#the humanities students are not allowed to use the bathrooms. there are signs up and we are reminded every week
In today's news, I could not go to class because I have my period and the building my class is in [film class in the dentistry building] does not allow non-dentistry students to use the bathrooms and, surprise surprise, I can't really carve out twenty to thirty minutes of class time to go to the library bathroom
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mariacallous · 2 years
By Wednesday night, a sweeping anti-trans bill appeared dead in Kentucky as lawmakers debated whether it went too far. So it surprised Democrats, transgender activists, and their allies when Republicans managed to hold a committee vote, then rush the bill through approvals in both the state House and Senate the following day.
Democratic Gov. Andy Beshear isn’t expected to sign the bill, which passed mostly along party lines, into law, but the GOP has enough of a majority to override his veto.
People in the gallery were furious when the measure passed and yelled, “You’re all fucking pieces of shit!” at lawmakers on the floor, according to Courier Journal reporter Joe Sonka.
Democratic state Sen. Karen Berg, whose transgender son died by suicide in December, cried after the vote, Sonka reported. Berg had delivered powerful testimony as the bill was being debated.
“[This bill] is viewed as the single worst anti-LGBTQ legislation that has come out of a statehouse in this country,” she said during a floor debate.
“This is absolutely willful hate for a small group of people that are the weakest and most vulnerable,” she added.
The bill that passed this week expanded upon one that Republicans in Kentucky first introduced in February, which would have allowed students to misgender transgender students despite the detrimental impact it would have on trans youth.
The new version of the bill still allows trans students to be misgendered. But it goes much further: It also bans gender-affirming care, like puberty blockers or hormone therapy, for trans kids and requires doctors to begin detransitioning any of their trans patients who are children. It mandates that schools create policies that will not allow trans students to use the bathroom that matches their gender identity. It does not allow educators to discuss sexual orientation or gender identity in any grade and forbids discussion of human sexuality until sixth grade. After that, parental consent is required.
The Kentucky GOP’s last-minute push to advance the bill is following a disturbing nationwide trend. Hundreds of anti-LGBTQ bills have been introduced just this year in states dominated by Republicans as part of the broader culture war on trans Americans and the push for “parental rights” — a catchall term that centers the wishes of conservative white parents when shaping policies in public schools.
Gender-affirming care for minors is appropriate and not dangerous, according to the American Medical Association. And genuine mental health risks come with widespread discrimination and health care bans: Transgender youth are at higher risk for depression and suicide.
Instead of serving the most vulnerable among us, Berg said her fellow lawmakers ignored the science behind gender-affirming care for trans children and only rushed this bill for one reason.
“My child came up here 10 years ago,” she said on Thursday, referring to her son’s 2015 testimony against a bathroom bill in the Kentucky statehouse. “You had time to understand the science… this is absolute, willful, intentional hate.”
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kayla1993-world · 1 year
Florida mayors across the state support LGBTQ rights. This is in light of several bills targeting the community that have been passed by the state legislature and are heading to the desk of Gov. Ron DeSantis. At least eight mayors from Orlando, Miami Beach, Tampa, Tallahassee, and more have signed the pledge in support of the LGBTQ advocacy organization GLSEN and its Rise Up campaign. This is according to the group. Several local leaders issued city proclamations, promising "safe learning environments that include and affirm all children, including LGBT students," according to one of the proclamations. "I was elected to be mayor for every resident of Gainesville, and it is critical to me that all our neighbors, particularly the youngest and most vulnerable, feel welcome and safe in our community," Gainesville Mayor Harvey Ward told ABC News in a statement. He continued, "I support the well-being and healthy development of everyone in our community through the guarantee of basic human rights." The Rise Up campaign also advocates for LGBTQ-affirming books, resources, and curriculum, as well as advocacy against anti-LGBTQ bills and rhetoric. Trantalis continued, "Discrimination of any kind, particularly towards LGBTQ+ children, has no place in our society. Greater Fort Lauderdale boasts one of the highest concentrations of same-sex households in the nation, and we welcome over 1.3 million LGBTQ+ visitors each year." Florida has led the recent wave of legislation and policies targeting the LGBTQ community. The bills passed by the Florida legislature Wednesday include a bathroom bill that bars transgender people from using restrooms or changing facilities that do not align with their gender assigned at birth. Another bill expands the Parental Rights in Education law, dubbed the "Don't Say Gay" law by critics. This bill would restrict classroom instruction on gender identity or sexual orientation from prekindergarten through grade 8; from grades 9 through 12, such content must be "age-appropriate or developmentally appropriate for students under state standards." However, the Florida Board of Education had already voted to expand the restriction from kindergarten through 12th grade. The bill says school employees and students "may not be required" to refer to "another person using that person's preferred personal title or pronouns" if they "do not correspond to that person's sex" as assigned at birth. It would bar school employees from using pronouns or names that "do not correspond to his or her sex," according to the bill. Teachers would also not be allowed to ask students for their preferred pronouns or names. The bill encourages education on "abstinence from sexual activity" and "the benefits of monogamous heterosexual marriage." The legislation also states that parents may object to school or library books. These books must then "be removed within 5 school days of receipt of the objection and remain unavailable to students at that school until the objection is resolved." Critics slammed the legislation, saying it removes and silences LGBTQ identities from classrooms and school programs. In addition, the restrictions are a form of censorship against certain perspectives. Those in support of the legislation say it gives parents more control over what children learn at school. They claim children will have more space to figure out "who they are," Republican state Sen. Erin Grall says. Florida's largest LGBTQ civil rights group Equality Florida has issued a travel advisory for the state. This advisory is backed by the Florida chapters of the NAACP and the Florida Immigrant Coalition. A spokesperson for DeSantis' office called the move a "stunt" at the time. Florida's largest LGBTQ civil rights group Equality Florida has issued a travel advisory for the state. This advisory is backed by the Florida NAACP and the Florida Immigrant Coalition. DeSantis' office spokesperson called the move a "stunt" at the time.
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bookio · 2 years
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There's Nowhere to Run (2016) by Ester Eriksson
Read for literature class. Olivia, a young adult, starts developing severe paranoia and anxiety. Her boyfriend is ashamed of this state and becomes verbally abusive. With help of friends she signs herself into a mental ward where she receives treatment for a short while and medicine. Her boyfriend breaks up with her because of this. After a huge anxiety attack she tries to eat all the pills and later wakes up at the hospital. She's later sent to the ward for a longer time.
The comic then follows her life in the mental ward, getting treatment and talking out about the overwhelming fear of death after her mother's passing, and a classmate who died in their sleep. Olivia tries to hang herself in the bathroom at the ward but fails, and gets restrictions like not allowed to go out. Weeks later she's granted a permission and uses this time to visit and have sex with her (still asshole) ex. A while later she finds out she's pregnant, but due to her mental state and medicines, quickly also experiences a miscarriage. Through art and help from staff, she's able to slowly heal her mind and seem to get better. She connects with one of the male caretakers, sadly thinking it's love. The caretaker is however quick to inform the higher ups and through a meeting makes it clear for Olivia that there's no romance.
The epilogue shows Olivia back to living in her own apartment, but police bust into the door saying that her friends have been calling and calling, thinking she finally gone through with suicide. This is not the case and she gives affirmation to the officers that she's fine, but realize she's never going to be free from this label of being mentally unstable.
Despite the dark theme i thought it was a great book! The pacing is really captive and had details i've never heard about before. I found myself wishing for Olivia's wellness even though i first got really frustrated with her illogical fears and behavior. But humans are like that!! I've been there too! The mind is really fragile and need caring for as well, and i honestly find her so brave for actually seeking help voluntary instead of waiting for something devastating to happen. 4/5 stars
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Buddhism in 10 minutes
Got this book from my grandma who was very religious in Buddhism, and she passed away 2019 which means during these 4 years (now's 2023) i couldn't take 10 minutes out of my life and read a short book of my grandma's wishes? Wow, I'm a disgrace.
Beside history class and serval temple visits with my relatives, i've never actually spent time reading about Buddhism views and rules on life. What i gathered from this short book is generally that you should be a good person towards others and yourself, and karma works like a point system. You're might be going through bad things today because you were a bad person in your former life so you have to work extra hard, but the book also mentions the confusion of rich people doing bad things but still live in luxury, to which this book excuses it that they might have done something positively big like donate a ridiculous amount to charity, gotten high karma points through that, and so is able to live on peacefully despite oil drilling or something. The part about people being born with disabilities was also a bit troubling to read about....
The book had specific rules of living for every kind of human (examples: the parent, the child, if you're a business owner, if you're a husband, if you're a student etc) but they all comes down to "be a good person, help and respect others". I however really disliked the outdated view about the wife is suppose to basically obey their husband and do housework, while the husband is to make money and buy necessities for the family. When partnership is suppose to be teamwork?
Honestly this copy is really weird. It's obviously a self printed book, probably sold from a small specific temple my grandma temporary visited (our local temple to which she went to frequently didn't have these kind of books?) or maybe handed out for free. But many of it's chapters continuously mentions how important it is to SPEND MONEY and DONATE, the words are mentioned suspiciously frequent between the rules of living a Buddhist life. But i don't think money is suppose to take up this much space?
Either way, i liked this bit:
"Chap 11. Success. Everybody wishes to be successful in whatever in attempted. The Buddha recommended 4 kinds of practice called Iddhipada as follows: Preference, the willingness and gladness to do: Patience, the willpower to exert efforts towards the aim having been set forth; Perseverance, the undaunted courage in the face of baffling difficulties or threatening danger: and Pondering, to be able to weigh the pros and cons carefully, to consider or approach the matter in question from all angles. These from Pātikavagga of the Long Sayings."
It fits into the everyday life of struggling to find motivation - like me! I'm not gonna rate this one, but can finally check it off my TBR-list.
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achoonihaachu · 3 years
Younger Brothers React to "Feeling" You...
(Satan, Asmodeus, Beelzebub, Belphegor)
a/n: i'm sorry this took wayyy longer to post than i hoped! school has been kicking my ass even harder now that it's the last few months of this school year... once summer vacation starts, i plan on updating as often as possible! i hope you end up liking this! i think it's a little spicier than the older brothers' version! ;)
warnings: nsfw prompt! read with caution!, not proofread!
Feelings don’t always have to be said. Sometimes you look at the object of your affection and you just know. They’d smile at you with a smile that insinuates something more than a friendly relationship, stares linger, touches heat you up from the inside and burns hotter the longer time goes on...
In all honesty, Satan believes that you’re most likely a saint or one of the angel exchange students.
He was so god awful to you; He threatened you, he tried blackmailing you and he was so close to hurting you and yet you still chose to give him another chance at friendship?
Not to blackmail him in the future, no– You’re just so genuinely good to him and his brothers and he’s so ashamed of how he acted in the earlier days.
He decided to change his ways; He will not stand letting those nasty memories linger in your mind.
Somewhere along the way though, that desperation to change your mind in favor of bettering your friendship turned into something more.
Every pat on the back meant something more as he’d glide his thumb on the blade of your shoulder. The way he’d search for your smiling face in a sea of people– It was obvious, even to a blind man, that Satan was quickly developing feelings.
You weren’t too far behind either; The way he’d stare at you like there was nothing else in the world fueled a flame in the pit of your stomach that’d grow stronger and stronger after each get-together.
He tried keeping his attraction to you under wraps.
You, quite frankly, weren’t doing too well at that.
Your cheeks would grow hot and bloom a shade of pink like watercolor on paper after every lingering touch– He wasn’t blind to the way you’d so blatantly stare at his lips… and yes, he’s aware of the way you’d check him out as he walked away from you.
You’re not as slick as you’d like to believe.
Not when you excuse yourself to use the bathroom after every study session, without fail; He can hear you through the door, you know?
You aren’t exactly quiet. Not that he wants you to be.
You rushed past a gaggle of gossiping succubi as you ran for the school library. Satan had managed to gain access to the forbidden section and though you weren’t allowed to touch anything, you weren’t passing up any opportunity to be alone with the blonde.
You had a growing collection of secretive snapshots of him in your phone, you needed to add to the tally.
Your footsteps were drowned out by the plush carpet in the library; there weren’t many people to begin with so that meant you could openly stare at the fourth-born without fear of being seen by one of his groupies. Perfect. You spot him standing to the side of the librarian’s desk, in front of an ancient-looking door as he toyed with the skeleton key that was definitely centuries older than you at this point. He motioned you to come closer, a hand stuck out and a finger curving in towards his figure in a “come hither” manner. You gulp, a coy smile playing on your lips.
“Now, (MC). Remember that these books here are cursed and many, if not all, of them are dangerous to you and your pretty little human body. Stick by me, alright?” Perhaps it was simply a slip of the tongue but his words had your face burning red like a stop sign. You nudged him, clearing your throat as you feigned excitement to be in a room full of cursed books that could potentially kill you.
The things you do to be with this man.
The forbidden section was just… Really dusty. It was dark, save for the few lanterns scattered about housing eternal flames in their glass interior. Satan mentioned off-handedly that electrical lines weren’t put in this specific area because of a certain cursed book that housed an evil being worse than him and his brothers– It was able to harness electricity. You didn’t want to dwell on it too long— You were already scared shitless.
It wasn’t too big of a reading area, there were really only two different sections and a sofa and coffee table that sat in the middle of the dark room with worn out throw pillows left haphazardly on the floor. You could tell that only the highest of authorities were ever really allowed here; Diavolo seemed to have left behind one of his blood red school jackets on the arm rest of the couch. You’d have to remind him to pick it up some other time.
Satan immediately found himself in a comfortable spot a bit to the middle of the couch, his legs propped up on the rickety old table in front of him. In his arms were a small pile of books that he placed in the small space between him and the armrest.
Just as you were about to sit down beside the blonde, he yelps and yanks you down onto his lap. You gasp and stare at him, eyes wide as saucers, “S-Satan! What the heck?!” You squeak. He, also in a similar state of flustered as you, smiles sheepishly as he tries to compose himself, “I-I apologize about this, (MC). There seems to be some sort of dirt on the couch and I didn't want you sitting on it in case it stains your clothes.” You glance down and there is, in fact, a strange black stain that seemed to be… wet?
You didn’t even want to try finding out what it was.
Too focused on eyeing the black goo like it somehow offended you and your mother, you didn’t realize how tense Satan was. You’ve had cuddle sessions end in you straddling him, sure, but both of you were normally half asleep and delirious by then. Feeling you so close, so prominent in his personal space— He could feel every movement. Every beat of your heart, every warm breath escaping your soft lips. Each throb of your...
He was getting drunk off of you.
You finally realized the position you were in, how you were practically riding him with your clothes on– You tense up above him, squeezing your legs together and accidentally pushing yourself down against his lap.
“I-I’m so sorry, Satan! I’ll sit on the floor!--” He cuts you off as a broken moan cuts the tension.
“No! No… I’m fine…” He breathes out, gripping your waist with languid hands, “I-I couldn’t ask a lady to sit on the floor while I sit on the couch. You can stay right there.” You didn’t know what to think; Did he expect you to believe that lousy excuse? You could feel the smallest of movements as he tries to discreetly roll his hips up against yours. You weren’t aware of how he could feel you on his lap.
You stifle a moan. Surely feigning ignorance was for the best right? Satan was definitely just concerned about your comfort.
“A-Alright! Then… How about we start reading then?”
Asmo believed that you two would be the best of friends… The only way he’d accept otherwise is if you finally accept his advances.
Besides Mammon, only he treated you… decently and he uses that word loosely.
He knows how it came across at first; Every dirty joke, every flirty remark– he was aware that he was kind of flirting with a brick wall.
You weren’t reciprocating at all. >:((
At first, it really pissed him off to see that he was being rejected by a human, of all beings, and that you didn’t even give him any reaction to get off on. No blushing, no spike in heart rate, no lustful aura– nothing!
He was starting to question if you were actually a robot from how deadpan your reactions were to him.
He then saw how much you truly cared; You learnt to love im past his beauty and his sex appeal.
You’d be the first to knock on his door in the morning if you didn’t see him at breakfast. You’d ask to comb his hair whilst he did his skin care routine. You’d laugh at all his silly jokes and take care of him when he was sick…
He felt bad about judging you– He just wasn’t able to comprehend how anyone could even consider rejecting him!
That was until he kind of… eavesdropped on you one night.
He could hear you through the door, every airy whimper, every call of his name, every single sound and feeling exemplified by his sin.
He felt his knees buckle as he pressed the side of his head to the creaky wooden door of your room.
You walked out of your room 20 minutes later, looking as dandy as ever, and he was left speechless. You were busy moaning his name not even half an hour ago and now you’re able to look him in the eye?!
Since that day, he has tried his best to decipher you, almost. He’d stick to you like gum on a sidewalk to get a reading on you.
Did you like him or not?!
He was about to find out soon enough.
Asmo loved monopolizing your time. He loved that he could have all his brothers jealous and he got to spend his days with you. It was a win-win situation. Obviously, complete days out with Asmo came as rarely as a pure white moon in the Devildom— I mean, have you met any of his brothers? You already had your hands full with Mammon alone.
You had to schedule hangouts and tea times to get anything remotely done in the house.
Since Asmo’s birthday was coming up, all the brothers begrudgingly agreed to let him have you for an entire day and to say that the fifth-born was ecstatic would be an understatement. He was absolutely overjoyed. The day started off with an at-home spay session, then you took him to Majolish to buy him an outfit that he absolutely loved, and Asmo felt so loved and so comfortable. It baffled him sometimes; how an ordinary human could get him feeling the way you had him feeling.
You just had that effect on him.
The day was coming to an end and Asmo was starting to pout and insisted that you go too one more place before calling it a day. As you walked past a small flower shop, you two caught a glimpse of the newly opened arcade and Asmo was quick to drag you in, ignoring your cries of protest. It was a quaint little area but it was fun to look at. The flashing lights and the dorky video game playlist that had your ears ringing definitely added to the experience. Asmo insisted that you and him go head to head in a few games that he’d pick out.
Not to brag or anything, you annihilated him.
Every round of every game you played, you’d managed to score over twice what he scored and it left him all pouty.
“Here! I’ll make it up to you! Wanna get our picture taken?” At the mention of pictures, Asmo was already dragging you into an isolated little photobooth at the back of the arcade.The flimsy PVC plastic of the curtain was tinted black and it went all the way to the floor. You and Asmo would be left hidden from the view of the rest of the demons in the arcade.
You didn’t know whether or not to consider it a blessing or a curse.
When you cramped in the photobooth after Asmo sat down, you realized that it was way too small for either of you to take proper pictures, “H-Hey, (MC)! Be careful! You’re messing my hair up!” Asmo yelped as he accidentally hit you in the side. You groaned in response, “I’m sorry, Asmo. I don’t think we’d be able to take photos like this. I’ll go out and wait for you– Woah!”
As you turned to leave, your foot got caught on the fabric of the curtain that was splayed on the floor and you almost fell flat on your face– when you felt a pair of hands grab onto your waist. Asmo was swift in sitting you on his lap and he was actually careful in making sure that you felt comfortable, “Careful, beautiful!” He t’sked as he inspected your hands. You weren’t hurt at all, that’s what mattered.
You were buzzing with adrenaline– I mean, you almost at shit on the linoleum! You didn’t realize how perfect your body fit against Asmo, how your bottom was pressed against his lap– You didn’t even bat an eye at the way Asmo’s hands started shaking as he held your waist. You wiggled your hips against his lap.
Throbbing– It’s all that he could think of.
The beating was right over his quickly hardening… problem. He needed to get you off his lap… But you were so deliciously slotted on top of him. He didn’t want to waste the opportunity but… Oh, his conscience…
Too bad he was a demon from Hell. He jostled you on his lap again, this time spreading your legs to make it so that you were straddling him, “Now, now, (MC). I’m sure you’d be smart to keep your movement to a minimum…”
“I may be your best friend now but I’ve been the Avatar of Lust for longer than that.”
Beel, sweet innocent Beel.
The same Beel you learnt to love over the time you spent in the Devildom was also the same Beel that tried killing you after you and Mammon ate his pudding.
You were over it, quite frankly, but he definitely wasn’t. He felt so bad about almost losing you before he even had the chance to truly know you.
You brought Belphie back. You sacrificed your life for him and his brothers and he was forever in your debt for it.
He, at first, was just glad to know that you loved his family in the same way he did. He loved that you cared more about others than you did yourself and, sure, at times it worried him sick– What would he do if you were in danger and he wasn’t able to protect you?
Then that admiration and platonic love turned into something more when he started bringing you to his Fangol games.
You two weren’t even dating yet! You were simply just… best friends.
You’d normally watch his practices and you’d always cheer him on in your own little way. You kept to yourself and you were his silent little fangirl but during the actual games…
You were always the loudest in the crowd. You’d bring banners, posters, glowsticks, you even got into trouble once for trying to set up a fireworks display in his honor.
You’d show him so much love and you never seemed to tire from trying to make it known that you were always there to support him. It made his heart beat so quickly and it left a weird feeling, like his stomach was housing a dozen rabid butterflies who go feral every time he sees you smile.
He came to the funny realization that he had been in love with you for a long, long time, he just wasn’t aware of it.
He followed you around like a puppy, even more so than he already did.
He was fascinated by you and at the same time… He was starting to get extremely protective.
The guys in his Fangol team could be a little… perverted.
You’d always, without fail, come to his practices and watch patiently. You’d always bring snacks and you’d always shoot him that adorable smile of yours as he walks by on his way to clean up before you two walked home together. Seeing you show him your support motivated him to no end– even as his knees threaten to buckle after a particularly rough set of exercises.
You were just the cure for fatigue that he needed and apparently, he wasn’t the only one gaining that extra boost of energy after seeing you.
Locker room talk was something Beel never engaged in. Sure, he was a demon but even that was pretty low. He’d overhear his teammates talk about pretty succubi they’d have one night stands with, they’d show each other risque photos they take with their partners and all in all, Beel just wasn’t comfortable being a part of that conversation–
That was until you became the topic of interest.
You showed up to one of his practices wearing a uniform that was definitely too tight on you. The skirt you donned on was definitely a few inches shorter than what you’d normally wear and when the wind would pick up, you’d have to keep the fabric down to avoid flashing the whole team. Your shirt seemed a little too tight against your chest, too. When the team was given a 20 minute break, Beel rushed over to pull you into a sweaty bear hug.
“Hey! Beel! You know how I feel about the sweat!” You whined but you didn’t move to pull away; if anything, you only tightened the hug as you wrap your arms around his neck. The ginger hummed in response, smiling into your hair. Neither of you noticed how a few of the other demons stood around behind you, watching.
The rest of the practice went swimmingly, Beel was quick to wrap the match up, itching to go home with you to get dinner started. He walked by you like usual, on his way to the lakers when he heard it, “(MC) looks so hot today. Like fuck, I wish the school uniform was always that short.” Beel grunted and eyed the lower demon that was perving on you. He didn’t want to start a fight about it; Besides, it was true to some extent– You were very pretty regardless of what you were wearing.
As Beel changed out of his Fangol uniform, he heard something else being whispered, “I snapped a pic up her skirt… You know, when she hugged Beel?”
The sixth-born flew into a blinding rage.
You sat on your lonesome for a while, it was quiet and chilly and you were really starting to regret letting Solomon try out the tailoring spell on you. Your clothes weren't doing a good job at keeping you warm at all. Beel was taking longer than usual…
Speak of the devil and he will appear, Beel walks out from the locker room with a murderous glint in his eyes. He stops right in front of you, eyes trained on the ground as he stands motionless, “Hey… Beel? What’s up with you?” You ask tenderly, hand coming up to caress his forearm.
Wordlessly, Beel picks you up like you were made of paper before he sits down and settles you on his lap. His arms wrap tightly around your waist as he buries his face into your neck. How dare those demons do and say those things… They deserved what he did to them.
He was teetering on the edge, so angry he could burst and only kept at bay by your presence. You smelled like home, like comfort– He would’ve let you go eventually when he sensed a passing presence. The lower demons that left unscathed from the locker room incident scamper past in fear, keeping their eyes to themself, afraid of what Beelzebub would do if he caught them even glancing in your general area.
When he felt that you’d be safe, he moved to let you go when he felt you wiggle around on his lap. He would normally just chuckle and pat you on the back but then he felt you clench your legs… Now, that was new.
He felt his breath hitch in his throat, hands frozen in the air as he was left unsure of how to react. He gritted his teeth as he felt your core heat up, the gentle throbbing like a hypnotizing rhythm.
Your body seemed so small in his lap.
The locker room was empty now, anyways. He was starting to get pretty hungry for something only you could give him and he wasn’t patient enough to wait till you got home.
He never thought, in his entire life, that he would ever consider calling a human a friend, much less a lover.
His feelings toward humans have always been a little jaded since… The Fall.
Aside from that, he also never found humans even remotely attractive.
I mean, all you had were a set of limbs to grab you things and walk you places. You didn’t even have wings, or a tail, or even a different form for when you were having trouble with your “human” form.
You were a less cool version of demons.
He kept thinking that even as you tried to find a way to free him from the attic. He was only using you, he’d say as he stares down at your lips hungrily, like a hungry hawk in the desert. He’d note how soft they looked, like a pair of plush cushions from the Celestial Realm.
He’d grit his teeth as he forced himself to get rid of those thoughts about you.
You’re just a dumb human, nothing special about you at all. Sure, you were beautiful but you were a human– He despised humans; He’d say all that as he touched himself to the thought of you.
He must’ve just been desperate. Yes, that’s it. He lost count of how many weeks, years perhaps, it had been since he was locked away in the attic. He hadn’t been able to ogle at many female demons. That’s it.
His bottom lip would bleed from how harshly he was biting down on it after your regular secret meetings with him.
It was never romantic. It wasn’t friendly either. Purely sexual and he was also just using you.
After the whole issue with letting him out, though…
That was when Belphie realized just how badly he fucked your relationship up even before it could blossom.
He tried to be better and through hard work and genuine care for your wellbeing, he became the demon you sought when you had free time.
You’d nap and hangout together. You’d have a blast being in each other’s presence, even if you didn’t do anything together.
He managed to win your heart a second time around; This time though, you fell in love with Belphie without fear of being threatened or hurt.
He kept his temper though.
Belphie was as whiny as ever. You had school work to finish and he was adamant about getting cuddles and having a little nap fest. You refused and now he was being all sulky. “Seriously, Belphie! I’m just about done! Just give me a few more minutes and I’ll join ya, deal?” You say, eyes not leaving the book you were analyzing for one of your upcoming tests. He growls at you, teeth bared as he glares at you grumpily. You didn’t flinch or react.
He was getting really frustrated; You know how the youngest of the family normally gets when they don't receive the attention they demand.
Silent tension fills the air as you busily wrote away in your notebook. The attic had become a sort of sanctuary of yours, to help you get away from the utter chaos that comes with a group of 7 brothers all vying for your attention; At first, it was only really yours after Belphie moved back into his shared bedroom with Beel. Then he finds out that you take naps on your own in the small attic and he has never let a single day pass that you two don’t cuddle in his old bedroom. That leads us back to this moment. Belphie was on the pile of pillows and blankets that he lovingly calls your cuddle spot, he was faced down and you were surprised he hadn’t suffocated just yet.
“(MC). I want to nap and I can’t do it without you. Come here. Now.” His voice was dangerously low as he threatened you. You didn’t really take him seriously, though, with how muffled his voice sounded against the throw pillow smushed up against his face. You simply hummed a “give me 10 more minutes” before you resumed with your scribbling on the notebook.
Belphie groaned inwardly and forced himself to sit up; Well, if you weren’t going to adjust for him… Might as well bother you as you studied.
You felt the seat be pulled away from the desk, your body simply moving along. You look up and stare at Belphie’s looming figure quizzically, “Belphie, I said 5 more minutes–” You were cut off by the seventh born pulling you up to your feet before he plops down on the seat. You cross your arms over your chest with a huff, “You’re being so childish, Belphie.” you sighed before moving to grab your notebook.
Before you could find a new place to study, Belphie pulls you onto his lap by your waist. With your body faced toward the desk, his legs fit perfectly between yours, though you didn’t really have a say with how you get to sit; You legs mved every time he moved his legs. Every inch he spreads his legs, the space between yours would widen and widen.
You gulped, dropping your things on the desk in surprise, “Belphie, w-what is this?!” you asked in surprise as you tense up. Belphie shrugs nonchalantly as he wraps his arms around your figure, his face buried in your neck as he closes his eyes, “You wouldn’t pay attention to me, '' he says simply.
He found it quite amusing; you were as stiff as a rod on his lap. He was about to call you out on your behavior, I mean, you’ve cuddled before! Skinship wasn’t uncommon in your friendship! His felt his throat run dry though, when the muscles in your inner thighs tensed up, almost like you were a tightening coil on his lap. He was suddenly hyper aware of everything around him, his drowsiness from before disappeared in an instance. Looking down, over your figure, he sees how helpless you looked. The position was perfect too.
You were like a little present on his lap he had easy access to. All he had to do was start unwrapping you.
He smirked devilishly to himself. This was going to be fun…
“I’ll make you regret ignoring me earlier. All I wanted were cuddles… I was something else now.”
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lotusthewriter · 2 years
Fandom: The Owl House
Rating: G
Relationships: Hunter & Gus
Characters: Hunter, Gus Porter, Emperor Belos | Philip Wittebane; MENTIONED - Caleb Wittebane
Summary: At night, Hunter is hugging Gus mid sleep, protecting him from the storm outside. But his instinct goes off like an alarm, and when Hunter wakes up, he feels a chilling absence.
“Gus?” He whispers.
He looks around the living room, not seeing any signs of the younger boy. Luz, Amity and Willow do not bat an eye at him. Gus could’ve just gone to the bathroom, or maybe he went to eat something. But the kitchen is dark, and the only sounds he hears are of the rain and thunder.
… and the wind against the open door.
Word count: 994
A/N: Something quick I thought of during my insomnia the other night.
TRIGGER WARNINGS - kidnapping, trauma, manipulation and abuse
Family. Hunter never knew anything about his, only that they were already gone, and they were all Golden Guards like him, except they had real magic. Family used to be a lie told by his uncle, a shield, a justification. Belos would argue he didn’t want Hunter going down the same tragic path as their past relatives, but the emperor’s aggressive outbursts would tell him otherwise.
Hunter only began to understand what family meant when he met Luz. When he met Willow, Gus and the other Hexside students. And after he saved Gus from his own mind, something began to light up in his heart, like a fire. Something intense, more than all the years of fear and rage. The need to protect, the need to fight for others, like an instinct. The instinct of family.
Now that they’re all stranded in the Human Realm, the instinct only grows stronger. It does when Hunter reaches Gus, the poor boy sobbing in the non-boiling rain. Gus only relies on him and nobody else, and Hunter allows it. He allows Gus to be a child, to cry, to mourn.
At night, Hunter is hugging Gus mid sleep, protecting him from the storm outside. But his instinct goes off like an alarm, and when Hunter wakes up, he feels a chilling absence.
“Gus?” He whispers.
He looks around the living room, not seeing any signs of the younger boy. Luz, Amity and Willow do not bat an eye at him. Gus could’ve just gone to the bathroom, or maybe he went to eat something. But the kitchen is dark, and the only sounds he hears are of the rain and thunder.
… and the wind against the open door.
Hunter’s instinct then hits him like a stab in the chest.
He runs outside, back in the freezing rain, looking everywhere. The rain is so much, you can barely see what’s up ahead.
Hunter yells for Gus, his thoughts racing furiously. Where could he be? In this new world, with so much to know and learn…
His instinct, however, guides him somewhere he already knows.
In the woods, he finds messy steps all over the place, all of them leading to the abandoned house the portal brought them to. Judging by the steps, someone was taken here forcibly.
As soon as Hunter steps in, he hears a familiar yell:
“Hunter, no! Go away!”
The door closes violently behind him, and Gus yelps.
“So, you came,” Belos’ chilling voice echoes in the house, “like I knew you would.”
Hunter’s stomach drops at the sight of dark goo trapping Gus by his arms and legs. The boy can barely move.
“Let him go,” Hunter orders, but it ends up like a beg.
“I’m afraid that’s not going to happen, until we make a deal.”
“What do you want?” Hunter tries to focus on the real questions – instead of the endless wondering, of how the man managed to come to the Human Realm.
“I want you to be by my side again.” Although he doesn’t see him – the goo is small like a simple glass of water –, Hunter can only shiver at the request. “We can take over the Human Realm like we always wanted. We can dispose of these witches and live together like a family.”
Hunter’s fists tighten. “No! We were never a family!”
“Oh, but we are. You are my family. You even had his palisman…”
Gus continues to struggle. “Hunter, get out of here! Go get help!”
“I’m not leaving you behind!” The older boy yells. “Belos, let go of him right now!”
“And what do I get in return?”
Hunter sweats, but he steps forward. “Me.”
“No!” Gus protests.
“You can do whatever you want with me,” he ignores, “but please, leave him alone. Leave them all alone.”
Belos chuckles. “You certainly sound like him. But you can be even better.”
Hunter resists the urge to cry, as right now, he can’t fail again. He won’t let anyone else get hurt on his behalf again.
“Very well,” Belos says, and suddenly Gus is thrown away harshly before Hunter catches him.
“Gus! Are you okay?”
“Hunter… you can’t…”
“Come here,” Belos orders. “Come to me.”
Hunter only sees the growing goo on the floor, moving itself in and forth sickeningly.
He lets go of Gus, who’s weakened and scared, and moves to his uncle’s direction.
“Hunter!” Gus screams.
Belos’ goo grows like it’s opening its arms to him.
But Hunter knows better. Or worse.
Either way, he attacks the goo with an abandoned glass blade he found on the floor. Belos screams in agony, much like a monster. Immediately after, Hunter takes Gus’ hand and runs as fast as he can. Belos is yelling for him – for Caleb – as they leave the abandoned house behind, back in the heavy rain.
They’re almost at Luz’s house when Gus suddenly stops, and Hunter is pulled back sharply.
“Gus?” He calls.
The younger boy starts sobbing again, like earlier.
“He was… I-I thought…” Gus can’t even complete a sentence without breaking down.
“Hey, hey”— Hunter puts his hands on Gus’ shoulders —“it’s okay, Gus. It’s over.”
“What if he comes back? What if he gets to you?” Gus panics, “I can’t-!”
“Hey, shh, hey…”
As soon as Hunter opens his arms, Gus falls in and hugs him as tight as he can.
“He’s not coming back,” the former tells him. “He’s not gonna do anything to you, or me. I promise.”
Gus cries harder, and Hunter lets him. He wouldn’t like to imagine the fearful scene of Belos kidnapping him. Even as a small goo, with nothing else left to lose, he still chose to threaten a child. The cowardice.
When they get home, no one has woken up. They are all exhausted, indeed. Yet Hunter doesn’t wink an eye for the rest of the night. Gus probably doesn’t either. But at least they’ve got each other.
Like a family.
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darkpurpledawn · 4 years
For @racketghost 's 13 days of Halloween, prompt "graveyard"
Agreed to take ‘graveyard shift’ at bookshop for the angel. Angel worried about unscrupulous collectors getting their covetous hands on his first quartos during his trip to Edinburgh. Probably third most adorable worry this year. Fourth, counting the badgers.
Promised to pull wriggling-maggots gambit on any would-be thieves, did not promise to refrain from eating leftover palmiers. Angel oddly concerned about ‘what the shop might get up to.’ Assured him working at night is nothing new, have a saying in Hell that ‘it’s always the graveyard shift somewhere.’ (Was inspiration for the signs about five o’clock, for which received award for Special Contributions in Intemperance.)
Angel left. Briefly brushed shoulders as he was putting on coat, i.e. life still unendurable disaster.
Should be preparing conference paper for annual Hell all-hands in Las Vegas, can’t be bothered. Intend to waste entire night watching tv humans make complicated desserts and posting misattributed Victorian quotations. Not going to ransack Aziraphale’s kitchen, doze off, or go looking in obscure cabinets.
Woke up as snake coiled around till amid palmier crumbs. Not good, not supposed to be sleeping. Weird dream in which dressed in white, waiting for a dog, angel had curly moustache. Moustache should not have been attractive, was. Bugger it all to Heaven. 
Made tea in the angel’s atrocious kitchen, caused eviction of mouse family when retrieving kettle, probably instigated fall of mouse civilization. Kettle one of those disgusting 1950s flower-patterned nightmares, of course. 
Checked email, heaps of bids for own illegal listings on eBay. Should be able to fulfill lust quota for month with posts selling purported toenails of celebrities. Played d*vil’s adv*cate on Twitter (not allowed to actually write that down or Office of Infernal Counsel will send a c&d for making overstated legal claims), started rumor that cauliflower is actually dehydrated human brains. 
Heard shuffling sound. Should probably go check for quarto thieves.
Could not find source of shuffles anywhere. Looked in back room, nothing unusual. All ten zillion throw pillows angel insists on burdening sofa with appear to be in place.
Have had too many thoughts about that sofa. Picked up nearest bottle and went to kitchen to drown idiocy in several teacups of whiskey.
Got bored, started poking around. Found mildew stain that appears to be accurate map of Antarctica. Considered eating preserves noticed in back of cabinet, but unable to verify that it was made subsequent to Charlemagne’s accession. Briefly entertained notion of reading a book, came to senses and scrolled through 15 articles on phone about dogs that look like famous dictators.
Continued papery-sounding noises in the background. Would not be shocked if angel has white noise machine designed to sound like someone rifling through dictionary pages.
Got bored-er. Attempted to clean grime from windows experimentally and lost nerve about ten seconds in. 
Peeked into bathroom on second floor (which have been unconditionally invited to use but have only entered once to vomit in after regrettable work event in fourth circle). Angel apparently hoarding soap from past three centuries, in least surprising development of modern age.
Washed hands to get rid of window gunk. Refrained heroically from sniffing any towels.
Heard whispering from downstairs. Neighbors? Cannot believe anyone is actually waiting around to steal first quartos from world’s unfriendliest-looking bookstore.
Finished whiskey. “Cauliflower Is Brains” trending on Twitter. Found own decades-old tie deep in sofa cushions, not that was examining these too closely.
In attempt to trace whispers, entered stacks. Began imagining scenarios in which unexpectedly holy book toppled and caused catastrophic injury. Do not want angel to return to smoldering pile of ex-demon on his unspeakably dusty floors. Also do not want to be smoldering pile of ex-demon, naturally.
Obtained gloves the angel uses for book repair from end table. Also took umbrella from its place hanging on hatstand and partially opened as defense against falling books. Probably looked like Edwardian wanker. 
Proceeded with stack-examining. Organization system unclear. Slightly alarmed by discovering volume of Galen with recent takeaway receipts seemingly serving as bookmarks for easy reference. May explain why angel still refers to all colds as ‘excesses of phlegm.’
Too difficult to navigate narrow shelves with umbrella. Abandoned umbrella, substituted trilby hat for protection from falling sacred texts. Have never looked more ridiculous, very much including all of 17th Century and that time had snakebite piercings and mullet with short fringe.
Can never go back to Hell, spider might be waiting there. 
Well. That’s certainly interesting.
Section of one bookshelf protected by some kind of holy bond-of-secrecy-whatsit. Should have left alone. Could have broken it with hellfire, but am in most flammable location in known universe, decided that was terrible idea. Managed to undo holy bonds using profane combination of two parts own venom, one part hoarded soap spritzed through a salad mister.
The angel has about two hundred books and fifteen scrolls concerning how to summon and bind demons. Thought at first maybe was for professional development. Too many. Angel has copy of the Big One, the one that can force a demon to do whatever summoner requests. 
In fact, angel has all known copies.
Have only had it used twice before. Once some pissed aristocrat wanted to steal Love’s Labours Won, turned into whole thing. Second time group of students got very desperate trying to complete science fair project. Learned way too much about thermodynamics.
Theoretically should be extremely horrified that the angel has all extant copies of Big One and can summon and bind demons at any time. 
Feeling am experiencing is...not horror.
Relevant pages in the Big One crossed out in indelible ink, ‘absolutely not’ written in weird cursive angel was using four hundred years ago. Impossible to see incantation. 
Theorized why this might be throughout second bottle of whiskey. Enjoyed feelings of profound relief. Ignored feelings of vague disappointment.
Theory one: angel at one time planning to use Big One, decided not to. Reasonable theory, but does not explain why every copy is in this bookshop.
Theory two: angel bought every copy with the express intent of crossing out incantation so no one could completely control a demon ever again.
Unreasonable theory. 
Will never mention any of this unless perhaps world ends. Probably not even then. What would that really change?
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flowerwrites06 · 4 years
utopic desire I — jjk
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Plot: Under an elist system of Vampires, Jungkook is torn between his old values and the lowest ranked Vampire he begins to fall for.
Pairing(s): Vampire!Jungkook x Vampire!OC
Rating: G | PG | M | R 18+
Type: Drabble | Oneshot | Series
Genre: Supernatural/Vampires | Angst/Fluff/Smut
Tags & Warnings: discrimination, explicit smut, angst, coarse language.
Authors Note: this is a repost after my break since I’m not really going to convert this one to original fiction. So enjoy to those who missed it! I’m doing it in parts cause posting big posts on Tumblr sucks. 
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“Glasses, five o’clock.” Yoongi muttered mostly under his breath but enough for the group to hear before taking a small sip of his reddened whiskey.
Belle felt a light rumble in her belly at his words, turning her head a little to see the male sitting quietly at the bar counter. Blue sweater with some light wash jeans, thin rimmed glasses and slightly long messy locks hovering over his temples. The tiny pout on his bottom lip only added to what an adorable specimen he was. “Jeon?” She smirked.
Yoongi shrugged mimicking the little curl on her lips as his eyes flickered to the side to get another look of him. “Hangs around with the pure bloods a lot. Must be a favourite source.”
Jungkook was the quietest whenever Belle noticed him in the pure blood crowds and with the way he held himself, it didn’t seem like he was much of a power in the group. One of the vampires who she knew was called Vira always clung to him which she could only assume meant he must have been her human.
“Could be fun annoying the shit out of Vira.” Belle mused.
“Or dangerous.” Jimin spoke up, finger tracing the brim of his glass with the drink barely sipped on. “Pure bloods don’t like us meddling.”
“They don’t like it when I meddle.” She corrected.
Pure bloods had no issue with other pure blood vampires. Even Taehyung, they tolerated despite their dated views on humans. With her though, a spawn of an original vampire and a human was downright blasphemy in their eyes. Belle still wondered to this day why Jimin, Yoongi or even Kiku thought about including her into their group, tainting their name in the academy.
Yoongi nudged Jimin’s arm harshly. “For a Park, you’re a real buzzkill, you know that?”
Jimin rolled his eyes in response, raking through his blue hair before murmuring a small apology towards Belle.
“Do we have a deal or not?”
“What’re you willing to give me when I get him?” Belle leaned in, elbows rested on the surface.
A smirk plastered across the man’s lips. “If you get him to sleep with you, I’ll give you my Lamborghini.”
Belle scoffed. “Which one?”
“The Centenario.”
“Nah—I want the Veneno.”
“If you were less hot maybe but everyone wants you so…the Centenario.”
“Oh come on—”
“If it helps I’m pretty sure Yoongi came on one of the Veneno seats one time.” Kiku spoke gesturing a toothpick towards Yoongi who stammered a little.
Belle grimaced lightly. “Fine, the Centenario.”
“That’s only cause someone decided for the first time they weren’t going to swallow.”
“You literally begged me to let you come all over my face.” Kiku parted her lips in slight offense while Yoongi shifted in his seat.
“Okay now I’m really going to go.” Belle chuckled climbing off the stool and fixing her deep red, ruche dress fitted to her curves before walking to the bar counter.
Jungkook still had his eyes fixated on his drink taking one sip almost every hour while he was somehow deep in thought. Though as he noticed a figure walking his way, his head shot meeting two beetle orbs with shining ruby flecks scattered across. It glimmered in the night light resembling a dark faery of some sort though he knew she was no faery.
“Do you always sit around alone in the college bars?” Belle asked sitting down on the stool next to him, ignoring how her dress rode up her thighs when she did.
Gaze flickered down to the heavily exposed skin, body exuding a thick, warm scent flooding his nostrils and filling his lungs. Jungkook felt his head spin from the sweetness but found himself taking more in anyway. “I don’t like a whole lot of company.” He mumbled.
“Do I count as a whole lot of company?”
“Not really.”
Belle smiled, that tiny spark of accomplishment lingering in the pit of her belly but she knew not to get too excited. “I don’t like much company either.”
“You seem to have a few friends.”
“And I love them.” She nodded. “But I also love...more intimate company.”
Jungkook’s lips twitched briefly as he gripped onto the glass a little tightly. He watched her move forward with her arms folded under her chest, making them pop beautifully in the dim lighting. “What kind of intimate company?”
“Just two people. Me and them. Taking a walk, going to eat, having sex…” Belle let a small moment of silence linger between the two people before shrugging. “Intimate moments where it’s only between the two of you.”
Jungkook couldn’t help but feel a little tingle. How it was easy to just fall into her careful words and drown in her whole aura. “Do you get to do it a lot?”
The corner of her lips curled up a little. “I haven’t for a while.”
“That’s not good.” The scent grew thicker around him again and Jungkook sought it as a good sign enough to shift closer. A layer of ice melting between them with a new brewing heat.
She hummed sadly.
“How much did he bet?”
Belle peered up at him curiously, tilting her head. It didn’t really matter whether Jungkook knew it was a bet or not at this point. She already had him close enough. “A Lamborghini Centenario.” She smiled.
Jungkook raised a brow tempted to glance over at her group but he stopped himself. Not that it was too difficult when he started unintentionally counting the little ruby flecks in her eyes. “High price for little old me.” His voice descended into a darker register as he leaned closer, feeling a strange heat radiate from her skin. “You sure you want to take it?”
“Depends…how little are you?” Belle’s eyes flickered down his body momentarily.
He chuckled, licking the inside of his cheek as he glanced down at his drink. Now more than ever in this entire night, Jungkook lost full interest of filling himself up with alcohol that won’t even intoxicate him. He needed something sweeter. “Well I can’t confirm anything to you here.”
Hunger never tugged any stronger than a bad cramp with Belle. She found decent satisfaction in food but it was almost like strong, uncontrollable cravings when her body wanted to feed properly. A type of craving that needed to be satisfied for her own health and wellbeing. While Belle could take it more than any other vampire, refusing to take blood could still kill her just as easily.
Jungkook’s hunger was a basic need. His hunger panged and pulled at his gut, spread exhaustion through his limbs, head spinning uncomfortably. The last time he fed was on one of the history students in his group project. It was consensual but he couldn’t take much before the boy fainted. There was something different pumping through Belle’s veins, radiating with so much warmth and smelling so sweet that he made him a little dizzy.
Public bathrooms were not an ideal place for a feed but the dark purple walls and black marble floors allowed for less traces and easy clean ups. Door clicked as it locked. All Belle did was turn around before her whole body was engulfed with another, lips locked with his as he pinned her against the door. It was icy at first until it started meshing in with her own warmth allowing her to melt into it.
Somewhere deep in the thick lake of his thirst, Jungkook knew he should stop and go back to the bar to prevent any issues. If anyone found out who he was with in the bathroom stalls, they would give him hell beyond belief. But the thought drowned as quickly as he grabbed onto her hips and moved them to the sink counter.
Jungkook whipped her around until she bent over the marble counter a little, a smile curling at her reddening smudged lips. Looking into the mirror Belle admired the way his forehead knitted when she felt her dress push up to her hips. He brushed away her long hair to expose her shoulder and the crook of her neck.
Leaning in, he pressed wet kisses along her shoulder while his hips harboring a mind of its own ground against her plump bottom. His gut gripped at whatever satisfaction he could get from her smell. That thickly sweet smell just calling out to him. How was it possible? She wasn’t supposed to smell this warm. He wasn’t supposed to feel this hungry tasting her skin.
Belle tilted her head to give him more room waiting for him to get as riled up as possible before she took her own feeding. His large palms exploring every inch of her body, reaching up to her breasts and kneading them to light squeeze before trailing down her hips again.
Tongue traced across one particular spot, soft and sensitive. Fingers gripped at the roots of her hair to expose more skin before his fangs bared, white shining in the light before it sunk in. His whole body trembled in glee. The burst of warmth trailing down his throat, tasting so fucking delicious on his tongue that he kept taking in more. Jungkook moaned against her skin, one palm moving between her legs as he rubbed himself on her curve.
Her first instinct was to protest when Belle felt an intrusion on her skin. She held onto the edge of the counter so tightly that one of her nails could have cracked off. Except the words died on her tongue and the only sounds forming out of her were whimpers…pleased whimpers. The warmth that exploded through her was so thrilling, so intoxicating that her knees began to wobble.
Jungkook could feel himself getting full right to the very limit but he still took more. A slight tinge of concern sparked inside him. He was taking too much. Forcefully he pulled away and pressed his tongue against the injury to heal it quickly before taking deep breaths like they had already done the deed. He usually was really good at holding back. What was wrong with him?
“You’re a fucking trickster.” Belle breathed out with a light giggle. She really should be mad but her body felt far too satisfied to be angry. Though she still felt something stiff rubbing against her. With a cheeky smile, she swayed her hips against his causing the vampire to hiss and grab onto her.
“You wanted to do the same to me.” Jungkook spoke in a low growl, his eyes flashing back to his original red except it darkened in seconds with his ever growing lust.
“Except I can’t, can I?” Belle mumbled a little lazily, allowing him to dig his nails as much as he wanted into her skin but she still wasn’t going to stay put.
Jungkook buried his fingers through her hair and gently pulled her back so he pressed right against his torso. “You can’t tell anyone about this…” He whispered in her ear, lips brushing against her soft earlobe. “And you’ll still get your Lamborghini.”
Belle had it coming. The secret promise. Every pure blood or turned vampire asked her the same thing right when their moment of clarity passed through them after a night of heated movements and sinful noises.
‘ Don’t tell anyone I touched you. ’
‘ No one can know we were together. ’
She was never allowed to speak a word but that didn’t mean she couldn’t hear them jabbering how the failed breedling begged for it with their other friends. “I promise.” She muttered like a familiar song.
Jungkook searched her eyes for a moment, the ruby flecks losing their usual twinkle when she spoke those two small words. His expression softened, grip on her hair loosening before moving his hand down to fix her dress gently as if it could somehow cushion on a blow he didn’t know he caused. But it was there. He could feel the way her skin chilled slightly disallowing him to melt into her again.
Before he could truly understand what that feeling was, Belle shifted away from his hold a little, setting up her hair again in the mirror. Not a single confused twitch on her features.
Then why was he confused?
He was the one who asked to keep it a secret so that was it. It would be selfish to expect some kind of argument when there was no way around the matter.
“I’ll have to go first.” Belle broke through the momentary silence. “Yoongi won’t believe something happened if you went out before me.”
“Why not?”
Another grin tugged at her lips even though the flecks were still dull and unexcited. “I usually tire out the ones I’m with. They have to take a break or at least look really out of it afterwards.” Belle walked over to him and patted his cheek.
Jungkook scoffed lightly though a little relieved he caught the tiniest cheeky glint before she walked out of the bathroom.
Two mornings passed and it left the pure blood emptier than he wanted to admit. Jungkook opted to take this particular dawn to cage himself in the gym for a few hours before classes started rolling. It was the best time when the whole building was empty save for the security guards. Eventually when he tired himself out enough not to think about those ruby flecks again and have the smell of sweat instead of that sweet, warm aroma, he started preparing for the library.
Apparently Vira and a couple of others wanted to get some readings done and it was getting too sunny outside for their liking.
The academy library was vast filled with books ancient to modern adorning shelves so much taller than him he could barely see the top. Jungkook had a simple black long sleeves draped on him as he walked over to the corner table and found Vira with an empty seat to her.
Deep red lips curled up into wide grin as she patted the seat and the male didn’t really respond much before doing as she silently asked.
Jungkook never found a whole lot of interest in the conversations his group mumbled towards each other and simply opened his books to skim through readings like he thought they were supposed to do. Though even with their words tuned out a little, his eyes still flickered up to scan the shelves, a few of the tables with quiet students curling on themselves. Except one figure glowed so bright near a few tables forward.
Her hair was not as black as he imagined it was in the bar lighting. It was almost a chocolate brown, a little messy and wavy with a small clip loosely placing back on side of it. Lips in a lighter pink tinge while wearing lilac thin sleeve dress with small peach flowers scattered across from what he could catch. Jungkooks’ lips twitched a little seeing her smile so easily with such a genuine aura when a blond haired girl next to her muttered something between them.
He felt a harsh nudge on his arm causing him to shake back into reality and look over at Vira again. “What?”
“We saw you sneaking in with a certain someone back at the party.” One of the other pure blood vampires, Hoseok spoke with a wide smirk tugging at his lips. “The failed breedling.”
“I thought we called her a failed experiment.” Vira commented with a ghost of a smile over to Hoseok who chuckled in response. “Some kind of deformed rat in the lab.”
Jungkook curled his fingers against the table trying to kill the words that were desperately attempting to escape through him. “She’s definitely not deformed. I mean…we’ve seen Doyoung’s nose.”
A turned vampire, Doyoung shot a glare at the male while the rest of the group laughed in full agreement though quiet enough not to echo through the room.
Hoseok then turned back to Jungkook with his eyes flashing red. “How non-deformed is she exactly?”
Nails dug deep into his palm until the skin almost ripped. Jungkook was glad he had a good ability to hide his abilities otherwise his eyes would have been permanently red from anger. “She’s…kinda perfect physically. I fed from her.” You fucking dumbass.
“You did?” Vira didn’t care to hide her grimace, hand pressing to her chest. “God, aren’t you sick?”
“It tasted good.”
“Really?” Hoseok’s eyes faded into red for longer than Jungkook was comfortable with. That same faint smirk appearing back on his lips. “How good?”
Jungkook wanted to look back at Belle. As if there was this intense pull at his belly wanting to watch her smile so genuinely again and tune this conversation out again. “Better than a human.”
“Fuck, seriously?” Doyoung’s eyes widened so much his eyes could have popped out if he wasn’t careful.
“Maybe we should tell our original masters to take in more humans to breed.” Hoseok nodded down at his open and ignored book rested there for show.
Jungkook actively ignored the comment and gathered a bit more confidence to look over at Belle’s table again. His stomach jumped to his throat when he noticed those dark orbs meet his own. He held onto it, expression softening to admire how beautifully they sparkled, how her chest rose and fell. The way her lips curled up before she leaned into whisper something in her friend’s ear.
Vira scoffed without any care for volume. “They’d rather feed on animals than do that. One abomination is enough.” Every word was harsh and cut, not a single ounce of regret in what was spewing out of her mouth.
He heard the words but paid no mind to them when Belle stood up from the chair, giving him another smile before walking over to the other end of the library where the last, abandoned aisle was.
“If you ask me then they should’ve killed her along with her dirty parents.” Vira shrugged looking down at her long deep violet nails.
“I need to find a book.” Jungkook got up from his chair and walked through the library on the other side of the shelves away from the tables. He didn’t share a single glance to Vira when she called his name.
It was almost like a pull. Dragging him across the floor like a sorry but happy puppet, running to the one who controlled his strings. She shouldn’t be controlling his strings. But Jungkook still let her.
Finally he reached the last aisle, pausing in his tracks for a moment when he saw Belle leaning back against the wall shelf with her arms crossed over her chest.
“What happened to not telling anyone?” Belle asked with a faint smirk plastered on her lips.
Jungkook walked to stand right in front of the girl, the morning sun brightly shining through the window but thankfully high enough not to beam on the floor. “Who says anyone’s going to know?”
The cute smirk stretched into a mischievous smile. “You owe me a little.”
“How’s that?”
“You fed from me.” Granted, Belle strangely enjoyed the feeling far more than she would like to admit. “Yet I haven’t gotten anything from you.”
“You don’t think it’s a little selfish?”
Without a reply, she hooked her fingers on the frilly hem of her dress, pulling it up enough for him to see those thick thighs again. “Depends on how badly you don’t want to give me anything.” Belle couldn’t help but dive deep into her gaze when looking at the male. Thin black sweater with the sleeves rolled up to show off the veins popping from his arms after his morning workout, long tresses naturally curled and touching his brows. She could just imagine those fingers gripping at her skin.
Gaze darkened as he watched her plump, pink painted lips curl up into a smile while the rubies in her eyes disappeared almost completely turning into a blackened red. “Do you enjoy making a scene?” His voice grumbled, stepping closer until once again he was met with that beautiful heat radiating from her.
“It’s not a scene if no ones’ looking.” Belle murmured, breath hitting his lips almost magnetizing him to dip his head down further. “Besides—I already know your little quiet shy boy is just a façade now. Don’t expect me not to have a little fun with it.”
Hand grabbed onto her hips like his life depended on it, pads of his finger squeezing her until he heard a light gasp. “I’m not like your other sweet humans that you tire out, darling.”
“Well I wouldn’t know much from experience, would I?” Belle tilted her head, her nerves awakening with the way his fingers deliciously dug through her clothes into her skin almost forming permanent dimples.
Jungkook walked forward letting her stumble back so she rested further against the last shelf of books. Her scent filling her nostrils again and he sniffed in letting it flood his lungs and thicken right up to his throat. His hands latched off her hip and trailed down her short dress, rough fingers tracing her soft thigh. Sliding up thin clothing between her legs, his hands paused where he felt heat. Wet heat soaking through a thin soft fabric, almost soggy when he pressed his fingers against it.
Belle let out a shaky breath, gently caressing his rising chest. As the male pressed harder she could feel her erect nub throbbing out for him. The light spark of pleasure caused her to close her eyes. What a mistake that was. Almost instantly the pressure on her panties stopped and another hand grabbed onto her chin.
“Look at me.” Jungkook growled under his breath. Eyes flashed red when their gazes met again causing Belle to smile albeit a little shakily.
A soft hum emitting in her throat, Belle felt his rough fingers sneak into her panties. Rubbing straight against her nub jolting sparks of pleasure through her veins. It was too tempting to close her eyes and fully relish into the sensations but she kept her gaze on him. His eyes faded into an extremely deep crimson.
Fingers caressed circles on her delicate clit before sliding down her dripping slit. Spreading her nether lips, he slowly pushed in his middle digit, curling up deeper as he hungrily watched Belle part her mouth and throw her head back against the shelf. Jungkook dipped in latching his lips onto her jugular to get more of her taste. So warm. So fucking sweet. He tried to muffle out the groan against her skin. Jungkook pulled his finger out and slid back up to her clit, increasing his pace into a mild assault of pleasure.
Belle brushed through his slightly cold hair, giggling lightly as he gently grazed his teeth on the side of her neck before kissing her jawline. She tried soften her moans with her trembling breaths but tiny noises of desperation still escaped. The rush tightened in her lower belly. Warmer. Hotter. Her hips jerked against his movements, almost standing on her tiptoes.
Then her ears pricked for a moment. Footsteps echoing a little closer than normal.
“Someones’ coming.” Belle whispered in a shaky tone, trying to push Jungkooks’ hand out of her panties but he didn’t budge.
“I thought you liked making a scene, baby.” He swirled his finger around her clit in a tantalizing pace again forcing her orgasm to move to a distance again.
As the footsteps grew closer, Jungkook whipped her around so she faced the shelf. The librarian appeared at the aisle giving them a quick glance as Belle pretended to pick up a book.
It only took a few minutes of her gazing around, looking for a book rather than watching them directly but it thickened the frustration between the couple. Belle cupped her core gently trying to gain more friction to keep her pleasure driving closer though it was hard not to move too fast.
Once the librarian disappeared, Jungkook dipped his hand back without a single moment of hesitation, rubbing up and down her slit to spread her arousal before torturing her clit again. Head buried in her shoulder he viciously rubbed her bundle of nerves as she held onto the shelves for dear life while the book she held dropped to the ground.
Belle leaned her forehead against the shelf feeling the tightness in her lower belly. Calling out to her and yearning for more of his touch. Fingers wrapped around his forearm as it moved at a lightning pace. “J-Ju—” Heat surged through her body spreading across her limbs, knees shaking causing to almost stumble onto the floor but Jungkook kept her steady. She let out a clearer whimper as he continued to drawl out her orgasm, rubbing at her sensitive nub at a tantalizing pace.
Jungkook pressed roughly against her clit causing Belle to whine and giggle breathlessly. He couldn’t help but grin at the sweet sound, relishing in the aroma of lust mixing in with her natural scent. He turned her around more gently, taking his fingers into his mouth and suckling off her delicious release. “Is that good enough?” He brushed and fixed the light tresses hovering over the girl’s face.
She grinned brushing down the creases in her dress. “Much better.” Belle reached out and absentmindedly caressed the neckline of his shirt with a softer expression across her features, padding closer until her forehead was almost touching his chin. She had a light hum under her breath as she nudged her nose against his jawline.
“What’re you doing?” Jungkook asked, immediately regretting his words when he felt her comforting touch leave him making him feel empty.
Belle stammered stepping back a little and avoiding his gaze. He won’t care for you. “Nothing.” She mumbled quickly picking up the book from the floor, placing it back on the shelf. This was all you were meant for. “Sorry.” Was the final word uttered before she rushed to disappear out of the aisle.
Jungkook took a deep breath to call her back but the words died on his tongue. He had a feeling why she did it. That needy feeling to just cuddle into a warm body after coming down from a high. The little want to be taken care of. The knowledge of it all only caused a squeeze in his chest. I’m sorry.
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scuttle-buttle · 3 years
Chapter 11
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WC: 2077
Rated: E
Chapter Tags: full on angst, discussions of emotional trauma, mild depictions of blood/gore, mentions of self h*rm & su*cide, mentions of child abuse, discussions of physical disabilities, institutionalization, some dialogue & plot canon to TV show, hurt/comfort
The rest of the conference went by much like the first day did. Both you and Laszlo bought a few books for your collections. An ease had settled over your conversations with the help of Sara and John's presence; you spoke more freely with each other. You tell yourself it is not because he's going soft on you or vice versa, but rather that you have found yourself in this imaginary bubble where you happen to get on well. It's inevitable that it will pop once you’re back at school and Laszlo will revert back to his usual callous state.
Laszlo. It still felt odd to think of him like that, rather than by his title. You couldn't lie, it gave you a sort of thrill. Even in your dreams you had only called him by his honorific. Thankfully you didn't have another dream after Friday. You couldn't escape the feeling that you'd said something incriminating in front of the man in question. So you chose to pretend it didn't happen.
Monday morning came and you headed to the train station. Once again he had secured a private cabin for the journey. This time you came prepared with a book since you had yet to replace your broken phone.
"Thank you again for inviting me to this, I really enjoyed myself. It was really nice of the department to foot my travel expenses, the hotel was really fancy. I may have helped myself to a mini-bottle or two," you joked.
"There is no need to worry about the department's finances; they were not involved."
You pause. He paid for you? Laszlo did say he would take care of the arrangements; but the four-star hotel, the private compartment train tickets, the admission to the conference, and every meal? Shit, that must have been a fortune, hundreds of dollars at least.
You don't know what to say, so you settle for an awkward "oh." A moment passes before you add "I appreciate that, um, I can pay you back. Might take some time but I can."
The professor is flippant in his reply. "There is no need, it was well spent for the research and knowledge acquired." He opens his book signaling the conversation is over.
You lick your lips. Fine then, I'll just consider it payment for emotional suffering and damages of the last eight weeks.
The first few hours of the journey were spent reading one of the new books you picked up at the convention. Occasionally you would peek over the pages at the professor. He was engrossed in his own selection; sometimes he would pause to write down a thought.
Around the seventh hour of your journey you had given up on reading anymore in favor of looking at the fields outside. The silence was comforting.
Laszlo had trouble concentrating on the book in his hand. He saw you as a conundrum. One minute you could be sociable and teasing with your comments, then next you were biting at his throat with your quick wit and fierce ideals. He decides that he wants to know what made you into who you are today. Now is as good a time as any.
His eyes on you cause a tingle up your spine but you ignore it. Laszlo breaks the silence; "may I ask a personal question?"
"You just did," you answer, still peering out of the large window. He huffed once, amused. At his following silence you face him. You raise your eyebrows to signal him to go on with his question. Curiosity grows at the thought of what he intends to ask.
"Twice now you have made implications of a traumatic past," he begins.
Bubble popped.
Interrupting, you snark "is this the part where you psychoanalyze me, doc? Because trust me, I've been through enough of that." You pick at the lint on your jeans.
Laszlo tries to choose his words more carefully the next time he speaks. "What I mean to say is, the first afternoon in the classroom where you defended that student you implied you had been witness to a trauma. You then displayed signs of anger and embarrassment before leaving prematurely. Yesterday you mentioned having entered a psychiatric facility. As an alienist I can't help but find myself curious about your experiences."
You slide your eyes to meet his from across the cabin. Your face is devoid of any emotion. "We all have our demons. Even you can't argue with that."
Your jaw clenches. Everyone had warned you. They all said he would try to worm his way into your head to figure you out. All the reviews, the gossip, everything. It was a big fat 'I told you so'. You give a pitiful laugh at the situation. "You know, everyone told me that you would pull this stunt."
He seems confused by your statement. "And what is that?"
"That you'd get inside my head and try to figure me all out or whatever. You already know I googled you beforehand, what everyone says about your methods. By now I assume you've done a little research yourself. I promise you there is nothing exciting here," you scoff and point to yourself.
"You would be correct in your assumption." You chew at your cheek as he starts. "I do know some of what happened in your past. Yet I also know that society likes to dilute the truth into something either more palatable, more entertaining, for people to consume greedily. What I want to know is what you have faced. How you have not allowed the experience to overcome you so much so that your humanity is erased like the characters I lecture on."
Eyes closing of their own volition you are thrown back in time to that night so many years ago. You didn't talk about it anymore. Bitsy knew of course, but that was the extent.
Laszlo waits. He knows this is likely to push you over the edge if your history with him means anything. Quite frankly, anyone would be tossed to their limit at his interrogation had they gone through what you had. John always told him that he needed to work on his bedside manner; that he had a habit of coming on too strong in his pursuit of learning the intricacies of the human mind. But your earlier comment about being sent to a so-called 'nuthouse' rubbed him the wrong way. It left a bad taste in his mouth. He needed to know. He needed to understand.
Laszlo can imagine the reprimand that he would receive from John and Sara for this. Just as he considers apologizing for his intrusion you open your eyes.
"She was fine. None of us suspected anything was wrong. I came home from having dinner with some… boy, and she had locked herself in the bathroom. She- she must have started over the sink and moved to sit on the side of the tub. She was hunched inside it when I got the door open. I pulled her out. Blood was… everywhere." Your voice is clinical as you explain.
"After, I shut down. So I checked myself into a psych ward a few days later when I couldn't get the feel of her blood off my hands. It's slippery, you know. And it smells. You wouldn't think so but it does." You clear your throat. "I did the therapy, took the meds they prescribed, all the standard treatments. Later I started watching true crime documentaries. I'd heard about exposure therapy so I figured the more I saw the gore, the less the image of my dead roommate would bother me. And it did help. The nightmares stopped after a while, I came back to school. I was better, just not the same.” You had watched the passing landscape as you explained. Turning to face him you speak again. “That's why those pictures didn't bother me. They weren't anything I hadn't seen before."
He contemplates you. The discovery and subsequent loss of your friend in this manner would no doubt cause lingering effects to your psyche. A stain that would forever remind you. "I offer my sincerest condolences. I do not presume to know what that would be like to experience, but I am glad you sought help afterwards. To make the choice to alleviate yourself of your own suffering where possible.”
As he says this he realizes that your anger towards the idea of being enslaved to unconscious impulse makes perfect sense. It explains why you focused so much energy on defending your belief in free will. That you have the power to choose how you carry your joy, your anger, your healing. It reminds him of how he held onto his own guilt and hurt, ignoring how it festered within him for so long. He feels as though he needs to share a piece of himself with you.
“I played piano as a child, quite well too. My mother hoped I would someday make a career of it. I vividly remember playing Mozart’s Concerto for Piano No. 20 in D Minor at a holiday party when I was seven years old. It was my favorite to play.... It requires two hands." You finally look at him. "My father...” He pauses to gather himself.
Now it is the doctor that cannot meet your eyes. As you listen you feel your confusion grow. How could he have been a talented pianist if he only had full use of his left hand? Unless..., the realization dawns on you just as he continues, his words slow.
“My father had two sides. One loving and the other brutal, the two often coexisting. It was something as trivial as putting me to bed, I recall... A game of tug of war. We were laughing…” He inhales a sharp breath. Already you can feel the tears begin to blur your vision. “I don't remember if he was drunk or if I said something that offended him. He must have pulled my arm behind my back.” Laszlo exhales shakily. “In small children, fractures can often affect…” he trails off, unable to finish. You can hear how he barely holds himself together.
Your heart aches for the broken man that sits in front of you. He never let on how much his arm bothered him, at least not within your presence. Suddenly you don’t see him as this rude, insufferable, obsessive man, but instead as someone that spends his life trying to protect himself. He projects his own anger and hurt so that he may, just for a minute, forget about his own demons. He wants to help others even when he feels he cannot bear to help himself.
But unlike you, he has to live with the physical reminder of his past every day of his life.
You stand and move to sit on his right side. Before allowing yourself to think too much of your actions, you place your hand atop his own, curling your fingers around his palm and squeezing delicately. You don’t bother wiping away the tears on your cheeks. “I’m so sorry, Laszlo;” the whisper is barely heard above the sound of the train. A second passes where you fear you have overstepped and offended him by touching the affected limb. When his thumb tightens against the backs of your fingers you know he is not. He holds you in place.
“You asked me how I kept my humanity. How does anyone really? We learn to take what we get and we carry it in a bag. Sometimes you have to drag the damn thing behind you. But eventually the weight gets less and less if you allow yourself to move forward, even if it’s still there with you all the time. I dealt with what happened years ago and it does still haunt me. It’s easier now than it was, but… I- I suppose I’ve learned from you too. Sitting in those lectures and hearing you talk. We can either let it haunt us for the rest of our lives… or we can accept it… and use the memory of our pain to help ourselves and others.”
“I’m not sure the choice is entirely in our hands.” His tone is mournful.
You turn to smile at him through your tears. His own eyes are bloodshot. “I disagree. If it weren’t, if we didn’t have the freedom to choose that, we’d all be murderers.”
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k3lynn · 4 years
mine — katsuki bakugou
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yandere! katsuki bakugou x reader
cw: yandere au, 3rd year bakugou, violence, reader got female genitalia, anger, off-“screen” murder, mention of (minor) character death, blood, lucidness, possessiveness, degradation, manipulation, stalking, threats, masturbation, implication of sex, swearing, assault, narcissism, horror, slightly delusional katsuki, panic attack, non con, mention of suicide
- I do not condone any of the behavior here, nor do I try to romanticize it. (definition: make it seem like a good thing) any future/current dark fics are purely for entertainment purposes. Also, I don’t think bakugou would EVER do this- I’m just using some dark traits he used to have and twisting them to fit this situation. Not completely proof read and edited, I am exhausted right now I’m sorry. I say some mean things about some characters but I don’t mean it 💗
words: 1.8k
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Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Look at me.
Poor little Y/N. You’ve caught the Big Bad Wolf’s attention. Ready to snatch you up and drag you into the deepest parts of the forest where no one will ever find you.
You’ll be all mine, and I’ll be the only thing you’ll ever have to see again.
You’ve been in the same class for 3 years now- and all he had to show for it is an occasional wave, and a shy little “Hi Bakugou” every morning that made his heart leap out of his chest.
Enough for most, but not for him.
In turn, he would tsk. Facing away and setting his head down on the desk- attempting to hide the roaring blush adorning his cheeks and the subtle shuffling in his pants- the way your voice alone could make his balls tighten in need.
Still- you give him merely a glance. He is always around you, but your attention is given to someone else.
Any extra would overlook his grumbling for typical-Katsuki doing his own thing. In reality, he’s holding himself back from snapping and taking you by force.
He wants you to come to him.
You have no reason not to. He’s perfect. Probably the best student to ever enter U.A. High, and on path to become the best pro hero to ever graduate from it.
Coming first in both the Entrance Exams AND the sports festival- a victory he still denies, holding some of the highest grades in class- 3rd only to some geek girl he could easily out-rank in combat and that shitty half n’ half. Even perceptiveness, intellect, and determination that can rival dumb Deku.
He even possesses great skills in cooking and music- Katsuki is a natural-born genius. Anybody who isn’t conscious towards his incredible talents might as well be living under a rock-
Unbeknownst to you, he’s giving you the generous chance to decide when you’ll be his. But his patience wears thinner every day.
It would have only taken a second to turn around in your seat and notice his piercing red eyes glaring at the back of your head.
So why don’t you notice me.
He doesn’t understand why it’s you he obsesses about. He can’t even remember when this whole mess started.
He tried denying his feelings. But quickly- they built up and festered inside him, begging to come out. Love, possessiveness, same thing.
Whether it be watching your twist and turn in the obstacle course- then running to the nearest bathroom to furiously grip his cock.
Snatching your chapstick when you’re not looking and rubbing it all around his own lips- imagining that’s what your lips would taste like if you just kissed him-
Restraining you during combat training by wrapping his arms around you- squeezing your breast a little more than necessary. Pinning you to the floor until you admit defeat.
Or even sneaking into your dorm while you’re in the shower to grab a new pair of panties from your dirty laundry, adding it to the stash he keeps hidden under his bed.
Stalking you. Keeping you close at all times without you even knowing it.
Indeed, he knows he’s a sick and twisted human being.
But by now he hardly cares- he’s worked too hard to ever even imagine of changing his perfect target. Nobody is more deserving of you than him.
So if he has to confront, threaten, and beat every single person in this stupid school to monopolize you for himself- he gladly will. Anyone who goes againts that is challenging him.
He scoffs anytime a boy approaches you- it’s well known around school that anyone who attempts to buddy up with you mysteriously ends up in a hospital room with no recollection of what happened. People even started seeing you as a sign of bad luck.
He’s nice enough to allow you some friends though. But only ones who will guarantee you’ll be around him as much as possible.
So you sit with him, Kirishima, racoon eyes, dunce face, and tape boy in lunch. No one else. Right in front of him.
You’re chatting away with Mina, but unusually, something special came up in conversation.
He always stays focused on his lunch- switching between listening in and day dreaming about bending you over the lunch table and grinding on your ass-
Katsuki’s stomach dropped. His eyes widened- what did Mina just say?
There’s a boy in the management department, a quirkless 2nd year nobody smart enough to somehow get into U.A.
And he asked you out on a date after school.
No no no no-
No- this isn’t how it’s supposed to-
My throat burns.
When did he- when did you-
You’re going to say no, right?
I cant breathe.
You don’t like anyone- I know this
I know everything about you- I-
My chest hurts-
You’re mine.
And if he thinks I’ll share then I’ll-
“Mina stop being so loud please...” your delicate little voice whispered.
The rest of the table already took notice of what was going on- bombarding you with questions that made you flustered.
“Woah woah- Y/n, what’s your answer?” dunce face peeps out, Bakugou swore he could smack that grin off his face right then and there.
Katsuki turns to look at you again- a chill traveling down his spine once he made eye contact, but your stare quickly fell to the floor.
“I’m not sure yet- probably not.. ha.” You shrugged- a light pink dusting over your cheeks. The others, satisfied, dismiss the topic.
Had it have been anybody else observing, they wouldn’t have thought much of it. But Katsuki knows you like the back of his hand. Successfully deceiving him would be harder than taking down All For One.
You’re lying... aren’t you? In front of him too- All because of this quirkless fucking loser-
Katsuki hates lies.
I’m going to kill him.
The walk back to your dorm was disappointing to say the least. But you can’t expect someone to be in the best of moods when they’ve been stood up.
You almost couldn’t believe it either- he had seemed so kind and genuine that you stood there for an extra 2 hours. But that’s your luck with boys-
‘I hope you got a good laugh out of it, jerk.’ You huffed before inserting the key into your rooms lock.
Turning on the lights, you allow your eyes to adjust for a moment before stepping inside and walking to your desk.
“You were waiting for that jackass for so long I almost started thinking you would never come back...”
You let out a startled cry before dropping your keys and whirling around in a flash- recognizing Katsuki’s back as he slowly closes the door.
“Bakugou? Why are you-“
“was he really that special.”
“What do you mean was....“ It’s then you noticed the blood dripping down his arms and hands- your door decorated with the same shade of crimson.
“oh my god.. Bakugou,”
That’s why the poor boy never showed up.
You knew about Katsuki’s “little” crush on you for a while now. His stares weren’t exactly the most subtle after all-
You found his uncertainty adorable, heck, a part of you was waiting for him to confess. But you would have never imagined his infatuation went this far.
“It doesn’t matter anyway. He’ll never love you as much as I do.”
He lifts his head, and your eyes meet his. Bloodshot- as if he’d been crying, but the evident smirk on his face showed nothing but pure malice.
“Not that he’ll ever get the chance to anyways”
He’s too fast, too close to the door, he has all the advantage in this situation. But you have to try. You have to leave this room at this very moment or you may never make it out alive. There’s no reasoning with him.
You clutch your heart. He steps forward, and you instinctively bolt to the door.
A few easy moves and he has you pinned by the neck on the ground, legs bent and used to hold your arms from jerking too much. His free hand is outstretched, creating small explosions that made you automatically stiffen your movement.
“Bakugou please- I won’t ever tell anyone, we can forget about this and I’ll pretend it neve-“
“I don’t need you to be quiet. I’m the boy who rejected a direct offer from the League of Villains, one of the best students in U.A. high- even if you do rat me out, they’ll never believe you...”
His grip on your neck tightened- nails cutting through skin and little droplets of blood start showing up. His hand starts heating up and a panic courses through your veins.
“I’ll kill you before they even begin to suspect me.”
Choked sobs escape your lips from the pain and fear surging through your body- “I- I thought you said you lo-loved me.”
“I do... that’s why you’ll be mine forever.”
He leaned down, low enough for you to feel his warm breath- then used his tongue to sadistically lick off the tears running down your cheek, a salty but satisfying flavor entering his mouth.
“In this life, and the next. It’s up to you when we see the later.”
You nod, hoping he relaxes the pressure on your neck. His face softens, something you swore you would never see in Bakugou. He releases his hold.
“You made me mess up your neck, next time don’t be so mean.”
He tilted your chin up, observing the scratches and bruises littered all around it. As soon as he determines there’s no serious injury, he picks you up to lay you on your bed. Climbing in next to you and wrapping an arm around your hips.
“Couples cuddle like this all the time don’t they.”
You gave him silence, although he didn’t mind. With one glare he had you shuffling to move closer to his chest.
“they also kiss.”
You know that right now, there’s no point in fighting. So you give in to what he wants in hopes that one day, you’ll break free from the hold he secretly had on you for so long. You’ll play along. You’ll survive.
You shudder as his hands reach to cradle your cheek, wiping the blood of the boy all over it. He loved it. It proved he won. He gave a light kiss to your lips before attacking your neck, set on putting a new type of bruise on you.
“You should start calling me Katsuki.”
“Ka- Katsuki.” You barely managed to whimper out.
He caresses your hair, cooing soft whispers into your ear in an attempt to calm your sniffling. An action you would have seen as sweet if it weren’t for the constant threat of death over your shoulder.
Your breath hitches in horror as you feel his warm hands trail down your body, gripping your smooth inner thigh before delicately starting to drag his fingers up.
“You know...
You silently beg for him to stop.
“There’s one more thing couples do.”
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-if anyone is interested- should I make a part 2? (Future edit, I’m not satisfied with this, I might end up rewriting in the future)
© 2021 k3lynn, do not modify or repost without permission
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whaleofatjme1920 · 3 years
Denying Feelings on the Tiled Floor (Masky X F!Reader)
[Masky X F!Reader]
[Warnings: blood, angst]
[AN: I genuinely dont think I've posted this here before but it's from my quotev and I want it here lots of love <3]
Tim can’t really describe the first moment he knew he felt something for you, only that he did. And he knew the risks that came along with having such feelings.
Hanahaki, it’s a terrible disease, really. Instead of giving flowers to the person you love, you grow them in your lungs. If the person that you’re so willingly throwing your affections at doesn’t return them, you die. The flowers cloud your lungs and unfurl, sprouting and taking root as they invade your chest, making it harder and harder to breathe until you eventually choke.
He wasn’t supposed to have feelings for anyone, especially as a proxy and even more so as a respectable group leader. His job is to guide and lead, not feel softly for someone who might never return his feelings. Tim doesn't really think he even deserves to have these type of warm feelings, if he’s being honest.
Not after he failed to protect Brian. Not after he failed to protect Amy. Not after he failed to protect Sarah. Not after he failed to save Alex. Not after he barely managed to protect Jessica. And certainly not after he failed to do right by and protect Jay. His existence was always bound to be one of suffering, not warm feelings and sly glances at someone he feels so deeply for.
He supposes that’s where the Hanahaki comes in from. He can’t just have warm feelings, he must suffer for those two. The warmth he felt for you was at first a spark, small, floating on the wind from something greater and bigger than he could ever imagine. Then, it took hold on every part of him, consuming him until it was ablaze and the flames licked upwards to the heels of the sky.
It was something he never wanted to feel, something he wanted to shove back. But sometimes, it was pleasant, and sweet, and it lured him in like sailors to a siren song.
Sometimes it was just a little smile.
“Good work today,” Tim complimented as he patted your back, watching as you tiredly stumbled back into the house. “I wasn’t sure we were gonna be able to get that guy but you? You were on it.”
You glanced over your shoulder and smiled at him. “Thanks! He was a slipper bastard, but I make it work,” you giggled.
Tim chuckled and closed the door of the temp house his group was currently staying in. “Get some rest tonight, okay?”
“Why? We have something big tomorrow?” You asked, tilting your head slightly.
He followed you into the kitchen, watching as you began to rummage in the fridge for something cold to drink. “No,” he started. “I just want you to get some rest.”
You poked your head from back out of the fridge, genuinely smiling at him. “Sure thing, Masky.”
His heart skipped a beat.
Sometimes it was your laugh.
It had just been you and Tim in the car coming back from a late night convenience store run. Apparently, the rest of your group wanted to have a movie night but the snacks were severely lacking.
There was music playing in the car but he hadn’t been focused on it all. In fact, he was more focused on you telling him things from your childhood.
“I can’t believe they just let us do that,” you had giggled. “I know senior pranks can get out of hand but I’m certain we cost them thousands in actual damage and even more in water damage.”
Tim chuckled and nodded. “I remember for our senior prank, Hoodie and I got the bright idea to steal three pigs from one of the local farms in the area with a group of other guys, and marked them with a one, two and four,” he explained, watching from the corner of his eye as you began to grin. “So, we let them loose in the school and of course, the staff and the students that weren’t in on the prank spent the entire day looking for pig three-” he’s barely able to get the rest of the anecdote out before you burst into laughter.
Tim’s heart grows softer as he joins you, fighting the desire to hold your hand. You sound so beautiful to him.
Tim knows he can’t deny his feelings. He couldn’t try any harder, and unfortunately for him, he has the inkling you don’t feel the same. It’s painful because he can feel the seeds of that terrible disease spreading further and further, consuming him slowly.
You’ve mentioned it before, not wanting to be in love. Not desiring a relationship and by extension, him.
“I just don’t think I’m up for those kind of things,” you said one night as the two of you say up on the roof together.
He tilted his head slightly to the side. “What makes you say that?”
You shrugged. “I’m a proxy, and I don’t think love is in the roster for people like us.” You giggled slightly and fixed your posture before shaking your head. “I think the only types of people who would work with people like us is people like us. But, even then, I think we’re way too emotionally unstable.” You then paused and looked over to your group leader. “What about you?”
Tim shrugged, a small, sad smile on his face. “I think I’m in agreement with you.” He said it, but he doesn’t mean it. He watched you carefully after he said it, looking for any signs that you wanted to challenge him, and when he didn’t see them, he felt the flowers bloom.
Coughing is absolutely normal for Tim. He’s handled the Operator’s influence for far longer than anyone should, which has been since his childhood. It’s just his body’s natural reaction to being poisoned all those years. But what wasn’t normal was when he started coughing up petals.
Oh how he hates the color pink now. Carnations. They’re pink carnations. He has no idea why they’re pink carnations as you have shown no type of fondness or specific admiration for the type of flower, but they smell so sweet and the color reminds him of you. He tries to smoke his cigarettes more and more in a vain attempt to smoke the roots that have taken hold in his lungs before they consume him in his entirety.
But he knows he won’t stop them, and that he won’t give into that surgery. What’s the use of living if you cannot have the feelings that come alongside it? All of the things that still make proxies human, life, death, love and birth - peace and war? Happiness when you laugh with friends, confusion, anger and somberness. It’s worth it. Every single part of it is worth it. He doesn’t want to lose the warm feelings he has to you either,
Even if it kills him.
It’s not like you haven’t noticed Tim coughing up pink carnations. The way the sparsely blood covered flowers find their ways into vases or in the trash have been greatly concerning you, and as far as you can tell, it’s not from Toby, Brian, or Kate. The only habitual cougher is Tim, and that makes you concerned.
You don’t know how to feel about Tim most days, but you know it’s something sweeter than what should be allowed as a proxy. You’re finally making your decision when you think you’ve almost lost him.
It’s a warm summer night when you finally come to terms with how you feel. You’ve just returned from some kind of ‘cooperation mission’ with Eyeless Jack and Jeff and you are more than exhausted after the mess you had to put up with.
“Anyone home?” You call out. From the kitchen, you can smell fresh pastries. Looks like Kate and Toby have been baking again. You follow the scent and see platters of brownies, cookies and other sweets laid out on the countertops with little sticky notes telling you to only take from the brownies - the rest are for other proxy groups and independents.
You’re just about to pluck one of the fresh brownies when you hear coughing. It’s soft at first, thick, but sounds like normal Tim coughing. You wonder if you should head over and see if there’s anything he needs. “Masky?” You call out again.
He coughs again. “What?” He sounds exhausted.
“Do you need some water?”
“No, I don’t-” he begins to cough violently, and you swear you can hear something falling to the floor as he does so. Tim rumbles around his room, crawling out of bed as he continues to violently cough and to the bathroom.
Worried, you exit the kitchen hastily to see what’s wrong just to see him slinking into the bathroom. “Masky? What’s going on?” You ask in a growing concerned tone, walking down the darkened hall to where the bathroom light shines from under the door.
And there you see it, flowers. Pink in color, carnations. They’re soft under your shoe as opposed to the hardwood. You feel the blood run cold in your veins. “Tim? Tim? Tim, you gotta open up please-” you rush out as you begin to pound on the door.
“Don’t you dare!” He snarls, pushing his weight against the door, still coughing. “I don’t need your hel-” he practically coughs up his lungs as he falls to the floor.
You panic. “Shit, shit, shit!” You cry out as you lean back in the hallway. “I’m coming in!” You know he can’t really hear you as he continues to hack out his lungs, but you kick the door in, bursting it from its hinges. You catch it and practically tear it out of the frame before shoving it back into the hall.
You widen your eyes upon seeing the state of Tim and immediately fall downwards, your hands sliding over his trembling form. There’s blood all over the sink, the mirror, even some of the sub and on the floor. The red drops leave trails down his mouth like snail trails. “Oh my gods,” you murmur as you rest his head on his lap, stopping his skull from knocking around on the tile floor.
“You shouldn’t-” he coughs more. “You shouldn’t be in here!” He’s not able to reprimand you because he’s practically puking up a bouquet.
“Nonsense,” you shrug off, trying to bring him comfort. “What the hell brought this on?” Your fingertips gently trace around his mouth and help claw the budding flowers out. You’ve never hated carnations so much until now.
Tim glares up at you before closing his eyes in pain, feeling the flowers cloud his lungs further. “It’s nothing-”
“Does this look like nothing?” You sound so cross, but it’s just because you’re so worried about him.
A long, pregnant pause passes between the two of you.
You continue to pull the blossoms from his mouth before looking over his form, seeing how his hand is slowly reaching up for yours. “Tim…”
“I know,” he whispers. “I’m sorry, I never meant for you to-”
You shake your head, your hand reaching out to hold his. You grip him before taking his hand warmly up to the side of your face, allowing him to caress your cheek. “Don’t.”
“But it’s true,” he barely manages to wisp out. “I never meant to throw this onto you,” he finishes before weakly coughing up more petals and full budding flowers. He can barely breathe now.
You sigh as you press his hand up to your cheek just a little firmer, letting him feel your warmth before you softly pull him back. “Open your palm, please,” you say softly as your free hand fishes out yet another bundle of carnations.
He weakly nods, closing his eyes and giving into his labored breathing as his lungs compete with the roots and sick blossoms for air.
You sigh once again, a small smile crossing onto your face before you plant a kiss on the center of his palm, remaining for just a moment before allowing him to pull away all on his own. “You always had me you idiot,” you whisper as you watch his fingers curl inwards, gripping the kiss that you had just planted.
Tim looks up at you, starry eyed before resting his hand on your cheek again.
The garden in his lungs begins to wilt.
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youarejesting · 3 years
Sly like a... ? Part 7
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[Master list] [Sly Master List] Beta: n/a (at the moment) Rating: All Pairing: Hybrid!BTS x FailedHybrid!Reader Genre: Hybrid au, fluff, action, adventure, angst, drama, slice of life. Some marked chapters will contain mature/smut scenes, BUT they will not have plot in those scenes and are 100% skippable without losing your place in the story. Words: 2.2k
Summary: Human’s strive to be better, faster and stronger looking to animal DNA. Thus Hybrids are born. As the rise for designer and Pedigree Hybrids increase, so do the failed attempts. There is one species scientists are unsuccessful in creating, but, folklore says they have been here all along, hiding and blending in with the humans for many millennia. How clever they are.
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Sleep broken by the whispers of scheming hybrids in your kitchen, "She loves blueberry pancakes so we are going to make them," Jimin's voice was softened and traveled like mist through the air. Your ear twitched as you pretended to be asleep a little longer not to spoil their plans. It was amazing to hear them all cooperating with one another.
There was a knock at the door and you almost laughed when he called out, "Someone gets the door before he wakes Y/n." Namjoon said Jungkook and Hoseok scurried to the door and opened it with a long and heavy shush.
"Y/n is sleeping," Hoseok whispered hushing the boy
"We are making pancakes," Jungkook explained, helping Taehyung inside, he dropped his bag and huddled with the others by the kitchen bench, you were watching them in the reflection of the television quietly bickering.
"Can I put the blueberries in?" Taehyung asked excitedly.
"Jungkook already asked to do that job," Jimin sighed, “and before you ask, Yoongi is cooking them, Namjoon added the flour, Seokjin added the eggs and Hoseok did the milk.”
“So there is nothing left to do,” Taehyung sounded so dejected, you wanted to tell him it was the thought that counts but Jimin beat you too with a job claimed only he could do.
“Go out back and get a few cute flowers, not too many and you can put it in one of the nice vases for Y/n, okay?”
The hybrid was quick to scamper out the back door in search of flowers. The sweet sizzle of pancake batter in a pan made you breathe deeply. You gave them ten minutes, you were being so considerate even though your neck was cramped.
‘Waking’ to the clatter behind you, you faked a yawn and quickly stretched sitting up, trying to appear like you hadn’t heard the whole pancake ordeal. It was cute hearing them whispering hurriedly and clamoring around behind you.
“Quickly put them on the plate?”
“Wait, put the flower on the tray too.”
“Someone, distract her,” Jimin said while you tried to check your phone inconspicuously.
“Good morning?” Hoseok smiled dragging Yoongi over, you continued ‘answering an email’ slowly scratching your head.
“Oh, Good morning, just give me a second to finish this email,” You signed off the fake email and saved it to your drafts. “Okay, all done, sorry just replying to some important emails to the school. “How are you this morning, should I make some breakfast?”
“Uh, Yoongi wanted to ask something?” Hoseok said and you paused, “Alright, what can I help you with Yoongi?”
“I was wondering if today when we go shopping if we could possibly pick up some, uh…” He looked around for something to come to mind. He seemed to be panicking and you stood up and took his hand.
“Yoongi, you know you can ask for anything right?” you rubbed his hands and looked at Hoseok and back to him, “Is this something personal you want to ask me?”
“No, it’s like that, I was wondering if I could get a CD player?” He said eyes widening at the thought.
“Would you like a CD player and CD’s or I can get you a phone and give you and pay for unlimited music then it’s portable and I can get you a nice pair of headphones?” You made sure knew his options, “It’s up to you honey?”
“Uh yeah, portable would be great,” he blushed his toes curling nervously in the fluffy rug. “If it isn’t too much? I mean it probably is, so don’t worry about it…”
“No it will be perfect for your studying to drown out the other boys and I will get you all phones anyway so we can just buy the unlimited music pass.” You smiled “I want to spoil you boys and get you everything you need and more to be comfortable especially if you are going through university, I don’t want you to think or be stressed about anything bad.”
“Good morning!” Jungkook grinned and you turned to see them all standing around the table with the a pancakes, “We made you breakfast!”
“Nice distraction,” Seokjin clapped Hoseok and Yoongi on the shoulders. You made a show of enjoying the pancakes and shared them with everyone telling them to get ready to go out as you were going to be doing a big shop.
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Once everyone was strapped into the van and dressed you headed out to the store and found a park. “Alright listen to me, no matter what I will not leave anyone behind, so I would like you to walk in groups there is eight of us so let’s walk in two groups of four. Jimin will lead Namjoon, Seokjin and Taehyung, I will take Jungkook, Hoseok and Yoongi.”
But for now everyone follow me you guided them into the store, if you ever get lost please find an information desk in any store, they are marked with an i and they will make an announcement letting me know where you are. Otherwise, this is your temporary outing bracelets that have my name and number on them” You handed them out and they all grinned.
“Now that you know all of that lets go into the department store fore some clothes and such,” You handed Jimin a card and told him the budget he had and you all began exploring. They all trailed after you unwilling to part and well you were shopping in the same area. “Yoongi, this looks like it is your size, do you want to try it on for me?”
“Jungkook, these are your size, try them on too, I will be right outside” You smiled, we can talk the entire time. “They went in and you were talking to Hoseok and Taehyung who were giggling about different clothes”
“Seokjin, that’s a lovely shirt but try it on love the shoulders look a little narrow, Namjoon, that is interesting” You laughed watching Namjoon make strange outfits.
“Y/n, what about this pretty shirt?” Jimin asked passing Seokjin who took two sizes to the dressing room.
“That is from the ladies section,” Namjoon pointed at the blouse.
“Clothes aren’t gendered Joonie, you can wear any clothes in this store, I have this jacket at home and it is made for men but I look cute in it.” You explained, gesturing to the jacket and turned to Jimin “Go try it on, with these dress pants Jimin, I bet it will make you look really handsome”
Someone cleared there throat behind you and you smiled, Uh, that sweater is too big Yoongi, we will get you a smaller one and Jungkook they look really good, so if you want to find clothes in these sizes you may”
Seokjin stepped out and placed the smaller size on the returns rack and you took his shirt and placed it in your basket. Watching Hoseok and Taehyung and Namjoon head to the dressing rooms with fun styles.
“How do I look?” Jimin stepped out looking long legged and like a prince charming.
“Like an angel?” you laughed, “your hair is getting a little long do you want a cut?”
“It is a bit long isn’t it, maybe I should cut it,” He laughed fiddling with the ends.
After clothes, you went to a store for shoes and then to a restaurant for lunch. It was after lunch waiting by the toilets that Yoongi and Jungkook expressed their interest in an electronic store wanting to look at their headphones and computers. You sent them over but they walked back quickly.
“What happened?” You asked confused as to why they came back so quickly, they couldn’t have looked at the phones that quick. Their ears were pressed down and they looked upset.
“They kicked us out,” Jungkook mumbled, “They called us strays and said that we couldn’t shoplift in their store”
You told the boys to all put on their best outfits and walked over to the store when all your Hybrids finished in the bathroom, “hello, I am the owner of these Hybrids, we were looking to buy seven top-of-the-range laptops, seven phones, and a gaming console” You smiled but it was forced.
Jungkook and Yoongi’s ears were pressed back and their tail between their legs and you hummed, “which one said it?” Jungkook pointed at the young woman and man at the side of the store looking jealous.
The manager came out and you smiled, talking sweetly. He turned away and you winked at Jimin, “They said what to you, that you were strays and you couldn’t shoplift in the store, which ones said it, those two over there” 
The two in the corner paled as you glared at the manager. “Your employees discriminated against my Hybrids.”
“We apologize they were not exactly dressed befitting to their stature?” the two tried to excuse themselves.
“Does that excuse you, I am sorry, but we might have to take our business elsewhere?” You growled quite annoyed, “These are highly sensitive young hybrids who have not had the best upbringing and you want to discriminate against them. Because they were dressed in different clothes than you deem allowed to be rich.”
“We sincerely apologize and we would like to offer you a deal,” The manager said, and you looked up at him, “We will give you our highest rate of insurance absolutely free and I will have my lovely employee Mister Choi hear take you to our private room’s and make you some drinks. Mister Lee and Miss Kim you can wait in my office.”
The young man took the drink orders and ran off, you took the moment to make sure your hybrids knew you weren’t upset with them.
“I am sorry I made a scene, I just don’t want anyone to ever look down on you, I want you to be respected as if you were human and I want you to know you are worth so much.” You consoled them patting their heads. “I would like to add the necessary programs for university students to have to be added to the laptops and I would like a selection of the best games for the console, I would like these phones here, I hear they have lots of colors, and I would like one of each color, so they don’t get mixed up.”
“For the seven laptops, phones and console and games I will throw in a free phone for you miss and insurance up to 13 years for every product and each laptop will be equipped with the required paid programs to help them through University.” He smiled as mister Choi came in with drinks he handed out Hot Chocolates and coffees.
“Are you Park Jimin, the billboard Calico?”
“Yes, that’s me, I can’t really autograph anything, a government rule” He laughed, “But I will let them know about the companies excellent service and sympathies in regards to the fair sale of products to Hybrids”
“Yes many companies, are quick to add secret fees on top but your documents seem to all be checking out., I could recommend the store as a source for the new expansion they will be needing a good computer system?” 
The manager wiped his forehead sweating profusely, you had to hold back a scowl.
“This is tasty,” Taehyung hummed, his legs swinging back and forth on the seat, he was just enjoying his hot chocolate oblivious to the weight of your presence in the room. Catching his comment the manager looked up.
“Would you like to add the coffee machine, it really does make great hot chocolates?”
“If we add a coffee machine which would be greatly appreciated I would like to have some good quality headphones for free for the two your employees hurt with their words and a music subscription family pass for all the members on the phones..”
“That will be arranged,” He nodded, wiping his brow again, “Your total is forty thousand,” he said shocked but you expected it at almost four thousand each for the best laptop and almost two thousand for the best phones and a console and games and a coffee machine.
“And you are paying on credit?” The man asked, it was nice for you to leave with so much stuff and Yoongi was quiet on the drive home. Guiding him into his bedroom you sat him down to talk.
“Yoongi, I don’t want anyone to ever say anything about your worth alright, they have no idea how much you mean to me and how important you are” You stressed sitting beside him.
“Yeah I know this program means a lot to you and you don’t want it to go wrong so you got to keep us all happy.” He mumbled standing and walking to the door.
“Yoongi, no at the end of the day I want you guys to be happy in the moment if this program fails I want you all to have had a good time,” You tried to reason.
“Yeah before we get sent back to the slaughter.” He muttered, “Please get out,”
You took a deep breath and left the room unable to argue with Yoongi. Your eyes couldn’t help but sting as you stepped out into the hall.
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sinnoman · 3 years
the lack of reaction + emotion to MC’s choices via game is bothering me so… let’s talk about it.
tw: cursing, death, talks mental health and PTSD
i know that we all know that we love our nine demons, two angels, and shady ass sorcerer. but i wish solmare allowed MC to stop being so passive all the time. it’s a self-insert game, i should be allowed to be angry at times. example one, lesson one and lesson 20+:
“Welcome to the Devildom! Here you’ll be one of our only human exchange students where you’ll be forced to go to demon college and try not to die!”
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huh? i don’t remember signing up for anything like that.
don’t get me wrong, Dia, honey, i think your dream to unite all three realms is amazing and i hope you accomplish it someday but come on. i didn’t even get a notice first!
what if i was using the bathroom before he summoned me, or at my dead grandmother’s funeral? or on a date? oh i’m sorry,. i didn’t know i just had to tell my date that it wasn’t going to work out because i was going to demon school now…
and that’s another thing to! imagine you just got your diploma for undergrad and now you’re being forced to go to school AGAIN for another year. however, you’re not learning anything that your diploma can help you with; it’s a whole new world.
“So not only have I been abducted, I’m being forced to go to school? What the fuc—”
honestly, i would have been so angry but more at the fact i can’t just willingly decline. and i know that defeats the purpose of the game but still. there’s so many things wrong with it. MC’s just willing to go along with it like it’s a normal everyday thing. no, baby, we were just kidnapped! put up a fight, bargain, do something!
i think i would have gone a little paranoid and burned out at first if it were real. not only have i been thrown into a new spiritual plane, i also have to make sure my grades are satisfactory to Lucifer’s taste. (the man is scary, okay? imagine him lecturing you because you have a D in one class. he would absolutely do this and i absolutely would cry.)
and then, when we come back you make me take test like all the other demons even though they’ve been there for centuries and i only a year.
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example two and three, lesson 16+:
this an on and off conversation but i’m so mad that the brothers really didn’t care about us dying or basically pretended the whole belphie situation didn’t happen afterward.
you mean to tell me after i had brought your family closer together; constantly stuck up for all of you; and even managed to prove myself to you many many times; the minute i die your only reaction is a “Oh wow! There’s two [Name]s. Lucifer, do something.”
yet, when i start talking about your sister it’s celebrations all around. suddenly, the heavens have opened up and Jesus has descended back down to the human world again. (/j) all is good and all is great. it’s not as if i just saw my dead body in Mammon’s arms was a traumatic experience.
noooo, not at all…..
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it just feels like MC is a replacement for Lilith, you know? i know that the boys have been through something traumatic themselves (they all need therapy) but to force actions and ideals onto MC just because they’re a descendant of her isn’t fair.
“Why do you prefer me more now that you know that I am related to Lilith?”
it’s a question that i think should be addressed but i know will probably never be addressed. however, you can really see the change in the dynamic between MC and the boys after the whole lilith reveal. hell, Lucifer even gave us a hug.
does this man look like he gives hugs?
i know that the boys love MC unconditionally (that’s their human) but you have to admit it’s a little backhanded.
the way Belphie goes through five stages of grief in three seconds after he murders us and i’m supposed to accept that he’s changed when he proposes to give me his pact mark?
i’m a little surprised that MC’s mental health hasn’t declined at all. or at least they aren’t a little doubtful about themselves. hypothetically speaking, i think it would have been better to build Belphegor’s relationship with MC from their instead of basically time skipping it and just throwing us a party.
anyway, whether emotional or not i still love obey me. its actually the only otome game i’ve kept on my phone for a long time (even longer than Mystic Messenger, which is like one of the holy trinities of otome games) although i criticized it i still know it’s just a game and that it shouldn’t be taken quite seriously.
i wanna hear your thoughts and opinions on this too. whether you agree or disagree or simply just don’t care. let me know.
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eltares · 2 years
part 3 (somehow it just goes on)
as usual, feel free to re-use the whole text, or parts of it, or do whatever. I have 0 intentions to become a fanfic writer, and don’t tell me that I’m in denial.
Other parts here
As usual, the signs of a calamity were there long before any actual danger.
Standing in the privacy of own bathroom Barbatos was looking at his own reflection. The usual smile gone, the shadows were painting an empty picture.
Are you really content with just playing the part of a villian in everyone’s story?  The reflection appeared to be asking. 
“Yes. If not me, then who?” Barbatos spoke out load, dispelling the shadows from his mind. 
-”Barbatos! Is.... is that the Doom Song from Invader Zim?” 
Barbatos stopped humming, just now realizing that he had indeed been humming this song for a while now. He smiled at the last person he was expecting to see at 6am in the town. Leviathan was standing in front of a cheerfully decorated bakery.
-”You are indeed correct. I’m surprised to see you here Leviathan. I had the impression that you do not enjoy shopping.”
-”Yeah I don’t. But they have a promotion with freshly baked Ruri-chan cookies, and you cannot order them online! Now I have to actually go outside... like some normie” Leviathan seemed hurt by the later fact.
 -”Would you like me to discuss this possibility with the owner?” asked Barbatos, knowing that the socially awkward Leviathan would never do that himself.
-”Yeah, that would be epic! Thanks Barbatos” Leviathan seemed genuinly happy.
 Barbatos nodded and added it to his mental to-do list. Leviathan quickly forgot about Barbatos’s unusual choice of song to hum. Nor did he ever ask the question how Barbatos knew that song to begin with.
-”Lucifer!” Lord Diavolo beamed like a small sun, welcoming the fallen angel into his study: -”Are you here to join us for tea?”
-”Good morning Lord Diavolo, Barbatos. No, I’m here to report on the status of the barrier spells around the dorm for angel exchange students”.
If young master was a puppy, his ears would drop in disappointment. But Lord Diavolo was no puppy, so he shot a questioning look to Barbatos instead. Barbatos nodded Lucifer to continue.
Listening to Lucifer describe the tests performed, Barbatos had to fight the urge to do what humans called a facepalm. Of course the barriers were resistant against fire, dark and light magic. The attributes of Lucifer’s magic. And they could withstand attack from a high ranking demon. He put those barriers up. And he had also purposefully left a weakness in them: they did not resist water. Barbatos had “forgot”  to enchant against damage from this element. Had Lucifer considered that his brother’s magic was different from his own, and asked them to help test, he would have found this out. But he did not. Lucifer’s pride left him with a blind spot. And not just one. 
Alone in field is not a warrior. A saying from one of the human nations came to mind. Lucifer insisted on being alone.
For a moment Barbatos contemplated interviening, but he decided against it. Barbatos choose water because it was an element uncommon in among high ranking demons in devildom, with exception of Leviathan of course, and was slow enough to allow the angels to escape the attack. If any of the exchange students would get slightly hurt, or even simply inconvinienced... perhaps then Lucifer would see that his pride is not only self-sabotaging, but also dangerous to those around him. Barbatos just needed to make sure that nobody would actually be in any real danger, and that Devildom could not be accused of taking insufficient security measures. 
After Lucifer left, Lord Diavolo asked softly:
-” Did I do something to anger him, Barbatos?”
“Words unfit for a future king” Barbatos had almost said, but caught himself just in time. The Prince would become a splendid King. Surrounded by a team of loyal retainers and friends, to help him and protect him. Barbatos would make sure of that. And then, once he was no longer needed, Barbatos would disappear. He has lived for much too long already.
-”No young master. Lucifer just has a lot on his plate. As do you. Those papers will not sign themselves”.
Diavolo sighed.
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mageofseven · 4 years
Hi I just recently discovered your blog and I’m in love with your writing! I have a little request if you don’t mind. The brothers (and undateables I’d you want to) finding MC bruised and beaten and later discovering they got into a fight with another demon. Thank you in advance if you decide to write this!
Awww thank you so much! I might end up doing the Undateables in another post, but I'll just stick to the Brothers for this one.
And thanks for requesting 😊
TWs: violence, vague s*xual assault
Spoiler warning: 1st year spoilers in Lucifer's and vaguely in Belphie's section
Was checking out the area under Diavolo's orders.
Apparently there have been some people sneaking around in the old Colosseum and normal methods to keep other demons away from the historical landmark have been futile.
That and word has made it's way that some criminals have been using the place to secretly make dealings
So when he got there, he had expected to find some such people lurking around
Instead he found MC on the ground in the center, bruised and bleeding with their arm bent in a very concerning way.
He rushed up to them, calling their name and checking them for signs of life.
Honestly, the man was having major flashbacks to the day he lost his sister.
This was exactly where Lilith fell and Lucifer had to watch his sister, all broken and in pain until Diavolo came and he had to make the deal that changed everything
The deal that eventually led to MC's existence
Yet here they were now, in exactly the same place and state and the demon couldn't help but break down for a minute with panic he tried so hard to conceal.
The human let out a groan and the man could only sigh in relief.
"MC, oh thank the Devil..."
"You'll be alright." He promised. "I'll take you over to have Simeon heal you."
Despite the internal panic and flashbacks of such a traumatic event, he still handled the situation well.
Once MC was all healed up, he asked them what happened.
Apparently, they found a note that someone had stuffed in their school bag, asking for them to meet at the Colosseum.
They thought it was weird, but curiosity had gotten the better of them so they went and were attacked while exploring the ancient building.
The demon had meant to kill her, but sensed Lucifer approaching so they dropped the human and ran for it.
Ends up getting as much info from them about the attacker as he can.
Even if MC doesn't want the demon to die for what they did, they get no say in the matter.
Because of their status as exchange student, this attack is a political issue and the consequences Lord Diavolo warned his people about originally must be put into play.
Politics aside though, Lucifer would never let any being who hurt MC get away with it.
Becomes a lot stricter with what they can and cannot do
Like, they're not even allowed to go for a walk around the block without either him or his brothers accompanying them.
Even changes up their class schedule to make sure they have at least one of his brothers with them per class and they even have to walk MC to their next one.
Any arguments about this from MC or the brothers fall on deaf ears.
He will never let anyone lay a hand on them again.
School day had ended and he was on his way to pick MC up from their class.
Since Lucifer decided the day they came that he was responsible for their safety, he always had to do stuff like this.
He was late today though since his teacher held him back after class.
Blah blah F on the test, blahh blah summer school, blaah blahh blaaaah. Whatever man; he wasn't listening
And because of them, he was late. So much so that when he arrived at the human's classroom, they weren't there.
Lowkey panicked.
Shit. Shit shit shit, where'd they go???
Practically runs in the halls trying to find them
Knows Lucifer will have his head for this if he can't track 'em down.
Ends up hearing some kind of ruckus in the courtyard
And finds a big group of students forming a circle and chanting "Fight!"
"Oh yell!" Is momentarily distracted from his problem and joins the group. "Fight! Fight! Fight--."
Oh shit. That's his human in the circle!
Mammon's brain just started buffering as he watched MC dodge and weave, even getting some good hits in. The second brother was actually pretty impressed.
The lower demon in the fight eventually lost his footing and fell to the ground, giving an opening for MC to give a big kick between his legs and the demon let out a shrill scream. His green skin started smoking and changed to grey as it hardened and suddenly seemed more like stone than a person.
The circle of students started cheering and Mammon's jaw practically hit the floor.
Holy shit, the human did it!
MC fell the ground, panting heavily and bruised from head to toe.
Mammon finally rushed up to them.
"Damn, MC! You're gonna give me a heart attack!"
All of a sudden, some students started running and others just quickly jumped back, revealing Lucifer and Diavolo.
....yep, he's dead.
The two older demons started asking MC questions as they caught their breath and Mammon tried to sneak away.
Lucifer grabbed his brother by his jacket, but otherwise paid him no mind as MC told their tale.
Apparently this demon that sits behind them in their Devildom History class had been giving them crap for a while; calling them names and pushing them around. Today they even started touching them in places that made them wanna break the demon's hand.
MC snapped and told them such. The demon only grinned. Honestly, he was probably waiting for them to say that.
From there, he dragged them out by their hair and the rest is rather obvious.
Diavolo had some of his men carry the demon away. Apparently, the stone-like skin is defense mechanism, essentially the equivalent of a turtle hiding in their shells for that sub-race of demon.
The prince assured MC that the demon will be dealt with and tasked Lucifer with getting them healed up.
Mammon was hung upside down from the roof for a few hours for letting this happen, but MC was patched up and okay in the end.
He usually buys all of his otaku stuff off of Akuzon
But occasionally, he likes to go out and by manga at this store downtown.
It's a once in a blue moon sort of thing, but he still does it
MC felt like taking a walk so they joined him
The two explored the shop as Levi fanboyed about seemingly every other series he passed.
The otaku had already started a pile of manga he planned to buy.
He didn't even notice when MC left his side until he approached the counter to pay
Boy just assumes you bailed on him at first and sinks into self-loathing mode
Until he heard a scream from outside.
He abandoned his manga and raced out, just in time to see another demon run for it and MC leaning against the building.
Their right arm was bleeding from the holes and claw marks made into it.
The third brother started freaking out and rushed them home, even leaving his books there.
When they get back, Lucifer patches them up with a first aid kit and a little bit of a potion.
MC explains how they were shopping with Levi when all of a sudden they saw Beel outside the store waving at them
She went out to talk to him, but then suddenly, it wasn't Beel anymore.
Apparently, it was a shapeshifting demon and, since they specifically choose Beel's form to take, Lucifer assumed that they must have been watching them for a while and planning this attack. They likely chose Beel because they knew he was someone MC would let their guard around.
Levi felt like crap for letting them get hurt, but MC said it was their fault for being tricked.
Lucifer decided it was both their faults and gave them both a long lecture
The fourth brother invited MC out for coffee
The blonde actually really likes the atmosphere of coffee shops and wanted to share it with them
The two ordered their coffee and sat at their table while talking about books. He recently read a book on artic fauna from the human world and was comparing the information he read with their own knowledge
It was a very relaxing experience like most of MC's quality with Satan.
Before the two of left, MC had to stop in the restroom.
That demon waited patiently for the human at their table, but when almost ten minutes went by, he became a bit annoyed and puzzled.
Not wanting to be rude, but also ready to leave, Satan approached the bathroom door
He paused mid knock when her heard a low growl followed by a cry from MC
Now in his demon form, the blonde kicked the door off its hinges. It wasn't locked or anything, but the man was super pissed.
Found a demon pressing MC, who had a gash in their head, against the opposite wall
'An eye for an eye' is more or less the philosophy he followed here, or rather, a head for a head.
He took the demon and slammed his head into another wall over and over again.
MC had to run up and tell him to stop after the other demon passed out.
They left the demon on the floor of the bathroom and Satan, with his arms around MC to keep them close, headed back to House of Lamentation
The human didn't want the other brothers to see them like this and worry so Satan snuck them into his room and went to get the first aid kit.
It was quiet between the two as he patched them up.
"I'm sorry for scaring you." He said as he finished with their stitches. "Seeing you hurt like that just made my blood boil. They deserved it, but you shouldn't have had to watch."
"It's okay... thank you for saving me."
The two spent the rest of the night huddled together in his room, reading and just settling down from the incident.
Shopping trip!
Asmo was a bit too enthusiastic about it, but that's part of why MC was all too willing to go
He mainly just wanted to see MC in cute outfits, but also bought a few for himself
Any self-consciousness MC might feel on her own is long gone when they spend time with him. He's always hyping them up and complimenting them and overall making them feel beautiful.
Time spent with Asmo is always a good time and well spent.
The fifth brother does actually leave their side for a bit after they found someone hot to flirt with
MC didn't mind and just let the Avatar of Lust do his thing as they continued to look through the racks.
At some point a very good looking demon approached them and started flirting with them
It became obvious that this dude was one of Asmo's demons, another demon of lust
Even with this in mind though, their attention really did make the human feel special, even if they probably said such sweet words to everyone
MC underestimated the demon, thinking that just because Asmo wasn't the aggressive sort that the demons under him wouldn't be either
Ends up following him out of the store and makes out with him against the wall of the building
They didn't understand why they were doing this, but the human's mind had been feeling foggy for a while now.
Suddenly, MC's whole body started to feel heavy and they were so dizzy that their vision was just a blur
Ends up passing out and waking up a few minutes later to Asmo crying as he stood over them and begging them to wake up
The man threw his arms around them.
Finds out that the fifth brother went looking for them when he saw that they weren't in the store anymore. He came outside just in time to see one of his underlings try to suck their soul out of their body.
As soon as they heard their superior's voice though, they dropped the human and ran.
The two went straight home and Asmo was extra clingy with them for the rest of the day.
The two of them went together to Madam Screams since they were both craving sweets.
Beel was really hungering for a cherry pit pie (though of course he planned on order other things as well) while MC was really hankering for some chocodevil cake.
The two happily got in line to pick out their treats, but MC stepped out to get a clearer view of the case with all of the treats to see if they wanted anything different instead.
Ends up getting attacked by a famished, minor demon of gluttony and slammed down on the glass case containing the sweets.
Beel jumped into gear; he changed into his demon form and threw the other demon off of them.
During the skirmish, the two ended up breaking down a wall and crushing three tables.
When the fight ended, the big guy rushed up to MC to make sure they're okay.
The human was bleeding and had a lot of glass shards embedded in their back and arms.
Though worried, the sweet boy keeps himself together and carefully takes out the bigger shards.
Rushes them home, treats forgotten.
Once home, Lucifer is the one who gets the rest of the glass out of their back and cleans up their wounds.
Beel stays by their side and lets them squeeze their hand when Luce's clean up hurts too much.
Luce gives his younger brother a lecture for all the stuff he had broken back at Madam Screams, but is surprisingly lenient with him.
The older brother didn't say it (and honestly, he should have), but he was proud of his brother for stepping up and protecting MC, but at the same time, expected nothing less from him.
Yeah, Lucifer will likely get sent the bill, but MC's safety is more important.
Belphie had fallen asleep during class; no surprise there.
The rest of the students left the room when class ended, but the seventh brother continued to sleep at his desk.
MC found his sleeping face cute and didn't want to wake the demon
So instead, they hung around the classroom, waiting for the Avatar of Sloth to awake; the school day was over and the classroom wasn't going to be used for anything else so they thought there'd be no harm in hanging around.
Sadly, they were wrong.
Another student, a jerk from their Seductive Speechcraft class had waited for them to leave the classroom in order to harass them, but when they didn't come out, he came in.
Eventually had them backed up against the wall and forcing their hand up their shirt, causing the human to yelp.
He tried covering their mouth with his other hand, but MC bit them, angering the demon and leading them to putting their hands around their throat as he yelled at them.
The entire time, the minor demon never saw the Avatar of Sloth sleeping at his desk.
Big mistake.
Belphie woke up and saw the scene before him, turning into his demon form real quick.
Didn't hesitate to grab a hold of the bastard and make him let go of MC, who was now gasping for much needed air.
The seventh brother used his miasma aura to weaken the demon as he was now the one doing the choking with the lower demon.
MC covered their face and cried in their corner on the floor.
It was too similar to That Night™️ and the human was bordering on panic attack because of it.
Once the minor demon passed out, Belphie turned and saw MC crying on the floor.
He rushed up to them, but stopped once MC started screaming and begging for him to stay back.
That look in their eyes... it was the same fearful look he remembered from That Night™️
And it killed Belphie inside because he never wanted them to be scared of him ever again.
He waited for the human to calm down and, with their permission, slowly approached them.
He wanted to hug them, but was afraid that they'd just be reminded of it even more so he held back.
Surprising him, the human hugged him instead.
He held them tight for as long as they needed and started to notice the bruises forming on their neck
The two went home after that and reported the incident to Lucifer before Belphie dragged MC with him for a nap.
He chose Beel and his' room since he knew the attic would probably be too much for them right now.
Cuddled close to them and apologized for all of it. For falling asleep and leaving them defenseless. For the other demon's attack. For scarying them. Above all, that he was sorry for That Night™️
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Mammon x Neru (OC)
Words - 2442
Content warnings - some angst, insecurity, lots of fluff and cuddles, she/her
Prompt/inspiration - request by @otromeru
Summary - After bringing Neru along with him to one of his modeling gigs, Mammon notices that she’s been acting strangely and heads to her room to figure out what’s up.
Mammon was in a good mood. A really really good mood.
Today he had a modeling gig lined up, which wasn’t all that special in and of itself, but he had finally worked up the nerve to invite Neru along with him. And when she agreed, he was over the moon. He absolutely could not wait to show off for her, so she could see just how cool and awesome he was when he was in his element. There was a reason he was The Great Mammon, after all.
As they walked hand in hand down the road leading to Majolish, Mammon had started unconsciously humming to himself as he gently swung their hands between them. Neru couldn’t help but giggle, shooting Mammon the occasional sideways glances, careful not to let him catch her looking lest he stop being so adorable.
Once they arrived, Mammon only had time to give Neru a quick peck on the cheek before he was whisked away to hair and makeup. A member of staff ushered her over to a table with some snacks and refreshments and told her to make herself at home as they explained the rules and where she wasn’t allowed to go before they left to get back to work. Now on her own, she couldn’t help but feel a little awkward. Everyone else just seemed so busy, taking care of their jobs and various other tasks.
But finally she heard Mammon’s laughter ring out as he returned to set. He looked right at her, locking eyes from the opposite side of the room, and flashing her a brilliant smile. She was quick to return his smile, blushing. He looked so good right then - hair styled in a messy “bed head” sort of way, white button down shirt open and revealing his chest, tight jeans hugging his ass and sitting low on his hips. Soon she found a comfortable place to watch as he set to work.
After a few different set and outfit changes, Mammon was finally allowed a break, and he made a beeline for Neru.
“Good job!” she grinned.
“That’s nothin’ for the Great Mammon,” he said with a broad smile, a light blush dusting his cheeks.
Neru laughed again as Mammon wrapped his arms around her shoulders, pulling her into a quick hug.
“Ya havin’ fun right?”
“Yeah, I’m having a lot of fun. You look great out there,” she paused a moment before continuing, “Umm, do you think I could come again? If it’s not too much trouble, I mean.”
Mammon looked down at Neru, who was now staring up at him with the biggest puppy dog eyes. His face immediately heated up, and he hugged her tighter to stop her from looking at him, which of course only made her giggle again.
“Yeah, I guess ya can,” he said, giving her another squeeze. The idea of having her accompany him to his future shoots made him giddy with excitement, not that he was about to let it show; he just knew he’d be able to do an even better job with her by his side.
They continued to chat for a bit longer before Neru had to excuse herself to use the bathroom. While a staff member showed her the way, Mammon went to mingle with some of the other models who were there for their own gigs.
“Hey Mammon!” one of the demons called out, as they waved him over.
“What’s up?”
“So we were just talking about that human you brought with you.”
“Yeah what is she? Like your pet or something?”
“That can’t be the exchange student right?”
“Uh, well, yeah she’s the exchange student, but…” he started to answer, before another demon interjected.
“She’s a bit plain isn’t she? For a human.”
“Yeah, and kinda short too. Are humans usually that short?”
“MAMMON! Breaks over!” Mammon whipped around to see his manager staring at him, pointing towards the dressing room, “The rest of you, get back to work.”
There was some grumbling from the group of demons, before they all quickly dispersed with a few “See you later, Mammon”-s, leaving him behind. Mammon wanted to go after them and give them a piece of his mind. How dare they talk about his human that way?? What gave them the right? They didn’t even know her!
But before he could take a step in their direction, his manager shouted at him again, interrupting his train of thought. With a huff, he headed towards the dressing rooms instead. He’d just have to find those assholes later and teach ‘em to mind their manners.
In the weeks that followed, Mammon couldn’t help but notice that something was a little...off...with Neru. Previously, she had been a bundle of energy - always smiling and laughing and teasing him. But recently? She just seemed more...subdued?
There were plenty of times he’d catch her with a blank look on her face as she stared at her reflection in various surfaces. And other times when he’d be talking to her, and she would seem to zone out, lost in her own thoughts. It also felt like she had to be avoiding him at RAD, and whenever he did manage to catch her, she would fidget nervously, glancing around the whole time they were together.
At first, he had tried to brush it off as weird human business. Maybe she was just stressed from an exam or something? But as time went on, it became clear that there was definitely a problem, and as her first man and Guardian, it was his job to pry it out of her, wasn’t it?
One evening after dinner, when Mammon was sure most of his brothers had to be asleep, he snuck over to Neru’s room, knocking lightly on the door.
“Oi! Neru! Open up!”
Pressing his ear to the door, Mammon could hear sounds of movement from the inside. A startled squeak, followed by some sniffling, and the shuffling of feet as Neru hurried to the door.
“What’s up, Mammon?” she greeted him with a smile, holding the door open just enough so they could talk.
“I wanna talk to ya, so let me in.”
“Oh, umm, I was just about to go to bed so….” Neru looked away. Normally she thought she was pretty good at keeping a straight face, not wanting to worry those around her and burden them with her troubles, but tonight she was just not in a good place mentally and knew she wouldn’t be able to keep up her facade.
“It’ll only take a minute, c’mon.”
“Sorry, Mammon. I’m just really tired. Goodnight,” she gave him her best, brightest smile before shutting the door.
Only, Mammon was much quicker than she had anticipated and he wasted no time sticking his foot over the threshold, preventing the door from closing.
“Why are ya actin’ so weird?”
“What? I’m not! Honestly! I’m just tired. It’s nothing.”
“Oh, um. Ok,” Mammon said, removing his foot from the doorway as he scanned Neru’s face for any sign that she would change her mind, “If ya don’t want to talk about it…”
He could tell she was lying, he wasn’t sure how he knew, but he did. And if she wasn’t comfortable opening up to him, there wasn’t really much he could do about it, was there? He just wanted to help her feel better, or fix whatever it was that was bothering her. And judging from the expression on her face right now, pressing her further would probably only hurt her more, which was the last thing he wanted to do.
The look on Mammon’s face when he pulled his foot back made Neru’s heart shatter. This wasn’t what she wanted at all. It was in fact the exact opposite of what she wanted. Torn between wanting to avoid the unpleasant feelings she had been trying to hide and her desire to not hurt Mammon, Neru panicked, instinctively reaching out to grab the hem of his jacket when he turned to leave.
“I...I…I…” she stuttered, desperate to try to explain things to him, but all the words caught in her throat. Her eyes started to fill with tears as she stared at his feet. She did not want to cry right then. She really really didn’t want to cry. But no matter how much she tried to will the tears away, they started to fall.
“Neru?” it didn’t take Mammon long to realize she was crying, and he immediately began to panic. Shit shit shit shit! He couldn’t tell if she was crying because of something he had done just now, or if this was why she had been acting all weird, and his mind was racing as he tried to puzzle things out.
Not knowing what else to do, he wrapped his arms around her, gently guiding her back into her room so he could close the door before anyone else saw her. When he tried to let go, she only clung to him tighter as she sobbed into his chest.
“I got ya, I got ya,” he whispered to her, wrapping his arms even more tightly around her in response, holding her close. He began to rub her back, just like she would do for him when he’d have a nightmare or a really crappy day, gently shushing her and reassuring her that he wasn’t going anywhere.
Neru tried to focus on the sound of Mammon’s voice as he spoke to her, trying in vain to calm herself down and regain control over her own emotions. But she had just been so stressed and exhausted, that her body refused to stop now that it had started. She was so embarrassed to be seen acting like such a child.
It wasn’t that she had a problem crying in front of Mammon, or talking to him for that matter, but the problems she was dealing with right now? They didn’t seem like the sort of things she deserved to be so upset about. At least not this upset. Mentioning it would only make Mammon feel bad, and she didn’t want to do that. It wasn’t like it was his fault, or something he could change.
“I’m sorry,” she finally mumbled, sniffling, as she continued to hide her face in Mammon’s shirt, refusing to look at him.
“It’s ok. But ya gotta tell me what’s goin’ on now. I ain’t leavin’ until you do,” he tightened his grip around her shoulders again, making sure she understood just how serious he was about this. It didn’t matter anymore if she didn’t want to talk about it, he couldn’t just walk away and leave her alone after what he had just witnessed.
With a sigh, she nodded against him. While Mammon usually made a point to avoid conflicts, he was extraordinarily persistent when he wanted to be and she knew he wasn’t about to let her talk her way out of this now. And if she was being honest, she was a tiny bit grateful for that right now.
Satisfied with her acknowledgment, Mammon led Neru to her bed, laying down on his side, and pulling her in beside him. He tried not to think about what exactly it was he was doing, he had more important things to worry about after all, like Neru’s well-being. Still, she noticed as she climbed in beside him under the blankets just how hard he was blushing, and a small giggle escaped her lips before she snuggled up next to him.
“So,” Mammon kissed the top of Neru’s head,” what’s up?”
“I heard you talking.”
“Talkin’? When?”
“The day we were at the shoot together.”
Mammon thought back to that day, nearly 3 weeks ago now, when she had gone with him for the first time. He had felt that had been a really good day. He certainly enjoyed himself, and she seemed to as well. But now that he thought about it, she had seemed a little off by the time they had got back home. At the time, he had just assumed that it was because she was tired since it had been such a long day.
And that’s when it clicked for him.
“Wait, you mean when ya went to the bathroom?”
“...yeah,” she replied, nodding meekly, gripping Mammon’s shirt just a little bit tighter.
“Those guys were just assholes. Don’t listen to ‘em. They don’t know what they’re talkin’ about.”
“It’s not like they were wrong though.”
“Bullshit. Of course they’re wrong. They don’t know anythin’ about ya.”
“...but you didn’t disagree. And I know I’m plain. And short. And…”
“Hey, stop it, seriously,” Mammon said, pulling back from Neru in an attempt to force her to look at him, “Don’t talk about yaself like that. I wanted ta beat the shit out of those guys ok? But my boss showed up and they left before I could say anythin’, alright? I don’t think that about you at all. And I don’t wanna hear ya sayin’ those things either.”
Neru was quiet for a moment, turning Mammon’s words over in her head and letting them sink into her heart. She wanted to believe him. She really did. But she knew herself too. And she knew how she looked, how even among humans she was a rather average girl. And compared to the demons with which she now resided, especially with Mammon? She knew he was way out of her league.
But she also knew that Mammon was a horrible liar. And there was no mistaking the sincerity in his voice just now. Regardless of anything else, he truly believed what he was saying.
“...do you mean that?” she mumbled.
“Yeah, I do. Will ya look at me?” Neru hesitantly raised her eyes to meet Mammon’s gaze and he continued, “I think you’re amazing. Like, really, really amazing,” he could feel his face heating up, but he kept going, “You’re beautiful. And funny. And kind. And I don’t know what I would do without ya.”
Tears started to well up in Neru’s eyes again, but for an entirely different reason than before. She could tell just how embarrassed he was right now, and it warmed her heart to see him still trying so hard to compliment and comfort her. As her tears started to fall, she buried her face into the crook of his neck. Mammon wrapped his arms around her once more, pressing another kiss to her head.
“I love you,” he whispered as Neru nuzzled against him, and breathed in his scent.
“I love you too, Mammon.”
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