#the moonrise chronicles
kurorinde · 1 year
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The Moonrise Chronicles | No. 12 | ??? title not found
Dear Friends,
Long time, no update aaa!!! This is just going to be my thoughts as I think of them, so apologies for skipping around.
I’ve just been very sensitive lately. I feel like I’ve been floating away, in and out of existence. Songs I love bring me to tears, and I’ve been shutting down at first sign of conflict too easily. But I’ve also felt so much... apathy?  Cynicism? 
I’ve also been missing certain friends a lot recently. I keep finding them in our mutual friends and strangers. I wish I could just talk to them again. Especially now that I’ve been leaning into being more authentic with how I act. I just want to tell him all the chismis over lunch by the beach. Or tell him about all of the stories and songs I’ve been writing and maybe, just maybe, finally record a song with him. I was annoyingly giddy when he messaged me back a few weeks ago. Ugh. In another universe, it could’ve been us. I just really hope he’s okay out there, wherever he is.
I cried at work because there are some kids who are so genuinely themselves. I wish I had that. I feel like, ever since December, I’ve been purposefully acting upon my hermit tendencies, waiting for my friends to pull me out. Yes, I’m the problem. I’ve just compared myself to my friends so much, i feel like an impostor. I shrunk myself down and got too comfortable in my self-destruction. A pity party for every outing I didn’t go to. 
At the start of writing this, I was super bummed that I’m probably not going to the BTR concert because I waited to get tix. Earlier today, I was bummed because I got govball tix too early (today was the last day of a really good sale :’))) and idk I feel like I’ve been very irresponsible lately. Maybe this is the wake up (& it’s over) call I need.
hmmm, okay, I need to get the negative stuff out of the way:
I feel like I’m not going to get married in the time I want to. I don’t think I’ve every said it in a serious way, but I really do want to get married and raise kids. I feel like I’m falling behind.
I’m scared to find out who my fake friends are. I know that I’m fake and I own it, but I was so desperate to change myself just to keep friends. I’m the problem. I don’t belong.
I just want to give love and have it reciprocated all in a healthy way. Sometimes, I feel actually delusional, then I feel even more delusional for thinking I’m delusional.
The smallest things have been setting me off. I’m either napping because I’m exhausted or I sleep early so I don’t overthink the problems I created.
I! Spend! Too! Much!!!!!!
I’m back in school.
I’m so mean to myself.
And many more!!
Okay, I think that’s all. If I think of anything else... I hope I don’t think of anything else.
This past spring semester, although chaotic in its own ways, was fun. A big contrast to the lows and highs of my first go-around. I got straight A’s for the first time! Too bad I wasn’t a full-time student, then I for sure could’ve made Dean’s List. But it’s okay. I’m going to graduate in 2025, my hat will have lovejoy + jono lyrics, and all of my best peoples will be there. 
After a good conversation with my teammates, I tried being more “myself” at s group function. It was a small group of us, but a good group. We played uno and mafia, and my “bit” was being the slightly unhinged bestie from Clown Town. One friend asked me if I was genuinely okay and I explained that I was trying to go back to my more outgoing persona. We joked about how if my friends laugh at my jokes, I will take it and run. But she liked the bit and didn’t think I took it too far. It was pretty good lol
BESTIES COME HOME TOMORROW!!!! But other bestie is going on vacation ):)
There are some moments at work where I felt that all-too-familiar drowning feeling. But most of the time, it turns around by the end. I still wish I could be better, and I’m working on it.
// I think the hot water that I’ve been drinking has some coffee bits so uhhhh yeah lol (it’s 11:48 pm rn).
My heart has little palpitations whenever I think of seeing lovejoy live. Also when I hear a song that reminds me of Cali 2019. Truly the last time I was so happy (jkjk)
On the flip side, I get the bad palpitations when I think about school or work outside of school or work hours. I’ve been trying to recognize it then immediately go back to being in the present. Like I did just now.
I have so many ideas and drafts and one I just thought of: the ideal day in my life, but it’s split into:
ideal current time 
realistic current time
ideal future
realistic future
I hope there’s overlap, but that’s something I’dd have to decide. I should really sleep soon lol
Hmmmmmm... I want to leave on a good note.
I love Minecraft. I miss my friends deeply. Life it a balancing act but at least you’re not balancing eggs on a spoon while walking a tightrope? Or maybe you are because that’s what you want to do. I’m literally the most annoying main character but it’s not the worst superlative to have. I think I’m going to try to get good at sports and hone in on my music/art crafts (I wrote carts???) so I can be the Coolest Person I know. I’m going to be the tall, wholesome jock with feelings. Yeah, that.
This summer will be good.
Current song playing: Let’s Get Lost - Carly Rae Jepsen
Love, Robin
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beesugar · 12 days
Thank you for tagging me @blackwoodbanshee 👻✨
Vote pls. I’m curious to know. Tag you’re it!@briefbluebirdstranger @cowboyteddy @sinfull-lifestyle @lookingforfairies @oceanbirdy @onelostseagull @strawberryhoneycomb @popsiclespit @blackdeath1346 @llyrian
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aadmelioraa · 2 months
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Compiled the fanfic I wrote during Season One before we get new episodes. Cheers to Season Two!
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HOME - 1.2k, rated G
Set during 1x03. On the journey to Armenelos, Isildur prepares to tell his father about his plans to defer.
ONYA - 2k, rated T
Set during 1x04. After confessing the shame of his dismissal to Eärien, Isildur spends a restless night in the streets of Armenelos.
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MOONRISE - 1.9k, rated T
Pre-canon fic. Valandil watches Isildur adapt following the loss of his mother.
MATCH - 1.6k, rated G
Pre-canon fic. Isildur’s closest childhood friend Valandil has spent the summer away from home. When he returns, Isildur wonders if Valandil wants to remain friends at all.
PREDICTABLE - 1.5k, rated E
Pre-canon fic. Isildur gets in trouble, again, and drags Valandil down with him—again. Valandil is patient, but even he has limits. Isildur needs to learn his lesson, one way or another.
FORGIVEN - 1.8k, rated G
Set during 1x05. Still upset after his recent conversation with Isildur, Valandil rushes to the scene of the explosion.
ASH - 1.3k, rated T
Set during 1x07. Valandil makes his way to the Númenórean camp, fighting an uphill battle against the weight of grief.
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PREPARATIONS - 1.8k, rated M
Set during 1x06. On the second day of their voyage, Elendil shares an evening with the Queen Regent.
THRESHOLD - 1.3k, rated T
Months after returning from Middle-earth, Elendil continues to grapple with his loss.
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READY TO SERVE - Elendil x Míriel x Valandil, 2.2k, rated E
Valandil finds himself intruding on a private moment between the queen regent and her captain. Unless he isn’t intruding after all…
ALONE - Valandil x Eärien, 3.6k, rated E
In the wake of Isildur’s death, both Eärien and Valandil struggle to carry on. 
UNDERSTANDING - Galadriel x Míriel, 600 words, rated M
Before Míriel departs from Middle-earth, she requests an audience with Galadriel.
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ALL THIS AND HEAVEN TOO - Isildur x Isildur’s Wife, Isildur x Valandil, 8.2k at 4/10 Chapters, rated M, Status: INCOMPLETE
Fearing the real Númenor may be lost forever, Isildur and Anárion, along with their families, retreat to their childhood home. There is plenty of work for them in Rómenna and no shortage of perils in Armenelos. But despite the danger, Isildur finds himself drawn back to the capital one fateful night. Valandil, now a Captain of the King’s Guard, finds his former friend in the courtyard of the White Tree engaged in what appears to be a suicide mission. Forced to either turn Isildur in to save himself or risk everything to save Isildur's life, Valandil makes a decision that will echo through the chronicles for centuries to come.
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logarithmicpanda · 10 months
The Narrow Road Between Desires VS The Lightning Tree
I reread both simultaneously to be able to have a more objective opinion on them.
TL;DR the new version of the story adds, on top of the illustrations, several additional scenes and some very welcome revisions. It is a kinder, queerer, and more magical version of the same story. For me it is definitely worth the read!
Spoilers below:
First let's crunch the raw numbers. Based on the audiobook version TLT has an estimated 27,807 words and TNRBD is at 71,760 words, so almost three times at long. The sections in TLT are arranged a bit differently than in TNRBD but I will use them to do a more detailed breakdown below:
Morning: The Narrow Road (29p)
Dawn: Artistry (6p) Morning: Embril (18p) Mid morning: The Narrow Road (40p) Mid-day: Birds (8p)
Total: 72 pages
The same events are covered, but TNRBD expends on Bast and Kote's characterization. I think the story takes place before NOTW btw, because Bast looks intrigued when Kostrel jokingly tells him to write a book if he knows so much. I think that was was made Bast try to have Kote write his memoirs himself, a while before Chronicler ever sets foot in the Waystone Inn.
The order in which Bast does his turns around the tree changes, the breaking way first, then the making way. I'm not sure yet how I interpret that lol.
One of the boys is changed to a girl, and the first secret she gives about a man sleeping with someone who is not his wife implies that it might be an open relationship in this version (everyone knows, including the wife).
A girl named Gretta in TLT is now Grett, and explicitly referred to using they/them.
New divination system introduced, with things called Embrils that Bast uses kinda like runes, to do tosses
Instead of a shepherdess, Bast charms a shepherd (Bi!Bast for the win) who very cutely embroiders stuff on Bast's pants while mending them
The bargain with Kostrel is more complex, touches on Fae magic and debts, and Bast gets tricked into accepting the gift of a penance coin...
When Kostrel asks Bast to describe Emberlee's breast to him, Bast says he will only do it if she gives her permission
When Bast takes his bath, both men and women are watching (in both versions, he very well knows they are there)
Afternoon: Birds and Bees (32p)
Mid-day: Birds (continued, 16p) Noon: Obligation (17p) Afternoon: Still (33p) Moonrise: Sweetness (11p) Evening: riddles (7p)
Total: 84 pages
I had forgotten, but TLT already had bits of queerness, namely the little girl who saw "mama kiss the maid", and when Bast goes watch Emberlee bathe, it is strongly implied she was among the women watching him earlier. In TNRBD, that is expended upon.
When the little girl wants to know if her kitten is a boy or a girl, there's this quote that I really liked: Bast would rather tell the bigger truth than the smaller one anyway. "Bows and dresses don't matter much," he said. "She decided she's a girl, so she's a girl."
The girl is also smarter in this version
Rike has a hold on Bast because of the penance coin, so there's a bit of additional plot around that
Rike's sister is named earlier instead of being an afterthought
Bast does some magic on Rike to get rid of his obligation
The description of the still is longer, and the alcohol has a different flavor (no opinion on that but some people might theorize about it lol)
There's a second Embril throw, and Kostrel admits Emberlee told him where she bathed expressly so Bast could find her
Bast, Emberlee, Kholi and Dax (the shepherd) seem to be a polycule and everyone knows haha
Grett is mentioned again, along with "harthan tea" which I assume is fantasy HRT xD
Evening: Lessons (17p)
Sunset: lies (17p) Twilight: carrots (1p) Night: demons (15p) Midnight: lessons (11p)
Total: 44 pages
The conclusion to the story has a long additional scene and a few more changes
Instead of Martin punching a tinker because he was assaulting a young girl, he punches the tinker because he had pushed down Old Cob
A scene where Rike washes his face and Bast notices the bruises he has from his father beating him have been moved later in TNRBD
There's a prediction from the Embrils that gets realized here, and the way the narration speaks of Bast and his desires impacting the world feel very reminiscent of TSROST, I wonder if Auri is using Grammarie? Is it just another name for Shaping?
Longer description that empathizes that Bast beat the shit out of Rike's father
There's an entirely new scene of Bast talking to Rike and helping him heal from his terror of becoming an abuser like his dad
I particularly liked that last bit, the story was always a commentary on the cycle of abuse, but this version makes it clear it can be broken. Overall, as I said in the intro, TNRBD is a lot kinder as a story. And meaner towards abusive fathers which is always a plus for me lmao. Bast is made very explicitly queer, as are some of the side characters, and the women are better treated as a whole, with more emphasis on consent. I have to say, in both versions Bast offers to take Kote to where Emberlee bathes, and there's no mention of her agreeing to that, so eh.
But I really appreciate the changes that have been made, and the extra magic. Plus the illustrations are lovely as the moon. I'm even more excited about Doors of Stone now (who knew it was possible lol) because I feel like Pat has grown a lot as a writer since WMF :D
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rp-partnerfinder · 3 months
I'm on the search for threads my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and The Vampire Chronicles/Interview with the Vampire (IWTV).
Please be 21+ and actually interested in doing something to interact!!!!!
About Me: 21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I prefer to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and around 200-400 words. Daily replies will not happen because of work/real life. I usually get them out within 2-3 days. If it's going to take longer than 5+ days, I'll let you know. I do not double because of my limited amount of free time. I prefer canon x canon pairings, but I'm willing to discuss canon x OC. MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to MxF on a more limited basis (I don't have any female muses I write myself so no FxF). I lean towards romantic pairings and love writing NSFW/smut (with a healthy dose of plot). Neither of those a requirement for these, however. I have no triggers. That doesn't mean I'm always willing to do anything. I'm just open to listening to any ideas and taking things case-by-case.
Baldur's Gate 3:
The furthest I've gotten in the game so far is Act Two (pretty much everything before my last stop of Moonrise Towers), so all plots will take place then or before then.
My main muses are Astarion, Gale, Raphael, and Wyll. Some ships I'm particularly looking for are:
Astarion x Gale
Astarion x Raphael
Astarion x Wyll
Astarion x Halsin
Astarion x Cazador
Gale x Wyll
Gale x Halsin
Wyll x Raphael
Wyll x Shadowheart
Wyll x Mizora
I'm always open to discussing others.
The Vampire Chronicles/Interview with the Vampire:
I've read all of the books. I've seen the 1994 movie too many times to count. Last night, I just finished the first season of the TV show. I'm happy to work with any of those but, obviously, any plots for the show would have to take place between seasons one or two, during the events of season one, or any moments in the past we don't see on the show.
My main muses are Armand and Lestat. The ships I'm most interested in are:
Armand x Lestat
Armand x Louis
Armand x Daniel
Armand x Marius
Lestat x Louis
I'm open to discussing others.
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can!
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findyourrp · 3 months
I'm on the search for threads my two biggest fandoms right now: Baldur's Gate 3 (BG3) and The Vampire Chronicles/Interview with the Vampire (IWTV).
Please be 21+ and actually interested in doing something to interact!!!!! 🧛
About Me: 21+. She/Her. I write on Discord or through Tumblr messages. I prefer to stick to Tumblr for plotting. I write in third person, past tense and around 200-400 words. Daily replies will not happen because of work/real life. I usually get them out within 2-3 days. If it's going to take longer than 5+ days, I'll let you know. I do not double because of my limited amount of free time. I prefer canon x canon pairings, but I'm willing to discuss canon x OC. MxM ships are my preference. I'm open to MxF on a more limited basis (I don't have any female muses I write myself so no FxF). I lean towards romantic pairings and love writing NSFW/smut (with a healthy dose of plot). Neither of those a requirement for these, however. I have no triggers. That doesn't mean I'm always willing to do anything. I'm just open to listening to any ideas and taking things case-by-case.
Baldur's Gate 3:
The furthest I've gotten in the game so far is Act Two (pretty much everything before my last stop of Moonrise Towers), so all plots will take place then or before then.
My main muses are Astarion, Gale, Raphael, and Wyll. Some ships I'm particularly looking for are:
Astarion x Gale
Astarion x Raphael
Astarion x Wyll
Astarion x Halsin
Astarion x Cazador
Gale x Wyll
Gale x Halsin
Wyll x Raphael
Wyll x Shadowheart
Wyll x Mizora
I'm always open to discussing others.
The Vampire Chronicles/Interview with the Vampire:
I've read all of the books. I've seen the 1994 movie too many times to count. Last night, I just finished the first season of the TV show. I'm happy to work with any of those but, obviously, any plots for the show would have to take place between seasons one or two, during the events of season one, or any moments in the past we don't see on the show.
My main muses are Armand and Lestat. The ships I'm most interested in are:
Armand x Lestat
Armand x Louis
Armand x Daniel
Armand x Marius
Lestat x Louis
I'm open to discussing others.
If you'd like to work something out, please like this post. I'll message you as soon as I can!
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jazzythursday · 1 year
Rules: post 10 of your favorite comfort movies and then tag 10 people
Thanks @snowblack-charcoalwhite for tagging me!
(In no particular order)
Moonrise Kingdom
Isle of Dogs
The Spiderwick Chronicles
Radio Days
Annie Hall
Arthur Christmas
Pride 2014
There are definitely more, but these are the first that came to mind!
Tagging @sparrowmoth @fizzysugarwater @popularghost @its-tortle @guillermosfamiliar @aphroditestummyrolls and anyone else who wants to add theirs!
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sunnydaleherald · 2 years
The Sunnydale Herald Newsletter, Friday, February 10
The Sunnydale Herald is looking for at least one new editor. Contributing to the Herald is a great way to get your Buffy on! Find out more here.
[Drabbles & Short Fiction]
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How? (Lorne, PG) by apachefirecat
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The Morning After (Any/Willow, PG-13) by Kylia
moonrise (Angel/Buffy, PG-13) by bonniesfire
[Chaptered Fiction]
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After the End Chapter 1 (Ensemble, Not Rated) by Marsie_1987
Before the Beginning. Chapters 1 - 3 (Buffy, Not Rated) by Marsie_1987. COMPLETE!
Complicated Destiny Chapter 20 (Buffy/Faith, PG-13) by RavenclawSlayer
It must be Tuesday Chapter 5 (Buffy/Faith, R) by Chlo88
six names for a troublemaker Chapter 6 (Giles, G) by The_Eclectic_Bookworm. COMPLETE!
All That Is And All That Seems Chapter 88 (Faith/OMC, R) by MalkMcJorma
Welcome to the Family Chapter 11 (Faith/Thomas Raith, The Dresden Files xover, PG-13) by A_Dark_Lane
Harry's Next Great Adventure in Sunnydale Chapter 3 (Willow/Harry Potter, multiple xovers, R) by Khatix
Athena Luthor - Slayer Travels Chapter 51 (Buffy/Clark Kent, DCU xover, PG-13) by Hermione2be
What the hell is a Bothy? Chapter 4 (Buffy/Faith, Killing Eve xover, NC-17) by Alwaysandforevermylove
Charmed: The Faith Chronicles Chapter 26 (Buffy/Faith, Charmed xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Wonderland 1: Down the Rabbit Hole Chapter 78 (Dawn/Jacen Solo, Star Wars xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Into the Void Chapter 8 (Buffy/Willow, Stargate DG-1 xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
Death Is Buffy's Next Big Adventure Chapter 103 (Buffy/Tom Riddle, Harry Potter xover, PG-13) by Sharie1
Slayer Chapter 2 (Buffy/Faith, Fallout 3 xover, R) by TheBeastofBurton
Mutant Slayer Chapter 2 (Buffy/various, X-men xover, PG-13) by BrennaLynn
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Called Into Darkness Chapter 5 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Desicat
Bleeding Poetry Chapter 60 (Buffy/Spike, NC-17) by Dusty
Better the Devil You Know Chapter 14 (Buffy/Spike, R) by SlayrGrl
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ever waiting airports (full of the love that you deserve) Chapter 2 (Buffy/Spike, R) by womanaction
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Through the Lightning Storm Chapter 3 (Buffy, Star Trek xover, NC-17) by amerie
[Images, Audio & Video]
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Artwork:Me and my Husband, we’re sticking together (Giles/Jenny) by snakeliciousbaby
[Reviews & Recaps]
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Fannish 50 #4 - BTVS, Once More With Feeling by alas-poor-cesario
[Fandom Discussions]
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thoughts on Oz and Willow by toxicshipsincorporated
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Band Candy & Giles's taste in music by Missy_Agg-a-ravation
[Articles, Interviews, and Other News]
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ScreenRant: 5 Things A Buffy Reboot Must Do Differently To The Original
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zangetsusundelion · 2 years
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I saw this sequel stack challenge and thought it looked fun so I gave it a shot! I stuck only to entry #2 because most of these all have more installments past that. I've read all of them-and since I saw no rule that said books ONLY, I included one of my favorite sequels ever, Majora's Mask :)
[Bottom to top: Eldest by Christopher Paolini (Inheritance Cycle)
Septimus Heap: Flyte by Angie Sage (Septimus Heap)
The Black Cauldron by Lloyd Alexander (Chronicles of Prydain)
The Lost City of Faar by DJ MacHale (Pendragon)
Moonrise by Erin Hunter (Warriors:The New Prophecy)
The Great Hunt by Robert Jordan (The Wheel of Time)
The Two Towers by JRR Tolkien (The Lord of the Rings)
The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask (The Legend of Zelda, specifically the direct sequel to Ocarina of Time)]
I'm not tagging anyone so if you see this and want to do it, count this as being tagged and go ahead! :)
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Random Art AI Issue 100 Special
Issue 100 of Random Art AI - Four New Pieces of AI-Generated Art! 
Welcome to special Issue 100 of Random Art AI! this issue features 100 pieces of AI-generated art to mark the 100 issue of this series. 
0:00. Intro 
0.15. A Cosy Read 
0.40 . A Quiet Shift 
1.05 . A Room Untouched by Time 
1.30 . Ancient Ruins 
1.52 . Angel Winged Portrait 
2.20 . Angel 
2.50 . Anime Catgirl in Uniform 
3.20 . Anime Girl and the Big City 
3.50 . Anime Girl Bright Yellow 
4.20 . Anime Girl Pink Hoodie 
4.50 . Blue Eyed Blonde Portrait 
5.20 . Brunette Blue Eyes Portrait 
5.50 . Brunette Portrait 
6.20 . Castle Ascent Puzzled Explorers Contemplate Their Climb 
6.50 . Coffee-Toned Elegance Portrait of a Brunette Beauty 
7.20 . Cottages of Cosiness A Charming Retreat 
7.50 . Crimson Dread The Blood Fairy's Tendrils of Terror 
8.20 . Cursed Enchantment The Demonic Fairy 
8.50 . Cyberpunk City Life 
9.20 . Deep Red Eyes 
9.50 . Deep Winter Haven Embracing the Chill 
10.20 . Delicate Golden Wings 
10.50 . Demoness and Her Striking Red Features 
11.20 . Desert Relic Long Abandoned in the Depths 
11.50 . Desolation's Pyre Abandoned and Burning 
12.20 . Echoes of the Past Reflective Floor in an Ancient Ruin 
12.50 . Elven Archer 
13.20 . Emergence from the Mire 
13.50 . Eternal Echoes The Abandoned Streets of Antiquity 
14.20 . Eternal Embers Abandoned Home Consumed by Flames 
14.50 . Fire Demon and Her Rage 
15.20 . Fortress of Frostglade 
15.50 . Her Short Sword 
16.20 . Hilltop Haven 
16.50 . Hilltop Winter Sanctuary A Cosy Home 
17.20 . Hooded Purple 
17.50 . Imposing and Monstrous Water Hag Emerging from the Depths 
18.20 . Incendiary Beginnings The Start of Arson 
18.50 . Inkpunk Watercolor 1 
19.20 . Inkpunk Watercolor 2 
19.50 . Inkpunk Watercolor 3 
20.20 . Inkpunk Watercolor 4
20.50 . Lakeside Solitude A Winter Retreat in Serenity 
21.20 . Masquerade 
21.50 . Monstrous Metamorphosis Mutated and Hideous Horrors 1 
22.20 . Monstrous Metamorphosis Mutated and Hideous Horrors 2
22.50 . Moonlit Majesty The Ancient Cathedral's Landscape 
23.20 . Moonrise Embrace Over the Ancient Ruins 
23.50 . Mother Natures Watchful Eye 
24.20 . Mountain Riverside Bliss A Cosy Retreat 
24.50 . Nature's Embrace The Mansion's Slow Surrender 
25.20 . Nature's Reclamation Dilapidated Majesty 
25.50 . Nature's Triumph The Impressive Gatehouse Reclaimed 
26.20 . Pale Elegance The Beauty with White Hair and Pale Eyes 
26.50 . Peaceful Hamlet and Vast Horizons 
27.20 . Pink and Silver Fairy 
27.50 . Portrait of a Blonde 
28.20 . Purple-Eyed Canopy 
28.50 . Radiant Brunette Beauty 
29.20 . Radiant Red Portrait of a Red-Haired Beauty 
29.50 . Rainy Cyberpunk Steet 
30.20 . Reclaimed by Nature Rediscovering the Long-Forgotten Ruins 
30.50 . Red and Blue Demon 
31.20 . Regal Elegance Portrait of a Woman of Distinction 
31.50 . Regal Grace The Beautiful and Elegant Princess 
32.20 . Riverside Refuge The Cosy Cottage by the Stranded Boat 
32.50 . Room of a Grand Palace 
33.20 . Ruinscape Vista Gazing Beyond the Decay
33.50 . Sacred Sunset Cathedral's Radiant Landscape 
34.20 . Savage Majesty The Monstrous Beast 
34.50 . Serenity A Cosy Village Retreat 
35.20 . Serenity in Gold The Golden Winged Fairy 
35.50 . Serenity Springs A Fantasy Retreat 
36.20 . Snowhaven Lodge A Cosy Refuge from the Biting Cold 
36.50 . Snowhaven Serenity A Cosy Winter Retreat 
37.20 . Solitary Explorer Confronting the Haunting Ruins 
37.50 . Stylish Night Out A Cute and Chic Outfit 
38.20 . Survival in Fallout Extreme Measures After Armageddon 1 
38.50 . Survival in Fallout Extreme Measures After Armageddon 2 
39.20 . Survivor's Forge Post-Apocalyptic Workshop 
39.50 . Swampy Moat Mansion Nature's Embrace 
40.20 . The Forbidden Ruins 
40.50 . The Lady and Her Guardian A Tale of Strength and Loyalty 
41.20 . The Synthetic Sire Chronicles of Cybernetic Beauty Variant 1 
41.50 . The Synthetic Sire Chronicles of Cybernetic Beauty Variant 2 
42.20 . The Synthetic Sire Chronicles of Cybernetic Beauty Variant 3 
42.50 . Third Eye in the Rain 
43.20 . Tiny Enchantment The Fairy's Miniature Home 
43.50 . Tropical Eruption 
44.20 . Vibrant Red Horns 
44.50 . Victorian Infused Anime House Alternative Universe 
45.20 . Victorian Reverie Anime Girl from Another Era 
45.50 . Victorian Tranquillity A Small Retreat 
46.20 . Vintage Truck
46.50 . Wasteland Intersection Post-Apocalyptic Street Corner 
47.20 . Waterside Haven 
47.50 . Wings of Enchantment The Beautiful Winged Fairy 
48.20 . Winter's Embrace The Frozen Mansion 
48.50 . Woodland Elegance A Fairy's Beauty in the Forest 
49.20 . Young Girl in a Cyberpunk World 
49:50 . Outro 
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Check out the full playlist of Random Art AI issues
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kurorinde · 2 years
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The Moonrise Chronicles | No. 11 | and i will hold on to you
Dear Friends,
Hello! It’s exactly 1:45 AM as I’m starting to write this. I’ve been losing my mind lately with work and school and ~life~. But at the same time, I’ve felt so loved and like I belong and grateful.
I feel like this is my first and last moment to really reflect on this past year, so *cue reflection playlist* (I’ll insert a link later lol)
I’ve come to the conclusion that I’m probably never going to experience winter time like I used to. Like I want to. But I can still find pieces of it. School hallways filled with cinnamon and peppermint. Cool, crisp, clear blue skies. She & Him. 
I’ve been writing songs about those I once held close to my heart in an album titled you were here. I think about those I grew distant from, those who became strangers. And then I think about those who we continued to love, even after they permanently left us in this world.
I became closer to old friends and saw them continue through life despite all of the hurt they carried. And I'm so grateful to all of them for the space they have given me in their lives. That I can be myself, and they trust me to be themselves.
Come Tuesday, when it’s back to “everyday” and uncertainty, I will think about the good memories made this past year. That, even though there were times when we lost everything, we still chose to take a step forward.
Here’s to the new year and what it will bring us!
Love, Robin
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missizzy · 5 months
A Game Novice's Baldur's Gate Log: Masterpost
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A post where I will be gathering my blogs about attempting to play through Baldur's Gate 3, despite my lack of video game experience, chronicling my exploits in playing an elf barbarian Tav I've named Sara Tully, taking shameless advantage of what I've been spoiled for (some of the time), and continually going the wrong way whenever I try to take the party to a destination.
1 Hour In: I was expecting difficulties in gameplay, but...
3 1/2 Hours In: I would like to rage, is that really so complicated?
6 1/2 Hours In: I might just be getting somewhere
10 Hours In: Well, I'm sure she'll make an ill-advised kill eventually
14 1/2 Hours In: And things ended violently after all
21 Hours In: Making things more complicated than they had to be
25 Hours In: Maybe eventually I'll figure things out on my own
29 Hours In: Too many goblins to kill!
34 Hours In: Could he truly not bear to spare the poor spiders?
42 1/2 Hours In: A course or two settled upon
50 1/2 Hours In: Now with accompanying fanfic!
(Narrative Interlude: About Her)
57 1/2 Hours In: Gapfilling and Grinding for XP
64 Hours In: Act II started sooner than I thought
68 Hours In: This game made me cry (and not in frustration)
(Narrative Interlude: The Shadows Hanging Over)
72 Hours In: The NPC having the same name as you is weird
78 Hours In: I got rid of my lag! Mostly
83 1/2 Hours In: Enter Moonrise
87 Hours In: She's got Gale!
(Narrative Interlude: Ardor) (Rated M)
91 1/2 Hours In: I still think I'm getting smarter, but...
(Narrative Interlude: A Short, Hard Debate) (Rated E)
99 1/2 Hours In: The goddess who designed that Gauntlet truly was evil
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badass-at-fandoming · 3 years
First Line Meme - Original Work Edition
As a "It's Friday and my focus is shot" treat, I thought I'd do this game for my original work too. Albeit, I have a lot less than 20 original works, haha.
Fanfic version here!
No particular order to these ~
1. Moonrise (sapphic werewolf interactive fiction, available here)
Protruding bones and slick spit.
2. The Bound Chronicles: The Christening (mlm historical fiction, seeking agent)
Their world was smoke. Dubslaine held tight to his brothers’ hands.
3. "An Island Crumbles" (f/f ace siren/selkie, seeking lit mag)
My name is the sound of a summer sea storm.
4. "Dulce et decorum est pro patria mori" (enby/m assassination god/god of death, revising)
My mythology is a relentless, unforgiving thing.
5. "Howl" (werewolf goes nyoom!, available here)
It begins with falling.
6. "A Stream of You" (f/f trans magical realism with coffee, seeking lit mag)
This is how you meet her.
7. "The Liruts" (m/enby redemption arc via wil-o'-wisp, available here
Around 18:00, I stop feeling like I want to throw up.
8. "Portrait of a Mermaid as a Young Woman" (Let Me Walk Into the Ocean And Turn Into A Mermaid 2021 Challenge, seeking lit mag)
The day my father’s heart stops beating, Mami kicks up kids out of his hospital ward room.
9. untitled micro-memoir (about ending long distance with my wife, available here)
I remember when home became a person.
10. The Witch's Necklace (near-future dystopia but make it magic, solarpunk interactive fiction, writing)
Your alarm sounds, and you hate it.
My main reaction is [SCREAMS]
Hahaha, these aren't too terrible! I need to stop using "to be" verbs. I'm shocked by the POV variety. There's actually more first person and second person than third person limited. I thought I mostly wrote in 3rd person limited. I must think that because (a) the 88k novel is in it and (b) all the fanfic was 3rd person limited.
My final thought is good job, me! You made everything incredibly queer 😁🌈💜
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deletedx56 · 4 years
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Tilda Swinton for GQ (March 2018)
Ph. Daniel Jackson
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datcloudboi · 3 years
List of films turning 10 years old in 2022
- The Amazing Spider-Man - Argo (Ben Affleck is an amazing director) - The Avengers - Battleship (based on the board game) - The Bourne Legacy - Brave (the Pixar movie) - The Cabin in the Woods - Chronicle (found-footage superhero movie) - Cloud Atlas - Cosmopolis (Robert Pattinson working with David Cronenberg) - The Dark Knight Rises - Dark Shadows - The Dictator (Sacha Baron Cohen) - Django Unchained - Dredd - End of Watch - The Expendables 2 - Frankenweenie - Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance - Goon - The Grey (Liam Neeson vs. wolves in Alaska) - Haywire - Hitchcock - The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey - Hotel Transylvania - The Hunger Games - Indie Game: The Movie - Jack Reacher - John Carter - Killin Them Softly - Lawless - Les Miserables (the one with Anne Hathaway and Hugh Jackman) - Life of Pi - Lincoln - Looper - The Lorax - Magic Mike - The Man with the Iron Fists - Men in Black 3 - Moonrise Kingdom - ParaNorman - The Perks of Being a Wallflower - Pitch Perfect - Premium Rush - Prometheus (the prequel to Alien) - The Raid - Resident Evil: Retribution (wow, 2012 REALLY wasn't a good year for RE, was it?) - Rise of the Guardians - Rock of Ages - Seven Psychopaths - Silent Hill: Revelation - Silver Linings Playbook - Sinister - Skyfall - Snow White and the Huntsman - Taken 2 - Ted (Seth MacFarlane as a talking bear) - 21 Jump Street - V/H/S - Wanderlust - Wrath of the Titans - Wreck-It Ralph - Zero Dark Thirty
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ressjeon · 4 years
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these are all fiction and do not reflect the members personally. most of my content is NSFW so please read with caution :)
➻ these works are all my own imagination, i always put credits on each of them if they’re inspired of something.
➻ please don’t repost nor copy my ideas. i give my all when i write these fics, you’ll understand when you do write.
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➔ latest: relief (yoongi)
➔ updated: may 25th, 2024
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⇁ check wips for upcoming fics!
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fluff "✿" | angst "✘" |  smut "❦" | suggestive "☀︎"
✧ = no pronouns & gender are used or implied
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⟶ Sleep Who? ➳ {❦} ➳ [pwp]
     ⇥ (Jimin x Reader x Jungkook) ⇥ (3.9k)
↳  « it's late, but would that stop you? You know Jimin's always ready but you didn't expect Jungkook to deliver as well »
⟶ Between the Stars and the Moon
   ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}  ⇥ [ lunar chronicles!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳  « a great honour as they say. when you were chosen for an important mission to Luna, you didn’t think you would immediately fall to the man that was assigned to you. when Thaumaturge Kim agreed because of his mere curiosity, he didn’t think you would be different than what he already knew. and when Alpha Jeon received orders that he couldn’t refuse, he didn’t think he would meet his mate in such crucial situations. the bond between both men was formidable until you came along but after loyalties were tested and betrayals seeped through, would you choose between them still? »
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⟶ I Don’t Think I’m Okay ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [childhood friends!au?] ⇥ (4k)
↳  « with many chances wasted, you couldn’t even resist anymore »
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⟶ (✧) Cupid’s Curse ➳ {❦, ✘} ➳ moodboard
          ⇥ [exes to lovers!au?] ⇥ (6.3k)
↳  « you don’t even know him anymore, but he’s your first love then so be it»
⟶ Storge: Painting ➳ {✿}
         ⇥ [domestic!au, family!au] ⇥ (0.8k)
↳  «you're busy preparing something for your one-two arguably little ones without thinking they'll do the same to you »
⟶ Stars The Have Fallen ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [greek goddess!au, titanness!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « you knew fleeing from Zeus wouldn't be easy but you couldn't give up that fast without trying your hardest. Enter someone who you didn't expect could be the key to your survival so maybe, just maybe you might have a chance. »
⟶ All I Want Is You ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [holiday!au, on and off!au?] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « used to Yoongi's unpredictable antics even before you broke up, it made you doubt his actions but what if he swears this will be the last time? »
⟶ Thronal Sacrifice ➳ { ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [historical!au, joseon!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « can Yoongi truly fathom sacrifice until the time has come for him to decide between you and his empire? »
⟶ Beguiling Melody ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [1800s!au, vampire!au, voyage!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « secretly boarding the ship in hopes of finding a better life had not been easy. even more so when you witness something that could have put your life in danger. but the ominous yet captivating stranger sparks your curiosity when he began targeting your greatest desires - making you question if his intentions are to solely ensure that you will keep his secret »
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⟶ Ghost Of You ➳ {✿, ✘,☀︎}
     ⇥ [childhoodbestfriend!au] ⇥ (12k)
↳  « he keeps begging you to go, but you insist on staying »
⟶ Down The Hatches ➳ {✘, ❦}
          ⇥ [pirate!au] ⇥ (3k)
↳  « to Hoseok, you were his only love as he was to yours and you both managed to maintain this secret for so long but what if fate wanted to decide the inevitable instead? »
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⟶ Holiday Shambles ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [christmas!au] ⇥ (5k)
    ↳ « when you have to spend time with both your parents and Namjoon's snobby ones for this Christmas, you're forced to show the best version of you even knowing what's to come. you're ready, right? After all, you're the best wife aren't you? »
⟶ Cruise Control ➳ { ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [summer cruise!au] ⇥ (??k)
    ↳ « people around you have pitied you for chasing him but how can you stop when he can never do wrong in your eyes. so perfect that you’ve been blind to what he truly feels about you, convincing yourself that the time will come for him to finally love you. the same questions will resurface once again on this cruise that you’re going on but are you truly ready whether the answers will be the same or not? »
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⟶ (✧) Could Have Been You ➳ {☀︎}
          ⇥ [exes!au] (drabble teaser) ⇥ (832)
    ↳  « trying to forget old wounds might just spark another one »
⟶ (✧) Please, Lie To Me ➳ {✘, ❦}
          ⇥ [seelie!/shadowhunters!au] ⇥ (11k)
    ↳  « centuries of loyalty vs. only months of fucking, how could you miscalculate? »
⟶ boo..yah! ➳ {✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [halloween!au] ⇥ (7k)
↳  « you’ve been hoping that Taehyung will get the message when you keep on ignoring him for months now but what if his very inviting best friend offers something that will for sure relay your answer? »
⟶ (✧) Desperate ➳ {❦} ➳ [model!au] ➳ (3.8k)
↳  « being Jimin's assistant made you immune from his flirty tactics, but somehow you find it hard to resist him when he unusually becomes desperate »
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⟶ Washed On ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [fratboy!au] ⇥ (6k)
↳ « Taehyung’s heated stares were what drew you in at first and you think he seemed shy since you’re shameless though he’s confusing you the more you see him. is he just planning all of this or are you also too fixed to see past what he’s been showing you? So who’s really playing here, you or him? »
⟶ Can’t Be Helped ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [easter retreat/spring break!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « holy week just happens to be on the same week of spring break and you’ve been doing your best to avoid any temptations by joining an Easter retreat overseas - only to be met with the said temptation at the very same place where you’re supposed to have a break from him »
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⟶ Blueberry ➳ {✿,☀︎}
     ⇥ [idol!au] ⇥ (1k+) ⇥ (drabble)
↳  « your boyfriend’s sudden change of hair colour well.. certainly surprised you in one way or another »
⟶ Order Up ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [restaurant!au] ⇥ (4.2k)
↳  « is the rice cake the reason you're choking right now or that hot waiter who can't get his eyes off of you? »
⟶ In This Paradise ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [tropical island!au] ⇥ (16k)
 ↳ « in an attempt to escape what's been planned for him, Jungkook hopped on a ship only to face a tragedy that he didn't expect and enter you who somehow couldn't believe to find company in this isolated land. was this fate or was this just a temporary chance of bliss as a challenge for you both? »
⟶ Game Over ➳  {✿,❦}
          ⇥ [gamer/streamer!au] ⇥ (5k)
↳ « you might not be a gamer but that won't stop your competitive side from wanting to defeat your boyfriend in this new game that you're both currently obsessing with. it's just a matter of time until one of you gives up but Jungkook can’t help wondering if it will be you or him »
⟶ Lovin' Hard ➳  {✿, ✘, ❦}
          ⇥ [summer fling!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « you have rules for summer flings but Jeon Jungkook seems to knock them all down in his own little ways »
⟶ Where There's Smoke, There's Fire
       ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}   ⇥ [firefighter!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « opposites attract. but jeon jungkook also knows that opposites can have explosive and dangerous reactions when brought together now that he’ll soon be an official firefighter. your differences are what made you attracted to him in the past but when your mutual friends broke up, you naturally fell out of touch. when fate brings the two of you back together, the undeniable spark is still there but with the two of you on such vastly different paths, doubts soon start to creep in. jungkook begins to wonder if he’s holding you back while you’re also similarly questioning the depth of his feelings for you. is this worth a try or are you both just too different to make it work?»
⟶ Stroke Of Midnight ➳  {✿, ✘, ❦}
          ⇥ [exes!au, new year!au] ⇥ (??k)
↳ « an opportunity that you couldn’t pass so you left everything behind, including the guy that you first fell in love with because of the sparkles in his eyes. you never thought that you would see him again, in the arms of another woman on the night of your return at a gathering on New Year’s Eve.»
⟶ Annoying ➳ {✿, ✘, ❦}
     ⇥ [coworkers!au] ⇥ (2.9k)
 ↳ « you don’t know what his reasons are for pestering you on a daily basis but you sure know why you continue to tolerate him, even when you’re near your limit »
⟶ Endearing ➳ {✿}
     ⇥ [housemates!au] ⇥ (0.8k)
 ↳ « you're just worried when your loud housemate suddenly goes quiet after serenading you for hours »
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 titillating touches | oneshot collaboration 
╰┈➤ status: hiatus
the seven seas | oneshot collaboration 
╰┈➤ status: hiatus
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all rights reserved. © ressjeon 2024.
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