#the grain lord
acrowamongsparrows · 2 years
“All shall love me and despair.” - LotR sentence starters.
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The withered lordling laughed in his high pitched squeal, the sunken body matching all to well with the sound leaking from his too perfect teeth. "You see my dear boys, you are just where I want you to be."
Janus would edge closer to Eld as the witcher would plant his feet to face the machinations of the mad grain lord. Filling the other space was the bard's younger brother, the silver rapier in hand as he set into his own stance. Alfred's thick mustache bristling as he kept his eyes narrow and sharp as their mother's sword which only gleamed brighter in the dull light.
"Stay close, Janus," Eld murmured as he began to twist his hands at the ready to call upon the signs as needed. The creak of his knee brace doing nothing to ease the panic in the young bard's face. "Get my bow."
"Right," Janus whispered as he unhitched the crossbow from the back of his uncle and began to load it as the first sounds of the chittering began.
"They are coming," Alfred growled as he reached down to his neck to draw up his bandana over his lower mouth. The foul stench of waste and furred masses cresting like a wave to match the sea of gleaming beady eyes of the dark.
The grain lord laughed again as he raised his hands, to the low ceiling and began to ring the triangle with a cook's fervor. "Feast my children, feast upon their meat."
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serene-sabo · 1 year
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💜 Donnie protecting Mikey 🧡
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unpretty · 1 month
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oh my god they actually did it
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magnusbae · 1 year
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I caption it:
"I wish we had Dream's sl... outfits in the show"
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vanwolffen · 10 months
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lightningcrashes · 2 years
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SEBASTIAN STAN as LEE BODECKER The Devil All the Time (2022)
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skeletondanc3r · 1 year
Lazy Valentine's Day Sketch
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Figured I should post something quick
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nuklear-sauce · 5 months
I've been seeing a lot of people saying that TTO's Watchers of A Thousand Eyes are Blinky, and it makes sense. I mean, watching is what Blinky does, shown in Watcher World quite literally in the name, and also in Blinky saying "We've been watching you, Gracie" in NPMD
The way Jack talks about them doesn't really feel like the Lords and Black would play. Sure, Blinky does want to see some death, but NPMD and Watcher World show that he likes violence in particular, not just slow burn.
I like to think of it more literally; that is to say, WE are the Watchers. WE are the ones who controlled the show in some ways. WE had the decision.
I could even go further. Who's to say that we aren't the ones controlling ALL of the shows?
The Lords in Black refer to their home as the Black, as Wiggly says when dragging down Max;
"What wonders await you, down here in the Black!"
Who's to say that we aren't also in the Black (besides literally in darkness with Wiggly in Black Friday and during the beginning of the summoning)? We watch from outside their comprehension. Only a few people could notice us, for just a few moments. Jack was able to see beyond at only one point, excluding the times when the audience was prompted to interact with them. Emma only saw us at the end of TGWDLM, too. Paul even says as they were going through the audience after Beanie's that we were only alleys and bushes.
I might even go as far as to say that the Lords, the spawn of the Black and White, were created by us. The audience. We latched onto the idea of the Hatchetfield multiverse, and we wanted more.
So maybe, just maybe, we created those alternate timelines. Created the idea of the Lords almost as avatars for us. Created the suffering and madness of Hatchetfield.
Because we are the audience.
And we enjoy watching what we know should only be a portrayal of events. Fictious. Fake. No matter how twisted or fucked up the story it tells is.
Orrrrrr I'm looking too deep into this and TTO is not connected to the Hatchetverse at all and I'm delaying my inevitable crying over Mr. Doomed-by-the-narrative Ted Spankoffski
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dancingdorito · 1 year
i have thoughts on the leaked photos from bath today
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we've SEEN this dress before... (season 1 episode 2)
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so i honestly think this can't be a flashback because nicola's makeup is too nice to be s1 penelope.
i think that this is penelope's first attempt at trying to change her look, and the reason why it looks bad is to show us that she's going to fail at her first attempts to find suitors because she was never confident in the ill fitted dresses portia made her wear.
i think that the poodle hair is not as "poodle-y" as s1 and you can tell because the curls are bigger.
obviously this is all speculation, but i would also like to point out to people worried about filming delays...
the "bridgerton-verse" is made up of a LOT of locations, many of which are not even near london. to film a scene episode by episode would take too much travel and too much time, so they film by location even if the scenes are out of order, so that they can use these areas and be done with them instead of repeatedly coming back. so yes, these images are most likely the first episode, but that does not mean they are extremely far behind. big productions like bridgerton use a lot of crew and to move everything around and film in order is near impossible.
obviously i could very well be wrong, but i thought i'd put my two cent in. i'm still a firm believer that they'll finish filming in february at the latest and we'll get season 3 around june/july.
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danidoesathing · 7 months
am i the only one who feels like alex(the world ender guy) was kind of a missed oportunity in vide noir? like, he was set up by johnnie to be a badass gang leader just for him to never even appear in the end, we just got a close up to his face scar
i feel like buck's encounter with the psychic would've been way more powerful if it was alex instead. its implied that johnnie and moonbeam had a relationship ig, but its barely even hinted at, and he never even mentions her. but with johnnie and alex, johnnie actually mentions him and speaks highly of his brother, and says alex will help buck if he sees the red cloth that belonged to johnnie
the fact that all that build up led to buck not even TALKING to alex kinda irks me. imagine how much better the payoff would be if alex had received the cloth instead of moonbeam? if we had seen his reaction to johnnie's death? if he would've helped buck like johnnie said he would? if we saw what johnnie implied alex would do to the guys who black brained his brother? idk man i think we were robbed
im new to the fanbase, so im gonna be very embarassed if this is a topic that already came up here LOLL but i still wanted to get it off my chest💀sry if this ask is messy, i suck at writing down my thoughts lmao
No I gotta agree on that. Like I LOVED seeing Moonbeam and getting know her as her and having all this new information about her (her being part of the World Enders is still wild to me and I love it) and it’s a good scene and all, but I’m still confused as to why they built up Alex so much, especially since this is the first time we’re hearing about him, and he never even got the chance to speak. If it were Dale I’d be a bit more understanding as we know him already (tho not by much cause I would have loved to see more of Dale). But it’s Alex, whose not only the leader of the World Enders but also Johnnie’s (and Dale’s) brother. I would’ve have loved to, you know, actually meet the guy. Especially with how much build up he got. And I GET IT Lord Huron’s lore is meant to be weird and vague and hard to pin down but like. Didn’t need to tease me like that come on
The only reason I could think of was maybe they needed to get Buck on his own again? Like having this the beginning of a war between the World Enders and Z’Oieasu shown or having Buck work with them consistently might have thrown off the tone. It is supposed to be Buck’s story and his own descent into madness. The whole album has this isolated vibe to me, like being alone in a city of people Hard to get that when there’s other people around, especially a group as lively as the world enders. Or maybe they just wanted to include Moonbeam back into the story again lol
GOD I would have loved to see Moonbeam’s scene with Buck done with Alex. I can only imagine how that scene would’ve played out and his reaction to Johnnie’s death. Contrasting Buck’s scene with Johnnie with Alex’s own personality, the possible dynamics, the anger and grief that could arise…..ough
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sea-jello · 2 years
wu was a book kid and garmadon was a play in the mud kid meaning garmadon is tan as hell and wu is so pale he reflects the sunlight no i do not take criticism
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sweatandwoe · 7 months
Something something we meet only two of the dead three in the game something something but what if we met all three (Bane's chosen is just Bane)
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absolutely boggled, just completely gobsmacked at tonight's discourse. if i have anything to say it's that it would be really funny if more dog food packaging was like this gentle giants one. not even touching the nutritional aspect i'm just obsessed with this design.
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That dog food bag is going to give ME heart failure.
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yuelun · 10 months
Everyone: These new Fontaine characters... Me: I have everything I need for Zhongli, phase 2, come to me and let me bring him home.
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tanoraqui · 2 years
ficlet scrap of Song:
After three children of his own blood, dozens more fostered or at least uncled, and two Ages of ruling or helping rule a great many elves who veered sharply between utmost and absolutely no respect at all for things like “the privilege of rank”, Elrond was no stranger to having his door unexpectedly slammed open by someone fervently shouting his name.
He hadn’t quite expected it of the just-appointed, still-healing Steward of Gondor, who’d thus far seemed to be notably circumspect for his young age. But here Faramir son of Denethor stood, wide-eyed and several hairs flying out of place, panting as though he’d just sprinted up the stairs. (Elrond frowned. That wasn’t healthy yet—the effects of the Black Breath lingered; Faramir was pale, sweat beading on his brow.)
“You’re taking your library?” Faramir cried, loudly enough to echo throughout the Tower of Guard’s royal guest quarters. “The Library of Imladris, legendary greatest, most comprehensive collection in the world of the history of Middle Earth and all its people?! Is it true— Ar— The Queen said, Lord Elrond, is it true that not only do you mean to sail West soon, but when you do, you will take the whole Library with you?! Ai, why did I let Boromir take my place!”
He was distraught in the utmost, betrayed, alarmed, disappointed and aggrieved as though the Black Tower had risen again overnight and resumed belching fumes.
“I had planned to,” Elrond admitted, as he took the pale, panting young man by the arm and led him to a seat. “It has long been my thought that I collected the records of Middle Earth for my kin across the sea as much as for any in these mortal lands, that they might know what had passed here, deeds great and small alike. Copies have been made and shared over the years of many of the tomes, but usually just of the more exciting ones—the histories of wars and such. I will not say I have not grieved that, say, the farming records of Imladris or a traveller’s account of Umbar from the reign of Eärnur are less requested by scholars—though I myself have grown weary of the farming records at times! But this is a new Age—”
“Not so new!” Faramir interrupted him with a shout (though he did let himself be seated). “Forgive me, but not so new that we need not care for the past—indeed, now we need its wisdom more than ever! If that is the sort of scholars you have in the north, alas that you didn’t come south sooner!”
“I see that now!” Elrond said, and tried not to laugh in either amusement or affectionate academic fellowship, lest he cause offense. “Well, I assure you that I don’t mean to sail tomorrow, nor this next year—though I cannot say how long I will tarry beyond that. But I will gladly pack Imladris’s library last, and until the last scroll is gone, it shall be open to all those who wish to learn, or to copy what they can. Perhaps even after I’ve left—there are those who will sail later still, whom I’m sure can be borne upon to ferry a few last books.”
“My lord, I myself—augh, but there is so much to do here!”
Faramir rubbed his face, then gripped Elrond’s arm and swore with such intensity that there might’ve been the light of ancient Trees in his grey eyes.
“I will have 20 of Minas Tirith’s finest scribes at your doorstep as quickly as horses can bear them, and 30 more the week after that, if you will house them all. Or if you won’t—I know people, I’ve studied with them, from Minas Tirith, Dol Amroth, Lebennin and Lamedon and all the fiefs. For this, the scholars of Gondor will camp in the woods!”
[also on AO3]
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youre-only-gay-once · 2 years
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The coloring they used on this shot is so pretty
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