#the incident of 1999
trippin-chippin · 4 months
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Daniel’s guitar
*weeping, sobbing, crying, hyperventilating, on the floor dying*
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bijoumikhawal · 11 months
anyway I am going to spoil everyone's fun. The Mummy is a racist movie, it's frustrating that it's popular and no one discusses that, and let me explain why
Whitewashing/brownface/self orientalism. The Carnahan's are meant to be mixed race. Their actors are white. Oded Fehr is white and a significant portion of his career has been playing exotic brown people in media made for white people, specifically while weaponizing the ethnic ambiguity he does have. Imhotep is white- insult to injury, his actor is an Afrikaner! Playing a pre-colonial African character! The only Egyptians played by people who arent white are the sex pest warden, Dr. Bey (also a minor character who dies), and Anck-su-namun. None of their actors are Egyptian.
The portrayal of Egyptian men. The warden and Jonathan are both portrayed as pathetic, weak, morally circumspect, and the warden is a pervert. Imhotep is also a pervert, frankly. The Egyptian public at large- mostly male crowds and male workers- are literally canon fodder and senselessly killed on multiple occasions. They're turned into mindless zombies, with no consideration given to what happens to them afterwards. Did hundreds of people just die? In public? The only two Egyptian men that aren't utterly horrible are Evie's boss, Dr. Bey, and Ardeth.
The portrayal of Egyptian women. The only two we actually hear speak is Evie and Anck-su-namun, both of whom have orientalist tropes applied to them- Evie, when they make her dress "local", and Anck-su-namun with the whole titlating "the pharaoh has me walk around naked and covered in wet body paint so no one can touch me without him knowing" nonsense- similar tropes are applied to Ardeth, frankly, with how his tattoos are portrayed, his ethnic background, etc. They specifically chose tattoos a Western audience would still find sexy (which aren't based on the actual local tattooing traditions). Face veils in early 20th century Egypt didn't really look like that, even the ones you might call flirty, and I find portrayals that make Ancient Egyptian society's overall often greater comfort with bared skin into titillation for the audience pretty offensive, especially as there are currently existing cultures in Africa viewed through lenses like that. It's not merely ahistorical, it's apart of a broader issue with how living people are viewed by others.
This is more of a me thing, other Egyptians may not agree: I think mummies as a horror trope are racist. The key fear to mummy movies is that white people might get punished for disturbing the graves of the honored dead. You are asked to identify with literal colonizers and view the local population as antagonistic (past and present in this case), especially in this movie, which is set before England started pretending it wasn't controlling Egypt (and by the damn way, ask ANY Egyptian when the country got independence and we'll say 1956. Between 22 and 56, England still had explicit control over some of the government, notably foreign relations and military, it used this an excuse to justify control of Sudan, and it was militarily occupying the country, especially the Suez area. When King Farouk tried to make a decision they didn't like, they put his palace under seige. That is not independence. Whoever made the 1922 declaration the first result on Google is manufacturing apologia for imperialism).
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electrosquash · 1 year
While we're on the topic of movie comparisons i just wanna point out the following again:
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Kaz' gender goals
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fishareglorious · 2 months
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one full block of text that's just Matilda being a lesbian disaster (in full french mind you). i love this french duck.
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horrocious · 5 months
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In case you don't get the allusion (cw violence).
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hammerbonk · 2 months
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I thought she was going to mew oh my god
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crehador · 6 months
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yeah idk if you can call him that
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spacelazarwolf · 3 months
"it's 2024 antisemitism isn't a problem anymore you just want to be oppressed."
here's a non-exhaustive list of antisemitic incidents, attacks, and pogroms during my lifetime. if you're not jewish, i am guilting you into reading this entire list. i really do not care if it takes forever or makes you feel bad. read it.
state farm settles a $30mil lawsuit after it was revealed that state farm kept a list of prominent jewish lawyers referred to within state farm as "the jewish lawyers list" where any claims made by those attorneys were automatically forwarded to state farm's fraud unit, purely on the basis of the attorney's jewish identity. state farm employees testified confirming the list had been used to discriminate against ethnic minorities.
four days after the cave of patriarchs massacre, a man shot at a van full of jewish students, killing one and injuring three others. he is reported to have shouted "kill the jews" as revenge for the cave of patriarchs massacre.
a white supremacist fired ten rounds at a synagogue in eugene, oregon.
a jewish community center in buenos aires, argentina was bombed, killing 85 people and injuring 300.
a japanese magazine ran an article that stated "the 'holocaust' is a fabrication. there were no execution gas chambers in auschwitz or in any other concentration camp. today, what are displaced as 'gas chambers' at the remaints of the auschwitz camp in poland are a post-war fabrication by the polish communist regime or by the soviet union, which controlled the country. not once, neither at auschwitz nor in any territory controlled by the germans during the second world war, was there 'mass murder of jews' in 'gas chambers'."
in turkey, an islamic preacher distributed thousands of copies of a book called "the holocaust lie."
jean-marie le pen was convicted and fined for remarks minimizing the holocaust, and then accused the president of france of being "on the payroll of jewish organizations, and particularly of b'nai b'rith."
osama bin laden stated that israel's ultimate goal was to annex the arabian peninsula and the middle east and enslave its peoples. he claimed that the us state department and department of defense were controlled by jews for the sole purpose of serving israel's goals. he also claimed that israeli jews controlled the governments of the us and uk, directing them to kill as many muslims as they could.
iran arrested 13 iranian jews, accusing them of being spies for israel, including a 16 year old boy. ten of them were sentenced to 4-13 years in prison, and eventually when they were freed they left iran for israel.
a man was arrested in paris for attacking a bartender because he "believed she was jewish."
several synagogues in sacramento were set on fire by a group of eight or nine men.
a man shot and killed one person and injured five at a jewish community center in los angeles.
a man broke into a jewish woman's house, shot and killed her, then set her house on fire. he then drove to the synagogue where she was a member and fired into the windows of the synagogue, then exited his car and spray-painted two red swastikas on the building. he drove to another synagogue where he shot and shattered the synagogue's glass windows.
on yom kippur, two molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue.
a synagogue in syracuse, new york was set on fire by a man who reportedly yelled "i did this for you, god!"
a sukkah was destroyed at a synagogue in st. paul, minnesota.
a synagogue in harrisburg, pennsylvania was set on fire before yom kippur.
during the 2000 presidential election, lee alcorn, president of the dallas naacp branch, criticized al gore's selection of senator joe lieberman for his vice-presidential candidate because lieberman was jewish. alcorn said "if we get a jew person, then what i'm wondering is, i mean, what is this movement for, you know? does it have anything to do with the failed peace talks?" ... "so i think we need to be very suspicious of any kind of partnerships between the jews at that kind of level because we know that their interest primarily has to do with money and these kinds of things."
in belgium, the vice president of one of the country's largest parties gave an interview on dutch tv where he cast doubt over the number of jews murdered by the nazis during the holocaust. in the same interview he questioned the scale of the nazis' use of gas chambers and the authenticity of anne frank's diary.
osama bin laden stated in a letter that jews controlled the civilian media outlets, politics, and economic institutions of the united states.
a synagogue was set on fire in toronto, ontario, canada.
men rammed two cars through the courtyard gates of a synagogue in lyon, france, then rammed one of the cars into the prayer hall before setting the vehicles on fire. eyewitnesses reported seeing between 12 and 15 attackers. this was the first of a series of attacks on jewish targets in france in a single week - which coincided with passover - including at least five other synagogues.
a synagogue in marseille, france was burned to the ground.
a synagogue in strasbourg was set on fire.
a synagogue in paris was firebombed.
"richard nixon tapes" were declassified, which confirmed that billy graham, a famous evangelist and civil rights advocate, had agreed with nixon that jews controll the american media, calling it a "stranglehold."
a synagogue in tunisia was bombed, killing 20 and injuring 30.
a gunman opened fire at the airline ticket counter of el al, israel's national airline, at the la international airport. two people were killed and four were injured. federal investigators concluded that the gunman had hoped to influence us government policy in favor of palestinians and that the incident was a terror attack.
in an interview for a french magazine, a french actor, comedian, and activist dieudonne m'bala m'bala described "the jews" as "a sect, a fraud, which is the worst of all because it was the first."
white supremacists planned to bomb a series of institutions and people associated with the black and jewish communities. targets included the united states holocaust museum, the new england holocaust memorial, and steven spielberg.
terrorists attempted to bomb a jewish cemetery, and succeeded in bombing a jewish community center and jewish-owned italian restaurant in morocco. 45 people in total were killed.
a molotov cocktail was thrown through the windows of a synagogue in los angeles, california.
the prime minister of malaysia drew a standing ovation for his speech. an excerpt: "[muslims] are actually very strong. 1.3 billion people cannot be simply wiped out. the nazis killed 6 million jews out of 12 million. but today the jews rule this world by proxy. they get others to fight and die for them. they invented socialism, communism, human rights and democracy so that persecuting them would appear to be wrong so they may enjoy equal rights with others. with these they have now gained control over the most powerful countries. and they, this tiny community, have become a world power."
two synagogues in turkey were bombed, killing 55 and injuring over 750.
romania officially denied the holocaust occurred on its territory up until 2004.
the film 'the passion of the christ' was released, causing backlash against the jewish community for protesting the antisemitic tones of the movie.
a jewish school library was firebombed in montreal, quebec, canada.
jewish cemeteries were defaced with swastikas and a funeral home set on fire in wellington new zealand.
m'bala claimed during a press conference that the central council of french jews was a "mafia" that had "total control over french policy exercise", called the commemoration of the holocaust "memorial pornography" and claimed that the "zionists of the centre national de la cinematographie" which "control french cinema" prevented him from making a film about the slave trade.
the muslim brotherhood leader denounced what he called "the myth of the holocaust" in defending iranian president's denial of the holocaust.
a polish radio station during the polish election promoted antisemitic views, including denial of the jedwabne pogrom. their support of right-wing conservative law and justice party is considered a major factor in their electoral victory.
a group of 15 members of the state duma of russia demanded that judaism and jewish orgqanizations be banned from the country. 500 prominent russians demanded that the state prosecutor investigate ancient jewish texts as "anti-russian" and ban judaism.
islamic extremists planned to bomb a number of synagogues and an israeli consulate in california.
iranian president denied the holocaust during a speech in zahedan. "they have invented a myth that jews were massacred and palce this above god, religions and the prophets." he suggested that if the holocaust had occurred, that it was the responsibility of europeans to offer up territory to the jews.
a man stabbed nine people at a synagogue in russia.
the iranian state-sponsored "international conference to review the global vision of the holocaust" opened, with its focus being to question the facts of the holocaust. the iranian foreign ministry spokesperson stated "the holocaust is not a sacred issue that one can't touch. i have visited the nazi camps in eastern europe. i think it is exaggerated."
mel gibson was arrested for a dui, and reportedly yelled at the police officer, "fucking jews... the jews are responsible for all the wars in the world. are you a jew?"
m'bala was fined for defamation after calling a prominent jewish tv presenter a "secret donor of the child-murdering israeli army."
ilan halimi, a french moroccan jew, was kidnapped, tortured, and murdered. he was dumped on the side of the road, 80% of his body covered in burns, and died from his injuries on his way to the hospital. the kisnappers thought halimi was wealthy because he came from a jewish family, and the gang confessed that they believed all jews to be rich which motivated them to target several jews. the halimi family reports being told that if they could not raise the money for the ransom then they should get it from the jewish community.
a man targeted the jewish federation of seattle when the organization showed up in search results after he typed the phrase "something jewish" into a search engine. he forced his way through the building's security door with several guns, a knife, and ammunition, taking a 14 year old girl as a hostage. he is reported to have said "i'm only doing this for a statement" and "i'm a muslim american; i'm angry at israel" before the shooting spree began. he then took a pregnant woman hostage, saying "now since you don't know how to... listen, now you're the hostage, and i don't give a fuck if i kill you or your baby." the woman reported him stating "that he was a muslim, and this was his personal statement against jews and the bush administration for giving money to jews, and for us jews for giving money to israel, about hozbollah, the war in iraq, and he wanted to talk to cnn."
holocaust survivor elie wiesel was attacked by a holocaust denier in san francisco.
jewish professor elizabeth midlarsky had a swastika spray painted on her office door.
2008 - gaza war
a leading member of hamas made a statement that israelis "have legitimized the murder of their own children by killing the children of palestine... they have legitimized the killing of their people all over the world by killing our people."
a belgian jewish magazine received a dozen death threats on its website, including a threat to carry out a suicide attack to "avenge the suffering of the palestinians."
protestors in indonesia shut down the country's only synagogue, threatening to drive out the country's jews. they stated that "if israel refuses to stop its attacks and oppression of the palestinian people, we don't need to defend [the synagogue's' presence here." the synagogue has been shuttered since.
a man sent a letter threatening to bo b the ida crown jewish academy in chicago. the letter said that explosives would be set off around the school unless violence in gaza stopped by january 15 2009.
south african deputy foreign minister was quoted saying "[jews] in fact control [america], no matter which government comes into power, whether republican or democratic, whether barack obama or george bush... the control of america, just like the control of most western countries, is in the hands of jewish money and if jewish money controls their country then you cannot expect anything else." she later claimed she "conflated zionist pressure with jewish influence."
antisemitic graffiti, including swastikas, appeared all over turkey. a sign was put up at the door of a civic group's office saying "jews cannot enter, dogs can." anti-jewish articles began appearing in turkish newspapers, and there were several hundred documented examples of antisemitic messages. as a result, turkish jewish immigration to israel increased.
in yemen, jews experienced verbal and physical harassment. jewish children were injured, one seriously, when muslim students threw stones at them. anti-israel protestors also attacked several jewish homes, smashing windows and pelting them with rocks, and injuring at least one jewish residence. a yemeni jewish family was extricated from yemen to israel after suffering continuous antisemitic attacks and death threats. a grenade was also thrown into the courtyard of the family's home in raydah.
a molotov cocktail was thrown. at a synagogue in brussels. rocks and other objects were thrown at a jewish school. a jewish home was the subject of arson. afterwards, hundreds of protestors tried to march toward the jewish neighborhood but were held off by police.
a man opened fire on three israeli cosmetics salesmen and two customers in a shopping mall. the shooting, which followed a period of harassment against the cosmetic stand, resulted in two israelis being hit by the shots. the perpatrator explained that he was motivated by the middle east situation.
sixty-six antisemitic incidents were reported in france, home to europe's largest muslim and jewish populations. numerous synagogues were attacked with petrol bombs and damaged in various towns. a car was rammed into the gates of a synagogue in toulouse and set on fire. a petrol bomb was thrown at a synagogue which set fire to an adjacent jewish restaurant. offensive graffiti was also sprayed on synagogues throughout the country. in paris, a rabbi's car was torched, a. jewish student was attacked and stabbed four times, and a 15-year old girl was assaulted by a gang.
a jewish community in germany was daubed and later stoned, and the central council of jews in german reported a significant increase in the number of hate mails and death threats during the conflict.
synagogues in multiple cities in greece were vandalized and suffered arson attacks. in athens, the walls of a jewish cemetery were sprayed with antisemitic graffiti "jews israelites murderers." neo-nazi slogans like "ax and fire to the jewish dogs" were used at anti-israel protests. a monument commemorating the murder of greek jews was vandalized with slogans like "greece - palestine no jew will remain." a seminar at the jewish museum of thessaloniki was cancelled after receiving threats, and the leftist parliamentary party of coalition of the radical left declined to attend the greek national day of remembrance of holocaust heroes and martyrs because of the attendance of the israeli ambassador. in ioannina the local jewish cemetery was vandalized with several tombs broken. the corfu synagogue was vandalized with graffiti such as "shit on israel" "jews nazis" and "murderers." the shoah memorial was also vandalized with graffiti regarding gaza. in larisa both grouns from the extreme right and extreme left targeted the local community. leftist and palestinian demonstrators attempted to vandalize the synagogue during a march, while later the same day groups linked to neo-nazi groups vandalized the shoah monyment and organized protests in front of the synagogue asking for the expulsion of jews from larisa. jews were attacked as "christ killers" and "smelling of blood" "they are the worst thing of the 20th century" and an eminent member of the greek orthodox church spoke of "zionist monsters with sharp claws" and "jews puhished for killing christ" and being "god killers."
italian trade union flaica-cub issued a call to boycott jewish-owned shops in rome in protest at the israeli offensive. it was condemned as antisemitic and reminiscent of the italian race laws under fascism in the 1930s.
a molotov cocktail was thrown at a jewish owned building in amsterdam following an attempted arson of a jewish institution in arnhem. a synagogue and jewish owned building were targeted by stoning. at an anti-israel demonstration in utrecht, some demonstrators shouted "hamass, hamas, jews to the gas."
during the 2009 oslo riots, the largest anti-jewish riots in norwegian history, muslim youth attacked the israeli embassy and yelled anti-jewish slogans in arabic, including "death to the jews" "kill the jews" and "slaughter the jews." in one incident, young men beat a 73 year old man who was carrying an israeli flag while shouting "bloody jew - get him!" they only stopped attacking him when they realized he was not jewish.
a jewish burial chapel in sweden was the target of an arson attack and a jewish centor was set on fire twice in three days.
there were approximately 225 recorded antisemitic incidents in the uk during the war. synagogues were firebombed, jews received verbal and digital abuse, and a gang tried to force their way into jewish restaurants and shops, specifically focusing on the london jewish family centre. a jewish motorist was also dragged from his car and assaulted. antisemitic graffiti with slogans including "kill jews" "jews are scumbags" and "jihad 4 israel" were sprayed in jewish areas across london and manchester.
a molotov cocktail was thrown at a tample in chicago, and in lincolnwood a synagogue's glass doors were shattered by a brick and "free palestine" and "death to israel" were spraypainted on the building. a jewish preschool in california was graffitied with swastikas and antisemitic messages.
argentinian jews wearing kippot were physically attacked on public buses and jewish cemetaries were defaced. a gang attacked argentinian jews near the israeli embassy in buenos aires.
in bolivia, vandals removed a star of david from a monument from the plaza israel and started spraypainting "plaza palestina" on jewish murals.
during shabbat, the caracas synagogue, venezuela's oldest synagogue, was defaced with "property of islam", and an armed gang of 15 unidentified people broke in and the security guards were bound and gagged while the gang destroyed the offices and the repository where the holy books were stored. they daubed the walls with antisemitic and anti-israel graffiti that called for jews to be expelled from the country, and also stole a database that listed jews who lived in venezuela.
2008 - cont
the harvard crimson school paper ran a paid holocaust denial ad.
a chabad house in mumbai was taken over by two attackers and several residents were held hostage. a rabbi and his wife, who was six months pregnant, were murdered with four other hostages in the house by the attackers. according to radio transmissions, the attackers "would be told by their handlers in pakistan that the lives of jews were worth 50 times those of non jews." injuries on some of the bodies indicated that they may have been tortured.
hamas refused to allow palestinian children to learn about the holocaust, which it called "a lie invented by the zionists" and referred to holocaust education as a "war crime."
an irish journalist claimed "there was no holocaust... and six million jews were not murdered by the third reich. these two statements of mine are irrefutable truths."
tapes were released in which billy graham is heard in conversation with richard nixon referring to jews as "the synagogue of satan."
four men were arrested in new york in connection with a plot to blow up two synagogues in the bronx.
a neo nazi entered the united states holocaust memorial museum in washington dc and shot and fatally wounded a security officer.
the last surviving romaniote synagogue in greece was targeted for an arson attack.
a synagogue in cairo, egypt was bombed.
a synagogue in sweden was attacked with explosives.
six jewish institutions were attacked by vandals in montreal, including four synagogues and a school.
j.z. knight stated "fuck god's chosen people! i think they have earned enough cash to have paid their way out of the goddamned gas chambers by now."
the manhattan terrorism plot to bomb various targets in manhattan, including a synagogue.
a man killed four jews, including three children, outside a school in toulouse, france.
a synagogue in sweden was attacked with an explosive decide, shattering a window.
alice walker expressed appreciation for the works of antisemitic conspiracy theorist david icke. she said that icke's book "human race get off your knees" would be her choice if she could have only one book. the book promotes the theory that the earth is ruled by shapeshifting reptilian humanoids and "rothschild zionists."
louis farrakhan delivered an antisemitic speech, referring to jews as "satanic jews" and "the synagogue of satan", controlling america's government and other sectors, reportedly saying that president obama "surrounded himself with satan... members of the jewish community." farrakhan also said that the jewish people "have mastered the civilization now, but they've mastered it in evil... who's the owner of hollywood that creates images and makes the people think that what is created on screen is the way we should live? that's satan... satan has devoured so much of humanity. ... the people that own hollywood are the same people that control your press, the same people that control your media, the same people who are the publishers, the same people who are the distributors, the same synagogue of satan, and they put you before the world in this disgraceful manner. ... jesus was the last hope for the jewish people but they rejected him. they are now in control of the media and the airwaves, gaining access to the 'sacred territory' which is in the minds of the people."
the supreme leader of iran grand ayatollah ali khamenei questioned the validity of the holocaust, saying "the holocaust is an event whose reality is uncertain and if it has happened, it's uncertain how it has happened."
kkk leader killed three non jewish people at a jewish community center and jewish retirement home in kansas, the day before passover.
residents of a village in spain called "castrillo matajudios" ("jew-killer camp") since 1627 voted to change the name of the village.
four jews were killed when a gunman attacked a kosher supermarket in paris where the gunman held 15 other hostages and demanded that the kouachi brothers not be harmed.
iran organized the international holocaust cartoon competition, a competition in which artists were encouraged to submit cartoons on the theme of holocaust denial.
louis farrakhan accused jews of involvement in sept 11 attacks.
swastikas were spraypainted on a jewish fraternity at uc davis on the 70th anniversary of the liberation of auschwitz.
a french settlement named "la mort aux juifs" or "death to jews" finally changed its name after a denied attempt in 1992.
a synagogue in copenhagen was taken by a gunman during a bat mitzvah celebration where one jewish man on security duty was killed.
stanford university student senate candidate molly horwitz was asked by a student group how being jewish would affect her decision-making.
two synagogues and a jewish neighborhood in san antonio, texas were vandalized with antisemitic graffiti.
natasha waldorf of alameda was subjected to two boys sending her text messages that included antisemitic slurs, two other students joked about the holocaust and when she confronted them they told her that "hitler should have finished the job."
the campus chapter of students for justice in palestine at the university of california irvine was sanctioned because they disrupted a program hosted by a jewish campus group and intimidated jewish students.
alice walker published a poem on her blog titled "it is our (frightful) duty to study the talmud", recommending that the reader should start with youtube to learn about the evils of the talmud.
a huge wave of threats, including bomb threats, were made against jewish community centers and other institutions in the united states around the high holy days.
sarah halimi was murdered in paris.
the chicago dyke march organizers singled out and approached a group of women carrying jewish pride flags and began to question them on their political stance in regards to zionism and israel, and then expelled them from the event. the organizers attributed the reasoning to the star of david on the flag as a "zionist expression." the organization's twitter account also used the phrase "zio tears" in a now deleted tweet. "zio" is a slur originated by david duke.
the new england holocaust memorial was smashed with a rock.
in ukraine, the space of synagogues holocaust memorial display was vandalized by neo nazis.
the chairpersons of the chicago slutwalk wrote, "we still stand behind dyke march chicago's decision to remove the zionist contingent from their event, and we won't allow zionist displays at ours." the organizers made the following declaration about the star of david: "its connections to the oppression enacted by israel is too strong for it to be neutral."
a jewish cemetery in missouri was vandalized.
the unite the right rally took place in charlottesville, virginia, where white nationalists chanted slogans like "blood and soil" "jews will not replace us" "the goyim know" "the jewish media is going down."
a synagogue in sweden was firebombed.
trayon white, an american politician, posted a video to his official facebook page showing snow flurries following, and alluding to the rothschild family conspiring to manipulate the weather.
an israeli man wearing a yarmulke was attacked in berlin; the attacker reportedly beat him with a belt and shouted "yehudi" ("jew")
tamika mallory, an american activist and one of the organizers of the womens march, attended an antisemitic speech by louis farrakhan, a figure she had previously refused to denounce. during the three hour speech, farrakhan claimed that "the powerful jews are my enemy" "the jews have control over agencies of those angencies of government" like the fbi, thta jews are "the mother and father of apartheid" and that jews are responsible for "degenerate behavior in hollywood turning men into women and women into men."
a republican candidate for senate in california openly called for a united states "free from jews."
11 people were murdered at the tree of life synagogue. on social media, several people made the claim that they "should not be mourned if they were zionists."
belgium outlawed kosher slaughter.
rep ilhan omar tweeted an allegation that american support for israel was rooted in money spent by pro israel lobbying organizations.
several mps quit the labor party under jeremy corbyn citing "culture of extreme antisemitism and intolerance."
a subway poster in brooklyn with a picture of ruth bader ginsburg was valdalized with the writing "die jew bitch" and a swastika.
multiple violent attacks occured in brooklyn.
a synagogue in turkey is attacked with a molotov cocktail.
one person was killed and three were injured during a shooting at a passover seder in california.
a synagogue was attacked by a lone shooter in germany.
a kosher grocery store in jersey city, new jersey was attacked and five people were killed.
jersey city mayor steve fullop said a trustee of the jersey city board of education should resign in the wake of her comment after the above shooting about "jew brutes" that according to her have "threatened, intimidated, and harassed" black residents. the trustee asked whether the public is "brave enough" to listen to the shooters' message, and said the local rabbis were selling body parts. she remained on the board until 2022.
a jewish elder was killed and four others were injured at the home of a hasidic rabbi during hanukkah in new york.
the tomb of esther and mordechai in iran was subjected to an arson attack.
the jewish center at the unitersity of delaware was subjected to an arson attack.
six igbo synagogues in nigeria were razed by soldiers, and at least 50 people were killed.
a synagogue in portland was subjected to an arson attack.
george washington university's chapter of tau kappa epsilon fraternity reported that their house was broken into and vandalized, and their sefer torah destroyed.
four hostages were taken at a synagogue in colleyville, texas. the attacker believed that the rabbi could call another rabbi in new york and secure the release of aafia siddiqui, a pakistani operative imprisoned for attempted murder and other crimes. siddiqui tried to dismiss her lawyers on the grounds that they were jewish. she said the case against her was a jewish conspiracy theory, demanded that no jews be allowed on the jury, and that all prospective jurors be dna tested and excluded from the jury at her trial if they had "zionist or israeli" dna. she wrote a letter to president obama, asserting, "study the history of the jews. they have always back-stabbed everyone who has taken pity on them and make the fatal error of giving them shelter... and it is this cruel, ungrateful back-stabbing of the jews that has caused them to be mercilessly expelled from wherever they gain strength. this is why 'holocausts' keep happening to them repeatedly! if they would only learn to be grateful and change their behavior!"
kanye west states that he "likes hitler" and is a "nazi." he still occasionally goes on an antisemitic twitter bender.
2023-2024 - current war
in october, an egyptian police officer shot and killed two israeli tourists and an egyptial tour guide in alexandria.
a jewish man walking to synagogue in johannesburg was accosted by a male jogger screaming antisemitic insults at him. the jogger then assaulted the man, knocked him over, and kicked and punched him while he lay on the ground.
a jewish cricket player was stripped of the captaincy by cricket south africa, claimed to have been a measure to reduce protests at the world cup.
a synagogue in tunisia was severely damaged during anti-israel riots with hundreds of people filmed setting fire to the building.
in armenia, unknown assailants set fire to a synagogue in yerevan and disseminated the arson attack on social media.
the associated press noted a rise in antisemitism on chinese social media. an israeli employee of the israeli embasee in beijing was stabbed and injured on october 13.
a 16 year old in australia was arrested after planning to attack a synagogue in vienna.
gravestones in belgium were damaged and many stars of david were stolen from a cemetery. only the jewish section was vandalized.
danish police arrested at least four operatives who were planning attacks on jewish or israeli targets in denmark.
in paris, stars of david were painted on multipe spots on several building fronts in a southern district. similar tags appeared over the weekend in other suburbs. antisemitic chants were filmed on the paris metro, "fuck the jews and fuck your mother, long live palestine. we are nazis and proud of it." a woman in lyon was stabbed and a swastika was graffitied on her home.
overall, french jews have noted a huge increase in antisemitism, with a surge of 1200% since october 7.
in berlin, the houses of several jews were marked with a star of david. two molotov cocktails were thrown at a synagogue.
israeli students in riga, latvia reported receiving hate texts and threats from other students.
lectures on the holocaust at utrecht university of applied sciences in the netherlands were postponed indefinitely.
a norwegian medical student at a rally in warsaw was pictured holding a poster of the flag of israel in a trash can alongside the text "keep the world clean." far right polish lawmaker grzegorz braun used a fire extinguisher on a lit menorah and removed it from the wall during a hanukkah celebration, saying "there can be no pace for the acts of this racist, tribal, wild talmudic cult."
residents of dagestan gathered near the flamingo hotel after reports that refugees from israel were being accomodated there. the protesters demanded that all hotel residents come to the windows to look at them. when the guests did not do this, stones were thrown into the building. the residents demanded to check the basements and let them into the hotel. police arrived and allowed protestors to check the hotel to make sure it was "jew free", and after this a message was posted outside the hotel that jews were prohibited from entering.
an antisemitic ralley was held in cherkessk, demanding the "eviction of ethnic jews."
a local jewish religious national-cultural community center under construction was set on fire in nalchik with the attackers writing "death to the yahuds" on the wall.
a mob stormed the uytash airport in dagestan after the arrival of a red wings flight from tel aviv. messages spread on telegram that a direct flight from israel was arriving, with calls to come to the airport and prevent the plane from landing. dozens of protestors stormed the airport and reached the runway, some of whom managed to climb up onto the plane's wings. 20 people were injured, two of whom were seriously injured. there are reports from passengers of rioters checking cars going to and from the airport for jews.
a synagogue in melillah, a spanish enclave in north africa, was attacked by a mob chanting "murderous israel" while waving palestinian flags.
pro palestinian demonstrators burned an israeli flag and chanted "bomb israel" outside a synagogue in. sweden.
i have to break up the sections because tumblr apparently has a character limit.
multiple cases of antisemitism were reported by students at concordia university with jewish students facing verbal and physical threats from both other students and faculty members. footage of a professor yanise arab shouting at jewish concordia students to "go back to poland, sharmuta (whore)" went viral alongside another video of a student using the slur "kike."
two jewish schools in montreal were targeted with gunfire overnight, and one was struck with gunfire a second time a few days later.
a jewish community center in montreal was attacked with a molotov cocktail.
jewish students and teachers of the peel district school board reported antisemitism and violent threats, including a teacher posting "jews are the problem" in a private facebook group.
a sukkah at caltech was vandalized with anti-israel graffiti. a man threw rocks through the glass doors of a synagogue and cafe in fresno, the second with a note reading "all jewish businesses will be targeted."
at columbia university, a woman assaulted an israeli man with a stick after he confronted her for ripping down posters with pictures and information abuot kidnapped israelis.
a man was arrested for sending threatening emails to a. synagogue in charlotte, north carolina.
a man in new york's grand central terminal punched a woman in the face and told her it was because she was jewish.
seven members of "white lives matter" california held a demonstration, holding up signs reading "no more wars for i$rael."
professor russell rickford spoke at a rally, saying he had found hamas's attack "exhilarating."
the illinois comptroller's office fired one of its lawyers, sarah chowdhurt, over antisemitic remarks she made on the instagram of another lawyer who is jewish.
a building next to a jewish fraternity at upenn was vandalized with antisemitic graffiti reading "the jews r nazis."
a man broke into a jewish family's home in los angeles, yelling "free palestine" and "kill jews."
threats against the jewish community at cornell university were posted online, threatening to shoot rape, and murder jewish students and encouraging violence against them.
paul kessler, an elderly jewish man, was killed at a rally after being struck in the head by a megaphone by a pro palestine protester, causing him to fall.
a woman was arrested after ramming her car into a black hebrew israelite school in indiana, mistakenly believing it to be an "israel school."
a man fired two rounds from a shotgun into the air outside a synagogue in albany and made threatening statements. he is alleged to have said "free palestine" at some point during the attack.
a game between the girls' varsity teams from the leffell school and roosevelt high school early college studies in yonkers was stopped when roosevelt students began to hurl antisemitic slurs at leffell students, with one yelling "i support hamas, you fucking jew", and during the third quarter became aggressive and violent during the play resulting in injuries of leffell's players.
participants in a pro-palestine rally in sydney changed "gas the jews", and several individuals in melbourne made death threats against jews, one group harassing a rabbi and his son, and another asking where to find jews, saying they were "hunting for jews."
a man in new south wales threatened to kill four jewish teenagers in a car with an israeli flag draped on it.
neo nazis marched in melbourne, displaying a banner reading "expose jewish power" and distributing neo nazi literature.
a sydney jewish man was verbally abused for wearing a kippah.
pro palestine graffiti was spray painted on the fence of a synagogue in auckland, and an unsuccessful attempt was made to set the property on fire. google maps had mistakenly listed the property as the local israeli consulate.
new zealand jews report a surge in antisemitic threats.
in new zealand, one child was physically assaulted and another had a swastika and a star of david drawn side by side on their school shirt. children were greeted by their peers with nazi salutes, being called "dirty jews", being told "jews control the world", and jokes about jews being gassed, and the blood libel claim that jews "chop off babies heads."
the us and israeli embassies in buenos aires received bomb threats via email, including one which said "jews we are going. tokill you all."
three people were arrested under suspicion of planning an attack on the maccabiah games.
brazilian authorities arrested two suspects in a. hezbollah backed terror plot to attack synagogues and other jewish targets in the country.
a column on the israeli embassy on colombia was vandalized with a swastika, start of david, and the word "terror" in hebrew.
if you made it to the bottom of this list and actually read everything, reblog with the tag "heard." that's really it. i just want to know that people hear us begging for people to speak up.
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jameseiji · 1 year
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Heartbreak High (on Wattpad) https://www.wattpad.com/1295350153-heartbreak-high?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_reading&wp_uname=Eiji692&wp_originator=%2F0t0TqjPOcis3Q%2BwRsEF%2B%2FXlgfuqvFNBECW6q0W9EdLEVCFTawM2jf9Tt%2Bs%2F%2BUBQGWbRntTEChqFzrPDV7o46dRsdJpflSK8GyCspCrOYg7%2F2Y9bppfhbZteobCXnLez This is a summary and review of the Australian series about some kids in High School, that started in 1994, and lasted seven seasons, up to 1999.
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trippin-chippin · 4 months
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foone · 1 year
Anomalous Item #4742: A set of 173 VHS tapes with blank labels.
When a tape label is filled out (there are provided fields for title, director, and year) and then placed into any functioning VCR, the film listed will play, regardless of if it existed before the tape was played.
This was first believed to be an effect limited to the tapes, ie, the tapes were somehow generating the movie themselves through some method similar to AI art generation, but after initial tests were performed the paratime division discovered the effect is actually antichronological: when played, the tapes don't simply create the movie named, they alter the past so that the movie mentioned was created.
Thus, after a tape is labeled and played, it can be found on streaming services and in DVD rental stores. The directors, if still alive, will recall making the film, and actors who were active at the time the film was "made" will have anecdotes about events that happened in the film.
This can have ripple effects as well; during the 9th test, the film Big Trouble in Little China, 1986, directed by John Carpenter, was created. Besides the immediate effects of creating a new film that hadn't existed, an indirect effect was that the film Alien 2, 1985, John Carpenter, ceased to exist. Instead, the sequel to the 1979 film Alien (directed by Ridley Scott) was titled Aliens and directed by James Cameron. It's believed that by adding a new movie to the timeline of John Carpenter's direction, he no longer had time to direct one of the works he had directed in the original timeline, as he would have been busy directing the newly-added film, and directing roles therefore passed to another director.
Use of the tapes can also implicitly affect the lifespan of directors. In test #17, Researcher J. Calhoun attempted to generate a film that couldn't possibly exist: a prequel to a film made by a director who had died decades beforehand.
According to paratime research, the writing of "Star Wars: Episode 1, 1999, George Lucas" on the tape and the subsequent viewing undid the 1981 death of Mr. Lucas, causing Star Wars: Episode 6: Revenge of the Jedi to come out in 1983 instead of 1985, be titled "Return of the Jedi" instead, and it would be directed by George Lucas instead of Steven Spielberg.
This obviously had additional effects as it didn't merely extend the lifespan of George Lucas by an additional 18 years: at time of writing in 2022, he is still alive at the age of 78. It's therefore believed that the object doesn't unnaturally extend the lifespan of the director, it instead reshapes the flow of time so that any events that would stop them from filming the listed movie do not happen.
After discovery of their history altering nature, the remaining anomalous objects have been locked in secure storage at site #22. No further testing is authorized, and emergency use requires level #6 authorization, which will only be granted in the face of imminent disaster requiring paratime remedies.
Article update[2022-11-20]: an incident occurred where it was discovered that former researcher K. Synnol had acquired one of the tapes (see investigation document 2483 for details) and was attempting to use it for history modification, without approval. The paratime division detected the impending history alteration and an assault team was dispatched. Synnol was apprehended before they could complete the use of the tape, however the label WAS filled out but the tape remained unwatched. What effects, if any, the partial use of the anomalous artifact would have on the timeline is unknown, but in previous testing the film only came into being when the labeled tape was placed into a VCR and watched.
See photo attachment #2, below, for artifact 1B, recovered after the Synnol event.
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munson-blurbs · 5 months
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Single Dad!Eddie x Fem!ReaderSeries
Day 5 of TUI-Mas
Warnings: pregnancy, the beginning of pregnancy weight gain, body insecurity, lots of Mother's Day fluffiness
WC: 1.1k
A/N: Reader/Ms. Sweetheart borrows jeans from Viv. I've never specified or alluded to Viv's size or body type, so she's whatever size y'all are 💚
May 1999
“Happy Mother’s Day, Mommy!”
Harris’s excited voice rouses you from your half-sleep. You’d awoken earlier with Eddie’s alarm–it’s unusual that he sets one when he doesn’t have work–but you hadn’t thought much of it, rolling over and pulling the comforter up to your chin. Rest is a precious commodity lately, one that you refuse to waste.
You sit up slightly, blinking until his and Eddie’s faces come into focus. This is your second year celebrating the holiday as Harris’s maternal figure, but it’s the first since you and Eddie have gotten married. Still, his enthusiasm is just as high as it was last Mother’s Day as he climbs onto the bed, sheets rumpling underneath him, thrusting a homemade card in front of your bleary eyes.
The front displays one of Harris’s signature drawings, you and him standing next to each other with matching smiles. A bright yellow orb in the left hand corner represents the sun, shining down on the two of you. He’s drawn your fingers intertwined; in your free hand is a book, and in his, a crayon.
With slanted handwriting, the message inside of the card reads: I love you, Mommy! Happy Mother’s Day! Love, Harris.
You smile, wrapping him in a spine-crushing hug and tickling him until he’s breathless. “Thanks, Har,” you murmur, grinning against his curls. “I’m the luckiest mommy in the world today.”
“Oh, you don’t even know the half of it,” Eddie chimes in with a wink. “Go ahead and get dressed, Sweetheart. The Munson boys are taking you out for breakfast.”
Your stomach growls in response; now that your morning sickness has mostly subsided (save for a smattering of oatmeal-related incidences), breakfast once again sounds appetizing. You gently place Harris on the empty side of the bed “Sounds great,” you say, swinging your legs over the edge to stretch away your exhaustion. “I’ll just be a few minutes.”
Eddie nods, leaning over and kissing your waiting lips. “Take your time.” He motions for Harris to follow him out of the bedroom, giving you some privacy to change out of your pajamas. 
You slip out of your oversized nightshirt, carefully hooking your bra around your tender breasts. They’re even more sore than when you’d get your period, and you wince as the fabric grazes your nipples. 
Your favorite pair of jeans sit atop the laundry pile. They glide over your thighs with ease, but when you try to fasten the button, it won’t close. 
“What the hell?” You try to mutter it under your breath, but Eddie hears it and pushes his head into the room. 
“Everything okay—ooh, boobies.” He immediately clocks your shirtless torso, closing the door behind him as he makes a beeline for your chest. 
You pout, fingers pinching the open waist of your jeans and tugging on them exasperatedly. “My pants don’t fit,” you moan, tears brimming along your lash line. “I don’t even have a bump yet; why won’t they close?”
Eddie’s amused expression drops into a frown when he notices the storm brewing behind your eyes. “Hey, it’s okay.” His voice is soft as he presses his lips to your forehead. “Baby Munson is just growing, that’s all.” He slowly drops to his knees, palms bracing your hips while worshiping your stomach with light kisses. He stands up and takes your hands in his. “I’ll be right back, okay? Don’t worry about what you’re gonna wear.”
Before you can question it, he’s left the room once again. You wipe at your cheeks and resignedly brush your teeth and fix your hair, eyes never leaving the mirror. Your midsection doesn’t look different, but your clothes would beg to differ. You knew your body would change with pregnancy, but that didn’t make it any easier to cope with. 
Your hands rest just below your belly button where your jeans should fasten. There’s a baby in there, you remind yourself, taking a deep breath. Our baby has to get bigger, which means I have to get bigger, and that’s okay. You silently repeat the mantra, hoping to convince yourself of its truthfulness. 
You’re unsure how long you’ve been critiquing your appearance before there’s a knock on the door. “It’s me. Viv.”
You don’t even bother to throw on a shirt before letting her in. She’s clutching a pair of jeans with a black elastic waistband. “Eddie called and asked if you could borrow a one of my, and I quote, ‘pregnant lady pants.’” She grins, tossing them on your bed. “He didn’t tell me why, but between that and you not drinking when we went out for dinner the other night…” Her eyes glimmer mischievously, not wanting to reveal her assumption without permission. 
“Well, I am pregnant,” you confess, laughing when she pulls you in for an ecstatic hug. “About three months along, so we’ll officially be telling people pretty soon.”
“My lips are sealed.” Viv mimics locking her mouth with a key and throws it away. “Seriously, I didn’t even tell Jeff; I just said I had to run a quick errand. And,” she lowers her voice even more, “you won’t be going through this alone.” Her gaze flits down to her stomach.
You squeal, gripping her wrists. “Ettie’s gonna be a big sister?”
“Mhm,” she nods, smiling just as wide as you are. “In seven months. We’ll basically be having these babies together.”
It’s the best news you’ve heard since you’d seen your own positive test. Your body releases a tension you hadn’t realized you were holding. Not only are you and Viv pregnant at the same time, but she’s also already experienced this. And now that she knows, you have a list of questions to ask her within the coming weeks.
 “I gotta get back home, but we need to make a mom-date and catch up,” Viv promises, squeezing your hand. “Maybe go shopping for some maternity clothes?”
“Perfect.” You give her another strong hug before she walks out of the room, and you change from your too-snug jeans into Viv’s pair. Taking another look at yourself in the mirror, you process this temporary change in your wardrobe. You’re wearing maternity pants because you’re having a baby; you’re having Eddie’s baby.
You throw on a fuschia shirt and bound into the living room where Eddie and Harris are waiting for you, their patience visibly waning.
“C’mon, Mommy!” Harris hurries you, tugging on your hand and leading you towards the door. “We can share the silver dollar pancakes! Oh, and can you sit next to me in the car and at the diner?”
Before you can answer, Eddie chimes in. “I don’t get to sit next to Mommy at all?” he asks with a dramatic pout, clutching his car keys and opening the apartment door for you and Harris.
Harris shakes his head. “Nope. It’s Mommy’s day, and she’s my mommy!” He looks up at you and beams, and you return the expression tenfold.
“Can’t argue with that logic,” Eddie mutters under his breath, though you can see him smiling as he locks up behind you. “All right, troops; let’s ship out!”
As the three of you–four, if you count the tiny person forming in your womb–make your way to the car, you relish in the day’s joy. Old traditions mix with the new, yet the feeling of unconditional love remains the same.
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fishareglorious · 5 months
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Anne: You are not alone😔✊. We can be stupitd together🥰
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Oh... the lesbianism levels are rising..
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OH. Harold Horropedia they’re lesbians.
The music that was playing out at chapter three in this scene makes this cuter, if not for my memories tied to that bgm. Ah, the pain of chapter three persists.
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This has me in hysterics Blonney’s spilled out her entire life’s story to Anne in confidence.
Which is not really much when you guys are sitting in the living room couch. Which... as you can see is in the smack dab middle of the room.
Of course everyone’s listening in even if they don’t want to out of courtesy 😭😭😭
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Oh, the horrors again 😔
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Murderous butchers now undead brides. Horropedia girl this is your time to shine.
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Oh wait this is her time to shine I guess?
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Blonney. Committing vehicular manslaughter is not the mark of a good driver. Like Horropedia said please never get a driver’s license.
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Ah, it’s my boy’s time to shine!
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Two horror buffs is better than one.
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mysisters-bike · 8 months
The theory that Eric cared for Dylan more than Dylan cared for Eric is...wrong.
I have heard, every now and again, a theory that Dylan was Eric's best friend but Eric was not Dylan's best friend. Sue Klebold mentions this in her book by bringing up Dylan's closeness to friends like Nate Dykeman or Zack Heckler, but here's my take:
I think Dylan really wanted to be accepted; Eric wanted to be accepted too. Dylan's desperation for friendship allowed him to accept Eric and vice versa.
Truly, I don't think anybody saw the depth of their relationship because they didn't want anyone to. This is the same concept we can apply to the entire, what, year? That they spent plotting their attack.
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When Eric and Dylan were arrested in January 1998, it was like the nail in their coffins. Eric would go on to write in his journal: "Isn’t America supposed to be the land of the free? How come, If I’m free, I can’t deprive a stupid fucking dumbshit from his possessions if he leaves them sitting in the front seat of his fucking van out in plain sight and in the middle of fucking nowhere on a Frifuckingday night. NATURAL SELECTION. Fucker should be shot."
Dylan fashioned his messages to Eric in the style of Doom books, going so far as to write multiple notes to him throughout the entire yearbook and drawing a Doom POV shotgun as an indicator to “continue [reading] where you see this.”
Upon the numerous pages he wrote, he drew pictures of fictional characters that Eric liked and quoted Eric’s own website posts back to him (Specifically writing: You know what I hate??? PEOPLE!! YEAA!!). He recounts his favorite memories over the last year: working together at Blackjack, smoking cigarettes together at Blackjack, lighting fires, and the last two 4th of July celebrations.
In the end of March 1998, Eric wrote in his planner that he still had movie plans with Dylan. This was at the same time that Dylan told Brooks about Eric’s website and threats. In April 1998, Eric writes, "…sometime in April [1999] me and V will get revenge and kick natural selection up a few notches." This indicates their continued contact and their early planning of their attack on Columbine.
Dylan would write in Eric’s 1997-1998 yearbook: "We, the gods, will have so much fun w NBK!! Killing enemies, blowing up stuff, killing cops!! My wrath for January’s incident will be godlike."
As early as April 1998 Eric mentions “going NBK.”
Dylan was deeply connected to Zack especially, and took it really hard when Zack and Devon started dating. However, Dylan also laments over the fear of losing Eric too once Eric started casually seeing someone. He had the same fears of abandonment that he did for Zack as he did for Eric...but perhaps, to a lesser degree.
Eric and Dylan had achieved homophily. While both of them maintained their own separate peer groups, their relationship remained constant. The amount of time they spent together continued to mount, despite their closeness having a tendency to go unnoticed or be dismissed. In Sue’s book, the claim is made that Nate was Dylan’s closest friend. With this in mind, who did Dylan choose to sign up for every single class with? Who did he sit with in every class? Who did he wake up at 3:30AM with to get the best parking spots at school? Who did he routinely sneak out with every week? And lastly, who did he choose to die with?
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staryingx · 7 months
Piecing together: The current timeline in Reverse 1999
CN SPOILERS up to Chapter 5 and Interlude. Long post.
The new Chapter 5 and Interlude for Reverse 1999 has shed some light on the Storm and its timeline. With all the new info, I've tried to piece it together as accurately as possible. Here's the timeline I have put together:
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Let me break down my findings.
First of all, let's look at the IDM Computer with 37's Mother's prediction.
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37 mentions "From 1999 to 2007, the emanation has taken place seven times". Here's how I interpret what the years mean in the Phenomenal column. It's like calling the effect of the Storm: for the first row, the 1996 Storm reverses the era 1999 to 1996. So the "1996 Storm".
The IDM only shows 6 Storms, so the 7th is the Storm that reversed to 1929. I wonder why she didn't include the 8th Storm (1929->1913), but that could be because it was the anomaly 2-day emanation that ruined the model prediction.
Here's a table I have made attempting to fill in the blanks of the IDM computer.
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Let's analyze it Storm by Storm.
The 1st Storm (1999 -> 1996)
When: 23:59. December 31, 1999
Reverses to: 1996
Many sources for this, from the IDM showing 1996 to Greta, the writer of the letters in the interlude, mentioning it in her letters.
The 2nd Storm (1996 -> 1985) [Original: 2000]
When: 1996-1997.
Logs don't explicitly say when, but from the IDM we know it takes place ~1 year after the first Storm.
Reverses to: 1985.
We know this from Greta.
"Things remained unclear until time was reversed again. This time, we all witnessed that rain in the 80s. That was 1985."
She was safe in the Headquarters, witnessing the Storm reverse.
The 3rd Storm (1987 -> 1976) [Original: 2003]
When: On a 27th evening, 1987.
Greta: "The Storm in 1987 was predicted. "…but the prediction was not accomplished by LAPLACE. The captive from Manus Vindictae names the precise date of that Storm."
In Chapter 3, we learn the Foundation captured a Manus Vindictae member who gave them the date of the next Storm. Greta also mentions a captive from Manus predicted it.
Thus, this is the Storm that took place in the breakaway incident, where Vertin was 12-years old and witnessed the Storm for the first time.
Reverses to: 1976
Greta: "Finally, I made up my mind to write to [37's mother]... ... ... She died. On the same day, the first and only timekeeper who just took office, the 12-year-old child returned alone from the Storm. She told us the time in the outside world at that point." "...The last two digits in the number of the year after that Storm were exactly her name and her number: 77".
This was a bit hard to understand. I concluded the year it reversed to was 1976, as Greta said "the year after the Storm" was 77.
Original Year: 2003
Two years has passed from the 2nd Storm (1985) as this Storm took place in 1987. This fits with the year 2003 in the IDM computer. Also, when Sophia talks to Sonetto at the geometry graveyard:
Sophia: "Four years ago, my father was restored to a geometric body on his way back to the island. So was 37's mother who was also on that ship".
We know (or can at least assume) 77 is 37's mother who perished in this Storm. The current time is 2007, so four years ago is 2003.
The 4th Storm (~1976 -> 1930s) [Original: 2004]
When: 1976~1977/78
Reverses to: Some year in the 1930s
Original year: 2004
37: "In the initial four years, the emanation [Storm] has a pattern. First it brought us back to the 90s, then the 80s, and then the 70s. After that it suddenly leapt to the 30s."
When is the initial 4 years? 1999-2003, and this fits with our current pattern thus far from 90s -> 80s -> 70s. So the 4th Storm takes us to the 30s.
Sophia: "We miscalculated the impact area of the emanation. We thought the ships would be safe in the [...] current."
This confirms the Storm has a limited area it affects, where places hit by the Storm reverses to that particular year. The timeline of R1999 isn't going backwards linearly. This opens a lot of possibilities and eras we could visit.
The 5th Storm (~1930s-> 1912s) [Original: 2006]
When: Sometime in the 1930s
Reverses to: 1912
Original: 2006
37: ".... After that it suddenly leapt to the 30s. In the subsequent 3 years, [the emanation] took place twice."
When are the three years? The Storm that took us to the 30s was 2004. So the subsequent 3 years 37 refers to are: 2005, 2006, 2007.
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The IDM jumps from 2004 to 2006. You can (very vaguely) make out "1912" from the year 2006. At least I think it's 1912. So the 5th Storm takes us from the 30s to 1912.
The 6th Storm (~1912s-> 1966s) [Original: 2007]
Here's where it gets interesting, and where I start to theorize things because there isn't much info yet about this Storm.
When: Theorized: 1912~1914
Reverses to: 1966
Original year: 2007
In 2007, there is a 6th Storm. This is likely the Storm before the beginning of R1999, which takes us to 1966 where Vertin meets Regulus.
Here's why I think this Storm fits with the IDM model and happens in 1912~1914, more possibly 1914.
In Chapter 1, Vertin lists down people she has met to Regulus.
Regulus: "Huh? It's Lewis. I know him!" Vertin: "Yes. I took this photo several days ago. He was selling the Hoover Upright Vacuum Cleaners in the West End, and thought photos would help his business, so he gladly took this." Regulus: "Why did you take a photo of him? How's he..."
Vertin's response is to take a deep breath.
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This interaction was very interesting. Why is Regulus so surprised Vertin took a picture of Lewis? "How's he..." How's he what? Alive?
Now I'm not very familiar with historical figures named Lewis, so I could be very (and hilariously) wrong, but after researching who could be related to a business involving Hoover Upright Vacuum Cleaners, I speculate Lewis is John Spedan Lewis. His father, John Lewis, founded John Lewis, a British brand of high-end department stores.
In 1914, John Lewis hands Spedan Lewis control of a store named Peter Jones. Where is Peter Jones located? Sloane Square, London, which is in King's Road.
Vertin: "Yes. I took this photo several days ago."
This fits with the London location and timeline we know so far.  So a few days before Vertin met Regulus, she was in an area of 1914s where she met Spedan Lewis trying to get his store [Peter Jones] going.
Judging from her reaction, he got reversed by the Storm that took them to 1966. Spedan Lewis died in 1963, which is why Regulus is confused why Vertin has a picture of him taken several days ago, and why a wealthy Founder of high-end luxury stores needs a photo taken to help his business.
I thought this was a nice clue that Vertin was in ~1912s era before the 1966s, though this is all just speculation. Feel free to add your own theories who Lewis could be.
The 7th Storm (~1966s-> 1929s) [Original: 2007]
When: June 3rd, 1966.
Reverses to: February 14th, 1929.
Takes place in Chapter 0, where Vertin and Sonetto meets Regulus.
The 8th Storm (~1929s-> 1913s) [Original: 2007]
When: February 15th, 1929.
Reverses to: 1913
Takes place in Chapter 2, where Vertin meets Schneider, Druvis, and Sotheby. Manus Vindictae escalates the Great Depression to cause an earlier Storm. This era only lasts for two days.
These two Storms are straightforward since we witnessed them in game. I won't go into details about them. We're still in the year 2007 according to 37.
The Current Year in Ch 5: 1914 [2007]
Chapter 4 takes place from August 26th to October 10th 1913. The new Chapter 5 begins in 1914.
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Eight storms have taken place thus far. Here's a summary with the timeline for reference:
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1st Storm (1999 -> 1996)
2nd Storm (1996 -> 1985) [Original: 2000]
3rd Storm (1987 -> 1976) [Original: 2003] 
4th Storm (~1976 -> 1930s) [Original: 2004] 
5th Storm (~1930s -> 1912s) [Original: 2006] 
6th Storm (~1912s -> 1966s) [Original: 2007] 
7th Storm (~1966s -> 1929s) [Original: 2007] 
8th Storm (~1929s -> 1913s) [Original: 2007] 
The Current Year in Chapter 5: 1914 [2007]
Random thoughts:
I hope this post helped paint a clearer picture of the Storms and the possible timeline! Cause, whew, the reason I made this whole timeline was to make sense of it myself. So much lore was dropped in the new chapter.
A question that remains unanswered:
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How do people predict the Storm? How can they tell the time in the outside world?
Moissan: "Since Timekeeper hasn't reported the time of this era to the Foundation, you two, as the Foundation investigators, shouldn't know what year this is."
We know 37's group predict them through patterns and math, but what about the Manus Vindictae and Vertin? Vertin just seems to... innately know through her pocket watch and Storm countdown timer on her bracer, perhaps related to her great sense of arcanum. I'm really curious about that.
Biggest Takeaways:
The Storm isn't going backwards linearly and it has a limited impact area. So that means some places not hit by the Storm remains untouched, while others get reversed to whatever era the Storm brings. The first Storm probably had the widest impact.
This means an era in the 1912, for example, could be "reversed" to 1966 if it was hit by the 1966 Storm. That's what I'm getting from all of this. Anyone in the Storm impact area just... poofs, and arcanists/humans in that time era spontaneously appear with the buildings and such. I really love this idea-story wise we could jump around eras.
Then we have places that are completely immune like the Headquarters, Suitcase, and 37's island. They are the only ones who can consistently keep track of time as they're unaffected like spectators viewing the outside world. For the Foundation, Vertin is their way of tracking time in eras: what era did a Storm reverse a place to.
Again, some of these are just speculations and my theories. If you noticed any information I missed out or a mistake, feel free to let me know whether through tags, reply, or even my asks if you're shy. Or if you would just like to talk theories or about Reverse 1999 I'm more than happy to :>
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celaenaeiln · 4 months
Is Dick's tendency for self-destructive habits really as bad as some fics make it out to be?
oh interesting!! In some way, yes actually.
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Batman (2016) Issue #689
Dick and Alfred!! The duo make me so happy <33
But anyway, it's weird that someone who's so effusive with his affection so often and readily "deflects a moment of genuine emotion." Which is also one of the reasons why Dick Grayson as a character is so fascinating because he's never what people expect him to be. He's like a puzzle box where every time you think you solved, you just opened yourself up to a hard, even more complex one wherein the process repeats on an endless cycle.
He's incredibly self-destructive in the way he drive a burning car off a bridge and he'll know it's on fire, he knows where he's going, but he'll do it anyway because the car has a bomb and it's safer with him than the civilians behind him.
You know what? I just realized he deflects intimate conversations because he wants to keep the focus on the other person. Since he was Robin, Dick has been purposefully neglecting his feelings in order to take care of Bruce's. Right after his parents died, he bottled up his sadness and sorrow because he was worried that Bruce would blame himself and he didn't want Bruce to do that.
It's always been "Tell me what's wrong, Bruce." He's been so busy raising his guardian, his friends, his siblings, his teammates, that Dick has sunk into the role of a performer - the spotlight's on him but the audience is the focus.
I didn't realize until writing this ask but self-destruction is just such a normal thing with him that it's become a part of his personality. In fics it's very obvious when he's being self-destructive or neglecting himself or etc because he's very aware of it but Dick in canon has just made it his thing. It's actually the Titans that realize this and yank him out of it because Dick has no idea what he does to himself.
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
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The New Teen Titans (1980) Issue #28
He's not self-destructive in a way that he's conscious of it but his habits and his lifestyle don't really give him a choice. He literally works himself sick.
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The Titans (1999) Issue #9
"Maybe it's too much. Dick --have you considered that? You're working Bludhaven, even joining their force, you still clearly intend to come here to Gotham every time he calls you -- working so hard you're making yourself sick,"
"No. It's not the newness that's the problem."
People are literally telling him to calm down and he's like 'No! I'm perfectly okay. This is fine, let's continue.'
And this isn't even going into when Blockbuster blew up his life and Dick kinda lost himself to hunt him down and make him pay. People understand that Desmond burnt down the circus but Dick was still connected to the people in that circus, like he used his contacts there to sometimes inquire about things going on Bludhaven. The people at the circus raised him along with his parents so killing them was like killing Dick's aunts and uncles and friends and childhood. What happened then and after the SA was catastrophic. To Dick self-destruction has just become a part of him because he aims for perfection in every aspect of his life.
Like Donna said, "He works with the Titans, on his own, goes to school, and then he works alongside Batman..." and so on. Usually people struggle to maintain even one area of their life like just school or family but Dick's juggling, his work, his family, his friends, his relationship, his teams, and is still on call for Justice League incidents.
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Titans (2003) Issue #6
He literally dropped everything to come over and break up the Titans (OF WHICH HE IS NOT EVEN A PART OF RIGHT NOW BECAUSE HE'S IN THE MIDDLE OF DEALING WITH THE OUTSIDERS) and the Justice League full on fighting.
He's not self-destructive in the way he doesn't want to get out of bed or that he isn't clean, it's just that Dick Grayson is a machine. He's got ice in his veins and he just powers through everything. Everything he does has to be top notch, so sleep and social life and happiness can say goodbye because he's too busy for that. This is why the Titans are so important to him and for him because they realize this toxic trait of his and do their absolute best to yank him out of this bad habit because Dick certainly can't stop.
So self-destruction has become part of his personality but unlike in fics, it's conducive self-destruction. It comes from his refusal to feel any emotion that isn't for others because Big Brother Dick Grayson and Best Friend Dick Grayson are always there for everyone but the second he's asked to help himself or someone tries to help him, he flakes. He's the best at helping others and being there for them but he's allergic to getting help or talking about himself.
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