#the last of us two oc
saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴛʜʀᴇᴇ
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On the porch deck, the little girl sat down, gathered in her own thoughts as she was half-way through the published document that was considered too mature for her, a Game of Thrones, even though Venus adored the book she did desire to have the other books George R.R Martin published.
The girl waited for her siblings as today was the first day of school for the three Rosalind children and Venus felt indifferent about learning and meeting new people she would most likely ignore, the weather was nice, hot enough for the girl to not wear the black jumper she normally wore over her long-sleeved buttoned shirt.
Her mother contrived and pleaded for Venus to wear something lighter so she wouldn’t overheat under this climate and for her mother to stop objecting, Venus followed suite and threw one a fitted white short-sleeved button up shirt Ivy made for her a couple of months ago.
“You’re a bit too young to be reading that.”
Joel stood at the bottom of the deck stairs, watched the young girl with an entertained façade on his face, his arms were crossed and eyes impertinent to what must’ve drawn the young girl to the mature novel.
“My mummy said that I’m not allowed to speak to strangers.”
Joel pressed his lips together, heedless with what to say, yet, still entertained by the girl. “Speaking of your mother, where is she?”
“Working at the Diner,” Venus forwardly responded during the moment she closed her book, Joel marked Venus impressed with how easy it took Isabella to make herself comfortable within the community.
“Is that right?” He hummed weakly snowed by the information, Venus beckoned her head, unsettled and obscured to why the older man seemed interested with what her mother was doing.
Belatedly, Ivy and Robin left their cabins, eventually ready to go to school, the two older Rosalind siblings promptly noticed the taller man who stood at the bottom of the short steps of stairs speaking to their younger sibling. Still and all, the moment he realised that Ivy and Robin stood there, perplexed to why he was here, Joel sent them a comfortable smile prior to silently bidding Venus a goodbye and making his way down the pavement.
Venus lifted herself from the deck and shortly made her way down the stairs and towards her siblings who poised there ready to hit Venus with a bunch of questions.
“What were the two of you speaking about?” Robin asked, intrusive and meddling about the interaction Venus and Mr. Miller with each other.
Venus shrugged her shoulders, blasé and inattentive of his question, yet still replied out of manners, “he was asking me where mum was.”
“And did you tell him?” Asked Ivy and Venus nodded her head as an answer, “why?” the older sibling clicked her tongue, the last thing she wanted was an odd man being a creep to her mother.
Finally, honoured to say what was in her mind, Venus weirdly smiled at Ivy with a knowing look on her face, “because I know mum likes him.”
Startled and dismayed by the material Venus just threw into their faces. Ivy and Robin shared surprised ganders with each other, evidently wanting to know to a greater extent about their mother’s infatuation with the Miller man they attempted to block Venus from walking more but their curiosity was shut down with Ellie who made her way towards the three siblings. Her face more positive compared to when they first met her.
“Ellie,” Ivy was first to notice the red-head, she stood up straight, face contented to see the girl.
As observing the Rosalind family were, as expected, Venus and Robin remarked the positive spirit Ivy expressed just by seeing the William girl. “Hi, Ivy,” Ellie kindly greeted the dark-haired girl and then turned to Ivy’s younger siblings and graced them with an accessible smile. “Robin, Venus.”
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It didn’t take long for Isabella too adapt herself in the new environment, she wasn’t on chef duty yet, Maria fashioned Isabella to take on orders before she could move into the kitchen, the widow was somewhat upset she was not in the cuisine yet, but she had a gut-feeling it wouldn’t take her long to move there.
Notably with how Maria and Tommy boasted about the apple-pie Isabella baked for them, they both bragged and gloated about how they gobbled all the pieces and crumbs; advertising the additional women to the citizens who clearly looked appetized and interested to eat the apple-pie the leaders of the town spoke about.
“I promise I’ll make enough apple-pies and other desserts for the entire of Jackson,” Isabella kindly joked before she noted down an order a customer arranged, unaware of the presence that came forward near to her, though with the motives to speak to his brother about the patrols outside Jackson.
Nonetheless, the moment she heard his deep thick Texan accent, her eyes rose to him with a short smile, quietly watched him have a short conversation with his brother, yet, Isabella didn’t want to appear as eccentric and flaky so she carried on with her task with giving the people in the kitchen the current order she received. The chore was agile and brief and Isabella was able to return the counter and face Joel who sat on a seat in front of her.
“Excuse me,” a hoarse and harsh voice, different than Joel’s called out to her, the woman turned to face a man who she remembered was Seth. He ran a local bar named the Tipsy Bison and was a cook himself, he was a tall man, will full silver hair that was short, his face wrinkled and quite saggy, he didn’t have the kindest eyes or appearance, and he stared at Isabella with a harsh expression, almost disgusted.
Isabella pushed the uncomfortable energy he brought to her and kindly spoke to him, “hi, may I take your order?”
Seth nodded his head whilst he gently coughed without covering his mouth then did a gesture with his hand, urged Isabella to come forward, and so she did. Slightly distressed by Seth’s suspicious behaviour, the woman still behaved professional and wrote down whatever the man needed, but every time a man pronounced a word in a sentence, it seemed like he was disgusted by her.
“If you don’t want me to take your order, you could’ve called for another staff.”
“You’re the closest one,” Seth sneered and Isabella felt her lip twitch, irritated she beckoned her head in respect before she pulled herself to the kitchen and passed down the note that had the old man’s order.
Isabella perceived herself as an intelligent woman, and she discerned that the type of moody stance Seth had with her had a root, she took one last glance at the man who stared at her with a hint of antipathy and hostility then she felt an unpleasant sensation in her stomach.
With his attitude it seemed like Seth knew Isabella, and the thought of that made her feel rotten; as years passed from her history. Isabella tried her best pushing down her yore and antiquity, she acknowledged it wasn’t the best past someone could live through or be remembered by, and every time Isabella’s past ran through her mind, she continuously attempted to remind herself that everything she did, was to survive.
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liking, commenting and reblogging would be appreciated! you can ask questions in the comments or in my ask box!
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evgar · 6 months
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w- women 😳
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oobbbear · 8 months
Coin toss!
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capnhanbers · 4 months
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for all the tension this was a pretty tender chapter so uhhh this is unlike the story it was written to be / i was riding its back when it used to ride me
(scenes from chapter 140)
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smokbeast · 16 days
If your taking mermay asks still? Uh mermay Kil?
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redtail catfish kil catfishing a lil guy hehe :] @skelekins
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sad-endings-suck · 1 month
and if I said that lots of mizu/akemi shippers are actually mizu/fem self-insert and mizu/fem oc shippers then what?
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chipchopclipclop · 2 months
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oc doodle art dump ft. friends ocs, first guy is a tiefling tav who's the adoptive father of my friends durge (it is as dramatic as it sounds)
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fereldanwench · 4 months
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You should not have returned--You will die here with me! You can thank me later!
⚠️ do not reupload or edit my shots without my permission ⚠️
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circus-blades · 11 months
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tiniest lards
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rui-drawsbox · 3 months
Comm for @ SproutAstro :3c
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saintgoths · 2 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ᴏɴᴇ
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She stood in front of them, arms protectively in front of her children who stood frightened and dishevelled behind her, there were three kins, each of them gripped onto the limbs of their mother, affrighted of the guns that were pointed towards them.
The woman’s eyes were wide as globes, as she was ready for her near end, she wanted to speak and urge the people to give them a chance to take habit in the Jackson community, withal, the woman’s eyes softened as a woman who held a shot-gun become hesitant the moment she noticed the three off-springs who stood terrified and clutched onto their mother as if she were their life source.
“It’s okay,” the woman put down her shot-gun and reassured her men, “let them in.”
The family of four underwent a dawn of relief as the gates loudly creaked and scraped open, allowed the four of them to enter the growing community. The children still latched adjacent against their mother scoped the surroundings with their eyes, remarked the warmth the community breathed that gently parched the cold condition they were in.
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The mother, named Isabella Rosalind, a widowed fourty-two-year-old woman was set into a cabin large enough for her and her youngest daughter as her two kins lived in their own cabins that were opposite of hers. It’s been partly two days ever since Isabella’s arrival with her children; and the widowed woman was able to quickly settle in her new place, her skill of adaptability. Though, she was unsure about the rest of them, as the worrying matriarch she is, Isabella has attempted to check on her two oldest children, Ivy and Robin but they consoled and soothed her that everything was going to be fine.
Her youngest daughter, Venus, Isabella was certain that Venus struggled to settle, howbeit, Isabella couldn’t rush her youngest child as it has barely even been a week.
The day was new, and Isabella knew it wouldn’t do good if she imprisoned herself in her new home, the woman was able to comprehend that many of the citizens of Jackson were very close with one another and Isabella wanted them to warm up to her.
Venus waited for her mother, sat down on their large wooden deck, eyes settled against the complicated words of a book she found comfort in, Isabella didn’t understand it. Well, she understood the book but couldn’t find herself understanding why her daughter found comfort in such a sanguinary and murderous book, that was way before her time.
“Hi Mrs Rosalind!”
There were two young women who made their way towards the Rosalind matriarch, Isabella observed that they must have been around the same age as her daughter Ivy. She also observed that it has been a long time since she has been called Mrs Rosalind, people usually just called by her name, Isabella. Isabella remarked that it must’ve been the dark-haired teenager that called out to her, she was brown skinned, cute with dark eyes paired with thick eyebrows with light dusting of freckles on her face.
The other one had auburn hair, bright green eyes, fair skin with freckles, the mother noticed that there was a scar on her eyebrow and she seemed way less optimistic than the girl she came with.
Isabella smiled at the two young women who made their way towards her porch; Venus barely rose her head to look at the two older girls who greeted her mother, uninterested with the encounter, Venus, continued to read her book, blasé to join the situation.
“Hello,” Isabella greeted the youngsters and she was sure the dark-haired teenager forced the quiet girl to come along with her, “is there anything you guys need?”
“Yes, your children,” the dark-haired child lightly joked as she attempted to lighten the atmosphere and Isabella couldn’t help but force herself to smile at the girl’s poor joke, “Ellie and I want to show your children around the community,” the young lady hopefully expressed, “I guess the other two are in your home?” She cocked her head to the side to check if there were at least anyone in the cabin.
Yet, before Isabella could say anything else, Robin’s cabin door derived open and there came out Ivy with Robin behind her. Ellie and her friend faced the oldest Rosalind siblings with a sense of curiosity. The siblings had a flair of mysterious energy that matched the younger girl who barely acknowledged anyone in the situation, just like Venus, Ivy and Robin scarcely sanctioned Ellie and the dark-haired girl that stood next to her until they heard Isabella cough and interrupt the conversation the two siblings shared.
“Hi, I’m Dina,” the dark-haired girl introduced herself to Ivy, her right hand open for Ivy to shake. There was a hint of interest within Dina’s dark eyes that almost everyone acknowledged the growing tension between the two teenagers remarked.
Ivy gently beckoned her head before she shook Dina’s welcoming hand, “Ivy.”
Ivy was around five foot seven, and Dina couldn’t deny that she almost looked like a complete replica of Isabella. Ivy’s hair was dark and long as it was styled of a wolf-cut, intense brown eyes Dina couldn’t help but commend. She wore black clothes, a long-sleeved tight shirt that was gloved yet revealed her fingers, she was clothed in black trousers and black shoes, her grim and dingy appearance made Ivy appear way more engaging than she wanted to.
When Dina finally let go of Ivy’s hand she turned to gaze at Robin, a fifteen-year-old-boy, who barely looked like Isabella so Dina guessed that he must’ve looked like their father. His hair was messy but curly, some of the curls fell in front of his face but that disorderliness seemed to be a part of his character. He was handsome, and tall, at least had to be the tallest one in the conversation, his eyes were hazel, lashes long, lips full and skin tanned. He wore a grey hoody, with black trousers paired with grey sneakers, his set of clothes complimented his grungy appearance.
“Robin,” he kindly introduced himself, was the first between Dina and him to gesture the handshake which the dark-haired happily agreed to.
Dina looked back at the young girl who buried herself in her book, she didn’t feel insulted that Venus barely engaged with their conversation, she genuinely understood that it wasn’t going to be easy to settle in quickly. They lived in a cruel world and in a world where they have to live in survival mode. “And you must be?”
Isabella nudged Venus with her foot and silently encouraged her daughter to introduce herself, Venus glanced at Dina and felt everyone’s eyes fall on her. Venus looked towards Dina uncomfortable but for the sake of her mother, Venus played along and introduced herself to the young girl she ticked off as inquisitive. “Venus.”
“Like the planet?” A new voice emerged into the discussion but it was from a person that stood there since the beginning, Venus looked briefly towards the owner of the voice, Ellie, who seemed fascinated and engaged with the name choice.
Venus flashed a smile towards the auburn-haired girl before she echoed after her, “like the planet.”
Venus looked like Isabella along with her father she barely remembered. Her hair was long and curly, and if you looked at Venus properly, you’d notice she certainly looked like her brother Robin with Ivy’s imminent stare, her style was quite preppy, as she clothed herself in a white long sleeved buttoned shirt, over-layered with a black jumper. She wore dark grey school-shorts that stopped at the top of her knees, paired with knee-high black socks and white sneakers. Ellie couldn’t help but think that Venus reminded her of a private school kid with her attire.
“Dina, has kindly offered to show you guys around the community,” Isabella mentioned as she leaned against the ledge whilst she watched Ivy and Robin silently agree to Dina’s offer just as Venus submerged herself back into her book, silently denying Dina’s offer as the others loaded themselves to be shown around Jackson by Dina and Ellie.
“Venus, are you coming?” Robin attentively inquired his younger sibling who shook her head in response.
“Go inside,” Isabella compassionately ordered Venus who didn’t think twice before getting up to her feet, she scurried back into the cabin she shared with her mother as Isabella bid the young group a goodbye, she couldn’t help but notice a man watch Ellie from afar on his porch deck. His cabin was opposite Isabella’s but in a diagonal angle, his cabin was bigger compared to other houses she has seen in the Jackson community, Isabella thought he must have been someone important within the society.
Isabella recognised that he watched Ellie in a vigilant and guarding manner, and Isabella couldn’t deny the fact that he was attractive, she considered him a fine man, with a heavy and muscular strong build. His hair was short with a few grey streaks in them, a full and abundant beard that matched the shade of the hair on his head.
Isabella must’ve stared at him for too long, as a result of his eyes looked into hers, the expression in his orbs seemed disgruntled and out of embarrassment Isabella clumsily smiled as she gracelessly waved at him. “Hi,” she clumsily greeted and felt even more awkward when the man didn’t share the inelegant humour she had.
“I’m Isabella,” she stiffly introduced herself whilst she forced herself to smile through the painful moment as he gazed at her, bored, “Isabella Rosalind---it’s nice to meet you---”
“Joel Miller,” he bestowed himself, irritated and remote, he then turned away from her and sipped a substance from a mug he held.
Isabella was not an idiot; she could tell when someone did not want to have a conversation with her. Discouraged, Isabella gently clicked her tongue, she therefore pulled her hands away from the wooden rails her hands were wrapped around and accordingly made her way back into her home. Her amateurish and bulky conversation with Joel disheartened her from meeting up with other citizens of Jackson. Feasibly, she believed today was not the day she should strike conversations with other individuals, as she was still settling in this new community, she believed people would be understanding why it’ll take her quite a while to start putting herself within the society.
Maria, who was the lady who allowed the Rosalind family to take place in their organisation, with how beat up her and her children looked, Maria didn’t force questions down Isabella’s throat and encouraged her to take her time to speak about what must’ve happened prior to their arrival.
Maria also had a husband, who went by Tommy and Isabella couldn’t help but regard the similar features Tommy and Joel shared, Isabella wondered if the two might’ve been related, it would have made sense because of the large house Joel owned.
The cabin Isabella had two floors, plainly, the second floor held the bedrooms, there were at least four in the cabin which Isabella aided that if Ivy or Robin wanted to stay over the night, they were more than welcome to. The matriarch hauled herself up the staircase to spend time in her chamber but a small sniffle stopped Isabella in her path and she altered the route to Venus’ room.
The moment she entered Venus’ room the young girl cowered in anguish and dejection. Isabella scanned Venus and immediately realised that her shoes and high knee socks were off and there exposed on her lower left leg was the two-month-old profound bite mark that seemed to be the cause of Venus’ distress.
“Venus!” Isabella whispered in shock as she hurried towards her, urged her daughter to put back on her socks. “Venus, what if someone was here?” Isabella emotionally cried out whilst she helped her young kin pull the fabric up her legs but Venus didn’t respond but drowned in her silent misery.
Her child’s lack of vocal correspondence caused Isabella to stop what she was doing and pulled Venus into a loving embrace. What her daughter least needed was having her mother nag about covering up the bite mark in a time of expressing her emotional thoughts, “what if I do turn?” the young girl muttered scared for what was to come for her in the future.
With her chin against the crest of Venus’ head, her embrace around the young girl tightened, “it only takes two days for someone to turn into an infected,” Isabella factually stated, understanding of Venus’ fear, “you have been bitten for two months and nothing has happened to you, you’re not going to change into one of them.”
“But what if it’s different for me?”
Isabella shakingly sighed, she wished that this conversation didn’t occur as much as it did, yet, Venus was a thirteen-year-old kid, she would get scared easier, be way more fearful, she had so much of life and the world to explore and the thought of the bite turning her into one of those harmful beings has restricted Venus from being happy and living in the moment.
Isabella remembered the girl Venus once was, and how that incident easily fashioned Venus into becoming isolative and despondent.
“It won’t happen, okay?” Isabella robustly briefed her youngest child as if she attempted to force Venus to believe that the aged bite was not going to transform her. The girl’s silence lingered, her head against her mother’s chest, her eyes swelled from all the tears she liberated; Isabella’s fingers mildly raked through Venus’ curls in the act of lightly shushing her to sleep.
Shortly, Venus’ eyes grew tired and Isabella’s mission of sending her child to sleep was successful. In the midst of the placidity, Isabella did contemplate about a scenario of someone finding out about Venus’ bite mark, would they tell others? Would they attempt to kill her? Withal, Isabella silently promised to herself and Venus that if someone displayed themselves as threat, she would have to handle them, even if the outcome was to execute them. 
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iwoszareba · 8 months
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Cause you are gold, you are all I see You are aurum, scarce and meant for kings You are gold
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ohraicodoll · 1 year
ahhh your headcannons are so amazing would you be down to do more? maybe one focusing on red and joels relationship developing in jackson?
also did you ever explain why joel and ellie call her red. or did i just miss it?
Joel wasn't paying attention when Ellie named her those first few days. He was too busy trying to ignore her completely and then was too stubborn to ask. (You may get the reason why in the next story I post).
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Here's some more headcanons:
They both don't know how to navigate life in Jackson. Which means they default to continuing what they were doing before and not talk about it
That first night in the house, after bringing Ellie home and that conversation on the hilltop, everything felt stiff. The teenager was still quiet while Joel did his best to get her to open up. She took up residence in the room she stayed in last time while Joel took the other. Red didn't know where she was suppose to go and decided to just take the first floor bedroom
Skin clean from showering, food in her belly, the room felt cold and alone no matter how much she arranged it to make herself feel comfortable.
She woke to the sound of her door opening and then a curse as whoever it was stepped on the random junk she had put in front of it as a makeshift alarm. Joel glared at her, huffed, then told her to get her ass upstairs. So she did, both of them knocking out quickly next to each other.
Ellie eased up a bit more after time, which meant they both breathed a little easier.
It was a few days after settling in that Joel slid the hand on her stomach to under her shirt as they lay in bed. It was like lighting a bonfire. For the first time since they started whatever relationship they were in, he saw her completely naked and mapped out every scar, freckle, and mark on her body. They didn't sleep at all that night.
Both of them are not good at relationships.
Joel hadn't been in a real one since Sarah's mom and as important as Tess was and as long as they were together, he'd put up a wall emotionally between them. Could never give her what she wanted.
Red hadn't been with anyone really since Harry years before in the early days of the outbreak. He was her high school sweetheart and the only man she had been with for years into her 20's until she shot his face off years later.
They don't confront what they are.
But Joel doesn't like the eyes of the men on her or the way he overhears some wondering if she was wild in the sheets too. Talking about taming her. He almost breaks one of their jaws. Tommy has to come up with an excuse for him.
Red finds that settlement life has brought something up she hadn't had to deal with in a long time. Insecurity. She's not young anymore and her appearance wasn't a necessity when you're surviving. Is aware of the differences between her and the other women. Add in her protectiveness of her people and it made her hyper aware how the women in town looked at Joel.
No one considered her more than his partner in a non-romantic sense. The person Joel was taking care of. It rankled her but she couldn't argue against it, couldn't exactly claim him in front of them all. Because she didn't know if he was hers.
Joel however, didn't think it needed explaining that she was his. His what exactly, he wasn't sure. But somehow it all had morphed beyond needs and sex and survival. Girlfriend and partner seemed contrived in comparison. Red was just...his.
Her abrasiveness made the gentle moments all the better. He liked seeing her relaxed and laid out in the sun, body loose. Loved the way her eyes became bright with life anytime music was brought up. The gentle smile and soothing hands when he would wake up from a nightmare, urging him to breathe.
The first time she smiled and laughed at him, not Ellie, he was stunned and may have blushed. She looked like a completely different person and if he could drink the sound of her laughter and joy, he'd be drunk on it every day.
There were some mornings when she slept in later than him and he took the time to count the small stars tattooed on her collarbone and watching her breathe.
It takes months before she shares the cassette tape in her bag. She hands it over to him like she's handing over her first born child. And then she leaves, saying they can give it back when they're finished. He borrows a cassette radio and him and Ellie listen to the mixtape her sister made for her.
When they hear her sing on that tape, the last song on the tape her sister had secretly recorded one band practice, Joel had to clench his teeth and close his eyes at the sudden feeling of wanting to sob for some reason. Because the young girl's voice was full of sunshine and laughter and god, she had been so good and then the apocalypse robbed her of all of that. He can hear hints of his Red in that tape and it feels like they're mourning a loved one. Ellie discreetly wiped away tears.
Tommy sometimes asks what her real name is. Joel didn't know it and told him so and his brother seemed baffled at the notion that he didn't even know the name of the woman he was with. But she did have a name and it was Red or Starshine or Darling.
They don't know her birthday until one day he finds her in the small wildflower covered hill outside the harvest field. There are no cakes, no parties, nothing but her and the flowers and the whispered confession that her family never celebrated birthdays, but her sister would come into her room every morning and surprise her with something if only to celebrate in some way. He sat behind her, legs on either side, and held her before confessing that his birthday was Outbreak day and the day Sarah died.
Ellie's birthday is the only one they plan on celebrating.
She traced her name into his palm one day, but he never speaks it out loud.
When they argue, Ellie knows to take cover in her room. Joel can get loud, uses his height and stature to get his way, but she's used to being smaller. Knows how to stab with words and snap her teeth and not back down. They're both so stubborn and rarely does either of them win.
The makeup sex usually lasts all night
When Maria gives birth, Joel finds the pain of seeing another baby isn't as bad as he thought. That natural part of him kicks back in when he holds the baby boy, smiling softly at the newest member of the Miller family.
Red stays in the doorway, watching them all. She looked a second away from bolting. She doesn't hold the baby.
Sometimes wild animals kill their young. Sometimes on purpose, sometimes accidentally. She's not taking any risks.
He comes home a few times and finds her on the couch, one of the older kennel dogs curled into her on the couch and her arm around it. He's old and has been taken off duty which meant the patrols don't care about him. The cold has been hard on the old dog.
She stays in the kennels for almost a whole week when the dog dies from old age, tucked away with the other pups, and he has to carry her back home.
There are moments of seeing the girl she used to be. When they get drunk in the house, Ellie staying over with Tommy to help them with the baby, he manages to make her laugh and even persuades her to dance with him. She has a hard time being gentle but she becomes liquid in his hands, bashful and pink cheeked and a grin so bright it could rival the stars.
She is two different people but he finds he loves both. The girl before whose name was written into his skin late at night and the woman after with sharp teeth and narrowed eyes who Ellie had named in the forest.
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chalkrub · 1 year
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ode to the drowned rat. who’s hiding under there??
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koerinz · 2 months
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last one
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spyfry · 1 month
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Have some pink things, ocs and sonas alike
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