#the love i have for this man oh my gosh
khai-luvs-to-write · 1 year
[A/N] this was made based off of a comment I made on a different fanfic (good luck trying to find it >:) also spoiler alert this takes place after the students move into dorms
It's been about...a year since you first enrolled into U.A. and about eight months since you were transferred into Class 1A, and three or four months since you moved into the dorms, you think...you can't remember. 
The past few months have been eventful, to say the least, with everything that went on with your class alone. Sometimes you sit and wonder why the LOV is targeting your class specifically, and not the entire school. But at the same time, if you hadn't enrolled and got yourself into this mess of a class(no offense), you wouldn't have had the chance to meet all these amazing people along the way. You've made so many friends in not only your class, but at U.A. in general.
Not to mention, you met the boy you believe to be the love of your life.
You and the representative of your class, your loving boyfriend, Tenya Iida have been dating for a while. If you had to be technical, you'd say about, four or five months, you guys have been together, with no breaks. And boy, these have been the best four or five months of your life. He always makes sure you feel cared for, and important, and always respects you and your boundaries. 
Although in certain spots, you guys are total opposites. You prefer, no, enjoy PDA, while he prefers and enjoys to be affectionate in private. He prefers to be ahead of schedule and study later lessons, while you prefer to watch the same shows for who knows how many times in a row just for "the fun of it". He prefers to eat healthy snacks, while you prefer to see how many bags of buttered popcorn you can eat before your lips go numb, and your tongue starts to tingle.
(this does not mean he is immune to the junk food you bring in. you can buy two whole bags of hot cheetos and he'd scold you for it and you'd catch him snacking on it at one or two in the morning because he couldn't sleep.)
No matter how different your personalities are from each other, you guys aren't afraid to talk it out, and make it work. For example, sometimes you two can be a ways from home, and can't just leave, but you're feeling really tired and everything's just draining you more than it usually would. In previous conversations, you expressed how important affection is to you, in some situations, as it helps ground you in scenarios where you may begin to shut down, or break down, depending on the circumstances. With that being said, when you're in that kind of predicament, and he notices you begin to shut down, he'll grab your hand and lightly brush the back of it with his thumb, just to let you know he's still here, and bring you back "Down to Earth", if you will.
Another example of a compromise you two agreed on is about your grades, and your skills.
You were aware that your grades weren't too great, but you still tried your hardest...you can't say that you got the results you were looking for. Iida found this out when you began showing up to class late, sleeping in class, etc. Everyone in class noticed that you were off, and your demeanor changed. He was worried for your physical and mental wellbeing, so after class he pulled you aside and asked if you were doing alright, and you can tell him if you need anything. After the entire class and some of your friends outside 1A and/or the Hero Course, you finally cave and tell him what was wrong. Because your grades have drastically dropped, you've been staying up really late studying, and still got the same results. Now knowing this, he agreed to help you almost immediately. Understanding that the both of you prefer to have a consistent schedule (somewhat, sometimes you'd forget, or have no motivation altogether), you two would take time to study 3 subjects (one assignment per subject) one day, and work out, and train the occasional other. 
And with training, comes finding a way to settle down after raising your adrenaline, and heart rate. Your favorite way to do so is to do one of those cheesy self care dates you see all over the internet. You understand that taking care of yourself is important, but sometimes you forget so you thought that if you turn it into a date, you'd be motivated to do it more often. Because of this, your new usual nightly routine with Iida consists of showering (not together you guys are in high school EW), getting in your pajamas, you both bought each other a set to match yours, so you guys usually go to bed matching, regardless of the fact that you guys don't sleep in the same room, skincare, "bubble fights" (you guys usually end up throwing suds at each other because either you or him put a fat blob of soap on the one's nose, and then the other makes a desperate attempt to get back at them for it, causing suds and water to go everywhere surrounding the two of you), brushing your teeth, doing your hair(regardless of length, or texture [says someone with 4c hair ;-;] if you so desire, or if you have any) walking you to your dorm because he refuses to let you walk him to his dorm, for some reason you forgot. One more embrace for the night, kisses on the forehead, exchanges of "Goodnights" and "I love yous", before going your separate ways, until you inevitably see each other in the morning.
I don't know if this counted as a drabble, I just put my thoughts into a document lol would this be considered a drabble, or just a list of headcannons with extended bullet points? 
Let me know what you guys prefer! Put in some requests!
1,018 words, including both author's notes.
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kingfuc · 2 months
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Just wanted to draw some kissin action
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royalarchivist · 5 months
Richarlyson: This is a good ship that never came to fruition.
Mike: This ship is better than Hideduo. Shut your mouths.
Fit: Very cool artwork! DELUSIONAL, but very good artwork nonetheless.
Ramon: delulu
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Mike and Fit's VERY different reactions to Pacmanduo art (Pac & Etoiles) in the fanart museum.
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hualianschild · 1 month
falling for all the loser in love characters in a show/book that try to come off as cool and indifferent is so fun cuz their future partner be doing weird shit and embarrassing themselves and you'll be silently screaming and hiding your face cuz of the second hand embarrassment but then you realize this fool with heart eyes is definitely squealing like they got a high school crush and hypothetically kicking their legs and punching the air over that and that helps you calm down
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 5 months
Finja x Chase angst? 👀
oh dude their whole "relationship" is basically messed up angst lol (despite me often portraying it as cracky angst)
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I mean, we have some good angst in Chase pursuing First not because he 'loves/cares about' him, but because he selfishly desires him for his power/sees him as a challenge to get into his Fallen Warriors army. And First having to be constantly on alert against Chase, especially when he behaves like a charming honorable warrior, hiding that cunning manipulative side of him behind amused 'harmless' smiles. I would imagine its hard for First to not start to care about Chase (he can be very charming ;) ) to some degree, so there is like this delicious angst in starting to care about someone with whom morally you would never agree with. (very Prof. X vs Magneto vibe imho)
(this also could lead to some interesting spin-off angst opportunity about First being in the Fallen Warriors Army and just...existing in this weird limbo of being a target of Chase's favorable attention, but still essentially being a servant to his Master so thus really unable to trully care about/love this evil man but he still kinda cares after all these years and, like ooooooh baby thats some scrumptious angst possibility)
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Or we can have some angst in form of First, being technically 'moved on'/left only in spirit in this world and Chase, still obsessing over him all these centuries, not even realizing that he is basically pining at this point. Showing up to bother current Ninjas, Ninjanomicon and Spirit of First at every opportunity, but not being able to actually be (in any capacity) with First, besides those very brief reunions. And First, throughout the years, while still being very annoyed about Chase's continuoes presence, also feels... incredibly saddened about this man to some degree. But he still can not falter, for his duty and successors still need him and they take priority, so this weird relationship just continues on.
And like OOOOH BABIES this is just scratching the surface of any possible angst, but these are the ones that are currently circling in my mind (i want to make some comics with these scenarious) so yeah! angst! ;D
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sketchy-tour · 8 months
scuttles in
Dandy is precious and I feel like they would be friends with Gloom
Scuttles away
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Gloom beloved @theknifeclown
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yuttikkele · 2 months
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they’re so mh g3 toradeen coded I love them <3
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quietsounds · 2 years
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PAUL DANO ☼ interview with GQ
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benbamboozled · 1 year
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Source images from Batman: Urban Legends #6
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I finally finished Hidden Agenda and I am once again coming out as a JoongDunk stan. I have been since Star In My Mind (but specifically when I realized I love them so much is when I watched Sky In Your Heart and got a huge rush of joy anytime they were on screen) but I'm just telling the world again in case anyone forgot.
Not a perfect show, plenty to criticize in terms of writing and consistency. I do not care. It is so cute and sweet, and life's too short to focus on negatives. I would love JoongDunk to be in another show together with a bit different characters, but I NEED them to still be obsessed with each other because nothing makes me happier than Joong's characters adoring Dunk's characters in exactly the same way I do. Showering with affection and compliments constantly is something I don't see on screen as much as I'd like and I want to see them in a show where they're both that level of obsessed with each other and so vocal about it.
Anyways, I love them dearly and the show was cute and I am protecting my peace by not reading MDL comments about it 😌✨
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illiana-mystery · 1 year
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Cal ❤️
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sheepthatgobaa · 4 months
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*goggles up to my eyes* here we observe a wild barbatos
(+original inspo pic (may or may not have been scrolling through the hazbin hotel tag and finding this))
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yoonyia · 26 days
"Marry me."
"James you're far too old for me."
"We're the same age. Don't you dare lie to me"
"I'm married, and somehow I love him too. You're asking for far too much James."
"I can wait 6 years, he's gonna have to die then anyways,"
"James I'm not going to fall back in love because you shower me with gifts and information make grand romantic gestures to take me across the galaxy so we can live forever middle aged, I'm gonna save the last few years I have with my husband then spend the rest of my life time begging for forgiveness to my son, do you understand me James? I'm a guilty old man who's grief would kill him if he went with you."
"You're no old man, you're younger then me. 49 is far from old."
"63 isn't far."
"Oh don't call me old."
"I'm not calling you old I'm saying you had a chance to live a life despite flying yourself into space and living in a false grandeur of immortality. You achieved your dream, I left behind the only people that I could ever love and they love me back out of drunken self pity and when I came back I knew no one. I threw away my life and now my own son has more lines on his face given to him as gifts from time when I should be dying next to the love of my life. I have a life I want to live, grow old, and die in. I have no want to live so long we become ancient legends."
"Im giving you the chance to grow old and die with me. I'll be the new love of your life. We can make a life from the one I crave and the one you lost."
"You were my old love of my life, and my heart is too ill to do anything but grieve."
"Then let me give you time to heal, leave behind everyone and everything and rid your heart of all that worry."
"How is that an attractive offer to you, how are you looking me in the eyes and telling me the thing I punished myself for years on end is something I should yearn for and show it to me as a relief?"
"It's lonely being alone forever. Do it for me, Ari, Do it for your friend."
"It'll be lonely even if you take a hundred people."
"I can wait 2 decades for you."
"I hope I'm dead by then."
"I hope we never die."
"I'm sorry for your loss already."
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I have recently rediscovered my love for books and it has been :))) <333333333 I LOVE BOOKS HOW COULD I HAVE FORGOTTEN THIS!!!
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You know, given the time period it came from, I always saw Baby it’s Cold Outside as her genuinely wanting to stay but putting up an act that she doesn’t want to because it would be scandalous to society for her to stay late. They’re both making these pretend excuses knowing they both want to be together but that society would frown upon it. The what’s in this drink part I thought was a tongue in cheek “what’s in this drink it’s making me wanna stay with you” sort of deal
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dradelcra · 2 years
Okay so obviously my period of watching Monster High didn't coincide with my knowledge of Gothic literature books but NOW that it does I have to say-
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They stripped my man the invisible man of his phd and made him a drama major oh the humanity!!!
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He's killing it in that beret though-
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