#the government is spying on you
red-spider-lilies · 6 months
Can we talk about the fact that Chuuya visited Rimbaud's grave so many times after his death that both Dazai and the Sheep knew they would find him there?
The Sheep choosing to betray him in that graveyard wasn't a coincidence, they knew he would be there because he had been visiting his tomb enough times to become a routine. They needed a place where they would definitely find Chuuya so their plan could work, after all.
And the thing is it's canon he did the same with the Flags after they died:
"Piano Man, Albatross, Doc, Iceman and Lippmann were buried in a well-kept graveyard near the mountains. Their graves were never without flowers.'' Stormbringer.
"Chuuya, you smell like incense. Did you go visiting those graves again?" Shirase to Chuuya, Stormbringer.
But the difference between Rimbaud and the Flags is that Chuuya almost didn't know Rimbaud, but he did such impact on Chuuya that he kept visiting his tomb. And he was betrayed in that graveyard, just like Rimbaud was, due to it.
I just find it beautiful (and tragic) that the reason the Sheep could betray him was because he visited the tomb a lot of times. Because he chose to do a pretty human thing and visited the tomb of a deceased person often.
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deadpoolsmom · 14 days
it's obviously for exposition reasons but CP9 showing up in Water 7 and IMMEDIATELY unveiling themselves and fully explaining who they are and how their organization works is so funny
Lucci spent 5 years pretending he could only communicate through pigeon ventriloquism, and as soon as he stops he doesn’t shut up. Just immediately yapping about being secret government agents, the structure of their covert organization (that's not supposed to exist), and world government's secret plans for mass destruction. Starting to think Hattori was actually a safeguard so they could make it that long undercover
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
State Security Service lieutenant who says teehee
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undertheredhood · 10 months
“why do you headcanon jason todd as a poc?” idk maybe it’s because he was racially ambiguous enough to the point where he considered lady shiva as one of the potential candidates to be his bio mother as a possibility.
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randomprose · 1 year
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do you guys ever wonder how many “when i��m a politician...” promises damian has made and that they all somehow revolve around anya 
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transannabeth · 14 days
thing about me is looooove watching and reading about criminals being good at crime. i love a heist. i love a grift. i love a disguise.
i am absolute ass at writing anything of the sort.
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jonathanbyersphd · 6 months
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Jancy + Pan Am AU Moodboard
The year is 1963 and the Jet Age is in full swing. Pan Am pilot Jonathan Byers has a new cabin crew, Nancy Wheeler has a new job and Chrissy Cunningham is missing. Amidst the commotion, intrigue and glamor of world wide travel can Nancy keep her secrets, including her marriage, to herself or will she end up caught in the crossfire?
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incomingalbatross · 11 months
I'm a believer in Teenage Superhero Anya Forger.
She already has powers.
Also the mental and physical skills she's picking up from her parents, which will probably only increase as she gets older.
She's got an immature but steadily strengthening desire to protect other people's safety and well-being, which is only going to continue strengthening as she keeps watching her parents put their own ideals into action.
She is absolutely not going to be a spy or an assassin - even if she isn't disillusioned with those professions by the time she's 15-ish, just mentioning the possibility to Loid and Yor ONCE would produce enough internal screaming to change her mind.
Reality-adjacent Sixties is a great setting to start a superhero career in.
Conclusion: Anya getting into vigilante justice just seems like the logical career path. She'd have fun. She'd be good at it. She'd have a chance to do good. What more can you ask?
(Okay, okay, it is still going to give Loid a heart attack. You can't have everything.)
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awkward-teabag · 4 months
I keep seeing people respond to the Microsoft Recall bullshit with there's an ability to disable it and that misses the point. Several points in fact.
It's only a matter of time until an update bugs/"bugs" it and re-enables it without warning so people who had previously disabled it think they're in the clear until their info is leaked or they get a warning they're low on storage space.
If people don't have admin rights, they may not be able to disable it. Laptops given by work or school lock down what people can do with them, some going as far as dictating which browser one has to use on them. Even if you don't need admin rights to disable Recall, you may not have the ability to do so without losing the laptop and/or job and/or education.
I'm unsure of how it would handle multiple accounts but if it can be locked by someone else to always be enabled, children and people in abusive situations would also be unable to disable it. Even if it can't be locked, disabling it could result in punishment from a parent or the abuser.
Is it really disabled or is it "disabled" in that what the user sees is it being disabled while it's still collecting information and/or sending information to Microsoft in the background?
Such a feature should never have been automatically enabled in the first place. It's bad, predatory design to have such a feature enabled from the start and to expect users AKA customers to go out of their way to look up and then opt-out of something.
If disabling it really disables it, it can still result in stress and concern that it's not. The vast majority of people do not have the skills or knowledge to look into the OS guts to give themselves peace of mind that it really truly is disabled.
I'm sure I'm missing some, too.
TLDR is disabling is a bandaid someone else may rip off for you, someone may hurt you if you use, it may not work at all except as a placebo, and should have never been needed in the first place.
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scarycranegame · 2 months
>be me
>wake up
>open tumblr
>look at new notes
>someone liked one of my posts
>they're an anti
>post has "antis dni" in bright red text at the bottom
>post was exclusively under proship tags
literally how
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chaika-jpeg-shitpost · 11 months
Idk how to feel about Chloe. Like on one hand she sounds like a mature person and can handle Yuri pretty well, but on the other... she kinda tortures people for a living.... I get Yuri, he's a traumatised orphan stuck at the level of emotional development of a grade schooler. What's her excuse
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We all know I shouldn’t be allowed to make Tumblr posts after 1 AM, but here we go again… This has been in my brain for so long so now I am going to ramble about it (shoutout to the Hamlet Discord server for joining in the Thinking)
Surveillance Hamlet!!!
(Or, rather, the theme of surveillance in Hamlet and some fun and exciting ways I’d like to see it portrayed on stage assuming this mythical theater program has unlimited money)
(Warning- this thought is undercooked. This is going to get rambly…)
Surveillance is a major theme in Hamlet. Nearly everyone in the play engages in some kind of spying or scheming or is the victim thereof (or both). I love plays as a medium for the fact that each individual performance has the opportunity to completely change which themes get the most emphasis and surveillance is a theme I’d love to see take center stage with Hamlet specifically!
Hamlet is a pretty meta play. It ends with a message on the act of storytelling within the specific context of the story the audience has just watched just after it calls out the “mutes and audience” to the ultimate tragedy for their inaction during the runtime of the play. It’s also been performed and adapted plenty of times with a modern lens. Grief, depression, existential anxiety, and gay people are, apparently, universal pieces of the human experience, but if anything looms larger than ever over today’s society, it’s surveillance. Hell, I’m typing this on a device that is for sure selling my data to the government and probably also scam artists! So give me a performance where extreme surveillance heightens all the other aspects of the play, where Hamlet’s paranoia is exceedingly justified.
First, choose a good venue. Outdoor theater is almost always my favorite, but in this case, choose a massive indoor theater with a movie theater style sound system. Hang massive screens above the stage like you’d see at a big concert.
Now, these actors are going to be doing some major method acting. Put cameras above the stage at all angles. Put cameras in the wings. Put cameras on the crew. Put cameras in the audience- maybe some employee plants instructed to stream the show to the screens from their view or even to obnoxiously take photos and video throughout the show. No matter where these actors go, so long as they’re in character, there’s a camera on them. Put mics everywhere too, so even low whispers are heard from the backrow.
I want this play to start with an attempt at secrecy. The ghost appears, Hamlet begs his friends not to speak of it, but he can hear his whispers echoing right back to him and he knows it’s useless. The curiously missing line where Marcellus, Horatio, and Barnardo do finally swear upon Hamlet’s sword isn’t implied to be there as usual. It doesn’t exist. The ghost is only “satiated” by the coming of dawn, even this first, simple wish remains unfulfilled.
Hamlet spends the end of act 1 wavering between a genuine breakdown and an acted portrayal of madness. Pretending shields him from showing legitimate emotion on those screens.
To be or not to be is performed offstage, but on camera. Hamlet seems to think for a moment that he’s truly alone or perhaps it’s all part of the facade. Either way, emotion gets the best of him eventually and he realizes he can’t escape the cameras (or mortality). He comes on stage for get thee to a nunnery, frantically trying to get away from his ever-echoing voice, only to find a spotlight on him. The lines come across as cruel as they are pathetic. Ophelia is also being watched. Ophelia didn’t decide alone to speak to him. In some ways, she has far less privacy than he does, but Hamlet isn’t looking for solidarity in the watched. He wants to be alone. He wants to not be seen.
When he stabs Polonius, Ros & Guil track him down on the cameras. There’s no need to run, but he tries.
The only time Hamlet is truly outside of surveillance is on the ship to England (and then with the sailors who return him to Denmark). Maybe Claudius doesn’t want the world to know he has sent the prince to be executed, but it is clear that he too has lost any real control of this surveillance system. You saw him praying. Or was it a publicity stunt? Hamlet returns and simply tells Horatio (and by proxy, you) what happened on the ship, maybe resentfully. The only time he gets privacy, he doesn’t need it.
By the final scene, he no longer wants not to be seen. He isn’t sure you see him at all. No, you mutes and audience look right through him as if you know infinitely more than him, as if he hasn’t proven that he knows he is a sparrow that will fall. But you know the lines and he doesn’t.
He asks Horatio to tell his story. Maybe there’s something personal about being told a story rather than watching one play out. Maybe you can’t look through a storyteller.
Hamlet canonically knows he’s being watched. He uncovers Ros & Guil’s spy mission in the span of minutes, kills Polonius in the act of spying on him, and comes to mistrust the people around him because almost no one seems to be genuine with him (besides horatio). But it’s not just the characters, it’s the audience. In his darkest moments, he looks out for just a second, almost begging for help, only to discover that no one is coming to his aid. When he tries to exit, the spotlight follows him and so do the cameras. It’s inescapable. When he delivers the “mutes and audience” line, it should be as accusatory as it is pleading. You, the audience, have seen his life projected on massive screens, you’ve heard his every word and whisper, you know him, don’t you? Yes, you know him better than his closest friends. He’s spilled his soul to you because he knows you can’t be escaped, that you, rows upon rows of darkness to this actor blinded by spotlights, are always watching. Will you help? he asks, one final time. The answer is an obvious no, not because you’re heartless but because that’s not why you’re here. You’re here to see a play.
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notthelemurking · 10 days
tfw an occupied country is ready and willing to help your country with the natural disaster ravaging it rn and you still dare to call them the bad guys
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zukkaoru · 1 year
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[ID: a manga panel of Tachihara from Bungou Stray Dogs. he sweats nervously. he has a lopsided smile and his eyebrows are slightly furrowed. he says, "...ha...ha ha... mad thirsty for blood, huh? but we already know your skill." /End ID.]
the face of a man who is scared, yet also turned on
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adustoflove · 1 month
I feel the need to add no white knights to my bio please. It happens way too often where people take a nonserious post of mine and try to turn it into something the original was nothing about. I don't need anyone to give me logistics of anything I say here, because for the most part it's to either cope or be silly. I'm not trying to inform people or spread misinformation either?? 💀😭 there's plenty of trauma posts and accounts who DO do that, please go bother one of them.
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note-boom · 1 year
One of the things that has been eating away at my brain is the idea of Buraiha SSK + Kyouka. And I just don't mean them as a second generation Buraiha (that too, but that's another post/tag ramble) but as a sort of...role-reserve/AU of that.
Part of it was inspired by this role-reverse AU that I re-discovered recently (and messed me up once again because guys. It's SO compelling to think about). But part of me has always liked to think about Kyouka, Atsushi, and Akutagawa as a trio rather than a duo.
Spoilers for the linked fanfic, but.
At first, I thought Oda!Kyouka and Dazai!Atsushi with Akutagawa being a sort of Ango who stays in the PM, as it went in the fanfic. And it IS compelling, especially when you see Beast and how well Atsushi fits into the PM. How Kyouka was a former assassin just like Odasaku but got roped into the PM because they didn't believe they could be better. A Kyouka who doesn't kill people, too, also...(I could honestly see her canon arc going like that)
But then my thoughts went to...okay, but what if. Atsushi as Odasaku (aka, dying) with Kyouka and Akutagawa as their own sort of...individual characters that roughly follow the same arc but not really. Because in canon, it's Atsushi that has both the strong bond with either, or its his strong bond with them both that's emphasized. Kyouka and Akutagawa do have a meaningful relationship but I do feel it gets sidelined (sort of like sometimes I wonder how Oda and Ango were canonically like, Dazai-less, though they give me a bit of a Dazai and Ango vibe as well given the whole former superior thing).
So what this is all to say is an Atsushi who adopts a bunch of children and doesn't kill after a meaningful encounter with literature but breaks that oath after the lives he valued are run over, a Kyouka who is lifeless after joining the PM and gets pulled into the light because of her dying friend's request, and an Akutagawa who was a spy for the government after it offered him and his sister protection but didn't want any of this to really happen (from mafia dog to government dog).
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