#the ol tophs
cabu12 · 11 months
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~*Topher Bus*~
I always fall for the jackass...
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comradekatara · 3 months
Wkfndjfske I FORGOT KATARA BULLIES TOPH ABOUT BEING BLIND. Like I know she's a problematic icon and a complex character who undergoes a lot of growth but I truly genuinely did forget that she was also a fourteen year old girl who Toph called sugar queen for very good reason. The specifics fade into the background after so many years and so many of her worse moments are because she is acutely hurt and defensive and also a teenager. Whereas this is just her being a teenager and lashing out because of being socially insecure, which isn't usually her wheelhouse. I'm constantly impressed by how well written she is!!!!
i know right!!!!! i love katara so much (duh) bc she's like the most realistically-written fourteen year old girl of all time. and it's so funny to me how people who refuse to acknowledge that she has flaws (despite the fact that she is of course so eminently and beautifully flawed) will simply dig their heels in if you cite any instances wherein she does something mean or out of line and they'll be like "no she was right and morally justified actually because the person she was talking to was being an asshole and victimizing her [katara voice] personally and so she wasn't being mean she was right 100% of the time and always justified and morally correct actually you just hate her and want her dead" because that's like. exactly how katara thinks. they're just subscribing to her logic (thee ultimate fourteen year old little sister logic) and then deciding that she must be correct because she thinks she's always correct and if she's always right then she is. and i find that kind of endearing because i do cherish katara and do always understand where she is coming from even when she's wrong but like. she is not an irreproachable angel who is always justified in her rage and vitriol. she is a realistically fallible teenager who is in a lot of pain and fucks up a lot and has a tendency to dig her heels in when she's wrong. and that's something i absolutely adore about her!!!! so it's really such a shame that so many people who claim to love her will put her on a pedestal and blindly agree with everything she says and does, because it's a really reductive way to engage with her character, and it's also just plain dehumanizing to reduce such a rich and nuanced character into "girl whose actions should always be taken at face value because she is simply a vehicle onto which we can project our owns thoughts and feelings." i mean, didn't you know that stripping her of all her agency and making her a flawless site of projection (usually for shipping purposes) is feminist actually?? and if you ever point out her flaws (even in a loving, celebratory, or humorous way) it's because you hate women??? didn't you know that feminism is when women don't have flaws they have to learn and grow from, and instead just kind of sit there??????? which is, incidentally, how you get the trash fire that is natla. anyway. i love katara so much, but i really do hate it here -_-
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stitch1830 · 2 months
ok but what if kanto had to fake his death (even to toph) because of some dangerous and threatening stuff and then when things were safe again he suddenly comes back and appears at toph's door??
i feel like toph would break down and wouldn't be able to stop crying and shaking after seeing the love of her life standing right in front of her, alive.
oh, and what if toph was the one who had to fake death and then suddenly appears at kanto's door?? what would be his reaction??
Hi Anon, thank you for the ask! :D
And interesting question... 0-0 Happy to answer!
For Kanto disappearing (faking death) and then suddenly returning:
Obviously, he'd have a good reason for it, because if he shows up at Toph's front door Not Dead, there's a 50/50 chance the woman of his dreams will kill him LOL.
I feel like in this situation, it would where Kanto leaves because it's dangerous, but also so that he can get the person that's threatening him, maybe even Toph. There would be a reasoning behind why he left, like a mission of sorts. Because I think that if it was just life threatening stuff and Kanto was worried about his safety, with Toph is probably one of the safest places haha!
But "losing" Kanto is really difficult for Toph. She feels like she lost a piece of her, and she's never going to get it back again. He's gone, and there's nothing she can do to bring him back. (Although I might argue that Toph would be one of those people that just refuses to believe he's dead and either tries to find him, find out why he had to leave, or demands that she examine his body to know for sure that it's him. @krastbannert wrote a prisoner of war fic that kind of encapsulates that vibe!)
When Kanto finally returns home, she doesn't believe that, either. She feels like she's being duped, that there's no way that Kanto is standing at her doorstep right now. But she feels his heartbeat, traces the lines on his face, feels his calloused hands, and it's him. He's back.
She'd probably pound his chest, scream in his face about him being a dunderhead and scaring her and breaking her heart and leaving her, but she doesn't mean it. She's just so happy that he's alive, that he's holding her in his strong and sturdy arms, that he's home.
Kanto never stop apologizing for leaving her, for hurting her. But he had to do it, and Toph understands. She gets the dangers of the job, although part of her wishes she was in on the mission, because she knows she could've helped.
Things take a while to go back to a normal routine, because Kanto has to explain to people that he's not dead, and Toph has to trust Kanto again. She doesn't not trust him, but she let him in and fell in love with him and thought she lost him. That's... it's a lot to deal with, and she sometimes struggles letting people in. Kanto works tirelessly to earn her trust back, and he's very patient with the process. He gets her on a level that others don't, and so he's not trying to rush into things. Plus, Kanto's a bit of an optimist. He tells her that they have their whole lives ahead of them, so he can be patient when it comes to finding their sense of normalcy.
If we were to add some more drama to this, imagine if Kanto "died" and Toph found out she was pregnant shortly after? 0-0 Capital D Drama!
For Toph disappearing (faking death) and then suddenly returning:
Very similar to Toph being the "survivor", but Kanto struggles to move on, to get over Toph's death. A lot of loved ones from his past have died, and Kanto never thought Toph would be one of those loved ones. She was so strong and powerful and smart... he never even imagined a person or a thing that could take her down. It's a shock to him, and I think he'd struggle to move on and try to live life without her. He knows what life is like with her, and that's all he wants.
So when she returns, at his doorstep, at the apartment they shared... He's in disbelief. He can't believe that she's there, that she's alive and okay and—
Toph probably rambles and starts assuming that he moved on and everything, but then he pulls her into his arms and just cries because she's alive—
It's a very teary reunion that's for sure.
I think Kanto would also struggle to trust right away, but he'd be able to let her in quicker than if it was the other way around. Kanto's very happy that she's back and he wants to know all about the mission that kept her away from him, and after hearing the story a couple of times, he's able to rationalize and understand the why behind the mission and why he was left in the dark.
Okay! I think that's all I have for this! Thanks again for the ask, Anon. If I missed anything or you have other questions, feel free to stop by :D Hope you have a great day!
Send me asks about ATLA, LOK, or anything! :D
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yardsards · 1 year
on one hand it's probably for the best that there were no jokes about rainer's disability but on the other hand, rainer absolutely strikes me as a fellow member of the "uses our visible disability for lame puns and prop comedy" gang
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needleslace · 1 year
Look. Look at my dog, Toph, being friends with my mom's dogs.
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fuckyouozai · 1 year
it really is so embarrassing that i am so overstuffed and overflowing with fic ideas that as soon as i finish one i just move on to the next. so many of these just feel so clear and obvious to me it’s like well i simply have to commit them to paper because it is Simply What Happened
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higuchisora · 3 months
The idea of characters from other stories winding up in SVSSS has been stuck in my head for a while but I'm not gonna write abt it lmao so here's what's been rattling around in the ole noggin:
Toph would be a genuine menace
Specifically on poor Liu Qingge, who hasn't the slightest clue how he wound up with yet another student
Earthbending should not be possible here. Earthbending is NOT possible here.
Toph invents earthbending here.
In fact, she only gets stronger. Because the cultivation aspects of the world means she's got even more qi and knows more about how to use it beyond earthbending.
She can now use qi itself to "see" (sensing others' qi, using it to sense movement, etc.) Not just earthbending
Lqg wants nothing to do with any more disciples. Especially not ones as annoying as yang yixuan
He gets a gremlin even more annoying than yang yixuan
He lies awake at night, regretting saving her life that one time on a hunt and kickstarting her path of being a Problem
Specifically, he saves her life one night while she's out trying to remaster earthbending, inspiring her to become a cultivator
She runs away from her noble family and their arranged marriage and stifling life that they've planned out for her and heads straight to Cang Qiong's Bai Zhan peak the first chance she gets
Refuses to take no for an answer, thus growing to become lqg's #1 menace
He both blesses and curses the day she was born
Lqg would sooner die than admit she's basically his other baby sister/daughter figure
Will outright refuse to fly on her sword When asked how she'll get around, the earth goddamn MOVES UNDER HER FEET and she causes several earthquake/mole monster sightings with these shenanigans
Is banned from this move
Begins to tunnel underground instead
She could arguably fly on her sword just fine, sensing the qi around her to navigate and shit, but it's harder and definitely uncomfortable and brings back bad memories of that one time in the volcano with Aang and Sokka
Luo Binghe wants her dead
She probably never gets strong enough to 1v1 him and win but she's definitely strong enough to become a genuine challenge
Especially when she reinvents metalbending
Rides for her shizun ong
Would probably fight lbh for lqg's honor after the SQQ corpse situation (he did not ask her to do this)
The angel of Qing Jing peak fr
Or that monastery but we don't hear enough about them tbh
Has legitimately no idea how he got here, maybe too scared to question it actually
Like, did he really fuck up and end up getting ripped out of the avatar cycle orrrr????
Decides some things are better left unknown
The only struggle he really has is not being bald anymore
Honestly???? Might still shave his head and just stick to a wig
Would inevitably get caught or ALMOST caught and eventually gets used to growing it out (would probably become the inventor of extensions or wig glue though lmao)
Would make the spoiled qing jing disciples better just by being around them tbh
Star student probably, would be a menace in a cute way
One of the few men allowed on Xian Shu (for visits/messages)
Would probably befriend demons ngl
Loves flying on his sword
Prefers his staff though, and eventually figures out how to make/get someone to make one for him
No one knows how he does the air scooter. They are scared.
No one asks about the tattoos either.
Or how he's controlling all these fucking elements.
He doesn't have an avatar state anymore, but that doesn't seem to stop him from being wildly more dangerous than anyone expected
Possibly unlocks permanent cultivation-blocking? Like sealing off your core
Demons don't take note
Until he learns how to do the same for demonic cores
Exorcist Aang
Possibly becomes a rogue/wandering cultivator
Wandering rogue exorcist Aang????
He's either a god descended upon the earth or a heavenly demon in disguise, according to critics
He thinks it's all silly
Until he meditates too hard and communes with a god or something who tells him they may or may not have bargained to snatch his corner of the avatars soul for a reason
Uh oh
Does not know how he managed to get spiritual energy or cultivate
Actively chooses not to think too much about it
The head disciple of An Ding 😭
Absolutely salty about it
Shang Qinghua is endlessly grateful though
Does not know what to make of the long hair thing; probably tries to keep his hair in a half-pony still, as an ode to the water tribe
I've seen some fics where Qiong Ding is headcannoned as the bureaucratic peak; in this case, he might be able to sweet talk his way in if fate and Yue Qingyuan is kind enough
Either way he's grateful he gets to do sword stuff again
Especially now that he can FLY on them?!
He hasn't completely forgotten his skills, so he's got a whole different style no one's seen before and it's Weirdly Good Actually
He finally works his cultivation up enough to get his personal sword
Then he finally gets to summon his and he cries
It's space sword
No one knows what the fuck to make of this weird ass sword but he doesn't care, it's his and he loves it
Known as the best ever manager of An Ding peak
Would have one (1) argument with her brother and march up to Xian Shu
Frequent visitor of Qing Jing and Qian Cao
Mu Qingfang mourns every day that she didn't choose the medicine peak
Katara maintains that she's too ready to beat some ass to ever be a full doctor and vow to do no harm
Never quite learns to be comfy with a sword but can still handle her own
During the demon invasion on Cang Qiong (assuming she's there at the time), she bloodbends Hualing right off the mountain
The demons do NOT stick around
The cultivators are too scared to ask her what the fuck that was but they're nicer to her than before
The xian shu peak gains a fearsome reputation of possibly teaching blood magic
No One gets how she does the waterbending stuff. Outsiders assume it's some Xian Shu ancient secret technique. Or she's related to Mobei Jun. Real members know Kataras just Like This.
Keeps the hair loopies. No matter what people say.
Wears a blue necklace similar to her mother's heirloom; a gift from her shizun probably
Genuinely enjoys the sisterhood on Xian Shu. It reminds her of the better days of her home, before the southern raiders came back
Could've chosen from several peaks, but chooses Bai Zhan
Something about the bamboo on Qing Jing reminds him of his uncle though, so he likes to visit. But not for too long. It hurts.
Isn't really bothered by the long hair thing; while cutting hair isn't forbidden in the fire nation, long hair is common practice, especially for nobles
Keeps the standard topknot until Toph calls it ugly
And then he remembers toph cannot see his topknot
Starts doing ponytails anyway
Also a star student of Bai Zhan, especially after he busts out the firebending forms
Yet another nuisance for poor lqg
He and Toph are the only two that can keep up with each other
Known as the Twin Stars of Bai Zhan
Aka the Twin Headaches of Liu Qingge
Has a small red birthmark near his eye, on the side that used to be burned
The fact that there isn't a massive burn is mildly uncomfortable to him at first. Doesn't feel like himself
Again, No One knows how all these kids with weird qi abilities are coming from
They're beginning to suspect they're all part demon
Neither he nor Toph ever defeat the demon heritage allegations
Especially not with the way they fight. And allegedly have a Past that no one else knows about
Would also fight Binghe for his Shizuns honor
Weirdly chill for Bai Zhan actually
Has probably made leaps and bounds from his avatar hunting days already
Most expect him to have gone to a quieter peak, it's baffling
Until he beats the shit outta somebody
And then goes back to being gentle and chill and forgiving
He wonders if uncle Iroh is watching over him here too
He can only hope his uncle is still proud of him, wherever he might be
Lqg isn't his uncle, but he's still a kind presence that Zuko looks up to a little, even if the guy is a little too punchy
Thus takes it upon himself to ride or die for him
One of the few dual wielders around
His curved blades are also a source of curiosity for the others
But he's good with them so no one complains
In a bingliushen situation, Zuko, Toph, and YYX are feral protective gremlins that somehow make things better AND worse for the development of the bingliushen courtship process lmao
I'll probably make more at some point but that's all for now. If someone wants to make a fic of these PLEASE let me know, link me I'm desperate
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raidenssblog · 2 months
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love behind bars
pairing: adult ! toph x criminal male reader
genre: normal or fluff
warning: mention of scars, reader is slightly tanned and is a earth bender mentioned.
summary: after stealing for a bit you end up getting chucked in jail, but a certain someone makes you exited to get out.
A/N: this was heavily based off of this fic. i love the concept between a officer and a criminal. ive also go no idea where the hold the people in republic city jail so I'm just going to say the cells are a level under. idrk
not proof read because ive been staring at this damn screen for hours and the words are blurring into each other.😭😭
keys jingling on her hip knock with every step she took. she walked down the steps and made her way down to the far end of the hall that was full of different criminals, before turning to a cell door and unlocking it.
"well, what do I owe the pleasure to be seen by the chief~" you say getting up from your bed and standing near the cell bars watching her lock the door from the inside. "nothin' just wanted to talk. I'm sorry I haven't seen you in a while, been busy" she said taking a seat on the bench Infront of your cell.
"I mean you've never really seen me" you chuckle, "get it. cus your, you know, blind. sorry." you still chuckle a bit before sliding down the bars. A small huff like laugh left toph as she rested her head on the bars, you sat there in a comfortable silence.
You perk up when she sighed, " hey m/n, can I ask you something?" toph asks turning to face your direction. "You know you don't have to ask, what's on your pretty ol' mind chief?" you reply, turning to face her as well, now sitting cross legged.
toph held a small smile on her face "what do you look like, well i know the basic structure of your face, but what do you look like. scars? birthmarks?" she asks, her eyebrows scrunched a little in the middle.
a bit taken aback you blink a few times before answering her. "oh uh w-well where do I start?" cursing yourself for stuttering, "your eye colour" she quickly replies.
"I have y/e/c eyes and y/h/c hair, I'm tanned and have a scar on my right shoulder from when I was a kid, my brother pushed me downhill and my torso snagged on a sharp rock, and it ripped me open from my ribs to my shoulder. nasty stuff that was." the feeling slight coming back to you as you described it.
"geez" toph replied, eyebrows now raised. "you've never told me about that one m/n?" she said crossing her arms. you laugh, standing up and stretching your arms. "yeah well I though you could feel it when you ran your hands up my back the last time you were here~" flashes of what went down ran through your head, almost every time she visits, you always end up in a make out, without fail.
"Now, you be quiet" she said flicking a small rock at your chest. you stuck arms trough the bars and pulled her close. "and i didn't feel a scar on you last time we met" she said leaning in close. "well~ maybe you could feel it better after i get out of this cell and with you in bed?~" she laughed and closed the gap between your lips. "Shut up!' she said hitting your chest through the bars smiling.
oh how bad I want to get out of here you thought, looking at her.
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lizardlicks · 3 months
hey lizardlicks, hey lizardlicks, here's a normal ask: ATLA characters, favorite snack headcanons, READY SET GO
Ooooooh yes okayokayokay
We know Sokka is the self proclaimed meat and sarcasm guy, but I feel like his true snacking potential unlocks once he realizes things can be deep fried in batter.
Katara likes to think of herself as a healthy eater, but Toph's Sugar Queen nickname applies to more than just her personality. What? It has fruit, it still counts as good for you!
Speaking of Toph: I think her parents protectiveness also extended to carefully curating her diet-- nothing with too much flavor, lest it overwhelm her delicate system! The first time Toph sneaked into the Earth Rumble, she was drawn to the sounds and smells of the food carts where she discovered an absolutely insatiable love for stinky tofu.
Aang's vows of monk-hood mean he won't eat meat, but eggs, honey, dairy products and the like are perfectly fine. He's also a seasoned traveler, so I feel like Aang out of all of the gaang will have the most varied and eclectic favs, one from each region he's visited. But he's got a big ol' soft spot for the dumplings he named his lemur friend after.
Suki loves anything that she can take on the go. Snacks should be mobile and not take a lot of time out of what you're doing to refuel! Her and Sokka both share a love for jerky, and she also loves a good trail mix. Senbei hot of the grill is her weakness though (she does not wait for it to cool down).
Most people would expect Zuko to love spicy food, and they're not wrong, but his favorite snack food is something nostalgic from childhood summers spent at Ember Island: ash banana pancakes.
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murderousjelliebean · 8 months
How i feel about the a:tla characters for no reason in particular
Aang: kid with waaaaayyyyy too much on his shoulders. Almost definitely needs therapy later in life.
Katara: team mom
Sokka: the competent one who makes everything happen. He's the idea guy, the one with the map and the schedule, who keeps everyone on track. Also boomerang.
Toph: me
Zuko: best redemption arc in TV history. A+ to the writers. Whiny teen at the beginning, and one of the best gaang members at the end of the show.
Iroh: I love him. I want to see his own redemption. All we know is that he was a general known as the Dragon of the West until his son Lu Ten died at Ba Sing Se. How did he become the Uncle we know and love? Did he get banished with Zuko or choose to leave? I personally like to think he chose to leave, to set his nephew in the right path.
Azula: she needs therapy and to not be enabled by her terrible dad
Ozai: terrible dad. Terrible husband if you read the comics. Terrible.
Mai: i would like to see more development from her
Ty Lee: also more development
Suki: girl power!
Appa: big ol fluffbucket. Ages ago when my family got into the show my dad got an Appa plushie. Now we have an officially licensed pillow pet of him.
Momo: occasionally cute or funny, like when he got high on cactus juice with sokka
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transboysokka · 11 months
I really love when your headcanons line up with real canon! What are your thoughts on Sokka being Suyin’s dad? Also, most of Team Avatar was bad at parenting. Were Sokka and Zuko any good?
thanks so much for noticing that actually!!! lol it’s important for me that my headcanons for stuff lines up with canon as much as they can? bc it makes it more realistic to me so I try to fit everything in that it like fills in the gaps of what we know from canon. and LUCKILY with post-canon ATLA and pre-LOK there a LOT of opportunity!!!
1. Is Sokka Su’s baby daddy??
I’m gonna say yes EVEN THOUGH he’s married to Zuko and Toph is OBVIOUSLY a big ol’ lesbian because like where else would she come from then?? To me, Sokka was a sperm donor situation because Toph asked and he felt bad about the situation she had Lin in (I have a separate bc for that) so as her gay best friend he was like “alright I’ll give you another baby and you can try this again”
2. Is Sokka a good dad??
Not to Su. Like, he wasn’t physically around and he didn’t see himself as her dad? He didn’t feel obligated bc that’s kind of the agreement he had with Toph. Like this is YOUR kid. Su knew about him but felt kind of the same way.
To Izumi? YEAH. He was really there for her a ton and family was really important to him growing up. He learned from Hakoda what to do and what not to do, and he was really intentional about always being present for her. Like, he stayed in the Fire Nation WAY MORE after she was born. He was always very close to her, I think she was closer to him than to Zuko actually, and I also think Sokka was definitely the best dad of the Gaang.
3. Is Zuko a good dad??
I LOVE the guy.
But No.
He tried, and his heart was in it, but he was always super busy running the Fire Nation, and this guy is like the king of workaholics.
ALSO he has a LOT of issues from childhood and with his own dad that he never 100% worked through so it was hard and he was pretty distant.
But when Izumi was little, she didn’t notice. She knew she had two dads who loved her and would do anything for her.
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sagegreenfrogs · 6 months
anytime someone says that "there's no queerness in avatar aside from the books/avatar isn't a queer show" i hit em with the good ol' "katara, sokka and toph have all canonically done some form of drag."
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chitsangenthusiast · 1 year
7, 9, and 11 for the ask game!!
hehehe more late responses to old ask games <3
7. What is your favorite scene you’ve written so far? ok i know this is going to make this answer a long one but i've gotta include the intro scene to my zukka novel's fic 'in time's arrow' <333 i enjoyed imagining and writing it so much that it's actually one of the reasons why i'm choosing to blend this fic with my mortician/marine bio au <3333
Fiddling with the frayed strings on his raincoat, Sokka frowned as he peered into the water. Salmon-eels don’t usually stray this far out into the bay. They’re river fish, shoals of glistening silver better suited for the rocky streams back home. For one to hobble out into open water alone, misshapen and streaked the color of wood grain, meant it had to be sick. If it got caught in his dad’s net then it could infect the other fish, and Sokka couldn’t let something like that happen, not on his very first fishing trip. He watched it like a penguin-hawk; in one moment he was tracking the salmon-eel from one end of the boat to the other, in the next— The ocean swallowed him like it was welcoming him home. Later, after he was pulled out by frantic hands that soothed his shuddering chest and layered him in thick blankets, Sokka sat curled up in the warmth of his Gran-Gran’s arms. She rocked him, gentle like the bay before its waters grew greedy, and as she petted at his drying hair she hummed to him of many things. There are animals that can live both on land and in the water, she’d said, and she listed all the ones she knew. There are accounts of more fantastical things that dwelled far deeper, and she described them. Ordinary people have also journeyed into those waters, she murmured. In her stories, sometimes they were even transformed anew. Sokka listened to them all, and though he stayed quiet and his eyelids grew heavy, his teeth still dug into the meat of his bottom lip and chewed until it stung. Because no matter how long he waited, none of those stories held what he had seen as he sank, a beast with squirming, midnight bright skin that stole away the blue of the water, a mouth full of raging colors, and mighty tusks that nicked his palm and made him bleed a drop of shimmering blue.
9. What is your favorite dialogue you’ve written so far? lmfao i'm trying to be fresh with these answers to not say things i've likely talked abt in the past, so i just reread the beginning half of mallrat chpt 4 and can i just use all of that as my answer. bc boy howdy do i love writing silly 'everyone pick on sokka' convos <3
but if not, then i do enjoy this bit from gold in the air of summer:
“I’m about to make it a rule that no one’s allowed to describe anything as just a shiny version of a regular color,” Toph complains lightly. As expected, Zuko radiates pure frustration, and it makes her grin at how easy it is to do that. “Don’t give me that! It does!” “Do better,” is all she says in response. Zuko makes a loud sound of irritation and barrels forward. “Gold looks warm, and a lot of people in my nation think gold is an honor to the sun because they’re the same color. Although you can’t actually look at the sun the same way you can at gold—uhm,” Zuko stumbles in his explanation, and any stubborn tenacity he had gathered disappears completely. He lets out an explosive sigh, and Toph hears him move to dart up from his spot in the sand. “Whatever, I’m not going to sit here and explain it when I can just show you. I’ll just get something from inside, there’s plenty to bend in there.” “Zuko’s eyes are gold,” Sokka says, simply and clearly enough to cut through all of Zuko’s aggravation and shock him into stunned silence.
11. What scene are you most hyped for this chapter/fic? lmaoo an answer special just for you: the 'come when you want' 5+1 nsfw has some good ol' war paint, glove, and mask play bc again, indulging yourself is the key to life <33
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comradekatara · 2 years
The gaang and the fire nation girls + favourite/ least favourite ice cream flavour
ok well I don’t eat sugar or dairy, and i never particularly liked ice cream anyway, so my knowledge of ice cream flavors is extremely limited. that said, I am not one to pass up a challenge, so I shall try my best to answer this difficult and complex topic with as much care and nuance as I can...
aang is partial to lychee sorbet, but as the only non-lactose intolerant member of the gaang, he enjoys every other flavor equally. except for pistachio. fuck pistachio.
katara likes cookies n cream with extra oreo chunks sprinkled on top, and thinks that bubblegum is the devil’s flavor.
sokka likes mango sorbet. he likes lemon sorbet. and he likes drizzling olive oil and salt onto plain vanilla (which, yes, is a thing I have known people to enjoy).
toph doesn’t like ice cream because her teeth are sensitive to cold things. she doesn’t understand how anyone can tolerate brainfreeze.
zuko likes mochi, the most elegant and beautiful way to eat ice cream, and dislikes soft serve, the most crude and unrefined way to eat ice cream. frankly, anything in a cone is an abomination. the flavor doesn’t even matter so much as the packaging.
suki likes cookie dough. it’s like going on an adventure while you eat. she thinks whatever sokka is doing with vanilla ice cream is an abomination and refuses to even try it.
mai likes big ol banana split sundae with every topping imaginable she likes all sorbet and pretty much any flavor she just loves sweet foods. but there is one flavor she simply cannot stand and it is rum raisin. her enemy.
azula will eat anything that contains chocolate. she also really likes dulce de lece. she would never admit this to anyone. liking junk food is a weakness, MAI.
ty lee knows that sugar is like baby meth, and thus doesn’t touch the stuff.
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juniperhillpatient · 2 years
City of Walls & Secrets Re-Watch
Oh wow, this episode, ok. I was mainly focused on Jet & Zuko (again oops) during this episode. But, that's not to say the rest of the episode wasn't interesting, because it absolutely was. I loved the opening scene with the Gaang seeing the city, & Sokka & Katara's excitement was cute. I can't imagine what it would be like to live in a tiny village where everyone knows each other & then see a big bustling city like that.
Joo Dee is right away so terrifying. Sorry Ozai, but you've got nothing on this chick. She is the stuff of nightmares to me.
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It's the subtle, consistent creepiness for me. The feeling that something is not quite right. The way she shakes her head, smiling, at everyone that the Gaang tries to talk to & they shut their mouths. I love the underlying creepiness of Ba Sing Se. "Why do you keep all the poor people hidden & separate?" The dawning realization that there's something very wrong here. Also, Aang's continued lack of luck finding Appa is so depressing & I remember not being able to focus on much else because I was so worried about Appa the first time I watched.
I love Sokka & Aang pretending to be fancy rich people & goofing around. Sokka & Aang's bestie-ism moments where they're just being dorks are so precious. +100 iconic behavior points each. Another A+ comedy moment that gets me every time is everyone's confusion at the notion of just a regular old bear. Katara & Toph dressed all fancy was so cute, & I love Toph shutting down Katara responding to Aang's compliment like "don't speak to the commoners!" That moment just cracks me up. Katara gets +300 iconic behavior points for getting them into the party & +100 for making Toph's fake name "dung." And some people think Katara isn't funny!
Jet becoming increasingly obsessed with Zuko & Iroh is just so sad. What's important to note is that Jet was actually obsessed with Zuko before he found out that Zuko & Iroh are fire-benders. He wanted Zuko to join the Freedom Fighters because he felt a connection with him after they stole the food for the refugees together. He was following Zuko around & trying to convince Smellerbee & Longshot to give Zuko a chance & that's the only reason he was paying enough attention to see Iroh fire-bend. It's the betrayal & tragedy for me <3 Wow, I love a good ol' tragic fucked-up whirlwind love-hate romance dynamic.
And like - the thing is that Jet is right! He's more right than he even knows! Zuko & Iroh ARE fire-benders but not only that, they're Fire Nation royalty. Like not even just "yeah, they are fire-benders," no, they are literally both personally directly responsible for harm caused by the Fire Nation. Yet everyone around him treats him like he's crazy. Even his closest friends think he's becoming too obsessed. And it's understandable. Smellerbee & Longshot both want Jet to move on for his own good. They want to move on with their lives & stop obsessing over vengeance, & the Fire Nation. They want a new life, but Jet is still stuck in his obsessive hate. And like.....the thing is, the thing that gets me, Jet is not wrong to be stuck? The more I think about it, the more right he is. As we know, Zuko eventually personally helps the Fire Nation conquer Ba Sing Se. Like??? Hello??? Jet was literally 100% right to be obsessed & concerned.
Anyway. Jet & Zuko obviously both get +1000 iconic behavior points for having a dramatic gay sword fight in a teashop. I'm losing track of who's winning, but they might be at this point. Katara's also doing pretty good. Anyway, I will never get over Jet attacking Zuko to try & force him to fire-bend. It's dramatic, it's hilarious, it's tragic, & it's a great fight scene. They really do have the range. I absolutely love Zuko popping out with his dual swords like - "I'll give you a show!" Dramatic fucking king, I love you so much Zuzu. Also, can we just like, acknowledge that Zuko apparently had his swords on him while waiting tables? Good for him.
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The end of this episode is pretty chilling. Jet getting arrested is just a rough scene. And the introduction to the creepy brainwashing that happens? Terrifying.
When the new Joo Dee shows up & she smiles creepily & says "I am Joo Dee"? Eugh. Chills, every time.
This is a great episode. Very creepy & foreboding. I love the introduction to Ba Sing Se. I just love a setting where Something is Wrong.
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sushigal007 · 11 months
Self Promo Tag Game
To encourage some self promo, how about sharing your top fics no matter how big or small - give us the links to your wonderful words with the Most hits/Most kudos/Most comments/Most bookmarks /Most words/Least words
Thank you for the tag, @bard-llama! Now I do only have 9 fics on ao3, but I'm gonna do it anyway and just see what happens. So!
Most Hits: A Long Way Home, with a whopping 57,608, leaving runner up Bad Company in the dust with a measly 7158 hits.
Most Kudos: Once again, A Long Way Home storms into first place with 2342, miles ahead of Back To The Start, coming in with a mere 264.
Most Comments: To nobody's surprise, it is once again A Long Way Home with 419 comment threads, roundly thrashing Bad Company's 94.
Most Bookmarks: Did you guess it right? Of course you did, it's A Long Way Home with 1045. All my fics have bookmarks though, which is nice. Yes, even the Fifty Shades parody.
Most Words: Plot twist, it's Bad Company, with 138,024 words! However, that one is completed and A Long Way Home is closing in with 80,038 words, and we haven't even met Toph yet.
Least Words: That honour goes to Slippery When Wet, the itty bitty little CSI one-shot I backed up from ff.net a few weeks ago. It was inspired by one of those random prompt generators that were popular back in the ol' LJ days and I really wish I could find a similar one, because I'd love to do some more of them again.
That was fun! But it did remind me that I really need to get back to posting the old fanfics I backed up. Some of them are very cringe, but I’d hate to see them disappear. Also let me know your fave random prompt generators, I really do need a new one.
Anyway! Tagging @rose-of-pollux, @unwillingadventurer, @eulaliasims, @dunne-ias (idk why it won’t let me tag you?), @tamtam-go92, and anyone else who just wants to flex a little!
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