for equating the sexual with the spiritual in their wordplay.
In S2, we have a parallel to the Odegra scene and others like it with entries shown to us in a publication of Hell--'Demon's Guide to Angelic Beings Who Walk the Earth'-- in which Crowley and Aziraphale wrote each other spicy love letters in their language and published them under the noses of Heaven & Hell without anyone ever catching on. In those entries, they both refer to each other using different religious terms (guru, different ancient gods, a particularly 'hot priest' turn through the etymology of bishop...). There's also, of course, that priests in many religions take a vow of celibacy, which then makes it more amusing to refer to themselves as a priesthood in wordplay referring to themselves as lovers.
Etymologically, the word priest comes from the Greek presbyteros, which means elder/old/venerable so, like their use of ancient, it's also something of a play on how they are quite literally older than dirt and also that they've been a thing for awhile now.
In addition to signifying a group, a hood is also both clothing that shields one from the rain and what we call the canopy covering of a car.
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Crowley is making it sound in his presentation to the demons that Odegra means something evil and demonic in an ancient language of satanic priests when, really, it's a word he made up for his and Aziraphale's spicy and romantic little language and they're not devil-worshippers but devout members of The Church of The Vavoom.
The Dark Priesthood... Dark is a fun word by their rules because it's a word they could probably say a lot in public since it sounds all demonic but we have seen that their language is built, in part, around words within other words and also uses a lot of French so Dark = Dark and D'Ark. It actually refers to The Ark or is Of The Ark, which we can take as a reference to the events of The Flood. Since The Flood is referenced in S2 in the Job minisode and keeps coming up in other places (and since we've seen precious little of it so far), it's potentially another hint that all that rain-sheltering canopy vavooming Crowley was going on about in S2 was he and Aziraphale during The Flood and that we might see that in S3.
It sounds like if one of them says dark, they're actually referencing-- at least, in part-- The Vavoom kiss. Like Crowley was, on one level of what he said, in 1941:
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In the book, the Odegra stuff is the same but for the word dark-- it's The Black Priesthood of Ancient Mu instead. The word black is also in their wordplay in the show, though, and shows up in the same scene in 1941 as Crowley saying "shades of... dark grey." The word black contains the word lac, the substance secreted by an insect that is used as shellac. Lac is also the French word for lake. One of you asked me to word out The Blitz, Part 2's Chateauneuf-de-Pape scene so we can talk more about how Crowley uses black in that scene in that meta down the line. We're actually not yet done with Odegra, though, because...
Odegra also can be pronounced like "Eau de grah." Eau is French for water-- so, it would be "water of grah"/"grah water" when mixing French in. Grah is a fascinatingly Good Omens-y word... In German, it's a variant word for gray. In Slovenian? It means pea. (Frozen peas!) In Croatian? Beans and bean soup. Peas and beans are both seeds, which occur a lot in their speak and are going to be their own meta at some point, since quite a few of you want me to write about the 'Seeds of Destruction' scene in S1. In Hindi and Nepali, it means planet-- akin to world...
The especially damn one, though, is that, in Albanian, grah means *both* to rattle and to roar. Serpents rattle. Lions roar. Crowley is both. Rather hilariously, he even roared as a lion once while shapeshifted into a snake which.... isn't quite to what this wordplay would be referring lol... but it adds additional humor to that scene.
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So you say, Crowley... Anyway, lastly, in Sanskrit, grah also means: to seize, to take, and to hold. Mmm...
Hail The Great Beast, Devourer of Worlds:
Hail: Besides hailing someone in the worshipful way Crowley suggests here, there's hail-- hard rain. Within hail: hai, a kind of keelboat and also the word for shark in several languages (Finnish and Estonian, among them) and ail, homophone: ale aka alcohol. You also used to (pre-Uber/Lyft, etc.)-- and can often still-- hail transportation, like a cab... an extra funny pun since it's used during Crowley's M25 presentation.
Great: The original meanings (some of which obviously still exist now) were big, massive, thick, and coarse. Rooted in ghreu, which meant to rub and to grind.
Great: Contains gre and eat. Gre, in Welsh, means all of these: a stud of horses, a flock and a herd. So, there's the horses, ducks, birds and other animals that show up in their speak and the show itself. In the Old French, gre meant pleasure and goodwill and, in Middle English, it meant kindness, understanding and satisfaction. It's also connected to the word gray in Old Scottish Gaelic. The eat bit is self-evident-- a nod to all the food used euphemistically in their speak (and the real food they do enjoy together as well.)
Crowley also uses great in summary of he and Aziraphale in S2 when he dryly tells Maggie how much he and Aziraphale talk-- but uses their language, which she obviously doesn't understand, to do so because, honestly, Maggie telling Crowley that he doesn't know how communicate in a relationship is about the same thing as it would be if Muriel sat him down and said he needed to listen to them when it comes to their superior knowledge of sexual innuendo. It's ridiculous. ("I say something brilliant and he says something unintentionally funny back. It's great." Rill = a stream; tent = canopy, etc..)
The Great Beast... Beast: Contains be, homophone: bee, and east. Bees, as we learned in S2, are angels. Aziraphale is Crowley's angel and The Angel of the Eastern Gate, whose desk is in the Eastern part of the compass bookshop, which is also the direction of the arrow being pointed by the bookshop's Cupid sculpture in S1. The Great Beast = Aziraphale.
"The beast with two backs" has also been euphemistic for sex since the 1500s and was immortalized by Shakespeare in Othello... and, by that, we mean was probably immortalized by Crowley in Othello lol... A beast has also long been a flirty thing to call someone who uses lewd and lascivious language.
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GIF by aftermath-meme
Devourer of Worlds:
Devourer: We know what this is lol but just to fine print it here... Devour comes from the Latin devolare, meaning both to swallow down and to accept eagerly. Earliest forms contain the same meanings we have today for the word: to entirely consume; to eat ravenously.
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By the early 1600s, devour evolved to also mean to take in hungrily with the eyes. I suppose here is where it might be funny to also point out that both ravenous and swallow are words that are also related to birds.
World: Often relates to the state of existence of human beings. Sometimes used in religious settings by humans to differentiate between the secular world and Earth versus Heaven and the world of the afterlife-- the "worldly affairs" of Earth. Can sometimes refer to the celestial-- "other worlds." The universe is another name for the world-- a system of created things, one started by Crowley and Aziraphale themselves. Also: homophonic for whirled: a swirling of something-- usually, of a mind or of water, like a whirlpool.
A world, though, can just be a person's own life and the people in it, and a romantic way of referring to your partner. You could, for instance, toast the world of the planet you just helped save and also be toasting one another-- your own, mutual, private world-- at the same time, as many of us suspect was the case here:
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Crowley also says that the motorists, as they "grumble" along the highway will be "like water on a prayer wheel, grinding out an endless fog of low-grade evil that will encircle the whole of London." There is a bit of wordplay in here as well.
Grumble: Means to complain in a low voice but also originally had the additional meaning of the word within it that evolved into a separate word-- to rumble, as in to make a low, rumbling sound or murmur. While these hypothetical motorists are rumbling their way around The Freeway of Love, they're doing so like water on a prayer wheel.
Crowley knows that not a soul in the room knows what a Tibetan prayer wheel is or what it is meant to do. It just sounds like stuff the demons would think is an appropriately evil way to feel. The other part of the joke is that the term prayer wheel is actually misleading and a mistranslation of the Tibetan. Mantras, not prayers, are put on paper inside the wheel (which is cylindrical, not really even round-wheel-shaped, though it does go around) while a mantra or two is usually printed on the outside of the wheel. It's more about visualization than prayer-- which goes with how this flashback scene is tied to Crowley literally visualizing and willing himself and the burning Bentley through the M25 ring of fire.
It's the height of irony because the idea is that anytime someone turns a prayer wheel and focuses on the positive energy they are generating from doing so and thinking on or saying the mantras it contains, they're actually sending out positive energy to everyone around them. Crowley is giving a presentation in which he's claiming that these motorists on the M25 would be spreading negative energy because they'd be stuck in an exercise as pointless as spinning a prayer wheel when, in actuality, he's thinking about how the grumps in Hell could use some prayer wheels being spun in their direction.
On an euphemistic level, though, Crowley, is in his happy place being metaphorical water on a metaphorical prayer wheel. More sexuality-as-spirituality blasphemy at play with that and also a nod to how a lot of how he and Aziraphale are living is closer in line with Buddhist teachings than with other religions. S2 highlights that a bit, showing both Crowley and Aziraphale employing mudras (both inside and outside of performing miracles) and the lotus flower mandala rug they have on the floor to cover up The Heavenly Zoom of Discorporation, etc...
These motorists will be grinding out (does not need further explanation lol, other than to point out that you also grind seeds/pulses and coffee)...
...an endless fog (fog in a sense of headspace with relation to sex; etymology ties to damp, in a possible nod to the 597 AD scene; endless potentially hinting loosely at edging, which is in another 32 scenes more directly so not really a reach; also: endless, in the sense of viewing how they are and feel as eternal...)
...of low-grade evil (original definition of evil pertained to "sin" and still does-- "low-grade evil" would be akin to mild "sin"; grade repeats gra and also contains ade: as in, a drink made of fruit, like lemonade. Homophones: aid and aide-- so, care and support)...
....that will encircle the whole (both whole, as in: all of, and hole, as in: yeah, I'm pretty sure ya got this one...)...
...of London. London is wordplay, you ask? Oh, yes, seems to be. It's also in 'Demon's Guide...' as well, likely because...
London: contains lon and don. A don, among other things, is the formal Spanish title for a gentleman. Lon is an Irish word for blackbird and a Norwegian one for a gently-flowing creek. (Yes, they are that specific in the definition on the water movement.) The word London as a whole comes from the Proto-Celtic Londinjon, meaning: place that floods and, for a little ocean-themed destructive sexual metaphor fun, the Proto-Indo-European lendh, meaning: to sink.
So that endless fog of low-grade evil will be encircling the whole of London forevermore, thanks to Crowley's demonic design of the M25 orbital motorway. After all of that, it's clear to see why Crowley dryly thought that a wahoo (a positive yay! response but, also, a kind of fish... so, an orgasm) was in order. Some jolly good wordplay, that. Instead, at the end of Crowley's presentation, Hastur asks a question:
"What's a computer?"
In fairness to Hastur, while computers had existed for awhile by the 1970s, they weren't in everyone's houses yet and he didn't get up to Earth that often. (Good on him, actually, for even asking a question in the first place, when most of them didn't.) While the joke exists to highlight the fact that none of the demons got a single lick of what Crowley just said because Hastur's back with a question on what was only about the fourth word of many that Crowley said, there's also that it highlights that Hastur and the other demons lack the language ability to work out, through language comprehension and/or context, what a computer might be. They can't compute what a computer could be, basically.
Crowley and Aziraphale have been on Earth since the start and have been a part of the evolution of language. They understand how it's a living thing. They know the relationships between root words, which many of us also do just instinctively from living, speaking and reading and they do on a level of being walking, talking etymological dictionaries. The angels and demons technically speak all the languages of the world but, because they don't live in that world, they don't really understand language... and they are definitely miles away from Crowley and Aziraphale's capability of playing with it to the point of having created their own language out of the languages of the world.
Hastur's question is the meta joke of the scene and so we're going to finish up here by looking at it, too, even though it's not part of Crowley's wordplay. Ironically for Hastur, the word computer comes from the Latin putare which means, quite literally, to think, as well as to prune, in a way that means to filter and discern information. The 'com' part of it related to the Latin cum, meaning with and together.
What's funny about the question from a Crowley and Aziraphale's language speak perspective is that the reason why Aziraphale must have lost it laughing when Crowley told him what question Hastur asked is because their approach to the word would be to compute it by taking it apart and remaking it into also having a different layer of meaning within their language.
The first bit of com and its connection to cum and to come is something they already use all over the place, for obvious reasons. As for the rest of it... puter, depending on accent, can pronounced as puta, which is derogatory Spanish slang for a woman who has many sexual encounters and/or is a sex worker.
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To compute to Crowley and Aziraphale would mean to think and discern, sure, but in Ineffable Husbands Speak, could be used to mean spending some quality time with a fellow seamstress.
So Hastur, who didn't understand much of anything in Crowley's presentation, asked for the everyday English definition of the one word in it that Crowley wasn't using in his sea of wordplay... but which, when used in Ineffable Husbands Speak, would ironically be defined as a short version of exactly what Crowley was on about for the entire presentation.
And this is probably why if you asked Aziraphale in Crowley's presence if he was ever going to get a new computer, he'd likely tell you he prefers to stick with his classic, first gen apple. It's the only one that's ever truly been great.
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imnotaacat · 4 months
You (not) Belong to Me
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bestfriend!Steve x fem reader / boyfriend!Eddie x fem reader.
— Summary: You were always in love with your best friend Steve, however, he never noticed it and when he did it was too late.
— Warnings: Angst, friends to enemies, insults, and some fluff with Eddie at the end. (I think that's all)
A/n: English is not my native language, sorry if something is written wrong, I hope everything can be understood. :)
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Five years have passed since you moved from Hawkins to follow your dream, it was very difficult of course, but now, you are one of the most important artists in the industry. Many emotions were passing through your mind, many memories, your friends, your best friends, would finally be together again.
It was very difficult to convince your agency and manager that they would agree to have a date in Hawkins, but after some insistence, they agreed. Hawkins was a quiet, boring town, but now that you and Corroed Coffin had included it in your respective tours, the town was in chaos. Despite having called its leader and vocalist, Eddie Munson, satanic.
After two and a half hours of flight, your plane landed, there was a crowd at the airport shouting your name, holding banners, and asking for photos and autographs, you signed the ones you could, while you got to the car that would take you to your hotel, you agreed to see your friends after your concert, so you will rest better.
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You were about to end the show, this would be the last song, you were so happy to see how people had fun and sang all the songs on the setlist.
“Alright Hawkins, are you ready to go back to high school with me?” The entire crowd shouted, and that song that more than one identified with began to play.
"You're on the phone with your girlfriend, she's upset She's going off about something that you said 'Cause she doesn't get your humor like I do I'm in my room, it's a typical Tuesday night I'm listening to the kind of music she doesn't like And she'll never know your story like I do"
Despite the lights you could see your friends in the crowd, seeing that scene where they were chanting and enjoying your songs made you even happier. You really appreciated the support of your friends, they always gave you words of encouragement, even when you thought you wouldn't make it, but now look at you, you fill entire stadiums and arenas.
"And you've got a smile that could light up this whole town I haven't seen it in a while since she brought you down You say you're fine, I know you better than that Hey, what ya doing with a girl like that?"
At that moment something clicked in Steve's brain.
You were neighbors since you were children, however, being “King Steve” and you being just another “normal” student, there was never any interaction beyond casual greetings, however, that changed when you reached high school, being in the same class and also being neighbors, the friendship between you blossomed quite quickly. Without realizing it, you went and did everything together, many began to believe that you were dating, but you always denied it. However, behind all the times you denied it, there was a reality, you liked Steve.
"She wears high heels, I wear sneakers She's cheer captain and I'm on the bleachers Dreaming about the day when you wake up and find That what you're looking for has been here the whole time
If you could see that I'm the one who understands you Been here all along, so why can't you see? You belong with me"
Steve started dating a girl from high school, she was the captain of the cheerleaders, like her best friend, you gave him all the encouragement and confidence to ask about a first date, to ask for a second date, and even to formalize the relationship; although inside you were dying of jealousy and reproaching yourself for not having the courage to tell him what you felt for him.
When the relationship ended after a few months, Steve, although he didn't show it, was heartbroken, so there you were, giving him words of encouragement and your shoulder to cry on, reproaching yourself again for not telling him your feelings.
"Oh, I remember you driving to my house In the middle of the night I'm the one who makes you laugh When you know you're about to cry
I know your favorite songs And you tell me about your dreams Think I know where you belong Think I know it's with me"
After class you had told Steve that you weren't feeling very well, so you weren't going to the party with him; he insisted on staying with you and taking care of you, but you rejected him claiming that you didn't want him to miss out on the fun and the opportunity to meet a girl that night. However, the reality is that you did not want to have him close, you did not want to see him flirt with various girls at the party, while your heart would break into a thousand pieces, you did not want to be alone with him, and fight with yourself for fear of rejection.
It was around 11:30 when you heard the doorbell ring, It had already rung several times, but you didn't dare open it, because you were alone at home and Steve was also too far away to help you, if was a serial killer or something similar, you turned off the television, stood up and began to climb the stairs as far as possible. As silent as possible, your doorbell kept ringing.
“Sweetheart, is everything okay? It's Steve." Your legs weakened a little when you heard the nickname, you stood there for a few more seconds and then went down the stairs again and opened the door. “Steve? What are you doing here? It's not even twelve…”  Steve entered your house and gave you what he had in his hands, four pieces of pizza, probably from the party, some gas station chocolates, and a small bouquet of roses that were almost withered. “I know, honey, but I didn't feel good at the party knowing that you weren't well, so I decided to come here, accompany you, and help you with whatever you need.” Steve turned to look at you and raised both thumbs. “Steve, it wasn't necessary, I already feel much better, I'm serious.” However, I can't hear you anymore, I was arriving at your room.
That night they spent together, they talked about school, problems with her parents, and love dramas. Finally, he discovered that your spirits were low because of a boy, so for about an hour, he asked you the name of the boy, without knowing that he was him.
“Standing by and waiting at your backdoor All this time how could you not know, baby? You belong with me You belong with me
You belong with me Have you ever thought just maybe You belong with me You belong with me"
“Thank you very much, Hawkins! A round of applause for this wonderful band that accompanies me, a round of applause for you, I hope to see you soon, thank you very much.” You said goodbye to your audience as you left the stage, leaving behind the screams of all the people who loved and supported you. Steve also quickly got up from his seat heading towards your dressing room, he ran as fast as he could to avoid encountering the entire crowd. Finally, he was able to sneak through the crowd and the small spaces under the stage to get to your dressing room, he knocked on the door insistently, until you finally opened it.
“Steve!” You quickly hugged him. “Sweetheart” He said while hugging you, “You know, I finally understood everything, I understood why my relationships never lasted with any girl” He began to say with a smile, as he separated from the hug and took your hands, you just had a face surprised and confused. “What are you talking about Steve? I'm not understanding you at all” You said laughing, his eyes went to yours. “It was always you, I was always in love with you, I finally understood all the signals you were giving me… I really was an idiot for not realizing it.” Steve said with a smile, a slight blush on his cheeks, you didn't know what to say. “Steve I—” Your words were interrupted by your other friends who shouted to get your attention and ran to hug you.
“It's good to see you all again, thank you very much for coming.” You spoke, as you looked at your friends. “My god, you guys have grown so much” You spoke addressing Dustin, Mike, Will, Eleven, and Max. Who smiled back at you. “It's incredible to be all together again… Only Eddie is missing and the whole group will be reunited again, it's a shame he's coming here until tomorrow.” Dustin spoke, you simply nodded with a mischievous smile, while the others discussed agreeing with him.
“Love, everything is done, we can go with the boys.” Said a voice speaking distractedly, also walking looking backwards, making sure everything was in its place and order. “Edward…”You spoke. Eddie turned to look at you with a smile and then saw who you were talking to, the one who was waiting to see you talking to your team quickly covered his mouth, “Shit” hoping that by magic no one would have heard what he had called you. All your friends looked at them surprised, especially Steve, “Did you listen carefully to what he said?”, “Did everyone hear the same thing?” They all asked at the same time, you and Eddie just laughed, and you raised your left hand to your mouth to cover your laughter a little, “Wait… You already have the ring!” Robin shouted, everyone stopped talking and turned to look at them again, “God, at what point?” “When were you planning to tell us?”, “Were you guys already dating when you left here?” Dustin asked, everyone had a lot of questions at that moment. “Oh no dude, three years ago she was part of the cover of one of the band's albums, we started talking more often and well, now we're going to get married” Eddie explained with a big smile on his face. While all this was going on and Eddie was answering some questions you noticed that Steve's mood and expressions had changed and rightly so. Actually, in those years that you were in love with him, you gave him all the signs you could, even the most obvious ones, like the time you kissed him pretending to be a little drunk, however, there was no response from him, so from that moment on you decided forgetting him, you moved to Los Angeles and met Eddie again, from the moment you started talking to him you realized how gentlemanly and warm he was, you never noticed it when you still lived in Hawkins, he quickly won your heart, and Now you were about to marry him, the love of your life.
“Love, is everything okay?” Eddie asked, breaking you out of your thoughts. “I'm sorry, I zoned out a little, I remember how we had it before, I'm very happy that we are together again” You responded with a smile, Eddie hugged you and kissed you on the forehead. “What do they say about going out to eat something?” Dustin said, “I'm hungry and you two must give us a lot of answers.” Everyone laughed. “We can go to my house, we can be calmer,” Steve spoke, with a noticeably low mood.
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“Does anyone know what's wrong with Steve? Since we came back it's been weird” Robin said, looking at Steve who was in the backyard of his house. The others denied. “He probably didn't have a good day,” you said. “I spend the whole day excited about tonight, it's weird” Dustin added. “I'll go talk to him” You warned as you stood up and walked in Steve's direction.
"Everything is alright?" You asked, but there was no answer, so you just sat next to him, giving him space, “You're my best friend, I know we haven't lost communication a bit, but you can still trust me.” Again there was no response, although you had an idea of ​​what he might have, from what he had told you in your dressing room. “That's the problem” He finally spoke, turning to look at you. “I'm your best friend” You didn't respond. “Why did you never tell me?” He asked, a hint of confusion showing on your face. “Tell you what?” Asked. “That you were in love with me” Your confused expression became a little more evident. “I knew you were like this because of this” You stopped looking at him and directed your gaze towards your ring. “If you had only told me, I would have given you the ring you are wearing,” I added. A little anger began to grow in your chest. “Are you really in love with him?” Asked. “Or are you just with him out of spite?” You didn't answer anything, you could hear how drunk he was, so he was just saying it because he was drunk, not because he meant it. “What does he have that I don't have?” “Edward Munson” He let out a sarcastic laugh. “What could be so special about the freak?” “What does the freak have that King Steve doesn't, huh?” He said with an annoyed tone in his voice, you remained silent, you really didn't want to say anything and ruin your friendship, however with everything Steve was saying, he was going that way, Steve probably wouldn't remember tomorrow, but you would, and probably after that night the friendship between the two of you would no longer exist.
"I bet when you realized that I didn't feel the same way about you, you ran into his arms." You remained silent, you didn't believe everything he was telling you, he was your best friend, how could he say something like that about you? "You know... For a long time it was said that you were a slut, I never believed them but now I realize it was the truth" Steve laughed at the moment, he turned to look at you, and you were already looking at him, however, the tears were beginning to come out. your eyes. “I’m thankful I never dated you, can you imagine King Steve dating a slut?” once again he laughed. Without realizing it, Eddie was a short distance from you, he had heard everything, to say that he was angry would be flattery, he wanted to go with you and confront Steve himself, however, he restrained himself, he knew that it was a problem between you and Steve, He shouldn't get involved, you two would talk later.
The anger was already accumulated in your chest, Steve reacted until he felt the burning of your hand on his cheek, there he woke up, he realized everything he had told you, and he regretted it instantly, however, it was too late. "You're an Idiot!" You said a little louder, getting your friend's attention. “I gave you a lot of signs when I was in love with you, all our friends realized it, except you Steve, even someone who didn't know you or me would have realized it” Steve's face of regret was evident, all the others were now only a meter away from the two of you. "You know... now I'm grateful not to be with you, I always thought you were a gentleman, but now I realize that when you're drunk you transform, your true self takes over you, imagine being your best friend, you call me a slut, what wouldn't you say to me being your girlfriend or wife?” Steve felt the gaze of all his friends staring at him, especially Eddie's, without even seeing him he could tell that he was very angry. “You could have fooled us all Steve, saying that you had changed, that you were different, but now I realize that you will always be the idiotic and stupid King Steve” You said. You gave him one last look and then went inside the house to grab your things, Eddie followed you, and you noticed how angry Eddie was, you took his hand, then you remembered that your friends were still there, you turned to see them, their confused faces told you everything. “Guys… sorry about this… I didn't think it would end like this tonight, I'll make it up to you, I promise.” Everyone nodded and some said there was no problem. You and Eddie left Steve's house hand in hand and headed to the car you had rented, before getting in you could notice a flash behind you. “Shit” They both thought.
After that discussion everyone went home, Steve was alone again, the regret was much greater than him, the image of all his friends being disappointed in him after you left was present in his head, but without However, the one that was repeated the most was yours, seeing him with teary eyes listening to him call you “slut”, he wondered what had happened to him, why call the person he loved that way, the person he has always loved. It had probably been jealousy, for not acting sooner, and now you were happy for someone else, the guilt was killing him, if he found out that you and Eddie broke up because of that, he definitely wouldn't be able to live in peace, he knew you would never want to have anything. with him now, and knowing that the person you loved would leave because of him, he couldn't bear it.
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The walk from Steve's house to his hotel had been silent, which meant something to you, you and Eddie always had something to talk about, even if it was stupid. Once in his hotel room, you headed to the bathroom and Eddie stayed in the small living room. You took a rather long shower, and when you came out of the shower you noticed that Eddie was not in the room, you put on your pajamas and got ready to sleep and rest, tomorrow you would talk to him and explain everything to him. For about thirty minutes you tried to fall asleep, but you just couldn't do it, you got out of bed and headed to the small living room, there you saw Eddie sitting, he had a music book in his hands, without making much noise. When you approached him and sat on the couch leaving a little space between you, he turned to look at you, the image he saw made his anger return, you looked tired and irritated, and rightly so, after a concert and everything that step, your eyes were red and swollen, making it obvious that you had cried. “I don't want to bother you, I just want to talk to you… explain what happened.” You spoke, Eddie responded a few seconds later, “You don't have to explain anything to me, I know what happened” He responded, you looked down at your ring, it was probably over between the two of you. “I'm not mad at you, Love… I'm mad at Steve, for everything he said, for what he called you…” You turned to look at him. “I always thought that you and him were dating, that's why I didn't dare to confess it to you when we were at school… But when you told me that you and he weren't together, I didn't want to miss the opportunity to be with you and since that day I haven't regretted it.” Eddie smiled, opening his arms in a hug, and you snuggled into his arms. “I love you so much” You said, “I love you too” He responded, getting up and carrying your bridal style towards the bedroom.
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A year later you found yourself on stage again at Hawkings, your wedding with Eddie would have been a few months after their photos appeared in the newspaper speculating about their relationship, the day of the fight at Steve's house.
“Very good Hawkins, I'm very happy to be here tonight, for the next song, someone very special will accompany me on guitar, with you, Eddie Munson!” Eddie came out on stage, the entire crowd went crazy, absolutely everyone since those speculations about the two of you, he began to comment that you would be a great couple, one of the best in the artistic medium. However, no one confirmed or denied the news. Eddie greeted the crowd, then hugged you, and you confirmed your relationship with a kiss, the audience once again applauded and screamed at this.
You brought your microphone closer to him, “Good evening Hawkins, I'm glad to be here with you, but above all to share the stage with this wonderful girl” He said looking at you “Now we will play for you “Slut!”” The crowd went crazy once again, there was a lot of speculation. and theories for who this song would be for, but now, it was more than confirmed.
"Flamingo pink, Sunrise boulevard Clink, clink, being this young is art Aquamarine, moonlit swimming pool What if all I need is you?"
Steve, who had gone to your concert, was clearly incognito because, after that night, the group had decided not to communicate with him much. I knew that fight could have perhaps inspired this song, although I wasn't proud of the way you had written a song, thinking of him.
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I hope you like this short (long) one shot, it's the first time I have written something like this, so I would also like you to give advice or recommendations. I hope it's not too long or boring. I would appreciate your comments. 💗
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ressonancee · 11 months
i think we married in vegas - teaser
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✷ You and Jeonghan have always been friends, and friends go on a trip together, right? And somehow friends always end up marrying in Las Vegas right? And somehow friends become roommates as well right? That all seems very normal when Yoon Jeonghan has a weird addiction to doing the dumbest things ever just for shock value.
✷ genre: comedy (?), angst (?), smut, a weird amount of pining (!)
✷ word count teaser: 499
✷ word count fic: more than 13k - projection: around 20k?/25k?
✷ Thea note: hi y'all, as you guys may know I'm doing nanowimo, and somehow, I got addicted to this story and I'm making it bigger day by day. I still have a very big chunk to go (around 6/7 scenes but it can be more who knows not me since I don't plan when I am writting!). Anyhow I am pretty sure it gonna take a while till the whole thing sees the light of day but I wanted to share a tiny bit with you because I am actually super hyped about and I suck at keeping secrets <3 Hope you guys like it, and get as excited as me (or at least half, actually I can take a third!! or even an ounce!!). I do not do the whole tag list thing but if anyone wants to get tagged just let me know somehow <3
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You turn your hand and it finally hits you.
It is a ring.
With a big rock.
In your ring finger.
A big damn rock on your ring finger.
“Yoon Jeonghan” you scream in horror.
On the other side of that door, Jeonghan just hears you scream. He picks himself up in record time and room towards the bathroom, oh shit did you just fall and hit your head? Did you break the glass of the fancy hotel shower? Are you dying? So without thinking much Jeonghan opens the bathroom door and he just finds you - completely naked and seemly okay, just staring at your own hand.
“What happened?” He asks trying to catch his breath, maybe he does need to start working out man, he didn’t feel this horrible when he was hitting the gym after shifts, but also he didn’t feel that great either the whole gym rat thing was not his ordeal.
“What did we do?” You ask still in complete horror, not even thinking about how this is the first time Yoon Jeonghan, your friend is seeing you completely naked. 10/10 would not recommend this experience. Not even to Laurel, your own Satan-spit roommate.
“What? Are you going crazy? I thought you fell and opened your skull or something,”
You just look at Jeonghan, dead in his eyes, like the reality is worse than falling in the bathroom, opening your skull, and calling the paramedics naked. You just turn your hand to him - like it is enough to make him understand what a dire situation it is. And you swear to god you can almost see the little flakes of light on the bathroom floor, the rock is big enough to shine across the room.
“Did you call me to show me your ring? Couldn’t you wait until you put your clothes on?” Jeonghan asks leaning into the doorway.
“Jeonghan did we-” you say but you feel your own throat closing around itself, it can’t be, right?
“Hm?” he asks without a blink of an eye.
“Oh we did, we totally did”
“No, you are not that crazy,” he claimed. What that was supposed to mean? He was crazy enough for it but you the two goody shoes wasn’t?
“Jeonghan check your bank receipt,” you demanded, trying to connect the dots in a way, trying to have proof, maybe you just bought a way too expensive ring for yourself, or maybe it was just impulse buying.
Before you can move Jeonghan almost runs towards the room, you try your best to keep up with him but you are a little behind because, for the first time, you actually are aware of how naked you are. You pick up the fluffy bathroom robe - yeah the fancy hotel had its perks.“Oh fuck” you can hear Jeonghan before you can see him, his phone it’s on his lap, his head is on his head - he is a man defeated. Oh no. You guys actually did it.
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strangesthirdeye · 7 months
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Our Star (Ineffable Hubbys x Baby fem! Reader)
Summary: A bit of a story about two husbands with their baby girls.
Warning: It's Ineffable husbands.. Who doesn't love them? Fluff, soft, love, no episode 6 allowed, miracle, baby reader is made from miracles, don't ask me how, Crowley being Crowley, Crowley like children, Aziraphale is papa bear, Cuddle, IT'S STARS MINI SERIES, Aftermath of Armageddon.
As usual, I'm sorry if there are any wrong sentences or typos or grammatical mistakes, please forgive me and again English is not my first language, so I try to improve my language and writing in this way.
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"isn't she's cute, Crowley? look at these little toes! They're very fluffy" Aziraphale gushed over the pink bundle in his hand with an excited smile.
Crowley looked over Aziraphale's shoulder to see the pink bundle in her husband's hand. "she's remind me of Adam when I have to send him to the satanic nun. Except, she's not causing Armageddon" Crowley wriggling his fingers in front of the baby girl's face which makes the baby let out a soft moan.
Aziraphale made a face. "she's not Satan's child. She's our child.. Daughter for more details. We made her with a miracle. It's quite difficult to masked such a miracle to create this beautiful baby from both sides. She's got our DNA. Well, technically, She's got half of me and you but we don't know what will happen to her when she's old enough to walk"
Crowley tilted his head slightly. "She's not turning into a demon or Angel, Angel.. She's half demon half angel which shouldn't be but well, we don't have anything to do with both sides anymore, don't we?"
Aziraphale paused. "well, I'm pretty sure they won't know about her.. I'll make sure of it"
Crowley smiled and kissed Aziraphale's cheek. "well, what should we name her?"
Aziraphale was speechless looking at the baby girl snuggled against the bundle with a softened face. Aziraphale could feel something fluttering in his body when he saw the cute scene in his hands. Aziraphale let out a soft breath and smiled and gently kissed the baby girl's forehead.
"Y/n..Her name is Y/n"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
#2019 ( a weeks old ) #
"Now I need to deliver this book in London so, Crowley dear. You need to take care of Y/n for a few hours. She needs her milk whenever she's upset or hungry. If she's still upset, pick her up and rock her back and forth until she's falling asleep. It's easy to take care of her. She's a good lady, aren't you, Sweetheart?" Aziraphale poked his index fingers on your red cheeks after explaining everything that was important to Crowley who was standing in the middle of the bookshop while holding your small body in both hands.
Crowley let out a small breath. "Don't be long, Angel.. she's.. I don't know if what I'm doing is right or not. I don't want to hurt her" Crowley whined while bouncing you in his arms slowly trying to make sure his hold for you to be perfect so that you don't fall.
Aziraphale looked at his longing husband with a softened face. He then reached his hand to Crowley's cheek and rubbed it gently. "you won't hurt her, dear. Besides, you and her can spend time together.. You know? Get to know each other.. She's need to know that you are her father too, just as she needs to know that I am her papa"
Crowley stared at his husband for a long time before nodding and letting out a strange noise from his throat. "yeah, I think I can manage that. Me and her will spend time together with lots of fun today" Crowley smiled cheekily while bouncing you in both his hands.
You let out a soft whine of joy in your beige tartan colored bundle and kicked your feet in the air excitedly. Drool started to come out of the corner of your mouth which Aziraphale wiped it with his miracle napkin.
Aziraphale glared at him. "don't take her into the Bentley. She's barely a few weeks old"
Crowley groaned in protest. "oh come on! I'm not even going fast"
"no" Aziraphale replied and kissed your forehead and Crowley's cheek before walking out of the bookshop after just saying goodbye.
A few hours later, Crowley ended up taking you into the Bentley after you were secured in the baby seat next to him and drove around Soho at normal speed which just after he returned from driving with you, Aziraphale was waiting for him in front of the bookshop with a frown. Later, he got scolded by Aziraphale and Aziraphale took you in his hand and went away from him to put you to sleep.
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(6 months old)
It was a very late night at the bookshop and Aziraphale and Crowley still hadn't slept yet. Although they do not need sleep because they are celestial so that's mean they can stay awake every night without sleep. But then again, they both started to develop human nature little by little so they indeed need sleep.
Aziraphale already put you in your bedroom after you couldn't stop crying in Aziraphale's arms last evening. And you stopped crying right after Crowley took you from Aziraphale's arms which makes Azira a bit jealous but let it out as long as you stopped crying. You're just daddy's girl. But at the same time you are daddy's girl too if you are in a good mood.
Aziraphale unconsciously ran his fingers through Crowley's hair while reading a book. Meanwhile Crowley taking a quick nap on Aziraphale's lap that night after several attempts wrestling with you to shower. But eventually, he is also the wet one.
Aziraphale whispered some words he read from the book under his breath causing a soothing voice for Crowley to hear until he fell asleep. But, the peace didn't last long when you suddenly cried from upstairs.
Aziraphale stopped his reading and put his book to the side and looked up at the ceiling before sighing. Azira glanced at Crowley's side profile who was still sleeping soundly on his lap. He doesn't want to wake him up. He just closed his eyes. Azira decided to wake Crowley up by shaking his lap that Crowley put his head on. Crowley groaned tiredly and bewildered as he woke up from his peaceful sleep. He glanced upon Aziraphale's face with annoying engraved on his face.
"What?" he asked irritated at Aziraphale after waking him from sleep.
"Y/n is awake, I need to check her" Aziraphale said while pushing Crowley's head gently which made Crowley grunted in protest. Aziraphale then stood up before he walked up the stairs leading to your bedroom.
A few seconds later, Aziraphale shouted Crowley's name from above which makes Crowley rushing to get up and run up the stairs to your room with concern. He doesn't want anything to happen to you so he needs to go quickly.
A door burst open by Crowley, with a dangerous face he shouted your and Aziraphale's name in your room. He stopped when he saw the scene in front of him. Aziraphale beamed when he saw Crowley standing in front of the door. He smiled broadly.
"Oh, Crowley! look! she's sitting properly!" Aziraphale pointed out to you who was sitting in your crib with traces of tears on your face. Your face is red.
Crowley froze and lost his speech as he looked at you and Aziraphale with wide eyes. He slowly smiled and chuckled while shaking his head several times.
"Oh, I think something happened to her" Crowley said, approaching you and his husband. He looked at you in the crib with adoration.
"nothing happen to her, dear. She's sitting! aww, she took her first seat. Isn't it adorable?" Aziraphale kneeled beside your crib and rubbed his index finger on your red cheeks.
You whine and reach for his index finger before sucking his finger. Aziraphale giggled.
"yeah, yeah.. She's always cute.. Finally I can take her in the Bentley" Crowley kneeled beside Aziraphale and brushed his tiny hair.
Azira glared at Crowley. "No"
Crowley whined in protest. "oh come on!"
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
(18 months old.)
It was a busy day in the bookshop and the bookshop was full of customers which Aziraphale had to assist them with the materials they needed, although he was a bit reluctant to give them to buy the book but well, it was Aziraphale. He's always like that. Crowley yawned as he sat longingly on the sofa with both hands spread on the chair. He really doesn't want to deal with customers so he decided to take you to the back room to avoid interacting with people. He's not very good at communicating with people, that's why he sits in the back room.
You who are sitting not far from Crowley play with the games provided by Crowley to entertain your time so that you don't get bored. You cooed in your little voice. Both hands actively playing and fidgeting Bentley car toys on the floor. Sometimes you move the car on the floor.
Crowley closed his eyes to take a nap.
He doesn't need to worry about your whereabouts now as you are safe in front of him, playing with toys so he just takes a quick nap to get rid of sleepiness plus to get rid of boredom. You gently pushed the Bentley toy car and giggled as you clapped your hands together. Glad the car is moving. You then crawled towards the car and reached the black toy car. You lifted and turned the car with big eyes.
You cooed happily then put the Bentley car back on the floor and pushed it with a strong force which makes the car move quickly and under the table in the corner of the room. Which is far from where you are. You whine. Not because you don't want to crawl there to get the car, but because you don't want to dirty your beautiful shirt with dust under the table.
You looked at your daddy who was sleeping soundly on the sofa with his mouth slightly opened. He looked very sleepy on the couch. Should you wake him up to get the toy car under the table? Just for you to get rid of boredom? But he looks tired and you don't want to bother him.
You huffed in frustration and stared at the bottom of the table with sharp eyes. Although you have many toys around you, but that car toy. That black Bentley toy car is your favorite. It reminded of you with your daddy's car. That's why it's your favorite. You huffed and started to do doggy style with your bottom in the air and your feet and hands on the floor. On all fours.
Not because you want to crawl, but you are trying to do something more than that, which is to stand. Yes, stand up. You've never done that before but you want to try. You started to push your hands off the floor. Both feet stay firmly on the floor and correct the position of your feet so that you can easily stand without support. You slowly raised your body. Sometimes you have to bend back to the floor because you struggle to support your body, but after a while, you stand up.
You beamed with your small voice with a smile on your face. And then without hesitation you began to carefully lift your right leg to step forward. One by one the steps were arranged by you as you happily let out a happy voice so loudly that it made Crowley wake up from his sleep. Crowley lifted his head from his seat and adjusted his black tinted glasses on the bridge of his nose. He let out a yawned and looked around. Just as his eyes looked at the spot where you should be sitting, he widened his eyes when he saw that you were missing from where you were supposed to be.
He panicked and got up from where he was sitting. His eyes flashed around the area catching a glimpse of you that he was supposed to take care of. He then brushed his hair with frustration.
'where did the little star go?' he thought with concern.
Just as he was about to move to the door to find Aziraphale, he heard a small voice from behind his sofa. He turned around and rushed to your couch hoping you were okay.
He kneeled and looked behind the sofa. There you are, standing or more details walking towards the table with both hands facing forward.
Crowley stunned, mouth slightly opened. His eyes widened behind his black tinted glasses. He watched your gestures as you staggered to the table with a smile on your face. You who are eager to go to the table don't seem to notice your daddy who freezes behind you.
The gears in Crowley's mind turned furiously. 'did she just-'
You cooed and sat under the table and happily picked up the Bentley toy car.
Fingers started fidgeting the toy car. Crowley jerked out of his reverie and let out a big laugh.
"Ahh, Star!" Crowley called you.
You turned your gaze from the toy car and looked at your daddy who was kneeling next to the sofa with his signature smirk.
You let out an amusement voice as if calling your daddy and show him your toy car. Crowley spread his hands beckoning you to come to him.
"come here, star! come to me. Come here, Star" Crowley said, cheekily waving his hands toward you to encouraged you to come to him.
"Dada!" You shouted, happily.
"yes! Daddy come here, star!" Crowley happily said. He almost wanted to cry. This is a precious moment for him.
You started making actions to stand up like before but now it's getting better. And then you start to set the pace on him with small steps. Crowley let out a loud voice of encouragement to you as he waved his hands to beckon you to come to him.
As you got closer, Crowley quickly scooped you into his arms and spun you around in the air with a laugh. The two of you laughed so loudly that Aziraphale who was settling the last customer heard the two of you laughing.
Aziraphale looked at the last customer who was on his way out with an apologetic face.
"sorry for the noises, it's just someone in the back room. Well, I think you have your materials yes? Great.. Thank you for coming" and he closed his bookshop door along with his window with a miracle.
He rushed towards the back room and opened the back room door with a beam.
"What's all that giggling about, Crowley?" he asked as he looked at the two people he loves the most who were hugging.
You nuzzled against Crowley's shoulder. Crowley glanced at his husband with a cheeky smile.
"She's taking her first walk, Angel!" he laughed.
Aziraphale widened his eyes, not believing what Crowley said. "Really?"
"yes! look" he put you on the floor. You looked at Crowley confused. "go on, Y/n. Go to Papa. Show him you can walk" he encouraged you.
You looked behind you and when your eyes glanced at your papa's figure, you beamed.
"Papa!" you started to get up and started to set your pace towards Aziraphale.
Aziraphale squealed excitedly and spread his arms. "Come here, baby. Oh, you're so cute"
You immediately hugged your Papa tightly when you reached his arms. You nuzzled against his fluffy hug.
"Papa!" You squealed.
"Oh, you are walking. My baby can walk now" Aziraphale said.
Crowley approached you both with a smile. "Our star is big, now she can ride a Bentley with me"
Aziraphale glanced at Crowley. "not yet"
"what?! What? She can walk, she can talk and sit well, why can't she ride a Bentley?" Crowley protested.
"With you driving.. hmph.. Just make me worry" Aziraphale replied.
"what? then when can she ride the Bentley then, Angel?" Crowley argued.
"maybe until she gets her first miracle or when she is already 2 or 3 years old" Aziraphale said with a smile.
Crowley grunted. "Argh- that was a while!"
Aziraphale giggled. "then you just have to wait and see what happens in the future"
Crowley groaned in protest and sulked. He walked to the sofa and sat not facing his husband's face.
Aziraphale just giggled and continued to hug you tightly while kissing your fragrant hair.
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misc-obeyme · 1 year
Forgive Me
Okay here it is the last of the daily chat scenes. I saved Satan for last because I have been in love with him lately. Then I wrote a scene that I scrapped, wrote half of another scene that I also scrapped, until I finally settled on this one. Sigh. Not sure I did him justice, but here it is anyway. I might do a couple bonus scenes just because there are a couple of other daily chats that I wanted to do.
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Satan x GN!MC
Warnings: none
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SATAN I know that apologizing won't undo the damage. I can only blame myself. I wasn't expecting the entire room to be flooded from floor to ceiling like that. At least now I understand the extent of the power contained in this spell book.
MC I'm glad my room was sacrificed for a noble cause.
SATAN Are you being sarcastic? You're still mad, aren't you? I don't blame you… I spent hours looking for something that could fix it, and I found a book of wind spells. There might be something in here that can help us dry out your room. I'm heading over there now
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You stood in your own doorway, surveying the damage that had been done to your room. It had indeed been flooded by Satan's book and while you had managed to get rid of most of the water, everything was soaked. You frowned at your bed, the blankets heavy with damp, the leaves of the tree above dripping down on it. The rugs on the floor squished if you so much as set a toe on them.
You were contemplating what to do when you sensed someone coming up behind you. You turned to find Satan with a book his hand and a sheepish look on his face. You frowned at him and folded your arms.
"MC-" he began.
"Just hurry up and try out the spells in that book," you said, cutting him off. "Everything is still dripping wet."
Satan looked past you into the room, grimacing at the way it looked… and smelled. There was a distinct scent of dampness coming from it.
You raised an eyebrow at him.
"Right," he said, opening the book and flipping through the pages. "There are a lot of spells in here, but there's one in particular that I think will help the most with drying everything out."
"Uh huh," you said, watching him as he read through the spell in question.
He had a serious look on his face as he focused on the task at hand. You were still annoyed with him, but you also couldn't help but admire the way he looked when he was preparing to cast a complex spell. It was a mixture of confidence and concentration, the look of someone who knew what they were doing, but was also trying something for the first time.
Satan took one step into your room, the rugs squelching beneath him as he did so. You had to stifle a laugh at the expression his face. He was clearly trying very hard not to look disgusted.
He held out a hand toward the room in general and recited the spell found in the book. Your eyes widened as a swirl of blue light whipped around him, causing his clothes and hair to rustle as a wind kicked up from out of nowhere.
The wind was strong as it blustered through your room, knocking things over as it went. You felt it pushing against your back, forcing you to take several steps forward.
As the light continued to swirl around Satan, the wind's intensity increased. Several more things were knocked over in your room. It almost felt like you were being shoved from behind by a huge hand and you staggered into the room, unable to stop yourself.
"Satan, look out!" you cried as you went because you were just about to run into him.
Satan heard you, but instead of dodging out of the way, he turned around, dropped the book, and caught you. It was almost effortless, the way he simply took you into his arms, the light of the spell now twisting around both of you. You looked into his eyes and saw the glow of the spell reflected there, as well as concern for your well being.
"MC, are you all right?" He nearly had to yell this as the wind was still blowing hard, whistling and howling loudly as it went.
"F-fine," you said, but you knew he couldn't hear you. You'd said it too quietly because you were a little caught up in the way he was holding you, the way he was standing his ground against the force of the wind. You nodded your head to let him know you were okay.
Satan held onto you with one arm, keeping you close to him as he picked up the book and he managed to retrieve it without once letting you go.
Before Satan had a chance to do anything, however, the wind increased in speed and force. The light around both of you seemed to get brighter. You were sure the spell was getting out of control, but what could you do to stop it?
A sudden gust pushed into you, physically lifting you off your feet. Satan was still holding onto you, but he wasn't able to keep you grounded.
He lifted the book, focused on the pages before him for a moment, then said a few more words. The wind died down immediately, and you fell perilously. You collided with Satan, both of you toppling to the floor. The sound of the wind dwindled to a quiet susurrus before your room filled with silence.
You looked down at Satan, who was lying sprawled beneath you, your legs entangled with his, his arms still wrapped around you. You pressed your face into his chest and tried to catch your breath. You had been terrified when you felt yourself falling, worried about hurting yourself and worried about hurting Satan.
Satan's arms tightened around you and he pressed you to him. "I'm sorry, MC," he said. "This is all my fault. I flooded your room because I was careless. Then I almost let you get hurt trying to fix it. Can you possibly forgive me?"
You looked out at your room, cheek still pressed against Satan's chest. You listened to his heart beating just as fast as yours was as you surveyed the state of the dampness. To your relief, the wind spell seemed to have worked. Everything around you looked dry and there was a fresh air sort of scent lingering around you now.
You sighed and lifted your head, resting your arms across his chest and leaning your chin on them. "It worked. Everything is dry now, I think. But I'll only forgive you on one condition."
Satan looked up at you. "And that is?"
"After everything you've done, I think you owe me some kisses," you said.
Satan responded instantly by flipping you. You let out a little yelp as you found yourself under him. He leaned over you, lingering just above your lips. "Allow me to show you just how sorry I am, MC."
You didn't have time to respond as he kissed you, the heat instantly blooming in your chest. You felt one of his hands on your waist, the other one was propped up above your head. Your mouth opened for him almost on its own, all thoughts leaving you as you forgot all about your fall as well as the flood. In that moment, all you could think about was Satan, his touch, his lips, the way he paused to touch your cheek and look into your eyes before kissing you again.
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others in this series:
Mammon | Barbatos | Solomon | Lucifer | Simeon
Leviathan | Asmodeus | Diavolo | Beelzebub | Belphegor
masterlist | Thank you for reading!
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nalyra-dreaming · 8 months
Why did magnus choose Lestat? Why did he go through so many humans that looked like him?
Magnus‘ selection criteria - quite the fascinating (and harrowing) subject!
So (quick recap):
Magnus is a respected and appreciated scholar alchemist. Rhoshamandes protects him but refuses to give him the Dark Gift, which Magnus then, old and supposedly unpleasantly looking, steals from Benedict. (And Rhoshamandes must have loved Magnus quite a lot for not killing him for that!)
Magnus is an outcast. I think Rhosh must have protected him enough still for the Children of Satan not to bother him, but four centuries later he is alone, and decides to make an heir. And not just any heir.
Now Magnus selection criteria are:
Blond, blue-eyed, good-looking, and lean.
These are the basics. Stereotypical and superficial beauty standards, you might say.
There is a lot that can be said about these criteria, and I don’t think the show will shy away from the obvious aryan-idealistic connotations, nor the callbacks to the Nazi regime (and, I mean, season 2 is set during WW2). (*)
Magnus chose Lestat as one of those matching that superficial standard. He's not the first victim, there are a lot of rotting corpses in that tower, as Lestat in the show also said: his coloring, his physique.
There is one aspect though which saves Lestat from death - and that is (or at least seems to be) his fight with the wolves. The "cosmic error" as he himself calls it in the books. That is why Magnus also takes the coat, too, lined with the fur of those wolves. It's why Magnus calls him "wolfkiller", in his mind, and to his face.
One can only speculate that the other victims did not have that ... will, the fierceness that is needed for a feat like killing a pack of wolves. Or, maybe, it was the "light" in Lestat, that which is mentioned again and again in the chronicles, and which draws and burns others. Either way, this event probably tipped the scales in Lestat's favor, if you want to call it that.
Lestat in the show says that he "kept him for a week", and then threw him back with the corpses, to be fed on every night.
Everyone who knows the book knows that the turning scene is written as a rape with forced orgasm. It will be horrific to watch on the show, no matter how they do it, I already found the scene in ep6 hard to watch. (I was prompted to write about this a while ago, and so I wrote about the fallout and that turning in a fic, here, if you're interested.)
The "week" also means Lestat had to be shaved prior to turning. Haircut, maybe. And he likely did not get that much food, which would make him even leaner.
Now, the shaving (in the show-timeframe) is also a conscious choice by Magnus. (And it will be interesting if they pick it up, and how, for the show.) He obviously did not want his new heir to carry a beard. He wanted him to match that beauty standard in his head, the one he probably wanted for himself, if his later taking-up of these physical attributes (I talked about this here) is any indication.
And, of course... "sunlight in your hair, and the blue sky fixed forever in your eyes".
The two things a vampire (pre moving color pictures at least) could never see again. The blue sky, and sunlight.
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(*) There is also the interesting aspect that Daniel could be at least half jewish - and Armand is now or has chosen to be Muslim. A very ... present day commentary that the show will surely hook into in some kind of fashion.
And, as a note:
All of this also pays into the question of the theoretical possibility of a color-consciously cast “black Lestat“, which I commented on here, as well.
Because Magnus had his… criteria.
And Lestat suffers from them, for centuries. Has PTSD from them, up to the last book. Tries to hide this behind sarcasm, and humor. Changing that… would (with several other considerations) change the whole of the chronicles.
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Pet au: How would the brothers react to an owner who wants to help them bath?
Lucifer: No. Absolutely not. Lucifer is usually pretty obedient, but seeing him naked is something he won't allow. He hates being without his clothing, hates showing any skin. He knows that he's not in his prime and wouldn't want you to see him naked. He'll even lock the door when he's taking a bath because he doesn't want you walking in.
If you insist, then Lucifer is extremely uncomfortable. His knees are up, and he's crouching to try and hide as much skin as possible. Looking at you with an expression that tells you that he just wants to get this over with. He might even snap at you to hurry up if he thinks you're dragging this out.
You can try to coo and compliment him, but he'll only give you a scowl in return. Do not do this if you want to build trust with him. If you respect his wishes and let him bathe alone, he might ask you for help preening his wings after his bath.
Mammom: flushes a deep red when you suggest that you're going to help him bath. "Wh-why do ya want to do that?! I can bathe myself, ya know!" He insists, but he doesn't put up too much of a fight if you insist.
He's very embarrassed when he realizes that you're going to see him naked and will try to argue that he should bathe in his clothing. "It's a two for one deal! Now ya don't gotta do laundry!" When that doesn't work, he gets into the tub. At first, he'll try and act all cool and like he's unbothered that you're seeing him at his most vulnerable. He'll try and be self-sufficient, scrubbing his own body and trying to insist that he can wash his own hair.
But the warm water relaxes his muscles, and soon, he's only half protesting as you run your fingers through his hair. Mammon can't help but relax into your touch. No matter how closed off your relationship is, Mammon becomes absolutely boneless in your care. Will whine and pout if you try to move away to grab the conditioner. He does not want to leave the tub, even when he's a raisin and the water has gone cold.
When he finally comes back to his senses after the bath, he's extremely embarrassed and will avoid you for a day or two, but after that, he's asking when his next bath is.
Levi: is immediately blushing the second the word "bath" leaves your mouth. He very obviously doesn't want you to see him naked, but is too skittish to actually say anything. Levi already needs help with cleaning his tail, and you two do that when he's fully clothed. He's already absolutely mortified during that, so he doubts that he'll survive you seeing him naked!
When you two get into the bathroom, he will try to stall for as long as possible. Sometimes, he's standing completely still, not even breathing, in the hopes that you'll get bored and leave. When he's finally naked and in the tub, he's curling up into the tightest ball. When you tell him to close his eyes when you rinse, he doesn't open them until the bath is over.
The only way to get him to relax, after many, many stressful baths, is to bring anime into bathtime. You get anime themed bath toys and even play anime on your laptop that's sitting on the bathroom countertop. The anime helps. He can't keep his eyes closed when there's anime to watch. The bath toys make him more active during bathtime, as he quickly starts to explain the plot of the anime the toys are from. Soon, he's playing out scenes and rambling about characters and their arcs. After a few baths, Levi whines when you try to get him out of the bathtub, pleading for just one more episode.
Satan: You kinda have to help him bathe when you first get him because he's never been in a bathroom before. Whenever he got too dirty at the ring, his handlers would hose him down from outside his cage. So, working a shower nozzle? Using soap? All new concepts to him. He finds that he feels embarrassed when you bathe him. He doesn't understand why - he's been naked in front of handlers countless times before.
Getting his clothes off is easy. What Satan struggles with is the concept of sitting down in water. He doesn't understand how this is an effective way to get clean. Aren't you sitting in your own filth? You have to explain to him that most people aren't actually that dirty when they bathe and that the soap cleans all of the dirt. The first time you bathe him, he's actually dirty enough that you gotta refill the bath a few times.
When he gets settled and the bath water stays clear, Satan finds himself relaxing into the warm water. He expected that water to be freezing cold, as the water was only ever freezing when his handlers used the hose, so he wasn't looking forward to having to sit in freezing cold water. So the warm water is definitely a surprise, but an incredibly pleasant one.
He can't help but relax in the tub, even when he's still unsure about his place in his home, and the relationship you two are fostering, the warm water washes alway all concerns. As the water seeps into his bones and softens him, he can't help but lean into your gentle touch as you scrub through his hair and whine a soft trill whenever you smile at him.
Asmo: he's immediately all for it when you bring it up. He's always looking for a way to show you his best assets, and this will be a perfect opportunity! He doesn't understand that you're not looking for that kind of bath, even when you insist, multiple times, that you're not going to sleep with him.
He still doesn't believe you and is extremely confused when you don't get into the bath with him. Well, no matter, he can still show you what he was made to do as you scrub his hair. Maybe he can convince you to join! Maybe this whole thing is a test! Yet when you pay his flirting no mind, when you look away to grab a bar of soap when he flutters his eyes lash at you, Asmo starts to get a little worried.
The bath can either go two ways: Asmo slowly gets more and more stressed as you don't pay attention to him the way he's expecting. Until he's breaking down and begging you to just get it over with and fuck him. Or he settles down and lets himself get pampered, and relishes in all the products he gets to chose from. The trick to get the former instead of the latter is complimenting Asmo. If you make it seem like you still like him, and that you're just trying to get him to look his prettiest (for you, his mind fills in for him) then he has a must better time letting himself relax and enjoy himself. Even if you refuse to get into the bath Asmo will still try to convince you to wear a face mask.
Beel: He actually prefers that you're there. When he was with his previous owners the only way for him to get clean was when one of them washed him down with the hose. He also never had a reason to go inside his own owner's house, so he's never been inside of a bathroom before. So he's quite nervous about accidently breaking something.
When you get him into the bathroom Beel is quite nervous. He feels too large, no matter the size of your bathroom. Your presence calms him down a bit, at least if you're here he can simply stand off to the side and let you turn the shower nozzle. If he touched that on his own he'll probably break it. When he realizes that he's going to have to get naked to get into the bathtub he gets a little bashful. He never had a reason to get naked in front of his previous owners, so he'll ask if you can turn around when he takes off his clothes. It doesn't matter if you're going to see him naked anyway, for some reason him stripping off his clothes while you stand there watching him is just too embarrassing for the gentle giant.
Beel tries to make himself as small as possible in your bathtub. No matter how big it is. It has less to do with you seeing him naked, and move about him accidentally taking up too much space, or getting in your way. When you get him bathing him he actually gets a little exicted, as everything is so new to him. I hope you're using baby shampoo because Beel doesn't understand the concept of closing his eyes when you rinse. When you get into the rhythm of scrubbing his hair, rinsing, and repeat, Beel actually feels himself relaxing. The warm water is relaxing muscles he didn't even know was sore, and your touch is so gentle. He actually forgets about his rumbling stomach for a while as he leans into your touch. 
Belphie: if you two built up a good relationship than he's fine with you bathing you. He'll probably fall asleep the moment he lays down in the warm water. You have to remind him to stay awake, or else he might accidentally drown a bit. It's not his fault! The water is just so warm and soothing, and aren't you his owner? Isn't it your job to make sure he's safe and doesn't drown? Belphie immediately falls back asleep after making this argument. You have to get one of those baby float things for Belphie's neck when he's in the bath. It paints kind of a ridiculous picture, but Belphie doesn't care. The bath is relaxing, but you can't take your eye off of Belphie for too long.
If you two haven't built up a good relationship! Nope. No gonna happen. He's not going to be vulnerable around a human. Hissing at you when you mention the idea, and says that he's not going to go in the bath with you. Unlike Lucifer, who will only verbally deny you, Belphie will actively fight you if you try to force him into the bath. You have to practically drag him kicking and screaming into the bathroom. It's the most energized he's been in a while, but he's not getting into the bathtub without a fight.
Getting his clothes off is basically impossible when he's fighting you, so you have to bath him when he's still wearing most of his clothing. When he's actually in the bath he's scratching you and throwing bottles of soap at you. It's less about him being naked, and more not give you what you want.
Even if you back off after mentioning the bath, Belphie becomes extremely suspicious of you and will start locking the door whenever he's in the bathroom.
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shapelytimber · 1 year
Welcome to my insane rant about Van Helsing, in the Dracula Hammer movies (with art)
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*Quick* explaination of @quijicroix 's and I headcanons for Helsing, and why we think Lawrence (thought it was Abraham but no it's Lawrence in the Hammer cinematic universe) and Lorrimer Van Helsing are the same person (/!\ spoilers for the Hammer's Dracula movies obviously) :
At the end of Brides of Dracula (the second film in the timeline), we see Lawrence get bitten by a Vampire, not Dracula btw, and to remedy the curse he burns his neck and pour holy water on it. And ig by the power of jesus he doesn't get turned into a vampire (boring Hammer resolution) (and he doesn't even get a cool scar).
But we call bullshit on this ! Van Helsing definetly got turned into a (half) vampire !!
1) Lawrence and Lorrimer are both played by Peter Cushing and have the same face. Now I know what your probably thinking "this argument is lazy af", and if we stopped there, yes it would be. But we see Lawrence's son in 7 Golden Vampires (the last film in the serie, but not the timeline) !! And he looks NOTHING like Peter Cushing. So either the Cushing face skipped a generation (whitch is funny to imagine), or his son, who stays in china and never returns to england, serves as a way to help him hide his immortality by taking the identity of his own son, then his grandson Lorrimer.
2) Time for maths everyone ! In Dracula AD 1972, we learn Lawrence died in 1872. BUT !! In 7 Golden Vampires that takes place in 1904 (because the begining of the film is set in 1804 and these movies are obsessed with the 100 years later trope), who is still perfectly healthy and visiting his son in China more than twenty years after his death ?? Lawrence fucking Van Helsing. The only two explainations I see are either Vampirism or tax fraud.
And that would mean his son (Leyland Van Helsing btw) had to fuck very quickly after the movie for Lorrimer to be in his 70s (?) in 1972.
3) If curing vampirism was this easy, why kill the other people who got turned into vampires later in the timeline (rip a lot of the women and Johnny Alucard) ?? It paints Van Helsing in a way better light if you assume his miraculous cure didn't work *in the second film of this 9 movie saga*, and he doesn't just kill people he could cure.
4) it would be a very interesting take on the character, the renown vampire hunter himself becoming a monster, fighting to keep his humanity (but the Hammer didn't have the balls. And we thought about these movies way more than anyone involved in writting them-).
And the circle of violence theme is not between Dracula and the Helsing family anymore, but between him and Lawrence, whitch is way more personnal. And !! raises the stakes in both Dracula AD 1972 (already the best movie out of the 9 by far btw) and Satanic Rites since Dracula isn't the vampire his grandad fought, but his century long ennemy that keeps coming back.
And the scene at the end of Satanic Rites, where Dracula (for the first time in 9 movies) manage to align two sentences and basicly say he wants to end the world because he is tired of dying and coming back !!!!! Whitch is very heartbreaking already, but if he says it to the man who killed him (nearly) everytime ??? (We don't talk about that time Quatermass got him) Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Ok I lied this was not quick but this!!!!!! Is something that has been haunting us for months, and in the words of Quiji : "People need to know."
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I'm also working on an illustration in whitch this headcanon of ours is pretty central <3
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cavernclaw · 6 months
Hasbeen Motel Rewrite ptII
overlords edition! includes a rewrite of the vees and a removal of. the gross one. anyways ramble below :3 (Includes the time periods they're based on!) also i have based this on kolkocat's video that i watched a while back
note: I COULDN'T THINK OF ANYTHING FOR CARMILLA FOR HER PRE-DEATH... SO IT'S 'UNKNOWN' FOR NOW. SORRY :( (i'd be happy to brainstorm with ya'll tho)
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King Edward Zestial III (1300s) zestial was a paranoid king, in constant fear he would be stabbed in the back or poisoned or strangled in his sleep. this was shown through how he ruled his kingdom, if one was suspected of any sort of disliking against him they would be executed in the town square immediately. this continued for a long time, until he was finally overthrown and killed.
when zestial arrived in hell, it was far more different than it is now. demons like furies were more set on hurting the souls that arrived and extermination day wasn't even a thing.
zestial lived in hell for 700 years and it shows, he's the overlord equivalent of that one school teacher that's way too old yet refuses to retire. he's still paranoid though, velvette loves to mess with him whenever they cross paths.
Carmilla Carmine (????) not much is known about carmilla, she's kept her past life as a secret for a long time now. we may not know anytime soon.
anyways, carmilla is a well known weapon seller across hell. while most weapons are not so different from the ones in the mortal plane. carmilla has taken it upon herself to learn satanic magic from an older demon and to infuse it with the weaponery.
while being rather intimidating, carmilla is not as cold as she seems. she as a soft spot for her adopted daughters and her friends and will do anything to defend them.
Velvette (2010s) professional meanie head, in hell and in life. she was once a popular fashion & makeup content creator, although she couldn't handle critique of her work. she would talk behind people in private group chats, harass 'haters' and basically all the cyberbully examples in a anti-bullying psa.
velvette died in a car crash, not paying attention and doing makeup in the mirror. which is why she has permanent clown makeup (the design also has a double meaning with the clown emoji being used in arguments i think)
in hell she wasn't exactly strong, but after joining vox she became alot more powerful. vox wasn't very convincing during the overlord meetings, but velvette would usually manage to sway half the party over. so velvette did the talking while vox made the tech.
Vox (1980s) vox is a nepo-baby with with a wizard of oz complex, he came from not-so-humble beginnings. he had good friends and manage to climb the coporate ladder fairly quickly (probably because his dad used to be in the company and was a higher up but coughcough-)
it came to a tragic end during a workplace accident, some of the technology being worked weren't working well and vox died of eletric shock.
vox at first wasn't really doing good in hell, it's not exactly a friendly enviorment for beginners. luckily things changed after meeting a certain demon, things got a lot better.
vox began to work on himself and by that i mean heavily modify himself with satanic-magic infused technology to make himself stronger.
vox once again began to rise to the top and managed to get himself among the greats. the overlords, one issue was that they didn't respect him. but after meeting velvette, vox realised that maybe he doesn't have to do the talking at all. so vox stayed behind the scenes while velvette attended the meetings and kept an image for the public.
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dosesofcommonsense · 1 month
1. ANTON LEVEY—Author of the Satanic Bible and high priest of the religion dedicated to the worship of Satan. One of his famous quotes was: “There is a beast in man that needs to be exercised, not exorcised”. His dying words were: "Oh my, oh my, what have I done, there is something very wrong. . . there is something very wrong.”
2. GANDHI—At his death, he said, “For the first time in 50 years, I find myself in the slough of despond. All about me is darkness. . .I am praying for light.”
3. THOMAS PAYNE—The leading atheistic writer in American colonies: "Stay with me, for God's sake; I cannot bear to be left alone , O Lord, help me! O God, what have I done to suffer so much? What will become of me hereafter? I would give worlds if I had them, that The Age of Reason had never been published. 0 Lord, help me! Christ, help me! No, don't leave; stay with me! Send even a child to stay with me; for I am on the edge of hell here alone. If ever the Devil had an agent, I have been that one."
4. SIR THOMAS SCOTT—Chancellor of England: "Until this moment I thought there was neither a God nor a hell. Now I know and feel that there are both, and I am doomed to perdition by the just judgment of the Almighty."
5. VOLTAIRE—famous anti-christian atheist: "I have swallowed nothing but smoke. I have intoxicated myself with the incense that turned my head. I am abandoned by God and man.” He said to his physician, Dr. Fochin: “I will give you half of what I am worth if you will give me six months of life." When he was told this was not possible, he said “Then I shall die and go to hell!" His nurse said: “For all the money in Europe I wouldn’t want to see another unbeliever die! All night long he cried for forgiveness.”
6. ROBERT INGERSOLL—American writer and orator during the Golden Age of Free Thought: "O God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul!" Some say it was said this way: "Oh God, if there be a God, save my soul, if I have a soul, from hell, if there be a hell!
7. DAVID HUME—Atheist philosopher famous for his philosophy of empiricism and skepticism of religion: He cried loud on his death bed "I am in flames!" It is said his desperation was a horrible scene.
8. NAPOLEON BONAPARTE—French emperor who, like Adolf Hitler, brought death to millions to satisfy his greedy, power-mad, selfish ambitions for world conquest: "I die before my time, and my body will be given back to the earth. Such is the fate of him who has been called the great Napoleon. What an abyss between my deep misery and the eternal kingdom of Christ!”
9. SIR FRANCIS NEWPORT—Head of an English Atheist club, to those gathered around his deathbed: "You need not tell me there is no God, for I know there is one, and that I am in his presence! You need not tell me there is no hell. I feel myself already slipping. Wretches, cease your idle talk about there being hope for me! I know I am lost forever! Oh, that fire! Oh, the insufferable pangs of hell! Oh, that I could lie for a thousand years upon the fire that is never quenched, to purchase the favor of God and be united to Him again. But it is a fruitless wish. Millions and millions of years will bring me no nearer the end of my torments than one poor hour. Oh, eternity, eternity forever and forever! Oh, the insufferable pangs of Hell!”
10. CHARLES IX—The French king. Urged on by his mother, he gave the order for the massacre of the French Huguenots, in which 15,000 souls were slaughtered in Paris alone and 100,000 in other sections of France, for no other reason than that they loved Christ. The guilty king suffered miserably for years after that event. He finally died, bathed in blood bursting from his veins. To his physicians, he said in his last hours: "Asleep or awake, I see the mangled forms of the Huguenots passing before me. They drop with blood. They point at their open wounds. Oh! That I had spared at least the little infants at the bosom! What blood! I know not where I am. How will all this end? What shall I do? I am lost forever! I know it. Oh, I have done wrong."
11. DAVID STRAUSS—Leading representative of German rationalism, after spending a lifetime erasing belief in God from the minds of others: "My philosophy leaves me utterly forlorn! I feel like one caught in the merciless jaws of an automatic machine, not knowing at what time one of its great hammers may crush me!"
12. JOSEF STALIN—Soviet Georgian revolutionary and politician. In a Newsweek interview with Svetlana Stalin, the daughter of Josef Stalin, she told of her father's death: "My father died a difficult and terrible death. . .God grants an easy death only to the just. At what seemed the very last moment, he suddenly opened his eyes and cast a glance over everyone in the room. It was a terrible glance, insane or perhaps angry. His left hand was raised, as though he were pointing to something above and bringing down a curse on us all. The gesture was full of menace. . .the next moment he was dead."
13. CAESAR BORGIA—Italian nobleman, politician, and cardinal: "While I lived, I provided for everything but death; now I must die, and am unprepared to die."
14. THOMAS HOBBS—Political philosopher: "I say again, if I had the whole world at my disposal, I would give it to live one day. I am about to take a leap into the dark."
BELOVED, compare these last words from atheists, with these last words, from these saints of God:
THE APOSTLE PAUL: “O death, where is thy sting?”
KING DAVID: “Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no Evil.”
AUGUSTUS MONTAGUE TOPLADY (1710-1778): Toplady will ever be famous as the author of one of the most evangelical hymns of the eighteenth century, "Rock of Ages," which was first published in 1776.
During the final illness, Toplady was greatly supported by the consolations of the gospel: "The consolations of God, to so unworthy a wretch, are so abundant that he leaves me nothing to pray for but their continuance."
Near his last, awaking from a sleep, he said: "Oh, what delights! Who can fathom the joy of the third heaven? The sky is clear, there is no cloud; come Lord Jesus, come quickly!" He died saying:"No mortal man can live after the glories which God has manifested to my soul."
Lastly, JESUS CHRIST said: “I Am the Resurrection and the Life. He that believeth on Me, though he were dead, yet shall he live.”
Only fools never learn from history, and it's amazing that even in our days, with all these facts on our fingertips, someone with a mind can devote his entire life to a delusion, and want everyone to know that there is no God. No wonder the bible says,
"Only fools say in their hearts, there is no God." (Psalm 14:1).“
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ineffable-sideburns · 8 months
Okay, so I’ve seen a few comments about how it took Gabriel and Beelzebub only 4 years to choose their own sides but 6,000 years after the garden wall where Aziraphale lied to God, he’s somehow still right where he started when it comes to breaking out of the terrible institution he’s a part of (I disagree there but that’s a different conversation and I just wanted to focus on Gabriel and Beelzebub for a second.) This is half baked and I’m not looking to prove anyone wrong because I don’t think anyone is necessarily wrong. It just got me thinking and I thought this context might be important as to why it was so “easy” for Gabriel and Beelzebub.
First of all, I think that Gabriel (and likely Beelzebub) are different from Aziraphale in a few ways, so imo it’s hard to directly compare their journeys. Gabriel in particular, doesn’t really think about things too deeply. His thought process after Armageddon’t was (reductively): what the fuck am I going to do now > oh hi beelzebub you’re tired of your job too? > okay I like the fly demon now they gave me a gift no one has done that > I’m just gonna tell my people “no Armageddon sequel” > now I’m on trial and I’m ready to be sent to hell, see ya soon babe! 🫶 > oh fuck he’s not going to send me to hell 🙄 > time to get naked and hide my memories before I’m erased as Gabriel
And the fact that Gabriel went about things the way he did, with the simplest plan and outlook, and it almost ended in him getting his current identity erased, shows that he either just doesn’t think about or worry about things the way Aziraphale and Crowley have had to, or he just doesn’t care. A bit of both, I think. This is me reading between the lines, but after season 2, Beelzebub and Gabriel come off as the kind of people who do their jobs out of necessity, not passion: “this is just what we do (follow the great plan), this is how the world is and it’s what I’ve always known”, and most importantly “what option do I have other than to keep doing this?”
I think you can certainly read the tarmac scene after Armageddon’t as the catalyst for them first questioning the purpose of it all, but it’s also where they see that doing something other than the Great Plan (or what they’ve been doing) is an option.
…I’d also argue that there’s a difference between reciting the company policy and feeding that as ambrosia to your underlings (season 1 Gabriel reads this way to me in hindsight), and believing it and caring about it yourself. Like I said above, Gabriel and Beelzebub are not very passionate, nor do they think about things in the way of “what does all of this mean about me?” They’re out of touch, they don’t interact with humans in ways to see them as people which might cause them to question their actions and their self-concept: this is just a job for them, they pull in the numbers, and they know what they’re meant to be doing, and do it. Even after they realize that it’s all pointless and they choose “their side”, neither of them really comes off as someone who thinks like someone like Aziraphale or Crowley. Beelzebub shows a desire for praise for all the work they’ve done for hell — the opposite of Crowley, who cares about how his actions affect humans, and avoids doing his real job as much as possible in order to minimize harm to them. Aziraphale is someone that believes in the company policy, and the message, to the point that it’s become the crux of his whole identity, even if he also thinks the company is going against its own preachings. This is part of what makes it harder for him to leave. Whereas Beelzebub and Gabriel, who have not internalized their actions, or self-identified with the company in the same way, can jump ship quite easily.
There’s also another reason Gabriel and Beelzebub could “work it all out” and leave so easily: they were in the highest positions possible aside from being the Metatron/God or Satan, and that comes with the vantage point to see more of the whole forest and not just the trees. Maybe enough to know that changing a corrupt institution from the inside is impossible, or at least certainly enough to know that their position isn’t as powerful as someone like Aziraphale might think it is. You could also argue falling and going to hell is an easier solution than fixing heaven so that Beelzebub can come up to join, and Gabriel went for the method with the quickest results.
Aziraphale both has a natural inclination (as evidenced as far back as the garden wall) to internalize his actions (not everyone does that, and there’s different degrees of doing so), and he then is left to experience humanity while heaven and hell do terrible things to it. Other than earth being a way for Gabriel and Beelzebub to meet up, and their affinity for Buddy Holly, they don’t really care about or understand humans…that’s ironically what makes their jobs just jobs and so easy to leave. This difference in perspective is why for them it’s like leaving a dead end job where they aren’t appreciated enough, when for Aziraphale it’s like leaving a cult.
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beebopboom · 11 months
This is pt. 2 to my previous meta about the title sequence magic acts- I've written so many versions of this but they all get too much and all over the place so bear with me its been awhile since I've had to put such a chaotic thought process into coherent writing
but before I get started I just want to say I will be pulling ideas from these metas by @drconstellation here and @newfangledfancy here so I recommend go reading them - seriously pls go read all these for any of this to make sense
In those post they talk about how the Tadfield Manor paintball scene was meant to parallel the Great War - they come to this conclusion because of the parallels it has to the bullet catch scene - but before we leave this I want to get into the roles the current season one Crowley and Aziraphale have in the paintball scene -because in that scene we see both of them get hit with a paintball maybe like they both were at risk of falling but other than Crowley changing the guns they kind of just walk through it - almost like they are just remembering the Great War not actively reliving/reacting their own actions in the war
Now how this relates to my post and specifically why I chose the season one scene - really I’m just trying to explain my thought process because yknow no one actually gets sawd in half - first we have to start with the only actual magic act we see from the title sequence the bullet catch scene and what it is visually showing us - it is just the two of them standing opposite of each other with a weapon posed between them that ultimately gets diverted - this is the magic act - this is what i was looking for to parallel with the season one magic act - a personal moment between the two of them that is not necessarily the end of season “act” they pull off in front of people - now with all that in mind plus the visuals I talked about in the last post that is where I got the "come up with something” moment of the airbase scene - but it is also just a moment of a very much increased risk of death (yknow with Satan coming and all and no real plan in place to win) and an intense level of trust that Crowley will come up with something - it’s not the most one for one parallel i know but it’s what i came up with
But to bring it back around to the other metas and some speculation for season 3 - if these are the moments that are meant to parallel the Great War - with the Tadfield Manor War as a greater/wider look into it as a whole whereas these magic acts are meant to be more personal look into what happened between Aziraphale and Crowley - how does the wheel of death play into this? - well it has been speculated that we are going to get an actual Great War scene so maybe it will be the two of them facing off against each other not really wanting to fight, to hurt each other but a third factor comes in that makes them and Crowley takes the Fall/death and this would be somehow paralleled it our present times with perhaps some roles switched around
and maybe they have to keep reliving these echos of time till they get it right
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beevean · 2 months
So between Alucard with Greta and Richter with Annette it seems like the moral of the story is that the best way to get over your trauma is to hook up with a person who mocks you for it!
Greta joked about Alucard's rape, while Annette insulted Richter's inability to use magic knowing it was tied to the trauma of seeing his mother getting murdered when he was a kid!
It's incredible how the show has no accidentally toxic relationship that isn't explicitly presented as being cute or romantic outside of Striga and Morana, who are barely characters, and maybe Olrox and Myzrak, though the former's behavior is a bit questionable at points
These guys are fans of Berserk, they've read the waterfall scene with Guts and Casca, yet they write ships like these. Never let them even a mile within Casca's general vicinity
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She counts too! Don't ignore her just because she was the one who caused the trauma in the first place :)
But yeah, there is not a single relationship in both shows that is fully healthy and believable except for Striga and Morana, and I honestly wonder how come they can be genuinely loving, affectionate and respectful towards each other while no one else can. Best I can think of, the fact that they're both women means they couldn't be forced into the mold of "sassy woman insults stupid man".
"but beev this is an edgy show about vampires and assholes why do you want relationships to be wholesome i thought you were a freak who loved problematic shit" because it's what the show wants me to believe! When Sypha calls Trevor a deformed pet bear, it's meant to be cute! When Alucard uses dolls to hurl vile insults at both Trevor and Sypha, it's meant to be funny! When Greta responds to Alucard's very real, very painful recent memories of being assaulted in his own bed, she makes a tasteless joke about her fucking a married man, and he laughs at it because it's meant to be quirky! When Annette is a giant piece of shit hitting Richter's insecurities where it hurts, no one in-universe questions her, because god forbid Annette's real flaws are presented as such - it's fine, Richter still loves her enough to use her memory to unlock his magic, the very thing she mocked in the first place! Lisa literally says that her husband is worse than Satan because he's real and she warns the bishop to not kill her because she knew Dracula would snap and retailate in revenge, and then it's all forgotten in the name of a cutesy ending! I think I've eviscerated the absolute dogshittery that is Lenector in S4 to last me a lifetime!
You want your characters to be assholes and monsters? Commit! Don't shy away from how miserable all of these people should be for the sake of some half-assed ship tease!
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twistedtummies2 · 4 months
Top 10 Portrayals of Renfield
The time has come to cover our last supporting player in Bram Stoker’s Dracula. I��m skipping over Arthur Holmwood and Quincey Morris, on account of a lack of really great interpretations for either, which means our next major character of note is Renfield: the deranged lunatic who acts as the Count’s mortal servant.
Renfield is interesting in that, much like Van Helsing, his role has become more pronounced over the years. In fact, Renfield caught on as a major character EARLIER than Van Helsing, as even the very earliest Dracula films included a Renfield character of some sort, and many movies that don’t have ANY of the other characters from the novel rather frequently feature either Renfield or some sort of “Renfield surrogate.” In the book, however, the madman is actually a relatively peripheral character: he doesn’t really DO a whole lot, in the grand scheme of things, but rather acts as a sort of “warning siren.” Renfield’s psychic connection to Dracula makes him a sort of living bookmark: someone who can track the vampire’s moves throughout the novel, even when the other characters aren’t physically near the Count. He also acts as an interesting counterpoint to Dracula and his Brides: they are powerful, seductive, grandiose figures of evil who represent a sort of decadent “gold standard” of vampirism. Renfield is a disheveled psychotic who scavenges for bugs and other small animals to feed his growing appetite, worshiping Dracula in a cultist-like fashion. He is the bottom-feeding parasite in comparison to the Satanical power Dracula seems to exude. Over the years, creators have built up Renfield’s character in a variety of ways, expanding his role in the story and giving him more depth and focus. It makes sense, when you think about it: if any character is going to be as memorable as the great and powerful King of the Vampires, it’s going to be his scurvy little henchman who eats insects in-between bursts of mad raving. For actors, it’s a great role to sink one’s teeth into (no pun intended), as Renfield allows a performer to go wild in ways other roles can’t provide, and make some interesting choices through. There are lots of vampire familiars to go through, so let’s waste no more time: these are My Top 10 Favorite Portrayals of Renfield!
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10. Roland Topor, from Nosferatu the Vampyre.
In the first remake of “Nosferatu,” French artist Roland Topor was cast - in a rare acting role - in the role of Renfield. I don’t know much about Topor or any other work he may have done as a performer, beyond this movie, but I will say this, he doesn’t do half bad! His Renfield is delightfully creepy and yet rather funny at the same time. I love the way Dracula just sort of shrugs him off, clearly irritated with his sycophantic servant, in the scenes they share together. My only problem is that Topor’s Renfield just sort of vanishes from the movie after a certain point; we never find out what happened to him by the end of the picture. For all we know, he could still be out there…dun-dun-dunnn…
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9. Tony Haygarth, from the 1979 Film.
Among other roles, I know Tony Haygarth for voicing a rather depraved version of the Mad Hatter, in the movie “Dreamchild” (which came out six years after the Frank Langella picture). I don’t know who decided to cast this man as two of literature’s most famous maniacs, but I’m glad it happened. In the film, Renfield first appears as a dockyard worker, who has a grudge against the Jonathan Harker and his family for past injustices. This makes him all the more fitting a stooge for Dracula. As the film goes on, Renfield grows increasingly insane, visibly changing from a relatively rational human to a broken mess before his final destruction.
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8. Pablo Alvarez Rubio, from “Spanish Dracula.”
Much like its English-language counterpart, the Spanish version of Universal’s acclaimed 1931 “Dracula” conflates the characters of Renfield and Jonathan Harker: Jonathan still appears, but it’s Renfield who visits Castle Dracula, and then returns to England with the Count aboard a doomed ship. This works as a sort of origin story for the character, which several other versions have taken influence from. Rubio may not be as iconic as Dwight Frye’s scene-stealing Renfield, but he’s not a bad interpretation, either. However, I think the Spanish version makes some choices in edits that ultimately hinder his performance, and bring it down in the ranks.
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7. Nicholas Hoult, from Renfield.
In this movie, the partnership between Dracula and Renfield is hamfistedly examined as a study in toxic relationships. More of a dark superhero film than a proper Gothic Horror outing, Hoult’s Renfield eats bugs not out of an urge to consume life, but because munching on insects and arachnids gives him superhuman abilities for brief periods of time. While not by any means the definitive version of the character, he is fun to watch and Hoult turns in a spectacular performance.
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6. Samuel Barnett, from Penny Dreadful.
In Season 3 of Penny Dreadful, Renfield goes beyond simply being a vampire’s familiar to slowly being transformed into a vampire proper. He starts off as a seemingly mild-mannered, proper Victorian gentleman…but when Dracula learns of some dark secrets in Renfield’s life, he uses that to his advantage and snatches Renfield up to act as a spy against his enemy. Barnett’s Renfield is deliciously creepy, mercurial, and runs the gamut from somewhat sympathetic to utterly detestable. He was easily one of my favorite parts of Season 3.
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5. Klaus Kinski, from the 1970 Film.
In this Jess-Franco-directed adaptation, Klaus Kinski - who might be the only actor to play Renfield who was probably insane in real-life (seriously, Kinski was…QUITE the piece of work, as a person, behind the scenes) - plays a mute Renfield. While he never speaks a word, and does relatively little throughout the film, he steals every scene he’s in, and is given a more sympathetic portrayal; this Renfield often seems more like a scared, confused child than anything else, and has a tragic backstory behind his madness. At the same time, he’s still dangerous, even trying to strangle Mina while under Dracula’s command at one point. Apparently, Kinski had no idea he was even in a Dracula movie during the making of the film, which seems a bit far-fetched to me…but if it is true, I guess there were worse ways to handle it than just giving this utterly demented individual free reign to just…do whatever the heck he wanted for a while. :P
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4. Alexander Granach, from Nosferatu.
Referred to as “Knock” in this version, Renfield is given a role that is in some ways expanded upon from the novel, and yet also somehow still very peripheral. He’s in a lot of the movie, but much of what he does is totally separate from the main plot of the film. At the start of the movie, the character is already clearly on an uneven keel, and is indicated to already be working for Count Orlok (Dracula): the Harker character is actually his employee, and Knock sends him out fully knowing what horrors await him. As the movie goes on, Knock goes increasingly more insane, desperate to find and reconnect with his Master. While delightfully over-the-top, there are actually a few legitimately creepy moments with the character too: at one point, he gets hit in the head with two stones, thrown by angry villagers, and…just…doesn’t even REACT to them. I don’t know why, but that particular moment always unnerves me when I watch it.
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3. Tom Waits, from the 1992 Film.
While Tom Waits is no stranger to acting, it was still surprising to see him pop up in this star-studded adaptation of the Bram Stoker novel, directed by Francis Ford Coppola. This version seems to take some subtle cues from the Universal films of 1931, as its indicated Renfield preceded Jonathan in doing deals with the Count, and returned to England a changed (and deranged) man. While his role is, once again, relatively set to sidelines, Waits is memorable every time he shows up, ranging from a relatively reasonable-sounding gentleman to a raving, bloodthirsty psycho at the drop of a hat.
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2. Jack Shepherd, from the 1977 BBC TV Film.
While this television production mostly sticks to the novel, one of the more noteworthy deviations it takes is with Shepherd’s portrayal of Renfield. In this version, slightly more focus is given to Renfield’s relationship with Mina, and the character actually goes through a sort of redemption arc. At the start of the story, he is Dracula’s bloodthirsty slave; more like a sort of two-legged dog than a human being. As the story goes on, instead of going more crazy, Renfield begins to regain his sanity and morality. Instead of helping Dracula and being slain by the Count as a way for the vampire to cover his tracks, Shepherd’s Renfield stands up to his Master in the end, effectively sacrificing himself to try and help the other characters. Eat your heart out, Nicholas Hoult: the BBC got there a lot sooner, and STILL made him crazy. XD
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1. Dwight Frye, from the 1931 Film.
For me, just as it’s next to impossible to separate Bela Lugosi (and Christopher Lee) from Dracula, it’s impossible to separate Dwight Frye from Renfield. In some ways, I actually think his performance is the best in the entire movie, trumping even the work of Lugosi and Edward Van Sloan as Van Helsing! Frye’s Renfield is legitimately scary, even by today’s standards, but is also a very sympathetic and tragic character (and at times genuinely funny, too). You really feel sorry for Renfield: an initially innocent man driven mad by Dracula’s corruption, who has to struggle between his loyalty to his Master and his desire to keep his soul clean of guilt. Frye maneuvers through all of Renfield’s moods and modes, from sane and gentlemanly to absolutely freaking off his rocker, with great aplomb. Without a shadow of a doubt, he is My Favorite Renfield.
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