#the hardest going image online
mc-art383 · 3 months
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fuck. baby janetime
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yunoclips · 6 months
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Nerd!Haechan x reader
happy new year ;)
nsfw included
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He remembers the first time he saw you. The sun was shining way too brightly and the heat was sweltering. It was a normal day on campus for Haechan. Following his normal routine of eating , studying and then getting to class. Leaving his dorm as quietly as possible trying his best to leave his roommate, Jaehyun undisturbed. Jaehyun was someone that valued his hours of “beauty sleep”. 
He remembers the last time he accidentally disrupted Jaehyun’s sleep. It wasn’t a pleasant experience. But none the less he manages to exit successfully. Everything goes as planned. He gets to class without any interruptions. Interruptions are actually something that he rarely ever encounters considering he doesn’t have the most active social life. 
Haechan has no friends—Not counting the ones he has online waiting for him in his overwatch server. 
But he has no actual friends. The ones that you can go out with. The ones that let you crash at their place just because. The ones that keep you company when you’re lonely.
And while that might sound sad to any other person , it actually doesn’t effect him. Well at least that’s what he believes. He has good grades , a decent place to stay , food filling his belly and a computer than can handle everything else. Who needs friends when you already have the essentials. 
Besides friends can drag you down. If he had friends he wouldn’t be able to get to class on time and sit in his favorite spot like he’s doing now. 
Some people would consider him a Nerd, and he doesn’t blame them. He gets to class on time every day , always participates , never hands in an assignment late , gets perfect scores and to top it all of he wears these thick rimmed black glasses. Being called a Nerd is expected and he doesn’t mind it at all. 
As usual class goes by quickly, with no interruptions of course. Haechan steps out into the sweltering heat once again. Using his hand to shield the sun that blinds his eyes , he starts walking to his next class. Everything goes smoothly with no interruptions. Until he feels something fall out of his back pocket. He turns around quickly and bends down to grab it but when he looks up he stares at the first interruption he’s had in a while.
There you were standing in the middle of the campus looking absolutely dumb founded. The light of the sun reflecting off of your skin perfectly. Your hair was beautiful , bringing out all the profound features of your face. Your body was mesmerizing. He knows he shouldn’t be looking at you like this but he can’t help it when he finds himself staring at your tits. Eyes wandering to your thighs. Every thought that he shouldn’t be having suddenly bombards his mind. 
He tries his hardest to look away but something about you is so captivating. Maybe it’s the way you looked so confused. Holding the campus directory out , switching between looking down at it and then looking up to try and pin point your location. If he was a normal person he would’ve walked up to you and offered help. But he isn’t normal. 
So he turns around and walks to class quicker than he normally would. That day he was 10 minutes early to class. 
The next week was full of interruptions. If it wasn’t bad enough that he couldn’t get the image of you out of his mind. You just so happened to be in the same statistics class as him. 
Even more distractions for him. Today was the day he finally decided to stop allowing you to cloud his mind. He was just gonna keep his head down and do his work like always. You didn’t even know he existed. How could he be so obsessed with someone that doesn’t even know he exists. 
His plans were actually starting to work. He managed to actually get some useful notes down on his paper without pausing mid sentence to daydream about how you would look ontop of him. But as the saying goes — all good things must come to an end. His bubble is popped instantly the moment you walk up to him. 
“Hi, my name is y/n” You had this disgustingly bright smile on your face. It wasn’t disgusting because it was a bad smile , it was disgusting because it was so precious that it should be locked away in a safe and hidden from the world. Not just exposed like this in front of so many filthy people. 
“ I know this is probably a rude way of introducing myself. But I’m actually quite new to campus.”
How pathetic he must look right now, he thinks to himself. His mouth is hung open and his eyes are drilling holes into yours. Instead of responding he just stares. Not thinking much of it , you continue 
“Your name is Haechan right? It’s nice to meet you !”  
Taking his limp hand off the desk you intertwine it with yours and shake it before softly placing it back down. 
When you touch him he feels something inside of him jump. He doesn’t know if was his heart or his cock. Or both. 
Still not receiving any response other than a mindless stare, you keep going. 
“I actually came to you for a reason.”
There it goes. What a fool he would be to think you would actually come up to him just because you wanted to be friends. Of course you needed something. 
“I was talking to our professor just a minutes ago. I had to explain to him that I was considering dropping this course. Math isn’t one of my strengths and I just can’t deal with the added stress right now. He interrupted me though and told me that there was actually someone in this class that could help me out a bit. Nd now here I am.” 
You pause taking a moment to try and read his face. Trying to pick out any kind of reaction but you weren’t receiving any. 
“You know , it’s totally fine if you say no. I know this is again , kind of rude and abrupt. If you can’t help I won’t be mad or anythi-“
“No!” He says a little too loud. So loud that a few of the students that were close to him turned their heads quickly just to check if something was wrong. 
“Shit, this is why you don’t have any friends. What kind of response was that?” Internally scolding himself. 
“I-i mean no, it’s totally fine. I would be honored to help you. I-i mean not honored but glad. Honored sounds kind of creepy. A-am I making this weird , fuck you probably think I’m crazy. I promise I’m not it’s jus-“
Cutting him off , you put your hand on his shoulder and give him a comforting look. 
“It’s okay. It’s actually kinda cute.” 
Cute. You just called him cute. Something inside of him jumped again , this time it was definitely his cock. 
“So how about this Saturday at 1 ? We can meet in the park a few blocks down. It’s supposed to be really nice out. I can bring snacks and a blanket. It’s the least I can do considering you’ll be helping me out with something so short notice.” You finish with a smile painted across your face. 
All he can do is nod. Still stuck in a trance , he forces his self to answer. “Y-yea , Saturday is good. I can do Saturday” 
“Great ! See you Saturday Haechan”  
And just like that you disappear. The rest of Haechan’s day was absolutely unproductive. 
When he got home that night, he sprawled across his bed staring at the ceiling in darkness. That same night he jerked himself off with the hand you shook.
Removing his trousers with haste. The little glob of spit wasn’t enough to prevent friction. His hand was moving fast, faster than any other time. He was working so hard that his arm caught a cramp. 
His stomach was burning , knots of pure pleasure —and humiliation— forming. Coaxing himself through orgasm after orgasm. His head started to fog , he could hear his own heartbeat ripping through his ears. Mouth hung open in a silent scream. Thighs twitching , toes curled.
Only when his cock started to burn from the friction, did he finally stop. He fell asleep with his cock still in his hand. The only thing he could see in his dreams was you.  
The rest of the days leading up to Saturday went by like a blur. When the day finally came Haechan found himself sinking in desperation. For some reason the time leading up to your 1’o clock meet up was incredibly slow. He had made sure to take a nice shower with his good body wash that he spent way too much money on. He did his skin care routine , making sure to add an extra step. He even ironed his clothes , something he never does.  
He got to the park 10 minutes early. Although he’s always an early person for no real reason , this time he needed those 10 minutes to prepare himself.
How was he gonna greet you? Was he gonna stumble over his words like an idiot or speak in confidence? How did he look , was his shirt crisp enough? Did he smell fine? 
Just as he started to question himself more you walked towards him. That beautiful smile planted on your face , carrying a few bags and blankets. He was in a trance , and just like that everything he spent 10 minutes thinking about instantly disappeared from his mind. 
You finally reached him and plopped everything down. Leaning in to give him a hug you noticed how stiff he got. Maybe you should’ve asked first , you say to yourself. But little did you know , that small gesture alone sent blood rushing straight to his cock. 
“Fucking hell, get it together.” He says to himself. 
“Hi! I’m sorry for having you wait like this. The bus was taking longer than usual” genuine sorriness lacing your voice. 
“N-no , it’s fine. I wasn’t here that long”. And just like that a loud wave of silence washes over. He’s just staring at you like you have a spider on your forehead.
“Maybe the hug was actually way to much…” You say to yourself. 
“Well… How about we take a seat. I’ll open the blanket.” Breaking the silence. You bend down to start setting up. Shortly after you start, you see the other side of the blanket being spread open. Looking up , you see Haechan bent down to help you. How nice. 
The rest of the studying session goes smoothly. You come to learn that Haechan was indeed , very smart.  You understood everything he was saying , with the exception of some hardcore things. But you weren’t worried , there was always room for another session with him. 
After two long hours goes by , you sit up and pop a few grapes in your mouth. He seems to get the message and turns on his back, leaving the textbook forgotten. 
“Let’s take a break.” You propose. 
“Okay” Lifting himself up to face you , he continues. “I like breaks , breaks are cool.” 
He was so cute , you chuckle silently to yourself. 
“How about we tell each other one thing about ourselves. It can be anything.” 
“O-okay” hesitance evident in his voice. 
“I’ll start… I have this obsession with Kiwis. I know you’re probably thinking that I’m being over dramatic but no. I genuinely cannot go a single day without having one. It could be the middle of the night and I would literally wake myself up just to grab a kiwi , then go back to bed. It’s really weird I know… Actually you’re the first person that I’ve told. I guess today is your lucky day” Finishing off with a giggle. 
He feels like a pervert when the sound of your giggling goes through his ears and runs straight down to his cock. 
Clearing his throat , trying to calm himself down. He starts to speak. 
“My name isn’t Haechan. I mean it is Haechan but my actual name isn’t. It’s Donghyuck , but only my mom calls me that.” 
Donghyuck. What a nice name. It rings in your ears like the sound of wind chimes. 
“Donghyuck.. I like it , I like it a lot actually. Would it be fine if I called you that ?” 
At that moment he became even more obsessed with you than before. If that was even possible.
“Yea. I’d like that actually.” For the first time in a while , his heart is filled with warmth. 
“Well...Donghyuck. This was really nice. I should get going though , it’s getting dark out here and I don’t wanna get caught at the bus stop. How bout we do this again next week? Same place, same time ?” 
“Yes.” Answering almost too quickly. 
“I mean , yes that’s fine with me. Same place, same time.” 
Giving him a nod with a smile accompanying it , you get up. He follows after you, helping you pack up the snacks and the blanket. After you finish you give him one final hug. Leaning up to whisper in his ear. “Thank you again , Donghyuck.” 
And before he gets the chance to react you walk off. Leaving him there in shock with a painfully erect cock in his pants. It takes him 2 minutes to finally move and pick up his backpack from the floor. When he starts walking he almost trips over something. He looks down and it was your perfume. The same perfume that you use in class everyday. The perfume that smells like flower petals with hints of sweet fruit and a pinch of spice. The same perfume that he smelt when you whispered in his ear.
He leans down to pick it up. Staring at it for a few seconds he decides to just put it in his bag. Any normal person would’ve just quickly given it to you considering the bus stop was literally down the street. But Donghyuck is not a normal person. 
That night when he gets home , he does something so perverted. Something he’d never tell a soul about. He pulls out your perfume and sprays it all over his stuffed bear that he won at a raffle. Not even taking the time to get naked , he humps the toy with sloppy, inexperienced thrusts. His glasses fog up from the warmth of the room. His face is sweaty and sticky. He had drool seeping out the corners of his mouth. Mind gone completely blank. 
He came so hard, that he blacked out. 
When he regained consciousness two things were coursing through his mind. One of those things was him praying that his roommate didn’t hear him fucking himself silly. The other thing being that he was in trouble and it was all your fault. 
For the next couple of weeks , the two of you had these study sessions. They had went well and you were actually starting to understand the class. You and Donghyuck got closer too.
Ending every session with a fun fact about yourselves turned into full conversations about anything that crossed your mind. You would talk and he would listen. Thoughts of Donghyuck started clouding your head , even when you two weren’t together. 
Maybe it was because he never judged you for any weird thing you’ve said. Or maybe it was because he would let you talk your heart out — something nobody has ever done , and he would just listen happily. It could’ve also been the way he looks completely heart broken every time you leave him , like he’s worried you will never comeback.
 He’s also pretty attractive as well, soft black hair, beautiful skin, beauty moles that were spread so perfectly across his face and those thick rimmed black glasses. 
When you walked up to his seat in class that day , he assumed that it would just be for another study session. 
“Hi , we’re still on for saturda-“ 
“Do you wanna go out with me?” Cutting him off quickly.
“Like on a date.” You continue. You wait for a response but it takes a while. Maybe he didn’t understand you ?
But Donghyuck definitely understood. He understood so well that he thinks he’s dreaming actually. When the words “go out with me” flowed out of your mouth , his ears started ringing. He forgot how to breathe for a quick second. And for some odd reason he feels tears well up in his eyes. But before you think he’s trying to deny you , he forces himself to respond. 
“Are you asking me out ?”
“Yea I am actually” 
This can’t be right. The girl of his dreams asking him out , this has to be some sick joke. 
“Are you sure you weren’t talking to the person behind me , cause that would make sen-“
“No. I’m asking you, Donghyuck Lee, out on a date with me.” 
The tears were starting to fall now. Not of sadness but instead of Joy and utter happiness.
“Y-yea. I would be honored to go out with you, Like on a date of course.” Bringing his hand up to quickly wipe his cheek before you notice how pathetic he is. 
“Great ! I was thinking Friday , 5’ o clock ? There’s this really good looking burger joint around here.” There goes that beautiful smile again , so bright and big.
“Friday sounds good. I like Friday's …” 
“Good,” Pausing to take a good look at his face, you noticed his eyes were a bit watery. How cute.  “I’ll see you friday then , Donghyuck.” And just like that you disappear once again. 
When Donghyuck gets home that night , he cries in his pillow. He cries because he finally understands what it feels like to not be lonely— something that he’s been for so long. He cries and then humps his stuffed toy once again , until the only thought running through his mind is you. 
Friday came quickly. You two had met up a small little diner in the corner of town as promised. Everything was going perfect. The evening filled with jokes and you laughing at Donghyuck as he was having a mini panic attack after spilling ketchup all over his shirt.
The conversations were flowing so smoothly , it was like you two had known each other your entire lives. 
And yet again as the saying goes, all good things must come to an end. 
It was time to head back home but instead of taking the bus like you usually would you and Donghyuck decided to just walk.The entire walk was filled with you two telling each other things that nobody else knew. You felt this weird sense of comfort when you spoke to him. Almost like he was the only person who understood who you really were.
When you approached the front of your building you felt a wave of sadness wash over you. This was truly an amazing night.
��I usually don’t do this after the first date but… there’s just something about you Donghyuck.” For the first time since you met him , you felt nervous.
You were staring at the ground beneath you. You took a few seconds to recollect yourself. What was the worse that could happen? This is Donghyuck. Your sweet , understanding , shy , silly Donghyuck. 
“Donghyuck.. do you maybe wanna go out with me? As like… my boyfriend?” 
Boyfriend. The word boyfriend rang in Donghyuck’s ears. His breathing started getting shallow and his knees buckled a bit. A rush of euphoria washed over him , his mind was racing and his heart was beating out of his chest. The tears welled up in his eyes and started to roll down his pretty face like a waterfall. 
“Y-yea , I’d love that actually” Pausing to sniffle and wipe his face with the sleeve of his shirt. 
“I’d love to be your boyfriend.” 
“Are you okay hyuck ? You’re crying…” There was genuine concern in your voice. 
“N-no I’m fine. Just really really happy.”
What a dork. He was so infatuated with you that he started to cry when you asked him out. You found it endearing that he enjoyed you so much. A smile painted your face. There was an intense silence that enveloped the two of you in a box. It was as if you and Donghyuck were the only people on earth. Basking in each others glory. 
Staring into his captivating eyes you start to inch in closer to his face. Finally planting a soft kiss on his lips. He had completely stopped breathing. When you pulled away he looked absolutely stunned. Cute.
You give him a final look before turning away , walking to the entrance of your building. His eyes following you in silence.
Before you opened the door you turned around to say one last thing. 
“Goodnight , Donghyuck.” And just like that, you disappear. 
After you left him , he stood still in front of your building for 10 minutes. The world was revolving but Donghyuck was absolutely stuck. He needed time to comprehend what just happened , he had to make sure he wasn’t dreaming. 
That night when Donghyuck got home , he cried for a bit. Then he got on Overwatch to tell his buddies that he’d be gone for a while. Finally he sprawled himself out on his bed and stared at the ceiling. Occasionally bringing his hand up to rub over his lips, as if rubbing them would take him back to the moment you placed your soft lips on his. As the night got darker , his eyes got heavy. When he finally fell asleep he had a smile on his face and dreamed of you. 
Everything was perfect. 
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simplydnp · 3 months
WAD: Cover Art
dan is still working on selling the distribution rights for We're All Doomed! so i decided to make some DVD/Blu-ray disc jacket art!
this is my attempt at a traditional jacket design! none of the images used are mine, but i did create the concept and design:
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as i was making the first one for myself, i was struck by the fact that 'well, it's for me, so it doesn't have to look like a stereotypical jacket cover' which led me to be more artsy in my approach for the next one:
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i was really enjoying the creativity and space to explore, so i went looking for more inspiration for a third design. this led me to dan's favourite Muse album: Origin of Symmetry, which i paid homage to:
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after the first Muse album, i looked at their catalogue to see if there was more inspiration there. i was just thankful dan's favourite was easy stylistically to mimic, unlike say, 2009's The Resistance...
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thank you @danielhowell for the inspiration!
nerdy stuff & reference pics below the cut!
General notes
i don't know how to use photoshop! i entirely brute-forced my way through the whole project, and the only tutorial i looked up was for the gradient text in the 4th cover
this wasn't even the original project i was working on! you'll eventually get to see that though
and this one also inspired art for the disc itself so stay tuned 👀
i will do anything for authenticity so these are Full of intentional details
matching fonts is a nightmare
the traditional cover
took the longest, as it was the first.
the barcode numbers are the date of the first video he uploaded on dinof, and the last tour show date (in m/d/y)
i changed 'iceland' to 'poland' on the front cover, as he never actually went to iceland, and poland wasn't ever on the list even though he did go there
the orange may look a little off-center in the front, but these designs need to include space for a spine between the front and back cover, i promise it's right 😂
the black and white cover
inspired by the 'i want to believe' aliens poster
the cover art comes from his metal band merch shirt design
i had to manually shrink the text, line by line, and ensure it all lined up on the back!
i even made the logos on the back greyscale
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the Muse: Origin of Symmetry cover
a shockingly perfect style for a WAD cover. i'm so glad i used the cubes, even if they couldn't be orange.
there's some versions of the art online where the sky is even more orange and it baffles me how i haven't seen any parallels like this before
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the Muse: The Resistance cover
this cover was never supposed to see the light of day! i meant it when i said i was grateful i didn't have to try to adapt this complex design... and yet, i tried anyway.
i did all the grid lines by hand, including the jagged/broken edge parts, shading each section, and then drawing every star.
the hardest part was getting the gradient on the back text to cooperate. photoshop's gradient settings are surprisingly limited
gotta shout out @amazingphil for being the reason i knew what this cover looked like--it's the only muse album i knew the art of before embarking on this quest!
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obligatory sob story:
i've been extremely and suddenly ill for 6 months. it is difficult to function moment to moment, but especially in doing little things just for me. this is the first and only art project i've been able to feel inspired to not only work on, but to finish, and despite the pain and long hours, i enjoyed every minute of it. thank you, dan, for creating this space for me to explore, and thank you, everyone here, for being wonderful support during this time 💞
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stars-at-5pm · 8 months
Protective stucky and pregnant reader? 🥺
Omg yes !! I love them so much 😭😭
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Pairing : Protective!Stucky x pregnant!reader
Warnings : none :)
They are absolutely obsessed with you being pregnant, it’s always been their fantasy to see you with a round belly and the famous pregnancy glow. For some reason, they knew it would fit you.
Bucky calls you mama/hot mama at all times, he can’t get himself to call you something else.
They try to go on less missions and avoid the big scary dangerous ones, they are with you at all times. Need cup ? Don’t move Steve will get it for you. Have back pain ? Bucky will give a massage. These men are invested !! They won’t let you lift a finger, and to be fair they’re both probably more anxious than you about the baby situation.
They’re also extra supportive, I think Steve would be really careful about your mental health and body image. Whenever he senses that you’re feeling down he’ll encourage you to open up or take you on a walk. Bucky encourages you to work out and reminds you to take naps and to drink water.
Very cliché but they’re 100% getting you a white sundress, just to see you walking around barefoot, looking all pregnant and sexy.
Whenever you guys see Sam he always get excited and wants to talk to the baby and touch your belly. But before he even gets the chance to think about it, the guys are looking at him dead in the eyes, signaling that he needs to back up.
Sometimes you and Bucky hides from Steve to order some silly toys and clothes for the baby, you guys always laugh the hardest in those moments while Steve is standing confused in the kitchen, wondering why he can’t participate.(he’s an old grandpa who doesn’t like online shopping)
One time you were cuddling on the couch with Steve and the doorbell rang, you tried to get up but immediately got stopped "don’t even think about it, Bucky will take care of it you need to rest".
During the pregnancy there are a LOT of attention and cuddles. Before they were caring but now ? They’re always touching you in some way, holding your hand, rubbing your belly, braiding your hair, if they’re not busy they’ll nap with you or cuddle on the couch to watch a movie.
I just know Steve takes the baby classes very seriously. Everyday, always reading on the subject or attending classes when he can. He wants to be ready.
Imagine on a late night, Steve and Bucky sit down with Clint to ask him about baby stuff and how to survive the newborn stage. Clint is probably the happiest to do so and will share at least 200 pics in the matter of an hour.
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So many people are afraid of drawing backgrounds and I think it's a shame, so here's some tips and tricks, because I'm not perfect at it myself but I think the hardest part is really just knowing where to start.
First off: Perspective
Yeah, yeah, that's the scary word. But I promise you, once you're familiar with the basics, backgrounds are a LOT less intimidating. Don't get discouraged if WHEN you have trouble with it. Even professional artists struggle with it. I promise you, screwing it up is good and normal. That's how you learn after all!
Now I'm not going to go into detail on how to do it here, because honestly there are a thousand and one free resources online and in libraries that can explain it far better than I ever could in a singular broad-strokes tumblr post. But I AM at least telling you you should familiarize yourself with these basics:
Important Terms: Horizon Line: A horizontal line across your canvas, showing your viewer's eye level and providing a location for most of your vanishing points. Vanishing Point: Integral to drawing in perspective. The sides of a 3D object get smaller as they become farther away from the viewer in space. This point is where the parallel lines of a side eventually meet.
The Basic Types of Perspective: One Point Perspective: Good for drawing things that you're looking at straight on. Two Point Perspective: Good for drawing things at an angle. Three Point Perspective: Good for drawing things the viewer is looking up or down at, especially at an extreme angle.
[Click images for ALT descriptions]
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And if you're comfortable with these and serious about improving your skills for use in storytelling, I also might suggest looking up:
4 Point Perspective: Great for extra wide or tall shots and for camera tilts if you're doing an animation or animatic. I think some other names for this in animation include "banana pan" and "warp pan."
5 Point Perspective: Fish-eye lens. Good for all your angsty anime boy slipping into madness needs!
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Some perspective tips I wish someone had told me earlier:
Objects' relation to the horizon line is constant. A super helpful tip to remember when placing a character or object in space is that they will always (assuming they aren't changing in size or moving up or down) have the same relation to the horizon line no matter how far or close they are. If your horizon line is at shoulder height for your focus character in the foreground, any character of the same height in the background will still line up with the horizon line at the shoulders.
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How to pick the distance between your vanishing points: 2 pt perspective uses 2 vanishing points, 3 pt uses 3, etc, etc, but how close should they be? Well, first of all, for anything that isn't one point perspective, one or more points will usually be off the canvas. Super annoying, I know, but the closer your vanishing points are, the more warped your drawing will become. Second, a helpful thing to know is that choosing the distance between your points is basically the illustration equivalent of picking your camera lens! Photography buffs will know that wider (shorter focal length) lenses show more space and make the distance between foreground and background more dramatic, while longer focal length/telephoto lenses are flatter, and more focused and intimate. The same is true of vanishing points that are closer (shorter focal length) or farther apart (longer focal length).
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2 point/3 point/etc doesn't actually mean you're limited to that many points total on your page. this one confused me a lot when I was getting started, lol. A lot of examples will show you drawings of nice, neat cities or something, in which all the buildings are facing the same way in order to demonstrate perspective drawing. But in real life, buildings don't all face the same direction. They're at all sorts of different angles. So how do I do that??? Answer: Just because you're drawing in 2 point perspective or whatever doesn't mean you... have to actually keep your 2 points in the same spot. You can move them around, just keep them the same distance apart, so you're not screwing up your camera lens.
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Other Tips:
Use reference! The instant you try to draw a house, you're going to forget every house you've ever seen. That's just how it goes. Buildings are complicated. Do yourself a favor and collect a few reference images first, buddy!
Consider details (like architectural style, amenities, and materials) Your building will look more like a building when you keep in mind that buildings have gutters and door knobs and light switches and paneling and stuff, and aren't just boxes with roofs on them. Again: reference! You will forget electrical sockets and baseboards exist immediately. Art brains are dumb.
Use details and texture to fill in negative space Giant stretches of blank space tend to be boring and distracting. Put a few suggestions of wood grain or something on that wall back there, bud, just don't overdo it.
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Line weight Darker, thicker lines draw more attention, look heavier, and look closer to the viewer than lighter, thinner lines do. Take advantage of this to draw the viewer's attention to your focal points, de-emphasize less important details, and imply depth. It's up to you to decide how you want to use this and what your style is, especially once you start getting into combining or replacing it with shading, values, and color, but a helpful rule of thumb is to try reserving your thickest lines for focal foreground characters and use thinner lines on backgrounds, especially details in the far distance.
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Perspective guides If you're drawing digitally, take full advantage of any perspective tools you have access to! A lot of art programs lately have begun adding perspective guide features that let you set up vanishing points and then literally guide your hand as you draw so you stay in perspective. Some of these include Procreate, Clip Studio Paint, and Adobe Fresco. (still sadly none in Photoshop as far as I'm aware, what the heck, Adobe!). Check through the settings of yours to see if it gives you any perspective guides or other similarly useful tools. They're 100% worth it! And for god's sake, if you've got any skew or perspective warp tools, draw your complicated shapes flat and then warp them instead of spending an hour on it! Don't make my mistakes!
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huntinglove · 1 year
How to get away from antiship spaces (mostly)
Warnings: Long post, antis mention, mentions of pedophilia, rape, self harm and gore (none show, not descriptive)
Have you recently learned that you align yourself with the proship label? Would you like to get away from antis as safely as you can? Here's what I've learned, as an ex anti:
1. It may be hard, but try to get rid of/abandon your accounts where you used to interact with antis.
This is one of the hardest steps because having a lot of followers can be discouraging, but it's the safest approach in this situation, because if antis see you following or interacting with proshippers they WILL question you about it and depending on how you tackle their asks they'll throw you to the wolves and publicly "warn" people about you so people can mass report your account/harass you
This applies to anything; Tumblr blogs, Twitter profiles, Discord servers, if you've interacted with antis block them and delete your account if you decide to adopt the proship label
Antis constantly claim that they don't harass people but as soon as someone drops the anti label they dogpile them and call them "traitors" as well as their usual buzzwords to catch people's attention, it's better to pull the plug directly than just rebrand your account
1.5. If you REALLY want to keep your account because you've used it for a long time or because it works as a portfolio, please create a different account to post about proship content
If you make a new account remember to block your anti mutuals/followers from your main account before you start posting, art styles can be very unique and easy to spot similarities in, as well as typing patterns and reoccurring emojis/symbols
If there's the option to, keep your profile private until you've built a steady environment for yourself, if you prefer to keep your profile private permanently that's also a good option!
Remember, your safety matters more than numbers on a screen!
2. This one should go without saying but, please don't share much of your trauma/mental health issues/triggers with people online in general, but especially not with antis
I used to talk about my struggles and vent publicly a lot, antis would stalk my accounts and send me all types of fucked up content.
I've had people send me rape videos and threats, people telling me I deserved the abuse I went through, people would send me gore and self harm images, as well as suicide tutorials.
They can and will use all of it to their advantage, they're restless and will dig up even decade old posts if they feel it'll be useful for them. It can and will take a toll on your mental health, so please save yourself the trouble and only open up with people you genuinely trust and feel safe talking to!
You're not alone, but please don't let dangerous people take advantage of you when you're at a bad spot
3. Keep an eye on your followers, especially if your profiles are public. There are always some things to look out for to make sure your followers aren't antis pretending to be proshippers
According to my personal experience, here's some red flags to look out for:
A.Antis think that the word proship means problematic ship, so they'll refer to pairings as "a proship"
Most proshippers dislike this terminology because it comes from an incorrect definition and usually avoid it
B. TikTok antis specifically come up and use a lot of emoji combos, creating meanings for them and usually adding one or two combos that are actually known to proshippers, along with some never seen before
A lot of the time they use it to identify themselves, a sign that means "I'm not actually a proshipper, just baiting"
I've also seen antis use the clover emoji in combos, inspired by the "clovergender/cloversexual" scam that 4channers came up with, to make it seem like the LGBTQ+ community was welcoming to offending pedophiles. Antis do this because they assimilate the proship label with problematic ships, mostly age gaps/underage content
C. Their account is brand new but they already follow a lot of proshippers. This is usually because they'll follow proshippers who've been posted on a blocklist, usually in the exact order that they've been listed too
If they're on Tumblr, they'll usually keep the people they follow public, so that other antis can find and harass those proshippers
D. Keep an eye on their follow list. Like stated above, they'll usually keep it public and 9 times out of 10 there will be an out of place antiship account, it's most likely their main profile/account/blog
E. They'll use their usual buzzwords on their own posts
For example, if they're trying to mimic a proselfship account they'll post pictures of underage characters and caption it things like "omg i'm such a pedo" and tag their post with proship related tags
Of course this doesn't apply to everyone, so it's always important to take context into consideration, as well as how many of these red flags may apply.
And lastly, please remember that the block button is your friend.
If someone's interacting with you and something about them seems/feels off, block and move on
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ichigopanhpff · 4 months
Translation: Toman Tengoku Showdown from the “Tokyo Revengers Exhibition The Final World Line SILVER” Book
In Roppongi’s TR exhibition, they had a section where they had an installation of the final timeline story drawn by Wakui-sensei. This installation had a mix of the printed manga panels and voiceover drama to cover more backstory and content because the man can only draw and cover so much.
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Luckily, they included the transcript to the voice overs and are divided up into chapters with titles, which I'll mark with --.
I was lucky enough to my my hands on the book directly from their limited time merch site (https://mikey-mart.online/); unfortunately, they ended all online orders by 2/4.
Out of respect for the exhibition and the hard work put into this entire thing by Wakui-sensei and the staff, I will not be posting any images of the panels from the booklet and will post whatever the official exhibition's Twitter account have posted. I’ll do my best to put scene descriptions where I see fit. I have seen there are some JP vloggers who've done content on the exhibition itself, but don't know how much they were able to film.
They also have an interview with the artist who made the statue installation of the Tenjiku arc scene where Takemichi raised his fist up when Mikey appeared, an interview with the Japanese VAs and Wakui-sensei himself. If there’s enough interest in any of those sections, I’ll do my best to translate them.
Note: Translation isn’t 100% and I may take some liberties in translating certain things for a more colloquial approach. Anything in brackets are my personal notes.
Intro: This is the story about our final time leap and battle.
Kisaki: The Toman Tengoku Battle will take place one week from today. It will take place at the Roppongi 3rd multi-story Parking Lot.
Panel Card: Tokyo Roppongi Manji Tengoku Summit Meeting
[This is the panel they teased in the YT video where Toman, Tenjiku and Black Dragons were sitting in a private room in a Chinese restaurant].
Kisaki: There are three rules: No weapons! No retaliations! The gang that wins will absorb the other gangs! No objections?
Takemichi: None.
Taiju: There’s nothing left to say at this point!
Izana: This’ll be a festival to decide whose fist will rule over the biggest gang in all of Japan; a huge feud between the three of us.
Kisaki: This concludes the meeting!!
(Each respective gang make their exits)
Takemichi: The next time we’ll see each other will be at the battlefield.
Mikey: Get ready to be beaten to a pulp.
Taiju: Ha! Back at you!
Izana: Hmph.
Kakucho: Are you okay with this, Izana?
Izana: With what?
Kakucho: Isn’t Mikey Shinichiro-san’s younger brother? Are you gonna go all out?
Izana: … Haha. Idiot Kakucho. This will be the second time Mikey and I go at it.
Flashback quote: “Even if we’re not related by blood, Shin-nii is my brother!!!”
--Get blood out of a stone--
Young Hanagaki Takemichi CV: Watanabe Akeno Young Sano Manjiro CV: Fairouzi Ai Young Kurokawa Izana CV: Tanezaki Atsumi
Takemichi: This is your hardest mission, Mikey-kun.
Mikey: Got it.
(Takemichi and Mikey are standing in front of the orphanage talking to each other secretly)
Takemichi: I don’t know what kind of scary thing will happen if we tell Izana-kun suddenly. That’s why I thought of this strategy.
(Takemichi starts shaking as he opens his hand with a piece of chocolate)
Mikey: Chocolate?
Takemichi: Yes, chocolate. [Oh you sweet summer child…]
(He begins to explain his strategy with confidence.)
Takemichi: This is how you’ll lure Izana-kun in and with time, you two will slowly start getting along and gradually tell him the truth.
(Takemichi clenches his fist, immersed in a monologue)
Takemichi: This is a perfect plan, if I do say so myself… With this, Izana-kun will also…
Mikey: Yeah.
(Mikey runs in before Takemichi realized)
Takemichi: Mikey-kun…?
(Mikey punches Izana and sends him flying, landing firmly on the ground.) [Good job following the plan.]
Mikey: You’re Kurokawa Izana!
(Takemichi is so surprised, he’s rendered speechless)
Takemichi: Mikey-kun?!
(Izana stands up)
Izana: What the hell’s up with you?!
Mikey: I’m Sano Manjiro!
(Takemichi noticed Izana is surprised by Mikey’s words)
Izana: You said you’re Shin-nii’s… younger brother?
Takemichi: Mikey-kun…
(Mikey throws another punch)
Mikey: You and Shinichiro aren’t connected by blood!
Takemichi: Mikey-kun!
(Izana returns the punch)
Izana: What the hell are you goin’ on ‘bout, y’bastard?!
(The fist fight between the two turn into an argument)
Mikey: There’s no way you two are siblings! Why would you trust my idiot older brother like that!
Izana: What?! The hell’s wrong with you? Are you an idiot for comin’ here?!
Mikey: You accepted Shinichiro’s words without even questioning it ‘cus you’re lonely, right?! That guy did some digging, but now he can’t take back what he’s said and didn’t even mention he had a younger brother!
(The two face each other)
Mikey: I bet you must’ve noticed it too.
Izana: … Shut uuuppppp! What do you know?! My parents threw me away… I’m here while you have a warm family to raise you. You understand nothing! What if we are blood related?!
Mikey: Is it really that important to you?!
(The two start their fist fight again and eventually lay on their backs on the ground)
Mikey and Izana: Haa haa…
Izana: … Shin-nii is my brother! Even if we’re not blood related, he’s still my brother!
Mikey: … Shinichiro said the same thing.
Taiju: Mitsuya. Is Hakkai gonna go at us seriously?
Mitsuya: … Stop calling on the enemy to check up on your baby brother. You and Yuzuha are a pair of spoiled siblings. Hakkai’ll end up that way too.
Flashback quote: “No matter how violent you get on us, mom will never come back!!”
Taiju: Hmph.
--Let’s drop it--
Young Shiba Taiju CV: Tomozaku Sugita Young Shiba Yuzuha CV: Komatsu Mikako Young Shiba Hakkai CV: Hatanaka Yu Young Sano Manjiro: Fairouzi Ai
(A door forcefully bursts open into a room, where an angry Taiju enters in)
Taiju: Who forgot to turn off the bathroom light?
(Yuzuha and Taiju become frightened)
Hakkai: A… A--
Yuzuha: It’s me!
(Yuzuha protects Hakkai)
Taiju: … Why are you lying?
Yuzuha: Eh?! I’m not lying! It was me!
Taiju: The toilet seat was up. Only men do that.
(Hakkai’s hand clenches tightly at Taiju)
Taiju: Hakkai! Come here!
(Yuzuha interferes to stop Taiju)
Yuzuha: Wait! Don’t beat Hakkai anymore! Let me take his punishments instead! Please!
Hakkai: Sis…
(Hakkai hangs his head down, unable to say anything)
Taiju: You said it. From now on, you’ll take the beating for two people. Is that fine with you, Yuzuha?!
Hakkai: …
(A mysterious voice flashes in Hakkai’s memory!)
Mysterious voice (Mikey): Hakkai!
Hakkai: …!
(Hakkai stands up and faces Taiju)
Hakkai: Stop this already, Taiju!
Yuzuha: Eh…
Taiju: !
(Taiju gets violent with Hakkai)
Taiju: What’re you tryin’ to do here, Hakkai.
Hakkai: Don’t beat up sis anymore! This is ridiculous at how crazy you keep going at us.
Taiju: As I thought, you’re the one who forgot to turn the lights off. How many times have I told you to fix that?
(Hakkai gets hit and falls down. Yuzuha stands and goes beside him)
Hakkai: … I’m sorry for everything up to now, sis.
(Yuzuha is surprised)
Yuzuha: Hakkai.
Hakkai: … My friend told me.
(He recalls Mikey’s voice)
Mikey: It’s okay if you lose. Fight him.
(Taiju turns toward Hakkai)
Hakkai: Cut it out already, Taiju! No matter how violent you get with us, mom’ll never come back to us!
(Taiju is surprised)
Taiju: !… Hakkai.
(Hakkai starts crying)
Hakkai: ‘Cus I’m… I’m lonely…!
Taiju: You…
Kokonoi: Inupi. How’s Akane-san doing?
Inupi: Yeah. I’m gonna go for it.
Kokonoi: … I see.
Flashback quote: “Leave Inupi-kun to me! Hurry up and go back to save Akane-san!”
Inupi: Well, didn’t you say first loves usually don’t go as planned?
Kokonoi: Shut up.
--Every cloud has a silver lining--
Young Inui Seishu: Koichi Makoto Young Kokonoi Hajime: Igarashi Hiromi Young Inui Akane: Ueda Rena Young Hanagaki Takemichi CV: Watanabe Akeno
(The house is burning with a roaring sound as Kokonoi runs toward it)
Kokonoi: Haa haa… Akane-san!
(Kokonoi desperately addresses someone)
Kokonoi: Fire trucks… Have you seen anyone leave the house?!
Old Lady: I… I’m not sure. I haven’t been able to see anything. I’ll call for the ambulance and fire truck right now!
(Kokonoi turns and suddenly decides to run into the house)
Kokonoi: Akane-san! Akane-san! Haa haa… Akane-san! Akane-san!!
(A mysterious boy suddenly shows up inside the house)
Mysterious boy (Takemichi): Leave Inupi-kun to me! Koko-kun should hurry up and find Akane-san!
Kokonoi: O… Okay.
(Kokonoi continues his search)
Kokonoi: Akane-san! Where are you?! Akane-san! … Akane-san!
(He finally sees her and rushes over. Akane looks like she’s about to pass out)
Akane: … Hajime… kun…?
Kokonoi: I told you I’d protect you, right?
Akane: … Thank you…
(He carries Akane on his back and staggers out)
Old man: Hey! There’s another person who came out!
Old lady: Two people were able to be rescued out of that house. Thank goodness!
Kokonoi: Haa haa…
Seishu: Koko! You were able to save Akane?
Kokonoi: Yeah… But someone else saved you, Inupi.
Seishu: Huh… I was sure it was Koko who saved me. Then… Where are they…?
Kokonoi: … ?
(Scene is the night of the fight and Toman members are gathering.)
Chifuyu: Baji-san!
Baji: Yo, Chifuyu. It’s finally time, huh.
Chifuyu: Our third big battle! I got Baji-san’s back so you can go all out!
Baji: Oh! I’ll leave it up to you.
Chifuyu: Please leave it up to me.
Kazutora [He a jealous boi]: … Hey, anythin’ goes with you huh? Eh? Eh? When did you join Toman?
Chifuyu: Um… 2004.
Kazutora: Is that right now. And when did I join?
Chifuyu: Um… you’re a founding member, right?
Kazutora: Exactly! This is a photo that only a founding member has!
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Chifuyu: Whoa, awesome!
Kazutora: You don’t have this right? Which means I’ve been with Baji much longer, right?
Chifuyu [Poor thing is confused at Tora’s ire]: Ye...ah…?
Kazutora: Baji definitely likes me more, right? You get what I’m gettin’ at, right?
Chifuyu: Yeah.
Takemichi: They’re trying to justify something dumb again.
Kisaki: What are they, kids? I’m surrounded by idiots in Toman.
Takemichi: Idiot. It’s fine as long as you’re the one who’s got it together.
(Takemichi puts his arm around Kisaki’s shoulder and pulls him close)
Kisaki: Stop that. You’re suffocating me.
Takemichi: Rely on me a bit more, partner!
Flashback quote: Do you like Hina? I like her too.
--It takes two to tango--
Young Kisaki Tetta CV: Ozora Naomi Young Tachibana Hinata CV: Waki Azumi Young Hanagaki Takemichi CV: Watanabe Akeno
(Some middle school kids are bullying a cat)
Cat: Nya-!
Hina: Hey, Kisaki-kun. That group is bullying the cat! Hina’s gonna complain about this!
(Hina steadily walks toward them)
Kisaki: Ta-Tachibana?!
(Hina faces the middle school boys [MSB])
Hina: Stop that! What’s so fun about doing something like that?!
MSB A: Huh?
MSB B: I hate kids with a strong sense of justice.
MSB A: Hey! The cat ran away.
MSB B: Then you take the place of the cat.
(Hina resists crying)
MSB: Aww, you’re gonna start cryin’? Did you think we’ll let you go if you started cryin’ like this?
(Kisaki watches from afar)
Kisaki: This is why I said stopping them’s useless.
(Takemichi suddenly appears and takes Kisaki’s arm)
Kisaki: Eh?!
(Takemichi brings Kisaki in front of the middle school kids, stepping onto the gravel)
Takemichi: Stop that!
(Kisaki panics)
Kisaki: Wh-what?
Takemichi: We’re the super hero partners! How dare you middle school kids pick on a young girl. That’s unforgivable!
MSB: Huh? What’s up with you guys?
(Kisaki continues to panic as Takemichi neither cries nor trembles)
Kisaki: W-Why are you including me?!
Takemichi: Shaddap! Let’s go Kisaki! You’re a man too, right?!
Kisaki: Wh-What…
(Takemichi dashes)
Takemichi: Ooooohhhh!
(Hina cries)
Takemichi: I didn’t think too much on my actions before and after.
Hina: (crying noises) Hic… I’m sorry…
(Takemichi’s wounds throb from pain)
Takemichi: Ow ow ow…
Hina: Ah, Hina will go buy some bandages!
(Hina’s running footsteps fade out, leaving Takemichi and Kisaki alone together)
Takemichi: … Do you like Hina?
Kisaki: Eh-Um, uh, I--
Takemichi: (smiling wide) I like her too.
The night before the Toman Tengoku Showdown at Musashi Shrine…
Toman’s finally gathered, with Mikey facing everyone
Mikey: Tomorrow will finally decide who will be Japan’s top gang! Everyone, are you ready?!
Toman: Yeah!!!
Mikey: Is there anyone scared of tomorrow’s battle?! No one right?! Let’s take the top spot!
(Toman chants)
With the call of Mikey’s voice, Toman’s morale is at its peak. The climax of an alternative future where they continued their revenge.
Mikey: This’ll finally put an end to our revenge.
Takemichi: The final battle.
It’s time to head to the battlefield. Roppongi 3rd multi-story parking lot!
Mikey: Let’s go!
Takemichi: Okay!
Tensions rising! Tokyo Manji Gang, Tenjiku and Black Dragons Gather!!
Tokyo Manji Gang, Tenjiku, Black Dragons A Fight that Lasted One Night to Decide Japan’s Strongest Gang
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stusbunker · 2 months
Spotless: Pizzicato
Chapter Nineteen
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Featuring: Dean Winchester/Reader, Dean/Bela, Dean/Cas (unrequited)
Other characters: Miriam Talbot (OFC Bela's mother)
Word Count: 2567
Warnings, etc: Mutual pining, putting out other people's fires, and old baggage, unbeta'd
A/N: Castiel and Trouble's friendship is something I didn't realize she had been missing until he was in front of her. There are a couple of big truth bombs in this chapter and I hope I handled them respectfully. This is an AU and it is not indicative of this author's feelings on canon or any other fandom shipping practices.
Series Masterlist
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Posting on Dean’s instagram account was par for the course as the band’s publicist. You bothered to know what a hashtag was, for one. For another it also allowed you to check traffic on posts and actively moderate things to help the comment section look best for Dean’s image. Afterall, Dean trusted you, you weren’t going to leak anything or make him look like an idiot.
You were a goddamn professional and this wasn’t the hardest thing you’d done in the last year, but Jesus fuck were you pissed.
Dean hated tattoos. Really, he hated needles. He was black out drunk when he and Sam got their matching flaming pentagrams. He actually had a panic attack the next morning after realizing he let someone “sew ink” into his skin. By sheer force of will and through the bond of shared grief, you got him to go with you for Jo’s memorial tattoo on the tenth anniversary of her death. It was in your all-time top five ultimate Dean-Y/N memories.
And now it meant jack shit.
You edited and cropped the photos, sent two back to Bela to post on her account and then posted the lion’s share onto Dean’s, making him look like the diligent boyfriend while Bela was busy in the chair. You thanked Billie for taking care of “his girl” and made sure the shop was the location and tagged. You wanted to punch something, it looked so good. Then you sat back and let the interwebs do its job.
Okay, in actuality, you emailed about twenty different people, had a conference call with the tour management marketing team, scheduled radio station drop ins and followed up with Meg on the expected release of Dean’s photoshoot and interview. These days it may just end up online, but you hoped she was able to score him real physical print space.
It was just as you were winding down for the night, when your phone rang. It was past any reasonable business hours and you were already done with your skin care routine, but then you saw the caller id.
“Miriam! Hi!” You tried to sound pleasantly surprised.
“Don’t Miriam me, young lady. What is going on out there? Is it drugs? I thought we missed this stage when she quit acting for college. You’d tell me if this hoodlum was pressuring her into risky behavior wouldn’t you?”
Which was a lot to unpack right off the bat like that, luckily you had experience dealing with Bela’s mother.
“It’s just a tattoo. She’s not on drugs, I promise.”
“And what about this Dean? I knew they were seeing each other, but this seemed a bit more intimate— not exactly in the public eye.”
Oh, she was good.
“He’s not on drugs either. And—- he actually isn’t thrilled with tattoos. This might be all Bela, if I’m being honest.”
“Have you seen the things they’re saying? The things they’re calling her, Y/N?”
You rolled your eyes and heaved yourself out of bed, you needed your laptop if you were going to continue this conversation rationally. 
“Let me look into it— what site were you on?”
“Oh, I’m not sure. Olivette, one of the boardmember’s wives, told me she read about it online during dinner.”
You inhaled deeply and started your usual rotation of sites, you’d have to add some new tags to follow Bela’s buzz more closely going forward. 
“And you’re sure this wasn’t just bad blood from Olivia? I’m not finding much besides general surprise.”
“It’s Olivette. And yes, I’m certain. She wouldn’t make me worry without a reason.”
And then you realized what you were missing, it wasn’t just People or TMZ you had to worry about. You went to Hello!’s twitter and you found what had Miriam Talbot’s friend in a huff. 
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You started scanning the comments, gathering the most common complaints and judging their amount of influence via cursory glances. You did not know a lot of the news personalities or celebrity bloggers in the UK. You were going to have to meet with Bela and figure out a better approach going forward.
“Okay, Miriam, it’s almost eleven here. I know you probably called me as soon as you woke up, but consider me on the case. Alright? Bela’s fine and this is just a minor hiccup.”
“If you’re sure, Y/N, dear.”
You sighed. “Of course. I would warn you if there was anything to worry about. But please just let this run its course. You know how the tabloids are.”
“Unfortunately I do, that’s why I called. Please keep me updated if anything else comes up?”
“Will do. You have a good ni-day!”
“Goodnight dear— and thank you.”
You smiled at your lap. “Anytime.”
You let her hang up. Then you promptly pulled up your contacts list and warned Bela that her mother was sniffing about online and to call her at a decent hour. And finally, you spent the next four hours (or so) online until you had swam to the bottom of the cesspool and decided it wasn’t worth your time. At least not right then, not so exhausted.
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Three days passed since the snobby UK gossip rags’ judgment rained down and, as expected, it had already just about fizzled out. You sat in a cafe with a quad shot flat white, waiting for your lunch date to arrive. Not truly a date, though it wasn’t a meeting either.
It was a diplomatic mission.
Then you spotted him and your stomach swooped, feeling the loss of his presence in your life all over again.
“Hey, Cas.” You stood and held your arms open for a hug, which he accepted with a timid smile.
“It’s good to see you, Trouble,” his gravelly voice murmured in your ear. He still smelled the same.
You pulled back and looked him in the eye, searching for anything but the sincere blue reality in front of you. He held no grudges, not with you, without even discussing it you knew he was still your friend. 
You then punched him squarely in the shoulder. “That’s for ghosting us all for the last nine months, assbutt!”
He grunted, and rolled his eyes. “I can accept that.”
“Good. Because I missed you. We all miss you.”
He tilted his head and raised his eyebrows in challenge.
“So— heard you have a kid, huh. That’s —- weird.”
Castiel exhaled and shook his head. “Who told you?”
“What? Nobody. I have eyes. And spend enough time online to draw some conclusions.”
“Kelly told you.”
“She didn’t have to. She’s amazing by the way— are you a thing now, now that you know he exists?”
Castiel looked affronted. “Me and Kelly? Oh, no. That was a teenage mistake. We were young. And we’ve both matured into vastly different people. But I respect her and I think— I hope I’ve earned her trust.”
“Tell me about him—- he’s what? Twenty-twenty one?”
“He’s twenty three and very talented. Kind, impossibly optimistic even.”
“Yikes, tough combo out here.”
“Tell me about it.”
You shared a look and he smiled at you like he knew what you were thinking about. Like you were reliving the same joke.
You blinked away the sting in your eyes.
“Go get your dark roast and get back over here, we’ve got things to discuss.”
His eyes softened, but Cas didn’t argue with you.
You sipped your drink and tried not to let all of the questions that had been building for months run away from you. He was back both too quickly and too slowly. You cleared your throat, the awkwardness you had been fighting back rushed to the surface.
“So— I presume there is more to you calling to get lunch. Not just asking about Jack and goading me about my latest tattoo?” Cas wasn’t one for small talk.
You nodded and swallowed around another perfect mouthful of milk and espresso.
Castiel’s face went through a journey when you didn’t quickly reply. “He doesn’t want to see me—- he made that quite clear.”
“And what about since everything?”
“What do you mean?”
“I know Dean’s called you. He might not have been big enough to actually apologize in a voicemail, but I know he wants to fix things— he misses you as his friend, too.”
“Then he should be able to suck up his pride and make the effort,” Cas snipped, the first sign of the lingering anger from his and Dean’s fight.
“I haven’t exactly seen much of your effort. Do you not want to fix things?--- And I’m not talking about coming back to the band— that ship has sailed. I’m talking about twenty years of friendships you just walked out on.”
Cas stared at his coffee, his eyebrow ring arched with his bitchy expression. He hated being corrected, you knew that. But this had gone on long enough.
“I’ve spoken with everyone but Dean,” Cas explained. “It’s not perfect, but it’s progress.”
“You never spoke to me,” you spat.
Cas’ eyes softened again. “I always knew where your loyalties lie, you took your time, too.”
“Wait— even SAM?!”
“Sam and I haven’t lost contact this whole time.”
You sucked in air. “Oh, he is so dead.”
“Y/N. It wasn’t like we were plotting or anything. He was worried about me, I was worried about Dean.”
“Yeah, but if Dean knew—”
“Ask Sam, but I don’t think he could hide anything from Dean if he wanted to.”
You knew he was right. Ever since Sam got sober, transparency had been something Sam put into his closest relationships anyway. Beside Dean being ruthless and stubborn, well, you supposed Cas was right. 
“Why do I feel like this band just doesn’t want me to be able to do my job?”
“Your position as group therapist is fairly tenuous. Especially with Pamela involved.”
“I meant my real job. If I had known you were on decent terms with, well, everyone but Dean, it would have made things a lot easier, young man.” You couldn’t help but smile now. Sure you were hurt, but the eggshells you had been stepping over for so long really only took up a single corner of the floor.
It was freeing.
“I never meant to cause you any distress.”
“That doesn’t make it go away, Cas.”
He bowed his head, but popped back up to meet your gaze. “I know. I apologize. I didn’t want you to think that I was done— with any of you.”
You pinched your eyes closed quickly and then reached over the table to squeeze his forearm. “Okay. So— you’ll come to Dean’s birthday party, then?”
Cas patted your hand with his left and sat back, breaking the contact and sat with the invitation for a heavy moment.
“What makes you think he’d want me there?”
You glared at him, all tattooed and handsome and absolutely clueless about how much his absence has affected Dean. Sure, Dean got to keep the band, but it wasn’t the same without Cas. Cas has had to start over entirely, become a dad and rebuild his career all without any of the support Dean has had around him through his own troubles.
“Look— I know you’re Mister Independent and I don’t want to set back any of the progress you’ve made without him needing you around. But he still looks for you whenever we all go out. And hanging out with Kevin, made it abundantly clear to him that you were available— you just weren’t interested.”
“Why do you always make it sound like we were an item?”
You rolled your eyes. “Look, we all know Dean has attachment issues. I’m not saying anything was kinky between you guys— that’s not my business. But, as friends, you guys deserve to at least get some answers— closure or forgiveness can come later, if you get there.”
“I’ll think about it.”
“Really? You’re not just saying that to get me off your case?”
“Yes, really.”
You smirked and Cas’ smiled with his eyes, fidgeting his lip ring with his tongue.
Cas cleared his throat and took a sip of his coffee before changing gears. “So, your friend Bela and, uh, Dean?”
You groaned and hid your eyes in your hand. When you looked up he was laughing at you.
“Stop— we both know what it’s all about.”
“Kevin seems to think Dean’s whipped.” Mischief continued to dance in Cas’ eyes.
“Well, it’s about time.”
“I told him, the only one who has had Dean whipped in over a decade is you.”
You choked on your spit, sputtering at Cas’ bluntness.
“They don’t know it’s for show do they?”
You inhaled deeply. “Sam knows. Dean and Bela have their own private agreement about it all. But, uh, yeah, you pretty much guessed right.”
Cas watched you thoughtfully, futzing with his lip ring with his top teeth now. 
“How are you holding up?”
“Me? I’m fine, why?”
Cas nudged your ankle under the table with his combat boot.
“As someone who was definitely in love with him for most of my life— I know the symptoms.”
You sighed and shivered at being seen and having your long held suspicions confirmed. You rubbed your upper arm, trying to fight the goosebumps. “I’m fine. Nothing has changed. He’s just been working on himself and that is— distracting.”
Cas hummed, head cocking to the side as if looking at you with a different angle would give him more insight.
“I mean it. He’s in therapy and everything. Sam and him are working out. He’s been insanely focused on the latest album—”
“He’s doing penance.”
“Maybe. But he wants to be better. It’s not just guilt. I don’t know how to explain it. But, you’ll see what I mean.”
Cas eyebrow popped up again.
“You will,” you insisted.
“You always were able to read me weren’t you?”
You chuckled at the back of your mouth, short and knowing. “Guess it comes with being stuck with each other for so long.”
“Shared trauma response,” Cas teased.
“Or that.”
You finished the last of your drink and looked around the cafe.
“So, where we going to eat? I think we’ve had enough heavy— sushi?”
“You buying?”
“Phantom Traveler is covering this as a business lunch.”
Cas stood and pushed in his chair. “Okay, well then, bring on the seafood.”
You stood and let Cas walk you outside, his hand on the small of your back until he could offer you his elbow on the sidewalk. You smiled up at him and pulled him tight to your side.
“I’m glad you’re back, Cas.”
“Well, we’ll see if everyone agrees with you, won’t we?”
The afternoon passed quickly, catching up and sharing memories that were now tinted with the grief of the last lost year. Things made more sense the longer you thought about how the band had been acting, especially way back at the Animal Shelter where Cas’ niece had been more than willing to put in her two cents. You texted Sam while you waited for your meals, warning him where you were and what you knew.
‘Have fun.’
His only response. Asshole.
But everything kept from you, kept from Dean, wouldn’t last forever. It couldn’t. Now you at least could control the narrative a bit more by being in on it all. Or most of it at least.
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Chapter Twenty: Arpeggio
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amaet · 6 months
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i said i will post things here, goddamit, and I WILL
so heres some life/creative updates
i will start by saying i feel super bad for not posting anywhere regularly. i suppose the brain worm of building engagement online has gotten to me too. but the truth is, if i want to build an audience for my project, i have to post. of course on the other hand i dont want to post some of the things i have, because they are spoilery and i want them to be revealed later!! dilemmas.
that said, the story is definitely taking shape. one of the reasons im hesitant of sharing it in any form is because its in constant flux. i build some of it and then i tear it down, reshaping it into something significantly different. (I wont give you context for those images just yet because of that) im a perfectionist, and i refuse to make a story that wont click as a whole. it has to be the best i can physically make it to be. so im writing out plot points, characters and their motivations, im making documents with lore. it has to click. and i think it might finally be getting to that point.
on the broader side of things, burnout doesnt help. i feel a black hole in my chest and its cold. it drains joy out of things. i suppose the reason is my isolation. i live in a very comfortable way right now, people have always been taking care of me. but i have no financial independence and i dont go out. i dont have art friends (or one than one irl friend, really). i dont go out to do traditional art, and those are all the things i want to do. i kinda feel like a plant that wants to sprout but its growing underneath something and its starting to wilt. its fucking pathetic. i feel so fucking ashamed to admit to people what my living situation is. im like a basement dweller redditor taken care for by his mom until hes 45. well, its not like that, but i sure fucking feel like it is.
im 29. its getting late. existential dread is really kicking in that im not living. im starting to panic. like my best years are behind me. and if i continue that way, everything will blow right by me.
i dont know what to do to be honest. i will continue to stumble around, maybe i will eventually recover to the point i will actually look for a normal art job (im aiming for 3d character artist) and have some money which will buy me some flexibility. it would also solve the problem of my stagnation. i would meet people, make things, i would get out of the house, and i would fucking wash myself regularly. yes its tmi but thats how depression be like. i feel like a wheel that is stuck in mud. that first push is the hardest.
but, to be fully honest, i am getting a little better. i still struggle with getting up regularly but its all better than it used to be, at least. so there is hope.
also i have to name this project. im thinking of 'benthic millenium' or something similar. i like the word millenium, and it fits.
so, um, see you later i guess? i will probably post some more character and location concept art sometime in the future, since i dont want to share any of the story outside of the actual comic. and thanks for reading my depressing rambling!
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thisloveforyourmom · 9 months
Smith College Girls for ID Magazine 2003: Photoshoot
journey of discovery here.
a few disclaimers before we begin:
this paper is super high gloss. sorry about the glare, i tried hardest to get rid of it on the images that aren't online or on insta yet.
there are eight full size portraits and each of them is paired with one or two mini photos above it, which i'm assuming are related to the subject. i'll post them next to each other.
i'm not posting the eighth portrait; it's an artistic but NSFW portrait of the casting director and everyone who's posted the photoshoot online so far (including she herself) has excluded it. i'm assuming that's for a reason. she can publish it if she wants her tits going viral on the internet, i won't unless she says it's fine.
i'm comfortable revealing the names of the individuals involved because many of them have already been tagged on instagram and the casting director explicitly said "tag who i missed."
with all that said: smith college girls for id magazine 2003
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And finally, the moment you've all been waiting for:
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From past experience at Smith, I can almost guarantee the note taped to that shelf is about bathroom cleanliness etiquette or stealing shower supplies.
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To spare you all a google - Courtney is the little spoon. Her big spoon is not identified, and no, they are not still together. I did my best to identify text too small/blurry to read, as well as describe the images, in the alt text. All visible text is transcribed there as well in case glare got it.
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octuscle · 7 months
Hi I was wondering if you could help. Im doing my final year dis at uni on online sex work and the onlyfans/Twitter porn industry. My only issue is I’m not too sure how they work and the content creators I message to interview keep declining me. Im just an average looking student, any way you could help me get a better understanding for my dissertation?
You wake up in the morning. Fuck, your morning boner is the hardest you've ever had. But it collapses in a split second. This is no longer your apartment in your student hall of residence. This is a spacious, almost luxurious apartment in a skyscraper. No curtains. Just unobstructed views of the sea of houses. And something is strange. Cameras. There are cameras everywhere. You reach for your cell phone on the bedside table. It's not your cell phone. This one is brand new and looks damn expensive. The lock screen shows a premium six-pack. And with one glance at the display, the phone is unlocked. First up is an app called "Cameras". How appropriate. You open it. And you find a list of different rooms. And a list of cameras for each room. And you can set "active" or "inactive" for each camera. Curiously, you select "Bedroom" and "Bed". Strange… Nothing happens. Until the first messages come in via OnlyFans.
"Look who's awake!" "Handsome, what happened to your cock? Is it also available in flaccid?" "Dude, I've never seen you unshaven before!" "If you piss on me, what do I have to pay for it?"
Shit, what's happened here? You immediately deactivate the camera again.
"That's it already?" "When does the show go on?" "Dude, I was just hard!"
Okay, you're not hard anymore. But you're pouring out plenty of adrenaline. What's going on here? You take a closer look at the camera app. And OnlyFans. If you understand it correctly, you can cover every area of your home with cameras. And the image from the camera where you can be seen, or at least where you were last seen, is automatically transmitted.
You go into the bathroom and switch on all the cameras except the ones in the bathroom. As you would expect, the live video from OnlyFans now shows your unmade, empty bed. But that's pretty uninteresting. Your reflection is more interesting. Yes, that's still you. You, if you spent two hours a day in the swimming pool and on the cross trainer. You, if you were a regular customer at the hairdresser and beauty salon. You, if you had a flaccid 9-inch cock!
"Where are you?" "Is your cock as hard as mine?" "We want to watch you wank your morning wood!"
You shave quickly and brush your teeth. These are the activities that aren't so sexy. And then you turn on the camera, remove the towel from your narrow hips, step into the shower and let the warm water run down your Adonis body. The camera is set so that NOTHING can be seen of your cock. Even your hand, which is making rhythmic movements with your cock, can't be seen. But you can hear from the acoustic notifications of your incoming messages that your fans are obviously having fun.
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When you sit down to write your dissertation later, remember to leave your upper body exposed. And at least pretend that your work makes you horny.
Screenshot from OnlyFans found @bmdit-trophy-boys-again
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slayingfiction · 2 years
What would your advice for just-starting-out young authors be?
I love new writers! I’ve never known a better way to escape my reality and live a thousand different lives.
I started writing when I was young, maybe 12 or 13 years old. I am now 25, and very much consider myself to be a child, but still, in my 10+ years of personal writing and classes, here are some of the best tips I can give anyone who is new to writing, regardless of age.
Read. Read. Read. Then read some more. The easiest and fastest way to learn how to write is by reading and studying how other people have written their stories. Study their balance of dialogue vs description vs action. Study the words they use and what they’re choosing to describe. Study the scenes that make you feel something, or pull you to the story even more, and dissect it until you understand how to do it.
Daydream. At night, in the morning, before and after school, during school, during work. When people are trying to talk to you, just daydream. Image worlds with populated moons. Imagine worlds with multiple human-like species all living in the same area. Image a boy who goes home and cries to his adoptive vampire parents, and girls who practices knife throwing every night to prepare for the apocalypse that no one sees coming. Dream of everything and anything because that’s how you keep and improve your creativity. Eventually you may even write something with it.
Write for yourself. Always start by writing what you enjoy, and love your characters and your stories. Everything about your first draft should be because you love the story, not what other people like. You will never please everyone, so start with yourself, and build a community with the ones who love your story as much as you do.
Do it on your own timeline. If you want to write a book in a month, edit the next and publish right after, do it. If you want to write the first five chapters of 8 books without finishing, do it. If, like me, you want to write your first novel at 18 years old, and 7 years later still not feel ready to publish, that’s ok! You are not falling behind anyone else, you are exactly where you should be on your own path.
Practice. Your writing will improve with practice, that’s how it works, it’s how it always works. No way to skip right to publishing a first draft and becoming famous for it. Practice and just keep writing, you will improve.
Challenge yourself. While you may love fantasy or romance, or maybe all your story ideas are too big for only one book and they all end up being series’, you need to try new things. Write a mystery short story. Write poetry on how you feel. Write one page on how you could survive a zombie apocalypse as long as you have your coffee in the morning, it doesn’t matter, just try new things. Trying new things is how I wrote this haiku: Take a deep inhale, Breathe fresh air into my lungs, I savorfreedom. Is it the greatest haiku ever? No, but it makes me happy, and reminds me that I can write, good or bad, and still be proud of myself.
Keep all your projects. Good or bad. Look back on them years later and think, yeah that was terrible, at least I’m better now. Or maybe think, this wasn’t as bad as I thought it was. It’s a progressive journey. You can take your time. DONT EVER SHAME YOUR YOUNGER SELF FOR THEIR WORK. THEY TRIED THEIR HARDEST AND WROTE AS BEST THEY COULD. WE ARE PROUD OF OURSELVES, NOT EMBARRASSED OR SHAMED. Whether the work is from years ago or days go. Be kind to yourself, no one else owes you that.
Compare. Compare to popular novels, compare to your friends stories or to people online. Compare and see if your character are developed enough, or if your story makes sense, or if it’s relatable. When comparing however, keep in mind that your written style will be different than all others writers. Your first novel will not be the same as an author’s 10th book that just went viral on TikTok. It takes practice and time. Compare for style, technique, structure and plot. Not for popularity, worth, importance, and don’t feel down thinking that someone writing at a higher grade level makes them better, it doesn’t.
Share your work. If you are embarrassed, use a pen name. That’s perfectly fine. Put your work out there and get feedback. Having one person saying your story is (negative criticism here) is going to happen, don’t freak out. It doesn’t mean your story is flawed and should be tossed. If most people are saying that, then maybe it’s time to revisit the story and plot. Getting feedback from people reading your story is important, you want to ask specific questions so you don’t get generic answers. Get real reviews from real people, the mean voice in your head doesn’t get a say.
Learn the difference between perfect and done. I know, I know. Perfectionists around the world just scoffed and thought ‘I would if I could’. Here’s the thing, it’ll never be perfect. A word won’t be right, you can’t find the right way to convey an emotion, your choice of vocabulary isn’t up to your standards, I get it. You want your work to be absolute perfection so that everyone loves it and no one can say a bad thing about it, but it doesn’t work that way. Instead make it to ‘complete’, then nitpick some details, then it’s done. Done is good, it’s where you want to be.
Self-publishing? Pay for a professional editor and a graphic designer. It makes a difference, I promise.
There’s lots of others, but I would say as a writer-starter-pack, these should get you started, then you will learn lessons all on your own, or find them as you’re writing later on. Truly, just have fun, and the rest will come with time.
Happy Writing!
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ceresfromnationstates · 4 months
What if Henry and Ezra came face to face?
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One of the hardest images I've ever made.
Something I've recently thought of, but can't really articluate on the details of which.
The basic premise is that Henry, who has a substantial amount of knowledge regarding Ezra's shady businesses after doing some private sleuthing online, is going to bring him to justice one way or another, and all he needs is to do is to tie up Ezra and let the authorities find him and his note to them.
Aware that Ezra might also possess a firearm or two, he came prepared for the ocassion, while Ezra on the other hand, is caught completely off guard the night Henry paid him a surprise visit.
I don't have much else to think of, and I also don't want to spoil the rest of this What if? thought.
Ezra Jacob Corvidae belongs to @smoresthehalloweenqueen
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avalonlights · 5 months
in case anyone is wondering why i've been on less and posting less art, it's not because fandom has lost its grip on me (i'm lurking and enjoying the hell out of what you all post)... it's because i work in animation and the execs are all frothing at the mouth over generative ai and are trying their absolute hardest to brute force it into our workflow in increasingly stupid ways, thinking that will somehow make them more money. not only are those tools still hot garbage that would make what i do actually monumentally harder, it makes me sick to my stomach watching creatively clueless and morally bankrupt execs fall all over themselves to try and profit from tools they KNOW FULL WELL are built on stealing and laundering copyrighted work when there's simply no need to do that. it's sent me into kind of a depressive funk, especially bc i've had to sit through mandatory training on those "tools" that I absolutely refuse to use, and it's given me like... existential dread about never being able to trust an image again. i find myself anxiously over inspecting every online image for 'tells' even in completely unrelated contexts, which is just a soul-crushing knee jerk reaction i do not want to have. fun times. i'm just going to do everything i can to stay the hell away from that nonsense and hope to god there's some regulation coming that helps this mess. i hope i'll feel able to draw again soon bc it's something I love to do for FUN in this extremely stressful world and i'm so mad that this stupid, unnecessary nonsense is impacting that. anyway! sending you all a big internet hug, and i'm sure i'll be back to creating before too long here. hopefully. i miss it. :)
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angelfleurry · 3 months
Hi! Could I request Hifumi and/or Teruteru with a Fem!Reader that is a plus sized Ballerina, and gets insecure about her body?
Thanks in advance and sorry for any grammar mistake, English is not my first language
Hifumi & TeruTeru X Plus-sized! Ballerina! Reader
Hii, thank you for requesting!! I hope it’s alright! Sorry it took so long, I was having an absolute CRISIS writing for Hifumi, so he may be a little out-of-character!! <3
♡ Daintiness.
♡ You were incredible at what you did, the very best, and when you danced there was a feeling so very otherworldly that sprung to life within you.
♡ What mortality you had would fade, the world silencing as you danced.
♡ There on that stage, there in the practice room, there in your own room, you felt so very wonderful as you danced.
♡ You felt free, truly free, as you danced. Light, delicate, untouchable as you spun and unwound your limbs, almost like a stray ribbon.
♡ Dainty…
♡ Daintiness would fade once the studio mirrors hit, once the lifting exercises came.
♡ You weren’t totally insecure, but sometimes you had days or moments where your self-image completely shattered.
♡ You’d be completely fine, dancing your heart out, allowing the flow to come to you, when you’d suddenly take a deep look around and feel…odd.
♡ It would be during moments of eating in front of people in which you felt hesitant, in which everything felt too tight, too close.
♡ Being lifted was the worst.
♡ Even if people were able to lift you, you still felt like you were a burden. You felt awkward, stiff, not as light as you had felt back when you were on the ground.
♡ Dressing up in costumes for performances was a struggle sometimes as well.
♡ Sometimes, you’d joke through it, trying your hardest not to let the insecurities grasp at you.
♡ Sometimes, you’d just walk away from the room, taking that time to yourself until you felt confident enough to return.
♡ Other times, you’d just return to your room and cry.
♡ Whatever you saw in yourself, Teru did not see it quite the same way.
♡ He was forever entranced with you and your beauty, even if you did not quite see it sometimes.
♡ He can tell when you’re feeling insecure, he’s good like that.
♡ At least, for you he is anyway.
♡ There’s something about the light fading in your eyes, the way your shoulders raise as you gently clench your hands that signal to him something’s going on.
♡ TeruTeru tends to support you through the little things.
♡ For example, whenever you put a costume on, he’ll swoop on by and wolf-whistle.
♡ He does it for regular dance-wear as well, making a point to direct flirty little comments your way.
♡ If you’re really upset by your insecurities, he’ll take more of a gentler approach.
♡ He’ll tell you the honest truth, that you’re beautiful, and that you’re so incredible, so wonderful, so perfect in his eyes.
♡ Sure, society may make you feel as if you do not fit their standard, but you are beautiful as you. Even his words do not necessarily help calm the issue, it does feel nice to know just how perfect you are to someone else.
♡ He likes to ramble about your dancing, complimenting every movement, subtly or not. You're his pretty princess, you know.
♡ Pleaaase,, the fact he crawled out of the disaster zone that was his extreme affection for 2D for you says so much.
♡ Hifumi understands you insecurities, maybe not to the full extent, but as a plus-size man himself he understands.
♡ He thinks you’re perfect, though. Watching you perform, or even just practice, is something he always looks forward to.
♡ Definitely goes on a tangent and praises you in his weird little ways. Like, praise, compliments, squeaky giggles, the lot!
♡ He just loves you so much and you’re so perfect and so pretty and so amazing and how are you real?!
♡ You catch him watching competition videos of you online when he thinks you’re not around, and the little comments and squeals he makes…
♡ Oh, he’s precious.
♡ He talks so fondly of you, even when you’re not there.
♡ You may be insecure sometimes, but he adores you, and he’s said it himself; you’re “ethereal”.
♡ Truly, how, how did he get so lucky??
♡ On days you’re very insecure, he’ll have you sit down and watch anime or something, just to show he really does enjoy your company.
♡ He’ll give you praise galore don’t you worry.
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mamushroomoracorn · 2 years
Why AI "Artwork" won't last in the long run and Why companies are probing themselves in the ass.
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As someone who is a perusing artist and learning coder.
I will tell you why this will be like NFTs 2.0
Basically cool idea but piss poor results.
On why This will be a short term "purge"
☆彡彡 whys? ミミ☆
What to worry about ★ AI artwork is just a over glorified filter and gacha app.
Resources and how the AI process this information
Overflooding of the market /poor planning/Trends 1.0
Legal uncertainty/destroyed future relationships
Trends 2.0 and how it will dull out with from the AI process|| Then how it will go down most likely then how to protect yourself now
▂▃▄▅▆▇█▓▒░What is a AI░▒▓█▇▆▅▄▃▂
What's a AI? it is artificial intelligence that collects data/information.
Although it can "function" like any code it is not only relay on a "language" it also relays on its resources, user/code and sometimes equipment.
Otherwise the AI will not intend or reach a "limit" to what it can do.
─────────ೋღ 🍄 ღೋ─────────
A lot of people know about the situation with AI but for people who don't know.
There have been multiple AI that could replicate the imagery of art—although it is debated on if it is art, I will not dive deep into it only be focusing on the AI functions.
It is in hot water for “developing” a “style” with
oversears(Non-American/US artist) art, 
dead people art, 
people who did not consent for their art to be used in this manner.
All I know it does have a “art style” due to how it works, and companies who made this is claiming profit.
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What to worry about is mostly concept artists will be replaced by AI major wise in companies that require character design. 
Some jobs will not return in those areas 
In indie development or in comics not made by companies there's a huge possibly it will stay.
But basically they will be hit the hardest in payment and employment by the looks of it.
Then for commission based artists it will be temporary pain
As for the rest I am unsure but looking at the AI, it works just like a filter but the results are more randomized.
Now analyzing the “art” I notice it mess up hands and also it depends on the style it is taking from.
Realistic art doesn’t actually do people well in fact they mix a bunch of races if you taking a photo of yourself.
I learned that because my mother tried it unknowing the negatives of AI “art” and won’t be posting hers results
Even “real” ones.
“Real” ones will mix up two people into different objects, expressly if there’s two races. Which gives me the ick but not surprised on what happens.                      It will change the darker out of the 2+ into monkeys/apes.
Further explained in 2 on why this happen
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 I explained in the beginning AI Needs Resources ‘ and what they are feeding on.
The AI feeds on online posted art from any country server. 
Now we identify that Online posted art is the resource. How it uses it? Takes it, Then meshes the images together to create a new one.
It will also add on to a image with the source. That’s why people can have selfies then use this like a filter.
As you know many cultures have different cultures which involves art because it relates to identity. Which often is the people and objects around you. 
People can take inspiration
AI CANNOT DO THAT, it can’t separate that idea fully because on how it works.
Programs can input/process so many colors, values and hues know where to put them. Can only process so much shapes.
They can only add or break out never truly delete + that's why there's residue on devices even after you delete.
Because that’s why they “understand” but never could be creative with concept.
That's why also the colors look so dull in certain AI, whitewashing, or the same portions  (Anime)
That it only look like a mixture of race or even mistaking color people for animals(Realist ones)
Or the fantasy is just only Eurocentric(Fantasy)
Making it stuck on the same “art style”, per AI version. Which will not be a issue for a small amount of production like commission artists but for mass production it is a different tale
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The Overflooding of the market will de-value AI “art” or (filters is what they are).
⎝⎝𝕀𝕟 𝕨𝕙𝕒𝕥 𝕨𝕒𝕪?⎠⎠
Okay so lets start with cash value and trends because it is really important for products to thrive. 
For different things it will always depend on the market supply and demand. That’s why it is easier for things like (annoyingly) Food, Clothes, Water and Housing to be always on the market.’
All or Majority of products have laws on it to keep the finances state of the country stable and citizens.
Entertainment is really hard because you will have to rely on culture or adaption to change for trends.
Things like NSFW, Holidays and Country will mostly be permit Trends
Memes, Anime/Shows, and Movies will fall under fast Trends.
Also it is important to take notice their peers in a market
There’s Rivals, Providers Consumers and Platforms.
Platforms like Twitter, Tumblr, Facebook and YouTube needs to have a friendly family bases with their ad providers. While also needs respecting CC laws.
Trends will have a play: With Consumers you want a stable fanbase and a concentrated amount of new consumers on your product. 
But with art it is important to have a royal fanbase, expressly for companies like Adobe who is relent to keep users on.
Best way is to invested in education
Then also add variety to your products but it is hard with AI.
contracts protect both sides and written consent is given.
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So AI artwork will have to most likely to look for artists/providers who is willing to provide their artwork but it is going to be harder now due to poor decisions of taking art without permission. (expanded on 4)
Which Majority of theses AI corps don’t have anything to really say their property against trademark brands like Disney. 
If in the future will likely sue to get rid of competition. 
Even if things does ran like adobe they could face lawsuits due to violating potential CC laws. Since some of the AI have Official artwork from other companies, trademarked properties.
(wink wink)
If Disney does go into AI you will most likely see mass suing of rivals to force their property to only be used by them for AI purposes.
Best way to evade this is to have those contracts and boundaries in user use in the first place on which AI corps lacked.
Legal issues will arise with competition in the future because not only many artists will be less incline now further to make a contract. Due to the approached theses companies made.
Then of course already lawsuits that took place for the fight on what is fair 
The image print of Barack Obama ‘Hope’ poster where a lawsuit took place due to a artist taking a image a photographer made then recoloring it.
The Artist loss due to how it violates the photographer rights to a extent.
But the settlement in that both parties will profit from the image.
Now this can be easily applied to AI “art”, because the issue is how the “artist” took a resource without paying or consenting to the original party holder.
Now also looking at this in whole, there's international problems because AI corps took internationally too with their sources. Which can be more lawsuits on the way or even banning from certain areas.
Also the families of dead artists might also take legal action.
Tumblr media
Protecting your art starts with a statement. Even if it might be “useless” it is better to have evidence they violated your clear boundaries. Do something like this of course do research.
“if you repurpose my art or redistribute it outside of my written consent under a contract. I have permission to sue you for (insert what you are own in percentages) amount of commerce. You are agreeing when you take my artwork you are violating my rights and property same if you are using AI version containing my art” Or something similar. As for the future, I feel like this will be a short trend that literally just a filter. NFTs did the exact same thing and look at them now in the dumpster.
This trend is the same as the NFTs, had the same problems It will be alright, people would still want original art work being made, expressly since the program cost money, just a filter and not for long term use in the long run.
- <3
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