#the fish is a paid actor etc
shugarmelon85 · 8 months
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a girl, her fish, and the boy she kissed
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outsidereveries · 6 months
The People start hate the idols buy or promoted Starbucks recently*génocide 🇵🇸 but in final they know the idols are obliged to sponsor the brands
This is obvious propagand by Starbucks, they know the kpop idols should follow their rules anyways
I think this is dumb ,they think someone support génocide if they drink cup of brand zionist ...
Here you are wrong (at least in my point of view) because this is not dumb at all but to make an effective boycott it has to be even harsher.
I will take for example the famous people in USA. We saw that to support Palestine, you risk to lose your job - gigs, brands, doesn't matter. I saw it with some actors for example. Therefore, if the k-pop idols want to be relevant there, they are definitely obligied to support Israel. For this part I can agree. Otherwise they'll lose their jobs. Here, Selena (Gomez) is an example for why she didn't took a side and more importantly, said that she is not siding with anyone. From what I remember, Hadid sisters didn't took side either because of the same reasons, same as Selena. The propaganda isn't by SB itself but rather that if there are actually sponsored videos THEY AREN'T PUBLICLY "Paid Partnership" on TikTok and other social medias, THAT IS THE ISSUE. I saw that video with Somi, and since she's an idol, she automatically becomes more or less an influencer. Therefore IF THERE ARE PAID PARTNERSHIPS TELL EVERYONE YOU EARN SOMETHING FOR IT - PRODUCTS, MONEY, IDFK WHAT ELSE. JUST TELL THEM. That's the issue. I was in this industry, i know what i am talking about. Otherwise Somi and everyone else will immediately be called out for "supporting a company that supports Israel", even if they actually don't.
Specifically to the mentioned brand from you, it's EVERYWHERE. In many countries. To be effective for one country, the boycott has to be very massive to even somehow affect SB. I do live in small city that doesn't have SB, McD (and I don't buy anything from there when I am in bigger city) and I don't watch Disney. I don't use Always pads for years too. I also don't drink Coca-Cola, however I do drink Bankya from time to time (local water that is from Coca-Cola's company here that I actually do like) and I try to not buy it as much as possible. However, I also personally boycott another water company that confirmed they poison many fish species in a lake from what I remember. When I shop in smaller shops for water, sometimes I don't have choice. (I cannot remember for other Israel supporter companies) But I am just one, it has to be done by dozens of people if possible. This applies to everything. The boycott doesn't affect anything and the losses aren't big. Be smart, don't use big brands, drink coffee or smoothie in LOCAL PLACES, not these big Israel supporting companies!
The issue here is that if idols do show an actual OBVIOUSLY VISIBLE support to either side, they'll be called out anyways from either their audience OR sponsors/bosses/etc. There are losses anyways.. and maybe that's what I saw months ago :)
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melonteee · 8 months
I think you are disregarding some elements in a series budget. Let’s break it down the amount of stuff they need to think about budget wise:
Above the Line costs:
Respective rates of writers, producers, director, and main cast,
Cost of script development and rewrites
There are expenses like airfare, accommodation, transportation, food, equipment, and etc only for the main cast, writers, directors etc.
Below the line costs:
Different Crew and extra casts wages; their expenses are very different in terms of rates like accommodation, transportation, catering, travel, hotel stay
Choreographing, rehearsing, and planning stunts, make sure the actors are all right
The casting department have different wages
Concept art and location scouting costs money too
Rental location fees
There is Production design costs, set building costs, props development, prosthetics (there were a lot of fish men), live set and studio costs, costumes, catering (food and drinks etc.), etc.
Post-production costs like editing
Insurance for all sort of stuff
Location and equipment permits, vehicles, transportation, equipment rentals, and wire work
CGI work, depending largely on the amount of work (the building in arlong park is cgi and not real)
Sound design, music licensing, music budget; people really underestimate how much money is put on the music
Then there’s marketing costs
You realise how insane this all sounds when they were literally making the live action DURING the time of writers, actors AND CGI workers not getting a fair pay - ie, before the strike. I'm sorry but saying they didn't have enough 'money' in terms of being unable to bring certain properties and characters to life is just a straight up lie, especially if you're going all in on a live action from a multi MILLION dollar company such as Netflix that has no doubt made their money back tenfold.
I'm very well aware how much money goes into this stuff, but again, apparently this is THE highest paid tv show PER episode to date since Game of Thrones. And if not even THAT can bring all the elements of One Piece to life, then my point stands. If you're having extreme issues making a live action with the medium, to the point you have to exclude important characters, then perhaps (for artistic purposes) a live action should not be adapted in the first place? Especially when a cheaper made anime with a MUCH cheaper budget CAN include everything lmao.
Maybe because One Piece is made for and much better suited to its animation medium but! Perhaps that's just me.
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katieskarlette · 3 years
Shadowlands voice actor panel
Aralon (which got autocorrected to Stalin for some reason lmao) (Max)
Denathrius (Ray Chase)
Draka (Debra)
Bwonsamdi (Alex Desert)
Anduin (Josh Keaton)
Steve Danuser
They got the call about needing to work from home March 13th, the same day the library board voted to close my workplace. Heh.
They weren’t sure at first if they could even have voice acting in Shadowlands or if they would have to ship a silent expansion. What a thought!
Josh Keaton had to do Zoom calls to record some sessions, sometimes while his two kids were simultaneously doing online schooling. He says he played a lot more WoW during lockdown.
Max (didn’t catch his last name) got through with Netflix and recorded in a closet at home. Now I’m imagining Aralon getting his antlers caught in coat hangers...lol
Bwonsamdi’s VA likes golf. There’s another great mental picture.
Debra (Draka’s VA, again I didn’t get her last name) is divorced with no kids so she relishes the freedom to engage in her own hobbies. She mentioned pets including dogs and fish (the latter of which earned her points in my book). She says she’s gone through very dark times in her life and has developed strong coping skills that served her well in the pandemic.
It’s funny because Draka is a stoic, serious character and her VA is really hyper.
Denathrius’ VA got married last March in what ended up being a tiny backyard affair due to Covid.
Steve Danuser says Shadowlands’ concept was already well established when the pandemic started, so the awkwardness of an expansion focused on death while scores of people were dying IRL was unavoidable.
He said it was a pretty blank canvas to work with as we hadn’t been to the shadowlands before. Death in Warcraft is not an end. It’s more of a transition to new opportunities. And there is capital-D Death, a cosmic force, which is entwined with capital-L Life.
The characters of Shadowlands like Aralon and Denathrius are very much alive in the way they connect with the audience.
Player characters are tied to the life force of Azeroth and that’s what tugs us back to life when our HP hits zero.
Many tears were shed in the studio while recording Aralon’s Afterlives short. It was recorded before Covid hit. Max says his mom cried watching it, and she doesn’t normally do that at animation. He says he was in a bit of a creative rut beforehand and diving into WoW’s story invigorated him.
Funny transition as they talked about how the actor’s heart and soul shines through in the characters,  in relation to Max being such a great guy, and then turned to Ray and joked about how he was (not) an evil bastard like Denathrius.
Denathrius’ voice was often described internally as “delicious.” They played classical music and had him sipping tea while recording Denathrius’ Afterlives speech.
It was recorded pre-Covid, which is funny because of all the “in these difficult times” speeches and emails we heard IRL soon after.
Regarding his character, Ray says, “He loves himself more than anything.” “And he’s got a cool sword that he doesn’t even have to swing.”
They also pointed out that he picked the largest chair in the room today, and he made a crack about how it was “his throne.” LOL
Draka’s VA says she “drags the pain with her” but doesn’t use it as an excuse. It gives her strength in a private way. Authenticity is vital in voice acting and she draws deep into her own experiences. She gets so immersed she doesn’t feel that she’s in the recording booth anymore, and concentrates on sensory details like what temperature it is where Draka is, what kind of ground she’s standing on, etc.
Alex says he doesn’t get to play bad guys that much so Bwonsamdi is a treat. He mimics that lanky, laidback posture while recording so they have to keep repositioning the microphone. He also tends to ad-lib more than most Blizzard VAs.
They mentioned Bwonsamdi fan fiction existing and giggled. Oh dear. They made a similar “wink wink” comment about the fan reaction to Denathrius. They know. Oh lordy.
Josh on Anduin: He has this unshakable faith in the Light to the point where it borders on naïveté, but he’s faced so many bad things and defeats, and now he’s imprisoned, and he has to reach for that faith in a different way.
As a child actor with strict parents he didn’t feel quite prepared to be on his own as an adult, and drew on some of that for Anduin’s coming of age.
Steve says the cutscenes with Anduin and Sylvanas in Torghast are among his all-time favorites. The power dynamics, character beats, lighting, etc.
They went around and read some of their characters’ lines, and Denathrius’ VA was gleeful that he gets paid to ham it up being a douche. LOL
They switched scripts and read each other’s lines. Ray did such a good Anduin they were like, “Maybe Denathrius is a lost-lost brother” and then “Spoilers!” (I’ve read worse fanfics...Heehee...)
Wrapping up the panel now. I absolutely love the voice actors’ panels, and this did not disappoint. I wish more of them could have been there, but the ones who were there were all fantastic.
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gkshivashakti55 · 3 years
Beautifying Life With Success Tips
1. Getting Past Fear of Failure
Being afraid of failure is a normal emotion for every person on the planet. How you get past that fear is the determining factor between failing and succeeding. You can do that by setting realistic goals and then examining those goals on occasion to do any necessary realignment. Above all, believe in yourself and the desire burning within that you can achieve it.
2. Make Opportunities
Rather than wait for money opportunity to find you, you need to find money opportunities. This might be watching for business opportunities in the paper regarding small businesses being sold, great real estate opportunities, and investments with stocks, bonds, or mutual funds, taking a talent and turning it into an entrepreneurial adventure. People that have reached financial status will tell you that they look for ways to seize opportunities, not wait for opportunities to come knocking on their door because it will not happen that way.
3. Make the Best of Each Day
Try to live every day as though it were your last. Make the most of every day and accomplish something. Even if it is something small, every baby step adds up to a huge success in the end.
4. Have a Plan
Even if it is flimsy to begin with, you should construct a plan to include goal, milestones, deliverables such as contracts, business plans, etc., and accomplishments. This will provide you with a visual as to what you are working for, what milestones you have successfully met, and where you need to do better.
5. Seek Input
Whatever your idea of to make money, conduct a “sanity check” throughout the process of reaching your goal. This should be done with someone you trust and who is themselves successful. Ask them to provide honest feedback about your success and as you move through different milestones, bounce concerns or new ideas off them to help keep you on the right track.
6. Stay Motivated
When striving for the big goal of success to make more money in life, it is critical to stay motivated. Find inspiring and motivational tapes, seminars, books, movies; whatever you are able to get your hands on. When you start to feel a little down and out and doubt starts to creep in, turn to these motivational tools to help you keep on track. A few excellent motivators include Tony Robbins, Norman Vincent Peale, Jim Rohn, Zig Ziglar, and Les Brown.
7. Don’t Settle
If you have a goal of making one million dollar and you know you have both desire and skill, do not just settle to make one hundred thousand only. While that may be good training ground, do not allow yourself to lose sight of your ultimate goal.
8. No Excuses
Many famous actors, music artists, inventors, etc., had special challenges ranging from learning disabilities to physical disabilities. Take Beethoven for example. He was born deaf yet he went on to be one of the world’s greatest composers or Joni Erickson who was paralyzed from the neck down yet she learned to paint with her mouth. Today, her paintings are famous around the world and worth millions. If you are faced with a special challenge of your own when you are trying to make more money, while you may have to adjust things from time to time, do not use excuses. If you want something bad enough, there is a way!
9. Patience and Dues
Succeeding to make more money takes time. A goal worth setting will take time to achieve. Be patient with yourself, the people around you, and the process it takes to become successful, also referred to as “paying your dues.” Pay your dues by learning and working your way up the ladder to success.
10. Be Thankful
You need to be thankful for not only your accomplishments but also your failures. Having a grateful attitude is important. It will help you stay humble, which in turn, will help you continue striving for the ultimate in success.
11. Focus on Something you Like
To increase your chance of succeeding to make money, you should concentrate your efforts on something you enjoy. When you start out, make a list of everything you find interesting. Then in a second column, write down the skills you have in relation to each of those items. This will help you narrow choices down based on interest and skill, which gets you started in the right direction for success in making money.
12. Keep a Journal
As you work hard to become financially rich, you need to be able to see your accomplishments. Start a journal and track every thing you have conquered. When you feel discouraged or frustrated, reflect on what you have achieved, and rejuvenate yourself.
13. Rewards
When children do something great, parents will reward them with something nice, whether a kind word of encouragement or a new toy. When people do well in their job, they get raises. As you surpass your milestones, reward yourself. Treat yourself to something nice — a new dress, a new fishing pole, whatever you like, be sure to award yourself for a job well done.
14. Watch for Scams
Whether you are just starting out or expanding an existing business, unfortunately, there are thousands of people waiting to defraud you out of money. If something appears too good to be true — IT IS! Always conduct thorough research and never jump into opportunities that look perfect. If someone becomes pushy, wanting you to make a quick decision on any type of investment, do not walk away — RUN away!
15. Don’t Neglect Things
Especially when things are small and do not appear to have a major impact on the big picture, you need to ensure you follow through and complete your tasks. Those little things can quickly add up to a big mess if not taken care of in a timely and efficient manner.
16. Associate And Collaborate with Others
More than likely, you will reach various times when you do not have the appropriate expertise to make more money. This is the time collaboration and/or networking is valuable. These relationships can help you answer questions, provide guidance, and provide the ongoing support and encouragement you will need.
17. Repositioning and Reflection
On occasion, reflect on what you have accomplished as well as your open milestones and ensure you are still heading in the right direction. Repositioning along the way to success is perfectly normal and to be expected. You may have been struggling with something specific. Rather than continue battling this issue, reflect on what has not been working, and reposition yourself so you do not have to keep battling the same things repeatedly.
18. Get out of Debt
Take time to get any debts paid off, especially credit card debts that will cost you a fortune in interest. This is especially important if you will be seeking funding to make more money. You want to ensure that your records and credit are clean if you need to make a presentation before an investor, asking for money.
19. Continue To Read
Stay current on the industry news that your goal falls in. Learn about current trends, company failures or successes, new ideas; whatever information you can find. For example, if you have decided to open a retail store and have a great idea and a real passion for your goal, read about that specific type of store, location, potential revenue, downfalls, everything. This information will be a part of your business plan and is crucial.
20. Take Notes
How many times have you had an idea on how to make more money either through a dream, while doing the dishes, or sitting at your desk, and have thought that as soon as you have time, you will make a note of it. When that free time rolls around, you have forgotten some or all of that great money-making idea. Keep a journal or notepad handy at all times. When you have an idea, write it down immediately.
These twenty short topics are always helpful for a human beings towards success relating these with their own subject goal.
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eng-hypnosismic · 6 years
Spoon Interview (Shirai Yusuke)
Please support spoon 2Di !! You might be able to find them on Amazon.jp (international credit cards accepted) and CD Japan. Please show Hypmic that international fans also contribute to the sales!!  This article is from vol. 41. 
Shirai Yusuke is the voice actor of Shibuya’s cute idol Amemura Ramuda. How did he perform the cuteness unique to the bubbly Ramuda, or his intriguing duality? We’ll be asking him about all that!
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——How do you feel about the current boom of popularity?
“Until the release, I was still unsure about how well the hip-hop genre would be received, but now that I know a lot of people are listening to it, I’m delighted. I never imagined it would have such a sudden upsurge in popularity.”  
——During the nico-nama live stream the other day, you probably directly felt the reaction of the audiences.
“The enthusiasm was just incredible. I felt like we were all enjoying something new together.”  
——How did it feel to actually rap freestyle?
“I took up the challenge just like that, but freestyling was difficult (laughs). You have to get your words in rhythm, and keep going at it while rhyming nicely; I really felt the importance of wit, vocabularies, etc. However, it was something that I don’t usually do, so it was refreshing and felt good. If there’s another chance, I want to practice a bit more and take the challenge again no matter what!”
——So in hindsight, how did you feel when you heard about the project of Hypnosis Mic?
“Since I always sing songs of rappers I like at karaoke, a rap project seemed interesting to me. Actually, I auditioned for other characters instead of Ramuda. But then after that, they sent me an offer that said, “please be Amemura Ramuda.” There I saw Ramuda for the first time and was a bit shocked, like, “this cute boy... me?” So I had to go up to my manager and confirm with them if the role of this character was really offered to me (laughs).”
——Ramuda's visual is really cute like a girl (laughs).
“They directed me to make him bubbly and sly like he knows how cute he is.. However, even though his appearance is this cute, he’s still a grown man who’s 24 years old, so it has to be within reasons, as I was told. So I did my best to show as much slyness  as I can. I I have never played any characters look as androgynous as he does, and I think this is my first time playing a main character whose voice is this high-pitched.
——So you really focused on showing the cuteness and slyness while you’re performing as him.
“That’s right. Ramuda himself is also “clever, and understands how others see him [according to the character profiles],” meaning that he makes himself look cute; his slyness probably comes from him trying to act cute. So I thought that if that’s the case, I could pull it off, too. Therefore, when I voice Ramuda, I try to make sure I show a little of that forced cuteness.”
—— In the drama tracks of Fling Posse VS Matenrou, weren’t there parts when you had to also portray his other side?
“When I first voiced Ramuda, I didn’t know about his duality, so I didn’t act with the thought in mind that he had another side. Therefore, I was also shocked by that side of Ramuda!”
——Now that you have performed as him so far, what do you think Ramuda is like?
“He’s just full of mysteries. We still don’t know about his past, and just like how Gentaro was saying in the drama track, Ramuda is "too spotless" and it feels almost like it's all made up. In Fling Posse VS Matenrou, I played “Dark Ramuda.” ...that’s how I called his other side (laughs). Since I don’t know whether that was his true self or his acting, I am looking forward to how it will turn out. What’s more, since he also has connections with Kadenokouji Ichijiku-san (who is a high-ranking official of Chuo-ku), I think he’s going to be the key character of the plot. I am also looking forward to the story’s development.”
——It was really shocking that he was in communication with Ichijiku-san; as his voice actor, how did you feel about this?
“I had so much fun. Finally, I could talk in a comfortable tone (laughs)! Though I had also wondered if I should keep a little bit of his usual cute vibes, I intentionally changed [my voice] to the extent that it sounded like a different person. When people told me how shocked they were to find out about that Ramuda, it made me grin thinking, “I know right” (laughs).
——So what kind of team do you think Fling posse of Shibuya Division is?
“Fling posse started off with Ramuda forcing Gentaro and Dice to join, but taking that into consideration, they’re getting along pretty well. They have bright, pop-like vibes to them. However in the drama tracks of Fling Posse VS Matenrou, Gentaro was also suspicious of Ramuda, so they were both probing into each other and things were turning a bit sour… And then amongst them there is Dice who’s the only one not caring about anything (laughs). That’s why I think thanks to Dice, the team can maintain its balance. His lightheartedness really helps; I think he’s a great guy. Gentaro is a serial liar, Ramuda is full of mysteries, and maybe that’s how Dice’s straightforwardness stands out so much. Even though Dice loves gambling to death, he’s in general a sensible person. For example, he stood up for Gentaro when Hifumi dissed his clothes. When you see how much he treasures his friends, you can really tell that they’re ‘posse’. I am glad to see that their relationships have improved a lot compared to when they first started.”
——What do you think about the relationship between Ramuda and Dice?
“It feels a bit superficial. But since Dice trusts Ramuda, the exchange between the two is generally pleasant.”
——What about Gentaro then?
“Even though he likes saying “it’s a lie,” I think there has to be some truth in there. Anything could be a lie or a truth; it’s fun to ponder on it. Actually, I wonder if Ramuda already saw through what Gentaro was thinking; as I mentioned just now, in this CD’s drama track both Ramuda and Gentaro were figuring each other out. But Ramuda didn’t really let him know much more than what he revealed. However, there are also quite a few mysteries regarding Gentaro. For instance, he was angered by Hifumi’s comment on his vintage outfit, he seems to have all sorts of secrets. Not just Ramuda and Gentaro, everyone seems to have their own past. I really want to know about them soon.”
——What do you think is the strength of all three of them as Shibuya Division?
“Although they seem to have nothing in common, surprisingly they get along. I think their charm lies in their youthful, pop vibes, as well as their positivity.”
——As your opponents in Battle Battle Battle, what kind of team do you think Shinjuku Division is?
“Contrary to Shibuya’s youthfulness, Shinjuku are adults, and they are a team of mature appeal. However, they also surprisingly get along, which is nice. Jakurai-san seems like a loner at first,  and yet he goes fishing with Hifumi. Doppo and Hifumi were friends since they were very little, but I didn’t expect that they’re living together. They’re so close with each other.”
ーー In Jakurai and Ramuda's duet, it has awfully thrilling feelings when you listened to it, is there anything you were conscious of when you perform?
“I try to be offensive and snappy towards Jakurai at full power. Therefore, I exaggerate my expressions, and put extra effort in delivering the taunts. Honestly, I had fun doing that (laughs). They were in a team together in the past, but curiously he seems fine with Ichiro and Samatoki; it was only with Jakurai that he has this antagonism. Ikebukuro and Yokohama, or Ichiro and Samatoki are also hostile towards each other; I really want to know what happened between them.”
——We were only given some intriguing keywords. Like how Samatoki calls Ichiro a “hypocrite”, and that Jakurai mentioned that Rumuda had “done something inhuman”.
“Oh well, what inhuman things have you done, Ramuda…(laughs)”
——For the next part, I would like to know more about the songs. To start with, please tell us was there anything you were particular about or paid attention to while you were recording your solo song Drops?
“Since it’s a solo song, it is the most Ramuda-style song ever. When I recorded the very first drama track, I did the highest voice I could to show Ramuda’s cuteness, so at the song recording I was worried like, “do I have to rap in that tone all the way…!?” (laughs) However, once I found out that the song only had rapping at important parts [and the rest was singing], I remember feeling a bit more relieved (laughs). It’s a stylish and cool song, I like it.”
——While rapping with a cute impression is good, I think the faint, sexy undertone of a 24-year-old man in there was brilliant.
“I'm glad you say so! At the beginning of Ramuda's rap, the feeling of him acting all cute and charged up really was intense, and the pyon pyon part really hit the limit. I sang it like I'd exhausted all my brain cells (laughs). I tried to sing it at karaoke once, but my heart broke in the middle of it (laughs). I had wondered if I would be able to sing this live. Ah, but when this interview gets published, the live will have already taken place! I think it'd be nice if I can sing it well (laughs). However, my feelings of wanting to sing it in front of everyone are strong, so I think it'd be nice if I could sing it happily. Also, Gentaro’s VA, Saito Soma told me that he thinks the lyrics at the chorus -  "if you want to pick it up, do it" are superb! I was like, "ehh, is that so~" (laughs). Other people also told me the same thing, so I thought, "I guess it is~!”
——How about your division song, Shibuya Marble Texture - PCCS- then?
“This song is stylish, isn’t it! When I listened to it for the first time, I was surprised that this type of style can exist in the project, too. So far, all the songs have had either a fast tempo or they have loud and offensive moods to them. A rap with a relaxing tune was really refreshing. Although, Ramuda's voice was high as always (laughs). I think the song suits the evenings, so I listened to it on the way home from work. Because this song is the most recently recorded, I noticed some improvements in my skill after singing a lot of songs before it. At first I was really struggling, but it became more and more enjoyable as I went. Comparing it to the first time and the stage live... It's a bit embarrassing to say (laughs). Anyway, in contrast to the peaceful feeling of this song, the plot twist in the drama track is so...! There is this lyrics verse, "Shouldn't the world be more interesting?" rapped by Ramuda which makes you wonder which the true one is; the Ramuda of those lyrics or the one from the drama part. I think everyone ponders about that.
Since you can feel the bonds of those three in the lyrics "Side by side we watch the sunset", it would be nice if their bond pictured here [in the lyrics] is not a lie. It leaves a lot to the imagination.”
——On Ramuda and Gentaro's part, Dice who shouted their names was impressive, but on the contrary, when Dice got his, Ramuda was all-out with his, "Di~ce!", it was really cute.
“I put my everything in that ‘Dice’ (laughs). That part was originally not included in the song demo, but since Dice's VA, Nozuyama, shouted Ramuda and Gentaro's names, Ramuda decided to do it too when recording, because it’s not in character for Gentaro to do it. Speaking of which, Doppo's VA, Itou Kento, said he always listened to this song during the morning commute and that made me happy. It does get you in the mood if you listen to it when you are traveling!”
——Well then, how about Shibuya and Shinjuku's battle song, BATTLE BATTLE BATTLE?
“I'd say it was a real battle, like up until now, they never attacked each other, I think. In the song, there was a line, “Quit draggin’ someone’s past up to the surface over and over”. In that you could see a glimpse of the “Dark Ramuda”. Since the song was distributed before the CD release, if you listened to the song before the drama track, I think you would have been surprised like, "who was that just now?!" (laughs)
Still, I recorded that part separately, so I wondered how everyone would react when they have heard it. That too made me grin a bit while recording (laughs). Then during the verse which said, “without a promise, I won’t forgive that scenario”, he was already back to the usual Ramuda. But there was still a bit of the manly charm and his dark side left in there while I sang it; so when you listen to it, by all means please pay attention to that part.”
ーーHow was it when you heard the finished song together with rest of two members?
“I like how this song gave off the feeling of passing on a baton to each other while battling, but Gentaro's part was too tricky! I mean, it's difficult even if you were told that you can sing it, it’s just impossible (laughs). I really like that, while dodging Hifumi's diss, he provoked the other side with his last line, "A howling imbecile wouldn’t understand that, though, would he?"; I have been looping it in my head all this time. Also, with Dice going against Doppo, the salaryman, I like the feeling of how he struck a great blow with his last one phrase "I ain’t some collared pet.”
——Ramuda's taunting phrase "I’m disa~ppointed" was also good.
“If you were told something like that, you'd certainly get irritated (laughs). I can see Jakurai’s annoyed expression in my head (laughs).”
——Then, please tell us if you have a favorite character and a character you are interested in.
“It's (Iruma) Juto from Yokohama. Even if he is a policeman, he has this shady feeling, and I think how his manner in speaking holds hidden meanings is also nice. In the drama track, it is said that he even questioned Doppo in the past, but I feel like he changed a lot from his old days. Hifumi's duality is also interesting and how even if he is afraid of women, he works as host.”
——Do you have any favorite song aside from Ramuda's?
“Of course it's Ore Ga Ichiro from Kimura Subaru who plays as Ichiro. How he wrote the lyrics by himself is amazing, and the tune is just right. I thought that this guy is totally a rapper and that it was shown clearly.”
——It will be fun if a The Dirty Dawg song were to be made someday, with Ichiro and the legendary team The Dirty Dawg together.”
“Certainly, that possibility is also there! If the songs increase, there could be various combinations even outside the divisions, and perhaps there would be a rap for Dark Ramuda, too.”
——Hypnosis Mic held a Champagne Tower with everyone (the collab drink with karaoke shop), everyone in the cast gave off the impression that they were enjoying their work.
“That champagne tower party was totally private, and yet everyone gathered to that extent, I think that was amazing. Contents of Hypnosis Mic had been exciting so far and I think that it's really pleasing for a lot of people to accept it because we are having a lot of fun too. After all we got to listen to Hayami Show-san’s rap, right?”
——Right. How did listening to Hayami's rap feel like?
“Really cool! Because Hayami is Jakurai, I thought that as Ramuda I should do my best not to lose.”
——Thank you. Lastly, please give a message to your fans.
“By the time this interview gets published, I think we will have already finished the 2nd Live successfully and that the 3rd Live will be decided in November, too. It's unusual to conduct a live in such a short time span, but I think next time we can have fun with more people, so I'd be happy if you could come and play. I don't know how the story will progress according to the battle results, but I am also looking forward to see how Ramuda will get involved. I also want to work hard to improve my rapping skills, so I'd be happy if you can keep supporting Hypnosis Mic in the future.”
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justkeeponsimming · 6 years
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Welcome to the Sims 4 Neighbourhood Legacy Challenge! This legacy challenge is designed to showcase the best of every neighbourhood within the Sims 4. Each generation will be based within each Sims 4 neighbourhood - so this will require all of the current packs! However, if you don’t have a certain pack, it’s totally ok to skip a generation or mix it up to your tastes! We have 8 out of 11 generations complete so far, so I will get to work on these ASAP! Let’s get started with your founder:
Starting Out:
~ Create a young adult sim (any gender/preference). They may be any species (alien, vampire, berry etc.) CC is allowed! ~ Select your aspiration and traits for your founding sim - you must pick one trait from 3 out of the four different categories (one emotional, one hobby, one lifestyle or one social - any combo) e.g bro (social), lazy (lifestyle) and bookworm (hobby). This will be the trait selection style for each sim born into the legacy. You may wish to make this harder by randomising a trait within each category as well! ~ Set your lifespan to long or normal - long is recommended ~ At the start of each generation you must move your sim into the neighbourhood and lot required for this level of the legacy. Your sim may not move, but is free to travel to any world they please ~ You must complete all aspirations unless specified in the generation  ~ No cheats apart from MOO, resetting sims etc.
Generation One ~ Fall From Grace (Del Sol Valley - Get Famous Required)
Required Trait: self absorbed + 2 traits from other categories Career: Acting Aspiration: World Famous Celebrity, Master Actress/Actor or Mansion Baron
~ move your sim into the 64x64 lot in the pinnacles. Bulldoze the lot and give yourself $5,000 to build a house then take away the rest! This is your temporary dwelling whilst your lavish mansion is being built ~ join the acting career and reach the top of the career - you want to be a household name ~ Max the acting, charisma and mischief skills ~ befriend as many celebrities as you can and throw lavish parties at least once per season (requires seasons) or every two sim weeks  ~ earn a pristine celebrity level and buy all the positive fame perks ~ meet your spouse on the way to an audition and fall in love at first sight ~ have a big fancy wedding and take time out of your career to start a family, but start a social media profile to blog your parenting adventures ~ once you are an adult and hit a pristine fame level, have a midlife crisis and begin an affair with a coworker ~ get caught and your spouse finds out. Book a celebrity cleanse to reset your fame tree, then purchase all of the negative fame perks. Pick fights with the press and be dismissive of your fans as people keep shaming you for your affair! All press is good press, right? ~ get divorced and your spouse moves out, taking your family with them. You never remarry but spend the rest of your life reforming broken ties with your family and restoring your public image, realising the error of your ways
Generation 2 ~ Humble Beginnings (Oasis Springs, base game required)
Required Trait: Loner + 2 traits from other categories Career: Self employed (make money via skills) Aspiration: Freelance Botanist, The Curator or Angling Ace
~ move into one of the 20x15 lots in Oasis Springs ~ use your starter funds to build a starter house (or download one from the gallery). You cannot move to a bigger lot and must build the best house you can on this lot ~ you may not have a career, but you may make money from any of the following physical skills: fishing, handiness/woodworking, gardening, flower arranging (seasons required) ~ max two “practical” (as above) skills and max a bonus “hobby” skill in your spare time - painting, cooking etc. ~ complete the frogs and fossils collections (at least base game ones) ~ make friends with the welcome wagon - become best friends with all of them and fall in love with one, later to be your spouse ~ have a quaint wedding and only invite your family but not your founding sim - you’ve cut ties since they tainted your family name by going off the rails ~ have two children, but keep them close and try to encourage them not to socialise and make friends. You want to protect them from people discovering that they are related to your founder
Generation 3 ~ Breaking Out - (San Myshuno, City Living required)
Required Trait: Ambitious + 2 traits from other categories Career: Critic, Political or Social Media Aspiration: City Native
~ move into an apartment in the spice district and use your starting funds to furnish as you please ~ choose your career and make your voice heard - join a protest (political), paint a mural (critic), or check in at a hotspot (social media) at least once a week to get yourself noticed - you want to be on top like your grandparents! ~ reach level 10 of chosen career ~ max charisma, singing skills and a skill pertaining to your career (eg painting/cooking for critic, logic for political, comedy/programming for social media) ~ focus on your fame level (optional - get famous required) ~ learn all of the recipes San Myshuno has to offer - you want to experience everything this city has to offer! ~ join any protest that you see no matter what career you are in  ~ unlock the street performer outfit and perform for tips as a street performer at least once ~ gain a crush on someone unobtainable (family friend, someone already dating etc.) and date around trying to find someone to replace them, but you can’t get them out of your mind! ~ have a child/children with one of the sims you date, invite them to move in and get engaged but don’t get married ~ as an elder, your unobtainable crush has been widowed. Leave your current partner and marry your crush - finally being with the person of your dreams!
Generation 4 ~ A Wild Ride (Windenburg, Get Together required)
Required Trait: Insider + two traits from other categories Career: Entertainer or Culinary (mixologist branch) Aspiration: Leader of the Pack then Serial Romantic
~ move into one of the lots in Old Town in Windenburg, you want to be up close and personal to all of the nightlife! ~ join the entertainer or culinary career (mixologist branch) so you have an excuse to get paid to party! Your work is not your main focus, so you do not need to max this career ~ start a singles club and meet some other like minded individuals. Gain a club with at least 8 members and  ~ Complete the leader of the pack aspiration, then take on the serial romantic aspiration when you realise settling down is not for you ~ host a dance party every weekend and attend singles nights/themed bar nights when you can ~ max a skill pertaining to your career: (guitar/comedy for entertainer, mixology for culinary/mixologist branch). Max your dance and DJ skills so you can be the life of the party ~ Have a minimum of two children with one of your lovers, or have each child have a different father  ~ Have one of your children’s fathers propose to you, but decline the proposal as that level of commitment is not for you.  ~ You may remain single or have one of your children’s fathers move in with you to help raise your family, but remain in an open relationship
Generation 5 ~ Settling Down (Willow Creek, Base Game required)
Required Trait: Family-Oriented + two traits from other categories Career: Writer or Doctor (get to work required) Aspiration: Big Happy Family or Super Parent (Parenthood required)
~ using funds from the previous generations, move into a large family home (3 or 4 bedrooms) in the Courtyard Lane district of Willow Creek ~ immediately join the job of your choice and aim to max your career ~ adopt a pet to give you company whilst you search for a spouse (cats and dogs required) ~ go on a few speed dates (one date only) with some sims you meet, but no one seems to be the right fit for you. ~ become close to a co-worker and finally realise they are your soulmate ~ host a wedding in your backyard where you invite all of your family to try and reunite everyone back together after all of the difficult times you have been through ~ max a skill for your career (logic - doctor/writing - writer), parenting (parenthood required) and baking skills (get to work required) ~ have four children and have each child earn the happy toddler/top-knotch toddler trait and max a childhood aspiration ~ each of your children must earn at least one positive character value trait and earn a special relationship type (parenthood required) ~ have one of your children collect all of the void critters (kids room stuff required) ~ buy each of your children a minor pet ~ hamster etc (my first pet stuff required)
Generation 6 ~ Furry Friends (Brindleton Bay, Cats and Dogs Required)
Required Trait: Dog Lover or Cat Lover + two traits from other categories Career: Business, then Vet Clinic Aspiration: Friend of the World
~ move into the Cavalier Cove district of Brindleton Bay and immediately purchase a lot in Sable Square for your vet clinic, then use the remaining funds to build yourself a starter house ~ get a day job in the business career to earn yourself enough money to purchase your vet clinic ~ As soon as you have earned §5,500 - build yourself a starter clinic and quit your day job - it’s time to follow your dreams! ~ Continue to expand your clinic rather than your house and achieve a 5 star clinic, having the best trained staff possible ~ Adopt four stray animals and have at least one cat and one dog or have a litter of puppies or kittens ~ Max the veterinary and pet training skills (cats and dogs required) and photography skill (get to work required) ~ complete the feathers collection ~ Once you age up into an adult, realise that you need to have a family to continue your family’s legacy and seduce the next sim that visits your home lot ~ You can choose to get married or remain single, but have one child with your chosen sim but never get close to them, you are closer to your pets than your child
Generation 7 ~ Back to Basics (Granite Falls, Outdoor Retreat required)
Required Trait: Squeamish + two traits from other categories Career: Self-employed (make money from things you collect) Aspiration: Outdoor Enthusiast ~ choose a “wooded” world such as Willow Creek, Windenburg or Brindleton Bay and select a secluded lot, building yourself a small cabin to live in ~ you want to be as eco-friendly as possible, so do not include any electrical appliances in your house (no tvs, computers etc.) ~ aim to travel to Granite Falls for at least five days in every two sim weeks ~ max the herbalism skill and gain at least level five in fishing, guitar, handiness, wellness (spa day required) and gardening skills so you’re a camping expert! ~ complete the insects collection and collect the fish/herbs that can only be found in Granite Falls - you must keep at least one of every insect to have a collection at your cabin ~ purchase the survivalist, great storyteller and stoves and grill master reward traits ~ meet the hermit in the woods and gain wisdom from them - they suggest it is not good to spend your life alone and it would be good to find a like minded individual to settle down with ~ find a sim with the loves outdoors or vegetarian trait, fall in love and have a private wedding ~ have between two and four children and ensure that as toddlers they all earn the top knotch toddler trait ~ when your offspring become teens and children, do not let them attend school - instead having them max the children skills/aspirations and working on their skills as teens ~ have all of your children join the scouts career and max it (seasons required) ~ once your aspiration is complete, try to mentor your children in skills you have learned to influence them in later life
Generation 8 ~ A New World (Selvadorada, Jungle Adventure required)
Required Trait: Genius + two traits from other categories Career: Self Employed Archaeologist (making money from artefacts) Aspiration: Jungle Explorer then Archaeology Scholar ~ choose a world with a “hot” climate e.g Oasis Springs, Del Sol Valley etc. and build yourself a 2-3 bedroom home with space for a large library/artefact room ~ move in with your heir and a sibling (the sibling may join a career where they can work from home - gardener etc.) or make money from a skill (music, painting etc.) ~ book a trip to selvadorada but don’t go exploring yet - instead spend as much time as you can getting to know the locals and max the selvadoradian culture skill ~ once you have maxed the selvadoradian culture skill, you learn the secrets of the jungle and may now explore - max the archaeology, logic and fitness skills ~ complete the ancient omiscan artefacts collection and the omiscan treasures collection ~ learn the new dance, food and drink recipes to really embrace the local culture ~ meet a local that you feel attracted to and become increasingly distracted from your jungle explorations every time you visit, much to the distaste of your sibling ~ invite your chosen sim out to the bar, drink a bit too much juice and share your first kiss and woohoo. Depending upon your gender, either have your sim get pregnant or impregnate the sim you fall for  ~ once the baby is born, decide that you are going to give up the tomb raiding and invite your lover to move in with you ~ unfortunately, fate isn’t going to work the way you wanted - so your heir must either die from poison or die from combustion whilst on an expedition to Selvadorada.  ~ your lover cannot bear to leave your work unfinished, so they stay living with your sibling to raise your heir’s only child - but the negativity between your lover, child and sibling has a negative impact on your future heir!
Generations 9, 10 and 11 to follow!
I will be following and reblogging posts for this legacy challenge to my new blog @neighbourhoodlegacychallenge so please tag your posts with @neighbourhoodlegacy or #nlchallenge for me to reblog your posts :D
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fablehaftbios · 4 years
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                         ⊰  Timothy ≬ (40) 25≬ Faun ≬Dream ⊱                       ⊰   Curator  ≬Pansexual≬ Open  ⊱
Once upon a time....
Timothy was born into a traveling troupe, a mix of Faun and their families. Many Faun preferred to go their own way alone, to be ultimately free and not be bound to anything or anyone; but not every person enjoyed being the lonely wolf on the road. 
The troupe wasn’t large, fifteen people including the children. They were a mix of merchants, minstrels, painters, writers, musicians, and actors. Depending on where they went they would either try to sell and buy things that were special for a specific reason, sing for money, sell paintings or guides including maps, or performed short plays or puppet shows for children. 
Truthfully, they didn’t excel at any of those things but since they mostly entertained smaller villages the expectations for entertainment were much lower. 
Their life wasn’t always sunshine in the most literal of terms. Traveling during winter and during heavy rain wasn’t fun. Sometimes they had the luxury to wait out the bad weather but other times they would be paid for playing at a harvest festival or something similar, and would have to move forward no matter what. Then there were also places that distrusted traveling troupes or Faun specifically, saying that they had bewitched the women in their company against their wills. There was one memory he had from when he was very young when someone had come up and yelled at his parents, trying to ‘rescue’ his mother from his father.
 At the time it had been confusing but now he knew the concept of hurtful stereotypes and that his parents had been happy. 
His mother had simply been a spontaneous woman who - after only two weeks of knowing his father - had decided to travel with him and see the world with the help of a guide. This friendship had blossomed into love and had him and his brother as a result. No one had forced his parents to stay together, they had even visited their grandparents now and again, so she would have had many opportunities to leave and return to her old life if she had wished. 
But she'd had the call from the road in her, the same way the Faun had, so even if his parents had decided to separate she would probably still have chosen a traveling lifestyle. 
He stayed with his family ( which he considered all members of the troupe to be, no matter if they were related or not ) into his adulthood but eventually decided he would leave it, at least for a while. It wasn’t him breaking free from the constrictions of the life he had been leading until now, he just wanted to travel a bit on his own. In his mind he would maybe do this for a year and then return, maybe with a partner of his own, but he would never actually get to travel with his family again. 
As this wasn’t a real rebellion, he didn’t feel like throwing caution to the wind. He had a map that showed where he was under no circumstances to go to because it was dangerous and he adhered to that. It was one thing to find himself his own adventure and an entirely different problem to be attacked and maybe killed by people that thought he was there to steal their daughters. 
But he did try to find new roads, a few new places he hadn’t traveled yet and just experience what it was to be alone for once. He loved his family but there was scarcely any time to be on your own and you had to make due. You could take a walk or stay at an inn for some privacy but it'd never really been just him. And truthfully he figured out fast that he didn’t enjoy being alone. It was nice to have more privacy, but being completely self reliant wasn’t to his liking. 
In the troupe the jobs were divided between everyone. 
Someone would fish, someone would cook, someone would get wood, someone would clean up, etc. But being alone meant he had to do everything, always. Every time he tried to get stains out of his clothes he missed being one of the cooks or the gatherers instead, which were two things he enjoyed doing a lot. 
Traveling like this and only staying for a few days or weeks some place also involved him in a lot of romantic affairs. Not all ended well and not all were healthy but he did meet some incredible people who showed him new ways to see the world and he would always treasure the memories he had made. 
Eventually he met someone he didn’t want to leave after the first few weeks: Farin U Laub.  A young Merman working at a tavern as a barman and a bard. He had traveled a lot himself with his parents before he settled in Fabledale. 
Farin was magical to Timothy. 
On their first night out he took him to the ocean and asked him if he had ever traveled under the waves. Since he hadn’t Farin gave him the breath of life and pulled him into the water and showed him around. They couldn’t talk, but could still communicate and it was the moment that Timothy fell hard for this magical creature before him. 
Their relationship was passionate, with high highs and low lows. They weren’t exactly good for one another but also not toxic enough for them to turn destructive. When the Spider War started to threaten Fabledale they had recently broken up again, but the fear of the dangers made them turn to another again, and so they entered the modern day Naraya together. 
After the Curse struck them it woke Timothy up. Farin wasn’t a partner that brought out the most stable person in himself. Just a few days after they landed in this Brave New World he ended it. Over the years they would sometimes meet and hook up for a few days but then fall apart again. He was something like his guilty pleasure and Timothy's friends would always sigh in exasperation when Farin made a new appearance in his stories, but overall he had no real contact with him anymore. 
Since traveling was severely limited now the Faun found new ways to satisfy the call from the road. He loved movies and books, everything that would draw him into a new place for a while. He did prefer movies because you could travel to these places with someone else, but sometimes he would like to travel in privacy, with a book. 
Another thing that made him feel at home was his job: being a Curator at the Art museum. 
The artists were almost exclusively local, but their minds weren’t beholden to stay in this place. He could see the worlds inside of people and talk to them. He had even gotten a degree in art history, though it had taken him longer than he cared to admit. 
Now he spends most of his time around his friends, trying to find new ways to satisfy this need to travel and see the world through other means than physically going places.
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❖ Farin U Laub ❖ On and Off Boyfriend
❖ Robin Thornsworth❖ Robin frequently visits the museum with their class
❖ Connection 3❖
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Possible Plot Ideas:
❖ There was a recent break in at his museum and one of the artifacts has been stolen. While the police is working on it, he feels like there is a deeper issue going on and tries to figure out what really happened
Gifhunts for James McAvoy: X X X
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zelkam · 5 years
What is your current art mood? And if not, how is ur science going?💫
Oh god… when it comes to art lately - I don’t know tbh?? I’m just kinda confused and not sure where I want to go with it?? I guess that’s because some of my latest stuff was based off live tv shows and not anime [and literally all I’ve drawn before was anime], so while drawing the characters I tried to make them look like the actors and that meant going a lil bit more towards realism. And I’m still not sure if that’s the direction I want to go dkagshs; also I just can’t seem to bring myself to just… sit down and draw for a longer period of time, I usually just end up drawing like… a leg and call it a day. and then I decide that I actually don’t want to finish the piece and I abandon it :’) 
but also I’m back to uni and I usually end up being too exhausted/busy once I come back home, so that also goes in a way of making art :v(tho I just got sick, so I’m staying home, so maybe I’ll finally finish something! 😷)Though I’ve been doing a lot of uni-related art/graphics related stuff (even though it’s med school lmao) bc my student research group is organizing a small conference so I’m in charge of all the things like posters/facebook event banners/lanyard designs/tote bags etc]
and science-wise - quite good!!, though things kinda slowed down for now because of some logistic/formal things; I spent the entire summer in a lab, working on a project and last Tuesday my supervisor showed me the results and that all the work paid off! long story short - we’re trying to check how a certain gene works and for that you need to “make” a mutation with it on plasmids and at the end you end up with mRNA. and then you put the mRNA into fish. and basically rn we’re waiting for the fish.
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cammcharg · 5 years
A film composer interviewed me...
I was recently honored to be approached by a film composer who wanted to interview me over a couple of drinks, and this is what they came away with...
Interview with a Film Director Cameron McHarg
Cameron McHarg grew up in the rainy, blue-collar suburbs of the Pacific Northwest. He has won the Gold Addy and Silver Telly Awards, and was a shortlisted winner for the Cannes Young Director Award for the commercials that he'd written and directed. His first short film, Kicking Sand in Your Face went on to success on the international festival circuit, and was later sold to cable networks in the US, Canada, Russia, and Ukraine. His second short film, the end has also had a long and successful run on the film festival circuit and has screened internationally. Cam has written two feature films currently in development set for him to direct: the 1970's motorcycle road film/crime/thriller - Sitiado and a gritty coming up age (Stand by Me meet Deliverance) drama set in the 1990 Pacific Northwest - Monroe Log. He is also in the early research phase of writing a crime/drama based around Apache gangs in the American southwest. Cam was recently featured in Volume 2 of The Top 100 Independent Filmmakers in the World, now available on Amazon.
1.How  did you come to be a director/producer?
Cameron: I actually started as an actor. Then, I co-produced a documentary that ended up doing well and I earned a scholarship to attend the prestigious film program at Art Center College of Design In Pasadena. Besides, I was at a point where I just hated the idea of sort of waiting for someone to choose me. I hated that powerlessness. And I have always loved the whole process of movie-making. Whenever I did work as an actor I was very fascinated and interested by the entire process and I thought that would help me work my own way in without having that hopeless feeling anymore. I hoped I could mix the best of both worlds. And that’s how I got into it initially.
2. What qualities do you look for when hiring a composer for your  project?  Is there one quality or thing that will get you to consider someone more than others?
Cameron: It might sound like a strange answer, but since I am not a musician myself, all I can do is to abstractly describe feelings, moods, atmospheres; my musical vocabulary is limited.  That’s how I would describe things anyway, even to actors. When I talk to a composer I would try to explain what I am looking for that way and if they could get what I am going after from just my description- that’s huge. I think it’s a difficult thing to understand. It’s like going to a hairdresser and you sit down and say: “I don’t know..I just want to look good.” If I can talk to a composer and stumble around just like I am doing now trying to describe the concept of the story and what I am trying to make it feel, and they can come back with something (and it does not have to be perfect, we can make adjustments) and really get it..  It’s not necessarily listening to the composer’s music and going: “Great!” It’s more about their ability to understand what I am trying to go for in a story: the mood, the feeling rather than a rational idea. A composer who is technically great and talented might not be enough. Someone with a sensitive soul would be a better fit.
3. In your opinion, is it more important for a composer to have a unique musical voice consistent in all of their work? Or is it important for the composer to have a broad range of compositional ability to draw from so they will likely be able to adapt to what the project needs stylistically in any given scene / scenario?
Cameron: I would lean towards the former than the latter. I think a lot of people can be very technically proficient doing a lot of different things, but people who have their own specific life experience and their unique background bring something very special to the table, that no one else can do, maybe. And I am more attracted to that. It’s true for me personally. I would be the same way about an actor. Again, it goes back to communication. If a composer can really get me..I would rather choose that over someone who can sort of do a little bit of everything. I think there is something beautiful about it. It is such a collaboration, there are not a lot of differences between an actor and a composer or anybody else. If you throw these ingredients into the mix, various artists that have that specific background instead of a bunch of technicians that are generally good at a lot of things, I think it’s going to be more colorful, there’s going to be more to it.
4. What do you want to see / hear in a demo cue from a composer?  Something custom made for your project?  Something from other projects in a composer's past that might be similar?  Live recordings?  Are MIDI sampled recordings ok?  What format do you want any demo material in?  (Audio CD, flash drive with audio files, video files so you can see how well the composer scores to picture, etc...)
Cameron: Ideally, it would be great to hear something custom, again, it goes back to this topic: I would like to see if the composer can understand what I am trying to do. Of course, I would be curious about what has been done before to get a feel for things. I will get back to that example again. We are all just collaborators trying to make a movie, we are just pieces of one big puzzle, and we are equal pieces. I hate auditioning actors, I would rather meet people and get a feel for them, I would want to see what they have done before, but it is  more about mutual understanding and connection, trying to scope this movies together. To answer your question, ultimately, it would be nice to hear a shot of something that’s for the particular movie. It does not matter that much to me whether it’s live recordings or samples, it’s irrelevant. Video is not necessary, I would even listen to it with my eyes closed, I don’t need to see anything. It is not as important to me as getting that feel. But it’s me, I might be particular.
5. How do you budget for the music in a film?  Do you determine score costs ahead of time based on the kind of score you want or is it based on a flat percentage of the film's budget?  How do you determine what a composer's involvement is worth on your project?
Cameron: I hate the business aspect of it so much. I see a composer as important as anybody else. The composer is probably the most unrecognized artist in the film business. I think that if the music is good you don't even notice it, oddly enough. It’s similar to editing in this respect, if you do notice it- the editor might be doing something wrong. I just recognize them as being unsung heroes. I don’t know how to budget for it, I’d say it is usually a flat percentage of the film’s budget.
6. What is your opinion on a composer working for little to no monetary compensation (i.e. for free)?  Many entertainment industry departments have union representation that sets a minimum pay "standard" for what those jobs cost from week-to-week or day-to-day.  But composers do not have and can not unionize by a National Labor Relations Board decision from the early 1980s.  Does this affect at all your hiring or budgeting process for music?  What is the lowest budget amount you have ever had for music score?  What is the highest amount?
Cameron: It’s so messed up. So many of us are asked to work for free and I’ve done it many times, as an actor particularly. The only exception to it if everybody is doing the film for free. I have done short films where everybody was paid next to nothing and the ultimate goal for us was to make something we are proud of to use it as a showcase. But nobody makes money off of short films anyway. If you are making a feature where somebody is going to profit off of it, it is an outrage if you are asked to work for free, everybody should be compensated. What you are doing is worth something and there should be no shame in asking to be compensated, because you are bringing something valuable to the table that no one else can do. And if there is a producer who is going to make a dime off of it, or anybody else,  they should share. The lowest budget: I’ll start with zero, which I had to deal with more than once.  The highest -is the film I am doing right now that is in the early stages of pre-production. The budget is small- around $1M dollars and I don’t know the exact numbers but it would the same as we would pay to the DP.
7. How do you communicate with your composer regarding the creative process? What can the composer do to make that easier for you as a producer / director?
Cameron: We’ve touched on this a little bit earlier: I can do odd things to try to communicate what it is I want. I would do clips from other movies, paintings, photos, sometimes other music but not usually, because I don’t want that to taint it. Sometimes in my description I’ll make weird sound effects. I can be so abstract and weird about it, I’ll do whatever it takes to describe it - I would even show odd symbols. In some ways I don’t like it to be super literal so that the composer, the artist, could interpret it in his own way. Going back to the actors, as a director, I would never tell an actor how to read the line ( “Do it like this”..) for him to copy that. I would say something more abstract: “Do it more red!” I would want them to interpret the feelings in their own way rather than me being a puppet master. Same with a composer: I would give you a certain feeling, atmosphere and see how that is colored through you. That’s where special stuff comes from. Anybody can imitate but what's the point? I want you to do it because there is something special about you. There is something I want to communicate through the prism of your perception. I am fishing for a surprise. I am not a dictatorial director, I am a collaborative director.
8. Is it a more important perception for a young composer to have credits assisting other "big name" composers on "big name" films even if their jobs and responsibilities on those films were more technical and nondescript like "scoring assistant" or "midi programmer"?  Or is it a more important perception for a composer to have a list of feature films where they were the department head "composer" in charge and 100% responsible for music, even if those films were smaller, indie, "festival bound" projects that may not have had mass public appeal?
Cameron: I would definitely lean towards the latter. I would be intrigued if they were mentored by some big-name composers on a big movie that I have respect for, I would definitely be curious to see what they can do. But being involved in a big Hollywood movie does not mean much to me. I think that the pendulum swings back and forth and things change, but right now I am not impressed with Hollywood movies, and there are always exceptions, but right now I think they are in a bad place. There are a lot of movies with guys in capes and tights and that’s fun, I can have fun with it too, I love all kinds of movies, but it’s not what I came in to movies myself to do. I was influenced a lot by the stuff from the 70’s that was a whole different ball game. The films were much smaller and centered on people. I would be drawn to something that is more personal on a smaller level then something more peripheral on a bigger scale.
9. Have you ever had a bad experience with a composer?  Did you learn anything from that?  Has it affected how you work with a composer since?
Cameron: I haven’t. I’ve had experiences where on the first try or two, after I have done my best, probably clumsily, to communicate what I was going for, I ended up really having misses. And I felt  a little bit frustrated, feeling that it was going to be tough, but we got there eventually. I think, if I had a really bad experience with someone, it would be more my fault then theirs. I think it would be my failure to communicate what I was trying to do, it would be my responsibility. I remember it was over the phone, the composer was in New York. I did not show any examples. The music that I wanted did not have anything to do with real instruments, it was more atmospheric. I tried to give him mood and imitate the sound with my mouth. As a result, I was frustrated with myself since I failed to communicate what I wanted.
10. From your perspective as a producer / director, what is the one piece of advice you would give a young composer working to build their career in this industry?
Cameron: I think it’s difficult and even unfair, with some rare exceptions, for a young artist to have a lot of expectations thrust upon them, whether it’s from themselves or the outside world, because it is hard to really give everything that you are capable to offer until you really know yourself. It often comes with time, unfortunately, with a little bit of age and life experience, and exposure to life. So, give yourself a chance, be patient and kind to yourself and allow yourself to experience everything life has to offer, including the stuff that’s painful; take it as a gift, use it. Don’t put a timeline on yourself, live your life, don’t put a bubble around yourself: “I am a composer, a musician, all I’m going to do is write music”. Allow yourself to be exposed to life, try to really live it, don’t isolate yourself, let everything in life color you and color your work. Never quit, have faith that when you are ready the time will come.
I have had nothing but composers contact me over the years. I don’t mind it, I actually look at their stuff and listen to it. I understand it’s a hustle, I have done it as an actor. I think it’s smart, because you know what, I will go back; I am doing a feature early next year and these guys that are emailing me are on my mind. I’ll listen to their stuff first before I do any search. I think there’s value in that. You have to be smart about it, of course, don’t email me every week.
And lastly, own  what’s special about you and  don’t try to be everything. Figure out who you are and really own and market that rather than trying to be like everyone else.
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can---i--slytherin · 5 years
The little mermaid controversy
Okay so this opinion has already probably been posted before but here it is.
Personally I love the idea of Halle Bailey being cast as Ariel- because she is a talented singer and I think she’ll do the role justice. The little mermaid was one of the Disney films I grew up watching and loved- and it was her voice and the story itself that interested me, not the fact that she was white.
And for everyone saying ‘people wouldn’t have it if they cast a white woman as a live-action Tiana/Pocahontas/jasmine’- here’s why I think it’s different.
You couldn’t cast a white woman in those roles because those characters races are so integral to the story and their character.
Pocahontas was a historical figure first of all who was Native American so- even though Disney twisted her real story a LOT- they can’t get around that fact. The story is about different cultures meshing- about people from different worlds and - crucially- races, learning acceptance and tolerance and forming a union despite differences. Race is a big part of the story.
And with characters like Mulan, Jasmine, Moana and Tiana- their races are also integral to their stories and interpretation.
Tiana’s main characteristic is that she was hard working and determined- despite the challenges she faced- one of which being racism. Though Disney doesn’t directly address it in words within the film- part of Tiana’s struggle is that she’s a black woman in 20s America trying to achieve a goal that’s twice as hard for someone of colour. Again, her race is integral to her characters story.
With other Disney women of colour- their ethnicity and culture is again integral to their story. Mulan’s story is deeply routed in China and revolves around Chinese culture. Same with Jasmine and Arabic culture, same with Moana and Polynesian culture.
And that’s all important- Disney gave their audiences sincere explorations of cultures outside of the typical white western experience, and paid homage to those cultures through art, music, and beautiful stories.
But, it means that in any live action version- you’d want actors of those ethnicities to play those characters.
However- with the white princesses, their stories are more typically set in generic fairy tale settings that a Western/European audience can more easily recognise. Disney didn’t feel as much need to root those stories into a specific culture or place because the main target audience already recognise it.
Of course there are some settings- Belle in France, Ariel’s story is originally Danish etc.- but those films aren’t really dedicated to exploring or celebrating those cultures. It’s more of a generic fairytale that would work in any setting.
Hence why you don’t need actors from specific cultures or places to do the roles justice.
Those films aren’t focused on a specific culture or tradition, the story doesn’t change if you set it somewhere else or change what the characters look like- so therefore it doesn’t matter what the actors look like. You don’t need an actor from a specific culture or ethnicity to play those roles, as there’s no specific culture being explored or honoured in the film.
For actors playing Mulan or Tiana or Pocahontas- the role might be a chance to explore their cultural heritage and pay homage to that, among other things. For Halle Bailey- this role is just an opportunity to showcase her incredible voice and acting ability and hopefully break out as a new household name in film. As t would be for any white actress who was offered the role.
Ariel’s story doesn’t change if she’s black- but Tiana’s would change if she were white.
It is SO MUCH HARDER for POC to get into the film industry- in front of or behind the camera, especially in starring roles that don’t ‘need’ to be played by someone of colour. So whitewashing is always going to be a bigger issue than any potentional ‘black washing’ or whatever because it’s easier for white people to get work in that industry anyway.
ALSO ALSO: maybe if Disney made films starring POC where their race wasn’t integral to the films plot or their character- it wouldn’t matter who they were played by in live action versions, either. I’m just saying- it’s not a bad thing to have a black woman star in a role where she won’t be playing a stereotype and her race won’t be integral to the story or her character- where she can just be seen as an excellent singer, actress, story teller- and not jut a black woman.
And another thing- for all the people STILL whining:
• Ariel is a mermaid. A different species entirely. How you think human concepts of race still apply I don’t know
• ‘the little mermaid is a danish tale-’ what, are there not black danish people???? Besides, if we were gonna be true to the original, it’d get very dark real quick
• ‘science!!!’ Fuck off mermaids aren’t real they’re mythical creatures they can be black if you want. Tell me how science explained that London bus red hair she had in the original film.
• my guess is that the people currently complaining about Halle Bailey as Ariel were the same people saying casting Scarlett Johansson in ghost in the shell was fine because she was a cyborg. Why can’t the same argument apply here then?
At the end of the day. It’s a film based on a made up story about a half lady half fish and an octopus witch. Watch if you like, don’t watch it you don’t like. We’ve got bigger problems to think about
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whydontwejustblog · 6 years
unusual asks
@anon that said “1-100,” i’m no chicKEN—
spotify, soundcloud, or pandora? spotify all the way.
is your room messy or clean? messy i like to think it’s neat.
what color are your eyes? a boring dark brown.
do you like your name? why? i hate it. i wish it was esteban julio ricardo montoya dela rosa ramirez.
what is your relationship status? what’s a relaytionsheep?
describe your personality in 3 words or less. boring.
what hair color do you have? still a boring dark brown.
what kind of car do you drive? color? …i’m not old enough to drive, but if i was, you better bet i’d have a rainbow car because #yolo. (lmao stop your influence @heartsavery.)
where do you shop? at the candy store. *instantly thinks of heathers*
how would you describe your style? non-existent.
favorite social media account? if i say tumblr, will it start working for me?
what size bed do you have? a queen-sized one. (no, that wasn’t a pun or anything.)
any siblings? i like to think she doesn’t exist.
if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? i’ve heard of this place called niue, which apparently has pikachu coins as part of their currency, so sign me up. (japan is also another option, because i love the atmosphere in kyoto. except for that one time i got lost at night near a creepy abandoned church.)
favorite snapchat filter? i don’t use filters much since i don’t take pictures of myself, but i’ll have to say the classic dog filter.
favorite makeup brand(s)? i don’t wear makeup.
how many times a week do you shower? i shower around once or twice a day. weird, i know, but it’s normal around here in a country that’s hot all year round. (except, of course, when there are typhoons, because it’s one extreme or another.)
favorite tv show? danger dings (read: stranger things.) i even have a side blog for it. *cough* @anevenstrangerblog *cough* i know the question only asked for one but can i throw in asoue too? i love both the books and the netflix show. malina’s so pretty i cri. ooh, andi mack is another show that i absolutELY LOVE AND—
shoe size? 6.5 in us women’s.
how tall are you? not tall at all. next question.
sandals or sneakers? sneakers are all i own.
do you go to the gym? no.
describe your dream date. with nikolai lantsov. but since he’s “fictional,” i’ll settle for the person giving me a fortune, then leaving me alone for the rest of my life. (but if the person was finn wolfhard / malina weissman / sadie sink, they can *in mulan’s grandma’s voice* stAy fOrevEr.)
how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? about 2500 pesos and 2000 yen.
what color socks are you wearing? they’re pikachu socks.
how many pillows do you sleep with? one or none because quite frankly, i only like hugging pillows. sleeping on them is uncomfortable for me.
do you have a job? what do you do? i don’t have a job, but my class runs a business (with a beneficiary who all the proceeds go to), and i manage its marketing and finance. i also design a couple stuff for my mom’s clinic thing, which i guess is considered a job since i get paid.
how many friends do you have? if you don’t count online friends, zero ahaha.
what’s the worst thing you have ever done? lmao idk, exist?
what’s your favorite candle scent? i dunno. most probably woodsy or floral scents.
3 favorite boy names? names don’t have genders.
3 favorite girl names? names don’t have genders.
favorite actor? noah schnapp, my precious son.
favorite actress? millie bobby brown because why not.
who is your celebrity crush? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
favorite movie? the bee movie ahAHAHAHA the original spongebob movie.
do you read a lot? what’s your favorite book? i read waaay too much, and just like any of my other favorite things, i can’t pick just one favorite book, but i love six of crows by leigh bardugo.
money or brains? can i have both?
do you have a nickname? what is it? i’m called stupid a lot, does that count? ahaha :’) micah’s actually one of my nicknames.
how many times have you been to the hospital? too many times to count.
top 10 favorite songs? i have too many songs i like, so i’ll list some i remember right now (and limit myself to one song per artist.) crazy=genius by p!atd, bellyache by billie eilish, migraine by tøp, c’est la vie by maurice moore, glorious by macklemore, for him by troye sivan, my songs know what you did in the dark by fob, non-stop from the hamilton cast recording, teacher by prettymuch, and we the party by why don’t we.
do you take any medication daily? just vitamins, not medication.
what is your skin type? idk dude.
what is your biggest fear? the unknown.
how many kids do you want? zero.
what’s your go-to hair style? just my hair down since i’m lazy.
what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc.) i don’t know how to describe the size of my house lmao.
who is your role model? thomas the tank engine.
what was the last compliment you received? i’m not sure if it was meant as a compliment, but that one anon who asked advice from me said they were awed by my independence so there’s that.
what was the last text you sent? i sent “i’m hungry” to one of my housekeepers.
how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? he IS real. i don’t know what the quackidy quack you’re talking about.
what is your dream car? lightning mcqueen. ka-chow!
opinion on smoking? i’m asthmatic, so personally, i don’t smoke, and i don’t encourage it either. if you’re talking about cigarettes, it harms the lungs of not only the smoker, but the people around them. it also affects air pollution (its effect is 10 times stronger than those of diesel car exhausts), and i’m very against all types of pollution to the environment. (i’m looking at you, glitter, which, if you didn’t already know, contributes to the pollution of waterways.)
do you go to college? i will in 2 years. (i’ll be a wee child all alone in another country :’( @whydontwejustbesomethingdiffrent i’m dragging you along if it’s the last thing i do.)
what is your dream job? i don’t really know lmao.
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? suburbs.
do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? who doesn’t?
do you have freckles? no.
do you smile for pictures? i don’t like having pictures of me taken, but i occasionally smile awkwardly.
how many pictures do you have on your phone? i recently cleared out my photo library so now i’m left with only 3033 pictures.
have you ever peed in the woods? no.
do you still watch cartoons? duh.
do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonald’s? there are no branches of wendy’s where i live so i’ll go with mcdonald’s.
favorite dipping sauce? does gravy count?
what do you wear to bed? pajamas.
have you ever won a spelling bee? i’ve never participated in one aside from the mini ones we used to hold in class before, which i won because the competition wasn’t exactly tough.
what are your hobbies? photography, bullet journaling, brush lettering, eating, reading, scrolling endlessly through my phone, dying, and other fun stuff. coding and robotics are cool too.
can you draw? @thefangirlingmaster i still stand by my opinion that i can’t.
do you play an instrument? the only instrument i can fluently play is the violin, since i was taught how to play it at 6 years old, but i own a guitar and keyboard which i can sorta play.
what was the last concert you saw? a pentatonix one.
tea or coffee? water.
starbucks or dunkin’ donuts? starbucks.
do you want to get married? not really.
what is your crush’s first and last initial? f.w. (hint: it rhymes with pinn rolfhard.)
are you going to change your last name when you get married? i dunno man.
what color looks best on you? still dunno man.
do you miss anyone right now? no.
do you sleep with your door open or closed? closed.
do you believe in ghosts? uh…
what is your biggest pet peeve? my neighbors slow walkers
last person you called? my dad.
favorite ice cream flavor? cookies and cream.
regular oreos or golden oreos? i only eat mini-sized regular oreos.
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? choCOLATE *insert gif of that one fish from spongebob*
what shirt are you wearing? a panda shirt i got from singapore a couple years ago.
what is your phone background? it’s a zoomed in face of the ice cream octopus from dora. my parents say it’s creepy, but i think it’s calming. (i couldn’t post it on here because tumblr says i reached a limit, but if you wanna see it, tell me to send it to you.)
are you outgoing or shy? depends on the people i’m with.
do you like it when people play with your hair? it tickles.
do you like your neighbors? i’d prefer it if they moved far far away (haha shrek reference) and took their horrible karaoke with them.
do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? i wash my face everytime i shower.
have you ever been high? nope.
have you ever been drunk? nope. (i was gonna come up with some punny joke but i’m too hungry to think right now. which reminds me, i have to go eat something real quick, be right back—)
last thing you ate? oh wow, perfect timing. i just ate mango float.
favorite lyrics right now? it’s from my son troye’s song, suburbia. “swallow nostalgia, chase it with lime. better than dwelling, and chasing time. missing occasions, i can’t rewind. can’t help but feel i’ve lost what’s mine.”
summer or winter? it’s basically summer all year round here so—
day or night? night.
dark, milk, or white chocolate? milk chocolate.
favorite month? december.
what is your zodiac sign? sagittarius.
who was the last person you cried in front of? my dad.
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strwbrymoonchild · 4 years
Creating Our Own Spaces: Open Television and the Importance of Intersectional Streaming Platforms
Open Television (OTV) supports Chicago-based artists by producing indie web series and pilots that tell intersectional stories. The platform revolutionizes streaming by highlighting nuances in the lived experiences of people of color and the LGBTQ community, and by intentionally holding space for joy, healing, and humor. Lack of diversity in film is well-documented; a recent study by the Annenberg Inclusion Initiative shows that of the top 100 films in 2019, 78 had no LGBTQ characters and 94 had no female-identified LGBTQ characters. The study also found that of 4,357 speaking roles, only 61 (1.4%) were LGBTQ, forty-five characters were gay, 10 characters were lesbian, 3 characters were bisexual and 3 characters were transgender. All three trans characters had a total screen time of no more than 2 minutes. About 71% of these LGBTQ speaking roles were white. While there have been both strides and shortcomings in efforts to increase the depth of LGBTQ and BIPOC television characters in mainstream media, diversity, and inclusion behind the camera is just as integral to filmmaking as representation on screen. 
There are some perceptions that we are entering into a Black film Renaissance. The rise of shows like Insecure and Atlanta FX in addition to major Black blockbuster moments for films like Black Panther and Moonlight all suggest that progress is being made. However, the figures reported by The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative show that the number of movies with Black Directors in 2019 fell by more than half; only nine movies released in 2019 had Black directors whereas 15 movies released in 2018 had Black directors.Even when we look at Black and POC directors as a whole, the numbers don’t get much more encouraging; the study also found that out of the 112 directors that made movies in 2019, 19.6% were from underrepresented racial and ethnic groups. While representation for Black directors has been halved, the percentage of women directors helming the most popular films more than doubled between 2018 and 2019. Nevertheless, their share of representation remains critically low. The Annenberg Inclusion Initiative found that only 10.6% of directors across the top 100 films of 2019 were women. When it comes to writing and producing, representation for women is only slightly better. Women made up 14.4 % of writers across the top 100 films, and only 21.1% of producers. 
Diversity behind the scenes is so crucial because it ensures that marginalized communities can tell their stories using characters that have distinct voices, complex backgrounds, agency that extends beyond tokenistic supporting roles, or even leads roles that myopically reinforce tired tropes and harmful stereotypes. For example, when Black writers are in the room, they can construct characters that speak like us instead of mis/overusing awkward AAVE that’s cut and pasted from Twitter into contexts that don’t fit. When women writers are in the room, they can squelch manic pixie tropes and fridging for the sake of male character development. When LGBTQ writers are in the room they can mitigate issues like queerbaiting or focus solely on the trauma of coming out stories without centering queer joy and romance. Similarly, when producers with marginalized identities are in the room, they can thwart gatekeeping by expanding the production value of films made by marginalized artists with limited resources, and by prioritizing inexpensive and creative ways of funding and distributing media (e.g. crowdfunding, virtual screenings, DIY film festivals, etc.). Furthermore, when filmmaking spaces lack diversity, the result can be toxic and alienating, which stifles creativity and demoralizes BIPOC and/or LGBTQ creators. OTV has shown that one of the keys to creating authentic stories is not only getting diverse voices in the room but also making the room a brave space that emphasizes accountability and community while allowing artists the independence and freedom to innovatively experiment with storytelling without fear of exploitation, bigotry, or violence.  
OTV exemplifies how critical it is to not only feed diverse narratives into the mainstream media, but to introduce more accessible, inclusive, and alternative ways of filmmaking.
Executives in the film industry often buy into the misconception that intersectional stories that have characters with marginalized identities aren’t worth the investment because they only appeal to niche audiences. On the contrary, many viewers don’t just want cookie cutter, predominately white shows; they are hungry for diverse content that is striking, informational, and binge-worthy. A study released by UCLA revealed that in 2019, films with 41%-50% minority cast earned the most from box office ticket sales, whereas films with the least diverse casts performed the poorest. The #RepresentationMatters report that the National Research Group released in September 2020 shows that 2 in 3 Black Americans don’t see themselves represented in movies or television, and 86% of Black Americans want to see more representative stories on screen. Taken together, these findings suggest that when underrepresented groups see someone who looks like them in a film, it makes them want to support it more because representation is such a coveted rarity for these groups.  
It's not enough to sprinkle diversity into mainstream media to increase sales. OTV exemplifies how critical it is to not only feed diverse narratives into the mainstream media, but to introduce more accessible, inclusive, and alternative ways of filmmaking. Recently, Open Television started the OTV Fellows program for emerging writers and directors from marginalized communities. The program seeks out and supports promising talent, helping them build their portfolios for a career in the film industry. OTV also hosts a seven-part workshop series called OTV Study Hall, which features a wide range of panelists and offers insights into career development, production, and marketing. 
When we create intersectional TV platforms that are for and by us, shows that spotlight multiple marginalized identities can reach their full potential, and flourish in conversation with content that has a similar range. There is power and value in seeing multi-faceted, genre-bending, intersectional stories as the centerpiece of streaming, rather than cramming them into a specialty category tucked away in a corner of Netflix or Hulu or trying to make them fit in a category where they don’t belong.
Check out some top picks from OTV’s incredible content below
The T | For fans of Pose FX and Lovesick
The T follows the relationship between a Trans white woman named Jo and a queer Black man named Carter. The two are former lovers turned best friends who support each other through the insecurities and bigotry they face as they re-enter the dating world. 
You’re So Talented | For fans of The Incredible Jessica James and Brown Girls
You’re So Talented follows Bea, an actor looking for work in Chicago and navigating the twists and turns of love and life in her twenties. A character many millennial BIPOC creatives out there can relate to, Bea does her best to find meaning through her art while keeping the bills paid. Through it all, her best friend’s Devin and Jesse are always there for her. (You may recognize the actor who plays Bea, Sam Bailey, as the Director and Producer of hit web series, Brown Girls). 
The Right Swipe | For fans of Broad City and The Perfect Date
We’ve all seen our fair share of tragic online dating app profiles: a man holding big fish twice his size, stale jokes about The Office, shameless gym mirror selfies, etc.. In The Right Swipe, best friends and business partners India and Margo team up to start a business fixing men’s dating profiles. They extend their services to a diverse set of clients including a trans man, a queer poet, and a hotep. They have 3 simple ground rules 1. They must use their powers for good, 2. They charge clients on a sliding scale, and 3. No sleeping with or dating clients.
Velvet | For fans of Insecure
A hyper-competitive young professional named Demetra attempts to revive her social life by striking up a friendship with her cooler more laidback coworker Cymone. The duo eventually builds a squad of friends who take on the city of Chicago as they explore their own identities and relationships with each other. 
The Haven | For fans of Orange Is the New Black (before they killed off Poussey)
The Haven follows the story of overworked and underpaid staff members at a domestic violence shelter. Once accepted into the shelter, residents of The Haven have only 90 days of refuge before they must find a way to propel themselves onto a new life path. The odds are stacked against those seeking a fresh start as they face a range of obstacles including addiction, mental illness, poverty, immigration complexities, and PTSD. 
Damaged Goods | For fans of Euphoria
Bathed in technicolor and barely getting by, four young, messy creatives of color walk down uncertain paths of self-discovery in Chicago. When Sanavi tries to dismantle the Boy’s Club in her white-dominated workplace, she’s met with hostility and discrimination. Meanwhile, Caleb navigates the queer club scene and struggles to make ends meet. In contrast, Marlo thrives as a Black wellness guru/yogi/influencer. Ezra supports himself as a weed dealer and Uber driver, but has big dreams of becoming an artist. 
Otito Greg-Obi is a poet and aspiring screenwriter based in Washington D.C. Her poetry appears in "small poems for the masses," a quarterly zine by Post Ghost Press. She is a former member of The Excelano Project, a poetry collective in Philadelphia. When she’s not writing you can find her slow-mo milly rocking in the pouring rain to MorMor, baking sourdough bread, over/underwatering succulents, or knitting something cozy. Her favorite color is mint green, and she’s obsessed with pop culture and with television (particularly dramedies and dystopian sci-fi). You can find her on Twitter at @otweetoh
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engekihaikyuu · 7 years
Sharing Stage/2.5D Content
So there are some things I want to go over about sharing, reposting, and general distribution of content.  And while I’m going to talk specifically about Engeki Haikyuu, some of the more general stuff can be applied to most Japanese stage plays, musicals, and general theater.  
I wanted to make this post because I’m seeing a lot of frustration in fandom from both content providers and fans and followers butting heads on this issue.  First off, we have to acknowledge that there is an undeniable precedent that’s existed in fandom that makes fans feel entitled to all the content all the time, for free.  And there is knowledge of the industry that content providers have that I think we’re not communicating frequently enough to help fans understand our positions on these issues.
It’s lengthy, but please take some time to look under the Read More and read about this issue.  
There’s a reason why I chose Tumblr as the medium for distribution of Engeki Haikyuu information, translations, scans, gifs, etc… and it’s because there is little-to-no Japanese fandom on this website. Most Japanese fandom is on Twitter and on other Japanese sites like Pixiv and NicoNico, but for the most part, Tumblr is not on their radar.  It’s quickly getting to be on the radar for Pixiv artists because of the rampant problem of art-reposting, but by and large, they’re still not ON this website, browsing and using this website, and engaging with fandom on this website.  Which is to my benefit because most Japanese fandom would HATE what I am doing.  
I want to explain that Western fandom and Japanese fandom operate VERY differently when it comes to the topic of spreading information and official content.  For example, there are Japanese artists I follow on Twitter who are now drawing fanart about the stuff they saw in Winners and Losers.  Fun stuff about cross-dressing Takato and Shouri, the little gags and ad-lib that changed from night to night, Kageyama in the fish suit… but the thing is, they all waited until AFTER the show was finished touring completely.  Out of respect and consideration for the people who could go see the show but hadn’t yet, they all waited until there were no more chances to see it live to post what could be considered ‘spoilers’ for the show.  
By contrast in Western fandom, a movie is out in theaters for about 5 hours before I see gif-sets on Tumblr.  It’s incredible.  It is genuinely difficult to not be spoiled for content when in western fandom because everyone wants to talk about it right away, they want to share information right away, they can’t, they won’t wait until a movie is no longer playing in theaters, etc… the information is out almost instantaneously.  
But in Japanese fandom, you have seiyuu events that have afternoon and evening portions, and they almost always release exciting new information or announcements at these events.  But the people who go to the afternoon portion of a seiyuu event, say NOTHING until the evening portion of the seiyuu event is over and everyone who could’ve had a chance to go see it has seen it.  Their fandom etiquette is INTENSE about no spoilers and respecting the creator’s wishes.  When seiyuu events give them exciting new info and then say, shh, now don’t share it on social media yet, Japanese fans LISTEN.  Japanese fandom draws a HARD line with this stuff.  For them, if you can’t buy it, if you can’t afford to go see it, then too bad, that’s the end of it.  
So sharing stuff like scans and torrents and youtube streams is a serious infringement to them both culturally and legally.  Rightfully so, and I think it’s an admirable thing that they can operate that way. But the other side of that coin is that it does make all the content less accessible and hard to promote widespread interest for.  In western fandom, we have seen piracy benefit Hollywood in many ways so I know a lot of us don’t bat an eye or think twice about pirating movies and music anymore.
But with Engeki Haikyuu?  With 2.5D plays and musicals overall?  We’re not talking about multi-million dollar shows and productions with huge profit margins that are too big to fail.  It’s not Hollywood; it’s not even Broadway.  We’re talking about an industry where the minor actors are sometimes not paid for the rehearsal period of a show, and where they’re sometimes paid about $100 for each show they perform.  Some of my posts mentioned that Winners and Losers performed a total of 36 shows, and that was over a span of almost 2 months not counting rehearsals.  Imagine getting paid around $3600 for your time for those 3 months.  I’m not saying that there are Engeki Haikyuu actors that were paid that little, but that IS the industry in which they live and work.  We’re talking about an industry where the sales of your character bromides indicate your overall popularity as an actor and also serve as an indicator for your potential success in other shows producers might want to cast you in.  Financially, it’s a small industry, however big it seems.  
However, it’s obviously very difficult for international fans to support it in legal ways.  Goods for the show including pamphlets and bromides, tote bags, are ONLY sold at the theaters where they perform, and they are not available afterward. Japan is all about exclusive content, limited goods, it makes the few that are out there special.  But that means if you can’t go to the venue to see the show, you can’t buy your favorite actor’s bromides to support them.  And if you buy it afterwards at a secondhand shop like K books or some Yahoo Auctions seller, the money’s not going to the production anymore, it goes to secondhand sellers.  Your voice of support is lost with secondhand sales, but sometimes they’re the only way you can get this stuff, so I’m not discouraging people who are trying to buy this stuff secondhand.  I just want people to understand the full situation there if you do.  
Anyway, this is why I do the, let’s be real, illegal thing of scanning bromides and pamphlets to share with you guys.  Because if you can’t fly to Japan and get a hold of these elusive tickets to see the show live and THEN still have money left over to buy the goods, it’s tough/impossible to get it.  So, I see it as a moot point when it comes to scans, because those image sets get spread around, and they do promote new interest in the production.  And since nobody can even buy the bromides from Engeki HQ directly after the show is finished touring... eh.  It’s still illegal, but for me it’s a slight gray area because of the lack of accessibility.  
But the DVDs, and therefore the show itself, is different.  It’s made WIDELY available on multiple ordering platforms online and in physical stores (in Japan), websites that DO ship overseas and where pre-orders don’t sell out.  You can still buy DVDs of the very first Engeki Haikyuu that toured in fall 2015.  And so long as you’re buying from official retailers like Amazon Japan, CDJapan, amiami, now Animate International, your money, your support goes directly to the production and they get the means to make more of these shows.  I provide links for people to buy their own DVD copies all the time; they’re in my FAQ, I have posts that I regularly try to reblog.
I make gifs and I provide scans and clips as teasers so that I can promote as much interest as possible so that you guys, if you can, will support the show financially.  But these shows aren’t cheap, and Americans aren’t used to paying $80 for a DVD, and I get that.  I do.  So if you can’t afford to buy the show legally, that’s unfortunate.  I’m sorry.  I wish I could buy DVDs for all of you that want the show.  But still, I will not put up a download, I won’t upload a stream, because I know it will discourage some of the people that can buy it from buying it because they expect it to be free.  There are people I know that do this, and it’s infuriating.
So, ok.  Distribution of the full show explained.  Bottom line is, I’ll share a lot with you guys, but I won’t share the full videos of the shows because you can still buy the DVDs.  
As for the topic of reposting, I’ve mentioned the difference between Japanese and Western fandom earlier, and again: That’s why all the scans go on Tumblr.  Now, I know I can’t stop the INTERNET from reposting. That’s why all the uploads are lower resolution and watermarked to hell so that it’s barely worth taking.  Take note re-posters, you’re not even taking the good stuff.  But reposting the scans to Twitter, could actually get me in trouble.  Because as I mentioned, Japanese fandom is pretty prevalent on Twitter, they frown upon this sort of behavior, and they DO report people for this stuff.  It’s great for spread of awareness of this production, but I sometimes worry about getting close to an official cease and desist.    
And maybe that’s because I personally work very closely with this industry with my work for Sakura Con, and so I’m maybe being a little paranoid.  But I also totally understand the viewpoints of Japanese fandom, which is why I don’t cross post everything to Twitter, and I sure as hell don’t tag it to make it easy to search for. 
Basically, all of this boils down to: 
Please don’t repost the scans and gifs on Twitter or Facebook (and don’t tag them so obviously).
Please stop asking me to upload the shows for download or streaming. 
Please understand that everyone that’s working hard on these productions for us to enjoy… the actors, the producers, the director, the musicians, the theater staff and crew… they’re working in a niche market, and they’re not making millions here.  Not only that, you’d be shocked how little some of them make sometimes.  
So support the shows however best you can, encourage your friends to do the same if they can, and don’t… harass people for free stuff.
That’s all.  Thank you for watching and for supporting Engeki Haikyuu (the show, not me), and if any of you have any questions about anything I’ve just talked about, if you want more details about one part or another, send me a message! Have a great day~ Haikyuu’s the best!
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tracelessrp · 3 years
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Hometown: N/A  Current Residence: Awkward Pack neighborhood  Special Abilities: HJ is extremely strong and athletic both in human and wolf form. Compared to her human form, her wolf form is extremely bigger and she is bigger than any other werewolf she’s met. Her human form is definitely stronger than any human should be and her athletic ability is top tier. She got the brawns and no brains.
Character Background:
Trigger warnings for death and murder
In 1981 Leslie Graham was 18 years old when she met Hayden Mullins. Leslie was living in LA working as a waitress and going to Berkeley to get a degree in teaching. It was while working at her diner that she met Hayden who was also 18 and working as a firefighter nearby. Or at least that was the job Leslie thought Hayden did in the beginning. Hayden was a volunteer firefighter in her spare time but her actual paid occupation was “independent contractor”. It was only about a year after dating that Leslie found out a few things about Hayden, including her real occupation.
Apparently werewolf mercenary was a thing and Leslie was dating one. Hayden was a part of a more nomadic pack that traveled all over the country and while Hayden had temporarily settled in California, if Leslie wanted to stay with her she’d have to relocate with her and get cool with all this very quickly.
She did.
At a later point in time Hayden would claim Leslie was where HJ got her calm demeanor and ability to roll with just about anything.
Leslie took to the pack like a fish to water and found her place within it. Hayden’s mother was the pack Alpha and her family consisted of a long line of werewolf mercenaries. They took all kinds of jobs, usually one involving dangerous werewolves who had lost control. Leslie enjoyed being a part of such an extensive community and gaining so much family. She was estranged from her own parents, so having Hayden’s family and pack accept her felt amazing.
Brent was Hayden’s best friend since childhood and Leslie adored him. He was a kind, goofy, softy who was absolutely huge and intimidating looking. He also worked as a mercenary and often went on jobs as Hayden’s partner. The three were more or less inseparable.
Carl came later, a friend of Leslie’s who she met while working in Michigan. She introduced him to Brent and it was fate. Leslie was just glad to have someone to bond with over not being a werewolf since almost everyone else in the pack was. Their trio became a quartet.
They all wanted kids and it seemed like they had the resources to do so, so they did. Leslie decided she would carry first and if later on Hayden wanted to, she could.
In October 1984 they welcomed Poseidon-John (PJ) into the world. The idea was that their children would have interesting names paired with sentimental names. Middle names were picked randomly (singers, actors, authors, etc). Each child got a nickname as well because everyone in the pack got nicknames. All the children would share the same last name, Violet. They picked their first names from a hat full of God names.
April 20th, 1986 was when Hestia-Jo Virginia Violet was brought into the world. She would end up being the second oldest of eight children. She was named after Hayden’s mother Jo which made the new grandmother ecstatic. She was adored by her family and PJ loved his little sister.
The pack moved around a lot so when it was time for the children to start school, they were homeschooled. There were plenty of other kids in the pack for it and enough adults without jobs to do so. They say it takes a village to raise a child and in this case, HJ was raised by four parents and the entire pack. It was a happy childhood for her. She loved traveling, seeing new places, and having new experiences.
Unfortunately from an early age, it was obvious HJ was not the brightest child. Hayden liked to say HJ’s head was filled with good intentions and positive feelings but not much else. She also said she got it from Brent who also wasn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. HJ was the type of child to walk into a glass door or push a pull door that had a sign. She didn’t excel in learning and most people liked to say she had her head in the clouds. It didn’t seem like she had any learning disabilities, she just wasn’t bright. HJ did like learning languages though and picked them up well. Her grammar and spelling in any language was terrible though.
 HJ excelled in two things, being social and sports. Any sport she could get her hands on she would play. Sports and physical activity always came easily for her. Even when she was pretty little she was stronger than many of the pack members. She made a lot of friends wherever they went but it meant her parents had to be careful HJ didn’t go wandering off with strangers. HJ was pretty sure strangers were just friends you haven't made yet.
 As far as her siblings, HJ loved them and she loved playing with them. She helped her parents with them and spent time running around with PJ. She was closest with PJ but they all were close. The family was odd and could be chaotic at times, but it was full of love. Love was one thing HJ never wanted for.
 It wasn’t always perfect and HJ faced bullying from children she’d meet. Not all the children in the pack were always nice either, but for the most part the bullying came from outside. That never stopped HJ from trying to make friends.
 When she was ten she shifted for the first time and everything that could go wrong, went wrong. Young werewolves weren’t always easy to deal with, but HJ was stronger and bigger than any werewolf that age should have been. They tried to handle HJ like any other young werewolf but it wasn’t enough. She lost control and attacked those trying to help her.
When she woke up in the morning her Uncle Quinton was dead, her teenage cousin Laurel was in the hospital, and Brent was missing a good portion of his arm.
 HJ was devastated and while no one held it against her, it took a long time for HJ to be able to stop hating herself. It took the pack some time to work out how to deal with HJ and teach her how to handle her abilities. She was the strongest werewolf they had ever seen. It left a scar on HJ that would never fully heal and a guilt that would reside within her.
 When she was 14 her grandma Jo got sick and Hayden took over as Alpha of the pack. The pack settled in Ohio for a little while and it was there HJ met Clara. They met through their packs, Clara being a werewolf as well. She was a part of a smaller pack in a nearby area that had asked for HJ’s pack’s help with an issue they were having. Being the same age and children of the respective Alphas, they were introduced early on and hit it off. Clara was smart, funny, witty, and all around a good kid. She never made HJ feel dumb and the two hung out all the time.
 HJ had never been happier than when Clara’s family pack decided to merge with theirs. It meant she wouldn’t lose Clara and they could stay together. Clara helped HJ with the guilt she carried from her first shift and HJ helped Clara with the depression and anxiety that she had dealt with nearly all her life.
 When they were 16 they started dating, realizing the feelings they had for one another had grown from just friendship. It had taken Clara having to spell it out for HJ, but it worked out. There was no one HJ would rather spent her life with than Clara.
 When they were 21 they decided to go traveling with some of their friends around the world. It wasn’t an official pack persay, more of an offshoot of the family pack, but they acted as one. Their families supported their travels and off they went.
 HJ saw the world. Not just the U.S, but everywhere. She met werewolves from all over and other supernatural creatures she’d never met before. HJ took on odd jobs like Hayden but they were never quite the same mercenary work. It was usually more like private investigating. She did online schooling when they were in the U.S and eventually, somehow, miraculously, earned a degree from college.
 Surprisingly, the day Hamish turned 18, he joined up with the group. He had always looked up to HJ and loved the idea of traveling with them. Most of her siblings wanted to stay close to home, but Hamish had big dreams of seeing the world.
The summer of 2019 was when HJ’s entire world turned upside down. While on a date with Clara the pack was attacked.
 HJ and Clara were the only survivors.
 It devastated both of them. They moved back to be with their families in the U.S but the damage was done. It was unclear what happened, but the attack appeared to be by werewolves. HJ’s family had to bury Hamish and Hayden made it her job to track down those responsible. There were very few leads for her to follow though.
 Clara couldn’t handle it though. The survivor's guilt ate away at her and no matter what HJ did, she couldn’t fix it. She tried her best. There was nothing HJ wouldn’t do for Clara. She tried to push away her grief to help her partner the best she could.
 It wasn’t enough.
 Less than a year after the attack HJ came home and found Clara hanging from their ceiling fan. HJ left the pack after that, lost and hurting. She went to Traceless (somewhere she’d been a number of times growing up) and decided it held the least amount of painful memories. She got a job as a gym teacher there and settled down, trying to look ahead and deal with the pain of losing her entire world. She joined the Awkward Pack to fill a hole she didn’t know she had.
(ooc: JJ, 21, she/her, EST)
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khalilhumam · 4 years
Hiroshima Timeline project under fire for racism, fabricated history
New Post has been published on http://khalilhumam.com/hiroshima-timeline-project-under-fire-for-racism-fabricated-history/
Hiroshima Timeline project under fire for racism, fabricated history
“Those damn Koreans (朝鮮人の奴ら) are openly taunting us, saying “The war's going to be over soon” and “Japan's going to lose, you know.” Excerpt from Hiroshima Timeline tweet on June 16, 2020. Screenshot of Tweet has been cropped, with full tweet embedded below. Image widely shared on social media.
An innovative NHK project about the August 6, 1945 bombing of Hiroshima has come under scrutiny for using racist epithets to describe Koreans, political interference, and for potentially fabricating historical source material. NHK's Hiroshima Timeline project, dubbed, “What If They Had Social Media In 1945” (もし、75年前にSNSがあったら) features tweets based on the diary entries of three people who lived through the bombing of Hiroshima in August, 1945. Regular people in Hiroshima, including high school students, have helped write the daily tweets and hundreds of thousands of people have followed along and engaged with the project on Twitter. Daily tweets about life in Hiroshima in 1945 are planned until the end of 2020. In August, however, observers in Japan and around the world noticed the NHK-sponsored project was using a racial slur to describe ethnic Koreans who would have lived in Hiroshima in 1945.
So the NHK, Japan's largest TV station, set up an official account commemorating the 75th anniversary of Hiroshima bombing, and their idea of commemoration is using a racial slur against Koreans who are supposedly terrible people for rooting for Imperial Japan to lose WWII.
— T.K. of AAK! (@AskAKorean) August 21, 2020
The slur, chosenjin (朝鮮人), is used by the persona of Shun (hereafter referred to as @nhk_1945shun), a 12-year-old boy and one of three characters whose diary entries are shared in NHK's Hiroshima Timeline project.
【1945年6月16日】 朝鮮人の奴らは「この戦争はすぐに終わるヨ」「日本は負けるヨ」と平気で言い放つ。 思わずかっとなり、怒りに任せて言い返そうとしたが、多勢に無勢。 しかも相手が朝鮮人では返す言葉が見つからない。奥歯を噛みしめた。#ひろしまタイムライン#もし75年前にSNSがあったら — シュン@ひろしまタイムライン (@nhk_1945shun) June 16, 2020
June 16, 1945 Those damn Koreans (朝鮮人の奴ら) are openly taunting us, saying “The war's going to be over soon” and “Japan's going to lose, you know.” Although I felt myself giving in to my anger and was going to taunt them back, I finally just felt overwhelmed. Anyway, I couldn't even find a suitable retort for the Koreans, so I just bit my tongue.
About 2 million Koreans resided in Japan in 1945. Some had settled in or had been brought to the country after Japan colonized Korea in 1910, while between 1939 and 1945 up to 800,000 Koreans were conscripted during the war to work in Japan's wartime industries. In 1945, an estimated 80,000 ethnic Koreans lived in Hiroshima, at least 30,000 of whom would die immediately in the atomic attack. About one million ethnic Koreans still reside in Japan, and still experience discrimination. According to Twitter user “Tomoka Phenomenon” (ともかフェノメノン, referred to hereafter as Tomoka) NHK's Hiroshima Timeline project appears to have published at least four different tweets that included the term chosenjin (朝鮮人), including the following:
【1945年8月20日】 朝鮮人だ!! 大阪駅で戦勝国となった朝鮮人の群衆が、列車に乗り込んでくる!#ひろしまタイムライン#もし75年前にSNSがあったら — シュン@ひろしまタイムライン (@nhk_1945shun) August 19, 2020
August 20, 1945 The Koreans are coming! A horde of Koreans, acting as if they have just won the war, are on their way (to Hiroshima) by train from Osaka!
Since the tweets sent by the three Hiroshima Timeline Twitter accounts are supposed to be based on actual diary entries by three real people in Hiroshima in 1945, Tomoka searched through Shun's original diaries to find some context for the tweets about Koreans.
#ひろしまタイムライン のシュンが「朝鮮人」という語句をどれだけ使っているのかと思って検索すると6月16日に「朝鮮人」を含むツイートが3件見つかった。 この日何があったんだろう?と日記の原文を辿ると、そこには「朝鮮人」なる語句も、蛇を食べたという話も、まったく書かれていなかった。 pic.twitter.com/5ujEhUUx47 — ともかフェノメノン (@tomoka_hidden) August 20, 2020
I started to wonder just how much Shun from #Hiroshima Timeline had actually used chosenjin in his diary. First, I searched the @nhk_1945 on June 16 (1945) for tweets that included chosenjin. I found three. Following up, I took a look at that day in 1945 to find out what happened Shun (to make him disparage Koreans). However, there was no mention of Koreans in his diary […]
The Mainichi Shimbun also reported that Shunichiro Arai, the real person upon whom the @nhk_1945shun's tweets are based, never made disparaging or racist remarks about Koreans in his diaries:
Diary entries by Shunichiro Arai, whose writing forms the basis for Shun's tweets, are being published on the Hiroshima Timeline official website, but there is no mention of “Korean people” in the original text. As a result, one user has commented on Twitter, “I'm not sure to what point this is historical fact, or to what point it is imagined; there also aren't explanatory notes.”
Besides the dubious decision to use the epithet chosenjin in the Hiroshima Timeline project, Twitter user @wayto1945, who publishes a blog that takes a comprehensive look at Japan's colonization of the Korean peninsula, said that the Hiroshima Timeline tweets about supposed ethnic Korean impunity in the dying days of the war are historically incorrect. Instead, even following the end of the war, ethnic Koreans in Hiroshima still regularly experienced violence. A tweet published on August 21, 2020 by the @nhk_1945shun account includes potentially fabricated content that misrepresents the dangers ethnic Koreans in postwar Japan actually faced:
誰も抵抗できないどころか、1946年8月までの1年間で37件の朝鮮人虐殺、警察扇動による暴力団との衝突、炭鉱争議への警察介入等があったし、敗戦直後は関東大震災時の朝鮮人虐殺が再発する事への恐怖心があったと朝連(当時の在日朝鮮人団体)によって記録されている。https://t.co/JAZBW632Q4 — 1945年への道 (@wayto1945) August 22, 2020
Quoted tweet by @nhk_1945shun: [August 20, 1945] I did not have the will to stop crying. At one moment, our own defeated veterans push their fellow Japanese civilian countrymen off the train (to make room). In the next moment, the Korean “victors” pull Japanese passengers off the train with impunity, and no one can resist. How wretched. @wayto1945's response: Far from there being no resistance, there were 37 incidents of Korean massacres over the course of the year following the end of the war until August 1946, as police clashed with organized gangs and intervened in coal mine disputes, etc. According to the records of the Choren (one of the main ethnic Korean associations in Japan at that time), it was feared that, following the defeat, Japan would see another massacre of Koreans like what happened after the 1923 Great Kanto earthquake (when at least 6,000 ethnic Koreans were killed in mob violence).
In response to growing online criticisms, the official NHK blog for Hiroshima Timeline explained that the tweets made by the three Twitter accounts are actually composites, and were based on interviews and diary entries made by multiple people who experienced the end of the war, a fact not originally made clear on the Hiroshima Timeline website. NHK explained that @nhk_1945shun's tweets, while not always based on diary entries made by the real Shun, who did exist in 1945, are instead intended to represent how many boys his age must have felt at the end of the war, to answer the question, ‘What kind of things might this person have posted on social media?’
In order to illustrate the saga of a junior high school experiencing the defeat in war, and to help younger generations understand the confusion of that time, (the Hiroshima Timeline creators) included actual expressions used by people we interviewed for the project.
The answer, NHK seems to indicate, is that people would have posted hateful comments about Koreans if social media had existed in 1945. Back on Twitter, Tomoko also questioned how much oversight there was over Hiroshima community participants who crafted some of the tweets, none of whom are trained historians, all collaborated to create @nhk_1945shun's tweets. If the diaries didn't include any mention of Koreans, who directed the team to include the racist term? Using screenshots, Tomoka also notes that “Yamaneko”, a pseudonym of one of the Hiroshima citizens who helped craft Shun's tweets, says they “received advice from” a public servant (公務員) identified as Ito Naoto, an employee of the Ministry of Economy, Trade, and Industry (METI). Ito, in turn, on a social media post screenshotted by Tomoka, states he received “valuable advice” (貴重なご意見) from a Hiroshima municipal assembly member Toyoshima Ganpaku. Tomoka asks:
What sort of opinions did a local politician give to people connected to a public broadcaster?
Toyoshima Ganpaku made the national news earlier in July for receiving cash payments from disgraced former Japanese Justice Minister Kawai Katsuyaki, who was arrested after a vote-buying scandal in Hiroshima prefecture. Twitter user Tomoka, who spent considerable effort unraveling who might be responsible for the racist content, also notes that, according to the Hiroshima Timeline project page, the primary technical experts guiding the creation of the tweets were two playwrights, rather than historians, and their primary motivation may have been to create drama, rather than historical accuracy.
サポートや監修の方々がすべて悪いと言いたいわけではない。 彼らは「演劇」という、彼らの職能に求められた仕事をしたわけだから。演出家や役者の方に史学者の能力を求めるなんて、八百屋に行って魚を探すようなものだ。 問題があるのは、八百屋に魚のさばき方講座を求める @nhk_hiroshima だ。 — ともかフェノメノン (@tomoka_hidden) August 20, 2020
I'm not trying to say the project supervisor and the other people who worked to make it are bad. There job was to create a “narrative”, which is what they're paid to do. However, asking a director or an actor to play the role of an actual historian is like going to a greengrocer to buy a fish. The real problem is @nhk_hiroshima (which was involved in commissioning and managing the project) asked a greengrocer to lecture us on “what makes a good fish” in the first place.
< p class='gv-rss-footer'>Written by Nevin Thompson
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