#the owl house jacob
thatfreak03 · 1 month
(Sorry for any spelling, grammar, or drawing mistakes)
I made another drawing for my The Bat House AU. Link to the original post for the AU here.
Meet Emperor Henry aka Jacob Hopkins.
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Jacob Hopkins is from Connecticut during the witch trials. He wanted to be seen as a hero by the people of his town and decided he would become the greatest witch-hunter to ever live. One day, he somehow makes it to The Boiling Isles. Despite how kind most of the people of the Boiling Isles were to him, he already made up his mind that they were evil and needed to be killed.
Jacob, more or less, does the same things and has the same goal as Belos. The only difference is that Jacob never made any grimwalkers. Maybe he makes basilisks, but Luz won't be one of them in this AU. I already have an idea for her.
As for Jacob's mask and emperor outfit, it was partly inspired by the armor he had in Yesterday's Lie. I also made his mask resemble a lion because lions are known as "The king of the jungle" by humans, but they really shouldn't have that title. Nothing against lions in general, humans just gave them an incorrect title.
Here are some videos by Casual Geography to explain why: Video 1, Video 2, and Video 3.
So his mask is meant to be a hint that he is not as good a ruler as he wants the people of The Boiling Isles to believe.
That's all I have right now.
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
Jacob & Coco Across the Universe (Post-Canon Collector AU): Collector Lore (Pt. 1)
A messy and disorganized post explaining some of my Collector lore for Jacob & Coco.
A Collector is born from a star. Specifically, a Collector is born every time a micronova occurs (look up micronovas. They’re interesting, but little is known about them currently. Sorry if I bs some of the science). Within the stream of energy the smaller star is absorbing from the larger star, a tiny miracle will occur, and a being will be created from a portion of the energy being transferred between the two. This being is often known as Collector, though they are occasionally referred to as a Starlight. The two stars which the Collector was born from are considered their “parents”, and Collectors born from the same stars are considered “siblings.” A group of siblings (who always live together) is called a family.
As babies, Collectors don’t have any particular rank or responsibilities like older Collectors. They just do all the stuff that babies do and are cared for by their siblings (unless they are currently an only child. In that case, they will be raised by an older Collector until they can live independently). However, they don’t go through all the same stages as human babies. Baby Collectors tend to start out like the average 9 month old human, able to crawl around and such, but not yet able to walk. They can float slightly whilst in space, but are always curled up when floating, and not very high or for very long.
Once they are no longer toddlers, Collectors will gain new responsibilities. They will still be treated as children, but they do have certain “chores” and such. Once they reach the right age, they will begin learning how to actually collect things. They will start accompanying their older siblings on less dangerous missions
When a Collector reaches maturity and has collected a certain amount of items, they often end up ascending to the rank of Archivist. Archivists hold the responsibility of actually storing and taking care of the many things they and other Collectors may have gathered. 
There are other ranks, but these are the most important ones right now.
An important thing that we learn early on in the AU is actually quite important to the function of the story, a bit of the lore, and might even make the Collector’s exit a most satisfying conclusion. During the MLP crossover, at some point, Coco will mention that they won’t be staying for too long, about a few weeks to a few months at most. They will definitely come back in a few years at most, but they can’t really deal with sticking around for more than a year, at least, not at that point in time.
He explains that not only did he promise to take Jacob all around the universe, but that his species is actually nomadic, and rarely stays in one place for too long. They mainly stay long enough to collect things and bring them back to their ship, something common for a group of Collectors to have. They all feel most comfortable moving around and discovering new places, collecting new things. So traveling around the universe is actually a very happy fate for Coco, as they were forced to stay in one place for so long without even getting to collect anything new. Even if they were perfectly happy with the idea of staying with King and friends, Coco would have felt the urge to leave at one point or another.
Collector families tend to spend most of their time exploring the universe in a family traveling vessel the size of a small moon. This moon-like ship is made out of materials orbiting their stars, and the older siblings make said ships together as a group. The ship is mostly hollow and maze-like, a vast temple for archiving, sometimes even structured like a museum. On the surface of the ship, they will often have a small palace made for the family to live in. The palaces are typically shaped like crowns and have intricate decorations.
The reason they have these ships is not just for storing, but for traveling around quickly, as Collectors are a very nomadic species. They strongly prefer to travel in close groups, but can travel separately from their family, as long as they find other traveling companions.
Collectors are very diverse in their definition of collecting, and they will often use different methods to collect, or will collect different types of things. Each has preferences for how they choose to preserve, and some are very different from others. At some point in the story, our Collector will have a realization about themselves and their personal method of collecting, one that is a bit different from the traditional methods. I’m pretty excited about that, but I won’t spoil it right now.
That’s all for this post. I’ll make more later, specifically how Collector society and culture works.
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brianedner · 1 year
Luz’s Crimes: Organized Crime
Friday Night, 11PM
 Luz was walking through the room quietly, with the moonlight to light her movements. When she reached a small basket holding a wallet and keys, she stopped and removed the wallet. She then opened it and inserted a credit card. As she was doing this, her phone began to vibrate. She then quickly put the wallet back and went to the bathroom before closing the door behind her and answering the call.
 “Luz, its Amity.”
 “Hay sweet potato, why are you calling? Is something wrong?”
 “No, everything is ok. Something came up that we are going to need Jacob’s card for.”
 Luz just facepalmed herself. “I just put the card back in his wallet after buying recording equipment, and you want me to take it out again? If we use it when he would notice, he will cancel it or call the police. Even then we have to keep the charges limited to things that he would not raise that don’t raise suspicion. The only reason I was ok with us using his card for Vee’s disguise was because he was also in the city for some reason, and even then, the massive tip was a risk.”
 She then stopped and blinked a few times. “Wait, I am lecturing YOU about being cautious? Is are we in a “Freaky Fraturday” situation?”
 “I don’t understand that reference, but you are right about this being a little weird. Anyway, can I at least tell you the opportunity?”
 “Sure, go ahead.”
 “Great. Hellen just called Vee again. Apparently she shared the product she got from us around and it got the attention of some professional criminals that-“
 “WaitWaitWait. Are you saying that the mob is interested with us?”
 “Yes, and they want to talk business with Jacob in person.”
 Luz almost dropped her phone at that. “Where?”
 “The same diner he met Hellen in last time tomorrow around 10. Hellen said we should be prepared to pay for our meal, and maybe his too depending on how the meeting goes. We can use cash, but using his card would help sell the story that he was the one there if the cops start looking into it.”
 Luz just sighed. “Good news is that Jacob is usually home by then and is either asleep or working late on his newest plan to expose the witch invasion from Mars. I already planted the camera, so we will be able of keeping track of what it is in real time in case he plans something that might actually be a threat to us. Now is there anything else? I need to break into school and start planting the evidence.”
 “No, that is everything. See you back later.”
 “Goodbye Amity. I love you.”
 She then hung up, exited the bathroom, did a quick check to make sure Jacob was still asleep upstairs, and closed and locked the door behind her on the way out with a copy of his house key that had made with Vee earlier for this very reason.
 As she walked towards the school, she admired just how quiet things were this late.
 Saturday, 10PM
 Willow and Gus flew down in the same alley they used last time they were here, dropping the invisibility spell they were using in the process. Willow then dug out a handful of seeds before looking to Gus.
 “Are you ready for the field test?”
 He nodded with a smile on his face. “Are you kidding me? No one has ever done anything like this before. If we can pull this off, we will be legends!”
 “Gus, this doesn’t make the top 10 things we have done since meeting luz that would get us into the history books.”
 “Maybe, but this is something that others can actually do, and not just read about in history books before deciding to use it as a pillow instead. Anyway, let me know when I can layer the illusion on.”
 Willow then twirled one of her fingers over the seeds in her other hand, causing vines to burst from them and slowly cover her. After a minute, she was wearing what would best be described as a vine exco-suite that added a full head to her height.
 “Ok, do your thing.”
 Gus then looked at her intently while making a large spell circle in front of him. Willow was then engulfed in blue smoke. When it cleared, Jacob was standing in her place.
 “How do I look” She replied in Jacob’s voice.
 “Like a massive creep, and you sound like one too. Good luck, and try not to kill them if things go south.”
 “No promises.”
 He then walked out of the alley with Gus trailing behind invisibly. They walked down the street to the diner’s entrance, which had a ‘closed’ sign in the window and two men standing in front of the door on either side.
 “Hello, I am Jacob. I was told that someone wanted to meet with me here?”
 One of the men nodded and opened the door for him while saying “Go on in, the boss is waiting.”
 Jacob thanked him and entered the building, heading toward the only table that had people sitting at it.
 One of them was Hellen, who was looking much more nervous than the last time. The other was a man in a suit who was already eating when Jacob walked up to him.
 “I’m guessing that you are the guy Hellen told me was interested in my product?”
 He looked up from his meal towards Jacob and just nodded. “Yes, I am. Please sit down and order.”
 He did just that and ordered a stack of pancakes from the waitress (a different one from last time) before looking back to the man, who had put down his silverware and folded his hands together.
 “I had some of the supply you gave Hellen here tested, and it is very high-quality stuff. Lower chances of negative reactions when used while still being just as addictive.”
 Jacob blushed at the complement. “Thank you, I take great pride in my work. I am working on getting some samples of other plants I can cultivate.” His eyes then lit up. “That reminds me. I actually have a list.” He then reached into his coat pocket and produced a small piece of paper. “Here is a list of all the plants that I am interested in cultivating and the quantity of my normal supply I am willing to give you in exchange for them. If you know of any others that you want me to do, let me know and we can talk price.”
 The man took the list and began reading it before putting it down.
 “We can defiantly see about this later. For now, we need to hammer out the exact price, schedule, quantity, and logistics of how exactly we are going to do business. Now, how do you want to be paid? We can do the plants for now, but eventually we will have to figure out a way of funneling actual money to you.”
 Jacob nodded. “I know, and I already have some of that figured out. I am able of getting the drugs to the city on my own. You just need to give me a drop off point for me where I can give you the drugs and you can give me the cash.”
 The two of them then spent the next 15 minutes hammering out the rest of the details of their deal. After which the two stood up, shook hands, paid for their meal (with Jacob paying with another massive tip), and then they walked out together before going in opposite directions from the diner.
 When Jacob entered the alley, Gus appeared next to him and made a large spell circle. After which, Jacob turned back into a vine exco-skeleton wearing Willow.
 “I think that went well. We should be able of getting some more plants in soon to expand our product selection and have more money coming in to help with the bills.”
 “Bills? Gus, with the money flow, we could soon be able of completely paying off the mortgage on their house!”
 Willow then deflated. “We still need to find a way of explaining the money though. There is no way we can explain it coming from jobs that teenagers could get.”
 “Maybe Luz has some ideas. If worse comes to worse, we can just put it in a washing machine. Apparently cleaning money with the laundry helps to hide it from the cops here.”
 Willow just shot Gus a look. “I’m pretty sure that is not at all what money laundering means.”
 The Owl House finale is airing on April 8th!
 I kept the exact criminal organization it was and their representative vague to avoid offending any actual one and to not fall into any stereotypes. Feel free to insert whatever organization into it you want.
 I have a important question to ask all my readers that is connected to the link below
 I am also doing “Fanfic info dumps” on multiple series to help other fanfic writers with their works. They are on DevientArt here (https://www.deviantart.com/1228248) because Fanfiction and AO3 both said I couldn’t post them there.
 Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5646512/
Tumbler: https://at.tumblr.com/brianedner/luzs-crime-list-masterpost/dia848df51z4
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BrianEdner1/works
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polymathart · 1 year
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Camila and Luz both held Vee’s hands the first time she went through the portal door and returned to the Demon Realm
Vee is every one of the Hexsquad’s wingman. She’s give Hunter, Luz, Amity, and Willow dating advice.
Steve, Lilith, and Hunter joined forces to debelosify/decoven the Isles. They went around tearing down Belos statues and defacing Emperor’s Coven insignia.
Gus and Amity have gotten better at Spanish.
Lilith and Hunter are still rivals in a playful way. They occasionally recall their Head Witch and Golden Guard personas when trying to one up each other.
King found a way to reawaken Jean Luc.
Emira had her own episode with Eda and earned her Bad Girl Coven shirt.
Odalia and Alador got divorced. And Odalia got kicked out of the house.
Tinella Nosa now lives in the Clawthorne tower. She pays rent.
Anne and Luz have kept touch.
Luz and Amity made Good Witch Azura popular and it’s a best seller on the Boiling Isles now.
Per Vee’s request, Masha was the first other human to be told about and granted passage to the Demon Realm.
Vee cried when Luz introduced her to Stringbean.
Jacob went to jail.
Camila has created her own Dominican spin on Apple Blood.
Vee and King became friends the same way Lilith and Hooty did.
Luz found out about Amity’s Grom note.
Principal Bump loved his Hexside memorial.
Gus and Matt kept their promise to the Keeper and helped restored the Illusionist Graveyard.
Luz kept her promise to the Bat Queen.
Eda finally returned the favor (and the whistle) to the Bat Queen.
King and the Collector have repurposed King’s Island into their “treehouse.”
Vee took Masha to Grom. And Vee became Grom Queen.
Luz, Hunter, and Camila accompanied Vee in her search for the other Basilisks.
Vee had a “Katara find finds the man who killed her mother” moment with Warden Wrath.
Everyone finds out Evelyn was a Clawthorne (obviously) and Hunter gets accepted into the Clawthorne family.
Hunter goes to Hexside.
Alador and Edric have a cheesy “I’m proud of you, son” moment. Probably over something silly like pranking Odalia.
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sepublic · 1 year
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I like this duality I’ve noticed; Philip and by extension Jacob Hopkins insist aloud that they’re the Good Guy and how Camila calls this out as a red flag in and of itself, actually indicating they’re the Bad Guy. Hopkins in particular serves as a decent summation of Philip at his core; A man child deliberately out of touch with the reality around him, in order to entertain a flattering fantasy where he is the one who is more aware than the rest of these sheeple about this hidden threat among the Other that is absolutely there for him to defeat.
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By contrast, Luz constantly asks and interrogates herself on whether she’s the Bad Guy, and it’s that self reflection, that willingness to consider other perspectives and view herself from them, that keeps Luz from becoming that; It’s what reassures those around her that she is indeed the Good Guy, because she is harboring no delusions that she necessarily is.
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But critical examination is also there to give you conviction now that you are certain; After a constant, gaslighting crisis of ambiguity fed by Belos, the Titan doesn’t give Luz a “Maybe, if, under these circumstances” answer. He gives Luz what she really needs to hear, some much-needed certainty, by reassuring her that for whatever similarities she may have had with Belos, she is NOT him.
Because Luz is actually willing to critically examine herself, respect others’ perspectives and boundaries, and is ultimately approaching from a place of actual good intent where she wants people to be happy, included in, and contributing to a kinder world, instead of preferring removing them from the equation as a solution. Casting them out as rejects first; In the end, that’s just something people decide for themselves by refusing to co exist with others.
But Luz will always have open arms for those who are sincere about changing, and besides; She’s still a victim of abuse, she’s no Christian and is entitled to some anger and lack of forgiveness; There’s a lot to be said about performative niceness vs actual kindness. Those boundaries aren’t what could’ve made her evil.
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pyralart · 2 years
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Firm belief that Hopkins would be the end of him.
Under readmore, imagine this is how the gang discovers he's alive
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maskednerd · 11 months
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jennyanima · 5 months
The same character
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I just notice a coincidence of crazy bloggers in three different shows
The type of characters that can traumatize someone
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pespillo · 6 months
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vee is smoking a hex-em card rolled up
og comic
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captainmera · 8 months
If possible there is one comedy scene i would like to see drawn. It is when Hunter is complaining about Jacob being able to use a weapon while he can't to Camila
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ol< just a sketch.. sorry.
I wish I had the time to finish this and push the last two panels a bit more (they're a lil stiff) but oh well.
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jess-the-vampire · 7 months
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Truth p1
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the-collector-blog · 2 years
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Only just noticed that kid Philip had Caleb fake-caught in a rope trap, as Caleb was pretending to be a witch. ... Just like he later finally caught his inner demons in a rope trap.
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noperopesaredope · 1 year
Me: *Decides to write Jacob as having legitimate NPD rather than wiping away all his canon symptoms*
Me: “Wow, it’s gonna be pretty hard to write an actual narcissist in a manner that you can legitimately sympathize with. And it’s probably gonna be even harder to create one that eventually manages to grow and evolve as a person and learns to maintain healthy (platonic) relationships that aren’t harmful to either side. This is gonna be the toughest thing I’ve ever written, and I’m not sure if I’ll even be able to do it.”
Me: “Oh well, might as well give it a try!”
Me: *Writes an outline explaining how it will fit into the story*
The Story: *Barely has any changes besides little differences in character dynamics and small interactions, but basically no changes in story beats*
Jacob: *Becomes a legitimately more interesting and complex character with a better character arc that the one I originally wrote, and is honestly more likeable to me for some reason*
Jacob and Coco’s Dynamic: *Somehow more healthy and wholesome than before once their character arcs start kicking in* (Jacob’s reasons for caring about Coco are still a bit self centered, but he’s better at treating them correctly. I somehow gave them a mutually positive relationship whilst keeping the NPD part consistent)
Themes and Message: *Appear out of thin air*
The Entire AU: *Improves in every way*
Me: “........................................”
Me: “Huh, that was surprisingly easy.”
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brianedner · 1 year
Luz’s Crimes 4: Breaking and Entering
Since it was brought to my attention in the comments, Willow used her plant magic to tone down the negative side effects of the drugs she sells to her customers. I decided to not name the drugs mainly because it was getting annoying on the research into what kinds of drugs are and aren’t legal in Connecticut (they recently made Weed legal).
 I am not endorsing any felonies.
 Gus had Luz had been hiding under one of Gus’s illusions all day, waiting for Jacob to leave his house. So far it seemed like he was going to spend the whole day at home.
 Gus smiled once his watch (A human watch! He was still excited about that.) turned to 3. They would have to be home by 5 to meet Camila when she got back from work, so it meant that he had a chance to try out a new trick he wanted to try.
 “Plan B Luz?”
 She just sighed and turned to him. “Go for it you little trickster.”
 “I know you are, but what am I?”
 He then took off his ear ring mirror and then walked over with Luz to Jacobs front door. The two then stood to the side and Gus rang the door bell before making a illusion of a Harry from “Harry and the Hendersons” appear in front of the door holding a brief case while wearing a bowler hat and a plaid tie.
 When Jacob opens the door, the illusion spoke. “Good afternoon, sir.” He then brought up the brief case and opened it, showing a large collection of DVD copies of ‘SVTFOE.’ “Would you like to buy some boot legged copies of Star vs the Forces of Evil? I have season 4, obviously the best season.”
 Jacob’s eye just twitched at that and he pulled out a baseball bat from a umbrella stand next to the door. “What did you say?”
 ‘Harry just took a step back to make room for Jacob. “I said that I have boot legged copies of SVTFOE season 4 for sale.”
 Jacob then sent outside, then closed and locked the door behind him. “No, the other thing.”
 “Oh, you mean about Season 4 being the best one of the series?”
 Jacob just yelled in rage at that. “THAT SEASON WAS THE WORST!” He then took up his bat and started hitting Harry with it.
 “Ow, Ow, stop it!”
 Harry then ran away from the porch with Jacob close behind, chasing him with the bat.
 Luz and Gus then stepped forward, looking at them as they ran.
 “How long will the spell on Jacob keep up?”
 Gus just smiled. “Normally, I could only make someone do those hallucinations for a minute before they stopped. But with this toy from Adrian, he should be chasing that bigfoot around for the next hour. And he should be spouting every flame war inducing phrase you got from the message boards he posts on.”
 He then turned to her. “Thanks for that again, by the way. I am still trying to figure out how to get the spider on the inter-web to like me. No matter how many flies I put in its mouth, the computer still won’t connect me.”
 Luz just stared in shock at him before sighing and turning to the door. “I’ll explain it later, but for now we need to get inside.”
 “How, he locked the door! As much as I hate to say it, I am impressed with how much he kept a calm head to actually lock the door behind him before he charged off in a fit of rage. Breaking a window to get in would let him know that someone is onto him, we can’t pick the lock-“
 “I just picked the lock.”
 At that, Gus just looked up at the open door and Luz crouched in front of it holding some pieces of metal in her hand. She then looked back at him with a smile on her face.
 “I spent the summer with Eda, remember? I could pick these locks in my sleep. I just needed to be sure he was out of the house first.”
 The two then made their way into the house. The living room was small and backed right into the kitchen. In front of the door was a small table with one clear space for eating and the rest of it covered in files. The wall closest to the table had a massive cork board with multiple pictures and newspaper articles attached to it, connected to each other with red string.
 “OK, you focus on the first floor and keep an eye out if he comes back. I am going to check out the basement, and then the second floor if there is nothing there.”
 Gus just nodded before heading to the table and checking out the files. They were mostly just records of paranormal sightings around the town. To Gus, about 90% of them were fakes or had normal explanations. The other 10% however were pictures of Eda and things tied to her.
 The cork board on the other hand was entirely devoted to Eda, Vee, and the Hex squad. There was even a section on Luz and Camilla to the side, with pictures of the animal clinic and school.
 “If this is how creepy it looks like from the other side, I am glad that Luz convinced me to take down my human board back home.”
 He then held up his ear ring again and began to focus, summoning ghostly forms of all the documents around him to fly out of the originals before circling him in a tornado. They then began to slowly shrink until each page was the size of a postage stamp before going into the bag by his side.
 “One room down, the rest of the floor to go.”
 Luz expected the basement to be creepy, either containing the more disturbing parts of Jacobs surveillance stalking of her family or his adult anime collection (there are some things a teenage girl should not see).
 Luckily for her, it was just being used for Jacob’s storage, weapon training, and “Research.” There were two bookshelves in a corner filled with Earth books on the supernatural, with a small table in front of them. to the side was a punching bag with a blurry picture of Eda in her owl beast form on it and a wooden target filled with stab holes with a picture of Vee in her basilisk form on it. His armor and dagger were on a rack next to them, all shiny and ready to go.
 The other half of the room was filled with boxes that just contained the normal stuff you would find in a basement.
 The only really interesting thing that Luz found were a recipe for 3 video cameras that was being used as a bookmark. There were three locations on the back of it. “In the cabin, watching the cabin, and undecided.”
 Luz panicked a little at the 3rd one until she saw the 3rd camera siting out of its box on top of the book shelf. She then sighed in relief before putting the bookmark back in the book and leaving it on the table where it was before going to the 2nd floor.
 1st floor office.
 Gus just looked at shock at the set up inside. There were three different computer monitors with multiple pages up.
 There were two accounting spread sheets showing that he was embezzling money from the Flat Earth Association to fund his exploits towards exposing witches, maps of the school and animal clinic with multiple locations for a camera to be hidden, and multiple e-mails written out about all Jacob knew about the Hex squad ready to be sent to multiple federal and state agencies (along the lines of “there are shapeshifting witches from Mars here living in a Dominican Women’s house, they have obviously replaced her with a robot already.”)
 Gus looked at it for a bit before he just smiled.
 “Luz, can you come over here and show me how to do something with computers?”
 Luz stopped on her way to the 2nd floor and looked at the computers with Gus.
 “How would I set it up so that the stuff on the first two screens were sent with the e-mails when he sent them?”
 Luz just smiled and walked over with him.
 “Step one, put on gloves so that we don’t leave finger prints behind. Step two…”
 2nd floor
 Since the first floor and basement were both cleared, the two decided to check out the top floor together. Gus would search Jacobs room while Luz searched the other rooms.
 So far, neither had much luck. The bathrooms and closets were normal, the bedroom had several posters but nothing they were interested in, and Luz just opened the guest room slightly before slamming it shut and telling Gus to never look inside.
 “Please tell me there wasn’t an autopsy table with a witch on it.”
 “Believe me Gus, I wish that was what I saw.”
 They were about to head down before Gus noticed something odd about a picture on the wall of Jacobs bedroom. “Why are all the other decorations here just posters taped to the wall and this is a full frame.”
 Luz just looked at the picture of Nami from One Piece bathing in gold before her eyes widened. “Please let him be that dumb.” She then reached for the picture and swung it on its hinges, revealing the safe behind it.
 “Yes. He really is that dumb.”
 She then turned to Gus. You look around and see if he left the combination lying around, I am going to try and crack this.”
 Gus just looked at her. “You know how to crack a safe?”
 Luz just smiled. “Thank you, Eda; she might not have been the best magic teacher, but she was an amazing mother figure and crime teacher.”
 Gus looked around the room and at every piece of paper he could find. “So, how many crime skills do you have?”
 “Lets see? Pick pocketing, reverse pickpocketing, lock picking, safe cracking, cleaning up murder sites-”
 “Wait, isn’t that last one just part of home ec at Hexside?”
 “that is just the basics, Eda showed me the extra steps related to not reporting it to the cops. Luckily, I never had to put that into practice there and hopefully I won’t have to do it here.”
 Gus then saw that there was an autographed picture of him shaking hands with a high member of the Flat Earth Society with a date next to it.
 “Hay Luz, I think I found it.”
 At that, he heard the sound of the safe opening. “No need, I have this.”
 Gus then went over to the safe and looked inside. There was a number of documents, (social security card, birth certificate, ect), a bundle of cash, and a USB drive labeled “backup info.”
 Luz then grabbed the USB, took her lap top out of her bag and popped it in. She then started to look through the files. In it were hundreds of files, pictures, and more about everything Boiling Isle related that had happened in Gravesfield; though the lens of a paranoid Flat Earther thought.
 “Jackpot, it even said that it was updated yesterday.”
 She then copied everything on the drive onto one she brought with her and left the original in the safe. “Let’s get out of here and see if there is anything we need to worry about on here.”
 Gus just nodded before twirling his finger to dismiss the illusion copies he made before. Before Luz closed the safe, he stopped her and made an illusion copy of the money in the vault.
 “Might be a good idea to replace this with some counterfeits later.”
 Luz just smiled. “Good idea.”
 The two then left the house, locked the door behind them, and then went home.
 “I told you officer; I was chasing a bigfoot through the street with the baseball bat.”
 “Right, the bigfoot with the hat, tie, briefcase full of DVDs-“
 “SVTFOE season 4 DVD, and he had the gall to say it was the best season.”
 “You forgot to mention that he was invisible to everyone else.”
 “In my defense, I only realized that only I could see him when you mentioned that there was no on where I was pointing when we were talking.”
 “You were yelling at me to arrest the bigfoot for saying that the prequals were better than the original trilogy of Star Wars.”
 “Are you going to honestly tell me that I was wrong for that?”
 “I actually prefer the sequel trilogy.”
 “Do you mean Rogue One?”
 “Hell no, hated that move.”
 I am a casual Star Wars fan, I like the original, haven’t seen the prequals except for the 1st (I liked it), disliked the sequels because I think the quality went down with each one, and LOVED Rogue One (especially “the Hallway Scene”, you know the one I’m talking about. The one at the end before the ship flew away to set up IV.
 Jacob seems very much like he is the kind of guy that would get into flame wars online. I just had Gus and Luz exploit that.
 I am also doing “Fanfic info dumps” on multiple series to help other fanfic writers with their works. They are on DevientArt here (https://www.deviantart.com/1228248) because Fanfiction and AO3 both said I couldn’t post them there.
 Fanfiction: https://www.fanfiction.net/u/5646512/
Tumbler: https://at.tumblr.com/brianedner/luzs-crime-list-masterpost/dia848df51z4
AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/users/BrianEdner1/wo
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polymathart · 1 year
The Owl House: Unsolved Mysteries
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Why does Jacob have a witch's training wand? Who did the Bat Queen belong to? Where did the Owl Beast come from? What happened to Caleb and Evelyn? WHAT IS HOOTY?
EDIT: By “unsolved” I mean we never got onscreen canon explanation for any of them.
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subterra-rose · 2 years
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Ready for Hunter to get a customer service job to help support his found family /j  Inspired by this post by  Vobomon
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