#but a sequel was always going to be a risk...... and i wish they had not played it as safe as they did.
frownyalfred · 2 months
I finished re-reading your Borderline fic! I can’t get enough of it lol 😍 I had some questions, if that’s alright!
What are ur hc for the batfam/jl interactions post everything? Who gets to find out? Chap 9&10 are my fav bc of how protective Bruce’s kids are of him during the whole thing, esp when Jason tells Oliver to back off 😮‍💨 are there anymore interactions like that? Also, just thinking about the outside POV’s of that whole sequence always makes me laugh lol post meeting gossip must have sent the rumor mill on fire
I really really love how you write the protectiveness/possessiveness/attentive the kids are of Bruce. Like the silent running fic? One of my absolute favorites of yours!! Jason being protective about Bruce just isn’t done a lot by the rest of the fandom, or I just haven’t been able to find any of it. I wish there were more 😫 Jason’s ability to hate/glaze Bruce is honestly commendable lmao
Anyways, just wanted to get ur thoughts on it! Hope you have a good night 😊
Thank you so much!! That was one of my favorite scenes to write in that fic, I think for exactly the reason you identified — seeing Jason do a 180 on being angry with Bruce and suddenly turning on anyone who dares to get near his father. The strangeness of seeing Red Hood himself playing bodyguard to the Bat. Nightwing on his other side, doing the same thing — all of those things, all at once in one JL meeting.
I think the sequel to borderline will be full of more of those interactions as Bruce’s promises to the JL come into conflict with his bond and his children. I hope to show more of those awkward moments as the bond turns inwards and those left outside are lost and confused. Worried. And maybe even a little jealous.
I agree that rumors spread like wildfire through the JL and most people will know something is wrong. But the biggest one in my mind is Clark — feeling betrayed by his best friend who didn’t tell him a word about this while it was going on right in front of him.
J’onn gave Bruce the chance to tell Clark himself, but I suspect that time will run out quickly. In my mind, J’onn respects the sanctity of those mental bonds and wants to give Bruce time, but the risk it poses to the JL isn’t something he can ignore forever. A handful of people have access to the JL’s mastermind and strategist’s brain and body at all times…
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inactivewattpadauthor · 4 months
Liu Kang x Friendzoned Reader: Saving Kotal
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This could be a sequel to the chapter you get friend zoned, idk ~~~~~~~~~~~~ Standing aside from the group of Outworlders, you all waited for the three to come back: Liu Kang, Kung Lao, and the one that secretly makes you spite everything, Kitana. Maybe it was a good idea you stayed back. It would've been a shame if the pettiness inside you acted on the intrusive thoughts. You kept everything down though, knowing your feelings weren't important in this matter.
Kitana was to convince Baraka to side up with her to rescue Kotal and defeat Shao Kahn, hopefully all of them weren't shredded down there. It felt awkward being around all these Outworlders too. But no worries, they all return with the allegiance of Tarkata.
Letting out a small smile you went to them. "Glad you guys are back." Glancing mostly at Lao since you were still bitter about the other two. Liu sensed your vibe, awkwardly nodding at Lao before walking off with the princess.
The hat wielder pulls close to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as you two walked closely. "So we all are going to the Kolosseum," You already were aware of the next dangerous leap. "Liu wishes for me to tell you that you don't have to go. It is very dangerous."
You scoff and push away from Lao. "So what? He couldn't tell me himself? Maybe he actually just doesn't want me to go because... of her."
Lao grimaces. "See, this is why he made me speak to you." He murmurs before clearing his throat. "No. He just thinks it wouldn't be fair for you to risk your life for something mostly for Kitana. Though the realms are at stake. But it's up to you if you wish to not participate. He understands."
"I'll go." You sigh. "And Lao," You place a hand on his shoulder. "Don't be his messenger. You're too much of a good friend for that." You walk off.
He smiles at you when you walk away and as you go completely out of sight, his face drops into a frown. "Shit."
---Time Skip To Kolosseum---
You stood far back as Kitana lead the large group to the doors of the caged battle arena. As they were forced open, you could tell any second late, Kotal would've had his head bashed in. Standing back, you could barely hear what the princess and Shao Kahn spoke of.
"-exactly like you, 'father'." That's when the battle began, Kitana striking Shao with her fan blades and everyone else getting into it. You fought smoothly, knocking any foe that approaches off their feet with easy defeat.
Turning your head, you see Liu fighting honorably as well, but it would seem he didn't hear the enemy approaching behind him, readying his sharp weapon. Without any hesitance, you rushed to that swine, heart pumping in fear he would strike him.
You deliver a strong high kick to the back of the opponent's neck, sending the heel of your shoe through, making the swine choke up on his own blood. The sound made Liu jump back and his eyes widen as you pull your heel out, watching in despise as the Shao Kahn follower collapse dead, blood seeping from the hole you caused.
"You came!" Liu looked at you with warmth. "Why?"
"I'd give my life for you." You cross your arms, looking away blankly. You said it so simply, he stands there confused. He always sort of thought you disliked him ever since he had to put you down. The champion would've understood if you resented him all the way, but he was happy you came through.
"I owe you mine's now." Liu bows gratefully to you.
You scoff and roll your eyes. He is confused to why you step towards him until you wrap your arms around him, his mind fading out as everyone else was dying in the background and the audience cheers with glee.
But he smiles and returns your embrace, resting his chin on your head.
You two hugged it out for long up until you hear a pained yell from Kotal. ~~~~~~~~~~~~ I do a little trolling in this chapter lol
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skeedelvee · 2 months
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Ayy! I'm finally trying one of these! Thank you everyone that's tagged me in theirs in the past, I always like getting the notifications so I can check out all of your wonderful WIPs! <3
Doing a few WIPs since I've got a bunch going and I've gotten interest in a few.
First up is Second Moon! This is a sequel to my fic First Moon in which Simon is experiencing his first time transforming into a were-dragon. These fics are inspired by @frjsti 's amazing artwork! The sequel is about his 2nd time transforming and how Simon and Baz handle it differently now they know what they're in for and they've had time to prep for and crave certain fantasies for the next full moon. Here's a snippet of them discussing Baz wanting to bottom this time around:
He’s got his academic face on, as if we were talking about the merits of some new magical theory and not him taking my foot long dragon cock up his arse. “Still, there's a lot of risk involved in this. Even if I don’t destroy your arse, there’s still my claws and my fire breath to worry about. It’s a bit dangerous, innit?” “I thought you were the one to always face danger head on.” “I am, but this really isn’t about me.” “Isn’t it? Listen. If you really don’t want to do this, I won’t press for it, but it’s what I want and I’m not afraid of what might happen. I trust you.” I mull it over for a moment before he adds: “And if you do manage to kill me, please make sure my headstone reads ‘Here lies Tyrannus Basilton Grimm-Pitch. He died doing what he loved: getting railed by Simon Snow’s monster cock.” I snort. “Your father would have my head if I even suggested that.” “Then I’ll have to have it written up in an official will,” he says with a smile. “What will it be then, Snow? Do you want this?” There’s no point lying about it. “Yes. I want it. I want you. You have to promise me though, that you won’t let me hurt you. Don’t muscle through it for my sake. Say your safe word as soon as things turn bad.” “I promise, Simon.”
@stitchy-queerista wanted to hear more about A Good High, so I'll do that one as well!
A Good High is a one shot non-magic college roommate AU where Shepard leaves a pot brownie for Simon on what he thinks is his desk, but is actually Baz's desk. Baz thinks it's a normal brownie from Simon, eats it and gets really high by accident. Simon gets back to the dorm, finds Baz in his current state and has to turn Baz's bad high into a good one. Here's a snippet:
“Have you seen Ratatouille?” I ask as I set up my laptop at the foot of the bed. Baz is hugging his knees to his chest, but he’s lost that panicked look in his eyes. They look sleepy instead, droopy and dark like they are first thing in the morning (it’s very distracting). “I have four younger siblings, of course I’ve seen Ratatouille.” “Right, of course. Well, it always helps me relax, so it might help you,” I say as I make a fluffy pile of pillows to collapse against. “Just try to focus on the movie for a bit and let it melt your anxieties away.” The movie plays and I sit back, kick my feet up, I get immersed in Remi’s story as a start to feel the gummy kick in. I’m so relaxed that I almost forget about how Baz was feeling, but as soon as I do remember, I can’t seem to think of anything else. I watch him out of the corner of my eye. He’s watching the film and his breathing seems relaxed, but there’s something about his face that still looks raw, something about his posture that still seems on edge. I wish I could magically make this better for him. If he were anyone else I’d probably know what to do to cheer him up, but we’ve only just (kind of, sort of) started to get along. I don’t know if I’ve ever truly seen him relaxed before now that I think of it, he even looks tense while he sleeps. Maybe I should just ask him about what would help. “Psst, Baz, can I get you anything? Tea? Or a snack?” “No, I’m fine.” “A blanket?” “No.” He curls in on himself more and I mentally start kicking myself. Fuck, I’m making it worse. I wrack my brains for an idea to make this better, ignoring the little voice in my head telling me to leave well enough alone. Maybe if I got him to laugh that might get him out of this funk. “How about a cuddle then?” It was supposed to be a joke, but I can’t manage to laugh at it. My heart is beating out of my chest as the words leave my mouth. It’s a silly notion, the two of us cuddling, and I know it's something he’d never go for. And part of me is still hoping he’ll think it’s funny and he’ll break into a smile as he laughs it off, but the other part of me is desperate for him to say yes.
And @roomwithanopenfire wanted to hear about my untitled Gareth/Rhys fic, so I'll do that one too
This one is fairly new actually. It's kind of inspired by an outfit of mine actually. A lot of people who have met me IRL will probably have seen me in this, but I like to call it my Gareth as a slutty queer woman cosplay; a black crop top, black short shorts, and a brown belt with a white jaguar enamel belt buckle. I was wearing it recently and thinking about Gareth and thinking about a fem Gareth (I call her Gi in this) wielding the magic thrusting belt buckle, and then I started to write this. It's a getting together story about Gareth and Rhys with mutual pining. It starts with the two of them in their room, unpacking and settling into the space for their 8th year. Gi has her skirt tucked into her underpants and it's a whole thing for Rhys. Here's a snippet:
I can feel myself blush down to my toes. Thankfully, Gi discovers the state of her skirt and is distracted from seeing the full state of my complexion. “Has it been tucked in this whole time?” “Pretty much,” I wince. She snorts and then giggles as she unbuttons the thing and kicks it underneath her bed. I try to keep my eyes above her waist. “I hope my grandma saw. It’s what she deserves for insisting I ‘dress like a lady’ in her presence.” She’s stepping into her school trousers now, she has to do a little wiggle jump to get them over her thick thighs (it’s poetry in the making). “She has seen how you cast spells, right? Surely trousers should be the least of her worries.” “I wear the buckle as a bracelet when the old bat’s visiting. Mum says she has ‘a poor constitution’ and I’ll ‘send her to an early grave’ if I try thrusting spells around her.” Gi does a poor imitation of her mother’s voice, playing up the theatrics for my entertainment. I watch her as she lovingly threads her belt through each of the loops on her trousers, it’s like watching a superhero put on their suit for the very first time. She does a turn in front of the mirror, smiles at her reflection, and then shoots finger guns at herself. I can’t help but smile too. I’m so in love with her, it hurts.
And here’s my belt buckle that inspired this:
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I think most of you have already posted yours for the day, but I'll tag: @bookish-bogwitch @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @aristocratic-otter @roomwithanopenfire @stitchy-queerista @artsyunderstudy @noblecorgi @monbons @rimeswithpurple @ileadacharmedlife @facewithoutheart
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tidaltwilight · 4 months
Scream about Twilight Princess?
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The way the story is handled in the game compared to the manga always makes me tear up.
Anyways. Onto the actual paragraphs.
First things first the relationship between the two Links, Twilight and Time. If you’ve played TP and OoT, you’ll understand where the two follow each other in the timeline.
In this separation of the timeline TP takes place in the Child Era when the Hero/Link(Time) is victorious and is sent back by OoT Princess Zelda. Time goes to warn the royal family about Ganondorf and he is promptly dealt with causing the sacred realm to be protected and preserved.
However, this also caused Ganondorf to be sent to the Twilight Realm(TRealm) during his execution. This was during the time the Sages would send prisoners to the TRealm as a way to get rid of them without actually executing them. He possesses Zant and causes mayhem for Midna and the rest of the Twili, starting TP as a whole.
As we know, Time grows up to be a knight in this timeline. Protecting the royal family and eventually becoming the Hero’s Shade after he dies. A skeleton and wolf spirit used to teach Twilight sword techniques. These techniques would assist the Hero of Twilight in his journey to save Hyrule from Zant and eventually Ganondorf.
Having a past variation of Link teaching that game’s Link is a phenomenal way to connect the stories, not just having the previous variation of Ganondorf as the enemy. A teacher and his student.
Next is the relationship between Midna, Twilight, and Zelda.
I. Love. Their dynamics.
Whether it was in the manga or in the game; the relationships between the three of them are always a chef kiss.
It goes from enemies to friends/lovers. Recovered friendships. Fated ties. The list goes on.
We already know the dynamic between Twilight and Zelda. The Triforce of Courage with the spirit of the hero and the Triforce of Wisdom with the will of the goddess. Forced to forever reincarnate due to the Curse of Demise and Hylia’s will to protect Hyrule and its people.
Zelda wishes to protect her people, keeping a distant hand due to the risks set upon her. Twilight wanting to protect the things he cares about, being the direct driving force besides Midna. There isn’t much interaction between the two, but you can tell their ancient ties come through. It’s especially shown in the manga during Twilight and Midna’s visits to the castle along with the final battle against Ganondorf.
Midna and Zelda have a complex relationship. Midna was a friend lost in the manga, but Zelda knew who she was when they met again. However in the game the two are rulers of Realms they care very dearly about. Midna slowly learns to love the Realm of Light and in turn its people. Zelda sacrifices herself to save Midna, which the Twilight princess never forgets.
They are two sides of the same coin in a sense. Both powerless to what Zant is doing to both realms, but one is actively trying to stop it while the other cannot. Zelda cannot act or else her people are at more risk than they already were. Her kingdom would fall to absolute chaos more than it already was. Midna was torn from her powers, her throne, her people. But once in the Realm of Light she was able to act because she already had one piece of the puzzle.
All Midna needed was someone she could use. And that brings us to her relationship with Twilight.
The two have an incredibly rocky start to say the least. Midna is only using Twilight for personal gain, Twilight only using her as a guide in the twilight as per their agreement. She’s a jerk to him at first and with good reason, she just wants to save her people. However during the journey you see her start to warm up, especially when Zelda sacrifices herself to save Midna. She wants to help Hyrule just like her own realm, willing to sacrifice herself to the greater good.
The two start to become friends, good partners in their journey. In the manga you notice there is some romance occurring on the sidelines. In the game it is there, but not as prominent. Twilight clearly cares about Midna by the end, and you can tell she cares about him too.
It’s sweet, yet sad. Especially considering the three of them have to say goodbye to each other by the end. Midna returns to the Twilight Realm, shattering the Mirror of Twilight in the process as a selfless sacrifice to protect both realms. She leaves Zelda and Twilight in Hyrule with a bittersweet goodbye.
God the freaking story though.
Twilight is a village farmboy who takes care of the kids and the goats. Tasked with delivering a sword to the royal family of Hyrule. In the game he has some trauma that gets explained deeper into the story.
Mans has some s e r i o u s lore.
I digress.
The way Ganondorf is told in this sequel and how the events of OoT play a part in his upbringing in this game. God damn. The strong hatred towards the spirit of the hero and Time. He is out for blood.
I do wish we could’ve gotten more information on the Twili since they’ve been around for a LONG time, but the information we have is just as good. Especially since they’re just descendants of the Interlopers who became a peaceful race just trying to live.
I do hope in future games they tell us more about the Twili and even the Interlopers story. I feel we have a lot to learn especially with that one shrine quest that happened in BOTW. I have yet to check that area in TOTK and honestly I really should.
That’s all. I’m done bye
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secretwhumplair · 8 months
1,430 words | Mirai and the serpent king (sequel to Appraisal)
Content | Slavery, fear, nudity, implied future noncon
Notes | Is there like. A whump equivalent to slowburn. Guys, get on with it.
Mirai gets to be anxious a little longer.
Taglist | @yet-another-heathen @echo-goes-aaa @whumpinator
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Mirai was led away by a servant—another snake, of course, a woman as far as he could tell, patterned in soft reddish hues—along corridors and up ramps into the smallest room he had yet seen in the palace, although it was still big enough to comfortably house what appeared to be a large table, two wardrobes, and along the wall opposite them a cushioned bench. It was also most enclosed, only two doors on opposite sides of it and one narrow window above the bench.
»Sit.« The servant’s accent was heavy, and she smiled at him as she said it, almost enabling him to believe she wasn’t being curt out of annoyance. She pointed at the bench, and he gingerly sat down.
»Wait here. His Majesty come to you. I bring you food.«
Mirai nodded timidly, and the servant left, abandoning him to his thoughts. He was calming down, slowly. He was still terrified of the uncertainty he was now left in, but at least he was no longer right in front of the serpent king and the sharp teeth he had seen there.
He would come, of course, and do whatever he pleased with Mirai, but for the moment, all he could do was be grateful for the opportunity to sit, far more comfortably than he was used to, and remember how to breathe. The horror of his new position was trying to crawl into his bones, but he clung on to the present moment. Bench. Cushions. Quiet. Warmth. Rest. Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
He nonetheless jumped when the door opened again, but it was just the same servant, carrying a silver tablet she put down next to him. A bowl of fruit, a jug of water, both made from precious glass.
The servant gave him another smile. »Eat, drink, as you wish.« She whisked out of the opposite door without seeing him fold his hands in thanks.
He was too hungry to feel anything other than grateful. Most of the fruit were exotic to anywhere he’d been before, but his previous masters had, of course, been rich, so he knew quite a few of them, at least by sight. There even was a small knife to help peel and slice those that needed it, demostrating how helpless he was among the snakes, safe to keep even with a blade.
He started with one of several lychees, then took a drink of the cool water. He could feel some of his anxiety dissipating as he continued eating. A bit of fruit was hardly a full meal, but it certainly soothed the hollow ache in his belly, and he was so grateful. At some point, the servant reappeared to exit the room throught the entrance he had been taken in through, and he took the opportunity to express his silent thanks once more, which she answered with a smile.
Finally there was nothing but peels and seeds left, and he licked sweet juice off his hands, suddenly worried how his new master would react to them being dirtied like this. He used the last sip of water to wash them as best as he managed.
Safely alone in this room, with his belly half-full and the cushions so soft, his soul still exhausted from the agonies of the past days, it was hard not to fall asleep. But he couldn’t risk his master’s first real impression of him to be taken as lazy, ungratefully so even; the king would come for him, the servant had said so, and that was all the information he had to go on.
Unfortunately, staying awake left him to think.
Being examined by a potential buyer was always a horrifying experience. Never was Mirai more conscious of every flaw—especially the big one—than when a stranger decided whether or not to make his current owners happy; and then the alternative to disappointing his owners was facing a completely unknown future. (Well, unknown except for the pain and disregard. These were reliably reoccuring.)
But being examined in this fashion by a creature like this, with fangs and claws and all the power of a king—a creature, too, whose culture he knew nothing about, making it even harder to predict what might happen to him—was worse.
He had been terrified the serpent king might be angry to have overpaid for him, yet the anger, if it was there, had not been taken out on him—at least not yet. He would have to pay for the difference somehow, he was sure of it; why else would he ask him about his price in the first place? It hadn’t even occured to Mirai to lie—his mind was hazy with fear, and even if he had thought of it, he doubted he would have found the nerve.
He had been made to speak. He was used to that being a part of the sales exam, but every time, it seemed to fill his stomach with stones. He had been trained very well to stay silent, to spare his masters the loathsome sound of his voice, and speaking felt like an act against better knowledge, an unwise decision in the face of one who could sway his whole fate.
The serpent king hadn’t reacted with the disgust or anger he had come to expect, though. He’d barely reacted at all. Maybe he was assured in the trader’s promise that Mirai knew how to keep quiet.
He wondered whether he would feel the king’s teeth and claws sometime soon.
He wondered whether he would be suffocated amid the coils of a body far stronger than his.
He had to pull himself together; he couldn’t go indulging his worst imaginations, not when reality was already so bleak, or he would lose his mind. It was hard, and he couldn’t simply swallow his fear as much as he wished to, but he had been given food, and an opportunity to rest, even if he couldn’t sleep. Maybe this new master wouldn’t be worse than everything he’d known. Maybe he would persevere.
Breathe. Breathe. Breathe.
Mirai started again when the door opened, only to reveal the servant once more.
His relief was quickly smothered by a cold wave of terror when this time, she held the door for the serpent king.
His new master. Mirai didn’t know what was expected of him, so he slid down onto his knees; it seemed the safest bet.
The serpent king’s eyes immediately locked onto him. »Stand.« There was a smile on his face, but it was too small for Mirai to have any faith in it being a harbinger of good mood, let alone of his being pleased.
So Mirai stood, keeping his eyes cast down, only glimpsing up through his lashes to see the servant open the left wardrobe to reveal an arrangement of racks, and help the king take off his jewellery, each priceless golden piece put into its designated place with practiced speed.
»Undress,« the serpent king said to Mirai while she was at work, with the same soft voice he had already used during the exam; Mirai did not know what to make of it, whether it was a matter of accent or hiding who knew what cruelties or, dare he hope, being used in genuine kindness.
He nodded, folding his hands to show his deference. He knew all to well no one wanted to hear his voice.
The serpent king, however, stilled at the gesture, and Mirai felt his heart freeze with fear. Had he done wrong? What punishment could a creature like this imagine?
»Come, speak.« The serpent king’s voice was still soft, but maybe Mirai simply was yet to learn his inflections.
»Yes, Master.« The best he could do was obey, regardless. Even if the order was speak. And of course, he had known he’d have to undress. He took off his tunic once more, holding it uncertainly for a moment.
»Just leave it anywhere,« the serpent king said, but behind his back, the servant pointed at the bench and smiled when he neatly put it there.
The king took off his crown himself, of which Mirai took note. Do not touch the crown. Thus being completely bared, the wardrobes doors closed and inconspicuous once more, he turned to the servant with a little nod. »You may leave.«
»Your Majesty.« The servant bowed and vanished, leaving Mirai alone with his new master.
»Come with me.« Obediently, he followed the serpent king through the opposite door from where he had entered. What else could he do?
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morrisxn02 · 3 months
✍︎ @freddiekolbeck
When he was 15, Edward made a bet against himself that he could read The Brothers Karamazov. It was one of those silly little gambles that self-conceited teenagers make to prove to themselves that they really are that smart. Long story short, after two long months, Eddie finished the book and was left feeling rather frustrated at the end. Not only because he did not understand a great portion of the novel (turns out, 15-year-olds are not the most equipped audience to comprehend the nuances of a 19th-century Russian epic), but he also kind of wished there was more. A follow-up.
And that was how their last conversation ended. The epilogue of a novel that demanded a sequel. Maybe, like with The Brothers Karamazov, that was more his own need for a continuation, than a real narrative necessity. Perhaps, things would be better off bookended. Freddie’s back to him as he walked out. His fatalistic words – I wanted you to be more upset than I was, but that seems to backfire so, let’s just call it a day – left hanging. Forever. But the ones that came right before – You know me better than that. Even at my worst – have haunted him since… What are we even fighting for?, implying that there was something they were fighting for. That their fight wasn’t pointless. Well, it had never been for Edward. But he couldn’t stop thinking about how that meant that there was something in it for Freddie too...
With everything that happened in the days that followed, though, he had no time or energy to think about talking to Freddie again. Greer’s now very likely death, the only thing in his mind, draining him like a black hole.
But a couple of weeks have passed now. The feeling of inertia over the situation finally settling in again. And, with it, a little more mind space to focus on other things that consumed him. Namely, Freddie Kolbeck.
It was easy to ignore it when they were apart – well, not exactly ignore in the sense that he could pretend the thoughts didn’t cross his mind but ignore in the sense that he could push them aside and tell himself that there was nothing he could do about it. Now, with Freddie back at Ogden, where they were bound to cross each other's paths sooner or later, Edward would be possessed by an urge to talk to him, like water simmering in his chest, whenever he saw him around. Sometimes, that simmer reached boiling point. Sometimes, it outright exploded. But other times, it just stayed there, very close to bubbling up, until he found a way to turn the heat down...
This is not one of those times.
Smoking behind one of the arts buildings, silently contemplating nothing, Edward sees him in the distance, making his way toward Waverly. He just watches for a moment. A pace he’d so often have to slow down a little to match – Freddie always complaining that he walked too fast. He shouldn’t go after him. He should let it go. Let it die. Maybe it would be best for the two of them…
He can’t really bring himself to believe that, though. Not when the words still echo in his mind. What are we even fighting for? And, when the doors to Waverly swing open and Freddie disappears inside, Edward lets the simmer boil.
In an instant, he is at Freddie’s door. He doesn’t catch up to him. He doesn’t want to have a conversation in public again and risk it escalating into yet another argument. So, instead, he gives him enough time to enter his dorm before he knocks on the door. And when Freddie opens it, Eddie greets him not with a hello, but with a low, “Can we talk?”
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archoniluthradanar · 1 year
After the Confrontation Part Two : Aro's confession to the Guard
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After the Confrontation Part Two : Aro's confession to the Guard
This one-shot details how Aro feels about leaving the Cullens on the Field of Snow less than a week later. He, Marcus, and Caius all feel the Guard are entitled to know why the Cullens and their witnesses were left to go home unscathed.
Be sure to read "After the Confrontation" first. This is a mini sequel to that fic.
Once everyone had returned to Italy and their castle home in Volterra, Felix and Demetri had changed from their battle dress, donning more leisurely clothing. They sat in the training room, neither wanting to say anything about the confrontation with the Olympic coven. They were soon joined by Jane and Alec who sat apart from the other two guards. They glanced at each other, but none of the four guards favoured most by Aro spoke.
Finally, Felix broke the silence. "Jane, what do you think of Master Aro's decision?
Jane looked at Felix, unused to being confronted by anyone, her gift terrifying to any vampire. Felix had already felt her power when he had once questioned her orders while they were in Seattle, America.
Before answering the tall guard, Jane looked over at Alec, her hand resting on his. Alec had always been there for her, supporting and praising her. He nodded at her, his fingers curling around his sister's.
Jane gazed at Felix, raising her chin in the air. "We could have easily defeated the Cullens and their witnesses."
"So you think Master Aro made the wrong decision?" Demetri wasn't sure how he felt, but if the battle had been stopped before it had started, there had to be a good reason. Alice Cullen had approached Aro and let him read her. A few minutes later, he had released her hand, his expression strange. What had he seen, Demetri wondered.
"I just wish Aro would tell us something," Felix murmured. "Anything."
One by one, the lower guards had joined their superiors, standing around the room, alone and silent, or in small groups whispering together.
"Maybe Master Aro knew we could defeat the Cullens, but didn't want to destroy his old friend," Afton suggested.
Chelsea reached over and smacked her mate. "Surely, my love, you don't feel Aro would let the law be flouted merely for friendship! Immortal children are too great a risk to our kind."
"What about the spoken rule, we give no second chances," Santiago remarked.
Heidi huffed. "What has the confrontation with the Cullens have to do with that? Master Aro believed them guilty of a crime. When he found out there was no crime, he still expected them to explain the child and any threat she might be. When he found there would be no threat, he let them all go. Master Aro is a man of justice, as the rest of the Volturi should be viewed."
Many of the vampires murmured their agreement with Heidi.
Just then, Caius entered the room, able to hear the guards even from a distance. He knew they were unhappy running out on a fight. Hadn't he been also?
"Aro wishes for everyone to gather in the audience hall in thirty minutes." The blonde vampire felt the guards staring at his back as he left the training room. Aro had ordered him to say nothing more to them.
The guards entered the more modern, larger audience hall that was reserved for such meetings and special affairs. They stood in relation to the circular wall, all facing the dais where the three masters now sat. Aro greeted the guards.
"Welcome, everyone. I have asked you all here to explain my actions on the Field of Snow. I have heard your vocalizations, but I will leave your thoughts to yourselves. I know many of you feel it displayed cowardice to leave the Cullens unpunished, but..." Aro stood from his chair, and stepped down the stairs while holding out his hands. "...had any of them committed a crime?"
Some of the guards were visibly happy to hear they would be left alone. They had feared Master Aro would want to read each one of them, their thoughts being less than complimentary.
"The reason I did not continue any attack on the Cullens is because Alice Cullen showed me a vision of our future if we continued on that path. In that vision, I saw our coven nearly destroyed. Only a handful remained. And I saw not only the final deaths of Masters Marcus and Caius, but myself."
The guards looked shocked at Aro's words. How could this be, they defeated instead of the other way around?
Aro walked up to Jane and Alec. "My dear, you and Alec are like my own children. I not only sired you, but I have watched you both grow in power." He touched her smooth cheek. "Seeing you die in Alice's vision...I could not let that happen for the sake of my pride." He turned to the group of his fellow coven members, his voice raised for effect. "I could not let that happen to any of you."
"Master Aro, how do you know it was not some sort of trick devised by the Cullens. How do you know the vision was real?" Santiago was unaware that in Alice's vision, his final death came from the actions of one of the shapeshifters. Aro had seen that as if he had been there.
Aro replied to his guard's query. If only he had the ability to show them all the horror he had seen. "Santiago, before I myself had been dispatched in the vision, I saw Alec, Demetri, and Jane destroyed in their own fashion. Caius, Marcus and so many others of you killed by the Cullens, their witnesses, and their guard dogs. Not to say you all didn't get your fair share of their side, but does the desire alone to defeat an enemy outweigh the survival of our coven? Caius, you still wanted to fight, feeling insult in the presense of the shape shifters. I could not tell you then how unimportant that had become compared to your impending destruction. We don't always agree, brother, but we serve the Volturi together, and that makes you as important to the coven as myself." He took several steps across the floor, his hands clasped together. "I trust Alice's gift enough to want her to join us. Why would I doubt the veracity of her vision."
Aro remembered the scenes so clearly. It had felt absolutely real, even up to the moment of his own approaching death by fire. When he had been pulled from the vision, he realized it had been only that, but Aro was shaken all the same. He had looked at the Cullens and his own people, still very much alive. But the feeling he had at losing everything remained with him.
"Regardless of what you may think of me, there is no way I will be able to share with you what I saw. It was either accepting your final deaths, or allowing the Cullens to leave in peace, ourselves surviving to return home."
The guards began to murmur among themselves. Perhaps they had judged Master Aro too harshly. It was believe him, or see the ancient vampire as a coward. None of them truly believed that. Aro had led the Volturi for thousands of years. Were they not the creators and enforcers of vampire law? Were they not the strongest coven, and the most feared?
Jane walked over to Aro, and after waiting a half minute, impulsively hugged him. When she pulled away, she looked up at her sire. The two spoke to one another without one word between them, such was their relationship.
Aro reached to brush her chin with his fingers, giving her a light kiss on her lips. He looked around the large room, knowing his people believed him and no longer thought ill of him.
To prove that point, Felix took a few steps toward his leader. "Master Aro, we of the guard respect your decision, now that we know there was a reason we left the Cullens and their witnesses alive. There is no purpose in fighting if you end up losing everything you have."
Aro nodded at his executioner. "Thank you, my friends. You may go now." Aro turned back toward the dais and returned to his chair.
Aro, Marcus, and Caius remained in the audience hall, waiting for the guards to leave. Some looked back at Aro with a new appreciation for the vampire who led them with such resolute determination. They now knew he would do nothing to put any of them at risk as each was integral to the strength of the coven.
When the hall was empty of all except the three Volturi masters, Aro stood and faced his brothers. "I believe they all understood," he said, his expression one of equanimity. His coven was intact. The leadership was secure. Aro was worried about Marcus, however, his one wish now exposed. Marcus had wanted to experience final death. To keep Marcus with the coven, Aro had to sacrifice his beloved sister, Didyme. This action had literally changed Marcus and dulled his desire to live. Aro decided he would have many, many years to make it right for his true brother. Somehow.
@lucansmina @camilavgalaxy-blog
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hollyethecurious · 5 months
CS WIP Wednesday Challenge
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Thank you to @captainswanwipwednesdays for putting together this challenge!
Prologue Challenge (pre-week one)
Post a list of your current WIPS with the last line you wrote/posted from each.
(I decided to only include fics currently residing in my WIP folder and not any from the Back Burner, Plot Bunny, or Wild Hair folders)
Pan Says... (posting)
From Part Nine:
“I’m sorry, love,” he said, holding her close to his chest once more. “Of course we’ll get that chance. We’ll have an entire lifetime to say all the things that need to be said. They’ll find us. Of that I’m certain. They’ll never stop fighting for us. And neither will I.” “Good.”
CS Grimm AU (for this year's @cssns)
“In over my head?” he said in feigned offense. “I’ll have you know, love,” he murmured in a low timber, edging a bit closer to her. “If there is one thing I’m good at… it’s surviving.” “Mhmm,” Emma hummed, meeting his taunting expression of challenge with one of her own. “Well, I’m going to insist that you stop by afterward in order to prove that to me.” He smiled down at her, another message alerting from his phone, indicating it was past time for him to go. “As you wish.”
CS Land Run AU
Hadn’t he promised his brother no more fighting, no more gambling, no more unsavory activities? Hadn’t he promised they would make a fresh start of things here in America? A fresh start required funds, though. Should he win his bouts, the purse would more than cover their expenses for the next several weeks, providing them a cushion of resources whilst they settled in and began to build a life here. Besides, hadn’t his brother always told him that a man unwilling to fight for what he wanted deserved what he got? Killian was willing to fight for the future he and Liam dreamed of obtaining in this new land. It had been worth the risk when he’d wagered on getting them here, so was it not worth the risk now? “Well, lads,” he said, standing once more and donning his hat. “What time is the match and who do I pay?”
Mob Sequel
She glanced back at him, his expression telling her his gratitude was for more than just her willingness to deal with Hyde and get them breakfast. The melancholy in his eyes tore at her heart. She wanted to protect the sanctity of his cabin for as long as she could, allowing him to have these moments of vulnerability until duty dictated he put on his armor and face the day without any visible weaknesses. “Take all the time you need,” she told him, waiting until he disappeared into the washroom before opening the door.
Enchanted Forest AU
Uncontrollable laughter filled the cabin, first guffawed by Emma and quickly met with Hook’s own chortles, the ridiculousness of the entire conversation hitting them both full force. Once they’d both calmed themselves back down, Hook yawned and said, “I know you have many more questions, love, and I promise to answer each and every one of them as best I can, but… perhaps we could continue to do so in the morning? I have a feeling tomorrow will bring a new set of challenges for us, and I, for one, would rather face them well rested than not, if it’s all the same to you.” “Of course,” Emma replied with a yawn of her own. “You’re right.” “Good night, Swan.” “Good night… Hook.”
Curious about any of my WIPS/posted works? Come Ask Me!
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lexyvey · 2 years
Stranger Things Fic Recommendations
These last few months I've been reading a LOT of ST fan fiction and just wanted to spread word on some of my all-time favorite fics. Most are primarily steddie, but what can I say? I'm a sucker for those two lol.
Completed Fics:
without a flashlight in the dark by jurassicqueer (kukurosaki)
Takes place in s1 where Steve gets dragged into the Upside Down instead of Barb. By far one of my favorites. 10/10 recommend. It's a completed work with a little over 8,000 words and I wish I could read it for the first time again and again. Beautiful!
flight risk by Ayes, itskleo
This is probably one of the most popular ones on my list, but if you haven't read it yet, please, please, please check it out! The writing is phenomenal and these guys really know how to write a story (also the art that accompanies each chapter is just too freaking good). I've also been reading However Wild by them and it's really good as well but I digress. Steve is famous rockstar Eddie Munson's bodyguard and no matter how hard Eddie tries to shake Steve, he just can't. Then he figures out he doesn't really want to shake him off anymore... and need I say more? Go read it!
Black Out Days (Fairground Nights) by OonionChiver
Oooh the angst in this fic just doesn't stop. I absolutely love it. It's a completed work and a total binge read, though with almost 140,000 words there's no way you can get through it quick enough. It also kind of f'ed me up emotionally and I'm so glad it did. The fic is pretty much steddie to the max and I absolutely loved it. I feel like it's impossible to not want to reread it after finishing btw, so you've been warned in advance lol.
paradise by the dashboard light. by oaseas
another completed steddie fic at 154,000 words. Steve's car constantly needs fixed due to the Upside Down stuff and Eddie is the one always having to fix it up. Steve's nail bat is an "art project" and that just cracks me up. This fic is a beautiful slow burn with lots of pining. I'm in love.
smoke signal by Adure
Adure is possibly one of the strongest authors I've ever come across on ao3. This one shot was just phenomenal to read. I loved reading outlaw Eddie in this. It was just so well done. aaaahhh, just thank you so much to Adure for this one. I'm forever indebted to you.
New York Hardcore by CaptainHoney
Probably the best Punk Steve fic there is, or at least in my opinion. It's just a 7,418 word one-shot, but that's all you need because it's such a satisfyingly whole read. however... if you do want more (and you will) then you're in luck because it's part of a series including an Eddie POV as well as a sequel one shot.
Jackrabbit Underneath by Grey_Lark
Probably one of my favorite Steve has powers fics. He has empathic powers, but doesn't know it, and that's just funny to me. This one is definitely not steddie and romance is not what the goal of this fic is, but the interactions with Tommy and Carol truly make it chef's kiss. It's incompleted but has over 210,000 words of content to tide you over until the next update. It's probably one of the most beautifully written fics I've ever come across.
Our Love to Admire by hibud
UGGGHHH, I'm literally dying to read more it's so good. Another Steddie fic that takes place after s4. It's one of my favorite tropes: enemies to lovers, but the author provides background as to why they don't get along and I just love it! It's also incomplete, but updates regularly. There's already over 200,000 words of poetic writing to satisfy you until the next update.
If I Ever Leave (You're Coming With Me) by roughvoiced, Sharpbutsoft (BuckysButt)
It's giving The Outsiders kinda vibes and I honestly wish there were more fics like this. I'm also a sucker for blonde Steve, though I had no idea until reading this. Eddie is still wanted for murder, but Steve manages to make them both disappear together on a road trip before Eddie gets arrested. Currently it's only 3 chapters in with 37,599 words, but so much has already happened and I just love it.
better by you, better than me by palmviolet
Eek! Another Steddie fic where Eddie is involved in all the Upside Down stuff since s1. Currently in the middle of s2 with 110,000 words in. The character development in this story is just top-notch. I swear this couldn't have been done any better. Can't wait for the next chapter.
Just Close Your Eyes ( the sun is going down ) by httphimbo
A hunger games au fanfic with steddie. I don't even know how I managed to come across this, but I'm so glad I did. I just remember going, hey that's a TS lyric so it's gotta be good, and then immediately getting hooked by the storyline. Every chapter leaves me on the edge of my seat. I'm so gone for this one guys. It's a WIP, but there's already over 25,000 words and it's a little over half-way in.
Please feel free to lmk any other fic recommendations through reblogs, comments, etc. I eat these fics up like breakfast and am always open to new suggestions. Might even update the list as I find new gems to add to the list :)
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Btw do you want more controversial Star Wars opinions?
The Sequel Trilogy "Trio" (I struggle to call them that since they're not even all together until THE LAST MOVIE) have less personality than their villains. And no actual character arcs. Especially Rey, who never actually struggles with anything or even risks falling to the Dark Side at any point whatsoever.
Oh I always want more controversial Star Wars opinions. Consider this a permanent thing on my blog, much like the fanfics.
The Sequel Trilogy "Trio" is so shady, I kinda love it. Shots fired.
Okay, so my reaction: I agree and disagree. I love The Sequel Trilogy, it's why I'm such a huge SW fan. I never 'got' Star Wars until I saw The Force Awakens in cinemas, and it just made something go *click* in my head.
However, nothing is above criticism. I do think that the ST trio were unfortunately a bit of a missed opportunity. Compare them to Han, Luke, and Leia. Or even Padme, Anakin, and Obi-Wan.
Also, yes. Hux, Ren, and Phasma (to use a contrasting 'evil trio') have more personality than the heroes.
But. That's a common issue across a lot of media. Villains just get to be more fun to watch.
The character arc issue... yeah, I'll agree. I am still mad that Finn's arc was such a let-down, Poe never really grew or changed, and I wish we'd seen Rey being more seduced by The Dark Side. She's Palpatine's granddaughter FFS.
I think a lot of the disappointments in The Rise Of Skywalker (and I do actually like TROS!) were a result of Carrie Fisher's passing. Love or hate Han and Luke in The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi, but they had an obvious plan for each of the sequel films to focus on the journey's end of each member of the OT trio. But, sadly, The Rise of Skywalker couldn't do that for Leia. So I would assume a lot of things had to be scrapped or changed.
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grizzlyofthesea · 11 months
My FNAF Movie Experience
I was so excited to see the FNAF movie on opening night. I had my mom with me, we had our snacks, and of course, my costume:
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I'd been waiting for this for over 8 years. The hype was real--and not just for me. I only saw one other person in full costume (dressed as Afton), but plenty of others brought their plushies and wore their best merch.
Did the movie live up to this massive anticipation?
For me, yes. It has flaws, but as a tribute to the FNAF fanbase, I adore it.
There were so many nods to the fandom. Here are the ones I can remember off the top of my head:
Dream Theory appearing as a book Mike reads
Chica's Magic Rainbow being the mascot/logo of an ice cream place at the mall
The Balloon Boy jumpscares. Annoying (but surprisingly effective) every time, just like the real BB.
Afton (as Steve) over the phone telling Mike, "See you on the flipside," referencing the "Phone Guy is Purple Guy" theory
Sparky/Fetch appearing as a spare suit
CoryxKenshin making a cameo as the taxi driver (My theater FREAKED OUT at this.)
Matpat making a cameo as the waiter at the diner, even saying his famous line, "But hey, that's just a theory." (Again, the audience was very pleased.)
The aforementioned diner being called Sparky's
TLT's FNAF song playing during the end credits
The animatronics were, of course, stunning. I mean, it's the Jim Henson company. Of course they were going to be awesome. (Oh, and Bonnie gets a plaid tie instead of just plain red. Adorable.) The actors inside the costumes did really well, too, mimicking their slow, deliberate, robotic movements. Except Foxy. He wasn't played by a suit actor at all, probably because of his skinny legs. So for that, massive props to the puppeteers. Oh, and his little "dum diddly dum" song? Kellen Goff sings it here. Amazing work from Mr. Goff as always.
I know some people were disappointed by the lack of on-screen gore, but honestly, I like how the violence was handled. FNAF has always been relatively blood-free, so it's only fitting. And honestly? That silhouette of Freddy biting Max in half was chilling, and I think it wouldn't have been nearly as good if we had seen it in full.
The horror as a whole was on the tame side, but it was still enough to spook my mom. Take that for what you will.
The Balloon Boy jumpscares were hilarious. So was Mr. Cupcake. The fact that Mr. Cupcake was the biggest threat out of the main animatronics was kind of awesome. Goofy? Heck yeah. But it's so silly that, at least for me, it loops back to being awesome.
Mike and Abby had an adorable sibling dynamic, and I am SO GLAD that Vanessa didn't end up as a love interest for Mike. Mike communicating with the children's spirits and taking damage from them through his dreams isn't something I expected, but I found it interesting. The Golden Freddy kid being the de facto leader of the missing children (and a manipulative little troll) was very fitting, too.
Art, specifically children's drawings, was a notable focus of the movie; the drawings seemed to symbolize communication, imagination, and escapism. I thought this was a creative way to incorporate the children's drawings that we've seen in the background since the first FNAF game.
Matthew Lillard as William Afton/Spring Bonnie/Springtrap doesn't get enough screentime, but he absolutely kills it when he's in the spotlight. I just wish there was more of him. Same goes for the animatronics.
Overall, while this isn't a perfect film, I love it so, so much. I can't wait to see what the future holds in terms of sequels, too; at the very end of the credits, "My Grandfather's Clock" plays, and a Speak 'n' Spell spells out "C O M E F I N D M E." FNAF 2 and the Puppet are at the very least being teased!
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Foxtrot Alpha Alpha - Chapter 11
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Pairing: Hangman x Female OC
Word Count: 3687
Warnings: Drunk driving, underage drinking, death, car wreck, grief, implied depression, swearing
Summary: Hangman learned his lesson a long time ago to never show his true feelings when someone's words or actions hurt him. To do so showed weakness that could be exploited, and Seresin men couldn't show weakness. Of course, there was an exception to every rule, and Jake's always came in the form of women, three in particular: his mom, Juliette Kazansky, and the girl whose name he could no longer bring himself to speak. She was the girl that got away; she was his biggest 'what if' and his biggest regret; she would forever be the ghost that haunted his dreams. Jake believed that's where she'd stay, for he would surely never see her again after what he did.
Or so he thought.
Notes: This is the sequel to India Lima Yankee; I'm using the same callsign for the Female OC as in Ghost Story because I just really like it, but they are different characters; chapters in italics are flashbacks.
Chapter Songs: Highway Don't Care People Need People
The sun had set long ago behind the horizon, but the bright moonlight and the massive bonfire in the middle of the field provided plenty of light for Jake to see his football buddies. They were celebrating the last night they'd all be together. Most of them had been drinking, mainly beer, although some had brought harder stuff, like tequila and vodka. Jake refrained from the libations. He would do nothing to risk his career with the Navy, no matter how much his friends pressured him into trying a sip. 
Annalise hadn't been able to make it as she was returning from a trip to New Orleans, where she'd gone on a family vacation. 
Jake watched as his friends drank and drank, getting rowdier by the hour. He only wished Mike, who had driven him there, had stayed sober too. Otherwise, it would be a long walk home. He could always call his mom, but he hated to wake her up. Not to mention, his dad would be furious if Jake woke him from his beauty sleep.
The night hit two a.m. before Mike finally decided to call it quits. He staggered over to Jake, fumbling for his keys and slurring, "Less go."
"Uh, why don't I drive, man? You're drunk as a skunk," Jake replied, reaching for the keys. Mike pulled them out of his grasp.
"Hell no. No one drives Bridget. Only me."
"Then I'm not getting in the car with you."
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"How the hell you gonna get home? By walkin'?"
"Better than in a body bag," Jake retorted. "Come on, Mike. It's a straight shot down the road to your house, and it's max, three miles. No one's on the roads. I can drive Bridget no problem."
"N. Oooooo. Thas spells nooooo," Mike replied indignantly. "You ain't drivin' my fuckin' truck."
"Then I'm not getting a fucking ride with you. I value my life."
"Fine. Walk home, dickwad."
Jake flipped him off and started the four-mile trek home. He grimaced at the sound of thunder rumbling in the distance, followed by the flashing of menacing lightning. That storm appeared to be rolling in fast if the breeze caressing his skin was anything to go by. Jake wouldn't beat it before he reached home, even if he jogged the entire way there. Maybe he should call his mom...
Reluctantly, Jake pulled out his cell phone and texted Natalie Seresin, asking her to pick him up and praying her insomniac ways held true tonight and that she was up. Thankfully, her response was almost immediate: Of course I can. Where are you?
Giving her instructions on how to reach him, Jake breathed a sigh of relief as he leaned against a tree and waited for her. His senses remained keenly aware of every noise and sight around him. Jake was armed with two pocket knives, a trick Annalise had convinced him would possibly save him if anyone ever attacked. She claimed if the attacker disarmed him with the first knife, the last thing they'd expect is for Jake to whip out a second one. She'd said it so confidently that he believed her logic, whether it was true or not.
Hardly ten minutes later, headlights appeared in the distance, and his mom soon pulled over, allowing him to hop in. Jake settled into the seat and said, "Thank you, Mom. I'm sorry you had to come pick me up. Mike was drinking, and I didn't feel comfortable getting in the car with him."
"You made a good call, sweetie. Never apologize for asking me to pick you up, especially under those circumstances. Did you at least have fun until then?"
Jake shrugged, rolling his window down to get some fresh air. His mom did the same while he said, "Yeah, it wasn't bad. Would've been more fun if Annalise had been there, but she got back from her trip today and wasn't up to it."
"Honey, when are you going to ask her out? You two are practically inseparable. Even when you're not together, you're texting each other and-"
"Moooom," Jake groaned, sliding down into the seat. "We're just-"
"Friends? Jake Glen Seresin, do you really expect me to believe that? Especially with the heart-eyes you give her-"
"Who taught you the term heart-eyes?"
"Your girlfriend," Natalie Seresin chuckled, squinting at the brights of a car coming from the opposite direction.
"She's not my girlfriend!"
"Keep telling yourself- SHIT!"
It happened so fast that Jake had no time to comprehend the situation or its outcomes. The oncoming truck drunkenly swerved into their lane. Natalie had nowhere to go. The vehicle hit theirs, flipping them over the guard rail and into the river below. Jake instinctively covered his head with his arms, only unraveling them after the jarring impact of the truck hitting the water. Dazed, he glanced around, trying to grasp the situation. The cold water spilling into his lap shocked him back to his senses. The bright moonlight illuminated the inside of the sinking vehicle, including his unconscious mother, slumped over the steering wheel with a dark substance covering the side of her face. Jake swiftly unbuckled himself and tried to do the same, but the mechanism wouldn't work. Panicked, he whipped out his knife and furiously cut through the tough material until the strap severed. By now, the water was at their chins and rapidly covering their faces. By the time he maneuvered himself and his mom out of the window, both they and the truck were completely submerged.
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"Give her to me!" A man shouted frantically when Jake surfaced. He noticed blue and red lights on the bridge and put two and two together. He handed his mom to the cop and followed him to the embankment. Sirens in the distance could be heard speeding toward them, and within seconds, an ambulance, fire truck, and more cop cars arrived. EMTs swiftly loaded Natalie Seresin onto a gurney, and Jake insisted he go with them, declaring he was fine. Whether that was true or not, he didn't know, but he knew one thing: his mom wasn't.
"Mom? Mom, can you hear me?" Jake begged, grabbing her hand while the EMTs tried to stabilize her. A cop car followed, and when they arrived at the hospital, a policeman halted Jake to get a statement of what had happened.
"My mom, she- she picked me up from a party, and the truck, it-it swerved into our lane and hit us- is my mom going to be all right?" Jake asked worriedly, running a hand through his hair anxiously. "Oh, God..."
"Easy, son. Why don't you take a seat?" The policeman said gently, placing a guiding hand on Jake's shoulder and leading him to a chair. Jake collapsed into it. "Do you have someone you'd like to call?"
"My dad and brothers. They'll-" Jake's heart constricted in fear. His dad would be irate over the situation. The truck might've been at fault, but the accident never would've happened if Jake hadn't called his mom to pick him up. This was his fault, and he dreaded the consequences. Still, he had to tell him. 
"Why don't I call them for you? Do you have a phone number?" the cop requested, almost like he could read Jake's train of thought.
"Yes, sir." He rattled off the number, and the cop went to make the call. Jake braced his elbow on his knees and buried his face in his hands, terrified for his mom's wellbeing. If he lost her...
Jake could've sworn only seconds passed before he heard his dad and brothers hollering his name. He glanced up in a daze to see them running up to him. His dad grabbed ahold of his shoulders and demanded, "What the hell happened?"
Jake stammered out the story, terrified by the craze in his dad's eyes. Thankfully, before Michael Seresin could berate him, the cop approached along with a doctor. The men straightened up, impatiently awaiting the news. His mother was in critical condition, but they could visit her two at a time. Michael immediately moved first, but Jake remained seated, knowing he was the last person his dad wanted to go with him.
"You go with Dad," Matt told Nick, sitting beside Jake. "I'll wait here with him."
No one argued. Jake slumped in the chair and stared at the ceiling, blinking back tears. Matt cleared his throat and said, "How you holdin' up?"
Jake didn't respond, not entirely trusting his voice. Matt recognized this and continued. "You were always closest to Mom. Whatever happened, whatever Dad says, I know it's not your fault."
"It is, though," Jake whispered shakily. "I asked her to pick me up. If I'd just sucked it up and walked home, this wouldn't have happened."
"In the middle of the night during a torrential thunderstorm?" Matt glanced out a window nearby when lightning flashed. A thunderclap soon followed, shaking the building. "It would've been dangerous, and Mom would be sick with worry."
"But she'd be safe."
"You boys want to see her?" Michael asked, uncharacteristically pale and quiet. Matt and Jake nodded, standing up and heading to Natalie's room. Matt entered first, but Jake hung back, wondering if he really wanted to see what he'd done to his mom, to see what shape he'd put her in. How could he have done this? How could he have been so selfish as to ask her for help when he put himself in the position he had?
But what if this was his last chance to see her? What if Natalie didn't make it through this? The more he played the crash and rescue over in his head, the more Jake realized the dark substance he'd seen on her face had been blood. The memory made him nauseous.
With lead feet, Jake moved forward, determined to see his mom despite the guilt threatening to drown him. He'd barely crossed over the threshold when the heart monitor flatlined. Jake distantly heard himself yelling for his mom, rushing toward her only to be blocked by Matt, who practically carried his brother out of the room while nurses and doctors swarmed Natalie Seresin to resuscitate her. 
For what felt like hours, Jake watched the medical team try and revive his mom, but at 5:02 a.m., the doctor pronounced her dead. Jake collapsed in a chair, sobs wracking his body. A nurse tried to console him, but her kind words were lost. He'd lost his best friend, the only person in his family who Jake truly believed loved and cared for him. Now, she was gone, and he was on his own. Jake would never see her heartwarming smile or hear her contagious laugh; he would never get to talk to her when he had exciting news or needed to vent; he would never get his mom's comforting hugs or hear her screaming at his football matches.
His mom was gone.
How long he sat there with Matt and Nick, Jake couldn't tell, but he followed their cues, getting up when they did and walking out of the hospital after their dad. However, when they stepped outside and turned to the parking lot, Michael Seresin stopped short and glowered at Jake. "What the hell are you doing?"
"W-what?" Jake stammered, blinking in confusion.
"You think I want you coming home with us after what you've just caused?" Michael demanded, his temper and voice rising. "You got your mother killed!"
Matt stepped forward, holding his hands up placatingly. "Dad, come on, the police said it was a drunk-"
"Shut up!" Michael roared, effectively silencing his eldest son. Turning back to Jake, he pointed an accusatory finger at him and snarled, "I don't want you in my sight right now. I'll tell you when and if you can come home. Do you understand me?"
Jake could only nod, hopelessness now crashing into him alongside the grief. Matt hung back, conflicted between staying with Jake or going to the car with his dad and Nick. Jake noticed and, in a surprisingly steady voice, said, "Go."
"Jake, you shouldn't be alo-"
"Go!" Jake snapped, pointing his finger at the rapidly disappearing Michael and Nick. "Just go. I want nothing to do with any of you."
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Matt hesitated once more, reluctantly nodded, then went after the other Seresin men, but he repeatedly looked over his shoulder at Jake, who waited until his family was out of sight before collapsing onto a bench outside the hospital. 
There, in front of God and the moon, he quietly wept over losing his mom, wishing the universe had taken him instead of her. It would've been better for everyone that way. His mom would've been devastated for a while, but she would've moved on. After all, she would've had two other sons to take care of. Jake was almost certain his dad wouldn't have cared at all if it had been Jake who died. Even Annalise probably wouldn't care. It didn't matter that he was her closest friend and vice versa. She never wanted to get close to him in the first place.
His phone buzzed in his pocket. Jake ignored it the first time. He ignored it the second time, too, figuring it was Matt trying to call him. But when the person called a third time, he finally answered, "Hello?"
A familiar, worried voice answered, "Jake? Are you okay?" 
"Annie?" he croaked. Hearing her caught him off guard. Of all people at this time of day, she was one of the last people he expected to hear from. "What- how did you- are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, I'm fine, but someone texted me saying I needed to call you because your mom just died. Jake, what happened? Are you okay?"
"No. I'm not," he whispered. The story spilled from his lips in between waves of crying. Annalise patiently listened, letting him get through it and stammer out the story. When he finished, he could hear muffled tears on the other end.
"Oh, God, Jake, I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry. Are you home or still at the hospital?"
"I'm still at the hospital. Dad, he, uh, he said I wasn't welcome home after what I caused."
"You're there alone?!"
"Stay there, don't move. I'm coming over. Do you want me to stay on the phone while I drive there?"
"No, no, it's okay. You don't-"
Annalise interrupted him. "You shouldn't be alone right now. I'm coming to take care of you since your dad and brothers won't. Now, do you want me to stay on the phone while I drive there?"
"No. Focus on the road," Jake said, the urge to cry threatening to overwhelm him again, although this time, out of gratefulness for Annalise. What had he done to deserve her? What had Jake been thinking earlier about how she wouldn't care? Of course she would care if he died. That had been his grief talking. He realized that now.
"Okay. If I can't find you when I get there, I'll call you. I'll be there soon. Love you forever."
"Love you always."
Jake hung up and leaned against the wall, staring blankly at the torrential downpour with only the building's overhang to prevent him from getting soaked. The wind caused a chill in the air that would send most people scurrying for a jacket, but Jake hardly felt it. Lightning crackled menacingly above him and struck the ground nearby, but he disregarded the danger it posed, figuring Mother Nature couldn't hurt him near as much as the loss of his mom.
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An SUV soon parked in front of the doors, and Annalise hopped out of the car. Jake met her gaze. Seeing her concern, seeing her standing there at the hospital just for him, broke him. The numbness disappeared, and Jake rushed to greet her, sobbing into Annalise's shoulder as she cradled his head and hugged him as tightly.
"I don't know where to go," Jake croaked out when the tears finally abated. He pulled away and wiped them off his face. Annalise was the only person Jake felt comfortable crying in front of. He knew she wouldn't judge him for it. "Dad doesn't want me home right now, if ever, and I don't know what to do because we head to college in a couple weeks, and I need to pack, but now I have to attend Mom's funeral, and-"
"Jake-" Annalise interrupted calmly, garnering his attention. He was shocked to see tear stains on her cheeks. "I think the best thing for you right now is for you to come to my house and get out of this storm. Rest first, and then we can figure out what to do from there, okay?"
"You didn't think I would let you go through this all alone, did you? What do we always say?"
"I love you forever."
"Exactly. And I love you always." Annalise smiled softly. "I've got your six. Come on. Let's get home."
The friends slid into the SUV and headed home in the torrential downpour. Jake kept his eyes downcast, unable to look at the road ahead. He'd tried initially, but when panic built in his chest when a car passed them from the opposite direction, he decided against doing that for the rest of the trip. Annalise must've noticed because she reached over and took his hand. As much as he wanted both hands on the wheel, Jake also found comfort in her touch, so he allowed it.
When they arrived at the Blackwood household, the pair shuffled in. Charlie and Jackie were seated at the bar eating breakfast. Jake temporarily wondered where Mr. Blackwood was but figured he was on another business trip. The two women turned around at the sound of the garage door shutting and immediately jumped from their seats at the sight of Annalise and Jake. To his surprise, Charlie went to him first and, without a word, pulled him into a motherly hug. He sank into it. She wasn't his mom, but in this moment, she was the closest thing to one.
"I'm so sorry, sweetie," Charlie whispered. "Whatever you need, we're here for you."
"Thank you, ma'am," he mumbled sincerely, unable to gather the strength to speak any louder. Now that the adrenaline and chaos had subsided, exhaustion swept over Jake. 
Charlie pulled away and gently grasped his shoulders. "Why don't you take a shower, and I'll get some spare clothes for you to change into?"
"I can crash in these-"
"Honey, it's not good for you to stay in those clothes any longer."
"Yes, ma'am..."
Mrs. Blackwood smiled sympathetically. "It's always Charlie to you. Get going. You can use our guest room. I'll drop the clothes on your bed."
Jake nodded, thanked her once more, then ambled to his destination. Almost robotically, he shut the bathroom door behind him, stripped his clothes, and stepped into the shower the second he turned it on. The water had yet to warm up, so it felt like small pellets of hail striking his skin for a few seconds, but Jake ignored it, the shock of today still inhibiting most of his senses. He went through the motions of washing his hair and body, turning off the water, drying off, and wrapping the towel around his waist. He peered into the bedroom, saw the door to it shut, and a clean set of clothes lying on the bed. Jake changed into them and folded his dirty suit, placing it on the chair. As he did, he noticed the red stain on the collar of his shirt. Knowing he hadn't been injured or cut in the crash, the only logical conclusion he could form was that it came from his mom when he dragged her out of the wreck. 
The accident replayed suddenly in his mind, and Jake collapsed onto the bed, burying his face in his hands while he quietly sobbed. A few moments later, the mattress sank in beside him. He looked up to find Annalise; she had tears in her eyes, but her voice was steady when she said, "I, uh, I brought you some tea. Chamomile. It's supposed to help calm anxiety. I figured after the night you've had..."
Jake reached for the mug on his nightstand, staring at the amber liquid. "Thank you. For everything."
"I'm glad I was able to be there. I'll let you get some rest. I just wanted to drop this off and check on you one more time."
"Can I ask you something?"
"Who told you what happened? Where I was?"
"I don't know. They called me until I picked up. When I finally did, they hung up. But I saw a text from the same number giving me a brief sitrep and your location. I called you right after."
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"What's the number?" Jake asked, frowning. Annalise pulled out her phone and rattled it off, and surprisingly, Jake recognized it. "That's Matt's number. He didn't want to leave me, but I yelled at him to..."
"I'll let him know you're here and safe. I'm sure he's worried." Annalise put her phone back into her pocket. "I'll leave you alone-"
"No, no. I don't- could you stay for a bit?"
"Of course," Annalise replied without hesitation. She crawled to the other side of the bed and leaned against the headboard. Jake sidled next to her, his arm brushing hers. "Do you want the TV on or no?"
"You can watch it; I don't mind."
Annalise nodded and turned it on. She flipped through the channels until she landed on Hallmark. Jake watched it with her in silence. Slowly, his eyelids became heavier and heavier, he started sliding down unintentionally under the covers, and his head lolled onto Annalise's shoulder. Once that happened, Jake was out like a light. The last thing he remembered was feeling the weight of his friend's head resting atop his and thinking how she was the only rock in his life now. Without her, God only knows what would happen to him.
Tags: @lgg5989 @shanimallina87 @polikszena @summ3rlotus @icemansgirl1999 @supernaturaldawning @thedarkinmansfield @lyannaforpresident @lapilark @getmyprettynameoutofyourmouth @simpofthecentury @shadeops21 @pansexualwitchwhoneedstherapy @double-j @bradshawsandbridgetons @catsandgeekyandnerd @peachiicherries @multifandomcnova @fandomsstolemylife00 @bookloverhorses @mak-32 @midnightmagpiemama @luckyladycreator2 @ellamae021 @kmc1989
Chapters: Chp 1 Chp 2 Chp 3 Chp 4 Chp 5 Chp 6 Chp 7 Chp 8 Chp 9 Chp 10 Chp 11
If you're not on the tag list and want to be, just let me know :)
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seethesunny · 3 months
8, 22, 28!
Hey there and thank you so much for sending these 🫶🏼
8. if you had to write a sequel to a fic, you’d write one for…
Technically, there are some unfinished fics that I know I haven't written their sequels yet, and I'm sorry for that, but at the top of that list is Wish That You Were Here!
You were the one who encouraged me to outline the potential sequel, and it would be fun to work on it :)
It goes like this: A pretty discouraged Ellie returns back to Jackson (tlou II events are very different as mentioned in the first fic, I have a timeline okay), she has to knit back together her relationship with Tess (yes they have that movie night bc it crushes my heart to think Ellie didn’t get closure) and they both have to deal with grief and healing, plus Ellie gets to be a big sister to Rose and Tommy is there to be a good uncle. And there's ofc the glimpses of how Tess dealt with motherhood alongside grieving Joel, because that's where the focus lies: on how she tries to move forward. Pretty hopeful. Less dark than the first part.
22. do you ever worry about public reaction to what you’re writing? how do you get past that?
Being so brutally honest here and showcasing rare vulnerability and potentially risking making myself look insecure, I have to say that you have to take a 'fake it till you make it' approach to it.
I'm anxious by nature, so I scrutinize myself and whatever I do like no other, which includes how I'm perceived (when I said perceive my writing, not me, that was a cry for help) and how what I do can be received! No fun. It is not fun, and I fall into that cycle sometimes until I stunt myself and drop what I'm doing, which is how I abandoned art for years, so I'm gonna admit I'm not past that yet.
Sure, I don't attach myself to my writing emotionally to avoid that sentiment, and I try to distance myself as much as I can after the posting is done, but it's hard, man. And it's hilarious as hell because there's not even public for me to be worrying like that lol but that's what I do, I poke fun at myself, I admit I'm being irrational, and move on to the next!
Don't take it as seriously, and don't think about anyone but yourself when writing. That's it.
28. your least favorite part of the writing process
Trying to make all the ideas settle so I can make an outline. And you might think, "But wouldn't that be that easy? Because you know what's going on and have a specific vision?" It would be if the ideas stopped, but then I want to add more and no fic gets done ☹️ I think the whole outline/assembling the structure for your story is tedious and meticulous, so it isn't usually as interesting to me, but I can't do it any other way. And it's worth it.
It used to be editing (as always this is not my mother tongue) and the pros of that are that it expanded my vocabulary and pushed me to rethink many times how I was structuring my sentences, but nowadays I edit as I write so once I post I don't have to worry about typos and all of that.
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bluestringpudding · 11 months
20 questions for fic writers
Thank you @silently--here and @uncannycerulean for the tags!
How many works do you have on AO3?
19 (+ 1 that's waiting to be revealed for a fest)
What's your total AO3 word count?
329,661 😳
What fandoms do you write for?
Just Harry Potter. Maybe I should diversify?
What are your top 5 fics by Kudos?
Live like common people Dramione/Draco pretending to be a muggle (88,794 words)
How did we get here? The sequel to the above, aka Draco wishing he could still just pretend he was a muggle. (153,536 words)
Dragons Only The Draco/Charlie drabble (289 words)
A Song of Ice and Fire and Awkward Ex Boyfriends The other Dramione, this time with dragons. 🐉(20,272 words)
Just a Minerva in time The MinMione time travel one (6,460 words)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
Yes! Unless you're an absolute arsehole, and even then, I would rather reply (but only if I can come up with an appropriate retort). Why? Because I love the interaction. Getting a comment, no matter how small, will always make my day. So, it feels right to at least say thanks. Also, I met one of my now good friends through us chatting in our fics' comments. So who knows what might come of it.
What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Hmm, probably One Last Cup.
What is the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
I've not written the ending yet, but it's going to be How Did We Get Here? If only because I have become waaayyy too attached to all of the characters to give them anything but.
Do you get hate on fics?
It's not quite hate, and I know it could be worse, but How Did we get here? garners some pretty strong reactions. They're a downer.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I've only published very mild smut, but I have written more explicit stuff since, and some of it is in the next chapter I'm publishing, and I'm scared.
Do you write crossovers?
No, I struggle enough with one fandom. Huge respect to the people who manage it
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I'm aware of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Nah. They're not good enough for that.
Have you ever co-written a fic?
Yes! Three actually. Idle in Kangaroo Court W1, for the mixed up writer fest. We ran out of steam, so it's unfinished, but I keep promising myself I'm going to finish it one day. Then two more with some friends, one short one for the rare pairs fest, that will be revealed soonish. Then one long fic that 3 of us a writing, which is err... in progress.
What's your all time favourite ship?
Call me a basic bitch, but I will always be such a sucker for Dramione.
What's a WIP you want to finish but don't think you ever will?
I have a really unhealthy stubborn streak that won't let me leave things unfinished, so hopefully none. Though Idle in Kangaroo Court is most at risk, because its been so long (and I feel I have to reach out to my co-author to check they don't mind, and my social anxiety is one of the few things that trumps my stubbornness).
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. I keep thinking I should try writing something as a script.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Descriptions and flowery language. I have to work hard at imagining visuals, so a lot of the time I don't. And I'm too literal to do well with metaphors.
Thoughts in writing dialogue in another language?
I've never really had any before. I guess I don't mind it in small amounts, if the meaning can be inferred from context or reactions. It's annoying if you miss something by not understanding what it means.
First Fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter
Favourite fic you've written?
Oh god, that's like asking me to chose between my children! Live Like Common People will always have a special place in my heart, as it was my first and the characters will forever live rent free in my head.
But also, I'm most proud of Tattletail, because I think it is technically my best piece of writing.
Tagging anyone who wants to play, as I suspect I'm one of the last of my mutuals to get round to this.
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sucrosette · 1 year
Genshin Fics
Why Not? Rated G, Modern AU, Meet-Cute, Airports ONE SHOT
When Venti spots a handsome stranger in the airport, he figures he might as well introduce himself. It’s not like he’s got anything better to do anyway. His flight’s massively delayed and his phone’s not giving him enough of a distraction anyway. What could go wrong?
quiet ocean waves and cold air Rated G, Modern AU, Fluff, Valentines, Getting Together ONE SHOT
The one in which Xiao decides maybe he's had enough suffering through enough Valentine's Days and it's time to do something about it.
another day, another flower Rated T, Canon Compliant, Xiao-centric, Character Study ONE SHOT
Praying to the God of the Wind is a simple thing. All you need: a flower, a wish, and a breeze. One adeptus sends countless prayers up to the sleeping archon, patiently awaiting their inevitable return.
Whoops, There Goes My Heart Rated T, College AU, Getting Together, Miscommunication + Pining Chapter 8/8, COMPLETE
A simple little compliment shouldn't affect Venti so much, it's not like no one's ever complimented him before, but there's no denying he's absolutely affected by the sudden entrance of a certain tattooed athlete into his life. Xiao had only spoken one short sentence, and that was all it took.
Things I Do for My Extrovert Boyfriend, the Spooky Season Edition Rated T, College AU, Established Relationship, Halloween Fic ONE SHOT, Sequel to 'Whoops, There Goes My Heart'
Venti’s taking Xiao out on Halloween, much to Xiao’s distress. It’s one of Venti’s favorite holidays and one of the first times he’s had a boyfriend during said holiday, so obviously they’re going out. The only question is, what are they dressing up as?
The Care and Tending of a Monster With the Common Cold Rated T, Eldritch Venti, Human Xiao, Getting Together, Sick Fic ONE SHOT
What does one do when your slightly off putting and slightly unnatural roommate (who you kind of sort of maybe might have a crush on) comes down with a cold? Xiao doesn’t have any kind of idea, but hopefully if he gives Venti the same treatment Guizhong gave him when he was a child, some good might come of it.
and it was enough Rated T, Canon Compliant, Character Study, All About Xiao's Wings ONE SHOT
Or, how Venti is always, always the healing Xiao needs, when he least expects it.
Of The Half-Witch and his Bard Rated M, Fantasy AU, Half-Witch Half-Fae Xiao, Human Venti Chapter 4/23 IN PROGRESS
To say that Xiao was a bit of a hermit wouldn't be entirely out of line. He didn't leave the forest. He didn't partake in social niceties. His guests were more often than not entirely unwelcome. He preferred stretches of silence that could last long weeks, or sometimes even months at a time. But it wasn't so bad. He had his contracts to tend to, duties to perform that made his long years of solitude fulfilling. Xiao was content in his seclusion. But then, on another quiet day among many, one youthful bardling stumbled his way into his forest and Xiao couldn't help but wonder if his life would ever be quiet again.
Make This Home Yours Rated E, Modern AU, Roommates!, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Non-monogamy, BDSM undertones, Mildly Dubious Consent due to Alcohol Consumption
Venti doesn't have too many friends in Liyue, let alone friends he could ask to crash with when he finds himself suddenly out of a home. But he takes a risk and asks Xiao anyway, and is pleasantly surprised when he's welcomed inside with little request for clarification. Inevitably, one night turns into a week, which turns into a month, which turns into even longer than that, and Venti and Xiao find themselves confronted with a lot of shifting feelings along the way.
He Makes Me Bloom Rated E, Band AU, Getting Together, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti Chapters 12/12, COMPLETE Warnings: Smoking, Depression, Anxiety, Too Many Feelings, BDSM
If you told Xiao five minutes ago he was about to join some enthusiastic stranger’s band, he probably would have laughed. Even though he pretty much never laughed. If you told him right then, right after it happened, he might have still laughed. This wasn’t his life, and he had no idea who was driving it anymore, but now he was in a band and the frontman could only be described with one word in Xiao’s mind: trouble. Oh yeah, and Trouble (spelled V-E-N-T-I) has an odd habit of making Xiao hallucinate. There’s that too.
Rosé & Bubblegum Rated E, Director/Actor AU, Porn With Feelings, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Feminization, Jealousy, Exhibitionism, BDSM
Xiao and Venti may just be the entertainment industry’s worst kept secret, with their sneaking around and obvious shared hickeys and suspiciously aligned free time, but at least they were keeping some semblance of privacy. Well, they had been, but on the night of the New Years’ Eve Black and White Ball Venti seemed determined to push all of Xiao’s buttons for the entire industry to notice. Not that Xiao minded much. If Venti was that determined to be ruined mid holiday party, who was Xiao to deny him?
Thoughts of You Consume Rated E, Canon Universe, PWP, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Feminization, Undernegotiated kink, Breeding kink, Exhibitionism, BDSM
The one in which Xiao gives in to so many temptations offered by the Anemo Archon atop the balcony of Wangshu Inn.
husband Rated E, CEO/Secretary AU, PWP, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Exhibitionism, Questionable Lube, Cumplay, Heavy Sadomasochism
The one in which Venti can't get away with anything, even if he's supposed to be the boss here.
Your Breath's Divine Rated E, Canon Universe, PWP, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Exhibitionism, Altar Sex, Sacrilege & Blasphemy, AFAB Venti, CNC
A night full of nostalgia inside the Church of Favonius takes a turn for unfiltered hedonism, and one anemo archon finds out just how good it can feel to venerate someone else under the careful attention of one Liyuen adeptus. Venti hadn’t exactly been expecting to see Xiao on this night, let alone learn so intimately the yaksha’s take on self-indulgence, but he certainly wasn’t going to complain about being on the receiving end of it.
If Love Was Labeled Poison Rated E, Genderswap, WLW, Angst, Exes, Top Xiao, Bottom Venti Chapter 1/3, IN PROGRESS Warnings: Angst. Angst. More Angst. Unhealthy coping mechanisms, Unhealthy Relationships, CNC
There's not enough liquor in the world to cure the ache of Xiao's absence, but Venti's doing her best to manage it all the same.
To Catch a Rabbit Rated E, Fox/Bunny AU, Non-Traditional ABO Dynamics, Alpha Xiao, Omega Venti ONE SHOT Warnings: Somnophilia, Breeding, CNC, Subdrop
The one in which we catch a glimpse of what a hungry fox's breeding season with the most fuckable little rabbit in existence might look like.
Chongqiu | Xingyun
Iced Coffee is Not Supposed to be Spicy Rated E, Tattoo/Cafe AU, Top Chongyun, Bottom Xingqiu ONE SHOT Warnings: BDSM, Mild Exhibitionism, Bloodplay, Piercing Kink
Chongyun was a person of simple taste. He liked his job at Xiao's tattoo parlour, he liked plain iced coffee, and he liked the pretty barista who served him that plain iced coffee, even if sometimes it came out… wrong. It was starting to get a bit suspicious. Still, he could hardly hold it against Xingqiu when it meant Chongyun got to see him twice in a day.
Stop Squirming! Rated E, Tattoo/Cafe AU, Top Xingqiu, Bottom Chongyun ONE SHOT Warnings: Switching Implied, BDSM, Painplay
A direct sequel to 'Iced Coffee is Not Supposed to be Spicy'
Sparking Electricity, Chilled Touch Rated E, Canon Universe, Dominant Ganyu, Submissive Keqing Chapters 5/7, IN PROGRESS Warnings: Exhibitionism, BDSM
Keqing really needs to learn how to take a break occasionally. Not that Ganyu's much better, not by any stretch of the means. But perhaps, together, they can find a way to relax.
ScaraKazu | KazuScara
Pettiness in Portraiture  Rated E, Band AU, Transmasc Scara, Dom Scara, Sub Kazuha ONE SHOT Warnings: Angst, Hurt no Comfort, Toxic as fuck Relationship, Heavy BDSM
Scaramouche shouldn’t have been spinning plans as soon as he read about Kazuha’s return to Inazuma City, with his new life in his new band and their first tour. His feelings still tasted bitter even after all this time. Still, Scaramouche had wondered if it wasn’t an opportunity he could take advantage of. And he swore he wouldn’t let himself be vulnerable with the poet again, but with his hands thoroughly tangled in the blond’s soft locks of hair, he can’t help but think how much he’d missed this part of their dynamic.
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pearwaldorf · 1 year
I don't disagree with any of this excellent Star Wars meta about the Jedi, but I have some things to add from a historical perspective, based on what I have played/watched.
The information asymmetry of the original and prequel trilogies has always been interesting to me. We don't really dig into how it must look to randos in the galaxy until the sequels.
The Jedi and to some extent the Resistance are just not things relevant to Rey and Finn's day to day lives, until they are. It's like finding out the Greek gods or King Arthur are in fact real and still wandering around the galaxy. Or the difference between Jesus Christ and Yeshua ben Yosef: one is a semi-mythological figure who we "know" through centuries of being told things about him, and another is a supposed prophet who happened to have some influential followers.
I want to step back a little and give some in-universe historical context about the Jedi. They're an extremely ancient organization, going back beyond the Old Republic. So are the Sith*.
The Knights of the Old Republic games are probably the most nuanced explorations of what it means to be a Force user, and how that is influenced by being a Jedi or Sith, or perhaps neither**. The thing that struck me is how similar the issues the Jedi face in KOTOR or the prequels: old farts who don't understand the need to adapt and thus risk the destruction of their organization, or arrogantly assume their religious authority successfully translates to the military and political.
(It's a little more understandable during KOTOR, where they are legit at war with the Sith, and Revan defects from the Jedi. But anyways.)
There was absolutely no reason for the Jedi to get involved in a military capacity in the prequels, even if it was a Jedi Master who had a vision about an upcoming war that would need a truly staggering amount of soldiers (which is why the clones exist***).
I do not think it is possible to discuss the Jedi without also acknowledging the things they did as part of the political apparatus of the Old Republic, on a macro and micro level. (A More Civilized Age talks about this a lot.)
To be clear, they were also victims of religious (and because of the Empire's xenophobic views, racial) genocide, and that is awful. Nobody deserves that. But I think it is deeply simplistic to just be like "The Jedi did nothing wrong/they were trying their best."
* I have always found it curious that everything we know about the Force is filtered through the extremely divergent perspectives of these two organizations.
** God I wish we'd gotten some actual gray Jedi content in the sequel trilogy.
*** No I still have not watched all of Clone Wars. I really need to. (Droid rights and clone rights are things I haven't really seen anybody tackle in-universe. Please tell me if I'm mistaken.)
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