#the quest disney+
Nothing beats coming home from a nice night out to find out Disney+ has removed three of your comfort shows for no reason and with no warning
Like one of them I was gonna watch to get me out of a writing slump cause it’s an inspiration for my current writing project and it’s just gone!
I hate streaming services, where am I supposed to watch these masterpieces now?????
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becrystalamazed · 2 months
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Some pictures of Mila looking radiant because I’m thinking about The Quest
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deweyduck · 10 months
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snow white and her axe 🪓
lego disney princess: the castle quest (2023)
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firadessa · 4 months
2005- Official art sourced from disneyfairies.jp on the wayback machine!
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catre33 · 6 months
the fact that Percy Jackson as an individual has just chugged gallons of respect women juice throughout his lifetime
Literal gallons
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imaginechb · 5 months
If I may go on about Luke Castellan for a moment... (and no, not in a simp kinda way but genuine book discourse this time)
Something I realized the other day is that Luke himself was... never actually evil. Let me explain.
Everything Luke did was for the betterment of his life and the life of his peers. He wanted to make a better world for his kind (his kind being demigods everywhere), the goal was never some cartoonish supervillain plot of "taking over the world". He wanted to overthrow the gods so that no demigod would be ignored, neglected, abused and used ever again. That's why he did what he did.
Luke is all about the greater good. You could even make an argument for him being morally gray (meaning he doesn't care about "right" or "wrong", he only cares about his own interests and cause). He would murder the twelve year old kid he just met for the sake of bettering the entire world for good. Killing Percy would suck, yes, but in Luke's eyes, it has to be done. (Enter: the pit scorpion.)
Luke did many, many, bad and even evil things, yes. But a lot of that was under the guidance or even control of Kronos. Kronos, who was inherently evil. When we meet Luke in TLT, he's already under the influence of Kronos, and he's already scared to disobey, and he won't. Not just because he's scared, but because he truly believes in the cause he thinks he's fighting for, and because he trusted Kronos.
That's what all of this is really about. Luke put his trust in the wrong place. Kronos promised him what he wanted, yes, but was he ever going to actually give it to him? No. That's actually something I think the movies did pretty well was emphasize Kronos not actually caring about Luke or his cause, only caring about rising into power. Using him, just like the gods always had.
Luke was desperate and foolish, yes, but he himself was not evil. This is why he's able to kill himself and end the war with Kronos. He's able to regain that control and make that decision and be the hero, all because he himself is still good, despite it all. He can see what he did was wrong and does the only thing he can to fix it. He still wanted to do the right thing in the end.
Was Luke justified in his actions? Absolutely not. But was he justified in the way he felt, and what he wanted? Yes.
His whole life all he'd ever done was care for others. His mom, Thalia, Annabeth, the entirety of cabin 11, siblings or not. All of camp, really. And even though he was wrong about how he did it, him trying to overthrow the gods was for them, too. Was it a bit for himself and out of anger? Yeah, definitely. But he wanted a better life for the others, and that's why he pushed so hard for Annabeth and Thalia to join him. For his siblings and camp friends to join him.
He was misguided and put his trust in the wrong place out of desperation, but everything he did, the cause he fought for, was out of good intentions and maybe a bit of justified anger.
rant over have a nice day 😍
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kyomaakuma7 · 10 months
anyway hi best friend
could i request Tired Dad Oswald-
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First of all, JUMPSCARE. I know u sent this in over a month ago but I can’t get over the absolute Jumpscare this was to see someone I know in my askbox… scary… but since I know you love Oswald with your whole heart I couldn’t help but draw you something.
And oh god did I push the whole tired dad thing to the absolute max . Drew him like how he would look in the beginning of the comic when he shows up eventually. A wreck.
I did, however, have a very fun time drawing this and playing around with the lighting. 6.5/10 I don’t like the way I drew him all that much, love hate relationship for real- but coloring and lighting brought it from like a 3.5 to a 6.5!
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chaoticvi · 11 months
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Willow Month 2023: week two !
Day 5: Favourite Story Arc / Character Development Kit Tanthalos through the season
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Magical Quest 3 (Capcom - GBA - 2005)
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definitely-mothman · 11 months
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“Hold on a second! All of us in our newbie gear is like, so cute! I’ve gotta screenshot this.”
BOARD GAME CLUB GOES ONLINE!: Total Rookie’s First Quest (Fanevent)
Cater Diamond (SR) - Digital Avatar
What happens when an introvert’s online guild ride-or-die is the biggest extrovert you’ve ever met? Well, chaos lol. But there’s still the event cards to go, so I’ll let y’all assume who those are 🤭
Previous Costume
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If you haven't seen a movie on these polls that you want included, put them in the tags! I've been sick so all I've been doing is watching movies and making polls.
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to-be-a-dreamer · 6 months
How am I supposed to be normal when I have to wait a whole week for Grover and Annabeth to learn Percy isn’t actually dead and they didn’t just loose another friend who sacrificed themselves to buy them more time and Annabeth didn’t just loose one of the only people who ever cared about her without making her earn it all because she wasn’t able to see he was tricking her and Grover didn’t break his promise to Sally and do you understand me? That after Percy fell Echidna and the chimera would have come after Annabeth and Grover which could only mean one thing and they had to leave the arch believing they failed? How long do you think they had to wait until Percy came out of the river? How long did they sit beside each other, not saying a word because they failed, they failed again and now they have to finish this quest alone?
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livrosencaracolados · 6 months
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Em conclusão, a única falha deste filme é não ter uma sequela, e eu não o podia recomendar mais, então têm absolutamente de o ver, especialmente agora que é inverno (tem uma ambiência natalícia).
Assɪɴᴀᴅᴏ: Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ 𝐿𝓊𝓏 Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ
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disneytva · 5 months
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(W) Greg Weisman (A) Pasquale Qualano (CA) Clayton Crain
GET READY FOR A NEW WORLD ORDER! Demona's carefully calculated plan to gain control of the three New Keys to Power is almost complete – and the ultimate ability to rule over humans and Gargoyles alike is nearly within her grasp!
In Shops: Apr 17, 2024
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es-3 · 5 months
book fans have lost many things in this series, but if we’ve gained one thing it’s the trio having common sense
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zzcorpserosezz · 3 months
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Today marks four years since the release of ONWARD, a wonderful Pixar film.
I discovered the film two years ago, and from the first time I saw it to this day, it continues to excite me. ONWARD, for me, is a work of art and I highly recommend it to everyone. It's one of my favorite films; emotional, fun, with wonderful effects and designs, and it's message is very profound.
I am so grateful to all the people behind ONWARD for creating it. And also because they gave us one of the BEST characters, Barley. I love that boy with all my heart.
Happy 4th anniversary, ONWARD.
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