#the order doesn’t really matter
vexing-imogen · 1 year
Hi! top five favorite ships? :) *in any media
1. Perc’ahlia, all day every day
2. Rick/Evie (The Mummy/The Mummy Returns, like, hello bi awakening)
3. Lizzie Bennet/Mr. Darcy
4. Fjorester
5. Beauyasha
Honorable mentions: Kimallura, Castle/Beckett, Vexahra, Percabeth, Fred/Daphne, Aragorn/Arwen
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vonehrenfest · 8 months
DCxDP: Dead guys stick together
(A Batman 138 fix-it)
After Bizarro becomes King of Hell he watches the mortal world and is distraught to find that his brother/best friend/sorta father-figure has been hurt very badly and is calling out for help.
Distraught, he goes to another lord of the netherworld who he's heard has access to a portal (and subjects a bit more compatible with the act of helping someone). He asks King Phantom would he please please help him protect his brother/friend, and if he does Bizarro will owe him a favor and leave his realm alone.
When the inferno had initially breached the Ghost Zone Danny had thought he was going to have to deal with f*cking Trigon again, but as it turns out that guy's been replaced and the new guy is pretty nice. After a brief cosmic battle and a clearing of misunderstandings, Danny agrees to Bizarro’s request.
While Gotham's vigilante civil war continues on its rooftops, Jason is in a cell. He is trembling, practically catatonic again, and losing his mind. He’s seeing the flaming figure of a knight on horseback appear from the shadowy far wall of his room, like some kind of fairytale nightmare version of Batman. It takes a while for Jason to realize he’s talking. 
“... part of the treaty between the King of Ghosts and King of Demons, Jason Todd: Prince of Demons has been granted special status and is henceforth a protected and honorary citizen of the Infinite Realms.” 
Nightmare-Bruce touches his flaming sword on Jason’s shoulder and the unearthly fire instantly engulfs him. Relief washes through Jason, and it’s so strong he nearly drops asleep.
Bruce is apologetic when everything’s over and he realizes the mistakes he’s made... but nothing really changes. (It is a relief to Bruce that no one died or was permanently injured, Jason's condition resolved itself somehow, and Bruce is normal now so really everything is fixed or at least it will be fixed.)
Just like when Jason first came back from the dead, Bruce's response makes him hurt deeper than the physical torture itself. Jason is the one who died but Bruce acts like the ghost. Singleminded, possessive, stuck in time and blind to it; bound to repeat the same cycles again and again. Jason is the ghost but he's died multiple times now, and maybe that's kind of like living and maybe that means he can move on. 
Dani and Bizarro become friends, and she gets Danny's friend Tucker to somehow set up a working Wi-Fi connection in hell so they can all play games together. (He’s not going to question it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal. They helped him and they’re good to Bizarro, that’s all that matters.) 
Jason forges a fake identity for Dani. He might ask Babs to make a better one for her if she ever needs it but he doubts that's likely. He hasn’t had a living identity for years now after all, he’s an old hand at fake identities. Dani is delighted and starts attending school soon after. 
Danny has good friends, and as far as Jason can tell plenty of reliable mentors in the ghost world. You wouldn’t think it, but Jason’s less worried about Danny in his role as a little godling than in his civilian life. He’s got too much on his plate- too much power yet not enough to actually resolve his real issues. Not enough to protect himself where he’s vulnerable. 
The “Guys in White” that Danny likes to complain about are concerning. So is the fact that Danny’s lives with mad-scientist parents who are trying to hunt down his alternate identity. So is his ever grinding cold-war with the mayor of his town… And something else too that had been niggling at the back of Jason’s mind ever since he’d first gotten to talk to these kids. 
One day Danny’s sister, Jazz asks to talk to him. He’s an adult she says. That’s true he replies. He’s capable of protecting himself and other people, she says. Well, he has the training and experience for it, he agrees. If things go wrong, would Jason let Danny or Dani stay with him- just until she becomes a legal adult? She asks. Jason’s... not the sort of person who should be taking kids in. Danny saved his life though. He won’t say no. He says of course.
Jason knew it. Everything about Amity Park is abnormal.
The town doesn’t technically exist- there are no maps that include it and even satellite imaging is corrupted where Danny describes his hometown is supposed to be. There are no references to it on the internet that couldn’t be referring to a totally different Amity Park elsewhere, and judging by the problems they occasionally had on gaming nights and the odd offhand remarks Danny and his friends sometimes made, it was looking extremely likely that all communications between Amity Park and the outside were being heavily censored. Before Jason knew it he had started a full-on investigation on the GIW, Mayor Vlad Masters, former Mayor Montez, and Axion Labs.
Hope and fear lodges itself in Danny’s chest. Jason’s an adult and he’s actually going to help.
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cupiidzbow · 12 days
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I kinda want to formulate a watch guide for the dkc tv show maybe ….. the monkey show autism is not playing around but the show is hosted on youtube and tubi …. ( YouTube having the most high quality footage but tubi having the English captions ( it’s in standard definition though). i just want to have a thing so people know to expect and tbh there’s nothing rlly offensive in it bc it’s a kids show but it is very much dated cause it came out in 1997 and has a racist caricature and derogatory terms ( not quite slurs just not nice words 😭) in a few episodes 😭😭 ooh i know there’s an episode that needs a flashing light warning ……..IDK I GOTTA FORMULATE IT
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can0fwworms · 3 months
Kagurabachi thoughts from my twitter pt2!!!
Chapter 19-24 spoilers !!
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takeshitakyuuto · 1 year
Life is so cruel because Kino no Tabi is so good but I can’t even recommend the books to anyone because only the first volume was ever translated and it’s been out of print for presumably over a decade. Plus part of what makes it so good are untranslatable (into English) qualities of the Japanese language such as the general avoidance of gendering Kino. What other book has a motorcycle get into an argument with a dog
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geryone · 8 months
Current tbr?
My tbr currently is:
1. Wandering Stars by Tommy Orange
2. Piranesi by Susanna Clarke
3. Crooked Kingdom by Leigh Bardugo
4. Keen by Erin Stalcup
I have more books I’m hoping to get to but currently these are the ones I’m hoping to get through in the next week or two
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sableeira · 1 year
i havent been able to find an updated version of the read order for all of bsd's (many) novels and spinoffs, would you have a recommended order?
have a good day!!
I would say that to some extent it’s personal preference.
You could read them in chronological order:
untold origins -> fifteen -> the day I picked up Dazai (not officially released in english) -> stormbringer -> heartless cur (bundled with volume 6 dunno if it’s in the official English release tho) -> dark era -> Kunikida and Katai’s Magnificent Days (not officially released in English also not sure about the placement on the timeline) -> entrance exam -> dead apple -> 55 minutes
But I’m gonna be honest I don’t think it makes too much sense to read them in that order as you won’t need knowledge of the books early in the timeline to understand the stories further down the timeline. You could also read them in the order of their release which is arguably the order in which the stories are intended to be experienced (although the anime messed with that order completely so who knows).
But I think it makes more sense to focus on which aspects of the story or which characters you want to explore.
Here is some silly little graphic I created (it probably won’t help a lot and is more a joke than serious but I thought it would be fun):
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this graphic is a bit deceiving because when I ask “which characters are you interested in?” these characters aren’t necessarily the pov characters just very central characters to the story and there are so many crumbs for different characters in each story (e.g. some interesting backstory bits about Akutagawa in Dark era and Entrance Exam too).
If you are interested in stories that focus on ADA dynamics I would recommend Untold Origins, Entrance Exam and 55 minutes.
If you are interested in Atsushi and Akutagawa I would recommend 55 Minutes and Beast.
If you are interested in how dazai and chuuya’s teen years were going you could start with fifteen and stormbringer. I would recommend reading fifteen before reading stormbringer since Asagiri intended Stormbringer to be a sequel to fifteen.
As Beast is an AU so you can read it whenever. Although it probably hits different after reading Dark era as Dazai and Oda’s dynamic is very important in Beast (The day I picked up Dazai -> Dark era -> Beast for maximum emotional damage).
I have no idea about bsd Gaiden tbh I think you can read it whenever as well. But other’s are probably more qualified to talk about that.
Novels that received manga adaptions are Beast, Dead Apple, Gaiden and Fifteen (ongoing). Dead Apple is an interesting case as the manga is more of an adaption of the movie than novel (as the novel is an adaption of the movie as well it’s the only one not written by asagiri) and the manga actually has additional scenes so it probably makes sense to read the novel and the manga together for a complete picture of the situation. Wan and the Anthologies can be read whenever as well.
I feel like this is all over the place if anyone else wants to chime in and has a more definitive reading order that makes sense to them please feel free to add it!
I hope this is at least kind of helpful!
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humandisastersquad · 3 months
The amount of patients who have no fucking clue how X-rays work and yet try to explain to me how to do my job,,,,
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no1ryomafan · 10 months
There is nothing worse than being into a objectively niche series but it still has one part of the franchise thats considered popular at its peak and amongst its dedicated fanbase so it’s the best iteration to probably direct people towards-
Until you remember you’ve experienced most of the franchise and there’s other parts that are objectively better not only in beginner friendliness but also writing but you can’t recommend people it so easily because it’s the part that isn’t talked about enough even if it has its fans.
And the fact this happened to me twice makes me even sadder about it 💀
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spittyfishy · 11 months
Okay cards on the table I’ve been hoarding Remnant art since January because I got it into my head it would be really cool to do one art piece for each of the 77th class and then post them one after another everyday for like two weeks lol, and I’m actually getting close to being able to do that!
Which is very exciting! But I’m wondering if y’all think it would also be cool if I found a song for each of them to mention in the post too! I think there would only be a few I wouldn’t already have figured out lol. Idk I just think it might be neat lol
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trinketbug · 10 months
I joke and I jest about Dave “my guardian traumatized me my entire childhood as a joke” strider like I haven’t gone through the same shit as him verbatim
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ckygetsjobs · 1 year
Finlandia is literally the cutest viva la bam episode hello??? It’s fucking Dico and Ryan laughing together because Dico brought sheep to mow the lawn so he didn’t have to do it
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gothammemoirs · 1 year
happy pride to everyone regardless of whether you’re in or out the closest!! 🧡🤍🩷
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patchesofbluesky · 1 year
i hav a hangover on a monday morning should i use that as an excuse to get mcdonald’s after my presentation
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fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Do you ever get home from work and think “I wonder if I could’ve communicated worse. Probably not”
#first off an alarm went off for the too good to go app; so i snoozed it while my coworker went to put bags together#then when it went off all i said in the most defeated voice was ‘it’s happening again’#picture this. a bell is gently ringing and a barista says in the driest yorkshire accent possible ‘it’s happening again’#the customer was just like ‘uhhhhhhh are you good’#the second thing was when the extra coffee machine’s bucket filled up (just don’t ask) so my coworker took the bucket to empty it#but then someone ordered two lattes and i remembered at the last second that i could only use one machine#so i basically pressed the latte button; put a cup under; then cancelled it while yelling ‘NOOO NOOO NOOOO NOOO NOOOOOOO’#and just. ran away from the coffee machine#the customer was once again like ‘is something wrong here’ and i was like ‘josh has taken the bucket’ which also doesn’t elucidate matters#much and tbh sounds a bit like a metaphor for something else#thankfully she understood and didn’t cancel the order. i feel like i would’ve cancelled the order#a barista running away from a machine while repeatedly yelling ‘NOOOOOO’ doesn’t really inspire confidence in me#special mention goes to when i just clean forgot the name of the plant based milk jug and said ‘i’m going to wash the this’#also when someone said ‘can i have this heated up’ and i just said ‘we can’t’ with no explanation#gerry was already explaining about how we turn the oven off at 3:45 but i was prepared to just fully be like ‘no’#but yeah. that was my day#me being a teacher was just never going to work out… i don’t word good#personal
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sinterblackwell · 2 years
in all my two years in the book community, i never thought about how in my desperation to read a book i’ve been anticipating for months but can’t read until my physical preorder arrives…i simply forgot that you could also just preorder the ebook…and so it’ll drop straight in your kindle library as soon as the book releases at midnight….which means i don’t have to suffer and wait for so long as i’ve usually done
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