#the reality that makes me just want to take a nap if I’m bored and not actually do anything
cranberry-writes · 3 months
Dating Headcannons for The Boys characters!
Please send requests, i need motivation
Characters listed; Hughie, Butcher, M.M, Frenchie, Kimiko
Warnings; Mentioned drinking and cannon typical violence/language. Also i’m barely on season 2 please bear with me
- He’s so so sweet about your relationship
- He gets you flowers for no reason other than he saw them and thought you’d like them
- He has thousands of reminders so he won’t forget anything, from a drink you liked to your anniversary he will have it written down.
- Later on in the series he gets protective and cautious about the relationship, scared someone (homelander) will mess it up by hurting you
- He’ll probably push you away a bit to try and protect you but after you knock some sense into him he’ll be back to normal
- Loves park/library dates, going on a picnic during the summer and to the library when it’s to cold out.
- He will do so much for you (flowers, gifts, dates etc) and insist it’s nothing but will cry (happy tears) if you do the same
- Don’t get me wrong tho, he’s still a bad ass (sometimes). He just dosnt want you to think differently of him because of it, he’s hurt people, killed people, and he honestly isn’t too keen on focusing on it. Even if you two are in the same line of work.
- And if you two don’t work together he tries to keep his ‘work’ life and dating life separate, very separate.
“You’ve never told me what you do for work, maybe i could stop by and meet your co-workers.”
“Uh, actually, i don’t think that’ll work.”
“Why not? is everything ok there or something?”
“I-, uhm, work alone, so i don’t even have coworkers for you to meet really, it’s really boring infact you’d probably fall asleep just from me talking about it hahaha.”
- You find out like two days later
- Little shit
- I mean that affectionately
- His pet names will range anywhere from “Darlin’” to “Fucker” and i WILL stand by it
- He’ll probably introduce you to his work before he does his dog
- But his dog is the big ticket, you meeting Terror is essentially his way of proposing before proposing
- He’s protective but not in the “i’ll watch your every move” more in the “im teaching you how to use every weapon to ever exist” way
- Honestly work would probably come before you for a while before he sucks it up and actually makes an effort
- Dates will be at the most shity bar imaginable, unless he’s apologizing for something then he’ll take you to the nicest place he can and put on a suit. (it’s the Cheese Cake factory and he’s wearing a Hawaiian shirt under his jacket but he’s trying)
- Unlike Hughie he will introduce you to his work at some point, granted it would still be a while before he did but he would at some point.
- He’s sweet in his own way
“Darlin’, look what i got ya.” And it’s a Garfield shirt a size to big but you still wear it anyways
- Definition of husband material
- remembers anything and everything after being told one time
- makes you baths with rose petals and candles and all that stuff if you mention you’ve been tired lately
- Takes you out to the movies and a nice restaurant at least twice a month
- Good gods he’s sweet to you
- He knows how to cook/bake and will make stuff for you all the time
- My guy will make a meal from your culture and practice making it almost daily just to give you a taste of home.
- He really loves back massages and cuddling after a long day
- Put on some crappy reality show for background noise and nap together
- He wants you as far away as humanly possible from his work, will literally say shit like “everyone at work has the plague you can’t visit” as a joke to try and change the subject
- Chances are you won’t find out
- His favorite flowers are tulips and nothing will change my mind about it
“Baby what are these?”
“Tulips, I bought them from a street market on 11th today. They’re your favorite, right?”
“Gods, sweetheart you’re perfect.”
- When you two meet you both think it’s just going to be a one night stand
-…then it’s two nights, then three, then a week, then you start spending more time at his place than your own. One day you guys just realize you’re moved in and dating
“Are we dating?”
“…Was there anything else we could be mon cœur?”
- honestly i don’t think you two would get together if you weren’t working together, or at least you were also into some shady shit
- But overall you guys have a strong relationship, one gets hurt the other kills someone, someone is hungry the other is already cooking, stuff like that
- He also cooks but it’s only french food, it’s like a super power. He can cook any french food effortlessly but literally anything else he messes up
- If you are french he’ll be super happy someone else will appreciate the same stuff in a similar way
- If not then he’ll be happy to share stuff with you, teach you some french words and tell you about stuff he grew up with
- Honestly he’s just happy someone (other than Kimiko) will listen and take an interest
-I have a confession to make, Kimiko is my favorite and i have a very blatant bias towards her
- Kill anyone you want bby i don’t care ill always like you
- Anyways, It probably takes you a while to get close enough to her that she’ll consider dating you
- Once y’all get to that point i don’t think you could break it tho
- I think she would like constant minimal physical contact, like hand holding or leaning on each other
- I think she’d be pretty protective over you, like someone looks at you wrong and she wants to maul them
- Learn sign language with/for her she will love it
- Draw with her, get her supplies, like those alcohol markers i’m sure she’ll love them
- Honestly i don’t think she’d be big on pet names, she wouldn’t object to it but i don’t think she’d give you one first
- Cook for her, i just think it would be sweet and she deserves it
“I got you some of those markers you’ve been looking at for a while.”
Thank you, this is nice
- Please she’s perfect i love her
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pearlywritings · 7 months
"Bring your kid to work" day
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synopsis: but sometimes it's very much unplanned.
pairing and characters: Zhongli x fem!reader, Xiao. Your family name is Rex-Lapis. Childe plays part in it too.
tw: modern AU, University AU, established relationship, fluff
word count: 2.8k+ words
a/n: Also a part of my University modern AU with history professor Zhongli
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The day started perfectly. Your older daughter was already at school with your permission to stay at her friend's house for a sleepover later, you had your day off, lounging in the living room with your son cuddling to you with his most favorite dragon shaped toy pressed between your bodies, listening to your husband walking around the bedroom, getting ready for the lectures at the University, being blessed with afternoon classes.
The day was perfect indeed. Until it absolutely isn't.
Sometimes you really want to kill your boss. It must be today that you are called to work to help with an emergency, that no one knows how to deal with except for you. And the fact that your boss does not consider any possibility of you having trouble with doing what's required, makes you fume harder.
"Li, I don't know what to do!" You cry in frustration, buttoning your shirt. "We can't find a babysitter in ten minutes! You have to go to work, I have to now too, we can't just ask Ganyu to cancel her plans, she's been waiting for this sleepover for weeks, and I can't take Xiao with me - by the sound of it I won't have a single moment to look after him."
It's been no longer than five minutes since you received that call, but you are already as stressed as after a week of non-stop work. Why must've the stars aligned this way!?
Your husband - bless his soul - is fully dressed and is holding your little son perched on his arm, supporting his back with a hand, watching your frantic movements with sympathy.
"I don't think I'll have many spare moments either, my love. Only breaks between lessons. Let me think," the man hums, leaning Xiao’s body more onto his shoulder and reaching for his phone with a free hand. The boy wraps arms around his neck, watching you brush your hair with a pout. The plan was to spend the whole day together with mama, watching cartoons, playing, maybe going for a walk or, ideally, taking a nap, finishing it all with making dinner and welcoming papa home. Now, it seems to him, all these plans are thrown out of the window.
However, Xiao was always a very perceptive and patient kid - he sensed somehow when the situation couldn’t be helped and him throwing a fit - not like he would - would only cause more trouble. That is why he is quietly waiting for what comes next.
And finally Zhongli finds a solution.
“I’m calling Ajax. He mostly spends time at the teacher’s lounge. As far as I know he really loves kids and has several younger siblings, he should be able to handle our son. And during breaks I’ll be taking over” “Oh,” as good as it all sounds, there is an instant hesitation in your mind. “‘Li, you sure you can ask him that? It’s a big deal after all…” “I know, dear, I know. That’s why I am calling him now in advance to make sure it’s alright,” your husband dials the number of his department’s secretary and puts the phone to the ear. “I don’t even mind paying him if he agrees.”
In reality you had nothing to worry about. The gingerhead was more than willing to watch your five-year old son. Maybe willing isn’t the right word even - the young man is excited.
Zhongli is lucky to arrive before the current class ends - the less attention is drawn, the better. He collected everything he could think of to occupy Xiao during his time at the lounge in a bag, which he passes to Ajax the moment his son and him are introduced. However while the secretary is wearing a wide and kind smile, the boy is glaring up at him from under the brown bangs, boring his strikingly golden eyes in the tall figure.
“Dad, I don’t like him,” the little boy pouts, hugging his plushie even tighter and throwing daggers at the gingerhead from behind the dragon’s mane.
“Ouch, little guy,” with a dramatic gasp, the young man clutches the shirt on his chest and presses the back of his hand to the forehead. “How will I live? Hated by Mr Rex-Lapis’ son…”
“Now, now, Xiao,” Zhongli gently pats his head, bending down to look into his eyes and finding displeasure there. “It’s only for today, baby. Me and mom are really sorry for not spending time with you today. I promise that soon I’ll be home for two whole weeks.”
To that the boy’s eyes widen.
“Two weeks… That’s fourteen days?”
“That’s right, sweety.”
“That’s a lot!” He jumps, elated by the news, no trace of dissatisfaction written over his cute smiling face.
“Haha, it is, dear.”
“Wow, Mr Rex-Lapis, your son is really smart!” The secretary stopped playing hurt, instead clapping his hands together in praise and nodding his head in approval. “How old is he?”
“He is five. Yes, he learns really fast.”
“No wonder, he has you and your wife as parents.”
The remaining 20 minutes before his first lecture Zhongli spends in attempts to make his son comfortable not only around Ajax, but also at the new place as well. All that time Xiao doesn’t let go of his ever-present companion - a toy dragon, which he is hugging close to his chest. He politely greets every professor that comes to the lounge, which makes the secretary’s jaw drop since he is the only one who’s been initially rejected and, Zhongli can swear, he saw his boy smirking in the toy’s fluffy mane.
Other professors can’t help but mention how much the son resembles the father, even making small talk with the boy, whom they’ve only heard about before or seen in the framed picture of your family on Zhongli’s desk. By how polite (sorry, Ajax) and shyly sweet he is Xiao quickly becomes everyone’s favorite, pockets currently full with all kinds of treats.
When it’s time to go, the man kisses Xiao’s forehead goodbye, promising to be back in an hour and a half for a break, and grabs the materials. Once he leaves alongside his colleagues, Xiao sighs and, ignoring his temporary caretaker, moves to the bag his dad left, starting to dig out all the candies to put them into its side pocket.
“Whatcha doin’, little guy?” The young man is at his side in two long strides, curiously watching the boy’s actions. Xiao gives him a side eye, before deeming the question plausible and turning back to his task.
“I don’t want them right now. I’ll bring them home and share with mom and dad.”
“I am sure they’ll like that,” Ajax hums, busying himself with the contents of the main section. “Oh, would you look at that! It seems that your dad packed some coloring books, toys and… oh, puzzles! You like puzzles?”
The boy quietly nods. Tiptoeing, he tries to see the two boxes his temporary caretaker is holding, and the young man immediately crouches down to let him look.
“This one is new,” Xiao finally points to the box in his left hand. Ocean blue eyes skim over the picture of a phoenix, drawn in a simple yet elegant style. Yes, that definitely looks like something Mr Rex-Lapis would’ve bought for his child’s entertainment.
“Alright, let's get you behind your dad's desk,” golden eyes sparkle and a glimpse of wonder appears on the boy’s face. Dad showed him his own space at the lounge; it's tidy and organized, with all the necessities sorted inside the drawers and some notes and pictures pinned to the corkboard on the wall to the left. He wants to see them closer!
His caretaker drags the chair back, but climbing on it Xiao performs himself. As Ajax is humming something while tearing off the tape on the puzzle box, the boy turns to look at the photos Mr Rex-Lapis has on display. It’s so funny, really - not so long ago this little fella’s father was an image of reserve to students, no one knew who his wife was or the fact he had two kids. The secretary remembers how just half a year ago he used to be among those only ones who knew of the professor’s secret (which, in reality, wasn’t a secret at all). Why hasn't he ever spilled any info to the students who adore him?
Well, what fun would’ve been in it?
“Is that your big sister?” Xiao quickly glances up, taking notice of how the tall (but not as tall as dad) man hovers over where he is sitting and points at one of the pictures. The boy looks at it again.
“...yes. It’s Ganyu.”
“I have a sister too,” the fond expression on that freckle-covered face and a seemingly lightened color of those ocean-blue eyes disarms the five-year old a little. He blinks, waiting for what more he can tell. “Not one actually. Oh, and I have brothers too. One is your age, by the way!”
“Doesn’t it get too… loud?” Small hands reach for the carton box, lifting the lid.
“It does, in a good way though. But when our two huskies join in on the fun… Let’s just say it’s a good thing we have our own house.”
“You have dogs? That’s so cool! I want to have a pet too,” Xiao unceremoniously empties the contents onto the table, yet carefully places the lid with the picture against the monitor of the computer. “Mom promised that when I get older, they’ll buy me a bird.”
“Oh? You love those?”
“Mhm… Maybe we’ll buy something as pretty as…” he pauses, looking at the fiery bird. Ajax quickly realizes the struggle.
“A fo-nuhks,” Xiao prompts.
“Yeah… A fee-niks.”
As the minutes tick by, the boy’s initial hostility seems to evaporate. He still doesn’t talk unnecessarily much, but he does talk to Ajax, so that's progress. He is quite quick to finish the puzzles, and his temporary caretaker makes sure to praise the child. They talk a bit more about their respective families, Xiao even introduces him to his dragon companion. And the gingerhead picks the small fox-shaped keychain his elder sister knitted for him to play toy pals.
For another half an hour it manages to entertain the boy, but as the end of the class is nearing, he grows more and more distracted, glancing either at the door or the clock hanging high on the wall. It’s not hard to guess he is missing his father and is anticipating his return, but both Zhongli and Ajax can do nothing to just speed the time.
What professor can do though, is excusing his class ten minutes earlier, quite happy they got to get through all the material he prepared for this lecture. Bidding the students goodbye, he locks the door of the auditorium with his suitcase inside and puts the key in the pocket of his fancy vest to come back in twenty minutes.
When Zhongli enters the teacher’s lounge, he finds the secretary showing his son something on his own laptop. However, once Xiao’s eyes spot his dad’s figure in the doorframe, the little guy is down from his chair and running all the way to the man.
“Dad!” Mr Rex-Lapis barely has time to close the door and scoot down to catch his son, who nearly bumps into his legs, threatening the man’s balance. Finally in his arms, with his own tiny ones tightly wrapped around strong neck, the carbon copy of Zhongli happily smiles and Ajax has to rub his eyes to make sure he is not hallucinating. Wow, this boy can smile like that (sorry, my guy, you are just not his favorite, though now tolerable at least).
“Hello, Xiao,” Zhongli plants an affectionate kiss on his son’s cheek. “I see you’ve missed me,” the words are answered with eager nods. “Did you have fun with Ajax?” At least some of it.
The gingerhead lifts his eyebrow when the boy looks back at him, holds the gaze of ocean blue eyes for a moment, and then turns to his father once more.
“I suppose.”
The older man has to clear his throat with a polite cough so as not to break into a smile at the image of the assistant's slack jaw.
“That���s good, my dear.”
“Are we coming home now?” His son wonders, fingers playing with the longer locks of dark brown. Unfortunately, the answer is a dejected sigh.
“I am afraid we are not yet, sweety. But mommy texted me recently that she’ll be able to come get you after my second lecture. And then I’ll have one more.”
At the promise of you soon arriving to take him home, Xiao’s just building pout quickly disappeared. It’s okay, he can wait for a little bit longer. And that fox-like man isn’t bad, his company is quite nice. He even showed him some pictures of his family - almost all of them are ginger. Oh, and he promised to download some simple games onto his dad’s computer so he could play. And he still has his coloring books back there and he believes he saw you packing a small book - there is plenty to entertain him with.
Only for all these thoughts and motivation to be shuttered when someone knocked on the door and a second later some student’s head pushed through the gap. None of the three people currently present in the room could’ve anticipated what a black hole is about to be opened.
“Good afternoon, is Mr Rex-La- Oh, professor, you are here! We were wondering if we could take the key to leave our bags inside? As always? Oh, hey kiddo- Wait, a kid???”
“Dad, who is it?”
Before anyone could do anything, loud gasps break their way into the lounge. It appeared that almost the whole group was standing in the hall and heard everything crystally clear. Of course students are curious. Of course, they know about professor Rex-Lapis’ kid - the news and that cute picture from an online lecture were still the talk of the whole faculty just a couple of months ago. Of course, they want to see those sweet cheeks for crying out loud!
Ajax is the one who has to get everyone who does not belong in the room out and calm them all down as more than a dozen youngsters beg and plead with Zhongli to bring his baby boy to the lecture. And the said baby boy doesn’t help the situation either, looking at his father with those striking eyes, silently asking to stay with him. “I’m gonna sit very-very quiet,” he even promises.
Is it really a surprise that Xiao ends up sitting at his dad’s desk with his coloring books while the man is reading a lecture? (Students almost crumbled when their tall, handsome, enigmatic history professor walked into the auditorium with his son’s tiny hand clasped in his? Look, he even had to bend his body a little to do so!)
And, as much as students want to gush all over their favorite professor’s small-sized carbon copy, they keep their best behavior, because the situation gives the “once in a century” vibes and they’d be damned to destroy the magic of the moment.
Well, maybe a little, because the smallest interactions between Zhongli and his son as the man lets his students finish writing down information from the current slide are mind-blowing. Groupchat-blowing too.
Even cuter the whole occurrence becomes when the boy stops drawing and lifts his head, curious of what his dad is speaking about. He turns slightly in order to see the presentation, golden eyes skimming over the pictures and words, though he does not understand most of it. But it’s alright though - he can listen to his father instead.
Zhongli is pleasantly surprised when no one can answer one of his revision questions and Xiao lifts his hand, giving him the answer he wanted (he misspells the word a little, sure, but he knew the right response nonetheless). Aaaand that’s probably when the students finally lose it.
By the time the lesson is over and Zhongli meets with you in the teacher’s lounge to pass your very happy and very proud son to you so you two could be on your merry way home, the man feels a little drained. Nothing that can’t be fixed by your tender cheek kiss and soft rubbing on his back, but he still exhales heavily and swears that when he comes home, you are in for a new story.
And by what Ajax had time to tell while you’ve been waiting, you're sure it’s going to be a hilarious one.
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taglist: @meimeimeirin Cause I remember how you once said you'd love to see more of this AU
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bettysupremacy · 9 months
Hi!! I was wondering if you could do steve Harrington x reader where Robin accidentally tells Steve that the reader has a crush on him? I love your writing 🫶🫶
this request made me realize I’ve been seriously neglecting Steve, I hope this satisfies enough
The days been seriously slow.
Rainy and cold, nobody wants to travel in the wet to get a movie. They do it the day before. It’d been busy. Customers in and out, in and out, buying their families copies of their favorite film. Steve’s sure he never sees as much business as he does the day the forecaster predicts rain.
“I kind of miss customers.” He now picks at the patterned carpet lazily.
Robin scoffs. “I don’t.”
“But like,” Steve breathes. “we’re so bored.”
“At least we’re getting paid.”
He shrugs. Good point.
She shuffles, dipping her hand down to tug on his shoe. He pulls back, faux kicking her. They smile at each other.
“Truth, what’re you doing after work?”
Steve rolls his eyes. “I can’t drive around I’m busy.”
“Stop!” Steve laughs, throwing carpet fuzz at her. “I’ve had this day booked for weeks.”
“Oooh,” She sips the slurpee she’d begged Steve to stop for before his shift obnoxiously. “do tell.”
“Y/n.” He murmurs.
The chill is seeping into his shirt sleeves, finding home over his skin briskly. Or maybe it’s embarrassment settling there. His eyes are heavy and he contemplates the reality of Robin letting him take a nap in the break room. She doesn’t look too trusting now.
“God, you guys are practically dating,” She complains. It’s not that she doesn’t like you, you’re her best friend. Just sometimes, she wants her other best friend to drive her around. “I’m sick of this. I introduced you!”
“We are not dating,” he laughs nervously. “you know that.”
“You practically are.” She shrugs. “Just ask her, I’m sure she’d say yes.”
“That’s not true.”
“She literally wouldn’t say no.” Robins annoyance bubbles out rather quickly. She didn’t sign up for abandonment and denial in one day.
Steve isn’t particularly perturbed by this, slumping over his knees dramatically. “What if.”
He murmurs it some more, quiet mantras of his unsurety.
“Dude stop.” She smacks his head. “I’ve known her for” She pretends to count on her fingers. “ever, if there’s one person she’d say yes to a date with, it’d be you.”
He peaks up from the solemn of his knees. “What’s that’s supposed to mean?”
Robin flinches, zipping her work friendly uniform jacket higher. “Just like,” she trails off. “you guys already know each other so well, I doubt she’d say no.”
He laughs a little. “You’re such a liar.”
“No i’m not!”
“And a bad one.” He giggles, attention undivided. “What do you know?”
“Literally nothing.” Robin moans. “We don’t even talk like that.”
“You’re so stupid!” Steve flicks her. “You’ve been friends ‘forever’.”
Robins palms soothe her eyelids. “She’s gonna kill me.”
This accidental defeat of admittance tingles in Steve’s fingers. Something he didn’t know he could feel until this confession of requited infatuation. Adrenaline pumps through his body, though he forces himself still for answers.
“Since when?”
“Awhile.” She understates for the sake of your pride.
“Oh god,” She complains, almost whining. “Please don’t be stupid about this, she’s my only friend and I can’t-“
“I’m sitting right here, Rob.” He scoffs. “And I’m not going to be stupid about this.”
She peaks up, ashamed. “So what are you gonna do?”
“I mean shit,” he breathes. “I see her tonight.”
He checks his watch, standing up briskly to Robins horror. He cannot possibly be leaving her.
“What’re you doing?”
“I clock out two minutes ago.”
“No, no, no,” she whines, not making a move to get up. “do not leave me here alone.”
“I have places to be!”
“You’re abandoning me! Again!”
Steve walks straight into the break room, a new sense of pride bubbling in his chest. He’s gotta get his girl.
“Don’t be weird!”
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madamemaximoff06 · 2 years
Void State Progress
So I want to start sharing my void journey on here and just be more active with posting on Tumblr (in general)
How I found out about the Void state was from Instagram back in 2021 I believe (I’m also into reality shifting, so I’m using the void to manifest my dream life and to shift realities) I found it under some shifting account so I decided to dig deeper to find out what it was. I then joined tumblr and I wasn’t on it as much then I decided hey why not look up the void state and the amount of success stories I found, liked and then rebloged was insane.
so I’ve actually entered the void twice BUT both times I woke up in the void and I had no idea I was in the void, I woke up in the void both times. And for those that will be asking I don’t remember exactly what I did, it was months ago, but I think I just affirmed “I am in the void” as I was falling asleep or just really drowsy then woke up there.
The first time it happened I was lying down on my couch with my family as we were watching a horror movie, normally I would be sitting up right but I decided to lie down (because I stole my sister spot, it’s like this long piece of the couch that’s not sectioned off like how newer couches are) I would occasionally affirm that I was in the void every now and then but it wasn’t my main goal, I didn’t even mean to fall asleep then I did then I woke up in this black void, I couldn’t hear or feel anything and I was confused, I just figured that hey maybe I woke up with my eyes closed (I know sounds stupid) then I would wake myself up more and leave the void.
the second time was when I was in my room, i can’t remember if I was listening to a subliminal or something, but I was in this drowsy state (and kind of bored) so I took a nap and I woke up there, Once again had no idea that I was in the void) then I woke up more to go to a birthday party.
I actually replied to a post that I saw that described this exactly and it made me realize that I entered the void both times without really realizing it.
Basically I wrote that I’ve been experiencing exactly what this person has been experiencing, and later on in the months I’ve found that a lot of people also have this same problem, being in the void but not knowing it then waking up from it. Basically what would happen to me is I’ll be affirming then I’ll fall asleep then I’ll “wake up” and I’ll just be in this state of being awake and also unconscious (if that makes sense), I would just be in the blackness, not feeling anything, not hearing anything, not like a floaty feeling but just I’m just here in this moment feeling, existing (probably sounds confusing) I would just think that I woke up with my eyes closed and I would forget to affirm because I didn’t think that I entered also because I would wake up and have no thoughts in my head (which is a sign of the void!!!) so I would just wake myself up.
I’ve been honestly kicking myself after realizing that I’ve entered the void two times, but I think I know what works for me, a few things that work for me:
Attempting while I’m tired during the day which will cause me to nap (this is where it happened the second time I entered and I might have entered it a little bit yesterday while also taking a nap, I’ll get to that story in a bit!)
listen to submlinals (or really just anything that’ll be background noise as I fall asleep) and affirm while being in a sleepy state
keep going over my void list (stuff I want to manifest) for motivation also it’s just fun to add stuff
and to never give up, I’ve already entered it twice! TWICE!!! Even if I didn’t know it at the time I still entered the void twice. It’s real, I know it’s real, because I’ve been there. so my experience yesterday was that once again I was in my room, watching a YouTube video, getting tired (normally I never take naps but the past week has been rough) so while I was falling asleep I was affirming not a lot but saying “I’m in the void” or “I will wake up in the void” then I woke up in the void for like a few seconds before I realized that I was “asleep” (I wasn’t asleep I was in the void again!) I panicked and I woke up because I thought that I would be late for my college classes (I’m doing high school classes and college classes at night) so I woke up thinking I was late once again NOT REALIZING I WAS IN THE VOID!!! i’ll get my act together one day but I think this is good for me, I mean I’ve been having doubts about the void and how easy it seems that everyone else is entering it (but also keep in mind I’ve been putting it off for awhile so that’s my bad for being lazy) but I’ve realized how easy it is to enter or tap into. I just hope that next time when I do I’ll remember to affirm for my desires and I will of course be updating on my journey and if anything else happens. thank you so much for reading all of this and reading about my journey, I know it’s a lot but I’m just excited to be sharing my journey and when I do enter I’ll share my success story to help even more people. (Also one day I will learn to make my posts look more fancy 😂) but for now, I’ll see you when I see you ❤️
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dogesphere · 2 months
Very pleased, just finished a good chunk of planning for my Pokémon OC I’ve had in the works for awhile. I’m honestly just stuck on her name, haha. I kinda based her on my Pokémon Go avatar (an old hair glitch tbh) but I don’t want to use that name. Maybe once I actually draw her it’ll come to me…
But I planned out her team (down to their names - which may change - and nature/characteristic/ability/moves lol) and a bit of a background, huzzah~ It’s probably a bit too early to share anything yet, since I’m still figuring it out. But I rambled under the cut anyway if you want to read it!
I’m planning this to be an ask blog kind of, where it’s set up to be kinda like Lucy’s “The Doctor Is In” a la Charlie Brown. Though she doesn’t like people much, the main character is a scientist dedicated to her research. Her newest experiment is to set up her partner Ampersand (Porygon2 - or maybe Porygon-Z, but 2 does fit with the pokedex entry. I haven’t decided tbh - unique form? Hmm) to answer questions using its AI.
“AI has been installed in it. It learns various things all on its own, but it even remembers things it doesn't need to know.” (Porygon2 - Pokedex Ultra Sun)
Meant to be a fun satire blog, I will come up with completely ridiculous AI-esq suggestions/answers full of obvious misinformation for Porygon2 to give. I may eventually post comics since I’ve already got stories in my head - who knows.
Name: ???
Age: 30
Gender: F
Occupation: Team Magma Scientist (Geneticist)
About: One of the Scientists for Team Magma. She was “recruited” (grabbed off the street on her way to the store by some grunts because they had trouble finding her introverted ass) personally by Maxie for her expertise in genetics and her unique ability* to find shiny Pokémon easier than others, even if she is a bit different and prefers the company of Pokémon to people. Because of this ability, she exclusively uses shiny or uniquely colored Pokémon on her small team. The real reason she agreed to work with Team Magma is because she developed a crush on Courtney/Kagiri during her forced interview. There are rumors she was actually recruited to develop pokemon similar to Mewtwo after Maxie figured out her secret weapon during a fight with Tabitha/Homura.
* Her natural odds are 1/1365 - the same as a shiny charm.
Name: Ampersand
Species: Porygon2 (unique coloration/pattern - uncertain)
Nature: Quirky - Somewhat of a clown
Ability: Download
Moves: Toxic/Ice Beam/Tri Attack/Thunderbolt
About: Porygon was her original partner pokemon, met on accident in the lab as a child - she insisted upon it instead of a regular starter because she liked the unique coloration. She recently installed AI which caused Ampersand to evolve. They are often seen zipping around or spacing out, but their favorite thing to do is providing answers to questions utilizing their new AI.
Name: Autumn
Species: Nickit (F)
Nature: Timid - Quick to flee
Ability: Run Away
Moves: Tail Whip/Nasty Plot/Beat Up/Sucker Punch
About: The very first wild Pokémon she encountered after starting an adventure together with Ampersand, which solidified her love of shiny Pokémon. Autumn does not battle, but rather is a pet and even wears a collar that has an Everstone on it. Autumn is very shy and not easy to find (even though she’s always in the same room as ??? - excellent stealth and hiding skills) unless she is taking a nap on Persephone.
Name: Chestnut (Not set)
Species: Sigilyph (F)
Nature: Modest - Mischievous
Ability: Tinted Lens
Moves: Roost/Psychic/Psyshock/Air Slash
About: Chestnut has to be kept in her ball most of the time, she is constantly getting into trouble and bothering the grunts in the base if left to her own devices. She is too smart for her own good and uses that to pull pranks. In reality she was the last guardian of an ancient city that is now gone, and is just making up for being bored and alone for so long.
Name: Miette
Species: Garchomp (F)
Nature: Jolly - Somewhat vain
Ability: Rough Skin
Moves: Swords Dance/Earthquake/Dragon Claw/Iron Head
About: Miette is an odd coloration, she actually has similar colors to shiny Mega Garchomp. She is quite full of herself and spends a lot of time on her appearance. Thinks she is above most others, annoyed when made to battle. Would much rather be in Contests, where she usually wins.
Name: Persephone
Species: Scolipede (F)
Nature: Docile - Likes to relax
Ability: Speed Boost
Moves: Swords Dance/Megahorn/Poison Jab/Aqua Tail
About: While she’s happiest taking a nap, Persephone is a fierce sweeper when it comes to battling. She normally keeps to herself, but Autumn loves to use her as a bed so they can often be seen sleeping together.
Name: Beefsteak (AKA Beef)
Species: Dracozolt
Nature: Naughty - Likes to Eat
Ability: Volt Absorb
Moves: Taunt/Bolt Break/Iron Tail/Dragon Claw
About: The reason she traveled to Galar in the first place - to revive a Dracozolt. She read about them in books growing up, and traveled with Ampersand once they became partners as soon as she was able. They are now a constant pain in her side, heavy duty locks had to be installed on the kitchen both in her house and at work so it doesn’t eat everything. If they get together with Chestnut it can be a recipe for disaster. Despite that, they are strong in battle and so she puts up with it.
Name: Zee
Species: Genetically modified Zygarde 10%
Nature: Adamant - Likes to Fight
Ability: Aura Break
Moves: Thousand Arrows/Brick Break/Will-o-Wisp/Fire Lash
About: Her prized work and secret weapon, the reason Maxie sought this scientist out. Zee is a unique Zygarde who was had its core and cells genetically enhanced as well as modified to be a Fire/Ground type. While they are fierce in battle and don’t like most people and so usually seem standoffish, they are the biggest lap dog when they feel comfortable! They are also telepathic and hard to keep quiet once they actually talk to you. They haven’t been seen outside of the 10% form, since their power has been increased they require more cells than normal to change - already requiring 20 cells and 2 cores.
Other Pokémon she keeps at her house (all shiny/uniquely colored): Alolan Marowak (F), Alolan Ninetails (M), Salazzle (F), Dhelmise, Galarian Zigzagzoon (M), Stufful (M), Pumpkaboo (F), Unown ?, Cetitan (M), Ceruledge (F), Aggron (F), Zweilous (F), Archen (F)
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brokenjere · 2 years
seventeen going under (j.f) (part 10)
seventeen going under (j.f)
synopsis: it won’t stop raining and Jeremiah takes a nap in YN’s bed
just doing what I can to keep it so lighthearted but I can’t help that my mind keeps track of everywhere your hands have been to - emily james that was then
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catch up here
It did rain that night. Jeremiah and I sat on the roof, not saying a word, and then we felt the first raindrop. He was right. When was he not? I made it home before it really started to rain. It wasn't a light drizzle or a simple summer shower. It was a downpour. A vicious, chaotic, earth-shattering downpour. For three days. Storms in Cousins were rare, especially in the summer but they happened. Usually, Jeremiah and I would go for swims in the rain as long as it wasn’t lightning outside and we stayed inside and watched movies until it all stopped, taking breaks to sit in the all-seasons room and watch the rain hit the glass roof. 
Rain swims were our favorite, usually. We liked swimming at night, of course, but when it rained: that was when it was the best. The water was always warm from the humidity and you were completely surrounded by water. It felt like a warm hug. I didn't swim in the rain this time, though.
My mom dragged me out of bed the next morning, tugging on my leg as I pulled the comforter up to my chin further. “I don’t wanna,” I cried and kicked her hand off my ankle. 
She laughed and sat down next to me and tried to rip the blanket off of me again. “Get up, it’s almost 11 and it’s still pouring out. I’m bored,” she whined. Sometimes, she was still like a little girl. 
“Where’s Susannah and Laurel?” I felt the sleep in my throat. 
“They’re doing their own thing. It’s raining too hard to walk over there.”
“You don’t have an umbrella?” I opened one eye and peaked at her. She waved me off and laid back on my bed with a sigh, her back crushing my legs. I wigged my legs underneath her and she laughed, sitting back up. 
“What if I just wanna hang out with my girl?” She tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and I melted because she was my mom. I gave in and got out of bed and we binge-watched trashy reality tv all day and drank too much coffee to stay away to see what was going to happen next. 
We fell asleep on the couch, the rain pounding on our steel roof. The trees swayed outside, hitting the windows and you could hear how hard the rain was hitting the pool. When I woke up really late at night, I stood by the patio door and watched the droplets ripple in the water. Every action had a reaction, even the rain. 
All day, I was dodging texts and phone calls. Jeremiah, the first night, called twice. He texted: did you make it home okay???
Conrad texted the next day: Jere said you didn't reply. you okk?
Belly even called me a couple of times, leaving voicemails wondering if I was okay and if I wanted to hang out.
Mom wasn't far off saying it was raining too hard to walk over. Sure, next door wasn't that far away but between the rain and the wind and the dark, looming clouds, it was depressing to step foot outside. No one wanted to do it, not my mother, not Susannah and Laurel, and certainly not myself or the boys. Which is why I ignored every single text. I was in my own personal bubble, with no chance of intrusion.
The next morning, my mom let me sleep in again and we ate ice cream for a late breakfast/early lunch and I read a book in the all-seasons room while I listened to the rain, and then, when I felt like I was too cooped up, I went for a run in the rain. 
I was not a runner. I did not run. Never have and frankly thought I never would. But my chest felt like it was going to explode at any given second and I felt like all my bones were expanding inside of my body and I wanted to scream every time I opened my mouth and I was drowning. I was drowning and I couldn’t swim to the top. I couldn't find the light at the end of the tunnel. I couldn't find the silver lining when it wasn’t in Jeremiah’s eyes. So I ran. I ran and ran until my chest felt too tight to run anymore. 
The sun was out today, beaming down on me like a spotlight. The only sign of life in the streets of Cousins beach. The wind died down and it was no longer thundering but the rain was still a steady downpour.
It was a sweet relief from the burning in my muscles. I left my hair down and it stuck to my face. My feet splashed in puddles on the sidewalk, soaking my shoes and socks so much they squished under the pressure of my body. When I could no longer breathe and the water was too much, I leaned over with my hands on my knees and retched into the grass. When I stood back up, the ice cream and bile that swam in my stomach were now in the grass. Vivian, Jeremiah, and Conad swam in the grass with it. 
“What the hell happened to you?” My mom asked when I got home. I was soaking wet, dragging water throughout the house but I didn’t care. 
“I’ll mop when I get changed,” I told her. She waved me off, throwing a towel on the hardwood floor, and scooted on it behind me until I reached the stairs. She grabbed my wrist and stopped me. Water pooled under my feet. 
“Are you okay?” I shook my head. “What’s wrong?” 
It was still pouring out the next morning. It was starting to get old. The tide would start to be too high on the beach and I bet it smelled like dead fish down there and would for days. I was downstairs getting a cup of coffee when there was a knock on the door. I opened it to a very wet, very sad-looking Jeremiah. 
“What are you doing here?” I asked. That was the wrong thing to say. I knew it the second I said it and I cringed at myself. “You’re wet.” He was drenched. His hair was a mop on his head, plastered to his face that was both pale, ghost-white and bright red and rosy cheeks. 
“I know it’s raining,” he quipped. “Can I come in?” He gestured to the inside and I stepped aside, letting him come in. This time, I was the one chasing after him with the towel. 
“You got this wet just by walking next door?” I asked. He used the already wet towel from drying the floor to try and dry his hair. He ended up just shaking it out like a wet dog. 
“I sat outside your house for a while debating if I should knock,” he admitted. 
“You did,” I stated. He nodded and threw the towel by the shoes in the foyer. We were still awkwardly standing in the entrance, not sure what to say or do. I figured I should offer him more dry towels and maybe his change of clothes I wore home the other night but I couldn’t move. I hadn’t seen or talked to him since Belly’s party. It was like a stranger was in my home.
“I did.” 
“Want to go upstairs and change?” He nodded and followed me upstairs. I collected his clothes and tossed them on the bed and retrieved some towels from the bathroom. “I’ll leave you to it,” I said and turned to leave the room. Jeremiah grabbed my wrist to stop me and I tensed. I felt every muscle in my body tense and seize like it was entering fight or flight mode and I wanted to do both at the same time. 
“Yeah?” I said barely above a whisper. I didn’t turn around to look at him. I didn’t want to see him look at me the way he has been lately. 
“Is there something going on between you and Conrad?” His words stabbed me a million little times right in the back. “He’s been acting so weird this summer and so have you. I don’t know, maybe it’s because of what’s going on with our parents or the whole football thing but,” he sighed, “I just need my people back.” 
I just need my people back. That broke me. I turned around and Jeremiah was more broken than I was. He had started to cry and I didn’t even notice. I pull him toward me and our bodies slam together gith in the middle. I wrap my arms around his shoulders so tight it almost hurt. He engulfed me in his arms, almost lifting me off the ground from trying to hold me as close to his body as possible. He was right. He had lost his people. Somehow, someway, both Conrad and I had let the issues sizzle between us until it turned into a full fledge kitchen fire that distanced us from the best part of us. Jeremiah. 
I held him as he sobbed into my neck and I didn’t even care that now I would have to change clothes. “I’m right here,” I said to him. He nodded and I kissed his neck where my lips could reach and when we pulled away briefly, I tugged on his wet shirt, asking him to take it off. He was freezing. He did as I asked and I grabbed his hand, walking him to the bed. I sat down and he crawled into my lap. He cried while I played with his hair and he held my waist so tight to his body I was afraid he would never let go and then, I felt stupid. 
Stupid for letting Conrad get in the way of this. This relationship. This friendship. This everythingship. 
I think he ended up falling asleep because his breath became shallow and ragged. His chest moved up and down in a perfect pattern. I settled into the pillow underneath me and the skin on his chest and arms kept me warm enough that I fell asleep, too.
When I woke up, Jeremiah and I were tangled together like old necklaces in the drawer. Our legs were twisted around each others and his arms were still wrapped around my waist and mine were flopped over his back. He was snoring softly, like a little kitten. I tickled my fingers up his back and he stirred in his sleep until eventually, he lifted his head up enough to look at me. “Hey,” he said, grogily. He smiled softly at me, the muscles in his face not yet warmed up enough to fully smile. 
“Hey sleepy head,” I teased. 
“You fell asleep, too. I can see it in your messy hair.” Jeremiah rolled off of me and onto his back, stretching out his limbs. His muscles flexed in his arms and chest and I wanted to reach out and touch them. Feel their warmth on my skin one more time. 
I rolled out of bed instead, flattening out on clothes. I sniffed my t-shirt, smelling rain water and salt from Jeremiah’s tears. “We should change,” I told him. I peered over my shoulder at him. He was now on his side, propping his head up on his elbow. “Don’t look at me like that.” 
“Like what?” He fluttered his eye lashes innocently. 
I shook my head and dug out some clothes out of my dresser and stuffed them under my arm. “I’ll be back.” In the bathroom, I ran a hot shower and surrounded myself in the water and pretended like it was Jeremiah again. When I returned back to my room, he was changed into the same clothes I was the other night and sitting on my bed, ruffling out his now dry hair with his hands. “Do you wanna hang out? Watch a movie?” 
Jeremiah stood up and walked over to me, taking my hands in his. “I should get going. It’s almost dinner time and you know Mom.” Oh. I nodded and looked down at my feet. He squeezed my hand three times. 
“We have some space at our table?” I offered. He turned me down again. “Why not, Jere? Are you mad at me?” My voice broke and I felt dumb. Like I was begging him for something. Maybe he finally had enough and I pushed him to the breaking point and he came over here earlier to tell me he was done, leave him alone, never speak to him again but then we got all tangled up in sheets and feelings and sleep. 
“I just want to give you the space you asked for, yn,” he said and then glanced back at the bed and he laughed. “Not like that really worked out very well.” 
“Just think about us, okay? You know where I stand and that’s not gonna change, alright?” He bent down and tucked a piece of wet hair behind my ear and then he kissed my cheek. “I’ll call you later, alright? We’ll go get ice cream if the rain settles down.” I nodded and Jeremiah slipped around me and out of the room before I had a chance to say anything. 
Downstairs, I sat at our dinner table with my dad at the head and my mom at the rear and I sat smack dab in the middle. I silently chewed my pasta bake while Dad went on a huge tangent about this lady at the store in town. Something about peaches, I wasn’t really paying much attention. Mom laughed, as she always did, at his sometimes insufferable jokes but she reached over and squeezed my hand. 
“I think the rain is going stop tomorrow,” she said after my dad was finished. 
“That’s what they say,” my dad said, lifting his drink in the air. He clinked it against my mom’s as they said cheers. “It’s been a long few days.” 
“Yn went on a run yesterday, actually.”
“Mom,” I whined. She laughed and held her hands up in defense.
“What? You never do that. It was weird.” Dad laughed too and I hid my face in my face, sinking further into my chair. “Oh, we’re just teasing!” 
Dad reached over and patted my leg, giving it a reassuring squeeze and I peeked in between my eyes at him. He had a smile on his face, one that always made me feel like home no matter where I was and in that moment, I was eternally grateful for my people. 
“Are you feeling better, honey?” Mom asked. She never really pushed and prodded, especially when I was upset or mad. She always let me tell her on my own time, and eventually, I always would. I gave her a slight shrug. “Do you want to tlak about it? With us?” 
I looked over at my dad, who gave me a nod and I shrugged again. “There’s just a lot of things that added up. I wouldn’t know where to start.” 
“Well, what happened first?” Dad asked. 
I looked down at my lap and picked at the skin around my fingernail. If I was going to tell them, if I was really going to say it out loud for the very first time, I needed to at least control my heart rate. Right now, it was beating out of my freaking chest. I bet the entire Cape Cod could hear it. 
What happened first? If I could pick apart that night and dissect it into little tiny pieces, pulling out what was important and flushing away what was not, I would. But it all jumbled together. Conrad’s words, the tears, the anger, the confessions. It was all a blur of arms, legs, lips, sadness. Where the fuck did I begin?
I looked up at Mom and asked, “did you know Susannah was sick again?” 
taglist: @things-that-make-sa-happy@marajillana@calpurnia2002 @revemixer@harrysswhore
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cherryflavouredhs · 3 years
Hands - HS ONE SHOT (18+)
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Summary: You’re on set with harry as he takes pictures for his pleasing nail polish and you can’t help but admire how sexy his hands look. 
Pairing: Dom!harry x reader
Warnings: smut, fingering, hand kink and swearing
A/N: this is 18+ so please if you are younger don’t read on.
Harry is always away with work at the moment, whether is for his concerts or on set for a new film he’s in, he is constantly working which means we don’t get to spend time together as often as we both would like. So when Harry asked if I wanted to join him at a photoshoot to promote the new colours in the Pleasing range I jumped at the opportunity. I obviously didn’t mind that he would be working but just being in his company was enough and plus I quite liked watching Harry work, I found it rather attractive. 
“I promise you baby this won’t be a long shoot. You’ll have me all to yourself soon.” Harry winked and I stupidly found myself blushing. Truth is we haven’t had any ‘alone time’ since he’s returned back from tour, we’ve either just been too tired or too busy with work to make that time for ourselves so to say that both Harry and I need to blow off some steam very soon is an understatement. 
“No worries, I’ll just sit here and look pretty for you.” I grinned at him. He was currently sat across from me as he gets his nails painted all different colours on different fingers. I watched him as he got lead to a different section of the room where the pictures are going to be taken. Harry effortlessly props himself up on the cushions and held his tanned hands up in front of a marble looking background and begins to move his hands around in different positions to show off his painted nails perfectly. 
I begin to zone out and I find myself just staring at Harrys hands. I always knew he has nice, well kept hands but as I continue to stare I notice how sexy his hands actually are. This might just be my horny hormones talking but he has the most fuckable hands, if that is even a thing. Everything about him at the moment was just a massive turn on from his painted nails to his chunky rings and to his long slender fingers. The things those fingers can do, I can feel myself dripping at the thought of those hands being on me later and I can’t wait. It really does speak volumes about busy schedules ruining our sex lives if I’m getting wet by just looking at his hands. 
“You all okay over there?” Harry let out a chuckle as he caught me lost in a trance. “Sorry if it’s too boring for yeh.”
“No no not at all. Sorry- I- ah I’m okay.” I smiled, my words getting mixed up us I’m snapped back into reality with my thighs clamped shut to relieve some tension. Harry doesn’t say anything else after that and throughout the rest of the shoot and I’m worried if he thinks I was being disrespectful or something. 
As soon as Jeff gave him the thumbs up to leave we was out of there like a light. Harry held my hand rather tightly as he lead me out the building and through the carpark, only letting go once we’d reached his car. I wearily eyed him as we both got in without a single word spoken and I’m really starting to believe I’ve pissed him off somehow.
“Baby what’s wrong?” My voice sounded quiet as I softly asked him, still unsure of why he was being so tense. Harry started the ignition and sped off, the grip on the wheel was tight that his perfect knuckles were turning white. 
“I just can’t wait to get home.” He lazily dragged the words out and I let out an inward groan in disappointment as this probably means he’s going to get home and we’re going to spend the rest of the day napping which I didn’t mind but I wanted him to myself without distractions. I sigh in defeat and turn my head to look out the window to see all the buildings and people speeding past as Harry continues to race home. 
My head his snapping towards him as soon as I feel his warm hand resting quite high up on my bare thigh as his fingers start to gently caress the soft skin there. His face remains straight, eyes concentrating on the road while his fingers are stroking higher and higher up my dress. His simple touch automatically sends tingles to my core as I watch his rings slowly disappear under the light material. I can feel him teasing patterns along my bikini line now before very lightly running a finger over the lace of my underwear, making my breath hitch and legs stiffen but I was left deflated when his hand suddenly pulled away to rest back onto the wheel as he got ready to park the car in his garage.
“I want your beautiful ass upstairs and in the bedroom before I get up there. Keep your underwear on. You have 20 seconds baby.” His blunt demand only turned me on more as I didn’t waste any time in moving. My legs ran through the house and up the stairs and into our shared bedroom as I quickly kicked my shoes off and peeled my dress off my body, throwing it on the floor somewhere. I didn’t know if he wanted me in the bed or not so I stupidly found myself hovering in the space between the door and the bed. I froze in place, my body tensing up completely as Harry slowly walks into the room, shutting the door behind him. 
“You look like a little deer caught in the headlights, my sweet.” He stalked over to me as I silently watched his every move. My eyes follow his hand has he reaches up to tuck my hair behind my ear, fingers stroking the skin of my cheek in the process. I’m so turned on my body feels like its on fire but I’m frozen in place as his eyes stare directly into mine.  
“Did you enjoy today baby?” It's such an innocent question but his tone implies that its anything but. The hand that was on my cheek has started to journey down my side at an achingly slow pace. My head nods. 
“Words. I need to hear your sweet voice.” His hand traces down past my neck, stroking down between my breasts and to my lower stomach where he starts blindly drawing patterns, leaving goosebumps. 
“Yes. I enjoyed myself.” I breathe out. His soft strokes of his fingers being too much for me already. I suck in a sharp breath as his hand suddenly dives into my underwear, his fingers dipping into me easily and we both let out a moan in satisfaction. 
“Tell me the truth, were you this wet back at the shoot or was this all from the car journey? Because you are soaked baby.” He groaned as he slowly started to finger me. My hand gripped his arm tightly to steady myself as I could feel my legs about to give out from how intense this is. 
“It was the shoot.” I moaned, purposefully not saying anything else as I didn’t want to admit to him the real reason why I’m this wet. 
“Hm is that so? Are you going to tell me why?” His fingers were moving painfully slow in and out of me making me want to cry out in frustration, this is torture. I shook my head too stubborn to admit the truth to which Harry frowned in disapproval. 
“Thats a shame then.” For the second time today Harry moves his hand away from me completely, leaving me stunned. “You was being such a good girl until now.” 
“What the fuck?!” 
“What did you want for dinner? I fancy fajitas.” Harry speaks as he turns away and starts walking towards the door. Is he really not going to finish this? I let out a groan and sit on the edge of the bed, throwing my head in my palms cringing for what I’m about to do. 
“It was your hands. Your hands turned me on and made me this wet but you already knew it didn’t you?” I watched as Harry turned to face me again, his face holding a smug grin from my accusation. 
“Of course I did baby. I saw how you was looking at them as I worked and how your thighs were tightly shut to try to relieve yourself a bit. I just wanted you to be a good girl and say it.” He was standing over me now, his growing bulge eye level with me as I stayed sat on the bed. Harry must’ve seen my eyes lingering on his tight jeans as he softly takes my chin and moves my head so I’m looking up at him. 
“Don’t even think about it. Move onto the bed and sit up against the headboard.” He lets go of my chin allowing me to move and do as he says. As soon as I’m in position he wastes no time in crawling onto the bed with me, leaning on his knees as he slowly slips my knickers down my legs. The cool air hitting my core making me quiver. 
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen you this wet. And it’s all because of my hands?” Once again a finger dips into my folds, collecting the wetness and takes it to his lips to have a taste before goes back and slides a finger in me. “Did you want me to fuck you with my fingers until you cum?” 
My head is nodding before I can even process the question fully. I moan out as he adds a second finger, both his middle and ring finger working me perfectly as I watch.
“I want you to watch me fuck you, okay? Eyes on my hands just like how you were back at the shoot.” My walls tighten and I feel myself dripping onto the bedsheets, the sight of his ring clad fingers going in and out of me has my tipping my head back. 
“Don’t make me repeat myself baby girl.” He easily adds in a third in thanks to how wet I am and I whimper at the nice burn of him stretching me out. I feel his fingers curling inside of me, making me grip onto the sheets. I was getting close and I know he can feel it too as he begins to thrust and curl his fingers at a much faster pace. 
“Harry please don’t stop.” I cry out. I watch his fingers work their magic, only spurring my climax on more. My legs shake uncontrollably as I’m suddenly hit with euphoria as I cum hard around his fingers. I feel my walls tighten around him as he keeps thrusting into me, working me through my high until I’m lazily collapsing onto the pillows next to me like a rag doll and Harry takes this as a sign that I’m finished. 
“That was incredible.” I feel a blanket getting placed on my lower half as I still make no effort to move while I attempt to get my breath back. Harry lays down beside me, his face itches from mine. 
“Never would put you down as a hand kink kind of girl.”
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k8fics · 2 years
Please please please write more Nathan Fielder fluff bro im dying out here
summary: headcanon — assistant! reader x nathan fielder (nathan for you era)
rating: PG — nothing bad
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- let’s be honest, he probably does not need an assistant.
- but he begged his producers until they finally allowed him to interview a few people for the job.
- sure, he could’ve used an unpaid intern but where’s the fun in that?
- the interviews would be… unusual.
When you walked in, you were greeted by a scrawny guy in a standard office space. You guys shook hands and exchanged names before the actual interview.
“So.. Um, here we help small businesses in unique ways,” He started. His hands waving around manically.
Nathan later explains it’s basically just a mock reality show where he tries unique (outrageous) ways to help businesses and people.
“Do you actually help the companies or…” You trailed off.
“Sometimes.” He stated. “Anyways, you’ll be doing tasks I don’t want to do.”
Then came the boring questions; you’re experience, what you’re like in the work place, if you’re single.
- obviously you got the job, he didn’t have a lot of choices anyway (in his own words).
- you do easy tasks: take notes, post craigslist ads, look for the businesses/people, sometimes you do nathan’s laundry.
- he reads all of your notes or makes you read them out to him.
“Write that down.” He would say.
“Y/N, why did you write that he has a small penis?”
“I think it’s relevant.”
- he likes to lean over you while you’re doing something.
- like you’ll be on your laptop, busy, and he’ll come over and just hover over you for five minutes minimum.
- has you write down all his ideas, even if you told him there’s no way he can legally do that.
- asks you on opinions on things irrelevant to your line of work.
“Be honest, does my shirt match my pants?”
“I really don’t think it matters since it’s a suit ten times too big for you, Nathan.”
- makes you hangout with him; an early breakfast before walking to work together, forces you to come over for “important business” when he just wants someone to talk to, etc.
- brings coffee some days, has you bring coffee the next day.
- drives around with you because he says it’s “more efficient.”
- when he asked you out, he did it in his office. he was leaned over slightly, obviously flustered.
“I’ve been wanting to ask you out for dinner for awhile but I thought there might be a conflict of interests here.” He rambled on until you finally cut him off the answer.
“Sure! Sounds fun.” Things began from there.
- he’ll have you walk with him, his hand resting on your lower back.
- he doesn’t make you do his laundry (alone) anymore.- of course you still do your usual work, but he’s nicer when he orders you around at least.
“Hey, I’m going to need to you pick all of this up for me.” He’d say passing a list of items to you.
You read over the list and paused, “Okay.. I understand the cat food and milk but how am I going to find a five yard tube?”
“I don’t know, they don’t have it at Home Depot or something?”
- he doesn’t really like pda, especially on set.
- he’s okay with it in the office though; he’ll come up behind you while you’re getting something from the break room, makes you take a nap with him on his couch, whatever.
- i just feel like he’s not the type to put his relationship out there in front of everyone.
- writes flirty notes in your notebook when he’s reading your notes over;
“Have a good day :)”
“You looked beautiful today!”
“I wanted to fuck you the entire time” 😵‍💫
i want him…. wrote this in my usual style hope it’s okay!
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reidsahacker · 3 years
Support from Under the Desk
Vinnie Hacker x Female Reader
warnings: daddy kink, degrading, some praise, cockwarming, slight spanking.
1.4k words, briefly edited!
So um this is def not a blurb lol, got carried away! sorry lmao! if anyone wants a part 2 let me know and send in ideas!
Requests are open, send in your blurb reqs or concepts! my anons are open too! i also do emoji anons if anyone is interested!
Vinnie has been playing Valorant almost all day and watching him play can be super fun. Sometimes he lets you wear his headset and talk to the boys, sometimes he trys to teach you how to play, others you just like sitting there with him. Today you have done all 3 of those things and you are still bored. You are currently trying to take a nap but he keeps distracting you. Not because he is being loud but he is hot. He doesn't have a shirt on so every time he moves his back flexes, you watch his tattoo move.
"Fuck." Vinnie says as he throws his hands in the air. He stands up to stretch and his sweats slide just a little lower on his waist. You can see his v-line and all you can think about is trailing kisses down his stomach and stopping right at his spade tattoo, leaving kisses all around it, teasing him until he grabs you by the chin, giving you the warning look.
"Babe?...Baby?...Y/N?" Vinnie says calling at you.
"Hmm?" you hum.
"What's on your mind baby? I can tell you were thinking about something." He says slightly concerned/
"Nothing baby, i'm just tired." you answer still feeling your heart beat in 2 different places.
"Okay baby, I love you." He says when he comes over and gives you kisses.
Vinnie gets back into the game and you "take a nap." In reality you are thinking of a way you can get what you want. The idea hits you, a pillow under the desk that's "for hera".
You grab one of the decorative pillows and make your way over to Vinnie. You know that he won't hear you coming, so as you approach the desk you get down on your knees and crawl. You don't think Vin can see you but he can and all he does is smirk to himself, he wants to see what your plan is.
You crawl underneath the desk and set the pillow down right in between his legs. You act like you are setting the pillow just right when he glances down at you with a questioning look.
"Its for hera, when she lays down here!" you say with a slight smirk.
"Yeah?" he says with a slightly cocky tone that makes you clench your legs together.
Instead of crawling out the way you came in, you get in between his legs. You place your hands on his knees and give him a small smile. You slowly start to run your hands up his thighs, causing him to spread them and push his hips forward.
Your hands go to his hips as you sit up on your knees, you run the tips of your fingers over the ace of spades tattoo causing him to let out a low groan. You play with the band of his sweats and right when he thinks you are going to pull them down, you run your hands over his bulge instead. He mutes himself on the game and you know you have him where you want him.
"You know better than to tease me bunny, finish what you started or you will come warm my cock while I play." he says with a stern tone.
You will his sweats down and his cock springs out hitting his stomach, leaving a drop of pre cum on his stomach. You swipe your finger through it and suck the finger into your mouth.
"Tastes good daddy." You moan out giving him the best puppy dog eyes that make him melt every time.
You take the base of his cock in your hand and spit on the tip, bringing your hand up to spread it around. As you slowly jerk him off you press small kisses to his tip, still teasing him despite his previous warning. He gives you another warning look, so you take his tip in between your lips and suck.
One of his hands goes to the back of head, pushing you to take more of his cock your mouth.
"Just like that bunny, got the best mouth." He praises you and feels you moan around his cock.
You bob your head up and down, while using your tongue to swirl around him just how he likes. You hear a new round start and that's when you take him all in.
"Fuck, bunny." He says bringing his hands down, making a makeshift ponytail and using that to control you. Completely abandoning the game.
You moan around him and feel him twitch in your mouth, you know he is getting close but he's not wear you want him yet. As you bob your head up and down with his help, you reach a hand down to grab his balls. You squeeze them in your hand and that's when he bucks up into your mouth and twitches.
"Fuck bunny, gonna cum down that pretty throat. Keep going baby." He moans out while his hand relaxes on your head.
That's when you take the opportunity to completely pull away except for your hand on the base his cock. His tip is red and dripping pre cum, the veins on his cock are pulsing and he his pissed. He pushes his chair out a little more and grabs you by the elbow.
"Stand up and take of your clothes off now." he says with lust and anger in his eyes.
You stand and slowly start stripping, once your (his) shirt is off, you take your panties off and throw them over his head but he catches them. He grabs you by the hips and places you on his lap, hovering over his cock.
"What did I tell you slut? Huh?" He almost yells at you.
"Not to tease." he whisper while looking anywhere but his eyes.
He grabs you by the chin making you look at him as he slides you down on his cock. He watches the way your eyebrows furrow together and your mouth drops open, letting out the prettiest moan as he bottoms out.
You run your hands up his arms and put them over his shoulders, getting ready to bounce on his cock when he grabs your hips stopping you.
"Daddy, wanna ride you. Please." You pout at him with the puppy dogs eyes that he loves oh so much.
"No, those eyes aren't going to work this time. I told that if you teased you'd warm my cock and that is what you are going to do." He says while rubbing his thumbs in little circles on your hips.
"But da-" you whine before he interrupts
"No. Now you can either be a good bunny and sit her while I play and maybe i'll let you cum when Im done. Or you can be a whore and not get anything. I'll use you right now to make myself cum and then you'll get off. Which one you want baby?" He asks with most sly smirk.
As you take one of your hands and place it on his cheek, using your thumb to play with his bottom lip you mutter out "Be a good bunny, wanna cum daddy."
He pecks your lips a few times, giggling at his little bunny pouting on his lap all because she lost her own game. "Good choice bunny, wanna feel you make a mess on my cock later."
You whine out knowing he is trying to rile you up more and it's working. You make yourself as comfy as you can with his cock bottomed out in you and not getting anything else from it but the beautiful pressure of him on your sweet spot. You think that maybe if you stay as still as you can it will over quicker.
Right as you lay your head down on his shoulder and he scoots his chair in to start a new game he says something that ruins your whole plan of "staying still"
"Better hope this game I do good, you know a move a lot when I lose. Know you were watching me earlier bunny, me losing is what started this." He says.
You sit up and give it one last go, see if you can get yourself out of this.
"Im sorry daddy, I just can't help it. You look so good baby, wanted to make you feel good." you give him the puppy dog eyes, the pout, and clench around him.
All you get is a slap on the ass and him chuckling while putting his headset on. You are going to be in for a long ride ;)
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primofate · 3 years
Scenario: Levels of Intimacy
Characters: gn! reader x Diluc, Kaeya, Albedo, Childe, Zhongli, Xiao, Chongyun, Venti, Dainsleif
Taglist (Want to be notified when something new comes out? Sign up!):
If you’d like to be extra sweet and donate, here’s my kofi link: 
When you first start dating, is a man of few words, but definitely shows that he cares. Is the type who sends you flowers but doesn't say anything about it.
Gradually warms up a bit more as time passes.
Is not a fan of public displays of affections but you'll notice that he'll touch you in subtle ways. Touching your lower back to steer you to the right path, touching your shoulder to get your attention, touching your arm when he just feels like it.
You'll catch him looking at you once in a while and when you ask what's wrong he shakes his head and will say something like, "Nothing, just got distracted,"
When you're alone, will lay his head on your lap for whatever reason. Will usually be reading a book and the next time you glance at him he would have fallen asleep, peaceful look on his face.
People will notice that his mood changes when you're around. He's a lot less on edge and will take a more relaxed stance.
People will also notice the gentle look on his face when he talks to you, compared to the stiff look he gives others.
Will give heaps of forehead kisses.
Has no problem showing affection right from the beginning.
Cheek kisser. Anywhere, anytime. Whenever he feels like it, for no reason at all.
When you're out in town, the type who will sneak up behind you, cover your eyes with his hands and ask, breath above a whisper and near your ear, "Guess who?" you know who it is every time.
If not that, then he'll just hug you from behind and "Caught you, you're coming with me," mischievous glint in his eyes.
People will notice how he can't seem to take his eyes off of you.
Is somehwhat flirtatious but always reminds you that you're number one. "I might look like I'm joking, but trust me, I'm serious about you,"
When you're alone, is the type who will take you in his arms, drop you in bed and just cuddle with you while playing with your hair.
Doesn't say much when you first start dating. Actually you don't even know when exactly you guys started dating, you just had a hunch that it was happening because he starts to give you kisses on the top of your head whenever you would part ways with him.
When you ask about it, "Hm? Dating...? Yes, I suppose that's what you call it. I'd rather call it as an exclusive privilege to you,"
Asks for your company whenever he can. You don't do much, but just watch him work. He's happy with just being in the same room as you.
Will sometimes be conscious about the fact that you might be bored "Here, would you like to try?" is just an excuse for him to guide your hand on how to do specific alchemy experiments.
When he feels tired and burnt out will just appear next to you and hug you round the waist, rest his head on your shoulder and murmur "Just a small break,"
When you're out in town together and someone comments about it being rare to see Master Albedo accompanied by someone, he would reply back gesturing at you, "They are... My life partner. So, it's only natural you'd see us together."
Life partner=his word to indicate that you're dating
When you're alone, would ask you to fix his hair or tie his hair up cause "you're the only one who knows how to do it properly, aside from me,"
Absolutely cannot keep his hands to himself.
Always greets you with some form of hug, usually bear hugs or let me nuzzle into your neck hugs.
Would glue you to his hip if he could.
Visibly happy in public with you, dotes on you and asks you what you'd like to do today.
People can literally see hearts hovering around his head when you're around.
Hand holding a must.
Will not let you do any manual work or labor. Got something to carry? Will take it from you. Need to wash the dishes? Just use his vision. Having trouble with that jar? He might break it for causing you so much trouble.
When you're alone, will always be the big spoon and trail kisses on your neck.
Has a permanent smile plastered on his face when he sees you. "You're just too cute!"
This man is gentle and yet manages to be firm about what he wants, which is you, and no one else.
Does not show a wide range of emotions, he's either calm and collected or agitated and cautious, depending on situations that concern you.
Agitated and cautious because he feels like you're such a fragile thing.
Will enjoy watching your face light up at his suggestions and will get that soft hint of a smile on his face. "Strange, this effect you have on me. Quite an extraordinary thing, and that would be saying a lot considering I've been around for thousands of years,"
When he accompanies you out to town will walk a step behind you but regularly check on you by standing next to you, and reaching out to touch your shoulder that is further away from him. Thus you're momentarily in a semi-side hug. "Everything alright?"
When someone in public comments about you and him making a cute couple, he feels a sense of pride and confirms it. "It is as you say. I wonder from time to time how I've managed to have someone like them stay with me,"
When alone with you, is the type to pull you on their lap and keep you there for as long as he can while he works.
Is totally a cold one even if you start dating. But it doesn't mean that he doesn't care, he just has his own way of showing it.
However the more you grow on him the more you find out that he gets flustered unusually easy.
When you suggest a date, for example, his face will get that subtle hint of red. "I-I don't have time for that,"
Sometimes he would say he wouldn't want to do something with you, but then when he finds out you went and did it by yourself he gets moody. "Huh? You already went to get ice-cream?!" will glare at nothing in particular until you say you can go with him next time. "Fine..."
Has periods of being worried that you're tired of him. You know when it happens because he gets quiet, and he will suddenly just grab your wrist, look at the ground, and mumble "... I know I'm not the best at showing and saying how I feel but..." you understand anyway, and are happy with just that.
Is actually extremely possessive. Usually will not hold your hand when walking around town but when a man somehow approaches you he's there in the next second and pulls you into a back hug while staring the guy down.
When you're alone, loves to have you lay your head on his lap and have quiet conversations with you.
is a shy boi and rather unsure of himself.
will gain confidence along the way.
“U-Uh, would you like to hold hands, maybe?” you tell him he doesn’t have to ask at all but he still asks the first few times anyway
Is very thoughtful about your schedule and workload, will constantly worry about you when you seem like you’re tired or overworked
When he knows you’re too tired he gets this sudden assertive side of him “That’s enough for today isn’t it?”
Will add a kiss to your temple, on the side of your forehead.
Sometimes will start to panic about something and turns to you for help. It’s actually something easy to solve so you help him and he would sigh and say “What would I do without you?” and leans in for a hug.
When you’re alone, has a surprisingly assertive side that pulls you in for a hug whenever he feels like it. Sometimes you’d fall together in bed and just cuddle while talking.
“A-ha! There you are!” will open his arms and wait for you to come to him. If you do, he does his trademark laugh and hug you tight. If you don’t, will stare at you with a questioning face but break into smile and say “Oh, too shy cause we’re out in public? Come on, it’s just a hug!” 
Has no issues telling everyone in town that you’re a couple. “Oh yea, have you met Y/N here? Cute right?...And all mine!” Cue the trademark laugh again.
loves to sit on the sofa, lean his back on the arm of it and have you in his arms just looking down at you do your own thing, mostly reading. If not, then just taking naps with you there.
When the two of you are alone, he sometimes gets this sad or thoughtful look on his face, which is super rare on his usually cheerful demeanor. You would ask what’s wrong and he would snap back to reality saying, “...I was just thinking about...how it would be without you,” jumps back quite quickly and grins, “but that’s not gunna happen, you’re stuck with me till the end!”
Out in public when someone comments you’re such a cute couple he would readily agree and give you a side hug, arms round your shoulder, cheek pressed up against yours. “We’re the cutest you’ll ever see!”
the definition of protective is this man
is very subtle with his touches, affection and words, but despite that you can feel his unparalleled loyalty to you and is surprisingly gentle.
loves to greet you with a one handed hug and a kiss on the side of your lips.
Out in town, will start off just walking beside you but you wouldn’t even notice when he had slipped his hand in yours. His type of hold is the type of hold that makes you feel like he’s never letting go until you do.
While out adventuring with you, will have these moods where he’s just clingy. Will pull you by the wrist, trap you in between him and a tree and lean in for a kiss on the lips, gently.
Will pull back a moment later, cheeks flushed pink and apologize. “Sorry, I don’t know what’s gotten into me,” 
loves to have you lean on his shoulder when you rest, and will watch you doze off peacefully.
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Ok if Javi G doesn’t work how about Dieter getting stuck having to watch one of his own movies and you’re there for him
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(Or if need be I could come up with something for Frankie or Peña)
Pairing: Dieter x Female reader
Note: A couple of “Baby”’s. Dieter being Dieter. :) 
“Welp. I’m fucked.”
Dieter’s appearance at this arthouse festival had been on the books and he thought it’d be a quick one. The usual wave, smile, and nod, vaguely comment about upcoming projects, a few photo ops, and leave immediately after. Back to his hotel room where he could smoke and have a juicy burger, maybe a few Kit-Kats for dessert. 
He wasn’t expecting all of this.
The panel was so elated he came, they organized an impromptu viewing of his award-winning film. The announcement was made while Dieter was on stage with the host, so he had no time to plan an exit. This wasn’t supposed to be anything official. He was wearing a loose fitting flannel, jeans, and his “fancy” crocs, for fuck’s sake. 
Dieter never watched his own movies. No exceptions. Usually, he was up for anything and everything, but for starters, he’d never get caught wearing wireless headphones, and revisiting the roles he played.
As the room erupted with applause after hearing they’d be in for a treat, Dieter was willing himself to not flip out. He searched for you, in the third row, equally panicked. 
You mouthed, “It’s okay. Sit with me.”
As he sat among the crowd, he mumbled to you, “I should have brought an extra gummy. Maybe I can take a nap or call an Uber.”
Being the loyal friend and occasional date of Mr. Dieter Bravo whenever he was in town, you were also scrambling.  The text you received from his agent, gave you clear instructions to keep the talent in the seat. You weren’t supposed to babysit for several hours. The plan was to hang out and catch up at the hotel, with reality tv playing and snacks to enjoy.
You watched Dieter’s lips pucker as he slouched in the chair, adjusting the signature tinted glasses to cover the disgust and embarrassment in his eyes.
“Baby, what am I suppose to do?”
“You can’t leave.”
“I know,” he answered sardonically. “It’s a bad look.”
Beyond the subtly cocky, I-don’t-give-the-slightest-fuck attitude, he was like everyone else, painfully aware of judging eyes, and constantly wanting approval. The Dieter only a few recognized off-camera, was starting to emerge.
“D. You gotta fix your face, everyone is going to see.” You looked around to see if anyone was paying attention to the movie’s star and his easy-to-read body language.
He pulled out his phone, checking messages, and remarked, “Who fucking cares? I don’t. This is some bullshit. I should just go.”
You tried to shush him, because his voice was rising, but the person in the row ahead of you, thankfully oblivious, turned around. “Mr. Bravo! I loved you in this one. You know the scene when—”
“No, I don’t, I do not watch my own shit, you should never watch your own shit.”
The fan gasped, “What? That’s no fun. What about all the premieres you attend?”
You knew your guy was starting to zone out; he was trying to focus, but the conversation was boring him. His arm was all up in his open shirt, rubbing his trapezius muscle. 
“Mr. Bravo?”
He lifted his head, to find out what the person was asking again. Once he remembered, he smirked. “I’ll tell you a secret. I never stay for these things. I make arrangements, which I should have done for tonight.”
You grimaced at the thought of him being with anyone else, sneaking out, so he could be taken care of, whether it was a blowjob or a quick bump, or something else, more involved. Knowing you could not cross that line, at least not yet, you kept your cool and reassured him.
“Hey, D.”
You pulled back, with a glare that could make anyone immediately regret their action. That sharp, disrespectful tone that reached your ears was not going to fly with you. “Hey. None of that,” you sternly corrected. You had every right to get him in line, and remind him that he cannot talk to you that way. Ever.
Dieter apologized, rubbing your arm. “That was out of line. Forgive me.”
He shook his head, lowering his glasses, so you could see those sad puppy eyes of his. “You would think after all this time, I wouldn’t get nervous. It’s one thing for everyone else to see me, but I don’t like seeing me. You can get fucked up overanalyzing everything you could have done or shouldn’t have done. That’s not good for me.”
You understood his thought process. But for his sake and your own, you were wishing this screening would end sooner than later. All you could do was be with him as you power through the awkwardness.
The lights were starting to dim, and he groaned. His go-to response? Raking his fingers through his floofy and soft curls that stick up and out. That’s when you know things were getting bad.
“Hey,” you decided to quickly run your hand on these wild strands. From everyone’s perspective, you were making sure he looked presentable. But you and Dieter knew he loved being touched and this was an easy distraction. “I’m right here.”
Squeezing your hand, he replied, “Thank you.”
Before the opening scene, you nudged him and whispered, “Thirty minutes. If it’s too much, we will leave. Hold my hand? Or if you want, you can put your head on my shoulder. How’s that?”
You waited for him to respond, hoping this plan can work for the both of you. Hoping he doesn’t see your own nerves, as you inched closer towards the intersection of friends and lovers. It wasn’t the spicy level of fun he was used to, but maybe this could go in the right direction.
He kissed your cheek and genuinely smiled. The smile you knew and adored. You could tell his attitude was shifting, because he took off the shades. 
“I love that idea. Thanks, baby.”
Tagging: @moralesfish, @heythere-mel, @oogaboogasphincter, @thefuckinsandes
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emanooono · 3 years
pretty much angst🦆
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He turned around to finally look at you in the eyes.
“what about our date today?”
And there was a topic hanma’s been avoiding to talk about for some time now. He would always bring up an excuse that he’s busy with his gang because he just came back and he has more responsibilities than others.
You had a little hope left that he would finally go out with you and make you laugh with his dumb pick up lines and jokes, just like the old times when you two’s relationship started.
“nope, I can’t. I’m busy again”
The disappointment hit again. You got your hopes up without realizing and ended up being disappointed again and again. Just when were you going to learn your lesson? You asked yourself while looking down.
Hanma noticed your aura change and he came closer, threw away his cigarette and lifted your chin up to look at him.
“I’m sorry doll, ok?”
You don’t even trust his words anymore. ‘He’s probably lying again’, you thought and looked away. Hanma followed you home while it was raining. But he didn’t even utter a word. silence filled the atmosphere. When you finally arrived home, you didn’t say anything to him, not even a goodbye. Hanma took another cig and watched as you left his sight without looking back.
You finally entered your room and dropped yourself on the bed, ready to cry but nothing came out. You wanted to look out of the window and watch hanma leave. It was a thing between you two. When he used to take you home, you would always look out of the window and send him kisses. Hanma loved when you did that too and there he was, still waiting for you to look out for him. But you didn’t. after some time passed, he left with guilt eating him alive.
On the other hand, notification sound brought you back to reality and you stood up to check your phone. It was a message from ran, who sent you a location of the bar he was in, texting you to come over. You deadpanned because it wasn’t a good time for ran and his bullshit. You replied, saying you didn’t want to go but he kept messaging that you ‘definetly’ should.
You left him on seen and decided to sleep, take a nap. But of course he had to call and verbally force you to meet him. That’s why, you’ve been trying to find ran in this damn bar, while it’s filled with bunch of unknown people dancing and moving.
Soon, someone grabbed your arm to drag you away from the crowd. You noticed his braids and immediately understood who he was.
“missed me, angel?” he teased and made you sit next to him. You noticed that this seat was slightly far from the dancing crowd, which made you feel a bit at ease. “want something?” you asked, trying to sound curious but it was obvious you were bored. Ran soon felt your aura was different and tried to be more observant, so he could understand what was wrong, without asking.
“so.. how has your day been?” he breathed out deeply and you quickly understood ran was drunk, he smelled like alcohol as well. Even though, it made u a bit better that he still asked about your day. Bare minimum but here we go.
“nothing special. How about yours?” you lied, thanking god he was drunk and you were a good liar because if it was the opposite, ran would tease you until you admitted the lie. Even though you thought that, the next words ran said, caught you off guard.
“you’re lying to me, aren’t you, doll?”
That nickname reminded you of hanma since he always calls you doll.
“I’m not.” You pouted, turning you back to him and putting your head on the table. Ran came closer to your form and patted your back. “is it about hanma?” he murmured in your ear, putting his head on the table as well.
“how do you notice things so quickly? Even when you’re drunk..” you turned to ran, to look him in the eyes. “I guess I know you too well” he mumbled quietly. you hardly understood what he said because of all the noises coming from the speakers and people.
You almost felt like breaking down on the spot in front of him. The way his face was inches away from yours. the way his eyes, filled with worry, didn’t leave you, even for a second.
He slowly leaned in closer and closer while he held your hand under the table. “if only you knew how much I loved you” he whispered. “if only you knew how much better I would treat you..” it seemed like ran wanted to finish his sentence but he couldn’t take it anymore. He leaned in and softly put his lips onto yours. Almost so soft like you were a peace of glass that would shatter soon or later.
You knew this was wrong and guilt was slowly eating you up alive but you didn’t seem to push ran off either. Maybe because you were so exhausted, tired and he was the only one who gave you the right amount of attention during a really hard time.
Ran slowly leaned back, looking at your glassy eyes with worry and care. He sat up and delicately hugged you from behind. You didn’t have any other choice but to cover your face, using hands, and break down in his embrace.
“Why can’t you realize its me who’s the one for you.. I’ll treat you so much better. Just break up with him” he confessed and placed his head on your shoulder.
“I don’t know who to trust anymore” your broken voice made ran crumble. He wished to beat the living shit out of hanma, who had this much effect on you and your happiness.
“I promise..” ran whispered and his long limbs tightened around your torso.
“no. you don’t seem to understand” you announced as you finally got the courage to get out of his hold. “hanma used to say the same thing but look where it ended up” your vision was filled with tears forming and you looked away from ran because you didn’t want him to see you this weak and.. defeated.
“no, I promise its not going to be the same, i-“ ran almost shouted because he saw you leaving. He followed you and grabbed your arm with force to stop you. “please, just put a little trust in me this time and I promise on my life I’ll make you happier” he grabbed your face to make you look at him but no avail. “i- I can wait for you if its what you want” he offered but at what cost. You turned to look at him for the last time and left him behind, without a goodbye.
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i was listening to eric by mitski while writing this 😨 i love mitski
sorry if its conry:,)
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fallinnflower · 2 years
in the bed
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jun x reader (fluff, slice of life)
wc: 1k
a/n: bigger projects are in the pipeline, but my friend sent me a dialogue prompt list and i think this turned out cute. also in korea it’s already jun day!
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There are a few things you’ve come to understand about Wen Junhui over the years. First and foremost, that behind his calm facade with strangers lies an exuberant and excitable inner child whose wonder has yet to ebb away; and second, that the better you get to know him, the more energetic he becomes. It isn’t to say the two of you can’t be comfortable and still in one another’s presences like other couples — just that Jun doesn’t feel comfortable being silly in front of strangers, and so you see that side of him more often than not. 
It can be a lot, sometimes, for a somewhat grumpy introvert such as yourself. But he wouldn’t be your Junhui without all his goofy antics.
For the first few days of his two-week post-schedule quarantine, he slept almost nonstop. On the bed, on the couch, on the extra chair in your home office when he came to whine about you not being available to cuddle him – he took numerous naps and slept soundly through the night. However, on the fourth day, a Saturday, he rises unexpectedly early. And he rises hyper.
“Y/N,” he whispers, poking your cheek. You feign sleep in an effort to actually make it a reality, but your boyfriend is relentless. “Y/N. I’m bored, wake up.” In response, you scrunch your nose and drag the blankets up over your eyes. He whines your name once more, louder, before flopping his body down onto yours. All your breath leaves your body in an audible oof, and Jun’s childish tactic finally succeeds. You wriggle your arms out from under him and begin trying to lift him.
“Okay. Off. Heavy,” you grumble with your eyes still closed.
“Are you awake now?” he asks, propping himself up on his elbows and inspecting your face. You crack your eyes open enough to glare at him, huffing.
“Yes. Now get off.” 
Satisfied, Jun breaks into a wide smile and presses a quick kiss to your forehead before acquiescing, taking the blankets with him. You dig the heels of your palms into your tired eyes and sit up. Jun wastes no time, busying himself with worsening your bedhead and giggling at your expense as you tiredly grumble and try to swat his hands away, to no avail. He’s much too agile on mornings like this, and you’re much too tired to really try to stop him. Eventually, you drag yourself out of bed to the bathroom and emerge to find Jun waiting for you on the bed still, doing something on his phone.
“Alright, I’m up,” you say, stretching your back. “Now what?” 
“I ordered us breakfast,” he replies, proudly turning his phone screen towards you. True to his word, the delivery app on his phone shows an order in progress from your favorite cafe. The thought of not having to cook or brew your own coffee is enough to bring a smile to your face.
“Thanks, baobei.” Jun flashes a playful grin at you, eyes twinkling with mischief. He taps a finger against his cheek and leans closer to you. Admittedly, you find it endearing, but you hide that behind a sigh as you lean over the side of the bed to give him the kiss he wants as a reward. His ego is big enough without you always telling him outright how cute he is — especially because he already knows that you adore him, considering what you let him get away with. Jun beams proudly, having gotten you to bend to his (adorable) will once more, and you can’t help but smile yourself. 
“So, you woke me up early to order breakfast?” you ask, raising one eyebrow. Jun pouts.
“No, I woke you up early because I missed you.” You laugh,
“We slept in the same bed last night, Jun.”
“That doesn’t count,” he counters. 
“Then what does count?”
You regret asking the moment you see the expression on Jun’s face, but it’s already too late— 
“This,” he shouts, launching forward and pulling you back onto the bed before you can react. You let out an embarrassing sound, something like a squeak, which you can barely recover from before Jun is taking advantage of your position to engage in a tickle fight. It’s more one-sided than an actual fight, since Jun has the high ground and the element of surprise and all you can do is squirm and try to fend him off, none of which helps at all. Eventually, he relents, leaving both of you breathless. You pull yourself up into a sitting position, leaning back against the headboard and purposefully ignoring your clingy boyfriend as he follows you.
“So cute,” he simpers, and you fix him with a half-hearted glare that doesn’t faze him at all. Instead he only laughs and flops down with his head in your lap, staring up at you. He reaches up to brush some of your hair out of your face fondly, looking unusually angelic as he does so. Your traitorous heart skips a beat.
“You love me, don't you?” Jun asks, feigning innocence while unable to keep the playful smile off his face. You hold your stony expression as long as you can in the face of his sparkling gaze before relenting with a sigh, gently carding your fingers through his hair. He closes his eyes in contentment, leaning into your touch like a pleased cat, and you let out a short laugh.
“Too much to function,” you finally reply, ruffling his hair a little more roughly. Jun, your lovely, lovely Jun, laughs and turns onto his side, his nose bumping against your abdomen, one arm reaching around your waist to keep you close.
“Me too,” he murmurs, finally. “I’m so happy I can barely think.” 
“Oh, that’s why you’ve got all these hare-brained schemes?” you tease, and he hums.
“Yup, all your fault.” You roll your eyes, even though he can’t see, and resume playing with his hair. 
“I guess I should take responsibility, then.” 
“You should,” he agrees, turning his head just enough that he can meet your eyes comfortably. His beaming grin belies the seriousness of his words, “Forever.” 
“Okay,” you say, smiling softly. “Forever.”
And although you can’t stay in that comfortable, warm position forever, you do remain there until your breakfast delivery arrives, when you waddle towards the door with Jun clinging to your waist from behind all the way.
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caravelmp3 · 3 years
pairing: josh kiszka x female!reader warning(s): mostly fluff, just brief mentions of alcohol and sex  word(s): 2k note: hi hi hi !! this is just a little something i wrote up the last couple of days with the inspiration of light my love, canyon moon by harry styles, and the interview where josh talked about road-tripping the u.s. last summer <3 i don’t write one shots often but let me know what you all think bc i might shuffle some more out soon lol. hope you all enjoy !! :) 
The Los Angeles sun was hot, beating down onto the city basking in its late-summer hues. You parked your car on the street in Silver Lake and carried a bag of food and drink tray to the door of a recording studio, more than prepared to be swarmed by hungry boys who had been cooped up in the studio since five a.m. on the dot that morning. They had a breakthrough the night before with a new song, and after getting home and going to bed for a few hours, the creative juices started flowing again and they were back in the booth. 
A windchime on the door sang as you pulled the door open and walked inside, greeting their manager who was at a table by the door. 
“The boys here?” 
“Down the hall,” he nodded, pointing a finger in the direction of the hallway. “They’re more rowdy than usual so be prepared,” 
You laughed and turned down the hall, walking towards the studio. The walls were decorated with memorabilia of rock and roll greats and record plaques, and among them, you spotted a picture of the four boys with their Grammy award. It seemed like time had passed so quickly. They won the award for the first album and they were already working on their third, shooting them further into stardom. 
“Coffee’s here!” You shouted in a really bad New England accent when you noticed the recording light was flipped off above the door. 
You stepped into the room to a chorus of cheers and “thank god you're here”’s that made you laugh while sitting the food and drinks down on the table and they all rushed over. You handed out the specific orders and pointed to which drinks was theirs when they got handsy and tried to grab everything from her out of both excitement and some desperation for caffeine. 
“Our savior,” Jake said, reaching out and grabbing your shoulders to give them a gentle shake before taking the coffee you were holding out to him, and then you handed Danny’s to him, too. 
“Just the coffee girl here,” 
“Well, you’re a little bit more than that,” Josh said, walking over to the table to grab his full cup. 
You pressed a hand against the table, leaning over to him. “Just a little?” 
“A little bit,” he shot you a wink before swiftly pressing a kiss to your cheek. 
You were more than just a “little more” than the coffee girl, you were typically their designated drunk driver, the one who took all of their candid photos, the mediator in times of need, and well, the girlfriend of the lead singer, too. 
Everyone in the studio took their food and drinks and scattered among the seating area in a break from recording. Instead of one tiny room with all of them cramped together, they had a wide open space with booths for the different instruments and bean bag chairs and big comfy, velvet sofas, and there was dim lighting with deep toned rugs that gave off the vibe of a more relaxed feel rather than the fluorescent-light, tiled-floor feeling that made them feel rushed and confined by rules they didn’t set themselves. 
You liked the studio, too, and often took naps on the sofa while listening to them play instruments individually in the recording booths and while they were writing. One night they had found you at two a.m., bundled up with a blanket on the bean bag chair after they spent the night writing in the front room on the piano, but it wasn’t the first time as you often napped in their Nashville recording offices, too. 
“You guys been busy today?” You asked jokingly while lowering onto the sofa armrest, receiving nothing but glares shot in your direction. “Okay, okay, touchy subject,” 
With a mouthful of bread, Sam pointed to Josh, “Josh finished a song, didn’t you?” He was grinning. 
You hummed in joy and surprise, grabbing Josh’s knee as he sat next to you. “Really?” 
It had been a rough few days for all of them as they tried to shuffle out a few more additions to the new album. It felt incomplete with something missing, but they couldn’t quite put their finger on what it was exactly, so they attempted to bring back and revamp old songs, write and record new ones, but nothing seemed to stick, until now. 
“Yeah, wanted to wait and show you later, but someone can’t keep his trap shut.” Josh said, pretending to be serious before cracking a smile and taking a sip of his coffee. “Just wanted it to be a surprise,” 
“Well it can still be a surprise, I’m surprised now,” you said. “Can I hear it? Or read what you got?” 
Josh nodded and stood, grabbing your hand and pulling you with him. There was a little recording room fit with a piano inside, his writing journal placed on the music stand where he had scribbled notes and keys and melodies in pen. He picked it up and handed it to you. 
“Nothing seemed to click until last night, when I started putting it together.” He said. 
“Is that why you wouldn’t tell me what it was when you all got back to the house?” 
Josh shrugged, pinching his bottom lip between his thumb and forefinger. “Yeah, yeah, I wanted it to be special when you first heard it.”
You sat the coffee cup down onto the floor while lowering into the small chair in the corner, holding the journal like it was the most delicate piece of art in the world. In silence, while Josh watched on anxiously, you read the words he had splayed across the blank page. 
     Can you light my love?      Flames glowing bright as the sun      Deeper than oceans you run      Watch as our world has begun 
     Your mind is a stream of colors      Extending beyond our sky      A land of infinite wonders      A billion lightyears from here now
You felt your throat tighten, tears tempted your eyes. 
It was a love song. 
“Oh god you hate it don’t you, you dread it, despise it,” 
“Oh shut up, I’m in tears right now, you know I love it.” You looked up at him with a smile and a sniffle. 
His words across the page were sloppy, some cursive, written in different pens of different colors, some lines crossed and scribbled out, others underlined. 
“Your mind is something I will never fully understand.” You told him as he sat down on the chair next to you. “How the fuck did you come up with this-” 
“I was thinking about our trip out here, the week we spent driving out and all of the stuff we did… and how I think I fell more in love with you.” His voice softened. 
You reached out, placing your arm on his shoulder, fingers playing with his curls. “I can’t put it into words how much I love it, how much I love you,” you said, “and you make me sound so lovely when in reality I know I was a pain in the ass that entire trip.” 
“Yeah, but my pain in the ass,” he kissed the inside of your arm. 
Two weeks before the boys left Nashville to head to Los Angeles, Josh called you at midnight with an idea in mind – the two of you renting a camper to drive out to L.A., falling into all of the tourist traps along the way and stopping in random small towns to sleep while exploring the in between, which would definitely beat the boring four-hour flight. And you, half asleep and across the country, agreed. 
It would be fun. Right? 
And it was. Every time someone asked how it went, you called it “the most magical week of my life.” 
While the others waited behind for their flights the next week, you and Josh set off from Nashville, heading west with only the destination in mind and a trusty map in hand. Everything else just came to you both. 
The first stop was three hours in the trip, in Memphis. You and Josh roamed Graceland on Elvis Presley Boulevard and had lunch near Sun Studio before taking in the mementos and relics at the Blues Hall of Fame where Josh talked your ear off, rattling off more details about each band and singer than was on the info-cards on the wall. 
Then it was two hours to Little Rock, falling asleep in the back of the camper after a take-out dinner outside of a random supermarket. Sitting in lawn chairs in the middle of a parking lot, you held Josh’s hand under a blanket and watched the pink sunrise over the hills, and then it was back on the road again. 
From Oklahoma City to Amarillo, you fiddled with the map when Josh got lost after a wrong turn in a small town where he insisted on seeing the giant 66-foot LED soda bottle sculpture, and in the middle of northern Texas, he made it up to you by cooking your favorite dinner. You thanked him in a quiet whisper as you crawled into the bed with him that night, sliding under the covers where he greeted you with warm hands and kisses against your neck that made you squeal with the tickle of his mustache and he grinned against your lips. 
Josh got to choose the music all the way through New Mexico – Neil Young and Crazy Horse to John Denver’s Thank God I’m A Country Boy, and you were only able to squeeze in Joan Baez every hour when you stopped to stretch your legs on the side of the road, belting the words to him while he laughed at your voice cracks. 
And after you both pitched the tent in the Petrified Forest in Arizona, Josh hummed the tune to some new song while you two sat under the midnight stars in the canyon with a roaring fire, his arm around you, his sweatshirt draped over your shoulders. When he tried to start telling you a scary story after you heard a weird noise outside the tent, you blindly hit him in the dark and accidentally hit his nose, causing you both to burst into laughter after the initial panic left. He laughed loudly into your shoulder as you held his face in shock, catching the scent of your lavender lotion, and his body relaxed when the laughter died down, feeling so at peace in his life with you there. 
It was the tail end of the trip, but the excitement hadn’t died down yet. After showers in the camper in the middle-of-nowhere-Arizona and five hours west, you and Josh found a bar outside of Las Vegas that resembled Coyote Ugly, so you both had a round of tequila sodas and margaritas before walking around the small town that evening and sleeping off the tipsy-headaches in the air conditioning. On top of the covers, you looked at Josh napping in the sunshine, cheeks flushed red, curls poofy from the wind, and you felt your heart grow in your chest before falling asleep next to him. 
And then came Los Angeles, the final stop, the dreaded one. But you and Josh didn’t tell anyone that either of you were sad to be back with them in L.A. when they asked, and instead, you two smiled and hugged everyone after piling out of the camper in the drive-way of the Silver Lake house. 
Cleaning out the camper, tossing cheesy novelty t-shirts at each other and laughing at how many socks you two managed to lose along the way and how many bug bites were added, watching the developed clips Josh had filmed of scenes in the desert and you asleep in the passenger seat, you both were nostalgic about a trip that just ended. 
It was so easy, so freeing to just be together on the road, with only the destination in mind. It revealed a part of them that the other didn’t see often, like your tendencies to get your lefts and rights mixed up while giving directions, and Josh’s equally awful sense of direction didn’t exactly pair with the fact that he was a maniac while driving in the first place. 
But those parts were just added to the long list of why you and him loved each other in the first place. So you became the designated driver after Amarillo and Josh stuck to telling you “left or right” for the rest of the time. It was a compromise, another reason why you two worked so well together. 
It was a form of love in itself. 
“We’ll have to drive all the way back to Nashville then, so you can write more songs about me.” You teased. 
Josh rolled his eyes but cracked into a grin a second later. “Let’s not get too carried away,” but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t always mentally reliving the night under the canyon moon.
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zi-i-think · 3 years
Emotional Support Himbo
Pairing: Fred Weasley x fem!reader
Rating: SFW
Word count: 1200+
Warnings: none
Request: yes, @wist-elia
Prompt: Gen Z
23. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
AN: JSKINFINFS So almost a year later I have finally posted this. I'm sorry. I don't really have any excuse other than I've been busy and kinda forgot about them. I hope you like it nonetheless. It was basically halfway finished when I got back to it. I think this is the last request I had for the batch I got months ago so I might open the requests again in a bit.
*not my gif
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Okay, let’s be completely honest here. Y/n was nervous as hell. When she found out that her mom got a job in the Ministry of Magic in London, she was happy for her, excited even. But transferring from Ivermorny to Hogwarts turned out to be the most nerve-wracking part of it.
It was her sixth year and the school was more curious about the TriWizard Tournament than the new girl. She was thankful for it, there weren’t as many people asking her questions. But it was certainly annoying when people completely forgot she was new and picked on her for not knowing the way around. They were in a castle where stairs changed every couple of minutes, she figured people would at least be a bit more understanding.
As the weeks went by, things got better, for sure, but y/n was still struggling to fit in. She had some friends that she met from her House and classes, but none of them were close and she still occasionally got lost. Originally, she relied on Quidditch to find her place in the big school, but with the tournament, they were canceled for the year. So without strong friends or a hobby, she was basically alone.
That was until one sunny afternoon.
Transfiguration had just ended, marking the end of the school day and the beginning of the weekend. But y/n had to stay behind for a bit discussing a not-so-great grade in her last paper. McGonagall was not lenient on grades, but the best she could do was give her tips and points for the next time.
And once the discussion ended Y/n was eager to leave the class and go back to her dorm where she could take a nap or read a book. But once the door shut behind her and she stood out in the cold hallway, the realization settled in. She still wasn’t sure how to get to the Hufflepuff basement. She looked both left and right, down the long, daunting hallways wishing she paid more attention when walking back to the dorms with her roommates.
She took a chance and turned left, walked down some stairs, then up some again, then down, and with the complete wonder of how she got there, Y/n found herself in the lively courtyard. It was warm out and the sun was inviting, making it perfect for students to hang out and have some downtime.
And while the environment seemed like a great time, all the unfamiliar faces were scary to the new girl. She just wanted to get to her dorm. Spotting a small group of students wearing the same black and yellow tie she wore, Y/n pushed aside her fear for the moment and walked over.
“Excuse me?” She asked with a cheerful smile, getting the attention of one girl with brown hair and glasses. “Could you tell me how to get to the Hufflepuff basement?” She kept it simple, that way there'd be less room to say something wrong.
The other girl smiled and her head tilted to the side a bit in amusement.
“You’re the new girl, aren’t you.” She asked. But not in a friendly or curious manner, but in a taunting, humored way.
“Well, yeah,” Y/n answered with a shrug.
“And you don’t know where the Hufflepuff basement is?” She started the chuckle, her friends following along. “Honey, it’s been weeks, figure it out.”
And with that, she turned her head and kept giggling. Her friends chuckled along lightly, but largely just ignored that y/n was standing right there.
Y/n stood there dumbfolded for a moment. But each passing moment that she was standing there, her embarrassment grew and she took a few steps backward to leave the courtyard. She kept her head low to hide any tears that were threatening to spill out of her eyes. Her chest felt heavy and her throat tight.
It felt like everyone in the courtyard was now staring. Like on her first day where she was put with all the first years to be sorted. Like a black sheep. But now it felt like they were judging her.
Still, y/n felt too embarrassed to look up and ground herself back into reality. To see that no one was actually paying attention to her. Well except for one particularly bored Gryffindor. Fred Weasley sat up against one of the columns with an apple in hand when he noticed the new Hufflepuff loosely composing herself.
He noted two things about her. One, she was pretty. Definitely his type. And two, she was nervous. He didn’t recognize her from his previous years. There was no way she was in her first year, but she was also in Hogwarts uniform, so she wasn’t from Beubaxton.
He bit into the apple just enough to hold it in his mouth and pushed off the column he was on. Y/n had turned from the courtyard into the corridor of the school figuring that it was better to walk anywhere than wandering the yard aimlessly, walking towards the Weasley. He bit into the apple and right before she passed and then started walking right beside her.
“Apple?” He offered the half-eaten fruit to her.
Y/n jumped a little. She didn’t even see him approach her. She looked at him and then the apple. Her brows furrowed in confusion and her cheeks reddened in embarrassment. It was obviously a trick to make her feel even worse about herself.
“Are you offering me an apple that has basically been eaten already?” She asked in annoyance.
Fred then just realized how insensitive the gesture was, so he tossed the apple into his other hand and chuckled at himself.
“I suppose I was. But, we can always go to the Great Hall for another one if you’d like.”
“Honestly, the only place I want to go to is the Hufflepuff common room.” She huffed, wishing this boy would just go away.
Fred’s face twisted in confusion then looked around the hall they were walking down. “You do realize you’re walking the wrong way.” He found himself laughing.
Y/n stopped on her tracks. That was it. She was embarrassed and alone, and on top of that, a Gryffindor was laughing at her. Tears were finally starting to drip down her cheek. “I knew that.” She lied through gritted teeth and turned around the other way.
Finally noticing that he might have done something wrong and that this girl had no clue where she was going, Fred stopped laughing and turned around as well to walk with her.
“Sorry, I didn’t realize you were upset.” He said. Y/n was now wiping her tears with the sleeves of her cloak. “The kitchens are in the same hall as the Hufflepuff common room. I know that much. How about, I walk you to the kitchens and you should find your house from there.”
Y/n looked up at him with slightly puffed eyes. “You’re actually being sincere?” She asked.
“Don’t get used to it, I’m not usually.” He chuckled. Y/n couldn’t help it this time. His laugh was infectious.
“Alright, I won’t.” She grinned and then stuck her hand out to shake. “Y/n L/n.”
“Fred Weasley.” He took the girl’s hand and kissed her knuckle rather than shaking it.
“You’re odd.” Y/n laughed at the strange gesture. “Will you be my emotional support himbo?”
Fred’s eyebrows furrowed and his lips were pressed tightly together as he thought. “Not completely sure what that means.” He admitted. “But yes.”
“Wonderful.” She smiled.
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Neverland or Never Cum
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WARNINGS: Teasing, Edging, Orgasm Denial, Crying kink, Language, Degradation, Implied Anal Sex, Dom Reader
Nishinoya x GN!Reader
WC: 1.4k
Loud pops startle you as you walk into your boyfriend’s apartment. Your eyes follow the string tied to the door knob, leading to confetti poppers that just created a huge mess on the floor. Having only been dating for a month, you were struggling to get used to his childish habits. When he invited you over, you thought that he actually wanted to have a nice date, not pull a stupid prank.
“Dammit Yu! Can’t you fucking grow up! You are 24, acting like a 14 year old! I’m so tired of you acting like this all the time! Can’t you act like an adult every once in a while?” You raise your voice, seeing the confused look on his face.
“Why would I want to do that? Being an adult is so boring. It’s all ‘blah blah blah, taxes, I have a mortgage to pay’ That is torture. There is nothing fun about being an adult.” He crosses his arms and sticks his tongue out at you. Seeing his defiance and bratty attitude, something snapped in your mind.
Gripping his jaw, you force him to look you in the eyes. “Nothing fun? Oh my sweet, stupid, little bitch. You don’t know how wrong you are.” Slowly, his tongue slips back into his mouth, clearly interested in this new side to you.
“Huh? Like what? Name one good thing about being an adult?” His voice waivers slightly.
Enjoying the vulnerable state you have him in, you palm him through his sweatpants. Soft whimpers slip past his spit-soaked lips, not used to another person touching him.
“Ah. A virgin? Figures. Who would want to fuck someone so immature. I absolutely refuse to do such a disturbing thing. It’s almost like actually fucking a teenager.” Grinning at him, you back away, acting as if you are going to clean up the mess he had made.
“But... I am an adult. You can touch me.” He reaches for your hand, desperate to get you to come back and continue touching him. “If… If I promise that I won’t prank you all the time, will you please keep touching me?” His eyes are wide, tears already clinging to his lower lashes.
“Aww. Are you going to cry? That’s so cute. Crying just because you want me to touch you. I’ll think about it. I can’t just touch you now. You have to prove it to me.” You cross your arms and shake your head disapprovingly.
Cleaning up the mess for real this time, you leave him to his own devices. Picking up the bits of streamers left you sweating. Tossing your jacket on the couch, you take the scraps to the trash can.
Your undershirt clings to your sweaty body, and you look around for your boyfriend. He lays on his stomach on the couch, using your discarded jacket as a pillow. Assuming that he was going to take a nap, you start dismantling the string and confetti poppers.
It wasn’t until you actually started listening that you heard him. Labored breaths are joined with a faint sound of fabric rubbing together. You peak over the couch, seeing him grind pathetically against the cushion, using your jacket to muffle his noises.
“You desperate whore. Gross. You’re drooling all over my stuff.” You shake your head, seeing multiple wet patches along the fabric. The largest patch is where his teeth hold the material, but a few smaller patches appear where his tears have been falling. “Cumming on the couch. Do you have no shame?” You ask, trying to hide how attractive you found him at that moment. Drool and tears staining his face as he looks at you with eyes of pure lust.
He shakes his head and releases the jacket. “Show me what is so good about being an adult. Please. I want to learn. And to make you want to touch me.” His voice came out weak and broken, melting any former anger that you may have had for him.
“Sit up for me then, pretty boy.” You nudge him to rest his legs on the floor, freeing his throbbing cock, precum smeared all along his shaft from his attempts to make himself cum. You can’t help but feel a twinge of guilt, seeing how red the underside has gotten from rutting against the rough fabric of his sweats.
Inspecting him, you start to learn where he is the most reactive. Finding that he adored the feeling of you delicately touching the head of his cock. He feels hot and heavy in your hand, pulsing and twitching as you stroke up and down his full length.
“Ah I’m- oh…” His voice is high and whiny as you ease him towards his release before stopping and letting it fade away. “Don’t stop… please. I could cum if you just move your hand up to the tip. I can’t cum without you touching me there.” His lust clouded mind still hasn’t processed that was your plan. Denying him until he can’t think, getting him right to the edge until he cries for you. And just when he thinks he may die from need, you will finally keep going.
Leaning down, you clean all the precum that has dripped past the head, careful not to let your tongue touch his most sensitive spots.
Slowly, he realizes what you were doing, and he jerks his hips, trying to get any kind of contact on his cum coated tip.
“Tastes good. And hearing you cry only makes this more enjoyable for me. So be good and don’t hide your tears.” You give him a wink, moving your attention even lower. His balls were larger and heavier than you thought they would be. It made it a bit more difficult for you when you tried to take them both in your mouth. You let your drool slick them up, relishing in the way he reacted.
Being your good boy, he listened to you, letting his tears stream down his face as he sat on his hands to keep from touching himself. As you hollow your cheeks, you feel him start twitching. Letting them out of your mouth with a pop, you watch as his head falls back in frustration. His hair falls in his face as he lets out a broken sob.
“You are doing so well. Isn’t it fun doing things that only adults can do?” You quirk an eyebrow, waiting to see if he can answer you. After a few moments of no response, you cup his cheek. “Yu sweety, can you speak? Or should I stop?” You ask gently, a bit worried that you went too far. His eyes shoot open.
“Don’t stop. I think I will explode if you do.” His whole body felt as if it was on fire. The coil in his stomach feels as if it is suffocating him.
Taking mercy on his trembling form, you decide he has had enough teasing. Slowly pumping his full length, you loosen your grip when you get to the head.
“I’ll let you cum. Don’t worry.” You hadn’t noticed how much your mouth was watering at the sight of him. Hovering over the tip, you let your spit mix with his cum. Based on the way that left him whimpering, you knew he would only last a few seconds longer. Your lips wrap around him, tongue swirling and swiping his slit. His hands move to the back of your head, unsure of what to do with them.
His fingers tangle in your hair, trying to hold onto reality as you let yourself sink lower onto him. The second his tip pushes into your throat, he is cumming. Apologies fall from his lips as you pull away, his cum and your drool leaving you connected.
Swallowing what you can, you try to silence him. “You did nothing wrong. I wanted to taste your delicious cum. But you still seem pretty hard. Do you want more? You said you can’t cum without touching your tip, but I think I can make you cum buckets by using your tight little asshole.”
At your words, he feels himself become even more excited, the thought of you teaching him different ways to get off made him think that being an adult wasn’t really as bad as he thought it was.
@ultimate-astridwriting, @petalsrdead, @juicykatsuk, @missuga, @bummie
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