#the marketing for the movie did it SO wrong by trying to turn it into classic hollywood horror when it's NOT
buck-yyyy · 1 year
anyways if you try to tell me that crimson peak is a bad horror movie, i'm just going to assume that you watched the movie wrong
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i-cant-sing · 5 months
I feel so nauseous that I can't study, but all I can think about is friends with benefits Dabi and reader just sitting on the couch late at midnight, after sleeping together, are just basking in the dim yellow lights of the apartment. Everything is quiet, they're eating some leftovers, a crappy romcom movie is playing in the background.
Dabi swears to himself that youre nothing more than just stress relief for him, but everytime he comes over, he stays a little longer after. He doesn't have to, you don't make him, but... he just can't help being in your presence longer. Something inside him heals bit by bit when you laugh- no, let out an ugly snort before leaning against his shoulder, the warm yellow lights caressing your face, your dishevelled hair becoming an even more untamed mess when you run up to the kitchen to get the last serving.
You must feel it too... the way your hands always manage to find his hands, his cheeks, find him. Your soft skin against his rough one.
"You should use some vaseline."
You said, a cheeky smile on your face as you laid on the couch, your feet resting on his lap as he smoked a cigarette, looking at you with unamused eyes.
"It'll make your skin soft overnight." You added.
Dabi took a long drag before exhaling the smoke. "You should learn how to cook."
"Your food tastes like crap." He lied, placing the cigarette back to his lips.
"Then whyd you eat half the pan of lasagna?" You asked before using your toes to pull the cigarette away from him, making him narrow his eyes at you.
"To save you from eating your own poisonous food."
"Hmm, well that isn't the meal you come here to devour anyways." You giggle before pulling your feet away. He almost pulled them back- almost.
"Stop with the cringe." He closed his eyes, a small smile played on his lips. "Should've cut your cable off. They're a bad influence on you."
You rolled your eyes before getting up, walking towards the bathroom. "Just let me know when you're coming next time. I'll try to cook something good for his Majesty." You said as you turned on the shower. "Or better yet, bring the groceries in, and I'll cook."
He glanced in your direction, where you were taking off your clothes.
Should he join you? Could he-?
Dabi hadn't called again as he arrived by your place. But it looked like you already anticipated his arrival, from the note you had placed on the fridge for him to find.
"Gone out for groceries for your hungry ass. Be back soon.
Love, Y/n."
Love, Y/n.
Why did 2 words make his heart bloom? For sure, this isn't a panic attack or PTSD he's experiencing... maybe it is... love?
Dabi sat on your couch, closing his eyes as he lit another cigarette to calm his nerves. He needed it for what he about to do, as he pulled put the small box from his pocket.
He never bought groceries. But he had bought something else.
A ring.
He's sure about you, sure about his feelings for you, pretty sure your feelings for him are mutual too. He doesn't need to formally date you... you two are different. You don't need the usual courtship stiff with him, although he wouldn't be opposed to the idea after marriage.
Marriage. Was he even husband material? You were certainly wife material, the food you cooked, the maternal side he caught a glimpse of when kids came by your door for Halloween, all the soft touches you give him.
You're ready, he's ready too.
And if you say no, if you don't agree, then that's that. He'll stop coming by, and you'll move on too. Just like he will... right?
It's been hours. You're still not home and you're not picking up either.
Something is wrong.
He left your apartment and went towards the market you'd frequented. There was a lot of commotion outside the store, with people gathering around a particular spot. He pushed past them, heart beating fast as he hoped it wasn't you. It wasn't you-
There was red. Red on the concrete, red on the bag of groceries spilled all over, red on the white coat you owned, red on the leather bag he had gifted you on your birthday.
It can't be you-
"Young Y/n frequented the store so often. She was a beautiful lady, so kind." Someone said from behind him.
Was? No, no you couldn't he dead-
"And to have gone in such a horrible way too. The drunk driver just drove away. She hit her head on the pavement too. I overhead one of the paramedics say she died on impact!" Someone gasped beside him, but his eyes were focused on the sight in front of him.
Everything's red. Red red red red-
Dabi ran towards the nearest hospital, his ring lying in the pile of blood on the concrete.
As he rushed towards the hospital, a voice deep inside him said something that he'll regret forever.
I should've gotten groceries.
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just-jordie-things · 1 year
love, death, and curses - toge inumaki
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word count: 6k warnings: swearing, gore, stabbing summary: near death experiences make people confess the funniest things ___
A simple assignment.  It’s always the simple assignments that go horribly wrong, isn’t it? It must be some sick joke.  Why couldn’t things just go right for once? A break would be nice… but there were no breaks in this line of work.
(y/n) dropped herself to the ground before the four-eyed curse throwing itself at her could actually hit her.  With no time to catch her breath, she threw herself back, pulled the ring knife out of the holster on her thigh, and even with her hazy sight she was able to fling the small weapon into it’s skull.
Nope, no breaks.  Just knives and evil spirits.
Toge’s worried voice carried from some twenty feet away, or wherever he was taking on more grade threes’ than he probably should have, but even as (y/n) tried to make her way to help him, it just seemed more spirits were spawning.
“I’m fine!” She hollered back.
With a kick to the curse’s disappearing body, it rolled over and she was able to retrieve her knife.  Just in the knick of time as three more curses approached.
This wasn’t looking good.
And things had been so nice this morning. ___
~ earlier that day ~
“Mustard leaf”
Finger stalling on the line in the book she was reading, (y/n) glanced behind her, a smile blossoming on her face as her favorite cursed speech user approached.
She’d been studying in the common room all morning, and it was about time some better entertainment rolled around.  And with a cute language and cuter face, here it was.
“Hey,” She greeted him back, and moved over on the couch so there was room for him to sit.  “You here to save me from my studying?”
From the crinkles around his eyes, she knew he was grinning as he plopped down on the couch next to her.
“Salmon” He chuckled to himself.
Truth was, he’d been working himself up all morning trying to find a way to ask (y/n) out, to a movie or dinner or anything she wanted to do at all.  He’s been trying to do it for a while, but it’s hard when you can’t exactly just say the words.
(That was kind of a copout, there was always writing on the post-its he kept in his pocket, or taking her hand and staring deep into her eyes, but he wasn’t exactly the most experienced when it came to these things, and he really wanted to sweep her off her feet)
So now here he was, blushing like crazy under his collar, his hands fidgeting together, with about fifteen crumpled up post-its in his jacket pocket with everything he’d had prepared for this moment.
And this was the moment.  He’d decided.  He didn’t want to put it off any longer, and he’d told himself all morning that no matter what, he was going to ask her out!
(Panda was a big help too, but he was trying to not think about him right now)
“You alright?” (y/n) asked, drawing Toge out of his scrambling brain.
His brows furrowed, confused.
“You’re just quieter than usual,” She explained, laughing a bit.  “Usually you’re talking my ear off.  Remember at the market, that lady thought you were yelling at me about how to make rice balls?”
She laughs more at the memory, and it was a funny one, but Toge can only bring himself to force out a few chuckles.
“So what is it then?” She asks, closing her textbook and tossing it onto the coffee table so that he could have her attention.
Admittedly, he’d already had her attention as soon as he’d walked into the room.  He always did.  It didn’t matter what was in front of her, if Toge appeared, she was a goner.
(One time she was waxing Maki’s eyebrows when Toge appeared.  Maki still hasn’t forgiven her for taking half of the left one.  Even after it grew back)
He shakes his head, mumbling a ‘salmon’, which (y/n) assumes was meant to assure her he was alright, but it wasn’t all that convincing.
“Toge…” (y/n) said softly, turning her body sideways on the cushion to give him more of her attention.  “I think I know what this is about…”
His eyes go wide.
Did she? Was he so transparent? Had he been embarrassing himself this whole time?
“Yuuta hasn’t written in a while,” She sighed.
Oh.  Right.  That guy.
(Yuuta was one of Toge’s closest friends, but he hadn’t been anywhere close to present in his mind currently)
“I miss him too.  But he’s probably just busy, it’s a pretty serious assignment you know,”
Toge’s frozen for a moment, processing her assumption.  Unfortunately, (y/n) took his silence for sadness, and she continued on.
“I know that he thinks about us all the time though,” She said cheerfully, before shoving her elbow into his side.  “But who wouldn’t, right?”
The teasing is friendly, and normally he’d laugh and joke along happily.  But his nerves are eating him up inside and he feels really hot- was it hot in here? The common room was known for having a busted ac unit that always had a breeze in the room, and now here he was sweating.  
“He’ll write soon enough.  Probably with some crazy story.  It’s always something weird with him” (y/n) says.  She’s so reassuring and kind.  If only this was advice he was actually looking for.
With a small, defeated sigh, Toge nods his head.
And not too long after, Gojo bursts into the room, excited to have found the pair, and claiming he had a quick assignment for them.  Leaving no good time for asking someone on a date, Toge mentally cursed his sensei for his notorious bad timing. ___
~ present ~
Things weren’t getting any easier, and (y/n) was starting to think Fushiguro was onto something for being so cranky about Gojo’s nonchalant attitude, because in no way was this assignment simple.
I’m gonna give that man a piece of my mind if I make it out of this alive.
Ring daggers could only be so good of a weapon.  Right now a sword would be more practical, like Yuuta’s katana.  Or better hand to hand skills, like Maki.  Hell, being a 6’7 bear would be more of a help than what she had on hand.
And she loved her ring daggers, she trained with them relentlessly.  But one of the four she had on her was already gone, disappeared with a curse carcass that disintegrated faster than expected.  She’d have to get better used to another weapon, because this was just getting frustrating.
Another knife flew through the air with such speed she was certain it’d hit her target.
But the particular four eyed- curse’s head she’d aimed for swerved, and the dagger whizzed right past it, before clattering to the ground, far out of reach.
(y/n) grimaced.  No way some grade two curse was able to dodge a swift attack like that.
This was no grade two.
Realization dawned on her, eyes widening as she quickly glanced around her, noticing how all the other curses they’d been fighting seemed to form a circle around this one.
They were protecting it? Hive mind? On their own accord?
Her train of thought ran a million miles a minute trying to find the answer to this behavior, but as quickly as she was trying to solve this odd mystery, she heard a yelp of surprise, and the sound of Toge’s struggle destroyed her worry about anything else but him.
“Toge!” She screeched, watching him get thrown back a few feet.  His landing wasn’t all that graceful, but he pushed himself back up to his feet without too much struggle.
“Salmon!” He hollered back before even catching his breath.
He couldn’t have (y/n) looking over her shoulder for him.  There were too many of these damn things, and she needed to focus on herself, not him.
“Look!” (y/n) called to him, pointing to the odd curse that had dodged her knife.  “I think that one’s in charge or something!”
Violet eyes follow her gesture, and just as quickly as she had, he notices the strange pattern in which most of the curses surround the one.  He nods back at her, understanding what she was telling him.
Well, at least he thought he understood.  He didn’t think she’d charge after the damn thing to take it on herself.
And yet before he could blink, she was grabbing her last two daggers out of their sheaths, and breaking into a sprint towards the curse without a second longer of hesitation.
He caught himself before he could call after her to wait.  However, just as he was about to make his way over to help her, it seemed a horde of the four-eyed nuisances were crowding before him.
He allowed himself a mutter of curses under his breath before unzipping his collar to take care of them.
Meanwhile (y/n) was confidently approaching the little ringleader.  At this point, she was taking this thing down no matter what it took.
It was agile, and able to elude more of her attacks than any grade two could.  In fact, she had her assumptions that it could have been a grade one, if it were this strong and also powerful enough to gather other curses to protect it.
And after a tiring bout of slashing towards it only for it to duck and dodge, she was starting to think that it was mocking her.  And this made her agitated.
And angry.
She’d trained for many years to perfect the craft of exorcizing curses.  Sure, there were always new things to learn, but she considered herself pretty damn good at what she did, because she stuck to a few simple rules.  
And her number one rule was to stay sharp.  The better an eye is at inspecting an environment, the less likely a surprise can happen.  So emotions like fear and anger were red flags.
So she should have seen it coming.
But in an instant, the knife she had gripped in hand and plummeting towards the space between all four of the curse’s eyes, was swiped right out from her hold.
With one hand the curse had taken her wrist, halting her attack.  Then it took advantage of her shock to steal her weapon.
After that, everything seemed to blur together.
A really sharp pain in her abdomen.  
That hurt.
Warmth, then heat, pooling over her skin.  
Almost in slow motion, she looked down.
Her own knife.  In the hand of a curse.  Buried in her guts.
It seemed surreal, in the most horrific way possible.  In what world she thought her death would come from her own negligence- her own weapon damn it! Her anger was only set aflame.  With self preservation and fury colliding in her bones, she found herself acting without thought.
As Toge was trying to fight through the raw pain in his sore throat, he was contemplating a bit of hand to hand until he could spare a second to chug down his medicine and obliterate what was left of the curses.  He didn’t want to risk rushing it and losing what little medicine he had left.
The answer came to him before he could do anything, and right before his eyes, the curses he’d been fighting off started to disappear.
At first he was on guard, surprised, confused.  But as the area around him began to clear and he saw the curse (y/n) had been fighting with was crumpled to the ground, a knife in the middle of it’s face, it clicked.
He chugged down the rest of his medicine before jogging over to her.
It’s over.
(y/n) fought to keep her eyes open, and to keep her hand covering the wound in her abdomen.  At least the fabric of her shirt was black, so the blood wasn’t so visible.
“Mustard leaf!”
Fighting to keep her vision straight, (y/n) could barely make out the double Toge heading towards her.
“Mustard leaf!” He called out again when she hadn’t responded, worried she’d hit her head or something.
He can’t know.
She pressed her palm harder into her stomach, biting down on her cheek to keep from groaning aloud.
As Toge approached, he was clapping, cheering for her.
He was so sweet.
“Salmon roe!”
He was grinning from ear to ear, she could just barely make it out, but it made her feel warm that he was so proud of her.
Or maybe that was all the blood spilling over her hand.
She stumbled forward towards him, and he abandoned his excitement and was reaching out to steady her instantly.
With furrowed brows he waited for her to explain, to tell him what hurt, or to tell him she’d be okay.  But she didn’t say anything.
In fact, she could barely keep eye contact with him, her gaze kept shifting around, as though she didn’t have control over it.
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, concerned, his eyes flickering between hers, hoping to catch her attention.
“I-” Her voice got caught in her throat, and she coughed to try to cover for herself, but from what she could make out from Toge’s expression, she wasn’t doing well.  “I’m f-fine, I’m okay” She forced the words out with as little a stammer as possible.
Toge wasn’t believing it.
“Bonito flakes”
His voice was harsh.  He was upset.
Normally (y/n) was comfortable voicing when she had an injury.  They both were.  They always reassured each other they were okay after missions.  Especially particularly difficult ones.  So for her to be blatantly lying irked him.
But without the ability to say anything else, all he could do was glare and grumble while he pulled out his phone to get Ijichi the ‘ready for pickup’ text.
The haze in (y/n’s) was turning to dark.  Like black clouds.
I’m going to die.
She blinked a few times, trying to focus her vision well enough to keep herself upright at least.
Am I swaying? I feel like I’m not standing upright.
That awful slow-motion feeling came back as she lowered her head to focus on her feet, just to make sure they were both planted on the ground.
Before she could even notice her feet, her eyes landed on her blood covered hand, and suddenly a wave of nausea hit her.
“T-Toge,” She stuttered out, clutching her hand tighter to her stomach, and forcing herself to look up at him.  “I-I’m sorry,”
Her voice broke into a whimper, effectively washing away any annoyance Toge had been feeling, and now he was worried immensely.  
He shook his head in confusion, silently asking her what was going on.
“I…” She trailed off, her head going light.  “I can barely keep my eyes open”
She was losing feeling in her legs completely now.
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, reaching his hands out to her shoulders, steadying the slight swaying she was starting to do.
And then she stumbled forward, falling almost completely against him.
“Mustard leaf!?” He asked a little louder, hoping she would be able to tell him what was going on.
But as he secured his arms around her, he felt something on his hand.
Something warm.
And wet.
“Mustard leaf?”
That time, the question came out a lot smaller.  Quieter.
Shakily, he brought his hand out, confirming his fear when he saw the blood.
“It’s- it’s okay,” (y/n) stammered, lifting her heavy head from his shoulder.
But Toge was already looking her over for the source of the blood.
“It’s just a little scratch-”
“Bonito flakes!”
Prying her hand away from her abdomen, it was like he was living a nightmare.
Her hand was stained in red, and from the looks of the hole in her shirt, this wasn’t even a scratch.
He wants to scold her, cuss her out for hiding an injury like this from him.  He wants to comfort her, tell her she’ll be okay and he’d take care of her now and do whatever was needed to fix her up.
Even if he was able to speak, he wouldn’t have been able to.  His throat closed up and hot tears rose to his eyes so fast, anything that came out would have been a stuttered, blubbering mess.
“I didn’t-” (y/n) coughed, and he tried his best to wipe the blood from her lips, but she swatted his hand away.  “Listen,”
Her half-lidded eyes met his, and she hoped he’d just shut up so she could say what she needed to.  She didn’t know when she’d pass out, but she knew it was coming.
“I… I j-just didn’t want t-to h-hurt you,” Her words are a bit slur and she can’t fight that stutter very well but he catches on to every word.  “I’m s-sorry,”
He shakes his head.
Don’t be sorry, he means, and he hopes she understands.
“I’m so, so sorry,” (y/n) repeats, her voice growing weaker, softer.
She grows a little heavier in his hold, and carefully, he lowers them, hoping to help save her energy.  He’s torn between holding her tightly, in an iron grip where nothing could ever hurt her again- or barely touching her, she was too delicate right now, he couldn’t bear to cause her any more pain.
As he cradles her in his lap with one arm, his other hand putting as much pressure on her wound as he could manage, he’s feverishly looking around, cursing silently that Ijichi’s car hasn’t rolled up yet.
What part of ‘EMERGENCY (Y/N) GOT HURT AND NEEDS SHOKO NOW’ wasn’t understood? He should have been here seconds after that text was delivered.
Glancing back down at (y/n), the situation wasn’t looking good.
Her eyes had fallen closed, her head lolled against his arm weakly, and the pants coming from her mouth grew fainter.  His panic was worsening.
How could this happen? How could he let this happen? He was a terrible partner, and friend.  He was never going to forgive himself for this.
He patted her cheek gently, trying to stir her into consciousness for just a little longer.
(y/n) whimpered, her eyelids fluttering briefly, but she refused to open them.
If only he could say something, beg her to stay awake for just a minute longer.  Ijichi would be here soon-
It was a mumble, but it was something.
He smoothed his trembling hand over her cheek, staring at her intently, and impatiently.
“You sh-should know,” She continued.
It took a tremendous effort to roll her head so she could look up at him.
If I’m going to die, I might as well suck it up and tell him I love him.
A shiver ran through her body, and Toge scrambled to get his jacket off, draping it over top of her, making sure to tuck the fabric around her shoulders so she was as comfortable as could be.
Even in her declining state of mind, she noticed a few things.
First, his collar was off.  Usually whenever he wasn’t wearing his face covering, she couldn’t help but smile and blush like a little girl with a crush.  He had the most handsome face, she simply had to admire him for his beauty.
Second, his hands were trembling incredibly hard.  She could see it as he tucked her into his coat, and she could feel it as well.  He was scared for her life.  Hell, she was too, but seeing him become this much of a wreck was starting to make this all too real for her.
And third, her pain was starting to go away.  At first she was relieved, but she’s realized now that it’s been replaced with a numbness, across her entire body.  That wasn’t a good sign.
I can’t possibly tell him how I feel, and then die in his arms.  It wouldn’t be right.
So instead, she just stared at him.  His violet eyes were so round, and filled with fear.  She wished that she had the words to actually comfort her, but she knew that there was nothing she could say that he would believe.
He shakes his head a little, his brows furrowing even deeper.  She knows that if he could speak he would be telling her to spit it out already.
“You’re beautiful,” She murmurs.
The knot in his brow softened into a more confused look, and it only made her smile.
Oh no.  She’s smiling.  This can’t be good.
“You’re the m-most beautiful person I’ve ever known,” She goes on, her murmurs turning into lovesick babbles.  “I n-never told you… I was too nervous I g-guess.  But I should have told you,”
He starts to shake his head again, but her small smile only blossoms into a toothy grin.  It would be off putting with the blood stained on her lips, but he has to admit even now, something in him just melts.
“You’re my favorite person, okay?”
It takes everything she has to keep her eyes open, to stare at him and try to convey every last feeling she has towards him.
For a moment he just stares back at her, his mouth moving a bit but no words were coming out.
And then slowly, he nods his head at her.
He wants to keep fighting, to keep smacking her until her eyes stay open, to keep shaking his head at her because he can’t scream for her to just please stay awake.
It’s dawning on him now, how quickly time is ticking, and the last thing either of them need is more panic.
So he tries to calm himself, for her sake.
But her eyes are closing again, and he can see the rise and fall in her chest is slowing, until it’s barely moving at all.
By the time the car pulls up and Ijichi is hopping out and running over to them, Toge hadn’t gotten her to open her eyes once. ___
Fuck it was bright.
(y/n) winced as she slowly blinked her eyes open, trying to get used to the blinding white shining on her.  With a groan she raised her hand to her face, rubbing her already strained eyes.
“Oh, you’re up earlier than I thought”
Dragging her palm down her face, (y/n) squinted to see Shoko smiling down at her, clipboard in hand.
“I’m not dead?”
“Not this time,” The doctor jests, smirking to herself.  “Gave us a scare though.  Especially Inumaki”
“Where is-?”
“I’ll let him know you’re up in a minute, don’t worry.  First, can you tell me what all you remember?”
“Yeah, I got stabbed with my own knife.  Then I almost died.  And now I’m alive and embarrassed and I will never hear the end of it.  Actually… could you do me a favor-?”
“I’m not killing you.  Sorry, kid”
Shoko chuckled to herself.
“I guess I can check off alert and snarky,” She teases, before setting her board down.  “Any pain? Nausea?”
“Just absolute delight to be here” (y/n) teases back.
Shoko’s smiling, which is a bit of a rare sight, but (y/n’s) more familiar with it than her peers.
“As always,” Shoko hums.  “Well, let me find your boyfriend.  Try not to strain yourself before then, alright?”
“No promises” (y/n) muttered back.
With that, the doctor was strutting out of the room.  From the way the left side of her lab coat sagged a little heavier than the right, she figured she had some extra time to herself.  Ten minutes if she smoked alone, twenty five if Gojo happened to catch up with her.
Settling back into her cot, she shut her eyes and sighed.
I should have asked her to shut the lights off before she left.
She sat up again, trying to find something to put over her eyes to keep the LED’s from piercing right through her eyelids.  Unfortunately the thin cotton blanket she had wasn’t large enough to cover her head to toe, and she wasn’t ready to give up her pillow- the only comfortable thing about this dumb cot- so that left her back at square one.
It was then that she realized she was wearing an extra layer.  Puzzled, she inspected the jacket that clearly wasn’t hers.
Did Shoko give her this when she showed up?
Curiously, she dipped her hands into the pockets.  She wasn’t sure what drove her to do such a thing, but sure enough she found something.
Post-its.  A bunch of folded and crumpled post-its.
Oh, this is Toge’s jacket!
She felt her face get warm as she smiled, and piled them up in her lap.  These must have been all the notes he wrote to better communicate with people throughout his day.
But after unfolding the first one, she wasn’t so sure what these notes were.  Scribbled there in Toge’s distinct handwriting, was without a doubt a love note.
You’re so beautiful no matter what you wear or do with your hair.  It’s mostly because of your personality, but your eyes take some of the blame too.
She had to admit, she was pretty shocked.  She didn’t think Toge was the type to have a romantic side, but clearly he’s got a knack for it.
Now all that was left to figure out was who these little love notes were meant to be delivered to.
And hell, there was no other entertainment in this boring, bright room.  So why not indulge in a little snooping?
Eagerly, she uncrumpled the next one.
I’m sorry I can’t speak well to you, but I’m glad I can still laugh, because you make me laugh every time I’m with you.  And sometimes you’re funny too! :)
(y/n) snorted before rolling her eyes.  Alright, he must have had some help from Panda.  She reached for the next note.
You tell me all the time how brave I am and now here I am pouring it all out there.  I wish I could tell you myself instead of writing all these notes.
A few of the notes didn’t even have words, just doodles, but they were just as cute.  She especially loved the one of two turtles holding hands.  Well, stubs.  He drew their little stubs touching with a heart over them.
It wasn’t meant for her, but she decided she’d have to steal that one for herself.  It was just too cute.
Dropping the post-its, (y/n’s) head shot up to the doorway where her visitor was standing.  She looked like a deer caught in headlights- which she was, he’d literally just caught her reading through his private notes.
“Toge!” She squeaked, embarrassed, but there was still a smile on her face, eager to see him as always.
She can’t see it because he has his collar zipped up, but his face was red with bashfulness.
How many of those notes had she read? Did she know they were for her? Dummy! Of course she did! It was so obvious! Idiot! Why did I even keep those in there when I gave her that jacket!?
“I’m so glad you’re here” She told him, beckoning him to come into the room.
Some of his nerves were settled as he took a few steps closer.  Maybe she hadn’t put together that the notes were for her?
“Mustard leaf?” He asked, gesturing to her stomach, which she kept covered with her blanket.
“Oh, it’s fine,” (y/n) shrugged a shoulder.
After finding the notes, she’d kind of forgotten about it actually.  Surely once her pain meds wore off she’d be irritable and reliving the worst pain she’s ever felt in her whole life- but for now she didn’t care, and she’d rather focus on something more enticing.
And nothing was more enticing than love notes to a mystery person.
“Tell me about these!” She told him, excitedly holding up the few notes that she’d read.
Toge’s eyes widened for a moment, before he decidedly shook his head back and forth.
(y/n) frowned.
“Bonito flakes” Toge explained to the best of his ability, pointing again to her blanket.
“Really, it’s fine, I can’t feel a thing right now,” (y/n) said nonchalantly.  “I’d rather just be normal? Please?” She gave him her best puppy dog eyes and held the notes up to him.
Toge sighed, staring back at her, giving up on trying to voice his concerns.  When all he could voice were rice ball ingredients, it was hard to be convincing sometimes.
But even giving her the deadest eyes he could manage wasn’t working.  And he was no match for puppy dog eyes.
(It was truly a weakness- and not just (y/n).  If anyone gave him that face, odds were he was caving in on whatever ridiculous thing they were requesting.  Panda abused this knowledge frequently)
He groaned and rolled his eyes, making (y/n) grin and cheer.
“Ok so tell me! Who are these for? Do they go here??”
She shuffles to sit upright on her cot, making Toge panic momentarily, because no way should she be moving this much after she was just stabbed.  She was still healing damnit!
He reaches his hands out, shaking his head as he grabs her shoulders to keep her in place, but she swats his hands away.
“Relax, just sit” She demands, patting the open space she’s made for him.
Toge glares at her.
“Bonito flakes”
“Stop saying that and just sit,” (y/n) requests again.  “Or I’ll walk out of this room and find Panda and make him tell me who these are-”
His groan is louder this time, more annoyed, before he shoves his finger in her face.
(y/n’s) brows knit together.
He rolls his eyes.
His finger points rather aggressively to the notes in her lap, before pointing at her again.
How much clearer could he be? Was he going to have to spell it out for her?
“Yeah… I found them in your pockets-”
Toge smacked his hand to his head.
Man, he loved her.  But this was a whole different level of cluelessness.
He’d have to find another way to tell her.  So he went sifting through the mess of post-its.  Surely there’d be a note in there that explained his feelings to her.
(y/n) watched him curiously, not quite sure what he was doing, but she had to admit she was a little entertained by his annoyed scrambling.  It was cute to get him worked up, and he didn’t do it often, so it was also a treat.
Finally, he produced the perfect note, and handed it to her.  (y/n) raised a brow at him before she took it.
This note wasn’t like the others.  It was a direct question, clearly meant to be used to communicate with, not just a cute message or doodle.
(y/n), I’ve liked you for a really long time, and you’re a great friend.  But I think we would be great as something more.  Would you want to go on a date with me?
Her eyes widened as she re-read the note a few times, scanning it as if it were going to say something else after ten more reads.  But sure enough, it had her name, and he was asking her out.
He was asking her out!!
“Oh my god,” She mumbled, mostly to herself but Toge heard it anyway.  “I’m an idiot,”
Glancing up at him, she caught his nodding, and smacked his arm.
“But you’re a bigger idiot!” She chastised.  “Why didn’t you tell me sooner?”
He shrugged his shoulders.  There were few instances where he was lucky to not have to explain himself.
Like right now, he didn’t have to sit here and tell her he was too scared of rejection to tell her how he really felt about her.  That would be humiliating.  Instead, he gets to stand there and just smile at her.
“Well, you’re in luck.  I like you too,” (y/n) replies, giving him a smile.  “I didn’t know that you felt this way,”
He shrugs his shoulders.
“So romantic,” She chuckles, rolling her eyes at him.  “So what kind of date do you have planned?”
He reaches for one of the post-its, flipping it over and grabbing one of Shoko’s pens.  (y/n) waits while he quickly scribbles on the paper.
(y/n) grins as she reads it, nodding her head in agreement.
“How about dinner too?” She asks, her cheeks starting to tinge with pink.
Toge nods excitedly.
“Okay, perfect.  It’s a date then,” (y/n) grins back.  The elation of this moment was definitely going to last until her pain wore off.  “You know it’s funny, I was actually going to confess last night,”
Toge rose a brow, before whistling, making her giggle.
“Oh shut up.  I only didn’t because… you know.  If I had…”
Finally, Toge perches himself on the side of the cot beside her.  He unzips his collar before reaching out to take hold of her hand.  (y/n) smiles softly at the sweet gesture.  She admired him very much for the way he was able to convey exactly what he wanted to say.
“I just didn’t want to drop a bomb on you and then… die.  It didn’t seem right, and I wanted the right time to tell you, you know that I… I love you”
His eyes widened like a deer caught in headlights.  Brows raised and mouth slightly parted.  He was shocked.  (y/n’s) pink cheeks deepened to a bright red, and she could feel the heat spreading to her neck as well.
All at once, it hits Toge, and his hands sprung to action.  
You love me? He signs.
“Well, yeah,” She answers.  “I was trying not to die in front of you, doesn’t that make it kind of obvious?”
He shakes his head at her, a smile beginning to break out across his face.
He holds his hand up, sticking out his thumb, index finger, and pinky.
(y/n) may have been a bit rusty when it came to sign language, but she knew what that one meant.
She reached out, taking his hand and tugging gently, prompting him to lean closer.
Brows furrowed, Toge followed the silent command, turning his head with the expectation that she was going to say something softly in his ear.
With a hum, (y/n’s) free hand finds his cheek, directing him to face her again, before guiding him down closer so that she could plant her lips on his.
For a moment, he hesitates.  His eyes go wide and it feels like his whole body is frozen.  He wonders briefly if this is what his opponents felt when he used his cursed speech to stop them in place.
It’s like all time as he knows it comes to a halt.
And then, slowly but surely, he melts into the sensation.
Her lips, soft and sweet like the chapstick Shoko always keeps around, were warm, and familiar.  As though he’d kissed them countless times before.  His hands find their natural place at her jaw, keeping her in place so he can be sure to kiss her again and again.
The feeling of the corners of her mouth tilting upwards was sensational, and Toge finds himself smiling into the kiss as well.  The pair silently acknowledged that now was as good a time as any to finally come together.
When time starts again and works against them, forcing them to break apart for air, their smiles were ever so present.  Paired with pink cheeks and shy eyes that could barely maintain contact.
“I’m going to have to learn sign language for kiss me, huh?” (y/n) teases quietly.
Toge beams, before happily showing her the motion.  He brings his fingers to his thumb, then traced his mouth to his cheekbone.  The phrase is finished with pointing to himself.
“Well, if you insist” (y/n) giggles, before yanking on him again so she can reach him once more.
Their laughter is interrupted as their lips meet once more, and this time Toge thinks he might never come back up for air. ___
xoxo ~ jordie
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gh0st-t0wn3 · 10 months
Lmk ss edits + Headcanons, Part 2 (Pigsy, Tang, Sandy, Sun Wukong, Macaque)
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge environmentalist, if you put any garbage or recycling in the wrong bin expect to get at least a three hour lecture, no you can not escape this, yes MK and Mei have tried, no they did not succeed
- ONLY shops from farmers markets/family businesses, you will never catch this man supporting a corporation
- Use to steal Tang's college hoodies
- Took him the longest to get used to having Redson around and a part of the group , but eventually warmed up to him (is still kinda salty about Redson burning MK's room though)
- Grows his own herbs
- Gets incredibly frustrated when he gets the hiccups (writing this as I'm fighting off hiccups)
- Loves watching true crime shows and listening to true crime podcasts while he does household chores or while he's setting up/closing the shop
- Got his ears pierced with Tang
- MK and Mei call him mom when he's being overbearing, Tang calls him mom now too to tease him
- Once caught Mei and MK sneaking food out of the kitchen at 3am and beat them with a broom for a solid minute because he was too drowsy to recognize them and assumed they were intruders (they were fine)
- Is the type of person to call his husband (Tang) "bro", "dude" etc
- Got drunk in college once and talked about nothing but how much he loved Tang, didn't remember any of it the next day but Tang asked him out pretty quickly after that
- Exchanged a few recipes with DBK while they were at the beach, they still do exchange more recipes once in a while but they don't talk much outside of cooking related topics
- Learned how to play dnd in college because Tang liked the game and ended up liking it a lot more than he expected to so they wound up playing together all the time (they still play it once in a while if they have time)
- Him and Sandy get together every other weekend to try and help Pigsy with his anger management issues
- Never called MK his son while he was growing up because he was scared that MK's real family would show up one day to take him back home, finally realized that no one was gonna show up a short while after MK turned 10 and started acting like an actual parent (MK always saw Pigsy as his dad though)
- Always says "this is the last time" when giving Tang free noodles (it is never gonna be the last time, and Tang knows it)
- Once bumped into a mannequin at the mall and apologized to it, Tang still makes fun of him
- Use to take Mei and MK to conventions all the time until Mei learned how to drive and could take them herself
- Won't care for people getting hurt in movies but will be absolutely crushed if something happens to an animal (sobbed when he watched "A Dog's Purpose")
- Smells like noodles
- Love language is acts of service
- Keeps trying to convince Tang to come with him to family events, has yet to succeed
- Carries around an extra pair of headphones in case Tang or MK needs them
- Almost threw hands with DBK and PiF after hearing about how they treated Redson (seriously guys, I need Redson to have a good parental figure in the next season, please), this man is a father to everyone
- Snores loud as fuck, it's a wonder how Tang gets any sleep
- No fashion sense what's so ever
- Insomnia
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- He/Him
- Gay
- Once zoned out and stared at a wall for six hours straight
- Desk is covered in pencil shavings and pen ink
- Constantly bruised from always falling (weak ankles)
- Fluent in Polish, don't ask why, it just feels right
- Doodled all over his books in school (they made him pay for new ones)
- Never up before sunrise
- Got in some random dudes car once thinking it was a taxi and almost got himself kidnapped
- Will make the most annoying, smart-ass remark to anything anyone says
- I'm not actually sure if it's ever mentioned in the show what Tang does for a living but it doesn't matter, he's a college history professor now
- Has grandma floral bedsheets (we've all seen his sleepwear, you cannot tell me that man doesn't have grandma floral bedsheets)
- Somehow always cold
- Constanly napping, he can and will fall asleep if he's left alone for too long (his students once caught him asleep at his desk after lunch break and dipped class)
- Used to have hexagon glasses cause he thought they looked cool but found out Pigsy liked circular ones better so he got new ones
- Still has a septum piercing he got while he was in college but keeps it flipped up, he also has ear gauges
- When he met Pigsy's parents he was super nervous and ended up passing out half way through the night because of anxiety, he has not lived it down and refuses to go to any events with Pigsy if his family is gonna be there (they actually really liked him and are disappointed when he doesn't show up)
- Doesn't own a bookshelf for some reason, everything is just piled on the floor
- Very faint freckles
- Needs a daily 'to do' list, his whole day gets thrown off if he doesn't have some kind of schedule
- Maladaptive daydreamer
- Never showers, only takes baths
- Needs headphones on crowded transportation otherwise he'll get stressed at all the noises and talking overlapping eachother
- Severe rsd (rejection sensitivity dysphoria,  "benched" was an especially bad time for him)
- Number one art appreciator and constantly drags Pigsy to museums
- Smells like a library (please tell me you know what smell I mean)
- Love language is gift giving ( and you KNOW he loves you when he shares his food with you willingly)
- 76% of the clothes he owns are thrifted
- Blind as a fucking bat, if he looses his glasses he's on the floor feeling around for them like Velma,  I swear they could be two feet in front of him but he won't even notice
- Hypersomnia
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Huge conspiracy theorist, ask him anything and he'll have some in depth explanation on how it relates to cryptids or something (I'm talking Matpat level conspiracy theorist, seriously, someone get him help)
- Slowest typer on the planet (mainly because the screen is too small for his hands), will respond to something 3-5 minutes after they changed topics
- Made seed bombs and threw them everywhere at random around the city and now there's a bunch of flowers and vines growing everywhere
- Was the first one (Aside from Mei and MK) to welcome Redson into the group with open arms, everyone else was still kinda cautious
- Would literally die for any of his friends, no questions asked, no hesitation, just jumps in the line of danger as soon as he sees one of his friends about to get hurt
- Didn't have a lot of friends growing up until he met Pigsy in his last year of high school because everyone was afraid of him
- He and Pigsy were in a band together in college, Sandy discusses it with pride, Pigsy gets embarrassed and denies ever being in a band at all
- Since he also has scales he's the one who teaches and helps Mei look after her scales and keep them from drying or getting damaged
- Yoga master, wakes up super early to do it during sunrise
- Has the best taste in music, he can find the most amazing, tear jerking, heart wrenching, underground music ever effortlessly
- Hasn't met a single person he wasn't able to get along with
- Firmly believes in all the little wishing rituals (11:11, shooting stars, birthday candles, blowing dandelions etc)
- Learned how to whistle so he could sing along with birds
- *gets robbed* "oh, i bet he needed the money, it's ok"  "I really don't think he did." "...maybe he's gonna donate it!"
- Favourite kind of tea is earl grey
- Named one of his cats Maquack after Macaque
- Sometimes cat sits for Bai He when she goes to doctor appointments, family visits out of the city, etc
- Got his piercing while he was still in a band but kept them in because his band mates were some of his first friends and they all got pierced together
- Has a tail to help him swim better (unfortunately I could not add it in the edit above but just I imagine he has the same kind of tail as the water Na'vi in Avatar ig)
- Skin has a faint ombre to it (his hands and feet are lighter and fade around his forearms/knees to a slightly darker blue (i did add this one in my edit but unfortunately I don't think it's as visible as I wanted it to be, my bad)
- Webbed hands and feet to help him swim better
- Has adipose eyelids like a fish to protect his eyes from the water, block exposure of harmful ultraviolet light into his eyes and act as protection against impact to the eye in aquatic environments. Since his eyelids are transparent though, he has to wear a sleeping mask at night
- Smells like a mix of ocean air and tea
- Love language is quality time and physical touch (will pick up and hug his friends all the time no matter the place)
- His hair and beard always have something in them, sand, seaweed etc
- Shoes are actually really uncomfortable for him to wear because his body is evolved for an aquatic environment, but he doesn't want to be rude so he wears them anyway (Mei found out and got him a customized pair of shoes so he could be comfortable without feeling like he's being rude)
- Uses Kaomojis
- If he's not busy, or doesn't have anything planned for the next few hours, he'll spend his free time cleaning up the ocean and beaches from any garbage
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- He/Him
- Pansexual
- Everything he has ever done has been an impulse decision
- Is the type of mf to kick the inside of someone knee while they're walking to make them fold (Tang is the primary victim)
- Chews his nails
- Made up his own constellations as a "fuck you" to the universe (somehow managed to convince some mortals they were real constellations too)
- Mk and Co constantly forget how ancient swk is until he says some old person shit
- Naturally has curly and untamable hair, uses glamor to avoid getting called out about not taking care of it
- Horrifically optimistic
- Always has leaves and dirt and sticks etc in his hair
- Will sit out in the rain for hours on end
- Follow up on the last hc, he's been struck by lightning.. twice
- Actually has really heavy eyebags but uses glamor to cover them up
- Gets bored super easily
- Has naturally long lashes, Mei is still convinced he's wearing makeup though
- Cannot cook for the life of him
- His memories are always in shades of gold, no ones sure if it hasn't something to do with his gold vision or not, even himself, he just can't remember things in normal colour
- Stress induced migraines from the circlet
- Not a fan of big cities but loves how the lights look at night
- Stacks of notebooks and loose paper, cannot keep anything organized
- Takes a nap everyday at exactly 2:38 without fail
- Freezes in the winter, man's house has no insulation whatsoever
- Doesn't like big crowds but also can't stand not being the center of attention
- Once picked fleas out of both MK's and his own hair and ate them, MK was and still is disgusted, he will never look at Monkey King the same way again
- Smells like Peaches (it's like the only fucking thing he eats)
- Love language is physical touch
- Kinda chubby (mostly around his stomach and thighs) but still has muscles
- Always teasing Redson about the fact that he's technically his uncle since he and DBK are sworn brothers, he finds Redson's overreactions to it funny but is secretly kinda hurt that Redson doesn't think of him as family anymore (He use to when he was a little kid but stopped seeing Wukong as family after he sealed DBK away. They've started to try and mend their relationship after the events of season 4, it's slow but it's progress)
- Sometimes the monkey's on FFM will come into his house through the windows at night to sleep with him for comfort
- Really bad with technology but pretends he's just too good for the internet so he can avoid using it without looking old
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- He/Him
- Bisexual
- Says his "S"'s really sharply
- If you ask him anything about himself he'll give you a different answer to the exact same question everytime (he thinks it makes him mysterious,  it does not)
- Lower lid eyeliner >>>
- If you say something stupid or weird he'll just stare judgingly until you take it back
- Actually lost his mind when he found out what blowing bubbles were
- Drinks tea with an ungodly amount of sugar
- Chronic eye pain + headaches. It's gotten significantly better over the years but.. yk, eye gouged out
- Has a deeply relaxing voice, strangely enough
- Has tried to compliment people before but it always ends up coming off as an insult
- Classical music or heavy rock, no in-between
- It is literally impossible to take a bad picture of him
- Puts his hair up in a bun whe he doesn't wanna deal with it
- Has patches of freeze burns from LBD, along his right side (mostly just his arm).
- Theater kid
- Rose tea enjoyer
- Likes to bake sometimes and frequently exchanges recipes with Pigsy and DBK
- Like to watch the sunrise and sunset
- Hates being out in the sun too long, not having a shaded area nearby for an easy escape stresses him
- Will stare out the window while it rains, Mei once said he looked like he was pretending to be in a cringey early 2010 music video
- Hard of hearing, his six ears are very sensitive and all the fighting and screaming has definitely done some damage to them by now
- Follow up on the last HC, despite being hard of hearing he will either absolutely refuse to wear hearing aids, or will wear them (albeit begrudgingly) but cover them with glamor
- Septum and snake bite piercings he got during his emo phase
- Smells like grapes, don't ask
- Love language is quality time, he doesn't care to actually have a conversation, though, he's fine just sitting in comfortable silence
- Will use his shadow transport for the dumbest things when he's lazy, like teleporting the TV remote to him if it's on the other side of the couch, teleport a bag of chips from the pantry to him in his bedroom,  etc
- Room is covered in scented candles
- Sandy has invited him over to work out some of his problems multiple times, he doesn't really care to open up though, he just goes for the cats (Sandy let's him)
- His hair is always soft and he refuses to tell anyone what he washes with, MK has asked multiple times and he gets a different, vague answer everytime
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little-cereal-draws · 9 months
Details I noticed in Nimona pt 2
In the opening narration, when we first see Gloreth in the scrolls there are words behind her that read "Salva nos" which translates to "save us." When she stabs the monster there are words that read "mori" which translates to "Death."
One of the newspapers on Ballister's innocence wall reads "Black Heart Out There"
When Nimona bangs on the tower door you can see her shadow under the door
The first time we see the circular saw in the tower it's off. Then it turns on just so Nimona can lean on it. Then it's off again
Nimona wears a black pair of glasses when she asks Ballister about the job while reading the newspaper. She drops them on the table but wears them again as an otter after the second fight at the Institute
When Ballister is screaming "Murder him, murder her, murder everyone!" Nimona sees Ambrosius first. She looks between Bal and him a few times before Bal notices
Back at their hideout, when Bal looks over the couch to see Nimona cooking, he looks around like 'uhhh...' a few times
The item Nimona classified as most deadly was a HUMONGOUS chainsaw. The chainsaw gets moved around the tower a bit but ends the movie on a top shelf in the alcove
In the top left of Nimona's updated murder wall, there's a drawing she did of a design for Ballister's arm. It's shooting fire and is labeled, "Literal firearm." Next to it is a self portrait she did
When Nimona suggests maybe there's nothing outside the wall before they go to the market, Ballister blinks and actually considers it for a second before deciding that's wrong
Nimona's right (our left) fang is bigger than the other
The sign in the subway projecting the train arrival times said that the C to Marketplace arrived in one minute, the Q to Castle Cross arrives in six minutes, and the 6 to Victory Ave. arrived in ten minutes
When Ballister tries to convince Nimona it's "easier to be a girl" during their subway ride, there's a poster behind him that says, "Put Your Faith in the Institue." I love how unsubtle they were with their subtext in this movie lol
When they go up into the subway air vents to escape Ambroisus, Nimona beats her chest once in gorilla form
The highlights in the squire's eyes are pentagons. I know ppl have done metas abt what the eye highlights mean but idk how pentagons fit into there
While trying to stuff the squire's unconscious body into their trunk, Ballister drops him. On his head
The bandage that Bal uses to heal Nimona's knee is the bottom of his cape, we see him tear it off while she's talking. Also the bandage has increasing amounts of blood on it as he wraps it. It's still not very much but it does increase the longer it's on there
After coming back to the tower from the second fight at the Institute, Nimona almost hits Bal in the face with the door but he catches it at the last second
On top of the wooden case where the Director was hiding Ballister's real sword is a huge old book. It's in a glass case that she rests her hands on while talking to "Ambrosius." Again, I love how obvious they were being with this movie; she's hiding the weapon that she used to kill, frame, and exclude people to preserve oppressive tradition under smth that looks exactly like a medieval Bible. They were not subtle lol
When "Ambrosius" dies, there's blood on his armor and the sword. Not very much but you can see it
One of the citizens watching the news about the Director's confession is an old lady. She's got a couch, a tv stand, and two framed pictures of chickens on her wall. That's it; the rest of the room, like behind the TV (which is in the middle of the room for some reason??), is completely empty. I just thought her chicken pictures were funny lol
When Bal and Ambrosius are arguing in the Antlered Serpent, Bal says, "You know what? You are so full of-" And then he gets cut off by the waiter, so we'll never get to hear him finish that sentence
Also in that scene, there's a portrait of the Queen behind Ambrosius but nothing behind Ballister. Again, they're using the environment/background to show where characters' loyalties lie
Nimona's got a little pink and white circle on the bottom of her boots. You can see it when she wakes up on the couch and when she jumps off the balcony in the Director's office. I can't get a good image of it but I'm guessing it's some kind of logo
In the flashback with Gloreth, Nimona is pretty shy and reserved until she can use her shapeshifting. Then she's chatty, she's fully engaged in the games, and she just looks so much happier. She knew she could trust Gloreth and wasn't worried about hiding a key part of her identity. She shapeshifted and then she was free (ignore me crying)
When Nimona turns into the big shadow monster at the climax, the initial transformation destroys the well where she met Gloreth. I'm sure there's some symbolism in there but I'm leaving that for someone else to figure out lol
When Todd crashed his hoverscooter, he went all the way through the billboard. I thought he just hit it but no, he made a giant hole
When Ballister shows up to the city for the final sequence, the "A New Era of Heros" billboard is burning behind his right (our left) shoulder. Again there's probably symbolism in there but I'm leaving it to someone else
When Bal's sword hits the ground after he drops it off Gloreth's statue, it turns off. It's the first time in the movie where it hasn't been glowing. It really drove home that he's done with the Institute. He's not carrying it, it's not even on. He's helping Nimona
Ambrosius tries to carry an unconscious/severely injured person off the wall as Nimona's flying at it but he puts the person's full weight on his injured shoulder. Bc he's big brain like that
The scene where Bal and Ambrosius kiss is actually on top of the wall. Maybe that was obvious, but it took me forever to realize. They've turned it into a park and have made it accessible to the public. Also it looks over the entire Kingdom and it's HUGE! I've seen people worrying about how they fit all those people in the walls but it's actually ginormous
pt 1, pt 3, pt 4, pt 5
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thefrogdalorian · 6 months
Dincember Day 17: Joy
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Word Count: 2886 Rating: General Summary: Despite you and Din having plans to go to a special festive market with Grogu, you wake up feeling awful, as though all festive cheer has been sucked out of you. Fortunately, you have a loving and caring Mandalorian who helps you regain your joy. Content Warnings: Reader is having a bad day, discusses feelings of being a burden and things of that nature so proceed with caution. But it has a happy ending! Author's Note: Well, this was a very alternative interpretation of this prompt. I guess my brain just went, "Joy?? In this economy??" lmao. Just wanted to write a little fic for anyone who struggles to feel festive at this time of year, for whatever reason (or maybe none). My heart goes out to you, you can feel 'broken' if you aren't happy 24/7 at this time of year but I promise there's nothing wrong with you. There's a lot of pressure out there to be happy like in the movies. But life and emotions aren't straightforward and don't magically become so just because it's the holiday season!
Link to read on AO3 | My Dincember Masterlist
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As soon as your eyes fluttered open and the first rays of light streamed in through your eyes, you felt a sinking feeling in your gut. You just knew it was going to be one of those days that you dreaded. You had a fun day out planned with Din and Grogu to visit the special market that was visiting Nevarro for Life Day. But that seemed like an insurmountable feat now, given your mood. It was one of those days where you felt awful for no apparent reason and everything seemed that it required substantially more effort. As though all the joy that you had been working so hard to make Din and Grogu feel this festive season had suddenly been sucked out of your soul without warning.
You lay there for a few moments, shutting your eyes and inhaling deeply as you hoped that this feeling would pass. But you continued to feel awful. Your head throbbed, your stomach was churning and your heart felt heavy. You instinctively knew right away that you would have to let Din down, there was no way you would be able to join him at the market. You felt terrible about it, but you would just lie and claim that you had a headache in a bid to get him to leave you alone to wallow in your misery.
Fortunately, you were facing away from Din and he did not know that you were awake. You heard the familiar sounds of him entering the fresher to begin his morning routine and get ready for the day. You stayed in the cot, covering yourself with more blankets, trying to cocoon yourself in their warm embrace from the harsh, cold outside world.
Din eventually made his way back into the room and noticed that you had not moved from the cot, as you usually did when you heard him stir. As he padded towards you, you realised that he still thought you were asleep. He had no idea. The guilt threatened to overwhelm you.
“Good morning, cyare,” Din whispered, leaning down to kiss your cheek. “Are you ready for the market?” Din sounded so excited and it made you feel terrible that you were about to let him down. You knew he had been looking forward to this. Here he was, a man who had never really celebrated Life Day before, yet was still excited for so many new traditions. Here you were, at what was meant to be your favourite time of year, yet you could not even rouse yourself to get excited and join him and Grogu at the market. 
You could not respond to him with words, so you continued to lie there, turned away from him as your face was streaked by the hot tears that had formed in your eyes. 
“What’s wrong?” Din asked, he sounded so concerned about you, that your chest ached from the guilt of not being honest.
“I just don’t feel well, I woke up and my head hurts. I think I’m coming down with something,” You said, not turning over to face him. It wasn’t exactly a lie, but it wasn’t the whole truth either. “You and Grogu go ahead, I don’t want to spoil your day.”
“You’re not spoiling our day if you’re not feeling well, there’s nothing you can do about that,” Din said soothingly. “I won’t go if you’re sick, I’ll stay here and look after you.”
But the sorrow that you had just been feeling was suddenly replaced with panic, there was no way you wanted Din to stay here and fuss over you. You loved him so much and never doubted his love for you either, but with the mood you were in, that kind of affection and attention was deeply unsettling to you. You turned over, panicked at the prospect of him staying, and finally faced him. 
“Look, Din, I’m just going to lie here all day. There’s no point in you staying. Really,” You said firmly, finally meeting his eyes. “I feel a migraine coming on and I’ll only feel worse if you don’t go and have fun,” You finished. The tone of voice left no room for debate and you just hoped that Din would not argue with you and make this more difficult than it needed to be.
“Alright,” Din said, voice and eyes filled with uncertainty. “But if anything changes, promise me you’ll call me on your comlink?” Din said, referring to the device that linked directly to his helmet for short distances, such as when you were both on Nevarro.
“I promise,” You nodded, meeting his eyes with the amount of sincerity that you knew would reassure him, even though you had no intention of actually following through.
“Okay, thank you,” Din said, exhaling in relief. “I’ll come in with Grogu and say goodbye before we leave.
Then he left the room to get Grogu ready to head out to the market. You breathed a deep sigh of relief that he had thought better of fighting you on this matter. Din knew that sometimes your moods could slip into melancholy when the gloom threatened to overwhelm you. But he probably did not expect it to come at this time of year, after how excited you had been for the festive season. Coming clean to him about it later would be difficult for you, but for now your main priority was that he did not waste any time on you. You were certain that you did not deserve his concern. 
It was one of your worst traits, the urge to push people away when you felt terrible. The fact that you felt like a burden, a leech who was sucking all of the joy out of the festive season. Most of the time, the rational side of your brain functioned well enough to remind you that thinking like that was absurd. Din cared about you absolutely and would never view you as a burden. But today, something went wrong. Your brain was not being kind to you, making you focus on the bad rather than the many reasons you had to be happy.
Din carried Grogu into the room, and you felt cheered up slightly by the little boy’s presence. He was so cute and loving that spending any amount of time with him was always sure to make you feel slightly better, even if only temporarily. 
“Grogu wanted to see how you were feeling,” Din offered as he approached your side of the cot, handing Grogu to you as you sat up in bed.
“Aww, thanks buddy,” You smiled, despite how awful you felt. “I have a sore head, but I’m going to take it easy today while you and your father go and have fun at the market. Don’t nag him for too much candy!”
“He won’t listen, despite those big ears,” Din huffed as he took Grogu back from you and brought the little boy close to his chest, giving him a kiss on the cheek. It was what Din wanted to do to you, but he was scared of upsetting you further. “See you later, I hope you feel better,” Din added, smiling at you weakly. 
“Thanks. Hope you both have fun,” You returned the weak smile and watched as the two left you behind to your own self-pity.
For a while you lay there motionless, beating yourself up for being so selfish and not telling Din how you were feeling. But then you consoled yourself with the knowledge that he would not want you to feel bad on account of his feelings. You would be honest with Din later, you would let him know the reason behind why you had really wanted to stay behind and hide away from the world. For now, there was nothing you could do. You were comforted by the knowledge that at least Din and Grogu would be having fun at the market. That was the most important thing to you.
An indeterminate amount of time later, you finally decided that you should make it to the fresher. You could not face a proper shower, but you washed and put some clean garments on, even if they were just a different pair of the soft cotton clothes you slept in. It was the most you were going to be able to achieve for one day and that was alright. At least you were trying. You knew Din would be pleased to see that you had managed to make it out of your room, at least.
But all progress was soon halted when you made it into the main room of the cabin and noticed a sight that caused a lump to form in your throat. It was a sight that provoked memories of better times when you had felt happier and festive. It was the lights that Grogu had strung inside your cabin at Din’s insistence, the lights that you had danced and cuddled underneath. Seeing them now, when you felt like this was like a punch to the stomach. You felt utterly floored. Any positive thoughts about yourself from the small victory you had managed in getting up and about were gone in an instant. 
You sat on the couch under the multicoloured lights and sobbed.
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The touch of Din’s soft leather glove brushing against your cheek was the next thing you were aware of. You must have drifted off to sleep at some point because rather than being alone in your melancholy, two pairs of big brown eyes were now staring at you concernedly. As you sat up on the couch, you felt lightheaded. Your eyes were puffy and swollen from crying, your lips swollen from the dehydration caused by such a crying spell.
“You’re back?” You whimpered, taking in the scene before your eyes.
“Oh, cyare, you promised you would call me,” Din whispered quietly, his voice full of hurt at your betrayal.
“I’m so sorry, Din,” You whispered, eyes filling with tears at how hurt he looked. “I’m a horrible person, I don’t blame you for being mad at me.”
Din exhaled deeply, his fist clenched by his side at your words. “You are not a horrible person, you are anything but. Let me put Grogu down and then I’ll come right back.”
You heard Din’s footsteps disappear down the hallway to Grogu’s room and tried your best to steady your racing heart. Despite his reassurance, you still felt terrible and you had not managed to calm down by the time Din made his way back to you, now dressed in the cotton clothes he slept in. You suddenly noticed how dark it was, they must have been gone for hours.
“Sorry we were gone so long, we ran into Greef and he ended up insisting we join him for dinner,” Din explained, as he took a seat on the couch next to you, as if able to tell that you were wondering the reason for his prolonged absence.
“It’s okay, Din. I’m glad you had a good day,” You said honestly. Despite how bad you were feeling, you would never resent Din for having fun.
“The market was enjoyable, plenty of stalls. But you know how Greef is. He wouldn't take no for an answer, even though eating in front of others is a hassle for me.” Din remarked, addressing the logistical problems his helmet often created. “Enough about our day, though. What is really going on with you?”
“I just woke up feeling terrible Din, I didn’t want you to worry. It was just easier to say I felt like I had a migraine coming on than being honest,” You said, struggling to make eye contact with him and look into the warm brown eyes that usually held so much love and affection for you, though you were now certain were going to look at you with disdain. 
“But you looked like… when I got back here, it looked like you had been crying?” Din said, his voice pained.
“It’s just all this pressure to embrace the festive joy, today was meant to be happy and fun and I just… I woke up feeling as far from joyous as a person possibly could, but I was too much of a coward to let you know,” You admitted. “I’m so sorry, you must hate me right now.”
“No, I don’t hate you,” Din said, holding your hands in his and turning to face you. “I love you completely, cyare. I’m not mad at you, you know that, don’t you?”
“I guess…” You replied, without conviction. 
But Din was not satisfied with such a response. He released your hands and held your head in his hands, making sure that you were looking at him as he addressed you. “Listen to me,” Din said calmly, “I love you and I’m not mad at you. I’ll keep saying it until it sinks in.”
“Din…” You breathed, touched at how caring he was towards you. You were mistaken too, there was no disappointment detected in those brown eyes.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” Din said, releasing your face and gathering you into his arms as he punctuated each utterance with a kiss on your cheek.
“Okay, Din!” You giggled breathlessly. “I get it, you love me! I love you too.”
“Good. And I’m not mad at you,” Din added.
“And you’re not mad at me.” You confirmed.
“I’m glad we established that,” Din said, leaning back against the couch and bringing you with him so your head rested on his chest.
“Me too,” You breathed.
“I don’t want you to ever doubt my love for you. It is not conditional, even if you have an off day in the festive season, or any season. I was excited to go to the market today and Grogu still had fun, but I was thinking about you all day,” Din admitted. “I wouldn’t have been thinking about you if you were such an awful person, would I?”
“No, Din,” You breathed. “I know how much you love me. I wish I had just been honest with you, I know you wouldn’t have gotten angry with me.”
“This time of year can be difficult for people for many reasons. You aren't the only person who is struggling. Look at me, I never celebrated any of these traditions, there have been so many times recently when I’ve found myself grieving for all of the years I’ve missed,” Din admitted. “But I console myself by knowing that those days are behind me. Now, I have the rest of my life to look forward to with you. That fills me with joy whenever I feel bad.”
“Oh, Din. I'm so sorry you've been feeling that way. I had no idea,” You said, feeling your heart constrict at the image of him mourning for the years of lost traditions. “You’re right though, we have lots of years to fill with love and joy to make up for lost time.”
“We do,” Din agreed. “So many years left to love each other unconditionally. I love you.”
“I love you too, Din,” You giggled, pushing yourself up off his chest to look into his eyes. “You don’t have to keep saying it, I know.”
“Oh, but I want to,” Din smirked, “I. Love. You.” Din repeated, this time kissing you softly between each word. 
You sighed and smiled, almost forgetting how awful you had felt for so much of the day. But Din’s comforting presence and soothing words had done wonders for your mind and soul. 
“There’s that smile I missed” Din said, smiling back at you which only made you smile harder. “How do you feel now?” Din questioned.
“I guess… As you said before, being reminded of your love for me makes me feel… joy,” You admitted shyly. “Just complete happiness and pure joy at knowing how loved I am, as corny as that sounds.”
“It’s not corny at all, cyare. I’m so happy to hear that you feel that way,” Din beamed. “And I will never stop trying to make you feel joyful, for the rest of my life, all year around… even when it isn’t the festive season,” Din vowed.
Any promise Din Djarin made was always followed with as much sincerity as a man as honourable as he could muster, which was a lot. So you had no doubt that you would spend the rest of your life with him feeling exceedingly loved and joyful, even if there were momentary blips such as parts of today.
As you lay back against Din’s firm chest and cuddled up to him again, you reflected on how thankful you were that a day which had started off so terribly had taken such a positive turn. It was all thanks to the love of the man who was holding you safely in his arms now. The emotion that knowing Din loved you completely provoked in you a feeling that it had seemed you would never feel again only a few short hours ago. 
Cuddled up to him beneath the multicoloured lights, safe in his arms and in the knowledge that Din loved you completely made you feel festive once more. You felt pure joy.
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david-talks-sw · 8 months
At what point do you ask yourself if the Prequels did this to itself.
Sure having Gen X creatives probably doesn’t help. But I still see a lot of younger folks and prequel kids have a “the Jedi we’re wrong” narrative. We can argue whether or not it’s because of those Gen X creators sure.
But a film or film needs to speak for itself and convey the ideas of the creative and not have people research what he or she says. It can be fun sure but at some point the film needs to do the work.
Course if you think the film does the work that also is a debate worth having. But the fact that we still have this debate at all must say something and I don’t it’s simple as “older fans don’t get it” maybe that’s part of it but I still think there is something about the prequel’s execution to be desired.
Guessing you're the same anon from this post.
It's not as simple as "older fans don't get it", but that is the starting point of the issue, because the older fans are the ones who generated the content that the Prequel kids would go on consuming.
And you can see a trend in all Star Wars merchandise. Around 1999 to 2005? The marketing, the books, the comics, all tend to frame the Jedi in a positive light, but more importantly focus on the intended narrative, that Anakin brought this down on himself.
And the haters, well, they're arguing that the Jedi are a bunch of idiots and incompetents, that Anakin is whiny and changes his mind and joins the Dark Side to kill the Jedi on a whim.
These are very uncharitable reads but at least they track with the intended narrative.
The Jedi are always playing catch-up, calling them "incompetent" is tough but fair.
Anakin is whiny, arrogant and petulant but he's a teenager. That's how they are. That's the point: he's a teenager and he's trying to get married and settle down and have a family, etc, "because i love her and she loves me" when even the woman he's in love with tells him "that's not how things work, buddy, there's other factors, this will spell out destruction for everyone". Eventually she gives in, but that doesn't make it any less destructive.
Anakin does turn to the Dark Side immediately. That's how scared he is. That's how traumatized he is. He hasn't slept in days and he's not thinking straight, he's scared shitless and he's panicking and here's this space sorcerer who says he can stop people from fucking dying?? Of course he'll join.
But the other thing is... those are criticisms coming from an adult perspective. AKA not the intended viewer. Cuz I sure wasn't thinking any of that when I was a kid. I was deep in the story and going along with it. I have a friend whose kid watched the films first, same deal, he's not asking that.
These are movies meant for kids. Is the plot slightly more complex than your average fairy tale? It is. But it remains a fairy tale in, especially considering its target demographic.
And this fairy tale was made by an experimental indie filmmaker from the Baby Boomer generation with a background in anthropology (hence why there's so many mythological callbacks in the films), cinema vérité documentary filmmaking (explaining the cinematography of the Prequels) and editing.
It reflects who he is and what his values are. He's ahead of the curb in his way of thinking, but some of his values reflect the generation he was a part of.
Finally, the films reflect a particular style he's emulating, the 30s matinee serial. Everyone speaks a certain way, sometimes it's bland, sometimes it's straight up corny, but it's all on purpose.
These films kept being scrutinized by people who saw them as "blockbuster scifi films" and reviewed/analyzed them as such.
They're not. They're indie movies with a big budget. They're fairy tales in space.
They're this weird little niche thing that this funny weirdo from Modesto with a fascination for pyschological motifs in mythology came up with. Remember: the first Star Wars movie was released with an expectation from everyone, including Lucas himself, that it'd be panned and despised.
As they years go on, a lot of the adults who hated the Prequels try to do the decent thing and find a way to like them... but the story seems so stupid to them, as it is.
But then they either think or come across an interpretation, a prism through which to see the Prequels... that - holy shit - actually makes them better, and have more depth. The theory is... 
What if Jar Jar is secretly a Sith Lord?
What if the Prequel Jedi are meant to come across as dispassionate? I mean, isn’t that what being a Jedi is, apparently? You purge yourself of attachments aka emotions, and act only logically. 
Wow, that… that actually makes the Prequels sound better. Like, think of the implications: 
The Jedi are too systemic, they’re more prone to violence than they’re supposed to be, they’re meddling with politics, and if you read the EU, they’re essentially kidnapping babies, brainwashing them, indoctrinating them, and if they don’t pass the tests then they become farmers or get kicked out. They’re high and mighty assholes who preach peace but also frequently get into fights. Also, to become a Jedi, you need to have a high enough midi-chlorian count which shows how overly-organized they’ve become, rather than allowing themselves to ‘feel’. 
Qui-Gon is not just a maverick: he’s ahead of the curb. I mean, he’s the first guy to become a Force Ghost, he’s gotta be doing something right that the others aren’t, right? Also, he’s got a love interest, he gets angry when she gets killed. Y’know, a human reaction? Like the one Anakin has and tells himself he needs to repress, like a Jedi apparently would? 
And you know what? Maybe that’s the problem that makes Anakin go to the Dark Side: these guys took a 9-year-old slave and forced him to repress his emotions until he finally cracked. He just wouldn’t fit in the mold, they kept pushing, until he finally broke. Sure, Palpatine leverages Padmé’s life, but Anakin would never have been in that situation if the Jedi had been compassionate enough to notice he was in pain and distress. Yoda literally tells him to “rejoice” at the thought of someone dying. What kind of idiotic advice is that? It’s clear, the Jedi are no better than the Sith, they’re just two sides of a different coin. One feels too much, the other doesn’t feel at all. 
Holy shit… this is all making so much sense…! The Prequels might actually be secretly good! Or if not good, at least more coherent, now! 
And oh! Oh! That’s what makes Luke special! Cuz yes, Luke is special again, thanks to this interpretation! 
He finds a middle ground between the unfeeling Jedi and the Sith, who have become slaves to their emotions. He uses the Dark Side to beat Vader, but uses it like a tool, keeps himself in control (like some sort of Jedi in the middle... like… a gray… Jedi). Like, sure, Anakin can be the Chosen One, whatever, but Luke? Luke has found the balance, he succeeded where Obi-Wan, Yoda (who wanted Vader dead instead of believing he could be redeemed) and the other Prequel Jedi failed. And the EU books that follow Return of the Jedi seem to confirm this, as you can get married within the New Jedi Order, and Luke can use Force Lightning and he can take on an army of Yuhzan Vong by himself!
Wow. You know what? For all their faults, the Prequels make sense. Maybe Lucas is a genius after all.
Some of the people are in a position where they can create new Star Wars content. So they set out to fix something that, in their view, was broken... but that from Lucas' POV, wasn't. Some of them think they're setting out to clarify a narrative (but are actually focusing on an aspect that wasn't meant to be scrutinized and challenged that deeply in the intended narrative).
And they crank out this content, because Lucas didn't particularly give a fuck about the EU. When they have the chance, they push the new narrative, and nobody stops it because, hey, at least they're engaging with the material, and the original narrative was stupid anyway.
What happens? The Prequel kids grow up with this content being pushed on them more and more.
And they're immersed, right? So when a new book makes Obi-Wan come across as an asshole, they don't think "Obi-Wan would never say that" they go "oh shit, turns out Obi-Wan's an asshole!"
So now THAT generation, that's just going by the canon that was put out post-movies, is slowly but surely growing up with the same interpretation (me included).
There's also a more psychology-aware culture, and more and more Anakin comes across as someone who's being mentally abused by the Jedi. He's got some sort of mental disorder, he's socially anxious. He's not whiny, he's crying out for help. Those values of the Jedi (that Lucas shares)? They're actually weird and archaic!
So that whole aspect gets thrown into the mix.
Fast-forward to today, and the newest generation of fans grows up with "the Prequels show the Fall of the Jedi" as common knowledge, and the High Republic, New Jedi Order and Dawn of the Jedi is where it's at. Those Prequel Jedi are real dogmatic, tight-assed fuck-ups, wow, amirite?
No, I don't think the Prequel Trilogy did it to itself. I think it accomplished exactly what it wanted to for the people it was meant to do it for (kids).
It's just that a bunch of people came right after it and retconned the fuck out of it, then proceeded to say "yeah, it was always this way, even the original author said so" when he didn't.
My stance, as usual, is best summarized by this metaphor:
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simpfor141cod · 11 months
Copycat; Ghost pt.1
As an assassin, how would you go about trying to kill one of the most deadly men? You needed to draw him away from the rest of task force 141, you needed to get his attention- but how? Well, apparently the best way to get the attention of Ghost, is by pretending to be Ghost- what could go wrong?
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contains: Angst, Assassin!Reader, suggestive themes, eventual smut, degradation, violence, knives, Ghosts ego, slow burn romance, ghost is weirdly turned on by you trying to kill him??
"Ghost? You want me to kill Ghost? You mean the guy that took out your entire squad by himself, that Ghost?" You couldn't believe your ears, running your hand through your hair, you were about to decline before the man on the other side of the phone speaks; "you are one of the best assassins on the market, are you not?" The mans voice growled, obviously not happy with your response. "Yes but its Ghost! of all people why hi-" you were cut off suddenly, "If you do this, you can be done with all the killing. We will let you go." What? There's no way they mean that, they've kept you here for ten years already, why the hell would they let you go now? It was going to be nearly impossible. Only one way to find out I guess. You probably wouldn't get another offer to leave. All or nothing. "I'll do it." --
You spend the next week gathering as much intel on the man as possible, which was a terrifyingly small amount. 'Ghost' '6'4" ' 'Known for his skull mask' 'extremely dangerous' You also had a few notes on taskforce 141's previous sightings/locations & allies. Great. Like you didn't know most of that already. You look at the tiny list that you had managed to get written down and sighed. You adjust the height of your training targets to his height, your jaw drops as you crane your head up. 'well shit.' You take a deep breath and massage your temples, why the hell did you accept? To go home. Your eyes harden as you remember your family, you had to do this. If not for yourself, for them. You had fought men his height before, some even taller. However, this was Ghost for fucks sake, the mention of the mans name is enough to stop an entire army dead in their tracks. You take a deep breath. "okay, so, I've got the limited intel available, now I just need to figure out how to get him to come to me, because there is no way I'm taking on all of taskforce 141.." you lingered on your own question for a while, debating the outcomes of different plans. ---- "THATS IT" you sit up in your bed, you were just about to fall asleep when an idea popped into your head, The only way to get his attention, and have him come to you: You would pretend to be him. Nobody liked being copied right?
Every other plan you had thought of before came to the same grizzly conclusion; Your imminent death. You just hoped that Ghost would be curious enough about a copycat that he wouldn't just kill you immediately. That brings you to where you are now, watching a movie-esque battle scene unfold Infront of you between a terrorist group and a gang. You had found out that taskforce 141 had been seen in the area recently, searching for the terrorist group currently fighting Infront of you, they had recently threatened to attack and overthrow the government- so they were on 141's radar. You watched as the two groups reached a sort of stalemate, gunfire ceased, so you made your way down to the ground from the rooftop, silently blending into the background.
For now. Unlike Ghost and even your usual self in this scenario, your goal was to be seen- at least by the other gang. You knew the opposing gang was a supplier of intel to 141, so they would immediately recognize Ghost. This also meant that if you didn't move now- the real Ghost would be there sooner or later. You made your way around to the back of the terrorist group, sneaking up behind one of the men, immediately taking out your knife and pulling him to the ground, quickly dispatching of him before he made any noise. This was easy work for you, after being an assassin for this long, there weren't many scenarios that made you nervous, but the thought of Ghost showing up to the 'party' with the rest of taskforce 141, had you wanting to kill these men and get the fuck out quickly. This was simply phase one of your plan, you needed Ghost to be interested enough that he'd seek you out alone, its the only way you could possibly beat him. You groaned softly, noticing how the weight of all of the gear Ghost would wear weighs you down, you had his look down pat, it was just the height that was the issue. If you wanted the gang to think you were Ghost, you were going to have to keep your distance from them, otherwise they'd know something was up. You made your way around the group, pulling them into the shadows one by one, it wasn't until the last one that you purposefully let yourself be seen, the man turned around and you could have sworn he nearly passed out when he saw the skull mask- he froze, letting you take advantage of his lack of movement. He briefly began to yell, quickly silenced as his body hit the ground with a thud, you wiped your knife off on his shirt before standing, "He really does strike fear into the hearts of men" You said almost baffled, but not entirely surprised. It wasn't long before you heard footsteps in the distance, a red dot appearing on your chest for a moment before a spotlight is on you from a distance. "Holy shit its Ghost?" "Who contacted 141?" "I was going to now but I guess someone already did" "I only sent for them about a minute ago.. how the hell did they get here so fast?" The men from the gang all seemed confused, it was going exactly as you planned. As they all talked amongst themselves, you took it upon yourself to slip back into the shadows, leaving the scene littered with your kills. 'Phase one complete" You reported back to your boss, finally removing the skull mask before abruptly ending the call, you had to get the hell out of the area, and fast. ---- "Copy. Thanks boys." Price looked over at Ghost suddenly, a confused look on his face. "Ghost" "Yes sir?" "Apparently we are no longer needed for that callout on the terrorist group, according to our intel, you already handled it" Ghost wasn't a man of many big reactions, so by the way his eyes widened Price started getting the gist of what was going on. "Well they seem pretty convinced it was you, it would appear you have a copycat. Skull mask and all." There wasn't much that surprised Simon anymore, especially not in his field of work, but this was new. The team agreed to go and look at the scene, all scouting the area for this 'copycat' incase they were still in the area. "Jeez, they certainly did a number on em' didnt they?" Soap announced, pushing one of the bodies over with his foot. A small grunt of agreement was heard from Ghost as he observed the patterns in the 'handywork' of whoever did this. "Whoever it was, they knew what they were doing." Price stated, pointing out how all the bodies bar one were hidden from sight in the shadows. "9 people, all with the same knife" Ghost stated, his brain working in overdrive trying to figure out who might be doing this. "So it was definitely just one person? Shit" Soap looked shocked, "This is easy work for us" Ghost sighed, not wanting to admit being impressed himself. "A copycat huh?" He mumbled to himself. ----- Hope you enjoyed, next part coming soon :) -yours
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haechvn · 2 years
Hold On
Pairing: Shuri x Reader
Warning: Angst and a lil fluff. Shuri is a little bit moody but who can really blame her
Summary/Request: y/n is a lab specialist and is sent to work in shuri’s lab after during that year after t’challa passed on (hurt/comfort) then maybe y/n was in the market when the tallokan attacked and shuri protects.
Word Count: 1.9k
Author’s Note: Takes place during Wakanda Forever so beware of spoilers. 
I am working on a few rn but KEEP SENDING REQUESTS. We didn’t just have Shuri star in her OWN MOVIE for y'all to be ignoring her. You guys should be ashamed. Don't play with me, play with yourself.  Enjoy my loves!
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“Shuri, I get what you are trying to do but are you sure recreating the herb solely in a lab will give you the same results? Aren’t there any cultural lines you’d be crossing or something? Maybe we should ask the Queen about this first,” you quipped as you steadily chased Shuri around her lab, hoping to get her to reconsider her next steps with the current experiment. 
It has been over a year since the sudden passing of her older brother and the only life she has been able to live is that of a mad scientist - nothing more and certainly nothing less. Of course she still took proper care of herself but her only desire was to find a way to crack the code that could have saved T’Challa’s life. That pain is with her everyday so to combat that, she has put together a squad of the most brilliant minds in Wakanda to help her efforts and that is where you come in. Working alongside the Princess as a Lab Specialist, who is an expert in working with organic matter and analyzing foreign and home-based substances. Truth be told, Shuri adores her entire team but values your opinion and work above all. Maybe it's because your eyes keep her up at night. But in this situation, no one's words were really as important as her own. At least, that’s what she thought. 
“I know what I’m doing,” she seethed stentoriously, speaking as if every word was its own sentence. Stopping abruptly and turning around for you to greet her rigid eyes, her jaw clenched and the veins on her forehead looked like they wanted to break free. Shuri did not want to have this conversation with you again because as more time passed, the more her patience with this project wore thin. Why does everyone still view her as a child? Why can’t her plans be good enough? Every cell in your body told you that you had yet again irritated the Princess. 
“I'm tired of everyone questioning me as if I am not the smartest woman in the world! Go to the market like I requested and pick up the items I asked you to so we can go back to experimenting and stop all this talking. That’s an order.”
Scoffing at her disrespectful tone, you continued on, wanting the Princess to fully think through the ramifications of what lies ahead. She may be royalty but she was also your friend so to hear her speak to you this way without any regard of how you may feel made your heart crack just a bit. You had done your best to be there for her during this very difficult last year and always offered a shoulder to cry on but she has unknowingly begun taking her anger out on you. Her taut voice introduced many onlooking eyes peering over to the previously quiet conversation the two of you were having. Crossing your arms in front of your chest, you held your ground.
“How long will this go on for? You constantly treat your colleagues like we are nothing but mere pets to you. Didn’t you bring us in so that we could help you find ways to solve your problem? That is what I am trying to do here and I don't understand why you can’t see that. I just want you to be safe,” you let out with your voice slightly cracking, exhausted from arguing and the constant back and forth. Sure you kept her on her toes from time to time but this just became too much. Thinking about what could happen if she ingested the curated herb and Bast forbid something went wrong. You wouldn’t be able to forgive yourself. No. You can’t let your mind go there. 
Not letting her answer your questions, you bowed to the Princess and spun on your heels, signaling your exit from the lab with your coat rustling behind you. Quickly rushing out, you could hear her sigh and beckon you towards her but your head was held high as you trekked forward. You didn’t wish to be disregarded any further and the Princess clearly needed some time to think. 
“That’ll be 12 Wakandan dollars pwease,” said the young girl selling herbs, plates and bowls with her mother. Dots and stripes dance on her face and her smile reminds you of the one Shuri used to carry. It has been so long - too long so maybe this will bring that back to her. 
Thanking the girl and her mother, you start to head back to the lab but not without appreciating the breathtaking beauty of the culture in Wakanda. Such peaceful and vibrant people to match the ethereal aura of this wonderful nation is something that can only be witnessed with your own eyes. In the distance, you made out the figure of a certain Jabari leader smiling widely and waving his enormous hands at you. M’Baku has really proven himself to be a formidable and dependent member of the Wakandan civilization. Just as you lifted your hand to greet him back, you heard the girl and her mother that you bought from scream in anguish.
Whipping your head around, all you could see for miles was water exploding out of thin air. Everywhere started to flood and all the stores and their owners began disappearing before your eyes. Clutching the materials that Shuri requested, you tried your hardest to outrun the waves if that is even possible. You can’t even swim so trying to head towards the water was completely out of the question, especially once three foreign figures rose from the shore. Just like in those cliche horror films, you naturally lost your footing and all you could think was Wait. Atlantis is a real place??!! 
Scared for your life, you gathered yourself up and continued onto the palace until the sweetest melody you have ever heard entered your senses. Dropping everything from your grasp, in a trance you found yourself facing the mysterious figures again, this time in the direction of a man adorned in gold, jade and what is that? Vibranium? However your thoughts were no longer your own and all you wanted to do at this present moment was obey the orders of the singing siren before you. Chaos and destruction ensued around you but all you felt was peace. An eerie peace that sent chills down your spine but whisked your mind away from any current circumstances. Your mind knew he was about to kill you. 
On your way down to kneel in front of this unknown enemy, your name was shouted out at you from the heavens above. The voice held fear and grievance in it and it snapped you out of your hypnosis. It was the Princess. Up above in a ship with what looked like Nneka, waving you down endlessly in hopes to get your attention. Even during her most vulnerable moments, Shuri looked absolutely glorious. Maybe it’s the way her curls fell forward as if they were reaching out to you or her deep charcoal eyes that seems to call you hers. Either way, with the world crashing down around you, you still couldn’t help the butterflies in your chest every time you laid eyes on her. 
Before you could register what was happening, her figure dove out of the aircraft and was headed straight towards you. It seems as though she cracked the code. Landing stealthy with her back turned towards you, her black panther suit seemed to glow in the sun. Decorated in gold and silver from top to bottom, you couldn't hold in your shock. Shuri had always said that the black panther died with her brother but it seems as though she was terribly incorrect.
“Namor. I guess this makes me your enemy now,” she stalked towards him as he slightly trembled in surprise. 
Shuri’s languid movements reminded you of her brother but much more graceful and slightly less calculated but magnificent nonetheless. Intense blows were exchanged between the both of them as you scampered away to find safety in an attempt to avoid the crossfire. Namor eventually catapulted himself away from the Princess and made his way towards the Royal Palace. Getting ready to run in his direction, the Black Panther halted and turned to finally face you. 
Your heart was pounding profusely as she neared you and her helmet disappeared. Her eyes held the story of everything she had been through yet she still carried on like royalty, with such poise and dignity.
She’s here. She’s here. She’s here. She really came here to save me.
You have never seen the Princess kneel before, especially not in a public place so your eyes went wide as she went down on one knee and grasped your hands. Her chest was going up and down at an alarming rate and the grip she had on you started to burn. 
“I’m so sorry I-. I had hoped you were-. Ugh! I can’t believe he almost-,” her words failing her at every opportunity. Tears dropped onto your joined hands and her back shook with her cries. When Shuri had received a distress signal, she had no choice but to take the incomplete herb in an attempt to even the playing field with the submariner. It scared her even more to know that he was attacking the market, the same place she had sent you to in a fit of rage. She couldn’t even believe she used that tone on you of all people so the thought that that might have been the last conversation between you two - no. Not again. She shook her head over and over, not daring to look you in the eyes because she didn’t deserve your kindness. From the outside looking in, Princess Shuri was losing it and this new mantle she now carried was already beginning to be too much for her. 
“Stand up! You are a Princess,” you bellowed, your heart breaking at the sight. Though you shared the same frightened feeling as her, she needed someone to be strong for her and who better than you. 
"We can have this conversation later but your people need you. Your country needs you. Show them who you are, Shuri. Then come back to me.” You couldn't believe you were here offering this kind of counsel to the Princess. You two have really come a long way.
Her head snapped up, curls dancing across her forehead, showcasing her cherry red, tear-filled eyes. She really thought she lost you. 
Quickly gathering her strength, she called for Nakia to “beam us up” and take you to safety. As you are being lifted up, her arms softly wrap themselves around your torso while your chests are conveniently pressed up against each other. Shuri’s eyes haven’t been able to leave yours and they are saying all the things her lips and insecurities wouldn’t allow her. You nod and offer a small smile, knowing that that’s the best thing you could muster up in the moment. Her eyes traveled between yours and your lips over and over. She licked her lips out of nervousness and tried to see if her actions would be accepted before she leaned forward to close the gap between you two. Just as her ready lips grazed yours, Okoye’s voice screeched and pierced through her earpiece. 
“My Princess! The Royal Palace is underwater!”
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kentoberry · 2 years
RAINY DAYS WITH THEM — [ jujutsu kaisen. ]
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⭒— CAST : geto suguru , nanami kento , yuuji itadori , toge inumaki .
⭒— CONTENT : sick ! reader ( geto ) , reverse comfort ( nanami ) , clingy yuuji , toge favouritism . gender neutral reader . all characters are over the age of eighteen . minors do not interact with my blog .
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"i'm sorry, about today," you mumbled, taking the mug of hot tea that geto had kindly brewed for you. the two of you were planning to spend the day together and visit the local market, but as a result of the recent bad weather, you had woken up with sniffles that snowballed into a rather nasty cold.
"for the last time," he replied, lifting your blanket and sliding in next to you. "it's okay, pretty. let's get you feeling better,"
suguru wraps his arm around your shoulders, the other hand searching through the mountain of pillows and blankets that he'd made for you in order to locate the tv remotes. with two hands holding your drink securely, you leaned back and snuggled against his chest.
"jus' feel bad, 's all." you croaked out. you absolutely hated this feeling: the overwhelming and unwavering guilt that you'd ruined what could have been a lovely day for the both of you. despite your voice barely being above a whisper, geto heard you perfectly clear.
"i promise you, you did nothing wrong. i would much rather stay in and make sure my best girl is feeling better than be out in that weather anyways," he chuckled, a weak attempt at trying to lighten the mood.
"c'mere, doll," he smiled down at you and placed a kiss to your forehead. "i'll even let you pick the movie?"
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due to the bad weather, getting home from work was a difficult task for nanami. with public transport delays and whatnot, he ultimately decided to just bite the bullet and walk home instead.
he arrived over an hour and a half later than he usually would, and you were only growing more concerned with each passing tick of the clock. when nanami finally stepped over the threshold of your home, his clothes were soaked through and he wasn't in the best mood.
"ken?" you called from the living room. he'd typically greet you before he'd even gotten a chance to close the door behind him, and you hadn't heard from him just yet. you got up from your seat to see a miserable nanami in the hallway shrugging off his coat. "'s everything okay, hun?"
though he opened his mouth to reply to you, all that he let out was a booming sneeze — he'd caught a cold. knowing he would be tired from work on top of this, you let him know that you'd go and run him a hot bath to warm him up. nanami didn't exactly have the energy to protest, and finished sorting himself out before meeting you in the bathroom.
the scent of the lavender salts that you'd added to the water wafted through your home, and you opted to light a candle rather than use the harsh overhead light in case nanami had a sore head.
it made you jump when nanami opened the bathroom door, though you were instantly comforted as he wrapped his arms around you from behind. he'd removed his wet clothes and only had a towel wrapped around his waist. "thank you, my darling." his voice was hoarser than usual, "care to join me for a while?"
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"babyyyy," yuuji whined, dragging out the final syllable of the pet name. you could hear his heavy steps padding closer towards you against the kitchen tile. before you could turn around to face him, his arms were around your waist and his head on your shoulder. it was a welcome warmth, especially when the rain continued to dribble down the window in front of you. "come cuddle with me,"
you found yuuji so endearing when he was needy, and the fact that he never made a move to hide his clingier side was part of the reason that you fell for him so hard. you placed a kiss to the mess of bubblegum pink hair that rested on you whilst continuing to wash the dishes.
"yuuji, sweetheart, let me finish here and i'll be right in,"
"can i help you at least?" he attempted to compromise. you huffed.
"but you made dinner, baby. 's not fair if you do everything,"
"i want to, though. as much as i appreciate the view from back here," you rolled your eyes, knowing he was referring to your ass. "we can go lay down and catch up on that new drama you've been wanting to watch? please, baby? just leave it, we can deal with it in the morning. . ."
you couldn't lie, he was doing a wonderful job at persuading you. leaning into his touch a little more, you breathed in the sweet smells of his strawberry-scented shampoo. with a dreamy sigh, you dried off your hands before stating: "i'll grab the blankets."
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because of the thunderstorms outside, gojo had cancelled classes for the day. you were supposed to be sparring outside, but something about him not wanting to ruin his "perfect hair" or whatever. besides, you'd all been working yourselves to the bone with the recent surge in missions being dished out to students.
you spent the day hidden away in your boyfriend's dorm room, with the blinds drawn and his laptop playing yet another movie of his choosing. his arms were tucked under your shirt as he absent-mindedly traced patterns and shapes on your stomach. you both lay on your sides, buried in the nest of blankets and pillows that you'd created.
cosy day like this with toge were rare, though you cherished them nonetheless. you turned around to face him, completely forgetting about the movie you were both watching. he looked angelic, even in such minimal light. he hadn't bothered to wear a mask, feeling safe enough to let his guard down around you. that's why he didn't flinch as you cupped his face with both hands, tracing along the black markings on his cheeks.
toge could feel himself start to blush as a result of the gentleness that you displayed. he felt so very lucky in that moment, gazing down at you with stars in his eyes.
"takana?" he mumbled, furrowing his eyebrows.
you knew toge well enough to understand what he was trying to communicate.
"'m good," you muttered, voice muffled as you snuggled closer to his chest. despite the pouring rain outside and the sounds of the movie playing, you swear you could hear his heart beating.
slowly, you brought a hand to toge's chest, tapping three times near his heart. when you'd first started dating, this had become your shared way of saying you liked, loved, and deeply cared for one another. to him, it was extra special as it showed that you accepted him despite the restrictions from his cursed speech. usually his signature hoodie or a mask hid the beaming smile whenever you tapped his heart, though times like this could see precisely what kind of effect you had over the man. though it may be void of sunshine outside, the light of your life was curled up next to you, returning the gesture.
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lukeevangelista · 1 year
Soft Launch - JJ McCarthy
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“Hi baby.” JJ smiled down at you, keeping his voice low as you two walked through campus, his hand on your lower back and he guided you.
You two were public and as much as you would have liked to kiss him in public, you both knew it was best to keep it under wraps for the time being.
Well that was until some freshman from the debate team saw JJ press a gentle kiss to your lips as he told you goodbye when he dropped you off at your dorm.
“I’ll see you later. Are you still going to the boys house?” He asked as he walked backwards, making sure you two were still on for tonight.
You nodded as he shot you a thumbs up, him finally leaving for practice.
You wanted to tell your friends before news got out, but some punk had beat you to it.
“You’re dating who?” Nolan laughed as he watched you walk into their house, immediately starting on you.
You turned around, trying to walk out, only to bump into Rutgers chest, him coming in after you, “No can do bucko. Turn around.” His hands found the side of your arms, turning you around to push you forward towards the open spot on the couch.
“McCarthy of all people? Him?” Steve scoffed, “You could do better.”
“He’s nice. And super sweet. And look at that face.” You gushed. They looked at you with distaste before letting a laugh escape their lips.
You had invited JJ with you over to Nolan’s house to tell them, but the news broke campus wide that ‘Super Star Quarterback JJ McCarthy was off the market by you’ and the boys had gotten whiff of it before you were able to tell them.
“When did this happen?” Ethan asked as he grabbed your forearm, tugging you to sit down next to him.
“Like.. a month-“
“A month!” Phil laughed, “Dude, we didn’t even suspect anything.”
“I- We wanted to tell you, but apparently it’s already out.”
“Yeah we heard.” Dylan snorted, “Ya know Y/N/N, if you wanted to be more secretive, maybe you should have invited him in if you wanted to kiss him.” He laughed as he pulled up the picture of you two smooching.
You rolled your eyes at him.
“Well we didn’t expect this drama today.” Luca laughed.
The conversation changed after that, you being thankful for this until you heard a knock on the front door, Nolan popping up to grab it.
“Hey buddy.” Your eyes widened as you saw JJ walk into his house, the tension in the air becoming awkward.
A couple of the boys glared at him, sorta jokingly. It wasn’t that they care who you dated, most definitely wasn’t that- it was more so they were nervous that they’d hurt you. Especially an athlete. They all knew how these boys ran through girls and they didn’t want you in that situation.
Especially Nolan. You had been close with him since your freshman year, which would have been his junior year. You both got paired up for a project, you both finding out the other was pretty cool. It was all history from there.
“One wrong move.” Ethan glared, “We’re watching you.”
“Apparently others are too.” JJ commented, you nodding.
“Oh yeah. They found out before I even had a chance to say anything when I walked in.” You admitted as you stood up, walking over to him, “Guys, this is JJ, my boyfriend.”
You didn’t want the football player part looming over him so that’s exactly why you introduced him the way you did.
It didn’t take long for Steve and Phil to catch on before Steve replied with, “Nice to meet you, Y/N’s boyfriend.”
You rolled your eyes, but thankful one of them was smart enough to catch on, and not say something stupid.
“Well I’ve had enough. Can we just start this movie already?” Jacob whined.
“Go ahead.” You laughed as you got comfortable next to JJ on the couch.
“Hands where we can see them pal.”
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blade-that-was-broken · 2 months
I have a HC that brozone had like stage parents like the kind of parents that only had kids so that they’re kids could do the child star thing and they could live vicariously through their kids success. and also so those kids could make a ton of money that the parents could live off of. Like the parents of the kids on toddlers in tiaras.
We know that JD took on the role of raising his younger brothers and that he saw himself as their main caretaker, but this is contrasted by the fact that his brothers don’t seem to see him as a parental figure and at least in the third movie seem to get annoyed and angry when JD tries to act like an authority figure in there lives. I interpret this as JD raised these kids but the parents were still around they were generally just uninvolved in their kids lives beyond the surface level bare minimum and shirked most of their responsibilities onto JD. In a JD did all the work but the parents took all the credit kind of way that led to JD simultaneously raising Bruce, Floyd and Clay without being a legitimate authority figure to them.
I also think that JD would not get baby branch involved in the band that young if he had a choice in that decision, both as someone who grew up in fame as a child star and knows how stressful and toxic that environment is and as a perfectionist who is very concerned with the bands performances going flawlessly. toddlers are messy and make mistakes and generally I don’t think JD would trust a toddler to perform to his standards and listen to him as a band leader during the performance. JD was stressed about the idea of baby branch being nervous and messing up the performance in the flashback I don’t think he would let him do it at all if it was his choice.
However I think that if brozone had toxic stage parents who decided to make baby branch join the band simply because he’s cute and marketable and would make them money then left all the actual logistics behind that move to JD to figure out that would fit with teenager JDs controlling, protective, and perfectionist character traits. Because people who feel like they truly have control over their lives and actually have the authority to make decisions in their life usually don’t micromanage everything and everyone they delegate. JDs controlling behavior fits more with a teenager who is desperately trying to cling to what little control he has in his life, which is the logistics of managing the band.
Essay over sorry for rambling
No worries! I love a good ramble.
It's not a bad headcanon either. It would make sense.
I don't think I have a specific headcanon for canon Brozone and their parents, probably because I have shifted to aus but it would make sense. Especially with all the dark turns we see when it comes to children stars/actors/singers and their parents.
Kids... don't often see their older siblings as authority figures, even when they are. They don't always recognize that. Don't get me wrong, sometimes they do but often times they don't really. So I can absolutely see John taking on that role and the others never really seeing it, even when they get older. Absolutely I could see that. Their parents doing what they could to keep appearances but all the real stuff landed on him. It is a tough spot to be in when your siblings don't see you as an authority figure that you are trying to be/need to be.
I could see that too. Even though troll aging/maturing seems wildly unpredictable, strange and weird in comparison to human toddlers, I could see, if this concept was the case, John not wanting him to be involved. Not only because of their parents exploiting them but also the perfectionism thing. It's not that he doesn't love Branch, but well, who trusts a toddler for this type of thing?
If there was toxic stage parents (which I think if they had stage parents they would have to be toxic, there is no way that family ended up the way they did without that if this was the case) I think you would be onto something with Branch being involved. We all know that Rosiepuff said Branch's voice was like an angel's so if she thought that, chances were their parents did too.
JD's whole thing when he left was his frustration and that his brothers were a lot of responsibility and considering he can't be that old, I can understand that. Coupling with the fact that he's probably not seen much as an authority figure in this case, as well as the pressure and strain he was under with that set of types of parents... yikes. Talk about a recipe for disaster.
Losing control for someone who struggles with perfectionism and even just being overwhelmed with reasonability is a nightmare. If this was the case, my only surprise is that there wasn't a blowup sooner. Which in that case, the reason it probably went on for so long is because John is protective. He always has been (I will die on this hill cause there is no way after 20 years of radio silence JD picks himself up and hightails it to try and save his brother that he isn't wildly protective)
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Why I don't like Trollhunters Rise of the titans
there is no worse hater than an ex-fan
1.Jim was spoiled as a character: I have to say right away that I don't like that at the end of "Wizards" Jim becomes a human again. Because it devalues all the drama that was in "Troll Hunters." At the end of the third season, they kept telling us that it was forever, that there was no cure for it and NOW HE'S HUMAN AGAIN! Therefore, you can safely throw in the trash that sentimental scene on the roof in the 11th series, as well as that scene in the bathtub from the 10th series. In the end, it was thanks to this sacrifice of Jim that I felt that the victory was given to the main characters for a reason, that they had to sacrifice a lot for this.
And after Jim returned from the other world, he began to really piss me off with his constant whining: "Well, what kind of troll hunter am I without an amulet?". Seriously, almost all the dialogues with Jim come down to this whining about "how can I save everyone without an amulet?". Everyone has already cited that legendary 11th episode of the second season as an example, so in order not to repeat myself, I decided to recall the episode with Merlin's Tomb, where Jim himself broke the amulet, and then without this amulet he fought against Gunmar and Angor AND HE DID NOT WHINE AFTER the DEFEAT: "But if I had an amulet, then I could protect everyone, but without an amulet I can't."
And if you think about it from this point of view, it turns out that throughout the movie he was right when he said that he couldn't do anything without the amulet, because in the finale he wins only because he has magic armor with the power of the amulet again, and without them he wouldn't even be able to scratch the Belrog. Indeed, it is very funny that throughout the film the creators are trying to convey to us the idea that even without the amulet Jim is still a hunter, at the same time showing in the finale that without the amulet he is not capable of much. And yes, I think that in the final he had to defeat Belrog WITHOUT an AMULET together with Toby (and that gun blocking magic).
And so in the movie, for me, Jim turned into an empty place, who is nobody without his armor, and if he is nobody without his armor, then he is not worthy of them. (Who found out where this quote came from?)))
Who else was bothered by the moment when Jim looked directly into the camera and seemed to be addressing the viewer? (Because it bothered me)
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2.Characters: Only two characters have at least some development (Toby and Jim), the rest have turned into furniture. The conflict between Aja and Jim (when she suggested simply evacuating the Earth) eventually led to nothing, because Aja, for some reason, decided to support Jim's idea to rewind time. And this is strange because all her friends survived at the end of the film (she accepted the death of her parents back in 3below), and at the end of the film she had children (who, if something goes wrong, may not appear in an alternate universe).
After watching the movie, I was finally convinced that Varvatos had to die at the end of 3below (he so often talked about "glorious death". Death, as for me, would be the logical conclusion of his arch), if you replace him with a Zadra in the film, nothing will change (it even seems funny to me that Varvatos is not even on the poster for the film)
Blinky and Aaarrg in this movie, too, in fact, do not need any important role they do not play (the ninth configuration does not count). They didn't do anything significant during the whole. And why did everyone suddenly forget that Blinky is the new head of the troll market, why does he have time to fight titans when he needs to be engaged in the restoration and management of a new troll market?
The situation with Barbara is no better, in the plot she is needed only to tell Juma about his father (whom Jim didn't care about, he said it himself) in the future, information about Jim's father is not needed for the plot. why was this stuffing of information?
There are also some understatements with Claire's powers. At the beginning of the film, she gets tired after using a couple of small portals, and at the end she transfers a huge titan to the other side of the world and after that she still has the strength to fight with Belrog. (And if Claire is weaker than Morgana, it turns out that Morgana is also capable of opening such huge portals. Why then couldn't Morgana just use the portal to transfer a huge stone and drop it like a meteorite on Camelot or on the army at Kilahed?)
3.Senseless deaths: I'm talking about the death of Strickler and Nomura. This does not move the plot, does not reveal other characters, they are only needed to remove Strickler and Nomura from the plot. And if Barbara and Jim mourn Strickler's death (2 minutes) It's like everyone forgot about Nomura. It's strange that Jim doesn't even think about her, although in trollhunters she saved your life twice, challenged Gunmar and was ready to sacrifice herself for you, Jim, you would at least pretend that you don't care.
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By the way, about the characters who were thrown out of the plot...Let's talk about Steve. You can forget that once it was a character with its own drama and interesting development, now he's just a joke.
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And if you still remember this moment (This movie took away everything that was dear to me)
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4.Lack of epicness: The film positions itself as an epic conclusion to the trilogy, but for me it is not.
The fact is that earlier in the finale, whole armies, and sometimes a whole fleet, opposed the villain, in the finale, troll hunters, for example, not only the main characters, but also other troll tribes and even several residents of Arcadia opposed Gunmar. In the finale of 3below, an entire fleet of Akkerion and an army of bounty hunters fought against Morando (by the way, what prevented the heros from sending several spaceships through the portal and using them to try to kill the titan?)
In the final , only 10 characters tried to stop Belrog. In the film, the stakes were also lowered, if in 3 below Morando, having received the power of god, could, according to the characters, destroy entire systems, then in rotta three titans could recreate only one planet (it turns out that Morando is stronger than all the members of the secret order).
5.Unnecessary scenes: The scene where Blinky briefly retells the plot of three animated series and the scene at the police station can simply be removed and nothing will change. Their function is to bring up to date those who have not watched the previous parts. But the Tales of Arcadia are too big a story to cram it into a short retelling in 5 minutes.
6.Transfer of the amulet: It's just genius to save Toby from death in order to doom him to a more painful death in the end. And Jim apparently forgot Unkar's sad experience because otherwise I can't understand why he didn't hesitate to make Toby a new hunter (And if Jim thinks that Toby is more worthy of the amulet, then why, when the two of them found the amulet in the first series, did the amulet initially choose Jim and not Toby?). And yes, as for me, Jim is more worthy of wearing an amulet than Toby, because even before becoming a hunter, Jim had those necessary qualities of a real hero. If we recall the situation when Steve bullied Eli, only Jim decided to stand up for a classmate, while Toby just wanted to pass by.
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For me, this act of Jim is perceived simply as shifting responsibility to another person.
7. Quibbles: It seems to me that at the beginning of the film, all the characters became very stupid. Why, when everyone was discussing who to send to the Titans, no one said that sending a shadow mage to a place where shadow magic doesn't work is stupid? It was also very stupid to send Strickler to a place where his wings freeze, like sending Aaarrrgh and Nomura to Titan, which is under the sun.
The only plus of the film for me without any "buts" is the graphics, otherwise from the beginning to the end it was a complete disappointment.
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playgroundfadings · 2 years
That prompt with the ferris wheel is so cute. Just picturing Brahms being the one terrified of heights and clings onto his lover the entire ride.
I KNOOOOOOOOOOOOW. I was picturing this in my head, and then I saw the other prompts and I just had to do it. Enjoy the prompts!
Warnings: not beta read lmao
|| Romantic prompts with the slashers || 
Prompts taken from @creativepromptsforwriting, please support them! 
Featuring Michael, Thomas, Brahms, Jason and Yautja.
Michael Myers - prompt 690 : "I think destiny wants us to be together, and you should never argue with destiny.”
When you came across Michael for the first time, you never imagined you would make it out alive.
Nor would you end up living with the murderous giant.
It’s not like he hadn’t tried to get rid of you. 
You had bought his childhood house. It came with a discount, one you couldn’t ignore despite the history of the house. With the current house market, it was just too good to say no.
So one night, after spending hours terrorizing citizens and killing a few of them, Michael was surprised to find someone in his home. Someone eating ice cream in the dead of the night, barefoot in the kitchen. 
You two had a staring contest at that moment. You couldn’t help but notice the blotches of blood on his overalls, and the sharp knife in his hand.
You didn’t scream, didn’t try to run away from him. Where would you go anyway? You were barefoot, your only weapon a spoon, and Michael was in the doorway.
Maybe that’s why you survived that night. Because you were odd, and Michael found your behavior curious.
Michael would visit every night from that moment. Though you were scared out of your mind the first few nights, you became to grow accustomed to his presence. You even found some comfort at the thought of not being alone.
But as I said, he did try to get rid of you the first few weeks. He would make himself look more intimidating, coming home with more blood showing than skin.
He could have killed you, but that curiosity kept him from doing so. It was annoying him, and he spent that frustration on his hunts.
But a routine settled between you two after a while. You began to leave a plate for him in the fridge, and he would eat when he came home. You would do his laundry, clean up his knife, make his bed in the morning.
Then, eventually, he would join you for dinner. Leaving right after to do his murderous deeds.
You can’t pinpoint the moment your relationship with Michael shifted. Maybe it was when you found him in your bed, one morning, sleeping peacefully besides you. Or when he began to stay at the house for a longer period of time, sitting next to you when watching tv.
That evening, you were relaxing with Michael on the couch. A movie was playing on the screen, though you didn’t really pay attention to it. Your legs were resting on Michael’s lap, something you never imagined happening before. Even more surprising was the absence of his mask. He rarely took it off around you, and so you appreciated every time he did.
‘’You know, Michael’’ you begin. He doesn’t turn his head, doesn’t say anything. But you know he’s listening. ‘’I think we were meant to be together’’.
You feel the scoff more than you hear it. Instead of being offended, you let a smile stretch your lips. ‘’Am I wrong? Look at us right now. I think we make a fine picture, don’t you agree?’’
You’re met with more silence, but at least he’s not refuting your claims.
‘’I think it was destiny, and you should never argue with destiny’’.
Another scoff, but you swear you could see a glint of interest in his eyes.
Thomas Hewitt - prompt 354 : The evening sun is falling on their face and she thinks maybe, just maybe she is a little bit in love with them.
You’ve been helping Luda Mae outside all day, putting clothes out to dry, tidying the yard, etc. The hot summer heat was not bothering you like it used to, when you first came to live with the Hewitt.
You were part of a group meant to be butchered. Somehow, you were spared that gory ending. Thomas had taken a liking to you, Luda May said when you were brought upstairs. You never questioned it, as you were just glad to be alive.
From that moment, you were a member of the Hewitt family. This also meant you had to help with tasks.
Sometimes, it surprises you just how mundane the whole family can appear. The men busying themselves with mechanics, the women taking care of the household. Nobody would ever think they were murdering innocent people in their basement.
Though you can’t say the same thing from everyone in the family, you also started to get fond of Thomas. 
It took a bit of time, but you realized he never meant any harm. He was just doing what his family told him.
What Hoyt told him. 
You’d spend quite a lot of time with Thomas, courtesy of Luda Mae who told you it would be a good thing if you two grew closer. From helping him clean up in the basement, to fixing his torn clothing. After a while, you began to talk to him, and he would listen. Bobbing his head here and there, a sign he was paying attention.
Though he didn’t speak, couldn’t speak, Thomas was rather good at making you feel at ease. Always so gentle around you, polite and mindful of your boundaries. Unlike the other men in the house, Thomas made sure to not appear as a threat. Not to you, ever.
Maybe that’s why, when Thomas comes out of the house that evening, walking up to you and helping you put the dried laundry back in the basket, you don’t jerk away.
Instead, you look up at him, at his sun kissed skin and soft curly hair being blown by the wind. At the softness of his features, something he only shows around you.
And when Thomas looks down at you, probably after feeling your gaze lingering on his face, realization hits you.
You’re probably in love with Thomas. And, maybe, he’s been in love with you since the beginning.
Brahms Heelshire - prompt 658 : A date on a ferris wheel sounds incredibly romantic, but it can be a disaster if one of them is afraid of heights.  
First of all, how did you manage to get him out of the house?
It will probably happen a few years after living together, once Brahms is certain you won’t leave.
After a lot of coaxing, you succeed in making him agree to leave the house. You really wanted to go out on a date with him, and what better place than the amusement park?
He leaves his porcelain mask at home, agreeing to trade it for a medical mask that cover the lower part of his face. He’s still insecure, but with you next to him he feels a bit better.
Not a huge fan of the rollercoasters, he feels like he will puke at any moments. But he absolutely adores all the treats.
He will drag you from booth to booth, excited to try any sweets on sight.
You win a big plushy for him, and Brahms find himself falling deeper in love with you.
By the end of the day, you decide to take it easy and suggest the ferris wheel. You will be alone with him, and have a gorgeous view of the park. What could go wrong?
A lot, apparently.
While you’re gazing away at the sight, the sky colored in shades of oranges and reds, Brahms is doing his best to not panic.
The manor has quite the height to it, but not that much.
Gripping the handles, hard. 
You almost jump when Brahms clings to you, face buried in your neck. 
‘’I don’t like it. I don’t like it. I want to go down, now!’’
You do your best to soothe the panicked Brahms, rubbing your hand up and down his back. 
He’s practically running out of the cabin once it reaches the ground. He will probably pout on the way home, because how could you do this to him?
Brahms will calm down after a while, mainly because you seem so happy when you talk about the stuff you did together.
Will agree to go out again, just no ferris wheel.
Jason Voorhees - prompt 362 : They only realized they were holding hands the entire time, the moment they had to let go.
You had begged Jason to take you out in the woods for weeks now. He didn’t seem keen to the idea of you wandering around. Mostly due to all the traps he had laying on the ground.
You just really needed to get out of the cabin. It’s not like you hated being inside, but you were starting to feel sick of the staring at the ceiling all day long.
Jason finally agrees, one day. The moment he nods, you’re already jumping out of the couch and putting your shoes on. You’ve never been more excited.
He walks in front of you, probably making sure there’s nothing harmful on the path. He’s made sure to remove all traps the day prior, but better be careful than sorry.
It’s calm, and you find some peace here, in the middle of the woods. You wouldn’t mind coming here more often with Jason.
Somewhere during the walk, your hand find his on its own. Either he didn’t realize it, or he didn’t feel the need to comment on it, but he allows the contact.
On your way back, you’re chatting about all the wonderful things you saw. The deer that crossed your path at some point, the birds singing, the small clearing with flowers in the middle.
You hint that you would really love to go back to that clearing, with him. Maybe a picnic?
When you try to open the cabin, you realize you can’t. Your hand is tightly wrapped by his. You glance down at your joined hands, and Jason follow your gaze. 
He appears startled by the realization, quickly withdrawing his hand. You can’t help but smile at the gesture.
‘’It’s okay Jason. Let’s hold hands again, next time.’’
Yautja (predator)- prompt 602 : In the deepest dark of night, a woman waits for her demon lover.
You’ve never been into long distance, that is, until you met your current boyfriend.
A human lover could easily be unfaithful. Out of sight out of mind, type of thing.
But an alien lover? Who called you his mate with pride? You didn’t mind the distance, since you knew nothing would break his loyaulty to you.
After all, he was a soldier, a Yautja warrior. Traveling from galaxies to galaxies in search of worthy opponents. You couldn’t possibly tie such a creature to a boring life on earth.
Your mate wanted you with him at all time, living on his ship and traveling to other realms. But he understood you were not quite ready to make such a big change.
Instead, every new moon cycle, your Yautja would come back to you, bringing offerings and trophies. It was his way of showing his love and appreciation to you.
He always came during nighttime, when the world was fast asleep and unaware of the alien ship in your backyard. 
Together, you lay down, making up for the weeks apart. You talk about your job, the new clothes you purchased, that show you’ve been binging. In return, your mate talks about his hunts, and the planets he visited. He even has recordings for you. Your coos of admiration and surprise makes him purr.
Long distance might not have been your thing, but you will always wait for your mate to come back.
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Writing a Retelling
I used to not like reading or writing retellings, but I actually think that writing a retelling might be on my bingo card for 2023, so I decided to do some research on writing them and share it with y’all! I think the reason I used to dislike retellings was because they can go SO wrong, and they are really hard to write. But, the more I’ve looked into this, I’ve decided writing retellings is actually a really good exercise for writers. The world’s been around for so long that there are no completely new plots, and taking the essentials plots of one story and turning them into something new is a great exercise in the basics of plotting and understanding the nature of characters. 
Back to the OG
Read the original story! That might seem like an obvious thing, but sometimes it doesn’t feel every author remembers to do this. If it’s a story you haven’t read since you were little, don’t rely on your memory, especially if its a story with a lot of different remakes. Are you writing a retelling of the Disney movie Cinderella or the original Greek folk tale? Spoiler alert, they are not the same. You can write a retelling of either, but you do need to decide early on which one you are doing and stay consistent to it. I also think rereading the original story will remind you why you decided to write a retelling. Something about the story you loved so much you wanted to bring to a new audience or maybe something that felt unfinished or unanswered, and you just had to finish it and find the answered. 
Notes, Notes, Notes
I love taking notes, and I think that especially when writing a retelling copious notes are your best friend. Unfortunately, you aren’t going to be able to fit everything into your retelling, but writing notes on the most important things in the original story will help you have a guiding light and keep you organized. I would definitely recommend that you make a list of characters and their roles in the story. Are you keeping the same protagonist? Do you want to write from the antagonists point of view? Or give a side character their time to shine? I would also make a list of all of the settings in the story. Decide whether or not you’re keeping the same setting or revamping it for your story. Finally, make a list of all the major plot points. You’ll probably add more plot points into your story, but making sure that you know and understand the major plot points in the original story will help you as you’re writing. 
Inspired By or Retelling?
This may just be a personal nit-picky, schematic thing, but imo, a book can be inspired by something without being a retelling. Point and case being my favorite book to bash: A Court of Thorns and Roses. People have stopped leaning on this as much as they used too (mostly because ACOTAR has been rebranded as adult), but when it first came out ACOTAR was very much marketed as a Beauty and the Beast retelling. Me personally, I did not realize it was supposed to be a retelling until one of my friends told me after I had read it. Now, that either means that I have a poor level of reading comprehension or that the book is not a very good retelling. Obviously, I don’t like one of those answers, so let us presume that ACOTAR is not a very good retelling. I would say agree that elements of it are inspired by Beauty and the Beast, but I do not think that it is a retelling. SJM fails to keep many of the major themes and motifs of Beauty and the Beast which I think are necessary elements to qualify under the label retelling. 
But What’s the Twist???
Don’t be afraid to take risks and try new things when you write a retelling! Just because you’re writing a retelling doesn’t mean that you aren’t writing a story in your voice and your style of writing. Stay true to yourself, so long as you treat the original story with respect. A lot of retellings either give the story a new protagonist, a new setting, or set the story in a completely different genre. To get yourself going here are are a few questions to ask yourself after you’ve finished rereading the original story help you figure out what the twist of your retelling is going to be. 
Which of these characters do you feel curious about?
Which of these characters is the most hated / misunderstood?
Which of these characters could have the most interesting growth / character transformation through the course of this story?
How would this setting affect the protagonist and the other main characters? 
How would this setting affect the major conflict of the story?
How would this setting affect the themes of the original story? 
Which themes would be preserved and which themes would no longer feel relevant?
Elle’s Retelling Recommendations
And of course, I had to end this with a few retellings recommendations! Reading other retellings and seeing what other authors did well or not well is a great way to sharpen your own skills. 
Daughters of Sparta by Claire Heywood
I actually really liked this book, but I think its because even though I like Greek mythology, I admittedly am not the most knowledgable on the subject. I know the basics of Greek mythology, but unless something was blatantly wrong, I wouldn’t be able to tell. Apparently, this book had a lot of important Greek mythology plot points missing, but I thought it told the stories of Helen and Klytemnestra very well!
Circe and The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller 
I first read Circe for school, but I went back and read it a year or two ago. I vastly prefer Circe to Song of Achilles as I didn’t really like SoA all that much, but both are definitely retelling masterclasses. Madeline Miller is definitely the Queen of Greek mythology retellings.
Beautiful Little Fools by Jillian Cantor 
This is one of my favorite books ever! I loved the Great Gatsby, and I am a Daisy Buchanan apologist. I love that this book fleshes out all of the female characters from the Great Gatsby, gives them proper back stories and answers one of the biggest questions from the original novel. 
Starcrossed by Josephine Angelini
This book is not the best book, and I only recommend it because it is in my opinion how not to do a retelling or even an inspired by book. My friend group was obsessed with this book in middle school, and the best way I can describe it is if Percy Jackson and Twilight had a baby. Take that as you will. 
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dirteater69 · 8 days
here’s something that i wrote in february. its a segment of a fic i’ve been writing since last year, that i might post if i ever finish it. its about the killjoys ten years or so before the music videos, when they’ve just escaped battery city and are fighting in the analog wars as teenagers.
There’s a lot more waiting in war than Party expected.
That’s not to say that they expected much about war — they barely knew there was a war happening before they were dropped into it like oil in water, like a fish into a desert — but they had their ideas, set up by movies and assorted Americana folklore. This war is not much like those ideas. There’s no uniforms, for one, at least not on the side they’re fighting on. There’s no mustachioed generals walking around with sticks up their asses that yell at you if you’re not enthusiastic enough about killing other human beings. There’s no melodramatic longing for the home front, for the women and children only seen in photographs in lockets, because the war is taking place in the zones, which Party has come to know as their home whether they like it or not, and because women and people-who-are-practically-children go out and fight in it just as much as anyone else. Party’s yet to have a friend bleed out in their arms on the battlefield, which they’re very thankful for, but they do think that if they attempted that, they’d be gunned down before anyone could say the first word of a bleeding heart monologue.
Some things do line up with their expectations. None of Party’s closest friends have died yet, but that’s not to say that people don’t die, because they certainly do. There’s the direct deaths in the battles, but there’s also those who’ve died of festering infections weeks after they got the wounds, or of diseases, or amputations gone wrong — these are the kind of topics that come up when you try to have a conversation with your best friend who works in the medical tents. There’s those who took too much of what everyone takes to numb the pain, and passed out in a pool of their own vomit, and then never woke up. Some people just disappear: they might silently get out of their sleeping bag one cruel night and walk off into the stars, leaving only a memory and a pair of boots bound to get taken by someone else because, hey, who would waste a good pair of boots in a time like this; or they might get dragged off screaming on the battlefield by someone dressed in the whites and blacks of the enemy, one of the few unlucky chosen ones grabbed for rehabilitation in the big bad battery, or else turned into a masked and mindless weapon if they won’t comply.
There’s a lot of fear. Fear and worry, as well as rage and indignation, despair and nihilism. Impatience. Mania. Apathy. Hope. After a while, everyone’s grasping at straws to feel something, and not everyone’s sure they even want to.
The smell is bad. Party didn’t really expect that, but they can’t say it surprises them.
But they definitely didn’t expect all the waiting. Between the battles and attacks, you are obviously waiting for more battles and attacks, but you’re waiting for more than that. You’re waiting for news: partially reports from spies, strategy and intelligence regarding the elusive Other Side, but you’re also waiting to hear something exciting on the radio. Is there a party or a market happening soon? How shall we drown our sorrows tonight? If you’re Party, or another of the two dozen or so people in the zones like them, you’re sometimes waiting to be called to a strategy meeting. Party doesn’t really know shit about strategy meetings, at least they didn’t the first few times they attended them, but they got a feeling it made people feel better to think that they did, so they did their best to pretend.
Really, a lot of the waiting in war is like the seasons, like how you want it to be cold when it’s hot and hot when it’s cold. When nothing is happening, you want something to be happening; when something is happening, you want nothing to be happening. That’s how it is for Party, at least.
There is also waiting during the actual battles, though. If you’re pulling an ambush — like Party and those on their side like to do — then you’ll be waiting a while until you’re given a signal and get to actually start the fight. Even beyond that, though, there’s a lot of waiting in battle. Looking at it from the outside, it might not look like there’s any possible pauses, but it’s very different in the heat of the action. You’re always waiting for something: a new strike or shot to hit you, a new enemy closing up on you with hardly any time to retaliate, a new order shouted out barely audible over the gunshots, a new plan to form in your mind.
Party’s currently waiting for all of these. They’re crouched behind a car that has, at some point in the past ten minutes since the battle began, tipped over onto its side. They’ve never seen the bottom of a car before. Sadly, they won’t get much of a chance to look at it now, because they’re currently busy desperately reloading their blaster. They spent the final bits of their last battery pack making a couple of particularly rowdy Draculoids see the light of heaven, and now they’re hurrying to get back into the game before something similar happens to them. They fumble getting the handle open: they’re high on adrenaline and a few other things, and the roaring and blasting of the battle pulls their mind in all sorts of directions. They’d’ve thought they’d be used to it by now — or, at least deaf enough to ignore it better.
The handle of the gun comes open with a satisfying click, and they barely have to think in order to reload and close it again, pure muscle memory. This proves itself very useful when, as if on cue, a white-dressed BL/ind soldier jumps around the corner of the car with a glowing shotgun pointed at them. Party doesn’t get a good look at the soldiers face: they turn it into a mess of brain matter and burning flesh before anything else can happen. Ray gun wounds are messy.
Party scrambles up from their spot against the car to inspect the body, wearily glancing around themselves, the way you have to on a battlefield. They consider looting the body, but they don’t have the time; besides, this is just a toy soldier, and it’s usually only the Scarecrows or Exterminators that have good stuff on them. The shotgun could be worth taking, though, so they do. It’s heavy, and bright white — like most things BL/ind made. Their blaster’s still a little too hot to holster, but they do it anyway.
They crouch to protect their body as they creep around the car, taking in the battle. It’s what it always is. Something like a thunderstorm: car motors and shitty zone-made bombs create a sea of gray clouds; ray guns blast out neon lightning, beautiful and skin-scorching, always just a few inches away from hitting one vital organ or another. There’s people all around, Zonerunners and BL/ind troops shooting and stabbing and hitting and screaming. The shotgun is a little uncomfortable in Party’s hands, they’ve only used one a few times, but they’re good enough to take down a couple of Draculoids that they spot rushing at them. Four or five of the bastards down in fifteen seconds, max.
They run a sweaty hand through their hair and take a split second to consider the situation. There was a big strategy talk before this, they’re sure, but they can hardly remember any of it. This is a siege, right? A siege of a BL/ind base, somewhere in zone 2, definitely. Or zone 1.
The car behind Party shakes, and they stagger away from it, shotgun grasped tight. It’s caught on fire, the car — someone’s thrown a bomb at it, and now it’s tipping over. They bolt forward, still crouching like they have to. They glance around and spot a Drac and Zonerunner guy wrestling in the sand twenty or so feet away. Neither of them have their blasters, but they’re choking and punching and clawing at each other, and the Drac has got the Zonerunner under it with a hand on his neck.
Before Party knows it, they’re kicking the Drac of the Zonerunner, and then in the ribs a few times for good measure, until it’s no longer moving. Wordlessly, they hand the Zonerunner their shotgun — he clearly needs it more than them — and pull out their blaster to carry onwards.
Were they supposed to be doing something specific in this battle? They weren’t, right? They would almost definitely remember if they were. Almost. They comb through the mess of chemicals and fantasies that they call a brain and try to find any sort of mission, any sort of plan or direction, but they get nothing. Hopefully, the fact that they don’t remember anything important means that they don’t have anything important to remember.
There’s a loud blast behind them. It’s louder than the car falling over, louder than all the bombs around them combined, louder than anything they’ve ever heard. It’s like a gunshot and a punch in the face all at once. They spin around, and in the distance, beyond the metal fence of the BL/ind base — they were right, it is a siege — is a red form with glowing black eyes, two hundred feet tall. It’s made out of sand and smoke and carnage, with a gaping maw full of scrap metal teeth, and it’s lumbering towards the battle on four blurry but certainly real legs.
Their first thought when they see it is that the colors are all wrong. It’s supposed to be a black form with glowing red eyes, not the other way around, and surely something black can’t glow. But the black eyes of this monster are surely glowing. Their second thought is that they don’t know who it’s aligned with. They would know about it if it was a secret weapon of the Zonerunners, and it’s far too colorful of a monster for BL/ind to use, so the only other option is that it’s here to destroy all of them.
Their third thought is their about ray gun.
They look down at it, in their hand. Yellow-painted and nimble, freshly loaded. It’s taken many lives, this ray gun, but Party knows it would be ridiculous to try to defeat that giant with it. All of the weapons of the Zonerunners and BL/ind combined couldn’t take it down. It is going to eat Battery City and have the desert for dessert.
Still, it’s worth a try.
Party raises the blaster to the monster, but when they look up to aim, it’s gone. There is nothing but the battle, and beyond that the fence, and beyond that the sky. It’s gray. Too pale to be the night, too dark to be the day — is it evening or morning, right now?
Another BL/ind soldier charges at them from the left, blaster aloft and yelling, and Party takes her down with two shots. It’s a really dumb strategy to do alone, running at someone and yelling; especially when you have a ray gun that could just kill them from a distance. At least she had a flare for the dramatic, Party thinks, as they step over her corpse and look around the thunderstorm. She will be sorely missed, or not — if she will, it’s not by Party.
They start to run towards the direction that they saw the monster, for lack of a better plan. Maybe they’re looking for something. It’s unclear. A mean-looking Exterminator sets his eyes on them, and they fire off a series of shots at him. The sky remains a confusing gray.
Suddenly, when the fence is only fifty or so feet away, they start to feel horribly dizzy. It’s like all of reality has been flipped upside down, but they’ve been left still and hanging. They try to take a step forward. They’re not sure if they succeed. A convulsion strikes through their body. There’s a little vomit in their mouth, and the texture is weird. They can’t remember what they last ate.
Then, the world spins around them, and all they see is the uncaring gray of the morning-evening sky.
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