#the kitten agenda continues
bruisedrednblue · 11 months
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moonchild9350 · 1 month
Please Can I?
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Summary: You and Minho have been best friends for a while and life has been great until one fateful movie night.
Pairing: idol dom Minho x fem reader (Hyunjin, Jisung, and Changbin make an appearance)
Genre: smut, friends to lovers- 18+ sooo MDNI please
Word Count: 4321
Warnings: cursing, fingering, oral sex (f receiving), edging, denied orgasm, p in v penetration, creampie (wrap it up), voyeurism, masturbation.
Note: All my biases in one fic? yes please! I hope you like it!
Reblogs and comments are greatly appreciated :) Part 2 is now out!
This is in no way how the boys are in reality. This is only for fun.
Please do not copy, translate, modify, use, or repost this work elsewhere without my permission. ©moonchild9350 (2024)
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You and Minho had been friends for years, best friends even.  You met at a dance intensive, both of you being in the same class.  Minho was there to get some extra instruction so he could do his best for the band he was in.  You, however, were only there for fun.  You had been dancing since you were little and just loved the hobby, therefore, continuing into adulthood.  The dance instructor had just dismissed everyone for a break, when you bumped into Minho.  You couldn;t help but stare at him.  He was gorgeous, which was honestly an understatement, with chocolate brown eyes, wavy hair, and the cutest freckle on his nose.  
“Are you ok?” Minho asked, steadying you, as you were about to topple over.  “Hmmhmm” you said, “sorry about that.” Minho smiled, shaking his head while saying, “no worries kitten.” Kitten, he called you kitten.  You swooned at this man even more.  Minho eyed you carefully, giving you a once over.  “Would you like to practice together sometime? I saw you dance and you’re really good.”  
‘This gorgeous man is asking me if i want to practice with him, oh my god, don’t panic, don’t panic.’  You were having an internal dialog with yourself, not realizing you never answered Minho’s question.  Minho cleared his throat, giving you a look of concern.  You snapped out of your thoughts, “Oh, um, sure.  I’d love that!”  Minho chuckled, “Great! Let’s plan for a day after practice.” You nodded your head still not believing your luck.  Before you could say anything else, the dance instructor came back in the practice room, declaring break time over.
The first time practicing with Minho was amazing.  You loved watching him move his body, he was graceful with his movements, kind of like a cat.  You found yourself joining in on many dance sessions with Minho, both of you growing closer with each passing day.  You found yourself reaching out to him more and more, with Minho doing the same.  You eventually found out he was a part of a band, a popular one at that. Eventually, he introduced you to his bandmates and with time you became friends with them too. 
Despite the busy schedule and sometimes long absences due to tours and other events, your friendship with Minho grew deeper.  You were both very fond of each other. iHowever, there was one slight problem.  Yes, you were best friends and would do anything for each other, the only problem was, you had fallen in love with Minho.  You never said anything to him about your feelings, happy that your friendship was going well, not wanting to mess that up with messy feelings.  You decided you would just toss those feelings aside and focus on your friendship.
Minho was coming over to your apartment after rehearsal, some of the other bandmates joining in a little later. The agenda of the night was movie night.  Minho came over frequently, you two feeling so comfortable with each other that he even stayed the night sometimes.  He stayed over so frequently that he left some of his things at your place, that way he wouldn’t have to lug an overnight bag with him everytime he came over.  He even slept in your bed, often the two of you cuddling into the night, comfortable in each other’s embrace.  You loved feeling close to Minho, his arms wrapped around you as you laid in bed together, talking about anything and everything.  You loved how he would tuck your head into his neck and rest his head on top of your hair as you two fell asleep.  Was it good for your heart? No, but nothing to you was a good enough reason to stop this tirade.  
You heard the key rattle in the lock signaling that Minho had arrived.  Yes, Minho had a key to your apartment.  It was easier that way and plus he was your bestfriend so why not.  You heard him set his keys down on the hallway table, “Hey y/n.”  You turned in your spot on the couch, looking at Minho.  “Hey Min.  How was practice?” 
“Too long,” he giggled, “was dying to get here so I can relax and we can watch that new movie!” You smiled at this, knowing that the movie that you guys planned to watch was one Minho has been wanting to watch for a long time.  “Will your wish will come true,” you replied.  “Hurry up and shower so we can start! What time are the others coming over again?” Minho nodded and said, “much later tonight if that is still ok.  They had to finish some last minute things at the studio.”  He then made his way to your bathroom to shower.  
Thirty minutes later, Minho came out of your room, hair still wet from his shower, and wearing a t-shirt and sweats.  You tried not to ogle at him, you really did, but it was hard to do with him standing in front of you in all his glory.  “Kitten move over.”  You realized he was speaking to you.  You scooted over, making room for the man.  Minho took your legs and draped them over his lap.  He then grabbed the blanket you had and rearranged it so it could drape over both of you.  “Ok, I’m ready, let’s start this.  I’m so excited to watch this.” Minho said.  You chuckled at his outburst and pressed play.
Everything was going well, the movie was actually really good, filled with lots of action scenes.  However, what you didn’t expect was the romance scenes that popped up every now and then.  You watched as the couple on screen would hold each other and kiss, which wasn’t all that terrible.  You could handle a few kissing scenes, and being snuggled up to your crush.  Yeah, you would be fine.  But, what you definitely did not expect was the sex scene that came later in the movie.  The man was pleasuring the woman on screen, running his hands up and down her body, giving special attention to her breasts.  You couldn’t help but wonder how that would feel with Minho.  Would he drag his hands all soft and gentle down your body, gently giving your breast a squeeze before lightly brushing across your nipple? Or would he be more forceful, grazing his hand over the mounds before roughly pinching your nipple causing pleasure to shoot up your spine.  You tried to shake these thoughts from your head, but to no avail.  
Minho could tell something was off with you, but he didn’t say anything.  He knew you would tell him whatever was on your mind in time.  He just kept watching the movie, absentmindedly rubbing your leg that was on his lap every now and then.  You were definitely aware of this, each touch of his causing you to internally shiver.  Each touch Minho gave you went straight to your cunt, which was dripping at this point, soaking you panties.  You tried to pay attention to the movie, at how the couple on screen were going at it like bunnies, the woman’s breasts bouncing up and down as she rode the man, his head tossed back in pleasure.  You mind wondered once more, thinking of how Minho would look as you rode him.  Would he smirk at you while he guided you over his cock? Would he scrunch up his cute little nose, with the cute little freckle, as you gave him pleasure, causing his mouth to open, showing his bunny teeth as he moaned out.  You were brought out of your reverie by Minho pinching your leg and then rubbing it again.  You couldn’t help but let out a little whimper.  You froze, staring straight ahead, hoping Minho didn’t hear your little moan.  
Little did you know, Minho did hear your moan. It was really quiet, barely audible, but he heard it.  He thought you sounded heavenly.  Honestly, he wished he could have you.  He’s wanted you for so long, but he didn’t want to blur the lines of your friendship.  He highly doubted you wanted him in that way either, that is until this moment when he heard your moan after he pinched and rubbed your leg.  He looked at you through the corner of his eye.  He could see the blush on your cheeks and ears as you stared straight ahead at the tv.  He didn’t think you were watching the movie, or if you were, you weren’t really giving it your full attention.  He thinks he knows why and he hopes to god he’s right.  
The scene ended, flashing back to another action scene.  You breathed out a sigh of relief.  Now you could focus on the rest of the movie and not Minho’s hand on your leg, or the fact that you actually whimpered when he touched you, or that your panties were soaked, staining your flimsy pj shorts.  That was your hope at least.  You were surprised when you found yourself actually intrigued with the rest of the movie, it having a happy ending.  You watched as the screen faded to black and the end credits started to roll.  “That was a good movie Min, good pick!” you said, trying to forget the not so nice thoughts that had run through your head while watching.  Minho hummed at your critique. “It was, wasn’t it.  They did well with all those action scenes.”  You nodded your head in agreement.  Minho untangled the blanket from your legs, giving them a pat before removing them from his lap.  “Bed before the guys come?” he asked, “we can watch more tv there.”  “Okay,” you said.  You weren’t sure why you were nervous. You had slept in bed with Minho many times before, why should this be any different?
You shook your head to get rid of your thoughts before getting up and following Minho to your bedroom.  He tossed the covers back and snuggled in, opening his arms so you could come cuddle with him.  You obliged, sliding under the covers and scooting next to Minho.  He wrapped his arms around your waist, bringing you in close, just like he always did.  You felt your heartbeat quicken, hyper aware of how close you were to him.  “Go ahead and pick a show to watch,” he said to you.  You picked up the remote, scrolling through the options before settling on a comedy.  You rested in his arms, feeling truly at home.  You were warm and felt safe and before you knew it you were starting to drift off.
“Y/n?” Minho asked.  You opened your eyes and looked at him.  “Why did you moan after I pinched your leg earlier?”  You held your breath at his question.  You couldn’t believe it.  He did hear you.  You felt embarrassed and felt the heat rise to your face.  
“Ummm….I….I’m not sure.”  You wanted to bury your face in your hands in embarrassment.  Why couldn’t you control yourself? Why did you have to be so horny that just a pinch on the leg caused you to moan like a dog in heat?
Minho thought for a moment.  “It wasn’t because of that sex scene on tv right? Did you get turned on from that?  Surely it’s not from the fact that I pinched your leg?” You froze in your spot, heart beating so fast, you were surprised Minho couldn’t hear it.  “You want to know what I think?” Minho began.  “I think you liked it, liked how I pinched your leg and then rubbed the pain away.  I think you were thinking dirty thoughts, kitten.  Wanna tell me what you were thinking?  Don’t be shy, you tell me everything, right?”  You were at a loss at what to say.  He was right, you did tell him everything, no matter how obscene or crazy it was.  
You cleared your throat before quietly saying, “I was umm, I was thinking dirty thoughts.”  Minho smiled at the confession, giving your arm a squeeze.  “Tell me what you were thinking, kitten.  I wanna hear about it.”  You paused for a moment, not sure if you should tell him.  If you did, it would probably change the dynamic in your relationship.  But, what if you did tell him and it didn't.  What if he feels the same way about you? You made a decision and said,” I was thinking about you Min.”
“Yeah? What about me?”  You cleared your throat, “I was thinking about how it would…how it would feel to be with you Min.”  
“To be with me? In what way?” Minho pushed.  “To be with you in that way, Min.  To give you all of me.”  Minho lifted your head by the chin so you could look him in the eyes.  “My kitten has been having some dirty thoughts hmm? What should we do with you?” You just stared at Minho, not sure what to do or say.  It felt like minutes had passed when it was really just a second or two.  You watched as Minho looked down at your lips as he said, “What if I was thinking about you in that way too?”  At that he leaned down to press his lips against yours.  It was a feather light kiss, his lips brushing lightly against yours.  “Is this okay, kitten? Tell me now, I will stop if you want me to.”  You whispered against his lips, “please, please kiss me Min.”  
That was all he needed to hear.  Minho crashed his lips onto yours, pulling you closer to his body.  You let out a whimper, deepening the kiss.  Minho brushed his tongue across your bottom lip, slipping his tongue in.  He moaned out, grasping your hips and pulling you to straddle his lap.  You wrapped your arms around his neck, not wanting to let go. Kissing Minho was heaven.  His lips were soft, tasting like the cherry chapstick he likes to use.  Your lips fit perfectly together, as if he was made for you.  
You were wet, you had been since the movie.  How could you not be?  Minho’s hands were sliding up and down your legs.  As his hands gave your hips a squeeze, you could feel more arousal slipping out of your cunt into your panties.  You rolled your hips against him, feeling his hard cock slide through your folds through the shorts you were wearing.  You were probably going to have to throw away the panties and shorts you were wearing, as they were soaked through. 
Minho grinned against your lips, grasping your hips harder, helping you grind against his bulge.  “I want you to cum like this kitten.  Can you get yourself off?” You whimpered and nodded and sped up the motion of your hips.  You found the right spot and rhythm to where his clothed cock continued to slide up against your clit, making you clench repeatedly over nothing.  You were a whimpering mess, gasping against Minho’s lips, chasing your high, as he guided you over his cock.  You felt the coil in your belly tighten, ready to snap at any moment.  Right when you were about to cum, Minho halted your hips, your high slowly ebbing away. 
“Why, Min why,” you huffed.  Minho giggled saying, “I changed my mind.” 
Minho lifted you up off his lap and laid you down next to him.  He got up to take off his sweats and t-shirt.  He was left in only his boxers, his large bulge sticking out, and his sculpted chest on display.  You couldn’t help but drool at the sight in front of you.  The many years of dance and discipline clearly did its job.  He grabbed your legs and pulled you down to the edge of the bed.  He quickly pulled off your shirt, tossing it aside before taking a hand and grasping your breast.  He flicked your nipple, causing you to moan.  “Pretty tits kitten,” Minho groaned as he squeezed them.  He leaned down and gave you a peck on the lips before hooking his fingers in your waistband, and dragging your shorts and panties down in one go.  He then spread your legs so he could see your bare pussy, puffy and pink and glistening with your arousal.  
“My god kitten, cunt is gorgeous,” breathed Minho, his eyes glued to your center.  “I need a taste.  Can I taste you?”  You nodded your head, “go ahead Min.”  He got on his knees, pulled your ass to the edge of the bed and brought his face to your center.  He was addicted to your smell.  He knew you would taste good.  This was a scene straight out of his wet dreams.  
You watched as he brought his tongue to your cunt and licked you from your entrance to your clit, causing you to jerk your hips up.  He grasped your legs tighter to keep you in place and repeated the motion once more before shoving his tongue into your entrance as far as it would go.  He licked and sucked like a mad man, moaning at your taste.  Minho’s hands kept you spread open, giving him the access he needed to pleasure your sweet body.  He moved his tongue to your clit, giving it kitten licks before suckling the bud between his lips.  You threw your head back, lost in pleasure, grinding your hips against Minho’s face.  Minho had spit and your arousal dripping down his face as he ate you out, never slowing down.  Minho inserted a finger into your hole, slowly dragging it in and out.  He added another finger, moving a little faster, before adding a third.  He curled his fingers upwards, searching for your sweet spot, grinning against your pussy once he found it, your mewls rising a pitch.  
Minho continued to suckle your clit and scissor his fingers in your pussy, bringing you close to the edge.  “Min, Min, I need to cum..please let me cum this time,” you whined, feeling that coil in your belly again. Minho continued lapping at your folds, arousal dripping and clit swollen.  Just when you thought he was going to grant your request, he pulled away with a grin on his face.  You let out a wail, a tear falling down your eye as you felt your orgasm fade away…again.  You absentmindedly reached down to finger at your clit, desperate for your release.  Minho slapped your hand away, “Nuh uh kitten.  You’ll cum when I say you can.” You whined at his words, but nodded your head anyway because you wanted to be a good girl for Minho. 
You watched as he removed his boxers, his cock slapping up against his abdomen, and what a beautiful cock it was.  It was long, with a vein running along the underside of his cock, with a mushroom tip leaking with pre-cum.  He stroked his cock a few times, before slapping it against your clit.  You moaned at the feeling, needing any form of stimulation you can get.  He started rubbing his cock through your folds, before sliding the tip into your entrance and bringing it back out again.  He repeated this motion again and again, watching you gasp and whimper at the feeling. 
You were so tight, his tip breaching your cunt each time he pushed in.  He couldn’t wait to sink into your wet, hot cunt to the hilt and fuck you like you deserve.
As he was about to slide back into your warmth, there was a knock on the door. Minho withdrew his cock and went to grab and put on his shorts.  You had forgotten that some of the other members were coming over tonight, being too preoccupied with trying to cum on Minho’s cock.  
“Oh they’re here, kitten.  Wanna sit there all nice and pretty? Keep your legs spread out just like that.  I’ll go get the boys.  Wouldn’t you love for them to see your wet, sloppy cunt?”  
At his words, you mewled out, clenching down, more arousal sliding out of your cunt.  “Yes, yes, please go get them.  Want to be a good girl for them too!”  Minho chuckled and watched as you grabbed your legs behind the knees to open them up further.  Your puffy cunt was open on display, pretty swollen clit peeking out between your folds. 
“No touching kitten, I’ll be right back.”  You whined in response, “hurry Min, please hurry.”
You watched as Minho left your bedroom, listening for when he opened the front door.  You heard multiple voices, Minho’s being one of them, getting closer to your room.  Minho opened the bedroom door, walking in and stepping aside to let Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung into the room.  As they filed in, Hyunjin was the first to see you.  His eyes went to yours before trailing down to your dripping cunt.  He sucked in his breath at the site, the prettiest he’s ever seen.  
“My god hyung,” Changbin said, shocked at the scene, “When you said you had something to show us, this is not what I expected.” Minho chuckled, “Thought I’d surprise you.  Y/n’s been a good kitten.  She’s held out for so long.”  Walking over, Minho reached out to slide his finger through your lips, before giving your cunt a slap, “Isn’t that right kitten?”  You whimpered, shaking your head yes.  
“Need your cock, Min.  Need….need something, please.  Need to cum.”  
You were desperate at this point.  The four men looking at you with lust and awe in their eyes was too much.  You needed someone, anyone’s cock inside.  Minho smiled and brushed his hand down your face, “Don’t worry kitten, you’ll be cumming on my cock soon.”  He pushed his boxers down once more and tossed them away, not caring that there were some of his other band members in the room, his only focus being you in the moment.  He gripped his cock and brought it to your cunt once more, spreading your slick around.  He pushed in with one fluid stroke, bottoming out, groans coming from both of you. 
“So tight kitten, you’re clenching around me so hard.” He pulled out to the tip just to slam his hips back into yours.  
You mewled out, lost in how his cock dragged against your walls.  You were sensitive at this point, ready to cum at any moment from Minho’s earlier constant edging.  You looked over at the boys and saw them palming their cocks, their eyes trained on you.  
“How does it feel, baby?” Jisung whimpered out, giving his cock a squeeze.  You watched as he slid his hand past his waistband to fondle his cock directly, never taking his eyes off of you.  “It’s talking ain’t it baby, that pretty cunt is so wet oh my god.  
Hyunjin then asked “Is Minho fucking you good baby?” You turned your head to see him grind against his hand as he had pulled his cock out.  
You whimpered out, “yes, yes, yes, yes. Mmhgg…I’m so close, please don’t stop. Please Min.”  
Minho looked at you, bringing his fingers to your swollen clit, dragging out cries of pleasure from your lips.  “Should I let her cum? Hyunjin? Changbin? Ji? What do you think?” 
“Fuck yeah, I want to see her face when she cums. I bet it’s a beautiful site,” Changbin replied, stroking his cock faster at the prospect of you cumming soon.
Hyunjin huffed after squeezing his cock, “hyung, let her cum.  Look at her, I don’t think she’s gonna hold out long.”  
Minho continued to pound into you, “You hear that kitten, the boys wanna see you cum.  Think you can do it? Let go for us?”  
“Yes, yes, I can cum. I want to cum.  Please, so close Min.” You held your legs tighter, feeling your cunt clench and flutter around Minho’s cock.  You felt that coil in your belly build up again, but this time, you were able to let it go.  Letting out a wail, you felt your belly contract before you felt something flood out of you.
“Ahh shit, she squirted, look at that hyung,” Jisung said.
Minho smiled and kept pounding into your cunt, riding you through your high.  “Can I fill you up kitten?” Minho looked at you lovingly, wiping a tear from your face and stroking your cheek.  You nodded your head and whispered, “yes please.”  Minho’s thrusts became sloppy, feeling you clench around his cock again and again.  He couldn’t hold out anymore, he had to fill you up, show you that you were his now and nobody else's.  With a grunt he stilled his hips and came, flooding your walls with his cum.  He stayed inside you for a moment as he leaned down to give you a kiss.  
He slowly pulled his cock out, his release dripping out of your cunt and down onto the sheets below.  He moved out of the way, pushing a stray strand of hair out of your face.  “Let the boys see kitten, let them see my cum dripping out of your cunt.”  
The boy’s eyes were locked onto your cunt, watching as Minho’s cum leaked out.  The sheets were an absolute mess, your arousal soaked through the sheets, most likely ruining them.  You looked good enough to eat and god did they want to, take a taste of your precious cunt and coax more orgasms from you. 
You leaned into Minho’s touch, more than satisfied. You then made eye contact with Hyunjin, Changbin, and Jisung, pushing Minho’s cum out of your cunt. Moans were heard from all three men, as they stroked their cocks and watched you and Minho’s cum leak.  You unhooked your arms from behind your knees and took your fingers to open your lips so they could get a better look at your gaping hole.  Minho smiled down at you, proud of his kitten.  
“So,” Changbin said. “Can I be next?”
Part 2
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I hope you enjoyed it if you read this far. Part 2 is now out!
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gumiiiiezzzz · 2 days
kittens… the results are in….
clueless! smau
summary: the jjk boys are in love with you and you’re… well… clueless…
… is out now!!! link here <3
˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚
i am also continuing to push the chronically online inumaki agenda and won’t stop unfortunately😋
˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* continue to send in ur requests!!! :O ˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚*
i am writing the same 4 characters as last time (also might include the JJK men if requested🫣🫶🏻)
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˚*  ੈ✩‧₊˚* divider credz: @pink-horizon
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fbfh · 1 year
curiosity is a wonderful thing - chapter 1
wc: 2k
genre: slice of life, slow burn, best friends to lovers
pairing: slowburn best friend ben! x fem daughter of alice!reader, current audrey x ben
warnings: audrey being a bitch, unnecessary amounts of tea, ben being ben, mildly implied nd reader
summary: after a junior royal council meeting, you hype up your best friend Ben to tell his parents about his plans for his first proclaimation as king.
song recs: main titles 1 2 & 3 - descendants score/david lawrence, cheshire kitten (we're all mad here) - sj tucker
a/n: THE NEW SERIES IS HERE!!!! I am so excited for this, it's been one of my comfort indulgence daydreams for the longest time so I'm really elated to share it with y'all. BIG FAT FANGZ TO CICI FOR BETA READING!!!!!! and fangz to you guys for reading!!!!! I hope you enjoy lol <333 have an optional outfit. as a treat.
tags @dustyinkpages @demirunner @strawberry-cake1 @kiara7777 @yesv01 @magcon7280
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Audrey was shocked when Ben had first told her that you and he weren't dating. She knew that you were friends, best friends at that. Everyone in Auradon did. Everyone also knew that what you had between you couldn't possibly be just platonic, not with the way you look at each other, how much time you spend together, or how intimately you speak to each other. It’s like you have your own language.
Everyone in Auradon knows this, with the exception of you and Ben, apparently. Even now, in the middle of a junior royal council meeting, Aziz shares a pitying look with Herkie at the way Audrey holds onto Ben’s arm while he goes over the agenda. Neither of them miss the way her gaze flicks between you two, trying to see if you’re stealing glances. You’re seated at his right hand side, like you usually are, as he goes over the last few items on the agenda for the meeting today and try to pay as much attention as you can. You scribble in your notebook as he does, nibbling at a tea biscuit and trying not to miss any of the important bits. 
“...Facing a longstanding struggle to keep up with the increased demand of the textile industry,” Ben says, skimming through his papers. He glances up, and he knows no one is really paying attention except for you. “Looking to open up a- a more collaborative process of dialog with key workers in the textile industry, and unified front between all the major groups who paved the way to textiles as we know them today, while also compensating for the rise in automation.” 
Across the table, Chad yawns. Lonnie and Melody pass notes between them, at least attempting to be subtle about it. You listen to Ben continue to update everyone on the ongoing current events in Auradon, and your pen drifts away from taking notes as you do, and begins to scribble little shapes in the margins of your well loved notebook. Your other hand moves down under the table, adjusting your pale blue skirt and tugging at the elastic of your black and white striped stockings. Ben’s gaze flicks over to you as you adjust in your seat, tugging at the puffy sleeves of your white blouse a moment later. He can tell you’re starting to get fidgety, which means it’s about time to wrap all this up. Plus, he has a suit fitting in ten minutes that he can’t be late for, or else Lumier will probably char something by accident. 
“Negotiations are still in progress, and of course, we’re looking for any way possible to avoid an embargo. I think that’s the last thing anyone needs…” Ben trails off with a chuckle, only to be met with silence. He looks back at his paper, trying to find his place before the silence gets anymore awkward. Before he can, he hears you let out a puff of air in agreement. 
“That’s quite an understatement.” You smile up at him, catching his eye before you each return to your respective papers. Your Wonderlandian accent is comforting, like a familiar friend in a tough crowd. People have described your accent many ways, most concluding it’s somewhere between british and transatlantic, but you don’t think you have much of an accent at all. Ben says you do, and you trust his judgment on the topic. Audrey maintains a tight smile on her face as Ben gently frees his arm from her to look through his papers in more detail. Once he’s sure he’s not missing anything, he goes through the usual motions of wrapping up a junior council meeting. 
“All party planning committee members are welcome to hang back, the floor is yours,” He says to Audrey, gathering up all his papers with a smile. “Everyone else, thank you for your time as always, and have a good evening.” 
Ben heads to the door as people start to funnel out and make conversation. Audrey waits as the other people on the party planning committee move up the table to sit closer to her, glancing at you as you put your notebook, pens, notes, and teacup back into that teapot shaped bag you always carry. It’s enchanted with Wonderland magic, and it makes her uneasy. She thinks you should just get a tote bag, or backpack, like a normal person. 
“Bunny,” Ben calls from the doorway, getting your attention with the nickname he’s had for you for years. Her train of thought quickly turns away from bags as  you look over, noticing it’s time to go and scurrying over to him. She watches you both talk quietly and head to wherever you’re going next, trying to ignore the quiet, burning jealousy seeping up into her. It’s nothing new, she reminds herself. She knew you two were best friends when she got together with her Bennyboo, so she knew what she was signing herself up for.
“Are we ready?” She asks curtly, turning towards Jane. She refuses to spend another second worrying about you, and instead, she channels all her energy into sifting through streamer sample colors. Whatever you two are doing can’t be as important as this. She’s sure whatever you’re discussing right now during Ben’s suit fitting is just meaningless small talk. Nothing of any importance. 
“I… truly don’t think you could have picked a better, more impactful first proclamation, Ben.” You conclude with a sip of raspberry tea. A wave of relief washes through him as he pulls on the blue suit jacket for Lumier to tailor. 
“You think so? Because, I-I’m only going to get to do this once, and-” 
He’s cut off by you nodding solemnly. 
“What better way to pave the way to the future than mending rifts of the past?” You ask rhetorically. 
“Yes!” Ben exclaims, letting his hands fall to his sides with a smile, a gesture you mirror. “You get it…” 
“Of course.” You smile at him, and it’s quiet for a moment as you take another sip of your tea. “You know your parents will…” You begin, but Ben is already nodding. 
“Oh yeah.” He agrees. “I wrote down everything from the pros column, and ideas for everything in the cons.” 
“Good,” you say, encouragingly. 
“And I have a great mission statement.” He adds, and you can see him getting fired up. You know how much this means to him, how much of his heart he’s putting into helping as many people as possible and being a good king to everyone, even the citizens on the Isle. If you know Ben - and you’re sure you do by now - you know how he can start to overthink things right before a presentation, even an informal one. He’s as prepared as he’ll ever be, and you have his back. He knows this.
“Oh, I meant to ask,” you say breezily as Lumier enters, “how are things going with Audrey?”  
You wiggle your eyebrows at him, sending him a comically scandalous look. He laughs as you wave hello to Lumier, and you think it’s the first time he’s relaxed in the last 30 hours or so. You flip through your journal, selecting a few pictures you took recently of flora in Wonderland, doodling their leaves and stalks on a mostly blank page. He laughs, hanging his head at the unexpected nature of the question, and Lumier pulls out a tape measure to begin the alterations of Ben’s suit. 
“You’re really- we’re really going to go there?” He asks through a smile. You look up at him, nodding. 
“Mhm.” You confirm. He can’t say no to you, he never can. 
“Okay. Uh, yeah things are good. With me and Audrey.” 
“Good,” you smile, looking up from your paper. He wonders what you’re working on, and always looks forward to seeing your little drawings. Even the ones you dislike, he finds beautiful. He tries to think of what else is going on with Audrey. 
“We, uh… we have a date later this week.” 
“Sleeve.” Lumier interjects, moving Ben’s arm.
“Oh, how fun!” You smile. 
“Head.” Lumier turns Ben to look out the large windows. He thinks for another moment, struggling to find anything else Audrey related to talk about as you distract yourself with the expression of a pouting mushroom you’d gotten a good picture of last time you were in Wonderland. Before he can think of anything else his eyes land on the Isle. His mind wanders toward how forgotten everyone out there must feel. You look up at him, following his gaze. 
“I know.” You say softly. You’ve discussed the Isle and its’ residents at great lengths, both finding a greater deal of compassion for them than most people seem to have. 
“How is it possible that you’re going to be crowned king next month?” Comes King Adam’s booming voice as he and Belle enter from the patio doors. 
“Hello, dear,” Belle smiles at you, resting a hand on your shoulder as they pass, approaching Ben, and you smile a greeting back up at her, and begin putting away your notebook. As close as you two are, you can’t expect anyone but the royal family to be in the room during discussions of Ben’s first proclamation. Both you and Ben knew this had to be a conversation between him and his parents, and as much as you both might like it to be, it’s not really something he can do with you by his side. You scurry past him, sending him an encouraging look. 
“You’ll do great.” You say, your voice just low enough for him to hear it. You touch his arm encouragingly until Lumier shoos you away, not wanting anything to jeopardize the way he finally got Ben’s shoulder to lay on that side. Ben locks eyes with you as you leave. It’s only a moment, but those three words, that one little gesture from you have him more ready than ever. He prepares himself with a breath. 
You’ll probably sneak off to Wonderland for a while, like you usually do with any pockets of spare time you find, so you’ll get to update him on the feud going on between the bluebirds and inchworms by the time he’s done. He takes comfort in that, knowing that even in the worst case scenario, even if everything goes horribly wrong, you’ll still have some fascinating Wonderland stories for him, just like you always do. He finds great comfort in the thought as his parents approach, and knows two things; it’s time for him to begin stepping up, and that you have his back all the way. 
You close the heavy wooden door behind you, walking a few feet down the hall so you don’t accidentally eavesdrop. You sit down against the wall to wait for Ben, and your mind drifts to Wonderland, as it so often does. There’s a peace there, something you’ve never been able to find overland. It calls to you, like a sailor’s heart calls to the sea. You wonder if you have time for a quick trip, just a few minutes in paradise, but you know it’s never really just a few minutes. Time works differently in Wonderland than it does in overland, and it’s unpredictable. The last thing you want is not to be here when Ben is done talking to his parents. 
“I’d better not…” you sigh. Being here for Ben is more important right now. He’s your best friend. So you settle into your little spot in the hallway, smoothing out your blue skirt around you. You reach into your teapot shaped bag, pulling out a small white porcelain teacup with little violets on it, and a matching saucer. You think for a moment about what kind of tea you want right now. Hibiscus, you decide, with a touch of honey. You tilt the spout of your bag, letting the perfectly brewed cup of tea fall from the spout. You take a sip, leafing through your homework to see what you can bore yourself with to pass the time. You don’t know how long Ben will be in there, and you don’t care too much. You’re sure he’ll do wonderfully, and that’s really all you care about right now. 
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drewsbuzzcut · 3 months
blurb of like Dallas doing a day in the life of a married 20 year old still in college
“Good morning,” Dallas yawns, holding her phone up at an angle to catch her untamed, morning hair. Rolling over, she captures Nick who is nestled into her side. His face moves to the crook of her neck and his limbs are thrown over her body.
“He’s such a sleepy baby,” she giggles, carding her fingers through his hair. She abruptly stops when he stirs.
“Who are you talking to?” He mumbles, face moving and burrowing into her chest.
“TikTok,” at Dallas’ words, Nick looks up at the camera to see her recording. He eventually decides he doesn’t care and falls right back to sleep
“Today is a busy day, so unfortunately I have to get up!”
Dallas forces herself out of bed and her husband’s arms. She gets so fluttery on the inside when she remembers that they’re officially married.
She sets up her phone on the bathroom counter while she brushes her teeth and does her skincare.
“So today we have no classes, thank god! I literally cannot fathom having to go to an 8 am. Pro tip: don’t sign up for morning classes because they’ll kick your ass,” she informs while rubbing her moisturizer into her face.
“Anyways back to the agenda, I have to go to a ton of fabric stores, because I just know I won’t find all of what I’m looking for at a singular location. I have an appointment to get my last name changed to Moldenhauer, and then I have to go to the store and buy different necessities. Oh, I also have a pilates class and a test to take, so today should be busy to say the least,” Dallas lists off the different things on her agenda.
She quickly goes into her makeup routine, showing off her favorite products that she uses everyday.
“Wait!” Nick blurts out, scurrying into the restroom with only his underwear on. She’ll have to blur it out later. He hugs her from behind, his arms wrapping around her neck and requests a kiss before she puts on lip gloss.
“I’m going with you, so just let me get ready. I’ll be like 10 minutes,” he says against her lips, a hand coming up to caress her cheek.
Dallas nods her head and kisses him again.
“I love you, husband.” Her cheeks grow red and her eyes turn into hearts.
“I love you, wife.” She wants to jump around and scream; she loves him so much.
“We’re here at one of my favorite thrift stores. I usually buy left over fabrics or pieces of clothing that I can incorporate into a different piece. Right now I have over half of my list, which is actually so relieving,” Dallas talks fast while giving an overview of the different things in her basket.
She continues to walk around until she finds Nick looking through a pile of old umich merch.
“Baby, look at this jacket. You’d look so hot in it, especially if you’re wearing your leather pants and those little kitten heels,” Nick announces the outfit he’s picturing in his head.
He holds up the vintage looking, windbreaker with a smirky smile. He drops his eye in a wink and the girl has to stop recording, so she can kiss her husband.
“You’re so hot,” she mutters into his mouth. Her fingers card through his hair, and she has a hard time not pulling him into the restroom at the back of the store.
“Back to our regularly scheduled program, Nick is almost a better thrifter than I am. He, not only found two of the fabrics I was looking for, but some statement pieces for some game day fits. He learned from the best,” she whispers into the mic of her phone as she records Nick showing off what he found. He’s so proud of himself and it’s the cutest thing ever.
“I think I deserve a kiss for all my hard work,” Nick hums and pulls his wife into his chest.
They share a sweet kiss that’s interrupted by their giggling and wide smiles. They do a little kiss for the camera and Dallas knows she’s so insanely lucky to have him by her side.
Dallas pulls Nick away from the camera, getting him to spin her around. She burns red with the way his eyes focus on her and the way she twirls around. She truly feels like the only girl in the world when she’s with Nick.
Dallas strikes a pose and Nick falls in line without even being told. They show off their outfits and do a little dance together.
“I think everyone should leave a compliment, telling her how beautiful and sexy and hot she is. But she’s mine!” Nick jokes. Well, Dallas thinks it’s a joke, but knowing him, he’d probably get jealous of the comments.
“No one leave comments about my husband, because he’s mine and no one else can look at him,” Dallas counters Nick’s words, giving her man a glimpse of her very well hidden jealousy. Even if it’s a joke, she wants him to know that she can also match his possessiveness. Not that he minds.
Nick flashes a smirk at the camera and cops a squeeze of her ass, making her gasp and turn her backside away from the camera.
“You all did not see that,” she says through a laugh.
Her hockey player doesn’t care, though, so he slaps her ass and kisses on her neck until she’s squirming.
“I’m so excited! I have been looking forward to this all day. We’re here at our local courthouse to file paperwork to change my last name. It’s the reason why I’m wearing slacks and a button up; i have to look professional. Since I’m only 20, I’ve received a lot of hate for being married already.”
“It’s bull. She should not be getting any hate for being in love. People who have something bad to say are just jealous,” Nick chimes in, putting an appreciative smile on his wife’s face.
She finds herself smiling a lot since meeting him and since marrying him.
The camera pans to the doors of the courthouse and their intertwined hands. Her pearl ring and floral engraved band shine in the sun.
“Hi, June Blankenburg. I’m here to file the required paperwork to change my last name.”
Now Nick’s holding the camera, flipping it back and forth between Dallas and his excited reaction.
“I can’t believe the love of my life is changing her last name to mine. I can’t believe I get to be married to her for the rest of my life,” he whispers, camera pointed at his wife as she hands over her paperwork.
“Soon I’ll officially be June Dallas Moldenhauer on every legal document! I’m so excited,” Dallas cheers, holding up her ring finger as she skips over to Nick.
They share one last kiss before she stops recording for the moment.
“Hi, beautiful people in my phone. You might be noticing that it’s later in the day as the sky is dark. I just got out of my pilates class, hence the sweat. I couldn’t vlog because I had to hurry and eat before my test, and then my test ran longer than expected so I had to rush to my workout class. I’m on my way to the sophomore house for dinner. It’s actually one of our last dinners before the school year ends, so that’s kind of sad,” Dallas rants breathlessly, phone capturing her sweaty face and messy updo.
“D!” Multiple hockey boys cheer in unison upon seeing her walk up the driveway.
Baby duke is on the grill and the others are just hanging around.
“Hello, Mrs. Moldenhauer,” Nick grins, pulling her into a hug.
The boy holds onto her camera, so it can film them kissing once again.
“Get a room!” Rutger yells, but comes up to the couple to bring them into a group hug.
“Everyone say hi to Rutger, he’s our son,” Dallas jokes which earns her a playful eye roll from the boy.
Dallas moves away from him, dragging Nick with her inside the house. She takes a look around the surprisingly clean area and the boys who are lounging around.
“Wow! It’s so sparkly in here,” she teases, getting sarcastic laughs in response.
“We knew Mrs. Moldenhauer was coming over and that she’d have our heads if it wasn’t clean,” Luca muses.
“Awww. You all love me,” she gives Luca a tight hug.
“Say hi to the vlog,” she turns the camera to his face.
“Help me, she’s holding me hostage,” Luca screams, making her push him away with a full belly laugh.
She moves with Nick to any empty spot on the couch. She easily falls into his lap with his chin resting on her shoulder.
“It’s time to say bye. I hope you all enjoyed seeing what a day in my life looks like. It’s definitely chaotic, but it’s also comforting. I need to eat and spend time with my family. Bye, have a good night!” Dallas says and blows air kisses to those watching her behind their screens.
a/n: This is a little longer than a blurb, but enjoy!!!
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queer-codedhero · 8 months
tips for supporting a transgender little!!
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there are many different littles in this world, many of which are trans! What day are trans FTM or MTF or or even somewhere under the nonbinary or gender fluid umbrella, I have some tips on how you can make their experience more comfortable and respect their identity!!
Complements! Who doesn’t love a compliment? Of course you want to complement your little, so I thought I’d give you some suggestions on things to say that can help them out! If you’re a little is an FTM, you would always love to give them compliment, such as handsome, baby boy, adorable boy, things like! Including masculinity in their compliment, whether or not they present masculine, can give them a feel of gender euphoria! In a similar sense transgender’s MTF will often do you have any comforted by feminine compliments! Some examples would be pretty, princess, sweetie or mentioning female in a compliment, so just pretty girl, or good girl! A little may also enjoy animal related nicknames (always ask their boundaries before using any petnames) some animals can give gender euphoria, even without directly mentioning a gender! Kitty or kitten as a nickname commonly is seen as more feminine! It is not required to be in. There will be kitty boys and kitten girls in their own time. However, if you’re coming up with one on your own, you may find it good to try using kitten for trans MTFs! On the opposing side puppies can bring comfort to FTMs! for anyone who is outside of female and male, agendas, or under the nonbinary spectrum it’ll often help to avoid these exact compliments and come up with something else such as creativity, or something of that sort that does not route in some form of gender identity!
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Bath time is very complicated for all Littles, but especially littles with gender identity issues!!! it is extremely important to ask your little what they are comfortable with at bathtime for Littles with gender identity issues, especially will struggle with allowing you to see them in any way that they might see as not the identity they prefer! Some lovely ways you can help comfort them with that is continuing to refer to them as their preferred gender while they’re starting to shower or bath. Don’t mention anything to do with those areas and most definitely do not use the terms “boy” or “girl” when talking about bodies!
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TV shows! never refer to a TV show as a boy or a girl show! There is no such thing as a show, made for certain gender and buy influencing that you can upset your little!!
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clothes!! support your little dress however, they are comfortable!! make sure to let them know just how adorable they are!! your clothes are not their gender, and do not in anyway intend that!! never ask them to wear any form of clothes they’re uncomfortable with, and always try to buy clothes that can match their style and identity!
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did someone miss gender your little? Don’t ignore it and make sure to tell a little how much that person was wrong. Tell them they’re silly for not realizing how much of a pretty boy they are or pretty girl. Make sure to correct any of your friends! Even if you’re a little says that they’re comfortable, they most likely or not comfortable with her gender not being respected!! telling them that you recognize that someone upset them, and that you do not agree with that view, can bring so much comfort into their!
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chronotsr · 3 months
Pre-G1 Modules, part 2 - Palace of the Vampire Queen and DK1-3
Asterisk 1: The first standalone module, Palace of the Vampire Queen
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(Another proud DND tradition, evil woman with her tits hanging out, representing here. This adventure is by Pete & Judy Kerestan, the operators of Wee Warriors.)
I'm trying really hard to not get TOO bogged down in exterior details to the adventures themselves, but a small preamble about Wee Warriors. Wee Warriors was a little company that was born to publish DND supplements. They were one of many, there were many zines and magazines and fan supplements going around, for example Judge's Guild forms at roughly the same time. They worked with TSR after a while to publish these things, so they were unofficial-but-official in a weird way. Early DND culture functions less like a business and more like a hobby community. Most of the early DND people knew each other in some capacity, it's only when DND got really far away from Lake Geneva that distinct cultures started forming island effect-style.
Good enough, let's keep going.
Our preamble gives us the basic of the adventure, dwarf island harangued by vampire queen, the undead keep abducting people to eat their blood. Conspicuously absent is any kind of information about a suggested level or party size.
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It's cute, right? The styling is so welcome and loving in a way that TSR products will not have for a long, long time.
It's very rote, lots of very basic traps and stocked rooms. Not much to see he--
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T-telepathic kittens that improve your morale? This is one of those moments where you just instantly know. The hobby isn't as different as you might thing. This is the exact sort of adorable shit you'd see on one of those big streamer shows. We all love our cats. They are our strength.
There genuinely isn't much to say about the rest of the module, other than that there is a shocking amount of child murder. There is an evil castle with a vampiress in it and you gotta go whack people til you can claim the reward money. About the most interesting twist you'll find in here is that there's a fakeout queen, and that the genuine queen will immediately take the (unnamed) dwarf princess hostage to secure her escape. I do appreciate that, if you're going to make every room just be a combat encounter with loot in it, the decision to make the key a table with room/creatures/max damage/description is sound. I'm kind of surprised this table-style key never caught on, given the 'doom monster closets' design that typifies a lot of early DND.
I wish that there was a great revelation waiting here for you, that the first non-TSR adventure was a forgotten classic? But it's really not. It's some monster-stocked rooms with the rare trap, and a vague preamble. Temple of the Frog showed a lot more creativity. I am kind of strangely fond of these lovingly inked maps though, it makes me long for hand-inked maps again. The Dungeon Master's Kit product line continues for two more entries (The Dwarven Glory and The Misty Isles) to form a soft trilogy.
Bonus Round: Skimming the rest of the Wee Warriors Dungeon Master's Kits
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So the thing about the DK product line is that it's not very interesting. But since I had to get a copy, I'm making it your problem by talking about them more.
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Everything about this room fascinates me. There is so much going on here that isn't explained. And then you keep going to room F7:
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Again, nothing is fucking explained. The monsters are in conflict because why not? There's actually a great idea in here, (although again, why is child murder so prevalent?)
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There are wisps of interesting narrative here, but all that's actually presented is like…the end-state? "Evil high priest who is abusing a tragedy to push his agenda" is a solid plot point. The idea that returning the treasure can cause conflict is great. But also, holy shit 500k gp diamond. That's enough exp to max your character in one fell swoop???
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Moving onto Misty Isles, this is more of a…. setting than a module per-se. There's some implied plots I suppose. Here's some of the weirdest things:
The leader of the dwarves on one island is implied to be gay, which is a strange decision given how we don't have any other practical information about him, and has melted all his gold into one pile
A profit-prophet who gives oracles for bribes
Many, many dwarf seems to have access to actual modern day machine guns?
A band of monks are looking for a girl stolen by zombies. Why….did they steal her? Why is there hope of rescuing her? They're zombies, they're going to eat her!
I cannot do this justice myself:
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That's….that's a lot. You want to randomly roll for nearly 600 magical objects? Sometimes designers Simply Say Words. The "My PC is the most bestest guy ever and could never be defeated" stories you hear people whinging about take a very different context when you realize there's just, GMs running around handing people literally 600 random magical items. Eventually you're going to roll and get the best items in the game. Note also, literally zero way of detecting any of the traps.
This random paragraph implies the existence of gamemaster-less play, a thing I guess could hypothetically exist with the degree of randomization, but. What?
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Absolute queen shit. You go succubus lady! And the fairytale logic is cute cus, if the party got mad when they found out about this, they could always give her weight from some magic bullshit, like turning her into lead. Oops!
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And it just goes on and on. There's a Cthulhu reference, there's a party of fighters who casually want to rape women (why were 70s gamers like this), the obligatory slavery character, et c. It's not the first setting released for DND, there are multiple people in front of this, I believe Empire of the Petal Throne won overall [fuck MAR Barker, nazi scum], and City State of the Invincible Overlord certainly predates it by a year. In 2024, it's a pretty tedious read. It reads like a list of ideas, because it is. There's some maps, but the maps are very sparse.
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maria-rayro · 1 year
catboy!charlie x hector munday
The life of cat-people was not easy and serene. For centuries, they were a quite discriminated group: they had no voting rights, they were considered not full-fledged humans, but rather a supplement to the "normal" members of society, something like a very expensive pet, the ownership of which added some points to the status of the owner. In the twenty-first century, of course, the situation became better: cat-people obtained equal rights and continued to defend their independence from other humans; they began to be respected, and sometimes they even managed to occupy leading positions in different companies. But the world continued to be imperfect. Cats were still more exposed to domestic violence and other forms of violence based on hatred, they were more often victims of sexual abuse and so on, and they were often kidnapped in order to be sold into slavery. The protection of their rights has long been on the agenda of the UN and other international organisations, but few have felt the effects of the declaration of equality.
Charles was bullied as a child at the school he attended - he was teased, pulled by his ears and tail, given inappropriate jokes. All of this led to a lot of complexes in his adult life and a lack of affection for people. Even when he moved to the US and started working as an investigative journalist, it still didn't leave him. In addition, in the industry, he is occasionally treated as a second-class human being. Some would mock the 'cute little cat', and some would try to get him into bed with them, arguing that they had 'heard about the unique ability of cats to please'. In general, Charles did not like being a cat guy, and he had his reasons for that.
At the same time, it was a part of his life that could not be got rid of, and he was aware of that.
One day, after he had once again failed and found himself all alone in the city, with almost no money and absolutely no friends around, Lonnit just wandered the deserted night streets, ears pressed to his head and staring sadly at his feet. The rain was beginning to fall more and more heavily, and this depressed him even more, so much so that at one point tears rolled down his cheeks. He stopped near the street lamp and just sat down on the pavement, hugging his knees.
He had no idea what to do.
His hair was getting wetter and wetter from the noisy droplets falling from the sky, and his clothes were starting to get wet as well. At some point it was as if he couldn't feel any more drops on him, though from the sound of it, it was still raining. He raised his head in confusion and saw a quiet man standing nearby, opening a black umbrella over him. The man was wearing a beige coat and a black hat and looked like the most clichéd noir detective in the world. Charlie blinked confusedly, looking at him. "H-Hello," stutters the young man.
"Well hello there. Need any help?" asks the man, tilting his head slightly to the side, peering at the wet cat boy. Lonnit is about to say, out of habit, that everything is fine and there is no need to worry about him, when suddenly the man removes his coat and puts it over Charles's shoulders. He takes his breath away for a few moments and looks at him like… a kitten. Yes. A most suitable description, perhaps. "Come on, you need to warm up," the man says, holding out his hand to the Charles.
Lonnit quickly casts a glance back and forth between the hand reached out and the stranger's face. Perhaps he is about to make another stupid decision - is it the 30th for this month? - and takes hold of his hand, standing up with his help, and wraps himself a little more tightly in a coat that is too big for him. The man nods, urging him to follow, and carefully holds up his umbrella so as to shelter the cat boy from the rain with it. "And you are… um… and w-who are you?" asks Charlie.
"Agent Munday. I mean Hector," the man replies calmly, smiling faintly at him, and Lonnit just nods awkwardly, becoming silent. They walk a short distance, just a couple of houses, and finally walk into an entranceway, followed by a small flat. Munday shakes off the drips from his umbrella and carelessly lays it by the entrance, and then takes his coat off Charles and hangs it up. Lonnit staying tentatively in place, wary and faintly wagging his tail. "Gotta get your clothes dry. I'll give you mine for now. Go change, the bathroom's that way," he nods at the right door. Charlie continues to stand still, undecided, wondering if it's too late to apologise and run off shamefully with his tail between his legs. Eventually he does give in under the calm gaze of the brown eyes and, with a sigh, goes to the bathroom to take off his soaked clothes. "And take a shower. That'll warm you up quicker," Hector says after him, and Lonnit only nods awkwardly.
Taking off his clothes, he hesitantly climbs into the shower cubicle. The hot water warms him pleasantly almost instantly, and he exhales relaxedly, covering his eyes. It feels good. Very good. He just stands like this for a while, and then begins to wash his head, body and tail, wondering at the same time what kind of situation he's put himself in. He really went to a stranger's house. Really undressed in his bathroom. God, that's obviously not going to be good for Charles.
He gets out of the shower and suddenly notices a pile of clothes and a towel on a small table nearby. He doesn't even seem to have heard Hector come into the room and bring it all in. Lonnit sighs softly. Okay. Maybe it's just some pervert. He can handle a pervert. Just as long as it's not some maniac.
Once he's dried off, he examines the clothes the man gave him. It turns out to be a T-shirt that says "No one knows I'm a serial killer" and pajama trousers with ties. The whole thing looks a bit baggy on Charles, and the pants even have to be twisted up a bit. The T-shirt smells good, but not like some kind of laundry detergent - no, it's something else. Perfume? Charlie sniffs, but still doesn't know what it smells like.
Opening the door, he steps cautiously out of the room barefoot and, treading softly like a cat, goes in search of the man. He finds him in the kitchen. There is already a cup of tea on the table and something is definitely cooking on the cooker - Charles unconsciously sniffs and realises that it is chicken and rice. He licks his lips as he sits down at the table and looks curiously at the agent who has not yet noticed him. He continues to cook quietly, and Charlie takes a moment to examine his behaviour more closely while he thinks no one is seeing him.
Hector seems calm, so… ordinary. He's still in the same suit he was wearing before, just his gloves off. And he seems to be humming something to himself. Suddenly he turns around to put a plate of food on the table and flinches when he sees Charles. "Jesus! You scared me. How long have you been sitting here?" he asks, putting everything in front of the young man and wiping his hands with a towel.
"Three minutes," confesses with an innocent smile Lonnit. Munday shakes his head slightly.
"Eat" he simply says.
"Thank you," Charlie replies awkwardly, picking up his fork and starting to eat. For some reason he's not at all worried that the food might be poisoned. Hector, meanwhile, goes on with his household chores, washing the frying pan and wiping the crumbs off the cutting board. "Ah… you're not a maniac, are you?" inquires Lonnit, and Munday turns around somewhat bewildered at him, before smiling, clearly amused by the young man's words.
"You're a very careless kitty, aren't you?" asks Hector, leaning his lower back against the tabletop, and Charlie twitches his ears slightly. "And no, I'm not a maniac. I already told you - I'm Agent Munday. I work for the FBI."
"Can you… um… can you not call me that, please, Agent Munday?" awkwardly dares Lonnit to ask after all. "It's a bit rude, actually."
"I'm sorry. I don't know your name," replies Hector calmly, and the young man smiles.
"Charlie. Charlie Lonnit".
"And how did you end up in this situation, Charlie?" asks Munday, tilting his head slightly to the side.
Lonnit sighs, lowering his gaze to his plate. "Well… long story short, I'm a journalist, and I've been duped by a man who promised to give me important information regarding an investigation I'm conducting…" he sighs, sadly shaking his tail. "And now I'm in an unfamiliar city with no money and no acquaintances. And also without any information for an article."
"And what's your article about?" inquires Hector.
"About the Beast of Arkansas," Charlie replies. "'Thought no one could write about these murders better than me. Well, and I kind of feel… like it's my duty, you know. To speak out. After all, he's killing people like me."
"He kills people like you, and you thought it would be a great idea to go to the town he's doing this?" asks Munday, and Lonnit shrugs awkwardly, smiling.
"I'm a silly cat, what can I say?" he jokes. "Curiosity killed the cat and all that, but life never teaches me anything. That's why I'm in this situation," sighs Charles, and his ears droop a little. Hector, looking at it intently, tilts his head sideways with interest, thinking.
"Well, maybe fate has been kind to you this time after all," he says suddenly, and Lonnit looks up at him bewildered. "At least you weren't kidnapped and killed in an alleyway somewhere. I'm willing to provide you with a warm bed, and… maybe - just maybe - I can answer some of your questions about the Beast, since I'm the one investigating his case," Hector explains, and Charles' pupils suddenly dilate towards the end of his speech. It looks a little funny and cute, and Munday even smiles a bit.
He's always been a cat person.
"Really? You're not kidding? Oh, thank you very much, Agent Munday!" Charlie smiles, and his tail starts twitching excitedly from side to side. "I… don't know how to thank you for this opportunity."
"I think you've already repaid me enough for everything with your charmingly grateful smile," Hector smiles slightly, trying not to flirt too bluntly so as not to embarrass the young man; he smiles back sweetly. "But I'd still prefer you to eat and sleep first. All right?" offers Munday, and the young man nods hastily.
A little later, Hector watches him as he falls asleep on his bed, curled up in a ball, and thinks to himself that he should probably really get himself a cat.
Or a lover.
Or Charles.
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scalierpepper · 1 month
I just wanted to say, I love your art. I can’t even remember how many times I watched your animatics on YT, and every time I do I’m just like wow, that’s so good. That Lost Kitten song now immediately makes me think about TLT 😂 and I’m waiting for my gf to read Harrow and Nona so I can show it to her (showed her the other one already and she loved it too). Continue the good work ❤️
CRYING...this is so sweet, thank you. I'm really glad you enjoy my art! Will continue my agenda of contorting tlt to fit with songs that inspire me 🫡
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bruisedrednblue · 9 months
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mooncello · 9 months
chronicles of lava It’s the weekend—no missions are scheduled. I think I’m gonna go for a long drive. Head up through the hills to the central coast. Salty air and fog sound like super chill companions right about now. I’m hoping some distance will help me calm the fuck down. Regain some perspective. Or at least get a fucking break from feeling like I’m gonna spontaneously combust every time I run into Cole.
My plans are vaporized at breakfast when Lloyd reminds us that we’re participating in our neighborhood street festival today. Lloyd signs us up for this stuff as part of “positive reputation management,” whatever the fuck that means. Something about not just protecting people but being trusted and beloved. Being part of the community. Et cetera et cetera.
Lloyd goes over the day’s agenda: a little parade, festival booth, photo ops, library storytime... I chew the inside of my cheek as he continues talking, hyperaware of Cole leaning against the kitchen counter a few feet away, arms folded across his chest. I sneak a look and take in his wide, sturdy shoulders, and the way they shift under his t-shirt. I like how the curve of his biceps peeks from beneath his shirt sleeve, and my eyes continue to draw down, past his elbows, to his forearms, crossed over one another, muscle like rope. Those arms could probably hoist me up and shove me against a wall. And— jesus fuck, nope, I cannot think about this right now.
My eyes trail back up his arms to his face. And shit. He’s looking at me. He literally just caught me checking him out. My mouth goes dry, and I twist my head away as my stomach lurches out of control.
Fuck. I seriously needed some space this weekend. Now I’m just gonna be distracted all day. While pretending to not be distracted—I’m totally fine—even as my heart throbs.
chapter four is up! chapters are getting longer, kittens. hope you enjoy. x
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mrallnight57-blog · 10 months
Crystal of Mordokia
Chapter 46
    Jenny stood there in shock as Litias began to speak. "Now you have seen the truth. I wanted to be like the Drow so badly. Unfortunately my conscious wouldn't allow me to harm the innocent.
    Jenny finally spoke. "Ravenerress is your sister!!!"
     Litias stared at Jenny for a moment, then she replied. "Yes. Why is that important?"
     Jenny attempted to explain. "It's just... I hate seeing sisters fighting. I lost my sister, and now I learn you have found yours. I think the two of you should..."
     Litias cut Jenny off. "I've gone almost two thousand without a sister. I don't need one now."
     Jenny stood quietly for a second. Then she spoke. "Listen to me Litias, regardless of what happened on Mordokia. Earth needs you, and more importantly, Billbo needs you. He needs you to defeat The Dark Magic.
      Litias snapped at Jenny. "I don't stand a chance against the Dark Magic!!! The Drows greatest weapon is fear! Look at me pretty one. Now think about Billbo. Hell! Think about Ravenerress! The moment their presence is felt, people immediately fear for their lives. When people see me, I get nothing but oohs and awwws. I'm nothing more than a adorable kitten, that everyone wants to pet.
      Jenny shook her head, and began to laughing to herself. This made Litias angry. "What is so funny!?!"
     Jenny smiled. It's not that I find anything funny. You just don't see things the way I do. To me, you are quite possibly the most scariest bitch in the universe.
    Jenny's words angered Litias. "Don't patronize me!"
      Jenny quickly responded. "I'm not! Listen to me. When you come across Billbo or Ravenerress. You know immediately, what is going to happen to you. With you it's different, because you bring the unknown. Nobody knows what you are going to do. Your just as powerful as they are, but you don't have a set agenda. You could spare someone, or destroy them. The fact that you're so unpredictable, makes you the scariest one of them all.
     Litias stood quietly for a second, before saying. "I never looked at it that way."
     This made Jenny smile. "Except I don't have to be afraid, because I know you don't harm the innocent."
     Jenny's words angered Litias. "You are not innocent! You have harmed many in the name of justice. There is no such thing as a innocent hero!"
   Suddenly Litias's eyes widen. "Move!!!"
    Jenny attempted to turn around, but Litias used her speed to push Jenny out of the way. As Jenny recovered her bearings. She saw Gothic Mirror stabbed Litias.
     Litias used her psychic powers to push Gothic Mirror away. At this point Jenny thought Litias was okay, because Litias was invisible, but she was in complete shock when she saw Litias fall to one knee. "Oh my God!!!"
     Jenny rushed to Litias's side and took her into her arms. "What's going on Litias!?! How did he hurt you!?! How did he break the the force field!?!"
     Litias grimaced as she held her chest. "I brought the shield down after I ended the vision. The weapon he used was a technique I taught him. The ability to create a weapon that doesn't attack the body, but the soul." Litias lifts her hand, and to Jenny's horror, she saw a black liquid coming out of Litias's chest.
      Litias looked up at Jenny. "Listen pretty one, I'm dieing, and you will be sent back to the living world. It will be up to you to defeat both Billbo and Gothic Mirror.
     Jenny's eyes began tearing up. "I can't do it without you."
     Litias winced. "Listen pretty one. Just tell Billbo to kill Gothic Mirror. That will give you time to get everyone out of the building. Then you will have to find Heavy Metal Thunder. He was last seen in Texas. If you find him. He and his allies may be able to defeat Billbo."
    Jenny was crying as Litias continued speaking. "I'm going to send you back to the land of the living. I'm going to try and hold off Travis for as long as I can, but once my soul finally fades away. Travis will return to the land of the living as well.
       Jenny began protesting, but it was in vain. Suddenly Jenny felt her soul leaving the spiritual landscape, and the next thing she knew. She was back at the hotel. In the land of the living.
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shmooooo · 2 years
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I posted 1,320 times in 2022
567 posts created (43%)
753 posts reblogged (57%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,056 of my posts in 2022
Only 20% of my posts had no tags
#mutuals 💫 - 416 posts
#✉️: mail for isa - 332 posts
#hard hours - 184 posts
#jasmine 🕊 - 137 posts
#svt - 98 posts
#rose 🌹 - 95 posts
#isa talks 🪐 - 86 posts
#ask game - 83 posts
#enhypen - 74 posts
#tbz hard hours - 43 posts
Longest Tag: 140 characters
#lights off - silent - not too cold but just cold enough that it’s comfy under my blanket without me freezing as soon as i move from under it
My Top Posts in 2022:
getting closer
seventeen masterlist
seventeen sereniverse masterlist
pairing: Kwon Soonyoung x fem!reader
genre: smut
warnings: dom!Soonyoung, sub!reader, hints at ot13 x reader, slight exhibitionism, finger sucking, dirty talk, Soonyoung is spreading the furry tiger agenda by continuously calling the reader kitten, fingering, mirror sex, edging, hints of aftercare (pls do it properly), Wonwoo is a sweetheart
word count: 2313 (oops)
title inspiration: "Getting Closer" by Seventeen
notes: this happened because of Soonyoung wearing this jacket because Brian and I are too horny for our own good and also suckers for model!Soonyoung (I wrote this when the pics from his Elle photoshoot came out so this was a while ago lol - I did make some changes though which is why I'm only posting it now)
tagging: @moonxroses happy birthday baby!! I hope you like your present :3
this is part of the sereniverse collab with @rose-sereniteeth
Soonyoung had been at the studio all day, taking photos for Elle magazine. When you arrived there later, the shoot had already been going on for hours and it wasn’t that long before they could wrap up and go home.
He was in the middle of posing when you entered the room, seemingly not even noticing your entry. You had to stop yourself from visibly gasping upon seeing him, your mouth watering at the sight, unconsciously clenching your thighs. He looked over to you then, immediately taking in your flustered state before looking back at the camera, resuming to taking photos as if nothing had happened. Although it could’ve been your imagination he did seem a bit cockier now - if that was even possible. Professional Soonyoung was a menace after all.
The way he was posing - looking down at the camera, legs apart - was not helping your flustered state. And when he looked over again, he saw you biting your lip and clenching your thighs, but he also saw the smirk on your face when you noticed his gaze on you, as well as your wink. It took him every ounce of self-control in his body to not go over there and pin you against the wall for everyone to see. But the punishment would have to wait. Instead, he turned away from you and tried to focus on preventing a hard-on.
A manager came over to you and showed you a room where you could wait for Soonyoung, and so you sat down on a chair that didn’t look like anyone would need it anytime soon and tried to think about anything that wasn’t Soonyoung outside, in hopes to not make you even more needy than you already were.
A few minutes later, the door suddenly opened and Soonyoung entered the room. He went straight for the sofa and sat down on it, leaning his head back. At first, you weren’t even sure if he had noticed you in the corner, but then he turned his head and looked straight at you, the look on his face making you gulp.
He lifted his hand and motioned for you to come over, still not saying a word. You slowly got up, your knees nearly buckling from how much your legs were shaking. Standing in front of him, it took one look from him to have you on your knees in an instant. He leaned forward, his legs still spread apart enough for you to fit between them, and grabbed your hair in a make-shift ponytail, making you hold your breath when he pulled to make you look up at him.
“And here I was, thinking that our little kitten could behave herself in public, but apparently I was wrong.” He sounded disappointed and you gulped. “Did you like the poses that much? So much that you became all flustered for me in front of all these people?”
You weren’t entirely sure where he was going with this. Weren’t you supposed to show how flustered you were? In your defense, you had really tried to hide it but seeing him just had that effect on you.
“Yes...yes, sir.”
He hummed. “And what made you think it was okay to act like that, biting your lips and teasing me while I had to be professional?”
You should have known that he wouldn’t like that. But you weren’t getting out of this anymore (not like you wanted to anyway), so you didn’t try to talk back. “I’m sorry, sir.”
He let out an unamused laugh, and held two fingers in front of your face. You immediately opened up, wrapping your tongue around his digits.
"You've been a bad girl, hm? And what do bad girls get?" You whimpered around his fingers. "That's right, kitten. They get punished."
You looked at him with pleading eyes but it was obvious that he had already made up his mind, seeing you tease him even though you were well aware that he had to focus on the photoshoot. The fear of what he was going to do to you was making you feel hot all over and you felt a bit dirty because you wanted him to use you, only adding to your humiliation.
Soonyoung leaned down, his lips right next to your ear, and whispered: "Just wait until we get home, princess. I'll make sure you behave from now on.” He lowly chuckled and you felt goosebumps all over your skin. “I'll fuck the brat out of you and you'll have to wear turtle necks for a while if you don't want your friends to know how bad you were."
He let go of your hair and pulled his fingers from your mouth, smiling at his manager that had just entered the room. Fixing your hair and removing the spit that had traveled down your chin you stood up, not daring to turn towards the manager as you went to get a sip of water.
“The photos all turned out well. You can clean up and go home if you want. It’s been a long day.”
“Thank you,” Soonyoung stood up and bowed at the man, who responded with a nod and quickly left the room again.
See the full post
147 notes - Posted April 9, 2022
thoughts on dom mark lee :))) -🌹
Rose, I will end you :)))
usually more lighthearted
he does enjoy teasing you with his words and touch but he's kinda chill about the concept
will praise you, tell you how much he loves seeing you like this
also very good with his tongue for obvious reasons
will spend hours between your legs
will also love if you suck him off though
just the thought of you on your knees for him gets him hard so fast
the giving and receiving is pretty balanced with him
and it's mostly about having a good time together (but he does enjoy the power aspect, however lighthearted it may be)
but yeah generally he's pretty soft
you break one of his rules
you guys don't have many rules and they're pretty chill and easy to follow for the most part
so when he comes home after a long week and he sees you touching yourself without his permission even though that's literally the first rule you agreed on???
he's pissed
especially because he does allow you to touch yourself if he's not there since he knows how much he works and how little he is home
he just wants you to ask first
send him a quick little text
and you couldn't even do that?
you're in for it now
it takes you a moment before you see him standing in the doorway, looking at you with cold eyes
you immediately halt your movements, shocked that he's home already
"keep going" he simply says, leaving his spot and slowly walking towards you
you don't move and he raises an eyebrow: "can't even follow simple orders anymore?"
but he answers his own question because he adds "of course you can't, otherwise you wouldn't be touching yourself right now, hm baby?"
he sits down on the edge of the bed and watches as you continue doing what you did before he got there, all while you're whining because it's not enough
he will degrade you, something he doesn't normally do
(still mostly mixes it with praise though)
See the full post
167 notes - Posted April 15, 2022
SVT for the Dom/Switch/Sub ? -🌹
Alright buckle up, this is gonna be long because I have too many thoughts on this
warnings: mentions of teasing, edging, overstimulation, degradation, praise, oral (m receiving), size kink, dacryphilia, ties, wax, paint, taking photos/videos during sex
word count: 1925 (fucking oops)
notes: this literally took me 3 months lmao I'm sorry (circumstances be like) but here it is ✌🏻
Seungcheol: switch (dom lean)
Now, most of carats on here seem to agree he’s a dom, maybe even a hard dom… but have you seen how soft this man is??? Sure, he’s strong and has a lot of authority thanks to being a leader - and I agree. But after binge-watching Going Seventeen in the past days, as soon as that man isn’t on stage, he’s the biggest baby (he’s literally so tiny, I’ll sob). Also let’s be real, being seventeen’s leader means he has a lot of responsibility, so maybe he’d occasionally like to give up that control and instead have someone take care of him. As a dom, he gives me major soft dom vibes. In my opinion, he mainly enjoys to pamper you - he does, however, have rules set in place that he expects you to follow. I can’t imagine him being too rough with you unless you absolutely asked for it by being a total brat. Then he could be rougher but still not as much of a hard dom as some of the other members
Jeonghan: dom
Jeonghan is a teasing little shit, we all know that, and that would also be the case in the bedroom: he’d tease you, edge you, overstimulate you until you’re a begging, crying mess. He’d absolutely thrive off the control he has over you and would praise and degrade you with his soft voice. Unless you were a brat. In that case he’s serious, stern and will absolutely make you regret you acted up - at least for like a week or so. Also definitely the type to have rules for how much you should sleep and eat (in a non-toxic way), because he cares about you and wants you to be healthy. No matter how teasing or mean he might be as a dom, your well-being comes first (that applies to all of them but Jeonghan and Seungcheol give the strongest mother hen vibes).
Joshua: dom
I know many people see him as a switch but tbh I can’t imagine him submitting. His sweet church boy act can’t fool me, that guy is a dom. Similar to Jeonghan, he adores teasing the hell out of you and he would live to see you cry because you want to be fucked so badly. He’s aware that people think he’s innocent and sweet and he will let you believe that, until he at some point pulls out the handcuffs and toys and shows you just how sweet he really is. (If you need an idea of how I see Joshua as a hard dom, @bubblebeom wrote an amazing fic that details it - https://bubblebeom.tumblr.com/post/673782564414210048/vanilla-m-pairing-joshua-hong-x)
Junhui: dom
Jun does strike me as a dom - but in a more relaxed way. He does like having some control and he adores the way you act when you’re being his good little sub, but he usually doesn’t take it super seriously and even lets you act up to an extent without punishment because he’s just that whipped for you. He does, however, have a limit, too. And when you’re acting like a huge brat after he’s already had a stressful week, get ready to discover his hard dom side. We’ve seen the way he acts on stage, he would not hesitate to put you in your place and he would comment the entire time on how he hates to do this but you don’t give him a choice because this time you took it too far. The disappointment, someone please kill me
Soonyoung: switch
This man is a raging switch and you cannot tell me otherwise. He might enjoy domming a bit more but that could also be me projecting because I really want him to wreck me. Another one who would love teasing you before anything else. Whether you were good or not honestly doesn’t matter for that, he’ll make you work and beg for anything regardless and he’ll have the time of his life. But he won’t hesitate to be mean when you act like a brat. Soonyoung as a sub seems like he would be a total brat and would love to receive the same things he always gives to you, and that means teasing teasing teasing. He will definitely complain in the middle of it but that won’t stop him from enjoying it just as much next time.
Wonwoo: dom (hard)
Now, Wonwoo is a soft boy but that doesn’t apply to how he acts in the bedroom. Wbk I have an urge to be good but if there’s anyone in svt who I wouldn’t dare act up with, it’s Wonwoo and Jihoon but we’ll get to that. With his deep voice he’d be able to get you on your knees within seconds and he’d absolutely make you pay for it if you dare break any of the rules you agreed upon. Also the way he’s so calm and seemingly calculated just makes me think of how if you’d dare act up around others, he’d stay calm and make you think you’re safe until you’re both alone. In reality he already planned exactly what he’ll do to you the moment you started being a brat, and as soon as it’s just the two of you, he’ll make sure you remember who’s the dominant in your relationship. He might act upset every time you act up but both of you know that he secretly loves it even if he also appreciates you being good for him (This post by @hotgirlwonwoo sums up my feelings pretty well https://hotgirlwonwoo.tumblr.com/post/666818643475218432/i-need-ur-version-explanation-why-wonwoo-is)
Jihoon: dom (hard)
We all know he’s always busy, so when he comes home after a long day, the last thing he has the energy for is putting up with a bratty partner. Not that he wouldn’t enjoy the challenge but he prefers when you’re good for him, or at least he’ll let you know exactly how he feels about having to show you your place after dealing with the other members’ shenanigans all day. There’s no sign of shy and quiet Jihoon anymore. He will make you behave for him one way or another, and if that includes shutting you up by sucking him off only to deny you your own pleasure, so be it.
Seokmin: switch
Seokmin is a soft bean and that applies to the bedroom, too. He adores to pamper you and his no. 1 priority is making you feel good. He will tease you from time to time but it’s usually with the intention to make your orgasm feel even better once he lets you have it. That does not mean that you can get away with everything. Similar to Junhui, Seokmin also has a limit and once you actually step over that line (which admittedly is pretty hard to do), fun time’s over and you’ll definitely witness a different side of him, although I would argue that he won’t go as hard as Jun. When he subs however, he will be the best boy ever. A good little angel, doing anything he can to please you. Please praise him, he deserves it.
Mingyu: switch
When he doms, he’s a soft dom. Given his height and muscle mass, this guy also has a massive dick size kink. As a dom, he loves how small and pliant you look under him and how you’re trying so hard to fit all of him inside of you. As a sub, it turns him on immensely that you have so much power over him even though physically he could easily overpower you. Also another sucker for praise, both giving and receiving. He will praise you so so much, constantly letting you know how good you’re doing for him, but he expects the same when he’s subbing because he’s your good boy and wants to hear you say it.
Minghao: switch (dom lean)/ dom (switch lean)
Hao strikes me as either a switch dom lean or dom switch lean (idk how to describe it) and I feel like he would usually be rather soft but very much strict. And going harder in his case wouldn’t necessarily mean fucking you harder but just teasing and edging you more. He would love to have that control over you, to make you do whatever he tells you to. And he would always try to find new ways to pleasure you and himself, for example by adding bondage elements, wax or paint. He loves aesthetics and sex isn’t an exception. So if you’re up for it, he would also love to include taking photos or videos of each other (mainly you though). While I think it wouldn’t happen too often, he would be willing to sub. Just imagine tying him up and teasing him with a feather until he’s begging for you to please make him cum… (More about my thoughts on dom!Hao: https://shmooooo.tumblr.com/post/674302592605667328/6-9-10-30-with-svt, more about my thoughts on switch!Hao: https://shmooooo.tumblr.com/post/651615227442495488/nsfw-thoughts-minghao)
Seungkwan: dom (hard)
His entire attitude just screams dom to me. He won’t tolerate any bratty behavior and when you dare to act up, he is quick to show you your place - and that place is on your knees in front of him begging for forgiveness. He’s mean with it and will enjoy looking down at your pathetic form that is shaking and crying because you want to be good for him again. Once he’s satisfied, he’ll help you get up and lay you on the bed, and as a mix of punishment for acting up and reward for begging so well, overstimulate you until your voice is hoarse from crying and pleading. But don’t worry, once you’re done, he’ll take care of you and pamper you until you’re sick of him.
Vernon: switch (slight dom lean)/ vanilla
See the full post
321 notes - Posted April 2, 2022
no thoughts just riding mingyu having his hands all over you
seventeen masterlist
pairing: kim mingyu x fem!reader
genre: smut
warnings: dom!mingyu, sub!reader, size kink, mingyu has a big dick (wbk)
word count: 432
author's note: i have no explanation for this, it just kinda happened??? these men do things to me istg -- playlist: "ride" by lolo zouaï and "ride" by regard
tagging: @moonxroses because of our svt conversations <;3 and @rose-sereniteeth bc i finally wrote something for your other ult, get over here)
Mingyu is leaning against the headboard, hands behind his head at first as he watches you try to do all the work like you said you could. He smirks when he sees you struggling to lift yourself off his cock because of how big he is, only for his chuckle to turn into a groan when you let yourself sink down on him again. You stay like that for a moment trying to catch your breath before you look up at him with pleading eyes, accepting your defeat. “Please… need your help…”
He cocks an eyebrow at you in amusement. “Help? You were so confident earlier, what do you need help with, darling?”
Resisting the urge to be snarky with him because you don’t want to be punished today, you instead let out a whine. “I can’t do it myself, you’re so fucking big, please”
And that’s all it takes for Mingyu to move his hands from his head to your hips, lifting you up and slamming you down on him again so hard that you think you’re actually seeing stars, an embarrassingly loud moan leaving you.
“Fuck baby, you feel so good,” he groans. “So warm and wet, all for me?”
“Yes, all for you!” You’re past giving intelligible answers already, feeling way too full and fucked out by the feeling of him practically splitting you open with a dick that’s too big but still feels so good inside of you.
When he feels you clenching around him only a few moments later, he grins, poking his tongue out a little. “Is my little angel close?”
You nod almost feverishly, eventually managing to breathe a “yes” followed by a very small “please”, hoping that today is not going to be one of those days where he edges you for hours.
Luck seems to be on your side because he changes his tactic, leaving one hand on your hips while the other one moves to your clit as he starts thrusting into you at an insanely fast pace. “If that’s the case,” he hums, “then be a good girl and cum for me."
And you do, moaning his name and thanking him for letting you cum while he helps you ride out your high. However, when you come back to your senses a few moments later, you realize he hasn't cum yet and is still balls deep inside of you.
He laughs upon seeing your confused expression. "What? You really thought your little stunt wouldn't have any consequences? Looks like I have to teach you a lesson. We are far from done."
325 notes - Posted January 19, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
well i am tight and probably most of the women too and we cant do anything about it lol
Alright, let's do some sex ed.
My initial post can be a bit misleading, I will acknowledge that.
Being too tight is a thing.
(All quotes below from here. There’s many articles and sources about this but I didn’t want to turn this into one of my uni essays so here we go)
„First, the intensity of the squeeze one feels during sex is not based on the width of the vagina, but the motion of the pelvic floor muscles surrounding the vagina“
„Healthy pelvic floor muscles can also improve blood flow which, like an erection, engorges the vagina when aroused. That’s right, the vagina expands and shrinks. It’s elastic so it generally retains its shape and does not ‚deform‘ or ‚loosen up‘ from a lot of sex. The idea that a ‚loose‘ vagina or a prominent vulva is indicative of promiscuity is a myth that really, really, really needs to be put to pasture [...]“
„[There] is the assumption that squeezing is directly correlated with pleasure. […] We all wish it was that easy, but there’s more to sexual pleasure than friction or squeezing. Sex is equally emotional as it is physical.  […] If you’re not in the right mindset […], then you’re not going into be in the mental space of having fun and being in the moment. Also, not being well lubricated enough could be mistaken for “tightness”, which honestly causes more pain than pleasure.“
„There could be a number of reasons [for tightness] including not enough lubrication/arousal […], chronic dryness, or vaginismus, which is a painful condition in which the pelvic floor muscles involuntarily constricts or even clamps up during penetration (sex, tampons, anything). You could also be experiencing too much stimulation — a sensation that feels blissful to one person may feel awful to someone else […]“
TLDR; It’s not necessarily bad being tight, just like it’s not necessarily bad not being tight. But the way it’s normalized in fan fiction leads to yet another unrealistic standard for people with vaginas and being too tight can actually be unhealthy or painful so it shouldn’t be this romanticized or sexualized. ♡
376 notes - Posted July 4, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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Something Lost, Something Gained (part 4)
"I remember," my voice. My voice!
Asra's gaze held an element of shock and fear.
"Do you feel alright? Please tell me you are alright," he dropped to his knees, his face just that much closer to mine.
As if we had all the time in the world, I slowly turned my head to face him. So much had changed in the past minute.
"YOU!" The damned Devil Goat yelled, pointing a clawed finger at me. Everyone stopped and stared at me, except the woman hunting Lucio. She had her own agenda to follow.
"YES! ME!" As I stood, my calves pushed against the chair with such force.
The courtiers moved to his end of the table. Everyone else began to move to my end without so much as uttering a word. Just silent consensus that I was the better of the two options.
The Devil threw the massive solid wood table into our direction. It was not like him to lose his temper in such a display.
But I remembered.
I felt my people's spirit's behind me, lending me their power and strength.
The anger in my heart electrified. Lightning danced around the room as a bolt struck the table, sending pieces of the table and banquet as well as rolls of thunder through the room.
My past double was right - mechanical memory, cultivated by hours and hours of practice and use over my elongated lifespan, was beginning to come back. My shield was up, large enough to protect the group behind me.
I made long strides towards the massive goat. My impressive display of purple-blue electricity did not stun his anger.
It was all coming back to me. I changed my appearance as I slowly walked towards him. Everything is matter and energy, which is precisely what magic manipulates.
My nails grew into gold stiletto points. My hair was braided out of my face, my armor once again in place and fitting correctly. My war paint makeup. The head dress. The runes that once glowed in the cave in my initiation danced on my skin again.
I continued walking down where what used to be a solid wood table. The shield protected me from the courtiers and devil as I neared.
As powerful as I felt, I still felt the missing piece: my familiar.
"WHERE IS SHE?" My voice thundered much more loudly than I had anticipated, but I never let my face falter.
The Devil merely began to laugh in an eerie goat bleating tone.
Years taken from me, the lives of my people taken before their time.
I wasn't having it.
I punched my hand through my shield of glowing energy and runes, my newly pointed stiletto nails gouged into the goat's throat, spilling black and red blood down his pristine white fur.
He'd obviously been taken by surprise. I never knew I could do this, or perhaps it was the amplified energy of my ancestors. I could feel tears threatening to tumble over if I wasn't careful enough.
The Devil clawed at my forearm and wrist, but I had a firm grip on him. The more he struggled, the more... blood? He lost. Could the Arcana bleed?
"Do you know what my people did with goats? Before you wiped them out?"
His knees buckled and I had to kneel to accommodate him, and to keep my grip.
"We sacrificed them to thr old gods and goddesses, we would slit their throats and offer the bones in fire. And our familiars, dogs, wolves, all the members of the cat family, would be welcome to devour the organs as we feasted on the meat and fat. My Bast thoroughly enjoyed it," I brought him closer to my face, "now, where is she!?"
"You'll never see her again if you kill me," the wicked goat-form Devil Arcana smiled.
I nodded nonchalantly, "Consider it a life for a life. Yours, for hers. Bast, my familiar."
I never let go of his throat, though. This close, and surrounded by the courtiers who had also taken on their demon forms, I was in danger.
The goat's eyes flickered.
"A life for a life," he nodded.
An unappetizing portal appeared just behind me and a small black kitten fell out.
He has weakened her, starved her of energy, just keeping her barely alive. No doubt would have been Faust's fate had we not acted.
Forgetting all dangers, and keeping my end of the bargain, I let go of the Devil and scooped up the small kitten, feeling my magic infuse her with new life. No sooner was my shield up when I heard the attempt on my life from the Devil and the Courtiers.
I held my poor Bast in my bloodied hand, allowing her to lick me clean, my other hand occupied with the complex shield keeping me and everyone else safe.
I was greeted by Asra and his parents, as they knew exactly what I had been through. It was only now that I realized how horrified everyone else had become of me.
But I couldn't focus on that right now. I had to get these people to safety and help Bast.
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hopeonmyphone · 1 year
Fashion Week Has a Crush on K-Pop
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BTS’s Chapter 2: Fashion Ambassadorships Yet to Come:
Members from global superstar group BTS also made cameos at Fashion Week. No strangers to fashion icon status themselves, the 7-member group was anointed global ambassadors for Louis Vuitton in 2021. Now, with their “Chapter 2” agenda allowing for more individualized, solo ventures, members SUGA, Jimin, and j-hope have landed their own, independent fashion house ambassadorships with Valentino, Dior, and Louis Vuitton, respectively. .
Dior, who has been stanning BTS for years now having designed stagewear for the band’s 2019 ‘Love Yourself: Speak Yourself’ world tour, gushed about the partnership with the ethereal, multi-talented Park Jimin. "This special bond seals, more than ever, [Jimin’s] friendship with the house and [the Artistic Director for Dior Men] Kim Jones," a statement read from a press release. "The South Korean artist now embodies the spirit and singularity of Dior style."
Jimin, who's recently announced a solo album Face drops next month, took to Instagram to declare he’s “so thrilled to start a journey with @Dior!” 5 Signature Park Jimin Fashion Moves That Make Us Soft Valentino found its muse in SUGA, who recently casually announced a world tour under his solo persona Agust D. Creative Director Pierpaolo Piccioli cited the rapper and producer as a source of inspiration explaining, “[He’s] a multifaceted artist; he is an interpreter and uses his talent and his work to express himself with energy and authenticity. He perfectly embodies everything that DI.VA.s [an acronym that stands for ‘Different Values’] testimonials stand for: diversity, inclusivity, creativity, and passion.”
SUGA responded to the designer’s love with his signature candor, “All individuals have different dreams and values … [Valentino and Piccoli] have been supportive of diversity, which is something that I also believe in.”
JHope is the sartorial chameleon of BTS, bouncing from KAWS-infused hypebeast streetwear to sleekly tailored suiting to the soft-emo aesthetic of his solo album, Jack In the Box. He does it all, making him an enviable ambassador for whichever house is lucky enough to sign him. Last week, Louis Vuitton won and signed the rapper as a house ambassador. "He is beloved by fans across the world for his upbeat energy, precise choreography and creative musical direction," the brand said in a statement. "With a positive on-and-off-stage presence, j-hope continues to push artistic boundaries and inspire international audiences."
With three idols claimed and four left, Bangtan’s ARMY fans are wondering which member is next to secure a luxury brand appointment. To make the wait more fun, ARMY has been batting around couture house names on Twitter and in group chats like kittens batting around toy mice. Fans are hoping Kim Namjoon, stage name RM, blesses Bottega Veneta with his broad shoulders. The BTS leader wore several Bottega Veneta looks while promoting his solo album, Indigo, and the brand itself recently added a dose of validity to the rumored partnership thanks to some recent, high-profile Instagram follows: Matthieu Blazy, Bottega Veneta’s creative director and Dario Gargiulo, the chief marketing and digital business officer, both followed the rapper recently. And with RM sitting front row at Bottega Veneta’s Milan presentation this weekend, an official brand ambassadorship announcement seems all but inevitable.
Currently serving in the South Korean military isn’t stopping rumors of eldest member Kim Seokjin signing with Cartier when he returns to civilian life. Kim Taehyung (stage name V) seems like he’s been training his whole life in preparation for a Celine ambassadorship, often dressing head-to-toe in the brand offstage and attending last year’s Paris Fashion Week show along with actor Park Bo-gum and Blackpink’s Lisa.
There’s also the unsubstantiated rumor of the youngest BTS member, Jeon Jungkook, negotiating with either Versace (the brand he wore while performing at the 2022 FIFA World Cup’s opening ceremony) or Calvin Klein (which would certainly be a monkey paw scenario for ARMY — they're wishing for something that could very well destroy them).
Source: InStyle
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petnews2day · 2 years
Why we need to get the Kept Animals Bill over the line
New Post has been published on https://petnews2day.com/pet-industry-news/pet-travel-news/why-we-need-to-get-the-kept-animals-bill-over-the-line/
Why we need to get the Kept Animals Bill over the line
The Kept Animals Bill is a chance to show the UK is still a world leader in animal welfare.
With the new Prime Minister and his team looking to get down to business and make a difference as early as possible, they should look no further than the much-delayed – but entirely necessary – Kept Animals Bill.
This popular suite of measures, which costs the Exchequer little but would significantly reduce disease risk to animals and humans, improve animal welfare and advance much of the agenda set out in last year’s Action Plan for Animal Welfare, has now been waiting a year for its Report Stage in Parliament since it passed Committee.
Passing the Bill would provide a straightforward policy win, sparing thousands of animals from suffering harmful mutilations, hitting smugglers in the pocket and preventing dangerous travel for pregnant animals. The previous Government staked significant political capital on this piece of legislation, and there is overwhelming support across the animal welfare sector for many of the proposed changes. If seen through by the new Secretary of State at DEFRA, Thérèse Coffey, it could make great strides in improving the lives of animals and showing the Government’s renewed commitment to animal welfare – as the Prime Minister referenced during the summer’s leadership campaign.
Despite the clear reasons to pass this Bill, it is still waiting to return to Parliament. after passing its Committee Stage in the House of Commons exactly one year ago. Meanwhile animals, pets and their owners are suffering the consequences of this indefinite stalling. Puppy smugglers who enjoyed a post-pandemic surge in demand operate unhindered. Breeders continue to exploit legal loopholes to flout the ban on cropping dogs’ ears, which we are seeing at Battersea in ever greater numbers. Offenders go unpunished. All of which could be addressed by pushing through the Kept Animals Bill.
And this Bill is not just good for animal welfare – it is also sensible politics. Many of these measures chime naturally with the Government’s stated desires to get costs under control, and several developments in the Bill are now achievable post-Brexit. Prevention is better and cheaper than cure as far as disease risk is concerned, and so curbing the ease of access to the UK market for low-welfare overseas puppy importers should be a key goal for ministers.
Seeing through the Bill is critical to proving Ministers can deliver on the ‘Action Plan for Animal Welfare’. Set out in May 2021, voters are still yet to see the majority of its contents come to fruition. 
In this climate, passing robust legislation can only yield positive results in swaying voter sentiment. A survey commissioned earlier this year by Humane Society International revealed that almost three quarters (72%) of UK adults want the Government to pass more laws designed to improve animal welfare. Furthermore, MPs regularly tell us that animal welfare is one of the liveliest and most common topics in their postbag.
As well as the evident direct benefits to animals the Bill would bring by addressing and cracking down on puppy and kitten smuggling, it also makes good economic sense.
Without interacting with it on a day-to-day basis, the sheer scale of the commercial animal industry is perhaps surprising. But we’re not talking about small numbers here – in fact, PDSA estimates indicate that in 2021, 590,000 cats and 640,000 dogs were acquired from abroad. This figure was up significantly on 2020 levels, and has become all the more lucrative as demand grew during the Covid-19 pandemic.
As with any large industry, bad actors are finding increasingly sophisticated ways of undercutting the legalised routes that regulate pet imports. The upshot is bleak, with an estimated £150 million a year being cashed in in illicit gains – all at the expense of animals’ wellbeing.
The Bill would make operating much harder for these problem importers – by banning the import of dogs with cropped ears or declawed cats, reducing the window within which they can import pregnant animals (so passing off their offspring as “UK bred”) and reducing significantly to five the number of animals they can bring in per vehicle.
The proposed measures would therefore not only be highly effective in clamping down on these unscrupulous operators, but also could divert demand from owners towards more reputable and responsible sources.
Finally, the livestock worrying measures the Bill proposes – ensuring farmers and their livestock are better protected from dog attacks on their land – represent a straightforward and simple way of providing livestock owners with much-needed methods of redress.
Improved enforcement powers proposed, which will make it easier for the police to collect evidence and – in the most serious cases – seize and detain dogs to reduce the risk of further incidents, have long been campaigned for by rural communities.  
Animal welfare groups including Battersea support these important provisions – including greater powers for enforcement authorities to penalise those owners involved – and will continue to promote responsible dog ownership and provide advice to owners on what they can do to prevent attacks.
Of course, there have been significant external crises that have controlled the Government agenda since the Bill was brought forward – from the pandemic to events in Ukraine and the cost-of-living crisis. However, the measures in the Bill were supported at the last election and reiterated post-Covid when the Action Plan was launched. It is not sufficient to keep saying it will be done “when Parliamentary time allows”.
So, we are now calling on the newly instated DEFRA Secretary Thérèse Coffey to get her tenure off to the best start possible by pushing this Bill over the line and showing that she, her department and the whole Government are dedicated to making the UK a global leader in animal welfare once more. Everyone will benefit if she does.
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