#the last time was me seeing the guy also touching trees after i did it while being a part of forced 'accidental' meeting
zhivchik · 10 months
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brokenpieces-72 · 2 months
Told you guys it would be happier. Trust me this had a much darker outcome but that can come later on. Thought the reader deserved a bone to be thrown their way.
The following is inspired by @bluegiragi hybrid ai and feature @diejager reader character.
“You don’t know your own birthday?” Gaz asked one morning. You were both sitting on the roof relaxing and waiting for the sun to come up.
“Nope.” You shake your head. “Never celebrated it, and I haven’t really seen my birth certificate so I don’t know when it is.”
“What about when you were at the program? Never even showed you your file?” Kyle asks. You shrug with a bit of swallowed disappointment.
“The handler never did. Tried to celebrate the other’s birthdays but no one really invited me.” You say.
“Wait here.” He says and swoops down from the roof. You sit and watch the colours paint the sky. When he comes back he has a file in hand and offers it to you, with a small grin.
“Happy birthday.” He says sitting next to you while you open it. It’s your file, which you realize Gaz probably… “temporarily misappropriated” from Price’s office. Kyle glances over your shoulder while you look through it. Your eyes widen when you see the date. Today.
“Happy birthday.” He says again, ruffling your hair. “What do you wanna do?”
“…I don’t know.” You shrug. Talk about last minute.
“Why don’t you go for a run? I can find you later.” He suggests. You smile at him before hopping down from the roof and hurrying inside to grab some extra clothes for exploring, along with your journal. Kyle does a final check in, giving you a radio just in case before you shift and take off towards the mountain range. You had something you wanted to try any ways.
Once you go some distance up the mountains you could smell some decay. You make your way towards the smell finding the source. You shifted back to you human form, and threw on a poncho to help keep yourself covered. You got a little closer to the carcass. The smell was pungent, and you could see a few maggots. With a deep breath, you shut your eyes. Another deep breath and focusing on everything around you. The body in front of you, is one that held a soul. A soul that has broken away. When you open your eyes you look around again, and notice in a small cave opening, a soft light. You approach it slowly and cautiously. It stays in place. Once you get closer it comes closer to you. You reach out and touch the ghostly soul of a deer. It presses its nose to your hand and you gently pet it.
“You can go on now.” You say to it. Its ears flick noting its own decaying mortal vessel. “It’s time to sleep…”
The deer looks back at you with white eyes. It tilts its head slightly before looking to the side. You follow the doe’s gaze and see a buck and two fawns. Her family. You look back at the deer.
“Watch over them. Until you are ready to return.” You say, stroking the doe’s neck. She walks off towards her family. You watch them with the buck staring back at you while the fawns stay close by to the father. You stand and stare back. The buck paws at the ground, bowing its head. The male was acknowledging you, while also warning you. The buck is a fighter, and will fight you off, despite him knowing how strong you are. You bow back, a sign of respect. The buck leads his young back into the trees and brush while you watch.
After you left, Kyle found Johnny, Horangi, Rudy, and König in the kitchen, still waking up.
“Johnny do you know when Spirit’s birthday is?” He asked. Johnny stopped midsip of coffee, his tail pausing. König looked at him.
“You don’t know Spirit’s birthday?” König questions.
“Shit I meant to look that up.” Johnny grumbled, finishing his sip of coffee.
“It’s today.” Kyle clarifies and is met with a spit take from Johnny. Kyle’s wing shields him before Johnny can damage his shirt.
“For fucks sake you serious?!” He asks Kyle.
“Just nabbed the file, Spirit is off on their own in the mountains with a radio. We have time.” Kyle exclaims. “No need to go overboard either.”
“You could buy that child a stick and she’d be happy.” Horangi comments, sitting up on the counter.
“Honestly I was thinking cake and Uno would do the trick.” Kyle suggested getting himself some coffee just as Hunter walked in. Rubbing the sleep out of their eyes they asked, half yawning, “what does the trick?”
“It’s Spirit’s birthday today.” Rudy chimes in offering a mug for their very tired and somewhat overworked medic.
“We only learned today didn’t we?” They asked. Rudy nods for them.
“You guys have any gifts?” They ask, sipping coffee.
“…I do.” Johnny says slowly grinning with realization. He sets down his mug and leaves the room.
“How did you sleep Hunter?” Rudy asks.
“The coffee earns you a polite response of, not the best.” Hunter replies as Johnny skids back into the room. A couple of them are surprised to see Johnny’s holding paperwork.
“I think these will work for a gift.” He says holding them up. Kyle, Rudy and Hunter clue in quickly. While Horangi and König are a little confused.
“Was ist es?” König asks.
“Custody papers.” Johnny says, looking down at them, making sure the signatures were right for the tenth time. “Ma was sayin she’d be willin to look after er when we went ‘ome. A lots been appening so I’d held off on it.”
“So you’d be her dad?” Hunter asks.
“Her brother.” Johnny corrects them. “Not ready to be ‘er da.”
“Until the program decides to be a massive ass pain.” Horangi mentions. He gets a swat on side from Rudy. Hunter ignores the two of them and hugs Johnny from the side.
“It’s a great gift.” Hunter says, patting the large wolf man on the shoulder.
“What’s a great gift?” Came the gruff voice of Captain Price walking in to get some coffee.
“Adoption papers for the corporal.” Johnny says holding them up. Price gets himself a mug of coffee from Rudolfo. He then scans the room and notices the file by Gaz.
“Find something shiny Kyle?” He asks. Gaz gave an awkward smile.
“You know it was the corporal’s birthday?” Kyle says, changing the subject.
“I did. Was about to tell you lot you had the day off for it. Where’s the corporal now?” Price asks.
“They’re in the mountains.” Kyle replies.
“Doing?” He asks.
“Didn’t say.” Kyle says.
When you returned to the base Johnny found you immediately.
“aye, pup come here. Got something for you.” He says gesturing for you to follow. You smile and go with him into his room where he has a laptop open. He has you sit down and opens a window on the screen, and you see a familiar face.
Johnny’s mom and his older brother smiling and saying hello. Your smile grows brighter upon seeing them, and receiving immediately wishes for a happy birthday.
“Yer stay in safe too?” Johnny’s mom asks.
“I’m trying.” You reply.
“Last thing I want is for Mae new child to be gettin cut up worse than er brother.” His mom says. You raise an eyebrow confused. Maybe a slip of the tongue.
“I’m keeping her safe ma.” Soap says. “And pup hasn’t said anything about it yet.” He says through tight lips. His mom raises a hand to her mouth realizing she had let it slip. The conversation continues on from there for another hour or so, with Johnny offering some translations if you’re struggling to understand. Once the laptop closes you look over at him.
“New child?” You ask. Johnny goes a little red.
“Ma has a vivid imagination?” He offers as an answer. You sit back in the chair and cross your arms. When you stare him down he sighs giving in.
“Wasn’t sure when to bring this up with ya. With the program bein all complicated and we didna know where’d ya be goin, figured giving you a proper home couldna hurt.” Johnny explains. You continue to listen waiting for more information.
“This was over the holidays. Foster system ain’t easy I don need to experience it to know it. Also didna give em to ya over the holidays cause thas a lotta pressure. If you say yes, than I have the papers, if you say no, there’s no hard feelins. I’ll still see ya as my little sister, that wone change.” Johnny offers.
“Yes please.” You say almost immediately. He smiles at you and gestures for you to follow him again. You have a fluttering in your chest, thinking about how you will have a family. A real family. One that loves you. For now though, you join your pack as Johnny takes you to the rec room where there’s a cake on a coffee table surrounded by the people who have been raising you for the longest time.
The rest is a happy blur with a few pieces forever ingrained in your memory. Your gifts were a new journal and sketchbook. Hunter gifted you a couple of field books for plants and animals, while Price gave you a bow for missions. After your mask had broken on a previous mission König and Ghost had been working on getting you a new one.
The best gift though, the one that made you tear up with joy was a pen. A pen that Johnny offered you to sign the custody papers. You had to stop yourself a couple times, pulling away so the tears wouldn’t stain the paper. There were a few teasing comments but you got them signed.
There was an intense game of Anomia over some drinks. The team snickered seeing your face after your first taste of alcohol. You made cake go into Johnny’s face and got an equal amount in your own. More than once your stomach aches from laughing so hard.
By the end of the night you’re exhausted. While watching a movie you keep nodding off until you find yourself cuddling up to Horangi of all people. He notices but says nothing, letting you rest. After an hour though he gets Johnny’s attention silently gesturing to your sleeping state. Johnny pulls a blanket over you offering to pull you of Horangi. Horangi lets him, needing to get up anyways.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @H0n3y_L3m0n @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @talia-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies
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lola-bunn1 · 1 year
somebody that i used to know pt 2
❥ a/n: the story won’t really make sense if i don’t make a change in the timeline, so let’s just pretend the whole sky people war has been going on for a really long time also this took so long like i began writing this the second i posted part one and then it took me hours then i scrapped it and made a better version which turned out so bad im sorry
part one, part three
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Five months.
Its been five months since Neteyam last heard your soft voice, its been five months since he last felt your touch, its been five months since he last felt happy.
Its been five months of hell.
After you left, Neteyam lost himself. You were part of him, you were his life, his world. Now you were gone, and so was he.
The war kept happening, for a while.
Until everything just died down, the sky people stopped cutting trees, they stopped building weapons, stopped attacking the Na’vi. They just left.
Of course, everyone was happy. The Na’vi won once again.
But the forest isn’t what it used to be, there’s too many bad memories that lie here. It didn’t feel like home anymore.
Of course to Neteyam, it never was. You were his home, you were the light of his life. Without you, he was nothing.
That’s how much he loved you.
Jake and Neytiri have thought well and hard. They wanted to leave. Get a fresh new start somewhere else, the kids reacted differently. Lo’ak didn’t care, Kiri was mad, Tuk didn’t know what was going on, and Neteyam…
He just didn’t react. No sadness, no happiness, nothing.
The family packed up and left, Neteyam flew away and never looked back, not even for a second. There was nothing there for him.
You weren’t there for him.
As he flew, he thought of the things he could’ve done. He shouldn’t have dismissed it so fast. He should’ve cared more, comforted you more, convince you harder.
If he did, perhaps you might be here, with him. Smiling and flying your ikran around him, giving him that warm feeling he missed so deeply.
But you weren’t. It wasn’t real.
When they got to the village, they introduced themselves and waited as Jake spoke to them.
“It is decided, Toruk Makto and his family are going to stay with us.” Tonowari, the olo’eyktan stated
They all muttered small thank yous as they were lead to their marui.
“This is yours” Tsireya, Tonowari’s daughter said as she showed them the marui, “We’ll send over some things in a bit while you get comfortable” She smiled at them and walked away as they began unpacking
“Alright, everyone—family meeting, come on, fall in” Jake said, everyone huddled into a circle, Lo’ak tapped Neteyam’s shoulder, snapping him out of his trance and making him sit with them
“Okay, guys. We need you all on your best behavior. No trouble, I mean it. Learn fast, pull your weight, be nice. We need them to trust us, so we can all get along. Got it?” Jake said, they all nodded with small responses
“Sorry!” A woman said as she walked in, carrying a bunch of things that were high enough to cover her face, “They told me you might need these” She said, turning to her side to see them, her eyes widening as she dropped the things on the ground
They all froze
Neteyam, startled by the sound, turned to see what happened. His eyes widening in shock.
It was you.
It was you…
It was you!
How is this possible? You left—did you move here?
“Y/n?” He said, standing up and walking towards you, you backed away, still speechless.
“I—I have to go” You said, running off, he was quick to follow you
He finally got close enough to pull you back, you looked at him in silence
“It’s you…its really you” He whispered, “What—what are you doing here?” He asked
You sighed, “I moved here…”
“This is where you’ve been? All this time…” He said, cradling your face, he pulled you in for a hug
Its been so long since he felt your soft touch. Five hours without your touch was long enough, imagine five months.
He closed his eyes, inhaling your scent. The sweet smell he’s been missing. He slowly opened his eyes, feeling something else.
He let go of you, looking down, his eyes widening.
You had a bump, a baby bump. He was sure it wasn’t weight.
“Neteyam…” You whispered
“What—how…” He stopped talking, did you move on? You ran away, and started a family with another man?
He backed away, shaking his head
“You…you were that quick to forget me?” He asked, before you could answer, he left.
“Neteyam!” You called out to him, seeing him fade away
When he got to the marui, everyone was there, waiting for him, flooding him with questions
“What happened?” Neytiri asked
“How is she here?” Kiri asked
“Who knocked her up?” Lo’ak asked, everyone went quiet
“What do you mean?” Neytiri asked
“Did you not see? She looked pregnant”
Neytiri gasped and smacked his head, “You do not speak about a woman like that!”
“No…it’s true.” Neteyam said
“She is with child?” Neytiri asked, her eyes wide
Neteyam nodded
Neytiri and Jake shared a look, they went to comfort him but he just pushed them away
“I’m sorry, kid” Jake said, patting his back
“I do not care.” He said, they all looked at him with pity, and went to sleep
The next day, Neteyam got up early, not like he even slept. He went outside, exploring the village. He went to ocean, staring at it in silence
“Neteyam…” You called out
He already knew it was you, how could he ever forget your sweet voice?
He began walking away, you kept calling his name and he ignored you
“Shit” He heard you say, he turned to see you wrapping your arms around your stomach, as if in pain
“Are you okay?” He asked, sure he was mad at you, but he still loved you and cared about you
“I…I don’t know—shit” You said again, groaning in pain
He quickly rushed to you, helping you walk to your marui
“Its okay—I got you…” He said, comforting you as you kept feeling the pain
Once you got to your marui, he helped you sit down
“Okay—stay here, I’m gonna call the Tsahik”
“No!” You said, “I’m fine now”
He stopped and realized what you did
You tricked him so he can stop ignoring you
“Very smart” He rolled his eyes, about to leave until you grabbed his hand
“Neteyam, please…” You said, your eyes tearing up
He sighed, sitting down and waiting for you to speak
“I didn’t forget you” You said
“Clearly” He said
“You didn’t listen to me—“
“You left without me!” He yelled
“You didn’t want to leave!” You yelled back and he went quiet, “I tried to tell you. I tried to tell you Neteyam, I lost too much in that forest. I hated every second I was there. You were the only thing I cared about”
“And it shows.” He said, “You just ran off and found another guy to keep you company.”
“That’s not what happened!” You snapped, tears sliding down your cheeks, “I needed to leave! Leaving you was the hardest thing I’ve ever done! I had to go out all alone into some random village filled with strangers! And I tried to forget you, I really did. But I don’t think you know how hard it is to forget someone when part of them is in you!”
Neteyam froze, he looked to your stomach, and back to you
“It’s…mine?” He asked in shock
“Yes you skxawng!” You yelled at him
He nervously laughed, a smile finding its way on his face, his eyes still wide
“It’s mine…oh eywa, it’s mine” He whispered, placing his head on your stomach, hearing the heartbeat, he looked to you, cradling your face, “You’re carrying my child? Mine?”
You nodded at him, he hugged you tight, kissing your forehead
You were back, back into his arms, carrying part of him in you. He was going to make sure you never leave again
ok this sucked so bad im sorry for everyone who was expecting a way better ending.
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phi8 · 1 year
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A bit of Star Wars fanart! A conversation between Ahsoka and Anakin after The Mandalorian Chapter 13: The Jedi. This one goes along with a bit of writing, check it out below or here.
Ahsoka broke the piece of dried meat she was eating into a few smaller parts. She let her consciousness expand and felt the birds and lizards around her camp site, a singular simian alien at the edge of her awareness. The trees rustled and their anticipation for the coming change of season was apparent. She felt the Khyber crystals in her lightsabers hum and reverberate the life around them. Even the rock on which she had unfolded a clean napkin had its signature in the living force. Savoring the taste of the jerky, she thanked the beast from which it had come.
“Ahsoka,” a voice called out.
“Master,” she responded. It became easier to become aware of him each time she did. “Good to see you,” she said, right before he materialized into the world.
The pale blue visage of Anakin Skywalker shifted uncomfortably. “I told you to stop calling me that, I don’t deserve it.”
“You are the guy who’s become one with the force, not me,” Ahsoka said with a little smirk. “... Anakin,” she finished with a nod.
“Thank you,” he said, sitting down on a log across from her. As was the case with Obi-Wan and his master and Yoda, Anakin was strangely physical when he appeared like this. Ahsoka could feel how he was affected by gravity and that he would rather sit than stand. But she could also see right through his wispy shape.
Similarly, Anakin could tell that Ahsoka had been wrestling with something. “You have something on your mind?”
“Yes,” Ahsoka said. She swallowed the last piece of her meal and wrung her hands. “Grogu... Turns out he’s still alive.”
“The little kid that the council was always so mysterious about?” Anakin paused, then flickered out of existence briefly. With a pained expression now on his face, he continued, “I always figured he got caught when... When you were on Mandalore.”
“We shared a connection, apparently someone managed to sneak him out of the temple.” She looked at him. “His life hasn’t been easy,” Ahsoka said. She didn’t manage to keep all of the accusation out of her tone.
Anakin nodded. He was of the force now, supposed to be in ultimate balance with the galaxy. Ahsoka noted he really didn’t look it.
“He’s gotten himself a father figure, a Mandalorian. It’s pretty cute. But the guy wanted me to train Grogu.” She looked down at her lap. “And, and – Anakin, Grogu reminded me so much of you.”
“The little baby Yoda reminded you of me?” Anakin said a bit incredulously.
“He’s powerful, and filled with fear and passion. Fear to become lost again, to lose this new parent. We’ve seen what such fear to lose someone can -,” Ahsoka interrupted herself.
Anakin sighed. He didn’t have lungs anymore, but it still hurt. There were some downsides to being granted eternity. He was forced to be faced with the consequences of his actions, all the people he had hurt.
He leaned forward  and put his hand on Ahsoka’s shoulder. To her the sensation was one of warmth, not one of touch. “So you turned him down,” Anakin said softly.
“Yes.” She looked at him. Both being this connected to the force, they could feel the compassion they felt for each other. Healing and forgiving would take time, but it would come. “I promised to help them though, and since I’m not comfortable training him I sent them to Tython.”
“Tython? That dingy temple with the seeing stone?” He sat back a little. “But who would respond to a call from a place like that?”
“I think Luke will find them.” Ahsoka said. Her lekku twitched, and the guilt she felt was visible on her face.
“Oh, I see,” Anakin said, smiling a little. “You wanted to check in with me because you sent a potential Sith Lord to my son.”
“When you put it like that...” Ahsoka smiled as well and hit Anakin in the arm, which  fully connected. He let out a soft gasp, as he would have in life.
“Don’t worry about him!” Anakin continued. “I don’t know if you  noticed, but that young man is capable of some incredible things. In fact, it was his love, his passion, that made him a better Jedi, made him able to save me.” Anakin’s form glowed slightly as he talked about his son, as though the thought of Luke made his spirit more bright. “If anyone can train Grogu, it’s him.”
Anakin stood up, face turned to the night sky of Corvus. “But here: you called a Jedi knight from the beyond for advice and counseling?” Looking back at Ahsoka, he made a little bow and said, “just go check in on Luke at some point. You get to make sure you made the right decision, see if the kid is doing well. And Luke can needle you for more advice.”
“Yeah, he’s very eager, isn’t he?” Ahsoka said, her expression softening.
“It’s unbelievable. He won’t let Obi-Wan and Yoda have a single bit of rest, always asking is this right, what did we do in such cases... He even figured out how master Qui-Gon’s views are different and how to find the compromise between them” Anakin got a sad smile on his face and said, “he’s so much like Padmé.”
Ahsoka felt Anakin fading away in the force, like he suddenly didn’t have the willpower to maintain his form here anymore.
“Do not worry, Ahsoka,” Anakin said faintly, “Luke is more than capable, and yours is a different path.”
“Thank you, master,” she said to the chilly night.
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ladykissingfish · 4 months
*after a day of training* Kakashi: Great job, kids! Your endurance is getting better and your techniques are becoming more concise and refined. In another couple of weeks you should be able to -- Sasuke: Why are you standing there lying? I'M doing a great job. MY techniques are improving. *points at Naruto* This guy is still the same loser you started training months ago. Naruto: Shut up, Sasuke! You've got those cheater-eyes! ANYTHING you do is easy when you have eyes that do everything for you, dattebayo! Sasuke: Tsk; even blind-folded I could train circles around you. Dobe. Naruto: Oh, yeah?! Well - *the two get into a heated argument while Kakashi and Sakura stand off to the side* Sakura: You know, I've been thinking, and I think I know a way to end this constant fighting. Kakashi: Do whatever you have to do, child. Those two are getting on my last nerves. Sakura: Oi! You guys! Remember that time you kissed at the academy? Sasuke, blushing: You mean the time HE attacked ME for no reason? Naruto, also blushing: I didn't attack you, I got pushed into you! I'd n-never kiss you on purpose like that! Sakura: But what if you did? What if you guys DID kiss on purpose? Who do you think would be better? Naruto: Me, of course. Sasuke just sat there like a tree last time! Sasuke: Yeah, well, your mouth tasted like miso and spoiled milk! Naruto: Doesn't matter; I'd STILL be better than you! Sasuke: No you wouldn't!! Naruto: Oh, yeah?! *grabs Sasuke and kisses him* Take that, asshole! Sasuke: What the hell? That was TERRIBLE! A GOOD kisser knows to do it softer, and more gentle, like ... *takes Narutos face between his hands and gives him a demonstration* Naruto, blushing fiercely: T-that still wasn't great, Sasuke. You need to put some force behind your lips, like -- *kisses him to show him what he means* Sasuke: W-well ... well you didn't touch my face or my hair or anything! It needs to be more like -- *the two go quiet as they demonstrate different techniques on each other* Sakura, to Kakashi: See? What'd I tell you? Kakashi: Kakashi, tearing up and patting Sakura's head: You truly are my favorite student ...
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backmuscles21 · 1 month
Proposition Part 2
Ao'nung x Reader x Neteyam
Peep part one first -> Proposition - X
Warnings: smut, double penetration, mating
Neteyam couldn’t blame himself for still craving you, yeah Ao'nung gave him a pass but he couldn’t give you up. He thought about you constantly and it didn’t help that he constantly thought about Ao'nung too. As he touched his cock in the middle of the night, he thought about what both of you got into and what you’d both do if he was there. He wanted to feel Ao'nung's hands on his back, he wanted to feel you gripping at his braids. He couldn’t help it anymore; he was down bad for both of you. His thoughts swirled in his head of what you talked about the last time you got together. You talked about having him join, he wanted that so desperately but didn’t want to be the one to ask.
Little did he know that you and Ao’nung were in the same boat. You teased each other with Neteyam's name, you’d be riding Ao’nung and telling him how much he wished it was Neteyam on top of him. Or as Ao’nung ate you out of fucked you into the floor, he’d whisper in your ear about how much you were more than likely thinking about what Neteyam would feel like doing this to you.
You were all down back for each other.
Just too oblivious and nervous to see or say anything.
You and Ao’nung would commonly stare at Neteyam from across the village, he was always so polite.
“Let’s just go over and talk to him.”
“He does not want to join us.”
“You didn’t see his face when you had your cock buried in him. He likes you too.”
“He was buried deep in your pussy at the time. You sure he wasn’t drunk off the grip you had on him.”
“No, it was definitely from you fucking him. He was cock drunk.”
“There is no way he will want to join us and bond with us. He likes you.”
“He will, we just have to talk to him. He will absolutely want both of us.”
“Listen, syulang, I love your energy and I respect that you want to include him but it just won’t work.”
“Well, let’s test that out,” you grabbed Ao’nung’s hand and pulled him towards where Neteyam was helping his dad.
“Hi Neteyam. Do you have a minute?” You smiled at Jake as he stood close by.
Neteyam looked at his dad and he nodded, Neteyam followed you and Ao'nung to a more private spot.
“What’s up? Is everything okay?” Neteyam was internally panicking from being so close to his crushes.
“We needed to ask you a question?”
“Yeah, for sure, anything.”
Ao'nung looked down and was heavily blushing, he still had his hand in your clutch, and he felt so nervous.
“We have been thinking about the last time we were together. We want you to join us.”
“You want me to join you?” Neteyam couldn’t believe his ears, he was in a state of shock. “Yes, absolutely yes. I want to so badly, please.”
“I told you he was eager,” you looked over your shoulder and smirked at Ao'nung.
“Were you nervous I’d say no?” Neteyam asked looking at Ao’nung in such a bashful state.
“I was worried you just liked her,” Ao’nung spoke softly.
“Initially, yes, but after our time that night both of you have plagued my mind and I knew I needed both of you,” Neteyam said grabbing Ao’nung’s other hand.
“Would you consider bonding with us? It doesn’t have to be right now and you don’t have to give an exact answer now,” you asked Neteyam.
“I don’t need time. My answer is yes. Absolutely without a doubt yes.”
“What about your parents? Would they be okay with that?”
“Haven’t thought about it. What about you guys?”
You shrugged, “who knows? All I know is, this feels right.”
Neteyam went to ask his dad if he could go out with you and Ao’nung for a swim, Jake let Neteyam go out not knowing what was in store. You three were going swimming just not for that long, you would eventually stop by a cave near the Tree of Souls. It was a perfect mating spot as it had water and air to breathe, it was also dimly lit up by bioluminescent algae.
“Metkayina people mate here often as it is next to the tree. It also is common for Metkayina people to mate in water,” Ao’nung told Neteyam.
“Is that how you two mated?” Neteyam asked.
“Yes, in the waters of this cave a little more than a year ago,” you smiled at him.
“I wish I was here to see that.”
“You’ll see it now. We had our one-year celebration not that long ago and we were supposed to come here to relive that mating ritual but being here with you is better.”
“We actually spent our one-year celebration with you. You caught us fucking the day before because, in her words, I can’t keep my hands to myself. Adding you in was just a bonus,” Ao’nung smirked.
“You let me in on such a special event?”
“You made it more special Neteyam,” you said as you kissed him slowly.
You placed your hands on his shoulders and slowly pushed him onto his back on the rock surface right next to the water. You leaned over him and continued to kiss him, Neteyam’s arms wrapped around your back and held you close. You then started to trail kisses down his toned stomach and right above his loincloth.
“Take it off and hop on top. I wanna try something,” Ao’nung says as he got out of the water and kissed your shoulder.
You nodded and took Neteyam’s loin cloth off and gave him a few good stokes to ensure he was hard enough. You took yours off and stood on your knees above his hips, you grabbed his cock through your legs and helped guide it into you. You slowly slid down on it until your bodies met again.
That’s when you felt Ao’nung’s hands on your back again, he pressed himself up to your back. You could feel how hard he was, he must’ve also taken his loincloth off while you were taking in Neteyam. Ao’nung kissed your neck and shoulders, he kept you pressed down so you couldn’t move.
“Hold on to Neteyam or me, this might be a lot of you.”
“What are you going to do?”
“You are going to take both of us at once.”
Ao’nung pushed you forward by the back of your neck, your head laid gently on Neteyam’s pecs. You tried to remain calm and not squeeze Neteyam more than you probably were, not to mention Ao’nung was going to attempt to stuff himself in there too.
Ao’nung kept a hand on your lower back as he slowly pushed himself inside. You held onto Neteyam’s arms as both of you moaned from the feeling of Ao’nung forcing his cock head into you.
“Fuck you’re tight,” Ao’nung chuckled.
“That feel good Neteyam? Can you feel how our cocks press together inside our girl? I can feel you throbbing already,” Ao’nung chuckled again.
Once Ao’nung was sufficiently inside you, he moved your hair and kissed down your back a little bit.
“When I moved out you move in, got it babe?”
Neteyam couldn’t respond, but he did nod.
“Tap one of us three times if it's too much syulang.”
“Yes,” you stuttered out.
“Good,” Ao’nung said as he pulled out and pushed back in.
Neteyam followed suit by pulling out when Ao’nung pushed in. You don’t think you’ve ever moaned in your life this much.
“Wait, tsaheylu,” you moaned out.
“Yes, how could we forget,” Ao’nung said as he moved his over his shoulder and helped you with yours.
Neteyam grabbed his and held it up for Ao’nung to connect yours and his together. Your three braids were connected and it made you roll your hips involuntarily; it was just such a loving connection. Now the three of you could say you were officially mated; it filled your heart with joy.
Ao’nung kept moving in and out and Neteyam followed his rhythm perfectly, you gripped Neteyam’s arms or reached around to grab Ao’nung’s hand. You were practically drooling on Neteyam’s chest as you were being fucked out by two large men.
You spent hours in this cave with Neteyam and Ao’nung, you spent hours fucking, you just couldn’t stop. They felt so good inside, once they took their cocks out you wanted them to fill you up again.
It was the morning when you three finally left, Ao’nung helped you get back to the village as your body was exhausted and your hips hurt. When you finally got on the bouncy floor of the village, you were ready to go to your mauri pod and rest some more. You asked Neteyam to join and he wanted to but he figured he should go visit his family. Which he was right about, his family didn’t think he’d be gone that long. Not to mention once he entered, he reeked of you two. To which Lo’ak just teased him about but his mother was happy and started asking him questions about his new mates.
His siblings’ faces fell when he said it was Ao’nung and you, they couldn’t believe their brother would want Ao’nung. They did soften up once he started to talk about the two of you and everyone could see how smitten he was with both of you. Jake didn’t really agree but he could see how happy his son was and Neytiri wasn’t upset so it must be okay here.
Not long after that night, Neteyam moved in with you two in your pod. It felt like a sleepover every night, you were constantly squished between two tall muscular bodies. You couldn’t be happier to be mated to both of them, you had both your boys by your sides for the rest of your life.
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swervybeans · 3 months
Smoke x sick female reader
A/N: pulled this out my ass but I think it's cute so here you guys go. Also I am like half asleep so... yea I proof read it but I also zoned out like 12 times so... yea. Anyways requests are always open and I hope you enjoy.
Description: short story about reader having the flu and Smoke aka Tomas from Mortal Kombat 1 taking care of them.
Word count: 931
Type: SFW
Tomas stands alone in the dinning room of the Shirai Ryu main temple. He collects the plates and silverware from dinner occasionally humming. the light glow of the moon adding a soft comforting feeling to the room and a soft rustle of leaves could be heard outside from the wind brushing against the trees made him feel content Normally clean up was a task Harrumi, Kuai, Tomas, and you did together but unfortunately you were sick with the flu and Harumi joined Kuai Liang out on a mission. So he was on his own for a couple days, it's not like it bothered him though. The constant movement felt good and kept his mind at ease.
When he finished up he decided to check up on you. It had been about a day since you started to feel sick and he was concerned about you. The thought of you being sick made him feel unwell too. You were one of his closest friends and he saw you as the light in his darkness.
"Come in..."
You heard a small nock on your door and knew who it was without even opening your eyes
Your voice was raspy and barely louder than a whisper, but he heard anyways and came into the room.
He looked at you with a frown as he closed the door behind him. You were curled up under your blankets your hair was everywhere, and your face was pale. You looked like shit.
"Hey, you."
Tomas walks over and sits on the edge of your bed. He was cautious not to make too much of a ruckus.
"How are you feeling?"
He says gently as he looks at you with worried eyes.
Before you can finish your sentence you sneeze. Tomas see's the box of tissue on your nightstand and takes a tissue out to hand to you.
You grumble as you wipe your nose. When you're done you decide to finish your previous sentence.
"I feel...like shit."
He sighs and nods understandably.
"I'm sory."
He said as he put his hand on your forehead to feel your temperature.
"Feels like a low grade fever."
You just give a slight nod in response as you sniffle.
Vrbada picks up your water bottle and feels that it's empty. Without a word he fills it up and puts it back where he found it.
He asked softly and looked down at your zombie like state .
"When was the last time you had medicine?"
Tomas sighs and nods.
"Be right back then."
He leaves and goes to make tea. He finishes up quickly and then returns to your quarters.
An arm wraps around you as he helps you sit up to drink the tea.
You say as you take bird sips from the mug.
"Tastes like shit."
"It'll make you feel better."
He says Patting your head and laughing slightly.
You just sigh and slug the tea back as quick as possible. When you are done he takes the mug and sets it aside.
You sit there and just stare at the wall with a blank expression. Not really thinking about anything.
After a few minutes of silence he speaks up.
"Want me to rub your back?"
It takes you a second to process what he is saying but you eventually nod and move to lay on your side so your back is to him.
Calloused hands slowly lifted your shirt and started to rub up and down your spine. His touch is slow as he scratches gently on all the right spots. Who would have thought the hands of an assassin would be so warm and caring.
You sigh contently and let him work his magic. It had starred to drizzle outside and you could hear the rain thumping against the window. The dim lighting in the room made you sleepy and your eye's started to heavy. Everything was perfect, except for the fact that you felt like you were run over by a semi truck...
A few coughs and a sneeze later you finally started to slowly slip into sleep, Toma's hands still running up and down your back.
When he realized you fell asleep he smiled and slowly pulled your shirt back down over your back. He covered you with the blankets making sure you'd be warm throughout the night. He blew out the candles that lit up your room, but decided to leave one lit on your bedside table.
He started to walk towards your door when he heard you mumble.
He immediately turned around and came over to you kneeling down in front of you.
He whispered softly
However you were asleep and it was you sleep talking. When he realized this a small chuckle left his lips and he gently stroked your hair.
"You dreaming about me?"
He said softly
"... love ... you...."
You whisper.
He smiles and kisses your head.
"I know you do...but telling me in the dream world doesn't count"
After that you were completely quiet and your breath became even as you fell into a deep sleep. Tomas stood up and took the empty mug from earlier but before he left he spoke softly and said.
"Love you too, beautiful, and I hope you feel better soon."
A/N: well if you made it this far it couldn't have been the bad. Thank you for reader.
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I have a fic idea last night: why not Ace, Luffy and Law love triangle? Law's a travelling doctor, Ace and Luffy are essentially hitchhikers and they run into each other frequently on their travels.
He meets Luffy first and Luffy clings onto him like a puppy. They dine-and-dash at buffets, explore forests/natural sights together and most importantly make out! Luffy's annoying but Law admits that having someone like Luffy makes things fun and he genuinely enjoys the endless trivia of facts Luffy has about insects and nature. "Oh! This bug's poisonous, don't touch that! The last time Usopp touched that he had a stomachache!" "Did you know that this rock is full of diamonds? Nami says a small chunk of it's worth like A MILLION BERRIES!" "This tree's as old as Brook! We should climb it!" They travel together some days and sometimes Luffy looks at Law with a very soft, somewhat unsure expression with stars in his eyes. And sometimes, Law looks back and smiles.
Ace, meanwhile is aloof at first. He's decisively not as chatty but Law knows fuck-me-eyes when he sees them. They fuck in Law's hotel room. On the bed, on the counter, in the shower, on the bed again! They do not stop! It is disgusting and messy but dang it Ace's so hot!! "I know gorgeous when I see it," Ace says as he nibbles on Law's ear. "So fucking pretty. Drives me crazy." They (trauma) bond the next morning and that's when they become closer and on talking terms. Like Luffy, they go on dates but they're more chill. They watch busking performances and drink at quiet bars at one in the morning. They end every date with heated kisses. Although they don't want it to be, they're well aware every date could be their last...
Also, Law has no idea Ace and Luffy are related! Law had only met them seperately after all!
When Law finally settles down, he's neighbours with a white guy called Sabo. To welcome him, Sabo invites Law to a family dinner with his brothers. Imagine how awkward it is when Law sees Ace AND Luffy show up together...
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talaok · 1 year
A one time thing
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Pairing: Eddie Munson x reader
summary: Your ex-boyfriend Eddie invites you over totally innocently
Warnings: smut| cheating, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected p in v sex, praising, a bit of jealousy, and slight exhibitionism + pot smoking
a/n: I don't know if anyone's still thirsting over Eddie, but I started listening to this song again, and I immediately thought of him.
*for this story's purpose you gotta pretend cell phones existed in 1986 (and by for this story's purpose I just mean because I'm an absolute slut)*
The joint between his fingers was slowly burning out.
He hadn't had a hit in ten minutes as his mind was elsewhere, the sunny day outside his trailer's window remind him of you, of all those days with you, when you were the ones sitting beneath that big tree, smoking, laughing, and kissing together, not the kids he was now staring at.
He missed you, of course he missed you.
You were always there, in the back of his mind, your smile, your voice, your lips, all there, for him to revisit whenever he felt like it, and he always felt like it.
You had been a gift sent from heaven, he had always believed it, he didn't know what he had done to deserve someone like you, someone so sweet and kind and beautiful, while he was all the exact opposite, rough, mean, weird.
He didn't know how, but he had had you, all of you, not for long of course, things that beautiful never lasted long for Eddie, and after a few months, you had realized he wasn't who you should have been seeing, something he had known from the very beginning, and left.
Left physically, because, in his mind, you never did.
Every time he saw you at school, eating lunch with your good, respected friends, or walking in the hallway, even if your hand was intertwined with someone else's, with Jason's, his heart sped up, as memories flashed before his eyes.
You were too good for him, he knew,
But you also deserved better than Jason
Eddie had always hated him, since he first laid eyes on him.
He was the typical mindless jock who looked like a good boy enough for people to believe he actually was, but Eddie knew he wasn't.
He was a bully, a loser, and you deserved better.
He wasn't surprised when you got with him after the breakup, he had spent the whole time you were together buzzing around you, and it was natural you would have given in at one point, you were always too kind, and besides, Eddie liked to think you did it to forget, forget him, and all the things he couldn't give you any more.
So if anything, he pitied the poor guy, even though the tight grip of jealousy never really left him.
knowing that someone else was kissing you, touching you as he had... that still made something inside of him twitch, a spark ignited each time he pictured Jason's hand on your skin, staining your otherwise perfect body.
oh, your body,
there wasn't a night he didn't fall asleep picturing it, every little part of it, recalling how it felt to kiss it, worship it like you deserved, like he knew Jason wouldn't.
He missed you,
today more than ever,
not even the weed was able to get you off his mind, and he was going crazy.
He missed you,
even just your voice,
even just your laugh.
He could call you, he thought, it wasn't the first time he had considered it, but today he felt like it wasn't much of a want as much as a need.
He needed to hear you, even for just a second.
So he did, he called you, 
with the best intentions of course.
"hey sweetheart"
"Hi Eddie"
Your voice was like oxygen to his lungs, even when clearly annoyed.
"aren't you happy to hear from me?"
You huffed "what is it, Eddie?"
"nothing" he shrugged, fiddling with the joint between his fingers "I just wanted to hear your voice"
"I miss you" he added
"well you've heard it now, is that all?"
cold was fine, he knew he could turn it into hot
"what's the rush princess? Is your boyfriend picking you up with his daddy's car?"
"Maybe he is"
"well that's a shame," he said, a smile creeping on his lips as his gaze set on the yellow video cassette on the table "I just rented the Shining and I was wondering if you wanted to keep me company"
"I like that movie"
he was in, and he knew it, the smug grin on his lips was the ultimate proof.
"I know you do" he spoke "And I also have this new weed I was waiting on trying..." (not true)
"Eddie..." you said, like a warning, a scold, like you knew what he was doing.
"What sweetheart? We could have fun"
"as friends you mean"
"of course" he nodded, not an ounce of sincerity in his words. 
You didn't speak
"I just want to see you, princess, that's all"
"I won't bite"
there was a moment of silence, and everything stilled.
"Do you have food?"
"I do, tons, I even have the chips you like"
"and the weed, is it good?"
"the best on the market they say" (he was going to hell no questions asked)
Silence again
"ok" you said thinly "I'm coving over" you said "as a friend"
He had to fight the urge to get up and jump from the excitement
"of course" he beamed "as a friend"
"I'll be waiting for you sweetheart"
__ __ __
He had cleaned, of course he had cleaned, 
He had thew all the clothes on his bed, chair, and floor in his wardrobe,
he had made his bed, 
he had opened the windows
and he had washed the dirty dishes from this morning,
This wasn't the first time you came over to his house, but still, he wanted to make a good impression,
He wanted nothing to go wrong,
he wanted to have you for as long as he could, however he could, however you'd let him.
Before he knew it, half an hour had passed, and you were knocking at his door.
"shit" he muttered, throwing a magazine he preferred to not have you see under his bed before rushing to open the door.
"Hi" he smiled,
he couldn't believe you were actually there
beautiful as ever,
your face lighted by the sun and your pretty legs in full display with that skirt.
"hi" you answered, "can I come in?" you pretended not to notice his gaze drinking up every inch of your body.
"Of course sweetheart" he took a step back, gesturing for you to enter.
You did, looking around as he closed the door
"Did you clean just because I was coming?" you asked, sitting on the couch.
He laughed softly "I wanted to make a good impression"
you hummed, amused
"Did I?" he asked, sitting beside you
"I appreciate it" you granted him, and he smiled in contempt
"so how's it going?" he asked, leaning back on the couch, his arm on the top of it behind you.
"it's going fine"
"school, parents everything alright?"
You scowled at him
really? School?
"yes, everything alright"
"good" he nodded "and what about..." he creased his forehead as he thought hard "what's his name? J-J something..."
you shot another dirty look his way "Jason. you know his name"
"must have slipped my mind, but how's it going with him?"
"It's going well, he's great"
"Great," he repeated "wow"
"that good?"
"yes," you said, "he actually brings me on dates you know?"
"I did too"
"Going to the woods to smoke doesn't count"
 "why not?"
"because it doesn't," you said "he brings me to restaurants"
"ah" he hummed "he's fancy"
"and where is he now?"
He noticed you gulp
"he's with his friends"
"why aren't you there?"
"I didn't feel like it"
"what? I'm just asking a question"
"I don't like them very much"
He smiled, he already knew that.
"and so you came here" he bit down a grin.
"to watch a movie" you reminded him
"of course" he nodded "to watch a movie with your ex-boyfriend, while your boyfriend is with his friends"
You rolled your eyes "would you rather I go?"
"no" he stopped you immediately "don't"
"I just think Jason's really stupid"
You sighed "whatever Eddie, could you put this movie on before I change my mind please?"
"sure thing sweetheart," he said, doing just that and coming back to the couch
His hand reached to the left and took the joint he had pre-rolled from the table.
"wanna light it up now or later?"
"now's fine" you shrugged, not paying attention as the movie started. 
You heard the lighter's click and then the soft burn of the joint's tip.
You turned and watched as he took a hit, his lips wrapping delicately around the bottom and his chest inflating slowly as it filled with smoke.
He exhaled, and you bit your lip, waiting for your turn.
It had been a while,
after you stopped seeing Eddie weed became more and more infrequent.
"here," he said extending the joint to you.
You took it, and slowly did what he had just done, feeling his eyes on you the whole time.
You couldn't help but smile as you exhaled deeply, the familiar feeling already spreading through your body.
Fuck you'd missed this.
"Like it?" he asked
"yes" you chuckled, taking another hit "It's been a while"
"Jason's not much of a pothead is he?"
"no" you laughed softly "he's not"
"says it's a gateway drug and one of the devil lures or some shit"
Eddie chuckled "of course"
You passed him the joint as you got comfortable again.
He spread his legs wider as he took another hit, and just then, you noticed you had gotten closer.
"So Jason..."
"why are we still talking about him?" 
"I'm curious" he cocked an eyebrow "he's got my girl after all"
"I'm not your girl"
He just smirked at that
"So he isn't that great after all"
"I can look past the weed Eddie"
"mh" he hummed "that's the only thing you don't like about him?"
Your eyes fell for a second and he had to hold back a smile so wide it probably would have reached his ears.
"tell me the truth"
"Because I wanna know"
"You want to see if you're better than him?"
"I know I'm better than him"
You scoffed "what makes you so sure?"
"I know the type"
You frowned, and he leaned closer to pass you the joint but never leaned away.
"the preppy good boy type" he explained "they bring you to restaurants, give you roses and bury you with gifts, they make you come to all their games and to each party after" 
You took a quick hit and passed the joint back, but he didn't even look at it as he placed it in the ashtray, his eyes never leaving yours.
"they're respected, they're good, they've never failed a year or got in trouble with the law" 
you didn't know if you were imagining it, but his voice seemed to have become lower, warmer
"they're perfect, they're perfect until you realize how boring they actually are"
You rolled your eyes
"Not until you try to talk to them and all they can speak about is basketball and school" he continued "not until you take your clothes off and they can't even put it inside before they've already cummed in their pants"
you scowled at him 
"tell me it isn't true" he challenged "tell me you have great conversations with him," he said "tell me he can make you cum y/n"
his words were like poison and his hands like knives as one of them came to rest on your thigh 
"c'mon tell me, sweetheart"
"I'm just saying princess" his hand started moving upwards, and you swallowed thickly "he might look good on paper"
"but he's not enough for you" his hand reached the hem of your skirt and passed it without a care.
"And you are?" you provoked him.
"oh no baby" he murmured, and as his breath hit your mouth you realized how close he actually was "but at least I can make you cum" 
and just like that, he kissed you, really kissed you.
his hand found the back of your head to force it closer to yours, as his other hand gripped your thigh tighter.
He felt the same, tasted the same, and even after all this time, your body's reaction was still the same.
Each molecule of your being jumping and bursting like a bubble.
"Eddie" you whimpered, as he leaned away
"Eddie this is wrong" you tried convincing yourself more than him, as he started kissing your neck.
"Why?" he asked, not stopping the hot trail of kisses on your skin.
"He's still my boyfriend"
"he doesn't deserve you" 
"He's nice" you breathed
"he's a douche" he stated, as his hands traveled to your waist "let me remind you how good I can make you feel" 
"how a woman like you should be treated" he murmured, his hands infiltrating underneath your shirt.
" Y/n-" he stopped to look at you "stop thinking about him," he said "he's nothing, he's nothing compared to you"
Your eyes danced all over his face, getting lost in his lust-filled pupils "this won't happen again ok?" you said "it's a one-time thing"
"of course" he grinned, kissing you "whatever you want princess" he assured, reaching for your shirt and pulling it off of you.
He groaned lowly once he saw you, after all this time, you still had the same effect on him( and on the bulge in his pants)
"god you're beautiful" he groaned, leaning down to kiss you all over, his hand squeezing and groping your boobs through the bra's lace.
you moaned faintly, as you closed your eyes, already lost in the pleasure.
His kisses lowered until you felt him shuffle, and once you opened your eyes, you found him kneeling in front of you.
You had to bite down a moan at the sight. He looked starved.
"I need to taste you sweetheart" he murmured, reaching for your skirt " I hope you won't mind" he smirked smugly, knowing just how much you didn't mind at all, as he pulled your skirt and panties off of you.
"fuck" he hissed hypnotized by the sigh in front of you 
"you're perfect baby" he breathed, not giving you the time to register it before diving in.
He licked your pussy fully a few times before he started focusing on your clit, his nose hitting your cunt with each movement.
"fu-fuck Eddie" you could only moan as your hand went to grip his hair.
His mouth only got intenser and more precise and your moans higher each time.
He was looking at you from below, his eyes glued to every expression, contortion your face created.
Just when you thought things couldn't get better you felt one of his fingers graze your entrance, and Eddie chuckled softly as he heard you whine, his voice's vibrations spreading through you like an electric wave.
he pushed a digit in and you could only arch your back, grinding against his face.
"fuck" you mumbled again
fuck if he knew what he was doing.
Your cries kept getting louder as little shocks of pleasure kept coursing through you, so loud in fact, you almost didn't hear your phone ring.
You gasped from the scare, and Eddie stopped, looking at you as you reached into your bag and pulled your phone out.
"It's him," you said, somewhat scared
You looked at him worriedly 
"answer sweetheart, you don't want him to worry, do you?"
You gulped, nodding, he was right.
"Hey baby" you cringed, having just said that when another man was in between your legs.
"hey love, how're you doing?"
"I'm fine," you said, trying to sound convincing as your voice weakened "How-" you had to stop as Eddie licked your clit, you looked at him wide-eyed and he just smiled, before he dove in again.
You put the phone on your chest to cover the noise as your head fell back from the ecstasy.
"y/n?" you heard Jason call for you
right. Shit.
You forced yourself up and used one hand to try and push Eddie off, but he was immovable.
"yes yes, sorry" you cleared your throat, hiding the moan creeping up your throat "H-How are you doing?"
"I'm great, me and the boys had a great time, you should have been there, Marcus had this..." his voice got muffled as your focus got stolen from Eddie's tongue dancing so perfectly on your clit, and his finger curling and moving in and out of you like a perfect melody.
You once again smashed your phone against your chest to not let Jason hear as you felt the knot in your stomach tighten.
"eddie" you whispered, as the hand that moments before was trying to push him away, desperately grasped his hair now.
"Y/n are you listening to me?"
"yes-yes I am baby" you reassured him, "I'm sorry I'm just-" you bit your lip so hard you could taste metal as Eddie worked his magic "I'm busy right now"
"yeah you are" Eddie chuckled, and you smacked his hand on your waist, scolding him.
He just looked amusedly at you before making you regret having done that once he pushed another finger in.
You gasped
"Everything alright?" Jason again. Hadn't he hung up?
"yes baby- yes I gotta go now, bye"
"ok b-" 
you hung up, and an animalistic moan fled your mouth the moment you could finally set it free.
"fuck I'm coming Eds," you said, as he pumped his fingers in and out of you faster "I'm coming" you whimpered, feeling ready to give in.
"Cum sweetheart" he encouraged "cum for me" 
And with that, you did, grinding against him as you let out a long and deep moan.
It had been a while since you had felt this good.
Eddie was right, jason couldn't do this.
"shit" you sighed, catching your breath
"still taste better than anything baby" he smiled, leaning up to kiss you "wanna go to my room?" 
"yes" you said, and he didn't waste time before taking you in his arms, making you squeak as you grabbed onto him until he placed you on his bed.
He closed the door and immediately took off his shirt before coming back to you.
He kissed you again as his quick fingers worked fast on your bra to unclasp it.
he leaned away and took in all of you with a smile before he quickly undid his belt and got rid of his pants and boxers.
 "I've missed you so much sweetheart" he cooed caressing your legs and helping them around his waist "this body..." he bit his lip, stoking your stomach "it's a piece of art princess"
You could feel his hard cock graze your entrance and you wined as you tried to move against it for some friction.
He chuckled "It's coming don't worry" he reassured you "you know I can't deny you anything," he said, as he finally took his cock in his hand and positioned it where you wanted.
He looked at you one more time "fuck you're perfect" he murmured before with one swift move, he thrust in.
"Fuck!" you basically shouted, as you gripped his arm.
He was so deep inside of you you could feel it everywhere, messing every part of you up.
"god, sweetheart" he groaned too, starting to move "I've missed you" he breathed, beginning to speed up "I've missed this pussy so much" he talked over your pathetic whines "missed the way it squeezes me so good," he said "like it's made for me" 
"like you're made for me"
You could feel every inch of his cock graze against your walls, and your brain had already reduced to a sloppy mush.
"Eddie" you whimpered, reaching for him, begging him to come closer.
he did, he leaned down and kissed you, drowning out your moans.
"what sweetheart?" he cooed "you like this too much?"
"is it too good?"
his thrusts hadn't slowed down even one bit, and you couldn't even talk, so you just nodded pathetically.
"you're not used to feeling this good anymore?"
another nod, as your nail, dug into his back.
"Jason can't fuck you this good?" he asked, and you shook your head desperately
"he can't make you cum?"
another no
"Tell me, sweetheart, use your voice" he urged, suddenly grabbing your waist and pushing himself deeper.
"n-no" you cried "he doesn't"
He grinned, proud, before he kissed you 
"And who can make you cum?"
"who's the only one that can make you feel good?"
"who does this pussy belong to princess?"
There was sweat on his forehead, and his hair was sticking to it, but he didn't care, his hips kept working like his life depended on it.
"y-you " you stuttered "you Eddie"
"It's all yours"
You were so close you could feel it, could feel the bubble in your belly ready to pop.
"I'm all yours Eddie please"
"please" you murmured almost inaudibly
"you're coming sweetheart?"
"yes" you breathed
"then cum baby" 
"I'm right behind you"
"squeeze me like you do"
"cum around my cock princess"
"yes-yes just like that baby”
"good girl"
"So good for me"
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elsaellaelys · 9 months
Skinny dip
summary: After a make out session with her bestfriend, Y/N - and JJ - didn't talked about it. Until she dragged him to skinny dip with her, into their feelings.
1.640 words
pairing: JJ Maybank x fem!reader
Warnings: Nudity, 18+ - I think, it's not really a smut though -.
a/n: I had a really hard time writing this, but here we are. I'm not gonna be posting regularly as I am too busy with other projects lately. Well, I'm gonna try, have a few ideas. For now, hope you enjoy this. <3
The bonfire was hot in the middle of the party, but not as hot as the glances Y/N threw at JJ.
His back against a coconut tree as he chatted with a new brunette girl, obviously Y/N couldn't hear their talk, though, it was enough to see the girly giggles, the lingering touches in his chest, that fucking smirk on his face. She could smell smoke in the air, at that point, she didn't knew if it was the fire smoke, the teenager's marijuana or the steam coming out of her ears. He putted a lock of the girl's hair behind her ear. She is the one he is supposed to be flirting with.
After all, he kissed her so intensely, with such passion, last Friday. Y/N remembered how upset she was before, just had the most horrible date with a guy who only saw her as a piece of meat, threw terrifyingly pickup lines, without counting the fact that he was the most boring person she had ever talked to. She went to the Chateau, only wanting to get more drunk - she had to drink over 5 beers to stand the stupid guy -, but coming in she found JJ, threw on the sofa, scrolling on his phone. He looked at her with his head upsidedown.
"So, how'as the date?" he asked, turning off his phone to observe her as she went to the fridge.
"Kie told you?" She didn't told him about the date, even though he was her bestfriend, he was also the reason why she wanted to find a date, to get over the shuttering crush she had on him.
"I wonder why she had to." he returned in the same tired tone of her. Finding the Vodka she hided some weeks ago, the girl sitted beside JJ, opening the bottle, taking it to her lips. He took it out her hands before she could drink a drop. "It was that bad?"
"What you think?!" she angrily said, reaching for the alcohol, he denied again.
"Tell me. It's okay, he's gone now."
She blinked away the tears. "Fuck. Why this always happen to me?"
"Maybe if you choose better." he joked.
"Choose? I can't choose. The only person I really like doesn't feel the same... I just want to be loved."
JJ clenched his jaw, taking a long drink from the vodka and handed to his friend, she accepted it and did the same. His heart twisted in his chest, he didn't know if it was because he was sorry for her or because maybe he could have prevent this. But he was just her friend, not the person she was crush on. He putted his arm around her shoulder, pulling her closer, drinking from the bottle again. "He's a fucking dick."
She looked at him with a little smile in her face. "Who? The guy I went out with?"
"Well, I was talking about the guy who doesn't like you back. But they both are."
She laughed, staring at his face incredulously. "You think you're a fucking dick?"
It was his time to turn a look of confusion. And she noticed.
"Oh my God. You didn't knew? You really didn't knew."
He didn't answered, but who need words to answer when he could kiss her like that, like he wanted to. Y/N was melting in his arms, she didn't wanted anything else, didn't needed anything else, JJ was the whole world.
Is it possible he didn't felt that?
"JJ's lucky you don't have lazer eyes." Kiara commented, seeing the pure jealousy in her friend's look.
"What does she has that I don't?" Y/N shamefully asked, feeling insecure in a piece of her heart.
"She's not a pogue like you." Kie took a sip from her beer. "Remember, no pogue on pogue macking. But I think you already macked on him." she ironized, referring to the late make out event Y/N have told her about.
"But I want him, it's not just macking." she whined.
"Well, then you should steal him."
A small grin formed on Y/N's lips as an idea popped in her mind.
"It isn't stealing if it's already mine, right?"
JJ had approached the kegger, filling two cups with beer. Y/N rolled her eyes behind his back knowing he was doing it for the brunette girl. Ignoring, she took one of the cups off his hand, slipping the cold liquid down her throat.
"Now, it wasn't for you, pretty." She failed holding her smile with the nickname and he noticed.
"I know. Come with me, I wanna show you something." Her hand grabbed JJ's wrist softly, he felt the delighting feeling of her hand against his skin and it already made him forget everything about the girl he was talking to before. In fact, the memory of the last Friday night with Y/N took place in his entire mind. The way she pulled him closer by his shirt and whimpered into his mouth. So lost in him.
How did he lost it?
In the day after, none of them talked about it. Stupid feelings. Stupid pride. Stupid stupidness.
"I was busy." he lied, he wasn't really enjoying the girl as he only could think about Y/N.
"You were. Besides would you rather stay with her or come with me?"
"You know I always choose you."
She stood too close to his chest to take the other red cup from his hand and place it on the table behind, eyes never leaving his, mischievous smile on her pretty face as she lead him away from the party far into the beach.
They were walking side by side, arms brushing, JJ ignored the boyishness of the hotness going down to his groint, groaning annoying to his friend's silence.
"So that's why you had to drag me from the party? To bore me dead?"
"Shut up." she flipped him, running in the front, climbing the rocks that formed a beach glade.
"See?" she lied down on the sand. "Here is so much more beautiful and quieter."
"I was enjoying the noise." he teased.
"Don't you ever shut up? You're just saying that to piss me off. Come on, lie with me."
And again she grabbed his hand pulling him beside her. Her insides twisted with the idea of what to do next.
"Do you..."
"Have you..."
They said at the same time, nervously laughing at the confusion.
"You talk first." she said.
"No, you go." He shoved her lightly on the shoulder.
"God! Why we're like this?" she laughed.
"I don't know, but you better spill it out."
She had to stay away a little away to compose, shrugging - to herself actually - to wiggle away any weirdness. "Have you been thinking about last Friday like... a lot, since it happened?"
JJ smirked widely, turning to face her and supporting his head with his hand, elbow on the sand, he looked at her, arched eyebrow.
"Oh fuck you, J..." she laughed.
"I knew you were dreaming about me all this time."
"SHUT UP!" she pushed his shoulder and he felt to the floor again.
"Yes, I think about it." he confessed.
Silence. Only the ocean sounded, rushing to the shore, along with their heavy breaths.
"Me too." she whispered, so softly it felt like a kiss to his ears. She didn't saw the most proud smile he had in the face, too busy looking at the sea. "Do you think the water is cool?" she asked getting up, already planning a jump in the waves.
JJ couldn't believe in what his eyes were seeing, even though the moonlight were making everything crystal clear, he swore it was a dream as she started to strip off her clothes. He saw it in slow motion, first the knit cover-up dress she had over her baby blue bikini, giving him a view of her bare silhouette as she went to the sea. Of course JJ didn't thought twice, following ahead her actions. He grabbed her wrist before they reached the water, but she slipped away, giggling loudly, running from him into the waves. Of course he caught her, after a lot of running and water splashing, he grasped her waist, holding her from behind and walked towards the earth.
"Put me down!" She squirmed and laughed, shaking her legs frenetically.
"No. You're not running away from me." he retorted, carefully throwing her in the sand, hovering her body, he stared at her face, in the moonlight, he swore she was a dream and, for a moment, the thought that the waves rushing over them would dissolve her away. But instead, she rounded her arms around his shoulders.
"It's not like I want to."
"Good." he said, she leaned in to capture his lips between hers and he deepened the kiss. She moaned when his tongue met hers and he felt like his body was burning into ashes.
"J..." she whispered, even though nobody could hear them, surrounded by the rocks, only the sand, the sea and the sky would testify any confession.
"Yeah." he pulled back reluctantly, very aware of her hardened nipples against his chest, her pussy pressed against his tight, his growing boner, but tried to ignored it as he caught her eyes, full of adoration and passion, just like his heart, and he knew, she was trying to say something, and apparently was having a hard time to do it. "Yeah?" he encouraged her.
"I... I - think I love you."
JJ smile couldn't be more large. "I. Am. Madly. In love with you, Y/N. You're everything I can think about."
Y/N leaned again to give him a long peck on the lips. "Show me, then." she suggested, grinding against his leg, ripping a husky moan from his throat.
So he deepened in, skinny dipping with-in her.
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music-viber · 3 months
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Summary: Luke and his girlfriend get into the last fight of their relationship.
Warnings: Manipulation,angst,smut,language
Luke had done it again. He found a way to play his his girlfriends feelings
Luke castellan x daughter of hades
She had caught him with another councilor again.
He watched as the stranger flirted with him, pushing up on him,touching his hair, as she batted her long eyelashes her little button nose crinkled at every joke he told her “your so good with your sword Luke” she heard the brunette say “I mean I try, I’m good at other things too if you’d ever wanna see that” he laughed.
She listened in she wasn’t surprised at her boyfriends behavior he was a popular Demi god. She knew how they could be and she knew guys would also kill to be with her and he treated her like a one trick pony. She knew he was tired of just kissing and going on meaningless dates because they just fought the whole time.
But she would never pay any mind to random guys just because she’s mad and because they gave her attention and trust they gave her attention. But she had always reminded them she was with Luke.
They would always be angry at each other but this was the last straw for the the girl.
She watched was the other woman now felt him up while giving him puppy dog eyes and biting her lip. He looked around to make sure nobody would see them as he threw his head back.
He obviously did see me because then he pushed her off of him. “Babe.” He said acting as if I didn’t see what was happening. “I thought you were on kitchen duty?” He asked in her face.
“I was on duty but then I wanted to come find you. See what you were up to love bug!” But it seems like you have lots of love to go around so I’ll be on my way.”
He chased after her “Odessa I swear it’s not what it looked like, she was helping me fix a broken button on my shorts. You know how it is” I just smiled and nodded. “She’s not the first girl I’ve seen fix a button castellan.” She scoffed “your so quick to let girls touch you.” He looked mad “as if you don’t let guys touch you when I’m not around?” She looked mad now “I DONT!” as she said this the grass caught fire.
She stormed away to her dorm. She got over heated her pants caught fire she stood there. I won’t let him do this bullshit again.
(Later that night)
Luke knocks her window, she was the only one in the cabin because the other campers were at the campfire celebrating the week. She looked towards her window and walks to open it. “Need something dick?” She flashed a fake smile. Luke “yeah actually. I wanted to apologize but somewhere away from the noise?” He proposed. Looking at the campers at the campfire.
She didn’t forgive him but wanted to Atleast hear him out. Okay. Let me change? *she closed her window to change into a dark red mini dress, it was hot that night. She hopped out of her window to hear him out. “I still don’t forgive you if you’re wondering Luke castellan.” She states. “I know”
They finally make it far enough in the woods. She looked at her “this is where we had our first ever date.” “It was a picnic right near that tree.” She smiled at her. It was too and she hated his smiles now because she knew there was always something behind it. It was no secret their relationship was rocky
Luke basically flirted in or out of the public eye people even thought we’ve broken up before. Why did I put up with it? Because he was the best swordsman at camp. I needed to get the gods attention somehow. And it worked, Percy Jackson had recently came to camp and got claimed by Poseidon she had already weaseled her way into being his friend because Luke was his counselor
She didn’t need to put up with this man baby for any longer and she was grateful to use the girl from this morning as her excuse.
“So what?” She stared at him blankly“It’s just a spot” she looked at him with unreadable eyes.
He scoffed “you make it so fucking difficult to be sorry for you.”
“Sorry for me? You’re a stupid son of a bitch!” I yell
Luke’s eyes widened “don’t talk about my mother”
I laughed “if I was talking about your mother I would’ve said ya mama.”
“You’re such a man whore.” I say
Luke opened his mouth to yell “I thought you were an equal rights kinda girl considering you make a whole big deal about guys calling girls bitches.”
“Oh which you’re being right now by the way.” He finished
“Did you just call me a bitch castellan?” She puts her hand on her hips after removing her earrings and tossing them.” There was a small spark of flames when she tossed the metal into a pile of leafs.
Luke didn’t wanna upset her too much because she could obviously lit his ass on fire. He couldn’t help but to look at how beautiful his girlfriend was when she was mad. “I just get jealous when guys come and talk to you all the time. I thought it was about time before you left me for one of them.”
She rolled her eyes at his sorry ass excuse
She wanted to break him
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neewtmas · 5 months
ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴀᴜɴᴛɪɴɢ ᴏꜰ ᴀʙʙᴇʏ ʜᴏᴜꜱᴇ // ᴘᴀʀᴛ ɪɪɪ
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pairing: george karim x fem!reader
wordcount: 2.7k
summary: a case that takes longer than expected, an unrequited crush, and the hardest decision you ever had to make
masterlist part I part II
taglist: @maraschinomerry @sstrawberriel  @poisonquinzell @holymotherfxrkingshirtballs @the-high-lady-of-3am-crackposts @shampoocovers99 (if you wanna be added or removed, just tell me) also @oblivious-idiot
You had barely turned the corner onto Portland Row when you already started searching your pockets for the house key. When you found it, you gripped the metal tightly, glad to have something to hold onto. Though slightly out of breath now, you were still keeping up a pace that had you a few steps in front of George at all times. No words had been exchanged throughout the walk, and you were equal parts sad and glad that he hadn't even attempted a conversation. The gate creaked horribly as you pushed it open, and you wouldn't have even noticed how much force you applied if it hadn't been for George right behind you. You spun around at his surprised gasp just in time to see the gate that had swung back hit him. He grimaced. "That was unnecessary."
Your face flushed in embarrassment. "It wasn't on purpose", you mumbled and abruptly turned around to open the front door, desperate to escape the situation. Stepping into the hallway, you noticed the key had left little red indents in the palm of your hands. Looking at it, a clear visualisation of your incapability to control your feelings, you felt pathetic.
There wasn't much time to think about it though, because George pushed closely past you, pizza cartons held up high to not hit your head. Your heartbeat quickened at his sudden closeness. He yelled out for Lockwood and Lucy as he stomped into the kitchen, still in boots and his jacket. You knelt to untie your shoes, taking the few moments it took as a last opportunity to pull yourself together enough to survive the dinner without giving a hint about your emotional state.
"Well George, enlighten us. What did you guys find out?" Lockwood opened up the conversation after the four of you had demolished about half of every pizza within mere minutes. George put down the piece of pizza he was currently munching on, and cleared his throat. "Abbey House is the main residence of the Blackwood family. It's similar to Combe Carey Hall insofar as it's a manor outside of London, but up until now, there have never been any disturbances. The history of the house is fascinatingly non-violent, actually."
"Really? No death? No murder? Not even a little bit?" Lockwood seemed almost disappointed by George's revelations. "Oh, there has been death. Plenty of it, if that makes you happy. But none of it is connected to the house itself." George fished a pencil out of his pocket that was so small already that it looked almost impossible to write with. He pushed one of the pizza cartons aside and quickly sketched the outline of a family tree.
Lucy, who sat next to you at the long side of the table, leaned over to get a closer look, forcing you to move closer to George as well. Your legs were touching now under the table. He looked at you and gave you the quickest of smiles before he turned back to the thinking cloth. "We've got Lord Blackwood at the top." He drew a somewhat funky-looking stick figure. "He's the current head of the family, and he owns Abbey House." He drew another stick figure next to the one already on the cloth and added something that, with a little fantasy, resembled a dress. He connected them with two intertwined rings. "His wife died a few years ago. Natural causes, no comeback as a ghost." He drew a big x over the stick figure. "They have two kids-" Another two stick figures. "The daughter is quite a few years older than her brother. She resides at Abbey House, and her brother is off to some fancy private school. Lastly, Lord Blackwood also has an older sister. Couldn't find too much about her."
Lockwood inspected the sketch with great interest. "Anything about staff? Any accidents, or something of the sort?" George leaned back, crossing his arms. He did not move his leg away from yours. "Nothing out of the ordinary. We spent the entire day combing through dusty family tree records and old newspaper clippings. His wife seemed to have lived quite a scandalous life before she got married to him. His daughter is famously picky with the men she surrounds herself with, which of course requires a regular article about how there is 'no heir in sight!' in just about every gossip magazine. Lord Blackwood has another sister, but she broke it off with her family and moved up to Scotland with her five kids. Lots of information, almost all of it irrelevant."
Lockwood took another piece of pizza and looked at it contemplatively. "On the phone, it sounded like a proper nightmare. There is a ghost there, and it's very angry."
"Don't know if I like the fact that there seems to be nothing that points towards a ghost", Lucy said.
"That's not that uncommon. And if I'm honest, now I'm even more intrigued." Lockwood had finished his piece of pizza in record time. "Of course you are", Lucy mumbled under her breath.
Lockwood ignored her. "We'll take the train tomorrow, early afternoon. I had our rapiers checked yesterday, so that's all in the clear. (name), Lucy, you go and lay out all of the equipment, and see if we need to fill up on something. We should be fully stocked, but you never know."
Lockwood seemed to brim with excited energy as he got up from the table. That's what the prospect of a challenging case tended to do to him. "I'll be in the library." He snatched the last piece of pizza from one of the cartons. "Doing some research of my own."
"Reading gossip magazines you mean?" George called after him, but Lockwood was already out of the room. George chuckled, looking at you. "Maybe I should have taken Lockwood with me today", he joked, and you gave your best to force a natural-looking smile. "Yeah, maybe", you quietly said and got up. "Lucy, let's get this over with." You didn't wait for her as you made your way down the staircase into the basement. You missed the way George turned and looked after you, with confusion and hurt at the way you were acting towards him.
In the basement, you started with pulling chains off the rack, simply dropping them in the middle of the room, the clatter of the metal against the concrete reverberating through the air. You couldn't wait to be done and get back to the solace of your room. By the time Lucy entered the room, you had moved on to sorting through the salt bombs. She joined you, and you worked in silence. There was no need to talk, it was a methodical procedure you both had gone through time and time again.
When you were done, you did a quick check of everything to make sure you didn't miss anything. Lucy stood leaning against the doorframe, watching you with her arms crossed over her chest. "I think we're good to go", you finally said and she smiled at you. You waited for her to turn around and lead the way back upstairs, but she didn't.
"Did something happen between you?"
You swallowed thickly. "No. Why?"
She shrugged. "You seem on edge. And he seems hurt."
You almost laughed. "Hurt?"
"You should have seen the way he looked after you after dinner."
You shook your head. "Lucy, you don't need to invent imaginary scenarios to make me feel better. I appreciate the sentiment, but it's really not helping."
She raised her eyebrows. "Tell me what happened then."
You huffed. "Nothing. Except me asking him to get dinner with me, and him turning it into getting pizza for everyone. Can't make it much clearer than that, now can you?"
Lucy just looked at you and the pity in her eyes made you want to rip your hair out. You flexed your hand, where the marks of the key were long gone, but you still felt pathetic.
"I don't think that was his intention", she finally said softly and turned around. You didn't move even after you heard her footsteps on the stairs and finally the door closing behind her. The room was now only dimly lit from the last bit of daylight that made its way through the narrow windows. Your eyes wandered over the four piles of equipment you had made on the floor, one for each member of the agency. From there, over to the shelves in which many folders filled to the brim with old bills, case records and miscellaneous papers piled up with no discernable system. Lastly, to the desks that stood in the corner, George's desk specifically. It was overflowing with books, notes, pictures, diagrams, loose paper, and pens, chaos only he could find any system in. On top of a stack of books stood a mug, looking lonely and out of place.
Without thinking about it, you slowly walked over and picked it up. It was your favourite mug, gifted to you by Lockwood after your first successful case with the agency as a sign that you were now a proper member. You softly brushed over the small spot on the handle that was chipped from the one time Lucy had tried to carry more than her hands could handle. You thought about how you had brought this cup down here a few days ago to give it to George who had been sitting over his notes for hours that evening. He had smiled at you, full of surprise and gratitude and fondness, before he had pulled over a chair for you to explain excitedly what he had been working on.
You blinked away the tears that had formed in your eyes. You weren't sure if you could go through with this. Leaving Lockwood & Co. would be like leaving family. But on the other hand, how long could you endure keeping things like they were? You had no idea how long you stood in the dark basement, staring at the mug that somehow had become the embodiment of the connections you had formed in this house - connections of varying kinds, but all connections of love. Connections that felt almost impossible to leave behind.
This night's sleep had been horrible. You stumbled through the preparations that filled the entire first half of the day and looked forward to the train ride out into the country that would give you a chance to catch up on some of the sleep that you missed last night through all the tossing and turning.
The station was bustling with people, each one seemingly knowing exactly where to go and what to do. The four of you moved slowly through it all, your bags bulky and awkward to walk with, the rapiers dangling from your sides earning you a few glances from the people that passed you. Luckily, the train was already waiting at the platform. Your shoulder was aching from the unrelenting pressure of the bag's strap. After you ascended the three steps up into the train, you let it slip off your shoulder with a sigh, glad to be able to set it down for a second. The train was almost empty, it seemed like Stoneford - the village closest to Abbey House - wasn't a very popular destination. Your three colleagues had already started moving forward through the narrow hallway slowly, disregarding the empty seats they passed. Lockwood had booked you a private compartment, to allow you to discuss further details regarding the case if it was necessary, without anyone listening in on your conversation.
You looked down at the bag lying by your feet with dread. This was one of the many downsides of taking on cases with minimal information - the need to bring an extensive selection of gear to be equipped for everything that might come your way. You let out a long drawn-out sigh before bending down and snatching the straps that were on the floor. You started to make your way through the hallway, kicking and dragging the bag more than carrying it. You didn't come very far before the bag came to an abrupt halt, causing you to stumble forward and almost trip over your own feet. You cursed under your breath, which earned you a disapproving look from an older lady reading a newspaper two seats down from where you stood. You ignored her as you tried to get the strap out that had wedged itself in between the seat and the armrest.
You could feel your frustration building when you suddenly felt a hand coming to rest on the small of your back. You turned around to find George standing behind you. "Let me handle that", he said, and gently pushed you towards where Lucy and Lockwood had already disappeared into the compartment. You hesitated for a second, and looked back and forth between him and the bag, acutely aware of the placement of his hand. He raised his eyebrows, a silent prompt to follow what he had said.
"Thank you", you quietly said and left him to take care of it. The compartment door slid to the side easily, and you found Lucy and Lockwood on one of the benches, Lucy on her back with her head on Lockwood's lap. They had piled the luggage on the other bench, leaving barely enough room for two people to sit.
"Do you have to lie down, Lucy?", you asked. "Maybe we could put one of the bags on your bench." Lucy raised her head so that she could look at you over the edge of the table where Lockwood was looking through some papers, ignoring your conversation. "I'm really tired, unfortunately", she said. "I'm sure you understand." You rolled your eyes at her attempt to fake a convincing yawn. It was crystal clear to you what she was trying to do.
There was no time to argue with her because just then George appeared in the door frame. He wrestled the bag into the space under Lucy's and Lockwood's bench so that you could still move around in the compartment. When he was done, he turned to you. "Do you wanna sit by the window?" He was a little out of breath, a stray curl falling into his forehead. You shrugged. "I don't have a preference." He smiled at you. "Me neither. Then you get the window seat."
You squeezed yourself past the bags and sat down as close to the wall as possible, silently praying that the space was bigger than it looked. George placed his jacket on top of the bags before he too squeezed past the bags and plopped down next to you. He stretched out his legs with a sigh and took off his glasses to polish them on his shirt. He seemed entirely unfazed by the fact that your entire side was pressed up against him, all while it made your heartbeat stumble. You clasped your hands together in your lap to make yourself as small as possible.
"Lucy?" George asked. You bit your lip as you looked out of the window. Surely he was about to ask her to switch places so that he wouldn't have to be so close to you for the next several hours - you knew how he felt about excessive physical contact.
"Would you mind giving me the folder with the yellow marker?"
You looked over to Lucy, who pulled the folder out of the backpack you brought. George took it from her and opened it, immediately immersing himself in whatever he had in there.
In the meantime, the train had left the station. You hadn't moved at all, too afraid to accidentally alert George to the fact that you were almost sitting on top of him. Instead, you stared out of the window at the houses that flew by, slowly but surely getting replaced by trees and other greenery. There was a comfortable silence in the compartment, and that coupled with the rhythmic sound of the train had your eyes droop quickly. You rested your head against the wall and allowed them to close, quickly drifting off into sleep.
thank you for reading! feedback is appreciated :)
part IV
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chaysreality222 · 4 days
I Mini-Shifted to The 100 - Storytime
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hii! it had hit me that i never told you guys the time i had mini-shifted. i wasn't sure if my story would be "relevant" since it had happened in early July 2021 and i had ig restarted my shifting journey in a way when i had come back to it. but i decided that though my experience was so long ago, it still matters and it motivates me every time i think about it..so maybe it would motivate others as well! especially, those who have been actively trying for awhile now :) i hope this brings you inspiration to keep going.
disclaimer: i used to have this story written down in my notes, wattpad, and amino down to the last detail but i deleted it when i thought i was "quitting" shifting for good. so this is what i remember of my mini-shifting experience!
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I believe it was early in July of 2021, I had found out about reality shifting 3 days prior to me mini-shifting! Those 3 days, I lived and breathed the shifting community. I was doing all the research I can to successfully shift, binge watching kortcrux111 and many others on tiktok or youtube (kourt's stories absolutely amazed me), listening to subliminals throughout the entire day, scripting, etc. You can tell how obsessed I was and that only fed my motivation to shift.
That night, I had posted this list of calming affirmations onto amino that really helped me to be calm about my shifting journey. I then had binge watched Emilinaline's storytime's of her shifting to the 100! When I felt I was ready, I got ready to shift. I believe I had used and listened to the raven method meditation by alunir and used julia method theta waves subliminal after that! (i still use that subliminal here and there, i feel it works very powerfully for me).
I don't quite remember what shifting symptoms I got, but i'll remember as best i can. (majority of the time when i have my shifting attempts, i experience symptoms but that's just my experience!). I had felt immensely relaxed and detached from my cr body, and it was just a pool of black behind my eyelids until it was like there was blinking lights in front of my eyes. I remember trying to keep my eyes closed until I felt it was right because some have said they opened their eyes and woke up in their cr.
It had gone dark but I had seen light again flash on my eyelids. IT WAS SUNLIGHT! I knew this because you know when you close you're eyes and you can see the sunlight through your eyelids? Yeah, like that. I remember kinda whipping my head towards the sunlight fast but also telling myself don't freak out too much because if I had in fact shifted- I needed to ground myself.
I opened my eyes and I was surrounded by a green forest. The sunlight was peeking through the trees and I felt it. I'll never forget that moment. A wind swept through as I was looking around and I felt that too. I genuinely felt the tiny hairs of my arms stand up. I stood there in those couple seconds feeling like I made it.
That's when my arm was grabbed and I kinda freaked out. All I heard was this female voice, "Don't be afraid. You're almost there". I turned and IT WAS LEXA!!! That's when I knew I accidentally mini-shifted to the 100. (i did not have a script written for it either). I felt her touch and each individual finger of her hand wrap around my arm. That didn't help with how I was already freaking out, and so I felt myself slipping away. I tried to ground myself faster, but the pressure and rushing wasn't helping me to do so.
In reality, that moment lasted like 60 seconds max. I woke up with my eyes watering bro. Shifting to another reality, it's just as real as the one we are in right now! It's still hard to wrap my mind around it when I think back on it. When you feel the warmth of the sun, the breeze outside- remember that's how it will feel in your desired reality. Just as real as that.
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Quick question, would you guys consider this as a mini-shift or actually shifting? please, lmk. I recently was watching one of reya's vids on youtube, and she said that a mini-shift should still be counted as shifting. I just want to hear everyone else's thoughts though! Because I don't want to say "Yeah, I fully shifted without even being able to actually ground myself".
Retelling that story kinda gave me goosebumps. I'm beginning to feel how I felt when I first learned about shifting and I never thought I'd feel like this again. I hope this motivated you guys like it did for me. As always, Happy Shifting!
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xoxo, c!
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cocacoffee · 1 year
this one for you @theoncelerswifearoo.
I haven't watched the Lorax in 6 years so let's see how this turns out!!
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How Bad Is He Really?
Onceler x Reader headcanons!!
Ok so, how did you even meet the Onceler? Well, sometimes you'd go on nature hikes, and then you just heard a loud thump, looked around ,and saw a tree funeral happening (THIS IS THE FUNNIEST SCENE IN THIS MOVIE)
You're just like "ok then.." and keep walking and then you see some guy trying to set up a tent while a lil orange dude with a mustache tries to stop him
The Onceler sees you and is just like "uh, could you help me?" And you of course agree and then attempt to help stop this orange gremlin.
Once The Onceler gets comfortable in his home you guys properly meet each other. You find out hes trying to sell Thneeds which sound like a really cool concept in your opinion.
You also befriend the Lorax.
Anyways you and Oncey like to have jam sessions together, he teaches you how to play guitar too.
The main thing that made you guys realise at the same time "oh fuck I'm in love with this person" is when he was teaching you a basic guitar riff and you guys touched hands.
Then here comes The Oncelers family.
You actually side with the Lorax, telling him he needs to stop cutting down the trees. But then, he just pushes you away, literally. After The Onclers aunt kicked away the Lorax into the horizon there you stood in the entryway to his tent.
"Onceler, you have to stop this. The creatures live in this forest and they feast on the food the Trufula Trees produce!"
"Uhm, Y/n, hello? You're the one who told me I should do what makes me happy. So I am! Making Thneeds are my passion in life and if you disagree now then you can just leave!"
Then he literally pushed you out of his tent.
"..you're a bad person Onceler."
Is the last thing you said to him before you ran off.
Then he became the Greedler, oh boy, things get intense. He tries to use his massive amounts of money to get you back, he buys you gifts, sends you free Thneeds, gives you money, and all that 'rich boy simp' crap.
The only time you came back was when he just chopped down the last Trufula Tree. You noticed a lot of the animals passing by your house and went to investigate, there you saw The Lorax pulling himself back into the sky. The Onceler noticed you and you guys locked eye contact.
He attempted to apologize for what he did but you pushed him away.
After a while though you started to regret what you did. He was genuinely sorry. Its a shame you never got to apologize.
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BTW I have like 4 drafts of writing to post so yeah
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sweetiesshortstories · 8 months
Imagine if the lights you saw dancing in the sky weren’t satellites, or a trick of reflections. What if those lights saw you watching in awe, and came back night after night just to see you? And if those lights that some called UFO’s, spaceships, alien visitors, did happen to hold beings, and one of those beings wanted to see you, would you want to see them back?
2600 word count
˜”°•.˜”°• If Stars Could Love •°”˜.•°”˜
I don’t know when they started, and I can’t recall when I first saw them. The lights in the sky. They started off far away over the mountains, and I would sit outside on the deck in the darkness just to watch. I didn’t want to record them, or upload them online, I didn’t want anyone to know; I wanted them to remain mine. A moment in the day that felt like peace. While my roommate slept, and while the world held no expectations for me, I could sit and watch a dance of stars.
I almost missed them after covering someone else’s shift. I was exhausted when I got home. My roommate and her boyfriend were kind enough to save me some of their dinner and after I ate, I fell asleep. Instantly.
When I awoke, I grabbed my phone and hissed a "shit". It was 2:37a. With sleep still in my eyes I fumbled from my bed, fighting with my blankets as they held on tightly. Once I pulled the sliding glass door open and stepped into the cold night, I saw the sky above the mountains, empty. My heart sank and it filled my stomach with pain. I turned to go back inside when over my shoulder a flicker caught my attention.
A singular light. Closer than I had ever seen. It glowed a faint pink, or purple. It swirled between hues and I was hypnotized.
My body felt electrified, my skin prickled, my heart fluttered, and I couldn’t catch my breath. My body was so warm despite the time of year and my lack of heavy clothing and shoes, the light filled me. The response from my body was foreign, and confusing. I should have been scared, that would’ve been normal.
But I was…enamored.
Full of excitement and want. Like an energy had invaded me and made a home deep inside to gain control. My body was humming with hunger, responding to touches I couldn't see the source of. My breasts felt heavier, my nipples ached, and I was painfully aware of the pulsing between my legs. The light grew brighter, and brighter, swallowing the world around me until it was only me lost in the brightness. The outline of the trees, the mountain line, the stars, all gone. The prickling on my skin had turned into a steady buzz emanating from my body, and my breathing quickened, my knees began to tremble until something inside of me erupted. A sound escaped my throat, and everything faded.
When I awoke, hours had passed. The sun was high in the sky and my roommate, Taylor was crouched over me with her forehead wrinkled in concern.
“What the hell happened? Are you ok?” She leaned back to give me room as I sat myself up, squinting my eyes against the morning light. Sweat peppered my forehead from the sun.
“I—I fell asleep after I ate, I guess.” I wiped my hand over my forehead and pushed my hair back before taking a deep breath and letting my shoulders fall.
I noticed her boyfriend on the deck, his brows also stitched in concern.
“Richard! What did you put in the spaghetti last night?” Taylor demanded as she stood and crossed her arms.
“Whoa!” He lifted his palms. “I put normal spaghetti shit in it. You think I’d try to poison us? Really?”
“Hey,” I pulled myself to my knees and gripped the wooden railing. “Guys I’m fine. Really! I fell asleep after working a double.”
“Did you remember to check her allergy list? We have to be careful when we share what we make with her.” Taylor pushed. Richie nodded and bent at the waist to help me stand. Taylor quickly rushed to my other side, and I couldn’t help but to laugh at them.
Once standing upright i flapped my hands at them.
“Seriously! I’m fine, dinner was so delicious it put me in a food coma. Work just…” I wrinkled my nose and walked inside the air conditioned home; Taylor and Richie followed, shutting the door behind them.
I made a fresh pot of coffee while we hung out in the kitchen and Taylor went over my allergies, in detail, again, to poor Richie.
He looked over at me as I pulled mugs from the cabinet, and I mouthed an apology. He smiled warmly and fixed his eyes, full of love and adoration, on Taylor. I filled our mugs.
My chest felt tight witnessing their love. As I poured coffee, my mind drifted off to my early morning and the angelic light.
Could it have been the same lights I had watched for weeks? Or was I just crazy? Losing my grip on reality. I glanced over at Taylor and Richie and observed how in sync they were with one another. A proposal would be coming soon. And while I was happy for them, I couldn’t help but to be sad for me.
How would I afford this place alone? Would I still see Taylor? Was I imagining an orgasmic extraterrestrial light because I masturbated too much, and my closest friend was happily monogamous? If I did imagine it, how did it feel so real?
Even standing in the kitchen clasping my hot mug of coffee, I could feel it. The heat and the electricity that had filled my essence. How could it be fake?
I didn't gain any clarity in the following days.
That night after I showered, I crawled under my thick comforter, promising myself I would dress and go outside. I wouldn't miss the lights, my lights. But at some point, I drifted off into a sleep and when I woke, I couldn't move.
I was stuck in a sleep paralysis, barely able to control my eyes. I tried to focus on the pictures on the walls, my dresser, but my lids were so heavy. In the corner I saw a shadow, a tall form, the darkness stretched to the ceiling. I wanted to panic. I felt it begin in my chest, but it faded almost immediately, and I felt the warm electricity from the night before.
The very same.
Even though it was only the second time I had felt it, it was already so familiar. My mind quieted and I immediately gave in. I was floating. I was alive. Every strand of hair on my head felt charged, I could feel touches swirling through the rivets of my fingerprints. I felt sensations on places I had never imagined. And just when I hit a stage of immense ecstasy, they were gone.
Night after night the shadow came to me, and I was unable to go to it.
Until I decided I had enough. I would catch this shadow. The shadow that came from the light.
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I didn't know where to begin, but I did know how to be sneaky. That night, I stuffed clothes under my comforter and rearranged my pillows, then I hid myself in the closet. But...I woke up in my bed the next morning. I did it again, this time drinking coffee and energy drinks. Still, I ended up. In. My. Bed. I had about given up on catching the shadow, when another idea intruded into my mind. A dangerous idea. But I had to know for myself, this wasn't fake. That it was all real and I wasn't imagining a connection.
It was Friday and I had managed to get out of work on time, without being guilted into staying later. Taylor stayed at Richie's, and I had our quaint 2-bedroom home myself. I was nervous, I had been since I had come up with the idea. I was playing with fire thinking I could predict an unknown beings' reactions and response. But that didn't stop me.
I waited until 2:30a.
Living in the mountains not only meant a lack of neighbors but also a lack of light. When there was a new moon there was no chance of seeing anything at all. And on the deck, that's what I was greeted with. An intense, pitch, blackness. Slowly, the stars in the sky began to show as my eyes adjusted to the dark, and eagerly I waited, and stared.
A star glinted, catching my attention. It glimmered, and grew, and grew, bigger, brighter. Colors bgan to appear within the star, swirling. My breath caught and my heart leapt into my throat. It was the light, the same light. I couldn't waste the moment. I wanted to bask in the warmth, the peace, the bliss, but it seemed like this light could never get away from me fast enough. Though it liked me enough to keep coming back...
I swallowed and placed my hand on the wall that the railing was connected to, and quickly I set one foot up and pushed myself a top. It wasn't hard to balance on the railing, even as the light grew brighter, blinding me. My heart thudded, painfully. My ribs were thrumming, and my body was tense with trepidation. I heard a sound, deep, like a machine. It groaned out to me, almost as if it were upset. I didn't care.
I moved my hand from the wall and let both of my arms hang at my sides. A cool wind blew through my hair, and I lifted my face to the light.
"You'll have to catch me if you don't want me to die." And I stepped off. Without hesitation, before I could lose my nerve.
It was stupid. Dumb. Not at all a thought-out plan. I couldn't see the ground through the blinding light, but I knew the impact was coming and even in that moment I didn't regret it. Because I would have done anything for an answer.
I felt the same warmth I had grown accustomed to and become addicted to. It wasn't feathering inside of me, it was solid on the surface. I was blinded by a stark white light, an almost painful brightness that burned my eyes and brought forth tears. For the first time I could touch something solid in the light and I moved my hands desperately searching for a place to hold on. To keep whatever, whoever it was, with me until I opened my eyes. But it was as if I was hugging a wall of stone! There were no curves or edges I could grab, wrap around.
"Lift thy gaze to me." A voice spoke. A voice as deep as thunder but as soft as music. The light was still blinding me, I squinted and covered my eyes when gradually the light softened.
My mind wanted my heart to race but it held calm. Swallowing, I moved my hands from my face and looked down at my legs and the surface I sat on. I blinked to clear my vision, because I had to be mistaken.
"Your boldness is no more?"
I looked around and saw a picturesque landscape, with lush grass, flowers in colors I had never seen, and a sky that held the stars while cradling the sun. And looking at me, were eyes that were so green they could've been yellow, and they were framed by thick, ink black lashes. Only, I sat in their hand, no bigger than a hamster. Their face was glowing in a way I could hardly process. I had never seen anything so beautiful and terrifying.
I wanted to speak, anything, but my body was frozen.
"You dare me to unveil my form yet now find yourself speechless."
I was. So speechless. Dumbfoundedly speechless and I was hating myself more and more every second because of it.
"Wh--Who are you?" I managed to fumble. They rose a brow.
"You can call to me as Dio." His words rippled through me, and I felt a haze blanketing me. I felt a change underneath me and when I looked, I was taking up more space in his hand. I touched my abdomen and trailed down to my legs, as if it would tell me something.
"Am I growing?"
"Acclimating. You gave me little time to respond so your perception had no time to adjust." He could have been scolding me but all I heard was music. Something soft, sweet, it was magical.
His hand went from cradling me, to cupping me, as I grew. I felt like Alice after she fell down the rabbit hole. But he said it was only my perception...?
Even with my perception righted I was still dwarfed in this world, surrounded by trees the size of mountains and flowers larger than my hands. Dio towered before me, still glowing like an apparition.
"What are you doing to me?" I didn't know how else to phrase it, I just wanted an answer. I wanted every answer.
"I touch you not." He lifted his hands and bells sounded, it was clinking of chains and charms. He was elaborately clothed in white, jewels hung over a bare chest, black hair entwined in gold cascaded over his shoulders. My hand rested on my stomach where flutters began.
"This feeling. I'm so calm." My voice was a whisper and my legs felt weak. The tension in my shoulders and neck evaporated and I felt loose.
"You could never sleep, I merely assisted." His eyes looked over me, with a curiosity cloaked in care.
"How? What did you do that made me fall asleep? That made me..." I stopped myself, unable to say it aloud.
"I read poetry."
"Poe-" I tilted my head as a puzzle began to piece together. "Poetry, ecstasy...this haze." I lifted my hand and watched it blur with motion. "Dionysus? The god of wine, poetry, ecstasy and pleasure."
"Those are my people, yes!" He sounded amused but also pleased with me. I was even more enamored, pulled under his spell. "At one time we were known as pleasure Gods, that was many rotations ago for your realm."
It was so much information, more than I knew what to do with. People? That were pleasure gods? I blindly felt behind me for support, knowing my body was losing balance. I felt my legs give and simultaneously felt an arm across my lower back. I gasped as my chest came into contact with a sturdy form and my cheeks rested against the cold metal of his jewelry.
"Give yourself time to adjust, Human. This isn't your realm." He spoke into my hair and his breath was warm, my body molded to his, relaxed and unafraid.
"I didn't hear your poetry. I never heard anything." I spoke against him, rambled more like it. I wasn't even sure I was making any sense. He kept his arm at my lower back and with his other I felt him stroke my hair from crown all the way down my back.
"Sound doesn't travel through the portals, but lights do. I sent you lights with my poems."
My eyes were growing heavy, but I didn't want them to. I didn't want to leave. I knew if I closed my eyes, I wouldn't see him when I opened them again. I grabbed onto him, I clung at his shoulders and pushed myself into him.
"Don't send me back. Not yet." I wrapped my arms around him and brushed my lips against his neck as I plead. "How will I call for you again? How will you hear me? I can't leave yet, not yet." I was so tired, losing the world around me, losing my grip on him.
"Call to the stars Astraeus, and I will hear you in every sphere."
I was slipping, his voice was fading. I cupped his face and pressed my lips to his, desperate to leave with the feel of him. To know more than what I felt from the lights.
I don't know if he kissed me back.
But when I woke in my room, to my white walls and floral curtains, his voice echoed in my mind like a whisper:
Human women are indeed the universes sweetest verboten.
(っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ To Be Continued… ♥
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sserapic · 1 year
maybe in another world, my dearest.
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summary. getting into a relationship with the balladeer was your greatest mistake, though you don't regret anything that had happened between you. after taking the side of the good guys, he just never felt the love he used to feel every damn time he sees you. but if you couldn't handle the pain then you shouldn't feel it anymore, altering your memories of him is such a great idea. you say.
character(s). scaramouche/wanderer, gn!reader
tw. angst, no happy ending.
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"come on, traveler, lead me to him."
you had convinced lumine that you're the lover of scaramouche, well, ex-lover. she hesitated despite the fact that you're a harbinger in which you couldn't be trusted very easily.
scaramouche sat there, under a tree, in the grass where he admired the view from up there. "wanderer." wanderer? had he changed identities?
he was certainly in shock to see you, well he should be, he left you in the dark and never came back which led you to search for him.
"oh, it's you."
you noticed how the traveler had left as you sat next to the former harbinger who you used to fought alongside with, who loved you so dearly but changed so damn quick.
"so, wanderer is the name you go with now?"
even up until now you wish that he'd just fall in love with you all over again and come back to you, but you both know it wouldn't even work out anymore even if he did come back to you, the feeling left him but yours never escaped.
"y/n, you do not have to make yourself suffer like this. just go back to being the harbinger you are, but im afraid i cannot stand beside you any longer."
you fought back the tears trying to break free from your eyes, "but i cant. i always need you by my side." you sniff, refusing to even look his way.
"you have to, you can't just cry about me all the time. you're the 5th of the fatui harbingers, there's a chance that we might be each other's opponents someday."
the thought of him taking the side of the good guys while you stayed with the villains hurts like fuck. but somehow, you also cannot betray the tsaritsa.
"why does it hurt so much.." your voice muffled from covering your face with both hands, not wanting him to look at you, crying.
"because the love you had for me was genuine, and so was mine. but ive already moved on, neither will mine come back even if we get back together."
he stood up, lending you a hand.
as soon as you got back to your feet you pulled him close and sobbed in his chest, he let you sob your pain out, ignoring the fact that you're ruining his clothes.
"the traveler has mentioned that nahida can alter memories, is she telling the truth."
"yes, but wh-"
"can you please just make her erase mine?"
"y/n i don-"
although he had to make sure that the God of Wisdom was alright with helping a harbinger, he agreed and so did nahida. she was honestly touched and wounded from hearing about you and sc- the wanderer.
he wished to stay and observe how nahida erases him from your memories and will forever be an enemy in your eyes once this finishes.
"one last time, y/n. are you okay with this."
you nodded, glancing at your ex lover one last time. if the Gods ever allow you to live once more, at least let it be with him.
"here we go."
tears started streaming down on your cheek as you closed your eyes, and felt weird seconds later. your eyes opened and observed the unfamiliar place you were in, turning your attention to a certain man beside you who was on the verge of tearing up.
maybe in another world, y/n. i will love you with all i have, that's a promise.
now he just has to watch you from afar, knowing that he would forever be the opponent of the side you've always been with. as much as he wanted to grab his feelings back, he couldn't.
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note. hey !! this has been sitting in my drafts for weeks now, and this is actually inspired by a genshin oneshots book in Wattpad ! also about the smau, i commented on the second chapter. please take a look at it if you're waiting for an update on the smau !
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