#the hol[ ]y tape...
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I Just Got This Symphony Goin' • Act One, Scene One • F.C.P.R.E.M.I.X. • “You Got A Death Wish, Johnny Truant?” • Mouths Like Sidewinder Missiles • The Hol[ ]y Tape... • Laces Out, Dan! • We Better Learn To Hotwire A Uterus • Whacko Jacko Steals The Elephant Man’s Bones • Tom Waits • Macaulay McCulkin
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xnchxntmxnt · 1 year
hi so. mc having a drinking competition w the brothers, but they chose to drink demonous... mc wins. 😼
Characters: general om characters, brothers, angels, etc
Warnings: alcohol mentions, ltos of it. all very light hearted though
Notes: mammon is so funny twirling my hair n shit
gn reader
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I have no idea how this comes about
someone probably wanted to start playing some game and mammon turned it into a drinking game
But youre all having fun!! So its all good
And then someone suggests it turn into a drinking competition..
So, you, the seven boys, simeon, luke and solomon sat around in the HoL playing an ever-lovely drinking competition that mammon is determined to win
(fyi, luke has juice and simeon is staying sober. Theyre just there to hang out)
Mammon is determined to win but solomon is here to help you out
He starts pouring drinks
Lucifer has decided he’s not going to participate
Levi’s not a fan of alcohol in general so he doesn’t either 
Belphie ends up taping out first because he gets more tired when he’s tipsy
Beel gets distracted and ends up eating and chatting with an asleep belphie, so he’s out
Asmo next. Low tolerance 
They take away satan’s demonus after a while because he’s starting to get irritated a little too easily and no one wants to deal with an angry satan
So then its just you and mammon. (solomon isnt playing because he’s bartending lol)
He’s wondering how you’ve kept up so long because he’s 90% sure a regular human would have gotten alcohol poisoning from that much demonus that quickly, but he’s a little too drunk to say anything about it
He taps out begrudgingly, you’re named the victor (but you really don’t win anything besides what you think is a headache tomorrow)
After a while the night winds down and everyone goes home
Mammon is suspicious when solomon pulls you aside and mumbles something to you, but he’s ready to go to bed so says nothing
The following morning, the truth comes out
“I don’t understand how ya won! No human could ever drink that much Demonus!”
“Mammon, stop yelling.”
Everyone sat around the breakfast table, most hungover, save for you and Lucifer (who knew how to avoid it by drinking less). Mammon, however, still had all the energy in the world and just whined all morning because of his splitting headache. 
“I don't get it though!” he complained again. “Humans are super weak to that stuff. How did ya out drink ME?”
“(Y/N)’s always been special, let’s just move on,” Satan said, face down on the table with his hands over his ears. “Everyone shut up and eat in peace.”
You smiled to yourself, deciding it may be time to come clean with how you won. Much quieter than Mammon was speaking (to not irritate Satan further), you explained. “I had a bit of help…”
“You what?” Mammon asked. “What help?”
“Solomon,” you said, holding back laughter. “He gave me grape juice with luster dust. It wasn’t half bad, actually.”
He glared daggers. There was no way he wasn’t angry, but you were pretty sure he didn’t have the energy to care that much about it. The irritated glimmer in his eye made you smirk, though.
“I’m going to have words with that stupid wizard man.”
Belphegor, quiet until now, scoffed. “I’d like to see you try.”
The rest of the morning went similarly to that—Mammon complaining about how you cheated, it wasn’t fair, his head hurt, etc. Anything you’d let him grumble about, he would. He only shut up when you promised to buy him a few things from his favorite store the next time you went out, which seemed to get his spirits up. 
(He will pick the most expensive items, be warned.)
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@grays321 @kodzukoi @kage7ama @poeberlyavenue
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patternoticer · 10 months
NOT The Hol[ ]y Tape
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kittypunkd · 1 year
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a somewhat experimental drawing im p happy with
the whole time i was drawing this i was listening to “i just got this symphony goin” by tfot and i was a bit entranced with the song in a way i haven’t been in a very long time. something about every single song on doppelganger has such an addicting energy to them that always kinda rocks me when i listen to the album for the first time in awhile like it did when i first found tfot back in early 2016. i almost wanted to caption this drawing with “shooting stars with galactic fates” instead of what i had already chosen, but it sounds a bit pretentious out of context i suppose. someday i’d like to make a drawing (or a series of pictures) using the “help me find out” phrase from “the hol[ ]y tape” as it does seem like a really, really good piece of dialog for the kinda vibes i wanna go with with my characters. anyways listen to doppelganger if you haven’t already. it’s a very special album
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thebigshotman · 2 years
It was now several minutes later, and during that time all light in the mansion was extinguished. The power instead being diverted to a certain robotic suit downstairs as it repaired itself, fixing the holes and dents and slashes that had worn into its armor.
Reattaching itself to the ceiling. Making sure its power and personality core was wound tightly inside its chest cavity.
Before finally, power was restored. Down in the basement, the body lurched upwards. Feet dangling and barely touching the floor.
It regained consciousness, its head cracking from side to side with the hideous clanking of gears. Quite literally shaking off the rust. A blazing bright yellow light turns on in the left eye. Followed by an equally bright pink light on the right.
Spaul was awake again. A giant, toothy, 1 foot tall and wide smile opening and clacking closed as he speaks. His voice even louder than it already was, pitch shifting up and down, speeding up and slowing, at complete random.
*H0LY-HOL-HOL-Y-Y [Cungadero]…1’D [[forgotten…]] WH4T IT FE-FE-FEELS-S-S L1KE TO BE-BE-B3 A-A-A [[BIG SHOT]]!!!!!
He reached up a sharp, clawed hand to smooth back his hair, which was now black and grey bird feathers absolutely smothered in motor oil. Wings slowly spreading to their full splendor, large and patchwork in both color and design.
*I F33L [awesome!]…FEEL-L-L L1KE-LIKE [[-one million dollars!!!!]]…FEEL…
His gaze drifted upwards, daring himself to look up. There they were. Those damned lime green wires, reaching upwards into infinity. Looking back down to his hands and feet now.
They tightened around his every joint and limb.
A stiletto-shaped boot drove itself downward, almost slamming onto the ground.
*…ST1LL [tied up at the moment.]…
A hand flew to the triangle-shaped crest on his chest, above where his smaller, inferior, form, rested. He could feel the steady mechanical beating of his Heartbreaker mechanism. Good, at least his offensive options were still here, too.
He lowered onto the tracks, the strings lessening their hold for a moment. He had never walked in this form before. One click-clack of a foot, then the other. Slow and steady. Slow and-
A gap in the tracks tripped up his movement, sending him downwards. Almost falling onto his face if it weren’t for the strings breaking his fall at the last second.
His lenses flickered as his position automatically rectified itself, resetting back to his normal floating position on the wires. He was silent for a moment.
Before his mouth opened as much as it would allow and he screamed to the Heavens.
*H0W?!?! HOW CAN-CAN-C4N-N I [[protect the ones you care about]] 1F I C4N’T-T-T EV3N [[get out!]] 0F HERE 1N-IN-IN [one lovely package~❤️]?!?!?!
The distorted commercial rattled along the walls, and he forced himself to calm down with the equally distorted noises of a relaxation tape. Breathe in. Breathe out.
*…YEAH. 4LRIGHT-RIGHT. EV3RY BUDDY’S [gotta start somewhere!]. 1’LL G3T-GET THE H4NG OF TH1S-IS-IS. S00N…
(Spaul NEO is now taking your questions in the basement.)
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junogears2 · 1 year
Occasional Doppelganger listen hour.
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domthedevil · 3 years
hihi!! may i ask for some sub lucifer? an afab reader always used to top the shit out of lucifer in the devildom, and now that she's gone, pridey mcprideface is being driven up the WALL with horniness. a package ends up on the doorstep of hol on his birthday housing a generously realistic adjustable fleshlight, and lucifer reads the note from her in ecstasy.
he doesn't realize there's an aggressive vibrator or a soggy lubricant function tied to pact magic yet..
Your brain:
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I absolutely loved this, yes thank you please comeback again djdkkalc. Its a bit of a quickie and I did change some things but I hope you enjoy!
Sounds Like You Miss Me
Lucifer x afab!MC
Warnings: masturbation, sex toys,
Another long day at work, another long day at home, and another long night without you by his side. Lucifer’s stress was beginning to weigh on his shoulders. He missed the long nights of being dominated by you. The way you made him call you master, or when you teased him too far, he missed letting himself go after a long day. You going back to the human realm made him miserable.
Coming home late one night, he found a neglected Akuzon package sitting by the front door. Sighing, thinking it was something Levi was probably dying to have, the eldest brother picked up the box and made his way to his room. Everyone was already asleep so he’d keep the box in his room for now. Mammon hopefully wouldn’t feel bold enough to steal it while it remained in the eldest’s room.
Throwing his coat and tie to the side, Lucifer sat at his desk with a tired slump. A small buzz in his pocket startled him. Not sure what to expect at this hour, he slowly took out his phone. But his mood instantly improved when he saw a text from you.
“Did you get my gift?”
Lucifer grabbed the package he’d brought in and read the shipping label. Addressed to him.
“I’m about to open it.” He messaged you back.
Using a letter opener, he cut the thin tape holding the box closed. Rummaging a moment Lucifer found your “gift”. His breath hitch in his throat as he pulled out a rather intimidating flesh light. Grabbing his DDD he frantically began typing.
“What is this exactly?”
“I had something made for us. I thought maybe my good boy missed me a little.”
“Hmph. Good boy? Never heard of him.”
He smiled as he texted with you. The exchange felt like you were right here with him. Like he was just waiting for you to come home and treat him how he deserves to be treated. What he really missed was holding you. Kissing you softly throughout the day. But soon your texts grew more lewd. You teased him. Telling him how much you missed seeing his face twist when he enters you. Or how he moans extra loud when you nibble a spot juuuust beneath his ear. Lucifer in turn played back.
Not realizing how excited he was getting, Lucifer began eyeing the toy you had sent him. Though a little embarrassing, it was oh so tempting.
“Tell me about this...gift.”
“Well...it’s suppose to feel like me.
You should let me know what you think.”
Your second text made his cock twitch. Putting his phone down, he walked away from his desk a moment, removing his belt and his gloves. Trying to do something other than give in to the gift you shamelessly sent him. What if his brothers had gotten hold of this?
Sitting back down at his desk, the top buttons on his shirt came undone as he rubbed at his chest. He was getting warmer, more curious about this toy that was going to feel like you. Palming at himself through his trousers, Lucifer let out a low moan. Maybe he did miss you more than he thought. Slipping his trousers down, Lucifer stroked at himself slowly. He wondered if you’d been touching yourself too. How much your body missed being wrapped around his cock. Did it miss him as much as he missed being under your command?
A single buzz from his DDD broke his concentration.
“Call me...I’ll teach you how to use it.”
How to use it? Lucifer was smart enough to know how to use a sex toy as basic as this. Picking it up, he admired the soft fleshy end of the sleeve. He licked his lips as he noticed some resemblance. But all it did was make him miss your sweet walls around him. Precariously he pressed his tip against the entrance, letting the texture of the folds on the outside tease his shaft before entering the toy. Immediately his phone rang.
“I told you to call me.” Suddenly the toy slipped from Lucifer’s fingers and sank on his dick. Fully squeezing his entire member. “Do you like your toy?”
Lucifer whined at the sudden, pleasurable sensation. The toy seemed wet and slick inside, making Lucifer’s hips shake.
“Hmph, it’s seems to like me. What is this MC?”
“Like I said...a gift.” Lucifer thought he heard a hint of heavy breathing from you. “You must have really missed me to use a toy like this. How cute.”
“You sent it to me...” his dark chuckle was soon interrupted.
Lucifer’s hips jerked as the toy began to slowly move itself up and down his shaft. He couldn’t believe he fell for some enchanted toy. But it felt amazing. The ridges and smooth cushions inside this toy reminded him of you. The sensation almost too realistic. It’s movements were slow but erratic, almost random.
“Sounds like someone really missed me.” Your small laugh over the phone caught his attention again. His moans had been low and breathy, but as the toy picked up speed his voice groaned and sighed heavier.
“Well...you certainly made an impression here.”
“You mean I tamed you? How cute.”
“Hmph. Don’t be so fooli-hnnng!” The walls in the toy tightened around him. Lucifer went to grab the toy to slow it’s pace, but he was met with a strange but familiar force.
“No touching.”
The sweet bondage of your shared pact kept his hand from moving any further. Forcing his hand to his side as the other was left clinging to the phone. The only part of his body that seemed to be able to move was his hips. A low whine slipped through his gritted teeth.
“Good Boy.”
The toy moved at a merciless pace as you listened to him whimper and moan into the phone. It became moist with precum, helping his cock glide and and out of it easily. Perhaps a lot of precum as he felt extremely wet and warm inside this enchanted toy. Your breathing was labored, Lucifer noticed. You must be touching yourself. He thought about your wet heat sucking him in just like this as he began to reach his limit.
“MC...Im going to come.” He tried to hold back any embarrassing noises as he reached the edge.
“So soon? How pathetic. You’ll have to use this toy to train yourself again. I’ll be back eventually...and you’re going to be in for it.”
“Y-yes MC. I’ll train. Just let me come.”
“Shhh...okay. For being such a good boy you can come for me.”
“Th-thank you.” He mumbled his gratitude despite the burning pride he wished to uphold. The sudden release with your permission took his breath away a moment. He even heard your own breath hitch in your throat. It took a moment to catch his breath. Completely taken back by how quick he came and how fast you were able to get him off.
“Mmmm...I’m glad I put this together. I’ll be honest with you Lucifer. That’s not just an enchanted sex toy...”
“I saw. It was made to feel like you. Very realistic.”
“Actually...it’s an exclusive portal, just for you. Whenever I give you permission, you can fuck me through this. If you earn it that is.”
Lucifer sat dazed a moment. That’s why it felt so good. He’d missed the feeling of you so much he must have underestimated how badly he needed to give himself some release.
“I have to say you have impeccable taste in gift giving.”
“I knew you’d like it....I miss you.”
“...I miss you too.”
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yunhofingers-writes · 3 years
Movie Night-
Note♥︎- I wanted to post this for my birthday buuuuut now is fine haha
Genre♡︎- pure filth
Warnings/Tags♥︎- Spitting, d!ck slapping, oral (all) double penetration, anal, fingering, Dom! Yeo, Dom! Hwa, Sub! f reader, grinding Guess star!!!
Word count♡︎- 2.7k
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❥- When you heard “movie night” you thought of actually watching a movie with just you and your boyfriends. You didn’t know they were bringing the whole crew with them.
You were sitting in the living room with all of the snacks, waiting on your boyfriends to come back from getting more things to snack on. While you were waiting, you decided to clean up a little around the house. You didn’t really have a lot to clean since Seonghwa likes to clean up a lot.
A little bit after you were done cleaning, you decided to go take a shower. Running upstairs to go and find something to wear,you grabbed a towel and ran to the bathroom. You washed your hair and sat down on the little seat you have in the tub. You couldn’t help but think about last night’s adventures,the way Yeosang’s strong hands gripped at your hair, the way Seonghwa filled you up so good, how Yeosang growled when you were teasing him. Your hand fiddled with your nipples, slowly dragging down passed your stomach to your clit. Your index finger rubbing your clit lightly until you felt your legs trying close on you. Small, light moans left your lips. You thought about Yeosang pounding you into the bed yesterday with Seonghwa’s dick in your mouth.
When you felt how close you were, you heard knocking on your door. Sighing, you angrily got up to get a towel.
“i’m going to kill them two fuckers” you mumbled to yourself running down the stairs “both of you better have a good explanation as to wh-“ When you opened the door, you didn’t expect to see all 8 of them at the door. “why you two left your keys” you finished awkwardly. The rest of the boys’ eyes were wide open.
Seonghwa smiled sheepishly “We’re sorry, baby. Yeosang ran out without the key even though I specifically told him to bring it.” He kissed your cheek and walked past you with everyone following him, except Yeosang.
“babe, sorry about that.” He kissed your cheek as well and leaned into your ear “you’re still in your towel.” He lightly bit your ear and backed away, leaving you embarrassed.
You quickly ran upstairs to put some decent clothes on.. well Pj’s and ran back downstairs.
Yunho, Wooyoung, Yeosang, Hongjoong, and Jongho were sitting on the couch waiting for Seonghwa to pick a movie, San and Mingi were laying on the floor with some chips in their hands. You sat on the other couch that was a bit smaller than the other one. Yeosang saw you, with a small smile, he got up and sat next to you while the boys bicker.
“So what did you do while we were gone?” The smile continues to stay on. He had a genuine question but yet you still took it as him teasing you. “u-uhm i cleaned, watched TV, and took a shower.” You looked away from him.
At first, Yeosang thought you were upset about something, but the way you looked away gave yourself away. “was that all you did?” Yeosang asked with a hint of playfulness in his voice. “were you thinking of me?” He asked in a sing-song voice
Clearly, he was joking but your mind was telling you that he knew exactly what you did. “I was. Was thinking a lot about you., the both of you”
Yeosang was taken back from your answer, but he quickly fixed himself with a smirk, letting his hand come in contact with your thigh. You jumped, pressing your lips shut to not let out a sound. “Wanna tell me what you were thinking about, hmm?”
Before you even opened your mouth, Seonghwa shouted out about how he finally found a movie. He happily went over towards the couch you were at with Yeosang, sitting on the left side of you.
San got up to turn the lights off and got the bags full of snacks. You saw Yeosang pull his phone out, taping on Seonghwa’s name. “what are you doing?” You whispered to him. He just looked at you and went back to typing. You huffed, giving your attention to the movie, noticing Seonghwa’s phone lit up.
A little into the movie, you felt Seonghwa grab you to sit on his lap. “heard you were thinking of me” He whispered in your ear “in how many ways?” Lightly grinding up into you. You felt his half hard cock through his sweatpants, biting your lip as your hand reached out to Yeosang’s thigh who was observing the whole thing.
“was thinking about yesterday.” You said a bit loud with a grind down, feeling satisfied when you heard him grunt.
You noticed Jongho was looking in your direction. You held eye contact and moved your hips again, feeling Seonghwa’s hand hold onto your hips.
“don’t make no noise,baby” Yeosang rushed out before letting his hands go in your silky shorts.
You didn’t have on any underwear so it was easier for him to access what he wanted. “I see you have no panties on” he smirked. You looked at jongho again, noticing he was still looking.
Yeosang’s fingers began to rub at your clit softly. You let out a tiny moan. Seonghwa bit his lip at how loud you were and pushed two fingers inside of your mouth. “Baby you have to be quiet or we’re going to be caught.” You didn’t even have to turn around to know that he was smirking as well.
At that moment, Yeosang pushed a finger inside of your wet hole. Your body tensed when he curled his finger inside of you. You tried to push your hips up to meet his fingers, but Seonghwa held you down. “stop” He sternly told you. “or Yeosang will stop.” Yeosang nodded in agreement and you whined around his fingers.
Yeosang added another finger and sped his fingers up as Seonghwa grinded his hips into yours.
You drooled all over his fingers, squeezing your eyes shut as you felt your stomach clenching. Yeosang added another finger and at the same Seonghwa’s finger slipped in, rubbing your clit.
you screamed, forgetting that the boys are all in there, whining when you felt the boys let your body go.
You opened your eyes and saw the rest of the boys staring at all 3 of you with wide opened eyes. You just wanted a hole to open up and swallow you.
“I guess we were caught.” Yeosang shrugged along with Seonghwa. “That’s what you wanted, right?” Seonghwa licked his lips.
You didn’t understand why they were so okay with being caught. “y’all are freaky” You heard San say with a huff.
You looked at Yeosang who was sucking your juices off of his fingers. You suddenly feel shy with all the eyes on you.
“Don’t get shy on us now, baby. Look..Jongho’s hard and all because of you.” Seonghwa brought all the attention to poor Jongho. Jongho blushed but seized from covering himself. “S-she was staring at me half the whole time” He shyly looked away.
“Oh?” Seonghwa sounded interested “Whore.” Yeosang spat out. The rest of the boys are still staring. “you were letting Jongho see how easy it was for you to break apart. Letting him see how you cried out for us.”
“Bet you want everyone to see how fucking good you are for us. Want them to see how much of a slut you are for us, right?” Yeosang grabbed your chin, forcing you to look at him. “y-yes” You looked away. “look at them and tell them.” He let go of your chin and you looked at the rest of the boys. “I want you t-to see how good they ruin me a-and mark me.” You fiddled with your fingers and looked at Seonghwa.
First we need to know if you guys are comfortable?” Seonghwa asked them with a serious tone. Once everyone agreed, you were sitting in the middle of the floor, all eyes on you.
Yeosang and Seonghwa were standing in front of you. “You know what to do, baby” Yeosang told you. You pulled down Yeosang’s pants, flinching when his hard cock smacked you in the face.
You started with kitten licks at the crown of his cock, licking around while looking up at him through your eyelashes. He growled,impatiently pushing your head on his cock making you choke and come up.
You felt Seonghwa tap your lower back twice, telling you to get on all fours. Once you did that, he took your shorts off.
You took a look around the room noticing everyone looking at you with hard ons, except San. He wasn’t just looking, he was rubbing his covered crotch with his eyes on the scene in front of him.
You put Yeosang’s cock back in your mouth, covering the parts you couldn’t get with your hands. “fuck- just like that” he threw his head back, hand in your hair.
Meanwhile Seonghwa is spreading your asscheeks, showing everyone. “so fucking wet, baby. Are you wet because you know you can make the whole room have blue balls, baby? Or are you wet because you’re spreaded out in front of everyone like the fucking slut you are?” Seonghwa didn’t expect an answer of any kind so he just smacked your ass.
You jumped slightly, almost choking on Yeosang’s cock again. “hm'' Your muffled moan was covered by Yeosang’s cock on your tongue. “Come on, baby. Get my dick wet for me.”
Seonghwa added a finger inside and leaned in, lapping it over your gaping hole. He took his other hand and brought it around your waist to let his thumb rub at your clit.
You pushed your body back on him wanting more, craving more, needing more. Taking Yeosang’s cock out of your mouth to moan out loud. “More..mmhm- more please.” your body jumped when you felt a slap to your face. “pay attention to me.” Yeosang rasped out, taking his wet cock out to slap you in the cheek with it. You continued to moan even when Yeosang entered his cock back in and then out again. Seonghwa’s tongue felt so good inside of you, licking around your walls. Him moaning and groaning when you pushed back.
You heard someone whispered “I’ve never seen Yeosang in his dom mode like this. Thought he was a soft dom.” It sounded like Hongjoong.
You felt a tongue in your ass, stretching you apart. You popped off of Yeosang’s cock once again with a breather. “God fuck” You yelled out, dropping your head down.
Yeosang picked your head up and kissed you to try and distract you from the pain. You felt Seonghwa add another finger inside of your hole carefully. Yeosang pulled away from the kiss “baby are you okay? Do you still want to continue?” He looked at you with a worried expression. “be honest okay?” You nodded and kissed him “I'm sure.” You reassured once you pulled away again.
Seonghwa now has 3 fingers inside of you including his tongue. “I’m so close..so close.” You shouldn’t have said nothing because when you did, he took his fingers and tongue out. You whine when you feel your orgasm die down.
Seonghwa laid down, cock hard on his stomach and you got up to adjust his cock over you. Slowly sliding down, you let out a tiny moan along with Seonghwa. “f-full”
“gah.. you’re fucking tight. We didn’t fuck you good enough last night?” He slapped yourself ass with a groan. “Yeosang come on or I swear I’ll move.”
You felt eyes burning through your soul. Looking over, you seen Jongho staring at you intensely. You licked your lips at him and looked down to see Seonghwa staring at you. You smirked at him, moved up and down, smiling when he moaned.
He gripped your hair, bringing you down to him “you’re such a fucking dirty, nasty little slut staring at another man. Do you need your mouth full? Want another cock?” He licked at your ear and smacked your ass again.
“I do...I do” you were eager to have 3 cocks, to have all of your holes full.
You sat up to take your shirt off along with your bra and leaned back down, pressing your nipple in Seonghwa’s opened mouth. You reached your hand behind you to spread your cheeks and present your hole to Yeosang, who growled and poured lube all on your hole and his cock. “i’m entering, baby.” He warned. You braced yourself, groaning when he slowly pushed in, stopping every now and then to check on you.
Once balls deep in, he stayed like that, waiting for your approval.
Seonghwa let go of your nipple and looked over at the red headed boy. “Jongho come here.” He looked at you before getting up to stand on the side of your naked figures. “Shut her up for me. We are giving you permission to fuck her throat.” Everyone’s eyes went wide at that, except Seonghwa. “i-if you want to.” you stammered out.
He nodded and took his hard cock out his pants and went to go stand in front of you. You opened your mouth letting him do whatever he wanted with it.
Once you pushed back on Yeosang, everyone started to move. Seonghwa propped his feet up and pushed up into a medium paste, Yeosang slowly started to move in and Jongho fucked your face slowly.
You moaned around Jongho, squeezing around both Yeosang and Seonghwa. You let go of Jongho’s cock and moaned out loud. “Fuck i feel so fucking full..so good” Your threw your head back when you felt Seonghwa licking at your nipple again. “please harder” Yeosang sped up, leaning over to push your head on Jongho’s cock again.
“shit, baby” Seonghwa felt so close from how you kept clenching on him. “i’m so close to cumming” He slapped your ass again. Yeosang followed right after, slapping your ass as hard as he can. You jerked up, moaning around Jongho;s cock again.
Jongho fucked his cock in your mouth with a groan ,holding you down on his cock. He let go once you tapped his thigh with a groan. “ahh fuck. Do that again Jongh, she loves it. Squeezing around my cock so well” Yeosang ran his hand through his hair.
He pushed you in his cock again and you felt Seonghwa lifting you up off of his cock with a groan, cumming all over your stomach.
You hollow your cheeks around Jongho’s cock feeling his thighs lightly shake. “Cum on her face Jongho. She likes that shit.” You moaned again when Yeosang smacked your ass.
Jongho pulled out of your mouth quickly pumping his cock in your face. Yeosang continued to fuck inside of your ass. “Come on, baby make Jongho cum. You can do it.” you heard Yeosang encouraged.
“Jongho please cum in my face. Show me how good I was for you.” You stuck your tongue out for him and he came all over your face.
“What do you say, slut?” Seonghwa gripped your hair and you yelped “t-thank you.”
He let go of your hair and Yeosang pushed your head down so your ass was up.
“Fuck bounce that ass on my cock, baby” He stopped moving and you groan and sat back up on your hands. You pushed back as fast as you can with slight moans of Yeosang’s name.
“c-can’t- It’s not enough” You cried out and Yeosang growled and pushed your head back in the ground and fucked you faster. “yes- like that-like that” You yelled and he nodded “like that, slut? You liked that?” He wrapped his hand around and rubbed your clit.
“Fucking cum on my cock then.. come on, baby. Fucking cum” He lightly pinched your clit and you came screaming and clenching around Yeosang.He pulled out and stroked his cock until he came in your back.
You laid like that for a while, breathing a bit heavy before looking up at the 5 pairs of hungry eyes. “That was fun” you cheered and Yeosang came back with a wet towel, wiping the cum off of your face, stomach, and your back.
“How are you guys getting off?”
Krusty crew: @sansbun @atiny-piratequeen @prodbyteez @twancingyunhoe @latte-fairytaekwoon @yutasyiddiepiercing2 @atiny-ahgase  @choisans-dimples @rinzyk
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xhannahbananax03 · 4 years
Swimming Lessons Chapter 4
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Words: 1196
Chapter Warnings: Needles, age gap, flirtatious behavior ;)
Waking up in the hospital was strange to say the least, the bright industrial lights hurt your eyes and as you tried to roll to your side but found a small sting striking you from your elbow up to your shoulder.
Groaning you looked over at your arm in search of what was causing the pain, seeing a needle you scrunched your nose up and slowly reached over to pull it out but the door rattled open before you had time.
"Good morning Sweetie." A tall woman smiled over at you, she wore a matching set of burgundy scrubs and held a clipboard in her long slender fingers, "How are we feeling?" She asked as she walked over to the side of the bed with a rolling monitor showing your heart rate, blood pressure, and other vitals.
"I'm ok, I guess?" You said confused as to what was happening and why you were in the hospital, she checked a few boxes on her paper before undoing the tape holding your IV in place and pulling it out making you wince softly.
She quickly put a Band-Aid over the small entry wound, laying your arm over your stomach you looked around the room in search of someone else, "Your dad took your little sister to the cafeteria." She smiled down at you opening your window to let the fresh summer breeze in.
"Is my mom here?" You asked already knowing the answer but just wanting to be confirmed, she shook her head her brown bob swaying with the movement. With a sad sigh you turned your head to look out the window and she swiftly left the room closing the door quietly behind her.
Fiddling with the light blanket on your lap you waited for you dad and Holly to come back, hopefully with something for you to eat. Hearing the door creak open you turned your head and smiled seeing your little sisters head poke through the doorway.
"Sissy!" She squealed loudly, running to your side and climbing up onto your lap. Wincing at the loud noise, you smiled through the pain and held your little sister close to your chest.
"Shh Holly!" You dad shushed her softly but gave her a soft smile before walking over and kissing your head softly, careful of the still healing stitches along the lower part of your head, luckily the spot where your head split open had been low enough that none of your hair had to be shaved off. "How you doing honey?"
You smiled painfully and let go of your sister as she began wiggling in your grasp, "Ok I guess." You reached over and grabbing the pudding cup that was sitting on the bedside table, opening the top you dug your spoon into the delicious dessert and took in a heaping mouthful with a happy grin.
Your dad cleared his throat, catching your attention, "So that Billy kid stopped by earlier... Left you those." He told you, pointing to the small vase of roses and sunflowers a dinky teddy bear tied to the base of the cheap glass.
You smiled and finished off your pudding before looking back to your dad who had an expecting look on his face, "What?" You asked confused as to what he was expecting.
"What's going on between you two?" He asked bluntly, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose, "besides swimming lessons."
You blushed a deep red and looked down at your hands, fiddling with your fingers, "Nothing Dad. He's not into me like that, he's just a teacher..."
He scoffed lightly giving you a coy smile before standing and brushing off his pants, "Well you ready to go? You got discharged earlier today but hadn't woken up yet." You nodded eagerly and quickly got dressed in the attached bathroom before walking with your dad and little sister to get your prescription.
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"That's so unfair!" Your little sister complained, crossing her arms over her chest pouting as she gave you a deadly glare.
You laughed softly and held the flowers in your hands, careful not to mess up any of the petals, "sorry Hol... Doctors orders." You smiled over at her but she refused to look at you.
You were told not to do to much heavy work, including driving, walking alone, lifting, or chores. Which Holly found absolutely unfair, considering her and Mike now had to split up your chores between the both of them.
You and Mike were only a couple months apart, you being the older one. This meant you were very close, you did almost everything together. Until recently of course, with you now being a freshman in highschool and him being an 8th grader.
But that didn't change the fact that you still had that sibling rivalry. So him having to take half of your chores was sure to cause an uproar.
Pulling into the driveway, your dad unloaded your sister and walked up to the front door with you in tow, you still being slightly disoriented walked slightly slower.
Opening the front door, you were welcomed by the wonderful smell of cookies and the lovely quiet of your brothers friends not being around, but there was a sound. A soft chatting, then a obnoxious giggle you knew to be your mother's, then the deep chuckle that you knew to be your instructors. Billy.
Panic suddenly blossomed in your chest, you probably looked like crap. Your hair and teeth un-brushed, bruises covering the back on your neck and crook of your elbow, eyes sunken in from the lack of good rest.
Sneaking quietly past the kitchen where you family and Billy has gathered around a tray of cookies, your first foot hit the stairs and you thought you'd made it, but a loud creak caught your mother's attention as she leaned out of the kitchen and called your name.
Sighing heavily, you turned around your hospital slippers sliding on the hard, cold wood. "Yeah mom?" You asked holding the flowers and stuffed animal close to you.
"What do you think you're doing?" She asked quietly walking over to you, the commotion had caught Billy's attention and he stared at you and your mom.
"Going to my room?" She rolled her eyes and grabbing your wrist pulling you into the kitchen and right in front of Billy, "Uh hi." You said shyly giving him a little wave.
He returned the wave with a small smirk, looking at his gift which was currently clutched in your hands, "(Y/n), why don't you invite Billy to stay for dinner." You mother spoke up fixing her hair slightly and puffing her chest off more.
Rolling your eyes you sat the vase on the counter and sat on a barstool, picking a cookie up and taking a small bite of it, "Why don't you mom? You basically already did."
She scoffed and your dad scolded you before he turned on his heels to chase after your sister, "Fine. Billy, stay for dinner?" You sighed tiredly, just wanting today to be over.
His smirk turned wicked as he stared at your mom hungrily, "Ya know, I think I will..."
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sirensandcondolences · 9 months
this happened to me once maybe twice even
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maybe-your-left · 4 years
Cowboy Blues: No...Clydes Not Here
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TW/CW: NSFW, Face riding, Daddy Kink (Clyde is our Big Daddy and I love it), General Smut
Cracking your knuckles was always a morning ritual for you. The steady pops proved that you had indeed slept good and the tension from the night before melted with each crack. Yawning and stretching your arms you rolled to your left, free to stretch your back and reach over to the bedside table. The clock read 9:30 AM. Scanning your room you noticed something missing… not sure what but something felt off. 
Scooting out of bed you looked around to see if anything jogged your memory. What had happened last night? You went to Duck Tape, got too drunk, Clyde took you home and… oh. Oh. Deeply inhaling your mind replayed the evening you shared with Clyde. His soft lips engraving themselves on your own, the swapping of moans and groans, the inappropriate dry humping. All of it felt like a dream. Walking into your bathroom you stopped short and saw the pink headband. The one you used on Clyde, next to the face brush, all placed in the wrong containers. Something must’ve happened, but the question now is, where is Clyde? 
Quickly running a brush through your hair and teeth, applying some lotion to your arms and legs you bolted out to the living room. Attempting to compose yourself, as casually as possible you stepped into your kitchen. Nothing. No sign of Clyde. Moving into the living room there was again no hint of life. Did he really just leave you? Alone in bed after the moments you shared? You thought he would at least be honest enough to tell you last night was a mistake, not just bolt out the front door. You didn’t even sleep together, well you did sleep together, but not sleep together. 
You turned back into your kitchen, ready to make yourself a cup of coffee when the front door swung open.  
In walked Clyde, a drink carrier in one hand and a box of pastries in a bag slung on his forearm. 
“Oh, shit” he quickly rushed into the kitchen, “I didn’ think y’d wake up so soon…” Setting the items on the island he walked over to you and planted a kiss on your forehead. “M’ sorry sunshine, did’ mean ta scare y’.” He turned around and began opening the bag, setting out 8 beautifully made goodies. Placing each one on a napkin before turning to you with a small smile. “An I got coffee too, didn’ know how t’ use whatever that is” motioning towards your Keurig on the countertop. 
Grabbing the coffee you took a seat at the counter. “Thank you, Clyde, I’ll have to show you how to work it next time.” A low chuckle came through his chest as he seated himself across from you and began eating a danish. 
Breakfast together played out like a ballet that the two of you had been doing for years. Silent and attentive to one another, only commuting through nods and hand gestures. Small smiles were offered as thanks to one another when handing napkins or a spare pastry. The dance you shared lasted for a few more minutes until you began to sit up. 
“Thank you again, for this and last night” 
“S’ no problem darlin’, had ta be sure y’ got home safe.” 
You weren’t sure if you wanted to bring up the moment the two of you shared last night. A small part of you wished that he would be the one to talk first but a large part knew that it was probably a mistake. Clyde cleared his throat pulling you from your thoughts. 
“Bout last night…” he raised his eyes to meet yours, “M sorry if I overstepped yer boundaries.” 
“What do you mean Clyde?” 
He coughed before he could respond. “Wasn’ right fer me t’ *cough* y’ know” his face was getting all flustered as he tried to apologize. He looked so cute while trying to summon up the courage he clearly had last night when he was getting handsy with you. 
“When we made out like school children?” you giggled, “I’m pretty sure I was the one who started that, you don’t have to apologize. I knew what I wanted and that hasn’t changed.” His eyes blew wide. 
“Y’ mean y’d want t’ do it again?” 
Leaning in so that your lips brushed his ear, “That and more.” Turning around you swayed into the bedroom, hoping to catch his eyes on your amply curved ass. The pajama shorts you wore left little to the imagination, and dear god in heaven did you want Clyde to come rip them off. Footsteps followed you to the bedroom, halting when you turned around and saw him staring down at you. His normally honey brown eyes were blown black from lust. His breaths were ragged and his hand twitched by his side. 
“I better get undressed for my shower…” you smirked and began to strip so slowly. You knew what you were doing to him, crossing your arms to pull your tank top off your head. Exposing your bare back to him while hiding your supple tits to the room. Dipping your thumbs to the waistband of your shorts you bent over and pulled them agonizingly slow to the floor. Clyde cleared his throat behind you. Shyly covering your tits with one hand and your pussy with another you glanced over your shoulder. 
“Oh, you’re still here?” 
Before you could take another breath he was on you. His lips crashed to yours and pulled all the air from your lungs. Your hands immediately grasped to his wide shoulders and you pressed yourself to his clothed chest. His tongue was inside your mouth once again, angrily wrestling yours. His pent up sexual frustrations were coming apart at the seams as his hand reached around and gripped your ass. Even his metal hand was wrapped around your waist, the cold causing your nipples to stand erect. 
Pulling away from the kiss you started unbuttoning his shirt while his lips traveled down your neck. You were so excited for his touch you were practically vibrating. Once his shirt was loose Clyde threw it off him and pulled off the undershirt. Getting down on your knees you scrambled to unbuckle his belt before his hand stopped you. 
“Why don’t y’ go lay on the bed sunshine, show Daddy what he’s gon’ taste” 
The nickname sent a shiver down your spine. Fuck, this seemly southern gentlemen was being filthy and you loved it. “Yes, Daddy.” 
You displayed yourself on the mattress, making sure to spread your legs just enough so he could glimpse your wet lips. He quickly pulled off his boots and jeans, pulling his boxers down and allowing his cock to spring to life. Big. He was big. Your eyes must’ve almost popped out of your head at the sight of him because he started chuckling. 
“Y’okay there?” 
Words had already left you, all you could think about was his massive cock. How good it would feel to stretch you, cum in you, claim you. It was huge even in his hands, veined and thick. Almost like it wasn’t even real. He dropped down to his knees in front of you and pulled your hips to the edge. 
“Y’ look so delicious,” he took a deep inhale in front of your folds, “So wet fer yer Daddy.” 
His tongue flattened along your slit. Licking from your entrance to your clit in one taste. His eyes shut as he moaned in appreciation. 
“Do I taste good Daddy?” 
He shoved his face back into your slit, licking and sucking on the outer lips before laying wet kisses to your entrance. Moaning in response to your question, he brought his fingers up to your slit. Tracing over and over with his fingertips while he lapped at your clit. You were desperate for release, to cum. You reached down and grasped at his hair to try and shove his face into your dripping core. 
Clyde pulled back and sat up on his heels. Wiping his chin with the back of his hand. Whining and desperate for friction again you started rubbing your clit as fast as you could. Snatching your hand away he rose up onto his feet. “Now hol’ on there, that’s my job, climb up and ride yer Daddies face.” Scrambling up and leaving room for him to lay down you quickly straddled his face and rub your hands on his bare torso. 
He wasted no time diving into your folds. Covering every inch of you with wet kisses. His tongue trailing up and down before darting in and out of your entrance. You moaned and started trying to grind your face on him. His left arm shot out in response and shoved your back down to be flush with his torso. Letting yourself be manhandled you looked forward and were met with his huge cock. Leaking precum from his slit, his balls tensed up against him, you just couldn’t wait to taste him. 
Wrapping your lips around his head and holding his shaft with both hands you moaned at the heat he brought. Circling your tongue on the head and leaning back and spitting all over the length Clyde moaned against your pussy. His right hand had snaked its way to your hole, teasing with his middle finger. Right as you wrapped your lips around him again he shoved the length into you. You felt your eyes roll back into your head as you hummed around him, trying to rock your hips back into his hand. Both of you sucking on each other, exploring the tastes and pressures you both liked. The room sounded like a porno was being filmed. 
Clyde kept a steady rhythm with his hand while he kept his tongue tracing your clit. Spelling the alphabet over and over, testing out little nibbles to get your to moan against him. You were making a huge mess on your side. Slobbering all up and down his cock, your hands moving slowly up and down where you couldn’t bring your lips. One hand dropped down and gripped his balls, earning a loud moan from Clyde. 
“Right there sunshine don’ y’ stop.” 
Pulling your lips off him and taking gulps of air you responded, “I won’t Daddy, don’t worry”. 
Pulling him back into your mouth you heard a noise. A weird noise, very high pitched. You tried to ignore it, rolling his balls with your fingers and opening up your throat as much as you could it happened again. Sitting up once again you kept a lazy stroke on him while you listened, Clyde had halted his attack on your clit to listen in too. Looking over at your bedside table you saw your phone, buzzing over and over again. 
“Do y’ need t’ get that?” he smirked. 
You tried to roll off him but he had your lower half pinned, wiping one of your hands off on the sheets you grabbed the phone. 
Mellie. Clydes sister. 
The sister to the brother who had his face buried in your cunt. 
That one. 
Waiting until the buzz stopped you moved back into position while Clyde hummed when your hands grabbed him again. His finger begins to pump into you a little faster, his tongue back to lapping at the juices flowing out of you. Then it happened again. 
Your fucking phone rang again. 
“Oh my fucking god, seriously?” you whined and positioned yourself in a cobra-esc yoga pose on top of Clyde and ripped the phone toward you. “You better be quiet,” you warned Clyde who hadn’t stopped licking at you. 
“Hey girl, what’s-” 
“Where are you?” Mellie blurted out.
“What are you talking-”
“You had an appointment this morning at 9:30, we made it last night! I was gonna highlight your hair.” 
The color drained from your face. You suddenly remembered your conversation with Mellie, about how you wanted a more sunkissed look to accompany the summer season down in West Virginia. She had been so excited to show you the salon and maybe get breakfast before, and instead, you got too drunk and were currently riding her brother’s face and hand. 
“Well, you’re 20 minutes late, where are ya?” 
Your mouth was dry. You left like you were going to cry. You had just met here and you really liked her, thought she would be a good friend to have and you completely forgot about her. Clyde's tongue brought you back to reality. 
“What?” you glared behind you, not that you could see Clyde and tried to pull away from him. “I’m at home, I’m sorry, the morning just got away-” you yelped into the phone. Clyde had started to pump you again, but with two fingers. He really was trying to make you cum on his face while you were on the phone! 
“Are you alright? Sounds like you hurt yourself,” Mellies’s voice was laced with concern. 
“Mmhm, yup I’m fine,” you said through clenched teeth. Clyde was attacking your clit with his tongue, licking and sucking at it like his life depended on it while his hand squelched out your juices. “Well have ya seen my brother this morning?” 
“What? Why would I,” you suppress a moan “Why would I see Clyde?” 
“He had a haircut before you this morning and I didn’t reach his home phone or his cell so I was just askin’...” Mellie had trailed off while she spoke. She was genuinely concerned for him, little did she know he was being a piece of shit and bringing you to the cusp of ecstasy instead of seeing his sweet sister. 
“Do you know where he is?” 
You coughed to cover a moan, “No...Clydes not here.” Hearing his name he stopped playing with your clit and growled as his head hit the mattress. It seemed like he remembered his appointment too. 
“Look, Mellie, I’ll be there in 10 minutes okay? Then we can have a girls day.” You offered to her, hoping she could hear your smile through the phone. Giggling as she spoke back, “Okay I’m holding you to it.” 
“Okay sweet-” She cut you off again. 
“Oh an (Y/N), make sure to tell Clyde to drop you off at your car before you head over.” 
And then she hung up. 
“Son of a bitch.” 
TAGLIST: @finn-ray-nal-beads​ @morby​ @kirah36​ @clumsycopy​
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PARIS 2017 [September 28th, 1:00PM]
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Chapter 1 | 2 | 3 T/W: cursing, slight smut  Words: 5993
You’d had a light breakfast—the usual Venti-sized coffee you had before your shows, despite Seoyeon’s strong refusal of calling it a meal, nevertheless ‘breakfast’—and it was after arriving at the hall that the hell had started. There were four hours left before the show would begin, which meant three hours until the press and media arrived, two hours until rehearsal and one hour until you had to personally check the entire arena to mentally complete the checklist as you did before every show. Seoyeon always rolled her eyes and judged your crazy perfectionistic tendencies but that day, for the first time, she was worried with you.
Because your outfit hadn’t arrived yet.
“Where is it?” You asked, manicured fingers pressing down on the bridge of your nose as you forced yourself to take deep breaths while speaking to your receptionist back at the store. “Yoojin. I sent it in just to alter the hem of it, it literally takes five minutes. I don’t understand why it has been delayed for nine hours now when it should have reached here last night.”
“Ma’am,” Yoojin’s voice was high-pitched and squeaky and you usually would lower your tone upon hearing your employees panic at your scolding but you couldn’t help it at that moment since you were panicking too. “I swear to you, I literally saw it leave the store with Daniel, he should be there by now.”
“What the hell took so long is my question, Yoojin,” you responded, eyes glancing at Seoyeon who was immediately calling Daniel as she overheard the name. “Wasn’t Junghee done with the alteration? Or did she slack off and do it just now?”
“Ma’am, I’m not sure why Ms. Park took so long with it, she—”
“Connect me to Junghee. Now.”
Yoojin took in a shaky breath, simultaneously making you realise that Junghee was Yoojin’s direct supervisor as she mumbled, “Yes, ma’am, I will—”
“I’M HERE, I’M HERE, IT’S HERE!” Everyone in the room turned to the closed door which burst open, the muffled yelling growing clearer as Daniel hurried inside, a familiar-looking package draped over his arms and your brand logo immediately calming your anxious heart as you breathed a sigh of relief in unison with Seoyeon and Yoojin over the call.
Seoyeon immediately strode forward and grabbed the bag, unzipping it and checking the hem of the dress before nodding at you.
“Tell Junghee that she better have a fantastic explanation for me when I call her tonight,” you say, hanging up as Seoyeon quickly drives everyone out of the room with an exclusive glare directed towards Daniel.
“All right, let’s hurry,” Seoyeon says, glancing at her watch as she keeps her phone aside and removes the dress carefully from the hanger.
“How many minutes behind?” You demand, already undressing as you throw your sweater aside and pull your jeans off.
“Calm down,” Seoyeon rolls her eyes and your gaze shifts to behind her as the door slowly opens. “You’re only late by ten minutes, you just need to run faster and—”
“Oh my god!” You screech as you see Baekhyun appear at the door, his eyes immediately dropping lower as Seoyeon steps away from you to turn around at your expression, putting you in his direct view and it’s only when his eyes widen that you realise you had just flung your bra aside.
“WHAT THE FUCK IS HE DOING HERE?” You don’t realise you’re yelling until both of them visibly flinch, his eyes quickly shifting up to meet yours, ears flushing red as he stutters incoherently.
Seoyeon is as flustered as she replies, “EXO’s Baek—”
“I don’t give a shit! Close the fucking door, why is he just barging into places, is he god, no, he isn’t—this is my show and I’m god, get him the fuck out of here, Seoyeon, I swear—” you’re tripping over your own words in a frenzy as you grab the sweater from the floor and hold it against your front.
“Did she just say she’s god?” You hear Baekhyun ask in a daze right as Seoyeon slams the door in his face and locks it properly this time, turning to you with an apology ready and her hands raised to calm you down but you’re already spitting curses, your face burning as red as the dress she holds in her hands.
It’s only about three and a half hours later as you stand backstage that you see him again. Your hair is set, makeup in place and except for a few small beads of sweat on your forehead from speed-walking around as you checked up on all the models, you were ready for your show.
Baekhyun sat right at the front aisle and the curtain is slightly open at the side, enough for him to be right in view. He’s glancing around the hall, blinking slightly as the cameras keep flashing and his eyes suddenly fall on you behind the slit of the curtain, making your eyes widen as you realise he’s noticed you.
He’s worn dark grey lenses for the occasion and the intensity of his stare unnerves you for a moment—until you understand what exactly he’s picturing from the look in his eyes, especially as they drop lower unabashedly.
Your outfit for today was one of the more daring ones that you’d designed for tonight—a crimson dress that flared slightly at your thighs, it stopped right at the knees such that it appeared as a high-low. Your favourite part—and apparently, so was Baekhyun’s—was the way it fit snugly around your chest with a corset-like knot that cinched right underneath your breasts, accentuating the curves and pronouncing your body-line more. The neckline was plunged in a way that the material caused your cleavage to be in impressive display. The sleeves were lace, falling from your shoulders and as you crossed your arms around your middle in a defensive attempt to glare at him, it only makes him raise an eyebrow and you realise that your gesture has only brought more attention to your chest.
You narrow your eyes at Baekhyun in disbelief, expecting him to look away in embarrassment but he just leans back in his seat, shrugging as if to say ‘I can’t help it’, his suggestive glance telling you that he was definitely reminiscing what he’d seen earlier.
God, if he didn’t look the way he did, you’d have personally hired people to kill him by now.
You’re contemplating whether it’s too risky to flip him off from where you are standing or whether the cameras would pick up on it when your worst nightmare suddenly manifests.
The lights go out.
The last camera flashes in the distance, the bright white allowing Baekhyun and your wide-eyed glances to catch each other’s right as it happens.
“Oh God,” you breathe, turning around and running as chaos promptly ensues, incoherent shouting and distant screams filling the darkness.
Seoyeon is immediately grabbing your hand after you yell her name twice, assuring you quickly that she’s right there.
“Jun Ki,” you mumble and she’s already yelling his name. “Where. The fuck. Is Jun Ki?”
“Ma’am,” You hear a familiar voice that you immediately associate with someone from the camera crew. “We don’t know where he is, we’re looking everywhere.”
“What do you mean you don’t know, he’s the goddamn producer,” you snap, your fingers tightening around Seoyeon’s wrist as your patience runs thin. “Lighting crew. Where’s my lighting crew, SooBin?”
Silence meets your question, except for muffled sobs that you recognise are from the models.
You roll your eyes as you let go of Seoyeon’s wrist and turn in what you assume to be her direction.
“Go take care of the models and use the phone’s flashlight or something to fix their makeup. Make sure no one trips overs any wires or anything and ruins the outfits. Stay here in case SooBin or Jun Ki come back.”
“Wait, what, where are you going?” She tries to grab your arm but you hold her hand and answer firmly, “I’ll go to the power unit and check what happened since I have to do everything myself around here.”
“What, Y/N, don’t be ridiculous! Maybe SooBin is already down there.”
“Seoyeon,” you grit out, not having to even confirm with your watch since the clock in your head is already ticking. “I can’t risk waiting around to find out if he is or isn’t. We’re ten minutes away from starting and the press and media are already here.”
She’s silent and you know she’s raging with silent frustration because she knows you’re right before quickly muttering, “Fine, fine, I’ll take care of it here. Please be careful and hurry, Y/N.”
You turn and quickly flash the torch from your phone onto the floor, hurrying to the power room that you’d seen at the back of the hallway after all the dressing rooms and passed by countless times today during your multiple rounds.
Reaching the power room, you head inside with your eyes focused on the floor as you step carefully over various cables and wires while heading to the back where you knew the power outlets were. You switch off the flashlight and place your phone atop a small box to the side since you knew you would probably need both hands to work this and there was streetlight filtering in through the single window. It wasn’t too bright but enough to let you see the various plugs and switches.
You run your fingers lightly over the small taped words at the bottom of the switches, careful to not apply any pressure as you tried to read the words. Your eyebrows are furrowed in concentration as you start mouthing the word when you hear it:
“Need some help there, god?”
You jump, eyes widening in shock as you spin around and see the oh-so familiar silhouette of Baekhyun as he makes his way over to you.
“Can you stop doing that?” You hiss, trying to calm your racing heart. “Why do you keep showing up at places you’re not supposed to be? Just go back and sit with the audience.”
“Well, that’s a bit unfair,” he says, carefully stepping over the wires to stand beside you. “I don’t think the designer of her own show should be at the power room, trying to fix the lights.”
You snort. “You forgot to add ‘tasteless’ to the designer.”
You hear Baekhyun sigh softly and you think he’s going to start defending himself or say something about you holding grudges again when you suddenly feel his hand on yours. Your breath stops in your chest as you realise he’s walked around to your right side now and you’re about to start protesting when he guides your hand to a box-like thing with circular indents inside.
“Try this,” he suggests and you feel with your other hand around the box. Feeling a rectangular plug hanging loose, you lift it and push it into the wall, fitting it completely into the indents. A buzzing sound starts and you simultaneously hear a chorus of muffled cheers and hoots from a distance. You glance to your left and sigh in relief when you see light spilling from the hallway that you’d just run through.
You turn to face Baekhyun and still, breath catching in your throat as you suddenly notice how close he is to you. The light creeping into the room from behind you was slightly illuminating him with how much ever it could reach despite your figure blocking the way. It allows you to see him clearer, to see the way his eyes were trained on your face with an intensity that had your entire body flushing.
Was he staring at me like that in the dark this whole time?
You look away and swallow, raising your head to the switchboard again. Your eyes skim over the multiple switches next to the large rectangular plug and you frown as you notice they’re all turned upwards except the farthest one on the right. You flick it up and immediately flinch as a bright overhead light shines down on the small space in the power room, harsh white entering your eyes.
Baekhyun’s hand quickly comes down on your own hand again, flicking it back down in seconds and you feel your entire body tense as you wait for him to take his hand off while the room plunges back into semi-darkness.
He doesn’t.
You turn to face him and again, he’s looking at you with that same gaze that has your knees feeling weak and your breaths shortening. It makes you feel glad that he’s the one in the way of the light and that the shadows are protecting you because whatever expression you had on your face right now—regardless of the fact that you didn’t know how you were looking at him—you knew you did not want him to see it.
“I have a show,” you mumbled, your voice hoarse. “I need to go.”
“I have been trying to apologise,” he replies, his own voice soft as if to not disturb the terse silence that surrounds the two of you. “I need you to listen.”
“There’s nothing you can say that I haven't already heard,” you say exasperatedly, eyes narrowing at him in frustration—you weren’t sure if it was because of his words or the close proximity. Maybe both. “Just go forth with your own thing, Baekhyun. I'm sure it won't be tasteless anyway.”
His fingers tighten over yours, making you realise that his hand was still over yours. You were starting to worry now because his grip had your hand sweating—your hand that was on top of a switch.
“Can you let that go?” Baekhyun demands with equal frustration. “I was being an idiot.”
“Why is that in past tense? You still are,” you grumble.
At his glare, you snap, “What? Do your fans know that you’re an idiot?”  
“They do, actually,” he says wryly. “Do yours know you’re a stubborn headass?”
“Shut up,” you finally spit, your chest feeling like it was going to explode from the way your heart was racing with a million different emotions. “I don't have time for this.”
You snatch your hand away from underneath his.
“I misjudged you,” Baekhyun stated firmly, making you stop and look at him. When he notices you’re finally not trying to get away, he continues, “Or rather, I judged you too quickly. After I went through almost every page on your website, I spoke to Hyungnim. I explained everything that happened and he told me that the reason they personally scouted you to help guide me was because of your expertise knowledge with colours and textures. You’re young and unafraid to experiment, you take risks and pull them off in a way that not many can. There is sophistication and grace to your designs but in ways that are both subtle and bold. You don’t shy away from any style nor do you stick to any particular one. You’re reckless as hell, Y/N, and that normally wouldn’t work as naturally and smoothly as it does for you but somehow it does. Your designs work and you… work. You’re brilliant and I would be honoured to have you guiding me into this competitive field in which I have no prior experience. I understood that you’ll be able to capture the exact element that I’m seeking in my fashion line, Y/N and I know that now. I underestimated you and for that, I’m sincerely sorry.”
You blink at him, feeling absolutely speechless at his unexpected heartfelt words. You feel cold and warm at the same time and there’s a fluttery feeling in your stomach that you don’t trust.
One that was a signal that you needed to leave. Now.
“I need to go,” you mutter softly. You start to step back and your heel suddenly catches on a thin wire.
It all happens very quickly from there—you feel yourself lose balance as you start to fall and a short yelp escapes your lips. Baekhyun quickly raises his arms to wrap around you to help but you panic and try to push him by his chest, the sudden strong force with which you shoved him taking both of you by surprise as he loses his grip too and the next thing you know, you’re falling to the floor and Baekhyun is crashing on top of you.
His hands are quick to slam down on the floor, each hand on the side of your head to stop himself from crushing you but your hands had reflexively gripped the fabric at his hips to reach out and stop your fall, pulling his lower half flush against you. Your breaths are heavy as they intermingle and you blink hazily to bring them back to focus. When you finally come to, you wish you hadn’t because his eyes are wider than you’d ever seen them as they look at your flushed face that was a hair’s breadth away from his. Your breath stops audibly in your throat as your body almost tingles, each sensation and nerve end feeling heightened and you’re suddenly painfully aware of his body against yours, od how small you felt underneath him.
How small and how... extremely submissive.
Baekhyun’s hair is falling on his forehead and his breath tickles your face, his mildly-scented perfume that smelled like fresh meadows intoxicating you as you felt dizzy again—not from the fall but from him.
The voice of reason in your head was barely audible as you laid underneath him, eyes locked with his in that same intense gaze that made it unable to pull away, putting you under his spell and you attempt to take a short breath to clear your brain that seemed to have stopped functioning.
An act that you quickly realise was a mistake because it caused your chest to heave with its deep breath, Baekhyun’s eyes following the movement and you feel a twitch right against your centre.
Oh my god.
His eyes are as wide as yours as they flit back to your face and your body involuntarily shifts to escape him but it worsens the situation—you feel him right up against your core now and the feeling has a small moan involuntarily sounding at the back of your throat, one that would have gone unheard if he couldn’t have felt it reverberate from your chest to his, a defeated groan escaping his own lips as he finally gives in and lowers his head to yours.
Your head presses against the cold tile under it, back digging into the wire that got you into this sinful position in the first place as Baekhyun all but presses you against the floor. His lips are soft and delicate as they kiss you like you were glass, afraid that you’d break while his hands find their way to your hips. You feel his entire weight on you then and you can’t restrain yourself anymore—your fingers are still gripping his jacket at his hips, tight enough to rip the seams and you almost feel lightheaded from the way he feels against you. His lips are like plush satin and you’re already addicted, you can’t pull away even if you tried—you’ve never tasted a kiss this heavenly.
You kiss him back heatedly, greed and lust overtaking your sense of reasoning and restraint as you feel the last of your control slip away. His lips are soft, his face is soft and you want to feel all of it, your hands desperate to mark every inch, feel all of its softness in their entirety without the barrier of clothes and you shift underneath him again to pull him more into you—although you’re not sure if it’s physically possible anymore. You part your legs, raising your knees so that he’s nestled in between your thighs and he wastes no time in immediately moving those dancer hips against you.  
You feel his hardness then, all thoughts of his soft-self escaping your head as you moan delightedly, your legs wrapping around his waist to pull him further into you. You mentally thank Seoyeon for choosing the high-slit dress that you were wearing, the material smoothly slipping off your thighs onto the floor and allowing you to wrap your bare thighs around him, feeling the roughness of his pants against your skin. You roll your hips underneath his, feeling your clothed folds mould over his clothed erection and the sensation that sparks over your body is almost enough to get both of you off instantly—the clothes and the position pressing against your clit just right and wrapping around him just right. His long fingers are then brushing against your clothed breast, slipping inside the wide plunge neckline and your nipple immediately hardens underneath his touch and you’re ready to push him off of you and rip off both your clothes because you can’t wait anymore.
And that’s when you hear your name.
“She didn’t tell you where she was going?” You hear a distant voice, male and familiar.
“She was searching for you, Jun Ki! Because you slacked off, she had to go do what you were supposed to be doing so I think it was the power room.”
Your body doesn’t freeze this time and instead reacts immediately, hands suddenly gripping Baekhyun’s arms in a panicked frenzy and shoving him off of you. The unexpected move and strength causes him to fall back against a box and you hear a loud yelp followed by a hissed curse.
Oh my god, what the fuck was I doing?
You stare at him in shock and see his eyes close as Baekhyun rubs the back of his head where he’d hit it and you don’t wait as you quickly scramble up, looking almost cartoonish in your hurry as you try not to trip over any more wires. You grab your phone and make it out of the room, the light momentarily blinding you as you run down the hallway, noticing Jun Ki and Seoyeon at the end who stop as soon as they see you materialise as if out of thin air.
Seoyeon’s eyes widen as they rake you from head-to-toe and her mouth drops open as she starts, “Y/N, your makeup and hair, oh my g—”
“I fell down in the power room and a box fell on me,” you quickly say in explanation, grabbing her hand and turning her around, away from the direction of the power room. “We don’t have time, how long till I have to be on stage?”
She gives you a look of disbelief and you shake your head at her in a silent gesture to explain later as Jun Ki adjusts his earpiece and answers, “They’re wrapping it up, designer on stage in five minutes.”
Cursing loudly, the three of you take off down the hall to backstage where your team would have to work miracles and get you fixed and ready for your stage in less than three minutes.
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Your eyes catch Baekhyun’s when you’re making your speech as he walks through the aisles back to his seat. You don’t look at him for too long but you can sense his unwavering gaze on you from your peripheral the entire time. Not daring to lock eyes with him again, you don’t stick around for too long on the stage once you hear the applause and start to head back.
You walk to your separate room where Seoyeon is waiting for you already. A few members of the crew are with her and once they see you and realise that the show is over, they quickly head out to the models’ dressing room to help.
Seoyeon waits until everyone is out of the room to speak. She watches silently as you sit down on the plush seat in front of the dressing table before finally asking, “So what’s going on?”
You blink at her in the mirror. “What?”
She shoots you a look that says ‘don’t-play-dumb-with-me’ as she clarifies, “You and Baekhyun. What’s happening?”
“Seoyeon, what—?”
“I’d appreciate it if you didn’t lie to me, Y/N.” She cut you off with a look and you stopped, giving her reflection a sheepish glance.
“I saw the way he looked at you when he walked back to the show,” she continued. “He was there with you, wasn’t he? What happened at the power room?”
You stay silent—not because you don’t wish to answer but because you don’t know what to say. She senses this as she guesses hesitantly, “Did you two…?”
“No, no, nothing at all!” You quickly reply, eyes widening at the mirror.
“But your makeup was—”
“Okay, we kind of made out? But it was nothing, I swear.”
“Y/N,” she closed her eyes in frustration before snapping them open to glare at you. “What? You made out? That’s nothing?”
“Nothing happened, Seoyeonie,” you insist, removing the clips from your hair. “We just got caught in the heat of the moment and it just… happened. Don’t worry about it.”
She stays quiet, watching you unfurl your hair from the gold flower brooch before asking, “Why are you hiding then?”
You pause, your eyes meeting hers in the mirror and she continues, “If it was nothing and you were just fooling around, why’d you run after the show and hide out here? You know he’s searching for you and was trying to get your attention during the stage. Why are you avoiding him?”
You’re silent, thoughts blanking as you try to find an excuse but she’s already beating you to it, her tone accusatory as she says, “You like him. If you were just fooling around, you’d have been done with it by now and gotten it out of your system. But you’re hiding instead because you like him and you have feelings.”
“That’s ridiculous!” You sputtered. “You’re being delusional. I’m hiding because I’m embarrassed, his manager literally handed him over to me by asking me to guide him. I don’t think this is the guiding he meant so excuse me for hiding from him.”
Seoyeon stares at you in the mirror, her expression clear that she didn’t believe a word you were saying. You’re about to start defending yourself again when she says, “Don’t do it.”
You blink. “What?”
“Don’t fall for him. He's an idol. It’ll be complicated, messy, you’ll probably have more of a relationship with his answering machine than him. You’ll get hurt, Y/N.”
You’re quiet, your hand repeatedly rubbing over your left eye even though the makeup was completely gone and you were almost seeing stars now as you stop and mutter, “No one is falling for anyone.” You pause before saying, “Also if that was about him travelling, it’s the same vice-versa. When have I ever been in the same place for too long?”
“That’s not the point. It’s not the same. The point is that he’s an idol. If the media or public knows, the amount of hate you’ll get is unfathomable.”
“Isn’t that the point of a secret relationship then?” You question. “It’s not like idols don’t date at all.”
“Idols date. This is EXO, though. That's not just a mere idol.”
“You're overreacting, Seoyeonie. Its—”
“You’re not the only one who could get hurt,” Seoyeon snapped, taking you aback with her sudden sharpness. At your expression, she lowers her tone as she says, “You have any idea how fragile these idols' reputations are, Y/N? One scandal and he could be destroyed. Fans can either make or break him, they literally think that they own him.”
You stare at her with wide eyes, taken aback by her outburst as you feel your heart race in your chest. You think back frantically whether anyone was near that power room – anyone besides Seoyeon and Jun Ki, anyone who could have caught you.  
Seoyeon watches your face before snorting as she stands up, turning around. “No one's falling, my ass.” She reaches the door and stops before glancing at you, her expression softening as she sees your face. “I don't want you to get hurt, Y/N. I'm saying it as your friend.”
You nod, your voice small as you say, “Yeah, I know. Thanks.”
“I'll see you tomorrow.”
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Time seemed to move at a snail’s pace that night as you waited for the arena to clear out. Seoyeon knew what you were doing even without waiting around with you as you hid out in your dressing room. She left shortly after the models did and only pressed her lips together when you told her to text you if he was still waiting at the arena.
He was. Seoyeon texted the confirmation followed seconds later by, ‘I’m telling him that you left so he will go home,’ before you could even respond.
You headed out hours later and by the time you reached back at your hotel, it was close to midnight. You stepped out of the shower and stood in front of the mirror, drying your hair when you heard the bell ring.
You paused, wondering about the time. You were sure it was too late into the night (or too early into the morning) for housekeeping and you glanced at your phone to check if Seoyeon sent you any messages about coming over.
Confused, you headed to the door and opened it just enough to peek outside, eyes widening when you saw Baekhyun standing there, shifting his weight from one foot to the other.
“Baekhyun,” you said his name in surprise instead of a greeting, opening the door wider and lowering your other hand from the towel on your head. “What are you doing here?”
His eyes quickly flitted across your bathrobe and wet hair, looking slightly nervous. “Hey. You didn’t sleep yet?”
You shoot him a strange look. “No, I just… finished showering.”
He nods, glancing down the hallway as if it to check if anyone was around. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion, using this moment to quickly look him over as you realise he’d showered too—what little of his hair was peeking out of the bucket hat that he’d worn looked damp, his face mask was pulled low on his neck and he was wearing a plain white crew-neck sweater beneath a black leather jacket and dark navy jeans.
That’s when you notice it:
A small red scratch right below his right ear, insignificant enough to go unnoticed but pink enough to bring back the familiar clenching of your insides in the same way that they did in the power room.
Baekhyun turns to look at you again and you quickly shift your gaze back to his face, biting your lip and raising your eyebrows as if you hadn’t been staring at the mark you’d left on his skin.
He hesitates and you’re about to ask if there’s something he wants when he finally asks, “Do you want to grab some dinner?”
You blink, not having expected those words as you say the first thing that comes to your mind, “It’s one in the morning.”
“Breakfast, then,” he grins. When you still gape at him, he explains, “I heard one of the models say that she’s envious of the way you don’t eat anything during your shows and still manage to pull through an entire day with just a coffee. That’s not really healthy, you know.”
You nod slowly, momentarily confused and wishing he hadn’t heard it as you already get enough earfuls from Seoyeon for your eating habits.
“Um,” you pause as you try to justify it. “It’s just that I’d not eat anything and stay focused rather than eat and risk indigestion because of my nerves.”
Baekhyun looks confused at your words as he cocks his head at you, raising an eyebrow as he asks slowly, “But you’d risk chances of passing out during a show because of fatigue?”
You scowl at him. “Did Seoyeon pay you to buy me a meal or something?”
He rolls his eyes at that, his nervous demeanour momentarily forgotten as he huffs at your question. “I can afford to buy us both a meal, Y/N.” He pauses. “And I will. If you let me.”
You stare at him wordlessly, Seoyeon’s warnings ringing in your head like a siren. You shouldn’t. You know that. You know you shouldn’t.
You shouldn’t, you shouldn’t, you shouldn’t.
You bite your lower lip slightly, hesitating and you can see a flicker of worry in Baekhyun’s big doe-eyes. His face starts to fall, the hopeful look dissipating into nothing as if he can almost guess what you’re thinking—but you know that’s impossible, he had no idea about the doubts running rampant in your head right now. He was probably worried about you accepting his apology.
Baekhyun waits patiently for your answer, his fingers tightening around the stem of a bouquet that you didn’t realise he’d been holding until then, the flowers hidden behind his legs.
He grips the stem tightly and you can almost feel the grip in your chest, suffocating you as you think ‘Ishouldn’tIshouldn’tIshouldn’t’.
You look up and meet his eyes, the finality in your own causing his to widen as he anticipates your response and you take a breath before asking, “Would you like to come in? You can wait inside while I get dressed.”
Baekhyun blinks as if processing your words, and you can see the thousand thoughts flitting across his eyes as he replies, “No, I’ll wait out here, it’s okay.”
You open the door wider and shoot him a look, sighing dramatically as you say, “I’ve been holding the door open for a whole minute now, my arm is getting tired, the clock is ticking, restaurants are closing, your hair is greying—”
“Okay, okay, calm down,” he chuckles, making you grin at him which made him reciprocate as you step aside, your shoulders and chest suddenly feeling lighter as he walks in. You gingerly hold his sleeve, stopping him at your side and he glances down at you in surprise.
“Your hand,” you mumble, trying to look at the bouquet. “What is that?”
“What?” He looked confused before glancing down and exclaiming, “Oh, right! Here.” He hands you the bouquet hastily as if he hadn’t realised he’d been holding it until then, an arrangement of pale hydrangeas held together by a purple ribbon. Your eyes widen as you look at him in question and he explains, “Your last tweet was that you wished to hold some real hydrangeas after stitching fake ones on the model’s blouse so here. It’s an apology and for your successful show despite the… anyway, congratulations.”
You mumble thanks, unable to look him in the eye as you stare at the hydrangeas, feeling your heart warm slightly at the unexpected gesture as you wonder where he got fresh flowers so late in the night. You look up to ask him the same and the words stop on your tongue as you realise he’s leaning against the wall, looking down at you with a soft smile that made you forget what you were even going to ask in the first place.
“Why don’t you get dressed?” He teases, his eyes twinkling as he smiles cheerfully at you. “And I’ll show you where I got them from.”
A slow grin comes over your face and you bite your lip as he answered your unasked question, trying to suppress it the best you can as you nod silently and close the door behind you, turning to head to your bathroom and change.
Seoyeon’s words were still echoing in the back of your mind but you decided to ignore it for now.
For now, you just wanted to see where the night goes.
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kittypunkd · 1 year
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some art im really happy with
i kinda wanted to make a drawing about how i see the lyrics in the hol[ ]y tape so i came up with this. when i started drawing this i got frustrated by how weird it felt to draw the fox’s design from the side - however, by the end, i think i learned a bit more about how i’d like for its design to be interpreted and i’m really glad i kept trying and eventually finished this since i really like it, esp considering it’s also one of the first times i’ve drawn a real toothy smile that gives off the vibes that i wanted it to. it also just feels pretty cool to be able to draw things that can be left up to interpretation, even though i know pretty much what everything is supposed to mean. i don’t have too much confidence in my art still, but i can’t help but express how much excitement i feel when everything comes out pretty close to how i wanted it to. maybe i’m just getting better at tempering expectations
anyways, even though i did just pick part of a phrase from the song to caption this pic with on twitter n stuff, i generally think the whole song influenced this drawing a good bit
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iwillbeinmynest · 5 years
Hold On Loosely - Biker!Steve x Reader(f)    Chapter 14
Authors Notes:  If you’d like to be tagged please send me an ask. I keep better track of tags that way.
Word Count: 1.4k
Special Thanks: Here’s to @itsanerdlife for fueling my Biker obsession and being my Beta for this whole thing. To my girl over at @girl-next-door-writes who also beta’ed for me. And an extra shout out to @bettercallsabs for this beautiful graphic. She is amazing and y’all need to check her out!!
Notes/Warnings: (My notes and warnings are for the story as a whole. Some notes and Warnings will not apply to every chapter.) smoking (I do not support smoking. keep your lungs clean y’all.) drinking, (be of age, don’t be stupid) minor violence, backstabbing, attempted murder, anxiety, stress, mentions of death, car accident, trauma, …I think that’s it. let me know if I’ve missed something.
Master List
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 Twenty minutes went by and the quiet of her house had Y/N feeling confused. On the one hand, the quiet meant no one was around and she was safe, which helped her calm her nerves and steady herself. But on the other, every noise made her heart jump in fear that someone had arrived.
 Y/N's phone buzzed. 
 We're here. Nat sent.
 Y/N got up and unlocked her bedroom door. She carefully peeked through the blinds in the living room to see Nat at the door and Bucky, Sam, Clint and Luke in the driveway parking their bikes.
 She hurried to the door and let Nat in.
 Nat hugged her immediately. "Are you okay?"
 "I'm better, now that the panic has subsided. I can't believe I freaked out like that." Y/N hung her head, ashamed.
 Nat rubbed her back and reassured her. "You've been through a lot today. Now, tell me what happened."
 Nat made a pot of coffee while Y/N sat at the island and rested. 
 "I shouldn't have been outside, alone." Y/N shook her head.
 "But you were and there's no sense in worrying over the past. What happened next?"
 Y/N nodded. "I thought it was one of the prospects coming back but it wasn't. This guy," she paused. "He drove by real slow. He stared right at me but I couldn't see his face. But his tattoos, I don't know, i just had this... flash of a memory from the accident. He had a cassette tape tattoo and above that was a blue skull with a red mohawk. I didn't remember seeing that until I saw it tonight. I'm sorry."
 "Don't be sorry, sweetheart. You experienced a trauma and got a concussion. Sometimes you don't remember things right away." Nat handed her a cup and sat across from her. "Did you see his kutte?"
 Y/N shook her head. "I didn't think to look. I'm sorry."
 "Something you gotta learn around here. Don't apologize unless you messed up. If you're gonna be with a biker, you gotta toughen up and stand up for yourself. You do still want to be with him, right? All this hasn't scared you off, has it?"
 "What, no!" Y/N sat up straight. "Of course not! I love him, Nat."
 Natasha smiled. 
 More boots at the door and both girls looked over. Steve and Bucky came into the kitchen, both going to their perspective women.
 Steve took Y/N in a hug. "Sorry I bolted, babe." He only spoke loud enough for Y/N to hear him.
 "Don't be. I wanted you to get him." She admitted.
 Bucky chimed in. "How close did you get? Could you see his kutte?"
 Steve's jaw ticked. "No, he wasn't wearing one. I caught up to him as he was leaving the neighborhood and got pretty close but I lost him on the highway."
 "If he wasn't wearing a kutte, he might have been hired by someone outside of a club." Nat suggested.
 "Who would want to go after Y/N?" Bucky asked. "You got any enemies? Any unhappy clients?"
 "None that I'm aware of." Y/N answered.
 "Maybe it's about Steve." Bucky shook his head, trying to think of any scenario that made sense.
 "We can sit here guessing all night but it won't help. Nothing will till we get that guy. He's got the answers." Nat huffed.
 Bucky’s phone rang. "Yeah?...You did what?" Bucky stepped out the back door to finish his call.
 "Nat, can you give us a minute?" Steve asked her.
 "Of course." She grinned.
 Once Nat was out of earshot, Steve sighed. "I got so close, babe." He leaned over on the counter. "I almost had him."
 "It's okay. Thank you for trying."
 "I feel bad for leaving you like that."
 Y/N hugged one of the arms he braced himself with and leaned her head on his bicep. "I was fine. I called Nat as soon as you left."
 "You were panicking."
 "I'm a big girl, I took care of it." She smirked as she looked up at him.
 "And I'm so proud of you." He held the side of her face and kissed her head. "I need to get you a gun."
 Y/N chuckled. "I grabbed the biggest knife in the kitchen."
 "That's my girl." He grinned.
 Bucky came back inside, the phone still pressed to his ear. "We're coming to the club now. Meet us in church."
 Steve tensed. "Who was that?" 
 "Frank. He broke protocol but got… I don't know what he got yet but. he's on his way to the club and we are, too. Get your helmet. Let's go."
 All of them rode back to the clubhouse to find Frank rapping his fingers across the conference table. He jerked upright when Bucky strode into the room.
 "Pres, I'm sorry. I couldn't-"
  "Have you lost your mind?!" Bucky slapped the back of Frank's head so hard that Frank cursed as his head flew downward.
 "I said sorry!" Frank rubbed the back of his head.
 "What's going on?" Steve demanded. 
 "Start talkin'" Bucky crossed his arms and sat in his chair at the head of the table. Everyone else sat too.
 "I told you I didn't like the way Mandie was talking to you, Miss Y/N. I got a real uneasy feeling. So, I followed her home."
 "You what?" Nat raised her brows.
 Frank nodded and ran his hands over his face before he continued. "I know, I know. I didn't ask permission and I was just starting to feel bad about it when a bike pulled up to her house. Mandie came out side and screamed at this guy. I was too far away to hear but she slapped him and then he grabbed her throat and threw her back. He said something to her, looked like he was pissed too, then he rod off. I called you right then." Frank looked at Bucky.
  Steve slammed his hand on the table. "I knew something was off with her! Mandie. That two-faced-"
 "I don't understand." Y/N ran her fingers into her hair and stared at the table. "Why would she do this?"
 "So, we all agree Mandie hired someone to get rid of Y/N?" Nat asked the group.
 "I agree." Said Frank.
 "Yeah," Said Steve with balled fists. 
 "No," Bucky shook his head. "All we know is that Mandie got in a fight with a biker. We don't have proof she hired anyone to do anything and we don’t even know what biker she was fighting with."
 "Then how do we get proof?" Steve asked.
 "You." Y/N looked at him.
 "What?" He looked at her confused.
 "This really is about you." Y/N shook her head. "Mandie is such a-... She got so pissed when we said I love you. I mean, stupid pissed. She was mad at me the night you turned her down at the bar, too. I knew she was crazy but this, this is nuts."
 Steve leaned closer to her, "You really think she'd do all this, over me?"
 Y/N looked at him with an expression that said she was exhausted. "I've known Mandie for way too long. She absolutely would."
 The room quieted.
 Steve grumbled and stood up. "I need some air." 
 "You needed to sit down." Bucky said sternly. 
 Steve's jaw snapped shut. 
 "This is your girl she's after. You're gonna sit until we sort this." Bucky pointed a finger down on the table. 
 "I just need a second, Buck." Steve didn't look him in the eye and he had to speak through gritted teeth.
 Bucky stood up. "In this room, you call me Pres." The fact that Steve was avoiding eye contact was really making him angry. He slammed his hand on the table. "Look at me, punk!"
 Steve snapped his head up and glared at Bucky. 
 "Sit. Down." Bucky said again.
 "Yes, sir." He said sour and sat down. 
 Nat shook her head, annoyed with both Bucky and Steve. "Mandie is jealous. That kind of psycho jealous that makes people do crazy things. If she left you at the bar and hired someone to wreck your car, I bet she's crazy enough to try again."
 Frank nodded. 
 "We don't need her to try again." Bucky spoke to her in a much more respectful tone. "We just need proof."
 Nat looked from Y/N to Steve. "I think I have an idea."
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give-seconds · 4 years
Back to You
Summary: You and Mark are all each other have, he’s easily the most important person to you. But something happens and you both are slowly separated, so you work your hardest to be accepted into a college in Korea so you can find your way back to a home with him again.
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Here is part two! I hope you all enjoy! 
--Part 2
She leads the crowd across the street, answering a few questions from the kids at the front of the crowd.
“Your buddies will be inside,” She explains, stopping in front of the library and turning around to face the group. “They’ll be holding a sign with your name on it, have fun!”
She pulls the door open, motioning for the first people to walk in. Thanking her as you pass through the door, you scan the room. All the buddies are spaced out with one person per bookshelf aisle, each holding their own decorated sign.
As you walk down the main walkway, you glance at all the signs. You smile at a few of the cutely decorated ones, laughing quietly at one that looks like they spelled their buddy’s name wrong and just crossed out the wrong letter.
You see your buddy standing at the fifth asile, holding a sign with y/n in red letters and Qinn in beautiful black calligraphy letters. “Hi,” you greet once you’re standing in front of the boy “I’m y/n.”
Smiling, he holds out his hand “Hi, I’m Donghyuck.”
“That’s a really pretty sign Donghyuck,” you compliment, shaking his hand.
He chuckles, turning to grab a folder that was taped to the bookshelf behind him “Thanks, but I can’t take any of the credit. It was my friend RenJun’s design, I have zero artistic sense.”
“Oh,” you say, nodding your head “Well I guess tell him I said it was pretty.”
“Will do. And before we do anything else, here is your folder,” he says handing you the folder he pulled off the wall. “Shall we start the tour?”
“Oh, okay,” you agree, laughing at the fast-paced introduction.
“Sorry for ending this so quickly, I’m excited for the next part,” he explains as you two walk to the front doors.
You smile softly, “So is that why we’re the first ones leaving?”
He pulls the door open for you, shrugging “What can I say? I’m just ahead of everyone else.”
You laugh, stopping so he can show you where to go next “Fair enough, fair enough.”
“And there it is,” he turns to the left and points to a golf cart.
“This is what you were excited for?” you ask, stopping next to the passenger side.
He nods his head enthusiastically, pointing to your bag “May I?”
“Oh, sure.” you press in the handle of the suitcase so he can put it in the back.
You climb into the passenger seat, putting your backpack at your feet. He gets into the driver's seat, turning the keys that are already in the ignition.
“They let us use these for the first day of the buddy program, my friend told me about it when he was a buddy. It’s the reason I signed up in the first place,” he explains as he backs out of the ‘parking space’ and onto the main walkway.
“Well that’s definitely a good reason to sign up for something,” you comment, looking to your right as you drive down the path.
He hums in response “Now it’s time to get through the boring stuff, so forgive me.” he dramatically clears his throat “If you open your folder and find the campus map, we’re going to number 17. Which, as you can see, is international housing. We started at number 27, which I’m sure you noticed is a library.”
You slide the map out of the folder, finding each of the buildings he mentioned. The dorms are on the opposite side of the campus, so each building you passed he told you it’s use.
“We’re only going to pass some of the teaching halls on the way to the dorm, so I’ll take us there to drop off your bag and then take you to see the rest of the halls, okay?”
“So, what brings you to Korea?”
“My best friend lives here, we lost contact when we were younger. I came to find him.”
There was something about having to call Mark your friend that makes you feel like you’ve lost, no matter how many times you’ve had to say it. You have been told countless times by your therapist, his parents, even kids at school that he is not your brother. And so one day, just before he was taken to Korea, you both agreed to just call each other friends.
“Well, if you need someone to take you can just call your good pal: Lee Donghyuck.”
“Thanks, if I don’t make Jaemin take me, I’ll make you.”
“Oh how kind of you.”
“I know, I’m the best.”
“And we’re here!” he exclaims, parking the cart next to one just like it. He turns off the engine and hops out of the driver's seat.
“You’re going to need your student ID card to get into the building,” he says, pulling your suitcase out of the back. He starts walking towards the building, sending you a glare as you try and take your suitcase from him. “Be sure not to lose it, it’s a lot of work to get another one.”
“Okay, so I just put it like this?” you ask, pulling out your ID card and placing it on the scanner.
“Other way,” he says as it beeps at you, indicating that you had placed it facing the wrong way.
“Okay,”he claps his hands together once you successfully use your ID to open the doors.
He brings you two to a halt, pointing his finger to the left “down there you have the gym and the laundry room. The women’s half of the laundry room is on the right, so when you walk in you’ll go to the very right. Also, pro-tip, they only use bills.”
“And down here,” he says, still pulling your suitcase behind you as he starts walking to the right “is the mailroom. If you get any mail, it’ll go here. The information about that is in your folder.”
“And if I don’t get mail?” you ask jokingly.
“Then you don’t have to come down here now do ya? Onward!” he exclaims dramatically, turning and walking out of the room.
You roll your eyes, “You know, I’d like to put you in a room with my friend I was talking about. You’re both very different.”
“Well, let me know when you find him, I’ll be sure to trap us in a room together. This is the lobby, this is where I’ll be when you get back,” he says, gesturing to a few couches. “But first, I’ll show you the elevators.”
“Elevators? I think I know how they work, Donghyuck.”
He rolls his eyes “Shut up, I’m just doing what they told me. I spent all day learning about this building, which I will never live in, mind you, so you better accept my knowledge.”
You hold your hands up in mock surrender “Okay, okay, tell me about these elevators.”
“Well,” he says, stopping in front of the middle elevator “This is the women's elevator, the only one you will have to worry about. The one to our right is the males, and the one on the left is the teachers.”
Your eyes widen and you turn to look at him “You mean teachers live here too? How does that work?”
“I have no idea, but don’t worry about it. Now, moving on from teachers,” he points to the sign, which indeed said ‘females only.’ “As you can see, the only floors you are allowed on are 5-8. Which floor do you live on?”
“Um,” you hum, quickly opening the folder and leafing through the pages until you find the one that has ‘housing’ in bold letters at the top. “I live on floor 8.”
He nods his head and moves forward to press the up button “Then you have everything on that sheet there, go up to your room and put your things away. Then you can meet me back down here and we’ll finish our tour, sound good?”
You nod your head, and he finally rolls you your suitcase back as the doors ding open.
“I’ll be in the lobby, remember your ID card okay?”
You nod your head pressing the 8 button. You look down at the sheet, room 301 use code 53567 or your student ID card to open the door. You skimmed over some of the rules while you waited to reach your floor, your favourite being that if you bought any food you are required to write your name and the expiration date on it.
When you get to your dorm room, you knock twice in case your roommate is inside before using your card to open the door.
“Okay then,” you mumble, as you see that you are the first one here.
You walk to the right side of the room and put your suitcase at the foot of the bed. You sit on the bed, dropping your backpack next to you. You look around the room, trying to feel the slightest bit displaced in the new, very different then you were used to room. Homesickness was something every study abroad guide warned you about, yet you find yourself struggling to feel anything close to that.
Shaking your head, you grab your ID card and the campus map before exiting the room. As you walk to the elevators, you send Jaemin a text telling him you made it to the dorms and have a nice buddy.
Well I’m glad things worked out on your end my roommate isn’t here 😢 he just left his stuff here and took off
You're fine, you big baby, maybe he’s a buddy. Ever think of that?
That’s what I thought. I have to go, we’re finishing the tour now. Have fun my dude
Fine you leave me too. Nobody here loves me (。 ́︿ ̀。)
“Aww, how sad” you chuckle, pouting back at the emoji.
When you walk back into the lobby, you see Donghyuck talking to another boy. You walk up to the pair, hoping Donghyuck will notice you so you don’t have to stand there awkwardly until they notice you.
Thankfully, Donghyuck hears you coming before you have to say anything “You have your ID?”
You pull it out of your back pocket “Yep! Right here.”
He stands up “Great,” he turns to look at his friend “Y/n this is Jeno, we’re in the same dance team. Jeno this is y/n, my buddy.”
Jeno stands up to greet you, “Nice to meet you.”
“Nice to meet you too, are you a buddy too?”
He nods his head “Yeah, he’s a senior exchange student from Argentina. It’s a little hard because all the English I know is from school and what little our friend has taught us, but so far not too many issues.”
“Ah, yeah that can be hard. Well I believe in you, fighting” you say, doing the ‘fighting’ motion.
He smiles, holding up his arm to copy you “Fighting!”
“Okay, well I’ll see you later tonight Jeno.
“Ready to see the rest of the halls?” he asks, holding the door open for you.
“Yeah, do you know when we get schedules?” you ask. You can feel your phone buzzing in your back pocket, and you suppress a sigh. I should have just texted.
“Well all the students who are buddies or have to come here by plane are here a week ahead of everyone else. So paper ones won’t be available until everyone else gets here, but you can look at your portal for an online one.”
“Oh, okay thanks. And then I’m sorry, but my foster mom is calling. It’ll be fast,” you explain, stopping and holding up your phone to show the Skype notification.
“It’s okay, I’ll just wait in the cart” he says, gesturing to the cart.
“Thanks,” you say as you turn your back to him and press the answer button.
“Hey Ivy.”
“Y/n! I’m glad you got the phone set up, and this Skype thing works pretty well.”
“Um yeah, took forever to set up though.” you force a light laugh “Thanks again for helping me get here and buying me the phone. It means a lot.”
“Of course, I want you to be able to do anything you want.”
“Well thank you again, but I have to go. We’re touring the campus right now, so I have to go.”
“Oh, okay. Well I’ll talk to you later, be sure to tell me how you like the campus. I’m going to bed now, but you have a good rest of your day.”
You turn around and start walking to the cart “Okay, good night Ivy.”
“Bye y/n,” she says softly before the line goes dead.
You sigh and run a hand through your hair, feeling guilty that you don’t act nicer to the woman who literally flew you to the other side of the world.
“Okay,” you say, pulling yourself into the passenger seat “ready to go.”
“That was short, you can call her back if you want. I won’t be able to understand a majority of it anyways,” he offers, pulling out into the road.
“Oh no, it’s okay. She just wanted to make sure I got here safe before she went to sleep.”
“Oh that’s nice of her. But of course, any parent would call, I know my mom had me text her as soon as I got here. You know moms, they just worry a lot” he rambles, trailing off at the end.
You smile at his attempts to be considerate towards you. Everyone always worries about what’s ‘appropriate’ to say to you in these cases, it’s always fun to see people unnecessarily beat around the bush with you.
“Yeah, she’s the most, mhm how should I put this? She’s the most willing to help me. My other foster parents were nice, but Ivy and her husband were the ones to buy my plane ticket and this phone.” She’s also the one who feels the need to say things like ’you’re nothing like your father’ and ‘you can turn your life around if you try hard enough.’
“Wow, that’s nice of her. I’m glad you’re here,” he answers awkwardly.
You laugh “I’m glad I’m here too, now which building is this?”
He turns to look at where you’re pointing “Oh, that’s the dining hall.”
Thank you for reading! I would love to know what you thought! Thank you to @mozartwasajungkookstan for helping me! 
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