#the preview post is finally here!! happy holidays
vandnana · 2 years
Hello! I'd love to see some lo'ak fics! I love your writing
Hope you are having a good holiday xx
hello! thank you so much for loving my writing, i really appreciate you! i hope you’ve had a good holiday as well! 
i’ve been working on a new lo’ak  x reader series and below is a preview of it!
**if you would like to be added to the tag list for this fic, please comment on this post or if you’re more comfortable, send me a dm or an ask!  
In Love With the Enemy (Preview Below) 
Prologue Is Here!
pairing: lo’ak x female human turned na’vi reader
summary: during the time when jake became toruk makto, you were quaritch’s youngest and most valued soldier, the daughter he never had. but, pandora changed you and you died fighting with the na’vi, betraying quaritch and wishing that you had been able to do more. now, you have been reborn again, as a na’vi, tasked with quaritch’s new military avatar crew to kill Jake Sully. taking advantage of this second chance at life, you help the Sullys and fall in love along the way
genre: fluff, angst (wip, more themes to come)
word count (wip): 839
The prologue is now up! You can read it here!
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You were the youngest in the regiment back then, too young for war and far too young for what was in store for you in Pandora. But, Quaritch took you in when you were a child. You had no family, no home, and no promise of a real future. He had seen himself in you: cunning, willing, strong, unafraid. You were everything he could have hoped for in a daughter, but you were real. His prodigy. And not a day went by when you didn’t live up to those expectations. You loved being with Quaritch. He had become your father and he always thought that nothing could ever change that. 
But, the more time you spent in Pandora, the more you began to see past the façade you let yourself believe. The mission was never about finding diplomatic solutions or building alliances. It was about destruction, money, and humanity’s wretched twist on glory, a misguided glory that Quaritch was more than happy to fulfill. It was Grace who helped you see that first. She always used to tell you that you were smart and far more capable than any of the trigger-happy morons you were with.
But even you couldn’t prevent Hometree from being destroyed, and although you did what you could to help Jake, Grace, and Norm escape with Trudy, the damage was done. You were an offender of the highest treason by helping Quaritch’s worst enemy, and you knew that you could never go back.
You feigned your innocence until the end, fooling everyone. You watched Quaritch shoot Grace and you cried alone when you heard about her passing. It wasn’t until you joined Trudy in her helicopter that you revealed whose side you were really on. Only for a moment did Quaritch hesitate to shoot you down, but his duty was above all. When he had dealt the final blow, the glass around you breaking with every explosion, you looked at Trudy with a smile. You were happy to be alongside her, dying with her as the sight of the Hallelujah Mountains became the last thing you ever saw, your vision fading into darkness as you descended downward into nothingness.
Then, came light again, invading your shut eyes as you heard voices around you, the sounds distant at first, but slowly heightening as you came to. When you opened your eyes, the fluorescent lights stunned you, your hand instinctively finding its way to the front of your face. Your eyes widened, and you figured you were in hell, punished to be what you failed to protect.
You were blue, a Na’vi, and everyone around you towered with their own blue figures, cooing you awake.
“Colonel, the baby’s awake.” One of them yelled, and you propped yourself up, taking in the appearance of those who had an air of familiarity, but still seemed to be strangers. 
There was Wainfleet, Warren, Zdinarsk, and Zhang looking at you, patting you on the back with satisfied smiles.
Then you saw him. Quaritch, the man you once owed your life to. But it wasn’t really him. He had become his worst nightmare and in seeing him, you were convinced that you really had been damned to hell. He was Na’vi too and a real sight for sore eyes as he looked like he wanted to jump out of his own skin, his movements awkward as he made his way over to you. The only comfort that he seemed to take refuge in was seeing you, his eyes still glimmering in fondness over you, the daughter he never had. 
He hugged you and for the first time, he smiled. “It’s nice to see you kid.”
You had all the memories from your old life, the old y/n that loved Quaritch and saw him as a father, the old y/n who trained endlessly to become that prodigy he loved so much. But you also remembered Grace, the only person you felt really saw you for who you were and who you could be, and it was her memory that really revived you. That was who you wanted to be now, not the monster that Quaritch had conditioned you to become.
Nothing felt real until that point, his embrace making your skin crawl, but it was a comfort nonetheless. you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, a lopsided smile on your face, “Nice to see you too, Q.”
It seemed that you had been given a second chance at life, given the video log that you had filmed so long ago. Among Quaritch and the rest of your team, you were granted an avatar too, stowed away in case the supposed small chance of failing ever came to fruition. Seemingly, it had, and you smiled. Yet, no one else remembered Grace or the scientists, or rather they didn’t really want to remember. It was as if this new team of recombinants were a hive mind with only one mission left to complete, a mission that churned your insides.
Eliminating Jake Sully.
Author’s Note:
i hope you enjoyed this preview! i’m so excited to write some more! again, if you would like to be added to the tag list, please don’t hesitate to reach out through this post or through a dm or an ask! 
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lavellenchanted · 9 months
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The Courtship of Peggy Carter (fic coming soon)
When Steve returns to the 1940s, he knows he wants to be with Peggy, but he can't help but worry about how the years they have both lived through have changed them - so he proposes that they start dating and get to know each other again. But Peggy has her own ideas about how their courtship will go, and is a woman determined to get what she wants. Namely Steve. In her bed. Sooner than he seems to be planning to get there.
Happy holidays @margarethcarter! I'm your Secret Santa this year - I'm so sorry your gift is so ridiculously late, but this month has just been incredibly full on. I am hoping to get your gift finished and up soon, but I didn't want to end the year without you getting anything.
You said you prefer post-Endgame time period and mentioned Peggy finding out that Steve's acquired some game since she last saw him, which what inspired this fic, so I hope when it's finally finished you will enjoy it, but in the meantime here is a little preview for you!
“And this . . . you being here . . . is it for good? Or do you have to go back?”
Steve held her gaze, serious and steady, the way he always did whenever he wanted her to know that what he was about to say was something he had thought over carefully.
“I’d like it to be. I came back because this place, this time, is where I belong. I wanted to come home, to have the life I never got a chance to have. And I want, very much, for that life to be with you.” 
For a moment Peggy felt as if she had forgotten how to breathe, her chest tight and her heart beating painfully hard against her ribs. She opened her mouth to tell him yes, that she wanted a life with him as well, but before the words could form he had brought a finger to her lips to keep her from speaking.
“But,” he continued softly, a tenderness in his expression that made her glow with warmth, “I don’t think that’s a decision either of us should be making right now.”
A faint frown creased Peggy’s forehead. “Why not?”
“Because of how good this feels.”
She couldn’t help quirking an eyebrow, one corner of her mouth curling upwards. “That’s a bad thing, is it?”
Steve chuckled. “No. I just mean . . . I’ve dreamed about being here with you for so long, it would be easy to rush into this. To forget that . . . a lot of time has passed, for both of us. And that we’re probably both different people than we were when I went into the ice.”
Peggy let out a slow breath. Part of her - the part that for the last four years had been filled with grief, sorrow and longing whenever she thought of Steve - was afraid, terrified that this moment of joy in finding him again was going to be cut short, and leave her with nothing but echoing silence of his absence once more. She wanted to cling on to him as tightly as she could, to hold him to her so she didn’t have to face the pain of losing him again.
Another, regrettably more sensible part of her, recognised that what he was saying was true. The four years she had spent being overlooked at the SSR had left their mark as surely as the war had, and now she was reinventing herself again as the Director of SHIELD. She felt very far from the young agent that had worked on Project Rebirth. 
And Steve . . . right now she could only guess at the sort of things Steve had lived through, the reasons for the weariness that lurked at the back of his eyes, the sadness  that seemed etched into his face, mingling with his joy when he had asked her if he could finally claim his dance.
“So what are you suggesting?” she asked, forcing a calmness she didn’t entirely feel. 
But to her surprise - and a little to her relief - Steve smiled.
“I’m suggesting that we date. Like we would have - should have - if things had gone the way we planned. Get to know each other as we are now. And if after we’ve dated for a while, we’re both sure this is still something we want . . .  well, then we can talk about what’s next.” 
Peggy almost wanted to laugh. “Are you telling me you travelled back nearly a century in time just to ask me on a date?”
His smile widened to a grin. “To start with, anyway.”
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nonsensical-pixels · 2 years
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1000 followers gift, part 4: morning dove reshade and teeny tots collection part 2! [download - sfs | mf folder]
it's finally here: the final gift for my 1000 followers weekend! and it's a two in one deal!
over the last year i have come to realise that i really like making two things: reshades, and toddler stuff. it's so satisfying watching the environment my sims are in, and the whole mood of the game, change with the click and drag of a few buttons. also, toddlers are really cute and there isn't nearly enough stuff out there for them.
part 4 has two things: my second reshade preset ever, morning dove, as well as my first every clothing conversions--and for toddlers too! i have received many, many questions about what reshade preset i use, so this is it!
update 10-4-23: fixed issue with weird squares/rectangles on ep05 dress holiday and ep05 vest bowtie, please redownload and replace the original meshes!
@kindlespice for the dove 2.0 preset i used as a base for morning dove!
ea/maxis for the original meshes & textures of the toddler formalwear
@skittlessims for helping me with all of the errors and confusion i encountered while converting the clothing, and also for just being an amazing friend and mentor in general. love ya anna 💕
for more info, on both the downloads and the future of this blog, please keep reading 😊
part 4a: morning dove
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previews feature all effects except fog, artistic vignette, & chromatic abberation. these effects however are present in most of my cc posts, so if you look at my previews i believe you can see them 😅
if you've been following my builds/gameplay for awhile, then you probably recognise this preset. i use it in almost every screenshot of mine, and many people have asked for it, so here it finally is! it is based on @kindlespice's dove 2.0 preset but with a lot of tweaking to make it more versatile in ts2. this preset comes with a number of different shortcuts to enable/disable certain effects: Alt + 4 -> mxao Alt + 6 -> adaptive fog + canvas fog Shift + 2 -> ring dof and gdof Alt + 5 -> artistic vignette Alt + 7 -> marty mcfly dof Alt + 8 -> chromatic abberration Alt + 9 -> directional anti-aliasing the basic goal of morning dove is a preset that looks good in any style--maxis match, realistic, or clay!
part 4b: teeny tots part 2
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this particular download just makes me very happy. i love ts2 toddlers, they'll always be the best in the franchise in my eyes, and just look at those happy lil faces! also, milo stylo is being milo stylo and looking so damn cute. there never seems to be enough toddler formalwear (imo) so it just makes me really happy that i was able to make my own.
these are my first ever clothing conversions, i did my best but they're not perfect, so there may be clipping and gaps especially around the shoulders of gp11 dress flower. i apologise for this, i really tried but didn't manage to fix it 😔
EP05 Dress Holiday - PU only, 14 colors, casual & formal, 3.7k polys [swatch] - paired with @skittlessims' base game mary-jane shoes from their lunar dress💕 GP11 Bowtie Shirt - PU only, 10 colors, casual & formal, 3.8k polys [swatch] - paired with base game sneakers taken from @lucilla-sims' ep11 suspenders 💞 GP11 Dress Flower - PU only, 10 colors, casual & formal, 5.3k polys [swatch] - paired with @skittlessims' base game mary-jane shoes from their lunar dress💕 EP05 Vest Bowtie - PU only, 9 colors, casual & formal, 4.0k polys [swatch] - paired with base game sneakers taken from @lucilla-sims' ep11 suspenders 💞
final words
well, i guess that's it then! it's the end of a long gift-filled weekend. and also, the start of a very long break.
my final exams will be starting in about two weeks and ending around november; they are the most important ones i have ever faced and i cannot afford to lose focus. after that will be exam after exam, as i enter tertiary education.
if you still wanna chat with me/hear how i'm doing you could probably join the simscord by @skittlessims, i'm a junior moderator on there now so i will still be semi-active on my break. also, if i do find the time to post cc anymore, it will probably be on there lol.
the sims has always been a sort of escapism for me, a way to pretend that the trials of real life don't exist. but in the last few months i've felt myself drifting farther and farther from it. i need to focus on my studies and stay focused on my life goals.
the future of this blog is still uncertain. i have cc queued up until june--leftovers from my original break, stuff i finished up, requests i got during my holidays--but after that, there probably won't be any more until i come back... which could be anywhere from 9 months to 9 years, tbh, with my current mood. until then, consider this blog on semi-permanent hiatus.
there are so many of you who have supported this blog from day one, who have always stuck with me even when i'm not at my best or when misunderstandings occur. i cannot thank you enough for your continued support and love. the last year has been a difficult time for me: losing pets, friends, and in general, my mental health. this extra-long gift weekend is for you--a thank you for the over 365 days of kindness you have shown me.
i am sorry for this, but for now, i am going to have to leave you again. thank you for the love, and i hope you enjoy the cc while it lasts. until next time,
~ Ky, nonsensical-pixels
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salemsimsrender · 9 months
@rockonjenny submitted:
Hi! I’ve been rendering for a little while on and off, and honestly I do not like any of my renders. My biggest weakness is lighting. Apologies if I missed a post on this, but any tips or tutorials on getting the lighting perfect? My goal is to make my renders look real and “instagram like” renders. Thanks in advance and take care!
Hey! You didn't miss a tutorial, it's on my list but unfortunately I haven't gotten to it yet. Hopefully soon!
Lighting in blender can be tricky and it takes practice to get it exactly where you want it.
Are you running in Eevee or Cycles? That'll make a huge difference in your lighting, but there are a few tips I typically use to get my lighting how I want it.
I've moved away from trying to emulate real life lighting (only having lights come from lamps/light sources) because I find the end result to be really dark/not what I'm going for. It feels weird to just add point lights arbitrarily but sometimes you have to to get the right lighting effect.
I try to use 3 point lighting on portraits for a more dynamic look. Here's a good article on 3 Point Lighting. I also touch on it in this tutorial.
You can also use HDRIs for your render background. I don't have a go-to source for these, but you can find a number of free ones online by searching HDRI in google. Here's a good tutorial on how to use HDRIs.
I do plan to do tuts of these specifically for sims renders but with the holidays I don't have time to atm. I hope in the interim that these resources help!
But the best advice I can give on doing render lighting is to play with it until you get it right. I'll typically SAVE my progress first haha and then add in my lights in render preview mode and move them around in real time to achieve the look I'm going for. Make sure you turn denoise on otherwise it'll be really hard to tell what blender is showing you as the final result.
Please let me know if any of this is confusing or if you need clarification/have further questions!
Happy Rendering! ♥️
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forgottenchapterszine · 11 months
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Happy Halloween! We've been busy with life on our end but we are still working on the zine! As promised, here is the final decision on the delay for pre-orders and an explanation as to why below the cut.
After careful consideration, Forgotten Chapters will hold it's preorders on January 13th of next year. While the team is dismayed at having to postpone sales for so long there is a reasoning. As it is the end of the year with holidays coming up, we think it's best to not have our sales at this time due to a number of factors. Mainly, this time is very busy for manus that create and make the physical portions of the zines and merch. This creates backlogs that could end up delaying the zine even longer. By holding off till next year we lessen the risk of the zine falling into a manu backlog.
This doesn't mean we will be vanishing however! All through the rest of the year and leading up to sales we will be posting previews of all the amazing work that our contributors have put together! We are so excited for everyone to start seeing the project and while having to wait longer to see it all put together is disappointing, we know it is worth the wait.
Thank you all that have followed this project with us 💙
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encantobigbang · 2 years
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-------⭐ NEW DEADLINES ⭐-------
Hi there! As you may have seen, the Encanto Big Bang was put on pause for the holidays due to many requests for extensions and very busy mods. Here are the updated deadlines and instructions for submission!
🌠Artists, your new deadline is now JANUARY 14! By that date, we require you to have sent your art to your writer. You’ll also need to send them to Tata,  your artist mod! If you don’t think you can make that date, or complete your art at all, please contact one of us as soon as possible.
🌠The upload day for the Encanto Big Bang is now JANUARY 31. On January 31st, from midnight onwards, we’ll ask you to upload your finished works! Check the instructions for details on what exactly to do.
On January 31st, everyone takes their fics and art and finally uploads them! Remember, please don’t post the completed work until then - WIPs and previews are okay. Here’s what you need to do on that day:
🌟These instructions apply to both artists and writers, so you’ll be making one post each. Artists, you’ll upload your art; writers, you’ll upload your story. This is to make sure both of your accounts get exposure on the EBB blog!
🌟If you have a tumblr account, post the completed works to whichever blog you usually share your work on. Use the tag #EncantoBigBang and tag our blog using @encantobigbang, so we can share your work!
🌟If you don’t have a tumblr account, contact a mod with your finished work. Writers, please send either a link to the fic on AO3, or a .docx or Google Doc file. (Otherwise, we can’t copy your formatting.)
🌟If you’re submitting your fic to AO3, you can submit to the EBB 2022 Collection, which is here! https://archiveofourown.org/collections/encantobigbang2022 This is optional, but hey, it’s there!
🌟As long as you’ve done the above, you can share your work wherever you like - it’s yours! Writers, you can also feel free to include your artist’s pieces with the text when you upload your fic, but don’t forget to credit them.
🌟Remember, please don’t do this before January 31! That’s the day we explode the internet with new Encanto content! (Specifically, wait until midnight on January 31st - any time zone will do.)
-------⭐A NOTE FROM TATA ⭐-------
We’re almost there! It’s been a really long and, for some of you, very stressful and busy time, and yet everyone has been so so nice and so so amazing, and the stuff we’ve seen so far is incredible. The world is going to get so many wonderful things on January 31st, and I hope you’re looking forward to it, because you are all amazing and I can’t believe we’re all doing this!
I hope the holiday break takes some pressure off and that everybody gets a well-deserved rest. Thank you for your patience and your hard work with our deadlines and requirements - I know some bits have been a bit messy and some stuff has changed on the fly. You’re all stars. (All of you, all of you, etc.)
Happy holidays, and see you soon! ♥
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liaromancewriter · 7 months
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Post Series: Married Life
🌼 (Fluff) | 🌵 (Angst) | 💋 (NSFW) | 🎭 (Angsty Fluff) | 🔖 (Series) | 🎨 (Text & Pic Fic) | 🎪 (Prose + Text & Pic Fic) | Ⓜ (Mature)
I do… 🎨 An impromptu engagement followed by a whirlwind wedding, Cassie and Ethan finally tie the knot…as told through Pictagram.
A Year of Kisses 🔖 It’s twelve months of memories as they celebrate one year of wedded bliss. 
Happy Birthday, Dr. Ramsey 🎨 Cassie posts Ethan’s birthday wishes on Picta. 
This Love Is  🌼 Cassie feels morose, and Ethan tries to cheer her up.
Different Strokes 🌼 Ethan and Cassie end up going on a double date with Max and Sienna, leading to a surprising revelation.
Something To Talk About 🌼 Cassie is all about keeping up with Edenbrook’s rumor mill, much to Ethan’s dismay.
Convincing the Chief 🌼   When Edenbrook’s PR team needs to engage the Chief, they go to the Ramsey Whisperer for advice.
Carry You Home 🌼 When Cassie needs a savior, her husband Ethan Ramsey is there for the rescue.
Courting the Chief 🌼 When Chief Ramsey goes on social media, Edenbrook’s PR team couldn’t have predicted what happens next. 
Heartbeat Song 💋 Cassie convinces Ethan to join her for a relaxing bubble bath, but it soon turns into something more. 
A True Prince 🌼 Ethan brings Cassie coffee, aka the fairy tale comes true. Follow up to A True Fairytale.
Halloween Kisses 🌼 Cassie has a holiday-themed proposition for Ethan, only it’s the wrong holiday.
TBT Challenge 🎨 Cassie and her friends take on Throwback Thursday in a Pictagram challenge and the results are surprising, to say the least. 
Always My Number One 🎪 Ethan Ramsey is known for many things but being named America’s Top Hot Doctor was not an honor he was expecting. 
The Best Present 🌼 It’s his first Christmas as a married man, and Ethan reflects on how he got here. 
Bygones 💋 When Cassie runs into Ethan’s ex from medical school, it’s a chance to close the door on the past. 
Sweet Celebrations 🎨 Cassie goes all in when it comes to recognizing small moments. 
La Vie Avec Toi 🌼 When it comes to love, these couples know it’s about every moment of every day. 
What Happens in Vegas 🎨 Cassie and her friends head to Vegas for a conference, but it’s really about what happens when the lights go down. 
Reunions 🎨 Cassie visits Max and Sienna for some much-needed ‘Bestie Time’.
Three’s a Crowd 🎨 Max, Sienna and Cassie end up in the tabloids after a night out on the town.
Breaking News 🌼 Cassie interviews Ethan about a special project. 
Nostalgia 🎨 Cassie is feeling nostalgic and shares childhood memories on Pictagram.
Perfect Distraction 🌼 Ethan finds his patience wearing thin until a beautiful stranger distracts him from his thoughts.
Total Surrender 💋 After following Cassie’s command to the letter, Ethan is determined to collect his reward.
Private Matters 🎨 Cassie has a question only Ethan can answer.
Baby Wishes 🎨 Cassie and Kyra celebrate Max and Sienna’s new chapter during their first visit to Boston after announcing that they were expecting their first child. 
Camera Ready 🎨 Cassie teases Ethan with previews from her photoshoot. 
Sibling Rivalry 🌼 Cassie and Max play Monopoly and things get intense very quickly, much to the dismay of their loved ones.
Night at the Ballet 🎪 It’s World Ballet Day, and Ethan organizes a special surprise for Cassie.
The Next Chapter 🎭 Ethan looks back at the man he was through the lens of his apartment.
Giving Thanks 🎨 Two Picta moments from this year’s Thanksgiving.
Twin Perspectives 🌼 The Valentine Twins know when and how to come through for each other.
Twinsies 🎨 Cassie and Max celebrate National Twin Day.
Galentine’s Day 🎨 Cassie enjoys a girls’ night for Galentine’s.
Anti Valentine 🎨 Cassie and Max commiserate each other on their most hated day.
Green-Eyed Girl 🎨 Random convo between Cassie and Max about family traits.
Stand By Me 🎪 Cassie experiences the downside of having Ethan Ramsey as a mentor.
Just a Crush 🎪 When Ethan gets a chance to meet his celebrity crush, Cassie’s green-eyed monster comes out to play. 
Hot Tea 🎨 Cassie makes the tabloids and finds new champions.
Lavender Getaway 🎨 Cassie and Ethan spend a weekend relaxing after a busy time at work.
Still Into You 💋 Cassie and Ethan celebrate their wedding anniversary and reflect on their relationship.
Perfect Day 🌼 When the leaves turn, it’s time for childhood fun.
Red Haired Girl 🎨 Cassie wonders how she’d look as a red head.
Twin Shenanigans: Elf Edition 🎨 Christmas horrors come a little early for Cassie, courtesy of Max.
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aliksims · 2 years
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(Updated to AKSOR4 on 11/22/2023)
A very happy December 24th to all! I have finally gotten around to recoloring the Christmas Tree from the Happy Holidays SP! The tree and the presents come in all 110 colors of the AKS Object Rainbow 4 (1). A few colors/actions are borrowed from others; each individually packaged recolor file is labeled with the original creator, palette, and name, but it’s all abbreviated so check the included documentation to fill in the missing letters.
If you would like all 110 recolors individually packaged, you can download them here: http://simfil.es/3441804/
If you would like all 110 recolors in 1 package, you can download them here: http://simfil.es/3441805/
The preview picture, swatches, and color info are included with both downloads. I own nothing so you can’t sell it. :)
(1): https://aliksims.tumblr.com/post/713353318051856384/
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kaiowut99 · 2 years
An EVOLVING Duel! Stardust VS Red Daemon's | Yu-Gi-Oh! 5D's OVA Uncut "Dub" (WIP #1)
Whoops, meant to post this here a few days back 😅
Happy new year! Since it was just the Christmas/general holiday season here in the US, I figured I'd finally get around to throwing up a little preview of this thing I've slowly been working on. This is a very rough WIP, since I'm still working on compiling dialogue (which I've been doing through quite a lot of use of the UltimateVocalRemover AI tool to rip and isolate vocals from the dubbed episodes, and which I used for a near-perfect rip of the OVA's music and SFX which prompted this idea in the first place--started this while I was bored waiting for my last hard drive to eventually fail any file recovery efforts back in October, and had finally gotten UVR working on my newly-reinstalled-with-Windows laptop, so I thought "...what if I did a thing")--ergo, I haven't done any volume-mixing or SFX touch-ups yet. This has also involved a lot of browsing through the dubbed episodes on Crunchyroll, then grabbing the audio in HQ to then run through UVR, lol.
As of now, I've done up to this part here after Shield Wing's destroyed, using lines from the MC throughout the series for the beginning, and then assembling/stitching together what works for some move explanations or comments from Rua/Ruka/Aki in the stands, trying to stick to the original script as able (for example, Rua's line about Shield Wing's effect had to be stitched together, since annoyingly the only time someone non-Yusei describes it, it's Crow during the WRGP arc), though I'm still trying to find a line that works for Aki's "You're being pretty loud yourself, Ruka" line earlier (as she's complaining about Rua cheering loudly; I made Ruka say "It's not that big of a deal" so I need a similar response lol).
And for Rua and Ruka, I'm focusing exclusively on Eileen Stevens's performances for both as of episode 65 going into the WRGP arc and her Duel Links lines for them, as 1) there's more to work with there, but also 2) it's a smoother performance imo.
And some lines here could be subject to change if I find another one with a more fitting inflection or something. Also eventually want to do some on-screen text translations for things like the landmark pop-ups early on if I can--maybe even use English card proxies if able as I've seen some do, but we'll see, lol.
Anyway yeah, hope this sounds interesting! I'm slowly working on this as I prioritize finalizing my GX subs so this'll mostly be on the backburner, but wanted to throw this up as a rough preview of what it's looking like!
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cafecitowriter · 2 years
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I posted 2,022 times in 2022
39 posts created (2%)
1,983 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 1,015 of my posts in 2022
Only 50% of my posts had no tags
#steggy - 320 posts
#peggy carter - 79 posts
#adorable - 56 posts
#steve rogers - 54 posts
#i love this - 49 posts
#star wars - 39 posts
#lmao - 36 posts
#i love them - 34 posts
#eternals - 31 posts
#eternals spoilers - 30 posts
Longest Tag: 137 characters
#i literally had to block someone who drew aos fanart because they made may daisy and elena look as white as jemma in everything they made
My Top Posts in 2022:
mi pedazo de sol
Summary: Sarah Carter-Rogers tries to keep her chin up as she returns back home to celebrate her parents' 25th wedding anniversary in the wake of her own personal turmoil.
A/N: Written for Steggy Week 2022 Day 5: Domestic Bliss, featuring family in all its forms, with a focus on one of Steve and Peggy's kids in particular.
While this work is part of the Stars' Verse, this can be read as a standalone story. All you need to know it's an alternate branch universe post-Endgame where Steve and Peggy had three children: Sarah, Isabel, and Nathaniel, who all inherited some of Steve's enhancements to varying extents.
Title taken from Tacones Rojos by Sebastián Yatra. It means "my piece of sun".
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve walked into the bedroom after having brushed his teeth and washed his face, smiling at the sight on the bed. Peggy was dressed in one of his pyjama shirts (the worn out blue checkered one) and held a book in her hand that she was ignoring in favour of pursing her lips at an undetermined point just above their shared dresser.
“So… not a fan of Carrie?” Steve joked lightly as he approached the bed. He knew Peggy well enough to know that startling her - no matter how unwittingly - could be dangerous.
“Mm?” Peggy hummed, looking up at him before her eyes flicked to the book in her hand. “Oh, actually I’m afraid I haven’t started reading it yet.”
“That bad, huh?”
Peggy lightly smacked his chest as he settled into bed beside her, but shuffled over regardless, discarding the book carelessly on her nightstand in favour of curling up against him.
“I was just thinking about this weekend, our anniversary dinner.”
“Should I be worried that after 25 years you’re thinking this hard about our anniversary?”
“Only if you keep trying to be funny,” she quipped.
26 notes - Posted July 28, 2022
Just One Thing (Chapter 8/8)
Chapter Title: All I want for Christmas
Chapter Summary: Peggy gets her wish (again). This time, she knows exactly what she needs to do.
Fic Summary: 16 year old Peggy Carter hates change. Change has only ever caused her trouble and made life harder. Which is why when one day, her best friend Steve confesses something that has the potential to change their dynamic forever, she makes a wish that she hopes will help her solve everything.
Because adults have everything figured out... Right?
A holiday version of 13 Going on 30 (more like 16 going on 36) Steggy Secret Santa ( @steggyfanevents​ ) present for @thesokovianaccords​. Inspired by the movie and this iconic AU gifset by @beautifulwhensarcastic
A/N: This ridiculously long final chapter/epilogue is brought to you by me not having any self-restraint whatsoever in terms of picking which scenes to keep and which to leave out, so consider this a director's cut-esque chapter. This was written with a lot of love for a super awesome person. Many thanks to Darcy for catching my mistakes and consistency errors.
Finally, Livia, happy belated holidays, and I really hope you've enjoyed this story as much as I've enjoyed writing it.
Read Chapter 8 here
Read from the beginning on AO3
Chapter Preview:
December 2001
“And well… you’re my true north, Peggy.”
Peggy’s hands froze. Her hands, that were slimmer and smaller and that had glitter nail polish on her fingernails, not bright red. She slowly looked up from the compass. It was nighttime, but she was no longer on aunt Lizzy’s couch. She was outside, close to the football field of Midwood high school.
And Steve was here, right in front of her. But he wasn’t 6 feet tall with broad shoulders and he certainly didn’t have a beard. He was 16 again, wearing his blue suit and nervous smile. Looking just like he did when he…
“Steve what… what are you saying?” she whispered.
He took a deep breath, and brought his hands out of his pockets just for him to stuff them back in again.
“I love you, Peggy.” Steve confessed, his voice shaking slightly.
“What?” she breathed out.
“I love you,” he repeated. “I’m pretty sure I’ve loved you since you punched Hodge on the first day of the first grade for picking on me.”
His words made Peggy want to cry tears of joy. She was back. It really worked and she was 16 again. This was her second chance. Slowly, her mouth grew into a large grin.
“Steve!” she squealed, tackling him into a huge hug.
Unfortunately for both of them, Peggy momentarily forgot that Steve no longer had the strength of giant muscles to support them both, especially since she caught him by surprise. The force of her hug had knocked Steve backwards, taking her along with him. They landed with a collective grunt, Peggy trying to readjust herself so she was hovering over Steve instead of crushing him beneath her.
“Ow,” he groaned, furrowing his eyebrows in pain.
“Sorry,” she said, looking down at him with a large smile.
“So is this your way of telling me I ruined everything or…?”
33 notes - Posted February 18, 2022
in silent screams and wildest dreams
Summary: Steve Rogers has been plagued by nightmares of death his entire life; his father’s and his mother’s, most of the time his own. Visions of blood and war and illness are the most prominent things in his life when he closes his eyes. At night he regularly dances with the Grim Reaper when she appears, flirting with countless outcomes of how his own demise will occur night after night.
Until he joins the army and meets Agent Carter.
Written for Steggy Week Day 2: Favourite Era, inspired by this ask from @thesokovianaccords and my love of war-time era Steggy.
Shout out to @steggyfanevents for hosting this event!
Read on AO3
Steve has been plagued by nightmares his entire life.
The night terrors began during his toddler years, and never left him as he got older. At first, the only part of his dreams that followed him into consciousness was a strong burning sensation in his eyes and on his skin, as though his entire body was on fire. Steve would wake up night after night shaking and gasping for air, never knowing the reason why. As he grew up, he was finally able to remember the images that haunted him ceaselessly.
It was visions of his father, who had died of mustard gas before Steve was even born. In these dreams Steve never heard a sound but he could smell the gas, see his father’s face as he inhaled the poisonous fumes.
Steve never told his ma the details of what he saw. She had enough to worry about without being concerned that Steve was having visions of his father’s death every night. He got better at hiding the fact that he was still having these nightmares - just enough that his ma thought that he finally grew out of them.
He kept a book under his pillow filled with sketches that he drew every morning when he woke up, trying to make sense of it all. Maybe if he understood them, they would stop.
But they never did.
36 notes - Posted July 25, 2022
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1.1 - Fluff
Comforts of Home by @teaandatale
Quiet moments caring for each other at home are one of the luxuries that Steve and Peggy treasure as they move into a life together.
This is one of the softest fics I’ve read and I adore it
1.2 - Reread an Old Favourite
S’Wonderful, S’Marvelous by @teaandatale​
Peggy’s been dreading her company’s weeklong business retreat at an upstate ski lodge until she makes an unexpected acquaintance.
I don’t know what to say other than despite the fact that I don’t tend to read winter/Christmas fics outside of November-February, I reread this one at least three times a year and it never fails to bring me comfort even if it is the dead of summer
1.3 - Captain America Adventure Hour
That Swell Liberty Gal Carrying A Torch For You by Redrikki
Angie was sure that skinny Steve had been a real swell guy, but there was no way he'd been good enough for her Peggy.
A series of conversations makes her change her mind.
I am a huge fan of any fics where Angie realizes who Peggy’s lost soldier is, and this one is no exception
1.4 - Trauma
I knew nothing but shadows by @beautifulwhensarcastic
Children of Thanos aren't meant to care for the life they had before Father took them in. Neither Nomad nor Margaret remember much of Terra for it to matter anyway, or to feel any kind of connection between them. Truthfully, they'd sooner cut the other's throat than bond.
Nothing says trauma like being a child of Thanos. Justine layers the trauma - and subsequent healing - in a beautiful way. Featuring enemies to lovers
1.5 - Cohabitation
Someone to watch over me by rachellovesligers
Steve tries to distract himself while Peggy's on a mission, but he's there to take care of her when she returns.
Technically Steve and Peggy aren’t living together, but they’re at each other’s apartments enough that they may as well be
2.1 - Double Steve or Peggy
like the way you burn by @formerlyir / irony_rocks
Soulmate mark AU. Peggy thinks about the mark, the compass. She thinks about the providence behind its appearance alongside Project Rebirth. It's only the beginning to a series of events destined to change her life and the fate of the future.
See the full post
47 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
The Right Partner - Steggy Netflix Series
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See the full post
221 notes - Posted July 24, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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dewdropreader · 2 years
3, 5, & 8 for the new years writing ask!! Happy new year :)
3. Do you anticipate writing for a new fandom this year? Which one?
I have no idea! It’s definitely possible but I have no plans for any other fandoms at the moment! I’ve definitely had ideas for other marvel fandoms (especially crossovers with Loki characters but also others being involved) but other than a vague idea I jotted down for Sylvie and Peggy Carter meeting I don’t have any planned fics for other fandoms!
If I had to predict, the only one I could imagine is if my rewatches of Steven Universe allow that show to dig it’s claws back into me lol. I wrote a few snippets for things when I was like 17-18, after I’d stopped writing/posting fics officially but had short little scene ideas I wanted to write down. I adore that show still but I’m not at peak obsession/interest like I am with the Loki fandom! But we’ll see! It’s always possible that something like that (or maybe even season 2 of Our Flag Means Death?!) could inspire me enough to write something else!
5. Which WIP is first on your list to complete this year? Will you post a snippet?
I have a few that are first up! The main one is my 5+1 Christmas/New Year fic, I need to finish that soon so it’s not *too* far beyond the holidays lol. I’m a bit over half done and it’s short little sections so hopefully soon! Here’s a little preview!
Sylvie shrugs and starts tearing into the present, the goofy mustache themed wrapping paper being shredded effortlessly. She pulls out a long piece of fabric, bright green and covered in a slightly gaudy combination of gingerbread cookies, candy canes, Santas, snowflakes and reindeer. Holding it up in front of her and shaking it out reveals a long fleece onesie.
Loki gives an exaggerated frown that doesn’t stick as he lets out a laugh. “Shall I guess what mine is?” Loki gestures to his identical package.
“I have one too,” Mobius grins, cheeky and way too proud of himself. He clearly knows that his two much more stylish partners aren’t taken by the loud patterned pajamas, but when he’d seen them at the store he couldn’t resist.
“We’re meant to wear them and, ah, ‘twin’, are we?” Sylvie smirks slightly, her eyebrow raised.
“Triplet, yes. And I have more for the other Lokis when they come over tomorrow. Croki included.”
8. Is there a story idea in your mental vault that you’ve never been brave enough to try writing? Is this the year? Can you tell us about it?
It’s not fully in the vault, as I do have a bunch of notes and planning and even a few snippets for it, but it has been dragged along for a while and beyond what I have on the page there has been an insane amount of just sitting and thinking about it trying to sort it out in my brain and make it click! And that would be my Boastful Loki fic! In the vein of having written origins and/or rescues for the other void Lokis, I’ve wanted to tackle Boastful’s story for so long. I have a whole document of outlines and notes from conversations with people like @insert-witty-user-name-here where we discussed ideas and thoughts, all trying to build to the full fic, but it just hasn’t come together yet. Because we know so little about him (barely a personality beyond a few traits and no backstory) there are so many directions it could go, and I already have the main event that causes his deviation (briefly hinted at in “In the Middle of the Night”) but deciding exactly how I want the story to unfold to make it as impactful and fitting as I want, it’s just not there yet 😅 I hope this is the year it finally gets done!! I’m not sure if it’d be better or worse to finish it before Season 2, it’d be nice to solidify it with my own ideas but there’s a possibility he could show up again and we’d get some canon stories for him 🤔 Ideally I’d like to finish before summer/season 2 but we’ll see lol. Even if not the origin, I do have some plans for Boastful to show up and get some more time to shine in the found family series!!
Thank you for the ask!! ☺️
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batmads-ao3 · 2 years
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Across The Universe
Detroit: Yuri’s done the math. He done the research and the consideration and the planning. This will be his last year of competitive figure skating, and this time next year, he’ll be moving on to grad school. No matter what, though, Yuri hopes to hold onto Victor in any way that he can. Even if he has to compromise and change his own dreams to do it.
St. Petersburg: Victor is tired of compromising. Tired of having dreams deferred, of stealing moments in the off season and after competitions to spend time with Yuri. The way he sees it, there are only two options: keep Yuri in competitive skating, or find a way to stay by Yuri’s side after this year is through. Because if there’s anything that Victor knows for certain, it’s that he’s never letting anything come between him and his soulmate ever again.
But how far are Yuri and Victor willing to go to protect the other’s dreams? And with a whole universe separating them, will a soulmate bond really be enough to hold them together when it matters most?
**Part Three of the Defy the Stars Trilogy**
Soulmates!AU • College! AU(kinda) • Happy Ending
Read Chapter Twenty-Five here!
In which Yuri makes a friend while drifting aimlessly through Nationals.
Posting every Friday (ish), chapter preview below the cut
Celestino was back in Detroit. With nowhere to stay in the interim between the final and the Japanese National Championships, he’d elected to return to Michigan, spend the holiday with his family, and help give Phichit a little extra one-on-one time ahead of the Olympics in February. Which meant that Yuri was alone in Hasetsu to fend for himself, training wise. He knew what he needed to do to prep. He had already made arrangements at the Ice Castle to get ice time to train, outside of the odd hours he was inclined to show up. 
Admittedly, though, he wasn’t overly inclined to go skating at all these days. He’d had slumps, sure. He’d had moments of doubt and indecision when it felt easier to give up than it did to keep going, but in the end, a thirst to prove himself had always prevailed. As a kid, he’d admired Victor enough that he wanted to skate on the same ice as his idol, and then, once he met Victor himself, and Victor had shown an unwavering faith in his abilities, his motivation had changed to showing Victor he was worthy of that faith. And, he’d wanted to show himself that he was worthy of his soulmate, that he could stand on equal footing with Victor. 
But now he had skated with Victor both in competition and in practice, so he couldn’t fall back on his childhood motivation. And after fighting with Victor and losing Victor’s faith in him, he couldn’t continue towards his aspirations of proving himself to his soulmate, or worthy of his soulmate’s love for himself. He had nothing left to skate for, and with his season already on the downswing, he wasn’t sure it was worth it to keep trying. 
Hobble through nationals, sure. Limp through Four Continents if he was unlucky enough to be sent to represent Japan. Resign himself to the Olympics if he was assigned to the team again, fine. But World’s? He didn’t want to go unless he had to. He just wanted to do away with all of it. Tuck Victor and this love affair into his past like his favorite old skating costumes were tucked away in a box in the attic. There for him to examine on nostalgic days, but never to be picked up and worn again. 
In the end, he only went to the rink to practice because Minako burst into his room four days after he got home from the final and demanded to know why he wasn’t preparing for Nationals. So Yuri went, albeit extremely reluctantly. Practiced diligently without any heart. Yuuko kept giving him sad looks. Minako said outright that his programs had lost some spark, and poked and prodded to see what had happened to him at the finals, but Yuri always waved her off. 
Celestino was back in Detroit. With nowhere to stay in the interim between the final and the Japanese National Championships, he’d elected to return to Michigan, spend the holiday with his family, and help give Phichit a little extra one-on-one time ahead of the Olympics in February. Which meant that Yuri was alone in Hasetsu to fend for himself, training wise. He knew what he needed to do to prep. He had already made arrangements at the Ice Castle to get ice time to train, outside of the odd hours he was inclined to show up. 
Admittedly, though, he wasn’t overly inclined to go skating at all these days. He’d had slumps, sure. He’d had moments of doubt and indecision when it felt easier to give up than it did to keep going, but in the end, a thirst to prove himself had always prevailed. As a kid, he’d admired Victor enough that he wanted to skate on the same ice as his idol, and then, once he met Victor himself, and Victor had shown an unwavering faith in his abilities, his motivation had changed to showing Victor he was worthy of that faith. And, he’d wanted to show himself that he was worthy of his soulmate, that he could stand on equal footing with Victor. 
But now he had skated with Victor both in competition and in practice, so he couldn’t fall back on his childhood motivation. And after fighting with Victor and losing Victor’s faith in him, he couldn’t continue towards his aspirations of proving himself to his soulmate, or worthy of his soulmate’s love for himself. He had nothing left to skate for, and with his season already on the downswing, he wasn’t sure it was worth it to keep trying. 
Hobble through nationals, sure. Limp through Four Continents if he was unlucky enough to be sent to represent Japan. Resign himself to the Olympics if he was assigned to the team again, fine. But World’s? He didn’t want to go unless he had to. He just wanted to do away with all of it. Tuck Victor and this love affair into his past like his favorite old skating costumes were tucked away in a box in the attic. There for him to examine on nostalgic days, but never to be picked up and worn again. 
In the end, he only went to the rink to practice because Minako burst into his room four days after he got home from the final and demanded to know why he wasn’t preparing for Nationals. So Yuri went, albeit extremely reluctantly. Practiced diligently without any heart. Yuuko kept giving him sad looks. Minako said outright that his programs had lost some spark, and poked and prodded to see what had happened to him at the finals, but Yuri always waved her off. 
He felt lost, like he was drifting out in space like some forgotten satellite untethered from gravity, beyond his use, unable to send information back to Earth, unable to receive future direction. He wasn’t excited for Nationals, but he went. Got through practice on the first day, and then the second, and then survived the positions drawing on the third day. There were a lot of people there who were excited to see him. He smiled and took photos for them only because he knew Minako would yell at him later if he didn’t. But he felt guilty about it, because with all of their excitement and gushing about the Olympics, and where his career could go, and their unwavering faith that it would go on, he didn’t know how to tell them that he felt done. Dried up. Washed out. Ready to let go.
Continue on Ao3
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imagine4000 · 3 years
[Updates will continue in here as well. Enjoy!]
AU: Shell-Shocked (Currently in Progress)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
2023 post
First Meeting
Characters 1
Characters 2
Prop Designs 1
Episode Scenarios
St. Patrick’s Day
M.alevolent O.ppressors of the B.lackguard S.ociety 
Sketch Preview(s) 1
TURTLE RUSH (Completed)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Sketchdump 1
Sketchdump 2
Sketchdump 3
Dinner Glitch (Comic/Fanfiction Writing)
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
ROTTMNT Holiday Art
Valentine’s 1
Valentine’s 2
Valentine’s 3
Valentine’s 4
Tug of War Day
Valentine’s 5
St. Patrick’s Day
Dr. Suess
Mario Day
Orange Galore
Candy Time
Trick or Treat 2020
Trick or Treat 2020
Trick or Treat 2020
Delivery Run 2021
Delivery Run 2021
Delivery Run 2021
Delivery Run 2021
Girl’s Fright Out
Rottmnt x Disney Villains Mashup 1
Rottmnt x Disney Villains Mashup 2
Rottmnt x Disney Villains Mashup 3
Rottmnt x Disney Villains Mashup 4
Happy Holidays 2019
Gift Wrapping
Christmas Tree
Santa Paws
Under the Mistletoe
Art Requests/Art Form Questions
Purple Dragons
Black and White
Disney Fanart 1
Valentine’s Day 2023
Tmnt Question 1
Mini Comics/Fanfiction
Typical Girls’ Day (Comic)
Seasons Green-tings (Fanfic)
New Year’s Update
Fear the Dress (Comic)
When ‘D’ Met ‘D’ (Fanfic)
Empathy (Comic)
Part 1
Part 2
Rottmnt Random Drawings
First Post
Double D Duo
Sketchdump 1
Sketchdump 2
Sketchdump 3
Brains and Brawns
Party x Party
Hairstyle Ideas
Update(s) 2021
The Bad & the Geek 1
OC Character Upgrade
Family 1
Dia de los Muertos
Early Post 1
Early Post 2
Character Drawings
Birthday(s) 1
Birthday(s) 2
Birthday(s) 3
Birthday(s) 4
Dynamic Combo
Haikyuu Fanfic Cover
New Prince of Tennis
Character Designs
Supa Strikas
Random Drawings
First Post
Outfit Sketch 1
Outfit Sketch 2
Outfit Sketch 2 Revise
Outfit Sketch 3
Character Drawings 1
Character Drawings 2
Character Drawings 3
Art Request 1
Art Request 2
Play Through it to Own It Cover
Super League
Supa Strikas
Invincible United 
Nakama (In Progress)
Grimm FC (In Progress)
SS Mini Comic(s)
Valentine’s B-Day
SS Disney Dress-Up 2020
Silly Ol’ Bear
Down in New Orleans
Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo
A Beautiful Spring Day
I’m Wishing
Part of Your World
Colors of the Wind
Everybody Wants to Be a Cat 
SS Holiday Art
Happy Holidays
Holiday Treats
Christmas Cards
Merry Christmas
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meimae · 3 years
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I am back with my December Immersion Overview, the last one for 2021! ٩(๑´v`๑)۶
Remember when I said I wanted to watch a lot of shows last month? ....Yeah, that didn't happen. For whatever reason, I expected the holidays to be less busy, but I was obviously mistaken.
What I did watch, 僕はまだ君を愛���ないことができる, took me over two weeks, not because it was bad - I quite enjoyed seeing these best friends absolutely friendzone each other for 700 minutes, mind you - but I wanted to read, and oh boy did I read (1.47M characters to be precise).
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Ended up getting 100% of Angel Beats 1st Beat's records, which is absolute skip hell pain I tell you, but was worth it to be able to say I conquered such a beast of a game in terms of number of choices. Here's a preview of the guide, which by the way, doesn't even cover all potential ends and episodes.
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Also, read 穢翼のユースティア because I needed to add more variety in what I am reading and not just stick with SoL, so I really appreciated seeing more fantasy words and formal styles of speech. I will be putting reviews up for both . Who knows when that will be but releasing this post is a good start.
Since I did less watching and more baking for the holidays, I listened to so many episodes of ひいきびいき, only possible because I can actually finally follow along with minimal context. It's still difficult, missing specifics here and there especially when they go on a tangent that isn't connected to the episode topic, and usually when I was distracted with measuring flours and sweeteners, but for the most part I am definitely enjoying it more than I did when I first started listening in the very early months of 2021. What a high quality podcast, let me tell you.
That's basically it! It feels like not a lot, but I was definitely squeezing every bit out of 2021, reading for five hours a day for a lot of days towards the end to reach my goal, and I'm quite happy with the results.
For this year 2022, I do have some Japanese learning goals in mind that I won't disclose in behalf of my sanity, but I will say that I will continue immersing the way that I have been and adjusting as I go as always.
Thanks for reading, and updates in the future as always! ʕ•̀ω•́ʔ✧
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akurokuzine · 3 years
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Today’s Final Ficlet Preview is for @tixca-art's Illustration "Rendezvous at Seven Wonders" Check Out the Original Art in their twitter and give them a bunch of love! See the full ficlet in the extended edition pdf on sale now! See Here for more details: https://akurokuzine.tumblr.com/post/671589924639817728/merry-x-mas-and-happy-holidays-we-have-some
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oswanily · 3 years
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I posted 1 330 times in 2021
1211 posts created (91%)
119 posts reblogged (9%)
For every post I created, I reblogged 0.1 posts.
I added 5 205 tags in 2021
#100bc - 1037 posts
#100 baby challenge - 1035 posts
#nily100 - 1035 posts
#nily100 gen2 - 560 posts
#simblr - 296 posts
#the sims 4 - 295 posts
#sims 4 gameplay - 295 posts
#ts4 - 294 posts
#sims 4 - 294 posts
#sims 4 100 baby challenge - 64 posts
Longest Tag: 94 characters
#also cc will be posted tomorrow i'm just back in college and haven't had time to take previews
My Top Posts in 2021
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Canning Station Recolor
@merrymomo asked for a recolor of icemunmun’s Canning Station version 3.0, and here it is! If there is anything you want recolored, feel free to ask!
Info and download under the cut!
Recolor: needs the mesh by icemunmun! link above!
the canning station mod requires Outdoor Retreat, so this probably does too (idk if the object in itself needs the pack, or if it just need it to be functional)
65 swatches: 45 from my Removable palette, and 20 swatches with a wood texture (i know it’s too much, i just can’t help it...)
If you don’t want the mod but still want the object, you can just keep the .package with the canning station, and then it will be decorative only! That’s what i’ll do at least 🙂
Sorry for the terrible looking preview, i was too lazy to make a room and everything...
Tag me if you use it in your gameplay, I want to see !
Contact me if there is any issues, I’ll fix them as fast as I can.
By downloading any of my CC, you agree to my TOU.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @eileenccfolder @maxismatchbuildcc @sssvitlanz
270 notes • Posted 2021-04-29 02:17:44 GMT
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These Scribbles Chalkboard
yeah, i changed my preview style, again. I don’t know how long this one will stay either.
Anyways, here is a decorative chalkboard I made from the Sims Sessions sign a long time ago! Isn’t it super cute? I think it is.
Info and download under the cut:
Base game compatible
10 swatches: 5 designs in 2 wood tones
Sculptures and Kids decor categories
For some reason it doesn’t have a footprint so I’d advise you put something like a backpack underneath it, just so your sims don’t walk through it...
Price: 200§
Tag me if you use it in your screenies so I can see! And feel free to contact me if there is any issues, so I can fix them. Also, if you like my content, consider buying me a coffee or asking for a commission ! It would help me a lot 💖
By downloading any of my CC, you agree to my TOU.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
The drawings come from the Internet, credit to whoever made them. Also, credit to the people who created the CC I used in my screenshots. 
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds @mmoutfitters @maxismatchbuildcc @eileenccfolder
271 notes • Posted 2021-10-01 15:13:42 GMT
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Summer Fun tattoos
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! I really wanted my first post of the year to be a CC post. Also, since I learned to make recolors, I’ve always wanted to make some tattoos - I tried it four or five times in the last year - and I never was satisfied enough with the result to post them, until I finally figured it out last November ! So to celebrate this blog’s birthday (I mean my first CC post, in December 2019) I give you these ! A small set of arm tattoos that are summer and holiday themed - well, most of them are at least.
Info and download under the cut!
9 Swatches shown above - screenshots from S4S
The weird white/yellow shading around the tattoos come from the S4S lighting, they’re not like that in game!!
All tattoos are located on the same spot (left arm) and are in the corresponding  tattoo category
Not 100 opaque because I find it more realistic that way
Three of the swatches have English, but you wan barely see it (first, fifth and ninth swatch)
Made on female frame body template, but enabled for men cause why not!
Tag me if you use them in your let’s play, I want to see !
Contact me if there is any issues, I’ll fix them as fast as I can.
By downloading any of my CC, you agree to my TOU.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
The designs I used for the tattoos are not mine, credit goes to the tattoo artist who made them - his name is Jean André, if you want to check out his work. Also, credit to the people who created the CC I used in my screenshots.
@maxismatchccworld @mmfinds
🎵 Happy late birthday to you, my CC creator career... 🎵
355 notes • Posted 2021-01-05 21:46:00 GMT
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Upper Hand Tattoos
Another one! Wait that’s DJ Khaled’s thing... Aaaaanyways...... The name is self explanatory. These are tattoos of hands. Located in the upper back. Hence upper hand. I think I need to stop writing now cause I don’t know what I’m saying.
Info, swatches and download under the cut:
All tattoos are located on the same spot (upper back) and are in the corresponding tattoo category
Custom thumbnails
Made on female frame, but enabled for both!
Not 100% opaque because I find it better looking that way
12 swatches shown below (click picture for better quality):
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Tag me if you use them so I can reblog you!
Contact me if there is any issues, I’ll fix them as fast as I can.
By downloading any of my CC, you agree to my TOU.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
The designs I used for the tattoos are not mine, credit goes to the tattoo artist who made them - his name is Jean André, if you want to check out his work, he’s really good! Also, credit to the people who created the CC I used in my screenshots.
@maxismatchccworld​ @mmfinds​ @s4library​ @eileenccfolder​ @sssvitlanz​ @wcifsareclosed​
357 notes • Posted 2021-03-10 02:27:47 GMT
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Show Your Pride Rugs!
More rainbows! This time it’s a rug, because I love rugs. I would legit put a rainbow rug in my house, if I had a house. But I don’t, so my sims will instead.
Info and download under the cut:
4x3 size rug
21 swatches ↓
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Tag me if you use it in your screenies so I can see! And feel free to contact me if there is any issues, so I can fix them. Also, if you like my content, consider buying me a coffee! It would help me a lot 💖
By downloading any of my CC, you agree to my TOU.
Download: SimFileShare | Dropbox
The patterns come from the Internet, credit to whoever made them. Also, credit to the people who created the CC I used in my screenshots.
@maxismatchccworld​ @eileenccfolder​ @maxismatchbuildcc​ @mmfinds​
596 notes • Posted 2021-06-18 08:01:01 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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