#the latte
howabhwmwn · 2 years
Since this scene won't leave me alone I've decided to make it everybody else's problem too.
Let's look at cinematography!
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All these extreme close-ups clearly showing how focused Howard is on his task, showing it's important to him. Look at how many seconds they actually use just to show Howard making Cheryl a Latte. Compare that to the way he makes his tea later on, while talking to Cheryl, no focus on him, or the tea or anything. Because that's not important. Giving Cheryl something nice that he spend time on is, though.
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Enter Cheryl. Look at how they move into an extreme wide shot almost immediately (there is one medium shot to establish where Howard is, but that's for orientation for the viewer). Suddenly, the scene feels a lot less personal - it's cold. (the music cuts here too, leaving us in complete uncomfortable silence)
I'm completely insane about the literal wall between Howard and Cheryl.
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Then, Cheryl walks around Howard to the far end of the table, putting as much space between them as possible. Quite the good way of showing how removed they are from each other, but watch this:
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While talking, they are still in Medium Wide Shots, not on the screen together. Look at how far away they are from the camera, and on different sides of it. This makes the distance between them seem even more huge. I can't explain how much I'm obsessed with these two shots. They're so far removed from the other, they really put care into this scene, in how much space between Howard and Cheryl is.
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Howard then walks over to Cheryl (or rather the camera), and places the Latte on the table, but he still stays on his side of the camera. Look at how it's a Detail Shot, a close-up now! Which makes us recall the care he put into it, the effort, the focus. The warm beautiful scene with the nice music.
In the next shot you can also see how far he is still away from Cheryl. He didn't even place the cup in front of her:
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Even when it goes back to Cheryl's side of the camera, we only see Howard in her shot for a very short time. He places down the Latte, and immediately gets out of her shot, almost like he can't be close to her. Because he can't, physically, emotionally, their relationship isn't like this anymore.
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She waits until he is at his place of the side of the camera before she moves, not mentioning the cup, or the art on it (except a short 'thanks') which Howard obviously made to get some kind of reaction. A conversation starter, a smile, anything. Look at his face when she just abandons it. Sure, physically, she's closer to him now, but at this moment, he is the cup of Latte that she just abandoned, because he put so much focus in it. It's a sign of his care for her.
He makes tea for himself here, and it's completely different from how he made her Latte. I'm losing my mind with how he makes it so carelessly while the Latte he put so much care in gets abandoned this carelessly.
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Cheryl does not have time for a Latte. Howard probably thought making it would keep her with him a bit longer, and they could talk a bit. Maybe get a nice morning conversation that resembles at least a tiny bit the talks they had when their relationship wasn't this faded. But his hope gets destroyed, just as the art on the Latte gets destroyed.
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She brings the cup back to where it belongs to, near Howard, basically returning this chance to talk, his care and focus, back to him, because she doesn't want it. And then she flees his side again, just as he put the distance between them earlier. Never staying too close to each other.
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She declines his suggestion to go to the fundraiser together. He turns away, gets farther away from her. Even while they are back in one shot together, they're so far away. So much distance. Then, close-up on Howard's sad sad face. :( It's over. But then he realizes he can keep the conversation going: Jimmy. He needs to tell her about Jimmy!
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And while he reveals this thing about his life, something real, something personal, finally there is a close-up of them both. This is normal for the viewer. This is how dialogues are usually shot. Can it be that Cheryl cares? Finally, they will have a real conversation. Maybe she will even show that she cares about Howard, is scared for him, will ask him if he is okay?!
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No. She dismisses it. Removes the tiny bit of her that was in his side of the camera and leaves him alone in his shot.
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She goes, and we get an almost identical shot to the first one. A wall between them. Nothing changed.
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Howard gets left behind in this extreme wide shot. Alone. A tiny blue dot in a huge crème coloured house where he has no place anymore.
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Why an oat milk latte with a hefty jigger of almond syrup?
One theory is that the coffee was poisoned and the almond was to cover the poison, but if it wasn’t (or even if it was) — what’s the symbolism? Why that particular drink?
The Metatron uses the coffee to gain Aziraphale’s trust and to manipulate him. Here’s that thing you love and yes I’ve ingested too it is all fine.
But why coffee? It isn’t the first drink we’d associate with Aziraphale. It is unlikely to be one of his favourites. So why bring a coffee and not say a tea or a cocoa or a bottle of wine all of which we do see Aziraphale consume and know he loves? Is it to show that the Metatron knows Aziraphale well enough to manipulate him with food/drink but still doesn’t know him well enough to offer the food/drink he really wants (only Crowley does that)?
But then, why not just an ordinary latte? What’s with the oats and the almonds?
In Judaism almond trees are symbolic for the watchfulness of God and the Hebrew word for watching sounds like the word for almond tree. In fact the Menorah is shaped like an almond blossom.
This is referenced in:
Jeremiah 1:11-12 NIV
The word of the LORD came to me: “What do you see, Jeremiah?” “I see the branch of an almond tree,” I replied. The LORD said to me, “You have seen correctly, for I am watching to see that my word is fulfilled.”
So perhaps the symbolism of the almonds is that God and the Metatron are still watching. Aziraphale has been given a hefty jigger of “God and I are watching you”.
The oats is less clear to me. Is it a reference to life and death? To harvesting as in harvesting human souls and Armageddon?
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beguilingcorpse · 25 days
i am glad queer representation has drastically improved in my lifetime. because now i can say that i dislike a gay book and not feel like i’m invalidating stonewall
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cliopadra · 1 year
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They’re just a bit dense when it comes to feelings.
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academic-vampire · 1 month
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𝖼𝗋𝗂𝗌𝗉 𝖺𝗎𝗍𝗎𝗆𝗇 𝖺𝗂𝗋
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tierras · 8 months
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vxtcher · 5 months
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Prioritising nutrition
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fleuralie · 1 month
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bambi2008 · 1 month
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and soon this summer will be over and every day will feel like this again
🩰 🦌 ☕️ 🍂
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nenelonomh · 6 months
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who is she? dream girl journal prompts
how does she dress?
what does she look like?
what are her wellness habits?
what are her weekly routines?
what are her boundaries?
what is her mental diet?
where is her focus?
where is she living?
who is she dating?
what is her careerr?
what does her social profile look like?
what shows does she watch?
what successes/accomplishments does she have?
how much money does she make?
what does she consume on social media?
how do people treat her?
who does she aspire to be?
what does she spend her free time doing?
who is she inspired by?
what has she let go?
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autumncozy · 27 days
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By Małgorzata Szuba
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renxxzy · 21 days
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littlestrawberry · 2 months
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by kunit92
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lattskull · 3 months
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They're already 200x200px so no need to worry about their size for uploading (unless tumblr decided to screw me over on this in which case, here's a direct link to the file for seafoam and stardust) Please credit me when you use these 🥺
Which team are you guys on?
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cliopadra · 9 months
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academic-vampire · 2 months
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𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘤𝘰𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘦 𝘸𝘰𝘶𝘭𝘥 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘭𝘪𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘰𝘥𝘢𝘺? ☕️ @cafe-camus
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