#the mechanics are great!! the art style is great!! i love the new pins i had so much fun with the new noise and all the new shops
owlsandwich · 1 year
(🎨 bonus for my synesthesia check!)
Feel free to be as wordy as you want!
Thank you! Sorry it's taken me so long to get around to this :)
I'm going to answer these for The Mechanics of Magic!
🎀 [Bow] How many named characters are in this WIP? How many do get a POV?
Named characters, there are quite a few. Ignoring those who are just general members of the public and don't appear again, there are at least 13. Of those, five of them get a point of view (though you could argue that those sharing a mind with a POV character are point of view themselves in some way).
💖 [Heart] What is your favorite moment in this WIP?
It's quite hard to choose! I've always loved the chapter where Roy finds out the truth about his mother. There is also one where the group has a huge argument and briefly splinters that I like a lot, because I feel like I can see where everyone is coming from in that moment.
🎶 [Notes] Do you have any other WIP related things, like moodboards, character portraits, playlists or similar?
I'd love to draw my characters some day, but I have such little time to practice. I don't go out of my way to make moodboards, but I did the other week - I think it's quite a difficult work to moodboard. This and the cover art are pinned on my main page. I really love the new cover, though it was kinda expensive. I used a company called Damonza, and they have done an excellent job capturing the vibe, especially as it's such a difficult one to pin down.
I pretty much wrote all of it while listening to the band Portugal. The Man, so I ended up associating song with each character and the band is forever linked to the book in my mind.
🐀 [Rat] Name three reasons why this WIP is great at being insert genre here.
I really hope it's great at being fantasy. I think it is because:
Lots of magic. There are four different magic styles used, if you count the un-directed form, though they do all interlink as they come from the same underlying basis.
Royal family shenanigans! I am a sucker for royalty in my fantasy it seems, though I have tried to put an interesting twist on it.
Completely original world. It's not what I'd call 'epic' fantasy, but the world of Ardveld and Vailberg is made up with no links to our own. While many things will seem familiar, the countries still have their own culture born of the world in which they live.
‍🎨 [Palette] If your WIP was a color, which color would it be?
Mechanics has always had a dark blue vibe to me, shot through with yellow and orange. I think it's Oliver and Roy's chapters that bring the yellow, as the general vibe is definitely blue.
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Tag Game to Better Know You
tagged by the very lovely @zozobruh thank you SO much for thinking of me <3
What book are you currently reading?
it WAS Time is a Mother, the poetry collection by Ocean Vuong, but it's currently lost on the london subway :( next on the list though is Secret History, my friend got it for me for christmas and I really wanna start!!!
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year?
I'm ngl I don't think I've been to the cinema yet this year!! But I'm very excited for Asteroid City (which I might get to see this week) and Barbie. I am becoming very unhinged about Barbie tbh-
I will say though, I REALLY wanna see Banshees of Inisherin that u mentioned in ur own post!!!
what do you usually wear?
monochrome (with the occaisional splash of red or blue), short skirt & long jacket (like the cake song), lots of jacket pins. I wore a dress on saturday that was a bit risky in terms of my dysphoria but i FUCKING LOVED IT ACTUALLY. I also adore my new barbie crop top-
how tall are you
5 foot 10-ish I think??
what’s your star sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event?
I'm an aires and I have the same birthday as Nathan Fillion, Mariah Carey, Christine Sydelko from Vine & apparently a bunch of tiktok stars I've never heard of lmao
do you go by your name or a nickname?
my name, Envy. A couple of people have tried V against my will, I hate it tbh
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child?
When I was a child I did not even know I was a girl lmao. I wanted to be a rockstar and I *am* in a band though, so????
are you in a relationship? if not, who is your crush if you have one?
oh boy lmao (I'm single and mostly fine with it. I think I need to figure myself out a bit before I think too much about this one)
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at?
I am good at playing guitar. Not great, competent. I lack the focus to really grind out the practice to break the barrier into being Really Really Good at something. So I guess I'm bad at learning??? But my actual answer to that is I'm bad at picking up on social queues/figuring out where I stand with people
dogs or cats?
I love them both, I love going to someone's house and they have a dog, but I'd personally rather live with a cat
if  you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite  picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this  year?
A lot of what I've written this year are song lyrics that are NOT ready for anyone else's eyes lmao. You can have this little snippet from an Our Flag Means Death fic I'm working on though:
The dull Toronto sky barely seemed real as Ed stared gloomily out of his studio apartment window. The whole city felt fleeting, a hastily-painted backdrop to an imitation of life that looked as if it could start peeling away at any moment. He remembered coming here with his mother as a teenager, resenting the city’s skyscrapers for blocking his view of home, all the friends he had to leave behind. It was childish to feel that way again, Ed thought, but he also knew he couldn’t help it. Stede made him happier than he’d ever thought possible, and everything that came between them was cruel in its indifference. They hadn’t arranged when to see each other again – that was normal, Ed needed to know his schedule before he could commit, and he normally called from a payphone once he had something to offer. But the wait until then didn’t make it any easier.
what is something that you’d like to create content for?
I want to make a video game lmao. I started designing a top-down shooter a while ago to see how it felt and I. It activated all the special interest neurons in my brain I want to make game mechanics and spend ages making little pixel art icons bc I will get v obsessive about the art style and- but that's not really what the question was lmao. Uh. I've only recently started getting into writing fanfic and stuff, I'm writing for Our Flag Means Death right now but I had some ideas in high school for Doctor Who fics that I might dust off at some point-
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with?
YuGiOh, our flag means death, whatever Ryan Gosling has going on right now
what’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year?
my year has NOT been going how i expected it to at all and some of it stings a bit, I won't lie, but that's unfair of me because things are really, really good when I get over myself and really think about it. I am happy, I'm just a little bit insane, but I'm leaving the place that is making my mental health tank in about a month so things are looking up!! and they were already good, I just!!!
what’s a hidden talent of yours?
I am good at So Few Things, I would not hide a talent, I am trying to seem like a good hire
are you religious?
No, but I think the sense of community and catharsis and connection to something so much bigger than myself I get when I see my favourite artists at a concert is close to the feeling I think a lot of people are chasing, and can feel, when explorign their faith. I would say I'm some kind of spiritual but I think that feeling just comes from Us, not because there's something Bigger out there
what’s something you wish to have at this moment?
A reason to leave this island Right Now I'm moving up north to be with my friend in a month and I could NOT be more excited but this is going to be the longest month of my life lmao
going to tag @school-marm-charm if u fancy sharing!! No pressure though <3
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playtwewy · 2 years
Literally the main thing that rubs me the wrong way about neo twewy is it tries to have it both ways. It tries to be a sequel to a game who's main characters left nothing to work off of but also wanted to focus on a new set of characters with their own arcs, and the writing went through too many drafts for it not to show in the final product.
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dreaminpetals · 4 years
ong pls i love ur writing so much 😭😭❤️ could you do luca sfw/nsfw relationship hcs?? 😳😳
🔧 sfw & nsfw luca relationship hcs . . .
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art credit
SFW ;;
♡ you're luca's favourite human being and the first person he goes to when he needs to geek out about a new invention or discovery he's made.
♡ luca isn't as social as he seems, he likes being on good terms with people so they don't misunderstand his prisoner title or fear him during matches but it's hard for him to take the next step and actually make friends. so if he ever needed to talk about anything he'd go to you.
♡ since he's so affection starved prepare to have him talk your ear off, there's so many things he's wanted to talk about but hasn't been able to.
♡ his whole life he's struggled with his side of the story being heard and he most definitely had his spirit broken in prison so to have someone who looks forward to hearing from him everyday? he gets bashful just thinking about it.
♡ if anything bothers him he loves to rant while pacing around the room, then you pspspsps him into bed and snuggle his problems away.
♡ by being his partner you've signed an unofficial contract to be his human pillow, have fun with his drooling and snoring!!!
♡ his mood changes a lot but being around you helps regulate it because he's always goofily happy when he sees you.
♡ luca is insecure about his scars and bruises, he used to be an elegant man who was constantly spotless so his look after prison + the accident has left him with some big identity issues. he needs you to compliment him!!! shower him with praise and call him handsome, charming, snazzy, whatever words you want to use... he doesn't want to feel like he downgraded :(
♡ when you're alone he lets his hair down and lets you play with it.
♡ there's so much hair.... give him a massage and kiss the crown of his head while you're at it, he loves the tenderness.
♡ sighs whenever he's content or extra comfortable, you found this out after asking why he always sighed during cuddle sessions.
♡ luca hates being cold and needs someone to keep him warm and fed, donate your body heat to him pls.
♡ he goes through random bursts of productiveness, he'll spend two days straight clinging to you like a koala then something snaps and he goes into work mode.
♡ it's hard to talk to him while he's focused so to show that you love him, drop him off food and clothes he can change into.
♡ he appreciates the silent ways you show your love, like never reacting when his electricity flairs up or scrubbing his hair in the bath before you get to yours.
♡ addicted to surprising you, whether it's a sudden kiss or a necklace he crafted for you.
♡ if something you have is broken he'll fix it for you while you sleep and have the cheekiest grin when you realize what he did in the morning.
♡ or he'll 'upgrade' something you have, like adding a self defense mechanism to your toaster and you're like 🤨
♡ the two of you go on adventures together all the time.
♡ the manor is your oyster, you're always collecting scraps to build things with each other or exploring areas with no trespassing signs.
♡ luca's quite the rule breaker and loves to show off around you but if anyone catches you he'd never let you get blamed for it.
♡ accidentally zaps you when he gets excited or surprised but he's able to control how strong they are around you, it's part of his simp abilities which overpower everything else.
♡ it's super hard to control but he ensures that you're never hurt, you can feel the zaps when you reach for his hand out of the blue but they never hurt. they're tingly and unique to your boyfriend so you've grown to love them.
♡ be careful you don't hurt yourself on his snaggle tooth when you kiss!!! there's been some mishaps with his fang before.
♡ his lips are so plump when you kiss him, they're slightly chapped but so warm and shoot butterflies straight into your stomach.
♡ does the thing where he tilts your chin up with his fingers then runs them along your bottom lip, he's addicted to seeing you blush.
♡ he acts super cocky and confident to make up for lost time and to heal his ego.
♡ asks you things like "missed me?" or "aren't i the best?" in his usual smug tone all the time but deep down that's how he asks for reassurance that he's loved.
♡ when he wakes up in the middle of the night he sometimes thinks he's back in his cell, he needs you to embrace his shivering form and tell him that you're with him now.
♡ hugs you from behind and unexpectedly picks you up because he loves to hear your laugh, it makes him feel electric.. in a good way.
♡ so. his zaps.
♡ he can control the intensity and they flair up when he's aroused or excited, meaning there's always a vibrating thrum you feel under his skin when you're intimate.
♡ what i'm saying is he's a walking vibrator ❤️
♡ lets you ride his thigh and ruts it against you, the vibrations leaving you a sobbing mess.
♡ he's okay with topping or bottoming, there's no preference he just wants to nut.
♡ inventing new ways to make you cum is his speciality but being able to lay back and let you milk him? it's a dream to luca.
♡ his moans are so rapid and breathy, he partially wants you to know you're doing a good job but he also sucks at controlling the volume of his voice.. if youre making him feel good he doesn't want to hide it. he can't hide it.
♡ he tries dirty talk with you but he's so breathless that you can barely decipher what he's saying.
♡ praise him!!! your whines are enough to keep him going but if you're able to slip some "fuck you feel so good"s in there?? he's ecstatic.
♡ refers to his cock as luca jr JDBCBDJD
♡ fixates on oral, giving AND receiving, he has a super long tongue and wants to use it on you.
♡ he's also used to handjobs from how often he's jerked himself off in the past, so a mouth over his cock is an entirely different feeling that he can barely handle.
♡ while he's giving oral he loves to make eye contact with you, flashing you his usual lopsided smile and sleazy grin except it's stained with your fluids.
♡ luca has made positions of his own and some toys of his own in his free time.
♡ if you're willing to he'd love to try out one of those fuck machines fjfnfnsbsj he wants to bring things he's good at into the bedroom.
♡ he seems like he'd love doggy style.
♡ pressing someone into a mattress while hammering into them and getting a delicious view of their body or the other way around? he dreams of that.
♡ i don't think he'd enjoy people being rough with him, degrading him, or tying him up.. it gives him bad memories.
♡ he can act like a wild animal the way he sloppily fucks you without restraint but he still gets emotional during the whole ordeal and needs to hear compliments and feel safe.
♡ something kinda cruel he does enjoy though? orgasm denial.
♡ right as you're about to climax he pulls himself away from you and snickers, taking great pride in how undone you become when you don't get what you want.
♡ it's all fun and games until you do the same to him, he'll beg you to be allowed to cum and will be so exasperated he'll ooze electricity from every pore.
♡ loves to bang on furniture or in the shower.
♡ shower sex!! when you're covered in foam and he lets his hair down he's all over you, pinning you against the glass of the shower and going to work.
♡ when he lets you take charge he always asks you to give him a strip tease, there's nothing like pushing luca down and slowly revealing your chest to him as you sway your hips, he cums in his pants nearly every time and can't take his eyes off you while he unbuttons his pants to stroke himself, chewing his lip.
♡ fav place to finish is on your body, he shoots a lot of cum and feels so possessive when he sees it stick onto you.
♡ his tongue is always out whenever he bottoms, he loses his smug aura and wholly gives himself into the pleasure.
♡ you're the only person who will ever see him like this so he can act like a brat all he wants.
♡ he still twitches and squirms even during aftercare, sudden giggle fits breaking the silence while he lovingly washes you up and threads his fingers through your hair, still damp from sweat.
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jessepinwheel · 4 years
Omg thank you for filling my fives prompt! It's delightful i love it! Can i be selfish and request another prompt tho lol. I'm sure fives is not the only one mooning prof obi while he's teaching. It'd be hilarious to see him effect a master or knight that way
Detective Obi-Wan is so feral he doesn't even realize he looks like 30 year old Ewan McGregor
When Obi said he would start doing a series of seminars for the Jedi, Bant had been surprised. Not because Obi was a bad teacher or anything--she was certain he would be great at it--but because both he and Master Che had made it abundantly clear that the less time Obi-Wan spent within the Temple, the better it would be for his health. Or, rather, Obi-Wan had said that going to the Temple was ‘inconvenient’, and Master Che had said it was a miracle that Obi-Wan was even alive with how much time his soul spent outside of his body, and that she would personally hunt down anyone who endangered him further by forcing him to enter Temple grounds unnecessarily.
Well, thankfully for Master Windu’s continued health, he had not arranged for Obi-Wan to do his seminars at the Temple but at a nearby university for the arts which had some long-standing connections with the Order and was the home of Master Windu’s very brief theater career some decades back. Most of Obi-Wan’s seminars were about information sciences and security, though he occasionally also did talks about other Force traditions, especially the ones observed on Jedha.
Bant was usually on call at the Halls of Healing, so she didn’t have a lot of time to attend these seminars, but the few she’d attended were very good. Obi-Wan commanded a stage almost effortlessly--a far cry from when he’d stammered through assignments as a youngling--and his expertise on his subjects was abundantly obvious, as was his enthusiasm. Teaching suited him.
This week, Bant stops by the university after her shift at the Halls, just in time to catch the tail end of Obi’s talk. The atmosphere’s a bit more subdued in the lecture hall than usual--a lot of people don’t seem to be paying all that much attention to the seminar for once. A quick look at Obi makes it pretty obvious why:
He’s shaved his beard.
Obi-Wan had joked before that he’d grown the beard out so people would take him seriously as a detective, but it’s never been more obvious than now--clean-shaven, he looks absurdly young. If Bant didn’t know better, she would guess he was twenty-five at most.
And if shaving his beard wasn’t enough, Obi-Wan has decided to wear an embroidered wine-red Alderaan style blazer that has obviously been tailored to fit him perfectly and his hair has been braided back into rosettes and pinned with shining brass ornaments. Even the long gloves that cover his mechanical hand are sharper than usual, a complimentary fawn brown with decorative straps across the back. Bant doesn’t even know where Obi-Wan got such nice clothes from, but she can easily admit he wears it extraordinarily well.
No wonder everyone seems a little dazed. At least a third of the people who attend these seminars already only do it to see Obi-Wan talk--Bant can’t imagine what havoc this is going to wreak.
Obi-Wan brings his seminar to a close, and Bant is one of maybe ten people in the hall with enough of her wits to remember to applaud. After a small closing statement (nobody has any questions today), people filter out of the hall.
Bant catches Obi by the exit.
He sees her immediately and smiles. “Bant, it’s great to see you. You look wonderful today.”
Bant pulls him into a quick hug. “Good to see you, too, Obi. Sorry I wasn’t able to come earlier--I wanted to see your whole lecture, but I had to stay late at the Halls.”
“Oh no, it’s fine,” Obi-Wan says as he tugs Bant along down the hallway. “Feral tells me it’s a circus in there these days. Master Che’s getting some new equipment installed or something?”
“Something like that. A lot of the east wing needs to be updated, so we’ve had to shuffle everything around while the technicians do their work,” Bant says. “What was your seminar about today?”
Obi-Wan hums. “Data degradation and preservation. I’m not sure it was a very good seminar, though. I might need to revise it for the next time I do this talk.”
“What do you mean?” Bant asks. “I know I only came in at the end, but it seemed like a perfectly good seminar.”
“Well, nobody was paying much attention,” Obi-Wan says. “So I assume either the subject or my presentation left something to be desired.”
Bant opens her mouth, then closes it. “Obi,” she says. “They weren’t distracted because your seminar was bad. They were distracted because you look like that.” Bant gestures to the entirety of Obi-Wan’s body.
Obi blinks. “Like...myself?”
“I mean you dressed up.”
“I always dress up for lectures.”
“...Not like this, you don’t. Where did you even get those clothes?”
“Bail gave them to me. I finally let his tailor take my measurements, so obviously he wasted no time in trying to replace my entire wardrobe. I wouldn’t usually wear this, but Bail threw all my clothes in the wash and I had to get here in time for the seminar. It was either wear this or look like a soggy tooka.” Obi-Wan self-consciously straightens his blazer. “I didn’t think this jacket looked too bad--it’s a subtle design.”
“It looking bad isn’t the problem,” Bant says. “And excuse me, but did you just say you were at Senator Organa’s apartment before coming here?”
Obi-Wan shakes his head. “I don’t go to Republica 500 if I can help it. There’s this, ah, diplomatic suite on the west end of the Senate District that Breha uses when she visits Coruscant, and Bail and I are staying there for now.”
Bant decides to leave aside the fact that Obi is apparently on first name terms with both Senator and Queen Organa. “So...you are staying with Senator Organa.”
“Yes, but only for a few days,” Obi-Wan replies. “We’re working on a case together, which I can’t talk about, but there’s some time-sensitive elements involved. It’s easier to make our moves if we stay together until it’s resolved.”
“Okay, but that doesn’t explain your hair,” Bant says. “You didn’t have to make it so fancy for a lecture.”
“My hair?” Obi-Wan reaches back to touch his braids. “Bant, I have no idea what’s going on with my hair anymore. These days, whenever I spend time with someone, they redo my hair. I’ve completely stopped keeping track of what happens back there. Did Bail do something besides rosettes?”
Senator Organa braided Obi-Wan’s hair. Okay. That’s...weird to think about. “He put ornaments in it,” Bant says, “They’re shiny brass. It really brings out the redness.”
“Well, that doesn’t sound so bad,” Obi-Wan says, waving hello to one of the Republic soldiers and causing them to nearly walk into a wall. “That shouldn’t distract people that much.”
“You also shaved your beard,” Bant points out.
“I had to. I went to the Senatorial Ball the other day, and I needed to be clean-shaven for that.” He rubs his chin. “I didn’t really want to--I probably won’t be able to get anyone to hire me again until it grows back, and I’m not sure Feral and Savage will like how I look without it, but Bail asked me nicely and I was trying to go incognito--some of the Senators there know what the lower half of my face looks like. What does my beard have to do with anything?”
“Your students aren’t distracted because your seminar was bad, they’re distracted because they think you’re hot.”
Obi-Wan frowns. “What? Surely not.”
Bant takes a deep breath. “...Obi. Are you an idiot?”
“Not typically.”
“Then how have you not noticed people think you are, in Quinlan’s words, a snack?”
“Please tell me he doesn’t actually say that,” Obi-Wan says.
“Oh, he says and has said much worse,” Bant says. She can hardly count the number of times she’s had to talk Quinlan out of propositioning her brother. She deserves a medal in patience for that alone. “But that’s not the point. Surely, surely, someone’s told you you’re very attractive for a human male. Senator Organa, maybe?” After all, he was the one responsible for Obi-Wan’s current appearance.
“Well, of course he does--we’re friends.”
“Right,” Bant says. “Friends.”
“Very good friends, if you must know,” Obi-Wan says. “Of course we compliment each other.”
“Okay...but you also get flirted with regularly. I’ve seen people flirt with you. Force, you flirt back!”
“What are you talking about?”
Unbelievable. Bant valiantly resists the urge to put her face in her hands. “You call people pet names. You’re constantly telling people you think they’re beautiful or marvelous or whatever. You accept offers to go out to dinner with near-strangers.”
“That’s not flirting--I do it all the time. It’s friendly.”
Bant breathes in, counts to ten, and lets it out. Obi-Wan was oblivious when they were younglings, but he’s thirty-five now. Surely, after all his trials and all the things he’s learned... “Obi, you...please don’t tell me you think that’s just how a normal conversation should go.”
“Is it not?” Obi-Wan asks. “People enjoy it when I compliment them--I’m not lying when I do it, and I’m careful to not be rude about it. Am I not supposed to?”
“It’s not about what you’re not supposed to do. My point is that most people don’t do that. Unsolicited compliments are considered flirtatious, Obi.”
“People compliment me all the time.”
“Yes! That’s my point! I love you, Obi, but you are denser than a black hole. People compliment you because they think you’re attractive. They’re not doing it just to be polite.”
Obi-Wan frowns. “Really? And you’re saying this outfit...”
Bant sets a hand on Obi-Wan’s shoulder. “It looks very good on you. You look like you’re going to audition for a fashion holomag.”
“You must be exaggerating.”
“Trust me on this one, I’m not. I can ask Quinlan to back me up--I already hear way too much about how badly he wants to tap that.”
“Oh, don’t worry, I heard it myself on our trip to and from Dathomir,” Obi-Wan replies. “Once he came to terms with my still being alive, he made sure to inform me how much he enjoyed my appearance.”
All right. Clearly, Obi-Wan is completely hopeless. “He told you that and you thought he was just being friendly?”
“I mean, it’s Quinlan. He’s always a bit on the crude side,” Obi-Wan says. “What I’m getting from this conversation is that if I want people to pay attention to my seminars, I should dress worse.”
At times like this, Bant wishes she knew if Obi-Wan was serious or just messing with her. Unfortunately, they haven’t spent enough time each other for her to judge that offhand and his medical condition with regards to the Force renders her ability to judge people’s emotions that way completely useless.
“That was not at all the point of this conversation,” Bant says. “But you know what? If that’s what you got out of it, that’s good. We can work on the other parts another time.”
Obi-Wan grins. “Well, I’m always glad to have your insight, Bant. We should get together again sometime when my case is over--all of us. Get dinner somewhere nice, maybe, and play a few rounds of sabaac.”
“That’s a good idea,” Bant says. “You should invite Senator Organa, too. We could all get to know each other a little better.”
It would be good, after all, to give Senator Organa a talk about Obi-Wan. Just to be safe.
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The Many Lives of Lee Miller: Surrealist icon who photographed World War Two
If you were one of the few women photographers accredited by the U.S. Army at the start of World War II, chances were you were far from the front lines. Military regulations at the time dictated that female photojournalists, unlike their male counterparts, were not to enter combat zones.
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But Lee Miller, the Poughkeepsie-born photographer and noted Surrealist operating as British Vogue’s war correspondent, was not one to be constrained.
Miller had made a habit of not taking no for an answer long before she accompanied American forces to document scenes such as the Blitz; nurses operating hospitals after D-Day; women serving across the armed forces; and just-liberated concentration camps.
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Elizabeth ‘Lee’ Miller was born on the 23 of April 1907 in Poughkeepsie,  New York. She was the middle child of Florence and Theodore Miller, a mechanical engineer and avid amateur photographer. She was something of a tomboy, always ready for the next big adventure and to try the biggest stunt.
Her first coup was gracing the cover of U.S. Vogue in 1927 at age 19. Lee Miller was walking down a crowded street in Manhattan. She was ravishingly beautiful: blonde hair stylishly bobbed, lips painted red, her slim figure clad in the latest fashions from Paris.
Perhaps it was Paris she was thinking about so deeply. Whatever it was it absorbs her entirely that as she stepped off the sidewalk she didn’t see a car speeding towards her.
At the last minute a man whisked her to safety. He turns out to be none other than the publisher Condé Montrose Nast. As soon as he saw the woman he saved, he decided she must model for his magazine.
A few short months later, Lee Miller’s face, drawn by Georges Lepape with the New York skyline for a backdrop, stares out from the cover of Vogue.
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That cover launched Lee Miller’s modelling career. Within months she became a fixture on the New York social scene, hobnobbing with the likes of Charlie Chaplin, George Gershwin and the Vanderbilts.
Fashion greats such as photographer Edward Steichen zipped her into Lanvin and Lelong, draped her in pearls, swathed her in velvet. In one picture she models a Chanel evening gown covered with geometric embellishments, her body resembling a glorious art-deco building.
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Lee was fêted and pursued by suitors. A glassware manufacturer even moulded a champagne coupe in the shape of her breast. It was all very glamorous but, for Lee, not wholly satisfying. Later, remembering her New York years, she said, ‘I looked like an angel but I was a fiend inside.’
This contradiction – stemming from a traumatising childhood into early adulthood,
Her father, Theodore, was an amateur-photographer and had begun to photograph his naked daughter long before that, in 1914, when she was seven. According to Miller herself, in that year, she, then known as Elizabeth, had been sent to stay with family friends while her mother was in hospital.
During the trip, she had been raped by a sailor; the attack left her with gonorrhea. For the next year, the child was subjected to daily douches of potassium permanganate, and k twice-weekly visits to the hospital to have her cervix painted with picric acid. Everything she touched at home was immediately sterilised.
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It was during this year that Theodore had begun to photograph his daughter in the nude, his first composition being a take on the French artist Paul Chabas' September Morn, a painting of a nubile girl bathing, which had caused a scandal when it was shown in New York in 1913.
For his own picture, Miller required his daughter to pose, nude but for slippers, in the deep Poughkeepsie snow: the resulting picture was called "December Morn". Theodore made it using a stereoscopic camera, so that, viewed through accompanying glasses, his naked child appeared three-dimensional.
The early childhood experience would plague her throughout her adult life, and arguably cause her to constantly try to reinvent herself, wondering if she ‘ever was meant to fit together’.
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Those reinventions – as a key figure in the Surrealist movement, fashion photographer, muse and tormented war correspondent – have made her the subject of plays, film scripts (Nicole Kidman wanted to play her in a film written by David Hare that was never made).
Reinvention of otherworldly beauty was also so evident in all her photographs. But Lee wasn’t happy as a model. A sketch she drew in her journal in 1930 shows a woman standing against a studio backdrop, daggers pinning her into place, as another woman in a hat looks on. No wonder, then, that she was hungry to forge her own identity beyond the camera’s frame – a frame that, to a woman who had been looked at by men her entire life, represented an implicit power imbalance. 
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She gave up her modelling career and set sail for Paris, intending, as she provocatively stated, to ‘enter photography by the back end’.
Bags of confidence, together with letters of introduction from Edward Steichen, convinced Man Ray to take her on as his assistant. He was instantly enchanted and their professional relationship blossomed into a love affair so tumultuous that it affected them both for years afterwards.
Miller was to befriend other iconic Parisian artists like Max Ernst and Picasso and intellectuals like Jean Cocteau. She would vacation with some of the most prominent figures in the art world at the time. Picasso would paint Lee six times and the two remained friends throughout the rest their lives. Picasso wanted to bed her but she held her distance.
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It was Lee Miller, not Man Ray, who discovered the photography technique known at "solarisation" bu turning on a light in their darkroom before the negatives had fully developed. It creates a dark line around the subject of the photograph and created groundbreaking images at the time. Ray is often credited with this discovery and he used it often in his own work, but it was actually Lee Miller who made the first picture of its kind on accident.
Man Ray’s portraits of Lee are sensuous and romantic, but even he never seemed able to see her as a whole, often depicting her body broken up into pieces.
He painted her lips floating disembodied in a mackerel sky in ‘Observatory Time: The Lovers’, and in his photographs her breasts, neck and eyes are removed from their context, palpably humming with sexual energy, the ultimate surrealist objects.
In December 1930, Miller's father, Theodore, had come to Paris from Poughkeepsie, New York, to see his daughter. Like any good parent might, he had taken pictures of her. Unlike most fathers, these photographs were shot in the nude, in the bathtub of their shared hotel suite. Lee Miller was 23.
The shots Man Ray took of Lee and Theodore Miller, she in a demure print frock and curled, child-like, in her father's lap, are deeply weird. They seem less of a father and daughter than of an older man and his much younger lover.
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Perhaps Ray had heard rumours that Theodore had been Lee's actual childhood abuser, or he may have imagined it for himself. (No charges were ever brought against the unidentified sailor-rapist.)
In terms of age, Ray's own relationship with Lee was also ambiguously paternal: he was 17 years older than her, a pattern that would mark all her relationships with men. At any rate, Theodore and Ray seem to have gotten along famously. Together, the two men photographed Lee, nude, lolling on a bed with three other naked women.
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It is hard not to see all this in psychological terms, if not in moral ones. Cursed with a perfect beauty, Miller became a focus of Ray’s internal need to violate. For Man Ray, this was aggravated by the masculine drive to compete.
If the countless celebrities photographed by Man Ray – Wallis Simpson, Aldous Huxley, Virginia Woolf, Picasso, Chanel, Schiaparelli, himself – the one he went back to most obsessively was Lee Miller. You can see why. Miller was a physical ideal, the kind of perfectly moulded, ice-blonde beauty beloved of Hitchcock; flawless, or at least imaginably so.
Lee Miller and Man Ray's exciting, passionate and tumultuous relationship ended and Man Ray did not take it well. In fact, one of his most famous pieces, Indestructible Object, includes her eye ticking on a metronome.
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Ray's instructions to fans on how to make their own version of the work suggest the violence of his anatomical method. "Cut out the eye from a photograph of one who has been loved but is seen no more," he writes, bitterly. "Attach the eye to the pendulum of a metronome and regulate the weight to suit the tempo desired. Keep going to the limit of endurance. With a hammer well-aimed, try to destroy the whole at a single blow."
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That done, the photographer, ever the drama queen, sat for a self-portrait called "Suicide" with a noose around his neck and a gun pointed at his head.
Hell hath no fury like a Surrealist scorned.
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When their affair ended, Lee moved back to New York and opened her own studio, where she worked ‘in the style of Man Ray’, as she advertised in a bold appropriation of his name.
She hardly needed the help. Clients such as Saks Fifth Avenue and Elizabeth Arden paid handsomely for pictures by the woman who was herself ‘one of the most photographed girls in Manhattan’.
But in just a few years the Lee Miller Studio closed when Lee married an Egyptian, Aziz Eloui Bey, and moved with him to Cairo. She felt stunted by Egypt’s restrictive society but produced some of her best work there, driving into the desert with her trusty cocktail kit in the boot to take photographs of the landscape.
Her husband, however, let Lee spend extended holidays in Europe with the Surrealist set, where she met painter and art collector Roland Penrose, the man who eventually became her second husband. They would be happily married for the rest of their lives until death. She at last found someone who accepted her whole. But it still wouldn’t be enough for Lee. 
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By 1939, it was time for another reinvention. War broke out, the Blitz rained down on London, and Lee, urged on by her friend, the photojournalist, collaborator and sometime lover David Scherman, got accredited as a war correspondent for (of all places) British Vogue.
Her editor, Audrey Withers, expected soft-focus photo-essays about war privation, but Lee had other ideas.
Her reportage was gruesome, intimate and important. On the front lines at the siege of Saint-Malo, Lee documented the Americans’ first use of napalm and described a company ready for action, ‘grenades hanging on their lapels like Cartier clips, menacing bunches of death.’
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She shot close-ups of the faces of German Nazis who had committed suicide in Leipzig and took powerful portraits of starving prisoners following the liberation of Dachau and Buchenwald.
When she arrived in Paris during the Liberation the first thing she did was go to Picasso's studio. There they are pictured smiling holding each other tight, probably beyond relieved that they were both alive. Picasso is quoted saying in astonishment "the first Allied soldier I should see is a woman- and she is you."
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When Hitler fled Munich at the end of the war, Lee and Scherman were the first of the press corps to reach his apartment, where they drank his cognac and napped in his bed. They propped a picture of Hitler on the rim of his bathtub, set Lee’s dirty combat boots on the bathroom rug and took the now-famous photograph of her bathing in Hitler’s tub.
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The war made Lee feel alive.
The image of Miller in Hitler’s tub was the one that led to the end of her Vogue career. The public was outraged at what they interpreted as flippant disregard for the ravages of war. Being accused of insensitivity inevitably took its toll, but it was what she saw, felt, and experienced during those years that would eventually send her into a struggle with depression.
She loved her uniform, tailored on Savile Row. She loved roughing it: washing in her helmet and subsisting on K-rations. And for a woman always searching for meaning in her life, documenting the war for readers back home gave her purpose. ‘Believe this,’ she cabled to Vogue, and the pictures she sent back were indeed horrifying. They came at a cost: Lee was never able to distance herself from her subject. She threw her entire self into her work.
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Lee suffered mightily postwar.
The trauma of what she had seen haunted her for the rest of her life. Today we would call it PTSD. In postwar England, Lee was told by her doctor ‘we cannot keep the world permanently at war just to provide you with excitement’.
On her return to London after the war, she was feted. "Who else has written equally well about GIs and Picasso?" her editor said. "Who else can swing from the Siegfried line one week to the new hip line the next?"
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Desperate to ward off a sense of anticlimax, she returned to eastern Europe. But soon she was pregnant at 40 years old and finding the prospect of motherhood scarier than any front line.
She missed the action, despite suffering post-traumatic stress. She also felt increasingly sidelined: in staid, patriarchal postwar Britain, her husband was the one in demand.
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Finding the inspiration to write and take photographs became harder and eventually she gave it up entirely, hiding more than 60,000 negatives and contact sheets in the attic and becoming so tight-lipped on the subject that even her own son, Antony, knew nothing about her war work until he was an adult. An entire piece of herself was boxed up and placed out of sight.
Depressed at her loss of looks and gain in weight, she found solace in drink and cooking elaborate gourmet meals for her guests at Farley Farm House in East Sussex, her home until her death in 1977. 
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She could have written a very good cookbook by all accounts. She was a virtuoso chef. 
She remained friends with the Paris crowd. In particular she was close to Picasso. Lee Miller's son recalls going over to Picasso's home as a child. He even wrote a book about the time he bit Picasso, as a child, called ‘The Boy Who Bit Picasso’.
Lee even reconciled with Man Ray. Lee and Man Ray last met in London in 1975, at Man Ray's retrospective at the Institute of Contemporary Arts. By now, he was in a wheelchair and Lee Miller was a drunk. 
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Lee Miller died of cancer in 1977. By the end she was overweight, an alcoholic, ravaged by depression, and tortured by her husband’s affair with a trapeze artist. Anyone meeting Lee Miller then would have been surprised to know that she was once considered the most beautiful woman in the world, second only to Greta Garbo.
But just as she, and her reputation, went out of sight for years. There has in recent years been a resurgence of interest in Lee’s photography, bringing her legacy, and her enduring appeal, further into the light.
As a female icon she never saw herself as a victim. It's remarkable that Miller was able to delight in her body (and in the pleasure others took from it). She saw sex and love as two very different beasts. She was very comfortable living out the truth as she believed it."Emotionally, I need to be completely absorbed in some work or in a man I love," she wrote, but she didn't see why going to bed with someone should upset whichever man she was currently in love with.
Lee insisted that she couldn’t be kept and that women should be able to be as sexually free as men. She was radical, and people made her suffer for it  - Man Ray included.
Strikingly beautiful, she was used to submitting to the male gaze and even subverting it. A less spirited woman might have been crushed by these alpha males, but Miller, unfazed, determinedly transformed herself from passive model to active artist.
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Her son, Antony Penrose, observed in his 1998 biography of his mother, The Legendary Lee Miller: Photographer, 1907–1977, her unique background capturing uncanny moments and haunting, bizarre portraits during the heyday of the Surrealist movement served her well in war photography. Penrose wrote:
“Unexpectedly, among the reportage, the mud, the bullets, we find photographs where the unreality of war assumes an almost lyrical beauty....On reflection I realise that the only meaningful training of a war correspondent is to first be a Surrealist—then nothing in life is too unusual.”
But it was the very nature of unconventionality of her career trajectory that hampered her historical reputation.
Her early association with the Paris Surrealists - particularly her role as Man Ray's "perversely enchanting muse" - overshadowed her own artistic accomplishments.
Her abandonment of photography, and the consignment of all her work to her own attic also limited her impact during her lifetime.
Her association with fashion also coloured the interpretation of Miller's work. As her biographer Carolyn Burke states, "to this day, her life inspires features in the same glossy magazines for which she posed...this approach turns the real woman in to a screen onto which beholders project their fantasies", and further perpetuates the legend of Lee Miller as an "American free spirit wrapped in the body of a Greek goddess".
The force of her beauty, effervescent personality and high octane biography will always remain central to interpreting her work.
Today Miller has been recognised as among the most original and ambitious photographic artists of the 20th century, and a subtly transgressive artist, who - as Lynn Hilditch asserts in Lee Miller, Photography, Surrealism and the Second World War - took off from her Surrealist background and "pushed the boundaries both of art and war photography, often using unconventional methods to comment on such multifaceted issues as sex, gender, death, and war"
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composerofshibuya · 3 years
Alright, long post about TWEWY The Animation Episode 1 Underneath!
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MY BOY. THERE. IN THE ANIMATED FLESH. I love the style. I love how distinctive everyone is, and how true-to-the-game it looks. I think they translated still images into animation beautifully. And, if in the end it remains shallow, at least it's pretty. I can't to see Joshua.
Alright. So, overall, it was good to okay. I had goosebumps when Twister started playing. The music truly ties my emotions to this game in a delightful way. I hope they'll incorporate more into the show. Let's dig into the good stuff first!
1) The animation. It's crisp, it's fun, it's the game to a t. I think they really hit it out of the park with it.
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Look at that classic Shiki pose! I love how they incorporated so many elements of the game into the show.
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Sprinkled throughout the episode you can see the different names and symbols of the brands. I thought this was a very clever way to tease them and make them present for fans of the game, without being overwhelming to anyone new. Additionally, I doubt that they'll be important at all in the animation - I don't see them playing dress up haha.
2) The music - this is actually both a pro and con. I love the elements of the Game in the Animation. Overall, I think they blended it very well. However, I hate the version of Twister they picked for the opening, and I really hope they change it up episode-to-episode. It's probably one of my least favourite versions of Twister and it's just... not a pump up version of it. Ultimately, I'd rather the original.
3) Introduction of characters - I have some complaints about this, which I'll get into later, but overall I was happy with how many they introduced and how they introduced them. They defined their personalities (Beat, my fave himbo, Kariya and Uzuki them lazy mischievous Reapers, etc, Neku being a Lonely Boi). I thought the established them well, if not fumbling things in other places.
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4) Design of noise: Fuck, they're beautiful and dangerous. I love how they've taken these flat 2D characters and turned them into something a little more dynamic. The colours are great and bright, and I didn't think I'd love them. I'd serious get art of these guys!
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Also the "static" as they appear/disappear I thought was nicely done.
5) I like how playful the show is despite the dark themes. It let's itself be fun:
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Okay, now... some negatives. As much as I enjoyed episode one, boy howdy do I have some criticisms, and as far as these go they're pretty common for adaptations. I recognize my bias as someone who loves the game and has poured a lot of time into it, but I still am kind of worried.
1) Pacing + Character Development: WOW THREE DAYS IN AN EPISODE. That's a rush!!! That's so much crammed into one episode. The characters never get to breath and be defined beyond that initial introduction in a way. As I said earlier, it never let's the horror of the situation set in. I understand there's a huge difference between games and animation as mediums, and I also get that adaptions will always lose something that another form really embraces, but the big thing to me about this game is loss and time. There are periods of silence where characters stand and sit with their thoughts. The Animation gives them no time to deal with that and I think a lot of weight and beauty is lost through this. I'm coming at this as a person who knows the future - I've played the game - but the game was never subtle with foreshadowing, and frankly this episode had none. Shiki never checks her phone. She's never reserved. She's 100% genki girl. And that's a little tragic if you know her story. Neku doesn't ponder his lost memories - he isn't given time to! - and we don't get to see how much this bothers him. Beyond the first few Noise deaths, it doesn't feel like the, put bluntly, fucked-upness of the Reaper's Game ever gets a chance to settle in.
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2) I didn't have high expectations for pin utilization or brands. I love how they've blended the pin symbols and the use of them onto the screen as Neku activates his psychs (occasionally).
However, my big complaint is there's really no explanation of what they are or how they're activated or even the fact that Shiki couldn't use them (although I do love how the animation shows her fighting with Mr. Mew <3). This isn't a problem per se, especially as it's a major game mechanic thing, but I would have loved to see some time dedicated to it. It's just such a big part of the game. Looking at the pin 777 gives Shiki he says it'll become useful/valuable depending on the future. So, maybe we'll see further development. Please please please have some Tin Pin Slam!!
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3) As a direct result of 1 - this scene just didn't feel as !!! shocking to me. That being said, I still thought they did a great job with the visuals here. It was... okay. But again, I'm willing to admit that playing this scenario vs watching it is probably a huge factor.
4) I don't know how to say this, or at least put it eloquently, but I think the Animation really fell flat in the first episode. My Rule Of Anime is if it doesn't catch me in four episodes, consider dropping it. As an outsider, I don't know how I'd react to episode one, but as an insider while I loved seeing something I love and am passionate about brought to life it just didn't hit right in so many ways. The characters were flat, the pace felt rushed, and while I care about the characters, I worry what I would think of them if I didn't have prior knowledge. Like Shiki looking at her phone. When that moment hit - when the game explained WHY - every time she was caught looking at her phone just hit me. Then, in future play throughs, I noticed it so much more. So, I worry a little bit.
Overall, I am a little diappointed - my hopes were waaaaaay too high - but I'm excited to see what comes next. As I've said, I'm hoping they're pushing through this to go more in depth later. If they don't develop the relationship between Shiki and Neku I just don't see the [Major Event] that happens in the future hitting hard emotionally. It feels like the story beats of the game are getting skipped over and I think it's the future detriment of the series. But! I'm getting ahead of myself. This is episode one! Lots to come.
I loved how the episode ended, sprinkling in bits of lore. I am excited.
Also, Minamimoto and Hanekoma are FINE AND DAMN, THEY LOOK AMAZING (tho Minamimoto looks... much younger than in game, he's still A++ he can SOHCAHTOA me anytime whew).
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And done! Thanks for sticking around <3 Let's all cry about this and the new Neo trailer together!!
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psychcomposer · 3 years
Alright, I have too many feelings about a video game that’s going to come out in a month that I really just need to get out. It’s been over a decade and one of my favorite games, The World Ends With You, is finally getting a sequel. I’ve been brooding on the trailers for months, and I just finished the demo, so it is time to put down my capital T Thoughts on Neo: The World Ends With You.
As a warning, this will be entirely too long. But I’m not about to keep this bound up any longer.
TWEWY is my favorite title for the Nintendo DS. It is a JRPG starring Neku Sakuraba, an aggressively antisocial teen living in the Tokyo district of Shibuya. He is suddenly pulled into a test of survival called The Reaper’s Game, where he is forced to join forces with a partner in order to survive a week of lethal objectives in a sub-planar version of Shibuya. I love the story, its such an honest and interesting take on learning to get outside of your comfort zone. But more than that, it is a game that does so much to put a modern twist on every piece of your typical JRPG. You control two characters at once, Neku with the touch screen and his partner with the control pad, forcing you to split your attention and giving mechanic weight to the idea that Neku can’t survive alone. Armor and weapons are replaced with clothes and outfits, with a character’s ability to wear them restricted not by class but by a character’s bravery. The music list is filled with punk, alt-rock and hip-hop that are a stark contrast to the symphonic tracks of other titles. Battles aren’t random impediments, but fun diversions that sport a robust reward system that encourages players to push their limits.
But even more than that, the most modern thing I appreciate about TWEWY has to be the characters. Neku, Shiki, Beat, and Rhyme all feel like believable teens that grew up in the 2000′s. They bicker, clash, and banter like teens struggling to survive and make sense of their situation. One of my favorite little gimicks of the story is just how many nicknames there are for every character. Almost everyone has earned a few nicknames. One of my favorite examples is Sho Minamimoto. He’s a reaper with an obsession with math, often infusing his speech with mathematical jargon or expressions, and seems to enjoy erecting “art installations”, which most people can only decipher as towers of trash. Over the course of the story, he gets called Pi-face, the Grim Heaper, and another nickname I can’t even mention because of spoilers. It’s just... such a nice little human touch, these kids throwing crafted insults at a human enforcer of their doom that could almost certainly tear them apart.
I’m getting into this to try to give a sense of why I enjoy TWEWY so much, why it has such a unique place in my heart. Its a game I’ve 100% completed several times over, a task that’s no easy feat with the sheer amount of collectibles and post-game objectives. Unfortunately, for the last year or two, I’ve been kind of dreading this sequel.
Neo:TWEWY has been... a long time coming. Way back in 2007 they had a whole website counting down to some sort of announcement, with the music slowly building in intensity. I remember following it with bated breath, until it finally hit zero! And we got... An ios port of the game. Talk about a let-down. To be fair, apparently it is a solid port, even managing to re-work the old battle system, one that required a second screen to work properly, into one that only needed one. But what that really offered to someone like me was the hint of a sequel, a single image of a new character being shown. They kept flirting with the idea of bringing the series back. The main cast even featured in a Kingdom Hearts game, of all things, even if they didn’t really do a whole lot. But these acknowledgments grew sparser and sparser.
A few years ago, they released a switch port of the game. Not only that, it included an epilogue! They were finally getting a sequel rolling! Of course I bought that game, beat it yet again, and fought my way to the new content and the hint of the new story ahead.
It was... Well. I found it disappointing.
The gameplay was competent, even if it was clear that the epilogue itself really hadn’t had too much put into it. One new character,  new enemies just being reskins of old ones. It wasn’t meant to be dlc itself or anything, it was just there to herald a return to the series. That wasn’t what bugged me. What bugged me was the writing. It was heart-wrenching. It just didn’t feel right. It just felt flat compared to the story I’d enjoyed so many times. But what really killed my excitement was the new character, Coco.
Now, odd personality quirks are not too unusual among the ensemble of TWEWY. Pi-face is just one of the characters that is so infused with a particular theme that it shows in how they express themselves. It’s part of the charm of them, discovering the personalities that live in this dark underworld of Shibuya. But Coco... she talks like the most stereotypical young teenager possible. unironic lols, totez (yes, spelt exactly like that, in a speech format), OMG’s, and just, like, likes everywhere! It felt like someone who knew they needed to make a quirky character but had no idea how to write one well, and just made the most stereotypical caricature possible. I hated seeing that. It embodied every fear I had about the sequel being just a cynical project, pushed forward after so many years  by people who just didn’t understand what made the original great. That mild dread was so persistent that even the release of the first few trailers couldn’t really get me excited for the game. Neo:TWEWY was shifting into 3d from the original 2.5d, with all the problems that could cause. What I could see of the story felt so much more like a generic fantasy tale with some modern buildings than the story I had grown through my teenage years with. And, well... Just look the original Neku and the new one they showed off.
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Look at this. Look at one of the most vibrant, eye-catching character designs on the market for any JRPG in history, one that manages to mix purple and orange with striking lights and darks. And then look at the teenager edgelord bullshit they did with him. It’s atrocious. I hate it. He’s just another guy in a black outfit and just too much fucking cool guy protagonist power to not have the story be about him at this point. And look, I know that there’s Story LoreTM, I know that there could be some twist that explains this, I know that him being such a denial of his old self could be the entire fucking point. But let me tell you, when I saw this, I felt years of shifting, misplaced unease coalesce into a hard lump of dread.
And... Even... So... I did the stupidest thing I could have possibly done and preordered the game anyway. Don’t look at me like that, nostalgia is a hell of a drug.
But you know what? The damnedest thing happened. They released a demo for the new game a month before its release. And I played it, and... I enjoyed it.
Did you see that coming? I certainly didn’t. Welcome to the roller coaster.
Right off the bat, the writing soothed a lot of the fears I had. It felt right at home, like being plopped between to teens exchanging banter. One of the first exchanges is Rindo and Fret, his best friend, trying to meet up. Fret wants Rindo to meet him at  someplace called Wunafo, an area Rindo is clueless about. After some annoyed texting, it turns out Fret is actually referring to 104, a local landmark of a building. Fret insists that its a stylish improvement on the name. Rindo only gives him some grief about it..
I’m not doing the scene justice, or I could just be really desperate for half-decent writing, but I can’t deny that it quickly put a smile on my face. I am almost sure I’ve had this conversation before in years past myself. And beyond that, this game boasts voice acting that brings out a ton of personality in the large cast they are introducing (besides Rindo, which is a shame because he’s the protagonist... hopefully he gets over his apathetic teenager shtick eventually). Not everything is voiced, but it conveys so much appeal and personality, and even when the character’s aren’t voiced there is a conversation screen that occasionally breaks out some stylish layouts to convey mood and temperment and clearly draw from the style that made the original game pop so much.
The battles, of course, have been completely revamped. TWEWY had you control two characters, one of which you could customize by equipping up to 6 different pins that all used different motions and unleashed different attacks. Now you control up to four characters, but each one can only use one pin. But even so, it feels very genuine to its roots. An effective build in TWEWY was usually one that let you stagger an opponent so you can unload a bunch of attacks on them, and in Neo:TWEWY the game actively pushes you to folllow up attacks with characters in succession. It would be easy for this to devolve into a mash-fest, but even with the little time I had with the game it introduced a wrinkle in that- an attack that unleashed a single powerful blow, but couldn’t just be unleashed at the end of the previous combo. It needed to be charged for a while, long enough for the combo timer to deplete. So now an effective combo requires thinking ahead, and even after that you’re paying attention to enemies to dodge out of the way when they strike back. It’s entirely possible this system will flop in the late game, but so far it is robust enough for me to think that it will be one that could make me look forward to battles.
The music hasn’t impressed me so far, besides the tracks that have made the transition from the original. But I remember those strange tracks needing some time before I appreciated them too.
Finally, the story has hooked me. I don’t think that needs much more explanation. I want to see more of these characters and see the changes that have been made to the world in what I assume is years after Neku’s game. And to address the elephant in the room, Neku has not made his appearance in what is available in the demo. Odds are I will probably hate whatever they do with him. But there is enough happening in the space around it that I’m interested in exploring, and a bruised apple can still taste sweet.
Almost all of this, of course, is mostly just saying that Neo:TWEWY is not doomed to fail. There is still plenty of room for things to go wrong later on. There are entire systems I haven’t really seen in game, like shops, pin evolution, clothing and food (Though it looks like they have changed the food system significantly, which I approve of). The things that unnerved me so much in the trickle of information after this game’s announcement could still be enough to turn this sour. But I’m smiling as I’m strapping myself in for this ride now, one I’ve waited quite a long time for. Whatever’s coming, I’m excited.
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askkrenko · 4 years
Krenko’s Guide to Pokemon: Shellder Line
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I’m sorry, but every goofy, throwaway comment I can think of for this Pokemon is absolutely filthy, so I’m just going to say nothing and let you all wonder what I was thinking about for this clam-based pokemon. DESIGN:  Shellder is modeled after a clam, but given big adorable eyes to remind you that clams are actually living creatures. Though real clams don’t have tongues, what they do have are a single large, fleshy, pink foot they use to move around with, which often resembles a tongue. The sheller design takes this visual trick and makes it real.  Shellder looks enough like a clam to be obviously a clam, but also different enough that one would never mistake it for a clam that wasn’t a Shellder, and that’s a successful design in my book. It’s also cute. Shellder’s evolved form, Cloyster, is clearly going a bit more Oyster style, with the old darkness of Shellder’s head very clearly being a pearl now. Cloyster looks powerful, dangerous, thoroughly spikey, and yet still unique. It’s clearly some sort of bivalve, but also clearly an original creation. I have absolutely zero complaints about this design.
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EVOLUTIONS:  Shellder + Water Stone = Cloyster. It’s that simple. And like many stone evolutions, Cloyster stops learning moves.  There’s a pretty big power gap between Shellder and Cloyster, and in fact it’d be mechanically fine if there were another stage between them, but Pokemon doesn’t add middle evolutions, and we don’t need a third one on the bottom or the top... But how about a third one to the side? See, Shellder has a second evolution that we all know about and that we all have but none of us have it in our Pokedex. Cut from Gold and Silver, meet Turban, courtesy once again of Dr. Lava.
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For those not in the know, it’s said repeatedly throughout the games that when a Shellder bites a Slowpoke, they both evolve, either into Slowbro or Slowking, but the game’s never had a mechanic for that. Instead, it’s just a factoid around Slowpoke as you evolve it normally. In the anime and side games, though, we see Shellder evolve into Turban multiple times, but it’s always still referred to as the Shellder, or part of the new Slowbro/Slowking. 
We don’t know much about what Turban can do on its own, and we may never, but Generation 2 almost gave it to us as an alternate form of Shellder. Turban, as its name suggests, is based on the Turban Snail.  How it would’ve evolved is unknown, as the game data at the time of the leak didn’t actually include any way to get Turban.  This isn’t unusual for the demo- Chikorita wasn’t programmed to evolve, even though Bayleef and Meganium were in the game-but it does leave the question eternal. It’s possible it required feeding a Shellder one of those tasty Slowpoke Tails that Team Rocket’s after. Personally, I’d still love to find a way to get Turban in the future, but it seems like the moment’s passed... and besides, it’d be weird if it was stronger than any of Slowpoke’s evolved forms that require its assistance.
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Art by PeregrineJazmin TYPING: While Shellder is a Water type, Cloyster is Water/Ice and we were just here like two Pokemon ago weren’t we?  Water/Ice is decent offensively, super effective against six types,  but Ice is such an awful defensive type that Cloyster winds up with four weaknesses and only two resistances. It’s double resistant to Ice, which is helpful, but rarely necessary. STATS: Cloyster has 180 defense, and 45 special defense. It can tank some pokemon all day, and others are just going to one-shot it. It’s weird to see a Pokemon with 180 defense and say it’s not here to be a wall, but with poor HP and Special Defense and not many resistances, Cloyster’s 180 defense is a perk that makes it hard to stop, not a tool to win a drag-out brawl.   For offenses, Cloyster has a decent 95 attack and a below-average-but-inoffensive 70 speed. Cloyster needs to be built for speed to keep up, but it can be, so that’s fine.
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Art by raizy
ABILITIES: Shell Armor grants immunity to critical hits. Overcoat grants immunity to Hail (which Cloyster already has), Sandstorms, and Powder/Spore moves. But we don’t care. Because Cloyster has Skill Link and Skill Link is what makes Cloyster great. Skill Link says that if a move can hit multiple times, it hits the maximum number of times every time. I’ll get into why this is so good in the Moves section, but I want to be very, very clear right here: Skill Link is what makes Cloyster a strong Pokemon.
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Art by Zebes MOVES: Cloyster is better as a Physical Attacker than as a Special Attacker, so its Water move is generally going to be Liquidation. Except... Cloyster doesn’t necessarily need a water move.  Ice already hits ground, so it only needs Water to hit Steel, Fire, and Rock. Keep that in mind and we’ll come back to that later. Cloyster’s Ice attack is Icicle Spear.  Formerly Cloyster’s signature move, Icicle Spear is a mediocre move that hits 2-5 time for 25 power and 100 accuracy, averaging at just under 80 power... But Cloyster has Skill Link. With Skill Link, Icicle Spear is 125 Power, 100 Accuracy, STAB, Physical, and doesn’t even make contact. With Cloyster’s decent 95 power, this is amazing. And you know what else triggers off Skill Link that Cloyster can learn?  Pin Missile, Rock Blast, and Spike Cannon. Spike Cannon’s garbage, so don’t worry about that, but Pin Missile’s solid and Rock Blast is super-effective against Bug, Fire, and Ice types, and does neutral damage against Rock and Steel Pokemon. Though technically weaker than STAB Liquidation, it’s better coverage for what Cloyster needs.
It’s also important to note that if Cloyster uses a King’s Rock, every hit of  Icicle Spear, Rock Blast, and other similar moves give a chance to make the target flinch, giving Cloyster better odds against foes that can survive a turn against it.
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Art by JRCoffronIII
Now, the real way to take advantage of Cloyster’s huge defense in battle is to reliably have a turn to set up, and Cloyster has one of the best set up moves in the game: Shell Smash. Shell Smash lowers Cloyster’s Defense to something still respectable, tanks its Special Defense even further, and raises Attack, Special Attack, and Speed each by two stages.  As long as you’re confident whatever’s in front of you isn’t going to drop you in one hit (and a Focus Sash can ensure that), a single Shell Smash puts you in a position to start sweeping with Icicle Spear and Rock Blast. 
For a fourth attack, Cloyster has options. While Liquidation isn’t necessary for coverage, Cloyster’s special attack isn’t that much lower than its physical attack, and with Shell Smash it might be worthwhile to pick up one special attack for enemies that are physically defensive.  If you do this, Surf or Hydro Pump for the added coverage is good. Other options include Icicle Shard, the Ice-type equivalent of Quick Attack, the aforementioned PIn Missile to be super-effective against Dark and Psychic types, and Explosion for when you absolutely positively have to make sure something’s dead. For non-attacks, Cloyster can learn Spikes and Toxic Spikes,  as well as their opposite, Rapid Spin, all of which can be very useful. 
OVERALL:  Shellder and Cloyster have great designs, and thanks to Shell Smash and Skill Link Cloyster has a very unique combat style that’s really solid and has its place in a lot of teams.  It’s funny to me that it really looks like it should be a slow, tanky Pokemon but it’s actually best at just mowing down everything in its way with Icicle Spears. I don’t have much to say about Cloyster because Cloyster is great as is. I don’t see a need for improvement, or a change, or a new evolution or anything. The only thing I’m really interested in seeing from this line down the road isn’t even more power, it’s that I’d like to finally see Turban playable on its own.
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Art by SplatterParrot
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lunapaper · 3 years
Album Review: 'Simple, Sweet and Smiling' - Kacy Hill
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Don’t let the cover fool you.
Although she’s styled as a beautiful pin-up, absolutely glowing, Kacy Hill’s joyously-titled third album, Simple, Sweet and Smiling, is rather bittersweet, doubling down on her foggy 80s nostalgia.
The title track is a moody and tense ode to longing that unfolds like a tear-stained scrapbook of memories, or like a watching a past love disappear in the rear view. ‘Walking at Midnight’ dabbles in brooding coffeehouse folk as the Arizona native tries to find clarity in a sparkling skyline. ‘So Loud’ sits somewhere between Carly Rae and HAIM with its crinkly drums and ponderous chords that wind their way around a windswept coastline. Recent single ‘Easy Going’ has a kaleidoscopic ‘Human Nature’-like quality, with soft, powdery beats cascading across trembling bass as the singer admits ‘It's not that I'm sad or anything/I can't boil it down to some kind of reason/It's like I'm stuck in a dream and I'm trying to run.’
Her vocals particularly shine on the sweeping, dimly-lit ‘Caterpillars,’ accompanied by a harmonic echo courtesy of Stevie Wonder. It’s incredible to see Hill collaborate with such a legendary artist after so many years struggling in such an unforgiving industry, doing more than Kanye ever managed to do while Hill was signed to his G.O.O.D. Music label.
Though Simple, Sweet and Smiling can feel bogged down in ballads, there are moments of pure love and ecstasy that help give the record some breathing room.
‘Seasons Bloom’ dances atop earthy mechanics, revelling in the romance of the wide open road as Hill declares ‘I swear that I couldn't love you more if I tried/But now I'm seeing your face in the moonlight/Oh, and you're making me cry.’ ‘I Couldn’t Wait’ is like the dawning of a new day, with the sun breaking through the clouds. ‘The Right Time,’ however, is the album’s true standout, a cut of piano-laced, funk-fuelled bliss that has Hill’s voice pitched and distorted in girlish fashion as if to evoke childlike joy. Though she’s long mastered the art of soft focus balladry, it’d be great to hear Hill do some more upbeat tracks in a similar vein.
If last year’s Is It Selfish If We Talk About Me Again? was a lush dream sequence, Simple, Sweet and Smiling is a wistful montage.
Atmospheric imagery – like the sun, the clouds and the moonlight – create a mix of the serene and emotionally tumultuous. You can even hear a crack of thunder on ‘Caterpillars.’ Just as Hill begun writing and recording the album, her father suffered a heart attack, while her agoraphobic panic disorder (which has affected her since she was a child) started to re-emerge.
But as much as the singer contemplates mortality throughout Simple, Sweet and Smiling, it’s also about looking forward even in difficult times. ‘One day you’ll look back/And barely recognize that you/You’ve been talking to,’ she assures us on final track, ‘Another You,’ even if the light at the end of the tunnel seems a long way off.
Things might not always be so simple for Hill, but her latest effort is most definitely sweet and pristine,
- Bianca B.
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sunlitneon · 4 years
12 Excellent Reference Books for Collecting Vintage Costume Jewellery in the UK
You have a thirst for knowledge and want to recognize extra approximately the vintage dress jewelry for your series.  Remodelling jewellery But which e book to shop for in case you are living inside the UK?
There are masses of reference books to select from and maximum have been written in the US by authors who have a collection primarily based in the US. How specific is that to us within the UK?
So here is a brief manual of 12 books to give an excellent over view of expertise from Victorian via to the eighties and past. Actually there are greater than 12 books right here, because a few authors have written more than one book this is beneficial.
This manual have to cover wellknown unsigned pieces and a few signed portions of jewellery. However there aren't any particular books ever written for the majority of the mass produced signed dress jewellery made via UK groups or made for the United Kingdom market aside from Wilson and Butler.
1. Costume Jewellery: A Collectors Guide via Caroline Behr (Miller's) (ISBN 1-84000-373-1)
A exact vicinity initially a general over view and time line from Victorian, Art Deco, Arts and Crafts, 1950s, Czech, Austrian and some designers. Easy to read and has properly pix. Hand bag length and ideal to examine at the educate
2. Vintage Costume Jewellery: A Passion for fabulous Fakes by Carol Tanenbaum (ISBN 1-85149-511-8)
A have to to buy and has the time line with improved information. Includes Art Nouveau, Birmingham silver, system, intro to Bakelite and plastic and a glossary. Loads of desirable snap shots however none of the backs (a have to for identity but not often protected in any book)
three. Secrets To Collecting Jewelry: How to BUY MORE for much less! With the aid of Leigh Leshner (ISBN 0-89689-180-1)
Again a time line and over view via history but an absolute gem of a e book because it has indicates the backs and mechanism or findings which can be crucial to courting jewellery. This e-book seems at style and substances with precise images. Prom jewelry, artwork plastic, retro, production strategies, Scandinavian, cameos. Mostly short data but a excellent visible guide. US e book with $ rate guide (2005). Another terrifi ebook to read at the bus or teach as fits into your bag.
Four. Jewels and Jewellery Clare Phillips (V & A) (ISBN 978-1-85177-535-four) or Jewellery: The Decorative Arts Library edited by using Janet Swarbrick (ISBN 1-902328-13-2)
Could now not decide which of those UK books was the most informative. So have I even have protected each
Jewels and Jewellery consists of substances, a chronology of styles and manufacturing and distribution. Photographs of museum and pieces. Includes silver filigree, Berlin Iron, pearls, glass and teeth. Faith jewellery, cut metal, mourning and love jewellery now not simply jet or bog oak. Lalique, Ashbee, Liberty Cymric, Wilson, Gaskins and a time line pre Victorian to the 2000s.
Jewellery is a visual birthday celebration of the world's awesome jewelry making strategies. From the historical international until 1989. Full of statistics and images with more unique references to Jewellery inside the UK.
5. Popular Jewelry of the '60s, '70s & '80s via Roseann Ettinger (ISBN zero-7643-2470-5)
Three many years of jewelry displaying fashion and political developments that influenced the designs. US ebook with $ fee guide (2006) The majority of antique jewellery discovered is from this era and so makes this book useful to read. Well illustrated with pieces which are recognizable here inside the UK. Including Mod jewellery, japanese influence, Pop Art, novelty, revival pieces, love beads, Art Metal, jade, plastic, wooden and pave. The creator has produced other reference books on different a long time which can be well worth making an investment in.
6. Collecting Art Plastic Jewelry by way of Leigh Leshner (ISBN zero-87349-954-9)
Bakelite is rare to discover in jewelry in such quantities and range as in the States. It is beneficial to recognize and notice the type of designs plastic has been used or with other materials. Celluloid, Lucite, thermoset, thermoplastic, laminated, reverse carved are greater generally determined here within the UK and effortlessly over appeared. This e book does make you examine plastic accessories in an entire new light. Does no longer comprise sufficient statistics on galalith, the early plastic type this is greater commonplace inside the UK. For this examine books on Jakob Bengel.
7. Collecting Costume Jewelry 303: The turn aspect Exploring gown jewelry from the back by using Julia C Carroll. (ISBN 978-1-57432-626-0)
This is the ebook that gets to the fundamentals need to have expertise of vintage dress jewellery. The distinctive components such as the stones and cabochons that may be precious in courting and hardware clues that can be missed. Cameos, rhinestones, signed jewelry and pictures of the signatures, artwork glass, pin backs and a lot greater. I examine this book and always discover some thing that I have now not observed earlier than. One of my most valuable books in terms of information. Also has a segment of designers which include Jonette Jewelry Co (JJ) that aren't always discovered in different books. US book with $ price guides (2010)
Julia Carroll has produced different books together with Costume Jewelry one zero one and 202 on this extreme. Both books are well really worth having for reference as well.
8. Baubles, Buttons and Beads: The Heritage of Bohemia by Sibelle Jargstorf (ISBN 0-88740-467-7)
This is some other gem of a book; as we had an abundance of antique jewelry imported into this united states of america from Bohemia up till the Second World War and then in smaller portions after. Still available to find and collect but costs are rising. Sections on buttons, filigree, glass beads, plastic and glass cameos, 1930s, tooth and greater importantly the records. After studying this e-book it has helped me date and identify cameos, filigree brooches and brightly coloured rhinestone jewelry of the 1920s and 30s. Hand completed and system made get dressed clips and the extraordinary finishes used.
Sibylle Jargstorf has produced other books on beads and glass which are priceless.
9. Cameos: A Pocket Guide by Monica Lynn Clements and Patricia Rosser Clements (ISBN 0-7643-1728-eight)
Although there are numerous books on cameos, this small packet manual is full of cameos in materials other than shell. Shell is the most accumulated cameo jewellery kind however for me it did no longer have an appeal. I wanted to recognise greater about the glass, plastic, metallic and gemstone cameos that I become locating. How to become aware of the substances used and while had been they made. This e book has an abundance of photographs covering a big amount of cameos in those substances and extra importantly recognizable for the UK marketplace. US e-book with $ rate guide (2003) For greater extensive data on cameo jewellery then acquire any of the versions of Cameos: Old and New by means of Anna M Miller.
10. Victorian Jewellery by using Margaret Flowers (No ISBN)
Not a e book on antique but vintage jewelry that is now out of print but nonetheless available in numerous editions. First published in 1951 however well well worth analyzing. Insight into the Victorian influences and visible in revival portions. Birmingham's position in mass produced jewellery. This ebook is often sited in later books as being influential. Has the Victorian length in three parts and each segment has the maximum used motifs of that duration. Did make me chuckle at the sheer snobbish mind-set of the author at times however well worth analyzing. Few pics and in general in black and white that aren't that clear.
Eleven. Scottish Jewellery: A Victorian Passion by Diana Scarisbrick
Scottish jewellery is found in abundance inside the UK. From the mid nineteenth century with the upward thrust in recognition, had factories in Scotland and England churning out designs and portions within the lots. This persisted into the past due 20th century generally in Birmingham. This book is a great introduction. Not as extensive as might have been and do not assume facts on vintage Scottish memento jewellery from Miracle, The Ward Brothers, Exquisite or Hollywood. Pages of pictures of agate and silver brooches and bracelets. But complex via the image guide on the quit of the book. A suitable starter book to understand Scottish motifs.
12. Warman's Jewelry: Fine & Costume Jewelry 4Th Edition by means of Kathy Flood (ISBN 1-4402-0801-eight)
This is the 4Th edition of the Warman's Jewelry Identification and Price Guide. So 3 different books to attain and read. In this version two centuries are blanketed with pearls, figural, cameos, Art Nouveau, Art Deco and plastic. The difference among Georgian, Victorian and Edwardian jewellery. Again web page after web page of jewellery pix. Good mix of clean antique, vintage and present day jewellery. A blend of worldwide extensive designs hat I observed relevant to the UK. US e book with $ charge manual (2010)
This is only a quick reference of fashionable books for vintage jewellery with a view to exchange as extra books come onto the market or I find out out of print books. Then there are extra precise books on Bengal, Avon, Sarah Coventry, Egyptian Revival jewellery, Haskell, D & E, Wilson & Butler and such a lot of extra to examine
Even with this amount of information I still feel that I actually have simply skimmed the surface. As stated formerly there's a lack of data on jewelry from Ciro Pearls, Sphinx, Exquisite, Miracle, Hollywood, Thomas Le Mott and plenty of other organizations that mass produced jewelry on this u . S . Within the 20th century, that is now very collectible global huge.
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brokenpillarblog · 4 years
Art and me
Art has been a huge part of my life since I was just a toddler as much as I’ve from my mother. I used to paint landscapes when I just 8-12 years old with oilpaints, but then I found comics. My mother had bought us Donald Duck comics always and I was really into Tin Tin and Lucky Luke as well, but none of that actually inspired me to draw. The comic that inspired to comic art was Heavy Metal and I was around 12 when I read my first issue. I remember it because it had a Luis Royo cover art and instantly Luis Royo became my favorite artist in the whole world. I didn’t really know many others to be honest, but I guess it was because I didn’t really care art that much before. I’ve always been the type of person when I get inspired to learn something, I try to be the best I possible could at it and I kinda dive way too deep. Soon after I started drawing I learned about other artist doing similar style sensual art like H.R Giger and Frank Franzetta. I wanted to draw stuff like they did so much, but I was 12 old so I couldn’t really draw naked women every day, so instead I drew cartoon heroes during the day and naked women during the night. I know how that sounds and I know how it would have looked like if my mother would have caught me. But I did it because I loved the art I had seen so much. Then I found Spawn and Star Wars. Spawn had many characters having similar issues that I already had as a kid, but I never knew what it was until I was told it was depression and doctors also later found something weird in my braind that was affecting a lot on how I process thing, how I act socially and my sleep. But more about that later. Because Spawn comics had these characters with mental issues and the only protection those people had was the most evil thing anyone could think of, a Hellspawn I kinda started admiring the character and I think it was my gateway drug to start learning about demons, mythology and other occult stuff, but hey more about that later as well.
Star Wars was a thing I had seen many times before, but it wasn’t anything special for me at the time. The old trilogy felt a bit too kids movies for me when I was just a kid. It was also really hard to watch them because internet wasn’t a thing yet and they never were offered for rent and I couldn’t afford to buy them so I only saw them when they was on tv. But then Episode I came out and I got to see it in the premiere. I had my face painted as Darth Maul and I had this really cheap “laser sword” that had a yellow blade. I also had a Gi that my grandmother made me, but it was made from some weird material that was shiny black and eh... it looked terrible, but it was my first cosplay as Darth Maul and it was my first movie premiere ever. It was also my first time seeing a movie in Helsinki. This huge movie theatre that had so many rooms and all the candy in the world as much as I knew. It was so great that I instantly became a Star Wars fan. I think I was 9 or 10 at the time and in the fifth grade.
Then I found Star Wars comics when I was 12. I adored the art on it and I still remember all the story arcs I got collected. The finnish version was discontinued short after unfortunately. I remember drawing so many Ki-Adi Mundies, Dark Laday and my favorite A’Sharad Hett. It’s weird how my favorite characters are never really too heroic and neither was A’Sharad Hett. He was a character that had just lost his father and then got taken away from his home planet and everything he knew. I guess I felt  bad for him due to that. After the Star Wars were discontinued in Finland I started reading all the Star Wars books in the library and soon there was Jedi Padawan novels coming out that I read as well. I was full of Star Wars lore so I started writing my own stuff and drawing my own characters. I kept me happy for a while. It also kept me drawing that was really helping with my mental issues I had no clue I was suffering from. When I got to 9th grade and we were supposed to start thinking about our future careers. During the 7-9th grades I had started learning other art forms and I had bought my first airbrush and pin striping brushes. I guess the growing trend with racing movies was pushing be into hot rods and hot rods inspired me to try pin striping and painting racing helmets and such. Almost my whole family had also worked in the local truck company assebling them so building cars was already a thing in my family. I never knew my father, but my mother told me that he was into street racing and building his own sleeper racing cars. Then Fast & Furious and Biker Boyz came out and of course all that directed me to chose to become a car mechanic.
It didn’t take long to know that cars wasn’t really my thing. I had studied to becoma a mechanic about one year and I knew that I should have chose art degree instead or a science degree, but science was something that I was afraid to even concider because I was already bullied a lot and didn’t want to get a new nickname for being a geek. I guess I’ll write more about my geeky background later at some point.
Because the degree I had chosen wasn’t really my thing I quit the studies and I had to find a job. I had trained martial arts and I was a big guy so my girlfriend said that I could become a great bouncer. And so I applied as a securityguard for a sommerjob and I got stuck with it. After I started my job as a securityguard I stopped drawing completely. I didn’t really have time for it and I was just too tired all the time. I only didn’t graveyard shifts because it paid better and I had moved out of my mothers house when I sturding my studies as a car mechanic. My life during that time, in that city was really rough. I was living in an area full of drugs, criminal and poor people. In the first night living in my own appartment I had to call the cops because someone was shooting upstairs. When i moved to another building couple months later there was a guy with a shotgun in the building hallway, but this time I tried to ignore him and got home. Later I heard a shot and read from a paper that he had shot himself.
This was the time I started getting friends for the first time in my life. I also got my first girlfriend, but all that was directing me in the wrong way. I was admired because I was a big guy with broad sholders and I was able to take a punch in fights. Yeah I got into fights a lot during that time, but I was always getting into them because I was protecting some of my friends. I guess the work in security really was something I was going to be good at and so I was. I remember being really happy for a while during that time. Having friends was a knew thing for me. During my school years I was constantly bullied and few times beaten so I started learning martial arts. Then I got into a fight with the biggest and baddest in our school and I completely kicked his ass. I’m kinda proud of that because the same dude won’t european championship in Thay Boxing just recently. Friends I had got wasn’t the nicest people. Most of them were into drugs, had some mental issues and unfortunately I learned this way too late. Few years later everyone I knew were small criminals and I learned that my girlfriend had scammed me by using my trust and caused me a huge debt and losing my home for the first time. I don’t really wan’t to go into details, but because of my friends on that time, my mentality was that I didn’t even think of reporting it to the cops. Instead I swallowed it and I was going to military service soon anyway so I didn’t need the home during that time. It wasn’t until I had lost my security job, my home the second time and after I had tried to kill myself twice before I started art again. That period in without the art was the darkest time in my lifetime. I was completely different person, I was really bad person and I really hope I’ll never quit making art ever again.
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arplis · 5 years
Arplis - News: Wonderful Porter Barn Wood
Come build with us! Whether you’re a weekend warrior DIY enthusiast, a designer with a passion for creating beautiful spaces, a contractor making it happen, . FEATURED PRODUCTS Door + Hardware Packages: Ready to Install Materials: Rough Lumber: Furniture: (602) 738-1456 [email protected] · Facebook · Twitter · Google · RSS · Facebook · Twitter · Google · RSS · 0 Items · Porter Barn Wood. We have been blessed to work on some amazing projects over the years. Take a look at some of the homes and businesses that we’ve provided materials and . Mar 15, 2019- Custom wood projects. Dining & coffee tables, barn doors.anything you can dream! See more ideas about Barn wood, Custom wood and Wood . Porter Barn Wood Reclaimed Barn Wood • Furniture • Finishing • Home Improvement • Interior Design • DIY • Crafts • Metalworking • How-To • Barn Doors . Explore Jenelle Beasley’s board “Barn wood creations” on Pinterest. See more ideas . This cross would look nice on a Sympathy card. DIY Wood Wall Art with . Explore Gay Langham’s board “Barn wood Furniture” on Pinterest. See more ideas about . This cross would look nice on a Sympathy card. DIY Wood Wall Art . Hollyoaks is a British television soap opera that was first broadcast on 23 October 1995. Scott is sympathetic with him and encourages him to talk to Luke about it. Leela Lomax (Kirsty-Leigh Porter), is offering a £5,000 reward for information on village, meanwhile, Louis escapes and Breda finds him hiding in the barn. With the largest reclaimed wood and live edge slab inventory in Arizona and a trained build team with . We also host an annual Bluegrass Festival and Customer Appreciation Party the first Saturday in November. . 6th Ave – Lugo Remodel. . Emy worked to remodel the face of the home to give it some country curb appeal. . Bluegrass Festival – 2nd Annual Porter Barn Wood Bluegrass Festival . We’re going to have a great lineup of bluegrass bands and entertainment as well . Nov 3, 2018 – FREE to the public, and one of the best bluegrass festivals in Arizona, the Porter Barn Wood 3rd Annual Bluegrass Festival and Open House is . The best bluegrass in Phoenix, AZ. Headliner bands from across the US will be joining us for an incredibly fun day of music, food, and fun activities. Porter Barn Wood is Arizona’s best source for reclaimed barn wood materials. We also offer some . Bluegrass Concert – Edgar Loudermilk Band featuring Jeff Autry . Modern maple butcher block waterfall island for this customer’s remodel. Jan 31, 2019 – Each year we host an annual bluegrass festival and open house, bringing . Porter Barn Wood has become so many things to so many people. . from a piece of furniture to entire remodels and tenant improvement projects. Porter Barn Wood subscribed to a channel 6 days ago Fully custom home by our friend at Chisel Built, a small remodel company focusing on the art of the . Jun 5, 2018 – porter barn wood south 7th street phoenix az bluegrass facebook . wall reclaimed speckled black covering pertaining to walls remodel wallp . Feb 23, 2017 – Here is the adorable young family behind Porter Barn Wood. Thomas is a woodworker, metalworker, and plays in a Bluegrass band. This company and their products are beyond A+. I ordered 2 beautiful doors from them. When they came. to install the first one, we found out that I gave them an . Porter Barn Wood, Phoenix, Arizona. . Mushroom wood box beams with metal strapping for this beautiful bedroom and white shiplap walls and trim to contrast . Porter Barn Wood – 901 S 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 – Rated 4.8 based on 269 Reviews “This company . I make pretty things and I create pretty spaces. Arizona’s Best Source for Reclaimed Barn Wood Lumber. . To connect with Porter Barn Wood, join Facebook today. . I ordered 2 beautiful doors from them. Porter Barn Wood – 901 S 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 – Rated 4.8 based on 269 Reviews . Beautiful single piece conference table top for Fervor Creative. Porter Barn Wood – 901 S 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 – Rated 4.8 based on 269 Reviews “This company and their products are beyond A+. I ordered 2. Porter Barn Wood – 901 S 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 – Rated 4.8 based on 272 Reviews “This company and their . I ordered 2 beautiful doors from them. Porter Barn Wood – 901 S 7th St, Phoenix, Arizona 85034 – Rated 4.8 based on 269 Reviews “This company and their . I ordered 2 beautiful doors from them. Arizona’s Best Source for Reclaimed Barn Wood Lumber. . To connect with Porter Barn Wood, join Facebook today. . I ordered 2 beautiful doors from them. porterbarnwood.com. Double X Pattern Mushroom Wood Sliding Barn Door. We built this reclaimed mushroom wood sliding barn door for a customer… Lie-Nielsen Hand Tool Event @ Porter Barn Wood – FREE Admission . Intro • Drawing in Perspective • Tracing for Interior Design • Use of colors/textures in . The workshop classes are something we love to offer. We post information about them here on this page. We do some hands-on classes in our blacksmith shop . With the largest reclaimed wood and live edge slab inventory in Arizona and a trained . In addition to our materials and services, we often have classes and . Porter Barn Wood Reclaimed Barn Wood • Furniture • Finishing • Home . Porter Barn Wood’s best boards . Porter Barn Wood • 316 Pins . Colors We Love. Porter Barn Wood offers free classes to teach you how to do projects yourself. Andrew McCall creates one-of-a-kind “Black Belt Churches” from reclaimed wood from across the Black Belt region. These “1 door” churches are handcrafted . Feb 8, 2017 – . west for this leg of the Colors and Crossroads Tour, named after their newest . to Phoenix, Arizona for a house concert at Porter Barn Wood. Shop Pottery Barn for decorative mirrors that feature simple designs and easy style. Find large, small . Parkmore Reclaimed Wood Grand Floor Mirror. $1,299. Planters Unlimited can help clients to create the rustic look of barn wood planters and various other types of reclaimed wood planters made from reused . 27 reviews of Porter Barn Wood “We love our barn door! . We are Arizona’s best resource for quality reclaimed barn wood materials. The kitchen cabinets displayed in their showroom are amazing. . We ordered countertops custom, got great ideas, amazing service, and the most beautiful countertops I have literally . With the largest reclaimed wood and live edge slab inventory in Arizona and a trained . Reclaimed Wood Wall & Entertainment Cabinet – Silvas demolition, drywall, custom cabinetry, built-ins, furniture, fixtures, and even final cleaning. . and learn about our situation in order to provide us with the best service possible.”. FEATURED PRODUCTS Door + Hardware Packages: Ready to Install Materials: Rough Lumber: Furniture: Porter Barn Wood Reclaimed Barn Wood • Furniture • Finishing • Home Improvement • Interior Design • DIY • Crafts • Metalworking • How-To • Barn Doors • Woodworking • Ideas. . Porter Barn Wood’s best boards. BUILDING IT FORWARD. See more ideas about Barn wood, Custom wood and Wood Projects. . Headboard Porter Barn Wood ] – Best Free Home Design Idea & Inspiration . Lightweight and cutting edge design is what the patio furniture is all about at The Blue. Sep 15, 2015 – From their downtown Phoenix studio and lumberyard, Porter Barn Wood combines artistry and history to create unique reclaimed wood furniture pieces. . friend had the idea to pull together some reclaimed wood and sell it on Craigslist. . Porter, who is also a songwriter, equates the result to a good song. Jul 17, 2013 – You Store Your Planes How? . Yesterday, I visited Porter Barn Wood in Phoenix, AZ to see what they had on hand. To be honest, I had no idea this resource existed until last year when the company decided to open their business to the . Can you imagine this thing as a table top or even a desk top? We are sharing the cutest farmhouse DIY Barn Wood Cart Coffee Table! . We got the barn wood for this table from Porter Barn Wood, and they have made two special bundles on . The plywood for the bottom shelf will be flush with the top of the 2×4 boards. . I love your videos and really love the furniture you all have built. Apr 1, 2017 – And while the art and craft of making furniture from reclaimed wood has . the predominant material used throughout the open-concept floor plan. . Arizona’s largest barn-wood company, Porter Barn Wood, also builds custom furniture. . Wood he selects must be structurally sound and in good condition. Whether you’re a weekend warrior DIY enthusiast, a designer with a passion for . With the largest reclaimed wood and live edge slab inventory in Arizona and a . FAMILY DATE NIGHT WITH JJ HELLER DECEMBER 1ST, 2018 6:00PM . Dec 1, 2018 – JJ Heller in concert at Porter Barn Wood. Ice cream sundae and pie bar included. Family Date Night! Come join us for music and dessert. Thomas Porter (Porter Barn Wood) – Google+. . Reclaimed Barn Wood Supplier . JJ Heller – A Girls Night Out Event . DIY Girls Night Out & Dinner. Cool DIY Projects Using Chalkboard Paint – Clever Chalkboard Crafts Ideas . personalized tray, decorative serving tray, personalized wood tray, rustic tray. Sliding Barn Door – Reclaimed Tobacco Barn Wood porterbarnwood – Home Decorating . half bathroom ideas upstairs and also they’re excellent for visitors. Explore Pam La Porta’s board “Living room decor” on Pinterest. See more ideas about Barn wood walls, Diy ideas for home and Decorating ideas. . “das gelb etwas heller: zitronengelb Color Palette (might be the perfect palette)” . bedroom remodel awesome.Bedroom Remodel Before And After Projects. JJ Mol. Porter Barn Wood. Arizona’s reclaimed wood material source. Custom . porterbarnwood follows 940 users Sam DIY Huntress Interior Design Ideas. Practical and Profitable Ideas for a Boy’s Leisure Hours (English) (as Author) . Wooden and Cardboard Toys, Mechanical and Electric Toys (English) (as Porter, Harold Everett; Rope (English) (as Author) How to Make a Shoe (English) (as Author) . Heller von Hellwald, Friedrich Anton; Von Hellwald, Friedrich; Die . Jan 12, 2006 – wooden wharf with its tall black bunkers held 15,000 tons of coal.8 . Otto W. Porter, a foreman with the Cuyamaca Water Company; and Axel Stone, . but impractical, 1938 idea known as “Ham ‘n Eggs for California” or “Thirty 20 miners’ cottages, a school, barns, and a home for Waldo and his family. With the largest reclaimed wood and live edge slab inventory in Arizona and a . online) ranging from free workshop demos to pop-up DIY dinners, concerts, and . learn about our situation in order to provide us with the best service possible. Bluegrass Concert: Edgar Loudermilk Band – Featuring Jeff Autry Come Join Us . and one of the best bluegrass festivals in Arizona, the Porter Barn Wood 3rd . Bluegrass Concert: Edgar Loudermilk Band – Featuring Jeff Autry Come Join Us for a Fun Night of Bluegrass Music!Edgar Loudermilk and his band will be . 3rd Annual Bluegrass Festival @ Porter Barn Wood . November 3rd, 2018 FREE to the public, and one of the best bluegrass festivals in Arizona, the Porter Barn Wood 3rd . Sideline Bluegrass House Concert & Dinner at Porter Barn Wood. Jan 11, 2018 – David Parmley & Cardinal Tradition – Bluegrass Cabin Concert . this is a great time to hear them in one of the best bluegrass venues in AZ. JJ Heller Concert & Ice Cream Social Family Date Night . 2018 FREE to the public, and one of the best bluegrass festivals in Arizona, the Porter Barn Wood 3rd . Nov 3, 2018 – . one of the best bluegrass festivals in Arizona, the Porter Barn Wood . a wonderful concert with friends and family as we listen to bluegrass, . Porter Barn Wood is Arizona’s best source for reclaimed barn wood materials. We also offer . Bluegrass Concert – Edgar Loudermilk Band featuring Jeff Autry . Porter Barn Wood, Phoenix, Arizona. 39487 likes · 183 . Arizona’s Best Source for Reclaimed Barn Wood Lumber. . Jj Heller Concert and Family Date Night! Mar 15, 2019- Custom wood projects. Dining & coffee tables, barn doors.anything you can dream! See more ideas about Barn wood, Custom wood and Wood . 249 Dish Room Porter jobs available on Indeed.com. Apply to Dishwasher, Back of House Team Member, Porter and more! Abbildung 6: Five Forces Modell nach Porter (Porter 1999, S. 34). Unternehmensentscheidung dient die Wettbewerbs- und Branchenanalyse, one very special need for bigger installations like parabolic thoughts or dish or linear. . on global warming quizzes branchenanalyse nach porter beispiel essay technology nowadays essay for students literary translation essay conclusion outline . . retention in bpo industry writing a research paper corporate governance dissertation handbook 2018 saul bellow a silver dish analysis essay homework to do . . //lionslagospt.club/ip/Branchenanalyse-International/459291327 //lionslagospt.club/ip/Porter-Cable-910450-Overhaul-Kit-60093/119164464 -1-8-Truggy-Dish-Wheel-Tire-2-H-Pattern-17mm-O-D-135mm/482260044 . . -port-of-Odessa-Ukraine-Porter-is-o-Stretched-Canvas-10-x-14/433538355 //lionslagospt.club/ip/DELL-Die-Erfolgsgeschichte-Branchenanalyse- . Aug 3, 2017 – Die Branchenanalyse nach Porter stellt ein Tool dar, welches den So schaffte es der Politikblogger Andrew Sullivan („The Daily Dish“), in. Feb 1, 2019 – . paper graphic organizer essay about favourite dish english poet can application essay in english branchenanalyse porter beispiel essay . Die Branchenstrukturanalyse nach dem Fünf-Kräfte-Modell (englisch five forces) ist im strategischen Management ein von Michael E. Porter entwickeltes . Jan 22, 2015 – Minimalism matters: step into the white cube as MR PORTER pays homage to . In fashion, the word “minimalist” could be applied as easily to . Die Branchenstrukturanalyse dient der Bestimmung der Attraktivität einer . Porter’s Five Forces sind der Klassiker schlechthin im strategischen Management. perfect concept porter barn wood · Charming Die Branchenstrukturanalyse nach dem Fünf-Kräfte-Modell (englisch five forces) ist im strategischen Management ein von Michael E. Porter Minimalist Concept Remove Laminate Countertop. perfect concept porter barn wood Die Branchenstrukturanalyse nach dem Fünf-Kräfte-Modell (englisch five . diy concept porter branchenstrukturanalyse. the Markte Und Branchen Branchenstrukturanalyse Nach Porter Ebook. Read any ebook on line with . concept is.Poisonous or not, the snake . He can see her perfectly formed toes, for she wears minimalist white sandals”Maybe I ain’t so . mathematics applications concepts course student edition, math overboard . mathematics novelty badious minimalist metaphysics sam, mathematical . subjects children talk mathematics lives, matt field santa fe trail porter, math . Onega Nikolai, Deutsche Automobilhersteller Chinesischen Markt Branchenstrukturanalyse . HC Verma Solutions PDF – Concepts of Physics Part 1 and 2 Download HC Verma . Forces”-Branchenstrukturanalyse nach Porter – CRISP-DM Step-by-step data . Minimalism: How to Digital Detox and Declutter Your Online LifeDigital . Sep 3, 2018 – low-cost porter reclaimed wood 24-inch counter stool by kosas home · Interesting porter branchenanalyse · diy concept porter branchenstrukturanalyse . Large Space Kitchen Sink Leaking · Minimalist Concept Tri County Aire . Grey barnwood shiplap used as an accent wall for the tv room with a flat screen 1 in. x 6 in. x 6 ft. Barn Wood White Shiplap Pine Board (6-Pack). Price. Now you can recreate the rustic, weathered beauty of aged barn wood, without the . of acquiring reclaimed wood or the cost and environmental hazards of using it. Easy BarnWood in Old Barn Gray, Covered Bridge and Sterling Gray Trim . Wall-Mounted Coat Rack – 5 Standard Hook, Barnwood · (460) . Beautiful quality wood. Love the different shades of grey the weathered wood offers. Can’t wait to order “Great for that distressrd wood look on a budget price!!” – by Amazon . Buy products related to barn wood planks and see what customers say about barn . and Decor, Authentic Barnwood Style- Box of six Planks (12 inch, Rustic Grey). by Rockin’ Wood. Only 18 left in stock – order soon. Price: Price:$13.75. “Real wood” – by Glow’n Beauty . Price is very reasonable and we are very satisfied. Dec 12, 2018 – barn wood grey preis . Tin Roof Barn is nestled within the rolling hills, apple orchards, and green . minimalist tin roof barn wedding cost . Mercilessly Beautiful High Cotton Homes · Little Airbase Carpet Mart · Exquisite Apex . Price List. 4/4: (1″ thick or less) – Rough Lumber. Speckled Black 4/4: $5.00/sf. Speckled . Tobacco Barn Grey: $6.00/sf . Reclaimed Walnut 4/4: $7/sf. Misc. Brilliant 60+ Most Popular Focal Points Ideas To Build A Beautiful Interior https:/ . 3″ Reclaimed Barnwood Peel and Stick Wall Paneling in Mixed Gray/Brown Wood Paneling Price per Sq Foot. “Ruthless Stair Runner Carpet Diy Stairways Strategies Exploited In case you’ve got carpet in your own stairs, plus it’s . Oh, lady fair, these silks of mine are beautiful and rare— The richest web of the Indian . pearls: And she placed their price in the old man’s hand, and lightly turned * Oh, lady fair, . S. Barns, Salina, N.Y.; A. Tompkins, Boston, Mass.; Rev is. . And she hash left the grey old halls where an evil faith had power, The courtly . Number One Beauty Center: 1426 Montana Ave., Santa Monica, lilies and I orchids — are yours for the picking at downtown flower mart I prices. . Magda Berliner and Grey Ant. Owners Cynthia Vincent and Alisa Loftin even And for good reason: He makes everything from the wood of centuries-old Vermont barns. ON SALE! Reclaimed Old Fence Wood Boards – 5 Fence Boards 20″ Weathered Barn . Ready To Install-Grey, Brown Reclaimed Wood Wall, Barnwood Planks, . 12″ x 51/2″ rustic old barn wood perfect for crafts lots of 2 boards. $7.00. Buy It Now . Reclaimed Wood Barn Boards Old Planks Weathered Lumber Rustic . Beautiful Whitewash Reclaimed Wood Planks can now be easily installed in your home. We offer Whitewash Reclaimed Wood Planks for walls. Shop Wood . Shop Wayfair for the best barn wood wall paneling. . Recommended; Customer Rating; Price Per Item: Low-High; Price Per Item: High-Low . By Timber Chic. From wide plank flooring to authentic barn wood & siding, we have it. . Premium Hardwood Flooring and Timber Products, we’ve got it covered. . Elegant yet easy to use, beautiful yet easy to maintain – discover how easy your next reclaimed . Painted Cedar Wood Plank Wall Boys Room Decorating Ideas DIY Accent Walls Magic . Design Trend: Farmhouse Chic – Reclaimed wood, aged metals, and Find Real Estate, Homes for Sale, Apartments & Houses for Rent. Barnwood touches can add warmth to any room, giving it the look and feel of a . Keep in mind: Price and stock could change after publish date, and we may . Our unprecedented selection of reclaimed, recycled and renewable materials makes us . Barn Wood. Reclaimed Wide Plank Flooring . Barn Doors For Sale . Best Sellers. Reclaimed Wood Wall Paneling DIY assorted 3-inch boards. Barn wood boards with choice of colors. Price per Square Foot. $12.00 $9.50. Basic Barnwood Frames · Best Sellers · Window Mirrors · Coat Racks · Rustic Wall Shelves · Reclaimed Wood Wall Paneling · Barnwood Conestoga Collage . Durango Reclaimed Wood Picture Frames . Copyright 2019 © All Barn Wood Inc. You could say that the frames from our Basic Barnwood Picture Frames line are the barnwood picture frames that made us famous. In fact, All Barnwood started . Best Sellers. Reclaimed Wood Wall Paneling DIY assorted 3-inch boards. Barn wood boards with choice of colors. Price per Square Foot. $12.00 $9.50. Aufregend, wild & rustikal – so lässt sich die Landhausdiele Eiche Montreal beschreiben. Die Besonderheit dieses Naturholzbodens liegt zwischen den . Home – Mr. Barn Wood / M. Bois de grange High Quality Reclaimed Barn . From assessing the barn to dismantling it, all the way to delivery (if required) we see . Barnwood Echtholzpaneel Montreal Natural, Pack = 0,80 m² jetzt im HORNBACH Onlineshop bestellen! Garantierte . Was Sie ansonsten über Ihr neues Barnwood Echtholzpaneel wissen sollten: Soudal Fix all High Tack Clear 305 gr. Oct 2, 2018 – Amazon.com: Epic Artifactory Reclaimed Barn Wood Wall Panels – DIY Peel and . Country share ideas for decorating with all sorts of barnwood pieces. . or barnwood echtholzpaneel montreal subject along with barnwood . Apr 4, 2017 – 55 ideas barn wood clock 1109 remodelaholic 8fbc3e2d872f4d aaf79faa4 1 . deutsch,barnwood echtholzpaneel montreal,barnwood furniture . To find out almost all photos in Lovely Barn Wood Crafts graphics gallery you . Barnwood Echtholzpaneel Montreal Blackwash, Pack = 0,80 m² jetzt im HORNBACH Onlineshop bestellen! Garantierte . Was Sie ansonsten über Ihr neues Barnwood Echtholzpaneel wissen sollten: Soudal Fix all High Tack Clear 305 gr. #WoodJewelry #WoodJewlery #Barnwood3d #WoodJoineryForum #WoodJerkBlockEinzeln
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Arplis - News source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/Arplis-News/~3/3-HytKVM_qI/wonderful-porter-barn-wood
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spotlightsaga · 7 years
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Kevin Cage of @spotlightsaga reviews... disjointed (S01E01) Omega Strain disjointed (S01E02) Eve's Bush Airdate: August 25, 2017 @netflix Ratings: Privatized Score: 7.5/10 TVTime/FB/Tumblr/Twitter/Pin/Path/IG: @SpotlightSaga Now on Letterboxd for film reviews! ************SPOILERS BELOW************ Many people out there think that the art of the traditional sitcom is long dead, Netflix and Chuck Lorre tend to disagree... And honestly, so do I. It's hard to deny that laugh tracks seem a bit outdated in the current climate of television, but just look at the surprise success of the 2017 Netflix Original reimagining of 'One Day at a Time'. It worked. The creators, writers, and everyone involved were able to not only bring an old show back to life, but also focus on modern family issues within a realistically diverse family on a traditional platform. 'The Ranch' was a different story, at least for me... 'Different strokes for different folks', so I can at least see where 'The Ranch' would have found success as well in an Ashton Kutcher-centric, Colorado Rocky Mountain, small town, comedy drenched with a touch of 'somehow surviving' middle class world. As to seeing why anyone would judge any multi-cam sitcom equipped with a laugh track on its setup and tone alone... I get it, I do, but some work for people and some don't.. Simply put, 'The Ranch' didn't gel for me, and shows that shoot through these familiar vessels do need to at least grab a hold of a viewer to where they can see room for improvement and potential at the end of the tunnel, or at least convincingly relate to the protagonists. Despite its expected flaws in immediate character development, I see potential in 'disjointed'. Did I mention that I love that I don't have to go the extra mile to hit the shift key when typing out 'disjointed'?! Well, at least that's a plus when you don't start the sentence with the show's name, otherwise you just have to hit the shift key to un-capitalize it anyway. Bummer... huh? I'm no stoner but this isn't exactly a world I'm unfamiliar with, and seeing the benefits of not just medicinal marijuana as well as the decriminalization of all drugs (See Portugal, Czech Republic, etc). And yes, I unabashedly admit that I got a tad bit high in lieu of the release of this tv series. Even Netflix themselves have put out their own line of medical marijuana for the occasion, blending both 'Bojack Horseman' and 'disjointed' for the promotional festivities. That alone paired with the casting of the legendary Kathy Bates to play Ruth, the 'Mary-Jane' Matriarch of a thc-seasoned, brave, controversially 'legal', new 'customer/patient' style world should tell you that Netflix is standing firm behind this one. Traditions of the throwback mini-cam sitcom are strong with 'disjointed' and are pretty much nestled in every corner you look, with Chuck Lorre at the helm the format is cut and dry. Yet there are moments such as when the security guard, Carter (Tone Bell), who clearly has some form of PTSD, laced with kind of an impending existential crisis looming around the corner, is emotionally characterized by a colorful and creative animated approach that you'd never see personified in such a manner on a network like CBS or any of the 'Big 4', as you are able to see here on a much more unfiltered streaming service. Other members of the cast are slowly molded by observational humor, which will take time, but it really feels like patience will be rewarded here and more than just observational humor is addressed within the first two episodes. Aaron Moten will be playing Travis, who is the educated and entrepreneurial son of Ruth, who's come back home to help his mother make the most of her new business venture with his newfound eduction, and gasp, dare I say 'MBA' in business. Ruth isn't quite sure about applying the configurations of Travis' aggressive business techniques to the anti-establishment type, marijuana dispensary 'vocation', as she'd rather see it as. We're immediately shown a romantic link in chemistry between Travis and Olivia (Elizabeth Alderfer), the show isn't trying to hide anything. I say that's another thing to admire. Some have likened the move of this type of tv series to Netflix as an 'identify crisis', but hearing jokes peppered with 'fuck'-bombs in a multi-cam don't jar me at all. Weren't we all, even the older CBS crowd, technically broken in to not necessarily this type of humor, but at least the shock out of certain words' impact and delivery from '2 Broke Girls'. Yet 'disjointed' is far away from the aforementioned show's deep roots in 'crass for the sake of crass', and instead offers up a 'what you see is what you get', bouncing of humor off successfully pairing and also sporadically placing both groups and their respective characters to revolve and interact with. It's tightly created within an familiar origin but despite puffing on its own supply, it has the tools to let the show breathe and expand beyond those initial boundaries. For example we have all the remaining characters in the dispensary, Pete (Dougie Baldwin), who is focused on growing the best strain of weed possible, and Jenny (Elizabeth Ho), who has dropped out of medical school without her strict, no-nonsense family's knowledge, used as cogs as to move along other stories, patiently waiting to be paired up for adventures of their own. And if, like me, you let two episodes play to let the show gain a good sense of it's identity (something all 30-Minute Sitcoms should do now a days), you'll have already met the stoned series' myriad of guest characters that we can only hope recur as much as possible. The elective epitomes of stereotypes either do what they do best, or completely create a 'what if' type scenario in an ironic, if not expected and funny way to wow the crowd. Dank (Chris Redd) and Dabby (Betsy Sodaro) are born straight out of a top notch SNL skit, don't even work on paper, yet bop to each other's beats beats like the pulsing rhythms of Cuban born Bongo Drums. Then there is Maria (MAD TV's notorious Nicolle Sullivan, the single mom who's just discovered marijuana as a coping mechanism for high stress, anxiety, and panic attacks. The events that follow her character are very much hilarious because they are both unexpected and obvious... Wrapping the overall 'new' show, with an 'old' format, in a nostalgic feeling evoked by great multi-cam sitcoms. Remember cutting edge shows like 'Golden Girls', 'Mama's Family', and 'Roseanne'. They have a way of making you feel warm, or 'invited inside' in such a way that I see possibly forming in 'disjointed's future. I'm not saying 'disjointed' is, or should be, immediately considered a string attached on the same banjo of such notorious and legendary multi-cam sitcoms. I'm just saying that so far it feels good, and the possibilities also feel opened up a little wider than they are for most sitcoms that use a similar format, like this one, in this day and age... Kinda like what happens when you smoke the perfect bowl at the perfect time in the perfect place. I'm ready for 'disjointed', are you? ***********Written by Kevin Cage*********** http://www.tvtime.com http://www.facebook.com/spotlightsaga http://www.spotlightsaga.com http://www.facebook.com/groups/ArtsEntertainment
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jimmyraleigh · 6 years
Fourteen Amazing Details About Eyelash Extensions
What is 3D and 6D microblading eyebrow embroidery? Having a good eyebrow is what both men and women want. Yes, it does improve one's appearances and makes the face quite and gorgeous. Even one incorrect hair plucked can change the characteristics of the face. For the same, microblading eyebrow embroidery has actually been set a pattern among people all throughout the world. To rebuild the brows, fill the gaps or even cover the over-plucked locations, people choose Eyebrow Embroidery. It makes your thin eyebrow line thicker likewise. Likewise drawing the eyebrows frequently becomes a tedious task and lot numerous procedures are painful too. That is why 3D and 6D eyebrow embroidery came into being. They make your eyebrows look lovely without drawing them. However are these both strategies same or different in one or another method. Well, let us look at in what terms they vary. There are 2 techniques used particularly 3D embroidery and 6D embroidery with microblading method. In 3D eyebrow embroidery, rubbing method is utilized with the help of a maker. People having thin eyebrows go for this method as the outcome of the treatment is bold, thicker and more powerful eyebrows. The 6d eyebrow is a fairly new treatment which is done with the help of blades instead of the machine in the 3D method. The result of the procedure is more of natural eyebrows which looks similar to what a person's real eyebrow hairs are. Those having thick eyebrows and wanting to choose lighter and fine looking eyebrows can go with 6D eyebrow embroidery. History behind both brow embroidery strategies It is stated that the 3D Eyebrow strokes were first utilized a number of years ago in Asia. As the time and years passed, the 3D needles became thinner which resulted into naturally defined brow hairs. There are numerous methods in this too and all of them has specific various application relying on the strokes, density, and positioning. While 3D embroidery has actually been in usage because years, the 6D strategy is new one having thinnest needles to produce thin, great and crisp hair eyebrows. Treatment Application of both the techniques requires time. It is stated that it needs around 3 hours of time to use both the methods and there is very little of time distinction in them. The treatment involves including the color pigments onto skin and filling the empty spaces. The plume mechanism is generally utilized offering natural appearance as color pigments used are the color of the eyebrow making them look more natural. Both the treatments are utilized by millions of individuals across the world and is really reliable, in terms of expense as well. After taking totally free assessment and picking which one to go for, following steps are considered satisfying the treatment. The eyebrow beauty consultant will take the illustration of your eyebrow. Then they would be applying a cream which will numb the location. The pins and needles will be felt after 15-20 minutes of application. The procedure will then start and last for 3 hours. After the procedure is effectively finished aftercare cream is applied. A touch-up session is needed in the treatment which is done after a month. Both the treatments have the same approach only the outcome varies. The impact of them will quickly last for a year. But again it depends upon how you look after it. Is there any major distinctions in between the 3D and 6D Microblading Eyebrow Embroidery? Well both the techniques are nearly the very same however the result is various. The 6D microblading and embroidery method is a little more complex than the 3D one. This is since the hair strokes and embroidery are done in the instructions of natural hairs and according to the development pattern. It is more natural looking than 3D and variety of strokes are also more as compared to 3D eyebrow embroidery.
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Both of them are not irreversible but can be termed as semi-permanent, unlike eyebrow tattoos. The 6D technique is also the most comfy and safe procedure involving minimal discomfort while eyebrow embroidery is concerned. Eyes are the most important part of a human face and they do speak a lot. They say a lot about your personality therefore boosting it and making it look more appealing is what individuals prefer Hence it is really essential that you have your eyebrows formed effectively. As specified above there is not any major difference in between the two, only the outcome and application is various. Both of them have a lasting impact (approximately 2 years) and are not really expensive. Singapore and Korea are the leading places when Eyebrow Embroidery (3D and 6D) are referred as most current strategies and gadgets are readily available over there. From thin to the thick eyebrow or vice versa, natural and finer aim to covering the gaps from over plucking, all of this is possible with 3D and 6D eyebrow embroidery. It's OK to admit if you're more than a little curious about eyelash extensions, specifically now that this appeal pattern has actually extended beyond your preferred celebs to the moms at your kids' soccer video games. " Women like extensions since they can make lashes appear fuller and younger looking, while entirely removing the requirement for mascara," Clementina Richardson, a celeb lash artist and founder of Envious Lashes in New York City, informed TODAY Style. However while the concept of a simplified makeup regular noises terrific, there's still the question of whether extensions healthy and safe or if they're worth the time and loan. It's clear that not everyone sees eye to eye. Heather Muir, beauty director of Genuine Simple and Health magazines, has actually been wearing extensions consistently for the last 8 years. "I'm hooked! I can wake up and begin my day eye makeup-free, yet still look done. Plus, they offer me a self-confidence boost," she said. However some doctor warn that security often boils down to finding an experience specialist. " No doubt, this person requires to be well trained, as I'm seeing increasingly more patients with injuries caused by extensions, some of which can threaten a woman's vision," said Dr. Rebecca Taylor, M.D., scientific representative for the American Academy of Ophthalmology. "Anyone who experiences an infection, any swelling, an allergic reaction or an obvious loss of natural eyelashes should see an ophthalmologist right away." Here's a guide to the benefits and drawbacks eyelash extensions pros and cons in addition to a few pointers on how to prepare and maintain them. What are the various types of eyelash extensions? Made from mink, sable, synthetic mink, silk, cashmere or synthetic acrylic, extensions are available in a range of material and curl alternatives. " It's important the curl on your extension follows the curl of your natural lashes, which is why I think about the application process an art, never a one-size-fits-all procedure," said Richardson. "With many different face shapes, it is very important for your lash stylist to find out the best look for you and your lifestyle." For how long do eyelash extensions take to apply? " The initial process lasts about 2 hours, while touch-ups, suggested every two to three weeks, can use up to an hour," stated Richardson. A single lash extension, ranging in size from 6 to 18 millimeters, is fastidiously attached-- one by one-- to the base of the natural eyelash. Just how much do eyelash extensions cost? No matter what your extensions are made of, your bank account is going to take a hit. Pricing differs depending on where you live and your specialist's level of experience, but prepare for paying out anywhere from $150 to $350 for a full set of lash extensions (80 to 150 lash extensions per eye), and after that another $75 to $100 for touch-ups every 2 to 3 weeks. " You might want to consider a partial set, which will cut the cost and time in half, while still including density to your existing lashes," said Jennifer Garcia, a senior lash stylist at Maud's of Beverly Hills in California. "And although natural hair is more pricey, if you're allergic to animal fur, it's best to stay with a manufactured product." Are eyelash extensions unpleasant? You might feel distressed with tweezers running so near your eyes, but you should not feel any pain. "Your eyes are closed throughout the process," Richardson explained. The length of time do eyelash extensions last?
Unfortunate to say, however you'll lose the extension when you lose your natural lash, which is about every 6 to 8 weeks. "Females shed about 20 lashes per week," said Garcia. Are eyelash extensions safe? " Lash extensions are simpler to ruin than to solve," said Richardson. A quick view of YouTube videos (" Lash Extension Horror Stories!") verifies there can be some major repercussions if you fall into the hands of an unskilled specialist. Somebody lacking in training can utilize excessive adhesive, leading to clumped lashes, or they can glue a single lash extension to numerous natural lashes, leading to much more clumping and even damage. " Lashes grow at different rates-- if you glue 2 together when only one is ready to shed, it can take out the other prematurely," keeps in mind Richardson. Which is why it is essential to investigate your specialist. Discover for how long she or he has been applying extensions, read online evaluations, look at his/her prior to and after Instagram pictures and verify he/she's state certified and operating at a trusted establishment. Extension adhesives that contain formaldehyde can set off an allergy, so it is essential your specialist uses a medical grade, formaldehyde-free, non-irritating glue. "If you see any burning or tearing during the application, ask your lash stylist to stop right away," stated Taylor. The gel patches used to hold down your lower lashes, which may include active ingredients including collagen, aloe and hyaluronic acid, can also cause irritation, especially if you have delicate skin (some stylists choose to utilize medical-grade tape to cover the bottom lashes, however even the tape's adhesive has been know to trigger allergies). Dr. Joshua Zeichner, director of cosmetic and medical dermatology at Mount Sinai Health Center in New York City City, told TODAY Style that he's "not a fan" of the appeal treatment.
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" While they look attractive, they can be connected with allergies and inflammation of the skin and can cause damage, in some cases permanently, to your natural eyelashes," he said. Beyond glue problems, there's likewise traction alopecia to think of. "It's when the natural lash is lost-- either temporarily or permanently-- due to the stress and grip the extension has placed on the natural lash," stated Taylor. "You need to keep in mind eyelashes serve an important purpose; they sweep debris away from your eyes, maintaining your vision. Losing them momentarily is damaging enough, however if they never ever grow back, you're setting yourself up for a life time of eye issues." Can I wear mascara with eyelash extensions? Lash extensions enable you to ditch your mascara, eye liner, and lash curler, conserving you time in the morning. "Mascara can clump on extensions, however if you feel the requirement to stroke on a few coats before a big night out, be sure to use a mascara that's water-based, contains conditioning components like vitamin B5, and is developed for easy elimination," recommended Garcia. She suggests Xtreme Lashes Length & Volume Mascara. How to take care of eyelash extensions: If you observe your new lashes are flaking off, there's a great chance something has actually disrupted the adhesive bond. Prevent getting your lashes wet for the very first 24-- two days, as water can weaken the glue before it has the chance to set. Steer clear of oil-based eye products, cream-based eye liners and waterproof mascaras, which can be challenging to remove even under normal circumstances. Never ever use a cotton pad or swab, which can snag the extension, pulling it out. If you're a stomach or side sleeper, think about a silk or satin pillowcase in addition to a nighttime application of a lash topcoat. "I see a big difference in lash retention rates when customers utilize a sealant to help resist dirt, oil and makeup," stated Richardson. How to tidy eyelash extensions: Use an oil-free lash cleanser created specifically for eyelash extensions, as some items contain active ingredients that can weaken the bond and cause extensions to shed prematurely.
Muir advises this makeup eliminator because it's oil complimentary and should not mess up the adhesive bond of the extension. "In the morning and night, I carefully brush my extensions with a spoolie to keep them clean and detangled," said Muir. Colored and lower lash line extensions: Colored lashes remain in fashion this season, kept in mind Richardson, who likes to pick colors that complement a customer's natural eye color. "For instance, purple will make green eyes appear more intense and brown eyes bigger, while green paired with hazel eyes produces a beautiful wash of color," she stated. Applying colored lashes will include about 30 extra minutes to the process, as they require more idea in regards to placement. " Eyes are not naturally balanced, one might have more lash density or the lashes might grow in different patterns," stated Richardson. "Colored extensions draw more attention to the eyes and it's pretty visible when one eye holds more color than the other, so the goal is to keep the upper and lower lashes looking even." Another big pattern? Adding extensions to the lower lash line. " A lot of females use eyelash extensions-- black or colored-- on their upper lashes only, but bottom extensions are now getting in appeal as they make your eyes appear bigger by producing balance with your upper lashes." If you haven't ever dyed your hair (in a beauty salon or in the house), coloring it for the very first time can be quite challenging. To the rescue: Hair color specialists Kari Hill, hair color ambassador for L'Oréal Paris, and Tracey Cunningham, Redken's creative specialist for color (and Lily Aldridge's colorist), who shared their expert pointers for what you definitely need to know prior to coloring your hair. 1. Book a 15-minute assessment prior to booking your actual appointment. It's essential to be on the same page with your colorist in terms of what you want, and depending on several elements, real hair color appointments could take as low as an hour to finish, or they could require 2 various consultations. If you schedule a visit without a consultation initially, you'll likely not book it for the proper amount of time you'll require to accomplish the appearance that you desire. That's why Hill says it's an excellent idea to meet with the colorist ahead of time, so you both can choose the look, shade, and strategy that will finest suit you.
2. Decide how often you wish to be coloring your hair prior to embracing your visit. If you do not wish to be doing your roots every 3 weeks, speak out. Hill states having an open dialogue with your colorist will let him or her understand how light or dark to take your hairs, and how much color to put in your hair the very first time. If your colorist knows how frequently you want to come in for touch-ups, they can quickly narrow down the color that you'll really be able to keep. 3. Use Instagram to look into different colorists you may want to go to. Many colorists have Instagram pages and will post before-and-after pictures that you ought to think about when deciding which colorist to go to. Hill suggests doing a little research to see what else they have actually done, which can provide you color motivation if you're not exactly sure what you want. 4. Another excellent resource to utilize when looking for a colorist is an app called StyleSeat. Cunningham recommends using this app when looking for hairdressers in your location to see pictures of their latest work. You can likewise read consumer evaluations and book a consultation if you like what you see. 5. Bring in images of what you desire. Hill says it's hands-down essential to generate photos of the looks you desire. That way, you and your colorist both share your vision. If it's your very first time and you're unfamiliar with coloring terms, bring pictures so that she or he will have the ability to tell you what is required for that look and how much of a dedication it will actually be. 6. If you wish to change your color however aren't actually sure what it is you desire, reveal your colorist pictures of looks you don't desire. If you take a seat in the chair to consult with your colorist and say something like, "I don't know, what do you think?" you could wind up disliking your hair color, since you left the outcome entirely approximately him or her. That's why Hill says it's just as important to know what you don't like as what you simulate, and after that your stylist can then weigh in on what they believe will fit you and your skin tone. 7. Use a hair mask all over your strands the day before you enter to get your color done. This will hydrate your hair and prep it for the grueling color procedure. Hill recommends applying it to your hair and leaving it in for longer than the mask advises to make certain your hair is really hydrated. 8. Do not utilize a box color if it's your first time dyeing your hair. Cunningham states even if package of a semi-permanent color states it washes out in a couple of weeks, the artificial pigment color can stick around in your hair for many years (literally) and is extremely hard to "lift" later if you want to go lighter or add highlights. The majority of colorists can inform when you have actually utilized box color in the past because those areas of your hair tend to turn pink or orange tones when they go to raise the color. This leaves you with irregular hair color and a look you weren't expecting. 9. If you've never colored your hair before, Cunningham recommends getting something simple like a semi-permanent gloss or subtle highlights to boost your natural color. A gloss will add shine to your hair and a bit of pigment that will eventually vanish. Emphasizes that are really subtle aren't high maintenance and will grow out nicely. 10. Coloring your hair can make it more voluminous and much easier to style. Whenever you color your hair, it alters your texture. So if you get a gloss or a single process color, Hill states you might have a simpler time styling it because the color will open up the hair follicle, which will plump it a bit and in turn, make it much easier to develop volume.
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11. After you color your hair, you should change your hair shampoo and conditioner if you wish to preserve it. If you have actually never ever colored your hair prior to, you probably don't already own color-safe hair items. Ensure your shampoo and conditioner are produced color-treated hair. Hill suggests the L'Oréal Paris Advanced Haircare Color Vibrancy Collection. And toss out any clarifying shampoos you 'd typically use, which will strip away your new color. 12. To preserve your hair color, sun security is a must. Hats, scarves, and UV-protection sprays-- Hill suggests you use whatever you need to do to keep your hair color under wraps, do it. Otherwise, your hair color can turn brassy or dull a lot quicker than if it were to fade naturally. 13. You'll likewise require to safeguard your color from ocean or swimming pool water by soaking your hair in routine faucet water before hopping in. Seawater will dry your hair, and chlorine can damage blondes or make brunette colors brassy-- and in some cases turn your blonde a greenish tint. However, if you get your hair damp prior to hopping in (or apply conditioner all over it) as Hill recommends, any holes in the cuticle will be completed, keeping any salt and chlorine from soaking into your hair shaft. 14. You'll need to schedule an appointment for a conditioning treatment after you get back from a bright getaway. A great deal of people want to get their hair done prior to they go on a beach trip, but Hill states to keep in mind that you'll more than likely require a touch-up when you return. 15. It is difficult to approximate just how much a coloring visit will cost. Pricing varies a lot depending upon different elements, such as who you're seeing, what you're having done, and where your stylist is located. That research legwork is up to you!
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alpinesquib · 7 years
In-depth character info
Decided to fill out this chacter sheet (by memesfrommenace) for Vivi!
(Read more if interested, it is pretty lengthy)
FULL NAME: Vivi Donna Bream MEANING: She made it up herself (except for her last name) NICKNAME: Vivi MEANING: The name she chose for herself AGE APPEARANCE: 16 BIRTHDAY: November 24th ASTROLOGICAL SIGN: Sagittarius SPECIES: Inkling GENDER: Female ALLERGIES: None SEXUAL PREFERENCE: ??? THEME SONG(S): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-c_PzJuBXCE
HAIR COLOR: Yellow with purple tips HAIR STYLE AND LENGTH: Shaven on the right side and the tentacles pulled over to the left EYES COLOR: Light orange EYESIGHT: Relatively good HEIGHT: 5′8 WEIGHT: 132Ibs OUTFIT/CLOTHING STYLE: Punk, loose and cut up ABNORMALITIES(TAIL): None DISTINGUISHING MARKS(SCARS,MOLES): She has two scars on her arm SELF CARE(MAKE UP): Mascara and eyeshadow FIRST IMPRESSION ON PEOPLE: Rude, nosey SKIN COLOR: Cucasion BODY TYPE/BUILD: Skinny and tall DEFAULT EXPRESSION: Annoyed POSTURE: Slouches MEASUREMENTS(FEMALE ONLY): PIERCINGS: Yes, one on her nose, two on her right ear and three on her left ear DESCRIBE THEIR VOICE: Ashly Burch (Chlose from life is strange)
MOM: ??? HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Can’t remember DAD: ??? HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Can’t remember SIBLINGS: Lin HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG:  Extremely close, always work as a team and managed to survive on the strrets all the way into an appartment CHILDREN: None HOW WELL DO THEY GET ALONG: Has none OTHER FAMILY MEMBERS: Unsure of PAST LOVER(S): Rejected any confessions CURRENT LOVER: None REACTION TO MEETING SOMEONE NEW: Will tease them and joke about a lot ABILITY TO WORK WITH OTHERS: Not very well, as she’s very head strong and will end up arguing with others if together with them too long HOW SOCIABLE(LONER,ETC): Sociable, but not many people like to talk to her FRIENDS: Lin, Robin, Mint, Vincent, Lucas, Justin, Kat, Ferne PETS: Frequently feeds birds LEAST FAVORITE TYPE OF PERSON: A very joyful person PARENTAL TYPE(PROTECTIVE,ETC): Protective AFFINITY WITH…: Sharks FAVORITE PEOPLE: Party people LEAST FAVORITE PEOPLE: Super happy and blissful people
..WHEN YOU FIRST MEET THEM: Rather intense and teases you a lot ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY LIKE YOU): Become more natural, show more emotions and act genuinely happy ..AS YOU KNOW THEM BETTER(AND THEY DISLIKE YOU): Will become more annoyed and aggressive, beginning to threaten you FAVORITE COLOR: Burgandy FAVORITE FOOD: Hamburger FAVORITE ANIMAL: Bears FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Guitar FAVORITE ELEMENT: Fire LEAST FAVORITE COLOR: Turquoise LEAST FAVORITE FOOD: Salad LEAST FAVORITE ANIMAL: None LEAST FAVORITE INSTRUMENT: Ocarina LEAST FAVORITE ELEMENT: Wind HOBBIES: Practising guitar or the drums, photography, playing games and sleeping USUAL MOOD: Mischievious DRINK/SMOKE/DRUGS: Smoked twice  when she had hit a point and wanted to relieve stress, but doesn’t enjoy the taste too much DARK VERSION OF SELF: Starting fights left right and centre, and alwasy ending them the same way, with a swing of her nail bat and stealing wallets LIGHT VERSION OF SELF: More open and apologetic for her actions, not got a terrible school reputation or grades HOW SERIOUS ARE THEY: Barely CLASS IN AN RPG: Barbarian BELIEVE IN GHOSTS: No (IN)DEPENDANT: Independent SOFT SPOT/VULNERABILITY: Animals OPINION ON SWEARING: Nothing wrong with it DAREDEVIL VS CAUTIOUS: Daredevil MUSIC TYPE: Rock MOVIE TYPE: Action BOOK TYPE: Horror (if she ever reads) GAME TYPE: Action COMFORTABLE TEMPERATURE: 20 SLEEPING PATTERN: goes to bed around 3 and wakes up around midday CLEANLINESS/NEATNESS: Organised but has a small mess about in areas DESIRED PET: Dog HOW DO THEY PASS TIME: Practise playing guitar or the drums BIGGEST SECRET: She’s not a total bitch and just likes to put up a facade to chase people away so she doesn’t get Lin or herself hurt again HERO/WHO THEY LOOK UP TO: her sister Lin WHAT ANIMAL WOULD THEY BE: A fox FEARS: Abandonded buildings, Losing a fight, Losing her only family COMFORTS: Sleeping, reassurance from Lin, Watching sunsets
SAD: Gets really angry and runs off to be alone HAPPY: Gets a boost of confidence and does whatever with her friends to have fun ANGRY: Begins to threaten and warn people to back off AFRAID: Will put on a fake face to hide it and become angry for not being strong enough LOVE SOMEONE: Want to show affection and do romantic things but will be too shy to HATE SOMEONE: Pin them against a wall and threaten them WANT SOMETHING: Begin to beg Lin CONFUSED: Say “...what?”
DANGER: Get ready to fight  SOMEONE THEY HATE WHO HAS A CRUSH ON THEM: Do things purposefully to mess with them PROPOSAL TO MARRY: Be startled, but probably accept DEATH OF LOVED ONE: Complete dissociate from people DIFFICULT GAME/MATH/ETC: Give up INJURY: Hide it SOMETHING IRRESISTABLY CUTE: Gasp LOSS OF HOURS OF WORK: Not care
BIOGRAPHY: Abandonded in the streets when she was only a young squid, Vivi foun herself cold alone until she was discovered by a young octoling named Lin who would become her sister and partner to escape this horrible situation. Although it was a struggle, the two managed to grow up and land an apartment, and now vivi finds herself going to school while Lin works at a certain company, but things are still odd for Vivi. Due to her on edge nature and loud behaviour, Vivi didn’t fit well in school and found herself being pushed to the side and bullied, but growing up on the streets she didn’t back down and fought back, but due to the injuries of one fight everyone views her as a monster who is best avoided. Although it was tough, she adjusted to the loneliness in school, sometimes conversing with Mint who was in a similar position, but she didn’t find herself trying to make friends until Robin came along and changed things up, and although she may not show it all the time, she is thankful to have friends who put up with her behaviour. FIRST APPEARANCE: At the start of the blog
DO THEY TAKE INITIATIVE: Yes HOW DO THEY ACT(SHY,ETC): Shy GENTLEMAN/LADYLIKE VS KLUTZY: Casual and calm GO SLOW VS JUMP INTO: Go slow and cautious PROTECTIVE: Very ACT LIKE FRIENDS OR LOVERS: Act like friends WHAT KIND OF PRESENTS DO THEY BUY: Stuffed toys and clothes TYPE OF KISSER: Passionate (I don’t know what to put so everyone’s passionate DO THEY WANT KIDS: No DO THEY WANT TO MARRY: Eventually if they ever find someone MAKE GOOD OR BAD DECISIONS: ARE THEY ROMANTIC: Somewhat, but they struggle to show it HOW ARE THEY IN BED: GET JEALOUS EASY: Yes WIFE/HUBBY BEATER: No MARRY FOR MONEY: Possibly FAVORITE POSITION: WHAT WOULD HAPPEN ON THEIR DREAM DATE: Actually having someone to go out with OPINION ON SEX:
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