#the first strike didn't kill him instantly and he had enough time to try to get away
canisalbus · 7 months
Speaking of paintings, I always imagined Machete's assassination (or, how they found him) to be something like The Death of Marat  (amazing painting and last year I even got to see it in person.)
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(The Death of Marat by Jacques-Louis David, 1793)
Really cool that you got to see it in person!
For some reason Machete gets compared to this painting quite often, especially if there's a bath involved. Even if he's just. Chilling in the tub, very much not dead.
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the-faceless-bride · 3 months
<- Part 1
Imagine being dangerously in love.
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Imagine being a demon, obsessed with the brash, and blood thirst Wind Hashira. the first time ever being in battle with him is what leads you down a path of want and lust for the cruel hashira.
Imagine going out of your way to always be where he is, always catching his attention and being attacked by him. He believes you're mocking him, following him just to show off that he hasn't been able to kill you. But that isn't true at all. When you fight, you never actively try and gut him, only blocking your neck and leaving the rest of your limbs exposed to be lashed in this masochism tango.
Imagine struggling to hide your enjoyment and ecstacy each time his sword ripped, teard, and scar your body. He had to have known how me made you feel. He must. The darkness of your cheeks must've been a giveaway. Right? His eyes bewitching you in how intense he glares into your soul. It sets a fire under your cold skin, a burning desire.
Imagine one time when you and Sanemi are fighting. Other slayers show up. But they don't instantly jump into the fight. 1. from looking at the fight, you hadn't landed a single strike and seemed to be a greater deal slower than the hashira, and 2. Tanjiro made an odd comment. "Huh, it's like she's avoiding striking him on purpose."
Imagine how Shinobu decided the fight was long enough and tried to sneak in and end the fight. Only for a switch to set off and catch her off guard and spin at the speed of light, leaving a large gash across her body from her left founder to her hip. And Sanemi instantly tried to help her. Only to be stopped by your own weapon pressed so close to his neck that even swallowing made his Adamsapple scrape against a sharp blade. "Don't you dare. Your attention is meant for me. Are you seriously letting her attempt to get between us work?" And that made Sanemi pause... "us? Wha-" -- "don't play dumb darling. We're soulmates, Sanemi~" you whisper to him. "What the fuck."
Imagine how now you make him feel so conflicted, how he hates you for what you are but loves you for how you make him feel... in his home in his spare time as the sun rises, his windows covered and locked tight as he has you on your knees, leaning forward and his chest pressed to your back. Your head locked between his bicep as his other hand held his sword under you. It nicks you each time he thrusts. If he pushed you forward anymore, his blade would surely cut your chest and stomach open. "I HATE YOU, YOU FILTHY DEMON. I DONT WANT YOU. CURSE YOU FOR DEMONIC TEMPTATION." You softy cry at the harsh words from your love, "I don't care if you don't want me... I'm yours right now..."
Sanemi Shinazugawa × Demon reader Trope: Yandere Lovesick/I hate you so much I love you.
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Imagine being with Muzan his entire life... your family were servants to his family. And from a young age, you were assigned to be Muzans personal maid or companion as you were too young to really do any work than cleaning up his room. But since you can remember, you've always been with Muzan.
Imagine being the one he confides with most. His fears, his wishes, and despite his coldness. His shouldering eyes seemed to be less scorching when it came to you. His one and only friend. Even if you didn't have much of a choice in the companionship. It was you who sat in on his doctor's visits about his deteriorating health. When he got the news of how it would be a miracle for him to even make it to his mid 20s...
Imagine how one night after a particularly scary coughing fit, he simply places his head to your mid section as you blush his hair and pull it back into a braid. He softy thanks you as he tilts his head to look up at you, "Of course, I'm always happy to take care of you." But that isn't want he wants. He wanted to take care of you. Not you to him. And without thinking, he pulls you down to him.
Imagine His heat is pounding in his chest. You lay across him as his long and slim fingers tease you between your legs. You try and stay quiet, your face twisted with pleasure and guilt. You felt like you were taking advantage of the sick man who would never find love or feel the love of another in such a romantic and intimate way. You thought maybe that this was him just grasping for a moment where he didn't feel so useless being bedridden. But it was so much more. If this was the last thing he did, pleasing the only one who he cared for most. The one he wished he could've married... he would be happy to die. This surely isn't good for his heart, but he couldn't care less. You hovering yourself above him. As he tried weakly to pull you in to rest your whole weight. This was how he wanted to spend his last days, weeks, and months. However long he had left. He wanted it to be with you.
Imagine as days go by, and he feels more and more guilty. He starts to feel as though you let him do these things because you feel obligated as his personal maid to do so. Nights in the dark ask he fingers you, giving and receiving oral pleasure. But you still won't give him everything. You refuse to fully lay with him. Sometimes, he feels like it's because you don't really love him. Not like he does you. Or maybe you find him... pathetic... he can't actually make love to you. You'd be doing all the work. He doesn't want that, and it seems you don't either... eventually, his thoughts become too much, and he decides to let you go...
Imagine you were relieved of all your maid duties, not just to Muzan but to the family as a whole. You were heartbroken. And the heartbreak only worsened at the news of Muzan and his families and your families deaths. You'd cried more times than you'd ever had before in your life. And you were so very confused when you'd found a Man who looked exactly like Muzan sitting in your bed a few nights later. "Hello dear. I'm home." He invented to truly give you what you wanted, and he was eager to give it too you.
Muzan Kibutsuji × reader Trope: Unrequited/reunited love/soulmates
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Imagine being Master Kagaya's faithful slayer, you'd always admired him. You and your Master had created a strong bond. Stronger than others. Moments like this reminded you that you were special. You sat on your knees as you just like you had the first time. Your head pressed to his chest and he dragged his fingers over your head.
Imagine trying not to tear up as you remember the first time you'd kneeled for him. You'd been reckless and impatient leading to a fellow slayer getting extremely hurt. You kneeled before him as you sat in the room alone waiting for him to speak. Doing your best to not make any noise as you silently cry. You'd failed him. Your beloved Master. But he didn't yell. He didn't make you feel like you were a problem. He merely hummed before knealing with you, one hand on atop your head and the other cupping your cheek feeling the wet stream of tears and wiped it away. "It's alright. You didn't mean for this to happen. I know you didn't. I know you're a good girl." And your breath hitched. He noticed. And from then on he gave you positive affrimations which encouraged you to do better. For him.
Imagine how as you sat there listening to his words letting yourself flow away and melt into your master. He thought it was innocent. He was simply your master helping you, if it wasn't him maybe you'd find these soft words from Gyomei or maybe even Kyojuro... but he was wrong. So wrong. It was him. Only him. You'd put yourself on the line so much more than you should've. All to hear those soft praises. His wife must not like you... you do take up more and more of his time as days go on...
Imagine how he softly calls to you. Late that night, he'd heard your footsteps. He sat with you talking. About anything that day. Soft and short conversations. Quiet but not uncomfortable. "You're my favorite you know." He sighed, before he let out a small chuckle "don't tell the others." You know he was teasing. But your heart told you other wise.
Imagine being hurt. In battle you were hurt. But even in your pain you still made your way to your master... your beautiful Kagaya... the married man, the family man, that you had fallen in love with. "My dear, you still come and see me while you're in such pain?" He seemed shocked. But you aren't sure why, you'd walk on hot coles and crawled on your hands and belly to kneel for him. You'd do anything for your master. And you could only hope as his favorite... you wouldn't let him down. Finally you lifted your head from his chest, pulling his hands from your hands, leaving a kiss to his knuckles. One day. One day you'll have him.
Kagaya Ubuyashiki × Slayer reader Trope: unrequited love/lovesick/slow burn
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Special Part two of Forbidden love with Gyomei × demon
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Imagine how the rest of the slayers flock around Gyomei, asking him so many questions. And he couldn't even answer them all. Too consumed by his disbelief that the person he'd fallen in love with so deeply, had turned out to be a demon.
Imagine how he layed in bed lonely and... missing you. He began to long of your cold touch, your voice, your laugh that was so contagious to him. He missed you. He'd fallen for you. Demon or not. He laid in his bed trying and failing to get even a wink of sleep. But just as he had almost fallen asleep he was awoken by a sound. 'Tap tap' was the sound, 'tap tap' on his window. "Gyomei... my love..."
Imagine how he practically leaped from his bed. Demon or not you had carved yourself a spot in his heart. Slamming open the window and pulling you inside, his hands instantly feeling over your cheeks, your nose, your neck. Kissing the knuckles of your cold hands.
Imagine being the one that made Gyomei for a moment stay from his faiths. Gyomei devoted his life to his beliefs, that includes waiting. Waited all his life for the one. Saving himself and waiting. But you both were in a unique circumstances... so from that point on Gyomei promised himself to you. You would stay with him in his home and he would always come back to you. That night he would kiss you, love you, lay you under him while he whispered for you to be his.
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Ulfric slowly loses Eryn's respect over time but one incident really cements it.
During the war, there's imperial assassins who come after Eryn. To keep his best asset beloved soldier safe, Ulfric orders her to stay in Windhelm for a bit.
Literally everyone protests this, but Ulfric DOES outrank all of them, so... guess she's to stay put. Eryn HAAAATES this.
Well, while she's in the city, there's yet another murder. And this time, it's one of Eryn's friends, Susanna. The guards tell her to stay back, don't get involved, they're busy enough, and they sarcastically tell her if SHE can solve it she's welcome to.
Eryn goes to Jorleif, who admits that the guards all prioritize the war and don't listen to him. And of course she's upset that no one seems to care about this, and she desperately needs something to do.
Eryn goes through the normal questline, following her hunches and instincts. She notices instantly that it's like some sort of ritualistic killing, based on where the killings are. When she investigates Hjerm, she finds the murder scene (and the amulet).
She brings the info to Jorleif as she goes, who is genuinely grateful for her help. He didn't not care, but he couldn't get the guards to care. He recommends she ask Calixto, since he seems to love weird bullshit.
Calixto instantly sets off Eryn's alarm bells. Something about him just strikes her weird. Especially since he keeps trying to insist that she sells him that necklace. Which she doesn't do, because it's part of an active investigation. And he's being WEIRD.
But she does listen to him that Wuunferth is knowledgeable about things like necromancy. So she goes to talk to Wuunferth.
He, of course, informs her that no he doesn't do necromancy, he has the nickname "The Unliving" bc he's stupid old. But Eryn explains that she wasn't accusing him, she doesn't care about what college he went to, and she just wants information.
Wuunferth softens, and they compare notes. He's also quite surprised when she uses magic as a way to visually illustrate her points. She always forgets that people don't seem to think magic and swords can coexist.
So, they realize the pattern, the way these murders are happening, and where the murderer is going to strike next. They agree to set a trap. Eryn would make great bait, but everyone knows who she is and that she's dangerous.
So, the night of the next murder, she stays hidden with some illusion magic from Wuunferth... And a man jumps out at Arivanya. Eryn saves her and knocks down the murderer. It's revealed to be Calixto, of course. But when he tries to jump at Eryn after feigning a surrender, she just fireballs him in the face.
The city thanks her, sincerely. She's avenged the murdered women, and managed to solve a serial killer case.
Wuunferth, especially, thanks her. He didn't know people suspected him, and he's glad Eryn had the sense to come talk to him before accusing him.
As a thank you, he enchants her rapier for her, free of charge. He gives it enchantments he thinks fit her: Fire damage, like her favorite spells, and a health absorbing property, so she'll always have a chance as long as she can swing a sword.
She thanks him and picks up her sword, which she names Redwing after its new red glow. But it's all bothering her. Something about this just felt off.
She looks to where Ulfric is sitting, and makes a face. She doesn't get why she feels so... angry, almost. Angry at him.
Wuunferth says that happens to everyone around Ulfric, eventually. He says things that people believe in, he fights a cause worth fighting, so people like him at first. But sooner or later, everyone gets tired of him.
Eryn realizes it's because he didn't care about his city, or the fact that people were dying. He didn't care. At all. Jorleif tells her that's just normal for Windhelm, hence why he was trying to put the investigation together.
Eryn still doesn't seem to quite get it. She feels upset with herself for being upset. That's the man she's fighting a war for, right? So why does she suddenly dislike him so much?
Wuunferth and Jorleif gently explain it to her.
Ulfric is selfish and short sighted.
Eryn is not.
That's why she doesn't like him.
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wonderwomanfantasy · 2 years
sugar baby Omega
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happy valentines day
Alpha! Iida x Fem!Omega!Reader
warnings: omegaverse, smut, sex toys, mentions of sugaring, dirty talk, oral,
word count: 2,000 (about)
summary: you never saw yourself settleing down, you knew what you were worth and you knew you were too good to settle for anything. but then Iida came along. well it's not really "settling" if its the best there is right?
You’d never really struggled to get attention from men, between your good looks and the fact you were omega, you turned heads wherever you went. Tenya Iida was no different. The second he saw you he was completely under your spell. 
Your father was the CEO of an important business that Tenya was trying to strike a deal with. Something complicated and messy that you didn’t even try to understand, But Tenya had come over to your house for dinner to work out the finer details.  It was pure chance that the two of you meant. You were headed out the door to go out on a date when you ran into each other. 
Tenya’s eyes trailed over your body shamelessly as your father introduced you. He was polite enough to look you in the eye when he took your hand, kissing the back of your palm like a gentleman. You recognized the look in his eye instantly, he was completely smitten. You were suddenly very interested in your father's business, it was true you already had a date planned for tonight with a rich man who loved to blow his money on you but you considered ditching him to spend the evening with Tenya, But then he and your father were talking money and accounts or whatever and you lost interest. 
Tenya didn’t forget about you though, he ended up visiting your house a few more times after that night, and he didn't even bother pretending to be there at work You liked that about him, there were no games with Tenya, not with business, and not with love either. He always went for the kill.
In the past when your lovers asked if they were your one and only you’d laugh at them. Honestly, Alphas could be so self-centered, it’s not like you hid what you wanted in a relationship, it was their fault for deluding themselves. But with Tenya it was different. You didn’t want anyone else when you were with him, it felt like a waste of time whenever you went out with one of your other boy toys. And for the first time, you felt nervous when you were away from him, you were worried he’d start seeing another omega behind your back if you set the precedent of an open relationship. 
Best of all, Tenya loved to spoil you rotten, there wasn’t a single date where he didn’t give you an expensive gift or take you shopping, he said he loved seeing you happy and he had more money than one person could ever spend. Eventually, he just gave you a credit card and told you to send him pictures if you bought anything pretty. And you did love to send him pictures. 
Tenya was so cool and collected on the outside that you couldn’t help but push his buttons. You’d buy lingerie to model for him or send him pictures of you in a new necklace and nothing else. You’d giggle to yourself as you watched grey dots pop up on the screen and then disappear before he sent a video of him moaning and touching himself. Then you’d eagerly wait for him to come home and fuck you until you ache. There was nothing sexier than when Tenya fucked you hard and growled into your ear about what a brat you were for teasing him like that. An Omega couldn’t ask for a better Mate.
You woke up with a deep ache in your core. You shifted your legs together groggily still trying to wake up, your body lit with a dull burn inside of you. You groaned and rolled over trying to fall back asleep. You were in heat and you wanted nothing more than to sleep until it was over. Well, there was one thing you wanted to do more than sleep, but your Alpha was unavailable at the moment. Tenya had been spending all of his time at work lately on some project that was really important. He was apologetic but reminded you that he needed to work to earn your money. 
You didn’t really mind him working more, even though you missed him but it really hurt that you couldn’t have him here with you for your heat. You rolled onto your back and rubbed your hands over your chest and shoulders before reaching for your bedside table and pulling out a wand vibrator and putting it to your clit, you sighed in relief as the vibrations started pulsing through you. 
You rolled your hips up into the toy letting your free hand wander your body and play with yourself. Your mind wanders back to Tenya. You wanted him to dig his teeth into your neck while he buried his cock deep in you. You wanted him to knot you, and to moan in your ear about how good this all felt for him. Then suddenly you were ripped from your fantasy. 
The vibrator’s movements slowed, then stopped. You sat up abruptly and smacked the toy pressing the on and off buttons again and again. Nothing, It was the kind that plugged into the wall, so the batteries weren’t dead, the whole thing was.
You whined and threw the toy to the side, you had half a mind to kick your feet and pound the floor. What were you supposed to do now? Masturbate with your fingers? That was ridiculous. 
You pulled yourself upright and fumbled for your phone. Despite how busy he must be Tenya answers your call right away. 
“What did you need, baby?” he answered sounding tired, you could hear him typing away at something in the background. 
“Need your help,” you answered breathily. Just hearing his voice was enough to send shivers down your spine. You heard him laugh lightly over the phone. 
“What exactly do you need me to help with? You know I can’t come to you, not until later tonight at least,” he said, “do you just want to hear my voice?” he asked.
“Yes, but- my toy died and I can’t go off without it,” you explained. The typing stopped. 
“That is a problem, you can’t exactly go buy yourself a new one,” he said thoughtfully. “Can’t have something delivered either, what if an Alpha happens to be the one delivering and catches your scent?” he sounded distant like he was talking more to himself. 
“I’ll take care of it Omega,” he assured you, “how are you feeling?” he asked. 
“It hurts,” you whined “I want to get knotted, I want to get fucked,” you admitted, pressing your thighs together, your clit throbbing as you talked. Tenya hummed thoughtfully. 
“Tell me more,” he purred through the phone. You wondered if he was touching himself if he was getting off on your neediness. You told him in detail all the fantasies that had been running through your head all morning. Your hand slipped between your legs and you slowly started rubbing circles on your clit, the bedding beneath you was starting to get soaked with your slick. 
“Forget the vibrator just come home to me, I need you,” you whined into the phone. 
“Be patient my love, I’ve always taken care of you haven’t I? This won’t be any different just wait,” Iida promised. Being away from you wasn’t easy for him either. He felt desperate to be near you and ease your pain however he could, but this project was something that needed his attention, if it was something that he could just delegate to other people it would have been done already. Still, it was painful to know you needed him and there was nothing he could do for you. Hell, you wouldn’t even need a stupid toy if he could just be there for you. 
Tenya adjusted in his seat, his cock was hard against his thigh and it was really starting to bother him. Tenya couldn’t focus on the work in front of him when he was too busy imagining you laid out naked for him. Maybe he didn’t have to take a whole day off, maybe just a long lunch would be enough to get you both situated. Besides if he was this distracted he should take care of you first so he could really focus on work. That made sense right? Tenya buried his head in his hands, he really couldn’t be making excuses like that for himself. 
 You were really getting desperate, you bucked your hips up into your hands rubbing your clit with one hand and pushing your fingers into your dripping cunt with the other. It wasn’t enough. You were so caught up in your own pain you didn’t catch the sound of the door quietly opening and closing. Tenya stood at the foot of your shared bed and watched you touch yourself, eyes closed in pleasure. Your scent permeated the room, he wondered if you could even smell his scent over yours. 
Tenya set down the bag with your new vibrator in it and undid his belt. The sound of the metal clinking made your eyes shoot open. “Tenya!” you gasped, you were so surprised to see him you couldn’t help but cover your body in surprise. 
“Don’t hide from me Omega, I thought you wanted to see me,” he said taking his pants completely off and showing you his hard cock, the knot at the base of his dick already starting to swell, the sight made your mouth water. 
“Alpha- I did want to see you, what are you doing here?” you asked. You wanted to go to him, but you were torn between watching him take off his clothes and going to help him. Iida finished stripping and moved to you, the bed dipping under his weight. 
“You said you needed me, I’m just taking care of my sweet Omega like a good alpha should,” he said kissing his way up your legs, pressing his mouth to your ankle, then your calf, then your knee, until he was kissing your thigh. He didn’t move higher than that. 
“Iida,” you protested. “Now isn’t the time to tease me,” you said grabbing a fist full of his hair and tried to tug him up to your weeping cunt. Tenya stayed still, your weak pull didn't do more than make him groan. 
“Now don’t get greedy, you’re lucky I’m even here,” he snapped. Normally Iida would punish you for being such a brat, but he decided to let it slide, you were in heat after all and he didn’t have the time to punish you. 
“Ask nicely,” he ordered. 
“Please, Alpha, I need you I’m so desperate,’ you begged.  Tenya didn’t make you wait any longer. Your pussy was almost saccharine with how sweet it was. Your heat always made you taste that much better. Tenya could spend all day eating you out and with the way, you clamped your legs around his head and screamed it seemed like you liked it just as much. Tenya pushed his fingers into your cunt stretching your soft walls out while he sucked on your clit. 
“Do you want me to fuck you?” he asked his mouth still around your cunt. 
“Yes-fuck, Tenya please!” you begged shamelessly. Tenya reached over and dug through his clothes and checked the time. Tenya kissed your clit and pulled away. 
“When I get home,” He promised and started dressing again, 
“What? Tenya no you can’t leave me!” you protested. 
“I brought you a new vibrator, you’ll live,” he said. He’d really planned on fucking you but he’d spent too much tim shopping it seemed. He cupped your face and kissed you. 
“I’ll be home before you know it,” he promised, you knew that wasn’t true, you were missing him already.
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onhoude · 1 year
I absolutely love the genius of Nie Huaisang during the final confrontation at the Guanyin Temple.
The man appears and disappears from the story entirely (there's no mention of his whereabouts for pages at a time), only to slightly sway the direction of the confrontation or battle whenever he is mentioned.
He wakes up exactly when Wei Wuxian and Jiang Cheng had spoken just enough to have the issue laid aside for now (p. 57), and then he simply vanishes from the pages if not for a mention or two, wailing in surprise to see Nie Mingjue's corpse there.
Then, when it looks like Wei Wuxian will succeed in sealing Nie Mingjue, Nie Huaisang appears miraculously near Su She and Jin Guanyao, only to be injured, despite otherwise consistently hiding behind Lan Xichen (p. 104).
Because of their status as half-siblings, the scent of his blood rouses Nie Mingjue and sets him back up against Jin Guanyao.
It is brilliant how he moves around while being effectively insignificant most of the time.
And his commentary! When rereading the story, he truly reads like a malignant jester.
After melodramatically reminding everyone how he is pitiful and scared of any pains and aches, he wails:
"Why am I so unlucky? Getting randomly captured by Su Minshan on the road... He started out just trying to make a break for it moments ago, too, but then turned around and stabbed me. If I was in his way, he could've just pushed me aside... Why use a weapon?" (p. 109).
'[U]nlucky', 'random', and 'why would he do that?' All things to push the blame to happenstance or others. He didn't do anything but be his usual incompetent self!
And, of course, with everyone on edge, as they had more than enough time to have seen Jin Guangyao manipulate expertly and be aware of how dangerous he is, his final act of tricking Lan Xichen into killing Jin Guangyao is especially striking (p. 111). Sorry, Lan Xichen.
In particular, because this is too direct of an action for Nie Huaisang! The most obvious of his ploys! The situation is instantly suspicious! Everyone knows (or at least highly suspects but is also confused by the idea that) Nie Huaisang did that on purpose!
So, yes, he acted rashly there, maybe seeing his last chance for his vision of revenge escape before his eyes and he seized the first opportunity there was.
This was impulsive! And it only worked because he was so jumpy and easy to look down on!
No, Nie Huaisang's entire plan wasn't openly revealed or even indeed confirmed (though kudos to Wei Wuxian for spelling out every step of Nie Huaisang's actions on the spot), but he let a glimpse out of his malice at that moment and the intent to manipulate the situation to have Jin Guangyao killed was called out:
"To think I'd fall like this, by your hand..." Jin Guangyao spate hatefully (p. 114).
But even though Wei Wuxian and Lan Xichen doubt Nie Huaisang's story, they can't really do anything. Or, rather, it's meaningless to even try. Because just like Nie Huaisang's lifelong reputation as a good-for-nothing is considered an indisputable fact, Jin Guangyao now has an irreversible taint on his character as a manipulative and vain liar that cultivators will be in no rush to see be disputed. Even Lan Xichen isn't entirely sure of what happened, as shaken as he is by it all.
It was also his final act, in a way, because from then on Nie Huaisang had a different reputation for those who were present. There is an unease there: his traces aren't entirely covered! There are now people out there who may be wary of him, could raise questions, or at least see him in a different light now. And genuinely, even with Jin Guangyao's name cursed into oblivion, it's a good thing for Nie Huaisang that those who could potentially call him out may not do so any time soon, if ever.
Lan Xichen goes into seclusion, Jiang Cheng is focused on Jin Ling and Jin Ling himself is already being discredited because of Jin Guangyao's reputation (we also don't know if either of them is suspicious of Nie Huaisang in the first place and most likely isn't), and that Wei Wuxian practically retreats from Jianghu politics with Lan Wangji.
Ah, it's brilliant. I love Nie Huaisang's arc so much, I'm just giddy about it all.
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eriexplosion · 7 months
Okay I've put off the finale enough. Time for Return to Kamino.
You can tell it's awkward between Crosshair and Hunter right now because after his dramatic entrance Crosshair just. Slipped back out to wait up front rather than risk having to actually talk to Hunter about anything.
This first interaction though god there's so much there. "And so will your squad." "They'll still come for you." Just godddd the pain is so deep here and it's no one's FAULT it's the Empire's but you can't have interpersonal family dynamics with the Empire. It's only this painful because of how much everyone cares about each other.
POOR PANICKY OMEGA she's so scared and wants to go get Hunter RIGHT NOW IMMEDIATELY.
When do we get the Gregor in Cid's bar chaos cut?
Rampart has acknowledged Hunter's name but never Crosshair's, which is wild to me.
The fact that his subordinates still call him 'the clone' okay. The thing with Crosshair is he might have gotten the title but he never got an OUNCE of respect and god does it show. The fact that he willingly went back to this is a sign of how little self respect he has left frankly. He doesn't care that they treat him like shit because whatever he probably deserves to be treated like shit.
Echo getting down to ask Omega if she's alright is such a good moment for them, just a lovely example of how good they are at relating to her. (Her saying it doesn't matter they just need to save Hunter though sdoifjsf, I cannot wait to see her stubborn streak in season 3)
"Not the ones that matter" baby boy, my beloved delusional bitch, NONE of you matter and you NEVER WILL to the Empire.
"They don't leave their own behind. Most of the time."
Listen I love that his hurt is treated like it matters but I love that Hunter doesn't instantly give in when he hears it too. They did what they could with the information they had - which wasn't much - and it meant that they couldn't take Crosshair with them. Either they would have died or Crosshair would have been killed. There's no solution where they just grab Crosshair and take him with them and it all works out perfectly, and both of their sides are absolutely valid in the emotions they have and it's DELICIOUSLY COMPLICATED BETWEEN THEM.
"We didn't have a choice." "Hm. And I did?" - Okay though I love this exchange because it is. The singular time I think where we hear Crosshair admit that he didn't have a choice. He usually tries to pretend he's picked this path, that he's made his own decisions. And after a point he did, but those decisions will never not be influenced by something that was completely out of his control, and when he lets himself be a little raw he admits that, before he piles on all his stubbornness again.
GODDD HUNTER IS TRYING SO HARD STILL TO GET THROUGH TO HIM AND HE DOESN'T KNOW THAT CROSSHAIR ISN'T CHIPPED ANYMORE AND AGHHHHHHH. I know I'm focusing on this over the others in the lab but god there's just so much here I can't stop chewing on it. Hunter's sad sigh, the gentleness he uses to try to get through to him, Crosshair's face when Hunter mentions the chip because he knows it's not there and he isn't sure he fully believes that it was That Big A Deal anyway. I'm so. Emotional. About this.
Empty Kamino is still one of the creepier settings tbh
So funny how they fall for the 'oh we'll go where they're not expecting!' trick twice in a row because Crosshair is just that familiar with how they think.
"And here we all are, together again!" Brat.
"You think we'd bring her here? We're smarter than that." NO YOU ABSOLUTELY ARE NOT GO FIND THE KID RIGHT NOW
"You betrayed everything we stood for" babe you are the one being weird about what you stood for not the rest of the batch.
"You weren't loyal to me." LINES THAT STRIKE AT THE HEART EVERY TIME. THE MUSIC IS SO FUCKING GOOD ON THIS BIT. AND "I'm going to give you what youo never gave me. A chance." WHY THE DIALOGUE GOTTA GO SO DAMNED HARD.
The way that he tries to get Omega off world is another good signal that the chip is out, it's so different from aim for the kid it might as well be coming from a different person. Because it is. The chipped version was not Crosshair, not really, this is. Just. A very very damaged Crosshair.
Glad he drops the 'we're superior' bullshit in season two pretty much, guess 32 rotations starving on a platform will put some things back in perspective.
Tech spotting the mirrors and bringing Wrecker's attention to them right before Crosshair shoots everyone and pulls his helmet off it's just so much happening all at once and I adore the Emotion in this whole sequence.
"Don't become my enemy" "Crosshair, we never were" BABIES
And then the droid incident happens right when it seems like MAYBE they could get through and it's back to wrestling around on the ground like idiots.
This is not a fight this is Hunter managing a fucking tantrum while trying not to let Crosshair get shot in the meantime. Like it is clear they are not on equal footing in this lol. Crosshair manages to get the upper hand for exactly .5 seconds.
We need Tech alive it's the only way to get the theme back properly in season 3 if they play it without him it will feel EMPTY.
The DESPERATION ON HUNTER'S FACE AS HE TRIES ONE LAST TIME TO INSIST IT'S THE INHIBITOR CHIP. And I am still not over how.... the thing that Crosshair says 'Wrong' about isn't 'it's your inhibitor chip' but rather 'we can help you.'
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This is just the face of a man that fundamentally thinks he can't be saved.
Like he doesn't look happy about this at ALL he looks exhausted and hurt, he's not proud when he says This is who I am.
Anyway he snapped his rifle up to try and commit suicide by Hunter I think, probably didn't occur to him that Hunter would have it on the stun setting.
Hunter's HEARTBREAKING EXPRESSION is a lot to take in but you also can see Tech's eyes widen and then narrow as he tries to process the new information and just. UGH. MY HEART AND SOUL IS WOUNDED.
And through it all, Hunter still checks for a scar trying to figure out what is going on. He still wants so bad for it not to be true that this is Crosshair in his right mind.
Which, well, he's not, just not because he's actively chipped.
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tinted-skies · 2 years
Still love you? `~ Jaemin x reader
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Weddings are insufferable. Everyone knows that. It’s common sense. They’re boring and always operate on the same formula: people pretend to care for the ceremony and then are forced to talk with random relatives they didn’t even know they had.
But luckily, when the sun went down and dinner was served, the rest of the tedious day was forgiven. It was the highest point of any wedding, the time where you’d usually gather all your energy, so you could then dance the night away as the music boomed off the speakers. However, this time not even the free food seemed to lift your spirits up, you were completely wasted, and it wasn’t even 9 o’clock yet.
Maybe it was because this time the “free” food wasn’t exactly free, and you could feel everyone’s stare on you. And to be honest you had been tired from the moment you had to take thousands of pictures with every single one of your guests…
Ok- so maybe this was your wedding, but you still stood for everything you had said before.
Don’t get me wrong, you were enjoying your special day and you’d even admit that you shed a few tears while exchanging vows, but right now you’re only focused on the way your feet are killing you and how your social battery is close to completely drained.
Long story short, you are usually pretty pumped up for parties, but not when they last an entire day and you are the main attraction.
A voice snapped you out of your thoughts, your husband (Gosh, it feels so weird calling him that) exclaiming something about being excited to meet Thomas. Now, who is “Thomas”? You don’t really know… probably a distant cousin who lives far away and whose name you’ve never even heard your husband mutter. But that’s irrelevant anyway… were you really expected to learn the names of all 40 of your husband’s guests anyway?
Well, all you knew is that your husband was know making his way to chat with Thomas and you’re alone for the first time today. You finally felt at peace once you discarded your shoes, figuring no one would notice it after all…
You looked calmly around the large hall, giving your bridesmaids an assuring thumbs up once they glanced at you. Thankfully the reception was going pretty smooth so far, hell- one would even say it was close to perfection.
It was soothing to you how both families mixed together so effortlessly, and you felt a sudden strike of reassurance. You had chosen the right man. He was fun to be around and although sometimes things got hard, you loved each other through it all.
You now caught yourself gazing to your left, your eyes skimming through the tables where your family sat. You noticed how your parents made small talk with the waiter, something they would usually do. You didn't think much of it until your mother suddenly laughed her heart out, making you curiously look up at the waiter in question.
And that's when your heart sank.
It was Jaemin, and the moment he locked eyes with your parents you thanked the lords that you had never given in to the way he'd always beg you to meet them.
His eyebrows instantly furrowed, and you guessed that he was trying to recall where he knew them from. If you were lucky enough then he wouldn’t remember and you’d be safe- actually... scratch that. If you were lucky enough then a hole would open on the ground and swallow you whole.
In fact, you were pretty sure that if you were fast enough then you could hide underneath the table without him ever noticing you, but of course instead of doing that, you glitched, freezing in your seat.
On the other hand, Jaemin had recognized your parents from the moment he saw the back of their heads and his only source of confusion was finding where the fuck you were.
Were you even there at all? That’s a stupid question- of course you were there. He was 99% certain that you'd never skip an event like this. Sure, you had mentioned once or twice how boring weddings were, but you’d never turn down an opportunity to enjoy free food.
And so, he started scanning his eyes across the rest of the room without skipping a beat, all the while trying to keep up with your parents’ conversation.
Even after all these years Jaemin still wondered how you were doing. He would be lying if he said he hadn't thought about texting you (several times), and he had actually promised himself to keep in touch after he got over the heartache. However, that moment never seemed to come, and so he decided that it would be for the best that he kept his distance.
His eyes lighted up once he spotted you. Damn, you looked beautiful. A soft smile appeared on his face. But soon he realised the table in which you sat. Wait, wasn’t that meant to be the table where- oh… Oh.
It was now Jaemin’s heart's turn to sink.
It hurt. It hurt a lot. His gaze turning blank as your parents’ voice faded into the background. A strong shiver of regret suddenly ran through his body, almost strong enough for him to drop the wine bottle on his hand. And once he finally locked eyes with you, he felt dizzy.
Jaemin wondered what would the future have been like if you’d never broken up… Would he have been the one standing in front of you in the altar? Would he be the one you'd introduced to all of your family? Would he be the one you'd wake up next to for the rest of your life?
He didn’t know. And unfortunately, he would now never have the chance to know how it felt to be the one, your one.
All that he knows is that the empty seat to your left seemed to scream his name, and he suddenly felt sick to his stomach, his cue to mutter a quick “excuse me” and rush towards the kitchen… he was still working after all.
In your eyes it all happened in milliseconds, one moment his eyes stared into yours and the other his back faced you. But he didn’t let his defeat show, ever the professional, way too proud to show you how much seeing you like this stung.
Alike you. Way too proud to walk up and talk to him, deciding to pretend you hadn’t just crossed paths with your first love, pretending not to want him to seat next to you, hold your hand, and tell you how he still loved you like crazy and promise to never, ever, let you go again…
As Jaemin left, your husband came back. Yes, you guessed you were happy. But deep down you still wondered… what if life had gone a different way?
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compressingsins · 3 years
Our Domain
Pairing; Yandere! Gojo x Chubby f!reader
Warning; Yandere Gojo and NSFW (Too many warnings to write, just proceed with CAUTION)!
Summary; You used to admire him. Your teacher, Gojo Satoru, who you thought was only training you for you to get better. However, that wasn't his only reason...
(Words like this, are flashbacks, btw).
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How'd you end up here, you could hardly remember. You were just having an normal day, practicing with Maki and the other second years. Along with some first years, who you were training as well. Considering you're a second year, you always practiced with the first years, even if you are only a student.
You had technique, skill and the might to kill every cursed spirit you come across. The hardest thing about that for you though, is that you know some of the cursed souls used to be human. When you see those types get emotional, you normally freeze up, knowing that they're still in there somewhere.
It's bullshit, because you can't save them. However though when that happens, your teacher Satoru Gojo, is always there to save you, somehow. You never questioned how he was always there, even if you were far away. He just somehow knew, when you were in trouble.
You never really thought much about it... until what happened earlier today...
Come on, Itadori!" You nearly shouted, while swinging at him with your wooden staff, him grunting upon the amount of force you were putting behind the strikes of the staff. "Keep your guard up!" You were trying your best to keep him going, which still wasn't resulting in him to strike you.
"I'm trying my... best here!" He confessed, but you still managed to knock his staff out of his hands and drop him on his bottom, falling upon the ground, your staff to his neck. You sighed, because this occurred at least five times now. Straightening your body, you placed your staff to your side. You've been going at it, nearly all day because he just won't give up.
You knew how he was, and that, is exactly how he is. It's now night time, which is really clique because of him. You should've known this would've happen, considering that Itadori never willingly gives up. "That's enough for today, Itadori. We can pick back up on this, tomorrow."
Instantly, he jumped up, disapproving of this gesture you inflicted upon him. "What?! Oh come on, L/N, we can still train!" He was nearly begging, but you didn't want to anymore, just because you were getting a little winded from how long you've been training with him.
"We can train tomorrow, alright? It's getting late, also just look..." You directed with a point to the sun that's currently setting. "...besides, you know how tired I can get, after practicing for so long." Yeah, and everyone knows this considering how long you've been with them.
Your plus-sized body wasn't capable of certain things, but you always managed to push through it because you were determined to complete every goal you want to achieve.
"Come on, L/N! You don't seem tired, let's just go one more time!"
You sighed once more, upon hearing this. You're the type to always not say, no, to someone. It's hard for you to say, no, and you don't like when a situation like this comes to you. It's difficult to say no to someone, just because it'll probably hurt, due to the situation that's going on.
"Just take the break, Itadori..." Maki spoke up, removing her arms from her chest that were previously crossed. "...it's getting dark, and we need sleep. So, don't try to push it." Here this goes again, the relationship between these two.
Maki doesn't really like Itadori, but she doesn't speak bad about him. She just doesn't like him, but you don't question it. "But I have to get stronger, if I wanna find all of Sukuna's fingers, y'know." He pouted like a baby, which you shook your head to, with a smile.
"Yeah, but still. Take a break, once in a while it's nearly night time." Maki dismissed with a head roll and a annoyed sigh.
"Tuna." Inumaki added, which always made you chuckle a bit.
Everytime you trained with Yuji, he always begged you to continue practicing with him even if it's near the end of the day, basically night time. "Guys-"
"Your training session, is over Itadori." You recognized that voice, your goofy teacher, Satoru Gojo. His presence always made you smile, and this made you smile a lot. "Y/N, should rest and so should all of you." Gojo suggested, his usual grin etched across his face.
"Oh come on Gojo, I need to get stronger if I wanna find-"
"Oh, I know that, Itadori but still! You'll need your rest for tomorrow's training session, so I'd advise you to take a break. Get some food in you, then go to bed alright?"
His smile was never readable to you, but it's not like you were trying to. His goofy tone, and smile always made you feel comfortable around anyone, no matter what.
Yuji just sighed, "Uhhhh, fine! I guess I have no choice, since you're my senpai..." He mumbled, stomping pass Gojo to go to the dorms. You chuckled as your eyes followed him, everyone else walking pass him as well.
You began walking as well, trying to go to your room until he stopped you by unexpectedly draping his arm over your shoulders. Considering how tall he is, he was able to stretch all the way across you. You figured it was just a joking, friendly gesture so you didn't mind it.
Besides, you and your teacher are really close so in reality, you didn't mind it at all. He was like a goofy older brother, to you and you could honestly say you appreciated seeing him and him saving you all those times. Though, you did have to ask him why'd he stop you from going to bed.
"Gojo, is everything okay?" You questioned him, both your bodies facing forward, staring into the distance. You were slightly confused, when he wasn't answering you. "Gojo..?" This time, you looked up at his face to see him facing your previous direction, smiling.
He always smiles, so you didn't think too much about that. It was weird though, because he usually answers you pretty quickly, especially you. "You ever..." For some reason, you got chills as he began talking, the sun fading with every second. "...love someone so much, that... you just don't care what it takes to have them?"
This was weird because you've never heard Gojo talk about... love. This was completely new to you, but you got uncomfortable once he tightened his grip around your shoulders, flushing your body with his. "Gojo..." Was all you could muster out of fear. His whole aura changed in a matter of seconds, and it was honestly a little frightening to you.
"You know Y/N~" He began, his tone sounding as one of singing. You could only stare at him, though you could feel your heart pounding out of your chest. The atmosphere around you changed, but Gojo kept his smile that he had in the beginning which slightly added to the horror you were already feeling.
You know how powerful Gojo is. You wouldn't dare raise a finger to him, for you already know that you're simply not a match. If you was, you wouldn't even be listening to him talking to you right now. You wanted to scream for someone, since you know your friends were possibly still awake.
However, you couldn't do anything. You know that Gojo probably already knows, what you're thinking and it's freaking horrifying. This is Gojo, right? You kept questioning everything happening in this very moment, since it's so sudden. You knew Gojo really likes you, you're his student and he, without a doubt, cares for you more than anything.
This, was just too overwhelming and your body literally couldn't move. It's like he momentarily paralyzed you, and all you could do was listen to him talk. "You haven't been giving me the attention, I've been craving from you~" Gojo continued, and for the first time towards you, he wasn't being goofy.
There was a goofy sense behind it, but it wasn't typically in the way it usually was, when he's goofing with most of his students. For the first time in your life, you felt powerless... like you couldn't do anything about a person coming onto you, in whatever kind of way they were and this... this was new.
You've never been hit on a guy before, and especially not one that's an adult. Your mind was flooded with confused thoughts, but you knew you had to at least ask him, if he was joking like he usually does. You know he can be serious, when the time came but this...
"Go-Gojo... what do you mean, I haven't been giving you... attention? I'm with you, almost every second you're here..." Your answer was soft, shaky... low. You were kind of scared, you can admit but Gojo didn't seem phased, once your eyes reached his masked covered face.
For whatever reason, he began laughing before removing his arm from around you. Honestly, that's when you thought he was joking so a sigh of relief left your lips, well... until he stood in front of you.
You looked up at him before your head jerked back slighty from him leaning in close to your face, which made you quite uncomfortable. His hands were in his pockets, his usual smile still present upon his face. "You really are oblivious, Y/N." He chuckled after that, standing back straight to walk.
Your eyes didn't follow him, since you were still kind of frozen. You could tell he was walking to get behind you, his footsteps sounding at your back. Your breathing was ragged, not understanding what was going on. You nearly almost fainted, when he was right up on you.
Literally, you could feel him on your back. He was so close, you swore you could've swore that he really paralyzed you, for your body didn't even attempt to move. Maybe it's because you're extremely mortified with this ernie situation, that's so complicated to you.
You wanted to turn to him, but this mere presence of his made you feel like he wanted to murder you. Never in your days of living, have you felt like this around Gojo. He's like your freaking brother, and this is so strange to you... what is he doing? You didn't know.
"You haven't noticed my actions upon being around you..?" He questioned, and you did. You knew how he acted around you, and it wasn't never like this. You didn't shake your head or anything, fear still consuming your entire being. He didn't care though, only continuing. "I don't and won't just be your teacher, anymore~" That statement made you feel, weird...
What does he mean, by that? You could only look around, your pupils dilating with the dire situation you're in. Is he and the other students pulling a prank on you? You still had hope that that was just the case. However, that hope quickly faded once his hand slid itself upon your plush waist.
Nothing but chills ran up your spine and climbed upon your neck, tingling your entire body. His hand on your waist pulled your body back, flush to him. Your eyes went super wide, feeling his... stiff organ flush on your back. You were mortified... no longer thinking this was a prank. You're so confused, why is he doing this.
He seemed to be able to read your mind though, "If you're wondering why, Y/N..." He slurred to you, his face so close to your ear. "...I'm the only one, for you~" Your eyes went wide, but began heavy as soon as you heard a pat, more like a smack that connected with you, your body began falling but was caught by two strong, thin arms.
He turned you around, now wrapping his arms around your soft body to rest your head on his shoulder. He was stroking your head like a puppy, but you couldn't move. Your eyes were nearly shut, as you listened to him speak. "You're mine and mine alone, Y/N~" He cooed just before your eyes shut completely, and you felt a soft kiss placed gently on your temple, just before your eyes shut completely.
Gojo was really proud of what he just did. He felt absolutely no remorse, and no one could save you since everyone was in and wouldn't dare obey Gojo's wishes on eating, and then going to sleep. As you're knocked out, he wrapped his arms, tossing you upon his shoulder. That same usual, loving smile was still present on his features.
He didn't feel bad at all, thinking as this was a must that he had to do. He always loved you, and more than you could've ever imagined. You never knew, what a silly girl you are for not sensing his other intentions. He always wanted to be close to you, in more ways you could've imagined...
Here you are now, lying flat on your back upon a soft bed. You groaned, stirring awake and feeling your legs moving. Your head moved from side to side, just before your eyes fluttered open seeing a bright light, before adjusting.
With a couple of blinks, you sat up before placing your hand on your neck, rubbing the spot that had previously been hit to knock you out. It didn't hurt, rather stung from the slight rub you gave it to sooth the sting it did give you.
Once more, you closed your eyes before freezing and realizing... this isn't your dorm room. It's a room, but not yours. You looked around the room, left and right, and your eyes went wide, slighty. "Huh... where am... I?" You questioned yourself, just before feeling something on your wrist.
Whilst looking down, you saw that you had chains on your wrist... huh? You were so confused, why the hell should you be chained to a bed. You couldn't even focus on that, just as you realized you had matching chains confining your legs.
So confused you were, your hands already working on trying to get them off. "That won't work, my Love~" A voice you recognized made you jump, both your hands going back to your sides. You looked up, but didn't see a thing at all.
"Gojo?" You called out, your eyes still roaming the room but when he talked, it sounded like he was all over the place. You couldn't tell where his voice was coming from, until you felt a hand on your back.
It made you jump and turn to look at him. There he was, standing there wearing a different attire. Black shades, long sleeve v neck black shirt, and white sweatpants. It's like he dressed up, for you. You were still confused, watching him walk from behind you and to a chair that was in front of you.
You didn't know what to say to him, as you felt betrayed by the main person you trusted. He however, didn't seem phased by your current state. As he approached the chair, he turned it around to open his legs where they're spread apart on both sides of the chair, his arm rested upon the top of the chair still staring at you with that smile.
It didn't make you feel comfortable, at all. In fact, it made you feel freaking sick to your stomach. You never felt any bad way about Gojo, just because you trust him. At least you used to, though. This right here really stung your entire being.
"Gojo... what, is this..?" You asked, shaking and frightened in fear. He only stared at you, looking more amused than sympathy for you. "Answer me, damnit!" You were so fed up and confused, that you yelled at him for the first time ever. You didn't even feel bad, and he wasn't even phased.
He only continued to stare at you over his glasses, smiling. It's like he was enjoying you being frightened... for you didn't even know what was going on. It was confusing and non understandable, that you still weren't convinced that it was real. For one, Gojo never put his hands on you.
As in, knocking you out because you're a student, more specifically his student. You're not even eighteen yet, but he didn't seem to care about none of that. His smile didn't change at all, which was really pissing you off. You really wanted to claw his fucking eyes out, and rip his smile away.
It's bull that he was acting like this, and you really wanted to fight him, or something. Anything, to take your anger out on something, but you wanted it to be his face that you truly hate, right now. He basically kidnapped you, which is messed up and especially from him.
He closed his eyes before chuckling, which defused and confused you. You were going to ask what was funny but he spoke, "Basically Y/N, you're mine." He looked you right in your face, smiling more after seeing the confused look on your face.
"I'm guessing you're wondering, what does Gojo mean by that?" He chuckled and stood up, sliding his hands in his pockets though his thumbs were sticking out. "Basically... you're my forever. My Love~" Were you hearing this right? You still didn't understand, because what is this? He's a grown ass man, and you're seventeen. Still basically a minor, almost.
Although, your birthday is tomorrow, but this is still wrong. What he's saying and whatever he's getting at, is extremely wrong. As you were thinking, he walked up to the edge of the bed, smiling down at you which made you cringe and back up, a bit.
He stopped as his legs hit the bed. "W-what do you mean... I'm your forever, Gojo?" You asked him, but he didn't say anything. His smile only widening a bit, which was really pissing you off even more. You were still scared to even try to attack him, or stand up for yourself.
Before answering you, he chuckled, "Oh Y/N~" He clapped twice, chuckling a bit more before talking. "You've always been oblivious, my Love. You think I was only training you to help you get stronger?" You didn't know what to say, watching him switch his position on his hands in front of you, which made you back up from him.
You couldn't believe this. What was his other point, then? "Helping you get stronger, was a part of it yes. However, I was also waiting until you turned eighteen." He huffed a laugh of air from his nose, smiling while looking at your confused facial expression. It was appealing to him, which was really messed up honestly.
"Tomorrow, is your birthday, right my Love?" You couldn't even answer him, but he knew the answer. "Which means when the clock strikes 12:01, I'm claiming you as mine, forever~" His tone was down right wicked, and it made you extremely uncomfortable.
Never in a million years, would you think that these were his real intentions. You always thought that you were his favorite student, and not something like this. It's almost too crazy to be true, but you can tell this is real. You don't want it to be, but you can't fight Gojo, for he's way stronger than you could ever be.
Not like you're weak or anything, but you can't match his power. Possibly no one in the world could, even if they tried. You still can't understand, why you? It doesn't make any sense, because you're always so insecure about your chubby body but he doesn't seem to care at all.
He's looking at you like he just wants to devour your entire being. You see no disgust evident in his eyes, but you still don't want this. You're still a young, and you've never been in a relationship or anything like that before. You've talked to some guys before, but it was never serious.
"Megumi..." Gojo mentioned, and you knew why. You and Megumi has been talking like you're in a relationship. Though, you just really care for him more than anything. "...Megumi loves you-" Instantly, your eyes flew open. "-way more than you think, Love. I did this today, for he wanted to ask you on a date for your birthday."
His smile changed, dropping instantly into a frown. "However though, I couldn't allow that, Y/N." His crystal blue eyes averted back to your face, but he didn't seem as happy as he was. "That is why, you're going to become mine right now." And as he said that, an watch which was under his sleeve, began ticking off.
You couldn't even get anything out, no questions, no nothing. He stood up straight, his smile appearing back upon his features, that made you cringe. "Well, Y/N! It's time, my Love!" He was so excited about something that you were totally blind to.
"Time, time for what? Are you fucking crazy, Gojo? I'm still seventeen, and whatever you're doing-"
"Eighteen, my Love~" He interrupted your statement, which you didn't understand. "According to my watch, it's now 12:01 a.m., which means you, Y/N..." He pointed at you, his smirk bigger than ever. "...you're now eighteen, my Love~" He answered you like he was proud of something.
Your eyes went wide, seeing as he was indeed right. It's a new day, and it just so happens to be your birthday. "But... what does that mean, Gojo? Even if it is my birthday, what does that mean?" You asked him, which he seemed to think was funny for some reason.
With no shame, his hand slid down his slender body with your eyes following, just until his hand went to the center of his body. Your eyes went wide upon seeing what he went to grope and show you. His hand was gripping himself tightly, showing you the outline of his stiff appendage.
It looked really long, and he grinned menacingly as he observed your facial shocked expression, whilst staring at it. You didn't know what to say or think, but was he serious? "You know, Y/N~" His words made your eyes avert to his. "Ever since I saw you, I've used your pictures to get myself off."
This made you absolutely sick. What... Gojo... None of this was making sense to you. Is he really serious, right now with what he just said and with what he's doing. No, he couldn't possibly..? He wouldn't ever do something like that, to you... right? You couldn't help but back up, not knowing what the fuck he was actually planning.
Although, it was kind of clear at what he was gesturing to. He didn't care for your backing up though, only getting upon the bed knees first before using his hands to crawl up to your leg. You used your legs to kick at him, no matter how much stronger he is than you. "Get away from me, Gojo!" You shouted, still kicking. No matter what, you weren't going down without a fight.
Though, he easily caught your feet with one hand. He honestly wasn't trying to hurt you, but he wanted you to know who you belonged "to". He was actually just jealous of Megumi, who loves you. Gojo has been in love with you, for a very long time and all that waiting was worth it, for him.
You were kicking even if he was still holding your feet, pushing at his chest, doing whatever you could to get away from him. "Gojo, stop! What is wrong-" Though your sentence was cut off, once he slammed both of his fist on the sides of your head.
Did you make him mad? He was still smiling menacingly, though but you were mortified from his actions. You couldn't speak, move, nor blink. Your eyes were wide, staring up at his face that you totally hate, now. Still, he didn't seem phased by your terrified face.
His body was fully hovering over yours, and your breath hitched once you felt the weight of his stiff cock, graze agaisnt your plush thigh. Still, you couldn't talk because you were still a bit scared of Gojo. He didn't even flinch, once his cock ghosted and rested upon your soft thigh.
Both his hands were caging you in, neither of you speaking as you shared eye contact. You didn't even recognize Gojo, anymore. Why is he even doing this, to you? It's messed up and you wish you weren't here, right now. You kind of wish you were somebody else, right now.
"Listen Y/N~" He began, his hands being removed from the sides of your head to sit up on his knees. Grabbing the hem of his shirt, he began pushing it up his body, towards the top of his head whilst speaking to you. "I don't care, if you do not want nor like this. You're going to be my good girl, and take it however I give it to you."
You were on the edge of tears, because why would he do this to you. Because he "loves" you, he claims. If he loved you, he wouldn't do this... right? You didn't even necessarily know, because you aren't really familiar with love at all. This way of showing it is really and honestly messed up.
You couldn't hold it in anymore, a silent single tear trailing out of your eye, which only made Gojo smirk more. How can he love you, and honestly get a kick out of you crying in fear. It's totally messed up, but you couldn't find yourself to even say it. What can you say, at this point though.
He seemed to be able to tell that you were scared anyways, but it didn't bother him. "You can scream if you want, my Love. However, no one will hear you because this isn't just some room." You were kind of confused, what does he mean by that? "This, my Love is a domain. Deep in the woods, where no one can ever find us."
Gojo is a fucking psycho, because why? Even if you were seventeen, if he'd ask, you'd possibly tell him that you'd wait until you were eighteen to talk to him in a loving way, honestly. It's not like Gojo is ugly and you two have a great connection, so why should you have said no. You loved him more than other people, but now you don't know how to feel about him at all. Look at what he's doing to you. It's not right, at all...
Feels like he just locked you away from the entire world, which you didn't even get to experience yet. Your body jerked, once he rested his cock fully upon your thigh, grinding into it to get as much friction as possible. You didn't even know what to say, because you already couldn't move. Now, he's basically fucking himself into your body which is messed up.
He didn't care though, only biting his lip to thrust himself more into your leg. You couldn't look at him, which seemed to upset him. "Look at me, Y/N. I don't wanna hurt you, just because of you not looking at me," But how could you? You don't recognize this man, anymore.
Since you weren't looking at him, his hand slowly went onto your thigh, grasping it and spreading them. "H-hey, Gojo, stop!" You nearly shouted, but he continued pushing your soft thighs apart, even if you were using all your force to at least try and keep them closed. He wasn't listening to you at all, his hands working on talking your clothes off.
It wasn't hard at all, his hands snatching off your clothes with ease, leaving you in only your undergarments. You tried everything to get him off of you, pushing at him and kicking him but you weren't hurting him. Not even in the slightest, were you hurting him. Little did you know, was that your actions weren't doing anything but making the thick organ between his legs, stiffen more.
That's why his smirk continued to widen, staring down at your soft, half naked body that you tried covering up. All your love handles and stretch marks, were now on display. You completely stopped trying to hurt him now, considering that the things that you're most insecure about is on full display. You also didn't know that Gojo loves these features about you.
He always wanted to know what it felt like to have his body pressing flush agaisnt yours. Countless days of daydreaming of always thinking about how it felt to be pleasured by your soft body. His cock was pressing agaisnt the fabric of his pants, nearly popping out on its own. He wants to be inside you so bad, but he also wants to savor this moment.
He loves you too much, to even put you in harm's way and considering you being a virgin, he knows it'll hurt. That's why he's not going straight into it, but this is still aching your heart. His vulgar actions are really paining you, because you trusted this man more than anyone you've ever trusted.
You looked up to him, and now those bullshit admirations are down the freaking drain. It just doesn't seem real, not a pinch or hard hit isn't waking you up from a nightmare, if this was one in the first place. He didn't like seeing those tears in your eyes though, a frown forming on his lips.
"Y/N..." He began, just before using his thumb to collect the ongoing tears streaming down your cheeks. "...I've loved you for far too long, to pass this opportunity up. I can't hold myself back anymore... I need you so bad..." You could say he honestly sounded sad, but it was hard to believe with how far he took it.
Though, you can say that you believe he loves you, just a little. "If you love me, then why are you doing it this way? You could've just asked me on a date Gojo... I would've said yes..." Your voice cracked at the end, which looked like it broke his heart. You weren't lying about what you said, just because you honestly would've said yes.
Nobody ever has made you feel as special as Gojo did, because he doesn't judge you. He appreciates every aspect of you, no matter what your cons are. Even your insecurities, he does whatever he can to distract you from YOUR truth about your body being disgusting. Everytime you told him that you felt disgusted about yourself, he was always there to comfort you.
Never has he ever judged you, so that's why you believe him when he said he loves you. His actions, made that statement factual in your book. However though, that doesn't change how you feel about this messed up situation. You still wanted to fight him or something, you just need to take your anger out on something... anything... you know doing it on him though, is probably a bad idea with how strong he is.
"Considering how close you and Megumi are, Y/N... you possibly would've said no, and besides, I'm an adult." He wasn't smiling anymore, which confirmed he was serious. "You just turned eighteen, though Megumi still has more of a chance than I do. You can not tell me I'm wrong, for I know you're always having wet dreams about him~"
Your face heated in embarrassment, knowing what he was saying was true. You'd usually have wet dreams of Megumi, whenever you and him had hung out before, ahead of time. "If you're wondering how I know this, is because I've watched you sleep before, my Love~ Not only that, but I'd pleasure myself to your sleeping figure, Y/N~" His smirk is back, along with a tone that disgusted you.
His hand slid up your body and to your breast, which you didn't dare to move away from. He said he didn't want to hurt you, so you just accepted this. You've tried multiple times, and everything you did has already fell. As he touched your breast, his hand dipped under you fabric to caress the soft flesh bearing it.
You didn't say a thing, only looking at the ceiling before feeling him lift up your bra, the cold air instantly hardening your soft mounds. You could practically hear him kicking his lips, then leaning down to engulf your perked mound into his mouth. To stifle a moan of breath, you bit down on your lip so he couldn't hear the lewd noises you know you can produce.
That didn't stop him though, his tongue grazing your nipple roughly, inducing a soft moan from you. He didn't want to spend too much time suckling on your tasty mound though, pulling off of you with a pop.
His eyes trailed your body, until that met your dripping sex. His mouth nearly watered, admiring how juicy it looked. He couldn't resist the urge, when his hand came to caress your area. You gulped harshly, feeling his other hand moved your panties to the side, just so he could slide his middle finger up and down your slit.
Your shivered at the sensation, never being touched in such a vulgar way, before. His fingers began transitioning to your entrance, digging inside you to prepare you for what's to come. Your hands went to his wrist, but he was holding you down as well as finger fucking you, slowly.
Your cunt looked so tasty to him, that he backed himself up to get on the edge of the bed and press himself up agaisnt it, while being face to face with your dripping heaven. You eyed him once, only seeing his white hair between your legs ready to dig in. He gave your cunt a soft kiss, which made your eyes dilate in surprise.
Your hips started twitching, once his thumb began pressing and rubbing on your sweet button. "You're so cute, Y/N... so sensitive, I love it." Then, he dove in, making your back arch into his mouth. He latched his entire mouth on your bud, suckling on your pearl while caressing your clit.
Instantly, you felt a bubbling pleasure rising in your abdomen, quickly. His thumb was stroking your clit quickly, trying his best to make you cum as fast as he could. He was showing no mercy to your little clit, sucking harsh marks on it. Even if no one else would be seeing this, he still did it to you.
Releasing his touch from your clit, both his hands went to both your thighs to press you agaisnt his face. His grip was tight, whilst his tongue devoured your heat that was dripping down his chin and into his mouth. He was slowly lapping at your clit, giving it long slow strokes of his thick tongue.
You were trembling now, Gojo began humming agaisnt your heat to make your orgasm come faster. His hips bucked involuntarily into the bed to relieve some of the pressure flowing through his cock. His veins were throbbing agaisnt his cock, making him sensitive, which made his own body tremble.
On accident, a moan escaped your lips which made Gojo look up at you. He was pleasuring you, which made him thrust himself into the bed even more. He was practically moaning now, the vibrations making your heat drip and tingle more.
Reaching around your thigh, Gojo began padding at your clit, now your back is arching even more into his mouth. Slight bucks from your hips made him go faster and ravage your clit, his hips also grinding harder agaisnt the bed. He was overstimulating himself, pre-cum seeping from his tip and staining his pants.
That didn't stop him though, since he's enjoying your sweet moans and writhing body. His other hand reached your clit as well, sliding harshly on your clit which made your insides tighten. He could tell you were close, and continued lapping at your sweet nectar. He was about to make himself cum from just eating you out.
Just as you were on edge, he sat up to watch your face and body reactions, once you do come. His fingers now working vigorously to please your soft body, which was working. "Come on, my Love. Just let it consume you, I'm right here~"
And on command, electricity seemed to rush through your body, causing your nerves to send tingly shock waves rushing to your core. Your hands gripped his wrist, though his fingers were still working on your squirting heat. "Go-Gojo..!" You nearly shouted, which he seemed to enjoy.
He heard you, but his fingers continued to work wonders on your sensitive clit. The smirk on his face told you that he was overstimulating you on purpose, wanting to see you crying out for him. He was enjoying your moans, watching your face contort from the shock waves of pleasure.
Slowly, his fingers began to stop its merciful pace. "Wow, Y/N! I didn't expect you to be such a squirter~" He grinned menacingly, seeing your cheeks heat up from embarrassment but your body was still jerking from his slow finger strokes.
He moved up your body however, smirking down at you before aggressively crashing his lips upon yours. He pressed his cock in between your legs, bucking his hips into your still stimulated clit. He didn't want you to stop coming at all, his hips rubbing faster on your cunt. You could feel your cunt throbbing, but Gojo wasn't stopping.
The kiss though, didn't last long as he began trailing his tongue down your mouth, and to your neck. His lips grazed your skin, going to your exposed chest to place a soft kiss on it. Swirling his tongue on your nipple, he latched himself on it to suckle harshly.
You didn't even notice, when he began freeing himself of his clothes. You didn't even notice himself taking off his shades, those blue mesmerizing eyes being on full display. You did jump, once you felt it... hard, thick and flush agaisnt your hole. Your hands gripped his shoulders, trying to stop him, "Gojo please!" He looked up at you, his smile dropping when he met your face.
"You don't have to do this, Gojo... it's not worth, what you think it is... if you stop now, everything could go back to normal..!" You tried your best to convince him, but that didn't seem to do anything as his smirk once again appeared.
"That's not good enough, Y/N. I've loved you for far too long, and look where it's gotten me. You're right here in my grasp, and I won't let this moment pass me up, Love." He placed his left hand on the side of your head and gripped his cock with his other hand, using it to guide himself into your clenching hole, that was still sensitive.
Flicking your nub a couple of times, Gojo began to press himself in. He saw the discomfort on your face and used his free hand to grip your waist and push himself deeper. It was so painful, the stretch of his thick cock burning your walls but he didn't still. "Relax..." Your walls made him moan a bit, he leaned his head back and closed his eyes, your tight walls appearing difficult to bottom himself out into.
Though he decided to just thrust his tip back and forth, doing his best to open you up even more. Though, your walls instantly tightened on his tip, sucking him in which made him pant softly. He was only thrusting his tip, and you were already tightening around him.
He looked back down at you, lowering his hands underneath your soft ass to lift you up and slide in more easily. Your soft walls were snug around him, which made his balls tighten already, even though he wasn't close. You were just so tight that it nearly had him in tears of pleasure, but luckily it didn't. The pulse of your cavern and the veins in his cock, stimulated you both.
"I never knew I could love you, more than I already do, Y/N..." The soft moans coming from him only made you contract around him, now he's sliding more of himself in. He suddenly lifted you up by your ass, thrusting his entire length into your hole, both of you letting out loud moans. "Y/N... you're so damn... so damn tight..!"
He smiled down at you just before hovering his body over yours, the muscles in his body tensing from the extreme tightness you were currently squeezing him with. As he pulled out, he thrusted back in deeply, his tip instantly connecting with your cervix.
You've never felt this way before, his consistent pace making your breast bounce causing his eyes to trail to your chest. He licked his lips upon staring, the sight making him thrust faster, your tightness sucking a breath from his lungs while he tried to keep his steady pace.
Gojo couldn't help it, once his hand grasped your throat, while still thrusting deeply into your cavern. Your hands went to his wrists, his cock moving harshly inside your throbbing cunt. You could feel your walls flutter around him, which made you both moan out.
His free hand grasped your right leg, placing it around his waist while still thrusting deeply. Then, his hand went to the other and wrapped it around his waist, also. The push and pull of his cock, had his veins tickling your gummy walls.
You didn't even know you were creaming up his cock, until he acknowledged it. "Love, you're coating up my cock... how erratic..." He chuckled deeply, plunging himself in slowly and deeply. His thrusts were slower now, but his tip nestled agaisnt your cervix everytime.
"Gojo... stop..!" He didn't listen though, his hand squeezing your throat even more. You could feel the veins in his cock pulsing agaisnt your walls, but he wasn't stopping. He wanted you to know you're never leaving him, and this was the best way to show you at least he thought.
Releasing his grasp on your throat, he grabbed both your hands and placed them in the empty spaces beside your head. Your eyes were closed, but your mouth was opened which he took advantage of. Without a question, he latched his mouth on yours and began thrusting faster, deeper and harsher. His naval was brushing agaisnt your clit, making both of you moan into each other's mouth.
You were close, and you could tell he was too because of the twitches his cock was giving off. His thrusts were really sloppy, his kisses turned slowly as well kissing the corner of your mouth. "I'm gonna cum in you, Y/N..." Instantly, you began panicking. You're so young, how can you carry a baby?
Though, you couldn't even think. His cock was kissing your cervix ever so sweetly, that you couldn't stop your eyes from rolling in your eye lids. Releasing your hands, Gojo resulted them down to your ass to lift you up while he rams himself into you. Your eyes were tearing, as he nustled his head in your sweety neck, kissing it leaving love marks.
With one more thrust, your walls tightened around his cock nearly trapping him in, stopping him temporarily but he kept going, since he wasn't there yet. Though, his thrusts were overstimulating you severely, your arms wrapping around his back and digging crescents into it.
"I'm cumming... I'm cumming... take it all, Y/N..!" He moaned deeply, latching his mouth on your neck, biting it deeply leaving a dark hickey. His grip on your waist tightened, you could feel thick creamy spurts of his cum coating your walls. He was moaning your name like a chant, his thick cock still moving harshly inside of you, overstimulating both of you.
His deep moans had you tingling, his hips slowing making both your bodies jerk and twitch. As both your highs were still washing over you, he sat up on both his hands to look down at your face. His hips still moving inside you, grinning down and loving your facial expression.
Your hands were still on his shoulders, digging deep marks into them. The slow, deep grinds of his hips still making you squirm and writhe under him. He leaned down to place a soft kiss to your forehead, still slowly grinding his hips.
"Y/N... my Love, this is forever Our Domain..~"
This was probably the longest thing I've wrote, but I've been slacking so, hopefully y'all enjoyed this... sorry if it made some of y'all uncomfortable, I warned you! Also requester, I know this isn't neccesarily what you've asked for but I had forgot what you asked me to do, lol. Hopefully you still liked and enjoyed this.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
Hi! Can you possibly do a Mikasa x fem reader where they've been dating and during the Uprising arc in the crystal cave the reader gets hurt Mikasa just gets pissed 😂 Then after the battle some sweet comfort and fluff? Also the others were shocked by Mikasa's behavior cause they didn't know she was dating anyone
“Rage,” Mikasa x FemReader
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Summary: where you ended up getting hurt during the mission to rescue Eren and your secret girlfriend Mikasa shows real emotion about the situation.
Warnings: none! season 3 Mikasa
The team surrounded Levi as they hovered over the secret door that led down to the cave where they assumed Eren and Historia were in. He had went over the plan again, looking down at the barrels the team had put together to throw down there.
“Stay sharp, one mistake can get you killed.” Levi warned before opening up the trap door and everyone threw the barrels in.
Once Sasha had shot the barrels with some flame arrows, the smoke surrounded the lower area of the cave. Then it was the rest of the teams turn to fly in using their gear.
You were nervous, you’ve been nervous since before you even stepped into this but Mikasa, before this mission started, had tried to reassure you endlessly about how she would look after you and protect you if needed but she knew how much of a strong person you were and how you could easily get this done, she had full confidence in you.
The relationship between you and Mikasa was definitely more than just friends. When you first met her when the both of you joined the boot camp at the same time, you two became close from how much you had in common. You both ended up being orphans and taken in by someone else, you both shared a lot and it eventually turned into a secret affair that no one really knew about.
It was then on that Mikasa had gotten very over protective with you and even then, the scouts never thought about it for too long, they thought of it as just Mikasa being over protective with her friends like Eren and Armin.
Your thoughts had moved back onto the mission, it started off great and in the teams favor until the enemies had caught on to what they were doing and how they were doing it and you ended up getting caught above the smoke after slicing someone’s throat open.
The enemy was quick to lunge at you, their blade aiming towards you and surprisingly you dodged just enough that it didn’t strike the area he was aiming for but it did slice your side quite severely.
You had fallen down under the smoke, the ground knocking you out cold and Mikasa had noticed right away.
“Y/N!” She shouted below to you when she noticed your body falling to the ground.
Her anger boiled inside of her and she was quick to spin around towards the guy who had done the damage to you and instantly killed him without hesitation.
After that, the enemy team had backed away and retreated, giving Mikasa time to drop to the ground and go to where you laid. Your eyes had opened up, the pain you felt shooting through your side was like it was on fire.
She quickly took off her jacket and pushed the material down on your wound to put pressure on the bleeding, her eyes connecting with yours and you gave a weak smile, just to somewhat reassure her that you were okay.
“Don’t worry about it, I’ve been through worse.” You joked, making Mikasa crack a smile down to you.
“Shut up, this cut is pretty bad, Y/N.” She admitted, pain written all over her face as she took a look down at the cut on your side.
“I’ll be fine, Mikasa. I’m not leaving you that easily.”
All the scouts had surrounded you, their eyes trained on Mikasa as she was actually showing real emotion which they never seen off of her except rage. Levi had leaned down to lift the jacket and look at the slice on your side, cursing under his breath.
“You two, take her out of here quickly, the rest will go through with the mission.” He ordered and Armin quickly reached down to help you up off your feet which only worsened the pain.
“Take care of her, please. Don’t let her die.” Mikasa stared at Armin and he nodded his head as he and another cadet helped carry you towards an exit.
“Since when are you so caring for someone?” Jean looked down at Mikasa and she gave him a plain look as he teased her.
“My relationship with her is none of your concern, Jean.”
“Your relationship? So I’m assuming more than friends then?” He chuckled, stopping once he seen the deadly look on her face.
“Now isn’t the time to chat about secret affairs, we need to get Eren and Historia out of here.” Levi looked back at the cadets then around the area to try to come up with some plan until the cave started to give in, everything shaking and crumbling around them.
After the collected Eren and Historia, they finally made it out after the large titan had moved towards the wall. Mikasa didnt hesitate to come to where you were, laying in the carriage as the horses rode back to the wall where the titan was heading.
Everything was a blur to you until you were in a bed stitched and wrapped up perfectly fine. Mikasa was sitting beside the bed with her head on the mattress as she slept, little did you know the mission was already done and the titan that came was long dead.
Your fingers had gently traced through her hair, sighing under your breath feeling guilty for being reckless to let yourself get sliced up even if your attention was away for a second.
Mikasa was quick to wake up when she felt your hand, her eyes instantly moving up to yours and you gave her a smile before brushing her hair back. She leaned over without a word, the sudden impact of her lips on yours had completely caught you off guard but you weren’t complaining.
“You’ve been asleep forever.” She huffed out when she pulled back from your mouth and you leaned forward to wrap your arms around her in a tight hug, ignoring the pain in your side.
“I’m sorry.” You mumbled into her shoulder and she kept her grip on you, being careful to not hurt you in anyway as she ran her hand up and down your back, comforting you.
“Don’t be, it wasn’t your fault.” Mikasa had kissed the top of your head, it was nice to see her so comforting and loving but it was also shocking to see it as well.
It took a lot for her to be touchy like this, she was never one to show a lot of emotions but she did sometimes through her actions but you were the opposite, you always gave her affection.
that’s what made Mikasa fall for you more, the affection she was receiving from you was definitely something she didn’t think she would need until she met you.
I tried to make this as lovey as possible, hope it turned out okaaaay.
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the-rockstar-lestat · 3 years
I'm going to tell you a hell of a story.
(yes back from hiatus again. I am going to resign myself I may never be as active as I once was in the beginning, but you'll never be rid of me either)
It's the story of how I met Anne.
So, once upon a time, in a magical place called the 1980s, when everything was beautiful, and everyone was rich, and we all lived ignorant of the seeds we were sewing, and it was far, far too easy to forget the emaciated corpses hiding in the shadows--a vampire woke up.
A vampire woke up, ready to revolutionize the world with his story, only to find out it had already been told. He was already a household name--if you lived in a particularly goth household--due to a gothic novel that had crashed onto the scene called Interview With The Vampire.
Now I read this.... halfway decent...book, that reputed to be a transcription of my beloved Louis' words to a young boy. But as Louis will tell you, considerable license was taken in this novel, as anything adapted from an interview must be, to make his ramblings, shall we say, readable, and I immediately recognized the hand of another in this transcription. Initially, as the Boy was nameless and anonymous, and the ostensible authors name on the cover a female one, I assumed he was a mere fiction, and the Interviewer was a woman. (sorry, Daniel.)
Good. Perfect. I would find out later she had been a former classmate of Daniel's at San Francisco State, and they had kept in touch. Knowing her penchant for the strange and unusual--and her habit of believing many of the odd messes Daniel had gotten himself into--she had been the first person he went to when he left the infamous Interview.
But Daniel would tell me that later. For now, I knew nothing of him, only her. It was the work of a moment to find her, even in that age before the internet, in a world where money talked, and talked loud. And it was the work of less than a moment to show up at her doorstep, novel in hand.
I did not, dear readers, break into her home. Like all good vampires, I waited for an invitation. I rang the bell.
She answered, a beautiful young woman--she was in her fourties--with a husband and a young son, sitting down to a slightly late dinner. Normal, so normal. I greeted her with a line she would later immortalize in the only movie adaptation of her works I acknowledge.
"I assume I need no introduction."
She invited me in.
Husband and son were sent out for a walk in the cool air of the San Francisco evening, and Anne and I sat down for a chat. She made me coffee. I contemplated the cup.
"You think I'm mad?" Were my first words to her during this chat.
"Not really" she said, sipping from her own cup.
"You think I'm someone playing a prank on you?"
"Not yet."
"Then you believe I am who I say I am?"
"Not yet."
A little healthy skepticism . I approved. I showed her my fangs, read her mind a few times, gave her what proof I thought any mortal would need. When she began to believe I was a Vampire, I think that was almost instantly. Humans often sense there is something off about us if we're not careful, and I was not only not trying to blend it, I was trying to show off in all my preternatural glory, the better to seduce her, my dears. When she believed I was Lestat de Lioncourt, elegant and mysterious vampire villian, that I'm not sure. She never really told me. It was somewhere during this conversation, I'm sure. In those days Anne kept her cards close to her chest.
"Are you here to kill me?" She asked, not seeming too concerned about the idea, or at least, too proud to show it.
"And leave that beautiful family alone? Haven't they already suffered enough?" I knew about her daughter.
"A lecture, then? You didn't like the book? I've written others, you know. It was just a first novel, a strike of luck."
"On the contrary, I love the book. Beautiful writing, delicious prose. You adapted Louis' voice wonderfully. I can't imagine the train wreck you had to work from."
"Tapes " she supplied "Dozens of them. Seperating wheat from chaff took half the writing process."
"I can imagine. And by 'chaff' I imagine you mean Louis' self-indulgent monologues regarding Catholic guilt?"
"No, I left most of those in." She admitted.
"Anyway," I said, imagining the volume of words that HADNT made it into the book, "I'm here, I'm here" I repeated, indicating with a wave of my hand that I meant life in general, "Because I love the book. I think you a tremendous writer of gothic....fiction." I said, significantly. She raised an eyebrow. Of course the books had been published under the fiction umbrella. But she was here discussing them with someone who blatantly claimed they weren't.
"Fiction?" She repeated. I laughed uproariously. She flinched. No doubt remembering the amount of times she had listened to Louis describe me doing just that, perhaps wondering if she had imagined it right. I've always loved to laugh.
"Yes, fiction, Cherie. You don't suppose that novel is accurate to the events? At the most it is, how would you say, based on a true story?"
"I adapted--" she began defensively. I held up my hand.
"I don't care to argue about where the break in the chain occured. In fact I am very inclined to believe that you were a faithful chronicler, merely adding some structure and a touch of artistic liscense to the life story of a man who did not realize he was being immortalized in print. No, my dear woman, if anyone has made changes, it was my beloved Louis, not you."
"So you want....me to...rewrite it? Pull it from the shelves?" She set down her coffee cup with a clink "If you want to sue for some kind of--copyright infringement or libel you don't have a leg to stand on. You've got no way of proving you are who you say you are, and even if you could the books published as a fiction, 'any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental.'"
I laughed again.
"I don't imagine the authors of that disclaimer ever thought they'd need the 'or dead' part in such a literal matter." She smiled hesitantly. "No, no. I love the book. I hope it sells a million copies. I hope everyone knows it. I hope Louis de Point du Lac becomes a household name. I hope everyone talks of the Theater of Vampires, and the Rue Royal, and ponders the mystery and the beauty of my beloved, my dear, Claudia."
Here she looked away. As I mentioned, she had recently lost a daughter. Well, not so recently, perhaps, but does the pain ever really go away? It had been one hundred years and I too, had recently lost a daughter. I reached over the coffee table and took her hand.
"Who you immortalized beautifully. Thank you." I said earnestly. She looked into my eyes and we shared the first of our many moments. Dare I call them Golden Moments? Forgive me, Nicky. I dare.
"So what do you want?"
"I want, Mrs. Rice, for you to write another novel."
"This one, about me."
"About ...you?"
"Yes, me!" I thundered. Mood swing eminent . "Why not me? Oh don't worry, I don't want you to revisit the same events--other than in passing, perhaps , to iron out a few kinks, set a few matters straight. But I don't like how I was portrayed--not by you, mind, you did beautifully. By Louis. Some high-and-mighty, shut-mouthed, arbitrary paterfamilias, bent on isolating and abusing his children, for no reason other than his self-gratification--"
"You weren't?"
"No! At least--not the way I saw it. But I must cop to one thing--why should Louis know any better, or different? I was shut-mouthed about my past, my life, my motivations. I kept them ignorant, yes, but to protect them. There are worse things out there than me, you know."
"There are others?" Her eyes shone. "Armand, Santiago...the coven? They're real?"
"Real? Yes. Living? I'm not sure. I've been asleep for nearly a hundred years, hadn't had the moment to check in yet." She looked askance. "Yes I just woke up. Anyway." I stood up and started to pace the room . It was easier to talk like this when walking. Charming home.
"anyway, I want you to write another novel about me. About my life before I met Louis, my adventures in immortality, what led me to him, and why I did what I did. My side of the story, if you will."
"An Apology for the Vampire Lestat." She said, as if reciting a title. She could probably see the cover art already. "I like it."
"No apology. " I said, unfamiliar with the literary use of the word, "call it just, The Vampire Lestat. I won't apologize for anything I did, or anything I'm about to do."
"And what are you about to do?" She asked, tensing. I saw her eyes flicker, just for a moment, to the carving knife on the dining room table. Wondering, perhaps, if she could fight off the two hundred year old vampire she had recently believed to be a creature of her own fancy if he decided to attack her.
"I'm--" mood calming, anger over. Just joy and apprehension in The Plan "About to change the world. Redefine good and evil. Pull my people out of the darkness and into the light. Become--visible. Become--seen. Stand center stage and demand that all look upon me, and despair--and without a drop of blood spilled, don't worry. And I need your help to do it."
She stood up, confronting me. She, a little over five feet tall, halfway through her human lifetime. Confronting me.
"No one gets hurt. " She commanded.
"No one but those I require for my sustenance. And never, never, the innocent. The only ones I want to savage are the literary market." She laughed at this. Her first laugh.
"All right. I'll lend you my pen. In exchange--"
"Yes...?" I prompted.
"All copyrights belong to me. All profits. All creative control." I expected as much. I was rich and I knew it, what did I need for a measly two percent or whatever she'd offer me? The work was hers and she deserved it.
"Done." I said with a shrug. "That's all you want?"
"I think," she said "The answers you'll give me about life's greatest questions will be their own reward." I shook my head at her.
"Oh, darling woman, you think I have answers? If I knew the answers to anything it wouldn't be a fiction book I'd be writing. I'd be penning a second Bible. But I may be able to answer ...some things."
At that moment Husband and Son returned from their walk. They eyed me up curiously. They had not asked who this mysterious blond man was, and why he had interrupted their dinner, or why she had urgently asked for privacy. I didn't envy her the long drawn out explaination that was to follow.
"Mr. Rice, Christopher," I said, the young boys name supplied by his father's mind. " I was just leaving. Your mother and I have just made a rather lucrative publishing deal. Forgive me for the late hour it comes at. " I was very willing to play the part of Publisher or Literary Agent, or even Eccentric Fan, if she wanted to maintain that fiction in front of her family.
"I'll see you out." She said, and we walked to the door.
"So you'll do it?" I asked her once more, lingering at the threshold. Daring to believe that I hadn't heard her wrong.
"Yes, Lestat." She said, calling me by the name I hadn't needed to give her. "I'll be your chronicler."
"That's a good name for it!" I exclaimed, in a swish of blond hair as I turned away from the door and back to the woman who would give me life for the next four decades. "Call it The Vampire Chronicles!"
"You talk like there's going to be more."
"Why not?" I shrugged "I'm immortal. They'll always be more adventures."
I kissed her good night. Only on the cheek, in respect to her husband, and felt her warm flesh give under my lips. For a moment I was struck by a vision of moving down, down that pale throat, and sinking fang deep within her, and making her the chronicler of my adventures for all eternity. It would not be the last vision of this sort. But I resisted the temptation, and allowed her to lock the door behind me. No exchange of phone numbers, no making of additional appointments. She knew I'd find her when I was ready.
And find her I did. For the next two weeks Anne's pen and tape recorder and type writer never stopped as I told her my life, ranted, raved, laughed, cried, answered some questions and raised even more. And when I held in my hands the first printing of The Vampire Lestat, I knew that not only was her fortune made, so was her immortality.
So, as you might have heard, the mortal life of Anne Rice has come to an end. That's the way she wanted it. They'll be no Devil's Road for her, no Dark Gift, no Blood Communion. Only her plot in the Savage Garden, her little contribution to mankind's history, to art, to beauty. But, for all those of us who were touched by her work, her life, her art, it will be enough. And here I remain, her immortal beloved, writing these words in memorial and tribute to her, finally daring to be HER chronicler, knowing there is nothing I can say to repay the debt I owe her, but, as she of all people knows is always my way, trying anyway. As she gave my her words, so I shall give her mine.
To eternity, my mother, my Maker, my Queen of the Damned. To the immortality we gave each other. May you rest well, peacefully, and finally find the answers you sought.
Your beloved,
11 December 2021
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shepard-ram · 3 years
The whole discussion of Disney Princess made me realize how easily you could combine Cinderella and yandere techno.
The Arctic Empire's holding a tournament in order to scout out potential army leaders for an upcoming conquest with the winner having to fight being against the crown prince Technoblade for 1st place. While the prize for 2nd isn't anything to laugh at the first prize is truly exorbitant like you could buy a palace levels of wealth because they need to give some incentive for people to not just instantly forfeit in the final round. You need money and fast in order to leave before the conscription goes out you want no part in this upcoming war and unfortunately getting the at least the 3rd place prize is required if your mental calculations on how much both the boat passage and setting up your new shop/home will cost are accurate but a higher place will give you more wiggle room. In order to not just get nabbed after the tournament you decide that a disguise is in order so you purchase a fairly durable mask (don't want it falling off or breaking during a match) and sign up under a false but believe name Ian moone, you did chuckle at the thought of the person who worked out that names message. The preliminary matches were a breeze after all just because you hated fighting didn't mean you were bad at it and if beating up a few noble brats who's only taste of combat was against their tutor's ment you didn't have to kill anyone in a war that was a compromise your morals would have to make. Once there were only 16 of you left however they introduced a new rule you couldn't forfeit before 10 minutes passed, ok them change of plans you would have to try and drag the last match before the prince so you could grab the 3rd place prize and run, with this in mind you made sure to end fights quickly in order to have enough strength to stall for the 10 minutes. There was one problem with this plan your opponent in the finals didn't conserve their strength so only a few minutes in to the fight they collapsed meaning you won by default, you would have to fight Technoblade and so you react they way any sane person would be cursing every god you could think of. You were going to throw the match that was the sane thing to do then you saw the pink haired prince's look of pure arrogance and heard the Emperor's speech about how glorious the upcoming war would be and that to fight for the empire is something every citizen should strive to do,well let's just say you were a bit ticked off. Your sudden burst of speed across the arena caught everyone off guard as your sword smashed into his shield with it splintering as if you had struck with a axe, if the royals wanted to glorify the frenzied close combat of war that their citizen would have to face while they directed the war from their palace an ocean away from the front well you'd be glad to knock them down a peg or two. The prince upon seeing his shield get split in half with a single strike ducked behind one of the obsidian walls in the arena that wouldn't help him though as instead of coming around the corner into the path of his crossbow you stopped on the other side of the wall putting your full strength behind your swing and sliced through the obsidian , through the prince's armour and only stopping once you shattered the bone in his upper right arm your iron sword shattering in the process, the prince forfeited,finishing the fight. You had ended the match with two blows, the arena was silent before erupting into cheers as you came down from the combat high to realise that you needed to leave now. As you were lead to your prize guards flanking once you were in the room alone you immediately looked for a way out and found a small window that lead out to a alleyway jackpot stashing as much of your prize as possible into your travel bag you shoved the bag through the window taking your mask off and placing it in the floor and squeezing yourself out of the window grabbed your bag and headed for the docks to catch a boat out of the empire before they were the royals were any the wiser.
Unfortunately as the boat was setting sail the Emperor and his eldest son finally entered the guarded room where you should have been only to find your mask and the prize money you couldn't fit in your bag. Technoblade liked to think that despite the voice he was a calm person but at this moment in time he was two steps away from murdering the incompetent guards that his father set to guard the masked fighter who bested him, who managed to stun even the voices into silence with your show of strength who would be stunned thought not only had you split his shield in two with an iron sword but you managed to slice through obsidian, his enchanted neatherite armour and would have cut off his arm if your sword didn't break. How had he never found you before, someone of you caliber should be known far and wide that fight though short made his heart race like never before he needed to face you again both the voices and surprisingly his pigling instincts demanded it to fight you, test you, to make you his. Grabbing his fighters mask he rushed past his stunned father to find your entrance form ( he hadn't be listening when the announcer said your name so sure you would be defeated with ease) he searched for his fighters name ah there it was Ian Moone and as soon as the voices hear it they erupted some bellowing with laughter, others applauding your cleverness,a few however became enraged that you wouldn't even gift them your real name. Having no patients for his confusion the voices yelled at him to rearrange the letters and like magic Ian Moone became I am no one, oh that's how you wanted to play you wanted to test him his pigling instincts surmised you wanted him to show his devotion before submitting as his mate, the voices upon hearing this chimed in saying you weren't in the empire you left by boat for once their limited omniscient helping him. As his fingers traced the details of your mask it didn't matter that you weren't in the empire anymore he would find you no matter how far you ran he would bring you to home and he wouldn't allow you to leave again.
Just the whole concept of defeating Techno only for it to spawn a little crush is so good- the fact that you left behind your mask yet no one spotted you probable drives him crazy ksksjjdsj
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azure-firecracker · 3 years
For your prompt list, can you do #36- "I never wanted to hurt you' for Azutara.
I'm gonna set this one up a bit if that's ok. This prompt reminds me of a scene from the soulmate au I'm working on (hopefully will one day finish lol)
If you don't wanna use this then that's absolutely fine. With that being said, here's the relevant info.
-Soulmarks are rare to appear. Everyone has a soulmate, but the only thing that's guaranteed is that you'll be in the general vicinity of them at some point in your life. The mark won't appear until you directly speak to each other, in this case it was the throne room scene from the show. When you are both aware of the mark, you become spiritually connected. This connection is different for every person. In thier case, the mark worked two ways 1) during moments of high stress, the non-stressed one's spirit is pulled to the other (think astral projection but they can't be seen) to provide support/comfort. 2) they see various memories of the other through dreams. I plan on using this aspect to build a connection between them since they hardly directly interacted during the show. Katara's memories and some of the actions Azula witnesses from Katara both inspire her to want to be a better ruler and show her that Katara is her equal. Katara sees a lot of the more negative memories of Azula, like when her mother implied there was something wrong with her, harsh training from Ozai, her mother disappearing, Zuko's Agni Kai. Azula also has anxiety from her past traumas so, needless to say, Katara's been providing quite a bit of comfort (Azula has a mark mirroring Katara's necklace and Katara has one of a Blue Dragon going down her spine)
Next point - the Crossroads of Destiny never happened. Azula freed Katara after seeing the soulmark. She didn't tell her about it and instead offered a deal. Her freedom in exchange for information on Zuko's location. Azula had the Dai lee lower the walls before trying to capture Zuko, so he had already fled when she goes to capture him.
Azula gets called back to the fire nation by Ozai, leaving War Minister Qin in charge of the city. When she gives her report to Ozai, she left out the info about Katara, which Ozai knew about thanks to Qin's report sent via messenger hawk. He accuses her of trying to hide her failure and also brings up her inability to capture Zuko. He decides to overlook the slight in lieu of her victory but threatens her to never fail him again. Katara saw all of this and her spirit is pulled behind the princess as she returned to her room and proceeded to lose her public composure, falling into a panic attack. That was the first time Katara provided comfort but the relevant part is Ozai's threat.
Later, on the Day of Black Sun, Azula had decided she was going to leave the capital, planning to teach Aang firebending. Her plan was to safely slip into the night after the invasion (she didn't leave during it because she needed to make sure her people were protected). She set up a plan to stall Aang using far more Dai lee than she did in the show. She gave them orders not to capture him however. With the invasion thwarted, she went to give her report to Ozai. She didn't get a chance to speak as he started laying into her about allowing the Avatar to escape. (Katara astral projects in. At this point her body is on Appa as they prepare to flee) When she tried to speak Ozai back handed her yelling/asking when she became so weak. The sudden movement shifted her shirt enough for Ozai the see a hint of blue in her neck. He pulls down her collar revealing the soulmark. The last thing Katara sees is Ozai throw Azula back, causing her to stumble as he calls he a born traitor throwing lightning in the process.
This is a spoiler point. I have Ty lee rescuing Azula with airbending. As the lightning kept from Ozai's fingers, she slammed him with a gust of wind, sending him flying. The lightning, with it's trajectory changed, strikes Azula in the shoulder. When Ozai looks back, the room is empty.
Ty lee, following the spiritual connection through Azula's aura, brings her to the Western Air Temple.
I'm curious to see your take on what happens next and this prompt seemed to fit it quite well. Perhaps you'll have Katara speaking to an unconscious Azula. Or maybe you'll have a couple scenes, one when Azula arrives and another when combustion man attacks, having Azula wake up, stumble out and strike him with lightning leading to Katara freaking out about her condition. There are really a lot of different ways this could go. If you decide to do it, I admit I'm very interested to see what you come up with. 🙂
Sorry this took so long but I really wanted to make sure I got this right, especially after you left all of those wonderful comments on my fic! This AU is absolutely incredible, and I hope I did it justice.
Katara awoke with a gasp and found herself lying on a flat stone ledge. Around her were her friends, each looking dejected after their recent failure. But Katara had other things on her mind.
She hadn’t told her friends about the blue dragon that had appeared on her back in Ba Sing Se, or where she really found herself when she “fell asleep.” She wasn’t exactly sure why she hadn’t told them. It was partially because they had so much going on already, but partially because she was afraid they wouldn’t trust Azula.
Azula...the girl had turned out to be so much more than Katara had ever imagined. Far from pure evil, she was a broken teenager with fierce protectiveness deep inside her, and Katara had found that they weren’t as different as she’d once thought. She was her soulmate, as strange as that was. Katara never would have expected it, but she had come to care deeply about her.
She paced the Air Temple in worry, wishing she could do more than just move her spirit into Azula’s mind, that she could help in some way. The last thing she remembered was seeing the girl at the mercy of her father. Katara thought she would know if Azula had died, but her heart still ached with fear.
« Help! » came a cry from far above. Katara leaped to her feet and glanced up into the sky. There was a Fire Nation airship zigzagging towards them. Sokka raised his sword, but Katara held out her hand to stop him. This ship was clearly being flown by someone who didn’t know what they were doing. Something wasn’t right.
The ship suddenly tipped forward, pointing straight down and hurtling towards the bottom of the canyon. At the last moment, Katara saw a strange form leap from the front window towards them, falling just short of the edge of the cliff. Katara raced towards them, but Aang was faster, leaping off the edge with his glider, falling into a dive. A moment later, he was back, and he wasn’t alone. Ty Lee was hanging on to his feet with one hand, and somehow she was helping propel them through the air. Was she...was she airbending? In her other arm was the limp body of Azula. Katara felt her heart leap.
Katara raced towards them as they landed on the side of the ledge. Aang and Ty Lee began a conversation, but Katara barely registered it. She ran straight to Azula and dropped to her knees, instinctively scooping the girl up in her arms. Thank the spirits, she thought. Azula was alive, if weak.
Quickly, Katara drew her water out of her pouch, her hands moving over Azula’s shoulder, feeling the electricity coursing through her. Healing Azula was, in some ways, the easiest thing she’d ever done, because the pattern of her heart and her spirit was so similar to her own.
Azula stirred in Katara’s lap and slowly opened her eyes. As her vision cleared, she groaned, and tears instantly filled her eyes.
« I’m sorry, Katara. »
Katara blinked. « What for? »
Azula sighed, tears still spilling down her cheeks. « I’m sorry that you’ve got me for whatever this soulmate thing is. You’ve done everything for me. You showed me compassion when no one else would, you calmed me down, you were open with me when you never had to be. You made me a better person. And me? All I did was hurt you. I tried to kill your friends, and now my father won’t stop until he kills me too. I’m a failure and a monster. » She looked up, right into Katara’s eyes. « I never meant to hurt you. »
Katara suspected that the girl’s weak physical state was part of what was making her so vulnerable. She’d never seen Azula be so honest, even with herself. It made her heart swell, with sadness for the girl who’d been made to believe she was a monster, when Katara knew that that couldn’t be further from the truth.
She pulled Azula up into a tight hug. She’d never hugged her before, but it felt right. Like they’d been made to put their arms around each other just like that. « Azula, you’re my soulmate. I...I love you. I love you because you’re a person, because you’re passionate and strong and human. You could never be a monster. »
Azula didn’t speak, maybe because she was still too injured, maybe because she had nothing to say. She just wrapped her arms tighter around Katara, and held onto her like she was the most important thing in the world.
A voice came from behind them.
« Wait a second. She’s your WHAT?! »
This was a super fun prompt! You’re amazing so I hope it made you happy! This is an amazing idea and I can’t wait to see where you go with it!!!
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rpmemesbyarat · 3 years
RP meme from Scream Queens Ep 11 "Black Friday"
"Be careful. I'd really like to kiss you again."
"I'm saving my energy for Black Friday doorbusters tomorrow morning."
"How about you do the honors?"
"Oh, the holidays. That festive time of year where everyone's decked out in their Christmas finest."
"The season of joy and love and presents begins when the clock strikes midnight."
"I thought you got all your clothing hand-delivered by A-list designers."
"Black Friday is about buying deliberately cheap, totally forgettable Christmas gifts for friends. The obvious cheapness of the gift makes them question our friendship and makes them way easier to manipulate as they try desperately to get back on my good side."
"Is this black toilet paper?"
"Amazing. A pair of mink albino boy shorts."
"I bribe the dude who deals weed off the loading dock to let me in a half hour early."
"Torturing these soulless manatees of senseless consumerism brings me so much joy. And isn't joy what the holiday season's all about?"
'At first I was like, "What a weird turkey." And then it clicked. Like... "Damn, that's a head."
"When you agree with me, it makes me question whether I actually agree with me."
"I am gonna take this opportunity to be the strong parental influence you have never had."
"You are gonna march over to that sofa right now and you're gonna sit down because you are in a time out."
"I'm sorry. Did you just put me on a time out? You do realize I'm not seven, right?"
"Well, behold how badly you've failed."
"I think it's pretty safe to assume that your career is over."
"Now, if you'll excuse us, we're going to the mall to exercise our patriotic right to join hundreds of thousands of our fellow out-of-breath Americans in sweatpants as they make frenzied, ill-thought-out purchases of cheap, crappy garbage they can't afford and don't need. To deny us of that right would be un-American."
"Let's go, sluts."
"I want to know what I'm being charged with."
"You drove your pickup truck through the front window of a Best Buy."
"You killed or maimed people. Let's go."
"Sounds awful, but I'd keep that to yourself."
"You're not really helping yourself."
"Most of the uniformed cops out there are working on a volunteer basis because they get backed up inside if they don't crack a few skulls every day."
"There's a killer on the loose and you're telling us this town has no police force?"
"I don't understand why you have to get us the crappiest gifts possible and then make sure we know about it beforehand just to ruin the surprise."
"I mean, that's like bringing pineapples to Hawaii."
"So would you feel the need to waste $13,000 buying me something I already have?"
"Maybe instead of using my disgusting wealth to buy my friends crap, I should use my disgusting wealth to buy my friends things they would actually enjoy."
"The mall is deserted."
"Oh, go on and shoot me, hag. It'll just make me young and skinny forever and you'll still be old. Come on, finish me off, you shriveled, old crone!"
"First day on the job and I caught a killer."
"Wait, you have a gun?"
"Damn! Why didn't I shoot him when I had the chance?"
"How's your crossbow wound?"
"The arrow missed all major arteries, and I'm currently rolling on some sweet painkillers."
"What exactly are you proposing?"
"I've always had this vision of a band of sisters who stand together like an impenetrable community of shields who kept everyone safe and secure."
"Sometimes, instead of shields, we need swords."
"No one is going to help us."
"No one is going to stop this until we are all dead."
"Well, I'm sorry, but she is a vindictive, amoral woman who no one is gonna miss."
"I say we poison her."
"Did you ever do it in my bed?"
"So you were gay lovers?"
"No, we were not gay lovers."
"I'm an investigative journalist."
"Well, you know, I really love the idea of a bunch of guys from different backgrounds getting together and forming a brotherhood for life."
"Have you ever been to a driving range?"
"What sort of ab regimen are you rocking, bro?"
"I guess the fact that you and I cannot stand one another is finally out in the open."
"Name your weapon."
"So pick your weapon. You can choose sabres, guns, baseball bats, small pebbles, spoons, doesn't matter to me. What does matter, is that we will fight, and we will fight to the death."
"Well, I am sorry that took so long, but, you know, a watched pot never boils."
"Being a millennial feminist means growing up listening to Taylor Swift say she doesn't like to think of the world as boys versus girls."
"That's not what feminism was about."
"How come all the pictures on the wall are selfies?"
"Oh, it smells amazing."
"Where did you get puffer fish venom?"
"I want to be there when she dies."
"That's bliss!"
"Is it nutmeg?"
"I am like a soldier at war. I am killing to stop more killing. It's totally justified."
"But what about moral law?"
"Oh, that would be hard for you?"
"I don't "rage" on Tuesday nights or have competitions about how many girls I can have sex with in one day."
"What I'm trying to say is guys join fraternities to get a sense of structure in their lives. Problem is the structure
they're buying into is antiquated. It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"It's misogynistic and hierarchical and dangerous."
"I don't think I'm in the right headspace right now."
"You're a rare breed, one of the true good guys."
"That's the weirdest explanation for anything I've ever heard."
"We need to think of new ways to kill her!"
"I'm really gonna cherish our time here together."
"Killing is wrong, but, under this circumstance, I don't know what other choice we have."
"Hold on, sluts."
"When I was your age, I was thoughtless about sex."
"If you don't think you're ready, you probably aren't. And if you aren't, well, then no good can come from doing it, anyway."
"The main thing is you have to be perfectly dry. The cryosauna is set to 200 degrees below zero, so any water on your skin freeze instantly."
"How come there hasn't been any screaming?"
"No, we need to get away while we still can."
"Hey, hey, it's enough. The point has been made."
"Why do you want to continue taking this any further?"
"Yes, I feel guilty!"
"Don't you ever call me again."
"I heard about these Buddhist Monks that found a way to meditate, so they can sit outside all night, way, way up in the Himalayas in weather that would kill a normal person, but their core temperature stays totally normal."
"You're thinking of the movie Teen Wolf, you brainless gash, which is not, in fact, a documentary!"
"Uh, Rasputin. He was a mystical Russian peasant who became a close advisor of Tsar Nicholas II because he could magically cure Prince Alexei of his hemophilia."
"Okay, this seems totally not germane to what we're talking about, so can we please just skip ahead?"
"Maybe she has some magical powers that make her unable to die, like some horror movie villain, like Michael Myers, or Jason, or Dr. Giggles."
"So, maybe try on a size zero."
"Okay, I'm not gonna try on the size zero because I won't fit into the size zero."
"This is discrimination!"
"Look at her. Give her something. Give her something to be happy!"
"Come on, what is wrong with these idiots?!"
"Why did you ask me to meet you here? And why are you carrying a bag clearly filled with chains?"
"I thought we could talk about bondage and go for a swim."
"You're all packed up. I thought you were staying until you cracked the case."
"I was just gonna go to the woods and write or something,
like Thoreau, but with WiFi."
"I mean, maybe I could come with you. Might be kind of romantic, you know?"
"I could bring a slow cooker, and we could talk about the case all night over short ribs?"
"Well, I do love short ribs."
"I'll always be able to say that my first was with a great, great, great guy."
"I am a sentient grown woman who has been through
hell the past few weeks, and I'm sitting next to you, now, with open eyes and an open heart, telling you that I want to give myself to you."
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local80smotel · 4 years
Midnight wind
pairing; V x air bending! Reader
summary; Y/N gains powers and after escaping Larkhill wants to get revenge
requested by; @scatter-mind001
rating; T
warnings; heavy mention of guard-on-prisoner abuse
word count; 2,311
A/N; I'm actually thinking of making a part two of this but I'm actually very satisfied with it! Thank you for the request!
Tumblr media
Y/N remembered the night they were stolen from their normal daily life and how much terror pulsed through their body. The reason? Y/N's family were proud Irishmen and refused to hide that fact from anyone. They went as far as to hang the Irish flag outside their home instead of the Norsefire flag which they were commanded to do so. It became an inside joke of the neighborhood on how long it would take for the L/N family to be removed.
Some even betted money. Unsurprisingly it happened around seven months into high Chancellor Sutler's term that the raid happened. Y/N thought they would be spared as they broke down their bedroom door around 1:34 AM. Sadly they were wrong as they were 17 and was seen as being "too old" to be sent to a reclamation camp. Y/N was sent to Larkhill while their parents were sent to two different camps.
This fact was the thing that caused the kid to wail almost every hour of the day when they were forced to stay in their cell. Oh, what would they say to their parents instead of blaming them for this. They should have known they would do something as heartless as break a family up. Larkhill was, to put it shortly and simply, was living hell. The only time Y/N got human interaction was when they were getting experimented on and even then the scientists were anything but kind.
What messed with Y/N's head the most was the lack of clocks or calendars in the camp. Seconds seemed to turn into hours as they would just lay on the concrete floor and stare at the ceiling. The only thing that kept their spirits high was one of the fellow prisoners at Larkhill. The first time they talked was when snow started to stick to the corpse ridden ground. He was quiet and had issues with mumbling and when asked what his name was, he became silent for a few moments only for him to reply with an “I can't remember”.
The two of them decided to give him the name of V as it was the roman numeral for five, his room number. Y/N never knew why but V was the one that the prison guards would abuse when they would become enraged at something. Maybe it was because he didn't try to fight back as other prisoners did. When asked by Y/N why he wouldn't stand up for himself he told her “What's the point?”. V especially enjoyed hearing about the gunpowder plot of 1605 and started to idolize Guy Fawks, the man who had planned the explosion. They couldn't help but giggle when V would ask so many questions like a knowledge-hungry child.
The experiments Y/N experienced was... Something. A theory the scientists had was that an increase in air and maybe using the old-time favorite, electric shock therapy, would bring answers and results. When it came to the air theory, many of their "guinea pigs" had already died as they had been injected with 2.7 mL of air which killed them almost immediately. But somehow, after the now 18-year-old had their brain almost fried, survived and only passed out after the 1.5 mL mark.
When they woke up their food, or better yet described as slop, was harshly thrown into their room.
Y/N feeling nauseous, tried to push away the plate even though it was five feet away from them. To their astonishment, it moved and banged loudly against the thick metal door which left a dent in it. The now curious Y/N would test this new power by "playing" with the local camp rats. When they'd come into their room to eat their food, they flick a wisp of air which would hit them like a whip. As a result, the poor creature would run away squeaking in pain but luckily not bleeding.
What's ironic was both the rat and Y/N were somewhat the same as both were hungry, alone, and puzzled on this new ability. They had never used this power on the workers until they had practiced for three months. At this point in time, they knew how to control how much power they let out and what they would call an "air-blast" which was a shot a compressed spurt of air from their hands. It was hard to practice as they were being restricted in an 8ft by 8ft cell.
When Y/N attacked the scientists it was initially an accident. What caused this? They tried to eject more air into them as almost all of the scientists that worked for the camp were perplexed on how they were still alive. Once 0.5 mL of air was pushed into them, poor Y/N was sent into a panicked state as they could feel their heart starting to skip beats. They were able to strike two of the five people in the room until they were restrained and subdued.
After that, they were moved from room #4 to one of the more secure rooms. With this happening V was under the impression that Y/N had been executed or died that day. V was sent into a blind rage and well, you can guess what happened next. Around midnight, a few weeks after their move to room #12, explosions woke them from their deep slumber. When they awoke they expected to see complete darkness but were entirely wrong.
The fire was everywhere, making it hard for the know coughing inmate to focus on what was happening. Once they were able to get up they immediately looked for shoes. Sure, it sounds selfish at first but they were looking for shoes not so they could run away but so they could look for their only friend, the man in room #5. Sadly, when they heard a loud scream- no, it was more of a roar, they were under the belief that the fire had devoured him. Y/N couldn't help but fall to the ground which was covered in rubble to sob.
This wasn't fair. This place had taken everything from him; his memories, his name, his humanity, and now it had taken his life. The rest of the night was a blur as they tried to travel back to London. This took weeks as the adult was too exhausted to stay up for more than 8 hours as their sleep schedule, just like their will to live, had been completely destroyed by Larkhill. When they finally got to London it was pitch black.
Their heart stung as they walked the brick sidewalk. Their heart was breaking because V and them had talked about this back when they were still cell neighbors. They were so hopeful that they'd get to walk down the streets together once they were free. Y/N was lucky enough to find an abandoned matchbox factory. They decided to stay in the basement of the burned down building as it would be the safest choice when it came to being seen.
Slowly, over the next four years, they fixed up their new lair. They got working electricity and indoor plumbing after trying hundreds of times. The escapee finally got a television after trash diving and finding a still working 70s one. The first channel they watched was "The voice of London" as they heard through the grapevine that it was a news channel. Y/N went to channel 012 and once they saw the News host, their excitement left their body.
It, it was him. Lewis Prothero, the man who would frequently abuse the prisoners of Larkhill. Just seeing him made their blood start to boil. They instantly got off of their makeshift couch, walking back and forth as they mumbled under their breath. They could have sworn they saw Lewis' dead body that night of the fire. This simply wasn't fair.
For the next few weeks, they began to plan, gradually gathering information on where Lewis was living now. The night they finally got his extract location, they were overwhelmed with joy. Y/N grabbed their jacket, as winter was finally rolling around so the winds would nip at them, and left the bunker.
They took flight, fury making it seem like they were moving two times as faster as they should be. Y/N had learned this new ability when they lost all earthly ties after V died. Sure, flying still freaked them out but it was the fastest and safest way. When they slowly approached the building, they prepared for what they would have to do next, which was break the giant window to get inside. They took a deep breath in and air hit and kicked the window in rapid succession, shattering it after just a few hits.
Rolling inside and brushing off pieces of glass, Y/N proceeded to walk in the direction of the home's bathroom as they heard the water running. When they opened the door the first thing that drew their eye was a black mass.
“Lew-” they began their speech they had been writing and tweaking over the last weeks but stopped midway through the first word when the mass turned to them. This wasn't Lewis, this was a random masked person. Before they could ask where their victim was, the man stepped out of the way to reveal the lifeless body on the floor which had a single rose on his chest.
Anger filled them as they looked back up at the masked man. Y/N was supposed to get revenge for their long-dead friend. They RUINED this moment. How was Y/N supposed to help V heal in his grave?
“You!” they screamed as they swiped the air, turning their swipes into blades. “How dare you?! You have no clue what he did!” the man was pushed back by the amount of force the wind carried in it
“Wait let me explain!” the Guy Fawks mask-wearing murderer shouted as they fell to the ground with a knee on the floor to keep them up.
“You weren't there! You weren't mistreated!”
“No Y/-”
Using their oldest power, the air blast, tears were already seeping down their face which was twisted in what seemed to be never-ending pain. The blast hit them directly in the face as they groaned out in pain and finally fell the floor, making a loud thud as their skull hit the marble floor. Y/N strolled over to the body to finish them off so they could get some kind of revenge, only to stop with their body now feeling numb. Their mask, now cracked and was flung off of his face and now somewhere else on the floor with his hat.
“You-” their breathing became shallow as they dropped to the floor with them. “You asshole!” Y/N grabbed the collar of his cap, once again crying but now more violently. “I thought you died- you left me! You left me to suffer alone!” they laid their head on their chest as they continued to sob. V just had to lay there as their close friend cried over them. His skin felt like it was burning as the bathroom's overhead light was beating down on him. He couldn't help but start to cry too. V never wanted to leave them, he was under the impression Y/N has already died. That impression was the reason why he exploded Larkhill.
“I tried looking for you-”
“Well, you didn't try hard enough then!”
There was a moment of silence as the two friends wept next to the freshly dead body of their abuser. V moved them into a hug as he sat upright, rocking them gently as he did so.
“Stop-” they hiccuped “treating me like a baby”
“But that's the only way you'll calm down. You told me this yourself Y/N.”
They rubbed their eyes as they looked up at the severely burnt man. His skin looked inflamed from his crying. They tried to reach up and touch him but he jerked his head back the second their hand went up.
“How did you survive?”
“I can ask you the same thing.”
Y/N rolled their eyes at his reply. Typical V behavior, they thought to themselves. They stayed this way for a few more moments until the realization of where they were set in.
“Welp, we must be going now, police will come any second. We'll be executed if we're found here.” V sprang up, walking over to his mask and hat and quickly put them back where they belonged. Y/N followed suit, already walking out of the bathroom and to the window they had broken to get inside.
“Where are you going?” V asked as the night wind went through his hair
“Home?” they answered back, hoping that they could still fly now that they knew V was alive.
“But that's the completely wrong way.” they looked over at him, confusion on their face as they opened their mouth to speak before V interrupted them, oh how V had a horrible habit of that.
“You're coming home with me. I'm not letting my dear friend live on the street or in some broken-down building.” he held out his hand to them. Y/N could feel V smirking under his cracked mask and rolling their eyes gave them their hand.
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soft-hard-peaches · 5 years
Drabble: Jealousy
·hongjoong ✔ ·Seonghwa ·Yunho ·Yeosang ·San ·Mingi ·Wooyoung ·Jongho
Note: this a a mixture of S.O. and bff cuz I'm indecisive af
I'll update the rest individually
Kim Hongjoong
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It's been an hour or so since you two have arrived to the party. The car ride was going good. You both were excited to hangout with you friends together and sang along. You were both carefree. He loves hanging around with him and his friends and your radiating easy-going personality is practically contagious to others. Things were going well until you both actually get there.
Hand in hand, you pardon yourselves through the crowd of people till you saw your friend Dahyun and without hesitation separated from your boyfriend. Hongjoong initially shocked that you practically forgot about him but San snapped him out of it by calling him over, "Hyung when'd you get here?" Joong responded but was still searching for you, eventually spotting you with your group of girlfriends. A bit antsy but he was able to relax a bit.
As the party goes on, you two have been virtually miles away in his eyes. He sees you every now and again but you often disappear with your friends and that increasingly irritates him. He doesn't mind you being with friends but he wanted your company tonight. He felt foolish to feel this way. He tries to just enjoy his buddies and their antics but that doesn't last long. He spots you alone on the other side of the room with an acquaintance, Gunhak a.k.a Leedo. He keeps his eyes on you both till Yunho distracts the group with a joke causing to shake his head with a laugh but when he goes back to you, he sees Gunhak lower down to whisper something in your ear cause him to shoot straight up.
Joong tenses his jaw and makes his was to you. Blowing through the crowd, ready to fight anyone who pisses him off even more. You spot him and wave happily but he forces his way between you two glaring at the "friend". You were confused from the abrupt actions and stepped back. Simultaneously "baby" and "bro" was yelled at Joong but he only retorted to Gunhak. "Don't get to close to another man's girl.. Know your place bro."
After that assertion, he grabbed your hand and lead you through the unaware party-goers and a puzzled Ateez. Even with your persistently questioning he doesn't respond. Once you walked out the party, you snatched your arm away from him with fury. "Why are you acting this way? I was having fun you dick!?" He snapped back at your response, "Yeah.. I bet you were having fun especially with Leedo."
You were livid at his assumption and defended yourself so, "Gunhak and I-" but you didn't get to finish your sentence because of your irate boyfriend. “WOW! so you’re on first name bases with him now? I sure did miss a lot in these last couple of hours." You yelled his name with stressed emphasis to assert your position. He stops and leans on his car. You take a moment to breathe and gather yourself. He watches you the whole time. Waiting for his opponent to strike again. You open your mouth, ready to clear your name and put this all behind you.
"I left Dahyun and the girls to go the bathroom, when I came back to find them Leedo stops me. He was making small talk and I humored him cuz he was drunk but then he got close and whispered something to me. I didn't catch it." After your story he chuckled dryly causing your blood to boil over. You pressed your tongue against the inside of your cheek and asked "What's so fucking funny Joong?" You're just about over this conversation that's going nowhere. He stop laughing and pushes his hair up. You're hoping he'd let this go, at least for the night. But no, your beloved boyfriend isn't satisfied with your response. He's not satistied with his girlfriend giving people more attention then him. His feelings were misguided with jealousy though he doesn't know it yet.
"I just don't understand why you'd stand there and talk to a drunk guy, whoever it is, and just let him whisper in your ear. Do you enjoy the attention?" You are furthered angered by his rude words leaving you speechless so he continues. "Why didn't you tell him off? You could of called your friends to go with you. He was probably trying to sleep with you." You clap back at his boorish attitude just wanting this to stop, "Why would you assume he wanting to have sex?" You're both almost completely drained. This fight has made its climax and you both can't yell anymore so Joong talks in almost a hush but loud enough for you to hear, "fucking isn't that hard.."
Whether he meant that the way you took didn't matter. Had said what he said and it killed you inside. Your body was overheating but you couldn't stop shaking like you were freezing. You couldn't look at him anymore. You didn't see the look of sorrow in his eyes from saying such nasty things, but he instantly got hit with the realization of his words. As he watched you walk away, he finally realized the rest of Ateez were watching the fight, though he doesn't know for how long.
You shoved the boys to get back into the house to find comfort from Dayhun and the guys slowly walk to Hongjoong to help him figure out the mass if the situation.
The night ends with you both feeling numb and hollowed out. Not knowing your future together.
~Side note: 𝘪𝘮 𝘴𝘳𝘳𝘺 𝘓𝘦𝘦𝘥𝘰 𝘐 𝘭𝘰𝘷𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶!~
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birdwonder · 5 years
Hi! I've been watching Brooklyn 9-9 and I just had a thought: a detective!reader who's like Jake Peralta 80-90% of the time (and who's also a stand-user) with Bruno. Maybe reader helped him when he was injured but didn't know that he's a part of mafia but then boom, they meet again when reader went undercover maybe, so reader is just ":0!!!" Sorry if it's weird, have a nice day/night!
|| so sorry this took so long ! i tried to watch some Jake Peralta scenes to help me since i haven’t watched Brooklyn 99 before but i didn’t really capture his character at all. the mood of this story is like. entirely different from the request and i didn’t add the stand user part bc i forgot- sorry!  it was meant to be better but somehow my tab deleted with my first version of the story. :,) honestly i’d be happy to try again for a more light hearted story if you want to request again!
Bruno Bucciarati | Second Meetings
“Truth be told, I never wanted us meeting like this,” he confessed, wine glass in hand while he purposefully turned it in circular motions to watch the red liquid swirl. It was like you - rouge lips, red dress and the perfect pair of heels to match.
“Honestly, I didn’t think we’d meet again.” You laughed softly, your own wine glass empty and placed on the balcony’s fence. The moon was full and the night was far from cloudy. A perfect excuse not to look at him, not yet at least. Let it all sink in first.
You had waited endless days, months and almost a year to be given an assignment as important as this; the amount pleading and begging you had done was unmeasurable. Of course this is what you wanted, ever since you become an official rookie cop. No - ever since you were old enough to realise the truths of the country you lived in.
Here, the weak are preyed on and the wealthy get away with it all. Street thugs to Mafia members go unpunished while others suffer for their wrong doings, and it’s the furthest thing from fair. That’s why you committed not only your heart but every moment of your life training to become the person you are now, a police officer who can at the very least help a town become a safer place for everyone who lives in it and visits.
Still, you never expected to be in a situation like this.
When you had asked your boss to give you a more important task outside of street patrol and parking ticket duty, you were expecting to be sent to do arrests and investigate some crime scenes, but you were sent on the cheesiest mission in the world. None of your coworkers even expected it, seeing you - the woman who sent the whole station into a riot on your first day just by cracking a couple of jokes - in a dress that showed more than what a modest person could imagine.
The plan was to investigate the members attending a party that only the ‘underground’ members of society could attend, try to overhear any plans, find out the statuses of some mafioso’s and if you were lucky, talk to a Capo. Gain their trust and let them have something slip. You just had to be careful they you weren’t found out and killed. They were the sort of men and women who were merciless when outsiders tried to interfere with their business and you being a cop wouldn’t help at all.
When you entered the party hall, well decorated and filled, you instantly knew this was going to be harder than it initially seemed. ‘There’s no way I could find out anything just by asking questions, it’s too suspicious. I’ll just drink and blend in until I can strike up casual conversation,’ you explained to yourself as you approached a silk covered table, glasses filled with all sorts of beverages on top.
Wine seemed like a good choice, you weren't much of a drinker at all but whatever calmed the nerves! If it did at all. Again, you weren’t much of a drinker. You threw your head back as your lips pressed against the rim of the glass and downed all of what the glass contained in seconds - the flavour barely hitting your tongue and the drink simply running down your throat. Something fizzy was definitely better.
A low, impressed whistle was then let out, followed with a few claps and a voice, “impressive. I can’t say I’ve seen anyone here finish a drink as fast as you have!”
That was the start of leading you to your current predicament.
“You still have that middle aged woman hair cut I see.” Light teasing, nothing truly offensive and even he chuckled a little, head shaking at your comment. You had described it just like that when you first met, insulting him at first until you apologised sincerely and cracked some self deprecating joke about your own messy hair.
His lips held onto the rim of the glass and slowly the wine was disappearing. He seemed calm and relaxed but even he would be a bit on edge in a situation like this.
Bruno knew you were a cop, a truly good hearted one at that, you had told him about it the day you met and proved it through your conversation and actions alone. That was the problem however, being a police officer while he was the Capo you were looking for. It was a tragedy you two met again like this, and he knew you couldn’t leave this place without something to help the police force. You just had to help others in some way. He didn’t know many people who would help him out in a situation like the last.
It must have been a month ago, more or less, and he had fallen by your doorstep due to exhaustion from who knows what; he never told you after all. You never asked questions though. When he awakened, you can imagine his surprise to find himself in a stranger’s home with a woman only feet away, humming to herself as she prepared a meal. That was one of the more noticeable things about your home, how close everything was together.
“Where am I?” He asked out loud, knowing that keeping a level head would be the better option instead of panicking right off that bat. Thankfully, it had caught your attention and you rushed to his side immediately, checking to see if he was alright before explaining to him how he had passed out in front of your home. It was confusing but the pieces came together quickly. Right before blacking out, Bruno was going against a stand user who was trying to climb the ranks of the mafia and though he had succeeded in winning, the exhaustion of the battle had gotten to him too quick to comprehend.
“Name’s [F/N] by the way, I’m a cop so don’t worry about me doing anything shifty while you were asleep! Your outfit’s a bit too whack to touch anyways.”
It was just his luck that a police officer was the one who had helped him.
Still, he was grateful and even more so when you started offering him the food you were making.
“I’m Bruno, a pleasure Miss [F/N].” Better not use last names.
When you parted ways, you jokingly pouted at him, “need to go so soon? I was just about to get used to you being my new room mate, bob cut.”
“How sweet you of, perhaps I’ll be seeing you later,” he laughed, detesting the nickname while simultaneously appreciating your light-hearted and humorous nature.
“I hope that’s more of a promise than a farewell!”
Luck wasn’t kind to him again. Seeing you here like this was a curse, a mistake, anything that he could easily say was the cause of the small break in his heart. It was wrong to even feel that pain, you didn’t deserve a gangsta. Not when you were so purely justice driven.
“So you really are a capo, hm?” You didn't sound angry nor disgusted. More detached if anything, which you were. You wanted to let go of this reality and assume this was a dream mixed with a nightmare.
Now two empty glasses resided on the balcony, along with two young adults who just didn’t know where to go from here, Bruno only nodding in response to your question.
A small sigh left your lips, shaky from either the cold whipping against your exposed skin to which you tried to cover by crossing your arms, or from the nerves. “You’re not going to um-“ Noticing your shivering, Bruno had moved closer beside you and wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you closer towards him so that he could shield you from the wind. Not entirely effective but the gesture threw you off from the horrific question you were going to ask.
He answered anyways. “Kill you? No, no, I don’t even think about hurting those you don’t deserve it. [F/N], you’re a good person. A sweet one who shouldn’t be risking herself by coming here and yet you have. I respect you far more than I show - you have to leave soon before someone notices you.”
You shook your head in response to that. You couldn’t leave! Not yet, not when you barely had any information to report. You had gotten this far, you just had to find something good, something worth knowing. “Bruno I can’t! I have to stay, just for a bit longer!”
“And risk someone finding you out?” He sounded harsh, just for a second. He softened once he noticed your worry. “I’m sorry, but you can’t just risk yourself like that. I’m going to get you out of here.”
“If it helps. Some people have been talking about terrorising the main street in a week’s time. Scare off the locals and rob what they can before anyone tries to stop them so,”
“Beef up the patrol there and we should be good,” you finished for him. It wasn’t exactly ‘take down the mafia’ intel but the fact you were alive was a miracle. “Thank you. I- I’m glad there’s at least some good in gangs, even if you seem like you’d be a better cop.” Your smile was thanks enough to him. How unfair of the moon to highlight your face like an angel’s when he should be telling it ‘goodbye.’
“Call us even, for last time.” His arm around your shoulders then lowered to be around your waist, guiding you away from the balcony and back inside, voice much lower now. “Let’s get you out of here now, if anyone asks I’ll just say you were my date who had to leave early.”
You giggled at that, “your ‘date’?”
“Hey, it makes for a good story. Plus, it makes me look good too, having a beauty like you on my side.”
Neither of you should be joking like this, the attachment was wrong. It wasn’t stopping you though, the two of you continuing to chortle at each other’s words. Quipping back, you teased him, “I don’t know if they’ll know which of us is meant to be the woman here, bob cut.”
When you were by the exit, you two made the mistake of looking into each other’s eyes, you taking a moment to appreciate his blue orbs and him doing the same with your own.
Pulling away from each other’s gaze was harder than you thought it would be. You tried to play it off by snapping your head to the side and faked a cough. “So I guess it’s goodbye again now, right?”
Bruno was looking elsewhere too. He seemed more interested in a potted plant or the wall when really he could only think of you. “Well, for now maybe. If we’re lucky, I’ll be seeing you soon.”
Was this excitement? Compose yourself, [F/N]! You were still on the job. “Make it next Friday soon, you know where to find me.” So much for composure, you were smiling.
“It’s a date.”
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