#the likelihood of that happening rn is not it
femmesandhoney · 2 years
not people upset biden got britney home instead of some marine, who is far more equipped and prepared for those circumstances than a random civilian?? like yeah he would fucking pick a civilian to return home wtf is wrong w yall.
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alchemistc · 3 months
Thinking thoughts about the things season one Buck didn't think he was ready for in a relationship and now I'm giving myself some pain bc what if Tommy's trauma isn't helicopter crash. What if Tommy's dad is all alone in a hell of his own making and he gets diagnosed with something terminal and Tommy is the only one around to take care of him. What if Tommy hasn't talked to his dad in a decade but when he needs help there's just. No one else available. What if Tommy has to take on this burden that he doesn't want and his father hates it as much as he does but it's the only option for either of them.
And what if Buck is just there to support Tommy. What if he knows the burden, knows how much time it takes up, knows things will go awry. What if he understands that Tommy doesn't want to reconcile with the man but he's there for all the difficult moments where Tommy is so fucking angry and trying to reel it in.
What if Tommy's dad has a moment of clarity with Buck and it doesn't matter, it's too late, Tommy can't find it in him to forgive his dad. What if Buck gets that.
What if Tommy's dad passes without the closure you'd expect from 911 and that's just part of the story. It's part of Tommy's story, and Buck's now too, and all this talk of living dads and dead dads and bad examples of what it means to be a man and good examples of what it means to be a man are just there, and we have to deal with that.
What if Buck is sitting with Tommy in the aftermath, and Tommy is just so sorry Buck had to deal with all of his bullshit while he had so much of his own shit going on, and Buck is just like Hey, I'm not in this for pretty arm candy. This is a real thing, and real life throws you in the blender sometimes and shakes you out different.
And maybe resolution comes in the Gerrard arc somehow, or a Bobby arc, or a Phillip arc, or maybe it just doesn't come at all. Maybe life is just messy sometimes and we have to push our way through it.
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hananono · 3 months
i had like a whole post on lock about serizawa and then i realized its 3am and words ain't workin anymore
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cimeriansparrow · 5 months
"It took her how long to gain your trust and she's gonna throw it all away over something she doesn't understand."
"She might genuinely be worried for your safety, which is silly"
Girl What is there to misunderstand and Why is it silly. You pulled a knife on your family members and threatened them with it before turning it on yourself. And then you hurt one of your children after they made a comment about it.
That's shit that needs to be reported
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fxggotclown · 10 months
not getting dressed immediately after i get out of the shower and just laying in bed naked is so nice sometimes .
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youregay · 1 month
I think people get mad at trans people for pointing out aspects of cis society that are invisible to cis people. this is where much of the 'trans people reinforce crazy outdated gender stereotypes' comes from I believe. when a transfem talks about having to buy makeup, wear dresses, take up less space, etc to be seen as a woman, she's pointing out the misogyny she's experiencing and how she's dealing with it. she's not creating these standards and it's cis people who are ultimately enforcing them; sometimes violently.
transmascs are accused of 'mutilating' their 'female' bodies and reinforcing the idea that women can't be masculine or strong or have 'male' interests but if men could have visible breasts without constant mockery, harassment, and misgendering than way fewer transmascs would get top surgery in all likelihood. even cis men get shit for having breast tissue; cis men with gynecomastia get told kys, and cis male celebrities are plastered on tabloids for having 'moobs'.
truly being cis can't save you, look at what's happening in women's sports rn. being Black or brown means you're not enough of a woman and that any and all of your actions are acts of male violence. gender is performative and pointing that out doesn't magically make it true, it was already true. jkr didn't gender that woman boxer based on biology, it's literally a lie she created, she gendered her based on white supremacist patriarchal ideas of gender which say that brown women can never be as much of a woman as a white woman and that 'real' women cry and are nonviolent; only men are boxers.
this extends to nonbinary denialism as well. if cis people really believed in exclusively two 'biological' genders/sexes they wouldn't treat ostensibly binary trans people the way they do. they don't want a trans man years into medical transition to start using the women's bathroom, they want him to stop existing. his existence is an inconvenient truth to them; gender really is a performance, you just shouldn't say that.
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bluewolfangel01 · 2 months
How would the brothers act during an argument?? Have a good day btw :3
Thank you anon, hope you have a good day too
Brothers during an Arguement
I feel like there's 2 levels of how they'll act depending on what happened; the "I'm going to kill you" where they'll rough up each other like typical siblings, or the "I'm going to kill you" where they'll leave whichever brother offended them on death's door
We often see Mammon owing Levi either money or something else for example, that's a typical siblings quarrel, the result of which is either Mammon doing a favor for Levi, Levi choosing a punishment for Mammon, or if it gets to the point where it's disturbing everyone else in the HoL Lucifer is going to intervene and string them both up
Such other examples include: Beel eating all the food in the house, misfired prank devised by the Anti-Lucifer League, destorying/stealing a personal item, etc
Now Satan may be the avatar of wrath but when any of the brothers get truly pissed off, it's hard to tell who's the true avatar of wrath
They can get so beyond angry, so beyond pissed, their aura can and will become so fear inducing that even Mc can't help but be scared of their beloved demons if there's ever a "I'm going to kill you" type arguement
Of course one of them must have done something almost unforgivable for any of the brothers to get to that level of pure wrath, except for Satan of course, he's a ticking time bomb but he's ours :)
Lucifer: any arguement he's apart of (where he didn't have to intervene in the first place) is typically because one of his brothers didn't listen to him, a more destructive than typically Anti-Lucifer League prank is pulled, or his belongings are messed with
Mammon: ... it's Mammon, almost any arguement he's apart of is because of money to some form or another, if it doesn't involve money then the next likelihood is that he's had enough of being called a scumbag or some variation of degrading name
Levithan: the topic, most of the time, involves his otaku collection, whether he's being hindered from getting more stuff to add to the collection, it's been defaced to any capacity, or it's been sh!t talked to such an extent that Levi can't help but to defend it with all his might
Satan: everything and anything, it's Satan, though if you want to get a bit more specific the topics might typically be the brothers being loud, a Lucifer prank gone wrong, or his book was damaged
Asmodeus: he'll probably get into an arguement if one of the brothers messes with his room, his clothes, his makeup, his beauty/self care routine, his chance to get with a potential partner, stuff like that
Beelzebub: he's not one to get mad or into arguements easily but if he does it's because of something like one of the brothers ate something he had his name on, one of the brothers picking on Belphie (mainly when Belphie isn't in the mood/isn't doing okay) ... I'm going to be honest I can't think of much Beel would get into a fight about rn
Belphegor: He'll typically get into a fight because the brothers are being to loud for his liking, for some reason or another the brothers stop him from sleeping for an extended period, or he's to tired to deal with the brothers' schemes/shenanigans
Im dealing with a bit of writer's block so the ideas started to fizzle out towards the end there. Sorry for taking a bit to answer your ask
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danieyells · 4 months
I'm the anon who asked for the Taiga lines, thank you so much for sharing!
I did not have much thoughts on Taiga before, other than him being surprisingly chill despite being a lil freaky but omg seeing his max affinity line along with his line on the ditched future.... the angst is unmatched.
You're stuck with him till death do us part? Whether you like it or not? Especially in a time loop situation, imagine that either of them have a high likelihood of dying within the year. One or both of them have tried to fix it, to no avail. Maybe they were a thing in one of the loops but only Taiga (vaguely) remembers it and that would make the max affinity line extra bittersweet because he's only succeeded at freaking out MC in the current timeline lol.
Maybe Taiga was invested in saving (everyone? himself? mc?) before but no matter what he does nothing changes? iirc he was an exemplary student going on a ton of missions to find anomalies, maybe he thought one of the random anomalies out there had something to do with their situation? But at some point between then and now he stopped giving a shit.
Also I find it interesting how the ghouls are constantly destroying anomalies instead of capturing them. It could be that they just don't give 2 fucks but also can't help but wonder if maybe the older ghouls have some kinda truce like don't bring back any anomalies if you can help it, nothing good can happen by giving the academy/institute more info on these things (bc at the very least Leo in the prologue implies the people up top are responsible for whatever messed up situation they were in, and he's the most likely person to uncover a conspiracy with his skillset + Jin and Tohma want to dethrone his dad as director or whatever his position was, possibly also found out smth behind the scenes)
It's all just speculation but god they are so good a pulling me around by the nose with this mystery when I had 0 expectations of this game (I mean, it still kinda sucks gameplay-wise but the story is so good)
Can't wait for new chapter soon, tho rn I am in gacha hell with wuwa, 18trip and gakuenmas.......
Thank you for being patient about them! I love Taiga so much hahaha
Yeah, the potential is there for this to be something big and for Taiga to be heavily involved in it, or at least the person who's most aware of it so far(Jin's "i know this won't last forever" line also kind of carries the implication that he knows but that has many other explanations.) It would probably be more angst-heavy if his memory weren't garbage lmaooooo THEN AGAIN maybe he'll remember you forever now that he loves you as much as he does haha. He definitely didn't remember you before this, or he didn't show any sign of remembering, so if he knew you in another timeline or you were together in another timeline i suspect he forgot, just like with everything.
As for dying, the PC is going to die within the next year if their curse isn't lifted and the prologue shows that someone else dies in the destruction of the school with the pc still alive(so either before the year is up or after the curse is lifted). So they both definitely have the potential to die in that period of time, if nothing is done to change the future. . ."if death do us part" is something Taiga very well might know will happen eventually. In fact, if his stigma actually does allow him to see the future like I'm beginning to suspect, he might know that that's what going to happen. I mean everybody dies eventually but I mean outside of a natural death.
From what Hyde says(I checked both Japanese and English) Taiga used to play more of an active part in the past, so yeah it seems like he's lost some of his enthusiasm. . .although it's very likely he's referring to that Sinostra's on probation and he can't go on missions at all right now, considering just a few months prior he was on a mission and seemed plenty enthusiastic. But as far as operating as captain goes(he's only been captain for around 6 months as of the start of the Sinostra chapter) it seems like he doesn't put any effort in. . .according to Romeo he only cares about anomalies and gambling, but if that were true he wouldn't care to tell you about the spy because he wouldn't even know. (Romeo also says he doesn't go after humans anymore which is. . .not true, so Romeo may just be blissfully unaware since their relationship is so bad these days.)
It'd make sense if this lack of enthusiasm arose from seeing an unfavorable future and thinking it isn't worth it to try at this point. He does say he's been telling someone(likely Romeo) that things will fall apart if they keep going the way they have been but since that person's been uncooperative with making changes he doesn't see a way things will change. . . .so why should he put in work? I assume he can see the future, not travel through it--hence 'ditch this future' he's simply refusing to play any part in impacting it. Even when he jumps from the ledge in the prologue if you choose to save him, he asks what he could have done to change things. I wonder how long he's been trying.
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he doesn't even talk the same was he normally does, so you know it's kinda serious. He would love to know how to prevent this.
As for ghouls destroying anomalies, I think it's a matter of safety in the situation as well as a general lack of powers that can actually capture the anomalies. Most of them have weapons with destructive powers and stigmas that are destructive. But in almost every case capture wasn't much of an option due to safety concerns.
Frostheim had human children present. Jin's stigma only seems to work for a few minutes at best even with the PC buffing him. They didn't have a means to keep the anomaly contained and keep the children safe, not to mention the last living one was about to kill the PC and one of the kids. Like Kaito said, in a situation dealing with monsters it's hard to think to incapacitate and capture them, especially when someone else's life is at stake. To ensure their survival and minimize damage to civilians, the anomalies needed to be killed.
Vagastrom's anomaly was a tulpa and couldn't be captured in the first place. If people kept believing in it it would just reappear elsewhere. People no longer believing in it took it out of existence. No room at all for containment.
Jabberwock. . .well, they know Towa's unstable. Princess Oto severely injured Haru, and Towa wasn't going to let it get away with that. The Kraken and Calamari were allowed to escape because capturing them would do more harm to the ecosystem than good.
Sinostra had to destroy it theirs to prevent the destruction of the casino and prevent harm coming to the general students, Romeo, and the PC. Also Taiga's just a killing machine so--
Hotarubi. . .I kind of think I know what happens with them thanks to spoilers and one of Subaru's voicelines, but I won't spoil it.
If Obscuary doesn't accidentally kill their anomaly because it touches Rui I will be disappointed /joke
I feel like Mortkranken are going to successfully capture their anomaly simply because Yuri wants to run experiments on it. but it does depend on what their Stigmas are. We know that Jiro's chainsaw doesn't actually cut very well(Yuri told him to get them a Christmas tree and he said that his weapon doesn't cut stuff very well) and we also know that Jiro does all of the fighting in Mortkranken, whereas Yuri is ineffective in combat. They have the highest chance of capturing anomalies I think.
so like. I think that ultimately in those situations it was kind of the safest option for everyone present, killing the anomalies. Cornelius acts like 'just capture the anomalies it's easy!' but these are life or death situations. There were so many in Frostheim's case that they had to collapse a building to reduce the risk of them getting back out to the public. On the other hand, Jin probably could have teleported at least one of them back to Darkwick before they collapsed the building or instead of them killing one, but in the heat of the moment that probably doesn't occur to him as an option--also he probably wanted to make sure the pc was okay since he'd never be able to use his stigma again if she died, so going back in there to pull one of them out wasn't going to happen. Also he may or may not be rebelling against his dad, president of the Japanese branch of the Institution.
So I doubt it's something like an agreement between the third-years. I feel like it's just coincidence.
As for what Leo says in the pre-prologue, by then he would definitely be in on the situation simply because he's paying more attention than others and Alan is about as subtle as a firework no matter how hard Tohma tries to keep things secret. But maybe he gets roped in instead, since his power would be beneficial--they just have to make sure they can trust him first. . . . He does say that someone is responsible, but I think he means that regarding that life sucks, not the catastrophe occurring? Although that very well might be referring to the people at the top of the Institute too. . .on the other hand I would assume it's referring to whoever the spy is working with, and the Institute themselves aren't bad people(although Jin's dad sounds kinda like a piece of shit.) That or the Institute is the problem, or the prophecy somehow. . .if I could see the Japanese text I could see if there's a difference lol. . . .
Jin is going to inherit the position of president I'm pretty sure. I don't think that's a matter of usurping or anything like that where "Jin becomes the new president" is like, they take down Jin's father first. Like I'm pretty sure this is a familial inheritance thing--I feel like it's a "you're the eldest son so you're expected to take on the position of running the company" deal. You see it all the time in manga with office/business settings. Even Haku is supposed to take over the shrine his family owns. I don't think Jin and Tohma are dethroning Jin's father, it's just a matter of 'we need to prepare you to be in power here, you need to learn to be responsible and better than your father so you can do better than he does.'
BUT. YEAH. A LOT OF THEORIZING AND STUFF but I'm definitely surprised by how into it I ended up getting haha. My hyperfocus said "yeah I fuck with this" and now I'm stuck here. I don't really remember the abandoned concept they originally had(afair I was more unique than the current one, which is trying to stay in line with what's popular with the industry right now) but I really still would've loved to see it. . .but I'm still enjoying the current result and looking forward to the new chapters. (One week away for Hotarubi!!! Home stretch, just gotta survive one more week of work!) I feel like it's much less of a mystery as more. . .slowly growing suspense haha like it feels like a mystery because of the investigation we do as fandom, but the story itself is gonna reveal everything eventually. . .probably. So it's just anticipation on our parts hahaha. (And yeah the gameplay elements are uh nonexistent haha. Pretty sure the only reason I'm able to keep up with the chapters is because I spent money. 🙃)
Good luck with your other gacha games tho!! Fortunately the only other gachas I play I've got pretty good units for so I'm not so worried about what pulls I do or don't get. . . . I hope all of your future pulls are what you need them to be!!!
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icaruskeyartist · 11 months
Once again, this is @pillowspace's AU that I'm kinda going AWOL with. I just want to make something a little more cheerful after leaving Y/N struggling to get home last night.
Clone AU is being a bit prickly, but I think that's mostly cause I want to draw for it rn and I'm still in the throes of color separations whenever I have a spare moment on my tablet. But that'll be done soonish I think? By the end of the week for sure because I need to start making my mylar sheets soon.
Time Loop whump fic will likely be pecked away at throughout the day to deal with school stress. This is just a quick palette cleanser since to me HD Y/N is a bit in the middle personality-wise.
TL is a lot more extraverted and kind, and Clone is the one most likely to cause the DCA to experience the first animatronic heart attack if they ever spoke because every other word would be fuck. HD is one of those people who recognizes the struggle they're in, but they can also find the good moments and appreciate them all the more while giving the bird to everything making life actively harder for them and their little brother.
"You sure you're fine." Gretchen sounds doubtful, but you smile and keep working.
"Positive. Look, nothing really happened in the grand scheme of things, right? I'm not hurt."
"Your hand is bruised, and you had to cancel your cards," Gretchen says, and to prove a point, she grabs your hand.
You flinch, pulling back. "I made it home in one piece and nothing really valuable got stolen," you reply archly, shoving the last of the books towards your friend. "Go put these away. I need to check the computer room to make sure no one needs help."
"This conversation isn't over," Gretchen warns, even as she pushes the cart away. The library is fairly quiet at this point in the day, early in the afternoon, before school is let out and you all get inundated with kids and teens looking to kill a couple hours before their parents get home. It's the perfect time to make sure everything is clean and ready for kids to play.
The computer room is actually pretty quiet, though there is one brightly colored splotch of a person in the corner. You can hear them tapping slowly at the keyboard as you check each computer, wiping things down and logging out of a couple accounts. Eventually, you've made it to the corner with the stranger, struck by just how tall they are.
"Is everything all right?" you ask brightly.
"O-oh!" The stranger is clearly startled, so you take an extra step back, just for safety. "Yes, sorry. I think we, I, signed up for an hour? Has time. passed that fast?"
"No, sorry. There's a timer in the corner, here." You tap at the monitor helpfully. "I didn't mean to confuse you. I just wanted to know if you needed any help."
The stranger doesn't reply, instead fidgeting with what you're guessing is a scarf around their face. "Is your hand okay?" They ask, and you quickly withdraw it, tucking it close to your chest. "I don't mean to pry. It just looks painful."
"Ah, well." You grimace, remembering that Gretchen is going to be on you the moment she's done with her returns. It's easier to hide in the computer room, and besides, what's the likelihood this stranger will talk to her? You decide to sit, still achey from last night and exhausted from a lack of sleep. "I was mugged last night."
"You were what?" The horror in their voice is less grating than it was with your friend, and when you smile, it just feels tired, not forced. "You can't possibly be okay after that!"
"I kind of have to be. It's making some of my duties today a little harder though. I can't exactly balance heavy boxes with this hand, and my coworkers are sweet, but if I don't do my work, I think they're going to send me home." You curl and uncurl your hand slowly, biting the inside of your cheek to keep from grimacing. "And I need the money, so. Here we are, you know?"
"Here we are," they agree, a bit distractedly. They pecked at the computer a little longer, apparently thinking as they suddenly turn back to you. "I can help you move those boxes. I-if you'd like I mean."
"Oh?" You pause, thinking. "Oh, uh. Sure! If you're sure that is. I --- yeah, it'd be really helpful, but you don't have to. You signed up for the computer and oh fuck, I've just started spilling my guts out to you."
They flinch when you curse, muttering something in the middle of your rambling before holding up one gloved (gloves indoors?) hand. "It's all right. We, I, like to help. Just point us in the right direction."
"Okay," you saw, drawing the word out until it's more a sound than a word. "You can help this time. But I'm going to have to do something in return."
"That's not really---"
"Nuh uh," you interrupt, wagging a finger (from the unbruised hand), in front of their face. "Fair's fair, and if you're helping me, I'm helping you. Consider this a rain check."
"Fine," they say, turning to log out of the computer. When they stand, you feel very, very small. "Lead the way, Mx. Librarian."
"That's Librarian Clerk to you," you say, a little teasingly. You do take point, walking through the library to where you and Gretchen had packed away the Halloween decorations. "And what do I call you?"
"Sun," they say, and they take the first of three boxes without so much as a grunt of exertion. Tall and strong. If you were a lesser person, you would be jealous. Maybe you are anyway.
"Sun," you repeat, and it's an unusual name for this unusual not-quite-a-stranger. You lead them towards the back, fiddling with your keys to find the one for the storage closet. "It's very nice to meet you."
"It's nice to meet you too."
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I love all your yandere AUs and OC/readers that go with them, but Lullaby takes the cake rn because the idea of so many characters thinking they are the dad is the drama I need in life.
Anyways I was wondering how old Rosy would be if she were still alive when the one piece story starts?
Also what is the likelihood of Lullaby having half/full siblings somewhere out there?
(I think lullaby having an older brother would help to explain why Rosy never returned to stay on Amazon Lily and instead continued to wander. Since Amazon Lily is all women and her son wouldn’t be able to stay with her or even that Rosy herself was not fully welcomed back for having given birth to a boy which is an anomaly. Also lullaby’s brother would be able to give her access to all that money Rosy left behind)
Rosy is three years older than Hancock, putting her at 15 when they became slaves. If she were still alive, she would be 32 at the start of the story
I'm going to get into Rosy's early life, so I'm going to put all of that under a cut since I'm going to be touching on really heavy themes like sexual abuses (to minors) and the typical dangers of being a sex worker. If reading that is going to upset you, do not read further.
Unlike her sisters, Rosy never really came back from what happened. Her mind was stunted from being repeatedly assaulted for four years straight, especially since she was regularly throwing herself at the celestial dragons who bought them in an attempt to spare her younger sisters from being abused and/or molested.
When they got back to Amazon Lily, Rosy tried to acclimate, she really did. But she couldn't. She was so accustomed to life as a slave and being seen exclusively as a sex object by everyone that wasn't related to her that suddenly being in a safe environment felt wrong. It pained her to leave her sisters, but she couldn't stand being on Amazon Lily any longer and left it by choice, though she would regularly come back to visit.
She immediately began a career as a sex worker, and it helped to scratch that itch. Everything felt "right" again because this is how it's supposed to be for her. That was all that she thought she was good for. It was rough in the beginning as she learned the ins and outs of the industry, but she found herself enjoying it as time went on. Yes, she was still being reduced down to a sex object, but now she was getting paid for it. As she rose to higher levels, her clients even started buying her nice things, taking her out to fancy dinners, and sometimes even bringing her out on luxury vacations.
Over the years, she made friends with the other women doing this for a living. At first they were sticking together and watching each others' backs as friends, but then it grew into something more. Rosy decided to open up her own personal escort service so as to keep all of her friends together under her protection, as well as to reach out to other women that were being abused by the system. She prioritized her workers above everything else. If they felt unsafe/uncomfortable, they could leave any call with zero repercussions. If a client actually hurt them, Rosy would take care of that piece of shit personally. If someone wanted out of the industry, she would set that person up with a new look and identity on whatever island they wanted. She made everyone else abide by a buddy system to prevent any of her girls from being injured or killed. She was beloved by all the women under her care ans was mourned deeply when she disappeared.
As for potential half-siblings, Rosy would never under any circumstance abandon her child. Family is one of the few things she holds dear in life, and she would rather die than leave her own flesh and blood to fend for itself. Rosy had her faults, sure, but she was a damn good mom that was willing to lay down her own life to give her daughter more of a chance to be found.
If her sisters actually rejected her and banished her from the island over having a son, she would lose it. Such a betrayal would genuinely break her and likely ended in a violent fight between them. The bridge would be fully burned, and her sisters would be dead to her from that moment forward.
Doflamingo would love this development though because it would leave Rosy significantly more vulnerable and susceptible to his manipulation
That being said, I really can't imagine them shunning her over something like that, much less looking at their newborn nephew and hating him just over being a boy. Hancock was able to fall in love with Luffy over the course of what? Hours? So I feel like loving her own nephew wouldn't be hard. And with Hancock being the Empress, I feel like she has the power to make everyone else shut the fuck up if they don't like it.
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gunmetal-ring · 1 year
anon again. i'm sorry that i keep coming to you with this depressing messages but you seem like one of the few sane ppl in this fandom and i appreciate your honesty.
truth is im feeling really disillusioned with hellcheer lately. we don't have a lot of "canon" content so after a while, it gets tiring going thru the same 2 scenes over and over again (especially when one of them involves chrissy's death). ive been relying on fandom but it seems like it's slowed down. fics arent updated as frequently, not a lot of new artwork.
heck, even joe and grace have moved on. joe's career is taking off. grace is leaving acting. it just feels like everything that happened last summer has come to an end :(
Aw anon thats okay. Ty for thinking of my feelings though 💓 (and also im flattered that you think im sane lmao)
Unfortunately its the way things go, especially with small ships, especially especially in a fandom as hostile as this one is. People come together and build community and share their love for characters and then g(r)o(w) their separate ways again.
But not everybody does! You and me, for example. And ive got plenty of hellcheer mutuals that seem perfectly content to draw, write, and rb their little hearts out.
I for one am absolutely astounded that theres even a fandom for hellcheer, let alone one with such talent and breadth and depth of love! Our characters had 2 scenes. Our girl was killed just as it all began. Our boy died with her name on his lips. In all likelihood we will never see them together on our screens again.
But somehow. Those ~10 minutes managed to foster an entire community of people and keep us engaged and in love w the characters for almost a year at this point! With no dangling promises or false hope or anything! Like we all know the score and we still go hard for hellcheer. Incredible.
Idk maybe it's just bc ive only had brainworms like this for 2 other ships and 1 of them is even smaller and the other one is a clusterfuck of unimaginable proportions, so im a little biased in terms of community/fandom, but im just like... idk. I think its really incredible thats all. And a testament to the very real power and truth of hellcheer 🥰
All i can say anon is that the best way to keep a fandom/ship going is engagement. Likes on tumblr and kudos on ao3 are great. But whats even better and more motivating (and i say this as a fic writer/meme shitposter so im speaking the total truth lol) is reblogs and comments. Tell people how much you love their work and how much it means to you, it goes a very long way. And on the flip side of that - stay out of the infighting. All it does is sap your mental energy and the fandom infighting bullshit is a major contributor to why people leave. The negativity and bitterness warp your perspective and make it really hard to remember what we're here for - it's not anti-st*ddie or anti-qu*nn stans or anti-anti-hellcheer or what the fuck ever. We're here for hellcheer!
Sorry my $0.02 is now $2.00 bc i ramble lol its a fatal flaw of mine. Anyway im sorry if this is annoyingly positive or dismissive but im in a strangely upbeat mood rn so there you have it
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ghostoffuturespast · 5 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @streetkid-named-desire! Thanks for thinking of me!
Quite literally nothing has happened in this department since I finished So It Goes two weeks ago. Taking a bit of a forced writing sabbatical because my work schedule has been insane (and will continue to be insane until August, summer's my busy season) and I've just had a bunch of random social/housekeeping things I've had to take care of on my weekends. Hopefully things'll settle down soon.
I've got a lot of smaller projects on the back burners at the moment that I've been mulling over, but I haven't had the time to do any actual writing. Been jotting down notes when they come to me though. I also need to go back and give SIG a polish too (and take notes lol), there's a lot of formatting and continuity things that need to be fixed.
And I'd like to try out some other writing software/apps. Google Docs is great for working across multiple devices and any general word processor is fine for shorter writing projects, but considering how massive SIG ended up being and the likelihood that Part 2 Electric Boogaloo is probably gonna be a similar length... It'd be nice to have something that's got a wider array of tools, better file organization, and won't crap out on me after hitting a character limit.
(If anyone has any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear them! I've got a couple of candidates so far but candid reviews would be appreciated.)
Still taking VP even though I haven't booted Cyberpunk up in like three weeks. I have a substantial backlog to work through and have the tail-end of the base game missions to post still. I am currently at the beginning of PL again and did take photos of the main missions getting into Dogtown. Got some pretty epic shots if I do say so myself.
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Trying to see about getting my front yard and my hellstrip converted into a pocket prairie! This is the preliminary design, which makes no sense without the plant list, but hopefully once this gets approved by my HOA I can start working on it. I'm planning on doing my own installation, so this'll definitely be a whole summer project.
I've been very slowly getting back into reading again! It's been nice. Mostly non-fiction books I can get away with reading at work, but I'm coming around to read folks fics too. It's just finding some free time to sit in my new reading chair rn...
Tagging with no pressure: @fly-amanitaa @merge-conflict @vox-monstera @baublekute @shimmer-like-agirl @mynonsenseistingling @dani-the-goblin
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smththtwlllst · 11 months
(Spoilers for the Shibuya incident arc onward)
Okay so do people remember how gege said that he’d either kill 1 of the main four (Gojo, Nobara, Megumi, Yuji) and keep three alive OR he’d kill 3 of them and keep one alive?
Well, given how the manga is going rn I’m pretty damn certain that it’s the 3 dead 1 alive option (bc let’s be honest- as much as I want gojo back I don’t think it’s happening, and as much as I want to believe megumi is still in there I’m starting to lose faith).
HOWEVER. I don’t think that it’s going to be the way that people think it will be. My theory is that the person who is still alive at the end is Nobara.
Now, I hear what you’re thinking. She got her face blown up by Mahito. They said that she probably wasn’t going to make it.
But here’s the thing. At this point in the manga, it’s Yuji’s personal goal to die/kill sukuna then die. So I would not be surprised if he did some sort of kamikaze move and killed Sukuna and himself in one go.
And on top of this, like it was said before- Nobaras death was never confirmed. They said she might not make it. Not that she was gone, not that she had perished. That there was a likelihood that she wasn’t going to survive.
And from a less story-wise standpoint but a more feminist one, it would be really refreshing (and cool) for her to be the one still alive out of the three boys and her. And personally, I think that in the end, she would become a teacher at jujitsu high in the end in a way that’s reminiscent of Gojo doing it.
Idk that’s just my two cents I’m going crazy over here.
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alluralater · 8 months
the thing about being half caucasian is that when i don’t get enough sleep i look SO pale, which looks very strange because my features are very much that of a mixed girl. so it’s like- melanin siCkNess, is how i look rn. plus im chronically anemic (supposed to get blood transfusions twice a year but i don’t bc im terrified of my body rejecting it. like no it’s not super common but the more blood transfusions you do, the higher the likelihood is that it WILL happen so i don’t wanna risk it. i’d rather pass out in public places from the lack of oxygen to my brain again) and now it’s like- mf got me lookin like a tim burton character with freckles. i may or may not be on my period too (i am) and my roommate was saying i look really tired because i have bad dark circles under my eyes lately and im looking washed out. it’s definitely my period because when i was doing cardio yesterday on the treadmill i felt like i was going to be sick at the fifteen minute mark but not from being tired, just from the onset of “lack of oxygen” nausea that hits me when all my blood moves to the outer parts of my body and away from my brain. i had to stop today for a few minutes and when i looked in the mirror in the locker room i was SO pale it was wild. anyways all this to say, i would like the sunshine to return posthaste + i need more blood in my body. does anyone know a reverse vampire?? they bite me and i get blood?? or wait maybe it’s easier to find a vampire to turn me into one?? what happens if i have severe anemia and i get turned into a vampire??
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New Vega Audio Thoughts Ah ha ha
Not because they're fascinating or interesting or intriguing. But because he CARES ABOUT THEM
Sobbing rn
Okay, but grief aside, the lore.
Sunshine gets released, and Blake kills himself to reach the Sovereigns. Then DUMP does a raid. This means the likelihood that Elliot has found Sunshine is hella low. I assume Scorpius told Sunshine what he did for Elliot, so Sunshine is probably looking for him. Hopefully, they'll find Aaron. And the raid means that Scorpius is likely out of there.
And Hush got there at some point? Wad he just sitting in the shadows like the creep he is watching the raid? Or did he kill the raiders because they were stopping Close-knit and Close-knit skedaddled out of there? Is Blake's body just chilling in a room or did he get revived already? Does Bestie think he's dead? What happened to the shade? Did the shade kill the raiding stealths?
Hush said Vega was important, and he had to live. Vega said he wanted to return to independence from humans, so you'd think the sovereigns would tell Hush to back off from Vega in an attempt to use all options of freedom. Like backup plans. So why kill him? Close-knit is already gone, so it's not like Vega could have done anything to stop them in that moment. Unless something was going on downstairs where the stronger signature was that Vega mentioned.
Hush go into the motherfucking dog house you dick swab.
Ahem, excuse me. I had something in my fingers. Anyways
Vega is dead. Hush is upsetti about that, it seems. What does this mean for Warden? Are they going to just go back to being overworked by the department? What are they going to say about their disappearance? Is this how the department learns about Hush's existence? Do we lose having a demon listener?
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thoughtlessarse · 3 months
On June 30, France is electing a new legislature. President Emmanuel Macron called for snap elections after the European elections on June 9, in which his party was trounced by the far-right opposition of Marine Le Pen. What is his plan? Macron is taking a very risky gamble, and a number of his political allies have expressed surprise and concern. He hopes that by dissolving the National Assembly and opening up a situation where the Far Right might actually come to power, the electorate will be gripped by fear and rally around his party. Winning a new majority, after his defeat in the European elections, would give him renewed legitimacy. Macron was counting on his opponents being divided. But the traditional Right has imploded, with one part announcing an alliance with Le Pen’s National Rally (RN), while the other part might completely disappear. The left-wing opposition had been divided, and Macron thought it would be incapable of uniting in just three weeks. Yet within just a few hours, the various left-wing parties reached an agreement — a superficial one, but enough to complicate the situation for Macron. The government has been in a weakened state for some time. The idea of dissolving the National Assembly had been raised several times, but Macron was waiting for the right moment. We’ll see if this gamble works for him, but at the moment everything is pointing in the opposite direction. RN is projecting confidence that it will be able to install the next prime minister. Is that realistic? And what would RN do in office? No one can say with any certainty what will happen on June 30 and then on July 7, when the run-off elections take place. It does seem certain that the RN will win a number of districts. In all likelihood it will have the largest parliamentary group. But the question is how big its victory will be. To elect the prime minister, RN needs a relative majority. But Jordan Bardella, the RN candidate, has said the party will form a government only if it wins an absolute majority. Obviously, we can’t trust such statements, and RN may nonetheless try to form a government anyway. The RN has been quickly abandoning all its “populist” economic promises. It no longer calls for the repeal of last year’s pension reforms, and it dropped the proposal to eliminate VAT taxes on basic necessities. The party’s economic policies have become more pro-business, in line with those of neoliberal governments of the traditional Right.
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