#the first one i made was jupiter’s sometime last year
pxme-granate · 1 year
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tannieastrology · 7 months
Solar Return Observations #2🌻💛
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🌼💛Just an update so far, I have a 5th house stellium in my chart this year and life has felt so carefree. Life made me get rid of my old crush and made me focus on myself for a while(Pluto) until just friday I met someone new unexpectedly(Vertex). I havent felt this feeling in almost 3 years its really exhilarating feeling like this and I actually have a good feeling about it. It felt like I was meant to cross paths with him at this point in my life right now because im actually focused on my higher self. I feel that Vertex along with other major planets like the Sun, Mars, Mercury, Pluto, and POF made meeting him feel fated because for one ever since Ive met him ive consequently crossed paths with him multiple times in just the span of 3 days. Its not a deep connection however(5th house) but I hope to beat the odds and make something out of it. So overall, Ive had lots of fun, peace, and new interests in love.
🌼💛So I recently just discovered this, but you can go and find your monthly/daily transit chart and overlap it to your natal or solar return chart to see how your school, career, family, or love life will be. I was wondering why was it that I never got the opportunity to meet someone in matters of romance but i did multiple times in friendships and then I saw that in my transit charts I never had Venus in the 7th house until last month. Venus had always been in like the 11th, the 10th, or the 3rd and school and friends was what was constant in my life. Sometimes even having Venus in the 8th can mean a change in your love life. I even looked all the way through 2022 and 2023 and all 12 months there was not one placement of Venus/Mars/Moon in the 5th or 7th until my transit chart of Febuary 29. Venus conjuncted Mars in the 8th and what happened? I saw the new guy who was exactly my type and I found interest in him. My next transit will be March 30 with Venus, Saturn, and Neptune in the 7th, and Mars conjunct the descendant. Im hoping that things will go well and I can get the courage to talk to him but we'll seeee.
🌼💛Having Jupiter in the 1st just means your whole year will be filled with luck youll just have things fall right into your hands.
🌼💛Uranus in the 9th house is lowkey feeling lost on what path you should take regarding school or just feeling disconnected from school in general. I have this right now and ive been having trouble locking in on my school work and i dont know how i want to plan my schedule for next year. Im just going with the flow atp.
🌼💛Venus in the 4th house means your family will spoil you and make you feel loved.
🌼💛Ok so im not really liking the attention ive been getting from having Lilith exactly conjunct the Ascendant. It feels like every where i go theres been men staring at me creepily and theres this guy on the track team who keeps touching me and crossing my boundries and personal space and it makes me so uncomfortable. Its so grimy and I hate it.
🌼💛Look at the dominant planet and see what house it falls in. Last year i had a dominant planet of moon and it fell in the 12th house conjunct mars. All imma say is that last year was one of the worse but strengthening years for me mentally.
🌼💛Venus in the 9th house means you’ll probably get a chance to travel. I had it in the 4th degree and i went to California from Texas because of a wedding on my moms side.
🌼💛Ive noticed that Vertex in the 5th doesnt always necessarily mean youll meet someone, it just means that youll get a lot of opportunities to go out and have fun.
🌼💛Saturn in the 6th/10th means standing on business.
🌼💛Chiron in the 5th may be a year where you feel burnt out. Make sure to take a break.
🌼💛Moon in libra will beautify a relationship depending on whatever house its in. Ex- first house: your appearance, 3rd: your relationship with siblings, 5th house: with your romantic partners or your inner self. It could also mean you feel romantic this year and could even have more opportunities given to you to express those feelings.
🌼💛7th house Neptune means having dreamy fantasies about people you wanna date. Could have your head in the clouds or you can just have high hopes regarding this area. Could be spiritually calming regarding partnerships but you can be manipulated and gaslighted too if your not careful.
🌼💛Venus in the 10th means being called beautiful all the time during that year. So many strangers used to stop me in the hallways to tell me I was pretty that year.
🌼💛Chiron and Neptune in the 1st means not being able to see your beauty.
🌼💛Venus or Jupiter in the 2nd means splurging on skincare, makeup, and clothes.
🌼💛Having Chiron in the 4th is not fun lol. Could mean family problems, struggling to feel at home when youre at home, and having trouble having a safe space.
🌼💛Leo Ascendant years will make you feel popular.
🌼💛Venus in the 6th could make you follow health, beauty, and workout routines or it could oppositely make you feel lazy and not wanna do anything. It also means feeling comfortable at work or find a interest at work.
🌼💛In 2020 when covid hit I had Saturn in the 5th house and it makes so much sense looking back. We were forced to be isolated and I couldnt go out because of the lockdown. Dont get me wrong though I still had alot of fun with my family but I feel like my middle school experience wouldve been alot different if that hadnt happened.
🌼💛Having a Cancer Ascendant back in 2015 was when my older cousin got married and that was a big event for our family that girl spent almost a 100k on her wedding. She was the first to get married out of the kids in the family. Even having Cancer degrees in the chart will mean change or some significant event in your family life.
Thats all for today hope yall enjoyed:)
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beardedjoel · 5 months
for the @swiftiscruff friendship exchange!
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here's a moodboard of some of my all time favorite pedro pics - ones that consistently make me laugh, smile, or get h0rny for that old man for you all to enjoy the man that brought us all together!
it’s coming up on around a year when i started getting into fic writing and then finding my way back to tumblr, and sometimes i still can’t believe just how much fun we are all having together over one goofy guy and all his characters! i never would have thought watching an adaptation of my favorite video game last year would have brought me here to so many wonderful people with kind hearts and insane talent!
i have a hard time initiating contact especially in fandom where people sometimes seem to already be doing their thing and you feel like you’ve just arrived, BUT you guys! you all have made me feel so welcome - to everyone who ever reached out to me first bc i was too shy, commented, messaged, ANYTHING i just love and appreciate you so much. not to mention the sense of humor in this community is just…. so. good.
idk if it’s corny to out myself like this but this is such a huge part of my life. i think about my fics so often, i smile at my phone at work when i see a new comment or dm that just brightens my whole day, i look forward to my interactions with you all. and it’s just been such a blast sharing this space with everyone.
i wish i had time to make something for every friend and fic i've loved but life is life-ing and so busy rn - just know i love all of y'all.
here’s to all our friendships, making new ones, and strengthening the ones we have ❤️ thank you han and cat for setting up something so sweet and thoughtful!
tagging some amazing moots and people i'm a big fan of!
@swiftispunk @joelscruff @huffle-punk @jupiter-soups @burntheedges @janaispunk @beskarandblasters @ramblers-lets-get-ramblin @dancingtotuyo @wannab-urs @tightjeansjavi @pastelnap @joelsgreys @covetyou @chronically-ghosted @sawymredfox @ilovepedro @joelsgreenflannel @whxtedreams @gasolinerainbowpuddles @pr0ximamidnight @justagalwhowrites @noxturnalpascal @joelsflannel @punkette1026 @toxicanonymity @honeyedmiller @mermaidgirl30 @ezrasbirdie-main @wintrwinchestr @mrsmando @5oh5 @kiwisbell @joelscurls @atticrissfinch @cavillscurls @perotovar @futuraa-free
and so SOOO many more people!!! if you've ever interacted with me in any way or i've read something of yours i've loved etc - I LOVE YOU!
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pain-is-too-tired · 4 months
Leo and Jason's parallels of their life being so different but so similar at the same time driving me insane again
Both were two when their mothers made two separate choices(I at least stayed to) between the safety of their child and possible ire of Hera/Juno
Esperanza chose to berate Hera's antics towards her son, and continued so until he was about five and she finally put her foot down to refuse Hera come back. Telling leo he wasn't ready to be hero
Meanwhile beryl left two year old Jason to be taken in by Lupa,completely giving him to Juno, forcing him to only really be anything but a coming hero and champion to the goddess.
By 8 both of them really last a motherly figure in some down in their life
Leo lost his mother, and was rejected by his aunt and left to go from foster to foster home, often running away on his own accord.
Why Jason was made to leave Lupa, the only stable mother figure he somewhat had, to join camp Jupiter at this age(base off his tattoo marks). Having no where to go and forced to be something for everyone but himself.
Leo was never really anyone's after his mother died. No longer a son, nor he ever was a brother, or best friend. He never stayed long enough to be considered for one.
Meanwhile, Jason was ever only someone's. He was son of Jupiter, son of Rome, Juno's champion. He was never really someone's out of love but out of what he was and did and represented. Jason was a toy soldier. To the gods and to his camp mates.
Then both of them getting to camp half blood for the first time. Then suddenly all that starting to break and change for the better
Now Leo was someone's. He was a brother to his Hephaestus siblings,a friend to Jason and Piper and probably multiple others, he was builder of Argo II and part of the seven(even if that itself was shaky at times). He wasn't just a trouble kid people dealt with sometimes anymore.
Meanwhile Jason got to be himself and other's out of more then just duty. He was Thalia's brother not just cause he was kin to someone powerful but because she loved him, just as much as he did her. He was Leo's best friend, Piper's boyfriend (even if that didn't last that still was very important to him growing to be himself-).
Sure Jason was still considered son of Zeus or Jupiter and a hero of Hera's, but at chb that wasn't the only thing that matter. He had friends he had community. He wasn't just a Toy Soldier anymore, he was loved. Even if CJ never even cared to search for him at the time, he had people who later would mourn him as more then just a lost Soldier or preator.
And just- both losing so much love early in their life only to receive it again with eachother and others around them. 😭
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ottpopfic · 4 months
Leo is alive, and Jason is alive. Because this time it stuck
And it continued to stick, for years
And Leo tried his best not to take it for granted, he would take Jason in any way he could. He loved him, he knew he did, he loved him back to life over and over again in his fool's errand. Leo didn't question why Jason did it back, he didn't really care as long as this time it just continued to stick
It was like an orbit, for years. Two asteroids in space, flying through the darkness around each other, unwilling to let go of their shared gravitational field because they were finally there together. It didn't matter if Piper was going to disown him from the pining, as long as it continued to stick. If all he could have was the orbit then Leo would take what he could get
Leo's anxiety spiked when he didn't know where Jason was. He knew he felt the same by the look in his eyes when he arrived back home to the Way Station. They shared a room, but not a bed. Jason always wanted to be touching him in some way. It became natural, the everyday norm, but Leo was too scared to jinx it by confessing. To tempt this hair's breadth of an opportunity that maybe this time the fates would just let him have him
He knew it wasn't healthy, he couldn't help it
They orbited for ages, but gravity kept pulling them closer with each rotation. It took them three years for their flight paths to finally crash into each other
It was close in time to when Jason died for the first time, when Leo was gone warning Camp Jupiter and the other man was on his quest. Jason is at Camp Jupiter and Leo had held the stress of it in his jaw all week, trying to distract himself through the sleepless nights. When Jason finally made it back to him it was with a rough landing
Leo was the only one awake, sometime around four or five am. He heard Jason hit the roof, and the Way Station tumbled the blond into the main room without much fanfare. The larger man lies on the ground outside the workstation with a groan
“Jesus Christ dude you good?” Leo asks, pulling his welding mask up and turning off the torch. Jason just rolls over onto his back to starfish on the ground and groans again
Leo takes a moment to get off his welding gloves and shut down the station, the last thing they need is a fire. It also gives him a beat to collect himself, he knows he's been a sleepless wreck. By the time he's done and turns back around Jason is watching him with lightning focus
“What?” he asks, whipping welding grime and sweat off his arms and face. Jason licks his lips
“Come ‘mer” he calls, and makes a grabby hands at him
“Did you hit your head again” Leo teases, but he goes to him anyway “What the hell was that landing?”
“It's like five AM” Jason mumbles, reaching for Leo and pulling him down onto the floor with him “I've been up since six AM yesterday, cut me some slack”
[read more AO3]
“Why are you flying if you've been awake eleven hours?” Leo asks concerned as he kneels down next to the blond “That can't be safe”
“I didn't want you to be alone tomorrow,” he says, rolling towards Leo like a flower following the sun “I didn't want to be without you”
Tomorrow, the anniversary of Jason's first real death. 
Leo feels his heart clench in his chest, the tension in his jaw makes it pop. The date he's been trying not to think about, that he was trying to overwork himself through. It's been six years and neither of them has ever handled it with much grace. And here Jason is, flying stupid from California to make sure they were together for it. To make sure Leo knows where he is
“Come on man,” Leo says instead of what he wants to say, pulling Jason into a sitting position by his arms “Let's get you to bed” 
“Come with me,” Jason begs, he looks a bit loopy from fatigue 
“I was talking to Piper, about us,” Jason presses on, pulling Leo closer from where their arms are connected 
“What about us?” Leo lets himself go to him, ever in orbit, even as the hot lump of dread settles in his gut
“It's been years,” Jason pulls him onto his lap on the floor, Leo’s scrawny legs on either side of Jason's muscular thighs “We’re not going anywhere”
“How do you know that?” Leo hisses, worried that even talking about it could set the cycle in motion again. Because he knows in his bones if the world decides they still have to play prophecy, if it goes back to storm or fire, Leo would do it all again. He would keep trying, chasing instead of running for the first time in his life 
Jason trails his hands up from where they interlock, resting on Leo's upper arms cool and firm. He's studying Leo's face, that look of devotion back in his eyes. Because as much as Leo denies it, as much as he pretends it's not there; Jason speaks best through action, and his actions have been telling Leo that he loves him back for a long time.
It scares Leo, more than a little bit. 
“I don't,” Jason confesses “I don't know that. But we're here now?”
“Is that what Piper was saying?”
“No,” he grins, that one that shows a single canine and makes his scar pull attractively “She's back to cussing us out in frustration”
“So same old?”
“Same old,” Jason licks his lips again “But she mentioned something, about three being the lucky number. It got me thinking”
“About us?”
“About us”
Six years since the first death, three years since the last one. 
“What about us?” Leo presses, voice quiet like maybe this time something larger than them won't hear 
“That it's been so long,” Jason's gaze is intense on his face “That we’re still here. That we can have, more”
“Leo” his hands are on his shoulders, solid and sure, he's getting lost in the possibility of those blue eyes “I want more, more of us”
It's the first time they've spoken about it, out loud. It almost blows Leo over.
He can't help it, Leo kisses him. Two asteroids in the same gravitational field, slamming into each other and becoming something new. A planet, a moon or star, it didn't matter as long as they were together
Jason clutches at Leo like he can't believe he's real, like that time when Leo had just gotten him back for good. His grip was tight and rough, first clutching at his upper arms, then pulling him in impossibly tighter by the waist until one hand made it up to the nape of Leo's neck to hold on. Leo opens wider, his hold on the other man's jaw pulling him closer as Jason groans 
When they reluctantly separate for oxygen, faces close and breathing the same air, Leo can feel himself trembling 
“Leo” Jason breaths “Leo Leo Leo”
“M’ right here” he breaths back, voice soft like it would break the bubble there in, tell the fates they broke spades, and Jason brings him into the next kiss as desperate as the first
They kiss like that for a while, trying to merge the shattered remains of their collision into their new celestial body together. Bruising grips on each other, mouths only separating to grasp for air. Leo feels drunk on the other man, the feel of him and the smell of heat lightning, the pattern of his heartbeat against his own. Alive and whole, safe in his arms. 
Leo eventually has to pull away as he overheats. He brings his face as far away as he can to pant out into the open air, the temperature of his breath is visible and fire licking up his face and into his hair. Jason isn't detoured, pressing his face into Leo's neck. He licks a long stripe against the femoral artery, nips under his jaw, and then presses his nose hard against his pulse point.
Leo’s being reeled back in my strong arms before he's done venting out the heat. He can feel how his internal temperature is scalding, but Jason acts like he's desperate to get broiled alive. He has one arm around Leo's waist and the other snaking up his shirt, hand splayed between his wing bones holding him as close as he can. Leo turns his face away to continue to try and pant out the heat, sucking the cooler night air into his lungs and letting his breath steam out of him. That just gives Jason more access to his neck, and Leo can't stifle the low moan that's forced out of him when the blond clamps his teeth around where his collarbone dips from his shoulder and sucks. 
“Jace,” he pants out, he's going to catch fire at this point “Jace, Jason please”
Jason whines again, one of the feral noises he does high and desperate, and goes back to nipping. Leo has to grab the other man by the hair to pull him back so he can let his face catch fire again, the only part of his body not flush with him. Jason doesn't look afraid, pupils blown wide and expression filled with awe. A few sparks of static dance between the strands of his blond hair, one inside his open and panting mouth. As soon as Leo stops smoking Jason is back to kissing him
“I'm gonna burn you” Leo whines into his mouth
“No you won't,” Jason says back just as close, the blind trust and longing make Leo moan into him
“You won't” Jason continues, kissing back down Leo's neck and towards his chest. Leo takes the opportunity to throw his head back and try and vent more heat “You won't, I'm always safe with you”
“Fuck, Jace”
“Gods, you're here” Jason pleads, his forehead pushing hard above Leo's heart. He can probably feel his rabbiting pulse against his face, he's still trying to pull Leo closer “You're really here like this , I'm not dreaming “
Leos folds himself over the curl of Jason's body, hand moving over his hair and neck and back, energy trapped in their dwindling momentum 
“I'm here” he pants “You're here too”
“I'm here,” Jason says back looking up to meet Leo's eyes but not taking his face off his heart. His cheek is pressed in against Leo's chest, eyes looking up and pleading. Leo smooths his hands through Jason's hair and then down the side of his jaw and back up again. The blond lets out a sigh and folds back into Leo's chest. His face pressed above his heart, breathing him in through his nose.
They stay like that for a while, curled and clutched close. Leo's hand in Jason's hair and Jason's face in Leo's chest, until Leo folds down to rest his forehead against the top of Jason's head, breathing him in in return
A single celestial body orbiting a gravitational pull. Together in the new planet of their own making 
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appleflavoredkitkats · 5 months
do you have any headcanons on what russell went through during his time with the utopians?
HELLO ISSY!! im in the middle of plotting my version of ivywood so i have SOME things... but not everything is fully fleshed out! here r some of them (under the cut!)
since it's sort of implied that russell's been raised there since birth/childhood, i feel like his parents only joined because they were struggling financially, which the utopians would have aided
i do think russell would have HATED the strict regulations at a young age. like obviously, he would still grow to adapt to some things (ie. desperate need to prove himself worthy, because the utopians would have deprived that of their followers) but to me, russell is just too much of a curious child. he wouldn't have kept his curiosities at bay, especially since he loved learning about more mind-boggling things like cryptic codes, linguistics, the human brain, etc. at a young age
i think this guy! would have been a very lonely child! esp since he's austistic and trans! since he's afab, i feel like his autism diagnosis would have come in late (like maybe 10 years old?) and that's the same time he would have realized he was trans. so he basically became a disappointment amongst the utopians. like parents would tell their kids that russell would be the child NOT to imitate u get me
but i feel like as much as i think russell would come out of this with insecurities, i think his pride is one of the reasons that got him out of there in the first place? and i mean, call him egotistical all you want, but the last thing russell would want to do is doubt his capabilities because that's EXACTLY what the utopians would have wanted.
in my version of ivywood, i made "once upon a crime" happen AFTER "wild wild death" because i hc that trevor neuman was responsible for russell's interest in psychology. but don't get it twisted, he doesn't rlly like the kid- rather, the higher-ups in utopia saw potential in his intelligence and wanted to profit off of that. to me, russell might have possibly made the foundations for their brainwashing mechanism, but russell himself doesn't realize that it actually works
i do think russell was genuinely close to his parents, although they don't get along all the time because the two are depressed servants of the cult. i do think russell would have had a closer bond to his mother though. i'd like to think she actually helped russell escape at 16. the only reason she didn't go with him was because she wanted to convince jupiter to go with her, but he adamantly refused out of fear.
the higher-ups definitely knew that caroline (russell's mom) assisted his escape and so they would have murdered her and framed it as an accident. when this happened, they utilized jupiter's grief to make him stay in utopia even longer.
after hearing news about his mom's death, russell would have sneakily watched the funeral from afar. that's when he received the note that says he has nowhere to hide.
i need to flesh this out even more, but i definitely think russell reached out to the pbpd after he escaped. i think it would be funny if andrea assigned frank to look after him, at least up until russell finds a secure job to move out lol. there is a reason these two are at each other's throats all the time !
to return to the utopians though, i genuinely think that the fact russell was raised in a cult fucked up his sense of identity and vulnerability, in a sense that. this mfker HATES showing his true self to anyone in fear of it being used against him. his flirty, manipulative mask is definitely just. a mask. because it's a survival skill he developed after escaping !
moreover i do think he gets impostor syndrome sometimes because as much as he's a genuinely prideful person, sometimes he thinks he feels the need to grab everyone's attention because he was so deprived of it when he was young. so sometimes he does have to grapple with that, because he HATES thinking that a part of him is still disgustingly utopian
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bluepeachstudios · 1 year
Ghost's Birthday Part 3
Ghost's Birthday Masterpost
Where do you take Ghost first? You chose to take Ghost to see the dinosaurs first.
Leo made a good argument for the planetarium, but in the end Mikey's idea won out. Ghost had been giving them random dinosaur facts since they were kids; it was hard to ignore that.
They headed for the 4th floor, where the majority of the dinosaurs were, and began exploring. Donnie and Ghost took their time looking at the displays and reading the descriptions while Leo and Mikey were the opposite, giggling as they ran around pointing out the skeletons and taking selfies of each other pretending to be eaten by the displays.
Ghost paused by the triceratops, staring at it harder than he had the others. Mikey noticed first.
"Your favorite?" He guessed.
"Least," Ghost answered. He reached up and scratched his temple.
"Oh. What's your favorite, then?"
"My favorite is the argentinosaurus," Ghost answered, the corner of his mouth twitching upwards. "It's one of the biggest land animals to ever live, possibly the biggest. It lived during the Last Cretaceous period, and they've only found fragments of fossils of it before, so it's a little hard to guess what they really looked like, but there are computer model recreations and estimations based on the bones they have found."
As he talked, he became more animated, his eyes brightening. He shifted his focus from the triceratops to the stegosaurus, ambling over.
"The one specimen they found was in Argentina, which is where it got its name from. A computer simulation that was studying its gait found that it actually walks at a decent speed despite its size, about 7.5 kilometers per hour. And even though it's the largest known titanosaur, there are some other sauropods that may have been larger, but there's so little pieces left of them it's impossible to tell. The blue whale's mass still far outweighs even the argentinosaurus, though. The argentinosaurus is only about 75 tons, and a blue whale can get bigger than 150."
Ghost had drawn Leo, Donnie and Raph's attention now as well. He'd always gotten excited talking about dinosaurs, but he'd never had his eyes wide and his voice so expressive. He shook his fists at his sides and leaned up on his toes.
When Ghost finished his small infodump, he looked down at Mikey and his expression faltered. If Mikey didn't know any better, he would have thought Ghost was flustered.
"You know sometimes I'm reminded how much of a huge nerd you are," Leo blurted.
"Leo!" Mikey gasped with a laugh.
"Says the guy who can quote all of Jupiter Jim 7 1/2: Don't Forget Pluto," Donnie snarked.
"Far off at the edges of our galaxy-" Leo started loudly.
Ghost quickly slung an arm over his shoulders and pressed a hand over his mouth, whispering, "Inside voice, Leonardo."
"Sorry," Leo said through his hand. "But I really can recite the whole thing."
"I know," Ghost murmured, a hint of pride in his tone.
"Ghost, look!" Mikey squeaked from the doorway to the next room. Ghost walked after him, peering inside.
"That sure is a giant sloth," Donnie noted, peeking around him.
Ghost let out a breath, ducking his head.
"Sabertooth tiger!" Mikey pointed and rushed over to the display.
"That's a smilodon," Ghost informed him.
"I don't see any smiles on Don," Leo quipped. Donnie shoved him and he toppled over.
"They lived during the Pleistocene," Ghost continued as Raph pulled Leo to his feet. "Only went extinct about 10,000 years ago."
"That's such a long time," Mikey marveled.
"Not in the history of the entire planet, Michael, it's quite recent," Donnie said matter-of-factly.
"I can't even wait 10 seconds for an egg to heat up in the microwave," Leo complained.
"An egg in th-?!" Mikey whipped around to stare at Leo, mortified.
Ghost rubbed a hand over his face. "Leo..."
"Whaat I learned my lesson!" Leo defended. "You only put it in for five seconds at a time!"
"With the shell?" Mikey moaned.
"Well how else am I going to fast-boil an egg, Miguel?"
"As our family court stenographer, I've put Leo down for a second consecutive life sentence for culinary-related crimes," Donnie said, tapping away at his wrist pad. "May we have the jury's approval?"
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dykrophone · 4 months
you know what it's 1:30am and quite literally no one cares but idk. the tags on my last post reminded me and I feel like rambling about something no one cares about and that's why I have a tumblr so why tf not lol
izzie taylor taught me that i could love.
ironic because the first person I ever loved fucking hates her guts and thinks she's toxic af lol. but cazzie meant the fucking world to me as a baby sapphic, not just because they were one of my first sapphic ships ever but because of how fucking relatable they were. they were messy ass teenagers and their chemistry felt so real. and fivel stewart (along with deepika padukone) is my #1 celeb crush of all time but Not The Point lmao.
like idk how to explain it because I'm obviously a much more stable person now than I was when I first got into the ship but the thing I love so much about izzie is how hard she tries to get fucking better. and how she apologizes and communicates when she fucks up no matter what. because the thing is she Does fuck up. a Lot. girlie has trauma and issues the size of jupiter and she has mood swings and bouts of shame and her "brain just betrays [her] sometimes" and she doesn't know how to handle it. she doesn't trust herself because she doesn't feel things consistently. and god did seeing her work her ass off to become a better person and get over her self-destructive tendencies to maintain a healthy relationship mean the world to 14 year old me. it kind of snapped me out of my self-hating cynical world view and gave me so much hope honestly. because back then I genuinely didn't believe I was capable of maintaining a healthy long term relationship (of any kind, not specifically romantic). I thought I would inevitably end up hurting everyone and the kindest option was to isolate myself forever. but the thing is. people need people to get better. sometimes you need to let people in. and izzie showed me that as long as I didn't stop trying and made sure to communicate openly and honestly no matter what, I could love people and be there for them too. and progress isn't linear. izzie does regress and fuck up over and over, but the thing is she LEARNS from her mistakes. she gets over herself and apologizes and does her best to make up for it. and she gets more stable with time, just like I did. it's not easy to realize your agency when you struggle with depression or ocd or bpd or whatever. but you do have agency. you just. have to keep trying. no matter how many times you fall on your face and fuck up. izzie showed me that it's worth trying, because you do get better. which is why she'll always be one of the characters closest to my heart. (and the ship. fucking ship of all time.)
anyway. here's my trying to be better as a fucked up mentally ill teenager playlist inspired by the one and only izzie taylor <3
and the companion casey-inspired playlist of loving someone who can and does hurt you because they're struggling with mental illness because you know they're trying and getting better and that they're worth it <3 (sidenote i could go On about the casey side of things forever too but. that's for another time lol. you don't have to put up with shit just because the other person is going through stuff that's not what I'm saying. it's more nuanced than that and I love how casey set boundaries for herself re: that buuuuuut i digress)
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gayundertaletrash · 2 years
Nightmare headcannons ✨
These are just headcannons I have for my favorite goopy boy. Some are from other people but a lot are from me.
(Trigger warnings- mentions of abuse, maybe body horror, animal death and eating, cannibalism, trauma, eating and sleeping disorders, self h@rm)
- Nightmare is FtM and uses he/it/king pronouns (I image he loves the idea of neos and xenopronouns to). He is a gay man, and is aro-specrum. To be more specific he is aro-specrum and cupioromantic, along with queer platonic. He is also ambiamorus.
- He is married to Cross, is dating Killer, and is in a QPR with all the Bad Guys+ Error, Lust, and Blue.
- Nightmare is generally very quiet and doesn't engage in conversion unless invited. He prefers to listen to others. His main love languages are quality time, physical touch, and giving gifts and acts of service. With the last two though, he doesn't like it when others give him gifts or do things for him. He likes to be the provider.
- Before his corruption he was pretty short (5'2) and is still short in his Passive form. After his corruption he grew to 7'6. He can change his height but prefers the height his goop makes him naturally. He has gotten very used to others being scared of how tall he is and doesn't care very much anymore.
- Because of his corruption, he is kinda uncanny. Certain features about him aren't normal looking. He has really long fingers that end in extremely sharp claws. His bones kinda clash together, an example is his ribs, which are melted together kinda, so he doesn't actually have individual ribs. His eye is also slanted and looks exactly animal-like. He has sharp teeth, and has rows and rows of smaller sharp teeth that go down his throat. He also purrs and growls like an animal. In all he looks less skeleton-like the longer you look at him.
- Nightmare use to be very abusive to the Bad Guys. After years of being a complete ass, he began to recognize his behavior and turned it around. He is now past his abuse and has made up to them all. He still has a lot of guilt from it, but knows he is better now. He started changing his behavior before Cross joined, so Cross beaver really got the bad part of Nightmare's behavior.
- Nightmare is made of two beings. There is the host body/soul which is Nightmare. And then the goop. The goop is an older creature that had followed Nim when she first came to the Undertale Multiverse. The goop and Nightmare live together as one, and can't separate without both dying. The goop can retreat back inside Nightmare though which makes him become passive. Nightmare has named the good Corrupt. Corrupt is a hive mind though, and is just the whole 'hive' acting together. Each of Nightmare's tentacles are part of this 'hive'. Each tentacle is named. They are named Jupiter, Venus, Orion, and Reginald.
- Nightmare is kinda animalistic. Thai is mostly because of Corrupt though. Nightmare purrs and growls, along with other noises like squeaks and chirps. He also makes nests sometimes. Nightmare also can ( and craves) meat. Usually he gets this from small animals like mice, rats, and bird which he can eat in one bite. But he has been know to eat just about anything fleshy. This includes dead deer, dogs, rotten meat, and sometimes human or other monsters. He still acts very proper though even as he eats a half rotten deer.
- The only reason he has eaten human or monster is to help Horror. Horror, like the rest of his au, had become addicted to the taste of humans and monsters. He hates the fact he craves is and Nightmare is trying to get him off it. But because it is such a strong addiction, he has to do it slowly. Sometimes, to help the process along, he will tell Horror he is feeding him human, while feeding his something like pork. The actual human meat Nightmare has eaten himself.
- Nightmare sucks at understand most social norms. After Dreamtale and Dream being trapped in stone, Nightmare pretty much locked himself away for over 20 years. During those 20 years he forgot how to be a normal person. It isn't uncommon to find Nightmare walking around the castle in little to no clothes, or have him walk in while one of the others are changing and just sit down and start talking. He doesn't care about norms very much either, so as long as the others are comfortable, he will do just about anything he wants.
- Nightmare has a lot of mental health and physical health problems. He has insomnia and hates sleeping also because of past trauma. He has a purging disorder, which is not binging but still forcing yourself to throw up. Nightmare is trying to get better about both of these things and is slowly making progress. He also has seasonal depression, C-PTSD, anger issues, and self harm tendencies. He is slowly getting better though.
- Nightmare loves gardening, and has a giant garden filled with flowers. He loves his roses though, which he takes great care of. He has an area of flowers dedicated to certain events, and will plant a flower if something good happens. He also plays the piano and has an old one in his study. His study is what he calls his library, which takes up an entire tower in the castle.
- Nightmare is very protective of the Bad Guys and considers them first before anything else. If he had to choose between them and the whole multiverse, he would let the multiverse die and teleport them all to a different Multiverse. He loves them dearly.
Ok, that's all I have for now, hope you enjoyed. :))
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cakemagemaeve · 7 months
So today's the 6th anniversary of Sharif's death. I can't believe he's been gone so long. I can't believe his grave is now someone's driveway. I still can't believe it's really over. To say that I miss him with all my heart would be an understatement the size of Jupiter. Part of me still can't even accept that he's gone, that I'm never going to see him again. Part of me still feels like if I were to drive down to one of the barns I had him at, he'd be there waiting for me to give him a treat and a hug. I'd give damn near anything just to be able to give that horse one last hug, or even just to hear his soft nicker that he did every time he saw me coming.
Honestly, I still feel as though a large part of me died when he did. It's like someone ripped out huge chunks of my heart and soul and burned them away, leaving only gaping wounds and cinders behind. I see reminders of him everywhere, I keep as many reminders of him with me as I can at all times, and each and every one of them hurts like a half-healed wound getting poked and prodded, but I know that not having them would be even more painful.
I wear a bracelet with his tail-hair braided into it, I hung his halter on the wall just above my pillow, and sometimes at night I reach up and just hold onto it for a while. My phone's lock-screen is a picture of Sharif. My phone's background is a different picture of Sharif. In every video game that has horses, I always try to find one that looks like him and then name that horse after him, even if it requires mods to do so. I named my Galarian Rapidash Sharif, because frankly it's almost exactly what I always thought a Pokemon version of Sharif would be like, right down to the typing. Seriously, it's damn near perfect. Sharif's barn nickname was Princess Unicorn for a reason, after all.
He was a purebred (though not registered) Arabian, and like most Arabian horses, he was beautiful and he knew it. <333 And yet, as prissy as he was, he was also one of the sweetest and most loving horses I've ever had the privilege of meeting. Even at the beginning when I was having so much trouble with him (long story short, his previous owner was a liar and a cheat who claimed he was fully green broken and safe to ride when he very much wasn't, and may have even drugged him the day I went out there for a test ride), he was still so affectionate and so very eager to please even though he was scared and confused.
It really was a very difficult experience for a while, and I even briefly considered selling him (sending him back to that woman was out of the question), but ultimately I couldn't give up on him, and I'm so glad I didn't. All of the pain and frustration of those first few months ended up being more than worth it, because I got to spend 20 years with the most amazing and wonderful horse in the world. We had so many adventures together, we had so much fun together, and when I was going through some of the worst years of my life, he was the only thing that kept me going. Honestly, if it weren't for Sharif I probably wouldn't have made it through my teen years. I know I was incredibly lucky to have had him in my life for so long, and it's not that I'm not grateful for it by any means, but god, it wasn't long enough. It wasn't anywhere near long enough. As my icon says, forever would not have been long enough.
Anyway, what was just supposed to be a short post ended up running a liiiittle bit long, and to make up for that I'll end this by sharing one of my all-time favorite pictures of me and Sharif.
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christine-ye · 7 months
Normally I don't share a lot of serious posts for characters I love (they're funny shitposts most of the time) but because the 2024 PreCure Twitter Hall of Fame started running yesterday (go vote here if you haven't), I have already campaigned myself for the title of #1 Cure Melody fan, which I already won during the first Hall of Fame back in October 2023 (and also campaigned for). And I have the certificate below to prove it lol
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As part of my mini-campaign for the current Hall of Fame (which is just for fun and not an actual competition btw), I decided to write an essay about how much Cure Melody meant to me and wanted to share it here (copied and pasted straight from the Notes app on my phone). If you get the chance to read it (under the cut), I would really appreciate it. 💗
Why you should vote me for #1 Cure Melody fan, an essay (sorta)
During the summer of 2020, I started getting into PreCure when Healin' Good returned from its hiatus and was added to Crunchyroll. After watching a few more of their available seasons like Futari wa and Kira Kira, I decided to branch out and try out other (unfortunately not legally available yet) PreCure seasons, and I started both Star Twinkle and Suite on September 1, 2020. You might be wondering, "why mention an exact date for Suite specifically?" And boy, do I have a lot to tell you.
Suite was one of the seasons that caught my eye at that time, and Hibiki Hojo, otherwise known as Cure Melody, caught my attention for plenty of reasons. One of which being me previously knowing her VA, Ami Koshimizu, for voicing Sailor Jupiter (my favorite Inner Senshi) in Sailor Moon Crystal, given that I was (and still am) a huge Sailor Moon fan. Another reason was also me branching out to other magical girl media during the pandemic. I was already familiar with shows like Powerpuff Girls Z (my first magical girl show) and Madoka Magica up until 2020, and decided to try out PreCure for a bit despite my initial skepticism and refusal to try anything new.
On September 1, 2020, around the same time I was starting my last year of high school, I finally started watching Suite and while I knew Hibiki was going to be my favorite in the show I didn't expect myself to love her way more than I thought I would, not even knowing she would actually become one of my favorite characters of all time. She's a lot of fun every time she appears onscreen, her design rocks, and also did connect with me a lot on a personal level. As someone who has experienced separation anxiety as a kid (and still sometimes do now), I related with Hibiki's loneliness from when her mom was often busy on tour, much like how my parents would sometimes spend a lot of time away from home for work, from weeks to even months. To add to that, I even felt burdened by others' expectations of how and what I did as I got older, similar to how Hibiki felt pressured when she had to perform at the piano recital only to end up feeling hurt by her dad's words to the point where she (temporarily) gave up her passion for music. Through her character growth, I remembered two important things: people who love and support you will always be there for you no matter what and never give up on what you want to pursue despite the hurdles you encounter in life that try to put you down or even turn you against your passions.
I literally almost teared a bit having to write all this and if you made it to the end, thank you for reading :') And of course, vote me for #1 Cure Melody fan since she has meant a lot to me for almost 4 years now 💗
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justabooknerdposts · 10 months
possibly a fic of percy and annabeth with annabeths family, or ive always been curious about annabeths athena siblings, obviously she has to be very close to them(not just malcolm) and I think it'd be sweet to see their reaction to percabeth
*Tried to work in both lol hope you enjoy it!*
Annabeth had been nervous about this visit home. Things had gotten better between her and her mortal family over the last few years, but it could still sometimes be awkward. She'd probably be less nervous if she was on her own. But Percy was with her. And it was the first time she was bringing him to her dad's house as her boyfriend. Which seemed crazy, now that they'd been together almost two years and were at their last stop on their way to Camp Jupiter and New Rome University. But the last couple of years had been pretty hectic, especially with Gaea rising and Percy being kidnapped for six months. Plus, it was still a risk for Percy to fly, which made it tricky to get him across the country. So now here they were, driving the Prius down the street to her dad's house. And she was bringing her boyfriend to her family's house. Annabeth tapped her fingers against the car door, trying not to let her nerves show. She wasn't even sure why she was nervous. Her dad and stepmom had met Percy before. They'd just seen him a few weeks ago at graduation. But this felt different.
She flashed back to two years ago at Camp Half-Blood, after she and Percy had first gotten together. Once they'd climbed out of the lake and said good night, she'd crossed the green to the Athena cabin, unable to keep a huge smile off her face. However, when she opened the door of Cabin Six, a massive noise hit her, causing her to nearly jump out of her skin. It took her a few moments to gather herself and realize that it was her siblings, cheering and whooping for her.
"Oh my gods," she said, once she realized what was going on. "Are you all serious?"
Malcolm was the first to come forward and clap her on the shoulder, although he was definitely not the only one with a massive grin on his face. "We're just really happy that you're happy," he told her. "And we just also want you to know that if you're ever not happy with Jackson, we will be happy to help you come up with a plan to end him."
"Oh my gods," Annabeth said again, trying to roll her eyes, but she was pretty sure she was blushing to the roots of her hair. "I don't think you'll have to worry about that. But thanks anyway."
Her other siblings came up to her, too, giving her hugs and fist bumps and handshakes. Some of the younger ones hugged her especially hard, and Annabeth knew it wasn't just because they were happy for her. It had been a hard week. Really, it had been a hard summer. And she suspected they were glad to have an excuse to get some reassurance. So she returned their hugs tightly and tried not to think about the campers whose bunks were now empty.
She could always count on her siblings in the Athena cabin to support her. She was less sure about how Matthew and Bobby would react. Truthfully, she was a little worried they were going to be rude or ask Percy weird questions or something. Not to mention what her dad and stepmom might do or say.
As it turned out, she shouldn't have worried. Her dad gave them both one of the warmer greetings she'd ever received from him, including an extra long hug that made Annabeth swallow hard to avoid choking up. Her stepmom also smiled and hugged her, then Percy, and welcomed them both into the house.
Matthew and Bobby's greeting was pretty standard for Annabeth but almost too enthusiastic for Percy. They immediately started asking him questions about fighting monsters. Then Matthew blurted out, "Is it true that your pen turns into a sword?"
Percy glanced at Annabeth, then at Mrs. Chase. But her stepmom only gave a small smile and a nod, then said, "Just go out in the backyard." Percy shot Annabeth a quick smile, then all three boys disappeared out the back door.
"Thanks again for letting us stay for a couple days," Annabeth said. "The dorms won't be ready for move in until after the weekend. Something about summer semester."
"You're always welcome, Annabeth," her stepmom said. She frowned, then said, "I know it hasn't always felt that way to you. And I'm sorry for that. But you are welcome here any time."
Her dad nodded. "This is your home, too, honey. Now that you're out here, I hope…I hope we'll get to see you a little more?"
He'd ended it on a question, giving her the opportunity to choose. Not so long ago, Annabeth might have scoffed, or shot back a harsh remark. Now, though, after all the things she'd been through, especially last summer, she found she didn't have it in herself to respond that way. They were trying. And she was willing to try again, too. A fresh start for all of them.
"I appreciate that," Annabeth said truthfully. "I'll try my best."
"We will, too," her dad replied. After a moment of awkward silence, he clapped his hands. "Now, Annabeth, if you have a minute, I was wondering if you might look at a project I'm working on. I've been trying to recreate a wing joint that mimics those pegasi wings, but I keep running into a hiccup—"
Twenty minutes later, Annabeth escaped into the backyard to join Percy, although she had managed to have a pretty enjoyable conversation with her dad about aerial stability and the flight mechanics of rotating joints. When she stepped out onto the back porch, she narrowly managed to avoid being sprayed by a jet of water.
"Hey!" she yelped, dodging out of the way.
"Sorry, babe!" Percy called. He was standing in the middle of the yard with the hose in his hand. Riptide was no longer anywhere to be seen, but he was now making the water do crazy shapes and powerful bursts, which Matthew and Bobby seemed to find supremely entertaining.
"Okay, but seriously, you can't get it higher than that tree over there, can you?" Bobby asked.
Percy smirked. "Challenge accepted."
As a skinny jet of water shot thirty feet into the air, Percy glanced over at Annabeth with a smile. She returned it, feeling grateful that things were going well. It made her hopeful for the next few years of their life in California. It was nice to know that the different parts of her family could get along.
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its-wabby-stuff · 4 months
hi! your hc about how 2k18 splinter learned english with his family is so cute 😍 i'd love to hear about more about hcs you have about splinter's childhood or about sho or atsuko! a hc have is that as a student, splinter got mediocre to bad grades and that he hated school and didn't attend university.
Oh I can definitely see that for him! I love it. Casually adopting it as well.
I don’t have many more for his mother. I think they spent a lot of time together, and played make believe, and created stories together. I think he tries to do a lot of the same with his boys, but it’s hard because it reminds him of such a repressed trauma. She’s his biggest motivation to be a movie star, as well as stay away from anything Hamato. Basically motivates everything he does, even if he won’t admit it. 😅
I like to think they at least buried her (though what happened is kinda unclear), likely by Yoshis father (who died young, married into the clan), and Sho and Yoshi would visit often, at first. They’d bring incense and pray. Sho would tell Yoshi that his mother was listening if he just talked to her. As he grew older, he stopped believing she would hear and they visited less and less.
I think his grandfather had high expectations when Yoshi was growing up, and they would often get into arguments, be it about grades or destiny. But they’d have their moments of grief and joy with each other. I don’t believe there are more Hamatos, at least not in the direct bloodline. So they only had each other, and Sho was trying his best to help Yoshi and his clan. I think Splinter understands his grandfather a lot more now than he did then, for obvious reasons.
I like to think his grandfather chased him around the world trying to get Yoshi back, jumping through hoops and people just to talk to him sometimes. That memory we see in the season two finale is the last time he ever spoke to his grandfather and a moment he’s regretted ever since. I think his grandfather has watched every single one of Yoshis movies. When Yoshi went missing (after being kidnapped and enslaved), Sho continued to search until he died.
I have a sad headcanon that after Yoshi escaped his near ten year imprisonment with Big Mama, and became the father to four boys, he learned that his grandfather had died. Recently deformed, but still capable of appearing somewhat normal, he visited and was able to get his grandfathers belongings, which started Yoshi off with something more than nothing. This included a box of all the Lou Jitsu movies and more, a letter to Yoshi, most of his “do not touch” shelf trinkets, including the teapot, and the robe he wears at the beginning, which didn’t fit him until he had become a stout, fat, rat man.
Despite being a rat, I think Yoshi takes the most after his grandfather, more than he’d care to admit. Especially when it comes to raising the boys. I think you can see it most when he’s training them.
On a happier note, and I can’t remember if this was stated in canon or not, but I think Yoshi wrote, directed and acted in his own movies. If you’ve ever heard the story behind the movie Rocky, I think Yoshi had a similar experience. Nobody took him seriously at first, thinking he was a bad actor, but he wrote a script that ended up catching a lot of peoples interest, was offered millions for it, but said he’d only do it if he could act in it. Basically acted out the whole movie himself with friends and it did so well, he got an entire movie franchise out of it.
Basically his silly Jupiter Jim and Lou Jitsu fanfic from Down with the Sickness could be canon…
Please let me know what you think of these ones. It made happy to know you liked the other one😊
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zukkaoru · 2 years
22 for mailee zukka or sokka & katara!!!
jupiter!! hello!! this is. about half as long as it would have to be if i wanted to fully capture the feeling of this song. but hopefully it's still alright since it's already uhhh kinda long
22. sincerely me - artist vs. poet + mailee
and i wish that you could see oh, what you do to me and i hope this letter covers everything i'm yours, sincerely me
word count: 1927
Kyoshi Island is warm this time of year, but it’s still nothing compared to Caldera City. I think you’d like it here in spring, actually. All of the flowers are blooming and the snow is melting and it’s really very beautiful. One of the other warriors taught me how to press flowers, so I’ve included some with this letter. I don’t know the meanings like you do; I just picked ones I thought looked prettiest.
A group of us are leaving for Gaoling in a few days. We’ve been trying to go on more recruitment missions, because Suki wants to create different chapters of the Kyoshi Warriors - that way we aren’t limited to helping Kyoshi Island. She has big dreams, but she’s got enough determination that I don’t doubt they’re possible to achieve.
Sokka, Katara, and Aang stopped by the island for a visit last week. It was nice to see them again even if I don’t know them very well. But seeing them reunite with Suki made me miss you even more. You should come visit when you get a chance! You can even bring Zuko if he can afford a break. I’d love to see you again!!
How is Zuko, by the way? You didn’t mention him in your last letter. Are you two still doing alright? Or do I need to catch the first boat to Caldera and kick his ass for you? Because I will.
Okay, I have to go - Tuq is calling me. I look forward to your next letter, and I’ll write again once I’ve returned from Gaoling!
Yours always,
Ty Lee
— —
Ty Lee, 
Zuko is fine, but Zuko and I aren’t great. There’s too much stress with him being Fire Lord, I think. And we’re both realizing some things that make a relationship a little complicated. It’s nothing you need to worry about, though, I promise! We’re talking through it, so no need to beat Zuko up.
Besides, I’ll do it myself if I need to.
I love the flowers; they really are quite pretty. The pink ones are plum blossoms. Those mean “resilience” and “perseverance”. The yellow ones are daffodils, which mena “respect”. And the white ones are Tsutsuji, or azaleas. The white ones specifically mean either “modesty” or “first love”. It was a nice collection, you chose well.
Kyoshi Island does sound beautiful. I’m not sure when or if I’ll be able to visit, but maybe someday. Or I guess maybe if I need some distance from Zuko. I don’t know. We’ll see what happens.
I hope you enjoyed your trip to Gaoling! Zuko says Toph is from there. They didn’t like it much, but I believe that has to do with the circumstances of their upbringing. I’m sure it’s a fine place to visit. Suki’s idea about different Kyoshi Warrior chapters sounds helpful as well. Maybe you could come recruit in Caldera City sometime.
I miss you too. I hope we can see each other again soon.
— —
Gaoling was incredible! It’s so SO cool getting to travel around the Earth Kingdom and being able to really appreciate the cultures. I’ve learned a lot since I came to Kyoshi Island and we started going out on recruitment trips.
Although I do agree: A trip to Caldera would be nice. I’d love any excuse to see you! I know we’re both busy, though.
I’m sorry to hear about the complications between you and Zuko. And I know you can kick his ass yourself, but my offer still stands if you should need it. Or, like you said, you can come visit me here to get some distance from everything.
It’s hard to believe it’s nearing a year since the end of the war and me moving to Kyoshi Island. It’s still weird not having you close by, but it’s nice we can at least write letters. It doesn’t replace seeing you face-to-face, but it helps.
Spring is making me miss you more, I think. Remember when we would try to catch falling cherry blossoms, just the two of us in your backyard? I miss being that young and carefree. I miss seeing you like that. It was the one time you would let your guard down and allow yourself to smile.
I don’t think I ever told you, but you really do have the prettiest smile.
If I can ever convince Suki to take a Kyoshi Warrior trip to the Fire Nation, I’ll be sure to let you know. But until then, I’ll miss you and I’ll keep writing.
Yours always,
Ty Lee
— —
Ty Lee,
Sorry for the long break in letters. I’ve read all three you sent, but I was having trouble writing a response. Zuko and I have officially ended things. I moved out of the palace. I’m living with Aunt Mura now and working full time in the flower shop. My mom keeps trying to convince me to move home and I’m running out of ways to politely decline the offer.
I’m sorry this letter is no good. I don’t have much else to say.
I hope I’ll see you soon. I miss you.
— —
There’s no need to apologize! I’ll treasure any letter you send regardless of how long or short it is. It’s as close as I can get to having you with me.
I’m sorry to hear about you and Zuko. :( I know I’m far away, but let me know if there’s anything I can do!
I will say, I’m glad you moved in with your aunt instead of your parents. I know you don’t want to be too mean to your mom, but you’ll be much better off staying with Mura. Hopefully your mom will back off soon and understand that you don’t want to live with her anymore without you having to tell her it isn’t good for your mental health.
I hope you’re enjoying working at the flower shop! I know you always really liked that place. I used to think it was so unlike you to be happy helping out there, but I understand better now. It’s fitting, I think. You remind me of flowers sometimes; flowers don’t always recognize their beauty and worth either. But remember that you are always worthy of love and happiness.
I hope it doesn’t sound like I’m trying to guilt you with how much I say this, but I miss you. I don’t think I’ll ever stop missing you. A summer thunderstorm rolled through last night, and I thought of us hiding under the blankets in my bedroom. I was way more scared than you were, but you hid with me anyways. I really appreciate that. I’m not scared of thunder anymore, but I wouldn’t say no to building another blanket fort hideout.
The summer sun here is hot, but the heat of Caldera was worse. Take care of yourself. Remember to drink water and don’t stay out in the sun for too long without anything to shade you. 
Yours always,
Ty Lee
— —
Ty Lee,
I miss you too, no guilt intended.
Mura and Zuko both say I should visit you. Would that be okay? You asked if there was anything you could do to help, and all I could think was that I really miss your hugs.
— —
PLEASE come visit!!! I will give you as many hugs as you want!!!!!!!
Yours always,
Ty Lee
PS: Wait, you’re still talking to Zuko? Also you don’t have to wait for another response from me before you leave Caldera. Just come. I’ll tell Suki to expect you soon. Unless you don’t want to come, in which case, you’re free to stay! But I really really would love for you to visit.
— —
Ty Lee,
Yes, Zuko and I still talk. It’s complicated.
Next week is the last week of summer, and there’s usually a rush in the shop that week, so I’ll leave at the start of the following week.
See you soon!
— —
“This is so much better than the letters,” Ty Lee whispers, burying her face in Mai’s shoulder. She’s clinging to Mai like her life depends on it, but Mai doesn’t mind because she’s doing the same in return. And Ty Lee is right; this is far better than the letters they’ve exchanged in the past year. Mai has kept each one, safe in a box on a shelf in her room where she can reread them whenever she’s missing Ty Lee more than usual.
But Ty Lee in person is a million times better than ink and paper and even the pressed flowers.
“I missed you,” Mai says, as if that hasn’t been stated in every letter sent between them. But it’s important, and it means more than just those three words. It means I’m glad to see you again and Times may change but our friendship remains and I’m home.
It expresses the love that the two of them spent so long pushing down and ignoring, because how could they be together in a world that would lock them up for their feelings?
“I missed you too.”
The hug breaks, but Ty Lee doesn’t let go of Mai’s arms, and Mai doesn’t want her to. Mai wants her to hold on forever, never wants to be apart from her again. She wants to throw caution to the wind and beg to stay.
But she doesn’t. Not yet.
She takes a deep breath, inhaling the clean Kyoshi Island air, tinged with the first chilled breezes of autumn. She looks around to assure no one else has come outside to check on them. She never figured out, exactly, what to say now. But she knows she needs to say something.
Zuko had convinced her, actually. Mai, I know you. You won’t do this without a push, so I’m pushing you. Go to Kyoshi Island. Tell Ty Lee how you feel. I’m almost certain she feels the same.
And once Zuko had pointed out the signs, Mai couldn’t stop seeing them either. It was written between each line in every letter Ty Lee sent her. It was in the pressed flowers and the neat creases in the paper. It was in the space between every single letter.
“Ty Lee,” Mai whispers. She leans in slightly on instinct, desperate to be closer. They’ve been so far apart for so long and even though Ty Lee’s hands remain firmly wrapped around her arms, Mai can hardly stand the space still lingering between them. She wants to melt into Ty Lee’s body so they can never be separated again.
“Please stay,” Ty Lee says. One hand drops Mai’s arm to cup her cheek instead. “I don’t think I can bear to say goodbye again. I know I told you I didn’t want to guilt you into coming here, and I didn’t, but— I couldn’t say everything in the letters. Some things need to be said in person.”
“You did say it,” Mai assures her. “And I think I’ve always felt the same. That’s why Zuko and I never could have worked. I always— It was always you. I’ve always been yours.”
Ty Lee smiles. “Your letters said it too. I was worried I was reading them wrong.”
Mai shakes her head. “You should know no one knows me as well as you do.”
“Mai—” Ty Lee starts, then stops abruptly. Instead of saying anymore, she lifts herself onto her tiptoes, angling Mai’s face downward.
Mai takes her cue and closes the distance between them.
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bayalexison · 2 years
Bay’s 2022 Writing Summary
So my 2022 writing summary is being posted much a bit later due to real life craziness and another reason I'll explain below. For now though, my 2022 writing summary!
FE3H -The Library Song - A Felix/Annette Teachers ending nsfw fic I wrote for 2021 Netteflix Exchange. The two bet whose house would win that then leads them to having an intimate moment at the library. I love nsfw Netteflix and had a blast writing it. However, this fic also left me with some negative feelings towards the Netteflix fandom for reasons I won't say in public here lol. My recipient loves it at least so that's all that matters.
-Talk to Me, Dance with Me- 2022 Dimileth Hot Flash fic where the two were at a masquerade ball and pretending to be strangers one night. Loved everyone's reactions to the end where Dimitri practically slips up their strangers roleplaying haha. Also got nice art from Karini from the art raffle she was holding!
-Thunder Without Rain- My Dimileth Big Bang fic and magnus opus Dimileth work. I actually thought the first initial ideas of this fic since October 2019, setting it aside until I finish with Foul Play first. Well, fast forward to January 2022 when sign ups for Dimileth Big Bang started and I switched gears haha. I thought it would be around 40K like my FMA Big Bangs, but nope ended up 68K oh lordy. GirlInterrupted did wonderfully with the four(!!) art pieces!
The initial writing it from January to July has been a roller coaster. Despite several appointments and such, managed to finish it with a couple weeks to spare for last minute editing. During the posting I got nice support from the first couple chapters! I then got sad when the feedback had gotten less the more chapters I posted and comparing AO3 stats, which triggered my Imposters Syndrome real bad. I'm still trying to work on that. I'm happy for the folks that made it to the end and I do hope others will catch up eventually!
-Through the Snowstorm- Bernadetta/Hubert fic I wrote for the FE3H Rarepair Exchange. Hubert takes care of Berndetta while they get trapped in a snowstorm. Also surprised I got a few lovely comments on this fic considering this is a rarepair and all haha.
-Reassuring Touches- Three short Dimileth fics I did as fic requests on Twitter, one for each phase of their lives. I haven't done ficlets in a while so that was fun to do!
-Droplets of Jupiter- Wrote this for Dimileth Goggles, an event where you have Dimileth in a crossover of another media. I went with Modern Dimileth AU based off the 2013 anime movie The Garden of Words. Dimitri skips school on rainy days and meets with Byleth often at a park. It had gotten longer than expected and delayed due to stuff that happened in August/September and hopping other WIPs. Got final chapter posted last week!
-Azure Queen- Wrote this for Dimileth Trick or Treat 2022. Snow Queen AU where Dimileth are long-lost lovers and Dimitri is a demon. I got the first two parts written and I hope to eventually get it done sometime in early-mid 2023 because I'm excited for some monster loving that comes later lol.
-Counting Stars- The reason my 2022 writing post is pushed back until now. Wrote this as a gift to Qoboe for the 2022 Dimileth Winter Exchange! She wanted Dimileth happy and in love, so I thought of them going on a little romantic getaway as the premise! Very happy that she loves it!
Other -Mochi Ice Cream- A little short ficlet Ryunosuke/Susato request I did when doing some fic requests on Twitter. I was surprised that I got some comments and people are into that ship haha.
So yeah, 2022 has been a mostly Dimileth writing year as you can tell lol. I got not one but two multi-part fics done!  Highlight being joining the Dimileth community filled with talented and lovely people. I'm still unsure my creations measure up compare to everyone else, but it's nice we've bonded over our blorbos lol.
2023 plans is to finish Azure Queen and Foul Play. Foul Play has been on the backburner due to Dimileth brainrot lol. Thanks to a certain new Pokemon in Scarlet/Violet, I might make a last minute addition and hopefully will finally get back to it. After that, who knows. As much as I loved the various FE3H events I wrote for last year, I'm feeling a bit of burnout atm and would like to focus on my WIPs for the time being.  I kept saying I want to start original writing, so we'll see on that.
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sleepyowlwrites · 2 years
a whole heap of questions + tags
15/25/a lot of very normal questions tag, sticky pancaked by @kaiusvnoir @blind-the-winds and @mjjune
1 - do you prefer owls capybaras, or flamingos? -- I feel like this goes without saying, but owls. I'm Sleepy Owl!
2 - what is your favorite soup? -- unknown, but possibly leek and potato with bacon
3 - what is your favorite rock? -- well, opals are my birthstones and I do love them. I also love malachite and obsidian and alabaster and eilat and labradorite.
4 - choose a familiar: - very dumb, very loving disobedient dog. he loves you but will never listen to you ever - a raven that speaks but it only ever shrieks the name of various fast food restaurants - a toad that screams like a teenage boy instead of croaks -- is- is it okay if I don't have a familiar? I like animals best when I'm admiring them and not interacting with them
5 - which planet do you feel would be kind of an asshole if you met them? -- I assume Jupiter, named after mr. would have sex with a rock if it was pretty and who gets jealous in two seconds flat
6 - if you were a worm would you love me? -- idk, can worms love people? I'd assume they were all about dirt
7 - least favorite type of clothing? -- shoes with heels and bras with wires
8 - you are now in a horror movie-so sorry. chance of survival? -- depends on the genre, I think. if it's the kind where someone has to die to save everybody else, I'm the one dying
9 - would you rather: the ability to instantly grow a perfect mustache or the ability to talk to vegetables? -- seeing as I neither want a mustache nor don't currently have the ability to talk to vegetables, I think this is redundant
10 - what do you think of whales? -- they're cool, and like most people, I believe they belong in space
even more questions and amusing answers under the cut!
11 - are you named after anyone? -- my middle name is my mom's name
12 - when was the last time you cried? -- monday, I think. I was very tired.
13 - do you have kids? -- only all the kids and not-kids I have adopted at work and on here
14 - do you use sarcasm a lot? -- yeah, but only with the people I can trust to know exactly what I mean when I'm using it. it's a love language but I only use it if you also speak it
15 - what's the first thing you notice about people? -- hair color, I think. I am unsure why. after that it's voice and inflections.
16 - what's your eye color? -- blue, like normal greyish-blue, but the outsides are darker and the insides by the pupil are silver. I never noticed this until other people pointed it out
17 - scary movies or happy endings? -- happy endings. I don't get scared by movies in the sense that they haunt me after, but I also don't enjoy suspense at all and jump scares just remind me of my sister trying to prove that I was scared of everything when in fact I just truly detest sudden loud noises
18 - any special talents? -- I give excellent hugs, and I'm really good at explaining people's emotions back to them. I did this all through college and still now. my friends would tell me they didn't know why they were feeling some way, and I'd break it down and help them figure it out. it's nice, but so exhausting. I also read really fast.
19 - where were you born? -- 1/4 mile from my house at the hospital down the street
20 - what are your hobbies? -- explaining my nerdy thoughts to people or just to myself, writing, reading, drawing, crocheting, making art journals, watercolor, rearranging and organizing inconsequential aspects of my life, video games, buying books and tea.
21 - have you any pets? -- a dog and two cats that aren't technically mine and I prefer it that way
22 - what sports do you play/have played? -- I'm truly horrendous at most sports, but I'm an okay golf player sometimes and I did american isshinryu karate for 5 years which I was quite good at. I made it to second-degree brown (for anybody who knows) before I stopped when I went off to college
23 - how tall are you? -- 5'5"/165cm
24 - favorite subject in school? -- art and history
25 - dream job? -- I'd like be the nicest landlord with the cheapest rent for (especially students) people who need a place to stay between other places to stay and I'd write on the side. what I do now isn't so bad, actually. I enjoy many parts of it. but if I didn't live at home I couldn't afford to work there
I'd also like to echo Breezy's sentiment of having a cozy hangout shop with niche items. I really enjoy being/creating a sanctuary for people, and I'd like to do it on a broader scale, if only I didn't have to like, have so much more money already to do that
(this next set is added by me)
26 - what kind of not-usually-classified-as-nice weather do you enjoy, actually?
27 - if you had to eschew one color from your wardrobe forever, what would it be?
28 - do you have a favorite flower. if you don't know the name you can just describe it. you can google one right now if you don't have an answer.
29 - when you explain stuff to yourself in your head or out loud, do you imagine another person there who's listening, like a character from your current fixation? who's the rubber duck, or is it just you?
30. what's a candle scent that sums up your vibes? you can invent one.
@ink-fireplace-coffee @klywrites @ellatholmes @did-i-do-this-write @myhusbandsasemni @stupid-elf @oh-no-another-idea OR ANYBODY. I'M DOWN TO KNOW ABOUT ANYBODY.
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