#the lesbian ships are Nobara/Maki
deep-sea-anemone · 9 months
I find it kinda sad that I can count the number of lesbian ships I have on one hand, and even sadder that the number if straight ships I have is twice that. And only one of them is actually a main character and canon ship. And the others are side character canon ships. Why do the protag's relationships keep being so unlikeable. And why is every gayboy relationship so interesting?? I'm not a fujoshi I swear, but the statistics are determined to label me as such and I HATE IT.
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Your top 5 ships in jjk 👀
Itafushi. They are adorable together.
Nobamaki. Violent lesbians for the win.
Satosugu. They’re tragic and so horrible individually that they’re meant for each other. Thank god the two worst people you’ve ever met are soulmates because it would be tragic for anyone else to be with them. Please god communicate.
Nanago. Now that we've established that it's tragic if absolutely anyone else has to get involved with satosugu than each other, let's make Nanami do it. Like him against your will king <3.
InuOkko. I just think they're cute together. They're both giant simps for the other. It's soft and sweet.
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volpeachart · 1 year
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movie night
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leekingsman · 1 year
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This is a Jujutsu kaisen ship that never occurred to me (there are no interactions) but I am really interested in this dynamic Tsumiki Fushiguro is one of my favorite characters, it would be interesting to see this pair intract!
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I think the only straight ship I have in JJK is ChosoYuki everyone else is just so fucking gay for each other
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uriekukistan · 2 months
can you do maki for the character ask :3
yesss i love her ty for the ask :))
favorite thing about them: SHE'S SO COOL i love how she defies everything about jujutsu society, both in terms of gender expectations and also not having a curse technique
least favorite thing about them: gege loves toji so much that he has a hard time separating maki from toji sometimes
favorite line: sfjkgh i genuinely cant think of one idk why
brOTP: yuuta and/or yuuji. ik a lot of ppl ship her with yuuta and i see why but i also like them more just as friends. (holding out hope that this will be the Dream Team that takes down sukuna)
OTP: nobamaki...i love lesbians
nOTP: i havent seen her shipped with anyone other than yuuta or nobara, but im sure there's something weird like her with naoya or something like that.
random headcanon: less of a headcanon and more of an Idea, but she should try ballet (ik i have the dancers au but) like she's so flexible and agile, i think she'd be good at it. and i always have this idea of really skilled fighters training in dance so they can move easier idk. also i think her worst fear is how deeply she loves.
unpopular opinion: oversexualized. she's a teenager, if ur an adult, please get a grip. also in terms of manga readers, i noticed once her appearance changed with the scars and shorter hair, more people started disliking her, which to me is just further proof of her being oversexualized. i have this problem with a lot of jjk characters though, where they just get watered down bc of this.
song i associate with them: i think i said this for another character earlier, but half return by adrianne lenker
favorite picture of them: AWAKENED MAKI !!
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theclearblue · 2 months
favorite sapphic ships (can be from any media), go‼️‼️
Happy to do my part during Lesbian Visibility Week 🫡 (No order except for the last one being my fave)
1. Clarke/Lexa (The 100) - Unfortunately a victim of bury yours gays but first time for me seeing a Sapphic ship and I was like "girls....kissing girls?! Interesting this means nothing to me." (<- liar)
2. Emma/Regina (Once Upon a Time) - Same as before, just one of the earliest f/f ships for me
3. Korra/Asami (TLOK) - Didn't get why this was canon when I first watched it (I had yet to have some Realizations lmao), rewatched it at some point and was like Oh. oooohhhhh
4. Nobara/Maki (JJK) - Nobara is the lesbian of all time omg....the way she talks about Maki and appreciates her SO much. Maki so clearly appreciating her company and her support (but also maybe doesn't even know how much Nobara is so Ready to Fight anyone). They keep getting put on dates in official art....I know what they are....
5. Nami/Vivi (One Piece) - It has been...twenty one years (of irl time) since these two were separated...when they're reunited (which seems like it could hopefully be soon) it's gonna be the biggest Yuri event in the world (to me). LOVE them so much the way they looked out for each other throughout everything and Vivi recognizing Nami's strengths and Nami even though she's scared of fighting getting hurt because she loves Vivi SO much. Girls of all time.
6. Ymir/Historia (AOT) - I've had my issues with AOT so I don't end up talking about it a lot, but this is hands down the best ship. Historia was my fave character and they were IT to each other and the final letter Ymir sends to her is top five most devastating moments in the whole series. Love some tragic lesbians.
7. Hinako/Asashi (Doughnuts Under a Crescent Moon) - Read a lot of published yuri at one point and this one was a standout. Hinako struggles with comphet, anxiety, trying to meet people's expectations of her, and is also good ace rep! The two of them start out as friends and Hinako coming to accept herself is sooo good, probably some of the best canon rep I've read (need an anime for this asap)
8. Rhaenicent (HOTD) - After Game of Thrones bombed so spectacularly at the end I thought I would not like HOTD, but they brought me back on board with the toxic lesbians. Literally inseparable from each other at the start and the one person that they trust, and it just devolves as EVERYONE around them fucks them over in a way where they end up blaming the other and are bitter and hostile about it, but even still after everything you can tell there's some love that never went away truly? Insane.
9. Pharah/Mercy (Overwatch) - ...Exposing myself as an overwatch fan....But these two have some of the gayest voicelines in the entire game (Pharah is my main so I would know lmao. I'm also automatically gay for any Mercy that pocket heals/buffs me ajssllflglh). Fly through the skies together and protect each other...HEAVY flirting while they're at it...Mercy is like the one person to know about Pharah's mommy issues....Yeah I like them lmao.
10. Utena/Anthy (Revolutionary Girl Utena) - Woooaaahhhh who saw this one coming as my fave sapphic ship....everyone? Ok. Anyways ship of all time to me. It's healthy. It's toxic. It's doomed. It's saved. It's canon. I can't even really put into words in one short paragraph why they work so well, but them and their relationship are the heart of RGU. When they get to the point where Utena realizes that what Anthy doesn't need is a prince to save her, rather that Anthy needs her own agency, and Anthy is FINALLY able to leave her abusive situation through that agency, and be able to find and love Utena with full trust. The queer and feminist themes of RGU really just make it unlike any other ship that I've seen.
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noname-nonartist · 1 year
Do you ship anyone in JJK?
(Ignore the inconsistencies/wonky-ness, I rushed the vid rip)
Oh boy, are you ready for a long post?! Because I do have a good amount of ships that I really like in jjk! ^w^
However, I shall list them all off from most popular to the more niche ones that I really love. Keep in mind this is my own opinion and that I honestly have a monkey brain, so my explanation for why I like them may seem incoherent. =w=;
Well! Let’s go! My favorite ships in jjk!
Gojo X Geto
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Let’s start with the two strongest! I ship them because of the their opposite ideology when it comes to strength. They are also foils of each other in a lot of way. They may be different but are very similar too. And like, I love the little interactions between them, and how at the end of the Hidden Inventory Arc their ideology switch! Plus… It’s a very angsty pairing too, and I do love me some angst~ >:3c
Yuji X Megumi
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Another pair of opposites! I normally don’t really ship the protagonists with the deuteragonist in Shonen series, but I do here in jjk. Because they actually feel like friends in the beginning that can grow into something deeper. They are opposite once again due to their ideology. Yuji want to do his best to save everyone, while Megumi is more picky.
However, they are also similar in a sense that they value their own life less than others. Both are basically suicidal which is excellent for some juicy angst~~ X3c
Yuta X Maki
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“Whaaaaa? Yuta and Maki? Isn’t Maki a lesbian tho?” I hear the fandom say. In which I respond “Nah, she’s Bi~”
Okay, but in all seriousness. I do ship them a lot tho. There just so much content and moments with them, you know?! Like and they are a pair of opposites yet again! They are extremely strong but their ideology is different. Maki is a starch individual, who fight for her own self love and not really for the sake of others. Whereas, Yuta fights for the sake of others that he love, but not really out of self love for himself. The chance for character growth for both parties are huuuge! :3c
Kasumi X Kokichi
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What else is there to say about this ship? But that it’s an excellent tragic love story~
Okay, but like with all the other ships that I love. They are a pair of opposites that are very similar. Kasumi is considered “Useless Miwa” while Kokichi is one of the strongest of the Kyoto Kids. But both have a deep desire to connect which is a rarity in the whole of Jujutsu. However, due to Kokichi’s flaw, he pushed Kasumi away due to her weakness in order to protect her. But it was this very action that hurts Miwa the most. It’s all very tragic and I love it! >:Dc
Nobara X Mai
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Okay, I seriously love this ship. Like sooooo bad! Like it’s my favorite!
The huge reason why I ship them because of the opportunities they could have if they bonded and get to know each other. It’s the whole enemies to lover trope! Like they hate each other at first, but here’s the thing. They may be different but they are also very similar too. Both are essentially normal bitchy girls. However, both express their girlhood differently, Nobara is egotistical and is very confident. Whereas, Mai have very little self love and is not at all confident.
Both had a chance to learn and grow from each other! And I’ll be forever saddened that it’ll never happen in the manga. ;—;
Junpei X Nanako
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“Huhhhh??? That’s a ship??? They don’t even meet in canon tho!”
And yes! It is true that they haven’t meant in canon. But this is where you have reached the point of the post where we are straying from cannon and into this AU fic series that I’ve been hyper-fixated on for months now.
The fic where we first see their interactions would be in “Exponential Growth” in where Nanako and Mimiko are transferred to Junpei’s school just before winter break. And their friendship and interactions is just *chef’s kiss* I love it so much! Like Nanako sees Junpei for who he is, and still accepts him since to her “he isn’t boring at least.”
Plus! It’s the loser boy x popular girl trope that’s so much fun! *w*
Nanami X Michi
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(Art done by me lol)
Oh yeah, we are heading into the Cannon X OC territory now, babyyyyy! I don’t care if you think it’s cringe! Cringe culture is dead! Michi is an OC within the AU, but like he is written so well and have such a compelling arc! He first appeared in “Exponential Decay” and have another major role in “Exponential Growth” too. But the fic within the AU that had me actively start shipping Michi with Nanami is “Butterfly Curve”.
Like I don’t wanna say too much, but if you read those scenes and interactions, you would ship them too! Hopefully anyway… •3•;
Naoya X Li
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(Art on the left done by me again lol)
Oh boy… Now this ship is gonna be the most controversial one due to Naoya being Naoya. It’s another Cannon X OC ship. The character Li appears in “The Inugami Family” and she is such a compelling character.
Here’s the thing, both Li and Naoya are very similar despite their different circumstances within the clan. Both bonded over being essentially alone. For they are not being their true self, and only hide it. Li, pretending to be perfect, while Naoya plays up his horribleness. Both have such an interesting and nuanced relationship. It’s twisted and messed up, but it’s the one that they only had.
Super good! Highly recommend checking it out! ^w^
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jaegerisim · 4 months
what is jjk even about and should i watch it???
OMG MIA YES U SHOULD. (Altho ur mental health will be wrecked but that's not important)
Okay, so like its about Yuuji Itadori (the og golden retriever) who accidentally became part of jujutsu society. There he meets Nobara Kugisaki and Megumi Fushiguro (a canonically pan character who is just sad lil emo in love w yuuji) and his teacher, Satoru Gojou (gay ass mf). Along the way he'll meet lots of other cool character w cool powers.
Also most of the characters are extremely queer coded and the author feeds us w a lot of queer-ish content. As a plus, the men are exquisite and the women are actually well written and have personality and goals. Plus the main trio, does not have an awkward love triangle and Nobara is an absolute lesbian girlboss.
The anime consists of 2 season and 1 movie. The manga is still on going and currently on hiatus (i think??) Altho it is scheduled for the manga to end in 2024. The movie is a prequel that links w the second season, there are also lots of time jumps and time skips, but the plot is easy to follow. The opening's are fire frrr
The ships I like are NobaMaki (Nobara Kugisaki/Maki Zenin), ItaFushi (Yuuji Itadori/Megumi Fushiguro), ShokoHime (Ieiri Shoko/Iori Utahime) and THE SHIP EVER SatoSugu (Satoru Gojo/Suguru Geto).
My fav characters are Suguru Geto (kin fr), Satoru Gojo, Ieiri Shoko, Nobara Kugisaki, Kento Nanami, Hiromi Higuruma, Maki Zenin and Yuuta Okkotsu.
And that's the end of my rant, thank you! 🩷
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littencloud9 · 4 months
for the ship ask game: atsulucy and nobamaki?
the mutual nobamaki ask is real aksjdks. i ship them both!!
what made you ship it?
oooh. that scene when atsushi was captured and they were talking about their scars and even though atsushi is the one locked up the lighting made it look like lucy was the one trapped? OOF. that got me
favourite things about it
[head in hands] THE PARALLELS. they share the same past. they got taken into different environments and turn out so differently as a result. they’re also just really cute and i absolutely adore lucy so. !!!!
unpopular opinion
not really an opinion but id love to see less tsundere lucy and more atsushi realising his feelings and panicking about it. please and thank you
what made you ship it?
the scene with nobara telling maki she respects her made me squint like hmm… these two… and then i saw official art of them and i fell into the rabbit hole
favourite things about it
AURGRHVDHDVD. can u imagine the potential they have post-shibuya if gege wasnt a coward and hated happiness. also i love the idea of nobamaki going off to makeout in maki’s room or smth, and when somebody asks where they are yuuji is like :) they’re having a girls night! they are gfs your honour
unpopular opinion
i dont even know whats a popular opinion within their fanbase so ill just state an opinion. but bi maki x lesbian nobara is so real to me
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camaroncito · 6 months
✨ jjk sexualities and ships headcanons ✨
(this is what i personally think based on my own observations, i often base sexuality and ship headcanons in canon cause im boring like that but who cares, i know i am right, i am always correct and gege told me)
Yuji: he is either a straight ally or bi-curious
Megumi: definetly bisexual or pansexual
Nobara: she is straight. though i love the lesbian hc, i think its fun but in my mind she is a straight girly
Satoru: he is bisexual. with a preference for men. he would take more seriously relationships with men than with women. he was on a situationship with Suguru or they were on the talking stage about to officially start dating
Maki: bisexual
Toge: he IS bisexual and had/has a huge crush on Yuuta
Yuuta: epitome of bisexuality. i think he probably has a preference for women. yes he had a crush on Toge too but they were both to scared to say it. yes he also crushed on maki at some point.
Suguru: gay. in love with Satoru
Sukuna: he IS undoubtedly aromantic and asexual. is basically canon, it has been stated he doesn’t feel any of that.
Nanami: he is heterosexual and demisexual.
Mai: lesbian or bisexual with a preference for women
Todo: he is straight and an ally, i have to specify he is an ally cus baby he will defend the lgbtq like if it was his family
Junpei: he is gay. he had a crush on Yuji. he also felt attracted somehow to Mahito. i think he feels comfort around men who are sweet to him.
Miwa: pansexual.
Momo: pansexual or straight, probably goes by she/they
Shoko: she gives me bisexual or lesbian vibes idk
Ino: bi or gay, not sure yet
when i get caught up with the manga i will make a part two of this post probably. lemme know if you agree, i know im right
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volpeachart · 1 year
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ao3feed-itafushi · 11 days
nobody's (but ours and our interlaced hands)
by persephones_ichor The words were out before Nobara could stop them or even rethink them, Maki had that kind of effect, “Do you… want my company?”   Maki smiled, her lips turning up from their sides, shining with amusement.   “Are you offering, Nobara?” All the universally acknowledged truths about Nobara Kugisaki were null and void in the presence of one Maki Zenin. It was a beautiful thing to know when Maki's touch rested on her skin. ///OR: Nobara cannot sleep, and company is always a good thing to have on sleepless nights. What better than the company of the person she admired the most? featuring ramen-making, and dancing without music Words: 2335, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Manga), 呪術廻戦 | Jujutsu Kaisen (Anime) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Kugisaki Nobara, Zenin Maki, Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi Relationships: Kugisaki Nobara/Zenin Maki, Fushiguro Megumi & Itadori Yuuji, Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, Kugisaki Nobara & Zenin Maki Additional Tags: POV Kugisaki Nobara, Lesbian Kugisaki Nobara, nobara kugisaki is in love, Soft Kugisaki Nobara, Soft Zenin Maki, Minor Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji, If You Squint - Freeform, Nobara ships them, Fluff, Domestic Fluff, Romantic Fluff, Gay Panic, Not Beta Read, No Beta, we die like jjk fandom's happiness, Did I mention fluff?, Slow Dancing from AO3 works tagged 'Fushiguro Megumi/Itadori Yuuji' https://ift.tt/V4TL9Ip
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zeephyre · 2 years
i see a lot of petty bickering in the yuutamaki, nobamaki, and inuokko shipping community and while i understand why you are all sooooo passionate abt yuuta and maki being in queer relationships, i need you all to understand that I, personally, need a polycule with all four of them.
yes i think nobara and maki are lesbians, HOWEVER, yuuta is too enby to not be enby, and inumaki is 100% pan so i can rework it in my favour. so.
nobara 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 maki 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 yuuta 🫱🏻‍🫲🏼 inumaki
they are very precious to me.
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daenystheedreamer · 2 months
Omg do you read/watch jjk? If so would love to hear any and all thoughts, you have great takes <3
i have!! ive watched season 1 and i read up to there + saw the movie and read jjk0. havent touched it since cos of brain reasons but ive been keeping up the spoilers :D i loved the monster designs that was the reason it stuck out to me i liked the darker tone for a shounen.
gojo does nothing for me i hate that man. im a nanamigirl i ship gojo with nanami in an entirely non romantic way. nanami does not like him at all and gojo is caught up in his whole geto drama but i just thought their dynamic was so funny. but im not a nanamigirl in the "i want him to raw me" way thats so. eugh. have some class the lot of you.
my favourite part was the femslash i LOVE maki shes my favourite character. loved that they made mai have a lesbian experience in that one post credit scene. nobara🫶 i like maki x nobara<3
the tournament arc kinda put me off the series anytime they do shounen tropes im like god can we get back to the gore please.
never got around to the yaoi stuff like sukuna/fushiguro fushiguro/itadori etc. its whatever to me. and i never got far enough for geto x gojo</3 its femslash for me folks
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frankenjoly · 2 months
Salty ask game: 1, 7, 9 and 21
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get?
to be fair, most of the time i do get the appeal, but... they don't compell me lkjl. that being said...
borderlands: troy with maya or aurelia mostly lkjlkj, and i don't really ship maya/krieg or angel/gaige with anyone else but each other
jjk: i hc both maki and nobara as lesbians, so none with guys?
bsd: i have a few but here i'm gonna say fyodor and bram lkjlkjlk
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
i'm having lil struggles with a couple characters/ships from jjk, but it's more personal than the fandom's fault tbh.
9. Most disliked character(s)? Why?
rn there's none i absolutely loathe, but for example, fukuchi (bsd) made me quite mad at first lkjlk. then i chilled out, we learned his motives, and i like him more now.
the calypso twins could've been better if it wasn't for the issues bl3 had, and same with katagawa.
and i don't hate sukuna, but it's getting kinda old not knowing shit about him except how he can solo 95% of the jjk cast...
21. What are your thoughts on crack ships?
some i like, some i don't, but in general the concept it's pretty fun. i use it mostly for shipping characters from different fandoms rather than very very rare rarepairs, tho.
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