#the mirrorball was swaying all night
alexturner2005 · 1 year
*wind whipping at red rocks (night two)*
alex: “more wind machine!”
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lokisgoodgirl · 2 years
The Red Dress [Avenger! Loki x Fem. Reader]
Part of the Hostile F*cks Collection A link to my Masterlist is HERE Summary: (5) It's a big night for the team, and your outfit of choice makes quite the impression on one god in particular. Warnings: 18+ Minors DNI. Hostility. Language. Jealously. Humour. Smuttish. Sexual tension. (w/c 3.7k)
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Loki had been back from his latest mission for a whole week, and you were counting the days until he left again. It was the night of the annual Avenger’s shareholder party, the most important corporate night of the year. Mandatory attendance. A month and three days had passed since what you had come to term ‘the incidents’. Not that you were counting, of course. Memories of Loki’s dexterous hands roaming your body haunted you. How he made the world around you fade to darkness beneath his animalistic moans was still annoyingly clear as day, even in the dead of night. Particularly in the dead of night.
It was nothing. At least, that’s what you told yourself as a resplendent Loki Laufeyson descended the staircase to the party with a spring in every conceited step.
You smoothed a hand down the bodice of your red dress, the skater pleats of the silk skirt grazing your bare thighs. He was wearing some sort of tight tunic tonight, a mix of Asgardian and Earth fashion that could only have come from one of Stark’s legendary tailors. His flowing black hair was combed back, falling in an effortless train behind his shoulders. A familiar gold crescent adorned the material snug around his chest, the high collar straight against his devastatingly jawline. He wants everyone to know who he is, smug bastard, you thought venomously as you imagined how the cool metal of his sacred symbol over his heart would feel against your ass while you sat on his face. Because of course he does. The straight tunic brushed his thighs, a longer flap of material hanging teasingly over his manhood. Wise decision, Tony; you thought, remembering the ferociously primal stir his enormous bulge caused at the last event. Matte leather clung to his muscled legs, running down into formal knee high boots that made you want to scream. All black. Or is it dark green, you wondered; hungry eyes hovering on the creases appearing at his thighs as he gracefully made his way down the stairs alone. The whole thing was a blip, you told yourself. A moment of madness. Or two. If anything, you never thought about it at all. Seeing him swagger nonchalantly around the Tower with that token arrogance clinging to him like latex was unbearable, though. His whole demeanour, the haughty derision toward everyone and everything simmering beneath that perfect skin, brewing the next sarcastic quip. Unbearable. And what was even more unbearable was that the shithead was ignoring you. How many times had you grimaced at the ridiculous little cough of condescension that floated over your shoulder in the kitchen before he released a tepid barb? Too many, you thought; as your eyes scanned his proud features radiant in the reflections from the mirrorball. It was one of the many things you loathed about him. And yet now you finally had your wish that it would cease...somehow, it smarted. Like he was winning.
You’d fallen into the habit of talking a little louder in his vicinity when he graced the common rooms with his austere presence, saving your best lines for when he was close and could hear the rampant mirth you provoked. That he would see the scintillating hilarity he's missing by being a complete dick, you thought; running your eyes up his endless legs as he reached the bottom of the stairs, his eyes scanning the pulsing crowd with a self-assured smirk. Damn, he looks fucking good tonight, though you conceded reluctantly; grateful that the sway of your flouncy dress hid a slight involuntary thrust of your hips. He raised his chin, looking left and right; a glazed stare floating right past you. If you were honest, you had hoped that the perfectly fitted dress and the cleavage contained therein would lure him to you; drive him mad with longing or some damn thing. At least long enough to give him a taste of his own medicine. As he turned away, you realised that your cleavage would just as easily open the doors to Stark’s vault. And really, it wasn’t like you cared. Irritation marinated as Nat handed you a drink, your fingers absent-mindedly clasping the stem of the glass. She chattered over the music as you took a mental picture of Loki’s muscular body vacuum-packed into that ridiculous outfit to masturbate over later in the bath. Yes, you thought; your eyes crawling over his endless limbs as he greeted a flustered Rogers with a sarcastic bow. That will do nicely. “-hey, are you listening?” Nat said, in that peculiarly penetrating tone she saved for when she knew you were absolutely not listening. Your head tilted towards her with a strained smile, blinking several times. “Got distracted, sorry.” you said innocently. She nodded, taking a sip of her wine while observing the party’s latest arrival. Nat licked the faint stain of red from her upper lip. “You mean David Gandy over there?” she said, nudging her head towards Loki. You chuckled, an infectious giggle from Nat following. “I wonder what will give up first” she postured, folding her elegant arms. “Thor’s table manners or Loki’s new threads. He’s really poured in there, huh?” You snorted, shaking your head. “Loki’s manners more like.” you murmured to yourself, seeing Nat’s brow furrow. “Sorry, what was it you were saying before?” Her face softened, the placid expression returning. “Stark needs you on the bar.” “On the bar? You’re kidding me.” you whined, letting out an exasperated sigh. “How’s it going to look to the shareholders when one of the bloody team is on shaker-duty?” “Like good PR” she winked, reaching out and tugging down the neckline of your red dress to expose a tad more cleavage. “And no one makes a Martian Hard On like you, babe.” You sighed again, hating that she was right. “Fine.” you grimaced, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek. “Come and talk to me later. If I get stuck with all the handsy drunk ones I’ll be mad.” you said, seeing her eyes light up at your words. “Those are my favourite.” she winked.
You made your apologies to those you cut across, dodging photographer’s flashes as they documented the party. “-Sorry!” you yelped, colliding with an unexpected wall of muscle. Stepping back, your face fell as Loki spun on his heels; looking down at you through half-lidded eyes. They narrowed, running appraisingly over your body, his brows knitted in a strange disapproval. “How did you get over here so fast?” you muttered, straightening as one of his long fingers re-adjusted a strap of your dress which had succumbed to the collision. “Keeping tabs on me, are we? I’m flattered.” he hummed, winding his arm around the shoulder of a mysterious smiling woman. You vaguely remembered seeing her face on the laminated VIP lists Steve had handed out at the briefing. Now you sort of wished you had read it. “Lead the way, barkeep.” Loki smirked, making you roll your eyes. You opened the hatch with a rough churning in your stomach. I did not join the Avengers for this bullshit, you thought as you grabbed the cocktail shaker from the back-shelf. Loki raised the woman’s hand, helping her perch on the barstool before setting himself down. You knew his thick thighs would be spread invitingly against the leather seat, the modestly flap casually set askew to accentuate the peek of the ever-present bulge in his always-just-a-little-too-tight trousers. He placed one forearm on the bar, eyes flickering upward to the side seductively in a way you could only assume was calculated. God, he looked so fucking- “What can I get you?” you said sharply, a manufactured smile stretched across your lips as a stressed-out looking Tony walked by, giving you a grateful nod. Loki pursed his lips in a theatrical ponder. “What do you feel like, darling?” he purred, turning to the woman by his side. She giggled, her cheeks turning pink as his bicep shifted beneath the tight tunic; clearly resting a hand on her leg. By day, she would be one of the most influential financiers in the country. But tonight, it seemed she was an eighteen year old groupie again. “Does she do cocktails?” the woman said coquettishly to Loki, her eyes not leaving his as he bit his lip. His tongue flicked out, running over his cupid’s bow. God, he was really laying it on thick. “She does.” he said thoughtfully, turning toward you with a knowing look. “And she has quite the speciality...remind me, what’s the name?” You sighed, the inevitability of his insider knowledge making you want to ram a cocktail stick in his eye.
“A ‘Martian Hard On’.” you said through gritted teeth, seeing the corner of Loki’s mouth twitch. “And how does one make this frankly delicious sounding concoction?” he purred, leaning closer over the bar with feigned interest.
“It’s not that good actually. Bit overrated.” you sniffed, wiping the damp cloth across the marble. Loki frowned. “I’ll just have Sex on the Beach.” the woman quipped, before gasping dramatically. “I mean the cocktail, not actual sex on the beach…” she drawled with faux-innocence, breaking out in a high-pitched laugh that made your teeth hurt.
You rolled your eyes again, turning to the rows of bottles on the mirrored shelves. In the reflection, you saw Loki lean towards her, the razor-straight line of his jaw twitching as he whispered in her ear. The high collar skirted the angle as he spoke, black slicing against the fairness of his skin. A token flash of his cheekbones that kept you awake at night made your stomach flip as the woman gasped, before giggling again. “Oh you are a bad man, Loki Laufeyson. Tony said I should watch out for you, and he was right.” She pushed his shoulder flirtatiously, watching Loki’s face crease in mock-hurt as he pressed a hand to his chest. His smile was uncharacteristically warm, twinkling eyes running over her admittedly pretty features like she was the most beautiful creature he’d ever seen. Hell, maybe she was. It’s just his job for the night, you thought, re-considering the liberal measure of peach schnapps you had poured for the woman now cackling at one of Loki’s over-inflated stories. He’s not actually going to- “Anything to report?” a rasping whisper floated over your shoulder, making you jump. “Christ, Steve…” you mumbled, before sliding the sloppily put together cocktail across the marble towards Loki and the woman. “Thank you, sweetheart.” Loki hummed condescendingly in your direction, passing the glass to his charge with a wink. “I’m just going to the restroom.” the woman said coyly after taking a sip, tugging at the stiff collar of Loki’s tunic. She leant closer, her lips grazing the smooth skin of his cheek. You could see her hand sliding up his thigh, your eyes widening as her palm cupped the bulge in his tight trousers. “Don’t go anywhere.” “Not even if I could, Madam...” Loki said coyly, making you choke back a reluctant laugh as Steve grimaced. The three of you watched the woman slink away, a prominent swing in her step. “That’s Tony’s biggest shareholder, Laufeyson. Don’t fudge it up.” Rogers spat when she was out of earshot, the vein in his temple twitching alarmingly. “I can assure you Rogers, I will not be fudging anything.” Loki drawled, inspecting his fingernails as his features softened to a knowing smile. “Unless she asks me to, of course.”
Steve’s cheeks flushed the same colour as his salmon shirt. “Now listen here, Laufeyson.” he hissed, “No funny business. You just need to show her a good time. Tell her a few jokes.” He raised a hand as Loki opened his mouth with a smart comment on the tip of his tongue. “PG jokes, thank you very much.” “He can handle it Steve” you sighed absent-mindedly, noticing a splash of something on the pleat of your dress. You frowned, looking up at them. “Just, drop it. She’ll be fine, she’s all over him.”
Rogers eyebrow cocked, his gaze running suspiciously between you and Loki as he patted his notebook against one soft palm. “So are you two...pals, now?” he said sceptically, noting the twitch of your eye as he spoke. “-Oh yes.” Loki drawled, throwing Steve a dazzlingly forced smile. “She’s warmed to me at last it seems. I did some charity work for her. Didn’t I, Agent?” You scowled, diligently polishing one of the ostentatious cocktail glasses Stark only brought out on very special occasions. “Charity work, huh?” Steve said, his eyebrows rising towards the god. “That’s spiff of you, Laufeyson. I’ll make a note for your review that you’re really inserting yourself into team culture.” “Oh yes. I’m all about inserting myself deep into the culture now, Rogers.” Loki murmured. “It was quite a desperate situation, really. Tragic, one might say. I simply couldn’t stand by and do nothing while the poor thing suffered.” You inhaled some of your own spit with a cough, spluttering with masked indignation. Loki’s face creased in faux-concern, leaning forward on the bar. “Are you alright, friend?” he murmured, a devilish smile tweaking his lips. Anger flushed through your blood, heat rising in your cheeks as you tried to stay calm. Charity. He’s got some fucking nerve, you thought, dabbing your mouth subtly with a napkin. Steve nodded briskly, scanning the room before giving someone a cheery wave and pushing away. You looked at Loki, his sanctimonious shit-eating grin doing nothing to dampen the conflicted whirl of thoughts in your mind. The music faded behind the thump of blood in your ears as Loki took sip of his manufactured-date’s drink. You were suddenly parched. The ridges of your tongue felt uncomfortable against the roof of your mouth. His cheekbones hollowed as he sucked at the edge of the glass, setting it down before licking his bottom lip with a low moan. The visceral feeling of Loki’s teeth sinking into the soft skin of your shoulder shuddered through you, seeing his eyes glint in the dim party lights, relishing your awkward reaction. “Delicious.” he growled, running his eyes down to your cleavage and back to your face. “Shame about the dress, though. A bit too garish for you, Agent. A bit too...attention-seeking, perhaps.” “You’re ridiculous.” you sniffed haughtily, clasping the edges of the bar with straight arms. Your shoulders flexed, pushing your breasts up. “And you of all people can’t lecture me about seeking attention...which is not what this is, so I don’t know why you-” “Oh?” Loki cut in. He leant forward, beckoning you with a double flick of one thick fingertip. “Well it seems that whether you want it or not...you have it.” There was a pause. You could feel your traitorous pussy sliding against your thin panties, his unrelenting smarm making you want to pull him toward you and shut him up in the only way that seemed to work.
Loki sipped the cocktail again, nudging his head subtly towards the seating area to the side of the bar. You looked over, seeing Thor displayed uncomfortably on the sofa. He was leaning forward, one meaty elbow resting on his knee with the fist propped beneath his chin. His thighs were spread wide, his eyes twitching with murderous intensity as he stared at you like dinner. “He’s flirting with you.” Loki purred, a smile tugging at his lips. You snorted, feeling your cheeks heat. “He is not. I don’t know what he’s doing but it’s not that.” you garbled, wiping the bar with a damp cloth. A fizzing knot grew in your belly as Loki’s fingers drummed the marble between you nonchalantly. ���In Asgard, we have very particular customs around colours, Agent. Are you aware?” You huffed, hoping that the clawing in your stomach would pass. “By wearing that misguided little sliver of crimson silk, you have aroused some very deep-seated urges within my brother that you wish to bed him tonight. To be ridden like a fine Asgardian mare. A fabled red flag to a particularly lacklustre bull, one might say.” You looked again at Thor, now massaging his thigh; his darkened gaze undressing you. He bit his lip, one eye closing in a slow, calculated wink. “Oh god…” you murmured dryly. “I wouldn’t get your hopes up, Agent. He’s not very good, I’m afraid. Especially considering your recently elevated standards.” You snorted. “I find it hard to believe that you guys are used to women traipsing around in your ‘colours’ waiting for their chance to shag you.” you hissed, throwing Thor a sideways glance. “I am not going to sleep with him. That’s absurd.” Loki looked at you silently, a closed smile stretching across his placid face before he spoke. “Oh, believe it Agent. We Asgardian princes never wanted for company. Even if my brother was a little less...discerning.” He smirked, enjoying every second of your growing discomfort. “And as for your intentions with him tonight, I recommend you alert him to your little misunderstanding sooner rather than later.” “And what about your little ‘misunderstanding’? You know she basically thinks you’re some kind of superpowered gigalo, right?” you sneered, seeing Loki’s eyebrows rise. He chuckled, shaking his head just as the woman surfaced from the throng of the crowd. She had pulled the neckline down, and you could have sworn that when she had left she had been wearing pantyhose beneath that party dress. “Who says I’m not, Agent?” he whispered covertly, pushing himself off the barstool as he leant closer. His cologne filled your nostrils, the musky tang making your mouth water. “You of all people know I can be anything she desires.” He tore his hardened gaze from your eyes to the beaming woman with an exaggerated smile. “Amanda, darling. Let’s dance, shall we?” he announced, peeling his long limbs from the barstool.
Amanda, you scoffed with a grimace as she melted willingly into his lean body. The glass you had picked up became the most interesting thing in the room as you tried to maintain an air of indifference, polishing it casually. You could feel Thor’s eyes burning into you as you stared at the crystal held between your fingertips. The synapses of your brain were fizzing, the temptation to look up to the dancefloor...irresistible. Fuck, you thought; feeling your eyes rising to the busy centre of the room. The crowd pulsed beneath the lights from the mirrorball over the sound of a remixed version of Rasputin. In that suit, his body was endless. The wide rim boots cut in solid angles at his knees, the hard meat of his thighs rising to the hem of the tunic flexing visibly through the fabric. His hand slid over the curves of her hips, ghosting her ass before pulling the keening woman tight to his broad chest.
Your eyes flickered to Rogers lurking in the shadows watching them. Arms crossed, brow furrowed in disapproval. Loki’s outfit clung like a luxurious second skin, every inch reacting to the movement of his limbs as he gracefully swayed her body to his. Amanda’s fingers ran up his torso, bumping over the curve of Asgardian gold. She tucked a long strand of hair behind his ear, her eyes smouldering with singular intent to fuck this heavenly creature in whose arms she somehow found herself tonight. But she doesn’t know him like I do, you thought with a grimace. She doesn’t know what he’s really like-
Loki swung her gracefully outward, pulling her back to him with a timed thrust of his muscular hips; bucking gently as her hand travelled lower. The stem of the elegant martini glass in your grip snapped. Primitive jealousy like you had never known surged through your blood like napalm, a ferocious shiver rolling across every nerve making your hair stand on end. The audacity of the god cut deep as you smacked the towel to the marble bar, making straight for the hatch. White noise filled your ears as you made your way over to the seating area, a flustered looking Thor standing to attention as you approached. Your fingers scraped at his shirt, managing to snag an inch of material not plastered to his frame. He jerked forward, the rough stubble of his cheek scratching against your skin. “Dance with me.” you purred into his ear, feeling his huge frame shudder. He growled, striding forward and tugging you roughly to the dance-floor. The shards of light from the mirrorball stung your eyes as Thor whipped you into his bulging arms, the cotton of his shirt straining dangerously against freakishly large biceps. Oh god, you thought as the room spun. You were vaguely aware of his large hands slipping down your waist, pulling you toward him with a firm tug. “My lady, you tease too brazenly. For too long I have coveted this.” he grunted, his hair scratching your eyes as he began to gyrate in time with Boney M. “Wha-what?” you squeaked, thinking of the years you’d spent side by side with not a hint of the heated desire seeping from him as he wound his imposing body around yours. “That dress…my colours” he smouldered, his eyes darkened with lust, “...it has lit a fire within me. I must have you.” One hand slid over your lower back, grasping the folded material of the red silk skirt. He growled again, tightening his fist; burying his face in your neck as he swayed deeper against your frame. Thor’s hot breath skated over the place his brother had made his mark the month prior, the pale bruise still visible in the harsh light of day.
“Thor…” you gasped breathlessly, pushing a palm against his chest as one belonging to another roughly smacked him on the shoulder, casting him backward. You gasped as Loki shoved you briskly to the side, stepping toward the blonde. “Ordinances of the Colours do not apply in this realm, brother.” Loki snarled, baring his teeth. The disco lights glinted on the gold adorning his suit; his fierce eyes flashing in confrontation. Your pussy tightened, seeing Loki’s fists clench by his sides. “Ordinances or not, brother...she claimed me as hers for this dance.” Thor postured, squaring up to the dark-god with a solitary step forward. “And this night, I believe.” He added, suggestively. “Ask her.” Loki shot you a look that would kill the weak. You swallowed, fighting the feeling of your knees attempting to buckle. “It’s true.” you said, much more calmly than you expected, your stomach fizzing. “I did. The dance, anyway.” Loki rolled his eyes. “Aren’t they missing you on the bar, Agent?” he spat, gesturing to the small queue of people hanging against the counter-top expectantly. It was your turn to roll your eyes, walking past him with a shove of your shoulder. It hurt. Fucking Laufeyson and his fucking ego- you thought furiously, hearing the brothers bicker theatrically behind you. Roger’s frustrated drawl soon intervened between them as you stared resolutely ahead on your path. Who the hell does he think he- Suddenly you were tugged roughly to the side. The heels you wore skated over the smooth floor as you careened into the dark hall passageway away from the humming crowd and thumping music. Long fingers clasped over your parted lips, your back thudding against the nearest wall as Loki loomed above you; resplendent and menacing in the gloom. The skintight tunic pressed against your cleavage, his hardening cock dragging slowly upward against your body with formidable intent. The god’s bottomless eyes were dark liquid as he stared down at you, hair falling in curled tendrils against your cheek. A muscle in his clenched jaw bobbed as he wet his lips. “Lead me to your rooms, Agent.” he enunciated quietly, his chest heaving with slow, heavy breaths. “Immediately.”
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Continued in The Red Dress: Ruined (w/c 2.5k) Part of the Hostile F*cks Collection
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@lokischambermaid @lady-rose-moon @gigglingtigger @holymultiplefandomsbatman @muddyorbsblr @xorpsbane @lokikissesmyforehead @simplyholl @fictive-sl0th @ijuststareatstuffhereok89 @loopsisloops @thedistractedagglomeration @loveroflokiforpoeticjustice @123forgottherest @holdmytesseract @joyful-enchantress @sititran @jaidenhawke @silverfire475 @lunarnights95 @vbecker10 @skymoonandstardust @imalovernotahater @thomase1 @morriggannlostinfandoms @ladylovesloki @marygoddessofmischie @filthyhiddles @peacefulpianist @maple-seed @yelkmelk @wheredafandomat @mistress-ofmagic @five-miles-over @goblingirlsarah @ozymdias @peaches1958 @your-taste-on-my-lips @lokisgirll @lokidokieokie @kikster606 @peachyjinx @peachyymallows @soldeloki @tbhiddlestan83 @trickster-maiden @joyful-enchantress
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moonslesbology · 1 year
katniss and peeta but instead of katniss being the archer and peeta being mirrorball it’s switched
because it works
peeta’s wondering if everyone can see through him: as in if people are looking at him, looking past him and noticing all his flaws. and it just becomes even worse after mockingjay because that truly is his most vulnerable moment
“I wake in the night, I pace like a ghost
The room is on fire, invisible smoke”
peeta basically just being haunted by everything. the torture, the false memories. they’re legit setting him ablaze.
“And all of my heroes die all alone
Help me hold onto you”
i feel like katniss would be his hero in a way. like she’s the hope and the katniss he loved died and was replaced by the memories of the capitol mutt rey wanted him to believe is her.
“I've been the archer
I've been the prey
Screaming, who could ever leave me, darling?
But who could stay?”
peeta’s lost at this point. no katniss, no one and it’s breaking him more and more as memories are replaced and his love is gradually turned to hatred. he’s now the archer, the fighter the capitol created to destroy katniss.
now katniss as mirrorball but specifically post catching fire - mockingjay
“And they called off the circus
Burned the disco down
When they sent home the horses
And the rodeo clowns” -
i feel like is more about the quarter quell and her destroying that arena.
“I'm still on that tightrope
I'm still trying everything to get you laughing at me” -
her being used as propo. she’s become the propaganda of a regime while still being a kid. she’s on that tightrope, being spun around to shine the rebellion in a positive light
“I'm still a believer but I don't know why
I've never been a natural
All I do is try, try, try”
she can’t act like peeta. she can’t fake things or sway people with her words. she’s just trying over and over again and every moment she’s just slipping further away.
“I'm still on that trapeze
I'm still trying everything
To keep you looking at me”
she’s just trying to get peeta back. she wants him to look at her and fight back.
they’re legit mirrorball x the archer but both work for each of them. imo their originals work the best but honestly i adore them
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morrisxn02 · 1 year
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ogden college (un)official class playlist ! available NOW at a therapist near you !
PART ONE: the student body
lacy by olivia rodrigo・henrietta astor
"oh, i care, i care, i care. like ribbons that you wear. my stomach's all in knots. you've got the one thing that i want..."
hurricane by halsey・reina azarolla
“i’m a wanderer, i’m a one-night-stand. don’t belong to no city, don’t belong to no man. i’m the violence in the pouring rain. i’m a hurricane.”
american teenager by ethel cain・ida clarke
“grew up under yellow lights on the street, putting too much faith in the make believe.”
this link is dead by deftones・lincoln crawford 
"pay attention! watch me close! as i decide which way i move"
february 15h by hobo johnson・nova dodson
"she went to columbia and i went to jail. i just wanted another apple when she really wanted yale. and that is the problem where all of this lies. i'm emotionally unstable. i'm a crazy fucking guy!"
crocodile tears by suzanna son・sassa fiske
"crocodile sitting all alone, painting nails the shade of pink to match princess peach's cheek. maybe they'll think i'm beautiful. maybe i can trick them."
perfect day by hoku・charlie fletcher 
“people say, they say that it’s just a phase. they tell me to act my age. well, i am.” 
the boy who blocked his own shot by brand new・jesse hart 
“a crown of gold, a heart harder than stone and it hurts to hold on, but it’s missed when it’s gone”
happy by marina・carmen hearst
"couldn't relax, couldn't sit back and let the sunlight in my lap. i sang a hymn to bring me peace and then came a melody."
too much by carlie rae jepsen・ollie inoue
"i live for the fire, and the rain, and the drama too, boy. and it feels like you never say what you want, and it feels like i can't get through, babe."
nina cried power by hozier and mavis staples・ mika ishii
“power has been cried by those stronger than me straight into the face that tells you to rattle your chains if you love being free. ah lord, and i could cry power!”
people watching by conan gray・logan iyande
“i’m only looking just to live through you vicariously. i’ve never really been in love, not seriously.”
summer child by conan gray・samantha jimenez 
"and you laugh and you dance in the wind, and you sway, and you hug and you kiss, but there's darkness behind those eyes."
savage daughter by sarah hester ross・ nixie linghui
“i am my mother’s savage daughter. the one who runs barefoot, cursing sharp stones. i am my mother’s savage daughter. i will not cut my hair. i will not lower my voice.”
mirrorball by taylor swift・roxie marsh
“hush. when no one is around, my dear, you’ find me on my tallest tiptoes, spinning in my highest heels, love. shinning just for you.”
don’t tell my mom by renée rapp・courtney mills
“so don’t tell my mom i’m falling apart. she hurts when i hurt. my scars are her scars. she’ll talk to her friends, impress all of them. at least in her mind, her daughter is fine.”
donttrustme by 3oh!3・cara morrison
“she's an actress, but she ain't got no need. she's got money from her parents and a trust fund back east."
halloween by novo amor・edward morrison 
“more and more with every accolade, i get carried with away with being carried away.”
i did something bad by taylor swift・greer morrison
"they're burning all the witches even if you aren't one. so light me up. go ahead and light me up."
autoestima by cupido, lola indigo and alizzz・ milo navarro
“my mother and my father gave me an extremely nice face. people don’t usually like pretty people like me.”
forsaken by paris paloma・alethea pierce
"i think i've done something to upset the stars again. the moon won't return my calls, but i deserve it. i deserve it all.”
strange overtones by david byrne, performed by whitney・lennon reed
"how long have i been missing? it's getting colder tonight. snowfall's reminiscing... i watched it melt before my eyes."
frankenstein by rina saywama・magnolia rhodes
"put me together, thread a needle so i'm like other people without all of the evil. i'm trying to be normal, but the trauma is immortal and none of this is your fault."
baseball by hippo campus・monty richler
“there goes that moonboy looking jungly with all his leaves a-growing.”
king by florence and the machine・anya saetang
"my empty halls echo with grand self-mythology. i am no mother, i am no bride. i am king."
stick season by noah kahan・nathaniel shaw 
“now i'm stuck between my anger and the blame that i can't face and the memories are something even smoking weed does not replace." 
liability by lorde・natalia vega
"she's so hard to please, but she's a forest fire. i do my best to meet her demands, play at romance, we slow dance in the living room, but all a stranger would see is one girl, swaying alone, stroking her cheek."
satanist by boygenius・jacqui velazquez 
“will you be a nihilist with me? if nothing matters, man, that’s a relief…”
you're on your own, kid by taylor swift・parker walsh
"there were pages turned with the bridges burned, everything you lose is a step you take. so make the friendship bracelets, take the moment and taste it. you've got no reason to be afraid. you're on your own kid. yeah, you can face this..."
river by leon bridges・malik wright 
"as my sins flow down the jordan, oh, i wanna come near ya and give ya every part of me. but there's blood in my hands, and my lips aren't clean..."
tolerate it by taylor swift・mari zuko
“i made you my temple, my mural, my sky. now i’m begging for footnotes in the story of your life.”
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starrystevie · 1 year
tagged by @yournowheregirl and @judasofsuburbia to show 6 characters I relate to!
here i give you the "if they can relate to mirrorball, the archer, and you're on your own kid by ms. taylor swift then they are a reflection of me" list
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steve harrington (stranger things): listen if there was one character that i think truly is a perfect reflection of me, it would be steve. i don't want to bore you all with the thesis i could write about him so here are the cliffs notes: protective, people pleaser, romantic at heart, sarcastic, gifted child burnout, specifically this line from mirrorball "shimmering beautiful, and when i break it's in a million pieces"
steve rogers (marvel): ahh yes, and then the other steve that is the other side of the mirror. loyal to a fault where i would start a civil war for those i love, a leader, compassionate, stubborn, wants to dance the night away in a jazz club with my baby on my arm as we sway to the crooners, living in an idealized version of the past, not very good at taking compliments, specifically this line from the archer "i wake in the night, i pace like a ghost, the room is on fire, invisible smoke, and all of my heroes die all alone, help me hold on to you"
lorelai gilmore (gilmore girls): i knew that watching gilmore girls from such a young age would have a lasting effect on me. we both hold grudges from things in the past. both like to go back to those things thinking things will be different only to realize we still want to run away. witty, uses too many media quotes for our own good, lives off junk food and spite, crave the small town life and the smell of snow, specifically this line from you're on your own kid "from sprinkler splashes to fireplace ashes, i gave my blood, sweat, and tears for this. i hosted parties and starved my body like i'd be saved by a perfect kiss" (this whole song is lorelai coded btw choosing just one line was hard)
jo march (little women): oh man, where to start. writing as an escape from a world that feels to small, wanting to explore and see the world and the beauty that hides in it, craving love but not knowing how to give it away freely, on the other hand craving attention and soaking it in, fierce, loyal, would do anything for those she cares about no matter the consequences, specifically this line from you're on your own kid "i didn't choose this town, i dream of getting out, there's just one who could make me stay"
dean winchester (supernatural): hi hello daddy issues! but also never being able to live up to you father's expectations and dealing with the fact that your sibling is the favorite no matter how hard you try, covers everything up with a smile and joke or anger and a clenched fist, hopelessly obsessed with women but confused over sexuality because of a pretty men, loves road trips with the windows down playing classic rock, would fight god bare handed if it meant that the people i love got to live (i'll refrain from going into religious trauma but if y'all want the full essay on how much i love dean winchester, please let me know), specifically this line from the archer "combat, i'm ready for combat, i say i don't want that, but what if i do? cause cruelty wins in the movies, i've got a hundred thrown out speeches i almost said to you" (this song is so dean coded i didn't know how to just choose one line)
oikawa tooru (haikyuu): tries so hard to be perfect only to have someone more naturally gifted best you, serving cunt with a smirk, whiny baby who wants their way, kind of weird but hides it as best as they can, showing their full deck of cards to people who deserve it, specifically this line from mirrorball "i'm still on that trapeze, i'm still trying everything to keep you looking at me"
i'm not sure who all has done this so feel free to use this as me tagging you if you'd like to along with these no pressure tags!: @scoops-stevie @thefreakandthehair @buckleydiaz @vecnuthy @stevethehairington @riality-check
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whenemmafallsinlove · 11 months
hey taylor!! now that we are all in our 1989 Taylor’s Version era i thought what better way to be in my 1989 era than to write a letter to you on tumblr like i used to do nine years ago when i was just 15 years old. 🫶🏻 if you’re here, and you want the story behind these pics, click away. 🫶🏻🥰🫶🏻
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so much has changed since those days. in the original 1989 era, i was a high school sophomore just as obsessed with you then as i am today. i remember being so in awe of the secret sessioners and thinking what a dream! too bad that will never be me.
today, in YOUR version of the 1989 era, aka the only version in my book, im living my best life. i’ve long since grown up, graduated nursing school, came out as a lesbian, WENT TO A SECRET SESSION AT YOUR INVITATION?!??, and am now engaged to the love of my life, Briley, who is also a swiftie. we have one dog and four cats - as last august, the cat distribution system worked when two kittens covered in fleas walked up to us on the street. we named them august and betty. i made them cardigans. i also made your cats cardigans but don’t know how to get them to you. 🤣
anyways, let’s get to the engagement part of things bc when i tell you this is the weirdest, most full circle fairy tale.
let’s start by saying the speak now era has always been extremely special to me because on august 13, 2011 my amazing mom took me and my sister to our first ever concert - the speak now world tour. that show was so magical and perfect for a little twelve and ten year old who thought you were a literal princess. i literally joined your online fan forum the next day!!
the first place i ever listened to lover was your house in nashville. okay, moving on. nothing crazy about that sentence at all.
flash forward, i moved from st. louis to kansas city to live with my amazing girlfriend. we went to the opening weekend of the tour in glendale, where i got a mirrorball tattoo bc of you playing it (and a tweet i made about it…) then we went to nashville night one.
i was already like deeply in my feels about going to your concert in nashville bc that would be the second time i would listen to the lover songs in nashville. i didn’t know how i could ever top the first time!! briley had me covered - she proposed during lover!!!!
then later that night you announced speak now tv. and it was going to be released on the day of the kansas city n1 show - where we live, where we were going. this special era i had been so looking forward to.
then the vault gets announced and there’s a song called when emma falls in love????? what?!?
so at kc n1, i was with my mom and sister and my fiancée was across the stadium with her best friend. i was already dead deceased because you played long live, but then you played NEVER GROW UP. WITH MY MOM AND SIS THERE. we swayed and cried.
THEN YOU PLAYED WHEN EMMA FALLS IN LOVE. TAYLOR I LITERALLY DIED. we as fans always joke that the stars align so mysteriously for you and that night i really felt like they did for me too.
anyways, you probably won’t ever see this (that’s how you have to sign ever letter to taylor on tumblr off!!) but just in case you do, a reminder that i love you so endlessly. my fiancée and i are getting married just outside of kc on 5/25/25 and we would love to see you there.
a thousand hugs to my fav blondie, emma (friendlyneighborhoodpegacorn) (positive hour girl who now runs swifferwins on twitter, an account dedicated to celebrating swiftie joy!!)
ps peep the mirrorball tattoo, the state of grace tattoo, and the long live tattoo (not pictured: the folklore tattoo on my ankle) the only thing missing is a handwritten “all we are is skin and bone, trained to get along” tattoo from you!!!
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Man, going to a Taylor Swift party in my home town was the only positive experience I had with anything remotely related to a disco bar.
You look around yourself and you know that everyone is there for a similar reason. The environment was amazing. Yes, the music was loud, just like it would be in any other party, but no one was drinking excessively and it all just felt like a metaphorical blanket of human warmth.
Here are a few highlights of the night:
*the entire room sitting on the floor and holding hands while singing songs like ATW10, Dear John, champagne problems, The Archer, illicit affairs, Back to December
*the entire room forming a circle, putting their arms around other people's shoulders, swaying side to side while singing softly to New Year's Day and mirrorball
*everyone singing "Taylor you'll be fine" during Anti-Hero
And so many other things I can't remember right now
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shangchiswife · 3 years
luke skywalker- paper rings
summary: on a cold night, you and luke decide to do some slow dancing in the slow
luke x gn!reader
warnings: none
word count: 663
Being stationed in Hoth was very difficult for you. It was way too cold making you have to bundle up making it difficult for you to move around.
You sat inside your quarters on your bed wrapped up in your velvet blanket while you read a book. Even with the thick blanket, you were still freezing.
Your boyfriend Luke burst through the door making you jump up.
"Geez, Lucas you scared me," you stared at your blonde-haired boyfriend who looked extremely happy to see you.
"Nice to see you too, Y/N," Luke laughed as he plopped down on your bed and moved closer to you and placed his hands on your waist, and pulled you close to his chest.
"Well, that's goodbye to reading," you said as you placed your book on the nightstand next to you and then wrapped your arms around Luke.
He gave you the lightest kiss on your forehead making you give an embarrassed smile.
Your skin tingled from where his lips had just laid on you.
Luke's kisses still made you dizzy. Even the sight of his beautiful form made your hands clammy. You would feel all the heat rush to your face. Luke was always on your mind. He was just that angelic.
He placed his palm on your cheek and stroked it gently.
His ocean blue eyes stared down at you and a small smile formed on his face.
"I like being like this with you," Luke said as he continued to stroke your cheek.
"Me too, I wish we could stay like this forever. Eternally wrapped around each other," you whispered making him laugh and his cheeks glow pink.
His warm breath fell onto your face making you feel warmer in the cold.
An idea shot through your head as you sprung upward from your bed making your ditzy-eyed boyfriend yelp as he slowly got up.
"What happened are you okay Y/N?" he asked his eyebrows furrowing.
"Want to do something crazy?" you looked at him with a sly grin on his face.
"With you of course. To the stars and beyond...as long as it isn't illegal," he gave you a toothy smile as you snorted.
"It's not illegal however it will involve getting cold," you said as you poked your boyfriend bringing goosebumps to his skin.
"Well let's get the coats," he rushed over to your shared closet and pulled out two large puffy coats, and tossed one over to you.
"And we can't forget your beanie it looks adorable on you!" Luke spoke excitedly as he got out a knitted beanie from a box and threw it at you.
You placed it on your head as you zipped up your coat.
Luke finished at the same time and grabbed your hand and you both exited your quarters.
It was almost empty on the base with everyone getting ready for bed.
You both grasped each other's hands as you exited the base and were greeted by a particularly cold gust of air making you both gasp.
"So what did you want to do?" Luke asked as he placed his earmuffs over his ears and stepped into the beautiful white snow.
"Dance," you said simply as you took your phone out and put on a slow song called mirrorball.
Luke smiled at you as you put your arms around his neck and swayed.
"I adore slow songs," you muttered after a few minutes as you squished your cheek onto his chest.
You could feel Luke's heart racing.
The music was soft as the white snow gently fell on both of you. It seemed as if both of you were the only two people alive and that this was all made for you.
"I adore you," he whispered as he rubbed circles on your coat.
"God I could marry you with paper rings," you spun in a circle as he pulled you back to his chest.
"You would?" his face broke out into a wide smile making your heart burst.
"Of course, I love you so much," you looked up at your boyfriend through your lashes.
"I love you too my angel," he said as he kissed your beanie.
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beanbeans-posts · 2 years
mirrorball by t swift is just 🤌
here's a unedited blurb from my brain while listening to this song. its vauge and could be about anyone but literally all I can picture right now is Jake Seresin x reader vibes, ya know?
it's 2am and you faintly remember the sounds of last calls being shouted across the bar.
slow songs have started playing through the speakers as the night winds down. the familiar sounds of one of your favorite songs, 'mirrorball' begins playing softly.
"wanna dance with me?" he says with his hand already held out for you to take. the god damn look he is giving you makes you nod your head quickly, smiling.
as you make your way to the makeshift dancefloor, he keeps one of his hands in yours while the other one guides across your waist reaching the small of your back ever so gently. you hook your arm under his and your hand rests gently on his shoulder while your other hand is still grasping his.
slowly swaying to the song while his chin is gently resting on the side of your head, eyes closed. he wonders if you can feel how fast his heart is beating right now. he calls your name, ever so sweetly. you look up at him, and he grins, eye searching yours, barely above a whisper he says to you, "I love you" for the first time. your heart is exploding.
welp, that's all I got folks
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beachesgetpeaches · 2 years
Stancy x Swift Time
Or, yknow, I will extract my Stancy Swift songs and let you know which lyrics just hit me in my poor Stancy heart. BUT I am limiting myself to like one lyrics. Idk. Okay and please send me other songs you like and lyrics because I totally will use this as inspiration for fics :D
State of Grace
These are the hands of fate You're my Achilles heel This is the golden age of something good and right and real
Two headlights shine through the sleepless night and I will Get you a, get you alone Your name has echoed through my mind and I just Think you should, think you should know That nothing safe is worth the drive and I would Follow you, follow you home
The Very First Night
Danced in the kitchen, chased me down through the hallway No one knows about the words that we whispered No one knows how much I miss you
Untouchable, burning brighter than the sun And when you're close, I feel like coming undone
You know that my train could take you home Anywhere else is hollow I'm begging for you to take my hand Wreck my plans, that's my man
champagne problems
Because I dropped your hand while dancing Left you out there standing Crestfallen on the landing Champagne problems
coney island
I'm on a bench in Coney Island wondering where did my baby go? The fast times, the bright lights, the merry go Sorry for not making you my centerfold Over and over
the 1
I persist and resist the temptation to ask you If one thing had been different Would everything be different today?
I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
this is me trying
They told me all of my cages were mental So I got wasted like all my potential And my words shoot to kill when I'm mad I have a lot of regrets about that
I'm a fire and I'll keep your brittle heart warm If your cascade ocean wave blues come All these people think love's for show But I would die for you in secret The devil's in the details But you got a friend in me Would it be enough If I could never give you peace?
Death by a Thousand Cuts
I look through the windows of this love Even though we boarded them up Chandelier's still flickering here 'Cause I can't pretend it's okay when it's not It's death by a thousand cuts
Cornelia Street
Windows flung right open, autumn air Jacket 'round my shoulders is yours We bless the rains on Cornelia Street Memorize the creaks in the floor
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue All's well that ends well to end up with you
Sometimes when I look into your eyes I pretend you're mine, all the damn time 'Cause I like you Is it cool that I said all that? Is it chill that you're in my head? 'Cause I know that it's delicate
Dancing With Our Hands Tied
I'd kiss you as the lights went out Swaying as the room burned down I'd hold you as the water rushes in If I could dance with you again
All of this silence and patience, pining and anticipation My hands are shaking from holding back from you ... Say my name and everything just stops I don't want you like a best friend
You got that James Dean daydream look in your eye And I got that red lip classic thing that you like And when we go crashing down We come back every time 'Cause we never go out of style We never go out of style
Out of the Woods
Remember when we couldn't take the heat I walked out and said, "I'm settin' you free," But the monsters turned out to be just trees When the sun came up, you were lookin' at me
This Love
This love is good, this love is bad This love is alive back from the dead, These hands had to let it go free, and This love came back to me
Back to December
I'd go back in time and change it but I can't So if the chain is on your door I understand But this is me swallowing my pride Standing in front of you, saying, "I'm sorry for that night." And I go back to December
Sparks Fly
I'll run my fingers through your hair and watch the lights go wild Just keep on keeping your eyes on me, it's just wrong enough to make it feel right And lead me up the staircase Won't you whisper soft and slow? I'm captivated by you, baby, like a firework show
I’m done. That’s it.
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Remus Lupin x femReader fluff
A/n: this idea came to me while listening to Mirrorball by Taylor Swift- it’s such a 🥰 song which I want to fall in love to so here’s a fic manifesting that lmao (also the gif isn’t mine;credits to the owner)
Warnings: kissing (?), Sirius being suggestive (what’s new) so 13 + , slight insecurity on part of the reader, FLUFFFFF, will make you want to attend the Yule Ball really badly
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The stairs leading down to the great hall were carpeted with a luxurious royal blue. The marble railings had pearls and holly twisting around them and the air carried a serene scent of honeysuckle. Chandeliers were suspended above, casting a warm light on the delighted students. Hogwarts really was beautiful during the Yule Ball.
Taking a deep breath, you let the atmosphere calm your nerves. You straightened out your white silk dress that cut off a little above your knees in the front and cascaded down to the ground at the back. The straps closed in on where your neck and shoulders met, forming a gracefully simple halter design. Lilly had convinced you to let her do your hair- she was probably more excited than you about the fact that your crush, Remus Lupin, had asked to take you as his date to the Yule Ball. You were glad you succumbed to her incessant pleads because your hair was tied up in an elegant bun and had tiny pearls scattered across the auburn locks.
Ever since third year potions when you and Remus happened to sit together, you knew you were starting to really fall for the brown haired boy. You doubted he felt the same for you though- he was intelligent, attractive, kind and...perfect. There were so many gorgeous girls in Hogwarts so what made you special to him? Lilly however, would practically yell at you for being so “blind”. “YOU BLIND IDIOT HOW DO YOU NOT SEE HOW HE SMILES SO GOOFISHLY LARGE AT YOU?! REMUS IS HEAD OVER HEELS FOR YOU BUT YOU BOTH ARE BLOODY COWARDS TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT!” she would often say.
When he asked you to the ball, you felt hopeful about things...maybe just maybe he felt something too? Or maybe he wanted to take you as a friend? All these questions buzzed through your head as you slowly made yourself down the stairs. Your fingers grazed the holly clad railings as a swarm of hippogriffs raced inside your stomach. Shaking your head to clear your thoughts, you reached to bottom of the stairs where the two of you had agreed to meet. You stretched your neck and scanned the room, searching for the boy you had crushed on for nearly two years.
There he was, standing with James, Sirius and Peter who were all laughing merrily at a joke. Remus looked breathtakingly handsome. He was the tallest amongst them all, his light brown hair that you had always desired to stroke was pushed back, his dress robes were navy blue and fit him perfectly. His face was etched with the scars of his secret which you admired- you always felt honored by the fact that you were one of the people he trusted enough to tell. Remus’ eyes sparkled as he chuckled at something James had said. 
 All of a sudden you felt your breathing quicken and your heart ache. You couldn’t do this. ‘Am i stupid?’ You thought to yourself, ‘Why would he ever like me when he could have any girl he wants? I’m just an ordinary girl- he deserves better than me.’ Consternation clouded your mind and right then you had resolved to go back to your dorm and if not you would probably throw up on him in a state of anxiety. Now that would be embarrassing. It isn’t like Remus would miss you anyways right? He could just get another girl at the last moment to be his date- and that lucky girl would all too willingly oblige. 
Just as you turned on your heel to go back up, you felt a warm hand wrap around your shoulder. You turned you head in confusion and you eyes were met with sparkling hazel ones- it was Remus. “ Y/n! You look gorgeous-wow” His sweet yet husky voice rang out, his eyes taking you in. Heat rose to your cheeks at his words. ‘He’s just being nice he doesn’t mean it obviously’ you told yourself, not letting yourself get hopeful just to be let down . “Oh uh hi there Remus. Um thanks you too” you greeted, slurring your words out, flustered. His lips curved upwards in a smile and his hand left your shoulder. He raised his eyebrows, silently asking if it was okay to take your hand. You nodded slowly, still in a daze. Remus’ large hand softly enveloped yours as he lead you to his friends. 
Sirius looked away from the girl on his arm who’s name was Marlene. She smiled at you cordially and complimented your dress. Sirius’ greeting on the other hand was well- unique. To expect anything else would be out of the question though ; you had known him ever since you were seven because of boring pure blood family banquets you were forced by your parents to attend. The two of you always sought each other’s company instead of those other stuck up, nauseating witches and wizards present . “y/l/n! good day!” he said, mockingly bowing. “Don’t you look ravishing, little one” You rolled your eyes jokingly at him, trying to seem calm and respond like you normally would, “Yes hello to you too Sirius.” He joked about you him being your mentor in regards to sneaking away and pranking slimy, prejudiced, pure bloods. 
“Hi y/n how are you” James greeted you sort of distractedly, looking around you. “Prongs! stop looking for Lilly jeez she said no to you five times i seriously doubt she’s gonna change her mind now” Sirius said exasperatedly. “James was hoping Lilly would be with you” Remus explained, chuckling lightly in with a mocking undertone. James crossed his arms at Remus’ taunting, “Oh don’t pretend like you weren’t worrying your arse about y/n ditching you because she was 2 minutes late” Remus scowled at his friend, red staining his cheeks.
“Awww” you giggled, sort of relieved that he actually wanted you there. So maybe there was nothing to worry about. ‘Just relax’ you told yourself. Remus returned you smile still blushing and gazed at you for a bit until he was broken from his reverie by Sirius voice. “Moony why do you look like you’re mentally undressing y/n- save it for after the ball when you can actually do it” he said winking suggestively, causing the whole group to break out in a chorus of laughter. Remus scowled at Sirius, shoving his shoulder playfully. Your face turned red as you shoved him too “Do you always have to be so immature and crude” you remarked, shaking your head in feigned disappointed. Sirius stuck his tongue out at you. 
You felt Remus grasp your hand, “Let’s get out of here before i get embarrassed even more” He murmured. “Let’s go dance” You suggested before racing into the great hall, hand in hand, the both of you chuckling at you trying not to trip in your heels. The great hall was decked out in gorgeous Christmas decor- enchanted snowflakes fell to the ground, pine trees were adorned with bobbles and garlands and a thousand candles floated around, casting light over the formally dressed students and teachers. A merry chatter floated in the air, instantly having you excited for what the night would entail. 
As you both made your way to the crowd, the band hoisted on the blue platform started playing Killer Queen by Queen. All the students including Remus and you starting cheering and dancing, full of energy. You grasped both his hands, reveling in the moment, jumping and dancing together, singing the lyrics till your throats were sore. As the chorus rang out, Remus pretended to be holding a mic to his mouth and sang the lyrics to you. You had very rarely seen this playfully goofy side of him and you absolutely adored it. Clenching your stomach which was aching from the waves of laughter that had overcome you, you fell to the ground, causing Remus to join you in the laughter. As his shoulders shook with uncontrollable chuckles, he reached his hand down to you, which you took. In that moment, you had completely forgotten about your anxiety and insecurities. Being here, laughing and dancing with him was enough. Nothing could be more perfect that watching his gorgeous face overcome with joy. 
A few moments passed, allowing everyone to calm down and catch their breaths until the soft tune of a piano being played could be heard. All the couples took their places on the floor and started swaying slowly. “Did I tell you how amazing you look tonight?” the brown haired boy asked you as he lightly placed his hands on your waist, guiding you to the notes of the music. Maybe he did mean it? Your heart fluttered at the thought. The mirror ball above rotated slowly, casting glittering reflections on the both of you. “You look quite wonderful yourself” you said as you hesitantly placed both of your hands on top of his shoulders and stepped closer to him. You gazed into his hazel eyes, searching for something you had wanted for a long time. He gazed right back, never breaking contact. Remus’ eyes glittered in the warm light and within them you identified happiness. Yes that was definitely happiness...but there was something more. Remus’ calloused fingers were brought up to push a stray strand of hair out of your face, his hand grazing your skin ever so slightly, again giving rise to the hippogriffs in your stomach but this time they were conjured from joy rather than nerves.
You had not realized how long the two of you were completely entranced by each other until the music came to a halt. The both of you were broken away from your thoughts, but remained holding each other. Then Remus spoke, never leaving your eyes, “Y/n... I don’t know how to say this. I uh I have never done this before” He said, a look of hesitance falling over his face. He took a deep breath before continuing. “You’re so wonderful in every aspect fathomable and I really like you”. Remus scanned your face, worry ghosting his expressions as you remained silent. Your face was blank, but internally you were processing what just happened. “I’m sorry i shouldn’t have-” he started, taking his hands away from your waist, but then you leaned up, taking his face in your hands and crashed your lips onto his. 
They tasted more marvelous than you could have imagined- like fire whisky and chocolate. All the day dreams you had gotten lost in during classes had finally become a reality. He kissed right back placing his hands on your lower back to bring you closer to him. Your hands trailed from his jaw to his neck, feeling the scarred, warm skin under your fingers- it was perfect, he was perfect. As you deepened the kiss you felt him smile against your lips before pulling away and placing his forehead on yours, reveling in the moment. “I really like you too” you whispered, your breath hot against his lips. 
Cheers erupted from around the two of you and you turned your head to see the three marauders and a group of students clapping and cheering the both of you on. “MOONY YOU DID IT!” you heard James yell out, a proud smile plastered across his face as Sirius cheered again. Your gaze fell on a particular scarlet haired girl who was jumping enthusiastically- Lilly. You smiled wide as the two of you exchanged excited looks. “I told you” she mouthed before blowing a kiss at you. 
Remus rubbed your back, pulling you into his side,bringing his mouth to your ear, “Wanna go up to the common room?” You nodded, pecking his cheek once more. You could not believe that he actually liked you- you could explode with happiness. When the two of you had reached the doors leading to the staircase where it was more quiet you stopped to take your heels off that were killing your poor feet. Before you could do so, Remus swiftly swooped you up in his arms, “No need, i can just carry you up” he said flashing you a large grin. You giggled, threading your arms around his neck and with your free hand carded your fingers through his soft brown hair. “I’ve always wanted to do that” you admitted. He laughed in response. “We can sit by the fireplace, I’ll get us some snacks and we can talk. We can also do more of this” he swooped down to plant a lingering, sweet kiss on your lips. “How does that sound?” 
“Mmmm that sounds perfect” You replied, resting your head against his chest. This felt like home. And the best part was that this wasn’t a dream- it was all reality.
Hi there! I hope you enjoyed. If you have any suggestions for what I should write next, let me know!
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goddessofmischief · 4 years
Ooh ooh, in the mood for some Steve? Maybe you could write one where he’s trying to decide if him and reader are just friends or if he’s in love with her and he decides that they’re just friends. Then he sees her at a formal event and she’s all dressed up and he’s just like “nope, not friends, oh no, definitely in love” and he spends the whole night jealous and brooding because she’s there with someone else. But then at the end of it, he confesses his feelings to her and kissss her? I know this is so specific but it just seems like an ideal situation for Steve in my head.
I love this prompt! This takes place in the universe of my Henderson!Reader series, and let’s say that the Hawkins seniors had their prom a couple weeks after the snow ball, because plot. This is the song playing at the dance.
Prom Queen - Steve Harrington x Reader
He was just your friend.
Just your friend who sometimes brought pizza over in the middle of the night, or knew what the best scary movie was to rent (probably because he’d found out from Dustin.)
Just your friend, who had kissed you - but only just that one time.
Besides, it barely even counted. The two of you had gotten caught up in the moment - he saved your life, you’d kissed him. It was dumb, and completely reckless, and really, really impulsive.
...And it kinda made you want to do it again.
But you couldn’t. Steve had kissed you back, but it wasn’t like he’d admitted to having feelings for you. He’d just broken up with Nancy, and Nancy was your friend. You weren’t going to throw yourself at her ex-boyfriend, especially if he couldn’t care less about you, romantically.
The problem is, it’s inconvenient not to have someone to go to prom with. Really, really inconvenient. You wanted to ask Steve so badly - you were friends, after all, it wouldn’t be so strange - but you couldn’t even have asked him if you wanted to - because when you had subtly mentioned the subject, Steve had shut you down.
He didn’t want you. When were you going to understand that?
On one hand, you didn’t want to hurt Steve by going with someone else. On the other, he’d wrecked you, and you kind of did want to hurt Steve.
And, unfortunately for the both of you, you knew exactly how to do that.
“Remember,” Max lectured her brother, who stood awkwardly next to you, “If you do anything, Y/N’s gonna tell me about it - and I’ll kill you, understand?” “Yes, Max,” Billy muttered, through gritted teeth. “Understand?” “Yes, Max.”
Max shrugged, opening the car door for the two of you.
“He should be good,” she said. “Let me know how it goes.” You flashed her an uncharacteristically dorky thumbs up.
Billy groans.
This could not be happening.
Steve Harrington’s life had been even more of a wreck than usual, lately. No college. No job. No girlfriend. No friends.
No friends, that is, except you.
You. Who he’d pushed away.
Why he’d done it, even he didn’t know. Maybe it was because you were the first thing he’d loved in a long time, and he just wasn’t sure whether it was real. Steve didn’t want to hurt you by later realizing that you’d just been a rebound. He needed time.
Maybe I’ll figure it out tonight, he thought, checking his bowtie in the school’s bathroom mirror, and walking back into the gymnasium.
And seeing you, and - oh, no.
This could not be happening.
You and Billy Hargrove, his arch nemesis. The guy who had busted his face up. ‘Course, you hadn't known that. As far as he knew, Dustin had never explained to you why he looked the way he did. The rest of that night was so overwhelming, Steve wouldn’t be surprised if you hadn’t given it a second thought. This wasn’t fair.
And then you walked closer, and he really got to see you - your dress wasn’t cheesy or awful, like everyone else’s. It was black, with a tulle skirt, and fake-leather corset. You wore elbow-length gloves, and your hair was styled just the way you liked it.
You looked pretty - you were pretty.
And he knew that he loved you.
Not that it mattered. He had pushed you away, and now you were in love with Billy Hargrove. Which was... fine.
Steve couldn’t care less.
“Alright,” you said, in a low, persuasive voice, as you and Billy danced, “You better keep your hand on my waist, Hargrove - Steve’s coming over.”
But to your surprise, Steve breezed right past you. You’d been hopeful, for a moment... he’d spent the whole night glaring at you, bowtie untied, shirt collar open, looking as wrecked as he seemed to feel on the inside.
...Oh. You remembered why he was heading up. It was a quarter to nine, and that was when Hawkins High announced prom king and queen - which Steve had won last year, and was a sure bet to win again.
“Alright,” said a red-haired girl, stopping the music. “We’re going to go by prom queen first, if that’s okay - the 1984 contestants for Hawkins High prom queen are...” You glanced across the gym, to Nancy, who grinned at you.
“Y/N L/N!”
You clapped your hand over your mouth, completely shocked. You’d been sort-of popular at Hawkins, but never like Nancy or Steve. This was... amazing.
Or it was, before Steve Harrington rushed in front of you and grabbed the DJ’s microphone.
“Hi,” said Steve, interrupting the music. “Hi, you may know me, I’m Steve Harrington-” The crowd whoops.
“Yeah, but the thing is, that doesn’t matter - this whole prom thing, man, it’s just... a social obligation that nobody really cares about, and it’s so fake-”
“Get off the stage!” someone shouted, and you were eighty percent sure it was your best friend Robin.
“And if you care about this,” Steve finished, “You’re fake, too.”
He looked directly at you, and the red-haired girl reclaimed the mic, shoving him off.
“Anyway,” she said. “This has a special kind of irony now, but - the 1984 Hawkins High Prom King is Steve Harrington.” You cheered louder than anyone, and Billy, ever-so-talented at pretending to be a gentleman, walked you up to the stage.
“Nice job, Harrington,” you muttered.
“Hey, don’t look at me. I’m not the one who showed up with Hargrove.” You groaned, trying to smile as the crowns were placed on your heads.
“And now,” said the red-haired girl, reading off a cue card, “the prom king and queen have the first slow dance.”
Steve offered his hand to you, almost jokingly, and you were tempted to smack it away. Instead, you exhaled, trying to conceal how in pain you truly were.
“I wanted to come with you,” you admitted, swaying, and he spun you. “We were friends - I tried to ask.”
“There’s gotta be some in-between between me and Hargrove.”
"Maybe there isn’t,” you shout-whispered, as the dance ended. “Maybe I just wanted you.” There, you’d said it. You'd well and truly embarrassed yourself in front of the King of Hawkins High.
You ripped your hand from his grasp, and tore out into the parking lot.
“Y/N!” he shouted, far away from the mirrorballs and music. “Y/N, come back-”
“No,” you said, fumbling for the keys to your car. “No, I’m done, Steve. I don’t want to be your friend if it means I’m the person you expect to wait for you until you need me there.” “I don’t want to be your friend, either.”
Your breath caught in your throat, and you turned around.
“I love you, Y/N. I really, really do. And, any place you’re going... that’s where I’m gonna be. I get it if you don’t feel it - if you don’t love me, too. But I had to say it.” He turned, and you grabbed his wrist, turning him back to you.
“Kiss me good-night,” you said, finally, “Or you’re going to regret it for the rest of your life.”
Steve kissed you, softly.
“Good-night,” you whispered. He opened the car door for you, and you climbed in.
“Hey, you want to get pizza?” “Me?” “Yes, you, Harrington - it’s prom night. Can’t be home too early. Unless... King Steve’s too cool for pizza?”
“Oh, no,” Steve grinned, getting in on the other side. “No, he’s definitely not.”
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txtdreamss · 4 years
mirrorball // [g.w.]
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sequel to tolerate it
warnings: angst, fem!reader
summary: It’s been 2 weeks since George told you he has a date to the yule ball. As of now, it’s the night before and you are reflecting on your feelings for him and wondering if you can continue as his best friend.
word count: 1.5k
A/N: So, here it is! I am hoping to get this posted as soon as possible for those of you who wanted to see a part 2 to tolerate it. I had a really difficult time deciding on how I wanted to end this, and I really hope it pleases you guys (not sure I’m happy with the ending, but that is to be expected). Sorry in advance for any errors, as this is a one-woman show and I sometimes miss my own mistakes. :) Special thanks to @ajusquishy for being the first to ask about this addition to tolerate it!
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight
The past 2 weeks had been the most difficult time of your life. George had been following Alicia around like a lost puppy, and even Fred was getting sick of it. Oddly enough, it seemed like George couldn’t get through one interaction with you without mentioning the girl’s name.
“Oh Y/N, we decided to match my tie to her dress!”
“Did you know she said I am the cutest quidditch player she has ever met?”
“I’m thinking about asking mum to knit her a sweater this Christmas!”
At first you could handle it. As his best friend of nearly 6 years, it was your job to handle it. Why didn’t that make any of this easier?
There wasn’t a change in George that you had neglected to notice. Hell, your heart dropped when he showed up with a new bruise after quidditch practice. You were the one who had told him to grow his hair out (and damn, was that a good piece of advice). George had even been with you when he chose his first pair of dress robes for merlin’s sake!
Molly Weasley saw you as her stand-in while the boys and Ginny were at Hogwarts. Of course, she didn’t know that George and Fred had grown in their pranking abilities thanks to your sugar-sweet exterior, but that didn’t change the role you played in the Weasley children’s life. You were the responsible friend who also just happened to lead a double life when it came to the twins.  It was thanks to you that they had received only 3 detentions this quarter, and it was their fault that you now had an affinity for “accidentally” leaving dung bombs in the outer pockets of Cormac McLaggen’s bag.
“Hey, Y/N... I haven’t seen you around much. You aren’t avoiding me, are ya?” George’s baritone voice broke you out of your thoughts. He settled his arms on the top of your head, and sighed deeply, letting his head drop. “Fred and I need your help figuring out what the best escape route from the dungeons is.”
“Go ask Lee, he can do some math too.” Yes, you were being harsh, but George’s presence was enough to shatter any semblance of self control you still had left.  “Now, if you excuse me, I have a study date with some ancient runes and Hermione.”
As you stalked out of the common room, George couldn’t bear to bring up how he hadn’t been able to come up with any solid pranks in exactly 14 days.
You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Tonight was the night; your hair was curled to perfection, and the gown your mother had sent you was the color of holly. The heels you had strapped on were a matte black dusted with the occasional piece of red glitter. Despite the fact that George was not your date, you couldn’t help my let your thoughts drift to him as you got ready. Would he think you looked pretty? Would he think you looked as good as her?
Lee tapped you on the shoulder, and you steadied yourself before letting him gently grab your hand. “Don’t let that prat get you down. You look like a goddess, Y/N. Now, let’s go show Georgie what he is missing.” 
Lee was a great friend for doing this for you; he knew about your feelings (Fred apparently can’t keep his mouth shut), and immediately became set on helping you get back on your feet. He had become your greatest cheerleader as of late, and claimed that George doesn’t know it, but he definitely has feelings for you.
As you both walked into the great hall, you couldn’t help but let out a gasp. There were snowflakes and all types of seasonal decor strung up across the room, and it was almost like the room had transformed into a winter dreamscape. Fred and George had beat you there, already sipping punch with Angelina and Alicia.
“You boys clean up nice.” The twins and Lee let out a chorus of ‘hey’s, clearly displeased with your mockery of their appearances.
“Oi, I was betting 5 galleons that Fred would show up in his trainers...” George’s voice was surprisingly meek, almost as if he was looking for your approval with his jabs towards his brother.
The boys immediately began discussing their plan to spike the punch bowl with firewhiskey, and Angelina and Alicia launched into a conversation about where they had purchased their gowns. You felt more than out of place at this point, and decided to relocate after notifying Lee that you’d be fine on your own for a bit. Almost immediately after, Angelina went to distract McGonagall while Fred and Lee snuck under the table of refreshments.
You went to talk with Hermione and the younger trio, and were drawn into a lesson in muggle dancing.
“No, Ron, that is not how you hit the woah.” (I’m sorry I felt so inclined to include this cuz the image makes me chuckle lol).
“Well, ‘Mione, why don’t you and Y/N show us how this is done then?” Harry and Ron crossed their arms, and Hermione slipped her arm around your shoulders.
“C’mon, Y/N. You look like you could use something fun.” She dragged you onto the dance floor, and you both began dramatically spinning each other to the sound of your wheezing laughter.
If only you had noticed a certain red-headed prankster gazing at you like you had hung the stars in the sky...
You are not like the regulars The masquerade revelers Drunk as they watch my shattered edges glisten
Fred and Angelina had taken to the floor as soon as the waltzing began. After watching them twirl to the crescendos of the music, you finally decided enough was enough. All it too was a look at Lee, and he understood what you needed to do. You slipped out of the doors to the great hall, and found yourself wandering amongst the carriages powdered with snow, occasionally stopping to draw shapes into the piles of flakes.
Following five-ish minutes of mucking about, you finally decided to sit on the steps that bridged the courtyard and the hallways. Snowflakes continued floating, but you quickly realized the droplets of water on your face were from small tears and not the weather. Sniffles escaped your nose, and you crossed your arms in a poor attempt to keep warm despite your lack of sleeves.
Out of nowhere, you felt heavy cloth drop onto your bare shoulders.
“Be careful, love. Ya look like you’re halfway to becoming an ice lolly.” George shuffled his long, lanky body onto the steps. You looked at him through your lashes, and he seemed almost squeamish.
“Don’t you have Alicia waiting for you inside? I’m sure she wouldn’t be thrilled to see you out here.”
“Bloody hell, Y/N, I think we have been pretty dense.” Confusion evident on your features, George let his larger hand cover yours. “I didn’t want to ask Alicia. I wanted to ask you.”
“What do you mean? You’ve been talking my ear off about how much you like her for weeks now...”
“I was trying to make you jealous.” Silence overtook the interaction.
“So you’re saying that we both have been blind to our feelings?” 
George let out a small chuckle, and pulled his hand away. To be quite honest, you felt like maybe you had been ignoring the signs: the subtle stares, the extended physical contact, the willingness to be there whenever and wherever you asked him to.
“I think we may want to start over and forget the last few weeks.”
“I think I would quite like that.” You stood up, and brushed the snow off your skirt before extending your hand towards George. “Well, George, the yule ball is in... now... would you like to be my date?”
“I would enjoy that a bunch, Y/N.” He took your hand, and pulled you into his chest. “May have a dance to start off the evening?”
“...There isn’t any music.” You chuckled, but George simply grinned at you before beginning to hum.
“Problem solved. So, may I have this dance?”
“You may.” You dropped your head into the nook of his shoulder, and George began to sway and spin you, leaving 2 pairs of footprints in the snow beneath your feet.
From just beyond your view, Fred, Lee, Angelina, and Alicia let out somewhat of a “oomph” and high-fived each other before turning to go back inside.
Shining just for you.
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starkidpotty · 4 years
Never Been a Natural [HJP]
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GIF belongs to its rightful owner, who is not me. 
You & Harry shared a silence that only came when two people understood each other. Then that silence turns into conversation which turns into the both of you trying to correct embarrassing memories. 
*set in HBP
Pairing: Harry Potter x reader
Warnings: none–it’s absolute, pure, unadulterated fluff. 
Word Count: 1k
A/N: this is in fulfillment of my first ever request!! i’m really flattered anon likes my writing enough to request aaaa i hope u enjoy it, as i enjoyed writing it. 
There were many times Harry Potter needed space to breathe and think without interference from anyone, even Ron and Hermione. As extensive as the castle was, looking for a space that would provide much needed reprieve was a challenge. 
Over the years, Harry had found many spots that he’d rotate through; from a patch next to the Great Lake, to an empty classroom on the fourth floor, to, a personal favorite of his, the Astronomy Tower. You appreciated the quiet as much as Harry and did the same–looking for a spot to calm down and breathe and for a moment forget you were a student at Hogwarts. One of the nights you decided upon the Astronomy Tower to sit in silence was one of the nights Harry had decided to do the same. 
You were both startled at each other’s presence; he began to apologize profusely, but you insisted on him staying, that it would not make a difference anyway. You were sitting on opposite ends of the tower, both of you taking immense pleasure from the quiet. This happened so many nights until one night Harry decided to break the quiet with a short quip about how grueling Snape was as a D.A.D.A professor. You shared the same sentiments and off the conversation went. 
Those silent nights spent together on opposite ends of the Astronomy Tower turned into a nightly routine filled with conversations about anything and everything that happened within the castle. Both of you made it a point to climb the multiple steps of the tower. Opposite ends turned into sitting perpendicular to each other and the spaces in between you two slowly ceased to exist. 
As usual, you were the first to the Astronomy Tower. For a few minutes, you sat at the edge of the tower. Tonight, you decided to bring your MP3 player and earbuds–a gift from your muggle mother. You plug in the earbuds and play your music. Your feet dangle over the edge while your arms are crossed over the railing and your head rests on top of them, with your MP3 resting beside you. You feel the vibrations of the creaky floorboard and turn your head to see Harry sauntering towards you, his hair unkempt and a soft smile on his face. You rip the earbuds out from your ears and return his smile accompanied with a soft, “Hello.” 
“What were you listening to?” Harry begins. 
“Just some music,” You reply, “I put it on shuffle and let it work out on its own.” 
Harry pauses and smiles. He muses, “D’you remember the Yule Ball? I’m not entirely sure why it’s the first memory that comes to mind.”
You laugh, unearthing a repressed embarrassing memory, “Sadly, I do remember the Yule Ball. My date was Ernie Macmillan–he’s in Hufflepuff, I think you’ve had a few classes with him. But anyway, Merlin, what a terrible dancer he was! Stomped on my feet every time we danced.”
“I don’t think you’d have liked me any better.  Padma let me know every chance she got. I was a terrible dancer as well.” Harry let out a loud laugh at the recollection. 
“It probably wasn’t that bad, Harry.” “It was!” 
“Alright, let’s put that to the test then. Get up, we’re dancing. I have music and two feet.” You declared strongly, grabbing your MP3 and getting to your feet.
Harry looked at you wildly, as though you were mad. 
“I’m not joking! C’mere!”
“Alright, alright!” Harry finally stood up, now you were both facing each other. He stared at you intently, unsure of where or how to place himself. You stop him for a moment, picking out a song on your MP3. You take out the earbuds to let the music play from the speakers, and you place the player in the pocket of your jeans. Harry stood there awkwardly, while you put your arms around his neck. 
“Put your hands on my waist, Harry,” you tell him. 
“Funny, that’s exactly what Padma said to me.” Harry smiles and you reply with an eye roll. Regardless, hee does as he is told and puts his hands on your waist. 
I want you to know I'm a mirrorball I'll show you every version of yourself tonight I'll get you out on the floor Shimmering beautiful And when I break it's in a million pieces
The music plays loudly in both of yours and Harry’s ears. The nerves kick in a little at this point, with you two standing so close to each other. The breeze travels across the Astronomy Tower as though it were pushing you both to sway in rhythm. Still and all, you and Harry are privy to the demands of the wind and you do as you are told. You’re effectively leading as you move your body from side to side. Harry takes a hold of your right hand with his left hand, extending your arm forward. His other hand is still resting on your waist. 
Hush When no one is around, my dear You'll find me on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Harry takes charge from here on out. With your hand in his, he maneuvers through a poorly executed tango. Side-stepping to his left–your right–repeatedly, doing the same to the opposite side of your bodies. A burst of giggles erupt from you and Harry smiles so wide it reaches his eyes. He throws his hand up, twirling you around and bringing you back to him, but closer. He releases your hand from his and almost like a reflex, you wrap them around his neck again. Your head is resting on his chest and you can feel his chest reverberate fast puffs of breath. You smile and so does Harry. 
Hush I know they said the end is near But I'm still on my tallest tiptoes Spinning in my highest heels, love Shining just for you
Like all the nights before this one, it is quiet again. The only difference made is that Harry is holding you now, swaying back and forth. 
You slice the silence, “I reckon Padma was lying to you.” Harry chuckles. 
“D’you think so?” He looks down at you, waiting for a response. 
You look up at him and with as much conviction as you can muster you utter, “I know so.” 
masterlist here
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heystephen · 3 years
Tennessee Stella McCartney is because she's trying to say she's an oddly ashionable southern girl
A southern belle at the ball if you will
who will be queen at the southern ball
while also naming all the spots she's seen in the UK
London Boy? More like London Tourist Attractions
King of her heart but all the jokers are dressing up as kings?
AND the term king first appearing in her discography in Blank Space
Mirrorball being the cherry on top of whatever I've just written
Taylor Swift doing somersaults to make her public life fit into whatever narrative her fans have come up with
But in reality, she's on that tightrope, swaying as the room/circus burns down
which was a visual she's shown in some of the water photos for Red (stolen version) and folklore's Spotify videos
a mirrorball first appears in her discography in the music video for 22
and we know who was hidden in the liner notes over there
and why Reputation had a lot of red colors, the red lipstick in 1989
and why she's walking almost on a tightrope on folklore
and the story ALMOST wraps completely back from Evermore to Red TV (both are fall albums with a lot of red colors)
circus/room: on fire
taylor: a mirrorball/on a tightrope
lover: hidden from the public
hotel: trivago
thank you and good night (it's actually morning here but nevermind, that's showbiz baby)
i don’t think i processed any of this. i think that you’re so much fun though
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eddiesfaerie · 4 years
Summary: Your first time meeting detective Flip Zimmerman is out on the dance floor. (5.2k words) 
Warnings: slightly NSFW? (this takes place one year after the events depicted in the film Blackkklansman, so possible spoilers!) mentions of the KKK, mentions of police, f!reader, implied age gap, drinking, Flip is an asshole and a brat tamer and it shows but he’s also a ✧ gentleman ✧, thigh grinding(?), mentions of sexy stuff, early 80s grooviness, disco shenanigans, me making myself horny
A/N: this is very loosely based on mirrorball by taylor swift. that song just makes me think of Flip so I just literally had to get this out of my system. totally down to write more of these two if anyone would want that 👀. Flip Zimmerman is THE disco king. Pls enjoy <3
Part 2 
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The cool September night nipped gently at your skin as you made your way into the local disco. Dressed in your best white baby tee, the best fit flared jeans you owned, and the perfect white disco heels your blood was pumping and you were ready to dance the night away. You didn’t bother bringing your trusty denim jacket because as soon as you hit the dance floor, which would be immediately upon entrance, you knew you would have no more need for it.
No matter how excited you were for your weekly escape on the dance floor, this was the first night butterflies fluttered in your stomach without relent. You shook your head, remembering almost too vividly the conversation you had over the phone with your old college friend, Patrice. She would also be attending the disco tonight with her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s… work partner.
This is where things got tricky for both you and Patrice. Her boyfriend and her boyfriend’s work partner were cops. Not exclusively cops, (they made sure to always distinguish themselves as “detectives”) but still, cops. And you and Patrice did NOT fuck with cops.
That was until the KKK bust about a year ago. Patrice battled with her personal morals for a long time on whether she should pursue her relationship with Ron, but you had encouraged her to see where it went. She clearly had feelings for him and he cared for her as well, so for once you told her to follow her gut, no matter what his job was. And after that infamous KKK case was closed (or more so, thrown away) Ron was more of a detective than a cop and well, that was good enough for Patrice. And you were happy for her.
Now, this is where things got tricky for you. You had already planned to go dancing tonight; seeing as it was Friday night and dancing at the disco was your weekly Friday night activity. Patrice said she would be joining with Ron and now, somehow, mysteriously, suspiciously, Ron’s partner, Flip Zimmerman, who just so happened to be as single as you and quite literally the most beautiful man in Colorado Springs, was also tagging along for the ride. This would either be the most awkward, third-wheeling night of your life or… well, that was about the only outcome you could see coming from tonight.
You had never actually met Flip before, but based on what you've heard about him from either Patrice or Ron, you could not imagine a disco being this man’s idea of a fun time. He seemed old, even for his age. Sure he was older than you, but he seemed like an actual old man. Grumpy, stubborn, sassy and just plain rude to everyone and anyone. A total grouch.
You rolled your eyes as you approached the door, your last chances for bailing leaving you as you waved to the bouncer, a familiar face, entered the building and headed straight to the bar for your first drink of the night.
Ron and Patrice pulled up to the disco in their car, Flip hot on their trail in his truck, parking next to one another in the parking lot. Flip’s knuckles were white against the steering wheel from how hard he was gripping it on the way over, he felt like crashing his truck just for an excuse to not come but he felt like he may regret that decision sooner rather than later.
You’re going to be there.
Flip’s never met you, but he’s heard about you through Ron and Patrice who never seem to stop bothering him about it. He appreciates the effort but they’ve gone from endearing to straight up fucking annoying. Flip loves Ron, his brother-in-crime, so to speak, and he has a soft spot for Patrice as well, but he could not imagine you to live up to all the hype they’ve given you at this point.
No offence, of course. You were just some kid to him.
A knock at his window startled him, erasing any image of you he was trying to conjure up in his mind. What would you be wearing? What colour would your eyes be? Would you dance? Did you like to dance? Did you drink? What drink do you typically order?
“Zimmerman!” Ron said, pressing his forehead against Flip’s window causing Flip to roll his eyes and unbuckle himself from his seat which he hadn’t even done yet, so wrapped up in overthinking the night ahead of him, overthinking about you.
“Can’t open the door if you’re pressed against it like that, Rookie.”
Ron backed away, going to wrap his arm around Patrice’s waist as Flip got out of the car and slammed the door behind him a little louder than he probably should have.
“M’not even a Rookie anymore, partner.” Ron teased, pulling Patrice alongside him as the three of them made their way into the disco.
“Yeah you keep telling yourself that, Rookie.” Flip grumbled, causing Patrice to giggle and Ron to shoot her a glare. The trio made their way into the joint and loud dance music quickly flooded them.
The place was absolutely packed, even for a Friday night. Made it seem like Colorado Springs was the most happening town in the West. Sweaty bodies moving and grooving to the music like it was still the seventies. The giant dance floor took up most of the main floor, one side of it lined with a bar that was clearly stocking any drink one could think of. A short staircase near the back of the dance floor led to a slightly elevated platform filled with a large seating area lined with couches and booths for people who just wanted to enjoy the atmosphere, music, alcohol and/or drugs. Flip wondered which crowd you would be a part of.
Patrice said your name and Flip froze, “she should be around here somewhere. I know she got here before us.” Patrice said over the music.
Ron nodded and Flip felt his hands get clammy. Why the fuck did he come to this, he wondered? He loves a good disco just as much as the next person, but this weird blind date situation was not sitting right with him. The three of them made their way through the dance floor towards the staircase at the back, trying to get a bit of elevation to have a better chance at spotting you.
The song changed and the crowd erupted in a cheer, it was a popular one, Flip knew that. You would have to be living under a rock not to. As they climbed the staircase and came to rest against the banister, the crowd made a bit of room near the middle of the dance floor for a duo who started to groove together hypnotically to the beat. Patrice giggled and clapped her hands, covering her mouth to hide her wide smile.
“Oh my god, that’s her.” She laughed giddily, tugging on Ron’s arm. Flip looked to the two girls dancing, the two who once seemed so far away and swallowed up by the crowd, now seemed so much closer and clearly in his line of sight. Which one were you…
“The one in the jeans.” Ron answered, reading Flip’s mind. He gave him a knowing smile and went back to casually grooving with Patrice as all three of them watched you dance with a girl you didn’t even know.
You both laughed at each other as the song went on, your bodies moving with ease as you danced around and with one another, tugging on each other's arms to spin or saucily moving your bodies just close enough together for people to stare. You didn’t know her, the song had just come on and you both gasped at the same time. She looked at you and asked you to dance, why would you say no? She was pretty and you felt a friendly competition coming on. And it was hardly a competition at that, she clearly had you beat, but it was all in good spirits, it was just nice to lose yourself with someone else to one of the most popular songs of the last three years.
You shimmered and shined from the side lines where Flip watched you. He felt dumbstruck, like a complete fool, watching you dance with another woman. The way your jeans clung to your body, yet swayed alongside your feet.
Christ, you were a fucking vision, Flip thought. Now the nerves were really going to get the best of him. Soon enough you would find the three of them and he would have to have a conversation with you about something other than that crazy fucking dancing you were doing. And he didn’t even know you, how the fuck was this an ideal situation to meet someone in? Why did he let Ron and Patrice convince him to do this? Why were you so fucking beaut-
Flip pulled out his pack of cigarettes from his flannel pocket, popping a single cig out and lighting it quickly, trying to calm his nerves before they got the best of him. He took a long, long drag and continued to watch you through the cloud of smoke he blew from his mouth.
The song abruptly ended, sending the crowd in a light cheer before the next one transitioned seamlessly into the stuffy, humid air. Some people around you and your lady-friend applauded you both and you seemed a bit embarrassed, maybe not having realized people were really, really watching. Flip thought that was cute. He watched you hug the girl goodbye as she headed off with her friends again, and you headed to the bar.
Fuuuuck, fuck.
“Anyone want a drink?” Flip asked, worrying his lip between his teeth as he kept his eyes trained on you, bringing the cigarette back up to his lips and rubbing his clammy hands together to appear more... normal?
“Oh yeah, could you get me a-”
“Great, I’ll get that.” Flip cut Ron off, just needing an excuse to get away and see you up close without out right saying: Okay time to go make a complete fucking fool of myself to our ‘mutual’ friend.
Almost a head taller than everyone else on the floor, it was easy for Flip to keep his eyes on you as he sauntered over to the bar, mentally giving himself a pep talk that he didn’t usually need. Well, he didn’t usually hit on women in bars or clubs or discos, he was fine being single, it was actually women that pursued him, making it easy for him to charm them even though it never lasted longer than a few weeks at a time. But now he was the one making the move and it scared the shit out of him. Uncharted territory.
The closer he got to you, the more he could make out of your features, and the more he was regretting his decision to come and see you all by himself. He needed encouragement, maybe liquid encouragement, which he stupidly hadn't gotten yet. It should have been the first thing he’d done when he got here. And this fucking cigarette wasn’t helping like it usually did.
A few bar stools away from you now, (the bar seeming to drag on into infinity), he realized there was some schmuck sitting next to you, who you weren’t even paying any mind to. What a perfectly good seat gone to waste.
“Beat it, pal.” Flip grunted, cigarette between his lips, tapping the man roughly on the shoulder. Either the guy recognized him as a cop or just wasn’t in the mood for any trouble, he got up and left immediately, leaving the spot next to you vacant and cold.
You heard him coming. You knew he was watching you. You saw all of them come in and watched observingly as they made their way through the joint and up the steps. You had seen them from the corner of your eye as you put on a little show with your new friend. You liked the way Flip looked when he was entranced, you like the way it felt for him to devour you with his eyes.
“Beat it, pal.” That was the first time you had heard his voice and you tried to suppress the shiver it sent up your spine. So deep and bassy. You kept your head straight ahead, occasionally looking down at your drink, fiddling with it in your hands.
It felt like the man who was sitting next to you flew off his chair and it was suddenly filled with the most radiating, warm energy you think you had ever felt emitted off another person. Cigarette smoke filled your senses and fogged your mind, you could see him blowin git out of his nose in your peripheral vision.
Flip had come to sit next to you, his thighs so wide that his knees nearly spread enough to knock into yours.
“Detective.” You greeted cooly, taking a sip from your drink and avoiding eye contact. Flip greeted you back just as cooly, throwing your name back at you. You don’t think your name sounded so good falling off of someone’s lips before. You internally groaned.
“Quite the little show you put on out there with your friend.” Flip said, taking another exaggerated drag from his cigarette, cheeks hollowing out slightly.
“Stranger.” You said, taking another sip, continuing to avoid his burning stare. You could feel his eyes on you and the temptation to look was almost overpowering, you avoided it like you would Medusa.
“She was a stranger, I don’t know her. Didn’t know her. She gave me her number.” You giggled into your glass, taking your final sip from the now empty glass, setting it down on the countertop.
Flip bit his lip. Why were you so fucking sexy? You wouldn’t even look at him. He suppressed the urge to grab your face and turn it himself to make you look at him. Maybe you’d like that, he thought.
“Two mojitos. With ice.” Flip called to the bartender. You turned to look at him then, while his head was turned away in the opposite direction. You soaked in what you could before he turned back to look at you.
His hair practically begged for your hands to run through it. It looked soft, wavy and just stupidly perfect. He was wearing the world’s tightest red flannel with a white shirt poking from underneath the unbuttoned collar. The buttons strained against his chest, god he was probably so fit, how big did he have to be to make the buttons look like they were about to burst? Even his biceps were pulling the material taught. His thighs, which you had noticed when he sat down next to you, were equally big and covered by a lovely denim, you did love a man in jeans. You giggled to yourself, which caused him to look back at you.
Fuck, those eyes. Honey, caramel, cinnamon, chocolate, brown sugar.
“What’s so funny doll?”
“I just didn’t take you for a cocktails kind of guy.” You laughed again. You weren’t trying to make fun of him, you just couldn’t help it. It was the alcohol, not the nerves, you told yourself.
“What makes you say that?” He smirked, you could tell he was trying not to but you could see the way his lips twitched, then proceeded to curl around his cigarette seductively.
“Oh nothing.” You swatted the air with your hand, wanting desperately to change the subject before you accidentally mentioned how large he was and how funny it is to picture a tiny little cocktail glass in his enormous hands.
Your two glasses were quickly placed in front of Flip who handed the bartender a bill. He slid a glass over to you and your fingers brushed as you took it from him. He was warm. You wanted to touch him again. He put his cigarette out in a nearby ashtray.
“Thanks.” You muttered, quickly bringing the glass to your lips, needing more in your system to distract you from how distractingly mesmerizing he is. He had good taste, the drink was perfectly sweet with just enough kick to keep you buzzed. You both locked eyes as you took a sip from your respective drinks, your cheeks feeling hot from his gaze, it made you look away as you set your glass back on the countertop.
Why did you keep looking away from him? Flip began to worry that his presence was unwanted and he debated just getting up and letting you enjoy your evening with your new friend and refilled drink. Maybe he was coming on too intensely? He had definitely gotten that one before, he wasn’t sure how many rookies at the police dept had quit or been re-stationed because of his intensity alone. He just likes to think that they weren’t cut out for the job, and besides, if they couldn’t handle Flip Zimmerman, well, maybe they couldn’t handle-
“Do you want to dance?” His mouth cut his own train of thought off, like half of him was bored of hearing himself think obsessively and waste more of the night not on you. His abruptness made you giggle and you finally looked back at him, swaying gently from side to side in your barstool. Flip thinks he’d like to have you do that in his lap, swaying from side to side, swivelling carelessly...
“I didn’t take you for a dancer.” You maintain eye contact now. More confident than before, challenging him.
“That’s the second thing you’ve assumed about me tonight. And the second thing you’ve been terribly wrong about.” Flip chuckled, downing his drink in one final gulp. You watched the way he threw his head back, the way he swallowed, the way his throat bobbed. You wanted to touch his neck, press your lips across the delicate skin, bruise him.
“You didn’t answer my question.” Flip pushed. He was beginning to think you liked being difficult, that you liked making him work for it, liked him coaxing your answers out of you. Maybe he did. He hoped you liked it too, you little defiant-
“What if I told you I don’t dance with men?” There was a glimmer in your eye. Flip decided right then and there that you were evil, you fucking temptress. You were doing this on purpose.
Just how far could he push you before you gave in? Before you gave up on this stupid fucking act?
“Then I would be incredibly disappointed to hear that.” Flip frowned, teasingly. Maybe he should just get up from his seat and find Ron and Patrice, two could play at your dumb little game. He did in fact stand up, he straightened himself out and without a single glance back at you, he turned and walked away. The only thing stopping him was your hand wrapped firmly around his wrist. He looked back expectantly, trying to hide his knowing smirk.
So you did have a limit to which you were willing to play.
“What if I told you… I’d make an exception. Just this once.”
Oh, Flip liked the sound of that.
Without another word, Flip unbuttoned and shrugged off his flannel, placing it on the bar countertop, leaving him in just his white t-shirt that clung way too well to his body. Fuck, what were you getting yourself into? He really was huge, massive. You resisted the urge to just climb him and beg him to take you home. But you didn’t role that way, and you were not about to make that many exceptions for one man.
But he was one hell of a man…
“Keep an eye on this.” Flip called to the bartender, referring to his flannel, without breaking his eyes from yours. Honey, caramel, cinnamon, chocolate -
“Ready?” He held his hand out to you. The song that was playing faded and another came on. Without fail, you recognized this one as well and you couldn’t help the smile that threatened to split your face in two. Be it the alcohol or Flip, your cheeks burned and were growing numb from how hard you were trying to stop smiling. You looked down at his hand and bit your lip, looking back up at him through your lashes and nodded.
Flip pulled you from your seat and whisked you onto the dance floor with more force than you were expecting, causing you to yelp and grab onto his bicep for balance. He placed a hand on the small of your back to steady you, now in the heat of the dance floor surrounded by glistening bodies. You let out a small laugh, a nervous one. Somehow, you forgot how to move your feet, forgot what it felt like to feel the rhythm of a song, lose yourself in the music and just move. You had been dancing with that girl, what? Twenty minutes ago? And now you could barely move a muscle underneath the intense gaze of detective Flip Zimmerman. He seemed to find this amusing.
“Come on, you’ve got this.” Flip mused, a devilish smirk tugging at his lips. He placed his hands on your hips, making your eyelids and limbs feel heavy. He helped you sway them in time with his, your eyes immediately going to his hips watching him as he watched you become more and more comfortable dancing around him.
Maybe you really didn’t dance with men after all, Flip thought.
Eventually you were able to shake off your nerves and tell yourself to just pretend he wasn’t there, or pretend he was that girl from earlier. You both began to sort of dance by yourselves but still in very close proximity to each other, the occasional graze of his hand along your shoulder, waist, hips, ass bringing you out of your head and back to the dance floor with the reality of the fact that you were indeed dancing with a cop and people were staring at you. Or maybe they were staring at Flip who just so happened to be a stupidly incredible dancer.
For his height and length at which his limbs protruded out from his body, he should not have that much control over them, that much coordination. But he’s a detective, you remembered. He fought in ‘Nam, he was a trained professional in the police force, of course he was coordinated, of course he was skilled with his body. He had to use it everyday. He had to be strong, tough, resilient, a wall of pure muscle.
Fuck, you were starting to understand why Patrice threw some of her cares into the wind when it came to Ron being a cop, detective, whatever. Flip was undeniably sexy and as you danced with him out on the middle of the floor, you didn’t think you could want him anymore than you did in that moment. The way his muscles rippled underneath his shirt as he moved to the music was utterly hypnotizing.
Before you could even realize what you were doing, you dropped low to the floor, reaching your hands to glide up his entire body slowly, slowly, slowly, passing over his muscular thighs, dragging dangerously close to his crotch, his hips, his waist, over his toned stomach, his hard pecs, scratching at his neck as you looped one hand around his throat, then strutting around him in a circle, letting your hand run along his neck, over his shoulders. You giggled to yourself stupidly, hugging him from behind, suddenly embarrassed at that little show you just put on, wanting desperately to disappear behind him. Flip grabbed you from behind, splitting his legs open and somehow sliding you between them, underneath him and then back to face him again.
He looked down at you with that same look from before; hunger, starvation, thirst. You were both still dancing even though the movements blurred in your mind, you felt like the two of you were moving in slow motion as your bodies grew closer, closer, closer together, the music fading out as well. The only sensation that seemed to knock you out of your trance was Flip’s hand slipping into yours, interlocking his fingers through your smaller ones. He was warm, so, so warm and you didn’t want to let go. You tugged on his hand to bring it up to your lips, to kiss, but he tugged harder. He tugged your whole arm, actually. He tugged your whole arm and your whole body followed, off the dance floor, through the crowd, through the back door, around the corner till you were against the brick wall, outside.
You were breathless, your ears ringing from the adrenaline of being so close to him, dancing with him but also from the loud music that was still pounding beyond those two doors next to you. Flip stood in front of you, he fished out his cigarette pack from his jeans and you wondered when he put it in his pants pocket, you remembered it being in his flannel pocket. Why were you thinking about that? Maybe you were tipsy, or drunk off of him.
Flip stuck the cigarette between his teeth and lit it effortlessly, like he had done it a million times. He probably has. He maintained eye contact with you up against that wall as he sucked and sucked the toxins out of his cigarette, his cheeks hollowing beautifully before blowing the smoke out through his nose, making you want to whimper and drop to your knees. If you had been any drunker you think you might have.
He took annoyingly slow steps towards you, and with each one you felt your breaths become heavier and heavier, like he was pressing a weight against your chest the closer he got to you. Another puff from his cigarette.
“Hold this for me.” He said suddenly, holding his cigarette out for you to take. You nodded silently, not trusting your own voice as you took it from him, your fingers brushing against one another; electricity, voltage, lightning.
Flip grabbed the back of your head, fisted your hair between his fingers, tipped your head back and shoved his tongue down your throat. You moaned into his open mouth, shameless as your lips wrapped around his, wet and slippery. His other hand, now free from his cigarette thanks to you, came to grab your cheeks between his thumb and index, pinching your jaw softly to pry your mouth open and keep it that way so he could devour you more easily.
He backed you up against the wall, his muscular thigh coming to rest between your legs, pressing right up against your most sensitive area, causing you to moan into his mouth again. He pulled your hair harder, groaned against your lips and you desperately ground yourself against his thigh, you couldn't help it, it was right there applying the right amount of pressure and you were beginning to seriously unravel for him. Putty in his hands. His mustache and goatee tickled your face but it only spurred you on more to kiss him with equal fervour, now wanting to devour him yourself. Your tongues massaged one anothers, over, under and back again, you had truly never been kissed like this before.
Flip suddenly pulled away, gasping for breath and you audibly whined at the loss of contact, your lips begging for his to come back. At your complaint, he gave you a few teasingly small pecks before resting his forehead against yours again.
“I bet you think you’re real cute, dancing out there like that.” Flip said, his voice the deepest you had heard it all night, you let out a satisfied hum. You decided then that you would do anything he asked you.
“Hmm, you seem to think so.” Your eyes boring into his, then back down to his lips again. So plump, swollen and red. You did that to him. You wanted to keep doing that to him.
“You sure are a fucking brat, aren’t you?” He spat at you with pure hunger in his voice, pushing your body harder against the wall, causing you to whimper and screw your eyes shut momentarily, the slight pain turning into pleasure. How was he doing this to you?
“It doesn’t seem to be bothering you that much, the fact that I’m a brat.” You spat back at him with equal want. Flip groaned and tightened his fist in your hair even more than he previously had.
“Honey, you have no idea what it’s doing to me.”
His voice was quiet all of a sudden. The need not gone from his voice, but his voice just above a whisper. It rumbled his chest when he spoke. You reached your hand down to palm him through his jeans and you weren’t surprised to find how hard he was there, but you gasped at its size. Flip gabbed your wrist and pinned it above your head, baring his teeth at you slightly. He was holding himself back, you could tell, it was like it almost pained him.
“Flip, please,” You begged, your first time begging on the first date. “Please, I need to touch you.”
You closed your eyes and rested your head back against the brick wall in defeat. You felt Flip’s lips ghost over the skin of your neck before he sank his teeth into the skin causing you to cry out his name. He quickly pulled his teeth away from your skin and licked around the irritated flesh several times, pressing his plush lips against the quickly purpling skin.
Flip knew you were nowhere near intoxicated enough to not know what was going on, but he didn’t want to rush you into things that you might regret tomorrow. He didn’t want to risk not seeing your pretty little face again just to get his cock in your mouth tonight. No matter how badly he wanted to see you there on the ground outside the disco, bruising your knees for him, his cock deep in your throat, tears falling down your cheeks as-
Not tonight, not tonight, not tonight.
“Come by the station tomorrow. Don’t even think about covering this up.” He murmured against your skin, referring to the hickey he left, his mark on you. Breathless and at loss for words in your swimming pool of a brain, you nodded your head with fervour at his request.
Flip pulled away from your neck to look into your eyes with such intent, such meaning. Use your goddamn words, he thought.
“Tell me you’ll come.” He wanted to add a ‘please’ at the end of his request, but it wasn’t really a request. No, he needed to see you again. This was not going to be a one off thing, Flip was sure of that. Even after just one night of dancing with you. You smiled up at him and said,
“I’ll come.” 
The double meaning behind your words made you feel hot and look away from him. You’d come as many times as he’d let you, you thought, your heart pounding in your chest at the mere idea of him taking you in any way he wanted, for as long as he wanted, as hard as he wanted. Flip gripped your chin again, forcing you to meet his dark, inky eyes.
“I’m gonna fix that attitude of yours one day.” You smiled up at him, a perfect shit eating grin to match his own. 
“I’m counting on it, Detective.”
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