#the lettuce treatment
mckinleygirl98 · 7 months
i love the name Lettice so much bc tudor history, don't even care about the person i just love LETTICE but i'm afraid if I name my daughter that (if I ever have kids) then they'll call her lettuce
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ash-and-starlight · 10 months
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things i’m going crazay about today: the illustrations in the he who drowned the world illumicrate cover
(artist is glassbearer on ig)
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firewasabeast · 4 months
Our Future
(a bucktommy mini(ish) fic)
ao3 link or read below
Summary: Buck gets a little reckless at work, and Tommy gets a lot upset.
It had started with the silent treatment when Buck first got home from work. Tommy was fixing dinner, forcefully plucking basil leaves from the stem and tossing them into the pot when Buck came in.
He knew something was wrong right away, especially when he was only greeted with a monotone, “Hello,” and no attempt to move away from the pot that did not actually need to be stirred at the moment.
Buck had walked over to him, giving him a kiss on the cheek before going to shower.
Once he was showered and dressed in sweats and a t-shirt, he came back out and sat down at the kitchen island, where Tommy was now aggressively chopping lettuce.
“So, how was your day?” Buck asked cautiously.
“Do anything fun?”
“Not really.”
“Get some rest?”
“Tried to.”
Buck rested his hands on the counter, tapping his fingers a few times before asking his next question. “You didn't... Did you happen to catch the evening news?”
Instead of answering, Tommy stopped chopping the lettuce, put the knife down and went to the fridge to get a cucumber. A thick silence filled the space between them as Tommy washed the cucumber and returned to his cutting board. He picked back up the knife and resumed the harsh chopping.
“I will take that as a yes,” Buck mumbled. He sighed, briefly resting his head in his hands before continuing, “Say something, Tommy. You've got your grumpy face and everything; I know you're mad.”
“I'm not mad,” he answered, obviously mad. “And I do not have a grumpy face.”
“You very much do have a grumpy face.” He tried to meet Tommy's eyes from across the island, but Tommy was avoiding him. “Come on, Tom,” Buck said calmly, patiently, “Talk to me.”
Tommy put down the knife and, for the first time since Buck got home, he looked at him. His eyes were red. It almost looked like he'd been crying.
“I just don't get it, Evan. What would possess you to do that?”
“It's my job,” Buck defended. “It's our job. It's what we do.”
“No. No, what you did was way beyond the job. You know how I know it was beyond the job?” He asked rhetorically. “I know because, when I was watching the news, I could hear Bobby on the live feed yelling at you to not go back in.”
“I- I had to go back in though, Tommy. I had to save him. If I didn't go back in, he would have died.”
“He. Was. A. Hamster!” Tommy replied, emphasizing each word. “You risked your life, for a hamster.”
“Of course I did!” Buck said, as though it was crazy to think he wouldn't go back in. “Tommy, you didn't see that little girl crying. Sh- She just got Georgie a couple months ago for her birthday a- and she took such good care of him. She was freaking out. I didn't really think about it, I just went.”
“That's the problem!” Tommy exclaimed, motioning to Buck. “You didn't think about it. You never think about it. You go, and you run into the fire, and you become the hero, and you never once stop to think about you!”
“Hey, that's not fair-”
“What if the ceiling would have collapsed?” Tommy continued. “What if your exit had become blocked? Or the buildup of smoke got you lost? You never considered those things, did you?”
“I told you I didn't think about it,” Buck replied. His voice was quiet, reserved. He wasn't sure if what he was feeling was anger or shame. Either way, he hated it.
“Well, you should have.”
Okay, now Buck knew it was anger he was feeling. “Oh, thank you for those- those wise words. You've really changed my perspective. You should have,” he mocked, getting up from his seat. He went to head toward their bedroom, every intention to slam the door behind him, but instead he turned back around to face Tommy. “You know, we've been together for two years and never once have you made me feel bad for doing my job! In fact, most of the time, you seem to find it pretty hot.”
“When you're not being careless.”
“I was not being careless! I was saving an animal! I was helping that kid wh- who just lost everything she had.”
“Yeah, well what about us, Evan? What about everything you have? Our future? Our kids?”
All the retorts Buck had prepared suddenly disappeared. He stared at Tommy for a moment, dumbfounded, before uttering out, “Our... Our kids? Tommy, we don't have kids.”
Tommy put his hands on his hips, standing straighter. “No, not yet, but one day we will.”
“You think about that?”
“Of course I do,” Tommy replied as though it should be obvious. “We've talked about having kids someday, Ev.”
“Yeah, I- I know we talked about it I just didn't know you thought about it.” Any hint of anger in his voice had long fallen away.
“Don't you?”
Buck nodded. “Yeah. A lot.”
Tommy took a breath, rubbing his hands over his eyes to try and wipe away some of the exhaustion from the day. He moved around the island, taking a few steps closer to Buck. “I just worry,” he said, his voice faltering. “I worry that one day you're going to run into a burning building looking for a turtle, or a fish, and then I'm gonna have to explain that to our kids. I'm gonna be left,” he paused, “left alone, and I can't- I can't handle that.”
“But what if it's a person?” Buck asked. “How would that be any easier?”
“It wouldn't be easier,” Tommy admitted, “but at least I'd understand it then. Listen, Evan, I love animals as much as the next person but I love you a lot more. I'd like to know that when you're at work, you're there with the priority to come back home.”
Buck moved closer to Tommy. Close enough to reach out and grab his hand. “I can't promise you that I'll never run into a building looking for an animal again. That's just me, you know that. But I can promise you that surviving and coming home to you, and our future children, is always in the front of my mind. Always.”
Tommy nodded, blinking away tears. “Today was, um, it was the first time I was ever home, just sitting and watching the news and there you were. They had a special alert for the fire, and it was just live coverage of everything happening, and there you were,” he took in a shaky breath. “I couldn't do anything but watch and when you ran back in, I- I started counting. It was four minutes, twenty three seconds and I don't think I took a breath that entire time. I know it sounds ridiculous, but it kind of felt like my heart was breaking apart, piece by piece.”
Buck shook his head. “That's not ridiculous,” he said, squeezing Tommy's hand even tighter. He pulled Tommy closer, wrapping him in a hug. “I would've felt the same way if it was you. I'm sorry.”
Tommy rested his chin on Buck's shoulder, closing his eyes. “You don't need to be sorry.”
After they held each other for a moment, Tommy pulled back just enough to look at Buck. “Evan, I don't want you to change who you are. You know that, right?”
“I know,” Buck replied, and it was true. He knew Tommy loved him for exactly who he was, even if he was a little reckless sometimes.
“I just-”
Buck raised a hand to Tommy's cheek, stopping him. “I know,” he assured him. He leaned in, giving Tommy a soft kiss. Tommy sighed into it, the tenseness from the day leaving his body.
“I think we should order out,” Buck said once they parted. “Dinner's starting to smell a little charred.”
Tommy's eyes widened. “Oh God,” he said, rushing over to the burnt pot of food on the stove.
“So, did they say anything about me on the news?” Buck asked cheekily as Tommy turned off the stove and dumped the pot into the sink. “Come up with any good nicknames?”
“Oh, actually, yeah,” Tommy replied. “They were calling you the Rodent Rescuer.”
Buck's face fell. “You're kidding.”
Tommy smiled. “I'm not.” He walked back over to Buck, pressing another gentle kiss to his lips. “I prefer Hamster Hero,” he said, smacking Buck's ass playfully as he headed into the living room to get his phone and order some food.
Buck smiled. “I hate you,” he said, plopping down on the couch beside Tommy.
Tommy wrapped his arm around Buck, pulling him to his chest. He leaned down and kissed the top of his head, running his fingers through Buck's hair. “Yeah, I hate you too.”
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mindblowingscience · 3 days
A research group has developed an innovative method for the biofortification of leaves and other green plant tissues, increasing their content of healthy substances such as beta-carotene, the main precursor of vitamin A in the human diet. The work demonstrates that by using biotechnological techniques and treatments with high light intensity, the levels of beta-carotene in leaves can be multiplied up to 30 times by creating new places to store it without affecting vital processes such as photosynthesis. The results are published in the Plant Journal.
Continue Reading.
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ipostwhatiwant1202 · 6 months
More Headcanons I think are 100% valid and I don't care what anyone says:
note: do you guys like the headcanons or prompts/imagines more? i like writing both but i also enjoy your feedback :)
• none of them like milk
• they're all guilty of leaving the seat up on the toilet
• they write notes to eachother on the bathroom mirror after a shower when the mirror is fogged up
• they have a group text with just the four of them and then one with april and casey
• the group text of the four of them is just a bunch of memes and gossiping
• the group text with april and casey is just them bullying casey and dinner plans
• none of them can eat thai or indian food
• while they don't get sick very often, they all get sick within a day of each other
• leo and mikey both have very sensitive skin
• raph does skin care
• donnie has the best skin out of all of them and does no skin care
• they have code words
• they all enjoy musicals
• the first time april had her period around them, due to their heightened sense of smell, all four of them literally panicked because their friend was bleeding out (like full on cold open fire scene from the office freaking out)
• speaking of the office, donnie is a big fan of it and so is leo
• raph and mikey are brooklyn 99 fans
• mikey is the master cook in the house and leo is always the taste tester
• donnie is a very picky eater
• raph can eat literally almost anything
• mikey loves horror movies but he can't watch them by himself
• leo and raph enjoy watching war movies
• donnie likes movies that are based on real events, he loves crime shows
• they all hate broccoli
• they all eat lettuce like it's candy
• since their energy is lower in the winter, they all become more lethargic and cuddlier because of it
• 'i love yous' are rare but not unheard of, they'll say it if one of them is genuinely upset or have gotten hurt in an almost life threatening way
• their ways of saying i love you:
- leo uses praise and/or compliments
- raph does head shoves/shoulder pats
- donnie will say how cool they are
- mikey just says it with no shame
• it's canon that they all have nicknames that they call each other
• mikey always controls the aux when they're driving places
• donnie does directions
• leo drives
• raph is in charge of snacks
• they have similar mannerisms when they're explaining something, they all talk with their hands a lot
• none of them can sleep without hugging something
• leo's big broisms come out whenever his brothers are sad/upset, even when he's mad at them
• raph's little broisms come out whenever he's hanging out one on one with leo
• chronic middle child donnie causes the most chaos in the lair and no one suspects it's him
• since mikey is the baby, he still gets baby treatment well into adulthood when he's upset
• they're all guilty of calling april babe at some point
• they also call her 'ape' just to make her mad
• speaking of april, they're all very fascinated by her hair and nail designs she has done
• she's the one who introduced them to skin care
• leo hates coffee but loves the smell
• raph loves red bull
• donnie can't stand the taste of dr pepper
• mikey lives off purple crush and mt. dew
• splinter still tells them stories
• they can't go to sleep without saying goodnight to each other
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greenwitchcrafts · 9 months
Artemisia Vulgaris
Known as: Artemis herb, artemisia, artemisia herb, cingulum sancti johannis, felon herb, muggons, naughty man, old man, old uncle Henry, sailor's tobacco & St.John plant
Related plants: A member of the daisy family Asteraceae that consists of over 32,000 known species of flowering plants in over 1,900 genera within it such as chamomile, coneflowers, dahlia, daisy, dandelion, goldenrod, lettuce, marigold & sunflower
Parts used: Leaves & flowers
Habitat & cultivation: Common mugwort is native to Europe and Eastern Asia. Mugwort was brought into North America as early as the 1600’s for medicinal purposes. It spread throughout the Northeastern U.S. as a contaminant on ships and nurseries.
Plant type: Perennial
Region: 3-8
Harvest: The flowering tops of mugwort should be collected once they bloom or right before the blooms open. The leaves of mugwort plants should be collected before the plant flowers. Older leaves & flowers are significantly more bitter
Planting tips: Mugwort seeds can benefit from a special 1 to 2 week treatment called cold moist stratification prior to planting them & need cold weather to break down germination inhibitors. The seeds require light to germinate, so be careful not to cover them when planting. Mugwort does not like to be overwatered & is very drought tolerant. It is also an invasive weed & best kept in a container.
Medicinal information: Historically mugwort has been used in traditional systems of medicine in different parts of the world. Today, mugwort taken orally is promoted for digestive problems, irregular menstruation, and high blood pressure. It is also promoted as a sedative, laxative, anti-inflammatory & liver tonic. Mugwort lotion applied topically can aid in itching caused by hypertrophic scars & When being smoked, it exhibits mild intoxicating properties & strong relaxing properties.
Cautions: Mugwort should not be taken by pregnant people because it may start menstruation and cause the uterus to contract. Little is known about whether it’s safe to use mugwort while chestfeeding. Mugwort might cause an allergic reaction in people with pollen sensitivities
Magickal Properties
Gender: Feminine
Planet: Venus & Neptune
Element: Earth
Deities: Aida Wedo, Artemis, Diana, Isis, Lakshimi & St.John
Magickal uses:
•Place under your pillow to bringing peaceful sleep, prophetic dreams & aid in astral travel
• Add to incense for cleansing and clearing energy
• Place around scrying tools to increase their energy
• Add to herbal smoke blends to stimulate lucid dreaming, astral travel & visualization
• Make an infusion of mugwort to wash magic mirrors and crystal balls to aid in physic workings
• Burn with Sandalwood or wormwood for scrying rituals
• Carry in a satchets for protection and increasing lust, fertility & preventing back pain
• Throw mugwort in a fire during Midsummer for protection for the following year
• Keep under your doorstep to keep annoying visitors away
• Use in tea before bed to encourage lucid dreaming
• Hang mugwort over or on a door to keep unwelcome energies from passing through
• During a storm or when your life feels threatened by impending dangers, toss into your hearth fire or cauldron to keep you safe
•Wash your hands with a mugwort infusion to increase energy flow before tarot or pendulum readings
The Herbal Alchemist Handbook by Karen Harrison
The Book of Flower Spells by Cheralyn Darcey
Llewellyn's Complete Book of Correspondences by Sandra Kines
A Witch's Book of Correspondences by Viktorija Briggs
The Encyclopedia of Natural Magic by John Michael Greer
Wild Witchcraft by Rebecca Beyer
Plant Witchery by Juliet Diaz
A Compendium of Herbal Magick by Paul Beyerl
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atavist · 1 year
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Gary Settle has helped dozens of federal prisoners get compassionate release, all while coping with his own terminal cancer diagnosis. He’s serving a mandatory minimum of 177 years for armed robbery. Will it ever be his turn to go home?
Issue no. 139, “The Quality of Mercy,” is now live:
Sometimes Settle slipped into dark moods. He was serving a life sentence with a life-limiting illness, and he was surrounded by people in a similar position. It was a lot to bear. “Anxious and impatient could be my middle names,” he said.
He tried to stay busy, even while undergoing cancer treatment. He worked on compassionate release motions for his neighbors and spent time on his own case, hoping to help Team Gary. He sent Welch a copy of his medical records—even though she already had them—highlighting what he considered the most important parts. He kept track of side effects from his treatment, including mouth sores, debilitating fatigue, and a numb left leg, so that no one could claim he was tolerating it well. He counted how many pills he took: 39 on most days, 51 when he had chemo. He had never slept comfortably in prison, and the steroids he was now taking didn’t help. He made sure to exercise and drink plenty of water, but eating healthy could be challenging: According to Price, the prison gave Settle only one piece of fruit—a banana—per week, and the “salad” on offer was just lettuce.
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nightlyrequiem · 1 month
I. To Be Human
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part 1, part 2, part 3, part 4
Latrodectus Mactans, otherwise known as the Black Widow, are known for their uncouth treatment of their partners. The 'widow' part of their name stemming from the common occurrence of the female devouring her partner after mating.
Tags/Warnings: Abduction, Violence, Emotional Manipulation, harassment, A Dabble of Psychological Torture, Drugging, Breaking And Entering, Fem!reader
There is something wrong with Valeria Garza. Something deep inside of her that went unchecked during adolescence and festered into something rotten. While the other children played manhunt in the woods behind the school, Valeria was pulling apart the carcasses of stray animals. Feeding that part of her that desired to know what went on in the inside of a body. A vulture in her own right. She was born without something her peers had, and that set up the perfect breeding ground for resentment. She didn't quite yet understand what it was that made her so different. Or why it, in the eyes of the other children, meant she was undeserving of companionship.
Rarely did Valeria crave the attention or approval of another. Even with her missing pieces Valeria knew she was simply better than the others. It aggravated her to no end that nobody else seemed to understand that. There are, however, four people that Valeria... fixated on. Marie Sanchez lived only five houses down from her. Little Valeria would follow her around the playground. Making vain attempt after vain attempt to gain her affection and friendship. That flame slowly fizzled out once they reached high school and Valeria's idolization of Marie turned into contempt.  
Her puppy love for Marie grew into a rabid, out of control dog that needed to be put down. And put it down she did. If Marie wouldn't be happy with Valeria, then she didn't deserve to be happy at all. Valeria would take any chance she could get to terrorize Marie. Cruel words and rumours whispered from pink painted lips spread around the small school. Valeria's torment didn't end with verbal abuse. She was having a particularly foul week and Marie's existence only agitated her more. Valeria dragged her into the girl's bathroom and whaled on her. Shattering her cheekbone and breaking her nose. She only spent four months in juvie before being released on good behavior.
There are no certain qualities that draw her to a person. She's not sure what it was about you that reeled her in. Perhaps it was the fact that the first time she ever saw you, you were sobbing. The sound being the most beautiful melody to have graced her ears. Her curiosity was sparked, and she kept tabs on you from then on. Checking up on you for her own entertainment. Her passive interest swiftly evolved into an obsessive need. The thought of you affected her so badly that it made her unwell. She got her hands on every bit of information that she could. Past and present social media accounts. Who your friends were, and who you dated. She saved pictures of you and took some of her own. She absorbed whatever she could into her very bloodstream to be a part of your life.
Pictures and information were never enough. She needed to cut you open and carve room for herself behind your ribs. Remove your lungs so she could take every breath for you. Valeria is a busy woman, unfortunately. Leading a drug empire takes up most of her time and as much as she'd like to, she couldn't spend every hour watching you. There are always workarounds to every problem though, and she's nothing if not a problem solver. When she wasn't able to, she'd send someone in her inner circle to tail you. Take note of everything you do. Where you shopped, where you went. What you ate. Who you spoke to.
In her clean, tidy kitchen she carefully slices through a bright red tomato. Off to the side waiting on a plastic plate is a piece of whole grain bread. Fresh lettuce and bits of turkey arranged carefully on top. She grabs the tomato slices and adds them to the mix then places another piece of bread to complete the sandwich. She cleans up. Putting away the rest of the ingredients for later, washing the cutting board, and wiping down the marble counters. She grabs the plate and makes her way through her home. The floor to ceiling windows shows off the scenic view of the mountains in the distance. The sun is setting behind them, giving the tops a halo-like glow and casting golden beams into her home.
The dark wood floors are polished and clean. Swept and vacuumed every day. She continues down the hall towards the stairs leading to the basement. Admiring the few paintings decorating the ivory coloured walls. Some portraying lush, almost fantastical fields of grass and heather and others with more religious tones. She stops at the basement door and fishes through her pocket for the new key. She had recently installed locks on the door. She unlocks it and switches on the light before descending down. She had the space renovated and took some inspiration from Diego's dwelling. Jutting stones make up the walls with sconces to provide a warm yellow glow. Open doorways branch off into other rooms not yet furnished.
She calmly walks down to the end of the hall and stops in front of a different door. She reaches up to feel along the top of the doorframe. Her fingers lightly brush against a small silver key and she grabs it, pulling it down. She unlocks the door and opens it, just barely catching sight of you crouching in the corner like a scared animal, your chain lightly rustling from the sudden movement. The room is mostly bare. A mattress and a toilet are all she has allowed. For her, and of course your safety as well. The chain connecting to a metal collar around your throat is long enough for you to be able to come close to the door and light switch but not further. She made sure the other end was securely bolted to the wall.
She steps inside and gives you a soft smile, even if your continued fearful behavior is starting to grate against her nerves. You don't return her smile, but Valeria knows you will someday. You'll understand that she's doing this because she loves you. She walks up to your bed - a thick double mattress - and sets the plate down. She turns her head to look at you once more. Just the sight of you is enough to make her feel agitated. Like she has to hurt someone to compensate for the feelings that are too big for her body. Your brows are furrowed, and your lips are downturned into a distressed little frown. Despite the fact that she's the reason for your unhappy expression she finds the sight cute.
When Valeria was thirteen, she spent some time around a man who ran an unlicensed animal shelter. He'd collect stray dogs and cats, and sometimes take pets from yards and demand a fee for their return. If their owners couldn't or wouldn't cough up the money, he'd simply... put them down. He taught her a few useful things regarding animals. They'll be scared of you at first. You just have to be patient with dealing with them. Feed them often, meet their basic needs, and they'll begin to warm up to you. Valeria believes this method can be used on people. You don't even look that different to the starving cats that used to hiss at her from the man's metal cages.
She settles down on the bed, the mattress dipping under her weight. 
"Today was a long day," She begins. She feels a rush of satisfaction at being able to talk to you. "There was some trouble by the border, I won't bore you with the details, but a little gang was making itself a thorn in my side." She runs a hand through her hair. The bodies of the leader and his enforcers are lying at the bottom of a lake by now. Providing nutrients for an aquatic ecosystem. "I took care of it, of course." She says proudly. She wishes you'd share her pride. That even if you don't understand the intricacies of running a cartel, you'd sidle up to her with stars in your eyes and awe on your face. You should be telling her what a good job she's doing. Instead, you crouch there silently, uninterested and unimpressed.
She wants to stay. To talk to you more but she knows she should probably leave before she gets too overwhelmed. She just adores you so much. So much so that you have infected her. Not even in her dreams can she escape you. A part of her hates you for it. Her mood is more volatile than usual since she met you, and she loses her appetite if she thinks about you too for too long. The only solution is to obtain and keep you.
"Valeria." You say softly. Almost so softly that your voice is lost the stone walls of your enclosure. Valeria hears you though. Valeria will always hear you. Her heart leaps when you say her name.
"Mhm?" She replies. Looking at you intensely. Pupils blown wide. 
"Can... can you please take the collar off?" You ask tentatively. Your voice lowered to an unoffensive volume. Valeria narrows her eyes at you. She's obsessive and certainly 'not all there' by a doctor's standards, but she isn't stupid.
"No." She answers bluntly. You're speaking to her instead of screaming at her which is progress as far as she's concerned.
However, she knows you are nowhere near ready to be freed from the cellar, let alone your collar. Even when you are ready, she'll be sorry to see it go. She takes a perverse reassurance at the sight of you in it. It reminds her that she has you. You seem to mull over your words before speaking.
"It's just the collar... is rubbing against my skin and it's starting to chafe," You murmur. Valeria leans closer to hear you better. Her answer will remain the same, but she will let you finish speaking. "Taking it off for a little bit wouldn't be so bad." Your eyes are wide and glossy.
"I'm not taking the collar off." Valeria says firmly. You look like you're about to continue to try and convince her but something on Valeria's face must dissuade you.
Just like that, your wounded-puppy expression vanishes. Replaced with the dark, brooding look she's more familiar with. Valeria pushes up off the bed and stares down you with half-lidded eyes. She loves you so much. 
"Make sure to eat that." She tells you. Gesturing at the sandwich. "If you throw it at the wall again you won't eat for the next week." She turns and leaves the room. Locking the door behind her. You are her most valuable possession and she's keeping you safe, sound, and accessible. 
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jojobaimagines · 5 months
Man, it's been a long time! There are ads on here now? Jesus. I've come back briefly because a really kind person has bought me a kofi :) I cannot thank you enough <3 It will go directly to my kitty's treatment! Well, you said you wanted anything Ogata related, so i'll write some headcanons of...
·Ogata as your bodyguard:
-Honestly, why did he accept this job? Was it monetary reasons, was it an obligation? The most probable answer is that it's for his own benefit, for one reason or another.
-He doesn't really care about you. On the beginning. He makes it clear that he keeps you alive only for the sake of a succesful mission.
-Ogata will be kind of rough handling you on dangerous situations. Or, well, in situations in general. Anything from pushing you to avoid you getting shot, tug you out of someone's way, letting you fall down and trip as long as he knows you won't get badly hurt... He gives you a shit-eating smile when he sees you on the ground after you tripped on some branches...
-Oh, but he is the only person that will be able to handle you that way. Or any way. He is incredibly overprotecting (oddly enough for you) and won't let anyone even lay a finger on you. If you are ever with the group and sees, say, Shiraishi put his arm around your shoulder, he will harshly grip his wrist, twist it, give him a death stare and sternly warn: 'Do not touch them.'
-He will grow attached to you due time. In his own, traumatized ways. He denies it though.
-No matter your size, he will have no issue in picking you up and carry you if you are being stubborn or annoying and you need to go somewhere else. 'Such a pain..'
-'I'm a delivery boy.' 'YOU WOULDN'T DARE-'
-He is really manipulative on his ways of reminding you how weak and fragile you are. You need his protection, after all. What would you do without him? Die, most likely. You need him.
-Ogata will have no issue in killing for you. Actually- ask him to kill for you. Make him kill for you. He will, of course, assure you he only does it in order to keep you safe. He would skip the part of the thrilling sensation of his commintment towards you being so strong that he gets chills in knowing he is taking a life for your sake.
-He will constantly have his eyes on you. Maybe you don't see him. But he sees you.
Phew! I'm quite rusty, it's been a while since i've written anything! I hope these headcanons are of your liking, kind kofi donator <3 I'm glad you like my Ogata content! And to anyone reading this, have a great day :)
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afeelgoodblog · 2 years
The Best News of Last Week - March 20, 2023
🌱 - Okra to the Rescue and Other News You Can't 'Lettuce' Miss This Week
1. 4 day work week being pushed in Congress
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Progressive Democrats, led by Rep. Mark Takano of California, are pushing for a four-day workweek to give Americans more time for leisure outside of work. The proposed Thirty-Two Hour Workweek Act would amend the Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 to require overtime pay for any employee working more than 32 hours in a week at a rate of time and a half.
More than 70 British companies have started to test a four-day workweek, and halfway through the six-month trial, most respondents reported there has been no loss in productivity.
2. Governor Walz signs universal school meals bill into Minnesota law
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Minnesota just became the fourth state in the US to provide breakfasts and lunches at no charge to students at participating schools! The bill was signed into law by Governor Tim Walz on Friday, and it's set to ease the burden on parents who struggle to provide meals for their children.
The new legislation will cover the cost of meals for all students, regardless of household income. This means that families who don't qualify for free and reduced meals but who struggle to pay for food will also be covered. The bill is also meant to prevent "lunch shaming" practices, where children are denied food or given substitutes that indicate their family is struggling financially.
3. Texas Researchers Use Okra to Remove Microplastics from Wastewater
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Researchers from Tarleton State University in Fort Worth, Texas discovered that food-grade plant extracts from okra have the power to remove microplastics from wastewater. Polysaccharide extracts from plants like fenugreek, cactus, aloe vera, tamarind, and okra were found to be effective non-toxic flocculant alternatives to remove microplastics from water.
Polysaccharides from okra and fenugreek were best for removing microplastics from ocean water, while a combination of okra and tamarind worked best for freshwater. Furthermore, plant-based flocculants can be easily implemented in existing water treatment facilities.
4. In the northern California snow, stranded cows are getting emergency hay drops
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The recent wave of unprecedented snowfall in California has left cattle stranded and starving. When rancher Robert Puga ran out of hay, neighboring Humboldt County officials put together an emergency rescue operation called "Operation Hay Drop." State, federal, and local officials airdropped stranded cattle bales of hay to feed them.
Humboldt County Sheriff William Honsal went to the Coast Guard with the idea of a helicopter rescue, and by midday Sunday, March 5, Operation Hay Drop was underway. So far, Operation Hay Drop has been a success, said rancher Puga. The mission covers about 2,500 head of cattle over several miles.
5. Make-A-Wish Foundation no longer considers Cystic Fibrosis to be automatically qualifying due to improvements in life outcomes for patients
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Given the ongoing life-changing advances in cystic fibrosis, beginning in January 2024, cystic fibrosis will no longer automatically qualify for a wish.
6. 1st woman given stem cell transplant to cure HIV is still virus-free 5 years later
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In 2017, a woman known as the "New York patient" underwent a stem cell transplant to treat both her cancer and HIV. Now, about 30 months later, she has been virus-free and off her HIV medication, leading some researchers to suggest that she may have been cured of HIV.
The New York patient, received stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood that also had the HIV-resistance genes. However, it's important to note that there is no official distinction between being cured and being in long-term remission, and the medical team is waiting for longer-term follow-up before making any definitive statements.
7. Cheetahs Back in Wild in India After Seven Decades
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Namibian cheetahs have been successfully reintroduced to India after the world's fastest land animal was declared extinct in the South Asian country more than 70 years ago. Two cheetahs, Obaan and Asha, were released into the wild of Kuno National Park after being brought to India last September.
The species is being reintroduced on an experimental basis as part of a major prestige project for Prime Minister Narendra Modi. India aims to bring in about 100 of the big cats over the next decade. The African cheetah is a different subspecies from the extinct Asiatic cheetah, which once roamed the sub-continent in great numbers.
Lastly, I recently opened a Youtube channel. Subscribe for a weekly compilation of feel good videos.
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That's it for this week :) If you liked this post you can support me with a small kofi donation:
Buy me a coffee ❤️
Let's carry the positivity into next week and keep spreading the good news!
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infinitywrites · 1 year
I Didn't Expect You Part 2 ~ Conrad Fisher
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(Part 1) (Masterlist) (Part 3)
gif credit @madscline
synopsis: Y/N never expected it to be the summer that everything changed. Conrad, Belly and Steven were all dealing with the consequences of recent break ups whiles Jeremiah's wasn't acting like himself. Susannah was undergoing treatment that provided unpredictable health results and kept her loved ones on the edge of tragedy. Had they drained the well of the magic of Cousin's beach? Or could something new fulfil it again?
warnings: multichapter slow burn, warnings will update with every chapter, timeline is both POST S2 and a retelling of S2 with changes, everyone swears, Laurel/Cleveland, Susannah is sick, otherwise lots of fluff in this one
word count: 4,434
I just wanna know you better,
know you better, know you better now
All I know since yesterday is
Everything has changed
After I snuck in a power nap after unpacking with Belly, I headed down to the kitchen to check on the plan for dinner. I'd always looked forward to visiting Cousin's to taste Susannah's Pinterest recipe of the month. I shouldn't have been surprised to see Jeremiah at the stove stirring something aromatic, warming the kitchen up. "Well, look who's taken up the mantle of vacation cook." I teased and patted his back lightly after a quick peek over his shoulder at the sauce simmering.
"Not just vacation cook, either. Just wait, I've gotten a lot better in a year." Jere smiled through his intense focus and turned his head towards Laurel sitting at the island. "I'm ready for the carrots now, Laur."
As she dumped the shredded carrots into the sauce, she assured me when I sent a raised brow her way, "Don't worry, I'm just helping with prep. Cleveland is actually looking forward to impressing you all with his culinary skills so Jeremiah can actually enjoy his summer."
Jeremiah never took his eyes off the pot, "I told you, I'm into this now. Maybe I'm destined to be a famous chef!"
"You just had to add 'famous' in there, didn't you." Conrad turned the corner into the kitchen and flicked his brother in the ear. Jeremiah smacked his hand away as they both snorted a laugh.
"What can I say? I dream big!"
My hands found my hips without even noticing, "I'm really proud of you, Jere. It smells incredible. No thanks to Conrad." I shot my glare directly at him when his name left my lips.
He'd lifted two grocery bags onto the counter by the sink and was starting to unload vegetables when he scoffed. "Hey! I went all the way to the farmer's market to get stuff for the salad, if you must know. Actually make yourself useful and chop these." He tossed me a cucumber and a pepper before I could tell him that's the exact reason I came down in the first place. I got distracted by my own thoughts when he threw a big tomato that should have splattered all over the floor if not for sheer dumb luck. Conrad paused and mimicked throwing a radish bunch before I stared him down mouthing 'don't you dare'. When he finished washing the lettuce, he slid next to me at the island and pulled out the salad spinner.
Luckily there weren't any more shenanigans as we all worked together to finish the pasta, salad and fresh garlic baguette that Jeremiah swore was an elevated form of garlic bread he'd learned about from Top Chef. Conrad pointed out that he was surprised he picked anything useful up while watching Padma Lakshmi. Eventually Belly and Steven joined as a clean up crew, while Laurel set the table just like Susannah used to have it done up. Cleveland complimented Jeremiah's hard work and thanked Conrad for the quick surfing lesson before he'd tested his limits that afternoon. When everything was ready, Laurel went to get Susannah and the room was in a standstill. The anticipation was suffocating. It wasn't until Belly reached out and grabbed my hand that I realized I was holding my breath.
Susannah walked slowly, supported gently by her elbows by Laurel, with her signature bright grin for everyone in the room. She looked both better and worse than I'd seen her last. It was incredible what a sunny disposition could do and Susannah was the best at it seconded only by Jeremiah, with her sparkling blue eyes. The build up released into an awkward tension for exactly three seconds before Susannah sighed, "I can't believe you guys let me sleep all the way until dinner. Who's sneaky idea was that?" Her eyes scanned the room while Laurel chuckled by her side.
"That was all big brother over here, Mom. We wanted to surprise you!" Jeremiah smacked his brother in the chest as Conrad hung his head waiting for his mother's reaction.
"We had everything under control, Mom." He said and I glanced his way, taking in the new information until Conrad caught my eye and I looked back at Susannah in a flash. I kinda felt bad for giving him shit after hearing that.
"Of course you did, sweet boy, but I'm feeling good and next time I want a chance to order everyone around the kitchen." Laurel sat Susannah down at the head of the table while Jeremiah got to work fixing her a plate.
Cleveland, Conrad and Steven grabbed the various serving dishes and took their seats while I heard Steven yell back, "You got it, Susannah. I'm not going the whole summer without your jambalaya."
Dinner went smoothly after that. Susannah's spirit was as full as her energy when she focused on catching up with everyone around the table. Everyone complimented Jeremiah's culinary progress and Cleveland joined him in plans to treat everyone to a weekend feast before we all parted ways. Steven even talked a little bit about his breakup with Shayla and I reached over to give his hand a quick squeeze when his mouth turned down at the corners. Laurel got quiet before she admitted she couldn't believe how grown up Steven had gotten all of a sudden. The mood lightened a bit when he rolled his eyes and teased her for making his breakup about her empty nest syndrome.
Steven had been my best friend as long as I'd been staying at Cousin's over the past eight summers or so. Mom said it gave me a necessary break from the monotony of her condition and when Auntie Laur split from Uncle John, she said they needed me more than she did. Steven's breakup with Shayla happened before Prom at least and he seemed more angry than hurt after he talked to her the last time. Long distance was hard and she wasn't planning on coming back before Steven was headed to Princeton anyway. It was what was best for both of them and he knew it too. I tried to lift his mood after he got his Princeton acceptance a few weeks later by reminding him that he would have hated being tied down freshman year. Now he could charm his way around campus all he wanted without feeling a lick of guilt. This got the first smile out of him I'd seen since his Prom photos. He'd made the most of that night at least.
Jeremiah seemed to have the same idea and said, "This is exactly what you want though, Steve-O. No strings. No commitments. Focus on school…and Jersey girls." He really wasn't as slick as he thought when he put a hand up to direct the last part away from the parents. Conrad and Steven still shrugged and chuckled amongst themselves like he'd had a point.
"All right. New topic. I know you're dying to ask Y/N about Stanford and this is your moment." Laurel waved her hand to both shut Jeremiah up and encourage Susannah at the same time.
She put her hands down on the table for emphasis as her gaze narrowed in on me, "I can't believe you're going to Stanford in the fall. It's so exciting!"
"I'm glad you approve." I couldn't help but let the smile stretch my face at her joy.
"Approval, are you kidding? My little California twin." Susannah winked in my direction and I could have sworn I saw Conrad watching the scene play out.
"You can take the girl out of Cali but you can't take the Cali out of the girl." Laurel sing-songed as she finished her glass of wine.
"Why you gotta be so lame about it, Laur?" Susannah's shoulders dropped and she sent an exasperated look to her lifelong friend.
When Susannah got like this it always made us laugh and this time it was no different. Sometimes the only adult in the room was Laurel so at least she had Cleveland around, who was just listening attentively and taking in the group dynamics.
Laurel looked shocked for a second and cut back, "You're the one who–All right," and huffed in defeat before she turned back to me. "I'm excited for you too, Y/N. Beck's right, a change of scenery and a fresh start is an incredible opportunity at your age wherever you go."
Jeremiah was looking at Conrad when he said, "Summer everyday sounds pretty good to me," and punched his brother's arm which made me furrow my brow in confusion.
Susannah glanced their way with a mischievous look, "You know, I always told Conrad he'd find himself in the West coast."
Conrad looked at them both,"Subtle, mom."
"Well, if you aren't going to tell them–"
My jaw must have been on the floor as I gaped at him. "Wait, you're–"
"I'm waiting on late admission offers. Mom convinced me to apply over Christmas break." He shrugged it off like it wasn't a big deal but everyone knew the meltdown I'd had at the end of last summer trying to perfect my Stanford application.
Belly added with a teasing tone, "He made me proofread his essay like five times."
"Yeah, me too," Cleveland pointed at him and shook his head.
"OhmiGod, did everyone know but me? The person already going?" Steven looked scared as he swore he didn't so I looked around the table in disbelief and finally landed on Belly, "Why didn't you tell me?"
"Don't look at me! I told him to tell you." Belly raised her palms in surrender.
My eyes went back to Conrad who's smile just grew, "It's a big campus. We don't have to see each other." He shrugged again and dove into his second helping of pasta.
My face dropped as I rolled my eyes and swore to ignore him for the rest of the night. Susannah sighed and caught my eye, "Don't listen to him, Y/N. He's terrified of moving so far away from his mommy–"
"Hey!" Conrad tried to interrupt but he was laughing almost immediately when he heard Steven and Jeremiah break.
Susannah continued despite his protest and the howling in the background, "so I'm putting you in charge of him. I wanna see you both back at Christmas with the best tans of your life."
Jeremiah was dying and hitting his brother in the chest, "Okay, but is she wrong though?"
"Fuck you, bro. You still live with her!"
Jeremiah sobered long enough to utter, "And I cherish every second." He blew his mother a kiss like the charmer he always was and Susannah smiled stretched a little further.
When the boys finally settled down, it was time for dessert that Conrad had picked up from the market and snuck into the fridge without my knowledge at least. Strawberry shortcake; one of Susannah's favourites and we all assured her that while it was decadent, it still wasn't as good as her recipe. After the cake was polished off, I ran upstairs to slip into my swimsuit and coverup dress in case I felt like a dip in the pool once the food settled. A few of us tried to offer our help to Cleveland but he insisted that he had a clean up ritual he really enjoyed as long as we gave him the space to do so. He said it was a thank you to everyone for the meal and the invitation.
Conrad came up behind him and patted him on the chest, "I was just an errand boy and didn't know you were coming so have at it, boss!" And exited quickly out the backdoor, already pulling a joint out of his pocket.
Steven's eyes followed him even as Jeremiah was trying to make plans to head down to the beach for the bonfire. "Uh, yeah man. I'm down. Gimme a second to change and I'll meet you out front." Steven nodded in his direction as Jeremiah agreed and headed for the door.
"Yeah, thanks for the invite and everything but I no longer have the energy or the patience for bonfire party bullshit." I teased in Steven's direction, who was still staring out the backdoor.
When he finally looked my way again, he looked sheepish, "Yeah, yeah. I was gonna invite you but I figured as much. It was never really your scene."
"You know me well. Have fun though, seriously." I was about to walk away when Steven asked me to wait.
"Hey, do you think you could talk to Conrad?"
There's nothing he could have said that would have shocked me less. "Excuse me?"
"Yeah, I know. It's weird but…he's been off since we got here and Jere said longer. I don't know if it's Belly or just Susannah stuff but…"
"Did you hear him at dinner? What makes you think he wants to talk to me?"
Steven gives me a look like it's the stupidest thing I could have asked him so I concede. "Okay, whatever. Other than my family shit."
"You've always been the person who makes me feel better when…-like with Shayla. I think, no, I know he needs some of that right now." Steven always had the most effective puppy dog eyes. I was too weak to resist.
"I guess…I can try." I moved my gaze to a dark figure sat by the pool and started mentally preparing myself.
He started to back away but wouldn't take his eyes off me until he saw me heading outside. "Yes! You're amazing. I owe you, for sure."
I spat over my shoulder, "You think?"
"Okay, now. Before Jere leaves without me."
"Jeez, I'm going." Steven watched as I opened the sliding door and mouthed his thank you before jogging back upstairs to get ready for the bonfire.
The sun was almost down and the pool lights lit up the yard as the smoke wafted from the shadowed figure sitting on the edge. I rolled my eyes at my own apprehension and took a seat beside him before I lost my nerve entirely. The water was just cool enough to make the summer heat bearable for more than a few minutes.
"What's up?" He didn't look my way, occupied with his ritual.
I decided to start casually and try to work up to the kind of talk Steven was expecting. I still wasn't convinced that Conrad would be open to talking at all let alone to me. "Steven and Jere are headed to the bonfire soon. I wasn't sure if they told you."
He nodded. "You're not going?"
"No, the day was long enough. I came out here to stop myself from falling asleep on the couch." I kicked my feet in the water and debated splashing him.
"So much for Belly's power naps." He chuckled and finally glanced in my direction.
"Whatever, they work for her but I'm the one who drove us here." I shrugged.
There was a beat of silence before I pressed again. "What about you? Why aren't you going?"
"Same as you. Tired."
I tried not to let myself get too frustrated by his lack of response. It was weird behaviour from him though, "Hm."
That caught his attention again, "What?"
"Nothing. It's just, we know the bonfire was never my scene but you always went."
"And now I've accepted that it's not my scene either." There was an edge to his voice that told me to drop it.
"Fair enough… I was uh, I was gonna swim." I probably should have jumped in and splashed the shit out of him but there was an uneasiness that got to me.
"Okay. Don't mind me."
I stripped down to my one piece and kicked my dress and sandals a few feet away before driving in. The water really was the perfect temperature to be refreshing after the heat and stress of a long day. It felt good to stretch my limbs and work the muscles that no doubt were starting to cramp from driving for hours and falling asleep in an awkward position. Everytime I looked up, Conrad's eyes were on me and I struggled between meeting them for a few seconds before I realized he wouldn't be the first to look away. Belly had told me once that Conrad was confident in a way she'd never seen before. Shameless even, when he looked at her sometimes and she worried she'd never feel butterflies like that again. That same look intimidated other guys and coined him 'the mysterious type' around the Cousin's beach crowd. Belly said as she grew up, she'd hold his gaze longer and longer to test her theory and never saw him break concentration before her heart felt like it would beat right out of her chest. I had no intention of testing said theory and redirected my breaststroke in the opposite direction.
His joint getting smaller was the only real indicator that time was passing at all. The smell was annoying, of course, but it seemed to be wafting above me so I could admire the look of it dissipating into nothing instead. It was probably half an hour later, Conrad still perched on the pool's edge, when I climbed up the ladder, towelled off and sat back down beside him.
I looked at him, blowing smoke out over the pool water again, "Okay seriously, why didn't you tell me?"
He wouldn't look at me now, like he was sick of the sight but he still knew what I meant. "Do you own the school now?"
It didn't take much to deadpan my response. "You're funny."
He tried again. "So what? We tell each other things now?"
"When they directly impact each other's lives? Sure we do." I decided to let him get out whatever snark he needed before I got a real answer. This wouldn't turn into another stupid fight; we were too old for that shit now.
He narrowed his eyes in my direction. "You know I don't owe you anything just because we could be at the same school and living in the same state, right?"
And all of a sudden the plan went out the window and Steven would just have to accept that I tried and failed. "Okay, Conrad…" I got up to leave and went to bring my things inside.
"No, wait! I'm sorry. I–I dunno why I'm being such a dick."
I paused with an armful and hadn't decided yet if I wanted to listen to him. "Probably because you're so good at it."
"Okay, I'm sorry. Honestly. Belly was right, I should have told you when I applied. I just…I thought it might piss you off."
That made me turn to look his way, his head hung between his shoulders and his face lit up light blue and sullen as ever. "Since when do you care if you piss me off?"
"Now! Now, I do. With this. I didn't want you to think I was encroaching on your thing or following you or something. My mom's been talking to me about going to Cali since the beginning of high school but I never really thought–not with everything that happened."
The mask seemed to be gone now and that was the only reason I sighed and sat back down. Maybe Steven was right; maybe Conrad wanted to talk in his Conrad way. "I didn't think you were following me. Or encroaching. I just didn't expect you to wanna leave right now so I was even more surprised to hear it at all."
"I don't but…" It was like he was losing his words or thoughts halfway into getting them out. Maybe it was the weed going to his head. "I shouldn't have taken it out on you. Of course we would see each other at school. You know, if you want to. It's nice to know we wouldn't have to figure everything out alone there, right? It's exciting." He sounded sincere until he mocked the excitement.
"Oh yeah?"
"Yeah…and Jere's right too. I'm worried about being so far away from Mom."
"She seems really excited for you. You're giving her what she wants, you know."
"I know, I'm just used to being an hour away at Brown and that was bad enough. Let alone six and that's just the flight." He got worked up by the thought alone and my heart clenched in my chest for him. I knew that feeling. "Can I ask you something?"
Conrad took a moment to collect his thoughts before he let out a deep breath. "You've come here every summer for years and you're away from your mom for so long. How do you…?"
I audibly sighed and started chuckling at myself before I could stop it, "Is it a cop out if I say practice? No, that's partly true. It gets easier and it helps that I know my dad is dedicated to taking care of her. And when I'm there there's nothing I can really do to help. I think that's the worst part actually. Sorry, I–"
"No, I asked."
I looked at him then and it was one of the few times I knew he was really listening to me. "A few years ago, I think I was 13, I begged my mom to let me stay home that summer. It was really bad for a little bit before and I just thought, what if I miss it? What if I'm not there? She said I was grasping for control I never really had. I was trying to pause my life for something inevitable. And not only was that not fair to myself but it wasn't fair to her either."
His eyes fell as he nodded and then flashed a small smile, "The moms must be conspiring behind our backs because that sounds suspiciously like what Mama Beck Fisher said about Stanford. Do the thing that scares you. That's how you really live."
I laughed a little at the sentiment. "Sounds like you got a cooler version at least."
"It's not like I didn't know about your mom but…I don't think I ever realized–"
"It's okay, Conrad." I shook my head, wanting to avoid that line of thought.
"You just seem so together all the time." I could feel his direct gaze when he said it even when I wanted to laugh in his face.
"I'm not, I just…when it comes to Susannah I feel like I've done this before. Been here. The worst fucking kind of familiarity. I don't even know what that has to do with anything, I just think I don't feel it yet. Not really. God, does that make me horrible?"
Conrad immediately shook his head in reassurance as I took a steading breath. "No. I don't think so, anyway. I think it'll catch up to you but…would you promise you'll tell me if– if you wanna to talk about it ever? You know if Steve-O or Belly aren't around. I dunno, maybe it'd help me to be there for someone else, you know?"
I turned my head to gape at him for the second time that night but he wasn't looking back at me this time. He was inhaling the smoke and blowing it over the pool again like he'd been doing for over an hour now. "Yeah sure."
He nodded once and put it out on the concrete and then away in his pocket before he lifted himself up.
I had to ask before he walked away, "Hey, Con?" I didn't continue until he turned a bit to acknowledge me. "Stanford is what you want too, right? It's not just for Susannah?"
A smile grew across his face, "You think I would've put myself through that brutal application process if I didn't?"
I coughed a laugh at his quick mood change, "That's right. I forgot about those ten proofreads."
He shook his head in amusement, "Exaggeration. Besides, I might as well follow my built-in babysitter."
"Fucking hell…" I winced as my head hung between my shoulders this time.
"Can't take it back now! Mama's boy like me, I'll never make it on my own!"
"I never agreed to that!" I said louder than I meant to in my frustration. It had been dark for a while even though I had no idea what time it was. "Would you keep it down?!?"
Conrad opened the sliding door and scolded, "Shh Y/N, the neighbours!"
I was left with the usual exasperation that was signature oldest Fisher and everything felt right in the world again. Well kinda. It should satisfy Steven anyway and I could mark it off as my good deed of the week. I looked out over the view and thought about the strange connection you had with the Fishers now. My mom had had MS for as long as I could remember and the constant state of grief in my house growing up was as normal as anything else in my life. Everyday was clouded with some difficulty, old or new, and the only real reprieve was summer with my cousins at Susannah's beach house. I could be a different person there who no one really knew outside my family, Fishers included. I'd even heard the whispers of my quiet, closed off nature and it always put a smirk on my face. It was like a fresh start at the end of every school year even if I didn't change at all. I could pretend for a few months that I was a normal girl who's biggest problem was my baby cousin's unrequited crush on an unattainable older jock, my sad lack of crush to obsess over instead and my best friend's tendency to get himself into trouble without ever trying.
A yawn pulled me from my thoughts and I gathered my things and climbed the stairs towards the quiet upstairs. I heard the shower running but didn't think anything of it as I passed the bathroom until the door swung open and the yellow light hit my peripheral vision. I looked right at Conrad walking across the hall to his room. He was noticeably wet-skinned and sauntering in a pair of boxers. The moment lasted a second before my eyes caught his trailing down and then back up to my eyes as he ruffled his wet hair with a towel. And then the door was shut and I turned away and shook my head to rattle my brain awake enough to make it to my bed in one piece. There was no counting for the ways in which the first night at Cousin's beach could mess with my head.
author's note: I'm blown away by the response and hope this next chapter lived up to expectations! Thank you so much for the support 🩵💙💚💛. I meant to get into the 4th of July party in this part but it got away from me so that's up next! Do the changes make sense? Y/N's backstory? More explanation is coming but please let me know if anything is too confusing to follow. Reply with comments and let me know if you wanna be added to my taglist. If you'd like to ask me about any upcoming chapter warnings you wanna be warned of ahead of time (angst? 18+ smut?) then come visit my blog with any questions and I'll be happy to answer!
taglist: @c4rpediem-s @jackierose902109 @lcvecstiel @h0t-as-h3ll @fandom-addict404
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liaximagines · 9 months
Could I request Midori x gn reader, like where he has a soft spot for the reader? Well as ‘soft’ as Midori could really get,, thank you!!!
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👗So at the very start let's settle a small little thing. Midori HAS a heart, just a cold one, but he's able to be soft once some bond is between the two of you.
👗I feel like he was spoiled rotten by "mamadori" (nickname i use for his mother LOL) when he was little and overall very loved by her. Same goes towards her, he ADORES his mom. In conclusion, if Sou were supposed to be soft to you, you'd probably remind him of his mother a bit!
👗Now let's get straight to the point. Midori's behavior won't change completely, he'll still tease you, lovingly bully you or play some silly pranks on you, BUT he'll have more mercy for you than for the others he "bully".
👗If you two move in together, expect him to be ALL over you. Sou might follow you around yours place like a lost puppy hdshs. His hands will probably hold your waist, hip etc. so you "won't get lost" in your own home ofc.🙄🙄
👗In public, Hiyori might hold your hand as you walk around together! On fancy dinner dates, once he slides his hand under the table, he might even trail his fingers over your leg gently.🤭 (Just to see ya flustered tho..)
👗If you're feeling down don't expect him to do much shit..he's kinda bad at cheering people up lmao. BUUT if he's feeling genuine enough, he'll sit down next to you, rub your back ond go like "Oh you poor thing..Worry less now! Life's gonna just get worse tomorrow ahaha!" So uh yeah lol.
👗If someone's talking shit about you, Sou's already getting ready to give 'em a consent form. He down bad for you frr.( off topic but I'd piss my pants tbh if a lettuce head bitch walked up to me and was like "do you know the asu naro vow?!??!?!" but hey at least hes cunty and hot)
👗If ya'll sleepin' together, he'll cuddle you like a teddy bear. Wherever and how you turn in your sleep, Sou will find a way to cuddle you just how he likes it. ^^
👗He may not seem like the type to enjoy being given orders to, but when it's you, HOHO HE LOVE IT!! Lettuce haired bitch will give you princess/prince treatment if you order him to.(Might even use ma'am/sir if you want ;3)
👗BUYS.YOU.GIFTS. From spoiled to spoiling. Name a thing, he'll get it. Midori's rich anyway so why not. Even if you not ask him to, he'll buy you clothes he thinks you would look good in. Makes you do a fashion show for him lmao.
👗Did I mention he loves to touch you???(ANY WAY POSSIBLE LOLL) Like hear me out, this man will pat your head everyday, not to mention that he kisses your cheek everytime before he leaves to work. While sitting next to each other he rubs your knuckles with his finger tips etc. So yeah, physical man lol(IN BED TOO JK JK)
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rainofaugustsith · 1 year
So in the conversations about cures, there is one thing I'd like to reiterate: It is absolutely bleeding exhausting to have abled/not chronically ill people going on about cures and how they can fix you.
It's often the first fucking thing people do after you tell them what your illness is - they immediately pile on with the unsolicited advice about just how you can fix yourself. And 99.9% of the time, I guarantee you it's absolute trash that shows no understanding whatsoever of your condition.
Prayer. Kale. Juice fasts. Untested supplements not approved by the FDA that somehow manage to cure things like sickle cell anemia. Have you found Jesus (and I specifically say Jesus because Jews, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists - well, just about everyone else - usually will NOT try to convert you or insist you just need to pray harder to their god to be magically cured)? Maybe if you lost some weight or took up yoga? There's this guru I listen to. On and on and on.
And often, if they don't think you are desperately trying everything and anything random people throw at you, why, you must not really be sick. You don't WANT to get better because you're not trying organic lettuce fasts and crystals to cure your genetic disease that isn't even understood well by most doctors.
Most of us get angry about even one unsolicited comment or criticism. We think it's rude when someone snipes about appearance or clothes. So why is it okay to pepper disabled and chronically ill people with your half-baked cures, or think they even want them?
Imagine how you'd feel if the moment you left your house, people started picking at, say, the shape of your eyebrows. Maybe you could bleach them? Shape them? Shave them off? If only you'd let us help you! It comes from a place of love! Imagine that's all you heard all day long the moment someone saw your eyebrows. You'd get sick of it really damn quickly, and you'd probably really resent that people's first instinct was to tell you what they felt was wrong with you and that they were within their rights to tell you how to fix it.
You might feel angry or upset that they were not accepting you as you were.
That's how it goes with cures, folks.
The only time I as a chronically ill and disabled person am interested in hearing about treatments is if it's coming from someone with the same/similar condition and we're talking and comparing notes. But interesting thing, then it's usually shop talk, it's not 'BUT YOU NEED KALE AND PRAYER.' Do I talk to other people with my illness about the meds they take, what works, what doesn't? Sure. But key things: we've both agreed to participate in that discussion AND we both have the condition in question, AND nobody is picking at anyone else to do anything. Those discussions often end "well, that's great it works for you! Good luck with it!" and it's fine.
I'll be honest, if you could tell me tomorrow "Rain, we have a 100% certain cure for something you have" would I sign up? Fucking yes. But am I waiting around for that cure? No. Because most illnesses don't have cures. Some have treatments, and some don't. Some of us know this. I'm doing my best to live my life as it is, as I am, in this moment, and that's what I want people to understand. I want to be accepted as I am in this time, just as we all do.
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forasecondtherewedwon · 7 months
My Artful Dodger Masterlist
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Rated T
And Spit at the Stars (And Scream in the Dark) Belle dies on the table. Jack x Belle | 962
Fair Days Jack's troubled by questions of love and fairness. Hetty knows something of both. Hetty x Jack | 2k
Lettuce-In-Law The first marriage proposal of the evening might be ill-conceived, but the second is quite sensible. Belle x Jack | 2.1k
Take What is Given Following Red's caesarean, Hetty reassesses what Belle means to the Port Victory Royal Hospital—and to her. Hetty x Belle | 912
Rated M
Long Leaving For Belle, studying the human body usually comes before intoxication, so this is new. Belle x Jack | 1.6k
Rated E
Amputated Nights Scissors, scalpel, needle, saw—Hetty is always passing Jack his instruments in surgery, and then they pass the night together. Hetty x Jack | 776
Bodies in the Theatre Jack and Belle make a new memory on the operating table where she almost died. Jack x Belle | 1k
Experimental Treatments Belle was the one who'd poured acid all over her thigh. How could Jack not help her? How could he not, afterwards, recall the sensation of rubbing salve into her skin? Jack x Belle | 1k
Private Practicing Belle's waiting until she's married to do all the things she seems to want when she kisses him. Jack's waiting for her to admit she's not that patient. Jack x Belle | 2.5k
remember it once “I’ve never wanted this before.” “What?” “To devote my life to another person. To live instead of just keeping myself alive. I don’t know… I don’t know how to say it…” “You said it very well.” Jack x Belle | 25k
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229zmi · 9 months
PAIRING: Yachi Hitoka/Reader
CONTENT: reader is implied to be taller than yachi, using a plastic knife to cut a leaf for a science experiment, honestly 99% of this is just yachi’s inner monologue
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“What the fuck, it’s so hot and humid in this room. I think I’m gonna melt.”
You really aren’t exaggerating. It would even be an understatement to say that you feel like a sweaty, pungent mess right now, especially after running here from your dorm just to hear that the AC in the entire building is temporarily down. You yawn, fanning your face with your hand to keep yourself from dropping dead onto the tiled floor, although your efforts are futile.
When your lab partner does absolutely nothing in response to your pointless narration, you send an aggrieved look in her direction. Normally, you don’t mind when people feel inclined to not talk to you, especially since you like hearing the sound of your voice and you prattle on enough for all parties anyway, but at least a nod of acknowledgement would be nice to let you know that you aren’t alone in your suffering.
“Do I stink?“ You figure maybe she’s too scared to speak ‘cause your godawful stench might waft onto her tongue.
“Of course not!” Immediately, Yachi peers up at you and shakes her head so fast, you’re worried it’ll fall off. You find yourself enjoying the way her star-shaped hair clip nearly slips off her blonde strands from the movement before she reaches up to swiftly fix it back into place. “Sorry,” she stutters out, like that inconvenienced you in any way.
“No worries,” you say. Briefly, your eyes scan the tabletop, taking note of each item laid out in front of you. “Ooh, a hair-dryer.”
You flick the switch to turn it on, only to wrinkle your nose and quickly turn it off when the hair-dryer doesn’t seem to have the desired effect of a cooling fan.
“What do we even use this for? In this experiment, I mean.”
“We use it to simulate a warm breeze for one of our treatment groups. That way, we can see if it’ll influence the transpiration rate.”
“Well, aren’t you smart.” Your teasing remark has Yachi flushing a bright red colour as she shakes her head vigorously again and points to a paragraph in her lab manual as though to deflect the compliment. Regardless, you choose to ignore her, concealing your amusement behind a stony guise. “What do we do first?”
“Put on gloves.”
“Ew.” Resisting the urge to gag at the sensation of latex against your sweaty palms, you tug on a pair of blue disposable gloves with considerable effort. She does the same, although with significantly less reluctance. “Next.”
“Get two lettuce leaves that are similar in size,” Yachi reads. Nervously, she looks to you, prepared to offer to retrieve the aforementioned leaves herself so you can relish in the great honour that is staying in the same spot. However, you’re already turning around before she can say anything and walking to the front of the classroom, happy to do as told.
When you return to your work area, there are two lettuce leaves pinched in between your gloved fingers, though they’re different sizes, unlike she asked. You set them down on the table with an expectant expression on your face as you stare at her.
NO! NOT GOOD, her subconscious says.
Yachi knows this is wrong, yet she can’t find it in herself to speak up as she chews on her bottom lip and furrows her eyebrows. After all, as respectful as you have been so far, you do have a certain reputation around campus. She hears it from Yamaguchi, who hears it from Hinata and Kageyama, who hear it from Tsukishima (who likes to lie to them for shits and giggles sometimes). Apparently, you spend your free time throwing rocks at people’s windows at the dead of the night, make people you don’t like do your homework for you, and shove professors’ faces down the toilets whenever they give you a bad grade. Very intimidating.
She’s torn between two options. The thought of possibly offending you strikes such terror into her that she’d almost rather risk getting a bad grade on this lab than correct your mistake. But then there’s the chance that if she lets this mistake go and the both of you get points docked, you’ll find out that she knew all along. And then what?
What if you’re livid because she caused you to have a low score, so you start making her do your homework in order to raise your grade? What if you tell everyone of the one (1) horrible thing she did and then everyone starts making her do their homework to punish her for her dishonesty? What if she ends up having too much homework to do and people start getting mad at her for not being able to do their homework on time? What if they start throwing rocks at her window? What if you start throwing rocks at her window? What if, what if, what if?
She can’t let that happen!
“Actually, that’s not…”
“Huh?” This elicits an eyebrow raise from you. Assuming your confusion is a matter of you not quite hearing her rather than her deliberately trailing off out of apprehension, you turn your head to the side and lean down slightly so that your ear is level with her mouth. “Can you repeat that?”
Yachi squeaks, backing up.
“Never mind!” the words rush out of her mouth before she can think. With her heart pounding in her chest, all she can do now is hope that the two leaves being different sizes won’t make that much of a difference in your results. (Oh, who is she kidding? It’s a science experiment — of course, it’s gonna impact the results!) “I think the next step is to cut a thin slice off at the bottom of each leaf!”
“With this knife?”
A couple moments pass, and Yachi exhales, feeling somewhat relieved that you don’t seem to catch on to her ginormous fib while also feeling like a criminal at the same time. Maybe she’ll have enough time to change her name and move to another country before you realise. Yeah, that seems like the smart thing to do.
Your voice sears through her thoughts, pulling her back to reality. “This is kind of fun.” You point the plastic knife at her. Yachi feels like she’s going to wither away. “You wanna try?”
“No thank you!”
“Suit yourself.” With a half-hearted one-shoulder shrug, you go right back to what you’re doing.
Wait, Yachi suddenly thinks. What if that was your way of indirectly telling her to do something for once instead of just standing there and doing nothing aside from giving you commands like it’s her birthright? Now she just looks like a horrible person! Perhaps she should take the knife from you and do it herself. But what if that offends you, making you think that she thinks you’re not doing it right? Are you even doing it right?!
Warily, Yachi glances at the table.
Oh no. You’re cutting the leaves wrong. Horribly wrong, so wrong there’s no doubt the both of you’ll get an awful grade on this lab report if she doesn’t say anything soon.
Faced with no other alternative, she frowns, then takes a deep breath. YOU CAN DO THIS, GIRL, says her subconscious. Or something. God, she’s such a nervous wreck, she doesn’t even know what’s happening anymore.
“Hey, um.” Good start. Inwardly, she pats herself on the back. “Is that how we’re supposed to be cutting it? I — I don’t think our lab manual says to do it like that.”
“Never mind! Maybe it does say that! I’m not sure, what d’you think?”
“I don’t know,” you declare intelligently. You don’t stop what you’re doing, seemingly concentrated on cutting the leaf even after being told that you’re wrong, but you nod your chin at her lab manual. “What does that say, again?”
“It says to cut a thin slice off of each leaf.”
Yachi frowns. “…Those look like hearts.”
“Aw, really? That’s crazy. I didn’t realise.” You grin down at your heart-shaped cutouts, scratching your head as if you don’t know what possessed you to do such a thing. “Sorry about that.“
Yachi waves both of her hands frantically. “It’s okay, you don’t need to apologise! It’s my fault, I should’ve said something earl—“
“Hey, don’t stress yourself over it. Since I messed up, I’ll just get two more leaves and start over.” You nudge her elbow with yours playfully. “Hope you don’t mind spending extra time with me on this lab. Unless I stink.” Your face turns solemn all of a sudden. “It’s okay to tell me the truth. I know I’m sweaty.”
“You don’t smell bad at all!” she splutters as you walk away. Nonetheless, all is well after you return with two lettuce leaves, both of equal size this time around.
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“That was your attempt at getting my attention? By doing everything wrong?”
It’s several years down the line, and your girlfriend seems to be in disbelief as you recall the fondest memories of you and her before your relationship. With a smile tugging at your lips, you gently take a wisp of her hair, twirling it around your finger before tucking it into the crevice behind her ear.
“Duh, I was totally into you. Wasn’t that obvious?”
Yachi looks at you with such incredulity, you could almost laugh. “No!”
“Come on, you’re only saying that ‘cause you thought I was some low-life delinquent,” you say, trying to convince her. “I made you hearts out of lettuce leaf. Isn’t that so romantic? Call me a flirting connoisseur or whatever.”
Her nose scrunches up. “I’ll pass.”
You clutch your chest and let your head fall onto her shoulder. “You wound me severely.”
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Matt sturniolo -little bean
Warnings -swearing,mention of abortion, mention of sex , vomiting use of y/n, arguing .Small age gap (matt 20 and reader 22) silent treatment
Angst/fluff Matt
Author note -thinking of making this into a series so let me know what you all think
Part 1
Word count-2k
I brush the hair out of my face ,as I wake up to a empty house.The house was full of silence as my boyfriend Matt and his triplets brother had left the house already for some business meetings taking place at the ware house.I look at the clock on my phone 10:47am shit thats late for me and im still shattered i dont even feel like ive slept at all. Im awoken from my sleepy daze by my stomach rumbled ,I get up brush my hair quickly and head to the kitchen to get something to eat .
I raid the fridge and cupboards in search for something to eat , I decide to have chopped up lettuce,pickled gherkins and some jolly ranchers .I finish my breakfast and head to the couch to watch some TV ,as I sit down I see a note that's been left on the coffee table it said 'hey baby me Chris and nick have got a few more meetings today then what we thought might be abit later home will bring back some late lunch with us .Matt xxxx'. A smile is present on my face the whole time I read his quick note with my cheeks blushed , Matt's smallest actions can still have a massive effect on me even after being together for over a year now .
I flick through the channels as nothing can satisfy me , I decided to open the YouTube app and put some Sam and Colby on specifically the conjuring from last year's hell week .I'm half way through the video when all of a sudden I feel so nauseous I can feel it building in my stomach like a tornado swirling around inside of me , it starts of slow and the next thing I know I'm running to the nearest bathroom thankfully it's matt and i shared one .I throw the toilet seats up and fall to my knees and close my eyes as the first bit of vomit comes rushing up my throat and out of my mouth .I sit there for the next hour bringing up whats left of this mornings breakfast and last nights dinner.
After minutes of waiting for the sickness to come back .I decided to stand up and reach for my toothbrush and paste ,as I brush my teeth I start to think of anything that could of gave me a bug or if there was a stomach bug going around .After minutes I've came to know conclusion of my sickness when it hits me .....shit Matt and I are usually careful if we don't use a condom we pull out or we get the morning after pill but a while ago I joined the triplets on their 6 million subscribers video .During the night having all the huts to ourselves Matt and I decided to get the hut as far from nick and Chris as possible .It safe to say there was some very animalistic behaviour going on in our tent that night , in the heat of the moment no condom or pull out was used and I could exactly get plan b pill from the gift shop so we just left it and thought well it's not going to happen .
I decide that before I start to get myself worked up in a panic , I'll go to the shop and do a test before the boys get back .Once I feel like I won't be sick again I go and throw some leggings and a jumper on leaving my top to go bra-less as I'm reminded of some achiness in them .I throw some crocs on and grab my car keys as i head out .
*Arrives back from shop*
I walk back into the house and I'm thankful that it's still silent meaning I'm the only one here .This is my first ever pregnancy scare so I'm not expert , I end up buying 7 different tests and some mints to settle my stomach and yet some more gherkins.I wonder around the kitchen with my hands full of tests in search of a cup or container as i dont feel like peeing 6 different times .I decided to keep one unused so i can do it again with matt incase he doesn't believe me .After finding a disposable cup I drink 3 cups of water and walk around the house doing some cleaning while I wait for the water to hit my bladder .I feel a urge to pee and walk to the bathroom, I position the disposable cup where it's supposed to be and let me bladder do it's job I open all the tests and when I'm finished place the 6 sticks into the cup .I start pacing the bathroom but decided that wouldn't be the best thing to do in this situation .So I make my way to the kitchen and put a kettle on figuring that a hot drink may help my nerves while killing the time awaiting the tests.I walk back to the bathroom once then minutes are up and as I pull all the tests out I stand in shock as they all say the same ....I'm pregnant.
Fuck fuck fuck is the only word that is running in my head , what am I going to do ,what am I going to say , what's Matt going to say his career is at its prime right now what will a baby do with this .Fuck their triplets , twins run on my side of the family what if there's more then one baby in there .I hold onto one of the tests in my shaky hands as I pace the bathroom.After minutes of walking around the small white tiled room I decided to hide all the tests and put them in a draw in Matt and my bedroom and I decide to text matt.
Y/n: hey babe was just wondering do you know how long you're gonna be xx
My phone pings instantly telling me that most likely it woul be Matt had texted me back
Matt:yeah not long just grabbing some maccies won't be long everything okay at home ? Xx
Y/n: yeah just got something to talk to you about xx
I avoid my phone until he gets back .I'm startled as I hear the door fling open and just one set of foot steps ."y/n?" I hear his familiar voice Matt is calling after me ."in the living room" I shout back to him .Seconds later he appears looking as perfect as usual "where's Chris and nick?" I ask him "they was fucking around when we was supposed to be signing cards for merch getting sent out so they went back to the warehouse to do their signing , Laura is gonna drop them off later tho .What's this thing you wanna talk about?" I pause with words moving rapidly around my head trying to think of the right way to tell him that I'm now pregnant with his child .I decide that no words are the right words so I take him by the hand and lead him to the bathroom.
His body stills while his eyes move over what the tests all say .The room is silent , too silent."Matt says something " I say breaking the silence ."when did it happen" he says still not taking his eyes off the tests "at the safari , in the hut that night" I respond back to him "fuck" he mutters to himself as he storms out the door .I stand there in silence as my eyes well up with tears.I hear the jingle of Matt's car keys and the door slamming telling me that Matt had left again and gone in his car .I walk into the living room now numb with emotions my hand rests on my lower stomach now knowing that through the layers of skin and muscle is our baby ,my baby the size smaller then a bean in this moment I know that I've got to keep this baby wether Matt wants it or not .
Minutes pass and my nauseous feeling comes over me again as I run to the bathroom again.I spend all the best part of an hour again with my head in the toilet when I stand up again feeling weak at my knees I brush my teeth for the 3rd time today trying to get rid of the vile aftertaste left in my throat .I hear the door go again but i hear 3 set of footsteps this time ,and voices nick ,Chris and matts voice ."what are you gonna do bro?" I hear Chris ask Matt "I don't know"he responds "well you and y/n have gotta talk this out Matt you can't just leave her in the bathroom like you did last time " I hear nick snap at the boys .
"Y/n" I hear nick call out me ."I'm on the bathroom just about to come out" I shout back as I walk into the kitchen .Matt's angry stare softens as he seen my face , I'm now pale and clammy with my skin layered in a thin amount of sweat ."congratulations" Chris says breaking the tension in the room "thank you" I say with a half smile ."so I think you two have gotta talk about this" nick states ."I'm not getting rid of it" I say quickly that being the only thing I'm sure of right now ."I wasn't even going to suggest that" Matt says with anger in his voice .Nick ,places his hand up to Matt in a urge to shush him "calm Matt" he says to him."is it mine ?"matt asks me looking me in the eye "are you fucking kidding me" i say in the exact tone that matt has.Nick and chris take this as a hint and both excuse themselves to different rooms "yeah I'm being real" he says raising his voice , it being full with anger ."you're the only person I've slept with matt you know that" i say to him storming off into our shared room .
*Few hours later*
I hear a knock at the bedroom door hoping that it's Matt ."come in" I shout sounding optimistic.The door opens and nick strides in with a sorry smile on his face "so that was intense" he says as he sits down next to me on the bed "yeah" i agree with him ."so i dont know if this is the right thing to say but im really glad your'e keeping the baby" he says nudging my arm ."yeah i am too , i just hope that matt feels the same " i say smiling properly for the first time today ."alright its getting late so I'll leave you to sleep i heard creating a baby can be tiring "he says with a small laugh.
Just as nick leaves the room Matt enters it , he ignores me acting as if I'm not in the room as he goes to the wardrobe grabbing some spare pillows and duvet he walks back out of the room as I sit in bed listening to him getting comfortable on the sofa .I think to myself how much of a long night I'm in for I can never sleep properly when I'm not with Matt and even worse knowing that he's mad at me .As the thoughts come to my head added with the extra hormones that pregnancy has brought on my eyes start to fill with tears when they fall down my face .I have so many questions running over my head thinking how I'm going to bring up a baby by myself although nicks previous words bring some form of comfort to me .As the clock strike 4 am and im still wide awake and emotional i decide to head to the bathroom and take a calming bath .Im thankful that both nick and chris's rooms are on different levels as I run the tab the sound of water echos through the room .I rid of my clothes and get into the bath now full of bubbles I close my eyes in attempt to relax.
Suddenly my nauseousness creeps up on me again , who ever called morning sickness 'morning' has never experienced this cus it seems to be all throughout the day already .I jump up from the bath with my wet hair sticking to my body as I move quickly to the toilet I throw the lid up and sit on the floor as bile begins to leave my body .I startled as a soft towel is wrapped around my body ,I look up to see Matt crouching next to me with his eyes full of tears himself .His hand rubs circles on my back as I start gagging again ."let it out baby it's okay" he whispers I release bile 3 more times as I pull back and rest my head on Matt's shoulder as he pushes my hair out of my face ."come on let's go to bed and talk " he says so quietly careful not to wake his two brothers up .He stands up and picks me up bridal style still with the towel wrapped around me .He carries me to our bed and uses his foot to close the door as he places me gently on the bed .He goes to our wardrobe and fetches me some shorts and one of his tops , he helps me get dressed as my body is weak from the vomiting.Once I'm dressed I lay in bed as Matt walks over to the other side of the bed and jumps in to bed with me .I sit waiting for him to speak "y/n im sorry for what i said and done earlier i know that you would never cheat on me and id never ask you to get rid of it .Whatever you choose ill support you .Im sorry ive treated you like that when you needed me the most ..." I cut his speech off with a kiss "I know , I know babe and we're going to be fine I want to keep this baby tho" I say to him looking him in his eyes "we're going to be a mommy and daddy" he says to me smiling ."we best tell our parents" I say to him before falling asleep in his arms .
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