#Kate/America from the marvel universe
deep-sea-anemone · 9 months
I find it kinda sad that I can count the number of lesbian ships I have on one hand, and even sadder that the number if straight ships I have is twice that. And only one of them is actually a main character and canon ship. And the others are side character canon ships. Why do the protag's relationships keep being so unlikeable. And why is every gayboy relationship so interesting?? I'm not a fujoshi I swear, but the statistics are determined to label me as such and I HATE IT.
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swan-of-sunrise · 2 years
My Current WIP’s!
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Hi there! Now that I’ve finished my latest Spellbinding interlude, I thought that I should give you guys a little sneak peek at what stories I’ve been working on and what you can expect me to upload in the future 💖
1. Stumblin’ In (Book VI: Endgame): I’m halfway finished with the first chapter, so expect to be seeing Steve and Booksmart again very soon (Hopefully you guys have recovered from that Infinity War ending, 'cause there's a lot more angst coming your way 😈).
2. Spellbinding: I’ve begun writing Loki and the Cosmic Sorceress’ wedding and an interlude that I thought would be relatively short is already at one thousand words and our bride and groom haven’t even walked down the aisle yet lol it’ll be a fantastic wedding, though!
3. Tales from the SSR/Specs and the Flyboy: The next one-shot in this ongoing series is gonna be great, it's a sting operation that'll have our favorite SSR agents going undercover to take down the crime organization that was buying weapons from the Secret Empire; I've already begun outlining it and I can’t wait to begin writing it!
4. What The World Needs Now...: Okay, the response I've gotten for my Charles Xavier X Reader one-shot is INSANE, I had no idea that there were so many Professor X fans out there! I've started brainstorming different ideas for a Part 2 but haven't settled on anything definitive yet, so just keep an eye out for that!
Along with these three ongoing series and my little X-Men story, I've begun working on three different one-shots: A Cobb Vanth X Reader, a Kate Bishop X Reader and a Matt Murdock X Reader, all three of which I'm excited to work on for different reasons. Cobb Vanth is such a charming character and I'm looking forward to writing something inspired by classic Western films because the genre fits him so well, I've never written a wlw one-shot before but I'm excited to give it a shot and to have Kate Bishop be the first of many ladies I end up writing for in the future, and I've just begun watching Netflix's Daredevil (I know, I'm very late to the party lol) and I'm already in love with Matt Murdock. All three are in various stages of progress so there's no telling when they'll be out, but I promise that they'll be out eventually 😊
So yeah, that's pretty much it. Which stories or one-shots are you guys looking forward to? Let me know and don't forget to give my fanfiction masterlist a like, I always update it after posting a new work! (Sorry that this isn't a true sneak peek @mostclevermiss but I hope that you like it regardless!)
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dc-marvel-life · 1 year
Perfect Fit
Pairing: Wanda x Natasha x reader
Word Count: ~2.6K
Summary: Y/N is the new member joining the Avengers that came from a top-secret program in SHIELD that she was in all her life. Now that she has joined the team, she is experiencing life for the first time. She has caught the eye of the two most powerful women on the team.
A/N: I haven't had any requests, so I am posting a story that I am making on my AO3. This will be a series. My request is still open. 
Part 2  Part 3  Part 4  Part 5
We all know that there are infinite different universes that are different from one another. This one is the same as the rest. In this universe, the Avengers made the team ten years ago with a group of teenage superheroes. Iron Man, Captain America, Black Widow, Hulk, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Falcon, Winter Soldier, and Captain Marvel made the original team. Five years later, Spiderman, Black Panther, Yelena, and Kate join the group.
They all live on the Avenger compound, a vast building that houses the Avengers and their every need. Thanks to Tony, the facility is all high-tech and has F.R.I.D.A.Y. It has many bedrooms, bathrooms, a game room, a movie room, a weight room, a training room, a vast kitchen, a pool, a garden, etc.
The team is running smoothly, but SHEILD has a program that they want to test out. The program is called Project Gene X, and it is a program that had eight infants with the mutant gene. When the mutant gene was discovered, SHEILD ensured they were on top of it. They were able to find eight infants that they were able to keep in custody legally. All the kids did growing up was train and discover their powers. Over time, not all of the kids could stay in the program for different reasons, but there were only two in the end.
The two were fighting for the open spot in the Avengers, and Fury finally made a choice. The team knew they would get another teammate soon, but they didn’t know when.
Fury called a meeting with all the Avengers in the conference room at the Avengers compound. Now they are just waiting for Fury to show up.
“So does anyone know what this meeting is for,” Tony says, tapping a pen on the table while looking around the room.
“Maybe we are all going on a huge mission,” Bucky says, shrugging his shoulders.
“Ooo, I hope so because I haven’t been on any mission recently. I need to get out of this compound now,” Sam says, leaning back in the chair.
“Let's hope Fury doesn’t send us on a mission then, so we can all go out tonight. How does that sound?” Carol says.
“I like that idea! I’ll call a few clubs right now to get us on the VIP list,” Tony says, pulling out his phone, and everyone nods.
“I can’t wait to go clubbing!” Peter says excitedly.
“Not you, young fry,” Natasha says, and everyone laughs. At that moment, Fury walks into the room, and everyone goes silent. Everybody's attention goes to Fury, waiting to see what he called the meeting for. “I bet you all are wondering why I called this meeting. Well, I wanted to get you all together so you can meet your new teammate Agent Y/N Y/L/N” Fury says. Y/N comes into the room with black cargo pants held up with, a black utility belt with many pockets, and a black short sleeve shirt. She goes and stands next to Fury with her arms crossed behind her back.
“Agent Y/N was part of a secret project that has been going on for years in SHIELD. Now she has earned a spot on the team with you all. She has the mutant gene and will be a great addition to the team. I won’t give you guys a mission for the next few days, so you all can get to know one another. I hope you all welcome her with open arms,” Fury says, then walks out of the room.
Once Fury closes the door, all eyes are on Y/N. The room was silent, and Y/N didn’t know what was happening.
“So tell us about yourself, Y/N,” Steve says, breaking the awkward silence filling the room. Y/N stood there momentarily, not knowing what to say to them. Since she was a baby, she has been training with little to no social life. Her only friends were the people in the program, but once they left, they never stayed in connect. It was just the way of the program not to have many contacts outside. Y/N never developed her own personality, but she knew one thing.
“I am a homosexual!” Y/N blurt out after a minute of not responding to Steve’s question leaving everyone wondering. Then Y/N says that and shocks everyone. Some people tried to hold back their laughs because they thought it was a joke.
“I am sorry that I said that. Well, I am a homosexual, but you know what I mean. I didn't know how to respond when you asked that question. My whole life was about being in the program, so I don’t know too much about myself,” Y/N says with her arms still crossed behind her back.
“What is this program/project that Fury said that you were in? I have never seen you before or heard of a secret project,” Clint asked curiously about what SHEILD was hiding from everyone. Y/N was hesitant because she was told never to talk about the program unless it was with someone with an equal or greater level than her.
“Yes sir, the project was…..” Y/N started to talk, but Clint stopped her.
“Don’t call me sir. I feel so old when you say that, and I am pretty sure we are the same age,” Clint says while faking like he had a chill.
“No problem, Mr. Barton,” Y/N says.
“No, no, no, just call me Clint. You know all of our names, right?” Clint ask.
“Sorry, Clint, and yes, I know all of your names,” Y/N says, and she can feel her body tighten. Y/N’s mind is going a mile a minute because she worries she is messing everything up.
“Relax, sweetie, you are too tense and thinking too loud,” Wanda says in a calming voice. Y/N looks over at Wanda, nervous.
“You can hear my thoughts?” Y/N says in shock. Y/N knew that Wanda was powerful and could read minds but not like this.
“Yes, I can. I promise I don’t read minds for fun. I can only hear them without trying because you are overthinking right now. Take a deep breath in and out,” Wanda says with a smile. Y/N takes a few deep breaths in and out and finally calms down a bit. She eventually moves her arms from behind her back.
“I am sorry. I have been waiting for this moment for a long time and can’t believe it is happening. Now I am a nervous mess. Anyway, my project was called Project Gene X. I was taken in by SHEILD as an infant because of my mutant gene. Growing up, I was trained to be the best agent while using my powers. Our end goal was to be a part of the Avengers. It was down to one other person and me, and we had to fight for it. I won, and now I am here,” Y/N proudly says.
“Wait for a second! This is crossing way too many lines! So you are telling me that SHIELD pretty much had their red room! I need to talk to him now about this,” Natasha says, getting up from her chair. Wanda gets up and tries to calm down her girlfriend.
“No, Natasha, it wasn’t like that. Every year after we hit age five, we were often asked if we wanted to stay in the program. Most of the kids dropped out by age 14, and only the other person left in the program was me. It sounds like the red room, but it isn’t at all. I had a great time there and enjoyed myself very much,” Y/N says to everyone but most importantly, Natasha. You can see that Natasha is mad right now because her hands are balled up, and her face is as red as a tomato. She looks like she will fight someone, but Wanda is beside her to calm her down. It seems like they are having a conversation with their minds. After a bit, Natasha takes a deep breath and sits back at the table.
“Okay, it is not as bad as the red room, but it is still like it. I will talk with him about it later,” Natasha says.
“Yeah, Project Gene X doesn’t sound too well, but he did the same for us ten years ago, starting the Avengers. We were like, what 13-16-year-olds running around saving the world. What is done is done; let's move on and have a great time with our new team member,” Sam says, trying to lighten to mood.
“Yeah, I agree with Sam! That means we should all go out and have a party!” Tony says, pumping his fist because he wants to attend a club tonight.
“We are supposed to be bonding as a team, and we can’t go to the club because Peter is only 20 years old,” Carol points out to Tony. Tony quietly mimics Carol.
“Or we can have a party here and invite people to come, so no one is excluded. How does that sound?” Kate says.
“Not a bad idea. Now we need to throw the best house party ever! I will make some calls now,” Tony says, getting up and calling someone.
“So let’s get you to settle into here, Y/N. By the way, to formally introduce myself. I am Steve Rogers, also known as Captain America, and I am 25. The rich boy over there on the phone is Tony Stark, also known as Iron Man, who is 25,” Steve says, and everyone starts to introduce themselves with their real name, superhero name, and age.
“So Y/N, you say you were in the program because you have the mutant gene. What is your power?” Sam asks, and everyone's attention is back on Y/N, wondering what her power is.
“My power is absorption. So any material that I touch, I can turn my whole body into that. That is why I have this belt with different strong materials like vibranium, adamantium, diamond, chromium, and more,” Y/N says while removing her metals from her belt. She puts them all out on the table, then picks up the adamantium. She holds the adamantium in her palm and turns her whole body into adamantium.
Everyone is in awe of Y/N’s powers. She turns back into her usual self and puts her metals back into her belt.
“Now, that’s an extraordinary power that can come in handy. I am happy that you are on the team; now, let’s give you a tour of the facility,” Steve says; he stands up, leading the way to give the tour while everyone else shuffles out of the room except for Natasha and Wanda.
“Wait! Can Nat and I give the tour to Y/N?” Wanda asks. Natasha whispers something into Wanda’s ear to make her laugh. Y/N looks at the pair, confused about why they want to give the tour.
“Of course,” Steve smiles and looks to Y/N, “you will be in good hands. I will catch you later,” Steve says and leaves the room, leaving only Y/N, Natasha, and Wanda staring at each other.
“Are you ready for the tour?” Wanda asks.
“Yes, I am. Let me go and grab my bag” Y/N walk over to the door and picks up one small duffle bag.
“Is that all you have? You know you are moving in here for good, right?” Wanda questions Y/N.
“Yes, this is it. My whole life is in this bag, actually,” Y/N says, a little nervous because she didn’t know that she was supposed to have more than this.
“It’s okay, I understand. Being an agent means you must pack light,” Natasha says to comfort Y/N.
“Thanks, Natasha. Since I will be here for the long run, maybe I can do some shopping for stuff,” Y/N says, and Wanda squeals in excitement.
“Shopping trip!” Wanda says, jumping up and down.
“Dorogoy, maybe we should let Y/N get settled first, then talk about going on a shopping trip,” Natasha says to Wanda, then looks at Y/N, “also you can just call me Nat,” Nat says to Y/N with a soft expression.
“Okay, Nat, and I would love to go shopping. Never been on one before,” Y/N says, smiling at the pair.
“Alright, we will go shopping with you one day, but for now, let’s tour the place and show you to your room,” Nat says, and they take Y/N on a tour of the building showing all the bells and whistles. They end up in front of Y/N’s new room.
“And the last part of our tour is your room. This is great because right across here is our room,” Wanda says, pointing to the door right across.
“You guys share a room?” Y/N looks at them curiously.
“Yes, I would hope so. It would suck that I didn’t share a room with my girlfriend of what….. 7 years now,” Nat says, looking lovingly into Wanda’s eyes. Y/N smiles at the pair and looks at their hands to see two rings. Nat and Wanda notice it.
“They’re just promise rings that we gave each other when we were 18,” Wanda clarifies.
“That’s so sweet,” Y/N says with a bit of disappointment because she did have a crush on Wanda and Nat for the longest time after finding out about them years ago.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” Wanda asks.
“No, I have never been in a relationship with anyone. I have done stuff with people, but those were mission-based, and nothing ever came out of it. The good thing is now I am free and single. Ready to get out there,” Y/N says and starts to laugh, with Wanda and Nat joining her.
“Sorry, that sounded lame saying it out loud,” Y/N says and continues to laugh. Y/N opens her room door and gasps.
“Wow, this room is so big, and I have a queen bed,” Y/N says, running into the room, dropping her bags, then jumps onto her bed.
“And the bed is so soft. I am going to love this place,” Y/N says, getting comfortable in bed while Nat and Wanda watch in awe.
“She is so cute,” Wanda says, and Nat agrees with her.
“So why did you guys want to show me around the place? I am just curious” Y/N sits up in bed, looking at the pair.
“If you want us to be honest here, we wanted to show you around to get to know you and become friends. We are always together, and we need more friends that are women. Yes, we have Kate, Yelena, and Carol, but it is not the same. Yelena is Nat's younger sister, and they get on each other nervous all the time, but it is out of love. Plus, we think Yelena and Kate are secretly dating and not telling anyone. Carol likes to hang out with Sam and Bucky to do dumb shit with. So we saw you and thought we could have a new friend to do stuff with,” Wanda says moving side to side like she is nervous about something.
“Well, I will be an honor to be your friend,” Y/N said, smiling at them and making Nat and Wanda melt.
“Gosh, you are so cute. I think I can say that we are happy to have become friends for the two of us. We will let you get settled here before the party tonight. If you need us, we are across the hallway,” Wanda says and starts to walk out of the room, with Nat closing the door to leave Y/N in her thoughts.
“This is going to be the best time of my life,” Y/N says, sighing and lying in bed.
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thelittleliars · 1 year
Divorce Party
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
Warnings: mention of divorce, fluff?
Words: 1.4K
Summary: Your ex wife Natasha attends your most recent party as you just got freshly divorced from Carol.
AN: I can't seem to find an ending for Chapter 3 (P.S. I Want You) so it might take even longer than expected but it'll be one hell of a long chapter. I also have like 2-3 one shots almost ready to post!
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"I don't get why you're throwing me a divorce party. Carol and I separated on good terms." You shouted it over the music to your best friend Kate, who planned this party with the help of Yelena your other close friend. She was also the sister of your first ex-wife Natasha Romanoff. The two of you married young, it felt right at that time but you both slowly saw that it was a mistake to get married so fast and young. Though non of you actually regretted the marriage. 
Kate scoffed. "We don't celebrate your separation Y/N. We're celebrating the start of your new beginning!" You still heard her cheerful voice over the loudish happy pop song that was currently playing. All of this made you wanna fleet fast, the good mood of the others wasn't something you needed right there, all you wanted to do was lay in bed and come up with an answer to why you couldn't ever keep a girl. 
Your latest marriage with Carol Danvers aka Captain Marvel was something so unexpected. You met her first after Thanos' snap and hit it off right off the bat. At the start she often times came back to earth, visiting you as much as she could before you decided to join her adventures through the galaxy. The two of you dated for a long while before marriage even came up but once it did came up you two eloped. But soon afterwards you missed the earth and the people on the planet. So Carol and you tried long distance again with you visiting her in the galaxy a bunch of times. At one point after undoing the snap, both of you realized that just didn't work anymore. 
Your second marriage was bad timing, but you believe that there had to be more than just that. Sharon was an amazing lover, sadly her good heart that you loved most about her got her in trouble. She helped Captain America during the Civil War which made her a fugitive. Your wife was a wanted criminal, you didn't mind since you knew her honest and innocent intention of helping an Avenger but she had to hide for an unknown period of time. As time went by, growing apart naturally happened.
And there was your first marriage, your first true love Natasha Romanoff. It all started off as a cover for her to be in the country. Marrying such a goddess was not something you wanted to decline. You soon fell in love with her but she didn't, especially not with the amount of trauma she had but you didn't care. The patience and understanding you had gave her time to adjust and heal. She fell for you too and it was a bliss. Your marriage was far from perfect with you both being so young and naive and making mistake after mistake but it wasn't toxic nor did you guys made each other feel anything but loved. Reality hit hard soon and you both struggled with the weight of the world and the relationship on your shoulders. 
Why couldn't you ever keep a girl tied to you? Why was the timing always wrong? What did the universe had against you loving women? 
The misery had to be written over your face since Kate suddenly jumped up and down, trying to get you in a good mood. "Oh c'mon! Celebrating new beginnings is not bad." She was right but it still didn't help you and your failed marriages. And as if things aren't bad enough already,  Natasha appeared next to you right when 'Hips Don't Lie' by Shakira started playing. It was your and Nat's song. She recognized the song immediately and raised her eyebrow at you. "The universe has it out for you today huh?" 
You groaned, not sure if the noise covered it up. "It's all Kate's fault!" She jokingly put a hand over her heart. "First of all, RUDE. Secondly, blame it on the universe and not me. Thank you very much." Natasha giggled at your interaction. "I'm glad it's Kate's fault! I haven't seen you once in the last 5 years." That made you stop in your track. You took a long look at her from top to bottom. She was as beautiful as she had always been but she got more stunning and hot. You saw the wrinkles under the eyes from the heaviness of the snap, you knew what she sacrificed on earth since you were always near Carol when their virtual updates happened. You always felt guilty for not being able to help the ex-assassin back on earth but she also always assured Carol that she did not need more help down here.
The redness of her hair was now back again. The last time you saw her it was with short blonde hair so you did not waste a minute to tease her about it. "Finally back to red? Sick of the blonde?" She put her hand to her hair and with one swift motion the bun was undone and you could see the blonde ends of her hair. "I couldn't decide so I let my hair grow out. Now I have the best of both worlds!"
You gave her a honest smile. "Looks great on you! Though I prefer short hair on you." Natasha didn't know how to come up with proper words so she smiled back at you. Her eyes were intensely on your face, trying to memorize every little new detail she either forgot or missed over the years. Then her stare moved down towards your chest that was exposed in the black top you decided to wear. Though you guys never had sex, with the amount of time Natasha stared at your boobs she knew for sure they got bigger. Hell your whole body had changed over the span of 15 years and she didn't mind it one bit. It was the opposite instead, it intrigued her even more. The thought of exploring your body gave her a huge surge of desire. When she looked back into your eyes you saw the lust in her forest green eyes. Her gaze got you all flustered but also aroused. "Nat, stop it." She knew exactly how her gaze affected you but she didn't stop, plus in addition all she did was having that shit eating teasing grin on her face that got your heart going faster. "Has anyone told you how attractive you are?" She whispered in your ear as if it were a secret.  For you, it seemed like it was another attempt to get you all hot and bothered and it worked. Her raspy voice with her warm breath gave you shivers before your whole body heated up and you couldn't stop wondering what it'd be like to have her whisper more dirty words to you. "Fuck." You said as you bit onto your bottom lip. 
Before anything could go further, Natasha's sister appeared and interrupted you with no shame in the world. "If that isn't my ex sister in law Y/N -" She stopped herself since she did not know with which last name she should address you. "Which last name do you prefer now?" The redhead groaned at her sister's attempt of cockblocking her. You gave Nat a little nudge as a sign for her to behave. "Y/L/N. I don't think I'll ever marry again. Marriage is just not for me." 
"That's a shame. I really thought you'd be up to marry Natasha a second time so that we could be a family once again. I miss those times." You gave the younger sister a sad smile. "Sorry to crush your dreams. Though after the divorce, I never saw you any less of family. That is still holding up our promise to be sisters forever." 
"Sometimes labels doesn't need to have the legal aspect in order for it to be true." Natasha told her younger sister.
"This is getting too sappy for me. I'm gonna go find Kate Bishop." And with that the blonde sibling left. Nat and you look shocked around, only realizing now that the archer wasn't around anymore. When did Kate leave you two alone? How come non of you noticed it? You started to laugh at the ridiculousness of everything. Natasha joined in but it died down soon afterwards, leaving you both smiling at each other. The moment of sexual tension was gone now but the spark between the two of you definitely was not.
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burningfudge · 7 months
the marvels spoilers!!
- i missed carol so much 😭😭 i was so happy to see her again!! however, as a delusional caroljess shipper, this movie made me realize how much i want jessica drew in the mcu but the chances are slim
- is earth really the best choice for those skrulls to stay on after secret invasion???? the US president hates them and is also hunting them down just like the kree. but lol fury should've just asked new asgard to take them in during secret invasion instead of creating a giant mess and then ditching them
(i hope this means a certain mr teddy altman was among the skrull refugees who fled to earth but i'm just grasping at straws at this point)
- it's pretty funny that nia dacosta decided to ignore everything from secret invasion and we should too since i KNOW fury never brought up that he harvested carol's DNA. it would've made the movie much more awkward
- the khans and fury were way too funny together. muneeba was great, as always 🫶🏽 the best aunty
- the poor SABER agents escaping via FLURKITTIES lmaoo
- i can only imagine nakia and bruno's reactions when they find out about kamala's adventures
- carol and sam both live in louisiana now!! neighbors
- kamala and carol are so CUTE! they're twinsies ♥️
- carol restarting a sun...damn. i do wish more emphasis was placed on that since thor nearly died trying to restart nidavellir's sun
- no binary form though? :(
- the villain was kinda boring and i don't really understand the whole quantum bands connection with the noor dimension thing
- not kate trying to act cool as if she and kamala don't have the same energy when speaking with their avenger idols (clint and carol should meet)
- but kamala channelling fury lol
- kate needs to get better security though since people keep breaking in into her apartment. first yelena and now kamala
- i don't necessarily want peter on the mcu young avengers/champions team, but i do want him to meet them. kamala found out about kate and cassie so she can find peter, an actual teenage avenger, too
- maria as BINARY!!!!
- the suit looked pretty cheap though, which sucks because the binary suit is one of my fav carol outfits from the comics.
- is maria in the fox universe or is it just a "x-men" universe??? anyway it's not 838 for sure since professor x and maria are both alive. however, it would be pretty funny for monica to visit 838 post-MoM since she tried so hard to help wanda and then wanda murdered her mom rip
- carol and kamala are both gutted about monica getting trapped in another universe, but america chavez can get her back pretty easily if they knew she existed. hmm, looks like kamala needs to find another young superhero
overall: 7.5/10
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marvel headcanons
weirdly specific headcanons for my favorite characters,
some traits may not align with canon or popular fan opinions. these are just my opinions, to each their own !!
!! TW: s/h , ptsd , disability , neurodivergence , anxiety , depression , alcohol
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Gwen Stacy :
lesbian + non-binary
has a secret spider-girlfriend
obsessed with pop-tarts and tries them in every universe
spends her free time at the animal shelter petting dogs, the workers from many universes know her since they come by so often, and they always welcome her.
won’t admit it but secretly wants to be an english teacher when she grows up
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Peter Parker :
trans ftm + bisexual
his parents are rich lawyers who travel a lot, so he’s always lived with his Aunt, May. doesn’t have contact with his birth parents
has social anxiety and a severe anxiety disorder
has a soft spot for dalmations
in the process of filing for a psychiatric service dog for his panic attacks
has adhd
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Wanda Maximoff :
bisexual with a female preference
has a wife !!!
massive swiftie
has two twins and an adopted daughter
disability mom, billy has angelman syndrome and tommy has autism and epilepsy
in therapy to work on her trauma trigger responses ie. controllingness
has suffered with severe depression
loves loves loves dogs (has two goldendoodles, snowflake and rocky)
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Yelena Belova :
queer woman
convert jew, found herself in the religion and found a community through a support group for, and run by, woman in her synagogue.
absolutely in love with Kate Bishop
very protective over kate and shows her off to everyone
has a ptsd service dog named sasha, who helps with her flashbacks
has struggled with s/h, but is in therapy and getting better
has a very sexual relationship with kate and everyone in the compound steers clear of the hallway where kate and yelena’s rooms are
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Kate Bishop :
pansexual + demigirl
madly in love with Yelena Belova
super innocent but would do unholy things for her girlfriend
hates all dogs. except her dog, pizza-dog-lucky. lucky is different.
slight mommy issues
bottom asf , and a massive brat
super snarky but easily gets her feelings hurt
was homeschooled her whole life, and she never lost that childish energy
thinks her girlfriend’s protectiveness is cute, but loves to push against it to see yelena get all hot and bothered
always spends the holiday season with clint’s family (partially bec she loves them and partially to save on heating bills in the colder months)
spam posts every detail of her life on insta stories + makes mini-vlog reels 24/7
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Natasha Romanoff :
demiromantic + unlabeled
hates labels, she likes who she likes end of story.
has a massive soft spot for cats, and has 3 of her own, Tumeric, Spots, and Dart.
has a massive unrequited crush on wanda
she’s labeled as the “bed-hopper” by her friends for her string of serial hookups after she left the redroom, but she wants nothing more than to settle down with a wife and even more cats.
big mommy issues and that usually comes across in her relationships, as she seeks out (sometimes older) people with nurturing qualities.
battled alcoholism during the dark days in the blip from losing her sister, but she has an amazing therapist and is now sober
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Kamala Khan :
really into tarot
best friends with America Chaves and has a small gay crush on her
constantly gets in trouble with teachers for being too loud and talking in class
has inattentive adhd and always forgets to take her meds
has a very popular carol danvers x fem reader fanfic on A03 that she hides from her parents but she always neglects her homework to make sure she updates regularly for her readers
loves tacos
has sensory issues and gets sensory overload breakdowns due to sound and this can trigger her powers to go haywire while she’s overstimulated
her family puts a lot of pressure on marriage but she just wants to live in a house with america and spend the rest of their lives together reading fanfic and rewatching avengers movies
she kissed america once and they never talked about it again, though they both have hinted at wanting to do it again.
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keira-kaz2y5 · 4 months
Finally got around to watching The Marvels on Disney +!!!!! It’s the best mcu film this phase istg omg it’s SO GOOD and immediately you can tell it was written by a woman NOT TO MWNTION THE INSANE END CREDIT SCENES WTFFFFF KATE BISHOP PIZZA THE DOG AND XMEN?!?!??!!!!!!! Omg I’m ecstatic this is the best marvel film in years it’s finally giving avengers early phase vibes! And I’m actually happy with every single plot moment! Unlike no way home where there were many questionable plot moments and bad scenes and bad cgi and multiverse of madness was something different entirely like I loved the horror and stuff and it made sense but as a whole that works with the rest of the marvel universe I didn’t like how it went and wandas “death” or “fake death” and the whole x men stuff. Loved America in that tho! Her whole moment made sense and ugh I can’t explain it properly plus the shitshow that was the She Hulk series and overall it just made me lose faith in marvel and that’s why I didn’t see The marvels in cinema like I usually do bc guardians of the galaxy 3 was so shite and I thought this would too maybe that’s why it flopped cuz the hype on past films wasn’t lived up to. But this FINALLY brings back early marvel vibes and I’m so into it. (Plus the reign of the cats 🐈‍⬛ 🐈😆)
Cuz as much as I liked NWH there were questionable parts yk, Dr Strange characterised Wanda badly from start to finish and didn’t do her justice, Wakanda Forever was amazing don’t get me wrong I really loved it and cried A LOT, but I wasn’t too keen on the whole Namor thing or unnecessary deaths, and some characters really just deserved better than what they got, like Okoye.. and Black Widow was great but it could’ve been a bit better with cgi and plot-wise like the deleted scenes should’ve been kept and so on.
For the first time I just really enjoyed every part of this film, since marvel has gone downhill lately, this is new for me. also I loved the queer undertones for Kamala and Carol, although they should’ve been braver and put it in explicitly if they wanted to show Carol and Valkyrie together instead of the kiss on the cheek and no talk of them being together. But headed in the right direction for sure and not to mention the Kate and Kamala scene? Female avengers team? Finally not outnumbered by men? Also I really ship Kate and Yelena so I hope she comes onto the team too, though she might just stick with the Thunderbolts antihero theme. I love that it’s so clearly written by women and directed by them plus the brilliant casting and having the villain also be a woman and with a realistic villainisation like I get why she turned out the way she did, she just wanted her home back for her people, also it’s Zawe Ashton, Tom Hiddlestons wife so it would be cool to see them act together perhaps, but either way brilliant casting and script and everything, I love Kamala really speaking for the fans in a lot of it, and the musical scene was fun in a mystical way, like when we first got introduced to Asgard way back when, I just wish we saw what happened there at least a small look in at the end with Carol checking in on them because they left in the middle of a battle and then we don’t find out what happened to that planet. But other than that small detail the film was fantastic and I loved how even Goose got a good storyline.
(My dreamteam avengers would be Bucky🦾, Yelena🕷️, Kate🏹, Carol💫, Kamala👊, Monica🌠, Shuri🐾, Riri 🛠️(ironheart), America⭐️ and Cassie 🐜 and Morgan Stark. Plus some xmen if that’s now an option?? And AOS team but marvel would never do that
Maybe Peter🕸️ Sean⭕️, Wanda and Moon Knight🌙🤺 boys too but idk )
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pooslie · 8 hours
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Brooklyn, 1934 (aka: Sixteen Going on Seventeen)
In "Captain America: Civil War", there are two pieces of seemingly throw-away information about Steve and Bucky's past:
One of Bucky’s brainwashing trigger words is “Семнадцать” (Russian for “seventeen”). According to Shuri of Wakanda, these triggers are tied to past memories with deep emotions and traumas and Bucky is a year older than Steve in the Marvel Cinematic Universe.
Brock Rumlow (aka "Crossbones") taunts Steve to distract him from a bomb he is carrying, telling Steve: “Your pal, your buddy, your Bucky...He remembered you, got all weepy about it," and it WORKS. Steve completely misses the bomb, almost leading to an entire market full of innocent people being killed. Steve later says, “when Rumlow said Bucky, I was that 16-year-old kid in Brooklyn again” to explain his emotional distraction.
These two strong emotional ties seem to indicate that something serious must have happened with the two of them and their relationship in 1934. I attempted to capture a moment in time that we otherwise can only imagine.
this art is 1000000% inspired/modeled/is a photo manipulation OF by Kelli Connell's "Reverie", 2006 and was made for the 2024 Affirmation Transformation: Fandom Created Exhibition hosted by Marquette University as a component for the dissertation of English Literature PhD Candidate, Kate Rose. I was immediately struck by how similar the artist looks to pre-serum Steve Rogers; her slender face capped with straight blond hair in a short cut and striking light eyes are a fan artists dream model. Then i found out the original piece itself was a photo manipulation, i knew I had to put my own spin on the work!
find out more about the show here: https://epublications.marquette.edu/fandom/Affirmationtransformation/ or ask: @gwenpoolsaesthetic
and more about Kelli Connell here: https://www.kelliconnell.com/
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fandomtravelers · 5 months
Found family dynamics in shows
Okay I'm a sucker for found family dynamics in shows so I'm going to list all the found family or platonic relationships I know of. In TV shows/series. Just because :) ALSO please add if you know more, because I'm probably missing a whole lot. I JUST WANT MORE.
Here are the ones me and my friends know or have found (some might be father daughter centric and they're all from very random fandoms so excuse that) :
1. Kakashi & Team 7 (Naruto)
2. Anakin & Ahsoka & Obiwan (Clone wars. I know the whole star wars universe too, but I'm focusing on clone wars)
3. Kate Bishop & Clint Barton (Hawkeye)
4. Farah Dowling & Bloom (Fate : Winx)
4. Charming & Emma (Once Upon A Time)
5. Bay Kennish & Daphne Vasquez (Switched at Birth)
6. Cirilla & Geralt (The Witcher)
7. Calliope & Augie (tidelanders)
8. Byakuya & Rukia (Bleach)
9. Sara & Danny (Witchblade)
10. Georgia & Rube (Dead like me)
11. Silco & Jinx, Vander & Vi (Arcane)
12. Andrè & Jane (Painkiller Jane)
13. Jamie & Jonas & Jay (Bionic woman)
14. Dr. Tom & Erica (Being Erica)
15. The pines family (Gravity falls)
16. Tom & Cassie (the inbetween)
17. The Gaang & Team Avatar (Avatar the last Airbender & Legend of korra)
18. Kara & Clark (Supergirl & superman/batman apocalypse)
19. Charlie & Miles matheson (revolution)
20. Arthur & Joan & Auggie & Annie (Covert affairs)
21. Khlyen & Dutch (Killjoys)
22. Guerrero & Ames (Human Target)
23. Adam & Emma (Mutant X)
24. Nolan & Emily "Amanda" (Revenge)
25. Voight & his whole team (Chicago P. D.)
26. Elena & Jeremy (Bitten)
27. Jinggang & Chu hun (double world)
28. Hannibal & Abigail (Hannibal)
29. Dream & Death (The sandman)
30. Jiwoo & Mujin (My name)
31. Buffy & Giles (BTVS)
32. Benedict & his kids (Mysterious Benedict society)
33. The cullen family (twilight)
34. Elijah & Yo Han (the devil's judge)
35. Magnus & Clary (Shadow hunters)
36. Gu xiang & Wen Kexing (Word of honor (Cdrama))
37. Optimus & the human kids (Transformers prime)
38. Mildred & her teachers (Mainly miss hardbroom)
39. Dylan & Lizzie (instinct)
40. Marina & Arturo (A private affair)
41. Moiraine & Lan (Wheel of time)
42. the BAU team (Criminal minds)
43. The SVU team (Law & Order : SVU)
44. Ellie & Joel (TLOU)
45. Barbara & the batfam (Batgirl, batman comics)
46. Carmen & Shadow San (Carmen sandiego)
47. Nile & the rest of the old guard (the old guard)
48. Nick Fury & Maria Hill (secret invasion)
49. Jordan & Garrett (crossing Jordan)
50. America chavez & Doctor strange (Multiverse of Madness)
51. The Eternals (Eternals)
52. Enola & Sherlock (Enola Holmes)
53. NCIS team/family (NCIS)
54. Aizawa & his kids (BNHA)
55. Abigail & Ichabod (Sleepy Hollow)
56. Carol & Kamala (The Marvels)
57. Gojo & his students (JJK)
58. The golden trio (HP)
59. Ryan & Max (The following)
60. ICC team (crossing lines)
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marvelrarepairbingo · 6 months
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The latest Marvel Rare Pair Round Robin story has been posted on AO3! Thanks to all those who participated in this round's round robin:
The Bakery Job: Marvel Rare Pairs Bingo Round Robin-Dec 2023 
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Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Scott Lang/Matt Murdock, Clint Barton & Scott Lang, Clint Barton & Loki Characters: Scott Lang, Clint Barton, Loki (Marvel), Matt Murdock, America Chavez, Kamala Khan, Kate Bishop, Kaecilius (Marvel), OG Nameless Character Additional Tags: past Matt Murdock/Clint Barton - Freeform, Alternate Universe - Bakery, Mission Fic, Team Up, Fake/Pretend Relationship, Odd team-up, fake relationship turns real, gender-shifting, Flirting, Fluff, confessions of feelings Summary: Scott Lang and Clint Barton are working together undercover to team up on a mission to take down the ‘Tooth Fairy’, a notorious vandal in the city that targeted owners of some of the smaller shops in the city, namely sweet shops and bakeries across the city. When their mission gets off to a bumpy start, it appears that with a little help from their friends and a touch of a mischievous plan that takes a surprising turn.
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heavenboy09 · 4 months
Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊 To You
The Most Iconic Blonder Haired 👩🏼 Actress Of The Later 2000's, Who Has Established A Name For Herself In Hollywood & The Academy  & She is the 3rd Identical  Sibling Of The Most Famous Pair Of Twin Sisters
Who Made It Big As Actresses Themselves In The Early 90's Of Television 📺 & Movies 🎥
Elizabeth Chase Olsen was born on February 16, 1989, in Sherman Oaks, California. Her mother, Jarnie, is a former dancer, while her father, Dave, is a real estate agent. She is the younger sister of twin fashion designers Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, who became successful television and film actresses as children. Olsen also has an older brother, a younger half-brother, and a younger half-sister.
She is an American actress. Born in Sherman Oaks, California, Olsen began acting at age four alongside her sisters Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen. She had her debut film role in the thriller Martha Marcy May Marlene in 2011, for which she was acclaimed and nominated for a Critics' Choice Movie Award. Olsen received a BAFTA Rising Star Award nomination and graduated from New York University two years later.
Olsen gained worldwide recognition for her portrayal of Wanda Maximoff / Scarlet Witch in the Marvel Cinematic Universe media franchise, appearing in the superhero films Avengers: Age of Ultron (2015), Captain America: Civil War (2016), Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Avengers: Endgame (2019), and Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (2022), as well as the miniseries WandaVision (2021) and the second season of What If...? (2023). Her performance in WandaVision garnered her nominations for a Primetime Emmy Award and a Golden Globe Award.Outside of her work with Marvel, Olsen starred in the monster film Godzilla (2014), the mystery film Wind River (2017), and the dramedy Ingrid Goes West (2017). She executive produced and starred as a widow in the drama series Sorry for Your Loss (2018–2019), earning a nomination for a Critics' Choice Television Award. Olsen has since portrayed Candy Montgomery in the miniseries Love & Death (2023), for which she was nominated for another Golden Globe Award.
Please Wish This Beautiful & Well Regarded Delightful Olsen Twin Sister Of The Olsen Family 👪
A Very Happy Birthday 🎂 🥳 🎉 🎈 🎁 🎊
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   #ElizabethOlsen #TheOlsenTwins #TheOlsenFamily #Godzilla #Avengers #WandaMaximoff #ScarletWitch #MCU
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I'm a diehard Stucky shipper and I think the chemistry between Sam and Bucky is at least as strong as between Bucky and Steve, albeit in a different way. That relationship has so much potential and What If would have been a perfect place to explore it. But instead of Sam and Bucky bantering and bickering their way through adventures in the multiverse, we get Peggy Sue Saves All the Universes! I only hope that this is all a big red herring to trick us, and that Marvel has something incredible in store for Sam’s Cap. Unfortunately, though, they have a track record of treating the good characters with disrespect while elevating the arseholes to hero status.  
Sam and Bucky's relationship was definitely the saving grace of TFATWS. Probably the reason it makes sense for us as the audience to see Bucky hanging out with Sam so much is that we've seen in previous movies that Sam's morality is pretty much the same as Steve's. If we are to assume Bucky not only grew close to Steve because he was a sickly kid who got bullied but also based on the fact that he was good and righteous and fair... then it makes sense he would end up gravitating towards Sam as well. And their banter is hilarious.
That's perhaps the reason why it's such a hard pill to swallow to see Marvel acting like Saint Maggy is the female Captain now, since we know (because we've seen it, cause they wrote it that way!) that her morality does not match with Steve's nor Sam's or Bucky's. Those three are cut off from the same cloth.
We didn't get much about Sam in the series, so What If could have given him more time to shine. An ep focused on him, or Riley, his experience in the army, an ep where he's the one to break Hydra's control on Bucky instead of Steve... The options are endless and What If is supposed to be exactly that. But from what I've been told (I haven't seen S2), What If has become an excuse to push Saint Maggy down our throats. They changed the parameters of the series, but I didn't see a big push to bring her character back, so they just did it to... what? Outshine Sam?
We've seen a few female replacements for previously male heroes (Kate, Riri, She-Hulk, Jane). None of them try to be the female version of the male heroes. But with Captain Brexit? They have scenes in the series that are a literal copy and paste of the dialogues in the movies!! All Steve scenes, of course.
All that while Sam doesn't have one single scene as Captain America in the series (he was given the shield five years ago) and at least in one ep Bucky is used and discarded afterwards while the "heroes" of the episode do nothing to help him. Yikes.
To end this on a positive note... Cap 4 was delayed for 2025. That's plenty of time for them to see the reactions to What If, the ratings (I don't know if they were good or not, my petty side is hoping they're awful) and maybe, just maybe they'll learn their lesson that the MCU audience wants Sam Wilson as the is the only Captain America in Marvel.
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theknightlywolfe · 7 months
Spoilery rambling thoughts on The Marvels under the cut
I am so happy we're getting Maria Rambeau content, even if it is mostly alt reality Maria. It would be interesting to see X-Men pulled into main Marvel by America going over to bring Monica back to her home universe. Which means does SABER know about America? They're well informed but she ended up with the wizards. I'm sure there's a file after the attack in New York in MoM but then to the rest of the world she would have disappeared. Or is that going to be the plot of Young Avengers 1, Kamala meeting a trained America and then going to get Monica back?
I know why Kamala goes to Kate (is that a new apartment Ms. Bishop? Smart) but while Kate no doubt knows there is a saviour of Jersey City, not that it is Kamala. Where was the power demonstration and how long does Kamala think she can run things with 1) Kate's penchant for ignoring orders and 2) the fact that she is a high school kid. Again, child soldiers much? And really at some point Kamala is going to blab about how she snuck the tablet in the chaos of the initial fight in her house. And while Kate would respect the guile it also would reveal that Kamala doesn't have the safety net/backing she implies.
Goose! Mama Goose! Do flerkens reproduce asexually or is there a male flerken she hooked up with while catching a ride on Carol's shoulder? Where are the babies? I can't imagine Goose being happy with being separated from them for long so quickly, but they are a menace in quantity and no way the crew will accept them on the SABER platform. Are they in Louisiana with Carol on the farm? Did they warn the neighbors?
Did they touch up Hailee's face to make it more angular? I had to do a double take when they showed her face because it looked off. Not oh she is losing the baby fat off, but like cgi off. I know I mentioned before that I hate her uniform because it is zero protection but I hate Kate's uniform because she might as well wear a t-shirt.
I thought Dar Benn was a good character. Completely wrong casting, but a good character. I just couldn't take the actress seriously and half the times the camera cut to her it just threw me out of the movie. Not that she is bad actress, honestly she didn't do much acting in the role and was emotionally written very one note so its not like she could show any range. But she tried to be menacing and it was laughable. And she had no presence, she was just there saying lines and swinging a reused prop. Maybe if Ronan hadn't been the only person with one of those battle hammers maybe I would accept it as a "universal weapon". If it is meant to convey rank, why did Ronan have it before the fall of Hala when he was taking orders from Yon Rogg?
Secret Invasion makes both more and less sense if this was supposed to be before it. It makes more sense for the Skrull presence on Earth but less sense for Fury's arc. It makes more sense if it is after for Fury's arc and it explains why Carol had to call King Valkyrie to get the Skrull survivors instead of Fury and why the Skrulls manning SABER in Spiderman FFH are now gone but also, why would anyone trust Fury after the very public fuck up in SI in the square and his very literal going rogue for the whole of it? Why do Carol and Monica never bring up him getting Talos killed? Or anyone warning Carol about the very real political shit storm relating to Skrulls on Earth? Why did they even bother making Secret Invasion if it so clearly doesn't fit in to their own storyline?
And really, how funny would it have been if they hadn't done SI with all its bullshit and at the end of the Kate scene Maria Hill walks in and is like "gimme that tablet back" and Kate and Kamala both go full fangirl.
Speaking of fangirls, I did like the nod of Monica acknowledging she not only knows Kamala write fanfic about her Aunty Carol but also that she had read some of it.
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I Want Your Midnights (I'll Be Cleaning Up Bottle's With You On New Year's Day)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/50725174 by Charming313 Peter Parker & Morgan Stark find themselves in a new dimension. After an experiment to study America's powers goes wrong. Now stuck in this new place. Peter needs to find a way to keep himself and Morgan alive and safe. Especially in a city as dangerous and scary as this. And even weirder, the boy in his dreams is here. Living in a manor, on a hill. He doesn't trust him or the manor at all. But how much of a choice does he really have. Dick Grayson has a lot going on. After recently dropping out of university he is back at the Manor, and a full time vigilante. This has been causing him to get a dream he hasn't gotten in a long time. He finds the boy that looks identical of the boy in his dreams. But in true Wayne family fashion doesn't want to do anything at all, fearing the boy is secretly dangerous. But the girl with him is just too cute to say no too. Words: 3349, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Marvel, Spider-Man (Tom Holland Movies), DCU Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Peter Parker, Dick Grayson, Bruce Wayne, Damian Wayne, Stephanie Brown, Tim Drake, Jason Todd, Alfred Pennyworth, Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Joker (DCU), Clayface Relationships: Dick Grayson/Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Peter Parker & Alfred Pennyworth, Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener & Peter Parker, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Aunt May Parker & Peter Parker, Betty Brant & Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker, Harley Keener/Cindy Moon, Michelle Jones/Gwen Stacy, Bobby Drake/Johnny Storm, Kate Bishop/America Chavez, Betty Brant/Ned Leeds, Felicia Hardy/Harry Osborn, James "Bucky" Barnes/Aunt May Parker, Peter Parker & Johnny Storm, Peter Parker & Gwen Stacy, Bobby Drake & Peter Parker, James "Bucky" Barnes & Peter Parker, America Chavez & Peter Parker, Kate Bishop & Peter Parker, Peter Parker & Tony Stark Additional Tags: No Smut, No Sex, Fade to Black, Batfamily (DCU), Bruce Wayne is Good With Kids, Alfred Pennyworth is the Best, BAMF Peter Parker, Precious Morgan Stark (Marvel Cinematic Universe), Gotham City is Terrible, Peter Parker Needs a Hug, Adoptive Parent Tony Stark, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Adopted Child, Not Canon Compliant with Movie: Avengers: Infinity War (2018), Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Other Additional Tags to Be Added read it on AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/50725174
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ao3feed-brucewayne · 26 days
The Lost Potter Sisters: HP x MCU.
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bOC9iMF by Cryptidenthusiast420 Harry Potter wasn't Lily and James's first children. They had two daughters, Rose and Camellia Potter, who disappeared when they were 3 years old. After 30+ years of searching for their daughters, the families are reunited and are tasked to Watch the lives of their daughters. Words: 2381, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Harry Potter - J. K. Rowling, DCU (Comics) Rating: Not Rated Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M Characters: Ben Reilly, Kaine Parker, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Bruce Banner, Clint Barton, Wanda Maximoff, Tony Stark, Vision, Sam Wilson, T'Challa (Marvel), Shuri (Marvel), Harley Keener, Kate Bishop, Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen, Mary Jane Watson, Steve Rogers, Natasha Romanov (Marvel), Thanos (Marvel), Pietro Maximoff, Magneto, Charles Xavier, James "Bucky" Barnes, Billy Maximoff, Tommy Maximoff, Guardians of the Galaxy Team Members (Marvel), Clark Kent, Bruce Wayne, Jason Todd, Dick Grayson, Tim Drake, Harry Potter, James Potter, Ned Leeds, Lily Evans Potter, Albus Dumbledore Relationships: Gwen Stacy | Spider-Gwen/Mary Jane Watson, Michelle Jones/Peter Parker, Kate Bishop/Harley Keener, Wanda Maximoff/Original Male Character, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Steve Rogers/Natasha Romanov, Tony Stark/Pepper Potts, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Jane Foster/Thor, James Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter/Ginny Weasley, Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne Additional Tags: Female Tony Stark, Background Justice League, Background X-Men, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Harley Keener is Tony Stark's Biological Child, Past Tony Stark/Bruce Wayne - Freeform, Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: No Way Home (2021), Not Canon Compliant With Movie: Spider-Man: Far From Home (2019), Not WandaVision (TV) Compliant, Not Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness (Movie) Compliant, Time Travel Fix-It, Civil War Team Captain America, Team as Family, Civil War Team Iron Man, No Team Bashing, Domestic Avengers, Not Thaddeus Ross Friendly read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/bOC9iMF
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