#the furthest i got was telling them it bugged me a little when they asked me to change our new cat's name for their boyfriend. which like
catboyr · 1 year
love this cycle of does my roommate hate me nah we're okay does my roommate hate me nah we're okay does my roommate hate me nah we're okay its so funny i am having so much fun
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imagoddamnonionmason · 3 months
Okay I lied about not talking about my OCs😭
Imagine little Annika approaching Nadežda covered in scratches and bite marks with a satchel that keeps growling and hissing. She tells Nayda that she has a gift for her, pulls out a gigantic raccoon, and holds it up Simba-style.
“I named her after you.”
Later, Nadežda approaches Nik about it and he’s like, “Don’t worry about her, I’ve already had to get her vaccinated for rabies a while ago. She brought me a fox once.”
“Just don’t get rid of it anywhere near here, Nika would be heartbroken if she found it.”
Nik’s so used to it that he’s happy he won’t be the only recipient of Annika’s “gifts”.
Firstly, I understand ;u; when you get the bug to talk about them, sometimes restraint just isn't enough- JUST AS LONG AS YOU ARE ALSO ENJOYING YOUR HOLIDAY!!
SECONDLY - this is both funny and adorable.
Nadya would find it so endearing that this little girl got her something and named it after her; the thought is what counts and no way in hell would she ever allow Annika to feel bad or anything of the sort. Like, there's a preciousness there, a sort of innocence that needs to be protected. Yes, Nik is already doing that but Nadya would be like "I think I'd die/kill for this child". (Essentially, the fierce protectiveness she would inwardly feel about Ashley is applicable to this au here.)
I also think Nad would feel a little offended at the idea that she's expected to go put the raccoon somewhere XD you know that scene from Pirates of the Caribbean? Where Jack is given a jar of dirt and he at first complains, but then holds it close after being told "don't want it? Give it back" *hugging it to chest* "no- it's mine" Yeah, I imagine that XD
Nik is just "listen, I understand that you might not want to keep the wild animal that has been caught, but make sure when you return it to the wild, it is beyond a 1 mile radius so Annika never finds out."
Nadya, "*gasp* how dare you- I will keep this feral critter for the rest of my life. I will train it to be the best attack raccoon for the faction-"
Cue an idea for a dumb finishing move, where Nadya whistles and this feral raccoon flies to the enemies throat lol. A bit like the rabbit one I see about in Cold War
BUT I wanna focus on the interaction between Annika and Nadya because 100% it would go a little something like this.
"Annika, you're covered in scratches, what happened?" Nadya expresses with concern, the worry etched into her brows as they knit together. The little girl approaches, a smile beaming on her face, prideful, and she holds out a hissing raccoon in her little hands. At first, Nadežda isn't entirely certain how to manage the animal and her awe that the girl is unfazed along with her ability to keep a hold of it. In the split second she falters, Nadya quickly, mentally slaps herself back to the present. "I got something for you! I even named it after you!" Annika grins, tone light, playful, and in her eyes one can tell she is awaiting the praise and glee from the woman. With urgency, Nadežda finds something akin to a container, a cage, just something to keep the animal safely contained and soon ushers the hissing critter inside. It hunkers at the furthest corner from them, as the two peer at it. One still with a huge grin on her face and the other with a curious brow raised. "That's very thoughtful, dorogaya," Nadya said, her hand coming to rest lightly on Annika's head, ruffling the hair slightly. Then, she turned fully to the girl and added, "now let's get those scratches cleaned up, ok?" Then, she thought inwardly, I'm going to need to ask Nik what to do with that raccoon...
I hope you enjoyed this little read-
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brendathedoodler · 1 year
Me again! I swear, the serotonin I get from the adventure swap au is unreal. Tetra is my absolute favorite Zelda so I'd be absolutely happy to listen to a rant about AS!Tetra 😁
Thank you!!
The idea I have for Tetra is that she’s the youngest of many sisters (all named Zelda but going by their middle names to distinguish them). Out of her sisters she’s the furthest from the traditional “Zelda from the stories” figure, so when it was revealed that she was the holder of the Princess’s spirit, there were mixed reactions among her family.
Tetra has 3 older sisters. The eldest sister is the more traditional Zelda type, and has worked all her life to unlock the powers she was supposed to have. When it was discovered that Tetra was the one with those powers, it quickly spawned a sort of feud between the two spawning from jealousy (on her end) and frustration (mostly on Tetra’s end).
The second eldest gets overlooked literally all the time. She’s not as charismatic and extroverted as the eldest, not as cheerful and fun as the second youngest, and she’s far from the brash and confident sort that Tetra is. On one hand, she kinda likes going unnoticed. On the other hand, getting forgotten by everyone else is frustrating. She knows all sorts of gossip and is always eager to share with Tetra, who tells stories of the fights she gets into in return.
The second youngest is a ditzy and cheerful girl. She tries her best to be supportive of her little sister, but when faced with any sort of dirt, bugs, or combat she gets spooked. She’s the one who convinced their father to get Tetra a fancy suit instead of forcing her into a dress all the time.
At first Tetra didn’t like Wind much. Sure, he helped rescue her, but when he’d shown up she was already halfway through rescuing herself. Besides, he’s like two years younger than her; being an (almost) 12-year-old rescued by a 9-year-old is ridiculously embarrassing!
Over time though, the two grew to be as thick as thieves. The best part is that Wind is able and willing to put up the facade of a refined gentleman hero whenever her parents are around, and thanks to how much he’s saved her and Hyrule as a whole, they trust her with him. Naturally they run off to get into shenanigans together. If asked about Tetra’s whereabouts by anyone in the castle (except Tetra’s younger two sisters, he trusts them not to spill), he’ll cover for her and insist she was with him even if he has no idea what the hell she’s doing. He’s not stupid though, and if Tetra’s missing he’ll go do his own investigation. At this point he’s (reasonably) convinced that any little oddity in his day to day life could be the start of another adventure.
Anyway, one of the big adventures Tetra played a large part in was Hytopia. She convinced her father to let her go, since “my dear hero Link works so hard and I wanted to do something nice for his birthday! Besides, we’d get to visit Princess Styla and get wonderful outfits for the upcoming ball, wouldn’t that be great?” and it absolutely worked. She did have to bring her older sister (the second youngest, thankfully not the eldest), but still. It was great! A vacation for her, her sister, Wind, and his family.
It turned into an adventure right away, but her sister promised not to tell so long as she didn’t get hurt too badly. With that, Wind, Tetra, and Ravi set out to save Hytopia together! It was honestly really fun, even with the fighting (though Ravi was the only one who seemed opposed to the idea of fighting, mostly because he’s the cowardly sort). They left him on ranged attack duty and they got up close and personal with their enemies. They also got to dress up in fun outfits (Tetra avoiding all the dresses, Ravi preferring said dresses, and Wind not caring either way) while they fought, which was an absolute plus.
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Come and Trick or Treat! Open all year :] tags updated Nov. 28
Howdy!!! Pronouns —> she/he/they (no preference)
Wolfy (wolf character I doodle sometimes) is my blog mascot. Unreliable sleep schedule/forgetful/message notifs don’t show up- so if you need me uhhhh keep yelling until I notice? Hdfjhfg..
I love drawing, listening to game playthroughs, and looking at cute animals! Feel free to send an ask about anything.
Art tag: wolfys art
Cool art by pals: grand showcase of arts
Doc says something: wolf chats
Art months stuff (all of them!! general tag): Just Here To Have Fun
Kiley and co stuff (commonwealth): little wastrels
second fallout au (island, custom location for an rp): badlands crew
Misc fandom tags (unreliably tagged but I will start now): qsmp, good omens, fallout, bg3, whump stuff, starfield, doctor who
important/tagged consistently: psa, boost (urgent news), reblogging for future reference (general tips), promo (friends news), flashing images, bright colors
"You have to reblog!" And similar phrases: rebait
Minor misc tags: drawing tips, writing tips, cooking tips, fave,
Note- these are not tagged reliably: ghouls/zombies, blood, skeletons, suggestive (no explicit things here), bugs and spiders, guns, drug use, smoking, all caps
Unimportant ramblings v
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Time stamp: Jul 15? Heeeeey. Hello. So I did take a break from art till like last week, but uh, the health has been a roller coaster-
I kinda cleaned the whole house compulsively multiple times. I dunno what to say about that. Went from the compulsion to be Always Drawing to Always Doing Chores, so it wasn’t really a break? It felt amazing for a little while, but I am so stressed inside ahagfhkhdf. Anywayssssss.
I realized that promising to do the art requests Later is just me returning to old behavior, like just... keeping it on the line so I /nobody gets a direct answer *when* it will be done. That makes my brain think it’s in the clear while the other artists are worried and unsure what’d happen. Andddd even though I did have the motivation to do animated group projects for a little while, a small thing completely knocked me into dropping everything else.
I know I *could* try to join more projects or do more requests, I’m not in a safe headspace where I wouldn’t be set off, and nobody should risk their project’s deadline for that-
TLDR I’m going to Try and fix things up on my end and stop myself from joining anything (that depends on Every artists effort). Even if I feel alright *now* I know there’s a lot of risk for *later*- just don’t let me in anything big and important even if I ask, please- for at least a year-
—— Timestamp: Slightly Before August
Gonna Try Ink Demonth this year- I’ll limit myself and not do something too detailed again hsdkfjzhk.
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Timestamp: August 17
[cackles evilly] Ink Demonth Ink Demothhhhh- this is the furthest I’ve ever gotten in an art prompt month ever! ...even though I’m technically not on theme (Fallout instead of Batim). Trying to pace myself by alternating between a simple and detailed style. Hrrrh the yeehawgust prompts (cowboy theme!) look so cool but I won’t double up- but I will try to participate in the September AI-less-Whump month. (gore and dark subjects! I’ll tag everything properly of course.)
Also I’ve come to a realization- A dream of mine has been becoming famous for my art/animations, but uh- One, it isn’t realistic, and Two, posts getting like 200 notes freaks me out cfjhxfgh- Well, doing stuff for friends and others is just as cool. Y’all are awesome ^w^
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Timestamp: Aughust ninteen
Wait actually I don’t need a reason to block people. I don’t need to tell you either. It’s been getting a bit too chummy around here (reference)
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Timestamp: September 4
I didn’t finish the art month, but I got to day twenty! That’s pretty good. I’ll finish it up this month. I also gotta work on some ref sheet, finish a birthday gift, andddd clear the askbox.
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Timestamp: September 29
Oeghhhh.... too many ideas, not enough time. So many comic ideas. And I gotta tamp down my love of angst dvhkdfbnsf, make sure it makes sense first!! Decided to keep the aus separate. Normal Game Stuff is happening in the Badlands mainland, uh, I don’t know what ending we’d go with but anyways. ....hm. Maybe there’s no sosu and the factions are not making any progress. But probably’d lean towards Institute ending if I had to choose now.
Hm. Well. Maybe I did not think. Uh well in the other au Kiley’s with the Minutemen, and Nate’s with the BoS, so... well I’m not sure how this is gonna go- I’ll keep drawing memes till I think of something cool.
Timestamp: October 24
Well uhhhh. I dropped the October art challenge pretty quick, unfortunately. I’ll continue in December maybe? I said I’d do a few days of Halltober, and I don’t want to go back on what I said.
I keep continuing and dropping the au stuff, but that just proves I can continue a project! Maybe!! Maybe. It’ssss a comedy, so uh I’m not worried about making a Deep Story or anything. It’ll be fiiiiine. Just little slice of life stuff.
I wwwwwill get caught up on requests and gifts-
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frogtanii · 3 years
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℗ home
kenma x fem!reader (poker face ending)
series masterlist
wc. 2.9k (ahaha)
warnings. NOT PROOFREAD, liberal use of italics, soft soft, kenma in denial, allusions to marriage, bokuto and kuroo meddling, drinking, declarations of love, SMUT!!! (is marked off!), sub!kenma, handjob + blowjob, slightly insecure!kenma, meiko mentions, enthusiastic consent, one (1) katamari reference, vocal!kenma, uhh
an. good golly gee i HATE ending the endings m so bad at it AND the smut is lil weirder to skip??? like it’s not impossible or anything but it’s not as smooth as atsumu’s, m rlly sorry :((((( but i rlly hope y’all enjoy hehe don’t forget to feed me shawties :3
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the loud obnoxious pop music blasting in the crowded bar around kenma made him want to fling himself into the moon at the nearest opportunity.
okay, so that was a little dramatic but the fact still stood.
he was crammed into a tiny booth with kuroo, bokuto, and akaashi, the former brushing up against him with every little movement, making kenma bristle in discomfort.
why the hell did i agree to this, kenma thought while sipping on his cranberry juice. he’d never enjoyed drinking, his true thoughts and feelings coming out way too easily once intoxicated. it was so infuriating being a lightweight, especially when everyone around him was disgustingly drunk.
“are you having fun kenma?” bokuto half yelled, half slurred into his ear from across the table. kenma slouched further into the booth’s stained cushions in response, his lack of answer not bothering bokuto in the slightest.
with the boisterous man’s attention successfully diverted by akaashi, kenma allowed his eyes to wander out over the dance floor but he wasn’t really paying them any mind. instead, his mind was occupied with none other than you.
it shouldn’t have been that surprising considering all the time he’d been spending with you recently. it had been a few months since the hyper house had disbanded and while you were enjoying your time living with your best friends, they had way too much sex. like an abnormal amount.
it had gotten to the point where you were having to abscond from the apartment four times a week because they were just so loud.
at first you had found refuge in the 24 hour cafe a few blocks from your place but falling asleep at a hard wood table only to have to walk home at 2am alone was terrible for your peace of mind (and your back).
you’d started complaining about it at your weekly animal crossing hang outs with kenma and he’d offered the brilliant solution of you coming over to his place when makki and mattsun were otherwise... occupied.
you were shocked at his suggestion and aptly so. it was no news that kenma absolutely hated hosting and having people over, especially since he was one of the few former members that were able to afford their own place straight out the gate.
when you’d expressed this, all he had said was, you’re different.
that wasn’t enough for you, evidenced by your once again nightly stays at the cafe but when you had to run home because someone was following you, you begrudgingly agreed to kenma’s offer and started sleeping at his house multiple times a week.
it was a bit to get used to at first, seeing you first thing in the morning with messy hair and sleep-swollen eyes. you were beautiful jarring. but, as time passed, he got used to your presence, making your drink of choice and sliding him his tea in the morning, sending him a soft smile that had him running to the bathroom to hide his blush.
it was all... strangely domestic.
even now, the thought of you in your threadbare sleep shirt, standing in his kitchen while cooking breakfast sent a wave of heat across his face, spreading up to the tips of his ears.
“what are you thinking about that’s got you so red?” kuroo teased, pulling the glass out of kenma’s hands, laughing at his annoying glare. he hoped he could ignore the question as he so often did, but apparently he wasn’t so lucky.
bokuto cackled in his seat before calling out your name, sending a chill of fear down kenma’s spine. “bet he’s thinkin about her! about how he wants to smooch her and maybe more,” he waggled his eyebrows, “i’m just saying!”
the rest of the table let out good natured laughs but kenma was preoccupied with replaying what bokuto had said.
i mean, sure he thought you were pretty, but anyone with eyes would agree! and yeah, maybe spending time with you was the highlight of his week, but it wasn’t his fault you were so genuinely enjoyable to be around. and of course, sometimes when it was late at night, his mind would wander to you and how it would feel to wake up beside you instead of across the hall from you and—
fuck. he liked you. a lot.
then, as if you somehow knew exactly what was on his mind (a terrifying thought to entertain), his phone buzzed in his hoodie pocket. he pulled it out quickly to check it and he hated how his heart picked up in his chest at the sight of your contact name.
[sussy baka <3]: wya shawty 🤨 u have no food in ur fridge n m hungry seen 13:20
[player ew]: s boys night seen 13:22
[sussy baka <3]: 😐
[sussy baka <3]: are u having fun seen 13:25
[player ew]: ... seen 13:28
[sussy baka <3]: yeah that’s what i thought
[sussy baka <3]: bring home some ramen <3 seen 13:31
home. god, if he didn’t like the sound of that coming from you. it took kenma no time at all to start packing up his things, ignoring the knowing looks on his friends faces as he tossed down a couple of bills for his drink and left to go home, where you were.
after stopping at the convenient store, he headed to his apartment building, shopping bag full of ramen in one hand and heart in the other.
no matter what he did, he couldn’t get bokuto’s annoying voice out of his head, telling him that he liked you. and now that he knew it was true? he was kind of spiraling.
the ding of the elevator managed to somehow shake him out of his thoughts, at least for him to get to his front door, but once it was open, all coherent brain activity immediately dissolved.
you were sitting on his couch in the living room, bundled up in one of his mario blankets and wearing one of his hoodies as you watched some animal documentary raptly, sheer disgust written all over your face.
kenma gulped.
he managed to work up the courage to actually enter his apartment, kicking off his shoes by the door and beelining towards the kitchen, not missing your excited call of his name and wide grin.
biting down any other unchecked feelings, he quickly set to work boiling the water for the ramen and then... stood there. boiling water would take a while and he knew he couldn’t avoid you forever but he really, really didn’t want to go sit by you with all these emotions sitting right on his chest.
“kenma, they’re gonna eat the seal!” you yelled from the couch, waving him over frantically. how was he supposed to say no to brutal animal murder on tv? kenma chuckled dryly at his own joke as he made his way over to where you sat, plopping himself on the side of the couch furthest away from you.
he told himself he just didn’t want to bug you when he had to go check the water but he knew it was a lie. he was running from his feelings, from anything that could ruin this.
you shot him a concerned look which he caught out of the corner of his eye but he kept his head firmly forward, unwilling to look at you if he didn’t have to. “kenma, what’s wrong? was boys night that bad?�� you asked gently, and fuck if that didn’t make him feel worse.
kenma just shook his head, still choosing not to face you. you let out a long, arduous sigh before scooting across the couch and pressing yourself to his side, pulling his head down to rest on your chest while taking one of his hands into your own.
what the fuck. what the fuck?!1!?1!!?1!
you were so soft and warm and your arms around him made him feel things which was exactly what he was trying to avoid but then you actually started to speak and oh shit it got worse.
“kenma,” you started, running your hands through his deep brown locks, “you know you can talk to me about anything right?”
of course he knew that because this was you and you were so kind and considerate and badass and cool and that was all precisely why he couldn’t talk to you about everything, especially when it came to his emperor of the cosmos sized feelings for you.
but, instead of saying any of that, he allowed you to continue, his body relaxing into your hold against his will.
“i bother you because i care about you and i worry, you know. i know you’re strong and you can take care of yourself but i can’t help it...” if kenma was really listening, he would’ve heard the shakiness in your voice, the apprehension in your words but he didn’t. “i can’t help it because i like you, kenma.”
you... what?
kenma pushed himself off of you to look you in the face, to find any sign that you’re pranking him or just being cruel but he couldn’t find any.
still, he couldn’t take you at your word, after all who would like someone like him?
“say it again,” his voice comes just under a whisper, his words stilted and unsure but he needs to know, he needs to believe you. he wants to believe you.
“i like you.” you don’t use any big, flowery words, nor do you try and justify why you like him and still, somehow it’s enough. kenma’s eyes filled with tears as they’re trained on you but your eyes were occupied elsewhere.
staring at his lips.
“can i kiss you?” you asked softly, not pressuring or forceful but like that was truly just on your mind and you had to ask it. kenma wasn’t sure how he was supposed to resist when you asked him like that. “please,” was his response, already breathy and absolutely wrecked.
you obliged.
•••smut begin•••
surging forward, you pressed your mouth to his, soft lips meeting chapped ones as you moved them insistently against his own. kenma let out an embarrassing whine at the contact, his hands balling into fists by his sides.
yours, on the other hand, wandered, tracing over the hills and valleys of his chest and back before landing right under the hem of his hoodie. you pulled back, laughing quietly at the way he so eagerly chased your lips while halting him with a hand to his sternum.
“can i take this off?” kenma nodded enthusiastically before he could stop himself and you let out another soft huff as you busied yourself with getting him naked.
he tried to help you where he could, but he was ultimately resigned to bask in your movements, in your control as you manhandled him out of every article of clothing he was wearing until he was as naked as the day he was born.
immediately, the insecurities took hold of him, his mouth opening to stutter out an apology for how he looked. meiko’s voice played in his ears, reminding him he wasn’t what the girls went for being too skinny, too sensitive, too loud.
kenma moved to pick his clothes back up to cover himself before retreating to his room where he could die of shame but your firm hand kept him where he sat.
“you’re beautiful,” you said, like you were saying the sky was blue or the grass was green — as an irrefutable fact. your brows were furrowed at first but the expression melted away to show a softer one, one full of love, admiration, and... lust.
a high-pitched whimper left his lips at your gaze, his cock throbbing against his thigh. you grinned and moved back in to kiss him, your hand moving to his throat to hold him in place, his adam’s apple bobbing against your palm.
your other, unoccupied, hand traveled down his body to rub over a nipple, his back arching into your touch as his breath hitched against your mouth. you let out a hum of approval, continuing your ministrations of pinching and plucking the hard bud before moving further down to take a hold of his cock.
kenma broke away from you, a choked wail erupting from his chest as he bucked up into your grip. “can i make you feel good? can i show you how beautiful you are?” you asked earnestly, your thumb gently caressing his jaw.
“please, please, please,” he begged. under normal circumstances, he would be embarrassed at how easily he’d been folding for you, but it was so much easier to just submit to your capable and willing hands.
“good boy,” you tacked on mindlessly, your blown eyes and kiss-swollen lips only adding to your debauched look. internally, kenma preened at the fact that he was responsible for you looking like that, so feral like you just wanted to eat him up.
which was apparently exactly what you wanted to do, evidenced by you sliding onto your knees in front of him, pressing kisses and sucking marks into his pale thighs.
kenma’s hips stuttered beneath you as he watched you get closer and closer to his throbbing member, the tip already bright red and leaking precum.
suddenly, your eyes shot up to his, pinning him with an intense stare as you slowly, slowly brought him to your mouth, the wet heat enveloping the head before you closed your lips around him and sucked.
holy fucking shit.
his reaction was instantaneous. his eyes rolled back into his head, his hips bucked up into your mouth, and a filthy moan escaped from him as you started to get into a nice rhythm sucking his cock.
kenma could barely keep himself quiet, especially when you began toying with his balls, the feeling adding to the coil tightening in his gut.
you pulled all the way off of him before sucking him down the hilt, his mouth opening in a silent scream as you choked around his length, the pleasure that your throat was bringing while you pulsed around him was otherworldly.
he was going to die, he resigned. he was going to die by the biggest orgasm he’d ever had with his penis in your mouth and he was going to love every second of it.
a sharp tap to his inner thigh brought him back down to earth, this bleary eyes trying to focus on your face and once they did, he was taken aback. your eyes held such fondness, such love that he could hardly take it.
kenma couldn’t hold back his thoughts, especially under the intensity of your gaze, his mouth opening to gasp out, “i love you, shit, i love you.”
you pulled off him with a pop but you didn’t stop stroking him, your hand picking up the pace to the point that his thighs were quivering with the strength of his oncoming orgasm.
“say it again,” you threw his words right back at him and if he’d been in his right mind, he might’ve laughed but since he was drowning in pleasure, he immediately followed your orders, groaning out those three words over and over until he was hoarse.
you seemed to enjoy it, so much so that you took the palm of your hand and toyed with the sensitive tip of his cock, sending him right over the edge.
his vision whited out completely as he came with a loud cry of your name, tears trailing from his lashline from the sheer severity of his orgasm, one hand grasped tightly in yours.
•••smut over•••
as kenma came down from his high, he watched you brush his hair from his face before pressing a kiss to his hairline.
“you know, i love you too,” you stated, pulling him up to rest his spent body against your own. he scoffed while playing with your hand, toying with your bare ring finger in a way that you knew was deliberate.
“i figured, you just sucked my dick.” you protested loudly, smacking him gently on the arm when he snickered at your reaction. after your laughter died down, he rested his head back over your heart, listening to the steady beat thrumming beneath his ear.
your hands tangled back into his hair and he felt himself drifting off into dreamland when a loud meow startled him awake again. kyabia (or caviar) stared up at him with unblinking feline eyes, her tail swishing silently against the floor. “oh god, my cat is seeing me naked,” he gasped in horror, your chest heaving against his ear as you cackled.
kyabia quickly got bored and scampered off to who knows where and by that time, kenma was ready to knock back out. you were still laughing though and since you were his human pillow, that just wouldn’t do.
shoving you down on the couch, he buried his head in your chest and muttered a blunt, “sleep,” ignoring the way your giggle made a smile spread across his cheeks.
obviously, you could tell if your own matching grin was anything to go by but you let it be, instead choosing to wrap your arms around him and hold him tighter to your body, like you were trying to pour all your love into the embrace.
kenma only hoped that you would also “let it be” when you caught him ring shopping on his phone just a few weeks later.
it was only a matter of time. why delay when he loved you and you loved him? he knew he couldn’t wait until he could officially call you his.
after all, kozume yn had a nice ring to it.
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
Oh, home, let me come home
Home is wherever I'm with you
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taglist - if your name is in bold, i cannot tag you
@boosyboo9206 • @geektastic84 • @elianetsantana • @trashy-simp • @infinitebells • @6mattsun9 • @suhkusa • @katsulovee • @kotarosbabygirl • @fucktheworlddude • @insomniacwreck • @calumsfringe • @saltylettuce • @chai-blu • @al3x1ss • @hawksyoongi • @jooleuuh • @loubells • @kissungjae • @liberhoe • @tetsurocore • @animeoverdosee • @duhsies • @saiKishaircLip • @afire24 • @premiyagi • @kit-kat428 • @doctorspencereid • @daphnxy • @kyomihann • @maer-333 • @sinoflust19 • @peteunderoos • @peachiikichu • @iidanotlida • @yongboxerrr • @kac-chowsballs • @tanakaslastbraincell • @memorableminds • @risjime • @starry-magicshop • @sugavwara • @smuttyanimeslut • @kiwibirbs-library • @haijkk • @airybnb • @crybabygumi • @iwaisa • @decaffinatedtealover • @notameera • @kawaii-angelanne • @rintarovibes • @urlocalsimp • @keiarma • @shrimpypenis
the rest of the tags will be in the replies!!
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purecantarella · 3 years
Happy Birthday Sana!
happy sana day! also, back to back updates? who is she? HAHAHA alright i hope you all enjoy! minatozaki sana x reader disclaimer/s : fluff with some suggestive content nearing the end. i'm sorry i'm not in a state to write smut right now, my lovelies ))):
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You'd been with Sana for what felt like forever. It would chalk up to three years together. There were some things you were used to like her erratic schedule, the circle she was in was filled with A-Listers, and even her having to be away during important events. You were used to it and you'd just learned to be used to the difficulties that came with your girlfriend because you adored her so much.
There was just one thing that bugged you. That was that she was an absolute rock to shop for in terms of presents.
It wasn't that she was unappreciative of what you got her. It was that you didn't exactly make the same amount as she did when her group dropped an album. Sana never rubbed it in your face but you knew you could never afford the luxuries that she could give you.
The Japanese idol had made it clear to you multiple times that money was the furthest thing from her mind during the holidays or any other event. But you always argued that you only wanted to give her the best to your ability and you did with love and an occasional pricey gift.
This year though, you'd had a number of unexpected expenses that left you and your bank account rather drained by the end of the year. You knew that Sana wasn't with you for anything other than the love she had for you but you still loved to spoil your girl in any way you could.
"So what's your plan exactly?" Your friend asked as you frantically ran around your apartment's kitchen before propping a grape into their mouth. You glared at them as they continued to eat the fruit presented before them.
Gently, you slapped their hand making them gasp in surprise. "The plan is you help me prepare something nice for Sana's birthday." You said before taking a piece of the purple fruit in your own mouth to which you received a scowl.
"I told you that I wouldn't be able to. My mom wants me home before the New Year. I'm already late." Your friend cocked a brow. "I thought you were going to make one of those cheesy pick-one things that you saw on Pintrest?" Your body shot up at the mention of the almost forgotten project stuffed at the back of your closet.
You shifted from foot to foot as you thought of the cringey things you wrote on the papers that you'd folded into a clear mason jar. "I mean...It's ready it's just that..." You waved your hands in front of yourself trying to find the right words to describe the present. "...Basic?" You said, brows creasing tiredly.
Your friend offered you a kind smile before getting off the island chair, "You don't need me to tell you that your girlfriend never cared about stuff like that. I'll text you when I'm at my mom's place, alright?" They said before opening the door slowly before you called out their name. They looked back at you with a small and curious smile.
"Aren't you going to help me prepare dinner?" Your friend once again rolled their eyes before stepping out the door. You smiled and looked down at your hands before clutching them, feeling a little more determined to give your girlfriend the perfect birthday evening.
Pulling your hair back from your face, you muttered, "Okay, let's do this." Before beginning to chop the vegetables you needed.
A few hours later, you admired your handiwork. Merely adjusting some of the details on the dining table when you heard a light tapping over the door. You ran a hand through your hair and adjusted your outfit. You moved to open the door and when you did you met eyes with a stack of gifts piled up in thin arms.
You giggled softly when you heard a soft, "Hello!" From behind the gifts. You took the presents from the familiar arms of your girlfriend. Carefully, you maneuvered yourself to place the stack onto the closest surface. As you made sure the gifts were secure you felt a pair of arms wrap around your waist and pull you up, twirling you around.
"Welcome home, baby!" You said happily through fits of laughter as Sana giggled giddily with you. The blonde placed you down before placing a gentle kiss over your cheek. You smiled fondly before turning to meet her lips in a tender and warm kiss. After years of being together, there was still something about when your lips met that made your heart pound madly in your chest.
Subtly you took her hand in yours before you pulled away and placed your forehead over hers, allowing the touch to linger. The smiles on both your faces growing. "How was my girl's day today?" You asked, still refusing to leave the warmth of Sana's touch. She smiled before meeting your lips again softly.
"It was amazing, the ONCEs were all so sweet and the girl's even prepared a cake for me during lunch..." She muttered as you pulled away a little. Still she met your eyes with those beautiful chocolate orbs and pulled your waist closer to her. "...But this is the best part."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. "You must think you're so smooth." She giggled while she pulled away to eye the set up you had prepared. "If it landed me you, I clearly did something right." She added before winking at you, making your skin tingle excitedly.
You bit your lip as you moved towards the kitchen island, Sana closely following you.
You handed her the glass jar with the letters, notes, and quotes you'd written a couple weeks ago nervously. Sana quirked a brow curiously and read the letter on the front. You watched her expression shift from a giddy excitement to a soft and tender one. "I-I know it's nothing compared to what you received from everyone else but-"
Sana did nothing but lean forward and silence you with a hot and passionate kiss leaving you gasping for air. You closed your eyes as the grip the blonde had over your hand tightened. She pulled away while you tried to catch your breath. "I have never loved or have been loved by any one more than you, Y/F/N." Her soft voice making your heart pound madly in your chest.
You smiled before you pointed to the set table. "Dinner?"
She smirked down at you before pulling your body closer to hers. "Yeah...I'm in the mood to eat something." Your eyes went wide before they shut when your lips met with Sana's soft ones once again.
You grinned as you pulled away, her hands beginning to roam the sides of your body. "Did I greet you a happy birthday yet, baby?" You asked with a sly grin on your face. Sana merely inched closer to you again. "I'm afraid not, princess." Her hands gripped your side tightly, just the way you liked it.
"Mmm...Guess I'm going to have to make it up, huh?" You teased before Sana picked you up again making you giggle softly before you both disappeared into the bedroom.
It was a day Sana felt very appreciated.
yeah, i dont know what this was. i liked it but i just hope you all enjoyed it as well. i'm still getting into the swing of writing again but i swear that the next few fics will be better and i'm working on my creative writing to make it a more pleasant experience for all of you! i hope you all celebrated sana day the way you all feel was right. i baked cookies and had a few drinks AHAHAHHA enjoy your days everyone and keep safe! i love you all very much and i will see you all very soon 💓 - R
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jiminrings · 3 years
last chronological part for stem koo... WHEW I WATCHED THEM GROW WHAT’S GONNA HAPPEN NOW
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cold senior!y/n x stem major koo masterlist :D
they finally become lunchbox lovers
“you’re asking me what’s jungkook like?”
jimin couldn't be any more surprised
first of all, his day started with yOU texting him and asking if you can drop by for a second, and the moment he texted "sure???", you're literally already knocking on the door
and second, you're asking him???
“oh come on. he clings to you with every chance he gets. i thought you gave him a chance already.”
your eyes only deadpan that jimin actually gets the hint, his mouth curling in a eureka moment that he managed to figure out himself without you talking
“oH! so that’s why you’re asking me because you’re thinking of giving him an actual chance.”
alright finally
you slump in relief over not saying it out loud, expressing the slightest bit of worry you have to someone (that's not as close to you like yoongi and jin are) who'd get where you're coming from without bias
“i just wanna know how he usually is when he’s not on my heels.”
“honestly? the same. probably even a bit more clingier.”
jimin wastes no time in ratting jungkook out, even leaning back to the couch with how relaxed he is
“talks about you too. i’m sorry y/n but even i know what shampoo you use!!!”
jimins knows your wHAT
"my shampoo???"
“mhmm. made me drive him to a grocery store at 10 in the evening so he can individually smell all the shampoos without anyone calling him a creep or something like that,” he nods earnestly and doesn't look like he's playing with you or the sort
you're quite frozen and jungkook's roommate isn't at all fazed and is even pulling up pICTURES of their impromptu grocery trip
“he even made it in a scientific paper format. with the hypothesis and conclusion and everything.”
he points it out just in time when you swipe to jimin's hand holding a printed piece of paper with the document in the monitor right behind it, the next pictures being blurry because that's when jungkook freaked out
jimin gets his phone back but not without sending you the pictures you just saw even if you didn't ask for them, trying to hide the amusement in your eyes when you decide to scroll through them again later
“cut him some slack though. he’s never really had a girlfriend, y’know? or like even a crush. he’s just navigating it with his instincts and all the advice he gets.”
hold on a second
“... advice?”
he thought you'd never ask (he'll still say it even if you don't) which is why he brightly grins, hunching over as if to let you in on a guarded secret
“i’m one of his consultants!!! didn’t suggest the shampoo part though.”
who could have possibly thought of that idea then ://
you hum in faux complacency, trying to get this as fast as possible so you could make up your mind quicker
“what else?”
jimin's relaxed now that he's had a proper laugh with you and realized you aren't as Intimidating As He Thought You Were, recounting the things in his mind like a to-do list
“he’s sickeningly kind.”
the gravity of his words strike him before they do with you, straightening his posture to clear up the air right away, “but i knoW that what he did to you is the furthest thing from kind, and trust me, i really got that point across!!!”
by point, jimin means cooking him burnt meals and jungkook having to endure it because he doesn't like wasting food
additionally, that also meant jimin served kook a cRISP smack on the back of his boba ball head into next week
look at him <3 seokjin, yoongi AND jimin gave him shit!!! now isn;t that teamwork
you're unable to paint the mental image in your head because he continues, grabbing your attention once again
“but apart from that, jungkook could just be too kind for his own sake,” he says sincerely. “he’s like the kid the principal refers to in elementary when they talk about peer pressure!!!”
your first instinct is to snort at that, the mental image definitely forming in your head now
is it just sO bad that you and jimin agree on this
“jokes aside, jungkook’s really genuine.”
it's the last thing jimin wraps it off with when you stand from the couch, cheeks still a little warm when he trails you behind the door
you're just about to thank him when the door in front of you opens and almost hits you in the process, the person behind it just as alarmed
jungkook’s just now coming home because he had to pick up some last-minute groceries from the convenience store downstairs that jimin forgot from his last run, clearly startled to why would wou be here
"oH???? y/n??? what are you doing here???"
his pupils are shaking between the two of you and he's not even trying to hide is incoming panic
“.... a-are you and jimin-“
“yup! sorry bud! we were just-...” jimin's attempt at a lighthearted joke is halted as fast as it was introduced, getting a smack on the middle of his back that makes him wince
“you’re annoying, jimin."
oOOOOH you just put your palm on him!! yea at this rate he's gonna be your best friend too won't he
jungkook's processing things as fast as he could, getting a reassuring glance from you that puts him at ease
“we were just talking, kook.”
he nods even if he's still a tiny bit unsure, calling for you when you're on your way out the door
“a-about what though?”
“you’d know soon enough.”
( ♡ )
“you wanna tell me now why we went on this drive?”
seokjin yawns at a stoplight even when his car is the only one waiting on the intersection right now, not in the mood for a ticket with a printed traffic light picture of him mid-yawn in his matching pajamas anytime soon
“no reason," you sing-song and it makes him snort, rubbing the sleep out of his eyes. “couldn’t sleep."
“well that makes one of us.”
you've unabashedly knocked on jin's door and even if it took you two tries, he still answered nonetheless, not even asking for an explanation why before he sleepily took his keys and grabbed his house slippers for shoes
you had no destination in mind at 3 in the morning which is why jin’s just driving for no rhyme nor direction and is just going with his brain’s one-second impulses of where to turn
he’s game for anything, actually — that much you know
although you do know that jin literally wouldn't do this for anyone else besides the people he find worth all this (aka everyone except you and yoongi and ok maybe namjoon sometimes)
the drive is beyond serene and even with repetitive radio music playing in the background, you don't actually mind it
when you're with jin, it just feels like you're in a constant bubble of comfort and ease that you always try to look for in everything
he doesn't necessarily need explanations,, he just deduces from things at face-value and later ask about it when you're comfortable enough to share
jin points at a drive-thru he suddenly had a craving for as you were about to suggest it anyway
you're not even quite sure why there's a line but neither of you complain, the situation more than bearable that a little waiting wouldn't dampen your mood
the words you've been thinking of the whole day finally slip across the silence, as casual yet as sincere as they could be
“i’m really thankful that you’re in my life, jin. you know that right?”
he seems pleasantly surprised when you look at his side profile, shaking his head
“mhmm. you only tell me a couple times but you put your knee on top of mine everyday,” he chuckles at the habit of yours and he kNOWS for a fact you would put your knee on top of his if only he wasn't behind the wheel. “tell me all about it, kid.”
it's genuine laughter that encompasses the whole car, his chuckles suddenly ceasing when he realizes another possibility
“you’re not asking me for allowance, are you? because yoongi’s already bugging me for his next month’s.”
wait what
“you give yoongi an allowance???”
“you didn’t know???”
“... i’m not asking for an allowance.”
“..... but do you want it,.,..”
jin sees you pursing your lips and intentionally looking at everywhere but him, already getting his answer
“fine. that’s the furthest you two could get from me!! don’t expect me to pack your lunchboxes to school now. you must be crazy.”
jin, in fact, packs you and yoongi lunchboxes more often than not
jin, aLSO, does all the paper rolling for you so when the three of u get occasionally high, it’s all nice and tight
jin is also the one who does all the talking on the phone to customer service when neither of you are willing
he asks the moment he relays your usual midnight snack slash early breakfast order he's already memorized to the attendant, patiently looking at you
“you want anything else with that?”
“i’m all good.”
it's in between cars and stoplights that the car is filled with more emotion again, acting on it when you realize it when seokjin's mid-bite on his hashbrowns
“yes?” he speaks muffled, looking at you once before bringing his attention back on the changing stoplight
“love you.”
he feels himself still for a second even if his foot's on the gas and one hand is on the wheel, a somber look on his face that he later smiles sincerely
“love you too, kid.”
( ♡ )
“it’s not my birthday if that’s what you’re thinking.”
yoongi sleepily mumbles the moment he feels his bed dipping, his side that was once holding a pillow now being occupied by you
“i know.”
you wedge yourself between his heavy comforter, tossing and turning until it feels comfortable
“but i actually don’t know your birthday lol it’s-...”
“fuck right off.”
yoongi doesn't question why you're in his bed, because the last time you did, it was because you were left traumatized after seeing a genuinely good horror movie that it was pending to give you nightmares
he didn't see you watch any movie today though, but he'll take you in nonetheless
you offer in consolation because yoongi's birthday is in your calendar even if you know it by heart, a mindless hum in reply
it's when you drop your arm on his waist like it's dead weight and relax completely, your face near to his mop of hair that it's making him think you're actually cuddling him rn
quick how can he get a picture of this to get this framed
“are you telling me now?”
he questions with his eyes half-open, shimmying backwards so that you're able to hug him more comfortably
“my airconditioner’s busted.”
“mhmm. give me ten minutes. i’ll fix it for you.”
it's 4 am and if your airconditioner really was busted, you wouldn't have let it stay busted for that long
“don’t. it’s okay. i wanna be here anyways.”
both you and yoongi know that your airconditioner’s in tip-top shape and is actually the one that blows the coldest air in the dorm
sometimes you think he’s an angel in disguise because there’s no way you deserve a human best friend like him
“hmm?” he hums before he falls asleep again, trying to keep up while having his eyes closed so he could listen to you
“you know that i’m really glad you’re in my life, right?”
“mhmm. you don’t say, sweets," he teasingly chuckles, feeling his ribcage rise in amusement under your arm
“yeah, i know. i do, because you put me as your family member in your emergency contacts, but you don’t know that i know that.”
... oh
you don't even know how yoongi came to know but you don't question it, the warmth in your heart doubling
“love you.”
“love you too, y/n.”
( ♡ )
jungkook’s the most nervous he’s been in awhile
and that’s coming from him who sees yoongi in almost a daily basis
after all, jin did tell him you can be quite forgetful becasue you tend to take care of things all at once
he’ll sTILL try to be as smooth and casual as much as possible though
“big game tomorrow huh?”
and by big game that means as in your last qualifying game to whether or not your team would compete in the yearly (not to mention prestigious) soccer tournament
you chuckle at the thought because by now, you should already be sleeping and getting some rest even if it’s just seven in the evening
but you’re here <3 out at a park near jungkook’s dorm, sharing hand warmers <3
“yeah. it’s a make or break match.”
“i actually haven’t seen you play before, y’know," jungkook silently admits, looking down on his shoes as he thinks if he's just offended you
“really?” you ask in genuine curiosity, “then how come you interviewed me for your little survey when you haven’t watched me play before?”
“i uh, i actually just really wanted to talk to you that day. i-i don’t normally approach people first, but you just looked warm enough for me to reach out first.”
he's babbling before he even knows it, oblivious the growing smile on your face
“then i asked jimin because he kNOWS everything, and it was all in good fate that it turned out you were the soccer captain!! i was excited because i had a legitimate reason to talk to you that day.”
so that’s why
he wanted to talk to you even before his lunchboxes were taken out of the situation!!!
“how about me? why was it me?”
you're not trying to be funny but you can't help but chuckle, scratching the back of your ear in thought
“i honestly couldn’t tell either, jungkook.”
he almost coughs in shock, masking it off with playing it off for the bite of the chill of the night
“all i know is that something told me it was you,” you timidly add, looking down on your hands. “and i went for it.”
right can he chalk up mad blushing to the night air
he fiddles with the drawstrings of his sweatpants this time, his eye contact with you becoming fidgety
“big game tomorrow,” he repeats and you're just about to tell him that your conversation sounds like it's gonna be repeated
“don’t forget your eyedrops, alright?”
was that smooth enough
that was... random
“oh right! you gave them back to me.”
“yeah. you should open it tonight, probably. to see if it’s already all-evaporated, y’know? if it is, then let me know tomorrow so i can buy you new ones.”
“highly doubt that they would, but alright, kook.”
you take the little banter to be your cue to walk back to your dorm, about to say goodbye to him when he makes an audible sound of confusion
it confuses you even more when he's trailing behind you
“your dorm’s twenty feet away from where we are, jungkook.”
“y-yeah i know that!! i’m walking you home, silly.”
he’s keeping his hands to himself even if he BADLY wants to hold your hand or even your forearm but he has to resist that urge rn
but he does intentionally brush shoulders with you and mumble “pothole.” so he could nUDGE you to the side even if there aren’t any to begin with
silence with jungkook now is comfortable as it has been for more than awhile, the walk passing by faster that you almost wish you walked slower
goddamn it he should've said there was a pothole atleast ten more times to make the walk longer
“goodnight, koo.”
“goodnight, y/n.”
there’s obviously no goodnight kiss but he dOES get a squeeze on his bicep
you take your time when you come home — to unwind as much as you could before you stress yourself out tomorrow
your shower routine may have took a little longer this time but it makes you get dressed as quick as you could when your eyes see the origami box you've been putting off from opening, one that jungkook just told you to open, because as far as you knew they were just EYEDROPS!!!
... the supposed bottle of eyedrops that’s too well-packaged and clearly thought-out
an origami box, a carebear heart initial drawstring pouch AND a plain ziplock baggie as if the other two weren’t enough
it’s when you open the box within the ziplock bag that you feel it’s definitely not as light as a bottle of eyedrops would be
there’s a very visible dent weighing down on the pouch (that’s within the origami box) that’s cLEARLY not your eyedrops
you’re actually nervous to the point that you just open unfurl it with your eyes closed, feeling two items in there
the plastic bottle of eyedrops, and definitely the cool surface of what feels like
a bracelet?
it’s a pretty straightforward yet timelessly elegant silver link bracelet, equipped with a couple options for how tight or loose you want to wear it
it hits you all at once and god does it just render you speechless
jungkook has this bracelet too.
you’re quite speechless and in between looking at it up-close to avoiding looking at it at all, trying to calm your breathing by focusing on the eyedrops instead
the said eyedrops you've been so used to seeing that you immediately sense that there's something oFF with the label???
its stuck-on, that's for sure, but something about it is not as seamless and stationary and official as it should be
it's almost as if there's something snuck inside it and-
..... there is
it's scotch tape that's just as thin as the actual label of the bottle itself, having to peel the whole label in order to see it in entirety
it's the same double-sided label jungkook worked so hard to peel flawlessly so he could try and replicate it in the same exact design and measurements, having to even take it up to a classmate from stem he once knew that transferred to graphic design
(yeonjun did ask for a science paper in exchange for his replication of the eyedrops slash adhesive label because who fucking kNEW he still had science even when in graphic design, but jungkook thinks it's fair trade so it's worth it)
it's the same exact label jungkook's had for a month and only recently gave it to you a week ago, a truth he's long since known
it's the same exact label that reads —
i love you
— in his handwriting you've come to known by heart, the label in your hand feeling much more heavy than the bracelet in the other
you already know what to do.
it's game day and u are about to launch yourself into orbit if you hear oNE more drum cheer because it just makes you nervous even more
yeah SURE it makes you pumped when it's the actual game itself but not now!!! not now when you're pumping yourself with electrolytes and at the risk of peeing from nervousness and too much hydration
you haven't seen seokjin nor yoongi yet and as much as that lessens the pressure on you, that alsO makes you nervous because they're your emotional support people!!!! where r they
usually you would see them in the front row of the bleachers and neither of them have any snacks because all of their focus would be on you
jin is nOT mr. kim from student affairs when it comes to your games,,, nuh-uh sir,,, he's that guy from the other team that glares so hard it dISTRACTS me from scoring in the perspective of the opposing team
coach's about to whistle like five minutes from now for a final huddle and everyone's getting their final stretches in
you're too busy looking for people that you actually want to be here that you're taken off-guard when one of them grasps at your forearm, a breathless smile one his face
"give them hell out there, alright. you're a champ."
it's jungkook!!!
IT'S JUNGKOOK!!!!@&$&":@:"$
he looks especially handsome today that you just short-circuit immediately
he's wearing a shirt with your team colors on it aND!!!
he ditched his glasses today to wear contacts, not only because he wanted to look a bit more different and special today, but because he's also scared that a ball would be thrown in his direction and injure him with the additional impact of his glasses
his hair's pushed back with his forehead showing instead of his usual hairstyle and god is it making you a little dizzy
he's beaming at you and his eyes immediately wander to your wrist, not expecting the feeling in his gut next
you're not wearing the bracelet.
jungkook feels the sudden urge to cry even when in public but it's when you grip at his forearm tightly that he stays still, squeaking when you realize his line of thought
"can't wear any jewelry on the field. i-i'm wearing your bracelet as an anklet for the meantime, it's underneath my sock."
...... oh my god
jungkook's never felt this frozen and euphoric at the same time, sputtering over nothing when your face looks like the furthest thing from joking
you're about to excuse yourself suddenly when your eyes finally take notice what's thrown on his shoulder, something about it being so familiar that it throws you off for awhile
"is that my jersey?"
he nods eagerly to your query, proudly unfolding it for you to see your spare soccer jersey with your surname and number right on it, the exact marks being the same from when you tried to use a laundry pen on it
he didn't get it replicated???
"h-how did you get that? where did you get that?"
jungkook thought you'd never ask, the words he never thought he'd say already leaving his lips
"yoongi gave it to me."
you only have a handful of jerseys on-hand and even if you could always request for more, the ones you have at home are a little more sentimental
you gave jin and yoongs one each from the only several ones you had, and you know yoongi would not give up his for jungkook
but now, you do know that he snuck to your closet and took one to give it to jungkook willingly, trusting him enough to give it to you behind your back
kook's sTILL not fully-forgiven but they're getting there sooner or later
wait why is this making you cry
before you know it, you're pushing yourself to jungkook to hug him tightly, the boy being surprised for a second but ultimately reciprocating once it registers
"i love you too."
this is the last chronological update for stem koo aka lunchbox lovers!! however, this is not the end of them!! with the end of this chronological series, this means that all the future updates don't necessarily have to be linked — they're miscellaneous and don't have to follow a specific layout like this part of their arc.
with that said, feel free to send in asks on what you want to see from the lunchbox lovers (misc. requests, questions, and everything in between) and i'd love to fulfill them because after all, this series was born purely out of your ideas <3 also pls send in ur thoughts and feedback and love because i have da greatest time reading through all of them!! thank you for all the love for da stem koo universe <3
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i-need-air · 4 years
"Dude" — Bakugou Katsuki x Reader [P.2]
Word count: 6.7k;
[ Part 1 ]; [ Masterlist ]
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The new message plastered on your phonescreen earned a small smile from you. After a couple of days of sitting together at the same table due to Mei dumping your lonely ass for her babies, Mina suggested to text just to keep in contact more often. Something you did not expect was to be thrown in a group text with her and her friends.
They were absolutely hilarious; until recently they found out you had decent grades and started asking for your assistance, bugging you to join their study sessions, adding something about Bakugou being an absolute beast whenever he tutors them.
Pinky: Aww sucks that you're not coming! You're missing out Bakugou strangling Kaminari lmfao
You rolled your eyes in amusement. Why of course he'd be doing that.
What a strange little man. He really was; just as you started sitting with them, he'd mainly mind his own business, wearing his normal resting gremlin face and poking his food as if he was practicing murder just for the sake of it. First he orders you to sit with them, then he turns into an antisocial bastard most of the times. Yet, somehow, lunch with them was delightful and you found yourself looking forward to spend time with them, hear about their amusing stories and to top it all, making fun of The Great Bakugou Katsuki turned the whole event into a whole different level of fun.
As you weren't completely oblivious, his wandering eyes were really hard to miss anyway; you'd catch his gaze from time to time and he'd look away, annoyed, grunting like the man-child he actually was. Infuriating; how your heart skipped every single time it happened and how you wanted to have those deep crimson orbs on you again and again.
One thing you did not want to do was to leave Mei to the side; whenever she couldn't hang out she would inform you and you'd find something else to entertain yourself with; in occasions you did march in her workshop and sat your royal ass down without permission. Like as you did today, sitting in silence, you enjoyed the normal machinery sounds and her focused hums as she worked with you by her side. It was calming. The much needed calmness that you craved.
It's been a couple of weeks after the glorious incident and you have been noticing how your classmates, mostly the popular ones, started giving you the stink eye; your spidey-senses very much aware that it had to be Midori's doing yet the girl was keeping a very low profile. The hairs on the back of your neck rising whenever you thought about her next step because this level of radio silence was suspicious.
Between your growing interest into the blond and the dread related to your nemesis, Mei stopped her hard work to frown at you.
"Something's on your mind?" She probed, adjusting her goggles better on her head. "You're awfully quiet~"
Through a small giggle, you nodded but took some time to answer. "I guess?"
"Let me rephrase that." She cleared her throat dramatically "Someone's on your mind?"
A sharp gasp left your lips, realization kicking in; you had Hatsume Mei's full attention for the first time ever. In the workshop. Where her babies were! About to point it out, she narrowed her eyes at you, zooming onto you.
"[Y/N]." It's all she needed to say before you looked down, mind on one person in particular, not noticing how your friend smiled fondly to herself as she placed her hands on her hips; she chuckled lightly.
"Mind sharing what's funny with the class, Mei?" You asked trying to decrypt her expression still locked on you. She shrugged and shook her head, her wild pink locks moving wildly.
"OI, WERD—" the brash voice interrupted itself in reconsideration. The owner of said voice clicked his tongue and entered her workspace with indifference, looking around. "My gauntlets fixed?" He asked, curiously checking the lone couch in the corner, then turning his glare at her.
Ignoring his question, Mei's inquisitive gaze locked on him. "Are you looking for someone?"
It was as if she pressed a Total Destruction button because even the hairs on his head spiked up more than normally as he threw her a bloodshot glare.
"I didn't mention [Y/N] at all though." she cheerily retorted, seeing his position stiffen even more.
"WHAT— WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT— WHO EVEN IS [Y/N]?!" Word-vomit took over; he was shaking at this point, panicked and cringing at his own mistake. "I'm SO FUCKING DONE with people giving me SHIT about that dumbass!" he kicked a table trying to prove a point but the girl was unimpressed.
"So you do know [Y/N]."
"YOU KNOW WHAT? FUCK YOU, GOGGLES! Fucking bothersome assholes always buttin' in—" his voice started fading into the distance as he walked out, fuming with nerves.
She blinked before screaming "What about your gauntlets?" through a smile.
"OH, FOR FUCK'S SAKE, GIVE ME—" he appeared once again, agitated.
A wave of lava filled your chest as she told you casually, even trying to copy the way he talked, making you laugh in exchange. You shouldn't feel that way, shouldn't you? It was ridiculous since he truly only insulted you and screamed in your general direction; well, it seems he screamed in every direction but it wasn't the point. The point was the warmth in your chest only gave you hope and the still functioning part of your brain begged to differ.
"He's a good guy." You whispered, suddently shy under Mei's knowing gaze.
And he called her Goggles too. You giggled fondly.
A few days later, wild gutural screams made you jolt from your desk in panic. You would've recognized that voice anywhere by now so you rushed towards the infirmary door just to find professor Aizawa and two cocoons made of his scarf behind him. His eyebrow was twitching and had a dark aura around him, eyes glowing menacingly but not directed to you.
"I'll fucking kill you—"
"But Kaccha—"
"Silence." The irritated and tired looking man said entering the room, dragging said cocoons behind him, knocking one in the door and pulling harder. You cringed, sure thinking he wasn't having a good day.
"OOF— What the shit was that?" The bundle started to shake uncontrollably which made you giggle. It stopped; halted and froze in place listening attentively as you tried to hide your laughter, trying not to annoy the teacher that seriously gave off a whole Done with life aura.
"You must be [L/N]." he pointed out, undoing one of the cocoons, a big fluffy broccoli like head appearing, big green eyes trying to focus.
"Yes, sir."
"They're beaten. Broken leg and broken rib. Can you heal them or should we wait for Recovery Girl?" The dark haired man went straight to business.
"I can handle that so no need to wait for her."
"Good. I'll leave them in your care." With a nod, he also released the blond, making him tumble and fall on his face. The poor guy groaned but bolted up with a raised fist.
"Behave." The older man said walking away, not really caring about Bakugou's heated muttering. The door shut gently and you found yourself looking at two boys; one fuming and avoiding your eyes, the other on the floor, staring up at you. His leg looked wonky so you fought back a face of discomfort before going to his aid.
"You." You pointed at Bakugou then at the bed. "Sit." A grin spread on your face as you used his words, meanwhile you leaned down to help Midoriya Izuku.
His eyes were absolutely intimidating, as if the boy tried to search within your soul as you helped him up.
"My name is [L/N] [Y/N] and I'm going to heal you today." He returned your smile with ease and nodded, his fluffy green hair shaking through the action.
"Midoriya Izuku, yes. You're pretty popular, you know?" His face went all red, taken back by the fact.
Curses could be heard behind both; your hand was supporting Midoriya's weight as he only hopped ahead with his good leg, leaded towards a bed. Shuffling sounded too, still accompanied with another round of indistinguishable curses and grunts.
When the green-haired boy was securely placed, you turned towards the other, finding him sitting on the edge of the bed furthest away from Midoriya, pouting adorably.
"So you've got a broken rib, right?"
"What's it to you?" It was his turn to be a petty little shit and copy your words, still not looking up. His leg was shaking and his posture looked uncomfortable so it was not the time to get into your usual bickering.
"Lay down." He tsk-ed sharply. "Please." You pleaded, pursing your lips at his childish attitude. He finally snapped his eyes on you, just slightly widened in what could be surprise but you couldn't tell. All that mattered was that he ended up doing what you said. Though with more huffing, as if it bothered him immensely.
"Ya happy now?" He snapped.
"Very! Now—" you're taken back yet again by the intensity of those green eyes that looked between you and Bakugou with interest. "I'm gonna have to give you an anesthesic and adjust your leg back in place before healing you—"
Like a working bee, you ran around the infirmary getting your syringe ready, a little bit too nervous as two pair of eyes burned into your back.
"Where do you know each other from, Kacchan?" Izuku asked. Even if his leg hurt like a bitch, he couldn't help but be curious about the person Kacchan has been having lunch with for the past weeks; but what type of response could you get from the one and only?
"Mind your own damned fucking business!"
You sighed, irritated but the nickname didn't fly above your head. In all means, he shouldn't be screaming. He had a broken rib and he was screeching like an idiot. Didn't it hurt to even breathe?!
"Bakugou, you need to lay low and shut up."
There wasn't any time to play around; Midoriya behaved exemplary, just barely wincing at the syringe probing his knee but did not complain at all. The polar opposite of the blond beds away.
After letting the anesthetic to take effect, you moved towards the guy that's been living rent free in your head. He looked beaten up, had a bloody nose, open-wounded knuckles and shaky hands.
"Okay, I need you to relax." You whispered, trying to lift his tank-top but he stopped your wrist.
"The fuck yOu doing?!" his voice cracked momentarily while hyperventilating.
"Dude, take slow, steady breaths. In order to heal you I need to touch the skin closer to the wound." It wasn't entirely true but not exactly a lie either. After a pause for consideration he nodded but his eyes remained wary. "You've seen me do it before! Now show me where it hurts."
You needed concentration, focus, steady hands, rock-hard abs and tanned skin— Nooooo, [Y/N]!
All your might; all of it to act nonchalant and professional, to not fucking stare like a degenerate because he was absolutely built. But you couldn't help it. You couldn't help placing your palm on his ribs gently, instead of just the tip of your fingers as you normally would've needed. His sigh of relief made you incredibly giddy, feeling accomplished and fulfilled knowing you've done a great job for him. You also couldn't help healing his most visible wounds one by one instead of doing it all together in one single touch.
Were you flustered? Definitely and his attention only made it worse. You picked one of his hands and he spasmed away but ultimately gave in with a choked grunt; then grabbed the other and channeled your energy into his body.
Your heads were tilted downwards, both staring at how his knuckles healed slowly. What neither him or you noticed was how all his scratches and bruises all over him healed too, or the prying eyes of a third wheel that was already taking notes of your quirk.
"Okay." You whispered, not really wanting to let go. Your brain screamed Dishonor! but your heart skipped a beat, then another, then exploded when you lifted your gaze.
Crimson eyes looked at you in awe, wide and never this clear. They were shining too and you couldn't help but give his strong hands a squeeze, feeling in the calloused skin of his palm and wondered which one of you was shaking... He blushed then and opened his mouth, yet his brows furrowed as his focus shifted behind you.
Oh, yeah. Your other patient.
In a heartbeat you were by Midoriya's side and got to work, chest heavy and no words coming out of you. No snappy or cheeky retorts either, just trembling hands and warm cheeks. Only with murmurs you guided him through the procedure before healing him completely.
Dizziness overtook you; the downside of your quirk and something you've been training with Recovery Girl for the whole semester.
"That was amazing, [L/N]-san! Thank you!" The boy cheered, staring down at his leg in utter disbelief. His compliment made you grin, full and proud.
"Of course it was!" Your normal self surfaced.
"Fucking woo-hoo." Nevermind. Mood dropped and your face did too.
"Well, since you've been a good patient—" you start and ruffle through your bag "You get a lollipop!" Said candy was thrown in Midoriya's lap and he stared at it baffled. Meanwhile you turned towards the bane of your existence and raised a brow, shaking another lollipop in your hand. "You don't. This one is mine because I deserve it."
His angry, stupid and scandalized expression was everything you were looking for. Did you get out of your way to buy lollipops knowing Bakugou would end up in the infirmary sooner or later? Maybe. Was it worth it?
"What the fuck does that mean, dammit— I—" words caught in his throat as he choked with air, looking at the candy in your fingers with murderous intentions. Definitely worth it.
"Thank you?" Broccoli Boy asked but started unwrapping it, probably not to insult your kindness, and the whole interaction fueled Bakugou's anger. He snapped out of the bed and so did Midoriya, but one was marching towards you while the other just wanted to run away in fear, direction Exit.
"Gimme that shit!" He tried to grab it out of your grasp, but you moved away, laughing at his face.
"Midoriya has been nice and thanked me for the healing—" at this point he was boiling. "Say Thank you, [Y/N], you're amazing and awesome and—"
"LIKE FUCKING HELL IMMA SAY THAT, DUMBASS!" he was so sweet, the guy you liked; yeah, your sudden realization hit as he looked like a tomato ready to bite your head off and the only thing you could think was how adorable and sweet he was. All gurgling in rage, spitting cussed words left and right; dreamy, he was dreamy. He caught the lollipop from your hands, his scowl turning into a full blown victorious grin. So shiny... so bright... God, he was so handsome...
You're suddently falling in his arms in slow-motion, the world around you twisting and turning with him in the center of it all. Warmth engulfed your frame as you hit the most comfortable pillow of your life. His chest.
"Oi, [Y/—" he cursed, taking no time to place you on the bed with ease. "You okay?"
"W-What happened? Is she okay?" It seemed the famous Deku decided to remain for the spectacle.
"Get lost!"
Even if you wanted to pass out, his snaps wouldn't let you and with that thought you chuckled breathlessly. "I'm fine, I just need a nap after healing this much..." you assured into the air.
"Will you be okay, [Y/N]-san?" You turned your head until you spotted him and nodded through a smile but someone else answered for you.
"I see you took matters in your own hands." The sweet, gentle voice of your mentor put you to ease but scared poor Midoriya to the core as she appeared behind him at the door. Bakugou was still hovering over you in bed, not really knowing what to do. "You should leave [L/N] rest, boys." With tiny steps she walked around, not really paying any more attention to the scene.
The blond gave you a glance and pursed his lip, analyzing the candy in his hand. Through half-lidded eyes you saw him secure it in his fist and give you a nod. At this point everything was blurry.
"Thanks... or whatever." He didn't waste any time to bolt towards the door, his broad uncovered shoulders were the last thing you saw before closing your eyes in contempt.
"Kacchan, is [Y/N]-san your—?"
"MIND YOUR GODDAM—" the door shut close, making the room tremble and you giggled like a drunk fool.
Bakugou walked with his hands in his pockets, looking around with little interest as Dunce Face and Racoon Eyes blabbered without pause to breathe. Fuck, he was exhausted and the concept of shoving food down his throat sounded fucking fantastic. His insides turned and twisted knowing you'd be meeting them soon.
"Yo, isn't that [Y/N]?" Like a flash, his head bolted in the direction Denki pointed at and before he spotted you, the blond already wanted to punch himself in the jaw. Why the fuck is he acting like that? The answer faded in his mind as the scene unfolded in front of him.
"You're such a fucking bitch, you know that, [Y/N]?" Arms crossed, you placated the poor first year that was whispering behind you.
"Wow, Midori, so original." With a dead tone and rolling eyes from you, the white haired demon only twisted her face in disgust. "My feelings are hurt."
"Who do you think you are? You're a fucking nobody, [Y/N]! You think you're doing any good here? Go kill yourself!"
"And give you the satisfaction? No, not happening, you fork-tongued lizard." Your nails looked interesting.
Her pale purple eyes got ignited and her diminute frame puffed, like a rabid little mole-rat ready to bite someone. And just like that, she took a deep breath and started yapping and barking. "YOU'RE BETTER DEAD ANYWAY, YOU WHORE! YOU RUIN EVERYTHING! NOW EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT ME! ABOUT HOW YOU STOLE HIM FROM ME! DIE ALREADY!"
Sadly you didn't have any cookies on since you definitely felt like shoving one in her fanged, venomous mouth and patting her head for the effort. Your lips turned oh, so slowly into a grin, enjoying her reaction way too much.
"That's nice. Now can you like, I don't know, go back to making potions with your coven or some crap? Leave the kid alone—"
"This pathetic little shit was talking about me! ME!" her screech hurt your ears so you covered them before you turned to the kid to just see him standing there, petrified.
"Did you try to summon Satan and she appeared instea—?"
"I'M SO FUCKING DONE WITH YOUR CRAP, YOU—" she pushed you but grasped your uniform, a ripping sound following. "UGLY—" nothing prepared you to get attacked by her. "FAT—" she raised her palm. "WHORE!"
No way in hell you were going to back down, instead you clenched your jaw and got ready to block it and finish the fight. She never remotely attended to hit you in a somewhat public place as she was a careful witch, always brewing something in that rotten brain of hers and making sure to keep her sweet appearance on point for the public.
You blinked.
"That was insane!"
The scenery in front of you suddently changed with that one single blink and a tall blond mass of muscle just popped out of nowhere. It knocked the air out of your lungs for a moment and seeing him staring down at her with such hatred, holding her wrist high in the air made you feel immense relief, much to your own surprise.
Were you that tense before?
"Midori-chan, I didn't know you were this rotten." Kaminari appeared in your field of vision too but got ignored by the girl. Her only goal was to free herself from Bakugou's grip but he wouldn't bulge.
"Y-You got it all wrong, Bakugou-s-san!"
Everyone stood there silent, utterly disgusted with her attempt to even try to twist reality.
"Don't even fucking think about it." He warned and those words rumbled deep, threat held within.
"We heard it all, Midori." You shook in place, twisting to see Mina by the kid's side, patting his back. After being used to seeing her easy-going attitude it was only natural to be amazed by her somber tone and serious manner.
Why were you so relieved? kept creeping in your mind. Why?
He then threw her wrist out of his grasp and bared his teeth in her direction, globes so bloodshot scrutinizing her. He oozed rage and fury and was combusting in place. But he did not scream. Bakugou Katsuki did not scream for once when he started talking, instead he growled his words, each with care and clarity.
"If i ever fucking hear you talking like that to anyone ever again I will— fucking— break you." you could hear his teeth grit, the sound making you shiver both in terror and excitement. "NOW GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY FACE! I BETTER NOT FUCKING SEE YOU OR HEAR ABOUT YOU EVER AGAIN!" she yelped, fluttering her tears away and scurrying so fast it could've been comical.
Bakugou then spun to study you, chest raising and falling heavily. You couldn't descypher his appearance at the moment; there was the aggravation, the outrage, the burning flame in his orbs but also... Uncertainty? Guilt? Shame? It wiped off his face before you could figure it out.
"We're taking him to talk to a professor about what happened." Mina's voice faded in the distance. He nodded at Kaminari, who was behind you, and got a nod in response plus a pair of thumbs up, and with that they were gone.
He still tried to control himself, but as soon as you parted your lips to say anything at this point, he snarled into the nothingness. "THAT FUCKING BITCH—"
"FOR HOW LONG?" he then screamed at you, malice gone but tone just as rough and loud.
"For how long what?" You said calmly while also noticing and adjusting the ripped sleeve of your uniform. He ran his palm over his face, eyeing it too.
"For how fucking long has this been going?"
"Oh, her—" there was this pressure to say it out loud, to confirm what it really was, like saying it out loud would give it weight, importance...
"Her bullshit, yeah." he didn't force it either, thankfully.
"Since we were in middle-school." you shrugged, chest and neck aching without an apparent reason. You cleared your throat.
"Stop that— Stop that fucking shit. Don't do that." He got close to you in a single step and you had to look up at him, feeling so small out of a sudden by his side. You smiled, as you taught yourself to do whenever things got tough.
"Do what?" It came out shaky, too shaky for your own taste but he was so close.
"Act like it doesn't fucking matter! Like it's no big fucking deal!" His breath fanned your face.
"I mean..." you started shrugging again but he stopped the action, palms holding your shoulders in place as he gave you a pissed off look. "It doesn't really matt—"
His fingers held you in the spot as he inspected your features with a clenched jaw and classic furrowed brow. Flames erupted in your ribcage at his words and you couldn't even breathe anymore.
You licked your lips, not sure if you could say the next words but the fact that he focused on the action too attentively gave you the push needed. "What's it to you?"
His breath hitched, fanning over your face as he stiffened. Deep crimson waved between your own orbs and your lips—
Those flames? The flames that burned your inside? They were spreading throughout your body rapidly, the epicenter at the spot where his thumb caressed your skin at the edge of your shoulder, just touching the start of your collarbone. Even through the layer of fabric you felt it, as tiny as it was, but he did not do anything, just stood there with red tinted cheeks in daze. Much like you were.
"Thank you for saving me today, Bakugou." You whispered and he just nodded, still enthralled with your lips. At least you knew he was somewhat still there with you. Involuntarily, you bit your lower lip, just a little, smiling softly, taking the smallest step towards him; the corner of his lip turned up slightly—
"[Y/N]! Director Nezu wants to talk to you too!"
The spell was broken; you yelped into him, grabbing his shirt for support and checked your surroundings. A waving hand caught your attention; Kaminari was signaling you to go to him then froze and started running away; little did you know someone was sending him a death glare.
You cleared your throat, still warm and fuzzy from head to toe and separared from the blond that caught you in his arms. Bakugou seemed to have noticed the position too because he jerked away a step back and looked completely out of place.
Ridiculous. And hilarious, looking anywhere but you and still made no attempt to move. Neither did you, instead opting to hide a giggle.
Because you felt warm, tingly, all while he was a complete gremlin, sweet in his own personalized way, in which he cared for you, he defended you.
And you're in disbelief because how come this guy, this adorable, blushing porcupine with anger issues made you feel so soft and fragile? How did you end up in this situation and how can you stay in it forever?
"What's so fucking funny, hah?" There wasn't any bite to what could've been an aggressive wording, just hidden tenderness. He fought a smile too and had the audacity to try to act annoyed. Sadly, you had to go, so you shook your head and took a step back.
Bakugou understood, so he nodded and shoved his hands in his pockets.
"I'll see how later, ok?" You promised and he glanced at you from the corner of his eye. Now you had his ear in full view for you to see the tips reddened too. You want to melt, even coo at the sight, but you really did have to go. However, you couldn't leave without sending him a cheeky smile.
"Yeah, whatever." His jaw sinked a little in the collar of his shirt as he stomped away too.
The whole afternoon was spent talking to a counselor and to the principal himself about a problematic individual. The first year student was encouraged by your new friends to report it as they escorted him to safety and soon an internal investigation started; maybe, possibly because of you.
Why were you so relieved?
Because they listened to you. Because they believed you. Because you didn't have to prepare yourself every single morning to take verbal hits from all directions. Because you've been given a voice, unlike your old school where everything was brushed off; "It's your word against hers" and much more bullshit. No, this time was real and they proved it by listening to every single word you said.
You were dropped at your dorms just before 9 P.M. and it was too late to meet anyone at the point. But it wasn't important; the moment you landed on your bed a smile broke on your face, a few tears fell and you had the best sleep in forever.
The air changed. The aura around your class switched. Midori was clearly missing, which instantly turns a bad day into a fantastic one, but it wasn't only that. Students were called, one by one, again and again interrupting class and took hours to come back. Meanwhile the Divas in particular looked concerned, another great view to enjoy now and until the rest of time.
It was obvious why this was happening and you never felt this much peace and satisfaction. Even so, you started to feel overwhelmed because people suddently started greeting you. The people that weren't in Midori's toxic and constricted entourage.
They said your name! Without hatred! The school's goldenboy's name, Kaminari Denki, was dropped again and again too. It seems he just casually started mentioning what he witnessed the day before and you suddently felt the need to hug him tight. Gossip spread like wild fire thanks to him, after all.
Maybe you fell into a parallel universe but you couldn't bring yourself to care, you just waltzed on the hallways after the bell rang, wanting to go get some food, then hide at Mei's workshop for some recharging. Another part of you wanted to meet the explosive boy too, though.
In all honesty, it didn't matter where you ended. You were in an incredible mood.They talked to you and it was exhausting but nice!
Was this what it felt in horror movies when the demon-child with rotating head and projectile vomit was finally exorcized? Was the curse really released for good?
As you floated in the skies, high on life and what-not, you turned the corner just to run nose straight into a wall. Your brain decided to take a break for the day, it seems, and you genuinely hoped nobody saw you march head first into— It wasn't a wall, but a boy that gave you a raised brow and narrowed eyes.
"Watch where the fuck you're going, dumbass."
"Great to see you too!" you chippered, walking around him, knowing for a fact his attitude wouldn't be able to piss you off—
"What's with the idiotic expression?" Nevermind, he can go fuck himself. Yet you smiled because you're a Godsend angel and that's what winged saints do.
"Just really happy." You shrugged, walking away with ease and tried to bite a bigger smile off your face when you noticed him turning to walk with you. "What are you doing on this side of the campus?" You inquired.
"Came to walk you to lunch or whatever." Well, damn, that made you halt in surprise. He's behind you, staring out the window with disinterest but froze when he saw your dumbfounded face. "WHAT? IT WAS IN MY WAY, OK? Want me to leave? I can leave! You can fuck off—" You placated your hands and started laughing.
"No, no—" Your eyes glint. "It's really sweet of you." You said, awaiting his reaction with mischief.
He first choked on air, like one normally does, and then showed the worst allergic reaction to mere words. "SW—! THAT'S NOT— I'M NOT— YOU— I— NO—" in no time you're crackling like a deranged witch, adoring every single second of the show he was pulling. He was basically howling and your laughter actually infuriated him more.
"FUCK OFF!" Your amusement calmed down as you studied him, his puffed cheeks, red eyes avoiding you; with a few stomped steps he placed himself ahead of you but made no attempt to stand you up and go be a hermit somewhere else.
Bakugou Katsuki. Ash blond hair, broad back, pink ears... Swears like a sailor, is all bark and and all bite, except with his friends. Has a big heart...
"Something strange is happening." You find yourself saying.
"Hah?" He glances back.
"People have been acting weird." That stops him.
"They better not be fucking messin' with you—"
"No, on the contrary, they're nice to me..." you assured, voice faint as his comment repeated in your mind and your chest warmed up once again because of him.
They better not be fucking messin' with you.
"Good." He says and you can't bite your tongue.
"You're a good guy, Bakugou."
He gives you a face. "Hah? Now you fucking notice?!" But he's grinning at the end of the sentence, cocky and so full of himself and you'd lie if you said you didn't consider him incredibly handsome. Although it seems he did not get the message.
"No. I mean it for real. You really are a good guy." He grunts like he hurt himself in his own confusion, staring stupidly at you, slightly blushing. "You're gonna be such a great hero too." Mouth agape to try to answer, he just gives you plate eyes and nothing else. On the other hand you genuinely expected more explosive reactions but this seemed to have broken him for some good seconds. He stared and watched and stood there like an idiot in front of you, making you want to both bury yourself in your own embarrassment and laugh at him.
You opted to look up at the ceiling, flustered and amused, yesterday's events suddently washing over you; they never really left your thoughts but now all the feelings decided to come visit once again.
"Oi—" he better not ruin it. "Wh— The fuck you kissing my ass for?!" You breathe out, long and loud for him to understand how stupid he sounded and stalked ahead; only food could save the day he's been actively ruining and that's what you were gonna get. He followed your rushed steps with cusses and questions until he grabbed your wrist to slow your pace. "Slow down, dumbass!"
The issue was that his obnoxiously loud voice caught then attention of some students that were just minding their own business.
"Is that Bakugou Katsuki?" Earning a groan from him as if it wasn't his fault!
"—with [L/N] [Y/N]?"
"Are they holding hands?!"
"So they're really together?" You cringe in embarrassment.
"Is that a confession?!" No, no, absolutely not happening. You rush out of the scene, gut burning, the boy on your toes cursing and mumbling whatevers but you didn't reach far until he talks. At least he had the decency of stopping you at an empty spot before giving you a heart attack.
"This is when you confess— or some fucking— dumb shit like that." Even without seeing him, back turned and absolutely petrified, you heard the cocky vibration in his tone that was sprinkled with some light stuttering.
Son of a bitch. That prinkly ass cocky fuck. That absolutely handful of a sea urchin—
You checked the closest stairway, your nearest exit and pathway to your salvation but something in that attitude of his just made you shake as you covered your face and laugh.
"You're... You're the worst." You mumble in disbelief but the grin that almost broke your face got even bigger as he choked and inhaled sharply.
"Hah?! Wasn't I the fucking best a minute ago?!"
"I did not say tha—"
"Same shit!" He bites when you glanced on him through your fingers. Your skin was burning so hot it would've been mortifying if he didn't look just as rattled. The view managed to calm your nerves and spike them at the same time.
"You're the worst..." Finally uncovering your face, he takes in your grin and visibly calms his fuming yet remains just as discomposed. "—and I like you."
Still, you cover your mouth because the blond in front of you started combusting and it was glorious to watch. Hell, you felt like grabbing a snack and watching him go through all those feelings that slapped his face on repeat. First his eyes widened, the teasing from before forgotten, then his skin, already splashed with red transformed completely into the same color, so deep it in resemblance with his eyes, eyes that were reading into you intensely. He went rigid too and as time passed and passed and he did not move, the only thing left was to break him out of his misery. Yes, break him.
"This is when you say it back."
He snapped. "I— DON'T FUCKING— DON'T FUCKING MAKE ME SAY EMBARRASSING SHIT LIKE THAT!" Birds flew away in one mile radius, windows trembled, your eardrums cried for mercy and you hid your smile because even through deafening volume, Bakugou Katsuki did not deny it. A zoo totally high on crystal meth started a revolution in your insides and the feeling threatened to burst out at any moment.
This is it. This ball of emotional constipation was taking your breath away while cussing you after you confessed and all you wanted to do was to squeal... What have you become?
But you said nothing, just stared with your hand covering your mouth, taking in the boy that looked like he wanted to throw fists with you, bared teeth and all, and also simultaneously die of a stroke.
"I—" he tried, you had to give him credit because he really did try. Like a challenge, like he wasn't going to back down, he gave his best and not without looking like it killed him inside. "F—" cuss word got stuck in his throat when you couldn't help a scoff. Suddently the show comes to an end when he halts, gives you a glare and takes a deep breath. For a moment you feared he'd walk away. Oh, how wrong you were because deep down you had to know he did not back down easily.
"I like— you, too." Beautiful words came out of his mouth, looking like it physically pained him to say them. "THERE, I SAID IT! YOU FUCKING HAPPY NOW?!" He howls indignantly, crossing his arms, trying to hide his clear flustered self yet it takes him one glance at you to return to his self induced stroke. "Don't fucking make that dumb fucking face—" he struggled to exist. "Don't look at me like that, dammit!"
You giggle, relieved and happy and in all honesty about to cry a tiny bit. You couldn't help it, enamored with how blissful this moment was. Bakugou stops his grunts and watches you in awe, small, minuscule grin taking over his face and he clicks his tongue, trying to fight it.
And deflects, as always.
"C'mon. Have to walk you there before you get lost or some shit like that." You breathe in and nod, even thought you were perfectly capable of walking to the cafeteria as you've done it for a year and some now.
"You'd be starving if it weren't for me." You snort and roll your eyes, but beam like a lovestruck idiot.
"Sure thing, dude." It instantly earns a grunt, then a pout, followed by grumbles and heavy feet by your side. You check on him, noticing his shrugged shoulders and tinted nose and you almost trip with your own legs because of it. He doesn't say anything for the longest time, which you didn't mind as you yourself needed some time to shoo away the butterflies and rainbows that floated all around in your very empty head. It wasn't until you almost reached the cafeteria that he stops you by the arm and looks away.
"You— You shouldn't call your boyfriend dude, dumbass."
Remember the butterflies? Now they're radioactive and fluttering around, crazed and disoriented.
"Says the one that calls me a dumbass, Bakugou." You relent, thankful he took the initiative to answer the question that lingered in the air throughout all the walk.
A wild flush takes over him and he refuses to turn toward you, just observing from the corner of his eyes.
"It's— It's Katsuki to you, dumbass." And he drags you inside without giving you a chance to process it. But when you do, you grin like mad and whisper just as you were manhandled through the door, preparing yourself for his explosive gargling and screaming and silently apologizing to everyone in your general proximity.
"Okay, Kacchan~"
Note: Thank you for reading and for any sweet mesages! I read each and every one of them and they make me so incredibly happy!! I would like to point out that the phone editor switches around paragraphs and it's very confusing. I edited some mistakes and for now it's good but I'm scared it wasn't fixed since I edited before too and I encounter the same problem again... If you find something off, could you please let me know? I want the reading to be enjoyable for everyone after all. Thank you again! 💕
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chefdoeuvre · 4 years
Under Control
Kelly Severide
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Pairing: Kelly Severide x Sister!Reader
Description: Even when you think you have things under control older brothers always worm their way into helping.
Words: 1,595
Requested: yes by @ticklepete; Okay so can you do a Kelly x Sister where y/n is being seriously threatened by someone who she had a run-in with in the past (like an arsonist or former victim, etc) and of course Kelly's overprotective brother side kicks in. Her being the independent woman she is gets a little annoyed but ultimately is thankful. I feel like #46 and #12 would work with this.
Warnings: mention of minor injuries, blood, fluff as per usual.
A/N: I just love Kelly Severide and his overprotective ways. This can be counted as a stand alone or a part two for Rivalry. I apologize in advance for any grammatical errors.
There they were again, flowers sent to the firehouse addressed to you. At first, you thought it was sweet how you had a secret admirer. Now after a month and a half of this you were starting to be fed up with it. Of course, you couldn't throw the flowers away they were too pretty for that, clearly, someone had spent a solid chunk of change to get them for you. Obviously, Kelly offered to tell Jay and get him to find out who they were coming from but being the stubborn Severide you are you declined.
The next shift came by in the blink of an eye and this time instead of a large bouquet of fresh flowers you were simply handed an envelope. The envelope didn't have a return address on it only the firehouse's and your name printed on it. You stuffed the envelope into your locker when the announcement system went off signaling a call. The call was a fairly normal rescue. Thankfully, there was a simple solution to saving the victim and it didn't take long to get them to safety.
After heading back to the firehouse you went back to your locker and pulled out the envelope that's been invading your thoughts since you got it. Ripping it open you unfolded the single piece of paper in it and let your eyes scan the words. Reading over them multiple times you felt a pit in your stomach. It was clear to see that they were threats aimed at you. This only confused you, if this wasn't some secret admirer who the hell was this? The words were generic threats you'd expect from a regular old crime show so that's not what scared you. It was the fact that they went through these lengths just to get your attention. Instead of doing what a rational person would do you stuffed the envelope back into your locker and tried to get your mind off of it.
Making your way out of the locker room you bumped face-first into a hard chest. Immediately two arms reached out and grabbed onto your shoulders to steady you. Looking up with wide eyes you're met with the familiar steel blue ones of your brother.
"Hey, you all right?" Kelly asked as he scanned your facial expression.
"Yeah, I'm fine." You nodded quickly.
You tried to sidestep away from him, but his strong arms kept you planted there. Given the fact that he's your brother, he knew you like the back of his hand and he knew what you were like when something was bothering you.
"No, you're not. Talk to me." Kelly urged as you all but looked him in the eyes.
Sighing you shoved his hands off your shoulder and turned on your heel assuring him that you were fine. In truth, you were far from fine but you'd deal with it your own way. Which was being majorly stubborn about it and completely ignoring the fact that you weren't okay. You made your way into the common room and took a seat in between Herrmann and Mouch who were watching an old movie.
Kelly, being the nosy brother he is took it upon himself to check out your locker. Granted he only knew your combination because it was your birthday and as your brother of course he knew you would use that as the passcode for your phone as well. Pulling open your locker the envelope fell out and he quickly pulled it open. Reading the words across the page he suddenly felt the urge to punch someone.
Soon enough, the announcement system went off signaling a call. Apparently, it was a large abandoned warehouse on fire which meant all of Firehouse 51's help was enlisted.
Pulling up to the scene Boden started giving out directions to each unit. Squad was taking the brunt of the work by checking the building along with some of Truck's help. You and Kelly were paired up to go the furthest into the building, biting back a joke about the sibling power duo the two of you were you headed into the burning building. Kelly stood close beside you with a clenched jaw, still angered by the threats aimed at you.
"We're clear on the West wing." Cruz's voice sounded from your walkies.
"Same on the East." Stella agreed.
"All good on the North wing. South?" Casey asked.
You and Kelly were still making your way through the building about to reply when you heard a shrill scream. Looking up in alarm, the two of you shared a glance before setting toward the sound.
Taking the lead you made your way weaving through the crates to where the sound came from. Another high-pitched sound shocked you into place before you started toward the louder noise again.
"I've been waiting for you." A deep, gravelly voice sounded from behind a large crate.
"We have to go, this place isn't gonna last long." Kelly chided looking between you and the wooden crate.
"That doesn't seem to be in my agenda, Lieutenant Severide." The deep voice tutted.
You and Kelly shared a look of confusion. How the hell did this guy know who he was?
"Oh, allow me to introduce myself." The man all but cackled as he stepped out from behind the crate.
In his hands was a familiar-looking bouquet of flowers. He had a devilish smirk planted on his face and dark eyes that made him look demonic.
"It's Charles, but you can call me Chuck." He greeted with a sickly sweet smile and looked dead at you.
Kelly immediately stood to step in front of you and practically growled at the man.
"Cool it, Kell." You shoved your brother aside with a roll of your eyes.
"All right, Charlie was it?" You crossed your arms nonchalantly, "take your flowers and leave or I promise you I'll let the hound at you." You gestured a hand toward your fuming brother.
Of course, you were naturally sassy, but in times of danger, your sass levels would go up by a hundred. Was this the smartest idea to agitate the guy who lit this place up? No, probably not, but your instincts decided otherwise. The man was rendered speechless, to say the least. He was expecting a sobbing woman not a lady who could even out sass Jay Halstead on a good day.
While the man was a blubbering mess Kelly took the initiative to call it into Boden because of course this had to all go down in a burning building. A few moments later you turned on your heel and began dragging Kelly with you.
"What the hell are you doing?" Kelly berated.
"I'd rather get the hell out of dodge before I turn into a crispy treat." You hissed pulling him toward the exit.
Chuck still stood there trying to mutter out a response when he bolted after the two of you. Pushing Kelly ahead of you, you turned around to see Chuck barreling toward you. Grabbing his wrist in a tight grip you all but dragged him out of the building. Just in time the three of you made it out of the building before a huge explosion erupting out of the ceiling.
Out of the corner of your eyes, you caught sight of the Severide sibling's favorite detective and pulled Chuck along with you.
"I think your package was sent to the wrong building." You shoved Chuck forward as Jay pulled the man's arms behind his back and cuffed him.
"Thanks, Y/N." Jay nodded with a smirk adorning his features.
"Anytime, detective." You flashed a quick smile before heading back to your fellow firefighters.
Letting out a breath you didn't know you were holding you ripped your helmet off and dropped it to the ground.
"What the hell is wrong with you?" Kelly placed his hands on your shoulders before pulling you into his arms.
"Oh, come on. That was totally badass." You chuckled.
Kelly stared at you bugged-eyed, tilting his head in confusion.
"Come here, you big teddy bear." You wrapped your arms around Kelly's waist, hugging him tightly.
Locking your hands behind him you pulled back hissing in pain.
"What? What's wrong?" Kelly scanned you for any injuries.
"Damn bouquet had thorns in it. I'm fine though." You scrunched your brows pulling at the thorns embedded in your palm.
"What do you mean you're 'fine'? You're bleeding!" Kelly exclaimed.
"Dude, they're just thorns." You dismissed.
Kelly pushed you toward Gabby and Sylvie wordlessly as you wiped the little bit of blood escaping your hand.
After getting all cleaned up and heading back to the firehouse you went to find Kelly who was hunched over his desk in his bunk room.
"Thank you." You spoke up leaning against the door frame.
Kelly snapped his head toward the sudden voice.
"What?" Kelly asked with a small smirk.
"I said it once, that's it." You crossed your arms with a pout.
Kelly raised his brows and you let out a defeated sigh, "thank you for being my protective brother, even if I don't need you to be." You stepped forward and placed your hands on his shoulders with a small smile.
"It's in the job description." Kelly reached his hand up to ruffle your hair.
"Seriously, how many times do I have to tell you not to touch my hair?" You laughed, pushing his hand away.
"You're gonna be the death of me, I swear." Kelly rolled his eyes playfully.
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mojjisxng · 4 years
Hiii! Do you remember the amazing scenario you wrote where enhypen uses your insecurity in an argument and how they will make it up to you? If requests aren't closed can I get the reverse: you use enhypens insecurity in an argument and how you would make it up for them? Thank you very much ❤️
thanks for requesting anon, i hope you like it❤️
a/n- this descended into madness by the end, i got too carried away. i don’t even think this can be considered to have any angst in it at this point, especially niki’s. i do still like this reaction a lot though haha
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- any amusement that he had towards the argument instantly vanishes
- his face goes completely blank
- there’s just an awkward silence as you both stare at each other for a few moments (which honestly feels like five hours)
- you understand that you’ve taken it too far
- so you walk over to him and throw your arms around his waist
- you murmur constant apologies into his hoodie, close to tears yourself
- he just pulls you back, looks into your eyes and explains why you should never do that to anyone EVER
- and that you should make him four cups of ramen and buy him chicken, to make it up to him
- after that, heeseung is rejuvenated with mischief
- and he starts to plot ways that he can get you back for a being a little bitch, so good luck :D
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- not to bring astrology into this...
- ...but jay is an aries-taurus cusp like me
- so mans has some built up anger and he’s quite stubborn
- this means that he’ll hurl some pretty mean insults right back at you
- so the both of you are now MAD mad, and totally not willing to apologise first even though you know you should definitely be the first one of you to apologise at some point
- this is where the problem lies, because the two of you go to storm out of the house at the same time
- so you’re stuck between jay and the doorframe, trying to squeeze out first
- that’s a RAS moment for you both there
- this leads you and jay being reduced to a laughing mess on the floor, hoping your neighbours didn’t catch the embarrassing scene
- which they did on their security cameras
- you also seriously apologise to jay, because your dignity has already been flushed down the toilet, so you felt that being stubborn would do nothing for your ego at this point
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- jake processes the snide comment you made on his insecurity, and just says in the tiniest voice...
- “i’m not gonna lie, that’s kind of stung. but i know you don’t mean it, so it’s fine i guess :/”
- he also has this tiny, emotionless smile on his face, as looks down at the floor
- your heart sinks at how defeated he looks and you just break
- you know you fucked up badly
- how could you be so heartless towards sweet angel jake?
- so you sprint over to him
- stare at him for a second
- and burst into tears
- and then you hug him so tightly he might burst, while chanting apologies to him and telling him that you did not mean it and you don’t even know why you even thought to say that
- you just cuddle for the rest of the day, you insisting that you’re the big spoon because you want to protect your sweet baby jake from the world that was a bit dramatic but oh well
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- you say some stupid bs about something he’s insecure about, while you’re arguing about who knows what
- there’s a pause
- a blink
- and a breath
- and then sunghoon bolts out of the room as quickly as possible
- so you’re just left there in the middle of the living room, with guilt crawling into every cell of your body
- meanwhile, sunghoon is in the furthest room away from you, because he doesn’t want you to hear him s o b b i n g
- i feel like sunghoon wouldn’t usually show you when he’s even a little bit sad, so he would be humiliated if you saw him upset because of something you said to him
- but unfortunately for him, you heard him crying, while you were looking for him
- you already felt horrible, but now you just felt like you had committed the worst crime possible, because your emotionally strong boyfriend was now curled into the foetal position on the bed, crying
- you basically jump on him, so that he can’t escape and you engulf him in your arms, even if you’re tiny
- and you’re rambling a huge apology and telling him that you will do anything for him
- you also kiss his tears away awwww not me being soft for once
- after he’s calmed down, he will go back to his usual cocky self, and start teasing you by asking for lots of things
- but the thing is, you actually do everything that he asked because you feel so terrible
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- so after you’re done talking your shit on sunoo’s insecurity...
- ...he just glares at you for a whole minute, in silence
- then turns on his heel and struts out of the room with his head held high
- he will not show you that he is hurt by your words
- he won’t let you win
- you’ll find him in the kitchen, seething
- and aggressively making a sandwich
- you tip-toe closer to him, back-hugging him, while giving your apologies
- but he just shakes you off and stalks into the living room
- this continues for two days
- and you can’t stand his silent treatment
- so you keep bugging him with saying “sorryyy” and “i love youuu”
- until he finally gives in
- you’re like “i’m so incredibly sorry; i would despise it if you talked to me like that. i should never have acted in such a way, even if i was angry. there’s no excuse. i love you to the moon and back and beyond, i hope you know that.”
- and then sunoo replies “i do know how much you love me, and i know you didn’t mean it. i was just very hurt and very angry. i love you too, so so much...even though you’re not all that...”
- it was time for him to run 🚪🏃‍♀️
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- jungwon would fucking stare at you
- you’d be so intimidated by him
- you already knew how much you’d messed up
- but he would make sure you knew even more
- this child would firmly take your hand and drag you to sit down on the sofa
- and then he’d GO IN
- jungwon would lecture you for like two hours on why that was a horrid thing to do, why that would upset someone and why you should absolutely not do that to anyone again
- this would be his punishment to you, by treating you like a little kid, really patronising you to convey his disappointment
- you can tell he’s the leader of enhypen, because he would transform into a fifty year old mother
- he honestly might even make you cry by accident of course
- you would then proceed to do a very solemn and formal apology, like a berated child
- and then he would pull you into a hug
- i feel like it would all turn quite comical from an outside view
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- speaking of a serious situation that descends into something ridiculous, it’s niki’s turn!!
- you shoot the insult in his direction
- and then there’s a beat of silence
- you know you’ve fucked up
- so you start yelling out apologies before he can even open his mouth to say a single word, like “I’M SO SO SO SO SORRY! I DID NOT MEAN IT AT ALL! WHY DID I EVEN SAY THAT?!?! OH MY GOD DON’T HATE ME PLEASE!!!”
- and tbh niki finds this VERY funny
- but he plays up to it
- “no...no...i can’t believe you would say something as preposterous as that. you’re the definition of EVIL!” and then probably dramatically falls back onto the sofa with his hand over his face mainly to hide his laughter
- and you’re just stood frozen, on the edge of a mental breakdown
- until he goes “but you could make it up to me by making a musical about how sorry you are :DDD”
- you let out the biggest sigh of relief, that you didn’t even know you were holding
- but then you process what you’re going to be doing, so you’re just staring at into space like 😟
- long story short, you end up giving up all the pride you had left, to entertain niki with your horrendous singing and dancing one man show about how apologetic you were
- you and niki were on the floor crying with laughter by the end of your finale, which was a less than perfect rendition of ‘purple rain’ by prince
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ov105 · 4 years
Best friends, right?
Hello and Merry Christmas everyone! Just thought of something quick for you all after that long while of ironing out Karina.
Though as you’ve noticed, I’ll just continue upkeep of this account to crosspost my work between here in AFF, in hopes of reaching a wider audience.
4,487 words of Luda. 
In case I don't see you: Good afternoon, good evening, and good night! Merry Christmas, and may God bless you all.
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Saturday day-off is a clause coated in cookie batter for the newly minted working man, dipped in sugar, and drizzled with honey. Driving up the spiral ramps at the mall parking lot with Luda on the passenger seat at 8:45 in the morning was pretty much an ideal way to catch up on an otherwise quick weekend. Going to the cinema this early was a bit odd, but then being the better man, I can only remain stubborn for so long and not go at all. 
“Wow, nobody here,” I said as I exited right on the top floor. The morning light gave a somewhat expansive view of the near-empty lot, knowing for myself that most of the time it’d have rows upon rows of cars any time of the day - but not this early, save for the few tenants that pulled up much earlier than us. Being a relative opportunist, I decided to forego the big yellow arrows to cut some rows of parking to get a sweet spot on the edge of the lot. 
“Wow, big brain, huh?” Luda said as I made a left turn and cut through diagonally through two rows of unoccupied parking. Before returning with a right turn and stopping at where I intended us to be. 
“Not like they’d care, even at uni, the guard doesn’t give a shit if I pulled this,” I replied, pulling the parking brake up. 
We can’t get out of the car either way, so I just left everything as is as I reclined, leaned forward, reached down to pull a cold lever, and pushed back my seat. Stretching and fishing my phone from my jacket as I laid down lazily. I had been unable to check my notifications as it pinged, again and again, earlier that day while I was eating, in the shower, and dressing up. Only to find out it was some things that I forgot to do and kept on bugging me. It was pretty much a bummer.
“How long do we have to wait?” Luda said, turning the knob and turning it down a notch. 
“Just turn it off,” I said, referring to the radio, “An hour I think? An hour and fifteen minutes to be sure,” I continued, answering her question.
After that, we spent ten or so minutes catching up on what we had missed. It’d only been a year since we graduated, but things always feel different when jumping to a new chapter. There’s that idea of feeling like not sticking in your new environment, but in reality, I probably just don’t know that I’m one of them already - the only catch is I’m still stuck in the past. My friends dearly reminded me of that past. 
It was a slow start, but later on, I was at the same pace we both shared when we talked with each other. It was reminiscent of the school cafeteria, just dropping everything and talking, joking, and talking again. Soon after that yellow brick road, we were back talking about our hobbies; Luda with her postcards and calligraphy, and I with my photography.
"So, when are you going to be my portrait model?” I asked, “You know, I've been looking for someone to practice my shooting skill on,” rubbing my hands around, a bit nervous,  “You can be a nice model, you know."
"I don't know,” Luda said, averting her eyes down, “You know I'm not really that pretty to be a model, nor do I have a supermodel body," she continued.
"Hey, you've always been a cutie. It’d be great to see your eyes smile in my camera roll."
Luda gave a glance, then scoffed at the compliment.
"Fine, as for the body part,” I said, taking a glance to her chest, “I guess you're somewhat right.” 
"Hey! It’s not like you’re big anyway," she replied, coming at her defense.
"Well, I can say yours is true, but there's no way you can tell it for me," I replied, cackling as I enjoy my victory in our little argument.
At least that’s what I thought. Then, a bolt of lightning.
"You sure about that?" Luda said as her arm darted out and ducked between my shorts, quickly grabbing, and worse, squeezing my member with her fingers. Surprised, I swatted her hand away, closing my thighs on instinct.
“Yah!” Missing her hand as she reeled it back. 
“Ah, so I was right after all,” she said.
“Ha?!” I replied with an eyebrow raised and sounding agitated. However, my brain was sifting through whether or not I was to be pissed off, surprised, or aroused.
“I guess we’re equal now, you are not that big either..,” Luda said, as she looked at me with a mischievous face while pinching her finger.
Then the thunder struck.
“But it seems like it is getting bigger.., are you actually having a boner for your best friend?”
Luda's face was as blank as a statue before erupting into awkward laughter.
“Ha! I guess all men are the same!” Luda said.
“Bullshit!” I scoffed, “Well, this is the natural reaction! I can’t control it, plus, you touched where you shouldn’t be touching!” I replied, now growing even more confused by the situation, unsure whether I should get angry or just get over it.
Then lightning struck, the thunder of primal instinct along with it. 
“You know… I’ve always wondered how it’s gonna be like. Can I touch it again?” Luda looked at me with her puppy eyes.
What? That’s all I have in my mind - What did she just say?
“If you’re shy, you can just let me have a look,” Luda kept her gaze at me with a naughty expression as she spoke.
“I’m not shy, but this is a public area,” I stressed as I looked around, “Plus, you sure this is what best friends do?” I replied. 
“I’m not sure that is what best friends should do, but I’m sure,” she said, “I want to touch it again. Please?” Luda asked again, and no, it’s not what friends typically do. 
It is those eyes again, I swear. Those puppy eyes just make me put my guard down.
“Just once,” I said, holding a finger up, “And you’re not going to do this again,” I finally gave in to her unusual request.
“Just relax. I know we’ll both keep quiet,” Luda said, leaning close. I was expecting to have to spend more than I should today, or that maybe we’d go home a while after the mall closes in the evening. I wasn’t expecting to get head from one of my best friends.
Luda's small palm hovered over the slight bulge on my shorts before her long, spindly fingers grabbed my bulge and squeezed me again. Going tighter as my blood slowly tensed my muscles on her grip. Her hands then slid up and unbuttoned me. 
“Ya!?” I asked her, though not acting on her hand this time. She just giggled a bit. 
“I only said touch, not see,” I said
"I just wanted to have some extra fun," Luda replied as she giggled again.
"That's not how friends have fun, and you know we are still in a public area, right?" I said as I held onto her hand.
"Yeah, in between 2 empty cars in a far corner of an unopened mall, what could go wrong, right?" Luda said, a bit sarcastically, as she freed her hand away from mine.
“Fine, fine, I’m not supposed to let you have it, but I guess this is the benefit of being a friend for a decade, just a peek, I’m not expecting you to do anything more stupid than this,” and there I gave in again, for whatever reason that is.
“You know I never expected to see my best friend’s dick, but this feels really fun,” Luda replied as she’s giggling and unzipping my pants like a happy little child that is unwrapping her Christmas present.
“I can’t believe I’m letting you do this too,” I sighed as I’m still in a state of disbelief, looking at my best friend that is now trying to dig my member out of my pants.
And the thunder struck again, like one that came off a grade 5 hurricane.
"Do you remember that you said we might end up together if no one wants us? At this rate, both of us nerds are gonna be single forever," She said as she started to lean closer and closer.
“Why not just let me practice what is bound to happen to us anyway? Luda replied as she stared at me from below.
Feeling uneasy as I feel like she’s gonna do something worse or better, I just stared blankly at her and sighed.
“Are you trying to do what I think you’re going to do?” I said as I got more and more intrigued by the situation.
“I guess best friends think alike?” Luda looked at me and slightly adjusted her specs as if she’s giving out a hint.
“Fine. I wasn’t expecting this, but fine, just do whatever you want to do, at least make a good job out of it,” I spoke my mind. All but a human still with the warmth of her fingers over me, waving my white flag up. 
“Wasn’t expecting to do this on a movie day, but don’t you worry, I’ll help you fix your boner issue,” Luda said with a slightly naughty expression as she took her hands out, pulled down my shorts, and swatted it off as it hung on my shoes. 
Her spindly fingers grabbed my cock again through my boxers, then rubbing the cloth with her palm. Glancing at her, one that caught her eye as she bit her lip. I could feel she was ready to back out, but it was too far for either of us even then. I don’t know why I got hard faster than I thought I would’ve as Luda rubbed her fingers on where my tip was. 
Thinking it was a bit uncomfortable for her to be leaning over from her side just to suck me off, I told her to stop as I pushed my seat the furthest it could go. 
“Get over here. We only have 45 minutes,” I beckoned her. Luda looked around a bit as she moved to my side of the car, giving one last look at her cute face before she’d defile the sight of it forever as she knelt before me. Her hands continued to rub me over my underwear, her fingertips pressing slightly harder as she traced my shaft and closing together as she rubbed my tip. I guess being a calligrapher helped how she hadn’t choked me yet. I was surprised to feel her grabbing my balls and squeezing them a bit. She did her homework, I guess. 
She giggled again, covering her mouth with her hands before she let out what was, by now, the obvious.
“Ah, this is so dirty!” 
I mean, if you’ve been friends for ten years, since the wee days of just starting in high school. After all that time, we’ve seen each other grow as individuals. Add to that, after an ex-boyfriend. It really would be dirty for her to be in front of me and just one pull away from seeing my cock. 
“Fuck it.”
Luda just said, darting her hands into the hem of my boxers and pulled it down. My cock sprung, half-hard, as she grabbed it. Luda quickly began stroking it with a hand as the other crept up on my thigh. It took her wrists a while to get it right, leading me from there, with a girl’s pale white fingers pressing against the brown foreskin, trapping it in with her soft palm as she went along with her hand job. Her thumb kept on sliding up the underside of my tip, which only helped my veins hoist my shaft up with her stroking. 
I could slowly feel my brain turn to mush as Luda's soft hand made quick work of me, making it worse as she switched from her right to left palm. Being a leftie, she instantly ended up being much more in control; her touch felt beautiful. Slowing down as she moved her palm out of the way, keeping her fingers around my cock as she opened her mouth, her tongue emerging between her teeth. 
Luda then stopped stroking, pulled my cock close to her tongue, and licked it, not just once, but twice. Stroking back again as she glanced up, giggling as she looked down, and giving another glance as she stuck her tongue and licked the whole way upward. When my ex would do this, I’d already let out at least a whimper by this time. It was still odd with my best friend giving it to me, but as she repeated the touch of her tongue on my shaft, she was showering that away. 
Twitching once the first time her tongue licked around my tip, she just gave me a look of “I told you so” before throwing back as if to insult me for what my body was telling her.  
“I told you, all men are the same.” 
Luda said as she wrapped her lips around the tip, rounding her tongue around it a few times before a wet smooch followed as she pulled back. It was a sight straight out of an adult video.
“Where did you learn that?” I asked. 
“Ex,” She replied, stroking me a few times. Her tongue was licking upwards. It was clear she was trying to woo me over. Hearing a few giggles here and there as she knew this sudden change of plans was neither on our mental checklists for today. 
“Relax, just relax,” Luda cooed at me as she wrapped her lips around the tip before pushing forward and taking me into her mouth. It was warmth. It was bliss as her tongue slid under, her small lips parted open as an inch-and-a-half was inside her mouth. She slid her fingers through her dark brown hair and kept them down her left side as she went down another inch. 
Luda looked up at me and still had her large specs on, her small mouth enclosed around my cock, and her tongue playing around. When I met her years ago, I couldn’t tell myself that I would’ve wanted this to happen. 
She closed her eyes, then pulled back just to the tip before pushing down, taking an inch or two in as she bobbed around for a bit. She took me off from her mouth as she made herself a ponytail, leaning in and playing around with my tip using her lips as she did. As soon as her hands were off her hair, she quickly dived down, not stopping until I felt my head knock the back of her mouth. Luda furrowed her eyebrows a bit, hearing a gag as her mouth contracted around it. Before pulling back with a gasp, saliva all over her lips as she licked them, a few falling down the side before she caught me by the tip again. 
Making sure I felt at home as she kept her gaze at me, lips sucking around my tip and making me twitch a bit as that electrifying feeling ran through my nerves. Though now, her gaze was very much different. It was less unsure and more seductive. Showing me how she has gained her footing as her tongue licked into my slit, making my jaw drop and my cock throb slightly in her lips. Hearing her giggle before she pushed down again.
Watching as Luda knelt, bobbing her head on my cock, seeing my shaft glisten while listening to her small moans as she became more daring. Always a few inches in, but never taking it deep down her throat. She tried earlier, though now she wanted to prove herself well to her friend - and she was doing it excellently. 
By now, my cock was turning from an ordinary pink to a darker pink shade, aside from how it glistened with her saliva on it. It reflected what I couldn’t tell my best friend; that she was making me feel good. 
Luda moaned as she kept her pace halfway down on my cock. I thought it would be appropriate to return at least half of the pleasure she’s giving now, sitting up a bit with my hand sliding down her collar, fingers searching for the garter of her bra, following it down and sliding my hand into her bra, grabbing hold of one of her soft tits. They were small, but they were still soft. She whimpered a bit as I squeezed it, taking me deeper inside her in return. The feeling of getting sucked deeper made me bite my lip and groan; it just felt too good.
Luda's cheeks and small mouth didn’t struggle too much. Judging from how good and warm she’s making me feel, getting an involuntary throb from my cock a few times. Though now she wanted a bit more as she started getting louder, my nerves feeling the seal of her lips wrap tighter around my base, and even more so around my tip. This forced her to lean forward, and in turn, upward. I was lying down as she made a slight list, still allowing me to reach for her bra. 
Now that the light was able to shine on how Luda's pink tongue made circles, then her lips kissed, took in, and then dived on my cock. A loud slurp followed as she rounded off at the tip of me, hearing a giggle as my legs shook a bit. Flashing that eye smile as she slowly took in all the inches I could give as I slid atop her palate to the back of her mouth. The tension throughout just had my toes curled as she did it again and again, and when she saw how my neck was beginning to sweat bullets because of it, that’s how she carried on. 
“If you’re gonna keep playing around like that, just deepthroat me already,” I told her. 
“As you wish then.”
Luda went up top, her tongue flashing a bit as she rounded my tip, before her lips wrapped around the head as tight as she could and went down to the base. Hearing her gag as it hit and went past the back of her mouth, that feeling of her mouth contracting as the pink tip of my cock went the deepest it could go. Her cute face scrunched up as her throat got tighter and another gag before she reeled back, a huge gasp following as my cock sprung out of her little mouth.
Fuck, Luda mouthed. 
Before the first drip touched my crotch, Luda's lips wrapped around my head and went back down to the base in what was an unpredictable move. She rose back up halfway and pushed herself down again, with a gakt! as her throat gagged, her eyes and nose scrunching too as she got to grips with me being this deep. I thought the worst of it and her making a mess of us before our day has even started. 
Luda then looked up to me as she pulled back; Give it to me. 
Closing her eyes as a series of gags filled the air, each gritter than the last before she stopped and gasped just as I watched her tongue swipe left to right, before leaning in and licking my tip as I throbbed. 
I thought about going harsh on her, living a wild fantasy I only had seen before in porn. As she put her lips around my cock again, my hands got to the back of her head and pushed her down, and for the first time, I thrust my hips up into her throat. A loud gag from Luda followed as her fingers dug into my thighs. I looked down to see my friend; saliva dripping down the sides of her lips, her dark hair looked like a mess, her eyes only said one thing; get on with it.
Putting my fingers where I could get a good grip on Luda's head, I pushed her back against my crotch again. Groaning weakly as I began to fuck her throat. Her hands held onto my thighs as I relished in the feeling of pushing down against the depth she could go, while I was beginning to reach cloud nine as I kept hitting the back of her throat. The struggle being heard in her gags slowly turned from her coping with my tip spearing down her throat, her gags becoming moans as I used her mouth for myself. 
“You like that?” I asked as I pushed her against me, though my grip held her tight as she began to gag on it. Realizing she can’t talk and only giving a muffled response, she just nodded. 
Sitting up a bit as I got a fistful of Luda's hair, she gagged the whole time until I pulled her away from my cock. Wet lips and a thick trail of saliva dripped off her mouth as she held her mouth open.
“You like that?” I repeated.
“Love it. I wished my ex did the same to me too,” Luda replied, moving onto my cock despite the fistful of hair above her head. She wanted it so badly, though, of course, we were still best friends after this. 
She then caught my cock again, her saliva and my precum dripping once or twice from the tip as it throbbed. It still was throbbing as Luda wrapped her lips around it, her tongue playing around my tip before I pushed a little deeper and her tongue laid under my shaft, and once that was done, I forced myself into Luda's mouth. 
The squelching sound came off her lips as I bit my lip. Looking at Luda and reflecting on how she immediately flashed a smile as she got on the passenger seat almost an hour ago, with only a plan to catch up and see a movie. But now, as I looked down again to see the same eyes, with her lips wrapped around the smuttiest part, as I had a fistful of her hair as her cheeks bounced every time I smacked my crotch against her face and down her throat.
Feeling that familiar weight coming on as I edged closer to my release, I had ought to rush it. After all, this was just supposed to be quick. I was locking my legs up as I prepared to blow it down Luda's tight throat. I was pushing her faster against my crotch as her gags got louder and prominent. I was close to sending cum down her throat, and I wasn’t going to have her back out now.
I heard once that “A day with a blowjob from a good friend is always a great day,” and needless to say, I scrubbed it off as some crude porn joke. Though now, with Luda at the mercy of my loins, and how my cock was probably turning red with how fucking good it feels using her throat to let my cum out after a long, busy stint at work, perhaps it is a fact.
Her eye smile disappeared and almost begged me to finish as she forcibly closed them, gagging loudly as I throbbed near uncontrollably down her throat. The grip her throat gave as it contracted, seeking both pleasure and withstanding the pain of her best friend’s dick shoving itself down her throat. I just relished at the sight of her both in the throes of pain and pleasure. She knew that by how my fingers gripped her hair tight, and my shaft throbbing down her neck. 
“Fuck, Luda,” was all I could say as that final throb came, and the surge of cum shot out of my tip, the first, weak shot, followed by the thick spurts of hot semen that left my loins and shot down into Luda's throat. Feeling myself crumple as I bit my lip and moaned behind it. My cock twitched as I moved and let out another spurt of cum as it slid back from her tight throat, now splattered white and trickling with cum after I just blasted all over it. 
Letting go of her hair, and as soon as it hit her shoulders, Luda quickly pulled back; my cock plopped out of her mouth, dripping from all that saliva and cum it just let out. She just gasped, swallowing her saliva as her fingers rubbed her neck, wiping her lips with her wrist, before showing her tongue out with whatever cum she could bring up. She just giggled as she pulled herself back and reached for her purse.
“Fuck, that was something,” Luda said as she wiped her lips with the tissues she had in her bag.
Now I was vulnerable, and our day hasn’t even started. Luda just remained there, knelt before my now limp cock and cleaning herself. Only then, as she dabbed the tissue down her neck, clearing away whatever precum and saliva dripped down that, I knew I’d done her well. 
Sliding a finger and flicking my cock, playing with it, though, in honesty, I was surprised that it wasn’t even my girlfriend who gave that, but one of the last persons on my list to make that move, less ask for it themselves. Luda just chuckled as I looked in awe at my own. 
“Too bad I can’t clean that up for you. No worries, it’s all down my throat anyway.” 
“Whatever,” I just replied. Both of us quickly molted back to being friends. Even after she had just sucked her best friend’s dick, and mind you, with par excellence, it wouldn’t change anything for us. It was just some fun banter that turned sexual, and now that’ll remain a truly closeted moment for us. We wouldn’t even have gathered an ounce of the gut, let alone think of it, and to ask this lewd favor just a few years ago. 
“Do you think anybody saw us?” Luda said as she jumped back to her seat. 
“It was none of their business,” I said, laughing, “They should’ve just wished it was them instead,” I continued, smirking. 
“Ah, so you did like it?” Luda asked, although just moments earlier, while I gripped her, it had been obvious, “Besides, that’s the first time I got deepthroated, so thanks?” 
“Yeah, right, my pleasure,” I replied sarcastically. Luda stood her ground and insisted, but I guess she already knew that I didn’t like it - I loved it. 
“So, how long until it opens?” She asked, looking around again before focusing on her phone.
“15 minutes.” 
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heyitsmerose · 4 years
Ateez reaction to their s/o having an intense phobia (Hyung Line)
Word Count : 2.4k
Genre : Angst
Trigger warning* Mentions of abuse
Mentions of phobias, read with caution in case something triggers you
Hongjoong : 
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You hadn’t told Hongjoong about your phobia yet. It wasn’t a phobia as much as it was a trigger, that evoked flashbacks to a dark time in the past. When you were just 15, you got into your first relationship, with someone a year older than you in the same school. Being young and naïve, you thought his overprotectiveness and his controlling nature was love. You often fought, but quickly reconciled and despite it being extremely toxic, you stayed in the relationship, thinking it was love. Then the unthinkable happened, he suddenly got angry once, and hit you, with a belt. It stung and you tried to run, only for him to hit you harder. He apologised the next day, crying, you quickly accepted not realising that you were now trapped in this endless cycle.
You forgot about most of the past however, being in a loving relationship with Hongjoong, you couldn’t have wanted more. You had been dating for over two years now, and you decided to move in together, finally. This meant, you needed to get really comfortable with each other. Hongjoong, didn’t mind, constantly coming out after showers with just a towel around his waist, while you were still a little more shy. It was a normal evening, and you had decided to cuddle up together to spend some time together. You had already changed into a matching robe that you had gotten, one for the each of you. Hongjoong, had just gotten back home from work and was changing. He took off his shirt and you couldn’t help but stare at his chest and stomach in awe, it always amazed you how nonchalant he was about small things that drove you crazy. He noticed you staring and smirked. He walked towards you, and turned around, giving you a show. You just laughed at his childish antics. He went a step further though, and tried to be seductive as a joke, pulling out his belt, quickly from the belt rings, in a sexy way. For you however, this triggered something. You immediately stopped laughing and your eyebrows knitted together. You tried to work out these emotions you thought you had forgotten about. Hongjoong noticed you spacing out, so he decided to come closer to grab your attention again. 
From your perspective however, the way he was holding the belt, walking towards you and had a suggestive smirk on his face (even if it was just a joke) all triggered a flashback, and you immediately flinched, hands flying to your head to cover it.
“NO! please don’t hurt me I’m begging you” You pleaded, your voice muffled by your head being stuffed in your arms shielding yourself. Hongjoong immediately realised something was wrong and stepped back. At this point, forgotten memories had all started coming back and your heart was racing at a million miles per hour, your head full of graphic flashbacks. You started to cry feeling helpless.
“Please, don’t hurt me again” You begged, voice hoarse. Hongjoong was super worried at this point and had abandoned the belt into the furthest corner of the room, walking towards you slowly. He engulfed you in his warm embrace, and didn’t care that he was shirtless. You flinched but recognised his familiar scent and hugged him back.
“Hongjoongie, I’m so sorry, I don’t- my ex- he- I- I was scared” You finally admitted, looking at him in the eyes. You were met with loving eyes staring back at you, and he cupped your cheeks, wiping your tears away. He kissed your nose, shushing you.
“Hey, Y/n, don’t apologise honey, it’s not your fault” he said pulling you closer.
You were thankful that he was so understanding and finally explained your side of the story. Whenever you felt like you couldn’t go on anymore, he just held you and hugged you tight, and you got the strength to continue, after all, you really wanted him to know. After you told him, he made sure to throw out all the belts he owned, no matter how expensive they were, you came first. He offered to accompany you to therapy too.
Seonghwa :
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You had one of the most unexplainable phobias ever. Emetophobia, the fear of throwing up. Just the thought of it, was enough to send you into a frenzy, uncontrollably sweating, shaking and feeling nauseous, quite ironically. Being with Seonghwa had it’s perks, you knew that he was a germaphobe himself and you were aware that he would be too embarrassed to admit if he ever threw up, most likely tidying away before you even knew. Problems arose when you felt nauseous. You couldn’t even imagine the thought of someone else throwing up, let alone yourself. The past weekend however, you had been feeling quite nauseous. You had gotten food poisoning, your worst enemy. The doctor had told you to just throw it up whenever possible, to get it out of your system, but that was out of the question, so you simply bared the feeling. In the middle of the night however, it had gotten too much. Your stomach was aching like crazy, you felt so nauseous and bloated, you felt like you could explode, and you felt dizzy from holding it in. You had no option but to just cry. Seonghwa was right next to you, fast asleep, but when he heard your cries, he instantly got up, mom mode on. 
“Hey, hey, hey Y/n?” He asked, his voice husky since he just woke up.
“Seonghwa, go back to sleep please this is nothing” You whispered not trusting your voice.
“No Y/n, there’s obviously something bothering you, I could hear you crying for god’s sake, please just tell me what’s wrong” He said sternly
“I don’t knowww” You said breaking down, crying more while saying every word. At this point Seonghwa had turned on the light and turned to you, cupping your cheeks in his hand.
“I feel terrible, I feel so nauseous and I feel like throwing up, but I can’t and I feel dizzy from holding it in, I don’t know what to do.”
“It’s alright babygirl, just throw it up, and let it out, I’m sure you’ll feeling better. He said rubbing your back.
“No, Seonghwa you don’t understand, I can’t the thought itself...” You said pausing, a chill going down your spine.
“The thought itself is enough to make me feel nervous and disgusting, I can’t bare the thought of it, I don’t know why” He just hummed and picked you up, taking you to the bathroom. You just sat on the floor and cried, feeling terrible. 
Seonghwa then simply looked at you and told you, that the best way to get over your fear would be to expose yourself to it. You freaked out, trying to get up and leave the washroom, only for him to hold you by your hand and hold you in his lap. He then guided you through the entire thing, disregarding how he felt. He sat you in his lap, the both of you facing the toilet bowl. He then held your waist, and asked you if you were ready. You nodded, and he squeezed your stomach. The pain, discomfort and nausea caused you to instantly throw up. Seonghwa told you to close your eyes, and held both his hands over your ears. After it was done. You looked up at him feeling way better and really grateful. 
You brushed your teeth and went to bed feeling way better, not only because you didn’t feel as nauseous as before, but also because now Seonghwa knew about your fear.
Yunho : 
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Your fear? Bugs you hated them. It all started after you fell into this berry bush once when you were very young. You came out covered in ants, a few worms, and caterpillars, you felt one crawling into your ear, and ever since have had the worst fear. In fact, for weeks after that happened, you swore you felt a crawling sensation in your ear, and have always been paranoid. Yunho however, did not know of this, and he was about to find out, as you both went to the zoo. He took you to the zoo, as a sweet half year anniversary, and you were all for it. In fact, you hadn’t felt this free in a while. You took pictures with the elephants, the giraffes and even got to play with ostriches. Feeding off of each other’s energy, you decided to stop at one last place. Yunho wanted to take romantic pics at the butterfly sanctuary, as he really loved them. Their colourful, patterned wings were totally up his ally. 
He dragged you into the the enclosed dome, giggling, and you walked in laughing too, not realising where you were going. When you entered, you saw a small green butterfly approach you and instantly you panicked. You subtly ran behind Yunho, but it only followed you and landed on your shoulder. The crawling sensation once again returning to your ears as it had years ago, you quickly shrieked, swatting it away. Yunho flinched and looked at you, only to find you on the ground squatting, covering yourself with your trench coat on top of you, your hands around your knees, into a ball. He quickly realised something was wrong, and guided you out, making sure nothing came your way. The second you got out, you breathed out a sigh of relief. You ran to the nearest bench and buried your head in your hands, trying to regulate your breathing. Yunho rushed over and sat next to you, rubbing your back. You just massaged your head, feeling a little upset that you let your stupid fear ruin your wonderful date. 
“Yunho, I’m sorry I ruined our date.” You said honestly
“PFFTT, ruined? I hate butterflies anyways” He said, trying to lie. You just sighed and shook your head, decided to tell him your story. The entire time, we was smiling like a child and when you asked him why, he simply said it was because he imagined you as a cute little child, and that brought a smile to his face. He also laughed in the middle a few times, imagining you covered in bugs, but you just lightly shoved him, pouting, telling him he was being insensitive. He apologised and you continued with the story. By the end of it, he heard your side and apologised for taking you there. You shrugged it off and decided to head home.
On the way you stopped at a small souvenir shop to get something for yourselves. Guess what you got. Matching, badass, black butterfly earrings. Take that, stupid phobia.
Yeosang :
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You had possibly one of the most abnormal yet scary fears, men. Although it sounds weird, your biggest fear in life was men. You were a survivor though. Result of a sexually abusive step-father and a boyfriend in uni that stalked and controlled your every move, you had become conscious around who you spent your time with and who you associated yourself with. In fact, it took you a total of 4 years after your last abusive relationship, for you to finally meet Yeosang and begin dating. Not being a touchy, feely person himself, he didn’t often initiate skin ship and you were grateful. A few months into your relationship, he started slowly showing affection though. For example, every now and then, he’d subtly sneak his hand round your waist. Most of the time though, you slyly moved away, and he usually never noticed. He also starting kissing your forehead, and you let it slide, thinking it was genuinely cute. You hadn’t yet reached the level of comfort to make-out though.
He only found out about your fear when he introduced you to the rest of the boys however. This was the first time you were going to the dorms, where he stayed, but you didn’t realise he lived with others, 7 others specifically. The second the door opened and he walked through it, you heard a lout of yelling, chatting and background noise. The voices all sounded like male voices. Your memories were coming back to you, and you couldn’t get it out of your head. You tried walking through the door, but it felt as if your feet were stuck in place. Yeosang realised you hadn’t come in yet, so he want back out, intertwined your fingers, and walked through the front door with you. You kept your head down not wanting to look at any of them or make eye contact. The second you felt their voices coming closer, and huddling around you and Yeosang, you instinctively moved closer to him, hugging his side, nails digging into his shirt. He looked down at you and you shook your head. He looked at the others with a confused face, and no one knew what to do. Enough was enough however, you decided to finally fight your fears and look at them. When you did however, your world came crashing down. The blue haired boy’s face transformed into your ex boyfriends, while the taller one’s turned into your dad’s. Tears started collect in in your eyes, and you started to breathe heavy. 
Feeling you shake and hearing your whimpers, Yeosang looked down at you, only to see you looking into Hongjoong’s eyes, and then Yunho’s. Tears fell nonstop from your eyes, and the rest of the members looked confused. Yeosang yelled at all of them to go back to their rooms, away from you for a bit, and they obliged, getting away from you. You were still shaking however as Yeosang took your hands in his.
“Babe what’s wrongg” He asked cooing at you. 
“I-” You choked, unable to finish your sentence
“I don’t have a good past with um guys, they, this- my- step dad, he” You cut yourself off with a string of sobs. Yeosang patted your shoulder and you flinched.
“I’m sorry Y/n... I didn’t mean to...You know I would never hurt you right?” He explained feeling guilty. You just nodded and told him it was not his fault. He took you to his room and locked it, for hours you spoke about your fears and your past, and he listened to all of it. It was safe to say, he was way more considerate in the future, and gradually introduced you to the boys after you felt comfortable.
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missorgana · 3 years
call me what you want
pairing: bucky barnes/sam wilson
fandom: marvel cinematic universe
rating: general
word count: 2741
warning: alcohol, swearing
summary: Bucky thinks he quite likes Sam calling him nicknames, but he likes his smile more. (more tfatws canon compliant fluff.. just because!)
(look at me, once again ignoring exams to write stupid fluff instead. anyways! don’t have much to say but hope u enjoy!! <333 missing them already)
read on ao3
Bucky doesn’t realise just how long he’s been looking at Sam until the man glances over and calls him Buck.
When he thinks about it, his eyes never leave him. Not after those staring contests of theirs, which he’ll admit to himself and no one else that he’s the most responsible for. Not when Sam turns his back to him, focus returning to the mission and Joaquín and Redwing.
He’d roll his eyes at the nickname, but that would mean looking away from Sam, and losing eye contact with Sam.
“Don’t call me that,” he says instead, hopefully conveying his disagreement with a tight-lipped look. He considers smiling. Seems inappropriate.
The other man does smile, “Why not? It’s what Steve called you.”
Sam’s smile looks right. Feels right. Bucky’s had people smile at him before, sure, plenty, but it hasn’t ever felt exactly like this. He’s not sure what it means, though, so he pushes it the furthest way back into his consciousness.
“He knew me longer,” Bucky explains, pretending like it matters, “And Steve had a plan.”
The shorter man seems like he’s holding in a laugh, a smug one. That suggests he knows the obvious lie when he hears it. 
Bucky can see the gap between his teeth.
If he turns his own lips into a smile when Sam turns away again, the man currently preparing to jump out the chute doesn’t need to know. If he spots it and gives him a funny look, he doesn’t need to know the reason behind the smile. Bucky knows.
Because Sam’s always calling him a  cyborg, Bucky fumbles for some sort of retaliation. His name’s too short to make fun of, he contemplates. Damn him.
“I can see the gears turning,” the shorter man laughs, hard and out of breath. Bucky still can’t stop looking at him, for some reason. He bends over a bit when he laughs, picking up a faster pace than himself. Bucky makes sure to catch up.
His comeback ends up being, “Sure you can, birdman.”
He can tell the other man feigns offence, raised brows and nose scrunching at the edges. Sam smiles so easily. Bucky wonders what that’s like.
“Oh, I see how it is,” the man next to him speaks up, eyes dancing easily over the open, practically deserted field they’re surrounded by. There’s a car buzzing faintly a fair amount of miles away, Sam wouldn’t notice but he does, super soldier senses and all, “For the record, that movie’s not too bad.”
Bucky kicks a rock and some dirt to the side. The rock’s weird looking, all sharp edges, almost like spikes. Yet it’s so small. He decides to look at Sam instead, “What movie?”
A honk lets them know they’re not alone. He thinks this might be what disappointment feels like, because the other man stops himself after “I-” and shakes his head instead, causing Bucky’s brows to furrow and right hand to twitch and something sinking inside his stomach, “Nevermind.”
He has to remember to google that later.
Bucky doesn’t really care that Karli told Sam to come alone, because Sam also knows that he’ll be coming with him, no matter the protest.
He’s got a hunch Sam also knows that he was lying, again, reattaching his vibranium arm and gaining the senses back and pretending not to be all that shocked.
“You okay?” the man asks and he answers, “I’m fine.”
Of course. It’s fine. Kind of annoying, how Sam looks at him with a worried glance, trying to hide it but failing miserably. Bucky doesn’t look away when their eyes meet. The shorter man blinks, slowly, like a question.
And he always gestures for Sam to go first.
So he does, too, on the Wilsons’ boat, when he’s tightened near every damn screw and lifted every imaginable thing like it’s nothing, and yet the other man still refuses to ask for help. He accepts it when Bucky decides to put a cool hand on his hip, though.
Sam stills. He himself doesn’t move till the man in front of him does. Seconds seem like years.
“Alright, show-off, don’t overwork yourself,” he tells Bucky, laughing without much of the familiar smugness. The dimples in his cheeks are deeper now, wide eyes. Bucky expects Sam to be looking at his left arm, but his gaze is resting somewhere under his chin. His throat, above his chest.
He thinks he’s getting the hang of this nickname thing, “Sure thing, Sammy.”
And the other man throws a towel at him in response. “Sammy? What are you, five?”
Sam’s sweatshirt has a small hole in it. Near his hip, a tiny thread poking out. The fabric slides up when he raises his arm, revealing a sliver of his stomach. He imagines his skin to be soft, like his arm. It seems the man notices his fixated stare on the spot, looking for whatever the subject of his attention, wiping his forehead in the hem.
Bucky shrugs, “Give or take a hundred years.”
He understands why Sam’s chuckle doesn’t reach his brown eyes at that. What he doesn’t understand is his pupils, significantly dilated. Stupid serum advancement, stupid awareness.
A spot of sunlight touches the other man’s face, and he squints, covering himself with a hand, moving out of Bucky’s sight.
This is how he realises he’s still holding a grip on the now tightened pipe, harder than he thought. He’ll make sure to fix the bending he caused before Sam notices.
Sam is a good dancer. Not that Bucky’s an expert on it or anything, far from it, but he’s not tripping over his own feet or cursing or slinging his sister around like a ragdoll.
His nephews are jumping around them, too, a couple of their neighbours in a slow dance, another reaching out and offering Bucky a beer, which he accepts. The serum doesn’t allow him to be affected much, unless he deliberately seeks being unsensibly drunk, but he likes the bitter taste, regardless.
Sarah straightens her brother’s arm and rolls her eyes in the direction of himself.
Sam turns his head about a millisecond later, winking before spinning her around. It’s smooth as hell, despite not breaking eye contact with Bucky. 
"Come on, Buckaroo!" the shorter man raises his voice, nickname just plain awful, "Get up here."
Bucky decides to shake his head as a reply, he's always preferred observing, really. Besides, he thinks he might be too quick on his feet. Too spinny, urging to not stand still.
Sam doesn't drag him up. He didn't expect him to, but it still surprised him, for some reason. The shorter man looks severely gentle with his hands on the small of Sarah's back, not surprising.
He gets a shake of the man's head and a shimmy of his shoulders. "Man, you're no fun."
Bucky huffs, “Whatever you say, darling.” Sam blinks in disbelief at the name. Sarah snaps him out to carry on with the dance. He likes having the man’s attention, he thinks.
He considers hiding his smile behind the rim of the glass. But really, there’s no need to, and he doesn’t feel like it.
The other man always grins as opposed to simply smiling. It grows just an inch when he notices Bucky smiling back, and there’s these tiny, sensitive hairs standing up on the back of his neck, he feels it immediately. Blood rushing to his face. Maybe it’s just the alcohol.
Just about every window in their house is open, his t-shirt sticks ever so slightly to his lower back with sweat, and a moth is fluttering around the lamp in the corner. It’s comical, tiny wings and body staying so close to that light, not really doing anything.
Eventually it’ll die, he guesses. Well, it has to, of course. But when the living room thins out and the light dies and everything turns quiet, it’ll simply wander around, lost, until that warm glow returns.
That stupid bug bathes in the light like it’s the only thing in life that matters. Bucky feels a sudden urge to look at Sam again, and the other man isn’t looking at him anymore, but it doesn't matter, his presence is enough.
Actually, he thinks he might fear looking away from Sam. Scared he’ll miss something, anything. A look or a smile or a joke or a movement. Some warmth radiating off of him, because the man has so much that he doesn’t even mind giving away a little to his surroundings. 
Bucky’s quite like the moth, in that sense.
Now, Bucky didn’t plan on kissing Sam today.
He’d been planning on it, or he wanted to  ask , but most times it was like the certain moment faded too quickly and he felt guilty for not doing anything about it.
When he woke up to AJ and Cass playing with the shield and the man cooking breakfast in a tank top, Bucky wondered if he should do it, then. It felt weird to try with both his nephews and sister in the kitchen though. He also sort of wished he had gone for it on the lower deck of the boat. Maybe Sam would think it was inappropriate when they were working.
When they circulated around each other the last few days, training, talking, Bucky gaining a deeper understanding for the other man and finding a way to convey an apology that sounds  right, it feels like they’re more of a team.
Connected. Stronger, maybe. Sam doesn’t need his super soldier strength at all, though, but it being wanted anyway, that makes him want to smile more. As much as the shorter man, maybe, if he’s capable.
Bucky decides the next time, the next moment, it’ll come, like all the other moments he’s been discovering and making him sort of breathless. In a good way.
“Thanks for the help,” Sam tells him, instead of a goodbye, “It meant a lot.”
Usually, these sentimental moments they keep having will be ended by the other man lightening the mood, so to speak. Not breaking it, just making it airy and familiar. His stupid jokes that aren’t even stupid, or annoying, anymore, they just remind Bucky of something like safety. He hasn’t asked, and Sam hasn’t said, but he feels like he’ll be there if he falls down. He’d do the same for him.
The man doesn’t joke around, now, despite himself attempting to muster the same smugness, “Of course.” He feels like it sounds more sarcastic than he intended. 
He quite likes that boat. Likes the people on it more. One particular person.
Bucky really thinks that’s the end of their conversation, their own way of saying  see you around  , but instead a voice catches him when he turns around, “I’m just telling the truth, baby.”
Naturally, he turns back, but now Sam’s got his back turned.
Funny, how they keep going back and forth like that. Watching, even when the other isn’t looking. He knows he’s been doing that a lot, there’s no denying it.
A feeling in his hand, the way it twitches, makes Bucky feel like this might be a new moment.
He doesn’t really wait for a reaction before following. Like the moth. Meant to follow. When Sam stops, he stops. Then, reaches over the shield in the man’s grasp and lets his fingers touch the nape of Sam’s neck.
Bucky half-expects him to push him away, but the shorter man kisses him back immediately, and  that makes him want to smile. So he does.
It’s short, close-mouthed, the softest experience he’s ever had. Soft lips, stubble meeting, even if the shield pokes his stomach, doesn’t matter.
When Bucky draws back, Sam’s grinning like an idiot.
He also lifts an expectant eyebrow, like he’s waiting for him to explain himself. Maybe say some romantic bullshit, but he’s scared the words will fail him. Too focused on the other man’s Adam's apple when he swallows, too busy counting his eyelashes, so he doesn’t forget.
Bucky doesn’t want to forget anything about Sam, ever, for the life of him.
He adjusts the bag on his shoulder, before giving the man one last smile. Sam looks weirdly proud of him. “It’s for luck.”
Bucky guesses a kiss is the sort of thing you talk about, but the mission at hand doesn’t allow much talking. He manages to hear Sam’s speech, grab every word and hide it within him and completely pretend he didn’t. The other man knows his bullshitting, again.
“Great job, Cap,” he tries to smile, showing his teeth, like Sam. The man next to him eyes him curiously, for the first time since Bucky met him, looking endearingly shy.
He still laughs, sounding almost like a song Bucky’s trying to remember, “It’s Cap now?”
And given Sharon’s wound, he can’t stick around, but the text he receives about a  party  at the Wilsons, a cookout, that doesn’t surprise him, actually. Doesn’t surprise him that he’d go to Louisiana in a heartbeat and pick up the cake Sarah asked for, even if it slides around in the carseat and doesn’t look all that appetizing when he arrives.
The Wilson siblings roll their eyes at him. They both smile. Sam looks like the sun.
Bucky’s so busy being overrun with kids staring at his left arm that he doesn’t notice Sam slipping out of the group. If it makes him panic just a little not knowing where he was, well, that’s nobody’s business but his own.
The shorter man hasn’t gone far though. He’s looking out at the water, the sunset.
It’s pretty. Looks prettier when Sam stands there.
He knows, he  knows he’s not damn good with communication. The other man told him so himself. But he can’t stop trying, even if it feels like he’ll swallow his tongue.
Sam doesn’t acknowledge him when he comes up behind him, not at first, but Bucky thinks about his easy smile and red shirt and the lines in his palm and the ghost of his lips on his when he says the first feeling that comes to mind.
“I hate everyone else in the world, but you.”
It makes the other man chuckle and turn his face towards him. When he smiles hard, really, really hard, his warm eyes crinkle at the corners.
There’s a small birthmark on Sam’s throat, he notices. And one on his earlobe.
“Really?” he asks, as if it’s up for discussion.
Then that smugness returns like a charm with the comment, “So you like me more than Steve?”
And he would be annoyed, but his own smile is kind of preventing that feeling to surface. “I hate Steve,” he answers, with a certainty that surprises them both. Sam’s tugging at the hem of his shirt.
Then, “You liked Natasha, though,” and Bucky wants to roll his eyes so goddamn badly, which is clearly what the other man was looking for. He thinks he finds him adorable. The pink hue of the sky touches his being so perfectly. Hazy eyes, teeth nearly gleaming in the light.
“No, I mean what I said,” and Bucky knows what’s coming, of course he does, “But you can’t not like Rhodey, I mean...”
Sam is so fucking ridiculous. He doesn’t ever want him to stop making him smile like this.
“Sam, please, I’m trying to-” but Bucky doesn’t quite get to finish that sentence. Not because the other man interrupts him, at least not with his lips, which he wouldn’t complain about, or his words, but because both of Sam’s hands come up to cradle his face in the most tender fashion. He thinks he might be going crazy.
So he just looks at the man for a minute. Contemplating how loud his beauty is, how much love is in his eyes and how it’s somehow directed at himself. It feels overwhelmingly peaceful.
And Bucky feels Sam’s breath on his cheeks before they connect their lips again. Long overdue. His tongue tastes like coffee and butterscotch.
When they pull apart, the shorter man bumps their noses together. Bucky quite gladly could stay like this forever.
Then Sam asks, an unspoken conclusion, but voices the question regardless, because, well. He’s pretty sure they both need it, “You plan on sticking around?”
This smiling thing is kind of straining Bucky’s jaw. He’ll get used to it.
“Don’t even need to ask, sweetheart.”
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kamyru · 3 years
Scars (Ishigami x MC)
Trigger warning: Mention of self-harm
Summary: The MC Ishigami knew was a ray of sunshine that changed his life in the best way possible. Though, he had no idea that even she had secrets about which she didn’t want to talk.
Word counting: 1493
Out of all the special instructors in the Academy, Captain Ishigami wasn’t the best with women. If we are more precise, he was the worst. However, it didn’t change the fact that he was the only one, at the moment, who had a serious relationship. Not as if the rest of them had to know about this...
MC... His love. His sweet, naive, cute, silly, precious girlfriend. He couldn’t ask for more. Finally, after living thirty-one years of solitude, he found someone to love most ardently.
She was a unique specimen. Even the fact that she was dating him made her so peculiar. How can anyone like her love him? Wasn’t he a monstrous cyborg? Though, every time he saw her, he had to fight the urge to smile, hug her tightly and kiss her then and there.
He didn’t try to make strong relationships with anyone, friend or lover. Did he have any friends? Maybe Goto, or Riko? Was Soma his friend? He didn’t try to understand people outside his line of work. Yet, there was MC - a friend and the person he loved. She was so easy to read, so easy to understand, so predictable. He liked it. He loved the fact that she didn’t try to play hide and seek with him or make him second-guess her intentions. She tried to be as easy to read for him as possible.
Though, there was a thing that he couldn’t understand about her. Of course, there was more than one, but it was the first to come to mind. It may sound strange and yes, it was strange, even he could understand it. But it didn’t make it less mysterious.
What was her perception of temperature?
They started school at the beginning of April. She was wearing her entire uniform, which consisted of a jacket, a shirt, a skirt, and a pair of shoes. It wasn’t anything strange to wear only the uniform in that month. Some people were dressing in warmer clothes, some in less warm. Then, when the summer came and everyone was getting rid of as many clothes as possible, MC was still wearing all the pieces of her uniform. He could sometimes see the droplets of sweat running down her face. The strange things started to happen in the winter. Chief got his “daddy” fur jacket out of the closet. Kaga got rid of his leather one and put on something warmer. Everyone tried to compensate for the ice hell from the outside with the layers of clothes.
But not MC. Besides the uniform, the only thing she was wearing was a black raincoat that she never zipped. And what made him even more curious was the fact that he never saw her shiver. In Summer she was sweating like crazy, but in Winter she felt perfectly fine being so poorly dressed.
Even other instructors observed it and sometimes asked Ishigami jokingly if his aide was fine. Though, he had more important things to think about than answering their stupid questions.
He loved and cherished MC. And he could bet that she loved him back. But every time things got steamy and he tried to get their relationship on the next level, she was responding well till the moment he tried to undress her. Not even once she did let him do it. The furthest they got. was he unbuttoning her shirt.
Sometimes his brain was concentrating only on this, trying to understand what he was doing wrong. He even promised himself that the next time this would happen, he would ask her. Ishigami didn’t want to make her feel uncomfortable. But it was bugging him too much to let it go. She was always open to honest talking.
While making errands in the dormitory, he remembered that he brought some books which his girlfriend asked for. So, why not giving them to her? With a bright smile on his face and nearly jumping in anticipation of seeing her, Ishigami went to her room. He knocked. Nothing. And knocked again, deciding that if she wouldn’t answer the third time, he would go away. The moment he thought that better not to disturb her, the door opened.
A familiar wave of coldness made him shiver. It wasn’t for the first time he entered her room and was expecting to see penguins partying there. That was another face of her peculiar insensibility to temperature. Though that was for the first time he saw her wearing nothing, but a pair of shorts and a sports bra. For a second the question that was floating inside his brain was how she didn’t become a icicle. When he lifted his gaze towards MC’s face, he saw a sleepy expression. She could hardly keep her eyes open. Trying to prevent herself from falling, she propped her hand on the door frame. That was when Ishigami’s attention was fully caught.
MC’s left hand was covered in scars, bigger and smaller, parallel and perpendicular. Some of them even had traces of stitches. The next second, MC who understood where he was looking, shut the door in front of his nose.
Ishigami didn’t know what to do. What was one supposed to do after finding out that a person close to them had something like this on their skin? What was one supposed to do after finding out that a person close to them had something like this on their soul? He wanted to knock again and to make her talk to him. He wanted to hug her tightly and let her feel safe in his strong arms. He wanted to save her from this world and herself.
Instead of doing something like this, he took out his phone and messaged her: “Let’s talk when you are ready. Love you.”
He didn’t expect an answer, so he just went to continue his errands. Though, the picture of her scars appeared continuously in front of his eyes. He was worried. There was only one thing that made him feel a little bit less worried - the scars were old.
The next day, MC acted like always. She was again his perpetual source of shine and brightness. But it didn’t have the same effect on him as usual. It made him frown. However, he didn’t intend to push her. He said that he would wait and he would.
He was restless till their next date. He wanted to let her know that he cared about her. He wanted her to find support in him.
The day finally arrived and Ishigami drowned in a bittersweetness. On the one hand, she was as lovely and lively as always. On the other hand, it made Ishigami think that it was her coping mechanism and it worried him like hell.
Surprisingly, it started to rain cats and dogs. The nearest place where they could go in this weather was his house. After showering and drying themselves, they sat hugging, watching something. Though, none of them had the slightest idea what was on the screen.
MC felt a gentle touch on her left hand. She was wearing one of Ishigami’s shirts because her own clothes were still damp. It wasn’t sitting on her as tight as her own, so it easily uncovered her scars. She looked at her boyfriend with pleading eyes, trying to understand his next moves.
The man’s lips started to plant soft kisses on her hand. Then, their fingers intertwined.
“I know that I said that I’ll wait till you are ready to talk and I’ll wait. But I want you to know that I’m here for you. I’ll do everything to save you from others and from yourself too. Have faith in me.”
Tears started to run down her cheeks.
“I’m sorry,” was everything that she said.
“Don’t be. It’s not your fault. If you ever feel the urge to do it again, tell me. I’ll do everything I can to protect you, even if the one that makes you feel this way is you. I’ll help you with everything. I’ll do everything for you. Please, I beg you, be well. Love yourself.”
MC didn’t tell him too much that night. It was still hard for her to talk about this. Moreover, she cried herself to sleep, but at least Ishigami was there to hold her, pat her back, and made her understand that she wouldn’t be alone in this world.
After some weeks, he still didn’t know what happened to her. But he was waiting, waiting till she was ready. And he knew that step by step, they were getting closer. At least, now, every time he was coming to her room while being in the dormitory, she didn’t try to get on as many clothes as she could, just to cover her wrist. Though, he still couldn’t understand how she could stay nearly undressed in a room that was a step away from having icicles everywhere.
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ghostgirl19posts · 3 years
I really like your work. These WIPs only make me want the full things more! For the ask list could you give some info on Demon Link, superhero, and/or suitor quiz? Those sound intriguing
Thanks! 😁 Unfortunately I don’t have anything solid written for those WIPs; I only have outlines or the ideas are still in my head 😆 But I can tell you what they’re about!
Demon!Link is one I’m really excited to write, it’ll probably be the next long fic after Can They Feel the Love Tonight is done. Anyway, in this story, it’s pre-calamity and Zelda still hasn’t unlocked her powers. Don’t get her wrong, she does want to access them to save Hyrule, but at the same time she wants to work on her research in peace. She’ll never get anything done so long as her father won’t stop pressuring her to pray at all hours of the day. One day, she goes to the library and discovers an old book, and in that book, is an entry detailing how to summon a demon to fulfill your heart’s desire. Zelda thinks this is a golden opportunity and later that night, uses the book to summon the demon. That demon being Link, of course ;) After some banter (with most of it from Link’s end), they come to an agreement. Link will fake Zelda’s powers for her to get her father and the gossipmongers off her back. In return…well, neither can think of something so they just settle on an IOU from her end. The next day, Zelda walks with a skip in her step, ready to see her father and tell him about her divine breakthrough. Instead, he intercepts her in the hall and introduces the Hero found at long last: Link. Zelda gives the boy a hard look; there’s something familiar about him that won’t stop bugging her. He looks kinda like the demon she met last night, but that’s impossible. The demon had white hair, a form that she could hardly call a body since it was more like a void, and bright eyes red as blood. This boy has blond hair, a distinguishable body with tan skin, and eyes as blue as the sky. They can’t be the same person. And yet…. He winks at her, his eyes glowing crimson for a split second, but that second is all she needs. Aaaaannnnndddd I’ll leave it off here ;) Get ready for plenty of demon hijinks lol
The superhero au will be a modern au inspired by Superman. Link is the superhero Chosen, and possesses the ability to fly, has enhanced strength, durability, hearing, and holds immense courage of course ;) When he’s not in costume, he ties his hair back and puts on his glasses, becoming the mild-mannered assistant to Zelda Bosphoramus, a researcher/scientist at P&R Corp. with an immense desire to learn and has a fascination with ancient Sheikah technology and how it could be incorporated for today. She adores her assistant; he’s punctual, helpful, and doesn’t disturb her studies. They make a perfect pair, and Zelda knows it. Link falls for her pretty quickly, but romance is the furthest thing from her mind. She’s too blinded by how good of an assistant he is to see him in a romantic light.
Since this is inspired by Superman, I bet you’re expecting for Zelda to be head over heels for Link’s hero persona, right? Well, my friend, you’d be WRONG! She hates Chosen, he’s always ‘saving’ her when all she’s trying to do is research and document things! She’s not in ‘danger’ from the giant, groundbreaking robot, no matter how he might think otherwise. She’s always giving him shit for saving her and at the end of the day Link wants to tear his hair out because dear Hylia does she really have so little regard for her own life????? How did she survive this long without him?!
I’ll leave it there for now ;) I got this idea after watching Superman the animated series and thinking, “what if Lois hated Superman saving her all the time because he got in the way of her stories?” I got to thinking of how to turn that idea into a Zelink fic, and now I got about 7 pages of notes for it 😅
And lastly, the Suitor Quiz! This will be a oneshot in which the Calamity isn’t a thing. Zelda is of marrying age and Rhoam routinely invites suitors to the castle to spend a month with her. At the end of the month, he summons the suitor to his study and, instead of drawing up the marriage agreement like they’re expecting, he’ll quiz the suitor. Rhoam starts off easy, asking about landmarks and settlements in Hyrule, laws, some history, etc. All the suitors pass this with flying colors and they think they have this throne in the bag. However, Rhoam throws them all for a loop once he gets started on the real test: asking about Princess Zelda. Not about her manners, nor her etiquette or lineage. No, he asks what her favorite color is. What her favorite dessert is. Her preferred pastimes. Where her favorite place in all the castle is. They should know the answers after spending a month with her, but they fail each and every time. And each and every time, Rhoam sends them away and resumes the search for a new suitor.
One day, Sir Link returns from the Military Training Camp. He’s finally back after six months’ absence, pleased to report that the new recruits have been successfully trained by yours truly, and he’s ready to resume his position as Princess Zelda’s appointed knight. Rhoam is happy with the results, and offhandedly mentions that today is also the day for the latest suitor’s quiz. Hey, on second thought, why doesn’t Link join him? The man could probably use a laugh after 6 months in that stifling environment, although he hardly was a man of smiles before he was sent there in the first place. Still, Link agrees, and when the suitor arrives in the study, the quiz commences.
However, it doesn’t go as planned ;)
Thank you for the ask!
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tahthetrickster · 3 years
His Feet Stained Red (1.2k)
an old experimental OC short from 3 or so years ago that tumblr apparently ate so now i have to repost it. love a hellsite
There's something about a summer evening in the backwoods of Georgia that makes a man want to settle up.
Maybe it's the nights out on the back porch, watching the neighbor kids running 'round in bare feet with Mason jars in their hands to fetch lightning bugs, admiring them at home for a night or two before they die in the jar. Maybe it's the dull, constant hum of the zapper by the porch swing, flaring up as the swarms of summertime moths take their annual Icarian flight into the light. Maybe it's the return of the little local church's Backyard Bible Clubs, the kids dusting graham cracker crumbs off sticky lips and chubby hands and finishing out the Lord's Supper with thimble-sized cups of Welch's Grape Juice.
If you asked me, I'd tell you it's the way the summer heat crashes over you when you walk out your back door, washing over every inch of bared skin in an instant. It's reminiscent of when Brother Aubrey's wife—God rest her soul—would bake bread in the cramped church kitchen, tossing a cup of water into the oven base, scalding steam curling around her bony white fingers as she shut it up again. It's the way the air itself settles on you, heavy as anything, scorching and sticky with humidity, making even drawing your breath a struggle for all the moisture. “Air you can wear,” my granny used to call it years past.
It only takes one Sunday evening of sweating through your sundress in the rickety old pews, fervently fanning yourself with your tithing envelope and cursing the busted window unit, to realize that you don't never wanna go somewhere that's hotter than this.
I reckon that's why folks are more pleasant in the summertime down here in the back end of nowhere. More willing to lend you a hand tool, or offer up a glass of sweet tea in exchange for some help out in the yard. More liable to show up to church on time, filling out the back pews but for the few aging deacons who still took the front.
More liable to try damn near anything they could to make sure they were well-respected in town. I reckon they figured it would transfer over in the end. Still not sure where on God's green earth they got that idea from. I sure don't remember my daddy ever reading that passage in the old leather-bound red-letter.
I reckon that's the reason he came up every summer. Wasn't no exception this year.
He always came up from the road that led down to the swamps, his bare feet stained red from the ruts dug into the old clay dirt road he walked on. My house—my daddy's house, before he passed some years back, God bless him—was the furthest one down that road. I suppose that's why I always saw him before anybody else did. I suppose that's why I never had much to discuss with him.
It was always an unspoken rule growing up in my daddy's house. Don't say nothing to nobody that comes up the road from the swamp if you ain't seen 'em go down into the swamp first.
He was black as night but for his feet stained red, and didn't ever have a scrap of cloth on him. If you weren't looking out for him, you might never even see him in the pitch black of the evening.
"Evening, ma'am," he called up to me as he approached. I nodded politely, leaning over the arm of the wooden rocking chair to spit into the brass jug on the floor. He stepped into the circle of my porch light and grinned up at me. Were it not for his bright white teeth and eyes the color of Georgia red clay, he'd've looked like a man-shaped hole cut out of the air. "Nice night, innit?"
I reached over to flick a spent cicada husk from the porch railing. "Yessir." I watched him for a moment, mulling over the pinch of dip held under my lip. "Hot as the Devil's own, though."
That made him throw his head back and laugh, revealing a blood-red tongue that came to a point in a mouth the color of tar. "I'm looking for work," he professed at last, still staring, still grinning. "You know how hard it is to find work these days. Reckon I could help you out some kinda way? I can do nearbout anything you need."
For an instant it seemed that the whole world went mute from the sheer intent in his voice.
"Sir." I paused for a moment, running my tongue over the packed dip thoughtfully, the only sound besides the cicadas and the nearby bullfrog the soft creak of my rocking chair on the wooden porch floor. I spat into the jug again. "Can't say that I want for much of anything, I'm afraid." I nodded at the porch stairs. "Why don't you sit a spell? Too damn hot to do much anything. Hottest damn night we've had in a while."
His smile vanished for a moment.
When it returned, it was sharper, an unnatural slant to the sides of his mouth. "You know, I believe I will."
He said nothing when he sat on the steps, simply watching me and grinning with that too-fake smile of his. I didn't say nothing neither, leaning back in my chair to enjoy a mild breeze brushing against my flushed skin. My nearest neighbor was still nearly a mile and a half back, as the crow flies, but if I strained my ears against the sounds of the evening, I could just hear the staticky twang of that old country radio station she liked to play at all hours on the wind.
I spat again. "You take dip, sir?" I was already packing the tin against my knee.
His eyes nearly glowed as I held out the open tin. The pinch he took seemed far too big, but he packed it under his lip expertly anyway and grinned broadly up at me. "For the road, then." And he stood again, far taller than he appeared to have stood before.
"Best walk on home," I advised, leaning back in my chair. "Past the witching hour now. Haints might be out to get you."
He laughed again, a jittering, hooting sound, and stooped to spit in the jug. "Soon, soon, soon. I still gotta get somebody willing to barter some work with me. Got any neighbors you wouldn’t mind pointin’ me towards?" I held his gaze evenly as I spat again. He grinned up at me, wide and feral, teeth stained with tobacco. "You're a saint, ma'am."
I waved him off. "Just as much a sinner as the rest of us." I ran my tongue over my dip again, watching him carefully. "Some of us more’n others."
He hooted with delighted laughter, thanked me again, and went off down the road, heading on his usual pilgrimage down the old dirt street towards town, his feet stained red in the night, leaving no sign he’d ever been by but for the shallow cloven prints in the Georgia red clay.
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