#the outer worlds headcanons
kezzcosmos · 2 months
I feel like narratively the best armour in Halcyon should come from MSI or the Iconoclasts.
Canonically in the game the MSI Elite armour and Iconoclast Apostal armours are already some of, if not the best in the game (outside of any specialised armour) so that works really well with the idea already.
UDL armour is good and all but it's made by and for Byzantines who rarely see real combat, whereas I think that MSI and the the Iconoclast's Hepheastus armour would be more durable because it's made with the conditions of Monarch in mind.
So while UDL's armour is maybe advertised as the best in Halcyon it's just propaganda and the armour from Monarch is the best.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
Headcanon requests are once again open! I'll even do Horizon Forbidden West characters if you ask nicely. If you're not sure what I'll do, check my pinned post.
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flickering-nightfall · 10 months
just asking, what if an iterator possibly gets too hot or cold? What happens if they can’t get to safer temps with out outside forces? What if they can’t get to safer temps at all?
Do you mean superstructures or puppet-bound iterators? I'm sure superstructures have a lot of failsafes to deal with temperature fluctuations, mostly via processing water intake. They're living saunas! They probably have an incredible resistance to both hot and cold, as evidence shows.
I'll talk about puppets here, but if you meant superstructures, well... a lot of what I'll say here could apply to superstructures too.
(For puppet-bound iterators, I am referring to my AU CDSS)
For heat: Puppet-bound iterators, like their former superstructure bodies, run hot and need to stay hydrated. They rely on liquid coolant that runs throughout their bodies. Ruptures in the coolant system are one of their many common problems, but with medical aid, they're not too serious. Many cases are self-healing, or the rupture will seal itself off and reroute around the blockage - like with collateral circulation. Leaks into essential systems are more of a concern than the actual loss of coolant. As long as they stay cool and drink water while waiting to get fixed, they tend to be fine.
If they are stuck in a hot region and can't escape, they'll suffer from dehydration, heat stroke, fried components, damage to organic tissue, seizures... pretty much what you'd expect. As a superstructure, Moon probably suffered from all this leading up to her collapse.
For cold: They're fairly resistant for a few reasons. One is the antifreeze in coolant. Another is the heat that they naturally produce. I'm thinking they have silicone-based skin, which is very cold resistant. They have hemocyanin, which tends to function better in extreme cold than hemoglobin. (Hemocyanin can also work at hotter temperatures. I have like a whole essay about this that I still intend to post lol.) However, the puppets have been modified to have more flexible and sensitive skin - dexterity in exchange for some durability. They're more susceptible to the perception of cold than they would be if they were a still a superstructure. Many of them also dislike snowscapes on principle, because they've been freezing their decaying metal butts off for centuries by the time CDSS happens.
Iterators in both forms are very moist, so if it's cold past their limits, their mechanical components will freeze. And like with hypothermia in fully organic beings, prolonged time in extreme cold will lead to tissue death and organ failure. Superstructures with fractured exteriors (direct exposure of internal parts to the cold air) are especially susceptible to this.
Misc theory about superstructures: Moon's superstructure was able to stay intact into Saint's era because she collapsed straight down into the water, preserving most of her shape. The canyon water could have provided the pressure and circulation she needed in the absence of gravity cores, as well as protection against land pests and insulation against the cold. Remnant slag could have her generate excess heat as well, which would keep the water surrounding her unfrozen. In a way, dying like that could have helped her live longer?!
Thanks for the question anon, this was very fun :P
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hellsingmongrel · 7 months
Man, so I'm not normally the biggest fan of Modern AUs, nor am I overly fond of fiction focused on kids, but...last night, my sleeping brain decided to concoct this Trigun (Stampede-flavored) Modern AU that now is living rent free in my damn brain! I want to get it out of my head and into the ether. I don't know if I'm going to do anything long-form with it, and I'm having to translate dream weirdness into more coherent storytelling, but here we go.
So it's modern day Earth, like 2024 or some shit, right? And that's when this version of Earth had just begun fucking around with Plant cloning. It's early enough that the SEEDS project hasn't even left the planet, the scientists haven't yet figured out how to put Plants in bulbs and use them for fuel, none of that! But they've already had Tessla happen, and the boys have already been born. Since they're not in space, even though they had to have found out about their sister, Nai hasn't had a chance to literally nuke humanity from orbit, and I guess Rem has had a chance to try and curtail some of his trauma, so he's...more stable? Ish? Stable enough where he's not actively trying to murder everyone. And the boys are "older," like we see in the flashbacks for the time Vash encountered Nai during the Last Run, so probably around 6 years old but looking 16 or so.
Rem has managed to fudge their paperwork so they've started going to school with human kids, to try and give them a normal childhood. Nai isn't as eager to play ball with the whole "being human" thing as much as Vash is, but Vash has got so many friends, Meryl and Milly and Lina are there and they're like the cutest, most stupidly adorable group of friends, just a bunch of little goofballs, like kids that age are. And the school has a field trip to a theme park (it was Disneyworld in my dream because my school actually did this, but ours was a band trip) and Vash manages to convince Rem to let him go. Vash and Nai and Rem are still paranoid about humans figuring out who they are, so you know, he's told to be extra careful and take care of himself, and Nai gives him one of his blades or something for self defense, just in case something happens. Even though Vash would never, that boy has trauma around knives and trying to defend himself, if you've read Trimax, iykyk. But he takes it anyway, and somehow, he manages to sneak it into the park. Maybe the metal doesn't register on metal detectors or something, who knows.
But he's a kid, and kids are dumb. Especially when they're 16. Especially if those 16 year olds aren't actually 16 and don't have the actual lived experience to know better. So he starts playing with the knife in front of the girls, showing off and just being a silly little guy. And then the knife slips. Bad. We're talking "this is how he probably lost his arm in this AU" bad. Blood everywhere, the girls are panicking and take him to the school chaperones and it's like "HOLY SHIT WTF DUDE, We're taking you to the ER, someone call his mom!"
And he hears that, pictures the doctors finding out he's not human, remembers what happened to Tessla, and panics. Boy does a runner like only Vash can do, and he manages to get away from them, out of the park, and escapes from security. And when parents get involved in trying to find him, the authorities start looking into the incident, and someone in the government overseeing the Plant research is able to recognize the elemental make up of the blade he dropped, and they start having suspicions. So the feds get involved, and it just goes from bad to worse, right?
Meanwhile, loopy from blood loss and panicking and a little sobbing mess because he feels dumb about slipping up and he's afraid he'll never get to go home to his mom and his brother again and is spiraling the way kids do when they panic, he gets lost in the city and ends up stumbling over teenage Wolfwood, who lives on the streets and has a few street kids that he looks after on his own with Livio. They never got to live at the orphanage, but that also means that the Eye (in whatever form it takes in this AU) never got ahold of them, so yeah, shits fucked for them, but it's actually a whole lot better for them than it might have been. And it's Wolfwood without all of the EoM trauma, so you can just imagine what he does when this delirious, bloody, terrified, severely injured kid runs him over in the street, sobbing about being caught by the adults and taken away.
Big Brother Nico do what Big Brother Nico do.
At that point, I ended up waking up, but damn if my brain didn't give me enough details to come up with a dumb AU idea that I kind of love and want to do something with, but I don't know if I have the time or spoons to do so.
Ideas I'd had following this beginning to flesh itself out in my head; Luida and Brad are Plant researchers brought onto the project to help the feds figure out wtf is going on with this whole situation, and when Luida is told to talk to Rem, because she's not giving them anything they can use, the two of them reach a secret accord to bring Vash home safe and sound and cover everything back up nice and squeaky clean the way it should have stayed.
Vash's arm is bad enough that he can't really heal it very well on his own without medical care, Plant healing or no. He's doing better than most kids would, but it still begins to go septic, and it forces Nico and Livio to make the really hard decision to find adults they can trust to bring him to so he can get the care he needs. He still ends up losing his arm, though.
At the end of everything, Melanie ends up taking Nico and Livio and the other kids in, so they still get to have their momma figure, even if she comes in later. Maybe she's the one that they find to help them. Is she maybe someone they've known was mostly safe but was never able to get them to stick around long enough to take care of them? Either way, the boys get Vash to her, and it starts the process of getting him home and the kids finally staying at the orphanage.
Meryl, Milly, and Lina all end up sneaking away when they realize that Vash is in more trouble than the adults are letting on, trying to go find him, since they know him better than anyone other than Rem and Nai. Eventually, they meet up with Nico and Livio while everyone is trying to avoid federal agents.
Obviously it's lovey-dovey Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends and Polygun-flavored, but in the "these kids are too oblivious to think about sexy things, yet" sort of way, because I really do headcanon that at least Vash is ace, Wolfwood is probably demi, and also I am not writing children getting intimate like that. >8/ But kids having little crushes on each other is adorable and I can't not have Vashwood and Insurance Girlfriends be the eventual outcome, once those idiots all grow up and get their heads screwed on straight.
Also, because Nai hasn't had a chance to murder everyone, Rem's managed to work with him enough that he's very slowly overcoming his trauma and regaining his ability to trust that he's not in permanent danger. He'll probably grow up to be a Plants Rights activist or something, lbh. Or a politician. But he's not going to murder people, so either way, it's a win/win!
Because Nico's been living on the streets with him, Razlo either hasn't had to manifest as strongly for Livio, or hasn't manifested at all. Livio is still the sweet, shy, crybaby teddy bear we see, and maybe Razlo only comes out when the feds start getting closer and almost managing to grab the kids, and because he's been able to bond with Nico and the other kids so well this time, Livio is close enough to them that the thought of them getting hurt or taken away is enough to make him want to protect their little group instead of just Livio.
Wolfwood absolutely grumbles about how alike Vash and Livio are. Both a couple'a crybabies, geez, what the Hell you two??? But he also is very much a teddy bear who gives the best hugs when one of his little band of gremlins is upset, so he probably spends more time in a cuddle pile than anything else, now that there's two of them to lose their shit at the drop of a hat.
Vash was totally the one very sweet boy in a clique of girls that everyone who'd known him realized, when they were adults looking back, that he was very much the sweet gay kid hanging out with the girls because it was safer to be himself around them than it was to be around the other boys. (This isn't meant as a stereotype of gay kids, this is based on actual kids I grew up with. My friend group honest to God adopted them because we were all a bunch of momma bears.)
Vash is also...not trans? Because he's a Plant and Plants don't work the same way humans do, but he's also not what humans would think of as a cis boy. He expresses a masc presentation, but probably the closest equivalent would be an intersexed kid. Nai, too, tbh, though he's probably more of the "I don't give a fuck" opinion when it comes to his own gender identity. He uses he/him because that's what humans think when they see him, but he doesn't care any deeper than that.
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avernusfuries · 3 months
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A small, somewhat realistic headcanon: as per @spiderwarden's Minthara, when she began to microdose Karlach with poison via her lipgloss, there is a very, very high chance that it not only numbed her lips, but her entire mouth as well. That means come act 2, she is likely slobbering as much as Scratch is when he's mooching from the camp at dinnertime.
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madamefluffnstuff · 11 months
Madame Fluff 'N Stuff Masterlist
Honestly I never thought I'd be posting so much!
TES Khajiit Headcanons
TES Argonian Headcanons
TES Dunmer Headcanons
TES Bosmer Headcanons
TES Orc Headcanons
TES Nord Headcanons
TES Imperial Headcanons
TES Werewolf Headcanons
The Outer Worlds Headcanons
Elder Scrolls Online
Meet my ESO Vetiges!
ESO Emoji Ask Game
Wounded in Western Skyrim - Fennorian, Bastian Hallix, Fem!Vestige
A Morning in Elsweyr - Bastian Hallix x Fem!Khajiit!Vestige
Long Distance - Naryu Virian x GN!Vestige
Soothing Hands - Bastian Hallix & Fem!Vestige
A Fresh Start - Darien Gautier x Fem!Vestige, Platonic Bastian Hallix
A New Mother Figure - Maternal figure Caska, Aeliah Remnus
A Night Stayed In - Darien Gautier x Fem!Reader
Night Watch - Fennorian x Fem!Reader
Quelling the Beast - Fennorian x Fem!Werewolf!Reader
Bastian/Fennorian/Darien Cuddle Imagines
Loving Remedy - Bastian x Fem!Dunmer!Vestige x Darien Request
Now We're Stressed Out - Bastian Hallix x Fem!Vestige
Reunions and Confessions - Bastian Hallix x Ebonymist (my Vestige)
Uneasy Revations - Darien Gautier x Fem!Werewolf Vestige
Emoji Ask Game #1 - Razum-Dar x GN!Vestige
Time for a Break - Fennorian x Fem!Vestige
An Unusual Request - Prince Irnskar x Jarl Svana. Helpful friend Fem!Nord Vestige
TES Summerfest 2024
(To be fair I was only able to get three of these done but I'm very proud of them and they deserve their own section.)
Day 1: Forbidden - Naryu Virian
Day 2: Golden Secret - Darien Gautier
Day 3: Ghost - Yisara and Mathren
The Outer Worlds
Over the Counter Sleep Aids (WIP)
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fishflesh · 5 months
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outer worlds fans pls come back to life pspspspspspps
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starlightwielded · 26 days
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A girl flees the moment she turns 18 with only a journal in hand, a handful of family jewels to sell, and a place in mind. Desperate for both a new start she is hopeful she won’t be found by her strange and cruel stepmother as well as learn more about where her mother was from, Ella flees to a tiny town on a small island in Michigan where things are not quite what she expected and, Ella herself, might have certain talents she never could have imagined. Years have passed, the answers she has been searching for have been vague, but she searches on, more than anything trying to keep away her step-family and start a new.
though reaching hatchetfield at the age of eighteen, the majority of interactions that i will be writing are several years later when she has been in hatchetfield for several years, ella being in her mid-twenties.
her mother is a hatchetfield native ( and though she does not know this, so is ella, having been born there, her mother and father retreating to her father's home town before ella was even a year old, though ella will tell you happily she is from england ) who managed to get out after getting a bit in too deep upon investigating the oddities of the town and getting just a bit too close to information and attracting the attention of a certain organization, ella's mother deciding instead of continuing to stay in place, they needed to run.
both ella and her mother have a touch of the gift--- ella's mother's something much stronger before her death, ella's just a second sense, a guiding light (that sometimes, in her dreams, is a physical light that she can manifest or glows in her palm ) , so to say, an instinct, one that is much repressed and dulled from years of denial.
ella lives in a small apartment and is currently working through school very, very slowly. she currently works both at the library as well as an evening waitress job at miss retro, though she is frequently looking for small jobs wherever she can find them as well.
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tamaverse · 1 year
outer expanse iterator theory
it’s 2:30am so i may expand on this more in the morning. but as you enter outer expanse from subterranean, notice how the ambient noise is the iterator sound- same one you hear in pebbles. and also... things are so different there, yet everything is very clearly mechanical still. could this potentially be another iterator thats hinted at, with a very different type of structure and maybe even purpose considering the almost palace themes of outer expanse...?
consider how different shelters are beyond the gate, for example. and how nature seems to be flourishing more there, despite the rain. which could imply things about the radius of rain etc... it has a steady ecosystem, it seems.
just a theory. i might make an oc design for this, but i very well may be onto smth thats hinted at but very well hidden. it might also be nothing! but im having fun :)
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the-laridian · 1 year
For Raider Rowan and Conrad!
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends?
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits?
🐈 CAT — does your oc prefer a wide circle of friends or a few close friends? Raider Rowan has ended up with quite a wide circle of friends! There's his buddies in the Raiders, and his good friends in the Responders. There's other Vaulties, and settlers at Foundation. He's likely getting well known - he's kind of distinctive, visually. Conrad (headcanon) has few friends and prefers it that way. He looks down on most people for one reason or another (hygiene, watches too many serials, generalized dickishness, they're not Spacer's Choice, etc) which really limits his potential friends pool in the first place. He's probably lucky to have even a couple close friends after he and Max break up.
🍎 RED APPLE — where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace? Raider Rowan was born in Vault 76c, and has lived Outside in Appalachia ever since 76c made everyone leave. He likes the Outside! It's cool! There's weather and birds and stars in the sky at night! There's flowers and frogs and gardens of growing things! Conrad (headcanon) was born in an unremarkable Spacer's Choice company town, but was assigned to Edgewater upon being declared a surgeon (via aptitude test/pamphlet. No training allowed except on the job. Good luck bro). He probably isn't thrilled about Edgewater, but he's Spacer's Choice born and bred, so whatever the company says, he does.
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits? Raider Rowan - getting mixed up with the Raiders would be the biggest, followed by, y'know, indulging in substances to where he needs addictol and has some blackouts. Conrad - (Headcanon) He gambles, and is bad at it, but also denies he gambles since that's frowned upon by society. He's a bit of a germophobe and also something of a snob toward anyone who doesn't fit the societal norms.
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Some, but not all, of the Great Ones are humans who made contact with the Outer Gods and were reborn as their Children/Kin. There is no real difference, beyond human-origin Great Ones being maybe a bit smaller.
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ceo-of-sloppy-men · 1 year
The Alphabet Game
This is fair game for any character in the fandoms I'm in. From Destiny 2, to Tears of the Kingdom, to Red Dead Redemption 2. Please send only a letter (or a few letters) at a time, not the whole alphabet all at once.
List under the cut :3
A = Aftercare (what they do post-sex)
B = Body Part (what is their favourite body part on themself and their partner?)
C = Cum
D = Dirty Secret (what is the one kink/fetish/turnon they will absolutely not admit to?)
E = Edging (what's their breaking point? are they the edger or edgee?)
F = Favourite Position
G = Generous/Greedy (do they give more than they take, or take more than they give?)
H = Hair (how groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.)
I = Intimacy (what do they find more or less intimate? how intimate are they in the moment?)
J = jack off (masturbation headcanons)
K = Kisses (how good are they at kissing? what type of kisses do they prefer? where is their favourite place to kiss?)
L = Location (what is their favourite place to do the deed?)
M = Motivation (what turns them on?)
N = No (what would they absolutely never do?)
O = Oral (what are their preferences? how good are they?)
P = Pace (do they take their time or get right to the point?)
Q = Quickie (what are their opinions on quickies?)
R = Risk (how much are they willing to tempt fate/get caught?)
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go? how long do they usually last?)
T = Toys (do they own toys? what are their opinions on toys?)
U = Unfair (how much do they like to tease? how much do they like to be teased?)
V = Volume (how loud are they?)
W = Wild Card (a random nsfw headcanon)
X = X-Ray (what's under their clothes?)
Y = Yum (what are their kinks/fetishes?)
Z = Zzz (how fast they fall asleep afterwards)
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captastra · 2 years
Now that we are in December and since there are no set birthdays really in game, I have a headcanon that Felix was born in December and decided on December 21st!
Time to work on something to celebrate him!
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avernusfuries · 6 months
My favourite thing tonight was me realising that @spiderwarden uses Karlach's horn to move her.
Angry? Uses it to pull her down to eye level. Frisky? To ground herself when they're [redacted] Sleepy? Uses horn to gently adjust her head to a more comfortable position for them both. Affectionate? Same as angy, but more of a guide down so she can smooch her.
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valodia · 1 year
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Hiii 3 years after the fact heres Griffin's card..... I gotta do Mari's next..... Who knows when that happens....
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sky-is-the-limit · 6 months
Headcanons on Laswell and Valeria going down on female reader please, im going insane here!! We need more wlw content in this fandom ah
I LOVE YOU FOR THIS. Hell yeah, we need more wlw content, and as a wlw girlie, I'm here to serve<3
I wanted to write more than headcanons, if you don't mind, cause we're seriously lacking work for our hot as fuck CoD ladies.
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P: Kate Laswell x F!Reader, Valeria Garza x F!Reader
CW: Cunnilingus, Vaginal fingering, Face-Sitting and some angst.
WC: 3,661 words
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Kate Laswell:
It was late, the office empty except for the two of you. Kate was hunched over her desk, the weight of a critical mission bearing down on her shoulders. You, her loyal secretary, couldn't stand to see her so stressed.
In a moment of impulse, fueled by a desire to ease her burdens, you offered her a massage. You remember the tension melting away from her shoulders as your fingers worked their magic, kneading the tension from her body.
And then, in a moment of reckless abandon, you leaned in and kissed her. Time stood still as you both hesitated, the weight of what had just transpired hanging heavy in the air.
But then,without warning, she grabbed your waist with a firm grip and pushed you against the nearby wall as her lips met yours with an intensity that left you breathless.
From that moment on, Kate would call upon you in times of need, seeking solace in your embrace when the world became too much to bear.
Despite those stolen moments of shutting the world out, Kate remained distant. She would push you away, suppressing her feelings behind a façade of professionalism. It was a constant tug-of-war between desire and duty, leaving you longing for something more, knowing that it could never be.
Yet there you were, once more, sprawled out naked on the bed, the only source of illumination the gentle glow of the moon, casting a silvery path across the room.
And there she was, Kate, between your thighs, her face mere inches away from your most intimate parts. Her eyes, those captivating pools of blue, gazed up at you with an intensity that made your heart race every time. In the moonlight, her blonde hair seemed to shimmer, like liquid gold, tickling your skin with every motion.
Each time her face dipped closer, disappearing momentarily before reappearing, your breath caught in your throat. You whimpered, a high-pitched sound escaping your throat, as Kate nipped and sucked love marks into the soft flesh of your inner thighs.
Her hands were firm yet gentle, pushing your knees apart as her canines pressed into your sensitive skin. Each bite left an angry mark, to remind you that she'd be back, that she'd always come back to you.
Her mouth was warm and wet, a contrast against the cool air of the room and the moment her tongue made contact with your skin, your hands instinctively flew to her hair, grasping onto it desperately for support.
The next moment you felt Kate's lips, they were tracing a path along the crease of your thigh where it met your groin. With a nimble touch, her tongue dipped around the cleft of your outer labia, teasing and tantalizing every nerve ending.
A raunchy swipe from the bottom of your pussy sent a jolt of electricity straight through your swollen lips, culminating in a flick against your clit that left you gasping for breath.
You couldn't help the near shout of desperation that threatened to escape, stifled only by your teeth biting down on your bottom lip hard, threatening to draw blood.
With a sinful arch of your back against the pillows, your thighs widened under her bruising grasp, inviting her deeper into your throbbing heat. The audible slide of her tongue through your wetness echoed in the room, sinful and obscene.
''Ah- Kate-'' A little whimper escaped you, a hushed and whining sound that betrayed the overpowering sensation.
Those mesmerizing blue eyes remained fixed on your face, seeming to penetrate your very soul as you swore you could feel her smile against your folds.
Another chaste kiss landed on your clit and then, with a hunger that bordered on desperation, her lips formed a seal around your cunt, sucking on the throbbing bud with a relentless fervor that left you teetering on the edge of ecstasy.
Her tongue grazed your clit, dipping inside your aching hole. The brief sensation made you gasp, a sharp intake of breath as with each movement, she seemed to draw out every ounce of desire, leaving you trembling in return. Then, she traced her tongue back up, collecting the wetness on it as she delicately traced shapes on your tender flesh.
It was a struggle to keep the volume of your voice in check when Kate was swirling her tongue around your clit, sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. She drew random, nonsensical patterns across it, each movement sending you spiraling further into a whirlwind of bliss.
All the teasing from earlier had left you more sensitive than usual, every nerve ending on high alert, ready to ignite at the slightest touch.
So when you felt Kate push her digit inside you, it was like all prayers have been answered. Your walls clenched around her finger instinctively, a silent plea for more as your hips lifted off the mattress, seeking deeper penetration. With each movement, your back pressed into the mattress, offering her better access to your spongy sweet spot.
With her relentless ministrations, you found it impossible to brace yourself, your body practically vibrating like a leaf caught in a storm. You tried in vain to swallow your whimpers, but they bubbled up from deep within you, escaping in soft moans and gasps that filled the air.
It was too much, too good, that you feared you wouldn't last much longer.
"Please, Kate," The words fell from your lips in a whispered plea, barely audible amidst the heavy breaths and the pounding of your heart.
''I'm gonna miss you, sweet girl-'' She moaned against your cunt, her breath warm and wet against your sensitive flesh, as she nuzzled deeper into you.
Her tongue completed another lap, tracing a path of fire along your folds before pausing just long enough to dip into the wet heat of your body. Then, with a sudden rush of vigor, she raced back up to jab at your clit again, sending sparks of pleasure shooting through every nerve ending.
''Gonna miss this pretty pussy in my face-'' All you could manage in response was a guttural moan as she added another finger, scissoring them and stretching your walls, the movement having your juices gushing on her hand.
''You're making such a mess, darling.'' Kate spoke softly, her voice dripping with desire as she observed the evidence of slick coating her skin.
It didn't even come as a surprise when you found that moving around was completely impossible. Kate's free hand dug into your plush sides, holding you in place with a firm grip that left you utterly immobilized.
Trapped beneath her, there was nowhere to go except deeper into the throes of euphoria, and you found yourself involuntarily swiveling your hips as release drew nearer with each passing moment.
The knowledge that there was no conceivable way she could properly breathe in this position swarmed your mind, but any attempt to voice your concerns came out as nothing more than choking gasps.
Kate didn’t even make an attempt to pull up for some no doubt much-needed air, though. Instead, she maintained the persistent pressure of her tongue against your clit, relentlessly driving you closer and closer to climax.
"Kate, fuck—I'm close—" Was all you could muster and Kate obliged, responding to your urgency by sliding another digit between your sopping walls, the added pressure fulfilling her goal.
With each thrust, she curled and pushed her fingers in and out of you faster and faster while mirroring the same ministrations and pace with her tongue on your clit, and you could feel the pressure building up in your lower abdomen, tightening with each movement, threatening to burst at any moment.
Your hand gripped desperately at the sheets, your knuckles turning white with the force of your grip as the other pushed her face deeper in you.
A few more strong, staggered thrusts, and you felt that tightly wound knot in your stomach finally burst. It was as if a dam had broken, releasing your a flood of sparks that surged through your entire being.
Your walls fluttered around Kate's fingers, tensing and releasing in a rhythm of their own accord. The remainder of your body convulsed, each muscle contracting and releasing rapidly in sync with your orgasm.
It felt like an eternity as you remained in the same position, unmoving, your breath coming in ragged gasps as you tried to come down from the height of your climax.
Each moment seemed to stretch on endlessly as you savored the lingering sensations that pulsed between your thighs. Kate's soft kisses on your inner thighs were a gentle caress against your skin, soothing and tender.
Then, she laid her head on your abdomen, her gaze fixed on you with a longing that spoke volumes. It was as if she wanted to imprint every detail of your face into her memory, to hold onto during the times when she would be far away, facing danger in a foreign land.
''Do you have to go now?'' You whispered with a trembling voice, the words barely audible in the quiet of the night.
As you spoke, you stretched your hand down, almost timidly, reaching for Kate's blonde locks, your fingers brushing against the soft strands of her hair.
You couldn't bring yourself to meet her gaze, the fear of revealing the need to have her hold you in her arms was too much. It was impossible and the thought tore at your heart. So instead, you diverted your attention, focusing on regulating your breath in an attempt to steady your emotions.
"I have to be at base in an hour." Kate murmured, her voice tinged with a hint of guilt as she shifted away from your body.
You watched silently as she rose from the bed, her movements quick as she made her way to the edge and sat down. Her back was turned to you, a silent reminder of the reality of your situation, of the boundaries that existed between you.
"If-When I come back... we'll talk." Kate continued, her voice trailing off slightly as she spoke, a hint of uncertainty creeping into her tone.
She quickly corrected herself though, the weight of her words hanging heavily in the air. You could sense the tension in her voice, the unspoken understanding that each time she left for a mission, the possibility of her safe return was never guaranteed.
Your heart dropped to your stomach at the thought, a cold wave of fear washing over you. The weight of your emotions threatened to suffocate you, the need to express your feelings was unbearable. You knew the risks, losing your job, losing everything but you were already on the edge of losing your sanity. You had to try.
"Kate, I lo-" The words hung in the air, unfinished, as she cut you off abruptly.
"Don't. Please." She said sternly, her voice betraying a hint of vulnerability beneath the surface. It hurt, her rejection stinging like a fresh wound, but you couldn't blame her. She was straightforward with you from the beginning.
With a heavy sigh, she pushed herself up from the bed, her movements rigid with tension. Without another word, she made her way to the door, her back still turned to you.
"Take care." She said softly before disappearing through the doorway, the sound of the door slamming shut echoing through your apartment.
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Valeria Garza:
It was a bustling night, the sounds of men pacing back and forth outside the office echoed through the walls, orders being barked out to the workers, each command adding to the cacophony of noise that flooded the mansion.
As you stood in your boss' office, facing her, a surge of jealousy rushed through you.
She had assigned someone else to meet with potential clients, a task that was rightfully yours. Yet, what stung more was the realization that she didn't seem to pay you much attention. Her focus was elsewhere, consumed by the demands of running the cartel.
There she was, Valeria, sitting at her desk with her legs crossed on the shiny table, her arms folded tightly over her chest, a smirk played on her lips.
She continued to read through the documents, seemingly oblivious to your presence or perhaps just indifferent to acknowledging you.
"Valeria! I'm talking to you!" You exclaimed, your voice rising with disrespect.
Stepping closer to her desk, you planted your palms firmly on the surface, demanding her attention. In that moment, her focus snapped back to you, her eyes meeting yours with a mixture of surprise, annoyance and something else. Something dangerous.
"Awh, cariño. Won't you look at that.." Valeria purred, her tone dripping with sarcasm yet resonating with undeniable authority as she rose from her chair.
The sound of her voice sliced through the air, sending a cold shiver down your spine. With each step she took, her presence seemed to loom larger, casting a shadow over the room. You couldn't help but feel a twinge of fear as she approached you, even as you stood your ground, determined not to back down.
"Did my girl finally grow back her tongue?" Valeria teased, her words laced with a hint of amusement and mockery as she positioned herself directly in front of you.
Her gaze bore into yours, a silent challenge as she leaned her lower back against the desk.
In a moment of carelessness, you rolled your eyes, momentarily forgetting who exactly was standing before you.
But as you glanced back at her, you witnessed a sudden shift in Valeria's demeanor. Her smirk vanished, replaced by an expression so raw and primal that almost seemed like a silent warning that you had crossed a line you never should have dared to cross.
"It's just-" Suddenly, frustration tinged your words, evident in the slight stammer that crept into your speech. Your gaze shifted away, unable to meet Valeria's eyes directly.
"It feels like you are purposely ignoring me.." You finally complained, a note of exasperation lacing your tone. With a nervous gesture, you raised one hand to pinch your shoulder, desperate to find something to do.
With one step, Valeria closed the gap until she was barely an inch away from your face, her presence enveloping you entirely. She leaned in, her lips tantalizingly close as they grazed your ear shell "Mi chica favorita se siente excluida?''
(t: my favourite girl feels left out?)
You felt a pulse between your thighs as her voice dropped even lower when she switched to her mother tongue, consuming you whole.
''Do I need to show you how important you are? Hm?'' Her lips trailed down to your neck, leaving a trail of tingling sensation in their wake as they grazed your skin.
Then with a swift movement, she grabbed your hand, bringing it up to her lips and with a reverence that bordered on worship, she pressed her lips to each knuckle, planting soft kisses.
"You don't have to-" You began to murmur, your voice trailing off as you closed your eyes, surrendering to the touch of her lips and tongue tracing torturously slow patterns on your neck.
''And leave you feeling stressed like that? Not on my watch." Valeria stated firmly and without hesitation, she tightened her grip on your wrist, pulling you behind her as she turned away.
With a determined stride, she began to lead you towards the luxurious couch positioned in the corner of her office.
It almost felt as if you were a weak-willed creature, unable to move or think for yourself, as she effortlessly maneuvered your body around. You anticipated that she would push you to lay down on the couch, but instead, she surprised you by reclining there herself.
As you stood before her, bewildered and uncertain, she met your confused expression with a glint of amusement in her eyes, her gaze holding a hint of mischief as she watched your reaction.
''Strip, ángel.'' Your boss demanded, the sweet pet name doing little to soften the command.
Your throat tightened as you gulped, sudden shyness washing over you at her directive. But as you looked into her eyes, you saw a it. A deep hunger that woke within her, filling you with a newfound confidence you didn't even know existed.
And so you followed her order, your fingers trembling slightly as you reached for the zipper of your tight dress. With a quick motion, you pulled it down, feeling the fabric cascade down your body until it pooled around your ankles, leaving you standing there exposed.
You tossed the dress to the side, your gaze briefly catching Valeria's hungry eyes as she licked her bottom lip, captivated by your every movement. With a steady hand, you trailed your fingers along the waistband of your soft panties, feeling the material slide down your legs in a tortuously slow way.
''Good, now sit on my face, amor.''
You weren't about to let this opportunity slip away. With determination coursing through you, you settled yourself onto her lap, feeling the heat radiating between your bodies.
Gently, you twisted your waist, positioning yourself so that you hovered over her fully clothed form. With a daring glance, you raised yourself up, supported by her hands firmly gripping your hips and together, you maneuvered until your lower body was dangerously near her waiting mouth.
One long, delicious lick across your folds and you melted like sugar in her hands. It wasn't just you who was affected in that moment, it was as if she too was under your spell. She would have given you the moon if you had asked for it.
With each stroke of her tongue, she exuded skill, any hint of earlier bashfulness completely eroded away. The sight of your glistening slit before her was enough to make her mouth water, and she couldn't help but salivate at the thought of devouring you whole.
A symphony of slurping sounds filled your ears, each one setting your skin ablaze as her tongue delved deeper and with each passing moment, you fought to ground your clit against the rhythmic movements of her tongue as soft cries escaped your throat.
It already felt like you might topple right over when your thighs started to quake embarrassingly fast, every nerve ending in your body vibrating with sharp pleasure. It was almost unbearably exquisite. 
The tip of her tongue insistently poked at the acutely sensitive nub for a prolonged moment, teasing it with quick flicks that encouraged yet more blood to rush and pool within your loins until you were gasping at every minute shift of her mouth.
It was only then that she pressed his tongue flat and drew tight, grinding circles against your clit and you jerked so hard you nearly lurched right off her. 
''Maybe we should do something else-''You blurted on a strained, hushed whisper as you flexed your legs and lifted yourself up out of her reach, fearing that you'd fall over.
''Don't fucking hover-'' The words were barely audible from underneath you until you yelped in surprise when you tried to lift up again but she was unrelenting.
Valeria held you right where you were as her tongue speared up into your cunt and greedily lapped up the arousal drenching your folds with quick, eager passes, from the top of your slit and straight down to your entrance, pointedly nudging your clit with every single stroke.
It made you shake so hard that your vision started to blur around the edges, heaving and groaning despite your best attempt to bite down on your lower lip and quiet yourself.
Mewling helplessly, you twisted your fingers in her raven hair, making it hard to keep the volume of your voice in check when she was swirling his tongue around your clit and drawing random, nonsensical patterns across it.
You shifted your hips and tried to roll into her face to get more pressure there, but Valeria held you pretty steady.
A tingly feeling started to spread and wherever her tongue lapped, the residual feeling lingered. She teased your clit again, rubbing her tongue back and forth on the sensitive spot before moving away again as she started feeling your thighs, letting her hands roam over the fat, pinching it in between her fingers.
"Val!" Her name fell from your mouth as a desperate whimper, in a silent plea as she leaned forward to kiss your throbbing clit once more.
With your head dropped back with a hoarse moan, your brow furrowed in ecstasy as the wet squelch of her tongue pierced through your swollen, drenched folds. A hot breath sighed across the oversensitive nerves of your throbbing core as she engulfed as much of it as she could into her mouth, sucking with an insistent fervor.
Your whole body convulsed violently as the waves of pleasure crashed over you, causing you to tremble uncontrollably. Moans and various profanities spilled from your lips, carried away on the tide of bliss that consumed you.
Valeria held you on the precipice of your climax, prolonging your release for as long as possible until you were teetering on the edge, your senses overpowered completely.
You squirmed and whimpered, your body writhing with overstimulation as she skillfully navigated the fine line between pleasure and pain, pushing you to the brink and back again.
''You did good baby but we ain't done yet.'' What she did next caught you completely off guard. Without giving you a moment to catch your breath, she acted swiftly, gripping your hips firmly.
In one smooth motion, she slid you down onto her waist, the sudden movement leaving you breathless. You watched in a haze as your slick juices coated her black shirt in their path and her not caring one bit.
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