#the mortifying ordeal of talking about your art
emilypemily · 1 year
i have been writing and mostly ignoring the same album for the last 5 years. the songs have been pretty much entirely written for a long while now, but i have been putting off the recording process bc, idk. i think i'm a much better like, producer than i was when i did the first two albums so my standards have changed, and so suddenly i've got these perfectionist tendencies and it's been putting me off recording anything at all. and the stuff i recorded a while ago i've been put off fixing or changing the stuff i need to fix or change.
anyway, this past week i've kicked myself in the butt and actually made myself sit down and record, and it's been going really well. i think they're shaping up really well. i have the track list and in brackets i write what i still need to do, and i've been tackling each song like, guitar on a bunch of them first, and then keys on a bunch of them next, and then vocals etc etc. not always in that kind of order but that's some of why it's been going well.
there are 4 songs left of 14 that need recording at all, as they're still undone, and the rest is just rerecords or adding bits. 3 of them are finished, but it's the same 3 that's been finished for ages now. one of them is very close to done but i'd like my friend to play piano on them so that will take a while as we don't live in the same place and i don't want just a recording off a phone.
idk, it's not five years of writers block bc i've never had an issue with that. if i'm not writing that's like, fine, i'm doing something else. but, recording block? production block? the technical side of it is the thing i've been ignoring. it does feel good to be getting somewhere now.
i think the whole time i've thought and still believe that the songs are good. or at least, i like them. and i want them recorded and put out. every now and then i think 'if i get hit by a car and die and i've never really this fucking thing i will be so mad'. it's weirdly not very motivating. i think the motivating thing was complaining about it several weeks in a row in therapy to the point that it becomes cringe if i don't actively change something.
it's not really close to being done bur it's significantly closer than before.
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trans-labyrinth · 10 months
submitting the play I wrote to a bunch of different places and staring blankly at the synopsis portion like "It's about.... um. lesbians? and they talk? that's about it but like its good I promise"
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Joined a new discord but I'm scared to drop my tumblr because I don't want to be recognised and have people go "oh god it's him"
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ozmaonabadday · 2 months
So, I understand we’re celebrating, and indeed there’s lots to celebrate. RWBY has a new home with Viz Media. That is awesome, and I (and we) should rightfully celebrate that. But we also should talk about the elephant in the room. What this sort of thing always seems to circle back to.
Viz bought RWBY because they see it as a valuable ip. Viz has made an investment in the profitability of RWBY. Viz expects RWBY to make them money. And unfortunately we have an obligation to prove them right. Especially if we want to see RWBY continue.
That means that we have to lower our Jolly Rodger’s and subscribe to whatever platform they pick to platform RWBY. Or submitting to the mortifying ordeal of ads if a subscription is out of your budget. That means consuming the official manga, (which I highly recommend if you haven’t read it yet. I own physical copies, and they are fun little reads. They don’t add much to the story, but the art is pretty, and occasionally breath taking), and of course, buying officially licensed merchandise.
I know it sucks, but we live under the oppressive regime of capitalism, and cannot escape its consequences. Viz expects RWBY to be a financial success, and it’s up to us to make sure that happens.
I’ll keep my ears to the ground for official information, and keep making updates with whatever I find, but for now, we can and should celebrate. RWBY is pressing on and so will we! We’re in this together FNDM.
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runningquill-art · 2 years
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“The Floo hearth was just across the foyer, crackling cheerfully at them as they exited the lift. Granger’s stride lengthened. “We can finally put this surreal day behind us–” Then she stopped, and grasped Draco’s arm in her pinchy grasp, and whipped him towards her. “What–” “Shush,” said Granger, flattening herself against the wall and manoeuvering Draco to stand in front of her. “Stand there.” “What are we–” “Be big. Why are you always large and in the way, except when I need you to be?” asked Granger in a peevish whisper. “Shield me.” “From who?” asked Draco, dearly wishing to turn around and assess the Secret Assassin, and perhaps murder him in cold blood. “Cormac.” “McLaggen?” “How many other bloody Cormacs do you know?” asked Granger. She raised her hands to Draco’s robes and pulled up his collar, as though the flaps would afford her more privacy. “What’s he done?” “Oh, he’s only been infatuated with me for years. Tenacious kind of man. Sticky. Viscous, really. Stay there, his group is about to go into the dining rooms. No – wait – they’re still talking. I’m going to cast a Notice-Me-Not. Oh no – Derrick’s just spotted you, I think. It’s your stupid hair. Like a beacon across the bloody Pennines. No. They’re coming this way. I was never here. Goodbye.”” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 16: The Seneca, by isthisselfcare  
[IG @runningquill_art]
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treesspeaklatin · 2 years
Beautiful Spirk fics with less than 400 kudos - part 1
part 2 here
It’s fic rec time! These are some of my favorite spirk fics, go give some love to these works and their creators!
I Wish I could Show you, by zjofierose (AOS)
The pinnacle of h/c, and it’s extremely well written. Spock is traumatised and needs Jim, so it's finally time to be honest with their feelings for both of them. Featuring one of my absolute favourite things: Jim Kirk falling to his knees because he's in looooooove.
Palm to palm is holy palmers kiss, by Ahria (AOS)
Oh, this Jim. I love it when Jim is convinced he's not loved back and is a pining mess, but he's also delightfully Jim, so pure, honest, straightforward and brave. This fic is a perfect p0rn whit feelings + hand kink, one cannot want more than this.
This Empty Place, by CateAdams (TOS)
God, I love this author. This fic has a standard, comforting setting: Spock and Jim get stuck together during a mission gone wrong, and you can imagine what happens next. I love it when they talk quietly and find a way to come to terms with their feelings. No more bullshit, just love. Bonus, this fic is written in a wonderfully poetic way.
Meet Me at the Barricade, by lalazee (AOS)
I am obsessed with this fic. Seriously, I don't understand why it's not linked everywhere. It's a detailed AU where Jim lives among the Orions, and it explores the warrior side of the t'hy'la bond, with a vaguely mirror-like spirk. Warning for gore and violence, but if you're not sensitive to that sort of thing, read on, you won't regret it.
Bashert, by Herself_nyc (TOS + AOS)
I will never stop loving fics where aos spirk meets tos spirk. There is also something in this fic that I didn't think I wanted, namely an impatient Prime Kirk who not only doesn't take any crap, but is also very distrustful of aos kirk.
The Sweetness of the Poisoned Fruit, by tuvokholdmyhandchallenge (MIRROR)
I can't stress enough to read the tags for this one, but: mirror spirk, non(dub?)-con, alien biology. That's exactly what it seems, and if you like this shit, go for it.
no place for cowards (or: jim kirk's heart is a tender place), by alienbabe (molotovgirl) (AOS)
This one deserves something like 3k kudos. A perfect character study of Jim, beautifully written, it will make your heart ache.
An Endless Stream of Tomorrows, by remylebae (TOS)
Aaaah, so cute! After The One With the Whales, Jim asks Spock to marry him. I loved their banter, the dialogues are perfect, and this sassy, calm Spock drives me crazy.
Two Very Different Men, by Wingittofreedom (MIRROR)
I am so weak for this kind of mirror fic. P0rn with a lot of feelings, plus the mortifying ordeal of being known. Bonus for beautiful art.
due consideration, by tciddaemina (TOS)
A fic in which Spock realises he is in love and does the only logical thing: he carefully reasons about it. Extremely in character for both Spock and Jim, and they talk about it like two adults, coming to terms with each other and putting their relationship into perspective. And then, of course, lots of feelings + hand kink!!!
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writing-for-life · 7 months
Sandman Meta-Analysis
“But He Loved, He Should Have Been Forgiven”—About Free Will, Responsibility and Agency: Lucifer and Dream as Foils
When Destiny is Inescapable or: He Truly Is the Worst Older Brother (Based on a fun ask prompt that turned into a serious meta)
The Portrayal of Womanhood in A Game of You
The Sandman Overture and Exiles: Omnia Mutantur, Nihil Interit—Everything Changes, Nothing Is Truly Lost (Not Even Hope)
The Ultimate Character Tag Library
Hob Gadling’s Involvement In The Slave Trade Between The Late 16th And Early 19th Century (Addendum to someone else’s post, but I thought it important to include here)
The Mortifying Ordeal Of Being Known (Or: Does Morpheus Really Have Commitment Issues?)
Death’s Wedjat Eye: Deeper Symbolism or Random? (Based on an ask)
The Women of the Sandman: A Collection of Meta-Analyses, Fics and Art
Spun Stories And Hard-Hitting Realities As Bookends To Brief Lives
The Thing About Daniel (is that he is not a palette-swapped Morpheus)
The Sandman Timeline As Published In The Annotated Sandman (timeline with a few meta thoughts)
The Truth Of Mankind Is Also Dream’s (short comics panel/show quote comparison)
The Endless Are Not Their Opposite—They Only Define It
Only Hope (!) Calls You Out Like That (Dream, Desire, Hope And Loneliness),
The Difference Between Daydreams And Desires Or: How Dream And Desire Wouldn’t Have Saved The Universe Without Hope (Based on an ask)
Dream's Relationship To His Emotions & The Differences Between Show!Dream and Comics!Dream (Based on an ask)
About Love As The Catalyst For Change
Morpheus and Calliope: About Inspiration, Personhood and Change (Based on an ask)
What Does Morpheus Like in Women? (Based on an ask)
Dream’s Loss of White Hair as the Loss of Innocence: The Killalla-Situation
Touching Death or: Why Dream is Not Simply Touch-Starved in The Sound of Her Wings (Addendum to someone else’s post)
Keeping Them In Character: Could Morpheus Be Saved? (An exploration of fanfic, but lots of good meta thoughts, so I included it here)
Did Morpheus Want to Die? (Addendum to someone else’s post)
When Desire Stops Being the Villain
When a Story About Stories Can Be Read in More Than One Way, and Why a Story About Change Changes With Us
If It Is Implied Lucien Is Adam, What Does That Make Lucienne?
Sunday Mourning—About Dream Entities and Stars (Why Head-Canons Are Wonderful, But Forcing Them On Creators Isn’t)
Who Is at Fault for Dream’s Death? The Endless as Concepts (Based on an ask)
Dream and How He Experiences Love (Or: When the Unreal is at War with the Real, and Finally Understanding Unconditional Love Tightens the Noose Around Your Neck That Has Been There All Along)
Tales In The Sand—Did We Find the Women’s Story? Or: The Rejection Of Dream/Hope As A Concept
How Do You Solve The Orpheus Problem? (an exploration of ideas for fanfics, but too many good meta thoughts not to include it here)
Nuance in (The Sandman) Fandom
To Be Human Means To Die (Even For Morpheus)
Let’s Talk About Thessaly (In The Context of Second and Third Wave Feminism)
The Blood on Morpheus’ Hands (more a processing attempt than a meta)
Why The Order of the Last Three Issues of The Sandman Matters
The Facet is Not The Jewel (old post about the ubiquity of Dreamling)
Sandman Comics Reread & Netflix Sandman Rewatch: All my Sandman Book Club contributions, ordered by issue/episode (we are currently discussing on a weekly schedule, join us!)
#sandman meta: Even more metas of all kinds, like those of others I (sometimes quite extensively) participated in.
Next: Sandman Meta-Analysis Music >
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wangxianficfinder · 8 months
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Fic Finder
Jan 25th
1. I'm begging to know if you have this fic. Years back, I read a fic where Wei Ying is exiled from the Lan clan and in the process becomes mute kind of (?) by choice. Years-ish later the Lan clan would beg him back to teach the juniors dark arts, and after something he would comply. It's a lot of Lan Zhan trying to apologize and Wei Ying not taking it afterwards, but I do believe it has a good ending. Do you perhaps know what this fic is? I've been trying to dig out the name for a month or so now. @sunshines-child
FOUND? Wei Ying's Destroyed Heart by Belladonna01234 (Wattpad)
2. hi!!! im looking for a genderbend fic( i think ?) where wwx is set to marry jin guangyao (theyre each others beards) and lwj is the florist, or maybe the other way around. i didnt read it, i only remember those specific things bc of the tags and the summary, but most definitely one of them is the florist at the other's wedding, and they meet and such is life. thank you so much!!!
FOUND! Widow's Weeds by travelingneuritis (E, 18k, wangxian, Modern Cultivation, Gardens & Gardening, Wedding Planning, wedding thwartin, grich people are terrible, Light-Hearted, Smut, Gender Changes, Getting Together, offscreen deaths played for laughs, this is meant to be silly don't worry about it, Scheming, Plotting, wwx and jgy are accidentally-on-purpose bearding each other but i keep it PG, wwx running laps around the entire jin sect)
3. Hello! I am looking for a fic which I am 90% sure is a WWX/LWJ fic, but there is a 10% chance it might be Keith/Shiro from Voltron (oops, ehe, if so please disregard this ask!). It is a modern au where WWX looks like a rough guy, maybe from a motorcycle gang, and LWJ is a lovely put together businessman. The office where LWJ works begins to notice their boss (LWJ) meeting with tattooed WWX and they think WWX might be up to no good! But WWX is actually a cop or fireman, and he just looks a bit like a road rat. They eat pastries together on their lunch break. Does this ring a bell? I have been looking for ages! Thank you!!!
3 is definitely a Voltron fic if the other blades of Marmora are Keith's fellow cops.
4. Hi! For fic finder, there is a fic that i only read the summary and a snippet of the story. I didnt read that fic at first because it is not something i usually read, but now its haunting me. Its ice skating au. I think there are "madam yu bashing" In the tag (im not sure). And the snippet i read is NHS beat up WC in secluded place in revenge for WWX. There are no CCTV and NHS said to WC that no one will believe him that NHS beat him up. I know its short, but i really dont know the story. Thank you!
FOUND! enough, for me by doodlebutt (T, 1k, Modern AU) which takes place during chapter 7 of All the shine of a thousand spotlights (M, 60k, WangXian, Modern AU, figure skating, Hurt/Comfort, Mutual Pining, Angst with a Happy Ending, Major Character Injury, Recovery, Getting Together, background relationships - chengqing; xuanli; xiyao, Background Pregnancy, the mortifying ordeal of Talking About Your Feelings, sexually tense pair skating, There Was Only One Bed)
5. WWX and LZ are flabbergasted to see the other alive: WWX was burning paper money at LZ’s funeral as LZ died protecting him and LZ was attending WWX’s funeral as LZ failed to protect WWX during a nighthunt. The universe did some weird shit that merged the two timelines so now they’re both alive and with each other. I can’t find it anywhere @selena10180
6. There was this fic, i don't remember, wwx was single and pregnant and his family (i think jiangs or wen? ) was with him? If u could find this fic and more like it?
FOUND? All I Want by Selenay (E, 47k, WangXian, Modern AU, No Powers, Mpreg, Post Holiday Romance, Consequences, Reunions, Idiots in Love, Teacher WWX, Rating earned in later chapters, Handwavey Biology)
FOUND? Nothing but your heart by airinshaw (E, 21k, WangXian, Modern AU, A/B/O Dynamics, Implied Mpreg, First Time, Getting Together, Angst and Drama, Angst with a Happy Ending, Anal Sex, Whump, Breeding Kink) could also be this
7. hi!! im looking for an unfinished (as of when i read it at least!!) accidental baby acquisition fic where wwx drops a baby (lsz i believe!) off at lwjs door in the middle of the night and disappears — i know thats vague but i dont remember a lot of details? it was a lot of introspection and confusion on lwjs part, kind of OH SHIT i have to look after this baby now n wwx is vanished n idk whats going on. n to my memory in the next chapter or so wwx comes back and is still rlly weird n mysterious n frustrating abt the babys origins n theres wx vibes but lwj is real confused. sorry i dont have more detail but i really hope i can find it!!!
8. Hi! :D I really hope you can help me find this fic! I have been looking for weeks! it's driving me nuts!
I remember that WWX doesn't die and LXC help him live hidden in CR using the identity of a Lan that has died, WWX is taking care of LWJ/is LWJ's servant, there is a scene where they are in Lanling (I think) and WWX has befriended some of the servants there, him and one? of them are talking about WWX's feelings for LWJ/if LWJ love WWX/or something like that, and then LWJ is there, I'm pretty sure they go somewhere else and confess to e/o
FOUND! Unbreakable Heaven, Luminous Earth by carolyncaves (M, 96k, wangxian, Canon Divergence, Secret Identity, almost to the point of uncomfortable identity theft, Sharing a Bed, Literal Sleeping Together, Mutual Pining, Getting Together, Suicidal Thoughts, that's for WWX after Nightless City and is not pervasive throughout the fic, Blood and Injury, Hurt/Comfort, Caretaking, Sexual Content, Domestic Fluff, Angst with a Happy Ending, Power Imbalance, mainly between WWX and JGY in an entirely nonsexual manner, this isn't really a kid fic but the kids are there, as are some yunmeng sibling feelings, JYL lives, Not Everyone Dies AU, some COVID parallels, this is not a quarantine fic, but thematically WWX deals w things like face-covering for safety and loss of control, also assume all canon warnings, this AU is gentler than canon but isn't a complete fix-it)
9. Hi hi! Thanks for your wonderful recommendations always! I’m looking for a wangxian fic where WWX has a breakdown in the lotus pier courtyard and the vibes are like “I’ve tried so hard for so long and for what; I can’t anymore; I’m so alone” and the Jiangs are like “… oh shit” and then treat him better after that and help him bear the burdens. (I can’t remember if WWX is a dragon also?) @vi-sky
#9 while the suggestion is great I don’t think this is the fix I was looking for. I don’t think the Jiangs find out about anything until WWX has the breakdown in the courtyard, and I think he kept it to himself for awhile as opposed to his breakdown being chapter 1 in the recommended.
NOT FOUND! 🧡 (Un)Hidden truth by Sarah_R (M, 198k, WIP, WangXian, Suicide attempt, Time Travel, Hurt/comfort, Angst, Self-Harm)
10. Hello! I can't remember much details but I think lan zhan lands on an unfamiliar planet, there he meet wei ying. Wei ying appearance is different, his body i think is color pink? or blue or like galaxy (눈▽눈) I 'm not really sure but he is not human , also wei ying is shy at first and then warm up eventually. Wahh thank you in advance!
11. Hello! For fic finder: I am trying to find a fic I read recently (within the last 6 months or so) where Wei Wuxian cultivates a resentful energy core but it was held outside his body in the Yin Tiger Tally. Lan Wangji doesn’t know that, so he convinces Wei Wuxian to give up the Tiger Tally as a gesture of peace. Everyone gathers around to watch and are horrified when as Wei Wuxian crushes the Tiger Tally in his hand and the Tally crumbles to dust, Wei Wuxian keels over in terrible agony at losing his core a second time. I think Wangji rushes over to help but Wen Qing pushes him away. It wasn't Decay by antebunny (although that is a good fic!!). Any thoughts? Thank you!
12. hi I just remembered a fic in modern verse where Wei Ying boarded a flight that disappeared mid air and landed after 10+ yrs and Lan Zhan comes to pick up from the airport once he gets the news. I can't seem to find it can you please help and thanks for your efforts its bought me across many amazing fanfics
FOUND! 看客散去唯你我不忘 | the world forgets but i still remember you by prettyxianxian (T, 11k, wangxian, Modern, Flashbacks, POV Multiple, Angst with a Happy Ending, Hurt/Comfort, Everyone Lives AU, Insecurities à la WWX, manifest au, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Good Parent YZY, Good Parent JFM)
13. Hello!! I'm looking for a fic that I was sure i had reblogged but now I can't find it anywhere 😔 It was on tumblr not ao3. LWJ is sex-cursed and he has to be touched by the person he loves. It was during the burial mound days and WWX is isolated from the cultivation world, and also LWJ refuses to ask him for help for that, he'drather die. LXC finds out and takes an unconscious LWJ to the burial mounds and gives him a day to tell WWX on his own or LXC will do it, and LWJ only agrees because he intends to run away before WWX finds out why he's there @kokobabee
FOUND! Tumblr Fic by @jingyismom
14. Hello! I badly need help. I've been looking for this fic. I think it was like 5+1 or something where other people learn that Sizhui is Hanguangjun's son and that one time that Wei Wuxian did. I remember some of the 5+1 was a scene with a vendor, another scene with Ouyang-zongzhu in a nighthunt and I'm not sure if Jiang Wanyin was also one of them. But yeah, I've tried all keywords I could think of but I just can't find it. I hope you can help me. Thank you so much for all your efforts.
15. Hello I am looking for a fic where the world agrees to not kill Wei Ying if he marries and dual cultivates with someone and it's LWJ @calamityisalve
16. I am looking for a fic where wangxian invite the cultivation world to their wedding but wei wuxian and Lan shizui get badly hurt during the hunt before the wedding. The wedding is postponed and I think it had a scene where they fell down a waterfall? Please find it for me🙏
17. Hiiii!!!! I’m looking for a Twitter thread fic about a Warprize Lwj ABO Au where he became a consort to wen zhuliu? I think it was him, anyway, he gave birth a-yuan but a-yuan was actually Wwx son. I remember there was quote retweeted art of the thread fic where Wwx was standing over a-yuan’s cradle.
If you actually manage to find it a million thanks!!! @silent-taco
FOUND? Twitter thread by @cerbykerby, art by @hellinglaozu
FOUND? 🔒 Poison series by Cy_an_Blue, NiceElsa (E, 30k, wangxian, Gods & Goddesses, God WWX, God LY, A/B/O, Alpha WWX, Omega LY, Pre-Relationship wangxian, Implied/Referenced Forced Marriage, Implied/Referenced Bottom LWJ, Omega LWJ, Alpha LXC, Married WangXian with kids, Dark, War Prize LWJ, Forced Pregnancy, Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con, Not by WangXian, Adultery, Cheating, Threats of Violence, Threats of Child Abuse/Murder, Implied/Referenced Domestic Violence, Angst with a Happy Ending, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Gore, Smut, Mpreg, Pregnancy, Pregnant Sex, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Endgame Wangxian, Post Mpreg, post pregnancy, Protective LQR, Gūsū Lán Elders Bashing)
18. Hello! I hope you can help me find this one, because I’m not having much luck; Wei Ying agrees to do what the sects want in exchange for the Lan sect taking in the Wen. He is basically imprisoned in the Unclean Realm and can’t practice demonic cultivation, and over time Nie Huaisand and Nie Mingjue start to warm up to him.
I think the one scene I remember most is a scene where Lan Huan asks Wei Ying if he can play for Nie Mingjue but Wei Ying says he can’t and admits that he has no golden core after making Lan Huan promise to keep it a secret. Hope this helps?
FOUND? Always walked a very thin line by tucuxi (T, 22k, WangXian, NHS & WWX, JYL & WWX, Depression, Anxiety Attacks, Canon Divergence, Everyone Lives/Nobody Dies, Self-Worth Issues, Slow Burn, Oblivious WWX, Golden Core Reveal, WWX Has No Golden Core, Chronic Pain, Chronic Illness)
19. 你好! I've been looking for a fic with mute wei ying? (mute by choice, I believe). I cannot remember much, but I do remember that Wei Ying is exiled by the Gusu Lan clan, led by Lan Zhan himself. He's later called back to teach the juniors lessons on Demonic cultivation, where they found out after many years of choosing not to talk, he's kind of lost his voice. I don't know if you could find this fic, but it's been plaguing my brain for awhile now.
20. Hi! Searching for a fic where omegaxian is the assistant physician of Wen Qing and then Emperor (not sure if emperor or just a prince) Alphaji want him immediately as his consort. Wen qing and other people protested and told alphaji that omegaxian is not available because he is only a physician.
I remember it being a threadfic in X (twitter)
Thank you so much
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nomsfaultau · 6 months
thank you so much for writing mandatory family reunion. i just reread it for the eighth time. i think im going to dedicate my life to life to reading your other sbi fics until you update again. also; do you have any tips for committing to fics and not leaving them half-finished?
ahhhh that’s so sweet glad you enjoyed! As for writing fics, having it be your special interest really helps. But for more general advice on finishing:
-Don’t stick to just one story. Which seems counter intuitive! But inevitably you’re going to hit a snag in one story. So instead of stopping writing at all, switch projects. Writing involves a whole bunch of thinking, and stuff needs time to percolate in the back of your head. But having a small project to work on in the mean time keeps you engaged in the writing process, gives you practice, makes you feel like you’re making progress, and allows time to work out the other story. I personally have 1-2 main projects, Fault and MFR, and then rotate a couple back burner stories that I work on whenever I get inspiration and fully expect to have very slow progress and possibly never finish. Short stories, one shots, hell even just writing little one off scenes that don’t go anywhere. It’s a way to keep writing fun and thus you’re more likely to continue working on the stuff you’re trying to complete. Don’t feel bad if there’s breaks between working on your main project. Writing involves a lot of thinking and it takes time to do that.
-Devoting time to do that thinking also significantly helps. When you’re falling asleep can be a good time to rotate stories in your head. Could also be if you’re walking from place to place, or brushing your teeth, or other little gaps in the day. Even if you’re not physically writing, it’s still part of the process and can make it easier when you actually sit down to write because you know what scene you’re most excited to work on. Also, talking over your story idea with a friend is a great way to stay motivated if you can get over the mortifying ordeal of being known. You can bounce ideas off them, and other people’s investment in a project can be a great motivator to finish. Like legit a single ao3 comment once stopped me from my plan to abandon a fic. Reminding yourself why you (and other people) like the story makes it easier to want to continue.
-Keeping a rough outline of what you envision for the story can give you a road map to how close to done you are and where to go next. Just like you can hop between projects, I find jumping around the plot time line to write what scene I’m most interested in atm keeps me going instead of writing everything in order. Though, all writers have different degrees of plot planning, so that depends on your style.
-Art! I’m an artist, and while writing definitely fuels what I draw, I find doodling cool scenes I want to write really inspires me to keep going. This sorta falls under the same category of continuing to think about the story and motivating you to finish. -I found keeping a writing journal has improved how I view my writing. Basically, I’ll jot down a bullet point list of scenes worked on that week/month. Writing is a very slow process, so seeing a timeline of actual progression on a story makes it feel like I’m actually getting more out of my head and onto paper. I also jot down what ideas for scenes I came up with since that’s also part of writing, and might include a chill no stakes writing goal for that period, like work on X or Y project, or a particular scene. Sometimes my goal is just ‘write at least one sentence’. I give it lots of leeway, and accept that the muse may just be somewhere else that week. And if the goal isn’t met, no sweat! Life can get busy at times and it’s more important that you aren’t beating yourself up if it’s been awhile since you last touched a project. Forcing yourself to write a scene that isn’t ready won’t result in a good scene or an happy writer. Switch projects, give yourself time to think about it, take care of yourself, etc.
And, legitimately, don’t be afraid to abandon a piece. Maybe you’ll come back to it, maybe you won’t. It can feel disheartening to feel like you can’t seem to finish a project, but unfinished pieces also do a lot for you: they hone your craft, allow you a creative outlet, give you scenes that could potentially be reworked for later pieces, and most importantly were hopefully fun to write! Story crafting is a hobby that should bring you joy, not frustration and shame.
Like, I have stories that will never see the light of day and are just so I can have fun and poke it with a stick occasionally. I’m 100% confident in saying that every author will have tenfold the number of unfinished wips compared to complete works. That’s just part of the creative process: exploring different worlds to find the one you want to write.
Perhaps a fic might never get finished, but in the wise words of Technoblade: “if you enjoy it, it’s not time wasted, no?”
(Now, I think he was talking about murdering people, but the point still stands.)
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otaku553 · 7 months
I'm sure (or hope so) that you've been flooded with messages that express their similar feelings over your most recent vent. I know it's not a lot to say or to make you feel better on, but even aside from your amazing art and fanfictions, your talks on school here and there have given me the motivation to continue with my math degree. No matter your lowest moments I hope you remember that there are total strangers that want you to thrive and I will forever keep you in my thoughts ❤️
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I’m glad :) I like to know that I’ve reached people. It’s a bit of a double expectation I guess that I hope to have my personal troubles resonate with other people while also creating these vent comics as a form of shouting into the void and letting go of the things I’m holding onto at the moment. I don’t expect or sometimes even want people to talk to me about it (the mortifying ordeal of being known. Yknow) but if my vent comics reach even a single person and are able to say “hey you’re not alone in these experiences” then I’m happy :) I haven’t received any other asks about my vent comic but I’ve seen some tags n the notes from people that relate that make me happy as well.
But thank you very much for the kind message!! Even if you may not think it’s very much, a kind message like this really goes a long way :) I’m incredibly glad that the things I create can serve as a motivation to you, because hearing that gives me some of the motivation to finish my own neuroscience degree. Maybe I won’t be able to find that grand goal I’m looking for a while, but in the meantime, this helps. Let’s both try our best! ❤️
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Hurt/Comfort fanfic recommendations
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A late night by wilywitchwahoo G, 400 words, h/c, insecure aziraphale, crying Crowley comforts his sad angel.
Your warmth is all I have by katterv T, 900 words, physical injury, mild blood, (gorgeous) fanart included Aziraphale is hurt, unconscious and so, so cold. Crowley hates it.
Morning Glory by HopeCoppice T, 1k, hurt/comfort, gender dysphoria, body dysmorphia, genderfluid crowley, fem-presenting Crowley, insecurity, body image Crowley wakes early; Aziraphale watches him worry.
Your Effervescent Tears Cleanse My Core by TotallySnowy G, 1.1k, panic attacks, cuddling, aziraphale needs a hug It all started on a rather normal day in southeastern Londen, at specifically 4:05 AM in the morning, Aziraphale awoke with a start. Very, very peculiar for an angel, lest a nobel one at that. What was even more peculiar is that Aziraphale could feel his face become flushed. Quite peculiar indeed.
Evening Star by HopeCoppice T, 1.6k, insecurity, body dysmorphia, hurt/comfort, cuddling, non sexual intimacy, non sexual nudity Aziraphale seems reluctant to join Crowley in bed, and Crowley is determined to get to the bottom of it.
All Good Hearts are Heavy by Sarah_hadeschild G, 1.8k, depression, depressed crowley, fluff, hurt/comfort, protective aziraphale Crowley has always dealt with bouts of depression-- periods in which he cannot bring himself to do much more than exist. Over the centuries, he grew accustomed to enduring these episodes on his own. But now, Aziraphale is with him. And although the angel cannot miracle away his lover's distress, he can try the only remedy he knows with any certainty. He can love him.
Counting on your love by that_angels_demon T, 2.2k, insecure Aziraphale, body dysmorphia, kissing, making out, asexual relationship, non-sexual intimacy Having finally confessed their feelings for each other after the (almost) Apocalypse, Crowley and Aziraphale explore the physicality they've always craved. But when long-internalized insecurities come to light, Aziraphale isn't so sure his demon will want this after all…
crack me open, feel me shatter by rattatatosk T, 2.7k, nightmares, Crowley’s fall, body horror, hurt/comfort Crowley dreams of the Fall. Aziraphale is there to catch him when he wakes.
To Exist and Love by IneffableDoll T, 3.1k, hurt/comfort, acephobia, asexuality, south downs cottage, hurt crowley, ace affirming, fluff Crowley runs into someone who says some bigoted nonsense about the asexual nature of his and Aziraphale’s relationship. It leaves him fuming, so when he returns home to his angel, they talk through it and navigate the complex feelings and hurts the interaction brings up. Basically: A very ace-affirming spite fic.
Flight and Fight by Phantom531 T, 3.3k, panic attack, post season 2, hurt aziraphale, angry crowley, hurt/comfort, angst Aziraphale has a panic attack and reaches for the only person he ever needed. Unfortunately, Crowley is still REALLY angry.
Crossfire by NuriaSchnee M, 4.7k, locked, post Armageddon’t, love confessions, hurt/comfort, showering together, non-sexual intimacy, first kiss In which a shower can solve 6000 years of secrets and misunderstandings. Or: Aziraphale finally breaks down at Crowley's flat and Crowley takes care of him.
I Forgive You by Sparkling12 M, 6.3k, post season 2, hurt Aziraphale, aftermath of torture, hurt/comfort, love confessions, bathing, cuddling Crowley taking care of his traumatised angel, while plotting revenge on Metatron. Part of a series: -  I Forgive You
Come as you are by fruitygoblin M, 10k, body dysmorphia, insecurity, wall sex Aziraphale visits a modern art gallery, goes on a diet, and submits to the mortifying ordeal of being known. Not necessarily in that order.
Everything I've Had by AppleSeeds M, 12k, human AU, chronic illness, chronic pain, hurt/comfort, bathing/washing, domestic fluff, childhood friends to lovers After developing a chronic illness that leaves him unable to live alone, Crowley moves back home to London where he reunites with his childhood best friend Aziraphale. Aziraphale helps to take care of Crowley and keeps him company while he's in bed, bringing them closer together and reigniting old feelings.
Touch my Tears with Your Lips by IneffableDoll T, 27k, post season 2, season 2 fix it, hurt/comfort, understimulation, making up, trauma, touch starvation, south down cottage In Heaven, there was nothing to touch. Aziraphale re-tied the knot of his bowtie again and again and again. He was alone, and nothing was real, and he was alone, and nothing was real.
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lakesbian · 1 year
i need toknow what the fuck is happening in rose's brain (or was before blake got eated rather) i may have to undergo the mortifying ordeal of theoryposting publicly and all. which is why people wanted me to liveblog in the first place. anyway. why the fuck did she hug him. what's wrong with her brain. i'm compelled by the idea of like. upper middle class bitchy cutthroat cishet white girl doing a very good job at Continuing The Cycle--not necessarily lying to herself that the way she's behaving is because she's the only good-hearted one here being slighted by everyone else like some of her relatives might be--but believing that the ends justify the means, or perhaps that performing those means to perpetuate those ends is inevitable and/or inescapable on her behalf. she was born into & raised by The Thorburns and not only can't escape but quite possibly has no Desire to escape the perpetuation of the involved cruelties--task set upon her which she will grimly carry out as her grandmother did before her and etc etc.
the interesting wrench here for her is that part of carrying out those tasks means watching someone who is literally [deep inhale] Herself But If She, Due To Different Life Circumstance, Left Home, Experienced Different Traumas, Attained A Deeply Loving Friend Group, And Formed A Personality Based Largely Around Kindness And Fair + Equal Exchange march like a lamb to the sacrificial altar to buy her time. perhaps nudging his course on the way to the altar at times but largely just watching it because he's a really blundering meandering lamb who doesn't like being told what to do very much. (neither, i imagine, does she.) which, like, that's an inherently fascinating dynamic. not just seeing but Knowing the person she could've been if she had only stepped away from the cycles of family cruelty. blake is doomed, bound to die (obligatory: badly) and drag people down with him with very little awareness of the fact and without making anything tangibly better for the next generation. he's bullheaded, and he doesn't read the fucking books, and he's quite frequently impulsive and bad at compromising and prone to horrendous mistakes which harm far more people than just him.
he's also the type of person who can talk at length about how amazing his friends' art is, how much he loves the tattoos he got from one of them. who will lend his own jacket to an acquaintance even when he's in worse shape. who will take on nigh-suicidal tasks not because he Is suicidal (or at least isn't yet, anyway) but just because they needed doing and no one but him was willing.
how do you, as a bitch of a woman trapped in (& willing to function within the trap of) the horrors of your particular family, meet a You who turned out like that, and not hate him at least a little? find him bumbling and annoying and ignorant, resent him for not being the best sacrificial lamb he could be, for being the type of person who ran away from home instead of getting it into a chokehold. but also, how are you not at least a little fascinated by him? the vestige of what could have been will be gone the second the illusion of blake thorburn inevitably shatters and she takes back her rightful place, but for the brief period of time where that illusion is solid, how could she resist the urge to entertain the idea least a little? the idea of a version of her that will put up with a hug purely to make her feel better despite hating touch, the idea of a version of her that naively believes there's a good way out for both of them.
like i think perhaps she hates his ass because his ass is, from her perspective, a dumb and cringefail miserable little sacrificial lamb who is going to be a BITCH to play along with until whenever he kicks the bucket. and she is fully aware that she is lying her ass off because she has 0 desire to intervene in the process of this alternate-her marching himself to the altar for her. but also she mayhaps. occasionally. just a little. gets lost in the sauce of that game of pretend where she's pretending she actually respects him as an equal or has real investment in him not dying badly. is this anything. are we going anywhere with this. like literally what If you met an alternate version of you and that alternate version of you is dumb and stupid and unsustainable and totally fucked but also nicey. you would totally Strongly Dislike their ass but also Genuinely find yourself compelled to wring a moment of real affection or connection out of them before they explode. anyway blake has next to none of these complexes about her and thus no hypothetical weird psychosexual obsession with her. but rose? yeah you can get a hypothetical weird psychosexual obsession with blake out of rose.
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geneticdriftwood · 6 months
Okay I’m dying to know how you got into dickroy bc I noticed you rb a ton of stuff from my dc side blog (I’m gatheringbluecheese) & then I saw you in the ao3 comments section (you’ve got good taste!), so I wanted to know how you got here and what you’re enjoying rn!
asjkhdsflj the mortifying ordeal of being observed! (you’re totally good, and yeah I went pretty far back on your sideblog there was so much good stuff!)
honestly I barely know how I got here. until recently, the only comic i’d ever read was 2 issues of matt fraction hawkeye when it was first coming out and old tintin books as a child. then 2 months ago I encountered WFA and read some of it on a whim, checked out batfam related stuff on tumblr and ao3 and just kinda hung around for a bit getting the lay of the land. and then I rapidly got fixated on dick grayson (eldest child of all time), and found people talking about and analyzing specific comics stuff instead of general fandom, started reading them, and found that so much more interesting. then like a week ago I saw someone mention outsiders 2003 and started reading it and got very obsessed with its portrayal of destructive grief and dick and roy’s interpersonal dynamics, and then started getting into arrow stuff. and now im in love with dickroy and I stan ollie queen.
I’m currently still working my way through outsiders (a little slow going bc the art is mostly not my style) and other stuff from around that time in canon, just read through green arrow 2023, and am starting green arrow: year one (2007)! I am very open to recs, particularly any related to dick or roy
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yabagofmilfs · 2 years
more sidgeno recs pls 👀 u have good taste!
you got it. this is more like a list of fics I think about a lot vs recent reads.
1) swallow the fire by cascada_soda
1980s winners room, Russia vs Canada, omega sid, alpha geno
My number one with a bullet. I read this on 4th of July sitting by the pool with Cora and thought to myself, this can't hurt me because hockey isn't real. Hockey isn't, but Cora's writing is and that's on me; I knew better. I have read this 17 times and i will read it again. Beautiful, delicious, filthy.
2) dreamboy by beggingwolf
post-jaw fracture, painkillers, blow jobs
zen and the art of high and horny sid maintenance. the image of sid drinking blended fish stew and mac and cheese will haunt me forever. (also the second reason i am in this fandom is that cascara-soda told me to read this fic after theirs and i fell down a rabbit hole of sid being cute and high with his mouth bashed in and my brain went oh?)
3) Phil kessel is a two time Stanley cup champion by whisperedwords12
bdsm AU, mild non-sexual Phil/Sid interaction, pre-relationship sid/geno
Post-2017 cup win, Sid is dropping and Geno needs someone to take care of him for a minute. This is really soft and cute and is mostly sidgeno.
4) anything that touches by saysthemagpie
hockey team companion au, heavy emotional trauma (to sid and to the reader), heavy sexual trauma, healing
I actually cannot talk about this without crying. I have never been someone who seeks out angst, particularly when it's centered around sexual trauma, but I read this anyway and I'm so glad I did. The slow, gentle glimpse of healing and hope at the end was so cathartic and beautiful. I think it was a bit like experiencing heroin for the first time because now I can't get enough of hurting my feelings with angst.
5) meat and potatoes by snickfic
post-retirement, weight gain, body worship
The concept of Sid getting to be soft and well-loved after retiring makes my soul feel like it's being gently lowered into a warm bath. may this be a prophecy.
6) i wish to be a cornerstone by coricomile
1970s au, ussr vs canada series, geno discovering the outside world (and himself) (and sid)
god i love a queer coming of age story where love wins. sweet and painful and full of sid wearing things like bell bottoms and cropped shirts, which obviously cannot be undersold.
7) morning to wake you by oflights
post-golden goal sexual awakening, promiscuity, cw: ohio
Boy in house, cook you breakfast is a line that I think about often, with tears in my eyes.
8) talkin' bout by malk1ns
light feminization, possessive behavior, queering up those traditional gender roles
A collection of elements that set my brain on fire. Sid doesn't want to be a girl so much as he wants to be Geno's girl.
9) the space in-between by saintroux
alpha geno, beta sid, rutting
The way geno is just fucking gone for Sid + Sid's casual domination with a bit of light degradation makes tea kettle noises come out of my brain.
10) more than anything by getoffmyhead
breeding kink, sid's inability not to commit wholeheartedly to a bit
the mortifying ordeal of being known via accidentally discovering a kink and your boyfriend? fwb? just going along with it without question.
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runningquill-art · 1 year
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“In a kind of slow motion, Draco turned his head to observe the Healer. Her deep green robes swam into sight. Her mouth was set in a straight line, but her dark eyes were warmed by concern. She was beautiful. The light behind her glowed into a blinding halo. He thought he heard the sound of hymns. “How are you feeling?” she asked. “Positively top-hole,” said Draco. “Are you an angel?” The Angel-Healer did her utmost not to laugh – which was an angelic sort of thing to do, and only further proved her secret identity. “You can trust me,” said Draco. He attempted to tap his nose but poked himself in the eye instead. “I’ll keep your secret.” The Angel-Healer did not respond; she was reading a chart. “I had an operation?” asked Draco. “We’ll talk about it later. When you’ve slept this off a bit.” Something about her authoritativeness was terribly familiar. “I know who you are,” gasped Draco. “That’s good.” “You’re Hermione Granger.”” - Draco Malfoy and the Mortifying Ordeal of Being in Love, Chapter 19: The Nundu/Trying Times for Draco Malfoy, by @isthisselfcare
[IG @runningquill_art]
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theladysherlock · 5 months
talk shop tuesday! you get to talk about music a lot on your blog (and i can't help but to admire how diverse it is!). does music play a part in your artistic process? if so, is it inspired more by lyrics or the tune itself?
Haha, once again thwarted by my inability to shut up. haveyouheardthisband has been a boon to my blog, truly. The trick to having a diverse music taste is to have a friend who knows more about music than you do and will give you recommendations. This has never failed me before.
In general, I usually prefer lyrics to the melody when I'm listening to music, or at the very least I find that interesting lyrics are what turn a good song into a great song. So when I get inspired by a song to make an art piece (which is often) it's because there have been some lyrics rattling around in my head like stones in a rock tumblr.
I have lots of ideas for lyric-based drawings but I haven't quite figured out how I want to set them up, so they're on the back burner for now. I also do NOT have the patience for animatics, so I won't be making any of those anytime soon (but I have edited them before and that was a lot of fun! if anyone has any animatics ideas they want to draw but they don't want to edit them feel free to hit me up)
The two most notable song-based drawings are pieces I used to experiment with some lighting techniques. And I still really like them, so I'm going to brag a little bit. Under the cut!
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[ID: A drawing of Alek from Leviathan in casual wear, looking up, shielding his eyes from the sun, and grinning at something off camera. He's in the middle of a sunny quad with a Neoclassical Building in the background]
Starting off with this drawing of Alek! This is an older piece ("older" meaning early 2021) that I still like. It was my blog banner for a loooong time and I stand by that. This drawing was the first time I used multiply and overlay layers for shading, and I wanted to play with colored highlights and shadows, and mixing hard and soft shadows. I think it worked pretty well, especially for my first attempt.
The song associated with this one was Heirloom by Sleeping At Last, which is about generational trauma and escaping cycles. I got really really emotional about the thought of Alek being truly, legitimately happy after the end of the books, which was only possible because he rejected his claim to the throne. "You are so much more than your father's son / you are so much more than the wars you've won" just rattled around nonstop in my brain, and I'm pretty sure I hid the line somewhere in the grass and then blurred it beyond all legibility.
Now that I think about it I should do a redraw of this one
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[ID: a nighttime drawing of Mina, a brown-skinned Aasimar woman cuddling with Halia, a drow elf woman. Both are in their nightclothes and Halia is asleep. Mina has a concerned look on her face.]
This piece is from only a few months ago. Unlike the drawing of Alek, I didnt originally intend for it to be a lighting experiment. This was fully inspired by the song The Crow by Dessa, which is such a Mina song that I couldn't escape it. Specifically, it was inspired by the line "I can't ask you to show love / but would it kill you if you did?" I just really wanted to draw my girl visibly struggling with the mortifying ordeal of being known.
Once the main part of the drawing was done, I started playing around with the night lighting, and I got excited about the idea of showing a street light shining through and casting some shadows on the two. If I had planned it out that way originally I think I would have done some more work to make the shadows follow contours, but for a spur of the moment decision I'm really happy with it.
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