#the pumpkin head wasnt enough
watch-out-it-bites · 8 months
Oh no. I want to DO THINGS. I have. GOALS. Horrible timing. I have. Aspirations. And they will be short-lived. Hopefully.
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What's Your Quirk?
MHA OC writing
Posted it on ao3 if you wanna read there instead :>
"What are you doing here?"
Michiko's head lifted from her book to be met with a blonde who was a little too close for comfort. She flinched back from his face. Did he not know personal space?
"I'm just esting lunch and-"
"Yeah well I called dibs on this spot this morning."
Dibs? Seriously? Is that how others her age worked?
"Sorry, I'll just-"
"Whats your name?"
She paused from putting her book back in her bag. It returned to her lap as she sat up again, a cautious twinge to her tone.
"Chisaki Michiko."
"Monoma Neito. You in the hero course?"
"Yeah, 1-A. You're-"
"1-B, yeah I know. Want an autograph?"
What the fuck was this kid on? She tilted her head to the side as she studdied him. He was fairly rude with cutting off her sentences and he seemed to have an ego. Was he compensating for something? Her online friends would probably come to that conclusion.
"Why are you up here by yourself?"
She watched as the blonde leaned on the ledge of the roof. The book was set down on the other side as she relaxed. He was waiting for a response, maybe deciding to tone down on the rude behaviors.
"I just wanted to eat lunch by myself."
He cracked a grin. "Isn't that kind of sad?"
"Well, I didnt see anyone come up here with you."
His smile fell to a pout. He turned to look down at the other students. They looked small like ants as they ran around outside. She turned her head to gaze down at them as well. It felt nice up there, the remaining summer sun warming her skin. She could sit up there observing them for hours if she was allowed to.
"Whats your quirk?" There was a hint of genuine interest in the question. He still didn’t turn his head to her.
Neito turned to face her again, a slight pout on his face. He had expected her to keep going. "Thats all I get? Just the name of it?"
Michiko faced him again. He wasnt going to leave her alone, was he? She sighed before turning back to the view. "I can grow pumpkins and manipulate them like puppets."
His eyes widened as the grin returned. That one could be useful, if he could get her to show him how it worked, ganted she was in a different class. But who knows, their classes could potentionally train together to gain a variety of experience. He straightened up and pushed himself from the ledge to stand in the middle of the roof.
"Show me."
"We're on the roof, who's going to see us using quirks from down there. Unless yours is big and flashy enough to draw attention."
Her eyes darted between his before she sighed, spinning around to stand on the roof. She dug into her bag to grab her stash of seeds and popped one in her mouth. She spit it out and watched as it popped out vines and soon a full pumpkin. It looked mostly hallowed out with a face carved into its flesh. It grinned at the two as she motioned for it to come towards her. Its used its vines like an octopus would crawling on the ocean floor. Neito stared in amazement before he placed a firm hand on her shoulder, his other one extended.
"Give me a pumpkin seed."
Michiko blinked. "What?"
"I'll show you my quirk if you give me one."
She reached back into the baggie and placed a seed into his hand. He took a step back and popped it in his mouth. He paused, both waiting for something to happen. He wasnt prepared when vines poured out of his mouth. His jaw felt strained as a rapidly growing pumpkin almost failed to escape. Michiko's eyes went wide as she watched it happen. Her hands wrapped around the biggest of the vines as her foot rested against his abdomen. The roots were ripped from him before they could do more damage than a sore jaw. She looked horrified as the second jack-o-lantern stared up at her as she laid on the concrete.
"That- that was-" Neito took in deep breaths between coughs. It took him a minute before he was able to form a proper sentence. "How come yours happened different?"
She watched it crawl off her and towards Neito, the blonde gesturing for it to go towards him. Her nerves settled as she realized he could still even breathe after that. She almost wasnt that lucky when she first experienced it.
"I just need my spit, not the whole mouth." She fixed her skirt and settled into a better sitting position. Her eyes were glued to the orange grin that stared back at her. "How did you-"
"I can copy peoples quirks."
Her eyes met his again as he rested his arms and head on the gourd. He was rubbing his jaw as he felt the soreness pick back up. He could get used to that quirk, having minions he could control at his own will would be fun. She, on the other hand, was still in shock. He had just used her quirk without any warning.
"If I knew you were going to use my quirk I could have told you how to properly use it."
"But wheres the fun in that? The theatrics? The drama!"
"Your jaw wouldnt be sore at least."
That was true, but he could live with it, it wasnt as if it was the end of the world.
"Thats a cool quirk though."
His eyes lit up. He was so used to going unnoticeable due to the nature of his quirk. It wasnt flashy or big and he was more relieved than ever to have been even accepted into UA. Despite his massive false ego.
"Yours is kind of fun too. Can you teach me how to use it?"
Michiko felt herself perk up at the request. She nodded her head with a slight smile. This was the second time she had been adopted by an extrovert, although this one seemed to be more of a pest than Eijiro.
"How about tonight?"
Michiko shook her head, the smile fading to her normal expression. "I have something planned tonight."
"Damn." He huffed and rested his chin on his arms again.
"Maybe tomorrow at lunch?" She offered. It wasnt much time to really get anything but the basics done, but it could be a start.
"Yeah, we can do that. Its not like you're eating with anyone right?"
She shook her head. Hell, she didnt even get a chance to eat. Not when the bell rang and she had to rush to show him how to age it to dust. She shoved her face full of cold dumplings, sharing with her new friend as they rushed back to class. They said their goodbyes before she rushed to sit back in her home room.
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floshav · 2 years
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥
fandom: Harry potter
pairings: regulus black x fem!reader
heads up! words that are written in italics are y/n's or regulus' thoughts
ʷᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ : 1.7k
warnings : mention of readers chest being small, cuss words, pining, dirty thoughts, jealousy, obsessive thoughts
summary: regulus and y/n have become quite close over the years, it all started when they found relatability in both having obnoxious siblings who overshadowed them. One smitten day, y/n finally realised that she'd just might be catching feelings for her best friend. She would always find herself nervous or giddy whenever they were together. Always wondering whether she looked fine or if she could ever be his type. These were all new feelings to her, nothing that she'd ever really thought about in the past when she was with him, but the main thoughts that fled her mind were far more devious than she'd like to admit. Regulus takes up on the fact that y/n seems dazed out whenever they're together, and makes it his mission to find out what just runs through her mind.
Tumblr media
!picture is not mine!
"Regulus Arcturus Black. if you like the damn girl just go talk to her! idiot." Y/n said with a mouth full of bland mashed potatoes, she never really liked the taste.. but what choice did she have anyway.
"No, i will not embarass my stupid ass in front of Heather. Plus i dont even like her that much!" Regulus screeched exhaustedly.
"Yea right. Why did you get all nervous and panicky when she spoke to you? I call bullshit Black" Y/n now said while sipping on her goblet filled with pumpkin juice.
"Its because i literally have no social skills whatsoever when it comes to girls y/n. You should know that by now stupid." Regulus said in an annoyed smiley face, almost chuckling at his inabilities.
"Wowwwww. Fine. So im not a girl to you then?" Y/n scoffed while rolling her eyes dramatically.
"Yes madam y/n! I think you'd suit a beard. Oh wait, or was it Sir y/n?" Regulus teased while continuing the last bit of last minute homework he had layed on the table.
"Fuck off." Y/n now said with a toothy grin trying to focus on the meal at hand "Look the only reason why i dont feel nervous around you is because you're my bestfriend y/n. What, do you want me to be nervous around you?" Regulus now said directly looking into y/n's eyes making her feel a weird churn of nervousness in her stomach.
"U-uh no. What- i totally knew that! I was just messing with you Reggie." Y/n mumbled now not being able to hold the eye contact she was holding seconds ago.
Was this how it was going to be from now on? Me feeling this weird sensation whenever Regulus got a bit playful. Ugh kill me now.
Without realising it, y/n had been silent for a few moments just lost in her thoughts making Regulus' curiousity peek.
"What in merlin's name has you so zoned out. Helloooo" Regulus said whilst waving his hand effortlessly in her face.
'Hmm? Yes what is it." Y/n said finally out of her head
"Nothing. You just seem a bit off lately, everything alright?" Regulus inquired now paying full attention to her
"N-no. Uhm everythings fine. Stop acting weird Reggie!" Y/n panicked, because it seemed like he was catching on to her thoughts
"Okay... chill out wanker" Regulus now said with an awkward face, but resumed his homework to end this seemingly awkward conversation they were beginning to have.
"Hey Regulus! c'mere!!"
y/n and regulus whipped their heads to meet eyes with the voice whow as calling his name. Low and behold, it was Heather.
She was sitting over next to her gang giggling and whispering to eachother, like a bunch of idiots y/n thought.
There it was again, those feelings of jealousy that turned in her stomach.
Stop it you idiot! Stop stop stop. This is great for regulus. He needs another friend. Yes. Enough!
"Shit, what the hell do i do?!?" Regulus now panicked whilst trying to make it seem like he wasnt. Ultimately failing at it of course.
"Just go talk to her fool! This is your time to finally make a new girlfrien- i mean friend thats a girl! Reggie look, if anything happens i'll be here, ready. Wands out and all." Y/n said with reassuring eyes which always made Regulus feel better.
"Okay. OKAY OKAY. I CAN DO THIS. Thank you y/n. You're the bestest friend ever" Regulus motivated himself whilst slowly getting out of his chair for a slow yet sauve approach towards Heather and her minions.
Even though y/n was proud of her shy friend, she couldnt help put feel a pit form at the bottom of her stomach from the words "You're the bestest friend ever". I mean it was true right? They were the bestest friends. Probably the bestest friends in Hogwarts if it wasnt for their obnoxious siblings being the so called marauders. So why was she feeling sad that it was just that.
Y/n glanced over at the pair who had seemed to kick it off. It wasnt much of a sight for sore eyes persay, but what could she do.
She glanced over at her watch which she wished was running late, because it meant she was late for her first class, potions with slughorn. Great. She checked back to see if regulus had noticed the time, but all she saw was the thing she loved most, his smile intended for the eyes of Heather. Without even bothering, she got up and gathered her textbooks to leave the great hall.
Timeskip to the middle of class!
Y/n spent most of the class bored, wondering where Regulus was because he was NEVER late, and she really means never. Her attention was finally awakened when everyone heard the wooden door to the classroom creak open, only to reveal... Regulus.
"Ah! Regulus Black. Finally care to join us now? You've been absent for the past 30 minutes! You shall see me after class. Now, take your seat and refer to the person next to you." Slughorn warned sternly.
Y/n didnt even bother to look his way, knowing that he didnt even notice her leave the great hall earlier, let alone for 30 minutes straight. It was petty of her, but they were bestfriends for merlins sake! They never left eachother's side ever since they met.
Out of the blue, she felt a small piece of crumpled up parchment hit the side of her face. She crouched down the pick it up, finally realising it was from the douche himself.
She subconsciously rolled her eyes while unravelling it to see Regulus' neat handwritting apologising for the earlier events.
hey im sorry for not walking to class with you earlier, Heather wanted to show me something and guess what? She ended up locking me in the fucking broom closet with her for like 30 minutes trying to make out with me or some shit.
was what the letter read out.
Y/n started to feel a pit of jealousy form but couldn't help but feel bad that Regulus had to do something he didnt want to do. But many thoughts raced her mind.
What if they actually did makeout and he was trying to make it seem like they didnt. No y/n. Stop why would you even care if he made out with her or not. Its good that he's getting some action in his romantic life right? Right.
What if it was me that was stuck in there with him. All the things i'd do to see him in a loose tie and ruffled up hair panting breathless all because of me. The way his hands would feel on my waist while i stared up at him with innocent eye- SHIT. STOP LETTING THESE THOUGHTS ROAM YOUR HEAD!!
And with those thoughts, Y/n's face immedietly turned red with embarassment and lust. What if those thoughts ever became a reality were the thoughts that constantly replayed in her mind.
"psst wanker. I didnt mean to leave you, seriously. Im sorry." Regulus now said dangerously close to y/n's ear, making her feel hot all of a sudden.
"Whatever" was the only word that y/n mumbled whilst focusing her attention back to whatever slughorn was saying.
"C'mon dont be like that." was the last sentence Regulus said before giving up
*:・゚✧*:・゚ time skip ! after all classes
Y/n spent the whole day speed walking away from Regulus just to not cause a scene. If there was no one around she would most definitely be running away from the boy, not wanting to see his face at all. Life was a blur at that point, thoughts fogged up with Regulus whilst y/n dragged through the day without any social interaction, which surely couldn't be healthy until finally, Regulus managed to corner her at the end of an empty hallway.
"Y/n, whats up with you? You've been avoiding me for the whole day." Regulus now said while looking into y/n's eyes hands at the side of her face pinning the wall behind her.
Y/n started to feel nervousness bloom in her stomach again, and even in the places she didnt want to mention.
"Look. I get it, im a forgettable part of your day so what's the point in dwelling on this friendship when you could go start a fresh new one with Heather!" Y/n said frustrated while she felt a heavy feeling start to overcome her eyes.
"Y/n what? Are you okay? How can you be a forgettable part of my day when i literally spend every waking moment with you! Even when we're apart, the only things that cross my mind are.. well first of all slughorns long ass essay papers, but for the most part you!" Regulus softly raised his voice with frustration while his mouth hung low
"I-i, Im sorry im not enough Reggie. Maybe Heather would be a better friend, i mean she's pretty, she has good grades and for merlin's sake atleast she has womanly boobs for a guy to like." Y/n cried out now feeling tired with herself whilst she looked down to her shoes.
"Hey look at me." Regulus said while using his hand to lift her chin up
"I don- " He sighs. "i dont fucking want Heather y/n. I want you and only you." He said with intense eye contact which made y/n fall weak in her knees.
"Y-you wh-" Before y/n could finish her sentence, she felt a warm pair of lips gently crash into hers before doubtfully backing away.
"i-i shit. im sorry y/n i dont know why i did that i-" Regulus stuttered with regret before feeling a soft pair of hands and lips caress his face roughly.
"Shut up. You're forgiven" Y/n mumbled through their much so needed kiss.
Regulus had both his arms wrapped around the bottom of her waist, being ever so delicate with the touch whilst y/n was going at it at his lips, wanting the moment to last forever. Soft pants and whimpers were left from Regulus' mouth wanting y/n to never stop.
"I wish i told you i loved you sooner." Were the last words that left Regulus' mouth before their night took off.
GUYS. This was my FIRST ATTEMPT AT WRITING SOME BORDERLINE STEAMY STUFF. *cries internally* i hope it was okay... i know it was short but if you liked it lmk please!! i will release more in the future. Also if you have any requests for fanfic plots, you can always flood my asks!!
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lightyourpyre · 2 years
@duelingdestiny continued from x
 He wasnt fast enough to dodge the pumpkin pie. “I’m not mad, sugar.” he purrs back. Katsuya steps forward, one foot infront of the other, hands behind his back, he gets real close to Atem’s face before kissing his nose and putting a big ol blop of stuffing on his head. Right on top 
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oswednesday · 10 months
mom woke up at like 2 and started screaming at me and sticking her head out of her room to glare at me like telling me to hurry up and to stop mixing and stuff i felt bad (mistake number one) about making so much noise that i folded the pumpkin too early into the meringue so it was too hot i quickly went outside like got the mixer on an extension cord and was straight up trying to salvage it outside and still!!! she kept opening the door now acting like everything was alright hehe what are you up too that looks great and i just lost my temper like no it doesn’t!!! you were yelling at me and i rushed this and now this whole pie filling is ruined??? and she was all like oh so its my fault like ?????????? and she slammed the door hard on me and kept coming back and i refused to play pretend about it so she kept slamming the door i accepted it wasnt salvageable and headed back in she then alternated between fuming and slamming things in the kitchen and acting like things were already she kept being like put it in the oven put it in the oven and i was like thats not what kind of pie it is whats wrong with you so i eventually just did and headed to the shower, there was enough filling for the thing in the oven and to woefully use a pie crust in vain on like principal idk maybe it will set up and be fine but thats not the point afterwards she kept being like oh look theyre fine theyre beautiful i know they taste good i put my fingers in them i was like ????????????????????????????? i kept having to be like no im not taking them, she would start in like hey dont use the floor of the car for your things and id be like why and she'd be like so i can put your pies there and id have to be like im not taking these, the very last time she was like look this one is almost set up around the edges just wiggling sloshing it all around and she was like look this other one is like candy (the baked meringue one) all in this forced baby voice and i was just done
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sunnyxnala · 2 years
Woah! It's been a while :0
life has been saur busy BUT! let's pick up where i left off :D here are all my daily entries since 10/27 to 11/16
Thursday, 10/27/22
9:00am - i woke up and finished up my studying for my eebio100 midterm, which was at 12:30pm. i told my prof about my covid scare situation but he said to come in person to take the test anyways and i was like :D sir... and then he was like yea either that or u can sit with me for 2 hours for an oral exam... yeah no so i finished up my studying, printed out my cheat sheet, and hauled my butt to rolfe
12:30pm - i took my midterm! honestly not too bad (well, i thought i did terrible in the moment but after getting my mc score back it was all okay :D) it was a lil tricky though bc they had scientific names of animals and species even though they said not to worry about it T_T lied straight to my face man. still waiting on my free responses to me graded
1:45pm - i got out of my midterm and headed back to the dorm. i had some more work to do so i was working in my dorm for a while. i think i got food at a food truck, but i dont remember which one.
4pm - i texted pauline that i was feeling a bit drowsy and sick, because we had planned to meet up and hangout for a bit. she told me not to worry about it and to rest, but i was determined to meet w her via zoom or call at least! i told her i would take a nap and see if i felt better when i woke up
5:45pm - i woke up from my nap with a slight headache, a fever, and was feeling very sluggish. i was so exhausted. i texted pauline that i wasnt feeling well and she completely understood, in fact was happy that i wasnt gonna push myself to meet with her. i appreciate her sm ;-; we decided to reschedule for a different time, and i went back to sleep before my meeting
7pm - i had a meeting that i attended virtually. after the meeting, my vision started looking like a kaleidoscope, it was so trippy. turns out i had a ocular migraine or something like that.
9pm - i think i got the tomato basil soup from bcafe for dinner this day, and it was pretty bad. never getting it again. i think i did work for the rest of the night before calling it a day and heading to sleep.
Friday, 10/28/22
okay in all honestly i dont remember this day too well other than the fact that it was PAINFUL i was dying my head was hurting so much and i ended up having migraines this day. i was feeling super sick, my temp kept fluctuating and i didnt wanna move. i dont remember what i ate other than clam chowder, bc i had to ask my friend cristian to deliver it for me (which he immediately did, he is so sweet i appreciate him a lot :( ). i also remember he got me a ton of honey and pepper and tea, it was pretty funny. i think i just slept a lot this day. i also got my pcr test results back on this day and i was negative! but still dying though and i had no idea what was happening (i would later find out i had sinus infection)
Saturday, 10/29/22
i slept until 11am, i think. i had an event at 2pm that i felt good enough to head out to. still a little bit groggy and my head hurt a little bit, but it wasn't unbearable. i met up with a few friends at de neve turnaround before heading out to chick-fil-a. i got the chicken nuggets there, the chick-fil-a sauce goes so hard. fun fact, when i was younger my god family in menifee used to have me dress up like a cow for every summer i came to visit them bc there's a certain day where you get free food at chick-fil-a if you dress like a cow LOL
i went to ralphs w claire and jshyu after to help jshyu transport pumpkins and supplies to our little sleepover event at a friend's apartment
when we arrived, we started our event! we played a lot of games like we're not really strangers, sang karaoke, cooked, carved pumpkins, and more. we ate spaghetti for dinner! it was a pretty good night until i came down with a splitting migraine and had to sleep.
i dont remember exactly what happened, but i do remember coming out of the room asking dylan for help bc i fr thought i was dying. almost asked him to call 911 ngl. but he immediately helped me out and gave me thermaflu (which almost made me throw up). more friends wrapped me up in a blanket and put a cold towel on my head and i ended up sleeping throughout the night. more friends came to take care of me, but i dont recall who. i just know bc they told me that they did after i was feeling better. i appreciate them <3
Sunday, 10/30/22
i was feeling a lot better when i woke up. i ate a bagel with cream cheese, caught up with some friends on what they did throughout the night, and was just socializing. we ended up carving pumpkins and that was super fun! jshyu and i made our pumpkin look like mike wasowski and he even had cute little pumpkin horns that stuck out of the pumpkin. i went with annie and jshyu to target to grab cleaning supplies to help clean up annie's apartment, and then she drove me back home. i was still feeling super exhausted so i think i slept for a bit longer as soon as i came back to my dorm.
when i woke up, i was feeling a lot better. i washed up, met up with some friends for dinner, and did work for the rest of the night. i ate the chicken sandwich + elote from the flamin hot chicken truck for the first time and it's so GAS can't believe ive been hating on this for the longest time when it's actually so good
Monday, 10/31/22
happy halloweenie!
was supposed to have festivities like carve pumpkin and have horror night but boybae felt too sick later in the night
ate chicken curry from 8e8 and watched coraline instead
had a mini photoshoot w my best friend klaribae
Tuesday, 11/1/22
went to ee biol lec, i do not like the knew professor but it is okay we'll manage
i dont remember if i ate or what i ate
hung out at kerck for a bit before going to a zoom meeting that i did inside of kerck
wednesday, 11/2/22
went to lecture, i had a midterm today for ls30b
i thought i studied really freaking well and understood the material but the actual test kicked me in the butt and im nervous for my results
thursday 11/3/22
went to eebiol lecture again, she didn't know how to use the mic and it cut out mid lecture
had a picnic with tas and professors it was very nice
studied and hung out at fireside, ending up spending the night there
friday, 11/4/22
i went to my lab and lecture for ls30b from 12pm-3pm
i had a meeting where i was exposed to what it would be like being a responder for a suicide/crisis hotline at 4pm
i had dinner with adiline at rende west at 7pm
saturday, 11/5/22
i got cpr certified this morning! i was trained in bls and cpr fro 9am to 12pm, it was very interesting and im very happy i was able to take the course. i also got 100% on the test!
i ate at bplate with some friends before meeting at the study with joseph. i swiped him some food and swiped myself a decaf white chocolate mocha iced coffee and an opera cake. it was a really good time talking to him
i met with brandon, steven, hailey, and josh ji to go to costco and pick up supplies for our hangout. it was pretty fun, but hailey's driving is a little questionable when it comes to speed bumps.
we had our hangout from 5pm-9pm at sunset village and it was pretty fun! i had some pizza and drank some caprisun, i mainly socialized with our friends there before heading back to my dorm to work on some assignments
sunday, 11/6/22
i woke up pretty late this day and had hurriedly gotten food and headed out to my photoshoot for vcn. i grabbed a steak quesadilla from rende west before meeting vcn drama cast at anderson steps. it was really nice seeing the drama cast, as it was my first time seeing everyone in person since my role is so small that they did not need me for many of our rehearsals
after the photoshoot and runthrough, i had a professional photoshoot with some friends at royce. we all looked so nice and so pretty, except i felt like my face was a little poofy this day so i think my photo came out looking a little bit different to how i actually look but it's all good. i've never taken professional photo of myself before, so i really loved the photos that came out from this photoshoot
i met with clarice at 7pm, we went to ralphs for a grocery and snack run. it was a great time hanging out with her, and she even put me on ralph's sushi. ive been avoiding ralph's sushi for the longest because i was always so scared of it but.... it's honestly not too bad! LOL
i met with my alumni mentor at 8pm to catch up and see how we were doing. it was really nice talking to him, i really love how down to earth and straightforward he is. it seems that he is doing great right now which i am so happy to hear, and it was overall such a great time just unwinding and delving into what's been going on in our lives recently.
i met with marykate at 9pm via zoom to check in and chat for a bit too. i think she is so sweet, and i always love every chance i get to talk to her.
10pm i met with alan to go grab dinner at ami sushi in westwood. it was a really great time and i think it was very sweet how he would always make sure that i was walking on the inside of the sidewalk. we had a great conversation over some great food, i had a bulgogi and rice stone pot with salad and miso soup.
monday 11/7/22
i went to my eeb discussion before heading out to ackerman to meet with some friends and chat and study. it was raining this day and it was so freaking cold.
i met up with johnny, he met me inside ackerman and we left to go get food at rende on the hill. i didn't eat with him though because i already planned to eat with amanda at 1pm before my lecture at 2pm. so i just swiped him food and we had a great conversation at rende west. i think it was a bit surreal to finally talk to him, as i've known him by association for a while but never directly talked to him one on one before this
i went back to my dorm after johnny finished eating to unpack somethings and put on more layers of clothing. then i headed out to meet amanda at the bomb shelter, where we both got food from yoshinoya's which was expensive as heck i did not know it was more than $9 for a bowl dayum. but we had a great time, i really loved talking to amanda and hearing about her dog rigby.
i then left amanda to go to my ls30b lecture at 2pm. honestly i dont know what the heck is happening in the class at this point
after class, i think i came back to my dorm and worked up until my meeting at 8pm
tuesday, 11/8/22
election day!!! very stressful, i remember asking around if ppl were going out to vote today lol
i went to my eeb100 lecture and i think this was the day where my professor's mic cut out and we couldn't hear her for like half of lecture rip
i dont remember what i ate
i just remember i had so much to do today and a paper to write that was actually do a week before, but my professor had only let me know that i was able to have an extension to the end of the night so that was stressful sobs
wednesday, 11/9/22
i woke up and asked hannah if she wanted to grab brunch at bplate with me. we ended going to bplate at 12:30 and it was a really great time talking to her over brunch.
i headed out for my ls30b lecture at 2pm, again had no idea what the heck is going on in the class. i was able to grasp onto the content a little bit but i definitely need to go back and review the material sobs
i dont remember what else i did or ate this day as i dont have anymore notes in my google calendar about it :(
thursday, 11/10/12
my last day taking antibiotics for my sinus infection slay!!
i kinda dont remember what i did, i think i went to lecture and mainly just did work and met up to hangout with people during this day. i met up with bryan and edmond at 4pm and we hungout for a bit, he's a very nice and funny guy to talk to.
i met up with gabi and pari at 6pm, we drove around westwood because traffic was pretty bad and there was no parking space available, so gabi ended up dropping me, pari, and karis off at diddy reise to get cookies for everyone. i got the candy chocolate chip cookie idk ive never really liked it before but i've been craving m&ms recently LOL. after we got our cookies, we were chilling in gabi's car jsut hanging out and talking for a bit before her volleyball game. then pari and gabi left and karis and i sat in mr. noodle waiting on karis's food.
robin picked karis and i up from mr. noodle and he dropped karis off at hedrick summit. he also picked up three other people who were going to sawtelle, since we were also headed to sawtelle for dinner. after dropping them off at tsujita, robin and i ate at sushi stop. it was my first time eating there so i was super excited. the food was actually SO good and im so happy he recommended the place. 10/10 would come again. it was also such a fun time talking and hanging out with robin :)
friday, 11/11/22
the cursed day. we'll get to why we call it the cursed day.
it actually started off pretty great! i woke up and went on a picnic with juliet and some friends at tongva steps. she brought us all sorts of goodies and bagels and breakfast foods and it was really really good
after our picnic, i went back to my dorm to get ready to meet with pauline! we went to a cafe in westwood and she treated us to some delicious drinks. she got an americano and i got matcha latte. it was soooo good. we had such a great conversation too, and i felt the same surreal feeling in that i always knew of pauline prior to coming to college but never thought that i would ever talk to her or hangout with her one on one like this. it was super fun and she is so sweet to talk to. we were able to find some seating inside where we started doing some work. we also ran into kadee and her sister, and they sat next to us to do some work too.
at 4pm, pauline and i left the cafe and headed to the bruin bear to meet with selene. there, we all walked back up the hill and pauline went back to her dorm. selene and i went to her dorm to pick up something and then we went to my dorm to hangout. i really loved talking to selene and can find myself relating a lot to her. she is super sweet and im very grateful that i've had the opportunity to get to know her more on a deeper level
then i went out to get dinner with jason and a lot of friends! i forgot what the kbbq place was called but it was so freaking GOOD oh my gosh i was so happy. it was such a good dinner, it really tied up how well everything else was going in my day
and that's when the day becomes cursed. long story short, i ended up drinking so much to the point where i blacked out and remember absolutely nothing. it was awful and i am still traumatized by how much i drank.
saturday, 11/12/22
i woke up very confused at jason's apartment. i didn't remember how i got there or when i got there or anything. i felt so sick and was terribly hungover, the worst hangover i've had in my life so far. next to me was josh ji which was even more confusing but i was happy that i wasnt alone. josh ji called charlotte to ask what the heck happened, and charlotte was giving us bits and pieces from what she remembered. it made me feel even more sick as she was recounting what went on during the night. i yakked a lot, jason made me noodles but i couldn't stomach it, and i ended up just resting for a long time on the couch. i did get to see poppy (jason's cat) she is so adorable i love her.
jason drove me back to grab my backpack from kelvin's apt and then he drove me back to my dorm and made sure that i was feeling okay enough to get back to my dorm safely. as soon as i came back to my dorm, i immediately went to the floor and knocked out. my roommate was there and i was telling her how sick i felt before i knocked out, so she was taking care of me and gave me a yak bag and helped me throw up. i was in and out of sleep, only waking up to throw up and then pass out again. it was so bad.
my roommate left for work at 6pm and called my boyfriend to come to my dorm to take care of me. my boyfriend ended up staying with me the entire time, helping me get water in my system and tried giving me some vitamin c too. when i took the vitamin c pill and water throw i immediately through it all back up and it was awful. he left to get me some hot water to see if that was easier to stomach and also some birria ramen from the taco cartel truck. that ramen is actually the best hangover food ong it had noodles to soak up anything + protein + lime my god it was so gas. i couldnt finish it, but i made sure to eat all the meat. my boyfriend stayed by my side and helped me eat. he watched rick and morty with me until we both fell asleep again
vanna and josh ji came by my dorm to drop off powerade which i was very thankful for. they also jsut checked in on me and made sure that i was okay
my roommate came back around 12am and that's when my boyfriend and i woke up. im very grateful that she was okay with him staying the night and sleeping over to continue taking care of me, and i am very grateful that my roommate and my boyfriend r my best friends i love them both very much
sunday, 11/13/22
i felt soooo much better when i woke up on sunday, i actually felt reborn. everytime i was sent a video or photo of myself from friday night though i felt nauseous and thinking about that night still makes me nauseous
my mom came up which was really nice. i ate an acai bowl before she arrived and i swiped her a salad that she really likes from the study.
we went to griffith observatory, paid $10 for parking, and then couldnt even get into the observatory bc my mom isn't vaccinated and neither of us knew that they checked for vax cards. instead, we ended up hiking on the griffith observatory trail and that was really nice. we sat on a bench for a while watching the sunset and talking and adoring the cute dogs all around us
after griffith, we headed out to a japanese bbq restaurant. i think it was called tokyo kalbi, but im also not too sure. i just know that it was really good. on the way there, i was also on call with kristina and brooke for a bit, and it was really nice talking to them.
we ate at the jbbq place and it was actually so good. their cut of meat was so good but that also made it so expensive and i felt guilty eating tbh but my mom insisted that i ate until i was full. we had a good time chatting over dinner, she was telling me all about her bumble stories and interactions and at this point i just accept it
after dinner, she took me back home to my dorm. she gave me a bag with goodies and things i needed from home, along with some motivational messages taped to the goodies reminding myself to take care of myself. i love my mom, she is the best.
i met with tyler at 9pm and we had a great time talking in de neve. i swiped him some chicken tendies before heading out to fireside
at fireside, i was hanging out with some friends until i started having a really bad cough and felt a sore throat coming. i ended up going back to my dorm and taking a rapid test, it came back with a faint line :( so i took a pcr test and waited for my results to come back
monday, 11/14/22
i woke up super freaking sick. it was insane. i had a bit of a cough from hanging out with my mom but i thought i was just choking on dust or water or something, it wasnt too bad. but this morning i was dying.
i dont remember what i ate and i went to lecture online
my enrollment time was at 5:30pm, i didn't get physics 5a which i really needed T_T
i was mainly working up until my meeting at 8pm
after the meeting i broke down lol i was really really out of it and feeling super sick. my temp kept fluctuating and my throat hurt so badly i couldnt even speak without wincing
after calming down by talking to a few people about how i was feeling, i headed out to a hangout that my friends and i planned for the night. just crazy college things to make memories, yk? it was super fun except i got more sick afterwards sobs. edmond gave me nyquil when we got back to our dorm and a ton of vitamin c which i am super grateful for.
i didnt sleep until 4am i think and then at 5am the water boiler broke in my building and bc im on the 9th floor we were closest to it. it was a LOUD banging, i woke up thinking that smoeone was trying to break into our room through our window. some rooms got flooded apparently, but luckily not ours.
tuesday 11/15/22
i woke up feeling a bit worse but i was still able to function. my sore throat had lessened, i was mainly just feeling dizzy and my body had felt so heavy. i took another rapid and this time it was fully negative, no faint line. my pcr also returned and it was negative slay. i think im just dealing with a bad cold or sinus infection again
i had to get up at 1:30pm to get ready for my hiring paperwork appointment at 2pm. i finally got hired at the study slayyy!! i got my uniform and filled out the identification forms and everything, but honestly HR and the whole hiring process is still pretty unorganized.
after my appointment, i grabbed food at rende west and ran into yasmine. we talked for a bit before she returned to her dorm. i got a steak burrito. i was feeling too dizzy to continue being outside and went back to my dorm to rest and do some work
at 8pm, i went out to watch my friends play capture the flag. it was pretty fun watching them, but it was also super cold. i remember being so cold that my feet felt so numb to the point where i thought they were going to fall off.
i walked back to the dorm with pauline afterwards and put on more layers of clothing.
i choreographed a dance to a part of CPR by cupcakke, i really love femme dancing
i headed out to fireside to hangout with my friends and help choreograph some more dances, and ended up working until 4:20am.
i headed back to my dorm, gave my boyfriend a goodnight hug because he was still awake studying for his midterm, and then crashed in my bed
Wednesday, 11/16/22
i woke up today DYING. i woke up at 7:30am from a coughing fit that just would not end. i felt like i was sweating but so cold at the same time and that the world was slightly rocking. i ended up going in and out of sleep just coughing and rolling and coughing some more and trying to breathe without it hurting. i ended up having to cancel all my plans for today and was bedridden
my boyfriend came by my dorm to drop off some dayquil, which helped a lot with my coughs. i went back to sleep and woke up around 4pm.
at 4pm, i went to go shower to see if it would help make me feel better. it did make me feel better, but i accidentally was showering in too hot water and i almost fainted from the steam i think. i felt a lot better after showering though, but i was still having trouble breathing and coughing like crazy so i went back to my dorm to rest and do any work i can online.
my boyfriend dropped off food for me at 5:30pm, i ate spicy tuna poke bowl from the aloha fridays food truck. this was the first thing i ate today.
i called some friends and my mom to see how they were doing and it was nice talking to them. jason called me to see how i was feeling and came by to drop off some medicine for me which i am very grateful for, he is truly da best
i've been doing work since from my bed. my boyfriend finished his scrimms at 9pm and is going to drop off food for me soon. i asked him to get me a sandwich from the study. in fact, he just gave it to me rn at 10:57pm i love my boybae <3
after i eat, im just going to keep working and getting as many things done as possible until i cant handle staying awake anymore.
overall, today was a 2/10 bc health was dookey but i am happy that i am surrounded by such nice people
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winged-deity · 3 years
Hello, sorry if you are busy but could I please request parental dreamsmp members reacting to their child swearing? And when they ask where they learnt that word they say from Uncle Bad when he was cooking or something? I just think it would be funny and wholesome lol, thankyou for your time love ya<3
Thank you for requesting and hope this is to your liking!
Parental! DSMP members reacting to child reader swearing
Heard It From Uncle Bad
warnings: !swearing!, !mentions of violence!, !use of nicknames!
Dream was keeping a close eye on you playing out in the fields while he sharpened his axe in the cool shadow of a blooming willow tree.
He barely catches a glimpse of you stumbling over your own feet, but as he'd learned, you rarely cried over things like that. But what he heard next, wasnt something he expected.
His head snaps up in full attention when he hears the word leave your mouth, "Fuck!" you had schreeched as you scraped your knees on the muddy ground.
He immediately discarded his axe on the ground, and walked over to you, still in pure and utter shock.
"Little flower, where did you learn that word?" he kneeled beside you, trying his best to contain his inner disappointment and anger torwards whoever taught his child swear words.
You had looked up at him, slightly confused at his sudden interest before you answered his still waiting question "Uncle Bad said it when he hurt his hand on the stove, last weekend when he was watching me"
Dream had blinked at you for a few seconds in utter disbelief, he was about to call you out on lying. Before he remembered that you didnt know any better than to always tell the truth.
After a small discussion where he explained why you couldnt use that word, he left you to Sapnap and George, and headed torwards Bad's house where they would soon have a long talk.
You would be with him, while he is trading in the nether. You usually tend to stick close to him as to not anger the piglins, or get lost.
However, this time while he was trading with you behind him, clinging to his pant leg. A piglin approached you, and as you did not like the intimidating look it was giving you, you hissed at the piglin "Fuck off!"
Sapnap choked on nothing, and immediately slapped a hand over your tiny mouth "hey buddy, don't say that word!.." he chuckled nervously as the piglins eyed him disapprovingly.
After you two got back into the overworld, he lifted you onto his shoulders "where did you learn that word" he had asked you, and you answered with a simple shrug "i heard grandpa say it while i was over at his and skeppy's house"
Sapnap had bursted into laughter the moment he heard this, "thats pretty funny, but don't say that word anymore. People are gonna think i taught you that" he gave an over exaggerated sob for dramatic effect, as you giggled.
He had been working at the prison nonstop for weeks on end, and as much as he hated to not be able to spend time with you, there was not much he could do.
The biggest suprise was when he was sitting at the front desk, when he heard familiar yelling and pounding on the prison gates. At first he was cautious, but once the next words left your mouth "open the motherfucking door, Awesamdad!" his gaze darkened as he opened the gates, pondering who taught his young child such foul language.
Awesamdude wasnt usually one to care about swearing, but when the case was about his own child thats a no no.
He let you into the prison arms crossed, staring you down as you had no idea how much trouble you were in. "why do you come into my work screaming those bad words at the gates?" he stared you down.
"bad words?" you expressed your confusion "it cant be a bad word, cause uncle Bad said it, and he doesnt use bad language" you crossed your arms proudly over your chest, mimicking your father.
He chuckled quietly "i see.. Well uncle Bad is gonna get a long talk after im done with work"
He had not planned on adopting anymore children after Tommy (and technically Tubbo), but here he was, in the middle of the tundra, a wanted war criminal, with a child.
He was confident that no bad influences would come to you after the fall of l'manburg, since the only people you two lived with were Techno and Ranboo. And occasionally Niki would show up as well.
So he was in utter and pure shock and disbelief when he heard you shout "fuck!" at the top of your lungs, after falling over while Techno was teaching you how to spar.
Techno immediately dismissed Phil's suspicion torwards him, saying he wouldn't swear in the presence of the child in question. Phil had questioned you in a serious matter, asking who taught you that word, he had his suspicions but he was definitely caught off guard as you mentioned Bad's name.
He had already tried to keep you away from the demon, because of all the mans weird connections with the egg cult and other weird shit. And he didn't even know you had met Bad. He just dismissed it and told you to not talk to that man again, which you happily obliged.
Schlat wasn't necessarily like other parents, he wasnt the best parent either. So it wouldn't be surprising if you had learned most of your bad influences from him. But besides all those odds, your first curse word wasnt from him.
He already had alot of issues, he wasnt at all fit to lead a country, and his alcohol problems had a vice-like grip on his life. So when he heard you cursing under your breath as you scribbled on paper in his office one day, he simply lifted his brow.
"where'd you learn that, Pumpkin?" he hummed, dismissing his more important paperwork aside.
As stated before, he wasnt necessarily a good parent, he was just simply intrigued on how you knew that language at your age. And more interested in who taught you that, since you weren't allowed to leave the white house without him or Quackity.
And if it turned out to be Quackity who taught you that (which wouldn't be that surprising), he swears he'd had that fuckers head.
He may not have paid alot of attention to you growing up, but he did care about you. Even if he didn't show it. So it wasn't a joke when he said he'd have the person's head who taught his kid swear words.
You had simply turned to him "that scary guy with the horns and white eyes said it while i was on a walk with Mr. Quackity" you hummed, then immediately turning back into your drawings.
Schlatt blinked at you in disbelief, before bursting into laughter "oh that demon fucker?! He bothers everyone else on their language and then swears infront of a child?" he took a deep inhale to calm his laughter, before his eyes turned dark "the nerve.."
I was gonna do more characters, but this is already long enough. Hope everyone liked this, and my requests are still open! <3
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whumpshaped · 2 years
anyway thought i'd share my thoughts from yesterday. in the talk, kane assumes the responsibility to tell am abt all the horrible stuff, bc el's grasp on reality, and especially seth is a little... fragile. but what if he didnt? what if am and el sat down and el gave the story? copy pasted discord message below
tw retelling of traumatic events, captivity, implied noncon, torture, gore, amputation, murder
im having many thoughts... el and am sitting down, el SO uncomfortable. theyre sure that if am learns everything hes gonna wanna leave. but its only fair to tell him, right? so they start out. they try to be chronological and make some sense, but it gets very frantic very quickly. am has to tell them to slow down and breathe sometimes. often.
el tells am that it was all their fault they got there. that they were messaging seth a lot on anon, signing off w a pumpkin, and then when seth leaked his address they got up and went there. they had nowhere else to go rly, it wasnt a particularly hard choice. seth took them in, didnt care for what they wanted from the first moment. told them either that or the police. didnt even care for their name. they were just pumpkin anon to him.
they tell am abt that first lonely year and how rly, seth fed them, there was a roof over their head, they had their little cage, it wasnt all that bad at all. they asked for it, right? right. seth cut off their fingies but they agreed, seth asked them whether that was okay and they agreed for him. they wanted so desperately to get his approval. they tell am how... its hard to remember. its painful and also, painfully blurry. seth did and said stuff... they just cant remember. whenever seth touched them theyd just dissociate. the pain was much easier to deal w, the whippings and such.
then seth brought kane home. oh, they wish kane never had to experience that, but they were so glad to have him there. a friend. their first ever friend rly, aside from jello, since theyd left the cult. they tell am that kane had it horrible, much much worse, they wish they couldve done smth to prevent it.
they feel like its all their fault. maybe if they never went there, seth wouldve never realised he could just keep ppl captive and torture them without ever getting caught. they refuse to go into detail abt the torture kane went thru, they just keep repeating how absolutely inhumane and terrible it was. they emphasise it was their fault for not being entertaining enough on their own for seth.
they get to the part w bellamy and it gets so hard. they dont even say it, they rly just ... shrug and gesture w their hands and cry and just try to convey that bellamy killed seth. they dont admit they miss him. just choke out "and ... and now we're here, ig"
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amazingphilza · 4 years
bench bois :: c!tommy x reader
fluff (?) , platonic , gender neutral ! inspired by wallow’s are you bored yet?
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there was never a dull moment on the server which was both a good and bad thing
tommy had recently gotten out of the prison after allegedly being pronounced dead by sam
you felt bad for him
he missed out on so much; his best friend had gotten a platonic husband and even a child
not only that but everyone treated him differently
he was the first person to be revived after losing all 3 of their lives
the revive book was real
but you didnt looked at tommy as some experiment or someone different to as he was before the prolonged visit
frankly, you couldn’t even process the fact that dream took his last life
it wasn’t that you were in denial for the whole month of him being gone, you just couldn’t accept what happened without seeing proof yourself
of course you couldn’t visit the prison just to prove a point, but you knew deep inside it couldn’t be over that easily
you knew dream well enough that he wouldn’t do that to tommy
not yet anyway
it was a bit morbid to acknowledge, but dream was the type to toy with tommy until the last straw and him dying over a visit didn’t seem like it would’ve been the most fitting outcome
you sighed at the bitter thought and made your mind go off to something else whilst continuing to wait in front of puffy’s therapy office
it was tommy’s first session with puffy and you wanted to support him in any way you could and the least you could do was walk him home after it
you couldn’t even imagine how bad things could be in tommy’s mind so you thought even the littlest distractions could possibly help
after a bit of more waiting, tommy stepped out the office and greeted you with a halfhearted smile
tommy was smiling through the pain but you knew it was the best he could do at the moment; just bringing yourself to see a therapist took a lot of work and courage
after a bit of silence whilst you two walked on the prime path back to tommy’s house, you decided to make conversation
“so.. how was it? like everything with puffy?”
“it’s okay. i’ll be seeing her later this week. we’re still figuring out how often we should meet.. but you really don’t need to wait for me every time if that’s what you’re asking.”
you were saddened that tommy thought you were only accompanying him out of pity
“no, no! i mean, i don’t even live in snowchester so it’s not far and i haven’t really been doing anything, and y’know i obviously care about you as well. just don’t worry about it, really.”
“oh, okay”
tommy’s response was flat but you couldn’t blame him
after an hour of letting our all problems and past experiences, it would be hard to talk too
you didn’t want to push tommy to continue talking but you also didn’t want to leave him alone with his thoughts during the walk
“oh yeah, are you busy later? i made some food earlier back at my house and i wanna give you some later, if you like cake and pumpkin pies. like i enjoy baking but damn,, it’s so hard to find stupid chickens and cows for the eggs and milk here like what the heck? what happened to all the dumb farms?”
you continue you ramble about pointless things in hopes tommy wasnt spacing out
his quiet laughs were reassuring that he wasn’t completely bored
soon enough you made it to the top of tommy’s hill
you didn’t realize that it had been a long day until you saw the sun finally setting across the horizon
the walk from puffy’s office was short but refreshing, it was just what you both needed
instead of heading to tommy’s front doors, you nonverbally gestured over to the wood bench to sit on
tommy got the message and joined you on the seat
the view was perfect, the sun was slowly setting and the skies were a mix of orange and red hues
despite everything that happened in the recent months, you felt at peace
you and tommy were occupied from admiring the beautiful sky and hadn’t spoken for what seemed like ages
for a moment you saw the contentment tommy had in his eyes but they quickly changed back to his gloomy mood
you couldn’t help but ask “what’s wrong?”
“i dunno, i don’t really have an answer”
you knew you didn’t want to pry but at the same time you wanted tommy to elaborate
“how come?”
instead of replying, tommy huffed and settled down, lying his head on top of your shoulder for support and closing his eyes
you indulged in the silence and watched the sun slowly disappear from your eyesight and as the sunset orange skies turned dark, adorned with many tiny stars
after a while you couldn’t tell whether tommy was asleep
in the corner of your eye you could still see his eyes were shut, but to your surprise he spoke up
“are you bored yet?”
by his tone he seemed concerned that he was taking up too much of your time
you let out a quiet hum letting him know you didn’t mind spending time like this
you had a soft smile on your face and were just glad he was finally getting some rest and closure
tommy was one of your best friends and you couldn’t ask for more
it wasn’t a lot but you knew even small progress could still go far in the long run
in that moment it was like all your worries had washed away
you didn’t want to break the silence but you still wanted to remind tommy you cared for him
“hey, you know, anytime if you’re feeling lonely, you should tell me. if you need to talk, i’ll be here ready to listen on this bench.”
“thank you for always being here, y/n”
tommy lifted his head and looked at you
“bench bois?”
you laughed at the name
“with an i?”
“with an i.”
you smiled knowing that the ‘bois’ wasn’t directed at any gender in particular, it was just a nickname tommy referred all his close friends to as
something about it felt lighthearted and comforting
the bench bois
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harrysweasleys · 4 years
both a little crazy // d.m
request: Hi! Just noticed ur requests r open! Can u please do a Draco x Slytherin Reader in which the Reader is a bad boss biatch and is TOTALLY savage, but her and Draco hides feelings for each other?
warnings: very brief mentions of torture, language?? not proof read bc i am sick and dont feel like it i am sorry
word count: 3.1k
a/n: don’t mind the fact that i based the reader off of rosa diaz. :)))) enjoy! (also yes i reposted this bc my tumblr wasnt working and tags were wonky!)
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Your head was held rather high as you entered the Great Hall, your eyes pointed straight towards the Slytherin table in hopes that no one would talk to you as you walked over. It was way too early for conversation, in your opinion. Any attempt would just be sour.
You took your usual seat next to Pansy, who’s head was down on the table as she breathed slowly — quite possibly sound asleep. It wouldn’t be a surprise. She was not one for early mornings either. Quite possibly less so than you were.
The empty goblet in front of you was quickly filled with pumpkin juice before you took a big gulp, hoping the familiar liquid would help bring a bit of energy into you. However, that was a failed attempt as you felt your eyes stay heavy, your head swaying to the side slightly before a loud voice startled you out of your dozed out state.
“Crabbe, shut your mouth,” you snapped, silencing the boy sitting across from you who looked over with wide eyes, his mouth closing slowly, “You just woke up half the bloody hall with your laughter.”
Pansy jumped up from next to you, thick red marks across her forehead that resembled the wooden carvings on the table she was just rested against. You let out a low chuckle, eyes darting towards the entrance to the Hall — what you saw made you stop your laughing and sit up straighter.
Draco, accompanied by a brunette Slytherin, waltzed in with a smile on his face. You looked down immediately, hating the bubbling jealousy that threatened to emerge. You had seen the two together before but it didn’t help the sudden onslaught of negative emotions every time you saw him with her.
Maybe, possibly, you’ve had dreams where you use muggle torture techniques to keep her out of your life.
But no one needed to know that.
“Ah, Malfoy’s brought his admirer,” Pansy sighed, resting her chin on her hand, “What a surprise.”
You scoffed, trying to play it off, “When doesn’t he?”
No one knew of your little crush on Draco Malfoy. And if things were to go your way, no one would ever know. Being sly was always one of your specialties and you were rather proud of that. You didn’t let people in on a lot of secrets and you were bound to keep this one to yourself too.
“Fair point,” Pansy said lowly as Draco walked towards the table with an arrogant smirk on his face. A pleasantly attractive smirk, yes, but it was arrogant nonetheless. And you wanted to bite your own tongue off at the knowledge that the brunette was the one that put it there.
He sat across from you, seated between Crabbe and Blaise, but you didn’t greet him. Pettiness was overtaking your mood and you sat quietly, not even turning up to face him as you picked at some breakfast foods to put into your plate. Your day already felt like it was ruined — as dramatic as that was.
“You ready for tonight’s Quidditch game?” Blaise asked nonchalantly, taking a sip of tea and raising his eyebrows at Draco. You hid a scoff.
“Yep, can’t wait,” you sighed, leaning forwards, “The rain will really up the fun factor.”
You looked up at the bewitched ceiling, the heavy rain clouds pouring down on the students below. The drops obviously never reached anyone, but it was still awfully gloomy. You always hated playing in the rain. You’d end up in bed, shivering and wet with the early signs of a cold.
“Only reason I joined the team was to take down Gryffindor,” Draco sneered, “Will gladly get to do that tonight.”
“That’s if we win,” you scoffed, “Potter’s always got one up on you. You should probably fix that.”
After saying the words, you felt guilt blossom in your chest. You knew Draco’s weakness was the fact that his ‘sworn enemy’ Harry Potter always beat him — you had never really thrown it into his face until now.
You could see the change in his mood from the way his eyes grew slightly darker, glaring at you as if he wanted to retaliate. His shoulders slouched downwards and he leaned forwards on the table.
“Well, what’s got your wand in a twist this morning?” the corner of his lip curved up into a smirk and you had to force yourself to look away from him so you wouldn’t cave.
Shrugging, you kept your voice neutral, “Just saying. Maybe it’ll give you more incentive to win and prove me wrong,” you picked up your cup, avoiding eye contact if at all possible.
He eyed you, confusion laced into the creases of his forehead. You had never snapped at him like this before but you just couldn’t help it. The faint smirk quickly vanished and was replaced with a scowl as he turned down to face his plate.
You bit the inside of your cheek, absentmindedly picking at the scraps of bacon and toast on your plate. This section of table grew awfully quiet at your outburst, an awkward air surrounding all of you.
Being friends with Draco, it wasn’t rare that the two of you bickered. He always carried his nose and chin high, and sometimes you liked to knock him down a peg, no matter how much you swooned over the platinum headed boy. His charismatic charm was just one of the endless reasons he always thought he could get his way.
“Seriously,” Pansy leaned over and whispered in your ear, “What’s up? Why’d you say that?”
A blush rose to your cheeks and your snapped your head to her, “Out of my business, Parkinson.”
Her eyes widened and she held her hands up in surrender, “My bad.”
You let out a huff and went back to eating your meal, very much aware of Draco’s eyes piercing the top of your scalp as you kept your own eyes facing down, attempting with all of your might to avoid any more conversation than necessary.
Tonight’s match should be fun.
As usual, Potions class was a complete drag.
Snape was in his usual foul mood, nitpicking every single damn thing. You were used to it by now, having been in Snape’s house for nearly six years now, but it didn’t mean you particularly enjoyed it.
Least of all now, after being paired with Draco for a potions assignment.
If this were any other day, your heart would be doing leaps inside of your chest right about now — however the idea of just the two of you having to work together and talk was slightly nauseating after this morning’s outbreak.
“So,” he sat next to you, sliding awkwardly into the empty seat, “You still mad at me?”
You scoffed, flipping through the pages of you book, “Wasn’t cross with you.”
Fun fact about Draco Malfoy; he always saw right through you.
“C’mon,” he nudged your shoulder, causing you to look up from your book, “Don’t think you’ve ever spoken to me like that before.” His soft voice and piercing eyes were so hard to lie to. You always found yourself tempted to spill your deepest darkest secrets.
“I said I wasn’t mad at you,” you forced a smile, “I’ve got... other things going on.”
He didn’t believe you for a second, “What other things?”
You blessed Salazar and all of the Hogwarts founders that Snape decided to do his rounds, cutting your awkward conversation short and placing a piece of paper on your desk — the name of the potion you’d have to make.
Grinning, you re-opened your book and began scanning through, landing on the very worn down page with said potion on it. You couldn’t count how many times you’ve made this, which was great since you could do it easily and get away from Draco as soon as possible.
“Stop ignoring me,” he pushed, a small smile on his face, “We’ve gotta team up and play well together tonight so you might as well come clean.”
“Stay out of my business and I won’t have to hex you,” you said through gritted teeth, your voice low so no one could overhead. You reckon that’d be quite embarrassing.
He leaned even closer to you — close enough that you could smell some sort of faint cologne and laundry detergent lingering on his house robes. Close enough that you could see the small strands of brown hair in the sea of bleach blond. Close enough that his eyes weren’t just blue; they were turquoise. Green stars scattered amongst a sky of blue.
Close enough that you nearly forgot to breathe.
“I’ll find out eventually, you know?” he looked over the page in your book and began writing the ingredients and steps down on the parchment in front of him.
You fought back a chuckle at his childish handwriting.
He offered to go get the ingredients and you let him do so as you cleaned up your desk, preparing it to become a potion station. You hated working in a dirty environment and so you attempted to make the dingy desk as spotless as possible.
Your partner had been gone for quite a while as you felt slightly guilty. There were quite a few ingredients to Wiggenweld and it’d be tough for him to walk back with everything in his hands. You gazed over to see if he needed help, your heart leapt up into your throat.
Draco was leaned up against the wall, his arms crossed against his chest and a smirk on his face as he chatted to the same Slytherin girl from breakfast.
You bit down on your tongue, fighting a deep breathe that would surely give away your overwhelming jealousy. After taking a good long moment to calm down the rapid, angry beating of your heart, you balled your fists behind your back and walked over to him.
“Give me these,” you snatched the bottles and ingredients from his hands, looking anywhere but his eyes as you turned away from him, “When you feel like actually doing the work, that’d be great.”
Storming back to the table and placing everything down in a somewhat organized fashion, you decided to turn over to Blaise at the table next to you, “Wanna switch partners?”
He let out a low chuckle, looking over to the quiet Hufflepuff boy that was chopping away at the other half of the ingredients, “Mine’s actually working so I’d say no.”
“So selfish,” you scoffed, shaking your head, “Mine’s off being a git.”
Dropping the tool he was using to grate a unicorn horn, Blaise crossed his arms and walked over to you, “Lucy? She’s great.”
You let your hair fall from behind your ears to hide your frustrated blush, “Yeah, she’s real great. Taking his time while he should be here working”
If you had looked away, you would have missed the smirk that overtook his face. However, you noticed it, and it only made the blush on your cheeks grow even deeper.
“Oh, I see what’s going on,” he wiggled his eyebrows.
“No you don’t,” you snapped, “Go back to work or I’ll cut your tongue off and use it as an ingredient.”
He stepped back, but the smirk and amusement never left his face. Blaise was intuitive, yes — but you were being incredibly obvious, that much was certain. Him putting the pieces together was your fault, really.
“Oi, don’t attack me. If you’re to go after anyone, wouldn’t it be her?” he nudged his head in the direction of the girl that Draco was now walking away from, “after all, she’s the one stealing your man.”
“Shut your face,” you spoke lowly, glaring him down with all of your might as he walked back to his table with a chuckle. You watched as he went back to work before you decided to do the same yourself, picking up a tiny bottle and reading the label before unscrewing the tiny lid.
Draco’s bright head popped up on the other side of the table, “We getting started?”
Fighting the urge to snap, you nodded your head slowly, “So kind of you to join. Now get to work.”
He brushed your comment aside, stepping closer to you and ignoring your demand to get to work, “Do you know Lucy?”
Biting down on your tongue, you shook your head, “Nope. Your girlfriend?” You hated how bitter and insecure you sounded but at the moment, that was really the least of your concerns. All logic has been thrown out the window.
He rolled his eyes and let out a small laugh, “Bloody hell, no. She’s actually interested in Zabini. But I was wondering—”
“Wait, what?” you asked, nearly knocking a tiny bottle over as you leaned into the table, trying to get closer to him as if your hearing was off. Which, by the sound of what he said, you assumed it might be.
“What?” he stopped, “I’m trying to help her get with Zabini. He keeps talking about her.”
Suddenly, you felt like a complete idiot. The blush on your cheeks resurfaced and your heart did a leap against your ribcage.
“Oh,” you looked down, letting out a humourless chuckle, “I’m so sorry.”
Of course, you had jumped to conclusions. That’s what you always did. And now here you were, looking like a complete idiot and making your feelings blatantly obvious. The one thing you had been trying to avoid.
“Sorry? For what?” he was now the one to be confused, “What’s going on?”
“I—,” you blinked rapidly, looking over at him and trying your best to come up with any sentence that could make sense, “Nevermind. Let’s just get back to work.”
He furrowed his eyebrows, clearly put off by how oddly you had been behaving all day so far, but he didn’t press the subject. You knew he’d ask you about it later, but that was for another time. You couldn’t exactly blame him either. If the tables were turned and he was the one behaving oddly, you’d be on his rear about it too.
You made a promise to yourself to talk to him after tonight’s game. The conversation might end up going against your one goal, and it might end up going really badly for you, but you had to tell him. It was time.
The Quidditch match ended up being a breeze. You guys ended up victorious by a landslide, Draco catching the snitch with a massive grin on his face. The relief spread through your body like a tidal wave as you watched him hold up the tiny golden ball — but what was even better was watching Gryffindor stalk off the field with glum expressions.
A real victory.
The Slytherin team gathered down on the pitch, surrounding a boastful Draco as he held his head high. A part of you wanted to go down, give him a hug and apologize for the rude comments you made this morning — but the other part of you thought that he was fine celebrating without you. You’re the one who made him feel like complete crap this morning; why would he want to celebrate with you?
You smiled from afar, walking into the Slytherin tent. You were alone, obviously. Everyone was still shouting and cheering on the pitch and you highly doubted the partying would end anytime soon.
The perfect escape for you.
You hung up your broom and removed your uniform, bundling yourself in a comfy sweater and leggings so you could walk back up to the castle without getting too cold now that the sun was gone.
Hoping no one would catch you sneaking off before party plans were made, you began to open the tent door, only to be interrupted by a voice.
“Not sticking around?”
You spun on the spot, facing a rather sweaty and satisfied looking Draco. You cursed his good looks under your breath, knowing that you’d have a hard time saying no to him while he looked like this.
“Not feeling well,” you lied, shrugging and looking down at the ground.
He stepped closer to you, “Right, you’ve been odd all day. What’s wrong? And don’t say nothing again.”
You took a deep breath, biting your lower lip as you gazed back up at him, looking into the eyes that made butterflies fly wildly in your belly.
“I spoke to Blaise and I think I know what your problem is,” he stepped even closer, the space between the two of you now only a few inches.
Letting out a small laugh, you shook your head, “That little git.”
He pursed his lips, placing one of his warm hands on the side of your cheek. Your breath hitched in your throat and you leaned into his touch, not sure where he was going with this but enjoying every second of it.
One step closer, and he was nearly flush against your body. He was radiating warmth, his entire body still high off of the win, and you swore he could feel your rapid heartbeat.
Why else would he be smirking like that?
His smirk didn’t last long, however, as his lips pressed against yours.
Many people say their first kiss with their crush is soft, delicate — this wasn’t the case here. His lips pressed against yours with feverish passion, bringing the temperature in the small tent up by at least ten degrees. His lips were hot and wet as they moulded against yours, both hands cupping the sides of your face as he locked his body up against yours.
How many times you dreamt of this, you couldn’t count. But by Merlin, was it better than you could have ever imagined. You felt as if you were dancing with him, letting loose and moving to a rhythm of heartbeats. It was truly a beautiful feeling; one that you hoped you’d get to experience again.
“Well,” he muttered against your lips after pulling away, “Guess I was right.”
You wanted to retaliate and give him a sarcastic comment, but your mind was too numb and flummoxed to do so.
“Sorry I was acting all crazy,” you sighed, looking up into his blissful eyes, “Perhaps it’s true when they say jealousy makes people do crazy things.”
“It’s alright, love,” he smirked, placing hands on both sides of your waist and pulling you even closer, “We’re both a little crazy then.”
It felt like hippogriffs were fluttering around your belly as he kissed you once more, hands tightening their grip as he deepened the passionate act.
This would be awkward to explain when the team walked in, but for now, the two of you were perfectly content as you were.
Finally together.
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heyitsyn · 4 years
There Once Was A Man With No Arms-
Goshiki x Manager!Tendou!FirstYear!Sister!Reader
a/n: that was a mouthful
anon request: ahhh i loved your headcanons of iwaizumi dating oikawa's sister!!! this time, can i request goshiki x tendou's first year sis na manager din ng team nila? salamatttt hehe ingat ka lagiii💞
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this cute little bowl cut babie
so you are the little baby sister of our favorite red hair cutie and he was the one who offered you the manager position
ofc you accepted bc hello, you get to hang out w your brother and tease semi-semi-senpai everyday
pls let semi live
everyone likes you though bc you are their manager and you do a lot of things for them even though you dont need to
like sometimes, you stop by the store and pick up all kinds of snacks and if its really hot, popsicles and ice cream
ushijima farmer-san is known to be quite stoic and serious but he’s pretty chill around you and even ruffles your hair whenever you make a stupid joke
as a tendou, you are basically like a ctrl+v  with your brother 
the same cute teasing and bubbly personality but the quick change to serious and demeaning
the team gets stressed, especially mom, bc he has to take care of not one red-head freak but two
but he liked you more though bc you were a first year and you were this short little pumpkin and you were so nice and just all around A D O R A B L E
but you just didnt rub goshiki the right way
maybe bc he thought you were just doing this as an act and no person could really be this bubbly and cheerful
or hes just jealous his senpais attention is directed to you
whenever he gets a good spike, you cheer him on and say things like, ‘nice spike, tsu-chan!’ and he swears youre just doing this bc you want to kill him with a heart attack and he doesnt like feeling like this but you like torturing him
boi what is with this logic
even though he lives for praises, your praises and compliments just hits different than his senpais
before he even realized it, he started all out glaring at you and tendou, being the overprotective brother he was, pointed him out on it
‘oi, little kouhai, you got a problem with our y/n?’
at the mention of your name you turned around from talking to the coach and everyone turned to goshiki, expecting him to answer
unfortunately you didnt hear what your brother said so you were just confused
‘hm? i read the room and i am not comfortable with the energy in the gym today’
someone snorted while goshiki turned red at the attention being on him with the topic of you so he just walks away back to the court
‘oh? what was that all about?’ 
semi shushes tendou and gives you a smile
‘y/n, can you help tossing the ball for us?’
you nodded and quickly ran to the chair and waddled over to put it by the net before standing on it
everyone turned red, including goshiki and even shirabu, and busted their uwus
‘okay! let’s go!’
youve always noticed tsutomu and his determination to beat ushijima which youve appreciated bc he was so hard-working and he was talented enough
‘good one, tsu-chan!’
‘t-thanks, y/n-san’
even when no one noticed it, you were always there to give him compliments and he always grows flustered and hes just a big idiot babie and doesnt realize that your praises makes his heart beat faster bc he thinks youre freaking pretty and someone pretty complimenting him in his spikes boosts his ego
but eventually, it grew on him
instead of looking around for any senpai to praise him, he now turned to you and you would give him that adorable smile and he would bite his lip to stop himself from running over and hugging the life out of you
then he remembers who your brother is, well more like how protective the boys were
‘waka-senpai, nii-chan got sick so he wants you to stop by his dorm later today!’
since you were their teammate’s sister, theyve known you for a while and watched you grow from being this little middle school girl to a first year high schooler 
you were practically their sister
goshiki went to a different middle school so he never really realized how the guys treated you so differently but he knew it would be difficult to win them over for your hand
oops wait what
this thought struck him just as he was drinking water and he ended up choking on water causing you to run over from talking to semi so you could pat his back
‘omg, tsu-chan, you need to be careful!’
this was only the beginning of weeks of being weird
like he was so distracted and different that shirabu actually yelled at him and refused to give him any tosses
‘you talk big about being the ace but the slightest distraction could cost you a match. are you really being serious about being the ace or is it all just talk?’
he got all sad and mopey and he had to sit on the bench 
goshiki never got benched
he was too good to be benched!
but he was and he did not like it
you went over to him and sat next to him
‘tsu-chan, can you follow me?’
he looked up from the floor and he shrugged before following you out of the door
the others watched their first years exit the gym and they contemplated following
but tendou, surprise!, actually stopped them
‘my sister can sort him out herself. trust me’
goshiki didnt exactly know where you were taking him to until you stopped by by the baseball field where there was mud
‘y/n-san, why-’
‘you always say my name formally, why is that? im a first year too, tsu-chan’
he looked down
‘um, i-i don’t know-’
‘y/n-chan, tsu-chan. try it out’
you squealed at how cute he looked w red ears and a red face but you refrained from hugging him
then you remembered why you brought him out
‘oh right! come here, tsu-chan!’
you took a branch from a nearby tree and encouraged him to crouch down with you as you began to draw on the mud
‘there was once a man with no arms-’
you started happily singing and this was when goshiki really realized the resemblance between you and your brother
you both were happy and cheerful bc you wanted to radiate the energy to the others to be happy too
and it worked
tendou’s funny songs and jokes always made the others laugh and you did too
goshiki was happy that he was able to absorb that energy and he soon completely forgot about shirabu’s comments
once you were done, you have drawn a dog on the mud and the boy was so amazed at the sudden creation
he looked up at you with wide eyes and you laughed with a wide grin at his expression
‘hehe, its cool, right? nii-chan showed me something like that before when i got sad and it made me happy again. i thought it would work on you too’
he might have questionable feelings around you bc when you mentioned being sad, he felt weird
like he was relieved he wasnt there to see you sad bc he couldnt take it seeing your usual grin into a frown and your bright shining eyes filled with tears
‘y/n-chan, when you get sad, call me, okay? so i can go to you and make you smile like you did with me’
your eyes widened in surprise but you nodded, your grin even wider
‘im counting on you, tsu-chan!’
and he did
when he received a call late at night from you, he easily snuck out from his dorm and ran to the baseball field where he saw your crouching figure aimlessly dragging the stick in circles
he huffed and panted after running so fast and you looked up before running to hug him
‘im here now. youre okay’
you didnt release out your problems on him bc you didnt want to burden him
but he understood and just hugged you until you felt better enough to return to your crouching
goshiki hurriedly grabbed the stick and began to do the same thing you did for him before
‘then he jumped onto the lake and got stung by bees?’
he stopped and frowned, realizing he wasnt right
but the frown lifted when he heard your giggle
‘tsu-chan, he got stung by bees first and then he jumped on the lake!’
the corners of his mouth lifted and he chuckled
‘heh, i guess he did. but this is my version so listen closely, okay y/n-chan?’
this might be the reason you got close w the first year
the others noticed it too since you seem to pamper him and take more time taking care of him than them
like you even started wiping his sweat for him while he just giggles when you pull on the long strands of his hair
‘tsu-chan, i want to cut it!’
‘no, y/n-chan!’
he grabbed your hands and your arms around his torso so he could do the same to you and gently tugged on the ends of your long hair
‘you too then, y/n-chan. your hair is long too’
you pouted then gently punched his chest
‘mean, tsu-chan’
‘heh?! mean?! how?!’
tendou is like the best big brother ever and hes just like ‘yuhhhh get it tsutomu!!!!’
eventually, goshiki began playing even better
his complete spike percentage has increased and his jumping has gotten higher
but the team predicts that this was all because he’s trying to show off to you and your praising and compliments have motivated him to play better
forget being ace, he just wants you to praise him
‘y/n-chan! y/n-chan! did you see that?’
‘wahh!!!! so cool, tsu-chan!!”
bus trips to matches are so cute but yall lowkey annoy the players a bit
yall sit next to each other and are just leaning together as you giggle over stupid cat videos
like we get, goshiki is getting some quicker than us
i feel like before moving on to relationships, goshiki and you would be best friends first and then move on to the dating stuff
tbh, theres no difference bc yall have always been like that but theres just an offical label now
‘hey, tsu-chan, wanna date?’
‘u-um,, sure?’
yall would hang out in either his dorm or yours and yall would be alone bc the team actually trusts you but you dont know that they pass by the door ever 5 minutes and listen in to just to make sure yall are not doing anything bad
smh they so nosy but we luv them
you know of his insecurities about not being enough and his fears of not being the ace and his dreams of playing to the big leagues and his passion to continue playing on the court for as long as he can and how excited he is to be able to spend all those years with you
he knows of your insecurities about the way you look and being associated with your apparent freak of a brother but you didnt care about that and even fought someone when they said something and your deep protectiveness for the boys, especially your brother but it’s all because the boys were the ones to accept you with open arms and treat you like family
yall shared a lot of secrets amongst yourselves and tbh, your communication is just *chefs kiss*
so serious fights dont happen, like ever, just stupid little arguments that are usually resolved like an hour later
since youre also a manager, its also your job to make sure the boys are maintaining their good grades and you know that shira-senpai has given up on tutoring tsutomu
i mean,,, goshiki is smart but he gets distracted easily and ends up spacing out during lessons
thats when the little arguments bc youd be trying to teach him the damn phythagorean theorem and hed be distracted at how come your hair was styled like that today
‘goshiki tsutomu, i will leave your ass to fail right now if you dont stop touching my hair’
‘but babyyyyyy’
‘no, ‘dont baby’ me, you idiot! you’ll be crying like a baby when you fail and you’re bench during the next game!’
oof also!
hes a protective little babie and he gets jealous easily so whenever yall have games, he literally hangs all over you 
like he makes a show of putting his jacket over you and kissing your forehead so that the other teams know to stop looking over at your direction and whispering about you
ofc this gets on your nerves but you cant help but think how cute he looks when he gets jealous
he gets all pouty and touchy and youre just like, take my uwus you big babie
even tendou is like, ‘im her brother yet hes more protective than me’
he demands to be hugged 24/7 but thats not appropriate if youre in public so he ltr drags you outside and away from people just so he could hug you
he likes hugging you bc youre shorter than him and it makes him feel all special and soft since you like to burrow your face into his chest and your sweater paws are just like ugggggghhhhhhhhh
whenever he gets nervous, you kiss his fingers and his knuckles bc it soothes him and youre just his good luck charm and he feels like he can take over the world w a single kiss from you
‘baby, didja see that?! i was so cool, right?!’
‘so proud of you, tsu-chan! youre so cool!’
‘i love y/n like a sister but if she inflates his ego more, i will have to tape her mouth’
can you guess who said that?
overall a relationship i strive for and i really want a goshiki now thanks byeeeeeee
a/n: ngl goshiki’s hair lowkey triggered me when i first saw him bc why the heck does it look like that?! but now i actually like it on him and i cant imagine any other hairstyle fitting him
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meow-bebe · 4 years
October Blues
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Pairing: Johnny Suh x reader
Genre: fluff, angst, kind of college au (not explicitly mentioned but its what i was thinking of while writing)
Word Count: 1.4k
Tonight’s Soundtrack: Pumpkin - The Regrettes
A/n: my first finished halloween request! for anon, “hi cosmo 😊 may i request 63 with johnny? agsjfhsklfjs he /is/ the tallest after all😭”. sorry this got a bit angsty at the end, i just have too much unrequited love ideas bouncing around in side my head. also, my nerdiness popped out so I apologise if you don't like doctor who. i know this probably wasnt what you were thinking of but i hope you enjoy nonetheless!
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Oh, the joy of unexpected costume parties. Putting together a good costume could be a painstaking process for those that want to do it right, and apparently that process was not something that Mark Lee understood. Not that this was a spectacular revelation or anything, considering how last year he had shown up to his own party in an old red t-shirt with a bunch of lines sharpied on to vaguely resemble Spiderman’s suit. It had even been voted worse than Lucas’ costume, and he had shown up shirtless with what appeared to be an old bath towel chopped up and strung around his neck in a poor attempt at something along the lines of a neck ruff, and had the audacity to call himself a vampire. Not that most people stopped to question it, the sight of his bare chest was enough to make the majority of people who saw him drool. Unfortunately, you were one of the few that were focused enough on the costume contest (and winning it) to be offended by his lack of effort. 
Though your costumes were known to be tedious but rewarding projects, often including quite a bit of planning and sewing, they were also known to be hastily finished at about five in the afternoon on October thirty-first. As a result, you had absolutely nothing to wear to Mark’s seemingly impromptu week-before-Halloween party. (Knowing Mark, it was also more than likely that he had forgotten to invite you until the last moment.) Which was an issue, because now you had nothing to wear. 
With only one day to prepare, you thought you had done pretty well for yourself. Adorned in an ill-fitting brown trench coat you had managed to convince Johnny to let you borrow, a tie you just happened to have sitting around, and a navy blue collared shirt you may or may not have stolen from your roommate, you had managed to put together a somewhat accurate cosplay of the Doctor. You had been forced to make do with an old pair of converse that were so covered in paint it was barely noticeable that they were red and a regular pair of jeans, but overall you were pretty proud of your hastily put together costume. 
Unfortunately, no one else was. Or at least no one knew who the Doctor was. You wouldn’t be surprised, Mark’s parties weren’t exactly known for their nerdy clientele. Which was probably why you didn’t particularly enjoy his Halloween parties. In fact, you had just about no idea why you were here tonight, other than it was Mark Lee and he was notoriously hard to say no to. Plus if absolutely no one got your costume, you could always find Johnny. 
Johnny was Mark’s roommate, and definitely the more tolerable of the pair. You loved Mark, but hanging around him could get tiring after a while. Johnny was definitely quite the sociable person, and he could blend into any crowd which worked well for you. He was easy to talk to, and you shared some interests so there was always material for conversation, but he also never expected much out of you. You could sit in silence and be perfectly comfortable. 
And, as it seemed no one that you had run into yet shared your love of sci fi, you had made your way outside to try and find Johnny. He wasn’t hard to locate, there was a fire going in the firepit in their pitiful excuse for a front yard, and as you had seen Mark attempting to start some vaguely halloween themed games surrounded by several of his slightly tipsy friends inside, Johnny was probably making sure no one caught themselves on fire. 
Just as you predicted, there he was, his large figure easily spotted as you left the house, dodging around a couple of girls hanging out on the porch steps. Johnny was perched on the brick wall that ran down the street separating the sidewalk from the yards, the charred stick he always liked to use to poke things around when he was in charge of the fire next to him. The section of the grass beyond the sidewalk was unusually large, which had always made you wonder why the wall was there at all, as the yard could have just been sloped downwards, but it let them put the firepit out there so you let it slide. 
“Hey John,” you greet, sitting down next to him and kicking your legs in front of you. Jaehyun stands in front of the fire to your left, a pair of cat ears perched on his head, and you offer him a small smile before looking back to Johnny. 
He looks your outfit over, raising his eyebrows at the red and blue 3D glasses perched on your head. “Who are you dressed as again?”
You roll your eyes. “As I told you when I texted you to borrow the coat, I’m the Doctor. David Tennant’s Doctor, specifically.”
“I knew you were the Doctor,” Jaehyun pipes up. “The glasses add a nice touch.”
“Thank you Jae,” you say, elbowing Johnny. “See? I’m not totally unrecognizable.”
“Yeah, well, he’s a nerd too,” you roll your eyes again, and bump your shoulder against Johnny’s. 
“Hey!” Jaehyun protests.
“Oh, don’t deny it.” You smirk before adding, “Nice ears by the way.”
Even in the fading light, you can see that Jaehyun’s ears (the non-cat ears anyway) flamed red, and he stuttered out something about how they were his sister’s and he didn’t have anything else. Seeing that you were still snickering at him, he rolled his eyes. “I’m heading inside. See you later.” 
You and Johnny chorus your goodbyes, attention turning back to each other. He wasn’t wearing anything remarkable, which was odd because Mark had made it clear that a costume was required. “What are you supposed to be?” you question.
“I’m the tall dark handsome stranger your parents warned you about.” His eyes crinkle up into a smile as you snort and burst out laughing. 
“You’re ridiculous is what you are.” 
“It works on most people.”
You elbow him again. “Unfortunately for you, I’m not most people.”
The temperature had begun dropping for the night, and the wind had begun to pick up again. You shiver as the chill starts to seep into your bones, tugging your coat tighter around your body and laying your head on Johnny’s shoulder, hoping to absorb a bit of warmth from him. 
Johnny stiffens just the tiniest bit, so little that you don’t even notice. He can’t quite think to realise you might find that reaction a bit odd, not with the way that you have your head laid up against him, and how if you were to lean up just a smidge you could easily press a sweet kiss against his throat. And, oh, how he wishes you would. But he knows that to you, he’s just John. You know him through a mutual friend, and you’ve never hung out with him outside the times you drift to the edge of your friend group, feeling as though they’re too noisy for you. 
Maybe it’s just the wistfulness that comes with October nights, the feeling that summer has really truly faded away for the colder months to take their hold, but tonight Johnny can feel those little pricks of pain that loving someone who barely looks in your direction causes a bit more than usual. Sure, maybe he is the one that you’re all cuddled up against, and perhaps his mind is just playing cruel tricks, but he could swear he catches your eyes repeatedly flicking over towards one of the several people crowded on the porch. You had been talking to one of the girls standing there inside earlier, and even though Johnny has always known that he would never be yours, it still hurts to consider you having eyes for someone else. 
He had come to terms with his one sided love a while ago, but for some reason tonight everything that he had been trying his best to keep down was hitting a lot harder than usual. Perhaps it was something about Halloween, after all Johnny knew it was your favorite holiday. Yes, that was probably it.
“John?” your voice interrupts his thoughts and he looks down at you, head still resting on his shoulder, wrapped up in his coat. “What’re you thinking about? You spaced out for a second there.”
Johnny huffs out a little laugh, staring across the street to watch the leaves tumble down from his neighbor’s tree, the streetlamp four houses down illuminating them in an eerie but strangely comforting way. 
“Oh, nothing….” he says, just a little hint of the longing that filled his heart bleeding through to his words.
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Potions and Princes (Pt.3)
Virgil was usually easily frightened, he always had been. But this was a different kind of terror, this was a kind of terror that he didnt think anyone had ever felt before.
He was still thinking about the voice in the woods, still thinking about Roman, and his worried face, about Logan and the conversation they'd had on the way back from the woods.
Now Virgil was laying on a bed in the infirmary, arm wrapped in bandages, alone.
Novice he turned the word over and over again in his head, he felt sick. Was he a novice? Was he really ever good enough at magic? The words felt like a venom in his gut. But he was nearly entirely convinced that they were true. He was pathetic, and at this point, he wasnt even sure he should have been gifted magic.
"Virgil? Are you awake?" Virgil froze as he heard Roman's voice, Roman of all people, asking about him.
"Mhm. . ." Virgil said, barely above a whisper. Roman appeared within the next second by his bedside, taking the injured arm in his hands and examining it. It had started out on his hand, Virgil wasnt sure what he'd spilled, but it clearly wasnt supposed to be in contact with human skin.
"I'm sorry about your arm. . ." Roman said quietly, taking something out of his pocket and pouring it over the arm.
"My fault for being incompetent. . ." Virgil replied.
"You are not incompetent, you made a mistake, that's all," Roman replied, sitting down next to Virgil's bedside. Virgil had to try his best not to flush bright red as Roman's eyes met his.
Roman had very pretty eyes, they'd shift through all sorts of green and red shades, Remus' eyes did the same, but in Virgil's mind, Roman pulled it off better.
"You clearly dont know much about me then," Virgil responded.
"I know you're sweet, and generous, and you love your brother, and you like helping baby birds back into their nests, and you get excited when spring starts because you like to see everything grow and change and like watching the new wildlife explore, and you like fall because you like to play in the leaves and visit the pumpkin patch and go on hay rides," Virgil's face turned even brighter shades of red as Roman continued.
"You know about all that?. . ." Virgil said quietly.
"Well yeah, I just- never really worked up the nerve to talk to you or hang out," Roman said.
"You were nervous about talking to me?" Virgil said in a shocked whisper.
"Remus has an easier time talking to his crushes than I do" Roman said quietly, Virgil felt faint.
"You- like me??? Like as a person???" Virgil said.
"Yes I like you! Of course I do! Why do you think I didnt want to duel you!" Roman said.
"I thought you just wanted to duel with someone who actually knew how to use magic!" Virgil replied.
Roman froze slightly and turned to him, Virgil's face was nearly as red as roses when Roman brushed his hands across it and pressed his forehead to Virgil's.
"Virgil. You are capable of using magic, you absolutely deserve to have it, and I never want to hear you saying those things about yourself again, got it?" Roman said quietly, Virgil could only make a small squeak of agreement. He relaxed slightly as Roman began massaging the sides of his forehead, sinking into his touch. He fell asleep much easier within Roman's arms, so easily that neither boy seemed to notice the blood red smoke making it's way under the door.
Virgil was allowed out the next day, his scars wouldnt heal, but he'd still be able to use his arm.
News had spread rather quickly of his and Roman's conversation, and much to Virgil's surprise and elation, he and Roman had reached the status of the school's most popular power couple over night.
But this didnt come without negatives, Virgil could routinely find groups of gossiping boys and girls, talking about his lack of prowess, and how Roman deserved someone better. Virgil tried his best to ignore this, to focus on the soft whispers of Roman's voice in his ear when they lay in the courtyard, but soon those whispers, to, had been replaced by something much less calming.
When Virgil would fall asleep under Roman's arm, his mind would fill with promises of strength, power, with the voice of someone offering a place on a throne Virgil had never heard of, offering things that would make others bow before him, cowering in fear.
But these were more distressing than enticing, Virgil would sometimes wake up with eyeshadow and mascara tracks staining his face, Roman's arms bringing him close and massaging his sides.
"Are you alright my darling? You're crying again," Roman said, running his fingers through Virgil's hair as he awoke from another one of his nightmares.
"I-Im fine- it's nothing important I promise," Virgil said, biting his lip slightly.
"If you say so darling, I wont press," Roman replied, now moving to massage Virgil's stomach.
"I love you. . ." Virgil said quietly.
"I love you to my darling," Roman said.
The only person, it seemed, who wasnt thoroughly convinced that Virgil was just having ordinary nightmares, was Logan.
"We shouldve done more research on that scar! I know it! There couldve been a neurotoxin in that potion!" Logan said, pacing in front of the couch, where Virgil and Emile were busy playing a game of cards.
"Logan 'm fine! I promise!" Virgil said again, glaring across the couch as Emile played yet another high-scoring set.
"You are most certainly not fine if you're having nightmares driving you to tears all the time," Logan responded.
"I'll be in the library doing more research if any of you need me, Virgil, dont forget to take your medicine," Logan said, turning on his heel and leaving the common room.
"Hes just worried about you Virge, that's all," Emile said.
"I know he is, but theres really nothing wrong with me!" Virgil replied, pushing down the growing guilt in his gut.
Virgil already knew he was a problem on his own, but this, this was something that he'd never tell the others about, he didnt want to add to their burdens.
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hewwo-fwends · 4 years
you gonna be okay? - pjs + zcl (NCT)
hello. I wrote this to help myself out of a mental funk kinda ting, which is really depressing in itself, but it did help. I thought it would be a waste if no one saw it, ya know? it's a bit controversial. fun fact: I made a whole new account to post this so no one I know can find me here.
so um for context, both jisung and chenle are quite a bit older than me, and I'm over a year legal in my country. anyway. here we go yeehaw.
warnings: angst (⚠️⚠️TRIGGER WARNING⚠️⚠️ MENTIONS OF SH AND PANIC/ANXIETY ATTACKS), kinda smut (like a little bit of grinding and marking and tongue salsa), jisung has anxiety or smth idk, chenle misses jisung, ends with fluff and stuff it's kinda kyoot
word count: 4.4k
the recurrence of these emotions should have been the first warning sign. how he had felt this way so often over the past 3 years. maybe the first time he marked up his own body should have been the second warning sign. the numbness within him fading to a euphoric stinging sensation within seconds, then to guilt and anxiety. no one could know. then maybe the third warning sign would have been his growing dependency on things that kill you from the inside. drinking and smoking to feel anything but numb or anxious or like he wanted to be crushed under a car. but none of the above felt like warning signs to him, because between the worst lows and the happy period right after, he would forget anything happened. he would ignore it. he would tell himself it wasnt a big deal, and that no one should know. so no one did.
jisung was seen as the funny, nice friend in this way. he would listen to others' problems and help them as much as he could. he would give people his things to make them happy, not expecting to get anything back himself. he wouldn't try to make others laugh, but would feel proud when he did. people liked him in a casual way. he was a good guy, a kind guy. jisung thought that too sometimes, before he stopped himself. "don't get too into your own head." he would think. "show these people how nice you are. be the happy person that people like. that will make you happy all the time." clearly, that didn't always work. but, to fulfill his purpose, he ignored and forgot the times when he didn't live up to his happy persona. it didn't happen. he was happy. always happy. nothing but happy. and he prayed to any and all gods that he would never get caught out.
"Jisung. Talk to me for a sec." Coach spoke from across the gym. Whilst still laughing about a joke with his friends, he jogged over to the coach, smiling brightly. "What's up with you today? You get enough sleep? You were all over the place. I swear I saw you trip over your own feet a couple times." Jisung's smile almost faltered, but he caught himself before it could.
"Ah, coach. You know me. I may have spent a little bit longer on Overwatch last night than usual but it's only because of this one guy that kept busting my nu- killstreak, man! I had to get him back or I wouldn't have slept at all!" Coach laughed at the teen's obvious rage thinking back to this other player and his tone softened.
"Yeah, yeah. I do get it. But don't let it happen again, alright? You're my star player and I'm counting on you for regionals. You won't let me down, right?"
"Sir, no, sir!" Jisung projected.
"You cheeky brat. Go on. Get outta here." the coach laughed as Jisung jogged back over to where his friends were joking and packing their bags.
"Hey, Sung. What was that about?" questioned Jeno, whilst spraying himself with deodorant and suffocating the rest of the group.
"Watch it, fuckface!" exclaimed Renjun, coughing up his organs.
"Oh, nothing. Just talking about regionals." Jisung replied after clearing his throat of Lynx Africa.
"Ahh, star player Jisung! But you were a bit slow today, huh? I might just steal your spot up the coach's ass, you get me?" Jaemin nudged Jisung, making the group laugh at the boy's teasing remark.
"Never in a million years, Na." Jisung shoved the boy before grabbing his bag and sidestepping away to avoid reprisal. The other boys followed this action and started walking towards the door, talking between each other.
"So, do y'all wanna get some food or something?" Haechan asked the group, hinting that he definitely did want to get some food. The group all murmured in agreement, apart from Jisung, who replied "Ah, I would love to but my mum wants me back for dinner with the family tonight."
"Aww momma's boy Jisungie. How cute." Jaemin teased before reaching to squeeze the youngest's cheeks. Jisung backed away, making sounds of fear whilst smiling at his friend's show of affection. Jaemin eventually backed off and Jisung rubbed his now red cheeks. He drifted to the back of the group walking through the school's empty corridors. A few seconds later, Chenle found his way next to him.
"Hey, are you gonna make it on the PlayStation tonight?" he asked excitedly.
"Ah, I don't know, man. Depends if my mum lets me." Jisung replied whilst rubbing the nape of his neck.
"What? But she didn't let you play last night! That's child cruelty, I swear!" his shrill voice rang through Jisung's ears, making him flinch to the side.
"Yeah. I know it sucks. But you guys are great without me, too! You'll be fine, man."Jisung reassured the loud boy. They continued to talk about the game that Jisung had missed the night before until the group reached a crossroads. They waved goodbye and Jisung split off from the group who were heading to a diner around the corner. As he walked down the pavement towards his house, he realised how dark it had gotten in only 10 minutes. It made sense as it was December, and he sighed as he looked at the expansive sky with greys and whites mixing with dark blue. As he approached his house, he noticed that the Christmas lights had been put up, white and orange fairy lights strung across the bushes outside and over the front door. He smiled to himself. As he stepped into the house, his fingers tingled from the contrast of the freezing winter air outside and the cozy central heating inside. "Mum?" Jisung shouted down the corridor whilst taking off his shoes and putting his bag on the floor.
"Hey, Sungie! How was school?" her voice appeared from the living room and Jisung walked towards it.
"Ah, same old, same old, you know?" he shrugged.
"Are you not hanging out with your friends today?" she asked as she paused her TV programme. She had been watching Rick and Morty and Jisung couldn't help but think how much she would fit in with his age group. The thought made him cringe.
"No. They were all tired and had to go home." He said whilst looking at the paused TV screen.
"Oh, well. I hope you don't mind but me and dad are going out tonight with some friends so do you mind making your own dinner? Your sister's staying at her friend's house so don't worry about her and your brother's in his room with his friend and they're doing their own thing." Jisung's mum explained. Jisung's face almost dropped but, once again, he caught himself and smiled.
"Of course, that's fine. I'll make myself some ramen. Have fun tonight!" he said as he walked out of the room and grabbed his bag.
"You too!" his mum spoke before the sound of the TV started playing again. Jisung jogged upstairs and down the corridor to his room before walking in and locking the door behind him, as was his routine. He sighed and dropped his bag on the floor, standing still by the door. Next in his routine was the sudden wave of cold that rushed over him, so much colder than the rest of the house. Then his lip would start quivering and he may have let out a whimper or two, before dropping onto his bed and sobbing with no tears, just the feeling of hopelessness running through his veins. His body curled in on itself and his hands clawed at his bedsheets as his face dug into his pillow. He would then rock back and forth for the next half an hour, chanting such phrases as "I wish I was dead" or "I'm horrible" or maybe "I hate this". What it was that he hated? He couldn't tell you. He just knew he didn't want to be there anymore. Or anywhere really. He would contemplate carving into himself like a Halloween pumpkin again but would always chicken out just before, remembering how tiring it was to hide it the first times. He didn't want to add anymore stuff to his plate. Also, his physical appearance needed to match his social appearance. No one could know what he was like on his own. It was his own little secret. However, he needed to feel something. So he would curl up on his floor, his head against his carpet, and scratch all down his arms, as hard as he could. The sensation made him feel something, and feeling something felt euphoric. After maybe managing to shed a few tears and falling asleep, he would wake up feeling drained and somewhat annoyed for not being able to see the scratches on his arms. But of course, he would then think of himself as an attention-whore, and make himself forget anything had happened. His day then continues from then with him being the happy social butterfly he was known to be. And the cycle would repeat.
"Hey, you better come hang with us tonight. I feel like I hardly see you anymore!" Chenle spoke to Jisung in what he would call his "quiet voice". Luckily, they were in the canteen and there was hardly anyone around.
"You know I would love to, but I've got a lot of homework to do! Mr Suh is being a real bitch lately, you know?" Jisung spoke back as he played with the rice on his plate. School food really did nothing for his constant nausea.
"But you've been working so much lately! You've had to do homework almost every day after school for the past month! And before that, your mum needed you to come home for dinner every night! I miss you, Sungie." Chenle's typically loud and screeching voice fell at the last bit, and Jisung looked up at the boy through his fringe. What did he mean by "I miss you" when he was right there in front of him? He hadn't gone anywhere.
"What do you mean "you miss me"? I'm right here, Lele." Jisung almost reached his hand out for Chenle's on the other side of the table, but ended up deciding against it and just leaning forwards slightly.
"But you're not though. I only see you in school now. And you hardly talk to me anymore. You used to tell me about stuff that's going on in your life. Now I have to talk to you first to get you to notice to me." Jisung's eyes began to get hot as he looked down at the table. He could feel his heartbeat in his stomach and his muscles begin to twitch. This wasn't good. "Do you even like me anymore? I thought you were my best friend, Jisung. What's happened to you?" Chenle's voice held an apprehensive and somewhat emotional tone. Jisung couldn't breathe. He needed to get out of there.
"I've gotta go." he rushed out his words in a hushed tone to stop his tears from falling, whilst pushing up from his seat and speeding out of the canteen as fast as possible without running. His eyes stayed trained on the ground and the tears welling up made him feel like he was about to throw up. He pushed open the door to a toilet block he knew no one would be in before rushing into a cubicle and locking the door behind him. He broke.
His sobs rang against the walls of the cubicle, no matter how much he tried to repress them. He slapped his hand over his mouth in attempt to quieten himself, and his tears fell like torrential rain, down his face, his hands and to the floor. His back slid down the wall of the cubicle until he was curled up on the floor in a puddle of his own trembling limbs and tears. He stayed in that state for 5 more minutes, neither his tears nor his emotions subsiding. Then, he heard the door of the toilet block crash open, promptly followed by a shout of "Jisung?". Chenle.
Jisung's eyes clenched shut so tightly that he was seeing stars, his nails now digging into his cheeks with how tightly he was covering his mouth. The tears didn't stop but at least they didn't make any noise. "Jisung. I know you're there. I won't break down the door. Just let me in." Chenle's voice turned softer, but now with an added hint of concern. Jisung dreaded to think that Chenle was concerned about him. He tried to stop the tears so he could face his friend, but they wouldn't stop, and he couldn't even move. He felt trapped where he was. His body had given up. "I'm not going anywhere, Jisung. I promise."  Chenle's voice sounded close, like his head was against the other side of the door. Hearing him say that somehow made Jisung break even further. He didn't know that was possible. His sobs could suddenly be heard again even through his hands tight grasp on his face. "Jisung?" Chenle's voice sounded panicked now. He didn't want to do that to him. He needed to let him know he was there, even like this.
"Chenle-" he rasped out between sobs. His voice clearly sounded tired and weak, with a hint of desperation.
"Please, open the door, Sungie." Jisung sobbed harder, feeling incapable of moving whatsoever, but his best friend's distress gave him an ounce of motivation, but not without added guilt and shame. He hid his head in his arm against his knees and blindly reached for the lock on the door. He felt it unlock and immediately curled his other hand around himself, hoping to not be seen. Of course, that didn't happen. He heard a gasp from above and then felt the brush of air against his arm as his friend dropped down next to him. His sobs had still not stopped and he felt the smallest he had ever felt in his life right at this moment, curled up on the toilet floor next to his best friend. He didn't know what he had expected to happen, but it certainly wasn't the warm feeling of his friends arms wrapping around him, and the warmth of his breath against his neck. They didn't usually do that with each other. This only spurred on more tears, but slightly fuzzier ones. With some sensation back in his body, he twisted his hand upwards to hold onto his friend's arm, a small message to the other boy in an attempt to translate how grateful he is to him and that he's the best friend anyone could ever wish for. It may have not translated that whole message, but he hoped that it got pretty close.
"You're gonna be okay, Sungie." Chenle spoke into the crying boy's neck. The warmth tickled him and caused a hot shiver to run across his spine. Wait. Was he blushing? In shock about having just blushed at the actions of his best friend, he managed to lift his head up and open his eyes. His sight was blurred but he could see the wavy outline of his small friend through his unrelenting tears. He could feel hands upon his cheeks as they turned his face towards him to wipe at the tears under his eyes with the soft pads of his thumbs. He hoped so much that his face was red enough from crying to cover up the ever-growing blush that adorned his cheeks. He bit his lip and looked down in embarrassment, but Chenle didn't allow it. With his hands still resting on his cheeks, he lifted his head back up and pressed his forehead against the others. Out of surprise, Jisung's right hand shot up to hold onto the other's elbow, before sliding up to his hand against his cheek instead. He rested his hand on top of Chenle's and leant into it slightly, enjoying the feeling way too much than he should have felt okay with. His eyes fell shut again as he released a sigh that fluttered against Chenle's cheeks. They sat there, sharing each other's space, for what felt like years. Jisung wished the feeling would never stop. But as long as Chenle was with him, he felt like it never would.
After his tears had slowed and his breathing had evened out, Jisung felt Chenle's hand slide away from his face. He felt himself almost starting to cry yet again, before Chenle's fingers slid between his own and his thumb started rubbing his hand. Chenle's head pulled away from Jisung's and tilted against the wall they were both leaning against instead. "Is this okay?" Chenle asked in a genuinely hushed and soothing voice, one that Jisung didn't know he was capable of. He couldn't tell what Chenle was referring to until he squeezed Jisung's hand ever so slightly and Jisung blushed yet again.
"Yeah. It's fine." the corners of his mouth tilted ever so slightly before he realised and stopped himself. But Chenle didn't even try to stop himself. He had already noticed Jisung's mistake and smiled back widely himself. This only made Jisung feel shy and bashfully smile at the floor.
"Your smile is so pretty." Chenle stated, as if it was the most obvious fact in the galaxy. Jisung's eyes shot up to the other boy's face, who was now giggling at Jisung's reaction. Jisung quickly looked back down to the floor as he felt the flustered feeling spread all over his head.
As Chenle's giggles quietened down, Jisung tilted his head against the wall, before realising just how close their faces were. He could feel Chenle's breath against his lips. He felt an involuntary sound creeping up his throat, but swallowed hard to keep it down. "Are you feeling any better?" Chenle spoke in a deep voice, quiet and gentle on Jisung's currently sensitive ears.
"I do feel better right now." Jisung responded, his voice still weak and raspy.
"Right now?" Chenle's eyebrows curled in confusion. "Why right now?"
Jisung couldn't stop the words from coming out. "Because you're here." His eyes widened the second after he let it slip from his lips, having shocked himself with the obvious "line". He didn't know how to repair that. So he just stayed silent, red in the face and frozen. He only barely noticed Chenle's small smile before he registered that they were somehow even closer to one another. He felt their noses brush together and this time, he didn't think fast enough to stop the involuntary sound falling off his lips. A hushed whimper spilled into the shared breathing space between them. Chenle's head was back where it was before, pressed against Jisung's, and Jisung couldn't stop himself from glancing down at his best friend's lips. His best friend, he thought. This was not normal, and he knew it. But he didn't care. It felt so much better than anything he had ever done before. So much more natural. He wanted this. So bad.
His mouth was slightly open, trying to maximise his air intake as the air around him suddenly got so hot.
"Can I?" He felt Chenle's breath against his tongue, and his nose brushed against Jisung's once more.
"Please." It came out much more whiny than he had expected, but he wasn't even ashamed anymore as his best friend's lips melted into his own, their synchronisation making Jisung feel like he had been missing this his whole life. Chenle. Just Chenle. They seemed to fall into a trance as the taste and feeling of one another became addictive. Jisung only realised what was happening when he felt a hand sliding up his arm and towards his neck, the thumb rubbing against his jugular. Another hand had slid up his leg and was squeezing his thigh. Jisung couldn't help but grab onto the front of Chenle's shirt and pull his body even closer as he released yet another whimpering noise. That was a cue for Chenle to lick at Jisung's bottom lip, subtly asking for permission to take this further. It wasn't even a question for Jisung. He let his mouth fall open and Chenle was immediately there, lapping at the other's tongue with his own. The feeling made Chenle groan slightly, and Jisung's fist clenched tighter on his shirt in response, another whimper falling from his occupied lips. He felt breathless in the best way, so didn't even attempt to pull away to breathe. He didn't want to stop and could tell that neither did Chenle.
A few minutes later, Chenle had explored Jisung's entire mouth and wanted to find out some more about the boy, so his hands fell to his hips and pulled slightly, inviting Jisung to come closer. Jisung took this offer with delight, climbing onto the other's lap and leaning back onto the other's knees as Chenle slid his back further up the wall for a more comfortable position. They both quickly found each other's lips again and got right back into the flow of the situation. Chenle's hands had drifted from Jisung's tiny waist to his hips, just above his ass that was sat in a place that he didn't want to dwell too much on, though he found that to be extremely difficult with how fidgety Jisung could be. Jisung's hands found purchase against Chenle's chest again, occasionally grasping at his shirt when he felt to overwhelmed, so the entire time really.
After a few more minutes, Chenle leaned his head back against the wall, looking up at Jisung with so much adoration. Jisung felt hot under his stare and missed the feeling of his lips.
"You're so hot, baby." Chenle spoke in his low voice, like he was talking to himself. Jisung whined and leaned in, hoping to find Chenle's lips again, only to be stopped by the feeling of a hand around the base of his neck, not holding him, just applying light pressure, enough to stop him in his tracks and make him roll his hips. The feeling made his head fall back and he accidentally released a moan. He felt embarrassed, but also really, really hot. He heard a growl from below him but before he could look back down, he felt Chenle's hot mouth against his neck, right next to his jugular. His teeth bit into the skin and his mouth sucked around the mark, making Jisung involuntarily move his hips faster against Chenle's torso, looking for any friction whatsoever. Like Chenle was reading his mind, he ground his hips upwards into Jisung's own, right as he bit into the other side of his neck. "Fuck!" Jisung exclaimed, the breath being knocked out of his lungs at the sensation.
"Close already?" Chenle teased. Jisung suddenly realised how weird it was to hear that from his best friend. The best friend he would play games with as a child. the best friend he would talk about girls with in his early teen years. The best friend he would vent to when he was stressed, and who would do the same back. The best friend he had talked about getting a house with in the future, somewhere in a big city. The best friend that was now making him feel so fucking good on the floor of the school toilets when they're both supposed to be in lessons. The best friend he wants to scream the name of for the rest of his life, disturbing the neighbours and almost getting kicked out of several apartments. He's not even mad.
Them walking out of that toilet block must have been the most comedic moment in either of their lives. To set the scene, they both styled matching red faces and disheveled hair, with Chenle rocking a creased shirt and Jisung showing off his abundance of blossoming purple and red bite marks, trailing all over his jaw and neck and deep down into his collar line and, to top it all off, their non-chalant "we did not just fuck I swear" facial expressions. Glancing up and down the corridor to avoid any other unsuspecting students, they made a bee-line for Chenle's locker where he knew he kept a hoodie to hide Jisung's Vincent Van Gogh "Starry Night"-lookin' neck. The only problem was that it was on the other side of the school.
Why Jisung decided to come instead of waiting, Chenle didn't know. He just thought he was too cute and didn't really want to leave him alone either. But luckily, it was still lesson time, so there was hardly anyone in the halls. So there they were, running through the halls Breakfast Club-style, dodging teachers and the odd student, until they reached Chenle's locker. He made quick work of opening it and grabbing the hoodie, buried underneath about 5 textbooks, 3 folders and a bag of snacks. "You're a mess." Jisung joked.
"Look, do you want the hoodie or not?" Chenle reiterated, his eyes wide as if he were scolding a child.
"Yes, yes, I'm sorry!" Jisung giggled, taking the hoodie from Chenle's hands. Chenle jabbed quickly at Jisung's stomach, making him bend over and jump backwards dramatically. He pulled the hoodie over himself, surprised that it was kind of big on him.
"Not as big as you thought you were, huh?" Chenle quirked his eyebrow and Jisung blushed, once again, at his remark. He pulled up the hood and tugged the strings tight around his head, making Chenle coo at him. "You baby." And Jisung swore he could somehow hear the star emojis and "uwu" emoticon in his voice. Chenle walked closer to him, holding his sweater paws and then looking around to make sure no one was there. He then leaned in to quickly steal another kiss, lingering too long for it to be classed as a peck. "What lesson have you got now?" Chenle asked, still holding Jisung's sweater paws, now leaning against the lockers.
"I think Chemistry?" Jisung puffed out his cheeks in thought. Chenle was enamored.
"You okay to go? I can stay with you if you want me to." Chenle reasoned. Jisung's eyes dropped to the ground as he smiled.
"I'm definitely feeling better right now. I might even learn something in Chem." Jisung chuckled.
"Wouldn't that be a miracle." Chenle smiled. The other then pushed his shoulder lightly, making him giggle.
"I'm gonna miss you." Jisung mumbled towards his feet. Chenle leaned in further, smiling.
"That's cheesy and disgusting but you're cute so I'm gonna miss you too." He punctuated his statement with a kiss on the other's lips. Followed by another one. Then another. And another. They were both really lost in each other. And they didn't want to be anything else.
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xxdunc4nxx · 3 years
Total Drama Best Friends: Chapter 2
Duncan got the flag and shouted “yay!” and make it back to land. Harold and duncan fist bumped again and then chris walked up and fist bumped them too. “You win dudes! and as prize for winning you both get phones with internet and no one else gets them!” “Yes!!” Harold and duncan said at the same time and they got their phones. “I can watch amvs with this!” Harold said and duncan nodded and thumbs upped. The rest of the campers had made it back and they were all cheering for them because it was awesome that they won so fast. leshawna thought harold was really cool and handsome now but harold was too busy being a winner and didnt notice.
Harold and duncan walked back to the guys cabin and sat on there beds. They were just hanging out on there beds when trent walked in and said: “hey guys are you guys doing anything tonight? I heard chris and chef are going to be out of town so we can do whatever we want.” “No were not doing anything, lets go and take chefs stuff from his kitchen.” said duncan and the two dudes stood up off there beds and trent high fived them.  They walked out the door and through the camp ground to chefs cafeteria where he kept all of his food. once they got into the kitchen they started to search the cupboards for anything good while they talked about cars and girls and stuff. “Hey I heard leshawna really likes you Harold.” trent said as he looked at a can of beans. Harold thought for a bit and said: “Yeah I think she does too, shes cool but not cool enough to date her.” duncan high fived him and trent nodded in agreement.
Harold tried to reach a jar he saw on a really high shelf, but his arms were not long enough and he wasnt tall enough to reach the jar he wanted to see. duncan saw this and went over to help and managed to get the jar for Harold “Thanks bro!” Harold said and they opened the jar. It was one of those big plastic jars like the ones for cheese puffs or animal crackers and it was full of weird looking cigarettes with green stuff inside them all in the jar. duncan smiled and looked up at the other two guys “awesome you guys know what this is right?” trent and Harold shook there heads so duncan said “its weed guys, we found chefs hidden weed stash and we can take it and smoke it all!” Harold s jaw dropped. “awesome.... Ive never smoked a weed cigarette before.” luckily duncan was an expert and he said “I guess ill have to smoke all this weed with you guys to teach you how to do it. trent agreed and said “man I havent smoked weed in a while, this is so awesome!”
They all left the kitchen with a bunch of snacks in there hands, except for harold who was carrying the jar full of the weed. they got to the camp fire place and sat down. The sun had set now so no one would see them use a weed cigarette. trent pulled out his guitar and began to play a smashing pumpkins while duncan helped harold smoke weed. Harold inhaled the weed smoke and his lungs began to feel high so he exhaled and the weed smoke left his lungs but it still felt high. duncan also smoked a weed cigarette and felt high on drugs like Harold did. “Dude this is so cool.” Harold said and duncan said “i know right i love weed, i used to smoke it all the time thats why i went to juvy” Harold nodded in agreement and took another weed cigarette out of the jar and inhaled. The weed air felt good in his lungs, like watching a really good movie or driving a sports car. Harold thought that chef was kind of a gay loser for not sharing his weed cigarettes. Trent was also smoking so now now they were all smoking and talking and having a good time by the camp fire. the guitar music was nice and Harold brought the marshmellows so that they could roast them over the fire. He did this because weed makes people hungry, and because marshmellows are seriously kickass. So they all ate snacks and smoked weed cigarettes until they were tired and then they went to bed, ready for whatever the next day would bring them.
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cruecifymesixx · 5 years
Love and Leather /part Sixxty Eight/
Word Count:10.9k
A/N: continuation from 67! Enjoy! Feedback is always appreciated
Warnings: language, extreme angst, intense therapy sessions, SMUT(bear with me. I haven't wrote smut in a hot minute)
Taglist: @brideofdraculana , @xstarryeyesx​ , @aryssav , @miserablecunt , @dangerous-like-a-loaded-pistol , @fandomshit6000, @anntheboneless,, @venus-calum, @justjodeye,  @hi-my-name-is-riley, @extremesadnerding, @thatbandchick39, @awkwrdcait, @countrygirlswonderland @awesomealmostdopestudent,  @romanticvengeance , @tashy-bear, @krazykatkay456, @terror-triplet, @shouttatthedevill @beachystars, @rodriguez025, @kickstart-myheart-sixx, @s-outhie, @anxious-diabetic, @awkwardblackgirls, @rockersbox, @brooklyn-antiques, @shamelessobsessions, @jerseytaint, @lilytalebi, @criminalyetminimal, @motley-queen, @trapt-in-a-dream, @lunamadhatter99, @broke-n-bitchy,  @thanks2pete, @slowandangry, @lovesick-heart0, @keepcalm-and-beyou, @miriampraez, @teenwolflover28, @lilyhw1,  @motherloovebone, @random-internet-user-4471, @falcon-arrows, @talranocchia2001, @wheresmyvodkabitch, @waywardprincess666, @iluvmesomemarvelndc @zoenicoles, @vamprlestat, @supersoldierballerina, @primal-screamer @electradestiny, @marshbev, @n0-sh0rtage-0f-faults, @cruebaby, @ggorehorror, @valentines-in-london, @miss2001babe, @nassauartist @cmft-jr-winchester, @bokkie92, @notworthyofyou1120 @xrosegoldwolfx, @lauravic, @mgkobsessed, @chaoticvybe,   @thoughtsoftheantagonist @marvelismylifffe​,  @sleepyjunhong @lovemythsworld @sparxx27 @gingerspicetalks  @unknownoblivion @siliwanoel @nevergoodenuffbutokaaayyy @sublimeprincesswasteland @kylieinwonderland @haileynicoleseavey17 @lavendersoundbarrier @ijustwanttokiss70srogertaylor @kellysimagines @meetthesixxter, @duffshairdye, @xpoisonousrosesx​, @m0rnlngstar, @cranberrirolls, @oskea93, @love-struck-aries, @idumpyourgrass, @minxtruck, @i-want-to-shoot-myself, @cruesixxlover1991, @arianareirg, @fentitrbl, @dogmom2014, @sinningsixx, @motleycrueprincess​
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*Nikki's POV*
"Nikki, Vanity is in the hospital. She doesnt want you here but im not taking Arianna to the hospital because I dont waknow what kind of condition Van is in. So, I need you to be here for your daughter, or are you actually the asshole I think you are?"
I stared down at the desk, trying to Process waht was going on, "Nikki? Did you hear me?" My stomach was twisting into knots as my heart felt like it was stuck in a vise grip.
"The hospital? Is-is she okay?" I breathed out the words. You know when you have those moments where it feels as if all time is standing still and you are the only person in the univer? Thats how i was feeling.
"I dont know Nikki! All i know is Arianna wasnt picked up from school. I found her waitin ginside when I left. I tried calling Vanity but she didnt answer and I had a voicemail from the hospital saying she was there and im her only emergency contact she has."
I reached for my water, dowing it until the bottle was empty, "Uh...uh...it's gonna take me hours to get there regardless..."
Clementine scoffed, "Unbelievable, do you not fucking hear me? Vanity is in the hospital!! The mother of your child and so called loved of your life needed medical attention!"
"It's gonna take me hours to get there..." I repeated.
"I don't give a shit Nikki. You have the fancy jet, use it."
I shook my head, "Look, im the last person Vanity wants to see right now. Can't you just send Ari to one of her friends or something.? Can't someone else watch her while you go to the hospital? Clementine, I'm across the country..."
She laughed, "As if I would send her to stay with Jason. I'm her only friend here, Nikki."
I felt my bood boil and my body become tense, "Ja-Jason? She's talking to Jason?" My jaw was clenched as I galred at the doorway, seeing Brandi scowling against it.
"Well Nikki, if you had kept your promise Jason wouldnt be an option." I closed my eyes, breathing through my nose as I shook my head, "He's not a fucking option!!" I yelled back in defense, "He aint even a fucking blimp."
"Are you coming or not? Arianna has already been so upset and stressed out lately. I don't want her to be upset even more. Trust me, Vanity feels the same way."
I glared at Brandi, "Just give me a few hours." I watched as she threw her arms up and shook her head.
"You fucked up this time. I mean it. You can ignore Vanity, but you dont lie to your kid."
"I know! I know! I just...look I'll explain everything whenI get there, alright?" I retorted as I hung up the phone and looked at Brandi, "You! It's all your fucking fault!"
Brandi was appalled, "Me? I did nothing! You were the one who didnt call and kept saying you were too busy! Don't put that on me!"
"I did nothing." I mocked her voice, walking past her and to my bedroom, "As if you didn't fuckin use coke and your body to make stay with you."
I shook my head, quickly grabbing garments from the closet and throwing them on my bed, "Filled my head with bullshit!" I shouted as I threw the duffle bag on the bed next.
Brandi laughed, "Oh come on Nikki. You know who you really want."
I shook my head, trying to rid my ears of her nasaly voice, "Yeah, now I do! Now that I know my daughter has been crying over me and that Vanity is in the hospital! It takes her getting hurt to make me realize it!" I screamed, watching her flich at the loudness, "It always takes Vanity getting hurt to make me fucking realize how much of an asshole I am!!"
God, I fucking hope she's okay.
"Oh my god, she's probably being dramatic! Nikki, please don't go. I just got you back, stay here with me. Please baby?"
"Why?! So you can keep ruining my fucking life? So you can keep going on the lavish trips and shopping sprees?! Fuck you and fuck off! I'm done. If I get back and your shit is still here, I'm burning this fucking house to the ground with you and your shit in it!" I threatened, grabbing my bag and then my car keys right after.
"I'm serious, Brandi. I am done. I'm signing the papers and giving them back to the lawyers."
*A few hours later*
I got out of the rental car, slamming the door as I parked outside Vanit's apartment building. I went inside, repeatedly pushing the elevator button until it opened,. I stood in the elevator, pushing my hair out of my face as I tried collecting my thoughts. I had called Clementine on the plane and she said she was at Vans house waiting for me. I couldn't wait to see Arianna.
The door slid open on her floor as I speed walked down the hallway before I was face to face with her front door. I knocked and waited until it opened.
"Took you long enough." Clementine answered, a bitchy glare on her face as I sighed, "I'm sorry, okay! I am sorry!" I said, almost out of breath as I looked at her.
"I am not the one you need to apolgize too." She snapped at me as my eyes glanced over to Arianna who was staring at me from across the living room.
"Pumpkin.." I got down on one knee, smiling at her, "I've missed you."I frowned when she completely ignored me and walked straight to Clementine.
"I want Mommy." She whsipered, pulling on Clem's hand and looking up at her.
"I'm gonna go get her babe, okay?" I tried reassuring her, but all i got in return was mean glare.
Clementine smirked as I straightened back up, "Good luck, hope you come back in one piece."
*Vanity's POV*
I glared at the wall, sitting uncomfortable as ever with my arm in a sling, dried blood around my nose and six stitches on my forehead. My glare then went to the nurse who entered my hospital room. "Can I just fucking get something for pain?! I'm dying here!!" I yelled at her, they've ignored my requests three fucking times!!
"Hello! Are you fucking stupid or something?!" I groaned, pushing the bed side table towards the nurse as she was standing at the counter.
"And something other then god damn ice chips?!" I shouted grabbing the pink plastic cup and throwing  it out into the hallway.
The nurse turned towards me, "Ma'am, you need to behave. r I will get psych down here to take you to thier side of the hospital. You understand me?" She berated me like a fucking child as I looked away from her and out the window, "I will work on getting you something to drink. Buut I cannot give you any medications." I rolle dmy eyes, pulling my arm away from her touch as she tried to wrap the blood pressure cuff around my bicep.
"Do you have any recollection of what you have put into your system? cocaine and diamorphine were all found in your blood system."
"What the actual fuck is diamorphine?" I qustioned her, rubbing my temples as I felt myself becoming irritated even more.
"Plus, when you came in your blood alcohol contenet was at a point one five and thats three times the legal limit in the state of New York." I looked at the banana bag I was hooked up too, "Diamorhpine is heroin, Vanity."
"Jason..." I mentally cursed him out, "I don't do heroin." I told her as she looked at me with the same look she probably gives other druggies taht tell her the same exact thing.
"Well, we did have difficulty setting up an IV, your veins are shot in both your arms. Luckily, we were able to get the veins in your hands to cooperate or we would have had to do a pick line straight to your heart."
I shook my head, "I don't do heroin. The blow was probably mixed with the heroin. I wouldn't willingly touch heroin. I didn't- I wouldn't."
"You are very lucky the car accident wasn't your fault, but the police will be in touch with you later to get your statement. May I take your vitals now?" The nurse, whose name tag read Margie questioned as I nodded.
"Statement? I don't rember anything. When can I go home? I have a daughter-" I gasped, "I have... i have to call Clementine!" I tried getting out bed but the nused pushed me back gently by my other shoulder.
"Our charge nurse has already conta ted her, now please, relax. I'm sure your child is fine." I took some deep breaths as I relaxed into the stiff bed, "Now, since youre awake and coherent, you dislocated your shoulder and you have a concussion so no blood thinner or it could make it worse. You had a minor laceration on your forehead but the doctor took care of it."
"Sorry to interrupt you Margie, but your patients husband is here." Another female nurse stated.
"I don't have a husband." I told them and right on queue, the blood pressure monitor started beeping eratticaly when I saw Nikki.
"Get out!! I don't want him here!!" I picked up a cup of jello, chucking it as hard as I could at him but he ended up catching it in his hands.
"I thought you said you were her husband?"
"I'd rather fucking kill myself than be married to him!"I shouted at the nurse, her eyes widening at my statement.
"Margie, should I call psych?"
Nikki put the cup of lime green jello on the counter, taking hesitant steps towards me, "I am just here to take you home. Clem called me and I just flew on the jet all the way here. She's with Arianna, she didn't want her to worry."
"You're her ride home?" Nikki nodded, "No! I'm not going anywher with this psycho!" I motioned to Nikki as he frowned.
"Doll, please?"
I pointed my finger at him, "Don't do that to me, Nikki! Don't look at me like that and don't talk to me like that!"
He rolled his eyes, completely ignoring me as he started talking with the nurse, "Can i have her discharge papers, please? She'll be safe with me. She's just a little uh...pissed off at me at the moment. It's nothing new." Nikki tried to laugh as I glared at him and as the jurses looked a bit weary.
"Do you have another ride, Vanity?"
I exhaled in a defeated manenr, "No. I don't."
"Why don't you step outside with our charge nurse while wehelp her get dressed an situated with the sling." Margie explained to Nikki, motioning to the door as he nodded and stepped out.
I pulled up my jeans after they handed them to me followed by my booths. The nurses helped me put my shirt on, with minimal complaints from me about my shoulder hurtinbefore hanging my jacket off my shoulders.
"Van, look, I don't want to be here-"
"You should want to be here, Nikki!" I shouted at him in the middle of the hospital, feeling other doctors and nurses look at us.
"Stop it! Just let me finish! I meant here, in the hospital with you! Clem called and here I am! So i'll take you home and just fucking go back to California if thats's what you want, alright!?" Nikki raised his voice as I stared at him in disbelief.
I vocally let out a "Ugh!" before pushing him to the side, "I can't stand you!"
"Yeah, just keep it coming Vanity. Tell me how much you hate me!" Nikki followed with heavy footsteps as we evenutally made it outside of the hospital, "Fuckin telll me Van! Tell me how horrible I am and how much of an asshole I am! Let's get it out of the way now princess!"
I quickly turned around, shoving him with my free arm repeatedly, "Where were you?!" I yelled, "You bastard! I can't fucking believe you would do this!" I shoved his chest again, forcing him to lean back into the wall as I continued to do so, "i'm so fucking sorry wer're such a bruden to you and your wife!"
"She's not my wife! I was busy!" He defended himself as I shoved him again, "Vanity, knock it off!"
"Busy with what Nikki?! Tommy's been here so don't even tell me it's the band and I highly doubt divorce papers take three months to sign!"
"She tried getting me to stay and-"
"Tried?! Nikki, you did stay! You chose her over me, not even me but your fucking daughter!" I shoved him again, but this time he grabbed my arm and forced it to my side.
"Calm down, now!" He lowered his head, shouting in my face as I fought his grip, "She's getting her shit out while im here! My marriage to her is over! Alright?! Stop acting like a fucking bat out of hell!"
I forced my wrist away from his grasp, "Just take me to my daughter."
"I'm sorry, Vanity. I really am."
I rolled my eyes, opening up his car door before sitting down, "Fucking save it Nikki. You're always sorry."
When we arrived at my apartment door, I unlocked it and tried slamming it in Nikk's face but he stopped it from closing.
"Mommy!" I sighed, trying to keep my tears in check as I picked up Arianna and gave her a hug.
"Oh baby, I'm so sorry. Mom got into a little trouble and she had to go see the doctors, but im okay now." I smothered her cheeks in kisses, "Pizza and cookies? Wow! Did you tell Auntie Clem thank you?"
Arianna giggled, "We made them for you! And we saved some pizza. Auntie said you would be grumpy and hungry when you got home." I smiled, silently thanking Clementine.
"Boo boo?" Arianna frowned as she pulled on the swing a bit.
I nodded and brushed my finger over her cheek, "Yeah angel, a really big boo boo but i'll be better in no time." I smiled as she kissed my cheek. I saw her then look over my shoulder as I sighed and put her down on the floor, "You should go say hi to daddy while he's here..."
Arianna glared at him before she loooked up at me, "I saw him already."
"Nikki took a few steps before crouching down to her height, "I've missed you princess." He smiled at her and fixed a loose strand of her hair, "Dad's been busy.." Arianna wasn't buying his bullshit either as she walked away from him and went to play with the scattered toys in the living room.
Nikki, the six foot and buck seventy five man that he is, got on his hands and knees and crawled over to her, "You got new toys? Those are pretty cool."
"I want to play by myself." Arianna told him, moving all of her toys away from Nikki and putting them in front of her.
I felt Clementines glaring at me, "I am fine."
"Oh really now?" She laughed a bit, "What the hell even happened Vanity?"
I motioned her to come over to the table and sit down with me so our conversation would be out of earshot from both Nikki and Arianna.
"You cannot get mad, alright? But I maybe snorted a bit too much and drank a little, or a lot. I don't remember crashing, and I sure as hell don't remember getting to the hospital-" I laughed, "And get this, heroin was mixed in with the blow I got from Jason. Isn't that hilarious?"
"No worries! It's all good!" I reassured Clementine with a pat on the arm, "I'm fine, I mean kinda. My shoulders dislocated and I have a concussion. They flushed my system, I'm good! I'm great!" I shrugged it off like it was nothing as Clem wore an upset look on her face.
She took off her glasses, rubbing her temples before she looked at me, "Good/" Good until Jason gives you more drugs?"
"I'm not. I'm done. I finished off what he had gave me, I told myself that's all I would do. I'm sorry clem."
She scoffed, "Sorry?" Vanity, you could've been seriously injured or worse. You're wasting money on this crap!" Clementine raised her voice just a tad.
"Well, so what if I am? It's not like I'm broke or poor." i retorted, glancing over and seeing Nikki attempt to get into Arianna's good graces.
"Nice, real nice Vanity." I looked back at Clem, seeign her stone cold glare.
"What?!" I gave her a confused expression, "That was not a shot at you if that's what you are thinking. You're not broke or poor. Your paintings sell and I give you money for being her babysitter."
"I said I wanna play alone!!" We both turned our heads when Arianna had yelled at Nikki, "Give me my dolly!" She yelled again, snatching it out of his hands.
"Princess, I am sorry I've been gone." Nikki spoke with hurt in his voice as he stared at her in shock before he glanced at me for guidance.
"Arianna, c'mon. You can't just ignore me." Nikki smiled before ticking her sides.
I watched as she pushed his hands away from her, "Go away."
"She's as stubborn as you are." Clementine mumbled to me as I nodded.
"I don't want to play with you." Arianna muttered as she moved away from Nikki completely, taking her toys with her but he only followed after her.
"Daddy just has stuff to take care of in California, ya know?" Nikki spoke softly as he laid on his side and tinkered with one of her toys.
"Go back to 'fornia!"
Nikki sighed, narrowing his eyes at her, "Arianna, do not yell at me."
"You lied! Mommy said you lied!"
Remind me to stop gossiping with Clementine while Arianna is within the same vicinity.
Nikki side eyed me before turning his attention back to her, “Babe, I-I didn’t lie. I told you I’d be back and I’m here now.”
“You stutter!”
“Arianna, I didn’t lie to you! Stop yelling at me!” Nikki raised his voice, not necessarily yelling at her but he was stern.
“Liar!” Arianna shouted, throwing her doll at Nikki’s face before she ran down the hallway to her bedroom. I heard her attempt to slam her door but since little tiny fingers and door jams don’t mix well, I had put foam at the top of the wooden frame.
Nikki mumbled as he got off the floor, “Just like your mother.”
“I think maybe you should go…” I told him as his eyes darted over to me.
Nikki shook his head, “I flew all the way out here. She can be stubborn all she damn well pleases, but I’m not leaving.”
“Then you should have called. Kids aren’t stupid.”
I closed my eyes, wishing Clementine had not put her two cents in as I felt Nikki’s anger rise even more.
“Stay the fuck out of it! It isn’t any of your god damn business!” He snapped at her quickly as she rolled her eyes before she stood up and started grabbing her things.
“Clem..” I spoke softly as I watched her shake her head, probably plotting how to murder Nikki and get away with it.
“Not a single fucking thank you for making sure your kid doesn’t know you like to come home high and pass out. That she doesn’t know how much of a fucking asshole her father is.”
I glared at Nikki as he rolled his eyes at me and went to sit down on the couch, “Clementine, I’m sorry. But thank you for making sure Arianna is always safe. I love you?”
She sighed, glancing at me as she looked back at Nikki, “I love you too…just call if you need me okay? Maybe take your mutt to go get neutered, he likes pissing on everything.”
I tried to keep my laughter in, “Bye Clementine, Thank you.”
I closed the door, turning around and leaning against it as Nikki stood in the middle of my living room.
“Can we please talk now? Just you and me.” I watched as he fiddled with his thumbs as I went to the fridge and grabbed my bottle of wine and glass from the cupboard.
“I don’t think you should be drinking if you…” Nikki stopped talking as he was met with my death glare. I sat down on the couch as he sat down next to me.
“You were gone for months, Nikki. You didn’t even call! You barely called at first and then it just stopped. How is that suppose to make me feel? To make your daughter feel?” I expressed my grievances as I poured the sweet red into the glass.
“Vanity, I’m sorry.” He placed his hand on my knee, “I fucked up. I really fucked up. She…Brandi gave me coke and it had me going for a minute. I was an idiot.”
“Blow? She gave you blow? I introduced you to your fucking child and you just run back to la la land because of some fucking dust? Prioritize what’s important to you, Nikki!”
Nikki shook his head, “I thought…I just thought maybe you didn’t really want me back, that it was all just a one time thing.”
That alone sent a knife straight through my heart, “A one time thing?” I stared at him, “After the night we spent together before you left, you really thought that was a one time thing? I wouldn’t of said the things I said if it was just a one time thing.”
“Babe, I was just…she fucking cornered me and it was a moment of weakness.”
I laughed in his face, “More like a moment of stupidity. Let me guess, she offered a few lines to you with her mouth wrapped around your dick again?”
Nikki took the glass of wine out of my hand before pulling me towards him, “I am sorry, okay? I messed up. I listened to the wrong person. I made a horrible mistake. I promise darling, I’m not going anywhere. I’m done leaving. I should have never went back there to begin with, should’ve made the lawyers fly out here.”
I felt his hand wrap around mine as his thumb brushed over my bruised knuckles, “How do I know that Nikki? That you just won’t leave again? That I won’t have to think of some bullshit reason to tell Ari why you aren’t here.”
“Because I’m not going anywhere Van, I swear to god I’m not leaving again. I’m not leaving unless you and her come back home with me. Brandi’s gone, princess. It’s done. She used coke because she knows it’s one of my weaknesses right after you.”
“Why does she have such a hold on you Nikki? I saw the pictures in the magazine. You two looked so happy.” I felt my chest get heavy as tears started building up.
Nikki kissed the back of my palm, “Those pictures were a bunch of lies doll, you have to believe me Vanity. I had to stay at a hotel for a few days after cause I felt so…so fake and wrong. I just wanted to hide and disappear from the world.”
Nikki wiped my cheek with a finger, “Why didn’t you come back to me right after that? You could’ve came here Nikki.”
I saw tears in his hazel eyes, “I-I was scared. Scared that the weeks I spent here with you and her was too good to be true. That all of this was happening again. It’s us Vanity, when are the cards ever in our favor?”
“We have some pretty shitty cards dealt for us, huh?” I laugh as I wipe his tears from the corner of his eye, “Please stop hurting me.” I begged him as I cupped his jaw, feeling the muscle relax underneath, “I’d wait forever for you, Sixx. I’m stupid for doing it, but I would do it in every universe.”
Nikki frowned, “I know. I know. I won’t, I promise. Please…please don’t take me out of yours and her lives. I want to be apart of it.”
“Nikki, that’s all based on your behavior. Not mine.”
He nodded, “Okay, fine. Where…where can I start? What do you want me to do.” He was acting like an attentive puppy waiting for his next treat.
“Can you get Arianna ready for bed?”
Nikki laughed, “How hard could that even be?”
*Nikki’s POV*
I had chased Arianna round the house for the past hour, even tripping and almost falling over rugs and her toys that were every where. I chased Arianna into her room as she laughed her ass off. No, this wasn’t a fun game of chase.
“Arianna, time for bed. Now!” I grabbed her as she started laughing more. I carried her to her bedroom before pulling down her blankets and putting her in bed.
“You aren’t the boss of me!” She said, kicking the blankets off and attempting to get out of bed. I’d be willing to let her but it was already nine at night.
I lightly pressed on her shoulders, putting her Back down, “Arianna, do you want me to use my mean voice? Bed, now. Or you won’t like it when you don’t get any cookies or TV tomorrow.”
Her big brown eyes turned to saucers, “You’re being a poo poo head!” She shouted, tugging the blanket away from my hand.
“Yeah, and you’re being a brat. Go to sleep.” I realized that was too harsh when her bottom lip quivered.
“You’re being mean!” She pouted as she grabbed her stuffed animal and turned on her side and faced the wall.
“Goodnight angel.” I muttered before turning off her ceiling light and plugging in her night light, “Or demon.” I whispered as I stepped out of her room and closed the door.
I walked into the kitchen, seeing Vanity downing some whiskey. She had just taken her pain pills not even thirty minutes ago, “Maybe you need help. Rehab or something.” I told her softly as she shook her head and put the bottle back in the fridge
“Van, you got into a car accident. We’re lucky this wasn’t another Razzle incident….” I trailed off as she stared at me in disbelief.
“Nik, it was just a fluke accident. Plus, the person in front of me was driving like an idiot. I’m fine.”
I raised an eyebrow, “Fluke accident? Vanity, I ended up dying and coming back. If I had someone tell me then I wouldn’t have gone through all that. And you especially wouldn’t have had to find me in my closet after.”
Vanity rolled her eyes, “Literally everyone did tell you to slow down…”
“And did I listen? No, I was too late and I was lucky to come back from it. Don’t you get it doll?”
She huffed and puffed, “You’re being dramatic. I’m not going to die. I don’t over do it like you. Jason just had a bad batch that was mixed with…” I waited for her to say it, “He gave me blow that was mixed with smack.”
”Oh, speedballs. Next thing you know you’ll be freebasing.” I retorted as she let out a gasp, “I would never do that! Listening to you and reading those journals you had were scary.”
I chuckled, “Scary? Well, seems like you’ll be looking for something more intense soon enough. It’d be a shame to make Arianna go through what you went through with me.”
Vanity shook her head, “I would never go out looking for something stronger and I would never do that to Arianna.” She defended herself as this argument was now becoming amusing to me.
“That’s what I said too. You know, you act as if I was never a drug addict. She’s not gonna be able to tell you to stop, she’s a kid Van. I had to watch my mom do this shit.”
She glared at me, “Because I’m not an addict like you Nikki. I’m not hiding in closets and I never do this stuff around her. Yeah, Jason comes over but we don’t do drugs here.”
I shook my head, “A guy you shouldn’t even be associating with in the first place! He’s bad fucking news, Van.”
“What are you? My fucking dad?” Vanity snapped quickly as we stared at one another.
“Fine, do whatever the hell you want. I’m gonna go find a hotel and I’ll be back in the morning.” I grabbed my jacket off the chair as I walked past her, “Goodnight V.” I spat out hastily as I opened up the front door.
I felt her hand wrap around my wrist as I hung my head down low and exhaled, “What? We’re just pissing each other off. You’re on edge because you were forced to detox at the hospital and not thinking rationally. You really want to argue more, Vanity?”
She shook her head as her hand moved to mine, holding it tightly, “I want you to stay with me, please?”
My eyes met hers, seeing the pain and vulnerability in them, “I’ll relax, okay? I’m fine. I just want you to stay with us. You’ve been gone way to long.”
She pulled me inside, walking backwards as she played with the rings on my fingers, “You relax too. I can tell you’re upset.”
I pulled my hand away from her, “Van, why do you think I’m upset? Clementine called me saying you were in the hospital? Do you even have a clue what I thought was wrong? That maybe Arianna would be without a mother and I wouldn’t have you anymore? Do you know how terrifying that is for me? You’ve been the only constant, besides the band in my life. You’re all I have Vanity…and I already had to experience life without you and I don’t want to do it again.” I sat down on the couch as she sat down next to me, her back resting against the arm as she looked at me.
“I’m fine Nikki.” I shook my head, “No you are not. You aren’t fine and you haven’t been fine for a while. Is this…is this because of me? You doing this to yourself. The drugs? The drinking? Hanging around Jason?”
Vanity played with the ends of her hair, picking off dry blood as she looked at me, “I don’t know…” I rested my hand on her knee, brushing my thumb across her skin, “It’s…it’s not because of you. It’s because of the hurt and the pain you cause. I’m high and I don’t think or feel it. It numbs it..”
I laid my head against the back of the couch, “Have you gone to your therapist lately? If you don’t want to go to rehab then you need to be going to therapy.”
“No, I haven’t.” She mumbled as I groaned.
“Vanity, you need too! I’ll make an appointment for you.” I looked at her, seeing her staring down at her nails until I put my hand under her chin to make her look at me, “I think you need to come back home. You live where there’s a dealer around every corner and back alley. You’ll never get clean here.”
Her eyebrows tightened together, “I’m not leaving New York.”
“Why not?”
“Because I don’t want too!” She quietly shouted, “Arianna was born here, this is all she’s known, Nikki.” She expressed her concerns as I listened.
“I understand that, but don’t you think she’d love to see the ocean? Be near me instead of only flying out when I can? She’s a kid Van, she can adjust. I think it’s only you who doesn’t want to come back home.” Vanity looked away from me, wiping her cheeks as I kissed the top of her knee before resting my chin against it.
“Then I’ll fly her out to see you or something. There’s an ocean here too, ya know? You moved around so many times as a kid and look what it did to you. I don’t want that for her.”
“I’m move here, then.”
Her lips parted, “You can’t move here. Everything for you is in Los Angeles, the band, the music. Not New York Nikki, no. I won’t let you do that.”
“Fuck the band, Vanity! I have enough money to not need the band for a while. I want you and I want our daughter, nothing else. I want you.” I told her as she wiped her tears away again and looked at me, “I want you the only way I know you. I want you to be okay again, to be a good mom and to be my best friend. If you don’t want to be my girl just yet, fine. Arianna can just take your place.”
Vanity broke out into a beautiful smile, “The only girl that’s ever allowed to to take my place.” She rested her hand against my jaw, thumb grazing over my cheek, “I still love you Nikki.”
“I still love you more.”
I let out a sigh, I guess we'll save the coming back home argument for another day.
*A few days later, Vanity’s POV*
“Mommy..” I opened up my eyes, glancing over at the clock and saw that it was seven in the morning, “Daddy’s making breakfast and I don’t want to eat it.”
I chuckled, sitting up carefully and resting my shoulder against the pillow, “And whys that?”
She shrugged, “Cause he’s a poo poo head and he’s being mean to me.”
I stared at her, brushing her messy hair out of her face “Quit calling him that Ari. You know, you’re probably hurting his feelings. He said he was sorry, you’re being stubborn like me.”
“I am not stu-stubborn!” She defended herself as she crossed her arms over her chest and gave me the stink eye.
I grabbed her and put her off to the side as I got out of bed, “Let’s go get ready for school and then you’re eating whatever your dad made.” Arianna crawled out of my bed as she started running to her room, “Am not!!” I followed her and went to her closet to pick out an outfit.
“Get dressed and I’ll do your hair after you eat breakfast.” I repeated myself, “No!!!” I chuckled as her tiny hands pushed me out of her bedroom.
I walked down the hallway and into the kitchen seeing Chef Sixx attempting to flip pancakes, “Ow! Fucking piece of shit!” He shouted as the bacon popped oil onto him as he turned it.
“Need some help?” I asked him as he turned around to look at me, laughing as he did so
“Ha! Yeah right! I’m not letting you anywhere near this until it’s done. I’m not eating burnt bacon or doughy pancakes.” He continued to laugh as he started cracking eggs in a bowl before whisking them.
“I’ve learned to cook.” I mumbled as I sat down on the barstool, Nikki handing me a cup of coffee right after.
“Two sugars and a lot of creamer, right?” He questioned a smile on his face as he held up the spatula. I nodded and took a sip.
“How was the couch?” My lips tugged in a crooked smile as he had an unamused expression on his face.
“It was fine. Would prefer to keep your bed warm. But…it was fine.” Nikki exasperated, “I had Arianna’s fairy blanket to keep me warm since you didn’t give me a blanket or a pillow.”
I looked at Nikki, taking another sip of coffee “You didn’t ask for anything last night. So how am I suppose to know?”
Nikki scoffed as he turned towards the stove and continued cooking, “Keep it up and you won’t get any of this.”
I shook my head, “Not hungry anyways.” I smiled when Arianna came out into the kitchen, glaring at Nikki as she climbed up on the barstool next to me.
“Well too bad, you’re gonna eat. You’re too skinny still.” Nikki stares as he put a plate of mini blueberry pancakes, eggs and bacon in front of Arianna.
“Am not.” I told him as I watched Arianna push the plate away from her, “Are too. Your ass is getting smaller.”
Jeez, thanks asshole. As if I can’t see the weight loss when I look in the mirror.
I bit down on the inside of my cheek, “Eat your breakfast Ari so we can finish getting ready.”
She stuck her nose up, turning her head away, “I’m not eating that. It’s gross.”
I sighed, “How would you know that? You haven’t even taken a bite yet. Eat, now.”
“It’s gross cause he made it.” She spoke in a matter of fact type of tone, sticking her tongue out at Nikki, “Can I have cereal? I don’t want it.”
Nikki put a plate in front of me, “Look, I’ll eat mine if you eat yours.” I took a bite of the pancakes, moaning as they were good, “Holy crap.” I started shoveling them into my mouth. We’re they that good? Probably not. But I can’t remember the last time I ate something sufficient.
“Can I have yours?” I looked at Ari as she tried reaching for my bacon until I handed it to her, “Babe, you’re eating the same thing as me.” I chuckled as she took her own little pink fork and took a bite from my pancakes.
“I’m gonna go freshen up.” Nikki muttered as he tried smiling at Arianna who still returned a mean little glare towards him. He frowned before leaving the kitchen.
“You know…you can’t be mad at him forever.” I told Arianna as she started eating off her own plate.
“Yes I can.” She stared at me, “…not nice.” She said, mouth full of sugary syrup and pancakes as I shook my head.
“Daddy’s nice and you know it. You’re not being nice to him, calling daddy mean names and not talking to him. He loves you Ari and he’s sorry for what he did.”
“Fine. No more poo poo head.” She giggled before she continued eating. I kissed her forehead before hopping off the chair. I walked down the hallway, yawing as I headed to my bedroom to straighten up and get dressed for the day.
After the morning routine was over and Arianna was ready for the day, she wanted her hair braided with one of her pink bows at the end of it. I slipped on a pair of shoes and slipped a jacket over my shoulders, wincing at the discomfort of putting my arm back in the sling.
“You could ask for help..” Nikki said, watching me struggle before coming over and helping anyways.
“Thanks.” I muttered, “Ari, you ready to go?” I asked her as she climbed off the couch and grabbed her backpack.
Arianna looked up at me and Nikki, “Will you walk me to my class?” She asked Nikki as he smiled at her before patting the top of her head, “Of course I will.”
When we arrived at her school a little while later, Arianna gave me a big kiss goodbye handing her a pink lunchbox right after, “I’ll pick you up later, okay?” I told her as she nodded and grabbed Nikki’s hand, tugging him towards the doors. I got back in the car, sitting down as I listened to the radio.
I glanced over seeing Nikki’s wallet was dropped on the floorboard. I reached down and grabbed it. I looked towards the doors and chuckled to myself. His wallet was stuffed full of cash. He’s such a hypocrite sometimes. He use to give me crap for always carrying around a lot of loose bills. I looked through his credit cards, he’s gotten two new ones that were a nice shiny black. I smiled at his goofy identification card, seeing him try to force a half assed smile. Nikki also had a guitar pick tucked inside the folds. A piece of paper was sticking out, but I realized it wasn’t a paper it was a picture. A picture of me and Arianna that Nikki had took when we spent the day at the boardwalk.
Through the tinted windows, I saw him coming back outside as I quickly stuffed the picture back in and tossed his wallet onto the seat, “Oh there it is. Thought I forgot it at your place.” Nikki grinned as he put his wallet in his back pocket.
“We have some where to be.” Nikki explained as he started driving away from the school.
I briefly glanced over, “Oh yeah? Where are we going?”
Nikki smiled at me, “You, Vanity Blackwood, have an appointment with your therapist.”
The smile fell from my face, turning into a scowl as I contemplated opening the door and jumping out, “You’re joking, right? Nikki c’mon.” I whined as I slumped back into the chair.
“Told you I was making you an appointment sweets. Did you think I was lying? You’re going and I’m gonna sit in there with you.”
*a little while later*
We sat side by side, knees resting against each other as we waited for my therapist to come in. I had my elbow perched up on the arm of the leather couch as I rested my cheek against my fist, watching the clock tick by slowly.
Nikki’s arm was wrapped around the back of the couch, his hand lightly rubbing my shoulder, “What time does Ari get out of school?”
With a monotone voice, “Three.”
I could heard the deep breath of annoyance as he took his arm and hand away from me and places his hands on his knees as he leaned over and grabbed some candy.
My ears perked up when I heard the door open, “Oh! I didn’t know we’d be having guests today. I’m Dr. Lilian Watson. Vanity, it is so nice to see you.”
“Yep, I’m here.” My voice oozed sarcastic cheer as I rolled my eyes, “This is Nikki.” I motioned to him as they shook each other’s hands.
“Oh…the Nikki. Vanity, I see there’s been some progress. What brings you in? It’s been a while since I’ve talked to you.”
I rolled my eyes at both the therapist and at Nikki, “He’s forcing me to be here
“She needed to come and see you.” Nikki butted in as I shook my head, growing more and more irritated.
Dr Watson adjusted in her chair, pushing her glasses up her nose, “Well Nikki, can you tell me why you think she needs to be here?”
Nikki chuckled, “She dislocated her shoulder last week due to driving under the influence of booze and narcotics. Busted her head open and had a bloody nose as well which is why I’m in New York to help her out but she’s not being appreciative of it.”
“Yeah, I see the sling.” She wrote some things down as I side eyed Nikki, “So, were still using?”
I reached for the bowl of candy on the table, “Not since the accident.” I shrugged and stuffed some m&ms into my mouth, “Incase you can’t tell, I’m being watched like a hawk. But I did stop for a while before then and then continued once I started hanging out with Jason again.”
“Who you shouldn’t even be hanging out with after last time.” Nikki butted in as I glared at him.
“I’m sorry? Are you my fucking husband?” I snapped, watching his eyebrows raise in surprise before turning away from me with a light shake of the head in disbelief.
“What happened last time?”
I groaned, “This was a bad idea.” I mumbled, eyes rolling as I sighed, “Jason got physical with me at the bar and Nikki beat him up for it. But Nikki doesn’t have room to talk when he was off getting high with the wife he was suppose to be divorcing when he should have been with his daughter.”
“I’ve gone to meetings in my free time, Vanity. Unlike you who just sits on this guys dick and gets fucking high!” Nikki fought back as he glared at me.
“I don’t do that!” I yelled at Nikki, feeling myself get worked up and by the smirk on his face, he knew it too.
“Okay, okay. Let’s just relax?” Dr Watson took off her glasses and pinched the bridge of her nose, “I don’t specialize in couples therapy, so Nikki in your opinion, can you tell me where the issues root from?”
Before Nikki could respond, “We’re not a couple actually so you don’t need to use that phrase.” I pointed out, my tone was extremely bitchy as Nikki let out a hushed Wow.
“Oh yeah? So I’ve just been hanging out here and taking care of you and making sure you’re good for no reason?” Nikki looked at me, “Seriously, not a couple?!?”
“Well we aren’t!!!” I fought back, “How could you even think we’re together?! Because we almost fucked that night?! You aren’t my boyfriend and you for sure aren’t my damn husband!”
In a raucous tone, “You and your fucking ten million reasons why! I had to go back! How many times do I have to explain myself?! I didn’t want to go back!”
“Uh maybe you could of told her to fuck off like the countless times you’ve told me to fuck off!” I continued to argue, my voice becoming hoarse from all the yelling, “Cause it’s all about me and Arianna.” I mocked his voice before rolling my eyes
“Because it is!”
I scoffed, “What? For a few more weeks until you find some new ditzy playboy?!”
Dr Watson cleared her throat as I sunk back into the leather couch, “Okay, let’s take a few breaths to get rid of some of this anger.”
Nikki reached for a handful of candy, stuffing his cheeks until they turned pink, “I’m not angry.” He mumbled as I scooted away from him.
“How is Arianna?” The therapist exhaled deeply as she looked at us with a forced smile.
“She’s fine, trying to get used to someone-“ I glanced over at Nikki “being around again. She’s in kindergarten now and is doing wonderful.”
Nikki piped up, “She’s a great kid, takes after her mother so wonderfully well.” He shook his head as he glared at me. I attempted to speak but he continued, “Coke angry Vanity and all of her fuckin tantrums don’t need to show up when Arianna is around. I grew up with a mother who used so I know what it’s like.”
“Yeah Vanitys mentioned a thing or two about you and your own addictions.”
“I am still trying to over come them everyday. I go to meetings, talk to my sponsor. I actually try.”
“And here comes the sob story.”
If Nikki wasn’t angry before I said that, then he sure as hell was now, “Sob story?! Are you fucking kidding me!?” Nikki grabbed the pillow I was holding onto and flung it across the room, “Me almost killing myself is a god damn sob story to you?! Fuck you, Vanity! You should know better than that! Christ sake, you’re apart of that sob story!”
“Nikki, I didn’t-“
“Didn’t mean it?! You never mean anything because you never fuckin do anything wrong, right?! Little miss princess Vanity with all her millions and millions of oil money can do no harm because everything about you is so god damn perfect, right?!” Nikki shouted, making me flinch at his loudness.
“What have I ever done to you? Except fuck Tommy more than once? Fucked Slash? What have I ever done to hurt you?” I questioned him as he stared at me.
“More than once?!”
“You had intercourse with Slash?” Dr Watson seemed genuinely surprised.
Through gritted teeth and a clenched jaw, “You fucked Tommy? Again?! When! You said it was only one time!”
“I-I didnt… I didn’t…”
He arched an eyebrow, “Now you’re gonna lie about it?! Did you fuck him again or not? Tell me right now Vanity.”
“Vanity, it’s alright. Just be honest about it with Nikki. It’s always a smart thing to share your past sexual partners with your current one.”
“I’m not fucking him!” I pointed at Nikki, “I don’t want to touch him and I don’t want him touching me! He probably got some fucking disease from his little wife.”
Nikki was more outraged at the fact I would call him dirty then anything else I’ve been saying, “I am clean, Vanity! Unlike you since you like to hop from dick to fucking dick!”
I smacked his arm, “Don’t talk to me like that!”
“Hit me again Vanity. I promise you won’t like what I do.” Nikki threatened as I almost took him up on it.
“Okay! Okay, stop it!” Lillian raised her voice a tad before clearing her throat, “Vanity, just be honest with Nikki. Nobody is hitting anyone."
“I slept with Tommy when he first came to New York, when he found me. I was emotional and he was there for me. You should be happy he was there for me Nikki!”
He laughed, “Happy?! Happy that my best friend stuck his cock in you?! Why should I be happy that you opened your fucking legs for him again?!”
“So clearly the issues run deep..” The doctor mumbled as I stared at Nikki with tears in my eyes, “I am sorry!”
“Sorry for what exactly?! Sleeping with my best friend? Running from me because of what I did? Sticking a needle into your god damn arm? Or keeping Arianna from me out of spite?!”
“Out of spite? None of this is out of spite, Sixx! None of it!” I cried to him as he shook his head, running a ringed hand over this face.
“Really?! So five years you just couldn’t call or write or fuckin mention we have a kid! Had to find out from coming back here and bumping into you out of luck!”
I looked away from him and at the therapist, “It wouldn’t be hard if he stopped fucking up! Do you know how many times I’ve had to deal with his shit! To pick up the pieces of what he’s done!! Maybe instead of shoving shit up your nose and crying over me like Tommy said you were, you should’ve tried a bit harder!”
Nikki was at his wits end with me, “Tried?! I fucking called your mother every god damn day! I wrote a fucking letter to you only for it to be sent back to the house! Don’t tell me I didn’t try! I would’ve gotten on my god damn knees for you! You were the one that didn’t try! You say I tossed you to the side, no! You fucking tossed me to the side! You left me! You fucking left without a trace! Left everything behind! Everything we had together like I was fucking nothing to you!” I watched him as I saw tears falling down his reddened cheek as he continued yelling his frustrations at me.
“You left me, Vanity. I wanted to fix it. You said it would have been better for us if I had just fucking died when I overdosed. Do you have any clue how that made me felt? How that simple sentence ripped my heart to shreds. I would’ve been satisfied with just your siblings or your mom telling me I was going to be a father. You knew how bad I wanted to be a dad, to have a family with you, to watch you carry my child. You chose to be selfish, Vanity.”
Our eyes stayed locked on one another as we sat in a silence that was choking me, “I’m not selfish.”
“Bullshit Vanity.” Nikki croaked as his tongue stuck out to lick away salty tears at the corner of his lips, “It’s always about you and what you want. You wanted to keep her away from me, you said you could keep going as a single parent not that long ago but I’m sure you would just keep paying Clementine to babysit her.”
“I never wanted to keep her from you!” My soft expression quickly turned into a scowl, “Do not bring Clem into this! She’s done nothing but help me!”
“Clementine practically takes care of her half the time while you’re off doing god knows what, Van! Don’t you see that?! I’d love to see how to it would’ve went if you didn’t find anyone.”
My eyes narrowed at him, “I’d be able to do it by myself! I don’t need you or anyone.”
My eyes stayed glued to his before I looked away when Dr Watson had put her notebook down, “I think we might be done with this session…”
“Yeah. That’s enough.” Nikki muttered as he fixed his shirt and grabbed his jacket from the table.
“Like I said, I’m not a couples therapist. But I think there’s a lot that needs to be uh, mended.”
He laughed, “No shit.” I quickly swatted his side, “Don’t be a dick. Thank you Dr Watson."
“Yeah, Thanks Watson.” Nikki spoke gruffly as we both started walking to the door, the therapist closing it right after us.
Nikki quickly grabbed my hand as he pulled me down the hallway. I saw his head shaking as he mumbled my name and profanities under his breath, “Ow, Sixx.” I winced as his rings were pinching my skin, “You’re hurting my hand.” I attempted to pull away from his grasp, he looked at me before opening up a door and shoving me inside, “What the fuck is your issue?!” I yelled as he flipped on the switch and slammed the door shut, blocking me from leaving even if I wanted too.
Nikki stepped closer to me, “You have a lot of fucking nerve acting like that in there.” I took a step back and bumped into the trash can Before I grabbed the counter of the bathroom to balance myself, “Just sitting there talking shit about Nikki and all the bad things he’s done to you.”
“I wasn’t talking shit!” I argued back, “And you started it! I was ready to have a nice peaceful session but no, you had to go and open your fucking-“ I instantly stopped talking when he closed the distance between us, roughly grasping my chin in the palm of his hand.
“There you go again! Blaming everything on me! Maybe if you weren’t such a fucking bitch I wouldn’t have to be an asshole to you! You ever think of that one, princess!?” Nikki forcefully pressed his lips to mine causing me to wince against the friction. Teeth scraping against my skin as I soon tasted a drop of blood on our lips, with a breath being deprived from my lungs as Nikki wrapped his hand around my throat, lightly squeezing as he did so.
I tried reaching for a fistful of his hair, on instinct alone his free hand captured mine in his as he held it behind my back. My nails scratched and pinched at his hand only for him to tighten his grip around my neck. A shaky, girly moan escaped through my lips as he took a step back, hand still wrapped around my throat as he broke out in an arrogant grin. His thumb traced over my bottom lip, wiping away the blood before he took it away and sucked it off himself.
I wrapped my fingers into his hair, roughly yanking his head down to continue the heated kiss. My tongue ran over his lip, before gently tugging on it with pearly whites. Nikki groaned as he placed his hands on my hips before his fingers found the button and zipper of my jeans. I pulled away from him, shoving his hands from me as I attempted to push my pants down. I let out a yelp before slapping my hand over my mouth when Nikki roughly grabbed me by my hair and dragged me to him, holding brunette strands by the root as he tilted my head back and pressed soft simple pecks to the front of my neck, “Let’s see if you remember who the fuck you belong too.”
The deep baritone of his voice sent chills down my spine as well as heat straight to my core. I tried to kiss him again but he refused to let me. His hand found my throat again, needy whimpers escaping. I followed his lips, mere inches from one another as his nose brushed against mine, “Nikki…” a pleading moan came from me as he chuckled darkly in return. His sage colored eyes were making my skin crawl in the best kinda way, knowing he was planning, thinking some of the most dirtiest things. I let my hands wander, landing on a silver buckle as I undid it and let it hang loosely on his hips.
Nikki backed me up until I hit the sink counter. He towered over me. one hand at the base of my neck, forcing me to keep eyes on him. I felt cold rings running down my body as he pulled the thin blue fabric down from between my legs.. An attempt to squeeze my thighs together due to the coolness failed when Nikki brought an open palm down on my ass. I closed my eyes before looking back up at him.
“Look at those pretty eyes just begging for me. Thought you didn’t need me, Princess?” I frowned at his words only for him to let out a laugh. His middle finger traced over my lip as I welcomed it, letting my tongue roll over the rough pad before sucking on the tip. Nikki added another finger to the mix, middle and ring now as I gave it the same treatment, “Dirty fucking girl.” He smirked in my face as he took his fingers from my mouth and placed them between my legs. My head tried dropping to watch what he was doing only for him to yank me by my hair, “Eyes on me. Only me.”
My lips parted when his fingers skillfully invaded my body, knuckle fucking deep. It was abrupt and sudden when his fingers began moving at a fast pace inside of me, fingers curling at just the right spot. The vulgarity of the sound of his palm slapping against my body bounced off the tranquil and zen picture frames that hanged on the wall.
“O-oh my god.” My voice was reduced to a whimper as he finally let his lips meet mine. I rested my hand on his shoulder, fingers gripping the hem of his shirt as I broke the kiss, “Nikki!! Fu-fuck!” I cried out for him, feeling him push another finger inside of me as he poked and prodded at the bundle of nerves inside of me. My eyes screwed shut, feeling them roll into the back of my head behind closed lids as I felt myself fall off the edge of pleasure.
“That’s it baby. Come apart for me, let me get a fucking taste.” Nikki relentlessly abused my insides until his hand was drenched with sticky wetness. I attempted to regain composure, pushing hair out of my face as I watched him suck and lick his fingers clean. Tattooed fingers engulfed themselves around chocolate strands of hair as he pulled my face towards his, warm and soft lips finding mine.
“Still taste so god damn sweet baby girl.” Nikki moaned as he grabbed me by my hips, roughly pulling me away from him before bending me over the counter, hair tangled in a fist as my cheek laid against the cool tile.
I closed my eyes, attempting to catch my breath as I listened to the sound of a zipper being pulled down followed by a sickening slap against my skin. I chewed on my bottom lip as I brought my head up, “Watch me.” Nikki growled as he yanked my head up a bit more. His free hand was wrapped around the base of his cock, giving long and slow strokes to himself.
My lips parted with a silent moan that never tumbled out as I felt Nikki press the tip to my entrance before pushing in. I breathed out a sigh of relief as I felt him fill me, completely. I noticed his bangs covering his eyes, but I could tell he was looking down at the intrusion of my body.
“O-oh fuck, Van.” Nikki moaned, sliding his cock out slowly slowly before sliding back into me “Fuck me.” He groaned, taking his hand away from my hair and digging his fingers into my hip His pace started increasing as his hips smacked against my bottom, fucking me harder and deeper.
Tattooed fingers found themselves curled over my shoulder, nails roughly scraping at my skin. My hips naturally started rocking into each of his thrusts, feeling my insides clench around his throbbing length. I closed my eyes, moans of his names falling off my tongue. An arm of his snaked around my body with a hand dipping underneath my shirt as he grabbed my tits, finger tips pinching and twisting my nipples.
“You feel so good, Nikki.” I breathed out, feeling his hand twist into my hair again. My neck crained back, his lips press against my forehead as he thrusted into me hilt deep. He moved my hair to the side, pressing rough and wet opened mouth kisses to my shoulder before nipping at the soft and delicate skin.
“You still take my cock so well, Princess. So fucking tight and wet for me. So…fuckin perfect.” Nikki breathed into my ear, nibbling gently as he did so. I turned my head just a bit, letting my lips find his before he broke the kiss and pulled out of me.
Nikki dragged me into a stall, making the door bang against the hinges as he sat down and pulled me over his hips.
“This isn’t sanitary.” I mumbled, “Ow!” A rude and sharp slap against my ass cheek ended all complaints I had.
“…don’t give a fucking shit.” Nikki stated in a husky tone as he gripped my hips, fingers digging into the skin roughly. I wrapped my hand around his throbbing member as I hovered over him, slowly sliding down onto it before I gripped his shoulder.
Pornographic moans fell from both of our lips as he buried himself inside of me. I started grinding my hips into his, feeling Nikki accommodate himself in the most delicious way. Nikki Sixx being the only man to ever do so.
Nikki cupped my jaw, pulling my face towards his as our lips touched in a slow and deliberate kiss. His tongue found mine as I tasted the fruity gum he was chewing on. His hips started thrusting up into me at a slow pace, “You feel that baby?” Nikki broke the kiss, his bright green eyes borrowing holes into mine. I nodded my head in a sheepish manner, “That’s all yours.”
I wrapped my free arm around his shoulder, leaning into his chest as I focused on his movements inside of me. He reached between our bodies, fingers dancing around my clit at a rapid pace. I closed my eyes, feeling myself clench around him. I knew he was close too by the way he twitched inside of me.
“Go on baby, cum all over this fuckin cock. Let me have it.” Nikki’s voice was strained as he tried holding off to let me hit my peak first.
“Nik-“ I moaned loudly, only for Nikki to put his hand over my mouth when the bathroom door opened up. My eyes rolled as he continued to thrust into me at a slower pace, smirking at me when I felt myself cum as I moaned into his hand.
“Shit..” Nikki whispered as he pulled out of me, taking his cock into his hand and giving himself a few rough pumps before he hit his end. I sat in his lap still, watching him jack himself off for a few more minutes until he relaxed onto the toilet he was perched up on.
We both heard the water start running as whoever came into the bathroom was singing to themselves, “Look.” Nikki whispered as he wrote ‘V&N’ on the stall with his own cum. I covered my mouth to keep my laughter in as I shoved his shoulder playfully.
“So romantic.” I mouthed before getting off his lap and pulling up my jeans and panties. I stepped out of the stall, the other woman smiling at me through the mirror as I washed my hands and fixed my unruly hair, wincing when my fingers brushed past my scalp. The women was taking her sweet time as she started checking her make up and fixing her own hair so I decided to leave the bathroom and waited out in the hallway.
My eyes went wide when I heard yelling coming from the bathroom, “Sorry!” Nikki yelled back as he stepped out of the bathroom, glaring at me, “I thought she left! Not you!” He shook his head at me as he reached for my hand.
“So, you wanna grab some food?” He questioned as he held the office door open for me and we stepped outside.
I wrapped my hand around his bicep as we walked to my car, "Yeah, I would like that." I smiled up at him, Nikki lowering his head down to give me a quick peck on the lips.
Nikki helped me into the car, closing it as I was situated. He started driving to wherever he decided to take us. He rested his hand on my thigh as I intertwined our fingers together.
I hope this meant good things were coming for us.
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